#So I'll give it a shot for the new stuff but I might stop watching.
Me staring at the regeneration scene: Oh, David Tenant is the new Doctor, at least they might let him do a Scottish accent now,
David Tenant: *Still Doing a British accent*
Me: Guess Doctor Who isn't returning until this guys gone again.
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general--winter · 2 months
May I please request headcanons for Naoto, Yu, and Kanji reacting to their S/O having anger issues and snapping when a bully goes too far?
author's note: So, hi y'all! i've had quite a year, i'll make a post later. I wanted to clear out the one or two things I had already finished in my WIP folder, though, so this is my return for now.
rating: teen
fandom: persona 4
pairing: shirogane naoto x gn!reader, narukami yu x gn!reader, tatsumi kanji x gn!reader
word count: 1336
summary: you stand up to your bullies! wish i was this brave when i was in high school and college LOL
Naoto Shirogane
For months, Naoto has heard story upon story about how you have been putting up with crap from a group of people in your club. It’s all endless, from how they give you backhanded compliments about your skills to them “accidentally” giving you the broken equipment and watching you fail over and over again for their amusement.
Honestly, you weren’t even aware of half of the incidents being their fault, Naoto had to be the one to sneak into your club room to investigate and find that your stuff was being tampered with in the first place. She absolutely hated breaking the news to you, but she knew she had to tell you the truth. What wasn’t expected, however, was the pure rage that shot through your eyes. Naoto thought there might be sadness, maybe even tears if you were particularly emotionally vulnerable at that moment, but this was so unlike you. “Let me handle it,” is what you told her. She kept her eyes on you from then on.
Which is exactly why she caught the beginning of the incident the next day over lunch. A leader of your club struck up a conversation with you at your desk, and Naoto immediately noticed you were snippy with them. It wasn’t until they dealt a snide comment, however, that you slammed your hands on your desk, sending your empty bento flying to the floor and catching the attention of every student in the room.
What came out of your mouth next could be described by Naoto as… needlessly vulgar. You tore into the leader, listing off bullying incident after incident in cruel detail, as well as what it said about the leader and their deepest insecurities that they actually did those things. It wasn’t for a few moments until Naoto realized that she had helped you put that list together (...sans emotional damage, of course) herself if you ever decided you wanted to go to the principal with the information. Oh, dear, she would think. I really should put a stop to this.
While you were in the process of tearing the club member down with a snide smirk, talking about how “their efforts will only set their own club performance and university admissions back” and “if they wanted attention so badly, well now they’ve got it undivided from the entire room”, Naoto took a hold of your wrist and dragged you out of the room, gently sliding the door shut.
Your breathing haggard from anxiety, she would drag you to a barren corner and tentatively hug you for a long time before pulling back and placing her hands on your shoulders, suggesting with a sigh: “I’m proud of you for sticking up for yourself, but next time do not use my data for your vigilante justice? Please?”
Yu Narukami
The last week of school was rough for everyone, but particularly you. On top of winter semester finals, you had to deal with a… let’s say, cast of characters that leeched on to whatever insecurity you radiated and made it as much of their problem as it was yours. Underhanded compliments, disguising random rude gifts as acts of kindness… Yu especially hated it when they played you into thinking they were your close friends. Couldn’t you see that the Investigation Team was more supportive of you than they could ever be? Couldn’t you see that he was trying his best to lift you up when all they wanted to do was bring you down?
But Yu isn’t about forcing people into their decisions. As much as he has a soft spot for you, he’s going to let you figure this one out yourself, of course with his own support. More times than he could count, Yu listened to your suspicions with an open ear and a sympathetic face, always reminding you of your positive traits. It was the only thing he could think of that would help, but your sorrow turned to anger slowly. Almost too slow for him to notice.
He’ll be clued in real quickly, though, when he sees you flinging a tray of “food” at a group of people crowded around you on the school roof. He’ll be shocked - Yu’s never seen you get violent with anything but Shadows. He seriously thought you didn’t have a mean bone in your body. However, he couldn’t help but feel a little bit of pride for his partner standing up for themselves. Maybe, you could hold back on the string of curses that flow from your mouth, though!
After this event, when the bullies run off covered in whatever mystery substance they had placed in your lunch box, Yu is there to sit beside you as the weight of your actions hit you.
“I… I just threw that shit at them,” you murmured to yourself, barely registering Yu’s presence beside you.
“You stood up for yourself, he clarified, just sitting down to wrap an arm around your shoulders. “I’m proud of you.”
Kanji Tatsumi
Kanji has always wanted to handle the problem himself. Every time he finds you upset or you have yet another problem with a bully, he’s ready to throw his weight around to close their mouths for you. You always refuse though, with a level of grace that sends Kanji into a fit that he has to tamper down. He wished he could take away every single problem in your life, but he trusted you to do it in the way that was best for you. However, that smile on your face was always there when everyone shit on you. Gleaming, wide, mistakenly joyous. But it never reached your eyes. It wasn’t even like Kanji’s own situation. He chose to look and dress and act the way he does. But you were being bullied for something you couldn’t control. It drove him, for lack of a better term, damn crazy. Which is why he was giddy when he caught the scene in front of Yasogami after school that day.
A circle of students were gasping and egging on some sort of event happening in the middle. With his shoulder, Kanji easily wedged into the inner ring, though he seriously couldn’t believe what he was looking at when he got there. You were hammering your knee into the stomach of the ringleader of the group of bullies, propping up their body with a fist in their uniform collar to take more blows. In between the crowd's noises, you cried out, "This is what you get for every. Single. Terrible. Hurtful. Word!" Before he could think anything, he was pulling you off of the bully, arms hooked under your shoulders, feet dragging against the concrete and asphalt as Kanji once again split the crowd. This time, it was his mere presence that had people parting easier than Yaso-Inaba's fields of wild grass in a storm's wind.
You didn't struggle against him at all, your limbs just went limp while Kanji carry-dragged you down the pathway to the Samegawa Floodplain. Kanji was proud of you for standing up for yourself. That was the first thing he told you after he sat you on top of his jacket on one of the walkway's benches, misted from the afternoon rain sputter.
Despite his words, your thoughts swirled. What had you just done? You never thought of yourself as the type of person to just… snap in public like that, but it happened. The lid on your ugly thoughts and feelings came undone, and you'd let them loose. Kanji settled next to you, placing an incredibly stiff arm across your shoulders as you shoved your face into your hands. "I know I'm not—shit… the best person to be lecturin' on this, but," he started, his voice gruff and unsteady, "you stood up for yourself, right? Maybe starting a walloping like that in the school yard might not have been your best moment, but, what I'm trying to say is, y-you did good. In my book, at least." 
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wearethewitches · 8 months
Could you maybe gives us a bit of a peak, or insight about the fics you put up to vote? At least maybe the top 3? No pressure, just very curious!
oh i can DEFINITELY do that!!!!!!
Shadowheart, time travelling cleric of Selune; Shadowheart/Aylin/Isobel
disclaimer: i don't have stuff written for this, so i'm copy-pasting a paragraph or two of my vast, vast selection of notes for this fic. i generally write a synopsis of every chapter for my planned fics.
Shadowheart wakes the moment her tadpole is given, protected from Shar's influence and marked for all to see. White hair. Sees everything from a new perspective, shocked at how loyal Lae'zel is to Vlaakith and how genuinely sad everyone else is. Whole thing about being a cleric of Selune instead of Shar, and getting rid of her armour. Gives the relic to Lae'zel and doesn't believe the Emperor when he tries to convince her he's a friend; only Selune's mark protects her divine knowledge of the future and she advises the Emperor not to touch her thoughts unless he has to. Ends up being the party leader for the most part, though abstains from speaking to strangers; adopts their pets without pause and asks Mol if she knows how to find Nine-Fingers, etc., gaining her trust after refusing to steal the idol.
2. Jaheira/Karlach; "Hero Worship"
i do actually have fic written for this, as it's only a one-shot, but i got distracted and forgot to finish it, so when i'm in the mood, i will be finishing + posting this in full - so watch out!
‘Tired?’ came the teasing voice of her best and worst nightmare, Jaheira reaching over to flick a clump of sweaty hair off her eye. The druid laughed at her suffering, ‘Feeling lonely, Karlach?’ Say my name again, the tiefling thought. At Jaheira’s attention she straightened, knee knocking against the table leg, cursing as the abrupt movement nearly spilt hers and someone else’s tankards everywhere. The other tankard, she realised as Jaheira reached to catch them, sliding into the other seat, was Jaheira’s. Shit, she’s sitting across from me. Shit, shit, shit-
Mwahahahaha......and finally-
3. the next chapter of (Selûne, thou) with softest starglow.
oh boy, but have i got a treat for y'all with this one. i've currently got 9k of what i think will be around 40k for the next "chapter" (genuinely wondering if i should split it at some point, tbh. might make it easier, but also ruins my three chapters for the acts, and interlude and epilogue game i've got going) - and i have a new spotify playlist, dedicated exclusively to selune thou.
because i'm nice, i'll put some of the new chapter under a cut for you. how much of it, you ask? oh....only about 350 words. should be enough to make you go "wtffffffffffff!!!" and that's the kind of reaction i love. again, you should expect the new chapter to come out in late february, at the earliest.
excerpt from chapter 4 of selune thou
Smoke billowed from the centre of town, a tower of blackened soot and ash as the house burned, despite the veritable sheets of rain.
‘Fireworks,’ Jaheira rasped, eyes distant as Halsin scrubbed lathered fingers through Shadowheart’s ruined hair. The few other adventurers—Jaheira and Shadowheart having been joined by Lae’zel, Valeria and Astarion that morn—were bitter as they explained the conspiracy to harm refugee children. Exploding toys, Isobel found, were not even the extent of the problem.
Her daughter, mumbling through a bread cauldron of soup, said, ‘There was a house, with a basement full of fireworks. We’re going to track the bastard who lived there down—Astarion was suspicious about what he might have had stashed there, and he was right. We put two and two together. Then I set off a trap. The new family barely made it out faster than we did.’
‘It was like something out of a play,’ Shadowheart hissed, batting her purpling hand against Halsin’s convenient thigh. ‘Oh, you aren’t Loviator! Stop it!’
