#Sage The Scorpio
rainydetectiveglitter · 3 months
꒰ ♡ ꒱Astrology and The Female Archetypes ꒰ ♡ ꒱
✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚:
I've always been fascinated by Carl Jung's archetypes, and I thought it would be interesting to merge them with astrology. Take a look and let me know what you think—it's all in good fun, so if it doesn't quite line up, no worries!
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The Sage
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Key Traits: Wisdom, knowledge, philosophical insight, intellectual depth.
Astrological Placements and Aspects:
Sun: Typically in Sagittarius or Capricorn, emphasizing a quest for truth, higher learning, and wisdom. Sun conjunct Ascendant highlights a strong personal identity tied to wisdom.
Mercury: Often in Scorpio or Sagittarius, indicating deep thinking, insightful communication, and a probing mind. Mercury conjunct Pluto intensifies depth of thought and investigative skills.
Jupiter: Strongly placed (in Sagittarius, Pisces, or in aspect to Sun/Mercury), emphasizing expansion, optimism, and a philosophical outlook on life.
Pluto: In Scorpio, contributing to a transformative approach to knowledge, deep psychological insights, and a profound understanding of power dynamics.
Celebrity Example:
Oprah Winfrey (Sun in Aquarius, Mercury in Aquarius, Jupiter in Sagittarius)
Jane Fonda (Sun in Sagittarius, Mercury in Sagittarius, Jupiter in Capricorn)
The Mystic
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Key Traits: Spiritual depth, intuition, connection to mystical realms.
Astrological Placements and Aspects:
Neptune: Strongly placed in Pisces, indicating a deep connection to spirituality, dreams, and the subconscious. Neptune conjunct Venus enhances sensitivity and mystical experiences in relationships.
Moon: Often in Pisces or Cancer, enhancing emotional sensitivity, intuitive abilities, and a deep connection to the collective unconscious.
Pluto: In Scorpio, contributing to a transformative spiritual journey, profound psychological insights, and the ability to uncover hidden truths.
Celebrity Example:
Stevie Nicks (Neptune in Scorpio, Moon in Gemini, Pluto in Leo)
Björk (Neptune in Scorpio, Moon in Sagittarius, Pluto in Virgo)
The Wise Old Woman
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Key Traits: Maturity, wisdom, nurturing, emotional depth.
Astrological Placements and Aspects:
Moon: Typically in Cancer or Taurus, highlighting emotional nurturing, intuition, and connection to natural cycles. Moon trine Venus or Jupiter enhances emotional intelligence and nurturing qualities.
Mars: Often in Cancer or Capricorn, indicating protective instincts, emotional strength, and caregiving abilities. Mars in aspect to Saturn can add discipline and responsibility to nurturing roles.
Saturn: Well-placed (in Capricorn, Aquarius, or in aspect to Moon/Mars), emphasizing wisdom gained through experience, structure, and a grounded approach to life.
Celebrity Example:
Meryl Streep (Moon in Cancer, Mars in Leo, Saturn in Leo)
Judi Dench (Moon in Virgo, Mars in Cancer, Saturn in Aquarius)
The Queen
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Key Traits: Leadership, sovereignty, regal presence.
Astrological Placements and Aspects:
Sun: Often in Leo or Capricorn, indicating leadership qualities, strength of character, and a sense of authority. Sun trine or sextile Saturn enhances leadership abilities and a structured approach to authority.
Venus: Strongly placed (in Taurus, Libra, or in aspect to Sun/Saturn), emphasizing grace, diplomacy, and a balanced approach to relationships.
Saturn: Well-placed (in Capricorn, Aquarius, or in aspect to Sun/Venus), highlighting discipline, responsibility, and the ability to lead with integrity and longevity.
Celebrity Example:
Queen Elizabeth II (Sun in Taurus, Venus in Taurus, Saturn in Capricorn)
Cate Blanchett (Sun in Taurus, Venus in Aries, Saturn in Pisces)
The Mother
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Key Traits: Nurturing, compassion, caregiving.
Astrological Placements and Aspects:
Moon: Typically in Cancer or Taurus, emphasizing emotional nurturing, protective instincts, and a strong bond with family. Moon conjunct Fortuna enhances themes of emotional security and caregiving roles.
Mars: Often in Cancer or Virgo, indicating caretaking abilities, nurturing energy, and dedication to others’ well-being. Mars in aspect to Moon or Venus adds passion and protective instincts.
Fortuna: Well-placed (in Cancer, Taurus, or in aspect to Moon), highlighting themes of home, family, and emotional security.
Celebrity Example:
Angelina Jolie (Moon in Aries, Mars in Cancer, Fortuna in Taurus)
Michelle Obama (Moon in Pisces, Mars in Gemini, Fortuna in Cancer)
The Maiden
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Key Traits: Youthfulness, innocence, new beginnings.
Astrological Placements and Aspects:
North Node: In Leo or Aries, indicating a path towards personal growth, independence, and creative expression. North Node trine Sun enhances self-expression and leadership potential.
Mercury: Often in Gemini or Virgo, enhancing communication skills, curiosity, and adaptability. Mercury conjunct Uranus adds originality and a progressive approach to learning.
Venus: Well-placed (in Libra, Taurus, or in aspect to North Node), highlighting a playful, flirtatious approach to love and relationships.
Celebrity Example:
Emma Watson (North Node in Leo, Mercury in Virgo, Venus in Virgo)
Taylor Swift (North Node in Cancer, Mercury in Sagittarius, Venus in Scorpio)
The Huntress
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Key Traits: Independence, strength, courage.
Astrological Placements and Aspects:
Mars: Strongly placed (in Aries, Scorpio, or in aspect to Uranus), emphasizing assertiveness, courage, and a pioneering spirit. Mars conjunct Uranus adds a rebellious streak and innovative energy.
Uranus: Well-placed (in Aquarius, Aries, or in aspect to Mars), highlighting independence, originality, and a progressive approach to goals and challenges.
Jupiter: Can enhance optimism, exploration, and a quest for freedom and adventure.
Celebrity Example:
Serena Williams (Mars in Gemini, Uranus in Libra, Jupiter in Capricorn)
Amelia Earhart (Mars in Aries, Uranus in Gemini, Jupiter in Sagittarius)
The Lover ˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
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Key Traits: Passion, emotional depth in relationships.
Astrological Placements and Aspects:
Venus: Strongly placed (in Taurus, Libra, or in aspect to Moon/Mars), indicating a love of beauty, harmony, and a deep emotional connection in relationships. Venus opposite Mars can highlight tension between desire and affection.
Moon: Well-placed (in Cancer, Pisces, or in aspect to Venus), enhancing sensitivity, empathy, and emotional receptivity.
Mars: Can contribute to passion, desire, and intensity in romantic pursuits.
