#Rest assured in still travelling and I'm still working my way through them
l-in-the-light · 29 days
This is an appreciation post <3
I just wanted to thank you all lovely people for your comments (be it in reblogs, tags etc.), you all make me smile and feel very warm in my heart, especially you @mochiajclayne and @lutorao! But honestly I cherish all of you, even if you just reblog everything quietly. Without all of your support and excitement I doubt my posts would even get written and would just stay in my head forever. And trust me, I know it, I tried before to share stuff on One Piece discord, One Piece reddit, and it's just not working. Tumblr is such a beautiful place, really.
Special shoutout to @cooknumber3 because the feeling's mutual! Whenever I see your comments in tags it makes me smile and your last reblog pushed me to write this post actually. Please rest assured, it's really not just your fanfic brain making you see things that aren't there. Actually, One Piece is a disgustingly sweet story about love. Do not, by any circumenstance, trust Oda when he says he sucks at writing romance. The way he portrays love, no matter if it's romantic or not, is so, so adorable and One Piece is just full of it. Full to the brim! And Oda is a troll. So when you see signs of love between characters and think to yourself "no way, I must be delusional, this can't be true. it's just a shonen manga after all. I must be projecting what I want to see myself", it's actually the opposite: you caught a glimpse of a secret treasure hidden in the storyline.
And oh god, One Piece isn't just about one treasure. It's a whole treasure trove! And I think I caught glimpse of only one of them, I bet there are more, still waiting to be discovered by brave explorers.
I'm actually preparing another post exactly about that. It will be a love letter to Lawlu. At first I wanted to just give you all a fishing rod and tell you to go fish. But everytime I check lawlu tag people there are always excusing themselves, apologizing for seeing things the way they probably shouldn't, they travel through the fog unsure whether what they see is an illussion or a shape of something, but never sure of what exactly. I know it, because I also spent months going back and forth wondering myself whether I'm just that desperate to see One Piece as something that it actually isn't, until I digged out a treasure chest a few days ago and now nothing is the same to me anymore. You all deserve to experience that feeling too, I just hope I will be able to pass it on properly.
Fandom is starved. And when people are starved you don't give them fishing rods and hope they won't faint while attempting to get some food. No, you just hand them fish. Lots and lots of fish. And I'm gonna do exactly that, I hope you will all enjoy the feast, because next post will be for all of you, to show my gratitude for every single appreciation I got from you.
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zoeykallus · 1 year
Hello Zoey! No pressure if you can't but I was wondering if maybe you can write some headcanons on how the Bad Batch would react if their female s/o had accidently punched them because they were startled by them. I know I worded this weird. If you can't then that's ok, I still love your work!🥰
That sounds like a fun idea!
The Bad Batch x Fem!Reader HCs - The Sneaky And The Startled
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You don't hear him enter the room. You are lost in thought, looking in your closet for a special dress to wear tonight.
Then suddenly you feel someone standing behind you, the same second Hunter opens his mouth.
Your elbow interrupts him. Hunter isn't prepared for it, but is able to move aside a little, so your elbow doesn't catch his face full force.
"Ouch," he says dryly, rubbing his cheek.
Your heart races in shock, and you hastily stammer an apology.
"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!"
Hunter smirks wryly.
"You're pretty jumpy," he says with a soft laugh, kissing your heated cheek.
Embarrassed, you smile apologetically at him.
"You mustn't sneak up on me like that."
Hunter laughs again and says, "I wasn't sneaking, you were just lost in thought. I just wanted to ask you if you would like to go to that little restaurant tonight, the one on the roof terrace"
It's your favorite restaurant, with a gorgeous view, beautiful ambiance and fantastic food. Occasionally you treat yourselves to an evening there.
You put your arms around his shoulders and say dreamily, "I'd love to".
He doesn't scare you on purpose, but every now and then, when you're lost in thought, like now, it happens.
You hear a noise behind you, startled, you move around with your arm outstretched to immediately ward off possible attackers, an automatic reflex you have acquired.
Echo automatically jerks his Scomp Link upward as protection, defense, also an automatic reaction, and your forearm hits the prosthetic relatively hard. Pain immediately travels from your forearm up into your shoulder. You both stare at each other, startled, and start stammering apologies at the same time, talking in confusion.
Finally, you both laugh at your hilarious mishap and behavior.
"Are you hurt, dear?", Echo finally asks gently.
"No, not really, just a little bruise," you assure him.
Echo grabs your arm and looks at it more closely. He sighs softly, kisses your cheek, and gets the baccta. It doesn't matter how much you insist you're not really hurt. Echo will take care of even a simple bruise.
Wrecker accidentally scaring you doesn't happen often. The giant is not exactly inconspicuous and not necessarily very quiet. But still, it happens, especially when you're lost in thought or fully focused on something else.
Wrecker has been showering, has put on his Blacks, but since he doesn't have to leave today, has left out the rest of his gear, including his shoes, so his footsteps are unusually quiet today.
When he clears his throat behind you, you jump up, startled, and punch him in the chest.
Wrecker looks down at you with raised eyebrows and asks, "Are you all right?"
"You scared me," you say a little breathlessly, "How can someone that big move so quietly?"
Wrecker chuckles in amusement.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, and I wasn't sneaking either, at least not on purpose".
You sigh and gently stroke his chest with your palm where your fist hit him earlier.
"I'm sorry, too," you say softly.
Wrecker smirks.
"It's okay, sweetie, don't worry, that didn't hurt," he says, leaning down to you and kissing your forehead.
He's not a sneak, but he's often lost in thought himself and not really aware of how quietly he moves sometimes.
Tech has his datapad in his hand again, is on his way to you. Engrossed in his calculations, he approaches you and doesn't see that you are also busy and don't immediately notice his approach.
When you feel his hand on your shoulder, you hastily turn around and knock the datapad out of his hand. The device flies through the air, finally landing on the floor with a clatter, and part of it breaks off.
Your heart races, but at first neither of you says a word, instead looking at the broken datapad on the ground.
Finally, you look at him. His brows are raised in surprise. After a blink, he says matter-of-factly, "Well, that's unfortunate."
You find your voice again and say apologetically, "I didn't mean to. You gave me a scare. I'm sorry, Tech."
He picks up the pieces of the device again and says, "I should be able to fix that, dear, no need to worry"
"Are you sure?" you ask meekly.
Tech smiles gently, kisses your cheek and assures you, "Absolutely sure."
It is in his nature to move and behave quietly and unseen, that is in his profession. It actually happens quite often that he startles you. Crosshair has been standing in the same room with you for a while, but you haven't noticed him. Amused, he watches you talk quietly to yourself as you work, going over some things in your head. He finally approaches you, already prepared for the fact that you will most likely get scared again. And he is right. As you turn hastily, terrified, your arm already raised to lash out in panic, his hand grabs your wrist, quickly and deftly, preventing you from hitting him. You look up at him, startled, heart racing. The toothpick between his lips moves from one corner of his mouth to the other before he says, "Cute." You sigh and say, "You really need to get out of the habit of sneaking up on me." Crosshair smirks. "That's probably not going to happen. It would be better you get out of the habit of being scared" You frown, "How am I supposed to get out of that habit?" " In that I scare you more often" he says, still smirking. You roll your eyes. "Hey that's my move" he says dryly "You're cute when you talk to yourself by the way".
You blink and look at him in surprise. Finally, he lets go of your wrist, leans toward you and kisses your heated cheek.
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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crossdressingdeath · 1 year
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Kyvir: You travelled with Bhaalspawn before, didn't you? What do you know of them? Minsc: Ahh, Boo has an inkling that this is not the question you mean to ask. I saw some hint of things when our minds mushed together - but Jaheira confirmed it for me. Minsc: You are of the same blood as our old friend: a Bhaalspawn, and as close to Minsc as if they were his own kin. Minsc: That makes Minsc your uncle. Kyvir: That's all you have to say? You're not worried what my blood might turn me into? Minsc: A curious question. Are a child and his father always alike? Minsc: Take Minsc! He does not have a clear memory of the face of his father, but he does remember tugging on the thick, red whiskers that sprang from his chin. Minsc: A beard for the ages! Boo could have nested there happily through even the harshest of Rashemen winters. Minsc: Now - look closely at Minsc, and what do you see? Kyvir: You don't have a beard. Minsc: Correct! There are more whiskers on Boo's tiny face than on the mighty chin of Minsc! Minsc: If Minsc did not inherit the flaming red hair of his mother, or the bushy red beard of his father, why would the spawn of Bhaal inherit his wickedness? Kyvir: Thank you. It's nice not having to justify myself for once. Minsc: Minsc is not here to judge - that is a thing for hamsters and hathrans alone.
Oh, this is very sweet. Especially with how Durge's first response to learning that Jaheira wants them to track down Minsc and realizing that he's an enemy of Bhaal can be "Minsc of Rashemen, the guy who hunts Bhaalspawn?" Being able to establish that worry in their mind only to meet Minsc and have him immediately say "No, your father doesn't decide who you are and I'm not going to judge you on the grounds of your blood" when the topic comes up is fantastic. I also love how Jaheira clearly wasn't worried about Minsc taking it badly for a second, since old friend or no I think that if she expected him to respond poorly she wouldn't have told him, at least not without talking to Durge first. It's also nice to know that the mind link from the tadpoles does give away them being Bhaalspawn, at least to someone who'd know what signs to watch out for; I did wonder if that would be the case.
Also! I love how Durge initially tries to sidestep around what they want to ask only for Minsc to immediately grasp what their actual point is, both for how tidily it establishes Durge being nervous about raising the subject with him (when if you choose to tell the earlier party members about it you just tell them outright that you're Bhaalspawn and don't dance around it at all) and how neatly Minsc cuts to the chase in order to assure them that he's not going to judge them for it. It's a bit strange that he says his connection to Gorion's Ward makes him Durge's uncle, since that would imply a connection to Bhaal rather than one of Durge's half-siblings, but that immediate insistence that they were Minsc's family and that makes Durge Minsc's family is incredibly sweet. Both because of the way he doesn't hesitate for a second to say it and because of how he clearly still thinks the world of Gorion's Ward (although that second one will probably be more effective when I've played the first two games). Minsc's metaphor also isn't really the greatest (divine blood coursing through your veins and pushing you to kill isn't exactly the same thing as your dad's beard inheritance-wise), but it's so clearly well-intentioned that it still works.
And it's also very fun how Durge can thank him for not making them justify themselves at all. While the rest of the group's concerns do come from a place of genuine care and worry for Durge and it's very fair that they all feel the need to say "You have to fight Bhaal" since that is a very pressing issue at the point in the story where it comes up, I can definitely see Durge being relieved to have one person learn they're Bhaalspawn and respond with essentially "That's okay." Minsc doesn't need to be reassured that they're going to fight Bhaal's influence, because a) he has plenty of experience with Bhaalspawn doing just that and so isn't as worried as people without that experience would be and b) Jaheira presumably wouldn't be travelling with them if she didn't trust them to make the right choice. Minsc also connects them to Gorion's Ward first, which is a fun touch; instead of saying they've got the blood of an evil god, he's saying that Durge has the same blood as a hero. It's just so good, I love him.
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dragonskyheart · 7 months
(Ghost Pokemon AU) Ghost Type Pokemon Pac Trio
So I was working on the Ghost Pokemon AU and was going through a resurgence of a PMATGA hyperfixation at the moment and then I remembered "Hey the main characters of PMATGA have a role in this ,AU, why not draw them in the AU?",and because of that, here we are! This AU spans a lot of series and is very extremely crossovery in general, so why not! I need to make a masterpost/synopsis of this AU, I swear-
Also Spiral was a pain to draw bc I never drew Dragapult before and AAAAAAA- (I'm fine! Don't worry! Haha! Seriously though why...)
So they are! In all of their ghost fighting glory!
Started on: 2-18-2024
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it's to be noted that they didn't start out in these forms exactly. A series of events caused their souls to take the forms they did. I made their eyes look similar to how ghosts in the show had them. Also the reason for the spectral lighting was because of Dragapults looking slightly more spectral... I'll try to elaborate more when I get to it.
Pac (Gengar)
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The yellow boi himself! The way he goes out is on the hands of a certain other ghost fighting hero through way of misunderstanding. The beginning of his character arc is based on a fanmade one minute melee on Deviantart I read when I was younger. (I might link to it when I find it...) I will probably make the choreography of the fight somewhat different to that but the outcome is the same. I chose Gengar because of their long tongues and round bodies. (That and the fact the ears can be made to resemble his eyebrows.) He is known as the "Golden Gengar" to locals via rumors and became quite the urban legend. But rest assured, he is still the same Pac inside! Just more traumatized! :')
Cyli (Gourgeist)
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Cyli is a Gourgeist since it and Pumpkaboo could be seen as a somewhat gothic cute ghost type Pokemon. (If that reasoning makes sense...) The fur of Pumpkaboo is black and the hairstyle of Gourgeist is simular in my opinion. Also the default shinies mesh well enough ingame. Besides the grass typing is somewhat befitting of her upbringing. So, how did she end up like this? Well, if i'll be honest, I didn't quite document how well her death goes quite yet. Same with Spiral. I only have the basics rn. Essentially, she dies to a mysterious enity in a meadow with a colony of pumpkins (is that what a group of pumpkins called...?) growing in Autumn. Her soul destablizes and is forced to bind into a pumpkin, giving a new form! By the way, she is an Average Size Gourgeist.