Isobel watched as the gentle druid halted Shadowheart’s flagellation, quiet words in her ear calming her in seconds. Halsin, she’d discovered, was quite the specimen—and although she was immune to his particular charms, he’d clearly set his sights on more than one of Valeria’s friends.
‘Why does her hand hurt?’ Yenna whispered rather loudly from the other side of the barn. Halsin’s oddity, Minthara had called her, before giving her—and her cat—a tour of the camp herself. Isobel refused to forget what she had told them.
I have known the pain of losing a child to violence.
‘She is cursed by the goddess, Shar,’ the drow explained to Yenna, voice grave, ‘who kidnapped and converted her to Shar’s, quite honestly, ridiculous tenets of loss. Shadowheart rediscovered that she was a Selûnite acolyte quite recently, and so the curse is doing its very best to remind her who took advantage of her for nigh on forty years.’
The young girl’s eyes—her skin pink underneath, a sign that Isobel had best give her a look over sooner rather than later—went wide, before she looked to Isobel and Aylin, asking Minthara, ‘How many Selûne followers are here?’
‘Counting Valeria-’ judged Minthara, grimacing. ‘Four.’
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lunatriense · 1 year
Fluffy Pyrruby camping trip, for @puppet-limbo
"Really? This is your first time?"
Pyrrha saw herself blush in silver eyes wide with shock. "I'm afraid so." She turned her gaze to the little pile of gear in the back of the borrowed truck they'd brought into the woods so that she might avoid Ruby's incredulous stare.
"But… you were so good in the forest! You seemed right at home!"
"Yes, well…" she picked up the packed tent and turned to face Ruby once more. "I can fight in the woods well enough, but that's quite a bit different from camping, much less wilderness survival."
"Well… yeah, okay, but what about the leaves then?" Ruby tilted her head, looking up to Pyrrha as they crossed paths before hefting a little bundle of firewood. "Every time we go out, you always pick up a new leaf."
Pyrrha chuckled and looked back over her shoulder. "I find them quite beautiful. Wouldn't you agree?"
"Sure, they're really pretty, but usually only outdoorsy people do stuff like that."
"Perhaps. Nevertheless, I'm very much a city girl." With a few gestures of her hand to direct her Semblance, Pyrrha quickly assembled the tent.
"How many kinds of leaf can you find in cities?"
Pyrrha smiled and slowly shook her head. "It isn't about how many kinds, it's about the memories they represent. I've collected dozens of maple leaves alone from the Argus city park, each one a little different. Oaks and birches, too. They remind me of good things," she hesitated briefly, her voice falling a little, "and some not so good things that bear remembering even so."
"Oh." Ruby dropped the firewood and knelt down to begin making a little pit. "Kinda like the spent casings I keep, then."
"Very much so, I should think." Her cheer restored, Pyrrha knelt beside Ruby to help.
"That's cool. Do you have a favourite?"
"Several. Some from home, that maple from the Forever Fall, a laurel from my first championship," she glanced to Ruby from the corner of her eye, her smile gaining that playful edge it sometimes did. "A few rose petals…"
"Rose petals?" Ruby turned to face Pyrrha, tilting her head quizzically. "Those aren't exactly leaves though, are they?"
"Not exactly."
"Then why-?" Ruby's eyes widened as she made the connection. "O-oh!" Now it was her turn to blush.
Pyrrha couldn't keep a soft giggle from passing her lips. "Those might just be my very favourite, in fact."
Ruby's blush deepened, and she reflexively pulled her hood up. Her voice came tiny, the way a cartoon mouse's might. "Be… cause of me?"
"Because of you." Pyrrha reached over into Ruby's hood to caress her cheek. "But don't worry; you will always be my very favourite Rose."
Ruby looked about like a rose just now. "Dinner! We, uh… we should have dinner. Y'know, before the sun sets." She shot to her feet like a rocket and quick-stepped to the truck.
Pyrrha giggled again, just watching her momentarily. Gods, but she was just so adorable. She still got so flustered, even months after they'd officially been dating. And it was her that initiated things! An adoring smile spread over Pyrrha's features. To be honest, she was still terribly flattered to know her little Rose had been harbouring a crush on her since initiation.
Ruby returned with the ingredients for a simple stew which she presently began preparing, fidgeting all the while. Pyrrha sighed softly; she'd better give Ruby a little space to calm down before she hurt herself. She stood and stepped over to her girlfriend, cautiously stopping Ruby's knife with her Semblance. "I'll go fetch some water." She leaned down to give Ruby a soft kiss on the cheek before taking a pair of pails from the truck; judging by her little squeak and jump, it was a good thing Pyrrha thought about the knife.
Their chosen campsite wasn't far from a stream, but Pyrrha took her time to admire the woods and tuck a few interesting-looking leaves into her sash. Once she supposed Ruby had likely composed herself, Pyrrha crouched by the stream to fill up the pails and headed back, but as she drew near the campsite a sharp crack and lower crunch froze her blood in her veins.
Grimm? Out here, so far from civilisation? What if Ruby was still flustered and didn't notice in time? With a quick application of her Semblance, Pyrrha crushed the pails together into a pair of makeshift short swords and quickened her pace, head turning this way and that in search of the Grimm. Until she heard Ruby shriek, that is; she set off into a sprint before the sound had finished ringing in her ears.
Please be alright… you have to be alright!!
It took only seconds for Pyrrha to burst from the treeline into the little clearing where they'd chosen to make camp. "RUBY!!" Pyrrha cried urgently, halfway to the truck gate where her lover had been working before she registered what she was seeing. Ruby wasn't there, but rather past the truck at the far edge of the clearing staring at Pyrrha with wide eyes. Just past her, and also staring, were a mother deer — or elk? Pyrrha never could tell — and her young fawn, the latter frozen in mid-bite with a carrot hanging from its mouth.
"Pyrrha? Uhh… are you… is everything okay??"
Ruby's awkward but unfrightened tone, paired with the looks she was getting from all three of her watchers, set Pyrrha's face afire.
"I…yes, I'm fine…" she lied, her heart thundering in her ears and hands shaking with adrenaline sans outlet. "Are you alright?"
"Yyyyyeah… I was just feeding my new friend here." Ruby briefly glanced to the deer, then back to Pyrrha. "Are you sure? I don't remember you having those." Her eyes flicked to the pails-turned-swords.
"I thought…" Pyrrha swallowed the lump in her throat and took a deep breath to try and calm herself. "I heard Grimm in the forest, and then you screamed and I…" She felt wetness building in her eyes. "I thought…" She dropped her swords and darted over to Ruby — the deer leapt back warily — scooping her up in a tight embrace to which Ruby responded with a surprised squeak. "I thought I'd lost you…" Pyrrha's voice quavered and she buried her face in the crook of Ruby's neck.
Ruby squirmed momentarily, then stilled and hugged Pyrrha back. When her much-bigger girlfriend didn't relax her hold, she tapped Pyrrha's shoulder several times in rapid succession and croaked out, "Can't breathe!"
Pyrrha gave a little start and set Ruby down. "I'm sorry!"
Ruby gasped for breath for a few seconds, leaning forward and bracing herself on her knees as she did so. She shook her head emphatically. "Sorry… didn't mean… to scare you." She took a long, even deeper breath and straightened. "Don't worry… there's no Grimm here. That was just these guys." She swept her arm back to the deer — rather, where they'd been; there was no sign of them now.
Pyrrha's face remained crimson, but she didn't care. Ruby was safe, that's all that mattered.
Ruby looked back to where she'd been feeding the deer, then to the ruined pails, then back to Pyrrha. "You really are a city girl."
A relieved yet strained laugh burst from Pyrrha's throat and she nodded vehemently. "I told you."
"Well that's okay." Ruby smiled up to her, half-stepping closer and rising up on her tiptoes to give her a quick kiss. "Why don't we go get the water together? I think there's an old thermos behind the seat."
Her heart rate finally not too far off normal, Pyrrha smiled and nodded. "Yes, please."
Ruby's smile grew just a touch as she returned the nod, then hopped over to the truck's cabin and dug around momentarily, coming up with a victorious cheer and holding aloft a banged-up thermos. Stepping back over, she took Pyrrha's hand with interlocked fingers and the two of them set off into the trees amid deep shadows cast by the now-fiery sunlight.
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discobrainrot · 2 years
did you say to ask for more harrykim hc? bc i want some more!! it can be canon or au (any of your choice) im not picky
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You're getting Canon Kim and Harry this time, but if someone sends me another (without specifying) I'll probably do Swap AU stuff!
1. It's not just Harry who's in love with Kim - it's Harry's Skills.
Whether they're something that occurred because of Pale Exposure or a symptom of something else, they're a part of him. His Skills are how he experiences the world. It's just as much them romancing Kim as it is him.
So when Harry falls in love, every Skill falls hard and fast, too. The INT Skills, particularly Logic, are taken with Kim's mind. The PSY Skills admire his dedication (to his passions, to the RCM, to his partner), and Volition is relieved that they've been drawn to such an (outwardly) stable force.
The FYS skills got it bad - Shivers sees how Kim fits into Revachol's greater puzzle like a missing piece. Electrochemistry has... a lot to say.
But the MOT Skills? Oh god. They're obsessed. Kim is cool, calm, and collected. He loves machines. Even with his eyesight, he's still a damn good shot. He's so suave. They. Want. Him. So. Bad.
At the end of the day, Kim is romancing one person in 25 parts. It's all-encompassing, and at first, it's strange. But after a time, he can't imagine being loved another way
2. Kim didn't expect Harry to stay interested in him.
Look, I can't picture Harry as anything other than a scatterbrain. It's partly because of my scatterbrained way of playing the damn game, but it's my headcanon, and I'll cry if I want to.
So, when they first met, Kim watched Harry flit around Martinaise like a speed fuelled (or until-recently-speed-fueled) bumblebee. He buzzes around, finds something, pursues it for a while, then sets it down and forgets. Kim watches Harry blow past his old partner without a word and worries that he might be in Jean's place one day.
Well, almost Jean's position. Maybe a worse one. It's not a stretch to imagine Harry getting distracted or bored of Kim. But this is the happiest he's felt in a long time, so he decides to ride it out. Take the joy where he can. He'll deal with the hurt when it comes.
But then Harry doesn't get bored of him. Instead, he wants more. And more. And more.
And then Harry stays over at Kim's place on weekends.
