#SHES AMAZING!!! unfortunately three whole people are right about her
i know if this post has been made once its been made a million times but it really sucks how people purely treat mitski as a ‘sad girl indie’ artist like her music is to cry to & thats all, instead of not only a great musician but also visual artist, who is trying to communicate not just entertain with her music.
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mccardswife · 5 months
three dreaded letters
ingrid engen x mapi leon x teen!reader
summary: reader plays for Barca, she gets injured in the match and her mother figures and the whole team support her. ingrid and mapi caring for her
(this is a request)
reader is 18, signed for Barca at 15, amazing I know right?
reader calls mapi mom and Ingrid mama
word count: 1589
warnings: angst, fluff, acl injury, protective team
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There was no secret that the common injuries for footballers, especially women footballers is the dreaded three letters.
Anterior cruciate ligament tear, also known as an acl tear...
Hearing about the experience of your teammates, both club and national team, you pretty much knew what the injury detailed.
You tracked back to defend, when you hit the ground. The fear that ran through your body when you heard the pop. The pop in your left knee felt like everyone described. 
The pain in your knee was something you've never experienced before, it was so horrible and painful. It literally felt like a hammer smashed both sides of my knee. 
The ball was still in play, but I was in so much pain I could not get up. I played limp on the ground, thinking about everything. How was recovery going to be? Is this the end of my career at 18? Will I ever be the same? Will people support me? 
I did not realise I was screaming in pain until Mom and Mama ran over to me, the couple is like you moms, you even live with the two of them in an apartment together.
Then Alexia walked over, she came back recently from an acl tear herself. And exchanged knowing looks, they knew by the look of you holding onto your knee.
"Where does it hurt?" Mom asked, crouching down to you.
"Knee, acl, it popped Mom, i tore it" you responded to her. Then Aitana came running over and Alexia motioned to the medics. 
"We don't know if it is the acl, but if it is, me and Mom. Also the whole team will be there with you kid. You are so strong and you will get through this y/nn" Mama said softly. 
You started sobbing, leaning into Mom crying. She held you comforting and then literally the whole team stood by your side.
The medics arrived and started to assess me, everyone looked at me, with concerned looks full of sympathy. But you can't focus on them, the only thing that going through your mind is the pain, how will rehab be, will I ever be the same?....
Then I was carried off on a stretcher. All you wanted was your moms, the pain in your knee increased with every second. It was unbearable
Frido already setting with the rest of the team on the sidelines, saw everything, she is like your older protective sister at the team. Her being out with a meniscus injury in her right knee immediately understood the serious situation and rushed to you when the stretcher went past her. Walking through the tunnel beside you holding your hand she felt heartbreak for the teenager, the medics told her what happened and secretly she knew right away what it was. 
She could not bear the thought of her little sister being injured. 
Walking into one of the medical rooms with Frido whispered supporting words in your ear, the medics sat you on a table.
"We need to take some scans of your knee before we know for sue but it unfortunately seems like your acl. Im really sorry kid" one of the medics said.
I broke down again in pain.
The game was over quickly after your being carried off. Since it was only 15 minutes left. They won the game but felt horribly pain for you, being in the starting line up at Barca as a 18 year old kid. Everyone felt their duty was to protect you.
The scans showed that you had tore your acl
It was the worst thing you've been told ever, the three dreaded letters was something you wouldn't wish on anyone. Not the star player on your rival team, or upon your worst enemy. It is pain through and through.
Frido hugged me lovingly and said "I love you y/nn, we will be with you all the way".
I half smiled to her, appreciating the words.
The door to the medical room opened.
"Knock knock" Caroline said walking in with a supporting but sad smile and behind her was the rest of the team. You allowed them to come in for a few minutes. But really the ones you only wanted was your mums.
You tried to speak, but it got muffled out by tears. Frido seeing that saying.
"It is her acl unfortunately" Frido said, she never thought she would ever say that. The pain in her voice showed that.
The team already knew but the words coming out of Frido´s mouth was something none of the girls would ever want to hear.
"I am terribly sorry my love" Mama said to me reassuring walking over to me with Mom, mama giving me a hug while Mom held my hand softly.
Ona is one of my best friend on the team, she came over to me and gave me a hug. "We are all with you" she said caring.
"Thank you all so much, I really appreciate all of you but I want a moment with my moms, and then you can come in again afterwards".
"Of course bebita, we will pick up some things for you, if you'd like. Some warmer clothes or something to drink and eat?" Alexia asked me with the softest smile ever.
The captain of the team, also the La Reina. Not everyone knows this but she really is a big softie, but really a reassuring and stern captain.
"Yes please, If you don't mind I would love that, thank you so much" I answered.
"No problem babe, but I think you should call Leah and some of our others national teammates after, my phone has blown up with messages from Leah, Beth, Millie and pretty much everyone else", she said.
Yes, I am a lioness. And me growing up in London being an Arsenal fan through and through, I was at the arsenal academy when i got the Barca contract. I immediately accepted, it was my dream club to play for other than Arsenal. 
Some time in the future I want to play in London, not now tho.
"Yeah I know, I will call them after", i said.
I am very close with the national team, especially Leah, I have known her for almost my whole life, because of arsenal academy and because our families has always been friends. So she is like my protective but stern older sister, and I will say I am closest with her on the England squad. The whole squad is very protective so I know they're probably worried sick now.
I was lost in my thoughts when I heard the door open again and shut again. The rest of the team walked outside, me being alone with my mom.
I started crying again and they started sobbing too.
"elskling" mama said walking quickly over to me giving me the warmest hug ever. "I am so sorry love" she said to me wiping away my tears. 
"Mama and mom, I don't think I will get through this, what if rehab is not worth it, what if this is my career end, what if" a voice cut me off.
"stop, stop, stop my love, me and your mama will be there with you every step of the way. You are worth it, the rehab will be worth it. You will get through this" Mapi said sternly but soft.
"Your mom is right y/nn, you will get through this and we will be there with you every step of the way" Ingrid said holding my hand.
"Every step of the way"
"Every step of the way"
"Every step of the way"
Mom took my face in her hand, so that we stared right into each others eye. she kissed my forehead and gave me a hug saying "You are one of the strongest people me and your mama have met, we promise you. You will get through this and come back stronger than ever".
"I love you so much mama and mom, but I am so scared, is this my fault? what will everybody say?
"elskling" Mama said looking me right in the eye.
"It is not your fault, this can happen to anyone and nobody will think it is your fault. I promise you, you may think it is your fault but bless you love it is not"
"You've got this, we are with you every step of the way and we've got you", Mom said to me with the most heartwarming look ever that wanted me so sob again.
"We love you so much" mama said.
"Always, we will always be here with you" my moms said giving me a bone crushing hug.
We sat like that for a while, just hugging, you have no idea of grateful I am for my moms, my club and national team. They are like my family, blood or not.
My moms pulled away, still holding me softly saying
"We believe in you, this is obviously tough news but you are a thousand times tougher, it is hard but we and the other girls will help you, even if you need to lift a finger. Everyone is there with you, you can do this" they said to me, the tone in the words was familiar. It was voice of confidence and loving.
You smiled accepting them, only nodding.
You leaned into them again hugging, with a sad but meaningful smile on your face. Knowing that you have the best moms and family in the world.
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anonymousewrites · 1 month
A Not-So-Disastrous Romance (Book 1) Chapter Twelve
Kusuo Saiki x Reader
Chapter Twelve: Insecurities and Sweets
Summary: Saiki has to unfortunately deal with his crush, now, and (Y/N) is not helping.
            “I’m super nervous to go out…” said Yumehara, pulling her towel tighter around herself.
            “Don’t worry, Yumehara, you should just have fun!” said (Y/N), patting her shoulder.
            “That’s fine for you to say, you look amazing!” cried Yumehara.
            “And you look lovely,” said (Y/N). “Right, Teruhashi?”
            “Of course,” said Teruhashi, smiling brightly. “Don’t worry, Yumehara. You look great.”
            Yumehara sighed and buried herself deeper in her towel. “Just go on without me.”
            “Are you sure?” said (Y/N), concerned for their friend. They sat down on the bench beside Yumehara while Teruhashi started walking outside. “I can wait for you and go out with you if you’d feel better.
            “Well…” Yumehara trailed off as applause started outside the changing room.
            Teruhashi had exited in her pale blue bikini and swim-skirt. “Thanks for waiting!” she said.
            The people watching her nearly exploded at her appearance and continued to cheer and clap for quite some time all along the beach.
            “Sorry, I had a hard time finding a locker and got caught up talking to Yumehara and (L/N),” said Teruhashi, walking up to Saiki, Kaidou, and Nendou.
            “No worries! We didn’t wait at all,” exclaimed Nendou nervously as he blushed.
            “That’s right! No worries!” squeaked Kaidou, struggling to get out words.
            Saiki said nothing.
            Teruhashi’s eyebrow twitched. Tsk. So this level of skin exposure won’t get Saiki to say “oh, wow!” huh?! “Well, then, shall we go? Everyone’s waiting, right?”
            “Well, (L/N), Yumehara, and Mera aren’t here yet,” said Kaidou, and Saiki nodded.
            “Oh, right, Yumehara is having some trouble…but (L/N) was with her, so they should be out soon,” said Teruhashi.
            Inside the changing room, Yumehara was still cowering. “I can’t go out there after Kokomi…” she said.
            “Come on, Mera and I will go out with you,” said (Y/N). They smiled. “I promise, it will all be alright.”
            “Right!” said Yumehara, summoning her courage. “I look great, and my swimsuit is perfect!”
            “That’s the spirit,” said (Y/N) encouragingly. “Come on, Mera.”
            “Coming!” said Mera.
            All three walked towards the entrance of the changing room and entered the sunlight.
            “Thanks for waiting!” said Yumehara, smiling cutely. “I had some trouble finding my towel.”
            No reaction from anyone, it was just a regular day despite her yellow swimsuit.
            What?! They made it an ordinary scene? Come on, couldn’t you do anything special since it isn’t the anime! Yumehara huffed. At least Chisato and (Y/N)—
            “Sorry about that! I’m here,” said Mera. She fiddled with the straps of her school-issued swim uniform. “My swimsuit is a bit small, so I had trouble putting it on.” She smiled, and the boys watching widened their eyes as the usually quiet and unassuming girl was transformed (for them, Mera was always cute) into someone special.
            Mera gets a whole sentence about her?! I got two words, “yellow swimsuit!” thought Yumehara. She sighed. At least (Y/N)’s been nice about this whole thing—
            “Wow, (L/N), you look great!” said Kaidou, smiling.
            “Hey, pinky, you’re wearing pink!” said Nendou.
            “Thanks, guys,” said (Y/N), smiling. “I thought it would be fun to wear a feminine swim costume on the trip instead of my usual shorts and t-shirt.”
            Indeed, while in the last beach scene they’d worn a men’s swim shirt and swim trunks, this time (Y/N) wore a pink two-piece, with a sporty, pale pink top and bottoms. The straps were red, and strawberries were printed over the fabric. It was a very sweet outfit and very (Y/N)-esque.
            Yumehara’s jaw dropped open. Not only did (Y/N) get a whole paragraph to their outfit, the sun was also falling on them in the perfect way to highlight their figure and make them glow with warmth and sweetness.
            That’s fine! As long as I can see Saiki’s reaction, I’ll be okay! Yumehara turned towards Saiki.
            He was looking directly at (Y/N).
            “Strawberries. Nice.” That was all Saiki could manage.
            After the realization he’d had at the aquarium, Saiki had shut down for the entire bus ride to the beach. It had taken a very, very long time to process that. Apparently, having feelings were a worse blow to him than discovering he had Saiki powers had been to (Y/N).
            And now Saiki had to see them in a cute outfit? Yes, Saiki wasn’t one to care about appearances—and even if he did, he thought (Y/N) looked nice all the time—but after his realization, he was noticing way too much about them. And, unfortunately for him and his sanity, he was noticing that he associated (Y/N) with sweetness and strawberries were sweet and that was cute and—
            “Thanks!” said (Y/N), smiling warmly.
            Yare yare.
            Next Saiki was stuck thinking about their smile, but we won’t write a paragraph on that to spare him and give him some of his dignity.
            While her friends hung out in the water, Yumehara curled up in her towel, confidence unfortunately destroyed again.
            Okay, fine, it’s over. My school trip is over, okay? she thought despondently.
            “Oh? Aren’t you gonna swim?” asked Kaidou.
            “No, I don’t feel good, so…” Yumehara trailed off.
            (Y/N) frowned from where they were standing in the water. “I wish I could help her confidence…”
            “She’s recovered before,” said Saiki.
            “In other words, you can’t swim, right?” teased Yumehara, having started talking to Kaidou (he had gone into a tirade about being cursed by Dark Reunion).
            Kaidou, poor thing, turned bright red. “Th-Th-That’s not true!”
