#Siri did it again
daphnalia · 5 months
and they were galpals
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artinandwritin · 5 months
Today was assessment day so ofc I had to doodle smt funny to deal with the stress
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they're just two silly lil beans who are very, very stupid when they're in the same room
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Working in publishing, my inbox is basically just:
Article on the Horrors of AI
Article on How AI Can Help Your Business
Article on How AI Has Peaked
Article on How AI Is Here to Stay Forever
Article on How AI Is a Silicon Valley Scam That Doesn't Live Up to the Promise and In Fact Can't Because They've Literally Run Out of Written Words to Train LLMs On
#allison's work life#artificial generation fuckery#in point of fact we're lumping a lot of things into 'AI' so probably bits of them are all true#i think AI narration probably is here to stay because we've been mass training that for ages (what did you think alexa and siri were?)#i think ai covers will stick around on the low price point end unless those servers go the way of crypto#but as with everywhere they'll be limited because you can't ask an ai for design alts#(and do you guys know how many fucking passes it takes to make minute finicky changes to get exec to sign off on a cover?)#i think ai translation for books will die on the vine - you'd have to feed the whole text of your book to the ai and publishers hate that#ai writing is absolute garbage at long form so it will never replace authorship#it's also not going to be used to write a lot of copy because again you'd have to feed the ai your book and publishers say no way#like the thing to keep in mind is publishers want to save money but they want to control their intellectual property even more#that's the bread and butter#the number 1 thing they don't want to do is feed the books into an LLM#christ we won't even give libraries a fair deal on ebooks you think they're just going to give that shit away to their competitors??#but also i don't think the server/power/tech issue is sustainable for something like chatgpt and it is going to go the way of crypto#is humanity going to create an actual artificial intelligence that can write and think and draw?#yeah probably eventually#i do not think this attempt is it#they got too greedy and did too much too fast and when the money dries up? that's it#maybe I'm wrong but i just think the money will dry out long before the tech improves
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kittywaffles97 · 5 months
dude i just realized. once the T starts taking effect and I let my hair grow out, I'm gonna start looking like Sirius black. Dude. I'm a literal fucking mix between Remus and James and I'm gonna start looking like Siri. what the fuck I cannot possibly wait.
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aemondsbabygirl · 11 months
Your abusive/groomer ex keeps trying to add you on social media but you know from common friends that:
he lost his house and was homeless
found a new place but is getting evicted again soon
might lose custody of his kids
fell into drugs
is blacklisted from several banks
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casstelli · 3 months
literally gonna kms i have covid bro i wanted to hang out w my friends this is the worst
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redsray · 4 months
my favourite part of the Wayne Kids being, you know, the Waynes, and popular celebrities is the fact that these are teenagers and young adults who are given ... celebrity powers. and i know they're stupidly petty with them. every time you log onto twitter you'd see 3 of them engaged in a sibling argument, completely uncaring that it's being broadcasted to thousands of people
Dick, tweeting: Tim stole my sandwich today, hey siri how do i un-adopt a sibling?
Tim: ??? I didn't steal your sandwich??
Dick: Then who did??? It was there this morning and you were the only one in the manor the entire morning??
Tim: Dick, my unfortunately kind of favourite brother, I was not in the manor today
Dick: YOU WEREN'T?!?!?
Tim: no, I've been in my apartment all week. did you hallucinate me?? LMFAO
Cass: I was there this morning.
Dick: Oh. No wonder then??? You 2 look too similar, one of you needs to cut your hair
Tim: Not it
Cass: . . .
Tim: on second thought, maybe it's time for a haircut
Cass: :D <3
Tim: Love you too, Cass
Random Twitter User, quote tweeting the last tweet: So did you ever find out who took Dick's sandwich????
Cass: Jay did.
Dick: JAY DID?!?!?
Cass: Oh. Did you not know?
Dick: NO?!????
Cass: Oh. @/jason start running. Sorry.
Steph: Guys Jason might deadass die again Dick is ONTO him
Random Twitter User: ... Again?
Steph: hardly the point rn, jared
Babs: Why did Jason just climb in my window asking me to hide him
Tim: he's running from Dick, lol
Babs: Oh, why?
Tim: he ate his sandwich
Babs: Got it, he's hiding behind my couch now, screeching about Cass betraying him.
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inkskinned · 2 years
we were the liminal kids. alive before the internet, just long enough we remember when things really were different.
when i work in preschools, the hand signal kids make for phone is a flat palm, their fingers like brackets. i still make the pinky-and-thumb octave stretch when i "pick up" to respond to them.
the symbol to save a file is a floppy disc. the other day while cleaning out my parents' house, i found a collection of over a hundred CDs, my mom's handwriting on each of them. first day of kindergarten. playlist for beach trip '94. i don't have a device that can play any of these anymore - none of my electronics are compatible. there are pieces of my childhood buried under these, and i cannot access them. but they do exist, which feels special.
my siblings and i recently spent hours digitizing our family's photos as a present for my mom's birthday. there's a year where the pictures just. stop. cameras on phones got to be too good. it didn't make sense to keep getting them developed. and there are a quite a few years that are lost to us. when we were younger, mementos were lost to floods. and again, while i was in middle school, google drive wasn't "a thing". somewhere out there, there are lost memories on dead laptops. which is to say - i lost it to the flood twice, kind of.
when i teach undergrad, i always feel kind of slapped-in-the-face. they're over 18, and they don't remember a classroom without laptops. i remember when my school put in the first smartboard, and how it was a huge privilege. i used the word walkman once, and had to explain myself. we are only separated by a decade. it feels like we are separated by so much more than that.
and something about ... being half-in half-out of the world after. it marks you. i don't know why. but "real adults" see us as lost children, even though many of us are old enough to have a mortgage. my little sister grew up with more access to the internet than i did - and she's only got 4 years of difference. i know how to write cursive, and i actually think it's good practice for kids to learn too - it helps their motor development. but i also know they have to be able to touch-type way faster than was ever required from me.
in between, i guess. i still like to hand-write most things, even though typing is way faster and more accessible for me. i still wear a pj shirt from when i was like 18. i don't really understand how to operate my parents' smart tv. the other day when i got seriously injured, i used hey siri to call my brother. but if you asked me - honestly, i prefer calling to texting. a life in anachronisms. in being a little out-of-phase. never quite in synchronicity.
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moonstruckme · 4 months
May I pleaseeee request poly!marauders x reader (gn or fem, up to you) where r and siri come home at like, 4 am from a rave (or clubing), and they are in makeup and have glitter all over them, and their exhausted and only slightly tipsy (from alchohol or drugs, up to whatever you think would be more fun to write) so they try to get cleaned up without waking up james or remus but ultimately fail?
I totally understand if you don't wanna write it 🫶
Thank you for requesting lovely!
cw: mention of alcohol
poly!marauders x fem!reader ♡ 1.1k words
When Remus wakes, he doesn’t at first know why. James is asleep next to him, snuffling softly, his cheek smushed into the pillow and drool leaking from the corner of his mouth. Remus’ fingers are woven loosely in the curls by his forehead. 
Then there’s a muffled thump from down the hall, followed by some hushed cursing, and he remembers. 
“They definitely moved the couch closer to the door to fuck with us.” Then, a moment later: “I am being quiet. Doll, you’re projecting.” 
Get a drop of alcohol in Sirius, and he becomes the worst whisperer in the world. 
Remus can hear your attempts at shushing your boyfriend as he slips out of bed. James is dead to the world, but he stretches out an arm as Remus’ fingers unwind from his hair as though feeling for where he’s gone. Glancing at the clock on his nightstand, he’s gladder than ever that he and James had begged off this particular excursion. It’s past five. 
He goes toward the light they left on for you by the door, but you and Sirius have already migrated into the kitchen. Remus props himself up on the doorframe, wrapping his arms around his middle, and allows himself to just watch the two of you for a minute. 
“Water first,” you’re saying, voice hushed far more effectively than Sirius’. You grab two glasses with extreme care from the cabinet, setting them down slowly so as not to make any noise. 
“I think this makeup is going to be crusted onto me forever,” Sirius whines. “I’ll never be able to get it all off.” 
“I don’t know if I have the energy to try,” you admit. 
You do both have an awful lot of glitter on you. What was intentional and precise when you left that evening has now traveled down onto your cheeks, leaving you lustrous and disheveled-looking. When Sirius closes his eyes, tipping his head back as he leans against the countertop, the black makeup around his eyes makes them look like glittering chasms. Remus notes that your shoulder shimmers with a similar color, like he’d laid his head on it. 
You pass Sirius a glass and hoist yourself up onto the counter, the both of you falling quiet while you drink your water. You sigh at the end of it. 
Sirius hums in response, a tired sort of smile lifting his lips. He leans his head against the side of your arm and lets his eyes fall closed again. 
“Did you have fun?” he asks, softer now than he has been since you came inside. 
“Mhm.” You set your empty glass down, using that hand to comb strands of hair away from Sirius’ face. 
Remus' heart nearly turns to mush as he watches the two of you, each clearly exhausted and yet still trying to take care of the other. You, you’ve always been open with your tenderness, but Sirius has taken years to get to where he is now. It still surprises Remus sometimes to see it, his boyfriend’s caring out from under the shroud of insouciance and joking. 
“I have an idea,” you say. Your tone is warm and lulling, not unlike your boyfriend’s. “We could take the spicy crisps into the living room, and lay on the couch to eat them.” 
Eyes still closed, Sirius smiles. “What about bed?”
“Rem won’t let us eat them in the bed.” 
Remus suppresses a chuckle. 
“I know, sweetness. I thought you were tired.” 
