#So the next time I saw her I asked if the Vampire got the job
s2 episode 13 thoughts
so i read the description of this episode and i was thinking to myself, yeah, this one seems believable. i keep loosely acquainted with the drama of the funeral world, and after learning of the harvard morgue scandal of last summer, i was like. well. the truth echoes art, i guess.
but that was the POINT of the episode- that the real world is scary, even without vampires and bigfoot!
so we begin with a funeral for a poor little girl. and it is an open casket, which is upsetting, and these little kids that i assume were her classmates are looking in. and then to make it even MORE upsetting, this creepy man working the event shows up and starts... touching her hair...
boy, i hope that child actress got a fat check for that very uncomfy bit part.
next we see a man eating an ice pop in the embalming room, to which i say: king. and he's hearing some weird stuff, and who emerges but... donnie!
(donnie's the guy who was stroking her hair... and he's holding scissors... and the girl's hair is scattered all over the floor...)
donnie briefly morphed into a demon, and ice pop man banishes donnie from his realm upon realizing he cut the little girl's hair. he says "i should report you" but i don't think he actually did.
(PRO TIP: if you are in a workplace where this type of event happens, please do file a report)
anyway. agent time. they're arriving in a graveyard. and i saw a gif this morning of mulder lifting the caution tape up so scully can get her umbrella in!!! it is suuuuch a cute moment. and a tiny consolation for the agony the rest of this episode produced.
the policeman is blabbering on about aliens and says to mulder, "you know andy" and he says "no i don't" "well, he knows you" which is sooooo funny. another example of mulder being famous amongst the nerd population.
poor scully looks absolutely horrified at this little girl's desecrated body...
and while the policeman thinks it's aliens, which may be a first, mulder does not, which again may be a first, because he says he's seen cases like this before
"you okay, scully?" he asks, noticing that she is Not Okay, but seeming unsure of how to approach the situation. she insists that she is, and perhaps he accepts this at face value.
they share an umbrella <3 but whilst doing this she's deeply shaken, and says she's surprised he isn't bothered. he says he prepared himself, and i thought he was going to elaborate on what preparing yourself for a case like this looks like, but he didn't
and she's shocked that they drove all the way here for a case that isn't aliens... why did we come here then?
because he got them tickets to a football game. LMAOOOOO this man........... football date night. it does not sound pleasurable to me but maybe watching his nerdy face light up would make up for the misery. i was giggling here. he wanted to take her out and show her his culture.
okay so now we're back to donnie. he's applying for a new job. he says he used to be a cosmetologist.
NOOOOO they had to miss their game because there are more bodies dug up and violated... and since this took place in the 90's they didn't even have facebook marketplace to try and sell their tickets beforehand... this is truly a devastating loss </3
and did they show a football player with the same name as the dude who runs this show... you can't sneak that stuff by me...
scully has to walk out after seeing the pictures of the crime scene and i'm already so deeply sad for her but oh boy, past me, wait a bit and see where all this goes!
mulder says that the police need to put an alert out NOW and the policeman is all "well we don't have a whole lot of guys on the squad so it might take awhile :(" THEN HURRY??? mulder says he thinks this dude is gonna kill someone and you're gonna complain about lack of resources???? WORK OVERTIME???
poor scully is sososo shaken and mulder pops his head out to where she was sitting... he says he'll cancel their plane tickets so they can stay longer and she's just staring out into the distance... SOMEONE HELP MY QUEEN PLEASE
then we get a glasses and takeout moment as the agents come up with a profile for a guy who steals body parts from dead people
donnie sees a woman on the side of the road- a working woman, if you will- and he takes her back to his place. and this woman is sooo pretty. but he's running her a bath and marty i'm scared.
(wait i just realized i can straight up insert the reaction images i'm referring to on here)
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HE IS OBSESSED WITH HAIR... first the little girl's, and now he asks this woman if she needs shampoo for chemically treated hair...
he goes to take a phone call- congrats, you got the job- and she sees his room is FILLED with wreaths from funerals. and she might be naked but i was still yelling at the screen GIRL YOU NEED TO RUN!!!!!!
well. we cut to body time. so we know how that went. it is a spectacularly bloody body. and our freak has escalated from desecrating graves to killing real people.
mulder wants to go look at the body and asks scully to come but she can't bring herself to do it. WHY IS NO ONE NOTICING THE STRESS SHE IS IN. HOW CAN WE TAKE STEPS TO AID HER.
(i think that mulder is trying his best to Not Make A Big Deal out of her visible distress to make her feel better, and instead just gives her space and respects her lack of desire to discuss the whole thing. because there is no way he doesn't actually notice)
now donnie is on the job as a grocery deliveryman. which i am familiar with as i do use doordash occasionally. but the woman whose house he's delivering too just. LETS HIM IN??? to pack up the groceries. is this how the job worked at the time... can anyone confirm or deny... because i'm trying to imagine welcoming the doordash or instacart guy coming in and putting the food away for me... and i feel my skin crawl... what a textbook murder situation...
and if that isn't bad enough, the woman tells donnie they have 3 daughters and leave the backdoor open........ this does not bode well for the plot....
he asks to go to their bathroom and he digs through their trash to find a clump of hair and he SNIFFS it and then pockets it... we need someone to deal with this man with a QUICKNESS.
scully is in autopsy mode now, and unlike her usual very professional self, she looks like she is going to pass out conducting this one. which is remarkable because she has seen some nasty stuff, but this is what puts her over the edge.
in her report, she's writing about how every autopsy tells the story of a life, and that being killed for someone to take a piece of your body is perhaps the most dehumanizing death imaginable
someone who saw this freak donnie says that he looked like an ordinary guy, so this is gonna be a tough search. so mulder is going into deep psychoanalysis mode, saying it must be driven by a very intense hatred of women. which seems fair. i'll trust the oxford trained fellow.
now donnie is in class and he sees a woman and we know what's coming, but when he approaches her and tries to get creepy, she kicks him away and manages to run!!!! thank god honestly we could use a victory.
the phone wakes up scully from a nightmare where she sees the same demon we saw earlier and also SHE was the one on the autopsy table- but mulder says they have a suspect at the station. and i'm like, yes! they're gonna get him!
but it isn't him that they get! they brought someone else in, and we SEE donnie watching their interview moment and this was the narrative taunting me
mulder can no longer try and ignore scully being so on edge, and he says "scully, if you're having trouble with this case, i want you to tell me" and my first reaction was, king, do you have eyes, she has been about to collapse this whole time. but now i see he is doing the best he can to put the ball in her court, and yet she STILL denies it. lies straight to his face.
"i'm not having trouble", she says <- okay so we all see that this isn't true but i respect that he's trying to be mindful of her boundaries. however i would have been like hey queen let's get you out of here <3
"i just don't want you to think you have to hide anything from me", he says, and i kiss each of my fingers like i just savored a delicious meal, because that is EXACTLY what i wanted this man to say. mmm angst. just what i had ordered.
so donnie is asking the guy who DID get questioned what they were talking to him about, and what their names were, and he remembers scully's name because she has the same name as a baseball announcer i guess? and then they let the donnie go -_-
she goes back to DC to get a fingerprint read on the body but says something about maybe not flying back to the case that night... she did NOT want to be there!!!!!
at this point we learn that the FBI has an on sight therapist, which honestly makes perfect sense... but man. this scene.
she's referring to herself in the second person, talking about how you have to become used to seeing death in med school and in fbi, and she's distancing herself to try and cope. and the therapist brings up losing her father and her coma, and asks if she feels uncomfortable with her partner, and she's like no, i trust him with my life.
wow. that's incredible. but!
"i don't want him to feel like he has to protect me"
and i cannot imagine a world in which mulder, the protector, would ever NOT try and guard those he loves like some sort of snarling beast. but she must still feel horrible after just coming out of a coma, and he had been so scared to welcome her back, let her come on the missions, she had to PROVE herself, and she can't make herself feel guilty knowing he'll see her as something to protect.
(as if there was ever going to be another way)
so yeah i was basically barking at the screen here.
she says she's lost faith, and she needs it back. and where do you get faith these days?
but, while she was away, they found a print. she calls mulder to tell him this and decides that she'll fly back that night.
"anyway, you could use my help" "always" <- what if i started crying.
but someone called for her while she was away... and i knew it was that donnie freak........... foreshadowing....
so the agents trace the prints to donnie and bust into his house, where they find his endless funeral wreaths and even a FINGER in the fridge, but no donnie
and this is just as scully is arriving from the airport AND DONNIE IS STALKING HER. and i wrote, donnie, i will get u with my bare hands.
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and he HITS HER CAR and DRIVES HER OFF OF THE ROAD and then mulder comes to the scene and they find her car but no SCULLY
back at donnie's place, he is running a bath and my screen was dark enough to see my face in the reflection and it could best be described as looking like that dizzy emoji. "oh girl i am UNCOMFY", i wrote, but in a sort of horror way that you expect from the genre.
she's tied up in his closet and sees him as a DEMON again which is more evidence that she has had to endure SO MUCH and i'm getting duane berry flashbacks with the gag in her mouth and i'm feeling a profound level of defensiveness for a person who does not exist
mulder is stressed, there are no witnesses, and he's pissed, he says "there are people that can videotape police beatings on darkened streets, they manage to spot elvis in 3 cities across america every day, but no one saw a pretty woman being forced off the road in her rental car"
AUGHHHH his bloodhound nature, need to find answers, is kicking in again.
(and also he thinks she's pretty)
so back at donnie's place, he is approaching rapidly with a knife, and mulder is sleuthing. the car they found was donnie's mother's car, so maybe they're at donnie's mother's place... but he is PICKING UP THE KNIFE AS MULDER SPEAKS
he ASKS ABOUT HER HAIR to properly shampoo it which is SO FREAKY but she manages to BREAK AWAY by shoving him into the tub. yes yes those FBI agent skills are kicking in!!!
shes hiding and he yells "there's no way out, girly girl" which briefly took me out of the scene because i just know that he would have said "girly pop" if the writers had their hands on that phrase and it was distracting but still. STILL.
she's hiding in the closet and he opens the door and she SPRAYS HIM WITH ROACH SPRAY and runs and they're tussling about when...
MULDER BREAKS DOWN THE DOOR and sees her!!!! he's calling for paramedics while the policemen take care of donnie
and the first thing she says to him is "i'm okay", reassuring him despite her awful situation, perhaps referring to her mostly uninjured body, but she's shaking like a leaf, and she just keeps saying that she's fine, she's fine, until he lifts her chin up to look at her face...
and she starts SOBBING into his chest. he's got his fingers in her hair and he's mumbling "it's okay" to her again and again and. i could feel my heart melting. i was a mere puddle of a human being at this moment. it's okay. it's okay.
there is something i think you will understand that is so rich about seeing characters hit their breaking point. it tells the audience so much about them- here we see that scully's biggest fear is the evil that lies in the ordinary, in the idea that anyone could be a monster, that this is a world of constant fear, and how do you try and rationalize the things that humanity is capable of doing? how do you walk down the street knowing that someone, anyone that passes you by could be a devil, metaphorically speaking? and she doesn't have the luxury of believing that it could be some outside force- some aliens, or evil vampires- manipulating people into doing their bidding, like mulder does. she knows that it is flesh and blood people that she sees everyday at the grocery store or next door or even those she autopsies, that do horrific things. and that there is a capacity for that in anyone, and no way to keep yourself or those you love entirely safe. what is there in this cold world of facts if there isn't faith? and again, where do you get more faith when you run out?
(and, of course, her deep and terrible fear of needing protection. needing to rely on someone that isn't just herself. of inadequacy. how scary that must be for a person who sees the terror in the rest of the world)
so yeah. love to see a character break. and i love it even MORE when we get to see someone they love comfort them. hurt/comfort trope remains undefeated.
the episode ends with mulder writing the case report and talking of very similar things as i just rambled on about- about humans being demons, and demons being what humanity comes up with to explain that- but this is delivered over a slideshow of donnie's childhood pictures to emphasize how he was just the boy next door, except that honestly he looked like young sheldon. so i was a bit taken out of the whole thing.
so yeah. this episode did not leave me with the warmest and fuzziest of feelings, but in terms of horror it was definitely one of the scariest so far, again because the entire lack of supernatural causes. i mean you could choose to interpret that this guy genuinely WAS a demon, but i think that defeats the purpose of the episode and scully's character study we get as a result. i was spooked, but we still had some good moments, such as attempted football date.
overall, i thought this episode was great. and we could talk about how the creepy killer was super queer coded, and discuss if this was done in bad faith, which could be an interesting conversation- but i find it not entirely relevant to the overarching theme. like, the scary part was that he wanted to keep your fingers, not that he called scully "girly girl", and i didn't get the sense that those two things were being equated in the episode.
now give me 10 beach episodes, or perhaps a journey to a museum, or a spa, or the mountains, or an ice-skating trip with matching scarves worn by our agents, or a day at the mall. really i don't ask for a lot!
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artyandink · 10 days
that’s my man (and my woman)
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Summary: Your kids are curious little buggers. Asking questions about everything and anything under the sun. So there comes the complications of when your kids ask you if you’ve fallen in love before. How will you explain everything? Time to put your imagination to use.
A/N - I’ve been putting out a lot of sexy fics recently. Why not some fluff?
Song Inspo: Style - Taylor Swift and Perfect - Ed Sheeran
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It took so long just to get two human beings to eat breakfast.
“Charlie, Sam, breakfast!” You called up the stairs, sighing after you did. Your hands were on your hips in true mom fashion, and disbelief and faux-regret was your adrenaline high this time as you wondered why exactly you had kids. That you loved to death despite their poor eating schedule. “Come on, I made pancakes.”
The thundering of little feet on the stairs told you that you had two incoming hurricanes.
Your seven year old boy, Sam, and your five year old girl, Charlie, appeared at the bottom of the stairs with broad smiles, crashing into you for a bear hug that knocked the wind out of your sails. You laughed as you hugged them back, giving a few pats of their head each. “Hey, there. Ready for breakfast?”
“Is there syrup?” Charlie asked eagerly, running and hopping into a high chair, grabbing her plate of pancakes and bringing it to her with a familiar lick of her lips and happy, twitchy grin. Sam had gotten his father’s hair, while Charlie had gotten yours. But the eyes were swapped around, and it was always a point of laughing. Not one child could be more like one or the other.
Arguably, both kids had their father’s dimples and smile. So yes, he could stake his claim.
“And whipped cream?” Sam added with a toothy grin.
You shook your head with a chuckle; such chatterboxes. You opened the fridge and a cabinet, getting out the maple syrup, whipped cream and strawberries. “Not too much, ok?” You passed the toppings to them, and with a chorused ‘yes, mom’, they proceeded to completely disregard your orders. It made you shake your head again, huffing out a breath when all sense of scolding them disappeared once you saw the golden morning light hitting their little heads as they squealed and laughed.
Kids. You loved them to bits.
“Mom,” Charlie asked through a bite of pancake and whipped cream that smeared over her mouth, “have you ever loved someone before?”
The question startled you slightly, but you grabbed a kitchen towel, cleaning her lips with a soft smile as she shied away with a shriek of delight, little bunches waving about wildly. “Course I have, sweetie. But only once.”
“Ooh, tell me, tell me!” She giggled, while Sam cringed a little, muttering a small ‘gross’ that got a sharp glare and pout from Charlie. Out of care for his little sister, he shut himself up.
You took a slow breath in to give yourself time to think, leaning on the counter and putting down the paper towel. “Well, it started a long time ago. When I was twenty six, all young.”
“That’s old.” Sam wrinkled his nose in confusion. You scoffed lightly, because it damn wasn’t, but he was just a kid.
“Behave, Samuel.” You ruffled his hair with a laugh. “We met at my old job. 4th October, 2006. He had his brother with him. Now, I thought he was trouble. He had a leather jacket and one of those really fancy, loud cars and he was very popular with girls.” You reached out to tickle Charlie’s side, which had her squeaking. “But he was likeable, and charming, so I wanted to bump into him more often.”
“Was he cool?” Sam perked up, suddenly very interested. “He sounds cool.”
You pinched his chin affectionately. “The coolest. But our job was very tiring. We went through a lot of big stuff, like I told you in your bedtime stories. There would be vampires and werewolves and fairies of all kinds, but he and I would always save the day. And if we didn’t, we’d save the next day.”
“You saved the world!” Charlie exclaimed, making an aeroplane with a pancake bite on her fork. The action sent a flutter of warmth and love through your chest. For your family. Something you thought you’d never have.
You nodded, guiding the bite to her mouth gently before your hyperactive child sent the fork flying. “That’s right, gumdrop. We saved the world.” It was like telling a story, of you and your prince. “I couldn’t help but love him. He’d call me sweetheart and hold me tight. He’d look at me with a wide smile on his face, just for me. And he told me I was the one he was looking for.”
“That’s corny.” Sam piped up, but he also had a wide, goofy, dimpled grin on his face. He leaned forward. “So, where is he now? Did you two leave each other?”
“Well, he-” The sound of the door opening and closing echoed through the house, followed by soft padding steps and heavier ones not so far behind.
“Sweetheart, I’m home!” A familiar voice called, the deep one which always had your stomach doing flips. That you heard murmuring sweet nothings in your ear every damn day. “C’mon Miracle, stay still- attaboy. Such a good boy.”
“That would be your father.” You sighed, not in a disappointed way, but a lovesick teenager way because hearing the word ‘sweetheart’ from your husband’s mouth never got old.
Your husband. Damn, you didn’t think you’d make it to that point. Not when Chuck was still a threat. Or even that rebar that Jack saved him from.
Your kids shrieked happily and practically flew off their high chairs, sprinting towards their dad, who was busy taking off his jacket in the hallway.
Dean Winchester. All 6’ 1” of flannel and denim, but this time with burden-free smiles and lit up looks.
When he saw his two munchkins, the jacket was off in a flash and he’d bent to one knee in order to absorb the impact of two koala hugs. “Aw, hey, squirt number one and two. Hope you didn’t give your mom much trouble.”
It felt so much better than the impact of a punch. Indescribably better.
“Dad!” The two giggled at the same time, accepting two kisses on the forehead each while being smothered by their dad’s strong arms. Warm and comforting and no longer instruments of destruction.
They’d always be somewhat like that, Dean thought in the back of his mind. The seed of doubt sowing in again.
Then Dean saw you in the hallway, and his brain forgot to work, doubts forgot to sow and crept into the dark corner it came from. You, his wife (he never got tired of the way that word rolled off his tongue), Mrs Winchester, standing there all pretty looking at him with those eyes of yours that always saw through his crap and often jackassery.
Dressed up in his undershirt, your sweats with the last few winks of sleep yet to go from your eyes, but still working yourself to the bone to make sure your kids had a good meal. A far cry of the days where he’d look up, see you covered in blood that wasn’t yours, adrenaline-pumped with that sexy fire in your eyes, machete in hand instead of that ring he bought around your finger.
He preferred this look on you. It meant you were safe.
Dean watched as you gave Miracle an idle scratch before ushering the kids into the kitchen, then walking up to him and wrapping those gorgeous arms around his neck, gorgeous eyes twinkling and your gorgeous lips stretched into a smile.
The whole nine yards, apple pie and picket fence of gorgeous and it was all his. All his personal heaven.
“Mrs Winchester.” He murmured, nudging your nose with his as his arms circled your waist, drawing you in and gripping your hips with both underlying possessiveness and a tender glow in those emerald eyes. Your soul soaring and low, warm vibrations in your body increasing until it was at the frequency of his. Syncing you both.
“Mr Winchester.” You giggled softly as you let your lips meet his once, pulling back. Then you couldn’t help yourself, letting them meet in holy matrimony again. And again. And again, over and over until you were both mentally and physically restraining yourselves due to your children being in the next room.
“We have to stop.” Dean chuckled, his hand tangling in your hair as the other inched down from its place on your hip, taking yet another hit of your honeyed lips.
“We do.” You whispered back, meeting his ministrations with the slow massage of your thumb against his scalp from where your fingers ran through his hair, your other hand on his chest.
Over his heart.
“Hard to when y’looking so pretty, darlin’, and you know it.” He huffed, nuzzling your nose before dipping to press a slow, hot kiss to your jugular. “Wearin’ my shirt too, hardens the bargain. And these sweats, god, you know what they do for your ass.” As if to punctuate his point (and sentence), he gave a quick, firm slap to it. “Ain’t makin’ it easy for me here, baby.”
“Dean!” You squeaked, giggling. “Our kids are in the kitchen.”
“Lil’ buggers. My sex drive’s arch nemesis.” He groaned against your neck, but listened anyway, taking his hand off your ass and cupping your cheeks, pressing a loving kiss to your forehead, then hairline. “C’mon.” You two made your way to the kitchen, where Miracle then padded over, rearing on his hind legs to paw at Dean’s jeans for attention. He obliged, bending down to ruffle Miracle’s golden coat.
“Hey, boy.” He whispered, fingers doing good work to give Miracle the love he was whining for. “I love you a lot, ok? But I’ve got a wife, a very sweet, very sexy…” Dean gave you a once over with a lick of his lip and a quick bite of the bottom one, “wife. And I wanna get her in bed today, so don’t ruin this one for me. All respect given. Alright?”
A small whimper of affirmation.
“Attaboy.” Dean gave Miracle a quick scratch behind the ear before straightening up.
“C’mon, mom, tell us what happened to the cool guy!” Sam insisted, which had Dean raising an eyebrow at you in question. Cool guy? Who, what, when, where, how, why?
“Yeah, the one that stole your heart and put rainbows in your eyes!” Charlie added, making a heart with her tiny hands.
Dean smirked, leaning against the counter by his hip. “Oh? Who stole your heart and put rainbows in your eyes, honey? Do tell.”
“First of all, I did not say that.” You chuckled, raising a finger.
“You don’t have to. It’s all here.” Charlie pointed to her own eyes with an intense stare at her finger and a cute pout. It almost had you melting. “But tell us!”
“Oh, fine.” You rolled your eyes playfully with a laugh, then took Dean’s hand and kissed the battle-scarred knuckle.
The gesture making Dean internally melt and externally making his eyes fill up with hearts and his lips twitch into a warm smile.
“I married him.” You said softly, your eyes mirroring the same look.
“Damn right.” He chuckled, leaning forward and meeting your lips in a sweet, slow kiss. Free from the stress of an Apocalypse or a battle. That tasted like coffee and toothpaste rather than beer or whiskey and had no rush. His hand cradling your cheek while yours gently cupped the back of his head. Breathing in his body wash that wasn’t low grade anymore. You still had the unlimited credit cards, so you had more time for things like these. The little things.
You became absorbed in everything Dean, the kiss not as passionate as when he’d dipped you and took your breath away in front of a crowd of hunters on your wedding day but still had the same meaning. The whispers of the vows you two had choked out through tears. He became absorbed in you, in the sweet taste of a croissant on your tongue and your floral scent dizzying and overwhelming his senses in a good way. It was you he was feeling. It felt like you, so real, so safe. It felt like home.
“Ewwww!” You were interrupted by Sam and Charlie, and you broke apart, foreheads pressing together with a soft laugh coming from the both of you.
His hand on your waist, yours carding through his hair. Comfort, assurance, something you both had been deprived of for fifteen straight years. You wouldn’t let being Mrs Winchester go. Not now, not ever.
Mrs Winchester. Never got old.
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neonghostlights · 5 months
Quiet Part Two: When It Started
Vampire!Eddie Munson x Detective!Reader
Series Summary: Ten years after Eddie’s death you are a detective for the Hawkins Police Department. When there are a string of deaths you can’t solve, someone comes back from the grave with answers to everything.
Warnings: nothing really beside upside down stuff, death, missing animals and overall gloom. Next part gets bloodier.
Series Masterlist
End Of September 1996•Ten Years Later
You were tired as you dragged yourself into the station.
It was early, earlier than you wanted to be. Coffee in hand as you made your way to your office that was beside the chiefs.
“Good morning!” Loretta said cheerily from her desk. She was somewhat new, starting just a few months ago after Gloria finally retired. She was a single mom in her forties, trying to make money again after her asshole of an ex left her with nothing except for four little ones to take care of.
“Morning, Loretta,” you grumbled through a breath of air as you stalked past her.
You’d be nicer later after you had a chance to drink your caffeine.
Maybe you’d bring her back a deli sandwich after lunch and pretend that they messed up your order again so you didn’t have to see her eat stale crackers as her lunch from the break room again.
“You’re starting to sound like me,” Hopper called in lieu of greeting as you passed his office to reach yours.
“Haha,” you deadpanned.
You would think the man would want to stay home after dealing with the shit he’s been through. After his sudden reemergence back in 1986 after a hospital mix up and case of mistaken identity that made the whole to m think he was dead he quickly returned back to his role as chief police of Hawkins.
Of course you and a select few knew where he really was all for all of those months and why he was in such bad shape when he returned.
Hopper shook his head as you sat down at your desk.
Hawkins decided to hire a detective after what happened in ‘86. They decided to have someone trained to handle more complex cases instead of just sending deputies on wild goose chases through town.
So that’s why you went to school and took the job once you graduated.
The only downfall was how boring it was. Hawkins population was low since the ‘earthquake’. A lot of people left, and there were quite a few deaths.
Hence, not a lot of crime except for neighbors accusing each other of stealing lawn mowers and run away animals.
“Detective,” Deputy Callahan chided as he slid a file onto your desk. “We’ve got a missing dog. Maybe if you hurry up you’ll be able to get finger prints of the doggy bowl.”
You rolled your eyes. “For the one hundredth time I’m not animal control. Go bother someone else.”
“Leave her alone,” Hopper called from his office. The damn walls were so thin.
And you didn’t really need Hopper to stand up for you, not anymore.
You yanked the file away from Callahans finger tips.
“I’ll find the damn dog,” you mumbled as he walked away with a laugh.
“I can’t believe they messed up your order again,” Loretta gushed as she took a bite of her sandwich.
“I know,” you sighed as you put together yet another coffee for yourself.
“Do you have any plans for this weekend?” Loretta asked.
You raised your eyebrows at her because she knew you never had plans but she was polite enough to ask anyways.
She laughed. “I’m gonna go ahead and get a head start on the kids Halloween costumes this weekend. Jake’s insisting on being a cowboy and Valerie wants to be the tooth fairy.”
“Better then when I was a witch for 7 years in a row,” you shrugged.
“At least the baby doesn’t care what I dress her in as long as it’s warm.”
You smiled and said goodbye to her as you made your back to your desk.
You saw the file sitting on your desk and a rush of excitement went through you as you pulled it off your desk and opened it up, excited to have a new case.
Just to see it was a missing cat.
You threw the file in your cabinet and slammed it hard enough for Callahan to hear in the other room.
You hated this place.
“Kid, I need you on a call. It’s the Walker’s dog,” Hopper said as he poked his head into your office.
“I am not animal control! How many damn times do I need to-“
“No. You’re gonna want to see this.”
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spookypete-94 · 8 months
I Know You
Follows the old wives tales and legends of vampires.
Reader makes friends with Ghost, but does not realize he is hunting her in a game of cat and mouse.
SFW for now, and perhaps make a NSFW chapter later down the road.
CW: blood, biting, swearing
Happy Halloween!
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It was not a common thing that Y/N visited a bar after work by herself, but after the shift she had just completed at her job, it was more than deserved. Holding her head in one of her hands, she swirled her drink, mixing the liquor in further with the base. The burn satisfied her throat on the way down. She set down the empty glass waiting before she got up to get another one.
Before she can even stand to approach the bar, another drink is sat down next to her, and a large man is sitting down in the seat next to her.
"Hello?" She asked, not expecting someone to join her.
"Saw yours getting empty, brought you another."
Turning to fully look at this man, she sees that he is rather large. Fit for sure, his arms looked tight in his long black shirt. He wore a black mask to cover his face, thick blonde hair on his head. The skin she could see was almost a milky white. So very handsome.
"Thanks. I think?" She said, still confused. "I honestly did not come here looking for someone or a hook up if that is what you want."
"Didn't say that's what this was." Eyebrows lifted at her boldness, smiling cheekily under his mask at her response.
Realizing maybe that come off wrong and rude, she sighed. "Sorry, I had a shitty day and don't mean to take it out on you."
"Yeah? Need to talk about it?"
"No," she said, shaking her head, "got into it with my boss. Might not have a job yet, I don't know." Her shoulders shrug arms crossing across her chest, trying to show that she wasn't worried about it.
"Looking for a job then?"
Her eyes narrowed, not sure she liked what he was implying. "Watch yourself," she warned, "I already told you I'm not here looking for a hook up, even if you would pay me for it."
This made him chuckle, her warning amusing to him from someone from her stature. "Not a job like that, sweetheart. I need a maid." The way he called her made her squeeze her legs together tighter, and her mouth went dry.
"A maid?" Her voice hoarse.
"Like a house maid. I'm not home all the time and need someone to clean and take care of my home. I'd pay you, and depending on what your living situation is, you can stay with me."
"With you?"
"There is a guest home you can stay in."
This offer was appalling, to say the least. She didn't even know this man... but pay and some place to live? It would cut her expenses nearly in half.
"I don't know you."
"Then get to know me. If you would like, you could come see the property."
"What is your name?"
"You can call me Ghost."
"Ghost? The fact you won't tell me your real name isn't helping you here. There are plenty of other women here that could be your maid."
"None of them as beautiful and bold as you. Your name?"
He was so smooth, so persistent, made her heart sing. But the fact he was flattering her and flirting with her as well made her flush. She rushed her name out to him.
"Just come look at the property and decide. You don't want to, I'll leave you alone."
Maybe it was the liquor... maybe it was the way he spoke to her, but she agreed.
"Fine," she said, finishing the drink he set down beside her, setting the glass down and sliding it across the table so she could stand up. Before she can fully lift herself up, Ghost had pulled the chair out from behind her, allowing her to better turn herself out to leave.
"Thank you," she said, looking to him. Who said chivalry was dead? But the real icing on the cake was the hand on the small of her back that guided her out the door of the bar and towards his blacked out car in the parking lot. He even opened the passenger door for her? A girl could get used to that... she thought.
"So, why do you go by Ghost?"
"Just a name I was given a long time ago." A short answer that still seemed to suffice her. It was like he had her under a spell... Things she would never let anyone else say to her being enough, let alone getting into a mans car, she had no idea his intentions.
