#Skyrise Music
stevieskyrise · 1 year
(Skyrise Music) #NewMusic #Sundaysong #SundayMusic #indie #HardRock #Rocknroll
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thatcoolguyeli · 4 days
um. evanreg. i need to know more im afraid. i havent heard a single thing about them ever and im already obsessed
hey rem:)
evanreg is just evan and regulus learning together how the world can be kind to them, they both were hurting so much and leaving their families at similar times created this bond where they understand each other to a scary level. they are this reserved couple you wouldn't assume are dating as they are still very scared of outside judgement. sometimes their love for each other is suffocating but they both are too say anything as the fear of losing each other is worse. its not codependent to the point of never seen without each other but they just enjoy each others company too much they wont change, they both live separate lives and they are very happy to finally not be controlled every step of the way.
i like to imagine evan doesn't like to stay in a job for too long as he cannot settle, constantly searching for something he can't find as the only thing he knows he enjoy is music and weed which doesn't pay the bills. regulus is in some cooperate job actually using his degree and is enjoying it. feel like in a modern au it would be compute science or business. they live in the city in this skyrise with beautiful views all refurbished but very cosy, they take pride on their space as its finally theirs
i could go on for ages
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Game time!
No TWs as far as i'm aware :). Shorter than normal, but it's set a bit after Detective? so have fun (:
@cupcakes-and-pain @maracujatangerine
“Hey, how do you guys classify supervillains? Or normal villains? Cuz if criminals aren’t villains, but the only difference between them that i can see is that villains have some sort of power. Are supervillains just really, really strong villains? Or do they gotta have a mafia or something? What’s the requirements? And why am I classified as a villain, I haven’t done anything that bad. Is it because of my power? Wait, do you know what my power is? What’s your power? Can-”
“Kid, what. How in the fresh hell did you get up here. This- we’re on the ninth floor!”
Awh, she didn’t answer my questions. I wanted to ask again but my throat closed up so I scampered onto the bookshelves to poke at the plants up there. Skyrise tried grabbing at me, but she was a very bright, blaring orange like one of those hunting vests so I dropped back down to climb over the desk in the middle of the office instead. She was saying something about not being allowed up here, and asking who I was. I stared at her from behind the desk, while she called out to whoever was in the hall. I’ve always been allowed up here though, but normally it’s with Detective and I haveta wear normal clothes. 
I like my costume better, cuz it’s got dark blue on it, and a really bright blue too. My goggles are red though, so I don’t like them as much but the costume makers didn’t have any in blue at all, which was rude. Blue is the best color, obviously. 
“Ghost, stop distracting Sky. Sky, that’s Ghost. He’s a visitor, and the detective can vouch for him. If he doesn’t want to leave just give him the light blue switch, it’ll keep him entertained long enough for us to contact Detective Gunner.” Monsoon called, walking past the door with a box of something. 
Skyrise just kept staring at me, so I stared back while pushing a pile of papers towards the edge. There’s no reason they should be on the desk anyway, and it’s not like anyone will actually do it, either. Skyrise grumbled something I couldn’t understand before walking over and grabbing the pile before it reached the edge. I guess that’s one way to get rid of it, I suppose. She walked towards the filing cabinet that was next to the bookshelves and started digging through it. I perked up when she pulled out the switch, cuz that means I get to play Stardew Valley and eat chocolates all day.
She turned around and I lunged over the desk to stand in front of her, holding my hands out for the switch. It’s been three whole days since I last played, and I needed to visit Sebastian. He’ll be my friend whether he likes it or not. She jerked back like she got hit, before blinking and handing me my switch. Aw yeah, game time!
I sat down under the desk, and listened to Skyrise walk out muttering angrily about something and close the door. 
“Staaaaaar dew vaaaaaalley, du du du du du” I whispered to myself as the game loaded up and music started playing. I had to farm my stuffs and then go visit Sebastian, and maybe I’d mine enough ores for the blacksmith. I hummed a random tune as I started farming, and planned on spending the rest of the day playing. It’s not like I have anywhere to be, and they always call Detective so he won’t get mad at me for disappearing again.
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deviiancetv · 2 years
Skyscraper // Oneshot
Synopsis: A young twentysomething coming home after a long days work. Relaxing and unwinding from the hectic-ness of adulthood.
Word Count: 984
Genre: Adulthood, Loneliness, Alcohol, Melancholy
Created by: @deviiancetv
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“Honey, I’m homeee!!!” I say as I pull the key out of my front door lock, walking into my skyrise loft apartment, alone.
Well, not technically alone. I have my Chartreux fur baby, Bleu, who’s tucked into a loaf, sitting on the ledge upstairs where my bed is. He gets up and prances down the stairs to greet me, as I take my shoes off, and sit them to the side by the front door.
I give Bleu a little scratch on his back, he curls his tail around my leg. Most cats don’t show affection in noticeable ways, but for as long as I’ve had Bleu, he’s always been playful and sweet with me. Even though I didn’t give birth to him, he’s still my sweet child.
Sometimes I wonder if I could ever possibly have kids of my own someday. The way this world is, and how the people of my generation are, it’s probably best I remain celibate, and never give my body to anyone who will not treasure or pacify it the way I do.
I walk upstairs and strip down to nothing but my underwear and my tank top. I put on my favorite oversized crème colored hoodie, and slide my feet into my black Nike slides. I put my work clothes into the laundry hamper — probably won’t see them again for another week. I flop down onto my bed to check my phone, swiping and scrolling from app to app. When you think about it, having a phone is just not all that interesting. It’s just a small device that we’ve become so codependent on, constantly searching for validation on social platforms, looking at so many discussions and debates happening, when in the grand scheme of things… they don’t even matter.
Of course, as an artist myself I’d like to have my work adored and praised. Sadly, we live in a world that tosses its artists down the drain. We’re just merely sacks of blood and bones contained with creative ideas, only to be used for our intellect and discarded as soon as we aren’t needed anymore. From working these minimum wage jobs, I’ve barely found the time to create art or work on my passions. I oftentimes wonder, “Will I ever begin to live my dream life…?”
And now, after having such a nihilistic thought about how I view my place in the world of my passion — I think it’s time for a drink.
