entitled-fangirl · 2 months
Cregan Stark x wife!reader
Summary: Cregan and the reader spend the day with their children.
A/n: based on an ask! Also, the next wip is Luck P3! My goal is to get it out by late tonight!
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She rested a hand on her swollen stomach as she moved down the hall. 
An unusual crease in her brow.
"Where is my husband?" She asked a servant as they passed.
"Outdoors, my lady. The courtyard was the last place I saw him."
She nodded, moving further down the corridor.
He was indeed where the servant had said.
He stood with a wooden sword in hand, easily blocking the blows from the children who dared to swing their own swords at him.
Their two babes.
Rickon and Alys.
She smiled as she neared them, watching as they tried their hardest to best their father. 
Cregan turned his head at the sound of her nearing, lowering his sword with a smile.
Rickon swung his sword into Cregan's shin, making him let out a small growl.
That anger vanished as quickly as it had come. 
"You're training warriors out here, my love?" She asked.
He brought her into his arms, kissing the top of her head, "Ah, yes. I do believe we'll have the strongest swordsmen in the realm at this rate."
Rickon ran to her, hugging her leg.
"I swear, Stark, you'd start training them out of the womb if you could."
He grinned, "Perhaps I'll try with this next one."
She moved to bend down to Rickon, but Cregan quickly scooped the boy up to keep her from exerting herself.
"Only three and you're already a better swordsman that I am, isn't that right, my boy?"
Rickon nodded with a grin at his father.
She leaned forward, placing a kiss to the boy's cheek. He grimaced and wiped it off.
Cregan grinned, "Don't wipe that off. That's something to treasure."
Rickon looked between his two parents unsure.
Cregan continued, "A lady's kiss is good luck. It's a blessing of sorts. You don't want to wipe it off, boy." He turned to his wife, "I'll show you."
She smiled and leaned to her husband, holding his face with one hand and kissing his cheek on the other side. Cregan closed his eyes at the feeling. 
He looked back at his son, "Now, I'll win every battle I come across as long as I have it."
Rickon gawked, "Really?"
He grinned, "Truly. Now," he set the boy to the ground, "Perhaps you should go best your sister."
The boy ran off to his sister who swung at a practice dummy. 
Cregan turned back to his wife, bringing her to him once again, this time landing a soft kiss to her lips.
"You're giving him false hope by doing that," she stated.
"How so?" 
"He'll truly believe it."
Cregan placed a hand over her swollen stomach. "Oh, no. He'll believe he should respect women and fight for them on the battlefield!" He gave her a mocking smile, "How horrid am I of a father?"
"Cregan!" She laughed, "I mean it!"
"Starks are strong wolves. He'll manage, I'm sure."
She sighed and leaned into him, "Fine, but I won't be comforting him when he loses."
He laughed, "Yes, you will."
"I know I will."
About then, a small cry came from the two children. 
Alys sat in the dirt, her wooden sword long forgotten as she held her arm.
Rickon ran to the pair, "You're right! I did it! I did it!"
The two parents looked at one another silently before moving to their stations. 
Y/n knelt down to Rickon, "You've won?"
He nodded, "I bested her with your blessing!"
She pulled the sword from the boy's hand, "Rickon, tell me. Which do you believe would win a spar? Your papa or your mama?"
He answered almost immediately, "You would."
She grinned, "And why do you think that is?"
"Papa wouldn't fight you. He doesn't want to hurt you."
She nodded, "Exactly. So now tell me, do you believe you did right by beating your sister?"
Cregan moved to the girl, kneeling down and scooping her to him, "Does it hurt?"
Alys nodded.
"Let me see then."
A nasty bruise was beginning to form on her bicep.
Cregan let out a breath, "A worthy hurt, I'd wager."
"It's not fair!" She cried, "He didn't fight like a gentleman. He was breaking the rules!"
Cregan smiled, "He is only three, Alys. You're almost six now."
"But he just swings it about until it hits something!"
"I know, my girl. It'll hurt for a few days, but it'll pass. Like all injuries do."
Alys frowned, "You don't get hurt. Do you, Papa?"
Cregan let out a small sigh, "I do. Quite often. Injuries only happen to the best warriors, you know."
"Oh yes." He grinned with his next words, "And the best part? The best warriors also get up and dust themselves off when they wish to give up the most."
She scoffed, "Why would they do that?"
Cregan shrugged, "I dunno. Why do you think they do that?"
She thought for a while, "Because they fight for a reason?"
He smiled and kissed her forehead, "Smart girl. Now," he pulled her up to stand. "We're warriors, aren't we?"
She nodded.
"Then let's get up now, dust ourselves off, yeah?"
Y/n watched with Rickon in her arms as Alys hugged her father.
"Are they sleeping well?" He asked as she entered their chambers.
"Like the dead," she sighed. 
He grinned, "Then we've done well, my love. C'mere."
He pulled her into a sweet kiss.
"I've been thinking," she started.
He pulled away with a furrowed brow.
"What if the next one does not wish to be a warrior?"
Cregan leaned away from her in thought before answering, "I suppose we need writers and priests and artists all the same."
"But it's not the Stark way," she argued.
He grinned and grabbed her by the arms, "I do not care if our children end up as the king's fools. One will take Winterfell, and the rest are free to explore the world as they see fit."
"And what of the one that takes Winterfell?"
"We'll know when they get older. One of them will treasure it, I'm sure. And I will name them my heir. I have a feeling it'll be Alys."
"And what if Alys wishes to retire her sword at age six and be a proper lady?"
He let out a light laugh, "Then she shall be a most formidable lady, but I will respect it nonetheless."
She hugged him as well as she could with her swollen stomach. 
"The Stark way isn't given as is, it's created by generation. Our grandchildren could change the Stark name entirely for all we know."
She grimaced, "I hope they don't."
"No?" He grinned. 
"I hope it stays firm. Colder than the Wall."
He chuckled, "Then you must let me train this next one from the womb."
She playfully hit his chest with a laugh.
"I'll have them winning tournaments at eight, I promise you!"
She shook her head with a smile, "You have them winning tournaments, and I'll have your head."
He grins, "Whatever my lady wishes."
She rolls her eyes, "Take me to bed, Stark."
He kisses her cheek, "With pleasure."
Cregan Stark taglist: @misswynters, @cosmosnkaz, @sithapprentice, @kaniromi, @lovemesomevesey, @its-jackie-bb, @callsignwidow, @8812-342, @nyxbranwenn
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moonselune · 2 months
Hi’! Love your work 🤗 could you write a little something for each of the BG3 Ladies where GN!Tav presses their forehead against theirs in order to calm them down? Some sweet hurt/comfort ?
"The touching of foreheads-this is an ancient greeting. That honors the heart and soul of another human."
awww this is so so sweet and thank you so much for your support!
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
Karlach stood at the edge of the campfire, her back tense and shoulders hunched. The firelight flickered over her, casting long shadows that danced in time with her turbulent emotions. She had been restless all evening, pacing back and forth, her flames occasionally sparking more fiercely with her agitation.
You approached her quietly, not wanting to startle her. "Karlach?" you called softly.
She turned to you, her eyes ablaze with frustration. "I just… I can't stop thinking about it. Everything we've been through. The battles, the losses… it all just keeps replaying in my mind."
Without a word, you stepped closer and gently took her face in your hands. She blinked in surprise but didn't pull away. You pressed your forehead against hers, feeling the warmth of her skin and the heat of her flames, carefully controlled to not burn you.
"It's okay," you whispered, your voice soothing. "Breathe with me, Karlach. Just breathe."
For a moment, she tensed, her flames flaring up, but then she took a deep breath, matching your rhythm. Slowly, the fire in her eyes softened, the tension in her shoulders easing.
"You always know how to calm me down," she murmured, her voice filled with gratitude.
"Because I love you," you replied, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead. "And because I know you. You're strong, Karlach, stronger than anyone I've ever known. But it's okay to let go sometimes, to lean on me."
