#Snot! and! tears!
sqtorux · 26 days
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they just get each other
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pluviatrix · 1 year
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ive been thinking about how the first game in the timeline begins cuz he couldn't catch her as she fell from the sky and the last game ends because he could catch her.
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beybuniki · 4 months
Out of all ur artwork, which one is your favorite? If you have one, lol
hmmmmm, i love most of my art tbh, but rn maybe this one
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chekhov, what is the funniest panel you've made so far?
I mean, I think at this point I'm very fond of Greg and Rose Holding Crabs one, but some runner ups are:
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This one of Smokey when she rips out a pillar in the tower.
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Rose and Earl in their 'getting along' shirt but the shirt is a bubble and Rose is the only one wearing it.
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It's kinda mean, but that one time Lapis got whapped with a baseball bat.
But hopefully, there will be more humor in this comic in the future! :) It's a light-hearted story after all!
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vm-haunts · 7 days
Half Life Crisis
Tucker: Hey- uh. What's up with Danny?
Sam: Ignore him, he's having his half life crisis
Tucker, snorting: He's what, 16? Isn't it a bit early for that?
Sam: I said half life, not mid life.
Tucker: *visibly confused*
Danny, face down sobbing into the floor: What even is the purpose of Phantom if he's not needed for ghost fights anymore!!
[Yes this is about Danny losing his power in phantom planet and AGIT because (he thought) he isn't needed anymore.]
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cry-ptidd · 1 month
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Most pathetic man ever experiences one positive experience in bed
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akirathedramaqueen · 12 days
No rest for the wicked
What often keeps my mind occupied and worried for the last couple of... weeks, or even months, maybe, is what might happen to Stolas's relationship with Octavia in the near future.
We know something bad is brewing. The trailer gave us enough information to freak out but learn nothing from it. I think though that I have found yet another foreshadowing, and I am sad I did. I was not sure if I should post it since predictions and speculations are not quite my style, but fuck it, I’ll roll with it. I want you to suffer with me <3 Besides, after yesterday's @tealvenetianmask's wonderful post about Stella and how society enables her behavior, and my rambly reblog, which delves more into Stolas's relationships with Octavia and how they are affected, I decided I need to let it out of my system.
So, you see... while I believe this screenshot is our last hope for us, the Stolitz nation—that these two dumbasses will have ANOTHER chance to talk properly...
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It implies that something arguably worse than their breakup is going to happen. Something on the 'whole palace is in ice and Stolas is in immediate mortal danger' level of 'worse.' Something bad enough to make them forget all the shit they’ve gone through with their disastrous miscommunication and unite to face a common threat.
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Something that would make Stolas to leave quickly and forcibly. Run for his life. Disappear, sweeping off his trail, without Octavia knowing...
And let her think he ran off with Blitzø.
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Are you gonna run off with him and leave me behind? Go away, where I can't find you?
Make her run around the palace looking for him and not being able to find him. Because he isn’t there.
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Daddy! Daddy... I had a dream! A really bad dream! I was looking all over the palace, and I couldn't find you anywhere! You weren't there!
And the worst part is that it would make her assume the worst: that he left her behind just for a weird red dickhead.
Because Stolas's relationship with Blitzø has caused a rift between the prince and his daughter.
Because he, unfortunately, has never told her what kind of mother Stella is, or what she has done to him. She is left to believe everything was okay until that imp came around, seduced her father, ruined her family, and wrecked her home.
Because Stolas grew distant and forgot about the important stellar event he promised to show her. Was he wrong for it? Of course not! Stella made everything to throw him off the rails completely that morning. But Octavia still has the right to be upset.
Not to mention that she’s nowhere to be found since that night in Los Angeles… Why isn’t she around? Is she resentful toward him? Is she being kept from him? Or is he keeping her at arm's length because of the assassination attempt and his deteriorating state of mind? What happened?
I can already see how Stella and Andrealphus could use all of it against Stolas, grooming Octavia and simmering her in hatred for him. Bluntly lying about true reasons Stolas fled.
Stolas kept silent about the abuse he survived, hoping to protect Octavia and let her live a perfect childhood. But instead, she won’t have a single soul to support her, since Stolas will be chased off and hated. By her. Surrounded by vultures who now prey on her, who have couped her father and forced him to break the solemn, earnest promise he made to her.