            Did he blush when he saw my swimsuit?! He did, didn’t he?! Yumehara brightened triumphantly. He’s even looking away! So cute!
            “Wow, she’s already recovered,” said (Y/N), smiling.
            “She thinks he thought she was cute,” said Saiki.
            “Whatever works,” chirped (Y/N). “As long as she cheers up, that’s good.”
            “Kaidou!” called Teruhashi, running up. “Did you see a ball come this way?”
            “N-N-No, I didn’t!” squeaked Kaidou, overwhelmed. He rolled backwards in panic.
            He rolled backwards three times?! Poor Yumehara’s confidence took another blow. I can’t believe how much of a difference there was in his reaction…
            Saiki furrowed his brow in irritation. (Y/N) noticed and cocked their head.
            “You alright?” they asked.
            “This is as much of a pain as I anticipated,” said Saiki. Hearing everyone’s current dilemmas was going to give him a headache.
            Someone, please say I’m cute… thought Yumehara.
            “Hey, she’s cute!” said a new voice.
            She whirled around eagerly, but the fantasy was broken as two older boys walked past her towards Teruhashi. (Y/N) frowned as they noticed them. The way they leered felt wrong.
            “Hey, you there,” said the first man.
            “Whoa, check you out!” said the second. “How about the three of us go get some shaved ice?”
            What? This is a joke, right? Are they really hitting on me…? thought Teruhashi.
            “Hey, what’s the problem? Let’s go,” said the first.
            Just how dense do they have to be to think they’re in my league? thought Teruhashi. I know I’m really cute, but this is beyond reckless! It’s not that they have guts, they’re just plain dumb.
            “Are you nervous?” said the second.
            “I don’t like the look of those two,” said (Y/N), frowning in concern.
            Saiki looked over. That got his attention since (Y/N) never disliked people. The only person they had was Makoto (for obvious reason) and now these two.
            “Okay, let’s go, it’s decided!” said the first man, reaching for Teruhashi’s wrist.
            “That’s it, I’m going to help her,” said (Y/N), walking out of the water.
            “Be careful—” Saiki didn’t want those men to hurt them. If they tried anything, Saiki was stepping in.
            “Hey, you two!” said (Y/N). “Get away—”
            “Get off her!” said an unexpected voice. Kaidou moved between the men and Teruhashi and threw out his hands. “She doesn’t wanna go! So beat it!”
            “Huh?!” said the men angrily.
            “Oh?” said Saiki in surprise.
            “Who the hell are you?” said the first man angrily.
            Kaidou wilted but tried to keep his courage up. “W-Well…She doesn’t want to go, right? So…”
            “This is none of your business, got that?!” snapped the second man.
            “Uhm, I’m her classmate, so…” Kaidou trailed off nervously, but his heart was still there. “If you don’t cut it out, I’m gonna get, um, serious…”
            “Huh, what’re you mumbling about?” sneered the first.
            “Leave them both alone,” said (Y/N), walking towards them.
            Saiki took a step towards the group. If anything were to happen, he’d step in. Just for (Y/N), the others could mostly figure it out for themselves.
            “Yeah!” said Yumehara, stepping up with (Y/N). Two versus two. “We’re on a school trip, and if you keep causing trouble, we’ll get the teachers.”
            “Huh?! Don’t get cocky with us!” said the first man again, leering over Yumehara and (Y/N).
            “Get lost, you dumb broads!” said the second.
            Poor Yumehara wilted at the criticism, her self-esteem damaged once more. (Y/N) just glared, knowing those two were just idiotic men (the two words went hand in hand often).
            “So just get out of the way,” said the first, moving to shove (Y/N) out of the way.
            “Yeah,” sneered the second, moving to push Yumehara away.
            “Don’t ever try to hurt people,” said (Y/N), glaring at the man they had punched to the ground.
            Saiki, who had raised his hand to do something to protect (Y/N), blinked in surprise. He hadn’t expected that. Still…at least they were alright. That’s what mattered to him.
            “You bastards! Apologize to Yumehara and (L/N)!” said Kaidou, glaring at the man he’d bunched. “What do you think you’re doing?! Just apologize to them!”
            The man he had punched frowned and touched his cheek. “That didn’t hurt at all!”
            Unsurprising, thought Saiki.
            “It looks like you got a bug bite,” said the other man, frowning. “Why’d you get hit by the weakling?!” He hadn’t gotten as lucky.
            “I’ll show him weak!” said the man hit by Kaidou, lifting his arm again.
            (Y/N) curled their hand into a fist, preparing to hit the other guy, too.
            Saiki reached out and squeezed his pointed finger and thumb together.
            “Ow!” cried the second man, holding his cheek as the pain began.
            “It hurts now?” said the first man, frowning. “Ow!” His cheek began to thrum with even more discomfort than before.
            (Y/N) tilted their head in confusion as the two men ran away in fear of the pain before looking back towards Saiki. Upon seeing his raised hands, they smiled and nodded to him.
            Saiki had to admit, he didn’t like his attention for his abilities, but seeing (Y/N)’s approval…well, he wouldn’t say no to it.
            Beside (Y/N), Kaidou turned to Yumehara. “A-Are you okay? They were really rude.”
            Yumehara just blushed and imagined something very different as he spoke to her. (Along the lines of: you’re so cute, Chiyo).
            Kaidou! He’s so amazing! thought Yumehara.
            In no sooner than a moment after being “rescued” by Kaidou, Yumehara had developed a massive crush on him.
            Good job, Kaidou.
            Saiki wasn’t sure feelings were supposed to come about so quickly, but he knew he wasn’t the norm. And, hey, Kaidou had done the right thing.
            “Thanks for that,” said (Y/N), smiling at Saiki. “We needed the help.”
            “I don’t think you did.” (Y/N)’s right swing was surprisingly formidable.
            “Maybe, but it was still nice of you to step in,” said (Y/N). “Thanks, Kusuo.” They grinned. “I’ll buy you a sweet for your troubles.”
            (Y/N)’s praise and sweets? Saiki thought that was a perfect exchange.
            “Come on, Mera, Teruhashi, Yumehara,” said (Y/N), trying to get their friends’ attention. “We have to meet up with the boys at that café.” They wanted to make sure they didn’t fall behind. (Mostly because they had seen Saiki eying a dessert on the plane ride, so (Y/N) thought treating him to that would be a good “thank you” for the previous day).
            “I can stay back with Mera if you two would prefer,” said Teruhashi graciously. “I know you’re friends with them, (L/N), and Kaidou hasn’t gone far, yet, Yumehara.”
            Said girl went bright red. “What?! Wha…What? Why?! Kaidou?!”
            “Oh, I’m sorry, I thought you might have a crush on him,” said Teruhashi.
            She definitely does, thought (Y/N).
            They looked back at the boys and frowned. Saiki was nowhere to be seen. Evidently, he’d decided to leave behind his usual bothers to try to get to the sweets. (Y/N) chuckled fondly and shook their head in amusement. Saiki had his mind on treats and only on treats.
            Ah, well. I’ll just make sure we get there and pay before he does, thought (Y/N).
            “Am I making it that obvious?” said Yumehara, nearly melting from how red she was.
            “Ah, I’m sorry! I won’t tell anyone,” said Teruhashi. She glanced nervously at (Y/N). “And I’m sure (L/N) won’t.”
            “You can count on us, Yumehara,” said (Y/N) brightly.
            “Good, because I also know who you like, Teruhashi!” said Yumehara. She glanced at (Y/N). They might like Saiki, but I have no idea…
            Teruhashi turned red and waved her hands in front of herself. “Ah!K-Keep it to yourself, okay? We’ll all keep each other’s secrets!” She glanced at (Y/N). Especially since they might like Saiki, too.
            (Y/N) remained blissfully unaware of the two girls analyzing (Y/N)’s feelings. “Sounds good to me.” They grinned. “We’re friends.”
            “Right,” said Yumehara, smiling. “But, anyways, I don’t think we should split up.”
            (Y/N) nodded in agreement. “After yesterday, I think we should stick together.” They laughed. “And Mera can grab more free samples from other shops as we go.” They sweat-dropped as they saw the current staff-owner trying to pull Mera away from the samples.
            “Oh, also, isn’t it about time for you two to start calling me by my first name?” said Yumehara. “After all, we’re friends, and last names feel so formal! So you both can call me Chiyo, alright? We’re good friends now, Kokomi, (Y/N)!”
            “O-Okay, Chiyo,” said Teruhashi.
            “Right, Chiyo!” said (Y/N). “And you both can call me by first name.”
            “You can do the same for me!” said Teruhashi, deciding to take a chance and get closer to her two friends.
            “How sweet,” said Mera, but she was only talking about the samples she was devouring.
            (Y/N) shook their head in amusement and grabbed her wrist. “Come on, Mera, we’re going to a café, so you can get more there.”
            “Oh, great!” said Mera brightly, letting her friends steer her out.
            “Hey, where’d Saiki go?” said Kaidou, looking around in confusion as he and Nendou finally noticed Saiki’s absence.
            “Buddy?! Where are you?” called Nendou.
            “Follow me,” said (Y/N), gesturing to everyone.
            “You know where Saiki is?” asked Teruhashi, surprised.
            (Y/N) laughed. “Kusuo’s pretty obvious.”
            Everyone else sweat-dropped. Saiki was not.
            Wait, Kusuo?! thought everyone (minus Nendou).
            “I would’ve thought Kusuo would be here by now,” said (Y/N) as they sat down with their friends. They had all ordered the same dish and were just waiting for Saiki.
            The bell on the door rung as Saiki walked in.
            “Hey, pal!” said Nendou excitedly.
            “We’re sitting here!” said Yumehara.
            “Hi, Kusuo,” said (Y/N).
            “Where have you been?” asked Teruhashi.
            “I’m surprised that you found us,” said Kaidou.
            “Now everyone in our group is here,” said Mera cheerfully.
            I knew it before I opened the door, thought Saiki.
            “Welcome!” said the waiter. Saiki pointed to what he wanted on the menu. “Oh, the Red Bean Coffee Anmitsu? I’m sorry, but we sold them all to those customers over there.”
            On cue, the group’s orders were brought out.
            Saiki stared. Wait, they only serve six a day, so…Yare, yare, so this is the ending, huh?
            “Kusuo,” called (Y/N). “Come sit with us. You can have mine. Remember? I owe you.”
            Saiki stared and felt his admiration for (Y/N) grow hundredfold.
            “We can all share,” said Nendou.
            “Good idea!” (Y/N) smiled at the waiter. “We’d like another bowl and spoon, please.”
            Saiki sat down and stared in amazement as his friends gave him large amounts of their sweets until he had the biggest portion out of all.
            “Looks like you got even more than you would’ve before,” said (Y/N).
            “Let’s chow down!” said Nendou. “This’ll be the last memory we make on our school trip.”
            “Right!” said everyone, digging in.
            Saiki lifted his spoon and smiled as he looked out at everyone. This isn’t so bad.
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tinydeskwriter · 1 year
Actress!Y/n Talking About Harry in Interviews Over the Years(2018-2022) Part II
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 A/n:so, this is the second part, and I really hope you guys like it .
Jimmy Kimmel Live!, September, 2018
“I am so happy to have you here again.” Kimmel said, as they sat down. “You’re no longer my neighbor.”
“Unfortunately.” The woman agreed. “I miss you, Molly and the kids, we don’t have neighbors anymore.”
“You mean the house next door isn’t ready or…” 
“We literally have no neighbors, we bought fourteen acres ‘next door’ to a preserve, so it’s amazing views and a huge amount of privacy.” She explained. “Which when you have a job in the industry, and two young children is amazing.”
“That’s right, you had another baby!”Jimmy said as if he didn’t already now. “How far apart are they?”
“So, we had Atticus in January last year, and eleven months later we had Talulah,” She paused giving the audience time o cheer, “we wanted them to be close in age, which is a decision a lot of parents make, we didn’t know it would happen so fast, but apparently we are very fertile people,” She paused again, letting the people go crazy, “Yeah, so of course, we didn’t factor in our decision Harry’s tour, my album release, all my projects, and a very cranky baby, Atticus is physically all H, but he’s bad temper is all mine.”
“You went on tour pregnant and with a baby?” The host asked. “That must have been a crazy experience.”
“It was something.” She agreed. “But I was the boss’s wife, so everyone took good care of me, made sure I was comfortable, helped around with the baby, and H created an amazing environment with his whole team, it was lovely to witness.”
Met Gala 2019 With Liza Koshy| Vogue
“You co-chaired the Met Gala back in 2016, how is like to be back, and this year your gorgeous husband is co-chairing the event.” Liza asked Y/n as soon as they finished greeting each other.
The camera was zooming on the naked Gucci gown made of black lace, sequins and feathers the superstar was wearing, totally complementing her husband look.
“It is amazing, I am so proud of H, this is such an amazing honor, and is his first year, so I am happy we get to share this with each other.” Y/n said in a soft voice.
