#She busts her way out of spirit world so she can find out who it is
beans-core · 2 months
I need to get this out of my system but I can’t write itttt AUGH so here
harry and ron decide to go to the Yule ball as friends
Other people decide to go with a person to the Yule ball as friends too, like Neville and Ginny. So what if Ron and Harry said “fuck it” and went to the Yule Ball together.
I’ve seen a few fics like it, but istg I need something in depth.
It’s pretty taboo (the wizarding world is really behind on all this stuff) but the boys still don’t care.
(Maybe this is a fic where one of Ron’s brothers is queer so he’s a confused-but-he’s-got-the-spirit ally. Harry has never really cared too much about his reputation unless it’s about actually important stuff so close-minded idiots sneering and calling him slurs is like the least of his worries— he’s got a death tournament to survive.)
The opening dance is required, so they dance hilariously bad on purpose, spinning wildly and only not knocking into the other contestants out of respect. Ron dips him at the end of the dance, but he does it way too deeply— Harry’s hair brushes the floor. Harry flings his leg into the air dramatically as he dips, and goes red in the face trying not to laugh when his shoe flings off and goes flying. He’s wearing a pair of socks that Dobby made him, and can feel the dissaproving stares so sharply. It’s great.
For all the homophobes, they fake kiss in the middle of the floor with loud smooching noises and crack up laughing when they see Karkaroff go purple with anger. Snape, who has been busting couples from eating face all night, is mysteriously not around to stop them. Harry is sure it’s only because he hates this stuffy dance as much as they do. But despite this, Harry and Ron begrudgingly decide that they owe him one.
When they decide to dance some more they head to the area that the stuffy purebloods have put themselves in. They (lightly) knock into others this time, flipping off any assholes as they twirl around. Half of the people seem to be offended, and the other half are trying to look offended and failing. The two call it a success.
Harry teaches Ron every muggle dance he can recall, recruiting Hermione once she stops being mad at them for not letting her know about their plans. (They kept their ‘dates’ a secret out of pettiness for Hermione not telling who her date was.)
The three of them make a joke out of every slow dance by doing the Macarena to the slow beat of the song— Hermione is embarrassed once she remembers Krum is watching, but Krum is on board, always down to crash a bougie-people party. Most of the muggleborns and halfbloods are unsuccessfully stifling laughter at this charade, and Harry has to appreciate Hogwarts unity as a few dozen students scattered about on the dance floor, all from varying houses (even a slytherin or two), join in on the mocking-Macarena.
About halfway through one of the slow songs, Hermione whispers into Ron’s ear. And then, oh god, Ron is trying to twerk and does so horrendously, nearly ripping open the ass of his dress robes and still going slowly to the beat. Hermione lets out her real laugh, a true witch’s cackle, as she runs from the crime scene back to Krum. And it is a crime scene, really, because Ron murdered any dignity he could have had left. Harry wheezes so hard he can barely hold himself up, so Ron has to drag him away to the tables for drinks so he doesn’t fall over.
Percy comes up to them and scolds them in hushed tones for coming to an event drunk, and that gets Harry laughing impossibly harder, attracting attention from more people. Ron announces, very loudly and to Percy’s face, that he could cast a sobriety checking spell if he wanted. They were both sober, in an unaltered state of mind, and completely unrepentant. Percy storms off, and they do a completely sarcastic toast to the ministry.
The Weasley twins find them soon after and nearly crush Ron to death in a hug, saying how proud they are of their baby prankster through tears that the younger boys can’t tell are real or fake.
The four boys team up to do one last prank later in the evening: while the band is on break and the music is coming from a dingy old record player, they get a vinyl of cringy muggle pop music from a muggleborn hufflepuff. They replace the disc during the last half hour of the ball, and the twins put a clever sort-of-sticking charm on it so it takes a good while to remove it. Almost all of the attendees vacate the hall and go outside in the cold trying to escape the music— it’s amazing. The band doesn’t back down though, moving their equipment onto a transfigured stage and playing their last few songs outside in the snow. It’s like a fucking concert, and the students who’ve given up on pretending like the whole thing hasn’t been fun have a blast. Everyone is moving now, whether to stay warm or to dance or all of the above. The twins let off some of their fireworks at the end of the closing song, and everyone cheers and oohs and aahs.
As Harry sits with his friends, he feels like a stupid, rowdy, reckless teenager. He’s having the time of his life. He feels normal.
(The hufflepuff who lent them the vinyl doesn’t get that specific one back, but Harry recruits Hermione to buy her a new one, along with another vinyl from the same artist and an ABBA album.)
McGonagall takes 100 points from Gryffindor each and gives Harry and Ron weeks-long detentions for embarrassing their house after she had explicitly told everyone not to. The boys just smile and say it was worth it. She even hears a few passerby’s agreeing. McGonagall looks exasperated and, weirdly, nostalgic.
(They were so reminiscent of the Marauders, those four boys. She herself had to stifle a laugh when Ron and Harry began massacring their public images on the dance floor. Just like Sirius and James, those two.)
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dhampiravidi · 9 months
🚿 my muse has busted out the bath bombs for yours ((Cass with a whole array of trusty bath time stuff- bath bombs, bath salts, bath milk, luxurious bubble baths, flower petals and such specifically purchased for bath time, scented candles, etc- knowing that Jayn has been really stressed out, insisting that she needs to pick some scents and go take a nice, warm, bath and relax~ Can be at Caleb's place, or Cass's (since she has a bathroom off of her own bedroom with a bathtub), or even when the OT4 is all together! Either way, she's gonna try to make sure that Jayn gets to relax and nobody bothers her! <3))
Jayn was on the verge of crying when Cass texted her, asking if she was still free. The girls (also short for girlfriends) had planned their hangout a week in advance, so Jayn didn't want to cancel. But gods, it'd been so hard.
Finding her loves had been nothing short of a miracle, if not a godsend. Between learning she had magic, discovering the beauty of Ipswich, befriending her new friend-coven*, and going on her first date, her initial semesters in college had been great. But that had been when she was going to USM online. She'd transferred to Harvard starting in Fall '09, so she could stay with her newfound family, and the school was slowly killing her. She was smart enough to only take 4 classes, and yet every week left her drained, if not in tears. When she wasn't stressing out over a test or a big essay, she had some cryptic assignment instructions to decipher. Basically, Jayn constantly felt dumb, and her anxiety was through the roof. Twice, Caleb had found her sobbing, wrapped up in her sheets like a wet burrito. He gave great hugs and advice, but he was supposed to be focusing on his debates, not to mention his own assignments. It was the same with Pogue, who still worked part-time on top of swimming for the school's team, and Cass, who mixed astronomy with her Gen Ed stuff. No one was supposed to be helping her.
The moment she saw her girlfriend (after she reluctantly yanked on some clothes and brushed out her matted hair), Jayn hid in her arms, wanting nothing more than to snuggle. She told the usual lie (that she was fine, just had some allergies) and then teleported them back to Cassia's room. She wasn't sure if she had enough energy for a spirited conversation, much less a movie watching, but Cass was worth trying. And then Jayn found soft hands covering her eyes, marching her through the house.
Something smells nice. Like Cass. She smiled to herself, daydreaming about shrinking down and falling asleep in the older girl's pocket. Cass would keep her safe, far away from snippy professors and cold lecture halls...
"OK, you can look!" Those soft hands disappeared right as Jayn opened her eyes--to see something out of a rom-com. Cass's tub (which she'd seen a few times now, hehe) had turned into a fairy spa. The water was a light turquoise color, one that was so shy it seemed like a portal to another world (or maybe a clean, faraway sea!), and a thin layer of foam sat comfortably on top of it, along with a few flower petals. And then, there were tea candles in Jayn's favorite colors (silver, indigo, and pink) gently glowing throughout the room.
She couldn't help it. She broke, whimpering softly as tears ran down her face and soaked her shirt. Cass, of course, was right there, kissing her head plenty of times before she pulled Jayn into a comforting hug.
"N-no one ever--I n-never," Jayn tried. Cass simply shushed her and held her a bit longer. "W-water's gonna get cold..."
"So we should get in, then!" They undressed each other, used to keeping out of each other's way, then sat in the tub, one behind the other. Cass used a washcloth to sop up some warm water and let it run down her love's chest, making Jayn hum happily. It wasn't long before they were exchanging slow kisses and snuggling, just enjoying each other's company.
Jayn would be OK. She'd made it this far without her found family, but they'd be there if she needed them.
*as opposed to friend group! Used to refer to the OT4 + Tyler, Reid, and Aaron :D
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donotmindme1 · 10 months
My idea for a potential DEATH BATTLE! #5
2023, October 18, 19, 20, 27
Korra vs Delsin Rowe (Avatar vs inFamous)
They're the second legends in line!
Fighter 1: Korra, the continuing spirit of the Avatar cycle.
Fighter 2: Delsin Rowe, the accomplishing Akomish Second Son.
Wiz: Many of us aspire to live up and uphold the legacies of our predecessors.
*insert clips of Miles Morales & Peter Parker, Deku & All Might, Ruby Rose & Summer Rose, Batman & his Robins*
Boomstick: However, just because they're tough acts to follow up shouldn't discourage you from making your own path. He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick.
Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win... a Death Battle.
PREFACE: I am wasting my time writing this. I should be working on an important project. I wanted to write an idea that suits the chilly weather of autumn to serve as a nice gateway into other MUs. I played inFamous Second Son during the last three months of 2021 and I fell in love with the gameplay. Being able to scale the buildings of Seattle with Conduit powers, doing drug busts, and saving innocent people really gave me a sense of power. I am sure I am not the only one who was disappointed when Season 8 announced Korra vs Storm due to how unbalanced the powers are between the two (however, I enjoyed the episode, mainly Storm doing the Moses and Wheather the Elements). So, now that Cole made his debut on the show, we can finally let Delsin have his time in the spotlight. Besides, I think that Korra vs Delsin is a more fitting MU, and you'll see why later on. Also, I will mainly be using True Hero Delsin (Good Karma) as it is the canon ending. I'll consider Infamous Delsin (Bad Karma) separately as it does affect the fight.
1. Both carry on the legacy of a famous protagonist who was able to control multiple forms of matter (Aang and Cole McGrath).
2. Both are capable of manipulating at least 4 different forms of matter (Korra has Earth, Fire, Air, and Water; Delsin has Smoke, Neon, Video, and Concrete) due to a physiological trait (Korra has the spirit of the Avatar, allowing her chi to pass through all of her body better than the rest and manipulate the elements; Delsin has a Conduit gene that lets him obtain the abilities of other Conduits upon extensive contact and draining Core Relays).
3. Both started their journeys being childish and/or immature but through their actions and strife, rose above and became better people and consequently, better idols and saviors.
Personal reasons: I wanted this to be Korra's MU during Season 8, but alas, it was not to be. More than anything, I want them to react to each other's powers. Delsin would ask Korra if her conduit gene is like his but better since she doesn't need to absorb matter to change her powers and Korea asks about how the heck is he manipulating light and becoming invisible. After all, conduit powers and bending are different in their manifestation, how they manipulate the environment, and more importantly, how they interact with each other.
Art and animation: The animation will most likely be 2D like all Avatar fights, but the dream is to have it be a 3D battle with fluid movement and lots of different camera angles. The animation from Korra vs Storm is good for Korra, so reusing it would benefit her, but Delsin tends to fight from afar using his projectiles. While he does have dashes, his chain, Comet Drop, and some support abilities, Delsin is mainly a ranged fighter, and the 3D team works best with characters that have a wide assortment of abilities, especially ones used in midair or while running. However, to be able to get the most out of both worlds, the fight is best in 2D, and it's not like Cole was limited to ranged combat in his fight. It could really go either way and still be great regardless, and that's honestly the best part. I really want this fight to be a finale so it could be a long fight with lots of pretty stuff to gawk at, especially since Spiritbending, Neon, and Video allow for flashy maneuvers.
Possible setup:
In a metropolitan area, the Second Son is doing stencil art dedicated to his dear brother. "Man, I miss you, Reggie."
"Hey! You can't paint the walls of this city!" Delsin sighs. He misses his brother, but not his overly bureaucratic attitude. As he turns around and puts down the spray paint, he sees Korra who is looking a little stern. "Hey, there. Isn't art a form of self-expression? I'm building a masterpiece here, and it'll be my gift to the world."
"That's fair, but you're painting on public property. Unless you have a permit to do so, step away from graffiti." Korra was a little miffed. The graffiti looked cool, and it looked to be a dedication to a departed soul, but duty calls. Besides, it's just graffiti, not a murder or kidnapping. If he refuses, however, she can have her way.
"Who are you, the fun police? I'm not hurting anyone." It's like dear Reggie was still with him: being a pain and not letting him have his fun.
Korra smirked. "Fun? Oh, I'll show you fun." She got into a fighting stance. Hey, if you're having fun on the job, good for you, right? It's been a boring day of patrolling, so she's itching for entertainment.
1. As it turns out, she was nothing like Reggie. Korra firebends at Deals and catches him off guard. However, Delsin absorbs the smoke, unharmed. This causes Korra to look puzzled. "Wait, how did he- He barely moved." She then attempts to earthbend, summoning rising pillars, but Delsin smoke dashes away. "How did you do that?" Korra had never seen someone turn into smoke before. Maybe she should ask him how to do that.
2. "I'm a conduit. I mean, aren't you one?" Delsin starts to use Smoke Shot as he moves around, but they're easily dodged and dispersed with more earthbending. "I'm the Avatar, master of all the elements." "Is that right?" Delsin uses a smoke dash to sneak up on Korra from behind and tosses a Sulfur Bomb.
3. The Sulfur Bomb explodes, but Korra just rolls up to Delsin and engages him directly. Delsin tries to punch her and use his smoke-imbued chain, but all his attacks are evaded or blocked. Korra roughs up Delsin, punching him in the face, kneeing him in the stomach, etc. Delsin drops another Sulfur Bomb that leaves Korra coughing, and attempts to subdue her.
4. Korra bends away the ash and sulfur and launches Delsin into a building using waterbending. Delsin is able to recover and takes the high ground through a smoke vent. On the roof, he shoots a Cinder Missile. Korra is able to notice and puts out the Missile before it hits. "Wait, she didn't drain water." Come to think of it, she was able to use fire and then the cement beneath. Is her Conduit gene better than his? Korra starts to airbend projectiles and Delsins fires Smoke Shots (like Might Guy's Morning Peacock vs All Might's air punches). Korra then firebends her way to Delsin and delivers a powerful kick, sending him flying.
5. Delsin crashes onto another building, but drains the neon from the nearby signs. Noticing some injured civilians, Delsin starts to heal them, earning him Good Karma. As Korra rushes in, Delsin rushes her first due to his Neon Dash. "Wait, are you a Spiritbender!?" She's good up close, but it doesn't matter if she can't hit him. He strikes her with his chain, but Korra grabs it and uses a powerful earthbending punch on him. Delsin Neon Dashes away. "Oh, no you don't!" She knows that he has powerful ranged attacks, so she needs to be close to him. She gets on an air scooter and chases after him as she shoots air at him, chasing him to near a spirit portal.
6. Delsin is able to outrun Korra and fires a stasis bubble. Korra uses a firebending soccer kick on the bubble, punting it away. Delsin runs before he's hit with his own bubble (he doesn't seem to be affected by it in-game, however). He then rushes up to Korra who attempts to strike him, but he instead rushes past her and fires a phosphor beam, successfully hitting her and knocking her off balance, and successfully uses a stasis bubble. He attempts to obtain more powers, but he feels nothing. "What..? Then how..? You must not be a Prime Conduit." Korra gets back up in fiery fashion and Delsin employs hit-and-run tactics, firing phosphor and neon beam, but Korra is able to block with her bending. She then does Zuko's "breakdance" and catches Delsin off-guard.
7. Delsin quickly heals by absorbing video from a nearby TV. He then uses Video Torrent. Korra simply dodges and attempts to get in close, but Delsin strikes using his longsword, damaging Korra a fair amount. He then uses Bloodthirsty Blades. Korra dashes away, but is unable to avoid the blades, so she destroys one with a fireball, another by raising a stone wall, and the last one by creating an ice structure. Korra is then attacked by a... Is that a spirit!? Whatever it is, it has wings, metal plating, and is currently shooting a laser. Korra dodges and bends water and freezes the spirit, but it... Disappears into wisps of light... These are not like the spirits she knows, but she is then pushed and pinned to the ground by smaller swords. Delsin appears out of thin air. "How did you do that!?" "A friend lent me his powers, you could say." Ok, that is NOT how bending works. Using a combination of earth, wind, and fire, Korra frees herself by creating a crater underneath her, enters the Avatar State, and then bends the concrete around Delsin, encasing him in a shell, and bends him to her. He's a fire bender and a spirit bender, but he is not the Avatar.
8. Delsin absorbs the concrete before being fully encapsulated and does his boulder dash. He starts to engage Korra, but she is nimble enough to dodge. Korra then gets an idea and starts to make her way to the spirit portal. Delsin starts to climb on top of a building and does a Comet Drop, doing his pose on the Second Son cover art, and he starts to fire concrete shrapnel and a concrete barrage, but Korra instead redirects them. However, Korra gets a leg up and is able to use bending to get Delsin into the Spirit World and she enters.
9. In the Spirit World, Delsin is taken aback due to the colors and... weird animal things... He doesn't get to gawk for long as Korra makes her bombastic entrance. However, she firebends at Delsin who promptly absorbs the smoke, but he's starting to struggle and to get hurt so he smoke dashes away
10. Korra wins by overwhelming and overpowering Delsin. Since they are in the Spirit World, Korra becomes stronger, and in the Avatar State, she is in no need to wait for Delsin to exhaust himself. Even as he tries to distance himself and use his sulfur bombs and sulfur headshots, the Avatar is easily able to bend them away. She then is able to unleash a powerful bending attack that overwhelms Delsin and he blacks out, thinking of Reggie. After Korra finishes the job, she exits the Avatar State. "That was fun, but I'm sorry. I hope you find you and your departed family can reunite here". She then bows to her opponent. She's fiery and hotheaded, but she's still empathetic.
11. Delsin wins by being able to stall Korra and connect a successful attack. The fire is hurting him, but if he keeps his distance, all it serves is to fuel and heal him. He gets in a good sulfur headshot, briefly stunning Korra and leaving her coughing again. He then tosses another sulfur bomb, leaving Korra coughing more. He then does his Orbital Drop, but as he reaches the apex, Korra bends away the smoke and then launches herself, attempting one last attack. They meet halfway, and after a noticeable explosion, both are left on the ground, Delsin tired, and Korra dead. Korra, in her last moments, apologizes to her friends and family for being able to say goodbye. Delsin recollects himself, and upon returning to the Human World, finishes his graffiti of Reggie. However, we see him painting another mural, and he says "Say hi to my brother for me". He then turns to leave, and we see a mural of Korra, reading "Dedicated to the Avatar."
Strengths and weaknesses:
+ Physically stronger and more durable.
+ More experienced.
+ Has superior training.
+ Easier access to her elemental manipulation.
= Firebending and Earthbending fuel Delsin, but Smoke and Concreted are easily negated.
- Energybending cannot negate the Conduit Gene.
- Energybending cannot manipulate Video or Neon.
- Is vulnerable to suffocation. When she was poisoned as she was. suffocating, the Avatar State only held off the poison and not the suffocation.
- Can be immobilized via the stasis.
Delsin Rowe:
+ Can heal from firebending and earthbending.
+ Has a healing factor.
+ Is likely faster with Neon.
+ Neon allows for fast attacks, and the stasis bubbles are immobilizing.
+ Infamous Delsin has easy access to instant kill options.
= Firebending and Earthbending fuel him, but Smoke and Concrete attacks are negated.
- Untrained in physical combat.
- Physically far weaker and faster. Is also slower without Neon or Video.
- Is not immune to fire when using smoke or to earth when using concrete.
- Cannot access all his elements at will.
- Draining a power source leaves him vulnerable.
- There's no evidence to say that he can resist being immobilized by being surrounded/encased in concrete like he did to Augustine.
- Cannot obtain bending powers as they are spiritual and not genetic. Even then, he'd need Core Relays and blast shards to be able to get any use of his newfound abilities and to be able to absorb any other element.
Ending puns:
"The Avatar's victory was elemental."
"Delsin got a concrete victory."
Name: "Four Infamous Elements"
The title makes reference to both combatants' abilities to manipulate four elements or states of matter as well as the inFamous game series' name. Brandon Yates used Second Legends for his commissioned track, so I cannot use it.
Art: The art would depict Delsin's chain forming a circle imbued with Raava. One half would have Korra's elements spiraling outwards. The other half would have Delsin's elements spiraling inward, forming a Yin Yang. The center of the circle would have a gene symbol like that of the Second Son power skill tree on the side of Korra's elements and the symbol of Raava on the side of Delsin's elements.
Sound: the start of the music is that of the Second Son main theme and it plays during the initial confrontation. The music is kicked up a notch when Korra first attacks, where the sound shifts to be more Avatar-centered, but with some hip-hop elements, and even has parts and bits that sound like Second Legends as a callback, much like Final Formersr referenced Deceptive Tyrants. As the battle gets closer to its climax, the sound is that of the main theme of Avatar, but with a mix of Asian instruments and rock instrumentation.
Holy cow, I love doing this one! Especially imagining the track and its art due to the possibilities of symbolism.
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Session Five- Dancing With Myself
■ You wake up on the stairs to Dis and Erros is pulled into a trance and is speaking in Inferna,. Sterling realises that Erros is talking in Infernal, and upon listening closer he can hear him repeating the phrase “I understand. Help will be on the way soon, I promise”. Rescerys stays behind to care for Erros while the rest of you set of to investigate Dis ■ Upon entering Dis you are met with a crimson glow and the smell of fire and brimstone The city is nestled in a bowl of spiked mountains and has a carnival-esque style The infrastructure is half red-hot iron and half black cobblestone, adorned in chains, flaming torches, and black bars.
■ You see a sleek steel building with a garish flaming arrow and a sign that reads "VISITORS, VISITORS, VISITORS" You enter the building and find an interior that is dark, miserable, and gloomy with a strange corporate feel. You spot an out of place stall that looks like it's from the common world and each pick up a leaflet titled "ADVENTURING PARTIES, WE NEED YOU!". Reading this leaflet reveals to you that an organisation called the Vigilante Guild is looking to hire an adventuring party to be paid for missions, in respect of their own values of freedom, respect, kindness, liberation, and Justice.
■ After reading the pamphlet, you all approach a scaled red devil who is filing his claws and blowing a bubble of black bubblegum behind the receptionist desk. He explains to you all that you need to pass a series of tests to become official members of the guild. The types and amount of tests are unpredictable and customizable to the party members, and that most things in the tests are artificial except for their guides. You all enter a giant steel door to advance to these tests.