You sigh, long and heavy. “I am. I think I’m so tired I almost don’t care if I go to sleep. I might die if I don’t have a spicy crisp, though.” 
Sirius seems to be contemplating this when James comes up behind Remus. His hair is askew and glasses falling down the bridge of his nose, and he has the glazed-over look of someone who themselves is not quite sure if they’re awake or dreaming. 
“How wasted are they?” he asks, voice weighted with drowsiness. 
“Not very,” Remus murmurs. 
That’s when Sirius notices them. He picks his head up, nudging your knee with his elbow so you look over. 
“Oh.” You shrink a bit, expression pinching. “Sorry.” 
You so thoroughly look it that Remus can’t even feign upset. “Come to bed,” he says fondly. 
Neither of you move but Sirius opens his arms, beseeching Remus to come to him. Remus, too tired to pretend at being any less in love than he is, goes. 
“I thought you’d be in earlier,” he says into Sirius’ hair. It smells like sweat and a little bit like smoke. 
“The cabs were busier than we expected,” Sirius replies, voice even sleepier now that his face is in Remus’ neck. “We walked a while and then caught a bus once they started running.” 
Remus makes a disgruntled sound, but it’s James who says, “You should’ve called.” His voice sounds muffled, and Remus looks over to find it’s buried in your chest. You’re smiling faintly with your face turned down into his curly mop, your hands on the back of his head and his holding your thighs. “We would’ve come and got you.” 
“I wanted to,” Sirius defends himself, removing his face from Remus’ neck to cut you a teasing look. “She wouldn’t let me.” 
James lifts his head to look up at you. 
“I didn’t want to wake you,” you say, voice soft as though still trying to accommodate the sleep he really should be getting. “You both have work in the morning.” 
James groans at the reminder, hiding his face in your chest again. Remus sets a hand on top of his head, scratching his scalp consolingly. 
“You should always call,” he tells you, just for the record, but really he’s in no mood to argue. “Let’s go to bed, yeah?” 
“Yeah,” you sigh, slipping off the counter. 
James wraps his arms around your shoulders, forcing the both of you to walk with small, plodding footsteps, and Sirius also refuses to be out of Remus’ hold, clinging to his arm as you all start down the hallway. The bed is no sooner in sight that you let out a low whine. 
Sirius echoes it when you say, “We still have to take off our makeup.”
“What if,” James suggests, “you sleep now, and when Remus and I get up in an hour we can take it off for you while you stay in bed?” 
James hardly has time to let you go before Sirius is hanging off him, almost teary with gratitude. “God, I love you. That’s the best idea I ever heard.” 
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beautifulbrainrot · 1 year
sirius and remus getting jealous over seeing their mommy only touch all over james in the library, him basically dry humping her hand and she massages him through his pants. unfortunately, james had been the only behaved that week so siri and rem get punished by watching. 😍🙏
i love you. like so much, thank you omg!!! i feel like this is bad, but i loved the concept and this is my first request for them omh!! lmk what u think 💋
poly!marauders x fem!reader
cw 18+ poly!marauders (james x sirius x remus x you) , sub!characters, dom!reader, semi public (in library but it’s implied no one else is there), mommy kink, coming it pants, punishment, crying, begging
remus and sirius’ heads snapped up from their books as they heard a soft moan fall from the lips of their boyfriend, echoing around the vacant library.
james’ head was bowed, his cheeks flushed as he squirmed in his seat slightly. it took a few seconds for the other boys to realise what was happening, your teasing smirk and hand reaching underneath the table towards the trembling boy finally tipping them off.
“mommy!” sirius whisper shouted, as you continued to palm jamie through his pants, leaving your other poor boys out.
“what, sweetheart?” you asked calmly, the question almost rhetorical as you already knew what he was asking for.
“why are you just touching prongs!” he whined, his voice upset as he watched you pleasure james and not him or remus.
“because jamie has been a good boy this week! you two have not.” you seethed, your voice low and quiet, the tone sending shivers down the boys spines and blood rushing to their confined cocks.
“i’m sorry mommy! i- please- please touch me, i need it!” remus cried out, tears pricking in his eyes.
“no. this is your punishment. you’re going to sit there and watch me get jamie off, without touching yourselves.” you said simply, leaving no room for argument.
the boys pouted and whined, but you ignored them, instead focusing on your sweet james.
“baby, you look so pretty for mommy.. such a good boy, my best boy.”
that caused sirius to cry out, his eyes wide and teary.
“don’t say that mommy, please!” he sobbed, distraught.
you ignored him, instead cooing at james as he started to buck his hips into your hand desperately chasing his release, moaning mommy over and over again, his eyes scrunched shut.
“that’s it jamie. my perfect, good boy. come for mommy.” you spoke quietly.
he moaned out, his mouth dropping open and his legs shaking as he came in his pants, warmth seeping through the fabric.
you tugged on his hair lightly, so he was looking at the other boys.
his eyes were droopy as he looked at his boyfriends, but he could see the tears on their cheeks as they squirmed in their chairs.
“see jamie? that’s what happens when your a bad boy. you don’t want to be a bad boy like them, do you now?”
he shook his head no, before curling into you, burying his face in your neck for comfort.
you stroked his hair as you stared at your other boyfriends.
“you did well with your punishments, boys. you obeyed my orders even though it was very difficult for you to watch mommy pleasure jamie and listen to him whimper without being able to do anything.”
they looked up at you, their expressions soft, and your heart melted at the loving looks on their tear stained faces.
“let’s take james back to the dorms to get cleaned up. then maybe i’ll help you sort out your little problems.”
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steviebbboi · 1 month
Good For It
Pairing: Ari Levinson x F!Reader
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Word Count: 8.1k~ (no idea how this happened) 🫣
Summary: Ari was deeply misunderstood by everyone except you. What happens when someone tries to hurt the one person he cares about the most?
Disclaimer: This is my submission for @stargazingfangirl18 writing challenge, "Siri's Birthday Bonenanza"~ Thank you to Siri for hosting this, and hoping that you all enjoy this as much I loved writing it :)
***I don't give any permission for this to be reposted anywhere! Pls do not steal work, plagiarism isn't demureeee~~~~
Warnings/Triggers: 18+ Minors DNI; Mentions/threats of violence, mentions of drugging reader (not by Ari), mentions of sexual harassment (again, not by Ari), explicit language, explicit smut, oral sex (f. receiving), p in v, angst, fluff, mentions of trauma, PTSD-like symptoms, Lumberjack!Ari, Veteran!Ari.
Prompts: Ari Levinson x F!Reader feat. Bryce Langley (not involved with Reader at all) + "The moment you or babe realize you’re in love with the other" + "Scary!babe is in love and a simp for you" + "Playful trolling/banter"
Quote Prompts: “Why can’t you just let yourself be loved?!” + “Goddamnit, will you just fucking let me do this for you?” + “You move an inch, and you’ll be sorry. + “Can you just…hold me, please?”
Trope Prompt: Scary, dangerous!babe who is only soft with you
Kink(s) Prompt: Size kink + Praise kink + Squirting + Manhandling +soft!dom (ish) + Possessive!babe + breeding (ish?)
Other kinks: mild choking, spanking, overstimulation (if I missed any TW, feel free to lmk)~
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Rowdy laughter and the clinking of glasses came into earshot as you pushed the bar doors open. You greeted the bouncer as you usually did and gave a quick scan of the back of the bar. Once you found who you were looking for, you felt your lips quirk into a small smile as you headed toward the back.
Ari Levinson, the local town recluse with only four friends (including yourself and the bouncer-ish). He’s a retired military veteran and is known as “that weird, scary dude who lives alone up in the mountains.” To be fair, the town’s whispered descriptions of him were not entirely inaccurate.
You could feel the regular, daily stares coming in hot as you continued walking toward the back booths. Although you were used to it at this point, you could feel yourself becoming more tense as the whispers started to creep through.
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A tired sigh escaped your lips as you passed by one woman in particular who seemed to always let out a muttered comment under her breath—all synonymous with criticism that you never took lightly.
“Poor girl doesn’t know what she’s doing. She’ll end up in the morgue someday.”
“He just has her wrapped around his finger, huh? Someone should say something.”
“You know he almost beat a guy to death a year ago. What is a sweet girl like her doing with a guy like him?”
“Nobody told her to leave the undesirables alone.”
Any and all comments surrounding Ari’s character felt crushing every time you heard them. In the beginning of your relationship with Ari, you used to cry yourself to sleep every night because some of the comments were so scathing. All these people were just judging you because you were with a person that you deeply cared about.
Ari would be there every night to soothe you (he didn’t care as much about what others said). He would wipe your tears by holding your face in his big hands and kiss you until you couldn’t remember what you were crying about in the first place.
See, there are things that people don’t know about Ari. They judged him based on his background and one incident at the mill. He was hulking over everyone at 6'5", his stature and demeanor a bit more closed off and quiet. When people tried to say hi to him, he would give them a small grunt and continue on his way. He wasn’t a small man by any means, emotionally or physically (of which, your size difference is something you both indulge in, in many ways).
The problem was that they only saw and perceived things from the surface. They didn’t see all of the qualities underneath that make him so desirable, wanted, and valuable to you. With Ari, you felt protected, safe, and secure in ways that you had never experienced before. You never felt disrespected by him in the slightest. People didn’t see that, even through his dark aimless stares or quiet mumbles and grumbles, he still cared and was incredibly kind.
One day, you were working furiously on your laptop as you sat on Ari’s couch. Your work was demanding, and more often than not, you would work your remote 9-to-5 job straight through without taking care of yourself. Ari only ever gazed at you with curiosity and never said anything about it. Although you could tell from his stare that he disapproved of your self-negligence. The next time you sat working, Ari placed some dinner on the coffee table in front of you. The smell of the hot, homemade food made your tummy rumble as you stopped typing after four hours of working nonstop to look up at him with surprise.