And they're investing in more board games. And Harry knows just the way Kim likes his coffee. And he makes dinner whenever he comes over. And, oh, Harry's lease is almost up, so he might as well move in. And he buys posters and photos to hang up. And he paints "This Is Something Beautiful" on their bedroom wall. And Kim knows he won't get his deposit back, but he doesn't fucking care.
And then it's been a year, and Harry has some of his old memories back, but mostly he's been making new ones. And anyone who matters to them knows what's happening, but no one says a word. And they don't hold hands in public, but the look Harry gives Kim lets him know how badly he wants to. 
And then it's been a few more years, and they move to a different apartment. And the heaters don't work, but that's okay because they keep each other warm in the winter. And Harry holds Kim close as they dance in the kitchen. And Kim's vision is getting worse, and Harry's got a bad heart, but they live the best lives they can. And they plan a wedding that they know they'll probably never have.
And Kim pretends he doesn't hear the city as she speaks into his heart.
And Harry pretends he doesn't hear Kim cry when he realizes they can't stop what's coming.
And then it's been so many years that their grey hairs outnumber all the others. And Harry doesn't talk about La Retour, but Kim sees how much he thinks about it. And he holds Harry's hand in public because it feels like the world is ending anyways. And the corners of Harry's eyes crinkle when he smiles, and it still makes Kim's heart swim even after so many years. And Harry still sees a halo behind Kim's head.
And they dance between detritus and rubble as an old radio plays. And they remember their kitchen. And they say the names of old friends. And far away, someone smiles and says theirs.
And La Revacholiere holds them in her broken arms and cries. And they hold her in their lungs. And they cry with her because of their loss. And they cry with her because they've survived.
And they love.
And they love.
And they love.
3. Harry has, like, big I'm A Bottom energy, right?
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symphonic-scream · 23 days
Here's some Queers stuff
Specifically, Makoto and Haru, trying to have a kid
So science? Out the window. Keep that in mind
Makoto: hey, Tae. Can I ask you a question, as my doctor?
Tae: sure Sprout, what's up?
Makoto: and you can't tell Sae
Tae: confidentiality, 100%
Makoto: is there anyway that, at this stage, we could do something to get a useable, sample?
Tae: what
Makoto: Haru wants a baby. She admitted while a little drunk on our wedding night she wanted it to be ours. I, haven't told her I heard her. I just, want to know if, I can still give this to her
Tae: ...I'll talk around, get some ideas. I'll do my best, Sprout. The two of you deserve a shot
Makoto gets a call a month later. Tae has a fertility doctor there (in casual clothes), and he lays out his plan with her. They'd half her Estrogen for a bit, and give her another hormone as well. It's technically a female hormone too, but. In a male body, it produces more little swimmers
Makoto: ...I want to try it
Tae: great. And this one is a pill this time
Makoto: oh thank god
Another month later, Tae and the dude check in. He thinks he can work with this, and tells her to let Haru in on it
Haru sobs into her wife's shoulder. There was a chance? And Makoto, was willing to do something like that for her? It meant the world
Haru: what about you? Your shots...
Makoto: I've felt fine so far. I've never been like, horribly dysphoric. My voice won't just drop drastically, and it's only halving it. I'm fine love, especially if I can make you happy
Two and a half years of monthly visits. Two and a half years of monthly results, being told they need to try again. Over and over, heads leaned together quietly in the car, parked. In their own lot. Not going up to their home yet
Then, late May, right after Hifumi moved in, Tae laughs triumphantly from the other room. Makoto watches as her and her doctor friend hug in celebration through the door, before coming to tell them the good news
Tae: Haru, your counts are consistent with early pregnancy. We can't guarantee it'll stick at this stage, so i want you to relax, take it easy, let your body use it's energy to get that little one to a stable stage
Other doctor: next month? We should be able to do a little ultrasound, look at your baby. Congratulations you two, looks like all our hard work has paid off
Haru's sobbing on the little cot, and Makoto is crying, hugging her all happy.
Haru: we did it,,, Mako, we're gonna have a baby!
Makoto: I've never been so happy in my whole life,,
Tae: neither of you should take the train, I'll give you a ride back to Kichijoji. I'll leave you with a good vitamin for Haru to take every morning with breakfast, to make sure we're doing everything for this to stick
Makoto begins her routine of sitting on Haru's legs are she reads a bit before bed, her (borrowed from Makoto) shirt rolled up to reveal her belly
"Hey squirt, this is your mom. The other one, since Haru's got you in there." Traces the bit of pudge Haru has, adoration in her eyes. "I can't wait to meet you, little miracle. Neither can your mama, but she gets to have you now. I can wait while you two bond"
Haru: Mako, Tae said it might not fully take,
Makoto: I, working towards a psych doctorate-
Haru: you're on a years break from your studies
Makoto: not important. I believe, they'll have a better chance if I show em a little love. Your love is what gets me through the day, so
Once they get that confirmation that baby looks like it'll make it, Makoto is asked if she wants to switch back to her regular doses
Makoto: ...if we decide to try for another, would I just have to go through this again? Or would staying on this course be better?
Haru: Makoto-
Tae: honestly? Stay like this for now. As long as you still feel fine, this is safer in that regard. It took so long for this one to go through, there's no guarantee it'll happen again if you stop
Haru: no, she's going back-
Makoto: so you only want one?
Makoto: I'll stay on this course. The second I feel bad, I'll go back. I promise. But I don't wanna be the reason we can't have anothrr
Haru, staring at her wife without her shirt, humming and swaying while cradling their son to her chest, a look of complete adoration on her face: oh, we are so having at least another baby
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emisirrelevant · 1 year
Farewell, Big Shot
Well, hello everyone- though this is mostly directed to other fans of this show. So, I recently found out that the show Big Shot on Disney Plus was cancelled. It took me a few days to digest the news.
To be honest, I'm still processing it. I just feel like- ugh, I don't know if I'll be able to explain it with words. I'm disappointed. I'm actually not super angry- only the tiniest bit, but more sad overall.
I'm sad because I'll never see more of this show again. I'm sad that it's yet another show that won't get to continue. I'm sad that I will never get to see this team of girls together anymore.
I may have to stop soon or I might actually get too depressed thinking about it.
This show was one of those shows I just gave a chance on, but it turned out to be one of my absolute comfort shows.
And it hurts when your comfort show has been taken away. I'm just really sad. I really am going to miss the show so so much.
As for reasons to why it was cancelled, I did try to look that up and most of what I could find is that it was just a mix of Disney stuff. Personally, I just don't get why they always have to drop the shows no one is watching. I mean, I guess for marketing purposes I can acknowledge it.
But WHY? Why does TV only have to care about ratings and how many views they get? Hopefully someday this kind of thing is able to end. Because I personally think it's wild that someone sacrifices continuing a show for the sake of views.
If the creators, directors, producers, WHATEVER, started to really LISTEN to their fans, and take into account that there ARE actually people saying "this show means so much to me" or "the message and story of this show has inspired me" then wouldn't that make a HUGE difference?
Sigh. Anyway, I know I'm only just one fandom nerd in the world and no one will read this, but I will use my voice here. Because THIS is what I believe in.
Alright, I kind of diverted from Big Shot, but I'll turn back to it now, sorry.
What I am going to miss the most is definitely the team. The Westbrook Sirens are going to be missed every damn day by me. Just seeing each character's dynamics with each other was one of the best parts of this show. All the girls had GREAT dynamics with each other.
And to the actresses, I really hope they have successful futures after this because they deserve it.
I'm just going to miss it all so much.
We'll get to never continue so many interesting storylines.
We'll never know if Olive would have ever come back to visit.
We'll never know more about Destiny's situation with her mother, aunt, or father. Or if she ends up with Trevor and that's eternally canon.
We'll never know if Louise comes back to visit the rest of the team. We don't know if she'll be with Nick- although I personally headcanon that as a NO (because Louise x Ava endgame)
We'll never get to see more of Mouse and Harper. This one hurts especially. DAMN YOU DISNEY!!! (In my headcanon, they're still dating after they graduate high school)
We'll never get to see what it's like for Ava being able to stay in California with the rest of the team. (Sara Echeagaray was ROBBED)
We won't get to see Samantha and Ava doing the peer support group together.
We won't ever see more Emma and Maryvn father-daughter moments.
And the most frustrating thing- WE'LL NEVER GET TO SEE MORE OF KATE!!!! KATE WAS ROBBED TOO. KATE NEVER GOT A LAST NAME. The only thing we got about her was that she moved from Australia.
We really could have had so much more.
Okay, I'm going to go now before I end up making this longer than necessary, or start getting super sad about this all.
Thank you, Big Shot. I'm glad I decided to give you a chance. This may be the end of the game for now, but I know I'm gonna see the Westbrook Siren girlies go on to do even better things. I'm really going to miss this show. Disney, you really had a hidden gem with this one. Goodbye, Big Shot.
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jenzel · 10 months
As someone who really likes the new Hunger Games movie, I'm actually really curious to hear why you didn't like it, if you're okay with answering that
No actually thanks for asking because tbh I didn't give it a fair shake in that post, usually I would have rambled in the notes a bit more SO
Disclaimer: I didn't read the book.
also I'm just some guy
Things I loved, no notes:
Rachel Zegler is an actual Star and I want to go and watch everything she's been in now. Her voice is incredible and fully sold the impact of the character.
Things I loved, some notes:
Premise and plot - I was really really intrigued by the idea of seeing an early form of the Hunger Games, like I would actually just read a massive essay on the history of them and also how they work on every single level (and may have been binge-watching the Tales of The Hunger Games series on youtube). I kind of don't care about some critiques of how plausible or not plausible the entire setup of Panem is because it's consistent within the narrative and it's a Neat Idea, which gives it some immunity from worldbuilding logic.
So, with all that being said, I was left a bit wanting.
My main issue, which I've had with a LOT of high-budget high-concept stuff recently, is that it all still felt sort of cheap and rushed - outfits and sets didn't really look lived in, I felt like a lot of scenes could have benefitted from more interesting dialogue and shot choices. Maybe something to disguise the very necessary info dumping and exposition in the way that the OG did so elegantly. Maybe I'll go back and really highlight some specific things (like whyyyy did the scene introducing the rainbow snakes feel so... not tense at all) but every time I got on board with the movie it seemed determined to throw me off. I might stop with this particular bit of critique now because I feel like if I'm not going to go and do a proper breakdown then it's unfair.
