eric-the-bmo · 1 year
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blckbrrybasket · 2 months
RAHHH i loved the odd!reader piece you posted!! i would love to see more, only if you want to write more, no pressure!! <33
ahh im so happy that you like it!! i love odd!reader so much <3 so so sorry this took a bit to come out
if you or anybody has any ideas for odd!reader plssss send them my way i would love to write more for them!!
have some headcanons and a lil something 💫
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- When in public there are times where they’ll never touch their boyfriend or stand so close next to him that their face is in his side.
- It’s become a bit of a one-sided competition for their boyfriend to try and fuck them dumb (quickly mentioned in the blurb but he does take it as a challenge)
- They’re very clumsy. It’s not very noticeable to them anymore. Elbows knocked on door frames, tripping, miscalculating how far away something is, is all common to them.
- Surprisingly not queasy to most things, sees it as a part of life.
- That being said, the most horrendous thing could happen to them and they’d shrug like “:/ what can you do?” While their boyfriend is staring at them in horror.
- Knows way too many random facts. Makes it interesting to watch shows or movies when they randomly drop facts about the filming process or the lore.
- Bounces their leg like nobody’s business. Has spilled things by hitting their knee on the table.
- Egregious sleeper. Why can they fall asleep to the sound of gunshots outside, but if something interrupts their rain sounds they can’t sleep.
- Knows whats best but doesn’t know how to express it so they’ll just say “yes” or “no” and expect everyone to understand why.
The girl on screen pressed herself against the side of the house, panting as she tried to find a good moment to run. You and your boyfriend were watching a horror movie as you squirmed in your seat. Your legs were laid out over his lap, draping over the armrest of the couch.
“She actually called 911.” You muttered, popping a piece of popcorn into your mouth. “Well yeah-“ He started. “No like the phone was still connected. When filming she accidentally called 911 multiple times.” You finished the thought.
He raised his eyebrows at you, not questioning, only turning his head back to the screen when a blood curdling screen was ripped from the actor. “Yeah?” You smiled contently. “Mhm!” A few moments passed by quietly, aside from the gore on the TV.
Your eyes trained on the screen as the girl ran around the house only to be met with the slasher. The knife stabbed into her, a small grimace finding itself onto his face at the forced angle of the cut. “Do you think it would be cool if the cloak was white instead of black?” The question pulled him out of watching the movie and he glanced at you. “Huh?”
“Well originally the cloak was going to be white and if it stayed that way it would be covered in all the blood stains. It’d look cool.” He slowly nodded, “But the black looks cooler in the night.” You paused before a smile spread across your lips. “Yeah. You’re right.” His hand wrapped around your ankle and his thumb slid back and forth over your skin, both of your attentions falling back to the film.
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inkyquince · 10 months
so it turns out that every thought i've ever had about gale is true, and i am always right <3
characters. gale (baldur's gate 3)
content warning. Nsfw. gale gets baby fever and makes it everyone's problem. gender neutral reader, but they have the means to get preggers, either through due to race shenanigans or through other means, ahem. mention of mpreg, horny gale, implied baby trapping later on featuring angst. (2.6k words)
so basically, we'll start with the wholesome side. after the entire fucking hell hole of a time with the city of baldur's gate going to hell, Gale insists on bringing you back to live with him in Waterdeep. You need to see the place he showed you with the Weave after all. And meet his mother. Very important.
Gale is already showing off a few grey strands, but it isn't until a few more join his hair does he get smacked with the most intense baby fever known to man. To be honest, he never really thought about it (a lie, he thought about it a few times, but more to that later) but this is the first time he struggles to get through the day without dedicating many of his intricate thoughts to, say, the nursery, if Tara would do well with an infant in the house, how you would look, stomach swollen and in his shirt to sleep. Things like that. Not to mention the highly enjoyable activities that would lead to the conception, and how vigorous you two would be in the undertaking.
To go on a lengthy tangent, but Gale undertaking extra research the moment baby fever hits him? Amazing.
(I am so sorry, but im gonna alter lore here, @undead-merman and I have talked extensively about different breeding techniques of DnD races, I'm SO sorry.)
But Gale cracking open a book on tieflings, and finding out that all Tiefling sexes are able to get pregnant, since the Devils pass this ability down. Taking a moment, mug of warm tea halfway through his lips when he reads over that the only thing required for the non-females of the Tiefling race is a well known ritual and hey presto, deviled babies on the way. Goes home, and just zones out, Tara on his knee as you accept that your love is probably in his little thinky mode and get him some dinner.
Or how, while Driders can't breed, Lolth-blessed Drows are highly fertile, especially since the Underdark is quite the dangerous place, and its it would not do well if you lost your only child to an exploding mushroom. Seladrine drow have repoerted lower fertilties, but a member of the Society of Brilliance has recently reported that a simple tincture would kick up their fertility back to the rates of their red eyes cousins. That, and they have eerily similiar breeding techniques to spiders. However, if you refrain from eating him after sex, it should be good.
Wood elves have larger broodes than High Elves, and more likely to get triplets and twins. High Elves, however, seem quite unaffected by pregnancy, and seem to breeze through it. Both have seasonal mating rituals though, with Wood Elves prefering to have their children in the summer and autumn and High Elves prefering the winter and spring.
Not to mention, if you yourself can't naturally carry children. Doesn't lessen the baby fever at all. In fact, he gets his little intense glints in his eyes and spends time pouring over books. Wizards have been going into stranger and stranger things over the centuries, so obviously there's some books about pregnancy and how to stimulate the conditions to carry a child. Hopefully Elminster doesn't catch him while he's off guard. Nothing would ease the fluster Gale would find himself in if he was asked what he was researching and instead of saying anything like, "The Crown of Karsus" or "The Book of Thay", he'd instinctively reply that he's looking to get his partner pregnant.
Elminster wouldn't blink though. Old ass.
Anyway, that's all to say, he'd love reading up on the different races breeding techniques. Then comes the euphoria of fatherhood, but before that?
Slowly bringing up the subject, laying out all the plans oh-so meticulously. Any rituals? Planned in advance. Preparations? Set out. Only can have children at a certain time of year? He's got the calender out and has marked the dates where it would be ideal to do nothing but stay inside and... Well, fuck. Gale's baby fever is so bad at this point too. Instinctively goes out to touch your stomach, or tell you a fun fact you might not even know about how your people breed. No, Gale, you won't bite his head off after sex, stop bringing it up.
He suspends all appointments, regular meetings, even his own research. Gale is always more of a relaxed lover, worshipful even, but now he firmly takes charge. Has scheduled food and drink breaks, but those usually tend to end quickly. How could he resist? Fuck, shortly before the first time you two fuck, he was entranced by the sweat roll down your skin as you fought. Yet he's supposed to be a gentleman now? With you naked, greedily drinking down your cup of water, cum slipping from between your thighs, sweat gleaming like magic against your very skin? Gods help him. He whispers soft words to you each time you tighten around his cock and cum too. How you're the only one for him, how he loves you, how he can't wait to see you carry his child, even how you're the reason he gets to live properly, not as a student of the weave, but as a man.
Then, it happens.
He's always delighted by his child, no matter what. They'll always be at least half human, but the traits they carry over from you? Adorable.
His child snoozing, with little tusks peeking out from their mouth? He worries about the blanket getting snagged in them. Little horns, just barely nubs? He runs a thumb over their soft texture, knowing that with time, they'll harden. Little pointy ears and eyes that are so big and soft? Gently tickles them and laughs softly as they kick. Oh so small, they barely fill his forearm? Mans too worried to ever put them down, wears a sling to always carry them around. Scales? Mans gets weirdly paranoid about scale rot that occurs in dragonborns and dragon blooded sorcerers, and stays up reading about it, but it all vanishes when his kid makes a soft chittering noise when he gently massages the ointment into their scales to prevent dryness.
Gale insisting on being the one to feed them in the night. Spends his mornings, no longer pouring over books, but sitting shirtless at the table, trying to convince your child to eat just a bit more. His home is no longer messy with papers strewn across every surface, but toys. There used to be silence inbetween each note of the piano, but now there's your laughter as he gets misty eyed each time your kid hiccups. Pretty sure that the only person he lets near his kid in their early years would be Wyll, Shadowheart, Jaheira or Halsin. Not that Karlach gets to visit a lot but she still has to wear heavy gloves before ever holding them. Astarion agrees with Gale and stands way back, wrinkling his nose. The nicest thing Lazael says is that Gale's spawn is less wrinkly than the last time she saw it... Also Halsin's baby rights nearly get taken away when he suggests going into bear form and letting them sit on his back. Minsc is accidentally the best, with Boo at his side to tell him to hold the baby correctly. Shadowheart is not the best with your kid, but she tries, even as you have to correct the way she holds them each time. Wyll is uncle of the year easily and you'd say Jaheira is the grandmother of the century... If you didn't think she'd tell you off for saying that. Gale feverently hopes The Emperor never comes to visit for the love of everything magical, but don't worry. He'd never. Scratch is the best guard dog, snoozing by your baby's crib every night. You cried when Gale told you that the owlbear cub was very much an adult now, and should go free. Then you laughed when you saw him standing in the garden, looking a bit lost after you tried to urge him to go back to the wilds. Doesn't mean Gale lets you take the baby near him.
Sidenote, Gale officially takes back anything snide he ever said to you about your magic if you were a sorcerer, since now he has to deal with your child practically coughing up magic at this rate. Oh, his hubris.
To get less wholesome, what if his baby fever hits when you two are travelling in the first place? Every day a fight against the Absolute, every night a blessing that everyone got through it without dying. He doesn't know what triggered it.
Maybe its seeing the Tiefling children band together. Maybe it was just seeing a family in passing, the mother round with child and the father with his hand at her back. Maybe it was the paralazyed dwarf who cried out for his children as he ran from Auntie Ethel's basement.
He's a man living on borrowed time. For once, it's not just the Orb endangering his life. Each day could be his last.
Gale always had a thought he might have children in his future. But his future is black, endless as the maw that swallows every essence of the weave he feeds it.
Most cruel of all, he's meet the person he'd have loved to settle down with. Introduce you to Tara, meet his Mother, Elminster, everyone important in his life, because he wanted you ingrained into each second of every day.
Life is cruel. Mystra is cruel. Something he'd never think before this adventure, but now he knows it. This was her final act of spite. Letting him find the one, only to put a time limit on it.
The thought starts with accepting that he'll die. You may insist that you'll find another way, but the notion as settled on his soul, heavy and foul like the vials of acid those goblins won't stop throwing at him. Then the whispers at the back of his mind start. Not influenced by the Dream Visitor, nor the Absolute. His own deep worries. You were... Well... You. He knew the others had intentions on you, at least at the time of the first major win for the group, the Tiefling party.
