#Slavonski Brod
artisthomes · 18 days
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Home of Branko Radičević in Slavonski Brod, Croatia
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yesornopolls · 20 days
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snowyavis · 1 year
Prajd, hrvatska verzija 🏳️‍🌈🇭🇷
(Pride, but all of the characters are wearing various Croatian folk clothes)
Rainbow - Zagreb area
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Trans girl - Vrlika || trans guy - Lika
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Bi - Dubrovnik area || Pan - Bizovac
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Lesbian - Istria || Genderqueer - Slavonski Brod
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Genderfluid - Bukovica || Non-binary - Draž, Baranja
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Aro - Žumberak || Ace - Split
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razistoricharka · 11 months
I'll be emailing the uni here to check how the residency period for tuition is actually calculated given I started my residency almost exactly at the start of the school year - if that year is counted in and I can start studies in 2025 I'll stay but if I'll have to wait till 2026 I'll be preparing my applications to the Blaženi Franjo Tuđman NATO dicksucking apprenticeship of Slavonski Brod I guess
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endlosestrassen · 1 year
Südosteuropa 2023
14.07.2023 Badaczony - Odvojak
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Transit von Ungarn durch Nordkroatien hinein ins Land meines Großvaters, nach Bosnien. Ich reise nicht in Eile, muss nicht zu einem Bestimmten Zeitpunkt irgendwo sein, deshalb geht es gemächlich voran, durch typisch ungarische Pusztadörfer, schnurgerade an der Straße aufgereiht, hinter den Häusern die Gärten und Felder. Die Dörfer sehen sich alle sehr ähnlich, aber man sieht, dass es eine Landflucht gibt. Viele Häuser stehen leer und sind dem Verfall preis gegeben. Nicht aber die Masten. Alle Storchennester sind belegt.
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Der Anblick wiederholt sich so auch in Kroatien, wobei man dort den Eindruck gewinnt, dass die EU-Mittel tatsächlich auch für Infrastruktur und Erhalt ausgegeben werden. Es ist insgesamt moderner. Viel hat das vermutlich auch mit den Kriegen zu tun. Vieles ist neu gebaut worden. Diese Kriege, diese verdammten Kriege, immer wieder ist das alles so unvorstellbar und nicht nachvollziehbar.
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Landschaftlich ändert sich nicht viel, und erst, als es in Slavonski Brod über die Grenze nach Bosnien geht, sind die ersten Berge in der Ferne sichtbar. Als erstes kommt man natürlich in das seltsame autonome Gebiet Republik Serbien, ein Staat im Staate, und auch heute noch herrscht kein wirklicher Frieden.
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Die bosnischen Dörfer sind im Vergleich zu Kroatien sehr armselig, auch die Preise sind in Bosnien & Herzegowina wesentlich niedriger als in Kroatien, wobei der Kaffee dort auch nach wie vor 1.60 kostet, da hat sich durch die Euroeinführung nicht viel verändert.
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Moscheen zieren nun die Orte, man spürt den Einfluss der Türkei, die Architektur ist ähnlich. Nicht nur die der Gotteshäuser. Nächstenliebe wird allerdings weder hier noch in den christlichen Ländern des ehemaligen Jugoslawien besonders groß geschrieben, insbesondere, wenn es um die Abschiebung Geflüchteter geht. Besonders Bosnien und Serbien als nicht-EU-Mitglied spielen hier eine unrühmliche Rolle. Nicht geringfügig übrigens finanziert durch EU-Mittel.
Nach Tuzla gönne ich mir etwas Adrenalin, und fahre eine Runde off-road durch die Berge.
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Nicht allzu strapaziös, aber doch aufregend genug, um nun abends im Zelt recht schnell einschlafen zu können. Morgen geht es weiter nach Sarajevo.