Costumes - Of course the costumes slap. They gotta. I saw some people weren't keen on Lucy Gray's dress but I don't care it was cute, maybe I've got bad taste. I will add that unfortunately all the other tributes and a good portion of the rest of the cast completely failed to imprint on me in any way, and the samey styling contributed to that. Actually add this to my point above, where were the supporting characters who stuck as vividly in my memory and attention as Effie, Haymitch, Rue, Gale or Cinna?? Maybe I can't name all the 74th Hunger Games tributes off the top of my head but I can picture a lot of them, they felt distinct enough for the screentime they had.
Volumnia can stay, Viola Davis had the most fun on screen of all time.
And as much as I did love the costuming, and as much as I would also put Hunter Schafer in incredible outfits all day if I had the opportunity, the Whole Idea of some of these characters were smothered by their cool wardrobes. I'm not buying that the Snow family are in an absolutely DIRE situation when Tigris has a new outfit for every appearance (she COULD have, like if we were given the impression that she was altering and making new outfits herself!!). I'm not seeing Corolianus's obsession with saving face, with presenting the image he wants to present, I'm not seeing his too-tight shoes I'm just being told that they are.
Onto one last point, maybe.
Things I was completely eh about:
Corolianus - ehhhhh. Some friends told me that the internal monologue you have access to in the book is a massive part of his characterization and I'm going to take their word for it. Prose is a ridiculously powerful way to get inside a character's head.
So I'm going to have to assume that he was more memorable in the book, because I'm really not sure what I was supposed to take away from his story... and not in a cool ambiguous interpretation way. He felt overwhelmingly just There.
That's everything I can think of right now!
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pennywaltzy · 2 years
Moments In The Life Of One Daniel "Danny" Messer (1/10)
So here's my old fic for the day! It's a 100-drabble drabble collection that I divided into ten chapters of ten drabbles (I'll post a new chapter every day along with another fic until it's done). They're all little moments in Danny Messer's life.
Moments In The Life Of One Daniel "Danny" Messer - A series of drabbles depicting moments in Daniel "Danny" Messer's life.
Read Chapter 1
Title: First Conversation Prompt: #1 - Beginnings Characters: Danny Messer & Mac Taylor
"You the guy I'm supposed to talk to?"
"Depends on what you're here to talk about."
"Job at the crime lab."
"Then I'm the man. Mac Taylor."
"Detective Messer."
"You have a first name, Detective?"
"Daniel. Everyone calls me Danny, though."
"Yeah, I'm related to the Messers with the family connections, if that's what you're thinking."
"So...why are you a cop?"
"Someone's got to take them down. Might as well be me, you know? I’m the black sheep of the family anyway."
"Because...because I actually believe in doing more than they do. I want more than they do."
Title: Hours To Go Prompt: #6 - Hours Characters: Danny Messer
He was trapped. Hours to go till he could get out, till the panic room opened up. Hours.
God, if he wasn't claustrophobic before, being trapped with a dead body overnight was more than enough to push him in that direction.
Hours. If he concentrated on the hours, kept looking at his watch, talked the hours away on his cell phone till the battery went dead, maybe he'd make it. Maybe he wouldn't lose his mind. Yeah, he just had to remember that every hour that passed was one less for him to be there. Then he’d be long gone.
Title: Bad Jokes Prompt: #11 - Red Characters: Danny Messer & Don Flack
The blood spilled across the floor, bright red on pristine white marble. Danny whistled. Lots of blood for one body. Probably meant the victim had either completely bled out before being moved or there was more than one victim...two of them, probably.
"How many vics you say there were?"
"Two," Flack answered. "One Margaret Walden and one Thomas Kettering."
He whistled again, pulled out a camera, snapped a shot of the red stuff. "Bet you they’re drained," he deadpanned, flashing a grin at Flack, who just rolled his eyes.
"Stop it with the bad jokes, Messer. You’re killing me here."
Title: Blue In My Eyes Prompt: #16 - Purple Characters: Danny Messer, Stella Bonasera & Lindsay Monroe
"Purple suits you."
He glanced down at his shirt. "You think?"
"Brings out the blue in your eyes." Stella shut her locker. "Remember I told you if you ever needed beauty tips..."
Danny grinned. "I still can't believe what waterproof mascara does to your lashes."
"Yeah, well...price we pay."
He watched her leave, then looked back at his shirt. His grin got bigger...he did look good. Not that anyone would notice his eyes, since they were behind glasses, but...
"You look nice, Danny."
He flashed a wide grin at Lindsay. "Apparently, the purple brings out the blue in my eyes."
Title: Have Been, Will Be Prompt: #21 - Friends Characters: Danny Messer & Aiden Burn
"Hey! Wait up!"
"Leave me alone."
"Hey, Aiden...look, I'd give up my job and leave for this, for what happened..."
"Someone's got to stay and look out for my case."
"You know I will. That's what friends do."
"So we're friends?"
"Have been, will be."
"So, as friends...feel like buying me a beer? Or three?"
"What, you're gonna try and out-drink me? Never."
"No, I'm going to try and forget about what just happened."
"Give me your keys and the tab's on me."
"My keys?"
"So I can make sure you get inside your apartment and not left outside. Keys?"
Title: Pick-Up Prompt: #26 - Teammates Rating: G Characters: Danny Messer & Don Flack
Danny looked at those guys at the pick-up basketball game. He didn't see Flack anywhere, and everyone else was getting impatient. "Fine. Cook."
Finally, he saw him. "When his lazy butt gets over here, Flack."
"Why do you always pick Flack for your team?" the other captain said.
"Because he's good. And I want the good guys on my team."
"Fine. Robb."
Flack bounded over. "On your team?"
Danny nodded. "Grogan," he called out.
"Let's get ready and play," tossing the ball to Flack. "Ready?"
"Ready." Flack passed the ball back, and the game was on.
Title: New Day Prompt: #31 - Sunrise Characters: Danny Messer
He hadn't been up to see the sunrise in a while. It had been a long night, trying to piece the case back together for the D.A. He was just taking a break, looking out the windows as the sun rose. It was gorgeous...the light came up gradually, chasing away the shadows, and bringing the city back to life.
He took another sip of his coffee and watched the new day coming. His day wasn't busy, not yet, but taking a moment out to see the sight woke him up and energized him a little more than he had been.
Title: Shampoo Prompt: #36 - Smell Rating: G Characters: Pre-ship Danny Messer/Lindsay Monroe
He was standing behind her again, his head near hers, and the smell of her shampoo wafted up. God, she smelled good...she always smelled good. That was how he knew she was around, by how she smelled. But he'd been left to wonder what it was exactly that she smelled like.
"What kind of shampoo do you use, Montana?"
"Just wondering."
"Um...Garnier Fructis." She shrugged. "I think it smells nice."
"Yeah." Instead, he just inched a little closer to her and took another breath. Time for him to switch shampoos...
Messer, you got it real bad for her...
Title: Fuzzy Outlines Prompt: #41 - Shapes Rating: G Characters: Danny Messer
He could see without his glasses on. He just...after a while, all the shapes seemed to blur and become fuzzy. Sometimes blinking a few times took care of the problem, sometimes he had to find his glasses and put them back on.
Now, with his glasses on, his eyes were making things fuzzy and indistinct shapes. This wasn't a good sign.
He took his glasses off, shut his eyes, and rubbed the bridge of his nose. It was time for someone else to take over computer duties for a while because if this kept up, he was gonna be pissed.
Title: King Of The Dead Prompt: #46 - King Rating: G Characters: Danny Messer & Sheldon Hawkes
"Hey, Hawkes. Tell me what it's like to be king of your domain."
Hawkes looked at him. "I'd rather be out in the field."
"What, and have us lose the best coroner we've had? No way." He laughed a bit, then saw the look on Hawkes' face. "You're serious."
Danny went across from him, one dead body between them. "And give all this up?"
"I want to help people. Before they end up here."
Danny nodded. "Then give the kingdom to someone else."
"You want the job?"
"Me? Be king of the dead? You’ve inhaled too many chemicals, Doc."
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lovecolibri · 1 year
SaL anon here my friend after a very, very long week. This is actually my 3rd attempt at sending you an ask. First, I finally had time and was excited to type up something for the latest episode and then the Buck LI stuff came out and the mood for that was killed. Next I had mostly typed up my salty thoughts only to have my internet go down (yes, I whined at home "what i was going to read??!!" and pointedly ignored my very much filled bookcase because my ships aren't in them). So here let's see if this one works out.
So how is it KR and the promo dept always manage to kill any joy we have when we get fed any kind of Buddie content (the follow-up to the Eddie getting shot, and the 5b and premier come to mind here)?? Seriously Buck and Eddie more or less went on a date and had family night together and almost immediately they came back with "look Buck and Eddie are going to go on dates!!". Its exhausting cause it seems like any time they put out a story that might even be slightly suggestive of them being more than platonic bros they insist on following it up with stories to "prove" they are, no matter how recycled those plots are.
And okay let's take a second here to ask WTF is KR doing with these characters? In 6b alone we've had Buck dying, a coma dream, PTSD, super powers, and now he's getting a crush, and we STILL haven't finished the accursed sperm donor storyline??!! Bobby and Athena investigated had the death of a beloved friend 🙄 plot, HenRen had the nonsensical Denny secretly seeing his Dad which was never an issue before plot, and Madney and Eddie are just kinda there?? The other characters have had at best one storyline where the audience has to either invent or rewrite the backstory for. But for Buck he's had like 50 plotlines, none of which have really gone anywhere? I love Buck but I'd rather have him have 1 good arc and resolution than whatever this bullshit is. I'd easily take that screentime and give it to any of the other characters if it meant we got 1 well thought out and executed storyline. Instead we're just recycling and redressing old plots for everyone else while KR uses a magnetic poetry set to plan what Buck's doing from episode to episode. We have 5 episodes left in the season, 4-5 guest characters that are going to be incorporated (including 2 much beloathed ones 🙄🙄🙄), and nothing really setup for our mains to do (even Eddie dating isn't setup, it literally hasn't come up after Ana and you'd think they could have in 6a while he was watching his son mature).
