#Serpents of Sky and Flame
meeghanreads · 4 months
WWW Wednesday — 15 May 2024
Hello friends!! Welcome to this week’s WWW Wednesday — 15 May 2024!! WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Sam @ Taking on a World of Words, where you answer the three following questions: What did you recently finish? What are you currently reading? And, what do you think you’ll read next? Let’s see what I have been reading… (All images will link to Goodreads if you click on them.…
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hog-choker · 1 year
i’m almost positive it’s impossible to find someone who dresses well and who you also wanna fuck. like i feel like all those cute well dressed couples you see on insta have to be manufactured. like made in a lab. and it’s like you always see cool well dressed people with actual style and shit and then their partner is just a polar opposite goblin style wearing old navy denim and on clouds running shoes like WTF where can you just find someone who also dresses well or at least knows what vintage is like curated shit not shit you found at a thrift bin like it doesn’t even have to be the same style just STYLE IN GENERAL like i hate it and while in his second phase, he will sometimes raise his sword up high to his side, appearing to empower himself. Dozens of large flaming skulls will then come raining down from the sky, with the bulk of them homing in on you. At this point use the Great-Serpent Hunt skill in order to stagger him and interrupt the casting, as it takes a good 3-4 seconds before going off. These skulls explode after a short delay upon reaching their target or impacting with the ground. Time your dodges or sprints properly to avoid damage. This phase persists for a long time and Rykard will continue with his regular moveset as the skulls rain down. If not killed after a while, he will end this phase by raising his sword up high with both hands, channeling the flames in the sky into the blade, culminating in a giant overhead cleave.
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telomeke · 10 months
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This post comes on the heels of the one by @respectthepetty about mythology and meta of The Sign, linked here. 😍👍 If you've not read it yet, I recommend you do before watching any more of this series, because it will help things make more sense (especially if you're not familiar with some of the cultural references thrumming in the background).
Anyway, I'd previously done some research on the legend(s) of the Garuda and the Naga in Southeast Asia, and so I'm writing this post to share what I've found because it does have relevance to at least some of what we're seeing onscreen in The Sign, and elaborates on @respectthepetty's post.
The Garuda and the Naga are mythical beings with origins in Indian mythology that have been transposed into cultures across Southeast Asia.
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In Hinduism, Garuda is a single deity, depicted in either full-bird form or part-bird and part-human, and is the king of birds and also a divine sun-bird (with physical attributes similar to an eagle's). His elder brother, Aruna, is the chariot driver for Surya the sun-god, while Garuda himself is the mount of Vishnu.
In Buddhist mythology, the garudas (sometimes also spelt garulas) are a society and race of gigantic predatory birds, sometimes also depicted as part-human in form. The garudas are intelligent, social and blessed with might and magical powers.
Thailand may be predominantly Buddhist, but it has also been strongly influenced by ancient Indian culture and Hinduism, and thus both the concept of a single deity Garuda and the race of garudas co-exist in Thai mythological beliefs.
The nagas on the other hand, are snake-like or dragon-like creatures, whose realm is the water world. (The word naga is derived from Sanskrit and is also etymologically related to the English word snake.)
In mythology nagas and garudas are perpetual enemies, although neither side is actually identified with good or evil – they are simply two groups eternally at war with each other (so occidental-leaning minds should dispel any preconception that the water serpents are necessarily the bad guys in The Sign, even though the narrative seems to be tilting in that direction).
When borrowed into popular culture (as has been done for The Sign) you may sometimes see influences of Chinese dragon and phoenix mythology (as Chinese cultural influence is also present in Thailand, and the dragon/phoenix motif of Sinitic culture nicely parallels the naga/garuda conflict pairing). And because of Garuda's association with the sun in Hinduism, and a parallel with the fiery phoenix of Western mythology, you may sometimes see garudas portrayed as aligned with the sun and/or flame as well.
There are some hints of these in The Sign. The naga that Phaya encounters while struggling underwater during the open sea training challenge in Ep.1 is very Thai in appearance (especially with the curved, forward-pointing crest, making it look much like the nagas that adorn Thai temple architecture). But the array of pronged, backward-pointing horns and trailing antennae appear to be a design nod at Chinese or Japanese dragons (East Asian dragons are also strongly identified with the watery realm, by the way). And in the graphics of the series (e.g., in the poster at the start of this post), the sky (the realm of Garuda) is suffused with sunlight and speckled with what look like drifting sparks, referencing sun and flame.
Because of the wings tattooed on his back and his time in the air force, Phaya is most likely the reincarnation of a garuda in human form (and this is why he struggled with the water challenge, as he was completely out of his element).
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This is also possibly why we see him smoking early on in the series (because of the alignment of Garuda with the element of fire), and significantly he does this while Naga Tharn (irked by Yai's teasing at the dining table) seeks refuge in the washroom (which is ห้องน้ำ/hong naam in Thai, literally water room):
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‌Billy also describes Phaya's character in the promo video for the series (linked here) as being "like fire, always hot and burning... quite hot-headed." 👍
Elsewhere in the same promo video (linked here), Tharn's good friend Chalothon is explicitly identified as the reincarnation of an important naga, which immediately signals that he and Phaya will be at odds in the series:
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The water deity that saves Phaya during the open sea challenge – Wansarat, whom he drew in his sketchbook – is not just Freen Sarocha in a fancy scuba suit. 😂
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If you look at her arm and hand when she reaches out to save Phaya (before she turns into Tharn) the green scales meld into the skin of her human wrist – they're part of her natural covering, and she's really a nakhee/nagin/nagini, a female naga, appearing in human form to save Phaya.
The narrative has made it strongly obvious that Phaya is a reincarnated garuda, while Tharn is the reincarnation of Wansarat, from the lineage of the nagas. And the teaser-trailer (linked here) tells us that Phaya and Tharn/Wansarat are lovers bound to each other through time:
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However, the special promo video (released 24 November 2023) also tells us (in Heng's interview linked here) that Chalothon and Wansarat were lovers in past lives, even while it is Phaya and Wansarat (reincarnated as Tharn) who are paired by fate in The Sign.
And as the nagas and garudas are bitter enemies, the love story between Phaya and Tharn/Wansarat that transcends time and reincarnation cycles is also one that must have been (and will continue to be) forbidden by their respective naga and garuda tribes (especially since Tharn/Wansarat also used to be naga Chalothon's lover), and will undoubtedly be a source of conflict in the series. This is way beyond the Montagues and Capulets! 😍
So with this as the base, I took a look at the characters' names, and those belonging to Phaya, Chalothon, Tharn and Wansarat especially also reflect their garuda/naga origins. 🤩
Phaya's name (พญา) means lord, king or leader. While it can be applied to the nagas (พญานาค/phaya naak refers to the King of the Nagas) it is also used for Garuda (the Thai national symbol) – พญาครุฑ/phaya khroot, or Lord Garuda (and is what his name references in The Sign).
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(above) Billy Patchanon as Phaya
Chalothon's name (ชโลทร) is rare, but it is derived from Pali/Sanskrit and means river, sea or body of water, reflecting the watery homeland of his naga persona.
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(above) Heng Asavarid as Chalothon
Tharn's name (ธาร) also has a connection to his water-dwelling naga roots. Tharn/ธาร is short for ลำธาร/lam thaan and means stream, brook or creek (and he is thus a naga nong to Chalothon's phi).
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(above) Babe Tanatat as Tharn/Wansa
However, Tharn is his chue len. His formal name is Wansa, and is the same Wansa in Wansarat (which the narrative lets us know at Ep.1 [3‌/4] 9.35).
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(above) Freen Sarocha as Wansarat
Now Wansarat is spelt วรรณษารัตน์ in the subtitles (at Ep.1 [3‌/4] 9.02), and I can't find any translation of it that makes sense in the context of The Sign's world-building.
