#Resident Evil 8 x Reader
donnas-dollface · 1 year
Alcina, trying to flirt for once: Are you a painting?
Y/N: Wha-?
Alcina: Because I want to pin you to a wall.
Bela around the corner, sighing in relief and whispering to one of her sisters: OH GOD I THOUGHT SHE WAS GOING TO SAY SHE WANTED TO HANG THEM OR SOMETHING-
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leorawright · 9 months
The re8 lords with a S/O who loves animals and has three pet dogs (An English bulldog, a Rottweiler and a blue heeler) please
Aww of course!
The Lords with someone who owns three dogs
Alcina Dimitrescu
She's not a big fan of dogs or animals in general but don't worry, her daughters are
She'll occasionally pat them on the head but it never gets more affectionate than that
Her daughters, on the other hand, you can find them in a huge cuddle pile with your three dogs, and all of them are absolutely delighted
Alcina does it very secretly, but sometimes she'll slip one of your dogs a treat🤫
Donna Beneviento
She's pretty nervous around your dogs when she first meets them but after a while, she'll start to like them more
Sometimes, she'll take a stick from her gardens and play fetch with them
Angie was excited to meet them but quickly changed her mind when one of the dogs thought she was a toy...
Also, if you don't let dogs onto your bed, Donna will insist that the dogs can sleep next to her
Salvatore Moreau
Very, very, very nervous
He'd much prefer to stay back and watch you play with your dogs than to personally interact with them
But if you insist, he'll try to pet one of them (probably the smallest one)
He does find it adorable how much your dogs love you though
Karl Heisenberg
Oh heck yes he is such a dog person
He absolutely adores your dogs just as much as he adores you
At lot of days, you'll find him taking a break and playing fetch with your dogs or trying to teach them how to do a trick
Also, he definitely talks to your dogs in a baby voice, and it's hilarious and cute at the same time
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finn-writes-stuff · 2 months
Hello! Can u request Karl Heisenberg with a stoic Male S/O who is taller and bigger than him?
Eye Candy
You always adored watching your lover work.
Karl Heisenberg x Male!Reader
Fandom: Resident Evil Village
Format: Oneshot
Male Reader
A return to RE content! I apologize to any of my followers who have been waiting on this. Life has been busy and the muses do as they will. Have a short oneshot while I get back into form.
Your partner had always cut a stunning figure leaned over his workbench, sleeves rolled up to his elbows. Completely locked into his work, the room was filled with his buzzing focus as you leaned in the doorway, watching him. A new variant of a soldat perhaps? The parts scattered around the room looked more like scrap metal than anything usable, but all it would take was a wave of his hand for them to reshape as he needed.
Freshly back from a trip into the village, you had remained unnoticed when you reached home, and your reward was this long moment to admire him. To indulge in the sight of him when he wasn't aware enough to try and show off.
The way his pants clung to him as he leaned down was certainly a nice bonus as well.
The thought made you softly smile but your indulgence was cut short as he spun around to spot you, a grin splitting his face.
"How long have you been standing there, dollface?" Karl asked, sauntering forward to pull you down for a kiss. The lingering scent of metal and oil clung to him, but it was just as familiar as the taste of his lips and you loved it just like the rest of him.
"Not too long, just watching you," you replied, dragging your thumb down his cheek to feel his stubble against your skin. He leaned into your touch, smug as a well-fed cat.
"Without letting me see you? Cruel, sweetheart. Don't I get some eye candy?" The way he looked you up and down was positively salacious, and his hand that was still on the back of your neck pushed up to tug at your hair. "Because you sure are easy on the eyes."
"Down, boy," you responded wryly, your hands resting easily on his hips. He was a well-built man, strong and soft under your hands, but it was a lovely thrill to know you could pull him around just as much as he did you.
He laughed, rough and smug as he pressed another kiss to your lips before turning back to his work. "Well now that you're here, you might as well stay and keep me company, right, sweetheart? I want your thoughts on my newest creation. This one right here is gonna be Miranda's most hated yet!"
Settling down into a chair at the edge of the room, you contentedly listened to his explanations of the mechanics and terror he had baked into the new soldat, relaxing in the familiar space full of his presence. Your lovely mad genius, soft under your hands but so sharp at his work bench. You wouldn't want it any other way.
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thewritersaddictions · 10 months
Day Three: Karl Heisenberg + Violent Night
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The movie you want to watch is rather fitting for your partner. You drag Karl to the makeshift living space. The TV is old, but that doesn't mean that Karl hasn't tried to update it.
'Just because everyone else wants to be stuck in the past doesn't mean I wanna be.' Karl had muttered as he tinkered with the metal box.
"Are you sure it comes out tonight? I've got a lot of work to get to Buttercup." Kalr asks; you roll your eyes. You're pretty sure of it. "It played on the radio a few days ago that it would be out before Christmas." You answer Karl. "And all of this is necessary?" He asks, waving his hand around to the decorations filling the room with light and life.
You roll your eyes and shake your head. "Of course, it's all "necessary" Karl." You say, making air quotes out of your fingers. Karl sighs. "Fine, but the popcorn is all mine," Kalr says, taking the large bowl from the table and placing it in his lap. Large hand dipping into the bowl, grabbing kernels of popped corn.
The static on the TV screens blurs out, and the movie starts quickly. You curl into Karl's side, his eminence heat. Seaping from his skin through clothes to wrap itself around me like a heat blanket.
The mountains behind the factory keep the cold wrapped around us, though Karl says that keeps the super-sized bitch and her kids away. Regardless, Karl seems to be genuinely calm and even relaxed in the movie that plays on the screen. Your original plan had been to watch the movie alongside your boyfriend, but the longer you sit there with him. The longer your eyes drift over to Karl's face.