Anyway, I'll stop the rant here though there's definitely more I could say. I'll close off saying I hope you're feeling better today since this week looks like its been rough on you. Sending you virtual tea, soup, and hugs!!
Long week is RIGHT my friend! I'm so sorry you were foiled in your previous attempts! I am right there with you on the Buck LI stuff just...sucking a lot of the joy out of things for me. Because of course we're doing this again 🙄🙄🙄 I was even writing up notes on a possible fic and you KNOW I haven't written anything since Malex and even that was before s4 started. But alas. That sucks about the power going out! I hate when that happens especially if I was in the middle of something! (Also I am SO with you. I keep buying books and then just...not reading them because my brain says "it's not our blorbos so no.)
I am just...so tired at this point. Like yes these people *may* not stick around, but even so, I don't want to loose out on Buddie scenes and Buckley-Diaz family scenes! I don't want Buck to have 90% of his time and discussions with some new character I do not know or care about instead of Eddie and the firefam! They already tried to do that with BT and it was the woooooorst! I want Eddie to have screentime and arcs but again, I don't want the little time we DO get to be wasted on some random side character! And lets be honest, there is no person they can introduce at this point that can compare with the relationship Buck and Eddie have already built and the ways in which they are the perfect partners for what each other needs. So the options are to a) cut down on seeing that relationship so their new het ones don't look so shitty and lame in comparison, b) have these women be mostly just Blurry Girlfriends in the background with no personality or depth just to have the boys paired off so they don't have to do Buddie while still centering their relationship so people can't call them out for not committing to Buddie because their "friendship" looks basically the same, or c) give them LIs that are basically the other's personalities transplanted into a female body in order to have the relationship be anything close to what Buck and Eddie need in a life partner. These are all terrible options, and I hate them, more than I hate the idea of them ending up single even though it undercuts their own narrative set up for the characters but that's a cop-out too.
👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 to everything about Buck's 700 shitty arcs this season while everyone else is mostly twiddling their thumbs. KR is literally the worst at pacing and planning, and constructing a season with any kind of flow. On the bright side, Ravi is coming back and Chim is going to get to do something! I'm so excited! I was really hoping for more of him and Bobby teaming up last week because the little crumbs we got were GOLD.
I did have a very emotionally rollercoaster-y week and the show being Like This absolutely Did Not Help, but I am making it work. Mostly with loooots of fic. Cheers friend, lets see if we can make it through the finale intact, if Buddie dreams can make it through the finale intact, and if the SHOW can make it through the finale intact with how these renewal negotiations are going.
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thehouseofhouse101 · 2 years
Everything I Managed to Watch in 2022
I might as well give you my thoughts on...exactly what it says on the tin. I'll try to keep things short and simple since I'm kinda tired and I wanna finish celebrating the year's end, lmao.
First up, the movies!
Top 5 Favorite Movies:
5. The Bad Guys
4. Sonic the Hedgehog 2
3. Rise of the TMNT
2. Pinocchio (Netflix Movie)
Puss in Boots: The Last Wish
Honorable Mentions (still love them!!):
Turning Red
Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers
Wendell and Wild
On the television side of things, Smiling Friends, Dead End, The Cuphead Show, and Super Robot Giant Brothers, were pretty good! The Cuphead Show got better after its rather mediocre first season and I grew to love it. Smiling Friends I was happy turned out good as I expected, and I'm excited for season 2. Dead End was a nice surprise, I grew to like the characters and I appreciated how it handled its LGBT and Autism representation. Super Giant Robot Brothers deserves more love, Reel FX did a good job with that one, had some dynamic action and fun character moments.
For decent stuff, the only one was Hamster and Gretel. Will get back to it, but I hope gets a better execution than Milo Murphy's Law, which I liked too but the second season wasn't so great, oof.
On the other hand, shows that didn't wowed me were Oddballs and sadly Kung Fu Panda: The Dragon Knight. The former had some decent jokes and maybe a character that amused me like Max, but the other attempts at jokes fell flat and characters like Echo really annoyed me.
The Dragon Knight was like the biggest disappointment for me. As a huge fan of KFP, I was hoping it would turn out to be a good show, maybe a better outing than the last KFP TV show. But I stopped at I think episode 5 and lost interest all around. The animation was a bit unfinished, and the writing choices were kind of questionable. I am glad they brought back Jack Black as Po, but alas...
There's like other shows that aired this year along with new seasons of other shows I love, but I'll watch them for next year.
For the anime stuff, Demon Slayer Season 2 was great, same with Spy X Family and Attack on Titan. Really happy I managed to give it another shot. Chainsaw Man also aired and of course was incredible. I'm already caught up with the manga and I'm eager to see how they'll handle the rest of the story soon. Urusei Yatsura 2022 I also want to shout out. I need to get back into binging the original series, but so far, the reboot is neat!
And also, I made a list of Anime Openings I watched this year and fell in love with. Keep in mind, I haven't seen any of these anime yet based on this list, aside from the ones I just mentioned above and also My Hero Academia, but I lost interest for that series because of story problems lately, yeah...
I'll get the chance to watch the others soon, don’t worry!
So here's the Honorable Mentions first:
Honorable Mentions:
BNHA OP 10: Way better than OP 9 and the visuals were unique, but the song didn't worked for me
Spy X Family OP 2: Visuals and song are neat, but the first op is more stronger to me
Dr. Stone Ryusei: Visuals are decent, but the new version of the first OP song was just incredible
My Top 11 Favorite Anime OPs:
11. Kaguya Sama OP 3 10. Bleach: Thousand Year Blood War OP 1 9. Call of the Night 8. One Piece OP 24 7. Ya Boy Kongming 6. Urusei Yatsura 2022 5. Spy X Family OP 1 4. Mob Psycho III OP 3. Attack on Titan OP 7 2. Chainsaw Man 1. Ranking of Kings OP 2
Boom! That's it! Here's hoping 2023 turns out to be an even greater experience for me, and for the animation community as well!
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pokeglitchden · 1 year
Leading Kanto daytime news network, KNN's logo can be seen briefly before it pulls back to a daytime talk set up. Two reporters are seated behind a desk, Corey, a well dressed looking man in a blazer, and Diane, a platinum blonde woman with natural makeup and a wide smile.
Corey- And now for our top story this morning, we have footage of an exclusive interview with the man suspected to be behind the Glitch Pokemon rampage in Celedon City.
An image of �aver flashes on screen. The image has been cropped so that he is looking away, in an attempt to make him look more sinister.
Corey- Now I've gotta say, Diane, this really might be the most bizarre interview I've ever watched. What do you think?
Diane- You might be right Corey. I've seen a lot of interviews, but this guy seems pretty off the rails. Let's take a look.
The shot cuts to a scene from the interview. Renowned Hoennian Journalist Gabby Newsworthy. �aver's voice can be heard filtering in from a speaker. It sounds as if everything he says has a layer of static to it. As if being filtered by an old tape recorder.
Gabby- Today we have an exclusive interview with Aver, uh, do you have a last name?
�aver- I do not, actually. Also you can call me Zaver for the interview, I don't know if you can pronounce [sharp percussion sound]aver.
Gabby- For those of you out there who Don't know, Zaver's recently been accused of being the perpetrator behind the recent attack on Celadon City by the Glitch Pokémon, uh...
[there's the sound of a barely audible voice from off-screen, likely Ty]
3trainerpokedollarsign. We're here to get his side of the story.
�aver- I don't know, because I was literally in hoenn. I saw it on the news like everyone else and my friend Simon was calling to try to help while I was trying to help him help.
The interview cuts away, centering back on Diane and Corey once again.
Diane- So he can't give a last name. I mean, I don't know if that's a bad thing or not, you can't pronounce his first name anyway.
There is some laughter from both hosts.
Corey- But these are some serious charges Diane. I can't tell if it's brave or crazy. I mean he's claiming he wasn't even in the region when the attack went down, but we know it was his ID on the pokemon. The question is, what is going to make a story like that stick for him? What about this is going to clear his name?
Diane- Well Corey, we've got more clips, and I think the answer to those questions might be a shock to both you AND our viewers. Take a listen.
The cut returns to Gabby and �aver, much later in the interview.
Gabby- What about this Dr. Grant Emmerson? The one who appeared on the news. According to my research, which was all done perfectly legally by the way, there's not really evidence of him working for Silph beyond their PR team.
�aver- That is understandable because I seriously doubt Silph would want to be attached to Team Enigma in any way. I'll be honest, I think Team Enigma went rogue from them but I am starting to think Silph themselves didn't want this stuff to be happening.
Plus. He specifically runs the Team Enigma blog. I can say for certain I don't think anyone is safe from Team Enigma right now, actually.
Gabby- I've seen them around Rotomblr. They seem very opposed to Glitch Pokémon and Glitch City in general. They say they want to keep people safe.
�aver- So the literal first interaction glitch city had with team enigma is I spotted their base while remapping, stopped by to say hi, and they killed one of my pokemon and nearly killed me. I think that tells you a lot about how anti-glitch city they are...
Not to mention, they are not opposed to mass destruction to make whatever point they want to try to make. They've actually pulled a stunt similar to what happened in Kanto over in Glitch City. Destroyed the whole town...
Gabby- Skies above
�aver- this is a warning, don't trust team enig--
The interview cuts back to Diane and Corey once again. This time both are looking concerned.
Diane- Well that is all the footage we were able to see, unfortunately it looks like they lost connection and weren't able to finish their talk. What do you think about all that Corey.
Corey- Well Diane, I think he said it himself. That was a chilling way to end an interview. And to be honest, I didn't hear a lot of explaining going on there. It sounded like this was more of a Team Enigma hit piece. Those guys better watch out. It sounds like there might be a Three Trainer Poke Dollar coming to Saffron City pretty soon.
Diane- I think he said some pretty interesting things there Corey. Pointing out that a town from his region was attacked in a similar way. Is this a possible motive for revenge. Just what else is this "Zaver" not telling us about himself and about the region of Glitch City.
Corey- Well, Diane, Glitch City is still a big mystery to all of us. But the more we learn about it the more it seems like they've got a chip on their shoulder. If it wasn't this guy it's just as likely they're hiding someone else who does want to get back at our region. And unfortunately it sounds like the local government is willing to protect him for as long as possible. So far no law enforcement has been able to apprehend this suspected terrorist who is still at large. The question is, what's next?