But Wansarat's name is spelt differently elsewhere on the Internet (on Thai drama websites, and movie databases, etc. like thaimovie.org), and I assume they've all based it on official releases from Idol Factory because the spelling is consistent across these other sources – it's วรรษารัตน์ there.
And Wansa/Wansarat spelt this way also reflects the nagas' dominion over water, because วรรษา/wansa (an archaic word, referenced in an older dictionary but not newer ones) means rain or rainy season (from the Sanskrit varsha) – in Thailand the nagas are also associated with rain control, and prayers are offered to them for timely and abundant rainfall when it is needed. (The -rat part of Wansarat is a feminine ending meaning jewel or gemstone, and may echo with meaning for speakers of Indian and Sri Lankan languages, since it's derived from the Pali/Sanskrit ratna).
Just out of interest (because nobody asked 😂) some of these naga/garuda elements were also present in the early episodes of KinnPorsche – the den of the Theerapanyakuls (nagas, wealthy beings of the underworld) was full of watery elements (e.g., the waterfall, the various pools, and Tankhun's carp – which in Chinese belief are the original, natal form of dragons). The -nak in Kinn's formal first name Anakin (which is not a traditional Thai name) is also a nod at the word naga. Porsche had the tattoo of a fiery phoenix on his back, and was out of his element whenever water was concerned (e.g., his failed pool challenge, the mermaid costume punishment, his misadventure with the sprinkler when he tried to smoke in the store room – water vanquishing the flame). Kinn was unable to make fire when they were trapped in the forest, despite claiming to be friends with the flame, while Porsche could immediately do it.
But I didn't see the KinnPorsche narrative taking the naga/garuda themes much further than these random nods in the earlier episodes. Maybe it did (like Kinn and Porsche could be seen acclimatizing to each other's realms more), but I just couldn't be bothered to look at the show more closely since it didn't really stand up to deeper scrutiny, and after the first few episodes I just went along for the exhilaration of the ride instead. 👍
Anyway, I'm totally bedazzled by the level of world-building going on in The Sign and look forward to more from the series. If the first episode is anything to go by, I think Executive Producer Saint Suppapong may be on to something! 😍
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obguro · 2 months
The Pretty Boy
A KNY x Male Reader —— !?
> Going back to Tanjiro’s trial, what if he had a brother?
> warnings; mentions of blood/stabbing, y/n is a cutie pie, hes also kagayas biggest fan, a tinkle of angst :3
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“Wake up! I said wake up!”
Tanjiro started to hear as he started to awaken. “Hey! Can you even hear me?!” A kakushi known as Goto, yelled as he started to get irritated with the boy laid on the ground. “Come on, get up! Are you going to sleep all day?!” Goto yelled once more. The burgundy haired boy jumped awake at the sound of the yells.
“I heard he was a demon slayer with a demon in tow, so I was expecting someone with more flair. Only for it to be just some ordinary-looking kid? Lame.”
“We must see that this boy is put on trial to be judged!”
“To think that he’s been protecting his siblings who has been turned into demons..What a brave and beautiful display of sibling love!!”
Tanjiro opened his mouth, preparing to speak before he felt his head being shoved into the rocks below him. “Don’t open your mouth until you’re told to do so! You are in the presence of the Hashira!”
Tanjiro opens his eyes to glance at the people who were introduced as The Hashira. “The Hashira.. What is that? Who are these people? Where am I?” Tanjiro’s mind raced with questions that were unanswered. Suddenly a lady with a butterfly hair piece started to speak. “This is the Demon Slayer headquarters. You’re here because you are to be put on trial. Before we start, why don’t you explain the crime you have been accused of-” The lady was then interrupted.
“There’s no need for a trial!”
Flame Hashira; Rengoku Kyojuro.
“Protecting not one, but two demons is a clear violation! We can deal with this on our own! We should end all three of them!” Rengoku stated in a loud tone, before another voice was heard.
“In that case, I’ll decapitate them with style!”
Sound Hashira; Uzui Tengen
“I’ll show you the most dramatic spray of blood you have ever seen!” Uzui stated before another voice was heard.
“No way! You’d really kill such an adorable child!”
Love Hashira; Kanroji Mitsuri
“Such a thought fills my heart with sorrow..” Mitsuri stated with a sad tone, before another voice was heard.
“Alas to see such a pitiful creature as this..”
Stone Hashira; Himejima Gyomei
“I grieve for him. Perhaps it would have been better if he hadn’t been born at all.” Gyomei stated as tears ran down his face, before another voice was heard.
“What was the shape of that cloud again?..”
Mist Hashira; Tokio Muichiro
“What was it called?.. I can’t remember.” Muichiro stated in a low tone while gazing up at the sky.
Tanjiro started to look around trying to spot the box which held his younger and older siblings. Goto noticed this and started to question him. “What are you looking at? Your focus should be on them. They’re the highest ranking swordsmen in the corps.” Tanjiro stared at the 6 people standing before him, before starting to look around again. “Nezuko! Y/N! Where did you take them?” Tanjiro asked out loud, sitting up from his position. He started to call out for his friends as well, before a voice from above was heard.
“Nevermind the boy, what will we do with Tomioka?”
Serpent Hashira; Obanai Iguro
“From what Kocho stated earlier, he is just as guilty for breaking the corps rules. Seeing him without restraints makes me feel ill. What do you have to say for yourself, Tomioka?” Obanai asked while pointed his finger at someone. He was met with silence.
Water Hashira; Tomioka Giyuu
As Giyuu stayed silent, another voice spoke up for him.
“I think it’s fine, he did come here without any resistance.”
Insect Hashira; Kocho Shinobu
“Let’s come up with a penalty later!” Shinobu stated cheerfully. “What I’m more interested in, is this boys story. He’s been traveling with demons, even as a demon slayer.. I want to hear why. What he did was unquestionably against corps rules!” She kept her gaze on Tanjiro, who then looked at her. Tanjiro let out a gasp of shock, not knowing this information. “Why are you traveling with demons despite being a demon slayer, Tanjiro Kamado? You can take your time, just answer the question.” Shinobu had asked in a confused tone, waiting for the boy to answer.
Tanjiro started to answer the question, only to realize he couldn’t due to the pain from his throat. Shinobu kneeled down in front of him a gourd of water, holding it out to him. “It looks like you need some water.” Tanjiro looked at it before grabbing it with his teeth and drinking it. “It seems you have injured your jaw so please be careful! I added an anesthetic to help with the pain.” Shinobu stated as he gulped down the water. Tanjiro finished the water in a few seconds, feeling some relief. Shinbou spoke up again, “Are you ready to tell us your story now?”
Y/N’s POV — Location: In The Box
As I woke up, I could hear some lady shouting at the person carrying the box Nezuko and I were in.
“Please Master Shinazugawa! I must ask you to put down that box!”
So his name is Shinazugawa?.. Pretty name.. I wonder where Tanjiro is..
I glanced at my younger sister, who was still asleep.
Nezuko.. You’re okay.. You had me worried when we were fighting that Lower Moon.. He was such a poor soul.. I hope he was able to meet his family in the afterlife.
I started to zone out, thinking back to the fight that occurred a while ago. I guess I got too distracted by my thoughts because the next thing I knew, I felt a sharp pain through my shoulder. I couldn’t help but let out a large muffled yelp from the sudden pain.
Glancing down, I noticed a green and black colored sword going through Nezuko’s and I’s shoulder. I looked at her with a worried expression basically asking, “are you alright?” She nodded a little bit, still wincing from the pain.
“Anyone who harms my siblings answers to me! I don’t give a fuck if you’re a hashira or not!”
Oh there you are Tanjiro.. I’m so glad you’re okay.
