#Sick Of It
sol1loqu1st · 2 years
actually no one is allowed to make fun of transmasc names anymore. i dont care if it's a 13 year old trans boy named after his favorite cartoon or whatever you're not allowed to make fun of trans guys' names
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buckslvrz · 6 months
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He wants to talk about it
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He's right there
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But she said it's FINE!!! AND IT'S NOT FINE BY ANY MEANS!
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Nothing is fine. And no, it can't wait.
Can we stop blaming EVERYTHING ON HIM FFS?!?!!
He also tried here:
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And here:
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And here:
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This is him trying too you know?
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And this is him trying too:
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And he tried this as well because he thought this was how he was gonna get her her star, which still might be the case, actually:
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And here he was trying too:
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alright everyone I'm sick of the witcher tag being dead. we need a new discourse but like. the funny kind. I'll start first. Geralt drinks Dasani Bottled Water.
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chronicallyuniconic · 3 months
TW!! Disabled abuse, disability disdain, public opinion of disabled people's, horrible bullet points of conversation I have experienced
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Things I (we) am/are eternally sick of being told, the verbal abuse, the physical confrontations, (like don't touch me or my fucking wheelchair), the phrases constantly thrown at us, for existing, as disabled people. Now for a depressing list..
- You're attention seeking
- You're a freeloader, our taxes pay for you
- It's an excuse
- It doesn't matter if you're disabled
- Get on with it like everyone else
- Access needs are just an excuse to not walk
- Why can't I use the accessible anything, like you lot
- What makes you so special
- Everyone and anyone can use a wheelchair accessible toilet
- You just don't want to work
- Get a job
- Your disability shouldn't affect the rest of us
- Why should *I* have to make adjustments for you
- You're lazy
- You don't deserve to live
- We should just kill you all off to save money
- Strangers telling me what disabled means
- Healthy strangers telling me what my disability is
- Being told XYZ is not a 'real' disability
- My mums friends child's uncle has XYZ & they are fine
- Why do you walk like that
- What's that tube in your nose
- You're too young to be disabled or in a wheelchair
- You are uneducated, stupid or thick
- We don't care, despite their abuse
- I completely forgot that I needed to assist you (train station)
- Can you not just...?
- I get headaches & carry on, why can't you
- Grow up
- Stop exaggerating
- You're a liar
I could go on & on
I want it to fucking end
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howifeltabouthim · 12 days
'I suppose we'll have to be brave,' Collum said. 'Though I'm getting pretty damn tired of being brave.'
Lev Grossman, from The Bright Sword
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scoobypineapple · 4 months
Putting this out here, even if I’m not the most influential person on Scooby tumblr, let alone the fandom at large: stop bullying.
None of you are above common decency no matter your status as a creator, no matter your opinions. This sort of vitriol should not be present in our community.
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detectivebambam · 9 months
hello 2024, goodbye aphobia 🥳
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devouringbodies · 1 year
me: searches my own blog word for word a post I KNOW I posted
tumblr: there's nothing here :)
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mydeepestsecrects · 4 months
If my friend doesn’t stop texting me about all the boys she’s talking to and all the boys that are talking to her or whatever i’m literally gonna block her.
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chronic-monachopsis · 7 months
UQUIZ !! What Kind of BUG ARE YOU ? 🐛
UQUIZ answer: You live in a constant state of dread because of the accident. The scars were not only physical, but also mental. You haven't been present in the moment for 7 months, every day seems to just slip by, slowly blending into one another. You can barely pretend to smile these days and you have begun to wonder if you will ever get better. You're also an INFP and y
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adhd-hippie · 2 years
Straight up blocking anyone who pretends vegans are the only people buying fake leather. I'm sick of y'all. Target doesn't stock 50 different shoes made with "man made uppers" aka fake leather for vegans who make up something like 2% of the population in the USA.
Yall just really don't want to face facts (neither fake leather nor leather are sustainable). So, instead, you scapegoat vegans and blame us for the failures of sustainability in the supply chain.
Again WE MAKE UP LESS THAN 2% of the world's population.
I can guarantee you that unless it's specifically marketed as vegan we are not actually the target demographic...YOU are.
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softshuji · 6 months
Really not a huge fan of people who make it out as if their spouse is some big bad burden they have to endure and they're dying to get away from them. Cos if you don't love them why the hell are you with them.
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stej33 · 7 months
the comments under the New York Post’s article pertaining to Aaron Bushnell are fucking sickening. “one less democrat voter!” “I guess he met his match😂” i’ve never wanted to jump through my phone screen and attack someone more.
i don’t think people understand, this was a young, able-bodied, active duty member of the US Air Force. he was part of the Air Force for three years and ten months, 25 years old, a perfect patriot, and he lit himself on fire in front of the Israeli Embassy. he screamed “free Palestine” until he was physically incapable of doing so.
you people and your right wing conspiracies, your pathetic excuses for ignoring the situation, the genocide and ethnic cleansing being performed in front of our eyes. his last post on social media, “Many of us like to ask ourselves, 'What would I do if I was alive during slavery? Or the Jim Crow South? Or apartheid? What would I do if my country was committing genocide?' The answer is, you're doing it. Right now." don’t you understand? this goes beyond petty accusations of stolen elections and american politics. this is a human rights issue. this has nothing to do with our trivial issues and arguments, everything to do with the fact there are women, children, men, innocent or not (it doesn’t matter) being slaughtered and starved on our shared earth.
we share the blame. every second, hour, day spent ignoring it, scrolling by it, silencing it, is more blood on our privileged american hands. forget your social issues, your political differences. grow the fuck up and learn some god damned empathy. if you can’t do that, if you can’t repost an article every once in a while, if you can’t donate to Palestinian relief, and god if you just don’t believe it, if you still, after the countless videos, images, and boots on the ground journalists telling you how awful its become, i don’t know what to say to you anymore. i don’t know how to explain to you that you should care about this. i’m tired of trying to explain. but Palestinians are dying. your tiredness or aversion, your personal or political beliefs, are nothing compared to 29,000 (probably more, by now) lives.
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blessedchaosgod · 7 months
Wild take: Amy Pond does not deserve Rory Williams
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howifeltabouthim · 14 days
An exhausting prospect . . . the noise, the drink, the same old stories.
Lev Grossman, from The Bright Sword
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