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justsomehazbin · 7 months
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Holy SHIT am I proud of this. It took a day and a HALF to work on it. I really just wanted to draw a cool badass picture of Charlie in a cute dress, and somehow I ended up with my best piece I think I've ever done!!
To see the process, click the 'read more' below!
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Originally, I wanted it to look more like a royal portrait, a good excuse to draw a pretty dress.
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I adored the dress design, but it was an extremely flat image, so despite taking like. 5 hours to design it and work on it, I rethought my plan, switching to a far more dynamic pose.
I also made sure to add tons of flow lines, both from her hair, to her tail, to help bring the eye all around the canvas.
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I did a billion sketches, but this is what I ended up on! Originally I had her right arm holding the pitch fork behind her back, but it just never looked right. I also took a risk and did a facial angle that has always been extremely hard to get right, and somehow I managed to make it look nice!
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After adding the lineart, colors and all of that, I knew quickly I didn't want the angel to stick out as much as she did. I wanted her to fall into the background instead, since she was just on the border and I didn't want any attention really taken from Charlie. So I changed her shade to red, and from there I added more of the background details!
Okay I did leave some inbetween screenshots out but it's past my bedtime. I hope this was fun to look at, at least!
Final product once more!
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Bitch i shifted😭!
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So i know i'm late to talk about this but i shifted to a random reality 2 days ago (on monday) and it was really unexpected cause i was affirming these days that "i'm a master shifter and i Always wake up in a random reality when i fall asleep", and for Real it was a parallel reality to this one but with some changes.
The crazy thing is that it felt so Real and i was feeling everything (my hair, my Body, the floor..ect).
So here's the thing, i went studying (it was a tutoring lesson by the way) and it was so normal and everything was you know okay, but the next Time the teacher didn't Come but instead it was that kid who was studying with me at the tutoring lesson (he's a russian by the way), so he started talking russian and i was so fucking confused and i told the other kids "hey are yall understanding what he saying?" And they said "no", so that russian Guy started telling us (in english) that he will tutor us (that weird my Guy 🙄) so we all sat down and i was faced with this blondie Guy so we were having a really fun conversation and he began telling me things about that russian Guy like "you know that Guy isn't an ordinary person but he's a really strong soldier in russia and he's just 18 years old, he's here for a reason and i think he's searching for a girl to marry" i was like speechless cause that Guy was soo fucking HOT! He had icy blue eyes and black hair and a really good body, okay so then my conversation with the blondie ended, then that russian Guy started keeping eyes on me (that was weird 🤨), he approached me and showed me something that was like i think a product i don't know how to describe it but there was a code to it so i was like "oh! I need to write this code to keep it with me" ( i was interested cause i study electricity engineer in high school) and that mf started Panicking! He threaten me not to write it or else he will do something and i told him "well you Can check all my stuff and notebook" he started checking and he found nothing, then he move behind me and leaned in and told me "if i ever see you write that code i will [something i don't remember]" and girl i felt the pain and the force from his hand on my shoulder and i was Like (damn that Guy sure is strong 😳), okay so then i got up and i went Somewhere else and i started writing the code on my arm but then i heard him walking UP to me so i quickly erased the code from my arm and i acted like nothing happened.
But i don't remember how i came back here but here's the interesting thing.
When i woke up here i quickly wrote the code on a piece of paper then after two days and today exactly i decided to search for that code on the internet and bitch look what I FOUND!:
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"product details - Industry Mall - siemens russia" bitch what! 😱.
So i clicked on it and it showed me this:
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YALL I'M SHOCKED! do yall think the russian Guy panicked because of this? Because he didn't want me to know?.
If you know anything about this or you have any theory or opinions just let me know 🙏🏻😭.
Quick note: the blondie and the russian Guy i don't really know them nor they exist in my current reality and i don't really know their name.
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dreaisgrayte · 3 months
I JUST BINGE READ ALL OF YOUR WORKS. YOU HAVE ME SCREAMING AND CRYING. The amount of detail that you put into them is MWAH the freakin chefs kiss 😘 you have been promoted to my #1, please never stop what you're doing ❤️❤️❤️
on another note, would you mind if I requested a scenario with Gojo? Maybe something about fem!y/n being from a high ranking rival clan, who the Gojo clan has despised for their entire existence. Maybe y/n has always had a crush on satoru ever since they first saw each other as kids, but since they were raised to hate each other it never went any further than a small lil crush. but now they're adults and both powerful sorcerers, her feelings kind of just pop back up out of nowhere and satoru finds it amusing how even after all this time and the things that their clans told them about each other that she would still have her little puppy crush on him. Maybe it could be like a she fell first and he fell harder scenario? i'm a slut for those oh my gosh
thank you so much!!!!
That's so so so sweet of you! Honestly, got me giggling and kicking my feet. Careful, I will propose, istg. This... turned into a monster while writing it. I came up with a silly little plan and a silly little idea to incorporate into your request and then this monstrosity was born. If I wasn't told to stop... I might've never stopped writing on this. I L O V E D this idea. Friends to lovers/1 fell first then the other fell harder I EAT UP EVERY TIME. So, here's what my whore brain wrote <3 love you and I hope you enjoy!
warnings: NSFW, MDNI, Gojo harasses the women he's actually into (he forgets how to flirt so just ends up bullying them), teasing, flirting, kissing, cowgirl, missionary, raw sex, a lot of touching, feelings...so many feelings
word count: 6.1k
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The Crave | Satoru Gojo x fem!reader
“Are you sure they’ll be there? I don’t want their son to look at our precious daughter.” Your mother holds you closely to her legs, clicking her tongue in annoyance when the maid nods her head. “Unbelievable. You hear that? Do they think they can parade that freak of nature around Japan? Well, they’ll have to see our daughter as well. She’s got the normal amount of eyes and isn’t staring at everyone with those ugly blue ones.” Her tone is harsh and for a six-year-old you, it’s hard to understand why she’s so angry. You also doubted that the young boy had six eyes.
Your father walks into the room, straightening his tie with a stern look on his features. “As long as they keep him away from her, everything will be fine.”
But as you were brought into the party, still close to your mother – you saw nothing but a boy with snow white hair and brilliant blue eyes. Sure the way he glared at you was slightly off-putting, but he was just a boy. He was alone in the room, but everyone seemed to be talking about him. Even your mother shamed him behind a gloved hand. 
Your heart aches. What did he do that warranted such disgust for simply being alive? The Gojo clan and your clan had been at odds since the very conception of both. They bred powerful sorcerors for fame, gain, and wealth. He was yet another product of selfish desire, born into a role and body he didn’t ask for. His life ahead would be filled with always the underline of being strong. Somehow; being uniquely gifted gave him the responsibility to be used like a tool. You knew your fate wasn’t far behind his.
Though, his eyes sparkled like he knew some deeply funny thing about the world. That – even though his destiny was surely to be used up by his clan – there were still things to be enjoyed in the world. It made your…stomach hurt. Both a swirling breeze of cool and a stifling wave of heat. Boiled and frozen, pumping whatever this feeling was straight into your tiny brain. 
That was the first time you ever saw Satoru Gojo, and you’d soon come to realize around the age of 10 that you had developed an infatuation with him. Children surrounded you, chattering about how you and Satoru were going to get married when you were older. Of course, you blushed and stayed quiet – which in hindsight wasn’t the best idea since the gaggle of children went screaming at Satoru about how you wanted to marry him. A less-than-ideal situation because those sapphire eyes tracked you down amongst the crowd and 10-year-old Satoru smirked. You were utterly done for.
Thinking back on the encounters you’d had with Satoru Gojo, you were glad your family hated him. It gave you an excuse to hide behind that fact because still – in your 20s – his face would appear in the back of your mind. You’d heard things about the miraculous powerful sorcerer he’d become from your boss at the special unit for special grade sorcerors. Your mother called you about 30 times just today to remind you Satoru wasn’t the strongest, you were. The Gojo clan was sneaky, they didn’t care about anyone else except for their gain. Your parents had raised you to be wary of anything the Gojo clan did, one misstep, and suddenly you’d be shipped off to the States. 
It was a mix inside your stomach. The Gojos were not to be trusted and you most definitely were not allowed to interact with their heir. So when your boss comes waltzing up to you with a wide smile on her face, you know that rule is about to be broken. “YN, I’ve been looking for you everywhere,” Her laugh comes off rushed. Your boss knew about the tensions between the rivaling clans, working with special grade sorcerors required her to do so. Then why? Why the hell did she pass over a report with that stupid fucker’s face on it? “There’s a powerful curse roaming around Shibuya that needs the attention of,” she pauses, scrunching her face in thought. 
You sigh, the annoyance in your body pooling in your joints. “Two extremely powerful sorcerors?” You offer, the fakest smile known to mankind presenting itself on your lips.
Nevertheless, she lights up and hits her fist on the flat of her palm. “Exactly! See, this is why we have you on the team!” She exclaims with a little too much vigor for your taste. 
You watch her for a moment, noticing the way her long blue hair bounces around – almost like they were cheering you on as well. “Right…” You drag out the word, glancing at the file folder in your hand. “Why can’t Gojo handle it by himself then?” Her excitement seemingly drains from her face. You take note immediately. “Boss, how powerful is this damn thing?”
Meanwhile, Satoru had the same look on his face – annoyance. He understood having two special graders go on this mission would ultimately be the best option, but you? What sort of sick play of the fates was this? You were always so, he groans running a hand down his face, perfect. Your reputation, your battle tactics, hell even your coworkers thought you were the best. That’s insane. What kind of person even has all of their coworkers think the best of them?
He tosses your folder to the side of his desk, wanting to bang his forehead on the surface of the hardwood just to make sure he is seeing things clearly. The higher-ups were always comparing him to you, making sure he never fell behind in anything. Your clan was just a bunch of prissy stuck-up snobs… but then again… so was his. 
It’s useless, he was stuck going on this mission with you because no matter how powerful he was, he would never have power over himself. He reaches for your folder again, flipping it open. Along with the neverending list of your accolades and magnificent achievements, was a picture of you paperclipped to the stack of paper. A few beats of silence pass as Satoru stares at your face. 
After a few more minutes he grunts and shuts the folder again. He focuses on pulling the black cloth back over his eyes. The curse would be a piece of cake, especially with both of you on the mission. That’s not what he was worried about per se. The tricky part was how unbelievably pretty you had gotten to be and how there was a growing ache in the pit of his stomach. Fuck, this was going to be a shitshow. Then again, he couldn’t help but wonder – with a growing smirk on his face – if you still had that puppy dog crush on him.
“Yes, right this way ma’am.” A blonde man guides you toward Satoru’s office. He’s in an interesting outfit, not the usual sorcerer apparel. His tie is black and white forming an interesting pattern. His calm blue dress shirt is tucked into a pair of beige slacks. He’s very handsome and also looks very tired. Probably from dealing with all of Satoru’s bullshit if you had to guess. 
He stops in front of a door and you almost don’t catch how his body deflates quickly with a tiny sigh before he’s back to normal. “Before I go in, please just call me YN.” Your body moves on its own, planting a hand on his rather muscular shoulder. 
He attempts a smile, but it falters almost as soon as the corners of his mouth reach their peak. “Call me Nanami, Nanami Kento.” He extends a hand and you gratefully shake it. He seems nice. Then, he opens the door and leaning up against a desk is none other than Satoru. 
Satoru is in uniform and you’ll be damned, he looks too good in it. How can someone that lanky pull off a baggy uniform? His fluffy white hair spikes out in a messy ‘I woke up looking this good’ way. Your heart – against every inch of your being, is thumping wildly in your chest. You should’ve double-checked his file to conclude he doesn’t have six ears. What if he can hear how erratic your pulse is? His azure gaze is locked in on the man beside you. “Thank you, Nanami,” Satoru smiles, but it doesn’t reach his eyes. You hear a grunt beside you and then Nanami starts walking down the hall. You watch him leave, wishing he could’ve stayed longer. You hear a loud cough from inside the room. Furrowing your brows you turn your gaze to Satoru, who looks irritated. “I thought you came to spend time with me YN, yet here you are not even paying any attention to me.” He complains, standing up. 
You press your lips into a thin line. “We’re not here for a playdate, we have business to do.” You reply with a lash of venom in your cool tone. Satoru glances off to the side with an airy laugh and smirk. What was he laughing about? You were growing more frustrated with every second. 
“Mmm, playdates remind me of when we were children.” He’s still looking off to the side like he’s watching a memory play out that only he can see. His gaze is back to you in an instant. “You had a crush on me, remember?” He cocks his head to the side, a teasing grin taking over his stupidly handsome face. 
Your body cools with a mixture of embarrassment and annoyance. Oh, so he wanted to bring up the past? You put on your best ‘fuck around a find out’ smile. “Yeah, but that was before puberty hit and I had standards.” You answer the tone of your voice higher and sweeter than before. Satoru raises his brows as an amused expression takes over his face. “Shall we get to business now?” You snap, which only makes him burst out laughing. 
Satoru is walking toward you now and the alarm bells in your head start flashing. “Hey, before that I have a question I’ve been dying to know.” He leans down, planting a hand on the wall next to your head to be level with you. You stiffen, growing uncomfortable. Not with Satoru being this close, but with how much your body seems to enjoy it. 
Your brows knit together and a frown tugs your face downward. “What?” You fume, jerking your head to emphasize the word. Satoru observes you, that feeling in his stomach clawing its way up. His gaze falls to your lips for the slightest of seconds. 
He swallows, the vexing emotion wanted to be near you, beside you, touching you, in you. How troublesome. The only way for Satoru to get rid of this feeling was to somehow annoy you to the extent you never came around him again. Granted – you didn’t anyway, but this exception had nearly driven him to the edge already. “When you were little, did you ever create an illusion of me? Did you hold his hand? Practice kissing him?” Satoru inquires, feeling full of himself. Your whole face drops. You must be in a different world because he did not just ask you that. A garbled scoff sounds from your throat as you gape at him, utterly dumbfounded. 
You try to process what the hell is going on by opening and closing your mouth, raising your hands then dropping them again, and blinking rapidly. “Oh my God,” are the first words that you say. They’re also the next few thousand words you say considering how many times you repeat the phrase. 
By this time Satoru has dropped his arm, regarding you with a rueful grin. He’s backed away a few paces and you finally point a finger at him. “You are disgusting. You mean nothing to me. You’re such an annoying,” You’re panting, anger rolling through you in cold and hot waves. “An annoying.” 
“What YN? An annoying what?” Your eyes are going to bulge out of your head. He’s smirking again! Smirking!
“An annoying fuckface!” You scream, throwing your hands out in pure frustration. You groan exasperatedly before storming out of his office. 
Had you really called him a fuckface? What did that even mean? Satoru is staring at the ceiling of his city-rise apartment, unbelievably shell-shocked from the events earlier today. He flips over on his side. It hadn’t gone exactly like he planned, although he didn’t put much planning into the whole thing. Tomorrow morning you’d both meet up at Shibuya station to track down the cursed spirit. He should probably apologize for acting like an idiot…he groans and flips back onto his back. 
Morning comes like a weight of bricks. You’re both standing awkwardly in the station. The people passing by must sense something because none of them even look your way. Satoru points to the stairs leading to the street level. “Uh, we could always patrol the rooftops…” He’s being so awkward. It was honestly a hit to his ego. Usually, the ladies ate up his tease em’ and leave em’ tactic. As he stares at you a blood-curdling scream echoes from the street above. Dust shakes off of the parts of the station as a loud explosion shakes the ground. 
You glance at Satoru and he nods his head, a knowing smile creeping up his face. Finally, some fighting to get his mind off of whatever asshole thing he’d manage to say to you next. As you both reach the street ahead you’re met with chaos. Cars are being flung by a large lizard entity, but it has eyes everywhere on its body. Satoru is about to gauge an attack but you burst out laughing next to him. His footing stutters, eyes widening as he takes in your genuine laugh. It’s… kind of majestic. You hug your stomach, doubling over in laughter as you extend your hand to point at the cursed spirit. “Looks like,” you snort out a giggle, “Looks like you have some competition for having the most eyes.” 
Gojo is immediately taken aback by your words. A woman runs screaming past you as you wipe a tear away from your eye. “Now let me show you a thing or two.” You sprint toward where rubble and wreckage cause obstacles. You make light work of climbing atop a sizeable pile of rebar and pavement. “Hey, lizard breath! Over here!” Jumping up and down, you wave your arms in the air. Did Satoru have to do anything? You seem to know what to do. 
He watches you with a small chuckle as the monstrosity turns its bulbous eyes toward you. In the blink of its mucusy eyes, your image doubles. Thousands of you spread across the street, then start attacking the main body. Satoru grins, jumping in to join. “Think you could have all the fun without me?!” He yells toward you. 
You’re surprised he could easily see which one of you was the real one. Though, you guess that’s what all those eyes were for. You were working off of one another – working with each other. If your clans could see you now. You’re both laughing and fighting like taking a walk in the park. Surprisingly Satoru can’t keep his eyes off you. He wasn’t sure if it was because he wanted to protect you or simply because as you fought alongside him you proved you didn’t need his protection. When you were with him you didn’t rely on him. No, you could handle yourself, which made Satoru crave your attention. He was the strongest…but with you by his side, his strength would finally be supported rather than taken for granted. 
