#Roberta Hunt
kingess · 2 years
Inspired by the dozen of anons the spiritually psychotic lady sent,
I'd like to share another chef's kiss manipulation hack with you;
Keep track of the insults the desired target uses when they're triggered.
Towards you, or someone else. Even if he's not directly verbally abusive the things he looks down upon on you or others will slip through. That's his insecurity.
When we're flustered or triggered or even just stressed and the aggression leaks out, our brain's first motive is to attack emotionally, to keep us safe. Most people aren't quick or deranged enough to hurt others with what hurts the opponent specifically custom taylored routinely. The brain asks 'what's hurtful?' and picks what your unique experience has concluded most hurtful; Aka your insecurities.
This in mind you can bring him up, or tear him down effortlessly & innocently when suitable.
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Hi, Charlie! How you doing? I have a little of a predicament here, see I have a Cyndaquil (Pepper) and a kanto, senior Persian (Roberta), she's a retired contest pokémon that belonged to one of my friend's parents.
Roberta spends most of her time sleeping these days, but she's fairly friendly and social with Pepper and other pokemon she meets! Problem arose when a coworker gifted me a Skiploom during a santa's secret party, apparently just because I said I liked that pokemon and they just... got it...from some random market????? I was baffled, but the little Skiploom is usually a sweetheart and doesn't seem to have behavorial problems besides getting into petty fights with passing drifloom and other flying pokemon when she's out of the house (is that normal? i thought skipbloom were gentle and timid)
My biggest fear was Cyndaquil, being a fire type, but they got along nicely, but Roberta just...apparently hates this Skiploom! And started to do very strange things she didnt' do before, she does as much as smell the skiploom floral scent and will go wild and use fury swipes on the walls and floor. She sneaks into the room were I keep the Skiploom to bite her toys and toss her water bowl. And if the Skiploom is on the same room by accident (since i try to keep them separate), Roberta will straight up use power gen (her sight it's bad at her age, so it always misses, but it's concerning) And if Roberta gets agressive, Pepper seems to follow her lead and will run around and growl.
It's there a way to handle this? I don't want to release the Skiploom since I fear they could be a born-into captivity one, but all this agression and activity is very bad for an old pokemon like Roberta. Should I give away Skiploom or take them to a shelter?
yeah...i wish people wouldnt get pokemon as gifts unless someone has specifically requested that pokemon. it tends to lead to situations like this.
unfortunately, this sounds like a bad situation all around. persian are territorial and fairly aggressive pokemon, and raising them as single pokemon is hard enough before you add other pokemon into the equation. they don't adjust easily to new pokemon in the household, and at her age roberta may be beyond the point where she's willing to tolerate a new addition.
my concern is that this is clearly stressful for all three pokemon. roberta is obviously stressed to the point that she's actively trying to hunt out the skiploom. pepper's aggression in response to roberta's aggression is likely to be a stress response. and obviously getting attacked out of what seems like nowhere is going to be stressful for the skiploom! a stressed skiploom is going to release a lot of sweet scent to try and diffuse the conflict, which will just perpetuate the issue.
while this could potentially be managed through very strict pokeball rotation scheduling, i think in this case that's probably not the best idea. roberta is still going to smell the skiploom around the house. i'm worried that all this stress isn't healthy for her, and it might cause her relationship to pepper to turn sour. it sounds like the best choice to make here is to rehome the skiploom. you can take it to a shelter, though you'll likely have to pay a surrender fee. alternatively, you can try to rehome it yourself using the global trading network.
thank you for doing your best for this little guy- that was a tough situation for you to be put in
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cazzyf1 · 4 months
I love music, and I love classic Formula One. And I always wonder about what music drivers liked listening to.
I don't know an awful lot but below is all the information I do know, and if you know what music your favourite drivers liked then I would love to know!
Niki Lauda:
His favourite song was 'Fast Car' by Tracy Chapman, but he also liked lots of her other songs like 'Talking about a Revolution'. He listened to Bob Marley a lot in the 70s and was a fan (and friend) of George Harrison. He liked the song 'Imagine' by John Lennon. He was also a fan of Bill Withers, Randy Newman, Rod Stewart, Stevie Wonder, and Aretha Franklin, and he was also quite the fan of George Ezra and would hit the dance floor if the song 'Budapest' came on.
Roger Williamson:
He loved rock and roll music and would listen to it while working on his car. His favourite band was T-Rex, their song 'Get It On', being one he listened to most. His partner at the time said she now always associates the song 'Killing Me Softly with his song' by Roberta Flack with Roger because they sang it on a road trip not long before he passed away.
Wolfgang von Trips:
He liked classical music because of his mum and upbringing, but he was also introduced to Jazz music when he came in contact with the Americans who took over his house for a bit, which he loved.
Mike Hawthorn:
In one of his Sunday Times car reviews, he mentions listening and singing along to the song 'Hey There' by Rosemary Clooney on the radio.
James Hunt:
I don't know what song or artists he liked, but James Hunt loved listening to music and would carry radios and other transportable music devices to listen to music. I believe he liked classical music but also the current popular music. He and Niki went to a disco with Fat Domino playing, so potentially, they were both fans of his.
François Cevert:
I believe I read somewhere that Jackie Stewart said François Cevert's favourite music was 'Beethoven's Piano Sonata no 8 in c minor' and that he could play it well.
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msn-04iinightingale · 4 months
HAWK Battery
Bell watched the Barghest Company techs and ground grew unload the cargo the Wild Hunt had brought with it. Carts of spares, ammo, food, medical supplies, everything an army engaging in a protracted planetary invasion could use.
Additionally, the mech techs were busing themselves with loading and checking weapons on the 12 mechs that had been brought with. Currently, the chief tech was ripping one of the SLDF temps a new one, over how to properly calibrate one of the PPCs on the King Crab. She listened hard, tuning out the other noise of the makeshift staging area.