She wrapped her arms around you, pulling you into a fierce hug. "Thank you," she whispered into your ear, her breath warm against your skin. "Thank you for being here for me."
"I'll always be here for you, babe," you promised, holding her tightly. "It would take all of the nine hells for something to stop me."
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
Minthara stood rigidly at the edge of the campsite, her posture taut and eyes cold. The recent encounter with her past had shaken her more than she cared to admit, and the icy veneer she wore was starting to crack. You could see the turmoil beneath the surface, a storm of emotions battling for control.
You approached her slowly, your footsteps soft against the ground. "Minthara," you called gently.
She glanced at you, her eyes narrowing. "What do you want?" she snapped, though the bite in her voice lacked its usual ferocity.
Without replying, you stepped closer, reaching up to cup her face in your hands. She stiffened, her breath catching in surprise. Ignoring her initial resistance, you pressed your forehead against hers, feeling the coolness of her skin against yours.
"Minthara," you whispered, your voice soft and steady. "It's okay to let go. You don't have to be strong all the time."
She closed her eyes, her breath trembling as she exhaled. For a moment, she resisted, her pride battling against the vulnerability you offered. But then, slowly, she began to relax, the tension easing from her shoulders.
"I hate feeling this way," she admitted, her voice barely audible. "I hate feeling weak."
"You're not weak," you replied firmly. "You're one of the strongest people I know. But even the strongest need to rest, to find solace in someone else. Let me be that someone else"
She opened her eyes, her gaze meeting yours. There was a softness there, a crack in her armor that she only ever showed you. "You are that someone else, you are my heart," she confessed, her voice wavering.
"I love you," you said, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead. "I adore you," you press another kiss on her cheek, "And because I see you for who you truly are, not just the warrior, but the person beneath."
She wrapped her arms around you, pulling you close. "Thank you," she whispered, her voice filled with a rare vulnerability.
"Always," you promised, holding her tightly. "I'll always be here for you, Minthara."
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
Lae'zel stood by the campfire, her body rigid and her eyes blazing with frustration. She had been snapping at everyone, her patience worn thin by the lack of progress in their quest. Her Githyanki upbringing had taught her to value strength and victory above all, and the delays were grating on her nerves.
You approached her cautiously, knowing how volatile she could be in these moments. "Lae'zel," you called softly, trying to catch her attention without provoking her further.
She turned to you, her gaze sharp. "What is it? Have you come to lecture me on patience?" she snapped, her voice filled with irritation.
Instead of responding, you stepped closer, reaching up to cup her face in your hands. She tensed at the contact, her eyes narrowing in suspicion. Ignoring her resistance, you pressed your forehead against hers, feeling the tension in her body.
"Lae'zel," you whispered, your voice gentle and soothing. "Breathe with me. Just breathe."
For a moment, she remained tense, her breath coming in short, angry bursts. But then, slowly, she began to match your rhythm, her breathing steadying. The fire in her eyes softened, the sharp edges of her frustration smoothing out.
"You always know how to calm me," she murmured, her voice begrudgingly grateful.
"Because I love you," you replied, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead. "And because I understand you. You're a warrior, Lae'zel, but even warriors need rest."
"Thank you," she whispered, her breath warm against your skin.
"I'll always be here for you," you promised, a small smile playing on your lips as you held her tightly.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
Shadowheart's breathing was ragged, her body tense and shivering as she sat upright in bed. The remnants of her nightmare clung to her mind, and you could see the fear in her eyes as she struggled to shake it off. You reached out, gently placing a hand on her shoulder.
"Shadowheart," you murmured softly, "it's okay. It was just a dream."
She looked at you, her eyes wide and filled with a mixture of fear and confusion. "It felt so real," she whispered. "I couldn't escape it."
You moved closer, sitting beside her and taking her hands in yours. "You're safe now," you assured her. "I'm here."
Shadowheart's grip tightened on your hands, her fingers trembling. You could see how deeply the nightmare had affected her, and it pained you to see her like this. Without thinking, you leaned forward, pressing your forehead against hers.
The contact was gentle, intimate. You could feel her breath against your skin, the warmth of her presence grounding you both. "Breathe with me," you whispered, your voice steady and calm. "In and out, nice and slow."
She followed your lead, her breaths gradually aligning with yours. The tension in her body began to ease, and the frantic beat of her heart started to slow. You stayed like that for a while, your foreheads touching, your breaths synchronized. The world outside seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of you in that moment of shared solace.
"Thank you," Shadowheart said quietly, her voice steadier now. "I don't know what I'd do without you."
You smiled softly, pulling back just enough to look into her eyes. "You'll never have to find out," you promised. "I'm always here for you, no matter what."
She leaned into your touch, her eyes closing as she found comfort in your presence. "I know," she murmured. "I feel safe with you."
You held her close, letting the quiet of the night envelop you both. The nightmare had lost its grip on her, replaced by the warmth and security of your love.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
The Last Light Inn was bustling with activity, and the weight of leadership and responsibility seemed to hang heavily on Jaheira's shoulders. You could see the stress etched into her features, the way her brow furrowed and her lips pressed into a thin line. She was pacing back and forth, her mind clearly occupied with countless worries.
"Jaheira," you called softly, stepping into her path. She stopped, looking at you with a mixture of surprise and weariness.
"I'm sorry, my love," she said, her voice strained. "There’s just so much to do, so much at stake."
You approached her slowly, reaching out to take her hands in yours. "I know you're carrying a heavy burden," you said gently. "But you don't have to do it alone."
Jaheira's shoulders slumped, and for a moment, you saw the exhaustion in her eyes. She tried to smile, but it didn't quite reach her eyes.
"Sometimes it feels like the weight of the world is on my shoulders," she admitted.
You stepped closer, lifting her hands to press a gentle kiss to her knuckles. Then, you moved your forehead to rest against hers. The intimate gesture caught her off guard, and you felt her take a deep breath, her tension starting to melt away.
"Let me share the weight," you whispered, your voice a soothing balm to her troubled mind. "Lean on me when you need to."
Jaheira closed her eyes, her breath mingling with yours. You could feel the warmth of her skin, the steady beat of her heart. The world around you seemed to quiet, the noise of the inn fading into the background.
"I don't know what I'd do without you," she murmured, her voice filled with gratitude.
"You don't have to worry about that," you replied, your tone firm and reassuring. "I'm here, always. We'll face everything together."
She let out a soft sigh, her body relaxing against yours. "Thank you," she said quietly. "For being my strength when I need it most."
You stayed like that for a while, your foreheads pressed together, the connection between you a source of comfort and peace. Jaheira's stress began to ebb away, replaced by the warmth of your love and support. In that moment, she knew she wasn't alone, and that made all the difference.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
this was so wholesome lmao, i feel like god when i hurt them just to fix them <3 - Seluney xox
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the way my ass needs to start adhering to tumblr etiquette.
the girls do NOT like when you add analysis opposing their pov on their post.
mayhaps rhaesaria’s strongest warrior is also a bit of an idiot. however, my defense?
i see rhaesaria content and i like, repost, comment. now whether it is positive or negative og content— that’s the sticky part 💀
no one hates the “rhaenyra and mysaria making out sloppy” more than anti-rhaesarias or fanatics of other ships (not fanatics BECAUSE they ship others, but because they take personal offense if it’s not their beloved uncle-niece grooming sitch. [like ship what u want but babes the fact he could have held her as an infant and took her to a brothel to purposefully ruin her reputation and then married her down the line… dude was PLOTTING]). or yknow the ppl who are being transphobic toward emma.
like shut up. we got incest and age gaps and murder. there are bigger problems than two grown ass women boning.
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fennecfiree · 7 months
Giant list of South Park headcanons
Cartman is the tallest of the 4.
Stan is Bisexual and Demi boy
Cartman is Straight, but he IS an ally since he got Craig and Tweek together
Kyle is Bisexual
Kenny is straight and genderqueer
Butters is Bi
Kyle is the shortest out of the class.
Craig is the tallest out of the class!