“What is ‘camp’ to you?”The you tuber asked.
“Just be yourself, whatever you want no matter what, be bold, be crazy, it’s camp.” The actress said moving her colorful feather boa/cape situation. “I think there is no limits.”  She had almost Rapunzel long hair extensions and a spectacular floral and feathers arrangement on top of her head.
“What was your inspiration for tonight’s spectacular look?”
“I just wanted to match H, tonight is all about him, and have fun, so I let Alessandro do as he pleased, and Ale being Ale didn’t hold back.” she shared. “My youngest didn’t even recognized me.”
“You look one hot mama, it’s hard to imagine you have two babies, does Atticus and Talulah know they have the coolest mother?”Liza asked.
“H is the cool parent,” Y/n admitted with a found smile, “Atticus has some idea that his daddy is a rockstar, so Harry’s definitely the coolest in his eyes.” 
The Late Late Show | Team USA v. Team UK- Dodgeball w/Michelle Obama
“I am here to support Harry,”Y/n said to he camera as the teams stretched in the background, “he’s not a very gracious loser, and I mean, he’s in James’s Team against Michelle Obama, there is just no way that they are going to win this game.” 
“Babe, “ Y/n called from the sidelines after watching Harry be hit in the ‘1D’ “Are you okay, honey?”
“I want more kids… in the future,” the actress blushed slightly looking to the camera.
The Kelly Clarkson Show, Jan, 2020
“How old are your kids know?”Kelly asked.
“Atticus is three years old, and Lulah just turned two, the terrible twos, funny enough, Lulah doesn’t suffer from it, but Atticus haven’t got over it yet…”Y/n said with a smile as pictures showed up on the screen, her children faces always blurred or hidden.
“People say terrible two, but threenager is a real thing,”Kelly said seriously.
“Yeah, that’s what I heard,”The actress said. “But Lulah just turned two, and I think it might not have fully catch up with her yet, because as I was leaving the house today, she threw her first temper tantrum.” Y/n commented. “She was just, on the floor, crying her little heart out, and of course, Atticus didn’t like to be outdone, so he threw himself at the rug screaming bloody murder, and I just left them there for Harry to deal,” The young woman told Kelly. “I sounded so bad right now, but really, I am that mom that keeps trying to calm them down, and things just get worst because it becomes a competition between the two toddlers, while Harry is just chill, he sit on the couch and just watches them unamused until they organically stop.”
“They lay it on sometimes, like ‘why are you leaving me’”
“I thing is worst with Harry,”Y/n confessed, “I have no problem in admitting H is the favorite parent, like, they come to me for comfort and all the ‘mommy’ things, but Harry is their favorite.” She said with a smile.
“And you don’t feel jealous or anything…”
“No, because, to me, it just shows how much of na amazing daddy he is, and I just feel like: damn! I made a really good choice.”The crowd cheer. “It’s really validating and I am just proud of myself for my choice in partner and baby daddy.”
Hailey Bieber | Who’s in my Bathroom? April, 2021
“Do you get uncomfortable by the amount of female attention your husband’s get?” Hailey asked as they sipped their margaritas.
“So, I have two answers for those questions: I don’t get uncomfortable with his fans showing their love for him, it’s lovely to see the amount of love and devotion he inspires, and they have always been so welcoming to me.” She said looking at possible the only other woman in the planet that understood the level of craziness it was. “But I do get uncomfortable with women in the industry hitting on him, I am not even talking women our age, it’s like: cougar level, and very recently we had a very awful situation, where it was in a working environment with a power imbalance, and it just got too much, more people got involved, media attention happened, and at the same time we had to deal with this as a couple and as a family.”
“Does you ever wish you guys just had normal jobs and careers?”Hailey supports her face in her hand. 
“Never, no matter what, I can’t imagine Harry not doing what he does, and I would never no make the career choices I did, I love acting, I love singing and songwriting, and I love directing.” She says with conviction. “For me it was life changing, I came from nothing, my mom was a single mother waitress, raising three kids on a small wage salary and tips, Disney changed my life, it paid for our first house, for the seed money in my mother’s organic company, it paid my sister college.”
“Is it surreal that your children have a childhood so different from yours?”The blonde asks with a smile.
“They’re extremely privileged, my four years old the other day was like: mummy, why do we have so many houses? And Lulah was complaining the size of the Jet, because she wanted the ‘big plane’, and H was like: sugarcube, you don’t know what your are asking for.” Y/n said with a soft smile. “My children…they have a lot of rich people problems.”
The Drew Barrymore Show, Aug, 2022
“Oh My God, you look even more gorgeous in person.” Drew said as they created each other. 
“Thank you, thank you, have you look at yourself? I was obsessed with you growing up, it’s so amazing to be here.” Y/n said with a big smile, arranging the skirt of her dress as she sat down.
“You’re the face of a Dior perfume, a brand ambassador for Gucci, multi- award winning actress and musician, your under thirty with two Academy Awards, which is historical, you have two successful companies, you just came back a few months ago from a very glorious passage through Cannes where you  debuted Top Gun: Maverick, your own movie and you own Camera d’Ore for your debut feature, also: 14 minutes standing ovation, for a movie produced, directed, written and starred by women,” she stopped for a moment to allow the crowd to applauded the guest, “and then, your also a mom, to three children, and you’re married to Harry freaking Styles, the world’s biggest rockstar, and most wanted man according to Rolling Stones.”
“You just made me sound so cool.”The younger woman said with a small smile and flushed cheeks.
“You are cool.”Drew affirmed. “How do you balance it all?”
“I have a great team working with me, and I have just the greatest partner, and this is really important.”Y/n said crossing her legs. “We plan things in a way that the children will always have one of us 24/7 and in a way that we can always be together, his career is never more important than mine and vice-versa, we’re on tour now, Harry’s Love on Tour, I am a non-touring artist, but H really loves touring, is his thing, and it was important for him to have me and the kids together  with him on the road as his support system, and the children just love going to all the different museums, and seeing new things, and eating different stuff, but, during his tour break we’re moving to Australia because I have a movie that is going to be shoot there.”
“What is like going on tour with three young children under five?”
“It’s chaos, Atticus and Lulah have some understanding that this is daddy’s job, this is Atticus second tour, but for them is just fun, Riley is just a baby, she’s with me 24/7, shes our calmest child,” Y/n said. “She’s actually the same age that Atticus was during Live on Tour.”
“Riley is your quarantine baby…”
“I found out I was pregnant in February last year during Where the Crawdads Sing pre-production, so yeah, she’s kinda of my Covid baby.”
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marsprincess889 · 9 months
About Bharani
Fate, The female and Desire.
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Venus ruled, Mars's sign, Rahu's birth, Saturn's debilitation.
A kind of love letter to myself and other bharanis, especially bharani moons.
So, aren't we amazing? 😄 jk, but in all seriousness, I have some opinions and want to express them.
We're mleccha(outcaste) and venus ruled. What the hell is that? We're precious, that's the truth.
If there is one nakshatra that caters to females exclusively, this has to be it. This is no male territory. They wouldn't even understand. They don't. Think of how helpless they are when a female is birthing, how clueless they are about what menstruating feels like. We know some things have to be gatekept, for our sake. That's what we are about: guarding, protecting, gatekeeping, and we do it harshly, mercilessly, there's no other real way of doing it anyways.
I want to talk about what i think Bharani nakshatra is truly about: Fate.
Fate, choicelessness, being at the mercy of higher beings, authority, hierarchy...
Bharani's symbol is widely known to be the yoni(female sexual organ), a gateway to another world. Another symbol is the boat. In Greek mythology, souls were transported to the underworld via a boat. In various cultures, when a person died, people would put the corpse on a boat and let it burn while it floated away on water. Bharani-death association is no news, but why are females the key to all this?
After the freedom in Ashwini, the Sun's exaltation, we come to restraint, and not restraint from our own will, but the restraint we have no choice but to accept. This is the first nakshatra where we see the female. This is Saturn's debilitation, and amidst all this restraint we have the birth of planet Rahu, the birth of desire. Makes for a thrilling combination, does it not? While the male is cerebral, solar, the female is material. She IS the nature. While the male does, female is. The male's the user, the female's the used, and she can be used unfairly, poorly, incorrectly. This is the place where the female gets her revenge. Bharani is like a protection mechanism for ladies, she's given the right to refuse and if that right is violated, the will get her revenge. I'd say she has the power, but that would be wrong, because she IS power.
After all, all that male energy needs grounding, or it will disperse, that's why the female and her body, as well as mother nature that we all live on, are vessels_ material manifestations of the male energy that they hold. Bharani is about the rules that the universe is governed by, the unchangeable rules, the simple truths that have to be accepted. When you realize that the female perfection can be so easily ruined by the incorrect use of male energy, the choicelessness gains a whole new meaning in this context. It's the female that is choiceless, she's simply replicating the energy given to her on the material plane, giving it a shape, its proper shape, and if they don't like what they see, the blame should not be placed on the feminine.
So the female is the material and the rules,the boundaries, the limitations. That's why, in the most stereotipical way, many men fear women or are annoyed by them. The fate cannot be escaped, fortunately or unfortunately, and it does not really care what any individual thinks, it's much bigger than that.
Mythologically, various cultures have attributed fate to the feminine. The fates in greek mythology, three women with their threads of human fate, are one one of them. Another one that comes to mind is the norse goddess Frigg. Although I wouldn't coorelate her to Bharani, I think it's interesting that the highest standing(debatable) Norse goddess has a spinning wheel and a spindle, and it had been said that she knows the fate of everyone and eveything but keeps silent. Another interesting example would be Arianrhod from Welsh mythology. Her name literally means "The Silver wheel". Her various symbols include the tools used for weaving. The wheel-fate coorelation is apparent, and it's also interesting that fate is something to be "weaved" in all these mythologies I've mentioned.
The movie Brave(2012) comes to mind, where the rebellious princess Merida wants to change her fate, without any spoilers, there's a scene in the end where she has to repair a tapestry to avoid some disaster. She also has a tumultuous relationship with her mother, something that is also closely connected to Bharani. A really good example of this is the movie Ladybird starring Saoirse Ronan and Laurie Metcalfe, both Bharani moons.
Now we come to the part where I mention my personal life. As Bharani moon my relationship with my mother has been chaotic and full of tension, it's not exactly easy to talk about or explain. I've also noticed this in almost every Bharani person I ever knew. We always have that passion to stand up to authority and injustice, and it frequently leads to quarrels.
TRIGGER WARNING (gaslighting)
So I always thought that the gaslight gatekeep girlboss term was very Bharani. We've discussed the gatekeeping part, the girlboss part is obvious, and about gaslighting... the yoni is called "the great deluder"(source_claire nakti. Had to credit her!).
I want to talk about the movie Tangled and about Rapunzel's tale in general. The original story goes like this: A couple want a child(that venus, rahu's birth, desire theme) and the wife is pregnant(another bharani symbol) and she's craving a plant- rapunzel, that grows in their neighbor's garden(again, the desire-craving theme). Their neighbor is a sorceress. The husband ultimately steals the rapunzel, but he is caught by its rightful owner. They strike a deal: he can take all the rapunzel he wants in exchange for the baby. The man agrees.
After some time, the baby girl is born, and the witch comes to claim her. She names her Rapunzel, after the plant, and eventually, when she's twelve, locks her up in a tower. Let's pause for a moment to note the fact that we already have the Bharani themes of karma, cause and effect, desire and now claim and ownership(bharani, as the first venus-ruled nakshatra often tries to claim things and label them as their own and then gatekeep it harshly, just like the sorceress in this story. It's also interesting that the OWNED is also feminine).
Now, I really relate to Rapunzel. I also feel like I'm always missing something and that I could attain if only i could escape my current circumstances(the tower). Despite this state, I'm also full of desire and enthusiasm. When I was 8 (?) I won the tickets for my family to the premier of Tangled at my friend's birthday party. I obviously loved it(I still do), loved the story, the animation, THE MUSIC, Eugene... but never did I ever imagine that it would be so emotionally relevant to my life 12 years later. I kinda cracked the code and realised why I love it so much, it's cause she's basically me, and to be honest, she's every human in the truest, simplest way possible.
Anyways, let's continiue wuth the story. Rapunzel is locked in and while she's safe from the world, she's not safe from her "mother". Here I want to move over to the movie Tangled, but before that I'll finish the original. A prince finds her, they become lovers behind the sorceress's back, she eventually finds it out because Rapunzel can't keep her mouth shut, she cuts off Rapunzel's long golden hair and exiles her. When the prince comes to the tower he is greeted by Dame Gothel instead of Rapunzel, she tells him he's not to see Rapunzel again, he falls from there into the rose bushes and blinds himself. After years of wandering, he and Rapunzel finally find each other, Rapunzel's tears heal his blindness, they go to his kingdom and live happily ever after. Now, to Tangled.