I plug my phone up to charge its battery and open my music app to my favorite playlist for vibey relaxing music. The genre that gets me into the mood to unwind, is Japanese Jazz. The mellow vibrancies of bass, saxophone, and light twinkles of a picturesque vision of smoking a cigarette on the balcony of a rainy cityscape… that’s how I would describe Japanese Jazz. I onnect my speakers to my phone, turn the volume up to 85%, and begin two-stepping my way off my balcony, and down my staircase. Snapping my fingers with a little twirl, I dance into my kitchen and open my fridge. My bottle of 2019 Gary Farrell Pinot Noir sits on the side door of my fridge, gazing at it with enticing lust, I grab it and fetch a wine glass from my cabinet.
I quickly rinse and dry my glass, I grab my bottle and twist the top off. Pouring half a glass full of wine, I sit the bottle down and close it back up. I pick up my glass, and take a sip joy. I wouldn’t call myself an alcoholic, but just having a few glasses of wine every now and again isn’t all bad right? Besides, I think at this point in my life, this is the antidote to my sadness. With my glass firmly gripped in my hand, I walk to my light switch, turn off the lights in my kitchen, and walk over to my side door where my balcony is. As soon as I twist the doorknob, *BOOM* the sound of thunder radiates in the distance, and a streak of lightning illuminates the forecast, and like clockwork, the down pouring of rain begins. I decide not to step out into the impending storm, and just sit in my window seat, leg crossed over the other.
Bleu scampers over to come to sit with me by the window, staring out into the distance as I enjoy the synchronized tunes of my music meeting the rain, enchanting my ears in a meditative state. Closing my eyes briefly, I imagine myself being on top of the tallest skyscraper possible, the skyscraper of one’s dreams. The building begins to flash an LED light show of my art on full display for all to see. And as my eyes are closed, I begin to feel something odd. Not to fly or fall, but for once, I felt an exhilarating feeling I had never felt before.
In the past, people doubted my successes, and I know that my future is filled with many uncertainties. But I also know that my artistry could get me into spaces where I can be viewed as someone of importance, inspiration, and success. I could be the tallest skyscraper in my imagination.
And with that, I open my eyes and turn my head over to pet Bleu, who was sitting right beside me watching as the rain trickled down. As I stared out the window, imagining a life of success that I’ve always wanted. I swivel my wine around in its glass, staring into it as if it was a black hole from the deepest corners of space. I take another sip, tapping the glass with my middle finger, laying back ever so comfortably on my window seat. I say aloud to myself in the privacy of my corners.
“So, this is what true happiness feels like”
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stashedinsequin · 1 year
july 10, 2023
It feels as though everything I see is an advertisement 
I can’t think clearly anymore 
Everything is so confused so many bright flashing lights
Its times square 
And my head is jumbled, flashed too bright to hear clearly to speak correctly to my eardrum 
What type of music does it make i cant hear its all a drumbeat hitting at different angles of time nothing makes sense im in destruction 
And how do i climb out of the skyrise 
Drink the sky and forget below the honking 
The distraction of them and me and of us 
Swirling all around ill never be able to see straight 
Until i can gulp dark humid air at the top of the skyrise i wont have to look down 
See the glowing buildboards 
I wouldnt need anymore pills 
I could finally rest in my shoulders and
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dawntrailing · 2 years
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jwmusiccreations · 2 years
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record-low · 4 years
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prestige-rp · 3 years
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Let’s face the facts: in a globalized world, location is almost relative. Everyone has the possibility of fame at their fingertips, whether they’re living in a major skyrise, or greeting the cows each morning in a sleepy North American town. But even with the increased connectivity, there are several significant hubs where magic (and sometimes madness) gets made. Keep reading about the four starting hubs we’ll have on SAVAGE!
LOS ANGELES The literal center of Hollywood, this is what people think of when they think of the glitz and the glam. Rodeo Drive, Beverly Hills, palm trees dotting the skyline mixed in with steel skyscrapers...the whole city seems, at times, to be awash in the pastel glow of hopes and dreams. Just take care to remember: even in La La Land, life isn’t a Chazelle film. For every spark of possibility, there is always someone lurking around the corner, waiting to extinguish a flame.
VANCOUVER Known as “Hollywood North”, Vancouver is the real best bet for catching a glimpse of the stars out and about. While it might not have an iconic sign tucked away in the hills, it’s one of the hottest locations for films and television shows these days. It’s only a short plane ride away from L.A., making it an ideal location, especially for those that embody the work hard play hard lifestyle. It’s easy to forget though, that even in the comparative privacy of Vancouver, nothing stays secret forever.
SEOUL There’s no denying the fact that Korea has become one of the world’s leading nations in the entertainment industry. Home to groups and idols that have taken the globe by storm, Seoul is now one of the most active cities in the world when it comes to the development of movies, television, and music, and it’s no wonder that it’s become one of the celebrity hotspots. With the rise in popularity and attention though, those who seek to claw their way to the top, by tearing the ones already there, down.
NEW YORK CITY The concrete jungle, the Big Apple, the epicenter of North American culture. New York has been called many things, but the city itself is practically a landmark. The East Coast answer to bright eyes and big dreams, NYC is no walk in the park, but it has made mountains out of those who manage to survive it. Some of the stars are even brighter in the big city than La La Land itself, but it was another New York native who issued the famous adage about greatness and responsibility. Angelica Schuyler said it best: the gossip in New York City is insidious.
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avadescent · 4 years
Eren would totally break a light switch with a drumstick during his middle school days.
He’s a temp and he’s in the middle of his fifth job—up on the skyrise, dangling from a few ropes, cleaning the windows because it makes him feel alive—when his phone rings. He shouldn’t have his phone on him in the first place (company policy) but he doesn’t give a shit about that and it’s always, always this job that gets the call.
He recognizes the number and his face scrunches into an irritated look. “What the fuck did he do this time?” he barks into the phone, because if these teachers find it fit to call him every single time Eren screws around then they’re getting their fair share of crass language too.
“You’ll have to pay for the damages.” It’s Dok on the other end, which only ruins his mood even further.
Levi has half a mind to let his phone ‘slip’ accidentally and imagine it’s Dok falling hundreds of feet through the air.
“Did you call Petra?” he says instead, because Petra’s got a knack for bargaining. In fact, he’d wager he decided to marry her the moment she managed to get him a good deal on some high-quality rags all those years ago. That’d be a poor wager though, Petra would probably come up with a better bet.
“You’re his listed contact,” Dok replies, which is his finicky way of saying ‘calling her’s your problem, not mine’. 
Levi almost lets the phone slip this time.
Levi’s the first to arrive—Petra said in twenty minutes—and five minutes have gone by with him staring prolongedly at Eren, who’s sitting by a classroom desk not looking sorry at all.
