#Rise Above Challenges
mrskscrochet · 10 months
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Life has a way of testing our resilience, but remember that setbacks are not the end of your story; they're just a chapter. Just like a flower that perseveres through tough conditions to bloom again, you have the innate capacity to rise above challenges and thrive. When faced with difficulties, embrace your inner strength and let it guide you forward. Every experience, no matter how challenging, contributes to your growth and character. Embrace setbacks as opportunities to learn, evolve, and become even more vibrant. As you navigate the twists and turns of life, remember that you are capable of overcoming anything that comes your way. Your resilience is your superpower—use it to rise, flourish, and inspire others with your journey. Let your story be a testament to the beauty that emerges from adversity. 🌼💫💖 #RiseAboveChallenges #YouAreResilient
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 5 months
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Lan Wangji Goes To Lotus Pier AU: Part 1: Dread on Arrival
(Part 2)
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reikifromlourdes · 2 years
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Energy to Rise Above Challenges is infused with Reiki as well as the power of the ocean, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQfqe1zzRUc&list=PLRASn9jWEC1fcMXxovXExZ9MeBkY36CGY&index=14. This video does have sound and the photo is infused with this Reiki. Look forward to hearing what you think about it. For Reiki sessions (like the November Reiki Special Session), visit my website at this link, reikifromlourdes.com #reiki #reikifromLourdes #restrelaxationreiki #transformationalvibrations #energyhealing #energywork #reikihealing #challenges #riseabovechallenges
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vickyvicarious · 2 years
Jonathan is better after a bad night. I am so glad that he has plenty of work to do, for that keeps his mind off the terrible things; and oh, I am rejoiced that he is not now weighed down with the responsibility of his new position. I knew he would be true to himself, and now how proud I am to see my Jonathan rising to the height of his advancement and keeping pace in all ways with the duties that come upon him.
Don't have much to say about today's entry, but I love so much that Mina believes so strongly in Jonathan.
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viperiumprime · 8 months
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Day 13: Rise
Lore based! In my story, as a Demon is dying a portal opens, pulling its body through to our world for Demon Hunters to deal with. Their soul becomes the portal, but physically their body is lost, confused, and in pain
Hence why they’ve got bloody mouths and are crazed in most pieces… in their death throes 😢
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the-healing-mindset · 2 years
Do not for a moment consider a reality where you are less than your current circumstances. Where you are not capable of rising above those things which challenge you and try to hold you back. You are capable and you are worthy. You can move on and success will come into your life.
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What is your favourite type of fanfic to write?
probably character studies that are a little melancholic or deep dive into someone’s Problematic issues 🤔
writing crack can also be really fun.
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clownwwx · 1 year
sometimes i look at the ~relationships~ part of my natal chart and god its just all . just so damn difficult and harsh and it makes me want to abandon any hopes for anything good ever
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zenanddone · 1 month
10 Powerful Ways to Rise Above Challenges:
Life can be a rollercoaster ride, can't it? Sometimes it feels like we're cruising along smoothly, and other times it's like we're stuck on a loop-de-loop. Setbacks, stress, negative thoughts – they're all part of the ride. But guess what? We're in this together, and we're going to navigate those twists and turns with a little something called emotional resilience.
Alright, let's dive into ten simple yet powerful ways to beef up our resilience muscles and tackle life's ups and downs with courage and compassion.
Embrace Your Emotions: Picture this – you're having one of those days. Negative thoughts are swirling around in your head, and it feels like you're drowning in them. Take a deep breath. It's okay to feel overwhelmed sometimes. Let those emotions out. Cry if you need to, scream into a pillow if it helps. Resilience isn't about pretending everything's fine; it's about giving yourself permission to feel, even when it's tough.
Cultivate Self-Compassion: You know how we're often our own worst critics? It's time to cut ourselves some slack. Treat yourself like you would your best friend – with kindness, understanding, and a whole lot of love, especially when negative thoughts try to bring you down.