Astarion had purred to you, slyly coming closer and cocking his head to make sure you noticed his silver curls in the firelight. Shadowheart had poured you a cup of wine, her dark eyes drinking you in. Wyll had gifted you his winning smile, stepping closer. Karlach had been loud and open about how fucking you would be definitely on her to do list for that night if you wanted. Lazael was... Basically salivating. Hell, even Halsin's smile turned toothy and sharp as you spoke to him. Fuck, even some of the Tieflings might have tried to shoot their shot. Ikaron, Alfira, Rolan, Guex, Gods knows who else.
You were just... That wonderful. But that word weighted heavily on his tongue now. What happened... When he died? How long would you remember him? How long would you mourn him?
Expecting you to never take another lover was... Insanity, even to his bleeding heart. You have your entire long life ahead of you. He would be a brilliant, bright mark on your life, of love, of lust, of truely connecting with each other. But so brilliant that you never kissed another person?
Gale knew he should be taking the higher road. To bow his head and acquiesce that you would move on, but be happy in the fact that what you two had would be real, would be pure.
He managed a single night.
He just couldn't. Maybe it was his hubris, the one that tarnished his relationship with Mystra, now rearing its head when it came to you. How long would the others wait till seeking you out? To comfort, to hold you close? Before taking the plunge.
You would forget him. Even as you snoozed against him, he lay, idly rubbing his fingers along your knuckles. You'd forget him. He knew it. The group would remember his sacrifice and raise a glass, but he couldn't bear the thought that one of their lips would curve into a smile against the rim of their mug, knowing that in the end, they had gotten you?
In the coming days, it happened too quickly. His soft thoughts about having a family with you in another life, collided with his fear that he would never linger against in your mind after a period of time.
You could have his child.
A part of him would live on. A part you'd never hate. Him and you, into one perfect child, that yes, he may never get to see, but one he'd love so fiercly that they'd always know it. That magic would always be there, even when his physical body crumbled into nothing. The others could and maybe would become intimate with you. Become your new partner. But Gale's baby would always be there, a symbol ofyour shared love, and the fact that he was your first choice. Despite everything. He was the one you wanted first.
So he whispers to you that he doesn't have much time left. Kisses away any of your insistence that you won't let him die. Holds you close as he pushes your trousers down, lips against your neck. Doesn't lead you away from camp to make love privately. No, this is for him and for you. The others would have to deal with it.
With every action, it was like he was hoping to brand your memories with nothing but him.
Branding your future.
Astarion could hold you close, skim his teeth against your neck with a drawled double entendre, but you would spend at least half your day in the sun, for the sake of your child. Lazael would bite your lips with each kiss, cunning fingers skirting under your shirt, grazing the bruises she left along your hips, but you'd never join her in the Tears, not when your child would never be accepted among her people. Shadowheart could be the one you curled up with every night, fingers intertwined and sharing slow, soft kisses, but its his soft eyes your child would have, not her dark ones he once so brazenly complimented. It doesn't matter if Karlach would spend her time with her new tentacled friend, or journeyed with Wyll throug the hells. You would not bring your child to the Mindflayers, nor Avernus. She'd visit, she'd hold you and make love to you and get your child to giggle themselves stupid, but she wouldn't be able to be with you all the time. Same for Wyll. In Avernus, with Karlach by his side, his mismatched eyes won't melt your heart. You two would have to wait years to dance again. Even as the Duke, he could lead you by the end to a soft, slow song, humming as he pressed kisses to your fingers and neck, but Wyll was the best man he knew. Every time he saw his dead friend's child, he'd feel a twinge. Just enough to sour the time spent with your baby. Halsin could fuck you senseless and cradle you afterwards all he wanted to, he could soften your heart with his effortless smile and hold you close, but he'd have to live with the fact that he came second. That you and Gale would have something that went deeper than what the Druid could offer. And your child was the perfect representation of that.
There was no proection that night. No love making while surrounded by magic and the Weave. Just you and him, getting only a partial rest as he held you close and fucked you deep.
So, imagine his delight when he got to live.
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hayleythesugarbowl · 9 months
So I was gonna ask for another Angela Giarratana x reader but your request are closed 🥲🥲🥲 but I think we can talk this out *slides you the 1.04$ left in my bank account* but fr if you feel up to it or wanna save this for later feel free to and you don’t have to do it but I was thinking maybe Angela gets jealous when someone from the cast flirts with reader but it’s part of a bit Angela doesn’t know about and maybe they were playing legacy, betrayal or something idk that’s up to you and I know you don’t write smut so maybe like Angela gets jealous and leave hickeys and bite marks on readers neck when there having a water break or something 💁‍♀️ idk just a lil something or write what you want bae it’s up to you not me ❤️❤️ remember 1.04$ has your name on it 😉
Jealousy, Jealousy || Angela Giarratana x reader
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ masterlist • smosh masterlist ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
summary: oneshot where angela finds herself jealous when another member of the cast flirts with you and she decides to let you know that you’re hers
word count: 1.3k
warnings: hickeys
a/n: ahh sorry this took so long babes but i’m so happy to get this request out for you. this is a little bit out of my comfort zone so keep that in mind but i hope you enjoy this!! also im ashamed to admit my smosh games lore is a little rusty so i didn’t include legacy betrayal hope that’s ok!! also i wouldn’t dream of making anyone pay for a fic so forget about it 💋🎀 enjoy!!
“Ok, I’m working on a character,” Amanda said to you as you waited on set for filming to start. 
     “You? A character? Never!” You teased her, feigning shock. You’d been at Smosh since long before Amanda and ever since you’d known her she was always working on one character or another. 
     “Her name’s Annabelle Charlemagne,” she said, already adopting an accent, “and you are absolutely stunning darling, can I buy you a beverage?”
     She was fully in character now, so you played along.
     “I’d be honored,” you batted your eyelashes at her.”
     “I just have never seen such exceptional beauty. I am charmed.” She grabbed your hand and kissed it. 
     You glanced over and saw Angela watching you from afar. Catching you staring  at her she quickly looked away. But not before giving you a wink and a smile. 
     Angela. You two had been dating for a few weeks now, and you couldn’t be happier. But you hadn’t exactly told the rest of the cast yet. You were planning on waiting for the right time, but you hadn’t found it yet. 
     You knew it was killing Angela. You had no problem keeping your relationship a secret. It was easy and safe and you didn’t want to deal with your friends’ thousands of questions just yet. 
      But Angela was not as great at keeping her mouth shut about everything. You knew she wanted to let the cat out of the bag. Or rather, couldn’t help herself from accidentally giving everyone a sneak peek at a paw or whiskers. More than once you’d had to cover for her calling you ‘babe’ or her absentmindedly reaching over to touch you.
     Not that you two didn’t have your hidden moments. Sneaking off in between shows or volunteering to go work on something together. You couldn’t stop a blush from forming on your cheeks at the thought of all the things the walls had seen here that all of your friends hadn’t. 
     Now, Amanda’s voice brought you out of your thoughts.
     “Anyways darling, I’d love to get your number but—oh, I’ve forgot my cellular, one moment, let me fetch my husband’s.”
     She stared at you, losing the accent. “Get it, cause I’m flirting with you… but I’m married? And British!”
     You laughed, “Right. Well I’m still waiting on that beverage.”
     She fluffed her hair, “In due time.”
     “Alright everyone, quiet on set.”
     You shifted away from Amanda, preparing to start filming. You looked around at the rest of the cast—you loved your job here. Glancing over at Angela, you tried to catch her eye, but she wasn’t looking at you. She was looking down, a troubled expression on her face. You’d talk to her after this shoot, you told yourself. Maybe you two could even get lunch together later. It seemed like forever ago since you’d done that last. And you hadn’t even been dating a month yet! The director’s booming voice brought your attention back to the present. 
     “Rolling…and action!”
₊˚ ✧ ‿︵‿୨୧‿︵‿ ✧ ₊˚
     “Alright everyone, take 10,” the director called. Everyone in the cast began filing out of the studio, taking a break before they had to finish filming this show. You joined them, heading to the next room for water.
     You had just stepped towards your bag and began to rifle through it when you felt someone behind you.
     “Guess who?”
     You didn’t turn around right away. You knew who. 
     “Try again,” she said, quieter this time with a hint of amusement in her voice.
     “Chris Kattan?”
     “Ok, if one more person tells me that—” she started incredulously.
     You turned around, smiling at her “Kidding.”
     She reached out and brushed a strand of hair back from your face. “Hey beautiful, I haven’t had time alone with you all day.” 
     It was true. It felt like you spent less and less time together—what between filming and trying to not seem like you were dating.  You leaned into her touch, and she stepped towards you. 
      You remembered yourself and spun back around, “Angela, not here.”
      You felt her breath on your hair as she leaned towards you and said, “I don’t see anyone here.”
     “Angela, what are you—”
     Without warning, you felt her mouth on your neck. She began trailing kisses down your shoulder and you suppressed a shudder, leaning into her. 
     “Ange, what if someone sees us?” You whispered, glancing around nervously.
     She kept her lips on you, biting down softly as she sucked at the skin on your neck.
     You closed your eyes, savoring this stolen moment despite yourself. 
     “(Y/n)? You want me to stop?” she looked up at you.
     “No, definitely no.”
     She continued, bringing her lips to your ear. She was silent for a while, and then—
     “Still thinking about Amanda?” She breathed, her voice hoarse.
     “What?” You managed. That was the last thing you’d expected her to say. 
     “I saw you…earlier,” for the first time, you detected a hint of uncertainly in her voice.
      You tried to recall what she was talking about. 
     “You know, with the ‘oh you’re gorgeous darling’ and ‘why thank you take me home with you’,” You could tell she was trying to keep her tone light. You tried not to smile at her dedication to the character, even in a situation like this. 
     “That? Angela, she was showing me a bit,” you couldn’t help but smile now. “I—Wait, is that what this is about?”
     “What a girl can’t kiss her girlfriend without having ulterior motives!” You raised an eyebrow at her and she looked down sheepishly. “Ok, fine maybe I was a little jealous.”
     You marveled at the fact that Angela Giarratana was jealous. Because of you. You’d made her jealous. “Well, you don’t have to worry about anything. I love you, remember.”
     “Yeah you do,” Angela waggled her eyebrows and leaned her head against your shoulder. You rolled your eyes at her—she was impossible—but you realized you were grinning.
     “I love you more.”
      You looked at her against you, this beautiful woman who cared so much about you, and kissed her. She kissed you back wrapping her hands around your neck. 
     “Thought you were afraid people will see us?” Angela mumbled against your lips. 