Gray hair litter his beard and mustache. A sharp nose that you want to reach out and boop half the time. His hair is pulled back into a messy bun, making his face more evident. His sunglasses were tossed off to the side table along with his worn-out hat.
Gloves sitting on top of them. It makes you jolt when Karl laughs at a line or two in the movie. Karl's right arm is wrapped around your shoulder, as he always does, keeping you tucked to his side.
Moments later, the light flickers as Karl burns the end of one of his cigars. The smoke filters into the air, making you feel at home. Karl smokes his cigar and laughs at a few lines for the rest of the movie.
Karl looks over at you, "What's wrong, buttercup?" He asks, his voice thick and smooth. "Nothin'." You mutter softly before returning your attention to the movie for which you have no idea what's happening. "Are you sure? Cause staring is rude, you know." Karl grunts out, with a chuckle rattling the both of you. You roll your eyes, but your cheeks burn with the embarrassment of being caught.
By the movie's end, you've seen not enough to even understand what's happened. On the other hand, Karl is impressed by the film; he's always been a Western guy. Loving the gun-slinging cowboy. The violence usually follows them around on their horses' backs, but you can guess the violence in this movie is enough for Karl to enjoy it.
"Good pick, love," Karl mutters, stubbing his cigar into the ashtray. You wish you could stay like this forever, in the warmth of your boyfriend, in a fantasy world that doesn't exist outside the factory's walls. "I'm glad you liked it." You say as you try to snuggle further into Karl's side. "We should do this more often." He comments, letting you practically climb into his lap.
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Completed on: 10/18/23
Posted on: 12/03/23
House Heisenberg-
Resident Evil Master List // House Heisenberg Master List // Christmas Stories Master List
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greatlydelirious · 2 years
𝐒𝐨 𝐇𝐢𝐠𝐡
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Karl Heisenberg x F!Reader
bonus chapter in the “Crucible of Desire” universe, but this can be read as a standalone
wordcount: 4.1k words
summary: After a villager covered in mysterious pollen comes to you to patch up his wounds, a weird feeling begins to swell in your body. Good thing the Lord watching you is more than happy to help.
warnings: smut, sex pollen, pwp, possessiveness, established relationship
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previous chapter | next chapter | (AO3 Link)
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Today is painfully mundane. In the past, you’d label the day as normal, but with the sudden excitement you’ve got yourself wrapped up in you couldn’t help but sigh as you looked out the window. A pensive act when nothing substantial was knocking around in your brain. Well, that’s not completely true. The image of a certain quick-tongued silver-haired Lord was plaguing your thoughts. Quick-tongued described more than just his wit. The memory of that tongue pleasurably lashing your most intimate parts makes you shiver.
Damn him for making your libido positively insatiable. Shaking your head, you move to your medicine-laden counter to busy yourself with the mindless task of making salves and cures. You’ve done this so many times you could practically do it in your sleep. Maybe Elena could come over and-
A loud boom sounds as the door to your home almost splinters with how hard it is slammed open. Startled you see Luiza’s husband carrying Sebastian in his arms. Snapping out of your previous stupor, you quickly come to your wits.
“Lay him on the table quickly.” Vasile sets the injured man on your makeshift examination table without any preamble. Sebastion gurgles out a groan, clearly in a very groggy state. Mud and blood are caked all over the man’s body, as well as a dusting of a yellow powder you don’t recognize.
“What the hell happened?”
Your eyes search Vasile’s, but they seem just as confused as yours. “Wish I knew. I was visiting the altar when I saw him stumble out of the gates that head southeast. Took him here as fast as I could.”
Realization dawns on you after only a second. That’s the path to Lady Donna Beneviento’s home. Despite being more than curious about the foliage that grows in those parts you had common sense. You’ve heard countless stories of men and women alike wandering inside and descending into madness. It’s said the plants in that area emit pollen that clings to the senses and messes with the mind and body of the person who inhales it. The very few who have survived the powerful hallucinations claimed to have experienced what they desired and seen what was most important to them.
Blanching you observe the yellow pollen covering Sebastian’s clothes. That’s the last thing you wanted to confirm firsthand. “I need help undressing him.” When Vasile simply blinks at you like a child being confronted by one of the black goats you snap your fingers, “Quickly!”
After what must have been an hour you managed to throw Sebastian’s contaminated outer clothes in a cloth sack and treat the light scratches littering his body. A thin sheen of sweat has accumulated on your skin even though you usually don’t get this winded after such minimal activity. You’ve traversed the woods for longer without as much as a sigh for Lord’s sake.
Vasile grunts as he picks up the younger man again. “I’ll take him back to the house. Is he going to stay in good health?”
“I think you found him just in time. I’ll take care of his clothes; just make sure Sebastian drinks this once he wakes up.” You present a glass vile filled with a dark antibiotic liquid before dropping it into Vasile’s coat pocket. “Since he’s knocked out that must mean he’s already gotten through the worst of it.”
The older man nods, “Thank you. I’ll have Luiza come after sunrise to drop off the lei.” When he reaches the door that’s still open, he pauses and looks back at you. “May you have a blessed night.”
Following him to the entrance you give Vasile a thin-lipped smile, “May you have a blessed night as well, sir.” You rest your head against the cold wooden door after you’re finally able to close it. Despite the raging winter outside your body feels unbearably warm.
“You’re just tired,” you try to convince yourself aloud, “Clean everything off, get some rest, and by the morning you’ll be fine.”