It doesn’t take long to deal with the cursed spirit and for once Satoru is glad you’re required to come back as a team to fill out paperwork. That way he could get a little extra time with you. He smirks to himself as you finish up in Shibuya. 
He likes the look of you in his office, sitting on the couch in the corner with a small table in front of you. A laptop, a stack of papers, and a cup of tea are all somehow set on top of the small space. Your hair is falling in front of your face as you crouch over to type away the report. He was supposed to be working too, but he’d be damned if he broke his gaze now. “You ever going to stop looking at me and actually fill out some of those files Mr. Gojo?” You hum, still concentrating on the screen in front of you. Of course, you’d figure out he was gawking, it’s not like he was hiding it. 
Satoru clears his throat and glances away. “You can call me Satoru,” He pouts. When was the last time Satoru had requested a woman call him by his given name? Out of everyone else’s mouth, it was a simple endearment, but out of yours? That was something else entirely. 
You sigh, pausing in your efforts to finish the paperwork before dawn. You roll your lips into your mouth and tap your chin. “I think I much prefer fuckface.” You say, then smile sweetly. 
Satoru nods his head, pushing out of his seat. “Yeah? You want to call me fuckface or you want to fuck my face?” He banters. Your body tenses as you watch him sit on the edge of his desk. There's a pressure building in between your thighs that you can’t ignore. Your body feels like there are phantom touches caressing all of the places you yearned for Satoru to touch. 
You huff and turn away from him. “Back to this? Where’s your dignity, your charm, your manhood?” You ask. You jerk to the side, shaking your head. “No wait- that’s not exactly what I mean to say please don’t-”
Satoru is already laughing. “My manhood? Damn, you really must be thinking up all sorts of illusions in there, but,” he crosses the room, stopping in front of your table. He pushes the laptop shut with his fingertips. “The real thing is always going to be better darlin’.”
It suddenly seems very hard to swallow, so you let out an awkward laugh before gathering up your things. “Right, sure, I have to go.” You stumble over your words, rushing for the door. If you didn’t get out of this room right now you were sure bad things would happen. By bad things, you meant letting your guard down for a second around a man who was just flirting with you for the hell of it. You were a part of a rival clan, which meant he couldn’t have you. That also meant he wanted you more than the average woman. Of that, you could be certain, but you wouldn’t be some plaything Satoru could throw to the side once he’d had his fun. 
Behind you Satoru’s face had fallen, his chest rising and falling quickly as you scurry out of his office. Good, now that the real threat had been dealt with, he had some paperwork to finish. You’d be safer away from him, not wrapped up in his clan dealings and always having to live for others. For once, Satoru wanted to be truthfully selfish – sure he would go out, drink, party, enjoy one or two ladies, but in the end he was left with himself again. Satoru couldn’t save himself and he was scared that the only one powerful enough to pull him out of this desperate cry for help…was you.
A couple of months pass by without hide or tail of Satoru. Working alongside him was honestly…freeing. You weren’t held back by the possibility of someone weaker getting hurt. You groan, turning your face to the sky above you. It was gratifying being able to let loose with your own powers. Usually that many mimics will render you immobile, but you were able to spring into action right next to them. “Ma’am, a report from the Tokyo campus,” A file is passed in front of you. As you glance through the pages you turn to glance at your boss. 
She seems busy chatting away with one of the other sorcerers. You blow out a sigh and tuck the file under your arm. “Call them back and tell them I’ll be there within the hour.” You glance down at your sweats, wincing at the fact you wore such comfortable clothes to work. “Maybe make that 2.” You mutter, a disapproving scowl taking over your face. 
You ran home to change into a pair of running shoes, black leggings, and whatever shirt was on top of your dirty laundry. Unlike someone else, you couldn’t teleport, so public transportation was your only way to reach the Tokyo campus area. Walking up the stairs takes a little more effort than you’d like to admit, but when you reach the top you’re met with a shirtless Satoru Gojo and Nanami Kento training. Your jaw practically dislocates from your mouth as you gawk. They were gliding through the air and Nanami somehow had a more excited expression on his face than before. Of course, Satoru notices you first, but that allows Nanami to get a whack in. “Hey! That was foul play.” Satoru hisses, holding his cheek. 
Nanami shrugs, bending down to pick a towel off the ground. “Should’ve put your infinity back up.” He then glances at you and smiles. Your heart warms and a cheesy smile appears on your face. “Hey YN,” He waves and for a moment you’re awestruck by how handsome he is. The Lord was kind to these men. So…so very kind. Both of them were muscular, their abdomens shaped into ridges and divots. Biceps, triceps, everything went on in rippling splendor forever. You’d thought Satoru had maintained a scrawny figure, but you were certainly proved wrong and you were so glad you were. 
 “Hi there Nanami.” You walk over to him, picking up a stray water bottle on your way. You hand it to him but he shakes his head. 
“Thank you, but that’s actually his,” he juts his thumb toward Satoru and your face falls. You toss it toward the silver-haired man and he annoyingly catches it with ease. 
He glares at you, throwing his towel over his shoulder. “Yeah, thanks YN.” He grumbles. Nanami nods toward the school building. 
“If you let me wash up I can take you to Yaga’s office.” He’s back to smiling and honestly, you might have a thing for smiles. 
You latch your hands behind your back and giggle to yourself. “That would be really sweet of you Nanami.” Satoru snorts out a laugh on the other side of Nanami. You shoot him a glare. 
“Why are you callin’ Nanami by his first name but you don me fuckface?” Satoru shoots toward you, frustration twinging all of his happiness from the earlier training session. Nanami peers between you two, and then his brows shoot up with an airy laugh. 
“Oh my God you’re the one that called him fuckface? That’s so fucking funny.” Nanami laughs toward the sky, a soft sound coming from him. 
Satoru grumbles to himself, rolling his eyes like a frustrated child. “You are coming with me.” He growls, latching onto your wrist and pulling you toward the school. 
You stumble over your footing as he yanks you down the pathway. “S-Satoru w-wait oh my God!” You yell as you finally enter the building. He tosses you into the room you know to be his office. You falter backward, catching yourself on his desk. “What’s going on, what the fuck was that?” You hiss. He stalks toward you, throwing his towel onto the couch with a little more aggression than you’d like. 
He closes the distance between you, his nostrils flaring and eye twitching. “Oh so now you call me by name? Oh well, it’s too late for that now princess. You’ve pushed me far enough.” He laughs hotly moving between your legs. He’s massive and his skin is warm, you can feel the heat radiating off of him through your pants. He towers over you in an overwhelmingly torturously attractive way. 
It was hard to understand what was happening with the ringing of your heart covering all rational thought. “What are you saying? I’m not the one that made all those stupid jokes,” You mutter, looking away from him. He hisses, grabbing onto your chin and making your gaze settle back onto him. 
He laughs dryly as you blink questioningly at him. “Yeah? You had that stupid crush on me, that’s what caused this.” He spits, but you still can’t decipher what he’s trying to get at. 
Your lips part, letting out a small exasperated breath. “Listen, I didn’t mean to crush on you again, just old habits die hard I guess,” You explain, groaning as his grip tightens on your chin. His face looks tormented like some great plague has taken over his body.  
He scoffs, tossing your face to the side. You grunt with the impact, narrowing your eyes in annoyance. “Again? Haaa,” He covers his eyes with his hand, groaning softly. “You ran away from me then ignored me YN… how does that scream ‘I have a crush on you?’” The hand that was over his eyes drags down his face. You don’t have an explanation for him because you barely had one for yourself. “You must’ve sent one of your puppets to walk around the streets by my apartment, the campus, but the one thing I can’t figure out is how you got one of them to walk around in my head. I can’t see anyone except you and I’m going crazy.” His eyes are pained and his breath is labored. You finally understand. 
“Satoru…” You whisper his name with all the softness in the world, years of loving him building up into an insurmountable emotion. He turns away from you, covering his mouth this time. 
“Fuck YN, don’t say my name like that.” He hisses and you swear you can see playboy Satoru Gojo’s ears blaze a red color. “You weren’t even trying earlier, but you made me so jealous. Nanami was flirting with you right in front of me and I couldn’t do a damned thing about it. I wanted to both be Nanami and beat the shit out of him.” He slowly lets his gaze turn to you again. “I think I’m in love with you YN,” His voice is nervous, and his eyes are flittering all over your face, searching for answers. 
In love with you? Satoru Gojo was in love with…you? After all the years of your mother telling you to stay away from that boy. You were never supposed to be in this situation, especially not with the head of the Gojo clan. But you know what they say… actually, you didn’t really care about some emotional quote that would relate to this very moment because all you wanted to do – craved to do, was kiss Satoru until the sun set behind the Tori gate. 
“Our clans aren’t going to be very happy about this new development.” You chuckle and Satoru rolls his eyes. 
“That’s not an answer YN…” Okay, so he wants words. A confirmation? What exactly did you feel? Was it love? Was it something different? You didn’t have to know now, time would solidify whatever love is. All you can do is put a name to what you’re feeling.
You smile, a blossoming feeling thumping in your chest. “Yes Satoru, I love you.” You almost don’t get the words out because Satoru slips a hand into your hair and brings your mouths together in a passionate kiss. He kisses you like he’s been a starved man all his life, like he’s never wanted to kiss someone this badly. 
Satoru is obsessed with the way you gasp between kisses and how your eyes squeeze shut. “You can open your eyes, I’m the real thing.” He chuckles and brushes his thumb against your cheek soothingly. 
You weren’t afraid Satoru was one of your illusions, but rather how real this was in the first place. When you really want something you shouldn’t the whole world kind of falls away when you get that thing. When Satoru kisses you, it’s only him and that was terrifying for someone who constantly surrounded herself with things. You peek through your lashes at him anyway. “The same thing goes for me, I’m real.” You state lamely. 
Satoru blows out a chuckle, grinning mischievously. “Mmm, I’m not so sure about that, maybe you should show me.” His eyes darken and the sweltering heat you felt before nearly doubles in size and intensity.
You put your hand over the one he has on your cheek, lowering it until his fingertips brush against the swell of your chest. His brows shoot up and before he has much time to react you move it lower to the apex of your thighs. His breathing falters as he stares, eyes swimming with lust. “Come on Gojo, show me what a rival clan can really do.” The corners of your mouth lift in an enticing smirk. 
For all the time he was irritating and downright egotistical, Satoru is a good listener now. He pushes you into the desk, groaning when your fingernails dig into his shoulders. “You sure do drive a hard bargain.” His mouth tickles against your neck, kissing a trail down to your shoulder. He pauses, taking in a breath. “Mmm, you smell so good,” He mumbles against your shirt. You flush, embarrassment running hot through your veins. Did he like the smell of your dirty shirt? If you’d known the situation you’d be in right now, you would’ve put more thought into what you were wearing. 
He brings himself back up toward your face, planting a deep kiss on your lips. A selfish moan breaks through as Satoru works his lips against yours. “God, you’re so good at that.” You breathe out. A satisfied hum rumbles from his chest. 
You take in his chest, appreciating the view. This earns a chortle from Satoru. “You know, I’m starting to think you only like me when my shirt is off.” You lean into him, wrapping your legs around his waist. Your eyes widen when you realize there’s something hard pressing into your thigh. How you didn’t feel it until now is a mystery because that thing is one of the 7 wonders of the world. Satoru grunts, pulling you up and off the ledge of his desk. “Do you feel that? I think I finally understand what the elders were talking about. All I want to do with you right now is ram my cock into you until I have you writhing under me. Then finish fucking my cum into your cervix so you can mother my children. That way, your parents will have to like me and my clan, because you’ll be a Gojo.” He’s being serious right now, setting you down on the couch. 
You bite your lip curiously. “Do you plan on wedding me Satoru Gojo?” It’s a loaded question that he didn’t have to answer. It was a sweet moment and there you had to go asking a question like that. You don’t expect Satoru to sink onto one knee, take your hand, and place loving kisses on your knucks. 
He meets your gaze, electricity burning between the both of you. “May you wrap my heart around your finger one day and bear my burdens as I will bear yours.” What was even happening? Marriage? Surely this was one big dream, because years ago when you were both kids even imagining this day seemed like a far-off occurrence. This was all so sudden, but in all honesty, when have the two of you ever conformed to conventional standards? 
You were certain of one thing, you didn’t want your first time with Satoru Gojo to be on some dusty couch in the corner of his office. “Satoru… do you think we could continue…” You glance down, running your tongue over your lips. “This elsewhere?” His eyes glimmer, his mouth quirking up in a grin. 
He stands, still holding your hand. “I just basically proposed to you and all you can think about is getting in my pants. Man, rejection stings.” He tuts, shaking his head. You roll your eyes as you both laugh, a heavyweight finally being lifted. Yeah, this felt right. 
All at once you feel nauseated and dizzy. You squeeze your eyes shut, grasping onto Satoru like he was the only thing that could hold you up. “What the fuck was that?” You gasp, blinking your eyes open to find a completely different scene than when you closed them. 
Satoru caresses your cheeks, grounding you to him. “Sorry, I promise you’ll get used to it, well… maybe not, but still I’m sorry.” 
“Where are we?” You gasp, hands still clutching his arms as you peer around the living room you appear to be in. It feels less than lived in like someone staged the whole apartment – which is what you assumed Satoru had teleported you both into.
He scratches the back of his neck while nervously chuckling. “My apartment,” His gaze falls to you, taking in how perfect you look among his things. “Do you like it?” He asks with such a look in his eyes, similar to a puppy begging for attention.
You peek out the ground to ceiling-level windows, laughing to yourself. “I didn’t know teachers got paid so much.” Satoru grins, nodding toward the windows – or rather the city outside of them. 
“Oh you know, I got kind of a side hustle going on.” He shrugs, then turns to you, that mischievous twinkle back in his eyes. “You should see the bedroom.” He offers you his hand, jerking his head to a hallway. “I hear the owner hates it when the bed is made, the least we should do is go mess them up for him.” You take Satoru’s hand and let him lead you into the bedroom at the end of the hall. 
Once the door was shut behind you the playful comments were thrown aside – replaced by frantic kisses and undressing. Satoru sits on the foot of the bed, watching you in all your splendor. Your body was that of a dream, your breasts, the slope of your stomach, thighs, fuck everything about you was glorious. Satoru couldn’t remember how to breathe gazing upon you. “Like what you see?” You tease, positioning yourself over his lap. 
You brace yourself on his shoulders, settling onto your knees. Satoru blows out a choked noise. “Thank fuck I have so many eyes because I couldn’t imagine not being able to see all of you like this.” His hands are on you, running up your back, molding his long fingers into your squishy tits, and then down your side to dig his nails into your hips. “Are you okay with this?” He inquires, tilting his head. 
You smile, but a small part of you wants to line yourself up with his cock and bottom out. “I’m okay with so much more.” You breath. He understands, after all you both want the same thing right now – crave it. 
You both wait with bated breath as Satoru lets you guide him into your entrance. With all the teasing and edging closer and closer to this moment, you were far from dry. It was a little embarrassing how slick you were considering there was practically no foreplay. You hiss as his pretty cock sinks deeper into your throbbing cunt. “That’s it, that’s my good girl. You can take all of me,” His grip on your hips tightens, helping push you onto him. A strangled moan hisses out of your mouth as you slump onto Satoru’s shoulders. “Feels s’good baby. God, you’re so perfect.” He’s kissing your temple and you’re squeezing his cock with airy moans. After a moment, he bottoms out, a guttural groan rumbling from within him. “You did so good, fuck,” 
The air feels thick, heady, and fills with the wet sound of Satoru’s cock inside you. “Go-go ahead and move.” You order with a shaky breath. He starts to move, laying back to better fuck into you. You plant your hands on his abdomen, moaning loudly. His length hits every sensitive spot at once, causing you to tremble on top of him.
Satoru chuckles, then suddenly flips you both over. “Come on YN, I thought you’re one of the strongest sorcerers in Japan, you can handle me fucking you.” 
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skzhocomments · 7 months
Clingy - Bang Chan Oneshot Fanfic
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General Masterlist
Pairing: Bang Chan (Stray Kids) x OC (name: Aera. Story is written in 2nd person)
Genre: angst, fluff
Word Count: ~3.3k
Warnings: a little angst, crying
This is just a story that doesn’t describe Bang Chan or other mentioned Stray Kids’ members true characters in any way. It’s just a product of my imagination and should be treated as such.
This story is also on Wattpad (click here) and AO3 (click here)
You overhear Chan and Jisung talking about how clingy you are, and it really hurts your feelings.
A/N: As any other writer out there, I would appreciate reblogs and your comments on this story. Please let me know if you enjoyed it, and most importantly, have fun!
© all rights reserved by skzhocomments (Tumblr), skzho (Tumblr)/ storminsidemycore (Wattpad), storminsidemycore (AO3)
"Is Aera coming over today?"
"Tsk. She's always here. Don't you find it annoying?"
You were just outside the door when this conversation between Chris and Jisung stopped you dead in your tracks.