"-oh my god were you trained in a barn?! If you set it to that you'll wear out the capacitor and I'll have to recalibrate it all over again these are works of art and you're getting your grubby fingerprints all over the cowling and if you get oil in those connection ports I'm gonna take this wrench and-"
Bell shakes her head a bit and allows herself a small, small smile.
She turns her attention to Owen's...well...her Mechwarriors for the moment.
The other members of the three lances were assisting in unloading the dropship (Roberta and Ann, who are just kinda moving crates and boxes of munitions that would require at least a forklift to move on their own), helping organize the equipment (John, Sin, John being his usual analitical if boring self and SIn being helpful as ever), vibrating when she's not running back and forth (Flora), Spending a quiet moment together (Delila and Pam, sitting squished together side by side under Delila's Nightstar), talking about meat (Clara, she seems to be talking to the large cleaver she is polishing on a box, more knives than one person would feel is healthy to own set out around her), glaring daggers at anyone who comes near her (Bridget), smoking (Carrie, in the shadow of her Kontio), or complaining about the cold....and smoking (Amaryllis, next to Carrie as they are smoking buddies, he is draped in a far too large SLDF severe weather coat, although where he got it, and what he had to do to get it, remain blissfully unknown to her).
She allows herself a small nod, as all things are as they should be, and nothing out of place. Owen always said she was one for detail, and admittedly, gently teased her from time to time.
Sigh, that man....I hope he's alright.
She had made inquiries regarding the status of her commander, but the situation over in Utah was above her clearance level. Or at least that's what the SLDF toadie she's spoken to...five times...had told her.
She sighs, and pulls up her pad to check the schedule, and to ensure everything is going according to plan. For the third time.
( for anyone who wants to chat with the new girls )
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mightyflamethrower · 8 months
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25 reasons Trump won’t pay a dime to E. Jean Carroll
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That eye-popping $83 million judgment will not survive an appeal. A proper settlement would subtract at least $82,972,000.
In 2019, a strange woman named E. Jean Carroll accused Donald Trump of raping her in a changing room of the Bergdorf Goodman department store in Midtown Manhattan. Trump called her crazy, and a jury found him liable for both sexually abusing her and defaming her with the “crazy” talk. Last week, a New York jury decided Carroll deserves $83 million for defamation.
Here are 25 reasons why that’s nuts.
1) Carroll has said rape is “sexy”
She backs up this insane statement with, “Think of the fantasies” (which my wife and I can’t stop saying to each other). For the record, having someone forcibly violate you against your will is the exact opposite of “sexy.”
2) She’s already bragging about shopping sprees
Remember in “Goodfellas” when that idiot shows up at the party with his wife wearing a $20,000 fur coat and De Niro tells him to “bring it back”? When you run a scam, you need to lay low for a while. Carroll, conversely, is making appearances on national television telling Rachel Maddow she’s going to buy her a “penthouse in Paris” as well as fishing gear and a motorcycle for her counsel (could she pick weirder presents?). Her lawyer awkwardly murmured, “Uh, that’s a joke.”
Yeah, this whole thing is a joke.
3) The scenario she described came from her favorite TV show
She is a self-described “Law & Order” fan, and there is an episode wherein a man muscles his way into a changing room at Bergdorf Goodman and sexually molests a woman. This is likely where she got the idea. She’s also a big fan of “The Apprentice.” Would you like to watch your rapist on TV?
4) She didn’t want to press criminal charges
Being on the cover of New York magazine is one thing, but taking your BS story into an actual courtroom is a whole other level of fraud. When Bill de Blasio said he would change the law to make the case admissible, Carroll kept awkwardly repeating, “The experts told me … the time has passed.”
5) They changed the law
The case had no merit because the statute of limitations on civil action had passed. So what happened? The New York State Legislature changed the law. Is there anything that screams “witch hunt” more than that? What are we, Zimbabwe?
6) The man who backed the lawsuit is a major DNC donor
Leftist activist billionaire Reid Hoffman is the money behind this operation. His motive is obviously to bankrupt Trump so he can’t run again. Carroll denied this at first because she’s a liar, but her lawyer was forced to come clean.
7) The whole thing was George Conway’s idea, apparently
Though she denies it, it’s clear this entire plan was concocted by “conservative lawyer” Conway at a radical leftist cocktail party in Manhattan.
8) Carroll’s lawyer is desperate to fix her reputation as a rape-enabler
Roberta Kaplan was supposed to champion victims of sexual assault with her #TimesUp movement, but she used it instead to run cover for perverts such as Andrew Cuomo. She got caught and she got fired. Her comeback included representing Ashley Biden (A Biden lawyer going after Trump? Is anyone surprised?), but this case could permanently rescue her Google results.
9) Carroll’s dress didn’t exist back then
Carroll said the rape happened in the early 1990s. We just learned the particular dress she said she was allegedly wearing did not exist at the time.
10) She cannot remember when the rape happened
We’re not talking about the exact date. She can’t tell us if it was 1993 or 1995.
11) She won’t let anyone test her coat for DNA
Carroll calls the dress her “bad luck dress” and told CNN she will never make a talisman out of it — as though the idea had occurred to anyone. Why did she keep it around? This could be the left’s Monica Lewinsky dress, but she refuses to let anyone analyze it.
12) She doesn’t know if Trump ejaculated
I don’t know if anyone reading this has engaged in sexual intercourse, but evidence of the male orgasm is almost impossible to hide.
13) She is a serial accuser
Despite being a 3.5, she has claimed men have sexually assaulted her at least a half-dozen times. This isn’t proof of Trump’s innocence in and of itself, but it becomes relevant when surrounded by 24 other points.
14) She said it wasn’t sexual
Carroll has said pretty much everything that you could say about this encounter, from “it was not sexual” to “it was the definition of rape.” She said she would not press charges, however, because it would trivialize the experience of illegal aliens who are being “raped around the clock.”
15) She’s not his type
Trump is into elegant Slavs. This woman is like that hysterical chicken lady from “The Kids in the Hall.”