“So,” he says, deadpan, “You broke a light switch with a drumstick.”
“Um.” For a middle-schooler who should know better by now Eren only looks like he’s stuck in elementary when he didn’t know the difference between right and wrong (not that Levi is much of a role model in that department, either). “You want to know how I did it?”
“Do I look like I want to know how seriously crap your brain is?” Levi crosses his arms, and finally realizes what he found so off-putting about Eren’s predicament in the first place. “Where are those two puppies that are always following you around?”
Eren shrugs. “Beats me. How should I know?”
“They’re usually getting punished with you.”
“So? They tried to stop me this time.”
Since they’re in a classroom, Levi finds plenty of ammunition. Like a pencil case left on top of a random desk which he throws at Eren with full force.
“Hey!” Eren barely manages to dodge that, but Levi found a book too so now that’s being flung as well.
The teacher assigned to facilitate their ‘disciplinary talk’ looks like a new hire, so they stand abruptly from their desk and stay frozen like that, unsure of what to do in this situation. They end up giving out useless pleas to “stop”, to which Levi spares her the smallest of glances and the obligatory, “I believe pain is the most effective way.”
“Sir—!” The teacher cries helplessly at that, glancing between Levi (who looks, for all intents and purposes, murderous) and Eren (who looks, for all intents and purposes, scared out of his wits).
“Tell me what actually happened,” Levi says calmly, once he’s got Eren backed into the corner of a classroom and a desk stands between the boy and his dominant leg, the latter of which ready to deliver a final blow with a single push. 
“They told you already!” Eren yells, gesturing at the teacher who looks like they’re calling 911. 
“Yeah? I want to hear your version, or you’re sleeping on the streets tonight, pig.”
“I broke the light switch with the drumstick! That’s all!”
“You couldn’t play half-decent music even if you tried, idiot.” Levi applies force on the desk through his leg and threatens to squish Eren in the next five minutes. “Try harder. Where’d you get the fucking drumstick?”
“One of our classmates, it’s easy to swipe it from their bag—”
Another borderline fatal push. “I said, try harder.”
“I’m here!” Petra’s voice rings, the sound of the classroom door opening in tandem. “What’s going on?”
“Oh, Ms. Ral!” The new hire looks relieved, springing forward to grasp Petra’s hands in her own. “You’re right on time. Please, stop your husband.”
“Stop him from doing what?” Petra asks, bemused, and she tilts her head to find Levi’s stone cold gaze and Eren’s frantic one, as well as the path of destruction they’ve left in their wake. “Oh. Eren, were you lying again?”
“Was not—ow!”
“Was,” Levi mutters, crossing his arms. “If you aren’t going to tell me, then tell Petra, or you’re on cleaning duty for the rest of the month.”
“What happened to sleeping on the streets?” Eren grouses.
“Do you want to sleep on the streets?” Something thunderous and threatening ignites behind Levi’s stormy gaze, then. “That can be arranged.”
“No sleeping on the streets,” Petra scolds, striding over, “But maybe the living room floor will do.”
“Whatever,” Eren grumbles. 
Eren looks up at Petra. “So what?”
“Don’t you owe your father an explanation?”
“Fuck that.” Eren scrunches his nose.
“Hold on.” Petra grabs Levi’s calf before he can break the desk against Eren’s stomach, her grip on it firm.
“Oi, Petra.” Levi doesn’t look pleased. She tries to bottle up a laugh.
“You’re both too stubborn for your own good.” Petra leans forward, and when he sees the glint in her eyes, Eren knows he’s doomed. “Mikasa and Armin told me everything on my way here.”
“They told you?” both boys chorus, surprised. Levi’s brows crease. “Why the fuck didn’t they tell me then?”
“Armin’s scared of you, thought you’d do something like this,” Petra gestures toward the desk at ‘this’, “But I told him there’d be no stopping you if Eren doesn’t come clean himself. That said, can we take this home? I’m not paying for the damages you caused here, Levi.”
“Fine,” Levi grumbles.
Petra manages to do damage control in no time, getting the boys to clean up the classroom and assuring the new teacher that everything’s fine and no, there’s no such thing as abuse in our household, what gave you that idea? 
When all is said and done, they head home, Petra’s hands in Eren’s and Levi’s, both boys looking sullen and somewhat defeated.
“So why the fuck did you break the lightswitch with a drumstick?” Levi asks, when they’re near the car.
“Beats me,” Eren shrugs, just as stubborn.
“Don’t tell him!” Eren yells, tugging on Petra’s hand. “Tell him and I’ll run away!”
“Tch. You wouldn’t survive one day on the streets, you pig.”
“Yes I would! Watch me!”
“I’ll watch you piss yourself on the first day out.”
Eren kicks the ground, frustrated at the lack of a reply. But his hand is still firmly wrapped in Petra’s, and she squeezes it, sending him a smile. “You’re going to have to live with your ignorance, Levi. You’re not exactly the best at getting information.”
“Only because my wife thinks I can’t handle it.”
“Hm.” She shrugs. “Eren will get embarrassed. Then he really will piss himself, and I don’t want to have to wash that.”
“Mom!” Eren reddens. The sight of it serves to placate Levi’s own interests. 
He can always employ other methods to ask later, anyway.
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elegiaques · 3 years
pretentious aesthetic
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Your Result: City's Song 
Skyrise buildings reach towards the clouds in a yearning embrace of the starry canopy. Below the streets bristle and buzz with movement. People scurry through the artificial canyons like ants. The sound of horns, music, and laughter ring out in a beautiful cacophony of life. You love the city. All of it. The gleaming and polished skyscrapers, the small and run-down diners, and the wet pavement reflecting the golden lights in a gentle echo. The wind is soft and cool and it embraces you, carrying the barely-there hint of food from a far off restaurant. You are leaning out your window and taking it all in. You feel warm and at peace deep inside of your guts. You know this is where you are supposed to be. The city loves you and you know it cannot breathe without you. Many may despise it for its faults and imperfections, but you take it as it is, and in return, it accepts you wordlessly and effortlessly. It is not perfect, nor is it complete. But neither are you, and you know that that is alright.
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melyaliz · 4 years
Remember me chapter 4
Master List
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x OC
Notes: If I was giving names to these chapters this chapter would be called “Love at first snark” 
Also the Starbucks scene was NOT inspired by the millions of times I was held up in line by that ONE person who takes their coffee way too seriously.
nope, not. 