“Eat,” Ari said simply and reached out to stroke the exposed skin peeking out from underneath the blanket on top of you before heading back to the kitchen. You usually wouldn’t let anything get in the way of your work, but his act of care was so wholesome and precious that you stopped and ate the whole thing.
Ari came back once you were finished to sit down next to you under the blanket with a book. He made an effort to get comfortable by placing his large, calloused hand on your inner thigh underneath your now-shared afghan before getting back to his reading. You could only stare at him, astonished by how this beefy, quiet giant of a man managed to not only get you to pause your work but also make you eat (disrupting your chain of focus and habits was not an easy feat, just ask your ex-partners). He let out another deep grumble when you kissed his bearded cheek with a soft thank you as you put away your laptop and leaned into his shoulder to read with him.
It was then that you realized Ari, depicted as this scary, violent, tainted, isolated person, was deeply misunderstood.
It was also the moment that you realized you were deeply in love with him.
Coming out of your reverie, you let out the tension that had been carried in your chest as you saw your man start to turn as you finally approached the booth. Your soft smile turned into a genuine grin when your eyes met his. You greeted Sammy (his third friend) as you went to scoot next to Ari. You put an arm around him to give a gentle rub on his large back while giving him a quick kiss on his cheek. As usual, he gave you a quiet, deep mumble of acknowledgement but proceeded to put his muscular arm around you protectively, giving you the opportunity to place the hand that had been shoved to your side around his thick, jean-clad thigh.
“What are we talking about?” You engaged Sammy first, knowing that Ari would likely be more of an active listener, as he usually was.
Sammy and Ari were in service together, along with Rachel (the bartender and the fourth friend, completing the group). Ari was noticeably relaxed with them, as he was with you, but you had no idea how they got the man to talk. You heard stories of their time in active duty, but they never went beyond surface-level details. You knew Ari had done some dangerous work during his time in the military; he never really talked about it, but you could surmise that he was still recovering from it, especially since that incident a year ago.
“Oh, you know, same old, same old. Rachel threw beer on a guy who was trying to score free drinks by hitting on her,” Sammy said with a smirk.
You laughed freely. “Man, I wish I had been there to see it! Some newbie at the office messed something up, and who has to fix it? Me, of course.” You rolled your eyes and put a hand to your forehead to rub away the fatigue.
“Did you eat, baby?” Ari cut in quietly. You turned to meet his concerned gaze and gave him a soft smile with a rub to his knee. “Yes, honey. I was able to have my assistant run out to grab some grub. Don’t worry.”
He gave another affirmative grunt with a nod and shifted to hand you a beer that was hidden at the end of the table. You huffed out a quiet laugh before giving him one last squeeze on the knee before reaching for the drink gratefully. Of course, Ari had already gotten you a drink but only gave it to you after you gave your daily report. He was always looking after you.
“When are they going to gear up and give you that promotion?” Sammy asked, shaking his head.
You gave a despondent shake before sighing. “You know, they’re a small company. I think we’re understaffed as it is right now. That’s why these new hires keep making these small mistakes.”
“Aaaand that’s why they need to promote you to manager, to teach some sense into ‘em! Ari’s always sayin’ you’d be a great supervisor.” He replied with an encouraging smile.
Now you were the one letting out a small questioning mumble while looking down at your drink bashfully. You felt Ari stroke the back of your arm with a firm gentleness, and you knew it really meant, “Yes, you do deserve more.” 
This kind of touch was often a reminder for you to believe in yourself and that you deserved better things (a tough job for your ex-partners, you might add). Ari had seemingly broken a cycle for you, helping you genuinely care about yourself in a way you hadn’t before. (All the ways he protects you are just sickeningly cute, aren’t they?)
Bringing yourself back to the present, you gave Sammy a stronger “hm” in response and said, “I know. I mean, when will these bastards just wake up?”
Sammy gave a shout of laughter and a “hell yeah”  before giving you another supportive response. You turned to Ari briefly to give him another smile of appreciation, only to notice that he was already looking at you. But the glint in his eyes… you hadn’t seen that before. Somewhere in the back of your mind, you registered Sammy announcing he was going back to the bar for another drink.
The two of you were now alone, just observing each other. A shiver ran down your spine at his piercing gaze as you asked quietly, “Everything okay, honey?”
At your reserved tone, Ari gave you a subtle, tilted smile. “I love you,” he said simply.
Your breath hitched, and you felt your eyes widen at his surprise revelation. You knew that you loved Ari, maybe even before you realized it yourself. There were many ways the two of you showed your love and care for each other—from cooking food for each other to gentle caresses during more intimate moments. However, this was the first time either of you had ever said it out loud.
Now you were the one stumbling over your words, struggling to respond, swallowing thickly as you tried to say it back. It’s not that you felt you couldn’t, but the man had just revealed that he loved you, in a bar no less! The guy was usually full of grumbles, deep hums, and mumbles. You never would have expected him to reveal something so vulnerable and intimate in an environment like this. You figured your actions would be proof enough, and that was okay with you. You accepted that about Ari—you never expected him to actually say it.
At your floundering, Ari had a full-on smirk on his handsome face. He seemed to appreciate how the tables had turned. You stopped your mumbles once you saw his reaction to your shock and squinted your eyes in fake indignation. His smirk only grew wider, the glint you noticed earlier now turning into an affectionate mirth that you knew Ari reserved just for you.
“Damn him and his sexy, lumberjack hotness,” you thought to yourself. You and Ari both knew you loved it when he teased you like this. You pretended to be upset, but it was all part of how well the two of you bantered throughout your relationship.
Most of your relationship involved speaking in a language your friends couldn’t quite understand, which only played into the image of how polar opposites you two were. But you and Ari reveled in it, just like Ari was now. You were more embarrassed at being caught stumbling on your words, and felt the need to beat him in your little game. The man hadn’t even said anything in the past minute, and he was already winning. He knew how you felt about him; it was just fun for him to see you all flustered.
“HA– alright, Mr. Grumbles. I’m going to get us some more drinks. Did you want anything else?” you said begrudgingly while gathering your glasses to bring back to the bar.
“No, baby. Sammy said he was going to get us some, though.” Ari conceded his smirk (and victory). Speak of the devil, and he shall appear—Sammy came up behind you to slide back into the booth, but with only one drink in his hand. You and Ari stared at him and then looked back at the beer with questioning eyes.
Sammy got comfortable and noticed both of your stares only when he realized that nobody was talking. Glancing down at his own drink, then toward your empty glasses, and back to your amused stares again, he muttered abashedly, “You didn’t say I had to get you another drink too.”
You let out a small giggle and looked back at Ari again to repeat, “Did you want anything else, baby?”
Ari responded with the same amusement in his tone. “No, love.” He grinned back at you as he said the endearment, which only furthered your fake ire. You pouted your lips in playful anger and met his beguiled stare with your own before standing up from the booth.
As you gathered the empty glasses again, you saw Ari attempting to grab them from you as he also stood up from his seat.
“No– don’t worry, Ari. I’ve got it,” you reassured him, but he ignored you and responded only with a grunt. He proceeded to scoot out of the small booth, hunched over the table.
Letting the glasses go, you pressed down on Ari’s shoulders hard to shove him back into his seat. His eyes widened in surprise at the forceful touch as he sat back down, but you knew you hadn’t hurt him. If anything, he lurched back from you since he didn’t want to bump into you while attempting to get out.
“Goddammit, will you just fucking let me do this for you?” you scolded him in feigned anger. You grabbed the glasses quickly and scurried away before he could respond. You only heard him and Sammy laughing at your retreat before the chatter from the other end of the bar became more prominent as you approached.
Setting the two glasses down on an empty section of the bar top, you leaned over slightly to catch Rachel’s perceptive gaze. She nodded with a smile on her face as she made you two new drinks. Glancing around the rest of the bar with mild interest, you couldn’t help but reflect on Ari’s intimate reveal.
A smile spread onto your lips, and you let out a small laugh to yourself. You were in love with a man who communicated with short hums and grunts, and with only three words—he had unraveled you. You felt so happy in that moment to be with someone who could meet you where you were, for once.
At first, you were intimidated by the looming lumberjack, but as you got to know each other, you grew to understand that he didn’t need big, fancy words to connect with you. Ari was the kind of partner who was straightforward with you and never hid anything maliciously while still respecting the integrity of your relationship. You felt grateful to be a part of each other’s lives.
Floating mindlessly in your thoughts, you didn’t notice the man staring at you across the bar. You also didn’t notice him approaching until you heard him say, “Hey there, what are you smiling about, sweetheart?”
Glancing over, the giddiness you felt thinking about your relationship with Ari was now interrupted by feelings of annoyance and suspicion. “I’m good, thanks,” you responded dismissively, not even bothering to answer his question.
“Aw, c’mon—just wanna talk a bit. Hey, are you with anyone right now?” the guy persisted.
Looking at the intrusive person, you could tell he was a bit younger than you. His polo shirt was disheveled, and his demeanor seemed careless. If his side-swept hair wasn’t an indication of his immaturity, it was the way he reeked of alcohol and weed. A smug smile lifted on his face as he assumed you were checking him out, when in reality, you were trying to piece together how to shut this down and walk around him on your way back to the booth.
“Uh, I am. Just waiting for our drinks,” you answered shortly, hoping your dismissiveness would be enough to make him go away. Heckling men never seem to take the hint when you’re not interested, and it seems like telling them off only riles them up more.
“Well, if I were your friend, I certainly wouldn’t have let you come up here by yourself. There are some weirdos out here, y’know?” He leaned onto the bar and into you, his body too close for comfort. You leaned back and crossed your arms defensively.
