#So I’ll catch peeps on discord if I’m needed
liethrasir · 3 years
Update; It’s 2 AM and I have the teapot house. I have missions to take care off when I get the chance to do them—
0 notes
thefanficmonster · 3 years
Corpse Husband x Plus-sized Reader (Female)
Warnings: Body Image Insecurities, Low self-esteem, Swearing
Genre:  Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, RPF (Real Person Fic)
Summary: Feeling comfortable in her skin has hardly ever been the case for Y/N who’s been struggling with body image issues all her life. However, they only get worse when she sees the ‘type’ of girls her crush is into.
Requested by Anon. Hi darling! Thank you so much for your request (hits close to home 😅) I’m so sorry it has taken me so long to fulfill it and post it but here it finally is and if you’ve stuck around long enough to read it, I hope you enjoy! ALSO! - Never forget how beautiful and amazing you are. Never compare your beauty to someone else’s. We’re all beautiful people and we all shine so brightly and uniquely. No one deserves to be compared to anyone when we’re all so different yet so incredible. Love you and appreciate you with all my heart, Vy ❤
If I ever need my ego taken down a few notches - it never does, it’s barely even present, to be honest - all I have to do is go on Instagram. To be honest, regardless of how I’m feeling, opening that app is bound to make my mood plummet and come crashing into the ground so hard it drives a hole in it - probably in the form of a broken heart.
Being a content creator myself, I often get asked questions about my absence on that social platform specifically. I mean, the questions are based and rational I guess, considering I’m not a faceless YouTuber and yet my Instagram account is void of any photos. It’s not like I don’t post at all - I do! I post on my story often but it’s more often than not scenery I find pretty or a poster I’ve made for a movie/video game. Bottom line is: I barely ever allow a picture of me to make it online. The most my fans are ever gonna get of me is a selfie which is also a super rare occurrence because of how long it takes me to take and choose one I don’t hate.
Ok, but how am I supposed to find the motivation to post any sort of picture of myself when on my timeline I’m always faced with people worthy of posting pictures of themselves. People with such perfect bodies and beautiful faces. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not jealous or envious of those people - good for them! They know what they’re working with and they’re working it well. I have nothing against them, in fact, I love seeing people proud of their bodies no matter their size, shape or weight. Those are my role-models: people who are proud of themselves, their bodies, their attributes and capabilities and don’t hesitate to show them off. Those are the people I look up to but, deep down inside I know I’ll never be like.
Insecure about my body, having been referred to as ‘chubby’ and ‘squishy’ all my life. Inappreciative of the stuff I do: starting from my job as a graphic designer leading towards my job on YouTube - nothing I do, professionally or otherwise, satisfies me. Nothing I do is enough in my eyes because I feel incapable of ever being able to do enough. I’ve been called lazy and a half-asser a few too many times to be able to brush it off as a meaningless insult. 
With these problems I’ve had with myself and my own perception of who I am and the work I do, I’ve never had the time for romance or romantic relationships. I second-guess the intentions of everyone who ever shows any interest in me because in my mind I’m nothing special and I have nothing to offer - nothing attractive or likable at least. That being said, I haven’t even been one to make heart eyes at others either. I busy myself with my job and some side-gigs, brushing off any relationship questions with the excuse that I’m ‘just too busy to be in a relationship’ which is technically true.
Having spent twenty plus years with that mindset, one can imagine how surprised I was when I found myself catching feelings for someone. And that someone just couldn’t be any other than the biggest YouTube sensation at the moment - Corpse Husband.
I’m close friends with Poki - her and I were roommates at one point too - so her inviting me to play Among Us with them wasn’t so strange. One or two games, I thought, nothing unusual there, just friendly curtesy. I wasn’t expecting to warm up to the group of famous streamers nor did I expect them to welcome me among them so easily, mostly because my channel is so small and practically invisible to the YouTube algorithm. But soon enough, I became a permanent member of the team, making friends with every single one of those YouTubers I practically thought of a celebrities.
This journey of branching out to other content creators has proven itself to be surprisingly pleasant and has packed my book of friendships to the brim. All of that came unexpectedly, along with a wave of new subs and a higher view count. However, as I mentioned, it hasn’t been all sunshine and rainbows. I came to finally understand what my high school friends were talking about when they were head over heels for a boy - the butterflies in the stomach whenever he speaks your name; the importance of the laugh you share with him, how special and different it is; how cool it is to be impostors with him - ok they never said that, obviously, but it’s what I have as a substitute to the ‘when the two of you make eye-contact’ bullshit since Corpse and I have never seen each other in person. That is, of course, because of him being a faceless YouTuber and me being a self-conscious and insecure girl.
We do talk all the time though - texting, calling, chilling on Discord, you name it. Our conversations range from deeply philosophical to ones that might mislead someone into thinking we’re high. There’s no topic we haven’t touched upon and yet we still manage to find something new to talk about. We have plenty of similarities but we also never seem to run out of differences we slowly come across as we keep getting to know each other better and better. 
And somewhere along that journey I ended up catching feelings.
Human nature of wanting to connect with other people, I curse you for what you’ve done to me.
You might think I’m being overdramatic about the whole ordeal and that this is just a normal, natural occurrence many people experience in their life - some even daily. Well, not only am I far from used to it, but it’s also taking a toll of a different kind on me.
It’s like a constant slap to the face. 
That slap turned into a punch when Corpse and I started following each other on Instagram and I started getting daily reminders of how out of my depth I am with this crush on him. In over my head, especially when you look at all those girls whose pics and videos he reposts on his story. Imagine how that makes me feel, what that does to me - puts me back into the ‘Constantly not good enough‘ basket, the one I’ve been fighting to get out of all my life. In the past and in different contexts I could easily say that it was all just my mind hating me intensely but now - now that I know for a fact I’m not good enough and don’t fit Corpse’s criteria - it hurts ten times as much. I’m not one to do shit for someone’s attention or to attract someone’s eyes, but it really hurts my feelings. Often times, it also leads me to doing dumb things and making rash decisions. 
Like the one I made two days ago.
Imagine me cringing and shaking my head at my own stupidity as I admit this: I, in a frenzy, ordered a whole e-girl getup with overnight delivery. 
Wait, hold up, it gets worse. 
I received it yesterday and spent the whole day regretting that decision, but then, in my most insecure hours - which was somewhere around midnight - I equipped the get-up, took a picture and posted it on my Instagram page. First full body pic I’ve ever posted on there. First pic I’ve posted there of any kind. There to stay, not to be gone in twenty four hours. First pic, and it’s not even of me. It’s of who I want to be in order to fit someone’s criteria. And that fucking stings.
As you might imagine, I’ve spent today’s day regretting that decision as well. Recently my mood’s been nothing but regretting rash decisions that have surfaced under the influence of my ridiculous, constantly-present insecurities. And I would’ve probably gotten over it rather quickly had I not received a message from Corpse that read:
“Didn’t think of you with an e-girl aesthetic“
I didn’t open the message, I peeped at it as it was a notification on my lock screen. It’s still there, an unread notification. It’s been two hours since I received it and I cannot think of a single thing to say in response to that. 
Truth is, I’m afraid. I’m afraid of so many things right now.
I’m afraid of becoming that girl in the photo, cause I’m most definitely not her.
I’m afraid of letting Corpse down by admitting I’m not her.
I’m afraid of what my own mind has made me do because it hates me so much and I’m terrified of what it might do in the future.
I’m afraid and stranded on things to do.
You can’t be her forever, you know. Being her won’t make your insecurities go away, it’ll only make them worse. Haven’t you learned that by now?
I sigh, frustrated and irritated with myself as I grab my phone and tap on the notification, finally deciding to face the music and allow my instincts to carry me through the interaction. Improvisation, that’s one of the few things I’m good at. Let’s hope it doesn’t fail me.
I’m just about to type out my response - not sure what it’s gonna say - when I give the message Corpse has sent me a second glance.  I furrow my brows, finding there’s more to it than that peep through the notification let me see.
“Didn’t think of you with an e-girl aesthetic. You’re personality is so bright and colorful, I could’ve never imagined you were into the darks and blacks“
Because I’m not
I fail to realize until the message has been sent that my thoughts are exactly what I typed out and sent.
And honestly, I’m glad. It feels like I’ve spoken my truth, like I’ve lifted a huge boulder off my chest.
With that rare confidence in mind I go on and delete the picture.
In its spot, I post a picture I just now took - a mirror selfie in my homey get-up consisting of hot pink sweatpants and an oversized blue tee, my hair in a messy bun, my face free of make-up.
I caption it: ‘Oops, had the e-girl filter on for the last one. This is filterless me tho so...Hi 🥴’
A lot better, I’m surprised to hear my inner voice say. I hope I don’t get used to all this kindness on my brain’s part, probably won’t last, but damn if I don’t milk every second of it.
Just then, I receive a new message from non other than Corpse.
“Now that’s the girl I see when I think of you. She’s super cute 😉“
My, oh my, who would’ve guessed Corpse has a game like that - and by that I mean the ability to make me blush so intensely with only a text message.
Now ain’t that better than being someone else, Y/N?
It sure is, it sure is.
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talkfastromance4 · 4 years
Breathing Our Last Breath-- Vampire!Luke Part 2
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A/N: thank you thank you thank you! For all your love and support on my vampire series!🥰 it means everything to me. The title and overall theme correlates PERFECTLY with BMTH’s song ‘One Day the only butterflies left will be in your chest as you march towards your death.’ When I first heard the song I couldn’t believe how well it fit in with the way I wanted this story to go. And once again...I apologize but the angst will be worth it trust me. Love you please don’t hate me @irwinkitten​ 
Word count: 5.7k
Warnings: blood drinking, slight manic episode of the vampiric kind
To catch up:
Giving You My Soul (Part 1)
A bite (blurb)
Fangs (blurb)
• • • •
Luke sought out the help of Michael the next morning after he and Y/N connected last night. It was after he showed her his fangs that while she was sighing his name he almost told her. He almost told her he loved her, but he couldn’t make himself do so. Cheeks flushed, hair splayed across his pillow with his bite marks staring up at him on her left breast, the words were caught between his teeth.
Saying those three words would complicate things more. Change her or keep her human? He stayed up all night wrestling with his thoughts while she slept soundly next to him. When she’d make a noise of contempt, he’d reach over and stroke her face until she relaxed, falling back into a pleasant dream.
He wrote her a note telling her of his whereabouts, gave a quick kiss to her forehead then ran to Michael’s place. He gave a swift knock to the door before bustling in only to find Michael and Kitty cuddled together against the counter.
Kitty’s legs were wrapped around Michael’s waist, their hands in his hair while Michael nuzzles against their neck. Kitty chuckles then opens their eyes when the front door snaps shut. They tap on Michael’s shoulder then says Luke’s name.
“Don’t you knock?” Michael asks turning around. His tone is accusatory, but his face is teasing, his eyes seem a brighter green than normal.
“I did, then just walked right in. Sorry to interrupt,” Luke grins. “Good morning, Kitty.”
“Morning, Luke,” Kitty laughs letting their legs fall against the cupboards. “Is Y/N with you? I can make us some breakfast.”
“No, she’s back at my place still asleep. I came to discuss something with you, Mike.”
Michael notices the change in Luke’s voice, he swallows thickly then turns to Kitty.
“How about you go take a shower and I’ll have breakfast ready for you, hm?”
“All right,” Kitty sighs slipping onto the floor. They peck Michael’s lips. “I want French toast. See you later, Luke. Tell Y/N I say hello.”
“I will,” Luke smiles at them. When he hears the bathroom door close he joins Michael at the counter who’s grabbing the breakfast essentials.
“What’s going on?”
“Are you going to change Kitty?” Luke blurts out. He tried coming up with an easy way to bring up the topic but couldn’t come up with something.
“I haven’t really thought about it or discussed it with them, why? Are you thinking of changing Y/N?”
“I don’t know,” he murmurs quietly and leans against the counter.
“What brought this on?” Michael grabs the loaf of bread then moves to the fridge for eggs and milk.
“I feasted on her a couple weeks ago and now…I can’t exist without her, Mike.”
Michael sighs. “And since then you don’t want to change her but also don’t want her to die as a human…Have you talked with her?”
“No. It’s not really a conversation I want to have.”
“No one wants to have that kind of conversation,” Michael chortles cracking two eggs in a bowl. He adds a splash of milk then stirs the contents until it turns a pale yellow. He flicks on the stovetop then continues to stir. “She cares about you, too. Don’t make a choice that’s hers to make in the first place.”
“I feel selfish, asking her to make a choice between human or Vampirism and for what? Me?”
“Luke, she loves you. I know you’ve never really been in a solid relationship, but communication is key. Tell her what you’re thinking. Is this why you’ve been acting strange the last few weeks?”
“I’ve been acting strange? How?” Luke crosses his arms and becomes intent on watching Michael dip the piece of bread in the yolk and milk creation. Y/N likes her French toast with strawberries, cream, and syrup.
“You didn’t hear this from me,” Michael warns lowly, “but Y/N was telling Kitty you two haven’t really been…intimate in a while. Since you feasted now I know why. We haven’t known each other for very long but I can tell you’re pulling away, pushing the thing that scares you out of sight. But while you do that, you’re pushing her away as well.”
Luke is stunned into silence. Has he really not touched Y/N since the night he bit her? He goes through his memory quickly of the last several weeks then sees what Michael is talking about. No wonder Y/N was shocked at his sudden need of affection last night. The whole encounter felt different, something has shifted between them and he’s the cause of it.
“How can I do that without realizing it?”
“You’ve been alone for thousands of years,” Michael shrugs plopping the bread in the pan. It sizzles from the heat. “Kind of funny how I’m giving you words of wisdom, eh?”
Luke rolls his eyes but silently agrees. Michael has given him much to think about and all too quickly that becomes very dangerous. He weighs all three of his options; change her so they can be together forever, keep her human, and the third is discussing the first two options with her. The last one scares the hell out of him. He never wants to put her in danger or a place of discord.
For all of his life—human and immortal—he’s never had to worry about someone else. Hell, what he thought was courting her with the gifts he left was actually a little offensive. Then to ask her to give up her life to spend it with him? Does she love him, too?
His thoughts take over every part of him when he returns home to find her in one of his silk shirts—the teal one that contrasts nicely with her skin—making her own breakfast. His mind is elsewhere but he plays the actions well of kissing her temple and having small chat.
Luke hides his thoughts and emotions extremely well around Y/N for the next week. He acts normal. Kisses her, tangles his fingers in her hair and watches over her at the Bar in case Brone tried to approach. On the outside, he played his part well but on the inside he was in turmoil.
He’s been a wanderer, never staying in one place long, never getting attached to someone—human and Vampire alike. This is the longest he’s stayed in one place since Italy and he’s made a friend in Michael and found a deep love with Y/N.
He’s read of love, he even played Romeo at one point in his life. Songs are rooted from love, paintings, movies, poems. He’s observed it in many forms but has never experienced it. This is all new territory for him, waters he’s never swam in before.
Now, he’s faced with the choice to love her for the rest of her days or make her like him. Sure, he lives an extraordinary life, rubbing elbows with royals and celebrities, experiencing history firsthand. He’s seen the world change many times over while he remains the same. Frozen.
Another week goes by filled with questions and more questions. While Y/N sleeps in his bed, her hand is tucked under chin and his shirt hangs off her body, he walks. He walks through the house, examines his belongings, tickles the ivories on his piano as he passes by then he walks his grounds.
He can hear Y/N wherever he goes, the steady lull of her heart and if she wakes he’ll be by her side in a moment. She’s in no danger.
As he walks, he thinks. He imagines the life they would have had back in his time. They’d have a large estate with beautiful furniture and paintings while her closet would be filled with flowing gowns. There’d be plenty of children running the grounds. A happy life, a promised life.
His head snaps to the house when Y/N rolls out of bed and stumbles tiredly into the bathroom across the way. He races back inside taking his place back in bed just as she emerges from the bathroom.
“Where were you?” she asks thickly and falls next to him.
“I got you some water,” he says holding up a glass. He got it on his way.
She rubs her eyes then takes a few gulps before curling up next to him. She fits perfectly against him, her body molding to his shape like the perfect puzzle. Luke stays awake, asking himself a million questions but never finding one answer.
Luke starts to spiral as more days go by. He decides to fast on his feedings as if doing so would clear his head. His assumption would soon be wrong.
He distances himself even more from Y/N by dropping her off at her place instead of his after her shifts at the Bar. He uses the excuse that he’s remodeling and doesn’t want to risk her getting hurt or inhaling too much paint.
That’s the first lie.
While he continues to deny his thirst, he starts to go mad, spiraling down a dark place he’s never been before. He’s going to a place which started the mask mandate in the first place. Vampires wanted to exist in society but when they denied their drinking they became lustful and more dangerous for a bite. The savage ones used the form of fasting as their own kind of drug, it made them see things, feel things they haven’t before.
While he looks at his memorabilia he’s transported back in time with whatever object he’s looking at. His eyes are darkened which darkens the world around him as he’s reacquainted with his old friends. He has gallant parties with them in his trinket room, his manic laughter echoing throughout the house. To a bystander or peeping Tom, they would see he’s completely alone while ghosts of his past keep him false company.
He ignores Michael and Kitty’s calls then slips further and further from Y/N. He makes more excuses. The second lie is when he tells her he needs a break. Something has come up in Italy. An old acquaintance needs help. Y/N asks what exactly the break means, and Luke laughs at the simple question that has an even simpler answer.
“A break of us. I need space, Y/N, my feelings have changed.”
That was the second lie.
The third lie is that he’s close to his answer, but he needs a little more time. A little more time of not consuming blood and everything will fall into place. He’s not sure how many days have gone by when he reaches this realization. The lack of sleep and blood alters time. (It’s really been a whole month).
Luke wakes from a dream, was it really a dream? Y/N was there, and they were laying in the white sands of Cala Luna beach in Italy. He’s not sure what woke him up, but she was on his mind. Not that she hasn’t been for the last however many days. When was the last time he saw her?
He thinks of calling her but then quickly changes his mind. He ended it so he wouldn’t have to force her to make a decision between her life and him. He’s even more of a danger to her now because he’s been without blood for so long and the way she smells to him? His actions could be catastrophic but that dream…he wants to take her to Cala Luna, kiss her in the sand.
He’s made up his choice.
He searches for his phone, checks the date and time and it’s her day off from the bar so he could go and get a blood bag, replenish himself and go see her. He’s ready to open up to her, wrap her in his arms again and kiss her chest with butterfly kisses.
“The Bar,” he mutters then laughs joyously at his brilliant idea.
He decides to run there and in his crazed mind he somehow remembers to put on his mask, although it’s haphazardly placed. Plus, he’s faster than his car anyway so the faster he gets to the bar the faster he can go to Y/N.
The scents of A positive and O negative tickles his nose and burns his throat. He’s so damn thirsty. His mouth waters as he rushes to the bar and orders two bags. He finishes them in seconds, not even using the glass supplied. He feels the blood drip down his chin and Trixie eyes him cautiously as he asks for two more bags.
Halfway through his fourth, a warm body presses into his back. With the lack of blood for so many days, or weeks, drinking it now and in such a rush has him buzzed. His eyesight isn’t completely back yet, it’s as if he has dark spots clouding his vision. How he’s feeling is the equivalence of drinking alcohol and getting drunk.
Luke turns around quickly; his normally pristine vision distorts the figure in front of him. A warm hand touches his cheek, their blood is sweet with a hint of flowers. In his distorted state, his body is on a fine line of going back to normal and lingering on his blood deprived state, he knows it’s not Y/N.
“Hey, it’s all right. I know who you’re looking for,” Celeste says, but his mind alters it into a singing tone.
“Y/N?” he mumbles. Was she really here?
Celeste’s blood entices him. The blood bags are fine and all but drinking directly from a warm body is better. Being out of human contact for so long, her blood allures him tenfold.
“Yeah, she’s upstairs fixing one of the beds,” Simone sings next to him now.
“She is?” he shifts in his chair then nearly stumbles out of it at the thought of seeing Y/N. Then he’s filled with embarrassment. He can’t let her see him like this.
“We’ll clean you up,” Celeste hoists him against her body. His mind reels at the scent of her blood.
“Yeah, come on, sweetie.”
Their voices sing to him as they lead him towards the stairs. The promise of seeing Y/N allows Celeste and Simone’s help. He doesn’t quite remember the stairs being this long, his body feels heavy and he can feel the blood slosh around. Will she be disgusted seeing it on his lips?
A door opens then he’s rushed inside, his legs knocking into each other as he’s pushed against the back of a couch. He starts to giggle. Was Y/N down the hall and Celeste and Simone shove him in the nearest room to save himself from having her see him this way?
“What’s so funny?” Celeste asks brushing away a curl.
“Hiding while I’m seeking,” he giggles. The girls join in his laughter then is jacket is pulled off.
“You know what will help when you see her?”
“We heard all that happened between you two,” Celeste rubs his cheek.
“Yes, we’ve grown quite close the three of us,” Simone sighs.
“What will help? I’ll do anything,” his words slur together. He keeps blinking his eyes trying to get rid of the dark splotches.
“Feed on us, Luke,” Celeste whispers in his ear. “We can tell you’ve been fasting. Your pretty blue eyes are so dark.”
“Yeah, and you don’t want Y/N to see you like this, right?”
“No! No, no, no, no,” he shakes his head, eyes closing. “She can’t see me. I can’t hurt her.”
“Shh, shh,” Celeste hushes while Simone touches his hand. “We’ll help you…”
“Yeah, we’ve got you sweetie…”
Simone reaches for the button of his shirt while Celeste offers him her neck. In his delirium he’s back at the beach in his dream with Y/N and she’s the one offering her neck. Her blood is so sweet, and he loves her so much, he gives in to “Y/N”’s actions.
“Go on, take a bite.”
Y/N received a note from Michael and Kitty to meet them upstairs at the Bar. She’s very thankful for them because after the whirlwind of confusion with Luke they really helped her out. They kept her occupied and her mind off things while also providing comfort that Luke will come around.
When she walks inside she looks to the Bar in search of Trixie, she gives her a wave, but Trixie is busy with the slew of customers. Y/N climbs the stairs then sees the room the note indicated. Y/N opens the door and is horrified by what she sees. Her stomach plummets, her mouth opens in a silent scream and her heart shatters in a million pieces.
Luke’s shirt is wide open, his mouth latched onto Celeste’s neck while Simone is on her knees in front of him.
“Y/N, Y/N…” he mumbles.
Tears sting her eyes. She’s gasping for breath while trying to speak his name. She hasn’t seen him in weeks, all this time she was hopeful he’d come back. That he would tell her what he was going through, and they could work it out together whatever it was ailing him. How could she be so naïve?
“Oh, look. We have a guest,” Celeste moans. She smiles deviously at Y/N who wipes furiously at her eyes trying to dry her tears.
“Y/N! What—” Michael’s voice appears and that pulls Luke from his stupor.
Luke shoves Celeste away, blood dripping down his chin. He gasps when he spots Y/N, falling apart in front of him. For a fraction of the smallest second, their eyes meet. He tries to say her name while tossing Simone off of him, attempting to fix his shirt and pants. Then she’s gone, running from the room and away from Luke.
“What the hell are you doing, Luke?” she hears Michael shout.
Was that Kitty she passed? Y/N doesn’t know and keeps running, nearly stumbling down the stairs. As she runs Luke tries to get away from the two sirens who used his weakness against him. Y/N’s face sobered him, cleared his vision.