In reality, Ghost had been watching her for a long time now. Waiting for his moment to swoop in and use his ability to charm and captivate her. Calling in to her job today and making a fake complaint about Y/N to her boss, knowing it would start an argument and make her vulnerable. Stalking her, following her on the way home, delighted to see her walk into a bar where he could cause a somewhat normal interaction that would not alert her. Y/N's smell was delightful, sweetly blended with her blood, but now anxiety leaked into it from her hard day, making her scent that much stronger to him. His heart pounded, excited to be able to taste her in his own home. The idea of his teeth piercing that tender flesh of her neck replaying in his mind over and over on the drive home. Satisfied that his charm spell was still working in making her passive in his passenger seat, like she had zoned out.
Y/N watched as they left the city, driving out further into rural area. Trees turning colors and leaves blowing across the road from the turning season distracted her.
"Pretty out here," she said looking out the window.
"Sure is," he said looking at her out the corner of his eye, tongue dancing across his teeth.
They pulled up to a large black gate that opened for him, allowing him in. It looked like a beast welcoming her into it's mouth as it shut behind them... if only she had a fucking clue.
"Wow," she said, stepping out and looking up at the large cathederal type building. "You live here?" Gargoyles guarded the peaks, their faces watching her every movement as if they were alive.
"For awhile now."
The tour started outside the property, him leading through what looked like an over grown garden.
"You haven't had help for a while..." she stated, looking around. Again, another realization that would have raised a red flag for her... but this seemed alright given by his next answer.
"Haven't found anyone I like or trust enough." His voice purring next to her ear.
"Let me show you around inside, and then maybe we can discuss your contract."
He opened one of the many doors on the house, letting her in.
"Let me take your coat," he said, slipping it from her stepping forward, inhaling her sweet scent one more time. She complied, letting him slip it off of her and down her arms, hanging it on a dusty coat rack behind her. She sure would have her work cut out for her if she took him up on his offer.
He seemed to cut the tour off of the house early. It was a lot of ground to cover anyway, and he was starting to get antsy.
"Let me show you my office," he said, opening a door and leading her in. "Have a seat." He said, gesturing to a couch. "Would you like a drink? I can grab you one."
"That would be nice," she said, sitting down on the couch, arm swung over the side, turning to face him.
"I will bring you one, be right back," he said, carefully closing the door behind him and disappearing towards the kitchen.
She looked around, noticing that this room, his office, was by far a little bit cleaner than the rest of the house. Telling her he spent more time in here. There was still dust and cobwebs, but it seemed less due to him using more of the space. Looking around, she noticed a sheet over what looked to be a mirror, making her more intrigued about the place. Standing, she strided over to his desk, fingers running over the top to wipe away then thin layer.
Maybe he really wasn't here all that often... she could stay here and have all this space to herself and not have to deal with this strange man daily. Unable to control herself, she opened the drawer of his desk, the very top one in the middle. In the drawer, she found a picture of a group of men in military attire. The largest she could tell was this man that had brought her here. She turned the photo over.
To Simon, it was addressed. Thank you for your courage and duty to the Task Force 141. - John Price
Next to it was an old piece of paper. Something that looked important, like it belonged in a frame.
Simon Riley January 1st 1885. It read at the top. Was it a birth certificate? Finally, her heart and fear rushed up. Placing the items back inside and closing the drawer quickly, she approached the sheet and pulled it off the mirror, leaving it exposed.
Hearing the door knob turn, she rushed and sat down on the couch, looking up at Ghost - hoping she didn't look surprised. Two drinks in his hand, she could see a startled look on his face.
"You alright?" he asked, her smell changing to him.. laced with adrenaline and hearing her heart pound faster. He was going to have to make his move and fast, the urge rising again within him.
"I'm fine... I'm just worried about my current job is all still. Keep thinking about it," she lied, looking up at him through her lashes, hoping he would buy it.
"Oh." he said quickly, pushing the door shut behind him with his foot. Approaching her, he set the drinks down on the table, taking the seat next to her on the couch. The close proximity of Ghost, next to her, made her rise from the couch walking across the room. Choosing to not raise his suspicions, she made it look like she was looking at the artwork on the walls.
"You collect paintings?" Noticing a lot of the works on the walls were old.
"Family started a long time ago, just been adding to it."
She heard him get up off the couch. Turning her head, she watched the mirror out of the corner of her eye. And just as she assumed, there was no figure, no reflection. Her heart spiked again. Ghost noticed the fear, noticed the fear of wanting to bolt, and before she could, he had her pressed against the wall.
"Where you goin' love?" He asked into her ear, making goosebumps raise on her skin. His hands guided her hair off her neck gently.
She whimpered, trying to push him back, unable to do so. He leaned above her, the mask hiding his malicious smile. He tugged it down, exposing it... and his long canines that glimmered. How pretty... she thought.
He leaned forward, kissing her, pushing her back into his spell. It worked... making her love dumb once more. He baited her with his tongue slipping in out, wrestling with her own. Ebbing it as he pushed her further into the wall, craning her neck carefully with his hand, prepping her to place his mark.
His tongue left her mouth running over her jaw line, heading slowly in the direction of her neck.
He placed a careful bite, tasting his meal before sinking his teeth.
"Such a shame, because you really are a smart and beautiful woman," he taunted getting ready to drain her of the life force running through her veins.
"Simon Riley." she said. His taunt relighting the fire that burned in her.
"What?" he asked stunned and frustrated.
"Simon Riley." Just like that, he could no longer mark her. It wrote among the old testaments, old enough they are now considered legend, just like himself. He leaned back to look down at her, her smile wide knowing she had won.
"I found your name in the desk. You're a vampire. That's why you wouldn't give me your actual name. It holds power over you, doesn't it? I hold power over you now. I know you." she taunted.
He growled, teeth still pronounced. How could he of failed? How did she see through it all?
She chuckled this time, matching how he did earlier at the bar.
"I find it funny, really. A vampire that goes by Ghost. How interesting." Her hands ran up his arms to his face, stroking over his cheeks now. He leaned into her touch, closing his eyes. Sympathy struck her, feeling bad for him.
"Bite me if you must. Just don't kill me." She said, her voice quiet, putting trust into him.
With that, he was over her again arms on either side of her head on the wall. "You sure, love?"
"I'm sure. Just don't kill me." She repeated.
"You really are something else..." he said, biting her neck lovingly, this time making her give a small moan. He inhaled her smell again before he disgraced her neck. He placed his teeth slowly against the skin before sinking them in. Y/N winced, the feeling intense at first. She fisted his shirt, pulling him closer and looking for comfort. He slowly drank from her, watching as he did to make sure to honor her wish of not killing her.
His hands left the sides of the wall, gripping at her waist, holding her up as she started to feel wobbly against him. Just a few more gulps, he thought, before carefully letting her go.
"You alright, love?" His voice raspy, panting as he tried to catch his breath from greedily draining her.
"Uh-huh," she said, slumping against him.
Grabbing underneath her legs, he picked her up and carried her over to the couch, laying her down on it to rest and replenish herself.
"Thank you," he said, leaning down and kissing her again. Allowing her to taste her own blood. Tired from her heart trying to make more and catch up, she left her, unable to answer, head rolling over to the side to sleep. Ghost traced the bite marks, now starting to turn a blue and purple on her neck.
"Sweet, sweet girl." he said out loud, completely baffled at why she allowed him to do this to her. His eyes roved over her form laying on his couch like one of the paintings on the wall. A work of art.
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joshsindigostreak · 4 months
I See Hell in Your Eyes
Chapter Ten
“Flash your teeth though the inside hurts.”
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Vampire!Josh x Vampire!Reader
Authors Note: Happy Valentine’s Day my loves!! The nature of this chapter absolutely called for being posted today, and I had a blast writing it. Enjoy!!
Word Count: 8,589
Warnings: SMUT, 18+, Minors DNI, blood play, cum play, hand jobs, biting, swearing, descriptions of blood, I do believe that’s it!
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The next night, you were awoken by a freshly-turned Vampire kissing all over your face. 
“Sweetheart…it's after eight…,” he whispered against your cheek. Your nose crinkled and you blinked your eyes open, only to find your favorite dark brown irises inches above yours. 
“Yeah? So?”
“As nice as this place is…I miss my bed, and I miss having you in it even more,” he grinned at you. 
You sat up and rubbed the sleep out of your eyes, “you got me there..I should probably go let Dimitri know we need to get-”
“Already taken care of, sweetheart,” he said as he pecked the side of your mouth. 
You looked at him in confusion, “what do you mean?”
“While you were still asleep Dimitri came around and asked if we needed anything, to which I politely explained we needed to be on our way and after a little back and forth everything was settled and he’s got a car waiting for us downstairs to take us back to your apartment.” 
You arched an eyebrow at your Vampire, “what do you mean ‘a little back and forth’?”
Josh’s eyes twinkled at you while the previous conversation ran through his head.
The new Vampire had woken up before you did, and turned towards the door when he heard it open after a soft knock. Dimitri dipped his head in and gave Josh a nod as he walked in. 
“Good evening, dear Joshua,” he greeted warmly. 
“Hi Dimitri,” he replied stiffly. 
“I hope you are comfortable here, despite the circumstances.” 
Carefully, Josh replied, “you’ve been very generous…all things considered, but I think we need to go home soon, if that's possible.” 
Dimitri nodded, “of course. I didn’t plan on keeping you here longer than necessary, but I didn’t want to just toss you out as soon as you were turned. I can have both of you driven back, it's the least I can do.”
Josh looked at him gratefully, “that would be great, thanks.”
The older Vampire glanced at you, still fast asleep, “it's funny, twenty-four hours ago I came to check on you and she was the one watching you sleep. She needs her rest, though.” 
Josh nodded in agreement and looked down at your sleeping form, “she absolutely does.” 
“I wanted to use this opportunity to thank you for your decision, and saving not only yourself, but her as well.” 
“It was a no-brainer.”
Dimitri eyed him curiously, “You know that wasn’t the first time I’ve offered a hunter the opportunity to be turned?”
“Oh yes. Your…people aren’t as stealthy as you think. Many of them get too cocky and end up being caught. So naturally I give them a choice. Death…or new life as one of us. As someone who grew up in that environment, I’m sure you know that many willingly chose death rather than to ever know the true decadence of blood. I’m sure on your end it's spun to make it seem like choosing death was the “better” choice. That it’s more “noble” to die a human than to live as a Vampire.” Josh looked down at his lap, knowing what Dimitri said was true. “But I’ll tell you right now, dear Joshua, that you? You were the first to ever say yes. The immediate agreement, to lay down your human life just to save…her. To give up the sun? For her. A fool would have watched our conversation and said that you weren’t thinking, that it was impulsive. But I saw your eyes. I saw how you clutched her hand, rubbed her knuckles, and I saw how you didn’t even hesitate. You committed the ultimate sin as a hunter to save the Vampire you love…So don’t downplay what you did. Being turned isn’t an easy process by any means, and agreeing to it is not a small decision. I know it wasn’t easy for her, either.” 
Josh looked over at you again, and gently took your hand that was resting over the covers, “I know…” 
“Now, I’m not one to spread other Vampire’s business, as it's not my story to tell, but I’ve known her long enough to know what she’s been through,” the older Vampire eyed Josh pointedly, hoping he’d get the hint. 
“She’s alluded to some things,” he replied distantly. 
“One doesn’t live for over three centuries without being put through the wringer. When I met her in 1923, she was very lost, and clearly hurting. She’s come a long way since then, Joshua.” 
Josh nodded slowly.
“Don’t ruin that.”
“I don’t…I don’t think I even have it in me to hurt her,” Josh said softly. 
Dimitri breathed through his nose and nodded, “good. I’d hate to have to give you a guided tour of the tunnels underneath this house.” The two Vampires maintained eye contact for nearly a minute, coming to an understanding. The older of the two relaxed his shoulders and smiled at Josh. “Now, the other part of our deal will begin in two nights.” 
Josh raised his eyebrows, “the other half?”
“Yes, the two of you making appearances at my other Blood Den establishments?” 
Realization crept over his face, “oh…that.” 
“Don’t sound too excited, Joshua. You will have VIP status at every Den you visit, along with transportation and sleeping arrangements. I’ll spare no expense.” 
Josh furrowed his brow curiously, “what do we…what do we have to do?” 
Dimitri threw his hands up, “honestly, not much. Your presence alone will garner enough attention. At the most you’ll just answer the same questions over and over again from patrons wanting to know your story from your perspective.” 
“My story?” 
He gave Josh a flat look, “yes, your story. How you loved your Vampire so much that you renounced your entire hunter bloodline to save her and be with her forever. You’ll quickly find out that Vampires love a classic love story, and trust me word travels fast with us.” 
Josh was skeptical, but he had no choice in the matter, “ok…” 
Dimitri’s tone was significantly lighter than before, “excellent. I’ll have a car pick you both up at her apartment. You’ll use my private jet.” 
Of course he had a private jet, Josh thought. His thoughts wandered as Dimitri prattled off the itinerary. He’d only have two nights before his next “chapter” would begin. Which meant he only had two nights with Jake before he took off…again. Fuck. He knew without seeing him that Jake had been a wreck this whole week, he didn’t even need his ‘twintuition’ to know that. He knew how Jake was, and how much Jake despised sudden change. Especially this kind of change. 
“...and the last week of October you’ll land in New Orleans. That Den isn’t necessarily new by any means, but it's currently under renovation and will be ‘reopening’ that week, just in time for Halloween!”
Josh blinked as he refocused, “is Halloween a big deal for Vampires?” 
Dimitri wobbled his head, “not necessarily but we love a good theme. Plus it makes it a lot easier to walk around the city covered in blood.” 
“Makes sense.” 
“Anyway, I’d best get going while the two of you continue to rest. I’ll text you further details soon.”
Josh was once again confused, “how do you have-”
“Oh my dear Joshua, I know so much more than you think,” he flashed him a smile before swiftly exiting the room, shutting the door quietly behind him. You rolled over with an incoherent mumble, and the newly-turned Vampire stared at your sleeping form, deep in thought. 
“The point is, we have about two nights before we’re off on our next adventure,” he kept his tone light, not wanting to worry you. He gave you a brief rundown of the plans Dimitri had, but he left out the part of the conversation where he discussed your past. 
“...so we only have two nights to pack and essentially be ‘on the road’ for the next two months?” 
“At least, yeah.”
“Are you ok with that?”
“I mean…we don’t really have a choice do we? It was part of the deal.” 
You looked off for a second, deep in thought, “sure…are you ready for your new life to begin, Boy Scout?”
He smiled, flashing the tooth gap, “as long as you’re with me.” 
You feigned an eye roll, “if I must!” Smiling yourself, you lifted up to rest on your elbows and gave him a secure kiss, relishing in how he melted into  you. 
The ride back to your apartment was a lot smoother to say the least, which led Josh to believe that Dimitri’s men drove like maniacs on purpose that first time. Knowing that you were in a time crunch, the two of you took a completely G-rated shower, and redressed as quickly as you could. 
You could tell that Josh was anxious to get back to his apartment, the gravity of the last few days catching up to him. He took a few turns a little too fast, and ran a couple red lights, but you just reached over and took his hand, comforting him while he drove. 
He wanted to call Jake, or at least text him, but he was at a complete loss for words. How would he even start the conversation, ‘hey bro i’m still alive…sort of…be there in ten?’ Any type of conversation starter fell flat and clunky in his head. It sounded shitty, but showing up in person was his best bet. 
The block of his apartment came into view, and thankfully a space on the curb was free. In probably the worst parallel parking job he’d ever done, Josh’s Jeep pulled to a stop. He nearly jumped out of the car, not even noticing he had used his new-found speed to circle it to open  your door. You gave him a sympathetic look, and squeezed his hand as you stepped on the sidewalk. He appreciated the gesture, knowing what you were trying to silently say: that it would be alright. But as sweet as you were, he still felt like he had a rock sitting at the pit of his stomach, sinking lower and lower as he ascended to the third floor where the attic stairs started. He looked down at his phone and noted that it was after eleven o’clock, nearing midnight. But he knew Jake would be up. In fact part of him wondered if his twin had slept at all these past few days. 
With a final breath, he gripped your hand and slowly made his way up those narrow stairs. Every familiar creak and groan of the wood normally would comfort him, but as of now it just made his anxiety worse. Finally you two made it to that top, barely-there landing, with only two inches of wood separating him from his other half. 
Because of his sharp hearing, he was able to decipher several voices from the other side. Familiar voices. He gave you a curious look before trying the door, finding it unlocked. With a shaky hand he pushed the door open all the way, fully unprepared for the sight on the other side. 
You were also frozen in place, as you did not know two of the faces that greeted you in your Vampire’s apartment. Sitting on that beat-up sofa, was a rather muscular man with a dark mane of curly hair. His dark eyes were fixed at the doorway, his mouth slightly agape. 
Standing in the middle of the room, was a rather Jesus-looking individual, with long skinny legs and equally long arms. His dark brown sanpaku eyes were darting between the two of you, as if he was unsure of what he was seeing. 
“Josh…?” the one that looked like Jesus said softly. He blinked a few times before rushing over and nearly tackling him in a bone crushing hug. You took a few steps down to give them space on the landing. Josh squeezed him back just as much, burying his face into the taller man's neck. 
“Hey Sammy…,” he muffled. 
So this was Sam, his little brother. Well, little in age only. He had nearly half a foot on Josh. The realization made your eyes water, as the memory of Josh leaving that voicemail echoed in your mind. 
Sam pulled back, just enough to rest his hands on Josh’s shoulders. 
“You’re ok…,” his voice was still soft. 
“Yeah…yeah I am,” Josh said, nearly whispering.
Sam turned to go back inside, his hand still on his brother’s shoulder, but an invisible force kept Josh from following him across the threshold. Because the owner of the building was human, and Josh was only renting, he’d have to be invited into his own apartment. It was a weird technicality that you yourself still didn’t fully understand, but you couldn’t change it. 
Josh looked up at Sam, hoping he’d remember this bit of Vampire lore. His cheeks flushed slightly out of embarrassment, another bit of reality sinking in.
Quick on his feet, Sam put two and two together fast enough that he very smoothly went, “hey come on in, Danny’s here!” 
Josh’s shoulders relaxed instantly and he followed his little brother through the doorway. He was grateful that Sam was on top of his creature lore, or as his fancy degree was called: cryptozoology. He graduated second in his class, bested only by some girl he always complained about in his phone calls home, but her name escaped Josh at the moment. 
Since you were already invited into this apartment, you had no trouble following the two men inside and shutting the door behind you. 
The other man, who you assumed was Danny, had stood up from the sofa and slowly walked over. He was even taller than Sam, but not by much. His curly hair fell just past his shoulders, and his hazel eyes and striking nose had you nearly transfixed. Josh had never mentioned Danny to you personally, so you wondered what relation he was to the rest of them. But something…something else was different about him in particular. For one, he smelled different than the rest, and two, there was this energy behind his eyes that was very peculiar. He wasn’t human, that was clear. But what was he? You studied him, and he seemed to catch on to your stare, and he met your gaze briefly, the color of his dark iris flashing an amber color so fast you almost missed it. Did his eyes just flicker? Or was it the light? No. He wasn’t-, you thought, it had been a good few years since you had run into one of them. 
Werewolves, that is.
“Good to have you back, man,” Danny said as he gave Josh a warm hug. 
As heartwarming as this scene was, it was interrupted by the sound of slow, stomping boots. Jake. 
Josh looked behind Danny, and saw his twin approaching with his arms crossed, an unreadable expression on his face. They stared into each other's eyes.  As tired of a cliche it was, it really was like looking into a mirror. But Jake's eyes were tired, the circles underneath them were even more prominent than normal, and the question on whether he had gotten any sleep lately was answered. 
This time it was Josh who nearly tripped on his feet to get to him, wrapping his arms around Jake’s shoulders and burying his face into his neck. Jake stiffened at first, and after a few excruciating seconds, slowly uncrossed his arms and wrapped them around Josh’s back. They almost looked like puzzle pieces this way, perfectly fitting together with their same height and builds. 
Even from the other side of the apartment, you could hear the shaky breaths the two were taking, as if both of them were trying to keep it together. But neither could fight it anymore, and the shaky breaths tumbled into full on muffled sobs. 
You had to turn away, it was too much for you. Quickly you found a spot on the floor, a scratch in the hardwood to focus on. But as emotional as it was, you were glad that Josh was able to see his brothers before whatever Dimitri had in store for you started. 
However, the spot on the floor couldn’t stop your ears from hearing Josh whisper to Jake, “told you I’d be ok…” After a few minutes, the twins pulled apart and quickly rubbed their eyes dry. 
Josh seemed to snap right back into “lighten the mood” mode and immediately formally introduced you to both Sam and Danny. 
Sam, it seemed, had inherited a charm very similar to his oldest brother, and gave you a warm smile as he shook your hand, “so you’re the Vampire from the file…,” he threw a look at Josh, “that he stole.” 
Seizing the opportunity, “oh, the file that was almost entirely incorrect?” 
Sam’s smile fell slightly but he recovered, “if that’s the case I’d love to correct it.” 
Josh watched the exchange, and noticed that Sam was still holding your hand. He arched an eyebrow as he looked from you to Sam. 
“Anyway, this is Danny, Sam’s childhood best friend,” he said loudly to get you to look over at him. 
“More of a brother, really,” Sam corrected, his eyes twinkling playfully at you. 
“It's lovely to meet you,” Danny said, his low voice causing you to turn your attention to him and shake his hand. His pulse was different from a human’s; faster, and his hand felt significantly warmer. 
Exasperated, Josh guided you over to the sofa. CiCi had made her way over and sat to your left. You barely knew her, but her presence was a comfort to you already. You couldn’t decide who was more calm, her or Danny. Sam wedged himself between you and Josh after pulling a black notebook out of his bag.
“Not that fucking notebook…,” Josh said with an eyeroll. You looked at Josh confused and he answered, “he writes everything in those things. You’ve been through, what, forty of them by now?”
“Fifty-six, actually,” Sam retorted while flipping to a blank page. 
“For…what?” You asked. 
“Important scientific research of course!”
Josh leaned forward and gave you a look, “he wants to be the Jane Goodall of supernatural creatures.”
Sam’s lips parted in offense, “Jane Goodall is a hero.” 
You turned to CiCi and whispered, “is it always like this?” 
She nodded, “just be glad they haven’t tackled each other yet.” 
“Yet,” Danny said with a shake of his head and a small laugh. 
Sam, undeterred by his older brother, leaned over to you with curious eyes, “so…do you have a favorite blood type?”
“You don’t have to answer that,” Josh leaned forward to cut in.
You chuckled and smiled at Sam, “A Negative is always a good one.” Instantly Sam scribbled down your answer, nodding his head. 
The mood in the apartment remained light, despite the circumstances, but you felt eyes on you every so often. Eyes that were identical to your boyfriends. Jake hadn’t fully joined in on merriment, preferring to sit at the little table across the room with a beer. Danny sat across from him but Werewolf was fully engaged in the conversation. Jake remained quiet. 
Sam distracted you from it all by bringing over the file he had made about you and nearly grilled you on things that he “somehow got wrong.” He gave Josh a look when he saw the handwritten, favorite color: purple, note on the first page. But seeing it again made you look at Josh with warm eyes, remembering when he had you up against that tree. 
“...Natasha is going to be so jealous when I get back,” Sam mused quietly as he crossed out sections in the file and made corrections. 
“Since when are you talking to her again?” Josh asked. 
Sam squirmed slightly and chewed his lip, “we’ve been…we’ve been working together…”
You looked at them confused, “whose Natasha?”
“This girl Sam went to college with that he’s had a thing for forever,” Josh laughed. 
“What do you mean, ‘working together’?” Jake finally spoke.
Sam’s face was getting redder by the second, “she needed help for a research project and I…volunteered to help and she’s been helping me organize a lot of my archives ever since.” 
“That’s one way of putting it…,” Danny said. 
Sam gave him a hard look, “that's all we’re doing. It’s completely professional.” 
Josh looked at Danny, knowing the Werewolf would know the truth, “really?”
“Oh I stay far away from whatever it is they get up to in the basement,” he threw his hands up in defense. 
Josh gave Sam a disgusted look, “really…in the basement?”
“Oh my god that’s not what happens!” The room quickly dissolved into laughter at Sam’s embarrassment, with the exception of Jake, who fell back into silence. 
In the lull, Josh looked over at you, a little nervous about telling his brothers that he was going to be leaving the following night. Sam leaned forward, writing in his notebook, which let you reach behind him to gently twirl some Josh’s curls in your fingers. He still couldn’t get over how much your touch soothed him. 
With a deep breath, Josh looked around the room at everyone, “I umm…well we…have something to tell you.” Four sets of eyes turned to you specifically, wondering what Josh was talking about. 
“What is it,” CiCi asked. 
“We’re umm…we’re leaving tomorrow night,” he said quickly.
“What do you mean you’re leaving?” Jake’s voice was sharp and bitter. 
“Part of the…deal…was that if Josh was turned, the two of us would make a few appearances at some Blood Dens that Dimitri owned,” you answered. 
“It's kind of a marketing thing, and it’s only for a few months-”
Jake cut you off, “are you fucking kidding me? Not only do you get to turn him into one of you but now you have to parade him around like some traveling freak show?” 
“That’s not what this is,” Josh cut in, giving Jake a warning look. 
“Oh, please enlighten me how it’s not, Josh,” he replied with an eyeroll. 
Josh scoffed, “look, it's only until the end of October, and then I’ll be free to do whatever I want.”
Jake straightened his shoulders, “not everything,” the implication was heavy in the air. He looked down at his watch, and then looked up at CiCi, “I think it's time we get to the hotel.” 
“Jake…,” Sam tried but he was ignored. 
Josh stood up at this, “what do you mean the hotel?” You looked around and noticed that the air mattress was no longer on the floor, and that their bags weren’t there either. 
“When Sam and Danny got here yesterday I got a room at the same hotel they were staying at. My back couldn’t take the air mattress anymore.” 
Josh deflated a little, “you don’t…you don’t have to do that there’s plenty of room here.” 
Jake stood and waved his hand, “it’s fine. It’s almost 1 AM anyway.” 
Before anyone could protest he was out the door. You needed to talk to Jake, you needed to explain. You stood up and went after him, distantly hearing CiCi apologize to Josh on Jake’s behalf. 
You followed him all the way out to the street, before he turned around and gave you a hard stare. 
“Can I help you?” 
“Jake please just let me-”
“I don’t want to hear it,” he shoved his hands in his pockets and turned his head to look down the street. He turned back to face you, “you know we’re five minutes apart, right?” 
The chilly night air nipped at your ankles as you silently listened. 
“There was a running joke that Josh pushed me out of the way to come out first and he’s held it over my head our whole lives,” he looked down at his feet and twisted the toe of his boot into the sidewalk, “five minutes. Five minutes older. Five minutes wiser. And now?” He looked up and locked eyes with you, “Now I’m 48 hours older than him and it doesn’t feel right at all.” He mumbled the next bit, as if you weren’t supposed to hear it, “I’m not meant to be older.” 
Jake turned away from you for a moment, nearly turning around so you couldn’t see his face, but the small sniff and the way he quickly rubbed at his face was a dead giveaway. You felt like absolute shit. The guilt was still eating away at you, even if Josh tried to reassure you that he was fine. It was more than Josh, and you couldn’t help but blame yourself.
Eventually, after a few tense minutes, he turned back to you. Dark, red-rimmed eyes looked at you in pure disgust, “all I’m saying is…you better be fucking worth it.” 
Before you could open your mouth you heard the rest of the group make their way downstairs and through the front door of the building. They filtered out onto the sidewalk one by one, trying to not let the moment be as awkward as it already was. You looked at Josh who was trying his best to look unbothered, but you could see through it. 
CiCi gave you a small hug and whispered, “he just needs time…,” referring to Jake.
You nodded and hugged her back, before looking over at Sam who had files tucked under his arm. 
“Are you going too?”
Sam nodded, giving you a sympathetic look. He turned and gave Josh a hug, mumbling something about finally getting his files back, and to text him later. Danny stood there rather awkwardly, but he looked at you, and flashed his eyes again quickly. It was a small formality that Werewolves did, they were very big on nonverbal communication. But you understood it, and nodded as he turned to get into his car. 
Jake pulled Josh into a final hug, not as intense as the one earlier, but almost. He pulled away and like Sam, told Josh to call him later. The four of them got into their respective vehicles and drove off to whatever hotel they were staying at, leaving you and Josh alone on the street. His eyes were fixed on Jake’s car in particular, watching it drive off until it took a left and disappeared out of sight. 
You turned to your Vampire, taking his hand into yours, “are you ok?”
“I just…let's get back inside…”
Later on in the night, the two of you were cuddled up in Josh’s bed. He had been quiet after everyone left, and you tried to distract him by helping him take down his evidence wall. Sam had collected everything that Josh had “stolen” but there were still other photos and notes left behind. Everything was carefully put in a spare box in Josh’s tiny closet, next to his old crossbow. 
Now, he laid against your chest, letting your arms circle him and your hands gently twist the curls at the base of his neck. Occasionally he’d leave lazy kisses on the forearm closest to his face, working his way up to your palm. 
“He’s never looked at me like that before,” he mumbled into your skin. 
“It’s a lot all at once, Boy Scout,” you whispered to him. 
Josh nodded, “I know it’s just…it’s Jake, you know?” 
You reached up to his face and stroked his cheek with your thumb, “he’ll come around.” 
He readjusted himself to lie fully on top of you, face hovering above yours, “I wanted to tell you something the other night, before you- before I…before I was turned.”
You tilted your head curiously, “tell me what?”
“The first night at that bar, when I was watching you,” he started, suddenly nervous, “it was more than your outfit and general demeanor that let me know who -or what- you were.” 
“I’m confused…”
“I walked in, and I took one look at the crowd and found you instantly. You weren’t paying attention to anything but your phone, but I couldn’t take my eyes off of you.”
“But you…you hated me that night…”
His cheeks reddened, hating how it sounded, “I know…and I’m sorry, I think that's what pissed me off even more.”
Josh was being so vague and not getting to the point, but you played along, “and what was that?”
“That you were the most beautiful creature I had ever seen,” he said, his shoulders visibly relaxing, brown eyes softening even more, “it was like two sides of my brain were fighting each other. On one hand, I had a voice in my head reminding me of ‘why’ I was there, and why I was looking for you in the first place. That you were one of them. But the other part of me, in all my years of hunting, had never realized that Vampire’s could be as pretty as you. I never looked at any twice before that night. They were just numbers and jobs. But you? You almost looked…familiar. I stood at that pool table trying to think if I had ever come across you before, but I didn’t. I would’ve truly remembered if I did.” His fingers traced patterns on your cheek, “I couldn’t help but think, there you are, at the sight of you. And not in the way that I had found my target, but in the way that I was seeing you again for the first time in a long time.”