You've been dating Chris for just shy of a year now, and you figured out early in the relationship that he never has free time. He's a workaholic through and through, starting his days with early practice and finishing them with late nights in the studio. Thus, you came up with a solution: whenever you wouldn't be working night shifts, you would come visit him in the studio and keep him company.
You never interrupted or bothered him. You just watched him work, stealing occasional kisses when he'd take short breaks, taking care of him, bringing him food (as he more often than not forgot to eat balanced meals completely), giving him water when his bottle would run out, and massaging his shoulders when he'd feel particularly stiff.
You never considered yourself to be annoying, until now. And although you shouldn't listen to other people's conversations, you just had to know what your boyfriend thought about it.
"Annoying? How so?" Chris asked.
"I mean, she's being so clingy. She always wants to see you or be around you and she's coming by, like, every day. It seems exhausting."
"Oh... Yeah, I see what you mean. Well..."
"What?" Jisung chuckles.
"She is a bit clingy, yeah."
"It annoys me sometimes. I miss our bonding time in the studio." Jisung chuckles again.
"Yeah, it would be nice to sometimes have time to ourselves. Sure." Chan chuckles as well, and you start feeling your heart break into a million pieces with every word you hear.
"Oh, so you also find her a bit... of a nuisance?"
"I wouldn't say that... But she does suffocate me sometimes, I won't lie."
You truly didn't know that Chris viewed you as suffocating. He's never told you.
If he had, you would've never started to come to the studio.
Why did he even give you an access key?
Already on the verge of tears, you decide to turn around and give Chris what he obviously wants: time away from you. Just as you do, you see Changbin walking towards the studio.
"Aera!" He exclaims and runs to you happily, taking you in his arms and spinning you around. You've become close friends ever since you started dating Chan, and this was how he always said hi to you.
"Binnie!" You ruffle his hair and smile back.
"Did you come visit? Let's go." He grabs your hand, and before being able to protest, he opens the door and drags you inside.
You try to keep on smiling as you say hi to your boyfriend and Jisung, but now that you're aware of their true feelings towards you being here, you can't help but notice every small detail. Chris and Jisung give each other a knowing look, and you notice it. You just know it's because you are there again.
You wonder if Changbin feels the same way, if he also finds you annoying and suffocating.
Your chest is tight, and it's getting hard to pretend that everything is okay. It's difficult to breathe. You can't even bring yourself to speak much, afraid that Chris will find you smothering, so your words get stuck in your throat, choking you.
You don't even laugh much at their jokes, and you wonder how everything can change in just a span of 10 minutes. The studio used to be a safe space for you, where you could relax and be yourself, but it now feels like a cage.
It seemed like you could now notice all sorts of things you weren't able to notice before. Although Chan is his usual self, it somehow feels different to you.
He doesn't want to spend time with me; runs through your head repeatedly, and with every passing minute, it's getting harder and harder to stay there.
You want to leave.
No, you need to leave.
Your eyes are watering up and the pressure in your chest is crushing you; the throbbing pain in your heart is getting too much; your eyes start to water again; and you need, you need to find an excuse and run away from this place.
You have to come up with something - anything convincing enough so that Chris won't bat an eye. Something that wouldn't be too obvious a lie.
"Oh, shit!" You exclaim, and the three men in the room look at you with questioning eyes.
"What's wrong?" Chris asks.
"I just remembered! Fuck! I promised Jia I'm taking over her shift tonight! Shit! I have to go!" You jolt up from the sofa and grab your bag hastily.
I have to get out.
I have to get out.
I have to get out.
"Oh, no! Want me to drive you?" Chris asks as he stands up as well.
"No, don't worry. I know you have work to do." You smile briefly, then wave to Jisung and Changbin and begin to turn around.
"You sure?" Chan grabs your hand, making you look at him.
"Yeah. If I leave now, I'll make it just in time."
"Ok, babe. See you tomorrow?"
"Sure." You smile as he presses his lips against yours briefly, before you part from him.
"Text me when you get there, so I know you're safe."
"Will do, bye bye!" You turn around and leave the room with haste, and once you're finally alone in the elevator, with the doors closed and already moving towards the ground floor, you break down.
It's hard to stop the tears from flowing, the overwhelming sadness completely taking over you, and you feel every piece of you ache. It shouldn't hurt this much. He didn't say he didn't love you. He simply said you're suffocating.
It's not that bad.
Is it?
You realise that Chris is right; you are smothering. You've always been the clingier one in the relationship, and maybe it's time to take a step back and stop being so keen on spending time with your boyfriend.
Maybe you should simply let him initiate whatever outings he wants, whenever he has time, and you'll see to your hobbies and occupy your mind with something else but him.
You get home and join a class right away. You don't even notice what you've clicked on.
Pottery, apparently.
This will do.
"She still hasn't texted me."
"Hm? What did you say, Hyung?" Han raises his head from his notebook. They've been working on a new song for a few hours now, and whenever Jisung writes lyrics, he gets completely absorbed in them, not noticing anything else.
"I said, she still hasn't texted me. How many hours has it been since she left for her shift?" Chan asks uneasily. You've always texted him to let him know you're safe, so this felt completely out of character for you.
"Maybe she just forgot." Jisung shrugs.
"Have you tried calling her?" Changbin asks.
"Yeah, I did... she won't pick up either."
As he answers this, Chan's breath hitches in his throat. What if something happened? What if you've had an accident, or fell and hit your head, or- it was already pretty dark out when you left.
Why the fuck did he let you go alone? He should've taken you to the restaurant himself.
Fuck, why are you still working there anyway? He's told you time and time again that he can take care of you while you search for a job in your field. He knows how hard you've worked for your diploma and how disappointed you've been after searching for months on end with no results.
Why didn't you want to take him up on the offer? That would mean all the free time in the world, and more importantly, no night shifts.
"I'm sure she's fine, Hyung." Changbin puts a comforting hand on Chan's shoulder, pulling him out of his thoughts. "But if you're that worried, you could go to the restaurant. It's not far from here anyway."
"Is that okay?" He asks anxiously.
"Yeah. We can manage just fine for a couple hours, don't worry."
With a short nod, Chan stands up and grabs his coat.
"You're just as clingy as her." Jisung chuckles slightly. "Message us when you're there."
"Will do!"
Chris runs hastily to the elevator and clicks on the button for the underground parking lot, then hurries to his car. The ride to the restaurant is less than 10 minutes long, and he curses once more for not taking you himself.
He couldn't even spare 10 minutes for you.
He's definitely never felt shittier...
... until he reaches the restaurant, goes inside, and sees that you're nowhere in sight.
"Chris? Oh, hi! I almost didn't recognise you with your cap on. What are you doing here?" A girl approaches him with a large smile.
"Jia? I thought you weren't working tonight?" He stares at the girl in front of him in confusion.
"Yeah, I am." The girl replies, just as confused.
"Oh... is Aera here?"
"No, she's working day shifts this month. Hasn't she told you?"
"She did, I just thought... whatever, nevermind." Chan waves his hand and smiles. "Thanks."
"You didn't have a fight, did you?" Jia asks with a worried expression on her face.
Chan didn't know. Did you?
"... no, we didn't. Thank you, Jia. Have a nice shift!" He waves and leaves the restaurant, and as soon as he's back in the car, he takes his phone out to call you again, when he notices a text.
Sorry Channie, it's been chaotic at work, and I couldn't check my phone until now. I forgot to text you to let you know all's okay. I got there safe &lt;3
He freezes.
You lied. You've never lied to him before.
He decides not to call your bluff and plays along. You surely have a reason to lie to him, and he wants you to come forward yourself instead of having to confront you.
You're safe. That's all that matters.
Or that's what he's trying to tell himself, although doubts start running rampant in his mind. Your behaviour today has been weird, ever since you came to the studio. You avoided eye contact, you invented an excuse to leave after not even 20 minutes, you lied that you're going to the restaurant, and you haven't even messaged him to let him know you've gotten there, or home, or wherever the heck you've gone, safely.
With a sigh, he starts the engine and drives back to the studio.
"Babe, can you give me some water, please?" Chan asks in a quiet voice as he's trying to perfect a beat he's been working on. It's 2AM already, and he's growing tired.
When you don't answer, he asks something again, this time in a whisper.
"Did you fall asleep?"
There's still no answer coming from you, so he turns his chair around to see you, and then the realisation hits him.
You're not there.
In fact, he can't even remember the last time you've come to the studio to keep him company.
He noticed that ever since that night you lied to him, you've been acting strange. You no longer text him unless he texts you first; you don't initiate any dates or activities with him; and most importantly, you're never there.
He misses you.
Did you fall out of love? Are you trying to let him down slowly by spending less and less time with him?
Shit, he never expected love to hurt as much as it does. Your absence hurts.
He grabs his phone to text you, hoping that you're not asleep. It takes you 12 minutes to reply. 12 minutes that passed by agonisingly slowly, but he's at least grateful you actually replied. Waiting until morning would've been torture.
As soon as he sees your text, he calls you.
"Yeah?" You reply, your voice small. You always sound like this when you've just woken up.
Fuck, when was the last time Chan woke up next to you?
"Sorry, babe, did I wake you up?"
"Mhm. What's wrong?"
"I just- can I come over?"
"Now?" You reply, still sounding asleep.
"Yeah. I really want to see you."
"You have a key though..." You yawn. "... why ask me?"
"... I know. I'll be there in 10 minutes, okay?"
Chan makes his way to the parking lot and checks his wallet, phone, and the keys to your place a hundred times. When he's sure he has everything, he starts driving. He usually loves late–night drives, but his heart is now ridden with anxiety, which makes it completely unpleasant .
In front of your door, he contemplates once more using your key. He used to use it and come over all the time, but he's been so stumped with work as of late that he can't even remember when the last time he's been here was.
The apartment is quiet and dark, so he does his best to not disturb the peace as he walks hesitantly through the hallway until the bedroom.
The lights are turned off in the bedroom as well, and you're now fast asleep again. Still, he comes behind you and spoons you; he lets his face come close to your head and takes in your familiar scent as he hugs you.
"You're home?" You ask quietly.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you."
"It's fine." You yawn again.
"I missed you so much." He whispers, and you hum.
"Mhm. I missed you too."
"Do you... still love me?"
"What?" You ask, your voice audibly more awake now. "Of course I still love you, Channie. What kind of question is that?"
"You've been so... distant lately. You don't even come over anymore."
"Look who's talking." You chuckle slightly. "When's the last time you've been here?"
"... you're right. But..."
"I'm sorry." You whisper, feeling yourself on the verge of crying again. "I do still love you, but... I was suffocating you. Maybe it's better that we spend less time together now."
"What?" Chan sits up on the bed, leaving you feeling empty and your back cold. You sit up as well and turn on your lamp, and looking at his face breaks your heart. His eyes are glistening with tears, matching yours like a mirror.
"You... you said you feel suffocated by me... I know I'm too clingy, so..."
"Wait! No... When- when did I say that to you?" He frowns. "Maybe I've just-"
"To me?" You smile bitterly, cutting him off. "Never. But you told Jisung how suffocating I am and how you sometimes just want time on your own, so... I'm giving you that."
As soon as he hears your words, he remembers. He had one conversation about this with Jisung, which he realised was bullshit anyway when he noticed how much he thinks about you and how lonely he feels when you're not there.
"Baby, I-"
"Don't even bother denying it, Chris. I heard it."
You look away as you feel like starting to cry again, and tears start falling immediately after. Fuck, it's pathetic, really.
"Aera, look at me, please. I didn't mean to deny it..." He pleads with you, but it's hard to listen to him and raise your head. It's so damn hard to see him.
When Chris sees you won't budge, he doesn't know what to do. You're crying and shaking, and it's all because of him. He's hurt you.
He thinks about how he could make it better and decides to hug you tightly.
"Baby, look... I did say that, and I'm truly sorry. I was so, so wrong. Yes, you are clingy, but fuck, I don't want it any other way. I've missed you so much these past weeks."
You stand silent and just listen to him.
"I kept turning my chair around to look at you and you were never there. I kept checking my phone but there were no messages from you. I didn't even know if I could still use the key you gave me, or if you're not comfortable with that anymore..."
"Channie, how can you even think that?" You cry out, and he hugs you tighter. "This is your home too."
"I'm truly sorry... I've been up in my ass with work and neglected you completely, and only realised how much I need you by my side when you were gone..."
"Yeah." You whisper.
"Are we going to be fine...?"
"... Yeah, we are. Just... please tell me if it gets too much, mhm?"
"It won't." He kisses your forehead as he smiles slightly. "Thank you for forgiving me. But Aera, you know? You also lied to me." He chuckles. "You didn't have any shifts that night."
"I'm sorry... I was hurt, and- wait, how do you know that?"
"I went to the restaurant to check on you, and Jia was really confused to see me there." He lets go of you and grabs your face with his hands, running his thumb over your cheeks and wiping away all the tears.
"I just... felt so horrible. Hearing you say that I'm suffocating you was like a punch in the gut. I'm so sorry I was too clingy."
He shakes his head and presses his lips against yours.
"Please be clingy from now on. I thought it felt suffocating, but I actually got so used to the warmth of your attention, that being without it felt utterly depressing. So, please, keep clinging to me."
"... okay." You nod.
"And please come by and spend time with me in the studio again, hm? What about tomorrow evening? We can have dinner together, and then you can come hang out with me. If you want to, of course."
"Oh, actually-" She chuckles slightly, "I can't have dinner with you tomorrow, sorry. I can come after 9 to the studio, though."
"Why?" He tilts his head.
"Well, you see...?" You rub your nape, "I have a pottery class from 7:30."
"Pottery?" Chan laughs in disbelief. "When did that happen?"
"When I decided to fill my days with something else to keep me from thinking about you all the time." You smile sadly, and he pouts.
"But I want you to think about me all the time. I also think about you all the time."
"The pottery class will last for a few more weeks, so you'll have to make do." You poke his nose playfully, and he is quick to scrunch it.
"You're punishing me." He kisses you again. "Do you like making pottery?"
"Honestly? I'm shit at it." You say, and both of you burst out laughing.
"I didn't ask you if you're a pro or not. Only if you enjoy it."
"Mhm... I think I do." You smile.
"That's amazing. Show me what you've worked on."
You excitedly grab your phone and show him all the photos and videos you've taken in the past few weeks, explaining the techniques you've learned and how much you've been struggling to keep up with the class, and Chris listens attentively.
By the time you're done talking, it's almost 5 AM, and both of you are barely able to keep your eyes open.
"So, now that we're okay, should we head to sleep?" You ask, and Chris caresses your arm gently.
"Yeah. Let's sleep. Good night, my love."
"Good night."
He kisses the back of your head, and you both fall into a deep, restful slumber.
~The End~
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oneforthemunny · 1 year
spooky series entry: modern!eddie munson
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based off the first part of this ask from @belokhvostikova! part of my spooky series with modern!eddie :) enjoy! eddie edit creds @themunsonator5000 !
contains: 18+ minors dni, alludes to smut, really just fluff. reader and eddie do a couple's costume.
“God, I think I’m gonna pass out in here, babe.” Eddie coughed over the hiss of the aerosol can spraying in the bathroom, the vent on and a window open doing little to insulate the fumes. 
“I told you to do it outside.” You huff, eyes rolling in irritation. Eddie had taken over the bathroom, leaving you to the bedroom. 
“It’s fuckin’ freezing out there.” Eddie scoffed, a rather hard hack of a cough following that had you looking towards the cracked door. “And I needed to see.” 
“Could’ve taken a mirror.” You muttered, dragging your eyeliner along your waterline, the perfect sultry and smokey look- just what you were going for. Eddie was going to love it, he always did when you’d make your makeup a little darker, a little moody. 
“I can’t hold a mirror, and my hair, and the spray.” Eddie rolled his eyes like the idea was so silly. Like fumigating the apartment was the obvious best choice. 
“I still need help getting it to spike.” Eddie turned his head towards the ajar door across from him. You were hidden behind the half opened door, depriving him of seeing you- your process, your costume, the deep purple cape he was a little too excited about. 
“Use the hairspray.” You call, and he can practically hear the eye roll in your tone. 
“I did.” Eddie grit, running the brush through his matted half green curls. “Still not working. Got a lot of hair, babe.”
“Yeah,” You snorted, the jingle of your belt and necklace sounding with every step. “I know. It’s everywhere.” 
Eddie smirked, a smug counter on the tip of his tongue that fell short when he saw you. A black high cut bodysuit, fishnet stockings he just wanted to tear apart, and best of all- the cloak. The fucking cloak, velvety that you‘d gotten off Facebook marketpace in September when he told you his vision for your costumes. 
“What?” You eye him, clipping the loose, link belt around your waist so it settled slouchy over your hips. Eddie had helped you make it, a rigged up welding job to get the large, plastic rubies on and in the right place. 
“Nothing.” Eddie’s eyes roamed up and down your frame, taking in every single detail like if he looked away it would be gone. “You, uh, you look very good.” 
“Very?” You repeated, a raised brow that had his head bobbing, blush rising up his skin. “Really? The cloak is doin’ it for you, hm?” 