“Get the fuck out,” Michael hisses at the women. They scamper away with Luke trying to follow but Michael blocks his path. “Talk.”
Back downstairs, Y/N’s legs are shaking, her whole body is in tremors. Her heart is breaking and so is the rest of her. Trixie spots her just as Kitty catches up.
“What--?” Trixie’s eyes are wide at the sight of Y/N.
“Luke was upstairs with Celeste and Simone,” Kitty spits in anger. “Y/N, come here.”
Kitty pulls her against their chest, Y/N collapses all too easily with tears falling relentlessly from her eyes.
“Here, have her sit down. Try to catch your breath, babe,” Trixie consoles then runs for a water.
Kitty shuffles over to a chair but Y/N is resisting. She can’t be here. Not with Luke just upstairs and Celeste and Simone.
“No. T-take me h-home…I don’t wa-want to s-see him,” Y/N chokes out. Kitty glances towards the stairs but doesn’t see Luke or Michael. They nod to Y/N.
“Okay, I’ll take you home.”
“What happened?” Trixie asks on her return with a bottle of water.
As if on cue, Luke has flashed in front of them quicker than the speed of light. Kitty places their arms around Y/N protectively, guarding her from Luke and glares at him. Michael appears as well, his hand moving to Luke’s chest that is spotted in blood and still unbuttoned.
“Ask Luke,” Kitty sneers then leads Y/N out the door.
Kitty tries to console Y/N the best they can at her apartment but she’s sobbing so hard it’s hard to breathe. She gasps for breath so much that she dry heaves. Kitty holds Y/N’s face in their hands and recites a breathing technique to her. Her breathing finally picks up but her tears continue.
After a couple of hours, Y/N finally falls asleep, but it isn’t for very long. She wakes up, remembers what happened and her heart breaks all over again. She’s stuck between rose colored dreams of Luke and the dark nightmare that is her reality. She’s not quite sure which is worse to endure.
Days go by and she hasn’t left her bed. She’s cried herself dry and is left with her skin tight and dry. Her eyes are puffy. She’s so sleepy but she fights it off not wanting to dream of Luke. While she’s awake she wonders what she’s doing then hates herself for wanting to be with him after what she saw.
Kitty forces her to drink some water but refuses to eat. She simply has no appetite. Like her heart it’s disappeared.
On the seventh day, Michael arrives with a bag of goodies for her. While he was with Luke, Kitty and Michael were in constant communication trying to figure out exactly what had happened. When Michael discovered Luke had fasted he became so angry he shoved Luke so hard he flew out the window. Luke didn’t put up a fight, he knows he deserves way worse.
Luke begged and begged for Michael to bring him to Y/N but Michael refused, he’s done enough damage. When Luke overheard Michael discussing Y/N with Kitty and how they couldn’t get her to eat Luke jumped to her aid. He told Michael that taking a shower helps center herself and she needs a lot of blankets. Her comfort food is a warm cooked meal of chicken and mashed potatoes with brownies for dessert.
Michael stared at him in shock but heeded his advice then made his way to Y/N’s. He sits next to her on her bed, removes his mask then gives her an apologetic smile.
She doesn’t say anything and continues to look out the window. He reveals the goodies in his bag, says he’ll cook her favorite food and that Kitty will help her take a hot shower.
“I want a bath,” she mutters.
“I’ll make sure it’s nice and warm,” Kitty promises then helps her from her bed.
The sun rises, the sun sets. The moon rises, the moon sets.
Her days roll endlessly together that she loses track of time. Her appetite comes back but it’s slim pickings. Her face doesn’t feel so stiff from her tears, but she still isn’t sleeping that well. Usually when she’d have a nightmare, Luke would hold her and murmur in her ear sweet things. Sometimes it would be in Italian and his words would turn into a song lulling her back to sleep.
She hasn’t returned to work, refuses to because she doesn’t want to come in contact with Luke. If she saw Celeste and Simone she knew she would claw their eyes out. Trixie is more than understanding and has banned Celeste and Simone from ever returning. Trixie made sure Y/N knew her job would be there for her when she returns and would still get paid.
She overheard Michael and Kitty saying that Luke hasn’t left the bar since that night. She wonders if he still has the blood on his face or did he clean it off? Surely Trixie wouldn’t let him sit there looking like that. She hates how she’s worried for him.
The sun rises, the sun sets. The moon rises, the moon sets.
Y/N wakes to hear Michael and Kitty talking loudly and in exasperated voices. She steps into the living room where they’re seated, Michael has his phone in his hand.
“What’s going on?” Y/N asks, their heads snap in her direction.
“It’s Luke. He’s been hurt.”
He hates himself. He let his fear take control which left him powerless. He’s sitting at the bar like he has been for the past five weeks, never leaving this spot in case Y/N walks in. He overheard Trixie on the phone with Michael that she takes as long as she needs to return.
He has half a mind to try her at her apartment but a nasty text from Kitty made him stay away. Michael would visit him frequently, drinks a blood bag with him. Michael hated seeing Luke this way, his skin is an unhealthy pallor, his eyes darkened with purple and black circles underneath.
His heart hasn’t beat in centuries, yet he takes on the appearance of what a broken heart looks like. When Luke asks about Y/N his voice is papery thin. He sounds as old as he is, thousands of years old. Fading, decrepit, frail.
Brone stalks up behind him, pushing Luke against the counter. Luke takes it but turns around slowly.
“You look like hell,” Brone laughs. “You’re really this torn up over that flower? Was she really that good in bed?”
“What do you want, Brone?” Luke croaks.
“Let’s have a little chat outside…”
Brone’s teeth sever into Luke’s flesh, his back, his shoulder, his arms. The venom doesn’t harm him, but it fills him with enough pain that he feels himself losing feeling in his body. In between bites, Brone screams at Luke to fight back. He’s waited all this time to get revenge on him for stealing away the love of Brone.
“What are you talking about?” Luke coughs out.
“Remember Lenore?”
Luke vaguely remembers the strawberry-blond woman. It was back in the early 1940’s, she was a candy striper. Luke befriended her one morning on his routine walk when her hat flew off her head. He caught it and they bonded over a new song from Glen Miller and his band.
The closer they got the more she confided in him and that’s when Brone was brought up. Luke has crossed paths with him too many times to know what Lenore was about to tell him.
“She never shared the same feelings for you,” Luke groans. He slumps to the ground against the wall, his body is starting to lock up from the venom.
“Yeah well, now I’m going to take yours from you.”
“No,” Luke hisses through his teeth. He tries to move but to no avail, the venom is quick, and he’s frozen as stone against the wall.
Brone crouches in front of him, smirking. “Oh, yes. I’ll get to see what’s so special about her to you, then I’ll feast on her. Might change her, might drink her dry. I haven’t decided yet. Catch you around, Luke.”
Luke fills with white hot anger, but he’s immobilized. He feels his eyes become heavy, the venom overtakes him, and his world goes dark.
Her voice. He hears her voice and tries to reach her but he’s floating somewhere. Somewhere that’s dark and still. Luke tries to resurface, reaching for the sound of her heart. She’s sobbing his name so close in his ear. Is she touching him? He can’t feel it. He wants to tell her to run, to get to safety.
He hears a commotion.  Brone’s voice and Y/N’s then a scream and a thump. Michael’s voice. Trixie’s voice. Y/N’s heart jumps erratically, her breath gasping. Luke tries to scream her name. He tries to claw his way from the darkness.
The voices blend together, he’s trying to follow along with the words, but he can’t grasp on anything quite yet. Is Y/N all right? What’s happened? Where’s Brone?
Michael’s voice warps in and out of his mind while he’s screaming on the inside.
It starts in his fingertips and toes. He’s gaining sensation back in his body and when he can twitch his fingers he feels Y/N’s hand next to his. Her heart is still beating but it’s staggered. Where were they? Luke smells the area and they’re in his home on his bed. His bed that still smells of her sweet floral scent.
Michael and Kitty’s voices carry from downstairs, but Luke doesn’t decipher what they’re saying. His hearing is still deep underwater in the lake of the venom. His fingers twitch some more then he brushes her skin. That excites him. He keeps twitching his fingers until he hooks them with hers, he grasps her tightly, so she’ll know he’s there.
Did Brone bite her? Is she changing? Did he just drink a lot of her blood that it’s taking her so long to recover? He wants answers but if Michael brought them to his home then she has to be all right. Right?
More time passes and his ability to move travels up his legs and arms. His eyes and mouth are still clamped shut, that’s the last place the venom reached him, so it’ll also be the last place he recovers. He flexes his finger and toes, bones cracking from being still for so long. At least he can get a firmer hold on Y/N’s hand, now he rubs his thumb over her skin.
Slowly but surely, he feels the weight on his chest disappear. His neck feels lighter and he can turn it from side to side. Not long now and he can open his eyes, he can look at Y/N and assess what’s happened. He can apologize. He can tell her he loves her. He can tell her that fasting was a terrible idea and that he was scared. He can tell her he’ll do anything to gain her forgiveness back.
He counts the time with his clock from his trinket room. It’s been two hours and his jaw goes slack. He opens his mouth and can taste Y/N’s scent in the air.
“Come on, come on,” he mutters wanting his eyes to open now. Open, open, open, open!
Two minutes and his eyes flash open, he has gained full mobility back and he crouches next to Y/N. Her eyes are closed, there’s bite marks on her arms but he doesn’t smell the venom. So why hasn’t she woken up?
Michael appears.
“Finally. I was about to lose my mind. How are you--?”
“What happened?” Luke interrupts pressing his hand to Y/N’s forehead. She’s not her normal temperature.
“I’m not too sure. When I came, she was on the ground next to you bleeding. I tried to get Brone and kill him, but Trixie got him with her cross bow in his shoulder and he ran off. I would’ve gone after him, but you were frozen and Y/N…I don’t know what’s wrong. I think he fed off her, but I don’t know why she isn’t waking up,” Michael explains in a rush.
“Y/N, lovie…” Luke murmurs caressing her cheek. He kisses her hand that’s still in his, her skin cold. Her heart starts to flutter.
“…uke…” she barely utters.
“I’m right here, love, what can I do to help?” he begs cradling her face.
“Butterflies…” she exhales, and he’s confused. What about butterflies?
“Hm? Should I get you some chocolate?”
Her eyebrows pull together, a weak movement, but he notices it.
“Do you feel butterflies?” he asks gently, her thumb jerks against his hand. That must be yes. “Where are they? They’re not hurting you, are they?”
“No…take me…away…”
“They’re taking you away? Where are they taking you?”
“F…from you…”
“You have to bite her,” Michael says. Luke had forgotten he was in the room.
“If butterflies are taking her away then I think that means she’s…she’s dying. You have to change her Luke. Now.”
Luke looks at her frantically. Her heart has staggered more but she appears fine so how--?
He hovers over her, rests his forehead against hers.
“I’m so sorry for what I’ve done. I’m sorry for being distant and not talking to you. I pushed you away to try and protect you and now look at you. I’m so sorry for hurting you and for Celeste and Simone…they used my befuddled mind and lack of feasting against me. You’re the only one I want, the only one I desire, the only one I love. I can change you, make you like me but only if it’s your wish, Y/N. I’m so, so sorry lovie,” he confesses in one breath.
She squeezes his hand the best she can.
“Change…please…I can’t…leave…you…” her voice barely registers a normal octave.
“Are you sure?” he whispers nudging his nose against hers.
“I love you.”
It was her most coherent sentence. Luke kisses her forehead then moves to her chest. He pulls her shirt away so he can see his bite marks from months ago when he first bit her. He kisses the spot, lips soft as the butterflies, extracts his fangs and sinks his teeth into her flesh. She lets out a shaky breath as his venom spreads through her.
When he’s expelled enough, he licks his tongue over the puncture then drags his lips towards hers. His Sleeping Beauty will sleep now while her body changes, he gave her the kiss of death that will bring her to a new life.
“Don’t go…hold me….”
Tears leak from her eyes as the venom spreads, Luke kisses them away.
“I won’t leave you. You’re going to hurt, but I’ll keep you wrapped in my arms.”
He adjusts himself so he can hold her against him, her heart leaping and jumping at different speeds. Michael mumbles something about being downstairs to tell Kitty. Luke kisses her hair, breathes her in before the pain will take over.
Thankfully, the process isn’t long. It takes about twelve hours for the body to fully change into a Vampire. He stays with her while her breathing quickens then turns shallow. He keeps holding her when she thrashes against him, begging him to take the pain away. He holds her while she screams, telling her how much he loves her.
Her screams continue after the second hour. Her body goes slack, but her voice rings out from the searing pain. Her heart rate keeps increasing.
The sun sets, the moon rises.
When the clock chimes midnight, her screams go silent and her heart comes to a full stop. Luke’s gaze hasn’t left her face and he watches, and he waits. He touches her cheek with his fingers, she flinches then relaxes when she smells him.
“I’m right here,” he murmurs. She turns towards his voice; his arms relax around her, but he doesn’t pull away.
Then, like a butterfly appearing from their cocoon, she opens her eyes to a new life.
• • • •
Taglist: @calpalirwin​  @thecurlsofgod​ @myloverboyash​ @rotten-kandy​ @tea4sykes​ @jannimoeller3​ @loveroflrh​ @iovehemmings​ @cxddlyash​ @princesslrh​  @katiaw2​ @g-l-pierce​ @fairyintheglass​ @gosh-im-short​ @banditocth @dezzym17 @koalacal @lukeisbaby​ @spicycal​ @mysticalhood​ @notinthesameguey​ @wastedheartcth​  @itjustkindahappenedreally​ @calumance​ @babylon-corgis​ @thew0rldneedsmcreycghurt​ @lanternlover2​ @istaywithmyjonas​ @calteahood​ @sarcastically-defensive17​ @another-lonely-heart​ @devilatmydoor​ @frontmanash​ @philthepegacorn​ @mantlereid @lukedorkyhemmings​ @addietagglikesbands​ @kikixfandoms @sanrioluke​ @mayve-hems​ @morguelth @haikucal​ @thatscooibaby​ @meghanrose05​​ @idontneedanyone​​ @dinosaursandsocks​​ @haveufoundwhaturlooking4​ @suchalonelysunflower​​ @burstintocolor​​ @zhangyixingxing1​​ @dead-and-golden​​ @mymindwide​​ @everyscarisahealingplace​​ @stardust-galaxies​​ @blackbutterfliescal​​ @redrattlers​​ @lovelybonesetc​​ @karajaynetoday​​ @quasighost​​ @i-like-5sos​​ @creampiecashton​​ @calpops​ @superbloomed-c​
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summoner-chan · 3 years
Sorry, I guess I should have been more specific, I WAS talking about Darius lol. Aight then last two questions: Shiro and Durga.
And don't worry about the long winded responses, I love it when people feel comfortable enough talking about themselves, and I can, like, feel their excitement as I read. :)
I tend to worry about how much I talk since that experience with someone on discord (the same server as those two passive aggressive peeps) asked me to not to post a wall (what they meant is that not send a long ass one whole paragraph of words) because I was talking a long time to type and send-
Mind you, my phone was lagging at the time there was a lot of typos happening without my control so I had to retype them. I remember it being something they asked what's about that art I drew?
Other than that, they were pretty mean, maybe because they were part of the admin teams of the discord or they're just a natural born dick :/ and I mean by natural born dick when someone just said good criticism and everyone who's friend with that person just-
y'know bit his head off saying things like "lmaooo nobody needs that shit critism 🤪. Look at this guy shitting on (username) 😂😂" and there's them going all "I don't need your damn critism, I don't fucking care. I ask critism when I want to and I didn't ask for yours so you can stfu" like okay....no need to offended by that... And I found the critism on the spot though? I couldn't see your linework from all those shading-
Anyways, I'm being off topic so let's hop to the Housamo Ask Game!✨✨
Favorite book or favourite book series? Oof, truth to be told, I'm more to a manga/comic book reader 😂😂 but I do enjoy reading books once awhile!! I only own two horror light novels which are in my native language so I'll try to translate their title??
The very first book I had was Kakak Kemboja (Kemboja in English is Frangipani) which translates to Big Sis Kemboja/Sister Kemboja (not in a Nun way-) and it was about a young boy meeting one of the tenants in the old apartment he lived in.
After losing his father and his house, he and his mother was forced out by the late father's mother and brother who planned to make their house into a homestay. This caused the young boy to stay at the apartment alone while his mother was working to bits but don't be sad, Big Sis will always be there for you
Spoiler, Big Sis is actually a ghost 👻
In Asian culture, Frangipani is one of the notorious for having it's scent being related to ghosts. If you're alone and you smell something fragrant, it's best to get out of there as fast as you can along with to not comment about the scent on the spot. I tend to smell fragrant things (doesn't help that I can see things ksjdjwkdje) even in my own house so I just- Yeet myself from that place
The second book is Somniphobia which is the Fear of Sleeping. It's about an office guy who likes to read scary and horror books at night until morning which causes him to get late for work most of the time. He was starting to get bored since he's already read all of the books he owned and nothing seems to catch his eye until his old friend suggested him a book, Somniphobia. Little did he know, the more he read the book, the less sleep he had. To be specific, he's started to develop Somniphobia himself. .
I only read light novels because once I bought the book, I immediately read it, to the point I finish it one day which just frustrates me to no end. I read super fast and everything just gets crammed to my head and I'd have to reread again to make things sensible kskskksksdj
I'm not a manic like my big sis though, she has two shelfs full from her novels. Her favorite book series is the Clockwork series, the Shadowhunter series which is written by Cassandra Clare and she almost have the full set now- 😂
To be sentimental or to not be sentimental-
Well then I'm going to the sentimental path skksksks
I'd actually want my family get back together again but you know, I can never take in another man who's not even my biological father to begin with after what I went through with said man
Having to cope without having a dad for 2 years now is sad but it happened, I know it's not my fault even though another part of me insists that I should have done better. I cry so easily whenever there's things that reminds me of him, I can't handle scenes where a man is lying in bed in the hospital, I can't handle seeing fathers being very affectionate to their children and I can't handle going to hospitals again
Thinking about marriages is what hits me the most because in my religion, the bride's father will be the officiant for the wedding, handing his daughter over to the groom's care so to say. That doesn't mean that I won't be able to get married without having a father to be the officiant but rather the officiant will be replaced by the bride's brother or uncle (brother of the father) and if there none, a court religious officer will be the officiant
It's just that thinking how lucky your eldest sister (from the first wife of my late dad + divorced) was able to have your late dad as the officiant of her wedding then when it was only you and your four sisters (two from the same mom while the other two is from the second wife), the chance was already gone. I won't see my late dad at my own wedding, only having it being replaced by my brother or uncle. It's not the same, it won't ever be the same because he's not there to see his grandkids or will he have the opportunity to be called grandpa
It just hurts knowing that he won't be there to be a part of the big parts of my life
But it happened and there's nothing I could change, I'm already quite happy and grateful to have mu late dad's wife and her family taking care of me and my two sisters despite there are times when we've fought but nonetheless grateful
I don't have my biological mom with me at the time since she was forced to stay in her own home country due to her citizenship, I dearly miss her but...due to personal reasons, I can't help but hate her from time to time. She does the wrong things and it scarred me badly, hence why I am unable to give her my blessings for her to get married
That's all I could say since if I were to say more, things would get pretty long and it's just me ranting out :P
Thank you for sending in ask in!! Feel free to send anymore like usual~
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i-imade-a-thing · 4 years
Season 2B Speculation
Ok now that I calm myself down a little, I can finally try to predict what Amphibia will bring. This is my take on these episodes, so if you have other ideas please type it in the comment! (I’ll try to keep it short)
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Night Drivers: just on the road shenanigans (black li-)
Return to Wartwood: the planters have reached wartwood and we’ll be catching up with old friends. Don’t worry the town won’t be destroyed when they get back since “The Shut In” happen after this episode. Hop Pop stills keep his secret about the box.
Ivy on the Run: Ivy centered episode, would probably follows Ivy and Sprig running away from home or running away from something...
After the Rain: *fear*. This episode would either a fun episode and rip-n-tear heart episode(or a little of both). There are three takes on this: the first(from discord discussion) is that Wartwood has been flood from the storm and would need fixing, this is why “New Wartwood” exist(maybe the box would be pick up by the flood, and Planters must retrieve it), OR this is the episode that follows whatever happened at the end of “Ivy on the Run”, maybe Anne discovered the box in that episode and this episode is about Hop Pop getting consequences of his action(may need to find a way to get Anne trust back or start of Anne’s distrust in Planters), OR this will be a flashback episode(from discord discussion), may be about Anne’s childhood or Anne’s mom back home.
The First Temple: Here we are. This is either Anne’s or Marcy’s temple. From the book the green gem is the most left, so most ppl think it’s the first temple. This is a 22 min episodes too, so maybe they just start figuring things out so they may be slow at first. If it’s Anne’s temple it would kinda make sense since Marcy and Sasha test on their skill would take less time. Kinda curious how do you test your “heart” anyway?
New Wartwood: Marcy and King Andrias’ troops helping Wartwood fix and upgrade the town, probably be about Hop Pop resisting change and being paranoid. Maybe the town get destroyed in “After the Rain”....
Friend or Frobo?: Planter meet Frobo! Will probably be about Planter adapting to Frobo. Polly will be close friend to Frobo.
Toad to Redemption: The start of Sasha’s redemption arc. This may be about Sasha and Grime getting troops and planning their next move to storm Newtopia, while Sasha faced event that led to her facing her fear, but failed facing her fear for now.
Maddie and Marcy: Maddie and Marcy nerding over science, spells, and curses. This episode may reveal Marcy’s toxic trait(s).
The Second Temple: Either Anne’s or Marcy’s temple. If it’s Marcy’s temple 11-min episode would make sense-ish since testing “wit” would be puzzles, which Marcy would be good at.
Barrel’s Warhammer: Another Sasha and Grime episode. This may be the weapon they need to successfully storm Newtopia. Barrel may be the name of the toad in the painting. Sasha and Grime get ready to storm Newtopia. (Maybe a cameo of Tritonio(guy who give Anne sword) or Valeriana(from Bizzare Bazzar))
Bessie and MicroAngelo: Bessie and MicroAngelo shenanigans, maybe Bessie is jealous or trying to train MicroAngelo. Will probably have a b-plot.
The Third Temple: A volcanic reunion of Anne and Sasha. Fight sequences HYPE. Probably end with Sasha becoming “friend” with Anne in order to infiltrate Newtopia from the inside.
The Dinner: A celebration held by King Andrias while he get ready to make his move. Sasha, Marcy, and Anne reflecting on how being in Amphibia change them. May invite some familiar faces along the season to join the dinner.(huh, why does this feel like Reunion when toad invite Wartwoods peeps?)
Battle of the Bands: Either gonna be a fun band battle episode or battle between the three sides. If it’s fun band episode(highly likely), it will probably ends with Sasha opening the gate for Grime’s troop to invade Newtopia.
True Color: The final battle begins, Anne must choose who to trust. King Andrias start his first move. Marcy’s betrayal will be highly likely(;-;). Chaos everywhere. Newtopia may fall. The box may be “destroyed”(disclaimer: box is not destroyed but taken by king Andrias) in the end and Anne must find another way home. King Andrias went into hiding with the box and prepare to use it to bring his friends back(or awaken Mural Frog(may be consequences of his action)).
SS3 Speculation: Anne must find another way home by exploring or uncover secret society(similar to Amphibialand pilot). Valeriana and Tritonio will appear. Mural Frog/Toad would be the final boss of Amphibia. Flashback episode of Anne Sasha and Marcy friendship would be highly likely.