When you walk toward the wooden examination table, a sudden dizzy spell makes you fall against it. A tacky waxiness coats your hands when you grab at the surface. You curse when you look down at the substance. The yellow pollen is, has been, all over you, soaking into your skin and probably already making its way through your bloodstream.
In a mild panic, you rush to turn on the lone shower head in the corner of the room. It was used for emergency purposes only, but now seemed a more appropriate time than ever. Frigid water spills over you as you scratch at your skin and rub at the clothes still encasing your body. Despite your efforts, you only seemed to be getting a more intense prickling sensation all across your body; only further igniting the flaming heat that was also plaguing you.
You turn off the water and stumble toward the kitchen countertop. Your fingers bite into the wood as you look over every possible cure laid in front of you to alleviate your feverish state, only to come up with nothing.
The outburst suddenly gives way to a whimper when the warm throbbing inside you travels lower. To your horror, wetness follows the newfound ache in your groin. An aliment with symptoms including overwhelming warmth, dizziness, wetness, and a sudden desire was not anything you were aware of. When another wave of warmth hits your pussy, you would have crumpled to the floor if not for your grip on the counter.
What was going on?
“Hallucinogenic plants are one hell of a drug, aren’t they?” Your nerves are so shot you don’t even flinch at the husky voice that comes from behind you. The haze circling your brain makes you wonder if the voice was even real. That is all but disproved when a heavyweight settles on your hip at the same time something hard presses against your back.
“Fuck doll… you’re on fire.” The words are mumbled into your ear, the whisp of air coming from it making you shiver. A cloud of smoke wafts from the mouth stationed by your ear and fills your senses. Almost out of nowhere you’re acutely aware of Heisenberg.
He smells of copper and a natural musk that doesn’t deter your senses but draws you in. It’s all accented by a foreign spice that comes from his favorite Cuban cigars. Heisenberg screams of something primal and dangerous, yet oddly comforting. He makes your blood sing and your stomach knot. Unlike the light butterfly sensation that he’s given you in the past, this was far more intense and carnal to the point it almost scares you.
“What are you talking about? What’s going on?”
The sound that comes out of your mouth is barely recognizable as your own. Your voice is as thick as molasses, but also as sweet. So much so that you can not only hear, but feel the satisfied rumble coming from Heisenberg’s chest.
“I think you know, my little healer. The pollen has taken hold of you…” His sentence cuts off as he kisses your temple, the hand on your hip squeezing reflexively. You lean into his touch with a moan when he starts to trail down your neck. “… not enough to harm that pretty brain of yours, but enough to expose your desire.”
Heisenberg’s hand moves slightly down to play with the band of your skirt, “Do you desire me? Do you desire my cock?”
Your body instinctively responds, all the nerves under your skin practically screaming for Heisenberg. The thoughts you had earlier today have come back with a vengeance. By now you’re dripping with not only sweat and the cold water from the shower, but slick. You can’t control the reactions you’re having, but since when have you been able to when it comes to this man?
“Heisenberg, please…”
In an act of mercy, Heisenberg slips his hand under your panties. Thick fingers slide through your soaked folds and when he bumps against your throbbing clit you can’t help but let out a choked whine. Immediately he shushes you while continuing to stroke you slowly.
“Don’t strain yourself telling me, doll. Your pussy says all I need to know.” Without any additional torment, Heisenberg sinks a single finger inside of you. With your joint sigh, you don’t know who’s getting more pleasure from this. You’re warm, slippery wet, and the inner walls of your pussy are even more plush than usual, practically swallowing his digit.
“I need-“ Once again Heisenberg knows what your body wants without needing another word. When a second finger joins the first an obscene squelching noise makes your face burn hotter than before. The leather encompassing his fingers makes them double their usual thickness and only adds to the depth of your depravity.
Heisenberg’s fingers curl as they move at a steady pace, overwhelming with pleasure, but still not giving you enough. Your voice quickly disappears and dissolves into needy whines.
“Quit your whining, little healer. I’ve got you.” Heisenberg coos his words as he brings his other hand down to rub your clit. The pleasure it pulls from you is immediate. It never ceases to amaze you how deft each little movement he makes is. The tips of his finger stroke your g-spot as the pad of his other fingers drags your clit with just enough friction to make you forget how to breathe.
Despite how wound up you are it is shocking how quickly you reach your climax. You hold the countertop in a death grip as you come around Heisenberg’s fingers. He helps you ride through your high, slowing down his movements until your body finally relaxes. The velvet walls of your pussy flutter around him so deliciously that all he can think about is what it will feel like when he’s actually inside you. Surprisingly enough, you already are too.
Although you just came, it’s not enough. The lust-fueled fever taking over your body doesn’t even remotely dim. When Heisenberg pulls his hands away, you whip around only to be left stunned. The sight of him sucking the taste of you off his fingers sends your already impossibly increased libido into overdrive. You don’t just want more of him, no, you need more. Your legs shake as you step forward until your bodies are only inches apart. Bold hands meet the large bulge straining the front of Heisenberg’s pants.
He’s had yet to experience the pleasure of your plush lips wrapping around his cock. Even though he wants nothing more, Heisenberg is not a complete bastard and tries to stop you from unbuckling his pants.
“Are you sure you want this? Once we start, I won’t be able to hold back.”
You continue to tug at his belt, determined to feel what your body craves. All you want every waking moment of every day is Heisenberg. For once in your life, you have something to look forward to, something to work toward. He could tear you to shreds and you would thank him for it. Not that you would ever say that in so many words.
“She makes you want things that you truly desire right? You’re what I want.”