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goalhofer · 2 months
2024 olympics Croatia roster
Filip Pravdica (Rijeka)
Filip Mihaljević (Split)
Martin Marković (Zagreb)
Matija Gregurić (Zagreb)
Bojana Bjeljac (Zagreb)
Matea Parlov-Koštro (Zagreb)
Sandra Elkasević (Zagreb)
Marija Tolj (Orebić)
Sara Kolak (Ludbreg)
Gabrijel Veočić (Slavonski Brod)
Matija Marinić (Zagreb)
Anamaria Govorčinović (Hrvatska Kostajnica)
Marin Ranteš (Varaždin)
Aurel Benović (Osijek)
Tin Srbić (Zagreb)
Luka Klarica (Zadar)
Zvonimir Srna (Dubrovnik)
Matej Mandić (Zagreb)
Nikola Grahovac (Čakovec)
Dominik Kuzmanović (Dugo Selo)
Lovro Mihić (Zagreb)
Domagoj Duvnjak (Dakovo)
Mario Šoštarič (Slovenj Gradec, Slovenia)
Josip Šarac (Ljubuški, Bosnia & Herzegovina)
Luka Cindrić (Ogulin)
Tin Lučin (Rijeka)
Ivan Martinović (Vienna, Austria)
Marin Šipić (Bad Soden, Germany)
Veron Načinović (Rijeka)
Zlatko Kumrić (Split)
Katarina Krišto (Split)
Barbara Matić (Split)
Anton Lončarić (Šibenik-Kninska Okrug)
Patrik Lončarić (Šibenik-Kninska Okrug)
Damir Martin (Vukovar)
Valent Sinković (Zagreb)
Martin Sinković (Zagreb)
Martin Dolenc (Split)
Filip Jurišić (Hvar)
Šime Fantela (Zadar)
Mihovil Fantela (Zadar)
Palma Čargo (Split)
Elena Vorobeva (Kolomna, Russia)
Petar Gorša (Bjelovar)
Miran Maričić (Bjelovar)
Giovanni Cernograz (Novigrad)
Jere Hribar (Split)
Nikola Miljenić (Zagreb)
Jana Pavalić (Krapina-Zagorje Okrug)
Table tennis
Filip Zeljko (Zagreb)
Andrej Gaćina (Zadar)
Tomislav Pucar (Pula)
Ivana Malobabić (Zagreb)
Marko Golubić (Zagreb)
Ivan Šapina (Zagreb)
Lena Stojković (Zagreb)
Nikola Mektić (Freeport, The Bahamas)
Mate Pavić (Freeport, The Bahamas)
Petra Martić (Freeport, The Bahamas)
Donna Vekić (Monte Carlo, Monaco)
Water polo
Marko Bijač (Dubrovnik)
Rino Burić (Split)
Loren Fatović (Dubrovnik)
Luka Lončar (Zagreb)
Maro Joković (Dubrovnik)
Luka Bukić (Zagreb)
Ante Vukičević (Zagreb)
Marko Žuvela (Dubrovnik)
Jerko Marinić-Kragić (Split)
Josip Vrlić (Rijeka)
Matias Biljaka (Zagreb)
Konstantin Kharkov (Zagreb)
Toni Popadić (Zagreb)
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toddlprice · 3 months
Days 14-15 in Croatia: visiting friends in Slavonski Brod, flying home
Thank you for your prayers for us. We are currently at Chicago O’Hare waiting for the last leg of our journey back to Kansas City. We spent our last couple of days visiting with friends and our Pioneers colleagues in Slavonski Brod, where we used to live. They even took us across the border into Bosnia (where we lived for 14 years) to enjoy some good Bosnian food and shopping since the prices…
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gtaradi · 4 months
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militaryleak · 10 months
First Bradley M2A2 ODS Infantry Fighting Vehicles Arrive in Croatia
The first 22 of a total of 89 Bradley M2A2 ODS infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs) arrived in Rijeka as part of the procurement for the Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia. This further strengthens the capabilities of the Croatian Army and increases Croatia's contribution to the collective security of NATO allies, and the Croatian Army is offered even greater opportunities for training and partnership with the Armed Forces of the United States of America. Bringing the armored vehicles to operationally correct condition will take place at the company Đuro Đaković Special Vehicles in Slavonski Brod, and the goal is to have all of them completed and brought to operational condition by 2026. The Minnesota National Guard, with which cooperation has been ongoing for 26 years, will assist the Croatian Army in introducing Bradley armored vehicles into operational use, through the State Partnership Program (SPP), thereby further deepening the defense cooperation that remains the cornerstone of bilateral relations between the US and Croatia. the arrival of Bradley in the Republic of Croatia testifies to the successful dynamics of the implementation of the most important projects of equipping and modernizing the Croatian Army, i.e. the Croatian Army, and at the same Time confirms the strength of the strategic partnership between the Republic of Croatia and the United States of America.
The first 22 of a total of 89 Bradley M2A2 ODS infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs) arrived in Rijeka as part of the procurement for the Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia. This further strengthens the capabilities of the Croatian Army and increases Croatia’s contribution to the collective security of NATO allies, and the Croatian Army is offered even greater opportunities for training and…
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massabios · 10 months
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Liccai, hijo de un tal Birs de Marsunnia (actual ciudad croata de Slavonski Brod), veterano de la flota Misena. Otorgado en 71 d.C., durante el reinado del emperador Vespasiano.
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foto-klub-perspektiva · 10 months
Knjiga i straničnik-savršeni par!
U velikoj dvorani Gradske knjižnice Slavonski Brod održana je svečana dodjela nagrada za natječaj Knjiga i straničnik-savršeni par!
Na natječaj je prijavljeno 165 radova, među njima i radovi naših učenica: Klare Perković, Dali Lešnjak i Marije Šarolić.