16) The judge and Carroll’s lawyer are pals
We’re told Judge Lewis Kaplan was Roberta Kaplan’s (no relation) mentor back when they both worked at Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison. Roberta Kaplan denies this, but it can’t be denied they worked at the same firm at the same time. That alone is a conflict of interest.
17) Carroll didn’t talk to anyone about the alleged assault, until she did
If a woman is sexually assaulted, she is morally obligated to report it immediately, so the rapist doesn’t do it again. Carroll did not do this. What’s more, she didn’t talk to any of her friends about it. At least not at first. This is peculiar behavior for a blabbermouth.
18) Even if it’s all true, the settlement would be tiny
Carroll alleged that Trump cost her a columnist job at Elle, but the magazine made it clear it ended her contract as an advice columnist based on nothing more than lack of interest. But let’s assume Elle fired her because Trump wrote a mean tweet. A good price for an advice column would be a couple of hundred bucks per piece. That’s $2,000 a year for Elle. Assuming Carroll lives as long as “Dear Abby” columnist Pauline Esther Friedman, who died at 94, that would be a whopping total of $28,000 (Carroll is 80).
So, we’re off by about $82,972,000.
19) She said women “love” being abducted
She told Charlie Rose (remember him?) in 1995 that women love the idea of a caveman knocking them unconscious with a club and then dragging them — by their hair — back to the cave. I’m no feminist, but I’m pretty sure the cerebral contusions from this kind of violence are not a turn-on.
20) She said it wasn’t a big deal
“I’m a mature woman,” she said. “I can handle it.” OK, then why does she need $83 million to recover? That’s four times the amount of money you get when your kid is decapitated.
21) She lives in a Mouse House
Anyone who doubts this lady’s mental state needs to check out her house. She calls it “The Mouse House” because it’s infested with rodents (to whom she has given individual names, such as “Terbrusky”). She has painted the trees blue. She has printed out 27 years of advice column questions and stacked them all over the place. Yes, writers can be weird. But it is impossible to look at her place and not think, “This is nuts.”
22) She is a hoarder
Hoarding is a mental disorder. You can’t sue someone for calling you “crazy” if you have a mental disorder.
23) Her cat is called “Vagina” — seriously
E. Jean Carroll is obsessed with sex and her vagina. She said she lives in the woods because if she lived in the city, she’d have 16 boyfriends. She’s 80, remember?
Her dog “Tits” has blue hair, and her cat is named “Vagina.” The left-wing media thinks this is irrelevant. “Among the stranger complaints made by the former president … was that the jury wasn’t informed about the name of his accuser’s cat: Vagina T. Fireball.” Uh, when the charge is “calling a sane woman crazy,” Vagina T. Fireball matters.
24) She writes notes to herself
Wait, doesn’t everyone do that? Not like this. “The Mouse House” is festooned with bizarre messages. Her microwave says, “Burn Baby Burn.” Her bookshelf says, “Always amused never angry.” And, in a moment of deranged honesty, she taped a note to a lamp that says, “Hold your nerve. Pursue your radical options to the bitter END!”
25) Carroll said she wanted to “rape” Trump
Apparently, she thought having rough sex with him in the changing room would make for a “funny story.” (Wait, I thought she didn’t tell anyone about what happened to her out of fear.) She also suggested she’d do it for $17,000 if he was unable to speak. Sounds awfully rapey, doesn’t it?
Anyone who takes this case seriously and doesn’t see E. Jean Carroll as a complete basket case is a complete basket case.
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sleepyfan-blog · 2 months
Religious Excerpts
Author's note: this is the first part of the Fem!Guilliman in 40k AU fic! I hope that you enjoy it! Next
tagged: @egrets-not-regrets @the-pure-angel @i-am-a-dragon34 @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan @bleedingichorhearts
warnings: religious writings, deification,
summary: A small collection of snippets from a collection of writings on the demi-goddess of the Imperium, Roberta Guilliman
She had asked for a brief synopsis of how she was most likely to be seen as, by different parts of the Imperium. She had sent out hundreds of intelligence gathers to move stealthily throughout the Imperium, including within Ultramar itself.
Her sons had been eager to follow her every order, the worshipful way in which they interacted with her bothered her tremendously. But she had been handed a dataslate that was a collection of poems, psalms, prayers, and fables written about The Lady Of Ultramar, the Daughter of the Emperor, Roberta Guilliman. If known, the date of creation and the author’s name has been noted down, though many such details have been lost to time.
Ballad of the Risen Primarch - written by Frater Matthew, Militant Apostolic, M42.076
The Lady with her sword aloft
Charges into  the fray
To hunt down the vile traitors
And bring them true dismay
From deepest slumber, she arose
And she answered our prayers 
While we were lost and desperate 
Showing us that she cares
She scoured Chaos from Imperial Worlds
And chased them from our space
The Avenging Daughter protects us
From Chaos and disgrace
From deepest slumber, she arose
And she answered our prayers 
While we were lost and desperate 
Showing us that she cares
The xenos quail before her gaze
And fall before her might
Orkz, Aeldari, Tau, Tyranids
Failed to survive the fight 
From deepest slumber, she arose
And she answered our prayers 
While we were lost and desperate 
Showing us that she cares
Her divine light shines so brightly
As does her wit and charm
She rules with a just and fair hand 
She protects us from harm
From deepest slumber, she arose
And she answered our prayers 
While we were lost and desperate 
Showing us that she cares
She guards us from internal strife
Corruption, decay, lies
All are placed into cleansing flames
She is Evil's demise 
From deepest slumber, she arose
And she answered our prayers 
While we were lost and desperate 
Showing us that she cares
This was written by Frater Matthew, the current Militant Apostolic working alongside Primarch Guilliman herself. He was inspired to write this poem after spending a number of months in her holy and robust presence.
She could feel a familiar headache starting to build in the back of her mind, and a low, frustrated growl threatened to rumble through her chest. She had picked Frater Matthew as he was an orator of some skill, and able to rally mortals and Astartes alike to his cause. But this... Travesty was annoying to read through.