 All words in bold are spoken in Japanese. Working with both languages is a bit tricky so I’m going to try to make this as smooth as possible. While I don't speak Japanese I love the idea of playing with words and idea of someone who can sort of speak a language and what that looks like 
All Masterlists @melyalizarchive​
Connect with me! AO3 / Instagram / Pinterest
-0-0-0– Bakugou –0-0-0-
They had been in and out of the office for a few days now. After another wave of earthquakes, another group of heroes from Middle America had come to relieve the Japanese crew. So Bakugou and Kirishima were taking a few days off to rest and make their reports. There was also some press stuff as well but, like always, Kirishima was handling most of that.
He just got along better with people. Not that Bakugou really cared. He always believed his work spoke for him and didn’t need to stand around grinning like an idiot answering people’s questions about why he was so good. If they couldn’t see that they were fucking stupid.
So instead he had come back to the large glass building to file a few things and get some shit done before he went back to the hotel they were staying at.
But right now he was grabbing some coffee from the Starbucks in the lobby.
Or he would be if the fat bitch with nasty nails wouldn’t stop complaining about her drink. While his English was rusty he knew what that high pitched yappy voice meant in any language.
“Oh my god please, let’s hold up this line just a little longer you high maintenance bitch.”
Bakugou glanced in shock glancing at the girl next to him who was mumbling under her breath in Japanese. Dark brown hair pulled up in a high ponytail where her bright purple ombre was evident. She had literally just spoken the words in his brain as her eyes never left her phone.
“I’m sure she’s loving you leaning over the counter like that. How about you just grab an apron and make your fucking drink.” the girl continued her monologue in a language Bakugou realized she was using because she knew no one understood it.
Well no one but him.  
Letting out a soft chuckled and the young woman jumped slightly glancing over at him as if just realizing he was standing next to her. That was when he realized who she was. The girl from the insurance meeting.
“Oh shit sorry!” she said in English and then switched quickly “I’m sorry, please forgive me.”
“She’s insufferable,” he responded shrugging letting her know that he wasn’t offended.
“ Welcome to America, we take our Starbucks more seriously than our human decency.” the girl said, rolling her eyes a small smile playing on her lips showing she was joking. Sort of.
Bakugou smirked, he had never met a woman like her before. Normally the girls he was around were sweet and polite. If they had been caught speaking like that they would have been falling over themselves to act like they were sweet innocent women. Yet this girl just owned her attitude speaking her mind without any hint of reservation. He wasn’t sure if it was an American or her thing. What had she said her name was?  
“That’s me! Oh, this looks amazing thank you so much!” the girl said very loudly while taking the drink, “You guys are the best here!” she added glancing at the woman as she punctuating her ‘best’. The woman didn’t respond, instead just taking her large whipped drink sipping it angrily. Winking at Bakugou the young woman waved goodbye. “Until we meet again Mr. Bakugou.” she added before disappearing down the hall toward the elevators. Bakugou watched her go.
She knew his name but he had a very strong feeling Grape was not hers.
Bakugou had showered, dressed, and been ready for 10 mins before Olive walked out in a cute blue dress, a denim jacket and the sneakers he had suggested. Bakugou instantly recognized the soft silver necklace she was wearing as one he had gotten her when she had first come to Japan as a welcome gift. The sight of it hanging from her neck laying just above the slightly deep V neck to the dress made his stomach drop as he stood talking a step toward her nodding.
“I cheated,” she blushed slightly shoving her hands into the pockets of the dress, “I looked at photos of outfits I had already worn.” Her playfulness reminded him so much of the old Olive that Bakugou had the urge to kiss her. The soft pink lipstick was so inviting. It took all his will power to pull away.
“Let’s go,” he said walking toward the door. At the sight of his owners dressed and walking toward the door, Dolemite let out a pitiful cry running toward them. “NO” Bakugo snapped at the fluffy cat pushing him away with his foot. “You are not coming.”
“Awww baby,” Olive cooed watching as Bakugou quickly pushed her out of the door while keeping the cat a bay. Once the door was closed she giggled looking up at her husband, “You’ve had some practice with that.”
“Yeah well, that shitty kitty never leaves your side.”
“I’m his Queen Bee.”
“Yeah basically.”
“Wait, you’ve have seen Dolemite? Oh god, did I show you that?” she asked her eyes getting side.
“Yes.” was his simple response.
“What else have I showed you?” she asked, glancing at him as they made their way out of the skyrise apartment complex.
“A lot. Not all good.”
This made Olive burst out laughing, “Did I make you watch Samurai Cop?”
“Miami connection?”
“Hard Ticket to Hawaii?”
“Oh man I have failed as a wife,” she said, shaking her head sadly.
“You said I wouldn’t like it.” was his response glancing down at her as she looked around the city curiously.
“Past me was probably right. But it does have a snake in the toilet and belly button sex”
“I’ve heard.” she had told him all about the plot once over a bottle of wine during one of their early skype dates when she was still in the US. Acting out scenes, forgetting moments only to come back to them. He had just sat there no idea how to respond to this rendition but unable to really do anything about it except question his choice in women.
Olive giggled slightly and for a moment Bakugou saw it. Saw the old Olive. The one who would say something he only half understood only to have her laughing her head off. Or to see her dancing like a crazy person in the hallway to the music she could only hear in her headphones. She did silly things as if her life depended on seeing him smile. And that look she would get when he cracked a smile, it was one of his favorites.
“I’ve been to Japan before…” the words died before they even started as Olive realized what she was saying. Of course, she had been here before. She lived here.
“About two years before we met.” He said quickly knowing what she had wanted to say was a year before Eliott died but beating her to it. He was determined. Watching her laugh and joke again. He was going to get her back. He was going to become number one in her life again.
“I should practice my Japanese”  Olive shifted the conversation quickly.
“Yeah you should, I can’t always be around to help you with that.”
“ Hello, I’m Olive.”
“What food do you want?” he asked, trying to keep the questions simple unsure where her level was.
“Whatever you're having,” she said, looking up at him smiling. Faltering a bit but she quickly continued tiring a few other simple statements and questions him responding to them. When she didn’t know a word she would say it in English and he gave her the translation helping her use the right pronunciation.
“ Ramen !” she squealed as they walked into the place. “I’m in love with ramen!”
“I love ramen.” Bakugou corrected. You’re in love with me.  
“I love ramen” she corrected herself. The owner waved at them telling them to go to their usual spot. As they sat down and the waiter came up excited to see her regulars and ask Olive about her latest book. Bakugou quickly told her that Olive wasn’t feeling good and didn’t want to talk tonight. The Waitress, while looking hurt, nodded taking his order before dashing off.