“I’m sorry—let me? Listen, kid—you got one thing right: there are weirdos out here. Almost like some weirdos just don’t seem to get the hint when they’re harassing women who only want to be left alone by the bar.” You couldn’t hold in your snark as this misogynistic asshole seemed to only smile wider at your reactions.
“Right! That’s why you’re lucky I’m here, sweetheart. Considering that I’m being so helpful by giving you this piece of advice, I think that now makes us friends.” He laughed, ignoring your irritation.
“Everything okay here?” You looked up to find Rachel putting down the newly made beers while looking the stranger dead in the eyes. You could see him squirm a bit, and you stifled a giggle—you were always amused to see her put men in their place.
“It’s okay, Rach. I’m heading back to those two dummies, anyway.” You left some bills on the counter. Rachel gave you a look since she always insisted drinks were on the house for you, but you never really listened. She took the money anyway, gave the guy one last daggered look, and made a small dismissive sound before leaving to attend to other customers.
Ignoring Rachel’s reaction, he turned to you and said, “Well, where are these two dummies you speak of? Are they cute like you?” He looked over at the general crowd of women lingering behind you.
You cleared your throat at his blatant ignorance. “Actually, my two dummies are over there.” You pointed to the back where Sammy and Ari’s profiles could be briefly seen.
He followed your hand to see the two men sitting there and let out a surprised “ah.” He looked back at you after seeing the men but couldn’t help but do a double take once he recognized one of them.
“Wait, you’re that guy’s friend?” he asked incredulously, looking at you expectantly.
You gave him a warning look and made an affronted sound. “Careful. ‘Friends’ don’t talk to their friends like that. Now, if you’ll excuse me.” You gestured to take your drinks, which seemed to snap him out of his shock.
“Hey, hey—wait! Relax, relax. That just took me off guard, but… I mean, you do know what he did, right?” He gave you the same look others would give you, almost disgusted, as if he couldn’t believe a ‘girl like you’ would be with a ‘guy like him.’
Your eyes narrowed and you huffed an exasperated breath, preparing to retort, but were interrupted by a voice yelling, “Yo, Bryce, hurry up!” You looked to the end of the bar to see another young man in a polo (god, these entitled kids are a dime a dozen) looking over at you. They wore the same cocky, smug smiles, and you were immediately done with this interaction.
Letting out a scoff, you replied, “Well, Bryce, it’s been real. Now, please, leave me alone.” Not mincing words nor your mocking tone, you started to grab your drinks when you froze in place, frowning as you noticed one of your drinks had an abnormal fizz on top.
“Are you kidding me? Did he just…?” Your thoughts felt scattered as you realized that your drink had been spiked. Your frown persisted as you looked back at Bryce in disbelief. “Did you really just do that?”
Bryce looked nonchalant at your question and, almost innocently, responded, “What are you talking about, sweetheart?” He had a dopey look on his face, but he couldn’t even hide his rising grin at your growing outrage. You knew you weren’t overreacting and you knew what you saw in your drink.
“You just spiked my drink—what the fuck is wrong with you?!” You accused and turned to catch Rachel’s attention. A strong grip twisted your arm back to Bryce as he looked at you with something completely vile in his eyes. He leaned in close to whisper in your ear with venom as you leaned back and attempted to get his hand off you. “Stuck-up bitch. You know you would’ve been asking for it if you didn’t have your killer boyfriend to cover you.”
Feeling his hot breath in your ear made you panic even more, his unrelenting grip getting tighter by the second. You shouted while trying to push him off you, “Get the fuck off of me! LET GO!”
You flailed your limbs more in your attempts to make a scene. You heard a barstool crash to the ground loudly, and all of a sudden Bryce’s fingers were no longer around your arm. The only thing in your vision was a person’s vast back.
Catching your breath from your panic, the sounds of the bar that had seemed to mute during your thrashing suddenly tuned back in. You registered pained groans and the utter silence, yet concerned murmurs scattered across the room. Looking over from behind Ari’s back, you saw Sammy putting a hand in between Ari and Bryce, who was now on the floor, clutching his nose with blood spilling out rapidly.
“You fucking prick! I’ll press charges!” Bryce shouted from the ground as his friends crowded around him, trying to get him up.
Rachel raised her voice to be heard amidst the chaos and said, “I saw what happened, asshole. I’d be happy to call the cops and let them know about you and your buddies’ attempts to sexually harass my customers.”
Bryce, now being held up by his friends, looked over at Rachel menacingly. Rachel didn’t back down and walked towards the phone on the wall. “Shall we?”
Bryce hissed in pain from his new injury and looked back to meet Ari’s stone-cold eyes. Sammy turned to face Bryce and his friends with a look of caution, almost ready to get into a fight if it came to that.
Bryce took a heavy gulp, attempting to stare Ari down with bravado. He then locked his jaw and scoffed, “Whatever, I’m out of here.”
The bouncer suddenly appeared behind you, making you startle slightly, and pushed the group toward the exit. As they got closer, you hid yourself behind Ari’s back and gripped his shirt tightly for comfort. You could feel Ari’s hand reach for your waist, and you assumed he could sense your shaking and wanted to offer you more protection and ease.
In your peripheral vision, you could see and feel Bryce’s eyes staring at you, almost as if he wanted to say one last thing. But Ari’s grip on your waist tightened as he turned to face Bryce directly, orienting you with him and blocking his gaze from you. Though you couldn’t see it, Ari looked deadly in that moment, removing any access Bryce had to your presence.
“If you ever come back in here, and if I ever see you near her again, I will hurt you,” Ari said quietly, but his warning reverberated across the large space. “And you know that I’m good for it.”
Bryce, still clutching his nose, averted his gaze and continued moving toward the exit.
As the group exited, people still looked over but gradually returned to their tables and muttered conversations. The jukebox came back on at a lower volume, and people eventually resumed their activities.
You were still clutching Ari’s back as you released a sigh of relief. You leaned into him, your forehead resting between his shoulders. The adrenaline had left you with residual energy, and it was noticeably hard for you to regulate your emotions. Ari heard you release one more exhale in an attempt to calm down before he turned to meet your tight grip with his strong hands.
“Hey, hey, you’re okay, baby.” He released your hands with one last squeeze and cupped your face sweetly. He whispered more reassurances as he pulled your face close to his and leaned down to give you a soft kiss on your forehead.
“Sammy, we’re gonna get going.” Ari glanced at the teary-eyed look on your face and knew you couldn’t stay. He wouldn’t have expected you to, either—he was accustomed to chaotic and loud environments, able to regulate during scary situations. Ari knew this was exceptionally jarring for you, and he desperately wanted to protect you from any feelings of unsafety. His priority since you entered his life was to preserve your softness, and if his hard exterior could help do that, he would go to any length to ensure you felt secure with him.
“Of course, check in and get home safe.” You also turned to give Sammy and Rachel a soft smile and a quiet ‘thank you.’ If there was any effort to expend, it would be that.
They returned your smile with reminders to be safe while driving home, and Ari took your small hand in his to lead you to the exit. You both passed by the bouncer, who returned Ari’s thanks for earlier with an affirmative nod and also gave you a parting “feel better.” You muttered your appreciation and clutched Ari’s forearm with your other hand still in his. You felt that if you weren’t right by his side, if he weren’t touching you, the panic would rush back in.
On the car ride back to Ari’s place, you kept yourself as close to him as possible. The truck’s seats facilitated closeness; Ari wrapped his right arm around you protectively while driving with his left.
Ari appreciated that you felt safe with him. Unbeknownst to you, his own panic about losing you crept in whenever you weren’t by his side.
His arm wrapped around you tighter, and his caress provided comfort for him as well during the rest of the ride home.
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Later that night, after Ari got out of the shower, you noticed cuts on his knuckles from his punch earlier.
“Ari, why didn’t you say anything earlier? Come here.” You scolded him as you led the giant of a man (a very half-naked, still wet giant of a man—okay, focus) to sit on the toilet seat.
“Baby, it’s fine—” Ari began to say, but you interrupted him, “Honey, let me do this—why can’t you just let yourself be loved?!” Ari let out a rare scoffed smile at ​​your dramatic flair before acknowledging you with his usual grunt. You returned his smile and gave him a kiss on the forehead.
Ari watched you as you ventured over to the bathroom counter to gather the first aid kit. You were already in your sleep clothes—simple camisole and shorts. Though he remained silent, you could feel his eyes roaming over your newly exposed skin. You glanced up at the wide mirror and caught him in the act as his gaze lingered a bit too long on your ass. You stifled a small laugh, and his eyes met yours unashamedly.
You turned to walk back over to him, and his eyes never left yours as you took his palm gently between your hands. As you cleaned the small wound, you could feel his gaze burning on your skin. You took your time patching him up, and with the last bandage, you brought his burly hand to your lips, planting a meaningful kiss on his knuckles. Continuing to brush your lips against the back of his hand, you left more kisses until you reached the underside of his wrist.
Ari’s gaze darkened with every peck of affection you left on his clean skin. As you raised his hand to rest it on your cheek, Ari’s other arm wrapped around the low of your waist, pulling you in closer. Deciding you weren’t close enough, you straddled his towel-clad waist. Enjoying the intimacy, you both savored the simplicity of feeling safe in each other’s embrace. Your arms wrapped around his neck as you softly caressed his wet strands of hair away from his face. Tucking your face into the crevice of his neck, you closed your eyes and hummed contentedly, feeling his large hands rub up and down your back. You felt so small enveloped in his arms.
“Look at me, baby,” Ari whispered softly. He laid a calloused hand on your cheek and stroked it gently with his thumb. His other arm remained wrapped around you to support you, and he said, “I know that we don’t talk about this often enough, but I want you to know that I would never hurt you. Ever.”
