DnD OC Fic: Part One
This is a purely self-indulgent writing thing I've wanted to do for a while now. My DnD OC, Annahael, and by extension her dragon companion Azula, have been living in my head for several years now, and I've had a strong desire to not only write out every bit of her backstory, but to do so in a fic-style way, hitting major events that might have occurred during her life. Is it really fanfiction if you're writing about your own character? ...maybe. In any case, I've got multiple parts planned for this, but actually had the energy to finish at least one part. If you choose to read all of this, thanks! I appreciate it! If not, fair enough, I wrote this mainly for myself anyways.
Word count: 2.3k
Tagging a couple folks who might be interested (if you're not/you are, let me know I'll adjust as needed): @bookwyrm-of-the-trees @jgvfhl @bazingabacca @professorgallifrey @charlie-omniscient
Part One: Childhood
“Slow down, Annahael!” The young blonde girl tripped over another tree limb as she chased her cousin up the mountainside. 
“You just have to try harder to keep up!“ the other girl jeered back. Her jet black hair flew like raven feathers behind her as she scrambled up another ledge. 
“Yeah, Kiana!” A boy with messy blonde hair shoved her as he ran past. “The others aren’t going to wait for us forever!”
“And if you don’t slow down, Elyan, you’re going to chip another tooth!” Still, Kiana did her best to catch up to her other two cousins. 
The sun crested over the nearby peaks as the trio made their way up the mountain. 
“Ughhhhh, how much farther?” Elyan groaned. 
“Can’t be that much longer now.” Annahael glanced around, looking for her remaining cousins. “Damien and Faedron both said they’d meet us up here.”
“Not like you’re that hard to find.” A half-elven boy stepped out from behind a tree. “I’m surprised half the creatures in the forest aren’t here, considering the racket you’ve been making.” 
“You try traveling with these two,” Kiana shot back, dusting herself off. 
“They have their moments. As do you, dear sister.” A dark haired boy jumped down from a nearby tree. 
“Damien.” Kiana rolled her eyes. “I should have known you were lurking around somewhere.” 
“Guilty as charged.” He gave a small smile. 
“So,” Annahael crossed her arms. “Did you actually find something cool this time, or is this just another excuse to leave the manor?”
Faedron gave a slight smirk. “Can’t it be both, cousin?
“Now,” the half-elf held up his hand. “We have to be extremely careful. Even the slightest disturbance could lead to catastrophe.” He gave a pointed glare towards Elyan. 
“That was one time!” Elyan shouted. “How was I supposed to know ancient family relics were that breakable?” 
“By using the same vacuous space in your head that keeps you from stabbing yourself with the pointy end of a spear?” Kiana suggested. 
Before Elyan could shove Kiana back down the mountainside, Annahael stepped in between them. 
“Ok, ok, calm down.” She held out both her arms, keeping the two relatively at bay. “Honestly, Elyan, it’s not worth it. We both know Kiana can’t go five minutes without reminding us how she’s the smartest one in the room.” Kiana shot daggers towards Annahael. Metaphorically, of course, but the literal urge was there, as well. “So maybe you can rub whatever two brain cells you have left together and knock it off? Just long enough to see if Faedron is playing a practical joke on us.”
Elyan and Kiana shared a look, deciding whether to kill each other, Annahael, or both. Eventually, the curiosity of what Faedron had in store for them became greater than their bloodlust, and the two of them fell in line with their siblings. Elyan with Faedron further up the path, Damien and Kiana keeping watch in the middle, and Annahael bringing up the rear. 
She couldn’t help but notice the pairs ahead of her, the friendly bickering, the light shoving, the laughter. She wasn’t jealous, of course. Being an only child had its perks, not to mention the fact that she was the eldest of all of them. She would take getting spoiled by her parents over having to deal with another person who shared her bloodline any day. Her cousins were enough trouble as it was. 
Trudging along the paths of the mountainside, Faedron held up his hand, signaling the group to stop. He then carefully navigated his way to a nearby outcropping, brushing aside some foliage and revealing an entrance in the rock, just wide enough for an adult to maneuver through. With a confident smirk on his face, he waved his family over to follow him through the entrance. 
“Faedron, you are aware some of us can’t see down there?” Kiana whispered. 
“Just trust me, then,” he replied. “I can take us down there safely, and Annahael can watch us all from the back.” 
Annahael nodded, a bit of fake confidence covering up her confusion. On the surface she knew she didn’t look much different from her human cousins, but there were inconsistencies. She first noticed it while learning the language of her family. Despite others, namely Kiana, having greater intelligence, Annahael could understand and speak the language almost immediately. And again now, with being able to see in the darkest of places with ease. She’d heard whispers from her family and others in the manor. Talks of lineage, of her disgraced Aunt Delilah, the phrase “angel blood” arising here and there. But it didn’t mean anything to her, so she tried not to dwell on it. 
As the group carefully made their way through the cavern, Faedron led them down various twists and turns before emerging in a softly lit open chamber. Gemstones grew scattered across the walls, jutting out in clusters and reflecting the sourceless light. Emeralds, rubies, and sapphires glittered, with obsidian and opals refracting a rainbow of hues across the room. However, the gemstones were the least impressive items in the cavern. In each corner, gathered by a particular gem cluster, there lay a dragon egg. 
“What do you say?” Faedron turned to gloat at everyone, their mouths agape in wonder. “Do you think the journey was worth it now?” 
“Shut up,” Kiana muttered, the glow of the rubies hiding her flushed cheeks. 
“And there’s no traps here?” Damien asked, glancing around the room. 
“I already checked. No signs of traps; no signs of dragons. I wouldn’t recommend touching anything,” he called after Elyan, who was racing around the room, about to pick up an egg. 
“You break an old vase one time…” Elyan muttered, reluctantly shoving his hands into his pockets. 
Distracted by the beauty before them, the group almost missed the signs of footsteps behind them. Annahael blinked for a moment, and upon hearing the sound hissed out “Hide!” 
The group scattered, some more successfully than others blending into their surroundings. The footsteps thudded down the passageway, growing ever closer to the chamber, echoing off the gems in the room. As the figure came to a stop in the center of the room, she called out in a familiar voice, “There’s no need to hide, children.”  
“Grandmother?” Elyan poked his head out from behind an outcropping. Annahael punched him on her way towards the center of the room. 
“Tzel Mavet,” she said respectfully, shooting daggers towards her cousin as she knelt. While Phaedra Kroxa was indeed their grandmother, she was also the head matriarch of the family, and the leader of the Death Sect of the Organization 13, the mysterious and powerful group their family belonged to. And Annahael did not sit through hours of history class to have her brainless relative make such an impudent vernacular slip. 
Her other cousins began to emerge from their hiding places, kneeling in front of their leader. 
“To what do we owe this honor?” Annahael asked. 
“It can’t be enough that I was worried about you all?” Her voice was a powerful, commanding force in the room, with just the slightest dash of sweetness mixed in. “When the entire next generation of the Kroxa family goes missing at the same time…well, that’s sure to raise some alarms.” Everyone hung their heads lower, dipping from respect into shame. 
“And now, seeing you all here, frankly I’m a little disappointed. You ruined the surprise.” 
All of their heads immediately perked up. “A surprise?” Elyan asked. 
“Yes.” The Tzel Mavet walked around the chamber, picking up one of the dragon eggs. “As a reward for your training, we were going to gift you each a draconic partner to aid you in your endeavors. But, I suppose the wyrm is out of the bag.” Her mouth curled into what one might assume could be called a smile. 
“But…” Faedron’s voice shook under the glare of his elder. “But I checked for ev-everything. Footprints, disturbances. This…this chamber was untouched.”
“Then clearly you aren’t as skilled as you think you are,” she said curtly. “Perhaps if you spent less time galavanting through the forest and more time training, you wouldn’t have made an error.” 
Faedron nodded and bowed his head again, looking like he was going to be sick. 
“In any case.” The sweetness returned to her voice, as if nothing had just happened. “It wouldn’t be fair to hang on to the element of surprise anymore. So, you are all free to choose a companion with which to bond with. Annahael,” she gestured, and Annahael stood. “You may have first pick.”
“Wait,” Kiana stood up as well. “I should get first pick.” 
The Tzel Mavet raised an eyebrow. “And why is that?”  
“Just because she’s the eldest doesn’t mean she is the most powerful.” Kiana conjured a mass of fire before them, then shaped the flames to soar around the room. The lights of the inferno refracted across the gems before the fire settled into Kiana’s hand, extinguishing it with a close of her fist. 
The Tzel Mavet nodded. “Impressive,” she said. “Perhaps I have been underestimating the work that you’ve put into this family.” She smiled at Kiana before turning an expectant glare towards Annahael. 
“Oh, right, yes.” She fumbled over her words and her dagger, failing to undo the strap and nearly dropping the blade. She tried to ignore Kiana and Elyan hiding a snicker as she grasped the dagger, channeling energy through it until it glowed with a bright white light. 
“Fascinating,” Kiana mocked. “What power you must wield!” She retrieved her own small blade and conducted a similar incantation, her own weapon now glowing with a similar arcane energy. 
The Tzel Mavet held up her hand, and Kiana dropped the spell, falling silent. “Annahael,” she said. “I fail to see how that could possibly be useful.” 
“Well, I-”
“If you aren’t able to prove yourself here and now, then I can’t see how you’ll do so in the future. If I am to entrust the future of this family to someone, then I need to be certain she’ll have what it takes. It makes no difference to me the order of her birth.”
Annahael felt something inside of her start to bubble up. She’d felt it before, when her cousins would mock her for her occasional clumsiness, when she’d hear whispers about her behind her back. It wasn’t as trivial as not getting her way, not necessarily. It was anger. Anger over not being stronger, over not being perfect, over being completely and utterly afraid of what losing her status might mean. Instead of pushing those feelings down as she normally did, this time she let them fester and burn, until finally they burst forth. 
A crash of lightning burst outside as Annahael screamed, a terrifying pitch that made nails on a chalkboard sound like a pleasant lullaby. Light drained from her eyes and the room, her pupils now filled with pools of inky blackness. A pair of skeletal, ghostly wings sprouted from her back, causing all of her cousins to shirk away from her. Kiana took a step back, speech escaping her for the time being. 
Annahael dashed up to her, holding the dagger to Kiana’s throat. The light emitting from it was gone, now giving off a deathly, haunting energy. 
“Don’t you ever, ever, dare to challenge me like that again.” Her voice seemed to echo, an unearthly tone haunting every word. “If you even think about it…” She traced the dagger in a faint line across Kiana’s cheek, drawing just the slightest bit of blood. “Understand?” 
Kiana gulped, but nodded. Her body was trembling, and while her sibling and other cousins appeared to want to help her, they seemed just as petrified as her. 
Before Annahael could cause any serious harm, she felt a wave of magic wash over her, the word “Stop” echoing in her mind. The wings retreated into her back, seemingly vanishing. Her eyes returned to their normal color, the now inert dagger removed from Kiana’s throat. Annahael blinked, the light returning to normal in the chamber, turning to face her grandmother. She smiled for just a moment towards Annahael, not out of pride, necessarily, but as if she had just won a bet. 
“What just…” Annahael looked towards her cousins. Damien looked on the verge of murder, eyeing Kiana’s cheek, then staring coldly towards Annahael. Elyan looked more mad at himself, frustrated that he couldn’t do much of anything in the moment. Even Faedron couldn’t meet her gaze. 
“Now, Annahael.” She felt a hand upon her shoulder, and stared up into the Tzel Mavet’s deathly smile. “Which companion would you like to choose?” 
Forcing herself to ignore her cousins, Annahael looked around, eyes settling on a sparkling blue corner of the room. Approaching the egg, tiny sparks began to shoot off of it, playful and inviting. She began to feel her hands tingle with electricity just holding the egg. 
“This one.”
Returning to the manor, the rest of her cousins kept their distance ahead of her, each admiring their own draconic egg. Annahael lagged behind, trying to keep her focus on the egg within her own hands. 
“I’ve come to a decision,” the Tzel Mavet said beside her. “From now on your lessons shall be conducted separately from the rest of your cousins. If we are to prepare you to be the next Tzel Mavet Atidah, we’ll have to change your curriculum immediately.”
Annahael looked up at her, sensing the power that seemed to radiate from her very presence. It was intimidating, it was commanding, and yet, above all, comfortingly familiar. She glanced ahead at her cousins once more, and at the distance that was beginning to form between them. 
“When would you like me to start?” 
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rofax · 3 years
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anyway have tira sitting in some water seductively bc why not
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littlemissnoname13 · 3 years
I just finished reading Hopeful. Is it ok for me to request a Draco x Hufflepuff reader fluff? Where they meet at a party and she gets drunk and he takes care of her. Only if you are comfy. Thanks in advance 💝
Hi Nonnie!!! 🖤, I'm sorry that it took a while to respond to this. I have added a few extra details here and there. I hope you enjoy reading it :)
Feeling Colours (D.M)
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Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Hufflepuff!Reader
Word count: 2620
Warnings: fluff, Excessive Drinking, hang over, throwing up, Draco being a softie. lmk if this needs any more warnings
A/n: I get rather anxious while posting fics these days. This has been in my drafts for a while—🤧.
Masterlist | Part two
You found yourself standing at the entrance of the Slytherin common room due to a surprising turn of events.
Your roommate, Hannah Abbott had been casually seeing a boy from the green and silver house and she’d been invited to one of their so called “exclusive” parties.
The problem was, she did not want to go alone and thus, you were roped into a situation you simply couldn’t get yourself out of.
You stood by the door and took some time to process the abundance of green, the dimmed lights and the loud blaring music.
As you navigated through the crowd, you wondered how these people got away with doing these parties ever so often. Maybe Snape chose to ignore all this because he did not want to deduct points from his own house.
Who knows.
“Y/n!” A voice called from the other side of the room. “Over here!”
Your head shot up and you found a friendly looking Theodore Nott, waving at you from a far corner of the room.
Theo was your potions partner once or twice in the past. Out of all the Slytherins, he’d been mildly pleasant with you and wasn’t half as bad to work with really.
Once again, you had to walk through the makeshift dance floor where some very drunken Slytherins were busting out their drunken best moves.
Theo was standing near the drinks with Malfoy and Pansy.
“Hello Theodore.” You mumbled and gave a polite smile to Draco and Pansy. You couldn't help but notice how extra Draco looked in his black suit compared to everyone else.
He eyed you for a minute before returning your smile with a scowl and it didn’t bother you one bit because you’d gotten used to it.
Draco was notorious for being sour and unpleasant to most people, and you were no exception.
“So what are you drinking?” Theodore asked, trying to break the awkwardness in the atmosphere.
“What have we got?” You asked, looking at the drinks that were in front of you.
“We were only able to get some elf-made wine and Vodka.” Malfoy said, rolling his eyes. “Oh, and we have some Punch over there.
“We also have spiked Butterbeer.” Goyle chimed seemingly out of nowhere looking extremely intoxicated.
“Punch please.” You mumbled. Vodka wasn't your choice of poison and you didn’t even know what they’d mixed into the Butterbeer.
After Theo handed you your drink, he took off to dance with a raven black haired girl . Both of them were extremely close to one another as they moved with the music.
Hannah was nowhere to be seen and you were left to awkwardly stand next to Draco, Pansy and Goyle sipping on your Punch rather quickly because you were a bit too sober for the company.
All this while, the only person talking was Pansy and it had gotten so awkward standing there with a smile and nodding your head denoting interest that you debated going to the dance floor yourself.
You’d already finished your Punch and poured yourself a neat Vodka shot in order to avoid contributing to the casual conversation.
Fifteen minutes into the party, and you were already looking for your third drink.
Punch was doing nothing for you and it seemed like the Slytherins were already running low on their vodka supply.
There is a lot of wine. I’m sure no one will notice.
You didn't want to spend the remainder of your night listening to Pansy so you grabbed a bottle of wine for yourself and walked around looking for a place to sit.
Most of the chairs were occupied and the occupants of the sofa were sloppily making out, so your next best option seemed like a broom closet at the opposite end of the room.
After striding towards the closet, You slowly opened the door, stepped inside and sat down.
Even with the door closed, you could still hear muffled sounds coming from the party as you slowly started chugging on the bottle of wine. 
With every sip, your insides started to get warmer and you eased in your own company. You were potentially going to hurl later but the tension in your shoulders loosed and that was the only thing that mattered to you.
Just when things were slowly looking up, the closet door burst open.
“Enjoying ourselves now are we?”
The music was a tad bit too loud for his liking and all the dimmed lights casting various variations of green shadows was starting to make him feel sickly.
A random couple was sloppily making out right next to Draco Malfoy and it made him regret coming to this stupid party more than he already did.
When Draco heard moans coming from the couple next to him, he took it as his cue to stand up and leave the party once and for all.
“Get a room.” Draco muttered through gritted teeth and looked for his way out.
Along the way, Draco shot Theo a smirk when he noticed that he was still dancing with the girl from before.
Upon scanning the room further, he noticed that Hannah Abbott was the only Hufflepuff present and then remembered that you were also at the party not too long ago.
He looked around but he couldn't see you anywhere.
Assuming that you’d already left, Draco briskly walked towards a broom closet he’d seen a few times and yanked the door open to slip inside and away from the commotion.
And there you were.
With your wand in your hand— your entire face illuminated by the light of the Lumos charm.
Your nose and cheeks were flushed red from all the drinking and the whole closet smelled like a mix of alcohol and your perfume that smelled like a complicated blend of citrus and flowers.
“Enjoying ourselves now are we?” Draco muttered the first thing that came to his mind.
“Malfoy?” You whispered with your eyes widening as you contemplated whether to stay in the closet or leave. “What are you even doing here?”
Draco noticed that you were struggling to form words with your lipstick smudged lips.
It was either this or going back outside. And he’d rather not pick the latter.
“Just shut up and scoot over.” He grumbled, hurriedly stepping inside the closet and closing the door behind him.
“You should be.” Draco snapped. “This is my spot.”
“This is my spot.” You mocked his tone and a small giggle broke out of your lips. “I’m Draco Malfoy and my father will be hearing about my spot.”
“Quiet.” He hissed, sitting down while making sure there was maximum distance between the two of you.
“Here.” You passed him the bottle of wine you had brought with you, completely unfazed by his remark. “Have some wine. It will help with your mood.”
“I don’t want your stupid drink.” He said in a clipped voice as he turned his head to get a better look at you.
“Fine. Don’t say I didn't offer you any later.”
Your lips were painted a soft pink shade, your hair was pushed to one side of your neck and you had a silver necklace with a dark blue, teardrop shaped gemstone on it.
Draco assumed that he had formed alcohol goggles because he thought you looked remarkably stunning.
Sure, your features were brilliant and your lips reminded him of peonies. But there was just something that made you beautifully unconventional. You seemed quite oblivious about your looks and he couldn’t tell if that made you aloof or endearing.
“Why are you here anyway?” He rolled his eyes in an attempt to tear his eyes away.
“Well, I was supposed to meet my roommate, Hannah..” You trailed off. “Other than that, I’m not too sure either.”
“From what I saw earlier, Your roommate has probably left the party already and won't be coming back to your dorm room anytime soon.”
Despite rejecting your offer earlier, Draco decided to snatch the bottle from you and started to drink.
“Do you think they are doing the deed right now?” You chuckled darkly and the pure mischief in your eyes made him want to smile.
You reached for the bottle of wine back from him and took a long swig. “About damn time.”
As you said this, the gem on your necklace changed colours from blue to purple and he wondered if he really was too drunk for his own good.
“What is that, may I ask?” Draco cleared his throat as he continued to eye your necklace.
“What’s what?”
“That Y/l/n.” He said, moving closer. “Your necklace.”
“It's a mood necklace.” You mumbled, letting your fingertips brush along the gemstone, making the purple morph into yellow. “I got it at a Muggle jewelry shop last year and charmed it so that it's more accurate and the colours are to my liking.”
“Mood necklace you say?” Draco asked, getting increasingly intrigued. He put two and two together and figured out that the colours changed according to how you were feeling but he needed further clarification.
“The colours change with my mood.” You said quietly. “Blue means I’m calm, and purple means I’m happy.”
“And yellow?”
And just as he asked, the yellow hues in your necklace only brightened.
“I think I have shared way too much for one night.” You said, rather quickly as you attempted to stand up straight. “Good night Malfoy.”
You were almost as intoxicated as Goyle when you slowly wobbled out of the broom closet leaving him in the darkness.
You could barely even stand up straight, let alone walk to your room and what Draco did next surprised the both of you.
He quickly got out of the closet, hesitantly put his arms around your waist and started to walk you back towards your dorm.
“So, what does yellow mean?” He added casually and you let out a sigh before resting your head on his shoulder as you staggered along the way.
“Nervous.” You said quietly. “It means nervous.”
“Nervous? Why do you feel nervous?” He asked, stopping his footsteps and turning you around so you were facing him. Your face was completely flushed and your necklace remained yellow.
“Well, aren't you dense?” You laughed. Your voice was slowly deviating towards a drunken murmur and you were barely standing up on your own. “It's you. You make me nervous Malfoy.”
“I’m sorry Y/N. I didn't mean to.” He said softly, wondering what he must have done to make you so anxious.
He could blame it on the liquor induced haze or blame it on his own perturbation but his heart abruptly stilled when you tumbled closer to him and wrapped your arms around his neck for extra support.
After debating on running his fingers through your hair to ease your anxiety, he finally did it.As softly and gently as he could.
You slightly let your head fall backwards to look up at him, and then you smiled.
Your smile was the prettiest sight he’d seen in a really long time. It was like you smiled from your eyes. It was soft and sincere, much like you were.
It made him want to mimic the way your lips curved and smile right back at you.
“Stop that.” Draco said flatly.
“Stop what?”
“Stop smiling at me.”
You let go of his neck and used both of your hands to turn your smile upside down. “Done.”
Draco had to confine a laugh and as he did so, he slowly let go of your waist, releasing you from his embrace. It was only then that he noticed that there was something else keeping you stuck to him.
Your mood necklace had caught onto a button on his shirt and it yanked you right back to him like you two were magnets.
He also noted that the yellow tones had now washed away into a bright peony pink. The same colour as your lips.
“It's pink now.” He whispered, looking you straight in the eye.
“It is.” You whispered, and leaned in closer to him and it took him all the strength in this world to back away.
It wasn't that he didn't want to kiss you, he just didn't want the first ever kiss between the two of you to be the one you couldn’t even remember.
He looked at the necklace once more to see if it was still pink and to his utter befuddlement, it had turned a bright green colour.
“What does green mea—”
You pressed your hand onto your mouth and backed away before running to the nearest bathroom.
He should have known. Green meant you were sick.
After hurling in the bathroom for the longest time, you heard him call out your name.
“In here.” You mumbled, rubbing the corner of your mouth and stumbling out of the bathroom stall.
In front of you stood Draco with his hands shoved awkwardly into his trouser pocket. His usually sneering face now articulated concern and worry.
It was rather strange to see him like that really.
“You don’t have to hang around Malfoy.” You tried your hardest to sound reassuring even though you felt anything but. “I'm fine I—”
You instantly felt bile rush up to your throat and you stumbled back into the stall to hurl.
You expected him to turn around and walk away, but to your surprise, the boy crouched down on his knees and gathered your hair up at the back of your head.
He also used his free hand to undo your necklace and set it aside while you continued to get sick.
Once you were done, you stumbled out of the stall and sank down on the floor. He let out a short sigh and did the same.
You’d never seen this side of him.
He wasn’t sour, or rude or unpleasant or unkind. In fact, he seemed the complete opposite.
Draco looked at you as if he were reading your mind. “Don’t make a habit of this Y/l/n.” he muttered.
He conjured up some water, gave you an anti hangover potion and spoon fed you soup he’d somehow managed to steal from the kitchen.
Although he had to use a charm to heat it up, it was better than having nothing to eat.
“I don't want soup Draco.” You groaned in protest but he wasnt going to acknowledge it.
All he cared about was that you had some food in your system.
It also took him a great deal of patience and humming a tune from your favourite song to you but you eventually fell asleep.
Right after he pulled the comforter over your shoulders, he tried to walk away but you held tightly onto his forearm.
Draco shook tired his head in defeat and conjured a chair next to your bed.
What a weird night it had been.
Twenty four hours ago, the two of you had barely had any sort of exchange with one another.
Now he was sitting next to your bed, fiddling with your necklace that had turned back to blue in accordance to his mood.
He took his eyes away from the necklace and focused them on you.
Even with your eyes closed, he could see light movement in your eyes indicating that you were dreaming.
Draco pondered on what you might have been dreaming about before pushing stray tendrils of hair away from your face and placed a soft little kiss onto your forehead.
When he diverted his attention back to the necklace in his hand, he saw that it had turned the same shade of pink from earlier.
Although, you were yet to tell him what the pink meant for you, he already knew why it had turned that shade for him.
He understood just why he was suddenly seeing the world around him in shades of pink.
It was love.
He was falling in love.
Draco fluff/general tag list: @maybesandohnos @justfangirlthingies @dlmmdl @desiredmalfoy @trainintersection @wh0re4blaise @marrymetheonott @quacksonsssandtea @letoof @rvaldez7569 @lolooo22 @emma67 @berriemalfoy @thegaudess @itchywitch33 @lunar0se10 @savagelysarcasticslytherin @fleursbabe @teawineaddict @malfoyxxdraco23 @fantasyfairysworld @trashyvicks @h0ggyw0ggyh0gwarts @l0vely-lupin @linasylveon @dracomalfoys-wh0re @dracomalfoyisindahouse @the-bisexual-bitch @sycathorn-slush @lalunemoonstone @supermisunderstoodoceans @belladaises @riddleswh0r3crux @justreadingficsdontmindme @axdxis @97santoki @laceycallisto @haroldpotterson @thetipsysaquatch @darlingmalfoy @letsmariya @malfoysbiitch @turn-to-page-394-please @malfoysgem @m4lf0ym1lk3rs @ameliasbitvh @slythermuf @wolfstar_lb @underappreciated-spoon-321 @yiamalfoy @youreso-golden @dracoscum @mvdbldd @naisnape @o-rion-sta-r @arianagreyy @carnationbasement @dilf-lover21 @louweasleymalfoy @fa-me @dracoswhore007 
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moonyblackwerewolf · 4 years
Betrothed Ch. 4 - Sirius Black
Betrothed Ch. 4
Sirius Black x fem!Reader
Word count: 4.7k
Summary: Sirius and Y/N meet at a family dinner and have some fun, later she finds out she is betrothed to some pureblood boy so Sirius comes up with a mental idea to save them both.