“What did you say to her?” Olive asked, leaning forward confused, “she looked upset.”
“She wanted to know about your latest book.”
“My what?”
“Your book.”
“I too would like to know what my latest book is about,” Olive said with her eyes wide, “Am I writing full time? I guess I’m not doing insurance anymore.”
“Yeah you quit when I proposed, you were making enough money off books anyway.” Bakugou shrugged, “I think you only did the insurance to get out of the house.”
“Yeah, I remember I was going to quit right before…” she paused biting her lip.
“You can say his name you know, '' Bakugou said, not making eye contact with her as he looked over a menu he knew by heart. “It’s not like I don’t know you were married before us.”
“It’s just awkward.”
“Get over it.”
Instead of getting offended, she chuckled at that nodding, “Ok fine I will, grumpy.”
“I’m not grumpy, it’s just annoying that you are tiptoeing around me like I’m some fragile person.”
“True, you did blow up half a mall,” she remarked picking up her chopsticks rolling them in her fingers.
“That was the gunman, I saved a bunch of people. I’m a hero, remember.”
She nodded looking away for a moment taking in the restaurant, “We come here a lot don’t we.”
“Yeah, I don’t know why, the food's ok but you are obsessed with the Gyozo and their soy sauce.”
“Well if you hate it so much we don’t have to come,” she said playfully. He rolled his eyes at her dramatics. She always did that when he made fun of her for making him do stuff.
“I don’t hate it, there are just better places.”
“So, I write…” she said changing the subject, “and you're the number one hero.”
“In the world.”
“Wait really?”
“What is that supposed to mean? Why do you look so shocked!?!”
“I’m not shocked you are number one,” Olive said flushing slightly, “I’m actually shocked… you married me.”
“I wasn’t number one when we met.”
“Oh you were number 0.” she nodded knowingly as if there was only number 1 or number 0.  
“NO!” he said flushing slightly with annoyance. The journey to number one had been long and hard and Olive had been such a big part of it that he was annoyed she didn’t remember any of it. “There is no such thing as a 0”
That made her laugh, loud and hard, “I know that!” she said tears spilling from her eyes as she literally cried with laughter. Bakugou just watched her totally perplexed. It wasn’t uncommon for her to laugh like that. But after the few days they had, it felt like years. Although she was more laughing at him than with him and he wasn’t sure how to react.
“Well I don’t know how much you remember.” he shot back. Honestly, he had no idea why he had even said that. So caught up in their conversation he hadn’t been thinking. And now he just wanted to push the conversation away from poking fun at him.  
“True true,” she said, wiping away a few tears. “Man so Clare wasn’t joking about you being Christian Slater.”
“I don’t know why she keeps calling me that,” Bakugou said as the food was delivered to them. Grabbing some hot sauce he quickly added more spice to his food. Olive slowly dipped her spoon into the bowl taking a sip
“You kind of look like him,” she remarked pulling her brows together in a frown, “in the eyes.” she sighed as the warm flavor hit her taste buds. Katsuki was wrong, this was the best food she had ever had. “But I meant more like celebrity status. Although number 1 is more like being married to Brad Pitt or something.”
“Whatever, don’t get all star-struck over it,” he said, taking a bite of his noodles.
“I’ll try number 1”
The conversation lulled as they ate. Besides the ramen Bakugou let Olive eat most of the Gyoza. In return, she told him how he was wrong for hating on the ramen since it was a gift from the gods above.
“I don’t hate it! I just said that it’s not as good as other places.”
After eating their full and then some they made their way back to their apartment. For a moment Bakugou forgot about what had happened as they walked in blissful content. A comfortable silence stretching across them. Glancing over at his wife he couldn't’ help but admire how beautiful she was. Her dark hair was half pulled up so that the rainbow colors were promptly shown. The multi colors falling over her shoulders of her jean jacket that was covered in band patches from concerts that she had gone too. A few they had even attended together.
Absentmindedly he brushed his fingers over the one of Baby Metal. Olive had begged him for a month to take her. It wasn’t until she threatened to go with Kirishima instead that he finally screamed that she was HIS girlfriend and that shitty hair could go screw himself.
Kirishima had still ended up coming like he did for most of their dates and Olive had even been his wingman hooking him up with some cute girl who had been visiting from China.
“Everyone is getting some tonight!” she had sang in the Uber ride home as she watched Kirishima walk down the street with his arm slung over the girl’s shoulder.
“Oh really?” Bakugou had said leaning forward, kissing her glad to finally have her alone and all to himself.
“Yes,” she had said trying to get closer but being stopped by her seatbelt.
“Well just wait until we get back,” he said his voice low as his fingers ghosted over her thigh. A rush of excitement running through him as he noticed the trail of goosebumps that followed his touch. He loved being able to do that to her body. Get those reactions out of her.
He did that, only him. Just him.
She was all his.
“We’re here,” her voice broke through his thoughts and he stood there looking at the door like it was some sort of death sentence. He wanted to go back to the street. Where they were getting along. Where she wasn’t crying over someone else.
Where she was his again.
Slowly he opened the door letting her in. Dolemite running toward them crying his annoyance at them for leaving him all alone. He could have died without them there. How could they?
“Tst” Bakugou sighed, rolling his eyes as Olive cooed, stroking the cat. Standing up she turned to him with a wide smile on her face. Her real smile, the beautiful one.
“ I had fun, ” she said slowly forming the words as she spoke, “ Thank you Katsuki. ”
“Say it again,” he said, taking a step closer. “Say my name again,”
“Katsuki?” Olive took a slight step back as he stood over her. His warmth sent filling her senses as he looked down at her. Her heart was racing, not from fear, but not really lust either. Something strange and in the middle. As if her body was at war with her mind.
He closed his eyes for a moment, savoring the moment letting out a soft sigh. Then the spell was broken as he looked down at her. Her wide eyes looking up at him so unsure.
So foreign.
Kissing her forehead he pulled away, his body still only inches from hers “You’re welcome” he said his voice was so soft and warm it made her heart melt like hot lava flowing down her chest into her stomach. Olive was surprised at how she felt by a simple touch.
Her mind may have forgotten him but her body hadn’t.