You gave Ari a confused look. “I know that, Ari. I trust you. I always feel safe with you.” His eyes were full of concern as you rushed to reassure him. Your own hand rested on his bearded cheek. “I know that what happened at the mill last year has lingered a bit.”
He turned his gaze downward until you cooed at him, making him look back at you. “Hey, I know you. I know that you were only doing what you thought was right. At that moment, it was about protecting Sammy. The guy was making threats against you both. It made sense that you went to defend yourself.”
Ari was quiet for a minute. You continued stroking his cheek to let him process. This was a vulnerable conversation for Ari that his usual grunts couldn’t explain.
He broke the silence by saying, “I lied to you.”
Your heart froze, and you felt even more confused. Your hand dropped back down to grip his bulky shoulder. “What do you mean?” you asked tentatively.
Ari met your curious gaze with an ashamed look. “He wasn’t making threats against Sammy… he was saying things about you. Us. How a woman like you shouldn’t be with someone like me—‘damaged goods.’”
Lines formed between your eyebrows as you tried to register what Ari was saying. Leaning into your silence, he continued, “Then he started saying that he would be a better fit for you. He talked about all the ways he would treat you better, and then he shoved me and… I just lost it.” Ari’s mouth twisted grimly, and his eyes held a weighted look. “I just… didn’t want to lose you.”
Swallowing thickly, you reflected on that time in your relationship when you heard about Ari being involved in an accident at the mill. It wasn’t until you saw him that you realized there had been no accident, and that Ari had put his co-worker in the hospital. Of course, you worried about the implications of his actions and what it would mean for the two of you. At a certain point, you did question your safety with Ari.
But you remembered meeting him at the station when the police let him go due to it being self-defense (and many of Ari’s co-workers, including Sammy, vouching for the incident). He had the same look that he had now—fear.
In that moment, despite what he had done, you knew there was something so strong and willed behind his reaction. He was so protective and gentle with you, and you believed him. You believed that that was the man that you were falling in love with. You just never would have guessed it came from the fear of losing you.
Realizing you had been quiet for a while as you processed your feelings and what you wanted to say, Ari didn’t move from his position. He licked his lips nervously, waiting for your response.
Releasing a slow breath, you cupped Ari’s face in your hands and looked him in the eye. “You protect, Ari, that’s just what you do.”
Ari exhaled in relief and felt a dark weight lift off of his shoulders, his stomach no longer churning, while putting his forehead to your chest. He moved his arms under your butt and lifted you slightly to do this but you embraced him openly. You stroked his hair again as he started kissing your exposed skin above your breast until he was laying a series of soft kisses up your neck. You both knew what his kisses really meant: “I’m sorry, I love you.”
You hummed out a soft moan as his lips found that spot under your ear that felt extra sensitive to his touch. Turning his face to meet your cheek, he tilted his head slightly so that he could finally reach your mouth. You allowed Ari to control the pace of the kiss and moaned when you felt his tongue softly caress yours. 
The tension in the air quickly thickened into something more primal and electric from Ari’s confession. There was something about this huge, strong man protecting only you that made you feel so worshiped and desired. These feelings start to overcome you and you move to sit on top of Ari’s towel-covered erection only to grind yourself down on him. Ari groaned sensually into the kiss at the feeling of delicious pressure sitting on his hard cock. Your mouths continue languidly meeting each other when you let out a squeak from Ari suddenly gripping your thighs tightly to carry you back into the bedroom. 
You released a squeal as Ari threw you on top of the bed before dropping his towel on the floor. Breathing heavier, you backed up on the bed to get a better look at his glorious sculpted figure and Ari only smirked at your hooded eyes gazing all over his body. Standing at the edge of the bed, Ari decided that you were too far away and he gripped your ankle to roughly tug you back towards him. Letting out another brief squeal and giggle, you quickly sought into his rhythm as he kneeled onto the bed. 
His bulking mass overshadowed you as he leaned forward to place more deceivingly gentle kisses upon the exposed skin of your stomach where your tank top rode up. Your stomach fluttered as you could feel his kisses getting wetter, and were leading down towards your cotton-clad pussy. You whined in anticipation as Ari gently tugged off your shorts to reveal your soaking core. 
Ari let out a deep groan at the sight of your pussy weeping for his touch. Using his hands to spread your legs open to make space for his massive stature, you gasped for air even though he has barely touched you. You stroke the hands holding you down and beg, “Ari, please. Please do something.” 
At your begging, Ari released a louder groan this time. “God, baby. Look at you just creaming for me, and I haven’t even touched you yet. You want me to take care of you, sweet girl?” 
He used his forearms to hold your already squirming legs down as he used his thumb to cut through a string of wet and reveal your thrumming pink clit. Not being able to resist his own yearning, he gave a firm lick up your cunt and released a deep groan at the first taste of you on his tongue. “Oh fuck, you taste so fucking sweet.” He groaned and went back into your cunt for more. 
You sobbed your pleasure at the feeling of his tongue caressing your wet folds, “Yes, please, Ari– please!” His tongue continued licking all over your pussy while he released his own small moans at the taste of you. He made sure to thrust his tongue into your soaked opening before licking his way back towards your now puffy clit. 
Your moans steadily increased in volume and small, short-bursts of whimpers fell out of your mouth as Ari devoured you. Feeling his lips suction at your clit, you mewl and feel his thick finger start to breach your entrance. Your head fell back on the bed, your mouth agape at the sheer pleasure you were receiving from your man. One hand tightly gripping the sheet next to you and the other wrapped in Ari’s hair as you kept him in place, your hips started to thrust back into his mouth and fingers. Not expecting for you to turn so wildly, Ari’s mouth left your clit unwillingly. Letting out a whine at the loss of warmth, you press down on the back of Ari’s head to get him back into position. 
But all of a sudden, you felt a sharp smack on your ass and you let out a yelp. Ari was still thrusting his finger, and inserting a second one, at a slower pace when he looked up at you. His lips and beard glistened with your wetness when he said darkly, “You move an inch, and you’ll be sorry. Do you understand me, baby?”
You could only respond with a soft whimper before letting out another cry as he slapped your ass again. “I said, do you understand me?” 
“Yes, Ari, I understand.” You responded with a glazed look in your eye at the combination of pain from his smacks and pleasure from his domineering words. 
“There’s my sweet girl, so good for me.” Ari said before he kissed his way back to your sopping cunt, his fingers thrusting faster now as his mouth created a suction on your clit again. Releasing out a louder cry at the transition, you could feel Ari’s fingers start to push deeper and curve inside of you to find your g-spot. You let out a sharp gasp once you felt him start to stroke that spongy spot over and over again while his tongue started to softly create a rhythmic pattern on your throbbing bud. 
The other thing about your relationship with Ari is that he was the most vocal when you were fucking. He always let you know how you felt around him and freely praised you as you gave each other the most visceral and intense experience. Anticipating more from him, your body rolled with his fingers to get him even deeper inside of you.
Only squeaking out sounds now, your high-pitched tones of pleasure were music to Ari’s ears. Your wet starting to squelch around his fingers and spurt out of you, Ari knew you were almost there. His fingers thrusted faster into you and curved in deeper with each thrust. He groaned, “Hmm, yeah baby? Is this the spot right here?”
You couldn’t conjure up a response as you were only experiencing the immense pleasure that he was giving to you and almost animalistic groans started leaving your throat. Ari looked up to see your head thrown back on the bed and your upper body contorting, your tanktop having ridden up and was now showing your beautiful perky, round breasts. Nipples peaked in heightened pleasure. Witnessing you like this was a privilege for Ari and he never thought you looked more beautiful than when you were writhing for him in the bedroom. 
A deep desire to witness more of you, Ari increased his efforts by pushing down on your tummy just above your mount. “Yeah, that’s the spot. Be a good girl for me, and let me have it. Let go for me.” He breathes against your slit while giving you one last intentional suck and rapid licking at your clit. 
Inhaling sharply, his words were your undoing as you felt that tight knot inside of you tear in ecstasy. Your head tossed back in euphoria as you cum hard, your pussy clenched around his fingers. Though, Ari didn’t stop thrusting his fingers deep inside of you. Whispering good girl and so sweet against your thrumming folds as he continued to coach you through your release. 
You let out a satiated whimper at experiencing your orgasm but Ari wasn’t stopping. If anything, his fingers curved into your g-spot faster and his tongue licked harder at your humming, swollen clit. You did thrash at the overstimulation. Your disobedience resulted in Ari slapping your ass once more. Even though it was served as a punishment, it seemed to only end up heightening your yearning for a second release. Noticing that your juices were spurting out excessively now, Ari kept slapping your ass as your pussy gripped tighter onto his large fingers. 
Letting out a myriad of whimpers and desperate moans, you sobbed out, “Ari please, please…I can’t do it, please!”
“Yes, you can baby, you can. Don’t you want to be good for me?”
You couldn’t answer him other than your random babblings– you couldn’t even think as you felt so consumed by the pleasure that he was giving you. You felt like you were being consumed by him and adored at the same time. 
A cry left your lips as he slapped your ass harder. “I asked you a question, are you my good girl?”
“Yes, yes, please, let me cum, please!” You sobbed out. 
Ari grunted deeply, “Your pussy is begging for it– you hear that?” He quieted only for the sounds of your own wetness slopping out of you to fill the space. “Mmm, see, I know you can do it, just one more, love.” Ari went back to suckling on your clit while he rubbed and grabbed at your now pink-colored flesh. 
Hearing him use this endearment again as his lips never left your body made your eyes roll up and you inadvertently held your breath as you let go for the second time. You register Ari’s moans and praise against your clit as you squirt your cum into his awaiting mouth. 