“Oh, you have no fuckin’ idea.” Eddie groaned, stepping towards you. “Think this might be my new thing. My new kink.” 
“You in capes.” Eddie nodded, reaching out to touch the soft velvet. 
“Uh! No!” You clicked, stepping back. “Your hands are green.” 
“So you’re not touching my stuff and ruining it, Ed. Wash your hands!” You point to the sink, crowded with hair products, stray hairs, and faint green spray. You frown, glaring at him. “I told you not to make a mess.” 
“I’ll clean it up.” Eddie hums, eyes meeting yours through the mirror, shoving the content out of the sink and hitting the faucet on. 
You roll your eyes. You know he will, really. “Do you want me to grab the gel? See if I can blow it up like Pauly D?” Your lips curl in a half smirk. 
“No.” Eddie shakes his head, the water stained green from his hands. 
“I can try, baby, but I don’t know if it will work. You’ve got a lot of hair. I don’t think it will stand that tall. Maybe the bangs-” 
“-No, it’s fine.” Eddie muttered, wiping his hands on the hand towel, for once. You guessed he didn’t want to ruin his costume. 
“Ed, I can do it for you.” Your voice drops lightly into a softer tone. Maybe you’d been too mean. You didn’t mean to snap like that at him. Was it that mean? “I can try if you want me to. I just… I don’t know how it will turn out.” 
“No, it’s good. I’ll put it on a bun.” Eddie turned to you, taking in your slight frown. 
“Are you ok?” You ask awkwardly. It sounded better in your head, when Ed said it. 
“Yeah, yeah, ‘m good.” Eddie nodded, brushing his hair back, tying it off with a hair tie- your hair tie. 
“Eddie, I didn’t mean to piss you off. I just don’t want green shit everywhere, it will stain.” Your arms found their way back over your chest, defensive and annoyed. 
“No, I know. I’ll clean it.” Eddie swallowed, eyes cutting to you in the mirror, spraying his bangs down one more time for a final touch. 
You huff in annoyance. “So you’re mad at me for what then?” You snap, glaring at him. 
Oh, that smokey eyed glare, the black lipstick, the fishnets, the metallic boots, the goddam cloak. Eddie wasn’t lasting, not when you used that tone, that mean tone- huffy and annoyed, snapping at him. Eddie’s fingers curled around the counter. 
“Mad? I’m not mad.” Eddie shook his head, eyes zoned in on the ruby necklace settled between your collarbones. His knees tightened.
“Then what?” You snap, that snip of a tone that had Eddie’s ears tingling with excitement. “Why are you being weird, right now?” 
“Can you do me a favor?” Eddie asked, brown eyes rounded too sweetly for it to be a mean request. 
It made you falter, your annoyed demeanor faltering for a second. “What?” 
“Can you,” Eddie shoved the bottles of hair spray and brushes back in the sink. “Can you sit right there for me? Just for a second.” 
You glared at him, annoyed and a little confused. “Eddie, what? Can you be serious for a second, just one fucking second, and tell me what is wrong-” 
“Nothing’s wrong, baby, I promise.” Eddie schmoozed, that little coo that had your head spinning. He grabbed at your fishnet clad thighs, pressing them until you were settled on the edge of the bathroom counter with a huff. “Just sit right here for me. Just like that, baby.” 
“Eddie, you need to finish getting ready, seriously. We’re going to be- what are you doing?” Your voice shrills, pushing at his sticky, green stained hair when Eddie drops to his knees. 
“I told you this was doin’ it for me.” Eddie hummed, green stained fingers pulling at your thighs, hips on the edge of the counter, his fingers hooking around the tiny strip of your body suit, pulling it to the side easily. 
“Eddie!” You gasped, his fingers running through your folds. “Eddie, we’re- oh shit- we’re gonna be late!” 
“Harrington won’t notice.” Eddie hummed, a cheek pressed to your fishnets. “It won’t even get fun until after ten, promise.” 
An hour and half later, you arrived at the Harrington house, spilling out with party goers in a multitude of costumes, some pulling Eddie to the side to buy. 
“Well, well, well,” Steve smirked around his plastic cup. “Look who finally showed up.” 
You scoffed, looking at the basketball jersey he’d put on, his “costume”. “And what are you supposed to be? Troy Bolton?” 
“Somethin’ like that.” Steve grinned. “Are you a witch?” 
“No, dingus.” Robin rolled her eyes. “She’s obviously Raven.” 
“From Teen Titans. God, you really didn’t have a good childhood, hm? Were you a PBS kid?” Robin rolled her eyes. 
“Bet you weren’t allowed to watch Spongebob, either.” You grinned. 
Steve rolled his eyes. “My bad. I’m assuming Eddie and his green hair is your counterpart?” 
“He’s Beast Boy.” Robin smiled at Eddie, waving him over. “That’s so cute. Your idea?” 
“Please.” You scoffed lightly. “Eddie’s. He loves Halloween. He’s been planning this for weeks.” You grin, taking the plastic cup he offered you. 
“Hm,” Steve’s tongue rolled over the inside of his cheek, looking at you then Eddie. “Guess I see why the two of you were late.” 
You frowned at Steve, his grin only growing bigger. “Beast Boy, you’re not a natural green-head, hm?” He snickered, Robin’s face falling in a laugh.
You looked down, through your fishnets and saw it- the green residue left between your thighs, no doubt from your thighs closing around his head. You flushed, eyes cutting to Eddie’s dangerously. 
Eddie bit back a smirk, shrugging gently. “It’s Halloween.” He said simply over Robin and Steve’s howls of laughter. 
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boydepartment · 5 months
ོ༘₊⁺☀︎₊⁺⋆.˚ from the start (trips) - nishimura riki x m! reader
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inspired by this cover - angst - masterlist - wc 250-300 -> PT 2
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riki absolutely hated your tendency to have new crushes almost weekly. you were his best friend ever and something that kept him from going insane. riki always had busy schedules so being able to hang out w you once in awhile helped balance it.
there was just one thing, you were a hopeless romantic and would crush on anything breathing. and normally this didn’t bother him but now for some reason
it was.
it was REALLY bothering him.
riki didn’t know what was wrong with him, he watched you as you started to wash his face, bumming off his products and clothes.
he liked when you both shared clothes, having the same style helped a lot. he liked shopping with you too, how your eyes would light up a bit seeing something. or when you guys went out to get coffee and you’d know his order.
but you were his friend. yeah…
“oh and then she said this thing that was just so funny it had me cracking up and-“
you were ranting about this girl you met in your class, which was weird because riki noted that you mentioned slightly last week that you leaned towards guys which wasn’t a problem for him at all and-
no never mind riki didn’t want to think about that right now.
“she also said this one thing about my hoodie- well your hoodie and-“
“okay okay i get it.” his tone even took him aback, he felt horrible when he noticed you tensed up and turned to him.
your messy hair falling perfectly on your boyish features, the way your eyes looked, the small details on your face. this has been happening a lot, the awkward silences and him staring at you for a little too long. then it clicked…
“i’m sorry- i- i don’t know where that- i’m sorry continue.” riki coughed and looked down at his phone.
he heard you huff and he looked at you again, “i’m not going to talk if you’re just going to look at your phone. in fact you’ve been off this entire hangout dude… i don’t know what the fuck i did to you- god forbid i share about MY day… you get-“
“okay well maybe you’re fucking annoying talking about all your crushes every week, it’s to the point where i tune you out because it’s so fucking irritating!” riki snapped and he now knew where this anger was coming from- jealousy
he watched as your features shifted from anger, to concern, right back to anger, “well fine since i’m SO annoying i guess i’ll leave then.”
riki felt you shoulder check him before walking out of the bathroom, he stood there for two seconds debating.
he could run after you, and risk ruining everything.
or he could stay here in the bathroom and wait till it all blows over the next day- handling it in a very “dude” way. that’s what jake and him do. just handling it the dude way with a quick apology after an argument then it’s over.
but to riki- you weren’t just a dude, you weren’t just one of his guy friends, you weren’t just his best friend, you were more than that.
and before he knew it, his feet were sprinting to the other side of the house where you were slipping your shoes on. panicking he full on tackled you.
“what the hell is your problem?!” you yelled as you hit the floor
“IM JEALOUS OKAY? IM JEALOUS!” riki yelled, holding onto you like you’d disappear
he had no clue what the hell he was doing. he felt crazy- insane even.
he felt you sit up slightly, rubbing your head from the impact and he looked up at you. still holding tightly onto you.
your brows were contorted and confused, you were dazed obviously because of the fall.
“jealous of what, you psycho?!” a small smile started to curl up on your lips, he felt his stomach churn as you kept speaking, “you’re my best friend, some girl won’t change that-“
“no- no it will-“ riki was panicking again, god what was wrong with him?! usually he’s confident and calm what the hell is going on?!
you looked at him again, “riki genuinely i’m not a shitty friend i’m not going to leave you for her that’s a terrible thing for a friend to-“
“i- i-“ he swallowed hard and he did something he is going to regret, he let go of you, he realized just because you said you liked boys, doesn’t mean you necessarily liked him like that, “yeah- yeah sorry… i just got paranoid i guess.”
“stupid.” you laughed and shoved him playfully, you took off your shoes, “since you’re not going to be an asshole anymore let’s finish that movie.” you stood up and riki watched you walk back further into the house. when you turned the corner he turned so he was on his back, he stared at the ceiling.
memories flashed of you and his hangouts, he felt his heart drop.
i guess he’s always loved you from the start
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Gator Tillman x Stripper!Reader
18+ Only! Minors DNI!
CW: Porn w/plot. AFAB!Reader. No use of Y/N. Pet names. Subby!Pathetic!Gator. Gator is lovesick. Mentions of past infidelity (no sex beforehand, but visits the reader on the regular). Girlfriend/ex-girlfriend talk. Oral (m receiving). Unprotected p in v. Creampie. Cocky!Gator at the end. Basically two toxic people.
WC: 4.7K (Oops!)
It had been a very productive night at The Tender Trap. You were just finishing up another set under the rush of the pink and red neon lights, gathering the falling tips by the bucket load as he walked in.
Looking as forlorn as ever, head hung low, his usually slicked back hair falling in and around his face and what looked to be a bruise forming under his eye.
You knew the look all too well. He ordered a beer at the bar and took his usual seat in the back taking up the entire bench, stretching his legs out still in uniform sans his kevlar and service weapon. For someone who liked to stay low key, he sure didn't know how to act the part.
You watched from the corner of your eye as his eyes trailed over you. Taking your time to slowly retreat into the dressing room, swaying your hips not bothering to cover your bare chest as you go.
You enjoyed making him wait, only making him more anxious and grumpy, all worked up just that way you liked.
As you sat at your small station reapplying your lipstick, one of the other girls walked in throwing a smirk your way.
“Your boy's out there looking for you.” She snickered.
“He's not my boy.” Replying flatly.
“You tell him that?” Laughing out, as you caught her reflection behind you.
No. You didn't have to tell him.
Gator Tillman only came around when he was fighting with his girlfriend though it seemed to be getting more frequent. You knew all the juicy, sorted details.
Finally emerging from the back, he was nursing his beer looking at the stage with his head tilted slightly, showing signs of boredom, thumb nail slowly peeling the label on his bottle.
Spotting you, his back stiffened sitting up a little straighter making your grin grow a little wider as you passed other patrons and ogling men vying for your attention.
His eyes remained steady on the stage as you sauntered over, trying to stay aloof as if he weren't here just to see you, pointedly avoiding your sultry gaze.
“Took you long enough,” he sassed, taking another swig of his beer as you sat down.
“Oh, I'm sorry Tillman. Did I keep you waiting?” Sassing right back. “Didn't even realize you were here.” Clicking your tongue.
“Nah, sweetheart, not at all. Enjoyin’ the view, drinkin’ a beer. What more could a guy ask for?” He grinned into the bottle, still looking away from you.
Your hand glides across the top of the padded bench seat, grasping his thigh making him choke on his next swig, quickly pulling the bottle from his lips wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.
The glare he sent your way only made you giggle before you spoke.
“What're you in for tonight? Need a chat…” your fingertips tiptoed up the expanse of his thigh, watching as his breath hitched. “Or a little something more?” Licking your lips in anticipation of the inevitable answer.
He pushed your hand away, setting the beer down.
“Can we at least go to the back before ya’ start gettin' all handsy?” He hissed out, finally looking at you.
You scoff, rolling your eyes.
“What’s your problem? Not like your girlfriend or daddy would ever set foot in here.” Getting up as you spoke.
He lightly grabbed your wrist, preventing you from leaving his space.
“Don't. It's just… ya’ know how it is.” Deflecting. His go to before you can get him relaxed.
“No, I don’t know. But,” sighing and melting into his touch. “Come on, you can tell me about it.”
His hand trailed down, gripping yours, letting you pull him up as his large fingers wrap around yours. You'd thought numerous times about how they might feel wrapped around your neck or stuffed inside your greedy cunt.
He held tight, following you into the back, watching the way your ass looked in nothing but the thong you wore, thighs pushed out with the way your tights were digging into the plush of them. He was already hard, anticipation thrumming through him as you led him down the small hall to a private room.
It was a revolving cycle. He'd either fight with his girlfriend or on some occasions, his dad, and come find you. You were a stress relief, a way to blow off steam without any judgment.
Yeah, you might cost him an arm and a leg but you were worth it.
You stopped momentarily, whispering something to the bouncer he couldn't quite discern over the thumping base and loud music this close to the stage. The guy nodded, as you looked back and began to lead him once more, taking him down a hall where the music began to fade.
“Want another beer before we get started?” Calling over your shoulder, an almost predatory toothy grin thrown his way.
“Nah,” answering quickly. It was always the same. He wasn't interested in drinks or waiting any longer.
You enter the very last room at the end of the hall. The same red walls as the club with a small couch situated at the far end and a pole in the middle. The music was filtering in through speakers hung in the corners.
He continued past you making his way over to the couch as you locked the door. Much like in the bar, he took up most of the space. Wide and domineering.
“You never answered me out there. What're you in for tonight?” Taking long, slow strides toward him.
“I don't really wanna talk tonight.” He huffed out, as you stopped short in front of him standing between his legs.
“Someone's really grumpy.” Tilting your head, hands slowly moving up his chest to his shoulders moving your face close to his, nails digging slightly into the leather of his jacket as you trailed small kisses across his jaw.
You pulled back, gripping his chin forcefully making him look up at you.
“That little girlfriend of yours piss you off that bad?” You chuckled, but he found no amusement in your words, moving out of your grasp with a pout. You found him adorable when he was pissed.
“Poor baby,” you tsked. Pushing up and away from him. Giving him a nice sway of your hips as you walked toward the pole, gripping it and spinning back around.
“Now, Gator, how long have we done this little number? Huh? You still trying to play coy?” You began dancing to the rhythm of the music filling the room as he watched you but stayed silent.
“I know when something is bothering you.” You spoke as you continued to dance. He had to adjust himself, cock now straining in the constricting fabric of his cargos, almost painfully.
“If you don't tell me now, you know it'll just eat away at you. You can't even have any proper fun.” Dropping to the floor, crawling toward him at an agonizing pace, never taking your eyes off of him.
You slowly sat in between his legs, hands splayed on either side of his thighs so close to his length, he let out a shuttering breath as you began to lightly outline his cock with your fingertip, feeling it kick up beneath your touch.
Your number one rule was that you never fucked a client. No matter what. Each time you saw him, it became harder and harder not to give in. The way he would fall apart for you drove you absolutely crazy. He was pathetic, in all the best ways.
You laid your head on his thigh, looking up at him through your lashes.
“Gator, baby, tell me what's wrong. You'll feel so much better once you get it off your chest.” Your fake pout and doe eyes were too much.
“Fine. Fuck!” He threw his head back, exasperated because this little game you played wouldn't end until you got what you wanted.
“We fought. Again. We… I… broke up with her.” He sighed, unwilling to meet your gaze.
“Oh.” You lifted your head at that, standing to straddle his lap, legs on either side of his. Shifting to accommodate your frame as you sat down, immediately grinding your hips into his.
“Yeah…” coming out all breathy, as he hesitantly placed his hands on your hips.
“Poor baby,” continuing to move your hips across his lap, his cock hard against you with each pass and swirl igniting something within your own core.
“She… she wanted to get married and I didn't. It would have never worked out. She's just so different from… me.” What he had wanted to say was you. In the back of his mind, he knew this little thing between the two of would never really work out either. He was infatuated with the thought of you. Outside of the club he didn't know anything about you.
“That's such a shame.” Your own words coming out a little breathy, leaning close to his ear, lips pressing right under his jaw. You knew you shouldn't but you pressed in further lips sucking lightly, testing his reaction. When a small whimper escaped him, you only sucked harder, leaving a small mark behind.
His cock twitched, hips bucking up as he pressed you further down searching for more friction, blunt fingertips digging into your soft flesh. You had to bite your lower lip, suppressing a moan before it slipped out. It would be too easy to slip him out of his pants and slide down his shaft, feeling your own wetness pooling in your skimpy thongs, sticking to your folds.