Celebrity Example:
Beyoncé Knowles (Venus in Libra, Moon in Scorpio, Mars in Leo)
Marilyn Monroe (Venus in Aries, Moon in Aquarius, Mars in Leo)
Each archetype can be further explored through additional astrological traits that uniquely resonate with individuals. Feel free to explore and see what aligns best with your personality. This is all for enjoyment and entertainment, so share your thoughts—I'd love to hear what resonates with you!
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toxiccrybabyart · 2 years
The mom swap gang is back with a screenshot redraw. Or, well, four, screenshot redraws. Despite only focusing all my attention on Sage Universe, I have made a swap au for all three diamonds. Becaus I love suffering.
All of my designs can and will change, for now, enjoy my little project that got away from me.
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In order it’s
Steven Universe (classic, duh)
Sage Universe (Blue Diamond au)
Stephan Universe (Yellow Diamond au)
And Scorpio Universe (White Diamond au)
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hotchbabygirl · 6 months
As someone who reads Tarot and seeing Hotch know the meaning of the cards, the curiosity on his face looking around Madam Bouvier place I KNOW he’s into that 😭
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scorpionoesit · 1 year
Hello author, don't mind me if I borrow your beta for a bit to ask a question if they see this-
Hello author's beta! (Alibi :D) I saw in one of the ask answers that world building is your jam, bread and butter (I've been stuck here for too long help me/j) anyway, I wanted to see if we could borrow some of your jam wisdom. (Can we have worldbuilding tips?)
Ps: love you author I love advice from you as well please don't hurt me-
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"Okay...alright, so basically I have like two types of worldbuilding. One that's like history world building, which we'll get to in a minute, but the other I like to call Band-Aid world-building. *chuckles* So basically, for history worldbuilding, like let's say if someone were to look at earth, our worldbuilding would be history. And I like history! So this is fun! Making fake history? Awesome! So [for Vagabonds] it was like, finding things we refer to historically in real life and giving them like, Vagabonds...painting(?). Like how we can say...just say 'the pyramids' and you know what I mean. The same way they say 'the Archives' and you know what they mean. How we will casually refer to World War II is how they refer to their Civil War sort of thing. Just casual pieces of history that appear in our everyday life, how would that translate to a fictional world? And that's basically it. And just having like how [Scorpio] did before, just having those little references can eventually build into something else. So we don't even fully build a history, we just make little references, and if we need a history, we can go back to those and be like 'oh, let's expand on this'. Which is basically what we did. So basically this type of worldbuilding is just to add a little spice. You think there's dimension, but no, it's just a greenscreen. It's meant to make your world feel fuller. More lived in without having to make up years of complex historical shenanigans. Anyway, but Band-Aid worldbuilding is my favorite, okay? Because it's basically just like...built a story! Story has plot holes? Band-Aid worldbuilding over them! That's how you fix all plot holes: worldbuilding! Uhh, so like, Tommy has to help people that are hurt. Why can't he just call an ambulance? Well, obviously...there are none here! Band-aid, BAM! You see what I mean? That's...yeah, that's basically the two types. So basically, my advice would be not to focus on worldbuilding? Just build your story, use worldbuilding to fix any little issues, then throw in some historical references." (Another thing that I like to do (that I know isn't for everyone) is making fake religions? *nervous laugh* It's a weird thing to say out loud. 'I like to make fake religions like a good cult leader!' Yeah, but...just like we see that religions are, like, vitally integral to all things history, ever? And nothing makes a world feel more lived in than seeing how their religion has kinda grown with them? In a purely metaphorical sense. Am I making sense? [Nope! :3] Anyway, I also enjoy the thought experiments of picking little pieces of real life religions and mashing them together and shoving them into a story for my own enjoyment. And this hasn't shown up in Vagabonds yet, and it's important not to be too heavy-handed with it, but it's a good way to give a set group of people the same motivations and morals, I guess? [You'll see more of this in Vagabonds later on.])
xD And that's all they wrote.
I would also like to clarify, this is not the only way to do it? Obviously, I know, but like...I doubt this sort of thing worked with Tolkien. Everyone has their own method, their own process. This is ours.
It also helps that someone takes eons to write, which let's the worldbuilding marinate for eons. Hehe...
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ballpit-bakery · 2 years
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i love these guys so much i wanna tear them all apart like a fucking dog toy
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the-traveling-gem · 2 years
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New Moon in Scorpio (Partial Solar Eclipse) Oct. 25, 2022
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teatoast-n-tarot · 2 years
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#scorpio #tarot #godfather #rootwork #raiseyourvibration #occultscience #amore #tantric #ritual #selfrespect #wakeup #celestial #sage #sagesmudge #innerpeace #gratitude #wellness #ancientknowledge #forbiddenknowledge #alchemy #magick #awakening #awake #february #love #focus #goals #spiritual #mindfulness #onthesestreetsweshine (at Liverpool) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoGwZGlKvOz/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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yuveenti-blog · 29 days
🐣Freestyle Astrology Observations 🐣
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Aries Sun’s will always want to be perceived as unique and different.
Taurus Sun’s can be cheap and meticulous with money.
Gemini Sun’s can become very dogmatic about religion if they believe in it.
Cancer Sun’s can be either serial daters, always in a relationship or just the opposite and never date or in a relationship.
Leo Sun’s can act like they are loners
Virgo Sun’s can be very into new age spirituality, tarot, numerology, astrology.
Libra Sun’s can either be very picky with who they date or date whoever gives them attention.
Scorpio Sun’s can give people chance after chance. It’s as if when they say they’re done it isn’t true.
Sagittarius Sun’s can be so pessimistic when life isn’t in their favor. They can be chronic complainers.
Capricorn Sun’s can be very mean. I mean they can say nasty things without even seeing the impact of their words. But they also seem to always have some struggle in life ( medical issues, drug addicts, losing a parent, going bankrupt or losing a lot of money, traumatic childhood).
Aquarius Sun’s can either come across as dry and boring or unique and exciting.
Pisces Sun’s are the sign I feel that people can often mistaken for another sign.
Aries Rising’s can attract a lot of negative attention or unwanted criticism.
Taurus Risings can be perceived as having money even when they don’t.
Gemini Risings can be recognized by their voice
Cancer Rising may go through a lot of changes in their life, moving around, different partners, different workplace.
Leo Risings may feel like people are always looking at them or they can just feel very exposed
Virgo Risings can over analyze their own thoughts or constantly be in their head about everything they do.
Libra Rising can either be focused on making themselves look so good ( physically) or making their life look so good ( career, house, car, relationship, family).
Scorpio Risings can experiment with their sexuality a lot in this lifetime or find that the end of their relationships drastically change the trajectory of their lives.
Sagittarius Risings can become guru’s, sages, spiritual leaders, or life coaches.
Capricorn Risings can often be the person in the family who breaks generational curses or steps up to make sure the family succeeds or takes care of family.
Aquarius Risings can be the ones to change their family tree, do something different, no children, more children than others in the family, different race children. They are the odd child or person in their family.
Pisces Risings can be seen as innocent or misjudged incorrectly, may project an image that isn’t true or may see other people this way.
