fakewood · 23 hours
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peculiarbluerose · 1 month
Hogwarts Legacy - Tips and Tricks
WARNING: May contain spoilers for Hogwarts Legacy
Personal experience, this does not reference videos
• You can skip most of the dialogue if you don't want to hear it again (since you can't skip the tutorial segment of the game). You can do this with triangle (PlayStation), RMB (PC), or Y button (Xbox)
• Keep stocked up on Wiggenweld potions. These, even though they don't do a lot, will help you immensely.
• Thunderbrew is useful against the Graphorn. It makes storm clouds float above the player and damages nearby enemies.
• Don't worry; Sebastian, Natty and Poppy can take care of themselves and they don't have health bars. You don't have to worry about them.
• The RoR is SO useful, it's not even funny. After a quest with Deek, you'll have vivariums to maintain beasts, and you can get materials from them. This place also allows you to identify unidentified gear, upgrade gear, brew potions, grow magical plants, and you can customize it. Love this place.
• It's impossible to stop Sebastian from doing anything; just be careful how you respond. You'll see, if you don't already know what I'm talking about.
• You cannot be "evil" in the game, canonically. You can just be an absolute sleazeball, though. Don't worry, you'll keep your friends (somehow).
• Speaking of dialogue, your actions really don't have much impact on anything. Of course, it will influence how characters react to you, but there's really no consequences for your responses.
• Speaking of consequences, there's none of you use an unforgivable curse. If you're on PC, there's an Azkaban mod that allows you to be caught with dark magic and sent to Azkaban, just in case you want more realism.
• As for realism, you don't actually have a curfew. You can walk around all willy-nilly in the middle of the night with no repercussions. The person who made the Azkaban mod has a curfew mod that allows you to get caught at night, if you want the extra challenge.
• No, I'm not sponsored.
• Solomon Sallow will hate you regardless of your actions. You're friends with Sebastian, that's why. Don't take it personally.
• Brooms fly faster than hippogriffs, but hippogriffs ascend and descend faster than brooms.
• Rare events occur, such as the train at King's Cross Station arriving and leaving, the kraken saying hello in the lake (scripted event during the flying class), a suit of armor getting annoyed with another and turns the aggressive nudge into full-blown murder, amongst other things.
• Unsure what it is, but sometimes you'll find a ridiculous amount of dark witches and wizards in and around the Forbidden Forest... They won't hurt you, and you can't hurt them, but they're there.
• Speaking of the Forbidden Forest, there are a LOT of spiders. If you don't like them, are scared of them, have arachnophobia, etc., there's an "arachnophobia mode" in the settings, so they're less scary. Alternatively, there's a PC mod that turns them into burgers. This is good if you don't even want a slight resemblance of a spider in the arachnophobia mode.
• No, I'm not sponsored
• Sometimes, NPCs will describe you based on your hogwarts house (this can be seen in the "Minding Your Own Business" DLC quest in Hogsmeade)
• All four houses have their own quests (though they tie in to the same character and quest at the end).
• There are plenty of Easter eggs referencing the movies (one being the Shrieking Shack on the map in Hogsmeade where the Old Fool house is, just on the outskirts of Hogsmeade).
• Don't worry, Ravenclaw, you don't have to answer riddles every time you want to enter your common room.
That's all I got, homies
(P.S. Slytherin is the best house -from a very unbiased Slytherin)
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Reaching out, or rather, returning the call I suppose. I’m way out of my comfort zone, I feel silly. I’m doubting myself; though I can’t ignore this..this.. fire? Idk how to describe the pull I feel towards her- it’s like my spirit is ablaze with yearning ( cringe Ik).
Tsirona, Damona, Brixta
Stellar Queen I beseech Hail, Hail
Star, Cow, Moon, Sorceress Great, Hail
I, humble, who you have called to
I, having given praise, art, Hail
Do now call, Shinning one- hear me
To my prayer kindly incline, Hail
Threefold Queen Divine; cosmic spring
Tsirona, Damona, Brixta
This prayer was inspired by the octosyllable formula found in Gaulish curse tablets
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clerical-error · 2 years
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An emissary of Sirona reminds you that a sliver of healing and peace awaits you wherever there is rushing water. The springs await you.
