voidindividual · 30 days
Laurence is both violently homosexual and not homosexual at all until he has gay sex.
He is Schroedinger's Homosexual.
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feluxution · 9 months
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So can i have his xbox now?
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Schrodingers gonna Schroding
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schrodingers-ash · 2 years
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[Image ID: two grey cats laying on an unseen person in bed under blankets. Both cats are facing away from the camera, the one in the foreground, Ash, loafs vertically while the one in the midgound, Schrödinger, is curled in a loose ball. /end ID]
I only napped for, like, 30m. But in Ash's defense there is a heating pad on my hip he's sharing.
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geogonzo · 8 days
Uffda!!! Tja…. Sind wir nun wirklich real? Also bestehen wir nur aus Materie, oder beides, je nach Zustand, Energie oder Materie. Wird Zeit jetzt weiterzudenken…
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elvensaber · 1 year
My follower count is simultaneously real and manufactured.  Schroedinger’s Pornbots
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aschambersauthor · 1 year
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The quantum physics of refuse collection… #physics #schroedinger (at Lancaster, Lancashire) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnMGY5aqJT9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kalscattergood · 1 year
"They're doing the Schoedinger's Gun thing! They played that song three times! Something bad is going to happen!"
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emerwenaranel · 2 years
What did Schroedinger say about the vampires? I am really curious.
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1001aus · 3 months
Danny whose ghost form never ages past the 14-almost-15 he died at. He can change his clothes and hair, but he'll always look like the ghost child other ghosts call him.
(The reason Vlad has black hair with a white streak in ghost form is actually because his ghost form looks nearly twenty years younger. That first streak was the start of his hair going white from the trauma of the accident.)
(Dan is... special. He's not the same as Danny.)
Being treated like a child because people assume he is one and, to be fair, most child ghosts don't mature much emotionally past the age they died. But Danny is a halfghost and despite his appearance he did "live" to make it out of the hormone soup days.
Danny Phantom who looks like a middle schooler standing next to late-30s Sam and Tucker and people assuming Sam is his mother.
Desperately struggling to be taken seriously by people who treated him as an equal 20 years ago when they were all in high school and don't anymore because he looks so young. Sometimes even his friends slip up.
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love-too · 2 years
Me trying to understand how I can be 100% sure that I'm aroace when I have never felt attraction in my life, but knowing how attraction feels is the only way that could confirm me that I've never felt it
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shipofthesis · 8 months
helping gale really is help one (1) man overcome his splitting tendencies of all-good or all-bad and integrate a more complex, nuanced concept for himself and others.
he is neither gale the special prodigy wizard on par with a literal god nor gale the shitbag idiot doomed to make mistakes, marred by disgusting human flaws. he is in fact Just A Man, capable of good and bad like everyone else, prone to success or failure like everyone else. he does not need to be ruled by pride or shame.
his idolization (and dismissal) of mystra and the player character are extensions of his stark flip-flopping binary. it is also a tool to help bolster his own unstable self-esteem. if who he is with is good, then he is good. being in a relationship with mystra was the ultimate affirmation.
his desire for godhood is to pursue a version of himself without flaws. or, if there are flaws, he can easily fix them as a god. he thinks if he is a god he will finally be Good Enough, but the only person actively invested in seeing him as uniquely defective is himself. he uses magic as a coping mechanism, it is literally magical escapism. to flee his own (natural, human) flaws into a world where he is in complete control, where everything is (or can be made) beautiful.
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wuntrum · 1 year
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smith college girls for i-d magazine 2004 but with my ocs ry and vincent
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I haven’t posted any fanart here in literal years, mostly because I haven’t done much art for literal years… perfectionism was getting the best of me, & I kept giving up on pieces as soon as I got the tiniest bit unsatisfied with them. But I’ve decided that’s no way to live my life, so have a Kristen Applebees :)
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python333 · 9 months
duckling — python333
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synopsis you have trouble sleeping most nights, luckily gaz is there to help you sleep and does so with cuddles and the least amount of banter ive ever written before with him!! :3
relationships platonic!gaz & gn!reader.
characters gaz.
word count 1.05k
warnings 2nd person pov [you/yours/yourself], no usage of c/n [you are exclusively referred to with pet names].
note i have no motivation to write anything but short drabbles like these rn :( thank you to everyone who's sent me any reqs, i'll get to them as soon as i get the motivation to!! which will probably be by tomorrow or the day after that, but i still kind of feel bad :< i hope you guys enjoy it anyway tho, it's all fluff and sibling dynamics with gaz!!
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You really had no choice but to go to his room. 
You’d been tossing and turning in bed, the sheets ruined by all the rustling, and with a final groan of frustration you’d thrown them off of your body and gotten out of bed.
You paused for a moment before grabbing the blankets and wrapping them around yourself, then grabbing your pillow, holding it tightly whilst you walked towards and out of the doors of your sleeping quarters.