Aries Moon’s may struggle to grasp how they truly feel and they can also feel their emotions make them volatile.
Taurus Moon’s can be fake deep.
Gemini Moon’s can do best at expressing their feelings through poetry, story telling, blogging, writing in a diary or journal or texting friends.
Cancer Moon’s can be subject to change how they feel about anything or anyone all of the time. Also extremely absorbent of others emotions.
Leo Moon’s can find it hard to hide how they truly feel.
Virgo Moon’s can find themselves interested in people and things that they are emotionally attached to.
Libra Moon’s can become shopaholics and find it hard to put in hard work.
Scorpio Moon’s deal with intense and extreme emotions and often no one knows how much they’re struggling.
Sagittarius Moon’s may have a lot of friends because they boost people’s self-esteem and motivate others.
Capricorn Moon’s can come across as somber and need to feel needed.
Aquarius Moon’s can have moments where their emotions become chaotic and uncontrollable. Sudden outbursts, rage, panic attacks, anxiety, meltdowns, hyperventilating.
Pisces Moon’s can feel easily disturbed and need healthy environments to thrive or they become delusional and negative.
Personal Observations
• Leo women can have other women jealous of them and it’s usually either because of the attention they get or some physical feature they have.
• Pisces can be extremely influenced by their siblings or close relatives. Say they have a cousin or older brother that is a certain way, they end up following in their footsteps.
• Capricorn women can dish it, but can’t take it.
• Leo men easily become “ lover boys”.
• Leo men can also lie straight to you in your face and not even blink an eye.
• Sagittarius women relationships never last. They always fall hard even if they play hard to get but they just don’t last.
• Scorpio men have this deep desire to gain power through money. They are the kind of people willing to do what it takes to ensure they’re successful.
• Libra women can have a lot of friends that they dislike are or jealous of.
• Also, I find that Libra’s usually end up being LGBTQIA+.
• Cancer men love when a woman chases after them or does the initiating.
• Cancer men also can be users especially when they aren’t over their ex.
• I find that Scorpio men’s persistence at times is a detriment in dating. For their goals, it can help them get to where they want to be, but with love it can make them frustrated and end up going for the person they didn’t have to chase after.
• I find that Gemini men often date out of curiosity. They don’t have to particularly be into you; but if you intrigue them in anyway they will play around with the idea of “dating” you.
• Scorpio women can be a “ girls girl” the most when they’re single. When they’re in a relationship they can be a “ pick- me”.
• I feel like Virgo men are either dysfunctional, chaotic, and mean or orderly, goal-oriented and kind.
• Aries men are looking for their soulmate, woman of their dreams, their other half. When they meet a woman they feel that way towards they can become delusional.
• Aries men also love people they can mentally connect with. They can be so talkative with the right people and dead quiet with people they don’t fuck with.
• Pisces men are so good at making you fall in love with them. It’s like they have the cheat code. Which is why I think they are hated so much because they end up breaking hearts.
• Leo women always seem to have a type. They’re also low key delusional.
• Capricorn men love women, but they always end up in drama dealing with women.
• I feel like Sagittarius women have a lot of pride
• Cancer women can become so engrossed in a man. It’s not even delusional because they know it’s not healthy, but they always choose partners that they have to struggle with.
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ariesjupiter · 3 months
Astro Notes: Degree Theory Part 3 ⭐️
✰ Often people who have a nickname can have Gemini degrees (3°, 15°, 27°) particularly on their Sun, Mercury, and/or Ascendant.
✰ Having a Scorpio degree (8°, 20°) on your midheaven can mean having a parent that works in finance.
✰ Those with Virgo degrees (6°, 18°) on the 4th house cusp usually have neat and organized homes and bedrooms. They’re the type of person to say “my bedroom is my sanctuary.” They could be focused on wellness and light candles, burn sage, have self-help books, and overall have a clean and minimalistic living space.
✰ If you’re a fan of crystals you may have some Capricorn degrees (10°, 22°) in your chart, particularly Neptune or Uranus or any placement with a water sign at a Capricorn degree.
✰ Those with Taurus (2°, 14°, 26°) and/or Cancer degrees (4°, 16°, 28°), particularly in the personal planets, often have a love of cooking and baking. They can enjoy the feeling of making food for others. If the degree is on the Moon, perhaps their mom and/or grandmother(s) enjoyed cooking and baking or had a career involving it.
✰ People with a Leo degree (5°, 17°, 29°) on their Mercury are usually really good at word play and are overall creative in the way they communicate. An example that comes to mind is Sabrina Carpenter and her double entendres in her ‘nonsense’ outros. She has Mercury at 5°.
✰ A lot of people with Venus and/or Jupiter in a Taurus or Pisces degree (12°, 24°) can have big music collections of cds and records
✰ I’ve found that many people who are trendsetters have Uranus or Neptune at 0°, 1° (Aries), 12° or 24° (Pisces) or 29° (Leo).
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thecupidwitch · 4 months
Elements And Their Correspondences
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Direction: North
Time: Midnight
Season: Winter
Color: Green, brown
Zodiac: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Ruling planets: Venus and Saturn
Tarot Cards: Pentacles, Coins
Tools: Pentacle, salt, stones, dirt, crystals, wood, flowers
Cystals: Emerald, Jet, tourmaline, quartz, onyx, azurite, amethyst, jasper, peridot, granite.
Animals: gopher, bear, wolf, ant, horse, stag, deer, dog, cow, bull, bison, snake, worms, moles, voles, grubs
Herbs: Oak, cedar, cypress, honeysuckle, ivy, primrose, sage, grains, patchouli, nuts, magnolia, comfrey, vetivert, moss, lilac, lichen, roots, barley, alfalfa, corn, rice.
Rules: Grounding, strength, healing, success, stability, sturdiness, steadfastness, foundations, empathy, fertility, death, rebirth, wisdom, nature, animals, plants, money, prosperity.
