#Robin Levine
red1sart · 10 months
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congrats on the marriage (again)
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comic-art-showcase · 1 year
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Holiday Batfamily by Tim Levins
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romancemedia · 1 year
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Get Your Hands Off My Man!
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agent371 · 2 months
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wwprice1 · 3 months
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BTAS goodness from Tim Levins, Terry Beatty, and Lee Loughridge.
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byuuli · 2 years
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zigzag sword go brr
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aliteraryprincess · 1 year
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thereasonsimbroke · 6 months
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If you celebrated, how was your #Christmas this year?
Art by #TimLevins ❄
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unpassive-viewer · 11 days
BRB, making my way through the Charlie-verse:
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fizzyxcustard · 1 year
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Masterlist of this series
Comments/Notes/Housekeeping: Thank you to everyone who reblogged and commented on my last of the RA Character Headcanon Series. I appreciate it very much. I know I sound like a broken record, but please do consider a reblog if you like a post, and if you wish to be added on to my tag lists, please let me know. You are also very welcome to request head canons as well, so I can continue on with this series and open it up to a lot more scenarios.
This head canon post was requested by @sunflwrnsunnieshine Thank you very much, hun. You're very welcome to request head canons with these 9 characters. Just send the request via my ask box, please. This instalment will focus on how all the characters handle jealousy, more precisely, jealousy which involves you, the reader. Enjoy!
GUY OF GISBORNE: Guy does not handle jealousy at all well when it comes to other men flirting with you. He makes his complete and utter distain known to the other man, and even becomes threatening. Most people are scared of Guy, so the men back off as soon as they see his icy glare from across a room. You know that Guy's jealousy comes from a place of insecurity, so you need to remind him regularly that you only have eyes for him.
RAY LEVINE: Ray Levine holds a lot of his emotions inward and will become distant with you if he feels there may be any kind of hint of another man sniffing around you. His answers become clipped and short, and it's up to you to question him thoroughly to see exactly why his mood has changed. However, when you reassure him that you're his, he apologises profusely.
FATHER LORENZO QUART: Father Quart is not a jealous man, but when it comes to you, jealousy is not something he is immune to. He holds it inward and tries his best to push the thoughts away as to not fall into bitterness. You notice his behaviour (of extra glances and sighs when the other man is in the room) and bring it up with him, and he admits that he did feel jealous and apologises, knowing he trusts you implicitly.
THORIN OAKENSHIELD: If Thorin sees another man making advances towards you, you immediately see a change in the Dwarf's demeanour. He becomes quite passive aggressive, giving short answers and appearing a little hostile. But when you get to the bottom of his negative feelings and reassure him with plenty of touch and love-filled words, he apologises to you. He is scared to lose you.
FRANCIS DOLARHYDE: Francis will watch you and the other man, not acting physically on his jealousy. However, he begins mentally plotting ways to harm the man, enjoying the thought of causing pain to him. Francis even admits to you that he had bad thoughts and considered violence, but then begs you to forgive him.
JOHN THORNTON: John Thornton becomes quiet and distant, backing off as soon as he feels in any way threatened by another man sniffing around you. The normally brooding man becomes even more cold toward you, hinting at his jealousy through hints in his words, mentioning the man in conversation. Eventually you sit him down and talk it through with him that nothing will ever happen between you and the other man.
RAYMOND DE MERVILLE: Raymond will not entertain the idea of another man serenading you. In fact, he is quite happy to threaten men and even become violent. Any man who only looks at you for a few seconds too long and they're immediately found on the sharp end of Raymond's sword.
JOHN PORTER: John tries to down play his jealousy and won't talk about it, until you bring it up to him. If he notices you interacting with another man, he will distance himself a little, but you notice him still sneaking glances to see what's going on. Eventually you have to confront John and tell him that he's stupid to think you'd even consider any other man but him as you've fancied him for as long as you've known him.
LUCAS NORTH: Lucas doesn't like to show vulnerability at first, so his jealous behaviour will depend on how long you've been with him and the stage you're at in your relationship. Any initial stage, weeks to a couple of months, and Lucas will try his hardest to not think too much about it. However, the longer you are with him, then the more his jealousy will show. It becomes clipped words, the cold shoulder and icy stares at you and the other man from across a busy room.