Something, if you admitted to yourself, you'd also thought about numerous times. You'd heard the rumors. You'd felt his cock and knew it was big.
“You like that, Gator? Want me to mark you up? Let that little girlfriend and daddy know what you really like? What you've been up to?” You licked his pulse point, debating on sinking your teeth into his bared throat.
“Yeah.” He huffed out.
“Oh, Gator.” You pulled back, taking a hard look into his eyes. Glossed over, pupils taking over his mossy irises, now almost black.
“You'd regret it in the morning. I'm sure she'd see you and cry and you'll apologize and she'll take you back.” You chuckled, pushing off his chest slightly but he had a firm grip on your hips.
“I won't regret it.” He gritted out, nose to nose with you, lips daring to ghost over yours. “Don't you see what you do to me? I'd let you do anything to me.” Bucking his hips again for emphasis.
You'd done this cat and mouse a dozen times, always ending the same. You'd dance for him, grind on his cock all the while letting his hands roam over your hips and thighs, and even that was pushing it while trying to maintain a level of professionalism. But you always made it fun. He could vent while you'd take his mind off of whatever was bothering him, making him cum in his pants and sending him home.
“I know you would.” Taking his hands and shoving them off your waist. “But I have a rule and I'm not about to break it for you.”
Standing and striding back over to the pole, leaving his mouth gaping to stare after you.
“Why not?” He asks earnestly. As you begin to sway with the song, his eyes suddenly drifting down your hips and legs as if mesmerized by the small movements.
“You know I don't fuck clients. Period.” You shrug, turning back to him. “Even if you are a newly single man, if that's even true.”
He tilts his head for a moment, regarding you.
“You don't think I see the way ya’ look for me in the crowd when you're dancin’ up there? Or try to hold back those moans when you're back here alone with me?” He quickly rose, closing the distance between the two of you, suddenly nose to nose with him again.
“Darlin’ I think,” nose nudging yours. “You want me as bad as I want you. Tell me I'm wrong.” Hands finding your sides once more, bringing you flush to him.
Your hands found their way to his chest, to steady yourself, knees almost going weak at his insinuations. Had you been too distracted letting your facade slip? Had he seen right through you? You weren't sure but he seemed to be quickly gaining the upper hand, which simply would not do.
“Gator, baby, I think you're sadly mistaken. I try to make everyone feel like they're the only ones in the room. It's part of the show.” It slightly gnawed at you, watching the way he deflated at your words, lips pouted and eyes down turned, so utterly pathetic when he's sad.
“Go sit on the couch.” Patting his chest as he stepped away, giving yourself a reprieve in the process.
He sighed behind you, plopping back down on the faux leather seat sinking further into the cushion as you wandered back over taking up residency in his lap once more, facing away from him this time.
You swirled your hips, cock pressed hard against your ass.
“Little help?” Looking over your shoulder at him, wiggling your back. His fingers skimmed up, sending a wave of goosebumps across your skin, as he untied your top.
Lifting it above your head, you rose back up, throwing it across the room and turned back around to face him planting your knees on either side of him. Tits now eye level with him but he was looking up at you instead, making your cheeks heat. Why the fuck was he looking at you like that?
You sat back in his lap, hands roaming up the expanse of his clothed abdomen and chest as you leaned back into him, lips grazing his ear as you spoke.
“Okay Gator, maybe I have thought about you and what this big, fat cock could do to my pussy.” Grabbing his bulge for emphasis, squeezing him through his pants as he released a breathy moan.
“So, I-I was right?” You pulled back to look at him, shit eating grin across his face, eyebrow raised in your direction.
“Don't get cocky, or I'll stop this before we even get started.” Quickly shooting back, as he nodded.
“Good boy.” Hands gliding up under his jacket, pushing it off his shoulders, as he helped you pull it off and toss it somewhere across the room. “Now, lay back and relax.”
Some shitty country song was playing but you found your rhythm anyway, grinding against him. His eyes drifted to your breasts, down to where your clothed pussy rubbed against his cock.
“You fucking anybody on the side or was it just virgin Mary?”
He looked a little surprised by your question.
“Just her, but uh, it's been a while.” Sheepishly answering, cheeks suddenly tinged the prettiest shade of pink.
“Ok, good. I don't have any condoms, unless you brought one?” He shook his head. “I'm clean and on the pill. If you still want to do this.”
“Fuck yeah.” He nodded enthusiastically before you grabbed his chin, forcing him to look up at you.
“Undo your belt and pants. I want to see what I'm working with.” He didn't need to be told twice, hands quickly going to work, pulling his pants and boxers down just enough for his cock to spring free, laying between the two of you. He was much bigger than you initially anticipated. Eyes going a little wide with surprise.
He was long, and thick with a ruddy tip, already leaking a pearly bead at the slit. You licked your lips and looked back up to his smug face.
“Ya’ okay darlin’?” Finding a little humor in your sudden stupor.
Quickly flipping your demeanor smirking up at him, devilish glint in your eye as you moved from his lap to the floor settling between his thighs.
“It's a lot bigger than I expected, Gator. I'm not sure you'll fit.” Looking up through your lashes at him, laying it on nice and thick.
“Fuck, y-ya’ don't think so? My gi… my ex always said it hurt too much. Couldn't get more than half before she was cryin’.” You could imagine. His poor little girlfriend didn't realize what she was getting into with him.
You were anything but a good girl, moving closer to his raging erection and pursing your lips letting saliva pool before spitting it onto his shaft.
“Fuck!” He hissed out looking down at you with hooded eyes, as you gingerly wrapped your hand around him letting your thumb swirl at his head collecting his precum before spreading it down his cock and back up.
He squeezed his eyes shut, throwing his head back onto the couch. If he was this far gone from just a touch you weren't sure he would make it to the big finale.
“Eyes on me, big boy.” Squeezing at the base, eliciting his attention as he looked back to you.
“That's it. Couldn't let you miss this.” Saying with a salacious grin before sticking your tongue out to lick from his girthy base all the way up to his tip. The way he whimpered caught you off guard, sending a fresh wave of arousal straight to your already soaked cunt.
Your eyes never left his as you closed your lips around his leaking head, swirling your tongue and humming around the taste of him.
“Mmmm, Gator you taste so good. Did… what's her name ever do this for you?” You asked, it suddenly occurred to you that he'd never said her name out loud.
He shook his head, swallowing thickly, “No. She thought it was too…” trailing off.
“Too what? Dirty?” Kitten licking at his head before finally taking him fully into your mouth, surprising him as his hips bucked up, shoving him further down your throat, making you gag momentarily, before relaxing taking him a little further.
“Oh fuck… shit… that's… goddamn you're a dirty fuckin' girl.” He gritted out, eyes rolling back, all semblance of composure now gone as you began to bob your head, hollowing your cheeks with your hand stroking what your mouth couldn't fit.
“Wait… wait… slow down,” he suddenly huffed out. Trying to catch his breath, as you stilled and pulled off with a slick pop.
“Too much?” Looking back up at him with doe eyes and lips glistening with his arousal.
“Fuck… just fuck me… please?” He sounded pathetic; brow pinched with frustration at his pleading words. “I've thought about this for way too long. I want yo-your pussy.”
“What a needy baby.” Standing back up and planting yourself back on his lap. Just a thin layer of fabric separating the two of you now as you straddled his cock, feeling the heat of him pressed against you.
He leaned in, lips searching for yours, but you pulled back, hands on his chest holding him there.
“No kissing.”
“You'll fuck me raw but draw the line at kissin’?” Confusion flashing across his features.
“Yeah Tillman, I can't have you falling in love with me. This is a one time thing.” You giggled, pulling his hands up and placing them on your breasts as you began to move your hips, dick catching your clit, eliciting a moan from your lips but you didn't hold back this time letting it escape.
“Ya’ sound so pretty. Can I?” You looked back at him as he nodded toward your boobs still held in his hands.
“Can you what? Use your big words.”
“Can I suck your tits? They're so perfect an’ pretty. You're so fuckin' pretty.” Watching the way he kneaded them between his calloused hands as he spoke.
“Go ahead.” He quickly ducked his head, hand trailing to your lower back pressing you further into him as he sucked one of pert nipples into his mouth, swirling his tongue before lightly biting, making you arch into him before he switched to the other side giving it the same attention.
While he was mildly distracted, you took the opportunity to reach down and slide your panties to the side exposing you fully to him, grinding down once more. He popped off, almost breathless looking down between the two of you.
Wasting no time, you raised yourself up, guiding him to your entrance, letting his tip catch slightly looking him in the eye. You both looked a little desperate.
“You sure you want to fuck me, Gator? This dirty, little stripper? You could go back to your girlfriend right now.” The last part came out a little breathy when you sank down a fraction, but it was enough to slightly short circuit your brain.
“Please.” Slipped past his lips so quietly, if you hadn't been looking directly at him you would have missed it.
You watched his eyes roll back, as you began to slide down his aching cock, moans from both of you filled the air. Inch by inch, you took him further than he had imagined anyone could. If you weren't so soaked and horny you knew it would be a stretch for you.
His hands found your waist, grip tight as he dug into your supple flesh as you continued to sink further onto him.
As you neared the base, his girth began splitting you open in the best possible way as you stilled your movements, giving yourself a moment to adjust.
He refused to open his eyes, as good as it felt, he was afraid if he looked at the way your pussy had engulfed him, he'd burst right then and there.
You saw the way he held an almost pained expression. His jaw was slack, breathing heavily, already absolutely wrecked.
Moving your hips back up, removing him almost entirely, cock head staying buried in your tight heat, you swirled your hips slightly before working back down.
“Oh my God! Fuck!” He all but cried out, whimpering when you took him a little deeper this time, halting when his cock all but nudged at your cervix.
“Fuck! You're so deep!” You moaned out, grabbing his hand, pressing it to your lower abdomen. “Bet you can feel yourself in there? Huh?”
“Jesus Christ!” He hissed, finally looking down to where the two of you connected.
“No, just me, Gator.” You laughed, pushing his hand away, as you started bouncing lightly at first. His cock massaging your inner walls with each delicious up and down motion.
The way your walls were sucking him in, constricting around him with each pass he wasn't going to last long. Luckily, neither were you. You'd worked both of yourselves up into a fevered frenzy, ready to combust.
His cock was brushing that spot deep within you as you slowed down your movements. Grinding more than a bounce, the patch of hair at the base of his cock catching your clit with each pass igniting that spark in your lower belly. You closed your eyes, letting the feeling take over.
“You want me to cum all over your cock?” You rushed out, hand snaking up, pulling at the locks at the back of his head.
“Yes! Oh, fuck!” He whined out, not sure where his eyes should land, switching between your blissed out face, bouncing tits and back to where your pussy was staking claim to his dick. He was ruined.
Your moans grew louder as you neared your impending release, no longer able to stifle them as you continued to ride him.
His grip on you getting harsher with each passing second, sure to leave finger shaped bruises behind as he grew more desperate.
You felt that white hot heat pooling in your lower belly, as his cock continued to prod up against that spot along your frontal wall that made you see stars. You worked your pelvis a little more back and forth, feeling it again and again with each grind.
“Ahhh! Fuck! Gator, I'm… I'm…” You couldn't get the words out before you started to come undone. Your cunt clamped down around him, practically strangling his cock as he held tight to you, holding your hips steady as he began to fuck up into your tight heat, working you through your release and chasing his own.
Your fingernails dug into his shoulders, as you continued to moan and writhe atop him, trying not to collapse, as he used you like his own personal fuck toy.
A few more sloppy thrusts and he pulled you down on him, crying out as he practically impaled you on his length. He felt his balls tighten while letting out a guttural moan as his release spilled into your tight channel, a few more weak thrusts and he dropped his hands.
Too spent, you didn't move right away as you both sat there, chests heaving, trying to catch your breath.
“Shit,” you growled, knocking you both from a peaceful afterglow. You were seven minutes over his time and lucky that no one had started looking for you yet.
You peeled yourself away from him, hissing as he slipped out of you and pulled your thong back into place.
“Why the rush darlin’?” He asked, adjusting himself back into his pants and sitting up.
“You're over your paid time with me, Gator. This isn't a fucking hangout. Let's go.” Finding his jacket on the floor and tossing it directly at his chest as you pulled your top back on.
You reached for the handle once he had straightened himself up, throwing his jacket back over his shoulders.
“Hey, wait.” He called out before you turned the knob. “You goin’ back to work?”
“After that?” You snorted at the absurdity of it. If you didn't get to the dressing room, he'd be dripping down your leg. “Hell no, I've made enough tonight. I'm going home.”
“Yeah, that's good.” Nodding his head. “Ya’ need a ride?” Looking at you a little hopeful after what had just transpired.
“Gator Tillman, such a gentleman?” You chuckled. “Look, we don't have to do this. It was just sex, that you practically paid for. I'm not your girlfriend, I'm just a good time.” You winked at him, turning the handle but before you could open the door, he was behind you, arm outstretched above your head, palm pressed heavy into the wood.
You looked back at him, wondering if you'd suddenly said something wrong but that shit eating grin was back as he looked down his nose at you, eyes full of mischief.
“Thought I'd try to be nice, instead of just suggestin’ I could take you somewhere and bend you over the bed of my truck. But ya’ don't seem to like nice.” His words traveling straight to your core.
“Good to see that cocky demeanor is still intact, Tillman, but I told you this was a one time thing.” You smirked, pushing at his chest enough to get the door open and slip out, leaving him a little stunned. He watched you disappear down the hall, sighing as he made his way back to the front to pay the rest of his tab.
Once you made it to the dressing room you didn't bother cleaning up, pulling off your tights and throwing on some shorts and a tank top while haphazardly tossing your belongings back into your bag as you quickly exited the back.
You knew you'd fucked up. That lovesick look in his eye told you everything. You could eat this man alive, and he would smile while letting you. All without knowing your real name.
But it's just a little fun, right? What's a little more? You'd already broken your first rule, why not make the most of it?
Pleased to see you'd made it outside first, you propped yourself up against the wall close to the alley and lit a cigarette watching the front.
He finally stepped out, keys in his hand walking over to his truck. When he turned his back, that's when you finally spoke.
“Hey, Tillman!” He quickly turned; eyes wide as you strode up to him. “You still offering that ride?”
Tagging some mooties that might be interested: @hellfirenacht @thecreelhouse @xxbimbobunnyxx
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xinyuehui · 3 months
Link Click live action drama EP1-4 thoughts
Where to watch: Bilibili (no eng subs at the moment) Bilibili English site (Releasing on Jun 22, assuming it will have subs)
After seeing the atrocious live-action adaptation of Fox Spirit Matchmaker, all hope is lost. But the Link Click drama is produced by the same team who adapted Hikaru no Go (Qi Hun), which was good. Let's see how this goes…
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The screenwriter said this is a prequel, but I disagree. I would describe it as taking the Link Click universe and creating a canon adjacent edition of it, an AU to the original. The outline of the story is very similar, but the finer details and premise are very different from those of the donghua.
In the donghua, the boys were already engaged in time travelling, and we learn later on that they met at university. So far, it has never been explained how they discovered their superpowers.
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Whereas in the drama they changed the premise, Cheng Xiaoshi meets Lu Guang for the first time when Lu Guang rescues him from being beaten up by a fish vendor...interesting choice of first meet...Cheng Xiaoshi explains that he was born with a natural instinct, but it's not exactly clear what the superpower is. Qiao Ling is also unaware of Cheng Xiaoshi's superpowers.
Instead of Emma, we have Zhang Xueting, a corporate worker that face injustice. But in this case Cheng Xiaoshi doesn't take over her body, but some other guy. The relationship she has with her parents and the iconic line "Dad, mom, I miss you" is no longer in the drama. I feel like this one is a miss since the family aspect has been shifted.
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Then the noodle lesbians...haven't appeared, unless they moved that to a later episode???
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Following the donghua, the next one is Chen Xiao who went back in time to say final words to his loved ones before the earthquake. This one made me cry once again 😭
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Everything has changed. OOC at some moments in my opinion. Since season 3 of the anime is not released yet, I'm taking a wild guess that the drama will have an original ending as well. The donghua team appears to have no involvement with the production of the drama.
Qiao Ling is not just a landlady, she is also a journalist at her day job. By the looks of it, helping people will be executed through her reporting profession, and it seems like she will have a lot more involvement compared to the donghua.
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Her parents also comes into the story, her parents on the right in the screenshot below. They run a restaurant. Cheng Xiaoshi is very close to them and helps out some times.
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Cheng Xiaoshi is portrayed as someone with no real job, he hasn't gone to university and uses idioms incorrectly. Obviously Lu Guang couldn't have met him at uni in this universe. He's a lot more exaggerated and cartoony. I have mixed feelings about this.
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Because of the casting, Cheng Xiaoshi is shorter than Lu Guang. I'm sorry to all the girlies who were into canon tall Cheng Xiaoshi 🙏
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Lu Guang now has a back story, he has a teacher who passed away that taught him about time travelling?? He briefly mentioned he found the Cheng Xiaoshi they were looking for. Looks like they will unveil the superpowers origins in the drama.
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^ A glimpse of the teacher in his memory. Can you believe it's Yuen Kingdan?!?
