#Sci-Fi Reviews
jordyvix · 3 months
IT'S WHAT'S INSIDE: A Clever & Comical Sci-Fi Horror
On the night before their friend’s wedding, a group of long-time pals come together for a fun-filled evening of catching up. However, things take an unexpected turn when one of them introduces a wild new party game into the mix, causing them to question each other’s intentions. Written and directed by Greg Jardin, It’s What’s Inside is an innovative science-fiction horror film with an impressive…
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mysharona1987 · 11 months
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platypusinplaid · 8 months
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Who else got their mind consumed by god-killing homosexual war criminals this year?
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this-is-cool · 9 months
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We've just got our hands on a copy of the excellent The Art Of The Box from Bitmap Books. Please check out our review and preview book video - https://www.this-is-cool.co.uk/the-art-of-the-box-book-review/
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stuckasmain · 2 months
Need to rescue Space odyssey from film bros*. As it’s sort of left the film with a reputation of having a bunch of guys “you have to have a high IQ to understand Rick and Morty” levels of BS around it where they 1. Are absolutely surface level analyzing 2. Got the surface level stuff wrong too
Like I cannot stress enough that yes 2001 is a bit of a artsy drag to get through sometimes but it absolutely is not what these people are trying to make it out to be. There’s so much more to the series and it takes a watch or too but once you get it - you get it.
Maybe we can shoo them away by revealing it’s always been “woke”? Idk something about having an optimistic view of the future where everyone gets a long for scientific discovery, evolution and stopping nuclear risk forever. Something about the fact the computer is explicitly not evil just mentally ill. They even spell this out there’s no excuse to keep saying this.
Something about the second book/film having a bisexual couple as main characters. Russians are good guys, Racism bad, Women smart, and that he sort of accidentally just makes a lot of character closeted gay (or bi) from trying WAY to hard to make them seem straight (between Dave’s situationship and crazzyyyy women divorcing characters for noooo reason they really wanted to stay together see it’s not their fault or anything…)
*I don’t know if film bro is the right term, or what would be the right term in this instance but it’s a good stand in
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ekdarnellbooks · 3 months
Looking for ARC Readers!
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“You are my charge while you are on this ship, and I will tend to all of your needs.”
Mini blurb: When two horrifying creatures emerge from the woods hell-bent on capturing her, Gaia has choices to make — all of them revolving around what will keep her alive the longest. And are those... tentacles? Perhaps there are a few more decisions than she thought there were...
Vrauma’s Menagerie is a sci fi alien romance novella with a HEA
🦑Multiple POV 🦑Alien aliens 🦑Why choose (two aliens + FMC) 🦑3+ spicy scenes
Vrauma's Menagerie is overall lighthearted, but there are some darker scenes. Content warnings here.
ARCs will be sent out on April 21 and the novella will release on May 21
If you’re interested in signing up as an ARC reader, check out more info below!
Edit: ARCs closed!!!
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coffeeandjournaling · 5 months
Project Ecco
A solo roleplaying game by Elliot Davis
game manual
a planner, new or used
a coin/d2 and d6
materials to destroy your planner
further into play: additional coin and die, standard deck of cards, tarot deck
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A mysterious agency, an even more mysterious entity feeding on time itself and smack-dab in the middle: You. As an extension of the Agency, you are tasked with uncovering the truth about “ECCO”, the Entity of Chronological Consumption and Obfuscation. Navigating the chaos of days flying by with the aid of a simple coin, will you complete your mission to the Agency’s satisfaction straightforwardly or will you travel down a road not yet taken, peeking behind a curtain of lies? Who is really on your side? Or, perhaps more importantly, on whose side are you?
In Project Ecco, you progress through time and the game using a regular planner and a variety of different time travel tools. While you might be tempted to use a brand new, untouched planner for this, a used one will do just fine and might even make the game more personal and varied, since existing notes or special dates can be incorporated into play. Keep in mind that your planner will end up at least partially destroyed by the Entity, then again the level of destruction is completely up to you. Scissors are certainly an option, but a good opaque paint marker achieves the same effect with less confetti.
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Your tools of choice are in essence a set of game oracles: prompts decided by dice, playing and tarot cards determine how far back or ahead in your planner you travel and which challenges you encounter along the way. Time travel can be quite random, so don’t be scared when you land on the same day more than once. At least as long as you have your trusty coin, the only thing that will keep you from slipping in-between time and experiencing some truly harrowing events. How you respond to these prompts is up to you. Write, draw, use planner stickers; the only limit is the space your planner gives you for the date you are currently on.
