#Sirius is absolutely horrified
purple-vbug · 1 year
Regulus black is an trusty lap sitter
It starts when Barty starts to pull him on to his lap when ever. Class, dorm, great hall, party’s. It doesn’t matter.
When one day Barty is down with the flu, he realizes chairs aren’t nearly as comfortable when they’re not already occupied.
So he goes to sit in Evan’s lap.
And then it doesn’t matter anymore, Barty, Dorcas, Pandora, Evan. As long as his delicate ass isn’t sitting somewhere a pair of legs don’t cover.
So when Regulus’ to good to an chair ass gets high at a party, he can’t see the difference between his friends and his brother’s.
Naturally he plops down on Remus. Remus, to his delight, does not push him of. And Regulus goes on an half hour rant about how this is the most comfortable he has ever been. And Remus just let’s him.
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padfootastic · 2 years
hello! this is from a discord prompt by the wonderful @roalinda. it’s established (but hidden) jilypad where molly makes unnecessary comments; protective james & lily, and a sirius who gets loved & doted upon & kissed silly in front of everyone by his partners 🥰
“Times are grave, we must stand together and—“
James slowly slides his glasses off his face, massaging the bridge of his nose with thumb and forefinger in a vain effort to relieve the ache building behind his eyes. This is the fourth Order meeting of this month—it’s only the 16th—and it is shaping up to seem as pointless as the other ones.
When they’d joined the Order straight out of Hogwarts, it was with stars in their eyes and fire blazing in their veins. They were ready to fight for their lives and die for the cause. Now? James can’t wait to get out of here as soon as possible. If he wasn’t a part of this circus, he might actually have considered it a bit impressive, the way Dumbledore has managed to create an atmosphere so far removed from the terrible war being waged outside that they’ve ended up on the other end of the spectrum but alas—as it stands, James has to sit through the most boring, incompetent meetings known to wixenkind and his patience is running particularly low.
A hand coming to rest on his knee, hidden under the table, brings him out of his morose thoughts. He smiles instinctively, recognising the touch that he knows better than his own.
“I’m okay, Si,” he says, turning to his left where Sirius is looking at him, concerned. To anyone else, he’ll look exactly as he always does—blank face, hard eyes, lips in a straight line. James, however, can see the worry lining his face as if it were blaring on a muggle billboard.
“You’re sure?”
“Mhm. It’s just…y’know.” He tilts his head towards the gathered crowd, Dumbledore sermonising at the head of the table. The worry immediately turns into exasperation as Sirius’ eyes roll up slightly, making his own displeasure perfectly clear.
“—and of course, the Potters have volunteered to travel around the Continent to talk to the Giants. I’m sure I don’t have to explain why it’s absolutely crucial to the war effort that they be our allies or, at the very least, agree to neutrality.”
“Er, Professor?” Lily raises her hand like she’s still in school and James just knows he’s doing the heart-eyes thing everyone teases him for but he can’t help it. A raised hand. Merlin, this woman. “Sirius will be coming with us too, of course.”
James can—and will—kiss her soundly for phrasing it like a statement, not a question. He knows for a fact they’d mentioned this before, when Dumbledore had first called them to talk about it. Mighty convenient of him to leave it out in his official announcement now.
Sure enough, a very subtle wrinkling of the old man’s brow sufficiently expressed his opinion of the idea. “Lily, my dear, are you sure that’s—“
“Yes, of course, Professor,” she says sweetly, “We’ve made all the arrangements, you don’t have to worry about a thing.”
“What use would Black be, anyway, other than partying his way through Eastern Europe?” someone mutters in an undertone that’s very clearly heard across the room. Sirius’ hand tightening on his knee is the only thing stopping James from physically growling out loud.
“I realise you’re a bit…slow on the uptake, Mr. Diggle, but I assure you, Sirius is probably the best negotiator this side of the ocean,” Lily shoots back before adding suggestively, “And that’s not to even mention all the other skills he has.”
Sirius, who stays quiet in times like these (unfortunately too frequent nowadays, with suspicion and paranoia on the rise), is giving his own impeccable pair of heart eyes to their girlfriend.
“Now, now, we are all adults here,” Dumbledore says sternly, only entering after the conflict ends per usual. “There’s no need to devolve into name-calling or taunts”—with a pointed look at Lily—“and Daedalus, I understand your concern, but we cannot stop them from taking Sirius with them.”
The condescension in his voice, the implication that Sirius is nothing but a house pet lugged around by his friends—as if he’s not the best of them all—makes James’ teeth grit. It is only by sheer willpower that he manages a, “That’s very kind of you, Professor. Thank you.”
Later, when the meeting is over and they’re all scattered around the living room—the three of them are in one corner with James ranting to a similarly peeved Lily and a secretly-pleased Siriuswho pretends he doesn’t care. But James knows, has seen first hand how deep the words cut into him. He doesn’t ever want to see him bleed again.
“And the sheer audacity of him to say—Si, if you hadn’t stopped me, I swear.”
“That’s exactly why I did it, Prongs.” Sirius shrugs.
“Personally, I think every one of these idiots deserve whatever James wants to do to them,” Lily adds with a vindictive scowl of her own. It’s not just him that’s fed up with the way people in the Order keep treating their Sirius.
“You really want to let a wild James Potter loose on them, Lilypad?” Sirius asks, one eyebrow arched high in surprise. “You hate them that much?”
James and Lily speak at the same time, words overlapping and intentions clashing, causing Sirius to break out in his signature bark-like laughter. James can’t even hold on to his indignation in the face of it, helpless to do anything except lean forward, enthralled by the way his grey eyes soften with joy.
It’s then that a thoroughly unpleasant voice breaks into their moment.
“James, Lily, oh there you are, I’ve been looking all over for you,” Molly Weasley calls out to them, weaving her way through the crowd. She has her signature smile on, though it falls a bit flat when her eyes land on Sirius.
“Can I talk to you for a minute?”
“Of course, Molly, is everything okay?” James asks. He can’t see any of the Weasley kids around her but it’s not uncommon for her to hand them off to someone or the other. James gets it, truly. Merlin knows he would’ve gone already round the bend if he had to deal with a brood like that.
“Yes, yes, nothing of that sort, just…a word?” Her head moves in a weird way and it takes him a few seconds to decipher the action. She’s signalling towards the other end of the room, though it doesn’t offer him any more clarity than that.
“I’m sure we can talk right here, Molly.” Lily, of course, is much quicker on picking up the subtext. “It’s just Sirius, no one else can hear us.”
“Yes, well, that’s the problem, isn’t it,” Molly mutters under her breath and before James can even begin to figure out where that came from, she’s speaking again. “That’s actually what I wanted to talk to you about.”
“Molly, please,” Sirius sighs, like he knows what’s coming. “Let’s not do this, not here.”
“I’m only here to talk. To James and Lily,” Molly replies stiffly, not even looking in his direction. Instead she turns to James, a painfully insincere look of concern on her face. It immediately puts him on the defensive.
“James, dear, don’t you think it’s a bit…inappropriate, the way you keep going?”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” His voice is hard, unyielding. “The way we keep going?”
“Don’t take this the wrong way, I’m only trying to help,” she waves an airy hand, unbothered by the daggers shooting out of his eyes. “I know you and…Sirius are good friends, but all this—really, you have such a lovely girlfriend, have you ever thought of how she must feel when you keep dragging him around with you?”
James’ eyes bug right out of their sockets at the sheer audacity of her words. Did she just—
It doesn’t seem to faze her, his reaction, because she’s clearly on a mission. James wonders, a little hysterically, if they had a vote for this—this intervention and she’s the candidate who won. “A man and a woman need some time of their own, I’m sure you’ll realise the importance of it once you’re older but it’ll have been too late by then.”
“Molly,” he starts, in an impressively even voice, he thinks, “I’m afraid that our relationship is none of your business. I assure you we’re doing perfectly well.”
“Oh, you don’t have to be like that, James,” she tsks, “We’re all looking out for each other here—“
“Excuse me,” Lily cuts in, her temper ice cold and chilling against James’ burning rage. “Sirius is our—“
“Lily, it’s not your duty to keep putting up with every little fancy your boyfriend has. A girl must put her foot down sometimes.” Molly’s countenance has turned sympathetic now, and it does nothing to calm James down. He can see her doubling down, knows logic and reason will go well over her head.
There’s only one thing to do then, nothing for it. He turns towards Sirius, who’s been sitting in his armchair with his back ramrod straight and eyes straight forward. His heart aches at seeing Sirius withdraw into himself—James has tried hard, so hard, but words spoken in bitterness and cruelty always have that effect on him, taking him back to a time he’s spent this whole life running away from. It’s absolutely unacceptable that it happen to him now, when he’s surrounded by people supposed to be on their side, in a place that should’ve been safe.
Lily is speaking, something about privacy and boundaries and knowing when to shut the hell up (he’ll have to get the whole speech from her later, it sounds beautiful), and he simply steps over to Sirius, bending down until he’s right in front of him, a hairsbreadth away, like he was trying to do before they were rudely interrupted.
“James?” Sirius breathes, uncertain. He knows it’s because this isn’t planned—they’d decided to keep their relationship…not hidden, but away from other people. It’s unconventional, and they didn’t want to add more complications on top of everything else. Fighting the world on one axis is exhausting enough.
“I’ve got you, my love,” he whispers before closing the distance between them. The first press of their lips and everything—Molly, the rest of the Order, even Lily’s surprised gasp—falls away until his world narrows into a single point - Sirius - as it always does. His hands are cradling Sirius’ face, fingers softly stroking the sensitive skin below his ears—a move that he knows drives him crazy.
Sirius, for his part, gets over his own shock remarkably quickly to give as good as he gets. His hands are bunched in fists in the front of James’ jumper, almost desperately, and the longer they kiss, the rougher it gets.
A delicate cough—Lily—makes them slowly pull apart, but not before James leans back in for another quick peck. Sirius’ lips are slick, a bit swollen, and it’s the most tempting thing James has ever seen. He wants to damn this place and Apparate him straight into their bedroom but he just barely stops himself.
For one, Lily must’ve had a reason for interrupting; she usually enjoys watching them too much to do that. Besides, if he leaves without her, she’ll be pissed and he has no interest in being on the other end of her creative punishments. Not after the last time.
“James—you—that’s—,” seems like Molly can do nothing but splutter at his, perhaps excessive, display. Well, he maintains it was necessary. “Lily!” Molly turns to her, perhaps expecting similar shock, or anger, or hurt?
She’ll be sorely disappointed, of course, because Lily has the most predatory look out of the three of them. In her smartest decision of the evening, she decides to completely ignore Molly and makes her way over to them. A hand on James’ chest gently pushes him back, just enough that she can comfortably climb onto a now-thoroughly-shellshocked Sirius’ lap.
“What, did you think I wouldn’t want my chance?” she winks before wrapping her arms around Sirius’ neck and kissing him with no less passion than James just a minute ago.
This time, he has the distinct pleasure of being able to watch not just his partners but everyone’s reactions as well. Molly seems to have just…stopped working. He doesn’t know if it’s from the shock of both of them, in an established relationship, kissing someone; or that it’s happening in such a public setting; or, and this one comes from a darker corner of his mind, that it’s Sirius being kissed silly.
Dumbledore looks like his beloved lemon drop has gotten stuck in his throat and those in his immediate surroundings aren’t any better. Professor McGongall has a resigned, but entirely unsurprised, expression and James tips his head in an imaginary salute towards her.
Everyone else is somewhere on the spectrum between shocked and aghast. It’s wonderful. Exactly the kind of chaos James has been itching to stir up in these meetings.
By the time he completes his leisurely perusal and comes back to the scene in front of him, Lily has still not let go of Sirius. Her mouth is attacking his neck now, bright red lip stains and darkening bruises already visible, and Sirius’ hand is inching dangerously close to her neckline. Her previously-completely-buttoned-up-neckline that is now somehow half open. Funny, that.
“Oi,” James calls out, placing a warning hand on Lily’s leg, not because he’s worried they’re becoming too exhibitionist, but because he’s hard enough to pound nails right now and he would really like to get out of here and join the fun himself, please and thank you.
With a lazy, sultry smile, Lily pulls back. Her lipstick is smudged to high heaven and she looks entirely debauched and for James, she’s never been more beautiful than when she’s ravishing their boyfriend after vehemently defending him. Sirius’ eyes are unfocused, and he’s perhaps even more debauched. James can look at him like this forever.
“Like I was saying,” Lily says, all prim like she’s not sitting on one of her boyfriend’s lap while the other is possessively gripping her inner thigh, like she didn’t just participate in possibly the hottest moment of every sad sod in this room’s life. “Sirius is our partner and we very well know how to look out for each other.”
James seals the words with a kiss of his own, savouring the taste of both his partners on her lips.
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goldenprophetwrites · 28 days
i think sirius would play bg3 and unfortunately i also think he’d f*** the b***
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ghostlyfates · 2 years
i don't know why but i think i usually picture the black brothers being the same height or even sirius being slightly taller. and i say that i don't know why because i actually love the hc that regulus is a bit taller than sirius. it's young siblings' RIGHT to be taller than their older sibling and tease them about it. it's law. it's the natural flow of nature
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fiasco95 · 3 months
Peter betraying James…but not like the way you think. Regulus and Sirius live together.
Regulus, greeting the Marauders on his way out: Remus. Peter. Potter.
James: Wha— Why am I still ‘Potter’ but Pete’s Peter???
Peter: Reg and I have bonded. We’ve shared a joint. Staple of friendship.
Peter, turning to Reg as he gets ready to leave: Actually, hey Regulus— if your date tonight doesn’t work out then wanna go on a date with me?