Mother's Psalm - Author unknown. Suspected to have been written somewhere in the mid-M35s.
The sacred temple lies
The saintly Mother, who's eyes
Watch over her sons’ endless toil
At home and on foreign soil
The stasis field keeps her here
Away from the reaper's spear
Traitor's poison will not take
The fortress’ walls will not break
As Mother does, Maccrage stands
Protected by loving hands
And a sturdy wall of blue
Made of sons, loyal and true
One day, Mother will awake
With her, a new dawn shall break
She'll lead us out of shadows
And send evil to the gallows
This Psalm is found to be commonly sung by serfs of Ultramarines as well as their successor chapters, along with the civilian populations of Ultramar itself. The Psalm is also sung by the Auxilla of Ultramar, though they tend to prefer singing war songs in praise of The Avenging Daughter as she leads them to battle in Righteous fury against foul xenos and traitors alike. 
A soft sigh left her as she finished reading the psalm. At least this was less overtly religious in tone, though the fact that this was marked as a psalm did not improve her mood in the least. She was starting to realize just how wide and deep the Adeptus Ministorum had a stranglehold on the Imperium of Man as a whole... This was going to be a misery and a half to slowly and carefully untangle... If she could.
Prayer for Information This prayer was written sometime in the early M37s, by a Historitor whose name has been expunged from all records by the Ordo Hereticus.
Oh great Lady of Insight and wisdom, Maiden Mother of fair Ultramar, I come to you, humbly, on bended knees and clasped hands.
To you, I confess that I have not been sending my daily morning prayers to Him on Terra as I should be. Instead, I have been researching what I can of the history of our Great Imperium. I know it is a sin to try and learn of the past beyond what is taught in school… But my curiosity pushes me onwards nonetheless. Surely this knowledge will not cause harm?
You have my deepest thanks. For I and many others upon the world of [REDACTED] owe you our lives. Because if your auxilla and Astartes had not come to our rescue against the [REDACTED] we would have all been killed and our souls consumed by the forces of [REDACTED]. 
I humbly ask you to grant me entry into the library within the Temple of Corrections, where I would be able to continue my research and studies. I feel that if properly understood, our past could teach us many things. I patiently await your response.
Your humble servant,
There was quite a bit of fierce debate as to whether or not to include this particular prayer to Lady Guilliman, as it has heretical elements in the prayer. Ultimately, this shows that even otherwise stalwart and obedient citizens can be heretical, and that one must always be vigilant.
... Since when was knowing the history of the Imperium illegal? Father damn them all. Those who did not learn from history were doomed to repeat it. She buried her face in her hands for a moment, unable to read on as she swore viciously in every tongue she knew. Considering what the Inquisition was like... She could guess that this poor Historitor's fate was a gruesome and miserable one indeed. She also hated that this letter had been phrased as an Emperor-damned prayer.
Psalm of praise - written shortly after Lady Guilliman’s interment into the stasis chamber, perhaps three hundred years past that event.
I will extoll the Lady at all times; her praise will always be on my lips. I will glory in HER; let all who hear rejoice. Glorify the Lady of Ultramar with me; let us exalt her name together. I sought the lady, and she answered me. She delivered me from all my woes.
This Psalm is frequently murmured by serfs and similarly ranked civilians who often work under Astartes. Particularly while the Astartes are preparing for a particularly vicious and bloody battle. 
After reading the first psalm, she decided to skip the rest of the section, the blood boiling in her veins as the grip on the dataslate caused the device to creak in protest. She would rather not have to request a new one with this information on it, because she had broken this one in her fury.
A Lesson in Obedience- This fable was written sometime in the early M34s, and presented without the artwork to shrink the file size.
The world that The Soldier was going to be deployed to protect was one of hundreds if not thousands like it. A small yellow gem of a world with over ninety percent of the available aland devoted to growing a singular crop that fed the loyal and true citizens of the Imperium. It was this soldier’s first deployment, and excitement thrummed just below the surface of his skin as he walked over to where his mother was busily working.
His mother with her honey-blond hair and clever ice-blue eyes was carefully working at her desk a dataslate in one hand, a stylus in the other as she swiftly worked. She looked up and smiled warmly as her son walked over to her. She set down the dataslate and hugged him tightly, murmuring “Good morning, my wonderful son. How goes your training?”
“It goes very well! Mother, I have good news to share with you!” The eager, blue-clad young man explained, happily hugging his mother back as he beamed with joy. 
“What news do you bring to me my son?” His mother asked, reaching up and ruffling his dark, curly hair with one hand, still hugging her precious son. 
“Like my older siblings before me, I am benign deployed to fight foul xenos! I am being sent to fight Orkz who threaten one of the worlds that grow crops, mother.” The soldier explained, still beaming up at his mother “I will be the one to kill the most of the vicious brutes of my entire battalion! I will decapitate the Ork Warboss and rip his tusks from his mouth. I will carve them into combs for your hair, mother. As a trophy!”
A soft sigh left the Mother as she hugged her over-eager son, pressing her forehead to his, before looking into his dark eyes, hoping that her words reached his heart and resonated within his mind “I don’t need an ork-tooth comb my son. As with your older siblings, all I want is for you to serve our great Imperium with honor and grace. Fight and win the battles set before you, but do not seek glory for it’s own sake. Rushing to grab glory with your own hands will only get you killed first, my son.”
“That won’t happen, mother~ I am too strong and too swift for the Orkz to be able to kill me.” The young soldier protested, shaking his head a little “My armor is too sturdy for their shoddy and broken weapons to damage.” His armor was indeed well-polished. Shining a brilliant blue and bright gold. 
“Orkz are -” The soldier’s mother tried to warn him, but the young man stepped out of her embrace as his vox began to buzz loudly.
“That’s The Captain, mother! I have been taught how to fight Orkz and other filthy xenos. I will come home victorious and with a chest full of accolades before you can start to miss me!” The young Soldier boasted as he ran out of his mother’s office, ready to take on any threats, big or small. “I must answer the call to war! Goodbye for now, mother!” 
