#Sharp stabbing pain in the last place you'd ever want it
lelalyo · 6 months
Ok but when I was fighting Haarlep, he kept running in circles in Raphael's room and everytime he'd run past Astarion, Astarion would perform an [opportunity attack]. It hit EVERYTIME but not just that, because Haarlep had his back to him, it always looked like Astarion was stabbing Haarlep in the ass which, I headcanon, is how Raphael even knew we were in his house.
Oh and Haarlep charmed Gale which, I gotta be honest, I was disappointed in our resident wizard. All it took was an incubus running around in his underwear to make him changed sides, can't believe it, Gale. After all the magical items I fed him - I thought we were friends, man. We cast a spell together once, GALE. Where's the loyalty? This ain't one off either, first it was the harpies, now Haarlep, where does the betrayal end?
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a-simple-imagine · 4 months
Perfectly Pathetic
synopsis: when you take an interest in the new girl, regina takes an interest in you
pairing: regina george x plastics!fem!reader
words: 4.6k+
A/N - in the nicest of ways, please DO NOT read this if you don't want to read about toxic relationships. you have been warned. I don't want a repeat of last time. also we need more fics where regina is actually mean so
WARNINGS - swearing, alcohol use, general toxicity, toxic relationships and bullying/vague reference to weight
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the clash of plastic trays and idle chatter brought alive the fragile student body of North Shore High School. on the outside this may seem like any other lunch room but inside it was a carefully crafted game of chess. every move was calculated. each person has their place and if you stray too far you're at risk. you're sat next to Gretchen Weiners. known for big hair and keeping secrets, she knows everything about everyone. opposite her is Karen Shetty. she... tries her best and looks adorable doing it. a ray of sunshine if you get to know her. and before you sits the most beautiful woman you have ever had the pleasure of meeting. Regina George. effortlessly perfect but needlessly cruel. she was the most popular person in school and one of your best friends.
perfectly manicured nails stab into the skin of your cheek as your head is yanked in her direction. razor-sharp eyes stare back. "are you even listening?" the answer was no but you didn't want to say that. "what are you staring at?"
a flash of blonde as she looks behind her. you push against her grip to look too. across the room sat Janis 'imi'ike and Damian Hubbard. you hardly ever spoke to them but you were lab partners with Damian. he was funny. today, however, there was a new addition with strawberry blonde hair, a blue checkered shirt and brown pants. you knew everyone at this school to some degree. a curse of popularity. but you had never seen her before. "seems they've got themselves a new friend"
"who cares," her nails dig a little deeper drawing a pained expression as she pulls your head back to face her. She holds your gaze for a moment. a silent challenge. before fingertips glide across your cheek and she goes back to leading the conversation across the table. you pick at the food on the tray with a fork but you can't help but be intrigued. North Shore was boring and predictable. a direct result of being under Regina's control. but this girl was new and you couldn't help but be drawn to that. to the unknown. to the possibility. three pairs of eyes as you push up from the table and march across the room.
"I haven't seen you around here before." was all you could think to say as you approached the end of the table. Janis and Damian share a look before settling on... confusion. You weren't ever particularly mean to others but you were guilty by association. people mess with you. they mess with Regina.
"oh," by the look on her face, she already knew who you were or at the very least your friends. "it's my first day."
"Where did you transfer from?"
"uh... Kenya," she seems unsure. you put it down to nerves.
"you sure about that?" a curious raise of your brow. "'cause you don't sound-"
"we're leaving" stated firmly as three girls breeze past. the blonde leads the way. the other two are just a step behind.
"so what made you move all the way here from Kenya?"
"my mom got a new job."
"couldn't find one-"
the sound of your name echoes through the room bringing the world to a stop. a weird silence settles over the room. "come. now." growled through gritted teeth and paired with snapping fingers. you were being summoned like a naughty dog ignoring their owner. a sigh as all eyes fall to you. waiting to see what you'd do but make no mistake, they already knew the answer.
"I'll see you around." a flash of a smile before you scamper after Regina.
"so your ears do work." is all the girl says as she shoves you through the door. you bite back any comment because that was how this worked. you may be top of the food chain to everyone else but Regina led the pack.
as the final bell for the day rings, you're shoving things in your locker when you spot the new girl. she seems to be struggling to even open it. you watch her for a moment. a smirk settling. this was another chance to talk and this time Regina couldn't demand your presence. "need some help?" it seemed to take her by surprise as a handful of papers drifted to the floor. a small chuckle, you reach down to collect her work and hand it back. "how's your first day going?"
she shrugs, taking the papers. "it's alright."
"anyone giving you any trouble?" you ask, falling to lean against the lockers. people around here were not nice and took every chance to show it. some more than others. She shakes her head. "you sure? if anyone does anything, I can sort them out." you give her a knowing look and she offers a sort of amused smile. "so you do know how to smile, it's cute. are you gonna tell me your name or am I gonna have to guess?"
"it's cady. Cady heron."
"well, cady heron. the trick to these," you tap her locker door with your knuckle. "is to push in and pull up before trying to open it. annoying, I know but they're old." you watch her try again and this time it swings open. "see."
"Thanks." you linger as they shove some of their stuff inside. you notice a few stray stickers on the locker opposite.
"no problem." you push up from the metal. "I can show you all types of tricks to get through this hellscape if you want?" she shuts her locker and you both start walking towards the exit. "number one tip, avoid Regina."
"Isn't she your friend?"
"yeah," you nod. "that's why I said it. She can be... a lot. surely Janis told you that."
Cady looks at you for a long moment. "something like that." you let out a chuckle. Janis probably told her what a massive bitch Regina was. they had a less than favourable history.
"I should go. I'll see you around Cady Heron." as you both go your separate ways, you can't help but glance at her as she walks away.
having a study period just before lunch was both an absolutely ridiculous idea and the best thing to happen to your schedule. it basically guaranteed you didn't do any work whatsoever and felt more like a two-hour lunch period. seems you shared it with the new girl because she was sitting at a table scribbling in a book alongside Janis who was doing her normal embroidery or whatever.
"if it isn't Cady Heron," you comment, taking a seat on the bench. her face brightens at the sight.
"where's the rest of the coven?" Janis asks, not even bothering to look up from her work. "wait- don't tell me, a house fell on them."
"you're so funny Janis," an exaggerated sarcastic laugh.
"I think I can hear children singing... ding... dong the witch-"
"So Cady, how are you enjoying north shore?" you interrupt loudly and the 'song' trails off.
"It's fine."
"you don't talk much huh?"
her mouth opens but falls silent as Gretchen approaches the end of the table. she shoots you a less than favourable look. your brow furrows a little.
"Can I talk to you," pitch a little too high to say no.
"Sure," a shrug. you look at her for a long moment waiting for her to continue.
"in private," Gretchen urges. with a roll of your eyes, you stand up. flashing a smile at Cady, Gretchen grabs your hand and drags you away before you can say anything.
"what are you doing?" whisper yelled at you.
"I was just talking." god this girl was dramatic. you take your usual spot. she sits opposite.
"to the art freaks?"
"dude, it's fine."
"no it's not." she urges quickly, shaking her head "You know how Regina gets."
"Regina isn't here?" and she wouldn't be until lunch. only you and Gretchen share this free period. usually, you spend it listening to her gossip about people. she could not keep a secret to save her life at least not when it came to anyone outside of you and your friends; even then it's dicey. fun for you though.
"All I'm saying is you need to be careful,"
"don't worry. I was only interested in the new girl."
"that's worse," you just roll your eyes. "Regina doesn't like her."
"Regina doesn't even know her," you argue. "none of us do. she's been here like a week."
Gretchen thinks the idea of even wanting to talk to Cady is blasphemy. that it's better to avoid her but you think she's overreacting. Cady hadn't established herself at this school yet. right now she is with Janis but tomorrow who knows? she could be cool. it's a matter of perspective.
a pretty perfect smile does little to distract from playful eyes as you approach her jeep. the blonde is in the driver's seat. one hand rested over the steering wheel. the other typing something on her phone. She had sent a message telling you to hurry up but on arrival, neither Karen nor Gretchen were even here yet. you toss your bag in the back, climbing into your usual spot behind the driver's seat. Karen is usually next to you. "sit in the front, weirdo," she comments. you don't bother with a comeback, just moving to the front passenger seat.
"Where are the others?" you ask, glancing at her. the soft glow of the afternoon sun kissed her skin beautifully. black shades hang on the end of her nose. She really was something to be admired. Regina shrugs and then tosses her phone down. the car roars to life and you're starting down the road before you can think any more about it. it's pretty silent at first. the sound of the radio filling the space. the lack of your two other friends acting as a buffer was sitting weirdly. this wasn't your first time alone with Regina but she's been so grumpy lately. whatever you say feels like an invitation.
"so you like the new girl?" asked casually as she came to an abrupt stop at a red light. you just forward, the seatbelt digging into your neck. it drags up a quick cough but that could also be from surprise. other than that first interaction where she'd summoned you from across the room, you had never spoken to Cady when she was around. Gretchen may be dramatic but she probably wasn't wrong and you really didn't feel like risking it.
"Sorry?" feign confusion was... a choice but it seemed like the better option here.
"you like the new girl," repeated calmly; her eyes drift to you as yours move towards the traffic light. was this the longest red light in history? "right?"
now it's your turn to shrug. you find Cady intriguing but you're not entirely sure if it's interested in the way Regina is implying or just because you were so bored of the every day. "she's cool." a scoff as she pulls away continuing down the road. "you've hardly spoken to her."
"don't need to," Regina didn't miss a beat. Cady definitely didn't fit into what she'd consider cool but then again, neither had you. not entirely anyway and now you're here. you hang out with the most popular people in school. went to the hottest parties. you were currently being driven around by the Regina George. you never understood why or maybe you did and just refused to accept it was that simple. you know what everyone else says. that it's because of the attention you show her. you wouldn't necessarily say they're wrong but everyone gave her attention. She did always say there was something special about you. "I thought you at least had standards."
the rest of the car ride is silent as you think over what she said and Regina keeps to herself. the music is the only thing, keeping you sane until you pull up at the George residence. you always forget just how big her house is until you're there. As you walk inside, her mum appears abruptly startling you a little.
"hey, ms. George."
"hey girls," she singsonged. "how was school?"
"fine," Regina shoots back.
"well if you need anything? a drink? some snacks? advice? I'm here,"
"I'd actually love an iced-"
"we're good," growled as she grabbed your wrist hauling you up the stairs. "don't bother us." a confused look but she didn't let go until you were firmly inside her bedroom. door slammed shut. the blonde tosses her bag down.
"you should really be nicer to your mom, she adores you," you say idly taking a seat on the end of her bed, placing your bag down.
"you should shut up because it's none of your fucking business."
jesus christ. you kinda regret the decision to come over. "I just wanted an iced tea. maybe a little snack."
"god knows you don't need it," Regina comments. wow. okay. she was in a mood.
"what's up with you?"
"I'm fine," she responds. "you're just being so fucking annoying recently."
"I haven't done anything?" you've not been acting any differently so you have no clue what she's talking about.
"just absolutely drooling over the new girl. it's embarrassing." she declares, taking a seat on the bed.
"I..." you stop yourself because you're more confused than anything else. "we've spoken like once."
"liar" she responds. "I know you've been talking all the time," fucking Gretchen. "do you think she's pretty?"
"Cady?" Regina nods. you shrug. "I guess."
"prettier than me?" her head tilts. you can't tell if she was jealous or fishing for compliments; neither was her style. so it was probably a trap.
"no." you wanna say she's being dramatic but that wouldn't end well. She doesn't say anything, hardly even reacts. just cold eyes. Is she expecting you to say more? "of course not." you're waiting for the ball to drop. for her to make a snide comment or something. anything was better than nothing. but it just never comes. she takes out her phone and starts typing. you fall back on her bed, staring up at the ceiling. you both just sit in the quiet. you're worried about saying anything that'll lead to more insults. god knows what she is doing on her phone.
"you're so pathetic." Regina eventually says. you'd take offence if you weren't used to it; basically a term of endearment at this point. you can hear her moving but don't bother looking until she's towering over you. dark eyes and a small smile that would seem genuine coming from anyone else. a hand cups your cheek but no nails follow; it's gentle and slow as she runs her thumb over your skin. what was happening right now? "do you ever think about me?" you blink a few times trying to make sense of everything. why was she being so nice? why was she being so gentle? why did she ask that?
"what do you mean?"
a roll of her pretty eyes. "you know what I mean." you did but surely not.
"I... don't know what to say."
"Because I think about you," your breathing hitches as you sit up. looking at her properly. "those pretty eyes," she moves closer. "these lips," her thumb runs over your bottom lip. you swallow hard. "do you wanna kiss me?" you just stare back. a smirk as she ghosts your lips.
"say you wanna kiss me." this felt cruel. you lean in and she pulls back slightly. a finger pressed against your lips. her expression is colder now. sharp. "say it."
"I... wanna kiss you," you dare and that smirk quickly returns. removing her finger, Regina leans in and connects your lips. it's soft and slow. not at all like you imagined kissing Regina George would feel like... until the girl pushes into you and it's exactly like you imagined. fast. forceful. like she wanted to devour you. A hand pushes you back against her massive bed and she moves to straddle your hips. your heart is beating so loudly you wouldn't be surprised if she could hear it.
"still thinking about the new girl?"
"I never-" You feel her press a little harder against your chest so you change your answer. "no." Regina tosses her hair over one shoulder, and a finger under your chin pushes your head up.
"I don't think you should talk to her anymore," Regina states before leaning down to connect your lips once more. "understood?"
you're too caught up in the moment to really gauge how serious she was being so you nod. "good girl." whispered against your lips.
Regina George had always been a lot. She always demanded attention and you often gave her it. you weren't ashamed of that. She knew you'd do anything for her. As did most of the school.
"Hey," Cady suddenly appears beside you in the hallway. she seems a lot more relaxed around you which was nice to see. however, you have not spoken to them since that weird night with Regina. She wouldn't like it. plus Gretchen would probably snitch on you immediately. "so we should probably figure out a time to work on our project." you've been paired up for an assignment in American literature.
"We can do it today after school if you want?" she nods. "I'll meet you out front."
"hey Cady," Karen slides up beside you on the other side, instantly looping your arms. ever the pleasant company. you wonder if she just wanted to see you or get you away from Cady. probably the former.
"I'll see you later," you say to the new girl before turning to your friend. "what do you want?"
"you're coming to Connor's party Saturday?"
"I have the perfect-"
"no," you respond instantly. you loved Karen. she was genuinely the sweetest person you know. but at every party, she tries to give you a Karen Shetty special aka a makeover. and every single time you have to say no.
"but I have the perfect outfit for you."
"is it actually perfect for me or just slutty."
"Both," Karen states excitedly. "please," pleading eyes as she draws you closer, hugging your arm. "please please please."
a loud groan. "fine."
"Really?" her eyes light up and circulation quickly returns to your arm. you nod at her which leads to excited clapping. maybe it wouldn't be so bad. maybe it was the perfect outfit for you but also sexy enough to satisfy Karen.
"oh here," you reach into your bag and produce a homemade friendship bracelet. you'd been tutoring some younger students for extra credit but sometimes you just hung out with them. "made them with some of the kids so,"
"ah thank you," she takes it eagerly. you had one for Gretchen and Regina too. only one of them would appreciate it though.
"why were you chatting with Cady?" Karen asks, sliding on her bracelet as she takes your arm once more.
"we're doing a project together," you explain. "you were literally just in class with us Karen."
"oh yeah," she smiles brightly. "I'm starving." you chuckle a little and allow her to eagerly pull you towards the dining room.
you're sitting on the grass. Cady is talking in your ear as you stare into the distance. most students had gone home already. The rest were working on homework or projects or extracurricular activities. you arranged this meeting but god were you bored. no offence to Cady but you kinda wish you'd been paired with Karen so you could be fucking about right now and then rush the work the night before it's due.
"are you going to the party Saturday?" you ask idly.
"What party?"