Regulus: Yeah, sure why not?
Peter, grinning at James: How about that Prongs? I’ve been friends with Regulus for 72 hours and I’ve secured a sure-why-not-date with him.
James: You—
Peter, with a menacing smile: And you who’s had a crush on him for who-knows how long….has accomplished what?
James, looking horrified: TRAITOR! I’VE BEEN BETRAYED!!!! TREASON—!
Peter, losing his absolute shit:
Sirius, watching from the sitting room: Do I even want to know?
Remus: No. No you don’t, sweetheart.
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justtwotired · 1 year
“Back the fuck off.”
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Summary: you and Regulus recently broke up over stupid teenage reasons. It was a really bad fight and you two haven't spoken since, though both regret your actions. At a Gryffindor house party, he spots you kissing Mathew smith, the Gryffindor seeker, who Regulus absolutely despises.
Pairing: Regulus Black x Gryffindor!reader
Warnings: swearing, kissing, fighting, a bit of sexual assault.
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Regulus stands at the drinks table with Barty as they are being pure Slytherins looking around with judging and cold looks. Neither of them wanted to come to said party, but Evan -who was currently participating in a round of beer pong- insisted they went.
His eyes travel the crowd and he spots them, making him narrow his eyes. He knew she was doing it to spite him, he knew even she hated Smith, but there she was, sticking her tongue down his throat.
"Ohh, she is playing with fire." Barty seemed to start enjoying the party the moment he followed Regulus gaze. "Shut the hell up." Regulus head snapped towards him and then his eyes traveled back to the girl and that stupid idiot she was kissing.
His hands where slowly starting to roam under her clothes and that's when he couldn't take it anymore and pushed himself of the table making his way towards them.
- 15 minutes earlier -
"They are absolute morons." Y/n shook her head as she watched Sirius and James jump of the table they'd just been dancing on. "Tell me about it." Remus rolled his eyes.
She took a sip of her drink as she watched the boys make their way over to them. "Oh, their coming pretend you don't know them." Peter said and they all quickly avoided eye contact with the two boys. "Oh haha, you're so funny." Sirius said sarcastically.
His eyes fell on Y/n and they narrowed. "Boring again, I see." He said as he eyed the glass with clear liquid in her hands. "But thinking about it, I could use some water," he took it out of her hands and a horrified expression formed on her face.
"Sirius no wait-" but she was to late and he took a sip and moments later spit it out, coughing. "Y/n, you absolutely menace to society." He said handing the glass back to her.
"Are you alright, pads?" James asked laughing. "I am, but she isn't, what psychopath just casually sips straight vodka." He grimaces and James' eyebrows race.
"What? It's good, you're all just over dramatic." She said taking another sip, making Peter chuckle a bit, as he himself had made that same mistake before.
They all looked up at the sound of the portrait swinging open and watched an excited Evan and annoyed Barty and Regulus walk into the common room.
Y/n rolled her eyes, and then they landed on someone and a smirk formed onto her face. "Y/n, no." Remus said and she looked at him. "What do you mean no?" She asked.
"Regulus just walked in and your wearing that smirk? Whatever your planning, no." He said and she rolled her eyes and giggled. "It's just a bit of fun." She said, standing up to leave the couch and pushing the glass into Sirius' hands.
"Here, you can have that." She says and he looks at it in disgust. "No thanks." And puts it down.
"Smith, hey." She greats the seeker and he turned to her. "Y/n, looking ravishing as always." He said with a shit eating grin as he looked her up and down and stopped at her chest.
She would slap him in the face if it wasn't for her plan just unfolding:
Make Regulus as jealous as possible.
"I can say the same about you." She said, her words slightly slurring. Smith took a step closer, snaking an arm around her waist. Everyone in Hogwarts who had a brain knew he had liked her since fourth year, which was one of the reasons Regulus despised him, but also the other way around.
Everyone in Hogwarts with a brain also knew Smith was an actual, selfish, prick. He had a reputation of cheating, one girl even claimed he had cornered her once, but no one knew if it was true, as she had a reputation of lying.
"I heard your single now." He grinned as he pulled her closer, his breath smelled like alcohol. "It was such a shame you where with... him." He sounded disgusted at the last words.
She let out a sarcastic laugh, starting to maybe regret her decision a little bit... but only a little.
"Well, that's over now... sooo." She trailed her finger passed his white button up. She looked up at him and he smashed his lips against hers, she pulled him closer, deepening the kiss.
Her eyes fluttered open to look around the room and they landed on Regulus who wasn't looking at her as his eyes traveled around the room, but she could see them slowly make their way over to them and she closed her eyes again as Smith tongue slipped into her mouth.
They broke apart for a moment before they kissed again and slowly his hands started to travel, one slipping into her skirt and the other under her top.
His lips detached from hers and made their way to her neck and then he whispered in her ears. "Seeing such a beautiful girl like you with a Slytherin. Tsk, I'll show you what it's like to be with a real guy." He whispered before going back to kissing her neck and his hand suddenly slipped into her panty's.
She was taken by surprise but before she could do anything about it, someone else did.
Regulus had made his way trough the crowd, pushing people aside and watching as Smith went further into her skirt and kissing her neck, it made his blood boil.
"Back the fuck off." He said and Smith looked up and grinned, taking his hand out of her skirt, and Regulus almost thought she looked relieved.
They made eyes contact and he narrowed his eyes at her. "What do you want." She said, obviously with alcohol in her system. "Indeed, what do you want?" Smith asked as he put and arm around her waste and his finger tips rested under the band of her skirt.
"I want you, to get your filthy hands of her." Regulus said with a threatening tone. "And why would I do that? Such a pretty girl, and she isn't yours anymore? I wouldn't even have cared is she still was, I had plans anyway." He laughed dryly and Y/n looked rather horrified as she questioned if that would have been against her will.
"Leave her alone." Regulus demanded and Smith smirked. "And why would I do that, she seemed to be rather enjoying me."
Suddenly, Y/n started to really regret her decision, and grabbed his wrist to stop him from going any further. "What is it baby, you don't like it?" He asked and she sighed and squeezed her eyes shut.
"Stop, I want you to stop." She told him and he huffed. "You don't tell me when to stop." He said and pulled the hand on his wrist away with his other hand.
She knew she had gotten herself in this situation, it was her own fault, but now she really wanted to get out. Suddenly he let go of her and Y/n hadn't processed the sickening crack.
Regulus had punched him right in the nose and blood was rapidly streaming out. His grey eyes fell on Y/n who stared shocked.
He grabbed her arm and then dragged her out of the common room and eventually stopped in a hallway.
"What is wrong with you?" He asked angrily. "Do you know how much worse that could have been?" He asked, he was furious as he turned his back to her.
"Honestly, Y/n that was such a stupid move! And for what? Making me jealous? Well it worked, happy now?" He turned to her as he yelled, but stopped as he watched her.
Her hands where shaking and tears streamed down her face. His features softened as he walked towards her and took her hands in his, placing a soft kiss on each of them.
"It's alright." He whispered to her and she shook her head. "No, no it's not, I'm so sorry, it was a stupid move. I didn't think it trough." She said as more tears streamed down her face and she sniffed as her nose was now full and starting to run.
He wiped away the tears with his sleeve and kissed her on the forehead. "It's alright, Ma Cherie." He whispered as he hugged her. "Come, you need to get some sleep." He said and then led her over to the Slytherin dorms.
She was sitting on his bed as Regulus took a T-shirt and sweatpants out of his closet. He hands rested on her top and then looked at her. "May I help you here?" He asked and she nodded.
"Use your words, darling." He said softly, he always requested she used words when asking for her permission to do things like this, as he didn't want her to regret later.
"Yes." She croaked out and he slowly lifted it over her head and helped her pull the clean shirt over her head. He did the same with the pants and then tucked her into his bed.
He changed out of his clothes to, and joined her, pulling her into him and kissing her forehead. "I love you, my little dove." He said and she murmured something along the lines of "I love you too." Back before falling asleep.
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probs-reading · 4 months
Remus loves horror movies and he tried watching them with Sirius, but Sirius is a scaredy little bitch and always ends up ruining the movie, so now Remus has movie nights with Regulus where they just watch the most unhinged, terrifying shit. Sometimes, Sirius or James will attempt to sit with them and just watch what they're watching, but they always end up living the room absolutely horrified ("Bloody hell James our boyfriends are psychopaths")
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luveline · 8 months
hiii can you possibly write a poly!marauders x reader who is way too much like sirius 😭 i’m so so so similar to him it’s literally scary and we have the same birthday too??? same everything it’s crazy i think it would be so funny to watch them navigate through Two siriuses 😭
thank you for your request <3 fem!reader
Remus has been in love with Sirius since they were fourteen years old, so falling for you was easy. It was practically already done. 
You’re sitting by the window with a tape player in your lap and headphones over your ears. Pretty mouth turned down, eyes lined with a smudged kohl, you look lovely when you sulk. Remus can’t stand to leave you alone. 
He gives you a moment's peace, of course, but with James and Sirius entangled in a dinner-making argument and nothing left to do, he’s almost forced to sit beside you in the window seat. There isn’t much room, bless, but you don’t argue, leaning back into his arm and continuing your staring out the window. 
“You okay?” he asks. He knows the music isn’t too loud. You loathe being snuck up on. 
“Am I okay?” you ask, turning your head gently to the side, meeting his eyes through the fence of your lashes. Mascara lengthens them, has their ends kissing your brow as you widen your eyes slowly, playfully. 
“Sitting all by yourself.” 
“I’m not,” you say, the corners of your lips curling into a pleased half-smirk. You’ve too much affection about you to be truly smug. 
“But you were.” He moves the headphones off of your ears slowly. 
It’s a good thing Remus is such a flirt. You’d be hard to keep up with otherwise. He does wonder how James survives it; you and Sirius will flirt brazenly, almost darkly, a seduction in the smallest of things. Picking lint off of his shirt, wiping coffee foam from his lip. And Remus is quieter, not as shy as some might think him but without the darling charm (well, unless he wants it). 
You hold his gaze. “I knew you’d come and keep me company, Remus… that’s what you’re doing, right?” 
He laughs in your face, which isn’t to stay he’s laughing at you. He just can’t not laugh. You’re nerve wracking and sweet and his to flirt with. Plus, you hear him laughing and the majority of your facade melts away as you laugh yourself, the tip of your nose bumping against his sleeve. “Jerk,” you say. 
You and Sirius are different in some ways, of course. Sirius can’t stand having air blown in his ear and you love it, shivering with delight as you curl into his arm. 
“Hello. What’s going on here?” 
James is climbing onto the window seat before either of you can tell him not to. There’s absolutely no room for him nor his muscly arms, his shirt getting caught on your knee and rising, an unreadable mess of limbs and fabric. A tan hand uses Remus as a lift. James straddles your lap, bringing his face up to smile at you lovingly. “Hello, lovely.” 
“James, this is rather selfish of you,” you say. “Me and Remus were having a cuddle.” 
“He had you all last night.” 
“That’s not true. Sirius shared me with him. I was like a cherry pit.” 
James makes a horrified, undignified shriek like you’ve jabbed him in the gut. “What the fuck.” 
“You know full well I didn’t, Jamie, on account of my being the big spoon to your little one.” Sirius arrives, and announces his disgust with a wrinkle of the nose. “I can’t believe I’ve just said that out loud. Domesticity is becoming too much.” 
James is a tall, tall guy, and he’s not skinny either. Remus gives up his seat before he’s pushed from it, and at least finds a new embrace in Sirius’ space, a hand behind his back, ringed fingers ghosting against his spine. 
“Aw, Remus, what are you doing? …Come back,” James whines. 
You laugh again. “You’ve stolen all the room.” 
“Can I be blamed?” 
Sirius wraps his arm around Remus' waist. One moment he’s being hugged, the next kissed, silky soft kisses pressed to his jaw as Sirius murmurs, “You could’ve stood your ground.” 
But then Sirius wouldn’t be kissing him.
“Forget him,” Sirius advises, his lips parting over a soft spot near threateningly. “Who needs him? You have me.” 
“It wasn’t like that!” James insists. “I just missed her when I was in the kitchen.” 
“And I missed you, Jamie,” you murmur. 
Sirius scoffs, to Remus’ delight. “What’s funny?” Sirius asks, pulling Remus’ head back by the hair, not rough or anything but intimate enough of a move that Remus probably has hearts for eyes as he answers. 
“She sounds exactly like you, you realise?” 
Sirius narrows his grey eyes. “Well, it’s not a bad way to sound.” 
Remus has had enough of him, really, the flirting is fun but he misses his boyfriend, especially if James is going to steal the cuddle with you Remus had been aiming for. “I want some herbal tea,” he says, sewing his arms over Sirius’ shoulders, as much love in his touch and gaze as he can possibly fit. “Do you want some? I’ll make it for us.” 
In the same moment, James is holding your cheek and asking what you’d like for dinner, whatever you want, honey, so close you can smell his aftershave lingering from the morning and the minty cherry hybrid smell of his favourite chewing gum. His weight rests on your hip. Remus can see you heating up from over Sirius’ sharp shoulder.
You and Sirius are also very alike in that you both fluster at being treated with care. Immediate melting. Cheeks hot to the touch. 
“I don’t mind, Jamie,” you mumble. 
“I’d love some,” Sirius says, ever so slightly hoarse. 
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ellecdc · 2 months
Elle have you ever felt the urge to write more swim lessons with the marauders? I’m not usually much of a “part 2??” person but when I read that one I thought it was begging for a continuation. No pressure though!! Only if you feel like it, thanks for writing the first one at all :)
wellllllllll, since you asked so nicely (no but I'd literally do anything for you, just name the price - also, this feels like a full circle moment since the first part was absolutely not heavily influence by my love for your EMT!marauders...........)
swim instructor!marauders x fem!reader who learns that praise kinks are a transferrable skill
find part one here!
