#SCP D-Class
SCP: Welcome Home AU:
Wally: I'd probably do fine in D-Class because I get along with everybody.
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itsthatzchanne · 2 years
Scp secret laboratory in a nutshell under 3 mins:
Totally didn't take out a scene from a gameplay 💀💀
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pixelatedvoid · 8 months
Made a D-class OC!
This is D-4734, real name Andrew-Jack / AJ
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(Added o5 tags for an… unrelated reason of course…)
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one-time-i-dreamt · 8 months
I went to the SCP foundation and I was gonna be a D-class but my grades were good enough that I got to be a researcher, but then after my epic promotion I was still thrown into a room with a very low ceiling and SCP-682 in it.
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scary-lasagna · 7 months
Scp 096 (established relationship) where the scp researchers found that if someone sees his photo and comes running at them, if they put a photo of reader (another researcher) in front of their face, 096 gets confused and doesn’t kill them, and so reader can come in and take 096 back to his room?
SCP - 096 “Shy Guy”
It was sabotage, no- attempted murder.
The researchers had no clue it was your face in the file, these precious little interns didn’t even look over the contents before slapping them into a D-class’ arms and sending them into a testing chamber.
It was supposed to be the second unknowing D-class, on the other side of the testing room in a 2x2, 14” thick, lead box.
A simple study of how fast 096 could rip it into shreds, allowing more intel for breach shelter doors if it ever escapes again.
(That was a mess, and ironically how you two met, being the only one who knew how to handle him properly.)
The pressure sensors on the floor never moved, only shifted awkwardly. No crying. No screaming.
And somehow the silence was more terrifying than the outburst he should be having.
One of the head researchers called the D-Class back in, and the file is examined. Not too much later, you’re called into the observation room.
Much to your dismay, it seemed someone tried to killed you rather unceremoniously while also endangering the lives of so many others.
And being the lead researcher over 096, as well as his self-proclaimed “BFF”, you were able to waltz in and give him a gentle pat on the back, comforting his confused state.
You lovingly secured the bag over his head, the only thing that gives him the maximum comfort and relief, and stood him on the ‘X’ marked on the floor, all set and ready for the MTF to transport him back to containment.
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moon-buggg · 3 months
Thinking about a dca scp au
Specifically one where yn is originally brought in as a d-class to test some theory that will almost assuredly end in yn's bloody end, except... that doesn't happen.
Yn is thrown into a dark room to test... something? They weren't told exactly, just that the scientists would be watching and recording the behavior of whatever is in there with them. And the scientists all fully expect yn to meet a gruesome end, and are utterly perplexed when the scp just kind of... stares at them? Maybe puts them to sleep using its powers or something I don't have details yet. Moon isn't like, being all that friendly but considering his usual behavior of extreme violence this is like, Big you know?
So of course the foundation ends up keeping yn around to study and also help deal with Moon. Sun and Moon still share a body in this, but Sun is more prone to cooperation with researches and less prone to violence. He hates that his good behavior doesn't get him out of punishments for Moons bad behavior
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werewolfg · 1 year
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"just trust me ok" - @clockwork-plumerias
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emece-sp · 1 year
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Come on guess who my favorite SCP doctor (and author) is, Bonus
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Tiny bug
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malhare-archive · 2 years
I take far too much joy in watching 049 terrorize Markiplier
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nomsfaultau · 10 months
“most impressive title” vs “what the D-Class call them”
Wilbur: The Voidkeeper — tentacle twink Philza: Embodiment of Fire and Fury — yoga lizard The Blade: The Blood God — that m̷̲̗̱̲̼͓̋̍̓̋̉̓͘u̶̠͇͐͊͊̈́̽͌̇̕f̷̦̤̲̼̝̯͑̓͝f̸̨̬̘̥̗̬̬̻͊̈́̕͜ī̴͙͙̫̭̓ň̷̖̦̣̥͔̯̭̜̌̈́er we made up to scare the newbies/porky pig Tommy: Avatar of Conflict — annoying Tubbo: Nymph — GET IT OFF GET IT OFF AHH I HATE BUGS!!!
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cure-the-plague · 10 months
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yotenotes · 9 months
oc animatic featuring cd10403 & alex selnikov. oc lore
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blobee · 6 months
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He doesn't know yet.
Don't ask me why he's orange, I was lazy. So I'll just say that someone poured whole dam bucket of paint on him.
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maybemoss · 7 months
thinking about d-class in the scp foundation. you’re doomed from the beginning. no amount of intellect or skill will help you in the face of world-ending horrors, and the people around you who do know what they’re doing won’t care to save you unless it benefits them. you’re treated as expendable, even less of a person than a canary in the coal mine. and because of what? because you did something—something unforgivable, presumably. whether or not you had a good reason, if you regretted it or if you’d do it all over again if you got the chance, the foundation doesn’t care, it offered you a second chance all the same. you were going to die anyways, you thought, might as well take a chance. you should have known there were fates worse than death.
since taking that deal, you’ve had your name stolen from you. probably not in the anomalous sense unless you’re one of the unlucky ones, but they’ve replaced it with a serial number that’s long, unwieldy, and dehumanizing. it’s easier for them to condemn you to horrors beyond imagination if they never have to know your name, if they never have to acknowledge that you are (were?) a human being with thoughts and feelings. oftentimes the things these people do in the name of the “greater good” are even worse than whatever you did to get in this situation in the first place, but that never stops them from calling themselves humanity’s saviors while using you as a lab rat. they will stop at nothing to secure, contain, protect, and you will be caught in the crossfire.
will they even let you out if you somehow survive? how long have you really been here?
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