■ The tests are as follows: ⁃ A room with two gargoyles where you answer a series of riddles.
⁃ A room with a statue of Minos where you react to a number of hypothetical moral dilemmas, where most of you opted to follow a succubus milkmaid despite the danger because you all suck.
⁃ A fortune teller's room, where she quizzes you all on your knowledge of each other, and answers questions you have about your future through vague tarot card readings.
⁃ The jester Skunk, who has you solve his poetic riddles to find codes for the rooms locks, as he details how he was fired from Dispater’s court for trying to commit treason.
⁃ A marionette play detailing the story of Hellarora Bluemoon, the Banshee from the Elfsong Tavern. Her husband Baldan Bluemoon left on a voyage to explore the realms for artistic inspiration, but never returned and was presumed dead at sea. This drove Hellarora mad, leading her to eventually die in a bar fight after being provoked about the subject. The tavern owner Alan was in love with Hellarora, so left out an offering of her favourite cake to appease her vengeful spirit that now haunted the tavern.
⁃ A cubic room where you all fought a gelatinous cube, Sterling almost dying from his injuries.
⁃ A steel kitchen room where you had to solve a puzzle involving different coloured goo and how to smear it onto the correct panel to create a door.
⁃ A room full of “mystery meat” which you all must consume after realising it is the meat of all of your respective species. This was of course a fake out, and all of the meat was synthetic (I’m not THAT evil).
■ You all now enter the final room, a plain grey bricked room with a bolted wooden brown door in the centre, torches and chains lining the room. There are four pedestals with bowls filled with a mysterious white creamy looking glue. A booming voice speaks and challenges you to face your past, asking you to step forward to a pedestal.
■ The goo in each pedestal transforms into a bust for each of you: Crux- The Solemn Face Of A Pale Skinned Being, With A Long White Braid And Gentle Eyes. Sterling- The Hopeful And Wise Face Of His Mentor Lognar Woodleg. Draxun- The Sneering Vindictive Snarl Of His Disgraced Uncle Who Rules As King Dah-Zuhl- The Smiling And Noble Face Of The Green Grung Yareli. The booming voice speaks again: “You Must Do What You Should’ve Done Long Ago To Destroy What Plagues You”.
■ You all have a mix of emotions for your busts, but Crux appears to be the most distraught by his own. He begins to speak and says “I’m sorry mother, I am sorry for leaving you to deal with my mistakes. I never meant for you to be hurt, and I will be back. I will fix everything that has gone wrong. I will get enough to take you far away, somewhere safe. I’m not like him, I promise. I am not Dad.”
■ Crux lifts his head in confusion, as nothing has changed, and looks at the bust again realising he was mistaken. His tattoo starts to glow, the glow spreading across the rest of his body, and his appearance starts to change. The red slowly changes to grey, his beard disappears, his yellow eyes turn a bright green, and a long white braid emerges from his head. Crux no longer looks like himself, instead he looks exactly like the bust before him
■ Nothing else changes, but now Dah’Zuhl realises the voice was encouraging you all to embrace whoever was in the bust, so you all hug the stone statues and the goo melts back down.
■ The voice returns and asks, “Now, are you willing to face your present?”. The goo shifts into strange white clay-like versions of yourselves, and you engage in combat with these constructs until they are just piles of goop yet again. The voice now speaks and says “Congratulations, to the newest members of the Vigilante Guild. You are now ready to face your future.”
■ You solve one final puzzle in a tiny room, which involves finding numbers from within the initial Vigilante Pamphlet, and you return to the main lobby of the Visitor’s Centre through a red portal. The red Abashai receptionist introduces himself as Scott, and welcomes you to the Guild. He gives you the gift of an imp familiar named Rue, who he states has caused trouble for previous parties due to his uselessness so he is being given to you for free.
■ Crux explains that he is really a Changeling named Nelix, and that he would like this fact to still remain quite secretive and that he will take on his Tiefling form throughout the hells. You all welcome this information, and head to the upstairs room of the Visitors Centre for your night's rest.
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arashikitten · 4 years
Why has no one made a Yu Yu Hakusho x Danny Phantom crossover yet?
?I mean, honestly, look at these two shows! Look at them! How is it that no one (that I know of) has made a crossover with them yet? There’s so much potential!  I mean honestly! Both are about a 14-year-old who died in or before the first episode, came back to life through some sort of shenanigans, and ended up with supernatural abilities as a result. Both Danny and Yusuke have a very close knit friend group comprised of people who know about said supernatural abilities and help them fight all form of malicious supernatural entities (Danny fights ghosts, Yusuke fights demons). Both Yusuke and Danny have a rival/arch-nemesis who, at the start of the series, is leagues above the protagonists in terms of power, but ends up being surpassed by the main protagonist sometime during the second season of their respective show. Both Vlad and Toguro serve as foils to Danny and Yusuke respectively, and while they may feel some sort of kinship with them for some reason or other, they tend to see the young protagonist as someone who is below them in terms of power, intelligence, and skills (even after that is no longer the case). Both Danny and Yusuke are snarky and seem like delinquents to all but their closest friends, but secretly they have a heart of absolute gold. Both would (and have) died for any one of their friends, and they likely have a metric fuck ton of trauma from the many, many, many times they almost watched their friends and family die right in front of them. And of course, both Danny and Yusuke are likely to become kings of their own supernatural realm (if you disregard DP’s canon in favor of the fanon like I do).
So then the question becomes this: how would a crossover between the two shows go?
Here’s how I see it playing out:
Sometime after the last episode of Yu Yu Hakusho, and right after the events of Reign Storm, Yusuke (who I would say is about 18-19 years old now) gets a call from Koenma for the first time in almost 4 years. Koenma tells Yusuke that he needs him to come back for one final case: investigate a small town in Northeastern America for recent spikes in spiritual and demonic activity. 
When Yusuke asks why Koenma wants him to look into what is seemingly a tourist trap town, Koenma tells him that the town was recently encased under a dome of spirit energy, disappeared for almost 24 hours, and then suddenly reappeared again, and Koenma suspects that someone- or something- from spirit world might be responsible.
Three calls and four plane tickets later, Yusuke and the gang land in Illinois and make their way to Amity Park. Kuwabara takes one (1) step into the town and immediately freezes. He’s always been the most spirit-sensitive of the group, and this town is setting off all of his proverbial alarms. Kurama, Hiei, and Yusuke also notice something off about the town, like everyone here has way higher spirit energy than normal. 
The four make their way through town, noticing more and more as they continue. They notice the massive craters that litter the streets. They notice the constant smell of spirit and demon energy that drenches the town like a fog, covering everything and everyone. They notice the small, silvery-grey and green devices that almost everyone seems to have on their wrist, and Yusuke can’t help but think about how similar they look to the spirit-detecting gadgets he used to have back during the beginning of his detective career. They notice the metal panels that every store seems to have hanging above their windows, waiting to come down and defend from some unknown beast.
They notice how, whenever they appear in an area, everyone in the vicinity goes silent. Tense. Wary of them. Like they know three demons just appeared, even if all of them look human.
Yusuke and his team split up to search through the town and cover more ground, agreeing to meet by the local highschool in two hours. Things just get even weirder from there. 
 Kurama finds a patch of wild blood blossoms growing near the forest, despite the fact that they were declared extinct more than 200 years ago. Hiei sees a pair of burly men wearing all white suits and dark sunglasses dragging a young man with white hair and sunglasses away for questioning. Kuwabara is surprised when a small, glowing green puppy appears in front of him, only to vanish when he leans down to pet it.
Yusuke finds a massive stone brick building with what almost looks like a UFO perched on top, and huge neon sign with the words FentonWorks on it. Here, the spirit energy is almost suffocating, and it feels like molasses, thick and heavy and dense on Yusuke’s senses. He feels something else though, something that just barely manages to break through the thick ambient spirit energy that swamps this entire block: a ghost. And a powerful one at that.
By the time the group reconvenes at the high school, everyone is tense. They’re sure that there’s something sketchy in this town, but none of them have gotten any concrete leads on what caused the town’s sudden disappearance and reappearance. Almost none of the townsfolk give them any answers, and the few that do are vague and confusing, or outright lies. Kuwabara firmly believes that this town is haunted by ghosts, and that they’re what caused the sudden disappearance, but Yusuke, having been a ghost himself at one point, is less inclined to believe that. Yusuke is convinced that the house with the weird UFO thing and abnormal spirit energy has something to do with it, and the gang agrees that would be the best place to start.
Before they can do that though, they all suddenly sense a MASSIVE spike in spirit energy, coming from the center of town. Yusuke and the gang book it to where the spike is, hoping to get some sort of lead.
Meanwhile, Danny is having a fight with Skulker, made slightly more difficult than normal due to the fact that he’s still recovering from the whole Pariah Dark fiasco. He’s been on edge all day, ever since he sensed that weird ectosignature near his house. He’d felt the typical chill of his ghost sense, but the typical puff of blueish smoke wasn’t present like it usually was. On top of that, he’d felt a small jolt of electricity, too big to be chalked up to static electricity and carrying with it a hint of... something. Something not entirely human. 
But when Danny had tried to investigate, he’d come up empty handed. Which as you can guess, made Danny My-friends-and-family-have-all-almost-been-killed-by-a-ghost-disguised-as-a-human-at-least-once Fenton more than a little nervous.
So Danny’s fighting Skulker when he feels that not-quite ghost sense again, except this time it’s even stronger than before and waaaay the hell closer. And now Danny goes from nervous to flat out terrified, because whoever or whatever is triggering his not-quite ghost sense is really fucking strong, and oh fuck are there four of them?! Are they getting closer?!?! Whatever it is is really strong, like almost stronger than Pariah Dark and Danny was barely able to take him down at 100% strength with the enhanced suit, and he no longer has the suit and he still has not fully recovered since then, so how in the fresh hell is he gonna fight four beings who are at least on par with Pariah? 
Skulker notices the sudden power spike as well and immediately bounces, leaving Danny to panic over these four insanely powerful entities. 
Yusuke and the gang make it just in time to see Skulker leave while Danny hovers in the air, looking like he’s about to blow a gasket. Kurama takes one look at the panicking ghost kid floating above him, notices the weird spirit energy around the kid, and immediately puts two and two together and realizes the kid is a ghost, and a really powerful one. Yusuke, who if you remember spent about a week as a ghost at the age of 14, is confused because I thought ghosts couldn’t be seen by living people? But these bystanders are clearly seeing this kid? 
And then Yusuke senses that strange spirit energy he felt when he went by FentonWorks, and he’s like “You were the reason for the weird spirit signature!” at Danny, who panics and flies off because now he thinks these super powerful guys are working for the GiW, and he’d rather not spend the rest of his afterlife on an examination table.
So Danny flies off, hoping to lose Yusuke and his gang, but Yusuke I-used-to-fight-demons-who-could-move-at-the-speed-of-sound-for-fun Urameshi and Hiei have absolutely no problem keeping up with the panicking halfa, and they end up fighting. Yusuke and Hiei want answers, Danny is terrified of being caught by what are possibly government agents, and finally Kurama manages to trap the halfa with ghostly vines.
Unfortunately for Danny, these vines are phase-proof, meaning he can’t escape, and he’s already hurt and exhausted and he doesn’t know how much longer he can hold his ghost form.
Yusuke picks up on the ghost’s nervousness immediately, and again assumes that this ghost is the culprit for Amity’s sudden disappearance, demanding to know why he abducted an entire town.
Danny is confused, because what the hell are these people talking about? He never abducted the town? He’s not nearly that powerful?? Before he realizes that oh, these people are trying to figure out why the town disappeared for 24 hours because literally no one outside of Amity Park has any idea why.
So Danny starts to explain what really happened, when his time finally runs out and he detransforms. 
Right in front of what he believes to be four government officials.
There are five different reactions.
Hiei goes still. He’s completely silent. This shouldn’t be possible. He wants to believe that this is all a trick, but he can hear that fifth heartbeat that wasn’t there ten seconds ago and he smells that fear scent that only humans have and glamour can only do so much.
Kurama has the calmest reaction. He leans back a little, eyes wide, and lets out a soft “oh”. Yes, this is a surprise to him, but then again, Kurama himself is a demon hiding as a human, with a human family, so he immediately sympathizes with Danny a bit.
Danny is panicking. He’s just revealed his biggest secret to four complete strangers, all of whom are absolutely powerful enough to take him out on their own, and he is terrified that they’ll turn him in to the government. He’s about five seconds from a full-blown panic attack.
Kuwabara freaks out. He’s trying to wrap his mind around this whole thing, because he is 100% sure this kid was a ghost, that he was dead, but now he’s not sensing much of anything and how the hell is this possible???? How can someone be a ghost and a human at the same time???? WHAT????? He’s pulling at his hair as he tries to put the logistics of it together, pacing back and forth.
Yusuke freezes. Suddenly he’s 14 again, floating as he watches his body get carted off as he tries to come to terms with the fact that he’s dead. Then he’s in the temple of the four saint beasts, fighting with everything he has as he watches the love of his life get attacked by monstrous zombies. Then kneeling next to Genkai’s broken and bleeding body, begging her not to go even as she draws her last breath because he couldn’t bear to lose the woman that he’s come to see as family, as the closest thing he’d ever have to a grandmother. Then he’s watching Toguro plunge his hand into Kuwabara’s heart, watching as his best freind gasps for breath because Yusuke wasn’t good enough, he wasn’t strong enough, and he just lost Genkai he can’t loose Kuwabara too-.
And when he looks down at this small, skinny teenager with deep shadows under his eyes and knuckles covered in scars from god-knows haw many fights, he sees himself as he was in the beginning: Just a kid who was thrust into the world of the supernatural without any warning, desperately trying to stay alive and protect the human world despite the fact that he’s only a teenager, and he shouldn’t have to be fighting for his life against these ancient and powerful demons because he’s a kid, dammit!
Yusuke kneels down to get to eye level with the kid. He can’t help the painful twinge in his chest when the kid looks up at him with wide, icy blue eyes, and quietly begs him not to tell anyone, because this kid can’t be much older than he was when he started out as a spirit detective and he sounds absolutely terrified, and Yusuke can’t help but wonder why he sounds so scared of people learning about the whole ghost thing. 
“Listen, kid. We’re not going to hurt you. We were sent here to investigate something, and we were hoping you might know something. Can you tell us your name?”
“Danny. D-Danny Fenton.”
“Ok, cool. Don’t worry, none of here are going to tell anyone about... about whatever this is. We just want to know about something that happened here a week ago, and we were hoping you could give us some answers.”
Danny agrees, and Kurama frees him from the vines. After a couple of moments, Danny calms down as he realizes that no, these guys won’t rat him out to the government, and he agrees to answer some of their questions.
The group make their way to the outskirts of the forest, and Danny tells them about his status as a half-ghost: he tells them about his parents, how they were building a portal to the ghost zone (Everyone is more than a little freaked out at that, because now there’s a permanent portal to spirit world that Koenma doesn’t know about), how he’d gone inside to see if he could figure out why it wasn’t working, how it’d turned on while he was inside (Yusuke clenches his fists hard enough to draw blood. Both of the times he’d died had been excruciatingly painful, but at least they’d been quick. Getting electrocuted to death would be beyond agonizing, and getting caught in a portal like that...). He tells them about how his parents despise ghosts, believing them to be cruel, malicious, and emotionless, incapable of feeling pain. He tells them about how he’s TERRIFIED of telling his parents the truth, of telling them that he’s Danny Phantom because that seems to be the ghost they want to capture the most, and he’s seen what they do to the ghosts they capture (Kurama and Yusuke feel sick at that. No wonder the kid was so adamant about keeping this a secret.). 
“Does anyone else know? Anyone at all?”
Yusuke breathes a small sigh of relief when Danny tells them that his sister and his two best friends know. That sigh of relief is rescinded when the kid tells them that oh yeah, all the ghosts that are constantly attacking the town? Yeah, they know my secret identity too.
Yusuke has to force himself to move on from that last tidbit because he’s about five seconds from adopting this kid despite being only five years older.
“Ok, neat. That’s... that’s ok. Moving on to why we’re here. We were hoping that you would have some information regarding the sudden disappearance and reappearance of Amity Park a week ago? Do you know why or how it happened?”
Danny talks about how, one week ago, ghosts started pouring out of the portal in unprecedented numbers. How they were terrified, running from something in the ghost zone. How Fright Knight had appeared, declaring the reign of Pariah Dark (Kurama and Hiei suck in a breath. Had... had this kid seriously fought against the fabled ghost king?), and the massive green dome had appeared over the town. How he’d tried to fight Fright Knight off, how another ghost by the name of Vlad Plasmius had shown up and admitted that he was the reason for Pariah Dark’s temporary freedom, how Plasmius had decided to have a temporary truce with Danny in order to defeat Pariah, how Danny had pulled Fright Knight’s sword from the ground and accidentally teleported Amity Park into the Ghost zone, how the entire town had gone under lock down. How he’d stolen the power suit from his parent’s lab to go and face Pariah on his own, and bring Amity back to Earth. How he’d just barely been able to shove Pariah back in the sarcophagus of Forever Sleep, how the power suit had almost completely drained his life energy, how the town had been back on earth when he’d woken up (Again, Yusuke has a flashback to the Temple of the Four Saint Beasts. What is it with the powers that be and sending kids to do life-threatening missions like that?).
Kurama records the entire thing before sending it to Koenma. 
When Danny is finally done, he notices that everyone is staring at him. Yusuke is the first one to speak.
“Damn kid, you really fought the king of the Ghost Zone, huh?” Danny stutters for a moment, because this guy is saying it like Danny fought a god or something. Like yeah, it was difficult, but it can’t be that big a deal right?
Then Kurama speaks up. “Danny, I don’t think you understand. There are two ways to crown a king of the Ghost Zone: either the ghost zone itself must choose someone, or the current ghost king must be defeated in battle. You defeated Pariah Dark in battle. Meaning....”
Everyone goes silent for a moment, processing.
Then several things happen at once. Danny, who at this point still hasn’t fully processed that oh yeah, I defeated one of the most powerful ghosts in existence, freaks the hell out because I barely have time to protect one (1) town, how am I going to rule an entire dimension? Kuwabara is flipping his shit again, Hiei is contemplating, and Yusuke.... Yusuke decides screw it, I’m having an apprentice now, and after calming Danny down, he offers to help train him up a bit (Somewhere in spirit world, Genkai starts quietly laughing).
Danny agrees after a moment of deliberation. Yusuke hangs out in Amity for a bit to help Danny. His first interaction with Sam and Tucker is.... interesting. Yusuke snuck up on Sam and Tucker, and Sam promptly punched him in the face and almost broke his nose. But after a bit they start to warm up to him, and eventually Yusuke starts teaching Sam some hand to hand along with Danny.
Vlad makes one appearance while Yusuke is there. He sensed some sort of foreign presence in Amity and wanted to see if he could exploit it, only for Yusuke I-haven’t-slept-in-a-week-and-I-refuse-to-start-now Urameshi to wipe the floor with him. When he asks Danny who the new ghost is, he is surprised to learn that no, Danny is not the only half-ghost in existence, and also that guy is a famous millionaire and also knows my secret identity so maybe let’s not break into his mansion to fight him please? (Yusuke agrees not to after a very lengthy argument. Still, the whole situation reminds him a little too much of Toguro and the Dark tournament, and he quietly asks Koenma to open an investigation into this Vlad Plasmius guy.)
Yusuke’s introduction to Danny’s parents goes... surprisingly well, actually. Aside from one small incident where one of the Fenton ghost detectors lock on to Yusuke’s signature, everything goes fairly well. Jack and Maddie take a shine to him almost immediately, when they see him curb stomp Skulker with a practiced ease that only a professional should have, and within the week Yusuke is an honorary member of the Fenton family.  
There’s a lot more, but this post is waaaay too long as it is. Feel free to add on!
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flashhwing · 2 years
mighty nein avatar au let’s go
Caleb as a firebender. I know it’s low hanging fruit that’s why I had to say it first
might be favoritism but I can see him as filling the banished fire nation prince role — he wouldnt technically be a prince, and he wouldn’t be searching for the avatar for honor (maybe a different reason?) but I can see it
Jester as a waterbender. also feels like low hanging fruit but once I thought it I simply could NOT unthink it
I think. I think Jester is the Avatar and doesn’t know it yet. it’s either her or Molly and I’m leaning toward her
Fjord is either a non bender or an earth bender. can’t. quite. decide
Uk’utoa is a vengeful ocean spirit — not to be confused with La — that Fjord accidentally bonded with. Avantika is taken aback that he isn’t a waterbender
Beau is a non bender. as part of the Cobalt Soul it’s part of her Duty to like protect the Avatar, but no one knows who it is this generation so she’s off the hook for that. for now
Airbender Caduceus makes way too much sense
Veth is a waterbender. Nott is a non bender. they have to travel to the Spirit World to get her body back
Yasha is either an airbender or a non bender with a … particular connection to the Spirit World, and the spirit of the storm in particular
No wait Yasha is a non bender but she’s like. part spirit. descended from spirits. and that’s why Obann had so much interest in her
Zuala’s face was stolen by Koh
Lucien was a blood bender who was somehow convinced he was the Avatar. this translated to Molly as Molly being. pretty sure he’s the Avatar and does go around telling people that. nobody believes him because he can’t bend any elements (except his own blood … odd)
Now that I’m at the end of the list I realized I made Caleb the only firebender so I’m gonna go a step further and say he hides it. he’s full on Lee with the Good Cup of Tea mode
Beau trying to go renegade from the Cobalt Soul because of. y’know. everything, but now she’s traveling with Jester and falling in love a little and then Jester figures out she’s the freaking Avatar?!? for real?!
Artagan/Sprinkle as Jester’s animal guide
Jester figures it out because Beau like goes over the side of a cliff or something and Jester goes Avatar State and busts out some cool airbending to save her (fic)
Caduceus: oh you didn’t tell me you were an airbender, I could’ve shown you some moves :)
Jester, freaking out: I didn’t know!!!!!
Beau and Caleb, both crushing on Jester, both tasked with finding the Avatar but decided to Not Do That, and yet: -.-
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pearl-the-artist · 2 years
(Most) of the DD classes ranked from most to least: how well they get along with children
ive got too much spare time with my own thoughts and i thought itd be a fun thing to think about.
1. Houndmaster: the kids looove his dog, and she appreciates the attention too. HM himself is also very kind and welcoming to the children, but they usually just want to see Fergus do some tricks
2. Vestal: The most mother figure of the team, despite being inexperienced as a parental figure, will sing songs and read stories to the kids, and they love her calm and soothing voice.