Sirona (Đirona) is a Continental Celtic (Gaulish) goddess who was worshipped across Europe, from the east of France all the way to Hungary. She is associated with snakes, healing springs, wells, and stars, which also provides the origin of her name (and there's also an asteroid named after her, fittingly). Under Roman interpretation, she was associated with Diana and was often seen as a consort of Apollo. Temples and plaques were dedicated to her along healing springs.
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donnodubus · 1 year
"Sirona Ryan"
I normally would not stoop to mentioning such a disreputable person as J.K. Rowling, but unfortunately she seems to be invoking the names of Gaulish Gods now, as part of her fanatical bigot campaign:
Hogwarts Legacy has reportedly introduced a trans woman character named Sirona Ryan.
#Sirona is in fact a Gaulish Goddess associated with thermal baths and healing. Her name means something like "Divine Star," and was also spelled Đirona, Θirona, or Serona.
She was often worshipped alongside #Apollo ~ #Grannos, Solar Gods Who were also of healing and thermal baths.
Her iconography was represented by Roman artists as #Hygeia, a Greek Goddess of health and hygiene.
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It was probably not uncommon for both girls and boys to be named after Sirona in antiquity. We have records of widespread personal names like:
Sironis, Siranius, Serana, Seranus, Serania, Serandus, etc.
(Note that spelling differences could arise from linguistic changes or dialectal variants).
But of course, we know that Hogwarts Legacy is not making such an innocent callback to ancient Gallo-Roman culture...
It's obvious, given Rowling's penchant for naming characters with ham-fisted puns, that she intended "Sirona Ryan" as a cryptic, backhanded way to misgender a trans woman (first, for Sirona sounding like "sir", second for the surname sounding like a man's name).
This is an extremely cynical way to troll the trans-rights boycott of her video game. I'm sure we'll never hear the end of people claiming Rowling and Hogwarts Legacy are really inclusive now, since they "even have a trans character."
It disgusts me even more that she chose to sully the name of our glorious Goddess for this despicable act.
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titansnacks · 10 months
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Lilith was strong, just like her name, Sebastian thought. She attacked the troll first, then destroyed it. He could see how she belonged in Gryffindor with the insane bravery and stupidly heroic actions. But as she sipped her butter beer and hid from the dark wizards, he couldn't help the smile that spread across his face when he turned to see her softer, scared side.
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gamesscreens · 4 months
Rus professional voice dub by GamesVoice is out just a few days before a New Year. I started re-playthrough, feels much better with native language. Since all the films in our cinemas are dubbed, there are many actors here who voiced the dubs of the Harry Potter films
Three broomsticks scene
I don't know if I'll have the patience to re-walkthrough the entire game again because it lags so bad in fights but I started to stream it here
I definitely like this MC voice more than original one
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gyore · 4 months
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WIP felt miserable so i drew fajr and sirona and now i feel more miserable . oopsies . also this is the first time i’ve drawn fajr wo her hijab
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toutagalation · 1 year
Hogwarts Legacy was quite the topic… eer last month? Boy, are we late on this one... Were you happening to be thinking about how Sirona is the name of a Gaulish goddess?  Also, F@$% TERFS.
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uailogenos · 1 year
A Paganized rendition of a classic Southern/Appalachian song done by me and @abonigena and dedicated to Nantosueltâ and Đîronâ.
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oespiritocelta · 8 months
Mitologia - França
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Arduinna: Arduinna é a deusa da floresta e da caça. Ela é a deusa tutelar da região das Ardenas (Bélgica, Luxemburgo e França), representada como uma caçadora montada em um javali.
Artio: Artio é a deusa da abundância e da vida selvagem, especialmente ursos. Seu nome é derivado da palavra gaulesa para "urso", artos.
Belenus: Belenus (Bélenus) é o deus da cura também associado ao fogo. Imagens de Belenus às vezes mostram ele acompanhado de uma mulher, a divindade Belisama.