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sonicgetsrawed · 4 years
Blue is the Loneliest Color
This takes place in the bad dad Quirin au and is basically Hugo finding out! Thanks all my discord peeps for putting up with my meltdown yesterday! And big thanks to @oneneetwriter for inspiring this with their lovely fic: The color blue! Enjoy! 
Hugo placed his hand over Varian’s. He immediately stopped his fidgeting, staring up at him with wide blue eyes. He brought his other up to cup Varian’s face, placing a soft kiss to his lips. “Hey, it’s going to be okay. I’m sure we’ll get along great.”
Varian bit his lip, eyes now fixated on the ground. “Right.”
Hugo’s eyebrows knit together in confusion. He could never get a proper feel for Varian’s relationship with his father. He always seemed to avoid the topic at all costs, it was a strange side to Varian and it just didn’t make sense to him. From what he’d heard from others Quirin seemed like a perfectly okay person, although when he asked for details they seemed to be lacking. He was an enigma and Hugo was determined to get to the bottom of it.
Normally he wouldn’t push Varian into doing anything he wasn’t comfortable with, but it had been two months since they settled in Corona and he had yet to meet his father. He had met everyone else, from Rapunzel and Eugene, to Lance and his girls, Adira and Hector, hell he’d even met Shorty. Everyone except the one person he wanted to impress, everyone except Varian’s father. So he pushed and pushed, until Varian finally gave in. He needed to meet the man if he was going to ask for his blessing to marry Varian. It was something he’d been planning, sure it would probably be another year or so down the road, but he wanted to make sure he was in his good graces and not have anything catch him off guard when the time came.
“Can we cancel? Please?” Varian asked, eyes pleading as he took Hugo’s hands in his.
Hugo sighed, pulling a hand away as he rubbed his temples. “Why?” It was harsher than he intended, but he wanted an answer, damnit. Everytime he tried to meet his dad there was some excuse as to why they couldn’t. It was getting tiring. He knew something was bothering Varian, he just didn’t have enough information to figure out what and Varian wasn’t helping in the slightest. He moved his hand away from his head as he was hit with a startling revelation. “Is it me?”
“What? No, Hugo, it’s-“ Varian had brought his eyes up for a second only to turn them back to the floor. “Complicated.”
Hugo frowned, that explanation did little for his nerves. Varian’s refusal to meet his eyes only increased the sensation that something was wrong, something was being kept from him, and he didn’t like it. “Var-“
“It’s fine, let’s just get this over with.” Varian said, stepping away from Hugo. Hugo nodded, not that Varian saw, he was already out the door posture tense, his hands shaking. It was all so very un-Varian. He hated it, he never should’ve asked for this, his stomach sunk as he thought about what could possibly happen at dinner to make Varian act like this.
Dinner was lovely. Sure Quirin didn’t talk that much, but they got along well. Varian had been quiet at the beginning too, eventually warming up. He had been watching their interactions closely, noticing Varian’s tense posture and the way he flinched slightly whenever Quirin looked at him or handed him something. It faded as the evening went one, Hugo brushing off Varian’s odd behavior as nerves. He let himself slip into a sense of ease, maybe that’s how he missed it.
Hugo made himself busy clearing the plates from their meal, stacking them inside the sink. He moved to start washing them, but Quirin stopped him, placing a hand on his shoulder. “Let me and Varian take care of this. You’re our guest.”
“Oh, it’s no problem. I don’t mind.” Hugo insisted.
Quirin’s grip tightened, almost painfully, he assumed it was just because he was so much stronger than him. “I insist.” Hugo nodded, making his way back to the living area, joining Varian on the couch.
“This wasn’t so bad.” Hugo said, wrapping his arm around Varian.
Varian opened his mouth to reply, his teeth clicking together when he promptly shut it again at the sound of his father’s voice. “Varian, come help with the dishes!”
Varian tensed immediately, any sense of ease he had previously disappearing. He looked at Hugo, his eyes once again pleading, but Hugo didn’t have an answer, how could he when he didn’t even know what the question was? Varian removed himself from Hugo’s grasp, pressing a kiss to his lips, desperate, pleading. Hugo broke it, his eyebrows knitting together in confusion, the sinking feeling in his stomach returning. Why did he feel like this? Dinner had been fine, they got along fine, everything was fine, wasn’t it?
Suddenly he didn’t want to let him go, but he had no reason to keep him. So he let him go, his stomach sinking as Varian disappeared into the kitchen. Hugo stood then, making his way around the house. He hadn’t been to Varian’s childhood home before. It almost felt as if he was seeing a new side to him, but there was something unsettling about it. The walls were bare, not a single picture of the family lining the walls. It was almost like Varian had never been there. He may have been an orphan, but he knew this was not normal. Didn’t most parents love to shove their kids in peoples faces? What made Varian different? He knew of Varian’s past, but was that really cause to purge all trace of the boy’s existence from the home? They had made up, their relationship was better, Varian had said so, they got along now, didn’t they?
Hugo turned to the stairs fully intending to go up the stairs and investigate Varian’s old room. His foot hovered over the first step, the sound of a plate breaking preventing him from taking it. He turned just in time to see Varian bolt from the kitchen, wiping at his face with his sleeve. His eyes caught sight of the red that stained it, Hugo following him out the door and into the woods, hoping Quirin wouldn’t think he was being rude. Where was he anyways? Was he not concerned for his son? Had the plate cut him somehow? It had to, it was the only way to explain the blood, but then why would Varian flee from the house?
“Varian!” He called, hot on his heels, but Varian kept going, not acknowledging him in the slightest. Once he was close enough he grabbed Varian’s upper arm, attempting to get him to stop. He regretted it instantly. Varian looked up at him with fearful blue eyes, tears staining his cheeks, and blood trailing from his split bottom lip. Hugo’s heart stopped, his breath catching in his throat. “Did-“ He didn’t want to finish that train of thought, he didn’t want it to be true. “What happened?”
He reached up to cup Varian’s face, the latter flinching as soon as Hugo raised his hand. He dropped it, letting go of Varian’s arm as well, if what he suspected was true he probably wasn’t fond of the contact right now. More tears spilled down his cheeks. “I’m sorry. I-I didn’t- I didn’t mean to upset him. I messed everything up. I-I’m sorry.”
Hugo’s hands hovered awkwardly over Varian. Usually he wouldn’t hesitate to pull him into a hug, but this wasn’t something usual, it shouldn’t be. And yet it seemed that it was Varian’s reality. He wanted to march back into that house and beat the shit out of Quirin, even though he didn’t stand a chance in hell. He so badly wanted to give into his anger, but right now Varian needed him more. “Can I hug you?”
Normally he’d go right into spewing sweet words in his ear, trying his best to soothe Varian with them, he didn’t think that was the most important right now. He needed to first establish that he meant him no harm, that he wasn’t going to hurt him, unlike his father, no, unlike Quirin, he didn’t deserve that title. His heart sunk as Varian shook his head, his shoulders shaking as he brought his hands up to his mouth to suppress the sobs. “No. I-I’m sorry. No.”  
“That’s okay. That’s fine. I won’t do anything you’re not comfortable with, okay?” Varian nodded, it was small, barely there. He felt sick that Quirin had reduced Varian to this. Had it been like this his entire life? Had it happened after the amber? Did anyone know? Hugo fought the urge to pull him into a hug again. “Can I touch you?”
“Okay.” It sounded unsure, like he felt bad for denying Hugo, but he wasn’t completely comfortable with it.
“Var, I need to know if you’re okay with it or not. I need you to answer honestly. I won’t make you do anything you don’t want to.” He hated how hypocritical that was, he’d forced him into this hadn’t he? Still he pushed forward, swallowing his own guilt. “Can I touch you?”
Varian wiped some of his tears away, giving a slightly more confident nod. “Yeah, that’s-that’s okay.” Hugo made sure to move slowly, bringing his hands up to cup Varian’s face, wiping away the tears with his thumbs. Varian’s breath hitched, leaning into the touch once he got comfortable. Hugo didn’t say anything, waiting until Varian was calmer before he’d chance speaking again. Instead he used his sleeve to wipe away the remaining blood from his lip, gently dabbing the fabric against the wound. Varian grabbed his wrist, stopping his movements. “I’m sorry. I-I didn’t want you to see that. You weren’t supposed to see. I’m-“
Hugo brought his finger to Varian’s lips, effectively cutting off his sentence. “Don’t apologize. Do not apologize. None of this is your fault. None of this should be happening to you.”
“Varian, it is not your fault. Whatever he’s told you, whatever he’s done, you are absolutely not to blame. You don’t deserve this abuse,” Varian flinched at the word, but he needed to know that’s what it was, what it is. “You deserve the world, and I’ll make damn sure you get it.”
Varian smiled at that, it was a small, broken thing, but a smile nonetheless. “Thank you, Hugo. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
This time Hugo chanced wrapping his arms around Varian’s waist, the smaller wrapping his arms around his neck in return. “Lucky you, you’ll never have to find out. You’re stuck with me, babe.”
This time his smile was more genuine, closer to what he’d grown to love. “Thank you, I mean it.” He leaned forward, pecking Hugo’s lips. “I love you.”
“I love you too. Now let’s get out of here, before I do something stupid.” Hugo said, eyes darting briefly back to where the house was. He didn’t let them linger, focusing instead on Varian. It was strange to think the person he treasured more than life itself someone would take so for granted.
“Everything you do is stupid.” Varian laughed, sounding more like himself, despite his tear stained cheeks, and the dried blood on his lip. He pulled away, making sure to keep a firm grip on Hugo’s hand.
“I resent that.” Hugo shot back, not sparing another glance behind him as he led Varian away towards a better future. He wouldn’t ask for details today, he’d let Varian share on his own terms, no matter how long it took. And when the time came, maybe, just maybe, he’d ask Eugene for his blessing instead.
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rrasado · 4 years
THe mfing sequal
|Which One is At Fault?|
@mintystale, discord peeps, y’all want a sequal? I’ll give y’all a sequal. @sourpterodactyl,thank you for the idea so know what’s coming for you.
“Hm, from what I recall the scarabia students found a place with rare breed of mushrooms near the gate of ramshackle dorm”
“Oya, near your gates you say? I’ll have Floyd look into it, who knows what purpose those scarabia students have in mind”
“Oh of course Jade-senpai do as you wish”
“I caught wind of a certain new store at the nearby square, apperantly the books there are from all sorts of origins”
“Hm...you think they’d have one from my world?”
He spun her around to the melody of the cello as they connected hands again in a matter of seconds.
“Who knows? I can have someone accompany you in case my information is wrong. We don’t want our guest of honor to disappear because of my miscalculation now do we?”
“Oh haha very funny senpai, just give me the location and I’ll go there with Ace and Deuce”
“You know, I think someone else is willing to accompany you”
“It’s fine I don’t want to-“
“Look subtly behind you...”
The amused smirk on the teal haired 2nd year’s face was able to convince the prefect to do so as she carefully glanced over her shoulder.
“...Why the hell is the takoyaki bastard hunched over the bar?”
“Hmm well, you could say his pride is not cooperating with him”
And with that the waltz like rhythm came to a halt as the two of them bowed for the final courtesy.
The prefect straightened her back once again, catching a glimpse of jade snickering ever so subtly at whatever was behind her.
“F-Floyd I’m telling you stop these nonsense-“
“Blah blah you talk too much for someone who doesn’t wanna say anything to our guest of honor ne Azul~”
“Damn you two-“
The infamous silver haired dormhead accidentally lost his balance almost crashing into the prefect that had the decency to move, letting said dormhead hit the table behind her.
“Now that’s a graceful entrance you don’t see everyday”
“Shut it prefect as if you’re graceful yourself”
“Did I ever say such thing?”
“Your implying it-“
The banter would’ve lasted longer if it weren’t for the tweel’s interruption. Floyd went ahead and helped the dormhead up on his feet, immediately patting off the dust from his attire for the night. Now she thought of it, he wasn’t wearing his usual grey overcoat and dorm uniform.
“Well if you three have nothing else to discuss with me then I’ll take my lea-“
“Ne shrimpy~ hold on a minute! You haven’t even tried the blueberry cheesecake yet~”
“Floyd Senpai I’ve been here for 50 minutes and I see no cheesecake in sight-“
“That’s because azul will give you a slice after he tells you something~ right Azul~?”
The prefect side eyed the...wait is he avoiding eye contact? Nani da fu-
“Oya, Yes prefect, Azul indeed has something to say to you”
“And what would that be? I already left the budget planning to him like he so desperately wanted-“
“Don’t talk as if I’m not here!”
Azul gripped the hem of his overcoat as he stared directly at the unphased prefect.
“I-I...I well, I’m sorry...”
“For someone so proud speaking, I didn’t here a single thing-“
“I’m sorry!”
“Oya Oya prefect~ compose yourself would you, your sadism is showi-“
“I-I’m sorry senpai it’s just-HAha I’d never thought I’d see the bastard actually apologize-“
The prefect couldn’t even finish her sentence as she full on laughed at what she deemed amusing while the octo merfolf merely pushed his fedora down to hide the growing blush of embarrassment on his face.
“H-hey are you ok bastard?”
Azul only pushed his hat farther down as he can feel the blood rushing to his head, trying to avoid any possible eye contact with the girl in front of him.
“...I’m apologizing to the person I’d usually fight and disagree with, only to have her laugh at my sincerity, how do you think I feel.?”
“Pfft- peachy I guess”
The prefect wiped a tear from her laugh fest as she carefully reached for the tip of the dormhead’s hat, raising it ever so softly to look him in the eye.
“Look, I honestly don’t know why your apologizing right now...but I’ll accept your so called sincerity for tonight, since I did let you purposely hit that table earlier-“
“That left a bruise-”
“Yeah I can tell from the thud thank you very much.”
The prefect, still holding his fedora gently raised it higher to fully see his expression.
“Tell you what, if you give me that slice of blueberry cheeskcake right now, I’ll wholeheartedly forgive you and accept your so called ‘apology’.”
Azul’s eyes scanned the prefect’s features, there was no sign of her usual hostile expression he was so used to greet at meetings, only a neutral facade, brow raised waiting for his answer.
“Alright, Floyd did promise you that when he invited you-“
“Ne~ but your the one who’s told me to tell her-“
“S-She doesn’t need to know the details!”
“Alright that’s enough you two, our guest of honor is obviously waiting”
At that point the octo merfolk didn’t notice the prefect completely removing his staple attire as she gripped the fedora in her hands.
“I’m keeping this until I get my end of the bargain”
Azul immediately reached to touch the top of his head, eyes widening as he realized some strands of his hair were untamed.
“Tsk fine...”
The prefect, out of instinct reached for his hair and gently flattened it for him.
“Oya?” “Ne~?”
“You remind me of grim sometimes, that cat’s fur is so hard to tame it’s starting to piss me off”
Without even noticing the alludance of his hair to the grey beast, Azul stiffened at her touch but slowly eased soon after.
“Ne Jade~ wasn’t the last girl to touch Azu’s hair was his own mother?”
“Your indeed correct Floyd, it seems even the infamous prefect has her soft side.”
“Y’know I can here you two clearly from here?”
The prefect, still holding his hat, grabbed the dormhead by the arm and strutted towards to one of the tables...
...Not noticing how dazed he was in the process..and how the tweels are snickering in the background as they watch their friend be taken aback by a magicless girl.
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sassyduckqueen · 4 years
Miraculous: Rise of Anatis 21
I really liked how this one turned out and we have an adorable moment between Lady Noir and Anatis. As a heads up peeps, Puppeteer 2 and Silencer will be happening a lot sooner than the rest of season 3 but as you know, I don't really give a crap about chronological order. I believe most of the episodes can be viewed in any order, expect for a few that are have some kind of chronological order. Anyway, hope you enjoy this chapter!!
Chapter Twenty One: Prime Queen
"Tonight on our first edition on Face to Face, you'll have the opportunity of the lifetime! The chance to talk live with Anatis and Lady Noir, along with me. Nadja Chamack," The news reporter smiled on the TV as Tikki watched it, eating a cookie. Luka was in the shower and she had been watching some cartoon when this advert came on. Luka had told her about the interview but she wasn't sure if she agreed with it. "We'll be revealing some sizzling hot information about your favorite superheroes! Don't be bemused, it's just the news!"
 "Sizzling-hot revelations?!" Tikki gasped, flying up as Luka walked in. He looked over at her as he dried his hair. She flew over to him as he grabbed a cookie. "Luka! You're supposed to be a superhero not a star! You're meant to be mysterious and elusive to protect yourself from Hawkmoth!"
 "Hm?" He looked up as he ate his cookie. She looked at him with a worried expression. "I know that Tikki,"
 "Are you sure this interview is a good idea?!"
 "Don't worry," He smiled, holding out his hand. She floated down and landed on his palm. "I only agreed to it because it's an opportunity to reassure Paris about Hawkmoth and so they know me and Lady Noir will do everything we can to keep them safe,"
 "Just be careful tonight ok?" She muttered.
 "I will be," He smiled before rolling his eyes to the side. "But no promises regarding Lady Noir,"
 Tikki gasped in horror as if she had forgotten that he wasn't the only hero to get interviewed tonight. Luka smiled a little as she froze in place, having a mini crisis. Probably realizing that Plagg would not as worried as she was and would more then likely encourage discord given his status as the god of destruction. Or least, Luka had concluded that, since he hadn't actually met the cat god. 
 "Don't worry, Tikki. I'll make sure she's on her best behavior," He laughed before his alarm went off. He grabbed his phone and switched it off. "Speaking of which, it's show time,"
 "Already?" She asked.
 "Yup," He replied, swiping his earring. "Tikki! Spots on!!"
 A few seconds later, Anatis dived out of the porthole of the Liberty and swung across the city towards the TV Studio. He landed on the rooftops and ran as fast as he could before diving off and throwing his yoyo. It wrapped around one of the flag poles, using it to propel himself through the air before throwing his yoyo again. This time catching it onto a chimney. He landed on the roof and saw the TV Station in sight. He dived off the building. Throwing his yoyo, he wrapped it around one of the billboards before pulling himself up to the roof. He landed on the roof and pulled back his yoyo before clipping it back onto his belt. He walked over to the fire door and opened it before heading down into the building. He ran down the stairs before heading to the studio. He frowned to himself as he saw Lady Noir wasn't here yet. He walked over to Nadja, who looked up when she saw him.
 "Ah, Anatis," Nadja smiled. "It's good to see you. Thank you for agreeing to this,"
 "No worries, Nadja," He smiled before looking to the empty sofa. "She's not here yet?"
 "No, not yet," Nadja explained before gesturing towards tea trolley as he took a seat. "Would you like some of the food before we go live, Anatis? Also do you want any make up done? Our team is the best-"
 "Make up wise I'm good but I'll have some of those snacks," He smiled back before taking a small handful and eating a few as they started to go through the last checks. His yoyo vibrated as he took a drink of water. He placed down the bottle and opened it before typing back then he looked at Nadja. "She's on route,"
 "Oh good," She smiled as the crew did their last checks. The door's literally burst open as Lady Noir came in. She ran over before jumping over the camera and landing next to Anatis, who was completely unfazed by her actions before she took a seat and grabbed the water bottle he was holding out to her. She unscrewed it and downed it before gasping for breathe.
 "Thanks, Annie. I needed that," She grinned as he smiled gently at her. "Oh! Snacks!"
 She grabbed a small handful as well and ate them as an intern removed the tea trolley before taking more gulp of her water. The camera men did their final check as Nadja held her earpiece as she listened to instruction. 
 "And we're going live in... 3... 2..." The direction gave the signal as Nadja turned to the camera and put on her best smile.
 "Good evening. I'm Nadja Chumack and this is Face-to-Face," She stated into the camera. Anatis watched as she looked nervous before she lifted her hand and pointed to them. "For our first edition, I welcome the beloved guardians of Paris. Anatis and Lady Noir. Hello!"
 One of the cameras panned onto them as they waved. Lady Noir had a nervous smile but she looked more confidence then Anatis, who wasn't quite sure what to do with himself. 
 "Thanks so much for accepting this exclusive live interview," Nadja smiled, gesturing around them before looking back at them.
 "Thank you, Nadja... um... for having us," Anatis smiled as Lady Noir nodded.
 "We're honored to be here," She smiled as Anatis played with his hands. "Hey Annie, why don't you say hi to your fans?"
 "I have fans?" He asked, a little confused. Lady Noir giggled and gently nudged his arm.
 "Of course, you do,"
 "I'm sure thousands have tuned in tonight," Nadja smiled.
 "Yeah, who wouldn't want to see their favorite bug," Lady Noir grinned before winking playfully. "Though everyone knows I'm the favorite. Right, Bugaboo?"
 "I'd say so but I am kind of bias on the situation, kitten," Anatis smiled, making her giggle softly as Nadja looked at her wrist.
 "Aha, ha, ha," Nadja faked laughed, making Anatis raise an eyebrow. "It's obvious the two of your are very close, right?"
 "Of course, me and Anatis are best friends," Lady Noir laughed, leaning her arm against him as Nadja nodded.
 "Right," She replied before looking back at her tablet then back at the superheroes. "People know you but we don't really know you. We see you saving Paris but don't know anything else about you. We know nothing of your passions or what you dislike. There are some rumors such as Anatis been scared of cats but other then that we don't know. Care to share any details?"
 "Well, I'm not afraid of cats for one thing," Anatis replied, smiling before turning back to been serious. "But with all due respect, we can't tell you anything regarding our personal lives. It could compromise our identities. Even something that may seem trivial to others could reveal who we are under the mask,"
 "I understand," Nadja nodded before glancing at her wrist again. She looked up and smiled. "How about we answer some questions from your biggest fans?"
 "Yep, let's do it," Lady Noir smiled as Anatis nodded. Nadja switched an icon on her tablet, which opened a video chat box on the big screen. To their horror, it was none other than Chloe.
 "Hello, caller. State your name and your question," Nadja stated as Chloe threw away her nail file.
 "Really, Nadja?" She questioned, making the woman and heroes frown. "Who else would be the first caller but me?! I'm only the most prestigious fan of Anatis and Lady Noir!"
 "Oh, yes. Of course," Nadja muttered before smiling. "Hello there Chloe Bourgeois, daughter of the Mayor of Paris,"
 "Don't forget that Daddy is the manager of the Grand Paris Hotel, only the best luxury hotel in all of Paris!!" She declared, making both Anatis and Lady Noir sigh a little.
 "Uh...thanks for reminding us. So what is your question, Chloe?"
 "Oh, I don't have a question. I just wanted to say hi!!" She grinned, waving. "Since... as you know... we are such very good friends, Lady Noir, Anatis and I,"
 Anatis waved back a little but quickly dropped his hand when he saw Lady Noir's expression. He frowned a little as he looked over at Nadja, who pulled a face as she looked at her wrist then smiled.
 "Thank you, Chloe Bourgeois. Next caller," She stated, causing Chloe to start shouting that she wasn't finished before Nadja brought up the next call.
 "Hi there, Anatis and Lady Noir!!" Alya grinned as she held up her phone. Anatis rose an eyebrow as Lady Noir froze in her seat. "I'm Alya and I'm wondering if you'll grant me an interview for the Ladyblog... you know since I get more views then Nadja,"
 "Um... well... uh!" Lady Noir gasped, causing Anatis to smile a little before he turned to the call.