"oh shit." you forgot she was hanging out with Janis and Damian who definitely wouldn't have been invited. "connor mckay is having a party. The dudes a mess, big house though. you should come,"
"don't think I was invited,"
"I'm inviting you."
"not sure that's how it works."
"Just come Cady," you insist. "you can bring Janis and Damian too if you want. everyone will be too fucked to notice."
"uh, thanks then" she smiles a little, glancing back at her textbook. "I'll think about it."
"you have to think about attending your first high school party?" you question. laying down on your back. "I'll be there," you turn your head to look at them. "it'll be fun." you watch her carefully and soon she smiles.
"Okay, yeah."
"well that was easy," should have just started by stating you'll be there. "Be careful, Cady." you tease, looking back to clouds passing by but you can't help but smirk a little. "I'll start thinking you like me."
sat in the back of Regina's jeep as she fixes her hair in the overhead mirror, Karen inspects your face while Gretchen is copying Regina by fixing her hair. "can we just go in," you insist, slapping Karen's hands away. "before I regret coming."
"Why would you regret coming?" Gretchen questions, looking around at you.
"I feel stupid,"
"you look amazing," Karen urges. "perfect."
"you would say that."
"stop whining," Regina insists. flipping up her mirror. "you look hot. now let's go."
finally. "I'm gonna get so fucked up," you state as you step out of the car. walking beside Regina with Gretchen and Karen a step behind. the party is already alive. started at six. It was eight.
you reach the point in every party where you just don't want to be there anymore pretty quickly tonight. you're suddenly so aware of how annoying everyone is. sat on the kitchen counter, you swing your legs back and forth as you sip whatever was in your cup. Gretchen gave it to you. the party passes around you like you're not even there until an all too familiar blonde appears. "you look sad," you'd mistake that for genuine concern if it wasn't Regina "Already at sad drunk, that's impressive."
"what do you want Regina?" she had basically ignored you since you arrived so why she suddenly thought you were worthy of her presence, you'll never know. Shane was the object of her disgustingly public displays of affection tonight. "thought you'd be too busy with Shane."
"god, you're so obsessed with Shane," a roll of her eyes as she takes the cup from your hand to help herself. you watch her as the red cup comes to painted lips. not a hair out of place. so perfect. Regina was perfect. it was annoying
"I invited Cady tonight," you state, snatching your cup back.
"ew. why? I thought we agreed you weren't going near Cady anymore," technically you did. practically it wasn't that deep. who cares.
"And Janis and Damian but mostly to get Cady here,"
"desperate to hang out with losers," Regina sighs. "is she here?"
you shrug. "too many people. too big a house. I haven't looked, to be honest."
"Well," a hand finds its way to your thigh, running up and then down softly. "if you're good tonight maybe I'll give you a little treat."
"don't," you push her hand away. "go back to your boyfriend."
"he's not my boyfriend,"
"well whatever he is," you jump down off the countertop. "you made it very clear that I'm not what you want."
"you're so dramatic," she pushes up too. "I hate when you get drunk."
"fuck sake," Regina responds. "you act like I said we're together or something."
"you're such an asshole," you huff. "I'm gonna find Cady."
"good luck with that,"
there are so many people at this party. you're not sure who half of them even are but they all seem to know you as you stumble around after the new girl. a constant barrage of 'hellos' and 'you look hot' in various forms. it's tiring. annoying. and you're about to give up and go find Gretchen so she can rub your back to make you feel better when you spot her. She was looking as awkward as ever. "you came." shouted over the thump of the music
"yeah," her face lit up. "Damian too. Janis said she'd rather jump off a bridge than come so..."
"That sounds... exactly like her," you nod. "I like..." you glance at her outfit. Regina would hate it. you don't love it. "your outfit. very school teacher chic."
"Thanks," she replies. "I didn't have anything to wear so,"
"it's cool. I'm just happy someone here isn't gonna irritate me- do you want a drink?"
"Sure," she nods. "do they have juice?"
"uh... probably somewhere." who asks for juice at a party? "I'll check. stay here."
you wander off back to the kitchen in search of some juice. your first stop is the fridge which is very stocked. you briefly scan for anything open, sweet and edible before just grabbing a carton of fresh orange and deciding that will do. pouring her a glass before heading back. she's still in the same spot only a particular blonde in the tightest little black dress has decided to strike up a conversation. you immediately know something is wrong. Regina can't stand Cady. it's why you told her you admitted to inviting her so easily. You wanted to piss her off. you can't make out what is happening but as you make your approach the redhead leaves. Regina turns to you with a sugary sweet smile betrayed by her eyes. "hey baby girl, feeling any better?"
"What did you say to her?"
"why do you have a glass of" brow knitted as she tapped her nail against the glass. "orange juice?"
"What did you say to her?"
"who?" you let her have the glass and she takes a sip. a visible look of disgust. "is there anything in this?"
"It's just fresh orange,"
"what the fuck? are you trying to sober up or what?"
"it was for Cady," you explain. "what did you say?"
the blonde shrugs. "she just had to go. not my fault." you don't believe her. why would you? She has a track record of being a conniving person who'll make trouble just for the sake of it. it'd be naive to think she didn't do anything."
"Why do you have to be such a fucking bitch all of the time," you grumble loudly. a hand snaps around your wrist and suddenly you're yanked closer to her. hot breath sending a shiver down your spine.
"I let you off before because you were all sad and tragic but don't think you can ever talk to me like that," growled in your ear before she abruptly shoved you away. "Cady left. get over it."
"she only left because you said something,"
"she left because she realised you don't like her," the blonde snapped. such a pretty poison came in the form of Regina George as she turned her gaze on you. She was pissed but kept it quietly contained to just beneath the music so nobody else had a clue. "that you've just been stringing her along. pretending to be her friend. all because I wasn't showing you enough attention," she's close again. too close. she wasn't physically that tall but right she seemed massive as she loomed over you. her eyes flicker to your lips and back up. did she wanna kiss you or kill you? neither seemed smart. "she realised that you belong to me."
"I'm not a dog Regina."
"you sure about that," a mean glint in those pretty eyes. "you wanted my attention. you got it." she shoves the orange juice back in your hand. it's contents splashing your hand. "don't cry about it now." and with that she turns on her heel and disappears into the crowd
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wordstro · 2 years
[15] apocalypse + ex!san + "look closely. no one ever really dies here. this is the sanctuary, after all."
part 14 | masterlist | part 16
a/n: 3.4k - technically the second part of the last chapter, i just wanted to split them up! the next update will take a bit longer, but i hope yall like this. warnings for feelings of helplessness, mentions of death, violence, some really bloody situations/wounds, and bloodloss
you awake to quiet. the drunken laughter, the traffic, it's nothing but in the past. everything is too fucking quiet.
but you've woken up.
you're awake.
and when you sit up, you're no longer strapped to the metal table. seonghwa is leaning against the counter, and grins at you when you sit up. you look around. jongho is still standing where he was, head down. hongjoong is nowhere to be seen. san stands at the head of the table.
seonghwa says, "welcome to my guard."
you start to move, despite the fact that you don't want to. you're not controlling your body, you realize, as if you are an outsider looking in. your head tilts into a bow. seonghwa grins. you don't feel a glare on your face. holy shit.
holy -
shut up.
the voice in your head is loud, just like that previous voice, and everything in you says to lie down and do as you're told. but, you were never one to do such a thing.
this is my body now you stupid -
you see a scalpel on the table, as your body gets up. maybe it should have been harder to move, to take back your body, but this body was yours to begin with. it was stolen from you by those horrid things in the sky, the same things that took the world you once knew and flipped it inside out, that made you take your mother's life, that turned the world into a quiet, empty place you thought you'd shrivel away in. so many things were stolen from you. the loudness of the world, your life as you knew it, your home, everything, and you'll be damned if you let them steal your body and free will too.
maybe it's the anger, maybe it's the need to free yourself, and san, and whoever the hell else was taken by these things, but you reach for the scalpel, and it works.
your hands move.
there's screaming in your head, so loud it makes your ears ring, but you don't listen, you just move.
you grab the scalpel, turning it on the back of your head, where the pressures lives at its fullest. the one thing about some strange alien parasite crawling into your head and stealing your consciousness was that you knew exactly where it stood. and maybe this is stupid as hell - and you know it because Before you used to study medicine, you'd taken paramedics classes right up until the world ended - but you find the back of your hairline, fingers pressing to the pressurized spot. it's squishy, like a pocket full of liquid has formed there, and you resist the urge to gag before you hold your breath and stab at it blindly with the scalpel. seonghwa eyes are wide, full of surprise.
the scream in your head is painful in its intensity, but nothing compared to the feeling of the scalpel piercing skin, or the way warm liquid drips down your neck, down your back. nothing is worse than the blinding pain that shoots through your body, the tears springing to your eyes as your head spins. you stumble off the metal table, grasping blindly at air to catch yourself.
you instead find purchase on san's arm. you look up at him through wet lashes for a split moment, just long enough to take in his face. the bruising on his skin, and the sharp angles to his features. there is darkness in his eyes. he stares at you in shock.
that is your only chance really.
you take the scalpel, and you grab san's hair, you search frantically, and it's in the same spot. maybe it's a coincidence. maybe it's a pattern.
but it's in the same spot and your Before brain shouts that this is unsanitary and if you get out of this alive, you both will be left with an infection that'll kill you instead, but you flip it in your fingers and you jam it into the bulbous bump at the back of his head. san screams. san screams, and you catch a glimpse of the san you knew. the san you've known. your fingers curl around the sides of his head, as gently as you can so you don't hurt him more than you have.
san chokes out, gasps really, "jesus fucking christ, y/n. a warning would be nice."
before you can do anything, san crumbles to his knees, and someone grabs you by the hair, dragging you back once more. the pain has you crying out, but you keep your eyes on san, on his warm brown eyes.
you croak out, "get out."
san blinks. you look away.
the wound at the back of your neck is searing, but that doesn't prepare you for the pain of being tossed into the food boxes, your vision spotting as you try to stay on your feet and fail. you groan, blinking up at seonghwa, vision blurry. you feel so delirious, possibly from blood loss but mostly from the fact that when you look past seonghwa you see san actually leaving.
you see him duck behind the table, clutching his head, watch as he crouches and sprints to the boxes, all behind seonghwa's back, undetected.
and maybe, even in this delirious, painful state, despite telling him to leave, despite the fact that you thought about saving him after everything, you thought he'd stay to help you. you thought san wouldn't take the first opportunity to run. but every time you tell him to leave, to get out, to let go, he does. he fucking does. maybe you shouldn't expect him to read your mind.
but, he's left you alone.
alone with seonghwa's wrath, alone in your last moments with no one by your side. alone.
and you think maybe you deserve this for putting other people first in a world where no one else has done the same.
you're going to die, and you're going to die alone.
it's fitting, you think, when you've spent so long in this new world living as a ghost. now you will die a lonely ghost.
seonghwa looms over you, shadowed like the grim reaper, gritting his teeth, his hands covered in a darkness that reminds you of ink-stains. you look down at your hands, and you have the same thing. blood, you figure. the blood of whatever the hell was in your head and in san's. in seonghwa's too.
"jongho! joong!" seonghwa is calling, glaring down at you before he crouches and his fingers wrap around your throat. he says, "i have to do everything around here, don't i?"
a giggle escapes your mouth, choked and gasping, but a giggle nonetheless.
seonghwa's grip around your neck loosens, tilting his head as he peers at you. he asks, "do you think this is funny?"
you mumble, "a little bit. i didn't think it would be so easy. i was expecting something a bit more like the alien movies, honestly. something creepier. in hindsight, your aliens are pretty lame."
you're surprised you can string together full sentences, let alone words that make sense. your words strike a nerve in seonghwa, despite his silence, because he grabs your elbow and yanks you to your feet. you stumble, but he drags you along anyway, kicking away food and boxes to clear his path. he's headed to the other room. to the pit, you realize, your heart racing against your ribs.
you gasp, "is this how you killed chaeyoung?"
you're slammed hard against the wall next to the doors. so hard you see stars from the impact against your wound, and you're glad seonghwa is holding up because you're sure you would have collapsed. his fingers grip your shoulders so tight, you wonder if he could tear through skin.
his face is inches from yours, and his eyes are not so black, nor so dilated. the polite tone disappears once more, as he spits, "i did not kill chaeyoung."
seonghwa has one inside him too, you realize. oh.
"maybe you didn't," you mumble, unsure what's possessed you to provoke seonghwa when you're barely able to fight back, "but the alien inside you must have. i don't see the difference, though, between the alien and yourself. do you?" you raise a brow at him, "did chaeyoung?"
the sound of his teeth grinding together echoes throughout the warehouse. the lavender lighting makes him look gaunt, like a ghost himself, and there is a sort of beauty to it, you think even in your dazed state.
however, in that moment, you swear seonghwa will strangle you with his bare hands. the murderous expression in his eyes surprises you. he's always looked at you with such little emotion, aside from pure curiosity or amusement, even as he hurt you. the emotion in his eyes is so raw and so startlingly human.
then he slams the doors open and pull you into the room with the railings. with the pit.
as he drags you into the room, you try to struggle, but it's pointless when you're weak from blood loss and injury. seonghwa holds your hands behind your back and walks you into the railing. he's too close, and the hairs at the back of your neck stands on end at the proximity.
he slams you against the railing, so your upper half dangles over the edge and only his grip on you keeps you from toppling over. the blood rushes to your ears, sweat dripping from your chin, your nose, hair tickling your ear, as you stare at the pit of dark creatures, of spider-like monsters with jagged teeth and long, rigid, shards for legs, as you meet the dark, bottomless eyes of one of them, and they do not look away. you wonder, briefly, if it's the same one from before. the familiar one. the stench of burnt hair and rotting flesh is overwhelming, stinging your nose and eyes.
seonghwa leans in until he is flush against you, and you hate the clear show of power, of how powerless you are dangling here at his whim. he speaks over you the way a priest would bless the living and pray for the dead.
"you asked me who i was in the tragedy of antigone, didn't you?"
his voice is no longer polite. it is charged. emotional. it is seonghwa, you think. not the polite, curious creature pretending to be seonghwa. it is seonghwa, one of the founders of the sanctuary. the person who allowed the sanctuary to escalate into a place like this, with pits of monsters and guards with aliens in their heads. the person who is sacrificing people to keep these creatures satiated so that his sanctuary can remain a utopia kept tight under lock and key and guns. your eyes flicker over the pit, watching as the creatures start to gather beneath you. their beady, dark eyes settle on you in a way that has shivers running down your spine. the clicking sounds nearly drown out the sound of your heart pounding in your chest. one set of eyes in particular maintains contact, and it is the same eyes that felt so...familiar earlier. the same eyes that fixated on you. that jongho pulled you away from.
"you were right and wrong. i am polynices, and i am creon," seonghwa murmurs. he is the brother and the king who ordered he not be buried properly? how is that possible?
you frown, "what the hell are you talking about?"
"chaeyoung was against all this." he shakes you and you swallow down the panic. seonghwa continues, "i tried to get her to see my way, but she wouldn't, so put one of the kinder ones in her when she was asleep. she needed to experience it herself. then she'd change her mind. but she...she was an idiot. i'm surprised she had the will to do what you did. most people don't." seonghwa murmurs, and his voice is right in your ear as he leans heavily against you, his grip tight. one little push and you'll tumble into the pit. you still beneath his touch, your breathing ragged. "but she failed. she missed."
everything is too quiet. and clicking gets louder in the silence.
"she wasn't supposed to die that way," seonghwa murmurs, his voice breathy, quiet, right next to your ear. "so i made sure she didn't die. i did not kill her. i saved her." he shouts that, and you flinch, even as he continues, "i am creon, too, but unlike him i wasn't too late. in my story, antigone was spared."
seonghwa lets out a small choked sob, that morphs quickly into a laugh, into an inhumanly polite tone. into the other seonghwa, you realize with horror. the grip on your head tightens, "now look closely, y/n. no one ever really dies here. this is the sanctuary, after all."
you look down, and a small creature crawls into the cool light. it's smaller than the other one staring at you, and it's eyes are just as dark. but there is an awareness to them you find curling around your heart. if you look closely, the rough skin of the creatures aren't actually all black. lavender glints off the black, and there's a hint of brown to this one. the color is similar to hongjoong's hair.
you don't know what to say. you can't speak.
your fingers curl into fists as you stare at the creature, with beady lopsided eyes and jagged teeth and a curious look in its eyes, no, her eyes. chaeyoung's eyes.