3. Jester: a good entertainer for both young and old, he loves the attention and innocent laughter paid for a good play, and is more than ready to bust out a tune on his lute for those willing to listen. And kids are very easy to manage with a catchy melody.
4. Crusader: what can i say, kids are easily impressed by cool and shiny armor, and with a sword like that, who can blame them for running up to him with burning excitement? The crusader himself sees no issue with giving them inspiring speeches, as a good leader does, and his audience tends to approve of his dedication. A good role model for any hero, so long as they dont adopt his kleptomanic tendencies.
5. Man At Arms: About the most definition you could get for a gentle giant, hes not quite used to dealing with the youngest folk, but how could he resist all those starry eyed glances and questions about him (and his sick eyepatch?) He’ll leave out the rougher details, of course, but hes quite good at retelling stories of his past.
6. Leper: Despite his quiet and calm demeanor, most children may still be a bit hesitant to get close to him. Not that he minds, of course, but should one still approach him out of curiosity, he always has a handful of poems ready to recall, or simply watch in amusement as more spirited kids desperately attempt to get a hold of his blade.
7. Plague Doctor: She adores their curiosity, as much as the children are willing to approach. PD is actually a lot more kind than she lets on sometimes, but best not to leave her around the kids too long, or youll find one of them splashing in suspicious green liquids. for science, of course.
8. Antiquarian: pretty robes, shiny trinkets... its an obvious understanding why children may find interest in her. her timid and rather harmless appearance also helps, and shes more than willing to tell her little audience more about her trade, though unfortunately they only seem bored by those details, and shes not too enthusiastic about them trying to rummage through her pockets in the meantime. Just ah... keep the censer away from them. who knows whats in that thing.
9. Arbalest: Maybe its jealousy, but any time she looks at a young kid, running around without a care in the world, she cant help but feel a little bit of dislike towards them. Her crossbow having been her only companion through most her lifetime, shes not all that good when it comes to dealing with the little ones, but she tries her best to treat them with kindness.
10. Grave Robber: she would definitely give them knives to play with. shes not very good at entertaining children, but everyone loves knives, right? And its only a matter of time before she finds out how often she can endure the question: “are you a witch?” before snapping.
11. Highwayman: the wine uncle. Hes passive towards children but prefers not to have them around for too long, gently shooing them away if one does happen to stumble up to him, or distract them with a shiny coin if need be.
12. Hellion: her bloodlust and wild enthusiasm is probably not quite the best influence for the younger folk, and her loud ramblings about bloodshed tend to be pretty intimidating.
13. Occultist: sacrificial rituals and the seeking of the void are thing the unexperienced should stay away from, young or old. the occultist shows no interest in children as much they know to stay away from him. its better this way for both parties.
14. Bounty Hunter: Despite his gruff and less than welcoming appearance... he also is just exactly that. He’s not usually all too fond of children, and they quickly learn not to disrupt him either. Nothing personal.
15. Abomination: usually just scares the kids off before he even has a chance to look, but he’s used to it, so its okay.
16. Flagellant: ...I’m not sure if i actually need to elaborate here.
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stellalunatmblr · 2 years
The Flower Path | Chapter 1
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Genre/Tags: isekai (kinda?), bangtan x fem!reader, not poly, oc!bestfriend, surprise romantic pairings; slow burn, fluff  (will update tags along the way)
Status: Ongoing
Summary: What would you feel if you find yourself transported to the world of a cheesy web novel? Ecstatic, of course (well, among other things), except you’re stuck being the main character’s best friend slash sidekick. Fair enough, you don’t think you’re main character material anyway. Determined to get through your life that has changed all of a sudden, you try to keep yourself in the shadows of your “best friend.” Let’s just try to get through the last year of high school in peace. You thought it was gonna be easy – like a walk in a flower path– but the thing about walking that road is that there are bound to be thorns along the way.
Inspired by the web novel and manhwa: Inso’s Law
Word Count: 7k
Chapter Note: i accidentally deleted the original post for chapter 1 ㅠ  so here's the repost
[please read the prologue before reading this]
You feel your head spinning and you try to take deep breaths to keep yourself grounded. Breathe in, breathe out.
You feel someone nudge your arm and you face a friendly looking girl that had a sash that said student assistant.
"The stadium is this way, just follow the rest of the students. You should be able to see the lines for the senior classes on the right side of the stadium." She raised her arm to point towards a huge building that you were pretty sure wasn’t there when you were given a tour. But then again, nothing has been completely the same since this morning, and you’re trying to slowly come to terms with it.
You find yourself holding on tighter to the straps of your bag and forcing yourself to step towards where the other students were headed. You feel the busting energy of their excitement and hear their loud conversations, as if they’ve been apart from their peers for years before this. You felt the spirit of the first day of school truly alive in these grounds.
You don’t think the two boys who accompanied you to the gates noticed your departure, because right after finding out what class you were all in, they were suddenly surrounded by students who wanted to introduce themselves to them.
When you reach the right place, you muster the courage to tap the shoulder of someone in the area the student assistant was pointing you towards. The girl was having an animated conversation with what seemed to be her close friends before she turned to you.
"Can I ask where the line is for class 4?" You politely inquire.
Her eyes seemed to brighten up at what you said.
"You’re from class 4? Oh, I'm so jealous! I heard the seven princes of Kkotgil are all in that same section this year." She replied. Seven what? You cringed.
"Uhm.." you started off, not really knowing what to say to that. "So where is it again?" you ask again, hopefully this time she’s more helpful.
She glanced over her shoulder and rolled her eyes playfully when her friends got caught up in conversation about what she just said. 
"This is the line for class 2," she pointed at herself and her friends. "The girls of class 4 are lined up two lines from ours." She pointed you towards the direction at the far right, and you bowed in gratitude before proceeding to where it was.
As you stand in line, more students start to enter and line up in their respective classes inside the stadium. You allow your eyes to become unfocused and you get lost in thought. 
Everything has changed, well, mostly. You were still you; so was your dad, your room, your house, and your apartment building. Yet somehow, for some reason, a lot of things that weren't supposed to be were just there. You close your eyes tightly and try to think about the exact things that led up to this morning.
Yesterday, what happened yesterday?
Let's see... The day before this, I had breakfast with my dad before he left for work, lounged around all day, had dinner with dad when he got home, decided to clean up in the kitchen, got sweaty, and went to my room to change.
And then I saw the book. The novel my dad bought for me, and I read it all night before falling asleep halfway through it. Your brows scrunched. That’s basically it. You didn’t think there was anything particularly strange that would’ve led to all of these strange events.
You think you feel someone staring at you from somewhere when you finally snapped your eyes open, but when you turn to see who it was, you stop as soon as you see light brown hair in your peripheral vision before looking away again. You didn’t really want to deal with Minyoung right now.
You snap out of your thoughts when you hear squeals from all around you.
"It's the seven princes of Kkotgil!"
"Look at them! They’re all so handsome!"
"Class 4 is so blessed to have them all for this year."
"You know it's going to be a good year when you only have to go to one classroom to see all of the seven princes!"
You raised your brows at that. What the fuck are these people saying? You stand on your tiptoes and look around towards where the rest of the student body is facing.
Your eyes widened at the sight. Holy shit. You were pretty sure the world went into slow motion when a group of guys entered the stadium, and you blinked your eyes quickly when you thought you caught a glimpse of red and mint hair among– more colored-haired dudes? 
You hear more high-pitched screams, and it makes you cover your ears with both your hands momentarily. You absolutely hate the noise.
You rolled your eyes and turned around to face the front, where you saw a teacher struggling to get the students’ attention again, saying that the principal was going to come up and start his speech soon.
You chuckle at the scene. This is all so ridiculous. Screaming and fangirling over your fellow students? What are they, celebrities? You look down and cover your giggle again with a hand. You swear, these things only happen in dramas or animes. Or perhaps you've read something similar in mangas or even novels—wait a minute.
Your laugh suddenly fades and you pause. This seems exactly like what you read about in novels, like that one you read the night before. 
You gasp. Am I onto something?
You look around amongst the chaos, and that's exactly when you notice something. Everyone seemed so... normal. Ordinary. And that wouldn’t be strange if it weren’t for the fact that your world was turned upside down this morning. It was strange, because everyone seemed to look so ordinary, except...
Except Minyoung and the seven guys, who currently had the attention of everyone in the vicinity. You think it's because of their exceedingly (and honestly quite unrealistic) good looks as well as the unique colors of their hair.
You feel your heartbeat race and your ears ring. 
Did I… did I just get transported into the world of a web novel? Then, according to your theory, the main characters would be Minyoung and the seven guys.
You choke on your own spit. Is this a reverse harem novel? You scoffed. And I'm not even the main character? Damn it. So close, yet so far.
You start to feel lightheaded again, almost wanting to smack yourself with the crazy theory you just came up with. But you hold onto it. You need to believe in something, even if it's not exactly what’s happening, because otherwise you might start acting reckless and try to do things to try to prove that this isn’t really your reality.
It’s not even farfetched. All of these were too crazy to be reality, yet too realistic to be a dream. It would make sense (not really) that, for some reason, you were now in a world of clichés and, apparently, good-looking people with bright colored hair. You weren’t one of them, though.
Things finally settled down when a different, stricter-sounding teacher stepped up on stage to try and quiet everyone down. You see a woman walk past you into the front of the line where you were, and you hear someone say something about Miss Jang being your homeroom teacher for the year. She smiles at her students from the front.
The principal was introduced, and you absentmindedly clapped along with the others, and as he started his speech, you saw some shuffling from the people in front of you. You take a small side step to look at what’s happening, and you see Minyoung slowly making her way towards where you are by exchanging places with each of the people in front of you.
Your eyes widened and you made a move to turn around when you remembered that the boys from your class were lined up there, so you decided against it in case Hobi saw you.
When you turned back to face the front again, Minyoung was already in front of you.
She gave you a nervous smile. "I’m sorry, I know you don’t want to be near me right now for some reason, but I just really need you." She glanced around quickly before looking back at you.
"You know how I hate it when people stare," she says in a small voice.
You looked around and sure enough, students, girls and boys alike, gave her attention like the one you saw them give the boys at the back earlier.
For the first time that day, you actually felt for the girl. It must’ve been nerve wracking to have all this attention on her, but she couldn't do anything because, well, like you thought, she was most likely the main character. Her nature would quite literally prevent her from having a peaceful life. For a second, you thought that keeping your distance from her would be a good idea.
You gave her a nod.
"No, I- I don’t mind. You can step closer to me." You asked, and she complied, hiding herself in your shoulders beside you. Now the attention that was on her has turned to you as well. You sighed.
I need a game plan, you thought. If I were to survive this, whatever this is, I’m gonna need to lie low as much as possible, even if I'm supposedly Minyoung – the main character’s – best friend.
But how exactly am I going to do that?
For now, you decide you will steer clear of other people with brightly colored hair. That’s good enough for now.
Following the principal's speech and a few more speeches from faculty and student government members, the students are led away and into their respective buildings. You let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding. It was exhausting, tolerating these stares, and they weren't even directed at you.
Soon enough, it was your class's turn to be led to your building and classroom. You hear Miss Jang’s cheery voice asking everyone to follow her lead.
You hate yourself for being too nice because as you entered the high school building and walked through the hallways, you took notice of Minyoung trying to make herself look smaller to avoid all those gazes from the other students. You took her arm and hooked it up with yours.
You sighed, not turning to face her. "It’s fine, I’m here. Sorry for acting weird this morning." You see her brighten up (almost literally, like flashing lights and all) and give you a big smile from your peripheral vision.
You chuckled at her reaction. Maybe she isn’t so bad after all. Well, the chances of her being "bad" would most likely be impossible. The main characters are usually nice and perfect.
You continue walking alongside her until you reach the classroom. You glanced at the wooden door sign that sat atop of the door frame that said YEAR 3-CLASS 4 and entered the doors.
You decide to separate from Minyoung for a while to find your respective seats, though it wasn't for long because you noticed your name tag at the seat next to hers, with only the walking aisle separating the two of you.
You peeped at the name tag of the seat right next to your left and it was a name you didn’t recognize. You let out a breath of relief. No Hobi or Mr. Grumpy Pants. You carefully hooked your bag on the side of the table.
Your peace was disrupted all too soon when you heard several voices in the hallway heading towards your room. It all made sense when you saw the boys’ line start to enter the classroom, and it seemed like they didn’t even notice or just didn’t pay attention to the audience that the seven boys at the back of the line brought with them. 
The students in the hallway who weren't allowed to enter the classroom (because, duh, it wasn’t their classroom) settled on looking through windows in the hall instead.
You think you don’t have to worry about any of the sevens (yes, that is what you decide to call them now. You absolutely refuse to call them the seven princes of Kkotgil. Ew.) taking notice of you since you weren't anyone of importance, but you still subtly tried to hide your face with your right hand and turned to the empty seat beside you.
You hear the hall monitor trying to disperse the crowd that had formed and trying to get them to go back to their respective classes. You also hear chairs scraping through the floor as your classmates start settling into their seats.
You tried to stay calm but couldn’t help the pounding of your heart. No more brightly colored hair near me, please. You kept repeating it in your mind.
You hear Minyoung call out to you in a gentle voice, seeming to have detected your agitation. You turned to look at her and quickly stood up, your chair emanating a loud scrape as you did.
You decide to head towards Miss Jang, who was still at the front door trying to help manage the crowd of students, to ask to be excused to the bathroom to regroup your thoughts because while things were starting to make sense, they were still very overwhelming for you.
Miyoung seemed to have noticed and made a move to stand up as well. 
"Where are you going—"
But of course, as everything had been since the start of that day, nothing was going according to your plan. Not even a few steps in, you bump into someone’s shoulder.
You looked up to see pinkish hair – almost like a faded red color – on a doe-eyed boy who was staring coldly at you. You felt goosebumps run up your arm and down the back of your neck. He averted his gaze from you not even a second later and just huffed. He looked around the room, his eyes busy trying to find someone.
"Choi Minyoung, captain of the girls’ volleyball team. I heard she was in this class as well. Where is she?" His voice resonated throughout the classroom, and everyone was shushed.
You stepped back and resisted the urge to let out an audible gasp; the urge to have popcorn and a comfy chair to sit back and watch was strong as well.
Shit is about to go down. And I’m currently in the middle of it, literally! You felt a presence step up beside you.
"That’s me, why?" Minyoung said in a different tone from what she usually uses with you, as she took your arm and placed you protectively behind her.
The doe-eyed boy’s gaze hardened even more. "Your team took a big chunk of the volleyball club fund from the boys’ team last year," he said as his jaw ticked, and you would deem him attractive despite being angry if he wasn't being arrogant right now. Also, the fact that you think he is a potential love interest for your dear friend Minyoung made you feel like you can’t have those kinds of thoughts.
The girl beside you let out an annoyed scoff. "Took? We didn’t take anything from you. It's not our fault that you guys couldn't move to championships, so the faculty decided we deserved the bigger fund since we did."
You almost heard an "ooh" and a snicker from behind the doe-eyed boy, but you were too shocked by Minyoung’s change in demeanor to even pay attention to that.
Your eyes went wide. Damn, she is going off! You have no idea what their conversation is about, but you are surprised that the same girl who was hiding in your shoulders just a few moments ago is arguing with this guy. Talk about duality. You almost want to take out a notebook to start taking notes.
You wanted to cheer out loud for her, arms spread out holding pom poms and all, and you probably would have if it weren't for the fact that your classmates were murmuring around you.
"Who the hell is she to talk to the Jeon Jungkook like that?" You heard someone say, and you snapped your head towards them, making them look away.
Didn’t they just hear him? He said she was the girls’ volleyball team captain. I didn't know that either, but even I caught him saying that.
"We’ll see about that this year." The boy – who they called Jungkook – said with an arrogant smile.
"We’re going to get back those funds and make our way to championships. Hell, we'll even make our way to nationals." He declared proudly.
You heard high-pitched voices cheer for him as he said that and you rolled your eyes. These people... really?
Jungkook seemed to have caught the action, and he turned his gaze on you. He raised a brow as a challenge, and you almost raised yours back to him when you remembered you were trying to stay away from any of the sevens, so you just turned away. You can hear him let out a satisfied chuckle.
Punk. If this was my old reality, I wouldn't have hesitated to whoop your ass. But alas, you stood aside in true side character fashion.
You wanted to pat yourself on the back for having that kind of discipline. The novel gods must be so proud of me.
Miyoung stepped to the side, protecting you from the boy’s line of vision, and you almost squealed and kissed her thanks. She chuckled sarcastically before uttering, "Good luck with that."
“Jungkook, that's enough,” said the guy behind him. Jungkook cleared his throat and looked back at his two other friends, a blonde boy and a silver-haired boy, and tilted his head toward the right of the classroom at the back, where you guess they were supposed to be seated.
The blonde boy nodded at him and gave you and Miyoung a sheepish smile before taking Jungkook’s shoulder and pushing him towards their seat.
Silver Boy, however, stalled behind and stepped closer towards you and your friend while scratching the back of his neck.
"Sorry about that, he just took it the hardest among us when we lost our place in the championship last year when he was the next in line to be captain." He gave you an apologetic smile.
"You must be Minyoung. I’m Taehyung." He introduced himself but didn't offer his hand for a shake, seemingly genuinely embarrassed about his friend’s action.
He turned to look at you. "You must be…" he waited expectantly. For a second, you had internal turmoil if you wanted to give him your name or not, but he was looking at you with such determination that it was hard to do the latter.
"___." You said flatly, and he gave a smile in return. It seemed pretty genuine too. He looked back again at both you and your friend.
“Nice to meet you both. Hopefully it was in better circumstances, but.." he trailed off, and Minyoung nodded in understanding. "Since we’re in the same class this year, I hope we all get along soon." He bowed his head a little before going to follow his friends.
Minyoung sighed and turned to you. "Are you okay?" Her voice was laced with concern. You gave her a small smile.
You should really avoid being with her when she gets these kinds of encounters. You did not like it one bit at all. It would be better to just stay as an audience.
"Yeah, I was going to excuse myself to the bathroom, but I changed my mind now." You tapped her on the shoulder and returned to your seat without tearing your eyes off of her area, just to give her assurance because the girl seemed to want to stick you to her side just so she really knew you were okay.
How can I not be okay though? She literally did all the talking.
Well, as a main character, that was her thing, so no surprise there.
As you sat, you rubbed your eyes rather aggressively. Just when you decide you are going to avoid all of the sevens, you run into not just one, but three of them. I didn't even need to pee, I just wanted to get away and think. Why didn't I just stay in my seat to think? You argue with yourself foolishly. Is it the fate of a side character that nothing ever goes her way? Well, between you and Minyoung, you're guessing she gets all the luck after all.
Miss Jang finally stepped up to the front desk and reintroduced herself to the class. "I know everyone here as I’ve been your teacher before, even if you were all in different sections, so there’s no need for an introduction from you. I guess you can do that amongst yourselves in your own time." She said,
"Now, shall we start electing a class representative before you all get to know each other to elect a proper class president?" She prompted and swept her eyes across the class.
You heard a windshield wiper laugh emanate from the front of the classroom. "Will that be necessary, ma’am? We have Kim Namjoon in this class." and you see his seatmate nudge him. "Stop it, Jin."
The class starts to agree and talk among themselves, but you tune every single one of them out.
If this is going to work, I need to familiarize myself with the sevens so I can avoid them easily.
You turn to face the area where Jungkook and his entourage were seated, in the rightmost aisle of seats. Silver, blond, and strawberry blonde. Okay, that’s three.
You then turned to look at the front of the classroom, where in the middle aisle, two more hair colors stood out like a sore thumb. Purple, purple-pink. That’s five.
You swept your gaze across the room again, growing more agitated the longer you didn't see two familiar colors. Your hand starts to fidget with your uniform’s tie when you feel a tap on your right shoulder. You turned to the person who was seated behind you, and your eyes almost bulged from their sockets. 
"What are you looking for, ___?" You almost asked how he knew your name when you didn't remember introducing yourself to him when you met earlier, but then you remembered he saw you point at it when you were looking for your name in the class list.
"H-hobi. You're sitting there." You said, dumbfoundedly, and he chuckled in response. "Yep!"
You slowly turned to your right, Hobi's left, as people in horror films do when they hear strange noises coming from their creepy houses. To your bewilderment, cat-like eyes stared back at you.
❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。
Miss Jang went over the school and class rules, which were "to be followed strictly," after she decided, through a majority of voting, that Namjoon should represent the class as President. It seemed the guy just had that kind of reputation among his peers.
Oddly enough, you hear nothing about rules on hair colors when you are pretty sure it was written in bold black letters in the school rule book. Well, not in this universe, you guess. According to the rules of web novels, the lighter and more obnoxious the hair, the more important the character. Or that’s what you think, at least. 
After that, everything was pretty much a blur to you.
You stayed sat stiffly in your seat, not wanting to turn even a little bit because you were surrounded by the sevens and Minyoung. (That’s an exaggeration, but whatever, you can afford to be dramatic in these situations.) So, when the bell rang for lunch break, you were the first to gather your things and sprint outside of the classroom. You didn’t really know these walls, but there was an odd sense of familiarity as you swiftly made your way through the hallway.
Minyoung’s voice bounced off the walls, and you turned around to quickly beckon her to come near you faster. She sped up her steps and whispered, "Why? What is it? Are we hiding from someone?" she asked.
"What? No, no – but we have to go quickly! " She let out a pleasing laugh. "Relax ___, they’re not going to run out of strawberry milk in the cafeteria."
You resisted the grin that tugged at your lips. I'm glad my love for strawberry milk – the superior flavored milk – transcends universes.
But that’s not the point right now! "No!" you said, too loudly as you had hoped. You toned down your voice and spoke again. "No, I mean—we absolutely can not go to the cafeteria right now." you stated.
"Why not?"
Cafeterias are like the hotspots of dramatic events in novels. You hoped you wouldn't have to go there at all.
You just shrugged. You took her hand and you could almost swear you saw her blush before you tugged her away.
"Fine. I know just the place." She said, before walking faster and leading you towards somewhere.
As you exited the building, you let her lead you to wherever she wanted to go, and you took that moment to observe your surroundings. You noticed how everything looked more vibrant and alive, the trees swinging even if there wasn't any noticeable breeze, the sunlight coming in streaks even though it was literally high noon. That kind of thing, you think, is what confirms your theory about the world. The real world isn't this colorful, you thought. And that's kind of sad.
As you neared the place Minyoung was talking about, your jaw dropped. There was a massive tree with purple leaves—PURPLE LEAVES! (because of fucking course there has to be a purple tree here)— and vibrant green grass surrounding it. It was conveniently placed and gave shade beside some stairs that led to another open field that you’re guessing is used for and during school programs. It seemed pretty empty at the moment, though.