“Oh how very nice for you!” A deep voice says with a chuckle. The sword was then ripped out of the box completely. I let out a gasp as blood started to drip down my arm and chest, slowly regenerating.
“Cease this! The master will be arriving shortly!” Another voice shouted.
There was a loud sound before I could feel the box hitting the floor, accidentally hitting my head on the side of the box. I could hear a commotion from outside the box, consisting of multiple gasps and sweet sound of a giggle followed by a “pardon me.”
“If you can’t tell the difference between good demons and bad ones, then you shouldn’t be a hashira!” I heard Tanjiro yell from the box.
Tanjiro… I let out a smile. You’re still protecting us no matter what… You’re the best younger brother anyone could have.
“You little..I’ll destroy you!” The same deep voice that was holding the box earlier was heard. Before anything else could happen, a unfamiliar feminine voice spoke up, “The master of the mansion has returned.”
Master of the mansion? Where are we right now?..
A gentle, warming voice then spoke, “My beloved children, I thank you for coming here this day.” I could hear different pairs of feet walking, then the same voice spoke again, “Good morning to you all, the weather is strikingly nice today. Perhaps with a blue sky?”
His voice puts me at ease.. It’s so gentle and comforting.. I wonder who that is
“Finding ourselves here at the semiannual gathering with all the same faces, It brings me joy.” He spoke before the box was hit again. I then heard Shinazugawa speak up, “I’m pleased as well to see you in good health as well, master.”
I’m so sleepy.. Why am I so tired? It shouldn’t hurt to take a small nap… My thoughts faded as I started to doze off, falling into a dream.
Y/N’s POV — Location: In the Dream
I opened my eyes and looked around, noticing it was nothing but a black void. A voice spoke up behind me, “Y/N dear..”
I turned around to see a lady. A lady with black hair and purple eyes. My mother.
“Mother…” I let out in a soft tone. She smiled at me, holding her arms open. I knew what this meant. I would always give her hugs.
I then walked right into her arms, starting to tear up. Why wasn’t i the one who died?.. why couldn’t you be the one who lived?… She wrapped her arms around me, feeling the same as it used to. Warm. Comforting.
“My son, I am so proud of you. You protected your siblings.” She stated as she started to run her fingers through my (h/c) hair. “Please keep making me proud and continue to protect them..” I let of a nod against her shoulder.
“I promise I will.”
Y/N’S POV — Location: In the Box
I woke up from my dream immediately from the scent of blood.
Was someone hurt?
I open my eyes to see crimson blood dripping into the cracks of the box. I look over at Nezuko to see her starting to drool through her muzzle.
“Nezuko.. calm down.” I let out in soft whisper, hoping to calm her hunger.
“Hey demons! It’s time for your dinner!” I heard Shinazugawa shout from outside the box. Nezuko started to claw at the box and let out growls of hunger. “Don’t hold back. Show us your true colors.” Shinazugawa spoke again.
Another voice spoke up, this one unfamiliar. “It’s the daytime, no good doing this now. It will only show up in the shadows.”
I don’t like where this is going..
“Master, Please forgive me for the discourtesy I’m about to commit.” Shinazugawa spoke from the same spot. I could feel the box get lifted and slammed onto the ground once again. The same sword from earlier stabbed into the box again, going through the shoulder of Nezuko then out again.
I’m starting to get irritated.. He keeps injuring her… I look at Nezuko worried.
“Stop it!” I heard Tanjiro yell.
Suddenly, the door of the box was opened from the outside. Nezuko started to stand up, growing to her full size.
This is such a pain..
I look up from the box at who I assumed was Shinazugawa. White Hair. Violet Eyes. Scars Everywhere. I took in his appearance, not affected by his blood in the slightest.
I don’t have the desire to drink blood..but Nezuko can’t help it.. You got this, honey.
I heard Tanjiro yell out our younger sisters name. I look at Nezuko to see her stop struggling but had a lost look on her face. She stood there for a few seconds before turning away with a look of digust.
The comforting voice from earlier spoke up again, “Tell me what happened.” The unfamiliar feminine voice then explained.
“There it is, undeniable proof Nezuko won��t attack a human.” The soft voice explained to the other voices I heard prior to falling asleep I assume.
Nezuko looked down at me and I just let out a closed eyed smile at her. Then Shinazugawa spoke up, “What about you?! Huh?! You know you want it!” I look up at him to see him glaring down at me.
I guess it’s my turn.. I stood up, growing to my full size.
3rd Person POV
The other Hashiras shifted their focus to the other demon that started to come out of the box, taking in its appearance in shock. It was a male with (h/l) (h/c) hair tied up, (e/c) with slitted pupils, and he was dressed up in a black kimono. He was the definition of pretty. They noticed something different though, there was a gentle look in his eyes.
The (h/c) male looked at Shinazugawa, before reaching for his bamboo muzzle. The other hashiras reached for their swords just in case. They watched as the demon took the muzzle out of his mouth, letting it rest around his neck.
“Are you alright?.. You’re bleeding.” The males voice came out soft. Shinazugawa stared at the male in confusion and shock at the question. He then let out a growl of anger, “Why are you asking me that?! Why aren’t you affected by my blood?!” Y/N just simply smiled at him slightly before reaching into his kimono, pulling out a roll of gauze. “You shouldn’t injure yourself.” Y/N stated as he gently took the white haired males arm, starting to wrap the gauze around the open wound. Shinazugawa was too shocked to speak or move away from the male.
Y/N finished wrapping the olders arm, then he turned towards the others. The first thing he noticed was a man dressed in striped clothing was pinning down his younger brother to the floor with his elbow.
“Excuse me, the man with the snake.. Would you mind letting my brother go please? Neither Nezuko or I are not going to attack any of you.” Y/N asked in a soft tone to the other male.
Obanai scoffed and replied in a harsh tone, “No way, I’m not taking orders from a de-” He was interrupted by the tall male inside the house, known as Kagaya Ubuyashiki. “Obanai.. Please release the boy.” Obanai stared, wide eyed at his master but followed the orders given.
Y/N looked at the Master, noticing the sickness that was on his face. No matter, he still thought the male in front of him was gorgeous.
“Do tell me what happened with the other demon..” Kagaya spoke curiously. One of his daughters spoke up from next to her father, “The male demon smiled at Shinazugawa before wrapping his wounds for him, the blood seemingly not affecting him at all.”
“Well my children.. That proves that Y/N nor Nezuko will not harm humans.” Kagaya let out a soft smile towards his Hashiras. “I hope this will be accepted by all that these two demons will stay and work for the Demon Slayer corps. Tanjiro go out and defeat a Twelve Kizuki, do that and you’ll be accepted by all.”
Tanjiro sat up, looking at the master. “Alright! Me and my siblings will defeat Muzan Kibutsuji!” Y/N covered his face in embarrassment at his younger brothers bold claim, knowing well that they barely survived their last fight. “Let’s start with defeating a twelve kizuki first.” Kagaya said towards the boy with a slight chuckle.
The other hashiras let out some giggles as Tanjiro bows his head in embarrassment. “We have concluded our business with you, Tanjiro.” Kagaya stated. Shinobu then requested that the three siblings would stay at her estate, Kagaya agreeing.
Y/N walked over to the shared box, shrinking to fit in with his sister. Climbing in the box, Y/N shut the door behind him. The kakushi lifted the box, carrying it away towards The Butterfly Mansion, not before apologizing to the master for the intrusion.
Y/N held his sister close as he fell asleep with one thought in his mind.
“Everything will be okay, your big brother is here.”
