#Skincare For Teens
scienceandskincare · 3 months
The Best Skincare for Teens
Navigating adolescence comes with its fair share of challenges, including changes in hormones that can wreak havoc on the skin, making skincare for teens a difficult routine to nail down. As teenagers transition through this phase, establishing a consistent skincare routine becomes crucial for maintaining healthy and radiant skin. However, with a myriad of products available in the market, it’s…
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pinkverge · 2 years
Natural beauty tips for Teens!
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At first glance, the concept of natural magnificence and beauty may appear subtle. Perhaps a little difficult. In any case, it isn’t. Everyone has access to the standard of excellence. Yes, you as well. It’s also a lot easier than most people realize.
With the right dress, make-up, and embellishments, any oddball can transform into a beautiful swan. Regardless, these are only fleeting moments of grandiosity. When the woman removes her make-up, her true face is revealed.
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eenameenadeekaa · 1 month
Desi girlies pls tell me if you would recommend dot & key sunscreen or not
Main khareedoon ya nahi???
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azeesi · 1 month
I need your help girl!
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When I was 16, I discovered blogging and after conducting some research, I decided to start my own website. A few months ago, I got my first laptop and began posting content twice a week. btw I am 20 right now. However, like many bloggers, I'm struggling to get more than 20 pageviews per day. I'm reaching out to my Tumblr girlfriends and asking for a favor. If you enjoy topics such as makeup, skincare, mental health, books, and girlhood experiences, please take a moment to check out my website. I'm not asking you to visit regularly, just to give it a quick look and let me know what you think. If you have the time, please consider reblogging this post to your audience. It would be amazing if you could help me spread the word and get more traffic to my website.
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burgirrrr-rants · 4 months
Watching people talk about their skincare routine, while I only use water and a facewash
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So I stopped bothering to treat my acne even though the treatment I was using worked. I saw significantly clear skin for the first time in years. But the reason I stopped is cause… I didn’t actually feel much better about my face. In fact, I kept obsessing over other aspects of my skin. The fact that there’s was still redness in some areas, for example.
I only started that treatment to spite my mom who wouldn’t listen to me when I said acne is far more complex to treat than practicing basic hygiene. She wouldn’t get off my ass for my acne either. I talked about an insecurity of mine irt not knowing how to talk to new people and she blamed it on my acne and it tells people i’m not confident??? (This was an internal struggle, people are nothing but kind to me)
It was just frustrating to me that I essentially opened up a pandora’s box of developing an obsession/insecurity over something that’s fucking harmless. The wash I was using worked, but that required dealing with my face burning even with the gentlest wash possible. It’s absolutely insane to willingly subject myself to pain for that
And I told my mom that I would have to use treatment methods that actually work like OTC creams or washes with salicylic acid. And 1. she indicated that she knew those existed but never bothered telling me about them (I had no idea they were a thing) 2. She told me that just washing my face every day (“without those Chemicals”) should be enough to get rid of my acne, ignoring the fact that my skin cleared up periodically regardless of whether or not I washed my face. Then of course she shifted the goal posts. Washed my face every day with water and that didn’t make a difference? I have to use more products. I used face wash products (without salicylic acid) in the past and I didn’t see a difference? I’ll need to use them longer than 2 weeks if I want results. Of course I’m welcome to waste money on something when I could just be doing it for free… 🙄
My mom doesn’t have acne by the way, and never really had much in her teen years. If you read studies on what causes acne, there’s quite a lot of mention of hair follicles. I have hair on my face, my mom doesn’t. She barely has body hair in general, she straight up doesn’t have any on her arms and legs. So I am just prone to developing acne while she isn’t, but she believes that she must be doing something right while I’m not.
So I used the wash out of spite, and saw results. But it didn’t feel worth it for the reasons I outlined before. I didn’t gain a better appreciation for my face, instead I kept trying to “fix” more and more because it wasn’t enough. If you desperately search for problems, you’ll find some. that’s why the beauty industry makes so much money, and I’ve always been against that. I think I’d prefer if I didn’t have acne since I keep picking my skin, however I see it more as a neutral trait that I don’t necessarily like but can live with. I can’t even really imagine having a clear face and I don’t even want to look “perfect” either. It’s just how I look. Who cares
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seekgeeks78 · 3 months
I am not new to Tumblr however this is a new page. I won't say my real name here, but you guys can call me Claire. I currently do not have a phone because mine broke. I am on college board on a school computer. On college board you cannot download photos or do a lot of things so for now my page will be very plain. I can't wait to see if this page grows and talk to you guys. Also please do not share anything on my Tumblr to other social media accounts I really don't want people I know personally to find out about this page.
Thanks for listening xoxo, Claire
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sp1d3rv4mp · 11 months
Hello :3, i recently joined tumbler and im trying to be active tho it does confuse me a little but i’m always active on insta (@/sp1derv4mp)
I’m looking for friends :) for if you’d like to be my friend you can follow me on either platform (insta or tumbler) here’s something’s about me
My name is Jaz and i’m black, i’m 17 years old, my pronouns are she/he, and i’m aromantic and a artist (kinda) :3 here’s more about me.
Likes- Cats, Spider-man, Luigi (not Mario), Hobie brown 🤭, the colors red and green, supernatural, teen wolf, criminal minds, Lucifer, community (the show), the moon, Jake Gyllenhaal, Skin care, tattoos, piercings, jewelry, halloween, Scooby doo, shadow from sonic,
Dislikes- Dogs, politics, minimalism, Mario (i honestly can’t remember a lot of my dislikes because i don’t really think of them i’ll add more over time)
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Girls' Night with Ecco, Bruce, Jeremiah, and Jerome watching horror movies while wearing face masks, painting each other's nails, and dyeing Miah's hair
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nodontleaveme · 1 year
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fvn teen life    ˚     . ✧ ⏆   . ﹢ 𓈒 ˙ ּ 🎧⠀ . 𓇻 ݁
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amiboxuk · 1 year
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azeesi · 1 year
Finding inspiration from bookstagrams, and reading till midnight.. Taking long showers, smells so like soul de Janeiro , doing my skin care , while my headphones are humming "diet mountain dew " .
Never felt so good 💗
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dragpinkman · 2 years
i was shaving my face today and thought about when i was younger, maybe 5, and my mom was giving me a forehead kiss goodnight and i said i could feel her mustache on my head. i was not for a moment thinking of that comment as a bad thing yet it caused my mom to leave the room quickly and turn on the shower to shave her face. my dad told me the next day my mom was upset last night and that its rude to comment on womans body hair even though i didn’t mean it to be rude. i dont remember much from that age but those self image things stuck with me. i was laying my head on my aunts arm when i was around the same age and just me being near her made her self conscious enough to say she needs to shave her arms again because the dark hair is so noticeable. i didn't even think about that i just wanted a place to rest my head. i still shave my arms in the shower.
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sukisukidoll · 2 years
Me saying hey guys to my non existent followers(^-^)
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(I need attention to survive)
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DIY All-in-One Face Serum, Mask and Toner | DIY Skin Care
DIY All-in-One Face Serum, Mask and Toner | DIY Skin Care Effortless DIY Skin Care: Create This Incredible All-in-One Serum, Mask & Toner Now!   Do you want to literally glow up overnight using the Light Feminine method? Click here!       Hey, pretty people!       I am a big fan of multipurpose beauty products, especially if I can craft them up myself! I love to come up with new recipes…
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scourgewasright · 29 days
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Man FUCK skincare culture
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