#So how to get rid of the questions?
some-pers0n · 6 months
I need to like set aside a day to just study Sniper's character because the way he's treated in fandom VS how he's presented in canon material is so different and it's messing with my brain
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emry-stars-art · 8 months
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All right so. I forgot to mention I am planning on doing some of this whumptober prompt list and it’s like. All about Abram and Evermore 🫣
Day one: drugging/sick/poisoned (full under the cut)
Find the royal au masterpost here
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We’re messing with the idea of Lola and Nathan being sent with an entourage late-timeline to try and ‘reclaim the Wesninski house heir’ the ‘fair and correct’ way. It’s announced to Palmetto, Nathan coming with intention to fight for his heir back, challenge Abram directly; Lola came just in case Nathan somehow ended up losing. There are very strict instructions from the Moriyamas not to come back without a Wesninski heir.
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brandinotbroke · 3 months
week 2???? 3???? of using an android after 8 years of apple and holy shit i don't think i will ever go back to iOS
this is a very freeing experience lol
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thewiglesswonder · 2 years
I feel like something that gets glossed over a lot in TFA is this tiny sequence in Decepticon Air. Bulkhead describes the transwarp energy signature on the ship (Swindle’s subspace) as “a kind [he’s] never seen before”. Later, Swindle himself indignantly refers to it as his “own personal storage dimension.” Swindle has an entire dimension, an entire plane of existence at his disposal, that is apparently has his chassis drawer as the only access point. What the fuck. Is this a common thing? Is Swindle the only one in this continuity that has harnessed the power of an entire dimension and uses it to store his merchandise?
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aropride · 7 months
so crazy how there's new feelings invented by the existence of internet bc i'm thinking about the feeling of realizing there's almost no evidence left on the internet that me and someone who'd been one of my closest friends had ever even known each other. and so much of our friendship was conducted online (not by necessity, we talked online when we couldn't be in person, we spent half the day together and half the day online) and there's nothing left. because they left the instagram groupchat and i purged my blog of them and they kicked me from the discord and i blocked them on instagram and twitter and spotify and they purged their blog of me and they deleted our group project off google drive and all i can find proving we ever spoke is a screenshotted comment on a post from the first week we knew each other. there's so much shit on the internet and i'm sure the files still exist in some server somewhere but it's nowhere i can find. and now that i think about it i think this emotion is at least 200 years old because if there's anything i learned from hamilton (2015) specifically the song burn which is about eliza hamilton mass deleting all her posts tagged #alex tag it's that the burning need to destroy everything that connects you to someone else transcends technology and time
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worldsbiggestnerd101 · 2 months
just saw someone i follow reblog a post that called bi lesbians/mspec lesbians bigots… checked the dni of the person who made the post and sure enough they’re an exclus. needless to say the exclus has been blocked and that person i was following has been unfollowed. kill the cop in your heads y’all, it doesn’t fucking matter what terms someone uses for their identity. and bi women were also considered lesbians before terfs kicked them out. so.
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oldestking · 4 months
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/  If u deal with g.il u have to know that u will be constantly threading through the thin line between him deciding that u will die by his hands or u proving him that there’s something of worth in having u around
#at least initially of course#;about#about#;headcanons#headcanons#well its not really a headcanon but u know; tagging-#and it lit can shift in o n e second#which is why its quite difficult to deal with him bc he's that unpredictable#this is much more pronounced on a.rcher g.il but caster isn't devoid of this#its just that c.aster is more likely to not bother with ur existense#while a.rcher g.il has this feeling but its more so; u have no worth to me so what worth could you possibly provide to the world then?#and would get rid of the person in question there#while with caster its more like; u have no worth to me nor to the world; SCRAM.#/and i apologize in advance but yes; his views are very egocentric in either case; that's just how he is#to him even if u came and told him 'i dont care about how u perceive me lol' it doesnt matter; and also he's k.illing u on the spot#of course i wouldn't do this with the context of writing him bc it would be too op but; if ur sassy with him it has to be on a#wavelenght of mutual respect even if its not said out loud; it has to exist#otherwise chances are that he is not going to be cooperative with u#its not a pretty trait but that's g.ilgamesh#and yes this is hypocritical of him but its his status as king and his hugeahh ego which makes this contradiction possible#so it has a reason (even if it sucks) as of why he acts the way he does; basically g.il works by his own rules#in conclusion: bite him and bark at him but know who ur dealing with; that's basically it; if u do so in a way that is akin to his taste#he'll do it back; and then u'll gain his friendship#as a last thing i wanna mention how his views CAN definitely change; as they have done so with as an example h.akuno and r.itsuka/g.udako#so even if u start a rocky path with him; things can still progress
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opens-up-4-nobody · 4 months