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What?... No! No, no, never! I'd never do that. Never...
How fucking tragic is that?
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yesandpeeps · 1 year
Desperately need y’all to see this too, idk when I’ll be able to draw like this again 😓😓
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pealeii · 3 months
just watched falsettos for the first time what the FUCK
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seijorhi · 27 days
Just wanted to let you know that that oikawa soulmate drabble you just posted is such a banger. I can just imagine the look on oikawa’s face as he’s reading the caption on his soulmate’s socials . . . Does he decide then and say, f waiting gotta go find her and remind her of their agreement? Does he blast her name out after winning his next game, saying it’s because of her that he’s been able to accomplish so much and then conveniently shares a reel of that victory speech to one of your friends who likes volleyball and happens to be friends with his fake profile?
There are so many ways this scenario could go and it’s always so interesting and thrilling the way you leave your drabbles open-ended✨✨
Thank you for sharing!
well first of all there's the epic tantrum he throws. tears, snot, a shattered phone. basically wrecks his bedroom, tears at his hair and screams into his pillows. a very measured, healthy response.
ONCE he calms down (which he will, eventually) that's when he gets plotting. oikawa's not a man who takes losing well, he's also not the type of guy to hit back with only one
up until that point, he'd managed to talk himself out of physical stalking. the online stuff was fine, because you'd made it public, you'd posted it and put it out into the world, but actually following you home, finding out your day-to-day routine – when he can afford to, those rare, precious days off – that would've been creepy. or... crossing a line, at least. a step too far. but now he knows there's some asshole trying to weasel into his girl's life, take his place–
six months, six months, six months, six months, six months, six months
–he doesn't feel all that torn up about it. and while he spends his time between volleyball and you, he's sure he can spare some cash to throw at a pi to look into your boyfriend too. surely the asshole's got a few secrets he can use against him. no one's perfect, and everyone's exploitable. he could probably pay one of the girls at that asshole's office to get him in a compromising position, take a few photos and send them your way. he could probably pay someone to drag him into an alley on his way home and beat the fuck out of him too, but that one's a little dicier. more of a 'plan b' situation, he thinks.
he's always been pretty tight lipped about his soulmate status. his teammates have undoubtedly caught a glimpse or two, but they know he doesn't talk about it, and it's too personal a thing to just casually drop into conversation. publicly, he's never said a word.
until now.
he'll make it sound like a cinderella moment. one of those missed connections stories people go nuts over. he'll say that he saw you through the crowds after one of his games, just a glimpse before you were swallowed up. never got your name, never even had a chance to speak to you, but your eyes met for a split second, a heartbeat, and he knew you were his soulmate. now he's desperately trying to find you again, enlisting his fans and followers' help to do so.
he'll sprinkle in enough vague-ish details for the people in your life to pick up on and recognise. maybe start nudging you towards him.
he'll admit, with a soft, self-deprecating chuckle that you were there with another guy – a date, probably. it's why he held off trying to find you at first, but he... he just can't anymore. he doesn't care if you're with someone else.
he's totally swept up in you, it's all he can think about. he's already completely in love with you, and he doesn't even know your name.
it sounds crazy, he knows that, but he can't help it. he just needs to see you again. to learn your name. for you to give him a chance.
you're soulmates, and this is just the beginning of your love story.
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bettertwin1 · 4 months
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andromeddog · 2 years
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dads of war
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zellaspinna · 30 days
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Landan you’re everything to me
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greenteaandtattoos · 5 months
i had almost stopped crying until it hit me... sam was able to save liam's character from servitude to a higher power this time. morri and orym's pact is void; his conditions of having all of his teammates return to exandria in one piece weren't met.
he couldn't save vax, but he did save orym.
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shibaraki · 1 year
don’t worry dabi can’t die it is about to be pride month
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jollyreginaldrancher · 2 months
I know Misty probably wasn't invited to Shauna's wedding but if we have to watch that scene from Misty's point of view, where she reads the paper some Sunday morning and sees the Sadecki/Shipman wedding announcement and waits patiently by her mailbox for the mailman with a mug of coffee every morning and waits and waits and waits and never gets that invitation I will actually cry.
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