Diane- I can't tell you that, Corey. But I do know we'll be keeping on top of this story as more unfolds. This has been KNN news, channel 8, Kanto. Back to you, Ari!
So this isn't looking all that great. This was broadcasting in Kanto apparently just this morning.
We might need to be ready to make statements to the police if it's necessary. I'm really hoping not. I was hoping to have all of this solved sooner.
I don't think we should be doing any more public interviews for the time being...
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fzzr · 1 year
What I'm Watching, Summer 2023 Anime Season
New Stuff:
AI no Idenshi (The Gene of AI) - Episode 1 is basically a more ground level exploration of Lena by qntm. I'll see if it takes this somewhere new, or at least explores it effectively.
Helck - Shonen on the silly side. Dunno if I'll stick with it, but it's good dumb fun for now.
Higeki no Genkyou to Naru Saikyou Gedou Last Boss Joou wa Tami no Tame ni Tsukushimasu. (The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen: From Villainess to Savior) - What a mouthful. Here's to more villainess anime! It's pretty standard, if a bit confusing so far.
Jitsu wa Ore, Saikyou deshita? (Am I Actually the Strongest?) -This is an utter garbage show. I'm in for now.
Level 1 dakedo Unique Skill de Saikyou desu (My Unique Skill Makes Me OP Even at Level 1) - This has a few twists from the normal OP hero formula, I think I'll give it longer.
Liar Liar - High quality make-up-some-bullshit games. I'll give this one a shot.
Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan (2023) - I never actually watched the whole original, I'll keep with this while I can.
Seija Musou: Salaryman, Isekai de Ikinokoru Tame ni Ayumu Michi (The Great Cleric) - This seems surprisingly comfy? I'll watch for now.
Shiro Seijo to Kuro Bokushi (Saint Cecilia and Pastor Lawrence) - A somewhat quirky setup for an unrequited feelings comedy. I might get bored and drop it, but not yet.
Synduality: Noir - Ergh. I'm going to try watch this because it's a half-decent mecha show and those are few and far between, but that "half" is doing a lot of work.
Undead Girl Murder Farce - There's something here. Sorta a Monogatari vibe, if it was about the people on the spooky side of things instead of the teenagers.
Watashi no Shiawase na Kekkon (My Blissful Marriage) - This sure took a while with the Cinderalla setup. Suuuuuper slow in general. The supernatural hook is keeping me going for now.
Yumemiru Danshi wa Genjitsushugisha (The Dreaming Boy is a Realist) - This took me a while to figure out. I think it’s a banter show, ish. Episode to episode, mixed in with the banter is “hey, words have consequences”. The thing that made it hard to figure out is it’s also a romcom but we skipped the entire first act. He did the shitty protagonist stuff offscreen, and he has now stopped and the tsundere is making her initial tsun to dere turn accordingly.
Zom 100: Zombie ni Naru made ni Shitai 100 no Koto (Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead) - This looks like exactly the wacky fun I hoped for. Non-sequel anime of the season contender.
Mushoku Tensei II: Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu (Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation Season 2) - Off to a solid start!
Tonikaku Kawaii: Joshikou-hen (TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You - High School Days) - More of an OK thing, I'm fine with that.
Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha: Shijou Saikyou no Maou no Shiso, Tensei shite Shison-tachi no Gakkou e Kayou II (The Misfit of Demon King Academy Ⅱ) - Restarting from Winter 2023 after having been delayed due to "circumstances" (COVID).
Hall of Shame (things I dropped after one episode):
Uchi no Kaisha no Chiisai Senpai no Hanashi (My Tiny Senpai) - Usually I would be here for a cute little shortstack in a show about nothing but uh... no. This is too much nothing. Pass.
Suki na Ko ga Megane wo Wasureta (The Girl I Like Forgot Her Glasses) - Normally this would be my kind of show too, but the camera work makes me feel motion sick. Didn't even finish one episode.
Lv1 Maou to One Room Yuusha (Level 1 Demon Lord and One Room Hero) - I dunno, everyone being an asshole and I don't really feel invested. Skip.
Nanatsu no Maken ga Shihai suru (Reign of the Seven Spellblades) - I don't know why, but this didn't pull me in.
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Being Inarizaki's Manager:
Dating Atsumu Miya
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*he really does have gorgeous eyes tho 😫
Atsumu Miya featuring Inarizaki x Fem! Manager Reader
Warnings: Swearing, possessive Atsumu, reader gets injured (very minor injury but this is Atsumu we are talking about 🙄)
AN: This was requested by Atsupremacy!
Oh YN... dear dear YN
You absolute sweet angel 🥺
Honestly we are all wondering how you got here
How did you manage to snag THE Atsumu Miya
Seriously, his fan girls are SEETHING rn we all know it
But, to many peoples surprise, it's not as complicated as you might think it is
It all started when you first became a student at Inarizaki
You were the new girl in the school so automatically you became the subject of many conversations
"Have you seen the new girl? She's gorgeous!"
"Hey that new girl? She's a second year right? Lucky assholes!"
It didn't take you long to become familiar with everyone
And soon, you found yourself befriending Osamu Miya
You probably shared a cooking class let's be honest 😏
You got paired up with Osamu who had noticed you around school
"Hey, yer that new girl aren't ya?" He asked
"Yeah! And you're Osamu Miya. I've heard all about you from the girls. You are quite the popular guy," you say smiling
Please YN you made Osamu blush so hard 😊
You chat and work with Osamu just as the bell for lunch rings
You grab your stuff, walking towards the door when Osamu approaches you and asks you if you want to have lunch with him and his friends
"Sure- I'd love-" you start to say
When all of a sudden, I hear this agitating, grading voice
"SAMU! WHAT THE HELL, IVE BEEN WAIT-" a man looking a lot like Osamu saying coming up to you, stopping as he stares at you
Atsumu rn 👉🏻👁👄👁
Osamu just rolls his eyes and walks away, hoping you'll get the hint and follow him
You don't get the hint 😐
"Hi! I'm YN," you say, smiling at the blonde version of Osamu
Atsumu is still just staring 👁👄👁
Osamu stops, turns and rolls his eyes again at the scene, "come on YN, I don't want to the stupid rubbing off on ya"
Osamu grabs your hand as you giggle, Atsumu still standing there
"Would you like to come with?" You say
Atsumu only nods, still looking like a fool and follows
From then on, I'm sorry to say but you've got yourself a permanent Miya shadow
Literally, once Atsumu opens up to you, he doesn't stop talking
Soon he's waiting for you after class, for lunch, heck the man is even LATE TO PRACTICE A FEW TIMES 😱
YN what is this affect you are having?!?!
It's one day during lunch that the situation of needing a manager is brought up
"Gin it's your turn to fill water bottles today," Suna says sitting down as Ginjima grumbles
"God I hate that!"- he says as Aran laughs, sitting across from you
"Well it wouldn't be a problem if we could actually have a manager,"- He says, chuckling
"Yeah that will never happen," Michinari says rolling his eyes 🙄
You look at everyone confused and ask, "why?"
"Because of dumb and dumber,"- Suna interjects, the table laughing
"I'll be your manager!" You say, smiling wide
Atsumu stops eating half way to his mouth, Aran and Omimi just look at you
"I dont know YN," Kita says
"Why not? I mean I can fill water bottles and help set up nets. I'm not incapable, plus I know a little about volleyball from watching you guys practice," you say, defending your case
Atsumu is just looking at you
Please this man is falling so hard for you
But it could be a catch 22 having you as the teams manager
Sure he'd be close to you all the time but that would mean the team as well as other guys would be close as well
And Atsumu is a jealous and possessive man YN ✋🏻
Before Atsumu can even open his mouth, Aran speaks up
"I say we give her a shot. I mean she seems to be able to stand Samu and Sumu so she can't be that bad right?"
"I'm beginning to think we should take offense to this Sumu," Osamu says
Atsumu doesn't say anything, still staring at you as you look to him and smile
God he loves when you're happy and if this makes you happy, then he'll do it
Unfortunately for Atsumu, his daily affirmations of "YN likes you and nobody else. You are the greatest setter in the entire world. You are better than Tobio" doesn't work ☹️
Because the first week of you being the teams manager, Atsumu has almost lost it on all of his teammates
Several times in fact, Osamu has had to talk him down off the "YN is not yours" ledge
Atsumu's blood would boil everytime he saw Suna's fingers graze yours when you handed him a water bottle
Or when Omimi caught you after you tripped over your own two feet carrying towels
But the final straw was hit when it was Osamu who was on the receiving end of your affections
Atsumu had just set the ball to Osamu for their famous minus tempo attack
When Osamu slammed the ball into the other court, you screamed in excitement
That is what set Atsumu off
Ope 👀
The entire gym falls silent
You stare at Atsumu, lips pursed shut
You had no intention on hurting Atsumu's feelings, you were just so excited 🥺
"I'm sorry Sumu. You're right I shouldn't have done that. That was a great set," you say before turning to go to the hallway
Atsumu knew he messed up and he was so mad at himself
He let his jealousy get the best of him
Before anyone could say anything to him, he ran after you finding you sitting on a bench
He came up to you, kneeling in front of you as he grabbed your cheeks and lifted your delicate face, your eyes meeting his
"YN I'm so freaking sorry I yelled at you! I- I just got so jealous. I really like ya YN and I just want to impress you,"he said, his sad eyes now looking into yours
"You- you like me Sumu?" You said, stuttering
"I do pretty girl, I really do," he said
"I like you to Sumu," you said grabbing his face back and pulling him in for a light peck on the lips
When you pulled back, he smiled, pulling you in, kissing you harder
"Ugh will you two knock it off?!? YN I told ya the idiot liked you," Osamu said, Suna right besides him recording
"Wait you told YN I liked her?" Atsumu said looking from Osamu to you
"He told me this morning after I told him I liked you. I asked him how I should confess and.."
Atsumu smiled at you, kissing you again before pulling you into a tight embrace
"You're mine now YN," he said, whispering into your hair as he hugs you tight
"Sumu let yer girlfriend go! You're suffocating her!" Osamu yelled again
Atsumu pulled back, standing up and extending his hand to yours
You walked back to the gym, hand in hand as you continued practice
The next few months were a dream
You and Atsumu got into a routine of being a couple, much to the dismay of ALL of the Miya fangirls
You got use to the name calling and jealousy they brought because of your status as Atsumu's Girlfriend
You knew Atsumu adored you, always holding your hand or holding you close as you walked together
When Spring Nationals rolled around, you were so excited!