#love that my body decided to incapacitate me the weekend before i have to read 5 different papers for classes#and it would b one thing to just read them but no for 3 of them i have to give detailed interpretation and 1 i have to present on#ive already failed to read one bc i forgot we had to do 2 papers for monday. oops. not that i could have done it anyway. i barely got 1 done#and im on track to fucking up the one due Tomorrow as well#im just fucking tired of reading fucking chemistry driven papers that i dont understand no matter how many times i read them#and everyones like oh itll get easier but no it fucking wont bc i cant fucking read right#its so fucking frustrating. why do i even bother? im so tried#i don't even have the paper im supposed to present on so ill have to do it all tomorrow. cool. great. not that i could do it today anyway#im just. this is gonna b a difficult week#and i misused my whole day by doing extractions bc i scheduled my training a week ago when i thought i would b fine over the weekend#nope. its fucking bullshit. this is y im like. y do i even want to b in academia?#how could i b a prof if i cant read well? its fine to b dyslexic as a math person but im like i have to read so much and so little gets thru#but then what the fuck else am i supposed to do? idk. im just gonna write down something for all these questions and go tf to sleep#ill get up at some horrible time in the morning to finish this. damn the consequences. ill see my therapist tomorrow anyway#and meet with my advisor like 🤪 yo guess what i made zero progress this week#sorry u got stuck with me while im going thru a year of fucking health problems#but whatever cant get rid of me now im already here. here and tired and i wanna go to bed#unrelated
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quintaviouslydevious · 5 months
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It is honestly depressing that it’s a positive that a YouTuber isn’t a stalker, nonce, rapist, of bigot - I mean, that’s the BARE MINIMUM of the stuff you’re not supposed to be. It’s frankly saddening we have to applaud the few good people on these platforms for their good morals and ethics. That’s what the VAST MAJORITY of popular content creators and influencers SHOULD be - Good people. And yet, somehow, terrible people rise quite well on the Internet. But good for Tom Scott for retiring: He’s done a lot, and his amazing videos that simultaneously provided and still simultaneously provide education, awe-inspiring visuals, and other amazing aspects.
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gregoftom · 1 year
mannnn who up tearing up over the sticker scene
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thatgirlonstage · 7 months
I get that “the family that moves into the haunted house doesn’t trust each other enough to believe each other when one of them starts saying shit is haunted” is one of those genre tropes that’s like, it needs to be that way to make the story go, but I think you could do an interesting subversion/genre bait-and-switch by making a couple that pretty early on goes “no, okay, it doesn’t matter if you’re hallucinating or if the basement really did try to eat you, the person I love doesn’t feel safe so we’re getting the fuck out”. Idk it’s just really rare to see romantic relationships survive horror films and I think you could do something fun with it.
#I am still thinking about burnt offerings after it wrecked my shit last weekend#and like the context of that film is that all those people hated each other’s guts both in the story and irl lmao#so it would never apply there#but it got me thinking bc#‘would you leave for me? even if it was all just in my head?’#has the potential for incredible romance between characters for whom the answer is an unequivocal YES#I was ALSO thinking about that film#in the context of like. it Seemed Important that it was a nuclear family with a kid#so what happens to that story if the impetus is really#we’re renting this house out in the middle of nowhere in the country#so that when we quietly invite my husband’s FRIEND Dave to come join us#no one needs to know or be asking awkward questions about why Dave is spending the whole summer with us#this is partially me being like. mmm.#I think if I thought about it more you could Say Something Interesting#about the fragility of nuclear families and how the individualist mindset behind them#cuts you off from perspective and support#with this kind of story structure#and partially me being like#I think it would be funny if the house that eats you is defeated bc it doesn’t know what gay people are#just bamboozled. why is there another guy here. get rid of him. why isn’t he leaving#ALSO to be clear#in this scenario the wife is a beard#but that DOESN’T mean she’s expendable#it means she is these two men’s single most trusted friend and confidante#and that they are gonna fight tooth and nail not to let a house eat her#the house trying to sow distrust by manufacturing a scenario where it looks like the wife is cheating: WHY ISN’T THIS WORKING
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soullessjack · 7 months
it’s rlly interesting to me that so many villains try to manipulate jack by saying that they’re just trying to control him or that they taught him to fear his powers and that he’s only kept in the bunker as a prison to protect the world basically , and pretty much every time he either ignores it & doesn’t respond . but he also doesn’t outwardly disagree (Duma asked if they’d taught him to fear his powers and he fucking shrugs ) and on one hand
> it’s crazy how often the writers will try and hint at their dynamic being kind of fucked up or question if it’s still on a “you only care about what he can do for you” basis — like when jacks own psychotic hallucination insisted that he was only ever their pet monster weapon muscle whose only value came from being useful — only to never go anywhere with it, never have jack actually take that question into consideration
but on the other if we’re assuming that jack is like wordlessly agreeing that he is in fact being contained and controlled and isolated from the world as a safety precaution by the people he explicitly views as both his fathers and his friends? and that he’s supposedly just okay with all of that ?? because he knows that he’s legitimately dangerous? what am I supposed to do with this? what were the writers trying to do with it??? why didn’t they actually do something with it?