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the-gnomish-bastard · 9 months
Cool titles to give your big ass monsters in DnD
Serpent of the Fell Flame
The Blazing Sky
Thunder Scourge
Eternal Blizzard
Blizzard Lizard
The Swamp’s Vengeance
The Winged Shadow
Dragon’s Bane
The Cloud King
The Storm’s Wrath
Frostborn Titan
The Lumbering Glutton
The Infernal Colossus
Crater Maker
The Mountain’s Child
Krakens or other sea creatures:
Devourer in the Deep
The Hungering Maw
The Depth’s Fear
Ship Taker
Lord of the Waves
Wrath of the Sea
Aberrations and other cosmic horrors:
Secret Stealer
Star Devourer
The Forgotten Terror
The Dreaming Nightmare
Mind Feaster
The Endless
The Inevitable
Wrath of the Stars
Bane of Creation
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whencyclopedia · 2 months
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Xiuhtecuhtli or 'Turquoise Lord' was the Aztec god of fire and also closely associated with young warriors and rulers. To the Maya he was known as Chac Xiutei. Xiuhtecuhtli was the patron of the day Atl (water) and the trecena period 1 Coatl (Snake). He was the 1st Aztec Lord of the Night and 1st of the Lords of the Day. His nagual or animal spirit was Xiuhcóatl or the Fire Serpent and his special number was three because in traditional Mesoamerican homes there were three hearths. In Mesoamerican mythology the fundamental element of fire was thought to run through the entire universe and wherever there was fire, so too was Xiuhtecuhtli.
The name of the god derives from the Nahuatl word for turquoise xihuitl, which also means 'year' suggesting the god also represented time. Xiuhtecuhtli was often identified or equated with the older god of fire Huehueteotl (usually portrayed in stark contrast to the youthful Xiuhtecuhtli as a wrinkled old man with no teeth) who was himself a possible reincarnation of the still older Olmec God I. The equivalent fire deity for the Otomί was Otontecuhtli.
One of Xiuhtecuhtli's most important roles was as overseer of the Toxiuhmolpilia festival or New Fire Ceremony (also called Binding of the Years). Held once every 52 years on the completion of one full cycle of the Aztec calendar (xiuhmolpilli), the primary function of the festival was to ensure the successful renewal (or re-occurrence) of the sun.
During the festival all fires, from temples to household hearths, were symbolically extinguished and idols were cleansed with water, streets swept and old cooking implements and hearth stones thrown away. Then, atop Mt. Uixachtecatl (or Citlaltepec), near the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlán, priests gathered at midnight and awaited a precise alignment of the stars. Only when the Tianquiztli (Pleiades) reached the zenith and the Yohualtecuhtli star shone brightly in the very centre of the sky was a sacrifice made to Xiuhtecuhtli by cutting out the heart of a sacrificial victim. Fire was then kindled inside the open chest cavity and if the fire lit successfully then all was well and the fire was taken to re-light all of the city's fires. If the flame had not lit successfully then it was believed to signal the coming of terrible monsters, the Tzitzimime, who would roam the darkness eating all mankind.
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elaofarc · 3 months
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highschoolbf!satoru cannot help but have the biggest crush on you. he knows that it's wrong, well, maybe it's wrong—but he's past beyond that point. whenever a joke is made, his gaze finds you to see if you're laughing. whenever he cannot see you in your usual spot in the garden with your friends, he's just taking a stroll around, definitely not to find you.
and you let him get close, always.
never pushing him away, letting him drag you into the stupidest shit you've ever encountered and handling it like a champ and saving his ass every time.
the weight of his feelings hit satoru during a camp-trip before your graduation. the midsummer night's breeze caresses your skin, your hair, taking and carrying your dizzying sweet scent to satoru, and it fills his lungs fully—he's all too occupied with you to the point where he's closed to anything else. it's sweet, it's addicting, these little moments that feel real, as if this is not a high school adventure but something that has the potential to be real.
yet, given satoru's annoyingly teasing attitude, you've never once suspected that he might have feelings for you—you always think of him as a really close friend who loves to tease you. this shared moment evokes no different ideas even though that whipped gaze of his enticing blue eyes fall heavily on you, capturing you in a sweetly suffocating embrace. you want to ask him what's going on, but you're sure that he'll find a way out of it and just tease you to get on your nerves. he adores that pretty expressions decorating your face.
this is a rare occasion, really, satoru never stays quiet when he has the chance to annoy the shit out of you. unless it's like this, you don't know what it is, but times like this satoru seems... different, almost distracted, unwillingly.
you take a deep, exaggerated breath through your nostrils with that sweet smile plastered all over your pretty face. your features appear to be enhanced by the roaring fire right in the middle of the circle of students, even though shadows of the long, long trees fall on your face, your eyes are able to compete with a clear night sky; adorned with millions of stars, shining brightly in those eyes. "what a rare occasion for me to have the chance to pick on you!" you whisper, wanting to keep the conversation to yourselves. "cat got your tongue, ’toru?"
the way you call his name ignites a flame in the depths of his stomach, making his heart beat a little faster. he always loved the way you said his name, and hearing you speak in that gentle whisper makes his head spin.
the flame from the roaring fire in the center of the group licks at his face and body like a serpent, its light casting a hazy red tint over everything in its path. the warmth it brings is comforting, but the way it dances on your face makes him feel dizzy.
"sorry to disappoint, miss," he murmurs softly. "but nothing's got my tongue."
to hear Satoru calling you miss makes you laugh, a little bit louder than you'd like to let out, one of your hands immediately flying up to cover your mouth. a few heads from the circle turn around to see what you and satoru are up to, but you two have always been like this—lost in a bubble you share with each other, always making time and space for each other even in a crowded setting. to a third eye, it's all easy to read; you two have soft spots for one another, it's just you and satoru who stay blind to this fact.
"aww," you snort. "bummer. i thought i could have some fun," your voice is back to being a whisper, not wanting to draw any attention to the conversation you and satoru are having.
it's always fun and it always feels like a routine whenever you and satoru snicker and have those silly little banters.
the crowd, the laughs and the atmosphere is genuine, but it tires you out pretty easily; you're not the most social one, after all—that's satoru, the social butterfly of your invincible duo. with needy eyes you give a quick call to satoru, and it's easy to read what those pretty eyes of yours say: save me! You clear your throat, clearly wanting to go back to the tent you're forced to share with satoru since he forgot to bring his own. the sudden, gentle tug on his sleeve is enough to get his attention, and as he turns back around to face you, satoru is quickly reminded of why he loves your eyes so much.
he's also glad for the escape opportunity you're offering him, since if he didn't leave the group, he's not sure what the hell he'd even say to you. you're so damn close to him, like you always are, that if he so much as twitched the wrong way, he'd be touching you, really touching you. "don't look at me like that, shithead," you whisper without moving your lips at all, this always makes you look funny, but it's a skill that comes handy during times like these; SOS situations, where satoru has to get you out of overwhelming and overstimulating social interactions, and you saving his ass from whatever the hell he gets himself into.
it's a known fact that you easily find yourself suffocated in large social settings, it leads to a breakdown if anyone pressures you into communicating with them and this, right now, is no different. "get me out of here," you whisper, and the desperation in those eyes almost drips all over to your pretty face. still, your body seems relaxed with satoru being so, so close to you.
"don't call me a shithead," satoru playfully complains, the words slipping effortlessly past his lips. "i'll look at you however i damn well please. you're the one who called me over."
despite his teasing, satoru can see that your behavior isn't just normal shyness. from the way you're speaking without even moving your lips and the tension evident in your muscles, he knows that for some reason, you've reached your limit.
thankfully, he's gotten good at reading your body language.
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madmonksandmaenads · 1 year
What would be an appropriate tribute to curry favor with the weed dragon?
