#Safety Industry
Flameproofing Futures: Navigating the Fire-Resistant Fabrics Market Landscape
The global fire-resistant fabrics market is witnessing growth and is projected to reach USD 5.9 billion by 2030. This growth can be credited to the increase in the demand for such materials from the chemical, oil & gas, and construction sectors. Credited to the severe guidelines for workplace safety in advanced countries. On the basis of type, the industry is divided into treated and inherent…
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feminist-space · 10 months
Anti-mask policies and decision makers are using the momentum of anti-masking in the context of covid to also prevent people from accessing or using respirators to protect their breathing and lungs from other hazards -- things that were accepted in many industries as standard safety protocols before 2020.
"“During his first week, Complainant started coughing up black phlegm, his throat and tongue would burn, and he began having breathing problems due to excessive smoke and fumes from the cupola. He notified Sturgeon but nothing changed, and he was not provided a respirator.”
After not receiving a respirator, the lawsuit said the man went to the dispensary room and picked up a respirator himself.
He wore the respirator for the next week until the lawsuit said the safety supervisor saw him wearing it and “immediately became very upset; he rudely admonished the Complainant in front of his co-workers for wearing the respirator and demanded that he take it off immediately.”
According to the lawsuit, he told the safety supervisor he did not feel safe doing his job without it and was pulled into a meeting the next day where he was told he would not be allowed to wear a respirator.
After the meeting, the complaint said he was assigned to shovel gravel for the day before going home for the weekend at the end of his shift. On Monday, his employment was terminated.
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) opened an investigation into the company after learning of the alleged retaliation, and the DOL said in a statement that OSHA investigators with the Whistleblower’s Protection Program found the company violated federal protections by terminating the employee who exercised their protected rights to request protective equipment."
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intersectionalpraxis · 3 months
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Someone shared this on Twitter. Boeing has blood on their hands in many ways.
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winterthebeau · 9 months
american auto industry be like
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unbfacts · 5 days
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A survey revealed that 56% of commercial pilots admitted to sleeping while flying, with 29% waking up to find the other pilot asleep as well.
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alwaysbewoke · 2 months
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electropneumatic · 3 months
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Lockout Tagout
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You might have heard that the Big Cat Public Safety Act was passed by Congress last week, and is on its way to be signed into law by the President. While I so not oppose with the main goals of the act (ending private ownership of big cats and public contact with them), I have had serious concerns about the impact of other aspects of it for a long time.
For years, I’ve been pointing out that vague language regarding exemptions in the bill could really negatively impact credible zoos and sanctuaries. The bill authors/sponsors clearly didn’t intend the bill to have that result, but because they weren’t more exact with their wording, the full impacts of the law won’t be clear until it’s fully implemented by the Department of the Interior. Since a different federal department oversees zoo and sanctuary regulation, it doesn’t make sense to assume that the Department of the Interior will automatically interpret the new law in a way that aligns with how the industry currently functions.
In the best case scenario, there’s nothing to worry about. In a worst case scenario, though, credible zoos and sanctuaries might find their operations, exhibit construction, and animal programs detrimentally impacted. If there’s any possibility of the latter occurring, there has to be attention on the process to try to ensure it doesn’t come to pass.
This article is my overview of some of the biggest possible problems that could come from a bad implementation of the Big Cat Public Safety act. It’s short (for me), sweet, and simple. Just because the law has been passed doesn’t mean the work has ended - now it just involves holding the federal government accountable for implementing the bill in a way that doesn’t cause harm to credible facilities and programs.
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catoscloves · 9 days
i just remembered that on my reread of tbosas snow talked about taking a calculus test and i was like "lmao wait calculus still exists in a dystopia damn" and then i remembered... the capitol has universities for higher education, and there's even a chance that a "poor" person like snow could get scholarships if he really really wanted that education. as compared with the obviously poverty-ridden district's education is a priority in the capitol, because that's how you get power and wealth to put other people (the districts) down.
and it's crazy to me because as established by the original books, in District 12, you either learn about coal your whole life + minimal basic reading/writing/math skills and then work in a mine from 18 until you die by natural causes/starvation/accident, or you go win a hunger games and kill innocent children to maybe live the rest of your life in peace/reasonable wealth provided you don't disrupt the capitol authority which is the only way to get out. and even with that you still have the fear or losing your entire family or being sold to sex slavery.