Spiral (Dragapult)
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And finally, Spiral is a Dragapult! He wound up killed in the Lake of Dragons. (Name and Location Pending) His soul wound up absorbing the ancient draconic energies in the lake causing him to take the form of a Dreepy. Dragapult is from what I recall the tallest of the three pokemon, so it seem pretty befitting for him! (Also it gives me an excuse to use Dragapult somewhere, so yea.) He basically has a whole story thing with Soko, as Soko has the distinction of being the first of the three's Partner Digimon to find out about their respective deceased Tamer's whereabouts and travels with him! At one point after he first evolves a random Dreepy finds him and follows him around! He eventually goes "I guess it's mine now." and takes it in. (You could probably guess more eventually came.) He basically exudes so much big sibling energy that it was inevitable anyways!
Alt Versions
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mysweetgirl2-love · 2 years
Hanging on His Every Word - Kaeya x Reader
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(A/N): Ah, Kaeya. The Calvary Captain, whatta guy.
This prompt ending up falling on the perfect character in my list, I'd argue. It fell on his name and I was like "Great. Beautiful. Love love him to be whispering just ... everything in my ear." God, talk about a tease, right? I hope you enjoy the emphasis on tease I put on him in this oneshot. I think my brain tried making it a little angstier at one point because 🤪 plot??? But, not enough to make it surrounded with angst. Genshin characters are really hard to write, I've come to realize. I wish I knew them all a little better, but reading every five-part backstory is a lil intimidating t.b.hONEST- so I hope this suffices ^^" I also have been reading other one shots on Tumblr and realize people put warnings even if it's a soft one shot, so I'm gonna start doing that 🤩 just cuz' I feel a little foolish if that's what people are worried about here. Hope you enjoy the oneshot!! Here's to the alluring knight of Favonious, shudders.
Prompt #9: Whispering Sweet Nothings
Word Count: 2.7k
Warnings:(None! Unless whispering into your ear makes you uncomfortable??? But, that's the prompt for this day so ehhh maybe next time ;u;)
Living in a teapot didn’t seem so comforting in the beginning, the idea of a cramped space like that being utilized as a home seemed… for lack of a better word, unfit. Yet, after some help from Chubby and encouragement from your team, you actually were able to spiffy the place up appropriately for your needs.
The outside closely resembled the Liyue nation you had recently traveled through—the sun always golden in a constant lowering within the sky. It lit your surrounding, glass china which encased world in brightened gold, a direct replicant of the sunsets you had since observed against the Liyue skyline. The ones you’d found yourself basking in with your teammates, and now one you could show the other team members who all now resided here. Or, at least had another home to confide in outside of their dwellings across Teyvat.
You weren’t one to usually spend much more than a few minutes, or so, within your teapot’s domain. Not that you didn’t like the space, there was just too much to also be done in the real world towards completing your adventures that finding time for the teapot was difficult. Chubby assured you not to ever worry about the wellbeing of the realm, and he would be happy in keeping its upkeep in your absence. Nevertheless, your lack of nurturing the teapot would always spawn some anxiety.
Tonight was actually a night you were able to seek out the time and rest in your home. Recently, you had called upon Lisa to help you appropriately furnish the home you were gifted to make the place actually live-able. She had picked out a couch and surrounding table and chairs for your entry room, making the hall to left hold a kitchen, a closet, and a study. The librarian still was determined to help with the opposing hallway, but for now you were appreciative of the space for a study she had currently built.
More than appreciative, especially with the fact she so took to heart making the place feel like a real home for the companions like her who liked comfortable downtime, you were eternally grateful for the authority she took in her interior design. She definitely felt prideful in her work, and you felt she was rightly entitled to. It was cozy, welcoming, and let you take on less of a job for once.
Currently, basking in that forever setting sun from outside your window, you were curled over the dark oak of your desk—a worn notebook laid out before you with scribbled writings marking the lines in frantic thoughts and recollection of your day. The interactions you had, the importance of items you had picked up along the way, mapping out waypoints and why they held certain importance. Anything that came to mind, it was marked down, and now you were simply paused to try and wrack your brain for anything more. 
So engrossed in your trying to remember what had happened through your earlier afternoon, you weren’t tuned into your surroundings like usual. Not that you would necessarily need to be worried of what’s around you, it was here where you were supposed to trust in the security of your surroundings. That was the whole point, right?
To true enemies, yes; that would always remain fact in this plane. What the rule didn’t apply to was your acquired comrades from over the journey—those who loved to antagonize only being an objection to your found peace in this evening. And, it was him who now descended on your space, careful to not make much noise as he entered your study and proceeding his silent approach behind you.
You remained unsuspecting, much to his amusement, and quickly from there he finally made himself known in the quiet room. He wasn’t quick to speak, but swiftly his hands grabbed gently at your shoulders which he further used to pull himself up and slightly over your back. You gasped at the sudden ‘attack’ instilled against you, your face flying to look up and confront the oncoming person—gaze dulling at who you found.
“I should’ve known better.” you scoffed irritably, throwing the hands off your shoulders with a quick yank of your upper half, “You must think you’re so funny, don’t you?”
“Haha, a little~” The man behind you finally spoke up, his purr of a laugh eliciting the butterflies in your stomach to flutter up a storm, “What? You’re trying to tell me this wasn’t a good surprise?”
“Not at all, Alberich.” You snappily quipped in his direction, waving your hand dismissively over your shoulder. “Would you buzz off? I’m a little busy right now…”
“Really.” He didn’t obey, flopping over towards the space of desk next to your arms; still determined to see what you’re working on. “Writing in your little diary about me?”
Your head fell towards the page, baffled at the Calvary knight’s persistence to keep you irritated. 
“I tease, doll…” Kaeya hummed from beside you, his one eye flicking over to the paper again and pushing his head closer, “I am curious, though.”
“Well, you’re going to be disappointed when I still tell you…” your fingers slipped under the notebook’s cover, flipping it up and letting the pages slap shut against one another, “no.”
“Oh, please,” Suddenly the book was snatched away entirely, Kaeya holding it to dangle between two fingers tauntingly over your head. “like your no is gonna stop me.”
“Kaeya.” You growled, your arm flashing out to try and grab the book away from him, “Give it back.”
“Mmm-noo,” He took a lumbering step away from the desk then, grabbing the book by one of its covers and letting it hang by its spine. “I’ll take my time with this novel, I think.”
“Kaeya!” You leapt from your chair, almost being caught in the falling backwards of the piece of furniture. “It’s not funny! Give it back!”
The man paused to throw a glance your way, the gleam in his gaze and twist of his mouth clearly showing you how much he was enjoying this game of cat and mouse he so quickly enforced. What joy he found in that irritated scowl you held so prominently for him. But, he also knew you through other expressions—and could clearly see what differed even now in the face of your irritation.
From darker circles around your eyes, a new scar or two from your travels and the violence you often challenged, the lack of vitality in your being with maybe how tired your body grew over time. He registered this in his heart, and suddenly the grin fell from his lips and settled in a hesitant frown.
“…Fine,” He sighed, bringing the book back forward—you taking a beat and snatching it out of his fingers before he could think twice on his decision.
Kaeya scoffed a soft laugh at your desperation, not being able to help himself, you then clutching the diary against your chest. With his hand still lifted, he flicked his fingers into a snippy wave as though to brush you off in the other direction. You frowned with his dismissal of this entire interaction, suddenly; you stepping out in his path to make him pause.
“What?” You ask, your voice having an edge that showed you weren’t going to let him lie his way out of this one.
“Nothing, it’s nothing…” He sighed, almost dejected as he further turned away, “just… you look tired.”
You were speechless in the wake of his commentary, confusion quickly flooding itself through the rest of your emotions as he continued in his now exiting of the room.
“Woah, woah, woah, hold up.” You suddenly are tripping over yourself to reach out and grab him, “I asked you to give me my book back, not that you had to leave.”
“Ah,” he finally paused and returned his attention to you at the sense of your touch, “I guess that would be true, wouldn’t it?”
“So…?” You nodded up with your chin, urging him to speak, “What was that, just then?”
Kaeya’s light tease subdued at the question, the knight’s gaze falling as though he were suddenly beside himself. “I just thought I don’t need to be taking away from your time alone. That’s all.”
Your frown only deepened at that, a light squeeze from you against his wrist brought his head back up—his one eye revealing more to you than maybe necessary. On the rare occasion, and really only with you, the man before you arguably appeared to feel guilty. 
“I mean… sure, I’ve had a long journey thus far and enjoy the quiet moments when they come. But…” You shrug your shoulders indifferently, “It’s no problem if you’re quiet and respectful.”
It was meant to be a little bit more of a jest than you trying to comfort him, but he seemed to appreciate the effort you gave in making him feel welcomed even after he had been so adamant on messing around with you. You were too kind to him when it came to things like that, in his eyes. Also understanding, that was half the fun of having first been sneaking around with one another—it all starting on a stealth mission in Mondstat when he couldn’t help but tease at you beneath him, simultaneously pinning you both to a wall in an attempt to stay out of sight from your target. That moment changing the course of your relationship entirely, as it probably would anyone’s. 
“Haha, I barely know the definitions of those words…” He chuckled, turning back towards you and stepping in the direction of your smaller frame. “Teach them to me?”
“Woah, buddy…” You chuckled, your breath a little short with how intimate the space had suddenly become, “I’m a partner, not your dictionary.”
“Mmm, two birds with one stone?” His voice was next to your head, breath washing over the side of your ear, “Why not be both?~”
“Kaeya…” You managed to say through a building pressure you then realized was starting to build in your chest, as if the air was thin with how you felt so closed in against him.
“The definition, doll…” He purred the instruction into your ear, knowing exactly how his voice was affecting you.
“Quiet,” you shuddered, his hand in your wrist now twisting to grab at yours while you spoke, “the-the opposite of what you’re doing now.”
A quiet chuckle and squeeze at your wrist was the response you received, and it only was urging you to continue. You bit on the tip of your tongue to keep from being snarky again, a rebelling glare hardening itself against your features. 
“Respectful… showing respect for a person.”
“That’s cheating,” his voice resounded in a deeper register, more a growl this time around, “try again.”
“Kaeya…” you whined, your hand leaving his grip and placing itself against his chest in trying to push him off. It was evidently no use, his stature stagnant before you. 
He dipped his head evidently closer towards your ear, a hushed uttering against your ear, “Enlighten me, little one.”
Your head flew up at his calling, a wide eyed stare being your only reaction for the time being. Blinking furiously, you had to will yourself into giving him some better answer, the other half of your mind pleading to let him continue. Wanting desperately to hear what more he could say, that half hanging on his every word. You shoved him into a stagger with how your strength struck at him this time around, needing both him and your own opposing thoughts to be silenced in that way.
“You need to stop that.” You announced while he laughed obnoxiously over your head, his own falling back in a resounding cackle much to your dismay. “It’s not that funny!”
“Ah, yes it is. When this is your reaction?” He craned back forward, you not being able to stop him in time before his nose gently touched against the tip of yours, a light brushing of faces between the two of you. “Besides, I can’t call on you in an endearing title?~” 
“I—Well, can it be a nicer one?” You hummed in return, you cautiously watching him above you and how his features rested. The point of contact appearing to make him ease. You frowned at the expression on his face, not loving how it alleviated your tension and heightened your yearning of the knight. It caused the tone of your voice to ease and your expression fall into one of subdued defeat.
As usual, he read you better than anyone you’d already grown accustomed to and saw right through your request. His gloved hand raised to your cheek, and his own appearance changed into something more endearing. Like he were nurturing the world at his fingertips, and in his case he knew he was. You had become everything for him in the span of a few months you now had spent together, all while becoming that more familiarized with the other. Most definitely in ways you never imagined would be possible with someone like him—and in that thought, he too was shocked to have wooed someone like you into loving even those darker aspects about him.
Circling back on your question, the man shook his head. “No… I don’t think it’s inherently rude in any way. You’re just being picky.”
“Wow.” You huffed, not being able to stop the smile that then grinned across your face, “What am I going to do with you.”
“Hmm,” Kaeya seemed to ponder the question for a moment, but ultimately his eyes fell back to the desk and he was nodding towards your abandoned journal that not lay flat on the corner of the small table, “I guess I’d still appreciate being enlightened on what you’ve written in there?”
You turned over your shoulder in following his direction, straining a frown at the idea of rereading your thoughts out loud. “It’s really nothing interesting… just travel detailings, puzzle solutions I want to try… the normal scheming for an adventurer.”
“Exactly why I wish to know about your journey’s recollections.” He sounded a matter-of-factly above you, “I’m sure I can help problem solve a few things for when you go back.” 
The hands that once shoved against his chest were now resting on the biceps of his arm, and you squeezed at the arms against your palms in knowing he would ultimately get what he want. You had a hard enough time telling him a straight no when he was teasing, the genuine curiosity he now displayed making an objection to his want arguably impossible. 