CW: joking about drowning each other, nerves surrounding learning how to swim, inappropriate jokes because.....well.....you know.
You had left last week's swim lesson (which you had dubbed your latest near death experience) quite certain you would rather just enjoy the white-sand beaches of the Maldives by the waterline.
That is until perhaps the third time someone joked about bringing you a set of water wings, and the second time someone pointed out the horrid tan lines those would leave on your skin. 
So here you were, sitting on a bench in the posh dressing room of the posh country club that your friend’s fiance’s posh family owned as you waited for the rest of the patron’s to clear out of the pool for your private swim lessons.
Oh God, what if you were expected to compensate them for this too?! 
You were so consumed in your spiralling - wondering if you could manage to take out a line of credit simply to attend your best friend's wedding - when you heard your name being called into the change room. 
“You in there?” You could hear Remus call.
“Yup!” You called back; horrified when your voice cracked. “I’m coming.” You added after clearing your throat.
You reluctantly grabbed your towel and hugged it to your chest as you headed towards the pool.
“There she is!” Sirius called as he spotted you. “Our favourite swimmer!”
“I’ve not actually done any swimming yet.” You corrected quietly. Not quietly enough, unfortunately, as the acoustics in this room seemed to carry your words to the black haired swimmer and his bespectacled counterpart across the entire pool.
“You won’t be able to say that for much longer!” James countered.
Remus apparently noticed the panic look form on your face as he let out a low chuckle. “We’re staying in the shallow end today, love. There’s no need to worry.” 
You wanted to be annoyed with him at his incessant use of pet names and endearments, but any ire that may have bubbled in your chest simply vanished when he flashed you a soft, crooked smile. 
You watched then as James and Sirius launched themselves into the pool without a second thought whilst Remus gently lowered himself into it from the edge. 
You weren’t proud that you had to force yourself to look away from the muscles in his shoulders as they flexed under his weight. 
“How tall are you?” Sirius asked then, causing James to gasp dramatically.
“You’re not supposed to ask a lady that, Pads.” He scolded. 
“No.” Sirius countered slowly. “You’re not supposed to ask them how much they weigh.” 
“I don’t think you’re supposed to ask them anything to do with numbers; weight, age, height.” James continued.
“Age!? What can you ask them?” Sirius beseeched.
“Would you sods shut up?” Remus grumbled. 
“Right.” Sirius said then, apparently remembering himself. “I only ask because you should be able to touch the bottom here; why don’t you try getting in like Moony did?”
You felt your brows furrow as you looked at Sirius in bemusement. “Moony?”
“That’s me.” Remus clarified as he let out a sigh of exasperation; you couldn’t help but notice the shy blush that took over his face and threatened to spread to his chest at the moniker, however. “He’s Pads, and James is Prongs. Sometimes. Right now, they’re sod 1 and sod 2.”
His insult was met with one indignant ‘oi!’ and a retaliatory splash. “But what Sirius was trying to say was that it would be good practice getting in and out without a gradient; you said the wedding was in the Maldives?”
You nodded in response. 
“You may at times only have the edge of a dock or perhaps a small staircase to get into the water; doing this in the shallow end will help train your body not to go into fight or flight mode each time.”
And while that all sounded well and good, you couldn’t help but look at the water warily. 
“Come on.” Sirius encouraged you as he situated himself below you and patted the edge of the pool. “Have a seat, doll.”
You bit back a grumble and did as you were told, sitting on the edge of the pool where Sirius stood between your legs and set his hands on either side of you. “Then you just slide in, and I’ll be here to catch you; got it?” 
“Is there gonna be a tattooed bloke in the Maldives to catch me too?” You grumbled to yourself, horrified when Sirius’ bark of laughter alerted you to the fact that you had said that out loud.
“Why, you looking for a date, doll?”
You have got to stop blurting out every thought that enters your mind, especially around these men.
Instead of dealing with your embarrassment, you figured you may as well just try drowning.
Unfortunately for you, the water was shallow and you were tall enough to touch the bottom and Sirius had caught you, so it looked as though you would just have to deal with your embarrassment like a mature adult.
But fuck that.
So instead, you splashed him. 
“Oh she’s feisty today.” James commented as Sirius squawked something or other about his hair.
Humour danced behind Remus’ whiskey eyes as he considered you. “Thank you for splashing him so I wouldn’t have to.”
“We should invest in some of those spray bottles for when he’s being a pest.” James called over with a smirk.
Whatever qualms Sirius may have had about his hair seemed to dissipate at the prospect of dunking his mate as he lunged for James and forced them both under the water.
You were mortified to realise you had leaned into Remus’ side to avoid getting tangled up in whatever underwater brawl was taking place; only realising your proximity to the tall swim instructor when he placed a placating hand on your back. 
“This is actually what we’re going to be practising today.” He explained as his two counterparts emerged from the water with gasping breaths.
“Drowning each other?” 
“Holding our breath.” Remus corrected you with a smirk. “The hope is that you will feel more comfortable in practising if you’re not so worried about what will happen when you’re underwater.”
“We’re gonna have a cheeky seat at the bottom of the pool!” James explained.
You looked to Remus with what you were sure was a ‘you’re kidding me, yeah?’ face who simply smiled at you encouragingly. 
“I thought the purpose of swim lessons was to not end up at the bottom of a pool.” You deadpanned. 
“The purpose of swim lessons is to avoid ending up at the bottom of a pool, and knowing how to get back up to the surface when you do.” Sirius offered.
“We’ll just lower ourselves to our knees and-”
“My favourite position.” Sirius interrupted Remus’ instructions.
“James?” Remus deadpanned.
“On it.” James answered quickly as he put Sirius in a headlock and dunked them under the water again. 
“As I was saying,” Remus continued without the distraction of the other two, “we’ll lower ourselves to our knees, try to count to 10, and then we’ll come back up.”
The other two instructors reemerged at the end of Remus’ sentence and you let out a heavy breath. “I don’t think I can do this.” You admitted quietly. 
Any humour and levity seeped from the three men as they circled you protectively.
“No, hey, of course you can!” James offered, trying to imbue some of his eagerness and enthusiasm onto you as he swiped water away from his eyes. 
“Why would she trust you, James? You look like nothing but trouble.” Sirius said haughtily as he tried to re-restrain his hair into an elastic. 
You were expecting James to squawk in offence, but his face lit up brilliantly as if Sirius had just solved world hunger.
“That’s it!”
“What’s it?” Remus asked warily.
“She doesn’t trust us!” James clarified, which clarified nothing for you at all. 
“What! I- no, that’s not true. I…I do trust you, I just-”
“No, no. Not like that angel.” James offered. “I’m sure you trust us enough as employees here, but not necessarily enough to willingly put yourself at risk, right?”
You tried to think of an argument.
You couldn’t. 
“Okay, let’s see…oh!” James started as he lowered himself into the water enough that it lapped against his chin. “I was completely broken when my marriage ended, and these two were the only ones who could convince me I wasn’t a complete failure.” He offered casually as if he hadn’t just dropped a significant amount of lore on a near stranger. 
“I ran away from home at 16 and James’ family took me in, no questions asked, and have treated me as their own ever since.” Sirius added quickly. 
Remus let out a sigh as he looked to the other two in faux exasperation. “And I was a poor scholarship kid attending an elite and posh prep school, and these two did everything they could to make sure no one made me feel insecure about it.” 
“All this to say, angel; I’d trust these two with my life, and I think you should too.” James finished. 
You let out a steadying breath and nodded your head. “Okay.”
“Yeah?” Sirius smiled. 
“Yeah, yes; I can do this.” You decided, mostly speaking to yourself.
“Hell yeah, you can!” James cheered as he splashed the water, Remus muttering something about him being a giant toddler. 
“So, you can plug your nose if you’d like; but try to take a deep breath in, and then whilst you’re under water try letting that air out slowly, okay?” Remus instructed then. You felt more than a little discombobulated with all of his attention focused on you.
Sirius demonstrated and you mimicked his actions which earned you a dramatic round of applause.
“Brilliant! You’re gonna rock this.” James assured you quickly.
“‘Course she is.” Sirius scoffed as if James had said something rather outlandish. “She’s been brilliant at everything so far.”
You felt your cheeks heat up near painfully and looked down to the water in hopes that no one noticed you fluster.
Unfortunately for you, it seemed Remus was more observant than you gave him credit for. “You going to be brilliant for us again today, love?” 
You felt like it was your turn to scoff. “‘Course I am.” your inner voice echoed Sirius. 
“‘Course she is.” James echoed for you; a knowing smirk gracing his lips.
“Ready?” Sirius started as he lowered himself to his shoulders.
You nodded and he started to count down. 
At one, you sucked in a deep breath and plugged your nose before plunging yourself into the pool.
You were too buoyant; your body trying to return to the surface immediately after submerging yourself which left you feeling rather panicky, but you saw Sirius blow out dramatic bubbles and decided to do the same, feeling your body slowly sink to allow you to settle onto your knees. 
James beamed a smile at you as Remus looked at a stopwatch counting down your seconds.
You realised it wasn’t so bad down here - letting the air out of your lungs left you not feeling as if your body was going to burst from the pressure, and it was beautifully quiet. It reminded you how peaceful you found floating to be just the week before.
You felt a gentle tap on your wrist, noticing Remus pointing upwards.
You stood and suddenly, you were horribly aware of how loud an empty pool could be; the sound of water filtering, the large fans in charge of the humidity levels, and the echoing of the great cavernous space left you feeling slightly homesick for the bottom of the pool.
“That was brilliant!” James cheered as he pulled you roughly into his side. 
“You say that as if you’re surprised, Prongs.” Sirius teased gently. 
“Of course I’m not surprised, she’s our brilliant student.”
And instead of an embarrassed flush of your cheeks, you felt a simmering pride settle within your chest.
It appeared that having a praise kink was, indeed, a transferable skill.
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my-castles-crumbling · 4 months
If I have to
a jegulus microfic based on this post by @whoopsiesnodaisies
"Dare," James said easily, leaning back in the squishy armchair, and taking a swig from his cup.
"Hm. Kiss the next person who walks through the door," Peter dared him, grinning.
Looking around the room, James frowned. He enjoyed kisses as much as the net bloke, but lately, he had his eyes on someone. Someone who he highly doubted would walk through the door in the next few minutes. "Err, I dunno.." he mumbled, wrinkling his nose.
"Aww, c'mon, Prongs!" Sirius yelled. "Rules are rules!"
But just then, the door to the Room of Requirement opened, revealing one Regulus Black.
"I mean, if I have to," James yelled, his demeanor changing entirely, jumping up quickly, a grin finding his face. He was, without a doubt, the luckiest person in the entire world. He should enter the lottery.
But Sirius looked horrified. "Wait-" he shouted, reaching out.
"Nah, rules are rules, Pads!" James shouted, running towards Regulus, who looked a bit scared. But when he skidded to a stop in front of the boy, he, again, changed tone completely. "Can I kiss you, Reggie?" he whispered, softly brushing his hand against the younger boy's cheek, his voice suddenly soft and gentle.
And Regulus, who had absolutely no idea what was going on, could only nod, dumbstruck but thrilled by this turn of events.
Their lips met, and several people let out cheers as Sirius fake-gagged. But all James and Regulus could do was smile.
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moonstruckme · 1 year
I absolutely love your writing!! Could I request some hurt/comfort poly!marauders? Like maybe people are judging/really rude to reader about their relationship and the boys defend her and their relationship and make her feel better 🥹
Absolutely you can! Hope this is what you were looking for babe <3
cw: bullying, sexual shaming
poly!marauders x fem!reader ♡ 1.3k words
“Whore,” Lucius hisses as he brushes past you in the hall. 
You hear James’ inhale beside you a second before you whirl. “What was that, Malfoy?”
“Too fucked out to hear me?” he sneers, coming to a stop and turning to face you. Your heart stutters at his words, but you’re careful not to let anything show on your face. “Don’t suppose you’re good for much except sucking dick, but I have to say, I’m impressed those Gryffindors caught onto it before the rest of us. I mean, why else would they bring you in on their precious trio?” His lip curls, and while there’s amusement there, there’s also genuine disgust that makes some small, pathetic part of you shrivel up in shame. “Slut.” 
“Sweetheart?” James asks, and you wonder if the restraint in his voice is as obvious to everyone else as it is to you. Want me to step in here?
You shake your head at him, but your stare is zeroed in on Lucius. You pout at him sympathetically. “I know it must be hard for you to understand. How’d I get three hot people interested in me, when you can't even get one to look your way?” You shoot him your best impression of Sirius’ wolfish grin. “Don’t worry, Malfoy, someone will come along who’s into all your inbred, Nazi bullshit one day. Maybe even a cousin, if you’re lucky!”
You continue back on your way, pretending you don’t need the steadying hand James rests at the small of your back as you stride down the hall. You make it through the common room, up the stairs, and into the boys’ dorm room before you lose momentum, releasing a shell-shocked, tremulous breath. 
James’ arms are around you in an instant, though it takes you a second longer to melt into his embrace. 
“Are you okay? You seemed like you wanted to handle it yourself, but I wasn’t sure.” 
You take a deep breath. “No, you were right. Thanks, Jamie. It just would have made it worse if it looked like I couldn’t defend myself.” 
There’s a shuffling of sheets, and you turn your head to find you’d been so distracted you hadn’t noticed Remus on his bed, studying. He sits up to look at the pair of you with concerned amber eyes, a question evident in his face. 