"Hey, was it because Jungkook was bugging us earlier? I swear you don’t have anything to worry about with him." She assured you as she made both of you sit on the steps of the stairs.
Hm? Where did she get that idea? If anything, you were worried about her because she has to deal with him. You just settled on just shaking your head "no."
You unzipped your bag and took out the food your dad packed for you. "Here, my dad said we should share this." You hear her let out a joyful squeal and you giggle. A warm feeling spreads through your chest at that moment.
She dug in on her container of food, letting out a satisfied hum. You fiddle with your food a little before asking her something.
"Minyoung, if I asked you some weird questions right now, would you judge me?" She turned to look at you with a mouthful of waffles. 
Seriously, how can she still look so graceful with her mouth full of food?
She chewed a little before swallowing. "I’m the last person that would ever judge you. I’m your best friend, remember?" You smiled in return.
Best friend. You never really had someone your age that you called that. The closest thing you ever had to a best friend were your parents. You were a tight-knit family, and you mostly spent your time going on adventures with them. Well, you used to.
You were always shy as a kid, and even as you grew up and made friends, you always found yourself being distant with them, not letting them be close enough to see the raw you. You don't know why, but you have always had that fear in you.
"Okay, so," you said, clearing your throat. "Just think of it as a friendship test."
She laughed before cracking her knuckles. "Bring it on," she replied jokingly.
"Since when have we been, uhm.. friends?" You cautiously asked, not wanting her to get suspicious with your inquiries.
"Best friends," she corrected, earning you a smile. "Hmm.. you moved next door the summer before freshman year, we happened to bump into each other at the bus stop, so we decided to make it a routine to go to school together. We’ve been doing that ever since. Or trying to dothat again." She said
Next door? We’re next door neighbors? But the elderly lady...
Your face turned sour. The lady next door who you smiled at when you passed by. Is she just gone? In this universe? You felt a pang in your chest. You cleared your throat again, as there was a lump that was threatening to rise up from it, tears almost successfully making their way out of your tear ducts.
Minyoung put her hand above yours. "Hey, it's okay. It was a huge fight we had recently, but we’re okay now." You try not to look confused as this was the second time she mentioned your "fight".
"Uhm.." you trailed off, thinking what to ask next. "You mentioned something about finally being in the same class?"
"Oh! Right. We're in the same year, but we’ve never actually been in the same class," she said with a cute pout. "That’s the reason why we always meet up under this tree when we have time." She looked up and caught a fallen leaf in her hand.
"Hmm.. about that conversation with Jungkook?" You prompted, and you saw her flash you a sad smile. "Ah, well," she scratched her head.
"The boys’ and girls’ teams weren’t really on bad terms, not even close either, but this summer, when they found out that the budget shifted in favor of us because of our win in the regionals last year, they went cold." She took a bite of some chicken skin, and the audible crunch resounded in the empty space around you. Wow, even chicken has magic here. How did that stay crispy after hours? Or maybe it's the power of your dad's cooking.
"I'm not even mad because his emotions are completely valid. I just hate how he dealt with it. You were there, and I'm embarrassed you had to see that." She added, and you thought she was too nice for her own good for thinking of it like that.
You hummed in response. Why was she worried about that? I’m supposedly her best friend. You smacked yourself in the head mentally. You were being unfair. You're not really treating her as a best friend right now either, especially this morning.
"Any more questions?" she said before taking a bite of her food again. 
"No, I'm good for now." You both sat there in comfortable silence as you finished your food. You were cleaning up and putting the food containers back when you heard her phone buzz.
"Shoot, the coach wants to see me right now, so I have to go. Let’s just meet back at the classroom?" You gave her a reassuring smile, and you watched as she waved and walked away. You watch her retreating figure look smaller before standing and dusting yourself off.
You hook your backpack strap against one shoulder and start making your way back into the building. You were still being careful not to bump into any of the important people, but you got a bit careless because you weren’t with Minyoung and assumed people wouldn’t approach you when you weren't with her.
You were taking your time walking back to your building and you didn’t notice a redhead taking notice of your presence. He nudged his friend and he made him unwillingly be pulled towards your direction. You heard your name being called out by a cheerful voice, and you turned around in all directions to try to see who it was until your gaze landed on the two. Your eyes widened and you started power walking back. You think you heard a laugh and you saw them walk faster when they saw you do the same.
Just as you were about to take the first step towards the building entrance, your hand was pulled backwards, albeit gently, it still made you gasp a little.
"Why do you look like you’ve been so tense since we entered the campus? Did you do something bad? Are you hiding something?" Hobi joked as he let go of your hand when you finally turned to face him. "Uhm-no, no, it's just—" you have no idea what excuse to give him to get them to leave you alone.
He looked you in the eye and waited for you to continue, eyes sparkling in anticipation. You may have noticed that the main characters do that a lot with their eyes, albeit unintentionally. That's just how they’re built, you guess.
"No, I just haven't been back here for a while," you lie through your teeth, hoping he doesn't notice.
"Summer did feel quite long, no? But ___ …" He scooted closer and placed his arms around your shoulders and started walking towards your classroom, his friend Yoongi trailing just behind you two. "You told me this morning that you were a new student, but I asked around and you’ve been here since freshman year," he said with a pout. Cute, you thought briefly before shaking it off as soon as you thought it.
"Well, how come you didn't recognize me then?" You threw the question back at him, and he smiled sheepishly.
"Ah, I actually don't remember seeing you around here, sorry about that." He said the last phrase in a sing-song voice and it made you hide a chuckle.
Exactly. I am a forgettable face. You weren't supposed to remember or meet me until maybe this year, when we were placed oh so conveniently in the same section as the rest of the sevens and my "best friend" Minyoung.
As the rules of the universe of web novels have planned, of course.
You gave him a "see? I told you so" look and he retracted his arms from you to cross them against his chest and let out a huff, jokingly pouted lips jutted out.
You sigh and let him blabber on, your plan to avoid any of the sevens going down the drain way before you even tried to execute it. Am I supposed to just let things happen then? An ugly feeling boiled up against your stomach. Now that you’re part of this novel too, is your fate predetermined as well? Are you not able to change things if you wanted to?
You glanced back at Yoongi because you noticed he had been quiet the whole time. He had his eyes looking away, hands down in his pockets as he walked. You just shrugged and decided not to try to strike up any conversation with him when he clearly wasn’t fond of it. As you reached your room, you weren’t able to pass through the doors as they were blocked by broad shoulders.
"Access denied. You must answer before entering!" the boy exclaimed, and you could hear someone inside yell at him to "get out of their way, Jin!"
"Did you have a good first day lunch?" he asked with a smile, and the boy beside you promptly said yes. He turned to you, expecting an answer as well, so you just nodded. He decided it was good enough. 
"Okay, you two pass." He stepped aside for you both, but as soon as you passed him, he blocked his body on the door again.
"No answer, no pass Min," he teasingly said, and you heard a huff from Yoongi. "Get lost, Jin." You think he would be offended, but to your surprise, he just laughed. 
"Did you have a great lunch, Yoongi?" he asked in a softer tone this time. You see Yoongi look away and nod a little. Jin laughed again and tapped the other’s shoulder, and he entered the classroom with all of you.
As you reached your seat, Minyoung came bursting through the doors, screaming your name excitedly. You turned around and held her shoulder to stop her from jumping up and down. 
"Why? What's going on?" Your face scrunched up in confusion.
"The spot is open! The spot for manager of the volleyball teams is vacant; you should apply for it!" she said expectantly, holding onto both of your hands. You stepped back a little.
"Why would I do that?" First of all, you don't think you’re even qualified. Second of all, you barely know anything about the sport.
"I think that's a great idea, Minyoung. Isn't this the first time you and your friend landed on the same section? You mentioned something about wanting to spend more time with her." You see Jin pat her head fondly from behind, earning him a bright smile from the girl.
Okay, so they’re friends? We like Jin? Noted.
"I don't know.." you said as you scratched your head.
"Woah! You should do it, ___!"  Hobi said from beside you
"Okay, hold on, I'm not going to be peer pressured about this! I'll think about it, okay?" You tell Minyoung just to appease her. You don’t think you're going to go through with it anyway.
She pouted, and the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch break. Students started to settle down in their seats, and so did you. A few moments later, the teacher entered the room. You rested your elbows on your desk and plopped your chin on your palms. You let the rest of the day in school pass you by in a blur.
❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。
After class, you and Minyoung left together and rode the same bus home. As she entered her apartment letting out a small “see you tomorrow!”, you stared longingly at the door. You were overcome with a feeling of sadness, thinking that the nice elderly lady next door just wasn’t there anymore. It wasn't even long after you found out she bakes the best chocolate chip cookies you’ve ever had. 
But it was less about the cookies and more about the warmth they brought you when she gave them to you for the first time. You tried to show that moving to a new place wasn’t a big deal, but truly, in the back of your mind, you were scared. Making new friends, attending a new school, and adjusting to a new way of life are all challenges. The gesture from the old lady meant everything to you at the time.
You entered the key code for your apartment and took out the lunch bag when you entered the kitchen, cleaning it all up. When you finally went to your room, you let yourself plop down on the bed. You looked towards your desk and saw the book placed neatly atop it. You reached out to get it and you sat up properly to skim through the pages, but to your surprise, they were blank. The cover stayed the same though; the front displayed the figure of the female protagonist, and behind her were four silhouettes of her love interests.
You whipped out your phone, and your screen displayed your contacts. It had MinYoung’s number on it, and you suppose it had always been there because you never remembered putting it in there. To your surprise though, there were also four more unfamiliar contacts that were there. Hobi, Yoongs, Jin, and Kim Namjoon, it said. 
Your brows knit in confusion, but then you recall a brief moment earlier that afternoon when you quickly left your phone on your desk to excuse yourself to the bathroom, only to come back to Hoseok snickering behind his hand like the menace that he is. You weren't properly acquainted with Kim Namjoon, but you’re guessing Jin put his number in there.
You sighed, that plan about avoiding them not only down the drain but further down where the sun doesn't even reach. You exited the app, went to the search portal, and typed in the word novel. Some literature and library indexes popped up.
Too vague? You typed in romance web novel this time. The search portal displayed "no results."
You wanted to chuck your phone against the wall but decided against it. You just lied again on your back and tucked your arm over your eyes, exhaustion catching up to you. Before you knew it, you were drifting off to sleep.
You woke up the next day because of the light hitting your face. You stretched out your arms and legs and let out a yawn when you noticed that you were wearing proper pajamas and were tucked under the blanket properly. You gasped. Am I back? This wasn't what I was wearing when I fell asleep!
You quickly yanked the blanket out of the way and rushed outside, only to see your dad sipping coffee on the kitchen counter. You walked slowly this time, as you made your way towards the fridge.
"Morning sweetie," your dad greeted you in a sleepy voice, and you greeted him back with a small chirp.
"Dad, guess what? I had the craziest dream last night. There was this young girl next door that claimed to be my best friend—and oh! Jeongsang High became Kkotgil all of a sudden, and there were these dudes with colored hair, and there was a purple tree, and—" You kept rambling on, your sentences not even coherent. You saw your dad knitting his eyebrows, looking at you like you were insane.
"What?" you asked as you took a sip of your water.
"What are you talking about, sweetie? Jeongsang? Purple tree?" You nod at him.
"Exactly! That’s crazy, right?" You chuckle, and he looks even more confused.
"Girl next door? Honey, are you talking about Minyoung?" The water you were drinking shoots out of your nose in surprise, and you feel the sting in your nostrils. Ow!
Your dad laughed at your reaction. "Start getting ready now ___, you dont want to keep your friend waiting again." he said before turning around to start up on breakfast.
You stood there like a statue. I'm not back? But–
"My pajamas! How did I wake up in my pajamas then?" You asked in a loud voice, making him wince.
"Your grandma stopped by to have dinner with us last night, but you were already asleep, so she changed you into proper clothes and tucked you in. We still have the leftovers she cooked if you want to eat those." he said casually while chopping onions.
Your jaw dropped and you brushed your palms against your face in frustration. 
There’s really no way out of this, huh?
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cherrykindness · 3 years
wild tweets |
pairing: Harry Styles x Actress!Reader
summary: as newlyweds, you and harry read thirsty comments for buzzfeed.
warning: it's thirsty tweets, so below there is adult humor 😳
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"It's a bright, sunny morning in Los Angeles, and there's nothing I want more than to be on BuzzFeed and read wild tweets alongside my husband."
"Thirsty tweets, babe." Harry corrected, laughing out loud with the producers behind the cameras.
"Thirsty Tweets." You said quickly, putting your hand over your mouth to stifle a giggle. "I'm terrible at that, I'm sorry. Can we start over?"
"Let's take a break for one to two minutes. You've given us a great introduction, Y/N."
You shook your head, smiling shyly before turning to Harry, who was already watching you with that easy smile at the corner of his lips. You liked how his hand remained firmly on yours, making those circular movements with the thumb that always served as a natural medice for your anxiety.
"You look so fucking beautiful."
The pleated dress with flounce sleeves fit you like a glove. You had made peace with the various shades of white since the wedding and knew that Harry liked to see you in that color too.
"Thank you, you're not too bad either, Styles."
You intimately suspected that Harry would always seem far beyond that "not bad" that came out as a euphemism from your mouth. He wore nothing but a pair of bell-bottom pants in a strong shade of blue and a soft vest printed with fluffy little sheep on a striped American collared shirt - in your opinion, no one could look better in farm animal clothing than Harry Styles and Princess Diana with her red "Black Sheep" sweater in the 1980s. In contrast, you knew your husband well enough to know that he was arrogant and knew exactly how hot he looked - you also made your thoughts clear enough when you kept him backstage beyond ten minutes in a rather heated kissing session.
"Are you anxious?" you asked curiously, remaining with downcast eyes fixed on the strokes that remained assiduous on your warm skin. "To read about how the whole internet dreams of fucking my wife?! Of course." Harry joked, leaning over to leave a small one on your cheek. "We agree on that, don't we? Although I'm a little nervous, I'm really interested to know all the crazy things they say about you. Everyone knows you're mine at the end of the day, that's enough."
At the end of the break, you and Harry made a silent agreement that you should be the first to pick up one of the scattered papers in the red pot. There were quite a significant amount of tweets, and as much as you were used to reading rather sordid things about your husband on the Internet, the excitement was there as if you were wading into uncharted territory.
"I would be a good girl all year round if Santa guaranteed me a threesome with Harry and Y/N Styles on Christmas Eve." You laughed, Harry staring at the camera with an expression close to the meme of the surprised Pikachu. "You guys are incredibly nasty, I love it."
"If that was the first one, I'm really worried about the next ones." Harry commented with a little corner smile, picking the next tweet out of the bucket. "I have an entire folder on Pinterest dedicated to Harry Styles' hands, and let me tell you why: those hands are art, and art needs to be recognized."
"What- Guys, you promised you wouldn't post my anonymous tweets here." You quipped with false reproach, laughing at your own stupid joke while everyone else in the studio did the same. "But I can't blame her, honestly." Shaking your shoulders, you opened another piece of paper. "Harry Styles finally confessed that he wrote Watermelon Sugar for Y/N!!!! Are you guys imagining the same thing as me?!!!!!! 🥵🍆💦"
"Exhausted emoji, eggplant emoji, and water emoji?" Harry frowned, staring at the tweet you held up. "I imagine you're in need of a vacation somewhere refreshing and you're craving a fruit that everyone eats like it's really a vegetable."
"That reminded me of that story-" You laughed, hiding your face on the table as Harry continued to offer a poker face to the camera, struggling not to keep up with you laughter. "I'm sorry, lovie, I have to share this with the rest of the world." You stated, wiping a few tears from the corner of your eyes. "Harry always wears those fancy suits to concerts, right?! Right! Turns out he looks really hot in some, like his ass molds perfectly into those tight pants and everything. I was home that night because I wasn't feeling well enough to face the big crowds, but I was still following everything on twitter. It was a concert in London, not so far from where we lived at the time, so it was obvious that he would come home after it was over. I follow some portals that do really fast updates of pictures, videos, etc; everything that happened at Harry's concert was on my timeline in a matter of seconds. When one of these profiles uploaded a picture of him with his back to the camera in a heavily accentuated black and white suit, I quickly sent him the image along with a peach emoji and then wrote "looks good tonight". He didn't reply to me until a few hours later, of course, but I obviously didn't expect a "ready for a Fifth Avenue peach salad for dinner?" and numerous cutlery emojis."
Harry rolled his eyes comically, indulging in laughter as did everyone else who occupied the backstage area.
"I'm against the eroticization of emojis." He said between uncompensated breaths, shaking his head negatively. "Let's go to the next ones, please, I'm already feeling exposed enough here."
"I like your old-fashioned spirit, baby." You assured him with a smile, laying on the sturdy shoulder hidden under the fluffy fabric.
Harry chuckled low, leaving a little kiss on the top of your head before selecting the next paper. The fans would die when that video aired, everyone was sure. You two easily forgot the cameras when you were side by side, and the public display of affection had never been a problem.
"My life mission is to look at someone the way Harry looks at Y/N and be reciprocated the way Y/N looks at Harry, then I could die happy." Harry read. "That was very good and healthy, thank you!" He smiled. "But don't settle for death in that case, please. Just make sure to keep that person around forever."
"Awn, we got so sweet now." You made a pout. "Thank you for sending us something so cute! I really hope you find the right person soon." Sending a kiss to the camera, you moved on to the next tweet. "I wouldn't want to get a golden ticket to visit Willy Wonka's factory, I would like to get a golden ticket to actively participate in Y/N and Harry Styles' Honeymoon.
"That was creative, so I will disregard the fact that you removed my last name from my wife's name." Harry joked.
"I will always be an Y/L/N." You flashed the tongue. "We had a great Honeymoon, but I know you guys already know all about it because there are pictures all over the internet of outings that I don't even remember existed."
"Even though we chose a rather reserved city, many paparazzi still managed to photograph some of our nights there." Harry agreed. "There was one particular day when we opted to have dinner at a restaurant near the beach. Y/N had found it even before the trip, it was pretty laid back and we could spend the evening at karaoke. I don't really remember what happened, but we woke up the next day with a terrible hangover, still wearing the clothes from the dinner and with several headlines saying that I was cheating on my wife in the middle of our Honeymoon with a blue-haired italian girl."
"That wig made me sexy, man." You blinked, laughing as you remembered the situation. "It's a shame the paparazzi only got low quality images, but I swear I looked really amazing that night. Italy, I miss you."
"We're coming to the end and I haven't had to ask production for a glass of water yet, thank you to whoever selected these tweets." Harry raised his thumb to the camera, smiling before turning his gaze back to the small paper he had chosen. "Y/N could literally punch me in the face and I would just bow down and thank them for it." He laughed. "She has heavy hands, so I would rethink that choice."
"It takes strong hands to be a superheroine." You blinked gracefully, referring to your works as a Marvel actress. "I move around a lot during the night, so I'll take this lovely opportunity to say that twitter can dismiss all the malicious theories about Harry always show up with a new bruise all over his body."
"Please stop making indecent assumptions while Y/N is aggressive with me at night only unconsciously, her father has access to social media."
You laughed, clearing your throat before reading the next obscenity aloud.
"I would sell all my possessions to have Y/N sitting on my lap for ten seconds."
"Oh my God." Harry laughed out loud, throwing his head back. "I should have said that in our wedding vows."
You shook your head, laughing low as you set the tweet aside.
"That was pretty funny and cheeky, I approve."
"Okay, looks like we finally got to the last one." Harry announced, waving the paper in the air dramatically before opening it. "Harry could literally crush me with those boots while fuc- I need that glass of water." He said dumbfounded, hiding his face between his hands after throwing the tweet over his shoulder. You laughed out loud next to the organizers, and meanwhile Harry leaned his head on your bust, staring at you still with wide eyes. "Please promise that we will be careful with our future children on the internet."
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seita · 4 years
the contract girlfriend | semi eita (m.)
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˒ pairing: semi eita/reader ˒ genre: angst, fluff, smut ˒ wordcount: 𝟺𝟹𝟹𝟷 ˒ tags: friends2lovers, fake dating, musician!eita ˒ cw: dirty talk, loss of virginity, virgin kink if u squint: sweet talking, pet names, mean girl ex, mutual pining, unrequited love(?), angst with a happy ending, UNEDITED
+ note: this is a collab along with the other writers for the kkc! i would also like to thank @bokutobabie​ 𝖿for her help with this plot bc it was kickin’ my ass.
˖˖ summary: when he was an unknown musician, his girlfriend left him. now that he’s made it, he wants to make her jealous at a fancy party so he can get her back.unfortunately, he asks you to be his fake date. the downside? you have a very real crush on him.
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© all content belongs to seita 2020. do not modify or repost.
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“I have a proposition,” is never a sentence you want to hear when you sit down to lunch with your best friend. Especially when that friend is Semi Eita. 
“What..?” you ask apprehensively, taking the cup of coffee he’d obviously gotten to bribe you. You took it regardless, not willing to pass up the offer of free coffee.
“Nana is gonna be at the party this weekend,” he muttered, swirling his fingertips around the rim of his cup. You felt your heart drop into the pit of your stomach at his words, “I want you to come and pretend to be my date.”
Just as you’d expected. Not something you wanted to hear.
Nana was Eita’s first love, his first serious relationship, really. They got together when he was fresh out of highschool, the two of them spending almost all of their time together. 
It was when his career as a musician was just beginning, he was playing small gigs and there was nothing really successful. But he was happy. And he thought she was too.
Until she dumped him in favor of a much more famous man. He was a big movie producer and offered her a leading role in an upcoming film. Of course, she took the offer. 
She would much rather be mingling with the rich and famous than be hanging out with “a nobody like him”, as she put it. You remembered the hurt Eita felt, the tears and heartbreak it took almost 3 years for him to get over. 
“Why?” you finally asked with a sigh, “What will that accomplish?”
“Well if she gets jealous, she might want to get back with me,” he grinned impishly, shrugging his shoulders like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
You recognized the look in his eyes, one of determination. So you sighed, nodding your head, “Alright, I’ll be your date.”
He beamed, uttering out endless thanks to you as you went on with your lunch until he decided to go back to the studio. He slipped his hat on low, making sure his mask was in place before hugging your goodbye and leaving you sitting alone at the table. 
You sighed, downing the last of your coffee. Your spirits were low; you had no idea what to expect from this party. 
Would she fall for it and run back into his arms now that he had had his big breakthrough and became mainstream? She surely must have known by now; his band was already breaking records, wracking up fans by the thousands, his songs were being played on the radio. 