The relationship between Rapunzel and and Gothel in Tangled is explored well enough for the audience to realize that she's abusive and a gaslighter(watch cinema therapy on youtube, they have a video about Tangled. They're also very wholesome). She's lying to her to keep her to herself, not really caring about her at all. The way Rapunzel feels misunderstood by the person who raised her feels very personal to me. This theme of gaslighting is very Bharani, as well the theme that love conquers all which is prevalent in the original tale. Also, I think that the damsel in distress archetype is very Bharani, as is the princess in the tower trope. She is power herself, so she's this completely passive power, waiting to be seen and be of use, longing for the other side while being trapped(saturn's debilitation). Bharani is about that leap of faith, to approach the female, to stand up to authority, to be brave, to follow your heart...
My another point is what drives these actions, which is desire and love. Overcoming fear through desire is the theme of Bharani. That's the very basis of life. There are tons of things to be wary of, but if we had no desire, no lust for life, we might not have lived at all. It's no secret that life and death, or birth and death, nourish each other. It's simply a matter of time(saturn, the material. The illusion of time is nessecary for life, limitations are nessecary for life, as bharani teaches us, the point is, are your limitations correct for you and your desires?), it's a process created by the illusion of time, and all that is driven by desire. While analyzing the tale of Rapunzel, I've noticed that most people focus on her long golden hair, ignoring what this tale is truly about, which is destiny, karma, cause and effect, bravery, how desire can lead to actions that have undoable consequences, how helplessly we are driven by desire.
One of my favourite movies, Tristan + Isolde (2006) is about the famous couple written about in medieval texts. They live in a cruel world but they're still driven by love, even though everyone and everything around them urges them towards restraint. They choose the limitation based on their hearts, knowing of the consequences that they would most likely have to face. I won't spoil it for you, but there's a quote in the end that i think really represents the essence of Bharani, at least, from the human perspective: " I don't know if life is greater than death, but love was more than either." This is very poweful. Life and death are just opposite sides of the same coin, death leads to birth, birth leads to death, and it's all driven by desire, it's all driven by love. And whether or not we have choice in all of this, we still simply have to accept the truth, we have to accept our truest limitations, as that is only way of growth and self-realization.
I'll leave you to that movie, that quote and this song. Love all of you, take care ❤
Please, interact with me. Like, reblog, COMMENT, especially if you're bharani, I'd love to hear your thoughts.
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“Alright! Let’s just quickly go over your answers to our questionnaire in your application.”
As far as job interviews went, this one was rapidly moving up the list of utterly strange ones. For starters this was the fanciest office he had ever been in, and this was supposed to be an animal sanctuary. The amount of decorative pillows piled onto the chair he was currently trying to sit on would have been more appropriate for a lounge in a posh hotel.
The sanctuary manager – at least that’s how she had introduced herself – peered at the printed sheets of paper.
“So you have experience with animal handling?”
“During several internships, yes.”
“Wonderful. And horticulture?”
“I know how to keep a healthy habitat.”
“Excellent. And do you have any siblings?”
There it was, barely three questions in and already off the deep end. “Yes, three.”
The woman fixed two keen, dark eyes on him. “Three including you?”
“No, three besides me. I’m the second oldest, if that matters.”
“Ah! That’s alright then, Second of four, very good.”
By now he was looking at the manager with unrestrained wonder, eyebrows almost disappearing under his fringe.
“Well that all seems to be in order, just one more question—are you comfortable?”
He faltered, blinking. “I...well, to tell you to truth this chair could do with a few less pillows.”
To his amazement the manager’s face lit up with genuine delight. “Oh that is very good to hear. I do apologise for all that nonsense, but there’s rules against asking people about the circumstances of their birth, you know. Here, let me.”
He got to his feet, still rather stunned, and watched how the manager removed three pillows and, from underneath them all, a small green pea from his chair.
“There we are! Now, we’d be very glad to have you, you certainly meet all our qualifications, and I assure you we offer excellent terms and benefits. You clearly have plenty of experience with amphibians and birds, but you will need some on the job training, because apart from the usual frogs, swans and ravens, we also have clients in some of the rarer categories.”
“Clients? I thought this was an animal sanctuary,” he stammered.
“It most certainly is! Except our residents have not always been animals.” The manager smiled meaningfully. “You’d be surprised just how many people, especially royals, decide they would rather stay enchanted.” She looked a little embarrassed for a moment. “Which is of course exactly why I need to take certain precautions with my employees, you understand.”
He was pretty sure he did not at all understand, but he wasn’t about to admit that now. “Right.”
She peered at him again. “I do still need you to promise me not to fall in love with any of them.”
“Why on earth—”
“It’s happened before,” she said gravely. “We also have a couple of private parks, with a more human enclosure, I mean house, because we do get the occasional beastification.” She shook her head. “The last person we hired, well, our client was kind enough not to file an official complaint, on account of the whole finding his true love thing, but it was really very embarrassing.” He sat very still for a moment. “So, how many of those are there?”
“Beasts? Only two at the moment, since that unfortunate incident.”
“And your other...residents?”
“Hmm lets see, seven swans and seven ravens, three frogs, a stag, a hind, a fox and a bear. Well, and the cat, but she’s an exception, she lives in our head quarters and mostly looks after herself.” She gave him a rather worried look. “I haven’t scared you off, have I?”
He gave her a weak smile. “You promised me five weeks paid time off, so no you haven’t. But I am going to need some more information.”
“Wonderful,” she sighed. “In that case, let’s start with giving you a tour.”
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novthewolf · 10 months
Two’s company, three’s a family - Part three
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Summary : As a cupid, an angel of love, your mission was to make sure everyone was paired up with the right person. Yet you couldn’t get your two most ancient clients to finally end up together. And despite the 6,000 years spent on the case, you couldn’t bring yourself to give them up, not oblivious to the reason.
Pairing : Aziraphale x Crowley / GN!Reader x Crowley / GN!Reader x Aziraphale (polyamorous relationship).
Parts : First - Previous - Next
Masterlist : Here
Warnings : Reference to "Red Flags" (Tom Cardy), quick s3x mention, non-con touching (not s3xual), depiction of anxiety, foul language, slow burn, english isn’t my first language.
Words : +3k
The sweet light of a summer day pierced through the branches of the surrounding trees. The sky was unexpectedly blue, and the air was just starting to heat up, tingling your exposed skin. It was so enjoyable; as you basked in the environment, you were almost forgetting your clients.
You were currently sitting on the storefront awning across the cafe where the date was occurring. It was going really well, and their bond was amazing too. It took you six years to find your client's perfect match. You won't deny the fact that you were picky; however, you weren't going to apologise for it either. If your clients had to spend their whole lives with someone, you should at least try not to pair them up with the most infuriating person that God ever made.
But dang, you had to admit, she was fantastic ! They were literally made for each other. They were so in sync, it was truly adorable. When two people were obviously made for each other, it was your duty to make sure Eternity would welcome both of them. Never to be apart. You rubbed your stretched-skinned right arm.
Ooh, you're going to get so much love from this, your numbers gonna skyrocket...
You send a wave of curiosity your client's way, inciting him to question her more; the more interest he shows in her, the more pleased she'll be. He reached out and rested his hand on hers.
"By the way, do you have a favourite film ?" He asked, eager to see if they also had the same cinematographic tastes. She was so cultured and sophisticated; it was really refreshing to encounter someone of her kind. Yeah, she was one of a kind, alright. Oh, how could you have foreseen what she was about to answer ?
"Oh yes, just basically the best movie of all ! A masterpiece of art, really. You may have heard of it." She was trying to hide just how much she was yearning to scream the name of that movie. Anxious even, for some reason.
"Mmh. Interstellar ?" He tried to guess playfully. But she was jubilant; you knew she wouldn't be able to play along. You frowned, becoming fairly worried, wondering if she would implode.
"Mh-hm ! Wrong !" She giggled, ecstatic. Now you're just scared. You gulped in sync with the client as she stood up and slammed her hands on the metal table. As she exclaimed, finally freed from her own guilt, you thought that some people should have a warning of their own. For the good of society.
"It's Human Centipede !" She clapped and beamed.
Oh, for the love of God... Obviously, your guy was rightfully alarmed since he believed he'd never see his mom again. You left your perch and flew their way; right now, you had to prevent him from running away. Both of your hands settled on his shoulder.
"Custom disguise was truly a highlight, but I mostly liked it for the plot." How can someone so cute fill you with so much dread ? Although your hold was already firm, you couldn't help but twist Arlo's shoulders. Yes, Arlo was his name, but he was closer to Denver, personality-wise.
"I'm not quite familiar with the plot, actually." Oh, you poor unfortunate soul. He didn't know, or maybe he'd rather live in full and hurtful denial his entire life than relive that abominable day when his soul was shattered into a million pieces... Mmh, he probably just didn't know.
"In a nutshell, a German doctor sews three people's asses to their mouths." Her wide brown eyes seemed to belong to the deadliest apex predator. Send help, please. Blinking was out of the question; turn your eyes away for a second, and she'll stab you right in the throat. You darted your eyes towards the butter knife. You exclaimed sharply and miraculously removed it. Better safe than sorry.
You exhaled; you felt so puzzled right now. Every human deserves love, despite having a passion for obscure and particular forms of art. But was this truly the best person for him ? The last thing you wanted was their misery. What if her interests were real signs of psychopathy ? Of future abuse ? She didn't give the impression of abusive behaviour.
You squinted your eyes and started analysing her heart through your own. Contrary to humans, your heart was nested in the very centre of your chest and could be used as a filter. Usually you'd pick up the scent—yes, every emotion had a smell, and thankfully it was faint when you weren't using your heart—guide it towards your chest, and find what you were looking for. Your heart is a great multi-function machine and an amazing tool to achieve your goals; you were thankful for it.
A relieved sigh passed your lips when you didn't sense any brutality or cruelty. And what you felt was passion, ambition, eagerness to start something new, quite a bit of lust, and straight-up horniness.
Mmh, you had to admit that this demon of lust was a talented lad.
"The narrative of character growth comes from a genius mind ! The Human Centipede is a wonderful tour de force; you should watch it. Or, we could watch it together, and I'll show all the little details."
You rolled your eyes and smirked. She was just quirky, but she was looking forward to hitting it off with him. But, still, you wanted it to be his choice; you wouldn't force someone into a relationship and spend eternity with someone they didn't belong with. But it might be the only true relationship they will ever have. You looked over to him and were honestly surprised to see him blush and watch her with such attention. Alright. You shrugged. His mind was sent.
You nodded, even though you knew he couldn't see you. You flew away, leaving enough distance to let them take off themselves. You stretched your arm, aimed, and silently hoped it was not morbid curiosity on his part. And finally shot.
Yay ! Right in the hearts!
Nice shot; you praised yourself.
They flinched and smiled brightly. The deal is sealed. Suddenly, the clocks in the watchmaker store struck eleven a.m. You struggle to swallow. Alright, here goes nothing.
You went down to the street corner and called out the invisibility spell. You walked casually through the street but couldn't help but overhear the lovebirds conversation.
"My dream wedding would 100% be themed "Human Centipede"." She laughed so joyfully. Everyone around was looking so distraught but didn't dare say anything. Mmh.
"That would be so cool! Imagine just how much we could save on the catering bill." He burst out in laughter; it was hilarious.
Good luck with that, Adriel...
And that's another wedding you will not attend. Thank God they weren't in your department anymore.
You had arrived before Aziraphale, so you would have time to report to Chamuel. Yep, the Archangel of Love himself. No pressure... You weren't the same rank as Aziraphale; he was a Principality. You ? Well, not anymore. You were simply under the order of an Archangel, not having a specific rank, really... Jophiel was your boss, to be exact, Chamuel's subordinate and bounded. So meeting up just one Archangel was already a big deal.
You rode the escalator while poking random fingers on your chest to calm your nerves and erase all of your emotions. You hoped they wouldn't notice the change. You hoped Chamuel didn't show up during the reunion concerning the Anti-Christ. You hoped that everything would be alright.
You exhaled for a long time, entering the endless building of light. Steadily, you made your way towards your bosses. Impassive. Calm. You spotted Chamuel and your principality, and you stopped a few feet away.
"Hello Y/N ! How are you today ?" What a dashing smile he had—too white to be human. His deep green eyes were scanning your own. His attention was nerve-wracking.
"I am fine; thank you, Chamuel." Your tone was as neutral as you could manage. Your posture was rigid, trying to stay as still as possible.
"I too hope you two are doing well."
"We are, thank you... Now, how's your heart ? Has it caused you any problems ?" His pale hand suddenly patted your mid-chest, too rough for your liking. You flinched but didn't dare say anything. Mmh. Behind him, Jophiel was looking at you up and down, keeping her distance. She still gave you a brief, tight smile.
"I am fine, thank you." You sounded straight-up robotic.