Natječaj su podržali Ministarstvo kulture i medija Republike Hrvatske i Grad Slavonski Brod.
Bravo za naše cure, a pobjednicima čestitke!
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chatsbuginette · 11 months
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Slavonski Brod, Croatia
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zoranphoto · 1 year
Nevrijeme praćeno jakom kišom i vjetrom zahvatilo je danas, 21. srpnja područje više županija. Donosimo pregled stanja po županijama
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  Nevrijeme praćeno jakom kišom i vjetrom zahvatilo je danas, 21. srpnja područje više županija. Donosimo pregled stanja po županijama 21. srpnja 2023. - 20:00 sati  Istarska županija   21. srpnja u olujnom nevremenu koje je zahvatilo zapadni, sjeverozapadi i središnji dio Istre između 15:30 i 16:00 sati, Županijski centar 112 Pazin zaprimio je više od 80 poziva o srušenim stablima i granju na prometnicama. Uslijed pada više stabala u autokampu „Sirena“ u Novigradu ozlijeđena je jedna osoba, a po dolasku HMP naknadno je zatražena pomoć za još 5 osoba u kampu. Valja napomenuti i 10-ak poziva o srušenim i nagnutim električnim i telefonski stupovima na području Umaga, Novigrada, Poreča, Motovuna i Pazina. Zaprimljeno je i nekoliko dojava o stablima srušenima na parkirana osobna vozila u Umagu te jedan pad stabla na kuću u Umagu. U Pazinu je došlo do štete na dvije kuće (vjetrom odneseni crjepovi s 2 krova koji su oštetili parkirana vozila). Jedno stablo srušilo se na pružnom prijelazu u Pazinu. U Poreču u Zelenoj laguni dogodili su se problemi s jedrilicom pri pristajanju u lučicu. Oko 16:30 sati nevrijeme (vjetar i veće padaline) zabilježene su u Puli. Pritom su zabilježene poteškoće u prometu (otvoreni poklopci šahtova za odvodnju na prometnicama, 10-ak dojava o srušenim stablima na prometnice te parkirana osobna vozila na rivi u Puli).
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  Primorsko-goranska županija   U olujnom nevremenu koje je zahvatilo područje Primorsko-goranske županije, Županijski centar 112 Rijeka zaprimio je više desetaka dojava o srušenim stablima i granju na prometnicama. Na području grada Rijeke zabilježene su 42 dojave koje su najviše odnosile na srušena stabla, no zabilježeni su i oštećeni krovovi te automobili. Na području Opatije, Volovskog, Matulja, Kastava, Delnica, Lokva  zaprimljeno je 10-ak dojava koje su se odnosile najviše na pad stabala, oštećenja stupova električne energije te nekoliko oštećenih vozila. Prema informacijama Nacionalne središnjice za spašavanje na moru, brod Lučke kapetanije „Sveti Vid“ uzeo je u tegalj izletnički brod koji je ostao bez pogona kod otoka Cres i tegli ga u luku Cres. Brodica koja je zapela u kanalu kod naselja Smokvice Krmpotske je spašena. U oba ova slučaja nije bilo ozlijeđenih osoba. Na kontejnerskom terminalu Brajdica u Rijeci otkinuo se dio velike kontejnerske dizalice s kontejnerskog terminala i naslonio se na privezani brod. Zbog poremećaja u radu trafostanice TS 110/20 kV Matulji bez električne energije je 450 korisnika, a otklanjanje je u tijeku. Zbog srušenog stabla na pruzi, u prekidu je putnički željeznički promet na relaciji Rijeka – Opatija – Matulji od 16:45 sati.   Grad Zagreb i Zagrebačka županija Područje Grada Zagreba i Zagrebačke županije (posebice Zaprešić, Dugo Selo, Samobor, Sveta Nedjelja) oko 16:40 sati zahvatilo je nevrijeme, pri čemu je ŽC 112 Zagreb zaprimio 800-tinjak poziva građana. Dojave su se prvenstveno odnosile na padove stabala, nestanak struje te ispumpavanje vode. Obaviještene su sve nadležne službe.   Bjelovarsko - bilogorska županija   Grmljavinsko nevrijeme praćeno jakim vjetrom i kišom pogodilo je oko 17:35 sati  područje Bjelovarsko - bilogorske županije. ŽC 112 Bjelovar zaprimio je 50-ak poziva građana, najviše s čazmanskog područja o urušenim borovima i stablima, štetama na električnim vodovima te oštećenim krovištima. Nije bilo dojava o ozlijeđenim osobama. ŽC 112 Bjelovar je obavijestio vatrogasce, HEP, policiju i poduzeće Ceste d.d.   Brodsko - posavska županija ŽC 112 Slavonski Brod zaprimio je više desetaka dojava građana o oštećenim krovovima (6 oštećenja) u općini Oriovac. Nevrijeme je uzrokovalo pad više stabala u parku zbog čega su angažirani pripadnici DVD-a Oriovac i DVD-a Lužani, a sazvana je i sjednica Stožera civilne zaštite Općine Oriovac.   Virovitičko - podravska županija   Područje Virovitičko - podravske županije oko 18:20 sati zahvatilo je nevrijeme, pri čemu je ŽC 112 Virovitica imao 9 dojava građana. Dojave su se prvenstveno odnosile na pad stabala, prodor otpadne vode iz šahta u Virovitici te kvar na željezničkom prijelazu (dignuti polubranici) pri udaru groma u ulicama Zbora narodne garde i Vinkovačke ulice.   