 "Sure, Alya," He stated, making her gasp. "I'm sure we can arrange something," 
 "That totally rocks!! Thank you!! Thank you!!" She gasped as Manon appeared on screen, declaring herself on TV. Both Nadja and Lady Noir gasped.
 "Manon? But where's Marinette?"
 "Oh, she's just getting us some snacks," Alya covered, causing Lady Noir to mentally breathe and for Nadja to look relieved. However, her facial expression changed to one of worry as she looked down as if listening to what someone had said to her. She swiped down on her tablet, ending the phone call before turning back to Anatis and Lady Noir. 
 "Uh... Anatis... Lady Noir..." She mumbled as she clapped her hands together. Her eyes flicker to the side as if she's trying to work out what to say before she looks back at them. "Um... so a lot of fans think of you as a couple of superheroes..."
 Anatis felt the hairs stand up on his neck. He didn't like how nervous Nadja looked. 
 "But also and I quote as a couple," She stated, suddenly getting her confidence back.
 "What?!" Lady Noir gasped as Anatis just stared in shock. When he agreed to do the interview, this was not what he had in mind. Nadja narrowed her eyes and looked ready to pounce. Her eyes were on the prize so to speak and the prize was their love lives. 
 "Can you confirm that you two are dating here tonight?" She asked, causing Lady Noir to stare at the sheer cheek of her question. Anatis cleared his throat as he looked around nervously.
 "I'm sorry, Nadja but we are not here to answer such personal questions," He replied in a stern manner as Lady Noir nodded in agreement. Hopefully, that will put the idea out of her head. Nadja frowned a little at his answer. "Look, we really appreciate the invite to this interview and all but we only agreed to it so we can reassure Paris,"
 "Exactly!" Lady Noir gasped, finally finding her voice. "We're here to assure all Parisians that they're safe and that it's only a matter of time before we defeat Hawkmoth. That's all,"
 Once again, Nadja looked worried before she nodded her head.
 "Ah, fine," She muttered, though Anatis had a feeling she wasn't talking to them. She faced the screen before swiping on her tablet. A picture of Lady Noir kissing Anatis appeared and instantly, Lady Noir sank down into her chair with a light blush on her cheeks but she also looked extremely embarrassed. While he didn't remember it, Lady Noir had told him why she had kissed him. "How do you explain this picture then?"
 "Simple. That was the day that the akuma Dark Cupid made an appearance. As you can see, my lips in that picture are black," Anatis stated, crossing his arms. "Lady Noir saved me from him and that's all that is to it,"
 "What about this one?" Nadja asked, changing the photo to one that looked like Anatis was hugging Lady Noir.
 "That was the same day. I got hit one of Dark Cupid's arrows," He shrugged but Nadja smirked.
 "You mean you sacrificed yourself to protect Lady Noir?" She asked. "That sounds like love to me,"
 "No, it's called been a decent person and protecting my partner," He argued back, causing Nadja to smirk even more before she showed more pictures of the two of them. The next one showed him actually hugging Lady Noir. That had been taken after the defeat of Animan. She had jumped into his mouth and Anatis had been worried that he had lost her for real. The photo changed to showing them to flying through the air. Lady Noir was holding onto him as they did. The next photo showed her leaning over him. It had been taken when she had pushed him out of the way of an akuma's attack and the last one showed the two of them sat on a rooftop together. She was leaning her head on his shoulder as they just sat watching for akumas. Of course, it looked like they were a couple watching the sunset.
 "It's so obvious that you're both in love," Nadja smiled. Anatis went to argue but Lady Noir shook her head.
 "These are just a bunch of photos taken out of context. Me and Anatis are best friends and partners, not lovers,"
 "Lady Noir is right. All we're doing is our job. That photo where we're sat on that building. We're looking out for akumas and trouble. The one that showed us hugging. That was taken after the defeat of Animan, which was a very trying akuma. In case, you have forgotten... to defeat him, I jumped into his jaws so of course, Lady Noir hugged me afterwards. She was worried," Anatis added before pinching his nose and shaking his head. "We save Paris together every day but that doesn't make us a couple,"
 "You two practically are a couple," Nadja countered.
 "No, we're not," Anatis replied back, standing up.
 "Why won't you tell the truth?" Nadja gasped, looking at them. 
 "It is the truth, Nadja," Lady Noir added in, standing next to Anatis, who had his arms crossed and an annoyed look on his face.
 "Come on... the audience awaits your answer," She sang a little but that seemed to be the final straw for Anatis.
 "Uh! Do I have to spell it out for you?!" He yelled, clearly annoyed. "We. Are. Not. Dating!!"
 "Come on. Everyone thinks that you two are a great couple," Nadja stated, ignoring his comment. "You don't have to be shy and lie about it,"
 Nadja must of realized her mistake because she gulped a little as soon as she saw their expressions. Lady Noir's was one of disappointment and disgust but she had nothing on Anatis. To say, he was annoyed was an understatement. His hands were clenched in fists and he was visibly shaking as he stared daggers at Nadja. Lady Noir noticed and placed her hand on his arm, causing him to snap out of it. He took a deep breathe then turned back to Nadja with a cold stare.
 "We are done. This interview is over," He replied, turning on his heel and walking towards the exit with Lady Noir. Nadja stood shocked for a little bit before shaking her head.
 "Hey! Wait you two!!" She gasped, reaching out for them. "The show isn't over yet and your fans will be disappointed!!"
 "If they're our true fans, they'll understand," Lady Noir hissed, making Nadja frown before her and Anatis when to leave. However, he stopped for a second and turned to face Nadja.
 "For the record, Ms Chumack, I'm not a liar and I'm disappointed that you'd go so far as to suggest that I am," He stated then the heroes exited the studio, leaving Nadja alone.
 "Are you ok?" Lady Noir asked as they jumped through Paris. Anatis landed on a rooftop before sitting down, causing Lady Noir to sit next to her.
 "I'm fine. I'm just annoyed that she was willing to do anything to make her show a success," He muttered, throwing up his yoyo and catching it. Lady Noir nodded, understanding his frustration. "Are you ok?"
 "Hm? Oh yeah I'm fine," She grinned, knocking his arm with hers. "So people think we're dating?"
 "Urg... please don't remind me," He gasped, rolling his eyes before realizing how that must seem to Lady Noir. "I mean.... uh..."
 "Oh, you wound me!" She gasped, dramatically throwing herself against him as she placed her arm across her forehead before giggling and sitting up again. "Don't sweat it, Annie. I'm just not your type,"
 "That's not the case..." He coughed, going a little red but before they continue the conversation, the big billboard screen suddenly changed to a weird looking woman with red hair and blue skin. She seemed to be wearing a shield over her face and her eyes were completely blue with a hint of pink. Her outfit was pixelated and seemed to have a pattern across it that glowed blue. It reminded Anatis of a mother board of a computer. Her hands faded into bright pink as did her shoes. Anatis instantly jumped up and frowned as they looked at the woman.
 "Welcome everyone to a new show, hosted by me! Prime Queen!!" She declared before laughing. "Don't be bemused! It's just the news!"
 "Nadja?!" Lady Noir gasped, looking at Anatis who frowned deeply. Prime Queen laughed evilly before looking back at the camera.
 "Tonight, Anatis and Lady Noir disappointed all their loyal fans by refusing to admit their love for each other!!" She gasped, dramatically before jumping back and gesturing to a new screen. It suddenly turned on and showed Chloe in her bedroom. She gasped and stepped back in fear as Prime Queen faced her, holding some cables in her hands. "I've prepared some trials to see how they're willing to go to keep the truth hidden from us,"
 The two heroes frowned as the screen briefly turned right then Prime Queen reappeared on the screen, holding a tied up Chloe next to her.
 "Let's welcome our very first guest, Chloe Bourgeois!" She declared, gesturing to the audience before placing her hand on her hip. "Who's apparently a personal friend of our two superheroes,"
 "I certainly am," Chloe replied, making Lady Noir sigh as Anatis watched.
 "Just proves you can't believe what you see on TV," She stated, crossing her arms before flicking her eyes back to the screen.
 "Well then, dear Chloe... let's find out if you really can count on them as true friends," Prime Queen stated before snapping her fingers. The screen turned white again before she appeared again. This time, Chloe wasn't with her. "Welcome to the subway of suspense!"
 Horror filled Anatis' mind as he realized that Prime Queen was driving the subway train and it was more than likely that Chloe was trapped on it. As annoying as Chloe could be, they had to save her.
 "If it reaches 70 miles per hour," She states as she points to the corner of the screen. A speed gauge appeared there, showing the train's current speed which was only increasing. "You can say goodbye to your precious little friend!"
 Both Anatis and Lady Noir stared in horror as they watched the scene play out. It didn't take a genius to work out that Prime Queen intended to kill Chloe to get her ratings. She smirked as she looked down at her wrist. On the screen, they could see the rating gauge was in the yellow zone.
 "Well, well. Look here," She smirked evilly as she pointed to her wrist, showing the bars moving up into the yellow. "The ratings are rising! More and more of you want to know if our superhero friends will get here on time! The suspense is... killing her!!"
 She laughed evilly at her joke before turning back to the screen.
 "Anatis! Lady Noir!!" She called out before smiling wickedly. "Are you willing to travel through the screen to save your darling Chloe?"
 The screen finally showed Chloe, who was still tied up and trying to get some off her jacket. She faced the camera and pouted, clearly not happy.
 "Lady Noir!! Anatis!! I beg you!! Save my jacket!!" She gasped before falling over as the train's speed increased. The two heroes looked at each other before Lady Noir took out her baton and extended it towards the screen. It went straight through, proving that they could go through it. She recalled it and frowned deeply.
"Ready to go through, Kitten?" Anatis asked, making her frown. 
 "It could be a trap," She pointed out. "I'd rather find my own way,"
 "Agreed but there's a lot of subway trains in Paris and we have no way of knowing which one she's on..." Anatis frowned before sighing. "I think if we want to save her, we have no choice but to go through the screen,"
 "Well, I guess we're about to be the stars of this show," She stated, spinning her baton. "I hope you don't get stage fright,"
 "I was born to be in the limelight, kitten," Anatis grinned as the two of them stepped back far enough to allow to break into a run. Anatis looked toward Lady Noir, who nodded back at him before they both broke into a run before diving off the building and into the screen. Anatis grabbed onto the seating, catching himself as Lady Noir rolled and jumped up. She took out her baton as he took out his yoyo, spinning it but Chloe was frowning at them. They lowered the weapons.
 "Finally! What took you so long?!" She shouted. "Hurry up and get me out of this underground nightmare!!!"
 The train jolted, causing her to fall back down, revealing Prime Queen standing behind her on the other side of the carriage. Anatis frowned as she walked towards the other billboard, laughing before she stopped and blocked the door way.
 "You're about to be the stars of the highest rated show in all of TV history!" She declared, holding up her arm. The gaude was moving higher as the seconds ticked on.
 "The akuma must be in that watch," Lady Noir pointed out, causing Anatis to nod.
 "I'll deal with her while you get that door open. We need to stop this train," He ordered, getting a nod of her. He flicked out his yoyo and span it as the two of them charged over to Prime Queen. Anatis throw his yoyo at her as Lady Noir raced to the door. Prime Queen jumped out of the way of the yoyo, causing Anatis to shatter part of the window before he threw his yoyo at her again. She slipped back into a screen, causing him to break it as she watched from the others. Lady Noir tried the door and frowned as she looked back at Anatis.
 "We're trapped," She declared, causing him to look around in his luck vision but nothing lit up.
 "The rules of my show are simple!" Prime Queen declared. "Admit live on TV that you're dating and are in love and I'll stop the train!!"
 "As I already pointed out, I'm not a liar and I'm not about to start now!" Anatis growled back, making Lady Noir frown a little.
 "I want my scoop!!" She growled, making him glare at the screen even more.
 "Lady Noir, use your cataclysm!!" 
 "What if we need it later?" She asked, making him frown. "Like for an emergency?"
 "Now is an emergency!" He gasped but she pulled him closer to her so she could whisper in his ear. 
 "Annie, we have to lure her to us first or we'll never catch her akuma," Lady Noir whispered, causing him to sigh. He knew she was right. "So let's just play a lot with her. At least, it will buy us sometime,"
 "Meaning what?" He asked, looking at her. She winked at him then turned to the screen.
 "Ok, Prime Queen... you win," She gasped, grabbing Anatis' hand. "Anatis and I are dating, like you said... we are in love..."
 The train started to slow down, shaking the carriage and causing Anatis and Lady Noir to fall forward. His back hit the side of the train as she hit his chest. Her face turned bright red as she literally felt his muscles under her hands that were resting on his chest. She had tried to catch herself, which resulted in her placing her hands on him. He rose an eyebrow as she unintentionally purred.
 "Did you just purr?" He asked, slightly amused.
 "What?! No!!" She gasped, blushing madly as she pulled away from him. 
 "Our two heroic lovebirds are saving their fan's life by admitting their true feelings!!" Prime Queen declared, holding her hands together like she was happy. Her expression was one of joy and reminded Anatis of a fangirl. The screen then switched to a picture of their hands with several arrows pointing to them. "Our viewers are going crazy!!"
 Anatis and Lady Noir frowned a little as they watched.
 "But the ratings haven't maxed out yet!!" Prime Queen declared. "You must do better,"
 "Why don't you come and join us then?" Anatis invited as Lady Noir grinned.
 "Yeah, you're the host and star of the show after all," She added in, leaning her arm on his shoulder. "That way you'll have your ratings,"
 Prime Queen went quiet for a second before tapping her chin. She looked back at them and grinned evilly.
 "My show, my rules, Lady Noir!!" She declared, making both of them to frown. "To prove that your feelings are genuine, you'll have to remove your mask, which means you must give me your miraculous then you can treat our viewers with a sweet kiss!!"
 "No way!" Anatis growled, stepping forward. "We're not surrendering our miraculous and we are not kissing!! Even if we are in love, that's not right!! We're not some celebrities to be gossiped over!!"
 Prime Queen frowned and the screen turned black, causing Lady Noir to let out a sigh.
 "Oh, thank god you're thinking on the same lines as me," She muttered before walking over to the screen. "I'd hate to have my first, real kiss projected on screen... it was bad enough that she showed the one from when I saved you from Dark Cupid,"
 "Wouldn't that be your first kiss?" He asked, examining the screens. 
 "Oh, no. That was a peck," She grinned. "And it was to save you so it doesn't count. When people say first kiss, they mean a snog and trust me, that's what she wants us to do. Once we surrender our miraculous that is,"
 "Wow... so you've never actually kissed another person?" He asked, looking at her. She blushed and looked away shyly.
 "Well... no..." She gasped, looking back at him. "Have you?"
 "Um... well.... no actually..." He muttered, going red and looking shy. "um... moving on... think the show is over yet?"
 "No... I have a feeling that it's just beginning but if we can't get to her, we'll never catch her akuma," Lady Noir stated as the screen turned back on.
 "My dear viewers! You're in for the reveal of a lifetime!!" She declared, throwing her arms out. The cameras panned out, revealing she was now the egyptian area of the Louvre museum. She opened the coffin next to her, revealing Alya tied up inside. Lady Noir gasped in fear.
 "Lady Noir!! Anatis!! Help me, please!!" Alya gasped as she struggled before Prime Queen slammed the coffin shut before covering her mouth with her hand as she pretended to be surprised.
 "Oh wait! Isn't this the girl who started the famous Ladyblog?!" She gasped, rubbing the lid of the coffin. "The first one to film the heroes of Paris?!"
 "No! Alya!!" Lady Noir gasped, worry clear in her eyes.
 "Next trial! Your miraculous or your biggest fan will soon be mummified!!" She laughed as the screen next to Anatis turned white. He looked at Lady Noir, who was clearly scared for Alya.
 "Let's go and save Alya," He stated, taking her hand and giving her a reassuring smile before the two of them dived through it. Only the two of them fell into a freezer, causing them to shiver. "Not the Louvre..."
 "She double crossed us!!" Lady Noir growled, yanking at the door before she helped up her hand. Anatis grabbed her wrist, making her look at him.
 "We'll never get to the Louvre in time so don't use it just yet," He stated, making her frown as she rubbed her arms. "We'll find a way to save her..."
 "Aww, don't make promises you can't keep, Anatis," Prime Queen laughed. "The time has come to push those ratings sky high!!! Let's try this again!! Remove your miraculous and reveal your true selves!!"
 Lady Noir growled a little as Prime Queen held up her arm with the watch.
 "The whole world is watching you," She declared before lifting the coffin and spinning it before placing it upright. Anatis frowned as he watched. "There's no use looking for a way... unless you want to see your biggest fan in deep water..."
 She clicked her fingers and a small screen showing the Seine appeared on their TV. She spun the coffin again before pushing it back onto the floor, near a screen before smirking and placing her foot on the edge of the coffin. The two heroes gasped as she slowly pushed it through the screen that led to the Seine. 
 "Hurry up, you two!!" She sang as she pushed the coffin farther. "Don't want to keep your audience waiting,"
 "You're right," Anatis replied, throwing up his yoyo. "Lucky charm!!!"
 A tape roll appeared out of thin air and fell down. He frowned as he caught it.
 "A tape roll? Your lucky charms get weirder every time you summon one,"
 "Blame Tikki," He muttered as he looked around. His luck vision lit up most of the draws and the TV itself. Smirking to himself, he started to look in the draws for something, opening all the ones that were highlighted. Lady Noir blinked as she watched him. She shivered a little as she hugged herself, trying to keep warm.
 "Please hurry," She gasped, looking back at the screen. Prime Queen was slowly moving Alya farther in the screen. "She's about to drop Alya in the Seine,"
 "One minute," He declared, searching more.
 "That's too long!!" She gasped, tears in her eyes. "You promised..."
 "And I'm gonna keep it," He replied, searching them.
 "I'd listen to the cat if I were you, Anatis," Prime Queen declared as she pushed the coffin more. Anatis ignored her and opened a draw with apples before rushing over to another one. He opened that then rushed over to the next draw and opened it.
 "Volia," He muttered, grabbing the pizza box. He took out the pizza and handed it to Lady Noir, who looked at him questioningly as he walked back over to the tv. He placed the box over it and began to tape it to the screen, blocking Prime Queen's view. He winked at Lady Noir as he threw the tape roll, up and down in his hand before pointing to the side of the tvs. Realizing his plan, Lady Noir nodded and moved to the side of it. "Alright, Prime Queen, you win!! We'll remove our miraculous!! No more masks!! The whole world would see us without them..."
 "And we're about to kiss!" Lady Noir chimed in as Anatis moved to the other side. "Such a shame you're missing it though!!"
 "So unlucky!" Anatis teased before mouthing to Lady Noir. "When she comes through, break the tv,"
 She nodded, ready with her baton.
 "If you're lying, you'll regret it," Prime Queen declared before punching her hand through the pizza box. Anatis grabbed her arm and pulled her into the freezer, throwing her to the floor. Lady Noir used her baton to break the glass before walking over to Anatis.
 "And now you're stuck with us," She declared, causing Prime Queen to attack her. She dodged her fist before Prime Queen tried to punish Anatis. He blocked her punch and pushed her back, allowing Lady Noir to grab her arm and used her body to bring her to the floor, pinning her down. Anatis stepped on the watch, breaking it and releasing the akuma. Lady Noir released the now docile Prime Queen and jumped up. 
 "Cataclysm!!" She shouted before placing her hand on the door, destroying it. She stepped out as Anatis followed her, along with the akuma. He captured it with his yoyo then let it go once it was purified before taking out the tape roll and throwing it up in the air, shouting the magic words. The roll burst into the ladybugs that swarmed around fixing all that prime queen had done and reverting Prime Queen back to normal. She looked around, confused as the two heroes fist-bumped each other before Anatis walked over to her.
 "What happened?" She asked, looking around as he offered her his hand.
 "You were akumatized," He stated, helping her to her feet before rubbing his neck. "Look, I'm sorry for having a go at you but you really shouldn't be trying to get us to confession to something that isn't true. We're heroes but even if we weren't, it's not cool to spread gossip,"
 "I'm sorry, Anatis," She muttered, looking down. "I just wanted the show to be a success and then there was my boss breathing down my neck. She wanted me to do whatever it took to get the views but I ended up insulting you and Lady Noir..."
 "Nadja, your show doesn't need false news to be a success and your boss shouldn't pressure you so much," He stated, placing a hand on her shoulder. "You're a good journalist and I know you can make it without sacrificing your morals. Though... I have an idea as to how you can have a successful show...."
 "You do?" She gasped, surprised that he was willing to help her. 
 "Yeah... maybe you could work with Alya. She's got talent but could do with a mentor," He smiled as his earrings beeped. "Uh... sorry... I have to go!! Bye!!"
 He ran out and left, leaving Nadja and Lady Noir waving before Lady Noir gasped her ring beeped as well, reminding her that she needed to go home and check on Alya and Manon.
 ~A Couple of Days Later~
 "Don't be bemused! It's just the news!!" Nadja smiled as she looked the screen. She looked much happier then she previous was and her smile was genuine. Lady Noir smiled to herself as she sat on the roof where she and Anatis meet for patrol. She was watching the show through her baton. "Hi, I'm Nadja Chamack and this is Side-by-Side! Today, I'm joined by Alya Cesaire, who created the Ladyblog,"
 Alya waved nervously at the screen as the camera panned over to her.
 "Together we'll be looking back over Anatis and Lady Noir's greatest feats," Nadja declared as the camera went back to her. "Alya, over to you,"
 "Hello Nadja! Hey fans!!" Alya grinned, waving again. "So, first of all, I've gotta the record straight... Lady Noir and Anatis are not a couple! Well... not yet at least! Sorry to break the news!"
 "Is that Side-by-Side?" Anatis asked as he walked over and sat next to her. She paused the video and nodded, looking at him. "I'm glad Nadja got her primetime show,"
 "And this time she didn't sacrifice her morals," Lady Noir smiled, kicking her legs out. "Sooo...I am your type huh?"
 "What?!" He gasped, blushing as she laughed.
 "Just before we got interrupted by Prime Queen, you basically said that I was your type," She winked, making him blush and groan. 
 "I was hoping you had forgotten that," He muttered, hiding his face in his hands as she laughed.
 "Not a chance!" She grinned, nudging him. "D'aww... look at you... you're all embarrassed and blushy... I never had you down for been so innocent, Annie..."
 "You're evil," He muttered, making her laugh more.
 "Nah, you're just too easy to wind up," She winked but looking at him seriously. "But we could go out you know... I like you... you seem to like me... so..."
 "We can't," He states, making her frown. "It's not because I dislike you cause I don't. Any guy would be lucky to have you but... I'm in love with someone else..."
 "Oh... I understand," She mumbled, nodding. Of course, she already knew this but if she told him that, it would give away her identity as Marinette. "So are you with them?"
 "Oh... um... no... I'm not..." He replied, sadly, looking down. "They're in love with someone else,"
 "Oh, gosh. I'm sorry," She muttered, even those she already knew that. She also knew how hard it can be when the person you love loves another. She's been that situation twice after all. "Well, they don't know what they're missing! You're be a real catch. Handsome, creative, fun, intelligent!"
 "Thanks, Kitten," He smiled a little, making her grin before she frowned. "What is it?"
 "If this person wasn't around... would you consider me?" She asked, playing with her hands. Part of her was dreading his answer. She knew he would say no and mentally cursed herself for asking but she couldn't take it back now. He looked down a little before taking a deep breathe.