James saves you from responding, clutching you tighter and pressing a kiss to your head. “Had a run-in with Malfoy.” 
Remus sighs, the sound knowing. “That’s never good, is it?” His gaze falls squarely on you. “You alright, lovely?” 
You nod automatically, though your hands are trembling slightly. You’ve never been good at conflict, but pricks like Malfoy sometimes require you to rise to the occasion. It bothers you that someone like him, whom you don’t respect and whose opinion you couldn’t value less, can still rattle you like this. You know your relationship is unconventional, but it’s good. You haven’t been dating for very long, but you feel the rightness of it every day. Your boyfriends treat you better than anyone can reasonably deserve. You love them. Still…
“Do you think that’s what everyone thinks?” You extricate yourself from James, trying not to sound as pathetic as you feel. At Remus’ bemused expression, you add, “That you guys are only dating me because I put out, I mean.” 
James looks horrified. “Do you think that?”
“No,” you say, apparently too quickly, because neither boy looks like they believe you. “I don’t. I just…I don’t know, it’s stupid to care what people think, right?”
James bites his lip, and Remus looks at you consideringly. “I wouldn’t call it stupid,” he says after a moment. “It may not be the best guiding principle to always do what people want you to, but they’re not usually easy to ignore either.”
You heave a sigh, collapsing onto Sirius’ empty bed. “Exactly. I don’t want everyone calling me a slut all the time now.” 
Remus’ eyebrows shoot up. “What exactly did Malfoy say to you?”
You hesitate, looking to James in the hopes he’ll answer for you again, but before either of you can say anything, Sirius whooshes in the door. 
He completely fails to read the room, all bright eyes and good spirits as he struts over to his bed and leans down over you, his forearms on either side of your head. 
“I just heard about your Malfoy kerfuffle from Marlene,” he says, kissing you with a smack. “That’s my girl.” 
You can’t help but smile a little, his energy infectious. James gets in on the action too, patting your cheek as he sits down beside the two of you. “She was pretty amazing,” he says. “I thought Malfoy was going to shit the stick right out of his ass.” 
“Alright,” Remus says, the tiniest hint of impatience in his tone, “apparently I need to be caught up. What happened?”
“Our sweet angel said that Malfoy gets no bitches,” Sirius proclaimed proudly. “And then she told him to fuck one of his cousins.” 
“Well,” you say sheepishly, sitting up, “that’s not exactly word-for-word.” 
Remus quirks an eyebrow, but he’s smiling. “No? Give me the summary, then.”
“Basically, Malfoy said you guys only brought me in on your relationship because I put out, and uh, something about me only being good for sucking dick,” you say hesitantly, as if every word he uttered isn’t going to be seared into your memory forever. “So then I said he was jealous that I got three people to like me while he has no one, but…um, I did say something like maybe if he was lucky, he’d find a cousin that was into him.” 
All three of the boys are grinning at you, and Sirius plants another smacker on your cheek. 
“Attagirl,” Remus says, nodding approvingly. 
“Thanks.” You hope your face isn’t as red as it feels. “I guess now, I’m just a little worried that Lucius was just the only one who would say something? Like, what if everyone else is thinking the same thing?”
“Sweetheart,” James says, reaching around you to rub your upper arm comfortingly, “anyone who’s spoken to you for, like, point five seconds is gonna know that’s not true.” 
“Wait.” Sirius shakes his head, working to catch up to the conversation that started when he wasn’t in the room. “Are you really worried about what that prick said?”
You shrug, sheepish and a bit ashamed. “It’s not him, it’s more like…my classmates, and my professors. I wonder who agrees with him.” 
“Baby, anyone who agrees with Lucius Malfoy is just placing themselves in the same camp of idiots he’s in,” Sirius insists. His tone is light, but his eyes lock in on yours, feeling out how serious you are about this. “Our relationship isn’t anybody’s business, but our friends already know how you are, and they’ll defend you to anyone who asks.”
Remus nods. “Agreed. If anyone wants to believe that sort of baseless, cruel gossip, they’re probably not the lot you want to be around anyways. Just like Malfoy, yeah? If you cared what he thought,” Remus pauses to raise a playful eyebrow at you, “you probably wouldn’t be suggesting he fuck his cousins.” 
You grin. “Please, like he needed my encouragement on that one. You’re right, though, thanks.” 
James squeezes your shoulder reassuringly. “Don’t let him get in your head, sweetheart. Everyone who matters already knows he’s full of shit.” 
“Yeah, and you should’ve heard Marl boasting about you in the common room,” Sirius adds. “I wouldn’t be surprised if she buys your butterbeers next time we’re in Hogsmeade.” 
You laugh, but stop when Remus levels you with a serious look. “Anyone talks like that to you again, you come straight to us, understand?”
You nod, and Sirius drags you into his side, eager to lighten the mood again. “Yeah,” he declares, “if anyone’s calling you a slut, it needs to be consensual, and it ought to be me.”
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you cut your hair!
the marauders get a haircut.
warnings: jamie’s part sort of got ‘lil sexual. lots of kissing.
tags: fluff & smut (if you squint), 1.1k wc, established relationships! no peter in this one. sirius is babygirl. gender neutral reader
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“jamie,” you gasped, as james enter the train compartment. “what happened to you?”
james frowned, expecting a happier reaction from you. maybe an i miss you or something similar. definitely not you looking at his hair absolutely horrified.
“what do you mean? don’t you like it?” hands going up his head as he ruffles his hair out of habit.
but now, there is nothing to ruffle. you think you might faint.
“you cut off your curls!” exclaiming as you stand up, not even letting him sit down first, before you ran your hand trough his hair.
you pouted, missing the tangled soft mess on top of your boyfriend’s head. the strands, still soft, but noticeably way shorter than you’re used to.
“why did you cut it?” pulling at the short strands now. hoping that would make it longer.
he rolls his eyes, a small smile playing on his lips. dropping his small bags to the floor before he went to roughly grab your bum. your legs wrapping around his middle automatically. as he carries you to sit on his lap in the compartment.
“it was getting way too long, love.” he said as he rubs your cheek, looking up at you. “don’t i get a kiss first?”
you whine, burying your head in his neck, “only my boyfriend gets kisses.”
his chest rumbles as he laughs, “aren’t i your boyfriend?”
“no,” you said petulant, “my boyfriend has luscious curls, not a bald head.”
he laughs again, “i still have hair, look.” pulling at his shorts strands
“it’s not the same,” you whined shaking your head. “i can’t braid it anymore—“
“i can just braid your hair.” he hums.
“it’s not floppy—“
he rubs your back slowly, “floppy?”
“and i have nothing to grab anymore.”
he pinched your sides, causing you to straighten, removing your head in his neck. “you wanna do some activity that requires hair pulling now, huh gorgeous?” he teased, his hands going down to softly rub over the curve of your butt before squeezing roughly. biting his lips as he smirks at you.
“oh shut it,” you groan, leaning down, hands on the back of his head.
his soft pillowy lips moving against yours slowly, you bit his bottom lip softly. an almost feral groan leaving his mouth. before meeting yours again fervently.
the summer too long for him not to see you and do this.
running your fingers through his short hair, you try and curl your fingers around the strands and the original predicament comes crashing back when you fail to grab anything.
you lean back, breaking the kiss, an even larger frown on your face this time.
but james was none the wiser as he leans up, following your lips. eager to continue.
“jamie, i can’t grab your hair. it’s too short.” you whine, you arms wrapping itself around his shoulders instead.
he sighs, knowing you wont get to continue.
maybe i shouldn’t have had that hair cut after all, he thinks. rubbing your back, as you continue to whine into his neck.
“so what do you think?”
you look up from your muggle magazine to look at your boyfriend. arms spread apart and big smile on his face.
you scan his face, and his outfit. wracking your brain for any clues that warrants a what do you think question.
you were coming up blank until you snapped your fingers and smiled, “that’s a pretty new shirt, babe.”
his arms drop, along with his smile. shaking his head, his face looks as if saying how could you not notice?
“try again,”
you hissed softly, now fully closing your magazine on your lap and sitting up. hands on your chin as you guessed.
“the pant—“
“new shoe—“
“no,” he scoffs, “baby c’mon stop kidding around,”
you sighed, shaking your head, “i’m a bit lost here, siri. i don’t know what you want from me.”
he rolls his eyes, plopping on the couch next to you. pointing at his head, eyebrows raised as if the answer is obvious.
“i got a haircut!”
“you did?” now looking at him closely. softly grabbing his hair and twisting the still long silky strands. “it doesn’t look that different?”
“now, you’re just intentionally hurting me.”
you laugh, “babe,” tucking a lock of his hair behind his ear and caressing his jaw. “there’s literally no difference.”
he pouts, “i did this so i can be prettier for you and you don’t even notice it.”
leaning into your side more, putting all of his weight into. as he whines, if you don’t think i’m beautiful anymore then what’s the point?
you let out a teasing smile, “oh, babe, you’re still the prettiest for me siri.” leaning in and giving him a chaste kiss.
all the while thinking with a grin, what a babygirl.
“oh wow,” you shamelessly stared at your boyfriend.
he looks away, rubbing the back of his head suddenly conscious of his new hair,
“does it look okay?” cheeks glowing pink from your intense stare.
you stand up from common room couch and looked at him up and down, biting your lip as you did so.
mr. remus lupin with an undercut, what a sight. you think.
you whistled, “remy, honey, you look absolutely delicious.”
he straightened, before his head as he let out a soft smile, “that was not, at all, what i was expecting.”
“but you do,”
going to him and reaching up, feeling the buzzed side of his head, before twirling a wavy lock on top of his head.
“i’m glad you like it,” he hums before leaning down and softly kissing your forehead.
“who cut your hair?” you asked, still playing with his hair and now with his ears too.
he softly walked backwards so you could sit on the couch again and him following suit, “it was sirius’ idea but james cut it.”
grabbing your legs and pulling you closer to him. your legs loosely wrapped around his hips.
you raise an eyebrow in surprise, “i guess i have to thank them then,” grabbing his cheeks and inspecting the side of his head. “because you really look so gorgeous right now rem, i can’t believe i never even thought of it!”
he laughs, hands on your waist as you continue to inspect his haircut, heart full and bashful.
“thank you for thinking so sweetheart,”
you kiss his cheek, an almost giddy smile on you face. “so handsome.” you whispered.
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anxiousnerdwritings · 3 months
For the love of Merlin please give me Percy Wesley x older!Potter!sister — the ultimate yandere
Percy who is determined and headstrong stepping onto the Hogwarts Express for the very first time and taking one look at the pretty girl with dark hair and green eyes and a scar on her face that she’s baring proudly, just as he’s baring his second hand robes proudly, and deciding that that’s the one he wants before even getting her name
Introducing himself with confidence and is pleased to be met with a beaming smile, no judgement present
Molly would be horrified hearing Percy is in Slytherin
Her most rule following, intelligent and sophisticated son a snake??? Not understanding why until Charlie breaks out into a fit of laughter and sputters something about Percy following a pretty girl into the house and Molly whips around looking like she wants to smack sense into him because he’s obviously lost his mind and he just raises his brows and is like “yes but it’s Potter!Reader soooooo” and she has to compose herself
He’s determine to become everything his family isn’t, everything his father isn’t, making a silent promise to be better and to take care of their family that way Arthur Weasley just couldn’t
It’s funny though cause she’s already rich. Having money isn’t a driving factor for a relationship, she just wants to be seen and loved.
Yesssss, I love it!!!! But hear me out though; Yan!poly Percy Weasley and Oliver Wood with Older!sibling!Potter!Reader👀🤗. Thoughts??
Percy would totally have a much darker streak, mainly cause his darling is always ending up it shitty situations or having to deal with shitty people so he’s gotta compensate somehow to be able to help/protect her. Not to mention he’s gotta be slick to move his way up in life to be at the point he feels he can thoroughly provide for his darling and their future family.
Also, I totally see him being an absolute fucking simp for Potter!Reader, you can’t tell me otherwise. And he takes such pride in it too. Boy loves his darling so much and so early on that he is utterly willing to do absolutely whatever for them at any given second, whether she asks him to or not. After older!sister!Potter!Reader comes into Percy’s life, his whole world revolves around her and only her. She and their future together is his top priority and it makes him only strive all the harder in his education and later in his career. Everything he does and will do is for the two of them, no one else.
I just can’t help but to imagine how totally stressed out Percy is during the whole Prisoner of Azkaban plot. Like, mans is out on the hunt for Sirius Black himself to ensure his darling stays safe and sound. He would completely forbid Potter!Reader from leaving their dorm whatsoever, especially without him. His head would be on a swivel with how much he’s looking over both his and his darling’s shoulders. Not to mention also needing to keep an eye out on Harry too cause Merlin forbid anything happens to him.
Not to mention, Percy would always come in clutch for his darling when it came to them getting into trouble. He’ll cover for them as much as he possibly can too. Doing the same for Harry too, albeit a bit more reluctantly.
I love the idea of Percy and Potter!Reader moving in together after they graduate, like right after. Percy has been waiting for this moment for so long, just him and his darling and no more being at the Burrow. I could see him moving into Grimmauld Place with the Reader, Harry and Sirius, cause you know Sirius wasn’t gonna part so easily with the Reader let alone let the two move in together right away. Besides, Percy probably may as well have already moved in with how much he was over there. Or I could see Petunia giving the house on Spinner’s End to the Reader as a graduation gift/cause it belongs to her now (or the Reader just fucking breaks into it and moves in herself cause it is hers and Harry’s after all) and the Reader of course takes Harry with her to live there, cause you know damn well older!sister!Potter!Reader promised him when she first started attending Hogwarts that the second she graduated they would never have to go home to the Dursley’s ever again. Percy ends up moving in shortly after, or he’s already been moved in having taken to setting everything up while his darling got Harry and whatever things they needed.