Maybe now that he was famous enough, she’d actually want to be with him. Not that she deserved him. And he didn’t deserve someone like that, either. He was too good for her, too good to be treated like that. 
You let out another sigh and stood up, grabbing your purse from the back of the chair.
This was going to be painful. You weren’t sure how you would cope with pretending to be his girlfriend all for the sake of him getting back with her. 
Surely your heart wouldn’t be able to take it.
Because as much as you tried to hide it, you were irrevocably in love with your best friend.
The entire getup was supplied to you by Eita; from the jewelry to the dress itself. You felt like a different person. Despite the fact he was your best friend, you hadn’t attended one of the big parties since his band’s breakout single. 
This particular party wasn’t in celebration of his band, but he was invited regardless so naturally he went. He was still enjoying the high life and was getting used to tasting fame. You were glad it hadn’t actually affected his personality. 
“You look nice today,” Tendou complimented with a breezy smile. He was nursing a glass of champagne, which was uncharacteristic to say the least. He had always been more of a whiskey kind of guy.
“Thanks,” you shrugged, “I’m not really a fan of this kind of thing.”
“I know,” he grinned, “You look terribly uncomfortable, that’s why I came over to be such a good pal and keep you company while your darling boyfriend is off galavanting with the people!”
You rolled your eyes, “He’s not my boyfriend, Satori.”
He giggled, taking glee in your embarrassment, “But you wish he was.”
“Are you already drunk?” you raise a brow, making him snicker.
Someone called his name from the crowd and he flashed you a knowing grin, “Eita may be too dim to see it, but the rest of us aren’t!”
You pout and find yourself alone once again. Looking around, you search for your ‘boyfriend’. Suddenly, a heavy arm falls across your shoulders and the familiar scent of his cologne reaches your nose. 
“Hey, babygirl,” he coos, making your heart skip a beat at the pet name. He sounds so fond and you feel yourself smiling before he busts out laughing, shaking his head before letting his arm fall from your shoulders, “That’s just so weird. I dunno if I’ll be able to get through this tonight,” Ouch. “Anyway, Nana just arrived so…” he takes your hand but you can’t bring yourself to smile as you feel the ache in your heart at his words.
If he takes note of your deflated behavior, he doesn’t say anything, merely leading you over to the balcony. You breathe in the fresh air and feel the ache in your chest dull.
“Eita? Is that you?” a perky voice makes you cringe. 
“Nana,” Eita breathes, tugging you against his side as she breaks through the crowd to stand in front of the two of you.
Her smile promptly disappears at the sight of you crowded in Eita’s arms.
“Eita...who’s this?” she asks, a smile returning but you can tell it’s plastic. 
You remembered everything you had gone over with him before the party; the two of you had sat down for a few hours to sort out your story and rules. It had felt like you were making a binding contract with him when you told him no kissing on the lips. It was your only stipulation and you swore you saw a brief downward tug of his lips when you told him before he beamed and readily agreed. 
Maybe you were imagining that disappointment in his eyes too. 
“This is my girlfriend, _____,” Eita introduced, giving your arm an affectionate squeeze.
“Oh,” she gave you a strained smile and held out her hand for you to shake. When you slipped your hand into hers, she gave it a tense squeeze that made you flinch, “I’m Nana, Eita’s ex.”
“I’ve uh…” you cleared your throat and pulled your hand away, “I’ve heard stories about you.”
“All good I’m sure,” she replied flippantly before setting her sights on him once more, “We should totally catch up, you know? Reminisce about the good old times~”
The sultry, flirtatious undertone made your skin crawl. Even if you weren’t really dating, she thought you were and for her to not respect that made you angry. But still, Eita pulled away and placed a kiss against your temple that set your heart ablaze.
“Sure, why not?” he grinned and gave your hand a squeeze, “You go have some fun, sweetheart. I’ll catch up with you later.”
You gave him a hollow wave as he quickly vanished into the crowd without a second glance your way. You knew this was the end goal but still, to see him walking away hurt. A sense of rejection was seeded within you and you felt your spirits slowly being crushed. 
It took all your power to continue on with the party until it felt acceptable to leave. Throughout the party, you kept getting glances of the two of them. 
Eita wore a serene smile, his eyes sparkling as he looked at her. Whenever she looked at him with a flirtatious smile and a subtle caress, you felt jealousy pool in the core of your stomach. You wanted to march over there and scream “he’s mine!”. But you couldn’t, because he wasn’t really yours. 
He was only pretending to be yours so he could have her. 
Your phone vibrated as you downed your final glass of wine, making you look at the screen with a frown.
“I’m heading to Nana’s apartment for the night! See if Satori can give you a ride home, thanks for the help!!”
Your jaw ached from how hard you were forcing yourself to keep from crying. When you tried to find the elusive redhead, you found he was drunk and dancing with two girls so you decided to leave him be and simply call an Uber. 
For just a short time, you had simply been a contract girlfriend for him to use. Though you knew it was fake, it still felt so nice to be called his. 
So you went home, removing your expensive clothing like Cinderella after the ball and decided to relax on the couch. It was only a little past midnight when you got out of the shower, turning on the TV to watch whatever late night nonsense was playing. 
Eita thought that being with Nana again would be everything he wanted. But as he laid beside her, her head resting on his naked chest, strangely all he could think of was you. 
When he asked you to pretend to be his date, he hadn’t thought of the possibility of how it would really feel. Sure, he had touched you before, naturally. Sometimes he hugged you and held your hand. But that night, when he placed the kiss against your head, the way your eyes lit up in response had his heart stuttering when he thought back to it. 
Truth be told, when you told him he couldn’t kiss you he felt so...disappointed. He had thought of assigning the same rule but decided against it at the last moment, secretly thinking about how nice it may feel to kiss you. 
He had quickly dashed that though because of how wrong it was to think of you like that. 
Yet there he was, thinking of you with his ex girlfriend back in his arms again.
“Eita?” Nana asked, lifting her head to look drowsily at him, “Are you okay?”
“Um...yeah,” he clears his throat, “I should probably get going.”
“Why?” she whines, “Don’t worry about her.”
“Huh? Who?” he asks, confused.
She giggles and clings to his arm, “Your girlfriend! She doesn’t have to know!”
His heart ached at those words -- true, you weren’t really dating but he felt like he had done something wrong. And for some reason Nana’s blatant disregard that he had cheated with her made him nauseous.
“I...I just want to see if she made it home safely,” he gave her a tight lipped smile and picked up his phone. 
She rested against the pillow, head propped up on her hand as she watched him dial you. When you didn’t answer, he gave a frustrated sigh and dialed Satori instead. 
It rang a few times before the slurred voice of his best friend answered, “H-Hey man, what’s up?”
“Satori, did you drop _____ off okay?” Eita asked.
The redhead made a confused sound over the line, “What’re you talkin’ about? She never asked me to take her anywhere.”
“What?” Eita frowned, “Did you see her leave the party?”
“Gotta tell ya, man, I wasn’t watchin’ her,” Tendou replied, a feminine giggle in the background making Eita frown, “Wasn’t that supposed to be your job?”
Eita sighed, shaking his head, “Alright, dude, just...let me know if you hear from her.”
“Hah? Why would she call me?” Satori chuckled, “Why don’t you just check on her? Better safe than sorry...I mean, she’s a cute girl, you never know what kinda scoundrels were eyeing her in that pretty little dress tonight. If i was a less honorable friend, she would be the one in my bed right now!”
Eita scoffed and hung up as his friend started cackling gleefully over the line. Eita stood up, shaking off Nana’s grabby hands as he slipped his jeans back on.
“You’re not going back to her, are you?” she pouted.
Eita sighed, “I gotta check on her. No one knows where she went off to.”
“She’s a big girl, c’mon Eita~” she purred, letting the sheet fall from her bare body as she crawled towards him.
He shook his head and threw his shirt on, grabbing his keys off of her dresser before moving to the door, “I gotta see her.”
He ignored her obnoxious whining as he bolted out the door. Any sleepiness that was in his system had evaporated at the worry he felt over you. 
The drive to your apartment was quick enough, it went by in a blur. He took two steps at a time up to your place on the 3r floor, not patient enough to wait for the elevator. 
The knock on your door made you jump. Throwing the pillow you held in your lap aside, you checked through the peephole to see a familiar head of sandy blonde hair. 
Pulling the door opened, you looked at him with wide eyes, “Eita? Aren’t you supposed to be with--”
“I couldn’t get a hold of you,” he breathed, stepping past you to enter your living room.
“And?” you laughed, shrugging your shoulders.
“I got worried! Why didn’t you go home with Satori?” he sighed, sitting on your couch with a huff.
You chuckled again, though it was humorless, “He looked like he was having fun, I didn’t want to impose.”
He sighs and relaxes against the couch. As you sit next to him, for a second things feel normal. 
You almost feel okay, as if you could forget about everything happening. It’s so easy to forget your crush on your best friend and the fact he wanted to be with another woman. 
It was easy to forget it all until it came rushing back into your face in the form of Nana. 
You and Eita were having a lunch date, as was normal for the two of you. Unfortunately, amid his retelling of a story you had heard a million times over, she showed up with an obnoxious screech of his name.
“Eita!” she squealed and rushed over to him, throwing her arms around his shoulders. 
You let out a soft sigh, your eyes falling to your half-finished plate.
“Nana…” he greeted, eyes wide in shock, “H-How did you find me? What’re you doing here?”
“I wanted to see you, silly!” she chirped, taking a seat in his lap in a way that was far too comfortable. Suddenly, her gaze shifted to you and the smile vanished off of her face, “Oh, you’re here.”
“Nana…” Eita sighed but didn’t make any move to get off of him.
“What? I thought you were going to break up with her?” she whined loudly, making your cheeks burn as people looked over at the two of you, “You said you were going to dump her!”
“I--” Eita started.
“You should go,” Nana grinned at you, shrugging her shoulders as she hugged Eita closer to her, “Seriously, he’s mine now. He was fucking me at that party instead of you.”
Although nothing about your relationship that night was real, the humiliation you felt at that very moment was. She was smug that she had gotten your boyfriend to cheat on you and was making a spectacle of her victory. 
Biting your lip, you reached behind you to grab your purse, “I-I’ll see you later, Eita.”
“______ wait!” he called but you were already rushing towards the entrance. 
You had no idea that he was hot on your heels until you reached your apartment. You went to close it only for the foot to intercept it. Looking over your shoulder, you found Eita panting before he was pushing the door open completely.
“_____ I--” he paused, “Why are you crying?”
“I am?” you wiped under your eyes and frowned when you felt the moisture there, promptly wiping it away, “Sh-She completely made a fool of me, Eita. I don’t know what you ever saw in her and I don’t know why I helped you get back with her.”
“I know, look…” he ran a hand through his already messed up hair, “I feel the same, alright? I’m sorry I pulled you into all this, _____, I really am. Alright, I told her to get lost.”
You sighed and took a seat on your couch, “She only wanted you back because you’re famous now. You know that right?”
He chuckled and sat down, nodding his head, “I guess I was just...hoping for something I guess.”
“What?” you asked.
He shrugged, “I don’t really remember anymore,” he confessed. 
“Well,” you didn’t quite know what to say, simply leaning back on the couch to appear relaxed, “I always wondered why you didn’t date after her anyway.”
He shrugged once more. How was he meant to say that he didn’t want anyone impeding on his time with you? 
“I guess...no one really came along, you know?”
You nodded, “I guess it’s the same for me.”
He snorted, “You’ve never even dated anyone before.”
“You don’t have to bring that up!” you whined, playfully shoving his shoulder.
He laughed, melodic and pretty, “I think it’s cute. What’s your story then?”
“Eita, we’ve been friends since high school, you know everything about me,” you smiled, feeling your cheeks warm at the soft look he was giving you.
“Yeah but…” he bit his lip, fingers inching closer towards you, “You’re...pretty and sweet. There’s plenty of good looking guys around me that have tried flirting with you before. Hell, Satori even said he was into you.”
You smiled and shook your head, “No, none of them are right…”
“Who is right then?” he asked, unable to hide the hopefulness in his voice.
“Eita…” the smile falls from your lips, your heart hammering in your chest as he moved closer towards you, “I…”
“Hm?” he hummed, his nose brushing against yours, breath fanning over your lips.
“I...I won’t regret this, will I?” you asked. 
His breathing stuttered against your skin and he shook his head, bringing his hand up to cup your cheek, “You won’t.”
After those words left his mouth, he brought your lips to his in a sweet kiss that was perfect for a first. You could tell he was experienced, knowing exactly how to move. 
There was something sweet lingering on his tongue that you found utterly addictive. 
You wish you could find it strange or even scary to wind up in bed with your best friend. The fact your entire relationship was going to be changing should have concerned you but all you felt was anticipation. 
He hovered over your body, the two of you stripping your clothes with unhurried ease. His body was firm from working out, a habit he never let go of from his time as a volleyball player. 
His hands were calloused and warm as they touched your body, caressing your breasts in a way no one ever had. The feeling of him thumbing over your nipples had your back arching in arousal, your panties becoming soaked embarrassingly fast. 
He was hard and throbbing in his jeans, the constricting material almost painful but all he really cared about in that moment was seeing all of you. 
Hooking his thumbs into the band of your panties, he pulled the material down. He cursed under his breath at the strings of slick that attached to the fabric. 
“You’re so wet,” he breathed, licking his lips as he tossed your panties over his shoulder to be lost somewhere in your room. 
“Sh-Shut up, don’t tease me…” you mumble, feeling embarrassed by your body’s own reaction to him.
He smiles, pressing a soft kiss against your knee, “I’m not, baby. It’s sweet...I love knowing you react so honestly to me.”
“Eita…” you whined, reaching up to cover your face as he spread your legs.
“Hmm?” he bites his lip, sliding two fingers between your folds to spread them apart. 
Your hole clenched around nothing, drooling more slick for him to gather on his fingertips. He used it to rub smooth circles around your clit, the sweet moan that fell from your lips at the pleasure he so easily gave you. 
“I’ll get you nice and prepped, baby,” he cooed, the nickname making your heart soar. 
You were so wet, making it easy for him to slide two thick fingers into your pretty cunt. You clamped down tight around the digits, making his cock throb at the mere thought of what that would feel like around his hard cock. 
Twisting his wrist, he crooked his fingers up to hit your sweet spot, his thumb coming up to circle around your clit. The inexperience of your body made it so easy for him to bring you to the edge. 
You had never felt this, no one had ever touched you so intimately so your body was more reactive than ever. 
Reaching down, you wrapped your hand around his wrist, meeting his gaze with wide eyes. He smiled, capturing his bottom lip between his teeth.
“You cumming?” he asked, though he could very easily feel your walls spasming around him. 
Still, you nodded, mouth falling open but no sound escaping, “E-Eita…”
“C’mon, baby,” he groaned, fasting his pace to fuck your dripping cunt. The sounds were wet, lewd and if you were with anyone else you would have been completely ashamed. But it was Eita, the person you trusted the most in the world. He groaned as your body began to quake, “Let it go, pretty girl. Cum for me, that’s it.”
At his encouragement, you released with a shrill whine of his name. He eagerly fucked your gushing cunt through the high, only slowing when your back met the bed again. 
Pulling his fingers from your hole, he was mindful of your sensitivity. He still couldn’t resist placing a fleeting kiss against your throbbing clit before sitting up to meet you for another heated kiss. 
Your body was still trembling as you wrapped your arms around his neck, your thighs spread open around his waist. His clothed cock hovered above your sensitive core and he made sure the rough material of his jeans didn’t make contact.
“Please, Eita, c-can we…?” you asked, biting your lip, too embarrassed to utter the words.
He smiled and nodded, brushing some hair behind your ear before sitting up to discard the remaining clothing on his person. His skin was pretty, tanned and built. His cock reached his navel, dripping precum down the length which he used to easily slick his cock up with his fist. 
The sight of your best friend jerking himself off over your naked, trembling body felt beyond taboo. But it only made you more eager to have him. 
“Please, Eita...I want you,” you breathed. 
He flashed you a smile and sat up on his knees, sliding the dripping tip between your folds. Brushing past your clit, you whined at the sensitivity. 
“It might hurt a bit, pretty baby,” he whispered, positioning himself at your entrance. 
You had already guessed it. He was big just by looking at him. But nothing compared to when he began to sink into you -- that’s when his size really became apparent. 
“Ah, Eita!” you whined, digging your nails into his shoulders.
He hissed but didn’t stop you, eyes falling to where his cock was steadily stretching you open. When he got halfway in, he pulled back until the head remained within your clasping walls. With an experienced roll of his hips, he pushed his cock back in, this time easily bottoming out. 
“Fuck!” you squealed, back arching. 
He could feel you gushing, dripping down his balls. There wasn’t a single sign of pain in your features so he quickly began to move, the both of you riled up and eager to have each other completely. 
Everything felt so right, so sweet. Having him in your arms made you feel so happy. 
“You’re mine now, baby,” he groaned, burying his face in your neck, “All mine. N-No more, fuck, of this friend shit...I love you.”
“Eita,” you whined, tears pricking your eyes as you hugged him tightly against you, “I love you too. P-Please make me cum.”
“Fuck, I’ll get you there, baby,” he promised, reaching between your bodies to find your clit. Your walls immediately clamped tight around him as he played with your little bud, “C’mon. Cum for me. I wanna feel you cream, pretty baby. Can you do that for me? Show me how good this cock makes you cum.”
His filthy words, whispered in his sweet, deep voice were enough to throw you over the edge. As you squeezed around him, trembling and gushing through the amazing orgasm, he spilled within you. A soft whimper of your name fell from his lips as his balls throbbed, cock spitting out load after load until you were so filled, it dripped from your cunt. 
Finally, the both of you stilled. He leaned back to look in your eyes, tucking some damp hair behind your ear before pecking your lips. 
“I meant it, you really are mine now,” he said.
You nodded, “You’re all mine too.”
“Well,” he gave you a teasing grin, “You have to share me with my millions of adoring fans.”
“Don’t be so full of yourself,” you giggled, biting your lip as he pulled out, “You have thousands at most.”
“Oh, way to bruise a guy’s ego,” he laughed.
You were grateful to have him, everything with him was so easy. Everything between you was fine, perfect even. And you didn’t have to worry about ever losing him to another girl again.
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m-jelly · 3 years
JELLY! JELLY! I don't know if you are still taking more scenarios, but this struck me and I need to share with you!
A scenario where Levi is a with an affectionate s/o but he is so awkward and not used to being hugged etc. So he is distant, his s/o is said it's fine but Hange who is watching from the sidelines notices that it is making her touch starved. So as a friend she confronts Levi about it, even pointing out things like his s/o buying a large plushie to hug at night to deal with some of the loneliness. Hange even admits to busting into his office just to catch them doing something romantic only to find them distant (to their disappointment). Levi stews in his feelings and one night when his s/o is asleep and unaware he tries to hold them only to realize he actually likes being close. or we can choose emotional violence and have an angst end where they break up and after some time, he finds her again happy with an equally affectionate partner.
In the spirit of Christmas, I think I'll hold back on the emotional violence for now ;)
However, I will put my two cents in about the idea of them breaking up. I do think after a break up, both wouldn't be able to move on very fast and find it very hard to be single. Levi doesn't like losing things, so losing you would be crippling to him and loving someone like him would just be so wonderful and sweet, that being without would be rough. I think he'd probably see you with a male friend giving you a big hug and he'd come running over, yank you from the guys arms and hold you like you were both about to die and the world was ending. He'd also shout at your friend that you were his and only his, which then would result in a very awkward Levi feeling embarrassed when it's explained you were hugging your friend for comfort because you broke up. Levi would want back, desperately, and you'd get back with him because you love that sweet muffin of a man.
Now for the main chunk idea. I love this and I got you :D
Levi didn't know what to do when it came to you. You were so affectionate to him, but he felt like he was just stiff and cold. The two of you rarely kissed or cuddled because he was awkward with it, you hadn't even had sex because he was just distant. However, Levi wanted you in his life, he wanted you close and he wanted you. He was the one that started your relationship. He was the one who asked you out. He was the one that chased you, and yet he was like this. He knew you had a crush on him for the longest time, but never acted because he wasn't the type to fall in love, but he was in deep. So, that's why he was so mad and confused with himself.
He let you hug him and kiss his cheek, which was nice for him but he didn't know what to do back. He felt embarrassed, awkward and mainly angry with himself. He'd say sorry to you about it, but you would just shrug it off and tell him not to worry. He didn't fully believe you and Hange confirmed it for him when she came to visit his office one day and saw nothing going on between the two.
Hange sat down and watched you leave the office to go to your own and work. She looked to Levi and shook her head. "What is going on with you?"
Levi put his head in his hands. "I don't fucking know, four eyes."
"She craves for you and you're acting like you got your thumb up your ass!" She groaned. "Fuck you're an idiot. I was so excited when you two started dating, and yet it looks like she has a massive crush on you and is acting on it and you don't look like you've changed at all." She let out a long sigh. "I can see the way you look at her and how you long for her, but you don't do jack shit."
Levi ruffled his hair. "She says she's okay."
Hange shook her head. "She's not. Just watch when she comes back in." She waited with Levi and saw you come in with more papers for Levi. She called your name and waved you over. "Come here."
You walked over and smiled. "How can I help?"
Hange stood up and opened her arms. "Hug?"
You gasped, then threw yourself at Hange making Levi feel guilty. You hummed and closed your eyes as you smiled. "Hug."
Hange rubbed your back and saw you were clinging tightly and not letting go. She looked to Levi and gave him an apologetic look, because she didn't realise how bad you wanted to be touched and loved. Levi felt awful and needed plenty of help and advice from Hange.
You pulled back with a blush. "Sorry. I'll go back to work."
Levi watched you leave, then looked to Hange. "Tch, Hange I need help. She needs me."
Hange nodded. "She craves you." She walked over to Levi. "Let's do this. Hug me."
Levi whined. "Tch, fuck off."
She yanked Levi close and held him. "Wrap your arms around me!" She hummed a laugh when Levi made noises like an annoyed cat. "Come on. Think of your girlfriend. Do you love her?"
He sighed and thought about you and your sweet smile. "I love her."
"Do this for her."
Levi slowly wrapped his arms around Hange. "How." He gulped. "How is this?"
Hange sighed. "It'll do because you're trying, but it's really like you're stiff like a board. You'll get there. Maybe it'll be easier with her."
Levi hummed and gave Hange a squeeze. "I saw her do this, is this correct?"
Levi practiced hugging with Hange, then went home with you as always and listened to you talk about your day. He made you a cup of tea and started planning dinner as you had a nice relaxing time. Levi only wanted the best for you. He loved you so much, that he'd try to move mountains for you. He thought the world of you.