"Good !" He clapped his hands together and shook them. He took his place beside the dark-blond angel, his vivid blond hair harmonising with hers.
"Your recent results have been quite impressive, Y/N. Very good fuel for the upcoming war". Jophiel praised you while never fully looking your way.
You simply bowed your head, despite how geedy you actually felt. She didn't praise a lot, so you were delighted.
"Even from just a few minutes ago ! You are doing an excellent job. I appreciate the constant flow of love; it almost keeps the Bound together." He laughed heartily. You bowed your head again; you knew he didn't mean it.
The Bound is what holds everything together. Literaly everything. Earth, humans, animals ect. And Love is the fuel it needs to thrive. But when Armageddon starts, all cupids shall stop the love, let the Bound unfold, and fight along side the other angels, filled with the... ugh, power of Love. So cheesy... Help.
"Our sources have also confirmed the punishment of two demons who were prohibited from working on Earth for the remaining years; great job ! The least nuisance in the way, the better.."
Despite his sinister aura, he did appreciate your work. You just couldn't bring yourself to be happy about it.
"Now !" He slapped his hand on your shoulder and made you turn around. You grunted quietly. "I believe you must attend another meeting, right ? I wouldn't want you to be late. Go on." He pushed you forward, and you had to catch yourself before reuniting with the floor.
"So... Darachiel and Requiel are up next..." Jophiel said it absent-mindedly, already forgetting your encounter.
Brief and concise, exactly what you prayed for. As you were leaving, you passed Darachiel and Requiel, on their way to their report. They observed you from afar, doing their best not to get too close to you. You just stared right in front of you. You didn't want to hear their gossip. It was almost as if their mouths had only been designed to talk behind your back. You teeth clenched. Focus.
You'll just have to deal with three more archangels, convince them the boy is turning into a saint, and hope they will not mention your role as a cupid. It didn't really bother me that Azirphale and Crowley might find out about your job; it's just that you were quite... private and wanted to make sure they wouldn't realise what your mission was. Be cautious.
You didn't want to lie to them. You sighed. Nevertheless, you comforted yourself, remembering that you wouldn't be alone against them.
Still, your heart echoed through your ears; the drumming was hurting your ribs and chest, like every fibre of your bones wanted to crawl their way out of your throat. You kept walking. Your breath was laboured, and your eyes were watering, blurring the awful images that rolled before you. Your gaze fell down, shielding yourself from the memories and those fucking intrusive fights. Mmh..
"Y/N ?"
The sweetest feather touch grazed your forearm, the concerned voice abruptly grounding you back into the dazzling reality of Heaven. Lost, you revolved slowly, and your pleading eyes searched for reassurance.
"Oh, Y/N..." Aziraphale whispered softly to not startle you.
"I'm sorry, I just.. I've never..-" You had to hold back a sob. The blond shushed, caressing the side of your arms.
"I know, dear... It's a lot." He smiled at you, tender. He delicately lifted your chin to meet your eyes. "But I'm right beside you; you won't have to face them on your own. You are the most intrepid angel I've met; you will blow us all away!" He jested.
"Mmh." You gave him a sheepish smile for an answer.
Angel ? No, he was quite devilish, alright.
"Come now." He gestured forward into the meeting zone, not touching you. He walked beside you. "It's going to be just fine. I must confess, I've fooled them quite a lot before." His confession caused me to smirk as well.
"Mmh..." Aziraphale moaned, his mouth full of cream. You never thought you could bless someone through your Parfait. Your recipe was Aziraphale's favourite dessert, which he desperately tried to copy but could never get right.
Your afternoon was spent at Aziraphale's bookshop, sitting cross-legged on the comfiest couch, reading your latest acquisition. The anxiety was slowly draining its way out your veins. You turned another page and smiled softly. You have loved astronomy ever since you were created. You didn't have as much knowledge about space as Crowley, but the beauty enticed you so much that you couldn't help but be saddened by its upcoming destruction. You also cooked for the angel to really thank him.
"It's truly fantastic, Y/N." He took another spoonful. "You're sure you don’t want to share your secret ? Confess and feel even better." He teased.
"Confess, huh ? I should rather put a copyright on my recipe, you little thief."
Eden, thankfully on your side, was pushing Aziraphale's thigh, sticking her tongue out to get a lick.
"No, Eden, we were not talking about you- No !" He lifted his arm way up. If he thought it would stop your mini cow, he was deeply mistaken. She put all her efforts into her desperate attempt to steal the sweet, climbing on his leg. Aziraphale made a muffled squeal; Eden had her hooves digging in his flesh.
"Help..." He begged in a strained voice.
You giggled and got up. You took your time, really, dusting a shelf and bouncing quickly on your left leg. His eyes were almost stern as he observed your smug face. You waited a few seconds. You smiled innocently, petted Eden's head, and snatched the glass from his hand.
"Oh ! Y/N !" Alright, that gasp was just comical. Your lips let out a joyful giggle, and you jogged away, tasting the dessert with your fingertip.
"Mh.. Yum ! What a talented cook I am." You contemplated your work. Still, you saw the two hungry fellas in the corner of your eye. Too emotionally drained to play, you turned around and handed back the dessert.
"Thank you." He shook his head but smiled gratefully.
Eden nudged your right arm, demanding a treat as well. As you tossed it to her, you spotted Aziraphale stare your way. You stared back, confused. Caught in the act, he didn't back down and directly asked you what was on his mind.
"Did you hurt your arm ? I never noticed that scar before."
You looked down your right arm and saw the tiniest bit of scar sneaking out of your pulled-up sleeve. You covered it back down.
You never thought he would notice that.
"I got cut by a demon claw. It never really healed properly."
"Maybe I could help... Let me see." He reached for your arm. You didn't mean to flinch, but still, you backed away.
"It's okay, Aziraphale. Really, it's fine."
You were charging your charm to chase him off, but the door suddenly burst open, and Crowley entered like he owned the place. He noticed the two of you, and his face went stolid. The three of you stood here for a minute or two before the angel broke the weird silence.
"Hello Crowley, How was your day ?"
The demon found his scrunched expression back.
"Awful. As expected... Some people just apparently can't believe that humans can be bad enough to end up in hell without having to be murderers! Ugh."
He sat nonchalantly on his designated chair and went limp to try and get rid of all of his frustration. He hated having to visit Hell, as one could understand. He didn't belong there. You don’t belong anywhere. You cringed. Mmh. He weakly waved in your direction.
"How about you guys ?" He hummed.
"Mmh, well, Azi' will tell you. I should get going !" You forced a smile and reached for Eden, petting her to calm her. You felt Aziraphale's eyes on you while Crowley tensed up slightly.
"Already ? Have I scared you away or something ?" He asked.
"Oh, don't be silly, Crowley; of course not ! Eden's tired; I've got to put her to bed."
"Well, can't she use the backroom- ?"
"Oh, by the way." Whoosh, quick, unnoticeable charm. "Here ! I finished it !" You threw your book on his lap, earning a grunt. "I hope you'll show me a real one day." The suggestion was true, but you knew it wouldn't happen. You didn't have the right to. Mmh.
"Bye bye ! Smooches !" You sang your way out of the bookshop under the concerned and puzzled looks of your clients.
You waited until you were around the corner before finally collapsing against the facade. Overwhelming—yeah, that's the perfect word to summarise your day. You brought your hands up to your head and rubbed your face. What am I so upset about? Why was your heart aching, burning your skin away? Why did their stares and comments feel like daggers in your back? You just wish you weren't alone. The light did nothing to warm up your frozen face as tears threatened to roll down. Mmh...
No... you didn't want to go back to this... You just couldn't.
The firm grip you had on your shirt snatched a bit of skin and twisted it. It had at least the benefit of shaking you enough to act.
You exhaled sharply and slapped your own cheek to knock some sense into yourself. You have no time. Eden was still rubbing her head on your leg when you bent down to kiss her forehead.
Alright, now shit was about to get real.
You straightened up, activated your blindness spell, and manifested your bow and arrows. Taking off from the ground and positioning yourself to get a good view of your clients You aimed with your right arm and lined up. Your breath was taken away by the glimpse of a scar that shone in the disappearing sun. You frowned, growled, and struck. Upper arms.
I guess we all have to learn about our own back story, right Y/N ?
Anyway ! I promise we will see more of the ineffable husbands in the next part. You just needed a little bit of time for yourself.
Hope you enjoyed it ! Bye !
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octuscle · 3 months
Business trip (Day three)
It was a night of wild dreams. Liam fucked me harder than I'd ever been fucked before. At least when I was sober. I still don't know what happened the day before yesterday on Tuesday night or Wednesday morning. Liam got up at 05:00 and drove to the wholesale market. Apparently he had planned for me to spend the night at his place. My suit from the day before hung neatly in his room. Next to it was my laptop bag. Was all this shit with the kitchen slave and submissive boot servant a crazy dream? It didn't matter at all. I have a whole lost day at the office to make up for. I shower, get ready and head to the client. The door is locked. My phone rings. It's Liam. "Good morning, Mack! Did you sleep well?" I ask, what the fuck, I have to get to work. "But not like this, Mack. There's a long hair clipper in the bathroom. And a wet razor. The door won't unlock until you're shiny bald." I want to protest for a second. I think about calling the police. But I reply, "Sure thing, boss!" And go into the bathroom. Half an hour later, I look at myself in the mirror. Everything as usual, right down to my eyebrows. I run my hand over my head, which is as smooth as a baby's bottom. Shit, I've soaked my underpants with precum again. I get a message from Liam. "Good boi!" And the door lock buzzes open.
When I set up my laptop at the customer's, I find a packet of tobacco, cigarette filters and cigarette paper in my laptop bag. And a Zippo. I am a professional. I don't get distracted when I'm working. I love my job. But I can't wait for my lunch break. Normally I would have sat down in a café somewhere and had lunch. Now I grab a sandwich from the supermarket and sit on a park bench. And practise rolling cigarettes. I watch tutorials on YouTube. The first results are pathetic. But the fifth cigarette I roll and smoke before I get back to my desk is already quite respectable. I take two more cigarette breaks in the afternoon. Shit, why didn't I start smoking earlier?
When I arrive at the hotel in the evening, my room card no longer works. Damn, of course, I actually wanted to leave on Thursday. I go down to reception. The lady is very friendly, but explains that housekeeping had to pack up my things this morning because the room was occupied again. Unfortunately, I couldn't be reached on my cell phone. I ask her to call me again. She says it goes straight to voicemail. I look at my cell phone in amazement. Liam sends a message. "I've forgotten. You have a new number. I have your old SIM card." Shit, this has gone too far!
I ask the lady at reception if she has another room. She is sorry. There's a fair in town at the weekend. They are already overbooked and have a waiting list. Message from Liam: "Sorry, mate! I have a visitor today. But you can sleep in the back room of the snack bar tonight." I ask if I can pack my suitcase somewhere quiet and make a few phone calls. The lady says that one of the small meeting rooms is free. She even helps me with my suitcase, the two plastic bags and my laptop bag. I sit down at the meeting table and start by emptying my suitcase and plastic bag. My things are all there. And I'm used to packing my suitcase. Everything is neatly stowed away after a few minutes. But there were still a few things in the plastic bags that I hadn't noticed yesterday morning. Two monstrous dildos. Three jockstraps that were no longer fresh. A fat silver chain. And a hip bag. In addition to condoms, it also contained poppers, tobacco, cigarette paper and small plastic bags with dried flowers…. I put the chain on. It feels cool and chavvy. I check my mailbox remotely. Fortunately, hardly any calls, nothing important, most of them sent me an e-mail afterwards anyway. I change the voicemail text to say that I can't be reached by phone at the moment for technical reasons and to ask for an e-mail. Okay, whatever Liam is up to, at least he can't do me any more harm. And now maybe I should take him up on his kind offer of the back room. But first I really need a fag. I'm standing outside the hotel with my belongings, rolling a cigarette pretty routinely, when the next message from Liam arrives. "Mack, the place is full. Your shift starts in an hour."
The room behind the snack bar is a bit of a hole. But I have a locker where I can hang my stuff. There's a cot that's even already made up. And my things are on it. White jeans, white fine-rib undershirt, jockstrap, long soccer socks. All old and worn. But clean. Plus high rubber boots and yesterday's heavy rubber apron. The long rubber gloves. No hairnet. You look in the mirror and rub your bald head, which is no longer quite so smooth. Hehehe, you really don't need a hairnet anymore. You really look like a chav with that chain. The jockstrap absorbs the first drop of precum. It'll have more to swallow in the course of the evening.
The snack bar is indeed packed. Many guests are hooting and clapping when I come into the dining room at around 8:30 pm to clear the dirty dishes. More than one person slaps my ass or grabs my crotch under my apron. An astonishing number of the guests are wearing leather jeans. Most are wearing T-shirts or tank tops, some are bare-chested. No wonder, it's warm outside and hot in here. I quickly work up a sweat. I have to take off my undershirt and necklace, I just get too warm. But at least I'm getting on well with the dishwasher now and I've got the scullery pretty well under control.