"look," seonghwa shoves you forward, until you're hanging off the edge of the railing by just his grip and you're flailing, "closer."
you tear your eyes from her, and your gaze returns to the familiar eyes, the one with the slithering limbs inching towards you as you look, up the wall and towards the railing, a streak of reddish-brown left in its wake. the familiarity itches at your brain, but you're still reeling from the thought of chaeyoung.
seonghwa sighs, "honestly, i'm not sure what happens to us when we take over you pathetic humans. it's interesting, i think, what humans will do for love and how it affects everything. i promised her i wouldn't toss you in here, though her brain must have rotted down here for even asking of such a thing. but it's too bad you've ruined it, huh, y/n? at least you'll die in mommy's arms. maybe she'll be the one to feed off you. that would be quite poetic. i'll enjoy the sounds of your scream -"
you scream when seonghwa's grip around you loosens, when you start to tumble forward, air rushing through your ears. you're going to die. you're going to die and you can't even comprehend the words seonghwa's just told you and the mention of your mother or even the fact that the tentacle crawling up the wall wraps around torso, and then you're tossed backwards. back over the rail. wait?
you blink, meeting familiar eyes, and you think of seonghwa's words, but you're dizzy and you're confused and everything is spinning, but at the same time the familiarity - there has to be a reason for it, the same as chaeyoung still being here, the same as... no. you think you're going to puke. you roll onto your side, meeting those beady eyes once more. it stares at you for a long moment before it dips below the railings. before it disappears.
there is no way in hell the creature is your mother. but seonghwa said no one dies here. and the creature just fucking saved you. maybe, when these things possess people they keep remnants of them. even though you killed her, she stayed with that thing. she still lives on. maybe that's what seonghwa was talking about. you don't know if you find the thought worse than death.
you hear screaming. you look over, and seonghwa has hongjoong by the throat, slammed up against the wall. hongjoong is crying, you realize, the lavender lighting giving him a ghostly sheen, and you've never seen him look so broken. you did not think him capable of it.
his voice echoes through the chamber, a broken, desperate thing, "she was my sister."
seonghwa says, "she still is."
you manage to crawl to your feet. you're not sure why you're doing this. you should run. you should escape. hongjoong terrorized you every single chance he had. you can barely walk straight. yet, you grab the nearest object, a rifle, and heave it up, placing the barrel to seonghwa's head. you click off the safety. hongjoong's eyes slide to meet yours.
you don't look at hongjoong for long, eyes lingering on seonghwa, "let go of him."
"oh," seonghwa starts to truly laugh, "so you're going to help him?"
"i'm going to blow your fucking brains out. would rather it just be you then both of you, really," you prod at the back of his head, "so let him go."
seonghwa releases hongjoong, turning slowly, hands in the air, until his forehead is pressed to the barrel of the gun. then seonghwa steps forward. you stand your ground, but he presses further into the barrel. his grin is maniacal.
"go on, then," he says, "blow my brains out."
you hesitate.
he cackles, before he grabs the barrel of the rifle. you yank it out of his hands and smack him across the forehead with it. that sends seonghwa sprawling.
your chest is heaving as you look at hongjoong. he stares back, his eyes wide. his eyes aren't black like seonghwa's and it's terrifying you think, to realize right then that all this time, he never had something controlling him, that everything he did was of his own volition. however, for once, he looks as small as his actual height. he looks as vulnerable as he had in that library. this may be the only time you've felt an inkling of sympathy for him.
but then hongjoong does not say a word to you. no thanks. no apologies. nothing. he pushes past you and lunges for seonghwa, bloodlust in his eyes, and seonghwa moves so fluidly, so easily, and it terrifies you when he smacks hongjoong aside so easily. when hongjoong tips over the side of the railing. hongjoong's plan was always vengeance. you almost pity him for this, as you watch him trip over seonghwa's foot and topple over the side of the railing. as he screams on the way down, the sound grating on your ears. you wonder, briefly, if the remnants of his sister will save him or kill him.
seonghwa turns on you, and he easily knocks the rifle from your trembling hands. this time, his fingers curl around your throat with intent to kill.
he says, "you're fucking annoying. i'm done here."
he squeezes, and you cannot breathe, your vision spotting. you can't see or breathe or think, and the sounds of you choking on air is so incredibly loud, even over the clicking below, the crunching of bones, and the squelching of flesh. of hongjoong's useless, vengeance-less death.
you just spit in his face, because that's all you can really do.
he slams you against the wall, and your vision blacks out. seonghwa's face is all you see, and it swims until there's three of him, so you close your eyes to block him out.
"i'll kill you," he says, "and then i'll keep you alive, just to make you die again. over and over and over. then i'll -"
he cuts off.
his grip loosens significantly.
you open your eyes, gulping for air.
standing there, heaving with a bloody metal bat over his head, and his head bandaged, is choi fucking san.
you blink at him. this isn't real. you have to be dead. he'd left. he'd left, and san never comes back.
but then he reaches for you, his fingers curling around your waist as he lets you lean all your weight on him.
you stare at san in disbelief. slowly, you reach up, and press your fingertips to his cheek, if only to check that he's really there, your vision still so blurred. you're so tired.
"you came back for me?"
san's brows furrow, his fingers curling into fists at your side. he nods, and nods, and nods, as he says, "of course i did."
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goldenratiod · 8 months
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@halowe inquired quietly
voice no more than whisper * a trick of hallows eve . the candle's flicker . focus on decoding ! what triviality . with three machines remaining, they'd require one with kiting potential and environmental advantages ( the mercenary's returned home, the "prisoner" bled out in a corner ... what hope does a merchant have in open terrain ? what probability exists in a painter ? ) . screech of cat / a cant of head / eyes honing in on the son of valden as he approaches . pointless . within these games, there has never been a stroke of mercy . but he cannot deny curiosity in the brazenness of this display . " painter, " he greets . " this fails to comply with your rescuer's instruction. why have you come? " // in the manor, perhaps edgar's first reunion with alva in a game?
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Perhaps if the team were different, they'd keep fighting this uphill battle.
You see no point. It is pointless pain to experience.
You take a deep breath as you find your way to the hunter. There was a ... strange feeling in you. Somehow you knew that this was not only meant to happen, but it needed to happen now. Your blue eyes, almost feeling as if the world is still spinning, staring at him. A familiar face, yet so very different from the last you recalled of the mentor that was supposedly killed. You suppose the dead returning to life would not be impossible for whatever this "game" is.
A exhaustingly boring game at this point. You were foolish to think that you'd find something here. It's just another fool with power that is playing with them all as if they are rats.
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" Alva. " Your words were sharp as you began to speak. He only calls you "painter". The title that was very easily given to you when you arrived here. Gardener, Doctor, Mercenary, Toy Merchent, "Prinsoner"... Titles. Is it to keep things less personal? To not form some sort of attachment among them all? Not that you had much interest in many of them. You paranoia makes it hard to trust any of them truly... if you aren't careful, any of them could quickly stab you in the back and leave you to leave to save their own skin. This is the sort of world you wanted to escape, yet you stepped into one worse then ever.
" Should I not have come? How would we win when this is already a losing game. Our resources are gone, our decoder unable to recover- It is I or her to confront you. " And even if you do not wish to get close to anyone- Even if you don't want anyone to be close to you... you are observant. Anne is already struggling enough. You know sending her to confront the hunter alone would only completely leave you all to be sitting ducks... and you can imagine the mental damage it would cause to be killed. Maybe you are thinking of her as if she is weak, but you had always wished someone would have taken your place when life repeatedly took everything from you and expected you to keep living as if your heart wasn't being ripped apart.
" Do you remember me? Even if you were to send me back to the manor now... I need to know. Do you remember me? "
You already feel like you are going crazy, So please remember.
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ikeromantic · 2 years
Mitsuhide, Mind, Alder, and Melpomene
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A request from @primaryblogmyass-blog Approx. 600 words for Mitsuhide, Mind, Alder - intuition, and Melpomene - tragedy. TW for violence
Mitsuhide heard something. A sudden, sharp inhalation, almost a gasp. He held still a moment, listening. There was a rustle of fabric, then everything went still. An uneasy tension ran through him as he strained to hear anything else.
He thought about calling out to his little mouse. She was in the room next to his study and the noise likely came from her. But the unnatural silence stilled his tongue. Something was wrong.
Instead of shouting out to her, Mitsuhide stood and moved as quietly as he could. Slipping from his study to her door. It was closed, and there was still no sound from within.
His heart began to pound and anxiety clutched his throat. He slid the door open. "No-" Mitsuhide held out a hand, bidding the figure in the room to stop.
His little one's eyes met his from where she lay on the floor. They were full of tears and determination. She was pinned by a masked figure in dark clothes. A knife gleamed at her throat.
"Come in and close the door," the figure rasped. A man's voice.
Mitsuhide did as he was told. "Tell me what you are here for," he said coldly.
"Your life." The man's grip on the chatelaine tightened. "Disarm and lay down."
"If I do that, you'll have me at a disadvantage. Why would I let you do that?"
The knife at his little one's throat drew blood as it pressed harder into her skin. "I'll kill your woman."
"Then do it," Mitsuhide bluffed. "She is the only reason you're not already dead. You aren't stupid enough to lose the one thing of value you have."
The figure chuckled, a hoarse, dry laugh. "You don't understand. I don't care if I kill you tonight or not. I will take your life, one way or another. If you won't lie down -" The knife flashed. Crimson bloomed.
Mitsuhide was already moving, reaching for the assailant. His mind racing as he tried to put together a scenario in which she lived. He grabbed the man's knife hand and wrenched the blade away. Mitsuhide stabbed into the man's chest and jerked the blade up, into his heart.
Not fast enough though. Not before the man stabbed him in the side with a blade hidden in his other hand. He laughed again, wetly, blood staining the cloth of his mask. He toppled to the floor.
Mitsuhide ignored him, ignored the pain in his side, the sheet of hot blood that ran from his wound. He reached for his little one.
She held a hand to her throat, trying to stem the scarlet flood. Her other hand clutched at him as he pulled her close. Her bloodflecked lips moved, but no words came out.
"I am sorry," Mitsuhide whispered, tears stinging his eyes, blurring what he knew would be his last sight of her. Then night swallowed him whole, taking his love away into the endless gloom.
He knew it was a darkness he would never wake from. He floated in the sightless gloom, surrounded by a rushing sound. Like a river, or perhaps an incoming tide, as the sound ebbed and swelled. This place was not a hell nor a heaven.
Mitsuhide wasn't sure how long he waited in that strange murk, but a voice brought him out of it. Intruding by one or two words at first, then whole sentences and finally, "If you don't wake up, I'll punch you."
"He's up!"
Hideyoshi's smiling face hovered above his, but Mitsuhide didn't want to see him. He had only one desire. "Where is she?"
The other warlord stepped aside and pointed. On a nearby futon, the chatelaine lay under a blanket. Her face was pale, a bandage wrapped her throat.
"Ieyasu and Masamune found you," Hideyoshi explained. "Almost dead, but hanging on to each other and to your lives. We weren't sure you'd ever wake up. Either of you."
"She's . . . alright?"
Hideyoshi nodded. "Yes. Weak, and she'll have a scar. But she's alive. Resting for now."
Mitsuhide smiled. Darkness took him again, but this time it was a warm, comfortable dusk. One that held the promise of tomorrow.
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emilliewritez · 2 years
apple cider | GN!reader x CC!sapnap
You awoke to a pressure in your abdomen, an ache in your gut making you shift in your seat. You sat up a bit and rubbed the sleep out of your eyes.
nsfw, piss kink
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It was late. The two of you sat in silence, the music from the radio filled the car. Nick was driving, you sat beside him, looking out the window at the scenery passing by. The pair of you were on your way back from filming apple picking. You were there all day, laughing, filming and drinking the best apple cider you had ever tasted. You were exhausted - you let the low sound of the radio and Nick's breathing lull you to sleep.
“Welcome back to the land of the living,” Sapnap softly said, looking to the side to face you.
“Ha, yeah. Is there a rest stop coming up,” you asked, trying to ignore the sharp pain in your bladder as you moved.
Nick fully turned his head to look beside him and grinned.
“All that apple cider finally hitting you huh?” He laughed. You rolled your eyes.
“Not an answer, dickhead.”
“Uh, yeah there should be one in like 40 miles.”
Yo nodded instead of answering. You crossed your legs. You could wait 25 minutes, easy. You've held for longer periods of time before, granted you hadn’t drunk 6 cups of cider then. But still! It was only 25 minutes.
Taking a deep breath, you looked out the window again, just in time to watch the cars slow and pack together.
You felt your stomach sink in dread and he squeezed your thighs tightly together, your hands clenched on either side of you.
“Ah shit, looks like there was an accident up the road, you're gonna have to hold it, Y/N.”
You gave a laugh and agreed to the other's statement.
It was ok. It was just going to be an extra, what? 15 minutes? That wasn’t too bad. You could hold it. You had to hold.
Even though it felt like you were already full to the brim - as the minutes passed the need kept growing, all that liquid inside of you - sloshing around as the car slowly moved forward. The throbbing pain jolting through your bladder was becoming near constant and it was becoming more and more tempting to bury your hands in your crotch, anything to help.
The last thing you wanted was Nick to know how badly you needed to pee. But then, suddenly, you felt a wave of urgency wash over you, one unlike anything you'd ever experienced. You hunched over - your hands immediately flew to the front of your jeans, crossing your ankles and squeezing your thighs around your hands. You let out a high pitched whine, squirming in place doing absolutely everything you could to keep your jeans and boxers dry.
“Woah, Y/N- you okay,” Sapnap asked, looking at you in concern. You felt your face get hot. The only thing you wanted to do right now, other than pee, was to sit up straight and act like nothing was wrong. But you knew that if you so much as removed your hands you’d leak. In fact, you weren’t so sure you’d be able to stay completely dry even while holding yourself.
“Y-yeah, I just really need to pee,” you said laughing a bit at the end then wincing as it sent a stab of pain to your bladder.
“Oh.” Nick cleared his throat, an almost unnoticeable blush forming on his cheeks.
“The rest stop's not that far ahead, do you think you can hold it?” Sapnap asked, looking over at the complete mess of a person that you were. You couldn’t keep still, you were constantly squirming in your seat. You were sweating and breathing hard, you looked close to tears.
You bit your lip.
“Y-yeah. I think so.”
‘I hope so’ went unsaid.
The two of you went back to silence and it's only now that you notice the radio had been turned off quite a while ago. All that filled the car were the heavy breathing, whines, and quiet little moans that you let out asyou struggled to keep every last liquid inside of you.
And then, finally traffic began to ease up and before long the rest stop came into sight. It was a small-ish gas station, not somewhere Sapnap would stop at unless he had too - you, seemingly minutes away from wetting yourself definitely counted as reason enough to stop.
Nick quickly pulled into the gas station and turned off the car. He sat there for a beat before turning to you.
“Y/N, we’re here.”
You didn’t move.
“Y/N, are you ok?” Nick asked, definitely a little worried now. But you still didn’t say a thing. Concerned, Sapnap unbuckled his seatbelt and got out of the car. He circled to the other side, opening your door. You looked to the older man as you heard the door open.
“N-nick, I-I can’t move.”
You looked close to crying.
“What do you mean you can’t move?” Sapnap asked, brows furrowing.
“If I get up, I, I’ll w-wet myself.” You quietly said, ashamed and embarrassed.
“You’ll wet yourself if you don't move, and I don’t know about you but I’d rather not have your piss all over my car. So if you're gonna piss yourself, do it trying to get to the bathroom, ok?”
You bit your lip and then nodded before taking a deep breath. You waited until a lull moment, one when your desperation wasn’t absolutely killing you. You slowly turned in your seat and paused again. You’d have to take your hands away from your crotch to get out and you were sure that if you did you’d immediately pee yourself.
