0-angelfang-0 · 1 day
It makes me wanna sing
I see the gold, I see the pink, I see the blue!
The sun goes up, the sun goes down
Oh, what to do?
Oh, everything's clear, now that I'm here, on my
Sugar cloud
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covertuneshq · 1 day
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New song will be released soon. Must Follow!
Only on
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bestgaslighter · 2 days
Song of the day:
Work - ATEEZ
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vydia-killa · 2 days
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She makes me sob uncontrollably while daydreaming
I love her for it
I’m going to go get froyo now
( ・ᴗ・̥̥̥ )
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greekcupid · 1 day
Song of the day (someone at school called me basic for listening to this....)
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underground-concept · 27 days
Jet Le Parti - Sketch 9 / Marionette's Dagger (2024)
Genre: Experimental, neoclassical, ambient
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Cover artwork by: L.S. Toy
Published: Base 36. 2024
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moonastro · 8 months
the vibe you give out to others
pick a picture
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left to right(top)-> 1,2
left to right(bottom)-> 3,4
°DO NOT take this as literal, take everything with a grain of salt as this is purely and intendedly for entertainment purposes. °Don't be afraid to give feedback and opinions about this post (as i would entirely appreciate it). ° This is a GENERAL reading, take what resonates and leave and pass on what does not!
someone who can communicate hours on end with someone, usually about the deeper stuff. so you may like to share your thoughts a lot which leaves people guessing that you would be a very good person to talk to. you also are good with reading the vibes of a room, people almost expect you to change the atmosphere of the vibe within a group. you really are someone who solves problems, situation ships and other things people may need assistance with. i feel like you help others grow, you teach people from wrong or right and perform humanitarian acts. if you are in a bad situation, you get the heck out of there as soon as possible, people know that because you may express your thoughts and feeling through communication. i feel like you talk about the little things to others that they might even find that you can be oversharing at times. anyhow, you may look back on what people did you in the past or vice versa. you don't hold onto a thread, you make very clear decisions that take you wherever it may.
yeah, you learn from your mistakes and only go forward which makes you a stronger individual. there is still some youthful energy surrounding this pile, so don't forget to not be hard on yourself all the time, you give out but not necessarily get given back which allows people to use your time unnecessarily. people can also see a child in you, you may get told that you remind someone of their son or daughter. being behind the scenes is what you are used to and may project a certain insecurity that others notice. i feel like its that others see their own insecurities in you as well which may cause jealousy. you are careful though, you plan, you observe and you double check. there is nothing wrong with being in routine but i feel like people notice that you are too afraid of failure because you might have grew up to be the high achieving kid or the oldest child who had influence on the younger siblings and so forth. overall a very sensual and hardworking pile.
assigned song: Black beauty- Lana Del Rey
very energetic around people or friends and family but think a lot by yourself, you may keep your true self hidden. you are such a good manifester and people notice that whatever you say out loud becomes real. people may call you a psychic because you just know things before others do, for example if a friend asks about something like an event and you just tell them like "watch this happen in there" and something like this and it happening. you are quite reserved with your feeling and emotions, you use them on better things. around you, others feel confident and secure. you are a very good empath and feel whatever others are feeling, so it is very easy to empress ones feelings to you. you are such a caring and observing individual that others feel nothing but security and comfort around you. honestly such a nostalgic pile!!
you crave a free life where you are not stuck to anything or anyone, people feel the freedom you possess. you don't aim to be powerful nor business oriented, you just want to see what's out there and see what other cultures and countries have in store for you. i feel like you have a plan that you have that consists of you travelling abroad and creating a happy home there at a new setting. you are good with legal matters like documents, credit cards, the law and so forth. you may know about it as you may be interesting in becoming a lawyer or working somewhere that involves a law, like police and so on. but on a real note, you balance everything out in your life, people see how well you split your routine in even pieces. overall, this is a very free spirited and intelligent pile!
assigned song: Ride- Lana Del Rey
someone who reserves there space and energy, someone who talks very cautiously and are aware of their surroundings. a lot of people don't actually know how to figure you out and it may sound very cliché but i think its just because you don't reveal your feelings by making facial expressions and people don't know whether to laugh or cry when you tell them something serious. you might like to do stuff alone and may feel like a burden to others but it is not the case for other people, they see you as a sweet and isolated human being that likes their space and peace. i see a LOTTT of overthinking and just daydreaming in general. i feel like something is restricting you from taking action and i think it is your thoughts, relax pile 3😅. no but for real, others avoid you not because you are unlikable but because they see how you thrive alone and you don't look like the type of person that needs help from others.