Warnings: Kissing, hints of sex, aggressive parents, underage drinking, idk my writing and English? lol
a/n: Oh my god this is so long! I hope you guys like it, i think there is only 2 chapters left, idk yet. Anyway Feedback is always welcome, thank you guys :)
Ch.1 Ch.2 Ch. 2.5 Ch.3 Ch.4 Ch. 5 
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When Y/n got home, she had time before going to the Malfoys, so she was planning on how to gently tell her parents she didn’t want to go and that she wasn’t going to accept their marriage proposal too. She spend days thinking and decided it was time, because her mom was already telling her to get prepared to go, so she sent a letter to Sirius as promised telling him she would talk to her parents on that day. 
Later the family sat down in a living room and waited for Y/n to say what she wanted to.
“So? What do you want to tell us, your father and I are busy” her mother said impatiently, not knowing the bomb her daughter would throw at her.
Y/n took a deep breath and said “I don’t want to marry Malfoy, I’m not accepting his proposal.” As simple as that single phrase sounded like, it cost her so much more. Her parents were outraged to say the very least, how could she misbehave after all those year of being so obedient.
“What do you mean you won’t? Yes you will, the Malfoys are getting their answers next week” Her mother screamed.
To say her parent were furious was an understatement. She was disrespecting not only their choice of husband, but also their ancient family traditions. But in reality that’s exactly what she felt like, those traditions were ancient and full of nonsense, it is completely wrong to promise a girl to some narcissist, conservative, arrogant, aggressive prick and make her spend the rest of her life with him, loosing all of her liberty.
“Are you calling Lucius a prick? He is a member of one respectable family Y/n!” Her father grunted, grabbing his wand.
“Why? Because they’re pureblood?” Y/n yelled, since she was already fighting their principles she might as well do it right. “That’s nonsense why would a blood status change a person? It doesn't change anything, I know many muggle borns who are ten times better people than you are, you think you can judge everyone, just because you’re pure? Or rich? Or call yourself royal? Which is absurd by the way, you and I know there isn’t royalty in our world, you only say that because you want to be better than everyone else, so you lie and you’re powerful enough for people to believe you” she roared, it felt incredible to take some of her frustrations out of her chest for once in her life, she didn’t have to pretend to be a well behaved purist, like she was before.
Mr. Watson wouldn’t believe his daughter, he didn’t want to, so he kept blinding himself from the ugly truth that he was indeed wrong. “I won’t tolerate you disrespecting our tradition Y/n” with a wave from his hands Charles hit Y/n with the Cruciatus curse, taking her to the ground almost immediately. 
“Dad! Stop- you’re hurting me, please! You’re hurting me” She cried and begged and squirmed, it felt agonising the pain touched each and every part of her body, the tears ran freely down her face, after being hit a certain amount of times she just felt numb to the pain, she stayed still wrapping her knees with all the strength she had left.
“You are going to marry Lucius Malfoy and you are going to accept his proposal in person when you go to his house, because you’re still going and I don’t want to hear a single complain or any of these ideas you cultivated in your mind, you are going to bring us respect” With no remorse her father left her there small, hugging her legs and crying alone, earning only a polite nod from her mother followed by a ‘I warned you’ look.
The rest of her time at home went by so slow she thought a whole month had passed, she was now feeling so bad being in her own house that she almost wanted to go to the Malfoys. Her parents weren’t even letting her see the mail, which meant she wasn’t receiving Sirius’ letters. Her sister wouldn’t talk with her anymore, scared of having the same fate as Y/n and her brother didn’t even know what was happening with his little sister.
The day she was going to the Malfoy manor had arrived. Her parents dropped her there in that shark tank like it meant nothing, they didn’t even bother saying good bye, she had come a long way from being the perfect daughter, who was always respectful with her parents and their ideals. Being at the Malfoys felt like being in Azkaban, but it was still better than being at home at least, there she was treated with extreme respect by Abraxas Malfoy and his wife, they were doing it out of interest of course but it was better than nothing, her only problem was Lucius, she hated him and hated even more that she’d need to sleep in his bed with him and even more that she’d have to accept his proposal by the end of the week. She felt stuck.
After having dinner Mrs. Malfoy showed you to Lucius’ room, while the house elf carried Y/n’s trunk next to the bed. The room was nice and big but it was cold and dark, she felt bad in there, fear creeping into her chest as her whole body felt numb, she just wished she could be in Sirius’ bed in the dormitories, she didn’t know why but there, by Sirius’ side was the most perfect place to be, she felt warm and safe.
“That’s it sweetheart, goodnight” after showing the room, with a final goodbye Mrs. Malfoy let her there alone, with Lucius. He was handsome, sharp jaw, strong upper body, beautiful face, she couldn’t deny it but it felt so wrong, it was sickening, she didn’t love him, she couldn’t, he was a terrible person.
“Look Y/n/n, I have to say, back in Hogwarts I was a bit jealous from you and Sirius, but now, being here with you, feels so right” he said as he was inching closer to her “Come on, let’s go to bed” his fingers were brushing her waist, the single phrase and action made her feel sick, his touch was ice cold, but what choice did she have. Y/n knew the punishment she’d have to face if she didn’t behave
“Ok” she replied, mouth dry “I’ll go change, in the bathroom”. She opened her trunk and looked for comfortable pyjamas, but to her surprise there were only vulgar sleeping clothes and lingeries, she felt a cold in her spine that made her sicker, her mother had it all planned out, crazy she thought, her mother is crazy. The last straw was when she saw a note from her mom.
Bought you some new clothes for you to share with Lucius.
She wondered what would It feel like to have a real caring mother, not one that just clearly wants her to have sex so she can have grandchildren. But she was born on a deranged family. She had no choice, so she just chose the pieces that were most discreet and even those weren't even a bit discreet, it was a black lace bra that at least covered her breasts perfectly and went a bit down and matching panties, if there was something she was sure of, it was that she didn’t want to see Lucius’ face when he saw her.
But again, she had no choice, when she entered the room again Lucius gaze fell directly on her chest. “My eyes are up here you know right?” She asked with a bored voice, while lying down in bed, much to her dismay.
“Feisty” he chuckled lying in bed besides her “I’ve always liked you Watson” Lucius was being a tease but she could see it in his eyes that he was drooling over her. She hated it. So she turned over and closed her eyes, wanting desperately to sleep for the whole time she’d be stuck there “Good night for you too, love” the nickname Sirius used to call her seemed so cold now, sounded fake coming form Lucius’ mouth. That night her thoughts kept going back to Sirius, she wondered if he was trying to talk to her, trying to reach her somehow but being unsuccessful thanks to her cruel parents. She missed him, his touch, his affections and she missed Lily, if she was here they’d talk the whole night and then maybe it wouldn’t fell so lonely, she missed reading with Remus, joking and pranking people with James and how protective he was and Peter’s cute but sarcastic comments, she missed her true family.
The next few days sucked, Y/n was running out of the less vulgar clothes, Lucius was always trying to kiss her and get close to her and the Malfoys’ forced kindness was beginning to annoy her, on top of that she didn’t feel like home in this house, she didn’t feel comfortable to do anything, basically she was counting the days until she could go back to Hogwarts.
Sirius knew something was wrong when Y/n didn’t answer any of his letters, assuming that she’d now probably be at the Malfoys, he needed to talked to her. The thought of Malfoy touching her and the things he could do made his blood boil, she was his friend after all. But things at his home weren’t good, his parents were breathing down his neck so he need to find a way to escape, so, of course he asked James for help.
James and Sirius had come up with a plan, but it was certainly dangerous and potentially problematic, just like everything they did. The plan was: Sirius would sneak away from his house, once he managed to do so he would meet with James in his house and the both boys would go pay the Malfoys a visit, once inside Sirius would need to distract the Malfoys since their families are friends while James helped Y/n run away to his house. It wasn’t quite a brilliant plan, they didn’t have much time to think, but Sirius needed to be sure she was safe.
Now Sirius thought he would have great difficulty running away, he waited for everyone to fall asleep to leave his bedroom, managed to avoid the elves, went to the broom closet, grabbed a broomstick, everything was doing great, except for one thing. Sirius’ brother Regulus thought he had herd something and went downstairs, only to find he’s rebellious younger brother trying to run away.
“What do you think you’re doing this time of night Sirius?” Regulus asked not even a bit surprised by his brother’s actions.
Shit, Sirius thought, he had two options lie or tell the truth. He chose the boldest one “Reg, don’t tell our parents” he looked helpless for the first time in his life, Regulus was quite startled “I need to save my friend, she’s in danger. I know we’re not in the best terms but, do this one favour for me-” he paused “I really care about this girl, she’s the Watson’s daughter, you know her”
“What? The Watson’s… you mean Y/n? What happed Sirius? She’s my friend too, is she okay?” He was going to tell his parents before but now he was curious and worried, he liked Y/n, she was nice to him on eventual encounters in their common room or classes.
“She’s- she’s being held captive at the Malfoys” it wasn’t a lie.
“Held captive? And what about her parents? her dad is the Minister of Magic Law Enforcement, what is it you can do that he can’t and on top of that why are the Malfoys supposedly holding her captive?” Regulus was being particularly annoying, he was suspicious of Sirius’ intentions.
“Her parents gave her away, they want her to marry Lucius, but she doesn’t. And i’m willing to ask for her hand if she accepts me, but she wanted to confront her parents, which clearly went terribly wrong” Sirius tried to defend his theses but he didn’t know if Regulus would be willing to let him go or he’d say that she has to marry who her parents want.
“You’re being absurd Sirius, it can’t possibly be that bad, it’s a marriage, considering our families, it’d happen sooner or later. You can’t stop it, if the Malfoys tell our parents they’ll kill you” Regulus was irritated at first, she was only doing what she was supposed to.
“I’m going either way” Sirius wasn’t letting his brother get in the way.
“Ok.” Sirius would be lying if he said he’s jaw hadn’t dropped to the floor. Actually Regulus was quite shocked too, hearing he’s brother say he was willing to marry a girl and a girl that their parents would approve was indeed shocking and he liked Y/n, the thought of her suffering made him less strict with his brother for once.
“W-well- hum ok then” Sirius left as quickly as he could, afraid this was only an hallucination.
James was waiting for Sirius with his bedroom’s window open. When he entered they both went to bed and talked until they fell asleep, the next day would be eventful. Assuming they woke up right before lunch, the boys hurriedly set everything necessary for the plan, muttered apologies to James’ parents and went to pay a visit to Lucius Malfoy. The weather outside was cold, but the sun was shining, making the travel rather beautiful, but the boys didn’t even notice, they were too worried, James couldn’t stop thinking about how Malfoy was treating his best friend, he hated him so much, Sirius had another motives, he hadn’t realised yet and it may take a little push, but he was jealous.
Arriving at that creepy mansion James and Sirius separated, James sneaked in quietly looking for Y/n’s belongings, while Sirius knocked on the door. The house elf asked him to come in and called his master. Mrs. Malfoy was quite surprised but tolerant.
“Good Morning, may i ask your name?” She asked politely 
“Oh i’m Sirius Black, Walburga’s son” 
“Oh! Sirius what a pleasant surprise, is Walburga going to visit us today?” 
“No madam” he paused, grabbing a gift he stole from his parents earlier “my mom asked me to give you this present, I don’t really know why, she didn’t want to tell me what it was” He never lied so badly in his entire life, but knowing Y/n was probably miserable was distracting him.
She found it suspect but didn’t do anything, it was better ti ignore it “How lovely, come in and have lunch with us, Y/n and Lucius will be thrilled to see you” Mrs. Malfoy suggested, probably trying to maintain friendly due to her relationship with the Black family.
Y/n really will, he thought. 
When Y/n saw Sirius she felt hope rise in her chest for the first time since beginning of the break, she ran and hugged him tightly, the hug felt warn and safe, she didn’t want to ever let go. But she had to, the action was inappropriate. “Sirius!!! What are you doing here, what a lovely visit” she said winking at him, trying to hold composure but failing.
“Sirius” Lucius greeted him too cordially “Came to visit my fiancé?” He asked with a smug look on his face.
“Not yet, darling” Y/n retorted with a fake smile
Sirius sat next to her at the big table, the room was dark and big, the table was made of hardwood the only light sources were the sun and a weak candelabra, the room had a giant fireplace that was probably the only warm place in the house and heavy curtains. When Lucius and Mrs. Malfoy were distracted, Sirius whispered to Y/n “Say you have to go to the bathroom, James’ waiting for you outside, he probably already has your Trunk”.
His word startled Y/n, that was a dream come true, but she couldn’t “Sirius, I can’t leave, my parents would kill me” she paused to check if no one was listening “If I run it would create a conflict between my parents and the Malfoys and I don’t want to be caught in the middle of it.” She said pretending to pay attention on Lucius’ commentaries “I’m going to stay here” she continued, shocking Sirius completely.
“But your parents want you to get married Y/n, are you just going to- marry Malfoy and the rest of your life with him?” she looked tense, knowing she’d have no choice, he hated seeing her like that. 
Suddenly she heard Sirius clear his throat loudly, scaring her “I’m sorry to interrupt, but I need to talk with Y/n” he paused, the Malfoys were now looking at him “In private, if you allow us- it’s urgent” Mrs Malfoy looked a little confused but nodded. Sirius took Elena out of the room almost immediately.
“Y/n why in the name of Merlin are you staying here?” 
“I can’t go Sirius, I told you, the Malfoys wouldn’t be happy, it could cause a conflict my parents want to avoid” Sirius didn’t look convinced, he knew she was just making excuses but he didn’t know why.
“Really? Isn’t you’re family the most powerful in the sacred-twenty-eight?” He commented mockingly “Why would they be scared of the Malfoys?” Sirius could see the fear in her eyes, she wanted to go but was scared, so he sat her down on a coach near and asked her with those protective grey eyes that made her feel so protected “Y/n, it’s alright you can tell me anything” he said covering her hands in his protectively.
“No, i-i i can’t tell you” He squeezed her hands reassuringly saying that no one would know if she told him. She took a deep breath, e/c eyes staring at his grey ones “If i run, my parents, will kill me” she said eyes now full of fear, it made them look darker.
“Theoretically, right?” He asked concerned, knowing deep down what kind of family the Watsons were, he was surprised with his shock, cursing himself for the stupid question.
“No Sirius!” She whispered shouted “They’ll actually kill me, you want to know how I ended up here at the Malfoys after I told them I didn’t want to come? Do you?” She looked at him waiting for an answer, he nodded “They used two of the three unforgivable curses on me, every day until I agreed to come and marry Lucius” her voice was cracking “They used Imperio, made me not move and then used Cruciatus, I was feeling so much pain that I thought I was going to die and worse, I couldn't move a toe, I couldn’t even try to ease my pain by screaming and moving because i was under their control.” His eyes were now burning with anger “To get me to come here they used Imperio again and I don’t them to use it ever again, I lost all my free will, so what choice do I have?” Her voice was cracking, fighting the urge to cry, only the mere thought of what had happed scared her. “They’d rather see me dead than seeing me go rogue and ruin the family name” she paused, taking a breath and continued, desperation written all over her face “Why do you think i’ve always been pureblood propaganda for my parents? The gracious perfect daughter, perfect sister, the perfect student? because if I did what you do” she gestured at him “They’d kill me” She finished, looking at him, eyes begging for help, face trying miserably to hide her emotions. Sirius was scared, not even his parents had ever done something of the sort and they creative punishers. So he wrapped her in his arms not wanting to ever let her go, wanting to protect every strand of hair in her head. She melted into his embrace, all of the fear and agony being soothed.
“Oh Merlin Y/n, i’m so sorry” Sirius almost cried when she hugged him back tightly, looking for safety in his arms, the arms she knew so well. After a few moments Sirius said abruptly “Marry me Y/n” he felt her body stiffen “Please, I know you can handle this on your own, but I don’t want you to” he paused, caressing her hair “Please marry me, the Black name should be enough for your parents to accept the union, just let me take care of you, please” 
For the first time, Y/n didn’t protest, she just nodded and buried her head on his chest, she knew this plan was reckless and would make her parents angry, but she couldn’t control herself, it was like her body couldn’t take the pain anymore. “Y/n, go find James, he’s outside. I’ll talk with Malfoy, please just go, ok?” He kissed her forehead, as she stood up and went to find James.
Sirius went back to the dining room and explained that Y/n had to go home, because she would refuse Lucius’ proposal. The Malfoys were startled and outraged, she didn’t even have the guts to tell them herself? She had to bring another boy? It was all a waste of time and i’d be a disgrace for the Malfoy name if someone found out their son were rejected by a Watson, but surprisingly Sirius managed to convince them, no one created excuses as good as him. Surprisingly the Malfoys didn’t try to stop him, it was a miracle, even though they couldn’t do anything since Y/n wasn’t their daughter and it’d make a scene that could ruin their reputation, that wouldn’t last long though, they needed to run, because they would certainly contact Y/n’s parents to give a piece of their minds, it was a deal after all, they didn’t understand what happened.
“Well then Mr. Black, we hope everything’s turns out to be fine” Mrs. Malfoy politely sneered with a wave of goodbye.
“Eh-hm Thank you Mrs. Malfoy, we’re sorry for the inconvenience” Sirius said a bit nervous, leaving the room as quickly as he could.
While Sirius was talking with the Malfoys, Y/n was running to the front gate where James was waiting for her. “Y/n/n!” He shouted as he saw her running his way, when she arrived he wrapped her in a bear hug lifting her off the ground. “I’m so glad you’re okay” he said warmly, form this day on, feeling her fear as she hugged him back James considered her his sister and she considered him her brother, since he protected her, risked a rescue when she needed the most, that meant the world. 
“I’m glad to see you too Prongs” she chuckled lightly at his protective brother hug.
“Here” he said pointing to his broomstick “We’re going together, to my house, when Sirius arrive” she nodded climbing up the broom behind him.
James and Y/n were already waiting, ready to leave, when Sirius showed up getting on his broom saying “Let’s go, let’s go before they warn your parents” and taking off, James following right after. Riding their brooms fast against the cold winter air, happy that their mental plan had worked. When the trio arrived at the Potters, James’ mom was in the garden, certainly not expecting her son and his friend to arrive with a h/c girl with e/c eyes stained with tears.
“James, care to explain?” His mother asked unable to hide her surprise, but going to help the girl and try to calm her down “Let’s go inside, i’ll make you some tea sweetie and you two will explain me what happened” she said looking at the boys.
So, once inside, the boys explained what Y/n was going through and how she was being tortured and forced to marry Malfoy. Euphemia, was disgusted with Y/n’s parents, she had heard of their reputations before but this was cruel. During the whole explanation Y/n was quiet, riding out of her shock, they guessed, until she spoke and everyone went silent “I need to to my house” she said so low it was almost inaudible, they were sure they had heard it wrong but then she said it louder this time “I need to go home before things get worse” the room went silent.
“You’re not going back there Y/n” Sirius was the first to talk, desperation in his voice.
“They’ll kill me if I don’t go back” 
“There, One more reason, it’s not safe” James added, but she insisted.
Sirius stopped, looking at her “Ok then, I’m going with you, after I pay mommy dear a visit. Can you wait only until that? i’ll be as quick as possible” 
“Yeah Y/n wait a little and calm down, you can stay here until he comes back” James said patting her shoulder gently.
“No, I don’t want to bother your parents, I’m fine” she said shyly, earning a shrug from Mrs. Potter “-and I-i don’t know how long it’ll take until my parents find out i left the Malfoys, it’s too risky” 
“Dear, calm down, there’s no problem in you staying here, I promise, wait for Sirius, he’ll be there for you, your parents are not going to hurt you. If your plan doesn’t work then you can stay here with us, just rest for a bit” Euphemia said with a motherly smile on her face.
“But Sirius don’t you think your parents will be warned too?” Y/n tried to protest but James’ mom was already showing her to her room.
Y/n was so tired from the restless nights at the Malfoys, from the fear she constantly felt that Lucius would do something to her and from her parents, that when Euphemia offered the guest room and put her there, she drifted to sleep as soon as her head hit the pillow. Sirius caressed her hair and laid beside for a minute to make sure she was alright after the turbulent events from the break.
While she slept he told James about his plan to marry her, He was a Black, her parents would certainly be pleased with the union if the anger from the Malfoy incident passed and his parents would never refuse to wed him with a Watson, it’d be like refusing royalty, maybe it’d be difficult to explain the latest incident but anyway it was the offer of a lifetime. “Wow, Sirius are you sure? I mean, I want to save Y/n too, but- this, are you sure? This whole marriage thing is mental” James gasped.
“Her parents won’t let her stay here, they’ll try to get her back and make her marry someone else, since we humiliated Lucius, they won’t stop, I know how these people get” Sirius stated “But if I go to my parents and convince them to ask her hand to the Watsons, since she’s not officially betrothed to anyone yet, not only they’ll be thrilled but they’ll also do anything to convince her parents. And my parents would Betroth me one day too so this is just the best option for both of us” James couldn’t argue, it was a good plan in the rough.
“So you’re getting married, that’s serious” James teased “Our dear friend Y/n/n will be future Mrs. Black” he laughed hard at Sirius’ blushed face. “Oh Merlin!” He pointed a finger to Sirius “You like her! You- fancy Y/n, Merlin” James was so excited “It all makes sense, this friends with benefits thing would never work and that’s why you’re so relaxed about marrying her, because you fancy Y/N/N, Merlin!” 
“No I don’t, shove off Prongs, you’re hallucinating, we’re friends” The blush on his face wasn’t ignored by James, who laughed harder “Now, i need to go home and convince mommy Black to talk to the Watsons” Sirius cut James off, leaving the room heading to the hell he called home.
“Whatever you say Pads” James yelled from the kitchen.
taglist: @msmb​ ❤️
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thirstyforred · 3 years
Wiedźmin: Gra Wyobraźni - Timeline
ok, so it's my rough and fast translation from polish. this text comes from the rpg book from 2001 and since then cdpr and netflix made their own so it's really kinda 'pick and choose' what you like - ciri has like four different birth years between the saga, this, games, and twn, as far as I know the timeline is only an illusion
This timeline is based on humans' count of time and features mainly events related to the history of humanity
It's noted that no one really knows what event is supposed to be marked as the year 0. One of the theories is that humans moved the beginning of their race further in the past so they don't seem so young for other races on the continent
Gra Wyobraźni is supposed to be played in the 1240s and 1250s, so before the Nilfgaardian Wars when Geralt and Jaskier simply traveled around the North
Gnomes and dwarves settle on the Continent
Thousand years before humans, elves come on white ships and for a long time fight in wars with dwarves
Around 1000 before humans settled on the Continent the Conjunction of Spheres takes place - magic and monsters appear in the world. As well as humans, the refugees of another world that they destroyed after living there for 5 million years
circa 764
The First Landing, led by Jan Bekker
Jan Bekker and Giambattista test the children looking for potential future mages - this event is called Poznanie Wybrańców [Getting to know the Chosen Ones]. Selected children are transported to Mirthe, the first seat of mages. Among the Chosen Ones is Agnes of Glanville, the first sorceress
Bekker, Giambattista, and Goeffrey Monck, after talks with many rulers, announce the separation of magic from the state. This pack is called the Novigrad Union
Goeffrey Monck takes a group of talented children to Loc Muinne where they are taught by elven mages
c. 768
Marschal Raupenneck of Tretogor attack and kill elves of Loc Muinne and Est Haemlet. Aen Seidhe leave their cities, which later become such human cities as Novigrad, Oxenfurt, Wizima, Tretogor, Maribor, Cidaris, and Cintra
Creation of the First Chapter of Sorcerers and establishment of the Prawo [Law]. Members of Chapter: Herbert Stammelford, Aurora Henson, Ivo Richert, Agnes of Glanville, Goeffrey Monck, and Radmir of Tor Carnedd
Soon start a war in which everyone who didn't want to submit to the Chapter and the Law are killed
Klara Larissa Winter opens the magic academy in Aretuza
c. 964
First witchers start to appear
Radowid I the Great, king of Redania, presents his brother Trohden with Kovir. In the next 20 years, Kovir and Poviss win wars against neighbors and become economic power
c. 1064
Elf Aeliren, called the White Rose of Shaerrawedd, leads Aen Seidhe to the uprising against humans. The elder race fails and almost the entirety of elven youth dies. Retreating Aen Seidhe destroys their abandoned settlements, Shaerrawedd among them. After the bloodshed on both sides, people start to believe that nonhumans should try to peacefully coexist with humans
Seeking found for a war with Aedirn over the Valley of Flowers, king of Redania Radowid III Ryży [the Redhead] taxes Kovir. This leads him to conflict with Gedovius, king of Kovir, which ends with customs war and expedition of 4000 redanian soldiers. With Redanians works king Benda of Kaedwen, who sends his army to Caingorn. After a week of fights, what's left of aggressors retreats and Radowit and Benda negotiate peace in Lan Exeter - as a result of which the First Treaty of Exeter is concluded. Radowid retains the lifetime title of king of Kovir and Povis, Benda - of king Caingorn and Malleore. Gedovius however is still de facto in power
Falka, daughter of the king of Redania, Vridank and half-elven noble from Kovir, is born
Sorcerer Cregennan of Lod and elven sorceress Lara Dorren aep Shiadhal met and fell in love
Vridank sends away Falka's mother and marries Cerro
Cregenna is killed and Lara Dorren dies in winter after giving birth to their daughter. The child is found and adopted by Cerro, queen of Redania, who names her Riannon
Falka's Rebellion. At first, the uprising is supported by temerian and kovirian nobles as they see it as a fight of a firstborn heiress for her throne. Soon however the rebellion turns into the peasants' war. Falka burns Mirthe, and kills Vridank and Cerro
Pregnant Riannon, now wife of Goidemar, king of Temeria, is kidnapped by Falka's soldiers and locked in castle Houtborg, where she loses her mind. There - at the same time - are born, daughter of Falka and Riannon's twins
After suppressing the rebellion and burning Falka on stakes, Goidemar captures castle Houtborg and releases his wife. It's unknown which of the three newborns is Falka's so he takes in all of them
Goidemar commissions sorcerers to discover the child of Falka. Those mages are - Tissai de Vries, Augusta Wagner, Liticia Charbonneau and Hen Gedymeith. Later joins them elven sorceress Enid an Gleanna. Goidemar at first wishes to execute the child, but as he's good at heart, his anger eventually fades. And with mages acting as they don't know which one it is, it's all forgotten
Elves are pushed out of Dol Blathanna, the Valley of Flowers
During the Belletey Yennefer is born
Visenna and Korin met
Geralt of Rivia is born
Adela, considered daughter of Goidemar, in fact Falka's child, dies during the epidemic of plague
Son of Goidemar, Amavet, has an affair with countess Anna Kamena and dies killed by henchmen of her husband
Riannon, saddened by the death of her children, dies
Goidemar marries his daughter Fiona with Coram of Cintra
Anna Kamena gives birth to Amavet's twins - boy Crispin and girl Muriel, later known as Piękna Łotrzyca [Lovely Harlot]
Fiona gives birth to Corbet of Cintra
Muriel marries Robert, count of Garramone
Corbet marries Elen of Kaedwen
Muriel gives birth to Adalia called the Seer, later duchess of Maribor
Dagorad, son of Corbert and Elen is born
Esterad Thyssen, later king of Kovir, is born
Vysogota of Corvo runs away from the Oxenfur Academy after publishing a heretical piece that could cost him his life.