Seeing your predicament, Nick leaned forward and placed his hands on either side of your waist, careful to avoid your bulging bladder and swiftly lifting you up - out of the car and onto the ground. You let out a squawk that Sapnap would definitely be teasing you about later. As he sat you down though, he saw why you had made such a noise.
You were already so close to leaking so with the suddenness of Nick picking you up out of the car added with the tremor that went through you when your feet came into contact with the floor - well the pressure of your hands just wasn’t enough and you couldn’t stop the spurt of urine that escaped you.
“Ah! No, fuck, no no no no.” You shut your eyes tight, your legs giving out underneath you. The only thing keeping you from falling to the ground and completely losing control was Nick holding you up.
“Woah, woah, Y/N!” Nick exclaimed, not having expected to become the only thing holding you up.
You squeezed hard around the base of your cock - or at least as much as you could through your jeans. When you finally got the stream to stop there was a very evident wet spot on your jeans, though.
“H-help me, Sapnap help me please.” You said, your voice breaking from the intense desperation and the sheer humiliation from having to ask for help getting to the bathroom.
“Help you, What do you - oh. Okay.” Nick took a breath, having a hard time tearing away his eyes from the large wet spot that had traveled down your thigh. He moved to the side and helped you take a step forward, then another, and another. Slowly but surely Nick led you to the front of the gas station.
And then, right in front of the door, the ravenette stopped.
You looked up at his friend.
“W-why did we stop?” You asked. Nick looked down at you with pity in his eyes.
“Y/N, I-I’m sorry. It’s, uh, it’s closed.”
And with those words, you knew you were done for. You looked up at the door in front of you, at the closed sign.
You let out a sob as you felt more pee trickling out, further saturating your jeans.
“Please, oh shit, hold it, oh, no no no, fuck!” You strained out a moan asyou tried to stop leaking, but no luck. Your muscles relaxed against your will, your body was done waiting, it had had enough. It was done waiting.
You felt your jeans getting warm, relief washing over you.
You let out an absolutely devastating moan of pleasure as your legs fully gave out beneath you, the sudden dead weight too much for Nick to hold up with one arm.You landed on your knees, on the rough pavement of the parking lot as urine poured out of you and pooled under you.
The relief you felt was absolutely overwhelming, whiting out your brain and making you forget where you are, forget that Sapnap was there right beside of you, forget everything that isn’t you focusing on the all-encompassing pleasure wracking your body from letting out all the pent up urine inside of it.
You must have peed for well over a minute - once the stream finally tampered off your senses began to come back. The first thing you felt was the comforting hand on your back - Nick's hand. Then, the rapidly cooling wetness from the crotch of your jeans, down your legs and the back of your ass. You were sitting in a puddle of your own piss, you realized. In front of a closed gas station with your friend standing right beside you - no, he was kneeling in your piss.
“S-sapnap, you're in m-my piss.”
“Huh, yeah I guess I am.” The man said, rubbing your back.
“I-I’m sorry, I tried, I did, I just couldn’t. I’m sorry Nick.” you cried, shame filling you.
“Hey, hey it’s okay really. You didn’t piss in my car and that’s the only thing that matters to me.” Sapnap laughed, a smile forming on his face when you joined in.
“Yeah, I guess.”
“Come on, can’t sit here all day. I’ve got a towel in the back of my car you can sit on, okay?” Nick asked. You nodded and let the other help yu up, making a face as you felt urine that had pooled in your lap travel down your leg. The two of you made your way back to the car - you waiting by your side of the car while Sapnap went around back to open the truck and get the towel.
He popped the trunk and took a breath leaning over. He looked down at his crotch, at the tent in his pants that he was very grateful you hadn’t noticed. He palmed himself once, letting out a shaking breath at the pleasure he longed for. But he knew he couldn’t stand there and get himself off, you needed him right now. So, he repositioned his dick so it wasn’t too obvious he had a hard on and grabbed the towel.
He’d take care of his erection when he got home. He was going to be sat next to you, you who’d wet your pants. He wasn’t going to lose his erection. And man, he was going to be thinking about this for all his future masturbation sessions.
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rainguk · 3 years
perfect pitch | ksj
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⁕ summary; your stand partner this year is, to put it simply, insufferable. with a rare sense of perfect pitch and a stunning face to boot, this boy's ego is absolutely off the charts... but you'd be lying if you said you didn't care about him anyway.
⁕ pairing; seokjin x reader
⁕ rating; pg-13
⁕ words; 3.9k
⁕ genre; crack, fluff - stand partners idiots to lovers (with a lil bit of enemies in there), high school au, orchestra au
⁕ warnings; swearing, threats but like nothing violent happens LOL, seokjin's sense of humor: there's like one mildly inappropriate joke (i'm sorry bach), super cliche rain scene i apologize
⁕ notes; this is based off of infuriatingly true events in my life because people with perfect pitch just LOVE flexing it like i'll drop my fork on the table and my friend's just like "oh wow that was a B flat" aaaaggghjsdjsdf anyways... i had a lot of fun writing this and i'm nearing the end of another longer fic i'm writing so please look forward to that :D hope you enjoy!!! + if you ever want me to tag you in my fics just let me know and i will <3 plus this is unedited and disgustingly cringy as it nears the end so read at your own risk
⁕ tags; @imdamconfused @sunghoonight-x @iminchaosnow
⁕ song; butter (bts)
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You’re teetering dangerously on the edge, a mere few seconds away from stabbing your stand partner in the eye with whatever you can use as a weapon.
“Hey, are you okay?” Seokjin cuts into your murderous thoughts, alarmed. “You look… truth be told, Y/N, you look like you want to kill someone.”
“If you don’t shut up about how flat my A is, that someone might just end up being you.”
“How romantic.”
Your bow slides off your violin with a cadence of squeaky notes. “Can you at least stop flirting with me while I’m trying to tune this thing?!”
He smiles, a bright, brilliant thing that shows off all his perfect teeth. You swallow, heart suddenly racing a thousand times faster; it’s no secret that Kim Seokjin is probably the biggest pain in the neck you’ve ever met, but it’s also true that he is insanely good-looking. And you’re not about to deny it.
“You like it, though.”
Well, shit.
“Not everyone’s head over heels in love with you,” you retort, trying desperately to throw him off your trail. You know what happens with popular kids like him; once it’s known that you have a soft spot for them, everyone pounces on you, bombarding you with questions and snide remarks and rumors.
Of course, it’s complicated — because how on earth could you want to rip off someone’s head and kiss them at the same time?
But you tell yourself that it’s only because he looks like that; not because he easily gets you to laugh like it’s nobody’s business, and certainly not because he looks out for you in the littlest ways; leaving his rosin out on the stand for you to use and lending you a pencil when you need one.
Kim Seokjin is an insufferable little shit, yes. But he’s a friendly insufferable little shit. And you would honestly be so down to hang out with him and get to know him better, save for one little thing that’s been getting in your way.
His perfect fucking pitch.
Being stand partners with someone naturally gifted with such a sense is both a blessing and a curse. Countless times, Seokjin has saved your ass from being questioned by Mrs. Choi by letting you know silently that you’re a little too sharp, or playing in the wrong key entirely. (That last one has happened before.) Sometimes you can’t hear Namjoon, the principal violinist, too well from where you’re seated, so you’ve relied on Seokjin on many occasions to tune your strings correctly.
However, it irks you equally as much when he uses it against you, stopping you mid-piece to let you know that your C# sounds more like a D to him. No one’s perfect, and certainly not you — but you try, and to be shot down every single time by someone who thinks it’s absolutely funny to watch you repeatedly attempt to fix your pitch issues is purely exhausting.
“Hey, Y/N—”
“What?” you demand, sighing as you turn to him.
“Wanna hear a joke?”
“Why did Bach have twenty children?”
Your eyes widen in horror. “Oh my god—”
He continues anyway, ignoring your plea with that mischievous grin, “Because he had no organ stops!”
Seokjin is trying his best not to laugh at his own joke, shoulders shaking at the punch line. You can’t help it yourself, a giggle bursting out of your own chest as you cover your mouth.
“That was horrendous,” you tell him once you catch your breath again. “Absolutely terrible.”
“Oh, worry not,” he proclaims, smiling widely, “I can do far better.”
“Wait, no—”
“What tone does a piano falling down a mineshaft make?”
You furrow your brows, thinking. “I don’t know,” you shake your head after a few seconds. “What is it?”
“A flat minor.”
Your jaw drops open as you process it, and Seokjin just watches you in amusement. “You should be banned from making these kinds of jokes,” you tell him. “Seriously.”
“Admit it, I’m hilarious,” he counters. “I made you laugh, didn’t I?”
He did, you’ve got to acknowledge. He always does, in some way, now that you think about it. Whenever you end up coming to rehearsal in a bad mood, it’s always because of Seokjin that you leave the auditorium with a smile on your face.
The realization startles you like nothing else — you hadn’t known before that he played such a role in your daily life.
“Oh, I nearly forgot,” he starts again, “We have a concert tonight.”
“Yeah…” You turn to him, eyebrow raised. “You forgot about the biggest performance of the year?”
Seokjin nods, a faint pink dusting his cheeks. “Yeah. My bad. You’re coming, right?”
“Duh,” you reply, fishing a block of rosin out of your case. “It’s almost half of my grade; no way I can skip. Besides, I like performing.”
“You do?”
“What are you so surprised for?” you ask him playfully. “I do enjoy it. I might not be good — not as good as you — but I like it. I like playing together with everyone, being able to hear every other part fit in with mine perfectly.” You frown. “Now if you asked me to play solo, I wouldn’t do it for anything in the world. Ensemble performances are far better.”
“You’re good,” Seokjin says quietly, looking at you — it’s like he’s taking you in, letting his eyes linger on you for a little while longer. “Don’t think that you’re not. You sound nice, Y/N.”
You hold his gaze for several breathless seconds before scoffing, turning away. “Don’t lie.”
“I’m not!”
“I don’t need empty compliments fr—”
Your bickering is cut short by Mrs. Choi walking onstage, a stack of sheet music in her hand which is promptly handed to Namjoon for him to distribute to the entire orchestra. You don’t offer your usual smile when he gives you two, and it’s with an impassive expression that you hand the extra to your stand partner.
“You’re welcome.”
Maybe you’ve made it more awkward between you two — but what else could have happened? Had you been hoping he’d magically fall in love with you and kiss you and you would have gone on dates?
No, of course not. This is Kim Seokjin you’re talking about; and besides, no matter how much you manage to soften up to him one moment, he’ll immediately make you want to murder him the next.
“Hey, Y/N… um — your D is just, you know, a little bit sharp—”
“Kim Seokjin, I’ll fucking kill you!”
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“You, my dear, are just overcomplicating this for yourself,” Taehyung declares after listening to you rant about your problematic stand partner over lunch. “What’s the issue? You like him — don’t you shake your head at me, Y/N, you’re as obvious as an open book — and he clearly likes you. Why don’t you just date him?”
“It’s not that simple,” you grumble, brutally stabbing another piece of chicken. “I can’t just walk up to him and ask him out, Tae. Plus, he doesn’t like me, he just likes flirting with everyone he lays his eyes on.”
“From what you’re telling me, it sure does sound like it.”
“Come on, you can’t possibly be that clueless, Y/N.”
“No,” you insist. “He’s a pain in the ass, and he enjoys getting a rise out of me, and he flexes that dumb pitch power of his whenever he can.”
“But you like him...”
“You’re not helping!”
This is where Jimin decides to intervene, tired of your back and forth arguing. “She has a point, Tae. But,” he says to you. “He’s also right. You need to take some kind of action.”
“Yeah, but what?”
Taehyung claps his hands, a telltale sign of a new idea. “Flirt back!”
“Okay, absolutely not—”
Jimin grabs you suddenly, shaking your shoulders. “Wait, think about it!” he exclaims, eyes wide. “It can work! That way you can see if he actually does like you, and you won’t publicly embarrass yourself by confessing to him, either!”
“On second thought, I’d have preferred to see the public embarrassment—”
“Shut up, Tae, you’re just making her feel worse!”
That makes you laugh; contrary to Jimin’s statement, your best friends certainly have succeeded in making you feel just a little bit better.
“Don’t worry, the feeling’s mutual,” you tease. “Maybe I owe him a dose, actually, because I’ve seen firsthand a particularly painful confession back in n—”
“Y/N! Don’t you dare bring that up!”
Amidst the chaos of Taehyung screeching while trying to attack you with a spoon and Jimin holding him back, someone taps on your shoulder lightly; a momentary distraction from this madness, if you will.
“Oh. You,” you respond when greeted with the gently smiling face of Kim Seokjin. “Did you need anything?”
“Nah,” he shrugs, instead showing you his closed fist. “Wanted to give you something.”
“If it’s another one of my strings that you’ve borrowed and also broken, then you can keep it, thanks.”
Seokjin shakes his head, chuckling. “Not that, Y/N. I always throw out the strings I break; don’t worry. I just thought you should have this.”
With that, he places a small wooden box on your lunch bag — at a closer look, you realize it’s a block of rosin. Brand new, too, by the looks of it — when you take off the bright blue lid, there are no scratches on the surface, no sign of wear and tear.
“For me?” You look at him, surprised to be met with a rather fond gaze you’re not used to. “Why?”
“Noticed the one you had was basically falling apart,” he says nonchalantly, attempting to mask the slight tremble in his voice and the blush on his cheeks. “I mean, come on — how are you gonna keep your bow in good shape with those tiny chunks of this stuff?”
“Oh,” is all you can reply, staring at the gleaming black cube in your hand. “I — thanks, I guess.”
“No problem.” He’s back to his bright, grinning self again, all self-confidence and smug smiles. “See you tomorrow,” he tells you, before waving to your friends. “Have a nice lunch, guys.”
It takes Jimin and Taehyung precisely fourteen seconds after Seokjin leaves for his own table to lose their shit.
“Was he looking out for you?”
“Did he actually just give you a new block of rosin?!”
“And you still don’t wanna date this guy?”
“You guys are violinists! Gifting each other supplies is basically your love language!”
You fidget with the rosin, smoothing your thumb over the lid. “No, that’s just how he is,” you defend. “He always lends me rosin when I need it.”
“And you always lend him extra strings,” Taehyung says, a teasing smile on his face. They’re kind of right, you realize when you think about it. Never has Seokjin actually given you a block to keep, and though you might be overestimating the significance of the gesture, it makes your heart flutter nonetheless.
“Okay, anyways,” Jimin changes the topic, “How are we feeling about tonight’s concert?”
“I think we’re in good shape,” you tell him. “We’ve got everything under control — Mrs. Choi was afraid the cellos would screw up their solo section, but they managed to pull it together today and they sounded great.”
“I’m afraid I can’t say the same,” Taehyung sighs. “Not when the tenors keep screwing up their long note—”
“That wasn’t me! That was Jeon Jungkook!”
“Yeah, sure—”
You groan, rolling your eyes. “Come on, we are not arguing about this right now. I’m sure you guys will sound fine, you always do. Plus, Jeon has a really sweet voice.”
“I guess so,” Taehyung shrugs. “But I think the highlight of tonight is going to be Y/N getting to see her guy all dressed up,” he says, wiggling his eyebrows.
“No!” You exclaim a little too quickly, cheeks red. “Why would you say something like that?!”
“Because you’re whipped for him—”
“I am most certainly not—”
Jimin laughs out loud, almost toppling off of his chair. “You know, Y/N, we might have believed you if you weren’t redder than a fucking tomato right now—”
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As luck would have it, you’re a solid ten minutes late.
Call time was at six o’clock, and here you are; slamming the car door shut as you wave a hasty goodbye to your father and run to the main entrance, all the while trying not to get drenched in the rain.
(Your folder and the music inside it are probably already soaked, but that’s an issue for another time.)
You hurry down the stairs, pushing the double doors open with a quick apology to Mrs. Choi, who gives you a stern look but says nothing else. You let out a breath you didn’t even know you were holding as you slide into your seat, already unlatching your case.
“You’re late.”