Formula of Offering to Draconis Cannabis
Prepare, liquid infused with cannabis(oil or drink) or a baja blast, food infused with cannabis or a spicy flavor of dorito, and a bud of the plant intact. Draw upon a piece of paper in green ink a symbol of Cannabis encircled by a serpent, and the number 420. Beneath open sky or the image of it make a fire. Prepare yourself as you see fit. Then look into the flames and begin:
"Oh great Laughing Serpent, muse of fools and sages, I give you this fire as tongue. So that you may sup upon the world and belch forth hazy clouds to amuse." "I offer you drink, for you thirst from travel through all psyche." (pour some of the liquid into the fire) "I offer you food, for you hunger with primordial appetite for all the flavors of the cosmos." (toss the food into the fire) "I offer you the egg of your own birth, for you to hatch once more into aetherial splendor." (hold up the bud to the fire and then place it in a grinder or pestel) "Aid me Dawn Dragon, who is lonely companion of the sleepless and the restless!" (Grind the bud for one rotation Widdershins) "Aid me Day Cloud, who soothes mind and magnifies nature!" (Grind the bud for one rotation Widdershins) "Aid me Night Dancer, who leads the nocturnal revel!"
(Grind the bud for one rotation Widdershins and then pack your bowl with it) "Guide me Draconis Cannabis, as you have guided Kapnobatai and Massagetan before me. Let me find friends and wisdom within your cloudy wings that stretch to embrace the whole world."
(Light the paper from the fire and use it to light the bowl, then send four small puffs of smoke in the cardinal directions.)
"From sensation and smoke, star dust." (blow a cloud towards the heavens)
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neonlight2 · 3 months
Came back a king… and queen
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She could taste the water, sweet on her teeth as it slid down her body, washing away the red that had stained her bronze skin. Her arms ache with fatigue, seemingly resting against the surface of the water. Every so often she’d let her fingers break the tension, dipping into the cool blanket of relief. Swirling behind, black as ink, her hair clings to the water alongside the body keeping her back warm. The same warmth that made her legs twitch and ache all the same, yet not from numbness.
She could feel him. The pure opposite of everything surrounding them. Hot to the touch, unlike the water which was so blissfully chilled. Rough and scratched, his fingers made her shiver as he caressed her, mercilessly breaking the smoothness of the water surrounding her skin.
Relentless, he touched her furiously as if to trap her there forever, to make her forget anything beyond the cave which they sought harbor in. Arms wrapped around her so tightly, if it weren’t for his heat and restless habit of roguishness, she would call him a snake. A serpent meant to pull her to the depths. Yet, she knew his nature was truly to hoarder her away like treasure, in a cave where this was all they would do. Where he would bathe her in pleasure.
He’d call her a nymph. Seducing him with every move, every look she graced him with, every single breathe she took in his presence. God he’d worship her like this every day if only she’d let him. He’d have her relaxing against him, beneath him, curling into him as she was now with his hands between her thighs. This was his reward, a space in the heaven within her.
Daemon knew just by the furrow of her brown, the tremor of her lip, and the way she gripped his hair from behind her— she was seconds from letting go.
“Won’t you let me indulge you forever Issa jaesa?”
“We can’t be late Dae.” She practically sung, spinning around as they dashed through the halls by themselves.
Glancing all around them, they could see the castle had grown dull without either of them. Candles half dead with wax drowning the flames. The servants had been all about no doubt. From what Rhaenyra had told them, as well as the letters sent by Edeline, the kingdom was in absolute shambles. Mimicking the worry of Viserys, a king facing war and a father without his daughter.
“They don’t even know we’re here Jaehaera,” he answered with a slight grumpy look on his face. His eyes trained on the pearls dripping off her body.
The people of the islands had crowned them both, but to Daemon’s delight, they took his calling her a goddess to heart.
They believed her a deity. A god sent from the highest sky into the depths of the sea, rising to war and ensuring peace for those that follow her.
So they dressed her in silks white as the sand and pearls that shared a likeness to raindrops in certain light. Falling across her face, waist, and breast. Daemon couldn’t decide who’d be least pleased by her attire, his brother or the green cunt who stood beside him.
Jaehaera tutted at him, a grin taking over her face— teeth sharp and white. “Don’t pout at me, my Prince. I rewarded you, don’t be greedy.”
If it weren’t for her excitement, Daemon knew his will would not be strong enough to withstand the urge to capture and devour her in the corner of this very hall. “It’s my nature. I’d wish you’d except yours.”
Scrunching her nose at him, she turned around and ceased her dancing. Now walking like a soldier, sword resting loosely on her bare hip. “Just behave would you? Let him at least see me safe before you make any outlandish remarks.”
Speeding his stride to catch up to hers, Daemon slipped his hands to her hip, stopping her before the door, where soldiers gawked in awe at the two. Helping her fasten the blade to her side, he let his eyes wander before smiling widely. Pride swelled in his chest upon seeing the mark resting between her breasts. She’d let him place it there. And he wished the world to see it.
“I’ll do anything you ask of me.”
“That’s a dangerous promise—,”
“What?” She scoffed, staring at his in disbelief.
“It’s a vow. If I break it, you must kill me.”
“You may, if you wish.”
Staring at him, her eyes boiling with intrigue, she ordered, “Announce us would you, Daniel?”
Daemon could hear the guard scrambling to do his job, probably in shock by the sudden order, or more likely in a craze that the princess knew his name. What he didn’t know was that she knew all of their names. It’s something that still drove Daemon mad.
Which is why he vowed to himself to always surprise her. He wanted her to know him, but he needed her to never tire of him.
Thus the nature of their relationship.
“Prince Daemon and Princess Jaehaera have returned!”
The hall, once bustling with lords and advisors, went quiet at the declaration. They all scattered as the grand doors opened, revealing the two most restless dragons the kingdom had ever beheld.
Both approached the king in their own way. Daemon in his usual swagger, leaning back on his heels as he grew closer to his brother. While Jaehaera all but ran to her father, quickly dropping to her knees before him despite his numerous attempts to stop her. She dipped her body to the floor, then offered her sword as if it were her heart.
“Would you put it with your others, my king?”
The spectacle was dawning on all those that watched. Those who knew little but the rumors of the princess were taken aback by her display. Other, however, knew better.
The guards in which she trains with, sir Harwin and Cole, especially found this to be amusing. Knowing she harbored a flare for dramatic expression.
Otto thought it ridiculous. The sight of a princess, baring her sword to the king, having gone to war, and now returning with next to nothing on. It was a scandal. Don’t get him started on the crowns both royals wore.
His daughter, not far from his side, watched Jaehaera with big eyes. She had been amazed with the girl the second she’d met her, but there seemed to be nothing the princess couldn’t do. Her heart yearned to envy, but she could only find herself able to fawn. Over her accomplishments, her strength, her freedom, and how ethereal Jaehaera looked.
She watched with eagerness, waiting for the kings to embrace her, so Alicent may have a moment of her time—
“Get up and embrace your worried father,” Viserys said in a pleading tone, already standing as if he would pull her from the ground himself.
Jaehaera’s head lifted, baring her smile again to the world before hugging her father.
“I will not take your sword,” he stated, making Jaehaera’s heart sink, “you have far more things to do with it.”
“Then take mine,” Daemon threw his on the floor carelessly by their feet, peering at the crowd with a predatory gaze.
Coming back to his senses, Viserys waved his hand, silently ordering sir harwin to place the sword among the many others of his throne. Daemon didn’t miss the teasing glances between the knight and princess.
“You wear a crown in my presence?” His tone was warning, but held no real malice.
“We both do father,” Jaehaera answered, leaving his side briefly to take the Pearl encrusted headdress off. “But only to gift them to you.”
A small smile quirked onto Viserys face, lovingly gazing from his daughter to his brother. “Is this true?”
Nodding, Daemon stepped closer to the pair, a grin of his own growing. “We know there is only one true king of the realm.”