You fall to your knees rather ungracefully before fumbling with his belt once again. Adrenaline and searing arousal that scorches to the point of pain makes you less coordinated than usual. After another minute of failing to take off the treacherous accessory, large hands push yours aside to take its place.
When Heisenberg pushes his pants down to the middle of his thigh, cock springing free to bob under the weight of its large size, you make no haste in taking him. Right when you encircle the shaft of his cock, Heisenberg’s leather glad index finger tips your chin up so you can meet his gaze.
“What happened to never kneeling for anyone?”
“You’re not just anyone.”
You could have sworn that you saw his eyes flash yellow for a second. If you tried to ask him about it though he would say the hallucinogenic was messing with your brain. In reality, he was quickly losing the war in his head battling between control and ripping you apart.
Worst of all, you mean it. To your chagrin, Heisenberg isn’t remotely like all the others you’ve grown up around. He’s sarcastic, bullheaded, and short-tempered, but the personification of a rainbow after a devastating storm. He can be callous and cold, but by the end, he turns into something sweet that you’re elated to behold.
Thankfully, the boiling pot of arousal you’re sitting in is keeping your sensitive emotions at bay. Carnality now, sensibility later.
Heisenberg braces himself on the examination table as you give a tentative kiss to the head of his cock. The way you kiss him with such tenderness despite your feverish state makes the man groan and already tighten his grip on the wood. If only you knew how you were the one tearing him apart.
Encouraged by his reaction you take the tip in your mouth. Your tongue instinctively swirls around the leaking slit, savoring the salty and heady flavor of his arousal. Heisenberg’s cock is already rock hard and pulsing for relief. If you didn’t know better you would think the pollen was affecting him too.
With slight trepidation, you take more of his cock. Your lips stretch thin around his thickness causing a hint of pain. A factor that only works to spur him on more. Heisenberg begins to stroke the remaining area of his cock left untouched by your lips.
“Good fucking girl…” One of his large hands comes to rest at the back of your head, not to force but to guide your movements. You reflexively swallow around his cock when he hits the back of your throat. The large intrusion in your mouth makes you gag, but Heisenberg groans in approval, “… you take my cock so well.”
Curses push past clenched teeth as you suck harder. You close your eyes to savor the feeling of being completely at his mercy. Heisenberg seems to override the pollen controlling your body and all you could feel, smell, and taste was him. The amalgamation of sensations was almost overwhelming. Each strangled moan around him only thins Heisenberg’s control more. The constricting of your wet, warm throat almost makes him become undone.
You gasp when Heisenberg pulls you back by your hair. A string of saliva connects your swollen lips and the tip of his cock until he smears the mix of your spit and his precum on your mouth. “I want to be in your sweet pussy when I cum.” You shiver as he helps you to your feet, his canines glinting at you like he wants to eat you alive.
“Take your clothes off now if you don’t want them torn apart.” Wanting to obey and to free yourself from the extra warmth you don’t hesitate in throwing off your skirt, top, and undergarments.
At the same time, the Lord pulls off the endless layers of clothes and accessories adorning his body in record time. They clattered to the floor with such force that something might have broken, but with how Heisenberg is stalking toward you, he didn’t give a single care in the world for anything but you right now.
“B-bed.” You manage to gasp once you’re undressed, the small coherent part of you wanting to be taken somewhere more proper for once.
“Your wish is my command.” Heisenberg teases before lifting you by your hips. He carries the brunt of your weight as your limbs loosely wrap around him like a monkey on a tree. He grunts when you squirm making your wetness coat his cock.
“Careful now. Keep testing my patience and I’ll fuck you standing right here.”
To emphasize his point, he thrusts his hips so his cock slides between the sensitive folds of your pussy. The sensation makes you bury your face in his neck and whimper. Heisenberg chuckles at your reactions to him. Who would have thought that Donna Beneviento would ever end up doing him a favor?
When Heisenberg gently lays you on your cold sheets you moan at the small moment of relief on your hot skin. You don’t even question how he knew where your room was, let alone how he knew to come and see you.
The pollen made your vision slightly blur, causing a haze of confusion to meddle your brain. It feels as though you are dreaming, but instead of your reoccurring nightmare, it’s all that you’ve ever fantasized about. Especially when his eyes held a softness that had to be from a trick of the light.
Fantasy merges with reality until you don’t feel real, like every atom in your body is breaking apart and flying away, but when his lips touch yours it’s like life is breathed back into you. Heisenberg is metal and sulfur and something so tangible with an underlying whimsy. He’s whimsical in the way he growls at you like a wolf but worships you like a princess.
As if he can hear your thoughts, the bed dips as he pulls away from your lips so his wide shoulders can part your pliant legs. Green eyes swirling with flecks of gold pierce you, practically challenging you to look away, “I’m going to take real good care of you sweetheart.”
Heisenberg’s scruff scratches you deviously as he kisses down your thigh. He whispers salacious compliments across your skin between each teasing peck. When he reaches where you want him the most you moan in anticipation. Hot breath fans across your wet core, “Beautiful.”
Heisenberg wastes no time as he licks up your pussy before latching onto your clit. Your hands desperately grip the sheets on the bed. As much as you want to throw your head back, you are hypnotized by the man between your legs.
Each swirl and stroke of his tongue makes you gasp for breath. Just when you think the pleasure couldn’t bring you more rapture a thick finger slides into your quivering entrance.
Heisenberg groans against you, “You are so tight and needy for me.” Like a starved man, he licks and sucks you with a new ferocity. A second finger joins the first and they curl inside of you in a way that makes you forget your name. Sensations blend until all you feel is pure bliss.