Djikstra is born
Daughter of Dagorad and Adalia, Calanthe of Cintra is born
Geralt visits Blaviken and earns his monicker
Esteril Thyssen, the grandfather of Esterad, signs a treaty with the emperor of Nilfgaard, Fergus var Emreis. This treaty forbids Kovir from offering any help to enemies of the empire
Jaskier is born
Vysogota makes a carrier in Nilfgaard, becomes a lecturer of ethics at Imperial Academy in Castel Graupin
Vifuril, father of Demawend, wins in the battle of Hagge with Medella, father of Foltest. This strengthens his rule of the Pontar Valley and cements the borders between Aedirn and Temeria
Calanthe marries Roegnar of Ebbing and gives birth to Pavetta. Roegnar is wounded during the hunt in Erlewanld and a mysterious stranger saves his life. Stranger invokes the Law of Suprise
Vysotoga publishes one of his works and is sent to the dungeon. Emperor Torres (predecessor of Emhyr) banishes him. Vysygota emigrates to Ebbing
Peter Evertsen the right hand of the new emperor, Emhyr
Mixed marriages with non-humans are starting to be condemned
Peter Evertsen becomes wielki komorzy cesarstwa (sort of chamberlain)
Nilfgaard takes over Ebbing starting the Great Northern Wars
Jaskier starts studing in Oxenfurt
Adda, daughter of Foltest and his sister, becomes a striga
Temeria fight Vizimir of Novigrad
Jaskier gets his diploma and for a year gives lectures in the Faculty of Trouvereship and Poetry. At age of 19, influenced by his love for countess de Stael, he becomes a poet
Geralt and Jaskier meet each other during a festival in Guleta. From there they travel to the Valley of Flowers
In Redania, near Rinde, Jaskier gets attacked by djin. Geralt meets Yennefer and falls in love with her. They live together in Vengerberg for a year, and then they split
Coup in Poviss - king Rhyd is killed and in his place, the family of Thyssenids starts ruling
Geralt and Jaskier visit Novigrad, where they meet doppler Tellico Lungrevinka Letorte
Niedamir becomes child-king of Caingorn, he plans to take over neighbor Melleore
Geralt and Yennefer meet again during Niedamir's expedition for the dragon
Geralt comes to Vizima and lifts the curse from Adda, Foltest's daughter. He heals in Ellander and then travels to Bremervoord where he meets Essi Daven
Pavetta marries Duny, the Hedhog of Erlenwald
Calanthe marries Eist Tuirseach from Skellige
During Belleteyn Pavetta gives birth to Ciri
Duny and Pavetta die in a shipwreck
Geralt visits Cintra to see his Child of Suprise, he leaves without it
Geralt travels to Brokilon where he meets Ciri
Attack on Cintra starts the First Nilfgaardian War, which ends with imperial loss during the Second Battle of Sodden
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amazingmaeve · 4 years
I’m so sorry - Hermione granger
Tumblr media
Harry Potter Masterlist
Summary: Y/N Malfoy twin sister to Draco Malfoy and daughter of Narcissa Malfoy and Lucius Malfoy. Y/N and Hermione are in love but she had to break up with Hermione to protect her from Voldemort. Now she finally stands up while she’s being torture by her aunt.
Pairing: Hermione Granger x FemaleMalfoy!reader
Warnings: Torture, Angst, Spoiler
AN: I just had this idea and wanted to writes before I forgot it.
Word Count: 1588
Y/N Malfoy was thought to be as cruel as her family. That's what everyone thinks and thought. She didn't really bully anyone but had something against mudbloods since her parents said they were bad.
When Y/N met Hermione Granger she was quite rude. Y/N was taught to not be nice to Mudbloods and she knew Hermione Granger was one.
One night on the Astronomy tower Y/N ran into Hermione Granger. It was their fifth year and Y/N was sad she's always been sad.
Her parents mostly Lucius had always chastise her for being to soft. That she should be more like Draco. That made her angry and sad.
Y/N was sad because no matter what she did it would never please her parents.
Y/N was also angry at herself for not being more like Draco. Less emotional. Even though she was a Slytherin Y/N had cared more. She always felt bad when she said mean things. Or when Draco did it. Y/N just wished she could be more strong.
"Oh it's you," Y/N snapped out of her face to see Hermione standing there. Y/N was quick to wipe the tears away. "Wait are you crying," Hermione questions Y/N could almost sense some concern.
"Go head make fun of me Granger," Y/N sniffles drying her eyes making them more red.
"Unlike I don't make fun of people," Hermione states going sit next to Y/N. "Are you okay," She asks putting her books down.
"Obviously not," Y/N not putting her head in her hands trying to make her head ache go away.
"Sorry stupid question," Hermione cringes. "So you want to talk about it I'm a good listener," She gives her a half of a smile.
Y/N sighs she's never really had anyone to talk to so it's weird to her.
"Well first my parents think I'm to emotional and should be like my twin. And second of all I think I should be less emotional," Y/N lets out a few tears. "See I'm too emotional," She lets out a chuckle.
"It's okay to be emotional," Hermione corrects her starting to feel bad for her. Y/N had barely talked to Hermione only when she had introduced herself.
Y/N had wanted to apologize but didn't want her parents to hate her even more.
“Why are you being so nice to me I've been nothing but rude to you," Y/N questions feeling her heart race and butterflies in her stomach.
"I believe you are a good person just brought up with a bad influence," Hermione smiles at her and puts her hand on hers Y/N smiles back.
From that day on Y/N and Hermione always met at the astronomy tower. She always set her smiles when no one was looking.
Y/N could feel herself falling for the smart and beautiful girl.
Then one night as they were talking and laughing about her days, then Hermione kissed her on the lips.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean-," Hermione was about to apologize when Y/N had brought her hand to Hermiones cheek and kissed her again.
She moved her lips along with hers. When they broke away Y/N let out a nervous chuckle putting her hand on her.
From then on Y/N and Hermione would sneak around with giggles and kisses.
Whenever Y/N needed a shoulder to cry on Hermione would always be there for her reassuring that it was ok to be different.
And when Hermione needed to talk about fights with Ron and Harry Y/N would be there for each other.
It's been about a year that this has been going and they're almost done with their sixth year. Y/N had just found out that Professor Snape had killed professed Dumbledore.
Y/N then figured out her brother had the mark. And that's when it clicked why he had been distant. Y/N and Draco were somewhat close but they drifted when she got with Hermione.
Y/N was scared that her brother found out and told her mom. But it wouldn't be as bad as if her dad had known. But Hermione reassured her that nothing was wrong and oh how wrong Hermione was.
And know she had to break up with Hermione because her mother found out through Draco. Y/N was so scared that they would hurt Hermione she had to break up with her.
"Y/N what's wrong I was worried about when I couldn't find you," Hermione rushes over to Y/N worried that she had gotten hurt.
"I'm sorry," Y/N sobs.
"Why what's wrong love," Hermione asks brushing the tears away with her thumbs as her hands wrapped around her cheeks.
"We can't be together anymore," Y/N whispers.
"What why," Hermione asks confusion spreads on her cheek.
"My family found out," Y/N's lips tremble as tears cascade down her cheeks feeling heartbreak.
"Oh," Hermione lets out a breath.
"It's better you don't be with me I don't want you to get hurt," Y/N's body's tremble as she sobs. "I'm sorry please don't hate me," Y/N whimpers.
"Shh love I don't hate you," Hermione shushes her. "We will meet again and I know we'll end up together," Hermione lets some tears fall. She leans forward and kisses her one last time before leaving.
Y/N sadly smiles at Hermione leaves as tears keep on falling and falling.
And finally here we are at the Malfoy Manor with Draco and Y/N by their parents sides.
Her eyes widen as the Golden Trio was dragged into the room. Y/N felt her heart stop and her body coming to a halt.
"Oh my god," Y/N whispers.
She blocks out everything even when her aunt goes on a rant about a sword one of the guys have.
Of course her aunt almost murders the guys wanting to get the sword.
Draco drags Y/N out as her aunt mutters something about girl talk with Hermione and dragged the two boys down to the dungeon.
Hermiones scream snap her out of her daze. She felt her stomach twirl with anxiety and anger. The anger driven towards her aunt.
When Draco is looking away Y/N runs away to go to the room where her aunt is torturing Hermione.
"Stop," Y/N screams as she grabs her wand and points it at Bellatrix. Her eyes were burning with rage.
Bellatrix's eyes snap up to her nieces.
"And what are you going to do about my dearest niece," Bellatrix smirks knowing that Y/N was to weak to do anything.
"Stupefy," Y/N shout pointed her wand at Bellatrix who goes flying
As she gets flown across the room she runs across the room to Hermione where tears are rolling down her cheeks.
She helps Hermione stand up and pulls her behind so that her crazy aunt doesn't do anything.
"Don't even think about doing anything," Y/N snaps at her aunt who got up pretty fast who puts up her wand with a smirk on her face.
"Or what," Bellatrix cackles.
As she was about to speak her parents enter the room with Draco by her side.
"Y/N don't do anything stupid," Lucius snaps at his daughter who has had enough of her family.
"No I've had enough of this, from you, my family who's supposed to support me," Y/N snaps as tears roll down her cheek.
"Y/N sweetheart calm down," Narcissa softly told her daughter not wanting thing to go out of hand.
Y/N scoffs a little but was interrupted again when Harry and Ron entered the room and started casting spells to get Hermione out.
But what she didn't feel her aunt grab Hermione from behind her.
"STOP,"Bellatrix yells Y/N turns around to see her want and against Hermiones chin. Tears come down Hermione's cheeks.
Bellatrix goes on a rant and as Y/N pulls out her want the chandelier cascades down on Bellatrix.
Y/N runs to Hermione to make sure she’s.
“Minoe you ok,” Y/N softly asks as she grabs her hands.
As Hermione was about to speak but was interrupted by Ron.
“Hermione come let’s go,” Ron rushes.
“I’m not leaving without her,” Hermione says grabbing her hand pulling her along.
She sees the disappointed look on her families face as they all stand together and Y/N hands intertwines with Hermiones’. Hermione squeezes Y/N hand reassuring her.
Dobby the house elf that used to work for her family makes a huge speak which she smiles at. Y/N was one of the only Malfoy’s that cared about him.
They finally do the Apparition to make them leave the manor but not before Bellatrix throws a knife going with them.
They reappear somewhere else as Hermione clings on to Y/N.
“Thanks god you’re ok,” Y/N whispers as she kissed Hermione. She kisses back wrapping her arm around Y/N’s waist.
After they break apart she notices that Dobby has a knife in his stomach.
“No,” Y/N whispers as Dobby stumbles into Harry’s arm. Harry wants to do something Y/N sees but knows there’s nothing that can happen.
Y/N lets more tears fall as Dobby takes his last breath. Hermione hugs her as she cries on her shoulder.
She got out of her families house but ended in a tragedy.
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gay-otlc · 3 years
Keepers of the Chaos (Chapter 2)
Summary: Tam, Linh, Keefe, Biana, and Fitz are part of the tiny fandom for Keeper of the Chaos, and Tam and Linh's podcast convinces some of their other friends to watch it as well. The group finds themselves strangely invested in this show, where students at Tumblr High School who work together to write about an elf named Sophia, cause incomprehensible chaos, and fight their rival Pinterest High School.
Content warnings: Cursing, food, L*ura
Word count: 2005
Notes: Check out the beautiful theme song here!
(Read on AO3)
Sophie rolls her eyes as she opens the link her girlfriend sent her and puts in her earbuds. Biana has been incessantly pestering her to watch Keepers of the Chaos for so long that Sophie half wants to watch it just to shut her up, but she's always tired, or busy, and she doesn't really like watching new things. Still, Biana asked her very nicely to listen to this one podcast, and she looked very pretty when she asked, so Sophie's dumb omni ass couldn't refuse.
"Welcome to the Twins of the Chaos podcast," it begins after loading for an obnoxiously long time. The girl speaking has a pretty voice, Sophie has to admit- sweet and melodic and vaguely amused.
Maybe listening to this podcast won't be so bad if she can listen to that girl's voice the whole time.
But another person speaks, adding "Where some chaotic twins discuss our favorite show, Keepers of the Chaos," and his voice is not as pretty. She continues listening anyway, since Biana may or may not murder her if she stops.
The two voices- whose names are Linh and Tam, apparently- start talking about Keepers of the Chaos some more, giving Sophie a summary she's heard tons of times from Biana and Fitz- though the twins explain it slightly more coherently and with less... whatever the verbal equivalent of keyboard smashing is. Biana usually starts rambling about her favorite characters, like Lynn- not "Lynn the fandom mom," but the other Lynn- and Avery, or sometimes Nora and Darwin. Sophie doesn't understand any of those names and loses track of the conversation as soon as it involves too many unfamiliar names.
But Tam and Linh are making more sense, at least for the most part, until they start mentioning specific couples. The conversation gets again comprehensive soon enough, though, and Sophie does smile at the name "The Dark Duck."
By the end, when Tam says "half of them wearing sleeping masks with teal eyes painted on and the other half watching the chaos with mild amusement," Sophie is curious enough to be mildly intrigued. She listens to their outro music, and before she can regret it, types out a text message to Biana.
Sophie: fine
Sophie: ill watch it
Biana responds instantly with an array of heart emojis. Sophie blushes.
Biana: can i come over and watch with u?
Sophie: ok!
Sophie: moms making mallowmelt
Sophie: but u cant have any
Biana: >:(
Biana: hope u like being single then
Sophie: fine u can have some mallowmelt
Biana: yayyyy!
Biana: ily
Sophie: ilyt
Sophie: now lets watch ur stupid show
Biana: on my way!!!
Sophie smiles, shaking her head. She's a little annoyed, but fine, it sounds interesting enough from the podcast. And what else would she be doing? Studying? Having US history as an alternative would make even the most horrible of shows seem good. She stuffs her textbooks into her backpack and shoves some things out of the way so her room looks a bit neater before rushing downstairs. The mallowmelt smells good enough to make her mouth water.
"Mmm..." she sighs, barely taking time to let it cool off before taking a large bite. "That's so good. Thanks, Mom."
Edaline  smiles. "You're welcome. Just save some for your father and I."
"Fine, fine. I have to share with Biana, anyway." Sophie huffs and takes another bite. "She's coming over, is that alright? We're going to watch a show together."
"Sure, just make sure to get your homework done."
Sophie rolls her eyes. "Fine."
"And keep the door open!" Grady calls. Edaline laughs as Sophie's face flames.
"I'm going back to my room," she grumbles, taking a plate of mallowmelt with her and walking up the stairs. She manages not to trip over her own feet and drop the mallowmelt, thankfully, as she grabs her laptop and opens Netflix. Sighing, she searches for Keepers of the Chaos and clicks on the show that comes up before waiting for Biana to arrive.
The doorbell rings soon, and Sophie carefully sets down her laptop and her plate on her bed before rushing down the stairs. Panting slightly, she opens the door for her girlfriend. Biana's wearing a t-shirt with the Amsterdam flag on it. Sophie has no idea why. Maybe Biana likes the country? Her girlfriend is pretty weird. "Come on in," she says, realizing she's been staring. In her defense, Biana is pretty and Sophie is very omni.
"Ready to go watch Keepers of the Chaos?" Biana asks. She bounces on her toes slightly.
"Alright," says Sophie. "I set it up on my laptop in my room."
"Awesome! You'll love it."
Sophie follows Biana up the stairs and into her room. They sit on the bed together, Sophie leaning against the wall and Biana leaning against Sophie, and Biana presses play. Somber kazoos begin playing in the background as the theme song starts.
We're on the edge of chaos
No one is straight
We're making fanart
Because L*ura we hate
And we're gonna have teal eyes in the end!
We must be weird, and we must be gay
(We must be gay!)
We will find every bit of sanity that we have
And give it all to Lynn
We must be gay!
Biana dances a little along with the song, and Sophie can't help but smile. A curvy, round-faced person with short dark hair and colorful earrings plays a few notes on the piano, and then a KEEPERS OF THE CHAOS logo flashes across the screen. Then, a group of students sit in a classroom.
"Shai! Tater! Lynn! You three finally got together?" says the same person who just played piano, gesturing to a redhaed wearing a Sappho lesbian flag cape. She's holding the fingerless-gloved hand of a lanky person with brightly colored hair, and they're holding hands with a tall girl who has chin length brown hair. The rest of the class applauds the fiancees before returning to their own conversations.
"Yep! Thanks, Ink," says Tater.
Ink smiles at them and turns to a person with light brown skin and golden hoop earrings partially covered by long dark hair. "Hi, Kiri, how was your break?"
"Good! Here's to a good 2021?" Kiri turns to the person next to them. "How about you, Ref?"
Ref has short brown hair and red glasses. "Yeah, my break was dOPE," she says, leaving everyone to wonder how he did that with their voice. "oH, and happy belated Hanukkah to Shai!"
"Thanks, you too. And guess what! I didn't set my hair on fire this year!"
A short guy with strawberry blonde hair looks concerned. "Um. Congratulations?"
"Thanks, Sam!"
Sophie looks away from the screen and at Biana. "There are a lot of characters..." she mutters.
"Yeah, but you get to know them well enough eventually," says Biana. "Now shh, let's keep watching!"
A lot of other characters are introduced in various conversations, and Sophie's brain has a hard time keeping track of them all. She does remember Tara, a curvy, bored-looking girl with long sideswept bangs, and Blue, a bisexual who may or may not be an arsonist. She doesn't know either of their personalities very well yet, but she likes them so far. Lucat, a pale, blue haired asexual, who later joins the Hanukkah conversation, also seems cool.
Once quite a bit of introductions are done- Sophie lost count at around twenty something- are over, an announcement comes over the school's loudspeakers.
"Welcome back, Tumblr High School!" announces a voice. "I hope you all had a good break. Now, the Tumblr staff have an important announcement for you all. High schools in this county, like ours, Pinterest High School, and Instagram High School, will be holding a competition. All members of the winning team will receive a scholarship to AO3 college. If you are interested, meet in room 69 after school. Now, onto other announcements..."
Somber kazoos play again as the principal's droning voice fades into the background. A montage of the previously introduced characters wishing they could go to AO3 college moves across the screen. After a few minutes of them zooming through school and talking about how fucking boring it is, all of them gather in the room (some of them with more jokes than others) to discuss the competition.
A blonde woman welcomes them into the room. They wait a while to make sure no one else will arrive, but once everyone is there, the woman clears her throat. "Hello, everyone! I'm glad you're interested in joining the competition. My name is Shannon Messenger, and I'm in charge of admissions at AO3 College. My coworker L*ura and I designed this competition."
Sophie gasps and looks at Biana. "L*ura? But isn't that the person they hate? They said that in the intro!" Biana smiles at her, and she blushes as she realizes that she's kind of... maybe... invested in the show now. She decides she'll endure the "I told you so"s later and looks back at the show, trying to telepathically tell the characters not to trust this L*ura person... and perhaps not Shannon either. It's too early to tell whether Shannon will be an antagonist or not.
"All of you will be working as a team to write a story together. The main premise is that a twelve year old girl named Sophia is a telepath, but she can't tell anyone her secret. Then, she meets a teal-eyed boy named Finn, and he tells her that she's an elf. She travels back to the elf world with him, where she struggles a bit at the elf school Firefox, makes friends with some other elves, learns that she is an illegal creation of a rebel group called the Dark Duck, and another rebel group- the Rarelynoticed- tries to kidnap and kill Sophia and her friend Deck. There are other details to be included into the story, which will be given out to the participants as a packet. The object of this competition is not to determine your ability at coming up with story ideas, but your ability to work in groups and execute well developed ideas. Does anyone have any questions?"
Someone raises their hand- a short, tanned girl. "Lynn?" prompts the principal.
"Did you say the rebel group was named the Dark Duck?"
"And the Rarelynoticed?" adds another person, with rectangular glasses and a red bracelet.
"Raise your hand before speaking, Auran," scolds the principal. "But yes, those are the names."
"Alright then," Auran mutters.
"Unless anyone else has questions, we'll be sending out sign up forms for everyone interested, and then we will distribute the information packets about your story. You can talk to each other and start planning."
No one else has questions, so once they've all filled out the sign up form, they gather in small groups and flip through the packets, making sarcastic comments or mocking names ("'Rarelynoticed' though-" a stylish hijabi named Raiin sighs as they come across a page of information about the group) as they try to form some semblance of a plan. Once they all agree that they've made a lot of progress, they make plans to meet up again soon and walk back home.
Unbeknownst  to them, a pair of ominous teal eyes watch from above.
Somber kazoos play once again, and the credits roll.
"So, what'd you think?" Biana asks as Sophie closes her laptop.
Rather inaudibly, Sophie mumbles "It was good."
"What was that?"
"It was good! I liked it!"
Biana grins. "I told you so." She leans over and kisses Sophie on the cheek. "Thanks for watching it. I have to go do some homework, awesome seeing you!" As she walks out, Sophie hears her singing under her breath. "We must be gay..."
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dracofeltonmalfoy · 4 years
Cute Babies
Pairing: Draco x Y/N
Warnings: Swearing, mention of deaths, angst and fluff
Word Count: 5266
A/N: Baldy, no nose voldy doesn’t exist, Snape has a niece and his father is in this story. Also Lucius is nice.
This was a request, @bbeauttyybbx hope you like it hun! xxx
“Malfoy, if you DO NOT move out of my way, I will kick you in your groin like I did exactly 2 months ago and poor old Parkinson as well as the 6 other girls you were entertaining at the time were not able to get their sexual satisfaction from you and you weren’t able to piss without your dick hurting, so Mr Malfoy if you don’t want that to happen again I suggest you MOVE!” She screamed in Draco’s face. For a 5’2 girl who looks very angelic with her Y/H/L Y/H/C hair and shiny Y/E/C eyes, she sure was intimidating when she was angry, but the only person who found her anger very amusing and a form of entertainment was the platinum haired, 5’9, grey eyed boy, Draco Malfoy.
“Y/L/N, let's not make that mistake again, hmm? You know very well you only did that because you were jealous you weren’t in their place and to be very honest with you, you...will...never be. Just look at yourself, no fashion sense, so short and have been with every boy our age in slytherin. Do you think I’d really go for a girl like you?” Draco whispered in her ear, this was enough for Y/N to, once again, knee him, but before she could he grabbed her wrist and spun her around so her back was now against his chest and her arm twisted behind her. “No, darling. Don’t you dare try that again.”
“Malfoy, let me go or I swear I will hex you.”
“Malfoy, I’m going to say it again, let me go.”
“Hmmm, I’ll let you go, but only if you do one thing.”
“Oh hell no, I am not doing anything for you Malfoy, we can stand her for as long as you want then and be late to potions, but I am not doing anything you tell me too. And anyways, Snape loves me more than you, he is my mother’s brother after all.”
“Your wish is my command Y/L/N.” Draco’s grip on Y/N’s arm was getting tighter and tighter and Y/N knew she was going to have a print of his fingers on her arm, but there was no way she was going to tell him that he was hurting her. “Come on Y/L/N, it’s obvious you’re hurting, why don’t you listen to the deal.” She stood there quietly, giving no response, resulting in Draco tightening his grip even more, but this time using his free hand to grab her chin and turning it sideways so he could see her face. “Dump Zabini.” he breathed out
“Are you having a laugh Malfoy? Why would I dump my boyfriend because you told me to, not to mention my boyfriend of 2 years?”
“You answered your own question darling, because I told you to. And i’ll tell ya something else, right now, this very second Zabini is shagging your best friend in the broom cupboard.” after saying that the platinum haired boy let her out of his grip.
“Oh you’ve crossed the line Malfoy, you have crossed the fucking line.”
“I knew you wouldn’t believe me, let’s go to potions and see where your beloved boyfriend and best friend are shall we?”
“Go suck a dick, you git!”
Y/N ran to potions, her heart pounding and her head spinning. She stopped outside her class to see that Malfoy was right, both Blaise and Pansy were missing. “Told you so.” Malfoy whispered in her ear before entering the class.
“Mr Malfoy…oh and Y/N, why are you two so late?” Snape asked firmly, but before any more words were spoken, Y/N ran to the broom cupboard. Breathless, she whipped the door open to see her boyfriend, ex-boyfriend and best friend, ex-best friend all over each other.
