#Sleep habits
incognitopolls · 6 months
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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deez-no-relation · 4 months
Reblogs for greater reach appreciated!
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theangrypomeranian · 2 months
oh boy I sure love waking up screaming an hour before my alarm is meant to go off, it’s so GREAT
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aromanticduck · 5 months
Free choice meaning you don't have to be up by a certain time, you went to bed at the right time to get enough sleep, and nobody else is going to disturb you.
Bedtime poll
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fiddlepickdouglas · 1 year
I randomly got curious about this and then needed more answers so:
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allisonreader · 17 days
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thesilvergrove-if · 1 year
how to the ro's sleep with and without mc? thank you (:
river: without mc, river sleeps on their stomach (sometimes on their back), haphazardly sprawled across their bed. also tends to reposition and toss and turn quite a bit. they've had a few incidents where they've either woken up at the very edge of their bed or woken up on the ground with their blanket tangled around them. with mc, river is a clingy sleeper. whether they're big spoon or little spoon, they will be wrapped around mc like a vine. favourite sleep position with mc is probably spooning or any position where they're intertwined.
a romano: without mc, sleeps strictly on the right side of the bed. avid side sleeper, can never fall asleep on their back. tends to have a lot of nightmares when sleeping alone and doesn't have a good sleep schedule to begin with. with mc, would need some space (they get overheated easily and they're a bit touch averse) but would want some kind of reassurance that mc is still in bed with them. this might look like a gentle hand on mc's back, one leg hooked over theirs, etc. without being pressed right up against each other.
k hussain: without mc, k sleeps in a fetal-esque position. piles on blankets and pillows and adores being cocooned like a burrito. they always need to have a lavender misted spray on their pillows to get a good night's sleep. with mc, k usually prefers to be in an intimate position at the start of the night (spooning or cradling mc) but would ultimately prefer to sleep facing one another or facing away from one another with little to no contact. they like to maintain their independence even in bed and doesn't want to wake up sore/in discomfort.
teresa: without mc, teresa sleeps on her back with one arm near her head (close to her gun in a bedside table drawer) and the other arm at her side. she's a very light sleeper but has no trouble falling back asleep after being woken up. has a great internal alarm system that makes sure she's awake at exactly 07:00 each morning. with mc, teresa is more laid-back and not as stiff. her favourite position would probably be lying on her back with mc's head on her shoulder or chest because it makes her feel like she's protecting mc.
shadow pal: doesn't need to sleep and is also with mc nearly 24/7. favourite nighttime position is a dark corner of mc's room behind their desk. mc should not wake up in the middle of the night and look towards that corner unless they want to jump out of their skin.
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just-a-blog-for-polls · 5 months
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parttimepunner · 9 months
Including actually autistic because seems like there’s overlap in these communities.
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darkcoffeeballoon · 2 months
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Me this morning before work
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incognitopolls · 5 months
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Tucked into the bedframe or under the mattress (left) vs untucked (right). The blanket has been moved back to exaggerate for the photo on the right; normally the blanket would cover the end of the mattress but not be secured in place anywhere.
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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kollector-of-stims · 7 months
I cant remember whether or not I've asked this before so I'll make a poll again!
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candycryptids · 1 month
UNO REVERSE! How do YOUR blorbos sleep, huh? 😤
Chuu sleeps anywhere any which way. Tuesday’s learned to not try to move her to any kind of bed or horizontal position, she’s sleeping fine where she is and when she wakes up if she’s been moved it throws off her groove, especially if she was in the middle of something lmao. If she CHOOSES to go to bed, she wears a big ol shirt and gets all cozied up under a weighted blanket with an eye mask and sleeps for 16 hours. [If her wife is home, she’s laying on-top of her like a blanket because she’s warm, lmao. Chuu is become Weighted Blanket]
Tuesday doesn’t need to sleep in the classical sense, but he does use ‘sleep time’ in the way human brains do; to sort and compartmentalize/toss out things from the last time he’s ‘slept’. (He tends to find a quiet place to do this, the FC house has a custom built ‘nap room’ with alcove beds he’ll use if he’s around home base. Otherwise he’ll even just find a chair in the corner and ‘doze’ for an hour. (Keathan likes to curl up on him from what I remember, because he’s warm, and relatively comfortable. And sometimes the sleepies just Getcha when you’re running all over creation.)