“I’m so close! I can’t-“ Your hands relinquish their grip on the sheets only to thread through silver strands of hair. The overwhelming sensation of reaching your peak makes you want to push him away, but your hands pull him closer.
Heisenberg’s pace only quickens. “Don’t hold back. Let me feel you come.” He pleads as though the act of you coming undone was more pleasurable for him. After a few more deep thrusts of his fingers, you cry out his name in pure rapture. Each wave of release is stronger than the last. You try to slam your thighs shut, but two large hands keep you at Heisenberg’s mercy.
His tongue continues to assault your sensitive nerves until overstimulation makes you quiver and beg. With one final kiss to your core, he towers over you on the bed. Your pussy clenches around nothing as the emptiness starts to feel unbearable.
“I need you, Heisenberg.” Grabbing your face, he rubs his thumbs across your cheek.
“You want me inside that tight pussy?”
You were a little too eager to nod your head. “More than anything.” A possessive growl leaves Heisenberg. When he captures your lips again, you can taste yourself on his tongue. He’s primal in his need to feel you with unwavering loyalty.
Hands caress your body like its fine silk. Pulling away from your lips Heisenberg maneuvers your legs around his hips. You can’t help but squirm under his intense gaze. The feeling of his cock sliding against the wet slit of your pussy makes you grab at his knees. You felt like you would explode if he wasn’t inside you for even one more second.
“Please fuck me.” Heisenberg pins you in place by your hips. He slowly lets the head of his cock enter you. Leaning down he swallows the whine that leaves your throat. Heisenberg’s lips are rough and unrelenting. It was like he could heal all your hurt through one kiss.
“All of this for me?” His voice comes out even lower; the huskiness that is usually there sounds more feral and dominating. It felt like you were going to have a heart attack with how much his comments were affecting you. Heisenberg’s hands crawl up your waist, “So fucking perfect.”
At the same time as his words, he thrust into you, pushing his cock fully inside you. You both moan at the sensation of being connected. The usual stretch of his cock doesn’t discomfort you but soothes your ache.
Immediately he begins to thrust into you deep and fast. High-pitched moans are all you can muster. “You’re mine. All fucking mine.” His words come out through clenched teeth. Even though his mind is scrambling while thrusting into your pussy he has to make his point.
Fingers dig into your soft skin. “I want to hear you say it.” You almost can’t hear him when his cock pushes against your g-spot.
One of his hands moves to rest loosely on the base of your throat. “Say that you’re mine, doll. Come on.”
Heat creeps across your face as you try to steady your thoughts. “I-I’m yours.” Heisenberg’s fingers press into your throat slightly.
“You can do better than that.”
“The only thing I want is you! I’m yours!” Your words come out through heavy pants. The pollen, the thrust of his cock, his possessiveness, it’s all too much.
Satisfied with your words he brings his thumb down to circle your clit. The added stimulation makes you cry out Heisenberg’s name. Leaning down he whispers sweet nothings into your ear, fucking you faster at the same time. His praises continue to make your skin tingle. The feeling of being wanted so fully turns you on to no end.
“Now was that so hard?” Spots start to spread across your vision as you near your third orgasm.
Heisenberg can feel how close you are when your pussy wraps around him like a vice. “Come on little healer, I know you want to come just as much as I do.” Sweat-slick bodies rut together as you work toward each other’s climax. The heat you’ve been struggling with pools in your core to give way to a sudden rush of release.
You wrap your arms around Heisenberg, digging your nails into his shoulders at the sheer force of your orgasm. His hips stutter when he finds his own release. Strings of curses and low groans fan across your ear when he makes one final thrust, filling you. Heisenberg continues to pump inside of you despite the overstimulation. He pulls out only when you begin to feebly push at his shoulders. You are the closest thing to heaven to him, divine in all aspects of the word. You’re truly too perfect and kindhearted to be with a corrupted, mutated man like him.
With a huff, Heisenberg lays down next to you on the bed. You immediately attach yourself to his side. Reaching up you kiss the throbbing pulse point on his neck. This was an intimate moment for you both, one that showcased more than just two lovers helping each other through their lust. It’s always more when it comes to him.
A wave of exhaustion has you sinking your front into Heisenberg’s chest. The steady beat of his heart almost instantly lulls you to sleep. You barely comprehend a hand pushing the wet strands of hair from your sweaty forehead.
You can only imagine how much of a mess you looked. On the other hand, Heisenberg would have this image of you seared into his brain for the rest of his Miranda-forsaken life. His little healer, sated and blissful all because of him stirs an uncomfortable feeling in his chest.
The feeling only intensifies when you yawn against him. “Don’t leave.” You mumble sleepily, wrapping your arm around his waist, “I sleep better with you.” His hairy chest acts as a pillow as you continue to nuzzle into him. Heisenberg always feels so real, so right.
The moment your heavy eyelids fall shut, a deep voice whispers your name, “So do I.”
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Any and all interactions are greatly appreciated.
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nyctophiliq · 2 years
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× you can request smut and/or sfw for all of the following characters
× dark content such as ; dub-con, stepcest, mentions of blood, knives, age gap, etc.
× female, afab, or gn reader
× WILL NOT WRITE amab or male reader, character x character
× NO snuff, wound-fucking, incest, extreme gore, feet fetish, necrophilie etc.