“…Fine, okay. You win.” You relented suddenly, slouching forward and pushing your head into his chest. He made a soft hissing yes in success of his wants being met, you tensely turning up and huffing at the eye-patched fighter while he reached over to retrieve the book. 
“Thank you, my love.” He chuckled, hoping the display of appreciation was clear enough in more than just his words, him further reaching your work of writing up in your direction. “Please. I’m dying to hear about your travels in my absence.”
Quietly, you gave the book a once over before taking it tentatively in your grasp; quietly than cracking the cover open in reading what was first in the writing. That quiet plead of his made your heart burn all the more, and you grinned in looking back to him.
“Where do I begin?” You chuckled, the man taking your hips and pacing back towards the chair at your desk. He hoisted himself down but only while positioning you in-between his legs, pushing you then to rest easy before him.
“Wherever you deem fit, little one.” He hummed, his thumb stroking at your clothed side making the goosebumps race along your arm.
“Ah, well…” You turned a page or two where your writings first started, pointing at the first word for you to recall a little of what you had already written, “I think that first day in exploring Mondstat works then, yes?”
Kaeya’s warmed face somehow grew to seem more sincere, and he quietly nodded, “That sounds absolutely perfect to me.”
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astrorahi · 10 months
November 3rd — December 5th, 2023.
"I'm stepping through the door And I'm floating in a most peculiar way And the stars look very different today." — Leaving Earth always felt like a relief. It doesn't matter how good he had it with his feet firm on the ground — weightlessness always felt better, like more of a home than the one he'd been born into.
Call time's limited, but Rahi always made room for his sister.
"Don't you feel alone up there?"
"I'm an astronaut. I'm a professional at being alone," he says, though it weighs more than casual banter. "And exceptional at being lonely."
He still thinks of this later, as the rest of the crew is asleep and he's watching the sun rise in New York City from the round windows of the ISS. Yes, he's lonely — but there's something almost peaceful about it.
"Can you be away from home, from your loved ones, for weeks at a time and still perform your duties effectively?" One of the first questions asked, way back when.
"...Yes, I can."
"And not be fixated about what's happening on Earth?"
"And not feel sad, depressed?"
"And not lose your mind?"
"Still yes."
Fast forward to now, the questions are much more tailored, built just for him:
"Is your fiancé aware of the implications and circumstances of your mission?"
"I don't— I'm not engaged anymore." Pause, and a quizzical stare. Clearly, it says otherwise on her spreadsheet. "...It's recent."
"And you're in sound mind to travel?"
Rahi nods, "I am."
"Is there a chance that personal emergencies would come up during your time away?"
"No, there's not."
"Commander, I have to ask—"
"Aston," Rahi cuts in, "I can assure you, I have never felt as prepared as I do now."
"You've really made the grade And the papers want to know whose shirts you wear Now it's time to leave the capsule if you dare."
"пошел на хуй, Кумар." The cosmonaut throws his Uno cards up in frustration, and they fly right over Rahi and over his head. For a long moment, they just hover there like a halo.
Rahi reaches up and retrieves them down, one by one, laughing. "Вам нужно научиться проигрывать."
Later that night, they met again in the control room.
"Your Russian, very good."
The cosmonaut's compliments, very scary. "Thanks."
"Girlfriend?" They definitely don't have enough time to unpack all of that.
"...Best friend."
"Ah." Beat. "What would they think if they saw this?"
Rahi stares out the window, to star clusters and colorful gas masses. It all moves fast, yet slowly at the very same time. It might just be the most beautiful thing he's ever seen.
"He would..." So much science — unexplained science. "...I think it might make him smile, for once."
"Am I sitting in my tin can Far above the world Planet Earth is blue And there's nothing I can do."
In a month, he does five space walks surrounding the station, easy work around a place he'd helped design into life. Earth spins down below, and Rahi watches it like a movie.
Questions from before jump at him again, but answers from before stay true to this day.
(Rahi has oh so much to fixate, back on Earth. But it's his commitment and professionalism that allows him to witness moments as celestial as this.)
The light of the sun reflects off his helmet, and he feels warm even in the chill emptiness of space. Rahi hates closing his eyes up there, but he does now — and floats off the path just so.
The moment lasts a brief eternity.
The cable yanks him back, and Rahi opens his eyes to a void full of lights.
Now this— is home.
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austajunk · 5 months
Okay this is kinda a odd one but can you do Makoto x Number One? Maybe Number One discovered Makoto is his homunculus, and decided he wanted to see just how accurate of a clone he is, down to the very last detail... Makoto being a bit emotional since it's his original while Number One is simply cold, observant
Idk, it's always so interesting to see Makoto in a non-dominant position ! As for prompt numbers, let's say... 3, 7 and 19? But I'm not really picky, do whatever feels right.
Anyway, have a nice day and thank you!!!
Wooo, this was a really hard challenge to write mostly because we only have so much to go on for Number One's true nature. I hope you liked my interpretation for how he would be if he knew of Makoto's existence (whether he canonly did or didn't, I do not know).
Triggers: Dubious Consent, Anal Sex, Mild Orgasm Control, Mild Nipple Play, and Light Bondage
Fic beneath the cut!
The Unified Government couldn't hide their little secret project of producing Homonculi for long from the WDO. Careful and organized as they were, the detectives of the world managed to infiltrate their plot and gather information before they could even be detected by the top handlers of the project. It wasn't long before a file was on the leader, Number One's, desk, staring him ominously in the face.
Even if the WDO could see this ambitious and reckless project coming from a mile away, there was still no way to stop it from proceeding forward. It expanded and grew beyond their control, giving birth to homonculi produced by the best DNA samples the researchers could get.
Number One placed his hands behind his back, towering over the file and picture of his own face staring back at him from his desk. It was a mirror. An eerie, unnatural mirror. Somehow... somewhere... his DNA had been taken. It was valuable to the world. His mind... his development... everything about it...
It was now possessed by them.
Number One brushed his thumb over the copy of his face from the various files. The being was usually in a tank or strapped down to some sort of operating table. Various shots and angles of his body matched everything Number One could fathom about himself. It left him feeling cold and detached, wondering if he was awake in the real world. What had they created? Would there be more?
He scooped the file up into his arms after gazing at the name bestowed on this new experiment. Makoto. Makoto Kagutsuchi. Perhaps they meant to have him transferred for further testing. Before they would do that, Number One had to confirm a few things. He had to know.
Who was this person who looked like him? What did he feel or know? Did he know of him? The real one? Did ge know that he was just a copy... not even that, but a monstrous imitation created in a cold, glass tube?
Number One wanted to know Makoto Kagutsuchi.
He fastened his dark cloak over his shoulders and tucked the files beneath his arm. The world outside contained nothing but a black, overcast night, covering him as he traveled swiftly to the lab where his copy rested.
It was a mirror.
The being rested on the examination table, strapped down but undisturbed. That round and unassuming face, the pale skin, the platinum hair that was Number One's very real hair color... they all belonged to him but were worn and represented on the body of another being. It wasn't human. Even just approaching Makoto as he slept assured Number One of that.
He stared over the creature. His purple locks of hair clung to his cold cheeks from traveling through the light rain outside. Number One hesitated, letting his hand drift over the creature's face, but he still gave in.
Makoto wasn't dressed. It was clear the lab was in the progress of doing some more work on his body, but they had stopped for the day. Number One ran his cool fingers across the bare flesh of Makoto's flat stomach. The homonculus stirred slightly, his lips parting to release a small breath.
Immediately, Number One withdrew his hand and exhaled, almost alarmed at the slightest sign that Makoto was, indeed, real and alive. Makoto shifted but didn't get far due to his limbs being strapped quite down. Watching him, Number One fought the urge to turn away in a brisk fashion to hide his morbid fascination. He could hear the creature blissfully sigh behind him in his sleep. There was a tightness in Number One's chest, one he couldn't ignore no matter how hard he tried.
"You're real," he breathed to himself. He returned to glancing down at Makoto and his soft features. Their bodies matched so perfectly. His hand glided down Makoto's waist until he was hovering just over his core. Makoto's flaccid cock hung in between his legs, just inches from Number One's fingers.
"Ah..." A light gasp left Number One's lips. He lowered his gaze at the pretty creature... was it wrong to think of his mirror image as desirable? He was utterly mesmerizing. A breathing, living perfect image.
"It's wrong..." He said under his breath. It was wrong for this person to exist. He existed. Wasn't one of him enough for the world? What could Makoto do for everyone else? Why did he exist? An unavoidable heat rose in the pits of his stomach. He inched closer to Makoto's face, brushing the small strands of blond hair from his cheeks.
Sure enough, those violet eyes softly opened and met his gaze. Those were his eyes.
In Makoto's eyes, Number One could see the homonculus wading through the same horrifying mystery that he was enraptured with. Makoto stared at him, his eyes widening with acknowledgment, fear, and hazy disbelief all at once. Number One paused. Surely... he knew what he was, didn't he?
Makoto's mouth moved. That small voice left his lips accompanied by a shudder through his lithe body. Number One wanted to cover his lips, to stifle the same voice they both shared. It confused him, made him feel... lesser and stranger at the same time.
"You're the real one..." Makoto said at last. His eyes gained a glossy sheen, almost on the verge of tears at this revelation. "The one I was made after-"
"..." How hollow Number One felt when he couldn't deny it. He was so perfect. Just utterly a flawless copy of everything. With his own innocent features staring back at him, the ball of flames and fury gripped his chest inside of him and could no longer be ignored. His urges became him, taking control of his mind whilst logic simply melted away.
Number One swept over the Homonculus, held his gaze for a moment to instill a sense of domination, and placed his lips over Makoto's own. He gripped Makoto's shoulders and held him in place, possessively taking what his body demanded of him. He let his tongue freely probe between Makoto's lips, fighting past the creature's feeble resistance. He could feel Makoto's jaw clench, his body close off in an attempt to guard itself from what Number One wanted to take. He ignored the homonculus and kissed him deeper, swabbing his tongue. They fought until Makoto nipped at his tongue, and Number One drew back like a rebuffed animal.
He hadn't meant to be particularly ravenous towards the creature, but staring at him filled him with nothing but the need to take control. To assert some sort of proof that he was Number One! That he was the real one. This burst of emotions wasn't like him at all...
"Why did you do that?" Makoto's uneven voice broke the silence between them. It was a lighter voice than his own, not weighed down by the hundreds of detective cases that Number One had been through. There was something more innocent within his voice, something that seemed so much more playful and carefree. Even when it was scared and confused. "Why are you here?"
His eyes narrowed to the bindings around his wrists and ankles. Patches of redness swelled at the areas where was bound. Undoubtedly, he often busied himself with tugging around when he was being "worked on".
"I... I can't believe it's really you. I always thought that I wanted to see you... that I would feel something a connection," said Makoto. It was like he was searching for the right words to reach someone on the other side of the world from him. The desperation in his face... it pulled Number One closer to him. "I just wanted to know you and see if I could understand why I was born...like this..."
He trailed off wearily as Number One approached him again. The human swept his fingers across Makoto's pale hand, touching briefly upon the red sores and wounds at his wrist.
"I..." Number One hung his head. "I won't be able to give you that. I'm sorry. I'm only here to observe you and understand what you're capable of..."
Makoto stiffened, a shudder breaking through his imprisoned body. "What will you-?"
Number One cut him off by sliding his thumb over one of his bare nipples, earning him a small groan from his specimen. "Do you feel this, hm? Your body and mine... I wonder if we both like the same things..." He busied himself by lowering to Makoto's chest and taking the other nipple between his lips.
A compulsion to stimulate his other self took over his mind's trajectory. He wanted the homonculus to experience pleasure and pain through him: his true self. He swirled his tongue diligently around Makoto's nipples, using his right hand to massage and pluck the other one. His clothed chest smothered Makoto, making sure he knew that he couldn't escape. Rapidly and lightly, he flicked his tongue over the sensitive nub until Makoto was squealing and twitching. His nipples hardened into sweet, little cherries between Number One's lips and the human made sure to take his time in drawing him out. He kissed his chest, occasionally lingering to appreciate Makoto's warmth or his strangely earthy scent. There was something almost natural and organic about the creature beneath his body.
Dipping back down over and over again to partake in Makoto's body, Number One found he couldn't get enough. He suckled greedily upon his chest until the homonculus winced and cried out for him. He didn't know Number One's name, letting the detective savor his confusion and anxiety like a predator. This creature was untouched and new to the world. Fresh to be introduced to pleasure and watched and studied for it. It was captivating to watch him tremble and react just like he did when he was touched.
And he did.
Makoto whimpered. He bucked and pulled against the bindings, letting them dig deeper into his sore flesh as long as it meant that he could experience more. His body had to react to Number One's movements. Like the mirror that he was, he followed his original self, looking to mimic him. His lips curled into a pleasured sigh, panting out incoherent phrases. Number One couldn't get tired of hearing his own voice moan back to him.
He sank lower, kissing down his stomach until his nose nuzzled against the small patch of blonde pubes on the homonculus. He pressed a small kiss against his waist, watching Makoto curl against the straps binding him to the table.
"Please... I want more," Makoto quickly told him. Desperation and lust etched into his facial features, his gaze led Number One down to the hard cock between his legs.