Right now, you’re trudging along the hall that leads to his sleeping quarters, yawning into the palm of your hand as you do. Your blinking is slow as is your breathing, and you feel—and probably look—like a zombie.
You’re well aware of the dark bags hanging under your eyes, and of your messy hair, but you can’t bring yourself to care at the moment, more focused on getting to his room so you can finally sleep.
Gaz, months ago, after hearing about your tendency to just get up and walk laps around the base until you were too exhausted to go on just to sleep, had told you that if you ever felt the need to do that again you should just go to his room and he’d help you sleep.
Of course, not even two days after that conversation had taken place, you found yourself still awake at three in the morning, so you decided to listen to Gaz for once and headed to his room. 
By helping you sleep, he apparently meant moving over on his bed and letting you sleep beside him. Which made you skeptical at first, because you weren’t five, you didn’t need to be cuddled to go to sleep, but you still gave him a chance and crawled into bed next to him.
And you were proven wrong the moment Gaz put an arm over your midriff and gently rubbed his thumb up and down your side, the small action lulling you to sleep almost immediately. He woke you up just three hours later, at six in the morning, so that you had time to get back to your own sleeping quarters so that nobody suspected anything. 
You can almost feel yourself getting more tired just from the memory of it—not tired enough to sleep, of course, because nothing could be that easy, but still tired. 
So then, after that initial night, you came to him more and more often. He became more and more concerned each time you knocked on the door of his sleeping quarters, but never directly told you that, instead simply opening the door and letting you get into bed with him.
Slowly, you became more comfortable doing it, and it soon became your instinct to go to Gaz’s sleeping quarters whenever you couldn’t sleep. 
So now, as you walk up to the door of his sleeping quarters and knock twice, it’s no surprise how quickly he answers. He opens the door almost immediately and steps to the side so that you can walk in.
You do just that, walking into his sleeping quarters and heading straight for his bed, pushing his pillow to the side so that you can put yours right beside his, on the side closest to the wall, and you crawl into bed. 
You hear him close the door and pad over to the bed, waiting for you to climb under the covers and put your head on your pillow before crawling in behind you. Once he’s fully under the covers, he wraps a gentle arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him so that he can properly spoon you. 
“You don’t have to bring your own blanket, you know,” He mumbles as he puts his head on your chin, “There’s always gonna be one here.” 
“I know,” You simply hum, grabbing Gaz’s hand from where it lays casually on your stomach and holding it with your own, “But it’s colder in here at night. I like having both blankets.” 
Gaz stays silent, instead responding by simply squeezing your hand and rubbing his thumb over the back of it. 
“I’m sorry, is having a whole ‘nother person here not warm enough for you?” Gaz finally responds, voice full of snark. 
“Not at all,” You murmur, squeezing Gaz’s hand back, “Body heat and a single blanket isn’t enough. I need another blanket or else I’ll get hypothermia.” 
“Whatever you say, duckling,” Gaz sighs.
“I still don’t get why you call me that.” 
“Don’t act like you don’t follow me everywhere around base like a little duckling.” 
“It’s not acting,” You grumble, making Gaz huff out a laugh, “I just don’t.” 
“Oh, but you do,” Gaz coos, before pressing a soft kiss to the top of your head, “You don’t have to be embarrassed. It’s not like it’s a secret.” 
“I’m not embarrassed,” You deny, lying straight through your teeth, “I just don’t follow you around. At all.” 
“You’re only convincing yourself, duckling,” Gaz mumbles, putting his chin on top of your head again, right over the spot he’d kissed, “Now go to sleep. You need it.” 
You don’t respond verbally, instead simply relaxing your shoulders that you hadn’t even realized were tense, and letting out a tired sigh. Gaz was wrong, you weren’t even convincing yourself.
You knew that you followed him around everywhere, like a pestering younger sibling that was desperate to copy their older sibling, but he didn’t need to know that you knew that. 
And he definitely didn’t need to know you had no real problem with it. 
Soon, like you had never had sleeping problems to begin with, you were fast asleep. Gaz, however, continued his ministrations of rubbing his thumb over the back of your hand, as well as loosely holding your hand in his. 
Eventually, his thumb slows and he drifts asleep as well, and when he falls into a deeper slumber his thumb eventually stops its movements. But throughout the night, his hand continues to be held in yours, and his arm remains where it is, keeping you close to him the entire night. 
The next morning, when he wakes up and sees you still peacefully asleep, he can’t find it in himself to disrupt your sleep, so he simply closes his eyes and acts as thought he had never woken up.
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geogonzo · 5 months
Schroedingers Katze ist nicht tot, nur etwas müde…..