 Master List 
Story Tag: @0hmydeku @inumorph @it-jinxed-us @myraticm
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snkrfnd · 4 years
random tag
tagged by @soundsaboutrighttumblr on my side blog @accidentallyadramablog
do you make your bed? No. My spouse and I work opposite shifts, so we hot bunk. the sheets are washed weekly because they never get a chance to cool off  what’s your favorite number? 13 what is your job? I work at a university managing the budget for a large department and academic status notifications for students.  if you could go back to school, would you? Yes, I plan to go to grad school next year. since i work at a university, i’ll receive tuition remission and will only need to pay fees and taxes can you parallel park? yes  a job you had that would surprise people? I worked in aquaculture for 5 years and mainly was a slug breeder for marine hobbyists. Also I used to be a truck driver and later in my career I managed a local delivery hub with over 100 routes. do you think aliens are real? Yes space is awesome. I went to NASA’s Space Academy in the mid-90s because I’m such a nerd can you drive a manual car? Yes. what’s your guilty pleasure? I’m pretty open about what I like. I wish I could give up soda though.  tattoos? None. I used to want one and every time I’d pick something, I’d put it on my wall and see if I got sick of it. Since I always got sick of the tattoos I picked, I never got any   favorite color? blue? purple? Some cool tones definitely.  music? I’m mostly a fan of singer-songwriters like Carol King and James Taylor but the last 5 albums I purchased were Lizzo, StoryBots, N.Flying, Lee HI, and BTS. do you like puzzles? yes. I do them with my kid and when I was younger I also did the 3D puzzles too  any phobias? deep water for sure. I also used to have nightmares about dog attacks because I’ve been attacked multiple times (my face is significantly scarred from a childhood attack) but I stopped having the nightmares after the last dog that attacked me was euthanized favorite childhood sport? I was an accident prone kid. I really only liked hiking  do you talk to yourself? i did when I lived alone. now it’s an internal monologue what movie do you adore? the Goonies. i’d love to watch a reboot without the racism coffee or tea? I prefer tea but I drink coffee daily first thing you wanted to be growing up? I wanted to be a construction worker so I could use a jackhammer and walk on I-beams high up on skyrise projects
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mintchocohip · 5 years
Could you do a headcanon for vampire!yoongi?❤️❤️
🦇 regardless of different factors, i think these things would be true wrt vampire!yoongi:
yoongi has cute equilateral triangle fangs [they’re very pointy, though]. 
cities are his habitat.
yoongi wishes he had slept until the year 2000. technology is his lifeblood. the changes that have happened even within this millennium constantly stun and amaze him. in the past, he filled his hours with ghostwriting music, pamphlets, and poetry by lamplight. now, he can browse the internet for hours [and ghostwrite beats [and romance novels] to fund his skyrise apartment!].
if you think yoongi has a “kids these days” attitude now, vamp!yoon is 300% worse, lol. 
yoongi prefers the company of 1.) his animal familiars 🐕 2.) other vampires. sustained human contact makes him feel alienated.
when he does enjoy the company of humans, though… period blood is a special, delectable delicacy. a vampire can’t live on it, but yoongi would if he could. generally, blood-drinking is a very sensual experience for him…
yoongi has an encyclopedic knowledge of history. he can and will lecture anybody who’ll listen [especially on the internet…]. but, he doesn’t like talking about historical events he was involved with or witnessed. if he goes quiet about a certain event in history, it signifies that he has some special connection with it.
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avayarising · 4 years
Coming for you, Sidious
This is by way of a sequel to @jasontoddiefor​‘s superbly brilliant fic Tuning up your TIE-Fighter to prove you’re better than the bastard currently running the TIE-Fighter Program for fun and profit
in response to a comment on the AO3 fic saying ‘Ahsoka probably spilled her tea when she saw that Anakin Skywalker was trending on Space Twitter’.
Ahsoka Tano is making a recorded message when a new trending tag comes up on the space twitter window she has open, scanning for news of Imperial attacks. 
Ahsoka knows ‘Sidious’ as a name for the Emperor that only a couple of groups of people use, and neither of them make it public. It’s probably a coincidence, but… 
She taps it.
The first item in the feed is an image of the Emperor from one of his state speeches. A hooded and cloaked figure – the player-protagonist from the hologame Assassin’s Code – is creeping up behind him. The caption reads ‘ANAKIN SKYWALKER IS COMING FOR YOU, SIDIOUS’. 
Ahsoka has to close her eyes for a long moment.
The next is… the Jedi Order symbol. Ahsoka bites back tears and keeps scrolling, hope rising beyond hope.
There’s a couple more images of the Emperor (‘DON’T LOOK NOW, SIDIOUS’). A short holovideo of a Changrian she’s never heard of saying ‘My name is Vaarna Garecka and I’m coming for you, Sidious’. A figure in a burning cloak with the caption ‘ANAKIN SKYWALKER IS HERE FOR YOUR SOOOOOOUUUUUUL’. She doesn’t get it.
More videos. A human girl with a bruise on her cheek, a stained shirt and a determined glare. ‘My name is Jyn Erso and I’m coming for you, Sidious.’ A Twilek man, a Rodian, another human. A Wookie who is probably also saying the same thing – she doesn’t speak Shyriiwook but it sounds pretty threatening. 
A picture of Anakin. 
From the Clone Wars, just how she remembers him, throwing himself through the Force, lightsabre raised, a trail of droid destruction behind him. It’s captioned ‘THIS IS WHAT’S COMING FOR YOU, SIDIOUS’. Ahsoka feels light-headed, unreal. She scrolls on. She has to know. Is he real, or just an icon?
The Jedi Order symbol again, this time in flashing colours set to music. Another picture captioned ‘ANAKIN SKYWALKER IS COMING FOR YOU’. 
And then this one has a face, a face she barely recognises, ash-pale, a pink, ridged scar across his left cheek, the slash straight down from his temple to right cheekbone now faded to silver, short hair that doesn’t hide the gouge on the top of his head.
It’s a still image, that looks like it was captured from a holovideo. It’s a bit fuzzy, but it’s obviously real.
Ahsoka cups her hands over her nose and mouth, and lets the tears flow freely.
It’s not enough. She scrolls on, desperate for more.
More videos of people she doesn’t know. 
‘My name is Tara Bendik and I’m coming for you, Sidious.’ 
‘My name is Oona Verlussi…’
‘My name is Aven Grindul…’
‘My name is Cere Junda.’ 