Find Support in Connections: Remember, you're not alone in this. Reach out to your people – your tribe. Whether it's family, friends, or that neighbor who always knows how to make you laugh, lean on them when negative thoughts start to weigh you down.
Practice Mindfulness: Life moves pretty fast, doesn't it? Mindfulness is all about slowing down and savoring the moment. Take a deep breath, look around you, and soak in the little joys – even when negative thoughts threaten to steal your sunshine.
Focus on What You Can Control: Here's the thing – we can't control everything that happens to us, but we can control how we react. Instead of getting caught up in what-ifs and maybes, focus on what you can do right now, even when negative thoughts try to sabotage your plans.
Develop Problem-Solving Skills: Think of problems as puzzles waiting to be solved. Break them down into manageable pieces, brainstorm solutions, and take one step at a time – even when negative thoughts try to convince you it's hopeless.
Foster Gratitude: Gratitude is like a magic potion for the soul. Take a moment each day to count your blessings – the big ones, the small ones, and everything in between. It's amazing how a little gratitude can chase away those pesky negative thoughts.
Engage in Self-Care: Repeat after me: self-care isn't selfish, it's essential. Treat yourself like royalty – get enough rest, eat nourishing foods, and do things that make your heart happy, even when negative thoughts try to convince you otherwise.
Seek Meaning and Purpose: Life's too short to just go through the motions. Find what lights you up, what makes your heart sing, and go after it with everything you've got – even when negative thoughts try to dim your spark.
Cultivate Optimism: Optimism isn't about ignoring the challenges; it's about believing in your ability to overcome them. Trust that brighter days are ahead, even when negative thoughts try to cloud your vision.
In a nutshell, building emotional resilience is like planting a garden – it takes time, patience, and a whole lot of love. So let's roll up our sleeves, grab a shovel, and get to work. Together, we've got this.
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saurabh-choraria · 3 months
Ignore what does not challenge you.
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mrskscrochet · 1 year
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This quote reminds us that even in the toughest of times, there is always a glimmer of opportunity. Instead of succumbing to the difficulties, shift your perspective and see them as chances for personal and professional growth. Seek out the lessons they hold, tap into your resilience, and seize the opportunities that lie within. Let each challenge become a catalyst for positive change, pushing you closer to your goals and dreams. Embrace the journey, for within every difficulty, lies an incredible opportunity waiting to be embraced. 💪💛
#EmbraceChallenges #FindOpportunities #RiseAbove
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harmonyhealinghub · 3 months
Navigating Life's Detours: Finding Strength When Things Don't Go Your Way Shaina Tranquilino February 21, 2024
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Life is a journey filled with twists and turns, highs and lows, and unexpected detours. No matter how meticulously we plan, there are moments when things simply don't go our way. While facing setbacks and disappointments can be disheartening, it's crucial to recognize that these experiences are an inevitable part of the human experience. In this blog post, we'll explore the art of resilience and share strategies for finding strength when life takes an unexpected turn.
Embrace the Discomfort: The initial reaction to setbacks is often discomfort and frustration. It's essential to acknowledge these feelings rather than suppress them. Embracing the discomfort allows for a more authentic emotional response, laying the groundwork for processing and moving forward.
Reframe Your Perspective: When faced with challenges, it's easy to adopt a negative mindset. However, reframing your perspective can turn obstacles into opportunities. Instead of viewing a setback as a roadblock, consider it a detour that might lead to unexpected discoveries and personal growth.
Learn from the Experience: Every setback carries valuable lessons. Take the time to reflect on the situation and identify what you can learn from it. Whether it's acquiring new skills, understanding your limitations, or gaining insight into your priorities, the knowledge gained from setbacks can be instrumental in personal development.
Cultivate Resilience: Resilience is the ability to bounce back from adversity. Cultivating resilience involves building a strong support system, developing problem-solving skills, and nurturing a positive mindset. Recognize that setbacks are temporary, and your ability to navigate them with resilience can contribute to long-term success.