Nachfolgendes Zitat aus https://neoliberalismus.fandom.com/de/wiki/Bemerkenswerte_Zitate#Carl_Friedrich_von_Weizsaecker
Carl Friedrich Weizsaecker
Es ist schon bemerkenswert, was Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker, der ältere Bruder Bundespräsidenten, vor 25 Jahren(!) in seinem letzten Buch u.a. schrieb: Von Weizsäcker sagte in seinem letzten großen Werk "Der bedrohte Friede" (Hanser, München 1994, ISBN 3446176977) innerhalb weniger Jahre den Niedergang des Sowjet-Kommunismus voraus (er wurde ausgelacht). (Anmerkung: Und dieses Buch ist offensichtlich auf Anweisung medial ignoriert worden) Seine Prognose, auf welches Niveau der Lohn,- Gehaltsabhängige zurückfallen würde, wenn der Kommunismus nicht mehr existiert, war schockierend. Weizsäcker beschreibt die Auswirkungen einer dann einsetzenden Globalisierung, (obwohl es damals dieses Wort noch nicht gab) so wie er sie erwartete.
Die Arbeitslosenzahlen werden weltweit ungeahnte Dimensionen erreichen.
die Löhne werden auf ein noch nie da gewesenes Minimum sinken.
Alle Sozialsysteme werden mit dem Bankrott des Staates zusammenbrechen. Rentenzahlungen zuerst. Auslöser ist eine globale Wirtschaftskrise ungeheurer Dimension, die von Spekulanten ausgelöst wird.
ca. 20 Jahre nach dem Untergang des Kommunismus, werden in Deutschland wieder Menschen verhungern.
Die Gefahr von Bürgerkriegen steigt weltweit dramatisch.
Die herrschende Elite wird gezwungen, zu ihrem eigenen Schutz Privatarmeen zu unterhalten.
Um ihre Herrschaft zu sichern, werden diese Eliten frühzeitig den totalen Überwachungsstaat schaffen, eine weltweite Diktatur einführen.
Die ergebenen Handlanger dieses Geldadels sind korrupte Politiker.
Die Kapitalwelt fördert wie eh und je, einen noch nie dagewesen Nationalismus (Faschismus), als Garant gegen einen eventuell wieder erstarkenden Kommunismus.
Zum Zweck der Machterhaltung wird man die Weltbevölkerung auf ein Minimum reduzieren. Dies geschieht mittels künstl. erzeugter Krankheiten. Hierbei werden Bio-Waffen als Seuchen deklariert, aber auch mittels gezielten Hungersnöten und Kriegen. Als Grund dient die Erkenntnis, dass die meisten Menschen ihre eigene Ernährung nicht mehr finanzieren können, jetzt wären die Reichen zu Hilfsmaßnahmen gezwungen, andernfalls entsteht für sie ein riesiges, gefährliches Konfliktpotential.
Um Rohstoffbesitz und dem eigenen Machterhalt dienend, werden Großmächte Kriege mit Atomwaffen und anderen Massenvernichtungswaffen führen.
Die Menschheit wird nach dem Niedergang des Kommunismus, das skrupelloseste und menschenverachtendste System erleben, wie es die Menschheit noch niemals zuvor erlebt hat, ihr Armageddon („Endkampf“). Das System, welches für diese Verbrechen verantwortliche ist, heißt "unkontrollierter Kapitalismus".
C.F. von Weizsäcker sagte (vor 25 J.), dass sein Buch, welches er als sein letztes großes Werk bezeichnete, mit Sicherheit von der Bevölkerung nicht verstanden würde und die Dinge somit ihren Lauf nehmen! Das deutsche Volk bewertete er wenig schmeichelhaft wie folgt:
Absolut Obrigkeitshörig, des Denkens entwöhnt, typischer Befehlsempfänger, ein Held vor dem Feind, aber ein totaler Mangel an Zivilcourage!
Der typische Deutsche verteidigt sich erst dann, wenn er nichts mehr hat, was sich zu verteidigen lohnt. Wenn er aber aus seinem Schlaf erwacht ist, dann schlägt er in blindem Zorn alles kurz und klein, auch das was ihm noch helfen könnte.
Die einzige Lösung die Weizsäcker bietet, ist die Hoffnung: dass nach diesen unvermeidlichen Turbulenzen dieser Planet noch bewohnbar bleibt. Denn Fakt ist, die kleine Clique, der diese Welt schon jetzt gehört, herrscht nach dem einfachen aber klaren Motto:
"Eine Welt, in der wir nicht das alleinige Sagen haben, die braucht es auch in Zukunft nicht mehr zu geben"
Wie bereits oben erwähnt, Weizsäcker rechnete nicht damit verstanden zu werden. Auf die Frage eines Journalisten, was ihn denn am meisten stören würde, antwortete er: "mich mit einem dummen Menschen unterhalten zu müssen" - Quelle [481] [482]
Tja, da wären wir jetzt…. Eine sich selbst erfüllende Prophezeiung. Was habe ich ihn unterschätzt.
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