“My grandfather will definitely be hearing about this, but for now MY UNCLE WILL HEAR ABOUT THIS! YOU FILTHY LITTLE PEASANTS! HOW FUCKING DARE YOU TWO? HOW DARE YOU DECEIVE ME? ME?!?! Y/N Y/L/N? ONE MINUTE, IT WILL TAKE ME LESS THAN A MINUTE TO FUCK YOUR LIVES UP!” Y/N screamed, her eyes fogging up, but she didn’t dare let a tear fall.
“Babe, babe it's not what you think it is I…”
“Oh sod off, you didn’t deserve me anyways, my papa was right, I should’ve gone for some with the same standards as me. He was right, you were only with me for the money!” She screamed, trying not to break down in front of them. “You look like you're about to shit yourself sweetheart, don't worry i’ll just think all the money I spent on you was charity.” And with that she stormed off to go to potions, leaving Zabini and Parkinson dreading what might happen next.
“Uncle?” Y/N whispered, her head down, trying hard not to let the class know she was crying.
“Y/N? Where did you go?” Snape questioned, looking at his deceased sister’s last memento.
“Can I please talk to you?”
“We are in a…”
“Now?” she looked up a bit and Snape saw her puffy eyes, but at the same time someone else did as well. He quickly gave the class some work to do, grabbed Y/N and left the class.
Draco sat at his desk, observing everything that happened. He should've been happy, he was happy, until he saw her puffy eyes, her red eyes, eyes filled with tears and pain. The girl, who never cried, the girl who didn’t even cry when her parents were killed, the girl who only spread happiness and joy was crying. Y/N told her uncle everything and to say her uncle was more relieved than angry was an understatement. “Y/N, they will be punished, I promise you, but I am extremely happy right now that the facade ended. You deserve someone who is as wealthy as you, someone who me and your papa think is reliable and we have chosen the someone for you.”
“You have?”
“Yes, after you have graduated this year we will be visiting your future in-laws, it was your mother’s wish to get you married straight after you graduated. I will not tell you who it is, but you will be happy with this decision and one more thing focus on your N.E.W.T.S, not on that stupid boy, go to your dorm now.” Snape finished and showed a rare sign of affection by kissing the top of the heartbroken girl’s head.
Summer Holidays
Y/N, her papa and Snape were standing outside Malfoy Manor. Y/N was shocked, extremely shocked, her jaw was practically touching the floor. “Papa?” “Yes, my angel.” “THE Malfoys?” “Yes, my angel.” “THE Malfoys?” “I thought we already answered that question, but yes my angel.” “Papa, nooooooooo, pwease, pwease, pwease, pwease, pwease, pweaseeeeeee.” Y/N begged, with the cutest, most innocent puppy eyes and sad face. “No, father. No! Do not look at her and do not apparate back.” Snape said, receiving a glare from Y/N. “Angel, I don’t know how long i’m going to live and this is the last of your parents’ last wishes, please try to understand and not put up a fuss.” Y/N’s grandfather told her, he knew these words would melt Y/N a tiny bit and she would agree. “Fine, but please don’t talk about death, I don’t want to lose you two as well, you are the only good things I have left.” And with that said a house elf appeared and escorted them inside the manor.
Y/N was wearing a long red silk dress that showed off her curves, her hair braided like a crown at the top and the rest of her hair curled and down. She looked breathtaking. “Good afternoon, it’s lovely seeing you here Mr Snape, Severus and Miss Y/L/N.” a voice called, it was Lucius Malfoy. “Good afternoon son, good afternoon Narcissa, where is the young Malfoy?” Y/N’s papa questioned and Y/N tried her hardest not to roll her eyes at his name. “He’ll be down by the time we have settled down in the dining room.” Narcissa replied sweetly, she was Y/N’s favourite Malfoy, sweet and kind, she sometimes reminded her of her own mother.
When they entered the dining room, Draco was standing there waiting for them. The two teens made very awkward eye contact, to say the least, and Y/N could’ve sworn she saw Draco blush.
Draco’s POV
Fucking hell she looks amazing. What the hell? You hate her, you hate her, you hate her, well you don’t hate her, you dislike her. Right? Repeat the mantra Draco, you dislike her, you dislike her, you.. “Draco darling, come sit down. We all know Y/N looks beautiful tonight, no need to make her feel awkward.” Mother teased. Shit! Was I staring for that long? I took a seat in front of Y/N, which was probably the worst decision i’ve made tonight, and “So, should we talk about the wedding now or after dinner?” Father asked. “I think after dinner is perfect, an old man needs to fill his stomach up before making big decisions.” Y/N’s grandfather laughed and Y/N smiled and shook her head. Merlin, she looked angelic.
During dinner I think I looked at her about 50 times, very slyly, obviously. Me, the Slytherin Prince, being sly, as easy as pie. “Do I have something on my face?” Shit, she’s caught me. “Huh? I mean pardon?” “Do...I...have...something...on...my...face?” “You didn’t have to say it like I have a hearing problem! I can hear very well thanks!” “Well, you were the one who said ‘huh, pardon?’ not me! SO I thought maybe you’ve developed a hearing problem of some sort. Also, I asked you a question so stop avoiding it!” “Who said I was avoiding your silly question? To answer your question Y/L...Y/N, yes there is! Your nose, your eyes, your lips, your eyebrows, there's a lot on your face!” “Have you never…why are you guys laughing?” Y/N asked the elders around us “Oh nothing dear, how wonderful! Young love! What a beauty!” mother answered. “Young WHAT?” Both of us questioned, together! “Young love children, it always starts off with some teasing and bickering. You two already sound like a married couple!”
“Draco, please give Y/N the wonderful, wonderful, gift you have selected for her.” “Yes, mother. Y/N, here, this is for you.” I handed her a velvet box that had a green emerald pendant in it, mother had chosen it, because I didn’t know about this arrangement until yesterday night and I expect Y/N didn’t as well. “Thanks, um…” “Here angel give this to Draco. Son, Y/N selected this for you, with a lot of love.” “I did? I did, yeh I did! Um...here you go, hope you like it haha.” Ok she definitely didn’t pick it and she definitely didn’t know about this arrangement either. I opened the box to see a snake ring, not that I needed anymore, but I still liked it. “Thank you, I do like it.”
“Draco, son, why don’t you and Y/N go for a walk, we’ll call you when dessert is ready?” Mother offered, well basically told me, I nodded my head and waited for Y/N to stand up. I walked out and she was behind me, walking so slowly. We got to the garden and I turned around to see Y/N missing. “Y/N? Y/N? For Salazar’s sake Y/N are you that dumb you can’t follow a 5’9 guy properly? Y/N!” I yelled and to my surprise she was knelt down in front of the roses, looking at them in awe, like they were the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. “I was shouting your name Y/L/N, you could’ve at least told me you’re here!” “Oh, you were? The thing is, the two words you call me are midget or Y/L/N, so I couldn’t hear my first name from your pretty mouth.” “Pretty mouth? You think I have a pretty mouth? Well you will be thrilled to know that after marriage this pretty mouth will be all yours!” I smirked, but internally cursing myself for being such an idiotic flirt, that was such a stupid pick up line, if you would even call it a pick up line.
“Thank you.” she said softly. “Thank you? I should say thank you, you complimented..” “No, you git! Thank you for telling me about Bla...those two.” She looked down towards her feet. “Y/N/N, um, Y/N, shit um, Y/L/N, I…it’s um...you don’t need to thank me. I...um...I…” “So first you call me by my first name, then you call me by my nickname and now you stutter as well? Any other surprises Draco?” DRACO! SHE CALLED ME DRACO! I SWEAR MY HEART DID 5 SOMERSAULTS IN 2 SECONDS! Her saying my first name was so damn cute. “I’m sorry.” “Oh for fucks sake another surprise! THE Draco Malfoy apologizing, now that really is a surprise!” She laughed anndddddd there we go again my heart flipping over and over again. “But honestly, jokes apart, why are you saying sorry?” “Because I made you cry that day.” “Not the first time.” “Oh, wait, I've made you cry before?” “Mhm, but forget that…” “No, no, no forgetting, please tell me.” “Anddddd another surprise. Draco, are you sure you’re not drunk?” “No, I'm not.” I grabbed her hand and led her to the bench near us and sat down, patting the place next to me telling her to sit down. To my surprise, she actually did. “Do you remember in first year I was wearing an old rusty watch?” “Yes?” “And you made fun of me for having all the money in the world, but wearing a rusty old watch like a mudbl...that word. That was my late mother’s watch, it was the first present my father got her when they got married, with his own money, not his inheritance. And it was thrown in the bin, because it wasn’t slytherin enough” Oh shit. “Then when you broke my quill?” “I didn’t Goyle did.” “You stood there and laughed, you stood there and encouraged him. That was my late father’s lucky quill and he gave it to me before he died and said my lucky charm gets my lucky quill, I don’t need this when I have you with me.” I was such a prick. “Then when…” “I...I can't hear anymore Y/N, I am sorry, I really am sorry.”
I look up to see tears rolling down her cheeks. I made her cry again. “Y/N/N I am so sorry, please, please don’t cry. Please love please. Please don’t cry.” I moved forward so I was sitting right next to her. Hesitantly, I brought her into my chest and wrapped my arms around her, one arm resting on the back of her head and one on her back. “Sshh, sshh it’s fine, it’ll all be ok, i’m so sorry, so so sorry. I am a fuck up, a big fuck up.” I moved my hands to each side of her cheek, wiping away the tears with my thumbs. “Do you know why I was a dick to you? It won’t really justify what I did, but it is something. I don’t know how to handle feelings Y/N, I show the same emotions to people I love, people I hate, people I like and people I dislike. The only person I’m not like that with is my mother. When I first saw you, I practically died there and then, I didn’t know how someone could look so beautiful, then after Christmas when I heard your parents passed away, I thought you’d be broken, but no, you were still smiling, giggling, enjoying yourself and to be honest I was jealous. How could someone be so strong. Then you got your first boyfriend, who wasn’t me, that killed me. Then you broke up after 2 years and he hurt you, so I hurt him and he broke both his arms during a quidditch game, even though we were in the same team and Ravenclaw got the blame. Then literally 6 months later you and Zabini got into a relationship, even though he knew I had feelings for you. If I really hated you Y/N, I would’ve stayed quiet about the fact that Zabini was cheating on you with Pansy. I kept trying to tell myself that I hate you, I dislike you, but everytime I see that smile of yours I can’t stop. Y/N/N, I’ve liked you since first year and I know it’s hard to believe, but I have.” Woah, okay I got that out of the way, but why wasn’t she replying?
Her mouth was wide open, eyes practically popping out of her head and she was frozen, I swear for a minute I thought someone had frozen her. “Can you please reply? I’m kinda shitting myself here.” Why did I say that? I mentally facepalmed myself. “What the fuck Draco? What the actual fuck? You can’t just be a dick for 7 years then say you love, well like me and then expect me to answer within 2 minutes of you saying that! I need time to actually let my brain function and understand what just happened!” “Um, ha, yeh, um...take as much time as…” “Oh, I will, thank you very much!” “Actually, um...could you kinda hurry up, because your silence and glare are kinda scaring me.” “Mhm.” “Mhm?” “Mhm” “Mhm?” “Mhm” “Mhm?” M FUCKING HM! NOW SHUT UP!” “I...sorry.” She looks so cute when she’s angry, wow. It started to rain ever so slightly, but looking up at the sky, it was obvious it was going to be pouring with rain very soon.
“I can’t believe it took you 7 years to say that you git! You are cute and tall and you have really nice eyes and you are quite handsome. We would have cute babies.” She started talking and I choked on my own spit. “Did I interrupt you when you were talking?” “No, sorry.” I cleared my throat. “I did have a little, now don’t suddenly have an ego boost, right where was I? Yeh! I did have a little crush on you, since we became potions partners, even though you were the world’s biggest prick. KEYWORD Malfoy, were! What I’m tryna get at here is, maybe, well yeah I like you too, but because both of us are, KEYWORDS AGAIN Draco, ARE AND WE, um where was I again? Yeh. We are so stubborn we didn’t tell each other that. Ok so what i’m gonna say is big, but don’t freak out, but I think the decision for us to get married was the right decision, but wrong time, but now I feel like it’s the right decision right…”I cut her off by cupping her cheeks and kissing her, she was shocked at first, but then our lips were moving in sync and that’s when I realised what I had done. Once again mentally facepalming myself during the kiss. Merlin, she was hard to resist, she’s adorable.
As I had expected it was pouring with rain and honestly, I just wanted time to stop, Y/N with me, it’s pouring with rain, how romantic! Oh if she heard me she’d think I’m so cringey. I pulled away and “Um sorry, I interrupted you again.” “This is the one interruption I don’t mind.” she said laughing and I could feel my face heating up and going red. This time, she pulled me in to kiss, her soft hands going around and wrapping around my neck and my hands resting on her waist. But obviously I couldn’t have a good moment without being interrupted. “Papaaaaa, THE Malfoys? THE Malfoys? Papaaaa noooooooo, pwease, pwease, pwease, pwease, pweaseeeeeeee. You two are the only good things I have lefttttttt. Angel, you said these words, not even 2 hours ago.” “Papa? Um, I, you always say you’re right and you’ll always make good decisions for me, so um I was just checking if the decision is really good or not.” Y/N laughed awkwardly, realised what she said and, “No, I meant, we were, um I don’t know, Draco?” “Oh um, Sir, we were getting to know each othe...ouch!” Y/N stepped on my foot and I realised what I had just said, we were stuck in a messy situation. “Oh kids, you youngsters say you understand jokes, but looking at your flustered states I don’t think you do.” Mr Snape laughed and we awkwardly laughed with him. “Once you’ve finished what you’ve started, come down and have dessert, just make sure Severus doesn’t see you two or he’ll probably hex you son.” “Papppppaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!” “See you in the dining room angel” And with that Y/N’s papa walked off laughing.
“One good thing Malfoy, one damn good thing was happening and you fuck up again!” “Fuck up, excuse you, but I didn’t invite your papa to walk into us snogging did I?” “Well, you could’ve, I don’t know, been more alert of the situation, kept your eyes open, looking out for people!” “Oh wow, so you expect me to keep my eyes open mid make out to look out for people. Darling, don’t you think that’s a bit creepy?” “No, well, yes, but no, but yes. Oh for fucks sake Draco! You’re so annoying!” Y/N starts walking stomping away. “Hey, we haven’t finished what we started!” “Sod off Malfoy, go finish it off with Parkinson!” Parkinson? Where did she come from? “OI! Come back!” I yelled, grabbing her wrist and pulling her into me before slamming my lips onto hers. Breathless, I reluctantly pull back, “Finish what we started off remember? Now, where were we again?” And we did finish off what we started, the only problem was that we didn’t want it to finish and we had to finish it so someone else (Severus Snape) didn't walk in on us making out. I quickly said a drying spell and we went back to the dining room.
Reader’s POV
“Welcome back children. Hope you enjoyed your time together.” Narcissa greeted the two, “Your wedding has been scheduled to be next month, 9th to be exact. Y/N as I am sure Severus and your grandfather have no idea how to shop for wedding dresses, Narcissa will take you.” “Yes, Sir, that’s perfectly fine.” “Oh please don’t call me Sir, you can call me father.” “Thank you.” “Tomorrow you and Draco will go out for lunch, I have booked you two a table. It is at 1:30 exactly, please do not be late.” “Um, I will be there, thank you.” “No need to say thank you dear.”
The Next Day
1:30 went to 1:40 to 1:50 to 2:00 to 2:30, but there was no sign of the young Malfoy and Y/N was getting very, very annoyed. “I’m leaving!” Y/N mumbled. “Y/N! Wait up!” Malfoy yelled, extremely out of breath. “WHAT TIME DO YOU CALL THIS? I HAVE BEEN WAITING HERE FOR AN HOUR DRA...MALFOY AND YOU ARE LATE! ENJOY THIS LUNCH BY YOURSELF, BECAUSE I AM NO LONGER INTERESTED! TAKE WHOEVER HELD YOU UP TO THIS LUNCH! I AM NOT HUNGRY!” and with that Y/N apparated back to her home. “Great, now what do I do?” Draco asked himself, rubbing the back of his neck.
“That git…” “Language.” “That boy was 1 hour late papa! I hate people who aren’t punctual! I can’t trust him, what if he’s late to our wedding?” “So you’re already thinking about your wedding?” “No...I…” “Go freshen up sweetheart. You seem tired” “Ok papa.”
WHOOSH! “What the..” “Hey!” Malfoy said. “Malfoy, before just apparating into someone's bedroom you should really apparate outside and knock first! As you can see I am currently wrapped in only a towel and I do not appreciate you turning up like this! You either turn up late or turn up without warning!” Y/N yelled, “Well I was late and you left, so I decided I’ll surprise you and turn up at your home” and to tease her more the platinum haired boy walked closer and closer, until Y/N’s knees hit the bed and she fell backwards. Draco leaned over her and whispered “You said something about us having cute babies yesterday, wouldn’t mind trying that out.” He stood back up and turned around, “I’ll wait for you downstairs, I have a little surprise for you.” And with that he left, leaving a very flustered Y/N laying on her bed, blushing like a maniac.
“Angel, look who’s here!” Y/N’s papa pointed towards Draco and Draco greeting her like he hadn’t just seen her half naked and left her extremely flustered 15 minutes ago. “What a very pleasant surprise!” Y/N greeted, very sarcastically. “Sir..” “Call me papa” “Papa, if I have your permission, could I take your angel somewhere today. Even though we were in the same school, same house, same year, we don’t know much about each other. I’d like to spend the day getting to know her.”
“Getting to know her? Like yesterday?” “PAPAAAAAA!” “I’m just joking angel.” “Son, come here quickly.” “Yes papa?” “Please do use protection if you get that far.” Mr Snape whispered in Draco’s ear, this time leaving Draco flustered, but Y/N overheard “PAPAAAA! OMG! DRACO GO OUTSIDE I’LL COME IN A MINUTE!” “Oh angel, look how red you have gotten, but please be safe.” “BYE PAPA!” “Bye angel.”
“You want babies, but papa wants us to use protection, pray tell me how that works?” “DRACOOOOOO!” “I haven’t even done anything and you’re already screaming my name.” “I will strangle you!” “Kinky.” “MALFOYYYY.” “Draco sounds better.” “That’s it, go where you wanna go alone, I’m not going with you.” “But I need you to have babies, I can’t have babies by myself, even though they would be perfect.” “DRACO! I AM GOING BACK HOME! AGAIN! ENJOY!” “Final decision?” “YUP!” Draco picked Y/N up bridal style, “PUT ME DOWNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!” “The more you cooperate the quicker we get there sweetheart.” and led her to a very posh restaurant, different to the one from lunch, putting her down when they were at the door. They enter, have a lovely meal, get to know each other more (with words and quite a lot of kissing, let’s say more kissing than words) and when they had finished eating, Draco grabbed Y/N’s hand and said “Y/N, I know I've been a dick to you and I know I don’t deserve you. You are so beautiful, so adorable and yes we would have the cutest babies, mainly because of you and in order for that to happen you have to become Mrs Malfoy,” He got down on one knee and finished it off “Will you do the honour of marrying me, completing me and helping me become better? Will you Miss Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N marry me?” Y/N was in tears, she was an emotional wreck and to make it worse Draco stood up and before putting a ring on her finger, handed her two things, a watch that was EXACTLY like her mother’s and a quill that was EXACTLY like her father’s lucky quill.
“Dray…” she whispered, knowing if she spoke any louder she'd be sobbing. “I had to, we do need your parents' blessing as well and I didn’t want to feel guilty about the mistakes I made in the past and then look at you everytime and be reminded of all the times I made you cry and...this was the reason I was late earlier as well, I’m sorry my love. ” “YOU GIT! CAN YOU EVER DO ANYTHING WITHOUT MAKING ME CRYYYYYYYY?” “Hmmmmm, would making babies make you cry?” “DRACO LUCIUS MALFOY!” “Hey, I don’t wanna hear my father’s name being screamed in the process.” “DRACOOOO!” “That’s better, but we haven’t even started, Merlin, you wouldn’t last 10 minutes.” He chuckled, earning a big slap on the chest from Y/N. “You haven’t answered my question. Will you marry me?” “Do I have a choice? I do want cute babies.” “So, yes?” “Yes!” He slid the Malfoy ring on her finger and they shared a passionate, loving kiss, both melting into each other. “Do you want me to keep my eyes open?” Draco teased. “Draco, if you want me to kiss you then you need to shut up before you lose the privilege to be kissed.” “Mhm, mhm. You wouldn’t want that though.” “Just kiss me you sap” and before they could deepen the kiss, “I hope you remember my advice son!” Y/N’s grandfather yelled from outside the window. “PAPAAAAAAAAAA!” “How does he turn up every time I’m kissing you?” “If I knew don’t you think I’d make sure it doesn’t happen again? Draco use your brain for once.” the two lovers chuckled
Marriage Day
“Are you ready angel?” “I think I am papa.” “Then let’s go, they’re waiting for us.” The doors opened and all eyes were on Y/N, she looked stunning and Draco could not get his eyes off of her. “Holy shit,” he mumbled, earning a nudge from his father. The vows are said and they were pronounced husband and wife, Mr and Mrs Malfoy, finishing it off with a sweet kiss. Y/N’s grandfather goes up to the newly wedded couple and whispers “Remember the advice I gave you last month? Don’t use that today.” “papaaa,” Y/N whispered, her papa leaving the two of them blushing and shaking their heads while he went and sat down. “Well at least we now know when we can start making cute babies.” Draco whispered “You’re such an idiot.” “I’m your idiot,” “Sap” “Only for you.”
Quite some time later
“Daddy?” “Yes Angel?” “Me and Shcorp have a question.” “Go ahead.” “Shcorp you ask.” “Daddy?” “Yes Scorpius?” “Did you and mummy have an argument last night?” “No sweetheart we didn't, why'd you ask?” Y/N asked, giving the twins milkshakes, Draco his coffee and sitting down next to him drinking her own coffee. Draco wrapped his arm around her waist pulling her closer to him and then gave her a confused look and she shrugged her shoulders in response. “Because we heard mummy shout your name quite a few times last night.” “JDCIFDOIACODJNAOVCD” Y/N and Draco both choked on their coffees, red in the face and extremely embarrassed, both coughing their lungs out staring at each other not knowing what to do or say. “My lovely children, have you heard of the term making cute babies?” Y/N’s papa came in and asked. The innocent children shaking their heads and their poor parents growing redder and redder. “Well, that’s what was happening.” the old man laughed. “PAPAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!” Draco and Y/N shouted, very very embarrassed. To hide her embarrassment she hid her face in Draco’s chest. “So you were making cute babies? WE WANT TO MAKE CUTE BABIES!” “SCORP! ANGEL! NO!” the embarrassed couple yelled, “Children let your parents do that job.” “PAPPPPAAAAAAAAAA!” 
Y/N was right when she said they’d make cute babies, because the two kids sitting in front of them were the cutest and most beautiful kids anyone had seen.
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kirencer · 4 years
febuary seventh (i’m seeing you)
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Y/n and Spencer's relationship collide around a single day: the one where they first looked into each others eyes.
[Or, the all of the secret love letters they wrote during the beginning of their relationship]
Word count: (part one and two) 9.2k
Warnings: Language
Rating: Gen audiences
A/N: it was too long for tumblr, so I broke it into two parts!! Enjoy. GN! Afab reader (it’s important, trust me)
Part Two
Y/n looked up. They had just finished reading Spencer’s journal, the one dedicated to them. Spencer was kneeling and in his hand was a small box, the dainty ring he’d gotten years ago from his mom sat in between the white.
“Will you, Y/n L/n, do me the greatest pleasure by marrying me?” Spencer said with his anxiety showing through. Y/n gasped and threw themself at Spencer, wrapping their arms tight around him.
“Yes!” they cried, pulling away for Spencer to slide the ring on their finger. Then they took a deep breath. “Wait here.”
They disappeared into the two’s bedroom, rummaging through some things before running back with a black binder in hand. “It’s only fair if you see my unsent love letters, too.”
Spencer grasped it and flipped the binder open as Y/n guided him to the couch.
“They’re in order but aren’t as neatly organized as yours - I stopped writing before you did, though.”
For Spencer Reid, february 8th 2008 10:17 am
It was yesterday, a little more than 24 hours ago at 6 am that I was on a bus. Tiny, white and cramped, but now I realize it was actually a ferry to the love of my life. Even though at the moment all I cared about was when I was going to get to stretch my legs next, it still buzzed with excitement because I was about to be in your city even if you didn’t come to see me, that would’ve been enough. Being three feet away from you is more than enough. Being Two inches away from you is bliss. But your head on my shoulder is nirvana.
But then, only two hours after I had started my d&d campaign (the moon isles or something) there was an urge to look behind me. I tried to ignore it but I looked anyway.
What I saw scared me. Not because I’m afraid of you Spencer, but because I was scared of myself. I wanted to run to you and hug you, but I was too scared of scaring you away that I didn’t. My head seemed to spin as a second glance felt like a hundred years. Then a smile broke out on my face and I looked away. At first I didn’t think it could be you, I half screamed at the two people sitting on the left side of me. “Don’t look now, but my boyfriend’s here” of course they looked and Sophia told me that you were walking over here.
My insecurities flared up, but I remembered that you love me, even though I'm tired and probably covered in acne. She said you sat down behind me and I risked a quick glance, or two, or three times every two minutes. I tried to act as normal as possible even though if I looked back I would see the smile that lifted your cheeks when I looked at you. It was hard to focus on my campaign because it’s cliche, but I could sense you behind me and I was shaking. My friends were hyping me up to say Hi and I was trying to not scream. I ran to the bathroom, splashed water on my face and tried to calm down. I ran back, probably looking a little too excited. Ok, I was totally too excited.