Years of training and months of waiting and sparring had led to this moment for the young Soldier as he stared over the incoming horde of Orkz. They were a disorganized tidal wave of hooting and hollering green, and he double checked his bolter before he started to level his weapon at them, taking in a breath and letting it out as he prepared to fire.
“Hold your fire.” The Captain ordered. “I need you four to help complete the evacuation of the civilians from this world.” He pointed to the young soldier and three of his fellow warriors. 
“But… But sir, the Orkz are almost upon us! Shouldn’t we start to fire?” The young soldier asked, a confused expression appearing on his face.
“Are you questioning my orders, soldier?” The captain asked, his words underlined by the roar of artillery fire as they steadily flung shell after shell at the oncoming Orkish horde. “They are too far for you to hit reliably. Get going, soldier!”
The young soldier grumbled to himself as he dutifully got up and followed his squadmates over to the landing pads where several other groups of soldiers were -
She put down the dataslate, unable to force herself to continue to read the fable. She could guess as to where the story was heading, and the likely ways in which it would end. It was not worth the space it would occupy in her brain to continue to read through it. She hid her face in her hands and let out a low scream, trying not to alert the guards outside her office as to her distress.
There was a brief knock on the door before one of her brasher Captains barreled into the room, sword in hand as he did a visual sweep of the room. He didn't see any threats, so he removed his helmet and approached her, a look of mild concern on his face "I heard your yell, Mother. Is something bothering you?"
Roberta couldn't help but smile a little at his concern. Cato was rough around the edges and brash, but his boldness meant that he was the least anxious of her officer-sons to interact with her directly. "I was reading through the collection of legends that have sprung up about me, in my absence."
"Ah." Cato rumbled, briefly glancing at the dataslate on her desk, before looking back up at her "You are widely revered and held in great awe, as are all of the Holy Primarchs."
"Mm, but who we truly are has been lost to time. If Sanguinius found out how the masses - and perhaps his own sons believe him to be now..." Roberta sighed. The majority of the Imperium had come to believe that Sanguinius was a tragic, gentle-spoken martyr, whose death at the hands of the Vile Arch-Traitor was the final proof of the utter depravity that Horus had sank to. They seem to have forgotten, or been made to forget, from whom the Black Rage that afflicted most if not all sons of Sanguinius stemmed from. “His reaction would have been… Spectacular.” Throne on Terra, she missed her siblings. 
Cato nodded, looking uncertain. “Is there anything you wish of me, mother?”
A small smile appeared on her face “Only your company, if your duties permit it. I am… Finding it difficult to adjust to this new time I have woken up in. Please tell me of the battles you’ve participated in.”
Cato’s eyes lit up as he begun to talk about his past exploits, gesturing occasionally for emphasis.
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istherewifiinhell · 2 months
anyway so i yes i have also been casually rewatching atla and theres not really anything new under the sun u need me to say. BUT. if i may offer u a little view into the wifi way of preceiving the world
THE. COMICAL WAY. my ears perked up. like a HUNTING DOG.
[VD: Clip from ALTA s1 ep "The Great Divide" the Zhang people's leader, a strong woman, says "Sick people get priority over old people," the Gan Jin people's leader, an old man, responses "Maybe you Zhang's wouldn't have so many sick people if you weren't such slobs!" END]
this a pretty obvious one... DID U GUESS. COULD U TELL?
were u kicked in the face like.... [beyonce meme] ODO???????
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[ID: cap of the second part of the show voice credits.
Zhang Leader - Roberta Farkas Gan Jin Leader - Rene Auberjonois Canyon Guide - Leonard Stone Scout - Scott Menville Additional Voices: (4 above listed) Dee Bradley Baker, Mae Whitman. END]
Farkas not a lot of roles for all that she soundssss so familiar to me. Stone was an Actor Actor but this is his only voice role. Menville. I mean. I'll be damned if u never heard him as Robin. Hes done a lot, but he's that one.
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15-lizards · 1 year
sorry to bother but... what about gender swapped lannisters twins?? how much worse are male!cersei (kevan or cerso) and female!jaime (jaima)?
Oh my god wait…
Also disclaimer I’m aware that doing these gender swaps messes up character dynamics/what makes them so complex but again this is just for speculation and good fun 👍🏻
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Cevan is somehow so much worse than regular Cersei because he has male audacity now (which fem Cersei does have but now he can back it up) Originally wanted to marry the Targ princess whom he still obsesses over to this day, so he was quite annoyed when his Momma sided with Roberta. He does Jamie’s eldest son failure by marrying the new queen and giving up his claim as heir to Casterly Rock, bc of course he only cares about himself and his power. Whenever Roberta is pregnant, Cevan’s beloved sister Jenna is miraculously pregnant at around the same time. And once Roberta gives birth, her chubby and dark haired babies have a sudden tendency to lose weight and have lightened hair. He’s scheming and notably irritable and paranoid, but thinks he savvy enough to outsmart the small council. He’s also constantly getting bombarded by noblewomen to be his mistress, but he prefers to keep it in the family ofc. Though he has tried Lord Merryweather once or twice. By the events of GOT he manages to get Roberta killed on one of her hunts, installing his dear insane daughter Johanna as king, making his mother start a bloody, continent wide war to protect that claim. Through pure luck does he get his enemies killed and his sycophants in positions of power. But feels lost without his mother after she dies. Classic Cersei through and through.
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Jenna Lannister living in the most gilded cage in the world…she was never a female knight or warrior but rather the most loved and sought after courtier in the Red Keep. She was well liked at court and preferred to socialize and dance and gossip (much to possessive Cevans annoyance) to politics and scheming, taking few things seriously. When the war started she was the favorite of the king, and was thus stuck at the Red Keep. On the day he started screaming to burn them all, she managed to convince the kingsguard to leave the hall and quickly forced his neck down on one of the thrones blades. After the war her mother marries her off as a war prize to a useful Lannister ally. Despite her good health she’s unable to carry a baby to term, and the three times she’s given birth, the baby has tragically and suddenly died of mysterious complications. By GOT she’s now one of Roberta’s ladies in waiting, and despises her and what she’s done to her brother. The court half fears her and half loves her, calling her Kingslayer behind her back and even to her face at times. She goes off as an emissary during the war but gets captured when the Lannister army loses a battle to the Young She Wolf, resulting in the hand she killed the mad king with getting cut off. Brienne is still her gf bc lesbians.