You twist your neck to give your stand partner a blank stare. “I’m aware.”
“You look really nice,” he blurts out next, blinking faster than usual.
“Thanks?” You try and laugh it off, fastening your shoulder rest to the back of your violin. You’re not wearing anything fancy, just a flowy black dress with your hair tied back, but his remark renders you speechless for a split second “So do you.”
You manage to compliment him nonchalantly, but your heart is beating twice as fast, eyes admiring his parted, fluffy hair, the white dress shirt impeccable on his figure. And his lips…
Shit. You really are down bad, but you don’t have time to dwell on it — Mrs. Choi is starting the last piece already, and you’re scrambling to have your instrument ready by the time the first violins start with their little intro.
Seokjin laughs at you quietly, but inhales sharply when you start to rosin your bow hair. “You kept it,” he says softly, nodding at the block in your hands.
“Yeah,” you swallow, suddenly self-conscious. “I did.”
“Didn’t think you would.”
“I’m not that ungrateful,” you wrinkle your nose at him. “Of course I kept it, Seokjin.”
“Jin,” he repeats, flicking a strand of chestnut hair away from his eyes. “That’s what my friends call me.”
“Since when am I your friend?”
“Would you rather not be?”
“Would you rather be?”
Seokjin — Jin, rather — frowns down at you. “Stop asking questions to my questions!”
“You did it first!” you exclaim, laughing. “Hypocrite! Answer mine, then!”
He looks at you for a long moment, like he’s taking his sweet time choosing the right words to say to you. “Since now,” he decides finally, firmly. “You are now. I want you to be mine. My friend,” he clarifies, turning deep red as he says it.
“I thought you hated me,” you muse. “And I was pretty sure you thought I was the lamest kid ever because I couldn’t play a single thing right.”
“Of course not,” Jin shakes his head vehemently. “You’re cool, Y/N. A little tone deaf, but cool.”
“Take that back!”
“I’m sorry, it’s the truth,” he laughs, eyes crinkling at the corners.
You send him your best glare, but contrary to your facial expression, it’s nice to laugh with him like this. You’ve been so caught up with telling yourself that you shouldn’t be feeling anything but annoyance when you’re around him that you ignored your blossoming feelings, and now they’ve fully bloomed, leaving no room for that initial irritation you so often experienced.
Friends. It’s not what you most want, but it’s something. You could get used to that.
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The concert goes smoothly, and the choir performances were absolutely delightful to watch — but your father is late, again, which means you’re stuck waiting for him out in the rain that hasn’t let up for hours.
You’re about to call him for the fifth time in ten minutes when you hear a set of heavy footsteps behind you, running up the stairway. “Y/N!”
“Jin?” you ask, surprised by the boy making his way toward you, brown hair completely soaked. “What are you doing out here?”
“I lied,” he says breathlessly, like he’s in a rush, and if he doesn’t tell you now, he might never be able to. “I’m sorry, I — I lied, Y/N. I don’t want you to be my friend — God, I don’t think I could live with that. I want you to be more.”
“I just,” he exhales forcefully, “I want to be able to take you out and hold your hand and hug you and kiss you—”
When your mind finally clears up, you don’t let him finish his sentence, instead grabbing his collar and yanking him down so you can press your lips to his in one swift motion. A quiet gasp leaves his mouth, but he quickly adjusts to the situation, hands dropping his violin so he can gently cradle your face, teeth tugging at your bottom lip. It’s all happening so fast that you barely even have time to think, to properly take it all in.
His lips are cold due to the nasty weather, and you’re both sopping wet — and this is most definitely the worst setting for this to have happened, but you wouldn’t have it any other way.
“That,” Jin breathes when you finally let him go, pupils dilated, “that was—”
“My first,” you finish. Your prior courage all gone, you’re a bit nervous now, too embarrassed by your bold move to even meet his eyes. What were you thinking? “I-I’m sorry...”
“Sorry?” Jin asks, confused. “Why are you sorry?”
“You know, because… of that.” You can barely speak up, cheeks burning. “I-I don’t know why I did that. Is this — is this a prank or something? Did you plan this? Was I just supposed to laugh it off and threaten to take your eye out with my bow instead?”
“No, no, no,” he shakes his head, laughing. “Can’t you tell, Y/N?” He lowers his voice to a gentle whisper. “I like you, you idiot. Ever since you waltzed into the auditorium sophomore year and nearly broke your violin falling down the stairs, I never stopped thinking about you.”
“You… you like me?” you ask incredulously, jabbing an accusatory finger at his chest. “Like, for real? You’re not just pulling my leg like you usually love to do?”
“I meant what I said, Y/N,” he tells you softly, fingers intertwined with yours. His voice is genuine, soothing. “I want to do all those things with you, if you’ll let me.”
It takes you a while to reply, but when you do, your heart is pounding so loudly in your chest that you can barely hear yourself. “A-And if I said yes?”
A wide grin breaks out onto Jin’s face as he pulls you into a hug, both your instruments forgotten on the pavement and your head resting on his chest as he holds you close. A few days ago, you would have thought yourself a fool for even thinking that a day like this would ever come; yet here you are, all those daydreams come true.
It’s all so new to you, and you’ll most likely screw up along the way — multiple times. But hand in hand with Jin and his vexing ability to pick out a B from a B flat, things aren’t looking so bad.
You’ll work it out.
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Hanging out with your friends is always a chaotic (but fun) occurrence — but when you add your boyfriend’s buddies into the mix, it all goes down to shit.
Actually, it’s all his fault, if you really think about it. Why on earth did he think challenging Taehyung to a baking competition was even remotely close to being a good idea?
“That’s so not fucking fair!” the aforementioned best friend cries, angrily shaking a spatula at a playfully grinning Jung Hoseok. “You can’t just hide the bag of flour! I fucking forgot to put it in!”
“Nothing we can do about it now, Tae,” Jimin sighs, massaging his forehead as the three of you stare at the burnt, soupy mass your team has created. “We fucking lost, that’s it.”
“So,” Jin smirks mischievously, nudging your elbow. “I guess Hoseok and I win this one, yeah?”
“Shut up,” you shove him back, though you’re grinning; a plate with a slice of his impeccably made cake in your hands and a fork lifted to your lips. “You’re good at this and you know it. I knew from the start that you were just trying to fuck around with Tae.”
Taehyung scoffs. “Your evil, demonic, deceptive, satanic boyfriend—”
“Nice vocabulary,” Hoseok comments without looking up, and you’re sure he’s on your best friend’s hit list at this point.
“Well — anyways, he’s out to get me,” Taehyung continues, frowning. “I feel attacked.”
“Yeah, okay, keep saying that several years from now when you’re sitting in a church and Y/N’s walking down the aisle,” Jimin says nonchalantly, causing you to choke on your cake in complete shock.
“What the heck — we’re literally eighteen! You can’t — you can’t just say things like that!” you exclaim indignantly, fork clattering against your empty plate. Jin grins widely all of a sudden, tapping your shoulder all of a sudden.
“Hmm?” You turn to him, momentarily forgetting how flustered Jimin’s comment made you feel.
“That was a really nice C# just now…”
Your mouth drops open as you gape at your boyfriend; part of you wants to cry and part of you wants to laugh. You knew when you agreed to make it official that somewhere along the line, you’d have to deal with these kinds of things, but now that it’s actually happening…
You turn to Jimin, patience already running thin from Jin’s antics (actually, you secretly love it, though you’ll never admit it to his face.)
“And you have the audacity to suggest that I’ll actually get married to this man?”
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“Y/N? Honey, wake up. I… I just realized something.”
“Oh — Jin? What is it? Everything okay?”
“Yeah, everything’s good. You know, I was thinking about it, and I realized that...” Your husband bites down on his lip hesitantly, glancing down at the baby sleeping peacefully in his arms.
“Yeah?” you press, curious.
“When Aera cries — you know, when she’s screaming at the top of her lungs,” he smiles fondly. “It’s always — she always cries in either F# or C#. It’s,” he looks like he’s nearing tears, “the D major key. Y/N, she literally cries in D major. I’m—”
You sigh, smiling amusedly to yourself as you snuggle up to him for extra warmth, holding your baby close. Leave it to none other than Kim Seokjin to analyze his daughter’s pitch — isn’t that part of the reason why you fell in love with him, anyway?
Life with Jin is many things — a chaotic mess that includes the constantly screaming light of your lives, three pandemoniac best friends, and far too many notes for you to keep track of. And though sometimes you want to chuck a blue-lidded block of rosin at his head to shut him up, you’re more than ready for it all.
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— feedback/questions/just wanna chat?
thank you for reading perfect pitch! ♡
83 notes · View notes
Their Doll 8
Let me in
B.Barnes x Reader, S.Rogers x Stark!Reader
series synopsis:  y/n Stark, all records of her non existent, and yet Hydra still find her. When she is kidnapped by a certain super-soldier and no one believes her, she finds herself searching for unexpected familiarity in her not-so-distant past.
Series Warnings: smut, violence, torture, swearing
Chapter Summary: y/n gets emotional
Warnings: swearing, feelings
A/n: The timeline in this has been altered, as there I things I wanted to include but I also wanted this fic to follow the storyline/timeline of Winter Soldier and Civil war.So for purposes of this fanfic, Peter Parker was discovered by Tony at a much younger age - when he was bitten - and has been an intern with him since, almost like a protégée.(For the purposes of this story Peter was bitten much younger too - more like when he was 9 or ten rather than 14/15)
Masterlist | Series Masterlist
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Life at the tower was...tiring, to say the least. During my free time I often found myself in the gym, lobbing knives at a target and trying my hardest not to biting one in Steve's chest every time he would correct my technique. When I wasn't trying to murder the avenger in cold blood, I was usually dragged into things by the other: briefings and debriefing for missions I'd never go on, my dad's parties, group training sessions and study periods with Bruce in his labs to name a few.
But for now, I was huddled in my rooms - fresh out of a hot shower after a brutal two hour training session and four mile run with Natasha - curled up on my bed and attempting to catch up on a few of the films I'd missed. But the exhaustion and drowsiness clouded my eyes, the noise from the TV merely in the background as I felt my eyes growing heavier by the second.
A sharp knock at the door snapped my out of my lowsey state, the people movie across the screen simple a blur of colour as my eyes darted past the tv and over to the door.
"Mr Stark is waiting at your door. Would you like me to let him in?" FRIDAY's evenly calm voice chimed, making me groan and mumble a 'no' into my pillows. The last person I wanted to see right now was my dad.
"Come on kid, let me in." My dad called from the other side of the door, and I could practically hear him roll his eyes and shake his head when I stayed silent. When he spoke again, it wasn't directed at me. "FRIDAY, override command and open the door."
"Wait! That's hardly fair!" I whined like a five year old, groaning again when the door swung open and my dad stood on the other side, quite clearly just as exhausted as I was.
"Get used to it, kiddo. Life isn't fair." Tony chided, walking over to my bed. I tried to shuffle away slightly when I felt the bed dip, my dad perching on the edge as his eyes scanned over the room. "I see you haven't decorated yet." He commented casually, as if nothing had ever happened between us.
"Yeah, well, I thought It'd be a shame to spend so much time on something when you're probably waiting to kick me out anyway." I mumbled, refusing to look at him.
"What the hell is wrong with you, y/n? Ever since you got back you've been-"
"Acting different?" I cut in, and when Tony simply swallowed thickly I nodded. "Funny that, seeing as I was kidnapped and tortured for three years. Not to mention made to kill people for another year after that."
"Y/n I'm sorry..."
"But you're not! You can't be, otherwise you'd actually have tried to save me, rather than leaving me to rot!" My voice cracked, tears pricked at my eyes and I now sat up straight in my bed, facing my dad but not looking him in the eye. "And you can't change that, you can't go back in the past and fix your mistake. And trying to fix it now sure as hell won't work, so I suggest you leave before I'm tempted to use you as my target for my training session tomorrow." I raised my voice, eyes now keeping his captive as the tears rolled freely down my cheeks.
"Oh, kid, they broke you." Tony murmured, cupping my cheek with his hand, eyes swimming with sorrow. Sorrow that I didn't want.
"You can't fix me either, because I'm not broken!" I said harsher now, voice only getting louder. "I don't need to be fixed..." I trailed off, voice barely above a whisper Joe as my eyes broke the contact, averting to my lap as the tears dropped onto the bed sheets.
That's how I found myself in my fathers arms, face pressed against his shoulder as the sobs made my body shake, hiccups escaping me as I tried to speak.
"A-all I needed W-was my D-dad, and yo- you took him f-from me!" I wailed, hands clutching my dad's shirt and his arms wrapped protectively around my shoulder, hands rubbing circles over my back soothingly.
"I know, kiddo. I'm sorry."
"Who is that?" Clint frowned, staring at the pictures scattered over the table in front of Natasha and Steve as they studied them deeply,  brows creased in thought.
"Our newest pain in the ass." Tony answered for them, slapping a thick folder down in front of Clint as he said so. The marksman was quick to pick it up, flicking through the documents, news stories and information sheets greedily.
"The...winter soldier?" He asked, looking at the three superheroes in front of him as if they'd gone mad. "But he's a ghost story!"
"I've seen him. Been shot by him, actually." Nat said, an sadistically proud smirk forming on her lips with her last words, almost as if it were an achievement.
"We're trying to find out more about him, maybe that way we can beat him." Steve explained, sitting back in his chair with crossed arms as he huffed in defeat, sick to death with staring at the same five pictures all morning.
Y/n walked in, a skip in her step as she crossed the room to Tony.
"Morning, dad." She greeted, placing a quick kiss to his cheek and heading over to the cupboard to grab a mug. Clint and Natasha frowned in confusion, looking between the two as if they'd witnessed pigs fly.
Tony shrugged, y/n too preoccupied with making herself a coffee to notice the avengers' reactions. When her coffee was done, y/n swiped her mug from under the machine and sipped happily, letting out a content sigh before wandering over to stand behind Natasha.
"What are you working on?" She asked, peering over the spy's shoulder to get a glimpse of the pictures.
A loud smash crashed through the room, Tony's eyes widening in shock and Natasha jumping from her seat in order to not get covered in spilt coffee. Y/n stood paralysed, eyes never leaving the photo in front of her as she started at the Soldier. Steve frowned deeply, studying the girl as her eyes glossed over with with what seemed to be...sadness.
Clint was already at her side, a comforting hand on her shoulder as they all asked y/n what had happened and if she was alright. It was like a constant ringing in her ear interrupted their words before they reached her ears, and y/n suddenly felt nauseous as she starred at the bright red star on the soldier's arm, his long and messy dark hair shrouding his face and his leather clad, muscular body. Only his cerulean blue eyes could be seen, the rest of his face covered in a black mask she didn't usually see him in.
"I-I need some air." She stuttered, stumbling blindly out of the room and down the stairs, tipping over a few steps from the bottom and tumbling down the last few. She quickly pulled herself to her feet, hearing still ringing and vision offset, hazy, as she scrambled for the double glass doors. Luckily they already stood open, so she flew through them and out into the busy streets of New York.
Y/n found herself colliding will someone almost instantly, angry shouts of 'hey, watch it!' And 'look where the fuck you're going, kid!' Being called after her like a chorus as she pushed through the bustling people.
She finally stopped, dropping to her knees and simply staring straight ahead, no intended subject in her line of vision as she tried to comprehend the-the grief, at seeing the a soldier's face again.
It had only been two weeks, and yet two weeks without him, his touch, his scent - it felt like an eternity to y/n now. She hasn't registered what her feeling meant for him before, liking him beyond a source of comfort had just felt...wrong, after all he'd done, and yet y/n couldn't deny it.
She was in love with the Winter Soldier, and she didn't even know his name.
I wasn't aware of when someone had found me, nor of how they got me back to the tower or even how I was now stood staring blankly out of the window that stood next to my bed. I gazed longingly, almost as if I stared long enough, hard enough, he'd appear.
But of course he wouldn't, he was probably half way across the world, knowing HYDRA. A soft knock on my door and my head was turning, facing my visitor with a look of pure grief and want. Desperate, unhinged want that could eat you up from inside out and you'd still feel it.