My campaign finished up, you caught me staring at you a few times and my friends told me you were looking at me anytime we all made a loudish noise. After that, you followed us to lunch, well, followed me. You stood beside me and I said Hi, you replied the same. Then you grabbed your stuff and seemed to have left. I visibly deflated, my one chance to see you and I missed it. Then you came back, with a takeout bag in hand and some fries. I didn’t mention it already but you looked adorable in your glasses, from afar they look too big for you but then you see the big warm eyes behind them. Your cheekbones are so nice and everything about you is handsome, even more than I could have imagined. Photographs don’t do you justice. I hoped you had liked your dice, I got the red and black ones but I was scared you didn’t like yours.
You sat directly in front of me and my friends (Deriasia and Emma) immediately made fun of me and I almost died. At that moment. When you smiled and laughed. My friends gave us their blessing, which kinda fit because you were as tense as if you were meeting my parents.
I asked you to sit with me during the next campaign and you did (we snuck you in without paying). You played with the first character I ever played (Bida the high elf wizard). I was almost too distracted to really compete in all the things, instead focusing on you. You let me use your journal to doodle, a weird eye and a girl. Did you notice me fiddling with my hands? If I didn't keep them busy I probably would’ve put my hands in your hair or grab your hand. I remember you asking me if I needed a hug. I said yes and I think that hug is the most important one I've ever had. You laid on me and I didn’t care what my friends would say, all that matters was you.
My skin in two weeks will not remember the feel of your hair, my lips will not remember your cheek, but my brain forever will. At that moment, physical immortality is not as important as the immortalization of those touches.
They linger in my head, fuzzy and soft on my skin but they’re there.
I remember you telling me not to buy you anything (i still got you a resin skull magnet and dice) I remember flirting with you, i remember it all. I remember how you know all of Sappho’s poems and fragments, I want to remember everything about you. I know I won’t, you’re the one with the crazy good memory, after all.
I wish I would’ve looked in your eyes and told you that I saw you. I wish I would’ve pressed my lips to yours, but then again there’s always next time. And next time I will, even if it’s right in front of the whole world. Because I love you. I really fucking love you and everyone can suck it. I love you.
And I think that’s all that matters.
I have waited almost six months to hold you in my arms, and now I wait longer. I hate myself, I didn't hug you. I should’ve.
I didn’t tell you I love you enough, I didn’t kiss you properly. I wish I did.
Currently my arms ache to hold you, my eyes burn to see you and my lips yearn to touch yours. I can’t wait to indulge myself in thousands of kisses, I hope they are as sweet as your skin. Kinda licked my lips after kissing your nose, cheek, and right under your neck. You taste sweet, I think I'm addicted.
I still feel the ghosts of your touch on my skin, I love it. I love you. I want to have your actual skin under my fingertips, to hold you when you wake up from a bad dream, to dance with you under the stars. Decide what song is ours and argue over how cheesy it is. Cry on the day we say our vows, cry at the birth of our first child, cry when they go to school, cry when they grow up, cry when I realize that we did it. I can’t wait to have life with you.
If there’s such a thing as soulmates then the word was made to describe us.
I love you.
I fell asleep, I woke up right before you texted me. I dreamt about you, in my mind I fell asleep with you in my arms. In my mind I am sitting in a cafe, right across from you drinking tea.
I prefer it to real life, by about an infinite percent. My friend came in and basically yelled at me to let him use my box, I told him to fuck off. I know I won’t be able to fall back asleep but I do hope to continue my dream tonight. Currently im trying to believe that you think i’m “stunning” it’s starting to work it’s way into my mind that i’m not ugly.
Spencer, I love you.
You have such an effect on me, the first week we were together you weaseled your way into my mind. You sprouted a tree that is still a sapling but has rooted to the core of my mind, slipping into my heart and spreading through my limbs. You’re almost a drug (the only one I approve of).
You’re poison, searing through my veins and warning my skin. But you’re not toxic, you’re candy, sugary sweet, something tangible that almost floats in and out of existence.
If you are a God, I am your most loyal patron.
Time is meaningless but it goes so fast, only eight minutes left to talk then my day ends. So many more ‘I love you’s I could say.
But time will not permit our love, that’s fine, I’ll wait it out till the end.
You’re worth it.
Seven Minutes
You always deny that you’re adorable, and that’s so adorable.
It’s frustrating sometimes because you’re so beautiful you deserve to know it. But oh well, i’ll just have to prove you are.
I told you I’d rather go on a date with you first before doing anything sexual. you also deserve to know your love is all I need, not your body (that’s just a perk)
You’re hot, sue me!
In the shower, I have most of my daydreams. Ranging from cotton candy clouds to a place where my parents accept me. However, the best daydream i’ve ever had is about a boy. A boy with chocolate brown eyes and a beautiful smile. Ding Ding Ding, his name is Spencer.
My dream is about his last name, well it involves it. I imagine myself talking to him while I say an important speech, in front of a crowd of people. I’m talking about our relationship, about how much I love you, and how much I can’t wait for the next chapter of our life to start. I always tear up when everyone is quiet at the end, and then you say what you have to say. It’s fuzzy and I don’t remember any of it (kinda want you to make your own in the future) but after you say it. It's time.
You say two words, so low only I and the person standing next to us can hear, “I do”
That’s the best day dream I’ve ever had, because I know it won’t be just a dream (I hope)
The best part of my day is looking at any photos from you: they always make me smile. Even when my day has been utterly terrible, your bright eyes are always a light in the dark.
I often don’t even need to think about you to have your smile in my mind, it’s just there, like a constant bright sunshiny beam. A single thought about you makes my day, a single touch my year, remembering that you’re mine makes my life a whole much better.
You, make living better.
I live for you, you’re all I ever want to have.
Je suis fou amoureux de toi.
So uh, you might have noticed but I don’t know how to talk to people, let alone talk to you.
It’s not that I have nothing to say, I have too much to say. It all bubbles in my mind and makes me jump on topic every three seconds. But when it comes to you, I'm stuck on which way to tell you I love you.
So, how about all of them?
I don’t need to focus on a single part of your face to know that it’s beautiful, but I do. All the parts work in harmony, like a choir. But individually they are still beautiful. I love every single inch of your face, individually and together.
I love you for your personality, I fell in love with a genius who is so much more than his memory or intelligence. Then I fell in love with a sweet boy who whined when I said self deprecating things. When we first met, I instantly fell in love again, with a shy boy who would look up at me from under his lashes.
Fuck, my mind is racing too much to distinguish anymore. But, I hoped I showed you.
That, I love you now, and forever will.
Happy Valentine’s day, my love.
Happy anniversary, god I can’t believe it’s been five months already. It seems just yesterday I was crying over whether or not I should continue liking you (i had told myself I wasn’t good enough for you).
Well, turns out I was wrong. I’m just enough for you. It doesn’t matter to me anymore if you’ll ever leave me, well, it does, `but there’s something more important, you being loved and being happy is what matters. And I can’t wait to give you what matters.
I love you babe! I’ll try to write more to show it.
My mind is a cavern of echoes, words (well a name) revertibrating in my skull.
The things used to be about art, school, anything slightly important.
But now, it’s filled with the most important person in my life. Analyzing the color of his hair (a warm brown), thinking of his eyes, thinking of his name and my name with a change; Spencer Reid (and sometimes Y/n Reid) has taken over my mind and burrowed into my soul.
I think if the red string of fate was real then we’d have been connected when we first met. Fuck, we are connected.
If we weren’t why would I have fallen in love with you? It was fate that I sent a letter to a wrong address, fate that I stumbled upon the boy that would change my life for the better.
Our souls are connected, being pulled because of the distance though, and I can’t wait to be with you. Not two halves of a whole, but two souls that fit like a puzzle piece.
I love you, and you love me. Even though I'm a coward.
When we have a daughter, her name should be Rhiannon. We will both dote on her like the goddess she is. Just a thought :>
You were in my house today. I think I'm dying, I'm wearing your sweater. It smells like you. I think you left it behind on purpose.
You smell really nice. It’s not like a cologne or anything, but it's nice. You’re nice
You kissed me. You’re a really good kisser. You should do it again and again and again.
I got the news yesterday, my transfer went in, I'm sending my letter to you tomorrow. I know you’re in my city but I'd rather it be like this.
I don’t think i'm going to write any more, don’t think that means i don’t love you!!
I am going to hold you for hours, I promise, I love you.
Spencer finished reading and smiled up at his new fiance. “We were such dorks! It's crazy how similar we thought.”
Y/n nodded and looked down at their ring. “We were dorks in love! Um, so how do you feel about the name Rhiannon?”
“It’s pretty, but I don’t think we need to be worrying about baby names - we need to figure out how to tell my team we’re engaged.” Spencer quipped, wrapping his arms around Y/n before it hit him.
Y/n’s morning sickness, the weird secretive doctors appointment, and what they had just said. “No!” he whispers, a smile growing on his face, “I’m gonna be a dad?”
They nod and bury their head into Spencer’s chest. Spencer can’t stop the smile that beams across his face. He grabs Y/n and spins them around in his arms, “This is the best news!!”
He pressed a deep kiss to Y/n’s lips, then went onto his knees to wrap his arms around Y/n. “Jason Derek Reid if it’s a boy and Rhiannon Penelope Reid if it’s a girl.”
Y/n smiles and nods, “I was thinking the same thing.”
“Let’s be on the same page, forever from now on, okay?”
They nodded, Spencer’s hands finding place on their back as he pressed his lips right below Y/n’s navel. Y/n’s hand’s dug into his hair: “Forever.”
Years later the two do indeed wake up on a Saturday morning to impatient kids who demand to be made pancakes. Sometimes after a hard case they do dance at three am in their underwear. Sometimes they do a lot of things in their underwear. They’re together in every way imaginable.
And to them? It’s the most important thing that could ever be possible.
The End
part one
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sunset-telepath · 4 years
Why I hate Ro
So, I was asked to explain why I hate Ro. And I’ve been compilating several arguments that I’ve heard and written myself. And I’d like to put a disclaimer here - it’s not because she’s this “sokeefe idol.” It’ just... her character and what she does in support of sokeefe.
Disclaimer: I’m condensing several conversations that I, JaxTheShade, and [Redacted due to them not wanting to be credited] had on the wiki about a month ago. Around 40% of these ideas are mine, 40% are Jax’s, and 20% are [Redacted]’s.
Right off the bat, she’s a misandrist. She quite literally calls boys as stupid as amoeba in Legacy. You can say that that was a joke, but it’s not funny. It’s not okay to blatantly call anyone or generalize any group stupid. It’s not ok. It’s the exact same thing as saying that women belong in the kitchen or that blacks are criminals. It’s not ok. It’s disgusting, despicable, and repugnant behavior.
In the Flashback Short Story, she objectifies Sophie as a prize for Fitz and Keefe to fight over. What the actual f***. That is not acceptable behavior under any circumstances. It’s repugnant, disgusting, detestable, and f****** evil. Treating any person as a prize to fight over is textbook objectification and it is blatantly evil. It is not ok. And it’s disgusting that this narrative has leaked into some of the fanfics that I’ve read. THIS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. IT IS NOT EXCUSABLE. IT IS EVIL.
She flat out bullies Fitz. She alludes to him being a nasty microbe in Legacy. She ridicules his desire to perfect himself. There is nothing wrong with being or trying to be perfect. Don’t push yourself too hard trying to be perfect, but if you should always strive to be better (and if you’re naturally talented like Fitz is, achieve your dreams. Fulfill your potential. Ignore the haters). She mocks and bullies him, calling him names and ridiculing his desire to be perfect. Newsflash: There’s nothing wrong with trying to be perfect. Who the hell is Ro to decide how perfect someone can be? Who the hell does Ro think she is? As a perfectionist myself, I despise Ro and her adversity to perfection. It’s not her place to decide how perfect a person can be. I admire Fitz simply shrugging her off and not letting her flat-out abuse get to him. It’s the proper way to deal with people like her.
Her entire character can be summed up as a chronic-complainer who ships Sokeefe. Shannon basically turned the Instagram Fandom into a character and made it Keefe’s Bodyguard. She never confesses to making mistakes and she’s never humbled or knocked down a peg. 30% of her dialogue can be attributed to complaining about sparkles or “elf-land,” 20% of it can be attributed to her flat-out bulling Fitz, and 50% of it can be attributed to her pushing Sophie and Keefe together. None of the characters like her. The other bodyguards detest her, Bo wants to kill her, Fitz thinks that she’s awful, Sophie is embarrassed by her, and Keefe wants her to shut her mouth.
She’s blunt, she’s rude, and she’s just awful. She interferes with a relationship that is none of her business. She has no regard for the emotional abuse that she inflicts. Ro and Keefe are very similar, and clash often. Ro always wins, however, either because she’s stronger than him or because she can emotionally manipulate him. (These sound like big claims now, but they’re backed up later)
Ro dismisses Sophie by saying that “blondie doesn’t know what she feels.” And it’s disgusting. She’s objectified by “blondie” - a term focused on Sophie’s appearance rather than by her personality. She’s Sophie Elizabeth Foster, not “blondie.” She dismisses Sophie as naïve and disregards her feelings by saying that Sophie’s doesn’t know what Sophie feels.
~The Following Section was directly quoted from JaxTheShade because he summarized it so well~
Well...no, Ro. She does have an idea of what she feels. In fact, she was ecstatic and perfectly fine with dating and eventually sorting out her issues with Fitz until you started "hinting" about Keefe. Sophie does understand her feelings - and those feelings led her to Fitz. And even if she does have some underlying issue about who she likes (which has admittedly been hinted at), it's up to her to figure it out. Not a brash ogre bodyguard who scoffs at the notion of the Elvin culture and thinks she has a right to intrude in a teenage relationship she isn't apart of.
And Fitz...well, I'm sure Ro doesn't hate him. But she's pretty close to--that's not hard to deduce. Because Ro has ever bothered to pay attention to and sympathize with Keefe ( and yet she still finds a way to neglect his feelings ), she hasn't the slightest inclination of who Fitz is. So, like most people, she decides to consider him "the opposing candidate" in the love triangle and never look past the surface of Fitz, just calling him "Captain Perfect" and thinking that he could never be right for Sophie because he's competing against Keefe. 
Sometimes I wish someone, anyone, would call Ro out for amount of sheer insults she layers on Fitz, whether he's there or not. Although most of the time it's done behind his back--what a surprise. 
I mean, look at this:
She slyly calls him a 'nasty microbe'. And while some have argued that she wasn't calling Fitz this, she was very clearly expressing her disdain for Sophie's favourite colour being teal--and, by proxy, calls teal things 'nasty'. 
“[...] But I thought it was only right to save your imp from being sparkle-fied—and I was going to be nice and turn him your favorite color. But apparently your favorite color is teal—and yeah, yeah, we all know why. But, um, do you realize how many of the nastiest little microbes are that color?” She shuddered. “I couldn’t do that to you—or the little dude. [...]”
Ro also calls him "Captain Perfectpants" and openly admits that Fitz would have problems with all the time Sophie is spending with Keefe. Essentially admitted but disregarding how upset Fitz would be--because who cares about Fitz's feelings when Keefe is having emotional turmoil? And as a little bonus, she also pulls her classic, "I can't take this anymore! I simply have to intervene in this situation of which I'm not apart of!
"Ro snorted. “Of course he would! He’d be super, super jealous!”
“Don’t,” Keefe told her.
“No—I can’t take it anymore!” Ro stalked toward Sophie and tapped her on the nose with a calloused fingertip. “I repeat: Yes, your Captain Perfectpants would be jealous! He scraped together the courage to get all share-y about his feelings, and now you’re ignoring him, and being all mysterious about why, and telling everyone who asks that you’re not dating him. And I’m not saying that’s a bad call. Trust your instincts! Hopefully they’ll lead you out of the oblivion. But in the meantime, count on your teal-eyed Wonderboy feeling a little insecure, particularly if he finds out you’re spending lots of quality time with other dudes. And you know what? That’s good for him. We all know that boy could use a little help in the humility department. So make him sweat a little. And you”—she spun back toward Keefe—“need to stop being so afraid.”
And those are just two instances, of which I can search for plenty more. 
Ro is not a good person. She's a rebellious princess who ultimately works for her own gain. She thinks she's got it all figured out with Keefe, and decides that, since he shared his story of liking Sophie, she'll take it upon herself to get them together no matter what. 
And I mean 'no matter what'. She has put down Sophie for liking Fitz, interrupted conversations so she can drop hints about Keefe's feelings against his will, and made fun of Sophie for being oblivious--even going to the extent of getting fed up with and blaming Sophie for her oblivion "becoming less and less cute".
She's also tried to actively break up Sophitz and push together Sophie and Keefe. She's insulted Fitz and holds a very hostile disposition towards him simply because he's "perfect boy" who's against the Saint Also Known As Keefe. Ro tries to subtly force Sophie's feelings for Fitz out of her while dropping in some "isn't Hunkyhair so great?". I wouldn't for a second put it past her to succeed in shutting down as many Sophitz moments as possible all so she can continue to ignore the pleas to stop and the embarrassed faces surrounding her. 
And her excuse?
"It's the only fun she gets to have here in Elf Land".
She isn't apart of this relationship. She isn't affected by this relationship. She's only seen one side of this relationship, and uses that to base her opinions of the other two. Which is a terrible idea considering that leads to opinions like "Okay, well that other boy is awful because he's the competitor, and that girl must like the boy because the boy likes her, and sometimes she acts shy around him, and that's totally how relationships work".
Ro has absolutely no excuse for the amount of hurt she's inflicted on all three of these teenagers.
And yet she's regarded as a saint amongst all, while people like...say, Alden ( who made mistakes, but ultimately went about it in a calmer, gentler, and more well meaning way--as well as having much more justification and reasoning behind his actions ) are seen as evil and deserving of death. So what's the difference? Is it just because Ro is all for Sokeefe and Alden is really pushing for Sophitz? Have we really sunk low enough to the point where we can adore one character and hate another--despite performing the same actions--simply because of shipping preferences?
Everyone has decided to hate Alden because he showed up to speak with Keefe, ended up getting sidetracked and talking about relationships ( because of Ro, go figure ), sympathized with Keefe and shared meaningful advice from personal identical experiences, and then making sure Keefe knew that he considered him apart of the family.
That was what Alden did. And we have absolutely no reason to believe that Alden was anything but genuine when he stated that he "long considered him part of the family".
And yet Ro is the one who starts ranting about how "he didn't mean it" ( and saying something like that to a teenage boy who never felt loved by his father means a lot--but Ro has to ruin it and say that Alden's words were "a stinking load of garbage" ). Ro is the one whose objectification of the triangle by saying that Keefe being there for his friends is "sabotage" is what sparks Keefe to tell her that Sophie's feelings do matter. Ro is the one who interrupts every conversation by either stating her obnoxious opinion that nobody asked for, or calling a time out so she can bash on Fitz again. Ro is the one who has spent every waking moment since she arrived in the series either making Keefe's desire to be happy for his friends feel invalid, insulting Sophie because she's her own person with her own feelings for someone else, and coming up with every insult under the sun to throw at Fitz. Ro is the one who has no justification for her actions, seeing as she a) is not apart of this triangle, and b) has minimal relationship experience considering both her boyfriends hate her, and one was an arranged marriage.
But...Ro is also the loved and appreciated one.” - JaxTheShade (I’ve been paraphrasing some of the things that he’s said all ready, but I’m directly quoting him for this. His statement is direct and gets to the point)
~End of direct Quote~
I'd like to make one thing clear though - the point of selfishness. There's a stigma to the word that I'd like to clear up, because there are two types of selfishness, rational self-interest, and sacrificing others for yourself.
Fitz is the first type - he has a rational self-interest, he's looking out for himself and his own long-term happiness first. There is nothing wrong with that, if you won't look out for yourself, who will? It's why I completely supported Fitz yelling and breaking up with Sophie - if a relationship is making you unhappy long-term, it is in your best interest to break up with them. It's why Fitz was so adamant about finding Sophie's biological parents, he wanted to avoid future stigma, gossiping, and heckling. Fitz knows how horrible these things are to experience, and so sought to avoid them in the future. This is why Fitz is my favorite character - the others are reactive, Fitz seems to be the only proactive one. (One of the few characters in any literature to be proactive, in fact). While Sophie and the others look at the now and the immediate future, Fitz is concerned with the long-term future, a trait I share with him and one that I rarely see in literature whatsoever, to my vast disappointment.
Ro isn't selfish at all. She's much, much worse - she doesn't meddle in other's affairs for her own happiness, she just does because she can. She has no respect for other's privacy, and throws out insults towards Fitz and Sophie because she just does. She has no motive, impetus, or drive, she just does, and it sickens me.
The second type of selfishness is similar to a bully bullying others because they're miserable and it makes them feel good about themselves. It's horrible and malicious, and I'm not condoning it in any way, but its far more innocent (if bullying can be called innocent) then what Ro does.
Ro is malevolent, she doesn't do it because it makes her feel good, she just does it, with no regard with the relationships and lives she destroys in the process. She's a toxic radioactive waste dump of a person. A toxic waste dump doesn't make people sick and die for their own gain - it just does. That's how Ro is as a person.
Another reason is that she has no regard for what she says or does. She constantly tears Fitz down just because she can (I want Alden to be there next time she tries that. I want Alden to step in and tell her that what she is doing is not okay, because no other character has recognized this so far). I want Alden to be there next time she calls his son a nasty little microbe. I'd like to finally see Ro get some comeuppance for her terrible behavior.
Let's be honest with ourselves - Ro hates Fitz. She hates and complains and whines about how perfect he is. Since when has perfection been a crime? Since when is it up to her to decide the maximum amount of talent a person can have? As a perfectionist myself, I strive for perfection just as Fitz does. There is nothing wrong with striving to perfect yourself - there is if you are actively hurting yourself, but if you're naturally gifted like Fitz is, and you want to be the best you can possibly be, go ahead! Make the most of your innate talent and use it to seek your happiest future. Build & write your own happy ending.
She isn't a part of this relationship. She isn't affected by this relationship. She's actively impeding their ability to seek their own happiness, and not even for her own happiness (which is still horrid), she just does because she's "bored". Her repugnant behavior sickens me.
Ro is a textbook abuser. Let's go over a list of things an abuser does, and see to which characters she applies them to:
Name-Calling: The abuser will blatantly call the abused derogatory adjectives, like stupid or oblivious
We know she does this to Sophie, calling her oblivious. She also twists being perfect into a derogatory adjective, throwing it at Fitz. She also called Fitz a horrible little microbe, along with calling him & Keefe as stupid as amoeba.
Character Assassination: The abuser will use the word "always". You're always oblivious, stupid, late, wrong, etc.
She does this to Sophie, and also somewhat Fitz.
Patronizing: The abuser will be patronizing towards the abused
She does this to Sophie, Fitz, and Keefe.
Belittling: The abuser will belittle the abused
I'm pretty sure she does this to Sophie, Fitz, and Keefe.
Pushing Buttons: Once the abuser finds out what annoys the abused, they will do it nonstop.
Oh boy, does she do this to Keefe and Sophie. (Fitz just gets out of his way to ignore her and avoid her. It's why she's irritated by him, he hasn't opened himself to her and doesn't show flaws allowing her to find ways to sink her nasty manipulating fingers into him)
These are only a few signs of someone being an abuser, and yet Ro manages to hit pretty much all of them.
She gaslights Keefe into believing that Alden is only looking out for himself and his children - something we know to be completely wrong. She's driving a wedge between Keefe and Alden, one of the few other people Keefe respects and thinks looks out for him. The only other parental individual in Keefe's life, in fact, giving Ro total access to Keefe's psyche and making herself the only "true" source of information Keefe can trust. She is a horrible, horrible abuser.
Ro doesn't have benign intentions at heart. She doesn't even have selfish intentions at heart. She just meddles just because she can.
Ro isn’t selfish. She’s just a bad person - for a lack of a better term that would describe her repulsive behavior.
She constantly complains about the elves. Yes, elven culture is a little weird, but you don’t have to complain about it constantly and in-front of the elves.
Ro is also clearly not afraid to gaslight. She forces Keefe to believe that her opinions are the only valid ones. How does she do this? She says that "Blondie doesn't know what she feels," making Keefe think that any emotions he picks up from her are wrong. She says that Fitz is just "Captain Perfect" who doesn't really care about Sophie - that Keefe "deserves" her. She says that Alden's advice is just made up, and that he doesn't really care about him. She’s established herself as the only source of information that Keefe can trust. She’s removed Alden (the one other parental figure Keefe had) and established herself as the only person Keefe can trust. And that is very dangerous and highly abusive.
She even invalidates Keefe's emotions. Every time Keefe stands up to her and says something like "I'm just being a good friend," Ro responds (like any of this is her business) with something snarky. Or, she tells him to "stop being so afraid." And that forces Keefe to believe that his desire to help his friends isn't valid enough. That he isn't valid enough. So he comes crawling back to Ro.
She’s a terrible bodyguard. She threatens to not protect Keefe in Legacy if Sophie doesn’t share her secret with her. THAT IS NOT OK UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. SOPHIE DID NOT TRUST KEEFE WITH HER SECRET OF BEING UNMATCHABLE. RO EXTORTED IT OUT OF HER, USING KEEFE AS A LIE DETECTOR. THAT IS NOT OK; IT IS EVIL.
If you re-read the portion in Legacy where she does this, it reveals some truly horrible behavior.
Here’s another direct quote from JaxTheShade explaining why this part is so disgusting:
“Essentially, Ro is blackmailing Sophie.
Sophie just found out that if Keefe goes anywhere near the Neverseen, he will probably die. ( Because at this point, they just thought the legacy thing would kill him ). So she's desperately trying to get Keefe to make a promise and stay away from Gisela. Keefe, in typical fashion, adamantly states that he's not going to be locked up.
This is where Ro steps in.
She says that she will be the one to protect him and make sure he doesn't run off. ( Since she is his bodyguard ). But instead of just...doing her job...she decides that she can exploit the situation. She can get something out of this.
She figured out that Sophie is hiding something. And from the way she hasn't told anyone yet, Ro can assume that she's trying to keep it a secret. But she also knows that Keefe's safety is important to all of them.