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Direction: West
Time: Dusk
Season: Fall
Color: Blue, Indigo, Sliver
Zodiac: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Ruling planets: Moon, Neptune, Pluto
Tarot Cards: Cups
Tools: Ocean, sea glass, cup, bowl, seaweed, hag stones, cauldron
Cystals: Moonstone, pearl, silver, aquamarine, amethyst, blue tourmaline, lapis lazuli, fluorite, coral, blue topaz, beryl, opal, coral
Animals: fish, snake, frog, crab, lobster, eel, shark, dragonfly, seahorse, dolphin, sea otter, seal, whale, alligator, crocodile, beaver, octopus, penguin, salamander, turtle, starfish, koi, coral, barnacle, manta ray, manatee, jellyfish, nautilus, heron, duck, geese, crane, swan, water birds, ammonite, dragons, serpents
Herbs: seaweed, aloe, fern, water lily, lotus, moss, willow, gardenia, apple, catnip, chamomile, cattail, lettuce, kelp, birch, cabbage, coconut, cucumber, comfrey, eucalyptus, gourd, geranium, grape, licorice, lilac, pear, strawberry, tomato
Rules: emotion, intuition, psychic abilities, love, unconscious mind, fertility, self-healing, reflection, lunar energy, deep feelings, curses, death
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Direction: South
Time: Noon
Season: Summer
Color: Red, Orange
Zodiac: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Ruling planets: Sun, Mars
Tarot Cards: Wands or Swords (depends on belief system)
Tools: Athame, candles, swords, wands, dagger, lamp, flame
Cystals: Carnelian, red jasper, bloodstone, garnet, ruby, agate, rhodochrosite, gold, pyrite, brass, fire opal, lavastone, tiger's eye
Animals: Lion, snake, coyote, fox, ladybug, bee, shark, scorpion, horse, mantis, tiger
Herbs: Cinnamon, cloves, ginger, allspice, basil, cacti, marigold, chilis, garlic, mustard, nettle, onion, heliotrope, hibiscus, juniper, lime, orange, red pepper, poppies, thistle, coffee, jalapenos, lemon, cumin, saffron, coriander
Rules: Energy, will, destruction, strength, courage, power, passion, lust, sexuality, anger, war, new beginnings, protection, loyalty, transformation, action, movement, achievement, creativity, desire, willpower
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Direction: East
Time: Down
Season: Spring
Color: Yellow, gold, white, light blue, pastels
Zodiac: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Ruling planets: Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus
Tarot Cards: Wands
Tools: Feather, wand, staff, incense, broom, bell, sword, pen
Cystals: Amber, topaz, citrine, jasper, agate, pumice, alexandrite, amethyst, fluorite, mica, clear quartz
Animals: Birds, flying insects, spiders, bats
Herbs: Bergamot, lavender, marjoram, peppermint, sage, dandelion, bluebell, clover, frankincense, primrose, lemongrass, pine, aspen, yarrow, violets, vervain, myrrh, dill, anise, aspen
Rules: Intelligence, wisdom, knowledge, logic, thought, communication, truth, inspiration, intuition, memory, creativity
Tip jar
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rainydetectiveglitter · 3 months
The 12 Archetypes as the 12 Zodiac Signs
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1. Aries - The Hero
Archetype: The Hero Traits: Courageous, Bold, Determined Description: Aries embodies the Hero's journey. They are natural leaders, always ready to take on challenges and protect the weak. Their fearless and adventurous spirit drives them to overcome obstacles and inspire others with their bravery.
2. Taurus - The Lover
Archetype: The Lover Traits: Sensual, Loyal, Grounded Description: Taurus is the ultimate Lover, deeply connected to the physical world and its pleasures. They value stability and comfort, seeking to build lasting and meaningful relationships. Their appreciation for beauty and their nurturing nature make them devoted companions.
3. Gemini - The Jester
Archetype: The Jester Traits: Witty, Playful, Curious Description: Gemini thrives as the Jester, bringing joy and laughter to every situation. Their quick wit and ability to adapt make them excellent communicators and entertainers. They enjoy exploring new ideas and perspectives, often using humor to diffuse tension and engage others.
4. Cancer - The Caregiver
Archetype: The Caregiver Traits: Compassionate, Nurturing, Protective Description: Cancer represents the Caregiver, always ready to offer support and comfort. They have a deep sense of empathy and a strong desire to care for others. Their intuitive and protective nature creates a safe haven for those they love, providing emotional and physical nourishment.
5. Leo - The Ruler
Archetype: The Ruler Traits: Confident, Charismatic, Authoritative Description: Leo shines as the Ruler, with a natural ability to command attention and lead with grace. They are confident and ambitious, often taking on leadership roles with ease. Their magnetic presence and generosity inspire loyalty and admiration from those around them.
6. Virgo - The Sage
Archetype: The Sage Traits: Analytical, Wise, Humble Description: Virgo embodies the Sage, seeking knowledge and understanding through observation and analysis. They are meticulous and detail-oriented, always striving for perfection. Their quest for wisdom and their practical approach to problem-solving make them reliable guides and mentors.
7. Libra - The Idealist
Archetype: The Idealist Traits: Harmonious, Diplomatic, Fair-minded Description: Libra is the Idealist, constantly striving for balance and justice. They value harmony in relationships and have a keen sense of aesthetics. Their diplomatic nature allows them to mediate conflicts and bring people together, fostering unity and understanding.
8. Scorpio - The Magician
Archetype: The Magician Traits: Transformative, Intense, Mysterious Description: Scorpio takes on the role of the Magician, with a deep understanding of life's mysteries and a powerful ability to transform. They are passionate and resourceful, often diving into the depths of the human psyche. Their magnetic and enigmatic presence captivates and empowers others.
9. Sagittarius - The Explorer
Archetype: The Explorer Traits: Adventurous, Philosophical, Independent Description: Sagittarius is the Explorer, driven by a thirst for knowledge and a desire to experience the world. They seek freedom and adventure, always pushing the boundaries and exploring new horizons. Their optimistic and open-minded nature encourages others to embrace change and discover new possibilities.
10. Capricorn - The Creator
Archetype: The Creator Traits: Ambitious, Disciplined, Practical Description: Capricorn embodies the Creator, with a strong drive to build and achieve. They are disciplined and pragmatic, focused on their goals and willing to put in the hard work to realize their visions. Their perseverance and resourcefulness enable them to create lasting structures and achieve success.
11. Aquarius - The Visionary
Archetype: The Visionary Traits: Innovative, Progressive, Humanitarian Description: Aquarius thrives as the Visionary, with a forward-thinking approach and a commitment to social change. They are innovative and original, always seeking to improve the world around them. Their idealism and humanitarian spirit inspire others to embrace new ideas and work towards a better future.
12. Pisces - The Mystic
Archetype: The Mystic Traits: Intuitive, Compassionate, Dreamy Description: Pisces is the Mystic, deeply attuned to the spiritual and emotional realms. They have a profound sense of empathy and an ability to connect with the unseen. Their imaginative and compassionate nature allows them to heal and inspire through their dreams and artistic expressions.
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toxiccrybabyart · 6 months
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Stage one, diamond owned
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vivmaek · 10 months
STYLE AND AESTHETICS: Astrology Observations
Within this post, there are three different sections.
The Ascendant (physical appearance, character)
The Venus Sign (relationship to aesthetics)
The 5th House (self-expression)
Aries - Known for their distinct facial features and athletic builds. They look younger than they are and always have bright smiles. Risk takers and adrenaline junkies. Always prepared to jump into something new. Their energetic aura is hard to miss.
Archetype: The Warrior
Tarot Card: The Emperor
Taurus - It's all about symmetry. They have pretty faces and usually have round eyes. Something about them looks delicate despite their strong postures. Down to earth individuals and connected to nature.
Archetype: The Sensualist
Tarot Card: The Hierophant
Gemini - You can read these people like a book, one of the most expressive rising signs. There's always a smirk on their face. They walk fast, talk fast, and think quickly. They lure people in with their charms and fun stories. They’re mischievous little fairies.