Follow Forever tag list: @i-did-not-mean-to @lathalea @linasofia @xxbyimm @middleearthpixie @knittastically @guardianofrivendell @luna-xial @rachel1959 @msjava1972 @asgardianhobbit98 @meganlpie @eunoiaastralwings @sunflwrnsunnieshine @tschrist1 @quiall321 @lemond57 @missihart23 @evenstaredits
Guy of Gisborne tag list: @puggledy-huggledy-is-not-a-pig @whoooooisthis
Thorin Oakenshield tag list: @braidedheart
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atticuscortes · 25 days
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atticus cortes for event 013: country night at oasis.
ft. @noralevin, @maura-cortes, @robinsantos, @aurorabayaesthetic
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romancemedia · 10 months
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Jealous Boyfriend Alert! + Girlfriend Kissing Another Guy!
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comic-art-showcase · 2 years
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Bat Family by Tim Levins
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balu8 · 10 months
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Tim Levins: Batman
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robins-den · 1 year
Zizel gives the mansion members a math test because i wanted to write these. it goes from simple addition to pre calculus.
Notes: I use terms like advanced math, high level math, and other subjective terms. This is to make it more accessible to someone reading if they don't know different math segments. Just go by vibes.
Claire - gets up to square roots and then begins to struggle. cannot do cube roots or beyond. can do exponents of basic numbers but cannot do things like 12^7. struggles through the whole thing even if her answers are complete nonsense and guesswork once she gets to the more advanced stuff. Went to school and was tutored by the people who took her in in subjects she struggled with, so she did pass high school math. Has an instinctive fear of high level math. However, she is exceptional with graphs as they feel like pictures to her and that makes it easier. Does not check over her answers as it will just depress her.
Ashe - aces it. He has extreme skill in memorization and his goals when he was younger led him to taking advanced math classes. He remembers nearly everything necessary for the test without any prep work. Understands all of the problems. He writes out his work as he's used to that being a requirement. Finds complex math problems almost relaxing. Checks his answers at the end of the test, spending a while on it.
Wilardo - thinks that exponents are just multiplying (ie answers 3^3 as 9 instead of 27). Doesn't understand cube roots and beyond whatsoever. Barely understands square root. Turns in the test with over 3/4th of it blank. Once he stops understanding the questions he doesn't even check the rest of the test. Never actually went to school and was only taught math basics. Chronic tax evader because of the constant movement and fear of math. Turns it in without checking his answers.
Sirius - used a self study program growing up. Can do it without much issue as long as the high level formulas are provided. Otherwise, he mixes a few of them up if he didn't have any study time. Hates graphs as that adds another layer of things complicate the matter. Finds complex math problems satisfying to solve, but he won't do them for no reason. If he has even half an hour to study, he does much better. Takes a while as he takes his time on every question. If he doesn't understand any questions, he gets flustered but tries to solve it. Doesn't write his work on the lower level questions, but he writes his work when he does it outside of his head. He scans his answers before turning it in, but he has confidence in the himself of 20 minutes ago to read the problem correctly.
Noel - rouge made him start filing his demon taxes at age 15. Invective was in charge of his mathematics education, but after a few years of struggling she decided that ensuring he had every useful math formula and function completely memorized was more useful than dragging him through more theoretical and advanced math. However, tests make him panic so he takes much longer on a problem that he could complete easily outside of the test. A lot of the later stuff on the test was never covered by Invective and he doesn't even attempt to figure it out. Spends an extremely long time checking his answers over.
final test scores (with studying & without)
Ashe = Sirius, (large difference), Noel, Claire, (large difference), Wilardo.
Zizel marked only on whether the answer was correct with no thought to the work behind it. If work credit was included, Claire would have edged out Noel with an extra 10%. Ashe and Sirius got nearly perfect scores, Noel and Claire scraped around 50%, and Wilardo got 12%.
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johnvenus · 1 year
Happy Holidays from the Bat Fam!
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Art by Tim Levins (link to IG)
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