"I'm sorry," said Number One coldly. His hand traced Makoto's generous length. His cock was a pleasant handful for a brand new creation, but Number One wasn't curious for Makoto's pleasure. "This isn't about you. I only want to know you for myself."
Watching Makoto sour and swallow, he pulled away from his cock. Instead, Number One found the switch in the table to loosen the bindings around Makoto's legs. Gently, he guided Makoto's limbs over his shoulders and unzipped his pants.
"I want to know..." He said in a hot breath, tugging his cock out from his trousers. "What do you feel like on the inside?"
Makoto blinked, a bead of sweat trailing down his chest. "You want to...feel me there? Ah..." His pale cheeks darkened with specs of pink, a knowing quiver of anticipation running through his body. His erection wouldn't fade.
Number One nodded, a light smirk tugging upon his lips. He placed himself at Makoto's tight entrance. The idea to lubricate his other self crossed his mind, but rather... he wanted to make his mark on the homonculus, to enjoy him open and raw. It would be painful for the both of them, and he preferred it that way. The homonculus, on the other hand, trembled no matter what he did. Everything was new to him.
"Don't come until I say so... until you truly feel it," said Number One, brushing Makoto's erection with the side of his palm. He gave his girth a squeeze until his captive let out a small squeal of obedience, and then, he let go.
His cock sized up Makoto's entrance, rubbing himself until he realized how hard and ready Number One was to experience him.
"I...I want it," pleaded Makoto, trying to rise against the bindings. He couldn't. There was no hope for him. But he ached for this beautiful thing called touch. No matter how selfish his original self was in indulging himself, the homonculus was drowning in every new experience after the other. Pain. Pleasure. It was exhilarating. "Please put it inside me...!!!"
Number One obliged. The first two inches slid inside. The wails that came after told him that Makoto was coming close to his first brush with true pain. The sense of loss that he gained from something being taken as Number One split his ass apart.
"Relax," he ordered Makoto. "You don't want us to get caught, do you?" The entire world could crashing in on them in an instant, but Number One found he didn't care. He was so close to knowing... to truly seeing how much this mirror really reflected him.
Makoto winced, his face curling in distress. Number One found that his walls contracted around him, trying to stretch to accommodate his length. "It hurts..." He noted to himself as though Number One wasn't there. "I feel so full, so warm... like something...ngh... is melting within me..."
His vision fuzzed, lowering back to the table. Number One secured his legs on his shoulders and drove into him harder to increase those anxious, needy moans. He wouldn't slow down. He wouldn't give Makoto the option to breathe in between his thrusts. Speeding up, their hips clapped together in an ecstatic meeting, sending the heat to each other mutually until they both grunted with a reckless abandon.
"Fuck..." Number One groaned. If this person was a creature to him, then what was he? He just didn't know anymore. With each slam inside of Makoto, he lost himself more and more. No. He wanted to be lost in this rapture...
When he opened his eyes, Makoto was against the table, writhing with his chest caked in sweat. His cock drooled from a sweet, unhinged orgasm. His first orgasm. On instinct, Makoto melted back in the glow as his cock spurted a healthy rope on his torso as Number One drove inside him to the hilt.
"You c-came...hn..." It wasn't as how Number One had pictured it. He thought he had the control but perhaps Makoto Kagutsuchi was full of surprises.
Still, he had reached his limit as well. Buried balls deep into the homonculus, Number One bucked and expelled his thick line of warm seed in Makoto's ass. He bucked again, wanting to go deeper and deeper to spread more of himself inside this being until he simply couldn't. He groaned, slipping out of Makoto's ass with a soft pop, his cum leaking between his cheeks as he did so.
The sweet haze of his climax had him resting against the homonculus. With his ear placed against Makoto's chest, he could hear each soft beat. He felt his breaths, gentle and evening out ever so slightly. Their warm bodies mingled together like two pieces of a puzzle that fit just so perfectly. Number One wanted to lie on Makoto and watch him as much as he could. He wanted to take in his unassuming features, the quiver of his body whenever he was touched or caressed.
But the world was coming back to him faster now that his release had left him. He glanced down at the thing he had just desecrated, the creation he had wanted to assert himself over. Why... Why had he done this?
Quickly, he threw himself off of Makoto and adjusted his pants and cloak. Makoto tried to raise himself up, but once again, he was held in place by those straps. The cry in his throat almost caught Number One off guard, making him want to stop and look back to him.
"Wait! Don't leave me here! I don't want to be this!" Makoto tried to call out to his other self. His eyes teared up as his fists curled into his palms. "I can't be here forever! I don't want to be just a thing made after you!!"
This time, there was a note of rage in his voice. It was unmistakable to Number One. But he refused to turn back to the captive. No. He was never here. He couldn't listen. Makoto Kagutsuchi existed and he would continue to exist... but he couldn't soil that existence any further...
Homonculi shouldn't be meant for this. These feeling, living, and breathing things shouldn't be meant for some sick, government science experiment.
No matter how much Makoto called for him, Number One refused to turn back to him. What would happen if he did? If he went to Makoto's side and released him out into the world to live his life? Would he have a life? Would the government find him and return him to where he was? Would he be the source of misery for hundreds of thousands of civilians across the world?
Why did Makoto Kagutsuchi exist?
Number One ignored the last shriek Makoto made for him to come back and help him, disappearing through the lab door and back out in the night. His face was contorted through shame and agony, his body still washing away the warmth he had shared with his other self...
"I hope you disappear one day, Makoto... I hope no one ever finds you..."
But that was foolish thinking. Makoto existed. More were to come from this. Number One gritted his teeth as the cold, night air greeted him.
Why did they have to exist?
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boogleboot · 1 year
crikey. a year since I started writing Fateheart. Roughly. What a time that was.
and still is, actually. it's not like I've stopped. The third book, second sequel to The Starless Sea, is in the works. I took a break from it the past months because I have been quite unwell, but it is called The Lotus Flowers and it WILL get done it WILL it WILL it WILL.
I also have Fever Pitch to finish, which is an interrim story that was going to go along with the rest of the collection of stories in the extended canon, but is actually rapidly approaching another full-sized book. (I think Fateheart has warped my perspective slightly on what constitutes a full-length story hahah.)
@erinmorgenstern are you aware that Zachary Ezra Rawlins has moved permanently into my brain? He has truly set up his entire life and his gaming desk in here and refuses to get out.
I've spent more close and intentional creative time with these characters - with Zachary, Dorian, Kat, Madame Love Rawlins particularly - than any others ever in my life and by golly I'm having a great time.
Erin pls read Fateheart and then have an extremely detailed conversation with me about Zachary's backstory, I have so many questions and also I want to know what you think of Leander.
Kidding. Erin owes me nothing. Though I owe her so much creative fulfilment at this point I would hardly know where to begin.
I've always wanted to be a writer, and I've known forever that the way to be a writer is to write. Only in the last year have I fully and confidently begun to claim that I am, in fact, a writer. And that is thanks to The Starless Sea. Some of this fanfiction is the best stuff I have ever produced, and I am very, very proud of it.
(Shoutout Death in the Valley, my beloved.)
Currently editing the latest Zachary/Dorian story to go up on Ao3 later today. It's called 'The Man Named Sky' and it is, courtesy of Katrina Hawkins, another dumb contrived time-travel plot (she loves them). I like this one a lot. It was supposed to be short, and I still think it's short, but it also turned out to be around 27k words, which my friends assure me is not, in fact, a short fic.
Ever onward, ever upwards. Book 4 is already in the planning, and then who knows. My mother keeps telling me to apply my attention to original works but until I have thoroughly and entirely worked through all my many, MANY thoughts about Dorian, I simply shall not be able to, I think.
And I'm having too much fun.
Gonna try to work on Fever Pitch (Set 5 years after Fateheart, 6 - or 9, depending on how you count it - years after The Starless Sea) while I'm at home for two weeks. It's an Alice and Wonderland-themed Starless Sea story, so that's going to be fun.
I have several other little gems to bash out for the extended Fateheart canon collection, and Lotus Flowers rolls slowly ever onward in the background like a slow-cooker pot with a dull red light that fills the kitchen with a slowly growing scent of herbs.
I am a writer!!! I have so many things in progress and so many things I am excited to work on!! And literally all of them are from or about The Starless Sea!! Haha!! WHat!!!!
Anyway. Thank you, Zachary, for the matcha latte drink by my side right now. Thank you Erin Morgenstern for writing a very fun book I like very much. Thank you to my discord besties for being so madly supportive and lovely about everything I write. Thank you to the academy for this little golden statue. Thank you to Mhatma Ghandi for peace and love on planet earth. Thank you Jennifer Coolidge for empowering women everywhere what no what let me finish my speech le t me hELP--
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samieree · 9 months
Dawn of the North || Robb Stark
Robb Stark x OC
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-> Chapter IX "The Twins"
Chapter X ''Wildlings''
Due to the amount of time saved by traveling on the dragon, Amalthea was free to fly out and do a few more things. And one of them was the desire to go a little further north, to the wall.
She had the opportunity to see Wildlings many times, although her parents always warned her about them.
They said they were dangerous, that they were people without any hierarchy in their community, uncouth. They couldn't say they were afraid of them, though. Sitting in a kingdom surrounded by high walls, they had no reason to fear them.
But what about these "barbarians"? Well, they had more reasons to be afraid. Just as they had never bent the knee to anyone, in this case they were actually afraid. They felt respect for the family that, with only one word, could make their community cease to exist. They didn't expose themselves to them, it was that type of silent hatred when you wanted to but couldn't do anything about something. It doesn't matter how much effort you put into it.
And that's how it went, they seemed to live in the same land, but they didn't touch each other, they didn't try to get along in any way.
Except Amy.
Many times during her trips outside the kingdom's walls, she also visited one of her friends, Tormund.
It was... A strange acquaintance. At first there was no indication that they would be good friends, after all, Amy belonged to the family of those "dangerous with dragons". The beginnings of their friendship were of course not easy, especially due to the differences in the entourage in which their characters were shaped, but they got along. A princess and a slightly crazy warrior, quite an unusual combination, but surprisingly it works. Returning, the silver-haired girl jumped off her dragon's back near the camp she saw in the snowy wastelands. She wasn’t afraid as she walked among the tents, feeling the eyes of everyone she passed. Each of them knew where she came from, they could hear the beast that was now lying on the ground in the distance, resting a bit after flying. They weren't stupid, they knew that if they raised a hand to her, the dragon would react immediately and they would be dead.
That's why they preferred to remain silent, some didn't even look up.
"Amy? Amy!" the first brave person who decided to speak was the previously mentioned Tormund. When he saw her, he laughed and spread his arms, smiling broadly. "My favorite daughter of dragons!"
She rolled her eyes and hugged him briefly, smiling back.
"Yes, it's nice to see you too..." She adjusted the gloves on her hands a little, looking around at the people gathered around who were watching her carefully.
"And they're all grumpy as usual..." he sighed, wrapping his arm loosely around her and starting to walk slowly through the camp with her. "What brings you here anyway? Have you decided to visit your old friend Tormund and check if he's still alive?"
"I just have some free time." she replied, slightly evasive. "As for your life and death, I was sure you would handle everything. Somehow, but you do."
"Of course I do! And that's even good, because you know, the most important thing in life is to..."
And at that moment he began his monologue, presenting Amy his original idea for a perfect life according to his standards.
While Amy was talking to Tormund, taking a break from thinking about what was going on around her, much further south, Robb Stark was walking along the outskirts of his camp with Talisa. In fact, at first he was walking alone, thinking calmly, when the girl joined him.
"You’re suited for each other." she said unexpectedly, smiling gently.
"Excuse me?" he stopped abruptly, looking at Talisa a little incomprehensibly. "What do you mean?' "I'm talking about my friend." ignoring him, she began to walk slowly further. "You look nice together." she added. "Except that she went somewhere..."
"She'll come back." he assured her, but he didn't move from his spot.
To tell the truth, it was Amalthea who he had been thinking about a lot lately. He has already come to terms with the fact that he quarreled with his mother over all this and that she holds a grudge against him, blaming the girl and... Honestly, that's why he was a little afraid of what his mother would do when Amy came back to camp. It was certain that she would be rude to her, or at least cold, but would she go further?
He had doubts. He wasn't sure whether she would respect his decision and be happy for her child, or try to change something.
"I know." Talisa said, turning to the boy for a moment and walking with her back to the wind. "I just don't know when."
At this point she had already moved on in a direction only known to herself. However, it wasn't long before someone disturbed his peace again.
"Your Grace...!" began the man on the horse. "The Kingslayer has escaped!"
"How?" he asked quite calmly, looking at the situation. It was as if he didn't fully understand what had happened yet. "How?!"
* * *
"I hope it's a lie." he said as he ran with his guards into his mother's tent. "Tell me it's not true..."
Catelyn couldn't say it. Instead, she remained silent, sitting at the table and looking aimlessly at the papers spread out on it. She expected Robb to react like that, but at the same time she felt like she had no choice, that she had to do it.
"Why?" he asked angrily when, after a long moment of silence, he realized that everything soldiers said was true. "Why did you free him?"
"For the girls, for your sisters." she replied, shifting her gaze to him, hoping he would understand why she did it.