Craig is also the strongest in class
Mr garrison is Genderfluid and Bi ( male pref)
Stan already has voice cracks and acne and is one of the taller kids in class, since he hit puberty early
stan also has glasses
Red reads Warrior cats
Kyle still uses TikTok, and he gets sucked into his phone very easily
Bebe and Wendy love Power Puff girls 
Stan is autistic
Kevin Stoley is also autistic
.. Craig is autistic. 
Rebecca has Autism and ADHD
Heidi has ADHD
Dougie has ADHD
Butters haS ADHD 
Mr garrison has DID and autism 
Scott Tenorman is amazing at Minecraft (lmao)
Millie Larsen has a  collection of stuffed animals
Bebe is a Sanrio girl
Bradley Biggle is scared of the dark
Chubby Clyde too 🤗
Bradley (From Cartman Sucks) has a cat :3
Butters makes little origami animals
Kyle was a nail-biter until he realized how gross it is
Also, the reason Kyle is chubby is because Sheila spoils him a little, although he will not admit that he's a little bit spoiled by his mom
Cartman is half-German
Thomas and Craig are still friends 
Stan and Kyle watch horror movies together, Kyle is terrified, Stan isn't scared
Stan uses pet names and Kyle hates it (stan uses like honey, babe, muffin, SWEET JELLY FILLED DONUT (omori reference)
Stan is the clingy one (In stendy and style)
Kenny is still in love with Tammy
Randy is Bi and genderfluid
Sheila forced Kyle to join the school diabetes club
Clyde is scared of skibidi toilet 
Pete (the goth kid) knows all the fucking fnaf lore
Craig posts a lot on Tumblr, he has 449 followers 
Jenny Simons believes in ghosts, she tries to summon them every sleepover
Oh and Jenny and Lola go ghost-hunting together
Vladimir (Vamp kid) sleeps in until noon.
Sally Darson wears Hello Kitty socks
Red makes Kandi bracelets
Tricia Tucker  reads cringe Wattpad fanfics
Butters loves skating
Shelley is Ase
Damien has a burn mark on their neck.
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dumbbitchenergy17 · 11 months
There was a story…if told could be thought of as myth or fantasy, adventures of far-off galaxies, a vast variety of creatures of different races and spoke many languages, good versus evil. Old warriors lost their planet but reclaimed their home reuniting their people a saying passed through every one of them. A creed to honor those that fought before them, beside them, and will fight for them in the coming of time.
“This is the Way.”
With armor that could handle the strongest of weapons and spirit that could never be weakened by their enemies. Formidable on the battlefield with one able to take down 20 men on their own. From foundling to apprentice to warrior trained and prepared to fight alongside their brothers and sisters in battle. To fight for their clan, their homeworld, their creed…
For Mandalore.
It’s said that the first Mand’alor harnessed a power that no other Mandalorian had, the essence of life that was in every living and non-living thing. The energy that binds and holds the universe and life itself together. The light with dark…the good with evil. Balance. It goes by many names of what this gift is but to many, it is known as the Force. While it resides in everyone some contain a significant amount that they could tap into.
Those who could wield it were known as Jedi, protectors of the peace and guardians of justice. But with good comes evil. Light and Dark. Jedi and Sith.
But the Jedi are gone, massacre many years ago the shift of Light and Dark to great for the few who survived to try to stop it. So those that did live stayed hidden, in desolate planets, or populated areas, and restrained their abilities, hiding the true nature of their being.
But with a rise in the Dark comes strength in Light, a savior, the chosen one…a hero.
Some may say they’ve witnessed this hero, standing tall while the others cowered a weapon of great power in them but also one they wield. Of hot plasma that could cut through any object, and deflect any bolt of blaster, the weapon of both the Jedi and the Sith.
In the past, they remember them, the brilliant blues, verdant greens, and royal purples, of their heroes.
When their heroes had fallen it was a farm boy from a desert planet wielding a blue saber brighter than the sky above and a green saber as rich as the grass on the most lush planets.
But that hero’s journey was over his duty complete, and soon a new hero would step up to take his place and start their journey.
Some say she was a farm girl as well…on the same desert planet as the past hero. A very strange almost enchanting girl with the courage of such a young child. With the blood of warriors and protectors in her. She had the same weapon but not a familiar hue. It shined like the dual suns that set on her home planet. A radiant orange that color rivals the richest of dyed skills and wools, and its hilt holds the powerful blade was the strongest of metals. The same metal that was from the warriors. It was said she traveled far with a warrior in silver armor that gleamed in the light and also a protector, though many assumed the small babe could be no threat its physical appearance deceiving to the years of training and power within its small body.
They say they wandered very far…over land and sea. Planets and its people remembered them how could they not. The three were noticeable and wherever they went trouble or danger followed. And those that got too close were involved and many didn’t survive this hero’s journey. A little shy and sad of eye…but very wise was she.
And then one day…it was a magic day she passed my way and while we spoke of many things. Of fools and kings. Fools that wished to learn more of this ever-growing galaxy naive to its dangers and kings that believed wealth and power let them truly be safe and content.
With weariness in her bones, a face haunted by grief and sorrow, and her companions were now gone. The man who trained her cared for her, protected her and the child that comforted her, and brought light and peace to the darkest of times. This is what she said to me,
“The greatest thing you'll ever learn…is just to love and be loved in return.”
But it was just a tale…a story to tell your children as they drifted to sleep, of warriors in shining armor and heroes with magic powers and laser swords.
To them, it was a tale. To that hero it was truth.
The story of a girl now a woman with no home..no love…no family...no clan of three.
There was no one else.
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Struggling with the trauma of their hardened youth and the threat of a new evil in the galaxy. A woman with powerful abilities and a unique bloodline joins in the fight once again.
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sudaca-swag · 5 months
a straight week of 96% humidity subtropical babes we are the strongest warriors
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dahliarosebud · 2 years
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- Love Is A War Series ~ Aemond x Reader
• Part1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
Part 7 Part 8 Part 9
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Warnings: Bullying
Synopsis: A peek into the life of Y/n Targaryen and how she sees life at King’s Landing. She was sent there due to having lessons with her dragon Selene before being able to return back to the rest of her family.
A/n: This is a Y/n Targaryen -Daemon’s daughter x Aemond Targaryen. They can be read individually however, recommended reading it as a a whole series as some plot points won’t make sense with out context from other chapters.
I hate it in King’s Landing. I do however, like a handful of people my uncle Leanor, my aunt-cousin Rhaenyra and Aemond. The only people who are true friends and worthy of my affections. 
I don’t like his brother Aegon, he is strange and creepy. I do, however, quite enjoy the company of both of my aunt-cousin’s sons - not when Aegon has sunk his claws into them.
The night was cold and chilling. The morning was filled with my cousin’s screams as she gave birth to her third child. I was excited to meet the babe. I’m sure Laenor is proud. 
I’m walking to the dragon pit/arena to do dragon training. The whole reason why I’m in King’s Landing in the first place my sisters are back in Pentos. I miss them terribly and mother. My father (Daemon Targaryen) I don’t think he loves me as much as Baela and Rhaena.
He says I’m going to be one of the strongest dragon riders and warriors. Like Visenya. He often told us tales of old Valyria. That I do miss very much.
The stoned walls are growing old. Nothing seemed marvellous anymore. Just boring. Nothing left to see. The clunking of armour behind also never bought much comfort despite the guard being there for protection. I’m sure he is bored out of his mind as well.
Finally, I enter the dimly lit pit. The damp smalling earth burned as I stood next to my cousins. Aemond didn’t seem impressed. I mean I would be angry if I had to go through dragon training with no dragon.
I chuckled as Jace struggled to control Vermax. Him getting lectured once again. I lifted my head as it was mentioned. My name getting clumped together with Aegon’s. Telling Jace he needs to take control like I did of Selene and Aegon did with Sunfyre. 
Vermax’s fire warmed my face as Jace shouted ‘dracarys’. The days seem to get longer. I would rather be at home. With my family in Pentos. My father or mother could have taught me all of this.