The overall acting from the cast is fairly well done. There are several actors acting as Cheng Xiaoshi at the same time, and it still feel like it's the same person. Anyone who watched the Hikaru no Go live action will find familiarity here, as some of the actors from that production are also part of this one.
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It's okay so far, although that might change as it airs. It's difficult to digest if you treat this as a faithful adaptation (I know the none cdrama fans have been questioning why Lu Guang don't have white hair). However, if you watch it like it's an AU, and resist the urge to compare it, it's not unwatchable.
I do have one small complaint, the drama should have had a different title because now it's going to get mixed up with the donghua content when people look it up.
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One last thing. The ending song slaps hard!
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hvstias · 1 year
Do you happen to have any Deadlock&Sova sibling shenanigan HCs
Asking for my dogs distantly related cousins twice removed great uncles friend
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well kudos to ur dogs distantly related cousins twice removed great uncle's friend bc they have a good taste!! here u go:
u know those duos that just click? yeah. that's them.
especially after sova investigated the place she lost her arm (from her cinematic but i cant remember the name blame it on my low b12 ok)
moving on so after some interrogation they just. clicked. call it trauma bonding or blond ppl telepathy they just did
they don't remember exactly who started it but now everytime they're standing together SOMEONE'S (bonus points if a dualist) always gotta make that sibling joke
they're both nature lovers but she thinks he's kinda insane for hiking for 4 miles at 7 am
okay including tremorbolt here because why not so do u remember that hc about deadlock and breach having movie nights? they also invited sova, deadlock nearly refused to watch the movie with them because she didn't want to third wheel those homos
BUT somehow breach ended up third wheeling them because they were going feral over the details of a fucking 90s horror movie while he tried not to die from too much laughing
her arm sometimes ache like an open wound, not that it's not healed wrong or something but phantom pain is a real pain in the ass and sova tries to help her w his grandmas home remedies and meds
ppl often confuse them as real siblings in public and its so hilarious to sova while deadlock just rolls her eyes but u can see a lil smile if u look closely thats her pocked sized himbo
sova is a good storyteller but he talks about gore so casually she's like ??? sometimes but still listens because this mf has interesting stories
like breach and viper, they also have their own bets but instead of winning they always end up losing bc they let everyone know what they bet on with their bickering lol
she thinks he uses too many hair products and he's just offended like?? do u think its easy to take care of this fabulous hair??
deadlock only cooks practical meals because she doesn't really have time to think about food (her words) and sova's horrified by her eating habits. like girl how are u even alive
sova can handle hot temperatures unless it's TOO hot but deadlock. oh boy. her nordic ass can't handle hot places unless there's an AC like she'd act like she's okay but you know how someone looks like when they're on the verge of dying from heat
they're both tea ppl but sova prefers black tea and deadlock finds those herbal teas relaxing after a long day at work
they smoked pot after a rough mission w breach once but that was the first and last time they listened him about his relaxing tactics because the headache in the morning? not worth it gals and guys and my nb children do not smoke pot if u wanna relax go take a shower or smth listen to me (definitely not speaking from experience)
ps: this is kinda short bc i've been busy these days BUT might make a part two soo i hope u enjoyed!
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breakerwhiskey · 6 months
Please visit breakerwhiskey.com for more information or to send a message to Whiskey's radio. Breaker Whiskey is an Atypical Artists production created by Lauren Shippen. If you'd like to support the show, please visit patreon.com/breakerwhiskey.
Transcript under the cut. For more episodes, click here.
[click, static]
Okay, I am officially concerned. I don’t know why I didn’t think of this before, but the truck was’t in the drive like usual so I just assumed…
I should have checked the whole house. But I’m so used to never coming into the garage because I know how much you hate your studio being disturbed but when I woke up this morning and you still weren’t home, well, I went in anyway and the truck is still here. In the garage.
It’s running fine—that’s where I’m broadcasting from right now, though obviously I turned the engine off. And I have to say, I’m impressed that you were actually listening when I told you to bring it inside for the winter if you weren’t going to be driving it much. But if you’re not out there driving this truck on a supply run, where are you?
I—I took the other car. Which, I’m sorry to say, is now somewhere in California, having been put out to pasture. But unless you finally decided to take an interest in car mechanics after all this time, I don’t know how else you’d be getting around. I know you love your walks—or, you did, eventually, once you got past the worst of the paranoia, but…you never went on a walk this long.
If you’re—if you’re dead in a ditch somewhere, I’m going to be fucking furious, Harry.
[click, static]
It’s…weird. Being in here. It feels like being inside your head somehow. It’s a goddamn mess, which I didn’t really expect. I’m sure you’ve got your own system—though who the hell knows—but I definitely can’t make sense of it. I’m glad to see you pulled the radio in here though. Maybe you did hear some of my transmissions after all.
Is that why you’re not here? Because you heard me say I was coming and you didn’t want to see me? You’ve enjoyed your life without me so much that you couldn’t bear to have your peace shattered.
Except…you’ve been thinking about me. I know you have. And maybe this is why you never wanted me to be in your studio in the first place.
There’s…a lot of me in here. Paintings, sketches…not all of my face always but you must have known that I’d recognize the curve of my own ear, the shape of my hands.
Have—have you been doing this all along? Or just since I left? Were you always coming in here and spending hours perfecting the color of my hair when some days you wouldn’t even speak to me—
[click, static]
Is this why you asked for the stories behind all my scars? So you could render them in perfect detail, knowing exactly what made them and when? I thought you wanted to know more about me, but maybe it was just an avenue for your art, one of the few subjects that you had access to, too tired of painting birds or trees or images from your own mind.
Or did you ask because you wanted to know? You talked once, about how painting helped you understand the world, or yourself; how that was one of the things you loved about it, one of the reasons you started painting in the first place. Because when nothing else made sense, charcoal and oil and your own hands were able to bring shape to the world.
Were you trying to understand me? Or were you trying to understand what you felt about me? Or was guilt swallowing it all up that you couldn’t uncover anything else.
I just…I need you to come back and explain what this is all about. Because in a room full of canvases and color and stray sketch pages, I keep turning and seeing my own face. I’m everywhere.
[click, static]
There’s a lot of other art too, of course. And it’s all…it’s fucking beautiful. Your art has always been so beautiful.
I…I’ve added to your collection. I picked up a painting when I was in Santa Fe, something that I thought was pretty and that I thought you might—
Well, I’ve left it in here. In case you want to do anything with it. It’s yours.
There are also—well. I wrote you some postcards. But I obviously had no way of sending them to you so I just…held onto them. But you might as well have them now.
I don’t know why I’m saying all of this on the radio like I can’t say it to you face to face. You’ll be back and you’ll probably be annoyed that I left stuff in your studio without asking. There’s no need for me to leave anything for you, not when I can just hand it to you.
But I just have this feeling…
I’m going to look for you tomorrow. Drive to the usual spots, take a walk in the woods behind the house. And because I’m fucking considerate, I’m going to leave a note.
[click, static]
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strawberriesshi · 1 year
not art, but who's this girl who looks like homura? gonna do a theory here. long post here, so click on read more.
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now, in the trailer for the new movie (about time!) we've seen this girl who looks like homura but at the same time is well, not homura. this shot below that everyone is using as profile pictures?
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she so happens to be this second homura, as we can see in the next shot of her
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this shot has her wearing the same black leggings that she is wearing in the key art as well as no ribbon, while the actual homura has black stockings and madoka's ribbon in her hair. minor detail but her hair appears to be more purple than homura's usual black, and the bangs are slightly different.
now theres a couple theories ive seen floating around. one is her being the homura who answers the phone at the start of the trailer. however, this homura wears a bow, meaning she is likely to be the original homura.
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another theory is that she is a familiar of homulilly, given homura's familiars have been seen with her at the end of rebellion. this could works, but how would it relate to homulilly's funeral thing for homura to have a doppelganger?
alternatively, she could be a doppelganger for devil homura, as she probably can't do all her duties and be around Madoka full time. but, i have a theory which might be kinda wild but i want to share it.
what if this girl was Walpurgisnacht or at least, the girl behind the original witch that ended up fusing with other witches?
the movie clearly has something which is going to happen with Walpurgisnacht given the well, title, as well as the references to her in the trailer. but we don't really know WHAT her role in the movie is. so, could this girl possibly be Walpurgisnacht somehow managing to make it into homura's world? a plot of kyuubey perhaps? additionally, this form is similar to homura, and Walpurgisnacht does have quite a few similarities to homura. heres a list:
Homulilly and Walpurgisnacht look very similar, with their dresses and hourglass like shape. Their familiars also appear similarish.
Speaking of hourglass like shape, Walpurgisnacht and Kriemhild Gretchen both are designed to be two sides of an hour glass, with Homuras shield actually supposedly being/having a sand timer according to production notes. So, Walpurgis is directly tied to both Madoka through the hourglass, with Homura's hourglass tying all 3 of them together.
Walpurgis is described as symbolizing "the fool who continuously spins in circles". guess who else is associated with continuously spinning in circles?
Walpurgis' nature is helplessness. Homura probably felt helpless within the amount of timelines she went through.
why am i bringing these similarities up? well, to sort of explain why Walpurgis would be looking similar to Homura as a doppelganger. We dont know why or how this walpurgis girl is in Homura's world and what she wants. but its an interesting angle that i wanted to talk about. besides, if this is true, then im sure in the movie theyll be some reason to explain all this.
so yeah, thats my take on this and an idea of who this girl is, and others ideas as well. but, if you guys have any ideas, let me know. madoka is FULL of symbolism and all that jazz and all the theories that can come out of it is part of what makes this series great imo.
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reallyhardy · 2 years
Bestie, please break down those costumes.Plssss.I am soooooo jealous of U🫀❤️♥️
of course!
the 2018 regent's park open air theatre little shop of horrors production is pretty standout visually because (while they didn't change the script by updating it) they did move away from the typical 1960s historical fashion for the characters and instead played with modern outfits and a blend of textures. the whole show had a strong colour scheme of black and white, neon green, pink, and blue. costumes & scenic design was by tom scutt.
we'll start with seymour, as played by the lovely marc antolin. his outfit is all blue, down to his glasses. (why are the curtains blue? you could say for his boyishness, or that he's kind of a melancholy character, or that white guys always wear blue, take your pick haha)
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the main bit is a boiler suit made of different patchworked denim in various contrasting stripes and tied around his waist. his short sleeve button up continues the patchwork vibe with the painted brushstroke-esque check pattern. he also wears a shacket at certain points, and while hard to see in the above image it also had a thin pinstriped pattern. seymour is all about pattern mixing. a fun detail to note is that audrey ii's main colour is obviously green: in the centre bottom photo you can see he wore green band-aids on his fingers :')
also: while in these above photocall pictures that were used in promotion here had him in yellow socks, it's important to note that, at least when i saw it, his socks were pink. who's main colour is pink? it's audrey.
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actually, her first outfit is also mostly blue. seymour and audrey have the most similar colour scheme so that gives them a strong visual link. so her first outfit is very much giving sexy: she's got a frilly top that we can see her bra through. we have a nod to vintage fashion with her cigarette pants. also while these photos show her wearing fluffy slide slippers, when i saw it she was wearing the little clear plastic kitten heels shown in the design sketch - we can tell this is her 'im trying to look sexually appealing to my boyfriend' look. she's showing it all off.
but notably, her hair is this adorable bubblegum pink shade, so i thought it was extra cute that seymour had socks to match. just a little hint of who he's thinking about.
anyway, during act 2, when audrey & seymour's relationship is blossoming further, audrey debuts a different look entirely:
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(concept sketch shown along with a photo of understudy rosalind james.) in dramatic constrast to her 'sexy-for-orin' look, now she's in dungarees and a cute sweater, and she's swapped the heels out for sneakers. also, she's got on a pair of pink glasses, suggesting that contact lenses were part of her sexy look. this look is all about comfort: because she's happy and in love with seymour, who makes her feel more comfortable than orin did, and this outfit looks nicely like the 'partner' look to seymour's outfit.
this is getting long, so the rest is going under a readmore. click through!
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so this is her 'sominex' outfit, the look she wears when she encounters audrey ii just before she dies. the clear raincoat is honestly just fun. i think if i recall right the stage directions in the script do call for her to be wearing a yellow rain-slicker, but pink is this audrey's colour, so she's rocking this. the glasses are still on too.
underneath, she's wearing this fun floaty half-blue half-pink nightie with matching 'mismatched' pompom slippers. she is giving everything in this look honestly. the meeting of the pink-and-blue, because she's wearing both her own and seymour's main colours (she'd still love him, even if he'd never found the plant, and all she wanted was to be with seymour 😭)
i'll do orin next:
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absolutely obsessed with matt willis as the dentist. as a busted fan in my childhood, i went to see this production specifically for him :') so he's got a much more dishevelled punk look he's very ghoulish with his white foundation and heavy black eyeliner. also love the detail of him having a blacked-out tooth too, really emphasises how he's probably not the best of dentists. his dentist gear including bloody apron is in a very medical neon blue-green, and i love how utterly sci-fi horror the gas mask harness is. LOVE the ripped off sleeves on his white coat. he also had this amazing leather jacket with tooth design on and the ensemble had matching outfits:
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get a load of the teeth print leggings on the backup dancer on the middle left, absolutely obsessed. love the 1980s punky vibe for the 'dentist' number. this production makes great use of matt willis' own tattoos: after seymour kills orin, he came back on stage with some dismembered orin bits, and the creative team had gone to the effort of painting matt willis' tattoos onto the fake arms that seymour fed to the plant :')
okay let's move on and look at mr mushnik, played by forbes masson:
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small guy, huge voice, absolute standout. they've gone for 'little greasy man' as the vibe here, complete with a drawn-on pencil moustache. his outfit, much like the ensemble, doesn't have a lot of colour, just a fairly normal grey suit with a work jacket. the most notable thing about his look is that while he starts out in a purple bow tie, once the shop starts seeing success, he wears a bow tie in audrey ii's neon green. like seymour's band-aids, audrey ii's colour (and therefore her influence/impact) shows up in the costumes of a lot of the other characters.
let's do audrey ii next then, as played by vicky vox:
so this production makes use of both the usual 'audrey ii is a puppet' situation plus then having the drag queen performer on stage to interact with the other characters as like, the plant personified. absolute LOVED it. let's start with the puppet:
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we've got the baby form and slightly bigger form i think here, it's a fun alien looking plant, love the spherical head with human teeth. for the plant to 'grow', a bigger version of this plant head is placed inside of a 'mouth' that can open and close sort of like an aperture:
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and upon opening it, drag queen audrey ii steps out. she kind of comes in and out of it, and mostly just interacts with seymour.
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this outfit is absolutely fabulous, and i especially love the 'HERE IT IS' pointing down to her booty on the back of the jacket.
then a notable progression for audrey ii's appearance is the changing wigs. we can see that her first wig shown here below is the direct partner of audrey's, (after all, the plant was named after her) and is styled the same way.
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when i saw the show, both audreys were wearing different wigs that i thought weren't really as pretty as the ones from the photocall, these wigs are on the left of the above image. i'll call these the round wigs.
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the most important thing to note though is that when audrey ii first appears, she has that strong visual link to original audrey. and this is played up in the way that audrey ii interacts with seymour during 'feed me' - audrey ii acts quite flirtatious with seymour and he seems receptive to it and has to visibly shake himself out of it. then in the second act, audrey ii switches wigs to the style in the above middle. during suppertime, there was more of audrey ii trying to be flirtatious with seymour, but at this point he is much more disgusted by it: audrey ii's wig no longer resembles original audrey’s, and by now seymour hates her guts.
the final look for audrey ii via photocall features what seems to be the original wig but with the curls blown out, styled to be more messy and windswept, but by the end of the run during the finale audrey ii just wore the round wig, with the added venus flytrap headpiece and feathered cape.
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apologies for the terrible screencaps: the fabric the cape was made of featured green rocky horror-esque lips showing teeth. it was mega. the wig also featured some long pink extensions at the back.
let's go back a bit to some other characters who have been wearing audrey ii's green consistently, and that's the urchins:
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they wear these punky, i would say more 1990s streetwear inspired costumes throughout the whole show, and don't change until the end. the two gals on the left wear pieces that tie in strongly to the set, which is a crumbling grayscale newspaper-inspired city/drive-in theatre set proclaiming 'GOD BLESS AMERICA' across the top.
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we can see the girl on the far left has a grayscale US flag top, while the middle girl has grey cityscape patterned sweatpants. then all three of them are wearing the bright neon of audrey ii, reminded us and the audience who's story they're telling. out of the 3, my definite fave look is the girl on the right, with the green jacket and shiny 'FEED ME' print leggings. i need those leggings. but yes what we can notice is that 2/3 urchins' outfits align strongly not only with audrey ii's green but with the same grayscale/cityscape patterns that the ensemble wear during skid row & other scenes:
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anyway i like that the ensemble's look speaks to like... the set coming alive to tell the story. it's cool. this comes back during act 2 when the ensemble put on gloves that resemble audrey ii's vines and push around shopping trolleys with bits of building set inside:
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not so easy to see that they were wearing the gloves, but basically they had long fingers that looked like smaller versions of these vines.
and with all this green let's get to the finale, where everyone has a different look. we've already seen audrey ii, here's the urchins.