[cut cos there’s quite a few silly little guys ANDNFNEKD]
Ishi’li enjoys the fact that they can curl up into a little ball of Miqo’te if they’re having to sleep alone, but at a certain point she starts sharing a bed with Kizuna, who tends to hold her with his tail. And arms. They become a tangled octopus of limbs. LMAO. Purrs sometimes in his sleep. Really needs someplace soft/a bedroll to sleep, isn’t so good at just sleeping wherever on the ground.
Mochiie sleeps sprawled out flat on his back like a starfish in bed, but he’ll also sleep sitting up in armchairs or propped up against a dozen pillows. Or. Leaned up against Mindy with her big Chocobo head in his lap, lmao. He doesn’t tend to want/need a blanket but he does like sleeping in silken pants. 🥰 (he’ll bully Urianger away from staying up late studying to come lay with him in bed…. Only for Mochi to fall asleep and Urianger to just sit up reading with Au’ra deadweight leaned on him. Lmao)
Levraut wants to wear full pajamas to bed (nightcap, long shirt, pants… yknow, the Pajama Set. LMAO. His has Chocobo’s on it.) he snores, but claims he doesn’t. He’s a stomach sleeper, keeping his journal or whatever book he was reading shoved under his pillow (or AS his pillow, if he’s sleeping on a bedroll, hdjdjdjs) he sleeps best in a hammock on board a ship, but he lays on his back or side in those (the side sleeping makes his back complain a little bit he’s young, within the hour he’s stretched whatever cramps or aches out)
Colette! Sleeps best when Setsuna is curled up under her arm, pokey horns be damned. If she’s curled at her side then there’s no chance she’s in any danger. She sleeps naked, because every big comfy shirt for sleeping ends up mysteriously on Setsuna or in her possession, lmfao. She just gave up at some point. (I don’t talk much about Colette or her charge, they’re kinda background brain radiation, but Colette’s fun uvu!)
Tangy sleeps best when other people are around (either also sleeping or just doing stuff in the same room, background noise helps her best) she sprawls out on top of a soft surface (usually her bed) and falls asleep like someone tossed her already unconscious body there. As a Miqo’te she snores somethin’ fierce and awful, but her change into a Hrothgar seems to have fixed whatever was causing it more or less, and she’s now relatively quiet. (Sometimes she growls in her sleep though like dogs do when they’re dreaming!) she would very gladly cozy up in bed with a bunch of people for a big sleepover situation! Push all the beds together pile up all the blankets and pillows…
As a final little bonus; Jojoha sleeps sitting up with a dagger in hand, wary and ready, even when the chance of danger is very small. Solkmyna struggles to sleep on even good days, struggling with nightmares, and sleeps flat on his back like the dead when he does manage to fall asleep. Swydghem sleeps worryingly deep, a side effect of being under the effects of Sleep related spells and medicines. She also sleeps like a corpse, with her arms folded over her chest. Viking funeral style. Both Solk and Ghem sleep better when they’re in the same bed together following her recovery. Jojoha tries to never sleep at the same time as them when they’re staying together, so she can keep watch for. Anything. They’ve had enough misfortune in their lives; she’d rather at least warn them before it strikes again.
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aromanticduck · 5 months
Free choice meaning you don't have to be up by a certain time, you don't have any commitments late in the evening, and nobody else is going to disturb you.
Getting up poll
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living400lbs · 1 month
"Anxiety is antithetical to sleep because it entails physiological, cognitive, behavioral and emotional arousal. Unfortunately, anxiety about sleep can be self-perpetuating. [...]
Consider puppies and babies. They cannot conjure a verbal notion of sleep, let alone try to sleep; sleep naturally overtakes them. We can’t will sleep any more than we can will thirst. Free yourself from responsibility for your sleep. Implement decent sleep habits, but outsource the job of sleep per se to your body."
Source https://wapo.st/3UQY7IG
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stellanslashgeode · 7 months
It’s a pity sleep is something fundamentally essential to human health. Because if it was just a hobby one could take up and put down I would be killing it.
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