Once the training had finally finished. The two dark haired boys and the oldest blonde began to whisper. Walking up to me and Aemond. My eyebrows creased and I crossed my arms over my chest.
The boy next to me listened intently to his older brother. Aegon putting a hand behind his back guiding him towards the entrance of the dragon pit.
 I stopped next to Jacerys. “We found you a dragon,” Aegon spoke. A teasing tone clear. Dripping like the sweetest honey from his snake like tongue.
My heart sunk as Aemond’s face lit up. Leaning forward a smile on his face as he looked at you. Lucerys emerged from the dark with a snorting pig. Wings strapped to her back.
In unison they all said. “Behold The pink dread.” I rolled my eyes. Pity for Aemond clear in them as his face dropped. Aegon leaned in close, “Be sure to be careful the first flight is always rough.” 
They giggled leaving us there. Snorting and sniggering. I placed a comforting hand onto Aemond’s arm. “You shouldn’t feel badly about not having a dragon Aemond.” He removed his arm from my touch.
Staring down into the depth of the pit. He ventured forward. Teetering at the edge. He continued down the slope. “Aemond!” I whispered. Trailing after him. Following the wall, we finally reached the bottom.
The familiar grunts of a dragon filled the cave. The shadowed figure grew its anger clear. I backed up slowly. Yet there he stood as if frozen. The dragon - Dreamfyre - spit heated flames. Aemond tumbled back. The dragon continued to roar,
I scurried forward grabbing Aemond’s shoulder. Pulling him up, we ran out of the pit. Slipping on the sand like fools where the cluncking armour stood above us a scowl on his face. The guard dragged us into the quatres where the Queen resides. “Your grace,” Alicent got up in a flurry, you pulled my arm away from the metal man.
You sat next to Helaena. Watching as creature crawled across her delicate hands. You smiled at her as she looked at me. Eyes piercing and staring into my soul. Alicent’s voice rang in your ears as she still lectured the poor boy.
You never actually truly liked the Queen. You just tolerated her for Aemond. Your father doesn’t like her either. You knew that for sure.
“You will have a dragon one day,” the mother reassured. 
The princess next to you softly says, “he will have to close an eye.” I just stared at the girl in fascination. She is so perfectly strange it was mesmerising. You turned watching as the mother and son embraced, chewing the inside of your cheek.
You stood up and waited for Aemond smiling as he looked at me. “Walk me to my chambers?” He looked to his mother, she let go of his hand with creased brows as she watched her son turned to you as he then nodded and held out his arm. We began to walk the empty halls. “Your mother is right you know? I believe you will have a dragon one day Aemond.” - he sighed exasperatedly - “I go home today.”
We stopped in front of the doors. “I will miss you Aemond.” You hugged the boy tightly, “promise you will write me?” You felt him smile as he tucked his face sweetly into the crook of your neck. You pulled away, your hands resting on his shoulders a serious look on your face. “Swear it.”
“I swear it.” Melancholy. That was the atmosphere. Bittersweet in the tip of your tongue.
‘“Goodbye Aemond.” You kissed his cheek. Quickly looking down and turning towards the doors, the guards opening them. Then slowly closing the old creaking wood. As they slammed shut behind you a sigh slipped from your lips. Separated by wood now, soon to be the sea.’
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thattrable · 2 years
a Night of Wings and Roses
Summary: Feyre asks Azriel to escort Elain out for a night in Velaris.
Notes: Mature / Spoilers for the entire ACOTAR series.
Sneak peak:
“Because I. . .” Azriel looked down at the forest they flew over for a moment before looking back at her gorgeous face. “Because it’s hard to be around you. Every second that I’m in your presence, I feel like I’m fighting for my life. I’m trying to keep my composure when all I really want to do is taste you, protect you, tell you how strongly I feel for you.”
The sky was painted deep shades of pink and purple, the last of the golden light disappearing behind snow-capped mountains as the sun set on Velaris.
Azriel flew above the city, watching the people bustle through the streets. They were all either completely unaware that one of the strongest Illyrian warriors in history, their High Lord’s spymaster, flew above them, or they simply did not care. Az shifted his wings and banked right to follow the sparkling sapphire waters of the Sidra River. Though it was spring, the night air was still crisp and the wind stung his face and bare hands. It was a relief to land on the balcony of the River House and walk into the warm sitting room.
No one was present to greet him, though he needed no invitation to further enter the house. Az flexed his wings, taking in the warmth from the fire place, and sent his shadows out to locate Feyre. They returned quickly and whispered in his ear that she was in the nursery. They also whispered of another presence in the house. Not that he’d needed them to tell him she was here; He’d scented her the moment he entered the threshold.
He would have to make this visit quick.
Azriel strode through the halls of the spacious house and couldn’t help but wonder how Feyre had made such a large, elegant manor feel so cozy.
As he approached the nursery he allowed his normally silent footsteps to fall a little heavier, signaling his arrival. He came to a stop in the doorway and Feyre looked up at him, her blue-gray eyes shining. Azriel nodded his head in greeting, but his eyes fell to Nyx, sleeping soundly in her arms. Tiny-He was still so tiny, so delicate. But fierce. Az had seen the spirit in the babe’s eyes and knew he would be just as wild and unruly as he and his brothers had been as kids.
The thought had Azriel itching to take him to the skys. He and Cassian had already spent hours debating over which techniques they would teach him when he was old enough- Nevermind that Rhys would want to teach his own son to fly.
“Az?” Feyre said softly, drawing his attention back to her. He wondered how long he’d been silent.
Azriel crossed the room silently and held out the small stack of books he’d been carrying. “I hope these are the right ones.”
Feyre shifted Nyx to one arm and took the books with her free hand. “These are perfect,” she said, examining the colorful covers of the children’s books. “Thank you.”
“Of course,” He replied, his eyes again watching the still-sleeping babe. Feyre had asked him to bring some books from the library at the House of Wind so she could read to Nyx.
“Could you do another favor for me?” Feyre asked, placing the books on a nearby table.
“I had plans to go out with Elain tonight, but Nyx has been fussy and I finally got him to sleep.” She looked down at her son, then back up at Az. “Would you mind?”
Azriel’s heart began drumming in his chest. “I didn’t realize Nyx was giving you trouble.” He eyed her suspiciously. Nyx was one of the least fussy infants he’d ever seen, not that he’d been around many.
Feyre looked away, but not before Az caught the ghost of a smile on her lips. “He’s usually so good, I think he’s just had an off day. I should stay home with him tonight. That’s why I asked you to bring the books. Rhys will be home soon and I’d like to spend the evening with them. ” She turned to him again, and this time her smile was lupine. “I just figured since you're here . . . You could escort Elain.”
Lupine indeed, his High Lady. Intelligent enough to trap him into this. She knew. He was sure of it. Feyre was extremely observant, especially when it came to the romantic lives of the Inner Circle. He was sure she’d noticed the sudden increase in work that kept him away and the way he skipped many family dinners. If he was being honest with himself, he was just surprised it had taken her this long to step in and meddle in his love life. On many occasions, his shadows had warned him of Feyre’s watchful eyes as he stared longingly at Elain from across the room.
Azriel started to open his mouth to object but she cut him off. “She misses you, Az.”
He averted his eyes, and in a low voice said, “No, she doesn’t.”
“Please,” She scoffed. “I’ve seen the way she looks at you. I’ve also seen the way you look at her.”
Azriel stiffened defensively, as if his body was subconsciously preparing for battle.
Feyre released a long-suffering sigh. “I know you think I’m being a busybody, but I just want you both to be happy.
His hazel eyes widened. Feyre laughed. "Relax, Az, I'm just asking you to take her out on the town, not take her to bed."
"Yes, but Rhys-" He protested, heat blooming high on his cheeks.
"Rhys will enjoy some extra time with me and our son,” she nodded towards the sleeping babe in her arms, “and if he wants to be angry with anyone about this, he will be angry with me. I'm giving you an order, as your High Lady; take Elain out and show her a good time.”