     “I don’t care,” and as you said it, you realized it was true. You didn’t need to wait for a “right time” to tell your friends about your relationship. “I don’t care if they find out.”
     “Glad you felt that way, because if we didn’t tell them that hickey sure will.”
     You looked down at your neck where a mark was already starting to form, evidence of Angela’s jealousy. 
     “Good, let them know I’m yours.”
     “I like the sound of that,” Angela said, “Shall we?” She gestured to the doorway.
     You nodded, taking her hand and walking into the next room and over to the center  where all of the cast was mingling, taking advantage of the break.
     When you towards them, all eyes eventually turned to you and Angela, settling on your interlocked fingers. Your friends traded looks. 
     Amanda spoke up first, “(Y/n)? Angela? You, and you?” 
     “And is that a hickey?”
     “You wanna take this or should I?” Angela asked you, her eyes twinkling. Everyone stared at you and Angela, awaiting an explanation.
      “Nothing much to tell, other than you all should know Angela’s a possessive, jealous—”
     “Well if you’re not going to tell it right—” she interrupted loudly. 
     You looked at her, letting her know you were only teasing. 
     “Well, they always say actions speak louder than words,” you said before kissing her again. This time in front of everyone else. “Besides,” you whispered, only to her, your lips trailing down her jawline “it’s only fair if I return the favor and make you mine.”
     “Oh, (Y/n), I’ve been yours for a while now.”
ˋ°•*⁀➷ hope you enjoyed this!! i have another angela x reader in the works so keep your eye out for that and as always feedback is always appreciated even negative i swear <3
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heartofwritiing · 11 months
Absent in the spring.
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paring: q!wilbur x fem!reader (+ platonic q!philza x fem!reader)
summary: a small vacation to Phil’s beach house causes you to finally break down.
authors note: a follow-up to this fic but you don’t really have to read it. some more q!wilbur angst for you guys because I miss wilbur and tullulah content! also i made it so chayanne and tallulah talk in this lets just pretend the eggs are the human-dragon hybrids that are in fanart bc thats how i see them!
warnings: a little angsty sorry, hurt-comfort, happy end, not 100% following qsmp lore, unedited! please ignore any mistakes!
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“how are you holding up?”
Phil’s voice pulls you out of your trance from fidgeting with the blades of grass next to your tucked legs.
You bring your gaze up from the lush green and watch on as Chayanne and Tallulah play tag a few feet away in the field behind Phil’s beach house.
The past month had been weary as you waited for your husband to return from his tour. Days stretched on though you kept going despite that dread in your chest of missing him.
Phil had noticed you seemed less like yourself as the month went on. You were sleeping less, and getting stressed. When he came over to help you take care of Tallulah yesterday he saw how defeated you looked while trying to keep a brave face for your daughter.
Being in an empty house wasn’t fun for anyone, especially when it was too dangerous to go outside on the server alone. So, Phil invited you out to escape that empty feeling, just for a while at least. A walk and boat ride later, you were now sat beside the man with his legs crisscrossed while he munched on avocado toast.
You had shrugged plainly to his question. Fine? Okay? you didn’t know…
Squeals and giggles erupted in your ears as you watched Tallulah finally tag a breathless Chayanne, who had gotten tired of running away from his sister and let her have a turn at the one being chased. Her little legs barely kept up with her taller older sibling as he quickly regained energy.
You couldnt help the smile that was brought upon your lips. Happy they were having such a good time together, being normal for once and not sheltered from the horrors of the server that was trying to harm them every moment. They needed this time, to be care free. To be kids.
You and Phil chuckled at their antics. Though It made your heart break thinking about Wilbur being absent. He wasn’t here to hear the sounds of his daughter's sweet giggles as she played blissfully in the tall grass. To see how she was getting along with everyone, making sure they were happy and cared for.
Wilbur hadn’t sent you a letter in a week. You understood he was busy with tour, you didn’t expect him to have much time to sit and write but your worst agitations were coming true.
The disappointment was settling in each time you would go to the mailbox by the door- you and lullah had spent a day painting and decorating to your liking, with splotches of colors and your names painted across in not-so-straight letters- it would be empty with no sign of even being open since the previous morning.
“I miss him,” you say suddenly to Phil, whose gaze shifts away from the kids to you. You keep your eyes locked on them, fearing that meeting his eyes would make you finally break down into the tears you were holding back for so long.
Phil brings his hand onto your shoulder, a simple symbol of comfort.
“Awe mate, I miss him too.” he said warmly. “he’ll be back soon, im sure of it.”
Swallowing the lump building in your throat, you were so glad you had Phil there for you in these moments. Tallulah had done a good part cheering you up but sometimes you needed a real talk.
"I thought I could do this on my own but-" you choke. "I need him, Phil. He's missed so much and I can't help but think he's gonna feel guilty for not being there for her, or for me."
You let yourself break down in-front of your father in-law finally letting go of everything you’d been holding onto the past month and a half.
Phil placed his hand on your back in support as you sobbed into your hands. The aching pain in your forehead with the slight headache building, the chest pangs told you this cry was long over due.
A tap on your shoulder brings your head out from your knees. You lift your eyes to see Chayanne standing over you, his hand stretched out with a simple white flower pinching between his little fingers. His eyes held nothing but innocence as he looked down on you solemnly. He did not understand why you were so distraught, nor did he care, he just wanted to aid you in any way that he could.
"Please don't cry, Tia Y/N," his voice was small but sympathetic, making your heart sink.
Phil looked so proud in that moment, to see his son come over to aid you with comfort made him perceive he was doing something right in raising a child for once.
Taking the flower from Chayanne, he immediately crouched down to give you a tight hug around your shoulders. Surprised but grateful, you began silently crying as another pair of little arms joined the embrace - you knew it was Tallulah. Finally, you allowed yourself to let go and broke down into tears, feeling their tight embrace.
You were so glad you had these kids. Though they didn’t understand your behavior entirely there was no judgement, only care.
“For what it's worth Y/N, you have us and we will always take care of you both.”
Of course, you knew that. Phil had always been there for you since you first met him. He took his role as a father to everyone very seriously.
“thank you for bringing us here Phil, we really needed this.” you breathe as the kids pulled away from you. Phil gives you a smile of understanding.
A few hours passed as you all sat on the dock, watching the last glimmer of daylight fade away over the water - casting a golden glow. Phil suggested a campfire to roast marshmallows. Tallulah and Chayanne were already running off excitedly to gather various sticks to help. Once the fire was going, you all sat together on the sand telling stories, laughing, and enjoying each other's company.
The hole in your heart was healing, and the weight on your chest lifted. You realized that even though life was rough and unpredictable, having a supportive family was what mattered, and you felt content and at peace.
You saw the others smiling, knowing the shared bond was enough.
That night you all slept at the beach house, and for the first time in a month, neither you nor Tallulah had a nightmare.
The journey the following day back to Phil’s was thankfully uneventful. Mostly just shenanigans between the two children. Collecting things like leaves for the scrapbook you and Tallulah were making for Wilbur, documenting all your adventures. Chayanne running ahead to deal with any monsters who dare cross your path.
Upon seeing the tiny house with a fenced yard, you all went your separate ways. As you opened the gate to the yard, the tall purple trees and the various flowers made you miss the tiny home.
Tallulah seemed happy to be back and automatically tried dragging you to see her turtles before you could close the gate. You asked her to be patient while you brought your bags inside.
Walking up to the front door, you heard a crash from inside and you froze. You instantly reached for your sword laying on your hip. Tallulah saw this as a warning and she quickly cowered behind your legs. Preparing for the worst, it could be anyone behind the door. Charlie looking for food, (since he was living near your house in a shed last you heard.) Quackity looking to start another fight about parenting. Or worse the code monster could’ve shown up again to take Tallulah from you.
You would die before that would happen.
Tallulah clung to your legs as you quietly unlocked the door and pushed it open. You gazed down at her and saw her worried eyes.
“If something happens I need you to teleport to abuelito and Chayannes to warn them okay?” You spoke to her firmly in hushed tones, being careful. Tallulah showed you the tiny purple stone for a quick getaway and indicated she understood.
The house was exactly as you left it, except for the suitcase and guitar bag resting against the sofa, which made you frown. Then realization settled in and a gasp escapes you.
Was he here?
Or was this another trick?
As you lowered your sword, you heard someone rustling down the ladder. The wood creaked with every step as the person in the yellow sweater came into view. With round glasses leaning down his nose, fluffy hair, and long limbs, you’d know him anywhere.
Wilbur felt relief wash over him as he stopped midway on the ladder and saw you staring at him in disbelief. as if he were a ghost. It pained him slightly. You couldn’t believe it.
Wilbur was back.
Tallulah peeked out from behind your legs and the tiny gasp she let out when she saw Wilbur. She ran into his arms and cried out;
Wilbur grinned as his tearful daughter ran towards him. He scooped her up in a tight embrace as you watched, tears streaming down your own cheeks. He held her swinging back and forth gently trying to hush her cries. She was so happy to finally see him again. You had never seen such a wonderful sight of the two people you loved the most in this world.
“I missed you so much Tallulah!”
Wilbur rested his head on Tallulah’s and smiled sideways at you and reached out his arm. Without hesitation, you dropped your sword, which clanked loudly on the ground, and you rushed into his embrace.
You bury your face in his neck, holding onto his scent, his body, his everything. Never wanting to forget how he felt and sounded. Tears stream down your face, drenching his sweater, but you don't care. This time, they flow out of love and happiness, not frustration or sadness.
You all cried and held onto each other for dear life.
“I missed you so, so much my love,” he coos in your ear causing you to choke out a laugh. After missing his voice for months you were so elated to hear it again.
Wilbur sniffled as he squeezed you both tightly in his arms, never wanting to let go.
“I’m here my girls, and I am never gonna leave you again,” he whispers.
This was home.
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sapphicseasapphire · 2 months
I LOVE UR LIL REAPER DUDE HES SO COOL AND PRETTY AND POGGERS I ADORE HIM SO MUCH!!! He deserves to have the best bonding experience with his train,,
JUST. IM NOT OVER THE SYMBOLISM OF LIKE,,, he does the usual transporting of people and goods, but taking that to the next level and also assisting in the transport of spirits and souls to their next adventure has me SO SOFT like,, this boy is helping everyone he can get to where they need to be!
I do have a few questions aside from my gushing, though! Uh first of all, I'd have to ask, when did he die? It's alright if it's not shared yet for lore reasons or if you just haven't decided yet, but it's interesting to me! Was he always able to see spirits? Was Zelda a one time deal, or is he only able to see her for his adventure because he'd already died and become a reaper?