You were truly at a loss for words, having never had someone speak to you so beautifully, “Josh I-”
“I remember what I said the other night, as well.” 
You licked your lips, eyes shining with tears, “...and what did you say?” 
“I think you know,” a smile formed on his face.
“Then say it, Josh,” you teased. 
He lowered his face to brush his lips against yours so softly that your heart stuttered, before pulling away just enough to look you in the eyes, “I love you, sweetheart.” 
You grasped his cheeks in your hands, “I love you too, Boy Scout,” before pulling him back down to kiss him again. Instantly, he melted into you and smiled against your lips. 
In a flash, the little clothing you both had on was thrown in different directions, leaving you naked on those blue plaid sheets. Your legs wrapped around his waist as your tongue pushed its way past his lips. He moaned into your mouth and grinded into you, nearly gliding his cock through your folds with how wet you were. You rolled him over with ease, kissing along his jawline and down his neck. Out of habit, you were still being careful with him, not wanting to bet too rough. 
Josh seemed to sense that you were holding back and as you were kissing your way across his adam’s apple, he said, “what are you holding back, for?”
You paused, while you were very much aware of his new state of being, you were so used to your hunter being a human that the thought of throwing him around like you truly wanted to still seemed out of the question. With a shrug, you fiddled with the hair on his chin with your fingers, not looking up at him. 
He sat up slightly, resting on his elbows, “I’m not that delicate anymore, you know.” 
This caused you to look up at him, staring into those perfect brown eyes, “you’ll always be delicate to me, Boy Scout.” 
His eyes softened, appreciating the sentiment while he reached up and stroked your face, “and I love that, but we’re both Vampires now, show me how it really goes…”
A wicked grin spread across your face, “you want me to be rough with you, Josh?”
He nodded, eagerly. 
Your eyes darkened at him, and using your strength you pushed him back down onto his back, capturing his lips in a bruising kiss. His hands gripped your hips to the point his fingertips turned white. You moved down his jaw once again and onto his neck, sucking hickeys that stayed for just a couple of minutes before healing. Your nails dug into his hips, and this time you weren’t as concerned if they broke the skin or not. 
Your fangs hadn’t lowered yet, but you were biting your way down his body, enjoying his flesh between your teeth. He threw his head back onto the pillow, mouth agape and eyes closed. Your hand wrapped around his cock as your tongue licked a stripe where his thigh met his body. Your Vampire was an absolute mess of cusses and moans, and he didn’t even know what you had in store for him. You took the head of his cock into your mouth, lapping up the precum and smiling around him as he nearly shouted at the contact. His hands were gripping the sheets, with the very real possibility that he could rip them at any second. You worked your way down his cock, taking every inch of him in your mouth until your nose brushed against the curls at the base. Your tongue worked the underside of him as you bobbed your head.
But before he could get close, you pulled off of him and trailed light kisses down his right thigh. The sigil that he had been given was still there, but was no longer warm or pulsing due to him no longer being human. For now, it was just a pretty tattoo, and a reminder of his past. The real prize was the artery just below it, its pulse singing in your ears as you left open mouth kisses around it. 
“Do you remember when I mentioned drinking from someone's thigh?”
Josh sat up a little at this, and in his lust-fueled haze he nodded. 
“I never got to do this with you when you were human, and in all honesty I was afraid it would get out of control if I did. But as you said, you’re not human anymore, are you?”
His eyes darkened as he stared down at you, “no…not at all…” 
“Would you like me to show you?”
He trapped his bottom lip between his teeth, and his cock twitched in your hand at the thought. 
“Please…,” he breathed. 
With a smile, your fangs lowered in place, and you went back to his thigh, grazing his flesh with them. You pinpointed exactly where you needed to bite, and with a deep breath, your teeth broke the skin and sank into his flesh. One of your hands continued to pump his cock, heightening the sensation for him. The strangled sound that left Josh’s throat was music to your ears as you took your first pull of his blood, his taste flooding your mouth. That flavor that was so uniquely him, and if you were being honest, the best you’d ever had. 
The flashes began as you pulled, not as many as the last time, but still welcomed glimpses into his life. The first was from when he was a teenager, arguing with Sam over breakfast, while Jake stood at the table completely unimpressed. It was such a normal, brotherly moment that you wished you could’ve seen more of it before it flashed to another memory.
 The next was more recent, but his hair wasn’t shaved on the sides, and he hadn’t grown out his facial hair either. It was daytime, and he was waiting outside of what appeared to be a normal looking house. Suddenly, the front door burst open and a younger Jake was shoving a Vampire over the threshold and into the sunlight. The immediate screams and sizzling filled your ears before the memory went dark and you were back in Josh’s bed, your teeth still hooked into his thigh. 
Your hand worked his cock in tandem with your mouth, pumping him while you continued to drink. Within a few minutes, his cock twitched and he cursed up at the ceiling as he came in your hand. Slowly, you withdrew your teeth from his skin, watching the puncture wounds close up and heal on their own. You gave him a final kiss on the area as you sat up on your knees, bringing your cum-covered hand to your mouth to lick off the mess he made. His pupils were so blown his eyes nearly looked black as he watched his cum meet your blood stained lips. You smiled around your fingers, looking up at him through your lashes. 
He couldn’t take it anymore and in a speed he could only recently achieve, he had you pinned down on the bed. His mouth claimed yours and he reviled in the combination of his own blood and release that met his tongue. 
“My turn…,” he announced in a low, gruff voice. He kissed his way down your body as you had done to him, biting and nipping at your skin. He stopped at your breasts and took his time in giving both of them attention. His tongue swirled around your nipple while his hand pinched and squeezed the other, and he switched to the other side before continuing down your torso. 
His lips skipped right past where you needed him most, zeroing in on the same spot on your right thigh. He looked back up at you through his long lashes, and you nodded at him, breathing out a yes. Looking down at your thigh, he concentrated and his fangs lowered into place a lot easier this time. You couldn’t help but smile, proud that he was getting the hang of it. 
He roughly bit into your flesh, sinking his fangs deep into your thigh. You weren’t kidding when you had told him that feeding from the femoral artery was a lot faster than the neck or wrist, as your blood flooded his mouth so quickly he nearly choked. But he used this to his advantage and swallowed quickly before taking a true pull. Your cherry-flavored blood was all he could think about. It was so sweet, so you, that he wanted to taste you every single day for the rest of his life. 
In his mind's eye, a memory of yours came into view. It was dusk, and you were being risky in the remaining sunlight, keeping yourself under the awning of a building on the street. It looked to be sometime in the 1800’s, given the carriages and clothing. Your eyes were fixed on a man sitting with his son on a bench across the street. He recognized the man from the other memory he had seen the other night, the one you called “Colin.” The one you had been in bed with. You were watching the two of them, sadness filled your eyes and your hands twisted your gloves. Colin and his son were oblivious to your presence, and you made no move to make yourself known. 
The memory flashed to another scene, this time it was noticeably later, maybe the fifties going by your hair and attire. You were chatting up a few friends at a bar, lighting a cigarette and laughing at one of their jokes. It was such a stark contrast to the memory before it that it almost gave him whiplash. 
As he came back to reality, his hips ground into the bed, already hard again. Hesitant that he wouldn’t be able to stop, he pulled his fangs from your thigh, licking at the bleeding wounds as they healed. 
Over the next few hours, he took you against any available surface he could find. A round against the wall, another on what little kitchen counter space he had. There was even an attempt at using that tiny poor excuse of a table, but you may or may not have pushed him a little too hard against it, resulting in one of the legs to give out and send you both to the floor in a fit of giggles. 
Eventually you ended up back in his bed, wrapped up in each other and in the now completely ruined blue plaid sheets. It wasn’t until the sun was peeking through the curtains that you two collapsed in exhaustion, letting sleep wash over you as you laid in each other's arms. 
The next night, Josh awoke to a few texts from his brothers. There was a selfie from Sam, showing he and Danny sitting next to each other on a plane, with an accompanied text that read, “on the flight home, promise I won’t clap when the plane lands.”
He laughed softly and then opened the text from Jake, which was short and sweet, “just got to Memphis”. There weren’t any other messages or missed calls, and went back and forth with himself on what bothered him more about it.
Instead he distracted himself with cleaning up and packing. He started by picking up his poor lamp that had somehow landed on the floor during your escapades and making sure it wasn’t too damaged. He organized his suitcase while you took a shower, his cheeks warming at how domestic it all felt. 
When it came time for the two of you to leave and head back to your place and wait for Dimitri’s car to pick you up, Josh couldn’t help but feel a little sad in leaving the tiny apartment. It was only for a few weeks, but he had grown rather attached to the place recently, and he was going to miss it. 
Back at your apartment he helped you pack multiple suitcases.
“Are you really only putting shoes into this one?”
You looked at him confused, “and what about it, Boy Scout?” 
He threw his hands up, “no reason…no reason at all…” 
“One thing about me, I never travel light,” you remarked, kissing him on the cheek before venturing back into your closet to grab more clothes. Centuries of traveling had made you an expert in packing, and even with all your little tricks to get more into a bag, you still always traveled with a bunch of suitcases. 
Within an hour, you had six different bags next to your door. Dimitri had sent you a text stating that his driver was on his way to take the both of you to the jetport. All you were waiting for now was a knock on the door. 
Josh stood next to you, slowly lacing his fingers with yours in anticipation. 
At his touch, you turned and looked at him, “hey, we’re going to have fun,” you reassured. “Dimitri will take good care of us. All we have to do is look pretty and in love.” 
Josh tried to hold back a smile, causing the dimple in his cheek to show, “does this make us Katniss and Peeta?” 
Your eyes widened in mock offense, “this is not the same and you know it!”
A smile fully cracked on his face, his tongue between his teeth,  “how many districts -i mean- Dens do we have to visit?” 
You playfully pushed at his chest, “not twelve!” The both of you dissolved into giggles, enjoying these last few moments before your next adventure began. 
Catching your breath you said, “Besides, can you even bake?” 
You gave him a serious look, “Bake. Peeta was a breadmaker, so have you ever made bread?” 
“Woah woah, who said I’d be Peeta in this situation? You’re the one who's all gungho on this telling me to play along and smile like the Capitol wants…” He planted his hands on his hips and looked down at the floor dramatically, “I’m the one who was plucked out of his normal life, away from his family…and technically I am an archer by trade…”
You rolled your eyes, “Katniss used a regular bow and arrow, not a crossbow, so that doesn’t count.” 
“Whatever you say, Peeta.” 
“You little sh-”
The cute moment was rudely interrupted by an equally rude pounding at your door. 
Time to go. 
Now you were in the backseat of the same SUV that had picked you up those few nights before, but this time you weren’t fearing for your life. You made it a few blocks from your apartment before a thought occurred to you, and you leaned forward to speak with the driver. 
“Hey, can you make a right up here?” 
“I’ve been told to take you to the jetport, miss.” 
“I’m aware. But please make a right,” you said tightly. 
With a huff he obliged, turning down the side street. 
“Ok just pull over on this block.”
“Miss I really-”
“Just give us five minutes, I promise. I’m sure Dimitri has plenty of other henchmen on standby if we take too long.” 
“Five minutes,” the driver repeated, giving you a stern look in the rearview mirror before he pulled up to the curb.
You grinned and took Josh’s hand and got out of the car. 
“Sweetheart where are we-”
“I just…I wanted you to meet someone before we left!” You pulled him down the street and turned into an alley, and a familiar heavy door came into your view. Josh was still completely bewildered as to what you were up to, but he trusted you. You flashed him another smile before banging on the door. 
The door swung open, and a rather annoyed New Yorker stood on the other side. 
“Now what the hell- Kid!” Les’ eyebrows raised in surprise, and then furrowed in concern, “you in trouble again?”
“No no, I just…I wanted to see you before I took off again for a little bit.” 
“Oh, well, come right on in,” he sidestepped to give you space, but when Josh followed behind you, he blocked his way. “Now who is this?” 
You turned and tried to hold back a smile, “oh this is…Josh…” 
Les stared at him, looking at him up and down and quickly analyzing him. 
“He’s not human…so he can’t be your dinner…you gotta be invited in?” He looked down at Josh. Les was easily over half a foot taller than Josh, and he used his height to his advantage. 
Josh gulped, totally caught off guard by your friend. Behind the intimidating man, he noticed several different weapons lining the walls and he felt his fangs threaten to come down in defense. 
“Les, he’s with me he’s fine.” 
The corner of Les’ mouth twitched but he motioned for Josh to come in anyway, “well why don’t you come inside then.” 
Josh quickly crossed the threshold before Les shut the door behind him.
Les wasn’t through with his questions, “you got a last name?”
“Les,” you sighed before standing next to Josh, taking his hand. 
“Now, now Kid, he's a big boy, he can answer for himself.” 
Josh squared his shoulders, “Kiszka.” 
There it was. The lightbulb went off in Les’ head, and his eyebrows raised again. 
“A Kiszka…just had to be invited in?” Oh, now he was connecting the dots. He turned to look at you, trying to hold back a smile, “so I was right?” 
You opened your mouth to make a smart ass remark, recalling when he had made the suggestion that the hunter who cuffed you was a bloodline hunter, more specifically a Kiszka.
Les turned back to Josh and took a full step forward, “so you’re the one who put her in those cuffs? You didn’t even see the shape her wrists were in when she got here.” He pointed over to his work bench, his voice cold, “took hours to scrub out her blood from my bench.” 
“Well…about that,” you started, before giving Les a rundown of the last few weeks. The range of expressions he had on his face as you told your story was comical. After you finished, he was quiet for a few moments. 
He looked at Josh sympathetically, “the Council are a bunch of assholes, damn. So where does Dimitri have you running off to now?” 
“First stop is Chicago, at his new Den.” 
Les nodded, “Chicago is decent…but their pizza sucks. If you can even call it that.” His mouth twisted in disgust, “more like a casserole than anything…guess it's good you can’t eat it anyway.”  
You laughed, “I’ll remember that.”
Les turned and pointed his head toward the wall, where a familiar pair of cuffs were clean and hanging on a nail, “I wasn’t going to anyway, but you’re really not getting those back.”
Josh replied lightly, “that's perfectly fine. You can keep them.”
The arms dealer narrowed his eyes, “oh I wasn’t asking for permission. Finders keepers and all that.” 
Josh gulped again. 
“Now come on, give me a hug,” he said, holding his arm out to you.
You nearly leaned back, “since when do you hug?”
“I’m only going to ask once, Kid.” 
You smiled and wrapped your arms around his waist in a full hug. The gesture warmed your heart, as you had never seen Les be affectionate to anyone, let alone you. 
As you pulled away, you whispered, “I really like him, Les…” 
He gave Josh a warning look over your shoulder before replying, “if he puts one finger out of line, you know how to reach me.” 
“Les,” you warned again. 
He chuckled slightly, “ok, ok. Now get outta here, you have a plane to catch.” 
He opened the door, and you waved at him before nearly bouncing out the door. Josh followed behind you, but was stopped by a large hand on his shoulder. 
Les leaned in close to his ear, “I meant what I said. You ever hurt her like that again, Dimitri’s little goons and his tunnels will be the least of your problems. I know a lot more than Vampires.” 
Josh nodded, “understood.” 
“Now run along…it's almost Blue Hour, you know,” his voice was ice cold, driving home his point. 
Without looking back, Josh caught up to you in the alley, walking towards the SUV. 
“That was twelve minutes,” the driver said, his voice laced in annoyance. 
“Yeah yeah yeah, whatever we’re back,” you rolled your eyes as you and Josh slid back into your seats.  
The rest of the ride was relatively quiet, and eventually the jetport came into view. The SUV drove directly onto the tarmac, pulling up to the stairs up into the plane. 
This was it. 
The inside of the plane was as luxurious as you expected. Leather seats lined one side as one massive couch, with fixed chairs and tables on the other side. You took your seats on said couch, the both of you feeling a little out of your depth at this point. 
It didn’t take long for the plane to take off, and when you reached altitude, an older gentleman came out of a pair of doors towards the back of the plane. He had a decanter filled with blood in his gloved hands, along with two crystal wine glasses. 
The sudden smell had Josh snapping his head in that direction, his eyes fixed on the decanter. You squeezed his knee, in reassurance, knowing that he was still figuring out how to properly react in the presence of blood. 
The gentleman stopped in front of you, “Dimitri sent his regards, and as a thank you, he sent over a supply of a French vintage, a classic 1972, A Negative.”
You looked at Josh and looked back at the decanter. Yeah, you could definitely get used to this. 
To be continued…
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Tag List:  @dannyandthekiszkas , @readyforthegarden , @sinners-go-to-drink-the-wine , @wideminded-dreamer , @runwayblues , @wildbluesorbit , @llightmyllovee , @rhythm-of-space , @sacredthefran , @writingcold , @alwaysonthemend , @wetkleenex-gvf , @josh-iamyour-mama , @lightsofthe-living-gvf , @gvfcinema , @sacredthethreadgvf , @losfacedevil , @jakekiszkasbuttsweat , @shutupdevvie , @hearts-hunger , @gretavanfleetposts , @ascendingtostardust , @mackalah , @andromeda-raine-gvf , @jake-kiszkas-smirk , @gracev0609 , @sacredjake , @earthlysorrows , @gvfpal , @myownparadise96 , @itsafullmoon , @gvfmelbourne , @twistedmelodies , @that-witchy-pan , @gold-mines-melting , @texas-bbq-pringles , @jakekiszkapunchmeintheface , @sadiechar , @char289 , @stardustvanfleet , @sunfl0wer-power , @holdingup-fallingsky ,
71 notes · View notes
weemsfreak · 1 year
Girl In Red (Lips)
Larissa Weems x Vampire Teacher
One shot I thought of as I was listening to Girl In Red
Fluffy ~2500 words
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It was a Saturday night. Your favourite night. Not because you wanted to go out and party, although it has been awhile since you did. You liked how Saturday was a day to yourself, and the nights were usually stress free. Today though, or rather tonight, you were caught up in writing your masters thesis. Teaching at Nevermore and doing your masters at the same time was exhausting, but recently your students have been very well behaved and on the ball with things. Kind of suspicious.
You were writing your paper on The History of Shapeshifters. You were a vampire, so this topic related to your specialty, but it was a bit far out. You wanted to write your paper on something more rare in the outcast community, but this topic may have been chosen by you because you wanted to spend more time with a certain someone. You wanted to get to know her better, and you wanted to show her that you thought her specialty was rather interesting. You were an English teacher, so you always had to take the time to perfect your work, even though that was technically impossible. After researching and writing all day, you had questions about the biological part of shapeshifting. How did it work, specifically? How do you change formation? Do your cells change? You should know more about shifting, but you weren't the best at chemistry, although you had always found it fascinating. Luckily, Larissa took the same masters years ago, she was the English teacher at Nevermore before she became the principal. Obviously, she would be the best person to ask if you had any question at all. You looked to your phone, “Hmm 8pm, she shouldn’t be in bed yet.” You jumped from your bed and collected your bag with your laptop. Remembering that you were wearing shorts, an oversized sweater and slippers, you thought nothing of it as not many students would be out this time of night.
Arriving in the hall one over from her office, you hoped that she would be there. Her living quarters were attached to her office, so she basically didn't leave it. You paused in the hallway, you could hear music in the distance. You recognized the song, Girl In Red. "Girl In Red slaps, someone is cool" you mumbled to yourself. You continued walking toward Larissa's office and as you did the music got a bit louder. You stopped in front of her large wood doors, staring at yourself in the gold plaque. Is the music coming from her office? You leaned in close to the door, placing your ear against it. "I don't wanna be your friend, I wanna kiss your lips.." was playing inside, muffled by the doors. You went wide eyed and slapped your hand over your mouth so you wouldn't squeal out loud. Larissa is listening to Girl In Red! What? Is she...you know? You guessed there was no reason you would know, she doesn't have a partner that you knew of. Trying not to smile too big, you brought your hand up and knocked on her door. A few seconds later, the music stopped. You tried not to laugh, you probably embarrassed her. She opened the door slowly and smiled when she saw you. Still, you could see the nervousness on her face. Pretending you didn't just hear her music, you quickly said "Hi Larissa, sorry I'm visiting at this hour, I just wanted to ask you a few things for my paper! If you're free?" She opened the door to let you in and gestured for you to sit at the fire. She held up a bottle of red wine, "Would you like a glass Sansa?" Of course you did. You pulled out your laptop as she sat next to you, passing you the glass. "So, I just wanted to know how shapeshifting works, like chemically. Cells and stuff. I read about it online, but it's not explained well. I thought you could do a better job" you looked over to her, hopeful and all smiles. She was still in her makeup from the day and her hair was done up, but she was wearing a tan colored satin sleep set. You looked her up and down right quick, hoping she wouldn't notice. "Wait, is this your masters thesis?" "Yes" "You're writing it on shapeshifting?" You froze, suddenly you were the embarrassed one. You thought she already knew that was your topic, you hoped she didn't ask why. "Um, yes." Her face lit up and she smirked as she looked to the fire, taking a drink of her wine. "Okay, well I'll tell you all about it."
You tried so hard to write down everything she was saying, it was so interesting. You wanted to understand it all. She was so easy to listen to, her voice so soothing. Despite this, it was hard to listen when all you could do was watch her. You stared at her the whole time, trying to type while only glancing at your laptop. She talked with her hands and watched you the whole time she explained it. She was mesmerizing, she was smart, witty, clever, stunning, and her smile lit up the whole room, never mind the fire. At one point you stopped typing, you got too lost in watching her and didn’t process any information. "Sansa, are you okay?" she asked worried, you hadn't typed for the last minute. You snapped back into reality as you realized she stopped talking. "Oh, sorry Rissa, yes, continue." She told you everything she knew that she thought would be helpful. In the end you had pages of information. Finishing your third glass of wine you thanked her. "Thank you so much Larissa, this is all really good to know. How did you learn all of this?" Books of course, and obviously if you're a shapeshifter, you have a lineage. "Shapeshifting is so rare, its hard to find anything on it, but it's soo impressive" you batted your eyelashes at her, you were no longer thinking before you said things. She blushed as she giggled at you. "Well, thank you for listening to my rambling, love." You'd listen to her talk all day, any day. You shrugged your shoulders signifying that it was no big deal. You didn’t know what else to say, but you didn't want to leave. You put your laptop away, and turned to her. She smiled, "Another glass? Or do you have to go?" You thought about it, you weren't going to get anymore writing done tonight, fuck it. "Well I think I'm done writing for the night, so…" you held your glass out to her. She fill it and put more wood on the fire, then she sat next to you again.
You didn't know what to say, and you were drunk, so you got up and made your way to her balcony windows. "I have another question" you said confidently, trying not to giggle at the thought of the question. "Sure darling, what's up?" You held back a smile, you always loved when she called you darling or love, it was so cute. "What music were you listening to before I came in?" She bit her lip and her eyes went wide, she was embarrassed. She had thought maybe you hadn't heard, it wasn't that loud, was it? "Um, I think it was by Kings of Leon?" Good lie, you thought. "No, I know them, I don’t think it was." Apparently you were a good actress when you were drunk. You looked out the window, it was hard to keep your composure. "Oh, well I don't remember. Did you like what I was listening to?" You went over and sat next to her, closer this time. "Yes I did, it was something about not wanting to be a friend, but wanting to kiss…someone?" You took a sip of your wine, raising your eyebrows at her. She giggled, giving in. "Okay Sansa, so you listen to them too?" "Yes! I love Girl In Red" you said with a smile, laughing. She shook her read side to side, laughing at your state. You noticed her staring at you and you realized she must be looking at your fangs. You stopped smiling, maybe she wasn't comfortable with them. It was quiet for a couple minutes, then she asked you a question. "So, do you just like Girl In Red, or do you like…women?" she asked you quietly. Thank god, you didn't know if she'd ask or if you would have to. "I like women" you replied, as equally as quiet. It's not that you were ashamed of liking women, but you weren't out. Nobody in your life asked or really cared, and you didn’t have a partner either. She looked at you and her face told you all you needed to know. She was in the same situation as you. You smiled at her, "You too?" She looked down into her wine and chuckled, "Yes." You wanted to hug her, you were so happy for her. "Does anyone know that?" you asked her, not wanting it to be out in the open if she didn't want it to. "Not really, but I guess there was no reason for anyone to know." You knew what she meant, she didn't have a partner for as long as you've known her. You sat back on the couch, looking up to the ceiling. Larissa Weems likes women, well shit. This was the best news ever, but all in all, it didn't mean you had a chance with her. Your smile dropped, the hope that you partially had before, gone.
 You sat up and put your hand on hers, "Don��t worry, I won't tell anyone if you don't want them to know." She gave you a small smile, and turning to you so that your legs were touching, she looked you up and down. You didn't know why she did this, you weren't wearing anything even remotely nice. "Do you have a girlfriend?" she asked you, and you frowned, "No, you?" She pursed her lips and looked down again, "No." Why was she asking? Was she just curious or was this an invitation? She looked lonely, ashamed or disappointed maybe? There was something going on in her brain that she wasn't telling you about. She looked back up at you and you couldn't help but hug her when you looked into her big sapphire eyes. You wrapped your arms around her and pulled her close. You didn't know if you did this for her or you, but it felt so comforting. She hesitated at first, then wrapped her arms around you and pulled you closer. You smiled at her soft touch, she smelled of vanilla. Her scent reminded you of something from your childhood, it was so inviting, so pleasing. You didn't want to make it weird, so you pulled away after a minute, even though you would've stayed in her embrace all night. When you released her and went to sit back, she grabbed you and held you close to her body. You sat there, face so close to hers. You didn't know why she was holding you here, it was kind of an awkward pose. You looked over her features, how you loved older women. Her eyes were so bright, she had seen so much yet still had lots of life. The small wrinkles below her eyes and around her mouth were adorable, there because of how much she had shown her beautiful smile over the years. Her lips were full, so soft looking, and god how you loved that red lipstick on her. Oh, you were looking at her lips. You looked back up into her eyes, scared she would get the wrong idea from you looking at her lips. When you did, she brought her forehead to meet yours. She stared into your soul and whispered, "Are you, by any chance, into older women?" Your heart filled with excitement and you giggled at her question, obviously you were. "I love older women" you whispered, it was your little secret. Not so secret anymore, though. Larissa smiled, showing you her teeth. You loved when she smiled with her teeth. It made you feel like the whole world lit up and nothing bad would ever happen again. You brought your hands up to cup her face, she was adorable. So much so, you had to tell her. "Larissa, this may sound really weird, but you are absolutely precious" you whispered to her, still resting her forehead against yours. She blushed and looked down to her lap, you ending up giving a kiss to her head. When she looked back up at you she wasted no time capturing your lips with a passionate kiss. She grabbed your neck so that you couldn't pull back and kissed you like she's wanted you forever. You had no problem giving her the same energy back, she was the most beautiful woman you've ever laid your eyes on. She was so loving, and she tasted like a mix of wine and sophistication. You tangled your hands in her hair, how silky it was. Coming to straddle her, you pushed your hips down into hers, making her gasp into your mouth. Neither she nor you expected you to be so forward, so wanting, but you really adored this woman. She stuck her tongue into your mouth surprising you. Her tongue ran against your fangs and you were scared you'd hurt her until you heard her moan at the feeling.
After a few minutes Larissa pulled away, and you couldn't help the grin on your face. "Did you just kiss me?" you giggled jokingly. She let out a deep laugh as she turned away from you, looking into the fire. Larissa wouldn't ever let on, but she was longing for touch, and that's what she wanted most. You let go of her as you saw her smile fade, like she had lost interest in your activity. You started to climb off of her, thinking that she didn't want you on top of her anymore. As you backed off, she turned her head towards you and again wrapped her arms around you, tighter than before. The look in her eyes told you what she wanted, she just wanted someone. She wanted to bask in someone's presence, and she wanted someone to bask in hers. Gladly, you would do just so. "Sansa, this may sound odd but, can we just be together? Can we cuddle?" Her words sounded so deprived, so quiet, like she was so unsure someone would want that with her. You cupped her face with your hands, "I would love nothing more Rissa." You kissed her cheek, getting comfortably closer to her. "Can I play with your hair?" you whispered, longing to run your fingers through it. She hummed and nodded in confirmation and you reached up to take the pins out. As you ran your fingers through the soft white strands, you settled in her neck and felt her hug you tighter, perhaps tighter than you've ever been hugged. This elicited a happy sigh and a smile from you and you kissed her neck tenderly. "Thank you Sansa" she whispered, and you prayed to all that was worthy and good that this wouldn't be the last time she held you so tight.
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cheynovak · 4 months
Crush Part 2  
Dean Winchester x Reader (Y/N) &  Sam Winchester (platonic)  
Warnings: Fluff, sexual tension, implied smut, alcohol, trauma, nothing too extreme,  
This story might not follow the SPN timeline.  
Side note: English isn’t my first language.  
Words: 4602 
Short recap of part 1: 
Y/N is a high school crush/friend of Sam, when they were 16 y/o they attended the same school for a while. Sam spends his entire time hanging out with her, trying to ask her to prom, only one problem, Y/N likes Dean. Now years later the brothers path crosses again with Y/N, unfortunately she got kidnapped and hurt by vampires.  
Dean and Y/N are falling for each other again. But how will they deal with the trauma in their lives.  
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Please check out my masterlist for more stories.
Y/N opened the blankets, gesturing him to lay down next to her, doubtfully he crawled into bed next to her. For a second, they were looking into each other’s eyes. If the circumstanced where different he would have kissed her now. But instead, she pulled herself closer to him, her face was snugged against his shirt, she could hear his steady heartbeat. Dean’s chin touching her hair, he tugged an arm around her pulling her close. She let go of a sigh “I had a bad dream.” She confessed. “I’m here, try to get some sleep.” he kissed her head. 
Sam woke up by the sunlight on his face. He lifted his head to see if Dean was still sleeping. Noticing he wasn’t on the couch anymore, he turned around finding Y/N and Dean in the bed next to him. Slowly he realised what happened the night before, Y/N the girl both he and his brother cared for, the one person he didn’t want to know about their life was attacked by vampires. All because they tracked down their sent to her.  
At first Sam thought it was a cute scene until he saw the tension. He noticed how Y/N was clinging on to Dean with the little strength she had, while the older brother had his arms wrapped around her, tight. Y/N must have woken up and got scared or had a bad dream. And Dean probably felt guilty for what had happened to her, wanting to make sure to protect her.  