And that last name is familiar. She thinks she remembers Cere Junda as a young, cheerful knight in the temple. Now she looks tired, and her hair is short and greying. But she’s holding a lightsabre…
And Ahsoka fears that this is a trap, a way to make the last of the Jedi reveal themselves. But, oh, how she hopes it is not. She scrolls on, searching. More names, faces. Every now and again, one she recognises, one she had thought dead, one holding a lightsabre defiantly. And here’s Ezra, nervous but determined, saying the same thing, and she could kill that boy…
And then another one she knows. He looks old, now, as he didn’t before, hunched over, and he is wearing the rattiest robe imaginable. But his eyes are bright and his ears are pricked up and he pokes his little stick at the holocapture.
‘Yoda my name is, ohohoohehehe. Coming for you Sidious I am, yes. Coming. For. You.’ 
And Ahsoka laughs through her tears.
It’s Ezra, later, who shows her the original Scrap Hunters video – he was already following the creator, apparently, and was one of the first to see it. It’s been corrupted or taken down many times, but Ezra’s not the only one who keeps putting it back up in new locations and new networks. She watches it all. All two and a half hours of mechanical jargon and wires being rerouted, with the same enthusiasm and skill that she remembers, the same banter with Obi-Wan that she hasn’t seen in so long… 
And she knows she shouldn’t, she knows it’s a stupid risk, she knows better, but…
Her heart is in her throat as she puts up her own video, bouncing the encrypted signal through a dozen proxies on a dozen systems, of herself glaring at the holocapture, arms crossed, lightsabre in each hand. 
‘My name is Ahsoka Tano, and I’m coming for you, Sidious.’
Not ten minutes later there’s a private message in her inbox.
SkyRising @thatsaneatrick snips?
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keelime-xiv · 5 years
LFRP: Keelah Se’lai  - Balmung ♥
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♥ The Basics ––– –
Nickname(s): Kee, Mistress Kee Age: Thirty-two Birthday: 5th Sun of the 4th Umbral Moon (5th of August) Race: Keeper of the Moon, Miqo’te Gender: Female Sexuality: Bisexual Marital Status: Adamantly Single Alignment: Chaotic Evil
♥ What I’m looking For ––– –
Adventure Friends Potential Victims Murder Happy Partners in Crime Sworn Enemies
♥ What I’m NOT looking For ––– –
Possessive/rude/pushy/impatient partners
♥ Additional information (OOC) ––– –
Keelah may seem intimidating, but I assure you she is an awkward fucker. She’s easy to get along with and I would love to do more with her. Please don’t hesitate to message me if you’d like to try her out, I’m sure you’ll be pleasantly surprised how well she can fit into any scenario ♥
I’m Australian so my time online will be different, but I can be rather flexible. I can become distracted easily, but please don’t assume that I’ve become bored with you. I have simply forgotten and need a little poke~!
[IC Tag] [Answered Asks Tag] [Aesthetic Tag] [Reference Sheet Page]
♥ Contact Information  ––– –
You can message me here for my contact information or catch me in game! I only RP through XIV as I found it to be a far less stressful medium for me. However, I would be delighted to discuss any potential RP plots through Discord.
(Continued under the cut ♥)
♥ Physical Appearance ––– –
Hair: Keelah’s hair is a dark purple, almost black, colour that hangs down past her shoulders in wild and sometimes unmanageable curls. She will usually wear it loose or coil it up into a tight bun for when she needs to work. [Visual Reference]
Eyes: Keelah’s left eye is a soft pastel pink and her right eye is a pale, sickly blue.
Height: 148 cm / 4′8
Build: Keelah is all hips and chest with an hourglass frame and lovely long legs. She works hard every day to keep herself toned.
Eyebrows: After first noticing her wild and curly hair, attention will often switch down to Keelah’s thick trademark eyebrows. The bushy brows are usually plucked and tapered back into a presentable style. [Visual Reference]
Scars: Keelah has a vertical scar through her right eye which caused its discolouration. There are two scars running across her right cheek on an angle through the first scar, they stop close to the ridge of her nose. On her left cheek there is a single scar, once again on an angle, that spans towards her nose. She has a vertical cut through her dark lips on her right side and a small horizontal cut across her brow that hides behind her fringe. [Visual Reference] Her facial scars she wears with pride, on her back however, there are scars she’s not so pleased to talk about. Such as the brand imprinted on the back of her neck that she keeps hidden at all times.
Tattoos: Keelah has a small collection of tattoos. She has Azeyma’s ward on her right hip, a pair of lace garter tattoos around her lower thighs, a pair of horns above her pelvic region, and a crescent moon surrounded by pink blossoms on her back.
Piercings: Tongue, nipples and down south are all pierced with a silver barbell, but her ears remain unpierced and she refuses to disclose as to why.
Common Accessories: Keelah often wears a collar around her neck to hide her brand mark, but the style of the collar will change on a regular basis to match her outfit. Keelah occasionally sports a pair of dark shades, sometimes for fashion, but mostly to hide her hangover. Beware of pointy things, Keelah also carries an array of knives on her person at all times. Where does she keep them all? It’s best not to think about it.
Usual Attire: Keelah can often be found wearing tight, black leather or latex, regardless of the weather conditions. Her favoured attire is comprised of a pastel pink latex corset with black trim, a fur trimmed, black latex, quarter cut coat, a pair of black latex booty shorts, thigh high black latex stockings held up by garters and a pair of black stiletto heels. [Visual Reference]
♥ Professional ––– -
Languages: Common tongue and some basic sign language.
Profession: - Informant/Saboteur: Keelah is a skilled freelance informant/saboteur. If you have the money (and care not for what methods she uses) then she’ll have the information you need. - Dominatrix: Keelah’s front for her informant/saboteur work is her high-end Dominatrix business, which she took up as a simple hobby only to have it explode into a full time career. Her skills are incredibly popular among the wealthy, and so her calendar is constantly booked solid. 
Business Cards: If you meet up with Keelah ICly she is most likely to hand you a sleek black business card with the details for her Dominatrix business printed upon it in pale, metallic pink cursive. Upon the front it reads: ‘Keelah Se’lai - Dominatrix Extraordinaire’ Upon the back it reads: ‘Office 25 - Sapphire Avenue -Steps of Thal, Ul’dah - Consultation hours: 10 am - 5 pm, Monday - Friday’ (FC Room)
Skills: - Archery: Keelah is an adept marksman with a bow. It is her weapon of choice as she prefers to take down her targets from long range. 
- Hand to Hand Combat: Though Keelah prefers to use her bow, when called upon she can put up a fierce fight. She’s quick, she’s feisty and despite her short stature she packs one hell of a punch, but watch out! She also bites!