So she threatens Keefe's life--yes, threatens--unless Sophie spills her secret. The situation becomes, "I have all the power here, so unless you tell me a confidential secret, I'll let my charge run off into danger, which you can't have. So I know that I've put you into a corner. I know that I've won here."
If this doesn't scream "manipulative abuser", then I don't know what does.
It's disgusting, really. Ro's behaviour is despicable.
And while her blatant blackmail is clearly the worst offense, she also sprinkled in several other "I'm a bad person" actions.
1) She said that the reason Keefe gets away with things is because she "doesn't care enough to fight him" on them. Well, if you don't care, then why don't you just go back to Ravagog? Because Keefe is the second most threatened person their group, and he needs an actual bodyguard, not a manipulative princess who makes him feel even worse about himself. If Keefe gets hurt when he runs off, did he get hurt because you "didn't care enough to bother"?
2) Ro says that she doesn't care that much about him. Well, thanks, Ro. I'm sure that really makes Keefe sleep soundly at night, knowing that you don't really care about him.
3) And why does she not really care about him? Because she only bothers with Keefe as long as he doesn't make her "look bad". She says that the reason she's stopping him this time is because it'll damage her reputation if he dies. You know, instead of being worried about his life.
4) She says "I enjoy meddling". And that's her excuse for blackmailing Sophie into spilling a confidential secret. And yet she has the audacity to accuse Alden of "meddling" while here she sits, admitting it to everyone and acting like it's not a big deal.
5) Her very last line in the quote just further proves that she's just doing this to get Sokeefe to happen. Instead of feeling remorse for Sophie, who is trying not to look at them and clearly uncomfortable, she just brushes off the secret that she just forced out of her by saying that "it should do the trick". The trick being 'getting Fitz to break up with her'.
This is probably Ro's most egregious act yet.
And yet nobody ever seems to call her out for it or even think that...it's a little weird that she would do this.
But I guess it really isn't weird at all, seeing as we've have evidence in the past that proves she would stoop to this level.” - JaxTheShade
That part in Unlocked where Shannon said that (deeeeeeeeeeeep down) Ro cares about Keefe? Well, it’s ooc. Look what Ro says in Legacy:  "I may not care that much about what happens to you, but if you get yourself killed on my watch, it makes me look bad—especially if I had advance notice. So, I can’t have that."
Re-read that portion in Legacy. Alarm bells should be going off in your head.
She reminds me of the villain Ellsworth Monkton Toohey from The Fountainhead. Do you know what he did? He turned people into slaves by establishing psychological power over them and making them miserable. By killing their wants, needs, desires, and happiness, he turned people into miserable slaves who would obey his every order. And the scary part? Ro uses the exact. same. tactics. that he does (not going to list them here, that would take far too long) on Fitz, Sophie, and Keefe. And Keefe almost perfectly resembles the characters who fall for his manipulations and tactics, while Sophie and Fitz resemble the characters who ignored him and went about their business. It’s really unnerving.
Everyone is entitled to seek their own happiness - as long as their actions don't impede others from seeking their own happiness.
Ro actively impedes Sophie, Fitz, and Keefe's pursuit of their own happiness, doing it for no other reason than the fact that she's bored. It sickens me.
And the fact that Fitz is basically demonized and hated by the fandom while praising Ro is what sickens me the most.
Ro manipulates, gaslights, and abuses Sophie, Keefe, and Fitz for her own fun. She doesn't have any long term goal, just destroying their psyche and impeding their ability to find their own happiness for short term amusement. She mocks Fitz for being trying to be perfect (since when has that been a crime?), she gaslights and Objectifies Sophie, mocks Keefe and openly abuses him, and interferes with their relationships because she finds it funny. She's also a misandrist. She calls Fitz a nasty little microbe (I want Alden and Della there next time she does that). She objectifies Sophie as a trophy for Fitz and Sophie to fight over. She constantly tears down Fitz and Sophie, and uses a number of tactics abusers use in real life on Fitz, Sophie, and Keefe. She is a radioactive toxic waste-dump of a person, ruining their lives and psyches not even for her own gain, but just for her own amusement. Her further abuse of Keefe is repugnant, her objectification of Sophie is disgusting, and her mocking and bullying of Fitz makes me want to puke. She's a terrible, terrible person.
And that is why I hate Ro.
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raziroo · 4 years
1.Stockholm Syndrome - Sirius Black
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Pairing : Sirius Black x Reader
Genre : Angst
Warnings : Mentions of death, mentally abusive home conditions, pain. Read at your own risk. 
Word Count : 4,297
I didn't like these people. 
I didn't like the pretty redhead; not the kind brunet, not the funny raven, not even the nervous blond. And I certainly didn't like the rude, black-haired boy. 
See, I'd been abducted by these people in hopes that I would give them information regarding my family, my father. 
I was sitting in the living room of our not-so-homely home, reading a textbook about latin, trying to understand the meaning of the extremely complicated meanings of magical spells. I was bound to learn some of them, some day, I was sure of it. Because even if the magic flowing through my veins was untamed, there had to be some way for me to control it. At least that's what my great grandmother always said. 
But then again, I'd always been fed lies, throughout my life, since I was an infant, so there really was no saying if it was true or not. Because I really was clueless about what this 'pure magic' meant for me; I didn't know how to control it, I didn't know how to not lash out if any dark magic was near me, and I certainly didn't know how to sleep without that soul-binding spell. 
My life was a little complicated, yes. 
Actually, more than a little complicated, but I do not wish to delve into the complexities and issues of my life. However, one thing I can say is that it isn't pleasant, and there is absolutely no possible way that I enjoy this life. 
Anyway, as I reached to the five hundred and seventy eighth page of the massive book, I was rudely interrupted by a call of my name, coming from our house butler. Yes, we have a butler serving us, along with a house elf, and I myself am not sure why my cruelly disgusting father craves to express the 'power' he holds in the Wizarding World. I think it's annoying. 
"Miss, please descend to the dungeons," Klaus, our butler, said. I didn't look up from my book. "Why Klaus, what is it?"
"Your Grandmother -"
"Great grandmother, Klaus."
"My apologies, miss. Your great grandmother requires you to get to dunge -"
"Why? Why does she require me to do so?" I asked, finally looming up at him, face neutral, eyes filled with scrutiny. He looked different from usual, though; the cuffs of his shirt were unbuttoned, his tie was the slightest bit loose, and he looked panicked. 
"Miss, plea -"
However, before he could finish it, a CT of red hit him, along with a call of "Stupefy!". I turned to the door, only to see two men, about my age, one with jaw-length black hair, and another with sandy brown hair, at the door. The former had his hand held out, wand gripped in it so tight, his knuckles were going white. 
I hadn't moved, but obviously, they'd come there to get me, because as soon as Klaus was passed out, both of them turned to me. They shared a glance, and I had blacked out too, the book falling from my hands. 
This group of people, majority of them my age, called themselves The Order of the Phoenix. The name, being quite impressive, had managed to pique my interest. But, as my rotten fate would have it, these people would just glare at me whenever I asked them about it. 
They obviously thought that I was worth of value to my family, my father, precisely, and so they'd captured me to get my father and his group of horrid men, men much like him, to come and rescue me, and then the Order would capture them as well; the Order probably wanted information from them. They'd also asked me a couple times, to see if I knew anything, but I had, unsurprisingly, told them I didn't, because I honestly didn't. They didn't believe me, and I hadn't expected them to. Everyone would think that being the heiress to a prestigious pure blood family, I would be aware of, and support, all their darkest secrets. My family was completely opposite; they didn't tell me anything they did, and didn't even consider myself a suitable heiress, solely because I was different from them; I was pure. My magic was pure, I couldn't be able to perform dark magic even if I wanted to.  
My family had showed no signs of coming to rescue me, and I was sure they wouldn't, until Antonin asked them to. See, Antonin was my fiance, and probably the only one of the people who knew me to actually care even a tad about me. And even though I knew that it was just because he wanted to mate with me; children of people like me, and usual wizards and witches, were said to have stronger magic running through their body, stronger than normal magical folk. 
I didn't even love Antonin, he was 9 years older than me, and it was he who was infatuated by me, by my appearance, and by my blood. 
Tonight, however, was supposed to be a more interesting night than usual; the Order would question me. In the sense, properly question me. They would make me sit in a room for a couple hours, take turns questioning me, you know. Everything that a person wanted to go through. 
I, personally, didn't think they knew of my abilities, of my magic, because one, my family did their level best to keep everything about me under wraps, and two, the Order never use the soul-binding spell on me before I went to sleep. That's the exact reason I hadn't slept in four days now; if I did, my magic would go into overdrive, and probably severely maim me and the other people living in this house. If there are any. 
And so, currently, I am trying, and failing miserably, in reading one of the books this room contains. It's not that I don't want to read; it's probably the only source that I have to get rid of boredom. It's the fact that my eyelids are drooping, and my brain is desperately trying to convince me to fall asleep. I'm against my brain. 
"On the chair, that's kept in front of the table."
"OK, OK, calm down," I said, and headed to the wooden chair that was clearly meant for me to sit in. That didn't mean that I wasn't allowed to irritate the three males who'd escorted me into this room. Specifically, Sirius. I'd overheard that glasses wearing man calling the rude one Sirius. And also 'Padfoot' a couple of times. I was sure it was just a stupid nickname. 
I took my seat, and so did the three males. They were silent for the most part, and I fiddled with the charm of my necklace. After a period of prolonged silence, in which they appeared to be uncomfortable, and I thought about my betrothal with Antonin, among other things, the glasses wearing boy finally spoke up. "Where are Fab and Gid?"
Sandy haired boy shook his head. "No idea, James."
And then there was silence for another 5 minutes, when three redheads entered the room - one a pretty redhead, who was also pregnant. Weird I hadn't noticed that earlier, because she looked to be at least six months along. The other two were both men, looking a few years older than the rest of us, and were twins. 
All of them greeted each other, but looked hesitant, and kept glancing at me, and although the others at least tried to be discreet, the twins and Sirius weren't even trying. Charming. 
Pretty soon, my questioning had begun, the males all taking turns asking me questions, while the girl stood on the sidelines. I answered them to the best of my ability, because I honestly didn't know what my father, heck, my whole family was up to, but I sure didn't support them. I would never support them. Not after what happened to Antares. They didn't believe me, but I couldn't possibly do anything to change that. 
However, when the questioning took a turn, and they started prying too much for my comfort, I diverted the topic, and very obviously at that. 
"Why didn't you attend Hogwarts? Because you look to be about our age, but we've never seen you around. And you weren't enrolled in any Wizardry institution, don't try to lie. We have all the records." Fabian said, pulling out a thick file of papers from a drawer I hadn't noticed. 
I tried to keep my face neutral, but my jaw was working, and they saw that too. I had been caught in headlights, and needed an escape, quick.
"What's your name?" I turned to the girl, who looked startled by my sudden interest in her. 
"Huh?" she asked, looking to the raven haired male, who I assumed was her boyfriend. "Your name, what is it?" I raised my brows, biting on my thumb nail. 
"Uh, Lily, my name is Li -"
"Lily," I said slowly, liking how it rolled off of my tongue, my eyes staring into the distance, and then snapping to her. "Beautiful name, suits you. And," I pointed at the stomach of the bewildered woman. "First child?"
"Hm. Good for you."
I then turned to the males, who had all been watching mine and Lily's interaction with incredulous looks. "So, you're the father, I assume?" I questioned James in a tone I rarely used, authority. They all turned to me, silent. "Hm?"
"Y- yes, I... am the father." The boy looked genuinely nervous. Poor thing. 
I nodded, and sat up attentively. "Well, I would really appreciate if you got this questioning session over with quickly," I said.
"I... OK. Yeah, let's, get on with it... Remus?" Gideon turned to the sand haired boy. 
"Yeah, yeah, so -"
Just then, the door to the room burst open, and plump woman of about thirty entered the room, with hair same as the twins, and she looked distraught. "Molly?" Fabian asked. "What is it?"
"Death Eaters! I- in Diagon Alley!"
The males all got up in an instant, snatching their wands; James went over to his panicked-looking... whatever Lily was to him, and cupped her face, pressing a chaste kiss to her forehead. As the men all left, the two women glanced at each other, and then at me, probably because they were confused on what to do about me. Or probably because I hadn't even turned to Molly when she'd made her entrance, hadn't glimpsed at the bustle in the room even once. 
One whole week. One whole weak, solid seven days, I'd gone without even a wink of sleep. I didn't know how I was even awake at this point, because all of my being, my entire body was begging for me to sleep, and I wanted to, so badly. But I couldn't. If I didn't wish to hurt these people, if I didn't wish to hurt myself, I couldn't. I was aware of that, and accepting of that fact. 
But it seemed that my kidnappers weren't. For on the eighth night, Sirius entered the room with a tray of food. This was strange because usually it was Lily, or occasionally Remus, who came to serve me food. I wasn't exactly sure why Sirius Black, of all people, had come to give me food. 
My confusion was momentary, because I sensed the smell of a sleeping concoction as soon as the tray of food was set on the bedside table. And I would've been able to eat the food, if only I knew what exact item the potion was mixed in. The rest of the food was perfectly consumable. 
After surveying the tray of food, and Sirius' neutral expression, I asked him a question. "Can I ask you something, Padfoot?"
A strickened expression flashed across his face, but was gone as soon as it appeared. "Don't call me Padfoot," he growled, jaw clenched. "And no, don't ask a question. Just eat your food, and let me go," he looked up to me, his face a couple feet away from mine, hair falling in his face. I would have been lying if I said he wasn't abnormally attractive. 
"Okay, then. What have you mixed the sleeping potion in?"
"Could you please shut up with your nonsense, and let me go? " he stood up straight. 
"Could you please answer me, and do me the favour of leaving? " I retorted, eyebrows raised. 
The male exhaled forcefully through his nose, looking extremely pissed. "No."
"Oh-kay," I sounded. "I mean, you can leave. Go."
He looked skeptical. "Okay, I'll leave."
"Yeah, yeah, go. Just- uh, and take the food as well," I said, motioning to the tray. 
"You don't wanna eat?" he asked. 
"I do want to eat. I would honestly really appreciate if I could eat food, I mean, I can't sleep, food will be appreciated. But," I drawled the word out longer. "I don't wish to consume a sleeping potion."
The man looked at me after my statement, for about a minute. And then before I could react, he was aiming his wand at me, and I passed out, part of me glad to receive sleep, and a fraction of me scared of what was very clearly bound to happen. 
My body felt hot, all over, as if there was electricity flowing through me. A familiar feeling of stinging pain consumed my head, and spread to my body, slowly, painfully. Inevitable cries, shouts, and groans of pain escaped me, eventually turning to screams of pure agony. Tears flowed from my eyes, as I writhed and thrashed, my magic erupting out of me in short bursts. 
I could make out the faint noises of people entering the room, casting spells, and trying to control my magic. I knew it would be uncontrollable; it would only go away when all my energy was drained, as in literally drained, I wouldn't be able to use magic for about a week or two. There was another way, however. The soul-binding spell. Two simple words, 'ligat animam', and all my misery would be gone. But none of these people were skilled or powerful enough to carry that spell out, I was sure of it. Even my father had to practice for a good three weeks to get the spell right, and however much might I dislike him, I had to say that he was an extremely skilled wizard, and an experienced one too. 
These wizards and witches, however, would just end up fainting, and not help me in any way. After all, the soul-binding spell was as tiring as the patronus, if not more. Constricting a person's soul, their core, their magic, it wasn't an easy task, shouldn't have to be. 
They would just get hurt, the Order. And so, overpowering my agony and suffering for just a moment, I managed to utter something that made them leave, albeit hesitantly. "It wo- ah! Won't wo-urk! Lea...ve! Un-less you... bind- the sou...l!  Please!" and went back to sobbing. I guess they understood what I said, and left. 
Waking up was a very energy-consuming task, more so than you could ever fathom. Every joint, every bone, every fiber of my being hurt, and hurt bad. My body was so completely sore, it was almost numb, and it would have been a million times better if it was numb, because the aching was unbearable, something no one should have to experience. In simpler words, it was as bad as the after effects of the Cruciatus curse. 
I somehow, Merlin knows how, managed to support myself up on my elbows, before crumbling to my bed again. Morgana help me. My situation was hopeless and I knew it.
I had nearly given up on hopes of getting up and about, when someone entered my room. Correction, two someone's entered my room. One was a sand-haired male, Remus Lupin, and the other was a black-haired one, Sirius Black. 
I had only recently learned that this Sirius was the Sirius Black, epitome of disappointment, perfect example of what was considered disappointing in a pure blood family. It was actually quite foolish of me to not put two and two together, there were very less people who would name their child Sirius. 
Anyways, as the two men entered my room, my eyes followed their movements; Sirius stopped at the entrance, while it was Remus who actually entered the room. The latter trotted to my bed, and unexpectedly, helped me sit up. I was surely surprised at first, yes, but managed to cover it up pretty well. Or so I thought.
"Why do you look so surprised, hm? We're good people, you know, people who actually want to do good for the Wizarding World," Sirius chided. Now, look, I would have just ignored him, like I always do. But one should have the basic understanding of when they need to stop blabbing, and stay silent. Sirius clearly didn't have such sense. And so, when Remus went to say something to the former, I cut him off and spoke myself. 
"Yeah, you're such an angel, aren't you?"
The boy's jaw clenched. "And what exactly is that supposed to mean?"
"Oh, I don't know, probably the fact that you put me to sleep without my consent; you are the reason the happenings of last night even occurred!" I answered, my tone sharp. My retort didn't seem to faze Remus a lot; in fact, he had a slightly guilty expression himself. But why would- Oh. 
The sleeping potion, obviously. These people were worried about my sleep schedule, and that's why the attempt to get me to sleep. They probably thought it was because of being captured, because of anxiety, that I was losing sleep. Foolish people. 
"You thought- you all thought that I wasn't sleeping because I was stressed... about being held captive?"
When no one broke the silence, I did. By chuckling. "You are all so naive," I said, full out laughing now, albeit it being hysteric. Their faces were hilariously incredulous. 
I stopped laughing, and rolled my eyes. 
"I, have no reason to be worried, or stressed, or- or anxious, of you," I said, each word being pronounced with each of its syllables. "I didn't wish to sleep because of... Well, because of what happened last night. You thought it wise to interfere in matters that didn't concern you, and that's why I had to- " I stopped, and took in a breath, closing my eyes. 
"Could you please leave?"
Sirius didn't wish to, apparently, because after only three hours of providing me with time to think, he returned. That complete, absolute git had the nerve to enter my room after hurting me so much. 
He cleared his throat. I didn't pay attention. He coughed. I still didn't listen. He stopped trying, saving the little bit of self respect he had left. 
After a long and painfully uncomfortable period of silence, I adressed the man who was present with me in the room. "So, you're here." 
"I- uh, yes, uh, I guess I am... After all." he cleared his throat again, not meeting my eyes. 
"Hm. Well... what are you here for, Mr. Black?" he radiated an even more awkward aura, if that was possible. "I... I wanted to apologize. On the entire Order's behalf; we shouldn't have tried to, uh, put you to sleep forcefully."
"That's... yeah, you shouldn't have." This statement made him look ashamed. "But, well... I guess your heart was, uh, sorry, hearts were in the correct place. You just needed a bit more... Research. It's... Okay, after all. I accept your apology."
The male finally looked up, hope flickering in his eyes. "Really?"
"Yes, really," I nodded, not breaking eye contact. He smiled a bit; the smile made him look a hundred times more attractive than he already was.
"That's... Great. Thank you."
Two months. It had been two more months of me being held captive, but my family didn't seem to care; some would consider my condition to be pitiful. Over the course of these two months, I had grown fond of these people. James, Lily, Remus, Peter, Fabian and Gideon, even Sirius. I didn't really know Peter that well; he seemed kind of scared of me, if I'm being honest. I didn't really dwell on it too long, just shrugging the matter off. 
I also was sleeping on a regular basis; Dumbledore helped with the soul binding spell. Meeting the elderly wizard had been quite an experience, I would always remember it. 
Currently, I was eating breakfast on a small foldable table, Sirius sitting opposite me. I had grown closer to him more than anyone else, he actually had a great personality. I think his personality was the reason why he came across as so effortlessly attractive. 
"How is it?"
"The food?"
"Well. It's actually really good. Doesn't seem like something Molly would typically make, but it's good."
"Really? "Sirius seemed uncharacteristically excited. 
"...Yes. Why? "
"I made it. "
I looked up at him, studying his face. He really had made the food on his own. "Liar. "
"Wha- no! You got to trust me" I'm not lyi-" He was enraged. 
"I'm done. Congratulate Molly for cooking such delicious food," I said ignorantly, putting my fork down.
"You do believe me, don't you? You're just trying to irritate me," Sirius said in a tone that seemed to be wanting to convince himself more than me, that I believed him. He waved his wand, and the plates and cutlery were gone, table folded and levitated to the side. 
"Well... I might be," I said, sheepishly.
He stared at me. I stared back. 
"Can I ask you something?"
"Go ahead."
"Why... We're you not anxious or worried? I mean, you were being held captive, it doesn't matter however nice the captor is," he asked, hesitantly. 
I sunk back in the pillows, and suddenly, my hand seemed to intrigue me more than they ever had. "It's okay, you know, if you don't want to tell," he began in a hurry. "It's perfectly fi-"
"No, no no no, " I cut him off, stretching my hands in front of me. "It's just... They aren't exactly... The best household to be part of, or grow up in. They've always ridiculed me for... My magic. Because it's different, and because it repels dark magic. The kind that they always put to use, so, they feel... offended, maybe? That their daughter, their own blood can't do the magic they want her to. It's no big deal, honestly," I laughed, not breaking my record of not loosing at the male opposite of me. "I guess it's just how pure blood families work."
I kept my gaze in my lap, pointedly ignoring Sirius. Said person stayed silent for a long time; longer than I felt comfortable with. Just as I had begun apologising for burdening him with my family's secrets, he reached across and hugged me. Tight. And initially, I was confused, but then I made out the vibrations of his chest against mine: sobbing. Sirius was sobbing. Why, I wasn't aware. But that didn't matter. So I hugged him back. I held him close to me, my arms wrapped around him tightly. 
He was here. They all were here. For me. 
It had been six months since I was captured, and they were finally here. Lily's son had been born, little Harry, and he was in danger. Lily herself was in danger. And so were James, Sirius, Remus, Peter, everyone. Gideon had already been maimed; Fabian was dead. 
All because of me. 
And just as I burst out of the room Sirius had locked me in, so as to keep me away from the insane amounts of dark magic outside, I collided with him.
"Antonin," I breathed, looming up at the man. He was clean shaven, like always, and his eyes had that cruel glint, like always. 
"Oh, love," he sighed out, like he'd been putting a lot of effort to just be able to say that to my face again; and with the ambush these Death Eaters had carried out, I was sure he had. He was just about to wrap his arms around my torso, when a spell hit him from behind, blasting him to the wall. Horrified, I looked up, and my orbs met stormy gray ones. 
The person who possessed these eyes grabbed a hold of my forearms, and in one swift motion, I was inside that wretched room back again, and Sirius had locked that door, again.
"What do you think you're doing?!"
"Sirius, calm down, I was-"
"Calm down? I'm sorry for not being calm during an ambush! Now what were you-"
"Sirius! Listen to me, alright? They- um, Antonin, he won't stop until he has me, okay? And Fabian is already, I can't, I'm sorry. But I've got to go, okay? I have to go, becau- "
"No, no no no! No! You can't! Please, love, no-" He looked so panicked. For the first time since I'd known him, Sirius black looked a wreck. 
I kissed him. Square on the lips, and for a time period that seemed way too short to tell him how much I really loved him. 
"I love you, Black. And don't you ever forget that."
And with that, I stormed out of the room, right into Antonin, who apparated me out, with Sirius having that stunned and pained look in his eyes. 
Twelve years. It took him twelve years to break out of that hellish place. 
I would have scoured the planet if I could, for him. Shame really, that I was already dead. James and Lily thought so too.
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malindamay · 4 years
Ian POV: Hi uh, I’m Ian and I-I’m going to you a story about time that. I saved Disneyland and how me and Barley become the 26th characters so, uh, I’ll try my best I never tell anyone story’s except my movie story, of course. Uh, *clears throat* so here’s my NOBLE story. *chuckles* Mickey Mouse will you please be the narrator, please?😅
Mickey/ normal POV oh boy! Yes! So *clears* one day In a beautiful place, where all mystical creatures live in peace and harmony mostly, called, New Mushroomtin. The Lightfoot family was starting a new day. Ian, a 16-year-old elf, is shy and sometimes unconfident, but he wanna make his family proud especially his dad and his beloved brother, Barley. “Dear Brother we have a buffet awaits us!” Said Barley with enthusiasm-
Ian POV if you don’t know barley, he’s my older brother, and he’s very joyful and kind-hearted for me and the only thing that fears him the most is A, staying in hospital long time, B, he sees someone who has medical problems or has tubes, ventilator ETC, and C, seeing me hurt
Sorry, Mickey, gotta tell our Disney/fans about my brother if they don’t know who he is.😅
Mickey POV ok, so Ian replies with a chuckle, “*chuckle* its dinner Barley not a fancy buffet lol” Blazey pounces on Ian making Ian almost dropping the food “ *yelps* laughs * Blazey *ack!* okx3!🤣 😅 love you too.” Till Ian saw a letter tape on their door it’s from me(Mickey Mouse)
“ Hey Ian
this is Mickey Mouse and I was wondering if you and your brother can come to Disney world for the DVC Celebration plus you and your brother will be debating on the Disney team I know you’re shy,but you’ll be fine I’m sure my pals love ya, and even there’ll be fans who love your movie! Please accept this invitation.
Love, Mickey Mouse.❤️”
Ian reads it twice and his face turns from 😕 —>🙂😀 “Barley, will you love to go on a majestic quest with me?!😀”
Barley suddenly answer” *laughs* My dear brother, of course!” Ian nods he grabs his staff and he goes pack up their luggage’s! Laurel( their mom) looks at them a little nervous.” Are you sure you boys will be fine?” Ian nods “don’t worry I’ll call ya if something happens wrong,ok?” Laurel says “but-“ Ian cuts her off with a smile “I’m wizard well, 1st stage *chuckles* we”ll be fine, I’ll try to protect barley and he’ll protect me!”