Belisama: Belisama (Belissama) é a deusa ligada a lagos e rios, fogo e artesanato. Isso faz com que ela seja comparada com a deusa irlandesa Brigid. Belisama também é a companheira de Belenos, cujo nome contém a mesma raiz (Bel = brilhante).
Cathubodua: Cathubodua (Catuboduá) é a Deusa da guerra. Na língua gaulesa, acredita-se que o nome Cathubodua significa "corvo de batalha".
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Cernunnos: Cernunnos (Quernunos) é o deus da vida selvagem, da natureza intocada. Ele é retratado com chifres, sentado de pernas cruzadas e usando um torc no pescoço. Uma das representações mais famosas de Cernunnos é o Caldeirão de Gundestrup.  
Epona: Epona é a protetora dos equinos e acredita-se que ela também seja uma guia das almas (criaturas cuja responsabilidade é escoltar as almas recém-falecidas da Terra para a vida após a morte). O culto a Epona como padroeira da cavalaria foi difundido inclusive no Império Romano.
Ogmios: Ogmios é o deus da eloquência. Ele é algumas vezes retratado como um homem sorridente com longas correntes ligando sua língua às orelhas de um grupo de homens que voluntariamente e alegremente o seguem. Os celtas acreditavam que a eloquência é o poder supremo porque pode encantar os homens e controlá-los mais do que a força.
Nantosuelta: Nantosuelta (Nantossuelta) é a deusa da domesticidade, frequentemente associada à água. Seu nome pode significar "rio sinuoso" ou "vale iluminado pelo sol". Ela é companheira do deus Sucellos.
Sucellus: Sucellus é o deus da agricultura e do vinho. Ele é geralmente representado como um homem barbudo carregando um grande martelo. Sua companheira Nantosuelta às vezes é retratada ao seu lado. Quando juntos, são acompanhados por símbolos associados à prosperidade e à domesticidade.
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Rosmerta: Rosmerta é a deusa da abundância e da riqueza. O nome Rosmerta significa "a Grande Provedora".
Sequana: Sequana é a deusa do rio Sena e da tribo celta Sequani.
Sirona: Sirona é a deusa da cura associada a fontes, cobras e ovos (símbolos da vida no mundo antigo). Ela também pode ser associada à astronomia, já que seu nome significa "estelar" ou "astral".
Taranis: Taranis (Táranis) é o deus do clima, associado ao céu. Seu nome significa "trovão". Ele é representado por um homem barbudo com um raio em uma mão e uma roda na outra. A roda de Taranis pode significar a compreensão dos celtas sobre o mundo natural e seus fenômenos por causa da agilidade com que a natureza se transforma.
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Revised prayer to Ðirona
Starkindler, bubbling font! Hail!
Asteriá, moon! Hail, Hail
Glimmering Lady, I beseech
I, humbly, whom You have called to
I, having given art, praise
Do now call, Shinning One
Hear me, threefold Queen
Cosmic spring
Above and below
The waters of the Sky black mirror
Dumnos, Albios
Unbecoming, remaking, becoming
Adder and egg
Regina Caeli, Fontis Stella
Ueronados and Anderandos
Giamos and Samos
Both are mirrored in you
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Praise unceasing unto the Queen
Within you the mysteries found
As stars to your brow are bound
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paganpillar · 2 years
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Celestial Goddess
Who glitters radiantly
And sparkles at night
Heal me with your light
Cloak me in constellations
Casting reflections
Submerge me in depths
Deep below the warm surface
In sacred waters
Let your righteous springs
Soak away the unworthy
And let me be whole
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minnesotadruids · 2 years
Overall what is the purpose of these physical things such as being tossed in a river or other "rites of passage" during initiations in the druid orders? Overall what does nearly getting injured by being tossed in a lake without knowing what is down there have to do with improving yourself spiritually? This has been one of the main reasons I think so many "pagans' today do not see the need for formal rituals where they could be hurt. Overall, why is there a need for such physical stuff when its supposed to be a spiritual journey?