 "I.. I don't know how to say this without it sounding insulting," He muttered, making her frown. Was the idea of dating her that bad? "You see it's not that I wouldn't want to date you, cause who wouldn't. You're amazing and honestly, if I wasn't in love with this person, I'd probably fall for you... but I'd never ask you out,"
 Ok, that wasn't what she was expecting. She was expecting him to straight up say no and that he would rather die then date her. She frowned to herself, noticing that her self esteem was very low. She bit her lip as she was wondered why he would actually ask her out. He looked at her and sighed as she realized she had said that out loud. He played his hands and swallowed a little before licking his lips. He was nervous. She hadn't seen him this nervous before. He always seemed so chill and in control of his emotions. Sure, there were times when he got angry and he certain didn't do it by half but he always got his emotions under control.
 "It wouldn't be fair," He answered, causing her to raise an eyebrow. "If I was to date you, I'd want to know who you are underneath the mask. Sure, I like Lady Noir but she's only part of you but I'd want to fall for the person beneath the mask. That person is the real you. Without her, you can't be Lady Noir and that's who I would want to be with but I'd want the same for me. I don't want to be loved because I'm a superhero. This isn't who I really am. It's just part of me. I'm only Anatis for a short amount of time, compared to my civilian self. When I go home after a fight, it's not Anatis who deals with the fact that I just had to fight a supervillain or that my partner took a hit for me. It's the person beneath the surface who deals with that and I'd want to be loved for them, not for some mask I put on so other people don't have to be afraid..."
 "That's really deep," Lady Noir whispered, touching his hand as he looked down. For some reason, it reminded her of some that that Luka would say but the thought quickly got pushed to the back of her mind.
 "But that's impossible with you..." He whispered, looking at the sky as she frowned. "We can never know who is beneath the other's mask so if I ever fell for you, I wouldn't tell you because it wouldn't be fair on either of us and that way Hawkmoth wouldn't be able to use it as a weakness. If one of us got akumatized then the other would be safe since we don't know each other's identities but it was a clever thing to do with Prime Queen... pretending we're in love..."
 "It wasn't pretend for me," She muttered, making him sigh.
 "I'm sorry," He muttered, feeling bad but she gently placed her hand on top of his, making him look at her. She smiled softly in a way that oddly reminded him of Marinette but the thought disappeared among the music in his mind.
 "Don't be sorry. You're my friend above all else and I'm happy to have this time with you," She smiled, reassuring him. Normally, he was the one to say such things but it was a relief to hear her say it. "So this girl you love... does she know?"
 "No," He muttered, looking down. She frowned at the answer before she wanted to see him happy. "I'm not sure she sees me... like she sees me physically but as long as her sunshine is there, I'll always be invisible,"
 "Well... maybe you should tell her..."
 "No... I don't think I could," He muttered, making her frown. "She's too precious to me. Besides, she would never love me the way I love her... what about you? You must like someone else other than me,"
 "Well, there is two other boys," She smiled dreamily, making him smile. "There's both artists and very gifted at their chosen paths. Obviously, I can't tell you names or descriptions but one of them is so supportive. He always encourages me and we're very close,"
 She blushed as she thought about Luka.
 "I like him a lot... I like the other guy too but I can't talk to him. I always mess up my words and my clumsiness goes haywire with him but with the supportive one... it's easy. I can talk to him and I never mess up. He's so sweet and understanding as well. It's like he just gets me," She smiled. "I can gush about my passions and he never once gets bored. He likes my passion apparently. He even came with me so I didn't feel like a third wheel when I was helping a friend of mine with a girl he liked..."
 "He sounds like a keeper," Anatis replied. "Why don't you tell him you like him?"
 "Oh, well... um..." She muttered, rubbing the back of her neck. "Well, because I always mess up stuff like that... not that he minds when I mess up... he's even said it's cute..."
 "That guy likes you a lot," Anatis pointed out, making her blush. "I bet he would say yes if you asked him,"
 "Oh no! I couldn't," She gasped before looking at him. "You really think he'll say yes?"
 "Yeah. You should tell him you like him at least," He stated, making her gush and blush. "You deserve to be happy,"
 "So do you," She smiled before getting an idea. "How about a deal?"
 "A deal?" He asked, wearily before smiling. "Let's hear it,"
 "I'll tell the boy I like that I like him if you tell this girl that you like her," She suggested, holding out her hand. "Deal?"
 "Ummm.... it might take a while for me to pluck up the confidence to do so..." He admitted, making her smile.
 "Don't worry. I'm exactly the same," She grinned, still holding out her hand. "We have to let each other know that we confessed to our crushes as well. Even if they reject us,"
 "I can't believe I'm actually going to agree to this but ok," He stated, taking her hand and shaking it. "It's a deal,"
 "You won't regret it!" She grinned. "Hopefully, I won't either,"
Next Chapter: Chapter 22
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Dog DayZ
So I started writing this Starker beast fic on discord for some peeps, and I'm really liking where it's going. 
WARNINGS: Beastiality, Pet-Play lifestyle (eventually)
Part 1
Tony, the genius CEO behind tech mogul Stark Industries, has an intact male doberman that is getting very temperamental and a bit aggressive. He loves Ace very much and can't seem to figure out what has his poor pup so up in arms.
Thankfully, a close friend recommended Tony look into having an Animal Behavior Specialist visit Ace to determine what’s wrong.
Tony's definitely skeptical. He’s more or less expecting whoever this Parker guy is to just roll up, spout some weird "you have to show him who's the alpha" bullshit, and demand an exorbitant fee for his services, but his friend swears this should help Ace, so Tony’s willing to give him a chance.
He isn't expecting this adorable twink to step out of the elevator, completely ignore the hand Tony has out to shake, and make a beeline for his dog.... who is uncharacteristically excited to meet a stranger.
Tony wants to be irked at the rudeness, but as he’s watching this kid (and really, that’s the best way Tony can describe him since he looks so young) roll around the floor with Ace like they’ve been friends for years is just too cute.
After about a minute or so of this, though, Tony starts to feel like a third wheel. “Hi. I’m Tony Stark. I was told you could help me with Ace’s behavior issues?”
That gets the kid’s attention. “Oh, right! Sorry about that. I’m Peter Parker. But you knew that already… yeah, so uh-”
As Peter goes to stand up, Ace immediately grabs onto his hips and starts humping away at the air.
Tony has never been more embarrassed in his life! “ACE! Get off of him! God, I’m so sorry, Peter, I seriously don’t know what’s gotten into him lately.” As he’s apologizing, Tony’s trying to tug Ace off by his collar, but Peter really isn’t doing anything to help.
Actually, Peter’s just sitting there giving Ace a sympathetic look. “Well, here’s the good news, sir. It seems Ace just needs a bit of release.”
For being a genius, it takes Tony an awfully long time to process that.
Peter nods and looks at him with a wide, innocent expression that makes Tony feel like his mind is in the gutter and that’s not the kind of release the kid is talking about.
“As in….”
“As in… He’s sexually frustrated. Intact males are not too different from humans where they get pent up and just need to get off every now and then. It’s really unnatural for dogs to be kept intact with zero sexual outlet.”
Tony kinda feels like his brain short circuits a bit… is he really being lectured by this pretty little thing about his dog being allowed to fuck?
“Ok, so how do I… un-frustrate him?”
Peter’s face brightens with a big smile, completely ignoring the fact that Ace is practically choking himself on his collar to get back at Peter.
“Well there are a couple of options: 1. You could neuter him. This tends to be most common fix as it does help protect certain breeds from prostate issues in the future, but personally it’s not my favorite. 2. You could put him up for stud services. More often than not, most people are looking are looking for Pedigreed studs, but there are some who are just looking for a similar breed for puppies. I wouldn’t recommend stud services, just because there are already so many pups out there that need homes, but I know some people want to know all options available so there it is 3. You could take advantage of our doggy spa package where, as one of my vetted clients, you can schedule Ace to be attended by a professional a few times a week. Or 4. You could give him a hand, if you know what I mean”
The kid has the gall to wink at the end and Tony is just speechless…. As if he’d ever think to give his dog a handjob
“Wait, this spa thing… is it like hookers? I’d be buying doggy hookers for Ace?”
Peter looks a little perturbed and huffs “It’s not ‘doggy hookers’ Mr. Stark. It’s merely a clinician applying safe and tested methods in which to give Ace the release he needs.”
Why does that sound more like people hookers jerking his dog off?
Except instead of a hooker, his brain easily substitutes this pretty thing in front of him..
And why does that thought catch his dick’s attention?
“Honestly, that sounds a little sketchy to me? This spa is some facility right? I don’t know if I’d feel comfortable just leaving Ace somewhere like that… Do you have like house visit options?”
Tony tells himself it’s for Ace’s protection, so he’ll know what exactly is being done to his dog at all times with his home surveillance…
“Well… we’re in talks about implementing a Home Care option… but it would only appeal to a very specific type of pet owner and it would be very expensive...”
Something changes in the way Peter looks at him - scrutinizing - evaluating him, but also hungry - and Tony can’t get the words out fast enough “Money isn’t an issue and I can assure you, Ace’s care is my top priority.”
Like a switch being flipped, Peter is back to his beaming, innocent self as he kneels on the carpet. “I’m glad to hear that, Mr. Stark. You can let Ace go. Oh! And you’ll want to get a towel, I have other appointments today, so I’ll have to make this quick.”
Tony dumbfoundly lets go of Ace’s collar and stares as Ace’s licks all over Peter’s face and Peter’s opens his mouth for it, sucking on the dog’s tongue when he can catch it.
Eventually, Peter’s looks to him expectantly “You’re gonna want me to have that towel, Mr. Stark, this can get quite messy and I’d hate to know how much it would cost to clean this carpet.” Peter’s eyes stray down the length of Tony’s body and linger for a bit before glancing back up with a shy smile. “I promise I’ll wait until you get back to start properly.”
And that has Tony dashing for the bathroom faster than he’s ever moved in his entire life. He’s back and panting in a matter of seconds, offering up the towel not unlike the way Ace offers the ball to be thrown again.
“I apologize again, for making this quick, but next time, I promise you’ll get the full package.” Peter’s laying down the towel while looking at and petting Ace, but Tony can’t really tell who the kid is actually talking to.
Of course, Tony doesn’t really care because, in the next moment, Peter slips his hands up under Ace and the dog’s hips start going. Tony has to crane his head a bit, but he can see both of Peter’s hands lined up as Ace’s bright red cock slips through them.
Even over the soft praises Peter is giving Ace, it starts getting noisy pretty quick and Tony wonders where the slickness is coming from, but more than anything, he’s astounded by the frantic pace Ace is going at it.
And then he notices the knot.
At first, Peter’s hands stays in a uniform tunnel, but pretty soon the lower fingers are being pushed out of the way and now it’s right there, thickly bloated and slick for Tony to see whether he wants to or not.
Peter slips his fingers behind the knot and angles the whole dick down towards the towel, the other hand gently working over the knot and the swollen shaft.
If Tony were honest, he’d never really paid attention to a dog’s dick before this. He was aware of the “red rocket” jokes and yeah, he’d seen Ace’s a few times here or there, but it had never looked anything like this before.
To say he’s a grower is a fucking understatement.
It’s big in every way imaginable, bigger than his at full mast for sure.
And red. A dark red that’s turning purple and Tony wonders if it aches as much as it looks.
Peter’s doing his best, but the poor kid’s fingers barely touch around the shaft, Tony knows there’s no way they’re doing much for the knot, but it doesn’t seem to matter to Ace. His hips have stilled and he just stands there, dick continuously twitching in Peter’s hands. Honestly, Tony wouldn’t have even noticed that Ace was actively coming if Peter hadn’t cupped his hand beneath the tip, catching a few spurts, before bringing to his mouth and noisily slurping it up.
Tony almost comes right then and there despite being too mesmerized to even touch himself.
“You know, he could keep this up for about 30 minutes if his knot was tied in a tight hole.”
It takes Tony a minute to work his way through that sentence. “For 30 minutes? The knot?”
“Mmhmm. The knot. And him coming.”
With that, Tony can’t breathe.
“I wasn’t kidding when I said it gets messy, Mr. Stark. You can easily fill a glass with their come, so imagine all of that getting pumped inside someone with nowhere to go because this knot plugs them up just right… and then when he’s decided he’s had enough -”
Ace side steps a bit and kicks his back leg out to bring it over Peter’s arm, causing that still pumping cock to pull back behind him with Peter’s fingers still circling behind the knot.
It makes for the filthiest sight Tony’s ever seen, only escalate with Peter leaning in and sucking at the tip as he loosens his fingers and lets the knot slip away with a nasty schulp - making eye contact and smirking the entire time as drool and come drip from his mouth.
Tony wants nothing more than to add his own to that mix and squeezes the tip of his dick to tease himself.
The movement catches Peter’s attention and he licks his lips.
“If I weren’t in such a hurry, I’d help you too, Mr. Stark. We’ll be in touch to discuss the terms of Ace’s Home Care package.”
Just before he moves to get up, Peter uses the towel to wipe his face and Tony hears the distinct sound of him sucking on the fabric.
This kid was going to be the end of him.
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kmomof4 · 5 years
Time and Again ch6
Are y’all ready? I sure am! Hope y'all enjoy the new chapter!!
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All the love and hugs to @hollyethecurious and @winterbaby89 for all their love, encouragement and kick ass beta skills! Especially on this chapter! I love y'all more than I’ll ever be able to say!!!
Also many thanks and hugs to the CSSNS discord ladies for all their encouragement as well!!!
Tagging my peeps: @hollyethecurious @winterbaby89 @snowbellewells @stahlop @resident-of-storybrooke @jennjenn615 @kingofmyheart14 @profdanglaisstuff @branlovestowrite @thisonesatellite @ultraluckycatnd @flslp87 @whimsicallyenchantedrose @let-it-raines @shireness-says @kymbersmith-90 @darkcolinodonorgasm @bethacaciakay @searchingwardrobes @ilovemesomekillianjones @teamhook @aprilqueen84 @qualitycoffeethings @superchocovian @artistic-writer @donteattheappleshook @doodlelolly0910 @seriouslyhooked @tiganasummertree
Please let me know if you’d like to be added or removed.
Under the cut, unless Tumblr ate it. 
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A/N The getaway house is a real house that’s for sale atm on South Padre Island, Texas. If you’re interested in seeing what it really looks like, you can find it here.
Emma stepped down out of the small Learjet that Killian had piloted and looked around at what could only be called an oasis. The sun shining down on the metal of the plane momentarily blinded her, but the landscape around her was already seared into her brain. The sand that surrounded what couldn’t even be called a proper landing strip - it was only a flat strip of compacted sand surrounded by dunes and sea grass.- was a dazzling white. Killian had landed them squarely in the middle of paradise with nothing but sand, seagulls, and marine life for company. She was very glad she’d had the presence of mind to pack her bikini.
“This is beautiful,” she said, struggling to keep the awe out of her voice.
He came back around from collecting their suitcases with an amused expression on his face. “What were you expecting?” he asked, gently.
Even behind his aviator sunglasses, she could imagine the twinkle in his eye as he questioned her. “I don’t know what I was expecting,” she sighed. “I’ve never been to the Gulf. But, I can tell you, it sure wasn’t this. Where are we?” After the interrupted sleep from the night before and lack of sleep in general over the last couple of weeks, it wasn’t long after they took off in Dallas, that she succumbed to slumber. When she woke, all she could see was white and crystal blue. Very much like a pair of eyes that she loved.
“We are on a small private island off of South Padre Island. It belongs to Granny, but she used to bring us here during the summer when we were growing up. She comes down here less often now, so she lets us use it.” Looking at his face, she thought she caught a glimpse of something like peace as he surveyed the landscape. She scrambled to catch up to him as he led the way towards the dunes and away from the plane.
“Where are we staying?” she asked. The “landing strip” was surrounded by dunes and she was having trouble picturing what kind of accommodations there might be. Her calves were screaming at her after climbing the dune Killian seemed to have no trouble with. Finally catching up with him on the other side, she was surprised to find him standing next to a jeep, under a covered aluminum shelter, holding the door open for her.
“Thank you,” she murmured, climbing inside. She shot him a look from under her lashes, with a coy smile. “So now you’re going to be a gentleman?”
“I’m always a gentleman, Swan.” He smirked at her with a cocked eyebrow before closing the door and heading around to the other side. “The house is just on the other side of those dunes,” he said as he climbed in.
Cresting the dune, the house they’d be staying in came into view. She was stunned to silence at the peaceful tranquility that enveloped her as Killian pulled up in front of the double car garage of a magnificent home which was surrounded by palm trees that soared over the second level of the home. “Wow,” she breathed. She looked over at her companion who seemed to preen at her admiration.
“When Hurricane Dolly hit in 2008,” he explained, “there was enough damage to the house we visited as kids to justify tearing it down in order to design and build this one. We spared no expense to make it a home that would withstand Cat5 level hurricane winds. Although the island has never been hit by one that strong.”
“We?” she asked, confusion coloring her voice. “Who’s we?”
“Oh,” he exclaimed. “That’s right. You wouldn’t know.” His eyebrows danced and an air of mischievousness danced in his eyes. “I wanted to be an architect. Always loved drawing when I was a kid, and when I reached high school and was really good at math, I thought about engineering as a major with plans to become an architect. However, when Liam graduated with his Business Marketing degree and pitched the idea of an advertising agency to me and Granny, I was sold. Granny put up the capital to get the agency off the ground, and I went to school and got my degree in graphic design and advertising. My best friend Robin did go on to study engineering and became an architect. So I designed the house, and we contracted with him to actually build it.”
Her smile nearly split her face in two. “That’s such a great story!” she marveled, climbing down from the Jeep. “And it’s wonderful that you had such a hand in it!”
“Someday I’d like to do the same at home,” he mused, as he followed her up the walkway to the front door.
“What,” she asked, looking back at him. “Design your own house?”
“Yeah,” he admitted. “What I have is fine for now.” The intensity in his blue eyes seemed to pin her in place as he stood before her before opening the door. “But someday, when I have a family, we’ll want more space.” She could no longer meet his eyes. Not with the hope and yearning so plainly written there. She looked down, blushing, acutely conscious of exactly what he meant.
He opened the door for them and stepped into the foyer where they were met with three staircases. The one on the right led down, the one in front of them went up to what looked like the main living space, and the one to the left appeared to lead to the bedrooms.
“The master suite is off the main living area and kitchen. You can have that.” He nodded in the direction of the stairs in the middle. Then, indicating the staircase to the left, he continued, “That’s the guest wing. You can see the first bedroom suite there, and the stairs lead to the other.” He picked his own suitcase back up. “I’ll let you get settled, then take you on a tour?” His hopeful expression was enough to make her cheeks heat up again.
“Sure, that’s fine,” she replied. “But I’m not staying in the master suite. This is your house.” She picked up her own suitcase and passed in front of him to the first suite. Before entering, she turned back to him. “Does it matter which one I take? Do you have one that you normally stay in?”
“How did I know you were going to say that?” he asked, amusedly. “I usually stay in the one at the top. It has the best view. Besides the master, I mean. Plus the master has access to the back deck overlooking the pool. When I called Granny to let her know we were coming down, she wanted you to stay in the master.”
“You told Granny?!” she screeched, eyes wide.
“Relax, Swan,” he soothed. “She’s not gonna tell anyone else, first of all. And second of all, it is her house. I needed to let her know I was coming down so she could get groceries delivered and the maid service out here.”
At that revelation, she deflated somewhat. “Oh, okay.” She turned questioning and unsure eyes back up toward him. “You’re sure she won’t tell anyone? If this got out among the girls, I’d never hear the end of it.” She rolled her eyes, hoping that she was keeping the fear out of them and her voice. “The grapevine in the office is very healthy and well tended.” She stepped into the bedroom and gasped.
The expansive suite was tastefully decorated and well lit. There were two large windows in the opposite corner bathing the sitting area in the late morning light. She walked in and set her suitcase on the floor. She turned around to see that Killian had already left her to get unpacked and settled. The bathroom behind her had a separate sink and changing area, with the toilet and shower in the adjoining room. Coming back into the bedroom, she decided that she’d better unpack before she tried out the very comfortable looking king-size bed that took up the center of the room. If I lay down on that, I might not get up.
After unpacking and hanging up her clothes, she walked over to the windows and looked out at the gentle surf on the other side of the pool below. Giving a sigh of contentment, she walked over to the bed and sat down. She was right. The bed was insanely comfortable. She laid back and pushed her way up to the pillows that decorated it. Minutes later, she was not aware as Killian came down the stairs and stopped at her door. He smiled gently at her sound asleep on the bed before he walked away.
Killian looked up from his place on one of the sofas in the den when Emma walked in still rubbing the sleep out of her eyes three hours later. “Sleep well?” he chuckled. A wide smile broke out over his face as he gazed at her adorably sleep rumpled state.
“Yeah.” A grin broke out on her face, too. “I really needed that. I haven’t slept well the last couple of weeks, you know? And the flight wasn’t long enough.” The twinkle in her eye absolutely delighted him as he rose to meet her, taking her hand in his. Her hand was still warm from sleep as he squeezed it lightly.
“Are you hungry?” he asked, leading her into the kitchen. “The groceries arrived while you were asleep. We have fixings for almost anything you want. I can show you around after we eat.”
“Yeah, starving actually,” she replied. “Could I have a grilled cheese?” She looked at him a little sheepishly as she shrugged. “It’s my favorite.”
“Of course, Swan,” he agreed, easily. “We have Kraft singles, deli American, and Colby Jack sliced cheese. Which one would you like?” He opened the refrigerator and bent over as he peered inside. Looking back at her, he smirked when he spied her blushing and looking everywhere around the gourmet kitchen except at him.
“Oh, um, Kraft singles is fine,” she stuttered, finally looking back at him. “There isn’t, by any chance, a fryer is there?” She looked around again and started looking in cabinets.
“Uh, yeah,” he replied, pointing. “Next cabinet. What do you want it for?”
“Onion rings,” she declared. “Can’t have grilled cheese without onion rings. Cutting board?”
“Over there.” He indicated to the cabinets under the breakfast bar that separated the dining and bar area from the kitchen then busied himself at the stove. While the butter melted he assembled their sandwiches all the while listening to her search the cabinets for batter ingredients after getting an onion out of the pantry. They worked side by side preparing their late lunch, Emma humming a little tune under her breath. The joy he felt working with her by his side, weaving in and out from each other as they put their lunch together, could not be overstated.
They finally sat down to grilled cheese sandwiches, onion rings, and sliced tomatoes. She rolled her eyes at him when he insisted on the “real” vegetable to accompany their repast.
Settling down to their meal, an awkward silence descended. He had a feeling Emma would be less than comfortable sharing anything of importance with him at this juncture, so he decided to suggest a game. “How would you feel about playing twenty questions?” His eyebrows rose in honest inquiry as he took his first bite. Emma scoffed.
“Twenty questions? Seriously?” she challenged him with a raised eyebrow, biting into an onion ring. Her eyes rolled in the back of her head as she moaned, “Damn, I make good onion rings.”
Killian swallowed back his own moan as he adjusted himself and tried desperately to control his response to her unintentonally erotic display. “Yes, Swan,” he answered, “The point of this getaway is to get to know each other. For you to see me as just a man and not as your boss. I thought playing twenty questions would help break the ice.”
“Okay, then,” she agreed “I’ll start.” She paused for a moment, taking a bite of her sandwich while considering her first question. “When is your birthday?”
“January 26th. Yours?” He took another bite of his sandwich.