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Mommy issues bonus round. Tyresa Lannister is the first cousin and widow of Johan Lannister, who died. She is a domineering woman, a powerhouse in politics, but is deeply resentful of any woman in power besides herself (cmon internalized misogyny). Close friends with the king and queen when she was young, and eventually became the royals closest advisors, leaving when they would not wed their daughter to Cevan. She was the unofficial head of the Lannisters by the time of the war because she sure as shit was not letting her useless cousins and brothers and uncle be in charge of an army. She plays her cards right and becomes the most revered and feared woman in the seven kingdoms, no man objecting her to her face. She sells her daughter as a war prize and is going to arrange her heirs auction, but he goes off and becomes king, leaving her to secure her legacy on her own, starting an entire war to keep her family safe and their legacy in tact even if she doesn’t particularly like them.
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dear-indies · 1 year
Hello! Do you have any suggestions for a female fc who have resources kissing other women, ranging the ages of 22-35? Thank you so much in advance!
Putting queer ladies first:
Desiree Akhavan (1984) Iranian - is bisexual - The Bisexual.
Roberta Colindrez (1986) Mexican - is queer - Vida.
Monica Raymund (1986) Dominican Republic / English, Ashkenazi Jewish - is bisexual - Hightown.
Elizabeth Ludlow (1989) English, Dutch, German, Scottish, African - is queer and uses she/they - Peacemaker.
Danielle Brooks (1989) African-American - has chosen not to publicly label her sexuality but has dated a woman - Peacemaker.
Katie Findlay (1990) English, Chinese, Portuguese-Macanese, Scottish - is queer - Nancy Drew, Walker Independence.
Amelia Eve (1992) - is queer - The Haunting of Bly Manor.
Jacqueline Toboni (1992) - is queer - The L Word: Generation Q.
Arienne Mandi (1994) Chilean and Iranian - is pansexual - The L Word: Generation Q.
Midori Francis (1994) Japanese / Irish, Scottish, Welsh, Italian - is queer - The Sex Lives of College Girls.
Jasmin Savoy Brown (1994) African-American / English, German, one quarter Norwegian, some Scots-Irish/Northern Irish - is queer - Scream.
Hannah Einbinder (1995) Ashkenazi Jewish - is bisexual - Hacks.
Brianna Hildebrand (1996) Mexican / German, English, Irish - is queer - Trinkets.
Lili Reinhart (1996) - is bisexual - Riverdale.
Ella Hunt (1998) - is queer - Dickinson.
Erin Kellyman (1998) Afro-Jamaican / Irish - is a lesbian - Willow.
Auli'i Cravalho (2000) Puerto Rican, Kānaka Maoli, Portuguese, Chinese, Irish - is bisexual - Crush.
Reneé Rapp (2000) - is bisexual - The Sex Lives of College Girls.
Savannah Lee Smith (2000) African-American - is bisexual - Gossip Girl.
Chloe Van Landschoot (?) Unspecified - is queer - From.
DeWanda Wise (1984) African-American - Someone Great.
Laia Costa (1985) - Duck Butter.
Thaila Ayala (1986) Brazilian - Girls from Ipanema.
Georgina Reilly (1986) - Murdock Mysteries.
Jacky Lai (1989) Vietnamese - Shadowhunters.
Parveen Kaur (1988) Indian - Manifest.
April Rose Pengilly (1988) - Neighbours.
Danielle Savre (1988) - Station 19.
Mishel Prada (1989) Puerto Rican, Dominican Republic, and Mexican [Spanish, Portuguese, African, Unspecified Indigenous], some French - Vida.
Charlotte Ritchie (1989) - Feel Good.
Nafessa Williams (1989) African-American - Black Lightning.
Priya Davdra (1987) Gujarati Indian - Eastenders.
Chantal Thuy (1990) Vietnamese - Black Lightning.
Samantha Mugatsia (1992) Kenyan - Rafiki.
Alejandra Onieva (1992) - Las pelotaris 1926.
Bárbara López (1992) Mexican - Juliantina, Señorita 89.
Macarena Achaga (1992) Argentinian - Juliantina.
Jodie Comer (1993) - Killing Eve.
Alexis Floyd (1993) African-American - The Bold Type.
Aisha Dee (1993) African Australian / White - The Bold Type.
Sheila Munyiva (1993) Kenyan - Rafiki
Jessie Pinnick (1993) - Princess Cyd.
Madelaine Petsch (1994) - Riverdale.
Sarah Catherine Hook (1995) - First Kill.
Sydney Meyer (1995) - Shadowhunters.
Maddison Jaizani (1995) Iranian / English - Nancy Drew.
Katherine McNamara (1995) - Love Classified.
Giovanna Grigio (1998) Brazilian - Rebelde.
María de Nati (1997) - Las pelotaris 1926.
Amaia Aberasturi (1997) - Welcome to Eden.
Begoña Vargas (1999) - Welcome to Eden.
Imani Lewis (1999) African-American - First Kill.
Here you go! Thanks to @katherine-mcnamara and @rey1x1!
I'd also suggest looking @sapphicmusing!
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gadzooksbeluga · 22 days
My Ranking List for Lazy Town
My Favorites:
Áfram Latibær!
Crystal Caper
Miss Roberta
Secret Agent Zero
Dancing Duel
Haunted Castle
Birthday Surprise!