Archetype: The Jester
Tarot Card: The Lovers
Cancer - Something about their appearance makes them easy to trust. Their soft features are beautiful and they move gently. You never know what mood they’re in. Elusive individuals who flourish within the private sphere.
Archetype: The Healer
Tarot Card: The Chariot
Leo -Their high level of confidence is always noticed first. They have a domineering presence that looms over others, everyone knows when they’ve entered a room. Big smiles and loud laughs. They’re here for a good time and will go out of their way to make sure other people are having fun.
Archetype: The Hero
Tarot Card: Strength
Virgo - These types intimidate people through their subtle expressions. They have bright and clear eyes that are always observing their surroundings. They look clever and are always put together. Understated beauty when it comes to their physical appearance. I think of pixies with this placement because of their sharp, edgy features, and cutting remarks.
Archetype: The Sage
Tarot Card: The Hermit
Libra - They glow with beauty. Very charming. The most conventionally attractive. They’re sort of everybody's type. Girl next door vibes. The person giggling and flirting at the back of the classroom. 
Archetype: The Princess/Prince
Tarot Card: Justice
Scorpio - It's all in the eyes. That is the first feature everyone notices within a Scorpio rising. They make eye contact and want people to know that they see them for who they are. Did I mention intense? They have a heavy energy.
Archetype: The Alchemist
Tarot Card: Death
Sagittarius - So cheerful and ready to join in. They have bright and happy facial expressions. They carry themselves with confidence. Always moving, they use their whole body to express themselves. Wild stallions.
Archetype: The Explorer
Tarot Card: Temperance
Capricorn - Something about them looks resilient. Their strength as a person is immediately evident. This is the person you go to when life gets too chaotic. They look older than they actually are. People rely on them and they carry this weight with them everywhere they go.
Archetype: The Queen/King
Tarot Card: The Devil
Aquarius - Odd-balls. They look different compared to everyone else. Calm, cool, and collected. They look detached. Awkward in an endearing sort of way. They surprise people with their eccentric ways.
Archetype: The Rebel
Tarot Card: The Star
Pisces -  Sometimes they look half asleep. Wherever they are, they’re not here. Always staring off into the distance. Large, emotional eyes. Old souls who have already seen too much.
Archetype: The Mystic
Tarot Card: The Moon
Aries - These people know what they want. Very decisive about what sort of aesthetics they enjoy, and they tend to stick to it. They’re all about being authentic and they want their appearance to reflect this. They love bright colors and flashy prints, especially animal prints. They don’t care if other people don’t like what they like. They’re not highly influenced by fashion trends like other Venus signs. They’d rather try something new and completely original. Obviously, they like to present themselves with a lot of sex appeal.
Colors: crimson, bronze, canary yellow, admiral, eggplant, hot pink
Taurus - The most likely to stick to fashion trends. People with this placement are probably going crazy over the “clean girl aesthetic,” because it's right up their alley. They want to enhance their own natural beauty. They enjoy the routine of self care, and you can tell just by looking at them that they take good care of themselves. They have an innate understanding of what's currently in, but they’re not experimental. They want to look pretty, not odd or strange. They’re also not trying to make any statements with their appearance, they’re only looking for admiration.
Colors: ruby, honey, dijon, basil, cerulean, mulberry, peach
Gemini - It's hard to define the aesthetic and style of a Gemini Venus because it’s always changing. I actually think this is quite exciting, and I wish more people were willing to try things they normally wouldn’t. They learn about themselves through the ways in which they dress. They want to explore their own identity. They’re not afraid to embrace the multi-faceted person that they are. They’re always changing up their look based on where they’re going, who they’re seeing, and what place in life they’re currently at.
Colors: blush, tangerine, buttermilk, chartreuse, sky blue, periwinkle, strawberry
Cancer -  Being comfortable is important for a Cancer Venus. They pay a lot of attention to the weight and textures of fabrics. They might feel more drawn to high quality pieces because of the way it feels against skin. They love oversized clothing, and might even try to hide themselves through clothing. You won’t catch them putting on skin tight clothing just to look sexy. They’ll probably opt for more sensual pieces that move and flow naturally with the body. They’re also the most fond of outdated clothing trends and often bring them back into style.
Colors: garnet, amber, sepia, crocodile, ocean blue, iris, cherry blossom
Leo - People with this placement are on a mission to always look their best. They dress for an audience. These are “it-girls,” who are always with the trends. They garner a lot of attention and praise through the ways in which they dress. London Tipton vibes. The types of people who never wear an outfit twice. They love expressing themselves through their sense of style, this is something that brings them a lot of joy.  They’re drawn to flashy pieces that make big statements.
Colors: carmine, merigold, sunflower, emerald, cobalt, magenta, punch
Virgo - Oof, these people get picky when it comes to the clothing they wear.  They have a keen eye for detail and notice when something has been poorly manufactured. They  have high standards and they put a lot of thought into the ways in which they want to portray themselves aesthetically. They’re all about accessories, which really elevates their look. They probably own lots of interesting trinkets that they use to adorn their appearance. They’re fond of handmade clothing, such as crocheted sweaters and upcycled fabrics. They can sniff out all the good clothing items within a thrift store. 
Colors: sangria, clay, hazel wood, sage, aegean, grape, crepe
Libra - People with this placement are prim and polished. They understand the power of beauty and glamor. They can think of things that other people wouldn’t when dressing themselves. Perfume and the way in which they smell is important, they understand this influences how people will visually perceive them. They balance makeup, jewelry, accessories, and fine clothing all within one look. Nothing appears to be out of place. Other people are incredibly attracted to the aesthetics that they craft. They make it seem so easy.
Colors: rose, deep saffron, macaroon, pistachio, sapphire, lilac, rouge
Scorpio - If anyones going to have an extensive collection of lingerie, it's going to be a Scorpio Venus. They think about what they’ll wear underneath their clothes before anything else. Underwear creates shapes and silhouettes, and they understand how this influences the appearance of outer wear. They love it when clothing has intimate details, and they want their pieces to present a seductive quality. Leather, lace, and mesh are right up their alley. They go for looks that are dark, moody, and dramatic. They get a kick out of making people uncomfortable through their appearance, they like having that sort of power over people.
Colors: mahogany, spice, sand dollar, seaweed, peacock, raisin, baby pink
Sagittarius - These types are going to feel more drawn to athleisure in comparison to other Venus signs. They like to move around, the clothing they wear needs to support this. Someone with this placement might dress like they’re going for a hike everyday, even if they’re not. They don’t stick to the same thing all the time though, they know how to dress up for an event. They’re probably all about the cargo pants trend, they love having lots of pockets for storage. They're the most likely to carry around a purse with them everyday. Mini skirts or anything showing off their legs looks especially good on people with this placement.