"Hey, y/n. Can I talk to you for a moment?" Nat asked tentatively, clearing trying to to disturb my shaken up state. I nodded, offering a small smile which she returned as I now faced her. She walked up to me, talking my hands him hers and playing with the as she spoke, eyes kind and full of understanding.
"There's a mission, and we want you to go." She said calmly, almost as if the mere thought of it would send me into some kind of heart attack.
"Okay," I begun, eyes flitting down to the floor before back up again. "What is it? Aren't you scared that I'm still HYDRA and all I'd do is stab someone in the back?"
"Not exactly." Nat informed me with a smile, amusement glinting in her eyes at my assumption. "For starters, we all trust you, well maybe not steve - but everyone else does." Nat and I both laughed slightly. "And I think you wouldn't have it any other way it to go on the mission yourself." Nat finished.
"How come?" I asked, brow raised.
"There's been a lead..." she started. "On the winter soldier. We thought you might want to help check it out, possibly capture him. Your powers may be the best chance we have a detaining someone as strong as him." Nat spoke. "And if we can detain him.."
"We can save him." I finished.
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illyaana · 3 years
Birthday Special: Mashirao Ojiro
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credits to the artist who drew the picture above!
Tags: Timeskip! Ojiro x Hero! Reader, No Specific Gender for Reader, Fluff
Your Hero Name: Pavlin (Peacock in Bulgarian)
Your Quirk: Peacock
When you wish, a bunch of peacock feathers form from the small of your back. Much like Hawks' quirk, they listen to your orders and can become swords. They also double as a shield. You also have a telekinetic connection with them too. The drawback is that removing too many in an hour can make you bleed.
Synopsis: You were tracking down two vigilantes. As you were severely injured, you sent a notice to all the heroes where you believed they were heading. After you healed, you continued to follow them. Soon, they removed their disguises and you found out it was Toga and Dabi. Toga shoved a needle in your arm and you thought that she was only drawing out blood, but you were wrong.
Word Count: 1879
The two vigilantes were relentlessly attacking you. Their guns and daggers came at you from left and right, forming multiple gashes and wounds on your body.
You knew you were reaching your limit. The feathers on your back were stained by the blood dripping due to you using so many of your feathers without any time to recuperate.
You jumped from the building and hid in an alleyway. You were planning to give yourself 5 mins to let your body rest while you use the smaller feathers of yours to track the two armed men.
By injecting a syringe full of green liquid formed by some of the heroes you knew who had quirks that could heal, you felt the wounds in your body seal and heal while you focused on the task at hand - to identify where they were going.
You were in your subconscious, feeling the movement of your feathers in a makeshift map of Musutafu in your head. You memorised the city like the back of your hand, it was required to be one of the more efficient heroes of Japan.
You knew they knew you weren't physically following them anymore, so they'd lead you straight to where they intended to go - and it oh so happened to be the base of the League of Villains.
Using your phone, you alerted all the heroes nearby the base with an app designed by the safety commission to keep an eye out for the two as you recharged.
Soon, you felt your body was ready to continue with the mission you were originally conducting.
Using the boots designed by your agency, you jumped and used your feathers to swerve to the right. Soon, you were jumping from building to building to catch up with the two men you were tracking.
You heard your phone ring and you picked it up,
"What is it Ojiro?" you said, speaking loudly.
"Where are you, most of us are waiting outside of the base to get those two," he stated with a worried tone.
You chuckled. "Don't worry about me too much, honey. Your fiance is stronger than you think."
"Still, where are you?" He asked again, now with a more stern tone.
You sighed. "Look up, stupid."
You saw him look to the top of the building opposite the base and instantly spotted you. You were leaning against the wall with your arms crossed and your phone by your ear.
You saw his face turn pale and you instantly turned around.
The two males smiled as one of them shoved a needle into your upper arm, drawing blood from it.
Soon, a muddy-like shell covering their bodies fell from the both of them, revealing Dabi and Toga.
"Pavlin wasn't as strong as they said, right, Dabi?" Toga said smiling, revealing her two fangs.
Dabi smirked as he walked towards you and grabbed your chin.
"They're hot too," he said as he trailed his fingers on your lips, "It isn't fair that Tailboy managed to secure this hot of a person to himself."
You bit Dabi's finger and pulled on the syringe, causing all the blood drawn to fall on the floor.
Using your feathers, you pinned both Toga and Dabi to the wall.
While Dabi tried to burn the feathers, you used a flashlight and showed a signal to the heroes perched outside of the base and turned their attention to you.
Ojiro was soon behind you along with Shoto and Aizawa. He quickly grabbed you before you fell due to the blood loss.
"You okay?" he asked as he gripped you from the sides. You could only nod, unable to say a word.
You felt your feathers begin to fall from your back.
You didn't tell them to.
They fell on their own.
You began to vomit out blood, copious amounts falling from your lips.
Soon, you heard Dabi laughing hysterically. "So how is it being quirkless, Pavlin?"
Your face paled.
"We weren't only taking your blood, you know," Toga explained, "We also injected you with something the League has been developing - a serum to remove quirks."
Toga took the knife from her hands and cut through your feathers. "You were our first test subject, and it clearly worked!" She began chuckling, "You are relieved from your duties, Pavlin. It was a pleasure being your opponent."
You gripped Ojiro's arm, not wanting to act recklessly.
You were no longer Pavlin.
You chuckled lowly.
You took one of your longer feathers from the ground, touching the very tip of it.
It was still sharp.
It could still cut.
You looked at Ojiro.
You didn't need to say anything.
He already knew what you wanted to do.
You got off the floor and stood in a fighting stance, wiping the blood from the sides of your mouth.
"At least let me finish my job before I am relieved of my duties, Toga."
You ran to her, using your boots to get a high distance so that you came to her at an angle.
You were going to stab this bloodsucker and give her a taste of her own medicine.
Thanks to Shoto, they couldn't move. The ice beneath them had secure them to where they stood.
Every single time Dabi tried melting it off, Shoto just formed more ice.
The next few seconds were a blur, but you knew you stabbed Toga at her right shoulder. You made sure to push it in deep, letting the finer hairs of your former feather enter her skin, preventing her from using her dominant hand ever again.
Dabi stared at his partner as she screamed.
While she was writhing in pain, you looked at him.
"I am not done with you get."
A dark smile reached your lips as you jumped off of Toga's body and grabbed two of your smaller feathers.
"Get out of the way!" you screamed at the others as you ran straight to Dabi.
You threw one small feather while running and it immediately hit Dabi's lower arm.
"Even if I wasn't with Ojiro, I would've never fall in love with you let alone get in a relationship with you."
You threw the other smaller arrow to reach his lips vertically, slicing each lip in half, "...so don't you ever touch my lips ever again."
Everyone surrounding you sighed in relief when you kneeled down, catching your breath.
But Ojiro wasn't going to let this end like how it did.
He was furious.
That quirk was the only thing that reminded you of your family that died so many years ago.
It was the only thing that you could call a present from your family.
He knew how life was for you as an orphan who was never adopted.
He remembered how you'd go on and on about your late parents who taught you the basics of your quirk.
He remembered how you cried when you told him about how they passed off.
He knew how much that quirk meant to you.
And all he could see now was red.
"How dare you do that to them!" He screamed at the two of them.
You saw the anger in your fiance's eyes as he gave a death stare to the two villains in front of you.
"Ojiro, I have already-" he touched the top of your head, signalling you to let him speak on your behalf.
"They may be willing to let this slide with just a few cuts and bruises, but not me."
Ojiro was going to fling himself off the pole beside him but you managed to stand in time to stop him.
You made him crouch beside you and pulled him into a hug.
"Thank you, Ojiro, but I don't need your name dirtied because of what happened to me," you pat his back.
"Besides, they have injuries they can't heal that will affect their line of work because of me, and that has given me all the satisfaction I needed," you ended, a dark smirk on your face as you faced the two villains.
Soon, the two of them were apprehended and sent off to be contained. You and Ojiro headed back to your shared apartment and began to watch an episode of the show you both were watching together.
You loved the domestic life that you both shared. You did not crave adventure. So did Ojiro.
You both loved the indoors. Just being surrounded by comfort after a long day's work is all you both needed to re-energize yourselves.
You saw the popcorn bowl empty and headed to prepare more until Ojiro stopped you.
He turned off the TV and gave his wholehearted attention to you.
"Do you wanna talk about it?"
You were all prepared to let it die off with the severe injuries of two villains, yet those six words managed to form your tears to form.
"I spent only four years with them, Ojiro. I lost them when I was going to turn 5 - the day right before my birthday," you began, "My quirk was the only thing keeping them alive within me. I lost my whole family thanks to one measle injection I could've easily avoided."
Ojiro pulled you into his lap and softly placed his tail on you. He knew you liked to touch it when you were sad or angry.
"Your quirk wasn't the only thing keeping them alive, love. The fact you worked so hard to become someone who your parents could be so proud of, the fact you didn't falter through all those trying times in your life, the fact you stood tall when everyone doubted you - that fighting spirit of yours," he touched the middle of your chest with his finger," That keeps them alive."
"You will always remember the training they gave you when they found out your quirk, right?" You nodded.
"You will keep the memories you've made with them in those precious years, right?" You nodded.
"You will always carry your last name, even when you're married, correct?" You nodded.
"Then what is there to worry about?" He said, pinching your cheeks.
"I fell in love with you because of who you are. I will always remember you as the little feisty person who made me see my talent and made me love myself."
He placed his head on your shoulder, rubbing the side of his face in the crook of your neck.
"You made me the hero I am today, and you will be known throughout the years as someone to be respected. And it's all thanks to your parents - to your family, isn't it?" He ended, giving a kiss on your neck.
This was it.
This is why you love this man.
He knew the main reason behind your pain and made it go away.
This is why you are going to marry him and make him the happiest man on Earth.
You turned to face him and gave a kiss on his forehead. "Thank you, Ojiro."
He just smiled and placed a kiss on your forehead, too. "Thank you, Y/N."
If the world was something that gave you a blessing amongst an array of curses, you both knew that he was your blessing as you were his.
Happy Ojiro Day! The Tailman himself is totally underrated, so let's give him some love today, hmm? (✿◡‿◡) As always, thanks for all the reblogs and the likes. I hope you enjoyed it :3
As usual, if you have any ideas or headcanons or just wanna talk to me, tell me here!
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jeontwin · 4 years
More Like Me
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My first fic - One Shot
A/N: Our darling Jimin is just as human as the rest of us and has heartbreaks just like the rest of us and It sucks when I see him cry on stage, good or bad, I just wanna go hug him and give him some cuddles. I know I'm not the only one. <3
Warnings; it’s sad, no fluff, no smut, just sad times, angst?
Summary: Your childhood/best friend is in the dating scene and been dating a girl for 5 years, and thought she was going to be a wife to him and the mother of his future children. Till they broke up. Which broke him. Which broke you.
Inspired and some quotes by: The Veronicas- More Like Me
Park Jimin. He's genuinely a nice guy. Like for real. He might be a little flirty but his heart is gold and it's gooey and soft too. He has manners and is humble, sometimes dangerously so. Sees the best in everyone. Protects others even if he doesn't know them. He's the definition of a gentle man. He's fun. A little savage, But his kindness is beyond understanding.
So when he messaged me… Saying him and her are no longer together. My heart broke. Because I know how much he invested into that relationship. Every day, never was she not in his thoughts and every sentence as something reminded him of her. The way he smiled with those crooked teeth and sometimes too hard so he couldn't even see as they turned to moon crescents. The photos he had, the couple jewellery. The memories…
I stood in the park… the darkness around me. But I know that figure… hunched back, head in his hands on the dark green metal bench but in the night looking like black bars. Tears welled up in my eyes joining his as my ears registered his shaky uneven breaths, sound magnifying in the silence of the night. Looking down at the crumpled mess, my hand shakingly hesitatingly hover over his arched back as his body shaking and huffing from sobbing. Now seeing just a shaking blur with the build up tears overflowing to my cheeks and chin. I lay my hand gently on top of his back slowly lowering, bent at that knees, arms wrapping around him, embracing his body into a hug. A hug I hope could….. At least give him some sort of comfort….. But I know I couldn't.
It's been 4 months. Jimin is getting better. He has his times understandably, but his mind space is getting better. Till she started to contact me, with Jimin's silence, his nod gave me permission to why I am here in this café opposite her as she had a pink milkshake in front of her that she only had one sip of and stirring with her straw. 
The moment my mouth opens to ask why she has called me out, she turns to a mess, begging to me as if I could some how revive whatever they had, as if I had that kind of power, as if I could mend everything and wipe my best friend's memories of the gut wrenching, nauseating, sharp stab of pain. My fists clenched on my lap as my eyes narrows and I listen to the chaos coming out of her mouth silently. Silently until the one thing she says has me burning with rage and disbelief "I-I just wanted to be more like you! And maybe even more…. So he'd look only at me"
 Silence…….. My jaw couldn't be ever more clenched, my first words I speak to her at this 'meet up' are more stable and gentle than I expect as I stared not at her running mascara and liner, streaks through her foundation and concealer but the milkshake, prespiring not from the tension or the heat between us and my gaze on it.
"I'm sorry….. I see where you are…" lifting my eyes to her. Burning gaze, Intimidating and filled with rage as the hurt in my heart built up and reached my mouth "But you've been hanging on long enough" her eyes widening at my stern tone between my teeth "you can keep chasing him but you can't keep up with him growing to be the man you missed out on. I really do see where you are…. From the other side of a broken heart." tears forming as I remembered his defeated eyes and body I saw the following mornings from that night, but I refused to let them fall "But if you were more like me-" finger nails digging into the palms of my hands, holding myself back at yelling at her, to be able to say what I want to say "-You would of held on a little tighter, pulled him in a little closer…. Move in a little faster" I stood up and her large eyes staring up at me in panic and distain that the hope of me possibly helping her is destroyed. "The truth hurts but someday you'll see….. If you were more like me, you'd have kissed a little longer, been impossible to leave…… but he loved you with everything…." looking down at my bag to reach for it "Because you weren't like me." her mouth closing as tears ran down her face more. Placing my bag crossed over my body "I'm sorry your name doesn't reach his lips anymore.  And I think you're crazy for waiting around but you don't stand a chance, because with me…." a stray tear falling glancing at her one last time. "he's a better man."
But he'll never be my man.
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gone4neow · 4 years
c h a p t e r t w e l v e
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- park chanyeol x oc
- mulan rewrite [very loosely inspired by the disney version]
- warnings : cursing, dark themes, extreme violence
- work count : 2,844
previous chapter or next chapter
The next few days consisted of the same routine. The group would wake up in the morning, pack up, and move on to a new location. The soldiers were tired. Their limbs ached and their minds were growing restless. Though they were all trying their best to hang on to the last bit of determination hidden away in their bones. To Eunyeong, there was nothing more inspiring to see the group of men pushing forward together in an attempt to win the war. And so, her soul was lit with an untouchable fire.
The wound on her arm was slowly healing day by day. It still burned, but she was able to push the pain to the back of her mind for the most part. Despite trying her best to assure Baekhyun that she was okay, the man fawned over her like she was inches away from shattering into a million pieces. It was endearing, really, but the woman hated being treated as if she were so fragile.
"Why are you walking so slowly? Your arm was stabbed, not your feet," the general grumbled ahead of the woman. She followed closely behind him, cradling her injured arm close to her torso as they navigated through the forest trees.
"You're the one who suggested I come with you to get some water," the woman retorted. "You could've asked anyone else. Baekhyun has quite fast feet."
"You give him too much credit. The only time he moves quickly is when there's food involved," Chanyeol snickered.
"And Kyungsoo?"
"Someone has to watch over the group when I'm away."
"Then perhaps you should have come to get water on your own," Eunyeong scoffed. Immediately the man in front of her came to a halt. He turned and looked down at the woman just as she crashed into his chest. She looked up at him in surprise, not expecting him to be stopped right in front of her.
"I'm beginning to think you don't appreciate my company," the man hummed with distaste.
"What gave it away?" The woman played along with a small, taunting smile.