All you could let out were quiet mumbles of satisfaction as Ari’s fingers slowed. Your body was still jerking as it carried out aftershocks of your release, and you let out another sharp breath as Ari left one last kiss on your velvety folds. 
You were attempting to catch your breath as Ari kissed his way up your body, spending some time on your nipples by taking one in his mouth while his hand caressed your other breast. Ari brought up his fingers that were just inside of you to stroke your nipple and groaned as you glistened with your own cum. Leaning down, he took your nipple in his mouth again to suck it clean. You moaned softly and arched your back to give him more access as your hands stroked affectionately through his hair.  
Working his way back towards your bite-ridden lips, Ari slanted his wet mouth over yours as you taste yourself on his tongue. The both of you moaned as you continued making out leisurely. Ari pulled back to lick your lips sensually before dipping into your open mouth one more time for his tongue to meet yours in a passionate, sloppy dance.
Ari stroked your hair away from your face. “You ready for my cock, baby?” 
You whined and nodded as he leaned down to give you another wet kiss. You feel him reaching for his cock, hard and resting on your clit heavily. You mewled at him again as he slapped your clit with the wide mushroom head of his cock and he pushed in slowly. 
Groaning together at the feel of his thick cock bottoming in you, Ari lets out a strained moan. “Fuuuck baby, your pretty pussy is just sucking me in. Agh, so tight.” 
He withdrew until he was almost out of you before thrusting back into you deeply. Your eyes rolled back in your head and your mouth fell open as you could feel the veins on his girthy cock graze your inner walls. 
Ari leaned his head back in ecstasy at the feel of you clenching around him. He squeezed his eyes shut and groaned out your name, “Yes, take it, baby. Take my fat cock.” 
You felt like you could barely breathe as his thrusts became faster and harder. He was sinking in so deep and you were gasping for air at all of the sensations your body was experiencing. Besides your mutual groans and moans, the sounds of your union could be heard as you only became wetter at the stimulation. 
“I’m so full, so full…so big, Ari.” You mumbled out, your eyes crossed in ecstasy. Ari let out a condescending laugh, “Aww, look at you. Can’t even speak, can you? Just continue taking my cock, honey, you’re so good at it.” 
Ari leaned up and thrust out of you, despite your desperate whining, only to turn you on your stomach. You feel him kneel outside of your thighs that were clenched together, and only had time to hold onto the pillow in front of you as he thrust back in. You gasped out a high pitched moan and small, repeated sounds of pleasure came out of your mouth as you felt his long shaft pit up against your g-spot with every thrust. 
“There she is, yesss. You’re so fucking tight when I take you like this, baby. Your pussy is gripping me like a vice, goddamn.” Ari groaned louder as your warmth enveloped him. Tension started brewing again deep inside your belly as he thrust faster into you. 
Leaning down, his chest was damp and his hair grazed your smooth skin as it met your back. He lifted you slightly to wrap his right hand around your neck and squeezed. He whispered harshly in your ear, “Don’t ever forget that you’re mine. This pussy is mine, your body. I’ll always protect you, you hear me, love?”
Gripping onto the pillow in front of you fiercely, you couldn’t contain your moans that were now resonating in the room. His possessiveness, his fingers gripping your throat so protectively, and the passion in his words made you feel so hot, you felt that coil in your belly about to snap. The sensation pulling at that area inside of you that felt so full and relieving when released. “Ari, yes, I’m yours! You’re gonna make me cum again!” 
“Yeah, I am, love. Soak my cock, make a mess with my pussy.” He released the grip on your throat to lean back up and take your hips in his hands for full control. His thrusts were consistently hard and deep. It twisted that coil inside of you so delightfully that you finally snapped and cried out your orgasm. 
Ari’s thrusts became sloppier as your juices squirted around his cock. He bellowed out a deep and low groan from his strained throat and followed you as you rode out your orgasm against him. You moan at the feeling of his dick throbbing inside of you and feeling him cum so deep in your pussy made you feel like you were being claimed. His dick was still buried deep inside as you gyrated against him. At the overstimulation, Ari thrust out of you with a sharp hiss and a mixture of your cum with his started to spurt out of you. 
“Fuck, so pretty, baby. Here, let me help you.” He breathed out heavily while his hand left your hip to use his finger to push your combined cum back into your quivering pussy. You moaned out at the sensation of his thick finger thrusting his warm spend further into you and mewled in content. 
Ari kneaded and squeezed your ass one last time before attempting to get off the bed to get a towel to clean you up but you clutched his hand before he could fully leave and pleaded, “Wait baby, stay. Can you just…hold me, please?”
He picked up the hand that you were holding to kiss the back of yours softly and collapsed on the bed next to you as you leaned into his outstretched arms. Cuddling him as your head rested over his chest, you felt him graze his fingers soothingly on your arm. You both were satiated in your passionate release, and after the day that you had, you both were starting to feel the effects of it. 
Embracing you in his arms, the warmth of your body and the softness of your skin felt like heaven against him. Before his sleepy eyes shut completely, you gave him a gentle tap above his heart to get his attention one last time. He peered down at you and gave you a relaxed grin. With his familiar grunt, his eyes questioned your touch. 
You gazed into his blue eyes that were filled with such affection, the same glint that you saw earlier at the bar. A familiar burning in your eyes started to come on at his stare, but you blinked them away to smile back fondly at him. 
“I love you too, Ari.” 
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A/N: Welp! We made it -- I'm hoping ya'll enjoyed Ari and reader on this one. Something about Lumberjack!Ari being protective and only having eyes for you makes me feral and that can be the only explanation as to why this is so long lol. I would love to know what ya'll thought! Speak soon, lads~
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ellecdc · 6 months
can i request a reader x poly!marauders where the reader finds a stray kitten and she hides in her robes so she can feed it in morning and just carries it around school.
it’s the boys vs a kitten for reader’s attention, especially sirius sometimes he’s talking smack to the kitten who’s a asleep and then reader catches him and scolds him for it
loolllll poor Siri. Thanks for your request!
Sirius' Arch Nemesis
poly!marauders x fem!reader
CW: brief mention of Sirius' crappy childhood but very brief and it's only for dramatic effect (it's from Sirius' POV, obviously)
Some may deem this dramatic, but Sirius was very sure that this was quite possibly one of the worst things to have ever happened to him.
“Now, that’s a little dramatic, Pads.” Peter chided, watching you coo at a little bundle hidden beneath your robes as you fed it pieces of chicken at dinner.
“She used to feed me chicken like that.” Sirius pouted, causing Remus to snort.
“She’s never once fed you like that, Pads.”
“Awe, poor Siri.” James cooed, sounding awfully sympathetic to his musings; at least Sirius had one ally here. “Would you like me to feed you chicken like that?”
Sirius gave James his best kicked puppy impression (which was very easy seeing as he was a giant puppy and had spent his entire life training for it) and nodded. “Yes please, Jamie.”
James cooed again and pressed a kiss to Sirius’ cheek before dutifully stabbing a piece of chicken and bringing it to Sirius’ mouth.
“Merlin you guys are embarrassing.” Remus muttered as he turned back to watch you dote over the runty little kitten that you’d found in Hogsmeade last weekend all on its lonesome. 
“You should leave it here, dovey. His mama may be looking for him.” Remus tried, though he couldn’t deny that the kitten did look particularly pathetic. The tiny thing was shaking, crying, and looked sort of wet or dirty - Remus may not know much but he was quite certain no kitty mama would let their little one walk around in such a state.
Remus nearly whimpered when you turned your face up to the three boys standing over you with tears in your eyes, your face overflowing with empathy. “Can we wait here then? To see if the mama comes back for him?”
Remus ignored the petulant whining’s from Sirius as he sat himself down beside you in camaraderie with nothing more than a sigh. How could he say no to such a reasonable albeit emotional request?
“Jamie?” You murmured, and Remus wasn’t sure how much of the pout was honest and how much of it was to gain sympathy for your cause, but James was quickly at your side.
“Yes, angel?”
“Do you think you could ask Madame Rosmerta for some water? Maybe tuna if she has some?”
James looked like he really didn’t want to do that but also felt he was in no position to deny you.
“Sure thing, sweetheart.” He conceded, pressing a kiss to your hair and causing Sirius to grumble.
“Why don’t you come with me, Pads? Once we bring it back we can head to Zonko's whist these two wait.” James offered, causing Sirius to brighten up considerably.
Needless to say, the mama cat never did show up and the kitten let out a number of pathetic little sneezes from its curled-up place in your lap.
“It’s getting dark, dove. Curfew is soon.” Remus reminded you gently.
“I can’t leave it here, Rem.” You moaned, still never raising your eyes from the kitten as it kneaded biscuits into your robes.
And Remus really hated to admit it, but he didn’t think you could leave it here either.
So, thanks to your bleeding heart and Remus’ lack of self-restraint when it came to anything you ever wanted, Sirius was effectively being replaced by a tiny little devil.
“I don’t know why you’re so wound up about this Black.” Marlene taunted from her place in her girlfriend’s lap as said girlfriend massaged her scalp on the couch of the Gryffindor common room. “It’s just a tiny kitten.”
“'Just a tiny kitten'.” Sirius sneered back at his best friend. “Right, so tell me, Miss. ‘My-Girlfriend-Is-Currently-Snuggling-And-Petting-Me-Right-At-This-Very-Moment’, what do you see my girlfriend doing right now?”
Marlene barely maneuvered her head from Dorcas’ lap to see you curled up near the fire with a book in your hand and that stupid kitten in your lap. 
“She’s reading to her cat?” Dorcas responded bemusedly, clearly not seeing what the big deal is.