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"Hey Mack," I hear Liam yell. "The toilet's blocked. Clean it up!" Damn, dishwasher was already an imposition. But toilet cleaner is a step up. The toilet is a disaster. The floor is a puddle of piss and the urinal is completely filthy. But the toilet bowl takes the cake. Hey, where can you shit all over it? It stinks like hell. But somehow… It turns you on. You know where the bucket and cleaning cloth are by now. I start by mopping the floor so I can kneel down to clean the toilet. And then i stick my arm deep into the toilet to clear the blockage. I'm covered in shit. Without thinking, I wipe the sweat from my forehead with my forearm. Behind me, there is howling. Four or five guys are standing in the doorway wanking. I don't want to wipe that shit away too. So I let them cum in my open face. More and more guys join them. I kneel in a growing mess. Full of cum. Pissed all over. Smeared with shit. Meanwhile, dirty dishes are piling up again in the dining room. Liam shouts at me that I'm not employed as a urinal but as a dishwasher and toilet cleaner. Little by little, the dining room empties. Around 11:30 pm, the last guest has left. With Liam in his arms. It takes me until 02:00 a.m. to get everything cleaned up and me, too, to be clean.
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I roll my first cigarette in hours. I stand outside the snack bar. And wank at the thought of the hot evening.
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sunsetling-12 · 7 months
i loved the adaptation btw, of course its the hunger games franchise that we're talking about here
anyway, spoilers ahead
we dont see him making the infamous cabbage soup, but we do see the snows apartment falling apart
tigris is still everything to me, they pulled her lines straight from the books — unfortunately we don't see much of her, but hunter schafer slayed every time she was on screen
i was very confused abou the plinth prize being a thing since the beggining, but i think it made sense... idk a lot happened in the movie after coryo rescued sejanus from the arena so i dont know if they had the time
i was also very confused that the thing about the academy students mentoring the tributes was unknown until that moment in the movie, again, i think they did this to expose the most things at once
lucy gray singing after her reaping was everything to me
oh, and the snake on mayfair's back too, very girlboss of her
the scene in the zoo, when he's parading her around is a copy of the book, i liked it very much
unfortunately coryo and lucy gray barely interacted, not like they did in the book, but the scenes they had before she went into the arena were very good
i though they were going to skip arachne's death, but they didn't — they skipped her funeral, though, but thats fine
they did the scene with clemensia and the snakes but she dissappeared right after, we never got to see her skin changing to scales which i think was a miss
the explosion didn't kill as many of the mentors as it did in the book, not that they showed anyway, the only name mentioned was felix ravinstill
i loved that we got to see more of the arena than in the books
the scene where coryo rescues sejanus is the exact same and i wasn't expecting less
lucy gray doesnt kill wovey :D
she does kill dill D:
i kind of hate the fact that coryo gave her the compact with the poison inside already, it just... idk it didnt had the same impact
i missed that they cut lucky interviewing the mentors as their tributes got killed, i would've liked to se lysistrata talking about jessup and humanizing him for the capitol
the snakes scene is awesome, a lot more people die in this — including reaper, which i think was a better ending for him than the one he got in the book, he embraced his death and it was quite beautiful
lucy gray singing to the snakes was AMAZING, everything that i ever wanted
i kinda loved how coryo gave the handkerchief with her scent to the snakes, it was a very deliberate choice and not like the book that he "did without thinking straight"
viola davis as dr. gaul was PERFECT, everytime she stole everyone's moment, she's just as unhinged as she is in the book, we dont see as much, but its implied
i wished they showed her expetiments with the avoxes to get the point across on how she is, but thats fine
casca highbottom was also a little shit, love it
coryo and sejanus meeting on the train to go to twelve caught me off guard, but i like it
rachel sang a lot in the movie and i was there for it, it was perfect everytime
their reunion was sweet, i'll admit it
i wished they've show it where the covey lived in the seam, but we cut straight to where he meets her in the meadow
i loved their scene in the lake and lucy gray singing "lucy gray" (lol) but i wished she'd sing the valley song to maude ivory instead
i also loved that they made movie coryo be the only one — technically, she most likely sang it to the covey, but anyway — who heard her sing the hanging three since you know, in 65 years he'll be shitting his pants with katniss
the hanging of sejanus was so heartbreaking, him crying out for his Ma... i cried, i knew i was going to cry and i did it anyway
seeing lucy gray realize coryo also killed sejanus was pure gold, i loved seeing her visibly tensed up and starting to see him with an entire different lenses
the whole ending in the woods was just like the books, i think it made a little less ambiguous about lucy gray's end, but i liked it
(and also i always believed she lived anyway)
maybe im reading waaaay too much into tigris, but her calling snow by "coriolanus" instead of "coryo" made me think she's starting to see the man he'd become — and this man is nothing like the little cousin she loved
"snow lands on top" is the last line of the movie, perfection, if you asked me
the only thing that i didn't like was that i dont know if they made coryo as unhinged as he is in the books, because we're not in his head and reading his line of thought, in the movie he does seem very genuine and it does seem like he really likes and cares about sejanus and lucy gray — we don't see him comparing her to an object or the excuses he gives himself to like her because she's not "really district" therefore not a second class citizen — until the very end when she finds out about the whole sejanus-being-hanged-because-of-him thing
idk his breakdown kinda feels rushed in the end since we dont have the context of what was going on in his mind beforehand and i think people who dont read the book would think it came out of nowhere
aside from this, i loved the movie and im totally going to see it again as soon as i can lol
EDIT: i just fucking remembered that they dont say anywhere that the 10th Games were erased ????? why ????? is the whole point !!!! oh i would've love to hear him say "goodbye lucy gray, we hardly knew you" i would've gone insane
and also, she doesn't say "the show is not over until the mockingjay sings", and it makes me a little annoyed — like, idk where they couldve put this line, but i whish they did
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strawberrysins · 1 year
Flowers (Alastor x fem!reader)
Warnings: Female reader, feelings of inadequacy, insecurity, and FLUFF. SO MUCH FLUFF.
(A/N: So uhhhh, this is late. the worst part is that I wrote this months ago, I just completely forgot about it. Sorry this is so late, I didn't remember that I had written this Valentine's Day oneshot until I was looking through my drafts. Anway, I hope you enjoy it!)
Valentine's day. The day to hold your loved ones close and tell them how much you care for them. Alastor always thought of this as a stupid holiday that corporations probably came up with just to make their consumers feel like they have to spend excessive amounts of money just to prove how much they love each other. Plus, he found the idea of having a day to show your beloved how much they meant to you silly. Shouldn’t you do that every day? The whole concept seemed off to him.
That was until he fell for you. He still didn’t like the corporations part, but having an excuse just to throw gifts and hugs and everything amazing at you for a whole day? You didn’t have to tell him twice! Plus, he knew you liked the holiday, with your cheerful and frankly adorable personality and all. But of course, being the “heartless” man he was, he had never bought anybody a valentine’s day gift. Meaning, that when the day drew near, he had no clue what to get you. He could always ask Charlie, but he was a little embarrassed too. The feared Radio Demon asking what to get his girlfriend for valentine’s day? Preposterous! He was honestly, a little terrified to ask Angel, knowing he would get a less-than-savory response. Vaggie would know, but she and him weren’t exactly on the best of terms. And the others probably wouldn’t know any more than him. Honestly, the only person he would feel comfortable asking a more intimate question, such as this, would be you. But obviously, he couldn’t do that. So, he resorted to the next best thing, spying! He and his shadows lurked in dark corners and allies as they watched the common people of hell collect things to gift to their lovers. He noted the most common things, such as sweets, stuffed animals, and jewelry. He also saw a lot of red and pink, along with hearts. Unfortunately for him, not the actual organ, but the heart symbol. If he could just rip out someone’s heart to give to you, that would be much simpler! But of course, nothing was that easy. 
The one thing that he noticed every demon had though, was flowers of some sort. Almost always roses. This was a problem for him. He knew you adored flowers, and he would LOVE to see your face light up as he handed you some of your favorites. But, he was cursed with wilting any flower he came close to. This power was never a problem, in fact, he found it quite amusing, until now. He couldn’t give you a wilted flower. He knew that. He thought that he would be very appreciative of one, should he be gifted it, but he knew that you wouldn’t. You and him just found flowers beautiful in different ways. Giving you fake flowers almost seemed insulting. And he didn’t want them to be delivered straight to you, because then he would never get to see your reaction. Plus, he wants to make sure every gift you receive is perfect, and he can’t inspect the flowers to make sure they are, so he would be left at the mercy of the person arranging them. He couldn’t even watch from afar, as sometimes even looking at them was enough to completely drain them of all their life and color. He loathed the idea of seeing your precious smile fall after seeing your beautiful flowers die right in front of your eyes. So what was he to do? 
He was panicking about this for the three days leading up to valentines day. A valentines day gift simply wasn’t complete without flowers it seemed. But he physically couldn’t hand you them, or even look at them. But a man HAD to give a woman flowers that befit her beauty. But he simply couldn’t. But he would sooner be caught playing modern video games than giving you a subpar gift for valentines day. He was really starting to freak out about this! So, he came to only one conclusion. He would simply have to give your more of all the other stuff to make up for it!
He spent the whole day before finding the most extravagant and beautiful gifts for you. Only the best of gifts for the best of women! The finest and most expensive chocolates in all of hell? Absolutely. The most lavish jewelry made with all your favorite gemstones? Obviously! A teddy bear bigger than you? Definitely. Only the best. He even replaced the bow tie it had on with one that matches his. He wanted everything to be perfect. He even made reservations at the nicest restaurant on this side of the pentagram. It is usually impossible to get reservations so last minute, but with some convincing, he was able to work miracles! Usually, he would want to make you dinner, but he will be so busy spoiling you tomorrow, that he won’t have the time. It’s fine, you eat his cooking almost every day. Soon, he found that he was running out of places to hide all this stuff in the hotel. No Matter, he would just have to make space in his pocket dimension.
Finally, it was late, almost midnight. Soon, the special day would come, and everything will be perfect for you. A whole day just to give you gifts and to snuggle you. He was over the moon. He was just a tad bit worried that even the extensive amount of gifts he bought you, won't replace the lack of romantic flowers. Every woman dreams of being gifted her favorite flowers by her love, and he couldn’t give that to you. This was one of the many reasons he just didn’t deserve you. He nervously looked up from his desk, and to the pile of things on the other side of the room. It had everything someone could buy for the holiday, perfumes, dresses, cards, The only thing missing was flowers. The one thing he wanted to give you the most. The most romantic thing he could do for you was to give you a beautiful red rose on the most romantic day of the year. And he couldn’t. 
He felt his smile shrink a bit, and decided to go back to focus on what he was currently working on. A love poem for you. He had never written poetry. Never even tried. But he heard it was another romantic practice, and decided he could give it a try. It was much more challenging than he expected. How could one articulate such complicated and indescribable feelings through written words? He crumbled up the piece of paper and threw it in the trash can by his desk, which was full of more failed pieces. Just as he reaches to grab another piece, he hears a light knock at his office door. In the blink of an eye, his shadow dove through the small crack under the door and came back to Alastor to tell him who it was. To Alastor’s delight, it was you! 
He jumped up from his chair and hurriedly made his way over to the door. He carefully opened it as little as possible for him to slide out and greet you. Your eyebrows knit together in confusion. He has never done that before. He always politely opened to door for you to come in, or if he was really busy just shouted for you to let yourself in. You have never seen him just squeeze his way out to try to hide the sight of his office from you. 
“How may I help you, my darling?” he asked, tilting his head slightly, a gesture you always found utterly adorable.
“Well I came here to wish you a happy Valentine's day,” you stop for a second as a few nearby clocks start chiming, signaling it was now midnight. “But now I am more interested in what you are trying to hide from me in there” You lean to the side a bit and peer around him to the door, only for your vision to be blocked again as he stepped in front of you. You were honestly a little concerned. He had been kind of ignoring you these past few days, and now he is trying to hide something from you. Although, you would be lying if you said you didn’t have the slightest idea. You caught a glimpse of Niffty shoving some bright pink boxes behind a bookshelf while muttering about how Alaster ought to give her a raise.
You turn to look back up at him, deciding to give him a more stern look. You were going with the ‘mother scolding her child who obviously broke something and is lying about it’ approach. Crossing your arms and tapping your foot, you never stopped looking directly into his eyes, waiting for his response. 
Alastor could feel your eyes pierce directly through him and into his soul. You could read him like a book. He started to nervously look around, avoiding eye contact and starting to desperately come up with an excuse. He could technically give you your gifts now, but he wanted to wait until you woke up in the morning, like what was proper. 