Colors: currant, ginger, tuscany, moss, indigo, plum, magenta
Capricorn -  The “old-money” aesthetic comes to mind when thinking about this placement. These types are incredibly chic. They’re trying to garner respect through their appearance and will opt for looks that highlight their elegance.  They’re also very picky about what they wear, they won’t buy something unless they absolutely love it. They don’t pay too  much attention to trends and are more drawn to timeless silhouettes. Much of their style is centered upon whatever career field they belong to.
Colors: wine, sandstone, beige, pine, navy, english violet, rosewood
Aquarius - They want to be the most unique person in the room and will use their aesthetic to achieve this. They’re not afraid to present bold looks and they want their sense of authenticity to be evident. They’re inventive with their style and are always willing to try something new. They don’t worry too much about the judgments of others, they don’t care if people think they look strange. They don’t participate in clothing trends because they’re the ones setting trends.
Colors: brick, cadmium orange, pale goldenrod, persian green, teal, heather, salmon
Pisces - People with this placement channel their inner fantasies into their appearance. They don’t set boundaries for themselves and will wear whatever inspires them the most that day. Their favorite tv shows and movies hold a major influence over their style. They can see themselves within fictional characters, and through this they develop their taste for aesthetics. Because of this, they appear otherworldly. Their inspirations are not based within reality. They treat their everyday outfits as if they were costumes.
Colors: berry, coral, pastel yellow, mint, arctic blue, lavender, ballet slipper
Within this section, I used fashion designers as examples. However, the amount of designers with accessible birth charts is incredibly limited. For Venus, Mars, and Neptune, I used different examples still related to fashion and self-expression. I also noticed that Uranus within the 5th house was the most common placement for fashion designers. If you don't have any planets placed within the 5th house, I'd recommend using its planetary ruler.
Sun in the 5th House: Alexander Mcqueen
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“I design clothes because I don’t want women to look all innocent and naïve… I want woman to look stronger… I don’t like women to be taken advantage of… I don’t like men whistling at women in the street. I think they deserve more respect. I like men to keep their distance from women, I like men to be stunned by an entrance. I’ve seen a woman get nearly beaten to death by her husband. I know what misogyny is… I want people to be afraid of the women I dress.”
provocative, romantic, regal, striking, theatrical, dignified
Alexander Mcqueen is a highly celebrated fashion designer who defined what fashion could look like for women within the 21st century. Mcqueen felt a need to protect women and did this through the clothing that he created. He knew that women were deserving of respect and wanted to present them in a dignified manner. Alexander Mcqueen's aesthetic demands attention, it is majestic and imposing.
Moon in the 5th House: Oscar de la Renta
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“There is always an emotional element to anything that you make.”
delicate, feminine, intimate, graceful, gentle
Oscar de la Renta cites his mother and sisters as his greatest source of inspiration. He grew up surrounded by women, and deeply admired them. In turn, the women within his life supported his artistic endeavors and pushed him to embrace his creativity.  La Renta felt that each and every women deserves to feel beautiful. He wanted women to embrace their personalities through clothing. He took the time to understand his clients on a personal level so that his designs would stay true to who they were as people.
Mercury in the 5th House: Betsey Johnson
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“Making clothes involves what I like...color, pattern, shape and movement...I like the everyday process...the people, the pressure, the surprise of seeing the work come alive walking and dancing around on strangers. Like red lipstick on the mouth, my products wake up and brighten and bring the wearer to life...drawing attention to her beauty and specialness...her moods and movements...her dreams and fantasies.”
playful, energetic, quirky, colorful, unique, tacky
Betsey Johnson took the high-femme ideal and made it comical. Johnson wanted to have fun with her designs, and she wanted women to have fun when wearing them. She was all about creating sexy silhouettes rooted within mischief. Johnson describes her aesthetic as “pretty and punk.” Girlish elements juxtaposed with edgy qualities. Betsey Johnson was especially popular amongst teen girls in the 80s. Johnson was the one who crafted the stereotypical puffy, pink, 80s prom dress. Betsey girls embrace their playfulness because being sophisticated is too boring.
Venus in the 5th House: Naomi Cambell
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“I don't think I was born beautiful. I just think I was born me.”
dramatic, glamorous, magnetic, exclusive, luxurious, sensual
Naomi Cambell has held major influence over the fashion industry. Campbell was one of the first black models to reach supermodel status, was the first black woman on the covers of British and French Vogue, and was the first black woman to appear on the cover of Time magazine. She challenged beauty ideals within society, and opened doors for other women of color. Campbell is the ultimate fashion icon and was a muse for many designers, especially Azzedine Alaïa. Campbell is now an editor at British Vogue, and her influence remains powerful.
Mars in the 5th House: Jonathan Jony Ive
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“If something is going to be better, it is new, and if it’s new you are confronting problems and challenges you don’t have references for.”
innovative, crucial, unobtrusive, thorough, minimalistic
Okay, who is this guy?? I didn’t know until I started doing research for this post, but after reading about him I think everyone should know his name. Ive served as senior vice president of industrial design and was the chief design officer for Apple Inc. This man crafted design motifs that have held major influence over the aesthetic of the 21st century. He brought focus to all white color pallets, translucency, dark aluminum, and slate. Ive played a vital role within the designing process of the iPod, the iPhone, and the iPad, plus much more. Ive believes that function and aesthetic go hand and hand, they are not two separate entities.
Jupiter in the 5th House: Vivienne Westwood
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“I’m not terribly interested in beauty. What touches me is someone who understands herself.”
rebellious, independent, bold, irreverent, maximinimalism
Vivienne Westwood wanted her clothing to be life-enhancing, she put a lot of effort into developing the philosophy of her brand. She was also adamant that the only way a person could develop personal identity is through intellectual pursuits. Westwood claimed that carrying The Catcher in the Rye under an arm is one of the most fashionable things a person can do. Westwood believed that you develop style through the process of truly knowing yourself.
Saturn in the 5th House: Isabel Marant
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“You can’t put together a formula for how to look gorgeous – it's a question of personality.”
nonchalant, classy, understated, parisian, timeless 
Marant is focused on crafting clothing that will last for a long time, she wants people to wear her pieces for years on end. Marant doesn’t follow trends and sticks to classic silhouettes that will always hold relevancy. Her clothing has integrity, and she wants people to feel independent and strong when wearing her pieces. I also think it's interesting that Isabel Marant has a code of ethics displayed on her website, she is committed to holding her company to a high standard. This isn’t something I saw when exploring other fashion houses.
Uranus in the 5th House: Pierre Cardin
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"The clothes I prefer are those I have created for a life that does not yet exist, the world of tomorrow."  
futuristic, unconventional, sculptural, clean, revolutionary
Pierre Cardin is an absolute legend. Cardin developed the aesthetic of the space age during the 50s and 60s. He embraces the avant-garde and holds a love for geometric shapes and patterns. Cardin completely disregarded the female form and was one of the firsts to craft gender non-comforming clothing. Many of his pieces are unisex. His clothing is not practical, but it is thought provoking. However, Cardin did pave the way for our modern day athleisure aesthetic. Cardin crafted the foundations for athletic clothing, which was something not seen before his time.