Rhaenyra saw her family whole, totally for once. Her father hugging her brother like children again. And Jaehaera gleefully looking around for her. When their eyes met, Rhaenyra swore her heart fluttered quick enough to make her believe it had stopped.
She had gotten taller. How it’s possible she didn’t know. Before she had left, Jaehaera was only a few inches taller than her, now she could be all but a foot. She had seen her mere weeks ago, yet she had changed so much. Jaehaera always seemed to change every time she left.
Her hair was near her knees and Daemons had been cut. Rhaenyra would hear all about it later.
Running to her with purpose, Jaehaera hoisted Rhaenyra into the air. Clinging to her like a child, the two girls marveled at the other.
Barely letting her go, Jaehaera offered the Pearl crown to her, a grin of determination set firmly. “I want you to have it Nyra.”
And before she could argue, Jaehaera pulled her by the waist as she placed it on her head. “Wear it for me please?”
She knew she would not deny her. They never do.
Alicent watched as her two friends hugged each other, happy and longing at the sight. She knew it would be her turn soon enough, that she mustn’t be impatient, Jaehaera would never forget her. She’d just admire for now, watch as Rhaenyra dawned Jaehaera’s crown, looking somewhat comical yet beautiful all the same. She watched as the raven haired girl towered over the other princess, occasionally caressing her as they gazed at one another.
Alicent would be a fool not to notice the way they looked at each other. With love, pure she still thought, but more all the same. It just wasn’t as blaring as Jaehaera and Daemon’s affections. Only those who truly knew the princesses would know. And she did.
She knew. But she cared little because she was part of that love, or at least that’s what she hoped. That all the time, shared glances and deep conversation, meant something more. Maybe she meant something more?
Her heart leaped when Jaehaera’s eyes flitted her way. The princess smile remained wide, but her eyes sparkled with something new— making a swarm of butterflies erupt from Alicent’s stomach, flying to her mouth. She wanted to scream hello, perhaps giggle like a smitten girl, but she couldn’t. Keeping her mouth closed, she glanced quickly at her father before waving at Jaehaera.
Jaehaera sent a wink in her direction, something not uncommon, she was a flirt and playful at heart, but something didn’t feel right.
It wasn’t until the princess’s brow lifted with a familiar fondness, only to dart away and finally wave at Alicent with a new smile, that she understood. Turning her head to look behind her, Alicent saw her.
Jaehaera’s favorite maid, Edeline— whom her father called a ‘pet’— stood in the shadows, leaning against a pillar with love stricken eyes.
There was the envy, and it was growing, green like an illness. It made Alicent feel sick—
“Have you missed me desperately Ally?”
Alicent jolted at the girl’s quick and overcoming presence. Willing herself to gasp out a ‘yes’.
Tilting her head, Jaehaera observed her friend closely, bringing her thumb to smooth the lines denting her forehead. “I didn’t worry you too much did I?”
Gulping Alicent shook her head, “I’ll always worry, but I trust you to know what you’re doing.”
Smiling gently, Jaehaera ran her hands down Alicent’s, finding her hands to kiss the scars she knew would reappear in her absence. “I’m so proud of you Ally.”
Jaehaera didn’t need to say anything further for Alicent to understand. She’d scolded herself numerous of times for biting and scratching at her finger, knowing Jaehaera would return and be saddened by the image. There were far less than in the past.
Leaning closer to her, Jaehaera whispered in Alicent’s ear, so low that she almost didn’t hear her.
“Go to sleep early, I’ll come see you later tonight. We have much to discuss.”
Then she was gone.
Moving from Alicent’s side, Jaehaera was like a phantom, guiding her young maid to the shadows to disappear with her.
And while she was already willing her eyelids to grow heavy, Alicent couldn’t help but wish for girl to trip and fall from the stair which lead to Jaehaera’s chambers. For she would be in her arms all evening, in the way she wanted to be tonight.
She couldn’t understand how Daemon and Rhaenyra would allow such a thing—
Until she saw their dark eyes following where hers had been.
She realized, they could do nothing but watch.
But she could.
Or rather, she knew someone that could.
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"I told you to back off," the antagonist said. "You should have listened."
"You killed them."
"You thought I was screwing around just because I asked nicely?"
The protagonist looked up at them; a fragile thing on their knees, a shattered dream. Because, well, yes. Or, at least, they'd thought themselves an exception. Something that mattered. They looked back down at the blood staining sticky and wet on their hands. The smoke of the city on fire stung their eyes.
"You flirted with me," the protagonist said. Even to their own ears, their voice was small. Pathetic. No grand and unbreaking shield.
"And you made assumptions, darling."
They had, it was true, but...the protagonist swallowed hard. They'd assumed that the antagonist wasn't actually all that bad, that they were misunderstood, that they would be kind if given a chance. Of course they'd heard the stories, the tales that labelled the antagonist as a monster, but they'd thought them just that. Tall tales for something different. Myths for something that they knew better.
They were wrong.
God, they'd been so wrong.
The antagonist shoved their hands in their pockets, turning away, focused on their personal carnage. "You made assumptions," they said again, softer. "Tell me you won't make those again."
"You really are a monster."
"Is the serpent a monster for its venom, when it gives you all the warnings before it strikes?"
"Historically," the protagonist snapped, "yes."
"Then what are you, for poking the serpent with a stick?"
"I had to stop you!"
"And you thought I'd let you? You thought I was - what - making a cry for help?"
The protagonist didn't know anymore. They'd known the danger once, and then the danger had felt more like a game. The thrill of dancing close to the flames, never burnt.
The smoke around them felt choking, or maybe that was the grief.
"You're a monster," the protagonist said again. "I loved you."
"No," the antagonist said. "You loved the thought of a wild thing tamed." They summoned up their magic again, shimmering dark and tainted gorgeous against the night sky. "Now watch me bite."
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talonabraxas · 3 months
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Medusa by: Clark Ashton Smith (1893-1961)
As drear and barren as the glooms of Death, It lies, a windless land of livid dawns, Nude to a desolate firmament, with hills That seem the gibbous bones of the mummied Earth, And plains whose hollow Face is rivelled deep With gullies twisting like a serpent's track. The leprous touch of Death is on its stones, Where, for his token visible, the Head Is throned upon a heap of monstrous rocks Rough-mounded like some shattered pyramid In a thwartly cloven hill-ravine, that seems The unhealing scar of huge Tellurian wars. Her lethal beauty crowned with twining snakes That mingle with her hair, the Gorgon reigns. Her eyes are clouds wherein black lightnings lurk, Yet, even as men that seek the glance of Life, The gazers come, where, coiled and serpent-swift, Those levins wait. As round an altar-base Her victims lie, distorted, blackened forms Of postured horror smitten into stone— Time caught in meshes of Eternity— Drawn back from dust and ruin of the years, And given to all the future of the world. The land is claimed of Death: the daylight comes Half-strangled in the changing webs of cloud That unseen spiders of bewildered winds Weave and unweave across the lurid sun In upper air. Below, no zephyr comes To break with life the circling spell of doom. Long vapor-serpents twist about the moon, And in the windy murkness of the sky The guttering stars are wild as candle-flames That near the socket. Thus the land shall be, And Death shall wait, throned in Medusa's eyes, Till in the irremeable webs of night The sun is snared, and the corroded moon A dust upon the gulfs, and all the stars Rotted and fallen like rivets from the sky, Letting the darkness down upon all things. Those levins wait. As round an altar-base Her victims lie, distorted, blackened forms Of postured horror smitten into stone— Time caught in meshes of Eternity— Drawn back from dust and ruin of the years, And given to all the future of the world. The land is claimed of Death: the daylight comes Half-strangled in the changing webs of cloud That unseen spiders of bewildered winds Weave and unweave across the lurid sun In upper air. Below, no zephyr comes To break with life the circling spell of doom. Long vapor-serpents twist about the moon, And in the windy murkness of the sky The guttering stars are wild as candle-flames That near the socket. Thus the land shall be, And Death shall wait, throned in Medusa's eyes, Till in the irremeable webs of night The sun is snared, and the corroded moon A dust upon the gulfs, and all the stars Rotted and fallen like rivets from the sky, Letting the darkness down upon all things.