He looked to his door and frowned as someone knocked. He watched you run to the door, talk and giggle with whoever it was and then close the door. He stared at a big cuddly toy in your arms. "What is that?"
You squeezed the toy. "I bought it for myself. It's a cuddly toy." You backed up a little. "I'm going to bed."
Levi watched you run off and shouted your name. "Oi! Tch, what about dinner?"
"I'm not hungry!"
Levi didn't know what to do, he was confused at your actions. So, he ate dinner alone and had his tea. Once he was finished, he did his usual daily clean of the place and finally joined you in the bedroom. He walked over to your side of the bed to check on you and saw you were spooning the cuddly toy and you'd been crying.
Levi changed his clothes, then lay on his back next to you as his thoughts started racing. He didn't know what to do. He wanted to shower you in love, but he was scared and didn't know how. He faintly remembered how his mother would hold him when he was little, but this was different. He could care for a child, but a beautiful woman was a whole different thing. He wanted to hold you and love you, but he was worried he'd hurt you.
That was the problem. That was why he was so cold, because he didn't want to hurt you or lose you. You were his life and world, so he wanted to do better for you. If he touched and loved you, it'd be more painfu if he lost you. However, never touching and holding you was just as bad because he missed out on it all.
He looked at your back, then rolled onto his side. He pushed all the images of losing you out of his head, then wrapped his arms around you slowly. He held you lightly at first and expected to not feel much like he did with Hange, but then he felt something strong inside him. He pulled you away from your cuddly toy and against his chest. He buried his face in the crook of your neck, then inhaled your scent and felt so at peace. Levi had never felt this relaxed, this happy, this good and this wonderful in his life. He had been missing out.
He squeezed you so tightly, like you were going to disappear in a puff of smoke if he didn't. He humemd in happiness as he said your name. "I love you."
"I love you too."
Levi blushed bright red and clung to you. "Tch, damn brat. You were awake?"
You placed your hands on Levi's. "How can I possibly sleep when the man I love his holding me so tightly? I thought it was a dream, but it's all real." You wiggled in his arms. "Can I turn and face you?"
Levi felt embarrassed by how needy he seemed right now. He didn't think he did, but he had been craving this all along. "Okay, but don't stare at me, you brat."
You rolled over and faced him, then smiled sweetly. "I thought you didn't want hugs or kisses. I was even beginning to think you didn't like or want me anymore." You welled up as you fought your sobs. "That this dream was all over. I love you Levi. I really love you. I don't want to lose you, but it seemed like I didn't make you happy. If I don't, then I'm happy to break up with you."
Levi wrapped you up into his arms and held you tightly against his chest. "No. Don't leave me." He held the back of your head as his other hand clutched your back. "Please don't. I'll break your legs if I have to."
You laughed hard and pulled your head from his chest and cupped his face. "I'm not leaving you. I'm staying right here with you now I know you love me."
He smiled at you. "I do. I love you with all my heart and soul." He gulped and looked you in the eyes. "I want to hug and kiss more. I really loved hugging you just then and right now. I've never done it before, so I wasn't sure how to hug."
You bit your lip and hummed. "What about kissing?"
He blushed and tried to avoid your gaze. "You umm you're my first kiss. So, I don't know how to do the whole deep kisses. How do you do them?"
You blushed and lightly touched his lips. "We both open our mouths and move our tongues together. You don't just stick it in and hope for the best. You move them together and well, you let emotions and passions take over."
Levi held your chin and tugged. "I would like to try, because the hug was very enjoyable."
"I'm all yours."
Levi gazed at you, then your lips. He leaned closer, then shyly kissed you. He felt a tingling inside him at finally kissing you back for the first time. He pulled your chin down and slowly slid his tongue into your welcoming mouth. He was worried at first that he might be terrible, or he might hurt you. However, you gave him encouragement by leaning into his touch and kiss.
Levi felt something primal take over him, like a hunger and a need surge through every inch of him. He felt hot and light headed, but alert and his senses in overdrive. He couldn't stop himself from touching you all over. His hands pushed under your clothes and onto your soft skin. His kiss was no longer shy and scared, but confident, passionate and loving.
He rolled onto your soft and warm body as his body felt things he'd never felt before. It was all perfect and wonderful, until he felt something embarrassing happening to him. He pulled from your lips and looked down. "I'm sorry."
You giggled and looked like you were just glowing under him. "It's okay. It's natural what's going on. We'll save that for another day, okay?"
Levi nodded shyly, then rested his head on your chest to hear your heart was racing. He slid his arms under and around you, then held you lightly. "I umm know that I've just discovered and experienced kissing and hugging for the first time tonight, but I just want to do it more."
You played with his hair and hummed a laugh. "So, you've been converted to an affectionate guy now?"
"Yes I am, so..." He leaned up and looked down at you. "You need to get rid of that cuddly toy."
You frowned. "What? But I just got him today!"
Levi growled. "Get. Rid. Of. It."
You shoved it out of bed. "Gone."
He leaned down and kissed your neck. "From now on, we cuddle in bed, on the sofa and whenever we can. We kiss in the morning, at night, before work, after work and for fun. Thes are my conditions."
You laughed making you light up under Levi and looking like a dream. You rubbed his cheek sweetly. "I'm all yours Levi. You can hug and kiss me whenever you want and desire."
"Like now?"
You nodded. "Exactly."
He leaned down and captured your lips again and knew very well, he was an addict. He couldn't believe that he'd been missing out so much on all this kissing and hugging. It'd taken him too long. Two months too long. Being with you was a dream. Being loved by you was a dream. He was in heaven kissing and holding you. He was looking forward to taking things further with you.
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roger-that-cap · 3 years
all the flowers will bloom
summary: you would have never tried to leave your mother if you knew that bringing that pomegranate tree back to life was your ticket to the underworld. or, maybe you would have, because it turned out that hades was quite the opposite of the evil goddess that you had been drilled to know.
warnings: honestly nothing, really! well, i’m busting out this chapter once again, before i go into work so there are most likely typos!!
background: so this is inspired by the myth and stuff, but there are for sure some differences!! the world of mythology is so so intricate and it’s hard to get everything down and accurate- so i took the liberty to not LMAO
word count: 3.1k
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You remembered having a slightly rebellious phase that lasted maybe ten years. It wasn’t long at all in the grand scheme of things, and the things that you did were simply things that people with normal parents did. The type of parents who weren’t afraid of their children being stolen from them. One time, you remembered sneaking into a forest where nymphs you didn’t know were, and they loved you on sight, without even knowing who you were. An even more grand escape involved a human celebration, the solstice to be exact, and a man with sea green eyes. He was taken by you, and for a minute, you remembered being taken by him. You were loved by everyone who knew you, and by those who only met you briefly, even the older gods. 
  So why had you not heard of anyone coming to get you? It had only been a few hours, but you knew that your mother had already gone crazy. She had some kind of danger meter when it came to you, and you were surprised that she hadn't sensed the fact that you were scared and somewhere unfamiliar yet. You used to hate the danger meter that always seemed to know when you were up to being the young soul you were, but now you were counting on that bothersome danger meter. 
   Hades had been kind enough to show you to where you would be staying herself. You expected a ghost or some sort of half dead spirit to give you a tour of the place, the one place  you were never supposed to be, but she did it herself. She was rather monotonous, and she sounded like she would rather be counting the souls in her domain one at a time, but she did it. The short tour ended with the door slamming in your face after you told her that your mother would be searching for you, and then there you were. 
 There were no windows in your room, and you weren’t even sure that you wanted any in the first place. The windows in your home showed beautiful mountains and valleys and there was even a meadow, but the Underworld was nowhere near as beautiful to you. You missed your colors, you missed singing to the flowers and coaxing soil into being healthy enough to grow crops. It hadn’t even been a full day, and you were facing from withdrawals. And you were too scared to even address the fact that you could still smell the death, and that you could still feel it lingering around you even after the Lady of the Dead cast whatever spell that she did. 
  It felt like you were being sucked from the life that was always naturally within you, and it was terrifying. 
 The room was just as dark and dismal as the rest of the Underworld, or, at least what you had seen of it. It was depressing and gloomy, and it made you feel like a prisoner. With every passing second, you regretted not listening to your mother. You sat on the stiff bed, your eyes welling with tears as the extent of what happened started to sink in. Your hands shook as you wiped your cheeks, even though the action was useless against the new army of tears that were marching down your face, rounding the curve and clinging to your skin. 
You knew what was happening. You replenished the tree. You fixed it, and with fixing the historical tree that you should have known about, you ultimately and unintentionally signed your life away, consenting to being stolen down into the Underworld until you could fix the entire Elysian Garden. You thought it was an impossible feat, and if by the grace of all the Olympian Gods you did succeed, it would be years before you finished. A sob escaped your throat and you turned to lay on your stomach, sobbing into the pillow that was less than comfortable. 
You were going to be dead before you even got a look at flowers again. 
Before you even realized that you fell asleep, you were being woken up by the feeling of death grasping at you, tickling every hair on your body. You rolled to the side to catch your breath on the hard bed and let yourself cry again, the pitiful noises so loud that you didn’t even hear anyone approaching you. 
 Two hands grabbed you and turned you on your back, and you coughed weakly at the ceiling. “It should work,” you heard a voice mutter, and then there was a warm palm right on your throat, the other above your sternum as you tried to catch your breath. All you could focus on was the warmth, the sheer warmth that you expected to find nowhere in the realm of the dead. As your airways unclogged, you turned to the side and hacked again, breathed in and out a few times, and then turned to look towards the person who saved you. 
  She looked different. Somehow, she looked even more intimidating in the all black clothing she was wearing. It was a far cry from a dress, and closer to the suits that you saw humans wear. She was staring down at you with her calculating and cold eyes, examining you and surely judging. You made your own judgement. “Why are you so warm?” 
 Her hard expression faltered. “What?”
You narrowed your eyes at her, forgetting for a moment that she was as old as dirt and that she could easily take your breath away without any effort. “How are your hands so warm?” you got utter silence from her, and you knew that she was cursing at you in her head. “You’re dead.” 
 There was the tiniest hint of a smirk on her face. “I’m not dead. I’m a god, I don’t die.”
You didn’t think you could, either, but you had been at Death’s door twice already within twenty four hours. “How are you the Goddess of Death and the Underworld if you’re not dead?” 
“Are you not the Goddess of Agriculture?” She asked, one of her brows arched. “Then why are you not a stalk of corn?” 
 You shook your head. “That’s not the same.” 
She gave you a look. “It certainly is.” 
“How are you ruling over a group of people without ever knowing how it feels to be the way that they are?” You asked. 
 “You do not know how it feels to be a flower, yet you make them grow.” She reasoned, and you shook your head adamnely. “I do not have to be able to die to know how someone feels. I have witnessed it for years and years.”
“But I do know how it feels to be a flower,” you corrected, voice soft as you began to slip onto the mindset you got when your bare feet touched the grass. “I feel every living thing near me, all the time. I can feel the energy that comes from flowers. I can feel the way they drink up the sun and the rain, and the way they weave their roots into the ground. I can feel seedlings sprouting from the soil, and I can feel buds coming alive to show petals. I know how it feels to be a flower, and a tree, and a shard of grass, and a stalk of corn. That’s why I do so well with them.” 
  It was silent between the two of you as you got an eyeful of her, and she did the same to you. You found  yourself staring into her eyes, and you noticed that they held more color than Bucky’s seas. Her eyes might have been the most colorful thing in the kingdom she ruled. She blinked, and you stopped your staring. “Will you bring that same confidence to my garden?”  
“I do not know if I can fix something so dead.” 
“My tree had been dead for thousands upon thousands of years, and you made it bloom again.” 
“It wasn’t surrounded by death,” you pointed out, and she crossed her arms. “I mean, well, it was, but not like everything down here is. This place drains me.”
“It will until you accept that you’re here,” she said, and you scowled at her. “You will wake up in pain until you understand that you’re here. It’s a side effect of dying.” 
  Your heart raced in your throat. “Dying?” 
“You’re not dead, not yet.” When you gave her a horrified look, she smirked. “A human would be dead the second they arrived, but because you’re a god, it will work slowly for you.”
  “Are you saying that I have a literal deadline?” You asked, voice wavering slightly as you tried to be brave while thinking about all the ways you could possibly get the godforsaken garden to grow, and as fast as possible. If you didn’t see your mother again in one piece, there would be hell to pay. She would find a way to resurrect you to kill you all over again. 
 “As long as you let me take the death out of your system, you’ll live long enough to fix my garden.” 
You figured that was what her touch was doing to you. You remembered someone touching your throat after you fell, and you knew it was her. She took the death out of you, but it still hovered over your skin, anxious to get back inside of you and eat you whole. It knew just as much as you did that you had no business being there. At least, not alive. 
You knew that the likelihood of you being able to fix the garden was slim to none. Part of you wanted to say no to save yourself from the humiliation of pushing yourself. You were supposed to be an expert at growth, some even said you were better at growing than your mother. She focused on the big picture, getting out as many crops as possible and sometimes forgetting quality, but you took your time. She was more powerful than you by miles and miles, but maybe that didn’t matter. Maybe you could do it. You were going to have to, if you wanted to leave. “Has anyone else ever tried to grow your garden?” 
 The Goddess of the Underworld was so silent that you thought she didn’t hear you, but when you looked over at her, she was staring right at you with her undead eyes, an unreadable look on her face. “One.”
  You nodded and looked at your hands, and the flowers that were hanging on to life by a thread. You shook your head and sighed, and then sighed again. “I would like to see what I’m working with.” 
Hades walked quickly, but her steps lacked urgency. She walked with her head held high without even knowing it, and her steps were so loud that it cleared every dark and bare hall that they echoed in. Her subjects held the image of her with respect, and you saw every single one of them at least bow their heads to her. She kept her eyes forward, never once looking back at you to check that you were following. She stepped into an elevator-like contraption and looked forward once you stepped in the space next to her, and looked at the buttons on it. 
“This is… fancy.” 
“Did you think there were stairs to every single level?” She asked, and you pursed your lips. “That’s a lot of walking.” Her finger hovered over a button, number two, and then you realized that you were on the middle ground, the third level. “You aren’t to go on any of the levels but the third by yourself, do you understand?” 
 You held back your scowl at being told what to do. “Why not?” 
“The first level is the entrance to my kingdom. There are plenty of wailing souls and rivers that no living thing should ever see. It would give you quite the shock.” Your brows shot up. You didn’t expect for her to give you a reason, and maybe it was because your mother never really gave you any good ones. “The second level, which is where we’re going, is for the best of humanity. It’s full of honorable humans and demigods. That level is called Elysium.” 
You knew of that level. Everyone who had swooned and fawned over Achilles made sure that Hades put him in Elysium after he died, where he would be with all of the other warriors and scholars. Even your mother favored the young man, but it wasn’t enough to get her to beg to Hades. You were starting to irrationally fear that nothing was going to be enough to get her to beg the woman, maybe not even you. 
“The third layer is the Asphodel Meadows. There's not many things left that make it a meadow, but it’s for the typical human. It was designed for people who haven’t done wrong nor good, the ones who didn’t particularly make a mark on the world and those around them in a good or bad way.” 
“I’d bet a few people I used to know are there now,” you said softly, and she looked over at you with a confused look on her face. You shrugged at her, thinking that she was judging your human friends  for not doing any spectacular deeds in their short lifetimes.  “My friends, I think they may be there now.” 
“You make friends with humans?” 
“I make friends with anyone and anything,” you said. “If they allow me to.” 
She stared at you for a long moment, and then started to talk again before finally pressing the button. “The fourth level is nothing more than a thick layer between the third and the fifth, which is Tartarus. You know that.” You did. You knew that only the worst of people, and the Titans, resided there. Humans who killed for fun or did major harm went to Tartarus, the lowest level of the Underworld, and the most torturous.  “Never attempt to go into the fifth level.”
You didn’t want to. No one wanted to see Tartarus with their own eyes, and hear what no doubt was screams and sounds of pain and anguish. It was a world full of punishment for horrific crimes, and it was no place for someone like you to be. She surely didn’t have to tell you twice. 
“Where’s your dog?” You blurted, and she gave you a mildly annoyed look as she waited for you to elaborate. “You have a three-headed dog.” 
She breathed in through her nose and rolled her eyes at you, but you were looking at her face closely enough to see that a small smile was threatening the corners of her mouth. “Cerberus is destructive. He guards the gates of the Underworld, which means you will probably never meet him.” 
“Oh.” You couldn’t deny that the idea of seeing such an unusual and rumored to be humongous dog was enticing, but you didn’t want to see souls getting carted off while screaming, either. The doors opened, and she stepped put first, once again not even worrying about if you were following her. The second that you stepped out of the closure of the four walls, you were met with something that you never thought you would see in the Underworld. 
  There were remnants of colors all around, like there was once a beautiful set up that could have rivaled the above ground. You saw dead ivy crawling on walls of the cave-like walls, and you could feel the crunch of dead grass beneath your feet. Death was swirling all around you, and even though you felt sick, you couldn’t help but push that feeling aside for curiosity. You could almost picture everything in your mind. This place was without a doubt, once very alive. 
  “How did it use to be so alive?” You whispered, mostly talking to yourself as you forgot that the Goddess of the Underworld was standing feet from you, watching you take everything in. “It used to be gorgeous, I can feel it.” Your frown quirked upwards just a bit as you stepped forward and then went downwards again once you felt a familiar yet faint feeling, and once you touched a leaf with your pointer finger, you were slammed with it. “This… my mother did this.” Your head whipped towards Hades, who was watching you with a bored expression. “This is my mother’s work, that’s why it felt so familiar. She was here?”
“She’s the one who made this garden, young god.” When your face went slack, she smirked. “Not out of the kindness of her heart, I will admit. Steve made her.” 
“Because even the dead deserve something beautiful to look at.” When you started to open your mouth, she held a delicate yet strong hand up, halting your lips from moving. “I know what the above grounders think about us. It’s called the afterlife for a reason, you know. These are people down here, regardless of whether you want to believe it or not. So, yes, they deserve something as simple as a meadow.” 
You let her words sink in and echo softly against the walls as you stared at the dead plants, struggling to hold onto the last bits of your mother’s energy that still lingered. “Did they die because she left them?” 
Hades frowned. “They died because she killed them.” 
You shook your head adamantly, quickly denying her claim. “My mother doesn’t harm land. She never has, and she never would.”
“What makes you so sure that she’s not spiteful and hateful towards me that she wouldn't do that?” 
“My mother-”
“Is a harsh woman. She is as punishing as she is gracious, and you know that. Your mother and I never liked each other, and it only got worse as the years went on.”
You knew that your mother’s hatred for the goddess before you ran deep. You doubted that it was deep enough for your mother to harm the earth, but you never knew. Hell, you never knew that your mother had ever even been to the Underworld.  “I don’t think I’ll be able to revive what my own mother has destroyed,” you admitted. “She’s much stronger than me. If she really did kill it like you said she did, then I don’t think I’m powerful enough to reverse it.” 
A staring competition happened right there between the two of you, her eyes the same calculated look as always and yours holding the one that pleaded for understanding, for release. “You’d better figure it out, flower girl. Preferably before your mother decides to wage a war for you.” 
 The goddess turned to walk away, and when you caught sight of her back, your lips opened before you could even stop them. “What’s your real name?” 
  She stopped in her tracks without turning around, but you saw the tension grow in her back. “Why?” 
“I’m not going to call you by the name that the humans do,” you said, not even bothering to contain the scoff you wanted to give. “I try to call everyone by the names that they have given themselves.” That, and the name was meant to be scary. It was supposed to intimidate and incite fear into people, and you weren’t scared of her. She showed no side of herself that made you think that she was anything like your mother said she was. 
  She turned around slowly, her face expressionless and she looked you right in your eyes in a few moments of silence. “I renamed myself Natasha.”
  Natasha. For a split second, you wondered where she got the name from. Did it come to her in a vision? Did she read it in a book somewhere? Did she take it from a human she admired? Did she even spend time admiring humans? “Then I will call you that.” 
“You can call me whatever you want to,” she sighed out, turning on her heel again to stalk away from you. 
“You didn’t even ask my name,” you called out, heart racing slightly at the idea of benign left alone in the Underworld, outside of the protection of the room that you had woken up in. 
  “I know enough about you to last me many lifetimes, Persephone.” 
“I-it’s Y/N,” you muttered, but the doors to the elevator shut right on your words, and then you were left alone.   
taglist: @teenwonder @saamwilscn @messuhp @username23345 @dontmindmejustreading @bitchuwish @blackxwidowsxwife @anxiousgoldengirl @russianredassassin @dailyavengering @blackluthxr @coxmicbabygirl @alytavzla sorry if i missed anyone!!! you can ask to be removed or added at any time!
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ladykissingfish · 3 years
On A Cruise with the Akatsuki
Done at the request of @deaththesyd ((I hope I’m spelling that right)) thank you for such a unique ask! This was fun to write😊
All work and no play makes a bunch of killers very dull, indeed. A vacation is absolutely necessary sometimes, and Pein comes up with the brilliant (?) idea of sending them all on a relaxing cruise.
When Konan hears that there’s a full spa on the cruise, that’s it, she’s sold. She heads out of her cabin early in the morning and spends an entire day basking in much-needed luxury and relaxations. While she chooses to indulge in any and everything, some other members of the Akatsuki choose to drop in and join her for certain elements. For example, Deidara shows up for the face masks (he’s surprisingly fastidious about his skin and almost spends more time on his face than Konan does hers). Itachi comes to join her when it’s time for massages, becoming so calm and relaxed that he falls asleep mid-sentence (and Konan admonishes the workers to be as gentle and quiet as possible, because, obviously, the kid could use the rest). Hidan surprises her most of all when he pops up in time for the manicure and pedicure portion of the treatment, but he makes it a point to say over and over that “I’m not a wimp or nothing; I just like clean nails.” At the end of the day, after being pampered and preened and made even prettier, she finds Sasori sitting on the deck, and joins him to watch the sunset and see the first stars appear in the night sky.
Deidara has a mind that goes a mile a minute, and finds it immensely difficult to stick with doing one thing. Therefore, he’ll try to fill his days on a cruise doing everything that there is to go. An on-board pool? He’s the first one doing a flip off the diving board. A mini casino? He’s “borrowing” money from Kakuzu and playing until he goes bust. The thing that appeals most to him, however, are the complimentary breakfast, lunch, and dinner buffets. He, along with Hidan, will strike fear into the hearts of all the other passengers, as they load plates higher than the ceiling and scarf down more than seems physically possible. Because Deidara spends so much time eating and indulging in various merriments, towards the end of the day he’s more than likely to sit down in a deck chair to “rest a second” — and end up sleeping there until Sasori comes to look for him and make him go lay down properly in his cabin. Then the next day, Deidara will be the first one up, and his antics will repeat themselves.