ALSO!!! Does his normal body get rest when his spirit does reaping stuff? Or is it just completely unrestful "sleep" and he'd need to rest normally afterward to recover? Or would it be like, his body is recovered but his spirit is still tired? Is there some sort of gap between the two?
SORRY THIS ASK IS ALL OVER THE PLACE I DONT DO THIS VERY OFTEN i just once again wanna say thank u for adding spirit tracks and,, yeah! hes so very poggers and im very excited to see his dynamics with everyone!
Hi! I’m so glad that you like the Little Guy! I’m quite fond of him as well haha!
To answer your questions:
Spirit died pretty early into his adventure. He doesn’t remember the exact moment, but do you remember in like- the opening sequence of Spirit Tracks? When Byrne attacks Alfonzo and then hits Link SO HARD. Sends him FLYING. And we don’t see him get up until after Zelda’s spirit is removed from her body. That’s when he died. That hit killed him. And that’s when he started being able to see spirits. (That’s why he was able to see Zelda)
Secondly, he kind of rests while he’s reaping. You kind of got it already- his body is able to sleep but his mind is still active. He’s actively doing his job, which is labor, but it’s not physical. His sleep schedule is almost as messed up as Sky’s haha! He appears to be unconscious more often than not, but the only time he’s truly resting is when his soul is still within his body.
I hope this answers your questions? I love Spirit and I’m glad to have him in my au! There will definitely be more Spirit related content coming soon!!
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bubuslutty · 1 year
Day 5: progress report
this is part 5, all parts
pairing: angel/demon!fem reader x 141
word count: 2.4k
tags: supernatural elements, no use of y/n, 3rd person pov, proofread by me so sorry for any mistakes
warnings: body horror (no gore or overly graphic descriptions)
summary: Angel has to give a report of her progress, we finally meet 2 more characters + a bit of Wish Angels lore
a/n: sometimes im sooo shit at naming chapters 😭 but anyway, do you guys have any name ideas for the office man cuz at the moment he's nameless, like does it bother you he's nameless? or should I give him a name? eh idk. Please consider reblogging if you enjoyed this chapter/serie, means lots 💖
⚠️ I can't seem to be able to tag some of you, please scroll down and check the spelling of your username if I accidentally misspelled it, if I didn't, have a look at your settings or let me know if you changed your username.
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At first, it was Angel standing in the middle of her room, the blinds drawn shut, the windows closed and the door locked. Then there was burning wind, unbearable heat and swirling lights coming out of nowhere. She parted her lips, her canines growing sharp and two sharp horns growing out of her skull, ripping her scalp like wet paper and immediately sewing itself like nothing happened.
Her furniture was shaking, the ground vibrating and her walls cracked open. Angel didn’t seem phased, nor was Kuromi, who was curled up on the bed, lazily blinking and watching her owner change form in real-time.
Then it was a long black and sharp tail that grew, making her gasp and arch her back. Angel blinked, her eyes getting wet in corners and then after a while, her black pupils spilt over her irises and her eyes turned violet over white. Smoke spilled over her pink lips, escaping her throat and clouding her sight. Then with a thundering crack, she hunched over and pitch black wings broke out of her back, taller and wider than her body.
Her ceiling broke in the middle, her roof collapsing on itself and making a hole above her, where she could see swirling dark colours and flickering lights.
“I’ll be back by dinner.” Angel said over her shoulder, looking at her cat before she spread her wings and jumped, leaving through the giant hole in her ceiling, and as soon as left, it closed up in a blink and the room was washed by natural darkness again, no shaking, no weird lights, no wind or heat, just her room with her cat napping on her bed.
When Angel reappeared again, she found herself in a dark alleyway, in front of a closed door with a single man standing in front of it, arms crossed and sporting a poker face. Angel pulled her short dress down and walked towards the man.
“Wish division number?” He asked.
“5852.” Angel answered and he gave her a nod, stepping to the side as the door opened by itself, letting the demon in.
Angel entered what seemed to be a club in a basement, it was dark and hard to see beyond what the colourful flickering lights allowed you to see. It looked like just any other club, booming music, drunk and dancing bodies. But the closer you looked, the longer you looked, you start to notice that a woman is staring straight at you from the end of the room. There was a man that no matter which angle he turned, it was impossible to see his face, and he wasn’t even wearing a hat. Some people seemed to be taller, bigger, than an average human, some limbs seemed to be longer, other shorter, some looked like they had a third, fourth, sixth eye and some didn’t look like average humans but unrecognisable creatures.
The sight didn’t phase Angel at all and she walked straight to the bar, ignoring someone who flew past her. Angel settled herself on a stool, her tail wrapping itself around a leg, the bartender immediately noticed her presence and walked over, a grin on his lips.
“Well, look who decided to show up after what? Three months?” The man said, and so far, he was the only one who looked the most human out of everyone.
“I missed you too.” Angel grinned, resting her chin on her palm.
“The usual?” He said, already taking out a new glass.
“The usual.” Angel confirmed with a smile, looking around the place.
“So… Why’re you here?” He asked, mixing her drink.
“For work, I have to give an in-person report of my progress.” Angel said, watching the man work.
“I heard that your assignment has 8 humans on it, what’s that all about?” He asked, glancing up at her with a small smirk.
Angel rolled her eyes, “Who told you about that?”
“News travels fast around here.” He hummed, handing her the drink with a wink.
“Yeah, I have to earn the favour of 8 humans.” She said before taking a sip of her dark glowing drink, humming at the taste.
“You have to fuck 8 humans, is what you mean.” He corrected her, aggressively wiping the counter.
“Whatever, same thing.” Angel shrugged, unbothered.
“You always get these types of Wish Assignments, it’s always you.” He pointed out, pursing his lips and frowning.
“You’re jealous?” Angel raised a brow, lips on her glass and took a sip, without breaking eye contact with the man.
“Me? No way. I don’t want to be the victim of your powers, that shit’s freaky, and not in the good way.” He said, shuddering.
Angel frowned, “You believe I use my powers to directly seduce humans?”
“Obviously, that’s how it works.” The man laughed.
“I don’t directly use my powers on humans. Never did and never will.” She said and the man snapped his mouth shut.
“I thought it was just rumours, but you really don’t- Angel, what the fuck.” The man said, trying to grasp how she manages to fulfil so many wishes without using her powers to seduce men and women to do whatever she needs them to do.
“Not all Wish Angels are obligated to use their powers to directly influence humans, it’s not in the rules, even though most Wish Angels prefer to use their powers, but I don’t, it’s a matter of personal choice.” Angel explained, her voice cool.
The man gaped at her, not believing what he just heard. Angel silently watched him and sipped at her drink.
“So, they really just…You always complete your assignments without using your powers on them?...” He mumbled.
Angel grinned, her sharp canines glinting under the lights, “Yeah, remember when I told you I was really good at my job?”
The bartender almost swallowed his tongue and started coughing, his face burning in embarrassment and arousal.
Angel noticed someone familiar in the corner of her eye and turned her stool around, waving a man over, "Hey! Over here!"
It was the same man that Angel went to when she first received her assignment, his hair sticking in all directions and an irritated look on his face before settling down on a stool next to her.
“Give me whatever’s strongest, please.” He told the bartender, and ran his hand through his hair, sighing.
“Why don’t you act normal for once and email me instead of summoning me in this…this place?” He glared at Angel, turning his body around in his stool to face her.
Angel grinned, "I just wanted to take you out from that shitty office you spend weeks in."
The man stared at Angel and sighed, turning his body away from her and instead staring forward, at the bartender working on his drink.
"How's that assignment going so far?" He asked Angel.
"In general or should I go through each human I've interacted with?" Angel asked, mirth swimming behind her haunting violet eyes.
The man hissed, "You've been a Wish Angel for 200 years, what do you think?"
Angel giggled, "I was just teasing you, relax." She nudged him in the shoulder with one of her wings, making him grab his head in both hands.
"I'll start with John Price. So far, he's been pretty respectful and polite, nothing much has happened between us, give it time and he'll open up." Angel started.
"So he hasn't shown any signs of attraction?" The man asked, raising a brow.
"He did, very subtle and small signs though, but he's still reserved, unlike his boys." Angel added.
"Who broke first?" He asked after thanking the bartender and taking a sip of his clear blue drink.
"Johnny MacTavish." Angel smiled.
"What happened?" The man hummed.
"Flirting, he's obviously interested. I can sense wariness from him, though."
"He doesn't trust you?"
"Maybe, I have a feeling he's trying to see me, and what kind of… person I am, he doesn't want to be taken advantage of, either."
The man sighed when he gulped all of the drink down and raised a finger to get a refill, "He'll crack soon enough."
Angel hummed, "Gaz is also interested, he'll crack soon enough, I imagine he would wait and see if anyone would make a move on me and figure out what type of situation they're in."
The man glanced at Angel, "And what then? What would you do if they pull away because you've already got one of them?"
"Don't worry about that, I know exactly what to do." Angel smirked and the man blinked at her, his eyes falling on her lips and quickly looking away from her face.
"Ghost is also pretty closed off at the moment, nothing has happened yet but he'll get there. He's okay with having me around so that's a win." Angel said.
"That makes four of them, what about the other four?" He asked, intrigued to know if she had a plan for when the other four would join the picture.
"Well, I already know that two out of the four humans I haven’t met yet know that I exist, so there’s that.” Angel revealed with a grin, and lifted her empty glass to request a refill.
The man raised his brows in interest, “Really?”
“Yeah, things are starting to get more and more interesting.” Angel said, feeling excitement pulse under her skin, and her tail started swinging from side to side.
The man didn’t miss the movement of her tail and sighed, “Is that all you have for me today?”
“Yep.” Angel nodded, popping the P.
The man gulped the rest of his drink and stood up, “If that’s all, I’m going back to the office.”
“The office? Really? Why don’t you hang back and have some fun, hm? Loosen up? Dance a bit?” She suggested, placing her hand on his shoulder and squeezing, tilting her head to the side.
“No, thanks. I’ve got work to do, and so do you.” He shook his head and pulled his jacket down to smooth out any wrinkles.
“Alright, I’m going back.” Angel said, standing up and stretching her wings with a groan, eyes clenched shut.
“And Angel?” The man said, making her eyes snap open.
“Take care.”
“I will.”
Earlier, during the barbeque
The potato salad was delicious, Angel realised as she ate more and more spoonfuls. It wasn’t anything special, but it was delicious. Johnny knows how to cook, that man knows how to use his spices and herbs very well.
“Angel, don’t just eat vegetables, have some meat.” Price laughed when he noticed her standing by the table, a spoon in hand and eating away at the potato salad like a raccoon. She was still wearing her bikini and a pair of slippers, her green bucket hat still on her head, keeping her hair away from her eyes and mouth.