The younger Winchester got up quietly, wrote a note that he went for breakfast and new clothing for Y/N, thinking she wouldn’t want to go out looking like a bloodbath.  
Even though Sam was very smooth in his movement the closing of the door woke Dean up. He glanced down seeing Y/N hadn’t moved since he crawled in the bed with her. His shirt still clenched in her hand, her face still as close as possible to his chest, like she was trying to hide. He turned slightly, to look at the clock behind him, trying not to wake Y/N, 9 a.m. 
“Don’t go.” he heard her mumble. “Don’t worry sweetheart, I’m not going anywhere.” He placed his head back on top of hers. “Dean?” - “hm?” - “I’m sorry, for yesterday. Seeing you, killing that... thing. It scared me.” He moved a little so he could look at her. “Oh no, you shouldn’t be sorry. I am, I should have stayed or even better, never went home with you. It’s my fault they found you.”  
“You regret meeting me?” He saw the tears building in her eyes. “No, no not at all, I just wish you didn’t have to know about all of this.” His hand moved to her cheek as he kissed her head. “Just because we were somewhat forced into it doesn’t mean you should have.” Y/N moved herself on to one arm looking down at Dean. “How do you mean forced?”  
“Our dad, this was, is the reason why we move around so much.” Y/N processed his words for a while. “So, when Sam and I were at school.” - “My dad and I killed monsters.” - “And Sam knew?” Dean nodded. “Why, how do you even start a life like that.” Dean took his time to explain everything to her. How they lost their mom, that his dad was keen on finding the demon, that they killed it but that he and Sam now kept doing the job.  
“You guys never thought of stopping, starting a normal life?” She asked while placing her hand very slowly on his shoulder, letting her fingertips glide over his skin. “Sam did, he went to college, thanks to your ‘you don’t need to be like your dad’ speech.” Y/N smirked while Dean could see the wheels spinning in her head. After a moment of silence, she asked him. “What about you?” Dean normally would laugh something like that off, pretend he loves what he is doing, but he felt like he had a chance to be honest with Y/N.  
“I never really thought about it, it felt like it was my duty. But it slipped in my mind, once or twice.” He grabbed her hand that was still drawing figures on his skin and brought it up to his lips. “That night when I dropped off your dress and last night.” - “Really?” Y/N looked shocked. “Yes. Why is that such a surprise?” - “I don’t know, I always thought I was a fling, for you passing your time.”  
Dean looked shocked, he moved himself, sitting with his back against the bed railing leaving his legs covered with the blankets. He opened his mouth, the second he wanted to tell her how he felt Sam walked in. “Hey you’re up, bought some new clothes and breakfast. Hope you’re hungry, Y/N. ” -”Eh, yeah, I could eat. But I’m going to change first. Don’t wait for me, dig in.”  
Y/N lifted herself of bed, feeling a little wonky on her legs, “Ow, I got you.” Sam rushed to hold her arms while Dean lifted himself to his knees on the bed, to hold her back. “Guys I’m fine, just a little dizzy, you can let go.” She said walking slow to the bathroom.  
“How is she?” Sam asked his brother, “I think she will process it.” Dean said, thinking about his next words wisely. “I don’t want to leave her like this Sam.” - “Ok, what do you suggest?” - “Taking her with us? Or do you want to stay?” Y/N overheard them talking. “I don’t want you guys to stop living your life because of me.”  
“We can’t leave you like this sweetheart.” - “Then I’ll come with you.” - “No, no way!” - “Dean, how much worse can it be?” She was determent. Dean and Sam exchanged a look, making Y/N’s shoulders sink. “That bad huh?” The brothers nodded in sync. “There is so much more than vampires out there.”  
After a few hours of discussing the future the three of them came to a solution. They would stay in town for a few months seeing how things will go, trying to give up hunting. Dean wanted to be with Y/N and Sam felt they at least needed to see if things could lead to a bright future. But one condition Sam had to stay in town, Dean wouldn’t be able to adjust without his brother. Sam himself didn’t mind that.  
After a few weeks of healing Y/N was physically fully recovered. Dean and Sam moved into her apartment, so they didn’t have to pay for motels anymore. Dean and Y/N shared a bed, while Sam took the spare room.  
One morning Y/N woke up from a bad dream, although the days went by smoothly without too much trauma and memories, the nights were a hell. Every night or early morning she would wake up drenched in sweat, clinging on to Dean’s shirt. This morning wasn’t different from the others.  
Usually she was able to sneak out to take a quick shower before Dean would notice she was gone. But today Dean felt the emptiness next to him.  He woke up immediately feeling worried, but then he heard the sound of the shower. By the time he got outside the bathroom door the water stopped.  
“Y/N? Are you ok?” Even though Y/N and Dean shared a bed together they were still very private when it came to the bathroom, part from that one night. Dean felt she needed time to get used to him being in her personal space, they didn’t even name the kind relationship they had yet. Where they friends, lovers, something you can’t name? 
 “Y/N?” he repeated “Please answer me sweetheart.” She still didn’t answer. Now he was really worried. “Y/N if you don’t answer I will kick this door in!” Silence.  
Dean took a step back and planted his foot against the door, forcing enough power to open the door. 
Y/N jumped up by the sound of the door breaking. Covering her body with her hands. Dean rushed in only to find her almost completely naked part from her panties. “What the fuck Dean!” she yelled. “Why didn’t you answer me?!” He matched her tone “I didn’t hear you!” - “Oh come on Y/N! I called for you three times!”  
“Can you please, I don’t know turn around.” Then the shyness came in, he looked at her realising she wasn’t dressed. “Oh eh, yeah I-I'm sorry.” He turned his back to her so she could grab a bathrobe. “I really didn’t hear you.” she said while wrapping the robe. “I was worried.” he answered secretly peaking at her. “Don’t be.”  
“What were you doing?” - “I was looking at my... scars.” she answered a little ashamed not being able to form a lie. She turned back to the large mirror, “I used to think that my body was mutilated with my stretchmarks but these bitemarks...” She took a deep breath. “How am I ever going to...” She stopped her sentence there. 
Dean walked up behind her, wrapped his arms around her waist, his face next to her looking in the mirror. “You want to know what I see?” - “Please don’t say beauty.” - “That too, but no, I see a survivor. A strong woman.” - “Strong...” she mumbled, “I wake up every morning in fear, I take a shower just to cry without anyone hearing it. Tell me Dean, how is that strong?”  
“You’re dealing with your emotions, that’s good.” He locked eyes with her via the mirror. “Am I? Ok, then why haven’t we talked about us yet?” - “What do you mean?” Dean wasn’t sure what she meant. “What are we?” - “Anything you want us to be Y/N. I told you I want to be with you.” - “No, you said you can’t leave me alone, that sounds like an obligation.”  
Dean tilted his head “What are you saying? I’m giving you time to, I don’t know, deal with your trauma.” Y/N pinched her nose. “What are you saying Y/N?” She could hear the desperation in his voice. “I don’t know what I want. I don’t know if I want something.”  
“Something or someone?” His hold on her loosened “Don’t turn my words against me Dean!” - “Ok, then be honest to me, to yourself... Do you want me?” - “I don’t know.” - “Do you want me to leave?” - “I don’t know.” Dean felt like he just got hit with a brick in his stomach. “What do you mean you don’t know?” He asked but his voice got louder.  “I just... I don’t know Dean!” She almost yelled.  
“I’m scared ok! I’m scared of my nightmares, memories of going outside, I’m scared someone, or something will come for us...” She started to ramble. “Of me?” He asked so quiet he thought she wouldn’t have heard it. “Yes!” Y/N answered before even realising what she had said. She could see Dean’s face change.  
He took a few steps back. “You are scared of me.” - “I don’t know if I'm scared of you or just scared of what you do.” She grabbed Dean’s hand. “Are you scared of Sam?” She shook her head. “I know it’s ridiculous since he has been killing the same monsters and all, but.” - “You didn’t see him killing anything.” he finished her sentence.  
“Is that why you flinch every time I initiate a hug or even touch?” She nodded. “But you hug me, you hold me at night. Christ you’re holding my hand right now.” A tear rolls over Y/N’s cheek. “I can bare it when I take the first move. My mind seems to be at peace with it, while when you touch me without me knowing you are going to, I cramp up.”  
There were so much more questions lingering in the air. So much more that need to be said and asked. But Sam as usual had the best timing ever. “Hey Dean... Bobby called, wow, what happened here?” He looked at the door before looking at Y/N and Dean.  
“Bobby called?" Dean repeated not wanting to answer his question. “Eh yeah, he needs us. He said it’s an emergency, he wouldn’t have called otherwise he said.” Dean turned back to Y/N, “You should go.” Was all she said.  
Dean was packing his bag when Y/N sat next to it on the bed. Dean slowed down for a second and looked at her. He opened his mouth and closed it again only to focus on getting his bag filled. He turned to the drawer she emptied months ago for him. Pulling out some shirts. “Dean?” - “Hm?” - “Saying you should go didn’t mean I want you gone.” - “Oh no sweetheart, this might be good for you. Us." He corrected.  
“It’s just, the way you and Sam talk about Bobby, it seems like he isn’t the kind of guy to call when it isn’t important.” - “You’re right again.” Dean said still not looking at her, trying to sound neutral. Y/N grabbed his arm. “Dean...” His eyes glided from where she was holding him over to her eyes.  
Y/N lifted herself on her toes to very slowly close the space between them. Closing her eyes. Her lips brushed against his, barely touching him. When she opened her eyes, she let out a soft shacky breath. “Be safe ok?”  
That was the first time since the attack they shared a kissed. But to Dean, instead of feeling like a step forward it felt too much like a goodbye kiss. He grabbed his bags and walked to the car, he sees Sam and Y/N hug, her almost squeezing him to dead. “Be careful ok, come back in one piece or I'll come for you Winchester!”  
Dean was never, not once in the time they lived with her jealous of their relationship, he knew she saw Sam as her best friend and vica versa. But her hugging Sam without restraining a shiver made him wish for a split second she saw Sam kill the monster and not him.  
As months gone by Y/N had to learn to be alone again, she had to overcome her fears, go outside, going to the store for groceries. She learned to be confident again. Sam would call once a week, telling her, they were safe, not telling what they were doing. She would ask how Dean was, mostly she would hear him yell that he was fine, sometimes he would come on the phone, not saying much. 
One job turned into another one, and another one, and another...Sam’s weekly calls turned into two weeks, once a month... and him saying Dean is fine, he is sleeping or hunting. It had been a while since she heard from any of the boys. And when she called neither answered their phoned, which part from the rest was usual. 
Y/N figured her words had hurt Dean so much that he didn’t want to come back. But the truth is that he was in hell and that Sam didn’t want to tell Y/N. He forgot to call her because he was trying to find a way of getting him out of there. And unconsciously not wanting to lie to her. 
After 4 months Dean got out of the pit, he had trouble to adjust, so he did the one thing he thought could make him feel a little better. He drove miles and miles, hours on end to stand in front of Y/N apartment. It was late, he rang the doorbell, nervous for her reaction. He knew Sam didn’t said anything to her, and he was glad he didn’t.  
“Hello?” - “Y/N? It’s me.” silence on the other end. “Y/N?” He heard the door unlock he got in, by the time he got up the stairs she already stood in the door, wearing a bathrobe, hair pulled up in a high bun.  “Dean? Oh my god!” She wrapped her arms around him the second she could, hugging him tight, pulling herself close against him, her smell filled Dean's nostrils.  He let out a sigh before he found the strength to lift his arms around her, answering her hug. 
"I'm so glad to see you." He heard her saying, sound being muffed against his jacket. "I wasn't sure you wanted to see me." He admitted. "Are you crazy, I was worried sick. Even Sam stopped calling me." After a good minute of hugging they let go, she led him inside. Afraid to let go of his hand until they stood in the kitchen. "You look like you could use a drink."  His lip curled. "I do." - "Bad day?" “More like bad forty years.” She turned to him, looking confused. "Or so it feels like." He added. 
She turned back around, he saw how she had to get on her toes to grab the bottle. Seeing how her robe and dress lifted up. barely covering her behind, unable able to grab the bottle. 
Dean got up, his hand moved hers away "I got you." He whispered standing behind her grabbing the bottle for her. She turned to him, her eyes lighted up when he looked at her. "Thanks." 
Dean couldn't help but to lay his hand on her lowered back. Noticing how she didn't flinch at his touch anymore. "I'm glad I drove to see you." His voice sounded deeper than usual. 
Y/N felt the air shifting between them. Making her breath out a soft sigh. She handed him his glass, his hand touched hers while he locked eyes, taking a sip. 
Thinking there was no way he could tell her all the things he did in hell. But he was sure to tell her how he feels about her. Or at least trying to. 
"Y/N, I..." his words faded, feeling shy and embarrassed walking in her house at this time of the night, wanting to tell her, she was the one he thought about day and night. "It's ok. I know" She said while rubbing her hand over his shoulder. "You don't want to be alone tonight. You need someone to hold you until your sorrow goes away... Am I right?" 
Dean felt like he was nailed to the ground, of course she understood him, he nodded slow. "I don't know what happened, you don't need to tell me if you don't want to. Just know I'm here for you." Those words released his body. His hand gripped the back of her head, pulling her in while his lips found their way to hers. 
This kiss was different from all the others they had shared before. Y/N quickly felt breathless, she could feel the need Dean had to be close to her, to touch her. His hands moved hungry over her body, his lips glided over her cheek to her neck like a man on a mission. 
She felt his hand move under the silk of her nightdress, soft squeezing her flesh. He lifted her up on the counter, moving so he could stand in between her legs, while his hand moved up and down her thighs. Like a man possessed he let go of her, only touching her forehead with his. He kept his eyes closed. "Oh god, this wasn't my intention. This isn't the reason I'm here. I'm so sorry, Y/N." Her hands covered most of his face, holding him up. "Hey look at me." 
Their eyes meet again. "I know, but if this is what you need. It's ok. I don't mind." she kissed him, trying to prove to him that he didn't need to defend his actions. "You sure?" - "Yes, Dean, I'm sure. I want you too." she smiled softly. 
He lifted her up, carrying her to the bedroom where, for the first time in a very long time their love for each other finally blossomed into a night of passion. 
Even though they spend most of the night making love to each other, Dean felt unable to sleep. Feeling Y/N's body against his did miracles in a way that he hoped it would. He was more at ease, drawing circles on her back, playing with her hair, while he watched her sleeping. Noticing she didn't clench to him anymore, happy she found her inner peace while he was gone. 
By morning he did manage to fall asleep, unfortunately not for long. Her alarm went off, Dean startled awake, seeing Y/N rushing in the bedroom drenched, with nothing but a towel around her. “I’m so, so sorry, I thought I had it turned off this morning. Didn’t mean to wake you.” She said looking apologetic. She took a seat next to him in bed. “I made pancakes.” Her hand moving over his fluffy bed hair before giving a small peck on his lips.  
“That’s great. But I crave for something else.” - “Oh, ok what you do you wan... DEAN!” Dean pulled her over him to the other side, hovering over her, making her yelp his name. “Did last night not satisfy you mister Winchester?” Y/N joked while accepting his lips on her neck. “I think I might have a new addiction.” He mumbled against her skin. Y/N turned Dean back around, her towel loosened clearly to the satisfaction of Dean.  
Her lips closing in on his ear. “I’m afraid this will have to wait, I have to go to work.” She teased and jumped of the bed disappearing in the bathroom again. Letting Dean drop his head against the pillow. “Do you really need to work today?” - “I’m afraid so.” She walked out again, fully dressed, ”You showing up at my doorstep doesn’t make my world stop spinning Dean.” She saw the painful look on his face, realising what she just said might have sounded harsh. 
 “I-I mean, for all I know you’ll be gone by the time I get home.” Dean grabbed her arm and pressed his lips against her wrist. “Not this time, I promise.” She nodded believing him. “I’m home around five. Make yourself at home.”  
Dean did make himself at home, he made himself useful, the moments Y/N had to work he took care of her daily chores, like dishes, dinner, shopping. Living the semi normal life brought him peace in his mind.  
Weeks later.  
Y/N got in her car looking at her phone wanting to text Dean she’ll run a little late, seeing Sam had called her 3 times. Immediately dialling back. “Y/N? Please tell me Dean is with you?” -” Yeah, he is, for like 4 weeks now. Why what’s wrong Sam?” - “I’ve been trying to call him for days. I got worried.” - “He is staying at my place. But he is...” - “Off?” Sam asked. “You could say that.”  
“Y/N... Dean had a” he chose his words wisely, “horrible experience a few months back. I might have pushed him into talking about it, and he ran. Saying he needed time to heal or process I don’t know, but I haven’t heard from him since.” - “Sam, he has nightmares, not regular ones. He is terrified when he wakes up. And he pretends it’s nothing.” She took a deep breath, “I know he won’t talk to me, so please, Sam, what happened to him?” 
“There she is!” Dean yelled from the kitchen. “Made your favourite.” He could see there was something off about Y/N, she looked worried. “Something wrong?” - “Dean, I just heard from Sam.” The tension in the room changed. “Let me guess, he told you.” She nodded. “Great!” He threw the oven mitts in the sink, turning his back to Y/N while looking out the window. 
“The question is, why didn’t you?” She wrapped her arms around him kissing his shoulder. “I didn’t want to concern you.” - “I’m concerned since that night you stood at my door, I see you have not been sleeping well. You know you can thrust me right?” He looked at her over his shoulder. “I know I just, I don’t want to scare you again.” - “Dean, it’s hell we’re talking about. Of course, it’s scares me as much as it scares you. But that is why we need to talk.”  
“What did Sam say exactly?” He looked at his hands. “Well, that you were in the pit for 4 months but that it was different for you, like 40 years, right?” She took a pause. “And that you were forced to... torture souls the last 30 years of it.” She saw his jaw clench. “I didn’t want you to be afraid of me again, of what I do, what I did.” He turned around now, finally looking her in the eye. “I’m not. You did what you had to. I don’t believe that was you, the real you.”  
“Dean, I think you need to go back to bobby’s.” Y/N could see the shock in his eyes. “I think you need to keep hunting, I don’t believe being here, playing houseman is the right way to cope with all this. Not for you, maybe for now but long term, you need your brother.” He shook his head “I said I wouldn’t leave you again.” - “You won’t, I’m coming with you.” He shook his head again. “No argument Winchester. We’re leaving tomorrow.”  
Dean and Y/N arrived at Bobby’s place. Sam and Bobby heard the sound of the impala and came outside to greet them. “Sammy!” Y/N jumped out of the car to give him a big hug. “God I missed you big fella.” She laughed. “Missed you too, This is Bobby, Bobby meet Y/N.” They shook hands, “Heard a lot about you kid.” - “Likewise.”  
Both turned to face Sam and Dean, the brother hugged by the car. “Is he going to be ok?” Y/N asked the old man. “He needs time, loads of it, but he has you.” - “Us” she corrected him. He gave her his approval smile, he clearly liked her already. “Thanks for bringing him home.”  
As months went by, Y/N stopped renting her apartment, dropped her job and helped Bobby, making her some sort of an assistant whenever he wasn’t able to pick up the phone or multiple hunters needed intel, she would help him, learning about monsters and hunting. Dean wouldn’t want her to go on hunts, but Bobby taught her all about the research and handling the ‘FBI’ scams.  
And although the grumpy man was keen on his privacy, Y/N felt like a daughter he never had. Secretly liked that she was living with him, not being alone all the time anymore and thanks to her the boys would drop by more often, not just when they need him.  
Crush Part 3 out now
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aiko0invalid · 9 months
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Genre: Fluff/Slow burn
Au:Non-idol/Vampire/Strangers to lovers
Additional info: Reader is Female and a human while Minho is a Vampire. Reader is visiting family during the holidays and encounters Minho throughout her stay an oddly amount of times. Stray Kids are a clan of Vampires. Mentions of Hyunlix.
Next: ->>
“I’m leaving now, I’ll be there in a few hours. Yes Umma, I packed enough warm clothes.” You were currently on the phone with your mother as she frantically told you what to pack and asking when you were arriving.
After moving across country to attend University in Seoul, leaving your family up in the mountains, it has become very important for you to take things like holiday break off and spend time with your parents and little sister.
“I’ll call you when I get into town, but I have to go or else I’ll be there even later.” You reminded her, quickly saying your goodbyes so you could load up your car and drive the most grueling 5 hour drive of your life. It was worth it though, anything is worth it when you get to see your family.
You were on the road in no time, taking quick stops to get gas or buy a few snacks but after 5 hours you finally made it to the familiar cabin you grew up in.
You got inside quickly, escaping the cold and entering the warm house as you saw your little sister and dad on the couch. "Appa! Soomin!" You said, getting their attention with your voice.
Soomin, your little sister who was only 14, jumped up and ran over to hug you. Since you guys had such a big age gape there wasn't that much sibling rivalry between you two and the relationship is super sweet.
You also didn’t have to worry about clothes, makeup and skincare products suddenly disappearing since by the time you moved out the house, she was only 6.
And now you're 26, fresh out of medical school/ college and currently looking for a job. That being said, that isn't the only thing your mom has pestered you about. The topic of love has come up many times and each time you've replied that between studying and self-love your life is too hectic to add someone else to the mix.
Thankfully she's on the more understanding side and had dropped the conversation after a few failed attempts of asking about how your love life was going.
“Umma is making some tea right now.” Soomin explained while picking up one of your smaller bags. “The room is still the same.”
After you moved out of the house the room that used to be yours was the guest room but after Soomin got older and wanted a bigger room they switched them. So technically the guest room is Soomin’s old room and not yours.
“Thank you.” You said quickly as you followed Soomin upstairs despite knowing full well where the room was.
It was nicely decorated, on the more minimalistic side but that was fine with you. Soomin left quickly so you could get yourself situated and that’s what you did for the next 20 minutes.
You took out your clothes, curler and/or straightener, hair products, makeup, and many more stuff. You filled the dresser with your clothes and that’s when you heard your mom from downstairs.
“Soomin! Y/n!” She called out, yelling for them to come to the kitchen since the tea was ready.
You quickly made your way downstairs, Soomin and your mom already there as your dad stayed in the living room. He wasn’t a big fan of tea. “So, How have you been lately?” Your mom asked after sliding over a cup of tea towards you.
You shrugged your shoulders, picking the cup up for a sip. “Nothing interesting lately, I sent in some job applications but haven’t gotten any words back yet.”
Your mom understood that well, knowing it took time to find a job fresh out of university. “It’s good you’re atleast trying.” She said before standing up. “I know you just got here but, do you have anything in mind for what you’d want for dinner?” She asked as you smiled and shook your head.
“It’s ok Umma, really.” You tried to convince her but, as if you were straight out of a cartoon, your stomach growled and your mom looked at you with an ‘really?’ Look and signature hand on her hip.
“You know what, Jjigae sounds good!” You said, remembering the warm and hearty Korean stew that your mother was always good at making. “Ohh! That’s sounds good!” Your sister said immediately, looking up at your guys mom. “Appa wouldn’t mind having that either, you know he doesn’t care as long as there are soft boiled eggs too.” She added which made your mom nod in agreement.
“Great! I’ll start making that.” She smiled and turned around to grab all the ingredients out of the fridge. She brought out the meat, they recently gotte pork belly so that’s what they were going to use. Along with veggies before she paused. “Oh no…” she dragged out, grabbing a mostly gone tube of soybean paste.
“Aish, I’ll head to the store to grab some more.” She sighed but you’d topped her. “It’s ok Umma, the store isn’t far away, I’ll go get it and you can cut up the vegetables and meat so it’s ready to go when I come back.”
“Are you sure?” She asked ever though she was already grabbing her apron and tying it around her. “Yes, I’m sure.” You reassured her and she smiled more. “Ok! Thank you!”
You nodded and quickly went to the door to slip on your shoes, grabbing your coat again and keys before going to your car.
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The store wasn’t busy, thankfully, but it was rearranged differently than you remembered and you were having a hard time find the soybean paste. “They had it with the broth last time…” you muttered to yourself as your eyes scanned the shelf’s of canned chicken and beef broth.
“They moved it to the fridge section.” A voice said, scaring you since you hadn’t heard footsteps behind you.
You turned around to find a young man, dark brown almost black hair, equally as dark eyes and blank stare face. His cheekbones were high and he had a deep cupids bow with a plush upper and bottom lip. ‘How can someone be so… perfect..?’ You thought to yourself in awe.
He, after seeing your wide eyes, quickly flashed a smile. “Sorry, I heard you talking to yourself and thought I could help.” He explained, making you sigh a bit in relief.
“It’s ok, your hearing is amazing by the way!” You noted, a bit shocked he was able to hear your quiet muttering. “Been told that before.” He grinned, one laced with mischief and smugness. “You’re looking for soybean paste right? I only know because it used to be here.”
You nodded with a small smile of your own. “Yeah, you said fridge section? Is it by the butter?” You questioned and he nodded his head. You knew if you stayed any longer you would inevitably blush if you’re not already.“Thank you.” You said before walking off to get the small tube quickly.
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“Can you go to the library with your sister? She usually goes alone but since you’re here I would feel better if she was with an adult.” Your mom asked while tying her hair up.
She approached you as you were sitting on the couch and you smiled up at her. “Sure! To double check, they didn’t move that too did they?”
You asked in a joking yet serious tone. After the grocery store, you had wanted to go to the strip mall, only to find it’s location moved and demolished. It also just so happened that the local ice skating rink also moved spots!
You were beginning to think the town was just going to get up and leave too.
“Yes, same place it’s always been”. Your mom chuckled and you stood up while stretching. “Ok, I’ll go drive her now.” You said as she took your spot on the couch next to your dad.
“Drive safe then!” She smiled and waved as you and your sister got into your car. “Since when did you go to the library?” You asked as soon as you guys buckled in. “I don’t.” Your sister smirked.
“Wanna know where I actually go?”
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“Soomin, where do you even get the money from?” You asked, parking right in the town center where there were lots of shops open for business. It looked straight out of a hallmark movie.
“I do people’s work for cash, the longer I know them the less they pay me. Which means they recommend me to their friends and I always get new clients! I’m currently doing all of my 4th period classmates work.” She smiled smugly and you chuckled.
“Hustling for money at the ripe age of 14, maybe you are my sister.” You joked, messing up her hair with your hand before getting out of the car. “I won’t rat you out to mom but that doesn’t mean you get to drag me around today. If we spend more than 2 hours here Mom will get suspicious.”
Soomin nodded in agreement, closing the car door before jogging up to you with a big smile. “That’s fine! You haven’t been here in forever, let me show you around!”
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It was close to the time you guys were about to leave when you entered an actual book shop. “I know I said I don’t like books, but I need one to read for English so I can write a report on it.” Soomin explained, leaving your side immediately to go to the fantasy shelves.
You went to your own way, roaming the fiction side a bit. You were in the dark romance section before bumping into someone. “I am so sorry!” You apologized quickly, turning around to see a blonde slightly shorter male there.
Damn, had there always been this many gorgeous people?
“It’s all good, I didn’t see you either.” He said, his voice way deeper and richer than you expected. You couldn’t help but blush and turn to look away. “Sorry if this seems nosy, but are you new?” He asked before you could fully turn away.
“Not really, I grew up here but moved a few years ago for school. I’m visiting family this week.” You explained and he nodded. “Ahh, understood. My family and I moved here a few years ago so that must be why I didn’t recognize you.”
You nodded also and couldn’t help but glance down at the book he had in his hand. “Vampire story?” You guessed, seeing the fangs on the cover as they hovered above a rose in a glass case. He smiled instantly and nodded.
“Yeah! I don’t do much reading but my boyfriend has been pestering me a bit, says that gaming for too long hurts my eyesight.” He rolled his eyes as he explained and you laughed softly at the sass. “He’s not wrong, blue light actually makes it harder for you to sleep also. Doctors recommend that people don’t use any electronics 2 hours before bed if they want to fall right asleep. Otherwise you’ll just be staying awake for the whole night.”
He blinked a bit, processing your information with surprise. “Wow, you sounded like a doctor yourself!” He chuckled which made you blush in embarrassment.
“Sorry, I study medicine so I tend to info dump whenever the topic of health comes up.” You explained which only made him laugh more.
“I get it, my boyfriend is that same when it comes to art. Like painting and drawing.” He reassured you. You were about to say something else when his head snapped to look at his right.
“Hey hyung!” He smiled brightly as a guy came around the corner where you two stood. “Ready to go home, Felix?” The guy asked and that’s when you recognized him. His familiar monotone but lively voice triggering a blush to dust across your face.
It was the guy from the store, he was now in black jeans, gray V-neck tshirt and a black & white plaid jacket. He had regular white sneakers and black ball cap that made his dark drown hair almost cover his eyes.
“Awh, already?” Felix pouted before sighing and nodding his head. “Bye, hope to see you around.” He grinned before walking up to the guys side. “I’m ready Minho-Hyung.”
They left quickly, not giving you a chance to say bye before the bell above the door rang and they began walking on the brick sidewalk.
It was a strange swirling feeling in your stomach at the sight of the man who you now know as Minho. It made you stare off in space for a bit as your mind raced with him. Was him and Felix related? It would make sense, they were both stunning human beings. Almost too stunning to be human.
The town was small, but was it small enough to run into someone twice in tow days back to back? Maybe, it had been awhile since you had been here. “Uhm, earth to Smile McGee.” The voice of Soomin said, pulling you out of your trance.
You blinked a few times, the brain fog clearing and you smacked her shoulder. “I told you to stop using that dumb nickname.” You hissed, remembering the times you used to have braces and when you had a few friends over they teased you with that nickname.
She was only 4 at the time but seemed to remember it like it was yesterday.
She mumbled an “ouch” and gave you a small glare. “Anyways, I’m ready to go.” She said, holding up a hefty sized book. “Maybe you are a nerd.” You mumbled, eyeing the huge book before shrugging and buying the book for her.
“Who was that by the way?” Soomin asked once you guys exited the bookstore. “Who?” You rebutted and she rolled her eyes. “That guy you were talking to, the blonde haired one.”
“Ohh.” You said, nodding before shrugging your shoulders. “His name is Felix apparently, I don’t know him personally though.” You explained and it was her turn to nod her head.
“And that other guy?” You felt the same swirling feeling in the pit of your stomach as she referred to the other guy. “Minho, I actually ran into him yesterday at the store. I only just now learned his name.”
Soomin hummed in thought before looking up at you with a smirk. “He’d make a good boyfriend~.” She said, bumping her hip with yours as you shook your head in disagreement.