Osječko - baranjska županija Područje Osječko-baranjske županije oko 18:40 sati zahvatilo je nevrijeme, pri čemu je ŽC 112 Osijek imao nekoliko desetaka dojava. Dojave su se prvenstveno odnosile na pad stabala na prometnice i javne površine, odnijete krovove i nestanak električne energije. Zbog nevremena i velikog broja poziva u ŽC 112 Vukovar, dolazi do prelijevanja poziva u ŽC 112 Osijek.   Uslijed nevremena bez opskrbe električnom energijom ostalo je 1665 korisnika s područja Valpova, 783 korisnika s područja Đakova te 2100 korisnika s područja Baranje. Otklanjanje kvarova je u tijeku. Vukovarsko - srijemska županija   Županijski centar 112 Vukovar zaprimio je veći broj poziva zbog intenzivne kiše i jakog vjetra koji je nosio krovove i lomio stabla. Grom je udario u kuću, olujni vjetar polomio je šator s moto susreta, a uslijed jake kiše i vjetra dogodilo se slijetanje automobila u kanal. Obaviještene su sve nadležne službe. Izvor : Ravnateljstvo civilne zaštite Read the full article
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cyberbenb · 1 year
Ukrainian canoeists win gold and silver on the first day of the European Championship
Representatives of Ukraine made a Ukrainian medal double on the first day of the European Championships in kayaking and canoeing (marathon).
The competition continues in the Croatian city of Slavonski Brod, Ukrinform reports. Liudmyla Babak from Energodar won gold in the 3.4 km single canoe, and Olena Tsygankova from the Rivne region took silver in the same race.
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mariacallous · 1 year
Defence ministers of NATO states met on Thursday in Brussels with representatives of 25 companies from the defence industry, including Croatia’s Djuro Djakovic, with whom they discussed strengthening military aid to Ukraine.
“We had 25 companies gathered here [and] … I am glad that one of those 25 companies was from Croatia,” said Croatian Minister of Defence Mario Banozic, who is participating in the two-day meeting in Brussels.
He told the Croatian News Agency, HINA, that Djuro Djakovic can contribute with its knowledge and capacities for maintaining Soviet-made tanks, which are still widely used in Ukraine, and for maintaining Patria armoured vehicles.
Djuro Djakovic has been producing T-72 tanks, or a more modern version of the M-84, since the 1980s. It has been the main armoured vehicle in Ukraine since the collapse of the USSR.
Besides producing Soviet-era tanks, the company adapts these same tanks to NATO standards.
“Djuro Djakovic Special Vehicles also offers development, production and/or integration services of new, new-generation NATO interoperable systems designed to improve the existing M-84/T-72 tanks and… ensure compatibility and interoperability between new and improved tanks,” the weapons factory’s website says.
The Croatian minister expressed regret that Croatia is not participating in the EU mission to train Ukrainian soldiers, which President Zoran Milanovic vetoed.
“Unfortunately, Croatia is not participating in that mission that could have contributed to what worries Ukrainian forces the most, namely the minefields. Croatia was ready to train engineering units for mine action. In this way, we would contribute to the security of the Ukrainian forces,” said Banozic.
Croatia is not participating in the mission because Milanovic, who has conflicted with the Croatian government since the start of his mandate, was against it.
One of his functions is as supreme commander of the armed forces, which he used to stop sending Croatian soldiers to train Ukrainian soldiers.
Banozic said representatives of the US company BAE Systems, manufacturer of Bradley armoured vehicles, were also present at the meeting and announced that next month an agreement would be signed for vehicles that the US will donate to Croatia.
“The American company is ready to give Djuro Djakovic a chance, and I expect that the contract will be signed next month,��� said Banozic, adding that the company from Slavonski Brod will become a regional hub for the maintenance of these vehicles.
“NATO has recognized the quality of the Croatian defence industry by inviting the company Djuro Djakovic, which has many years of experience in maintaining systems of older products such as tanks, as well as newer systems such as Patria vehicles, and soon the Bradley infantry fighting vehicles that … Croatia is acquiring,” said Banozic.
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croatianstan · 5 years
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