He breathed out, trying to calm his nerves. He didn't believe it, he just couldn't understand that his own mother would do something like that... Do something against him and their cause…
"You had no right to do it, you didn't ask me anything..."
"I knew you would not agree."
"Of course I would not agree! He was our most valuable hostage!" he couldn't just keep his nerves under control any longer. Nothing had ever made him so angry as this. "You think Tywin Lannister will free my sisters just because you did it with his son?" he paused for a moment, giving her time to realize her mistake. "You weakened us."
"At least I did something instead of only thinking about my personal pleasures!"
"She is to be guarded day and night." he said to the guards, ignoring her words, but only because he knew that he might soon say something he would regret later. "How many people are looking for the Kingslayer?"
"Twenty, on the fastest horses."
"Send another twenty." he added, leaving the tent.
"Robb..." Catelyn said again, wanting to stop her son, but he didn't care and just continued on his way.
He would like his mother to be right about one thing, namely that he didn't care about anything that was happening around him or the people he led, that he was just focusing on his own happiness...
But that wasn't possible.
Especially now, when his own mother only added to his worries...
-> Chapter XI "The Letter" -> general masterlist -> Game of Thrones/House of the Dragon masterlist
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casspurrjoybell-29 · 11 months
Healing Ties - Chapter 18 - Part 2
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*Warning Adult Content*
"Thanks for cleaning me up. Now, I'll need to go get the bag before we continue. I feel like it might distract from the moment a little if I'm naked when I bring you in."
Fanner nodded.
"Do you want to come with me or stay here? I can get it quicker on my own but I'll understand if you're not too keen on being left alone again."
"Um... is it okay if I come with you?"
"I wouldn't have made the offer if it wasn't okay. That would be an awful trap."
"Oh, um, yeah. I suppose so."
Yore walked up the bank and offered Fanner a hand to help him up.
"But I imagine you've been treated badly quite a lot, so things that seem petty and cruel to me might be normal to you."
"I spent almost my entire life in a training facility. Everything was a test."
Fanner was standing at the top of the bank at Yore's side now but Yore didn't let go of his hand.
"That must have been rough."
Fanner looked down at their linked hands and gave Yore's a gentle squeeze.
"No, not at all. We were given everything we needed and nobody ever hurt us."
"Were you happy?"
"No," Fanner said.
He didn't even need to think about that one.
"Emotional hardship can be just as bad as physical hardship. Hell, much worse sometimes. If I had to choose between letting someone break my legs and spending a day chained up in a dark tunnel, I guess I'd have to make myself some crutches."
Fanner placed his other hand over the top of Yore's as well and held on.
"Maybe, I guess. I really don't like being hurt."
"I don't think it's really that different. Maybe if I'd been hurt in the same way you've been hurt, which I really don't know much about but I can piece a few things together, maybe then I'd feel the same way. It's all just different kinds of trauma."
Fanner swallowed thickly.
His eyes were still aimed at their hands.
"It's not fair that you got hurt so badly. You're such a good person."
"Thank you but also yes. It's not fair. Bad things didn't happen to you because you deserved it. Good things also happen to people who don't deserve them. You just have to take what life gives you and try to work towards wherever you want to be in life."
"I feel like..." Fanner hesitated. "I think the only thing I really want is to be okay."
"You'll get there," Yore assured him. "I'd say you already are okay, in the sense that you're safe and you'll be taken care of from here on out but I know there's more to it than that. You've been through something big. Heck, in a sense your whole life has been one big struggle. That doesn't just go away and become fine the second you're somewhere safe."
Fanner nodded.
He looked like he might cry again.
"Okay, let's..." Yore started to say and then he paused and looked up into the trees.
He could hear something moving around.
"Cookie, I know that's you. I know what you sound like now. You can't fool me twice."
Cookie leapt down from a nearby tree, landing gracelessly, the large bag she was carrying in her mouth sending her toppling forward.
Their bag.
"Oh, you got the bag for us. Thank you?"
"Do we have any snacks we can give her?" Fanner asked. "She likes to eat... things. Anything."
"Just some old biscuits. I left them because our water leaked on the bag and they got all soggy."
Cookie opened her dark, empty maw of a mouth as wide as she could, which was wider than Yore was entirely comfortable with and then just held it open until Yore let go of Fanner's hands, got out the bag of biscuits and put one in.
She swallowed it whole and then took the rest of the bag from Yore and swallowed that as well, bag included.
"Hmm," was all Yore could think to say to that. "Well, all right. Shall we keep going?"
They were a bit behind schedule now but Yore was still confident they could reach the mage settlement before dark.
It didn't really matter if they didn't since this area no longer held an active vampire nest but he wasn't sure how Fanner would feel about travelling in the dark after everything that had happened.
It was another hour of walking before they reached the start of Yore's territory.
He hadn't seen or heard Cookie in a while but he suspected she was still following them.
"This is where my people live," Yore explained, patting the wooden post that served as a marker. "We'll cut across to save time but I won't take you into our settlement today."
"Am I allowed to be here?" Fanner asked. "I won't get in trouble if someone sees us, will I?"
"You're with me. Of course you're allowed. But more generally speaking, we're allies. There are certain expectations like that you won't hunt on or otherwise use our land without explicit permission but it's not like you have to be afraid of accidentally crossing the border because it'll cause a huge incident or someone will attack you or anything. Most likely someone will notice you and come and see if you need any help."
"Okay. And... you live next to us?"
"No, that's the centaurs. They can seem a bit imposing at first but they've been allies to the mages from the start. The mage camp is to the east of the centaurs and we're north of the centaurs."
Fanner nodded but from the distant look in his eyes Yore got the feeling he wasn't quite taking it all in.
"Don't worry about it. There'll be people to help you and show you around for as long as you need it."
"Okay," Fanner said but he still looked worried.
Yore really wished he knew what to say to assure Fanner it really would be okay but perhaps that was just something he'd have to see for himself.
Yore heard the sound of paws running across bare earth long before he saw a pale grey wolf emerge from between the trees.
He gave her a nod as she shifted.
"Good afternoon, Kiana."
"Your mother's worried about you," was the first thing Kiana said once she was standing on two feet. "You're days late."
"I know. I was delayed but I'm fine."
She glanced over him but seemed to decide not to comment on the superficial but very obvious cuts on the side of his face and his neck.
She looked at Fanner instead.
"Who's that?"
"Just someone I'm taking back to the mages. Tell my mother I'll be home as soon as I'm done with that. Also, we'll need a party to deal with a rock golem. We encountered one on the path. I led it back into the swamp but you know how they are."
"They do tend to wander. Okay, I'll get things moving on that for you."
Without further conversation, she shifted again and dashed back into the woods.
"Who was that?" Fanner whispered, like he wasn't quite sure she couldn't still hear him.
Which was fair.
Their hearing was quite a bit better than his, though she was far away enough away that it wasn't a concern.
"Kiana. She's my, uh... cousin?"
Not that that really mattered.
Some of the members of his pack were related to him closely enough to trace, some weren't and it didn't make a whole lot of difference for the most part.
They were all family.
"Oh," Fanner said.
He didn't sound satisfied with the answer.
"My mother leads the pack, so she'll go and consult with her about the rock golem. Kiana's mostly a scout and a trapper."
"Oh, okay. What are you?"
"Whatever I need to be."
Which was a cop out of an answer and not entirely true but this really wasn't the time to explain everything to Fanner.
Though, if he were truly honest, his reluctance wasn't just about not wanting to scare or confuse Fanner.
He was mostly just enjoying this mini vacation from his normal life and wanted to maintain the separation until he'd completed his task and brought Fanner safely to the mages.
They made it through the rest of the pack's territory without another interruption.
Yore stopped Fanner at the post that marked the territory's south eastern corner.
"Are you ready for this?"
"No, but..." Fanner shrugged.
Yore offered him a sympathetic smile.
"It's hard but waiting won't fix that."
Fanner nodded. He took a deep breath in and let it out.
"Okay. Let's do this."
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nightmaire-journal · 2 years
November 17th, 2022
Please read trigger warnings first. There's a lot, and this will not be an easy read. Viewer descretion is advised.
At first, things seemed well. Better than well, in fact, I was at the happiest point in my life.
I wish to state so it does not arise confusion later on, that I was not "me". By that, I mean that I was experiencing this through the viewpoint of another person, not as myself, the writer of this. This happens about half the time I have nightmares, although it is rare for me to be in the viewpoint of another person more than once. Simply because I am experiencing this through the viewpoint of someone else, does not make this any less affectful upon me, for while I'm in the dream I am that person. I have their memories, their thoughts, with no inclinations that I am anything but myself. This, of course, can be very jarring upon waking, as you can imagine.
Continuing on, this time I was a young man, maybe late 20s early 30s, living in a small sea-side town alongside few hundred residents or so. The buildings there were shoddily repaired, and there was no technology or electricity in sight, despite every resident in modern clothing. It almost seemed like this was a post-apocolyptic setting, although I had no memory of anything "before" this life. It had just always been this way.
I had always lived in that small town. I had parents, friends, and most noteably, a loving wife. I can still picture her smile, the way her brown eyes crinkled and the adorable small laugh she had. She was everything to me, childhood sweethearts from what I can remember, and she was 8 months pregnant with our first child. I really wanted a son, but knew that whatever gender we had, I just hoped they had her kind heart and brilliant smile.
My job consisted of conducting trade with other settlements further inland, details I don't remember much about I'm afraid. I know it was a family buisness though, for my father and younger brother both worked alongside me. The last task I got was to travel with them to a town far away, a trip that would no doubt take 2 weeks at a minimum. I knew I had to go, that they needed me there, so I went home to pack my bags.
My wife begged me to stay, worried I'd miss the birth of our child, however I held fast. I assured her that I'd be back before she knew it, that I wouldn't miss the birth of our child and that I loved her. I remember giving her a light kiss upon her forehead, holding her close for a few moments, before, walking out the door.
We stored some bags in the wagons, geared up the horses, and headed out. My father and I had our own horses like a few of the others, riding alongside the wagons with weapons as to protect the goods. We couldn't have been more than 15 minutes into a journey, ascending up a hill, when we were startled by the thundering boom from behind us.
Things get hazy at this point. I remember the panicked cries of the horses as I tried to get mine to halt. I remember turning around to see fire and smoke coming from town, my heart sinking as my breath shallowed. My father cried out something to me, but I was already racing back. I kept snapping the reins, but despite that it didn't feel quick enough. I was starting to panic, so many thoughts racing in my mind.
Entering town was like stepping into hell. Buildings were either rubble or ablaze, sounds of screaming of all ages bounced around the streets. However, I was focused, I had to find her. I slowed my horse so I could look, I screamed her name over and over until my voice got raw. I saw people burnt until they were unrecognisable, and saw what I thought could be people but were just as dark as the charred houses. As I write this, I still can't get the shrill cries of an infant and the crackling sound of fire out of my head.
That's when I saw her in the far distance. On the ground, laying on her right side facing away from me. I could see her head, shoulder and back, the rest covered by the remains of a house blocking my view. I got off my horse and started to move towards her, hesistantly taking steps. I didn't want it to be her, I was waiting for the moment I saw something that'd confirm that body wasn't hers. I began jogging, then sprinting. I called out, my throat felt like I had taken sandpaper to it, my legs ached and my breathing shallowed. That's when I stopped.
Her left arm was outstretched, her hand covered in dried blood. Splotches of red littered the ground around it, but it wasn't blood. Blood soaks into things, but this didn't, it looked viscus. I followed the trail with my eyes, and my heart stopped. There they were, a few metres away. The baby.
I don't remember much after that, I felt cold despite being surrounded by the flaming remains of my home. I collapsed at some point, because I remember crawling towards my wife only to see her lower torso was no longer there, ripped or torn away I don't know. My chest hurt so badly, from smoke and heartache. I looked over at my child, torn between approaching them or my wife first. Both were still, quiet. I knew that I could not save them.
And that's when I woke up. Took a while to stop crying, but I had morning classes today and would really rather not explain this to my classmates nor teacher, so I pulled myself together as quickly as I could. This is the second time I've had this dream, although the last time was shorter, ending right upon seeing my wife and child. However, it doesn't make it any easier to deal with upon the second experience of this.
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anciientboosh · 4 years
My prompts are typically garbage, but here’s one anyway if you’d like! Vince feels like he’s running through his fancy shampoo more quickly than he should. He doesn’t know where it’s going until he notices Howard walking around with newly luxuriant curls. And his outfit isn’t as terrible as usual. What’s going on??
Hello friend! Thank you so much for helping me keep entertained on my travels! Here is a lovely soft and sweet ficlet for you, I hope you enjoy!
Something is amiss.
Which, by its very nature, is something Vince has come to expect of his daily life. Arguably it would be more unusual for everything to be running smoothly around here. 
But the contextual clues of the past few days are adding up to some very bad juju. 
It starts with a rapidly depleting bottle of shampoo. To most, not the kind of thing that would even click as suspicious, but this is Vince Noir's shampoo. A concoction of fruit scented hair Potion that costs him most of his monthly pay packet to supply himself with; and thus, something he ensures he uses stringently. 