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During your travels, you tally up the times you either make it back to the Agency or get uncomfortably close to the Entity. Entity encounters in particular are interesting because they prompt you to destroy random dates in your calendar, possibly forcing you into a timeline divergence later on. Completing six encounters either way triggers the endgame – but not necessarily the end of the journey…
Thoughts and Examples from my Playthrough
I had a lot of trouble trying to summarize the game in the above paragraphs. Project Ecco is a very meaty, complex (but not necessarily complicated) game and is more of a five-course meal than an afternoon snack. Consequently, reading the setup instructions can be a little intimidating for someone who has only started dabbling in solo play. Everything is explained thoroughly without being exhausting, however, and on top of that I found myself really interested to read about the different tools and mechanics. In fact, I had to stop myself from snooping too much so as not to spoil my first playthrough.
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Your game can last you several sessions over a couple of days. Don’t worry, though, all the cool time travel tools make for a fresh and exciting experience. Special dates, timeline divergences, personal notes and Agency/Entity encounters also serve to keep you on your toes. Whenever you feel like you have seen it all, a new prompt throws you a curveball, altering your perspective on the world and its inhabitants. It’s also great for replayability purposes, as your first playthrough can influence how you go about the challenges on your second round. I usually don’t care much for replay value (my time is limited and there’s a lot of games to try out), in this case, however, it’s so on theme that it’s almost a crime not to play again.
When you have the general cycle down, the game is a breeze. Have I mentioned that I love the time travel devices? Each and every one is unique in the way it lets you progress. As soon as you pick them up during the game, you can switch freely between them. Either you are very strategic about it to avoid repeat visits to certain dates or you embrace chaos for some interesting results. In the beginning, I dreaded losing my coin and experiencing timeline divergences. The closer I got to the endgame, the more I revelled in the wild and unpredictable element they brought to the game and the story that unfolded.
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At this point, it shouldn’t amaze me that much how game designers manage to achieve this impeccable level of worldbuilding with just a bit of flavour text and a handful of prompts. From the agents’ designations being real world dates to the time travel tools with clear retro vibes, Project Ecco lets you dive into an 80s sci-fi flick with you as the protagonist torn between your fragile loyalty to the Agency and the conflicting discoveries you make about the Entity. I suppose if there was one thing you wanted to knock, it could be that this is not a very character-driven game. A lot of journaling games focus on the character you create, often as a stand-in for yourself, dealing with their emotions and feelings as they react to the events thrown at them. This is more of mystery thriller focused on plot than a character exploration game. Character creation is as simple as picking your agent designation and, if you’re using a personal planner and are very meticulous in adding dates specific to your character, weaving in details during the game. That being said, I did manage to spin this into a tragic queer romance…such is the nature of solo roleplaying. Hence, others might disagree on this with me, and that’s totally fine.
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My attention span has been wavering lately, so I honestly didn’t expect to stick with this. But everything about Project Ecco drew me in. I love the manual that looks like a genuine little agent handbook and the details of the understated illustrations. A solid white-black-and-red colour scheme is always a classy choice. The prompts are descriptive enough to give you guidance and bits of lore without limiting you to a specific path. It’s simply an overall round and well-thought-out experience through and through. I’m a little peeved I didn’t get the Temporal Spread – Samantha Leigh was a guest writer for this specific time travel tool and I’ve been dying to get into their other games (especially Outliers, which seems to deal with adjacent themes), so I was looking forward to get a peek at their writing here. Alas, my agent just wasn’t destined to have it…perhaps the next one will.
I wonder how well this would hold up with a digital planner. Mostly, I am an analogue player when it comes to journaling games. I like how tactile it is and that you're creating an artifact of play to keep on your shelf, something very unique and often verging on if not being outright artistry. But the analogue format does (perhaps intentionally) limit your word count and thus keeps journaling rather short and to the point. I suppose a digital format would allow for more character development, if that is your goal. It would also extend your playtime – which is already significant as is. Still, certainly an interesting option, especially when you plan on playing more than twice.
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This might be your cup of coffee if...
you revel in a good time travel mystery.
you prefer to play longer games with more complex mechanics than the average journaling game.
you enjoy some solid worldbuilding and lore to add onto over time, possibly in multiple playthroughs.
you are not afraid to mess up some prime stationary. Seriously. If you love your planner? Do not use it for this. Bullet journaling queens and kings, beware!