I also could see Percy visiting the Dursley home a lot. Vernon and Petunia actually quite enjoy him and his company, he’s prim and proper, but most importantly he doesn’t come off as being anything remotely ‘unordinary’. Meanwhile, you know damn well he spent countless sleepless nights memorizing muggle related things to come off as ‘normal’ as possible to his darling’s aunt and uncle. Vernon especially takes to Percy given their bonding over talks about career plans. Percy particularly earns Vernon’s good graces when he mentions his want for an ‘office job’ and moving his way up the workplace latter when he eventually does get said job.
But let’s be honest, Percy is only trying to make nice with his darling’s family, he absolutely detests them and wishes nothing but hardship for the people who have made his darling and her brother’s lives hell. The look of utter horror and disdain when Percy sees the way the Reader and Harry live, he vows in that moment that he will do everything in his power to take his darling away from the abusive and neglectful situation they’ve been forced to endure and to give them everything they deserve and more. After that, I think Percy’s respect for/trust in Dumbledore would be nonexistent. Like, how fucking dare you to know about the situation my darling and her brother have grown up in and continue to let it take place. The situation you willingly handed them into. Percy would totally have mad beef with Albus, to the point where he just flat out calls and refers to Dumbledore as Albus, saying it with nothing but seething disgust. No more Sir, Professor or Headmaster. I think it would be Percy’s first true heel turn from being the respectful, rule abiding boy he was.
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anxiousthoughts365 · 4 months
Breakfast in the Great Hall:
Sirius: Hey Remus, could you pour me some juice?
Remus: *forkfull of eggs halfway to his mouth, one eyebrow raised* You can't do it yourself?
Sirius: *smirks, leans forward* Please, Moony?
Remus: *blushes and almost spills the jug in his haste to fill Sirius' glass*
James: *indignant* The fuck is this? You going soft, Lupin?
Sirius: *grinning* Oh, I'd say quite the opposite. Am I right, Moons?
Remus: *glowering* Padfoot. Stop.
Sirius: *an absolute shit-eating grin splitting his face in half* Make me
James: *horrified and exasperated* Oh, come on! It's not even 9am and you're already at the foreplay?!
Peter: *chokes on his toast*
Remus: *bright red from head to toe* Keep your voice down
Sirius: *entirely beside himself* That's not what you said last night
Peter: *chokes on the tea he was washing his toast down with*
James: *already on his feet* Alright, I did not sign up for porn with breakfast. Come on, Wormy
Remus: *when the others have left* You're going to pay for that one
Sirius: *on another plane of consciousness from how pleased with himself he is* Oh, I'm counting on it
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thebestofoneshots · 6 months
Gilded Constellations | (wolfstar x reader)
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Series Masterlist | Previous episode
Pairing: Wolfstar x Reader Word Count: 8.8 K Warnings: None Prompt: In which you meet Sirius' real parents and go on a Christmas shopping spree. This IS a Wolfstar x reader fic, but it's incredibly slow burn. They won't start all dating each other until we're very deep into the story, but I promise the long wait will be worth it. Proofread by lovely: @aremuslupinsimp
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Chapter 41: Urban Adventure
Wednesday, December 23rd
Sirius and you stayed by each other’s side until you arrived at the station and walked out of the train next to each other. On the platform, many students were smiling as they greeted their parents. You saw your boyfriend look at some of the scenes apprehensively, almost bitterly. That had been something Sirius had never gotten to do, at least never with his cold parents.
There were some couples kissing each other goodbye, while some kids held their heads up, trying to see above other people’s heads to find their families already waiting for them.  You didn’t bother looking for yours, you had told them you’d be taking the floo from Diagon, and that you’d be hanging out with some friends. You had gotten money on the response letter, a small enough fortune for you to buy as many gifts as you pleased, and a note that said something about them not getting home until late on the 23rd due to a work dinner that they’d be attending.  
Your father had sent you a separate letter with even more money, so you could spend as much as you pleased on your Christmas present. He had also sent a key to a vault in Gringotts inside that same envelope, saying that that was your 17th birthday present and that he thought giving it to you ahead of time would be clever, in case you wanted to save the money from your gift. He mentioned something about your vault already being filled with Galleons and some other family relics he thought you’d like, that he had originally moved it there because he needed to make space on the family vault but that you could take and squander as you pleased. Whatever was in the vault now, you could keep it as yours. 
You had been pretty pleased when you read that letter, although, you’d be lying if you said you weren’t curious about what exactly your father needed to make space for in the family vault. Regardless, you had been so busy that day, preparing for the moon, that you didn’t have much time to ponder about it. 
You saw Nina hugging a round, older-looking lady who had the exact same hair and nose, you instantly knew it was her mother. You also spotted some of your other friends here and there, some greeting their parents, some others saying goodbye to their friends. Walburga showed up at the station too, she was wearing a long dark coat and walked past Sirius like she hadn’t even seen him. Sirius’ expression turned sombre as he too pretended not to have seen her at all. You had pretty much recoiled from her and into Sirius the moment she so much as walked your way and he placed an arm around your waist. 
“Ignore her,” he told you simply. “She’s just a bitch.” 
You turned to him, he couldn’t even hide the sour expression on his face, he’d told you about the night he’d escaped with the Potters, it had been absolutely dreadful and Walburga had never seemed more horrifying to you than she did when he told you the story. And since then, you had also found out about the veritaserum she had used on Reg, and even if she looked as stunning and put together as ever, you could see the monster hidden behind her elegant features as clear as day.
You had been thinking of how Sirius’ hand tightened around your waist when you saw Sirius’ expression switch completely, you directed your attention towards his line of sight, and you instantly knew why he’d cheered up so suddenly. A slim lady who must have been in her fifties was walking towards him with open arms. She had a warm and welcoming expression, rosy cheeks and the most contagious smile you’d ever seen, only battled perhaps by who you instantly knew was her son, James Potter.
She had short, neatly trimmed hair, and there was a small unruly curl falling over her forehead. “Sirius!” she said with a smile, “Look at you, I’d swear you’ve grown a few inches since I last saw you.” She had her hands around the boy’s face now and was looking at him affectionately, exactly like you would expect a mother to greet her son after not seeing him for months. You couldn’t help but smile at the sight. Sirius was smiling happily as he greeted her, standing tall and proud as she mentioned her height and when she added, almost in a whisper, “And you’ve gotten more handsome too,” he even sent her a cheeky wink. 
You smiled brightly as you saw the interaction, almost mirroring the expression of the man in front of you, who looked just as happy as he stared at his wife greeting Sirius. He had a mop of black hair that seemed to have no trimming –now you knew where James had gotten it from– with a few streaks of white in sections and sunshine-bright hazel eyes. He looked slightly younger than the woman and had the same venturesome expression James had. There was no doubt about it, James Potter was completely and irrefutably, their child. 
“And this beautiful lady must be this Vixen you boys keep telling me about in your letters,” she said with a smile. 
“Nice to meet you, madam,” you said as you extended your hand, but she pulled you into a hug instead. If you thought Sirius had no sense of personal space, he was absolutely nothing compared to Euphemia Potter, but she had such a warm, honest and open aura, that you accepted her hug gladly, in fact, the shudder you had felt earlier when Walburga passed you by was completely forgotten the moment she embraced you as if she has some sort of calming superpower or something.  
“Please, call me Effie,” she said as she pulled back from you. “I’ve gotten a bunch of letters about you, even from Remus,” she told you with a smile. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you.” 
The man from behind, who had dragged Sirius into yet another hug as Effie spoke, turned to you with a smile. “Fleamont Potter,” he said as he extended his hand for you to shake, “but please just call me Monty, Mr. Potter was my father.” 
You smiled and shook the man’s hand, he was as tall as James, although he was rather thinner. You remembered James telling you it was his mom who taught him how to ride a broom and you thought it made absolute sense that she looked like the sporty one in the family instead of Monty. “My mother’s a big fan of yours,” you said. “She’s been using Sleekeazy since it was released.” 
Monty smiled at that, “Send her my greetings,” he said. 
“Do you know by any chance where James has gone off to?” Effie asked, looking at both you and Sirius. You exchanged glances, both of you had a pretty good idea of where he might have been, but you couldn’t exactly tell his parents that he was most likely –still– snogging Lily somewhere in the carriages.
“No idea,” you said as you looked around, pretending to look for him. “He said anything to you?” you asked Sirius who shook his head. 
Effie huffed and then shook her head as if to change the subject., “Where will you spend Christmas, darling?” 
You shrugged, “At home, I suppose… Mom and Dad haven’t talked much about their plans for this Christmas, why?” 
“Oh nothing, we were just going to invite you on behalf of James and Sirius, I’m sure they’d both love to have you with us. If not on Christmas day, you are more than welcome to come over whenever you please, we’ll leave the floo open for you during the entire break,” She said with a smile. 
“I think the boys are already planning to invite everyone over sometime for the New Year’s celebration anyway,” Fleamont added. 
“That would be lovely,” you said with a smile. “That way you won’t have to miss me as much,” you said as you turned to Sirius with a teasing smile, he scoffed in return. 
“You mean, you won’t miss me,” he sassed back, you shoved him lightly, and while still lost in each other's gazes, you completely missed Effie’s knowing smirk and Monty’s proud smile. Because of course, he was proud, ever since they had taken in Sirius, they considered him as their own, and frankly, he had been worried about his playboy personality. Not because he considered it inherently bad, but rather because he knew Sirius was doing it to piss his parents off by ruining his reputation even further, and because he was still trying to lick love out of knives, after having been starved of it throughout most of his childhood. 
Monty and Effie had vowed to make him feel loved and cared for, and they knew their friends were doing a great deal for Sirius as well, but they feared it not to be enough. The boy was still looking for love in the wrong places. But seeing him with you, teasing each other playfully, instantly told them that perhaps, Sirius’ need for love, would finally be fulfilled and he would no longer have to lick it off of knives, but rather he would be able to enjoy being fed silver spoonfuls of love by those he cared for so much. 
“You are definitely not telling my parents about my grades are you?” James asked as he placed both of his hands around you and Sirius, looking at both of his parents with a smile. 
You turned to him only to realise there was still some of Lily’s lipstick on his mouth and you turned to the side, pointing at a corner of the station, “Is that an Eagle Owl?” you improvised. And thankfully, both of James’ parents turned, and you threw a look at Sirius who decided to follow up while you used your thumb to wipe the smeared lipstick off his face. 
“Oi, what–”
“Shut up,” you whispered as you continued, “Your hair is messy enough, you really want your parents to figure out you were snogging earlier?” 
He gave you a worried look and you raised your eyebrows knowingly. Finishing the cleanup and then turning his head to look at the place you had pointed at earlier. Poor James was being manhandled and didn’t even complain about it because he knew how much help you’d been. Both you and Sirius, he might have had the best train ride of his life.  
“I must have gotten it wrong,” you said then with a shrug, “Sorry,” you added sheepishly, and Sirius had to hide the smirk threatening to grow on his face. 
Then James pretty much jumped from his spot, shuffling in between you and Sirius and reaching to give his mom a tight hug, even lifting her slightly. 
“Oh darling, you’re very energetic today, aren’t you?” she asked as he let her down, and it was almost impossibly hard for you and Sirius not to laugh after exchanging a knowing glance. 
He then hugged his father warmly and turned to Sirius and you with that same dumb smile as before, if you thought James was a goner for Lily before they started dating…
“We’re walking to a friend’s house and taking the floo home from there,” Effie explained. 
“Will your parents come and pick you up, would you like us to wait with you?” Monty offered kindly.
“Oh, no,” you said honestly as you looked to the side, there was a rather disproving glance from Effie that made you feel a little self-conscious. “No, don’t worry, I’m– they’ve sent me some cash, I’ll walk to Diagon with some friends and take the Knight Bus home, Mum and Dad are renting an apartment close to the Ministry of Magic.” 
“The Knight Bus?!?” Monty asked scandalised, not because it was a bad method of transportation or because of the pure bIood bias against it, but rather because he knew the driver and he was reckless. 
“Which friends?” Sirius asked with a frown. “We’re your friends.” 
You threw him a side glance, “Beth, Tom and I decided to get together to buy some gifts.” 
“And you are planning to walk all the way to Diagon?” Effie asked. 
“Well it’s too early to fly, and I don’t think any of us brought our brooms,” you added as you looked around trying to spot either Tom or Beth. 
Monty tutted, “Do you want us to apparate you there?” he asked. 
“I wouldn’t want to be an inconvenience, I’m sure James and Sirius are tired and want to get home–” 
“Nah, let them take you on a ride,” James said casually. 
You smiled after that, “If it truly is no bother…” 
“It’s settled then,” Effie said with a clap and an air of finality. “Find your friends, we’ll wait for you here, darling.”
You nodded and smiled, walking around the station to try and find Tom and Beth, Sirius and James both walking alongside. Beth was the easiest to find, she was talking with Mary and Marlene and you took the chance to hug the two other girls goodbye and wish them a fantastic Christmas. 
“You know where Tom is?” you asked the redhead and she sighed. 
“With Minho, I believe still inside the train.” 
“Oh fantastic, we can go look for them,” James said with a smile and you threw Sirius a glance, he instantly knew what you meant, and he had promised he would keep what he knew a secret, even from James, so he improvised. 
“Actually, why don’t we go back to your parents with Beth, Vix can find Tom and we buy some snacks to stock up your house’s pantry for the New Year’s reunion…” 
“Yeah, go ahead, I’m sure it won’t take long to find them both,” you said with a smile. Beth threw you a wary look and you sent her a reassuring smile. She knew you knew about Tom and Minho, she didn’t know Sirius knew as well, but she was sure you wouldn’t have told him without Tom or Minho’s permission and therefore decided to ask you about it later. 