And that was that. Azriel simply nodded. Feyre almost never pulled rank with any of them, even less than Rhys.
"And as your friend," Feyre continued, stepping closer and gently placing a hand on his upper arm, "I'm asking you to stop worrying so much. You should enjoy yourself too." She smiled, and Az had to admit defeat.
"I will show Elain a good time, as well as keep her safe." He dipped his head, kissing Feyre’s temple, then leaned lower and kissed Nyx's head. The babe stirred in her arms, but did not wake.
“Thank you, Azriel.”
“I’ll be in the sitting room.” He muttered, stalking out of the nursery.
“I thought I’d find you here.” Feyre said by way of greeting as she entered the kitchen. Nyx was blinking lazily in her arms, as if he’d just woken up.
Elain, seated at the kitchen table, closed the book she’d been reading. “Feyre. I was just looking for a new recipe.”
“What do you want to make?”
“I was thinking it would be fun to bake a pie.”
“I’m sure Nuala and Cerridwen will be happy to help.” Feyre offered.
“Oh, yes,” Elain nodded. “They said they’ll help me learn anything I choose.”
“I can’t wait to taste it.”
Elain glanced at the clock on the wall, and then took in her sister’s clothes; Comfortable clothes more suited for lounging at home, not a night out in the city.
Feyre noticed her stare and her face became apologetic, “I’m sorry, Elain. Nyx has been fussy today so I’d like to stay in with him tonight.”
“Oh, no,” she stood up. “Is he falling ill?” She asked, looking at the babe more closely. Now that he was fully awake, his blue eyes were clear and he was playfully cooing to himself.
“No, I’m sure he’s fine.” Feyre said, adjusting him in her arms. “If you’d still like to go out, I’m sure Azriel wouldn’t mind going with you.”
Elain’s cheeks flushed at the mention of the Shadowsinger. “Would he really?” She asked.
“Yes,” Feyre nodded. “When I told him I was going to have to cancel on you tonight he offered to take you out instead.”
Elain’s breath caught.
“He’s waiting for you in the sitting room.”
“He’s here, already?” Elain gasped.
Feyre chuckled, and the sound of it earned her a giggle from Nyx as well. “Yes. Go have some fun.”
Elain looked down at her rouge colored dress. It was a simple, cotton dress with an empire waistline and long sleeves. Suddenly, Elain felt too plain. “Should I change?” She asked, her voice hoarse. “No, you look beautiful.” Feyre said.
Elain followed her to the sitting room where Azriel stood near the large glass door that led to the balcony. How long had it been since she last saw him? Too long. He turned to look at them and Elain thought she might be gawking at him, much the way she did the first time she ever saw him. Azriel was the first man-male-she’d ever thought of as beautiful. She took in the elegant planes of his face, his golden skin, his dark hair, and his eyes. Those beautiful, hazel eyes that looked back at her, but concealed any emotion or thought. Even the shadows that curled around the tips of his wings were beautiful.
He nodded. “Elain.”
“Thank you for offering to take me out tonight.” Elain smiled, stepping up to Feyre’s side. “I hope you didn’t have to cancel any other plans.”
Azriel’s attention flickered to Feyre and Nyx, then back to Elain. “Not at all. I am yours for the evening.”
Elain couldn’t stop the smile from spreading across her face.
“Shall we?” Azriel asked, gesturing towards the glass door.
“Oh,” Elain started. He would be flying her then. She tried to hide her excitement. “Yes, let’s go.” She walked past Azriel and through the door he was holding open and onto the balcony. The night air was brisk and she wrapped her arms around herself to keep from shivering.
Azriel noticed. “One moment,” he said, and disappeared back into the River House.
Elain stood near the balcony railing and wondered where Azriel would take her. Had he really wanted to accompany her tonight? Before she could think too much on it, he reappeared, a cream colored cardigan in hand. “It’s chilly tonight. Feyre said you can wear this.”
“Thank you,” Elain said, reaching out to take her sister’s cardigan.
Azriel held it up by the shoulders, and Elain knew what he meant for her to do. She turned and slipped her arms into the sleeves, allowing him to adjust the neckline of the cardigan against her. Elain hoped he couldn’t hear her heart beating as she felt his hands linger by her shoulders for a moment.
“Ready?” He asked.
“Yes.” Elain breathed.
Azriel effortlessly scooped her up, holding her tight against his chest. She instinctively wrapped her arms around his neck and wondered if the color on his cheeks wasn’t entirely from the cold as he spread his wings and took flight.
She was going to be his undoing. He should have waited by the front door so they could walk, but he’d gone to the upper floor near the balcony door. He wasn’t sure if he’d done so out of habit, or for an excuse to hold her close like this.
One thing he was sure of was that Feyre had set him up. She had tasked him with a stupid errand just to get him to the house and then came up with an excuse to stay in and ask him to go in her place. Nyx hadn’t been fussy at all. In fact, he was awake and playful when Feyre appeared with Elain in the sitting room. It was almost as if the babe himself was in on his mother’s scheming. The other thing Az was sure of, was that Elain was driving him absolutely insane. Her soft body held firmly against his, the smell of jasmine and honey filling his lungs, it was almost enough to bring him to his knees.
“Where are we going?” Elain asked, her first words to him since they’d taken to the night sky. She kept her eyes on the city below them.
“Wherever you would like to go.” He responded. This was probably something they should have discussed before leaving the balcony, before he’d impulsively swept her away into the night.
“Are you hungry?” She asked.
“I could eat.”
She was silent for a moment before turning her head to look him in the eyes. “Take me to your favorite bakery.”
All Azriel could manage was a nod of his head. It was an effort not to stare into her big, brown eyes for too long.
He landed them in the Palace of Bone and Salt, the market square best known for its food and prepared confections, and carefully set Elain on the ground.
She smoothed out her dress, tucking a strand of wind-blown hair behind an ear, and looked around.
They stood in front of a small bakery, built from warm sandstone, nestled on the corner of a block. Iron tables and chairs were placed outside, surrounded by large planters filled with various plants and flowers. A wooden sign hung from the side of the building that read Lumio Bakery.
“This is Lumio Bakery.” Azriel explained. “I come here often.”
Elain’s eyes were wide, her cheeks slightly flushed as she said, “I saw this place a while back. I’ve wanted to come here ever since.”
Azriel’s heart skipped, and he willed himself to keep his emotions hidden. Even when Elain looked up at him expectantly, even when he extended his arm and she locked hers in it, even as they entered the bakery and his shadows whispered to him about more than one set of eyes on them. Eyes that he knew fell upon Elain’s beauty.
He breathed in the slightly sweet, yeasty aroma, and Azriel felt like someone had wrapped a warm blanket around them.
“Azriel!” A familiar voice called from behind the counter.
“Hello, Sylvie,” He greeted, tucking his wings in tight and leading Elain up to the glass case. Sylvie had worked at Lumio Bakery for as long as Azriel had been coming here-and that was a long time. She was always cheerful and had his favorite order memorized.
“Who might this be?” Sylvie asked, her eyes bright as she took in Elain and their arms still looped around each other’s. “It’s not often that you bring company.”
That was an understatement. Az never brought anyone to Lumio. It was his secret reprieve from the world. He liked the quiet of the bakery, and though he loved them, he knew Cass and Mor would ruin the atmosphere of the sleepy little shop. In fact, he’d once made the mistake of taking a box of treats to a solstice party. Cassian had eaten half of the box himself and to this day still hounded Az to tell him where he got them from.
“Sylvie, this is Elain,” he said, nodding his head. “Elain, Sylvie.”
“It’s nice to meet you Elain!” Sylvie extended a hand over the counter. “Is Azriel treating you to a night out?”
“Oh,” Elain unhooked her arm from Azriel’s and took Sylvie’s hand, shaking it once. “Yes, my sister asked him to be my escort tonight.”
“Ah.” Sylvie’s eyes shot to Azriel’s. She grinned and Azriel stiffened, his shadows coiling around his feet. “Well, what can I get you two tonight? Azriel, I’m assuming you’d like your usual?” “Yes, please,” he nodded, “and anything Elain would like.”