The Lazy Genie
Dancing Dreams
The First Day of Summer
The Fortune Teller
Robbie's Dream Team
Glanni Glæpur í Latabæ
Hero for a Day
Record's Day
Prince Stingy
LazyTown's New Superhero
LazyTown's Surprise Santa
Little Sportacus
Trash Trouble
The LazyTown Circus
Energy Book
Purple Panther Part 1 and 2
The Holiday Spirit
Let's Go to the Moon
Secret Friend Day
Ziggy's Talking Teddy
Ghost Stoppers
Sports Day
Sleepless in LazyTown
Happy Brush Day
Dr. Rottenstein
Cry Dinosaur
My Treehouse
The Laziest Town
Dear Diary
Zap It!
Remote Control
Sportacus Who!
Soccer Sucker
LazyTown's Greatest Hits
Robbie's Greatest Misses
Sports Candy Festival
Ziggy's Alien
Sportacus on the Move!
Rockin' Robbie
Double Trouble
Snow Monster
Pixel TV
Friends Forever
LazyTown Goes Digital
Once Upon a Time
The Lazy Rockets
Sportacus Saves the Toys
The Greatest Gift
Little Pink Riding Hood
Scavenger Hunt
Who's Who?
The Blue Knight
Chef Rottenfood
Breakfast at Stephanie's
The Lazy Cup
The Last SportsCandy
New Kid in Town
Time to Learn
Princess Stephanie
The Wizard of LazyTown
Mystery of the Pyramid
Lazy Town Unaired Pilot
Welcome to Lazy Town
Lazy Scouts
Play Day
School Scam
The Baby Troll
My Least Favorites:
Swiped Sweets
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pigeon-smidge · 1 month
Ahmed talked to me on instagram. He and his family do need help, please donate if you can. Sharing helps so much if you can't donate. It all combines.
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If you can donate, please please do. Share as well, as a simple reblog and pasting the link somewhere can help more people see. It can save lives. It brings more attention to these stories that desperately need activism.
If you can’t, please share.
Arab.org actually allows you to donate FOR FREE to Palestinian refugees with clicks. You can normally click once per day but if you use different browsers, devices and open it from different platforms on mobile you can do it more often.
Peace for Palestine and the world. No one deserves to be hunted for simply existing.
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bookgeekgrrl · 1 year
My media this week (23-29 Jul 2023)
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🥰 The Rift (seapigeon) - 53K, modern college no powers AU - there's witchcraft and ghosts and curses and art student steve and science nerd bucky and it was all very good!
😍 Six Kids and a Winnebago series (Oddree13) - 91K, omegaverse Steddie - this series is a thoroughly delightful domestic omegaverse(lite) set post s4 - excellent characterizations, great sense of time/place & really fantastic music references
🥰 Longing and Belonging (enjambament) - 44K, geraskier - governess!Jaskier, lots of great family stuff with Ciri & Yen [reread, a definite fave]
😍 if I'm gonna get back to you someday (napricot) - 46K, post Endgame fixit with "a clusterfuck of Steves" from different multiverses - so many good emotions!
😊 Roommate Wanted (Lihhelsing, tinkerbclla) - 66K, modern Steddie roommates-to-lovers, part epistolary with a dash of identity porn
💖💖 +110K of shorter fic so shout out to these I really loved 💖💖
the premature awakening of Bucky Barnes [at the hands of stupid, sexy, Post-run Steve] (MaddieWritesStucky (Madeleine_Ward)) - MCU: stucky, 3K - modern no powers stucky, several months on in the relationship between stripper!Bucky & architecht Steve [reread]
Galatea (saltandbyrne) - Inception: Arthur/Eames, 16K - a very good and delightfully melancholic modern myth telling
Shelter Case (Coragyps) - Suits: Mike/Harvey, 7K - futuristic dark dystopian omegaverse [reread]
Let Me Keep You (LeeHan) - MCU: stucky, 4K - Steve's oral fixation PWP  [reread]
D20: Adventuring Party - s1, e15-18
D20: A Crown of Candy - s5, e15-17
Good Omens - s2, e1-6
What Next: TBD Plus - Why Tech Lays Women Off First
⭐ Wiser Than Me with Julia Louis-Dreyfus - Julia Gets Wise with Jane Fonda
Fire Island: The Tea - Thomás Matos
50 Years of Hip-Hop - 1991: "Mind Playing Tricks on Me" by Geto Boys
50 Years of Hip-Hop - 1993: "Hip Hop Hooray" by Naughty by Nature
Hot and Bothered - Live from Pemberley: The 2005 Movie (with Helen Zaltzman and Jenny Owen Youngs)
Re: Dracula - July 24: There Will be Some Trouble
Rachel Maddow Presents: Déjà News - Episode 6: “Hello America, this is Addis Ababa.”
50 MPH - 7 MPH / A Crash Course in Jan De Bont (with Bilge Ebiri)
⭐ Endless Thread - Best of Summer: The Loudest Sound
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Mapping the Gay Guides
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Spaces for Spies
Switched on Pop - Barbie and the plasticity of pop
Shedunnit - Cricket and Crime
Re: Dracula - July 26: Just Starting for Home
Ologies with Alie Ward - Sciuridology (SQUIRRELS) with Karen Munroe
Stuff The British Stole - The Fever Tree Hunt
The Waves Plus - How a Drag Queen Recreated the American Dream
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Knight’s Spider Web Farm
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Amazon Night Hikes
Our Opinions Are Correct - Encore Episode: We're in the wrong timeline, with Connie Willis and R.F. Kuang
99% Invisible #546 - The Country of the Blind
50 Years of Hip-Hop - 1981: "Rapture" by Blondie
⭐ Decoder Ring Plus - A Brief History of Making Out
Twenty Thousand Hertz+ - Zelda: A Beep to the Past
Dear Prudence Plus - My Boyfriend Hid His Hobby From Me—Civil War Reenactments. Help!
⭐ Into It - Country Music’s Race Problem
What Next: TBD Plus - Washington vs. A.I.