You parted ways and bumped into a rather tall brunette girl, “I’m sorry,” you said politely, but the girl had turned to you with the grimmest expression you had ever seen. You were taken aback by her reaction and took a step back as you reached for your wand inside your pocket, not because you wanted to use it against her but because you thought she might want to use hers against you. 
Although… she smelled different. Almost like–
“Petunia!” you heard Lily’s voice from the side, and you turned to look at your friend almost in shock. 
Petunia as in, her sister Petunia?!? 
Lily ran straight to hug the disagreeable-looking girl and you let your wand fall back into your pocket as you pulled your hand out to greet the girl. You smiled politely, genuinely interested in meeting Petunia. Lily had told you something about the girl not responding to her letters, but she also told you that she was in her last year of high school and she was really busy as she attempted to apply for a Typewriting course in London, whatever the hell that might be.  
Petunia looked at your hand disdainfully and shook it with a very annoyed look. “Nice to meet you,” you said with a smile as you gave her your name. 
“Petunia Evans,” she replied simply and then turned to her sister as if exasperated. “Are you ready?” 
You turned to Lily who had the face of someone who wanted to excuse her sister and pulled her trunk behind her. You walked closer to her and pulled her into a much warmer hug than the one Petunia had given her, making sure to pass your hand over the back of her hair, which she hadn’t quite managed to get together after making out with James, “You have so much shit to tell me,” you whispered into her ear. “Prongs was absolutely panicked when he fled from you.” 
Lily turned red and giggled, “Merlin, please!” she said in an admonishing tone, and you just smiled teasingly at her. As you pulled apart you noticed Petunia’s look of disdain hardened. 
Good, she better fucking appreciate her amazing sister, you thought as you send her an equally hard look. 
Lily seemed to be able to sense the tension because she spoke again, “Where’s mom and dad?” She asked Petunia. 
“Didn’t make it,” she responded, perhaps that is why she was so angry. “And since they know I will be coming to London soon, they asked me to pick you up. Crossing that stupid wall was dreadful,” she added as she shuddered, placing both hands around herself.
How could Lily have such a dreadful –you used her very own words– Sister?
“Have a safe trip home,” you told Lily with a genuine smile. “Merry Christmas,” you added, giving a quick nod towards the taller girl and pulling Lily into another hug. “Don’t let her bring your spirits down, and write me all the details of the train,” you added just to tease her a little further, pulling back from the hug and giving her a knowing smirk that made her go red again. 
“Petunia,” you added, you were sure the way you said her name sounded as disdainful as the look she gave you in return and then walked inside the train. 
“Your friend is–” Petunia started. 
“Amazing?” Lily interrupted her before she said something that would annoy her, “I know.”  Petunia didn’t press further. 
As you walked inside the train you started looking through the compartments to try and find Tom and Minho. “Love birds?” you joked. There was no one else there according to the student counter near the entrance, “Come on, we must go,” you added. 
You were about to open the doors of one of the bathrooms when the one right behind you opened wide and out came Tom and Minho, both slightly breathless. You smiled knowingly at the two of them and Minho blushed a little more. His ears became almost completely red. Tom, on the other hand, only returned the look you’d given him.
“Sorry to interrupt your –talk–,” you improvised, and Minho was thankful you hadn’t called it what it was. He was not used to people knowing what he was up to, let alone who he was up to it with. “But the Potters offered to apparate us in Diagon and they’re waiting outside for us,” you explained, looking at Tom. 
“You and your angelic little face,” Tom said as he shook his head. “I’ve studied here for years and I’ve never been offered a ride by the Potters.” 
“Your parents have always come to pick you up,” Minho responded. The three of you were walking together towards the entrance, and halfway out Minho raised one of his hands to pull his satchel and threw Tom’s backpack his way. 
“Thanks, Luv,” Tom said simply and you would have sworn Minho’s ears were getting red again. 
By the time you were all out of the train, Minho gave the two of you a short goodbye hug and disappeared into the swarms of students. Tom looked at you and smiled.
“What?” you asked. 
He shrugged, “I heard you were alone with Sirius in the Marauder’s cart.” 
You smiled as you shook your head and elbowed him lightly, “I was… Until Prongs decided he needed a SexEd class and invaded us.” 
“Oh, I would have bet on Remus joining you in a threesome first…” 
“You what?!? We didn’t have a threesome! He asked Sirius questions.” 
“Oh well then,” he said with a shrug. Bet’s still on. “Wouldn’t have judged you at all, James is–” 
“James is what?” Minho, who seemed to have shown up out of nowhere, asked. 
Tom looked panicked for only a second before composing. “Really good at quidditch,” he said, “really good captain too.” Minho frowned. “Not as good as you, of course.” 
“Hmph,” you said playfully. “That’s your house’s captain, you're talking about Tom.” 
Then Minho gave you a teasing wink and cleared his throat, “You have my pen,” he said as he pulled a small silver and green fountain pen from Tom’s front shirt pocket. 
“And here I thought you’d let me keep it as a souvenir.” 
Minho laughed at that, “Merry Christmas to the two loveliest Gryffindors I know,” he added before turning around again. He no longer had his bag and you assumed he’d probably left it with his house elves or something. 
“But I’m the loveliest,” Tom said with a smile. 
“Yeah sure,” Minho said casually, as if he hadn’t been pining for Tom before the two of them got together. You just smiled, Tom’s self-assured personality could be intimidating to anyone, especially with someone as reserved as Minho, but it was nice to see that he wouldn’t let himself be teased without ever teasing him back. They really were an adorable couple. 
After Minho left –for the second time– it didn’t take much for the two of you to find the Potters again, Beth was having a really amicable conversation with Effie while James, Sirius and Monty caught up on how the boys had been doing in school. 
Effie smiled the moment she saw you and the boy walking by your side, “Thomas Harrow,” she said with a bright smile. “You are the spitting image of your father!” 
Tom smiled politely at that, “Thank you, madam, I’ll take that as a compliment.” 
“Just call me Effie,” she said with a smile and looked at him curiously. “The resemblance is uncanny, isn’t it Monty?” she said as she turned to her husband who nodded. “Tom was on the quidditch team with me in my Hogwarts years.” 
“You played quidditch?” you asked with a surprised smile. “James, you never told me your mom was cooler than you,” you teased, James gave you a huff in response and Effie’s smile widened. 
Who would have thought all it would take to charm Effie Potter was Tom and Vixen? 
“I was a seeker, like James,” Effie said. “Runs in the family.” 
“Bet your little redheaded children will also be seekers,” Sirius teased and Effie turned to James with a surprised smile. 
“Is this about that Evans girl again?” she asked. 
James slapped Sirius on the side and then turned to his mom with a smile, “Didn’t I mention to you in a letter we went on a date last month?” 
Effie gasped at that and shook her head. “You did not! Even Sirius told me when he started dating this lovely girl,” she added as she placed a gentle hand on your shoulder.
“You did?” you asked, turning to Sirius with a surprised frown and he shrugged in response. 
“Of course he did!” Effie responded. “Can’t believe you’d leave me out, perhaps we’re getting old, Monty.” 
“Maaaaaa,” James complained. 
“Well, I think you don’t look a day over 25, Effie,” Sirius said with a sly smile. 
“Definitely,” Tom agreed. 
“You could be James’ older sister,” Beth added. 
Effie smiled as she shook her head, a dramatic air in her voice that reminded you much more of Sirius than it did of James, “All of your friends like me better than you do.” 
“That’s not true, Ma,” James insisted and dragged Effie into a hug. As she was being hugged, she looked at you, Tom and Beth with a sly smile and then gave you a short wink before returning her face to that fake grieving one from earlier. 
“Ready for Diagon?” Monty asked as he looked at the three of you and you nodded. 
“Better go now before it’s too dark,” you said as you looked at the big watch near the end of the platform. 
“Indeed,” Effie said as she pulled back from James’ bear hug. “I think it’s better if we take one by one, to reduce the risk of splinching.“ The three of you nodded in agreement. “Monty, how about you take little Tom and I take darling Beth first?”
Monty nodded and walked towards Tom who instantly offered his hand. Beth did the same and just before they disappeared, Effie gave Sirius a small wink and mouthed, “So you can say goodbye properly.” 
“Woah,” you said as she disappeared. “Not even sure why I tried to cover for the lipstick smear on your face, Prongs, I feel like Effie would have just cheered you on…” 
James huffed and shook his head, “At least you didn’t straight up out me,” he added, looking at Sirius. 
“Mate, you ramble to her every time you catch a snitch in practice, how would I know you didn’t tell her about Lily?” 
“Common sense?” He asked. Sirius gave him a stern look and he just huffed again. “I’ll go look at the train or something.” 
“So he can actually take a hint,” you said as you saw James turn around and walk a few steps to the side. 
“I heard that,” he responded and you just laughed in return.
“Love you, Jamie!” You said simply.
“If you’re gonna snog her, Sirius, you better–” 
You didn’t even hear the rest of James’ rant, Sirius had pulled you by the shoulders and turned the two of you around, pressing you against one of the walls and planting a proper goodbye kiss on your lips. 
You kissed back just as greedily. It had been some time since you had kissed each other like that, and you would be lying if you said you didn’t enjoy every second of it. Even if, as you pulled away from his minty breath and soft lips you were slightly dazed. Sirius smirked as he pressed a soft, quick kiss to your lips, “You’re definitely going to miss me more.” 
Terrible choice of words, really. Two could play this game, you thought as you dragged your hand to the back of his neck and pulled on his hair lightly, dragging soft kisses through his jaw and down to that particular spot in his neck that made him overly vocal and you rejoiced when you realised he was trying –and kinda failing– to stifle a groan. 
In hindsight, kissing him like that in the middle of the station might not have been the most appropriate move, but even if you got some disdainful looks your way, the wall he had pushed you against was hidden enough and all people could really see, was two pairs of Gryffindors kind of snogging in the back. 
Sirius and you had equally competitive personalities, and neither of you would let the other win without competing properly, and in this case, the competition just happened to be about kisses. And you were most definitely at least one point above as you pulled back from his neck, giving the small bruise you’d purposefully caused a quick, wet kiss and then rubbing your thumb over the area with a little smirk. 
“There, so you’re reminded of me–”“ you looked up at him through your lashes, biting your lips to try and keep your smile from going bigger “–when you’re missing me more.” 
Sirius opened his mouth in amusement and you were sure he was about to make another move since you felt his hand threaten to inch down from your waist when Effie apparated again and you pulled Sirius into an innocent hug instead. 
She smiled as she spotted the two of you and tilted her head to the side just a little. “Merry Christmas, Puppy,” you said as you pulled away from the hug with a sly –insanely fox-like– smile. 
“Merry Christmas, Starshine,” he responded, his hand still around your shoulders. Effie couldn’t help but smile at the adoring look Sirius had given you. James had approached you then and you finally pulled apart to give him a hug, much shorter in comparison to the one you’d given Sirius, but just as tight. 
“Merry Christmas, Prongsie,” you said. “Take care of Pads for me, will you?” 
“Of course,” he said with a bright smile, and then a little louder, “I’ll keep him entertained so he doesn’t miss you as much.” Sirius rolled his eyes and pushed James lightly and the two of you snickered at his expense. “Try to keep yourself alive without us.”
You gasped at that, “You know, my close encounters have significantly increased since I met the marauders, so I’d say stepping away might actually give me better chances of that.” 
James shook his head with a smile and you gave him a short wink before walking next to Effie. She offered you her hand and you took a deep breath. “You get apparation-sick?” she asked you politely. 
“No,” you said honestly, even if that didn’t make you feel particularly at ease. You had apparated with Dumbledore a couple more times after that first class and you had managed to keep all those awful memories at bay by concentrating a lot. And you had been reading a book about Occlumency on the train before you fell asleep, but two things were making you nervous: you had never apparated such a lengthy distance since that moon, and you really didn’t want to give Effie access to your mind. Not because you didn’t trust her, you honestly thought she was lovely, but rather, because of how lovely she was. 
If she figured out what had happened that night, she may not actually understand why you had to keep it a secret. Something told you that, even if she had just met you, Effie would be more than ready to fight for your well-being and for what she thought was right. And while someone like her on your corner might be an excellent idea, you weren’t ready to relive that night again. 
“I’m just feeling a little drowsy after the train ride,” you lied, you weren’t sure if she believed you but she went with it anyway, you closed the distance between the two of you and linked your arm to hers. 
“See you in a second boys,” she said and suddenly the two of you were in Diagon. Tom and Beth right in front of you. 
You turned to her with a bright smile, “Thank you very much, Effie,” you said. “I hope you have a fantastic Christmas.” 
“I’m sure we will,” she said with a smile. 
“Merry Christmas,” added Monty as she took his wife’s hand and the two of them disappeared. 
The moment they were gone Beth pulled her list out and you all walked towards the first store: Flourish and Blotts, where you bought the very first gifts of the night, a book about History of Magic, but written by a muggle-born that you thought Lily would find fascinating, a romance book about mermaids that you were sure Nina would adore, a book about and a copy of one of the overdue books from the library Remus always kept on his bag. Beth also bought a gift for Lily there –a bookmarker– and you gave it an absolute passing nod when she showed it to you, still a little insecure on whether it was a good idea to have it or not. Tom bought like 5 different books for Minho because he wasn’t sure which one he would like best and even when both you and Beth told him he was exaggerating, he shrugged it off and decided he would buy them anyway. 