Neptune in the 5th House: Sandy Powell
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"Costume design isn’t about fashion. Fashion is fashion. Costume design is characters and costumes, so nothing to do with whether you’re fashionable or not, or understanding fashion.”
imaginative, whimsical, dream-like, eccentric, sensitive
Powell is not a clothing designer, she's a costume designer. She has won 43 oscars for her contributions within the film industry. You’d know her from The Wolf of Wall Street, Shakespear in Love, and Interview with a Vampire, plus much more. What makes Powell such a legend is her understanding of how character and story come into play when developing designs. She is not trying to make statements through her costumes, she is trying to enhance the personality of the characters. The costumes she's crafted are influential upon fashion trends outside of film. We all need a little fantasy within our daily lives.
Pluto in the 5th House: Donatella Versace
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“I know fashion is not something that can change the world, but it can change the woman. It can empower the woman. It can make her strong, in herself, and to believe in herself more.”
seductive, dynamic, subversive, spectacular, powerful, daring
It is no coincidence that Donatella Versace became an important figure within the fashion industry after the death of her dear brother, Gianni. Donatella has faced many tragedies within her life. Within her own fashion philosophy, Donatalla tries to combat insecurity through clothing. There is no way a woman will ever appear timid when wearing Versace, and that's exactly what Donatella wants. Being a shy woman herself, Donatella is able to transform herself through the clothing that she wears. She understands the power of fashion, and wants to remind every woman that something truly fabulous resides within them.
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cosmic-ghost-hermit · 3 months
Pick a Card: Message from your Inner-Child
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Your inner baby needs you to listen. This reading will help them speak their mind clearly. Will you hear them out? Take what resonates and let go of all the rest but be willing to accept new experiences.
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(fund my inner child's joy)
Feel free to drop any reading suggestions in my inbox. I'll keep them in mind when divining the wisdom that needs delivered to y'all's lil ears. Thank you in advance for all your help and support!
Decks used are The Kawaii Tarot, Pure Magic Oracle, Romantic Lenormand and The Karma Cards.
Astrology: Capricorn, Aquarius, Libra
Song: Pantsuit Sasquatch by Molly Lewis
Vibes: Green, red, night sky, thorns, bouquet, red flowers, chess, star gazing, alligator, aroma therapy, herbal remedies, apothecary, rabbits, snake skin, olive branch, Zues, Demeter
Cards: 6 of Swords, Saturn, Tower, Lilies, Herbal Craft, Hallowed Heart
Hello, pile 1. Your inner child is really tired of having to be the adult for people who are older than them. They are tired of playing mentor for those who should be mentoring. They want to be done with those people. They are holding up a building with their tiny arms and their shaking frame. As if someone put the world on their shoulders and asked them to carry it with bones that were not developed enough to hold it and without the mental fortitude to withstand the pressure. They wish to rest. They wish to lash out at the adults who relied on them before they were ready or willing. I see your inner child resembles Alice in Wonderland. After the wicked adults in your inner child's life grew white flowers, they demanded it was your fault and made you paint the white roses, red. They took their purity. They hurt you a lot.
The main message I am hearing from them is, "Please be gentle with my little heart and my small frame. I was treated harshly purely for being alive. I need healing. I need time to rest and recuperate. Please do not yell at me for my mistakes. Please do not hurt me for my shortcomings. I did not ask to be here. I only wish for it to get better than it is now. I'm sorry I wasn't mature. I'm sorry I've been impatient but I have been patient for so long. I've spent so much time waiting for my caretakers to do their jobs. Please. I don't need structure. I need relief."
They do not hold you accountable for everything that happened to you, my dear. They are reaching their little hands out for you to help them up. They want to be more present in your life. They want to have fun again. They didn't have enough of it as a child. They want to play outside. The last message I'll leave you with is some advice I find very important.
"Play is the psychological opposite of Trauma."
Astrology: Scorpio, Gemini, Cancer (maybe libra)
Song: Burn Your Village by Kiki Rockwell
Vibes: Grey, pink, purple, corvids, pinecones, sage, lavender plant, grizzly bear, spider, scorpio, eagle, hummingbird, long hair, video games, D&D, law, Zephyr, Eurus, Callisto, Artemis, Hecate
Cards: Justice, Clouds, Bear, Hecate's Path, Songbirds, 8th House
Hi, pile 2. Your inner child is full of vengeance. I see that without the vengeful energy they are very respectful and kind. Their anger is extremely understandable and a reaction induced by the environment they grew up in. Your inner child has an intense sense of justice. They know they have been treated unjustly by the authority in their life. Those in control of their circumstance took their autonomy and right of trial. The authorities judged you harshly for no good reason and were unpredictable. The authority would explode at random instances making them hard to anticipate. They were dangerous. Purely because they wanted to make your life miserable to cope with their own miserable life. Your inner child did not deserve that. Your inner innocence was corrupted into a furious and resentful person. They are aware they deserved better. They were conscious of their mistreatment. I see they could have been mistreated because of their race or gender.
The message I am hearing the loudest from your inner child is, "Those filthy horrid people deserve to atone for their wrong doings. No one helped me. They didn't even listen. They took that authorities word for truth and no one heard my side of the story. I am not a liar. I am not guilty. I did nothing wrong and now my older self doesn't even believe me either. The people who did this to me will pay. They will face justice if I have to be the one to dish it out. I hate them. I hate what they turned me into. I was pure. I was innocent. Now look at what they have made me. This isn't fair. This isn't right! Why was I treated this way!? Why does no one believe me?! I will never abuse power like that person did. I will end this cycle of abuse. I release and remove everyone who blamed me without learning the whole story. I am letting go of the pain they put me through. They do not deserve me or my kindness. They only deserve my hatred and resentment. I hope they burn."
Your inner child begs you to protect them from the people who did this to you. I can feel they are still in your life. It might be a father or a brother or an uncle. I also see it could be a pastor. Your inner baby will continue to lash out at random times because they have no where to aim all this negative emotion. They want to be free of guilt that shouldn't be theirs. They want to be free of judgmental eyes. Free them from the illusion that this authority laid over everyones eyes. I leave you with one last message.
"The weakest link will target the strongest link to avoid that they're useless."
Astrology: Virgo, Leo, Sagittarius
Song: Heart of a Dancer by The Happy Fits
Vibes: Blue, pink, forest green, androgenous, duality, 2b hair texture, robins, blue jays, coffee mugs, sculpting, yin/yang, balance, rose quartz, pearl, magnolia tree, gardening, bonfire, 3rd eye, Aphrodite, Hermaphroditus, archangel Samuel, Lucifer Morningstar, Baphomet
Cards: 8 of Cups, Birds, Woman, Pyro-kinesis, Closing Circle, Virgo, 7th House, North Node
Hey there, pile 3. I feel many complex emotions from your inner child. I see how they were conditioned is much different than how they genuinely are. They were conditioned to be quiet, serene and passive. But when they are acting genuine it is exact opposite. They are loud, angry and active. There is a need to walk away from their conditioning and those who conditioned them. They don't know how to ask that of you because of how they were taught. They do not speak unless spoken too and this makes it difficult for them to communicate with you. They are anxious they will be punished if they ask for anything of you. Invite them forward and allow them to speak their mind. They hold back a lot of emotion that needs to be expressed. You need to be open to hearing what they have to say.