“April 12th.” Her brow furrowed as she thought of another question. “Tell me about this place. I know you said that you designed it and your friend built it, but how did Granny come by it?”
“Granny was married to Texas oil billionaire Harold Lucas. They never had any children, so when he passed, everything went to her. I don’t remember him at all. He died about a year after we came over from England when I was a baby. My parents came to America when the last of their family died. They had two little boys to raise, and they were looking for a fresh opportunity. They found it in Texas. My father worked at a company that Granny was on the board of, and she just really took a shine to him. We’d only been living here for a couple of months when she invited him and the family to celebrate Thanksgiving with her and Harold. From there, she became the Grandmother we never had.”
He paused for another bite. The memories that he was about to share with her washed over him. “She bought this island when I was five. 1989. It had a house on it, and she invited the whole family down for a week to help celebrate my starting kindergarten. The last summer fling, so to speak. Liam and I had never been to the beach so we were beside ourselves with excitement.” He looked down with a soft smile on his face. “We had a grand time that week. Liam and I had our own rooms, we spent our days playing in the surf, hunting for seashells, and feeding the gulls. Doing all the things little boys do on a private beach.” He swallowed heavily, and cast worried eyes towards his companion. He didn’t want to upset her with what he was about to reveal.
“On the way home,” he began again, “Liam and I wanted to ride with Granny. It’s more fun than with your parents, yeah?” She nodded, with a small smile on her face. “North of San Antonio, before we got to Austin, we got caught in a massive traffic tie up. Traffic was at a standstill for over an hour. Of course, to us, it was forever.” He looked over at her again. Her brow was furrowed, and he could see she was starting to put two and two together.
“It was your parents, wasn’t it?” she asked. “That’s how they were killed, and how you were raised by Granny.” Her voice was a whisper.
He shrugged. “Guess you got more in that answer than you bargained for, eh Swan?” He looked back at her with a gentle smile. “It was a long time ago. It’s been many years since I’ve come to terms with it. Don’t feel bad about bringing it up.” He covered her hand with his and gave it a gentle squeeze. “When we finally got home, Granny called them to arrange for them to come pick us up. When she didn’t get ahold of them, she got us ready for bed and tucked us in. None of us the wiser. It wasn’t the first time we had spent the night with her. When she still couldn’t get in touch with them the next morning, she called the police. She was almost immediately granted temporary custody of us given that we had no other family. It became final six months later.”
She looked up at him with tears in her eyes. “I’m so sorry,” she apologized. “I’m sorry for your loss, and I’m sorry for bringing it up.”
He shook his head. “I told you not to feel bad about bringing it up, Swan. Other than that very specific case, the memories I have of coming to this island every summer, are some of the best memories of my childhood. So please, don’t beat yourself up.” He lowered his head until he could catch her eyes. He smiled gently at her again. “I’m glad I could share some of my beginnings with you.”
Emma inhaled on a shaky breath. “I was found abandoned on the steps of a fire station in Dallas. I was only a couple of days old. I bounced around between foster homes, never staying in one more than six months, until I was fourteen and assigned to Ingrid. That’s where Kelly was. For the first time in my life I was loved. I’d only been there a few months when all the other kids were assigned to other homes and Ingrid adopted me. She let me keep “Swan” as my last name because of my birthmark. The one on my hip. Maybe it was originally given to me by a social worker, but it made me think of the fairy tale The Ugly Duckling. That I was like the ugly duckling no one wanted, but maybe someday I would become a swan. Ingrid said that because it was important to me, it was important to her.She made it legal and everything, even with the formal adoption.” She looked up at him then, more tears shining in her eyes. “I know you didn’t ask, but after your story, I felt like I owed you mine.”
“Oh no, Swan,” he argued, squeezing her hand. “You didn’t owe me anything. That being said, I am glad to hear about your beginnings.” He hoped the soft smile he gave her put her at ease, as she swiped at the tears that had escaped her eyes.
She barked out a watery laugh. “What a day for tragic backstories, huh?” she asked, a smile breaking through.
“Indeed,” he agreed. “I think that’s quite enough for today. Don’t you?” He rose, taking their plates with him and made his way into the kitchen to deposit them in the sink. “How would you like a tour of the rest of the house?” he asked.
He led them through a doorway where the wall above and beside it was decorated with crosses. All sizes and colors, some plain, some very ornate. They made for a very pleasing aesthetic as she followed him into the short hallway beyond.
“This is the butlers pantry with powder room here,” he pointed to his right, “and laundry room here.” He pointed to his left. They came out at an open landing where she noticed metal work in the shape of palm fronds below the banister railing.
“We wanted to keep with the tropical motif, so we had that made,” Killian said as she admired the piece. “Nice touch, don’t you think?” He smiled at her before climbing the stairs to the loft.
Smiling back, she answered, “Yes, it’s a very nice touch.”
His relaxed demeanor and easy smile since they’d arrived that morning was proving to be quite effective in relaxing her as well. She could feel herself opening up to him. Unwinding in his presence. Telling him her story had revealed more about herself than she had ever revealed to anyone. Ever. Even her close friends at the office didn’t know that portion of her past. It was enough to make her want to hand in her resignation so she’d never have to face him again. She was kind of stuck here with him with no way off the island though, and besides, she had made a promise. When she’d agreed to come, she’d made him a promise that she was willing to see where this thing between them might go. She couldn’t help the fear that gripped her soul with the knowledge that he now had the power to break her. Whether she had given her permission or not, her heart now lay completely in his hands. And it was terrifying.
He turned back to look at her as he arrived at the top of the stairs to the loft. He could sense her pulling away from him, just in these last moments. The furrow on her brow confirmed his suspicions. Open book, he thought.
While the sharing of his story with her was a little nerve wracking and brought no small amount of heartache with it, the sharing of her story made him rejoice inside. She was finally opening up to him. She trusted him with that story. A story that was an integral part of who she was. He vowed to never make her regret sharing that part of herself with him, but as he took in her troubled visage, he concluded she was already regretting that decision.
He put his tour guide hat back on in the hopes of bringing her smile back out again. “This is the loft and office area.”
She looked around and the frown lines in her forehead disappeared. “I can’t tell you how much I love all the hardwood floors and cabinetry,” she enthused, “It’s so beautiful!” She made her way to the exercise bike with a smirk on her face. “Do you actually use this? Or is it just for show?”
He returned her smirk with one of his own. “Why, Swan,” he cooed flirtatiously, “are you wondering how I keep this lean, trim physique?” It was enough to make her blush and for her eyes to skitter away. He couldn’t help the surge of male pride that flooded him at her reaction. “I’m usually an early riser and if the temperature is comfortable outside, I’ll run on the beach. If it isn’t, I ride the bike. Notice the second one over here and the screens on them.” A delighted grin lit up his face. “When Liam and I are down here together, we’ll race. We can program in a specific route anywhere in the world. The bike will automatically adjust the tension and all that, so it’s as if we are really there, mountain biking in The Garden of the Gods in Colorado, racing along the banks of the Nile in Egypt, or screaming down the Auvergne in France.”
The grin that broke out, lit up her entire face. “Competitive, are we?” she asked, with a raised eyebrow.
He laughed. “Oh, you have no idea,” he assured her. “To this day, he calls me ‘little brother.’ Drives me up the wall.” His put upon sigh with his head thrown back was enough to have her trying to smother her giggles. Without much success. He looked back at her with puppy dog eyes. “Not you, too,” he pouted.
“Having a brother is a wonderful thing,” she chided him, her eyes and smile soft. “You should be thankful for him everyday. Even if he does call you ‘little brother.’” She let out another small giggle at that, causing his pout to melt into a soft smile.
“Oh, I do Swan. I do,” he assured her. “I just have to get back at him for it somehow. So I regularly hand his ass to him on the bike. I was always the more athletic one of the two of us.”
She wandered over to the bookshelves that covered the interior wall of the loft. Running her fingers along the spines, she found bestselling fiction next to The Art of War and a World Atlas. “Quite an eclectic reader, aren’t you?”
“Aye,” he replied. “I read voraciously growing up. Liam did, too. Granny made sure when video games were coming into their own in the ‘90’s and early 2000’s, that we spent more time reading than in front of a screen.” He chuckled warmly as his cheeks flushed with affection for his surrogate mother, grandmother, whatever.
“Let’s just test that, shall we?” she asked. “When did you read Lord of the Rings?” She crossed her arms over her chest, with a raised eyebrow.
“Ehhh…” he trailed away, with a thoughtful expression, trying to put a finger on it. “Early middle school. I’m pretty sure. Somewhere in the neighborhood of eleven or twelve.”
She stared at him, dumbfounded. “Are you kidding me?” she asked, incredulously. “I didn’t read them until I was in college. After seeing the films in the theater. And the first time I read them, I almost didn’t finish. It was just soooo detailed. It felt like I had to plow through them. I couldn’t imagine reading them when I was still a child.”
“Well, now you know a little more about me, Swan.” That had her blushing again, and looking away from him.
He went back down the stairs to the small landing that led to the cozy balcony above the front door. “This is a nice place to come outside to think when I’m working and don’t want to head all the way back downstairs to the deck.”
“Mmmmm,” Emma mused. “It does have a lovely view.”
“Not as lovely as some,” Killian murmured, under his breath. “Shall we go back inside?” he asked, opening the door for her again.
“Thank you,” she said, preceding him into the home. He followed her down the stairs trying very hard to not stare at her shapely rear as she descended in front of him.
Coming back into the living room, he crossed in front of her to the bank of windows that covered the back wall of the house. The center window was actually a door that led to the back deck. Leading the way, he opened the door for her and held it open as she came out. He couldn’t hide his satisfied smile at the look on her face. Her gasp of surprise told him that saving this spot for later in the afternoon was the right way to go. The deck covered the entire northwest side of the house and the sun was beginning its descent to the left, casting its light over the pool below, the lush greenery surrounding it, and the deck itself.
“It’s breathtaking,” she breathed.
“Yes, it is,” he agreed, looking down at her. She was too enraptured with the view to notice his unabashed appreciation. “Those doors lead to the master suite and these stairs over here will take us down to the lanai and pool.”
She all but skipped over to the stairs leading away from the deck and master suite. Her glee, evidenced by her joyful gait and the light in her eyes, filled his heart near to bursting. He had to hold back his chuckle at her squeal of delight as he descended the stairs behind her. She stood on the stone patio under the deck, wide eyed, soaking it all in.
“The grilling area is behind you,” he whispered in her ear, coming up behind her. He was gratified that she didn’t jump at his unexpected close proximity, but a slight shiver worked its way down her spine instead. He led her over to the hammock at the edge of the deck above and the pool beyond.
“I can just see you laying here in the hammock reading,” she teased him, with a smile.
“Aye,” he confirmed. “It’s one of my favorite ways to relax when I’m down here.”
“This pool is gorgeous,” she said, turning back to him. “Glad I brought my bikini,” she informed him with a saucy wink before her cheeks flushed again and she looked away. He was thoroughly charmed by her blatant flirting, especially when it was followed by adorable bashfulness.
“What makes you think you’d need the bikini, Swan,” he asked, his voice husky and a bit deeper than usual. Two could play at that game. “It is a private island after all.” He waggled his eyebrows at her, causing her to smile with an even deeper blush than the one produced after her earlier flirtation.
“Over here, we have the bar area with a full bathroom behind that door.” He continued, pointing. “That other door takes us back inside to the main house and the stairs to the foyer. Over here,” he gently grabbed her arm and led her to the far side of the lanai, “is a natural stone waterfall. I’m particularly proud of it, because not only did I design it, but I built it as well.”
“It’s so beautiful,” she agreed. “So restful. Having running water and all this green around the pool, it’s a wonder you ever come inside,” she murmured.
“We can eat dinner out here tonight, if you’d like,” he proposed. “We have steaks for grilling.”
Her face lit up again with the brightest of smiles. “That sounds great,” she exclaimed. She swayed closer to him and looked up at him from under her lashes. “Bring a girl to a private island and cook her a steak dinner… think you’re gonna get lucky tonight?” She placed her hand on his chest where his heart was trying its best to thump its way out of his chest.
She was obviously getting more comfortable around him for her to be flirting with him like this. Even if she did seem to be a little unsure and hesitant about it. This time though, he was the one flushing with awareness. “Oh, uh, well,” he stammered, scratching behind his ear. It was a nervous tic that he’d had all his life and even at the age of thirty, he couldn’t seem to stop doing it when he was nervous. “That is entirely up to you, Swan.” He got his wits about him and bore his eyes into hers, bringing his own hand up to cover her own. “I know how I feel, and what I want to come from this getaway. But I’ll wait for you as long as you need.” He raised his other hand and caressed her cheek lightly.
His eyes held hers for a long moment more before he backed away to break the spell. “Well, that’s everything besides the master suite and my bedroom,” he declared. “Would you like to see either of those, or should we go ahead and start on dinner?”
“I’d really like to see the master suite,” she answered. “And yours too, if you didn’t mind. Everything is just so beautiful. I want to see it all.”
“Of course, Swan,” he agreed. “I’ll be glad to show you whatever you like.” He opened the door for her, leading to the stairs to the main level of the house.
“I put the master suite on this side, away from the other bedrooms thinking about the future with kids and grandkids staying here.” He grew wistful at the prospect then shook himself out of his reverie to continue. “And of course, there’s room to build another house or two on the island, so the entire family can come down and have their own spaces. As well as expansion opportunities for this house, if needed.”
Emma nodded as she followed behind him to the master suite. When she entered, she gasped again. As he came to stand beside her, she slapped him on the arm.
“Bloody hell, woman! What was that for?” he exclaimed, rubbing his arm as if she had punched him.
“For bringing me here, and showing me all this, and doing such a beautiful job on it, and, and…” tears shone in her eyes as she looked up at him. “I’ve never seen… I’ve never been to a place as beautiful as this. And for you to be the one to design and have a hand in building it… it’s just… a little overwhelming. That you would share this part of yourself with me.”
She could feel the blush spreading over her cheeks. Again. Why couldn’t she bring herself under control? At least he was blushing too, and scratching behind his ear again. That made her feel a little bit better. He was as nervous about showing this part of himself to her as she was about sharing her past with him.
She looked back at the master suite and caught her breath yet again. She moved further into the room and looked out at the deck. The suite had its own private access, and she couldn’t help swooning over the luxury of the design. The windows in the opposite corners of the room from the door let in an abundance of the late afternoon light. The room felt peaceful, a haven away from the cares of everyday life bathed in the glow of the setting sun.
She turned her eyes back toward him to see him making his way to where she stood looking at the deck. She wished that he would come up behind her, take her in his arms, pull her back against his chest, and just hold her while they watched the sun set. She shook her head at her fanciful musings. He’d never be that forward with her. Not yet anyway. It was one thing to flirt and indulge in casual, light touches. It was quite another to engage in that kind of behavior. The kind reserved for lovers.
She turned back to the deck and let out a breath she hadn’t been aware she’d been holding. “It’s just so beautiful, breathtaking” she breathed. She could feel the heat radiating off of his body as he stood behind her. Turning to him, her eyes caught his as a small smile teased his lips. “Thank you for bringing me here, for showing me this.” She looked up at him again. “For showing me you. The real you.”
“You’re quite welcome, Swan,” he murmured. His azure gaze held her captive as she reached for him and drew him down to her mouth. The kiss was gentle. A tentative exploration of lips and tongues. She pulled him closer and rose on her toes to meet him as she held him in her arms.
Killian was stunned when her lips met his. It only took a moment, however, for him to recover and meet her tentative overtures with his own. Her trepidation and uncertainty were on full display in the hesitancy with which she kissed him, and the shaking he could feel in her limbs. He pulled her to him and determined to let her lead as far as she was comfortable. He opened his mouth to her and groaned in the back of his throat as she accepted the invitation to deepen the kiss. One arm wrapped around her even tighter as the other hand rose to tangle in her golden locks. They rocked together as the waves of the sea, a gentle push and pull of discovery and passion. He was quite thoroughly wrecked when he broke the kiss and rested his forehead against hers.
“That was…” he whispered.
“Definitely not a one time thing,” she murmured back, trying to catch her breath. She stepped out of his arms and sent him a coy look from underneath her lashes. “So, let’s see the rest of the house, shall we?”
“We shall, Swan,” he replied, swallowing heavily. Turning toward the room, he pointed to the opposite corner. “The master bath is through there.” He followed her into the bathroom and was gratified to see the wide eyed amazement on her face as she took in the natural stone and marble accented bath. He whispered into her ear, “The bathtub is a whirlpool and holds two.” He waggled his eyebrows at her as she blushed furiously and tried to suppress her giggles.
“Well then, we may have to try it… later,” she flirted back.
He couldn’t hold back his grin at her statement. He led the way back into the suite and living room, before letting her precede him down the stairs to the guest wing. Passing her own room, she turned to him.
“I love my room. The bed was incredibly comfortable. I might need you to tell me what kind of mattress that was so I can get one for myself.” She continued up the stairs to the final room of the house. “Ohhh,” she breathed. “You weren’t kidding when you said this one had the best view,” she exclaimed.
The viewing angle to the pool and beach with deck below was even better than in her room and with the sun already behind the greenery surrounding the pool, the entire oasis was steeped in an artificial twilight that would become full dark in just another hour or so. Just enough time to get the steaks cooked.
“Well, that’s everything, Swan.” He motioned back toward the rest of the house. “What say you we collect those steaks and fire up the grill?”
“Sounds good.” Her eyes danced with undisguised delight as she led him out of the room and down the stairs. “I love me a good steak dinner. What kind of steaks are they?” she tossed over her shoulder.
“New York Strips,” he answered her with a chuckle. “Bigger and juicier with more meaty flavor then a tenderloin,” he continued, with a salacious grin and waggling eyebrows. She stopped at the bottom of the stairs outside her own room.
“Oh really?” she purred, as he joined her. “I do like my meat to be big and flavorful. It’s just so much more satisfying then.” The sultry look she gave him to accompany her flirting was enough to have his pants tightening uncomfortably. He released a chuckle as she turned away from him and headed back up the stairs to the main floor. The sway of her hips made him want to run to catch up with her and pull her to him to let her know exactly how she affected him.
The minx is going to be the death of me.
After an excellent steak dinner accompanied by a heaping dose of flirting and innuendo and rounded out by an excellent Cabernet Sauvignon with a turtle cheesecake for dessert, Killian rose from the table. “Would you like to dance, Swan?” he asked, in all seriousness, holding his hand out to her.
She smiled gently at him as she laid her hand in his. “I’d love to,” she agreed, as he fiddled with his phone until soft music surrounded them from unseen speakers. She looked around in mild confusion as he drew her into his arms. “Where is the music coming from?”
“Hidden bluetooth speakers.” He chuckled at her wide eyed appreciation. They swayed slowly to the music just content to be in each others arms. Being held in the arms of the man she loved like this was better than she could have imagined. Her heart thundered in her chest as he tightened his arms around her and she laid her head on his shoulder. She broke out into a smile when she took a long inhale into the crook of his neck that made him shiver. The minutes passed in silence between them until the song changed to a waltz. She’d never done any ballroom dancing before, so the rhythm threw her off.
“Uh, I don’t...” she began, trying to pull away from him.
“It’s a waltz, Swan,” he interjected. “There’s only one rule,” he continued, drawing her more tightly into his arms, his eyes lit up with affection, “Pick a partner who knows what he’s doing.” He began to lead her in a simple box three step. His smile as he held her when she finally looked up at him after staring at their feet for most of the song, rivaled the sun at noon.
“Watch the mocking,” she pouted, “I think I may be getting the hang of this.” She looked back up into his sparkling blue eyes.
“I’m not mocking you, Swan. You’re doing just fine. You appear to be a natural.” He tightened his arm around her as the song changed again until she was fully pressed against him, from shoulder to knee.
They swayed together again, just barely moving. She could feel his arms flex around her, holding her close, making her feel safe. She rested her head on his shoulder again and her eyes drifted shut as they continued to sway to the music. A calm spread through her limbs like nothing she had ever felt before. The calm assurance that she was safe with him. Not just physically safe, but that her heart was safe with him. She thought back to the lunch with M’s, Belle, Ruby, and Tina. Remembering the discussion about soulmates and True Love. She looked up at him again, as she pulled away slightly.
“I have only been in love once before,” she whispered. He looked down into her eyes but remained silent. “His name was Neal and I met him when I was a sophomore in college.” His piercing gaze held her steady as the memories and pain washed over her. “I fell hard and fast. He was the first man to ever really pay me any attention and I was completely under his spell.” Her audience gave her an encouraging nod to continue when she paused to take a shaky breath.
“Over the course of the semester, I gave him everything I was. My virginity, my autonomy, my self-determination. My life became his, my wants and desires became his, my decisions became his, my body became his.” She shuddered remembering how thoroughly she had lost herself in that relationship. “I truly believed that he loved me as I loved him and that we would be together forever, so what did it matter that I completely isolated myself from my mom, my friends, my coworkers?”
Tears filled her eyes, but she refused to let them fall. Not for him. He wasn’t worth a single one. Tears for the naive, trusting girl that she had been and was now lost forever though, was another story.
“When I got back to campus after Christmas, the truth came out.” Her voice broke and she choked back a sob. “I walked into my dorm to find him in bed with my roommate.” She wiped a tear away that had escaped. “He wasn’t the man I thought he was and I got my heart broken.” His attention never wavered and the myriad of emotions he was feeling paraded themselves across his countenance as she finished her story.
“I’m glad to hear that, Emma,” he said, finally breaking the silence.
“You’re glad to hear I had my heart broken?” she asked, unable to disguise the hurt in her voice.
His finger traced the bottom of her chin as he lifted her face towards his. “If it can be broken,” he said, gently, “that means it still works. Even if it has been a really long time.” She stared into his eyes, catching her breath at the honesty and longing contained within. The silence stretched between them until she raised herself onto her toes and brushed his lips with hers.
He groaned as he pulled her flush with him and took possession of her mouth, plundering her as if he were a pirate of old and she was his greatest treasure. He lifted her in his arms as she tightened her arms around his shoulders and plunged her hands in his raven locks. His tongue as he stroked hers lit a fire within that threatened to consume her. His hands caressed the soft curves of her body until she melted into him with a moan that if she cared at all would be far too loud for the public setting of their dalliance. Even if they were on a private island.
Holding him tightly to her, her back met a solid surface and her hands began to slide over his body. She felt his strong shoulders, then his long, lean torso. The muscles there flexed from his exertions and the exploration of her fingers. Lifted off her feet, she wrapped her legs around his hips and crossed her ankles in the small of his back, bringing his hips flush to her core. He thrust his clothed hips into hers in time with the strokes of his tongue in her mouth. The inferno that raged within her veins melted her very insides as she succumbed to the exquisite pleasure of his ministrations. The dizziness brought on by the assault of his lips and hands overwhelmed her as his hand worked its way underneath her blouse to trace along her ribs until it cupped a breast, his fingers plucking at her nipple until it was at full hardness and screamed for his mouth.
Emma wrenched her lips from his on a moan. “Please,” she begged him.
“Please what, Swan?” he inquired, pressing tender kisses into her jaw and neck as he worked his way down into the valley between her breasts.
“Please,” she moaned thrusting her hips into his as much as she could while pinned to the column behind her. He pulled back until his eyes met her own. The clear blue was almost completely eclipsed by his blown pupils. She imagined that hers were much the same.
“Bed,” she whispered into the space between them.