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lovely and shiny looks, this time they're all wearing the same thing. these are their sort of... idk i guess this is circus vibes tbh? welcome to this absolute circus: the finale definitely DOES have a circus vibe, making clowns of the cast, particularly seymour. here's a look at everyone with audrey ii lording over everything at the top:
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the enesmble have VERY fun alien plant costumes on, with a big focus on toothy mouths and floppy tongues (we've seen audrey ii's cape with its green lips so it's all on the same oral fixation) let's take a closer look at seymour's outfit, which is definitely giving clown, considering he was the great fool of the story.
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so it's this great big fluffy clown suit over his blue shirt that now his this shiny blood appliqued on, love it, with the green on the limbs ending at the shirt with the plant lips and teeth at his shoulders/waist, implying that his limbs have been eaten by the plant. this is great to see in action!
now let's take a look at the rest which i'm gonna have to show via very low quality screencaps because seymour's was the only photo tom scutt posted. here's audrey, orin & mushnik's 'plant looks', these guys are more like... audrey ii's put them in drag.
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audrey's achieved her somewhere that's green fantasy, in a great swirly dress with full skirt and ruffly sleeves, still in her blue and pink colour scheme, in her same sneakers and pink glases. she's also got white lace gloves on. audrey ii said 'okay girl you can have this as a treat'. hers is the least alien-plant because it's like... audrey's fantasy look, and i love that.
orin's in a gold sequin mini-dress, but still his same combat boots. it reminds me of a brad pitt photoshoot from rolling stone 1999. look it up and i think you'll agree and i'd hazard a guess that it was a direct inspiration for this look.
mushnik's got on the long vine-finger gloves that the ensemble has during the meek shall inherit, and then a spectacular sequined set: blazer, bow tie, and the actor forbes masson said it's specifically supposed to be a kilt, because he is scottish and i think chose this as part of his look. he's also got light up gold sneakers, obsessed, and in the close up you get a look at his gold & green cats eye glasses and green lipstick.
okay i think! i've covered all of the main looks, or at least everything that i could find reasonably clear images of. iirc seymour did have a leather jacket for the scene where he's trying to make himself more like orin because he thinks audrey will like that, but i couldn't find any photos.
thanks for reading! i know this was a long post but i absolutely adoooore the visuals of this production and its a damn shame that it doesn't have a recording 😭😭😭
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What would you consider the best, most reliable, low maintenance car? Bonus points for affordability. After having to take my 2011 Corsa to the garage for the fourth time this year due to a faulty temp sensor (this car just runs on a constant fever I swear. I'm in the UK for goodness sakes it shouldn't get that hot!!!), I'm curious as to whether there are any cars that don't have expiry dates outside of carefully maintained classics.
Well someone's not read my shooting brake post that thoroughly eh! :P
Jokes aside, I've touched on reliability a couple of times so those could be interesting reads for you, but I can tell you that, you'll hear it a lot, Toyota Land Cruisers are usually what you see when a dozen people need to cross a desert and camels aren't an option. And I cannot talk about the durability of old Toyotas without bringing up a piece of television that has been burned into my mind from when I was six or seven to this day and has never faded or faltered in clarity for a single of the seconds between them. Like, genuinely, you go pay me a visit eight years since I last saw it to hit me with a trick question about shot composition details and as you open the door shouting it you walk in on me losing my virginity and I shoo you away yelling "Piss off with your trick questions, I'm getting laid here".
But in terms of advice that is more actionable for you, I would as noted in other posts advise Toyotas and Hondas, and by extension Toyota's luxury brand Lexus (but please don't consider this advice against anything else, especially because these brands, Toyota and Lexus especially, have in some contexts developed a bit of a premium due to their reputation). And I know what you're thinking: "Mate I've a Corsa ya think I could get me a Lexus?" And the answer is yes. And other positively splendid pieces of kit.
I mean, you can find yourself plenty of first generation Lexus LSs in various states of rattiness, and one of those most famously did literally a million miles so I'm pretty sure you're going to be good on that front.
...but if you're not in the extremely lucky position of ULEZ compliance not being a dealbreaker, while looking for those, I also found some second generations...
...and I saw an ad for a third generation, and you know when you see an item and a price and you go through the description just to find out what the deal is and as you comb through you slowly realize that the part where they explain how this is not actually a functioning, usable product isn't there you start whispering "what the fuck? what the fuck?" and you put your hands in your hair and- yeah this is that level. Like genuinely I do not CARE if you were not asking purchasing advice and are not interested in changing your car you go phone your insurance for a quote and if it is anything below "This insurance price will actually ruin my life" you go click on that "Buy it now" button before someone else does.
But of course you may want a smaller car, what with coming from a Corsa and all that. Well, if that's the case, there's a little beauty that you're going to love love, and needs no TLC you and my help can't tackle. Remember my kei sportscars post? Well guess what it just so happens to turn out:
(if you are actually interested in getting a new car but have requirements these don't fulfill don't hesitate to drop me a line, there is little I love more than window shopping car ads and I have plenty other great ideas. If you want a new car you are going to end up with something cool whether you like it or not.)
Links in blue are posts of mine explaining the words in question - if you liked this post, you might like those!
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luckyplushy · 1 year
A look back on my old art (and other doodles on Twitter.) - December 2020
This marks the FIRST post of many I will make detailing my old work. I'm gonna start posting these weekly as to make it easy others AND for me. And what better way to start it off by the month I finally got a tablet. (and turnt 18 too I guess)
I was not a smart 18 year old, I some how barely survived the last 2 years of high school, and this and the next would become the worse it ever got. Yet I still persisted and somehow stay sane. Kinda. Keep that in mind for the bulk of 2021's art in the following weeks.
December 4
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As you can see from the first image, I was using a mouse at the time (and a combination of mspaint and firealpaca) That will change soon enough. Also homestuck =:3
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I saw this and I thought I can use this as an excuse to actuallly draw homestuck
have this nepeta doodle as well
December 6
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At the time I was really obsessed with making homestuck sprites of stuff (and I still kinda do) so I made this at a request of a friend at the time.
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@SpringingTraps made me draw metaware homestuck
December 8
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Why did I even included this post in here? Well I used to be SUPER inconsistent how I draw myself, so thought this would be a good start.
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i found that pettting gif website...
December 11
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I'll be honest, I wish I didn't post this back then. IDK it's kinda weird looking back on now.
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It's #FlatFuckFriday AND my birthday??? Fuck yeah!!! 🥞
December 18
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I'll be honest. I have no idea how I did THIS with a mouse of all things. Like how did I do it. In MSPAINT no less. Also I have no idea why I drew myself like this here.
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fucking around with faking line weight, so glad I don't have to do this shit when I get a tablet
December 20
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Oh look Cave Story, one my earliest obsessions. When this drawing came out, I already have long since moved on from it, but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate it.
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16 years of #CaveStory =:]
December 22
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Ah here we go, I finally got a drawing tablet. I got REALLY excited with the pen pressure that I kinda gone overboard with it, but it was nice to use one. (granted I forgot how to draw with a mouse now.) Oh yeah, if you notice a black line on the VERY top of some drawings, that was a bug with firealpaca. I kinda had to live with it for a while.
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This was the first real piece I did after getting a tablet. I'm quite proud of it. The context behind this image is kinda funny really. A server I was in was doing a collab where we drew UCN portraits of our OCs or Sona, and I drew something for it. Yes UCN, Ultimate Custom Night. I was in my second FNAF phase at the time.
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Let the static flow.
December 23
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At the time, I used to draw myself with sideburn thingies cause I thought it look cute, but I no longer do that. Also you might be noticing a large about drawing made in a short timeframe. Well I have an explanation for that. You see, I sometimes get hit by these bursts of productivity and I can draw super fast. Sometimes these bursts happen at random, but in this case it was because I gotten a new tablet and new ideas where flowing.
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This was supposed to be a sketch...
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I HAVE LOT TO SAY ABOUT THIS. I was super obsessed with TGWeaver's FNAF comics. It was why I gotten back into FNAF around 2019. But I was fascinated with Toy Bonnie at the time, to the point I started drawing her on the daily. I started using her as an avatar for myself online. It was when I saw a post on tumblr where something made a kinsona when it clicked for me. This rabbit holds sooooo much gender. 🏳️‍⚧️ Thus ended 5 years of denial over my gender.
Original Description:
some weaver buns
December 24
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I tried drawing myself with my hair down here. I didn't like it then. I got better at drawing my hair down though. I was this file was named "cel test" for some reason.
Original Description:
It's me!
December 25
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Remember when I said I was inconsistent, here an example. I dislike how this turned out then, I STILL do now. The only thing I do like? This was when I started to shade in this particular way. Also at the time I was worried about being too slow, which is funny when I was posting so many things at once. But also the filename was "the crunch" which is less funny and more worrying.
Original Description:
I need to learn how to do this faster
December 28
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Oh look a Commission! There's nothing special to say about this.
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Shaded commission for @Bunnydudee of Carmen from Animal Crossing!
December 29
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THAT'S RIGHT I DREW SONIC.EXE BEFORE IT WAS COOL. Jokes aside, this post was more so for Tails Doll. I loved drawing that little bugger in the most pathetic and dorky way possible.
Original Description:
Tails Doll's roommate is a wacknut
FINALLY we made it thru December. Goodness I posted alot more often back then huh. Kinda surprising. Anyways next week I'll post January!
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wvbaandtheboys · 1 year
Power-Up!! (A Punch-Out!! Fanfiction)
Little Mac receives a strange present from the mysterious Mr. Dream, supposedly to help him improve and become even better than he was before. Though both the boy wonder and his best friend, Birdie/Peter are skeptical of the consequences, Mac wishes to fulfill that burning curiosity of his. And it appears that he may have bitten off more than he can chew… (Oh! Content warning for gore. Also, if you don’t like reading transformation stuff, I’mma need you to either click off or proceed with caution. Either way, enjoy!)
“Once we get this operation going, you’ll be stronger than you could ever imagine.”
Mr. Dream’s words echoed back into Mac’s mind.
The young boxer unexpectedly was pulled out of a conversation with his trusted friend, Birdie, for an impromptu meeting with Mr. Dream, the spokesperson for the Dreamland Program and close associate of the WVBA. It wasn’t the most surprising thing to him after the fact, though. The man had scheduled a couple meetings here and there for the next month at the WVBA with Mac to set him up on what he called an “experimental routine.”
The details of this said routine were pretty vague. Mac asked a whole handful of questions to try and educate himself on just what he was getting himself into, but Mr. Dream barely gave out anything. In fact, it was almost like he was teasing the young boxer with potential bullet points, only to brush it off with a pearly smile and a variation of “You’ll just have to wait and see.”
Mac had previously discussed possibilities of career-enhancing factors with Mr. Dream before. Though Mac never really thought personally that he needed such things, as he was pretty much content with where he was in terms of rank, the idea of something that would potentially make him even better than he was before admittedly piqued his young curiosity.
His curiosity was only further roused by Mr. Dream’s enthusiasm about the entire operation.
The normally calm and collected enigma of a man showed some degree of excitement towards Mac’s new “carefully adjusted” schedule. Though certainly sly in keeping the intricate details of the product he was going to give the boxer unknown, Mr. Dream was encouraging of Mac to “experience the look before the leap.” However, he was abundant in instructions with where and how the young boxer should handle what he received.
Nearing the end of their chat, Mr. Dream gave Mac a small plastic bottle with a green bottle cap. Inside the bottle was a somewhat opaque, baby blue liquid. The appearance wasn’t at all concerning, in fact it just looked like a regular fizzy drink to Mac. However, the man informed Mac quite insistently that he should not let anyone else drink it. It was for him, and only him.
Those words stuck with Mac as he made his way back to the locker room where Peter was. “Hey-a, Macky! What’s that ya got there?” The blonde haired boy asked, flashing a bright smile at his best friend. “Oh, uh… Mr. Dream gave me this and… told me to try it.” He showed Peter the bottle. Abruptly, as though a flip switched in his head, Peter’s happy-go-lucky expression turned stern. “...He told you to drink that?” Even his voice changed to become more serious than a moment ago. “Uh… yeah…” Mac already got a bad feeling based on Peter’s reaction. It felt like he had a brotherly sense for when something was probably bad for Mac. And he had been right before a couple times.
It was kind of unsettling how intense Peter’s stare was as he seemed to weigh his own thoughts in his mind, thinking of what to say. “...Birdie?” Mac waved a hand in front of his face just to try and get him to blink. “Eh.” He blinked. Thank goodness. “...Mac. I-I don’t think you should drink that. Do you even know what’s in it?” Mac shook his head. Peter’s expression hardened. “So you don’t know what it’s made of or worse, what it’ll do to you. That’s even more reason to not try it.”
Mac could see where he was coming from. He had to admit that he had his own moderate suspicions, especially since the whole conversation lacked details. Though he took Peter’s concerns into consideration alongside his own, he was curious. Oh-so curious of what this little drink could do to make him stronger.
Call him naive, but his young mind just ran rampant with thoughts. He spun the bottle around in his hands, inspecting it from every possible angle like a scientist. There was nothing conspicuous about the bottle nor the liquid within it, but he did it anyway.
“...I-I know. I know. But… I… still wanna know what it’ll do.” Mac’s eyebrows furrowed as he gripped the bottle in his hand. He pinched two fingers around the cap, but made no motion to twist it. “Mac, stop. D-Don’t do it. Please.” Peter reached out his hand, but thought better of the situation and took it back. The growing tension of decision lingered in the air, uncomfortable and somewhat suffocating.
Even Mac felt it. Especially Mac. He was mostly indifferent, but common sense somewhat weighed in. Peter was right: who knew what this thing would do to him once he drank it? It could either help him, hurt him… or even.. worse. It got pretty bad thinking about it.
The tension only grew worse as Mac’s fingers tightened around the cap, slightly moving in a twisting motion. He opened up the bottle and brought the rim to his nose, sniffing at the liquid. The drink smelled pleasantly of citrus, the mild burn of carbonation hitting his nostrils.
“W-Wait, wait. Mac.” Peter stammered. “Huh?” Mac raised a brow. “…If you really wanna find out what it does… I-I can try it for you.” Internally, Mac was pretty touched by that. Whenever Peter sensed that Mac still wanted to act in a situation he didn’t exactly think was safe, he’d offer a solution to solve it himself. As rowdy and haphazard as Mac seemed with little regard for his own well-being at times, he could always appreciate his best friend looking out for him.
But keeping in mind Mr. Dream’s instructions, he started to feel a little worried.
“…Mr. Dream said I’m not supposed to let anyone else drink it, Peter. I don’t think I should do that anyways.” Peter’s eyes widened a bit, looking more annoyed at Mr. Dream’s frankly seedy nature in the situation more than anything. “You’ve gotta be kiddin’ me…” Mac didn’t want Peter to try it. Yeah, he was a little anxious now to try it himself despite his biting-the-bullet curiosity, but he honestly couldn’t let Peter try it on good conscience. What if something happened to him? What if it hurt him? He wouldn’t forgive himself easily if things went south. Not with Peter.
Mac thought of a compromise. It wasn’t fully satisfactory, but it was the best he had. If he really wanted to fulfill his quest to find out what this drink did, he had to convince Peter.
“Alright, alright. Here, I’ll cut you a deal.” Peter raised an eyebrow a little suspiciously, but he slowly nodded his head. “…Okay. I’m all ears.”
“I’ll drink a little. Not a lot, just maybe…” Mac measured with his fingers a length between just underneath the rim of the bottle to the first ridge. “This much. And then, we’ll wait a bit. If I feel anything bad, and I mean anything at all, I’ll put it down! If I feel just fine, then we can keep it going bit by bit. That way, you can keep an eye on me. Sounds good to you?”
That curious part of Mac hoped that he was convincing enough to at least allow the first part of the agreement to happen. The other boy’s expression remained fixed for a couple seconds, then changed to one of deep thought. For what was probably about two minutes, his face stayed like that. Finally, at the end of that time, it slowly changed to still uncertain, but leaning towards compliance. “You promise me you’ll stop if it happens?...” He inclined his head towards Mac with a tilt, clearly a little hesitant.
“I promise!” Mac nodded.
“...Alright. Deal.”
The young scrapper couldn’t help but give a little grin. He felt pretty clever for a moment about his negotiation skills. He was probably giving himself a bit too much credit, though.
Mac put the rim up to his lips, and drank the amount he specified. It tasted great, just like a lime soda. It was even kind of chilled like a fresh bottle of pop. “Huh. Not bad!” He sat down on one of the benches, nodding his head with a delighted hum. “How do you feel?” Peter sat down next to him, coming across as a little anxious in his tone. “Nothin’ yet. Let’s see.”
The two waited in silence for about five minutes.
“Anything?” Peter asked. “Eh… nope.” Mac shook his head. Peter had to admit that he felt a bit of relief at that, but his guard was still very much up. “...Okay.” He slowly nodded his head. Despite both of them being varyingly worried for valid reasons, Mac didn’t really like seeing Peter worked up like that.