even in district's 1/2/4, the education options are also equally bleak: you work for your industry (luxury/masonry/fishing/etc) or you get mindwiped into believing propaganda, become a brain-corrupted child soldier, and then either die in a games you were coerced into volunteering for or become a soulless murderer. obviously they get treated better than the people of d3-12 regardless of whether you're a Victor or average citizen - as katniss said, they're apparently allbeing well fed - but you're still a servile pet without useful education beyond basic skills, and there's still the fear of sex slavery for victors of 1/4.
the way education is a commodity for people who are "deserving" of it... it's horrible and unfortunately really reminiscent of the real world systems
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simplepotatofarmer · 3 months
anyone else have like youtube channels you're super obsessed with that most people would never assume you'd watch? i love brick immortar a lot.
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newsfromstolenland · 1 year
Quebec Labour Minister Jean Boulet has amended his law project, Bill 19, regulating youth employment in the province to allow children under 14 to work in agriculture, provided the business has a maximum of 10 employees.
The proposed law, tabled in March, would limit the number of weekly hours Quebecers 16 and under can work during the school year to 17. It also sets the minimum legal working age at 14 — with some exceptions for jobs like babysitting or tutoring.
But Boulet's amendment would allow small agricultural businesses to be exempt from the new minimum working age and employ children as young as twelve.
This new exemption echoes the demands of employers, who asked for more exceptions to allow children under 14 to work.
But there are concerns over the agricultural environment being risky as injuries in young people are frequent. Some doubt the ability of Quebec's labour regulator, La Commission des normes, de l'équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CNESST), to ensure the safety of children in the workplace.
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Tagging: @allthecanadianpolitics
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Federal Health Minister Mark Holland said Wednesday he needs new powers to unilaterally take dangerous products off the shelves if they're hurting people and are not being used as intended.
Holland is defending provisions in the government's budget bill, which will allow the minister to put conditions on the sale, advertising, manufacture and importation of health products if he believes they are being used off-label and could be harmful.
"We need to be able to have the powers to act quickly, so that when (tobacco companies) slink out of some new hole ... we can play whack-a-mole with them as fast as their lawyers create new loopholes," Holland said.
The minister called for the powers in response to the sale of nicotine pouches, which are placed between the user's gums and lip. [...]
Continue Reading.
Tagging: @newsfromstolenland
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pretending like every incarcerated man is falsely accused by a rich white person is so silly like so many people want to be abolitionists but don’t have the courage to stand in their convictions and they get easily caught up by conservative gotchas. obviously rich white men don’t commit the most crime. why would a wall street banker rob a liquor store?? or when people are like, “well if people steal because they’re poor then why are they stealing tvs and jewelry?” they’re boosting. obviously. that’s also why they stole your catalytic converter. to sell. for money. people also boost everyday items like baby formula and shaving cream and sell it on the cheap to their neighbors. this isn’t les mis people have rent and daycare to pay for and you can’t pay that with bread. dummy
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reasonsforhope · 6 months
Crowdsourcing a question
Okay totally personal post here because, now that search engines suck, my research is failing me. So I'm crowdsourcing my question about the residential care work industry!
Hoping at least some of my followers have experience in/with the industry and some intel on this:
Actual question: How common is it for jobs in residential care work (residential centers, btw, not home care) to actually have two people on the night shift? vs. just saying they always have two people on the night shift in interviews and their official policies, and actually it's not true?
Because my current job was, it turns out, apparently totally lying about "you'll never be on shift alone with clients" at orientation (when it comes to the night shift, anyway). Which, holy fucking safety issues, Batman!
Suffice to say this was a very fun thing to find out like three days before my first regular shift
So, I'm thinking realllll hard about switching companies, and I'm trying to figure out if I could expect to actually have a coworker at a different company, or if it's like an open secret in the field that actually, basically all the night shifts end up being solo shifts, because the industry is so chronically understaffed or w/e
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lumpsbumpsandwhumps · 6 months
we need more historical whump and we also need more non-American settings like why are we all sleeping on such gorgeous aesthetics for both worldbuilding and characters
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girderednerve · 2 months
MSHA silica standard enacted!!! mining workers now have a federal silica dust standard in line with other industries, cutting the acceptable limit by half. the new rule also requires mine operators outside the coal sector to provide similar free health exams to miners
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