Medusa 'Agol' Talon Abraxas
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meeghanreads · 5 months
WWW Wednesday — 8 May 2024
Hello friends!! Welcome to this week’s WWW Wednesday — 8 May 2024!! WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Sam @ Taking on a World of Words, where you answer the three following questions: What did you recently finish? What are you currently reading? And, what do you think you’ll read next? Let’s see what I have been reading… (All images will link to Goodreads if you click on them.…
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trickstarbrave · 10 months
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i was rereading the book of the law to make comparisons to the 36 sermons of vivec and came across this one passage where i was like "omg. this is so azura" and i immediately pictured this in my head and had to run to recreate it
"But to love me is better than all things: if under the night stars in the desert thou presently burnest mine incense before me, invoking me with a pure heart, and the Serpent flame therein, thou shalt come a little to lie in my bosom. For one kiss wilt thou then be willing to give all; but whoso gives one particle of dust shall lose all in that hour. Ye shall gather goods and store of women and spices; ye shall wear rich jewels; ye shall exceed the nations of the earth in spendour & pride; but always in the love of me, and so shall ye come to my joy. I charge you earnestly to come before me in a single robe, and covered with a rich headdress. I love you! I yearn to you! Pale or purple, veiled or voluptuous, I who am all pleasure and purple, and drunkenness of the innermost sense, desire you. Put on the wings, and arouse the coiled splendour within you: come unto me!"
also other ppl were posting their azura designs. here is. smth of mine. i dont think she has a set look if im being honest but i think pink and purple are pretty as is her whole queen of the night sky and lady of twilight deal
i still need to figure out what exactly im doin with her in my long morrowind fic but. i guess i'll figure it out
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trappolia · 18 days
HOUSE OF ERIDIA ── touchstarved x reader, high fantasy au
“Among the monarch's most intimate inner circle was their Master of Whispers (...) sharp and cunning, the mastermind of an intricate network of spies and informants that ran through the high aristocracy within the walls of the palace, down to the most slimy backwaters of the kingdom's outskirts. The truth of LEANDER’s threat, however, laid within his charm (...) it is said that not even his most beloved Eminence trusted him.”
Leander was devoted— as devoted as a man of such skill in less than legal information brokering could be, at least. Often times you wondered whether he was worth trusting; so much information he laid out at your feet like a suitor would bestow upon you with golds and jewels and fine silks, and just as much he kept away from you. Perhaps it was unwise to bestow upon the fickle position of Master of Whispers to a man who shared your bed, but never his own secrets-- or perhaps you thought too much of him. You did, after all, cradle your own secrets to your chest.
“To one such as the monarch, who clung onto their religion as if it were drywood amidst the furious seas, KURAS was a strange sort of salvation in himself (...) rumoured to be otherworldly, golden-eyed and infinitely wise not only in his knowledge of forgotten, they claimed him a lost eldritch being, shunned by the highest deities of the sky. Others said that he was a deity himself. But what deity hid in the shadows of the throne and kissed the feet of the mortal that sat upon it?”
Amidst the fickle serpents' game of politics and war, there was a superficial solace to be found in the religion you were raised in as a child. From that faith, your devotion extended to a gift from the gods laid at your door, the golden-eyed angel that you were not quite sure existed till they bestowed him to you. Strangely enough, he treated you with the same sort of reverence— as an acolyte might to their own deity. Yours was a strange relationship, a push-and-pull of prayer and religious guilt. Both of you hid your unholiness within a facade of worship and idolatry. You did not know why he has come, but you knew he saw you for what you were and bent the knee anyway. Be not afraid, he said. And so you were not, blindly so.
“The paramour was flame-haired and quick of the tongue, an exotic pet that graced the bed of Their Majesty easily enough once lured with the promise of lavish gifts and security (…) VERE traded his ugly iron shackles for a prettier set of golden chains, but he was not so cunning so as to let himself be lured in by the false promises of what he called “these damned monarchs”.”
It was not an uncommon feat for monarchs to take paramours even after marriage, but if the whore picked from the streets of silk was pretty enough, it could warrant the envious whispers of enraged nobles no matter how high a position one may hold within the royal family. Fortunately, Vere played the game of thrones well, you must admit. Of all the lovers and paramours you've taken over the course of your rule, he is the one you have to worry about defending in court the least… though his knowledge and skill holds up a different problem for you entirely. Perhaps your Small Council does speak some truth when they warn you of the lies he could entrap you in…
”THE STRANGER came like death on a misty night in the dead of winter. Who were they? What reason could they have to lurk around the castle halls, to indulge themselves in the benevolence of the monarch of which they did not worship? What did they seek, and why was Their Majesty so eager to offer their aid?”
A ruler as kind and benevolent as yourself was not so arrogant so as to be oblivious to the suffering of the smallfolk. Many called you naïve, too young to carry the burden of the crown, but you have inherited centuries of peace from your parents, and are intent on continuing such tradition. That is, perhaps, the reason why you welcomed MHIN into your palace that night, turning down your council’s suggestions of torturing them — where they’ve came from, why they’ve come, how a commoner possesses a gift for the magic arts. You offer them bread and wine and a place of rest, speaking nothing of how you’ve noticed their eyes flit about— not warily, but searching. It is naïvety then, in your hopes that MHIN finds what you seek in you, despite your sureness that you will one day stand at opposite ends of a looming war.
“Rare was a monarch who did not indulge in illicit affairs, whether it be a matter of simply flesh or true romance— but what transpired between Their Majesty and the creature of Crimson Grotto was so twisted that their story was told as both urban legend and warning even a millennia afterwards. But in the most desperate of times, even the most noble of the gods’ chosen are capable of such sin.”
AIS was already a figure of urban legend when you came to him him, a sopping wet half-adult playing dress up in an oversized crown and velvet robes weighed down by the grimy water that stained its hem. He never did tell you whether the stories you’d heard were true, only confirmed that yes, he is capable of what you beg him for. He thought of you foolish, to make a deal with an eldritch creature — or, at least, the vessel of one — but he realised too late that he’d gone off the deep end with you when it came to this deal. In the end, there was only his hope that they would not liken you, so good and so bright, to the hopeless thing that is whatever is left of him. Or, perhaps, it will be a last mercy to both of you, to be known in history side-by-side, mentioned alongside the other always— like a single entity.
© trappolia 2024
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beebopboom · 7 months
The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter
Yep! That’s right we are diving back into season 1, specifically with the last true witch, Agnes Nutter
This first part is mainly going to deal with what is in her book and is largely just a reference point. This will cover all the prophecies we know about and the images included in her book that I could find
Further analysis and theories will start in part two
-> which you can click here to read if you’d like
But other than that let’s just dive in
Most of these we know and we see play out but there are a few stragglers- (which I’m not going to go into in this series just for the sole reason my very ill brain cannot handle them right now, maybe in the future)
Prophecy 1111: "An the Great Hound Sharl come and the Two Powers sharl watch in... Goeth where is its Master, Where the... Notte, and he shall name it, True to... and Hell shall flee it."
Prophecy 2214: "In December 1980, an Apple will arise no man can eat. Invest thy money in Master Jobbes's machine, and good fortune will tend thy days."