Angel was snapped out of her trance by John’s deep laugh and blushed in embarrassment, “Sorry.”
“Don’t apologise for enjoying food, come here and bring your plate.” Price said, his eyes crinkling at the corners as he smiled at her.
Angel wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and grabbed her plate, walking over to the grill and hummed when she could smell the scent of well seasoned meat. “What do you want?”
“Uhm, I think I want the chicken skewers, please?” She asked, eyes glued to the grill. Price watched the woman with a small smile, amusement swimming in his eyes and placed two chicken skewers in her plate, “Enjoy, and don’t hesitate to come over and ask for more, alright?”
“Thank you, John.” Angel smiled up at the man and went to sit at the table in the middle of the garden, filled with drinks, cups, sauces and other salty snacks.
“Can I sit here?” Angel stood next to Ghost, pointing at the empty seat next to him. The man nodded, mouth busy chewing away at a chicken thigh, mask hunched up on the bridge of his nose.
Angel happily sat down and ignored the nasty scar at the corner of Ghost’s mouth and the scars on the skin of his neck and the others high on his arms, and how he was the only one wearing a t-shirt, well Price was wearing an apron because there’s no way he will be standing in front of the grill shirtless, but Soap and Gaz were shirtless, only wearing shorts with slippers and a hat for the sun.
The woman was happily chewing when Soap came back from the toilet, happily making his way to Price and getting his plate filled, “How’s the potato salad?”
“Soooo gooooooddd!” Angel said, giving him a thumbs up and he grinned, his grin brighter than the fucking sun blazing in the sky.
“Gaz did you season the chicken skewers?” Angel asked the man sitting in front of her.
“Yeah, is it good? Do you like it?” He asked, biting his lower lip and looking up at her through his eyelashes.
“Absolutey divine.” Angel said, placing a hand on her chest and fake fainting on her chair, moaning at the taste.
“Cap, leave that grill alone and come sit down with us.” Gaz said, waving the man over.
“I’m calling Ale and Rudy.” Soap suddenly said, grabbing his phone.
“Don’t bother them now when they’re working.” Price scolded the man, as Angel watched them with interest.
Soap kept staring at his phone until he started grinning, “ALEJANDRO!”
“It’s 7.30 in the morning, pendejo.” A deep voice came out of the phone, making everyone laugh around the table.
“Alejandro…” Another deeper voice, softer, said making the first voice cough.
“How’s England treating you? It looks like you’ve been graced with some sun today!” Alejandro said, and Johnny flipped the camera, pointing it towards the grill.
“We’re having a barbeque, today!” Soap said.
“Enjoy it, you deserve it, hermano.” The other voice said.
“Thank you, Rudy!” Gaz said.
“Come visit us someday when you get the chance, okay?” Soap told the man.
“We’ll try, Johnny.” Alejandro said, making Soap nod, “We’ll let you go now, guys say bye.”
Soap pointed the camera towards all of the men as they all waved at the camera and wished the men a great day.
“Wait, is that the one you were telling us about?” Alejandro said, making everyone freeze, including Angel, her mouth open and a chip between her fingers.
“She’s very pretty...” Rodolfo added.
“Shut up, she can hear you!” Soap hissed, almost dropping his phone.
“Bye, Soap’s neighbour!” Alejandro said loudly and laughed before Soap hung up, turning 3 different shades of red.
Angel laughed, “Bye!”
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galacticleague · 22 days
speaking my truth on npmd because im thinking about this alot. i think the reason it falls flatter than tgwdlm and bf as a musical is that tgwdlm and bf have a running theme — want.
(whole thing undercut)
the cast of tgwdlm want human connection - charlotte wants sam to love her, bill wants alice to love him, mr davidson wants his wife to choke him while he jerks off etc etc, and eventually paul goes from 'i want what anyone wants, money, kids, a partner maybe idk' to - to put it simply - wanting emma (putting it very simply, if i went into detail this post would go off the rails). this switch is what makes him vulnerable to the hive and this want to live and to survive and to be happy with emma is satiated by pokey by giving him the connection he craves via hivemind, this is how it works for everyone. they want to be happy, pokey makes them happy by removing any need to want anything in the first place.
similarly, in bf, the adults of hatchetfield are still miserable and they want to be happy, they have this void within them that they feel they need to fill with products and consumerism. if they buy this stupid fucking doll their kids will love them, they will be happy, etc etc. and this want to be happy is similarly satiated by wiggly via the cult - they have something to worship, or - in lindas case - people who worship them. they have purpose, or at least they think they do, but whether their problems have actually been solved or not - they are still content.
but in npmd, this is less solid. theres that bit where they have to sacrifice what they want the most, but this is near the end. its kind of all over the place, and this wobbliness(?) is sort of just emphasised by the fact that there is no specific lord in black, its all of them. now i loved the summoning when i first watched it because im obviously a huge hatchetfield fan so i like. know who these characters are but as ive seen others say, alot of npmd does rely on knowing hatchetfield lore - understanding injokes. and in hindsight it just... isnt great for the cohesion of the plot.
tgwdlm and bf both have specific themes, specific lords in black, they have subplots but they have a solid throughline that is easier to follow. to me, npmd feels like its all over the place and it just feels kind of...mid for lack of a better word.
i think there were some moments that were just kind jarring? i guess? like if i loved you coming directly after ruths death was really strange, tonally. i wish they spent more time on ruths death tbh she deserved better. richie got two songs and an opening scene. anyways i digress- i feel like whenever i think about it im always like. i just wanted More. which is weird cuz its already like 2 hours long but idk. IDK!!! if i loved definitely felt unnecessary to me- like just conflict out of nowhere. i would have liked more build up to it. maybe im just salty that it took up stagetime that could have been used to grieve ruth but. sorry for the random if i loved you slander i think my point here is that some moments and some subplots felt more tropey, injokey or like fanservice??but not in a sexual way?? - is that the right word to use idk - than actual compelling plot moments. tgwdlm is an incredible work of theatre and uses subversions of tropes to communicate a great story, bf is a detailed criticism of american consumerism and how capitalistic societies force people to rely on products to make their lives better, npmd is. high school drama with ghosts. it just doesnt hit as hard on its own.
i dont want to be one of those "im a better writer, and THIS is how i would have done it!!!! im going to fix this!!!" people so im not going to do that but i think something i would have liked to see was focus on just one lord in black, probably nibbly because i feel like he fits the most and has the least preexisting story. i mean for gods sake, why does wiggly have the most speech time out of all the lords in black again!!! he already has an entire musical about him!!! greedy bitch- well i guess thats kind of his thing. i think i just want to see more of nibbly tbh, he has one nmt story and he only shows up at the very end. anyways that was kind of a side rant sorry gang. there isnt a problem with having a story featuring all the lords in black, but i think it just doesnt quite work in npmd for like structural reasons as well as plot cohesion.
i did enjoy npmd, im not pretending i didnt, but narratively it is the weakest hatchetfield musical and i just wanted to put my finger on what it is specifically. please dont take this as like hate or slander, i am a huge starkid fan, but i think it is important to consume media critically.
also i am not a professional i am a teenage drama and english lit student who likes media analysis and narrative design so just. take everything i say with a grain of salt :)
if you read all this, thankyou and if you disagree please lmk what you think(civilly.i do not want discourse in my notes)!! i could be hugely wrong about this and just need to think more about npmd and id love to see others' analyses!
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howlonomy · 3 months
Here it is:
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Alright, the Lore Shit: After killing Zenith Martlet and absorbing Asgore's SOUL, Clover decided to kill literally everyone in the Underground (minus the Ruins since they can't get back there) to make sure that any humans to fall in the future can't be killed by them (their ass was NOT listening to Flowey about how the Barrier works). So the constant release of ambient magic from the killed monsters plus them having Asgore's SOUL started to, slowly but surely, turn them into a Monster (and because of how slow it was, they didn't have any balance issues with the tail). Unknown to them, Asgore's SOUL had been collecting that magic, which is what caused them to change. They don't even realize that they've transformed since, as Sans states, they have distanced themself so much by having a LOVE of 20 that they don't even really seem to be there (also they have not looked in a mirror, no "It's you"s to be seen here)
For some reason I thought of this too, but their theme would either be straight up Enemy Retreating or a remixed All's Fair (which I have decided to call "Is It Fair?")
Stats: Same as always for the same reason, it just makes sense here.
Sorry, but yeah. Traitor in the sense of "You killed everyone who cares for me" and "You killed all* the monsters while also being a monster" (a "You have become the very thing you swore to destroy" moment if ever there were). And "Justice" because killing people is never justice (unless it's the death penalty and ruled by a court of law but eh, semantics)
Clover seems hesitant.
Clover can't seem to attack!
Are they... crying?
Because this fight is from the POV of a Pacifist Ending Clover (most likely in between exploring Ceroba's house and meeting up with Martlet on top off UG Apartments, again I have thought this out way too much) that means that nmm!Clover is fighting a human, which they really don't want to do, especially since that human is themself, so they hesitate and sometimes just straight up don't attack (I thought about including Familiarity again, but decided against it just so that I could have new material, it would absolutely fit, though)
Also, fun little fact I guess, but this is a complete inversion of the dt!Clover vs. nm!Clover fight! A murderous monster Clover fighting a pacifistic human Clover, and BOTH don't want to fight this time!
I realize that this may be a bit much considering this IS your au, but I can't help it when my brain starts thinking of this stuff, and it's so cool that I can't NOT draw it and share it.
ANYWAYS now I only have like one idea left. I am so close, but I will probably gain like seven others as soon as it's done, oh well. Enjoy!
WHAAAAATTT ALL OF THIS IS SO FUN???? the concept of slowly turning into the thing you swore to destroy is SOOO EVERYTHING…. and the play on alls fair??!??!? literally insane i am obsessed with it being called is it fair. because its not but i imagine nmm!clover being so distraught about being turned into a creature they hate and having to fight themselves. but its almost like penance for what they did.
AND THE INVERSE IS SO FUNNNN so many interesting new dynamics there; like if this fight took place before the final ceroba fight, clover wouldnt be nearly as close with everyone. sure, theyre angry at nmm!clover but also. they get it. im sure they would understand where they were coming from.