He gave a small nod, then got her settled more securely in his arms. “Hold on tight, love,” he murmured before lifting her away from the column. She wrapped herself more tightly around him as he moved towards the stairs that would take them to the deck above and the main level of the house. Her lips found his pulse point and latched on as he climbed the stairs, nipping and sucking before soothing the area with her tongue. The groan that he let out encouraged her to continue. “I’m liable to drop you, Swan,” he complained, “if you don’t stop that for just a moment. Let me at least get off the stairs…” he trailed away as she released a chuckle into his skin. He opened the door into the living room as her lips claimed his again.
One hand left her ass as he sought the bannister to the stairway to the guest suite. “Awwww,” she teased, releasing his lips, “am I too distracting, sir, that you can’t make your way to a bedroom?”
The growl that he let loose as they entered her bedroom sent a shiver of desire down her spine. “I’ll show you distracted, woman.” He threw her down on the bed. His eyes were predatory as she shuffled her way up to the head of the bed and he climbed up, hovering over her. “How’s this for distracted?” He lowered himself to her and nuzzled into where her neck joined her collar. Her head lolled back to grant him greater access. “My beautiful Swan deserves my full and prompt attention,” he murmured, thrusting his hips into hers and devouring the skin at the base of her neck.
Moaning, she pulled him back up to her lips with a force that caused him to fall completely on top of her. Her legs opened as he claimed her mouth again, allowing him to settle in the cradle of her thighs. Her hips met his in a sensuous dance that was as primal and possessive as the one they both longed for. The roll of his hips hit her just right and after just a few thrusts into her clothed center, an orgasm unexpectedly crashed over her. Groaning into his mouth, she shuddered in his arms, coming down from her high while their lips and tongues continued to duel.
Without any warning, he stiffened above her, letting out a stream of unintelligible curses as he rolled off of her. With obvious reluctance, he sat up and moved away from her on the bed. “Sorry about that. I uh… got a little carried away.” He turned slightly towards her, cheeks and the tops of his ears aflame.
“I thought that was the idea,” she choked out, trying to make some sense of what was going on. The fire that he had lit under her skin demanded satisfaction, but she had to bring herself back to some semblance of sanity. She lay on the bed for the longest time still trying to pull herself together.
Tension rolled off him in waves as he ran his hand through his hair in frustration. “Believe me, please. This is not easy to say.”
Her eyes widened in surprise. “You don’t want me?” She hated herself for how small and vulnerable she sounded at that moment.
“No, Swan,” he exclaimed. “God no!” He grabbed her hand and brought it to where he was hard and thick. His eyes rolled in the back of his head at her touch. “Does that feel like I don’t want you, darling?” he asked, his eyes finally meeting hers.
She blushed furiously. “No,” she whispered.
He released her hand and she snatched it back to her side as if burned. “Don’t ever doubt, Swan, that I want you.”
“Then what’s going on?”
He released a resigned sigh. “Something’s not right. It’s not time yet.”
She stared at him as if he had grown a second head. “It’s not time yet? Are you kidding me?” she asked, incredulously.
“I know! I KNOW!” he growled. “Believe me, I know! I’m not happy about this either.” His shoulders slumped in despondency. “I’m afraid we’re moving too fast. I mean,” he beseeched her, “you didn’t even agree to come with me on this trip until about fifteen hours ago. Being on this beautiful island, exchanging our stories, it can make for a very heady combination. I don’t want you to regret anything in the morning,” he whispered.
He was right. And she hated that he was right. Her body was telling her she wouldn’t regret a thing, but she knew herself. She knew she could very well wake up in the morning and blame the romance of the island for falling into bed with him so quickly.
“Tell me I’m wrong, Swan.”
“I want to,” she spat, struggling to hold back the tears that were gathering. “But you’re not.”
“I’m sorry, Swan,” he lamented, standing up from the bed. “I truly am. I think it’s best if we wait, though.”
Emma nodded, but refused to look at him. Despite his assurances, she couldn’t stop the humiliation at feeling rejected from sweeping over her.
“I’ll see you in the morning,” he mumbled before leaving the room and closing the door behind him.
Unable to contain her tears any longer, she let them fall as she let out a muffled scream of frustration into the nearest pillow and then chucked it at the closed door. She got under the comforter wanting him, hating him, and loving him more than ever.
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malakhai-ozera · 4 years
               Discord Thread II One Liners
DISCORD THREAD FEATURING: Khai Ozera & Emily Davis (@warmvlbes​)
WHEN: June 23rd
DESCRIPTION: Emily comes over to Khai’s apartment after getting her nipples pierced.
~𝓔𝓶𝓲𝓵𝔂~ “Honey I’m homeeeeee!”
ღ 𝕂нαι ღ I’m in the living room. Come here!
~𝓔𝓶𝓲𝓵𝔂~ Emily walked over before peeping her head around the corner with a small smile. “hi baby.”
ღ 𝕂нαι ღ “Hey gorgeous” motions with his finger for her to come closer with a sexy grin.
~𝓔𝓶𝓲𝓵𝔂~ she walks closer and moves to straddle his lap. “Long time, no see.” She winks before leaning down to kiss him softly. “I’m surprised you’re not asleep”
ღ 𝕂нαι ღ Wrapping his arms around her he kisses her back just as soft. “You know me, I don’t sleep much.”
~𝓔𝓶𝓲𝓵𝔂~ “I know but that was a long flight. I just care.” She’d kiss him again, running her fingers through his hair. “Are you hungry? I brought burgers from stardust.”
ღ 𝕂нαι ღ “I know. I’m okay though.” He means his chin in her chest looking up at her while she strokes his hair. “Mhm”
~𝓔𝓶𝓲𝓵𝔂~ “Alright let me go grab them. I put them in your kitchen. I’ll be right back.” She’d cup his face and kiss his forehead before getting up to grab them and bring them back. “I got stuff on the side because i didn’t want to put anything on it you wouldn’t like.”
ღ 𝕂нαι ღ0 Smiling genuinely as she kissed his forehead, he nodded and watched her go and grab the food. “You’re the best. You know that right?”
~𝓔𝓶𝓲𝓵𝔂~ “Only for you. Don’t even know how I got here but I swear I’m the luckiest girl in New York when it comes to you, baby.” She’d grab her burger and start eating. “Now eat up. You need the stamina haha”
ღ 𝕂нαι ღ Grabbing his food he put some dressings on the burger and took a bite. Looking over at her with a flattered smile as he chewed and swallowed. “I think I’m the lucky. I still don’t know how I deserve you” he said honestly. Laughing at her next comment as he raised his brows and nodded slyly.
~𝓔𝓶𝓲𝓵𝔂~ She frowned as she finished her burger. “Baby. Don’t sell yourself short. Please. Of course you deserve me. You deserve the world. Don’t let anyone else tell you otherwise.” She gave him a genuine smile, her eyes looking right into his.
ღ 𝕂нαι ღ Her words melted his heart as she smiled over at him. He finished his food and wiped his mouth with a napkin. Reaching his hand out for hers as he pulled her back into his lap. “You’re amazing” he said softly. Placing his hand to the side of her neck and kissing her again.
~𝓔𝓶𝓲𝓵𝔂~ kissing him back, she tangled her fingers in his hair, making sure he felt every word she said through her kiss before pulling away. “I mean it Khai. You’re an amazing guy.” She pressed her forehead to his, tracing his collarbone with her fingertips.
ღ 𝕂нαι ღ “Well, I’m glad you think so. That’s all that matters.” He looked up into her eyes as she traced his collar bone and  licked his lips. “I still wanna fuck you. Even more so now” he grinned.
~𝓔𝓶𝓲𝓵𝔂~ “And why is my opinion all that matters?” She asked, smirking before starting to remove his shirt. “No worries, I still want to suck you off.” She winked.
ღ 𝕂нαι ღ “Because your the only one who matters” he smiled. Letting her easily remove his shirt. “Yeah?” he asked licking his lips. “You wanna taste me?”
~𝓔𝓶𝓲𝓵𝔂~ Emily blushed, not able to even remove his shirt as she nearly melted at his words. “I hope you mean that.” She cooed before finely able to regain enough attention to move his shirt and tossed it to the side. “Taste you? No. Devour you? Yes.”
ღ 𝕂нαι ღ “Of course I mean it” he assured. A grin spreading across his lips with her next words. “I like the sound of that, baby. You’re so sexy.”
~𝓔𝓶𝓲𝓵𝔂~ She smirked, kissing his lips once more before moving out of his lap and getting on the grown between his legs. She immediately moved her fingers over the button on his pants, undoing them before bringing both them and his boxers down, watching as he springed out of them, immediately wrapping her small had around him.
ღ 𝕂нαι ღ He kissed her back with a soft hum. His eyes watching her as she moved to the floor and pulled his pants down eagerly. “Jesus. You’re so sexy” he breathed out. His breath hitching as she grabbed his length. Already hardening even more just by her touch.
~𝓔𝓶𝓲𝓵𝔂~ “That’s all you, baby. I’ll show you.” She winked, tracing her tongue up his length before kissing the tip of his dick, flicking her tongue across the top, tasting the Precum in her mouth, wrapping her entire mouth around him.
ღ 𝕂нαι ღ He had a grin on his face he couldn’t seem to erase. His hands pushing down his thighs with pleasure as soon as she took him into her mouth. “Oh shit.. that feels so good.”
~𝓔𝓶𝓲𝓵𝔂~ She began to bob her head up and down, over and over, increasing her speed but tried to be gentle with his new piercing. Her hands found his, squeezing at his thighs as she began to gag over him.
ღ 𝕂нαι ღ “Oh shit baby” he hissed. “You look so beautiful like that.” His hips raised to meet her as she took him completely and he leaned his head back with pleasure as he moaned.
~𝓔𝓶𝓲𝓵𝔂~ She was loving the response she was getting from him, even if she was playing gently. He seemed to like it and the way he thrusted up into her mouth made her moan against his skin as she continued to deep throat him, watching as he threw his head back in pleasure. She pulled back, smirking up at him as she looked at him with her brown hues. "don't cum..."
ღ 𝕂нαι ღ Khai was very into rough painful sex. But if there was anything most people didn’t know about him. It was that taking slow made him crumble. “Fuck... “he breathed out. His cock twitching with withdrawals from her mouth. He reached out for her wanting her closer.
~𝓔𝓶𝓲𝓵𝔂~ Emily smirked as she watched him, his dick moving on it's own. It made her giggle, knowing she served the exact type of tease she meant to. "Where do you want me, baby?" She asked as he reached out to her.
ღ 𝕂нαι ღ Grabbing hold of her waist he worked on getting her pants undo. Struggling to push them down fast enough before pulling her into a straddle over his lap. “I want you here” he whined. His patients wearing thin as he craved to be inside her. Letting his cock rub against her folds as he lifted against her
~𝓔𝓶𝓲𝓵𝔂~ Emily obliged, getting up and helping to shimmy out of her pants, wearing nothing under them. She knew what she was getting into, so she dressed accordingly. Before fully sitting down, she removed her shirt and bra as he teased her entrance with his cock. Leaning down to kiss him, she wasted no time before sliding slowly down his length, pulling at the back of his hair as ecstasy filled her. "Fuck, baby..." She moaned as her walls began to adjust, slowly moving herself up and down until she was comfortable.
ღ 𝕂нαι ღ She was so sexy he could barely keep his hands off of her. Letting them roam down her neck to her breast as he caressed them. Flicking softly at her new piercings as he kissed her back. She slid down onto him and he moaned against her mouth. The feeling of his piecing rubbing against her causing his hips to jerk. “Oh god you feel so good”
~𝓔𝓶𝓲𝓵𝔂~ She nearly yelped at how his hips jerked up, not expecting the immediate thrust into her but loving the feeling, especially with his tongue on her newly pierced nipples. Pressing her hands into his chest so she could hold her balance, she began to grind against him, quickening her pace as she did so, moans constantly pouring out of her mouth.
ღ 𝕂нαι ღ He wrapped his arms around her waist as she began to grind against him. His hips rolling in rhythm with hers as he continued to lick and kiss as her breast. Licking up to her neck and back down as he sucked on her skin.
~𝓔𝓶𝓲𝓵𝔂~ "Fuck, baby." She groaned against him, nearly losing her balance as her body started to quiver with her first orgasm, pressing her forehead into his as she bit her lip. "I want you to fuck me from behind." She whispered to him as she attempted to catch her breath, but still needing that friction.
ღ 𝕂нαι ღ Feeling her tighten around him as her body shook with pleasure, he couldn’t hold back any longer. Cumming deep into her core as he groaned against her skin. He was almost instantly hard again as she continued to move on him. Her words turning him on immensely as he stood up lifting her with him. He placed her onto the couch, pulling from her to flip her over and wrapped his arm under her waist. Using his free hand to guide himself back into her as he kissed the back of her shoulder. He rolled his hips all the way down into her until they were completely connected. Waiting only a moment before pulling back and trusting back in deep and hard
~𝓔𝓶𝓲𝓵𝔂~ "Fuck baby, keep doing that." She moaned as she felt him continuously pound into her, reaching her g-spot at this new angle. She felt so in his realm, moaning loudly as he continued to thrust into her, the sounds of their skin making contact over and over again. She gripped the side of the couch, throwing her head back as he continued, groaning as she pushed her hips back to meet his thrusts.
ღ 𝕂нαι ღ “You like that baby?” he asked through gritted teeth of pleasure. Continuing to slam into her over and over as his hand gripped tightly to her hip. His other hand grabbing her around her neck as he pulled her back up flesh against his chest. His hand sliding from her hip to play with her clit as he squeezed her neck with the other. His hips thrusting hard and deep as he picked up the pace.
~𝓔𝓶𝓲𝓵𝔂~ He was driving her absolutely wild, and the amount of ecstasy she was feeling was unbearable. At this point, she didn't care who could have heard them. she wanted everyone to know how good he was fucking her. as he pulled her up against his chest, she pushed her head back against his shoulder, moaning over and over, especially as he began to touch her clit. "fuck, daddy." She groaned. "You fuck me so good....fuck."
ღ 𝕂нαι ღ God, when she called him daddy it turned him on so much. Causing him to trust into her and bottom out as he leaned in to suck and bite at her neck. “Mmm you like that” he growled. Fondling her clit more aggressively as he fucked her.
~𝓔𝓶𝓲𝓵𝔂~ “I fucking love it. Please just be rough with me.” She said through her teeth, pressing her hips back into his, gripping at the back of his hair as he messed with her clit more aggressively. “Fuckkkkkk, baby!!” She screamed, her legs starting to tremble as she started squirming at his touch
ღ 𝕂нαι ღ Emily was driving him crazy in the best way possible. She was so sexy and it was like he couldn’t get enough. He pushed her forward draping his arm around her waist as he drilled into her harder and faster. His piercing scraping against her sensitive walls with each thrust. “Oh fuck baby” he groaned through hard breaths. His hand tightening around her neck even more as he pulled her head back to kiss him.
~𝓔𝓶𝓲𝓵𝔂~ She kissed him back, moaning into it as he started to tighten his grip around her neck. He fucked her so well and his piercing was adding so much more to his thrust. She could feel it with every thrust. Spreading her legs further, she reached back, digging her nails into his thighs. “I’m gonna cum. Don’t you fucking stop.” she groaned. “Harder, daddy. Please.”
ღ 𝕂нαι ღ Her nails dug into the back of his legs and he let out a deep pleasurable moan. His hips jerking deeper as he bit on her bottom lip. Sucking it between his own as he continued to pound into her over and over. “Fuck yeah baby... I wanna fill you up” he hissed. His thrusts becoming a bit more sloppy as he felt his own orgasm wash over him.
~𝓔𝓶𝓲𝓵𝔂~ she came along with him, collapsing on the couch before him as she tried to catch her breath, turning over to face him before sitting up and connecting their lips again. "You fuck me....in the best ways possible. holy shit." she smirked before looking back at him again. "you also make me feel extremely special with dates involved. Let's me know this isn't just about my body for you."
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pkmnjesus · 5 years
3 years ago when I was still in college, I remember specifically picking a late afternoon/night class for Thrusdays in the fall of 2016 because I wanted to catch Sun & Moon series every Thrusday night and sleep-in without worries of waking up on time. Now as a full-time working adult, I can say that tuned in every episode since then, and I can’t wait to do the same for the next series....
Tonight it’s an end of an era. Time flies, and just like Ash I feel the need to reevaluate what my purpose is here SPECIFICALLY on tumblr once Gen. VIII starts. I still enjoy tweeting from time to a time at Twitter, but my tumblr feels like an empty shell. I don’t find myself viable anymore here now that I have @pokeaniepisodes , and besides weekly postings, I want to focus more on growing my Discord server, creating content for YouTube/other platforms (collaborating with some of my friends) and live-streaming (I still have yet to set-up my capture card) on Twitch because I know the potential I have and what I learned during my production studies in school. I know not everyone here is going to support me if I jump to another site (seeing that most of my non-PokéAni related content gets ignored most of the time...it is what it is) but I’m still thankful for the support I’ve gotten through my PokéAni posts I made in the past. I’ve contributed so much in this fandom I can’t believe I made all those posts looking back the archive. I’m already contacting a few tumblr peeps here that have YouTube and Twitch that deal with the same issue, and I’m glad I was able to consault with them on that. I may be an introvert, but honestly this fandom environment just isn’t for me, and I still can’t believe I even made friends here or why they would even talk to weirdo like me who often makes the dumbest mistakes on what he says sometimes. I’ve already been unfollowed by a few long-time followers from the XY days and that really hurt me these past couple of months even though I shouldn’t really feel that way.
I’m giving myself a deadline of November 15th (the day SwSh comes out) on what I decide to do with this blog moving forward. I won’t delete the blog (because that will delete my side-blog, and I don’t want that to happen lol) but I might abandon it. I have 3k+ followers here but what’s the point if only 5% of that number truly support you. Not worth my time imo because I could be doing much better things than check tumblr all-day, and that’s the reality of social media followings unfortunately. Just like Ash, I want to start from scratch and meet even more new people in this new generation of Pokémon. I’ll still be “P J” but maybe not here. At least I won’t be annoying you anymore with long posts like these ha :^)
Thank you #pokeani for even letting me express my love for the anime here, and thank sun & moon for giving us a generation/era that I’ll never forget in my life. I’ll probably make another separate post on my gratitude towards the SM series. Let’s end with a bang tonight :”)
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nootvanlis · 6 years
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I wish it didn’t have to come this way but I’m leaving the fandom indefinitely. Due to some circumstances, I don’t want Carmilla to be left a painful scar on me so I just need to get away from anything fandom related. I wish I could’ve seen how CarmillaCon turned out. I’ll just part with this and hope it all goes well...
I have a queue running the next couple days just to catch up on the things in my drafts. I’ll still be on discord as it��s my only way of communicating with my friends so if you need me, I’ll be there. And I have no choice but to attend the cons I already paid for 😅
Thanks for almost 4 years of support my peeps!
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raiidens · 5 years
Hey guys, thought I’d put out an update because of my absence and all that, ye know. All in “easy to read” Q&A form.
So uh, where have you been?
Just other places on the internet I suppose. I ended up getting let go from my web dev job really not great like, and then ended up doing a little video editing for a while which ended very poorly (people don’t like their contractor workers apparently???). Then I moved out of the house (adulting wow) and do some animation where I can here and there, while spending basically a whole ton of my time into my Twitch channel. So, things have been busy.
Okay cool, but why not be here on Tumblr once in a while?
I’ve also been losing interest in Tumblr for a long while. My personal blog basically went back and forth between a one reblog a month and basically being a vent blog, oops. And my interest in web dev kinda diminished a little too, so I’ve just really not had any reason to be here? I suppose?
So what’s gonna happen to the themes?
I don’t really plan on leaving completely or anything, but I know I won’t be as active as I was before. I’ll still keep on eye out for messages (they go to my email so we good) to fix things if needed but I wouldn’t expect many updates or new themes tbh. I think I had one theme in the works that I never released, so I might finish that. We’ll see. As for commissions, I’ll keep doing those but will most likely have to raise the price on them. For most of the commissions I did, I’d say I was working under minimum wage. And yes! I know! That’s bad, for me and the other freelancers! But I justified it to myself as 1) they’re “just Tumblr themes” not full blown out websites or anything and 2) I like you peeps. That doesn’t quite cut it anymore since I gotta adult and pay my bills and dang living is expensive. (”:
How can we support you / find you now? (a.k.a. I’m a beautiful person that likes to support creators)
My big goal right now is to get a decent living streaming on Twitch. I play mostly single player games ranging from AAA to indie to retro, and I’m the more casual non-screamy type. If that’s your thing, consider dropping in! I’m having a real great time doing it and have made some great friends on the platform. We also have a Discord channel where a bot of my cat meows in voice channel??? I also upload the streams to YouTube if that’s more your thing, though I’m really behind, but trying to catch up as fast as I can! I do artsy things too, though I’m struggling with quite the intense art block. But if you’re interested in those, I’ll be putting them up on my Instagram. And if you want everything in one place, including many memes, my Twitter is the way to go. But if you do have a Twitch account, consider dropping by and/or following, it helps a ton! Thank you!
TL;DR please?
This is a lot to summarize but basically: Adulting is really hard and expensive, web dev is difficult. Follow me on Twitch pls.
And always, thanks for your support, guys. I appreciate all the kind words I’ve gotten over the years!
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rk800isalive · 5 years
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hey, if you follow me please read my rules. I don’t have them for shits and giggles. They are there for a reason!  But you know if you can’t find them for any damn reason even though I’ve posted them like so many damn places I’ll post them under read more. 
Hey there dear! Here is all you need to know about this rper/ask blog!
updated: Aug 7,2019
 About the blog:
-I’ve wrote this a few times now on the blog but I am Semi-Selective and Mutuals only. I have a lot of anxiety or rping with to many people. I do open up to more people in time. Again, I rp for fun and as a stress release I don’t want to start making rping stressful.
-If I’m following you and you follow back. How do you know it’s me?? I send geckos and danger noodles. I’m very shy when first interacting so I send geckos on anon. It’s a way for me to 1) judge your muse and how they handle things. 2) It makes me feel better as a starter to say hello.
-This blog is a nsfw/sfw blog.
-I don’t rp with minors. I’m literally over 21+ I don’t feel personally comfortable with minors interacting or rping with me. Nothing against ya, I’m just not comfy with it. Other reasons are because I rp a lot of adult/dark themes and I don’t feel comfy with minors being around that.
-I’ll pretty much rp anything except anything NSFW with minors or anything NSFW with minor muses.
-I will unfollow if I feel like pretty wiggy about your blog. By this I mean, let’s say you post a canon call. Then you make a post complaining about people liking said canon call. I mean this like you do this a lot. I’m old and I don’t care and it comes off as wiggy to me.
-I do not accept or acknowledge hate to anyone of any kind on my blog, thank you. If I see it on my blog I’m going to delete it. This means I do not condone sending or receiving hate of any kind to others or myself.
-I also will add a side note to this because I can’t believe I have to do this. If I don’t accept of acknowledge hate that also means I will not send hate. I have not and will never do such actions.
-Muse =/= Mun. This means the Mun and Muse do not always share the same feeling or would act the same way. We are two different people.
-I do not rp with blogs that do not have at least an about and/or a rules page. I feel much more comfortable seeing those. I don’t care if your blog is fancy or if you have icons. Just these two things at least is important to me.
-I write to have fun! Rping is a hobby of mine and really helps destress me. Enjoy what you do and have fun with it! Don’t worry about replying right away, I’m chill with waiting.