You can get Elliot Davis’ Project Ecco HERE on itch.io or as a physical copy available at the online sources linked in the description of the game. Make sure to check out Cassi Mothwin’s flip through of the game and take in the incredible actual play episode by the My First Dungeon podcast crew that I enjoyed immensely and proves that this game supports a more light-hearted tone, as well. In case you are the creative type, Davis is currently still running a game jam for supplements for and games inspired by Project Ecco on itch.io that lasts until March 1st. Plenty of time left to get your head in the game. :)
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jordyvix · 3 months
ARCADIAN: A Heartwarming Family Drama in a Post-Apocalyptic World
After fleeing to the peaceful countryside, a caring father tries his best to raise his sons and protect them from an invasive species that has wreaked havoc on the world. While the boys have their quarrels, the lessons their dad has taught them will end up being detrimental to their survival. Starring Nicolas Cage, Jaeden Martell, Maxwell Jenkins, and Sadie Soverall, Arcadian is a surprisingly…
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sleepynegress · 2 years
I Just Watched Hulu’s PREY (the latest Predator sequel)... YALL #THIS IS A REC
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So, a little tidbit about me. Around 20 years ago, I worked on a rez.  They had a community center with a TV and a DVD player with popular movies the people liked.  Like any other people in America they had a collection of all the genres, including action blockbusters. But... there were only two or three actual Indigenous culture-based movies.  The rest were mostly Latine (I think owing to the fact of Latine cultures having a lot of Indigenous blood/culture within them). I remember at the time, it struck me, that even as a black woman, I was privileged in this.  NO PEOPLES have less representation in pop culture than the 1st Nations peoples... You hear me? And you can forget just a regular-egular Hollywood blockbuster movie. #PREY should have been that big Hollywood blockbuster sleeper 2022 summer movie theater hit, yall. It is now, my FAVORITE movie that has come out this summer. It gave EVERYTHING. Indigenous folks finally have a big great quality action sci-fi movie. 
And a Native WOMAN gets to be that badass (I tell u, I reverted to a kid cheering them big 80′s muscley yt men action stars from back in the day) It’s not gimmicky, quippy, or overly-faux-reverant of the culture in that cringey way yt media does with that ~wise magical NDN~ garbage...No they are just people living their lives.
It just does what it’s supposed to.  It patiently builds enough character so you care what happens to them. It gives that meaningful character journey, heart-pounding, edge-of-your-seat and badass-bloody action, and a satisfying ending.
Which is all you want in a action film. And even tho I’m not Native, the fact that it’s also in genre (sci-fi) something I know some yt folks don’t think marginalized peoples have a leading place in (i.e. woke/forced b.s.), just gave me chills and made me happy in that way BP did, -that another marginalized group is getting space at the table too (long overdue tho it is). Naru is THEE SHIT. SEE THIS FUCKING MOVIE YALL, espec. if you are an action movie stan, like myself and/or a Predator fan who has been waiting for the good quality sequel to the OG movie, and like believeable action woman leads. Just for the record, I like Predator 2 and Predators and don’t acknowledge the existence of any other sequels, except for that part where Sanaa and the Predator got along (I’m sorry yall, Predators are the Negroes of aliens in space, I don’t make the rules....They only gave trophies and ritual to the two black leads) But PREY????
...MUTHAFCCIN PREY??? It rivals the OG Predator, I KID YOU NOT. If you are planning to have an action movie night this weekend??? 
Cue this sucker up and get your popcorn. SEE IT!!
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ihoardwords · 4 months
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A little Oxford book haul that I’m slowly making way through this month. I got these books at a charity shop, Waterstones Oxford, Blackwells Oxford, and Bookstop! Currently I’m reading Witch Hat Atelier Vol. 1, which is quickly becoming my new favorite manga 🥰
ig: @rachana_reads
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lavellan-the-ninth · 3 months
I fucking finished reading Gideon MONTHS ago. And I'm still not recovered.
I cannot conceive a universe without Gideon the Ninth in it.
(starting Harrow the Ninth as soon as I´m done with Crier´s war)
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franticvampirereads · 5 months
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My feelings for this book are complicated. The first time I started reading this back in 2022, was just after my grandma had passed away and I wasn’t really in the right headspace to be reading it. So I dnf’ed it. But now, having picked it back up more than a year later I really enjoyed it.
I loved Dex and Mosscap’s banter and philosophical discussions. They felt like friends even when they were just getting to know each other. One of my absolute favorite scenes from this whole book was the one at the end, where Mosscap made Dex tea and listened to them. It was really comforting.
This was cozy and really had me thinking the whole time I read it. So I think I’m gonna give this one a solid four stars. I’m looking forward to what adventures Dex and Mosscap get up to in the next one.
Reading Challenge Prompt Fills:
Alphabet challenge: P
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trendfilmsetter · 6 months
Godzilla Minus One Review:
You can tell by the amount of emotional storytelling and having us feel through the pain of Koichi Shikishima as he balances the struggle of defending his country and saving his life; that director Takashi Yamazaki has taken notes from his famed inspiration of the Star Wars franchise and truly made possibly one of the best Godzilla films in franchise history. This science fiction masterpiece clocks in at over 2 hours and every second of it was spent on the edge of my seat.