Kakuzu is very much against the idea of the Akatsuki going on a cruise, because you know, money; but Pein offers to pay to send everyone out of his own pocket ... and Kakuzu isn’t one to turn down anything free. Once on board, he really doesn’t intend to do anything other than nap in his cabin ... but that’s before he hears about the on-board casino. A hidden (but profitable) talent of Kakuzu’s is the ability to count cards, making him a veritable nightmare to the dealers working at the blackjack table. But he’s smart; he knows that if he wins too many hands the proprietors will become suspicious and likely kick him out. So he wins just enough to make it worth being out of bed. Other than the relaxation and the gambling, the others can convince him to join them when they eat at the ships buffets or small restaurants, although, as he does on land, he’ll always go for the cheapest thing on the menu. Shockingly, a cruise is one of the few places in the world that he can really get along with Hidan; something about being on the sea brings out more of the calm and quiet side of the Jashinist. The two will spend some time sitting in the deck chairs and having avid, whimsical conversations about life, likely enjoying a glass of wine or two as they do so.
Zetsu goes with at the behest of the others, but doesn’t really want to be there. An endless body of water? Over-bearing sunshine? Happy people? No, thanks. He’ll likely stay in his cabin and sleep ... during the day, that is. Nighttime is a different story. He’ll use his powers of infiltration and camouflage to find his way into passengers rooms, and have himself a midnight snack or two (or six, but who’s counting?). When he’s done with the bodies, if there’s anything left he’ll toss them into the ocean. It’s one thing if a passenger goes missing, but another if they’re found dead. He’ll clean the cabins out too, getting rid of the blood and evidence, so as to lessen the alarm raised when others notice the dead’s absence. He also likes to spend a bit of time with Obito and play cards in one or the other’s cabin.
Tobi (Obito)
Unfortunately (or, in another light, hilariously) Obito gets horribly, horribly seasick. The rocking motion of a ship, or even seeing the water move around outside the ship, has the guy running to his cabin’s bathroom (or if he’s outside of his room, the deck) and puking his guts out. He didn’t really want to come in the first place, but the others insisted and besides, Obito likes to spend time outside of typical Akatsuki businesss with them. Deidara, in a surprising show of kindness, will visit Tobi’s room with seasick medicine he buys at the on-board store, and this will help Tobi to at least get vertical without feeling like he’s dying. After he’s feeling better he sticks to low-impact activities so as not to trigger a relapse, and will likely spend more time with Konan at the spa than anywhere else. He’ll also join Kakuzu for a bit at the casino; like the old man, Obito has a knack for gambling and predicting good odds. Poker is his specialty; the mask he wears makes reading his face impossible to his fellow players, and his goofy demeanor pulls others into thinking they can take this guy … and lose their shirts in the process.
Ah; the sea. Being out in the open waters, feeling the sun on his face and the most of water, brings out a side of Hidan that nobody’s ever seen before. He’s calm, he’s quiet, he’s downright friendly. Kakuzu comments that maybe he was a seaman in another life … although “pirate” seems a bit more accurate for him. No matter where Hidan is, however, his competitive spirit never dies. There’s several exercise and game rooms on board that offers table tennis, volleyball, golf, basketball, and a variety of other things, which Hidan takes part of. There’s even a small rock-climbing wall that he challenges Deidara and Itachi to, which he (gleefully) beats them at. When not playing games he also loves to eat, and will join Deidara at the ship’s buffets to stuff himself silly. Normally, as a follower of the way of Jashin, Hidan doesn’t drink. However being at sea seems to be cause for bending the rules, and Hidan will enjoy a stiff cocktail or six while relaxing in his cabin.
Whereas the rocking motion of the ship makes Obito feel sick to his stomach, it effects the other Uchiha in another way entirely; it relaxes him. Getting someone who’s as stressed as Itachi to relax is no small feat, but a cruise is one of the rare things that can do this. The first few days on the cruise will likely see the young brunette sleeping as much as possible. He’ll put up the Do Not Disturb sign on his door and nap away his worries. Around the third or fourth day, he’ll wake up feeling wonderfully reinvigorated, and actually have the energy to join the others in their activities. He’ll share a meal with Hidan, he’ll wander into the spa that Konan’s practically made her home and indulge in massages and facials. He’ll even take up Kisame’s offer to participate in the ship-offered scuba diving lessons (although Kisame has been teaching Itachi how to dive for years and neither really has the need for professional training, they find it fun to be around the others who are just learning). Deidara even seeks him out join him in the game room to compete against him (although he accuses him of cheating with his sharingan every time he wins). At night, he enjoys sitting on the top deck with Sasori, and the two have deep conversations about life and culture and art. Sasori doesn’t sleep so he can literally sit up with Itachi all evening until the stars disappear from the sky and the sun comes up over the waves.
Nagato makes the decision not to send his Pein-body on the cruise. Nagato, like Obito, gets very seasick, and this isn’t a sensation he wishes to experience through the Pein-body. He utilizes Pein’s time alone at the hideout, however, by gathering the other Pein’s together to practice sparring and different fighting techniques. They’ll get the house quite messy, and will have to work together to frantically clean before the others return.
Kisame is in his element on a cruise. As could be expected, Kisame tends to stick solely to the activities on board that are based around the water. He’ll be one of the first ones in the ship’s pool when it opens, in fact going so far as to strip completely naked until somebody else comes in and ruins his fun. He participates in the deep sea fishing offered by professionals, although Kisame’s tips and tricks for catching fish far outshine those of the instructors. There’s even a chance for him to be heroic; one day a woman slips and falls over the railing and into the waters below. Everybody panics, but before anyone can make a move towards rescuing her, Kisame is diving into the water and pulling her to the surface as easily as one would pull a sack of feathers. He stays with her until she’s stabilized, and the woman thanks him by hugging him and kissing his cheek, which will have him blushing from head to toe. Besides his water activities, he also enjoys spending time with the others, in particular Itachi and Konan. One thing that these three do together (to the delight of Kisame) is play pranks on the others. They manage to get into Deidara’s room and steal all of his shirts, they sneak black hair dye into Hidan’s shampoo. One particular funny feat involved then going into Kakuzu’s room safe (Itachi was able to use his sharingan to see into the old guy’s mind to get the combination) and replace all of his money with IOU slips. It was funny … until Kakuzu burst into Hidan’s room at 3am and threatened to strangle him as “the most likely fucker who did this”. Kisame loves cruises and wishes the Akatsuki could afford to go on one every month.
Another soul who really didn’t want to go on a cruise. He ends up going because (and only because) Deidara pestered him relentlessly until he gave in. Eating, games, swimming, gambling … none of these things hold any appeal for the puppet master. One day he’s walking along one of the lower deck and happens upon a group of ship staff taking a mandatory CPR/basic medical training class. Being somewhat of a medical expert himself, he goes in and offers his expertise, as well as some tips that not even the instructors thought of. Sasori also spends some time with Deidara, as the blonde was the one who made him go in the first place. They find an art class and it offers painting, a medium that neither are familiar with. The subject is a bottle of wine. The instructor is somewhat horrified when he finds that Sasori has painted the wine bottle being smashed into someone’s kneecap; and Deidara has painted it exploding and sending glass fragments into innocent bystanders. On one of their nights, Deidara falls asleep while the two are sitting in deck chairs under the stars, and Sasori manages to pick him up and carry him to his room. Sasori also likes spending time with Itachi; he never passes up an opportunity to get into Itachi’s head a little, as he thinks he has one of the most fascinating minds in the Akatsuki. Sasori comes to enjoy his time on the cruise, and will actually find himself a bit melancholy when it’s over and they return to land.
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mandoalorian · 4 years
I Believe In Love [Maxwell Lord x F!Reader] — Four: Lies
Summary: When you find your calling to leave Themyscira, you venture out to the World of Man with intentions of helping and healing a very specific person's relationship with his son. You've heard his voice before, but only in dreams. You've felt his pain and anguish and you've never been able to relate to anything more. But things don't come easy for you, and they certainly don't come easy for him either. [This series contains spoilers for WW84 and is my interpretation of what happens after the movie ends].
Warnings: brief mention of blood, allusions to an abusive household/family, mention of child custody battle, 80s typical misogyny, cursing.
Word count: 5,200>
I Believe In Love Masterlist
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He'd lied. You read the name over and over again, the crumpled letter shaking in your hands. Lorenzano. Lorenzano. Lorenzano. He wasn't Max Lord, he was Maxwell Lorenzano and you had no idea how he could lie to you - or better yet, why he would lie to you? There was a reason for everything. You might’ve been new to the world of man, and you might not yet understand their conditions and way of life, but it didn’t change the fact that this hurt. He was your first friend - your first real friend who wasn’t a child. He accepted you into his home, and he even believed you when you told him who you are. You had opened up about being a literal goddess from the secret haven Themyscira, and he hadn’t even told you his real name.
And then, your visions of him… memories and dreams… they hit you one by one. Now you could finally put a face to the voice that had been haunting you. He was the child you saw when you had fallen asleep in Black Gold Cooperative, the child who was getting bullied for the clothes he wore, and his shoes. You felt foolish not realising it sooner. The image of ‘Little Lorenzano’ getting tormented perfectly paralleled the way Alistair had gotten cornered in the park earlier today. Your heart ached for them both.
Max Lord was clearly putting on a brave face in front of you. But now that you knew who he really was, you knew that he was deeply hurting, and he needed your help. He might not realise it, but this is why you were here. You’d come to the world of man to fulfil your duty as the Goddess of Home and Hearth for a reason and Zeus had deliberately connected you with Alistair and Maxwell. This was your purpose. They were your purpose.
You smoothed out the letter to the best of your ability, deciding that if you were to help him, you should probably read it. You had hope that it would help you understand things and allow you to piece together the puzzle. You glanced back at the speckles of his blood in the sink, and the smashed vase on the floor. Whatever was in this letter had clearly angered him.
I, Theodore Thomas IV, share a bond with Miss Grey and recognise that she is a caring and devoted mother. We are in full belief that Alistair Lorenzano would be better off, in the care of his biological mother.
A bond. You were quickly able to identify that Julianna Grey was the mother of Alistiar, although the bond between she and Theodore Thomas IV had not yet become clear to you. Your heart would usually find warmth in the revelation that Julianna was, in fact a ‘caring and devoted’ mother, but instead it grew cold. As the goddess of home and hearth, you could sense the lie in his words. You wanted to believe that Julianna was a good mother, but your intuition said otherwise. These were your powers - and there was no way you were wrong about this. Despite the immediate concern you had for Allistair, you pushed the feeling to the back of your brain and forced yourself to continue reading the letter.
Mr Maxwell Lorenzano and Miss Julianna Grey divorced on the seventh month of 1980 after being married for two years. Miss Grey notes that their relationship was strained since the beginning, with Mr Lorenzano too preoccupied with his career to focus on his family.
Marriage - Max and Julianna were married. It was something you had read about back on Themyscira when you had spent time educating yourself on the ‘way of man’. Marriage was, supposedly, a sacred ritual that joined together the spirits of two people in the name of love. And love was the fundamental principle that would create a family. At the core of a family, was love, and that was the most important thing. Your eyes flicked back up the final sentence of the first paragraph; “We are in full belief that Alistair Lorenzano would be better off, in the care of his biological mother.” You couldn’t help but shake your head profusely. These people wanted to take Alistair away from Max? There was no way. Theodore may think that Julianna deserves Alisitair, but it was never going to be about ‘deserve’. It could only be about love. And you knew for certain that Maxwell loved Alistair with his whole heart.
I have known Miss Grey since 1980, after working on her and Mr Lorenzano’s divorce case. As not only her partner, but also a trusted lawyer of our capitol’s legal enforcement, I can whole-heartedly ensure that sole custody of Alistair Lorenzano must be granted to Miss Julianna Grey.
Divorce was something you weren’t so familiar with, and you figured it should be something you ask Maxwell about at a later date. It was at this moment you learned that Theodore was Julianna’s partner, lover, even. No wonder he thought so highly of her. There was no question about it. You knew you had to pay Julianna and Theodore a visit to see for yourself. You had to see the truth.
Please find us at the District Columbia Court, D.C., in one week from the date stated on the letter. If you make no effort to show and fight your case, you will be banished from seeing Alistair until he turns eighteen years of age.
Banishment? The thought of splitting up Max and Alistair filled you with the most excruciating pain. You couldn’t let this happen. You wouldn’t let this happen.
So Theodore was Ted and Maxwell was Max. If you had known that names in the world of man could fluctuate so much, maybe you wouldn’t have gotten mad so mad at Max for lying about his name. After catching the address on the envelope, you engrained it in your memory and carefully folded up the letter and placed it in the pocket of the Maxwell’s pinstripe shirt that he had given you to wear. Now you just had to figure out a way to get to the address on the letter.
You spent some time sweeping up the shattered glass on the floor, and cleaned up the sink before padding back into the living room and sliding your feet back into your gladiator sandals, buckling them up. You even picked up the lasso of truth and tied it around your waist so it acted like a makeshift belt on you. There was no way you were going to leave it behind. You took another look at the photo frame that was on the small table next to the couch and picked it up. You smiled as you felt the exact same love that Maxwell felt when he was in the photo, holding baby Alistair. Just looking at the family portrait filled you with so much joy. You knew that Max’s love for his son was genuine.
Turning the frame over, you opened it up and took the glossy polaroid out, placing it in the same pocket of your shirt. You loved the photo and you wanted to take it wherever you went. 
It was cold outside, and the sky was a deep shade of blue. There was definitely a draft, and you wondered if you should’ve changed back into your Amazonian warrior gear. The oversized shirt that Maxwell had given you, as well as the gladiator sandals, didn’t really provide you with the greatest amount of warmth. You weren’t even wearing anything on your legs.
A small old lady with a zimmer frame was walking down the street. “Oh wow!” she exclaimed, looking you up and down, presumably judging your outfit of choice. “You have very nice legs, but aren’t you cold?”
You looked down at your legs, noticing the goose pimples, and nodded in confirmation. “Yes, but I’ll be okay. Do you think you could help me with something?” you asked curiously, watching as she raised her eyebrows.
“Me? Help you? What could little old me-”
You took the letter out of your pocket and pointed to the address. “How do I get here?”
She adjusted her glasses and squinted. “Thomas Family Lawyers,” she read out loud, before turning back to you. “Honey, this law firm is on the other side of Georgetown. You best call a cabbie, especially this late in the evening.”
“A cabbie?” you asked, shivering in the cold. “I’m sorry… I’m not from round here.” you shrugged helplessly.
“Let me help you.” the old lady said, reaching into her purse and bringing out an enormous 1984 brick-like cell phone. The contraption shocked you, and you even wondered how she had fit it in her bag. She pulled out the antenna and began to dial a number. “Hi, could I get a pre-paid taxi to Thomas Family Law Firm, Georgetown? Thank you,” She put the phone back in her purse and offered you a smile. “A cab won’t be long. I’m Mrs Stagg, by the way. Might I enquire… why are you going to a family law firm when you’re not even from the area?”
“To help a friend.” you returned the smile.
“Does your friend live in this neighbourhood?” 
“He does. Um… his name is Max Lord?” you explained but the way it left your lips made it sound more like a question. Lord? Lorenzano? What difference did it make?
“Ah,” was the small sound that emitted from Mrs Stagg’s throat. “Max Lord, the oil guy. My son Simon is- was an investor for Maxwell’s company. From what I heard, the company is bust. A joke. Max Lord has been scamming the entire nation for years.”
“Scamming?” you asked, confused. “I don’t understand.”
“Black Gold Cooperative have shares in oil fields all around the world, only, the oil fields have completely dried up, you know - with the Cold War and all. But he kept going… kept making those silly infomercials and selling his dream. ‘Anything you want, you can have it.’ or something like that.” Mrs Stagg scoffed, shaking her head incredulously. You recognised the quote from when you had seen him all suited up on the television. 
“I don’t… I don’t understand. Why would he lie to the whole country?” you beckoned further, despite the conversation bringing you some uncomfort. Max had seemed like a genuinely good guy and a loving father up until this point. 
“For money, I suppose. That’s all it’s ever about with folk like him. Money. I chastise my son for it too. He’s the CEO of Stagg Industries and the only reason I could live in such a beautiful neighbourhood like this one. He bought my home here,” she beamed proudly. “But, I don’t know much about Max Lord. Don’t really see him around on the streets either. He must be cooped up in his office most of the time. Hey, you’re his friend. Maybe you should ask him why he’s nothing but a low-life conman.” 
Her words stung, and they weren’t even about you. You were completely lost for words, and surprised that she had so much hate in her heart for Max. Granted, if he was rivals with her son, it would make sense, but she did raise many questions that concerned you greatly. When the taxi pulled up, she paid the driver and helped you into the passenger seat. “I don’t know Max Lord,” she whispered from the other side of the car door. “But please darling, be careful.” She warned you before the cabbie whisked you away.
Your concept of time was slightly askew, but you figured the journey to the law firm lasted twice as long as the journey from Black Gold to Max’s home. You looked out the window taking in the stunning city at night. The buildings were all lit up and reflected against the windows, creating a glitter in your eye. There was nothing like this on Themyscira. No tall skyscrapers, no enormous shopping malls or company buildings. D.C. was booming, and it was beautiful. The journey allowed you to process Mrs Stagg’s words and think even more about Max. Clearly, both Julianna and Theodore had their reasons not to like Maxwell, and now, so did Mrs Stagg and her son Simon. You had to speak to Max and confront him. You knew there was more to him than what meets the eye.
Thomas Family Lawyer’s was a big building, not as big as Black Gold Cooperative, but it was still big. Just as you went through the revolving doors (which you had now grown accustomed to, due to your time spent and Max’s office) a group of girls began to file out. Whilst Raquel had been somewhat confused by your presence, these girls shot you the most evil of stares.
“Do you know what time it is? Office hours are closed. Why are you here?” One girl with sleek black hair spat coldly. You practically winced at the malice in her voice.
“Oh, I’m here to see Theodore Thomas?” you said slowly, nervously biting your lip.
“Who are you?” quizzed the same ebony haired girl.
“I’m a friend of Max Lord.” was the only thing you could come out with. Maxwell had warned you to refrain from identifying yourself as the ‘goddess of home and hearth’ in front of the public. He told you that people won’t believe him like he does, and that they’ll think you’re crazy. You had no choice but to believe him.
“Max Lord!” a red haired girl gasped, and a shorter blonde girl slapped her hand over the redhead’s mouth. “Sorry,” the redhead muffled as the blonde girl removed her hand. “He’s just so sexy.”
“But you know we’re not supposed to like him.” The blonde girl hissed.
“Huh?” you asked, knotting your eyebrows together. “Not supposed to?”
The ebony haired girl let out a longing groan. “Will the both of you just shut up?” she grimaced, glaring at the other two girls before looking back at you with that same mean stare. “Turn left, his office is the big one at the bottom of the corridor. You’re lucky he’s working late tonight.” 
“Yeah, on his girlfriend’s case.” The redhead said weakly.
“Can you not keep your mouth shut?” Snapped the black haired girl. “Why would you say that in front of this hobo stranger when she’s just said she’s Max Lord’s friend. She doesn’t need to know that Mr Thomas is working on the custody case! It’s a wonder he hasn’t fired you yet for being so stupid.”
You had zoned out of the pointless conversation about mid-way through anyway. Those girls were nothing but rude to each other anyway. You slipped past them and down the corridor until you reached two double doors, not hesitating for a second to open them up.
There, with his head buried down into a pile of papers, was a dark haired man in a tight fitted suit. He abruptly looked up when you had entered his office, his mustache wavering in bewilderment as he took in the appearance of a girl who was wearing nothing but an oversized button up shirt and brown strapped gladiator sandals. “C-can I help you?” he gulped, relishing the sight of his body like it was the sweetest view he’d ever come across. You crossed your bare legs together awkwardly, feeling slightly vulnerable by the way he was staring at you. 
“Are you Theodore Thomas IV?” you asked.
“I am.” the dark haired man confirmed, shuffling around in his leather seat.
You nodded, turning around to close the double doors behind you and walking over to his desk. You took out the crumpled up letter that had been addressed to Maxwell Lorenzano and slid it over the expensive oak wood. “What is this?” you questioned. Theodore took out his reading glasses before analysing it.
“Where did you get this letter?”
“Max Lord is my friend.” you gulped, folding your arms over your chest. “And this letter…”
“You mean Maxwell Lorenzano?” Theodore scoffed, rolling his eyes. “Listen, I’m not here to discuss that low-life loser, okay? I have more pressing matters to deal with.”
“So do I.” you persisted. “This letter…”
“Unless you’re his lawyer, and I doubt you are,” he snarled, looking at you up and down with the utmost disdain. “I will not be discussing the letter with you. Friend or not, it’s confidential.”
“I’m here to help him.” you gritted out, unable to believe the anger that dripped from your own tongue. It was true, you were angry. You were angry at the way everyone was so against Maxwell Lord, and you were angry at the fact the reason remained so unclear. Every new person you met didn’t like him, and you just wanted to know why.
Your words did pique the curiosity of Theodore, however. He raised an eyebrow and leaned over his desk, his gaze not breaking from you once. “Help him? You mean, you’ll be representing him in court?” You weren’t sure what that meant, but you nodded your head. If this was the only way you could get information out of Theodore Thomas IV, then so be it. “Do you even have any legal experience?”
“What? No. I told you, I’m just his friend.”
Theodore let out a boisterous laugh, the level of volume making you flinch. “Shit, he can’t even afford his own lawyer. I didn’t realise it was that bad,” he assumed. “Excuse me for one second.” he pointed a finger and dialled a number on the telephone.
Meanwhile, Maxwell was Julianna’s home. When Alistair heard his dad’s voice, he came running downstairs to greet him. “Daddy!” he called excitedly, running into his father’s arms. “You came back!” Maxwell picked up Alistair and spun him around, pressing a loving kiss to his son’s forehead.
“What do you want Maxwell?” Julianna sighed, tapping her foot impatiently against the marble floor of the lobby.
“To talk,” Max answered, placing Alistair back down on the floor. “Just us two. Uh- is Ted here?”
“Lucky for you he’s working late at the firm. Working on our damn case,” Julianna shook her head before turning to face her son. “Alistair, go to your room.” she commanded.
“But I want to see daddy!” Alistair cried, tears pricking his dark brown eyes.
“He can stay.” Maxwell negotiated but the comment was completely lost on Julianna.
“Go. To. Your. Room.” Julianna barked angrily, which sent a frightened Alistair running back to his bedroom.
“Shit Julianna, he’s just a kid. No need to talk to him like that.” Maxwell frowned, his ex-wife’s tone reminding him of his own father’s.