“Exactly!” Sirius huffed. “That should be me.”
“Oh, my gods.” Marlene grumbled as she stood from her place, grabbing Dorcas’ hand to pull her up too. “Can we go snuggle in the snake pit? I can’t handle Sirius’ level of dramatics tonight.”
“Some friend you are!” Sirius shouted at Marlene’s retreating form as the portrait hole closed behind them.
James and Remus were currently at a prefect’s meeting with James being head-boy and Remus as (the head-boy’s favourite) prefect. 
Usually, you and Sirius would spend this time together just the two of you, which was hard to come by sometimes in such a relationship as yours. One-time you guys went and used the bath in the prefect’s bathroom knowing that all the prefects would be busy for the next hour and having gained the password from your boyfriends’. Another time, you two fashioned your own prank without the help of the other Marauder’s and even got away with it!
But right now, Sirius just wanted to cuddle.
But that was fine! If it was animals you wanted to cuddle with, Sirius was more than happy to oblige.
With a quick glance to ensure that the common room was empty, Sirius quickly shifted into Padfoot and made his way over to you.
Padfoot was feeling pretty confident in his plan, that is until he heard a nasty little sound emanating from your lap.
“Sirius!” You scolded, picking up the now very spiky and angry looking kitten from your lap. “You’re scaring him, Pads!” You cooed, tucking the kitten into the collar of your jumper.
The portrait hole opened at this and James and Remus entered the room hand-in-hand, laughing about something before turning to take in the scene.
“Uh oh...” James started, making his way over to the two three of you currently sitting near the fire. “Did Padfoot try to eat the kitten?”
Padfoot harumphed the best he could in his current doggy form. Is good dog, he thought, would not eat...only maim.
“The kitten is frightened.” You pouted, looking to James for sympathy. James looked like he was considering giving it to you, but Remus spoke up as he scratched placatingly behind Padfoot’s ears.
“Perhaps you should bring him upstairs, dovey. Give him some quiet time.”
You readily agreed, much to Padfoot’s chagrin, and left the common room. Now you’d be all the way up there and he’d definitely not get any cuddles.
“Okay, is anyone else sort of jealous of the cat?” James finally muttered plainly once he knew you were out of ear shot.
Yes, Padfoot thought as he quickly shifted back to Sirius. “Yes! It’s like she’s replacing us!”
Remus scoffed at that. “No one is being replaced, boys. Just relax.”
Sirius levelled his boyfriend with a glare. “Yeah? When’s the last time she read to you by the fire, Moons?”
Remus paused and seemed to think on that for a moment before his eyes darted back to Sirius. “I still think you’re being dramatic.”
“It’s been since the kitten, hasn’t it Remus?” Sirius argued, not willing to let it go.
“Sirius, she’s allowed to love things other than us.”
Both Sirius and James scoffed at that. “I think bloody not!” James retorted. 
“I can concede if she likes other things, but she cannot love anything more than me! She needs to love me the most!” Sirius insisted, causing both of his boyfriends to look at him funny.
“Oh?” James asked with a bemused frown.
“Is that how it is, really? You think she loves you the most out of all of us?” Remus continued.
Sirius levelled them with a look he hoped portrayed a “yeah, duh”. 
“Is that how this relationship works for you Sirius? Which of us do you love the most?” James demanded, crossing his arms in that way Sirius loves because it makes his muscles bulge. 
“Me, obviously.” He answered simply.
“You’re your own favourite?” Remus deadpanned.
Sirius shrugged. “Yeah, I’m awesome.”
“You’re not supposed to have favourites!” James whined.
“You’re telling me you’ve never been like ‘oh merlin, right now Moony is my favourite’?” Sirius asked him.
James scoffed indignantly. “Right now, he very well might be!”
Instead of having the effect he hoped that comment would on Sirius, Sirius nodded in agreement. “See? Favourites.”
“You’re an idiot.” Remus grumbled as he stood and made his way upstairs.
“Do you really have favourites?” James asked quietly once Remus had left, his voice giving way to a vulnerability that made Sirius melt.
“Not a chance, bubs.” Sirius insisted, placing a kiss to James’ temple as he pulled the spectacled boy into his side. “I just like arguing with Moony; he makes it so easy to take the piss.”
James chuckled and allowed some tension to leave his body. 
“No, but seriously, what are we going to do about that kitten?” James piped up and pulled away so he could look into Sirius’ face.
“I suppose my current plan of feeding it to the Hippogriffs is a no?” Sirius asked. He was answered by an unamused glare from James.
“Fine. Fine. Hopefully the novelty will wear off soon.” Sirius conceded. For as much shit as he gave you, he did sort of love how much you loved anything and everything that might be in need of some; himself included.
James and Sirius watched the flames dance in the fireplace for some time, just enjoying the quiet company that the two of them very rarely shared together.
“Why don't we go see what those two are up to, hm?” James asked eventually, helping Sirius up from his position on the floor and heading up the stairs towards the boy's dorm.
The room was quiet as they entered and when Sirius turned after closing the door to survey the room, he let out a horrified gasp.
“How in the buggering hell did he manage that!?” He whisper shouted, pointing to Remus laying on his bed with you pulled into his side, nuzzled into the crook of his arm.
As James moved to survey the two of you from another side, his face morphed into a pained grimace. “Pads, maybe it’s best we-”
But it was too late, Sirius had seen all he needed to see.
“You bloody traitor!” He nearly shrieked, albeit not loud enough to stir you nor the stupid fucking kitten currently curled up in a very content ball on Remus’ chest from your respective slumber’s.
If Remus had been pretending to sleep, his ruse was given away by a smug smirk gracing his face.
“Better luck next time, Sirius.” He goaded, rubbing a soothing hand up and down your arm as you burrowed further into the werewolf’s side. 
Sirius had been beaten, crucio’d, starved, disowned and homeless in his eighteen years of life. But this right here was without a doubt the worst thing to have ever happened to him.
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sovksluv · 7 months
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sleepy girl
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𖤐 . pairing - Luke Castellan x fem!Hypnos!reader
𖤐 . summary - hii!! how are you???? this is my first time doing a request, so i'm a little nervous :) could you please do a luke castellan x daughter of Hypnos!reader? with lots of fluff, please!! thank you <33
𖤐 . content includes - one of the Stoll brothers (idk who, yall can pick), sleepy reader, readers race not specified
𖤐 . word count - 545 (sorry it’s short :( )
𖤐 . taglist - @perseus-jackass @niktwazny303
𖤐 . a/n - i just asked siri to pick a number 1-23 (AHHHHHH TYSMMMMM FOR 23 ASKS) and this is what she picked
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the bright light peeking through windows and the bustling noise of Hermes cabin did nothing to help wake you up. the fact that you still slept so peacefully, despite all the ruckus, left Luke questioning if you were alive or not. you were, the soft rise and fall of your chest while you slept assured that.
Luke kneeled beside your bed, trying to figure the best way to wake you up. or any way to wake you up. it was almost two pm and here you were, sleeping without a single sigh or stir. “yo, Castellan! ya’girl dead or something?” a loud voice called from behind him. Luke scoffed, he could tell it was one of the Stolls, but ultimately chose to ignore him.
he watched as you softly snored, eyes fluttering. you were deep in a dream, a soft smile forming on your lips as it continued. the very subject of your dream was sitting in front of you, desperate to wake you, not wanting you to miss all three of your meals.
his calloused fingers delicately brushed your hair from your face. he cooed your name softly, continuing to lure you from your dreamstate. Luke left gentle kisses on both your forehead and your cheek, still coaxing you back to the present with his sweet words.
you sighed in your sleep, half awake. Luke smirked to himself, still running his fingers through your hair. “time to wake up, baby,” he whispered, “you’ve already missed two meals.” his calming chuckle sounded right into your ears.
your eyes fought to open – just a little, though. the bright sunlight burned, causing your eyes to slam shut, and your arm to fling over them, almost hitting Luke right in the face. he laughed as you whined, your whine morphing into a yawn half way through. “hi sweet girl, did ya’ sleep good?”
you muttered out a ‘mhm,’ hesitantly uncovering your eyes. when you finally allowed your eyes to adjust, you were met with the kind eyes of your sweet boyfriend. a precious smile engulfed your lips as you stared up at him. he mimicked your smile, fingers still softly brushing through your hair.
“hi, Lukey,” you mumbled, yawning once again, drowsily blinking up at Luke. “hi, baby, what time did you go to bed last night?” he questioned, you took a moment to think before answering him. “8:30,” you mumbled sweetly.
Luke laughed, you’d almost slept a full twenty-four hours, and you would have if it wasn’t for him. he helped you sit up, chuckling to himself at the sheet marks on your arms and your flushed cheeks. all signs of a good night's rest.
he stood up from his spot on the floor, holding out his hand to you to help you up. you gratefully took his hand, standing up and leaning into him. his strong arms wrapped around you, warming you up. it almost made you fall asleep right there.
before you did, though, Luke spoke. “come on, sleepy girl, let’s go get you something to eat, yeah?” he used his fingers to tilt your head up to look at him, waiting for your nod of agreement. you nodded, letting him help you put on your slippers and leading you out of the cabin.
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© sovksluv 2024, please do not repost or translate my work!
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inkdrinkerworld · 3 months
part two of talk too much?🫣
i’m a whore for hot unbothered remus x shy!reader🤭🤭🤭
Same babe!!! Enjoy 747 of them, a little suggestive so mdni
“Where’s your bird, Lupin?”
Sirius’ voice carries through the living room as he pushes the front door open. Remus is in the kitchen, a piece of toast hanging from his lips as he butters another and sets some fruit on the side.
“I didn’t see her car out front.”