Kamikaze pilots became an addition for the Japanese military during the closing moments of the war in the Pacific. One thing that the film highlights is the beginning stigma of kamikaze pilots who decided to live either by choice or due to their planes mechanical failures. That is the historical context set up we get in the beginning elements of the movie as Koichi decides to land his plane on Odo Island despite his plane not suffering from any mechanical damage. We also see the first instances of Godzilla as the monster attacks and kills the majority of the mechanical workers on Odo Island sparing Koichi himself and Sosaku Tachibana.
Godzilla’s ruthlessness was felt throughout the entire film from the moment the monster attacked the crew on Odo Island to his absolute destruction of the Ginza neighborhood in Tokyo which was undergoing rapid development. The scene where Noriko hangs from the train pole for dear life as Godzilla rips the train in half was just wild.
One thing i really enjoyed about this film is the character development of Koichi. In the beginning of the movie, he decides not to fulfill his kamikaze duties but after realizing the immense sacrifices that many Japanese people (not only pilots) have endured during the war and the Godzilla attacks, he dedicates his life to his “impromptu family” and realizes that he is willing to sacrifice himself to create a “better world” for his “daughter” Akiko. Tachibana immediately sees that Koichi understands the immense toll that war has, how kamikaze pilots never had that choice to live and creates an eject mechanism so that Koichi can have that choice to live. You can see his facial expressions throughout the film start from being in fear to being determined to save Japan.
I also love that they gave Shiro Mizushima a moment of shine as he coordinates backup for Kenji Noda’s plan to sink Godzilla into the ocean floor. The theater was clapping! The movie was paced extremely well and used every part of its 2 hour runtime to tell its story. Did not feel like there were any fillers or unnecessary scenes. The ending also really does leave the viewers thinking about the many different ways and theories that the film may continue through a possible sequel. I know not all films need a sequel but Please give us a sequel!!
There are so many parts to this film that I can go into detail about that make this one of my favorite Godzilla films. This film only had a $15 million dollar budget and yet superseded many action movies made this year in the United States including the comic book movies in DC/Marvel well known for their $200 million dollar plus budgets. Studios should take note.
I highly recommend this film especially for those who may not be familiar with the Godzilla story who would like an introduction into the kaiju portrayal of monsters in Japanese films.
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oracleofmadness · 6 months
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Alright... I have a confession to make. I've never read a book by this author before and I didn't even recognize his name so I had no idea he is the author of what, I have heard, is some really absolutely incredible scifi/fantasy. So I've been literally telling people, just absolutely clueless, how im so surprised this book is so freaking great! Lmao.... aaaaaahhhgg.. that's my life. Apologies.
Now that THAT is out of the way, I will continue to heap praises on this marvelous read. This story takes place in a dystopian style world in which there are attacks from titans at an enormous seawall that protects this empire, while the people that live within make heavy use of plants for protection and control. However, sometimes, these plants can be used to harm as well.
The murder/mystery aspect (which was so fascinating) mixed with these very interesting details of the people, politics and, of course, the plants and their varying uses to enhance many humans, all this together makes just the best read. It's this author's brilliant ideas, especially the plants, their uses, and their side effects, but also the characters themselves who each are very well thought out and fleshed out in this story. Just the combination of all these factors, the smallest details to the main flow, the whole plot, idea, of the book... created for me a scary world definitely, but also a world I felt like I was in, literally inside of, every time I picked this book up (and, while frightening thought I very much so desired to be this enthralled.) Like I was walking by Din's side (the main character) the whole time and feeling like I was experiencing the exact same emotions as him. That's how real this felt to me.
So, if you can't tell, I loved this book. I am begging.... begging for more. Please!!!!
Out February 6, 2024!
Thank you, Netgalley and Publisher, for this Arc!
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ech-e-sketch · 5 months
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People are playing starfield and complaining because they expected it to be the be-all-and-end-all of space exploration games I’m playing starfield because it’s a goofy space cowboy simulator
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whilereadingandwalking · 10 months
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I read the majority of The Word for World is Forest by Ursula K. Le Guin under the shifting shade of the Portola redwoods. The Athsheans' world is under fierce attack by yumens, who want to mine their planet for lumber and enslave the natives who live there. But Selver dreams a world in which they can reclaim their planet, before it's too late.
This novella is pure perfection. Through showing viewpoints of the brutal, ugly Davidson, and his determination to wipe the planet clean, and of anthropologist Lyubov, who does his best but is himself a product of the colonialist mindset, Le Guin perfectly vivisects the corruption of imperialism, the way that violence spreads to be an intrinsic part of every piece of it. For ultimately, Selver and the Athsheans can only reclaim their planet by using the yumens' tools against them.
It is a superb novella, and I won't say more for fear of ruining it. It's one I'll return to thinking about again and again, and every time I think of it, I'll think of sitting beneath a 1,000+ year old tree, and of wondering what it has seen, and what it might see from us next.
Content warnings for colonization, racism, misogyny, violence, rape/sexual assault.
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