“Now Maxwell, I know you’re not giving me parenting advice, are you?” she asked sarcastically. Maxwell noted how bitter she had become, or perhaps, how bitter she always was. “I’m assuming you’re here to talk about the case. Try and change my mind. Well, you can’t.”
“Julianna, I know things have been rough between us since the divorce but I just want what’s best for Alistair. I love him so much.” Maxwell revealed.
“Bullshit!” Julianna scowled. “All you do, Max, is speak bullshit. You want what’s best for him? You’ll allow me and Ted to have full custody of Alistair. You’re a shit father and you know it.”
“I know- I know I’m messed up. I mean, I’ve messed up in the past but, something happened. Something inside me woke up and I’m ready to step up Julianna. I’ve changed, please just believe me. I love Ali-”
“You don’t deserve him,” Julianna growled. “You know what Maxwell? You’re nothing but a deadbeat. Just like your father was.”
Maxwell felt his face turn red with rage at his ex-wife's comment. He clenched his fists so hard his knuckles had even turned white. “I am nothing like my father!” Maxwell yelled defensively as the anger bubbled within him. He wanted to cry. Every time a memory of his own abusive father came up, it made Max want to curl up into a whole and cry. It broke him.
Before Julianna could reply, the phone on the wall began to ring. Julianna answered it.
“Hey, Julie?” Theodore was on the line, still laughing from his talk with you. “Baby, you won’t believe this.”
“What is it?” Julianna asked hesitantly, twirling the wire of the phone around her finger.
“Some girl- some half naked girl is here- in my office claiming to be a friend of Maxwell,” Theodore spluttered. You frowned at his tone of voice as he talked about you, right in front of you. Julianna turned to Maxwell in bewilderment, who was just standing there and had no idea what was going on. “She’s saying she’s going to represent him during the custody trial.”
“What?” Julianna spat. “Who the fuck is she?”
“I don’t know! Never seen her in my life. Pretty little thing though, I guessed maybe he’s fucking her? Not sure. She says she’s living with him.”
“Living-” Julianna couldn’t help but repeat her boyfriend’s words. “Teddy, Maxwell is here. Right now. Can you come home and… bring her with you? I want to have words with her.”
“Got it. See you soon sweetie.” Theodore finished before hanging up the phone.
Julianna turned to Max. “That was Theodore. He says some half naked girl has shown up to his office claiming to be a friend of yours.”
Maxwell’s eyes went comically wide as his greatest fears became realised. “What? No, no- there’s no way. That’s impossible. I told her to stay at home- how the hell did she get to Thomas Family Lawyer’s?”
“You’re asking me?” Julianna gasped in disbelief. “Who the hell is she, Max?”
Max was so confused and shocked, he couldn’t even find words. If you had found your way to Theodore’s office, that meant you had read the letter. It also meant that you knew his name. And finally, it meant that you had completely invaded your privacy. Part of Maxwell was mad, but an even bigger part of him was confused as to how you ended up on the other side of Georgetown in the office of his ex-wife’s current boyfriend. You weren’t even from round here, hell, you’d only gotten into a car for the first time today. Julianna and Theodore weren’t the only ones who had a thousand questions. Maxwell did too.
When you arrived at the Thomas family home, you looked at it with complete adoration, just like how you looked at Maxwell’s home. It was extensive in size, with beautiful pillars and adorned with flowers on every corner. Maxwell and Julianna were waiting for you and Ted in the dining room. Ted hung up his suit jacket on the coat peg in the lobby and you slowly followed him into the dining room. Unlike Maxwell’s home, which was covered with photographs of Alistair, you couldn’t spot a single picture of the bright eyed child in any of the rooms you passed. You wondered why.
When you entered the room, Julianna’s and Maxwell’s jaws both dropped in unison. “She’s wearing your shirt!” Julianna screeched, pointing her finger accusingly at you. 
“Yeah? So fucking what?” Maxwell shot back. “I didn’t realise you can police my wardrobe now!”
Your gaze flicked between Maxwell and Julianna who were already arguing with each other. "Can we settle down?" Theodore intervened, placing his briefcase down on the table.
Maxwell turned to you and took a deep breath. "Why- why didn't you put on some clothes before you left the house?" he sighed, closing his eyes as he tried to keep his composure.
"I- I didn't have any clothes and. I didn't know if it was normal to dress like this in the world of man." you admitted sheepishly, feeling embarrassed that you'd made a fool of yourself and seemingly Maxwell too.
"The world of what?" Julianna scrunched up her nose. "She has no clothes? Maxwell, where did you pick this whore up?"
You stiffened up at her harsh words and Maxwell's dark eyes snapped open. "Don't call her that," he warned. "She's… different. Look, I can't explain now but-"
Julianna turned to Theodore. "I want her out of my house. She's a fucking prostitute."
"She's not a prostitute," Maxwell sighed, running his fingers through his dark blonde hair as the stress engulfed him. "She's just a friend."
"I want her out." Julianna reiterated, her voice like venom.
"I- I can wait by the car," you told Maxwell timidly. He didn't reply, instead just putting his head in his hands. You turned to Julianna and Theodore. "I apologise for any intrusion I may have brought upon you both." you said before walking away.
Even before you got to the front door, you'd heard them start fighting again. Maxwell wasn't yelling, but Julianna was so loud and accusing. You couldn't help but feel like she brought around such a toxic environment.
As you leaned against Maxwell's car, you looked up at the upstairs window. It was illuminated, signifying that the light was on. It was so cold and you couldn't help but sigh as you waited for your friend to return and take you home— if he still liked you, that is. After everything that had gone on, you wouldn't be surprised if he just left you on a street corner to fend for yourself. 
You were delighted when you saw Alistair in the illuminated window. He poked his head around the curtains, smiling and waving immediately when he saw you. You grinned back, thankful to see the sweet boy and to know that he was okay. The smile on his face dropped and although you couldn't hear what was going on back in the house, you could tell by his expression that there was something wrong. Alistair disappeared from the curtains and you began to untie the lasso of Hestia from your waist. Swinging the rope around in the air, you attached it to Alistair's balcony and swung yourself up to the third storey of the Thomas family home. You quietly tapped on his window. After only a few seconds Alistair returned and let you in.
You clambered back into the house, finding yourself in the little boys bedroom. "Hey Alistair, how you doing?" you smiled, kneeling down and giving your friend a hug.
"I'm good, I'm so glad to see you again!" Alistair confessed with a toothy grin. "How did you get up here?" Alistair asked curiously, stepping out onto the balcony and looking at the long way down from where you had been standing by his father's car.
You gulped. "Can you keep a secret?" you whispered. Alistair nodded enthusiastically. "Okay." you showed Alistair your lasso, and he watched it with bright eyes as it glowed gold. If you could trust Max, you knew for a fact you could certainly trust Alistair. After all, they were your purpose. They were the reason you had found yourself in the world of man.
"Whoa, what is it?" Alistair asked, pointing his finger hesitantly, as if he wanted to touch it but not sure if it would hurt him.
"It's magical," you revealed. "My mother Hestia gave me it. It lets people see the truth, and speak the truth. It knows when you're lying."
"...And it helps you climb up really tall buildings? Like Spiderman?" Alistair asked with wide eyes.
You giggled. "Yes."
"Can I try?" Alistair beckoned further.
"Maybe one day," you promised him. "It can be difficult to learn, but I'd love to teach you." 
You and Alistair both gasped as you listened in on what was going downstairs. You heard footsteps, and it sounded like Max was leaving. You rose to your feet and approached the window again, unravelling your lasso. "Hey, I have to go now. Listen, you can't tell Julianna or Ted that I was up here, okay? I don't think they like me."
"Oh, they don't like anyone who's associated with daddy." Alistair frowned, but nodded understandingly. "Are you going home with daddy?"
"I hope so." you replied, because there was really no way of telling where you stood with Maxwell at this point in time.
"Good," Alistair beamed, and in that moment, you recognised his smile to be the spitting double of his father's. "Because I like it when you're around daddy. He's not as miserable."
You tilted your head but had no time to question Alistair because you heard the front door open. Swinging back on your lasso, you attached it to the branch of a tree and dropped back down to the front of the porch where Maxwell's car was parked. Wrapping your lasso back around your waist, you pretended like you hadn't moved from the car— like you had been waiting for him this entire time.
"Good night!" Maxwell called but earned no response, only the slam of the front door. He sighed deeply and slumped his shoulders in defeat before turning to face you. His lips were curled into a frown and he shook his head as he approached you, sliding past you and unlocking the car door. "Get in." he told you, to which you obliged and slipped into the passenger seat.
Maxwell dropped his head to the wheel of the car in frustration. He wanted to scream. Cry. Yell. Curse. He hated this. He hated having to fight for what was already his. He needed Alistair— his life would be empty without his son. There was no question about it. And unfortunately for Max, he was beginning to lose all hope.
"Are you okay?" You asked, feeling as though the question was a stupid one considering the disheveled look on Maxwell's face. You placed a hand on his back with full intention to be comforting. He didn't reply. After a few seconds of silence, you heard his sobs. You heard his whimpers and chokes. "Oh Max." you whispered quietly, rubbing his back.
"I can't— I can't fucking do this," Maxwell cried, tears dripping down his cheeks and falling onto the steering wheel. "They're right— what they say about me— they're all right. I'm a monster."
You winced, shaking your head at his comment. "You are not a monster." you assured him.
"You don't even know me," Maxwell huffed before glaring at you, the tears still falling. "You're just— you're just some random girl who came into my life at the wrong fucking time and— I don't even know why you're here. Why are you here?" He said your name like it was poison and the desperation in his voice was enough to make your heart ache.
You swallowed. "When I found out your name, your real name, I knew for certain… Zeus brought me to you and Alistair for a reason. Everything is so clear now. Max, I'm here to help you."
"I'm screwed— we’re screwed. It's pointless. There's nothing we can do. We can't go up against them. Julianna is a fucking psycho and Ted is one of the best family lawyers in the state—"
"And I'm the daughter of Zeus and Hestia. I'm the Goddess of Home and Hearth and I will not let them rip you away from Alistair." you promised with pure determination in your voice. The change of your tone was enough to make Maxwell stop crying and look up to you like you were his saviour. His angel. And despite everything that happened, despite the feeling of complete hopelessness, he believed you.
The war began now.
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ninjakitten1699 · 3 years
More Oni headcanons that I wanted to add on
to @ambrosial-tea post but I forgot until now!
There are different tribes of Oni as stated in the last post. Aka Oni (Red), Ao Oni (Blue), Shiro Oni (Pale/White), and our Kuro Oni (Black/Dark).
We don’t know too much of the Dark Oni we got but we do know that Oni were originally intended to be guardians between Material Plane and Spirit World when the two began overlapping (possibly The Grasslands/Departed, and Cursed Realm before they began separating). Put a tribe of Oni on the Material Plane for a couple years and they’d splinter into subraces of Oni and become more corrupted by the years. Dark Oni became one of the tribes corrupted.
Aka Oni are the most common type of Oni with their dark red colors, large size, and toughness. They’re slightly bigger than the rest of their kin, more violent, unfocused, and pursue immediate satisfaction, disregarding long drawn out plots and schemes. They’re mostly known for strength too.
Ao Oni are known for their unnatural cunning and aptitude for magic, smaller than their red kin but larger than pale, and have different shades of dark blue. They’re the ones you’d catch calculating and meticulously pursuing lofty goals like power and knowledge.
Shiro Oni are known for their aloofness and connections to the spirit realm. They’re the smallest of the main three tribes and the fewest of members. They vary from pale white to light gray. (They may as well adopt other Oni who share their colors and hopefully teach them their ideals.) Pale Oni would rather keep things in balance between the material plane and spirit world as the ancient Oni intended. They guard their locations but will adventure for artifacts of the spirit world and mend balance. If we take that into account perhaps they are another reason why Realm travel is difficult to Oni who try to cross through the any of the realms involving afterlives.
While Oni have no concept of gender since they have both reproductive organs, they also have no concept of sexualities either. Honestly they just didn’t have a name for it when one didn’t feel the need to have sex or when another felt more attracted to the same sex aspects of their partner. (If anything, their type of relationships or way of thinking would be looked up upon because they felt closer to their spirituality and their true selves.) Again they sometimes don’t mate for reproduction but just for the vibes of their partner.
They probably didn’t have a name for having multiple partners at the time either. If one Oni wanted to be a part of what the other two had and they were content with the feel of them, then it was okay. Plus more hands to help raise the cub personally. (Essentially that’s what PolyGarm would basically be. They make Garm happy, they’re happy with him, and Lloyd would basically have more than two parents. At this point Lloyd would just have more dads and Koko is just the one good mom he deserves.)
The second Oni learn what kisses are and how they work, they find it just as addictive as they do with other acts of affection.
Oni are more closer to their family than they are to strangers because in most Oni’s belief, strangers brought suffering to the family. In turn they displayed their family’s name first before their own, showing pride in them and hoping to intimidate any strangers with ill intent towards them.
Speaking of Oni names, they don’t usually have any but when they do their names would be what positive traits the parents wish the child to take on. For example, a son could have “Akihiko”. “Aki” meaning “bright” and “hiko” meaning “boy/prince”. They could want him to be someone brighter than they ever hoped for. For a daughter, “Asuna” with “asu” meaning “tomorrow” and “na” to “greens” or “apple tree”. Maybe the parents are hoping the Oni daughter would lead them to a more plentiful day. And then there’s the family names. The most famous ones are “Hideyoshi” and “Ishikawa”. We’ve heard of these names and the history behind them, I wouldn’t want to come across any of their descendants that carry their name with honor.
Ironically “Harumi” is actually a name for a female Oni in some home brewing lore. One of her meanings is “govern/rule” and “beauty”. Goes to show how far she would take her name literally.
Shiro Oni/Pale Oni don’t have names, but it’s because they don’t want to be too close to the material plane while they guard the spirit realms. They would refer to themselves and each other as “that/this one” instead like how gargoyles in the old days would. If they come up with names, it’s for the sake of working with others on the material plane, but even then it only happens when they really trust the people around them.
Oni have a large appetite that could put the Pythor and the Anacondrai to shame. They could honestly compete against the Great Devourer and other wyrms.
An Oni’s pair of horns are a sign of honor. No pair of horns are alike, not even the closest siblings’ horns look the same. They all have their differences. Their horn length is their pride. Having them sawed off is quite literally shameful to the owner of them but they did do something to deserve it.
It’s possible that some Oni were confused at Garm’s horns not being there at first but they hear about the first time they grew out of his head he quite literally broke them off and bled for a good long while to the point of passing out. (Blood vessels actually go throughout the antlers/horns in animals which is why they aren’t busted right off easily. Why wouldn’t they to Oni horns?) Come to find out it was the FSM’s hate for Oni that made Garm hate himself and how he looked so Garm had them filed down to his scalp or small enough to hide in his hair. It honestly almost hurts the Oni’s look on the FSM even more but hey who hasn’t he hurt? It takes a couple more decades and some therapy before he finally let’s go of his internalized self hatred and trauma that he grows out his horns and finally has pride in himself like most Oni already do.
So it’s not uncommon for Oni to live among other races, whether secretly or not, due to their shapeshifting abilities, however sometimes they’re immediately shunned when their true form slips out. Unless they proved otherwise to the most accepting of inhabitants, they’re allowed to stay. By then they’d have a hybrid appearance with their horns out, either out of their kindness to ease the others’ fear of them or for their own personal benefit.
Oni that do live on their own choose to live in the wilderness or in the mountains. If living in society but still wanting some sort of solitude, they’d either be closer to the outskirts or deep in the downtown where you’d either have to ask directions to specific people to find them or already know where they are. Hence Mistaké with her small tea shop and Wu being able find her.
As stated before Oni have no problems with Half-Oni at all. They’re just welcoming another cub into the pack and it’s just the fact that they are a child of an Oni who fell in love with another humanoid. Although there are some cases of Oni being chased out by the other race with their cub in their arms and they just run until they find the closest tribe. They’d be welcomed into the tribe and the cub is basically adopted by them.
Again half Oni isn’t a problem to them, but they do have a problem with any particular wizards experimenting on Oni breeding with any other humanoids. The know it’s not the parents’ fault neither is the cub’s. If neither parent want nothing to do with them, then the half Oni cub is taken off of their hands by another Oni who was grieving at a loss of a cub (or the realization they couldn’t have any) or a pairing who wouldn’t mind another. The cub won’t have a terrible environment, the parents won’t have to unwillingly interact with the child until they resolve their own issues or they wish to visit and see them grow.
Meanwhile, those wizards will never know peace again until the day they die, even other tribes, who they could be at war with, will catch wind of what happen and help in taking them out. By the time those wizards die, even the Pale Oni who have no ties with Omega or any other tribes won’t be forgiving to them. They won’t do anything too harmful to them, but they will lead them to the terrible part of the Cursed Realm and those wizards proceed to stay there until they fade out of existence entirely.
Enough angst there and let’s go back to fluff. I bet Oni would love dice. Like not even for games but for the click-clack sound. (“Lloyd. They’re metal dice. You cannot have—.” “Shiny sparkly metal bits make pretty sounds! :D” “Garmadon please tell your son not— Not you too!” “Wha~ It does sound pretty.”)
Y’all know how like adult lions play with their babies? They pretend to be hurt and that the cub is super strong to help build up their confidence. Hear me out, Oni do that too. Big goddamn Omega really be taking hits from tiny little cubs, Mistaké be playing with little Garmadon and playing dead on him, then Garm just does the same thing for little Lloyd. (“Koko, sweetie, help. It’s the battle of the century in here. Help, save me. He’s too powerful!” “*tiny war cry*”)
Someone makes a baby Oni cry one time and boy it’s absolutely over. It’s on sight for that person. I’m telling you On Sight!
Oni can purr loud enough to the point where it rumbles in them like a motor and that’s how cubs feel their parents’ purring. Then there’s baby Oni just babbling and the adult Oni just pretend to have a whole conversation with them. Don’t get me started on them playing soft flute music to help the toddler Oni sleep.
We probably only got a few words out of Omega when they first appeared because we were hearing them through human ears. Lloyd’s Oni brain would click on and translates what he knows while Garm in full Oni form can get full sentences out of Omega.
Oni are willing to learn a different language if it helps others understand them and their intentions. Now let’s just think of Lloyd connecting to his Oni side of the family (since let’s face it, the Oni are going to be around longer than most of his friends are) through teaching them sign language.
They also try to teach him their Oni tongue but he can only grasp a few words at a time easily. When he finally learns the language, next thing you know he’s going to be cursing and only Oni will understand. Some (aka Mistaké) want to scold him and others (*cough*Garmadon*cough*) find it hilarious.
Garmadon’s Oni-Dragon hybrid brain wants him to decorate his significant others and now I think of Oni just sharing the precious items they hoard with their mate. Wait till they figure out they can make jewelry and have their significant other wear it.
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Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear LN thoughts!
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Okay so I thought for my first LN post, I'd do Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear! Which is one of my favourites! I don't know how in depth I'll go for spoilers sake, and because there are 10 volumes (in English so far), but I'll cover just what it is I like about the series. First off! Our protagonist, Yuna. She's a cute, sarcastic overpowered girl in a bear onesie. Originally from our world, in Japan, Yuna was a high school drop out who stayed at home all day, playing her MMO's and living off (Super successfully I might add) trading stocks and making loads of muns (Money. for those not used to how i talk.) She kind of didn't care for anyone or anything besides making muns and playing her game. One day... Well my interpretation of it anyway, One day an annoying god infiltrates her game after an update, and offers her a bear onesie with busted stats. Which she reluctantly accepts, and then suddenly finds herself, in this onesie, in a totally different world, suddenly as herself, not her game avatar. From here she figures out that yeah, this is an actual real fantasy world with magic and monsters.... and she's stuck in this bear suit, because otherwise she's way too weak to do anything. She soon runs into Fina, who will become her super best bud in this new world. She starts to actually enjoy herself, and the story starts being about Yuna starting to actually care about the people around her (Though she always maintains her smartass persona) and she starts gradually establishing herself as an adventurer, using her bear gear..... and bear items.... and bear magic..... Yes it's all going to be bears. Which really doesn't help with her whole "I don't want to stand out!" thing. She also starts making a name for herself as a merchant and trader, using her knowledge from her old world to an extent. She also later gets to stick it to some aristocratic jerkbags, which is really satisfying, but I wont get into that too much for spoilers sake. Quite a lot of this series is Yuna shows up, helps some people, gets some sweet new thing out of it, and takes it back home to use in one of her businesses, and then does some cute stuff with Fina and the rest of her cast of girls. Yeah, it's kind of basic, but I have a lot of fun reading it. I reeeeally like this series.
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If you can't tell from all these! I'm going to do just a brief comparison between the anime and the LN here. I personally of the two would suggest you read the LN if you can. I mean the anime was still fun and cute, but it did some stuff i didn't like. It added drama where there was none, and also toned down some stuff that didn't need to be. For example. When Yuna heals Tiermina. (I know her name was different in the anime but I only remember what it was in the LN) I recall in the anime, it's like. Weirdly dramatic. In the LN Yuna does it basically effortlessly and in about 10 seconds. And she's immediately "Huh? I feel... fine now?" And that's that. No drama. That was just one instance. I also remember there was a whole non canon episode where there's some sort of argument at Fina's house and Yuna and Fina go off to look for a... feather? Flower? Something like that. Anyway. It doesn't happen. It was made up for drama! As for stuff in the anime being toned down compared to the LN... Yuna is totally fine with just dropping people down holes repeatedly to break their legs and spirit. And that guy who was embezzling muns from Cliff? Well he was also like, a kidnapper, murderer. All sorts. Yeah i know. Make the bad guys as bad as possible yeah? Anyway. Cliff super executes the guy. I think in the anime, they just imprison him or something. They also tone down how sarcastic Yuna is in the anime, which is pretty disappointing! Not to get on all the little details they sort of skip over in the anime. The LN is just a better experience! Though the VA for Yuna is exactly how I thought she'd sound. So good job there! The ED is super cute too.
Anyway! If you're after a LN isekai series with a cute OP girl where there is no overall dark end of the world plot, or big bad guy or drama at all really, you should consider this! It's a good, stress free time. Just be ready for bears. Lots of bears. Like the word bear is almost definitely on every single page at least once. Bear. Sure it's not the most complex series ever made. The good guys are obviously only good, and the bad guys are always irredeemable so you're not too worried about the bad things that happen to them. But hey. It's a fun time. Read Kuma Bear. I might do like, actual posts on plot and such when new volumes come out and a re-read the series again! Which might actually be soon as I got an email the other day to say volume 11 is on it's way. End!
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