This was your first big tournament and you were ready!
You walked in the back with Atsumu as he held your hand, Osamu, Suna and Ginjima following
YN and her bodyguard squad I can't 😫
You started setting up for the teams first match against Karasuno
The boys were warming up when you decided to run to the bathroom
Karasuno had been warming up as well and everyone was ready to go
You figured a quick break wouldn't hurt so you didn't tell Atsumu or the team you were leaving
Bad choice already YN
Coming out of the bathroom, you walk back to the gym, the doors suddenly swinging open just as you reached for the handle, causing the heavy door to slam into your hand
"Ohh ouch!!" You wince as you see the person opening the door peer around it
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry! I had no idea someone was out here," the tall boy said, his Karasuno orange beaming
You shake it off and smile, you're sure you'll have a bruise there but it wasn't the boys fault
"Hey its OK! It wasn't anyone's fault," you say, putting your hand up and wincing again as the funny movement made your hand hurt
"Here let me look at that," he says, grabbing your hand
"I'm Tobio Kageyama by the way, I play for Karasuno," he says, checking over your hand
"I'm YN LN, Manager for Inarizaki," you say
"Yeah I know, I-I saw you in there," he says blushing
He looks so cute when he's blushing I can't 🥰🥰🥰
You chat a little as Kageyama checks your hand out, making sure it's not broken
What you both don't know is that the door to the gym is still open 👀
You know the gym where everyone is practicing... 👀👀
The gym where your boyfriend currently resides 👀👀👀
It's literally like 30 seconds of you and Kageyama talking before Suna notices
"Hey- what the hell," he says studying you
Osamu looks up at him and then to the door
"Oh shit-" he says
Atsumu turns around to see what's happening, his eyes following his brother and Suna's to see you standing with Kageyama
It takes 0.02 seconds to register before Atsumu absolutely loses his shit
"KAGEYAMA GET THE HELL AWAY FROM HER," Atsumu says, running full speed towards you and Kageyama
Atsumu grabs your bad hand from Kageyama, causing you to wince and whimper
Atsumu looks at you, then at Kageyama, his eyes filled with rage
"WHAT IN THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO HER?" He growls, ready to fight Kageyama on the spot
Osamu and Suna come up, the rest of the team as well as Karsuno in toe
"Sumu stop! It was an accident! I hit my hand on the door as Tobio was coming out. He didn't do anything to me," you plead, looking at your boyfriend
His gaze is locked on Kageyama, arms possessively around you
"Sumu please-" you beg as he finally breaks his stare with Kageyama, looking down to see you smiling at him
He breaths in, looking back up to Kageyama before turning away and walking you to the bench
You sit down, Atsumu at your side as he gently grabs your hand and looks it over
He grabs a wrap and tape, making sure to be gentle as he bandages you up
He doesn't speak, still seething with anger
You don't say anything, waiting for him to cool down
When he finishes, he grabs your injured hand, turning it palm up and kisses it lightly
You meet his eyes and melt 🥺
"I love ya pretty girl, and I don't like anyone touching what's mine," he says, pulling you closer
"I love you too Sumu," you say back, giving him a light kiss before he returns to the court, his intense gaze reappearing as he narrows in on his target
Boy would I hate to be Kageyama right now 😅
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finniestoncrane · 2 years
*skims through the menu* hrrrrm if it isn't a bother, can I have a number 3 and 40 for YJ Riddler?
I was thinking Eddie is back at it again boasting about his nonexistent s/o and begs reader to be his pretend s/o to show off to whomever he is trying to convince that he gets ass. I was thinking about it in an angsty angle where he gets a touch objectifying but I'll leave that up to your genius self.
Okay bye, love u--
You've Taken It Too Far
YoungJustice!Riddler x Female!Reader, word count: 1.6k i am cackling, please pull up to the next window to receive your order u-u also i love this idea more than life itself, so good!! i hope i did it justice. i worried it was too long but not enough people give this loser the love he deserves! 💜 request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi minors DNI!! 🔞 cw for nsfw stuff: misogyny, objectification, p.much sfw
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As you sat in the passenger seat of the car, watching the trees swish past out the window, you pondered over the conversation you had just the week before. Anything to distract you from the looming sense of dread, fear that this was a really bad idea. Something to distract you from the uncomfortably tight clothes you regretted picking out, and the way that Ed was leering at you from the driver’s seat, trying not to make it obvious but failing miserably, as was his usual modus operandi for sneaking glances.
“So you lied to these ‘investors’ about having a girlfriend?”
“You don’t understand, they’re so impressive, and so normal, and so cool. I needed to seem normal, I just needed something  to say when they were talking about all of their…conquests.”
“So you lied.”
“Even though you’re lying about what you’re doing with their investments into your…’work’?”
“Which means that lying to them about something as insignificant as having a partner might make them suspicious of what other lies you might have told them?”
“And that would mean you were about to well and truly and royally screwed?”
“And so you want me…to pretend to be the idiot who willingly chose to date you?”
“Ok fine.”
If only you hadn’t agreed. If only you had told him to face up to his own problems. But it was impossible to leave Ed stranded. He was so adorable, all pathetic and vulnerable. It was hard not to feel the instinct to protect him. Tired of feeling sorry for yourself, you shifted your body forward in the seat.
“So, we’re just a nice normal couple then. You’re my boyfriend and-”
“Hm…well, actually…”
“Yes, I may have neglected to mention that part in our prior discussions.”
“Yeah, I think you might have! Uh uh, Ed. That’s too much.”
“I mean, it’s one word of a difference.”
“It’s completely different! For us to convincingly be engaged…it’s going to be so much more complicated.”
You brought your hands up to your face, leaning into them with your elbows digging into your thighs.
“Not at all! New relationships are filled with touching and kissing and fondling. I assume you…don’t want to have to do any of that?”
“Not at all!”
“No? Ok me either!”
“So, established relationships statistically fizzle. We just have to convincingly not hate each other.”
“And maybe mention some wedding plans.”
You sighed and shot him a glare, detesting him but coming up with fake wedding plans on the remainder of the journey anyway. And if you were being honest, once you got there and had settled into the idea, it wasn’t as difficult as you thought. You an Ed were close, so holding on to his arm and complimenting him in front of other people wasn’t as big a leap from how you behaved around him most of the time, albeit a lot more intimate. Ed was actually a great pretend fiancé. He was courteous, gentlemanly, and it was a nice change to hear him be vaguely modest for once in front of his new peers.
After drinks, you excused yourself to the restroom, Ed offering to show you where it was. In the corridor, he stopped outside of the door and in hushed tones, he leant in to you.
“So…do you think it’s going ok?”
“I actually think it’s going pretty great. You’re a wonderful fiancé.”
“You think so? Um…ok…th-thanks.”
“Don’t mention it, now I really do have to pee so…”
“Right, right. I just wanted to make one quick point.”
“If you’re quick.”
“So there’s these two guys in particular, the ones who just showed up.”
“They seemed delightful, yes.”
“Yeah…I’ve been bragging to them a lot. And for some reason, they don’t like me, so they’re determined to out me as some loser who can’t convince anyone to date them.”
“I wonder where they got that idea. And I wonder why they don’t like you!?”
“I know right?” he ignored your sarcasm. “Confusing even for someone of my intellect. But either way, I’m going to be actively avoiding them and I suggest you do the same.”
You shot him some finger guns as you let the restroom door swing closed on you.
On your approach to the door after washing and drying your hands, you could hear voices outside the door, one of them Ed’s. Part of you knew it was rude to listen in, but this evening had made you see Ed in a completely different light. The way he introduced you to people, complimenting you and making you the centre of attention, had you considering him in a very different light. And, hopeful to hear the kind of things he had to say about you when you weren’t standing next to him, you held back, easing the door open ever so slightly to hear better, watching him cower under the two large men who were speaking to him.
“I gotta say, Ed. That’s an impressive piece of ass you’ve brought here with you.
“Oh yeah, really something! Congrats, how did you pull that off?”
“Oh th-thank you. Yes…amazing. Well, you think that’s good you should…uh…our sex life is…amazing!”
“Really? Ok, like how then?”
“Uh…the things they can do? Wow!”
“Like what, stud? Let us know!”
“Yeah, you’ve been bragging about this little fuck buddy of yours for weeks now, tell us the dirty details.”
“No, that’s inappropriate, I don’t think I should.”
“Why? Because you’re apparently engaged now?”
“Yeah, what happened to the ‘side piece’ who you used for sex because they were so desperate for you?”
You rolled your eyes, disappointed in Ed for falling into the trap of disgusting water cooler chat about sexual conquests. At least, you considered, you were only his pretend partner. You could take some solace in knowing he had never talked about you like that.
“Looks exactly like you said too, so must be the same fuck buddy that you’ve now decided to put a ring on.”
Realisation dawned on you as your stomach flipped at the notion. Ed had described you to these people. That’s why he was so insistent that you would be the pretend date. Which would have been flattering if you didn’t know how gross he had been when talking about you. You stepped out from the door to the leers of the two men, and the panicked face of Ed who greeted you, putting his arm around your waist and holding you close.
“Yeah, well, it was nice talking to you guys.”
“Totally, Ed! Always a pleasure…I suppose. Nice to meet you.”
They walked back towards the others, stopping just short of the centre of the room, close enough that they were noticeable in the way they were watching you and Ed. But you didn’t care. You were enraged by his words and the disrespect he had shown you, and knowing that he had still asked you to come here.
“I heard everything.”
“Oh shit indeed, Ed. What the hell were you thinking?” You smacked his arm.
“Ok, ok, you have every right to be mad! But please, please not in front of…” He tilted his head slightly, eyes staring to the side at the two men who were whispering to each other, eyes never leaving you both.
“You have a lot of explaining to do.”
“I don’t…I don’t know how or what…”
“Well, you better say something!”
“Ok, I’m leaving.”
Ed shot his hand out, grabbing you and pulling you close to him.
“You better let go, Ed.”
“No wait, I just…we need to look like a couple, not a pathetic man and his killer moments before disaster.”
“Go on then.”