He regretted his decision when you walked inside Quality Quidditch Supplies, and he also thought every single thing inside the store would be perfect for Minho. At least this time around he actually listened and he only bought a Tutshill Tornadoes stationery set that included a mug with the seeker of the team –Minho’s celebrity crush–, a keychain and a notebook with their logo. You already felt bad about the poor Owl that would have to carry it all but he told you that he’d add a levitating charm on them. 
“You don’t mind Min will ogle at his crush whenever he has a drink?” Beth teased. 
“Not at all,” Tom said with a shrug. “I’m way hotter anyway.” 
Beth and you had thrown each other a look, Tom wasn’t lying, he had good looks and he was damn confident about them, not to say the guy on the mug wasn’t attractive. If anything, you’d both reached to the conclusion that Minho had pretty good taste in men. 
Beth and you had both bought your gifts for James and Marlene there. She’d gotten Marlene a stunning pair of beater gloves and you’d gotten her a matching pair of goggles and headband for sweatier days. 
For James, she’d bought some anti-rain spray for his broom and goggles, and you’d gotten him a small snitch keychain that you thought was adorable, you saw a beater bat and you got that one for Sirius and when you spotted the hoops and were about to get them for yourself Beth took them from your hands and told you that you’d see it again in Christmas. You also got a broom polish set for James and a small pin that said “Captain” which was more of a joke gift than an actual gift but the opportunity was too good to pass up. 
Tom bought a keychain for his father and when you remembered Effie had also been a seeker you decided to take another one of those cute snitch ones for her. You were sure she’d love to match with James. You also wanted to get something for Minho and in the end, decided to get him a very elegant-looking copy of Quidditch Through the Ages with annotations from Reyansh Atwal, the same seeker on his mug. 
“Oh, that’s brilliant, switch with me?” Tom tried to convince you as you all walked towards the register. 
“No way in hell,” you said with a smug smile. “You already have like 5 books for him, and your stationary set.” 
“But that is annotated by Reyanash!” Tom complained. 
“Sucks to be you, I’m a great gift buyer,” you replied with a smile. “I’m sure Minho’ll love all of your gifts, more than this one even,” you reassured as you moved and handed the money to the old man across the counter. “He’ll love them because it’s you who gave them to him.” 
“She’s right, young man,” the old wizard interceded. “I’ve had hundreds of books and trinkets, and I’ve cherished none of them as much as the ones Orlo gifted me.” There was an odd, longing-like look on his gaze that instantly told you that he missed that Orlo of his dearly. You wondered if the old man, like you and Tom, had peculiar preferences in regards of love. 
After that, you went to get some delicious ice cream at Florean Fortescue's Parlour since you knew he closed soon and the young owner Florean, gifted Beth a free icecream for being the customer number 100th of the day… although, both you and Tom suspected it was because he had developed a mini crush on her, that suspicion only grew when he asked if he could write her. Beth had laughed merrily and played dumb, not offering the man her address but thanking him for the free treat. 
Your next stop was Obscurus Books, where you found adorable pocket editions of a bunch of different wizarding world classics and you decided to buy one for each of the members of the reading club, including Nina who would now get double presents. And since you felt rather guilty about that, you decided to buy a few other books and trinkets for the other members you were really close to. You thought Nox, Neil and Todd would rather like the fantasy books you’d gotten them, and “The Book of Terrible Jokes'' you'd picked for Comet seemed to be right up her alley, be it due to irony or because she would genuinely make fun of how bad those jokes would be.  
You had also spotted a “Magical Chess Strategy” book there and after consulting with Tom in secret –who confirmed that Beth definitely didn’t have a copy of that one– you decided to add it to the bunch of books you already carried.
At Wiseacre's Wizarding Equipment, you found the perfect set of medical instruments for beginner Medwitched and you got it for Mary, alongside a beautiful golden and red set of Gobstones that you thought would go perfectly with Peter’s collection. You found a circle tin with his favourite cookies and decided to buy that as well. 
You got a watch for your father and a simple but elegant necklace for your mom, some sweets for the rest of the members of the quidditch team, a book about photography for Alex, and a small fountain pen –similar to the one Minho had recovered from Tom’s pocket earlier– for Nightshade, a matching one for McGonagall, Merlin knows she deserves the world for dealing with all of your bullshit, and some small packs of chocolate for the rest of the teacher’s that you’d hand out at the beginning of the year. 
After you paid there, you all walked out and took a seat near a bench, you were looking at your parchment and writing down everything that you’d gotten. 
“You got Sirius a Keychain?” Beth asked incredulously, especially as she looked at James’ gift, even Peter had gotten a nicer lot. 
“Oh, I’m actually planning to get Sirius some non-magical gifts,” you said as you finished annotating everything and called Barnaby over with a whistle. You performed a simple levitating spell and sent him off with all the bags, “Do you guys have everything you were planning to get from Diagon?” 
“Yeah,” Tom said, pretty satisfied with his haul. 
“Me too,” Beth added as she checked her bags. Her family owl had also flown down to pick them all up and take them to her house, while Tom just placed everything inside his bag, like Remus, he had also added an undetectable extension charm to it. You thought perhaps it would be useful to do the same to your own bag, even if your trunk, which you had left back at Hogwarts, already had one of those. 
Then Tom pulled a list out of his pockets and unfolded it carefully, a smile appearing on his lips as he showed it to the two of you, he seemed incredibly proud of it. 
But Beth frowned, “How are– Tom did you get a map of London?” 
He seemed taken aback by the question. Of course, the three of you knew how to navigate Diagon perfectly, and you certainly knew how to use the muggle underground, provided that you had an idea of where to go, but Tom’s list didn’t even have addresses, just the names of the stores and what you could find in them. 
Beth sighed, “How are we going to get there?” 
“We could ask around?” Tom offered. 
“If I remember properly,” you said. “There’s a small bookshop a few blocks from here –on the muggle side– and they have to have maps there, right?” 
“You think?” Beth asked. You shrugged in response. 
“Well, off to an adventure!” Tom said as he started his march towards the brick wall that would take you to Muggle London. 
You and Beth gave each other a look and after shrugging at each other, followed Tom all the way to the outside. There you took the lead, walking the few blocks and straight lines until you found “Daunt Books.” 
A small smile drew itself on your lips as you looked at the shop, you were pretty proud you had found your way there, without a map and using nothing but the bits of things you remembered from 5 months ago when you had taken the exact same path but backwards. 
It was in Daunt Books where you had found the copy of “The Picture of Dorian Gray” that you had gifted Remus among other very interesting muggle books, and you were rather eager to get back inside, you were sure you’d find other books there. The three of you walked inside the store and a small bell rang as the door opened to let you in.
There was a young woman sitting across the book counter flipping through some pages of a book as she tried to keep a diverted and amused smile away from her face. She looked up from her book slowly, as if she didn’t want to stop reading and then looked at the three of you with a smile. “Welcome to Daunt Books, may I help you with anything?” 
“We’re looking for some maps,” replied Beth politely and approached her, Tom followed swiftly and they started talking with her, you were sure Tom had put on his winning smile and was asking the lady to help him mark some of the stores he’d picked on the map –at least the ones that weren’t already on them– but you were far too distracted by a pile of books near the back to really pay attention to the conversation. 
You leaned down to examine some of the books and found the most fascinating little display with rows of stunning, leather-bound books from a “classic collection”. The Picture of Dorian Grey was there and next to it was a series of other books, some you’d heard of and some that were completely new to you. You grabbed onto one with a dark green cover and read “Frankenstein”, the tragic tale of the creature and the monster that created it. You grabbed onto it, and then onto a bunch of other books, some you’d read and thought Remus would love, and some you hadn’t but seemed right up his alley. Including a copy of “The Chronicles of Narnia” for Regulus. You had read the book and throughout the entirety of it, you’d thought of the Winter Witch as Walburga, he’d probably think it was funny when you told him about it. By the time you turned to the next row of books, you already had about 7 books in your hands. 
And then you saw it, near the back, there was a display of magazines and the absolute perfect gift for Sirius. You walked over to it and then pulled it from the shelf, it was a thick book, made out of magazine paper and it said “The Legends of this Decade”. There was an open version on display and you flipped through some of the pages. There was a section dedicated to the Beatles, another one to Queen, one for David Bowie, a very long special dedicated to the Rolling Stones and there were even smaller, 2-page sections dedicated to up-and-coming celebrities and groups like Bon Jovi (who you hadn’t heard of), Boston and Kansas (American rock bands of which you actually owned a few tapes you’d gotten back in the summer). 
You didn’t even continue flipping about and instantly took one of the wrapped books along with a special edition magazine dedicated to Bowie –whom Sirius adored–, a science magazine for Remus, and one that detailed the lives of the ABBA girls for Mary who seemed to really like the band. For a second you considered that perhaps you were going overboard with the gifts, and then you checked the money bag you’d gotten for Christmas and realised how freaking much you actually had left. So you thought, fuck it, and went straight to the counter with all the things in hand. You opted to not actually make the conversion of pounds to galleons and decided to just roll with it. 
The pretty girl gave you an approving look as she packed your stuff in a very nice paper bag with the logo of the store on the front section and you felt a little bit of pride at that. Of course, taste in books was relative, and there were books for everyone, but this girl worked at a bookshop, she must have read hundreds of books and if she considered your selection good, then it had to count for something, right? 
Tom and Beth thanked her for her help with the map and after a polite goodbye, you all left the store. “She was super nice!” Beth said, “I didn’t know muggles were so nice!” 
“Some of them are, some of them aren’t, just like wizards,” you said with a shrug and took out a bag of jelly slugs from your backpack and offered them some. 
“But she was delightful! If I wasn’t already dating someone…” Tom said as he grabbed one and placed it in his mouth. “She helped us mark all the stores on the map and even gave us a mini route so we could visit them all before they closed.” 
Beth nodded in agreement, as she too munched on a jelly slug, “And she even gave us some other recommendations.”
“And her number,” Tom chimed. “Although, I must say I suspect she was more into Beth than she was into me.”  Beth laughed and playfully hit Tom in the arm. You could easily tell they were really close, perhaps as close as you and James, or you as Remus were. “Oh here,” Tom said sometime later as he pulled the two of you into the underground.  
You had walked for hours and hours in London, you had used their bright red buses and even taken a cab, but you had never ventured into the underground. You thought it would take too much time and you enjoyed walking past stores and seeing the muggles doing their day to day so you stayed over the ground. 
But the minute you walked down those stairs you were absolutely fascinated by it, you had heard from the people in New York that the subway was dirty and had rats and, overall very many negative things, and while you hadn’t heard muggles explicitly hate on the London’s underground, you hadn’t heard them praise it either. Seeing now, in real life, made you think that perhaps those New Yorkers were exaggerating. There was a small group of people signing in one of the corners and many of them commuting around. 
It took the three of you at least a few minutes to figure out how to use the vending machine to get your tickets, but once you did, you all walked towards the train that the girl from the store had advised you to take with very accomplished smiles on your faces. 
After that, you visited a few other stores, some, where you bought some things, some, where you didn’t actually get anything. Tom dragged the two of you into Carnaby Chic Boutique and somehow persuaded you to buy some interesting muggle fashion items that he thought looked incredible on the two of you, he also got himself some clothes, and by the end of that little expedition, you might have been the most fashionable squad back in the school –as long as you were talking muggle fashion and not wizard fashion.
Then you went into a Vinyl shop, the one Daunt Books girl said would be open pretty late so she’d left it at the end of the short trip and you ended up splurging there too. You got all the new stuff from your favourites and Sirius’. You also got some chiller jazz and blues songs, since you had discovered Remus liked to listen to those while studying and you found them oddly comforting as well and you thought he might appreciate them.
You bought a few empty cassettes and a thing that would allow you to record some songs into them and make your own playlist, you were crossing your fingers it would work in your house (with all the magical interferences and such) but you got a pair of headphones. In case it didn’t, you would just walk with it –after charming it so it wasn’t as heavy– to the small café a few blocks from your apartment and record there.  
You saw some band shirts in the stores and also got a few of those, one for you with a really cool Pink Floyd logo (thought you bought it big enough in case Sirius ever wanted to borrow it), one for Lily with John Lennon (she had admitted that she’d had a crush on him back in 3rd grade), another Bowie shirt for Sirius (this one was technically a Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars shirt but it had Bowie on the front) since he seemed to love the one Andromeda had gotten him, and then a Sex Pistols one for Remus. Now you weren’t sure if he liked the Sex Pistols that much, but the idea of Remus Lupin walking around with a shirt that had “Sex Pistols” written in bold around the castle was too hilarious to pass up, especially with the wizards who had absolutely no clue that they were actually a band. 
After paying, the three of you walked outside of the incredible store and into the night. The sun had disappeared a while ago but it was certainly colder now than when you entered the shop. 
Beth sighed, her hands filled with as many bags as you as she sat down on a nearby bench. “I guess that’s it for today, isn’t it?” 
“I think so,” you agreed. 
“I’ll call the Knight Bus,” offered Tom as he looked around to make sure there were no muggles around and lifted his wand up to the sky. 
You walked next to Beth and sat there, leaning your head on her shoulder, as you waited. Then you saw a small light blink in the distance, and then all the lights to a store you hadn’t paid attention to earlier were on. There was a big green sign illuminated by the faint light of a yellowish lamp that read “L. Cornelissen & Son Art Supply Store”. You gasped, “I must go!” 
“What?” Asked Beth as she turned her gaze towards the direction of yours. “You want to go to an art store?” 
“I have to,” you said. “To get something for Sirius.” 
“For Sirius?” Asked Tom with a frown and you nodded in response. Then the bus showed up. “You already have like 4 other gifts for Sirius.” 