× be spesific about your request, give a little scenario because no-one can do a lot with "something with xy character and make it smut 🥺🥺"
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jujutsu kaisen ;;
nanami kento, mai zenin, maki zenin, nobara kugisaki, utahime iori, shoko ieiri ( all romantic + platonic )
valorant ;;
viper, reyna, neon, sage, jett, fade ( all romantic + platonic )
arcane ;;
caitlyn, jinx, sevika, vi, grayson, cassandra, mel, ambessa ( all romantic + platonic )
the last of us part 2 ;;
dina, ellie eilliams, abby anderson ( all romantic + platonic )
resident evil ;;
alcina dimitrescu, bela dimitrescu, mother miranda, jill valentine, ada wong, leon s. kennedy, rebecca chambers, chris redfield, claire redfield, ashley graham ( all romantic + platonic )
league of legends ;;
k/da evelynn, k/da ahri, k/da kaisa, k/da akali, renata glasc, zeri, samira, vayne ( all romantic + platonic )
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mochiimadness · 1 year
RE8 Donna Beneviento M.List
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~ Mornings with Donna
~ Artist s/o
~ Serenading her
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wjehfshs · 1 year
(If you don’t do requests or your requests are not open feel free to delete)
Omg I saw your fnaf reader and cod and I was looking through your blog and saw u write for Resident Evil and I wanted to ask if you for Resident Evil 8 and cod with a gn!reader that’s a dimitrescu daughter
( I don’t know if this violate your rules sorry)
No this is totally fine! I’m actually watching someone play RE8 as I’m writing this lmao
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GN!reader, reader is a Dimitrescu child/sibling, reader looks very similar to the Dimitrescu sisters/daughters but readers gender is not specified, OOC characters
They had discovered the castle all as one big group
Hearing about the village and how it has a bunch of supernatural stuff they were sent as a giant group for safety
Going through the village was already tough enough but going through the castle stressed the ever living hell out of them, even if there was basically an entire army
Soap was the one Bela managed to capture
Being the oldest and wanting to impress her mother she was ecstatic to have captured one of the soldiers wandering her home
Unfortunately, your mother was busy doing her own thing
So you all just kept Soap locked up
Daniela was flirting with him the whole time as she was the one to watch him
You, Cassandra and Bela were out gathering the others
You were the second youngest, older than Daniela but younger than Cassandra and Bela
Although yes they all had guns and gear you captured them and brought them to the room you were holding Soap pretty easily
“Oh he’s so in love with me” Daniela whispered to the three of you while pointing at Gaz
“Stop it Daniela” you snapped, you loved her really you did but she got on your nerves
She thought every man was head over heels in love with her
Although you thought you had captured every single one of them there was one soldier missing, how did you find that out? Soap has no idea how to be quiet
“Aye, where’s Logan? the sneaky bastard”
“Fuckin’ hell Soap do you ever know when to shut the fuck up?!” Ghost couldn’t help but snap, Soap had just given away that there was one more solider missing, their only hope
“[name], would you be a dear and go grab him for us?” Bela turned to you with a grin, she had always been the one to give orders
Without saying anything you dashed out the room, darting around to try and find him
Logan was in the library, wracking his brain as to his he could possibly defeat four, tall… things? AND save everyone else
He was just about to open the door out to the hallway when we felt himself be lifted from the ground
Pulling him up by the back of his jacket, you spun him around to face you like he was a cat being held by the scruff of its neck
“Annoying little thing” you snarked at him, dashing back to the room everyone else was
He didn’t even have time to think
Daniela snatched him out of your arms and held him out by his arms “He’s so cute! Like a little doll, I feel bad about eating him” she whined and giggled
“Daniela put him down” you snapped, you had always been the one to keep Daniela in line.
She reluctantly dropped him as he tried his best to cushion his fall
“Logan! You okay?” Hesh’s voice was filled with worry as he pulled his little brother up by the arm
Logan just simply nodded, never really being a man of many words
You picked up König, by the back of his vest
“We should eat this one first, don’t want all the meat to go to waste” you remarked
“This one looks unwashed 😒” Cassandra bent down to look Graves in the face
You couldn’t help but laugh
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judasbreed · 2 months
Howdy, I'm Mutt :)
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Welcome to my blog! Im redoing this post to freshen things up a bit and cut out some old fandoms I do not write for anymore :)
Here you can find all sorts of fun x reader things! This blog will be multi fandom, and requests are always encouraged!
I go by Mutt or Hound, and my pronouns are xe/xim. I am an amateur writer :3
I will write headcanons, drabbles, one shots, character assigns, and personalized letters from your favorite characters! These will be X reader ONLY, so please no character x character!
I will also make character playlists per request!
I will NOT write anything to do with pedophilia, necrophilia, zoophilia, incest, non con, dub con, or pregnancy (I will add onto this list as I think of more things)
Please make your requests specific! Nothing like "character x reader headcanons", I need more to work with!
I will NOT be taking NSFW requests at this time
What I will write for:
These are all the fandoms I will write for! This is very subject to change, so check back frequently to see whats on the list! (⭑ will be next to my most current interests, and will likely be done faster!)
I will be writing for:
Guilty Gear ⭑
Overwatch ⭑
The Outlast Trials ⭑
Smiling Friends
The Walten Files
Baldurs Gate 3
Death Stranding
Silent Hill (1-3)
Resident Evil (7-8)
Characters I will NOT write for:
These are characters I do not feel comfortable writing for, so requests with them will not be done!
Guilty Gear: Bedman, May
Overwatch: Mercy, Illiari, Kiriko, Lifeweaver, D.va, Wrecking Ball, Winston, Orisa
The Outlast Trials: Leland Coyle
Smiling Friends: Grim, Gnarly, Mr. Frog
Baldurs Gate 3: WULBREN BONGLE. Minthara, Gale, Ketheric Thorm, Enver Gortash, Cazador Szarr, Auntie Ethel
Death Stranding: Amelie
Resident Evil: Lucas Baker
Thank you so much for stopping by! ❤️🪳
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donnas-dollface · 1 year
Y/N: When Alcina was born, the gods said, "She's too perfect for this world."