“I’m…sorry. I started talking to them, I got carried away. I had to think of someone, someone perfect that would make me seem…cool and capable and…good. And I…I think of you as that. And I’m sorry you had to find out about how I feel…physically towards you that way…”
You looked deep into his eyes. He was visibly embarrassed, his cheeks flushed and sincerity tinging his words. Of course you knew he had a crush on you, you’d have to be completely oblivious not to notice. And maybe, even though you wouldn’t let yourself admit it, you had a thing for him too. That’s why you were so quick to agree, so eager to make him happy by helping him out. So keen to try him out before committing to him.
“I apologise, really. I understand if you want to leave, I will accept my embarrassment and public shaming, and I will buy you dinner for the next two weeks.”
“It’s fine. I accept your apology. I will return to the room and play nice.”
“Oh! Oh thank you, th-thank you! God, I could kiss you.”
Taking the opportunity presented to you, you leaned into his embrace.
“So do it.”
You could see him gulping, hear him, as he desperately tried to search for the answer, the right thing to do, in your gaze. And as he watched the two men from his peripheral vision, he eventually realised this was the best case scenario, as he leaned in, carefully and shuddering, to kiss you.
Once his lips were on yours, you placed a hand on his cheek, your other arm hooking around his neck as his hands found their way from your upper back to your hips. As you pulled back, you noticed Ed was already checking on the others, the two men having walked away, resigned to the concept that Ed had been telling the truth. He did have a partner. And if he was lucky, by the end of the evening that would be a lot more factual than it had been at the start.
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girls-scenarios · 2 years
Be Spontaneous
Idol: Saerom (fromis_9)
Prompt: lee saerom scenario where she goes on a movie date with her gf and it's all fluffy in the theater but when her gf brings her back to her dorms, they're bombarded with all the members asking who she is so they have a night in where they meet the gf and she ends up sleeping in the dorm. thank you
Writer: Admin Kiwi
A/N: fromis_9 just released "Stay This Way" and it's the perfect summer song! Go give it lots of support, especially since the girls could use it after the accident :( I'm just glad they're okay. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy this little scenario!
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If Saerom was honest, she couldn't remember the last time she'd been able to take a day off and enjoy a movie at the movie theater. It felt like it had been forever since she'd sank into the plush theater seats with a bucket of popcorn on her lap and no worries about getting swarmed or having her phone go off like crazy. So when you suggested that the two of you go see a new popular movie, she couldn't help being excited. Not only did she get to spend the day with her favorite person, but since the two of you were going on a slow day with no one else in the theater, she didn’t have to worry about constantly checking to see if anyone was watching.
And if she was lucky, she might be able to hold your hand and rest her head on your shoulder while the movie played.
A small smile played on her lips as she slipped soundlessly out of her room and to the front door. The rest of the girls were likely still asleep, since they were in the habit of staying up late playing games these days, so she was careful not to make too much noise as she headed out, closing the door gently behind her.
As she headed down the stairs outside her dorm, she spotted you waiting outside your car and her smile grew even wider, her pace speeding up as she all but skipped over to you.
"(Y/N)!" She called, and laughed as you pulled her into a tight hug and spun her around. "Did you wait long?"
"Not long at all," you responded with a grin as you pulled away. "I just got here. Were you waiting for me?"
"Nope, you were right on time. For once," she said playfully, making you roll your eyes in response and let out a laugh.
"I'm not the one who's been nicknamed sloth," you shot back as you opened her door for her, and she giggled and kissed your cheek behind the cover of the door before stepping inside your car.
"Anyway, what movie are we watching? You never told me."
"It's a surprise, you'll see when we get there," you teased as you settled into the driver's seat, then reached across the middle console to tangle your fingers with hers. "I promise you'll like it, though."
She laughed and squeezed your hand, gazing at you affectionately. "I'll trust you, then. I'm excited."
The movie theater was quiet when the two of you arrived, and Saerom took her time looking around at all the movie posters and advertisements as you found the tickets on your phone. Just being there filled her with joy, reminding her just how much she loved going to see movies, and she found herself smiling happily again. It was exciting just stepping inside, no matter what movie the two of you ended up watching.
"Ah, I found them! Looks like there's still no one else in the theater." As you spoke, you reached over to take her hand and sent her a wink, making her laugh.
"You seem excited about that," she teased, knocking her shoulder against yours as the two of you headed to the ticketing desk. "Do you have something in mind?"
"Is it so bad to want to hold your hand?"
"No, because I want to hold yours too." She gave your hand a squeeze, then spotted the snack station and stopped, excitedly pointing towards it. "Babe, we have to get popcorn!"
You laughed as you scanned in the two tickets on your phone, skillfully using your body to hide her face from the view of the worker (who truly looked like she'd rather be in bed). "Are you actually going to get butter popcorn, or are you going to get that healthy stuff instead?"
Pouting, she playfully elbowed your side. "Listen, kettle corn is yummy and healthier, it's a win-win! It's not my fault I like healthy tastes. I'll buy you some butter popcorn if you want."
"No, no, I'm just teasing," you said quickly, shaking your head. "I'll buy, since I'm taking you out today."
"How romantic," she cooed at you, a satisfied smile on her lips. She wasn't used to being pampered and taken out like this, especially since she was usually the one taking care of her members instead, but she found that she quite liked it. In fact, she found that she never wanted this time to end, with the two of you playfully bantering over the snacks and drinks and laughing at the cheesy movie posters. She was having more fun than she had been able to have in a while and she loved it.
When the two of you finally made your way to the theater, arms full of snacks, she saw the name of the movie and gasped.
"Oh, I've been wanting to see this movie! My favorite actress is in it!"
"I know," you responded with a proud grin, wiggling your eyebrows. "I know everything about you."
"Sap," she said, smiling like crazy. For some reason just those words were enough to make her heart slip a beat. "But thank you."
"Anything for you, Romsae."
The seats were big and plush and the theater was cool and empty, and Saerom let out a contented sigh as she sank into her seat, closing her eyes for a minute. Honestly, it was so comfortable she could probably fall asleep.
"This is so nice. I want one of these seats at my house.”
“Then what would be the point in coming to the movie theater?” You joked playfully as you sat beside her, arranging the snacks on the seat beside you. “You might as well have a home theater.”
“That’s a great idea. I want one.” Smiling, she opened her eyes and reached over to hold your hand. "Then we could have movie dates every day!"
"That doesn't sound bad," you admitted, snuggling closer to her and pressing a kiss to her cheek. In response, she rested her head on your shoulder, settling in as the theater grew darker with her body pressed against your arm.
This was so nice. Cuddling with you in a cool, empty theater while watching her favorite actress and eating snacks between stolen kisses.... What else could she ever wish for? The setting was somehow so intimate, and she found herself never wanting to leave the atmosphere, far away from all of her worries and responsibilities.
Of course, all good things must come to an end, and as the movie credits started to roll, she sat up in her seat but refused to let go of your hand.
"That felt so short, I wanted to see more," she said as she turned to you, her eyes slightly starry. "The main couple had so much chemistry, don't you think? I loved the scene where they were hiding in the locker room, I think I still have tears in my eyes from laughing."
You smiled affectionately, fixing her hair that had gotten messed up from cuddling with you. "That was a great scene. Your laughter was cute."
"Yours too, but you laughed more when their parents found out about them dating."
"That was such a good scene!"
The two of you continued to laugh and chatter as you got up and exited the theater, still hand in hand and lost in your own little world. In fact, the two of you continued to talk and laugh until your car pulled up in front of her dorms. It was then that she sobered and her lips pouted on their own.
She didn't want to part. Not yet.
"Hey, why don't you come in? I still haven't given you back that hoodie."
You grinned and immediately turned off your car, dramatically flinging open your door to make her laugh. "I was hoping you would say that!"
It wasn't until the two of you reached the door that Saerom realized this may have been a mistake, because before she could even touch the keypad, the door flung open and she was greeted by a smirking Chaeyoung and a cluster of girls waiting on the couch and at the table behind her.
"Well, if it isn't the lovebirds, back from their date!" Chaeyoung looked the two of you up and down, making Saerom's face flush pink.
"Stop that," she said, despite knowing that the two of you were going to be bombarded with questions. She loved these girls, but sometimes she felt like their mom. "Come on, you guys know (Y/N)."
"But we could know them better, Unnie," Chaeyoung responded, and Jiheon hopped up from her place on the couch to bound over.
"Come on, tell us what movie you watched! Was it good?" She latched herself onto Saerom's arm, eyes wide with expectation.
"Oh, (Y/N), are you good at games?" Jiwon asked from her spot on the couch, holding up her video game controller. "You should play with us."
"Unnie, it's only fair that you watch a movie with us too," Gyuri added, a mischievous edge to her sweet voice, and Saerom sighed. If even Gyuri was playing along, there would be no getting out of this.
"Do you want to stay and have a game and movie night, (Y/N)?" She asked as she turned to you, relieved to see you smiling like you found the whole thing funny instead of embarrassing or annoying.
"That sounds like so much fun," you replied, taking her hand and squeezing it once again. Your action caused the girls to squeal and Chaeyoung to reach for her phone, and Saerom sighed once again, putting her palm to her face. But this time, the sigh was affectionate and she couldn't stop the smile spreading to her lips.
Spending the night with all of her favorite people didn't sound too bad....
Hours later, she found herself sitting on her bed beside you with your backs to the wall, half-listening to Jiwon and Hayoung playing karaoke in the living room as she played with your fingers, her head on your shoulders.
"Today was fun," you said, voice soft and loving as you rested your head on hers. She hummed in agreement, closing her eyes.
"It was. Thank you for inviting me out, I needed it. It feels like all of my stress is gone."
"Of course, baby. Thanks for inviting me in. It was really funny watching everyone play games."
She let out a soft laugh. "We get a bit crazy," she admitted, her cheeks flushing.
"It's cute, though. Everything is cute on you."
"Yeah?" She opened her eyes and angled her face up to face you, her eyes half-lidded and shining with affection. Instead of answering, you leaned down to kiss her, slow and sweet. She brought a hand up to cup and caress your cheek, eyes fluttering closed once again.
When you pulled away, slightly breathless with red lips, she had to resist the urge to chase and capture your lips again.
"I love you," she whispered instead, and you smiled, bright and pure and full of love, whispering back before you leaned in once again, giving her what she wanted. Like you always did.
"I love you too."
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