Rivals: Music's Greatest Feuds - Robbie Robertson vs. Levon Helm: Broken Band
Re: Dracula - July 28: Four Days in Hell
Re: Dracula - July 29: Another Tragedy
Hit Parade Plus - The Bridge: Don’t Believe Me, Just Watch
⭐ Strong Songs - "Killing Me Softly With His Song," as sung by Lauryn Hill, Roberta Flack, & Lori Lieberman
Wait Wait… Don't Tell Me! - WWDTM: Randall Park
Fire Island: The Tea - Bambi Sue: Dredging Up the Past
Presenting The Who
People Just Wanna Have Fun [Kool & The Gang] {2023}
The Beach Boys Radio �� Popular
"One Thing Leads To Another" [The Fixx] Radio
Dream Theater
Presenting Bruno Mars
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emberwritesinsight · 2 years
Remember that bit of Roberta’s Blood Trail where Revy dials up Shenhua like “hiii :) you wanna help me hunt down a Murder Maid?”
I keep thinking about it because it tells me that they exchanged numbers at some point, which is inexplicably funny to me. Like, why did they do this? When did they do this? Was it before or after Shenhua stabbed Revy in the arms with several little knives? Which one of them suggested it?
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seraphim-seeker · 5 months
I thought about it then just said SCREW IT!! New AU! (Bc who doesn’t want an excuse to put Megatron in a maid dress)
So this AU is based of my personal favorite character from this anime: Black Lagoon (If you haven’t watched it, I recommend) her name is Roberta, she’s a Maid of a Family who are rather wealthy but she’s not very good at cooking and some other maid like chores, she’s actually an international criminal who’s posing as a maid and caretaker to escape her old life.
So here’s my AU: Megatron a former Warlord flees to Earth to escape her crimes after losing a war she lost sight of her original goal for and is now being hunted down to be tried (and most likely executed) for her crimes, she’s found by Issac Sumdac and before she shuts down she does something she’d never thought she’d do and pleaded for the human to hide her, help her, do anything to make sure “they” never find her, then her body and entire frame shuts down.
Issac takes pity on her and does what he can, whilst also using some pieces to build his future business. Years pass and he completes Megatron’s new Body, a simple humanoid build, when Megatron awakes in this new body she is confused and a little angry but after a bit she does thank Issac and offers to help in anyway she can. So she often talks to Issac telling him about her old life and how Cybertronian tech works (she was pissed when she found out what he used, she’s still bitter but has let it go for the most part) and she even watches over Sari and keeps the troublesome girl company. She lives a happy life away from all her past actions…..
Until they catch up to her, the autobots eventually do find Earth and are now searching the place looking for her. They’ve yet to find her, but she is honestly frightened to lose this new life, it brings her peace, she does not want to fight, but she will protect the Sumdacs with her life….
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ejzah · 1 year
Thoughts on the finale?
The Densi scene and Callanna wedding made me cry!! Thought the part with Hetty was ok, though I wish Callen and her had a serious discussion like he did with Pembroke!! Loved seeing Nell, Nate and Sabatino. Only wish Eric could be there!! Arkady being Arkady was great!! Loved the little moment between Deeks and Rosa!!
Hi anon!
Overall, I was happy with the finale. I was a little giddy with confirmation of the baby, and just the whole Densi plus Rosa scene that I didn’t fully register the wedding. Everything about the scene was wonderful, from Deeks worry, to their shock, to Deeks being delighted he didn’t give Kensi food poisoning. Wonderful!
I am happy Callen and Anna got their happy ending though. It would have been nice, however, if they’d been allowed to go on their honeymoon without him being tasked with a rescue mission first.
I could take or leave the Hetty part. 🤷🏻‍♀️ The note with Linda Hunt’s voiceover would have been enough for me. It was great seeing Nell ( especially) and the others one more time, so I guess I can’t complain too much.
Yes, the moment between Deeks and Rosa at the wedding was amazing. As was watching Arkady trying to get back in Roberta’s good graces.
Despite all the things I loved about the finale, I do wish that even more time had been devoted to the characters and less to a case. As I said to a another tumblr friend, since this was the finale I don’t think the majority of fans would have minded if there was minimal procedural aspects. It would have given more time to really highlight each character and give a greater hint of their futures.
For instance, I’m sad we didn’t get another little scene with Kensi and Deeks celebrating the pregnancy. As beautiful and amazing as the pregnancy reveal scene was, it was pretty short and then they couldn’t tell anyone else. Or as many have mentioned, a little snippet of them in future as a whole family would have been nice.
Additionally, I think the final scene should have included the entire current main cast or the main four. We had a little bit of that with the wedding, but it still didn’t feel like we had that final, classic team moment.
Having said all that, there was lots of good, and I will miss our show and all these great characters so much.
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ncisladaily · 2 years
“Survival of the Fittest” – When a Marine falls ill during a training mission due to an attack by a genetic weapon, the NCIS must track down the person responsible for unleashing it. Also, Deeks struggles with balancing work and home life when Rosa comes down with the flu, on the CBS Original series NCIS: LOS ANGELES, Sunday, Nov. 20 (10:30-11:30 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and available to stream live and on demand on Paramount+*.
Chris O’Donnell
(Special Agent G. Callen)
(Special Agent Sam Hanna)
Linda Hunt
(Operations Manager Henrietta “Hetty” Lange)
Daniela Ruah
(Special Agent Kensi Blye)
Eric Christian Olsen
(NCIS Investigator Marty Deeks)
Medalion Rahimi
(Special Agent Fatima Namazi)
Caleb Castille
(Special Agent Devin Rountree)
Gerald McRaney
(Retired Admiral Hollace Kilbride)
Pamela Reed
(Roberta Deeks)
Natalia Del Riego
(Rosa Reyes)
Dominic Burgess
(Herman Cooper)
Piper Curda
(Lisa Cho)
Bobby Hogan
(Marine Private First Class James Williams)
Cyrus Hobbi
(Marine Staff Sergeant Pierce)
Jesse Boone
Susan Slome
Marcus Antony Brunner
(Nicholas “Nick” Embry)
(Jordana Hanson)
(Marine Private First Class Edward Hanson)
WRITTEN BY: Andrew Bartels
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