Heisenberg: Oh please, when she was born the devil said, "Oh, competition."
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leorawright · 2 years
Lord reaction on their S/O telling them "You are beautiful and I won't take "no" as an answer"?
Aww of course!
Lords with s/o who tells them they're beautiful
Alcina Dimitrescu
She knows she's beautiful so she never planned on saying she wasn't
But hearing the words coming from you made her smile incredibly softly
She just set one hand on your shoulder and said "Thank you darling"
That night when she's looking out her window she remembers your words and can't help but smile
Donna Beneviento
You told her that after she took off her veil for the first time
You two had been dating for two years and Donna finally felt comfortable enough to take it off
And hearing you call her beautiful made her blush really hard
But she couldn't help but smile at your words
After that day, she began taking her veil off a lot and being able to see her smile was wonderful
Salvatore Moreau
The second the word 'beautiful' left your mouth he was trying to deny it
In his mind he was anything but beautiful! A grotesque monster who didn't deserve your kindness
But you immediately said that you wouldn't let him say he was anything but beautiful
He got really shy after that because knowing you believed he was beautiful made his heart swell with happiness
Karl Heisenberg
Karl froze the second you called him beautiful
He'd been called handsome, strong, and many other praising words but beautiful? only you
He was in too much shock to deny your words so he simply dipped his head as acknowledgment and continued working
But he was only hiding his blush and his wide smile from you
Call him beautiful more he'll because seeing his shy smile is so worth it
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finn-writes-stuff · 11 months
Hello! Would you be willing to write headcanons for Karl Heisenberg with a chubby partner? If you aren't comfortable then no worries 💚
Karl Heisenberg x Reader
Fandom: Resident Evil 8
Format: Headcanons
Gender Neutral Reader
I'm half using this to go insane over my gorgeous partner, don't mind me <3 -Finn
There’s just more of you for him to grab, this man is thriving! 
He’s delighted at how soft you are under his hands. He’s accustomed to working with cold, unyielding metal. You are warm and plush and lovely.
Karl absolutely loves laying on you whenever you let him. His head on your chest, on your tummy, on your thighs, it’s all good to him. 
Be very aware that his hands will sneak under your shirt when he’s lying on you. Be even more aware that if his mouth is anywhere near your bare skin, he will bite you. No warning, no apologies. Crop tops are dangerous around him. Karl loves nipping at your waist because he wants to hear the noises you make and hear you jump. 
He is pretty strong, he works with a lot of heavy materials, but he uses his powers to make him far stronger than he actually is. His sleeves are lined with metal wires. This is all to say that he will throw you over his shoulder with little trouble.
This man is obsessed with your hips. You get within reach and he's got his hands on them. He likes being able to pull you closer and squeeze you.
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royaltysuite · 1 year
So, today is my birthday 🎂! And to commemorate this, I am opening up my inbox for birthday commissions ONLY! Any other requests will be added to a separate list and posted on later dates. My inbox will open until the end of August, so get your commissions in. For more rules and info about my commissions, I will post it down below along with a list of fandoms I will be writing for. Happy Birthday to all in August Leo Season🎂🥳🎉🎂🥳🎉
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Fandoms I'll Write For
Resident Evil
Tomorrow Kdram
The Glory Kdrama
Call Of Duty MW2
Demon Slayer
Kpop Groups
Avatar/Avatar The Way of Water
Across the Spiderverse
Commission Info
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greatlydelirious · 2 years
𝐇𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧'𝐭 𝐈 𝐆𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐄𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡
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Karl Heisenberg x GN!Reader
wordcount: 1.4k words
warnings: a bunch of angst, mentions of death, fluff
a/n: inspired by the song “Gilded Lily” by Cults
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Exhaustion clings to you like a nagging parasite; slowly sucking all the energy from its host with an unquenchable hunger.
Days blended into nights blended into weeks until time wasn’t a concept anymore. The bed you once shared with your estranged lover stays wrinkle-free and covered in a thin layer of dust. “Sleep” isn’t a practice you partake in. You get to rest when your body decides you had enough and you pass out in a chair or on painful occasions, the metal floor. Each time you wake up disoriented in the same spot, the ache in your chest grows.
The factory you live in is tucked far away from the village you use to reside in. It feels like those memories faded away with each second that ticked by. Maybe it was from the lack of nutrients and rest that your mind has become so unreliable. Not just your mind, but everything else. You were gaunt, pale, and your eyes had dark bags that felt heavy with each blink.
Did Heisenberg not notice it or not care? With how long you’ve felt this way it must be both. There was a time when he reminded you to eat and insisted that you take a break. He even would stop what he was doing to check on you just for a quick chat or kiss. Was all the work worth it if you didn’t survive long enough to see it come to fruition?
You don’t know how long you stood there staring at the collage of photos. Faces of people you never met and names you only heard spoken in vain accented with strategically placed strings covered the wall. It was a visual reminder of what you were working against, what was apparently important enough to deteriorate for.
A sudden rush of emotions comes so fast you begin to shake. The more you stare the more you want to scream. Why did Heisenberg have to be so hellbent on revenge that you faded into the background? He swore you were special, a part of his heart that was more important than anything he ever encountered in life.
Bullshit. Actions spoke louder than words and actions told you that you were just another pawn. Free labor that was expendable. Rage comes to the forefront as every bottled-up emotion breaks you apart. Screaming you tear at the source of your anguish. Paper rips and thumbtacks go flying as you grab blindly at the stupid collage.