This whole scene would look absolutely ridiculous to anybody walking by. A horrifying being of darkness and destruction getting treated like a misbehaving toddler by someone half their size. 
“Well my dear, you see, I was, well,” He finally looked you in the eyes, after coming up with a sufficient topic changer. “Well my dear, I think we should be paying more attention to the fact that you are still awake. And at this ungodly hour of the night! Ridiculous! We must get you straight to bed.” He grabs your arm and starts hurriedly leading you to your room. 
You were awake this late because you had only just finished with his gifts, but you couldn’t tell him that. So instead you went with, 
“Well, I just couldn’t sleep without you. Where have you been all week? I miss you.” 
Meanwhile, Alastor can’t tell you where HE’S been, so all he can do is try to switch to conversation back to you. 
You guys just go back and forth until you are in your room, getting dressed in your nightwear. You eventually break and just give up with your attempted interrogation. 
“You know what? Whatever! You keep your secrets you vile, evil man!” You said the last part with an obvious tone of sarcasm, so he doesn’t accidentally take it to heart. Alastor let out a small sigh of relief, knowing that you would finally stop trying to tear into him, and he could stop trying to do the same to you. He really didn’t care what you were doing. You are always up this late on your phone. He tiredly climbed into bed where you happily joined him. You cuddled up close to his side as he carefully wrapped his arms around you. You tilted your head up slightly and placed a soft kiss on his lips, which he graciously returned. 
Perhaps he isn’t perfect, and maybe he doesn’t deserve you, but he has you. He has you and he knows you love him, and he loves you, more than anything else. You two love each other, and that is all you need. Not flowers, not poems, not gifts, or any material object. Just with each other, you two can be happy. 
P.S. you totally got him some wilted flowers and spent a long LONG time trying to convince him the next day that flowers weren’t actually that important.
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alldni · 4 months
ranking the ada by how good the blunt rotation is.
number one is kenji. he is a good young man and never touches it which is why he’s the best. other people get really weird when they’re sober around high people and start treating them like little kids. but kenji looks at you like this 😃 carries entire cases of water bottles to you and tells you stories about cows and gardening that would be so fucking boring sober, but are absolutely resplendent when you’re high as fuck. he can one hand carry you to bed too so you don’t have wander through The Fog to curl up in the sheets if you green out. unfortunately the one downside is that if you smoke in front of kenji kunikida puts a gun to your head
two is tanizaki. he’s just so totally chill about it. he owns a beautiful ornate bong that always has crystal clear water. you sit there and smoke and eat fritos the whole time and it’s beautiful. now unfortunately his illusion is super freaky so if he’s high and using his ability you might have a bad time. but also he could make sesame street appear before your eyes and you’d have such a beautiful time.
coming in at number three definitely atsushi. the first time he smokes he is terrified horrified crying shaking sooo nervous but the second time you can tell he did a bunch of research and suddenly he’s like super expert at it. or less that he’s expert and more that he’s so desperate to prove he’s good at it he starts taking furious bong rips so fast you think he’ll die and his ability is probably the only reason he survives. also he becomes insanely hilarious and out of pocket
fukuzawa at four. this experience would be heavenly. you’d feel like an eighty year old lounging on the front porch in the sun. you smoke from a perfectly rolled joint and listen to him share every opinion he has on everyone in the ada or whatever and then he starts showing you pictures of his cats. he has a medical marijuana card for joint pain. he tells you he loves you and starts listing all your strengths and then lovingly explaining in vivid detail how he thinks you can improve.
kunikida at five purely for humor factor i think. in high school he was a super stoner and now he has seven bongs hidden under his bed. if you somehow got him to smoke with you he would manage to, in mere hours, procure the most amazing heavenly fresh weed you’ve ever smoked. you’ve gone to the garden of eden. unfortunately (and the reason why this is number four) he gets high and starts like reading shit from his ideals notebook to you and now you know too much about his ideal woman. and the next day he refuses to look you in the eyes. BUT he would be great at taking care of others while high i think — he’s the guy making sure everyone guzzles water at the sesh
lucy at number 6 for sure. the weed she gives you is so strong so lightning mcqueen quick-hitting so pungent… it’s probably a new strain called rainbow ballzapper4000 that francis bought from an illegal dispensary in america and she’s been waiting for the perfect moment to smoke it. she would end up taking you to her stupid pocket dimension because she would think it’s really really funny but you would feel like you’re trapped in your own personal hell. a mirage of pink and candy lord almighty. and you would be rapidly weakening shriveling up dying while she only gains strength. and you would want to kiss her
naomi at 7. i would rather kill myself than think about this further
number eight definitely yosano like this would be hell. because she would be so beautiful and transcendent and funny and cool and suave while you’re absolutely fucked up with whatever bullshit hopped up illegal strain she just presented you with. and if you started greening out she’d like give you water or whatever but then she would decide the height of comedy is like describing all the ways you could suddenly die in that moment. “did you know you could get vitamin E lung poisoning from smoking carts? do your lungs feels tight right now? 😃” and it would almost seem like she hoped you say yes. however she would actually try to keep your physical well-being in mind and she would make sure you ate and drank and got to bed ok etc
nine dazai. the ninth circle of hell. i would rather smoke with like francis or something than with this guy. dazai hears “smoke sesh” and asks chuuya to procure him weed and chuuya goes to his basement where he has the saddest most shriveled up little plant and he carefully harvests some flower and carefully prepares it and carefully rolls up two joints and kisses them both (in case dazai smokes from them both) and then you smoke this sad weed that barely hits and you sit there and wait to get high and dazai doesn’t even smoke anything. and you’re like dazai what the fuck. and then dazai pulls something out of his pocket and it’s fentanyl laced shit he got from somewhere else and he starts talking about how much he hopes it’ll work. and then he stares wide eyed and pathetic faced at you and starts ranting about how much he hates chuuya. and then he hands you the fent laced weed
last ranpo. if you start greening out he just starts reading you to fucking filth and you’re mentally destroyed for a week.
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I was wondering if you knew any fics with Scott being a good friend? I feel like people villainise Scott too much, and that they ignore that fact that they've been friends for literally nearly two decades. I don't really mind the ship, I just rally want a Good Friend Scott McCall fic for once.
Hi @woopy-doopey! @kevaaronday made this fic and said "Ngl i do love a good bad friend scott fic, but good friend scott always hits the spot!"
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You Can Stay As Long As You Want by jacyevans (5/5 | 26,116 | Teen | Sterek) When Derek arrives upstairs, Erica takes one look at him, rolls her eyes, and takes the bags of groceries from his hands.
“So I see Mr. 5B has arrived,” she says, leaning against the counter, shoulders shaking with laughter.
Derek hates his pack.
Stiles and Scott are the new tenants in Derek's apartment building. While Derek and Stiles attempt to ignore their burgeoning interest in each other, their respective packs make sure nothing will keep the two idiots from falling in love - except maybe the faulty elevator.
Then There Was You by WaitASecondWhat (4/4 | 16,913 | Mature | Sterek) Stiles Stilinski was Scott's best friend and no one could say anything different. They had been friends since they were babies. Unfortunately Stiles had to move to New York when he was 11 to see if a special doctor could help his mother, Claudia. They couldn’t and she died that year. Stiles' dad didn’t expect her to pass so quickly and had already secured a job so they stayed. It had been 6 years but they were still as close as ever. Except Stiles didn’t know about the whole supernatural thing. 
Then Stiles comes back and happiness, crushing on Derek and angst ensue.
the banana bread incident by Thealmostrhetoricalquestion (1/1 | 10,287 | Teen | Sterek) "Is this a plastic spoon?" Stiles demands in disgust. "You do realise that there's actual cutlery in the kitchen, right? I'm surrounded by morons who don't know how to use a kitchen."
“I know how to use a kitchen,” Derek protests lazily. “It’s just that all the other spoons were dirty.”
“There’s this revolutionary new invention,” Stiles says, widening his eyes in mock-amazement. “It’s called a sink.”
In which there are tiny pink shorts, a kissing gate, a cat called Pumpkin and a plethora of awkward moments.
Scott McCall’s I Saw It First by WhereDestiniesMeet17 (1/1 | 5,875 | Teen | Steter) It's as he's drifting off to sleep that he has revelation number three. They have no fucking idea. Not a clue that they are in love, much less with each other. Scott laughs so hard that he wakes not only himself, but half the pack. 
Or the one where Scott figures out that Stiles and Peter are in love way before they do. Meanwhile, they have monsters to take care of.
Diary Of An Overworked Nurse by RoryMarx (1/1 | 4,636 | Gen) If you have it… we’ll do something,” Scott suddenly said, and then they were hugging.
Crystal looked at them, could feel the other adults do the same, and the only word she could describe the hug with was desperate. Scott and Stiles clung to each other like two people afraid to drown. It was heartbreaking. These teenagers loved each other. No matter what the MRI showed today, Crystal knew Stiles wouldn’t just have his dad to count on – he would also have Scott.
OR: Over the years the nurses and doctors of Beacon Hills Memorials watched Stiles and Scott grow up - they saw a lot of tears, hugs, laughter, and grief.
5 Times Scott and Stiles Celebrated Their Humanity + 1 Time There Were Werewolves
Hold the Sugar; You’re Sweet Enough by Dani Mahealani (1/1 | 2,846 | Gen | Sterek) Stiles loves his friends, he really does. But as he’s making Derek’s latte, he catches what Scott’s written on Derek’s cup and groans.
“What are you, twelve? You know Derek already has my number. He’s had my number. We text every day,” Stiles says as he works on the latte.
Scott looks over at him from the register with the most innocent grin in the world and shrugs. “I know, but I wanted to make a statement.”
Stiles rolls his eyes and shakes his head. “You mean adding ‘+ SS’ underneath his name and drawing a heart around it wasn’t enough of a statement?”
“If you’re not going to flirt with him yourself, I’ll just flirt with him for you,” Scott says, shrugging.
or the one where their meddling friends decide it's high time for stiles and derek to get their acts together and date
Summertime Fling by TheSlyestFox (2/2 | 2,740 | Teen | Stiles/Brett) After all the supernatural drama over the last few years, Stiles is ready for a break. Summer brings the perfect opportunity for a respite when he signs up for a painting class through the local community college. He loves his pack, but a little R&R is just what he needs to reset for senior year. His plans go awry when Brett Talbot unexpectedly joins him at his table. He's annoyed at first, but Brett's flirtatious and jovial personally cuts right through his defenses.
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enchanted-keys · 4 months
You've probably answered this lots before, but: do you have a fairly clear hierarchy of favourites among the Royal Ballet principals? And your favourite role or two for each? :-) Also: of the recent retirees, who would you most like to see guesting?
Also a) thank you so much for obtaining the info that it'll be Nela and Ball for that "Winter's Tale" stream! Partner and I have got our tickets booked to see it at the Cineworld in Aberdeen. <3 It's the ballet that got me properly back into ballet, when I watched it during lockdown, and just: yay. :-)
And b) your blog has just been so lovely and helpful in growing my ballet knowledge! And your gifs are superb, and your Matthew Ball love is validating. :D
Also also: do you have any favourites among the Scottish Ballet dancers? I was lucky enough to see "Cinders" on tour, and I was so impressed with both Bruno Micchiardi (as Cinders) and Jessica Fyfe (as Princess Louise), but I am no expert.
I think someone asked me for a ranking of all the principals some time ago, but I can't even find the post anymore; I don't mind one bit answering this again! <3
If I have to talk strictly about my faves, it goes like this:
Nunez (eheh!): if have to narrow down her most iconic roles I have to give you at least three (please bear with me, I'm doing my best), which are O/O, Kitri and Aurora.
Takada: Titania and O/O. I'm just so very sorry that she's been more injured than not lately. I miss her.
Hayward: Juliet and any Ashton role I can think of (rhapsody, enigma variations, those bits of Titania we got, etc.). I also think she makes one of the best Claras out there.
Kaneko: O/O (saw her live in the BS pdd and the White Adagio with Vadim and it was life changing, bye). Also her Gypsy girl in the two pigeons is iconic. Special mention for her Aurora.
Lamb: Manon. Signature role. Was born to play it. I also really love her Mary Vetsera and her Aurora.
I'm a bit uncertain if I should include Anna Rose or not...sometimes I really love her, but overall I'd like her to be more consistent. But I'll say she was born to play Juliet.
Muntagirov: he's more versatile than people give him credit for, and really has the whole package, but I'd say his best roles are Siegfried and De Grieux.
Ball: he's such an outstanding actor that it's hard to choose, but I'm going with Romeo and Albrecht.
Bracewell: another wonderful Romeo right here, and I was blown away by his Hamlet in the Ashton insights.
Mcrae: Oberon and Rudolph for sure.
Sambè: sorry to repeat myself but we have another great Romeo right here. From what I've seen he makes also a great Colas.