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helioshellion · 4 months
hello helioshelion.. i wonder what ur thoughts are on majima's (absence of) backstory up until age 20 and how u deal with it canon compliant-ically or in aus. i find it frustrating like everyone else but at the same time any kind of explanation people come up with to fill in the gaps doesnt land for me... i am unsure why. maybe becuase theres so little to go off so its basically entirely made up? or maybe because its not in the vein of his character? anyway i think you are the yakuza man so i would like to know what u think happened in that time. snake eyes is kind of narratively satisfying to me because patriarchs being father figure adjacent and imparting traits and shaping their subordinates is the closest thing to kind of. growing up i think?? that majimas story has. so having sagawa and shimanos influence transposed onto his actual developmental years actually feels like the most character accurate backstory to me even if it is removed from canon. (i dontknow very much sorry if i got anything wrong) butyeah anyway love ur models im like OH SHIT!!!! HES FUCKING MAKING!!!!!!!! ok thats it have a good daaaaayyy
I think what's important and vital to this narrative is for Majima to not be the central focus. Of course I believe the most interesting concept for Snake Eyes is Majima's exploration and coming into his own in a way that justifies who he is within what we DO know of his past, aka Y4 and 0. I believe it is within Dead Souls' cabaret where Majima tells the hostess that if he could go back to any time to redo things, it'd be 14, and therefore it's where I landed on a timeframe- the moment Majima meets Shimano. I believe Majima is at his best as a character who is reactive, but not focused on. He is entirely a character who is shaped by the people around him, both within the lore and within the meta itself, he is not the main character. He is swayed and changed by the events around him, with little to no control in changing this, because he is simply an NPC, and that's the small tragedy of Majima. A character who is so strongly tied to the idea of control, of shaping his own future, when really he has no agency, not within the narrative, not within the game. Anyways, that is the central focus on Snake Eyes. What kind of man Shimano Futoshi is, and by extension, what that says about Majima Goro as a boy. Is there any parallels I can make between the men Majima would later on follow in life and the man he swore his name to? I wrote earlier about agency, and that's something I think that's very important to Shimano's character as well. Present day, you wouldn't exactly compare Shimano to Kiryu, or Saejima, but that's what I find to be the most interesting thing to explore- if I can make a case that there are those similarities, what would change so drastically that Shimano would become the man you see in the series. Sagawa is merely a pawn in this exploration, just the same as he is a pawn in 0. I really enjoy connecting narrative within gameplay. Majima's a stone in the tide, I'd say, stuck on the bottom to be shaped over years and years and years.
So yeah! Snake Eyes is about Shimano, and how he changes the people around him, and how that changes him. Uroboros or whatever.
I think what's funny is that despite being the AU guy, I try to keep myself strictly to canon compliancy, and the things I do change I need to justify. Like me making the decision to have Sagawa be Yasuko Saejima's birth father. We knew her dad was an Omi man in Sotenbori, and that he was money focused. It was a loose comparison, but the idea of exploring that was so interesting to me. Yakuza is all about fatherhood sometimes, so why not.
Majima's character in Snake Eyes, again, meant to justify who he is later on, but also I do not want this idea of Majima being wholly good and brought into evil. I do not think it's black and white. There's something in Majima that was probably there long before Shimano, something that brought him to the point that men like him were to be followed. In the right light, even the worst actions can be seen as heroic, justified, admirable, especially to a kid. Kind of like Ichiban, I guess!
Another funny thing is that I tend to steer away from the idea of Majima needing a backstory. I believe how he is is perfectly suitable and fine for who he is. I do not want to see where he grew up, but I do like using implications to paint an idea of how and why he is who he is. It's sort of why I have an OC who exists as Majima's birth father in Snake Eyes, meant to sort of paint this all literally. Discarding this past for the sake of the role you are meant to play. Maybe it's a nihilist perspective, but I believe Snake Eyes is a nihilist's story. It's a perfect parallel for Forever Yours, an optimistic exploration of fatherhood and how that shapes a person.
This was a lot. hope you enjoy to read.
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waxsuyaaa · 4 months
omg side order was so good
my annoying rant about everything down below⬇️ also if you dont have the dlc dont press the keep reading button
OKAY so for starters it was actually kinda disappointing to see that most of the gameplay has been shown already in the trailer, i would’ve liked to have been surprised..
and there is no feeling of progressing forward like any other storymode since you go to the start every single time you lose and all your achievements disappear unless you get into the boss fight, and only if you win you get one singular key
and all the powerups that you’re used to having just gone. poof. disappear.
i would’ve liked to see npcs that you can actually talk to because somehow there is no button to talk to pearl? like maybe they should have made a feature when you’re right underneath pearl to press A and talk to her for a bit, even if its something simple like “yo! let’s get back on track!”
you can’t even talk to marina and all she asks is if you need something to be hacked, which makes her seem as she’s just there for that mechanic and nothing else— as someone who never played splatoon 2 and doesnt know her personality im not sure what the hype is about for her
we should have been able to go into the elevator and actually walk around and talk to the characters and like salmon run, when it says ‘time to go to work!’ for side order it would say ‘arrived at floor’ or smth like that.. i would give anything to be able to walk around and interact with everyone in the elevator, like if the characters pearl, marina and dedf1sh weren’t there it would function the same
why arent we able to talk to them like. dedf1sh is such a cool character where is the lore? they just stand in a corner and is just there…
it would be so amazing if you could slowly befriend dedf1sh and get exclusive gear/random stuff from the metro or smth from them as the friendship points rack up and they become more open to you
and all the bosses are easy to tell apart from the silhouette and you can easily guess how you’re going to fight them, i want that little moment of mystery as well as not knowing how hard it’s going to be
coloured fingertips dont even seem like a thing anymore, it was just for agent 8 and her blue palette things
it looks as if you have to fight many of the same boss to get the locker key and after it just becomes repetitive and there is no story whatsoever, the villain is a glitchy entity called ‘order’??? like if that same glitchy entity thing switched to agent 4 for like half a frame the entire fandom would go WHOAH WHAT WAS THAT and we’d be talking about it for ten thousand days
the only motive is that you have to save everyone from being grayscaled blablabla but you dont even have any evidence of the character even being there, the character palettes are just a cheap way to implement more weapons, like what do you mean we don’t get the actual characters standing around the outside of the spire.. i want to talk to paul and warabi and ikkan (cough cough i mean quinn and mashup???)
we cant even get these extra characters because 3d modelling is SUCH a LOT of EFFORT for such a huge company like nintendo we should feel so sorry for all the work that they had to do, they put in their best effort (sarcasm)
all the enemies/foes are just remodelled salmon run enemies like battering largo or whatever (they could remodel the enemies but not the bands?? what)
also wheres cypher? i thought the shrimpy character would be a main character that wanders around and sells you stuff but theyre not even in sight
so uhh you can say ‘skill issue’ or smth because OHHH I HAVENT FINISHED THE GAME YEAH THIS PERSON IS JUST COMPLAINING BECAUSE THEYRE BAD AT IT or whatever im just disappointed that it was kinda overhyped and i drew art for a character that didnt even exist (skeleton agent 4)
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ashalsdream · 4 months
I have some Thoughts about the reset so I'm just gonna write them all down:
This is in no way aimed at anyone specific and is mostly just my overall thoughts as a viewer
I think the fandom are being a bit dramatic over it atm, its been only a few days i think yall need to just chill. I know you dont like change but like, give it time?
for 1) the old builds lore etc arent GONE, they're just 200k blocks away, its the same server, theyre just very far away likely due to new terrain generation (if im wrong on this, please correct me) 2) the players were bored of the old server, theres a select few that WERENT bored when the majority were. I'm sorry if your lore got interrupted or was replaced but 1 or 2 players compared to the over 30+ other players, it was bound to happen. Timings just don't match up and any cc who is being stubborn abt it needs to understand its not All About Them when its a SERVER 3) about the above ^ ccs like Luzu, Mariana, Willy etc those that felt they COULDNT log on because it had been too long are finally being given a chance? PLEASE give them a chance. I know you're attached to your current ccs but these guys are AMAZING and deserve your time and finally they're able to do that! I'm sorry to say but having a lot more players on will mean more than losing one or two players who are being stubborn about old builds
4) I understand the frustration over things being behind pay walls or being slowly introduced but you have to understand THEY DID THE SAME THING AT THE BEGINNING OF THE QSMP! A lot of the newer creators just weren't around at that time so they joined to having everything unlocked. This isn't a new thing! Give it time! 5) at the moment everyone is just trying to find their footing again, this happened at the beginning of the qsmp as well - again just be patient, they'll get there! 6) this reset was done likely to remove the builds that F*rever did, I completely understand WHY this was done and I think moving forward we can look forward to an island that isn't tainted with his lore or what he built.
overall, I'm really enjoying the reset, especially as a Luzu watcher, I'm REALLY glad he's back because he's an incredible streamer. I get why people are so frustrated but PLEASE JUST BE PATIENT i know change is difficult but you need to give it time to settle - I'm sure they will be allowed to go back to their old bases, old lore etc!! There's no way they just destroy everything and forget about it. Just give it timeeee!
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imshymorph · 4 months
Well the gates have been open, so might as well ramble.
So hear me out, i don't know why but in my brain Johnny is really To someone from a warm climate (uiscefhuaraithe) coded. There’s something about him.
I think it’s knowing where his callsign comes from, the fact that “Soap” is a silly af name but also was given to him because and i quote (i don’t, sorry if it’s not an actual quote of the actual lore) “he’s the most efficient cleaning up a building”.
Like, he’s just as messed up as the others. Obviously everyone in their own ways and on different levels (im looking at you Ghost). But then he’s also like the golden retriever in the group, the one to keep the energy up.
So, it’s giving “In summer's heat, I learned to dread, the comin' of the night” and “And I wish I could say the cold lake water of my heart / Christ, it's boilin' over” you know??
So yeah, that’s what I'm thinking. I’m trying to properly portray how that translates to a scenario with the reader because it’s been in my mind pretty much since I first listened to it. But I'm struggling to properly put it in words, idk my brain is dumb like that sometimes. It just works with vibes, I guess.
I just have really specific moments and sentences but not like a proper structure i guess. I’ll get there soon though (i hope).
Anyway, there’ll either be another post about this soon OR one saying how much I, carrion (Icarian) coded Ghost is. Or Gaz 100% giving All Things End vibes. Not sure about Price, he’s a mix of a few and i haven’t fully decided yet.