"You don't have to lie to me. I know you enjoy my company so much that you even dream about me," the man teased her. The smile on her face fell while she watched the corners of his lips curl.
"I don't dream about you," she breathed out quickly, a trace of bitterness in her voice. "Why would I do that?"
"You don't have to be so embarrassed. I-"
The man was cut off by the sound of something moving in the distance. Both the general and the soldier knelt on the ground instantly. They shared a worried glance before they averted their eyes away to search through the forest for a sign of an intruder. If the situation wasn't so tense the scene might have been funny. The pair were trying their best to hide behind trees that were far too thin to entirely conceal their figures. Their hands rested upon the handles of their weapons as if they were children awaiting a signal to start acting out an imaginative scene.
"I think it's safe, but I'm going to go do a quick scan just to be sure," Chanyeol announced when he grew impatient. "Stay here."
Eunyeong grabbed his wrist before he could completely leave her and pulled him back into a crouch. He looked at her with wide, confused eyes. She avoided his eyes for a few seconds before she finally released a soft sigh and looked at him.
"Can we not split up?" She asked softly. Her cheeks grew a bright shade of pink as embarrassment crept along her skin.
Chanyeol gave the woman a questioning look before suddenly his eyes narrowed in suspicion. Was the woman afraid? Upon the realization, his expression softened. Perhaps getting stabbed had affected her more than he realized. Or maybe the man who she had recognized was someone she feared.
"This is a war. How are you going to fight in a war if you're afraid?" The general asked her, hiding the sympathy he felt for the woman. Her eyes averted away from the man. He felt guilt crawl up his spine when he saw her head lower with shame.
Thunderous footsteps echoing off of the forest floor interrupted the man before he could say anything else. The pair looked up just as a figure emerged from the forest. Before either of them could react, the General was being tackled to the ground. His weapon that he had drawn fumbled out of his hands as he attempted to remove his attacker from his body.
Eunyeong rose to her feet and quickly approached the attacker. Knowing her arm would prove useless, she raised her right leg and gave a forceful kick against the man's side. He released a deep grunt as he fell off of the General and onto the ground. The woman moved quickly, pulling her dagger out and holding against the man's neck before the general could even process what had just happened.
"Howon," the woman called in a low tone. "Why are you doing this?"
"You wouldn't give in. I needed a way to get to you," the man admitted breathlessly.
"What does that even mean?" Eunyeong eyebrows furrowed with confusion.
"Don't you get it?" Howon asked as a smile formed on his face. "This war is mine. I started it. I knew your father would be selected. And I knew you'd be silly enough to pull this stunt."
Eunyeong's face scrunched up with revulsion at the revelation. The man sensed her shock and grabbed her wrist before jerking it roughly, sending the weapon in her hands flying across the forest. She released a whimper as pain shot up her hand.
"Don't touch him," the General commanded in a dangerous tone as he watched Howon sit up underneath the woman. Howon ignored the man as he grabbed Eunyeong's other wrist. His fingers dug into her skin like the stingers of the angriest wasps.
"I know it's hard to process, but that's the truth. If you want to see your parents again then you'll do as I say. If you don't, then I'll report you to the authorities. You wouldn't want that, would you?" The man spoke condescendingly towards the woman.
"Hey buddy, I'll end you right here right now if you don't let him go," the General threatened as he pressed the tip of his sword against the man's skull. Howon looked up at the man as if noticing him for the first time.
"You should really mind your own business," Howon snapped. "If I don't return to camp then there's a little letter that will be delivered directly to your father, pretty boy. Do you think I'm foolish enough to believe that you don't know about Eunyeong's true identity?"
Chanyeol paled at the information. He knew the situation he was now in was a possibility, but he hadn't planned for it to arrive so suddenly. Without having a plan to prevent such a catastrophe, he was left with little to no option but to let Howon control the situation. There was nothing in the world that made him feel so enraged. He had let the situation slip right out of his hands. What kind of leader was he?
"What is it t-that you want Howon?" Eunyeong stuttered out as she started to return from her state of shock.
"What I've always wanted: you," the man replied quickly as if he had been waiting for the question his entire life.
"And if I don't believe your story? You have n-no actual proof that you have power or authority over anything and yet you parade around t-the woods like you own the place." Eunyeong voice held fear in it, but her words were still confident. It was a sign that she was ready to fight no matter what. That alone made Chanyeol's chest swell with pride. He looked down at the man staring up at him and smirked. Checkmate.
"Is that what you think?" Howon snickered as he tilted his head while looking back at the woman. The woman hesitated but eventually gave a confident nod. The man beneath her suddenly gave a sharp whistle. Within just a few seconds, several men emerged from the trees and surrounded the trio. Their uniforms belonged to none other than the same enemies that they had been fighting for months. Eunyeong gasped as two of the men plucked her up from the ground. Chanyeol stood helpless as the men pointed their swords at him. Defeated, he lowered his weapon.
Howon rose to his feet in just a few seconds. The smile on his face was both radiant and patronizing. He had gotten them exactly where he wanted them and now there was nothing they could do. His plan was genius. Eunyeong's mind raced as she tried to conjure up an escape plan, but the sinking feeling in her gut told her that there was no out this time.
"So this war... was started by you? All for a woman that holds no admiration for you?" Chanyeol risked questioning with humor in his voice.
"This war was inevitable. It just so happened that the leader of this army gave me an opportunity to achieve my ambitions," Howon responded in a smooth tone.
"What's supposed to happen then? You and I get married and this war ends?" The woman asked with an expression of disgust on her face.
"Well don't look so excited," Howon replied. "Unfortunately this war cannot be stopped by me. I merely instigated it. Now it has to handle itself."
"Then what h-happens next?" She dared question further.
"I have plans for you and me to run off for a while until this mess cools down. Once it does, I'll bring you back to my village and we will be officially wedded. My family's been waiting for the perfect woman to come along to carry out the lineage," the man informed her.
The woman felt her stomach twist at his words. All her life she had wanted to be anything but another typical wife. Now, everything she had worked so hard for was vanishing right before her. Chanyeol watched the woman's face pale. He couldn't even fathom what kind of thoughts must have been going through her mind. Unfortunately, he was well too aware of his thoughts. There had not been a point in his life where he had ever felt so prepared to lose everything he had. Everything that he owned was nothing at that moment. Even his family had become a second thought. His heart and his mind were focused on the woman across from him.
She met his eyes a few seconds after the unsettling feeling had flooded through him. She could see a fire in his eyes that she had never before. At that moment she knew he was about to do something drastic. Her head shook slightly as she tried to stop him, but it was no use.
"Howon," he called with a venomous bite. "You won't be taking her anywhere. If she doesn't want to be with you, then she won't be."
Howon turned to look at the man with raised eyebrows at his tone. "And what exactly will stop me? If you're not aware, you're surrounded. Give it up pretty boy."
Not another word was shared before chaos broke out. The general turned and began to fight against the small army that had arrived with Howon. Eunyeong struggled as the men holding her gripped her tighter and tighter with every passing moment. She yelled out in anger as she watched Chanyeol fight against several men. He moved gracefully. Every attack he made was strategic and well thought out. But even so, there were too many. If he made any little mistake then it was over with for him. She knew the men would kill the General the first chance they got. Knowing his life was on the line evoked desperation from the woman, unlike any desperation she had felt before.
"Howon please - spare his life. I'll go with you! Just don't kill him!" Eunyeong cried out.
After a few more minutes of fighting against the men holding her in place, she finally broke free. Howon watched with parted lips as she stole one of the men's sword. Without hesitation, the blade in her hand sliced through the second man's throat. Howon felt himself grow lightheaded at the sight. He hadn't anticipated war turning the woman into a murderer. How was he supposed to marry someone that could potentially kill him at any given moment?
He stood frozen as he watched the woman and the general work together to deplete his group of men. Of course, he knew the general was no stranger to combat, but he hadn't expected to see such extreme talent. His heartbeat was racing in his chest. He wanted to run, but he couldn't look away from the woman who was becoming painted with the blood of his men. His feet were frozen in place.
When the number of his men had dwindled to almost nothing, he felt his flight kick in. Eunyeong, thankfully, caught sight of the man running before he could get too far ahead. She took off after him in a rush. Their feet thumped loudly against the soft earth beneath them as they ran. Howon's feet weren't confident in what direction they were going and after some time passed, the man tripped and rolled onto the forest floor.
"Oh, Howon..." Eunyeong called out in a pained voice. "What a shame that it's ending like this."
The man looked up at the woman with an expression of terror on his face. He tried crawling backward, hoping that by some miracle he would be able to escape her wrath. Unfortunately for him, she took slow, taunting steps with every move he made.
"Please, Eunyeong, don't do this. We can fix this," the man pleaded with her.
"Howon you can't fix this. You started a war. And now I am going to end it," she told the man with a frown on her face.
"You're going to kill me," the man whispered out in a shaky voice.
"Do I have a choice? We both know you won't rest until you get what you want. But I have some advice for you in regards to your next life - when a woman isn't interested in you, leave her alone," Eunyeong sighed. She clenched her eyes shut and lifted her sword before she brought it down in a rush.
A few minutes later, Eunyeong sat on a rock next to the river while the general crouched down next to the water. The woman watched him closely as he rose to his full height. He shook some water off of his hands before he turned and walked over towards her. Her eyes followed him as he crouched down beside her. Suddenly her heartbeat began to race.
"You shouldn't have gotten involved back there," he scolded her quietly as his large hand reach out and took her arm in his hold. She winced slightly, eyeing the bloody wound on her arm with disgust.
"I wasn't expecting you to be so crazy," she responded with a slight scoff. His eyes met hers for a few seconds before he looked back down at her wound. She watched his face closely as he brought a wet cloth up towards her arm. His eyebrows furrowed as he ran the material over her arm.
"So," the man started. "Your actual name is Eunyeong?"
The woman blinked down at him while her lips parted with surprise. She hated the way her heart skipped a beat at the sound of her name rolling off of his tongue. Even more so, she hated that even after everything that had just happened her mind was clouded with such provocative thoughts.
"Yes," she answered a moment of silence passed. The man glanced up at her, his lips curling slightly.
"It suits you," he commented quietly.
"Well I'm, uh, glad you think so. I would certainly hope so. If it didn't then I would have some trouble on my hands wouldn't I?" The woman rambled, her mind going in several different directions at once.
"Are you okay?" The man asked her with concern in her voice.
"Yes!" The woman answered almost too quickly. "It's just that I wasn't expecting this to happen."
"You should always expect the unexpected in war. Though, for someone who was caught off guard you handled the situation pretty well." The man replied absentmindedly as he continued washing the blood away from the woman's wound.
When his eyes snapped up to meet hers again, she forced a small smile upon her face. Perhaps she had handled that situation well, but that's not what she had been referring to. Her teeth dug into her tongue as she forced herself to keep this little secret of hers to herself. Some things were better left unsaid.
a / n : hi!! this chapter is shorter than most but it’s packed with a lot of action + a lot of moments between eunyeong and chanyeol so hopefully that makes up for the length! as always, hope everyone enjoys this chapter and the story. xx
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Defying Death
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Pairing: Thor x reader
Warning: Death, Sadness, Sad Thor, Endgame... Happy ending, fluff, the ending we all DESERVED.
Request: hi love! i was wondering if i could get a reader x thor? maybe during endgame the reader is horribly injured when she fights thanos alongside thor, steve, and tony. so everyone is happy when it ends except reader is dying alongside tony. lots of angst? maybeeee a happier ending? tysm!
A/N: Anything for you, cute thing! I apologize for how late this is, it's currently test week at school... Hope you like it! And, I added a little Irondad :)
You looked out to the endless amount of monstrous beings that lined up before you. The clouds were almost black and roaring with thunder, clearly the act of your lover, Thor.
These last 5 years have been rough for the two of you, but you managed to keep him alive until today. The 5th year was the best year, where he asked you to move in with him, resulting in many happy days- much like the ones Tony found with Pepper, till, of course, it was time to fight again.
You stood beside the 3 men who were with you through it all from the beginning. All the way from 2012 to 2023, the final battle against the mad titan. There was a time when you were the only female in the big 4, also when you and Natasha were the only female Avengers. The team has come a long way since then. You were more than proud. 
"Let's kill him properly this time." With Thor's words as a command to spring into action, you opened your arms as your eyes burned white and kinetic energy formed around your fingers.
Then the fight began. It was a god, genius, super soldier and an enhanced against Thanos. It would've seemed like an impossible battle, but Thanos made it surprisingly hard.
You saw the other Avengers fighting for their lives in the corners of your eyes, making you even more infuriated. Who was he to take away so much as 5 years from those individuals? The anger fueled your powers, helping you create a glowing dome of blinding white energy, ribbons of silky white smoke burning Thanos to his death. 
Thor, Steve, and Tony watched entranced as you levitated, white smokey energy flowing around you. The light became more and more intense, and your eyes glowed an alarmingly bright shade of white. Everything around them turned white, nothing else visible.
Just when it seemed like you might actually do this, you were blown away meters and meters away from bombs raining down on the battleground. 
But you still stood back up, even though you were severely weakened. You saw the three men you loved with your life, especially a certain Norse god, all fighting with their lives. The spaceship of raining bombs was taken care of by Carol Danvers, but all you could see was Thanos holding Stormbreaker against Thor's chest. 
"Thanos!" You ignored your aching shoulder, flying over to where Thanos held your love's weapon against himself. You used up all the energy you could muster at that moment, shooting Thanos many feet away with a blast. His head crashed onto his own weapon, creating a gash at Thanos' forehead. 
"Thor." You almost fell into his chest, hand flying up to your shoulder at the sharp pain. "I love you. Just in case-" You groaned and looked up at him with your usual colored eyes. 
"Do not say that, my dove. We will defeat him." His eyes swirled with worry, you were so strong, he had never seen you so weakened. He placed a soft kiss on your lips, seeing the army of female superheroes come together. "You should be there." He said before he popped your shoulder back into place, so quick that you didn't even notice. "I love you too." He whispered, watching you fly over to the gathered females. 
The next was just fighting. A never-ending wave of disgusting creatures who chose to side with Thanos. It was unknown how long you'd gone for until many of the superheroes drifted away and started surrounding Thanos. You understood what was happening immediately. He was about to get the stones.
"We need backup!" A frightened voice yelled into your comms, from the sound of it, possibly Ant-man or Spider-man. 
“I’ll be there.” You breathed into your comms whilst round-house kicking the shit out of a monster charging at you.
Then you took off again, the white fog-like smoke you left behind choking all the aliens near.
“No, My dove. You are injured-“ Thor tried to sound calm for you, but you weren’t having it. His voice sounded raspy, and he went out cold before he could finish his sentence. Your heart ached, the pain harnessing your powers even more.
You landed right in front of Thanos, where he stood with all the stones in that god-awful gold glove. Every other Avenger was passed out, knocked into the other life by the stones Thanos used ever so nastily.
“You are no match for me.” Thanos almost laughed, seeing a tiny human being standing up to him, chest heaving from the hours of fighting, bruises visible on your cheek and arms from earlier.
“Let’s see about that.” You gritted your teeth, eyes glowing snow white once again. He took a step back, a huge mistake. He was actually scared of you. Now he had no more bombs to rain. But he looked to his stones, and a grin grew on his disgusting face. You couldn’t stand it.
A massive ball of kinetic energy formed between your hands, you thrust it down onto the ground, and the energy ripples through the ground to land a strong whirl of force into Thanos.
He falls on his knees but gets up once again, the power stone glowing violet. Your eyes narrowed as if to challenge him, daring him to use that stone on you. You’d tear it to pieces.
A sharp blade appeared in your hand, glowing much like your eyes, crackling with sparks as you threw one after the other at him, two piercing through his abdomen.
"Ooh, ouch. That looks bad." You cringed but didn't quit launching the blades.
He groaned agonizingly, now using three stones to oppress you. He actually got the upper hand this time, pinning you to the stack of burnt steel as he tried to force the air out of your lungs.
You placed your hand on his glove, trying as best as you could to destroy the damn thing. But oh, your bones were screaming. So much pressure and you couldn’t move against the hold he had on you.