-I don’t own any of the icons or art you see me use unless I have stated otherwise.
-Highly Selective to OC’s. I explain why further down in my rules.
Dos and Don’ts rules:
-Don’t take control of my character please.
-Please no GodMods.
-Do not guilt trip me into responding to you. I will block you.
-Also please be aware if you reblog rp with thislovelylady/ alannasroleplaymemes, or really any of this person’s blogs I will unfollow and block you. This is non-negotiable.
-Do not follow me if you follow any blogs connected to sinsofexcalibur/ giseinohana or really any of their blogs. If you do follow or interact with said person I will unfollow and block you. Nothing against you, I really don’t want to get into why this person makes me uncomfortable just understand this is one of my rules. This too is non-negotiable
-Don’t guilt me for calling you senpai. I say it in an I think you’re cool and want to be friends. Again I’m old. I literally remember when yaoi paddles were a thing. Not that I ever had one, but man oh man, do I remember them.
-Don’t come at me with hating on ships. You can like or dislike what you want. I just don’t want to hear it.
-If I don’t answer your threads or starters either tumblr ate it or I haven’t had time to get to it.
-Feel free to remind me to reply. Life happens and I’m also just ADHD so my attention span is crap at times. Just don’t spam me about it.
-I do not start drama, I do not like getting into drama, and as such I ask you not to tag me in drama. I like living my life as drama free as possible.
-If you are a personal blog and you reblog my threads you are not apart of I will block you. It’s rude don’t do it.
-Do not reblog ooc posts outside of posts that can say you can reblog. Or are posts like followers forever. Just…. literally think about it. If it looks like you are unsure you can message me. Just use common sense.
-Do not ask me why I have not followed you yet. Like that’s some guilt trip bull. If I haven’t followed you yet, I either a) didn’t see the notification. b) Saw you followed checked out your blog and you don’t have a muse, or rule page and didn’t follow c) felt wiggy about your blog d) I just didn’t notice you followed and haven’t seen your blog yet.
-Just because I’m not following you doesn’t mean you can’t talk to me. I’m chill if you send anons.
-I always cut my posts. Please cut yours. It’s not too hard to do there are like a million tutorials showing how to do so. If you don’t trim your posts I’m most likely going to unfollow you. There really isn’t any excuse as to why you can’t trim your posts. On mobile there is a giant X you can press. This is true on desktop as well.
-Do not reblog my threads unless you are apart of them. If you do I will block you.
-I’m not an rp meme blog, if you are not a mutual please don’t reblog the memes. Reblog it from the sources.
-The only triggers I have is Sharks (Realistic Images or video of them) and IV Needles. I just ask that you please tag them. It’s cool if you forget it happens.  Mostly it’s the needle bit that is the worst trigger. I have other trigger they are just very rare and very hard to hit. I’ll let ya know if you ever hit them.
-If you need something tagged just let me know.
-I will tag things if you need it tagged. I’m also an idiot and forget sometimes. Just slap me with a friendly reminder message and I’ll tag it for ya. When I tag things I always forget to tag things with ‘tw’ at the end.  Example rather then writing ‘gore tw’ I write ‘gore’. Again, I do this mostly because I forget to put ‘tw’ at the end.
Shipping / writing:
-I’ll just slide this in here too. I ship chemistry, if I feel the two muses are getting along and you wanna ship them I’m down. I don’t ship with minors. If you wanna have a family bond connection with my muse, smack dat message button and hit me up. I’m down for chatting about it and plotting it out!
-I ship Connor/Hank personally but this doesn’t mean every Hank my muse meets will want to jump their bones. Again I can’t stress enough how I ship chemistry. I won’t ship with anyone right off the bat unless you talk to me ahead of time and want to plot something out.
-If your Hank only sees Connor as a son, I’m totally cool with that too. Again I do not ship anything unless you’ve messaged me before hand. I just like chemistry between muses first.
-I will ship hate pairings, crack pairings, and just because pairings.
-If you want to ship with my Connor, hit me up. Again this is normally after we’ve been rping for a while. I’m for the most part chill about shipping.
-I have my own NTP I’m chill with talking about them. I’m also over all a very chill but weenie of new peeps person. Again I’ve been around a while.
-If you have a ship you wanna try out with my Connor slap that message button and I’m more than happy to chat it out. We can come up with an idea. But again I prefer chemistry first over shipping.
-I love to plot things out. If you have an AU you would like to try out I’m totally open for it.
-If you see mistakes in my grammar and spelling I am sorry. I tend to type fast and sometimes aren’t able to catch all my mistakes. Please bare with me on that and I’ll most likely edit my posts. Or more commonly I’ll respond with like little to no sleep in me and don’t realize I messed up spelling or used the wrong words or grammar till like the next day or when I post my reply and reread it. Again I have insomnia… most days I’m up till like 3-4 am. Not even lying there. Some days I sleep for like… 14 hours. There is little to no in between.
-I can and will rp dark themes. I love rping angst or pretty much anything. That being said, just be aware of my fear of needles. I will rp sharks just because I can’t physically see them. Writing about that doesn’t bother me just anything to do with blood work just … yeah.
-I write rather large posts when I role play. Don’t feel intimidated because you don’t have to match my post size. It’s just my thing I do. I only ask that if I reply with let’s say a paragraph I wish for at least a paragraph back. This doesn’t apply if it’s a crack thread. Those are just up in the air and fun.
-If your muse is an OC, from a different fandom, or if he never met you in the game and your  beginning message/thread/starter is acting like he knows you right from the get go and he doesn’t I might not answer the ask or thread. Just because sometimes it makes me uncomfortable unless it just fits or you have messaged me ahead of time.
-I also love the idea of my Connor viewing any of the Rk series as family. If you don’t see it that way hit me up and I’m chill with it.
-If the post is long or nsfw based I put them under read more.
Just things I didn’t really know where else to put:
-I am SUPER shy online. In person I’m a loudmouth who isn’t afraid of anything. So it takes me a good long time to message people to rp.
-I am one whole weenie. If you get geckos/ danger noodles (snakes) in your anon box. -dabs- dat be me. Trying to get over being a weenie one gecko at a time. I don’t what it is I’m just very very shy online.
-I call new peeps who follow me senpais till I feel comfortable to be not nervous.
-If I follow you 99.9% I probably want to rp with you. I’m also a weenie so I’m probably intimidated to message you if you wanna thread or rp. I has the anxiety…
-I’ve been rping for 9+ years off tumblr, +6 on tumblr, and about +4 years on discord.
-I tend to update my blog a lot because I want my blog to be the best that it can be in my eyes. Your blog doesn’t have to be this detailed or fancy looking I just hold my blog to a stupid standard in my head.
-Mun is 21+ and pretty much only feels comfortable rping with 18+ muns.
-I have Major Depression, ADHD, PTSD, Anxiety, and DID. I do have a blog for my system they probably won’t interact on this blog.  Please be aware of this as there are days I just… struggle.
-I am always tired, if I’m not tired I’m hyper as fuck.
-I read the rules and about everyone’s blog I ever follow. I feel more comfortable and more likely to rp with you when I see the rules and about pages. I will read about the mun pages too. This allows me to get a peak into not only your muse but who you are.
-OCs I’m so sorry I’m a bit picky at times. If I can’t picture my muse interacting with them I sort of just… Don’t bother. It’s nothing against your oc. I promise you that. I am just a little picky after being burned a few times.
-I do not have a password system mostly because I would forget my own password. But if you are reading all this and got all the way here, thanks!!
-I’m just here to have fun. I want to rp as a way to help my own stress of life. If you like my Connor, great! Thank you for liking him! If you don’t, cool, you don’t have to. I like all sorts of ships. I don’t really care about gender mostly because I myself am pan but I just don’t care. If two characters mingle well and feelings start to arise I’m more likely to ship it. You don’t have to like the ship. It’s cool.
-I am 28. I’ve been rping for a stupid ass long time. I’ve seen shit in fandoms come and go. I don’t care about drama, I don’t want your drama, I’m just here to have some fun. Cool. That’s gonna come off as mean… Sorry.
-I have the right to follow and unfollow who I wish. I also have the right to rp with whom I wish and whom I don’t wish. ( Though if I am already following you, I’m 100% willing to rp with you.)
-It takes me a while to respond to things. Again I want to make this clear, I have a lot of mental illnesses that just make me struggle most of the time. I deal with heavy insomnia. Sometimes I’m lightning fast with threads other times it takes me a bit. Or tumblr just decided to fucking yeet my god damn drafts again. In which case hit me up on dms like if I haven’t gotten to the thread after like two weeks. Most likely tumblr fucking ate it.
If you finished reading and you would like to know more about the Mun and the muse here you are!
The mun just click here. My muse click here.
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hinezumi · 6 years
Inuvember Day 3: Main Gang
An extremely heartfelt and special thanks to both @keichanz and @morikothehalfangel for not only proofreading my fic but offering suggestions to improve it for the future! It means the world to me, so once again thank you.
From this point forward Inuvember-wise, I’ll see if I can post actual little drabbles instead of full length stories (and see if I can even catch up?) 
I just wanted to make sure I finished this before college got to hectic (and I think I made it in the nick of time). Please enjoy and leave reviews! I can’t improve without feedback!
Discord peeps: @britonell @blackpearltotheright @cammysansstuff @becca-the-baka @noviceotakus-blog @amostsovereignlady @sesshomabitch @bearpluscat @eternalnight8806-3
Senpais who I want to notice me: @artistefish @mustardyellowsunshine @akitokihojo
“If you need anything else to make your stay more comfortable, please don’t hesitate to seek us out.”
Responding “thanks” in tandem, the group waited for the old woman to slide the shoji door closed behind her before making any moves to settle into the room they’d been provided. Setting her large, yellow backpack down in a corner of the room, Kagome began to unpack her belongings. As she made to unroll her sleeping bag, Kagome caught a familiar shade of red out of the corner of her eye. Raising an eyebrow in question, Kagome stole a quick glance and was surprised to be met with golden eyes washed in concern.
“Inuyasha? What’s wrong?” the school girl asked as she smoothed out the exterior nylon shell of her sleeping bag. The feeling of the smooth and sheer fabric under her palm was soothing, and as she continued to rub the material under her skin she almost became totally engrossed in the hypnotic action until the feeling of a familiar clawed hand grabbing hers broke her from her reverie.
“Stupid woman,” Inuyasha muttered before speaking up. “You get insulted by a man on the street today and yet you ask me if something’s wrong. Don’t you ever worry about yourself?”
“I can’t tell if you’re trying to comfort me or scold me,” Kagome muttered bitterly to herself before lowering her gaze to look at their intertwined hands. Gently rubbing tiny circles into the back of his hand with her thumb, Kagome sighed before returning her chocolate hues to settle on beautiful gold. She’d never get over his uncanny ability to tell when something was wrong.
“I’m okay Inuyasha, really,” Kagome replied before flashing him a smile. Inuyasha saw right through her facade though and let her know as much. Eyebrows furrowed, Inuyasha continued to stare at Kagome, a frown tugging at the corners of his mouth. What was he to do in this situation? What could he do?
‘If Miroku hadn’t let that fucker get away I would’ve, I could’ve-’
His trail of thought broken, Inuyasha looked up and saw Kagome’s face scrunched in pain. Eyebrows furrowing in concern, he was about to ask what hurt until he felt Kagome jerk her hand out of his grip. Looking down at the hand that had just been holding Kagome’s, he stared at his appendage in confusion until the sight of mottled pink against creamy skin caught his eye.
Inuyasha felt his heart drop as he watched Kagome rub her now bruised hand. Had he done that? He then surmised that he must have; after all, he’d just been holding her hand. Acting before thinking, Inuyasha quickly snatched Kagome’s now bruised hand again before gently resting it against his forehead. Gaze pointed downward, Inuyasha sighed and held her hand there for a moment. Drinking in her touch as well as her pleasant-smelling scent, Inuyasha closed his eyes as he felt his anger simmer down. All the while Kagome just felt her cheeks darkening in hue as she watched.
While she appreciated the gesture, it wasn’t like they were alone in the room they were situated in. Moving her gaze from her half demon to the center of the room, she gulped when she saw four sets of eyes pointed her way. Breath caught in her throat, Kagome had decided she’d had enough of being stared at. Standing up abruptly, she gingerly removed her hand from Inuyasha’s grasp once more before opening the shoji door, exiting, and closing it behind her.
‘I just need a breather. Maybe a breath of fresh air will-’
For the second time that day, being lost in her thoughts had betrayed her. Kagome held off a howl of pain as the hot tea that was now all over her began to seep into her skin and clothes. The burning sensation was fast spreading and Kagome instinctively grabbed at her abdomen where the burning felt the worst. Eyes squeezed closed in pain, Kagome could hear the shoji door she’d just walked through slide back open as well as the sounds of familiar growls and nervous, padded steps.
“I-I’m so sorry sir, she came out so suddenly, and had I seen her soon enough I-”
“Save it. You should be apologizing to her, not me,” Inuyasha said coolly, cutting the server off before scooping Kagome into his arms. Shippo immediately joined him, jumping onto Inuyasha’s shoulder before sliding down the hanyou’s chest to land on Kagome’s abdomen. Before he could ask her what happened, however, Kagome winced in pain at the sudden contact. Growling intensifying, Inuyasha brought Kagome closer to him while sending the fox kit a pointed glare.
“Shippo, go make yourself useful and find some towels and a change of clothes,” Inuyasha commanded, the bite in his voice not lost on the younger demon. Shippo simply did as he was told and scurried off. Any thought of yelling at Inuyasha for the way he’d just talked to him was consumed by the guilt he felt for hurting Kagome, whether intentional or not. As soon as the kitsune was out of sight, Inuyasha looked at the trembling server before him.
“Where can I find the nearest bath house?” the half demon asked, his gaze on the server remaining cool.
“A-Actually, w-we have baths you can use he-”
“Then stop telling me about them and tell me where to find them.”
After translating the server’s trembly-spoken directions, Inuyasha gave a curt nod to show his understanding and turned on his heel to follow the directions he’d been given.
Kagome worried her lip between her teeth in an effort to keep her pained whimpers to a minimum. She was ready for the day to be over. After the meltdown she’d had last night and the multiple events that happened just earlier today, she wondered how much longer she’d last before she snapped. Before her thoughts could wrong her for a third time that day, she was delightfully distracted when Shippo reappeared at Inuyasha’s side. The young demon held in his small hands a simple blue kimono, a hair brush, and two towels. Feeling Kagome’s eyes on him, Shippo turned so that his eyes met hers and erupted into a grin; he was just so relieved that she didn’t look angry at him.
Shippo followed Inuyasha into the bath house portion of the inn while making sure to keep his distance; he didn’t want to risk testing Inuyasha’s patience a second time. Stopping a foot or so behind Inuyasha once he’d stopped moving, Shippo watched as Inuyasha carefully set Kagome down onto a wooden bench right outside where the baths split for males and females. When green eyes met brown once again, Shippo was met by another of Kagome’s smiles. How was it that she was still able to smile while being in so much pain?
Kagome’s visage was cut off from Shippo’s gaze when the girl’s hanyou-protector kneeled in front of her. When Inuyasha glanced upon Kagome’s continued smile, a corner of his lip turned upwards ever so slightly, leaving traces of the faintest of smiles. Leave it to Kagome to crumble his resolve and make his heart do somersaults (not that he’d ever let her know that).
“Clumsy woman. Lift your shirt so I can check your burn,” Inuyasha told Kagome. The schoolgirl’s face immediately erupted into brilliant shades of red. Worrying her lip between her teeth, Kagome just stared at Inuyasha; he had to have realized the implications of what he just asked, right? As brown orbs stared into gold, the air around them slowly grew tense. The longer she stared, the more Kagome realized that no, her hanyou companion didn’t seem to understand. Lower lip jutting into a pout, conflicted over whether she should feel relieved or frustrated by Inuyasha’s lack of interest, Kagome squeezed her eyes shut while she untucked her stained white blouse from her skirt and slowly lifted.
Kagome’s stomach was a mottled shade of pink. Inuyasha’s ear flattened and he growled at the sight; the burn on her stomach was of a similar shade to the bruise she now bore on her hand. A bruise he had inflicted her with. Shaking his head to keep his thoughts from spiraling, Inuyasha gently pulled Kagome’s shirt back down before standing up.
“I’m gonna go grab your backpack. Your first aid kit is in there, right?” Kagome nodded in response. “Alright, stay here and try not to trip on anything else while I’m gone,” Inuyasha said before adding a cocky smirk. When he got the desired reaction of an eye roll and contained laugh, Inuyasha turned around and knelt to Shippo’s level.
“Watch her, runt. I’m counting on you.”
Puffing his chest out, Shippo put his hands on his hips and stood taller before giving Inuyasha a nod. Returning the gesture, Inuyasha then rose up and walked out of the room, leaving Shippo and Kagome to wait for him. Glancing at his friend beside him, Shippo stared at her clothes and felt a question that he’d always thought about rise to the front of his mind.
“Hey Kagome, can I ask you something?” Kagome nodded in response, her attention focused on keeping the pain from her burns to a minimum. “Why do you wear the clothes from your world while you’re over here?”
“Why does it matter?” she replied quickly. She didn’t want to have this conversation.
“W-Well, it’s just that… you’ve been so on edge lately,” Shippo admitted before gulping. “I noticed how the villagers were looking at you, and when that man snapped at you I couldn’t help but wonder ‘wait, why does she wear the clothes from her era if she doesn’t like being stared at?’”
Kagome’s fists clenched in an effort to maintain her patience. She didn’t want to be having this conversation, she didn’t want to keep talking about it. She was over it, so why couldn’t people just leave her alone and-
She snapped.
“BECAUSE I’M NOT FROM THIS ERA.” And with that, she rose from her spot on the bench and stomped off to the women’s section of the baths, pain be damned.
Inuyasha was surprised to say the least when he returned and saw Shippo crying on the bench he’d left Kagome on. Taking a quick sniff of the area, Inuyasha pushed his concern for Kagome to the side momentarily when he deduced that she was still there, just in the bath portion.
“...Everything okay?” Inuyasha asked awkwardly as he took a seat next to Shippo. The kitsune just continued to cry, hands over his eyes and tear streaks stained across his cheeks. Whether he’d noticed the hanyou’s presence or not wasn’t clear. Clearing his throat, Inuyasha tried to get the kit’s attention before asking again; he didn’t want to be consoling Shippo any longer than he had to. Thankfully, his second attempt seemed to do the trick. Sniffles wracking through his tiny body, Shippo rubbed his eyes before looking at Inuyasha.
“I.. I think I made Kagome upset. I asked her why she always wears the clothes from her era rather than clothes from ours, and then she yelled and stomped away and.. and..” Shippo trailed off as tiny sobs rose from his chest once again.
Inuyasha gulped. A crying and upset Kagome was one thing; while he hated seeing her so sad, he knew he could at least comfort her with gentle embraces and kind words. An angry Kagome was an entirely different story. He’d been “sat” more than enough times to know so. Body aching as if she’d said the word of subjugation already, Inuyasha felt another shudder go through his body before he decided he’d had enough. Standing up once more, Inuyasha shouldered Kagome’s backpack into a more comfortable position before grabbing the towel, hairbrush, and kimono Shippo had brought over earlier.
“Don’t hold it against her. She’s… been having a rough time,” said Inuyasha softly. Before Shippo could ask any questions, Inuyasha left to go look for the girl they both were concerned about. Kagome’s feelings weren’t his story to tell.
Kagome’s head broke the surface of the warm bath water with a gasp. The warm water was doing wonders to ease her burns, bruise, and mind. Sighing contentedly, Kagome lowered herself until only her eyes, nose, and ears rose above the bath water’s surface. The bath was infused with oils and soaps, giving the water a pleasant aroma and somewhat murky texture. It was the best bath Kagome had taken in a long, long time. Blowing bubbles absentmindedly, Kagome was about to submerge her head completely until the sight of familiar, white doggie ears stopped her. Coming into view completely, Inuyasha stared at Kagome blankly and watched as her cheeks grew red and her arms wrapped hastily around her chest. Before he could ask what was wrong, he heard her say his least favorite word in the world before his entire body crashed onto the ground just outside the tub.
Muttering curses to himself, Inuyasha was about to give Kagome a piece of his mind until her meek speaking voice stopped him in his tracks.
“Is Shippo okay?”
Inuyasha rose from where he’d been “sat” slowly to sit at the edge of the bath. Moving the items in his arms to the side, he turned around so that he wasn’t facing her. The hanyou’s ears twitched every which way to make sure no one else was nearby or worse, listening in; he didn’t need anyone coddling him about the mushy crap he was going to say later.
“He will be. I never thought I’d see the day where you’d make him cry though,” Inuyasha replied jokingly, hoping to lighten the mood. The smell of salty tears told him he’d done the exact opposite.
“I’m so stupid. He was just trying to make me feel better and I had to go and snap at him! He’s not even remotely at fault; if anyone is, it’s me. I’m the one who lets myself get so bothered by other people’s opinions.”
Breath hitching in her throat, Kagome struggled to keep her emotions in check as she continued, the words spilling out of their own volition.
“The one who chooses to dress in ‘strange clothes’. The one who always stands out like a sore thumb. The one who always gets kidnapped. The one who can’t defend herself. The one who forgets she’s actually from the future and not the Feudal era.”
Her voice started to break. Sniffling in an effort to keep the remainder of her tears from falling, Kagome took a shaky breath as her words began to spill out faster.
“The one who makes her family worry yet hardly ever goes home to put their minds at ease. The one who’s behind in school and complains about being so. The one whose family probably think she’s an ungrateful brat. The one who… the one who…” And then Kagome broke. Her head leaned back as all of the feelings she’d been keeping to herself exited her body as sobs. A new set of tears trailed down her now flushed cheeks, their flow hardly ceasing as she continued to sob. Inuyasha’s ears pinned down at the sounds. Hearing Kagome cry hurt worse than any physical wound he’d received. Inuyasha wasn’t used to this side of Kagome; he was used to the girl who smiled all the time, whose laughter sounded like bells, whose kindness melted his heart…
The feeling of two tiny and damp fists gripping the back of his suikan was the last straw. In one fluid movement, Inuyasha removed his suikan to wrap around the girl behind him before lifting her to sit behind him at the edge of the bath. Maintaining his gaze ahead, he reached to his side and grabbed the towel that sat at the top of the pile of stuff he’d brought in for her.
“Here stupid, dry your hair so that you don’t catch a cold,” Inuyasha said before shaking the towel in his hand to get Kagome’s attention. Her sobs had quieted down to whimpers, and once her attention was drawn to the noise of the shaking towel, she graciously took it before resting it on her head.
Whimpers calming to deep breaths, Kagome closed the scant distance between Inuyasha and herself by resting her back against his, his long silver tresses instantly becoming a pillow for her to rest her head on. She felt the muscles in his back tense for just a moment before feeling them relax just as fast. The pair stayed in companionable silence until Inuyasha finally stole a glance at the girl behind him. Curled up in a ball and encased by his robe of the firerat, Kagome had somehow slipped into slumber without him even noticing. While she seemed utterly exhausted, she also looked blissfully at peace. A smirk tugged the corners of his lips at the sight.
He’d do whatever he could to maintain that beautifully at peace smile on Kagome’s face for far longer than when she woke up. He’d do whatever was necessary to keep Kagome’s mind  at ease as much as possible. He would protect her, not only from the demons who came after her and the shards of the Shikon jewel but the ones who tried to convince her that she was anything but perfect.
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