Sirius’ words are cut short when you come out of Remus’ room wearing his flannel and a pair of shorts.
“I went for her after work, Siri.”
Sirius’ smirk is immediate and wicked. Your hair is all messed up, the claw clip not able to hide the evidence of your good time.
“Oh,” you nearly jump out of your skin. “Hi Sirius.”
Remus turns, biting his piece of toast before opening his arms to you. “Hi, doll. Had a good time?” you scurry to Remus’ arms, hiding your face under his arm as Sirius sets his work back down and pulls his shirt from his pants.
Remus can feel the heat radiating off you at Sirius’ question, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
“Yeah,” it’s soft and shy and Sirius chuckles, shaking his head.
“Dunno what our Moony has done to you. You’ve never been this bloody shy, doll.”
You grumble, Remus chuckling when you reach a hand onto the plate to steal a grape and a peach wedge.
“I’m tired Sirius,” you say, Remus kissing your forehead as you make your way to the sofa to sit with Sirius whose feet are already on the coffee table and whose shirt is tossed haphazardly over his work bag.
“I bet you are,” Remus lets you hide in him at Sirius’ teasing. “Are you two coming out with Jamie and I tonight?”
You shake your head, Remus nudges the toast to your lips. You take a bite with a frown, Remus frowns back.
“I have to write an essay and grade papers.” You say around your chewing, Sirius boos and Remus leans against the cushions.
“I have a couple chapters to crank out too. Three or four to send to the editors.”
Sirius boos even more.
“When did you both get so boring?”
You chuckle, offering Sirius a piece of peach “Since we both got jobs that bleed into our nights.”
Sirius groans, long and low and both you and Remus know it’s him trying to get you to change your mind.
“Next time Siri, swears.” You tug on a hit of his hair, giggling when he howls and bats your hand away, sprinting off the sofa and heading towards Remus’ room.
“Oh fine! But you’re paying for your lack of appearance by letting me raid your clothes here.”
You nod, waving him off as Remus turns all his attention on you.
“You okay, pretty girl?” His fingers fiddle with your claw clip until your hair is tumbling down your shoulders.
“Yeah Rem,” all of a sudden, all your energy and playfulness is sapped. Remus likes you all ways, but he’s more keen to the quiet, shy you that only he gets.
Remus holds your chin, eyes boring into yours. “You’re telling me the truth? No soreness? Not lying to me?”
Your ears go hot, not unfamiliar with his severity or his attention but still overwhelmed by it.
“No m’not lying,” he gives you the last of the fruit. “A little soreness, but I’m okay.”
Remus kisses you, fingers curling in your hair and you can’t deny the need to deepen the kiss. His tongue swipes against your bottom lip and your mouth opens. It’s intense, and Remus’ kiss addles your brain. All you can think about is him, his hands in your hair, his mouth sloping over yours.
“Stop,” you push against Remus’ chest, inhaling harshly and turning away from him when he leans in again. “Remmy.”
He nips under your jaw, lips cruising back up to your mouth.
“One more.” He mutters, turning your face back to his and joining your lips again.
“You dog, Remus!” Sirius screeches, throwing a black sparkly top at the back of his head and his lips trail the shell of your ear.
“Why are you still here?” Remus grunts, goosebumps bursting across your skin as Remus continues nipping your earlobe. You pull away and lay back on the arm of the sofa, willing your breathing to even out.
“I’m leaving!” Sirius yells. “Don’t let him maul you doll, I’ll bring your top back in a couple days. Have fun and use protection!”
All you register is the door slamming and then Remus pouncing in you.
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f1fnatic · 4 months
WELCOME TO MIAMI ⤿ l. sargeant 22
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→ ( in which. . . ) you are alex's little (half) sister. after inviting you as a guest to the miami grand prix, his teammate falls head over heels. part 1 of ?
→ ( fanfic genre. . . ) smau
→ ( face claim. . . ) momona tamada + pictures from pinterest/instagram
→ ( pairing. . . ) logan sargeant x fem!reader
→ ( content warnings/disclaimers. . . ) cursing, fluff, alex trying as a wingman
→ ( author's note. . . ) back again and with another smau! this is my play on he fell first/she fell harder. also, this is to set the plot, part 2 will explore the relationship! i hope you enjoy! see end for more
→ ( masterlist )
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liked by alex_albon, logansargeant, y/nalbonnn, oscarpiastri and 25,907 others
williamsracing hey siri, play welcome to miami by will smith 🎵😎🍹
view 208 comments
─ MESSAGES ↴ (y/n + alex)
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y/nalbonnn has added to their story!
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view replies
alex_albon see you soon 🙈🙈
y/nalbonnn i cant believe you 🙄
alex_albon you're welcomeeee
lilymhe cant wait to see u !!
y/nalbonnn so excited <3 !!
user5 👀
yourbff i am in your luggage 🫢
─ MESSAGES ↴ (y/n + alex)
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y/nalbonnn has added to their story!
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view replies
alex_albon hehehe 😈
lilymhe surprise!!!! 🎊
y/nalbonnn you guys are so sneaky 🙁
logansargeant cant wait to meet you! y/nalbonnn reacted 💞 to this message
yourbff cant say im surprised
y/nalbonnn me either 🙄
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liked by alex_albon, landonorris, lilymhe, yourbff, and 48,923 others
y/nalbonnn need a better tour guide :/
view 305 comments
alex_albon hey 🙁
y/nalbonnn i said what i said.
yourbff stunning!
y/nalbonnn all you babes!
landonorris slowly converting you to mclaren
alex_albon no she already spends enough time over there
user6 shes so pretty
user19 where did you get that shirt?
y/nalbonnn i thrifted it :) !
user65 hope you're having fun!
lilymhe you can run me over and i wouldn't be mad 🤷🏻‍♀️
y/nalbonnn GIRL RUN ME OVER
yourfriend1 pretty girl! liked by y/nalbonnn
georgerussell63 great seeing you again y/n! liked by y/nalbonnn
lilymhe you busy later ???
y/nalbonnn not anymore
alex_albon what the hell 📸😓
logansargeant i can show you around
y/nalbonnn that be nice
user51 mr america shooting his shot ???
user87 i think he took some lessons from mr lando norizz
landonorris i am way better at flirting than that
─ MESSAGES ↴ (alex + logan) (y/n + logan, alex)
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idk what is happening but another fic done! this one was super fun to make, i had a great time :D anyways, if you would like to be on the taglist, comment!!! requests and feedback are welcome! make sure to leave a comment and kudos as well (only if you want :P)
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mallowsweetmiri · 1 month
Bestfriend!Remus with no boundaries
⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆
“Where’s Y/N?” Remus asked as he entered the dorm, setting his bag down by the door. James and Sirius exchanged an entertained glance.
“How should we know, Moony?” Sirius replied, going back to his book. James chuckled as he polished his broom.
“Hmm,” Remus hummed inquisitively, “she told me she was gonna meet me here after class.” Sirius put his book down in his lap,
“Maybe she finally found some other guy.” James choked on a laugh and dropped his polish. Remus rolled his eyes at Sirius’ smirk, opening the window to smoke.
“Oh, shut up you prat. She’s probably just running late,” Remus said with a cigarette between his lips. As if on cue, you barged through the door, huffing as you dropped your bag next to Remus’.
“Ugh, sorry Rem. Those Slytherin bitches hexed me on my way up here,” you hissed, stomping over to Remus and taking the cigarette out from his mouth. He laughed lazily at you as you angrily puffed in smoke, eyeing you up and down.
“Well, you look fine. Did they hurt you at all?” Remus asked, rubbing his hands along your hips and inspecting every inch of your body for injuries. You huffed out a laugh.
“Nah, I gave them what they deserved,” you smirked, “here.” You placed the cigarette back between his lips, his hands still lingering on your waist as he smoked. The two of you passed the cigarette back and forth like this, Remus eventually pulling you into his lap on his bed to show you his new muggle book while the two of you shared a fag.
“This chapter has been my favorite,” he said, pointing to the pages, his other hand holding you firm against his leg. You hummed as you smoked, your breasts near his face as you leaned in to read the chapter title. He squeezed your thigh and looked up at you with parted lips. You placed the cigarette back in his mouth before giving him a hug into your chest.
“You’re such a nerd,” you laughed, ruffling his hair. Sirius made a gagging noise from across the room.
“You guys are disgusting. Just shag already!” Sirius said with a displeased look on his face. You threw Remus’ pillow at his head.
“Sirius, shut the fuck up. You know we’re just friends,” you rolled your eyes, standing up off of Remus’ lap, “but if you want to kiss me…” you puckered your lips at him before cracking up.
“Hey, I’ll take you up on that offer,” James said with a cheeky smile. You chuckled with a light blush, you always thought James was cute. Remus stood up behind you and pulled you back into his lap.
“Yeah, that’s not going to happen,” Remus laughed as you feigned a pout towards James who returned a laugh.
“As if I’d want Moony’s sloppy seconds,” Sirius grumbled, but you could’ve sworn you saw a blush on his face.
“Hey, watch your mouth, Padfoot,” Remus clicked his tongue at Sirius, earning another grumble from the boy.
“I’m offended Siri. Who do you think I am?” You scoffed, placing a hand over your heart.
“Oh, just Remus’ best friend,” Sirius snarked, grumbling as he returned to his book. James laughed again and went over to his bunk.
“It’s okay, Pads. I’m your best friend,” James aid, falling forward onto his bed with a loud thump. You and Remus’ started cracking up as Sirius struggled under James’ weight. You turned your attention back to Remus.
“You wanna come get dinner with me?” You asked Remus, twirling his hair between your fingers. He met your eyes with a smile.
“I’d love nothing more.”
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