“I’ll take a strawberry donut, please.” Elain said, gesturing to the case of sweets.
“Sure thing.” Sylvie wrapped a donut in paper and set it on the counter. “Anything to drink, sweetie?”
“Some hot tea, please.”
“Comin’ up!” Sylvie quickly gathered Azriel’s usual order and placed the treats in a paper bag with Elain’s donut. Then she poured Elain’s tea and Azriel’s coffee into white paper cups and set them on the counter next to the bag. “I’ll add it to your tab.”
“Thank you.” Azriel handed Elain the cup of tea and took his coffee and the bag.
“You two have fun tonight!” Sylvie called.
Azriel only waved a hand at her, but Elain replied, “Thank you!”
The chill night air bit at Elain’s fingertips, and she was grateful for the warmth of the hot tea seeping through the paper cup. They walked slowly along the Sidra, watching the light reflect off the water’s surface.
Azriel leaned against the railing and held out the paper bag. Elain shifted her tea to one hand and pulled out her strawberry donut. “Thank you.” She said.
“Lumio is one of my favorite shops in Velaris.” He offered.
“You must visit often, if Sylvie has your order memorized.” Elain nodded towards the paper bag, curious as to what was in it.
Azriel smiled, and Elain’s heart skipped. She took a tentative bite of her strawberry donut. “It’s delicious!” She said, mouth full, then blushing at her outburst.
Azriel almost choked on the coffee he was sipping at. Elain covered her mouth with a pale hand, but Azriel only tilted his head back and laughed. “I’m glad you like it.”
“What did you get?” She asked.
Az perched his cup on the railing he was leaning against and shoved one of his scarred hands in the paper bag. “A lemon tart and pain au chocolat,” he explained, pulling out a pastry. Elain studied the flakey bread. “Is that a type of croissant?”
“It’s similar, but there’s a surprise inside.” He held the pain au chocolat out towards her. “Take half.”
“Oh, no Azriel,” Elain started.
“I insist.”
Elain held the other end of the pastry and pulled it in half. She studied her end and found a filling inside the bread. “Is it chocolate?”
Azriel nodded, the corners of his mouth curving up.
She took a bite of the pain au chocolat. The bread was light and fluffy and the chocolate filling was sweet. “Mmm,” she groaned softly. Azriel stiffened slightly at the sound of it. “I can see why you come here so much. Is this your favorite baked good?”
His eyes were trained on her mouth as she took another bite. He cleared his throat and said, “yes, actually. These are my favorite treats.”
Elain nodded, finishing her half of the pain au chocolat. She watched Az stuff his entire piece into his mouth and eat it in one bite. Was he blushing, or was the color on his cheeks from the cold? At least she’d learned what sweets he liked. She would ask Nuala and Cerridwen to teach her how to make them. Maybe she could surprise him.
Azriel took a sip of his coffee and then started on his lemon tart. “Where would you like to go next?”
Elain looked down the street towards the various shops. The pathways glowed softly under hanging string lights. “Wherever,” she said, turning back towards Azriel. “Oh. . .” At the corner of his mouth, a crumb of lemon filling had gotten stuck. Without really thinking about it, she reached up and carefully swiped a finger over it. Then she brought that finger to her lips and licked it clean. Azriel went completely rigid, his eyes wide. The color on his cheeks darkened and Elain felt her own face flush. “You had some. . . Lemon. . .”
“Thanks.” Azriel mumbled.
Elain averted her eyes and drank from her tea.
When he finished his lemon tart, Azriel offered, “There’s a flower shop down the street. We can stop by.”
“Yes, I’d like that!” She replied, linking arms with him.
They walked in content silence for a while. Azriel nodded to a fae male they passed but no one else paid them any mind aside from a polite smile or two from strangers. Elain savored his warmth at her side and was grateful that he’d borrowed a cardigan from Feyre for her.
Arms still wound together, they rounded the corner and Elain spied the flower shop. It was built with red stone bricks and had two large windows covering the storefront. White and sage colored umbrellas stood on the patio covering large buckets of fresh cut flowers.
Elain felt a smile spread across her face. “Look at all the flowers!” Azriel released her arm so she could move freely and she bent at the waist to smell some roses. “They smell heavenly.” “Good evening!” A male voice called from inside the shop. He walked over to the open door and asked, “Do you need help with anything?”
“No, we’re just looking.” Elain replied.
“Ah, I’m here if you need anything.” He wiped his hands on his sage apron. “We have more flowers and some vases inside. Feel free to come in.”
“Thank you.” Elain nodded.
The shopkeeper disappeared back into the store. Elain continued walking around the buckets.
“Do you know what all these flowers are?” Azriel asked. He was walking behind her, wings tucked in tight so they wouldn’t bump any of the displays.
“Yes, most of them at least. I have some of these growing in my garden at home.”
“I recognize these.” He pointed to a bucket filled with bouquets of small yellow flowers.
“Those are daffodils,” she explained, stepping closer to him. “They grow best in the winter.”
They continued wandering through the arrangements, making small talk about Elain’s garden and her plans for the spring and summer. When they’d seen everything the shop offered they started down the street again. Before they got very far Azriel stopped.
“I’ll be right back.” He turned and jogged back to the flower shop.
Elain waited patiently for him to return, cupping her hands in front of her mouth and blowing into them in an attempt to warm her cold fingers. Shadows crept around her feet and along the street, as if Azriel had left them to keep watch over her. She was watching them, still breathing against her hands, when he returned.
“Sorry, I thought I dropped something.”
“It’s not a problem. Did you find it?”
He nodded, his gaze falling on her hands. “Are you cold?”
“A little, but I’m okay.” She admitted.
Azriel took a step towards her and placed his hands around hers. He bowed his head and blew his warm breath onto them. Elain felt all the air leave her lungs.
Azriel stared at Elain’s perfect fingers in his scared ones and cringed. He shouldn’t be touching her like this, tainting her beautiful skin. Gods, he shouldn’t even be out with her.
It was wrong.
Rhys would be pissed.
But Az could have sworn Elain’s eyes glazed over. She didn’t look opposed, wasn’t pulling away. In fact, she looked. . . Happy.
Fuck it. Feyre said she would deal with Rhys. He could have this. Tonight. These small moments. The stolen glances, occasional touches. He would take anything she would give him. Cauldron knew he’d give her anything she wanted.
He blew on her hands again and asked, “better?”
“Yes,” she responded, a little breathlessly.
Azriel was faintly aware of music playing nearby, but the roaring in his ears was drowning it out. He’d forgotten there were others around them. Looking into Elain’s rich brown eyes he could hardly remember what they were even doing out here.
A faint breeze rustled Elain’s hair and sent a chill down his spine. His wings flexed slightly and he noticed Elain’s attention shift to them.
“Do you think. . .” She bit her lip briefly and the only thought in his head was how badly he wanted to put his own teeth there. “Do you think you could take me flying?”
She wanted to fly? “Where?”
He studied her for a moment, his large hands still cupped around her delicate fingers. “Of course. Do you like it? Flying, I mean?”
She smiled shyly. “I think I do. It’s a little scary, but also very exciting.”
“Then let’s fly.” Azriel scooped her into his arms and waited until she’d wrapped her own arms firmly around his neck. His grin turned feral as he said, “hold on tight.”
Elain squealed as they shot into the night sky, her arms tightening around him. He couldn’t help but chuckle against her neck, his wings flapping steadily now as he carried her off towards the mountains. “Did I scare you?”
She loosened her death grip enough to pull back a few inches and look into his eyes. “Yes, I was terrified!”
“I’m sorry.” She giggled and said, “Don’t be. That was fun.”
“You truly like flying?”
“I do.”
He cocked his head to the side. “Even though it’s scary?”
“Yes,” she breathed. “It is frightening, but I feel safe when I’m with you.”
Azriel struggled to calm his heart.