As for retirees, the one that I really wish was still performing is Roberta Marquez, though maybe she isn't exactly a recent one. Out of the most recent ones I only miss Federico Bonelli because he always brought something special to his performances, although I have to say that the struggles and limitations that come with age were very visible in the last couple of years (his Siegfried variation in the SL cinema relay with Takada comes to mind).
As for the winter's tale I'm really happy to see someone who appreciates it as much as I do! I think it's a truly lovely ballet, one of the few modern classics that really stuck with me. You're very welcome for the info and I hope you'll have a great time at the theatre...unfortunately I found out that it won't be streamed in my country, so I'm going to miss out on it 😤
Thanks for all your lovely compliments they're more appreciated than I can say! 😭🩵🙏
Scottish Ballet is one of those companies that I wish had more footage available, because bits I do get to see are really impressive. I'm kind of familiar with Constance Devernay, Bethany kingsley-garner and Andrew Peasgood because I've seen them in the recordings of The Fairy's Kiss and The Snow Queen, and I seriously enjoyed those performances!
I wish there was a full recording of Cinders because both the trailer and the rehearsal look amazing! Jessica Fyfe is a really delicate and expressive dancer from the clips I've seen of her, and both her and Micchiardi impressed me in the rehearsal poste on YT, cause the intentions and mannerisms in their dancing were so clear: I immediately caught up on the reversal of Cinders gender and that she was the princess even though I hadn't read about the novelty introduced by this production beforehand, but everything was immediately clear thanks to their attention to detail.
The little I've seen from this company makes me wish for more!
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spaceorphan18 · 5 months
I have to be honest. I don't like the podcast but it's also very easy to say "you don't like what they say, don't listen to it" Truth is, it's the only podcast for Glee that is done by someone who was in the cast and as I'm only human, I do hope every time that I can hear something akin to what I expect from an official podcast. Also, the frustration comes from one thing you said and that I see happening. They might be not aware of it but by glossing over (this message is going to be split)
some things they are in fact giving certain pairings/characters haters a reason to hate. And they polarize the opinion of the audience, ex, the winner for the contest of the best episode in S2 was, what a coincidence, the episode that Kevin said it was his favourite. Why? Because he said it was his favourite. This is not how it's supposed to be. And since I'm never going there to write them about it the only thing I can do is getting upset on my own hoping to see something change. P.S. Personal opinion take it by what it is, although I never bashed her, I do think Santana was a lot of times a terrible person. In no way someone should be allowed to be so mean to other people (hello?S6 speech to Kurt). She has been terrible from S1 with every possible character, including Brittany when she went to school with her new girlfriend and kissed her after her performance. Naya was amazing in portraying her but Santana bullied a lot of people and was def not an example of goodness.
Hi Nonny! Phew, a lot of things going on here. First of all, though, thank you for being polite in my in box. In general, don't bring wank into my in box because I will go off on you (or delete it). Also, I've had sleep now, so I'm in a much better mind set. You guys get me before bed and I will not be as eloquent.
I do hear your guys' frustrations. I do. And it's not like I'm not disappointed, too. I keep going back to The Office Ladies and Pod Meets World podcasts -- where the hosts do a thorough recap and break all the things down. It leads to a very satisfying listening experience. And PMW specifically - the cast breaks down what it was like to be a child actor and the ups and downs of that -- which is honest but really, really open. The thing is, too, they're aware of their audience and how it effects them.
One key difference though -- is while no set is perfect, the experience on The Office and Boy Meets World was, on a whole, much more positive than the set of Glee. The Glee set was a hot mess -- not only were working conditions incredibly rough, but it was run by an egomaniac who didn't know how to handle a bunch of early 20-somethings and things got out of hand. Not to mention - there are three young deaths that tie into the show that does make it more complicated to talk about.
So, while I do think it's a disappointment that Kevin and Jenna are not more (maybe for a lack of better word) professional in how they're coming at this podcast -- I also don't fault them for having a hard time with things because I'm pretty sure there are a lot of hard memories that go along with it. (I'm still unsure, more so Jenna than Kevin, wanted to do the podcast -- but it is what it is I suppose.)
I think it is completely valid to have those frustrations -- especially when there isn't anywhere to direct it. Believe me - when they did Born This Way and did not even mention that Kurt sang As If We Never Said Goodbye -- his best solo and one of his climaxes of his Seasons 1 and 2 stories, it was incredibly frustrating.
But I think downward spiraling (as others have done) into conspiracies and accusations isn't the right way to go. Kevin and Jenna have heard us - and their response is to be mostly indifference about it. Unfortunately, I don't see them planning to change, so I feel like expectations should be adjusted accordingly.
Though - I do think there are polite ways to reach out. Sending an email to their podcast that is kind and explanatory is fine. Screaming that they hate Darren in their mentions is not.
I want to highlight one thing you said -- about their influence on things...
As I said before, it is unfortunate that anyone is using Kevin and Jenna's opinions to trash on other fans. That is not cool, and while I really hasn't seen much of it (that is directed from what they say on the podcast and not what people were doing in the first place) I think there's a difference between people being asshats and people being influenced to vote for a fav episode based on what Kevin thinks.
If being in fandom this long -- and if being in sales and selling things to people for so long -- one thing I've learned is that the power of suggestion is a real thing that happens. People are going to go, a lot of times, with group mentality. This person thinks its cool? Okay, I gotta think its cool, too.
I don't expect an audience -- especially the majority of people who are not like me and don't do media analysis on the show -- to really look at what is actually "good" or "bad" artistically (which is somewhat subjective anyway) and come to a "proper" conclusion. They're going to vote on -- oooh Santana sang a song I really like in this episode or -- oohh Klaine makes out whoo! -- or hey, Kevin really likes this episode it must be good. That's just kinda how people are.
These polls really shouldn't invalidate your own feelings on things.
Nor should they give anyone reason to feel they're superior.
They're opinions, and we're all only human. So, in general, let's all not be asshats on the internet. ;)
As for Santana -- you know, I was thinking about it as I got up this morning -- I think I want to do a character study on her. Just to kind of explore what I think about the character.
But yes - maybe something that is forgotten a little bit, especially in the tragedy of Naya's passing - is that Santana was originally coded as a villain. And villains don't do very nice things. I mean, she herself said the only straight she is is straight up bitch.
But also -- there is a difference between saying - hey, this character is not doing nice things and -- hey you suck for liking this character. I wish the nature of fandom wasn't this way. You don't have to trash one thing to like another. And you can even say you don't like the thing - that's fine. But attacking people personally is never okay. And as long as I've been in fandoms, it's always been a problem.
Be better guys. And keep on keeping on.
<3 <3 <3
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intertexts · 5 months
OK. ok. my p5r heart players... god. so there r three of them & they all are character foiling each other & all mirroring each other in like, notably similar ways. (a LOT of the character work in p5 IS based around like,,, characters mirroring each other, their trauma echoing or having common roots, similar issues, etc. but these three + another guy r all specifically parallel 2 me.) heart as an aspect is all about... identity, right? who you are + who you pretend to be + the tension btwn those, & also yr relationships + how u interact with others... (which is SUPER fucking p5 coded in general-- like... the entire crux of the game is 50% identity shit + 50% the way u form bonds with others changes ur life)
anyway the one i'm thinking about most rn is called kasumi yoshizawa! she is a very nice cute pleasant high school freshman who's very good at gymnastics & wants to pursue it professionally, and she's dedicated her art to her dead younger sister, sumire, who unfortunately passed in an accident about a year ago and who she really misses...
... except it turns out that she's actually her dead sister :) she's sumire, and she was... brainwashed? by the antagonist of the arc into believing that she's kasumi-- because the antagonist really just wants the world to be a kinder, better place; he wants everyone's wishes to come true :) and sumire's wish is that she (inadvertently responsible for her sister's death)'s more like her sister, because her sister was perfect and amazing and better than her in every way. which is fucking horrifying-- everyone else just,,, knew she was sumire, but she just. Went around the world dressing in her dead sister's clothes and fixing her hair like her dead sister and using her same mannerisms and believing she was her!!! for a year! genuinely a nightmare scenario. do you think she slept in her dead sister's bedroom. do u think it made her parents sick. anyway her conflict between "i literally NEED to be anyone else i CANNOT be myself i cannot live in my own fucking skin i can't do it vs. what. should i just live out a lie? keep living in her dead skin?? drag her corpse around after me because i'm too selfish to let her rest?" insane to me. good lord.
the next guy, goro akechi (MY LITTLE GUY!!!!!!!!!! THE ONE IM BONKERS ABOUT!!!) is ALSO a nice pleasant boy hes also very charming and such :) he's a famous cute celebrity also!! hes super popular as a genius cute boy detective >:3c he. ummm. god. where do i even begin. well. he's also clinging to ghosts & dead bodies & such. he spent his formative years entirely alone and being bounced around the system. he literally fucking genuinely like no shit has a god out there making his life as fucking miserable as possible. like im being dead serious here theres a whole ass god up there making his life the worst it could be. so. well. he's so fucking desperate (like, sickeningly desperate. the kind that's really kind of offputting like you know that's not gonna get you anywhere man.) to be loved or even appreciated he becomes a mass murderer about it. his seven year plan is
-kill my dad
-fake my whole personality so im lovable because theres no way thats happening otherwise
-fuck it we ball.
guy with the most fragile and convincing veneer of pleasant charm possible and under it is this seething morass of hatred and shame and jealousy and anger. anyway he's a heart player because 1. he's a 1 for 1 foil of akira (the next heart player) & 2. because his whole. Deal is being insanely fucking conflicted about himself. he genuinely believes in justice and like. Morality and such, he always keeps his deals and repays his debts. and he's often just a vicious bitch & also a hitman working for one of the worst people on the planet! i'm not explaining it very well but he mirrors sumire so heavily in like... conflict btwn his self + who he wants to be + how he's perceived + what he Wants + what he thinks he wants + the way he interacts with the world... aughghghhhh. their partitioning off of Different Selves for different things is very. well. & they both also heavily parallel each other re: being VERY different than they appear to be initially & being so hard 2 Know. etc.
speaking of partitioning off different selves-- the third guy!!! akira kurusu!! the protag of the game!!!!!! his whole DEAL is that he has a hundred different masks he sifts through & wears for every different occasion, he's a different guy to his friends & his mentor figures & his enemies & the world in general!!!! not that any of them are Fake, just that they are... not the whole thing, you know. absolutely key to his character also is that he's Very sharp and observent when it comes to dynamics btwn people & very good at making connections btwn people (he could Also be a blood player. but like... he Literally Steals Hearts. it feels too on the nose to pass up.) anyway. auugjfjfjfgghkbgh they r all SO DEAR 2 me they r all such good characters.... all of them have such an interesting dynamic together!! three massive liars with insane relationships to selfhood. etc.
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cherrydreamer · 2 years
Desperately want a follow up on daddy Steve and suddenly found alive Billy
Anon! Thank you so much, I'm glad you liked the little ficlet and I wish I had more! I really do! Unfortunately I don't have much more to add to it, but I DO have a few little extra headcanons to go alongside:
Billy has three dogs of varying sizes. They were strays that he used to feed on his early morning surfing days, and, one by one, they just ended up tagging along and getting adopted by him. They usually sit on the beach and guard his stuff when he's in the water. Steve's kids absolutely adore them (and in a very Disney fashion, it just so happens that each dog looks a little bit like one of Steve's nuggets!) and one day Steve stands by Billy and watches his kids playing with the dogs, and he gets a sudden, almost overwhelming sense of yes, this looks right.
Steve's middle kid is a lot more quiet and withdrawn that her siblings, and she's not into surfing or the swimming games that Billy plays with the others. Instead she takes herself off to inspect rockpools and collect shells. Billy notices, and he makes a point of spending time with her too, showing her the best places to find sea creatures and teaching her all about them and then listening when she wants to talk his ear off all about them. Steve apologises one day, saying that he knows some people find her annoying, hell, even her own Mom can't cope with her sometimes, and Billy is deadly serious when he says how damn amazing she is, how she knows so much and how she's even taught him a few things! And Steve is almost getting teary when he hears this, and he ends up gushing with absolute pride and telling Billy about all her science awards and the letter she had published in some magazine.
There's a point where Billy invites Steve on a date, and Steve rolls his eyes and is like "OK and what exactly shall I do with the kids? I can't just leave them alone." But Billy just smiles and tells Steve not to worry, tells him he's got a plan. And then later that night, when Steve's put the kids to bed, he walks out of the RV to see that Billy's set up a whole candlelit picnic on the beach, within full view of the campervan. "I know you can't go far, Stevie, I'd never ask you to leave them. And this is the best spot for watching the sunset, trust me."
They DO get a date, later on. Max and Lucas come to visit (once Steve sends word!) and they both immediately get roped into babysitter duty. Billy still makes sure that the restaurant he books is less than a ten minute walk back to Steve's RV though, because he knows this is the first time Steve's been away from his kids.
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