you may have moved a lot as a child and felt like you lost many things because of that. i feel like you don't feel secure and people notice the disease you portray in your body language. that is totally not a bad thing but i feel like others see the frustration and a void that you have, this is very deep but I'm getting an image of just a black figure which may translate of you feeling numb or not feeling anything at all. i feel like this was in the past for some of you, however where there is hardships there is hope and that is exactly the case for this pile. on a good note, your smile brings comfort to others, may make others happy with your smile and that's just so sweet. you do have many ideas flooding in your mind and i feel like that could bring you excesses so be careful. you have many ideas to start over or to change your personality completely. overall, this is a very reserved and a busy mind pile!
assigned song: How to Disappear- Lana Del Rey
check out pile one if you felt drawn to it as it may resonate with some of you!! so, you care about others very deeply and this gives me motherly vibes. i feel like you may not listen to people and do your own thing but that's entirely okay but the way i see it is that you sometimes need to take advice in order to move forward. you stand your ground fairly and see the contrast between right and wrong, i feel like that gets people thinking how you pick up on things others don't pay much attention to. say if you called someone out for something, others may go like "oh yeah, i didn't even notice". you really cant be bothered to argue with no one, you feel like there is no point because people are childish and immature and that is something you would rather pass on. conflicts and any other sort of fighting is a strict no go for you. people get the vibe of how can you keep your cool??? they actually are very impressed of your skill to maintain your cool😊. i feel like also you go through very transformative periods in your life that actually change your way you act, maybe you go through different eras and like to experiment different styles and ways of living which is totally fine.
wow, you are a very powerful soul, you have some sort of power that others are stunned. you are literally the lion of the jungle, the boss, the CEO, the millionaire, the royal. WOwww just wow. people just keep getting surprise on surprise from you, you may have so many precious hidden facts about you that make people stunned by the fact that you have so much treasure hidden. people see you as a very humble individual who is always there for people and see the good in everyone. it is such a pleasure to be around you, people may feel almost lucky to have you in their life. you hold a lot of secrets as you may stand with he statement that if you talk about your achievements to others it may delay your success. overall, a very very very powerful and mysterious pile.
assigned song: LION- (G)-idle
that's it everyone, thanks for sticking by and like always don't be afraid to interact with this post however you'd like as i entire appreciate everyone's support and kindness!!
FRIENDLY REMINDER- paid tarot readings are available (DM or check out here for more info!!)
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𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐢𝐬𝐧'𝐭 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭, 𝐰𝐞'𝐫𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐢𝐝𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐬
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𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐈'𝐯𝐞 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐞𝐥𝐭 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐞, 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐬 𝐬𝐨 𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐥𝐝...
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septemberkisses · 1 month
There's things I wanna say to you
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But I'll just let you live
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Like if you hold me without hurting me
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You'll be the first who ever did
— Lana Del Rey from Cinnamon Girl
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leosthetic1 · 3 months
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Rihanna | Kiss It Better (2016)
dir. by Craig McDean
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albaricomics · 1 year
Do you remember? 🎶
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msbrightsides · 3 months
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hamoodmood · 1 year
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'Cause you're just a man
It's just what you doooo
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liahleeh · 4 months
Tenho dependência emocional neles!!!
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metamorphesque · 6 months
Եթե իմանայիր, որքան եմ լաց եղել ես Քո գնալուց հետո, որքան եմ քեզ փնտրել: Եթե հավաքեին իմ բոլոր արցունքները Ու սարքեին մի լիճ, որ լողային աստղերը, Եթե այնտեղ գային բոլոր սիրահարները Ու նրանց պատմեին սիրո մասին աստղերը, Նրանք կիմանային, որ սերը մի գիշեր է ━ Երբ կորչում են աստղերը, կորչում է նաև սերը: If only you knew how much I cried After you left, how long I've been searching for you. If they gathered all my tears And built a lake for the stars to swim in, If all the lovers gathered there And the stars told them tales of love, They would understand that love is but a fleeting night ━ When the stars fade away, so does love. (translated by metamorphesque)
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chand-ki-priyatama · 5 months
The Song "Mai koi aisa geet gaun" is the real definition of princess treatment....
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