Rites of passage are a fundamental aspect of spirituality, and arguably a necessity in our human experience.
Most world religions will place some sort of emphasis on mind, body, and spirit. Solo spirituality without rites of passage are great for perhaps the mind, but without the physicality (body) or that moment of transformation and new beginning (spirit), it leaves us with a void, or an emptiness which we might not even realize we have.
Imagine graduating college by just passing your finals and the office sends you an email saying you graduated with honors and that's all you ever get for it. That email serves as your degree, proven by a mere confirmation number. For those expecting some sort of ritual to mark the occasion (a grad ceremony with gold cords, or at least a fancy paper degree), they would say "Wait, that's it? That's all I get?"
Imagine just getting a marriage certificate at the county registrar and never having a wedding ceremony. Imagine leaving a loved one's burial to the state and never having a funeral. Ok yeah, some people do that. Your personal spirituality should not be neglected in this manner though. Most people need to mark these occasions with a transformative event.
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Visualize your spirituality or religion or whatever you call your practice as a three-legged stool. It is held up by a philosophy or set of beliefs, has some form of ritual or set of practices (i.e. rites of passage), and community, whether that’s just you solo (yes you can be a community of one) or a bunch of people. If you take away one of those legs, the stool cannot stand. David the Chronicler stated something similar, though he originally omitted community even though he was writing to a fellow druid at the time after they had both established new Groves (communities) in their respective areas:
1. It is mine observation that religion is composed of two parts: the philosophy and the ritual. Should either be absent, there is no longer religion. 
2. For without the philosophy the ritual is but playacting; and without the ritual the philosophy lacks the warmth and vitality, which is capable of perpetuating it beyond its originator. 
3. For there is in all men a certain desire for the glory of ceremony. 
4. Often it is indulged in for its own sake, as in the case of secret organizations and in the worship of the state (which is often confused with patriotism). 
5. For ritual is capable of crowding all else out and becoming the end in itself. It is for this reason that we are constantly threatened by the Druid ritual shedding its philosophy and becoming mere playacting. 
6. I am persuaded that our philosophy is valuable, for in Nature we have found a peace and a fulfillment that was otherwise lacking. 
7. But we have also recognized that ritual is most often a hindrance; and to eliminate it is simply to encourage non-ritual to become the ritual. Rather as Druids we have endeavored to build a ritual which will be the destroyer of its own importance.
-Epistle of David the Chronicler 3:1-7
That last line may appear self-defeating, but what David means is that it’s not ritual for the sake of ritual. We don’t get hyped up that a ritual is happening, but that we ought to focus on the fulfillment we gain as a result of the ritual. 
Rites of passage also have a three-legged stool. Without needing a new picture just visualize the following
Separation: You as the candidate (or sometimes there are more than one) are singled out for this occasion; the focus is on you, and you are about to leave an old part of your life behind
Liminality: During the rite, you are in a transitional phase; the rite itself takes time and you are going through a process of change
Incorporation: At the end of the rite you have reached a new beginning; perhaps you gained new insights or had something bestowed upon you or reached the end achievement and now you apply these changes on the path ahead
Rites of passage have a profoundly positive effect on those who complete them, and even modern psychologists are increasingly lamenting that our modern society is lacking in these rituals. The rite you are asking about is the ordination rite to the Order of Sirona. In the entire 59 year history of Reformed Druidry, this ritual has only been done twice, and it’s really the only RDNA rite that has an element of danger. Well there's also the Order of Hephaestus which requires the candidate to jump over a fire nine times, but Hephaestus is Greek, and the Order is considered a non-canonical "side order" of the priesthood. We also have designated spotters for this rite of passage, which is exactly why community is important!
Safety is important, and we will be as accommodating as possible. If we can hear thunder in the distance, the advisement is to reschedule. As druids embrace nature, we’ll have our rituals in the sleet and rain, but we really try not to endanger each other. For future ordinations to the Order of Sirona, it would be strongly urged to find a body of water that is known to be safer in general, perhaps at an actual designated swimming beach.
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