“No way, I just got Umma to stop pestering me about dating; you can’t start.” You lightly scolded her as she just ignored you. “He was handsome though, you can’t deny that. Both of them were.”
You grumbled slightly, looking off to the side so you wouldn’t have to verbally agree with her. She knew she was right, the proof was the guy’s themselves.
Felix had a softer and more happy vibe with him, a golden brown eye color and blonde hair cut in the style of a mullet. He had many silver rings adorning his fingers and piercings on his ears.
He was dressed in a black turtle neck, dark blue jeans and a mocha brown fluffy jacket. His style was different from Minho, along with his appearance.
While Felix had freckles and slightly bigger eyes, Minho had not one mark on his clear and slightly tan skin. He had two silver mini hoops on one ear while three mini silver hoops on the other ear.
His outfit was a bit more casual compared to Felix’s but his stunning and sharp face made up for that.
“Whatever.” You grumbled back at your sister, sighing a bit as you both made it back to your car.
Safe to say, you stayed up a bit longer than usual with thoughts of a certain dark eyed boy.
Want to be tagged for the next chapter? Message me to be added to my taglist!
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fanficshiddles · 1 month
Eternally Mine, Chapter 5
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Louise arrived at the café twenty minutes earlier than the arranged time to meet Chris. She just wanted to make sure she wasn’t late, but time was dragging while she waited which made her nerves ramp up more and more.
She really liked Chris and wanted to make a good impression. Though she wasn’t sure if she would be quite as confident without Claire around. Even if it was still a public place, her stomach was swirling with nerves and also excitement at the thought of having a more intimate date with Chris, being on their own.
Thankfully she didn’t have to wait long with her own thoughts, Chris arrived fifteen minutes early, his smile widened when he saw her waiting outside for him.
‘Hello, darling.’ Chris beamed as he reached her, he leaned down and kissed her cheek softly. His lips were soft against her cheek, yet she felt the hard coolness from his lower lip piercings in contrast.
Her heart fluttered and she found herself taking a moment to get words out, she felt so flustered. ‘Hi.’ Was all she managed to squeak out for now.
Chris loved how easily she blushed around him.
‘I hope you’ve not been waiting for me for too long.’ He said as they went into the café, he held the door open for her.
‘No, not too long. I was way too early.’ She admitted sheepishly.
‘Damn… I should’ve booked a table.’ Chris said as he looked around the busy café, there wasn’t a seat left.
‘We could sit outside? There’s bench tables out the back.’ Louise suggested. It was more secluded and quieter there too.
‘I don’t want you to get cold.’ Chris said in concern.
‘It’s not too bad today, the sun is out. I’ve got my jacket.’ Louise shrugged.
‘If you’re sure. If you get too cold though, just say and we can go somewhere else.’
‘Deal.’ Louise smiled up at him.
They ordered their food first and got their drinks, then went to one of the bench tables outside. There were only a few other people outside, though there was plenty of privacy for them. Chris was pleased as punch when she decided to sit next to him instead of opposite. He noticed she sat quite close to him too, not at the other end of the bench.
Which was both a blessing and a curse, as her scent was so intoxicating. He was glad they were outside, as it helped a little. He did have some vaseline in his pocket, he’d applied some before arriving, on Loki’s advice.
‘How are things with the school? Did you manage to win the appeal about remaining as head teacher?’ Louise asked as she sipped her coffee.
‘I did indeed, thanks to Loki’s help. I found out just yesterday, actually. So it’s a big relief.’ Chris smiled.
‘That’s brilliant news. Claire said you were gutted at the thought of losing the job.’ She said softly.
‘I was… I was in a bad headspace, thankfully your sister has a kind heart and was able to talk sense into me before I did something really stupid.’ He said honestly.
‘She does have a way of seeing good in people, and bringing it out. Well, those that are genuinely good.’
‘She certainly does.’ Chris agreed.
‘She did tell me about you and Loki disagreeing when it comes to getting blood and stuff, also about how you had to turn him to save him. It must’ve been difficult being faced with that decision, then have him hating you for it for so long.’
Chris nodded. ‘It was, but I didn’t help the situation either. I’ve been an ass to him all these years, which just pushed him further away… Does it bother you, the way that I feed? Compared to Loki and a lot of other vampires.’ Chris asked, he tried to hide his anxiousness over the question.
‘Not really, no. I mean, you are a vampire. That’s always what I grew up believing that vampires did, feed from humans. Though I won’t lie, she did tell me that you have a tendency to… kill humans too when you’ve fed from them, for fun. Which is a bit questionable, but again, I know you’re a vampire and you have instincts like that. I’m not worried, if that’s what you’re thinking. You’ve not given me a reason to be scared of you, Claire told me that you look out for people close to you in your life. I’d hope being essentially your sister in-laws sister would make me safe enough.’ Louise laughed.
Chris felt so much relief flood through him. He leaned in closer and nudged her slightly with his arm. ‘Well, you’re safe enough not just for that reason.’
Louise blushed as she glanced at him, then looked back at her coffee. ‘Besides, you got rid of the actual monster in my life. You’re like my prince charming.’ She giggled a little.
It was Chris’ turn to blush a little at that, no one had ever called him a prince before. He slid his right hand closer to her on the table, she understood his meaning and moved hers closer too, so the back of their hands touched on the table. Chris then slowly glided his fingers over the back of her hand and she turned her hand palm up so they could hold hands.
‘I am trying to do better… I don’t think I’ll ever be able to be like Loki, to just take from the blood bank. I can’t contain that side of me. I am trying to just go for the bad ones, to not outright kill any innocents I feed from. The last thing I want to do would be to scare you, but I want to be honest with you too. I don’t want to hide anything from you.’
Louise nodded in understanding. ‘I appreciate that.’ She smiled widely and looked at him, her heart melted at the way he was looking at her, she could see nothing but kindness in his eyes to her. ‘I’m not scared of you… Well, I am a little bit, but I’m a little scared of the world, if I am being honest.’ She laughed nervously.
‘I’m not scared of you though, of who you are. It's more what's happening between us that's a bit scary for me. It’s odd, though, I actually feel really safe with you. More than I have with anyone else before. I haven’t really let myself get overly close with anyone since… him. I guess I’m still adjusting, and trying to better myself, too. You could say.’
Chris rubbed his thumb against the back of her hand, making her skin tingle. She’d never felt this way before, even with Ray in the early days.
‘Perhaps… we can work through our issues together?’ Chris hummed softly.
Louise smiled widely and squeezed his hand. ‘I’d like that.’ She nodded shyly, then her gaze focused to where their hands were joined. She admired the tattoos on his large hand.
Chris knew that she would need someone patient, Claire had told him a little bit about the trauma she had endured. Though she didn’t explain absolutely everything, knowing it was better that Louise told him when she was comfortable enough to.
The waiter arrived with their food, breaking their little moment.
‘I hope there’s no garlic in that pasta.’ Louise commented to Chris as she tucked into her own toastie with crisps.
Chris chuckled and sniffed at his pasta. ‘Nope. I’m safe.’ He winked at her.
‘Claire did warn me about what happens if you have garlic.’ She laughed.
‘I bet she did. Well, I’m not as much of a garlic lover as Loki is, so no need to worry there.’ Chris chuckled.
‘Claire and Loki told me that because you’re an original vampire, you’re a lot stronger than any of the others? That you can levitate, while they can’t?’ She asked curiously.
Chris smirked and nodded. ‘That is true. Lucius and I are physically the strongest. We can levitate, while the others can’t. We are also immune to silver bullets, whereas the others aren’t, unfortunately.’
‘Wow. That’s… really cool.’ Louise shifted slightly, trying not to think too much on it as she continued eating.
Though Chris could subtly pick up the scent of her being ever so slightly excited… He had to take a few deep breaths behind his hand to keep himself calm. Whilst she was perhaps excited at the thought, he knew she would be nowhere near ready for jumping into bed with him.
Once they finished eating, the waiter brought them the bill. Louise quickly took out her purse, but Chris shook his head. ‘This is on me.’
‘Are you sure? I can pay.’ She looked a little panicked for a second.
‘Absolutely. I’m the one that invited you out, after all.’ Chris said as he took his wallet out and paid the waiter.
He could sense she was still a bit unsure about it though. When they’d gone out with Loki and Claire, they’d all shared the bill between the four of them.
‘How about you get the next lunch date?’ Chris suggested, noting her face instantly relaxing as she nodded quickly.
Louise nipped inside to the toilet before they finished. When she went back outside to him, she thanked him for lunch.
‘You’re welcome, sweetheart.’ He smiled.
Louise wasn’t sure where her moment of braveness came from, but she found herself stepping in closer to him and sliding her arms around him. He instantly put his long arms around her too, and he tucked her in under his chin as he hugged her closely. She pressed her head against his chest and inhaled, he smelled so good it was unreal.
Though she felt a wave of calmness and safety wash over her in his arms, it wasn’t anything she had experienced before. She found she really didn’t want to part ways with him yet.
Chris inhaled deeply as he buried his nose into her hair, he just knew this was meant to be. It felt so right. He didn’t want to let her go, though he knew they couldn’t stand there embracing forever.
‘What sort of business are you here for today? Do you need to head off?’ Louise asked as they both reluctantly pulled back a little bit.
Chris looked sheepish as he ran his hand through his hair. ‘You caught me… I’m not actually here on any business. I just wanted to see you again.’
The biggest smile spread over Louise’s face. ‘Do you… do you want to go for a walk? There’s a lovely park down the road with a pond. If you don’t have to get going?’ She rambled quickly.
‘Sounds perfect.’ Chris grinned.
As they began walking down the pavement, Chris swiftly put himself at the road side of the pavement. It was a simple gentlemanly gesture on his part, but for Louise it meant a lot. When he brushed his hand against hers and then took her hand in his, she looked really surprised.
‘Is this ok?’ Chris quickly asked upon seeing the surprise on her face.
‘Oh… yes! If you want to… I just, didn’t think you’d want to in public like this.’ She stammered.
Chris felt his heart hurt at the thought of how Ray had treated her.
‘I’d like nothing more, but only if you’re comfortable with it.’ Chris said softly.
She nodded very eagerly, he could��ve sworn he saw her eyes water a bit, though she quickly composed herself.
‘In the summer, the park has the most beautiful rose bushes. All kinds of colours.’ She said happily when they entered the park.
It wasn’t too busy, but there were some people going about, dog walkers and a few joggers.
‘Are roses your favourite flower?’ Chris queried.
‘They are.’ She nodded, her face lit up when she spotted the ducks and a few swans on the pond. ‘Look! There are so many ducks today.’ She said excitedly, though then seemed to try and dampen down her excitement.
‘Sorry… I just love ducks.’
‘Please, don’t apologise. I like the way your face lights up when you’re excited.’ Chris said as he lifted her hand up so he could kiss the back of it. She blushed hard and looked down shyly.
‘I’ve had them eating out of my hand before, once they trusted me.’ She smiled as they made their way over to take a closer look. ‘Not the swans though, they’re a bit too big for my liking.’
Chris laughed. ‘Yeah, they certainly look beautiful but I wouldn’t like to get too close. Next time we will need to bring some seed for the ducks.’
‘Definitely.’ Louise grinned.
They carried on walking through the park and up the hill which had a really nice view over the town.
‘Louise… I have a question. Don’t feel like you have to, if you don’t want to. However, the Christmas Ball for the school is coming up in a few weeks’ time. I was wondering… well, I am looking for a date for it and I wondered whether you’d like to be mine?’ Chris asked, so hopeful that she would say yes.
He could tell by the way her eyes lit up, that she was going to say yes. Though he was still relieved when she answered him.
‘Yes! I’d love to!’
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roadkillremi · 1 year
Love Sucks Part 1
Randy Meeks X F!Goth!Reader
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Masterlist (Part 2 out now)
Warnings : Language, Stu and Billy bully Randy.
Summary : (Suggested by @saint-petah-the-good) A new girl moves to town and Randy is quick to fall in love. Despite her odd habits and weird interests the friend group takes her in.
Randy didn't know what hit him when he saw you. Your legs covered in fishnets sitting in his spot by Tatum. Your giant black sunhat shielding you from sunlight.
"Randy! This is Y/N!" Shes a horror geek like you!" Tatum smiled. Randy made a goofy smile at you, flushed from Tatum's comment. You smiled back shyly, "This is Randy, the one I told you about." Tatum said. Randy gave her a look, "You've been talking about me?!".
"Not in a bad way... Most of the time." Tatum took a bite of her salad. You looked down at a book you were reading. Randy sat down beside you, "What book are you reading?".
"Salem's lot. By Stephen King." You said not looking up from it. Randy tilted his head to see more of your face.
"You're a Stephen King Fan?"
"Who isn't?" You smiled looking over at him.
"Me." Tatum said, you gave her a little smile.
"How did you feel about the Shining?" Randy said testing you.
"The same way Stephen King did. It was horrible. I prefer the book. Cinema wasn't ready for it. You gotta find a harder way to test me." You smiled before flipping a page of your book. Randy smiled to himself, his heart was beating so loudly.
'Shes Perfect..'.
"So where ya from?" Stu leaned in. You sat up from reading and closed the book. You sighed, "My parents were lab worke rs in Alaska. They got tired of the cold.".
"I mean Alaska?! Sounds pretty boring!" Stu laughed. Tatum elbowed him, Randy tried to block Stu out.
"Do you need a job?-" Randy blurted out, his cheeks flushed. You looked over at him with a soft smile.
"Randy! You can't just ask that!" Tatum fussed. Randy didn't take his eyes off you, "Um, yeah actually..". Randy smiled, "I work at Bradley's Video..".
"Yeah it's the closest thing to a damn Blockbuster here!" Stu exclaimed. You nodded, "I'll check it out..".
"Oh! Get this, Y/N's Grandfather directed horror movies!" Tatum said impressed. Randy leaned in closer to you, you hesitated a bit when he got to close.
"No way! What movies?!" He said, his wide eyes gazing into yours. You bit your bottom lip, "Uh, nothing super popular, some alien stuff and Vampire stuff.".
"No fucking way!" Stu shouted. Randy, again ignored Stu, you gave him an awkward smile before going back to reading.
"Where the hell is Billy and Sid?" Stu asked looking around.
"Probably in a janitor's closet!" Tatum snorted. The lunch bell rang, you closed your book and slipped it into your bag.
"What's your next class?" Randy asked watching you stand up. You pulled out a crumbled paper, "Intro to Film Study's.".
"Oh, lord" Tatum mumbled.
"I do too! I can walk you there!" Randy stood up quickly. He threw his bag over his shoulder, "Sure. I'll see you later, Tatum! It was nice meeting you, Stu.". You walked along side Randy into the school.
"I knew they'd get along." Tatum said to Stu, Stu kiss her cheek.
"Yeah but she's a little weird.."
"You're weird!" Tatum joked.
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Randy really couldn't keep his eyes off you. How you doodled in the margin of your notebook. Your legs crossed over each other and his eyes scanned them. Your fishnets giving him a pattern to follow.
"Y/N? Your take on Slashers?" The teacher tried to get you to jump into a discussion. You looked up, "Well, everyone says the characters act stupid. When it's portraying how people actually act in those situations. Then you have some sleep demon guy and a stalker!"
"I happen to like the stalker." A blonde girl in the back interrupted. You looked over your shoulder, "Yeah but he walks and somehow catches up. Story plot holes too. I'll like slashers more when the story makes sense.
"Sometimes story lines don't need to make sense.." Everyone went silent. Randy was surprised Billy even spoke, you looked back at him. Randy watched the interaction between you two. You narrowed your eyes a bit before turning back around. The fear of you falling for Billy's good looks faded. You went back to doodling in your notebook.
Once it was the end of class Billy went up to your desk. You didn't look at him once, "I'm guessing your Tatum's new friend?". Randy huffed before getting up, "Yeah, I'm guessing you're Billy.". You grabbed your bag before leaving, Billy smiled to himself. Randy mocked his face before walking with you.
Tatum ran up to you in the hall, "How was class?".
"It was okay." You nodded with a small smile. She smiled, "Good! So me and Stu were thinking and we wanted to invite you over to hang out this Saturday!".
"Oh, sure!" You smiled, Billy walked up beside you. Randy rolled his eyes, "I like her she's cool." Billy said as if you weren't there. Randy scoffed, Billy shot him a look.
"Well, I finished all my classes for the day. I'm gonna head home. And I might stop by that video store." You smiled at Randy as you walked away. Randy smiled, "Drive safe!", Stu laughed at him.
"You're such a dork!"
Randy rolled his eyes and walked away. He tried to ignore Stus laughs in the back. He knew liking you would be difficult due to Billy and Stu.
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Randy focused on restocking the VHS tapes. He huffed to himself and checked his watch. 4:27pm, you still didn't show up, maybe you were just being nice. He kept stocking the shelves, a tap on his shoulder made him jump back.
"Sorry." You softly said. Randy smiled and scratched the back of his head.
"It's fine. Um, were you wanting to get the job?" Randy glanced over at his boss then you.
"Sure, I could use one. Besides it'll be nice to work with a friend." You smiled at him. His stomach flopped, 'Friend' he didn't want to be a friend. He took a deep breath, "Uh, I'll go tell my boss. Stay here." He smiled and walked over.
"Hey, Bradley! I got a customer wanting to apply for a job here."
Bradley looked over Randy's shoulder to spot you. He sighed, "You find the most odd kids.".
"Please. She's real nice and like movies.. and-"
"You like her?-" Bradley smiled. Randy rolled his eyes, "Maybe that's not the point.".
"Fine but if she screws up. It'll cost you your job. Send her over here."
Randy walked over to you reading the back of movies. He smiled to himself, "Uh, he's ready to meet with you.". You looked up and put the movie down, 'Prom Night, good choice.' Randy thought to himself.
"Hi, I'm Y/N. I'm 18 and I moved with my parents from Alaska. I have a car and am able to work after school and on weekends." You smiled. Bradley looked at Randy then back at you.
"Great, have Randy show you the ropes, I'll get you a name tag.".
"That was easy..." Randy mumbled. You shrugged, "So, how do you work here?". Randy went behind the counter, "So we ring customers here, obviously. Then if someone returns them you ring them and put them in the cart. The cart gets restocked and it's a whole cycle!" Randy puts his elbow on the counter. You nodded, "Okay Cool.".
"Why did you move out here?" Randy asked.
"Sick of the cold."
"and the dark?"
"Kinda. I actually like the night, I uh sunburn easily." You softly smile. A customer walked to the counter, Randy showed you exactly how to ring up their rental. His hand would brush over yours. He'd try his best to be smooth like in the movies. You would just whisper sorry and not catch on.
"Okay, Y/N I expect you to work tomorrow but not this weekend, got it?"
"Yes, sir." You smiled at him before heading out the door. Randy caught up to you holding the door open.
"I'm glad he hired you."
"me too. But it's thanks to you really. I wouldn't have known about this place if it wasn't for you.".
"wanna get some burgers?" Randy asked. Your eyes widen from surprise, "Sure! Do you need a ride?".
"Yeah, kinda" he smiled. You walked to your car unlocking it, he hopped in quickly making himself at home.
"I hope you don't mind rock music.." you said as you buckled your seatbelt. Randy shrugged, "It doesn't bother me.". You nodded as you started the car, rock music blasted immediately. You turned it down a bit, "Sorry.".
"It's fine. We can go to In and Out for burgers.".
"I've never been there so you're gonna have to tell me.."
"Whoa! You've never been to In and Out?!"
"No.." you smiled.
"Gosh, well you're gonna thank me. Their burgers are delicious."
"I'll be the judge of that.".
Randy watched you drive, your skirt riding up from you pressing the gas. He looked away, "Any idea what you're doing for college?".
You shrugged, "College is still a question for me. What about you?".
"Easy, I wanna be a director. Actually make good films." Randy said. You nodded, "I can see that, Have you written a film?".
"God no. I can't write for shit! If you were to go to college what would you major in?"
"Um, screenwriting and Biology."
"So you are a nerd" Randy smiled. You gave him a smile, "Maybe a little. I just think living is... Fascinating..".
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Randy laid on his unmade bed, he couldn't believe his luck. He actually ate dinner with a girl, maybe it wasn't a date but it was a step. He smiled to himself thinking about your smile and how you were a messy eater. You even gave him your home phone number. He hugged his pillow, maybe he could actually pull this off. He listened to your stories and your interests very closely.
You talked about how Morticia Addams was like an idol to you. How you seen all the episodes to the Addams family and the Beetlejuice cartoon series. Then you both talked about horror movies, explaining to him how Childs Play is more of an Horror Comedy. He sat up and leaned over to his phone dialing in your number.
"Hello?" You picked up your voice was a bit groggy, maybe even deeper.
"Hey, it's Randy."
"Oh, Hey Randy! Everything okay?"
Randy fidgeted with the phone cord, "Yeah just wanted to say hi, did I wake you up?!".
"No, I have a hard time sleeping. Is there anything you wanna talk about?".
Shit, Randy panicked not knowing what to say, "What movie should we watch at Stus Saturday?".
"Oh, hmm well we could watch Childs Play.." he heard your smile through the phone.
"Of course I can rent it Tomorrow at work."
"Awesome. Goodnight, Randy. I'll see you at school!"
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harrywavycurly · 1 year
So we know Eddie talks about his Cali girl but how does she talk about him?? I’m so obsessed with this series Sarah thanks for writing it🥰❤️
Hiiii babes!! Awe I am so happy you’re enjoying the series!! I hope you enjoy these conversations “Cali girl” has about her Vampire Boy💖
-find all things Wrong Number, Right Time here✨
*You don’t know why everyone thinks you have a crush on Eddie…he’s just cute is all*
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“Wait you call him what?” “Vampire Boy…or as of today it’s now Vampy…you know because his name is Edward.” “And that makes you think…vampire?” “Uh…yes? Edward Cullen…Twilight?” “Oh that’s that dudes name? Edward?” “Yeah he’s the main one..that’s where the nickname came from.” “That’s cute…he’s cute too right? That’s what you said? He has long hair or something?” “I mean yeah…he’s cute…he has some tattoos too but I only saw them for like a minute so next time I’ll ask for like a tattoo tour so I can really see what he’s got hidden under all his band tees.” “You just wanna see him shirtless.” “No…I mean that’s not the main reason…” “you’re so crushing on him.” “Oh get real all I said was he’s cute and I want to see if he has anymore tattoos.” “Mhm..and you get all grouchy when he hasn’t texted you in a few days…you even turned down another date with Kyle.” “Kyle was an asshole…” “right…whatever you say…now show me what he looks like again and then show me Edward Cullen I want to see who’s the cuter vampire.” “He..doesn’t look like Edward Cullen I just called him that because they have the same name…Eddie isn’t actually a vampire.” “That you know of…”
“How’s my favorite record store clerk doing today?” “Hey Danny…I’m good. What can I do for you today?” “Well…you can start by telling me how the FaceTime date went the other night?” “Did you come in just to ask me that?” “Possibly..now I’d like all the details please don’t skip anything juicy.” “It wasn’t a date…it was like half an hour and it was nice.” “Nice? Oh god you think he’s ugly don’t you?” “What? No he’s…he’s cute yeah…he’s not ugly.” “Thank god okay so…what did you two do over FaceTime? Just introduce yourselves and stuff?” “Pretty much just wanted to put faces to names…oh and he played me a song on the guitar.” “He serenaded you? How romantic.” “He played me a song that’s not exactly serenading Danny…” “what song did he play?” “A Metallica song.” “Oh yeah he’s trying to make you swoon…and by the looks of it he’s not doing that bad of a job.” “Who’s swooning? I’m not swooning.” “You haven’t stopped smiling since I brought him up…you’re totally swooning.” “Oh go pick out a Madonna record and leave me alone.”
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layce2015 · 11 months
Supernatural (Dean Winchester x Female!Reader)
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Monster Movie
"The radio around here sucks." Dean grumbles as he fiddles with the radio. "Come on man." Sam said, exasperated. "Jobs don't get much sweeter than this, you know?" Dean asked and I nod in agreement. "Dead vic with a gnawed-On neck, body drained of blood, and a witness who swears up and down that it was a vampire." I recited. "No, I -- I agree. It's a hell of a case." Sam said, not sounding really enthusiastic.
"A little more gusto, please." Dean said. "It's just...The world is coming to an end. Things are a little complicated, you know?" Sam pointed out. "Yeah, well, we can't save the world, not today anyway. But what we can do is chop off some vamps' heads." Dean said but we noticed the upset look on Sam's face.
"Come on, man, it's like the good old days, an honest-To-Goodness monster hunt. It's about time the Winchesters and (l/n) got back to tackling. A straightforward, black-And-white case." Dean said and I chuckle as we head off to the next destination.
Later, we come up to this town with a sign hanging over some light post that said ​​​​OKTOBERFEST 2008. Polka music was blaring and women dressed in barmaid costumes and some men wearing lederhosen. The boys and I adjust our suits as we exit the Impala and walk forward.
"We still got to see the new Raiders movie." Dean said. "Yeah, I haven't gotten around to see it." I said while Sam said. "Saw it." Dean then looks over at him, incredulous. "Without me?" He asked.
"You were in hell." Sam said and I look over at Dean. "He's got a point." I said. "That's no excuse." Dean grumbles and I roll my eyes while he looks over at a pretzel vendor. "Big pretzel!" He exclaims while Sam and I smile and shake our heads. Dean then accepts three pretzels from vendor. "Thank you." He said and he hands Sam and me a pretzel. "Thank you." We said and we take a bite out of our pretzels as a blonde woman walks by us.
"Guten tag." She greets. "Guten tag yourself." Dean said with a mouthful of pretzel and I elbow him in the chest once I swallowed my bite. "Geez, don't talk with your mouth full." I said and the girl chuckles a bit. "Sorry, sometimes I feel like I'm the parent to these boys than a partner." I said to her. "I think every woman can understand that." She said and we laugh as I could see Dean giving me a glare.
I give him a fake smile then acted like I noticed something. "Oh no! You got something on your face!" I said, in a fake motherly voice, and I pulled out a napkin and wiped Dean's face as he pulls his face back a bit. The girl laughs and says. "I'll leave you to it then." Then she walks off.
"God, why'd you have to be so embarrassing?" Dean asked with a grumble and I turn to him with a raised eyebrow. "Uh, excuse me, you did that yourself..." I started to argue until Sam clears his throat to get our attention. "Looks like that's our man." He said as he points towards an old man in a sheriff's uniform.
We nod and follow Sam as we walk up to the old man. "Sheriff Dietrich." Sam said and Dietrich looks up at us. "Are you the onez from the fed?" he asked. "Agent Anges, Johnson and Young." Sam introduced as we show him our badges. "We called ahead about your, uh, problem." I said as we put our badges away. "Right. Um...I'll tell you what, why don't we talk this out away from the crowd, huh?" He said and he gets up.
Later, at the Morgue, the Sheriff opens the door of a body tray and slides it out to reveal a body that was covered with a sheet. "Marissa Wright, 26, just up from Lockhard for the 'fest. Terrible. Just terrible. It's the last thing this town needs at peak tourist season." Dietrich said as he pulls back the sheet to reveal a young woman. "Definitely the last thing Marissa Wright needed." Sam remarked with a tight smile and I rolled my eyes at him.
Dean then turns the body's head and sees two dark puncture marks on her neck, it looked like a vampire bite. "What the hell?" Dean said as Dietrich shrugs. "Yeah, you got me -- I mean, this killer's some kind of grade-A wacko, right? I mean, some satan-Worshipping, Anne Rice-Reading, gothic, psycho vampire wannabe." Dietrich said and I turn to him.
"Sheriff, in your report, you mentioned a witness." I said and he looked a bit regretful. "Yeah, I wished I didn't." he said with a huff. "But our witness insisted. That's Ed Brewer. Not exactly what you'd call reliable." he said and the boys and I share a look.
We head into a bar where the waitresses were dressed in their Oktoberfest costume and we come up to the waitresses from earlier as she hands another waitresses two glasses of beer.
"I remember you." She said as she gestures to me and Dean. "Ah, yes..." I said as I peer at her nametag to see it said Jamie. "Jamie." I said and she smiles at me. "Doing okay?" I asked her, trying to make small talk. "Oh, you know, hectic as usual. Especially this time of year." She said.
"We're looking for Ed Brewer." Sam said and I turn to him. "Jeez, so much for easing right to it." I muttered as Jamie crosses her arms and looks at Sam. "What do you want with Ed?" She asked. "Well, we are, uh...federal agents." Dean said as we show her our badges. "Mr. Brewer was witness to a serious crime." said Dean and Jamie gives us a look of disbelief.
"You're a fed? Wow, you don't come on like a fed." Jamie said but she sees our serious face then she frowns. "Seriously?" She asked and Dean, grinning, leans forward on the bar toward her. "I'm a maverick, ma'am. A rebel with a badge. One thing I don't play by -- The rules." He said and I go and step on his foot. "Ow!" He exclaims as said Sam said, with an irritated smile. "Okay, maverick." Then he looks towards Jamie. "So, where can we find Mr. Brewer?" Sam asked.
"I told the cops everything I saw. No one believes me." Ed said as he uncaps his beer stein and drinks it. Then he points towards us. "Why should you be any different?" Ed asked. "Believe me, Mr. Brewer, we're different." I said, trying to assure him. "I spoke the God's honest truth. And now, I'm a joke." Ed said, upset.
"Marissa Wright's murder is no joke to us. And we want to hear everything, No matter how strange it may seem." Sam said to him. "We have a lot of experience with strange." I said and Brewer uncaps beer stein and drink. "It was just after midnight. I just left here, and like I do every night..." Brewer explains then he walks his fingers along the table. "I cut through the park on the way home. At first, I thought it was a couple kissing. But she was...struggling too much. And this man, He was -- Well, he was biting her neck." He said as we listen, intently.
"Can you describe her assailant?" Sam asked Brewer. "Oh, he was a vampire." Brewer said, quickly, and Dean sighs and looks down. "Okay, right. And by that, you mean --" Dean started to say but Brewer said. "You know, a vampire."
"Uh-Huh. Yeah. So, he looked like --" Dean prodded and Brewer looks at him. "He looked like a vampire, You know, with the fangs and the slicked-Back hair..." Brewer said as he demonstrates with his hair. "And the fancy cape And the little medallion thingy on the ribbon."
"You mean like a Dracula?" I asked and Brewer nods. "Exactly. Like a Dracula. Right down to the accent." he said, happily. "The accent?" Sam asked. "Yep." Brewer said.