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pixiecaps · 9 months
Pix im so sorry ur like my go to person for asking what happens cause ur always watching 😭 but if u can can u please tell whats been happening in lore these past couple of streams 😭 /nf btw!
i’ll go as fast and short as i can
DISCLAIMER i have bad memory my chronological order of these past few days is not the best some things may be incorrectly placed so just keep that in mind. some events may be not 100% perfect chronological order 👍
eggs wake up completely dirty one day. all of them. nobody knows why. the eggs don’t remember why or how. but for some reason they were covered in dirt and their cracks looked worse.
around this same time. theres a voting poll going on for a new rule. and basically someone went around stealing all the furniture from everyones bases. leaving only a tiled magma block. they also left black and white couches arranged in numbers and codes. when they deciphered it it resulted in to phrases “I see you” & “Tomorrow”
next day. they all disappear. they are not in their beds when the first person (fit) goes to check for their egg. all thats left on their bed is their little accessories so for instance chayannes bed only had his floatie, pomme only had her berret, and so forth. everyone begins panicking because they were most likely kidnapped and taken again. and some of them from their highly protected bunkers. theres only no note or anything so there is no hints as to where they went. when people ask cucurucho all he would say he classified.
also on this same day all the popular waystones get stolen like ones that’d go to spawn etc etc. they get placed on a platform above the presidents base with a warning not to break them or hell would break loose and also a bunch of binary that translated to viva la revolución. to clarify the eggs disappearing and all these puzzles seem to be separate occurrences.
at some point cucurucho tells qcellbit to investigate some shit and he begins solving enigmas again.
people at this point were pretty fucking fed up including the president who was ready to blow everything up from his anger. until he woke up the next day wearing a white suit and had a wide smile on his face. he keep saying how happy he was and how he couldn’t wait to see richas. there was also a clock that would tick louder and louder when the drugs began to fade. he would become hostile and violent. and then he’d take another dose and become happy again. people began logging in and talking to him particularly antoine was the first to speak with him and later spoke with bbh cellbit. they all agreed something was very wrong and began investigating. they found a secret room in forevers base and that led to a small house in that room with blue walls to represent the sky and fake png flowers and when they went inside they found what appeared at first to be richarlyson. until they walked closer and saw in the place where richas would be was instead a big gray boulder and stones. so they clocked quickly that the “richas” qforever kept talking about was likely given to him by cucurucho and him hallucinating his son on that bed due to the effects of the drugs. they began scheming a plan to get him off the drugs and save their friend. qpac also witnessed qforevers behavior and had an idea himself. he was going to willingly let them inject him and feed him those drugs so that he could find a way to create an antidote before the effects became too strong. while investigating qcellbit overheard a conversation qforever was having with the fake version of richas and he interrupted and tried to snap qforever out of it. however he this only caused a big argument as qforever would not budge so qcellbit did the one thing he thought would work and he broke the fake richas bed. instead of a lucid moment qforever only sat in the corner of the room facing a wall and said that he’d get cucurucho to fix cellbit too.
phil also arrives this day ^ and earlier after learning about all the eggs disappearance and all the shitshow thats been going on he decides with the help of two others masked individuals (tubbo & fit) to lava cast the entire federation building. the one that was creates during the election. and they did they completely covered it in lava then placed water over it and it was lava cast. phil then left a note at the top that read “we want answers. we want our children back. we know you know what happened to them. stop the games. you have until the end of this week.”
also that same day foolish found the missing capybara mr mustard and became king of the capybaras officially.
meanwhile all that was happening (honestly i may be mixing up what events happen on the same day so please excuse my chronology here) tubbo noticed two fed workers appeared at spawn who he swiftly dubbed fred and jed after speaking to them a bit. he became relatively closer to fred and taught him what a friend was however fred said he was new to the federation and didn’t know anything he was talking about when he asked about the eggs.
so the next day comes around and qpac is under the effects of the drugs. same thing white clothes big smile. fit and tubbo are the first ones to log on and see their friend in this state to they help and talk to him as much as they can. and sorta realize that when qpac is slowly losing the effects of the drugs he becomes depressed rather than angry like qforever did. he also has more lucid moments than qforever and sometimes broke out of the effects shortly before going back under. later cellbit logs on finds his friend in this state and decides he will not be leaving today until they are better. cellbit speaks with bbh and phil and they begin setting up a trap to secure a way to take the drugs off qforever. cellbit meanwhile starts investigating for some answers. in his base he finds a note left from qpac detailing his plan to take the drugs to find a cure and that it was in qcellbits hands now. so he goes to chume labs and reads a bunch of books and diaries that eventually led him to chume labs island. on this island he found another diary from qpac that wrote about the antidote and needing to use fermented spider eye on the drugs. and coincidentally two of the pill bottles in that same chest with the book. so cellbit immediately rushes back to phil and bad telling them about the cure and they begin brewing. and to their success it worked the cure was called reality dose which description was “A mixture capable of bringing back those lost in dreams to what is real.” so then they devised a way to get them to use the cure. and i won’t go into it in detail cause i was like half watching and i’m not the most informed in what happened next but i think qpac after some talk with the others and being reminded of his purpose in taking the drugs willingly took the cure. then qforever was harder i know him and qcellbit were screaming at each other and i think after they made qforever take the cure he began hallucinating that qcellbit was cucurucho
small edit here: ive been informed both qpac qforever took the antidote willingly and that qforever took it first.
and said that cucurucho told him that the eggs RAN AWAY because there is something on the island that is far worse than the codes or the federation. so the eggs were so scared they fled without saying anything. qforever then fell unconscious and is resting in the orders hospital.
outside of his enigma solving for cucurucho. qcellbit goes back into the abandoned adoption center room in hopes for some clues as to where the eggs went and he finds a map for what appears to be a maze. with code at the bottom translating to A1 and also he found more code somewhere else i cannot remember that said “the answer is not in the center.”
so then this same day tubbo gets visited by FRED the federation worker which gives him a book with a code and leaves. the code translated to “tomorrow 1pm pst” and so we wait for tomorrow to arrive
AND IT DOES tubbo is freaking the fuck out cause he thinks hes getting kidnapped. he tells pac and fit something is gonna happen to him at that time. fit has an encounter with the code entity and it drops a clock in front of him and leaves.
and so 1pm pst arrives and tubbo noticed at his base theres weird black concrete placed around and a black chest in the middle with a book saying not to tell anyone, go to spawn, and an x coordinate. around this time roier and slimecicle log on and also show up at spawn with their own books. after some time they figure out they need to put their coords together and go to that place so they do! its near the wall and they find fred standing there with a gun. he signals to them to go into the cave behind him and they follow. he tells them to keep quiet and once they reached the end of the cave he tells them he cannot go on further with. they see and it seems to be the entrance to a labyrinth. they go through making their way occasionally spotting fred who then they’d chase. until they reached a room which appeared to have two observations decks in the walls above. one with a black couch and the other with a white. there was also a room with a locked door. also what appeared to be a hidden underground section with iron bars and through the iron bars tubbo and slime spot. a cucurucho. however instead of white it was fully black and instead of the usual black pixel face the face was red. when they spot it it immediately runs away deeper into the underground section it was in. the three decide to go in and they reveal a round room with a roulette wheel in the center with all the accessories of the eggs around the wheel.
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there was barrier blocks around the roulette wheel. tubbo saw that and glitched himself through with an enderpearl. realizing after he only had one and had successfully trapped himself in there. he also realized he put himself in the predicament where he had to spin the wheel without knowing what it’d do. tubbo began panicking because he didn’t want to be the reason any of the eggs died. all roier and slime could do is watch. after more panicking tubbo spins the wheel and it landed on 5! the room immediately begins flooding with lava with him in it trapped. the. egg accessories begin to cover with lava. tubbo begins pleading to the others to find a way to get him out of there but there is none. the room outside the barrier blocks also begins to flood with lava and mobs begin spawning so roier and slime begin panicking. at one point slime goes down and roier does a sick clutch save‼️ tubbo realizing once he uses a totem he gets fire res and is able to warp out. slime is able to warp out and roier stays a little behind to see if he could open the locked door. he isnt able to. he leaves but once theyre all safely out they decide to go back in to figure out how to open that door. more lava begins flooding the maze more mobs begin to spawn and mines begin to blow up and coincidentally one of the mines blows up the entrance to that locked door. and they go inside and reveal it is a simple federation office with a desk and computer. with nothing else really. they once again leave successfully and around this time cellbit logs on. they tell him everything and they decide to go back and show him the maze because turns out he had that map for it from the puzzles however they once they reach where the room was inside it is completely blocked off. but what they do find is a bunch of federation posters placed inside talking about order and happiness? and also a timer that had 24 hours on it ticking.
later this day we see a streamer tweet out an image of the roulette wheel from today and a went live twitch link. we see streamer bagi in minecraft. her character in an unknown rather empty building with a tree in the center. she walks further into the building and finds a chest with a book inside and a roulette wheel. the book says “let the wheel decide. you will have to follow the light.” she spins the wheel and it lands on two. the floor disappears and she is immediately is dropped below into the overworld. shes in the ocean its raining when she reaches land its snowing. she follows the light which appears to have chests with books that detail how cold it is and if shes getting closer. she follows the trail and we notice more and more black concrete surrounding the biome shes in. interestingly enough first watching i thought they were spruce trees until i realized it was all black concrete. similarly scattered to where tubbo roier and slime found their books. so then she reaches the end of the trail with the final book stating “they should be here any time soon :)” and next to the chest a quartz table with a ticket laying on top of it with her name on it.
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and so shes kicked and thats her introduction for that day. quackity tweets out this
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there you have it you are now fully caught up to speed! that is almost a full week of daily lore recapped:) i hope i did good. sorry for any typos i literally woke up at 10:30 am saw this ask and did not stop typing until i finished. it is now 11:51 am LOL
oh and two upcoming events. today mexican independence and whatever that timer leads to and whatever “huge event” means.
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fernsnailz · 2 years
i saw you mention that some of the idw plotlines for shadow were Not Very Good - im curious if you would expand on that? just what you think wasnt done well, how it could have been handled better, that sort of thing. i know some people have issues with his handling in the metal virus arc for example, but i dunno i felt it was in character? misunderstanding advice and being too proud to follow it, falling under his own hubris. he definitely could have been more fucked up about it when the arc ended, given his history with losing control but
i dunno!! i wanna know your more general thoughts
yeah sure! sorry this turned into another essay post because i have a lot to say lol
i don't think idw shadow's characterization is terrible, but i don't think it's very good either. i think idw does a decent job at showing that shadow looks at the larger picture of how the story events will affect the world he’s meant to protect, and his actions are usually in an effort to stop problems as quickly as possible. shadow doesn’t like to waste time, especially when people’s lives are on the line. i misspoke a bit when i said his plotlines where bad, because i think the general story beats he hits are okay.
the big issue i have is with how his dialogue affects his character. while i think most of shadow’s actions are in line with his motivations, there are multiple instances of his dialogue directly undermining or changing his characterization and motives.
the most notable (and talked about by fans from what i’ve seen) is in the metal virus arc: the whole “cowards run. i win” line.