- Alchemy: Keelah has a knack for alchemy. At first she dabbled in alchemy just to understand her brother’s ramblings. However, after a little idle study she fell in love with the science. Keelah now uses alchemy in every aspect of her work and day to day life. From creating various toxins to help her infiltrate a facility to mixing up some rather potent aphrodisiacs or lubricants to help spice up the lives of her clientele. She has plans to release her own line of sensual lifestyle products.
- Gardening: Keelah loves tending to the flowerbeds of her cottage and the small green house she has set up on the balcony of her apartment. She loves each sprout much like a mother loves her own child. Keelah simply adores the greenery and loves watching it flourish. Her pride and joy is her vast herb garden which helps with her alchemy work.
- Musical: Keelah has a beautiful singing voice, but not only that, she can also play the piano and has been teaching herself to play a wooden flute she found while on her travels to the East. While she has overcome her stage fright and now plays intermission piano for the Kiss Cabaret, she still refuses to sing for anyone save for belting out a few drunken pirate shanties when she’s completely wasted.
♥ Personal ––– –
Birthplace: Though Keelah’s origins have been rumored to lie somewhere within the Black Shroud, she was raised from an infant by her adoptive Mother in Eastern Thanalan. 
Religion: Keelah is open to the idea of Religion and often prays to Azeyma for guidance.
Patron Deity: Azeyma.
Residence:  - Public Residence: Keelah’s public address is that of a ritzy penthouse apartment located atop one of Ul’dah’s dazzling skyrise towers. Comprised of four bedrooms, five bathrooms, an enormous living room, a fully loaded kitchen, stunning dining room, a huge library/study, a balcony with a pool and a small greenhouse, it is outrageously decedent.   It is here she takes most of her clientele and potential business partners.  (FC Room)
- Private/Secret Residence: Keelah secretly lives in an old, stone cottage surrounded by a lush and overgrown garden of wildflowers. The location of this fairy tale esque home is unknown to the general public, but there have been a few who have stumbled upon her home by mistake. This home is far more humble than her apartment and Keelah finds herself running off to stay there as often as she can. (Lavender Beds, Private House)
Personality: Keelah’s personality can be best described as impulsive. She tends to jump into things head first without considering the consequences. Keelah is loud, obnoxious, a little bit crazy, incredibly flirty and a romantic.
Likes: Keelah loves alcohol, smoking, sex, burning things, cutting things, fighting things, gardening, reading, and down time with Martin.
Dislikes: Keelah loathes prudes, stuffed shirts, unbearably obnoxious people, boredom, paperwork, and heights.
Favourite Food: Starlight cake, seafood stew, finger sandwiches, sushi and pussy.
Least Favourite Food: Jerky or salted/dried meats.
Virtues: Protective, calm, loyal, optimistic, brave, empathetic, loving, compassionate and will do anything for the ones she has come to love.  
Sins: Murderer, pyromaniac, lustful, over indulgent, greedy, obnoxious, jealous, vindictive, reckless, impatient, and has an odd fetish for blood. 
Excitements: Keelah becomes excited from the smell of blood, Martin, the colour pink, acts of defiance, well oiled muscles and cute people.
Fears: Keelah fears heights, being left alone/abandoned, and Mandragoras.
Short Biography: Left abandoned after an Amalj'aa raid struck her family’s caravan, Keelah was found and raised by an orphan Seeker girl (her mother Shelley) and an orphan Xaela boy (her brother Jack). Together the three survived the harsh Thanalan desert by pickpocketing traveling merchants outside Camp Drybone. It was a meager existence and they often found themselves in trouble with the local authorities, but they were happy. However, shortly after Keelah turned six her brother disappeared without a trace. Distraught, Shelley and Keelah traveled across Thanalan in search of him, but their search was soon interrupted by the approaching Calamity. Caught amidst the destruction, Shelley sacrificed herself to protect Keelah from an oncoming blast, leaving Keelah to wander through the wastes alone. Frightened and very weak, Keelah fell into the hands of a traveling slaver and was then sold to a brothel in Ul’dah. There she remained in servitude for several long and painful years until her Master suddenly (and suspiciously) died. Keelah vanished that night.
♥ Relationships ––– -
Partner: None
Children: None
Parents: One adoptive mother, Shelley La’tra
Siblings: One adoptive brother, Ramza Wyvernjack
Best friend and confidant: Martin Freepaw
Current Employer: Vachir Qerel and the company of The Keeper’s Kiss
Drinking Companion: Captain Rezaria
Pets: A small collection of personal AI Drones who follow her around and assist with her lab work. They also perform minor security protocols to keep anyone from discovering the hidden laboratory. 
NPC Relations: Nanako Nanko. A stern and elderly Lalafell, she is Keelah’s loyal secretary who keeps the wild dominatrix in check.
♥ RP Hooks ––– –
Keelah’s Client: You find Keelah’s business details on the back of a black business card. You’re not sure what you need from this illusive woman, but you feel as though you’ll know for certain once you meet and talk with her. At first she’s scary and intimidating, your inner voice screams to run from her presence and never look back, but after a long discussion you begin to see Keelah for who she really is. A woman with flaws and needs just like any other. This started out as a strictly professional acquaintance, but perhaps it might bloom into something more? A friendship? A murder mystery? Let’s play it by ear~!
Keelah’s Mark: You’ve fallen into trouble with the wrong people and unfortunately for you they’ve sent in the best to make sure you disappear. She has been a mere shadow tracking you for days, you’ve been able to keep her at arms length so far, but even you grow tired of holding back. At last you give in and face her head on, but what happens next might not be as you planned. Will they fight? Will you win or will you lose? Will Keelah concede and help you take down the bastards that sent her after you? Or will she simply kill you for the money?
Keelah’s Cottage: You’ve heard rumors about it, ghost stories, nothing consistent. A strange cottage hidden deep within the black shroud and surrounded by the most enchanting garden that is unlike any other. However, anyone who had been brave enough to try and find this fabled cottage never returned, their lost screams haunting the night to ward off any would be heroes who would try to save them. Bah! It’s an old wives tale to stop children from wandering out into the forest unsupervised! Or so you tell yourself as you seek out this mysterious cottage. What will you find out there in the wilds? Will Kee be receptive of your visit or will she silence you like she has all the others who wandered into her little garden?
Let’s make our own - These are simply suggestions, I would love to brainstorm with you and come up with something unique~!
Thank you for taking the time to read all this! ♥
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