“Thank you for tonight.” Elain said suddenly. She turned her head and her arms shifted around him as she pressed her lips against his cheek. Then, just as every thought left Azriel’s head, her hand brushed against the edge of his wing.
A surge of pleasure shot through him and he sucked in his breath.
Elain, seemingly oblivious to his reaction, ran two fingers along his wing again. “I’ve never touched them before.”
Azriel held her a little tighter against him. “Illyrian wings are sensitive.” He explained, trying his best not to moan in her ear from the touch.
“I’m sorry!” Elain pulled her hand away and rested it on his shoulder instead. “Does it hurt?”
Azriel chuckled. “No. They’re sensitive in. . . Other ways.”
“Oh,” She said. “Oh!” Elain’s cheeks turned the most beautiful shade of pink he’d ever seen.
“Illyrians are so protective of their wings they’ll often attack anyone who touches them.” He felt Elain stiffen up a little. “But I,” Azriel struggled to compose himself, “I feel safe with you too. Elain’s doe eyes sparkled, the stars themselves shining in them. “So it feels. . .”
“It feels a little like this,” He leaned in, his nose grazing the creamy skin of her neck, and brushed a soft kiss under her ear.
An almost inaudible moan escaped Elain’s throat. The sound threatened to be his undoing. “That feels. . . Nice.”
At the whisper of a taste, his cock strained against his pants. Azriel had to get control over himself. Being alone with her like this was dangerous.
No, they could have this. Tonight was theirs.
“Azriel,” Elain breathed, “I’ve missed you.” He stared into her eyes again. “You don’t come to dinners any more, and I hardly see you around the house. Did I do something wrong?”
Azriel felt his heart split in two. He’d done that. He’d avoided her and hurt her, and it was his fault that she looked so sad right now.
“No,” he almost choked on the words, “You haven’t. Don’t ever think. . .” He took a deep breath. “It’s my fault. I. . . I was afraid.”
She cupped a hand over his jaw. “Of what?”
“Because I. . .” Azriel looked down at the forest they flew over for a moment before looking back at her gorgeous face. “Because it’s hard to be around you. Every second that I’m in your presence, I feel like I’m fighting for my life. I’m trying to keep my composure when all I really want to do is taste you, protect you, tell you how strongly I feel for you.”
“Then do it," Elain said. "Tell me anything you want. Keep me safe. . ." She leaned in closer to him, and her lips brushed against his ear as she breathed, "taste me."
Azriel shuddered and buried his face in the space between her shoulder and neck, breathing in her sweet scent. He looked back up long enough to land on a ledge of the mountainside. He set her down carefully, but neither one of them tried to step out of the other's embrace. Elain kept her arms wrapped around Azriel's neck as he slid his around her back.
"Can I just. . . Hold you?" He asked, his voice low and broken.
"As long as you like."
"I'd like to all night."
"I'd like that too."
"But I-" Azriel forced the words out. "I don't deserve it-You. I'm not. . . Good."
Elain pushed away from him enough to look into his eyes. "You're wrong."
"You are good, Azriel."
"I'm not. I've done. . . Terrible things." His hands shook against her.
"I know." She breathed. "But not without reason. You are a good male. You have saved me in more ways than you realize. You listened to me when no one else would."
His words were cut off when Elain pushed up on her toes and brushed a feather soft kiss against his lips. Azriel's entire body stiffened, heat roaring through him. When she opened her eyes, he was staring at her, dumbstruck and speechless.
"Everything in my life has been chosen for me. For once. . . I'd like to choose for myself." She smiled shyly. "And I choose you."
They were the nicest words he'd ever heard. And he wanted more than anything to give into his desires. But they had to do this right. He'd had suspicions that the Cauldron had been wrong in mating Elain with Lucien. Deep, deep down, he felt that he was her true mate, and he would find a way to prove it. Until then, they would have to be careful. If they were caught together. . . Azriel didn't want to think of what might happen.
"I think. . . Elain, I think the Cauldron was wrong. I think you're my. . ." His hands slid down to her waist and as he rested his forehead against hers, he whispered, "I think you're supposed to be my mate."
"Can that happen?" She asked, her voice shaking.
"Truthfully, I don't know. But I feel so connected to you. It has to be."
"I would like it very much," she let her eyes flutter and close, "if you were my mate. But I would still choose you, even if you weren't."
Something in Azriel's chest squeezed. Elain bit her lower lip, eyes still closed. Azriel moved one hand to brush a strand of hair from her face. She hummed softly in response. His hand moved to her neck, his thumb on her chin, so he could angle her head up. She remained motionless, waiting, he realized, for his kiss.
How long had he dreamt of this moment? How many nights had he fisted his cock to the thought of her sweet face? And now he hesitated?
“Azriel,” Elain whispered, “Please. . .”
He’d give her anything she wanted. Himself, a field of flowers, Cauldron, all the stars in the sky wouldn’t be enough.
He bowed his head and pressed his lips against hers. The kiss was gentle, and unrushed, as he slowly brushed his lips over hers, again and again. She tasted better than he’d ever dreamed, and he was going to savor every last second of this. The scent of her arousal that drifted up to him threatened to bring him to his knees, but he wanted to take this slow.
Azriel's hand tightened on her waist and Elain's lips parted for him. His tongue swept in, mingling with hers, and she moaned against his mouth. Az buried his other hand in her thick hair, pulling her against his body as tightly as possible.
He groaned as Elain placed a small hand against his jaw and leaned into him further. His cock ached for her so badly he was going to jump out of his skin. He was going to learn just what sounds she would make when he thrust it into her. He was going to put his mouth all over her gorgeous body and taste every inch of her. He was going to-
"Azriel. . ." Elain moaned breathlessly between passionate kisses.
He pulled back to survey her face. He had no words for her beauty. Her lips, now full; her eyes, glazed over. Gods.
Something fluttered into his line of vision. Snow. They were high enough on the mountain that it would still get flurries at night. A frigid wind tore through them and Azriel knew he needed to get Elain home or they would both freeze up here.
It took every ounce of restraint in his body, but Azriel kissed her temple, gathered her into his arms, and said, "let's get you home."
Elain savored Azriel's warmth in the freezing night sky. As they approached the river house, it became apparent everyone was asleep. All the lights were off, except a dim spark on the balcony.
They landed, and Azriel set her down. She peered up at his face, her hands cupping his cheeks. His own hands ran up her sides, stopping over her ribs.
"When will I see you again?" She asked. She couldn't bear the thought of his absence again.
He considered her for a moment before his mouth curved up into a faint smile. "Tomorrow."
"Yes. I'll be more. . . Involved, now that you know how I feel."
Elain beamed. "That makes me so happy."
Azriel nodded, his hands shifting around her so he could pivot her towards the door.
Elain gasped.
Sitting on an iron table was the largest bouquet of roses she'd ever seen. Azriel slid his hands around her waist and held her from behind. "For you," he whispered, leaning his head down to kiss her ear.
"When did you. . ." Suddenly she remembered Azriel running back to the flower shop claiming he lost something. "This is why you went back to the shop?"
"Yes." He admitted. “I had them delivered.”
She spun around in his arms, stood on her toes, and kissed him. Azriel couldn't help but smile against her lips.
"Thank you." She said, hugging him tightly.
"I'll see you tomorrow." He said, voice low.
Elain nodded. Azriel kissed her temple and then stepped back, wings spreading wide. "Sweet dreams," he said, and then he shot into the starry night sky.
Elain watched him fly away until he was a speck in the night before taking her flowers inside and going to bed.