You closed your eyes in pain, but you pushed through it ending up in an explosion of energy directly from you. It blew Thanos back from the force, smokey traces of white lingering in the air. You tried to catch your breath, hand trembling against the broken metal.
You held yourself up right, collecting every ounce of energy you had left. You felt the energy draining from your veins, but you continued. Until all the energy pent up blew up into an extreme explosion on Thanos. It would’ve looked beautiful, if not given the circumstances.
You fell on all fours, unable to detect Thanos’ loyal follower creeping up to you with his dying breath. You were too drained, slipping in and out of consciousness when he stabbed a dagger into your back.
Your eyes shot open with fear and pain, a small dagger like this would’ve been nothing to you if you were your usual self. But the cut was lethal to the state you were in. You couldn’t do anything as you watched Tony snap his fingers, successfully defeating Thanos- but killing himself at the same time.
You curled up near the burnt leftover of the great building, internally smiling at your lover, who was alive. Thor ran up to you immediately as he woke up, his eyes clearly showing fear.
“My dove. No, no, no, no no.” Your eyelids fell from the sad look on his face, you knew deep down inside that you’d have to leave him now.
“We need a medic- we, I, Y/N.” He was panicked. His weapons were cast aside somewhere unknown, he just crouched next to you with nothing but himself. He reached his calloused hand up to your cheek, his thumb smoothing the tears you didn’t know had fallen.
You could only see him and his radiant blue eyes, watery with tears. You could only feel him and his touch, the soft skin of his lips on yours as he kissed you for the last time. He didn’t want to admit it, you could see that in his eyes. He still hoped that you might make it. You cried from his innocence, he didn’t deserve for everyone to die. He didn’t deserve any of this.
“You can’t leave me, My dove. We were going to- get married, and, forget all of this superhero- thing.” His voice cracked as he remembered the diamond ring that sat in the drawer of your shared house, he thought he’d propose to you next month. But time, it’s always so cruel.
“I love you, Thor. Live. You know I’ll always love you, my darling.” Your voice was strained and hoarse, barely a whisper, but he heard you.
“I love you too.” He held you in his lap, caressing your hair, trying not to rip planet Earth into halves as he watched the light in your eyes fade. His skin grew goosebumps and he felt his heart crash as his breathing became erratic.
“Y/N? My love. No, you can’t. No, no, please.” He couldn’t help it anymore, storms of thunder raised hell in the sky, yelling out in pain. So much pain. He sobbed into your limp body, his shoulders shaking uncontrollably as the others watched with broken hearts.
Two Avengers, dead, and their lovers’ reactions were the exact opposite, aside from the one thing both had in common.
They were both broken.
“My god, Y/N.” You were suddenly at a peaceful looking beach, the ocean waves crashing against each other. Tony, you recognized, styled in all-white clothing walked up to you.
“Tony.” You smiled, the bright place made you feel euphoric. It felt so freeing. You embraced Tony in a hug, it felt strange, as if you had no physical body, but you didn’t feel the need to question it.
“We’re dead, murder princess,” Tony said bluntly, grinning out into the ocean.
“Jeez, really? I hadn’t noticed.” You raised your brow at his longtime nickname for you, until you were interrupted by a clearing of a throat.
You looked behind you, and there she was. Queen Frigga. She looked stunning as she did when you first met her, standing on the sand poised and elegance radiating off of her.
“Queen Frigga.” You stood up, Tony following.
“Y/N. Welcome to Valhalla. But, not quite yet. You will be accepted in as soon as you are officially gone. Ancient rules, you understand.” She spoke quickly, her hands fidgety as she explained. “There’s still a chance for you to return to him. And you, Tony. Just trust me, say yes and I will perform it immediately. But I’m afraid we don’t have much time to waste.”
“Yes.” You and Tony said in unison, both thinking about the loved ones you left behind.
“I hoped you’d say that. Tell Thor that I love him.” Frigga rubbed your arm warmly, taking a few steps back before giving a gentle flick into the air.
“Ugh!” You no longer felt at peace, or euphoric, or all that crap. Your head was banging and the pain in your ribs was agonizing. You found yourself back, alive, onto the battleground. You noticed Thor holding you tightly, still crying into your hair.
“Thor- Thor.” You grabbed his shoulders and pushed yourself away to look at him. His eyes grew wide enough that his eyes could've popped out, a relieved laugh escaping his lips with a choke.
“Your mother sends her love.” Your tears of happiness created streaks on your scarred skin, dripping onto the ashy ground. Thor wasted no time as he crashed his lips onto yours once again. The warmth of his touch burned your heart with real euphoria.
The team all celebrated with tears and laughter as you and Tony came back alive, after almost giving everyone a heart attack. Every single Avenger stood circling you and Tony, hugging and crying into each other. Thor held you on his lap, caressing your back sweetly as you conversed with Natasha, your longtime best friend. 
Tony was being caged in by Peter's embrace, chuckling brightly at his reaction. Tony was basically Peter's father, everyone knew that. 
"Mr. Stark, oh god... I thought-" 
"It's okay, kid. I'm here" 
"Y/N?" Thor raised his hand up to hold your chin softly, his eyes boring into yours. 
"I love you." 
"I love you too."
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Trapped, luv!
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Genre: Mafia AU! (EXO OT12)
Pairing: Reader x Kris Wu.
Warnings: Angst, violence, murders, use of weapons and later smut.
Comment: Ok, I don't know how to do this and this would be my first fic.
I know there is a lot of exo mafia content but there are not enough (in my opinion) Yifan fics, so this is really a little dream I had with him. I hope you enjoy!
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You were alone again, the detective on duty had left a few minutes ago for the thousandth time, leaving you to break or as he had said: "so you could remember clearly," pure bullshit. You looked again at the small room, it is not as if something had changed since the last time you had done a panoramic view but there was not much to do either; the room was still claustrophobic, heavily lit and empty except for the table to which you were currently chained and its chairs. One of them that you had been forced to sit for hours in the same absurd position, supporting the natural fatigue of your body and the incredible pain of your back.
But what else could you expect from an interrogation room?
You heard the door open again, your eyes quickly shifting to the one-way mirror to watch Detective Zhang's reflection enter with his little partner Detective Do. They approached relaxedly, as if they had had some "break time" when you actually knew they had been watching you like hawks through the stupid window.
-I thought you could be a little tired. -Said Yixing, the nice cop while exchanging your empty disposable glass for one full of steaming hot coffee. He was kind enough to put it within reach of your cuffed hands and then slide two small sugar sachets across the table. - It should calm the hunger and the cold until we find a solution to that.
Detective Zhang used all his personal pronouns in the plural, "we" to refer to him and you, as if you both were some kind of small nice team against the bad guys and "they" either for the headquarters or for, well, he and his team.
All the sweet talk was accompanied by a dimple in his cheek and bright eyes, always charming, as if he was talking with her mother's friend and not well... with you. Instead Detective Do had not spoken at all yet, but you simply knew that his big dark eyes didn't miss anything at all. He hadn't given you his first name and his police role seemed to be "the intimidating one", with a poker face perfected over the years and an almost inhuman serenity; It wasn't that it worked for you for obvious reasons, but still both boys were trying.
-I don't drink coffee. –You let them know while you took turns watching them. Hell, the headquarters had really chosen their pretty boys for your interrogation. It was as if they thought you were a stupid woman, so you relaxed your shoulders further, completely ignoring your numb muscles and the pain in your neck to look as relaxed as you could; as if you were on a beach lounger, chatting with your girl friends and just hanging out. -Sorry.
Yixing did not allow himself to be immuted in any way, his facade was still "the attractive and sweet neighbor if your dreams" and all he did was drink coffee for himself.
-Well, we can do something. -He said distractedly as he added sugar and stirred. –A tea, perhaps, something warm so that…
-Fuck with her tea! –and there it was, Detective Do had exploded as he stood up and with his firm palms on the table he bowed until his beautiful and clean face was inches from yours. -Where is he, Y/n?! And before you try to be a smart ass, we know he didn't leave the country, so the fucking bastard has a safe place and you're going to tell me where.
What a character he had, but you preferred it that way, it kept you alert and with everything that had happened in the last twelve fucking hours, alert was how you wanted to stay.
- Have someone ever told you that you are devastatingly handsome up close? -You said with a smile while watching his face flush with fury. Yixing laughed softly as he stirred his coffee, as if he had expected exactly that answer. - And as I have told you my kind gentlemen, I have no idea of ​​anything and although I knew, I have no intention of ending, well, dead. So you see, that's the situation.
-You are his fucking wife and he is a bastard, but he wouldn't kill you. –Detective Do said as he calmed down, his eyebrows still held together in a frightening frown. - I repeat, you are his wife.
Yes, you knew that part since you had said "I Do" on the altar, but apparently the policeman wanted you to remember him while pointing you with his finger up and his pretty lips pressed in a pout.
-Surely, Detective Do you don't know much about my husband. –You said with the most pitiful expression you could achieve. -You don't know what he would do to keep himself safe; you just have to see me here, chained to a table at a police station after he left me behind to be trapped. Doesn't this create enough proof of our relationship?"
-Then you're saying, that you, Wu Y/n. - Yixing said as he opened, between sips of coffee, what appeared to be a singular sheet with your data collected thoroughly. –A graduated systems analyst with a deep knowledge in Web programming, Software and business management; twenty-three years old and married since your eighteenth birthday with Wu Yifan, who by the way has a high influence of the Chinese mafia, not to mention that he is the leader of absolutely everything ... that you have no idea of anything.
And then he looked at you, the "sweet neighbor in front" already forgotten and Detective Zhang reflected in his now sharp eyes. Yes, he was not swallowing any story and there simply were not many options to escape the situation without collateral damage, and looking at his serious face you asked yourself, What was going to cost you?
-If I were in your place, I would be furious. I mean, look at you. –Yixing continued as he cupped his empty glass in his palm and left it carelessly on the table. –He left you behind after a fatal shooting, covered in someone's blood in a house with four dead policemen, to escape while he and his men ran for their freedom. - He sighed as if everything weighed in his heart, as if he had somehow empathy for your situation, for you. -I'm sure you've always been the best wife, so beautiful, so loyal and intelligent ... all of that for this; Your life is gone, goodbye luxuries, goodbye freedom and seemingly goodbye husband.
Fucking. Bastard.
Yixing looked so distressed as he reminded you of everything you already knew, everything you didn't want to accept yet and everything there was no way to escape. Because Yifan had left you as bait to save himself and now your life, which from the beginning you had not wanted but to which you had become accustomed, was lost.
The man you loved had stabbed you in the back and although two days ago you had been in his arms, always being so completely his, your reality was now completely different: you were alone, with no family to call, no possibility of returning home and with a broken heart.
-We are willing to help you. –Yixing continued as he approached you, taking a small key out of his pocket. The detective came so close that you could smell his colony almost faded and see every wrinkle in his white uniform shirt; with quick movements he opened your cuffs and took your wrists in his hands, rubbing the marks that the metal had left while his eyes were still anchored to yours. - Witness protection, a safe place for your stay and security twenty-four hours a week every day until the bastard falls. And then a new life, without Kris Wu in it and without the Mafia on your shoulders. What you'd say?
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So, that's all. Really hope you all like it and that is well writed 😅
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tinybutwicked · 5 years
uhhhh i think it was me who sent the trans!roger ask, i can't remember it well but it was probably something with him coming out to the boys and being really nervous about it but they reassure him they still love him no matter what!
//thankyou so much for re-sending this, and sorry for taking so long! It's sort of a difficult subject for me to approach, but i hope you like this :) //
Roger was biting his nails, and even though his mother's disapproving voice kept ringing in his head, nagging at him about the nasty nail biting habit, he couldn't stop. He felt his stomach doing backflips as he walked towards the kitchen.
He needed to tell them, they needed to know, they had the right to know but it still felt like he was walking into a slaughterhouse.
"Regina, darling! What was so urgent?" Freddie looks a bit disheveled, and Roger feels guilty. He had apparently ruined some plan the singer had. John and Brian just looks expectant, fiddling with their teacups. "I have a date with Jim today, and I still need to do my hair" Freddie's blabbering felt relaxing, in a way.
It also made Roger's heart ache. Would this be the last time he'd hear Freddie having a monologue about his upcoming date?
"You look a bit pale, Reg. Everything alright?" Would Brian ever look at him with such fondness and worry again?
"You've been silent for over ten minutes and it's getting a bit unnerving, mate" Would John's friendly snark get more biting and mean?
"I.. I uh, wanted to tell you something" The blonde was fiddling with his fingers, twisting and turning them, feeling the joints cracking and stretching.
"Yes, lovie. We gathered as much" Suddenly Roger wanted to cry. He couldn't do this. Everything was going so well for them, he couldn't ruin it, he couldn't make them hate him.
"Regina, what's going on?"
"Please don't call me that" The words slipped out by accident, it was a reflex that he couldn't stop. Brian, along with everyone else, looked confused.
"What..? What do you mean?" John was frowning now, and Roger bit his lip, looking all three of his bandmates. John and Brian looked utterly confused, but there was something in Freddie's eyes. Something that Roger couldn't quite place but it gave him courage.
It was now or never.
"I'm not… I'm not Regina" He muttered. It sounded so dumb, but he had completely forgotten the great speech he had planned. And right now he was just making everyone more confused.
"I… I've felt like this for a long time" the joints in his fingers kept popping, and it was starting to hurt. "All my life, I guess. Somehow I've always felt… Or known… That maybe that isn't really who I am" He felt like they could see his hair standing up on end on his arms, shivers running down his spine.
"You feel like.. You're not Regina?" Bless Brian's softness, the confusion written all over his face. He didn't look angry, or repulsed, but obviously he didn't understand either.
"Can she really be drunk at noon?" John asked quietly after a long silence, throwing a glance towards Freddie.
"He" To Roger's surprise, his wasn't the only one correcting John. Freddie's face still held that odd look, but he was also smiling sadly.
"That's what it is, isn't it darling? That's what you wanted to tell us?" Relief flowed through Roger's whole body, and even if he was still so terrified of what would come next he was so happy that it was out in the open.
He nodded.
"Oh sweetheart" In a flash he was wrapped in Freddie's arms, the singer holding him close and Roger inhaled his scent deeply, feeling the tension seeping out of his body. He still had Freddie.
"I'm so happy you decided to tell us" Roger was too relieved to fully comprehend what Freddie was saying, but it wasn't long until he felt someone hugging him from behind too.
"Are you alright?" A warm puff of air hit Roger's neck when John spoke, and the blonde nodded against Freddie's chest. It felt so overwhelming and he was happy that someone was holding him upright.
But where was Brian?
Slowly, Roger untangled himself from Freddie's hold, peeking behind the singer's shoulder. Brian was standing up now, looking at them with a neutral expression. A sharp stab of pain made itself known in the pit of Roger's stomach, and he wanted to be sick.
"Bri..?" His voice was cracking and someone patted his back with a warm hand. But the only thing that helped his anxiety was the friendly smile that spread on Brian's face.
"I was just waiting for a hug of my own" The guitarist shrugged, and in seconds he had his arms full of a blonde drummer.
"Oh god" Roger muttered, feeling like he could breathe right for the first time in months as Brian's arms wrapped around him.
"You're alright. Everything is fine"
"I was so scared"
"Of what?" Brian sounded confused again.
"That you'd… Hate me" Roger felt Brian pushing him backwards a bit, and now there was a pout on the older man's face.
"Hate you? For what?"
"For… This"
"We could never, silly. You're out friend, no matter what. Okay?"
"It was just so hard to believe"
"Well you better, darling" Freddie piped in, and when Roger looked at him, the singer was standing with a hand on his hip, looking like he was striking a pose for a paparazzi. "Queen is forever. That means all of us, together, as a family. No hate here, understood" The blonde smiled, the painful fear in his belly turning into happy butterflies.
"I only have one question. What should we call you?"
"Um… Roger"
"Roger Taylor. The greatest drummer of all time" Freddie did a flamboyant wave of his hand, rousing a laugh from Roger. "Has a nice ring to it, darling"
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