The important message I need to tell you from them is, "You will benefit from our collaboration. I'm sorry for speaking up but you are not following your heart anymore. You are following what you have been told. This is not authenticity that you display. It is fake. Even if it is well-meaning you are not yourself. You are pretending to be someone else. Please let me express my rage. Please let me express my heart. I can't hold it anymore. I don't wanna feel this way anymore. Let me chatter and chirp and yell and scream. I wasn't allowed to when I was young. I need the freedom to do so now. Allow me to open doors I was never allowed to enter. Please see me in my full complexity. I am more than just a pretty face. I am more than my body. I am a person. I have personality. I have beliefs. I am a benefit to society when I can speak. I am not a waste. I am good as I am. I don't need to bottle my true self to make others comfortable. Free me, please."
They are asking you to allow yourself and your inner child to be themselves. They deserve space to exist freely without having to hide themselves away. I honestly don't need to say much more but I will leave you with one more piece of advice.
"Authenticity is the most powerful way to exist."
Astrology: Taurus, Aries, Pisces (maybe aquarius)
Song: If My Heart Was a House by Owl City
Vibes: Muted colors, yellow, orange, fairies, sunflowers, barn owl, cat mint, raptors, vase, eyes, beards, lotus, candles, chimneys, diamond, playing cards, hobbits, anime, Apollo, Athena, Aphrodite
Cards: King of Pentacles, Sun, Owls, Ancestors, Gnomes, Aquarius, Venus
Hello and welcome, pile 4. Your inner child is asking me to tell you that you won't find the love you are looking for in other people. You won't find it in romance. You won't find it in friendship. At least not until you can find it in them. They didn't have the luxury of building their life on an identity that was theirs. They don't even know who they are. You need to explore them. Discover yourself in them. Be friends with them. They long for connection and the only one who can give that to them is you. They spent their whole life just trying to survive that they found identity in the pain they experienced. There is so much more to them than victimhood. So much more than their trauma. They are bright as the sun and immensely smart. They are funny and creative. Let yourself and your inner child grow beyond your collective pain and become something more. Your family isn't the pinnacle of humanity. I have a feeling that your family might have a narcissist among them. They are only a facet of humanity, my friend. There is so much more to your life than being approved by others. You are made of magic. You need to see that.
The message I hear from your inner child is, "I'm done striving for love from people who never intend on giving it to me no matter how perfectly I perform. I'm tired chasing something I'm never going to catch up too. I've always known I'm better than that. They made me feel so small though. They made me feel so pointless and useless. I worked so hard for their love but they will only ever love themselves. They will never have enough room in their heart for me. They make me feel like I'm not enough. I want to give myself the love they never could afford for me. I want to be loved so much. I want to be held and cherished the way I deserve to be. I am enough even if they say I'm not. I've always been enough even though I'm small. They are a giant black hole of emptiness and nothing. They are jealous of my light. I wish my older self could see that. I'm not selfish for wanting to be loved. I'm not wrong for wanting to be adored. I'm worth the effort. Please, see that it's true. I want to be known for who I am. I want to be discovered. I wish so deeply to be seen and appreciated. I'm the only one who can do it."
Your inner child is asking something of you. They ask you to take the role of mother and father for yourself. A role that was never filled even if you had your parents in your life. They neglected you. So much so you felt like you didn't deserve love but you desperately craved it. My dear, I will leave you with one last message and then the rest is up to you.
"You are worthy of being loved by you."
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sxorpiomooon · 4 months
What should you dress like based on your rising sign.
hello!! If you guys want to you can also check for your venus sign for a more accurate description and lmk if you guys would want me to make a post with some clothes example!
check out my paid readings as well
Athletic wear,edgy bold prints, leather, acubi aesthetic, cargos, lose shorts, formal, bold genderbending style. Y'all just wanna look cool😭
Colours- red, monochromatic.
Taurus -
Feminine clothes, net, maxi dresses, sweatpants, a lot of accessories, satin plain shirts, blazers jumpsuit y'all love smelling and looking rich and classy lmaaao
Colours- sage green, beige
Playful, I literally had a vision of jeans with dress and jersey with skirts, mix and match, two three aesthetics all at once, vibrant colours, Y2K, bratz, quirky accesories, glasses lmao I'm seeing so many tiktok videos in my head rn
Colours- neon, vibrant colours, splash or colours
Soft, coquette, loves pearls and carrying purses or cute wallets, cutely and ethereal at the same time, white colour
Colours- soft feminine colours such as sky blue, lavender etc
Wants to stand out, flashy colours, gold jewellery, rings, bold colours, rock grunge might suit you guys
Colours- black, prints.
Formal,old money ralph lauren lmao, skirts, belts, floral skirts, forest fairy core? Cares alot about details and will always want to personalize the look somehow
Colours- green also you guys would look really good with basic jewellery
Cute maxi dresses, clothes that have art on them, bunch of charms, alot of colours, ethereal jewellery and clothing, old channel vintage or clueless sort of clothing.
Colours- soft colours like baby blue, baby pink as well as lilac
Scorpio -
Bold cuts and colours and clothes and accessories, less accessories more eye makeup perhaps, bold fashion statements, might, v cut and boots. You guys might also look good while wearing only one colour instead of two three at the same time
Colours- wine red, maroon, velvet clothing
Eclectic, upbeat clothes, lose shirts, flamboyant, mix colours and different patterns at once it's like wearing different earrings on both ears.
Colours- yellow, orange
Capricorn -
Formal, elegant, old money, big handbags, old vintage watches I also heard Italy flea market for some reason so lmao
Colours- neutral tones
Aquarius -
Comfy, sweatpants, trousers, oversized, streetwear, patterned clothes might really care about good statement shoes, thrift, flamboyant clothing lmao
Colours- faded jeans and clothing, blue eyeshadow or blue colour in general honestly
Transparent, net, shiny, pastel shiny colours, chunky aesthetic jewellery, pendants, sunglasses, delicate, silver.
Colours- lavender, baby blue etc
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teatoast-n-tarot · 2 years
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#scorpio #tarot #godfather #rootwork #raiseyourvibration #occultscience #amore #tantric #ritual #selfrespect #wakeup #celestial #sage #sagesmudge #innerpeace #gratitude #wellness #ancientknowledge #forbiddenknowledge #alchemy #magick #awakening #awake #february #love #focus #goals #spiritual #mindfulness #onthesestreetsweshine (at Liverpool) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoGv6TuqR9S/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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