Adjust Your Goals: Sometimes, when things don't go as planned, it's an opportunity to reassess your goals. Are your aspirations realistic? Do they align with your current values and circumstances? Adjusting your goals can lead to a more meaningful and achievable path forward.
Seek Support: During challenging times, it's crucial to lean on your support network. Friends, family, or mentors can provide guidance, perspective, and emotional support. Sharing your experiences with others fosters a sense of connection and reminds you that you're not alone in facing setbacks.
Practice Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself when things don't go your way. Avoid self-blame and negative self-talk. Practice self-compassion by treating yourself with the same understanding and empathy you would offer to a friend facing a similar situation.
Life's journey is filled with unpredictable moments, and setbacks are an inevitable part of the process. When things don't go your way, it's an opportunity for self-reflection, growth, and resilience. By embracing discomfort, reframing perspectives, learning from experiences, and seeking support, you can navigate detours with strength and emerge stronger on the other side. Remember, setbacks are not the end of the road; they are merely a bend in the path toward personal development and fulfillment.
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shreemwellbeing · 4 months
“And once the storm is over, you won’t remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won’t even be sure whether the storm is really over.
But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in.That’s what this storm’s all about.”
- Haruki Murakami
“Oh, my life, is changing everyday, in every possible way” (lyrics) - Dreams by Jada Facer & David Moffat
#change #healingjourney #selfawareness #resilience #selflove #selfcare #changeyourlife #vulnerability #trueself #storm #authenticself #challenge #shreemwellbeing #meditation #mindfulness #reiki #efttapping #emotionalfreedomtechniques #energyhealing #holistichealing #somatichealing #emotionalhealing
#traumahealing #innerchildhealing
#banstead #embodiedhealing #tadworth #surreyuk
#vibranthealthreflexology #reflexology
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natalieleif · 10 months
Seeing a steady rise of people using the library as we carry through summer break, so here's a quick thread from a staff member on little things you can do (for free!) to make life easier on staff. Let's go!
If you want to put a book back, DON'T put it back on the shelf! Put it on the return cart or bin, or give it to a staff member. Not only does this make it MUCH easier to catch misfiles and gather abandoned books in one trip, our budget is literally based on returns. Putting it on a cart gives us more money!
(To expand on the above: not only do we get paid more based on more returns, our book-buying budget for next year is based on what titles seem popular. Even if you don't check out a stack of books, putting it on the cart lets us know there's an interest so we can order more in that genre and support that author.)
Conversely, if you see a cart already full of books being pushed around by staff, PLEASE don't yank books off it or loiter around it. Carts are unwieldy and returns can build up quick, so let a shelver have space to move around and do their job.
(Again expanding on the above, especially please don't yank books off a staff person's cart if you see them pulling books off the shelf instead of putting them back. Books are pulled for a reason--hold requests for another patron, damaged, need to be relabeled, etc--so taking one can really throw off our list.)
If you rent a DVD and notice it's scratched or doesn't play, please tell us! We don't have the time or resources to watch every returned DVD, so we rely on patron feedback. Even a note tucked inside the case helps it get flagged for damage inspection when we're processing returns.
Pay attention to news related to your local branch! The VAST majority of book-banning demands we get are bulk lists from only one or two people--which means contesting them (or requesting a challenged book) also only takes one person.
Remind your friends that most libraries don't do late fees anymore! We want to be a safe haven for low income and disabled/nd people, so don't let being late or disorganized or poor or anything else discourage you. Bring your books back whenever you can, or just mention to a librarian if you lose it, and you're always welcome to come back.
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dkcdude · 4 months
Behold! God Makes All Things New! Even (or Especially) You and Me!
Introduction We all have moments in our lives when we burst into flames. Or drown. Or bury ourselves. Pick your metaphor for getting beaten down by this life, this painfully broken world. I hate to admit that I’ve been dealing with that myself lately. My consulting contract (and therefore my job) ended in early December, and I haven’t found my next job yet. Not long after that, I fractured my…
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Rising Above: How 11 Athletes Overcame Challenges in Their Youth to Become Stars
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