Vince knows exactly how long it takes him to get through one bottle. It's frankly one of the precious few things in his existence he manages to be anal-retentive about. 
So, of course, when he reaches for the bottle nine days into a twenty-one day cycle and finds the weight of it considerably lighter than it should be. It is the first step down a path of suspicion that can only lead to terrible things. 
The next piece of this wet jigsaw puzzle comes with Howard's altered appearance. 
It isn't even what most would consider a large difference. But to Vince it's like the man had shaved his head and begun wearing neon leg-warmers and tank tops and calling himself Moonbeam. Its jarring, and obvious. 
Howard's curls are styled. 
He notices one lazy Sunday morning as the older man potters about the kitchen sorting them some breakfast. Usually, Howard's shampoo was cheap and bought in bulk and basically, left his hair sort of-- in the nicest way possible-- horrifically unstylable. The brown ringlets often had a mind of their own, and at this length, never looked washed anyway so Howard never took the trouble. 
But on this Sunday morning? They're radiant. Catching the soft morning light. Curled delicately round his ears and dipping over his forehead. Vince all at once wants to sink his fingers into them and pull but he can't-- not least because they may be at a place where affection is coming naturally and sometimes they might kiss each other or share a cheeky touch… they still haven't actually said what they are yet-- because his suspicion just ramped up another level. 
Was Howard using his shampoo? 
There isn't even the chance to ask. He's too soon distracted by a crimp and a delicious meal that his hyperactive brain loses the will to hold on to such things as paranoia and worry. It can be tackled later. 
Later happens the following morning when Vince is watching Howard dress. Not in a creepy way, they share a bedroom for God's sake, but in a soft affectionate way. After being brave enough to slide under Vince's sheets this morning and press kisses to his cheeks and forehead Howard is vibrating with proud energy and its nice to witness. 
Right up until he pull a shirt from his wardrobe and ruins it. 
It's not patterned. It's not even a horrific colour. It's just a plain, quite stylish, button down that Vince remembers buying him years ago in the hopes of kick-starting a wardrobe revamp. 
Except watching him pull it on now does nothing but make him feel disoriented. 
Howard smiles at him, practically skips his way from the bedroom. Vince stays where he is just a moment longer, mentally trying to force the misshapen pieces of this conundrum together before the only logical solution springs at him from nowhere. 
Howard's been replaced by aliens. 
Armed with this knowledge, Vince for goes dressing properly in order to rush downstairs to the shop and confront their intruder. Pyjamas isn't ideal alien fighting apparel but needs must when you've got to rescue your best friend. 
And as if it couldn't get any worse, what he sees has him stumbling down the last few steps ungracefully. 
Howard is at the counter as expected. But in front of him sits a white paper bag that would normally set Vince off like an excited puppy. Topman. Howard's reaching into a bag from Topman. 
He's pulling out jeans. Actual denim. Jeans. 
It's the straw that breaks Vince's back. 
"Alright, you fashionable freak," He cries, Iwad jolts with his shock and drops the denim to the shop floor. "What've you done with my Howard?" 
"Wha-- your Howard?" 
"I swear if you've hurt 'im I'll kick your teeth in," The threat is enough to have maybe Howard's hands hooting up in a display of his innocence. "Then I'll get my shaman mate to curse you!" 
"Vince, you've gone wrong." Howard's hands drop to his sides once more. Apparently no longer threatened by Vince's over display of anger. "It's me, I'm Howard."
"No you're not."
"Yes. I am."
"Howard doesn't use my shampoo!" With the renewed annoyance of this accusation, Vince takes a solid step forward; a smug sense of pleasure twists in his gut to see the imposter take one back in response. His back hits the shelves with a noisy thud. "He reckons it's like washin' his hair with fruit juice. And my Howard wouldn't be caught dead in Topman-- he definitely wouldn't buy jeans. If he tried to put jeans on he'd dissolve into a puddle of beige fabric." The whole rant is rounded off with Vince stamping his foot like an angry toddler. "So tell me where he is."
Amusement is twisting on Howard's features, soft in its nature and endlessly affectionate. "You daft tart," He utters warmly. "It is me."
"Prove it, then."
"Remember when we were 14 and I caught you with that poster of--"
"Alright!" Where Vince's arms had previously been crossed over his chest defiantly, he now reaches out to shove gently at Howard's larger frame in warning. "Alright, you said you'd never bring that up again."
Howard shrugs casually at him; cocks a brow as if silently asking him what else he was supposed to do. Vince isn't dwelling on that, though, he is much too preoccupied seeking out answers to this bizarre few days of Howard transformation. "What's goin' on then?" 
The panic may have left Vince's frame but it creeps up Howard's now. His shoulders tense, his eyes dart away, the soft curves of his cheeks turn pink with his embarrassment. All it does is add to Vince's gathering confusion. "Howard?" 
With a deep breath-- all his bravery existing in that one action-- Howard admits, "I thought it would help." No further elaboration comes until Vince makes a point to cock his head to the side like a curious puppy. "With us. You know, our-- you like a certain look."
"What?" Vince exclaims on a laugh. 
"I've seen your type, Vince, and it's not me, is it?" Howard still hasn't looked at him. Prefers muttering his truth to the floor. "I thought if I looked more like the people you normally fancy we might be able to--" 
"You idiot." Vince declares confidently. Startled, Howard stares up at him with wide eyes. "Utter lunatic, are you insane? Howard I fancy you not the clothes you wear."
Howard continues to do nothing but blink owlishly at him. 
"Bloody hell, all of this was for me?" A nod. "Oh, Howard. Look I think your fashion sense is rubbish but it's yours. That's who you are, I'm not gonna change you. I don't want to, and I don't want you to want to change yourself either."
"Really." Vince takes a confident step forward, tosses his arms around Howard shoulders. "Can't promise I won't make fun of how you dress but that doesn't mean I actually want you to be different. Whatever gave you that idea?" 
"Well all the jokes but," Howard hesitates over his answer, eyes flashing with discomfort. "But when I asked Leroy he said--" 
"Leroy?" Vince rolls his eyes. "Don't be taking dating advice from Leroy, that man had an affair with a succulent once."
Howard snickers; finds it in himself to wrap his hands about Vince's waist and tug him into an embrace. "Does this mean that we're...?"
"Boyfriends? Sure. But only if you go and take this mess off and put something normal on for God's sake."
"Fine. Drama queen." With an affectionate peck to his forehead, Howard starts for the stairs. 
"Oh and Howard?" Vince calls sweetly, Howard paused at the bottom step. "You ever use my shampoo again and you can kiss goodbye to your rare jazz collection."
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dyk3medown · 2 years
So idk if you're currently taking requests but hear me out. Steve smuggles home a porno from work in which a girl squirts. After watching it he becomes obsessed with the idea of making you squirt, and it takes time a couple of tries to get it right but once he does it's his new favourite thing to do when you're alone together. Like almost every date these days ends with him three fingers deep inside you, and the sheets absolutley ruined.
like a pornstar
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also this ask: could you write a steve x fem reader where steve makes you squirt for the first time
steve harrington x reader
summary: after a discovery at the family video, steve is determined to have you fulfill his new favorite fantasy
warnings: fem reader, smut, squirting, some light choking, unprotected sex
a/n: this is a little short but i might make a part two at some point 👀 anyways i hope y'all enjoy!! i'm slowly but surely making my way through my drafts so there's plenty more of this coming soon ;)
smut under the cut <3
It’s really an accident that Steve finds out about it when he watches the video for the first time. He had picked one at random, smuggling it under his shirt at the end of his shift and hightailing it out of the Family Video. Sure, he was a legal adult who was perfectly within his rights to enjoy some adult entertainment, but he really didn’t need the commentary he was sure would ensue if Robin caught him.
When he popped it into the VHS player, he was expecting a standard cheesy porno, terribly acted but more than enjoyable once you got past the exposition. He was a little confused when the foreplay went past the 10-minute mark, but whatever, he was still into it. It was mainly average stuff until,  jesus fucking christ, the girl started squirting, soaking her costar and the couch under them. Steve immediately came, caught by surprise by his own reaction.
He sat mesmerized for the rest of the video, no longer even touching himself, simply watching and wondering, could he get you to do that?
The next time he has sex with you, he makes you cum on his fingers and tongue twice before he gives up and finally fucks you, a slight look of disappointment on his face. You’re confused, but when you ask him what’s wrong, he assures you it’s nothing and quickly makes you forget all about it.
Steve quickly becomes obsessed with the video, watching it almost daily. He can’t stop thinking about it, dedicated to recreating it with you.
It takes a few more tries before he finally gets it right.
You’re laying back against Steve’s chest, sitting between his legs fully naked while he still has his boxers on. You crane your neck back to be able to kiss him as his hands wander across your body, groping your chest before traveling down further.
Steve reaches between your legs, rubbing at your clit for a few moments before plunging his middle and ring fingers into you. Your hips jerk up into his touch and Steve starts to work his fingers in and out, softly groaning when you clench around them. He quickly speeds up his movements, curling his fingers to brush against that special spot with every pass.
“Steve,” you moan out his name, your head falling back against his shoulder. The heel of his hand provides just enough friction on your clit to drive you crazy, obscene noises coming from where Steve is relentlessly fingering you.
“Fuck, you’re so wet.” Steve sounds strangely excited, but about what, you’re unsure.
It doesn’t take long for you to cum, toes curling as Steve expertly brings you over the edge.
Steve doesn’t stop moving his hand, actually speeding up as you try to catch your breath.
“C’mon baby, gimme another one.” He slips a third finger in, and you keen, arching back against him.
Steve wraps his other hand around your throat, squeezing just enough to limit your air supply. The pressure makes your head spin and makes the pleasure you’re feeling even more intense. His fingers pound your g-spot, and you quickly find yourself getting close once again. It feels… different this time, though. As the pressure builds, you become increasingly worried that your release will be from your bladder, though it feels different from that as well.
“Steve, wait,” you gasp, unable to stop your hips from bucking up as his hand works even faster. “I’m gonna-”
“Shh, pretty girl, let it out.” Steve murmurs soothingly in your ear. “Cum for me, I wanna see you cum all over my hand.”
His grip on your throat tightens, and your orgasm hits you like a train. Your eyes roll back as you gush around his fingers, soaking Steve’s hand and the sheets below you.
“Good girl, that was so fucking hot,” Steve continues a string of praises as he works you through your orgasm. “Been dreaming about this for weeks, baby, couldn’t think about anything else.”
“Oh my god,” you laugh after you’ve regained the ability to speak. “I didn’t even know I could do that.”
You barely get a chance to catch your breath before Steve pushes you forward, positioning you so you’re on your hands and knees. You lay down on your forearms, arching your back and putting your ass in the air. Steve groans at the sight, and he wastes no time in pushing his boxers down his thighs and lining himself up with your entrance.
“Steve!” You cry out as he snaps his hips forward, bottoming out in one hard thrust.
Steve sets a quick pace, barely pulling out before slamming back in. You can tell he’s not going to last, too turned on by his fantasy finally being fulfilled.
All you can do is lay there and take it as he thrusts relentlessly into you, moaning weakly at the feeling of him filling you up. You’re practically boneless from your two orgasms, and Steve’s hands on your hips are the only thing keeping them up. He pulls you back to meet his thrusts, the head of his cock brushing your cervix as he tries to get as deep as possible.
It doesn’t take long for Steve to get close, moaning your name every time you clench around him.
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum.” Steve pants, hips faltering in their pace. He slams forward one more time, burying himself deep within you as he cums.
After a few moments, Steve pulls out, and you collapse forward onto the bed, rolling over to be able to see him.
Steve leans down to kiss you quickly before getting up, returning with a wet washcloth in hand.
“Not that I’m complaining, but what was that all about?” You ask him as he gently cleans you up.
“I may have snuck some porn home from work, and I may have gotten a little obsessed with making you squirt,” Steve explains, cheeks flushing slightly.
“You pervert,” you tease him, poking your finger into his chest as you sit up.
“Yeah, yeah.” Steve rolls his eyes. He looks down at the wet spot on the sheets and then back up at you, a grin growing on his face. “You should be happy I watched it, you sure seemed to enjoy acting it out.”
“Steve!” You swat at him, mildly embarrassed.
Steve just laughs, grabbing your hand and kissing it.
“Don’t worry, gorgeous,” Steve pulls you into his chest, pecking you on the lips. “You can ruin my sheets anytime.”
@ykyouluvme @greengarsstuff @3ternalreal1ty @eichenhouseproperty @chuumeow @lizzieaurum @themonsterisapineapple @mayvinnie @nobody-stop-me @matildavol6 @lov3ly-3m @goth-cowgir1 @m1vfs @littletroublegirl444 @jacktheotter @misaamaneswifey @halbrooke @multi-fandomgirlie @livslifeonline @isabel2you @eddiemunsonbby @mi-amoree1111 @straycatarang @crawlingbackwardcrawlingforward @meaganjm @fckyou4ever @sambucky8 @imnotvibingveryguccimrstark @rlvslouis @daisysliv @nonamedauthor @plutoneu @steddieslut @o1zysreads @chu1in
join the taglist here <3
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papuhater · 2 years
𝘯𝘦𝘸 𝘮𝘢𝘨𝘪𝘤 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘤𝘩𝘳𝘰𝘯𝘪𝘤𝘭𝘦
pt. i pt.ii pt.iv pt.v pt.vi pt.vii
a/n: i love tumblr, i'm glad i never entered twitter
pairing: riddler x gn!reader; bruce wayne x gn!reader
warnings: yandere riddler, obsession, inspired on the song; new magic wand by tyler, the creator, not healthy relationships on edward's part, healthy relationship on bruce's side. not really a love triangle but does it count?
summary: bruce goes to a crime scene and y/n escapes to their work, edward and y/n have their material growl daily talk.