"What did he say?" I asked. "You know, something like..." Brewer said then he raised his arm over his face as if he has a cape on. "Stay away, mortal! The night is mine!" He recites with a Hungarian accent. Then he looks between us. "You do believe me, don't you?" He asked, nervously.
"So, what do you guys think? Goth, psycho vampire wannabe, right?" Dean asked me and Sam, few minutes after talking to Brewer. "Definitely not our kind of case." Sam said. "Agreed. But who cares?" Dean asked as we walk toward a table. "Room's paid for, and it's Oktoberfest. Come on, guys. Beer and bar wenches." Dean said as we sit and I give him a look.
"Women don't react well to the whole wench thing, Dean." I said and Dean turns to the bar where Jamie is standing. "Hey, bar wench, where's that beer?" Dean asked and Jamie looks at him while I face-palm at this. "Coming up, good sir!" She said, sweetly, as she goes to get the beer. "Guys, Oktoberfest." Dean said, gleefully, as he turns to us.
"There you go." Jamie said as she hands him his beer then she turns to us. "What can I get you two?" She asked and before either of us could speak, Dean speaks up. "Oh, he doesn't drink. He's a Christian Scientist. Doesn't even take aspirin. He's a real drag on stakeouts." Dean said as he points at Sam then he points at me but I speak over him.
"Don't listen to this idiot. I'll just have a beer." I said then I look over at Sam, who shakes his head. "I'm actually gonna head out and get some sleep." He said and he gets up and leaves. "Okay, one beer coming up." Jamie said and I nod at her then she walks away and I sigh and run my hands over my face.
"What's wrong?" Dean asked and I look over at him. "I just...I don't know...I feel like there's still more to this." I said. "Oh you're just worrying too much." He said and I raise an eyebrow at him. "C'mon, it's Oktoberfest! Just relax and enjoy your beer." Dean said just as Jamie brings the beer. "Thanks." I said to her and she nods then leaves. 
"I can't relax, Dean. This case is just weird too me and I mean our kind of weird." I said. "Look, sometimes jobs end up a bust. You know that, this just sounds like someone is taking this vampire role play too far." Dean said and I narrow my eyes at him. "How are you just so blase about this case?" I asked, slightly annoyed. 
"Why are you taking this case so seriously?" He asked. "I..I don't know...I just...I just think something is wrong..." I said as I try to think. "You're just tensed up and full of stress." Dean said and I let out a sigh. 
"I think I know a way to relieve all that stress." He said and I look back at him. "And it involves you and me in between the sheets." He said. "Seriously? I'm telling you that we should stick to this case and you're talking about sex?" I asked, a bit offended. "Yeah, what's wrong? You used to always jump at the idea!" Dean said, sounding confused. "Yeah, that was before you went to hell. But ever since you came back...I don't know, besides kissing or the occasional make-out, you seem a bit distant when it comes to sex." I said.
"Well, maybe it is time to right some wrongs." he said. "Come again?" I asked, confused. "Like you said, I came back from the furnace and I did it without any of my old scars, right?" he said then he starts listing off on his fingers. "You know, bullet wounds, knife cuts..." he said as he holds up his hand, spreading his fingers and wiggling them. "None of the off-Angled fingers from all the breaks. I mean, my hide is as smooth as a baby's bottom, Which leads me to conclude, Sadly...That my virginity is intact." He said and I snort out a laugh.
"Are you serious?" I asked him, incredulous. "I have been re-Hymenated." Dean said, proudly, before he drinks. "Re-- Please. Dean, maybe angels can pull you out of hell, But no one could do that." I tell him. "Sweetheart, I have been re-Hymenated. And the dude will not abide." He said and I roll my eyes. "You're hopeless." I said. "And you're overreacting." He said and I glare at him. "Seriously? I'm overreacting?!" I shout, angrily, then I scoff at this and get up. "At least I take my job seriously!" I yelled and I leave.
"Men..." I grumbled as I walk up to the bar. "Tell me about it." Jamie's voice said and I look over at her and chuckle. "So...Casanova over there giving you problems?" She asked as she gestures over to Dean, who was drinking from his beer and was trying his best to not look over at me.
"You could say that." I said as I go sit on the stool. Then she gives me a bottle and she looks at me. “On the house, you need it.” She said and I accept it and smile. "Thanks." I said and I take a sip. "You wanna talk about it?" Jamie asked me. I smile and gave a vague explanation of what was going on between me and Dean, just taking out about him coming back from hell and what we actually do.
​​​​​​"Wow..." she said, disbelieving. "Yeah." I said as I take the last sip of the beer. "Why did you take him back if he left you for a few months?" Jamie asked me and I shrugged. "Guess I still love him." I admit and Jamie smiles. "Plus someone has to keep him on a leash as we do our job.”
"Sounds like you need a girl's night out." She said and I nod at this. "How bout tomorrow? You and me, I'll show you around town." She said. "As nice as that would be, from the way it sounds, we're probably not gonna be here tomorrow." I said and Jamie frowns. "That sucks." She said, sounding a bit disappointed. I give her a sympathetic look before I go and speak up.
"Well...I guess I'll check my schedule and try to squeeze you in tomorrow." I said and she chuckles a bit. "I'll come by here tomorrow to tell you." I said and she nods. "Cool." She said and I wave a goodbye to her and leave the bar.
The next day, Sam, Dean and I sit across from Anna-Marie at an outside table as she sucks on a straw in a large cup. The boys and I exchange a look, we were waiting for her to give her statement as there was another attack and she was the only witness to it. "Ma'am, we understand how hard this is, But can you describe the creature?" Dean asked her. She sucks on the straw once more then said. "Oh. It was a werewolf."
"A werewolf?" Sam said, disbelieving. "You're sure?" I asked her. "Oh, yeah. With the furry face and the black nose And the claws and the torn-up pants and shirt, like from the old movies." She explains. "Um, well..." Sam mutters. "Okay, so..." Dean said before I start to stand up. "Thank you for your time." I said and we leave.
Later, the boys and I walk into the morgue as Dean speaks up. "First a Dracula and now a full on movie time Wolf Man? What the hell is going on in this town?" He asked us. I shrug as Sam opens one of the storage drawers and pulls out a body. He unzips the body bag and the smell hits our noses and I recoil in disgust.
"Damn!" Dean exclaims just as disgusted while I try not to puke. "All right. Whatever did this wasn't a psycho wannabe." Sam said as he pulls out some shredded flesh from the corpse with a pencil. "Look at those bite marks. Right down to the bone...and deeper." I pointed out.
"Strong enough to tear a healthy man apart limb from limb. Could be a werewolf." Dean said. "Yeah, except, look. The heart's still there in one piece. They never leave the heart behind." Sam said as he points at the corpse. "Thus I reiterate -- what the hell is going on?" Dean asked as we hear footsteps.
We turn and see the sheriff entering the morgue. "Well, I was hoping either of you could tell me. I just got a rush job back from the lab on those fibres we found on the body." he said and he pulls out a plastic bag from an envelope.
"Canine. Wolf hairs." he said and we stare at him in disbelief. "I'm getting a headache." Dean said as he shakes his head, slightly. "You are a headache." I grumbled and he turns and glares at me.
Later, we were back at the bar, sitting at a table and eating. "I don't know, boys. Looks like we've stumbled onto a midnight showing of Dracula meets Wolf Man. Is that it?" I asked and Dean shrugs. "I'm wondering the same thing." He said. "I don't know. I mean, Wolf Man seems real enough. Makes Dracula seem a little less impossible, I guess." Sam said. "Yeah, but werewolves don't grow wolf hair. That's just a myth." I said. "Yeah." said Sam as he nods. 
"So, what? We've got a vampire and a werewolf monster mashing this town?" Dean asked as Jamie brings over another round of beer for us. "Looks like you guys are staying a while. I heard about Rick Deacon." she said and she looked pretty sad.
"Yeah, this case just got weird enough for our department." Dean said. "Well, beers are on me." she said. "Thank you." I said, appreciatively. "Hey, by the way...since you're still here, you wanna hang out later with me?" Jamie asked me. "Sure, would love to have a girl's night out." I said and Jamie smiles. "Cool. I get off at midnight." She tells me and I nod. "Okay, see ya later." I said and she smiles and leaves.
Then I look over at the boys and they give me this look of disbelief. "What? Am I not allowed some me time?" I asked. “No. We just never seen you like this before.” Sam said. "Yeah, well, I've haven't had any kind've female friends to hang out with. I mean, I love you boys but...sometimes I like some me time." I said. "Hey, more power to ya." Dean said. “Hey, gives me some time to be away and enjoy myself for once.” I said and Dean rolls his eyes while I smirk at him.
Later that night, we were called into the museum since a guard was attacked by a mummy. It was already crawling with police when we show up and the sheriff let us through and we went right to the sarcophagus.
The three of us look it over when Sam speaks up. "This sarcophagus isn't ancient." he said and he holds up a tag that reads, THE FX SHOP PROPHOUSE PHILDADELPHIA, PA. "It's from a prop house in Philly." he informs. "Well...it goes well with the bucket of dry ice he was keeping in it." Dean said as he lifts up a small bucket of dry ice from inside the sarcophagus.
"Is he making his own special effects?" I asked them. "Yeah, a mummy with a good sense of showmanship." Dean said and I shake my head. "This is stupid." I muttered then I look at my watch and noticed that it was close to midnight.
"Oh, damn it. Jamie. I'm late. You boys good here?" I asked them. "Yeah." Dean said. "Yeah, you go ahead and enjoy your night." Sam said and I smile at him. "Thank you, boys." I said and he head off.
I was walking down the streets, almost at the bar, when I see Jamie running towards me. "Jamie!" I shout then she crashes into me. "Whoa, hey! You okay?" I asked but then I turn and see, honest to God, Dracula. He had the look and the clothes down from the original Dracula movie, just as Mr Brewer had described.
"Son of a bitch." I exclaimed as Dracula comes up to us. "You should not use such language in the presence of my bride." he said, in that phony accent. "Okay." I said then I punch Dracula and we begin to fight as I heard Jamie scream.
"Jamie, run!" I shout at her. "You have no choice in the matter, Ms. Harker. Mina is mine." he said and he goes to try and bite me. But I reach up and rip his ear off and he flees. I follow him and he leaps over a gate and escapes on a moped. 
"What the hell?!" I muttered and I looked down at the ear I ripped off and noticed something about it. "Ah, crap." I grumbled.
Back at the bar, Jamie and I were sitting at a table when the boys walk over to us. "Hey. You guys all right?" Dean asked as he comes up to me. "Yeah, I think so. And I think I know what's going on." I said and I put a folded towel on the table. "Yeah?" Sam and Dean said, cautiously.
"Part of it, at least." I said and Sam opens the towel to see Dracula's ear. "Uh, the ear part?" Sam asked as Dean looks taken aback by this. "Ripped it off of Dracula's head." I said and they look at me impressed. "Touch it." I tell them and they touch the ear and they let out a noise of disgust.
"Feel familiar to you?" I asked them. "Oh, man." Sam mutters. "Skin of a shapeshifter." Dean said and I nod. "Just like St. Louis and just like Milwaukee. Of course this one's all holding buckets of crazy. Oh, and, uh..." I said and take out a medallion from my pocket and gives it to Sam.
"This, I uh, pulled it off during the fight. Look at the label on the ribbon." I said and Sam and Dean look at the label, which reads THE FX SHOP PROPHOUSE PHILADELPHIA, PA.
"It's a costume rental." Sam said and I nod. "All three monsters - the Dracula, Wolf Man, and the mummy -- all the same critter, which means we need to catch this freak before he Creature From the Black Lagoons somebody." I said as I notice Jamie looking between us.
"So, you guys are like Mulder and Scully or something, and The X-Files are real?" she asked us. "No, The X-Files is a TV show. This is real." Dean said. "Oh." Jamie said and she looked overwhelmed. "Okay, so, the stagecraft, the costuming…it's like he's trying to re-enact his favorite monster movie moments, right down to the bloody murders." Sam said.
"Wait a second. Who the hell is Mina?" Jamie asked. "Mina?" Sam asked and I nod. "Yeah. That's what he called Jamie. And he called me Ms. Harker." I said. "Well, Ms. Harker is actually Mr. Harker as in Jonathan Harker. They're characters from the movies and the novels -- Mina, Dracula's intended bride, Harker the fiancé that stands in the way. He must've had to improvise since you're a girl." Sam explains then he looks over at Jamie.
"Seems like he's fixating on you, like he sees you as his bride." he said. "Wow. Lucky me." Jamie said, sarcastically. "But to fixate on you, my guess is that the shifter has to have seen you before or been around you." Dean said and Sam nods then I turn to Jamie.
"Jamie, has anybody strange come to town, somebody that has taken a specific notice of you?" I asked her. "I don't know, (y/n). It's Oktoberfest. I'm a bartender. There's lots of people. I..." she stops. "...wait a second. There is Ed." She said. "Ed Brewer Ed?" Sam asked. "Yeah. He moved here about a month ago. Lucy swears he has a crush on me. He comes in almost every night. But, you know, I don't think he's the type of guy –" Jamie starts to explain but Dean talks over her.
"Where does Ed live?" he asked. "I don't know. But he works at the old movie theater. I think he's the projectionist there." she said and the boys look over at me. "Take care of Mina?" Sam asked me and I nod. "Yep." I said and Dean goes up to me. "Be careful." He said and I smile. "Of course." I said then Dean leans in and gives me a kiss. I kiss him back then he and Sam leave.
Later, Jamie begins to pace in front of the booth I'm sitting in. "So, monsters are real." she said, still trying to process what she learned. "Some of them, yeah." I said. "And the shapeshifter, he can turn into different people." she said. "Yeah. Yeah, except this one's turning into the great monsters of screenland, which is a new one for me." I said.
"You're not really FBI, are you?" she asked me and I shake my head. "Not so much." I said "So, this is what you do? You and your partners just tramp across the country on your own dime until you find some horrible nightmare to fight?" she asked me.
"Some people paint." I said, shrugging. "Wow." she said, shocked. "What?" I asked her. "That must suck. I mean, you're giving up your life for this terrible...I don't know, responsibility." She said and I shrug. "It’s not so bad. We help people. Not only help them, we save them. It's pretty sweet. It's kind of like a gift...like a mission. Kind of like a...a mission from God." I explain as Jamie sits across from me.
"So, does that make you...some kind of monk or something? You know, celibate?" she asked me and I snort out a laugh. "No, although I feel like since these last few months." I said. "I guess that has to do with Dean?" She asked me and I nod.
"Yeah...we've been work partners for a couple of years then we became a couple and...well, something happened to him where he was gone for a few months. I thought he was dead. But then he came back and now it's just...I don't know a bit weird between us. I still love him and care about him but...I don't know about him. He'll kiss me but that's as far as he'll go." I said and Jamie frowns. "That sucks, girl." She said as she places a hand over mine. We share a smile but then the lights come on and we look over and see a blonde woman come in and she jumps when she sees us.
"Holy crap. Oh, my God. Jamie. Guys, I'm -- I'm sorry. I thought you guys were going out." she said. "Lucy, it's -- it's okay. Uh, listen –" Jamie tries to explain but Lucy raises a hand. "You know what? I just -- I came to borrow a bottle. I kind of got something going back at my...Anyway, uh, you guys look really busy, so I'm just gonna get out of your hair." Lucy said as she grabs a bottle and tries to leave.
"No, seriously, Lucy, it's been a crazy night. Stay for a drink." Jamie said and I nod. "Yeah. Stay for a drink." I said and Lucy smiles.
Later, Jamie, Lucy and I were all sitting around the table and Jamie explains to her what happened while Lucy poured us all a drink. "Oh, that sounds awful. Jamie, honey, are you okay?" Lucy asked her. "Oh, I am fine. He didn't even touch me. (y/n), she just blew right in and fought him off." Jamie said as she nods at me. "Well, I didn't actually fly, but I'm sure it seemed that way at the time." I said as Lucy blots her lipstick on a napkin.
"It was really, really something." Jamie said then she started to act like she was woozy. "Jamie?" I asked her, worried, but then I started to feel like my head was swimming. "So, (y/n), are you like a black belt or what?" Lucy asked me as I look at my glass, it swims before my eyes.
"Well, I guess they train you to fight at the academy or whatever." Lucy said with a triumphant smile. I lean across and punch Lucy as I push Jamie out of the way. "(y/n), what are you doing?" Jamie slurred, questioning, then she passes out, falling back down into the booth.
"It's you, isn't it?" I asked Lucy as I glare at her. Lucy pushes her jaw back into place and I kick her again but I start to stumble around and my head start to hurt. "Oh, damn it! What did you put in our drinks?!" I asked as I smash a bottle on the edge of table. "That's all right. I'll skin you myself." I said but then next thing I knew my vision goes black.
I groan and slowly open my eyes as my vision was blurry for a moment. Once my vision clears up, I realized that I was in a dungeon and I start to move but noticed that I was strapped to an upright table. Then I look down and noticed, for some damn reason, I was wearing lederhosen.
"Oh, come on." I said, exasperated, then I look around and notice a portrait of a woman’s face on the wall. As I kept staring at it, I realized that the woman looked an awful like Lucy.
"She is beautiful, no?" A voice asked and I look the other way to see Dracula walking up next to me. "Bride number three from the first film. She never got the acclaim that she deserved. Which is why I chose her shape, her form, to move among the mortals unnoticed. To listen to the cricket songs of the living. That is when I discovered my bride had been reborn in this century." He explains and I shake my head.
"I can't get over what a pumpkin-pie-eyed, crazy son of a bitch you really are. You're not Dracula! You get that, right?" I said and he glares at me. "Or even if you think you are Dracula, what the hell's up with the mummy?!"  I asked then Dracula punches me in the face
"Agh, bitch!" I shout as I spat out blood. "I am all monsters!" Dracula exclaims. "Life ain't a movie, you sorry sack of –" I growled then he punches me again. I groan and cough before he continues. "Life is small. Meagre. Messy. The movies are grand, simple, elegant. I have chosen elegance." He said
"You think elegance is really the word for what you did to Marissa, or Rick Deacon, or any of the others?!" I asked him, angrily. "But of course. It is a monster movie, after all." he said. "You do realize what happens at the end of every monster movie?" I said, questioning. "Ah, but this movie is mine. And in it, the monster wins. The monster gets the girl. And the hero or...well in this case, heroine, she’s...electrocuted. And tonight, Jonathan...oh excuse me, Joan Harker, you will be my heroine." Dracula said and he puts his hand on a large lever on the wall and I chuckle, nervously.
"W-w-wait, wait, wait." I stammer, panicked, and I struggle to escape and he was about to pull the lever but the doorbell rings. "Please, excuse me." Dracula said and he leaves. I let out a sigh of relief at this and lay my head back.
"What the hell am I gonna do?" I asked myself as I look around for something or anything. I struggle against the restrains but nothing and I grumble a few curse words under my breath.
I began to panic a bit as I didn't know when Dracula would come back, even though it has been awhile. I struggle some more then I hear some footsteps and I felt my heart race. But then I realized it sounded like more than one sets of feet.
At that moment, Sam and Dean come up to me. "Oh, thank God. Just in the nick of time. That guy was about to Frankenstein me." I tell them and they untie me. "Hey there, Hansel." Sam teases as I get off of the table. "Shut up!" I growled. "I'm starting to think you need to wear shorts more often." Dean flirts and I turn to him. "You're so lucky I like you, or I'd roundhouse kick you now." I said then I gesture for the boys to kick the door.
Sam puts his foot through the door, punching a hole in it which made the entire door falls flat off its hinges. "Let's go." Dean said and we run.
We kept looking around the house and make our way upstairs and to a bedroom door. Sam opens the door and crosses to Jamie, who was lying on the bed. Then Dracula intercepts him from behind and throws him through the wall.
"You will never be Van Helsing!" Dracula yelled and Dean attacks him. "Neither will you!" Dracula shouts as he kicks Dean back and I run in and fight him. "And you, Harker, now you die." Dracula shouts, dramatically. "How 'bout now you shut the hell up?" I asked but then I was thrown on the ground.
Dracula raises his arms, about to go in for the kill, but then he was shot in the chest. I gasp as Dracula looks at his wound. "Silver?" He said, shocked, then he turns to see Jamie was the one who shot him. "It was beauty that killed the beast." Dracula said as Jamie looked upset about this. "No, Mina, do not weep." Dracula said as he falls into a chair.
"Perhaps this is how the movie should end." he said then he dies in the chair.
The next day, Jamie and I, back to wearing normal clothes, were walking around in the town square. "Well, that was probably the most action packed girl's night I've ever had." Jamie said and I chuckle. "Yeah, getting to shoot a shapeshifter that was a Dracula wannabe is gonna be hard to top." I said and she laughs.
"Well, thank you. You have been a great service to your country." Jamie said to me and I laugh. "Oh, yes, I'm very, very patriotic." I joked and we share a laugh as I hear footsteps behind me. I look over my shoulder and see Dean and Sam come up to me. 
I turn back to Jamie. "Well, I guess this is goodbye." I said and she nods. "Come visit next time, okay?" She asked me. "I can't promise anything but...I'll try." I said and she nods. "Just keep those boys out of trouble, especially that one." She said and she points over at Dean. I laugh and said. "Oh trust me, they attract trouble wherever they go. I may need a leash for when that happens.” 
She laughs at this then we smile. "Well, goodbye." She said and the two of us hug each other then once the hug was over, I walk over to the boys and we began to walk away. "You guys saved my life, you know? So, thanks." Jamie said and we turn to her and she smiles and nods at us before she leaves.
"I like her." Sam said as we walk towards the Impala. "Feels good to be back on the job, doesn't it?" Dean asked us and I nod. "Yeah, it does." Sam said. "The girl is saved, monster gets the gank. All in all, happy ending!" I said and Sam rolls his eyes and Dean shakes his head.
"Hey, all I'm saying is the shifter man had a point, you know? It would be nice if life was movie simple." I said and Sam shrugs. "Although, if I was turning life into a movie, I wouldn't do this Abbott and Costello meet the monster crap." Dean said.
"Yeah, no. I know what you’d pick." Sam said. "No, you don't." Dean argued. "Yeah, I do." Sam said. "No. You don't. You don't!" Dean exclaims and Sam and I share a knowing look. "Porky's II." I replied and Dean looks over at me while Sam laughs.
"What?" Dean asked me. "You heard me." I said and Sam nods. Dean looks between us then pouts. "Lucky guess." he grumbles and Sam raises a hand behind Dean towards me and I high-five him as we get to the Impala.
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catierambles · 4 months
Blood Moon Ch.15
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Pairing: Syverson x Annalisa Caulfield (OFC)
(Imma finish my butter paneer, take a couple ambien, and go tf to bed)
“Mike!” Sy called out but he was already gone. Annalisa swept her tongue over the wounds quickly, stopping the bleeding and they got up, pausing as the world spun for him and she steadied him before they raced from the bathroom after him.
“She's a vampire!” Mike exclaimed as he ran into the living room, making them grimace. “Annie! She's a vampire!”
“Mikey,” Jake said, “You gotta stop watchin' those horror movies.”
“It's the truth! Sy was in the bathroom with her and she had fangs and was drinking his blood!” He said and jumped to the side as they came into the living room. “Annie is a damn vampire! Sy, show them your wrist!”
“Mike,” Sy said, “I don't know what you think you saw but—”
“It's true.” Annalisa said, taking him by surprise. “I'm a vampire.”
“Annie?” Sy asked.
“Sy they were going to figure out something was off eventually when your nephew who is in diapers starts collecting social security and I look exactly as I do now.” She said, “I'm a vampire.”
“And you wanna marry this whack-job?” Jake asked after a moment's pause. It was only a blink and she was across the room, another blink and she was back at Sy's side. He had seen her move that quickly before, but only on rare occasions as it made her tired.
“Jesus Christ.” Brian whispered, “I mean, fuckin' hell.”
“Yeah.” She said with a nod.
“And you knew this?” Pete asked, looking at Sy and he nodded.
“Wait.” Annalisa said, “You want to marry me?”
“Yeah, baby, I do.” Sy said, “We're forever, remember?”
“Sy...” She said and he pulled her into his arms, pressing a kiss to her forehead.
“Hold the fuck up!” Brian said, “She's a goddamn vampire, Kyle! How are you okay with this?!”
“She ain't the only one who ain't human anymore.” Sy said and the statement hung in the air.
“You a...vampire too, son?” Jack asked.
“No, pops, I'm not.” Sy said and he sighed.
“Well, shit, I mean—”
“I'm a werewolf.” He said and they went silent again.
“Syria.” Denise said finally, breaking the silence.
“Kyle, I carried you, I raised you, I know you. You were different when you came back from Syria. You had nightmares, bad ones, we could hear'em. I thought you just...maybe you had seen some bad combat, lord knows your dad had nightmares comin' back from Vietnam.” She said, “That didn't explain the bloody sheets, or you sneakin' back in at dawn, cut up and dirty around the same time every month. I didn't say anythin' because I...I didn't know what to say. I didn't know what was goin' on, but the nightmares stopped and you got a place of your own. Next time you came around, you were my baby boy again, so I pushed it from my mind.”
“Is that when it happened?” Jake asked and he nodded. “Fuck.”
“Oh this is so cool.”
“Mikey.” Pete said.
“What? It is! My brother is a werewolf and his girlfriend is a vampire! My friends are gonna shit themselves!” Mike said.
“This don't leave this room, Michael!” Sy said, pointing at him. “Not a damn word to anyone! Ya hear me?”
“I mean, it's just—”
“Anyone.” Sy said and he nodded.
“You were around my children.” Pete said, “The both of you.”
“Well, yeah, Petey, they're my nieces and nephews. I'd never hurt'em, you know that.” Sy said, “Right?” He didn't say anything, “Peter, you know I'd never hurt your babies, right?”
“Peter.” Denise said, “He's still Kyle—”
“He's a damn monster!” Pete snapped, “So is she!”
“If I was going to hurt them,” Annalisa said, “I had plenty of opportunities too. When I changed PJ's diaper, when I took Becky to the bathroom. I'd never hurt a child.”
“And I babysat'em alone plenty of times while you and Beth had date night after I got back.” Sy said, “I may have spoiled'em a bit much, but it's kinda hard not to.”
“They're right.” Jack said, “If they were gonna hurt the kids, or any of us, they would have. We've been alone with them plenty of times. They coulda hurt us and they didn't.”
“Pete.” Sy said, going to his brother. “I'm still your brother, I'm just...a little somethin' extra now.”
“I know that, I do.” Pete said, “It's just...fuck, Kyle.”
“I know.”
“I wanna see it.” Brian said, “I wanna see your...wolf.”
“Brian, it's...” Sy paused, “I look like a wolfman, Hollywood-style.”
“So cool.”
“I wanna see it.” Brian said, his tone final and he sighed.
“Ma, you had plans for that roast in the fridge?” Sy asked and she nodded. “Mind if I have it? I need to eat when I first shift and I ain't exactly myself.”
“Can't exactly do the alternative.” Annalisa muttered and he bumped her with an elbow making her snort.
“It'll take a couple hours to cook—”
“Raw is fine.” Sy said and headed for the back, stopping in the kitchen. “Whatever you hear, don't come outside, stay in the house. Annie?”
“Yeah.” She said and followed him out, the back screen door closing behind them. They stayed in the living room like he instructed, even as they heard his pained shout and the sound of breaking wood, the dogs running to the backdoor and barking.
“I'm gonna—” Pete said.
“Sit down, Pete.” Brian said, “He told us to stay here for a reason. He said he ain't himself, and I have a feelin' we won't like what he is.”
“He's our brother, Brian.”
“I know, and trust me, I wanna go out there, too, but if he's wild right now he won't forgive himself if he hurts one of us or worse.” Brian said and Pete nodded, sinking back down in his chair. Savage snarls and roars sounded from the back making them flinch when it happened, but then it went quiet. The back door swung open and there was the sound of claws on tile, the dogs stampeding back into the living room.
“Holy fuck.” Mike said with wide eyes, as he had a direct line of sight and saw him first. They got up from their chairs slowly, or pushed away from walls as he came back into the living room, towering over them, his ears nearly brushing the ceiling. His shirt was gone and his jeans clung to his legs.
Well, this is me.
“Anyone else hear him but his mouth didn't move?” Jake asked.
“He communicates via thought projection.” Annalisa explained, her fingers laced with his that were tipped in dark, wicked claws, “They all can.”
“He ain't the only one, then. Okay.” Brian said, “I mean, of course he ain't, there has to be at least one more out there.”
“So fucking cool.”
“Kyle Hoyt Syverson!” Denise snapped, making him jump. “Is that a nipple piercin'?!”
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on-leatheredwings · 5 days
Aegon is definitely not OOC. He shows off Jaehaerys like a pet but has no idea what time he should be at lessons. It's been three weeks since his coronation, three weeks since he raped Dyana. He hasn't grown as a person at all. We're just seeing different facets of him but people need to be spoonfed every trait of a character constantly to keep from spilling out of their brain. He appreciates the smallfolk because he's spent so much time drinking and whoring with them, but he has no respect for someone who obviously has more experience than him (Otto) and thinks he has more of an advantage being nice to people who were themselves forced to be nice to him when he was among them because he's a royal. He doesn't treat his mother's counsel with any respect either despite watching her rule the kingdom for years on her own. His weak moment of do you love me was just that, a weak moment. As soon as he gets drunk, he turns into a monster. He's stupid, clever, arrogant, predatory and a host of other things. People just don't think critically enough anymore in fandom.
thank you. thank you. thank you. thank you. thank you. you put it perfectly into words. aegon is just acting like a child who's enjoying the novelty of newfound purpose in life. and like most addicts/abusers, he'll have his high days... then he'll have his LOW days. it's been one episode - we'll see him hit his low, probably even as soon as next episode.
this fandom makes me feel like i'm losing my mind like is it not clear that he's kind of doing a bad job at ruling/parenting? or at least, a very superficial job? is it "ooc" or are you not allowing the writers to portray him in anyway aside from the one dimensional image you already have of him in his head ??
We're just seeing different facets of him but people need to be spoonfed every trait of a character constantly to keep from spilling out of their brain.
genuinely i don't know why people just aren't using context clues anymore. just not thinking. or, holy fuck, just WONDERING? 😭whenever a character does something "ooc".... why not WONDER why they're doing it, rather than reacting so shallowly ??? some good writing advice i once saw was "don't ask 'is this action out of character for x', and rather ask, 'what would drive x to do this action'?" people are complex plsss 😭😭😭
also you make an excellent point about aegon aligning himself with smallfolk b/c he was more at home amongst them than with his noble family.
and tbh this is feeling like specifically a hotd issue? every tv show has bad takes but hotd has been genuinely unbearable. i watch other prestige tv or 'layered' shows and people seem to generally have the idea of the characters? succession, interview with the vampire, breaking bad, ozark, etc.
wondering if GOT S6-8 PTSD genuinely has made this fandom lose faith in the writing and they're choosing to take everything so face value now.