Laurel had a tear in her eyes “ *sniffs* you two always have your father’s spirit. *sobs* 😢” Ian hugs his mom “before you go I have something for you,Ian. *grabs a flowey (lavender with gold,swirly glittered design in the edges) scarf(same style like elsa’s mom’s but different) it’s from your dad’s when he’s about almost your age.”
Ian clenched it suddenly a guset of wind swirls around him ounce as Ian closes his eyes. “Thx mom.”
Barley smiles at Ian till Blazey comes up to Ian and hugs him likes they’re gonna be leave her with their mom alone for few months, Ian says in his sweet tone “sorry girl wish we could take you with mom but, I think Mickey just wants me and Barley,ok? Who’s a good girl,come on who’s a good dragon?” Blazey barks at Ian as a “I am.” Ian gets up grabs their luggages “we’ll miss you mom,Blazey. We’ll be fine I’ll text call or FaceTime you when we want to.” Barley comes and puts his shoulder around ians’s softly “ it’s ok mom.🙂” Lauarel sheds a tear “*sniffs* you’ll always have your dad’s spirit.”
Ian goes and about to close the door “see ya in a few months,mom. *blows a kiss*”
In New Mushroomtin Airport:
Ian was a little nervous and excited to go,but he knew he always have his brother by his side and his spiritual dad beside them. Barley smiles at Ian “ready,Ian?🙂” Ian takes a deep breath and grabs his luggage’s as Barley grabs his, as Ian says” *sighs* yes!🙂”
After few days they had landed and as they saw the beauty of the Disneyland hotel Ian slowly twirls as he admires around “woah, this place is gorgeous!”😀” they’re about to unpack their luggage’s till they heard a knock on their hotel room(room 24) Ian opens the door and saw the big cheese himself,the one that started it all, Mickey Mouse! “Hi pals, hope you’re enjoying your room so far *ha ha* oh boy!” Ian shakes Mickey’s hand, *gasps* it’s a really honor to meet you Mickey can’t wait to make our 1st debut in DCA!😅” Barley comes up “hi, names Barley nice to meet you,bro*laughs* “ barley gives Mickey a bro hug. Mickey asks in his kind voice “is anything that my cast members can do for you, or-“ Ian says “no,but we’re a little hungry.” Mickey says in his cheerful tone” oh boy! I know just the place! I’ll wait till you 2 are done with your unpacking.” Ian nods and says “ I’ll knock after we’re done unpacking
Mickey closes the door as the 2 brotherly elves unpacking their luggage’s Ian took his staff out of his long suitcase. Barley asks “need help dear brother?😀” little help,please!”Ian replie. As Ian saw something in his satual shiny is a locket that has the Lightfoot gain including Blazey in the inside! replies, He puts it around his neck and looks at his reflection in the mirror Ian sheds a tear in his eyes. Barley looks at him and coax him “hey,you ok?” Ian couldn’t control his tears, so he let his tears out Barley gently puts down his stuff and hugs Ian to conforts his beloved brother. “I know you miss mom and Blazey, I miss them too,but hey, we get to make our 1st apperience in DCA,Disneyland! They’ll be tons of human fans will love us,and ETC, it’s ok.” Ian sobs softly as he hugs barley back. “ I love you and *sobs* I’m not letting anyone or anything hurt me or you. *sobs softly*😢😭“
Chapter 2
After they unpacked their luggage’s, Ian wears his shawl/scarf and grabs his staff, and knocks on the door, “ready pals?” Mickey asks. Ian grabs Barley’s hand, “*sighs* yes!🙂”
“ wow this place is majestic!” Ian said
Mickey replying “yes it’s a fun place where all ages to have fun and ETC.
Mickey: Yes, the wind blows a little bit cooler
And we're all happy
And the clouds are moving on with every pixie dusts
Our flowers just became gorgeous
Goofy:And my leaf's a little sadder and wiser
Mickey: That's why I rely on certain certainties
Yes, some things never change
Like the feel of your hand in ours
Some things stay the same
Like how we get along just fine
Like an old stone wall that will never fall
Some things are always true
Some things never change
*to Ian and Barley* Guys, did your dreams come true?
Minnie: The flowers are already blooming
Pluto, it feels like the debut is coming
*talks for pluto* tAre you telling me tonight he’s gonna get down on one knee?
Yep, but I'm really nervous at planning these things out
Like greeting them the 1st time!
*talks for pluto* Maybe you should leave all the exciting stuff to the characters
Yeah, some things never change
Like the joy that I feel for them
Some things stay the same
Like how dogs are easier
But if I commit and I go for it
I'll know what to say and do, right?
*talks for pluto* Some things never change
Pluto, the pressure is all on you
Ian: is this really true , could that be this day of our debut?
Dad, wish you could see us now? I'm not sure I want things to be perfect
These days are precious, can't let the magic fade
I can't stop this moment, but I can still go out and see this day!!
Other Disney characters: The wind blows a little bit cooler
Goofy: : And if you believe in yourself
The elf brothers: It's time to count our blessings beneath an heaven sky
Disney characters: We'll always live in the kingdom of plenty
That stands for the good of the many
Ian: And I promise you the flag of Disneyland will always fly BOOMBASTIA! *staff swishes*
Disney characters:Our flag will always fly
Our flag will always fly
Our flag will always fly
Some things never change
Turn around in the time that's flown
Some things stay the same
Though the future remains unknown
May our good luck rest, may our past be past
Time's moving fast, it's true
Some things never change
Barley: And I'm holding on tight to you
Ian: Holding on tight to you
Mickey:Holding on tight to you
Ian and barley: Holding on tight to you
Chapter 3
A trolly appears and a tourist comes would you both like a tour of the park?”
The elves replied “ yes of course. *laughs at each other*” Ian goes inside the horse trolley Barley sat beside his brother after he grabs few snacks from one of the shops in Main Street USA.
After 2 hours of touring around and. Behind the castle. “Thank you so much for giving us a tour!” Ian shakes the tourist and hugs him and Barley asks, “if you don’t mind can I take a selfie with you Ian and your trolley with your horse?” “Oh absolutely!” Ian poses with his staff and helds his shawl/scarf. “SELFIE!😀” Barley calls out with delight! “Thank you so much!” “Hey no problem, have a magical time on your 1st day!” Calls out the tourist as the 2 elves goes out and have fun. They’d arrive to the AMC in Disney Hollywood studio. “Ready Ian?” Ian takes a deep breath and he holds his staff in his right arm and the other holds his brother’s hand, and said “ Yes, Yes! I’m- we’re so proud of our hard work with our movie. *sigh* I’m ready to meet our fans!”
They enters the entrance and they stop at their meet and greet spot and Ian is ready.
Chapter 4
The crowds was in line and a little girl, a 2 year old dressed as Ian, got her own Ian’s staff. It was her and her family’s turn. She hides behind her mom’s leg. Ian kneels and holds out his hands “hey little girl, it’s ok I won’t use my staff on you to hurt you, it’s ok, awww. *hugs* it’s that your staff?” The mom says “ wanna show Ian your 19 inch Ian plush?”
Ian holds his doll and make it wave at her and covers its eyes “peekaboo.”
“Aww, hey, name’s Barley it’s ok. Wanna take photos? Huh?” The girl turns towards the photographer. Ian holds his doll in his left hand and his right, hugs the girl. “ok say bye.” Says the mom. Ian blows a kiss to the girl and make his doll waves bye to the girl and says in his little high pitch voice “bye, love you * makes his doll blows a kiss and make his doll hugs her* *normal pitch* bye love you, one more hug? aww. *hugs* bye.we Love you.”
Chapter 5
Suddenly blast of wind burst the door open! Malificeint appears, smoke appears from her. “Well well well.” The wind from her power makes Ian’s hair,flannel,scarf/shawl, Barley’s vest flows. “Who are you?” Ian asks as he holds his staff and points it towards the dark souceror . “I’m Malificent. The powerful villain in all the land!” Thunder boomed as she evil laughs. “ there’s something I want. Something that’s magical and more powerful. I need your magic.😈” Ian looks at her puzzled “what?” Barley looks little upset “ why,why do you want his magic?!😨😠 Ian nobley says “wait so-“ Malificient cuts him off “let you something to you all! I want his magic to becomepowerful and become the queen of DISNEYLAND!!” Ian emotion turns from 😠 —>😨 “wait. NO!! *grunts* VOLLTEr ThUNDE-“ Malificent used her power to push Ian! “*yelps in fear* NO you YOU MONSTER!!” “YOU’LL SEE YOU’LL ALL SEE!!!! *evil laughs out loud*😈” a huge gust of wind blows ounce hard across the room. Ian’s flannel opened from the wind! Ian looks at his hand and the staff “NO! *sobs*” Ian grabs his shawl/scarf and flieds through the park the trolley horse stops and yelps out the tourist tried to calm the horse down and saw Ian ran to the hotel room(room 24). Ian shuts the bedroom door and sinks to his knees and cries as he hugs his dad’s staff. “Dad! *sobs* please help me! *sobs*” suddenly the window opens and a swirl of wind created a spirit of his dad his voice echos. “Ian,my son. Why does she wants your magic?” “*sniffs* *breaking voice* I-I don’t know.” His dad puts his hand on his young son’s cheeck.
Ian holds his scarf close to him as he looks up at his spiritual dad. His dad holds his staff and gives it to Ian, but Ian slowly grabs the staff. Suddenly he saw darkness pulls into Disneyland. Ian looks out the window, he gasps in horror his iPhone rings. “I-Ian it’s me B-barley please he-“ Ian got scared his dad told him “listen you can do this you defeated the curse dragon last time.” Ian looks at the staff and looks noble! “ I’m going to give Malificent what she wants!😠” Wilden cries out “What?! No Ian I can’t let you be powerless I can’t let my son be powerless and weak!” Ian clenched his staff and runs off to Malificent!”
Chapter 6
Inside Disneyland castle all the Disney/Pixar characters inside Malificent is waiting for her power gift,Ian! Doors slam open with a blast of Ian’s staff from Ian. “Oh Ian *hugs* I thought you-“ Ian cuts Barley off. “I’m here to give you the gift. My MAGIC!” Barley gasps in horror so does all the other characters! Malificent approaches to Ian and she stabs him in the heart Ian yells in pain.
“IAN!!!😱 NO!!!”Malificent froze Barley in place. Ian lies there shouting out pain! “No *moans* please.” “Your magic will make me more powerful! *evil laugh*
Malificent: I'm not the villain in distress.
I'm not your girlfriend or the frightened sourccer .
I'm not a little bird who needs your help to fly.
Nope..... I'm the bad guy.
All these former villains that you see...
Each of them with shaking knees has knelt before me.
So I'm not your teammate or your partner in crime.
What am I, boys?!
-She's the bad guy..-
Oh, it's magic
To watch a planet
Shrivel up and die...
Oh, it's thrillin'
To be a villain.
I take over their homes and then I watch them suffer...
Ian tries to stands up but the pain in his heart hurts so bad Malificent dissapears Barley unfroze as she dissapearss.
Chapter 7
Barley brought Ian to their hotel room and laid Ian on the couch, along with the other characters “Runpunzel use your heal power.” Flyn says. Runpunzel sings a special song as she wraps her hair around Ian’s torso.
✨💫flower gleam and glow,
Let your power shine.
Make the clock reverse,
Bring back as mine.
Heal will help the pain.
Change the faith desires.
Say what’s has be loved bring back ounce was mine.
When ounce was mine.💫✨
His heart was healed Ian breaths as Barley holding his hands while he sobs sofyly and saying prayers.
Chapter 8
Elsa and Anna rush yo check on Ian withe the other Disney characters
“Elsa! *moans*” barley coax Ian @shh Ian lie down.” “ I’m so sorry it’s not our fault.”
Ian: Barley, 🎶 you’re the soul who I understand. The love that show me of who I am! through the darkness to the light. You got my back and I believe you. If It weren’t for you. I’ll be the wheels and you’ll be the road.
Barley: Ian,what you’re trying to say? Can you please let me know.
Ian: cause you carried me with you
From the quest of the gem to the battle of the dragon. I was so brave cause of you. Like a moonlight with the stars you’ll guiding me, yeah it’s true. You carried me with you!
Barley: Ian, 🎶from the day that Youall begun. But, I was there to protect you. But when I see you being hurt. I tried to help, you’re a fighter. And when my heart filled with worried. found a way to comfort me. You always found a bright side, and make me feel better.
Both: cause you carried me with you
From the quest of the gem to the battle of the dragon. I was trying to protect you, like a moonlight with the stars, you’ll be guiding me, yeah it’s true, yeah carried me with you.
Ian: oh we’ll be always be together no matter what.
Barley: watching out the days turns into night
Ian: we know to brave the stormy weathers.
Both: well never give so without a fiiiihhhhhhttt!!
Ian: and if it weren’t for you from the battle
I’ll would’ve die without you.
Barley: I’ll see us through thick and thin
For love and lost till the end.
Both: yeah you carried me with you
From the quest of the gem to the battle of the dragon I was just to secard to see
Like a moonlight with the stars you’ll always protect me
Yeah it’s true
You carried me with you
Ian: oh you carried me with you.🎶
Chapter 9
Judy and nick rushes to Ian and barley with other characters in the hotel. “We heard the news! oh sweet cheese and crackers, are you ok,Ian? *holds Ian hands*” “*sighs* he’s fine,except he has no magic left Malificent had his power!” Barley told Judy. “I’m-we’re sorry we-“
“How do we stop this darkness?!” Ian asks. Barley puts their dad’s shawl/scarf around Ian’s shoulders. Barley ordered all the characters, except Ian, to go and try to stop Malificent with him, but Ian won’t let him. “What?! No” “Ian I can’t let you die!” “No I’m coming too! If dad was here, he would go a-and go to be noble to fight and never give up. I may not have dad actually being here, but if I swear to God, he’ll be with us spiritually,I love you!” Barley looks at him little sceard. Ian holds his shawl/scarf and shouts “Come on, stay together! STAY STRONG!!” Barley can’t believe that his brother is gonna sacrifice his love for his family and old/new friends!
Chapter 10
Malificent : 🎶Believe me I know
I've sunk pretty low
But whatever I've done you deserved
I'm the bad guy, that's fine
It's no fault of mine
And some justice at last will be served
Now it's time to step up
Or it's time to back down
And there's only one answer for me
And I'll stand up and fight
Cause I know that I'm right
And I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready
Ready as I'll ever be
Ian: Now it's time to rise up
Or it's time to stand down
And the answer is easy to see
And I swear by the staff
If you're in, get on board
Are you ready?
Judy: I'm ready
Mickey Minnie : We're ready
Crowd: We're ready
Ian: Ready as I'll ever be
Barley : Are you quite sure we can do this?
Ian: Together we will guarantee
Malificent : I'll make them hear me
Crowd: Now it's time to redeem
Or it's time to resolve
Ian : Prove they can trust me
Crowd: And the outcome will hardly come free
Ian: I'll save or land and family
Crowd: Now the line's in the sand
And our moment's at hand
Mérida : And I'm ready
Barley : I'm ready
Ian & Judy: I'm ready
Malificent : Ready as I'll ever be!🎶
Chapter 11
Ian got on a horse(which it almost reminds him Guenivere (their stead)
Barley looks confident but scared for his brother. “Ian, are you sure? I don’t want you to get hurt. “ Ian says “I may not have magic, but I still have little magic inside if me.” Ian fleds through Main Street USA to the Castle. As Ian gets off alone with the horse, the horse neighs meaning: be careful, ” it's ok I’ll be fine.
Chapter 12
In Disneyland caatle area the sky covers with darkness, The wind blows across the land. Ian gasps in horror along with the Disney characters. Ian stood noble to try to control his tears. “Come on, Barley you Judy with me the others splits together.” The characters nods as they splits up. They go inside the castle until army of guards surrounded them Ian reaches out his staff,Barley grabs his sword and Judy grabs a spare sword and they start batting! “Boombastia! Guys I’ll go and and find Malificent!” They agree as the others continue battling withe guards. Ian goes and find Malificent with his staff till *whoosh* smoke appears and she appears in front of him! Ian grabs his staff, “you’ll never NEVER take away my magic😡!” Malificent and Ian starts their battle as she knocks him out the bouncony and top of the castle’s roof the wind was strong. Ian shivers from the wind. Malificent uses her magic. Ian uses his staff “Volltar Thundersir!” Till Malificent shoot her magic and Ian hit hers created a huge gusts of wind till *whoosh* Ian was shot a little thank god he’s still alive. Barley saw the action “Ian? NO!!!!!” And the final act of the magic Malificent and Ian magic hits Barley and knocks him down,dead. Ian cries out “BARLEY,NO,no, please, YOU MONSTER!!! VOLLTAR THUBDERSIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” *BOOM!!” His staff explodes and kills Malificent, for good Chapter 13 sadly, Ian rushes toward his brother crying, “*voice break* Barley no please don’t leave me. I-I love you *sniffs*” Ian tries his very best to use his staff to try to heal Barley. Ian grabs his staff,still crying, and says”I-insta r-Repairo!(please work please😢😭)” suddenly swirls of wind swirls around Barley from his staff his vest,hair,shirt,Ian’s hair,flannel flows in the wind. Ian’s eyes squinted from the wind and bright swirls. Few moments later with a soft swish, Barley slowly opens his eyes. Ian cried out tears of joy! Then suddenly his staff swishes around Ian the TRANSFORMATION of a WIZARD! The cape,kimono flows in the wind as his staff rose Ian in the air and twirls him majestically . Few moments later Ian opens his eyes still full of tears of joy. “Wow,Ian you look majestic!” Barley amazed “thanks *sniffs* “Chapter 14. At the castle where they do spectacular front of the stage the crowd is waiting for a special ceremony debut. Loud speaker booms over the speaker.”laddies and gentlemen,boys and girls, please welcome,Tennesha and Alex!” The crowd cheered as they appeared to the stage “Welcome everyone we’re so delighted to have this majestic debut coming for this day before we meet our special surprise guests, we wanna bring our Disney / Pixar friends on stage!” The crowd cheered as the Disney/Pixar characters come on stage and greeted the audience. “Hello everybody!” Minnie says, “Hey pals oh boy how everybody’s doing today?!” Mickey asks the crowd shouted yes out loud! “So Mickey we are so excited to see our special characters on their debut,right everyone?!!” Tenneshia says as the crowd screams with excitement! Woody says “can’t wait to meet them *giggles*” “Ok everybody I want everybody to say Onward really loud,ok? Ready? “ the crowd stood up and shouted withe the characters “1 2 3, ONWARD!!!!” Suddenly Ian voice boomed over the speaker BOOMBASTIA!!!” Fireworks and with a flash of a firework with smoke shooting and appeared, Ian and Barley are on stage and the speaker played “Carried me with you in instrumental. “It’s Ian and Barley Lightfoot say hi Guys, come on Ian don’t be shy!” The crowd went wild with excitement till they settle down. @bluezey @itsme-starmunch
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that-one-gay-girl · 4 years
Home for the Holidays
Pairing: none
Square filled: Yule Log
Word Count: 766
Warnings: None
Summary: The reader decides that the brothers are in need of some holiday joy
A/N: Thank you to my beautiful Beta @wonder-cole you are the best!
Christmas, something that hunters didn’t celebrate. As a child, you only had a few before a pack of werewolves killed your parents. After that, bobby took you in; he was a close friend of your family and couldn’t leave you to go into foster care.
Growing up in Bobby’s house, you became close to the Winchester brothers. Bobby taught you how to be a home base for hunters, teaching you basics to protect yourself. He never wanted you to go out and hunt, and you were ok with that. Home base is where you felt comfortable. When Bobby died, you moved in with the Winchester brothers into the bunker. From there, you ran your new base of operations, and you fell into a comfortable routine.
Sam and Dean were currently headed home from a rugaru hunt when you had the idea to celebrate Christmas. The past year had been challenging for all three of you and having some holiday joy was just the thing the three of you needed.
Looking through the storage rooms in the bunker, you come across one room filled with holiday decorations. You were shocked to find a room full of decorations, you didn’t think the men of letters celebrated Christmas, let alone decorate for the holidays, but maybe there was a special woman who was around to help, like you.
Pulling the Christmas tree out into the library, you set it up, the tree in good condition. Plugging in the tree, you are surprised to find the lights in working order and begin to decorate the tree with ornaments. Beautiful silver, golds, and red spheres adorn the evergreen as you step back to admire it.
As you pull out the gold tinsel from the box, your phone begins to ring. Pulling it from your back pocket, you smile as Sam’s photo fills the screen. Pressing the answer, you place the phone to your ear, “Hey Sammy.”
“Hey, Y/n/n just wanted to let you know we are three hours away. Dean thought about grabbing a pizza for all of us if you haven’t eaten yet?” he questions.
“That sounds great. I’m just cleaning up around here...I’ll see y’all when you get home.” Hanging up quickly, you go back to decorating, determined to finish before the boys arrive.
“That was weird; she just hung up on me,” Sam tells his older brother as he steps on the gas.
“You probably interrupted her girl time Sammy, don’t worry.” he brushes his brother off.
Four hours later, you hear the boys calling out your name from the kitchen as you string up the last of the lights in the bunker.
Rushing from the hallway, you run back into the library, with a Santa hat on your head and two more on the table behind you.
“In the library!” you call out as Sam and Dean walk in, carrying two large pizza boxes.
“Woah, it looks like an elf threw up in here.” Dean jokes as he takes in the decorations.
You frown slightly at his comment, looking at Sam as his eyes roam the room.
“What’s going on Y/n? Why did you decorate?” Sam questions as he sets down the pizza.
“Well, I decided that this year we should celebrate Christmas. It’s been a tough year, and I think we deserve some joy and Christmas cheer. To act like children and just be carefree.” you tell your friends, walking closer with the Santa hats in hand.
“Really?” Sam questions.
“Really,” you confirm
“I’m all for presents and pie every day.” Dean smiles, putting the Santa hat on.
“I guess it would be nice to celebrate with our family.” Sam grabs the hat placing it on his head.
“Great! Then let’s eat this pizza, and I made a yule log for dessert!” you tell them cheerily.
“What's a yule log?” Dean asks as he shoves a slice of pizza into his mouth, taking a long sip of beer.
Before you can respond, Sam jumps in, “A yule log is a Nordic tradition, where a family will place an entire tree into their fireplace and burn the largest end of the log, the log gets lit from the remains of the previous year’s remains. But nowadays, people just create a cake that looks like a yule log.”
“Thanks, human encyclopedia.” Dean teases as you finish your second slice. Looking around the table, you smile at your family, it felt so normal, and some days, you held that feeling close to your heart.
Bowlegged babes:
@akshi8278 @hobby27
Hazel hearts:
Forever Babes:
@winchest09 @hobby27 @flamencodiva @donnaintx @polina-93
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myhockeyworld87 · 5 years
Nervous Regrets - Tyler Seguin - Part 25
Word Count: 3129
POV  Reader
Warnings:  Language, fluff, mentions smut
Notes: Here’s the Christmas past finally. I hope you guys enjoy it. I probably won’t be posting another chapter for 2 weeks, as I’ll be out of town. Happy Reading!
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 It was hard to believe Christmas came as fast as it did. Tyler was on another long road trip after the Star’s family skate, so you were able to get the majority of your shopping and wrapping all done before the holiday. Technically this would be the first Christmas you spent away from your family, which felt odd. You had made the decision after your engagement that you wanted to start a new tradition with your own family; and that was making sure that you, Tyler and soon your baby, all be together for the holiday. Though your family was disappointed, you made plans to get together with all of them as soon as Tyler’s schedule permitted.
 Tyler’s family were all coming in on the twenty-second to watch him play on the twenty-third and then were all staying at the house for Christmas. Which is why you needed everything done before they came to town. Days were spent baking, wrapping and adding finishing touches on the decorations. By the time everyone flew in, you had the house looking like something out of a Hallmark Christmas movie. All the stockings were hung, one for both you and Tyler as well as each of the three dogs; you’d toyed with the idea of getting one for the baby, but then decided to wait until next year. Tyler’s mom had dozens of presents delivered to your house, and as you bowed them and placed them under the tree you noticed there were a few for Baby Seguin as well, which was awfully sweet of her.
 There was no way you could pick everyone up at the airport alone, as Tyler was in Minnesota when his family came into town; so you’d had to hire a car service for them. It felt so impersonal, but they didn’t seem to mind. You had cookies out on the island, as well as eggnog for when they arrived.
 “Oh (Y/N) the place looks so amazing,” Jackie said as she hugged you. “And look at you. You finally look like you’re going to have my grandchild.” An easy blush stained your cheeks, for in the last few weeks your baby belly had really begun to show.
 Cassidy came up to you then, placing her hands on your tummy as she said, “Hey little one, how are you doing in there?” The baby kicked in response, well maybe not in response; since he or she seemed to be doing a lot of kicking lately. “I’m gonna take that as pretty good.” She hugged you as well.
 As the rest of Tyler’s family filed in, you greeted them all. It was nice just sitting around and visiting with everyone. Everyone gathered in the living room to watch the Stars take on the Wild. The game going into overtime. Thankfully Rads was able to score during the three-on-three period, giving the Stars a win. As the night dwindled down, everyone headed off to bed. Tyler wouldn’t be home for a couple hours, so you decided to follow suit and just get up when he came home. It was about two in the morning when you heard him enter your bedroom. He’d been particularly quiet as to not wake anyone. Rolling over you greeted your soon to be husband. “Hey hun, good game tonight.”
 “Hi, babe.” He leaned over and kissed you. “Everyone get here ok?”
 “Yeah, we had a nice dinner and then watched the game.” You stretched as much as the dogs would allow you to before adding. “I think your mom wanted to wait up for you, but she eventually headed to bed.”