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"do you have to leave bruce? why can't you stay here?"
"i have no option, i have to" he thought quickly of an excuse "it's possible for high-class people to be targeted, i'm going to find out more."
"well i'm going too-"
"no you- you stay here." his hands squeezed your shoulders
"y/n, it's too dangerous, you stay here with alfred, ok?"
"but-" he made eye contact with you, his eyes seemed worried, insomnia had taken a part of his eyes but you have gotten it back. "i need to go to work, i'll be ok." bruce kept silent, and let go of your shoulders and looked towards the nothing, using the mask of being far away, your hand traveled to his face, you caressed his face and his view turned to you
"don't worry, nothing will happen, i'll just be in my store and a diner close by." you flashed him a smile.
"...fine." the words seemed not so sure
"i assure you, i'll be completely fine, honey" 
"just" he breathed in "take care, be smart, darling."
"i will, love you, honey."
"i love you too."
edward was waiting through the corner, for who?
for you.
the adrenaline was still in his veins, pumping in an erratic pace, just like an upbeat song, oh he felt so lovesick, he had always felt that way for them, he knew that was wrong. suddenly he felt the atmosphere become warm, and his cheeks were becoming sunkissed, he came back to reality and, oh,
you were arriving.
beautiful and pretty as always.
your hand grabbed the key, -he had a copy of yours-, and opened the door
 he walked toward the store and admired you through the glass, you seemed a bit nervous, your fingers were picking each other, he wondered what did put you in that mood? was it him? was it the murderer?
it was like a guessing game, he knew that the nerves were going to pass, everything you felt was quick, you had the gift of forgetting quickly.
he breathed in, and the mask of good-old-eddie was back again and knocked on the door
"ah!" you flinched in fear
"hey y/n."
"oh edward, you scared me." your hand flew to your chest, and you laughed, he loved your laugh, it was so real "what are you doing here? it's like five in the morning" his face curled slightly into a gentle smile, one he had spent years staring into the mirror practicing.
"nothing, i just wanted to know, how was the first week with bruce?"
"great! but.."
oh, the; but! the one flaw, that was going to be his entrance
"oh, what happened?" he faked pity
"nothing, just that, have you heard about the new killer? he freaked out and left to speak to someone, i just wanted to spend the rest of the night with him, you know?."
he had to bite back the smile that crawled to his face, bruce wayne was in checkmate! he was scared of the riddler.
"oh yeah, that new killer."
"they sound terrifying."
"i wouldn't know, i don't know them" he started to sprinkle some hints into the conversation "what if it was just a revenge killing?" 
"oh, then that doesn't sound as bad, you know?" they turned and started tending the flowers, edward and y/n kept silent, he could feel them on edge, as if their senses were telling them something was not right "bruce is really sweet when you know him, he does a lot of details, and when he laughs, he looks like a kid!" they admired "i just felt sad he didn't want to spend the day with me, he had to see some stuff."
"if i was in his place i wouldn't" he muttered darkly, jealousy littering his mind, while he turned his face from you.
"huh? what did you say edward? i couldn't hear you clearly." his head snapped towards you, with a gentle smile
"oh, that i need to gift you something for your new place, as a welcome and bye." sike.
"edward don't worry-"
"atleast let me buy you a flower." you were going to insist but he grabbed two yellow roses, maybe this would send a message that you need "this two, i like yellow flowers." he never did.
"ok then." you laughed at his fake confession "it's gonna be four dollars."
"after work, we meet at the diner?"
bruce's eyes were aching, he had been looking at the screen for a long time, rewinding and pausing, he was searching for any clue of what the alphabet alfred signaled him. it was already six at the noon, you should be arriving home. he needed to find something, and that something needed to guide him to..... he doesn't know, all that was running through his mind was; why? who?
rewinding and pausing, his mind looked at the clock; it was going to be seven, why weren't you here to calm him down? what if the killer got you? 
rewinding and pausing, bruce couldn't bring himself to continue rewinding and pausing, a cube of ice ran through his spine, what if the killer has you? after a long time, he was conscious and not just inspecting, he was worried, his eyes moved from the screen and they failed, they ached, his head was entering a migraine
where were you? 
he was going to where he thought you were.
bruce stood up, his legs failing him for a second, he took control again, and his walking quickened into running, he ripped the suit off of him and threw a black shirt in, grabbed any pants, and ran out of his room. a 'master bruce, where are you going?' was faintly heard on his side, but you were the only thing on his mind.
he walked towards your flower store, heavy steps plowing into the pavement, his eyes were blown open when he walked near the diner you mentioned.
you were there, his heart swooned, but,
you were with someone.
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sofiaaaaaaaa03 · 3 years
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Title: Comms
Pairing: Din Djarin x GN! Teen reader
Word Count: 2.6k
Rating: PG
Warning: Cursing, mention of wounds, blood, scared Mando.
Description: In an unexpected raid, Din finds himself unable to find his foundlings and searches for them.
Request: Hey! I love your stories and thought that I would submit a request myself. So this is about Din having a teen foundling/adopted child. They’ve known each other for a little over a year now and even if they don’t show it a lot they’ve grown attached to each other. So this particular story would be about the foundling nearly dying and Din being a scared Dad (I hope you get what I’m going for. Kind of a fluff/Angst story with comforting afterwards😅)
A/N: I'm so sorry this took forever to write, I've been travelling and my computer has been messing up so I have not had time to write at all. Anyways, here it is! I hope it's to your liking. It took me awhile for inspiration to hit but I am pretty happy with how it ended up. Enjoy!
“Okay kid, what do we do when we get in trouble?”
“Call for help and signal our location.”
Call for help and signal your location. That was all you were supposed to do, the one rule Din gave for you before he took you along with him anywhere outside of the safety of the Razor Crest. He considered himself lucky that you rarely wandered off without letting Din know where you were going, and that you always seemed to be able to handle most dangerous situations on your own. Maybe it was because you fretted to be too much of a bother for Din, seeing as he took you in almost a year ago when he could have easily left you. Din didn’t see it that way, if he was honest. You were valuable to the group, taking care of Grogu and the ship when Din could not, and he believed it his duty to protect all on the ship. Only once or twice did you call for him, and he was quick to come to your aid.
He did not think that today would be the day where his timing risked your life.
The Mandalorian found himself aiding a local trading village with a raider issue in exchange for information about a bounty he’d been pursuing. He’d led a group of men over to what they’d suspected to be the raider’s hideout and set up for an ambush. The Entrance of the cave’s dunes felt barren, and only after the mens’ legs grew sore from crouching and backs ached from huddling in the dark was it that Din began to suspect something was wrong. The quiet environment was abnormal behavior to the raiders he’d encountered before, no doubt this specific group would be any different.
“They’ll see you!”
Startling the men surrounding him, Din shot into the air and stalked the vicinity. The dunes’ walls stretched for meters long as he kept his piece raised, occasionally scanning weak spots for life forms or any piece of equipment. He paused, frowning a moment when his scanner detected nothing.
That was the first sign that things weren’t going as planned that day.
“...m..do... v.llage... here…”
There was the second.
Din raised his arm to speak into his comms.
“Y/N?” Nothing but static came back from the comms. Din fidgeted and smacked it a couple times before grunting in frustration.
Damn, comms were jammed.
Wait, they were jammed.
And in a moment of a horrible realization, Din was quick to grab the men and make their way back to the village. When they arrived they found the village in chaos- buildings were burning, villagers running, and materials and pieces and bodies strewn across the ground. For a moment, Din froze in fear and worried that you were on the ground as well, your comms still ringing static and Grogu taken from you, lost to the raiders, or worse, the Empire.
Din quickly made his way throughout the village, barely rounding the first corner when a group of raiders assaulted him. He threw punches at the first raider, using their momentum to kick them hard into another. After several dodges and shots from his blaster, most of them were dead aside from one that laid on the ground and clutched his blasted leg.
Din marched over and pressed his blaster against the wound. “Where are the hostages being held?”
As it turned out, the raiders had no plan of keeping hostages. When Din finally tracked the building where captives were supposedly held, he was unable to remain collected when he found that you and Grogu were nowhere to be found. Instead, he stood before raiders responsible for the attack, their blasters disturbingly put away as they argued amongst one another. Din didn’t bother listening, he looked around but saw no sign of his foundlings.
“Wrong door.” He said simply before taking out his blaster and shooting the raiders.
Pocketing his piece Din ran out of the stronghold and went outside, calling for you and Grogu. He thought about the worst possible scenarios that could have happened to you two as he took out the raiders pillaging the village, until all but one remained, the leader. He found him in the main courtyard of the village, his face hidden though his body seethed with labored breaths. He stood there for several moments before Din heard one last labored breath before the leader’s legs buckled beneath him and he slumped to the ground with a sickening crack of skull on stone. Hm? Din didn’t know what to make of this, and further stalked over, hand on blaster, examining the body. Upon closer look a blaster wound to the stomach was made more visible. So, someone got to the leader before Din could. That leaves the question… who?
A quick look around the area pointed out a trail of blood.
The Mandalorian followed this trail without any real reason behind it.
He found the remainder of the villagers at some point along the way. Sullen masses of faces mixed together, mourning the loss of their villages and lost ones but kept busy with treating the wounded. Women sat in huddles cooking with what food was salvaged and children sat quiet. One stood out apart from the rest in Din’s eyes, a large male leaning over a group of medics. Din recognized him as Cyrukee, the villager’s chief, who noticed the lone bounty hunter from the corner of his eye and stood up. In his arms was the most beautiful thing Din had seen all day, Grogu. The baby gurgled in joy as he walked up to the chief.
“There you are.” Din didn’t realize that he was holding his breath when he sighed in relief, taking Grogu into his arms.
“Sir.” Cryukee barely got a word out before Din turned to him.
“I’m looking for a youngling- my kid. Have you seen them?”
“Sir, please.”
“They’re this tall,” Din rears a hand near to your height, “they were with this little green baby. Your husband, he took them to the school. Where is he?” The Mandalorian made a full turn around to look for the red robed headman who was last responsible for your care. He reached for his comms and tried to reach you again. His voice rang back at him, and in a terrible moment of realization he realized that that was your comms.
“Where are they?”
“Sir, let me explain.” Cyrukee wore an exasperated expression and looked as though he was about to speak before one of the medics from the group he was with requested to speak with him. He spared a glance at Din as though he struggled whether or not to say something. And then, Din followed his arm towards the medics he was just with. Din didn’t know what to make of it, not able to recognize any of them. The Mandalorian took one last look at the chief, whose grave expression gave him reason to worry, and slowly walked towards the group of medics. He buzzed through the comms, trying to pinpoint your location. As he got closer he heard medics speak in soothing voices and their patient hyperventilating. Had it not been his own voice coming from the center of the personnel he would have moved on, instead he could not find the will to move. Grogu looked at him expectantly.
One medic in particular took notice of the beskar-armored man. He and some others quickly got up and pushed Din away before he could force his way through the medics to take a look at you.
“Hey, wait-wait-please.” Din grunted at the force and staggered several steps back. He took a moment to collect himself and Grogu sneezed in his arms. Dust must have gotten into his nose during the scuffle. “Please, my ward- my kid. That’s my kid.”
“Just a moment,” one of the bloodied nurses kept her hands on Din’s chestplate longer than he would have liked. He didn’t push her away though.
“I need to see my kid.” Din looked her in the eye, hoping that she could see his desperation through his helmet.
His kid. When Din looks back on this he would think about how he’s never referred to Y/N as his own before. He would have liked to think he said that so the nurses allowed him to pass easier. But deep down, he knew it was because of how much he cared for them.
“I understand but please let me explain. Sir, Sir!” Din retreated in defeat on his second attempt to get past her and the other nurses. She stared into his eyes and patted his shoulders, Din didn’t know whether she was trying to comfort him or control his movements. “They’re traumatized enough right now, and you moving around in that armor of yours will only make it worse.”
“What happened to them?”
“They had an encounter with Jetwal,” Din’s blood boiled at the recognition of the raider’s leader who’d died before him. “according to the children, your child was leading them to the outskirts when he found them. They killed him, he was threatening the children, and they shot him. Now, listen to me. They did get injured. Several blaster wounds to their limbs and upper torso- sir, listen please I cannot allow you to go to them just yet- they’re still panicking right now but I assure you their wounds are being treated right now. They’ll be fine, but disrupting our work will only inhibit us from treating them properly.”
She watched his gaze linger to the sound of your crying. “How much longer until I can see them?”