Prophecy 2213: "I tell ye this, and I charge ye with my wordes. Four shall ride, and three shall ride the sky as two, and one shall ride in flames, and there shall be no stopping them. Not fish, nor rain, neither devil or angel. And ye shall be there also, Anathema."
Prophecy 2315: "Sum say It cometh in London Town, or New Yorke, butte they be Wronge, for the place is Taddes Fild, Stronge inne hys powr, he cometh like a knight innne the fief, he divideth the Worlde into 4 partes, he bringeth the storme.
Prophecy 3001: "Behind the Eagle's Neste, a great Ash hath fallen.
Prophecy 3007: "Prayers and hope ... / Brings forth sorrow and serpents reign / For the devil lucks in plain sight / Under an arc of pale moonlight."
Prophecy 3008: "When that the angel readeth these words of mine, in his shoppe of other menne's books, then the final days are certes upon us. Open thine eyes to understand. Open thine eyes and rede, I do say, foolish principalitee, for thy cocoa doth grow cold."
Prophecy 3009: "Seven who hold the Scepter shall be killed...of them shall become a saint."
Prophecy 3011: "The exer... and churches be laid open to ... oppressed shall prevail, and oppose the cruelty of foreigners. For a Boar of Cornwall shall give his assistance, and trample their necks under his feet."
Prophecy 3012: "A shower of blood shall rain, and a raging famine shall afflict mankind. When these things happen, the Red Dragon shall grieve, but when his fatigue is over he shall recover his strength. Then shall misfortunes hasten upon the White Dragon, and the buildings of his gardens be pulled down."
Prophecy 3017: "I see Four Riding, bringing the Ende and the Angells of Hell ride with them, And three shall Rise. And Four and Four Together be Four and the Dark Angel sharl Own Defeat, Yette the Manne sharl claim his Own."
Prophecy 3477: Lette the wheel of Fate turne, let harts en-join, there are othere fyres than mine; when the wynd blowethe the blos-soms, reach oute one to anothere, for the calm cometh when Redde and Whyte and Blacke and Pale approche to Peas is Our Professioune.
Prophecy 3817: "The Number of the Beast is in the Revelayting of Sainte John, call hym in Taddesfield. And ye will know hym by this sign, that when ye do call hym, the Lesser Beaste will walk upon his hind legs like unto a Dancing Bear."
Prophecy 3819: "When Orient's chariot inverted be, four wheles in the skye, a man with bruises be upon Youre Bedde, aching his hedd for willow fine, a manne who testeth with a pyn yette his hart be.
Prophecy 3988: "Whene menne of crocus come frome the Earth and green manne frome the Sky, yette ken not why, and Pluto's barres quitte the Light-ning castels, and sunken lands riseth, and Levia-than runneth free, and Brazil is vert, then Three cometh together and Four arise, upon iron horses ride; I tell you the ende draweth nigh."
Prophecy 3989: "He is not what he says he is."
Prophecy 4009: "Where the Hogg's back ends the young beast will take the world and Adam's line will end in fire and darkness."
Prophecy 4019: "When Orient's Chariot Inverted be a man with bruises up thy bed, aching his head for willow fine."
Prophecy 4020: "Let the wheel of fate turne, let harts enjoin, there are othere fyres than mine; when the whirl wynd whirls, reach oute one to another."
Prophecy 5001: "When the skies are crimson seen, then ye both must stand between the world of life and the world of war, where the iron bird lands no more."
Prophecy 5004: "When alle is sayed and all is done, ye must choose your faces wisely, for soon enouff, ye will be playing with fyre."
and that’s all of them I believe so let’s hop into the images I could find
Starting out on the very first page we have this
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Now I could not find an exact reference to this (I know starting out strong just stay with me) but between the examples I could find plus the four wings surrounding the head I would say this is depicting a Cherubim
This next one is from the actual book itself,
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This is the piece, Saint John Devouring the Book by Albrecht Dürer (1498) which was published alongside 15 other woodcut illustrations in his book, Apocalypse, all covering events in Revelations
Now we are moving into pieces that we see in the little montage moments so the images are a little less clear
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This piece, Saint Michael Slaying the Dragon, is by Martin Schongauger done sometime between 1480-1490
The next piece was actually a two for one which made my job a little easier and let this post only be one part *curse you image limit*
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Chariot Vision, which is by Matthäus Merian depicting Ezekiel’s vision in Ezekiel 1:5 (I couldn’t find when it was made -and now that I’m really looking at it the wheels are a little different but I’m confident enough to say it’s from the same story so the point will still stands)
and finally we have this one
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With help from @gallup24 and some image manipulation finally found this piece, The Minde bould hare a fixed Eye On Objects, that are plac’d on High.
I believe to be published first along side other emblems by Gabrielis Rollenhagii in 1613 it was reprinted in 1635 with added hymns by George Wither in his emblem book
the hymn reads
A Heart, which bore the figure of an Eye
Wide open to the Sunne; by fome, was us’d,
When in an Emblem, they would fignifie
A Minde, which on Celeftiall Matters mus’d :
Implying, by this fame, that there is nought
Which in this lower Orbe, our Eyes can fee,
So fit an Object for manly thought,
As thofe things, which in Heav’n above us be.
God, gave Mankinde (above all other Creatures)
A lovely Forme, and upward-looking Eye,
(Among the reft of his peculiar Featares)
That he might lift his Countenance on high:
And (having view'd the Beauty, which appeares
Within the outward Sights circumference)
That he might elevate above the Sphares,
The piercing Eye, of his tatelligence,
Then, higher, and fill higher ftrive to raife
His Contemplations Eyes, till they alcend
To gaine a glimple of thofe eternall Rayes,
To which all undepraved Spirits rend.
For, 'tis the proper nature of the Minde
(Till fehly Thoughts corrupt it) to delpile
Thole Lufts whereto the Rody ftands inclin'd ;
And labour alwayes, upmard to arife.
Some, theretore, thought thofe Goblins which appeare
To haunt old Graves and Tombes, are Soules of fuch,
Who to thefe loathfome places doomed were,
Becaule, they doted on the Fleh too much.
But, ture weare, well-minded Men thall god
To live above, when others bide below.
(also if you want a really good breakdown of the publishers of, The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, check out the one @i-only-ever-asked-questions posted one here)
so yeah that’s all I could find and like I said this is mainly just a reference post
and yes I am aware that one very obvious piece is missing that seems to be made just for this book. I ran out of images so i’ll post it in a rb
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aphroditelovesu · 1 year
Pode escrever uma carta de yandere Hermes?Eu adoro sua escrita,é tão boa de ler e maravilhosa. :)
author's note: aaah!! Muito obrigada e é claro que eu escrevo!! ❤️❤️
My precious love,
In the shadows of the night, my eyes never stop watching you, every step, every sigh. My existence revolves around you, my beloved, and I am Hermes, the god who steals hearts but you have stolen mine.
Our meeting in the gardens of Olympus was a gift from the other gods, an instant of eternal grace. Your smile, illuminated like the stars in the sky, warmed my being and made my heart dance to the melody of love.
There's no secret I don't know, no desire I can't satisfy, because all I want is your burning passion aimed at me, only me. Don't you dare think of another, for my jealousy is stronger than ocean storms.
My love for you is like a flame that burns in my chest, a flame that never goes out, even when my smile hides the darkness that hides within me. I am able to cross the realms of the living and the dead to protect you, to ensure that no one else can touch you.
Oh, my sweet love, you would not dare leave me, for my devotion is eternal and my love relentless. You are bound to me forever and ever, like a moth to the flame that consumes it.
My beloved, you are my most precious treasure, and I swear by all the gods of Olympus that my devotion to you is eternal. May our paths be intertwined like the serpent on my caduceus, and may we celebrate the love the gods bestowed upon us.
The god who will never let you go,
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