 “She didn’t keep you up, did she? You need your rest.”
 A laugh escaped you. “No, Ty she didn’t. Trust me, me and this little one are taking it easy.” He stripped out of his suit, throwing it and his bag in the closet; while you got up to head to the bathroom.
 “Babe, where are you going?” he whispered as he pulled you into his arms.
 “Your child is sitting on my bladder at the moment.” He let you go then but followed you in the ensuite.
 “So why is he or she my child when they are doing these things to you?” He chuckled as he started to brush his teeth.
 “Oh, that’s easy. I’m sure he or she got all their bad traits from you and not me. Besides, you get all the blame because you knocked me up.” He practically spit toothpaste all over the mirror, as he started to laugh.
 He rinsed his mouth out, before answering you. “Oh so you weren’t a participant at all then were you?” Setting the toothbrush down, he pulled you into him, rubbing his hands up and down your body.
 “Hmmm…I might’ve helped, but I’m pretty sure you instigated it.”
 “That so, huh?” You nodded your head. “Well then, I might as well start something right now with you.” He backed the two of you up until you were back in your bedroom.
 “Ty, your whole family is here. We can’t do this.”
 “I think they already know that we have sex (Y/N).” He kissed the crook of your neck. “This one right here gives that away.” His hands were on your stomach, caressing the baby through your nightshirt. He went to lay you down on the mattress when three sets of eyeballs all looked up at you at once.
 “I don’t think there’s room in this bed for what you have in mind.” You giggled softly.
 “Ok boys, get down.” They just stared at him, Marshall going as far as just laying his head back down on the bed. “Come on guys, get off the bed,” Gerry growled when Tyler tried to grab his collar and gently tug him down. “Great I’m getting cockblocked by my own dogs.” This only made you laugh harder. “If you weren’t seven months pregnant, I’d take you on the floor; but I’m a gentleman.”
  “Since when?”
 “Don’t start woman. Alright, guys at least move over, so we can sleep.” You crawled into bed, Tyler following behind you, as the whole left side was taken up by your furbabies. “Babe, can you scoot over anymore?”
 “Well Cash is kind of in my way.” Tyler tried to move the dog from behind you, which was quite comical. “God we’re a hot mess.” Cash finally got out of the middle of the bed, so that you could move over for Tyler. He wrapped his arm around you then, hand resting on your belly, while his leg came over the top of yours.
 “Mmmm much better.” He pressed a few kisses to the nape of your neck. “Night baby.”
 “Goodnight, Ty. Love you.”
 “I love you too (Y/N).” Despite the chaos that went on when Tyler came home, it was somehow easy to fall asleep. The next day was a whirlwind of activity. Tyler’s family was up early, waking both you and the dogs as he slept on. He and his sisters did some last-minute shopping before he had to head for the arena for the game. The rest of you following shortly thereafter. It was a tough loss, but it was made a bit easier by all his loved ones being around.
 Christmas Eve was spent, making a huge feast for everyone that night, as well as lots of laughter and fun. At one point you’d noticed that Tyler had slipped away, but as you and his sister’s put the finishing touches on the dining room table, he came strolling in, clad in a Santa costume. “Ho, Ho, Ho it’s Seggy Claus.”
 “Oh my god, you’ve got to be kidding me.” Cassidy burst out. You weren’t sure who was laughing harder you, Candace or Cassidy. Though you had to admit, he looked so darn cute though, in his white beard and red suit, carrying a matching gift sack on his back.
 “Oh, I see someone is on the naughty list this year.” He teased Cass. Tyler then bumped into Candace, “And what about you, have you been good this year?” She rolled her eyes at him, and before she even attempted to answer, he stopped her. “I can see you’ll be joining your sister on that list.” Finally, he made his way to you. “Seggy Claus has it on good authority that you’ve been an extra good girl.”
 The grin on his face was evident even through his removable beard. “I can’t imagine who told you that.”
 He dropped the bag, which clearly had gifts in it, and wrapped his arms around your waist. “Well, a little elf told me of course.”
 Raising your eyebrows, you quipped, “Hmmm…I don’t think that elf is little at all.” Noticing that his sisters had left, you slid your hands down to the front of his Santa pants and quickly stroked his cock.
 “Yes, you’ve been a very good girl.” He said, then in a more hushed tone. “So how about you and I go be naughty for a bit.”
 “Ty we can’t.” You whispered back to him.
 He pulled his beard down then and kissed you passionately; making you warm inside. “Isn’t there something you need at the store?”
 “No, I made sure we had everything we’re going to need.”
 He chuckled. “Umm, babe…I was saying that so we could be alone.”
 “Oh! But not everyone would have to go.” Even if you did makeup something that you needed from the store, it would only get one or two people out of the house.
 “No they wouldn’t, but just you and I could go.”
 “Ok, I’m blaming my pregnancy brain on not getting this strategy at all.” Now that your brain had finally caught up to Tyler’s, you needed to think of something that would get your out of the house. “I’m game, but what could we need?”
 “Ummm…I’m sure we can think of something. What about butter or milk?”
 “Nah, too obvious…but we could say I’m out of my prenatal vitamins or something. No one will question that.”
 He quickly kissed you, before letting you go. “Let me go change real quick.”
 Grabbing his wrist, you pulled him back to you. “Leave it on.”
 His brow went up. “Really? You gotta thing for Santa?” Instead of giving you a chance to answer, he entwined your hands and led you out to the kitchen. Where he let the lie you agreed to pass from his lips. His family seemed a bit skeptical but didn’t question anything, and when you both came back an hour later without any bags; no one said a word.
 Dinner was incredible and then you all settled in the living room to talk and enjoy each other’s company. Tyler’s mom insisted everyone open at least one small gift that night. She’d gotten you and Tyler matching pajamas, which were extremely cute. They were Christmas plaid pants and a cute little top that said Santa Baby on it. Tyler’s were identical, but his said Santa Baby Maker instead. To which he responded. “Hell ya!” He immediately changed into them, urging you to do the same. Of course, Cassidy documented the whole thing with a cute photo of you two in front of the tree with the dogs; Tyler cradling your bump in the picture. You had a feeling it would become one of your favorites.
 Everyone called it a night and headed off to bed shortly after that. When you walked into your bedroom, you headed straight for the closet. “Babe, what are you doing?”
 “I have to get all these presents out.” You had quite a few packages stashed in the back of the closet to put out.
 “What are you talking about? There are a ton of gifts under that tree.”
 “Well, I saved some back so it’s like Santa came.” It had always been your family’s tradition to do this, and you wanted it to continue with your new one. “Besides, you need to get used to doing a lot more than these, once the baby comes. Maybe you should put that suit back on.”
 “Oh, my kinky Mrs. Claus is back.” He went to grab you, but instead, you threw a couple boxes in his hands.
 “Ty, not now. Here take these out.” A groan of frustration left his mouth, as he headed out of the closet to take the gifts and put them under the tree. After about half a dozen trips of you both taking presents out of the bedroom, you were finally done. You stood back and looked at how beautiful your house looked with all the gifts under the Christmas tree.
 Tyler came up behind you, leaning his head on your shoulder. “What are you thinking about?”
 “How beautiful it all looks, and how I can’t wait until next year.” Rubbing your baby belly, your thoughts drifted to seeing your little one amidst the pile of presents, dogs surrounding him or her as well; their little hands reaching out and grabbing one of the bows. It brought a smile to your face, just thinking about it.
 He placed his hands over the top of yours, knowing where your thoughts had gone, he added. “Mmmm…I can’t wait to see the baby on Christmas morning too.” While you didn’t want to rush things along with your pregnancy, you were looking forward to all the firsts you were going to have next year. There would be first time rolling over, first steps, and first words; but first Christmas, you planned on making extra special. “Alright Mrs. Claus, let’s head to bed. Santa has some plans for you.”
 “Oh, really Mr. Claus?”
 “Yes really.” He took your hand, walking you backwards toward your bedroom.
 “Well, there might be a present in here for you to unwrap.” He barred the dogs from entry for the next hour, until you two were ready to fall asleep. Light streaming through the windows woke you in the morning, and you kissed Tyler’s sleeping form before heading out to the kitchen to start breakfast for everyone. Christmas carols played softly in the background as you cooked bacon and sausage for the entire family, the aroma wafting throughout the house. About halfway through mixing the pancake batter, Tyler woke up.
 He snuck behind you, making you jump. “Merry Christmas baby.” He nuzzled your neck, dropping kisses until you turned in his arms.
 “Merry Christmas my love.” Going up on your tiptoes, you kissed your fiancé passionately, right as his family came traipsing down the stairs, a chorus of Merry Christmases coming out of their lips.
 “Merry Christmas everyone!” You echoed back.
 “Wow, breakfast smells amazing,” Jackie commented.
 “It really does,” Paul added. “Anything we can help with?”
 “Absolutely, someone can make toast and I was just finishing up the pancake mix, then I’ll get to making them. Ty, honey, can you do the eggs?”
 “I’m on it, babe.”
 Cassidy wandered around the island and peered into the living room. “Where did all the presents come from?”
 Tyler nudged you. “Looks like Santa came last night.” A giant grin broke out across both your faces. After breakfast, everyone headed into the living room to open presents.
 “Here’s one for Baby Seguin from Santa,” Candace said, handing you over the package. You looked over at Tyler, who just shook his head no; but then when you saw his mom grinning you remembered it had to be her. Peeling the paper off, you opened the box to reveal a little onesie inside. It read, ‘I’m cute, Mommy’s cute, Daddy’s lucky.’
 “Really mom? I’m a little bit cute too…though I am damn lucky.” He leaned over and gave you a quick peck.
 “Jackie, this is darling. Thank you so much.” There were plenty more gifts for Baby Seguin, cute little outfits with puppies all over them, stuffed animals to go in the nursery and so much more. Tyler got a baby Bjorn to carry the baby around while he skated, which he was completely over the moon about.
 “I can’t wait to use this. Babe, how big does the baby have to be before we can take them out in this.” His excitement was contagious, but you had to admit you were a bit nervous about him skating around with your child. You now knew what he was feeling at the family skate.
 “Hold your horses there Daddy. Let’s get this little one out first.”
 “Speaking of being a Dad.” Cassidy interrupted. “Here’s one to Daddy…Love Baby Seguin.”
 Tyler looked over at you, a questioning look on his face. “Wait…what?...Babe, did you do this?”
 Feigning innocence, you answered. “Don’t look at me, the baby did it.”
 The smile that was on his face was enough to make you melt, making your excitement grow for him to open the gift you got him from the baby. Carefully he tore the wrapping off the box, then lifted the lid. You could see tears starting to form in his eyes as he read what was inside. “Ok, don’t leave us in suspense big brother.” Cassidy taunted.
 “It’s the baby’s first sonogram picture, which I never saw, and it says.” His voice got a little choked up as he read what was on the frame. “Daddy can you feel me, I wiggle and kick for you. I can hear you say you love me…Daddy, I love you too.” He took a moment to wipe away the tears that were now rolling down his cheeks; you did the same. “Very soon you’ll meet me, and kiss my little face…And I will feel your soft skin, and feel your warm embrace. Daddy are you ready, my life is about to start. I will hold your finger, but you will always hold my heart. Love Always, Baby Seguin.” He had barely got that last part out, and when you looked around the entire family were crying happily along with you both; even Paul was quickly wiping away a tear or two.
 Tyler leaned down toward the baby and placed both hands on your tummy. “Thank you so much little one. Daddy loves you more than you’ll ever know.” Then he placed a loving kiss on your stomach, before reaching up and kissing you on the lips. “I love you too Mommy. Thank you, but I feel like an ass. I didn’t get you anything even close to this.”
 “You already gave me the best gift I could ever ask for Ty.” As you spoke the words you caressed the baby that was growing inside you. “Besides, you’ve given me so much over these last few months.” It was your turn to kiss Tyler this time, and though it wasn’t heated; you poured all the love you felt for him into it.
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polly-darton · 4 years
We look like we feel
Title: We look like we feel
Characters: James Potter, Lily Evans
Genre: Romance
Rating: K
Description: James and Lily’s first kiss. It’s all good and warm teenage feelings. Canon compliant.
Chapters:Just the one
Word count: 1694 words
Disclaimer: Title borrowed from Dashboard Confessional’s 2007 song Stolen. All the characters belong to J. K. Rowling and the magical world she created.
This may become the first of a series of first kisses.
It was late, past curfew and James was sitting behind a tapestry, making sparks come out of his wand, when he heard footsteps approaching;
Not wanting to be caught slacking on his Head Boy duty, James slipped from behind the tapestry and stood very straight waiting for his company to reach him, only it wasn’t McGonagall.
James could sense her in his chest before he could really see her:
The boy changed his posture to a more relaxed one and as the first strand of auburn sent his heart into a frenesi, he ran a hand through his hair.
“Oh, Hey.” Lily smiled a bit and was that a blush on her cheeks?
“Hey.” James smiled back feeling that his hands were such a weird annex and suddenly wouldn’t be good placed anywhere on his body.
“What are you doing?” Lily asked suspicious, for the boy was one to rarely ever be up to something good when sneaking around the castle at night.
“Patrolling the halls. Head Boy, remember?” James pointed to the small badge on the front of his robes.
“Oh, yeah.” She acquiesced, and feeling brave asked: “Let’s go, then?”
James made an effort not to stutter:
“Yeah.” He took a breath, “Maybe we’ll run into Remus.”
“It’s a full moon tonight.” Lily said lightly, looking out as they passed by the windows.
“Tomorrow, actually.”
Lily hummed an agreement through her lips.
“There was a werewolf attack this week, did you see?”
James felt his heart skip a beat and cleared his throat before responding:
“Yeah… A little girl, right?” He pushed his glasses up nervously and looked at Lily sideways, but she only nodded looking serious and said no more. “We’re gonna win this war, you know.”
“How do you know?”
“Just do.” James shrugged.
Lily felt a smile tugging at the corner of her lips and looked away, afraid to meet his eyes.
“You weren’t at dinner tonight.” She said when she felt calmer.
“Quidditch practice went longer than expected.”
“Aren’t you hungry?”
“I was actually thinking of going down to the kitchens for a bite. Wanna come?”
Lily considered the idea for a moment, torn between not wanting to break the rules and wanting to see the extent of this new James that showed himself this term.
He smiled and she bit her lip looking away again.
They walked in silence through the corridors, not finding any students out of bed, and Lily told herself that this was okay, even when she let him walk in front of her as they reached the front hall.
She followed him down the stairs and through the candle lit corridor, and they both stopped when they reached the painting with a bowl of fruit on it.
James tickled the pear on the painting and, when it turned into a doorknob, used it to open the door while looking at Lily’s unsure face.
“I don’t think we’re supposed to be down here.” She looked behind her at the empty corridor as if expecting professor Sprout to appear and redact points from them.
“It’s okay. You’ll see.”
James entered the kitchen followed by Lily and they were quickly surrounded by house elves who greeted them enthusiastically and started immediately setting plates of food on the nearest table. James smiled at Lily and made way to the table, where he sat and pulled towards him the treacle tart of which he cut a slice and set on a plate.
“It’s your favorite, right?” He said lifting the plate towards Lily, who took it with one raised eyebrow.
“Yeah,” She sat across from him “how did you know?”
James blinked a couple times trying to think of an answer, but was thankfully saved by the house elf who started pouring tea in two mugs while asking if they wanted anything else.
Both kids thanked the elf and stayed silent for a moment while Lily ate the dessert and James tried to make his hands stop shaking.
Lily could sense James’ nervousness hitting her like waves as he ate from his own plate, and wondered if the boy could feel hers as well. She touched the last piece of pie with her fork but didn’t eat, thinking hard about something to say that would end the silence and make their time together last.
“Do you come down here often?” She hoped she didn’t sound as accusing as she did in the past and that he could see she was trying to make amends.
“Sometimes. I don’t always eat, though, sometimes I just like to come and talk to the elves.”
“You just… Talk to them?”
“Yeah. I like to hear their stories, where they’re from and stuff.” He chewed for a moment. “It’s interesting.” He finished awkwardly and ran a hand through his hair.
Lily shoved the last piece of pie in her mouth and stood up abruptly, James’ words making her feel nervous in a way she wasn’t used to.
“We should go. We shouldn’t be caught in the kitchens at this time.”
James, caught off guard by the suddenness of her movement, finished the food on his plate and stood up. Both kids thanked the elves again, and were thanked by them in return.
“Is everything ok?” James felt insecure as they left the kitchen and the door was closed behind them.
They walked into the seventh floor corridor in a somewhat awkward silence, and there the moonlight that entered through the windows made golden squares on the floor. James had taken two steps towards the Fat Lady painting when he noticed that Lily wasn’t by his side anymore. When he turned around he saw she had stopped and was looking to the sky through the window, looking thoughtful.
“Why did you stop asking me out?” Lily interrupted.
James felt his already uneasy heart beat faster and wondered how long it would take for it to plummet out of his chest.
“What?” He approached her again searching for a sign, any sign, even the smallest one that this was what he wanted most.
“You used to ask me out all the time in the past. And you haven’t asked once since this term started. What happened? Was it just a game?” She felt her tone getting more accusative with every sentence and tried to make her expression softer when she lifted her eyes to meet his. “Or you fancy someone new?”
“Jealous, Evans?” He smirked a bit sounding and looking more confident than he actually felt, but it was the glint of mischief in his eyes that made Lily roll hers and cross her arms, trying to keep control.
When she didn’t answer and instead just looked outside the window with her arms still crossed James reached over and tugged a little at the elbow of her sleeve:
“Hey, what’s wrong?”
At his soft question Lily looked at his stretched arm and then at the perfect golden light square on the floor, sitting perfectly between the toes of their shoes. She lifted her eyes and, when they met his, she felt a tightness in her stomach and the impulse she’d been trying to control all night fought to take over.
James was about to ask again, but she stepped into the light and he saw her emerald like eyes look intently into his, and, before he could take in the entirety of their intent, they were closing and her hands landed lightly on his shoulders as her lips touched his.
Without a second’s hesitation his arms wrapped around her waist and he was sure the entire castle could hear the scream of joy echoing inside his skull as he kissed her back.
“Damn,” She sighed “You’re fun to kiss.”
James half laughed and, feeling bold, kissed her again in an attempt to make himself believe this was real even when it felt so much like a dream. Lily was sure she could feel James’ heart hammering alongside hers as she ran her hands through his devious hair and kissed him back.
They split up for a moment with their arms around each other when they heard light footsteps approaching.
“We shouldn’t be out here.” Lily blinked a few times and ran her hands down his arms stopping at his fingers as she took a step back into the moonlight.
James took her hand into his own and pulled her towards the Gryffindor Tower.
“Pimpinella.” He said and the Fat Lady turned on her hinges with a knowing smile on her lips.
James passed through the hole still holding Lily’s Hand and stopped to look at her when she entered and the portrait swung back to its former place. Lily looked around the room and saw that it was empty except for one sixth year student drooling on his homework. She curled her index finger around James’ and guided him to a far corner of the room, where she pushed him gently against a wall and pressed her whole body against his and, standing on her tiptoes, kissed him again, all smiles and flushed cheeks.
They turned to look as the Fat Lady rotated forward one more time and a pale looking Remus Lupin entered through the portrait hole. He looked around and, spotting James and Lily wrapped around each other on the corner, raised his brows slightly but said nothing.
James felt the blood rush to his cheeks once again and, feeling proud, nodded towards Remus, who nodded back smiling a bit, and went up the stairs to the boys dormroom.
There was a moment of silence in which Lily bit her lip and played absentmindedly with the front of James’ robes, thinking of something to say but feeling content in the closeness.
“I thought you hated me.” James ran a hand through hairs distractedly and pushed his glasses up his nose.
“You asked… Why I stopped asking you out.” James put a strand of Lily’s hair behind her ear and touched the jewel that lied there “I thought you hated me.”
Lily’s smile changed her entire face and with emerald eyes sparkling she scrunched her nose a bit and replied:
Best three letters James
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taytootwisted · 4 years
— 1. Who was the last person you held hands with? Jamel
2. Are you outgoing or shy? Outgoing
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing? :)
4. Are you easy to get along with? Ehh for the most part
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you? Fuck yeah
6. What kind of people are you attracted to? I like quiet men lol
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? Wow I don’t think so
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind? :)
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? Not really
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? Tee
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say? Goodmorning
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
Callin my phone, trackstar, off the yak, no more parties, goat
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair? Yes, makes me sleepy
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles? Sometimes
15. What good thing happened this summer? We’re in a pandemic idrk
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? Sure
17. Do you think there is life on other planets? Yes!
18. Do you still talk to your first crush? No lol
19. Do you like bubble baths?ehhh haven’t had one in years
20. Do you like your neighbors? I’ve only seen him once in a year maybe twice 😂
21. What are you bad habits? Smoking & procrastinating
22. Where would you like to travel? The tropics
23. Do you have trust issues? Yeah pretty severe
24. Favorite part of your daily routine? The blunt I face after work
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? Ehhh just wish I wasn’t as tiny
26. What do you do when you wake up? Wake up?¿
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? Darker
28. Who are you most comfortable around?my family & friends
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up? Yep
30. Do you ever want to get married? Nope
31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail? Yes need a cut
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with? Hmmmm lol
33. Spell your name with your chin. It just clicks buttons
34. Do you play sports? What sports? I use to! Soccer, basketball, track & volleyball
35. Would you rather live without TV or music? TV
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them? Duh
37. What do you say during awkward silences? Nothing they don’t really bother me
38. Describe your dream girl/guy? Tall dark handsome rich & kind & quiet & loves me more than life
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in? I haven’t went shopping in so long I’m really crusty lol
40. What do you want to do after high school?HAHAHA
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? Not everyone, but yes
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean? I’m in my thoughts
43. Do you smile at strangers? Sometimes
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean? Let’s go to space babe
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning? Survival
46. What are you paranoid about? Nothing currently
47. Have you ever been high? Yep
48. Have you ever been drunk? Yep
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? Nope
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore? Grey
51. Ever wished you were someone else? Timmy Turner
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself? A fatter ass but we working on it
53. Favourite makeup brand? Elf
54. Favourite store?
55. Favourite blog? Tumblr duh
56. Favourite colour? Yellow
57. Favourite food? Spanish
58. Last thing you ate? Noodles
59. First thing you ate this morning? Nada but I want chic
60. Ever won a competition? For what? One time I won selling the most cookie dough for school in like 6th grade 🤣
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what? About 30 times, a bit defiant
62. Been arrested? For what? Shoplifting & weed charges
63. Ever been in love? Very much so
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss? I think I was like in 7th grade I met up w the boy I had a crush on to hang at the park he was on a scooter. We did a lil peck kiss lol
65. Are you hungry right now? Yes!! I want chic
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends? Don’t have any tumblr friends :/
67. Facebook or Twitter? Twitter
68. Twitter or Tumblr? Both
69. Are you watching tv right now? Nope
70. Names of your bestfriends? Tee, Bri, Ale, Mel, Kev,
71. Craving something? What?omg ur gonna keep asking huh CHIC
72. What colour are your towels? Pink, cream, flower print, brown
72. How many pillows do you sleep with? Three
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? Yes
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have? 1 right now
75. Favourite animal? Cheetah
76. What colour is your underwear? Black
77. Chocolate or Vanilla? Vanilla
78. Favourite ice cream flavour? Chocolate chip cookie dough
79. What colour shirt are you wearing? Blue
80. What colour pants? No pants
81. Favourite tv show? Wentworth currently
82. Favourite movie? Too hard
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2? Original duh
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street? 21 jump street lol
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo? Dory
87. First person you talked to today? Nobody yet
88. Last person you talked to today? Today just started
89. Name a person you hate? Nobody
90. Name a person you love? My mom
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now? Nope I’m good
92. In a fight with someone? Nope :)
93. How many sweatpants do you have? Probably like 10
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have? Probably like 10 lol
95. Last movie you watched? Something in Netflix I forget
96. Favourite actress? Nope
97. Favourite actor? Nope
98. Do you tan a lot? No I’m pasty as shit
99. Have any pets? Nope lonely lol
100. How are you feeling? I’m feeling good I think today is gonna be a good day
101. Do you type fast? Yea
102. Do you regret anything from your past? There’s one thing I wish I could go back & change
103. Can you spell well? I believe so
104. Do you miss anyone from your past? Yes
105. Ever been to a bonfire party? Yes
106. Ever broken someone’s heart? Yes
107. Have you ever been on a horse? No :/
108. What should you be doing? Nothing it’s 630 am
109. Is something irritating you right now? Nope
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt? Yes :/
111. Do you have trust issues? HUGE
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of? Uh...... the girls at the viewing
113. What was your childhood nickname? Birdy
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state? Yes
115. Do you play the Wii? I have
116. Are you listening to music right now? Nope
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup? Yes
118. Do you like Chinese food? Yes!
119. Favourite book? Not sure
120. Are you afraid of the dark? No
121. Are you mean? Sometimes
122. Is cheating ever okay? No but it happens
123. Can you keep white shoes clean? Yes
124. Do you believe in love at first sight? No
125. Do you believe in true love? Yes
126. Are you currently bored? No this is entertainment
127. What makes you happy? Food, love, money
128. Would you change your name? No
129. What your zodiac sign? Cancer
130. Do you like subway? Eh
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? Omg this already happened I fucking snapped :/ we’re ok now tho
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? Tee
133. Favourite lyrics right now? She’s a runner she’s a trackstar
134. Can you count to one million? I guess so
135. Dumbest lie you ever told? I don’t really lie too much
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed? Closed
137. How tall are you? 5”3’
138. Curly or Straight hair? Both
139. Brunette or Blonde? Blonde
140. Summer or Winter? Summer
141. Night or Day? Both
142. Favourite month? June
143. Are you a vegetarian? No
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate? Once in awhile all three
145. Tea or Coffee? Yea
146. Was today a good day? Just started
147. Mars or Snickers? Neither
148. What’s your favourite quote? Get me lit ima slut fr
149. Do you believe in ghosts? Sure
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? “I’m happy to do it either way.”
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