“Hey, Pete. Ease up!” The young boxer chuckled as he wrapped an arm around him, rubbing his shoulder. “C’mon, we got a deal, remember? I won’t con ya outta it, promise!” Peter was barely affected by this reassurance, no matter how genuine it was. And while yes, it did bother Mac, he couldn’t be too upset. After all, he had not only gone back on a few of his promises before, but had been mistaken over the safety of particular scenarios. But he was more sure of himself this time around.
Confidently, Mac took another sip of the drink, and waited another couple of minutes.
“...Huh. …I’m starting to think we were worryin’ for nothin’.” The boy remarked as he propped a leg up on the bench. The bottle was halfway finished, and he felt no different than when he hadn’t drank anything. Well, Mac didn’t know what he was expecting, but he was anticipating something rather than seemingly nothing at all. It was kind of a let down, if he was being honest.
A couple minutes later, he had drunk the last of the bottle’s contents without incident. In fact, he felt kind of refreshed after the matter. “Well, Peter? I’m alright.” Mac turned to his friend a bit smugly. “Seems like you were worryin’ for nothin this time around, huh?” Peter sighed lightly, and nodded his head. “...I just didn’t really trust that bottle. I still don’t.” Mac’s grin faded. Peter was really taking this hard.
“...Yeah, I didn’t think you would. But, look!” Mac stood from the bench, pacing round in front of Peter with a confident strut. “See? I’m just fine! Ain’t nothin’ gonna stop Lil’ Mac!” Really, he was mostly doing this to try and amuse his friend. To try and get him to cheer him up. But Mac was also relieved that he was okay. No matter how cocky he felt at that moment, or slightly disappointed by the lack of anything happening, he was grateful nothing happened.
“...Hm.” Peter cracked the tiniest smile. Though he was relieved, he was barely paying attention. Deep down, he was still worried. Something could still happen. That thought clouded his head, sending him into yet another pit of deep thought.
“...Though, it’s pretty weird. Why’d he make such a big deal about this little thing?” Mac held the bottle in a hand still, scanning it over. He then carelessly threw it aside then put his arms up in a stretching motion. “Welp, that happened! What do you say we get some fresh air?”
A loud thud rang out into the locker room.
Peter perked up, and took a glance around. The thud was so jarring that he thought something heavy had fallen out of place, like a locker or a ceiling tile. It wouldn’t have been too shocking. This stadium was slowly falling apart after all, and the WVBA were barely paying any mind to it.
The lockers stood upright. The ceiling was intact. So then, what fell?
He turned back to Mac.
He looked down.
The boy was nearly stiff on the ground. Mac was laying on his stomach with his head facing Peter. The expression on his face was haunting. Mac’s eyes were wide, pupils dilated and trembling. His entire body was soaked in droplets of sweat, raining down his skin.
Streams of tears beaded down from his eyes. Drool rolled down from his open mouth to his chin, then to the ground as his chest rose and fell with his strained, ragged breathing. He audibly, yet softly gurgled, unable to form words.
His limbs and neck twitched erratically. Disturbingly enough, it almost looked like his muscles were… rolling. It was even visible just beneath his skin, causing moving lumps to surface for a few moments before disappearing again. He was in such a gnarly amount of agony that it was nearly unbearable to even breathe.
Peter’s heart dropped. “MAC!”
Every bit of calmness he had left him the moment he fully realized Mac had collapsed. His body practically flung itself off the bench and onto the ground, as he held onto his friend’s crumpled form with trembling hands. “W-WHAT’S GOING ON?! PLEASE, T-TALK TO ME!” Mac was affected by Peter’s touch, flipping onto his back with a loud whimper. Almost as though just being touched brought him even more pain.
The other boy’s hands shot up into the air, startled by the reaction. “I’M SO SORRY-!” He felt truly terrible about making him feel even worse. But his entire body was running on so much adrenaline that he could hardly think straight, let alone control his actions. What thoughts were coherent were circling a mile a minute, screaming in his head to help Mac. Just help him.
Meanwhile, Mac was still in intense pain. The initial tidal wave of hurt had passed, which made it a bit bearable, but it still felt like hell on Earth. He felt his muscles flexing, extending and contracting, rolling underneath his skin. His bones felt like they were creaking, making any sort of movement nigh impossible because of the sheer electrifying sensation of pain it would cause. His heart was racing in his chest, almost feeling like it was going to break his rib cage if it didn’t break itself first.
It felt like his body was actively trying to crumble itself into pieces.
Dread clouded Mac’s thoughts. He could only think, as he continued to suffer and his close friend watched, if this was going to kill him. If he was going to just die in front of Peter. No. No… he couldn’t die. This would have been such a foolish and easily avoidable way to die! But the pain he was going through felt like it was killing him. Making his thoughts decay to mush, his vision to a vignetted lens of the world around him.
Why didn’t he listen to Peter?... Why didn’t he refuse the damn bottle?!
Why did he stand there, and tell Peter everything was going to be okay when he also had a feeling that it wouldn’t be?!
This was it… wasn’t it?...
Suddenly, a flash of red came over Mac’s eyes. And his dread melted into something else.
A distinct rage began to boil in him, unprecedented and rapidly rising. The excruciating pain ravaging the young scrapper’s body became insignificant as this newfound emotion continued to rise more and more, contorting his terrified expression into one of unbridled anger. Confusion turned into intent, becoming clear in his throbbing head. He gnashed his teeth, wave after wave of heat washing over him, making him hot to the touch.
Peter could only sit there in slack jawed awe. He hadn’t the faintest idea what was going on. Just a couple moments ago, Mac was twitching and sobbing in agony with the fear of God in his eyes. But now, he was practically giving Peter a death stare. Peter’s jaw moved to try and form words, but he was rendered near speechless in the presence of such blazing fury.
“...W… What’s going o-”
Mac’s left arm gave a particularly violent twitch-
Pain surged through Peter’s jaw before he went flying backwards. His back met the floor before his head did with a harsh thud, his legs landing hung over the bench they were sitting on a few minutes ago. The taste of metal saturated his tongue, causing him to turn his head and abruptly cough. The floor beside him became splattered with blood. His eyes went wide. Mac… Mac just punched him.
That was no regular punch. No punch from Mac of all people should have knocked him backwards. That swing… It was filled with strength that was unfathomable for someone small like Mac. It was physically impossible for his body to possess.
Peter heard Mac grunt jarringly. Through his dazed vision, he saw the silhouette of Mac, who was now on his hands and knees, breathing hoarsely. Those unnerving cramping motions in his muscles still occurred visibly. Mac suddenly grunted again, but curled inwards as if something were happening to him. Something much worse.
The stunned Peter could only watch as Mac began to change. …To grow. His fairly well built body bulged and shifted, as Mac thrashed and jerked round erratically as if he were trying to stifle expressing anything during this clearly painful transformation. He was near silent, only the sound of his breathing hitching as he continued to morph. His arms were twice, no, thrice the size they used to be after the fact, the same growth happening to the rest of his body.
At the end of the horrific scene, Mac barely looked the same. His now longer hair hung in unkempt spikes, hulking muscles moving with the rise and fall of his chest. His gray tank top had been shredded in the process, laying in tatters of fabric on the ground. For what felt like an eternity, Mac sat there idly. As if he were drinking in what he had just experienced. What he became.
Peter finally garnered the courage to say something.
“...Mac…? W… What… happened to you…?”
Mac jolted, giving yet another grunt as his head turned upwards. Then, slowly, he turned to face Peter. His features had become rather defined, with noticeable cheekbones, a larger nose and thicker eyebrows that made his eyes look a bit smaller than usual. It was Mac but… He looked nothing like himself. He seemed caught off guard by Peter’s state, moving back the slightest inch with a surprised expression. But, as if a switch flipped in his head, the aggression from earlier returned.
Something about the way this new form’s expression changed to express rage was different, however. What was it? Maybe it was the way his eyebrows furrowed so deeply, his eyes gazing at Peter with nothing but disdain. Maybe, it was the way that his nose scrunched as he bared his teeth at Peter. Or perhaps… it was the near animalistic, low and vibrating growl that sounded from his throat. The snarl that followed as he turned his body towards Peter.
Maybe it was all of those combined.
In any case, Peter could only compare how he felt in this situation to how a hare would feel staring down a ravenous wolf.
Peter felt a cold shock down his back. His hands began to tremble once more, traveling up his arms to the rest of his body. He couldn’t stop shaking. He… He was afraid. Terrified of what Mac would do to him.
Mac’s body inclined backwards like some sort of animal about to pounce. The growling only grew louder, reaching a fever pitch moments before he launched himself at Peter with a bone-chilling roar, and grabbed his ankles with a vice-like grip.
Poor Peter stood no chance against Mac’s newfound strength. With relative ease, he was swung up from where he stood and slammed against the wall of the locker room. The harsh and loud impact knocked any scream that he could have given to alert anyone out of him. His already limp form then fell to the ground and was promptly pinned beneath the giant’s overwhelming weight.
With yet another roar, Mac began to mindlessly beat his best friend. Just pummeling his body with that rage fueled adrenaline, either unable or unwilling to stop. The sounds he belted out were just as startling. Guttural screaming, snarling, and growling rang out non-stop as he continued the vicious beating.
The swing of a door practically being swung off its hinges was faintly audible in Peter’s near delirious state. “VHAT IZ GOING ON IN HERE?!” Wait… was that… Von Kaiser’s voice…? Had someone finally heard the commotion…?!
“EVERYONE, COME! QUICKLY!” He heard the old German man yell to what was supposedly the other boxers. Immediately, two more voices joined the mix.
That was Super Macho Man. No doubt about that.
And that was Don Flamenco.
In the span of two seconds, both Don and Kaiser had their arms around Mac’s biceps, trying to pry him off. It barely did anything. Both men struggled to even slightly move his arms. Though they did have an effect, Peter kept getting heavy punches to the abdomen and face. “OY, MACHO MAN! GET OVER HERE AND BE USEFUL FOR ONCE!” Don yelled to Macho.
“W-WHAT?! I-I’M NOT TOUCHING HIM WHEN HE’S LIKE THAT! I DON’T HAVE A DEATH WISH!” Macho argued back. “Y TE DARÉ UNA SI SIGUES JODIENDO, GILIPOLLAS. ¡VEN AQUÍ AHORA!” Don hissed aloud in Spanish. Upon hearing this, Macho gave a loud groan. “ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT!” Peter saw the larger boxer’s arms wrap around Mac’s neck in some sort of headlock, with Macho arching his back with as much effort as possible to move him backwards. “COME ON, KID! GET OFFA HIM ALREADY!”
“WHAT THE HELL IS GOIN’ ON HERE?!” Yet another boxer’s voice rang out into the room. Macho turned his head in the midst of the struggle. “DUDE! DON’T JUST STAND THERE AND GAWK! USE THOSE FREAKIN’ BEAR MUSCLES AND HELP ME OUT HERE!” “ON IT!” Bear muscles…? That voice definitely belonged to Bear Hugger, then.
Even with the combined strength of two lightweights and two heavyweights pulling against him, it still wasn’t enough to overpower the hulking Mac who just became further provoked by the resistance. He jerked around with what wiggle room he had, trying to throw them off of him. In light of this, all the boxers only held on tighter.
Just one more ought to do it.
“WHAT THE-?!” One more voice came in. “SANDMAN! Terrific timin’! Give us a hand here, wontcha?!” Sandman? Oh, this should work! The last boxer was quick to join the group, pulling as hard as he could. Inch by inch, Mac began to be pulled back, until…
Mac was finally yanked backwards and landed on the floor. All the boxers collectively worked together to hold him down, despite the savage thrashing he was trying to do, still making those horrid animalistic sounds. Kaiser glanced back to the barely conscious Peter, and his eyes went wide. “D-Do you zhink you can hold him?!”
“Y-Yeah! We got ‘im good! Go check on Pete!”
The boxer got up and jogged over to the injured boy, kneeling beside him and placing a hand on his shoulder. “…Mein Gott…” It was horrific, the damage done to poor Peter’s body. His stomach and chest were basically painted with splotches of sickly, dark purple. Blood was even coming out from some of the wounds. His face was the worse part. His cheeks were inflamed to a disturbing degree, one of his eyes swollen shut with the other almost looking as if it were going to do the same. Blood splattered the bridge of his nose and from his lips, still running.
“…P-Peter. Can you hear me…?” Peter blinked the decent eye to say yes, as he didn’t have the strength to speak or move anything. Every single part of his body felt like it was on fire, burning and stinging with near excruciating pain. This was the worst beating he had ever received in his life.
Kaiser, though thoroughly horrified, kept a level head and nodded. “I-I’m… going to get you to ze medical bay, okay? You’re going to be alright, my friend. I promise you zat.” That made Peter feel just a little better in this horrible situation. He was terrified that he was going to get the crap beaten out of him and nobody would know. Thank goodness they came to save him.
However, the injuries proved to be too much for Peter to remain conscious. In a matter of seconds after receiving reassurance, his world turned black.
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fipindustries · 7 months
i probably shouldnt generalize or take this too far but animation really is just one of the most rewarding things to do. not just because by the end of it you will have, you know, an animation (which you will! im sorry, i know im leaving the sentence hanging but seriously, lets really pause and appreciate this. a moving drawing! a drawing that moves! it might as well be alive! it might as well be real! and YOU created it! wowzers!!!) BUT ALSO-
its just reawrding on a moment to moment execution. you get to draw the most fun thing of all to draw, people moving, emoting, body language. AND, if you are inbetweening right and you know what you are doing, you get this visceral satisfaction of drawing something in just the right place. every step is you completing a pattern with the most satisfying conclusion. i really enjoy inbetweening. i love calculating in my minds eye the exact middle point between two poses and drawing it, like i can almost visualize it. i see the empty spot between two keyframes and is like "here, right here, right on this spot, if you put the drawing good in this right precise spot you will hear the most satisfying click in your mind" and it always clicks!
think of this! a lot of times i hear from artists that they love art because of the end product that it gives you but that the process itself its a grueling effort that one must push through to get their reward of the finished piece. but (at least in my case) the journey is very much the reward itself, a lot of times i will spend hours animating something and the end product will suck but ill be perfectly satisfied because i enjoyed myself doing it.
also if you are really good and you really know what you are doing you can do so much with so little. forget about animating on ones, we are not disney here. you can animate on threes, on fours, fuck it animate on fives if you really want to. you can just do five drawings and get the coolest, cutest, neatest, most satisfying little loop to entertain your heart and soul.
animation really brings out an appreciation for the small pleasures of life and when i say small i really do mean the tiniest. the smallest, most mundane of gestures suddenly become signature moves. suddenly give so much charm and character and personality. just by the way you make someone do a simple double take or even simply blink suddenly you can give someone so much sheer charisma.
but you can go even smaller than that! more inconsequential! you develop a taste for tiny little occurences, small happenstances that would be completly invisible to normal people otherwise. the way hair flicks when someone turns their head, the way a drop slides down a surface, the way a car bounces and sinks a little when people get into it or out of it. if you can succesfully capture those things it will ground your work so much. the tiniest most indetectable of details suddenly turns curves and lines into an object with weight and corporeality.
much like music, animation is one of those arts where even the most simple, most basic of excercises, just pure, boring, highly technical executions made simply for the purpose of learning the bare bones of a technique, will still come out looking great and you will feel great for having done it. with music you can doodle something incredibly coarse, maybe you just want to learn some basic chords, you are practicing arpeggios or you are just fucking around with scales and it will still come out as music, it wont come out as rough sketches or purely skeletical, empty building blocks. it will come as a piece of music that is pleasant to hear.
same with animation, you can just be trying to rotate a character to figure out their design or have a bag of flour fall to the ground, or you are trying to figure out their walking cycle. there is no story or punchline or idea being conveyed here, is just a basic "getting the handle of your tools" excercise and yet it will still be an animation, a beautiful piece of art that is cool to look at regardless of what its doing.
and if its true that an image conveys more than a thousand words then nothing can beat the sheer density of information contained in moving images. in just three seconds of action i can lay out so many complex, hard to put into words, ideas, so many vague and ambiguous emotions can be clearly comunicated.
and god, the expresivity of it all. we are social creatures, huge portions of our brain are designed to parse language, both verbal and in terms of gestures and expressions. animation is a direct superstimulus for those sections of the brain, you can make your characters so much more expressive that a human could be, and they can be expressive in such perfect, choreographed, synthetized, crystalized, bold ways. isnt that amazing? that we can give the caloric rich, sugar refined version of body language to our brain?
i have been doing animations since i was 7. i started with a mouse, ms paint and power point. you can tell i must have really loved doing it that i was willing to put up with that just to get it done. i started because i was a child who loved cartoons, who loved animated shows and animation. it was mindblowing that such a thing even existed in the first place. it was literally magic. to see any random animated show like powerpuff girls or dexter's lab or hey arnold. it was a proof that wonders existed in this world. the magic was real.
now that i am 30 i can do that, i can make those things too! is not even that hard! i can make magic!
magic is real!
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