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she's my collar
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summary : you and your aunt moved in to Hawkins, Indiana, you got your last year of senior high and got a job at Family Video, you finally made friends and this place feels like home until you met Eddie, you never know what love feels like unbeknownst to you he is not truly human what you thought he is
word count : the is the most longest one part fic that I ever written I'm sorry 😭
warnings : (18+) Vampire!Eddie Munson x FEM! reader, Eddie & reader are virgins, language, use of (y/n) losing a loved one, Eddie is (19), reader is (18), protected sex, Eddie being the most adorable and caring vampire ever, natural disaster (earthquake), reader is oblivious to Eddie's true nature, I added the KAS THEORY a little bit in this, idk if this is considered a spoiler but reader will sacrifice her mortality 👀
what to expect : angst, fluff, eventual smut, but I promise this has a good ending
note to reader : I've been wanting to write a fic about Eddie being a vampire and I hope you'll enjoy this! 🫶🏻
author note : I love Gorillaz so much, they're like my favorite band ever, if you haven't listen to this song yet and yes this is where I got the idea hahaha you should listen to it first! 👇🏻
It's April 16 1988
You and your Aunt Katherine moved to another town again called Hawkins, Indiana
Ever since in your early teens, you got used to it, moved here and there
Your aunt took care for you, when your parents both passed at a very young age of 7
She's the only one you've ever had in your life and you couldn't be more grateful
She did the best that she can to give you what you needed, she treated you well, she thought you the how to deal things with life
You loved her very dearly, it just saddens you to move on again to another town- she wants to have a partner again in her life, on every slight inconveniences the next thing you know is packing up all of your stuff and leave immediately
All the memory of Uncle Charlie is a bit hazy and you couldn't quite remember everything of it but you know, he is an amazing husband whenever your Aunt talks about him, you can see the way her eyes glow
You struggle to adjust into the new environment and make new friends, Perhaps?.... as if you ever made one
But this time, you wanted to stay for real this time, you wanna settle down and have a real life
Thankfully, is the last year of your senior high school and you're just going to need a job after you graduated
Even though your aunt insist not to take any jobs she wants you to go in college as soon after you graduated
But you really wanted to have a job not because of your own needs but you also wanted to help out your aunt
She sadly smiles at you and she sighs in defeat and she saids "Alright, we will look for a perfect job for you"
While your aunt is asking for inquires at a local diner in front of the Family Video
You eye out the store and you don't understand why the sudden pulling inside of you telling you that's the place that you want to work
You cleared your throat "Can I check that out, if you don't mind?"
Your aunt looked around "Yeah, sure, my dear but be back here? alright?"
"Okay" You nod
You crossed down the road and your eyes roam around the small building
You loved movies, you always loved watching movies
You opened the door and the bell chimes, a signal, that a customer enter the premises
"Hi! Welcome to Family Video!" A short dusty blonde hair girl- greeted you with a smile on her face
You like the enthusiastic tone coming out of her voice "uh- thank you" you shrug shyly
You didn't noticed the man coming in a load of big boxes on the side and you bumped to each other and the box fall back down on the ground scattering all of the VHS tapes on the floor
He grunts and sighs warily not until he looked up at you "Oh- I'm sorry I didn't see you there"
"It's my fault, let me help you pick up those"
Before he can protest, he already saw you piling all of the VHS all at once
"My guess this is for the horror section, right?" You held up one "Rosemary's Baby" VHS
"Yes" he responds feeling bad while he watches you picking all of the tapes and placing all of them one by one on the shelf
"Look, you don't have to do this" he says while grabbing all of the VHS at once putting them on the front desk he even doesn't bother to organized them all he just goes straight back to you
"Hey, it's okay, don't sweat it" You say before you crouch down to put the last horror VHS in place
"Actually, I think I might get a job around here" you stand up straight and look at him
He's very attractive, his hazel eyes are pretty and the hair is perfectly styled
He must've been very popular at his school where he studied
"Oh, you are?"
"I think we have one more available slot for you- he pauses "Shoot- I'm sorry, My name is Steve, Steve Harrington"
He hold out his hand for you and you shake them "it's Y/N"
"Steve, have you-"
You looked around and it's the girl who greeted you earlier
She smirked and you looked back at Steve in confusion
He shakes his head at her "Before you go think of something else, I'm almost finished to organize everything that is delivered right now"
"Ooh, really?" She answers sarcastically
"It's because we have a new assistant now!"
"Wait-woah- Does that mean I'm hired?"
"Yes!" Steve replies fast and you can hear the excitement in his tone
She rolled her eyes at him "Anyways, I'm Robin, Robin Buckley" she reached out for hand and she shakes it aggressively
"You better get used to her over the top energy" Steve chuckles
You giggled "Okay, it's nice to meet you, Robin, I'm Y/N"
"Hey, Robin could you get the papers to sign her up?"
She annoyingly smiles at Steve and goes back to the office
"That was fast?" You furrow your brows in confusion
"What do you mean?"
"That I got the job?" You raise your eyebrow at him
He goes back to the desk organizing every VHS tape in order on the shelf
Not looking at you he replies "It's because you knew the film that you're holding earlier"
"Huh? Is that it?"
"Uh yeah- that's what we needed in here, top 1 most important thing is that you must know or like familiar with films and everything" he says while opening a second box putting out the other new delivered VHS
"and you even place them not just in the horror section" he gestures the last phrase with quotation marks "you also placed them by year!" he breathlessly laughs
He motions you to look back at the horror section
"Oh, yeah right" you chuckled
He crouch down to look at it and shaking his head "I can't believe that you know all about this stuff!" he exclaims
"What stuff" Robin says without looking at you both while she's double checking the paper before she gives it to you
"This girl right here" he points to you "is very cultured"
"Say what now?" Robin grins at you as she crouch down next to Steve
She gasps and looks right back at you "You literally organized all of these by year?"
You nod at her and smile
"Dracula (1931), Frankenstein (1931)-" Robin cups her face in awe as she reads all the labels again
"Psycho (1960) to Rosemary's Baby (1968)"
"I just place them on the shelf but not like this" Steve is still unbelievable of what you just did
"She freaking place them not just by year but also by decade!"
You watch them as they lose their minds and you can't supress the smile growing widely because you've never had like this before
Maybe.... You finally made friends
Robin stands up straight she walks towards to you "Like how could you know all about this?"
You shrugged "I just love movies that's all"
Steve straighten up as well "Did you go to film class or something?"
"I guess you could say that" you snorted while you put your hands on your pocket
"Wait? Are you in college?" Robin says
"Not yet, I'm going to finish my last year of senior first but yeah Steve's right that's what I want to pursue someday"
Robin nods while Steve listens continuing to put all of the VHS at place
"I-I was supposed to go to college after I graduated that's what my aunt really wanted but I just- you paused
"I want to have a job and uh- I wanna experience it while saving up some money for college" you added
"Well, you found the perfect place" Steve smiles
"Yeah, it's gonna be fun!" Robin agrees
You look in their eyes and you can tell they're very genuine and you smile at them
You heard the car from outside beeping and it's your aunt calling out from you
"Oh, that's my aunt, I- uh I'm gonna go" you say while you're rushing out towards the exit
Steve follows you while your hand rest on the door handle "Before you go, can you start tomorrow? We open at 9am?"
"Yes, I can"
"What am I going to wear by the way?"
"You can wear anything you want- we don't have spare uniform around here yet" Robin says while she carries the 2 boxes bringing it outside
"Oh okay, I'll see you guys tomorrow then!"
"Sure thing!" Robin smiles at you
"Bye, Take care" Steve says while waving to you
You look at them for the last time and you push the door forward
"She's really cute and pretty!" Robin says with a eat shiting-grin on her face
Robin feels Steve's eyes rolling "I like her but, very funny, Robs" as he glares at her
She laughs "ooh I wonder what else she likes, maybe she loves rock music" she says as she taps her finger at her chin while thinking deeply
"What makes you say that?"
"I saw her leather bracelet and she wears like black & white colored outfits"
"Just because someone is wearing one doesn't mean they listen to rock music, Robin"
"But what if, she is!"
Steve chuckles "Only way to found out tomorrow"
6:30am in the morning, you woke up
You stretch out your body before getting out of the bed and move the curtains on the side of the window
You're never a morning person as a kid but now you're growing more to like it
You still haven't done unpacking everything yet since you're exhausted yesterday just recently moving in the tow
You sigh as you looked over the baggages in your room instead you showered to freshen up and start rummaging through your luggage
you grab the black bra top, black cardigan and khaki pants
Your aunt made your favorite chicken noodle soup and you smile to yourself as you walk across the kitchen, smelling the aroma more
"Goodmorning, pumpkin" she greets
"Morning!" you smile
Your aunt caught your keen voice as she squints her eyes at you but a smile grows on her lips before she continues to what she was doing
You want to help out your aunt for cooking but she always insists that you sat down on the table
she places the bowl in front of you "What's with you so smiley today?"
"I'm just looking forward for the job that I got yesterday"
"Wait, what- really?" she stopped while holding the serving spoon
"At the Family Video?"
"And you're excited about that?"
You smile even wider you can't help but wonder why "Yes I do! I think I made friends as well!"
"You did?"
"What are their names?"
"Steve Harrington and Robin Buckley"
Your aunt can see the lively vibe into your eyes and she hopes that you will never lose it
She smiles down at you as she fills up your bowl with chicken noodle soup
You sigh at the comfortness around the area and you've never felt this before ever since.... well.... you moved in a lot
You felt happy at those times before but not like this, this is different
Maybe, just maybe..... This is the place that you want to stay
"I'm happy for you, love, but if things go wrong-
"I will always be here whenever you need me" you cut her off by finishing her sentence that she always reminds you
She chuckles as she places a glass of red iced tea
"Eat up, we got a big day ahead of us"
Your aunt drop you off at the Family Video, she decides to take the diner instead, she works as a waitress in there
Steve & Robin are already inside opening all of the windows inside
They seem to focus on what they're doing that they didn't even noticed that you arrived on time
You cleared your throat and they raise their heads in unison
You shyly wave at them
Robin smiles "Perfect timing!"
"Hey there!" Steve greets you
You sheepishly nod at him
Robin walks towards to you and grab your hand as she pull over the desk and she reveals your uniform and your name tag
You gasped as you look over to your uniform
Other people might found this funny because of your reaction looked like you just won the lottery
But this is very new to you and it's a great experience to let yourself feel it, enjoy it and embrace it
"W-Wow, I'm official now?"
"You sure are!" Robin says as she watches you unfold your uniform and couldn't help but smile even more
"You can wear it now, if you want to" Steve says
"Are you kidding? I've been dying to have one of these!"
Steve chuckles and shakes his head at you
"You can go ahead and change in the restroom is just around the corner" Robin says as she directs you to where the bathroom is
"Okay, be right back!" You say as you pick up your stuff and headed towards the restroom
"Isn't she the most lovely human being ever!" Robin admires your kind personality
"I gotta admit, I do" Steve shrugs as he flips the sign on the glass door that says "OPEN"
"We had a bet right?"
"A bet that we did, last night"
"Oh- that"
"And I just have the perfect person to talk about it" Robin looks over to Steve shoulder and she grins
Someone enters the store with heavy boots on
Steve already knows who is the person behind him and he sighs in exhaustion
He turns around and he says "Dude, what the hell are you doing in here?"
He's wearing Ray-Bans black sunglasses
"I'll be quick, man, don't worry"
"I'll be quick" Steve mocks him making the man rolls his eyes even though his wearing sunglasses, Steve can see it
"You know it's dangerous for you to go outside, in broad daylight!" Steve exclaims
He sighs "yeah, man, I know, goddamn it just be chill, Harrington" he walked over the Mystery/Thriller section as he halts his tracks
His sensing something..... else
"Don't tell me you're going outside like this often" Steve says sternly
Robin ignoring Steve "Uh- I'm going to say something about-"
The man just hushes them both
They both went silent and Steve looked over to Robin and she just shrugs
He can smell you, he can even hear the beat of your heart
He takes a deep breath and he narrows his piercing red glowing eyes to his friends
But before they can say anything, he heard the restroom door open as he swiftly snaps his head looking at you
you unbeknownst to what's going around at the store and the strange man that came in
You're wearing a walkman and you're listening to "Deep Purple - Child In Time" with your head down and you swing your bag over your shoulder fixing your uniform more properly
He removed his sunglasses with his lips apart
The man could've sworn to himself that he is dead, he felt alive again just seeing your presence, even though his heart isn't the same anymore since.... the disaster happened
It's been 2 years and yet here you are, he thought he would've never feel anything that is human but now.... he is feeling something again and that intrigues him
You feel eyes on you
Your raise your head and you have locked eyes at the peculiar man standing not too far from you
He can feel and read your mind, emotions towards him, you're curious and somehow.... intimidated?
That's what he is afraid of.... but that changes when you started walking towards him with a smile on your face
You remove your walkman headset and pause the cassette
Steve and Robin shared a knowing look with each other as they smirk behind the man
"Oh, hello, I'm Y/N" you offer your hand to shake hands with him
You asking him? to shake hands with you?
He blinked and swallowed he becomes nervous as he couldn't said a word
You furrow your brows while you reach out for his hand and he shakes it "and you are?"
"I-I'm Edward Munson- b-but you can call me, Eddie" he stutters and he winces at the awkward answer but you find it cute
The one thing that you noticed, it's not even winter yet but his hand feels.... cold... not that it's weird is just it's summer but you don't pay attention to it...maybe....it's because he's nervous
"Hi, Eddie is a pleasure to meet you, I just recently moved here."
"You do?"
"Yeah, just yesterday"
He looked back at his friends raising his eyebrows
"And that what I've been meaning to tell you" Robin sighs
"She's on her first day of the job!" Steve says while putting his hands over his waist
"Are you picking up a movie?" You asked
"Uh- yeah- I was"
You nod "What kind?"
He got confused by your question and you chuckled "What I mean what kind of movie genre"
"Oh, I get it" he admires your features carefully your eyes, lips, smile, nose, even your voice.... is making him melt
You move yourself beside him and that shocks him, he's never been close to a human girl in his life.... except for his friends though
"You're looking for a Mystery/Thriller film?"
"Yeah, I am"
You look over the VHS section, you found that catches your eye but before you put it out from the shelf, you ask him first
"Are you looking for something that is uh- spooky?"
He tears his eyes away from you while you lean down bending beside him
You didn't even noticed that he is watching you, my god- you're so beautiful- it hurts
He clears his throat "I-I'm kinda into some kind of action"
Steve scrunches up his brows "Since when?"
Robin elbows him with Steve saying "OW!"
"Don't mess up with the moment" she whispers
You picked it up and give it to him
He take it out your grasps and he reads the title "Die Hard"
"You gotta love it" you told him
He smiles to you "Okay"
Robin presses her lips together as she can't control her excitement
"Say- uh- Eddie- I think Y/N is also into rock music" Robin says as she throw her arm around your shoulder with a grin
"How- did you?-" you say as you turn your head on Robin
"You are?"
"Oh- yeah I am"
"What kind?" he echoes the question that you asked him earlier
"Heavy metal, speed metal, glam rock, hard rock, blues, psychedelic rock and so much more" you say as you motion your hands for far more wide
Eddie's eyes almost bulge out of his head "Really? No way!" he jumps out of exhilaration
"Yes, I do!"
You mirrored his enthusiasm as you jump at the same time- you didn't even realized you both holding each other's hands
Robin face turn into such a satisfaction as she turn into Steve mouthing to him "Pay me"
Steve rolls his eyes at her with a smile as he digs out of his pocket a dollar and gives it to Robin
You share each other's interests as you both looked down
you rip your hands from him immediately while smiling sheepishly at him
Eddie scratches the back of his neck
"Are you going to pay for that, Munson?" Steve asks
"Right" he responds as he holds up the VHS you gave to him
Before he can leave the store he turn around and say "Can we hang out sometime?" he shyly asks
"Sure, Eddie, I would love to"
"Oh, okay good, what day are you available?"
"I could hang out with you tomorrow if you want"
"T-That's perfect!" his voice raises a bit much that gives two of his friends shared giggles and he shakes his head at the sight of them
You laugh "See ya, tomorrow, Eddie"
"You too, sweet thing" he gives you a smile before he exits
and that's where all it began....
Everytime you bond with each other, you two became close, literally inseparable
You even met his amazing friends that you very liked in the first place that you met them
Dustin, Max, Lucas, El, Mike, Nancy, Will, Jonathan, Chief Hopper (but he prefers to be called Jim) Joyce, Murray, Karen, Ted, Enzo
You notice something again in their eyes, you can't even read it what it means but you never really mind it about anyways
The first thought comes to your mind, maybe.... they're observing you- they feel like they should get to know you first before trusting you
Are they hiding something from you? or maybe they're just being careful or it's just their instinct
But at the same time it doesn't add up, if they won't trust you they shouldn't be inviting you to hang out during weekends or inviting you and your aunt on dinner
You have done it, countless amount of times already.... and it's overwhelming to you because.... this never happen to you before
One time though, you made garlic buttered shrimp that Eddie almost runaway at the smell of it, you thought he didn't like the food and you can see he is scared.... like you can't even explain it- it looks like you're going to hate him?
Eddie on the other hand can read your mind and he wishes if anything happens, if ever you found out about him, he hopes that you will never change towards him
"Oh, are you allergic to seafood?"
"U-uh- yeah I am" he quietly sighs of relief
You gasped "My deepest apologies, I am so sorry I didn't mean any harm" you say as you moved away the food from him
You met Eddie's uncle, Wayne, that's your first impression again
You got intimidated, but that got off as well as soon as he acts so friendly to you
He has the exact same qualities with his nephew
He is so sweet and kind like Eddie
Sometimes you caught them looking at each other with a look that again.... you couldn't understand
There's also no mirrors in their trailer
There's mirrors in some of his friend's house but all of them are covered with a fabric
You find it odd but you can't stop yourself from being curious though
One night, you came home late from work since you insist to take the night shift from Robin- you couldn't quite understand the reason why the sudden she has to leave
It's about a "Code Red?"
Steve didn't want to leave you behind but you heard Dustin's voice coming out from the walkie-talkie shouting
"Bring Steve with you, y-you guys better come in here right now! It's urgent!"
Judging by the tone of his voice, it is very serious and you hate yourself for thinking this is kind of a sick joke but it really is not
You drag your brows together but you don't wanna pry and it's really none of your business but you wanted to know what's going on though
Robin almost dragging Steve out of the store
He really didn't wanna go and you can't understand why, the more you try to convince Steve that you'll be okay and you can see in his eyes that it's highly unlikely that you'll be fine,
It's closer to 12:00am, you packed up your stuff and you make sure all of doors from the back door and the office are locked and you switch off the lights and close the store
The cold wind made you shudder a little
Your aunt take the bus ride home she leaves you with the car, while on your way to it- you didn't know that there's a man holding out a knife to harm you
Before he can attack you, there's a wind swoosh behind your back, you turn around and you notice there's nothing in there- you roam your eyes everywhere
There's no one
You felt nervous and you grip on your car keys as you quickly unlock the door
There's 'clang' of a trashcan that flew into the air and that made you shrieked and you drop your keys on the ground
You take a deep breath and you shout
"Whoever you are! Show yourself!"
Eddie can feel your fear and he feels bad he's the one that caused it but he doesn't want anyone to hurt you, he won't let anyone to do that to you
His eyes are red, his hands are bloody, and his fangs were out.... good thing that he can go back to normal after a while to calm down
When no one respond, you huffed and shake your head, you pick up the keys on the ground
The moment you look back again, you screamed "AHH" you put your hand over your chest and you're heavily breathing
It's Eddie fucking appeared out of nowhere in front of you and you didn't even heard him coming
"You fucking scared me half to life! Eddie! What the hell?!?"
You clasps his hands together saying "I'm sorry" repeatedly
You wave dismissively at him and he says "A-are you good?"
You laugh in disbelief- you scratch your forehead "What are you doing in here anyways?"
Oh shit
He needs a valid reason
"Uh- Steve asked me to guard on you"
"Guard on me?" You raise your eyebrows while you squint your eyes on him
"Y-yeah since, it's late"
before you can reply, Dustin runs around you and he put his hands over his knees as he tries to catch up his breath
Steve leans over to your car with a ragged breathing
Robin puts her hand over her chest as she gives a small wave
"Oh- good, you're okay" Dustin hugs you and you hugged back looking at Eddie in confusion
He pulled out a forced smile as he doesn't know what to say
Hopper's car arrived and he came out of the vehicle and he gives a glare to Eddie
Eddie gulped and put his head down
"There's a suspect that runs into this area that's why we came as fast as we could" Hopper explained
You nod and that lessens your suspicions but- you want answers
You're still confused by the whole situation going on but they watched you as they saw you're inside of the car and drove away
Eddie watches you closely as he can read your thoughts and he feels so guilty for not telling you the truth about....
"What have we told you?" Hopper says sternly
"I know-"
"Listen, kid, you know I like you alright?" Hopper says
He just nods
"I can't help but feel infuriated by your stubbornness"
"Look- I just- wanna help! I caught the bad guy! didn't I?!?" He looks over to Dustin, Steve and Robin
The three of them give unsure looks
"Oh, come on, you guys"
"Yeah, you caught the bad guy but what about you?" Steve says
"I agree with Steve" Dustin can't even look at Eddie in the eyes as he can remembers how he almost lost him before
"What if, someone saw you? Do you think they won't think twice of killing you instantly?" Robin added
"We know that you wanted to help but we can't risk anyone by finding out that you're- Eddie cuts Hopper off before finishing his sentence
"A what?!? A fucking vampire?!?" Eddie exclaims
He lets out a exasperated sigh "I know guys are concerned about me and I promise this is the last time that I will violated what we talked about" he starts
"If there's a bad situation, I will never do anything without your permission"
Hopper, Steve, Dustin, Robin glance at each other as they all know no matter what they do- Eddie will always be there to save someone from harm
"He-" his angry tears welled up behind his eyes
Hopper blinks at his vulnerability, He knows that he is strong but he truly does care for his loved ones
But this is the first time that they saw him like this..... again.... after the incident....
"He almost killed her, Hopper"
"If- if I wasn't there on time, he would've killed her"
"I would've have lost her" he sniffled
Steve gives Eddie a sympathetic smile, Robin softly gasps at his subtle confession about his true feelings to you and Dustin widen his eyes
"I'm sorry, if I was on a rush for making risky decisions again" he says plainly as he flew off
All of them watch him as he flies away
Dustin smiles sadly "What happens if she finds out?" He says as he still looking up in the sky
"What?" Steve asked
"What if she finds out the truth about him?"
"Oh" Steve can't help but feel so sorry for Eddie, he knows that he never loved someone in his life ever since, he never knew this could happen
"What should we do if ever that might happen?" Robin says as she presses her lips together
"She won't" Hopper says while he's walking towards to this car
"She won't" what? Dustin raises his eyebrows as he waits for Hopper to continue
"She won't be scared of him"
"What makes you say that?" Steve added
"Because they've been together a lot, it's over a year since they moved here and Y/N told us that they frequently leave even though she doesn't tell it to me, I feel like she wants to stay here because of him.... and that says a lot." Hopper says as he goes inside of his car and turns on the engine
"You know what, he's right" Robin says
Steve and Dustin looked at her
"She wouldn't be with us, if she doesn't trust us."
"Well, I just hope she won't change after anything if she finds out" Steve sighs
"I believe in Y/N too" Dustin while he crosses his arms
"Remember the time when Y/N defended Eddie from those douchebags at The Hideout?"
Steve chuckles and Robin "Oh yeah, she got heated when they're calling him "monster" and a "freak"- she literally splashes him with a beer and my god she punches the guy after he tries to hurt her"
Eddie rambles the whole situation over and over to Dustin, from what his dear old friend doesn't know even he is just a kid, he can see his eyes shine whenever he talks about you
Dustin is very happy for him, he hasn't seen his friend this joyful ever since
"Just be there for her, if ever, okay?" Hopper says
All of them nod at him, they watch as he droves away
Eddie on the other hand
Thoughts going wildly on his mind while he's flying around the town
He doesn't know what to do, is it a right decision to tell you or to keep it a secret?
but he knows deep down, if he still keeps this as a secret, you would be furious that it makes him look like he doesn't trust you
He angrily shouts as he lands on a forest
He screams "Why?!"
"I know this would've happen, but I never thought it will really happen" he's heavily breathing as he continues to shout
"Why do I have to suffer like this?!" He says as he owns tears getting choked up in his throat
"I really wanted to stay with my friends but right now?!?" He laughs incredulously "I would rather die than seeing my love getting afraid because of me!"
Memories flashes before his eyes as he remembers the one who gave this to him
"You'll live"
Eddie is gasping for air but he feels different
He woken up he is still laying in the upside down
He sits up, the demobats that tear off half of his skin and limbs are all healed
"W-What have you done to me?" He says as he backs away from him
"Shh" he shushes "Don't be frightened"
"I need you to work for me"
"I gave you life and powers"
Eddie runs his tongue over his teeth and he shouts "No" his fuelling anger is becoming tears in his eyes
"You can't do this to me!"
"You're my slave, I need you to do something for me"
"I won't work for you!"
He slams him behind the trailer as he threatens him and choking him in the process
"You wanted to graduate is that it?"
"Y-yes, I do"
"Then follow me what I need you to do"
In fact he did follow him, but he had other plans
Everyone was shocked that he is still alive, he showed up first to Dustin, he thought he saw a ghost the first time he saw him again
"I knew it! You're alive!" He hugs Eddie with happy tears
"It's really good to see you, bud" he says as he rubs his back
"But- how did you manage to-" Dustin pulls away but he got cut off by Eddie saying
"I will explain to you everything, we have a problem"
"Copy that" Dustin says as he walks over to grab his walkie-talkie saying "Code Red"
To be completely honest everyone felt weird when they saw Eddie alive and well as if he wasn't got eaten off by demobats
Eddie can understand why and that he is truly himself, just undead that's all
"Steve, Robin, Jonathan and I, will take cover for you" Nancy says
"El and Eddie will corner Vecna to finish this once for all" Mike tightens the grip on El's hand as she flashes out a small smile
"We will be at the gates and guard on it if ever nasty monsters will get out" Erica says as she nods over to Lucas and Max
"Me and Argyle will warn Hopper and Enzo to the townspeople to stay alert and be ready" Will added
Eddie sighs "Do you think this could work?"
"It has to- and I believe you can beat his ass off" Dustin reassures Eddie
The plan is going on so nicely, everything is coming to an order
El uses her telekinetic powers to hold off Vecna and while Eddie pins him down on the ground
"Your time is running out" Eddie grunts
"You're making a big mistake"
"Am I?"
Vecna tries to fight back but El groans and screams harder as she pushes him back down and Eddie stabs him with a sword and punches him
That caused a lot pain to him "Traitor" he says while wincing at the wound
"If you kill me, you won't be able to go back to normal"
El glances over to Eddie and he looks back at her
He gave her a small nod and mouthing to her "it's okay"
"Someday, you'll see, if someone tries to love you, they won't love you back because you're a monster"
Eddie clenches his jaw as he deepens the wound
"They won't accept you, everywhere you go- they'll hate you"
"A freak but also a monster?" He laughs darkly
"Don't listen to him, Eddie!" El yells as she uses both of her hands to hold him back down
"Now, don't you worry, supergirl, I am not" he says sternly to Vecna
His eyes widen as he watches him raises the sword to chop his head off
"I would rather live like this than to knowing that you're still alive killing innocent people" he says in his last blow of his sword
Both of them shout in anger and exhaustion
They both fell back down and the upside down is now crumbling
Eddie, El, Steve, Robin, Nancy, and Jonathan running for their lives as they try to leave the upside down
Erica, Lucas and Max watches the gates closed on its own and it faded like it wasn't ever existed
The cracks are all gone and the wind and the red glow in the area is nowhere to be seen
"He made it" Enzo chuckled
"The kid got guts" Hopper smiled as he closes his eyes finally at peace for this town
Mike speaks over the walkie-talkie asking "Hey, guys? I see the town is going back to normal is everything alright?" Dustin can't reply as he's watching the last gate where Eddie is
He kept saying "Come on guys, Eddie, come on, man"
The 6 of them jump on the ground back into the real world as the watch the last gate finally closed and goes back to where it was before
Dustin sighs of relief "Is everyone okay?"
"Yeah, we're okay" Steve says as he looks over to his friends
Eddie is the only one who is silent as everyone is catching up their breath
He is disappointed of what he has become for all eternity but also the same time, he is glad, that the war is finally over
"Are you good?" Jonathan asks Nancy as she gives him a nod
"Eddie?" Robin asks
El glances over to Eddie and he looks at her giving him a hopeful smile
He finally turns around "I am stuck like this, you guys, forever" he scoffed while shaking his head
Everyone gave him a sympathetic smile
"You're a hero, Eddie and nothing ever changes that" El says as she puts over her hand in his shoulder
"Thank you" he says softly
"You'll be okay and we will always here for you, Eddie" Dustin says
"Yeah, man" Steve agrees
"It never felt any different ever since you came back, Eddie, it's still going to be the same" Jonathan says with a small smile
"We should celebrate, you know" Nancy shrugs
"Oh, I hear you, Wheeler" Eddie chuckles and all of them laughed
"We should cover up those wounds first, Munson" Robin says
His eyes became misty as he is so grateful to have friends like them
Eddie proved Vecna wrong about people not accepting for who he really was....
but... what about you?