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I stand by the fact that tua s1 was made for the viewers and everything past that was made for the money.
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mihai-florescu · 1 year
I need enstars to be over because i need to know what akira's plan for himeru is so so badly (cue eichi's quote about asking an author how they plan to end their tale is poor manners). I can imagine various ways in which id consider his arc completed but there are too many variables that can change...
#i think i just need to go to sleep#ive just been thinking about the doomed by the narrative trope. and kaname. and himeru. and im listening to Im Alive from next to normal#to be fair what i consider a satisfying ending for me personally would probably be terrible for everyone else#ive been thinking about oremeru getting attacked by an obsessive fan paralleling what kaname's mom did to akehoshi papa#kaname's interest in being and idol starts with her. a lot of the plot starts with her actions actually.#idk...i just like the idea of the idol himeru being doomed from the start. oremeru takes over but it doesnt change much#and it all starts because of kaname's mom's actions#but do i think enstars is gonna kill off or get rid of a major character? no. they need to make money#im sure there are other ways to end his arc i just like violence. but is it not the whole point of enstars that you can rewrite your-#narrative?#so then giving himeru a chace of a happy ending would be good in itself too. he doesnt have to suffer#oremeru took on his brother's persona and incolved himself in the story. what would be more satisfying?#i leave it as an open question cuz iiii dont think i was too coherent and im curious how other people hope for himeru's arc to end like#he still is the most interesting alkakurei member to me. do you see kaname waking up? would that make for a good story?#dont think subjectively cuz you like the character please. i am curious what you think would make for the best story
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mostlyanything19 · 11 days
WHEW that back half of the episode was JUICY, HUH??
#critical role#c3#p#cr3x95#both the sweet and shenanigan-y part and then the ABSOLUTE PEAK DRAMA HOO BOY#everything's so fucked up and by everything i mean mostly laudna#sometimes it gets on the back burner but like. this has been coming up with more and more force as the story goes on#is the question of..how will this ever. ever. end for her. how? she's so entwined with delilah. she doesn't seem to have the inner strength#to rip herself away from that influence; that presence that has killed her; made her; shaped her; accompanied her for decades#that's been a whisper in her ear and into her deepest thoughts for longer than imogen - the other biggest influence on her - has been alive#and even if laudna /could/ find the mental fortitude to attempt to rid herself of something that's this integral to her very existence#i don't know how she could? and now i mean physically; she's alive only through delilah; she's tethered to this essence; how could she ever#be her very own person again; how would that /look like/?#we thought we saw it after her resurrection but in the end that's not truly what it was. delilah was still in there#and if she ever truly left-could laudna live?how? a continued endless undeath? some true form of return to life? it seems terribly unlikely#and after episodes like this... it all seems so helpless#a little like what imogen was trying to express. 'i love you. i will always love you. i just don't know what to do with it.'#because it feels like you cannot ever truly move laudna out of the position she is in#but that position is becoming more and more precarious#now i've gotten into the thoughts re:laudna but THAT ENTIRE COMFLICT WAS AMAZING AND I'M HERE FOR IT
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acerikus · 1 year
The way tumblr users hiss and yell wherever they see the word 'tracking' reminds me of when avast tries to scare me into buying premium by giving me popups being like 'WE FOUND A TRACKING COOKIE SOMEONE IS TRACKING YOU' about the cookie that's like. in charge of setting the language on a website I'm using lol
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