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that-angry-noldo · 8 months
Just wanna say I love the way you write Eonwe. I am so used to him being written like a clown; always on the receiving end of disrespect and portrayed to be dumb af that when I stumbled on your fic (the one where Finarfin was kidnapped), it was such a breath of fresh air because he is portrayed as a competent leader and a terrifying eldritch dude (that scares the elves) and with dignity. Amazing, kudos to you and your brilliant mind babe.
thank you so much anon! i'm sorry it took me so long to answer <3 i'm glad you like my portrayal of eönwë. i think the fandom at large overlooks his canon characterisation: he is the lord of the maiar, he is a warrior (the strongest of arda iirc), he is a war leader, and he is also knowledgable and respected, as his stay in Numenor indicates. let him be all these things! let him be competent! let him be smart! let him be scary! if the istari were powerful, imagine how terrifying their lord must be.
i am also glad you are enjoying ashes! ashes eönwë is my favorite eldritch guy i can't wait to write more of him
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entitled-fangirl · 2 months
Thank you so much, I look forward to reading all of them! I keep finding myself re reading all of your current Cregan fics 😂
When will your next one be dropping? Perhaps you could treat us with a cheeky teaser 🤭🤭
I think it'll be out late tonight!
Since my last one was soooo depressing with the ending, I'm doing one a little happier!
A little teaser for your appetizer, milady
He stood with a wooden sword in hand, easily blocking the blows from the children that dared to swing their own swords at him.
Their two babes.
Rickon and Alys.
She smiled as she neared them, watching as they tried their hardest to best their father. 
Cregan turned his head at the sound of her nearing, lowering his sword with a smile.
Rickon swung his sword into Cregan's shin, making him let out a small growl.
That anger vanished as quickly as it had come. 
"You're training warriors out here, my love?" She asked.
He brought her into his arms, kissing the top of her head, "Ah, yes. I do believe we'll have the strongest swordsmen in the realm at this rate."
Rickon ran to her, hugging her leg.
"I swear, Stark, you'd start training them out of the womb if you could."
He grinned, "Perhaps I'll try with this next one."
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pumpkinpie59 · 5 days
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fkdkdkdkd maja-
the funny thing is interstellarverse is like,, the one au where raphael doesn’t have a romantic subplot with anyone,,, so any raphibians in this au is purely ship tease and not canon.
4 - who handles bugs
5 - what pet would they get together
i think a cat fits them in this au specifically
6 - what do they call each other
mona’s kinda mean in this au fjdkdk so i imagine she like,, playfully bullies them a lot. calls them dorks regularly. i think for an actual pet name she’d use “babe”
genghis uses sweetheart and sunshine and sugar.
raphael isn’t very good at pet names. i think he’d maybe settle on something like “my warrior”. it’s not super romantic at first but he chooses it bc he grew up in a culture that values strength. and mona and genghis are the strongest people he knows in their own ways.
14 - who leaves sweet notes
15 - what’s a thoughtful gift they’ve gotten each other
i think mona and raph both suck at giving gifts. raph’s just like i’ll give them weapons to defend themselves. and mona’s like i’ll give them textbooks bc they’re stupid.
meanwhile genghis is giving them flowers and love notes and polaroids of them together and whatever he can find that makes him think of them
16 - blanket fort
mona overthinks it. she wants it to he structurally sound and everything. raphael wants it comfy, wants it to be a quiet solitude with his favorite people. he brings pillows and blankets. and genghis brings the food. it was genghis’ idea.
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alicentsgf · 2 years
i saw a blog call you a crypto trad AND claim that you were a “not so ex catholic” im 😭 you are the strongest alicent warrior
yeah they want me to be that person so bad its kind of funny. honestly tho i think it actually just makes me feel even more secure in my own opinions that they are so violently wrong about who i am? convinced if they met me irl their heads would explode. the anons i get from this contingent often just make me laugh because they'll like... make jabs at or references about the church or the pope thinking it'll bother me or something?? 💀 babe i would fuck a girl in the popes bed you cant out-blaspheme me.
all i can say is of course they dont understand alicents characterisation when they're looking at me, a genderqueer lesbian who actively rejected the church and its ideals, and going 'oh! a crypto trad churchgoer!' just because i still interact with the bible as a cultural text and dare to sympathise heavily with a character that is desperately operating to survive her opressive enviroment? thats... embaressing for them. imagine being that imperceptive.
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island-in-the-shadows · 6 months
Ok SB Hivemind, I know I owe you the last part of my liveblog so I want you guys to hold me accountable...next Friday after work. This goes out to my SB Mutual Babes as well. Next Friday, feel free to send me messages and tell me: liveblog bitch.
Can't get drunk today and I can't make it through Oliver's birthday and after sober. No ma'am. I literally left it at Oliver's sweet smile when Felix tells him he's taking him somewhere special. The ones who make it through sober are God's strongest warriors fr fr. I mean no wonder Oliver is drunk, high, and delusional...And because I finished all the Smirnoff Jolly Rancher tasting things that give me Felix vibes, I'll be drinking a cheap ass moscato that's called Cupcake. Equally as dumb.
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marxzsoul · 10 months
No one knows that the strongest warriors are those of us who have best friends who like bad shows. Yes babe I’ll watch Camp Camp w u bc I know u know it’s absolute dogshit but it makes u happy and you’re my ride or die and I would do anything for u. Even if it means watching Helluva Boss bc ur picking what we watch tonight. Ur the only one this show can exist for and everyone else who watches it is terrible. Ur the only one who understands it bc ur brain is so big and actually no other fans for it exist.
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tightjeansjavi · 1 year
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Hi Gi 🥺 im so sorry about what happened with your IUD, that’s very upsetting to hear. You’re the strongest warrior, babes!! Just sending my love your way and hope your recovery goes smoothly. Love you lots 💞💞 (I’m gonna go read your fic now 🥰)
Hi Molly 🥹🥹 thank you so much for reaching out! Your love is certainly felt over here 🤍 I am doing a lot better than I was yesterday, and this morning. (Work was rough and I honestly did not feel like myself for a good half of the day and ended up leaving early because of it) other than that, I haven’t had any pain other than the occasional light cramp and most importantly, there has been no more bleeding so I thankfully did not have to go back to get stitches 😭😭
I am still pretty angry at my doctor though. I will not be going back there 🥲
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makesitprecious · 2 years
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✒️ ɪᴛ's ᴀʟᴡᴀʏs sᴜᴍᴍᴇʀ ᴜɴᴅᴇʀ ᴛʜᴇ sᴇᴀ ✒️
Rather than kill those she considered family in her clan to maintain a seat of power after her father's death as Khol & mother's departure thereafter to join the Dosh Khaleen, Aquila resigns as Ko and departs. She feels lost & longs for purpose outside the desert & violent life she was raised in. Surely her keen battle insight & strength can help others not only hurt them. After traveling for some time, she hears the call so many others do: to serve 𝕽'𝖍𝖑𝖑𝖔𝖗 ❤️️🔥. Moving to Asshai to study & train, she is sometimes looked down upon for joining the Priestesses so late in life instead of as a babe or child. However, her fierce determination & skills ( particularly as a skinchanger with her golden eagle ) prove her worth & taunts fade to murmurs. 🌴 Aquila loves Pentos for its bountiful colors and rich lands. She preaches the 𝕽𝖊𝖉 𝕲𝖔𝖉'𝖘 message in the lavish temple, but deviates to free slaves & end disputes other Priestess' deem "not her problem". However, she becomes beloved by the people & cannot easily be snuffed out without notice (or casualties, considering she is the strongest warrior in the order even without magic). Earning many titles, those of stature often try to woo her to serve & assist them while simultaneously fearing her wrath should they fall in her sword's path. Aquila does not answer to the beckons of kings & lords, but the needs of the people & 𝕽'𝖍𝖑𝖑𝖔𝖗. Aquila wears a crown in remembrance of her royal Dothraki lineage, but a ✯ star is engraved for the True Lord's Light. Her armor & boots are mostly red & gold to match the fiery heart sigil of 𝕽'𝖍𝖑𝖑𝖔𝖗. [ 𝙾𝚗𝚕𝚢 𝚊 𝚏𝚎𝚠 𝚘𝚏 𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚊𝚍𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚎𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚙𝚘𝚠𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚊𝚋𝚘𝚟𝚎 ! ]
for the inspo !! ♡ @millie-55, @fragilestorm, @kingsroad, @toilandtroubled, @stachedocs, @zoyazenik, @prosemoireia, @fleetwoodmcs, @richitozier, @fragilestorm, @elmunson
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