“I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!” You repeat the words over and over. The venom lacing each one wasn’t focused on a single subject. Deep in your heart, you hate yourself more than anything else. You hate yourself for coming here, for falling in love, for being complacent in your misery and ultimate demise.
You cry out when something yanks you from the wall with brutal force. Fingers dig painfully into your shoulder as your whipped around like a weightless rag doll. After seeing nothing but a blur you’re confronted with furious green eyes.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” Heisenberg spats while shaking you with such strength it feels like your brain rattles around. No pet name, no careful caress, you feel like a stranger in your own home. Words fail you as you soak in the intensity in his eyes. The man staring back at you is one you’ve never seen before.
Maybe you were a stranger after all.
“Have you lost your mind?” When you continue to stay silent, Heisenberg roughly shakes you again.
“Tell me!”
“Haven’t I given enough?” The question plaguing you finally slips out.
Months’ worth of unshed tears break through the corners of your dimmed eyes. Only two minuscule sparks of hope shimmered in their depths. Ones that used to be lively and bright. Ones that made the man holding you fall in love in the first place.
“I’ve sacrificed my life for you! I pledged devotion to your cause and spent every millisecond of my miserable time working on that damned army you want and how do you repay me?” Wetness coats your face as you clench your teeth to hold back the sobs threatening to capture your words.
“You repay me by acting like I don’t exist. When we’re in the same room it’s like I’m a fucking piece of furniture! What happened to us?” Clouded by overwhelming grief interlaced with the seething anger of betrayal you begin to pound on Heisenberg’s chest to get him away. You might as well be a bird in a cage. No matter how much you pecked, chirped, and scratched, the metal surrounding you would never let you escape.
“You don’t even look at me anymore! I’m falling apart and it’s like you don’t even care. Has my novelty worn off? Haven’t I given you enough?” Painful sobs win the war raging inside you as they finally rake your being. Now that you finally pushed out the words that have been desperate to be heard, you felt cold from emptiness.
Strong arms hold you tight against an impossibly warm chest as you lay in bed. Although you were breathless and drowsy from the wonderful things Heisenberg did to your body you try to stay awake to bask in every moment with him. A kiss is placed on your temple before your lover buries his face in your neck. “Stay with me and I will take good care of you sweetheart. I will make sure you get the life you deserve.”
The memory haunts you instead of comforting you like it used to. Now it only sounded like pillow talk that gave way to broken promises. When did your relationship become as dead as the corpses you forced yourself to aid in revitalizing? Heisenberg promised you a life where you both roamed free; out from the crushing boot of another, yet now you felt like you were under his rather than the beings trapping you here.
The feeling of large hands encompassing either side of your head that makes you close your eyes. Maybe he would grant you mercy by crushing your skull instead of adding you to the collection of mangled bodies that roamed the endless halls of the factory. Letting out a breath you resign yourself to death’s fate.
When warm lips smash against your own, your eyes fly open. The familiar taste of Cuban cigars invades your senses as does the smell of musk and metal that was uniquely Heisenberg. Home. Despite your broken heart and inner turmoil, he feels like home. He feels like quiet mornings, rainy afternoons, soft snowfall, and long nights; all the things you adored and craved to experience again and again.
With dizzying quickness, you’re relinquished of his strong hold. The sudden change in demeanor once again leaves you speechless. Heisenberg’s kiss conveyed the million little things you thought your relationship lost long ago. His breaths come out in ragged succession as he simply stares at you.
Why hasn’t he said anything yet? You want Heisenberg to yell at you, belittle you, go on a monologued rant, something, anything.
Crippling pain hits you before he can utter a word. Your hands dart to clutch your heart to reflexively soothe the hurt. The violent influx of emotions and the months of your health rapidly declining have finally caught up to you. When your name is frantically called out, it sounds like you’re underwater.
Before you know it, the room starts to spin and your body tips sideways. Heisenberg’s obsession to save you has inadvertently killed you slowly. Taking you bit by bit until it was almost too late to sew the pieces back together. Almost.
Instead of slamming against cold metal, you feel warmth all around you. You’re swept into Heisenberg’s arms before you can even protest. Air whooshes across your skin as each stride moves faster than the last. You didn’t know where he was taking you and for once, you didn’t care.
Something about the mixture of his kiss, his embrace, and your fragile condition makes your eyes drift closed. A strange feeling tingles across every inch of your body as the wild thumping in your chest starts to diminish.
Thump. Thump. Thump.
Thump. Thump.
Then nothing.
Do you fight the darkness clawing at you in the hope of a better tomorrow, or do you let it consume you to run away from the pain?
The questions are yet another you’ll never be able to have the answer to when your limp body is carefully placed on an old examination table surrounded by medical equipment and, more importantly, the key factor of your fate; a twitching organism in the shape of a fetus lying patiently in a jar.
A kiss reminiscent of a love you once shared is placed on your temple, “Come back to me sweetheart. Do that and you’ll have given enough.”
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Any and all interactions are greatly appreciated.
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sleepingdeath-light · 2 years
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last updated ; 30/10/23
listed below is everything that i have published on this account for “resident evil village” — with characters organised alphabetically by first name.
alcina dimitrescu
smut hcs — period play [here]
smut hcs — first time + afab [here]
smut hcs — segmented smut alphabet [j/o/v]
one shot — “test your luck” (nsfw)
donna beneviento
alphabet — smut
karl heisenberg
one shot — “//title pending\\” (nsfw)
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mochiimadness · 1 year
Resident Evil M.List
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Resident Evil Village (8)
🌿Donna Beneviento🌿
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