You made a mental note of how much you’d bought for him and decided correcting Tom was absolutely unnecessary, “Yes but… You don’t get it. It’s like you saw an all-Thubshill Tornados shop and deliberately ignored it, without even checking it out.”
“I had no idea Sirius was into art…” Beth mumbles. 
“Kids, are you getting on the bus or what?” a young pudgy guy asked as he held out a few tickets. 
“They will,” you said pointing at them. “I’m staying. I’ll call again when I require the lift.” 
“It might take a while, Sweets, we’re taking some people a little further out of town tonight and we’re pretty packed,” he added, he had a very strong Irish accent, that you would have perhaps considered nice if it hadn’t been so squeaky. 
“It’s fine, I’ll stay,” you said with a smile. “Home’s not that far from here anyway,” you added. 
Tom shook his head in disapproval and Beth spoke, “I really think it’s a terrible idea.” 
“As if I hadn’t walked around London at night before guys,” you huffed. “It’ll be alright, I promise. I’ll um… send Barnaby over as soon as I’m home. Or I could even fire-call you if you’re really worried about it.” 
Beth nodded reluctantly and pulled onto Tom who looked a lot less convinced, “Slysprite, just get on you have enough gifts alrea” 
“We’re not gonna argue this one out,” you said with an air of determination. “And I’m very stubborn. I could win an argument, even against you.” 
Tom huffed as he tilted his head to the side, clearly unsatisfied with the turn of events. “You’ll firecall me, swear.” 
You nodded, “Swear!” 
“Time to go!” the conductor said as he urged your friends to get on by pushing them lightly and shut the door. “Take care, Miss!”
“Thanks,” you said with a small smile as the bus sped out into the street. 
You instantly remembered your first trip on the Knight Bus and almost felt sorry that you wouldn’t be there to see your friends’ reactions to it. You wondered if they had gotten the hot chocolate and if Beth would be mad if it fell on her white coat. 
Alas, it was time to get to the shop. 
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A/N: Badum tss… “How many pure-blood wizards does it take to navigate muggle London properly?” Now, I've left you on a bit of a cliffhanger, haven't I? Hope you liked this chapter, it's a cute and fun thing before things get dark. Love, Lils xx
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A Second Chance pt.3 {Blurb}
Poly!Marauders+Lily x Fem!Reader - Zombie Apocalypse Au
Stick Season Noah Kahan
Summary: Reader has sometime with Remus, before she is sent out alone with Sirius}
Cw; Guns, death, zombies go nom nom , a lot of baby talk, cussing, minor character death, Zombie apocalypse typical violence, infants)
a/n- This is totally just filler, but next chapter is going to be very intense, so warning ahead of time
Amazing People- @mooonyxoxo @sippinpeachtea @amethyistheart @zjasminelouvre3 @idonotknowenglish @le-clair-de-lune @shylahstarzz
You hadn't slept a wink. Still staring out the window with Hermione against your chest. She had fistfuls of your shirt, and you couldn't bring yourself to put her down, far too anxious of what would happen to her. Your mind wandered to the worst but just because you were terrified didn't mean the world stopped turning.
Eventually, Hemione woke up and gave her soft fussy gurgles. You stood up and tried to stay quiet. Lily had laid in the bed last night, and must have fallen asleep with Harry. They were both sleeping soundly, so you didn't want to disturb them. 
If last night had happened any other time, at any other place, with anyone else, you would have kicked them out. Send them straight back to the woods. It was cruel, but you weren't going to keep around people you didn't trust. However, they had Harry and your friends have done dumber things in the past. They seemed like truly good people, that was rare nowadays, and company of your own age wasn't entirely awful. 
Everyone was going through this for the first time. You did know one thing, however, Sirius was not to be trusted to have Hermione’s best interest at heart. 
You went about your routine, making your way to the kitchen, feeding her with what little milk you could find. You don't know much about about babies, again, you used to find them extremely annoying, but you knew that when Mrs. Granger first had Hermione, she could hardly lift her limbs.
Her husband had asked you to scavenge any nuts you could find, specifically almonds or cashews, he said it wasn't ideal but if he could use it with his water supply he could make a suitable replacement until his wife was better. It was crazy to think they were gone. Did they even think that it was a possibility? That you would be looking after their baby girl?
It was life or death in the moment, but they had made a point to involve you from day one. You hadn't been entirely close, but even if they were just a few years older than you, you looked up to them. So much resolve, tenacity, and with a bond you saw in the movies. It's crazy to think you had been traveling with them for two years, and suddenly, they were gone.
Thinking about it now, Mr. Granger made a point of teaching you what he knew, Mrs. Granger had made sure you were the first person Hermione was comfortable being held by at such a young age. For nine months you had to hear the nervous but excited soon to be dad rattle on facts about newborns that you now used day to day. Barty used to joke you were ready for your own, you could still remember the absolutely horrified look Regulus had when the thought of you as a mother came across his mind. Evan’s laughter rang in your ears as you elbowed Barty in the side for the sly comment.
Maybe they did have a feeling. They were always smarter than you.
You were snapped out of your thoughts when you heard Hermione give another gurgle, quickly you set the milk down and began to rub her back. You were distracted, again.
Using as little formula as you could with the abomination of handmade nut milk was the most sustainable option. Just three more months and it would be time to worry about getting your hands on mashed food. The stress of it all wasn't necessarily bad, you found yourself waking up every morning with someone to be awake for.
Cooing at her as you swayed around to keep her calm. You had to admit, she was a cute little thing. Even if it wasn't what you wanted, even if you lost the people dearest to you, you wouldn't go back. The idea that any other outcome would have resulted in those monsters getting their hands on her terrified you more than anything.
Those bandits, the so-called “Death Eaters” like some pathetic indie rock band name, were ruthless. They first started appearing about a year ago, they had even attempted to recruit your group. 
Some religious ramblings about the worthy and the righteous, always fell on deaf ears for you. Even then, they seemed particularly insane. Speaking of the rapture and innocence leaving the community around you. That the most dignified should step up and show why they were worthy to be on earth.
That was when, of course, you had just met the group.
You weren't as skilled as you were now, but you had been alone for months when this all started. Trial and error had your best interest at heart, until skill slowly took over. When you met them, you were not the most.. easy person.
As in you stabbed, who you later learned to be Barty, right threw the hand. To your absolute horror he called you hot for it. The damn psycho. You missed him. 
Evan wasn't far behind in thinking you were just the best thing since sliced bread. Maybe it was the change in faces around their boring camp, but you quickly went from some stranger they hunted with, to someone who would pop up at their camp. Eventually, you never left. You made friends with the people there, and being a part of a group made you feel safe since the first time it all happened.
Maybe that was another reason why you were so determined to keep these people around. You wanted nothing more than to be witnessed. 
You were once again rudely snapped from your thoughts at the feeling of being watched. You hated that feeling. You turned to look at the doorway from the hall to the kitchen and locked eyes with that Remus boy. He looked to be sweating, but trying to hide how much pain he was clearly in. He seemed startled to see you, slowly smiling and you nodded to him, turning to look out the window.
He joined you in silence, using two chairs to prop his ankle up above his heart. 
Eventually, he spoke up.
“How did you sleep?” 
“I didn't. Couldn't.” You mused and after a moment of silence you turned to see him again. His eyes were closed but he didn't seem to be dozing. “... did you sleep?”
“Couldn't.” He responded and you nodded. “The pain or your friend?”
“Both.” He mumbled and slowly opened his eyes. “He.. we'd known him since we were 11.” 
He seemed so solemn. It didn't even cross your mind they may have known each other from back before the change. You walked over and took a seat beside him, and he continued. “He was always a bit of an anxious kid, maybe he did some things I need to think twice about but.. I never would of figured him to..” 
“Yeah.” You whispered. “No one wants to think of a friend that way.”
You rolled your tongue. It was hard to hold a conversation, truly. You had been alone for a month, before that you spent two years of your life with people you mostly listened to. 
“So,” Remus began. “If you don't mind me asking, where were you when this all started?”
The question grew worn and weary with each new encounter, gradually losing its significance. It was more common than normal formalities at this point. 
It held a certain importance, though, as it let many saps share their story with another person. It was a way to ensure that, even in your absence, at least one person would know your story. That you weren't lost in this world like the thousands of others who were gone. So, when the inevitable end came, whether in the tearing grip of zombies or other perils that watched you in the tree line, someone would carry your memory until it became their turn.
It just seemed to hit you, everyone in that camp. Regulus, Barty, Evans, the Grangers. Their stories were now all that was left of them. Right.
You hoped to be so lucky to tell Hermione of the heroes her parents were. The lives they saved, including yours and her own. 
“It's a.. long story.” You sighed and he nodded. 
“Is there anything else to do?” Remus offered and you purse your lips. 
“Actually,” You looked out the window and bit your cheek. The sun was rising slowly, you didn't need to be anywhere just yet. “Short version.”
Remus leaned back against his chair and nodded before you took a deep breath.
“My dad, he worked for the military. He used to take me on these hunting trips with his coworkers. These two idiots and a pretty cool veteran.”
“Is that how you shot down that buck?”
“Learned from the best.” You nodded, smiling down at Hermione as you ran your hand soothingly down her back. “My dad and I got into this big fight.” You whispered, smile fading. “I took a hike early to get away from them all. They were being.. men.”
“Men?” Remus smirked.
“Men.” You cheeked. Remus was easy to be playful with. “On my walk, there was this guy. He looked unconscious. It was.. it was a bit jarring. Then when I called for help he got up. He was eating meat of some kind.”
You shuttered as you remembered so clearly the crazed and red faced man looking at you. Like you were his next meal. “And then my dads friend, Mr. Prewett came out of nowhere. He jumped in front of me and this guys just- well.. you can assume what happened. I went back to camp and I told my dad. He panicked and called the sheriff office.” You waved your free hand. “Useless. Eventually, there was this mass panic and people chasing each other. My dad packed up the car and told me to drive. To go home and wait for him and his friends there. He just.. never came back.”
Remus nodded along thoughtfully.
“What of you five?” You asked in kind. He fiddled with his nail. 
“We had just been sent home from boarding school. We were on a train home and suddenly it just stopped.” Refused recounted the horrified screams and the mass panic. Remembering locking their compartment and drawing the curtains. The sounds of tearing and horrified screams etched into his memory.
You winced a bit. “A train?”
“Right? I mean, who starts these things off on a train?”
Okay, that made you laugh. The cheeky bugger. “How did you make it out?”
“Lily broke a window.” 
“That.. makes sense. She seems like she has a thing or two going for her upstairs.”
“Something the other two lack.”
Okay, he was definitely charming too. A sense of humor could go a long way. A comfortable silence settled over you, before you saw how late it was getting. You began to stand and Remus winced as he shifted to look at you. 
“Where are you headed?”
“The spring further down the forest line. It's fresh water and I have an embarrassing purifier.” 
“You're taking her?” 
“...” You usually did take littler Hermione with you, you hated to be so far from the house without her. You knew it would be easier, however, to leave her behind. 
“I'll watch her.” Remus offered gently.
Your eyes locked onto his hazels. You searched them with a determined tightness in your chest. Remus had never done anything to make you think he might hurt her. Something about the boy reminded you of safety in its purest form.
But you weren't going to just trust your gut. Not again.
“I'll set her down in the livingroom. If she cries-”
“I'll be here. I promise.” 
You slowly nodded and gave him a brief pained smile. His eyes were soft and so was his curled lips. Showing you a gentleness you only saw after you met the group. It frustrated you to no end, to not understand why your heart was clenching so painful and desperate in your chest at just a look.
You turned sharply and walked into the livingroom, past the sleeping figures to hide her away in the corner as you always did. You made a point to not look at Sirius nor James.
James seemed distraught, holding his curly strands of hair in between his fingers. Eyes bloodshot.
Seems no one slept.
“I am going out, down to the stream. It's a walk, so I'll be back by the time the sun goes down.” You informed them, it felt odd to have someone to report to again.
Walking past them, James suddenly stood up on his feet before he stumbled a bit. “Alone? You're going alone?”
Sirius came to grab his wrist and help him stay up.
You looked back at them with a quizzing look. “Yes. We need water. I figured the idea would make you happy.”
James shook his head. “No- no- water, it's- it's great.” He mumbled and stared at you. His eyes were low and filled with concern. You should have walked away, but he looked like a wounded puppy.
“Is that.. okay, James?” You whispered back. It was hard to stay too stern with him. 
“It is just.. just alone?” He pushed and you slowly crossed your arms.
“I have survived plenty long without-”
“I-I'll go with you! We can be quicker too, I'm pretty strong I-”
“James.” You cut in on his words sharply and his eyebrows pinched together with a sad look. “... yes?”
Merlin, you see why Lily was so taken with him. If the current situation was anything else-
“I will be fine alone.” You insisted before Sirius cleared his throat. 
“You?” You glared at Sirius, this time, unlike yesterday, he didn't shy away. “I'll go with you.”
“Can't really stop me, can you?” Sirius mused and picked up James's gun. You glared at him harder and he sighed, handing it back to James. 
“No weapons.” He comprised.
“And you travel ahead of me.” You huffed, the black haired boy slowly smirked. “Darling, I don't have a clue where we're going.”
You rolled your eyes. “Just bloody- follow me then.”
Before he could make another comment you walked to the door and began to leave. James seemed to visually relax, and Sirius hurried after you.
“Don't slow me down.” You warned him, stepping into the porch. The outside was calm and serine, but there was this sinking feeling in your chest that only grew worse as you tried to catch something in the tree line. 
It felt like you were being watched. You hated that feeling.
Your thoughts were suddenly cut out of your mind when you heard Sirius.
“Wouldn't dream of it.”
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