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more under the cut because i have Many Thoughts hhoough boy
ever time i see this line i cringe a little bit, but i’ve never really been able to figure out why. it's difficult for me to argue that it's out of character - shadow’s ego is something i would define as his greatest flaw, being present from the very beginning of his character. it has previously distracted him from his larger goals - for example, fighting sonic on prison island after being called fake, thus distracting him from rescuing rouge. however, shadow's ego doesn’t exist to prove he’s the strongest or better than his foes - it’s about proving he has a REASON to exist. he was created for a very specific purpose, to be the ultimate lifeform and protector of humanity. shadow has nothing left after his previous life was lost. so if he’s a failure, then what was the point of all that loss? what's the point of his final promises?
when reading the "cowards run" line, it re-frames shadow's ego to be about winning above all else. it's strange to read if you know shadow, ESPECIALLY when he later mentions he’s the best chance to fight off the zombots due to his immunity to disease.
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because he’s RIGHT!! this is what he was literally created for - his immunity was a fundamental part of why he was created as a protector of humanity. this is his purpose!! and he's right to oppose sonic in this issue as well - technically, sonic indirectly allowed the metal virus to happen. shadow isn't wrong to be furious at him.
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but then both of these beats are immediately thrown out the window with the "cowards run" line, because it turns this moment into another instance of shadow trying to prove that he’s good at fighting and better than everyone else. shadow is serving his purpose as the ultimate lifeform and he's standing his ground against sonic's morals, but that ONE LINE re-contextualizes these actions as a plot to prove that he's strong. it’s SO CLOSE to being good, but it fumbles completely with just four words!! shadow being the ultimate lifeform in idw reads (to me) as him needing to be the strongest physically, which is never what it was about.
personally i would have really liked to see a version of the metal virus arc where shadow actually WAS immune to it. there would finally be a purpose to the very specific disease lore regarding the ultimate lifeform, and it would force him to work alongside sonic and anyone else who was left standing. but to be fair they probably wrote him out to heighten the stakes and save us from more bad shadow dialogue
his lasting thoughts on the metal virus arc after this are... okay i guess. they feel vague as hell to me, but i think it makes sense for him to reflect on his mistakes in this sort of way since he always tries to learn from previous failures.
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and we see how shadow's reflection on his failure here affects what he does in the next arc. during the chao race, he searches for dr. starline so he can attempt to stop any problems before they begin. yet despite being in reach of starline, he leaves the fight and joins sonic in trying to stop an avalanche. so even though shadow's character falters in some moments, the story seems to be actively working to improve him.
however, the biggest sin i think idw pulls with shadow is regarding his relationship with team dark. obviously i am VERY biased here because i love team dark and i want them to be friends, but some of these issues are just… oough. the line in idw that hurts me most is this one while rouge and amy are trying to help omega after he literally got torn to shreds.
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shadow states that he has no desire to help omega after the robot almost died. i want to die
i can try to give this scene the benefit of the doubt: maybe shadow doesn’t see the need to help omega because he knows omega will be fine. or maybe he doesn’t think he can help omega because he literally has no clue how robots work. whatever it may be, shadow feels his time is better spent hunting down starline. but then why not say that? he's previously been able to communicate to team dark where he thinks his abilities are most needed, so why does his dialogue turn this into another moment of selfishness? why do they break 20 years of characterization and relationships just to turn him into a boring, brooding loner? these questions keep me up at night and i want to bite something
this scene really hurts considering shadow and omega’s relationship up until this point. every time i see this page, i remember that omega waited in stasis for 200 YEARS to save shadow in sonic 06. and sure, that was over 15 years ago and from a game most people act like doesn’t exist, but their relationship is important in modern sonic too - in forces, shadow is the one to go look for omega first after he goes offline while fighting infinite, and they work together to fight the zombots before both perishing. their bond and trust is there, whether they be friends or just allies.
it's strange because this is a line shadow says again later to sonic, but i think he's valid in ignoring sonic here due to their conflict over the mr. tinker situation and the release of the metal virus. sonic and shadow's relationship has been on edge since the start of idw, so shadow being uninterested in a team up makes sense to me. but why would he say the same thing to omega, an ally that needs help?
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still, it's clear to me that the idw team is absolutely trying their best to make shadow work within the limitations they're given. despite shadow stumbling into the edgelord trope pit, characters around him will challenge his perspective and choices, causing him to rethink his actions. this is most notable in the chao race arc, which (aside from the ignoring omega part) is probably one of shadow's stronger stories in idw.
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there is so, so much potential for shadow in idw. and it sucks, because the writers know his character and want to write him better! head writer evan stanley’s fan comic ghosts of the future has some shadow characterization that i love, and ian flynn is responsible for some of my favorite shadow stories of all time. most people cite the “sega mandates” as the reason for shadow’s lackluster modern character and. yeah. it tracks. very much so.
idw shadow feel so strangely out of place compared to the rest of the comic, at least to me. he feels like a remnant of the mid-2010s sonic culture where they were really leaning into sonic being a funny meme with no depth. but thankfully idw shadow seems to be improving, even if it's REALLY slowly.
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so yeah uh in short. i think idw shadow should stop saying dumb shit and be allowed to have friends again
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push-tet · 3 months
@hellodahliah special for you 🥰 and for ppl who want to understand the lore of my Verona
kind of an addendum to the last post
bruh im sorry that this post came out so long!!
The Counts origin: The Counts, like the Сapps, were once an aristocracy. But after losing the election to Macbeth's ancestor, the Counts' ancestors ceased to consider themselves aristocrats. Leaving the path of palitics the Counts chose the path of jurisprudence. The Counts were able to maintain their power and influence over Veronaville by pulling the strings of law and justice
Escalus-Prince - Knowledge\Pisces- 5\3\9\1\7
Yeah, he's got a double name but everyone just calls him Escalus or Escal
He's too empathic for a job in the judiciary
He met his ex-wife at uni, he thought it was the real love but in fact she was using him to improve her position at uni so that she would not be expelled (he did all her academic work for her). When the truth came out, he didn't make a scene and just asked her to leave
After the death of Ledia Macbeth (the mayor at the time), he continues her work trying to reconcile the old generation of feuding clans
Escalus couldn't spend much time with his son. That's why they have a strained relationship with him
Escalus realizes he's spoiled Paris. While he has time, he tries to carefully correct this mistake so that he knows Paris will be a worthy successor to the family business
Gregorio - Romance\Taurus - 4\7\3\8\3
He is the first adopted son of the Summerdreams. When he grew up, he changed his last name
He was in love with a servant girl at the Сapp House (at the time of the game, the deceased Angelica Nurse)
He's a master of bad flirting
Before he became the Counts' butler, he tried his hand at stand-up
Gregorio still doesn't know how to react to Paris' words - You're like a big brother to me
After the fire at the old Count manor, he developed hydrophobia
Paris - Family\Leo - 5\8\3\4\5
Paris was born and spent half his childhood in Champs Les Sims. But his parents were going on a long expedition, so they returned to Veronaville and left their son in the care of Escalus. They promised to send him a card or letter once a month, but he hadn't received one in over three years (they're alive)
Paris was chubby in chilhood
Paris got interested in drawing after watching - Little Miss Wendalyn (fun fact - it's also Romeo's fav cartoon) At the moment, the biggest fan of his doodles is Merc
Paris is a little self-centered and makes himself a pretty good-looking guy. But even so, he always says - There's beauty in everyone. Someone just didn't think to wash their face today
Paris has been friends with Julliette since childhood but her liaison with Romeo annoys him. Paris just can't turn a blind eye to Romeo's shameful reputation. Not because he's jealous nonono
Paris and Romeo don't openly show their dislike for each other and pretend they are good bros. Paris calls him Gnomeo
The Zhung origin:
The fairies of the Zhung Clan are famous tea masters and their outdated views on life. The men of the clan are outstanding healers and the women of the clan are supposed to be creative but devote themselves to looking after the family. But no member of the family is allowed to leave the homeland without special permission from the elders. Failure to follow the rules is punishable by condemnation and condemnation within the family
Yingtai - Virgo\Family 8\3\5\3\6
After her daughter left the family, Yingtai devoted herself to a career in music. She is fluent in playing all musical instruments and has often performed at the opera
As a young girl, Yangtai disobeyed her family and went to university abroad dressed as a man
Yingtai's husband openly despised her family. He despised them so much that he refused to use his wife's surname after marriage
Yingtai hasn't spoken another language for a long time, so when she arrives in Veronaville she starts to communicate with everyone in her native language as a habit
Yingtai remains devoted to her husband even after his death
Yintai knows all types and kinds of teas by heart. So she's literally like: Fuck your zodiac signs. What's your favorite tea?; Her favorite - Longjing tea
please someone ask me about Yingtai and her husband's relationship they are my Roman Empire
Madam - Aries\Pleasure 5\6\6\4\4
i found an old post about her bruh
Madam change her name and took her second husband's surname so she and her daughter wouldn't be part of the Zhung
Madam hates everything to do with her father. Unlike her mother, Madame is convinced that he is not dead but simply ran away
Madame works as a fashion photographer but also successfully designs her own custom-made clothes. Some of her clients include - Marissa Cleveland, Armand DeBateau, Mercutio Monty, Klara Vonderstein, Goneril and Kent Capp, Bella Goth, Cordial sisters
Madame doesn't hate men, she just doesn't like it when men try to control women
After the "death" of her father, Yingtai fell into a deep depression and stopped paying attention to her daughter, because of this Madame became unmanageable and often deliberately got into trouble
After leaving home, Madame still has a habit of asking after the welcome - "Would you like some tea?" Her favorite - Pu Erh with basil-cherry
Helana - Scorpio\Fortune 7\4\7\4\3
When Helena was studying martial arts in Shang Simla. (btw the homeland of Madam and Yingati) She overworked herself so much that she now has to dye her hair blond to cover up a bunch of gray hairs
Helena the union of an ordinary sim and a fairy. A half-breed. She does not have access to such fnctions as - long life and magic. But in she excels in physical activities of ordinary sims
Fact: Helena was able to reeducate Paris to do his job properly
For Helna, Hermia is dead. So when she's asked to stop ignoring Hermia's existence, she says - I'm not crazy enough to talk to a ghost
Helena seems to be a cold person, but if you talk to her for a while, you will find out that in addition to white arts, she bakes cookies/buns to drink tea with (if Paris doesn't eat all the sweets in one go); Her favorite - green tea with peach
The Snout also have a dog named Peek
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He was a present for Madam from father-in-law. i don't know how to describe him, i'll just show it
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he's also supposed to be a Spitz
fact: the only three characters here are not Shakespearean references
hmmm, should i put Madam-Helena and Escalus-Paris templates for download?
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