Joyce, Murray, Karen all of them decided to keep Eddie's true nature a secret and kept it quiet
Hopper and Enzo agreed with this
So the townspeople won't snoop their noses around him, they'll still believe he's the one that caused it
Fucking close-minded people
"She's deserves to know" he says as he calms down a little bit
"She has to know" he says it himself
No more lies, no more secrets, he doesn't like to see you get betrayed and hurt
But he hopes that you'll won't be disappointed
He's going to admit it all at your first date together
You showed up in Family Video, you went to do all of the tasks as if nothing ever happened last night
Steve and Robin give looks at each other and then back to you
"You know that I can feel your eyes on me, right?" You say while opening the window blinds
"Sorry" Steve says softly
"Y/N, we just wanna know, if you're okay?" Robin says
You bring yourself around to face them "I am totally fine, guys"
You both gave them a reassuring smile
There's still a piece inside of you wanted answers to your questions but you don't want to make things worse, so you kept it to yourself
While you're bringing the storage boxes outside, Eddie approached you while clearing his throat
"Hey, Y/N" he says softly
"Hi" you say sheepishly
"I know what happened last night was so weird, please, forgive me" Eddie says with his doe eyes
His eyes are making you say "aww" on how adorable they are
Wait- you found my eyes appealing? He thinks to himself while he reads your mind
But he stops doing it right away as he feels like he's invading your own thoughts
"You don't have to explain and you don't have to apologize to it anymore, Eddie" you sigh
"Look, just hear me out" he says as he looks deeply into your eyes
You swallowed nervously and you blinked rapidly
Woah- why is your heart beating so fast? Do- do you like me?
He can feel emotions rushing and the energy of it.....is growing wild
You nod for him to continue
"I know this is like way too early but I'm asking you out for a dat-"
"Yes" you cut him off
"I'm not even finished yet" he throws his hand up
"Yes, I would like to go out with you"
"Yeah" you smile at him
He looks straight into your eyes and he might felt come alive again as he doesn't see anything else that is untrue
You're his dream come true
"Are you serious?" He says as he can't believe that you're willing to go with him
You roll your eyes playfully and giggled
Your smile and laughter brings soothing to his heart, even it's not the same anymore
He felt like a normal human being again
You step closer to him and he's taken a back
"You're amazing gentleman, Ed's, that's why I wanted to go out with you, I hope you know that." You say as you place your hand over his cheek and caresses it
He melts into your touch and closes his eyes for a moment and he smile down at you
"Is 7pm alright?" He whispered
"Yes" you replied while you pat his cheek
You walked away leaving a breathless Eddie behind
"Goddamn" he smiles to himself, his smile though slowly fades a little as he remembers what he's going to do tomorrow
You wore a black corset and black ripped jeans
You checked your outfit while looking at yourself in the mirror
"Hmm, it might be too cold outside" so you picked out your sheer white jacket
"You look absolutely divine, honey" your aunt says while she leans over to your doorframe
"Oh, hi, I'm sorry I didn't tell you but I have a date"
"Is it Eddie?"
You gasped and you take a double look at your aunt "How could you know?"
She chortled as she sits down on your bed motioning for you to come sit beside her
You smiled at her and she starts "I see the way you looked at him and the way he looked at you"
"Auntie-" you groaned but she laughs "Just listen to me for a moment"
"Never be afraid just to get out there and explore and have a new adventure at your life"
"When I was your age, me and your uncle just go literally everywhere, and it was the surreal experience of my life" she paused as she snifffles a little
You rub her back and she holds your hand "this thing you have with Eddie? Is very special, I see myself through the both of you"
"You both have the same interest and filled with just pure happiness and imaginary at the things you loved the most"
"Never lose yourself and I love that you kept being yourself, honey"
Your tears are threatening to spill "of course, that's what you always told me when I was a kid"
"Hush now" she presses a kiss to your forehead "don't ruin your makeup and I might be the caused of that" she snickers and you laughed
"See you later, auntie!"
"I love you"
"I love you forever, auntie"
You came in the diner that Eddie asked you to come and for moment there you thought you got stand up but you saw him and sigh of relief
"For a minute, I thought you're not going to show up" you say
"I-I'm sorry, I got nervous"
"You're nervous?" You watch him as he sits down across from you
Eddie has always been so handsome to you but you've never seen this close and you're used to see him wearing bandshirts, denims, leather jackets
He is now wearing a decent attire, a little bit formal but still has the touch of his own style
He's wearing a white polo, black pants with his Reebok
His chains and his rings making you feel hot sensation all over your body
"Am I late? Do I look okay?"
"No- you're not I just arrived 2 minutes early and you look exquisite"
"Exquisite?" He smirks
"Fine" you huffed "you look extremely so handsome tonight, Eddie" you bat your eyes at him
Eddie laughs as he admires your pretty face as he looks at you
You corset goes so finely with you, it hugs your breasts so tightly and he grunts softly at the sight of it, every hairstyle is perfect on you but he loves to see you wearing it down
He loves everything about you
The date is going on smoothly, you both shared laughs and funny stories about each other
Like come on, it's like you're fooling both of yourselves, you've been friends for like over a year now, so this feels so natural for you and so does he
Eddie droves you to over his trailer for a movie date
He put VHS Beetlejuice (1988) as he settles down with a popcorn bowl on his hand and places 2 canned sodas on the table
He froze when you remove your white sheer jacket off and you remove your high-heeled shoes
Good thing, he knows how to control his powers, he can't stand not to see your pulsing veins on your neck as he tries not to take a bite of it
You caught him watching you and he shyly ducks his head down and he moves sideward to give you open space to sit down on the couch
You smirk and sat down beside him
You grab a pillow and you put it in front of you to hug it while you're eating popcorn
He can smell your sweet scent as he exhales slowly, he feels so comfortable whenever you're around
You're paying attention in the movie while he doesn't- he watches you
Your eyelashes are so pretty, he just wants to smushes his own face on you and showers you a lot of kisses
But he doesn't want to do anything rash right now, you're being nice ever since you met him and he hates it he's getting thoughts like this
You looked over to him while chewing on the popcorn on your mouth and you chuckled a little when he looked back at the television screen and he grabs his soda immediately and takes a sip of it
"Whatchu, lookin' at- Ed's?"
"I'm not blind, Eddie, I saw you looking at me!"
Oh- his cheeks is on fire
He steals the popcorn bowl from your hands and you gasped "You're making it all up" he says as he throws a popcorn onto his mouth
"Sure, whatever you say, handsome" you roll your eyes as you looked back at the TV
"Handsome? that's the twice she said that to me?!" He thinks to himself
He watches you again
You feel his eyes on you as you quickly turn yourself on him
Once again, you caught him
"Aha!" You point at him "I caught you red-handed!"
You throw popcorn at him and he laughs "Okay, fine!"
"Aww, you feel defeated, Ed's?" You pout at him
God, how can you be so cute and hot at the same time? He thinks to himself
"I am guilty, sweetheart" he says as he smiles down at you
You giggled at him and while you reaching out the pillow that fell down from your lap
"You're beautiful"
"I said, you're beautiful" he repeated with a grin on his face
Now, it's your turn to be flustered and you smile at him sheepishly
At this point, you don't even care if you got rejected, you have this crush for him carrying it for a over year now
You gotta take the risk or live with regret
So, fuck it
He loves to see you getting blushed because of him as he takes another sip from his soda while he places it from the table
"Eddie?" You called out for him
You and him both stare at each other and he gulped of what you're about to do
You cupped his cheeks and presses your lips into his
You kissed him and his eyes were wide as hell
You pulled back and you furrow your brows at his expression, you can't even read it
You chuckled nervously "oh wow- okay, that was stupid, you know what I'm gonna go-" you get up but he grab your hand
His eyes softens and you look back at him and you slowly sat down again beside him
He tucked your hair behind your ear and he slams his lips onto yours
The kiss was so passionate and it was steaming hot, he tilted his head as he deepens the kiss even more, you moaned
You runs your hands over his chest as you throw your arms around him and one hand over the back of his head as you hold him and pulled him even closer
You both flushed at each other's bodies automatically
His cold hands run over your shoulders and to your thighs
You're both making it out like it was for centuries and he doesn't mind it all
He loves to kiss you forever
You don't even noticed that you both floating up in the air
You pulled away and gasped as you put your hand to cover your mouth
And you look back at Eddie and his eyes are red and you look down at his mouth, you saw his fangs
You're in a state of shock as you felt coming back down on the couch
You breathe heavily of what you just witnessed but you quickly collected yourself
All of the missing pieces are coming together
Now, you understand everything
Eddie is a vampire and you're completely clueless about it
You stare at him and he looks away from you ashamedly but you stopped him from doing it while you place your hand on his cheek to make him face you again
He knits his brows together at your action
You peck a kiss onto his lips and he kisses back "Talk to me"
"I wanna know everything, Eddie" you say to him as you flash a sweet smile
He searches uncertainty on your eyes but he doesn't find anything, he saw compassion and love?
You love him?
He just burst into tears as he goes back to normal again
"Oh, Eddie" you hug him while you rest your head over his chest
He hugs you even tighter and you embrace him even more
You both stayed like this in comfortable silence
Locked into each other's arms
He runs his fingers through your hair and you sigh in comfort
You broke the silence first "Before you can think of anything that I don't want you anymore after this, I won't do it, Eddie, I really mean it"
His eyes are still blurry from the tears as he looks down on you and kisses the top of your head
You hum in agreement with a smile on your face
"I- I adored you ever since, Eddie, I love you" you confessed
You felt him get tensed up and he looks at you in shock
You pulled away from him and you cup his cheeks
"I am willingly to spend my whole life with you, Eddie"
He never felt this much happiness in his life but he smiles sadly at the thought-
He's immortal and you're not, his lifetime will be different in the world and yours will be end up fast unfortunately
At least he got the taste of true love but he really wants to make that happen
Loving each other endearingly
But he also doesn't want to cross over the line, you might want to live your life normally
"Oh, sweetheart" his eyes are brimmed with tears and yours too
He got confused "What is it, darling?"
"I- I thought I will be rejected" you laugh "but I see nothing but the truth in your eyes, Ed's" you say
"Even you don't say it-" he cuts you off by saying
"I love you too, Y/N" he kisses your cheek
"Ever since the first time we met" he added
Your lips clashes onto each other as you make out again
Eddie carried you into his room not wanting to break the kiss
He closes the door and locks it and he places you slowly on his bed
You helped him unbotton his polo and you quickly rushed to unclasp your corset
"No, let me" he stopped you and you nod at him
"Are you sure about this?" He asks before he continues to undresses you
You just nod at him and he sighs as he doesn't want to make this go any further if you're aren't up to this truly
He does not want to make you regret it, it's fine for him, if you're not ready
"Hey" he lifts your chin up to make you look at him in the eyes
"I need verbal answers, sweets" he says as he narrows his eyes on you
"I-I've longed for this, Eddie and I only want you"
"Okay" he says softly as he kisses on your knuckles
You make love for the first time and you're so sure of yourself that he is your person
You're going to settle the life that you want with Eddie
You're naked, laying on his bed, your hair is a beautiful mess
You blushed when you noticed his eyes are roaming around your body from top to bottom
You got shy, you tried to cover yourself by wrapping your arms around you
He licks his lips and his eyes filled with hunger, he chuckles darkly
"Damn- that's so hot, why does he have to do that" you think to yourself
"My love, I was just admiring you" he says as he places both of his hands on your hips
"My love?" your knees are now wobbling at his words
"I can't take my eyes off you, you're a goddess!"
"Oh- stop it! Eddie, I-" he cuts you off with a fervid kiss
You squealed and you can feel his smirk while kissing you
You grab a fistful of his hair and he groaned on top of you and as his hands roam over around your body earning a whimper from you
He deepens the kiss even more as he unbuckled his belt
You're already got so worked up by the simplest touches that he did
The effect he has on you, is freaking unreal
He breaks the kiss and you frown, he laughed while he grabs something on the drawer
"I want to be safe"
Your heart melts as he cares about your pleasure first
He pulled his boxers all the way down and you squirmed
Oh, he is huge, you don't even know if you can take it
"You can take it, don't worry, hunny" he winks at you as if he can read your mind (you didn't know that he can truly do that)
He places himself back on top of you and grab his dick directing to your hole
"You ready?"
"Yes, I am, Eddie"
"I applaud your attentiveness, sweetheart"
He takes himself in slowly and you scrunched up in pain
"Just tell me to stop and I will stop" eying you in concern
"No- no, I'm adjusting, keep going"
The moment his all the way in, you look down and you saw that he filled you up real good
"Oh" you breathe heavily
"Told you can take it"
"E-Eddie- you can move now"
He thrust and he grunts as at your pussy already clenching
"Wow, my darling- you impressed me"
You want to keep your eyes open but can't help by the overwhelming sensation burns through your system
"It feels so good, go harder, please" you beg and he doesn't want to keep you begging for more as his thrusts grows harder and harder
You kept your lustful eyes on him
"Don't you dare look at me like that or I will tore you apart" he thinks to himself
"Ah- Eddie! Oh my fucking god!" You moaned
He grabs your legs and places it over his shoulders
He watches as your chest rises up and down
You got confused ignoring the enrapture that you're feeling at the moment
"Eddie- what are you-" you got cut off as he deepens himself down onto you
You can't suppress your moans any longer as you moaned louder
You grip on the sheets as he fucks you roughly
He even watches your boobs bounce up and down, he smirks at the sight of it, he is enjoying himself
"Holy- shit- oh!" You exclaimed
"Baby, I'm coming, I can't take it anymore"
You arched your back in pleasure as he came undone
He falls down on you even though you felt weak, you still manage to hug him
You can feel him smiling at your action and you run your fingers through his hair
He carefully puts down your shaking legs
Your eyes are heavy lidded, your cheeks are flushed, Eddie slowly pull himself out of you
He wiped you, cleaned you, he pulled a clean bandshirt on you and he chuckles softly on how big it is to you as he dresses you up with his clean boxers
He wore his pajama pants as he cuddles next to you
"How's that?" He asks
"It's astounding" you say while your eyes are closed
He bursted out laughing and you furrow you brows as you slap his arm playfully
"I-I am sorry" he is tearing up from laughter "your choice of words are remarkable" he says with a British accent
You laughed at him "Well, you're not the only one" you snorted
"Oh- how dare you" he says dramatically
You rolled your eyes as you push him back laying down on the bed
You caught him by surprise
You remove his boxers that belonged to him and his
You sat down at him without any warnings and you bite your bottom and you moaned
With his lips apart while looking at you
You place your hands over his shoulders as you begin to ride him, your eyes rolling back as you can feel yourself getting wet because of him
He squeezes his eyes shut on the sweet sensation as you say
"Round 2?" You say menacingly as you smirk down on him
He moans while laughing in the process "where have you been all my life?"
He takes care of you after you both make love again
As soon as he goes back beside you, he's picking up the clothes that he wants to put on you, you're ready to snuggle up with him and yes he will cuddle up with you as soon as he dresses at you up he insists to do that one first but you give him a scowling face
He chortled at how clingy you are
He pulled up the blankets as he lays down and he open his arms out for you
You smiled as you lay your head over his shoulders and hug him and he kisses your forehead
Now at this time, he told you everything about him, about what happened 2 years ago
"I wish I was there for you" you start "they didn't even look hard enough, you're innocent"
"I appreciate that, Y/N, Thank you"
"And I also appreciate your honesty" you pulled back to look down at him and you smile
Your prop your arm up and you say "So there's this other world that you guys called the upside down and this asshole named Vecna did this to you?"
"Yeah, that's sums it all up"
His story sounds like the sci-fic, adventure and action films that you watched before and now knowing that this really happened sends goosebumps into your skin
"Where's Jason now? I would like to punch him in the face"
"Easy there, tiger" he chuckled
"You didn't deserve that! Eddie!" Your eyes are forming with tears
Eddie pulled you into a hug as he rubs your back
He is now sobbing softly with happy tears
You're not afraid, you trust him, you accept him, and you even love him
His eyes flashes with so much gratitude
You suddenly became concerned as you heard him crying
Both of your eyes are stained with tears
"What's wrong, Ed's?"
"Nothing, I just" he sniffles "I didn't know that I got to have you and called you mine"
You smile widely "I'm yours forever"
"I'm yours forever" he keeps replaying it in his head
"I'm so lucky that you exist and you're here with me"
"Because I thought I would never have-
"You're my first" you admit
"I don't wanna give myself to someone who wasn't true to himself" you paused
"I was never in love with anyone until you, Eddie"
His eyes glint with teary eyes with overjoyed coming into his face
"Me too" he says while you into his eyes and look for dishonest on them but nothing
You fall for him even harder
"I love you, Eddie"
"I love you forever and ever"
You snuggled up together as you slowly close your eyes as you drift away to sleep
Eddie is wide awake somehow gobsmacked at his life right now
He embraces you even tighter as if you might disappeared from him
You hold onto him close as you bury yourself on his chest
His sheets are now covered with your scent and he just loves it, mixed with vanilla and lavender from your shampoo
He can also smell the lotion from your soft skin, flowery and fresh scent
He smiles in content as he fell asleep....
Everything is going so well, why does it have to be like this?
An intense magnitude Earthquake happened all over across the town of Hawkins, Indiana
You and your auntie hold on to each other inside the diner
You both tried to stay calm as you both headed towards the exit
A big rumble on the ground made you both ripped at each others hands
Your eyes widen in fear and you screamed "No! Auntie!"
A big pole that fell back down on her crushes her entirely
The earthquake is becoming more and more stronger as you ran towards her
"Y/N! Stop! Save yourself!" She chokes on her own blood
"No- I won't leave you!" A small wall but heavy enough slams down on the half of your body made you screech in pain
"R-remember what I told you, sunshine"
"I-I love you" she blinks slowly and she dies
"Auntie" you cried out "N-No"
You felt dizzy and you look down wincing in pain, your head bleeds as before you got unconscious the last words you said
"I need to find Y/N before it's too late" Eddie says
"Be careful, kid" Enzo says while he and Hopper protect everyone in the open ground area
Eddie gasps as he saw you laying in your own blood, your heart is slowly beating
You're still alive, but losing a lot of blood
"Don't you die on me!" He shouts as he raises the wall that almost crushed you
Eddie saw your lifeless, Aunt, "oh- I am so sorry, sweetheart"
Your mind is hazy but you knew the person who is carrying you
"You came"
"Of course, sweetheart, I'm taking you to the hospital"
"I-I tried to save her" you say weakly your nose starts to bleed
Eddie cries in anger as he quickly finds a hospital
The earthquake is finally over, everyone was wounded, lost a loved a one, lost a home
Emergency vans, were everywhere
The hospital is crowded, every nurse and doctor are running all over the hallways
Eddie's knee kept bopping up and down as he couldn't stay calm at what you're state your in
The doctor finally talked to him and said it's bad news
"She might not make it, I'm sorry"
He cries in agony and this is his greatest fear, losing you.....unless....
There is only one solution to save you
He comes inside your room and he weep even harder as he saw you slowly breathing
It's not your time yet, this isn't fair
"I want to save you, but I don't know if it's also that you want" he says as he holds your hand
You heard him and you slowly opened your eyes and he saw it, his eyes are bloodshot from crying, his clothes are covered with your blood
"Do it, Eddie" you say
"But I don't wanna-"
"Please, Eddie, I don't want you to be alone and I don't wanna leave you behind, I really want this"
"If I do this, you might not be able to do the normal things anymore"
"Let me into your world, Eddie"
"I've got nothing to lose, I only have you" you sob
He can feel you're very certain, he warns this might hurt a little and you'll die for a second
He bites your neck and he cut his wrist to make you drink his blood
You drank a lot and you can feel your heartbeat finally comes to an end
Your eyes, your complexion is now similar to Eddie's, your hair became more wavy, your whole appearance changed
You gasped for air and you didn't feel any pain on you anymore
You looked over to Eddie and you laughed slightly and he hugs you tightly
3 months after the earthquake
Hopper grabs the walkie-talkie and he calls Eddie to come over
When he arrived Dustin and Steve and everyone is in there
He showed him the "WANTED" picture as Hopper explains the criminal that you and Eddie need to capture
Before he continues he exclaims "Where the hell is Y/N?!"
"I'm here, Jim" you say as you entered the room with Eddie's black leather jacket draped over your shoulders
Eddie smirks at your entrance
You take a quick sip of your flask with blood droplet on your chin and you wipe it off using your finger
"So, where to- Chief?" You smile with subtle red glow on your eyes
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Comes animae - Where it all begins
Genre: Mature
Pairing: Chan x reader
Warnings series: Stalking, Kidnapping, Non con,
Warnings chapter: Stalking
Small summary and info: Y/N and their best friend Sydney (yes, fun fact I’ll be your best friend in this story, cause why not, while I will be preferred as she, you dear reader will address by they/them) had moved to Korea for their last year in college to study abroad. Y/N got an internship at a high school as an art teacher, but because their income is pretty low they got a kind of second job at a bar. There is a massive vampire clan in South Korea, which many citizens weren’t aware of, they had a lot of branches, such as stray kids, BTS, and got7. While their food source was mainly animals, sometimes humans fell victim too.
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It was around 11 O’Clock when I heard my roommate yell for me. “Y/N! I want to go out, can’t sleep.” I rolled my eyes and heard her yell that, so I paused the movie I was watching and got up to walk to her room. “Well, you did interrupt me now, so where do you want to go?” I saw Sydney smirk while getting out of her bed. “I’m not sure maybe that café a couple of blocks away it’s always open past midnight.” I smiled at her while nodding. “Let’s get ready then, give me 5 minutes.” So I walked back to my room to change some jeans and a sweater. While walking to the front door, I grabbed my bag, and at the same time, she walked towards me with a smile. “Let’s go if you are ready.”
“Ah, sadly there weren’t any cute guys,” I said smiling while opening the door to the café. Sydney snickers, “Imagine if one of those older men asks us to eat ramen at their house.” she then shivers at the thought, making me laugh. “Yeah that would have been terrible, I guess leaving them unsatisfied would also be kind of fun.” We both sat down and ordered a drink. After a while and at least five drinks we decided to go home. Sydney took out the last sip of her drink before standing up to pay, as it was her idea in the first place. “I swear if we don’t find our apartment back it's because of our stupid asses. God, we’re so doomed.” She cried out, making me laugh. “Sweety, I know the way, no worries. I easily remember routes.” I mumbled as we started to walk away. The eerie silence was giving me an awful feeling. “Uh, I got a bad feeling about this,” I mumbled looking at Sydney—a moment after I said that I felt myself getting pulled into an ally. Sydney screamed immediately to let us go but to no avail. It was clear that these men were intoxicated. We tried to figure out what they wanted, making out something about money and such.” I tried to come to my senses and kicked the man and tried to get my keys so I would have a weapon.
Chan was roaming around the city with one of his fellow vampires Jungkook. They were on a building roof when Jungkook looked at Chan. “Did you hear the scream?” Chan tilts his head upwards, hearing the noise too. “Bet it’s that alleyway near that café. But let’s take a look.” Jungkook followed Chan and stopped when they saw a group of drunk older men surrounding two younger people, who were clearly in distress. “Let’s help them. Those men have been a problem for a while now, also I’m very thirsty.” Chan snickers at the sight as he doesn’t see it often and cracks his neck and knuckles. “Let’s handle this fast and steady.” He licks his lips in anticipation and runs at an inhuman speed at the group, pushing one of them harshly against the wall, so hard that a loud crack is heard. 
One of the two fell, because of the speed Chan used to get those men away from them. The other girl quickly ran to her friend to pick them up and ran away in fear. So Jungkook and Chan quickly worked out of it, draining them and then quickly following the two to ensure they were safe. They followed and managed to sit somewhere close, where they could watch into the apartment. “They are not from around here, but they smell very delicious.” Their eyes were glowing red, Chan rubbed the remaining blood from his lips and nodded at Jungkook's statement. “Well maybe for another time, Just to make it clear that one who just walked away, they are mine.” Looking through the window it was clear that one of them walked into a room while the other walked into their bedroom. “Yeah, the one in the bedroom right now I wanted her anyway.” Jungkook agrees and they both decide to get back to their place. 
Me and Sydney ran home, not looking back. Once safely home, we decided not to talk and go do our things. Sydney walked into her bedroom and plopped on the bed, clearly falling asleep. I on the other hand still felt freaked out and disgusted. So I decided to take a shower first before putting on some baggy clothes and sat on the couch to watch something to take my mind off after getting harassed. But the alcohol mixing with the tiring events made my eyes close and soon into a slumber on the couch.
Walking up the next morning, my head was killing me. I got up from the couch and into the bathroom to look for some painkillers. When I walked out I noticed Sydney on the couch watching the news.
“Last night there was a new attack, a few men were found dead. What they were doing and how they died is still a mystery, but it seems to be linked to the other people who were found dead by a mysterious animal, that has been pestering our town.”
So last night wasn’t just a weird dream, that happened. “Hey Y/N… that was the ally right, that we were in last night… and those men… they attacked us… right?” I finally looked at Sydney after staring at the TV for a while. “I believe so. But I swear I just kicked one guy. But I do believe there was something else there.” She nods, “Well of course that wasn’t us! Those men had been drained of their blood! I do not know if I should be glad or frightened. That could have been us you know.” Now I looked better at Sydney’s frame, she was shaken, her make-up was smudged, and still in the outfit of last night. “Well we should be happy they didn’t, by the way, go take a shower it could help you know… and wel also you look like shit.” I grin, trying to lighten the mood, while I do agree with her that it was scary what happened. I am also very glad to had a few drinks so I don’t remember everything. “Hey Sydney, let’s avoid alleyways from now on.” She smiled and nodded while getting up. “Yeah, and let’s not tell anyone, my mom would manage to get someone to kidnap me and put me on a flight straight home.” Sydney cried out while walking to the bathroom. I laughed before sitting down on the couch again, grabbing my laptop, to go and get some work done for tomorrow, teaching does come with a fair share of what you could call homework. 
Sydney soon walked back in and put a bowl of cereal in front of me. “You have work tomorrow too?” “Yeah, First two hours teaching, then one online class, and after that well go to my other job, so you will probably not see me tomorrow, and you?” Sydney nods in acknowledgment. “Yeah, but I only have work, just looking at flowers all day. But next week there is an excavation again outside of town. By the way, I’ll do the groceries tomorrow so don’t worry about that. Now on that topic, do you need anything?” I rolled my eyes at her. “Of course, some ramen oh, and please ice cream. I probably need it after such a long day. and if you do you will be the best roommate I ever had!” Sydney nodded and wrote it down. “Yeah yeah, but that’s also because I’m the only roommate you ever had…” We bickered a bit further before deciding to put on a drama in the background while we were doing our things.
Jungkook grabs Chan’s arm and drags him into the nearest room. “I can still smell their blood, it’s driving me crazy!” Chan sighed, “Glad to hear I’m not the only one. Those men from yesterday did not satisfy my hunger.” He then leans against the wall and scratches one of his fangs in annoyance. “I just want a little taste,” he mumbles to himself. Jungkook looks at Chan, eyes glowing red. “We do know where they live, let's just check on them. Stalk them, before taking them.” Chan nods at him with a smirk. “I’ll go take a stroll around the block.” Then Chan pushes himself away from the wall and out of the room, heading for the apartment complex. Once arriving he noticed how busy we were with our things before noticing an open window. So he took this chance and snook in. Chan raises an eyebrow once he notices he is in a bedroom. His eyes glow and his heartbeat rises when the smell only grows stronger. With soundless steps, he walks out of the door of the bedroom and finds himself in the living room. ‘There she is’ His fangs clearly show and he steps a bit closer. ‘Just one taste’ He whispered to himself, the smell now intoxicating him.
I opened my eyes and realized I had fallen asleep on the couch. I then heard a creak from the floor and I turned my head towards the sound and saw nothing. “Sydney?” I kicked the blanket away and decided to investigate since I didn’t get a reply. “Syd? Come on this is not funny.” I walked to the kitchen and then towards her bedroom and saw her working so I closed the door again. “I should stop both drinking and watching horror movies, 'cause it’s now really messing with my head,” I mumbled to myself and stopped in front of my bedroom door but I was distracted when I saw myself in the mirror. “Oh I look terrible, but it’s nothing makeup can’t fix.” Then I walked into the bedroom and smiled at the painting I was making, inspired by some weird dream I had a few nights back. “Ah, just a few more hours, and then the painting will be done.”
Chan noticed the heartbeat changing and quickly moved so he could hide. Once the person walked into the bedroom he tried to slow his heartbeat and peaks from under the bed and noticed the painting, which confused him as it looked like them. He stared at the painting for a while before noticing that the person had left the room, so Chan took the opportunity to crawl from under the bed. He looks around the room once again and then towards the painting. “I’ll make you mine. My obedient doll.” He then quickly jumps out of the window and back to his own home. “I’m back.” Jungkook was gaming with Yugyeom while Bambam walked passed him. “Dude you reak of human.” He laughs before sitting down to see the other two gaming. Chan then quickly made up an excuse. “Well, sometimes I crave blood from them. They taste sweeter than animals.” He tilts his head and rolls up his sleeves. “Hey, I ain’t meaning anything with that comment. Anyway, I hope you had a nice breakfast, also some very good news both JB and RM have gotten jobs at the hospital, so blood packs will come in very soon.” Chan rolled his eyes, why get blood bags when they can just grab any human or animal? “I don’t know if I should be glad.” Bambam looks at Chan confused. “You okay?” Chan nervously points at himself. “Me?” and his head goes all directions before his eyes land on Jungkook. “What about Kook?” He pointed at him, trying to get the focus away from his behavior. “Well, not that I’ve noticed, except for like ignoring questions about last night, like you do now. So can you tell us or should we get either JB or RM to force it out of you? I’m sure they will be curious about your odd behavior.”
I heard the door to Sydney’s room open so I walked back out of my room into the living room. “Done with studying for today.” She nodded and sat on the couch, while I walked into the kitchen. “Those dirty freaks from yesterday made me feel nasty.” Sydney scrunched up her nose and watched as I started making dinner. “Well to be fair, I don’t remember anything.” I wanted to grab something from the top shelve but suddenly felt a pain in my ankle. “Fuck.” I quickly moved to the floor to sit so I could check my ankle. “Oh, Sydney! Don’t worry, just a forgotten sprained ankle!” This made her giggle and she came over to me with a first aid kit. “Hey I had this happen before, no need for that, I can deal with that myself.”I laughed. “Okay fine, at least let's give you a bandage then, and also if it gets worse we get to the doctor okay.” I nodded at Sydney's words, knowing very well I won’t. I bandaged my ankle before slowly getting up and continuing with cooking. Sydney sat down near the counter with a smile. “You know, I had this strange feeling earlier, I had fallen asleep, but then just got the feeling I was being watched, what also didn’t help was that the floor creaked and I noticed my bedroom door moving. I was questioning my sanity.” Sydney laughs. “Well, maybe we’re haunted. I do believe in ghosts you know.” I rolled my eyes. “Yeah yeah, you also do know I believe in them so don’t say those things, it freaks me out. but now that you are sitting here and the food is up on the stove, I’m going for a quick shower. “Please you, you smell. I’ll watch dinner don’t worry.” Sydney said while sticking her tongue out. I did that back before walking towards the bathroom.
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