Din was not pleased to find that he was only allowed to see you when the nurse came for him herself. Reluctantly he walked a little farther away from the medics when asked to give them more space, and sat down with Grogu bouncing on his knee next to a young Twi’lek running their hands over their lekku to soothe themselves. Between glancing at the medics to keeping Grogu entertained, Din didn’t realize how much time had elapsed before noticing the nurse had come to his side to collect him.
She took a seat next to him. “They’re hurt very badly, but with time their injuries will heal. All they need to do is rest. You can see them now.”
Grogu giggled and played with the nurse’s finger that was threateningly wiggling on his little tummy. “Can you take him for a moment?”
Din stood up and gave Grogu a pat on his little head and rubbed his large ears out of habit. Something you used to do to calm the little green alien down after a terrible meltdown. Even under his helmet Din smiled at the alien before dredging towards you. You laid on a pile of fabrics that functioned as a makeshift cot, but you looked like you had a pile of fabrics on you with the amount of bandages that wrapped your body. You didn’t notice Din approaching you as you stared straight into the sky. Din wondered what you were thinking. What could you be thinking? From his knowledge, this was your first time dealing with major injuries from blasters. It must have made this whole ordeal so much more frightening to you.
Maybe Din was too light on his feet, recoiling instantly when you jolted at his touch and groaned in pain.
“It’s me, it’s me.” His voice was soothing, even more than normal which surprised him.
A sort of wheeze escaped your lips and you coughed. “Mando.”
“Hey kid.”
“I tried calling for you.” A gasp. “They jammed the frequencies.”
“Your message barely came through, kid. But it made us realize what was going on. We got here before more damage could be done because of you.”
Your form relaxed. “Good, good. Grogu?”
“With a nurse.” “The one with the sweet voice.”
“I liked her voice-” A cough. “Sounds like my mom’s. She was nice. She helped calm me down.” At this point Din had stared at you long enough to realize how puffy your eyes were from crying. He didn’t stop himself from reaching over to brush your H/C hair out of your face. You leaned into his touch.
“I’m pretty fucked up, huh?”
Your eyes were already locked onto his when he met your gaze. A tick passed, and Din’s eyes fell to the wounds you were referring to. He shook his head. “No, kid. That’s not what you are.”
“Feels like it.” Din scowled at your words.
“There are too many fucked up people in the galaxy, kid. You´re not one of them.” You look at him with a raised brow. “Y/N, you barely have any combat experience yet you took on Jetwal? What were you thinking?”
And you said something that surprised him.
“I was thinking of you.”
And Din couldn’t find any words. He cleared his throat and you continued, “We were alone and I had no idea when you’d come, I was scared something had happened to you because I couldn’t get a hold of you through the comms and that guy was coming at us and-” You inhaled sharply, wincing at what Din assumed was a jab in one of your wounds but he didn’t know how to help. You calmed a moment later, closing your eyes and furling your brows together. “I thought about what you would have done if you were there. You always looked like you knew what to do.”
To say that Din was proud of you would have been an understatement, he was beaming wonders underneath his helmet but realized that you couldn’t see through the beskar.
“I thought I’d lost you both.” Din admitted. “But I’m very proud of you. You saved lives, Y/N. That’s no easy feat for someone of your age.”
You grinned at him and laughed. “Did you do something like this when you were my age?”
“Yes, but I didn’t end up as fucked up as you did.” “Hey!” Din laughed and raised his forearm to block your playful hits.
A moment of silence falls between the two of you before you look at Din again. “Do you know how long we’ll be here for?”
“With your injuries, no clue. I’ll talk to the medics and Cyrukee to see what is to be done.”
“Okay.” You nodded, your fingers twitching involuntarily. Din’s hands find their way to your hair again. “Mando, I’m tired.”
“Rest. I’ll be here with you.” He watches you half-heartedly nod at his words and doze off in a matter of seconds. The injuries have taken a toll on your body, Din suspects, and he pulls a sheet over you. He sits with you, watching villagers talk amongst themselves, speaks with those who come by to thank him for his help, and accepts Grogu from the nurse when she comes over, thanking her for all she’d done for you. She told him that a thank you was not owed to her, and that if you were to need anything she was only a call away.
And when he was finally left alone, Mandalorian took one look to take account for his two foundlings. They slept soundly and with luck, heads full of dreams. Most importantly, they were safe in his care once again.
Din realized he’d been holding in a breath, and exhaled a sigh of relief.
@kiara-is-gay @pcotato @sagedgeek
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writeforfandoms · 3 years
CONGRATS! Beeline for this ask: You see in grayscale until you see your soulmate and...Ezra! He feels like he would like the world to bloom into color. I like it so much I'm tempted to do it but I am backlogged to all hell so do me proud dear!
Find my masterlist
Ezra is very much impatient for his world to bloom into color. I loved working on this prompt, I really did. I had a lot of fun with it. Got a bit of sweetness, bit of angst, bit of hurt/comfort... I hope you like it! 💖
Ezra x gn!reader
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of loss, canon events.
Word count: 1.7k
Now presenting...
Traveler's Song
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Ezra had always been a voracious reader, to both the relief and consternation of his parents. It kept him out of trouble, sure, but it wasn’t an easy hobby to keep, especially on pods where space was at a premium. And yet, Ezra insisted, and he got his books.
He devoured them all - literature, sci fi, fantasy, romance - it didn’t make a difference to him. He read all sorts, for all ages, from all ages. And the more he read, the more he wondered.
What did the sky look like? What color was robin’s egg blue? What about grass? Leaves in autumn, the reds and golds and oranges he’d read about?
He’d find out in time, his parents used to assure him. He just had to be patient.
He was patient. Well. He learned to be patient. It wasn’t something that came naturally to him, but after he took up prospecting, he learned. Better to be patient than ruin a haul.
He also developed the habit of looking straight into someone’s eyes, the first time he met them. No matter what other form of greeting (be it handshake or quick gestures with a thrower), he always made sure to meet their eyes. That was how soulmates worked, after all. You locked eyes and the world bloomed into color.
Supposedly, anyway. Ezra still hadn’t met his match, and he was beginning to feel impatient. But no. He’d find them. He had to. One day.
And so he continued through life in grayscale, learning how best to harvest aurelac, how to pick pockets without being noticed, how to charm his way into people’s beds and good graces. Harvesting was hard, long work, and he rather liked the creature comforts of life, despite his choice of profession. He had partners and friends and lovers. And he had his share of enemies and deals gone bad, too.
But the one thing he still didn’t have was a soulmate.
So, naturally, he found them just after signing up for a job out on the Green Moon.
He’d signed his contract, squared away his affairs, and had picked his books to bring with him. His books were precious things, and he chose very carefully now which ones he took on jobs.
Not everyone valued books the way he did.
The rest were packed into storage, to be kept safe until he returned. And this time, he hoped, it would be for good. He was not as young as he'd once been, after all. His knees complained. His back ached. His hands, though still steady, didn’t function as smoothly.
Nobody ever said prospecting was an easy job, after all.
He left his chosen bar for the night, his chosen conquest tucked under his arm and giggling, one of her hands pressed over his belly.
“My dear,” he purred in her ear, enjoying the shiver that went down her spine, “I’m afraid if you keep up this sort of behavior we won’t make it back to your place.” He nipped the shell of her ear gently.
She started to say something, but Ezra lifted his gaze when he spotted a pair of boots headed their way. His gaze traveled up, over their body, to their eyes. And for a moment, just a moment, the world fell away. Their eyes… their beautiful eyes, wide with surprise now, lips parted just a little. Ezra greedily drank in the colors, sure his own eyes were wide. He felt glued in place, the little thing under his arm no longer even registering.
And then time restarted when those beautiful eyes narrowed at him, and those boots marched towards him.
“You’re drunk,” you said sharply, though you did manage to tear your eyes away from your soulmate (your soulmate!) for long enough to glower at your friend instead.
“Only a little,” she pouted.
“Lee, I thought we agreed no more bringing people back without warning me first.” You planted your fists on your hips.
“I do apologize,” the man spoke, and your gaze slid back to him. His eyes were warm and sparkling with mischief, and you found yourself intrigued by the blonde streak in his hair. “I was unaware there were house rules, so to speak.”
Your ire didn’t quite die, but it did cool. “It’s not your fault,” you allowed.
Lee looked between you and the man, frowning a little, clearly trying to figure out what was going on. It wasn’t like you to look at a man. Or, really, anybody.
“I suppose we should discuss this,” you said, making a vague gesture between the two of you.
“Discuss what?” Lee asked, suspicious.
The man merely smiled and held out a hand to you. “Name’s Ezra.”
You gave him your name in turn, shaking his hand. You couldn’t quite stop yourself from giving him another look over, taking in the colors. “This way,” you told him, turning and marching back towards your apartment.
The building was blue. Huh. You never would have guessed.
Lee hissed your name, catching your arm as you swiped the three of you into the building. “What is going on?” she demanded.
“He’s my soulmate,” you told her. “I know you didn’t know. How could you have? But it does change things.”
For a moment she boggled at you, looking between you and Ezra. Then her face twisted into something a little jealous, a little angry, and she stomped off to the lift ahead of you two.
“She seems to have a bit of a temper,” Ezra observed, stopping when he was even with you. His shoulders were broad, making the space feel much narrower.
“She hasn’t found hers yet,” you said with a little shrug. “She’s just a little jealous, but she’ll get over it.”
Ezra hummed and slipped his hand into yours. His hand was big and warm and held you securely. But you didn’t feel trapped. You felt secure.
This was your soulmate, so there must have been a reason the universe decided to pair you with him. You intended to find out why.
By the time the two of you had gotten up to the apartment, Lee was in her room with the door shut. Apparently she’d figured she wasn’t getting laid tonight. Smart girl. You motioned Ezra to the kitchen table and grabbed water for the two of you. When you returned, you caught him tracing patterns in the wood-look table, one finger delicately tracing swirls and lines. You couldn’t blame him - you hadn’t known the color of the table would be so rich. It all looked so different.
“So.” You set a water down in front of him. “What now?”
He blinked at you, apparently momentarily nonplussed. “Ah. I had not… considered quite that far in advance, I must admit.”
You nodded. “I get it. Not like I expected to meet you today.” You sat, rolling your water between your hands. “I guess we should get to know each other?”
Something like alarm flashed across his face, and for a moment you felt your hackles rise. Then he swore softly. “I’m to leave on a freighter for the Green Moon in three stretches,” he told you apologetically. “I’m afraid that doesn’t give us a lot of time for getting to know one another.”
“Three stretches,” you mused, frowning, drumming your fingers against the table. Twenty one spins, all told. Less than a stand. Not a lot of time, indeed. “Well. Tell you what. If you’re interested, I’ll take a little time off of work. We can talk. And at least that way we’ll know each other better before you leave.”
The smile that bloomed across his face was quite possibly the most beautiful thing you’d ever seen.
You hadn't seen Ezra in a long, long time. It was long past when he was supposed to have come back from the Green.
You had been told, more than once, to give up and move on. He wasn't coming back.
But your heart couldn't extinguish that last ember of hope.
You'd moved out to your own place, and had taken all of Ezra's books with you when his storage rental was up. The books, and your memories, were what you had left of your soulmate now.
But you didn't look at anyone else, either.
You got home from work and shut the front door, leaning back against it. The comforting, soothing blue of the hallway met your gaze, and you let yourself soak in the color.
As brief as your attachment had been, you couldn't regret it.
You'd barely set your things down when there was a knock on the door. You paused. You weren't expecting anyone. But the knock came again, so you opened the door a little to see who it was.
And then froze.
Ezra stood in front of the door. He looked thin and worn and tired. But his eyes were still beautiful. Warm brown that still lit up at the sight of you.
You yanked the door open and grabbed him before he even had a chance to speak, hugging him tight. He was thinner than you remembered - his shoulders were just as broad but he definitely had less padding. Something you needed to rectify, clearly.
He hugged you back, one arm snug around your back, and you wondered where his other one was. You pulled back a little to ask him… and his right sleeve was empty, pinned up.
There was also a blonde girl behind him, a teenager, looking a little ragged herself.
"Ezra?" You asked, moving your gaze back to him. Your hands settled on his hips, keeping him from going anywhere.
His smile was wan and tired, but he still smiled for you. "There is much you don't know yet, about what happened while I was away on the Green."
"Well then. We'd better start catching up now." You tugged him gently to guide him inside, and snagged the girl to drag her in, too. You'd worry about getting the full story out of them later. For now, you just wanted to luxuriate in having Ezra home.
Taglist: @quica-quica-quica @queridopascal @@fandom-blackhole @shoopidly @pedrocentric @beskarprincessjenny @sarahjkl82-blog @cannedsoupsucks @liviiii98 @adriiibell @seasonschange-butpeopledont @sunnydunnydays @princessxkenobi @thirddeadlysin @pbeatriz @oonajaeadira @kiizhikehn-cedar @green-socks @withakindheartx @linkpk88 @janebby @anditsmywholeheart @ohheyitsokay @amneris21 @recklessworry @the-feckless-wonder @kotemorons @javierpinme @grogusmum @eri16 @idreamofboobear @pintsizemama @pedrostories @horton-hears-a-honk @alexxavicry @elegantduckturtle @soltaasbruxas @pjkimrn @jaime1110 @mswarriorbabe80 @lowlights @magikfanatic
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