#Sope married
justasopearchive · 1 year
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Another couple accessory…for my favourite couple ❤️❤️
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The take,
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The picture :)
56/638 One Sope today while they are away
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sadist1224 · 7 months
A little Mafia!Price 18+
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part4 Everyday life
It's a little dirty towards the end!
Mafia!Price is the underground king of this city. Invisible, but alert and intimidating.
Mafia!Price, who takes care of his home, even if his ways are immoral and illegal. He had long ago realized that the road to hell was paved with good intentions, and his city, sinking and rotting from corruption, lies and violence, could only be saved by an iron and merciless grip.
Mafia!Price, who built his empire on the ruins of former mafia gangs.
Mafia!Price, who is covered in blood not to the elbows, but to the top of his head, to bring balance to his house.
Mafia!Price, who, despite all his strength, power and authority, has weaknesses. His named family are his boys, who went through all the bloody hell after him and never complained.
Mafia!Price, who is devoted to all of them, as well as they are to him.
Mafia!Price, who loves his boys, all of them, without exception, in a variety of ways.
Mafia!Price, who didn't even think about expanding his family until fate brought them together with you.
Mafia!Price, who watched with disbelief and curiosity as his Gas and Soap swirled around you, trying to get your attention. Oh, it's been so long since he's seen his boys in love.
Mafia!Price, who was surprised to find out that even a Ghost is attracted to you for some reason.
Mafia!Price, whom even the most influential and proud married women of the city will beg to warm his bed while their husbands work for him and for him, but ironically, the only woman he wants to see in his bed, between his boys, under them and on them is an ordinary barmaid who is not afraid to say everything she thinks to a man in person, even if he is the head of one of the most influential gangs in the city.
Mafia!Price, who has a private office with a gorgeous sturdy oak desk. And you will obviously find yourself in this room more than once. And for more than one reason.
Mafia!Price, who does not like to be distracted from work, especially from paperwork, as his stern, handsome face always says. But he doesn't really mind at all if it's you. Only you can break into his office with impunity without knocking, opening the door almost from your feet to definitely attract his attention.
Mafia!Price, who purposely does not take his head off the papers to annoy you, although in fact all his attention is focused on you, your disgruntled face and disheveled appearance.
Mafia!Price, who likes the way the edges of your shirt are slightly peeking out from under your belt, and your bangs are uneven, but so beautiful.
And while you're telling him in an angry manner that one of his small fry was seen again in the neutral zone extorting money from civilians!..
Mafia!Price, in his thoughts, is already pinning you to the table, wrapping his big hands around your hips, imagining what kind of underwear you're wearing today and how he will tear it off with his hands or teeth. He would then definitely buy you a new black lace, with thin ribbons wrapping around your waist and hips, even better if you chose it together.
Mafia!Price, who has already imagined a dozen ways to occupy your mouth instead of this useless conversation. He can shut you up with a rough kiss, pulling your hair back, opening your neck for love bites and hickeys. Or vice versa, to lure you with gentle kisses along the jaw, pressing you by the waist so close to his body that you feel warm and calm.
Mafia!Price, who gets goosebumps from your confused face and the sight of reddened lips.
Mafia!Price, who is thinking about how long it will take Gaz, Sope and Ghost to get to his office, and how much he will have time to do with you while they are walking.
Mafia!Price you're still here, still telling him off for not fulfilling the contract. And he doesn't like the way you present it. He's a man of his word, it's part of his reputation.
He just will never tell you that your "unexpected" appearances dilute his routine, and how much he likes it.
Mafia!Price, who pretends to sigh wearily and nervously, breaking out of his thoughts to give up on you and, reluctantly, drive you away from here. Oh no, you don't have to know how much you influence him.
Hell, he doesn't even know whether to nail these idiots for not following orders or throw in a bonus for another meeting with you. But he will have to deal with it if he wants his fantasies to come true.
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fallenangel-s-thot · 9 months
your wife | yoonseok + you
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summary: your husband want to try something new and yoongi didn't mind to help.
pairing: min yoongi x f! reader x jung hoseok
warnings: eighteen+ content, porn with plot, dark, fingering, threesome, (m) masterbating, slight degradation, undertones of manipulation.
author note: it's not proof read and the grammar is not great nether ಥ⁠_⁠ಥ i wrote it when I was simping over sope and thought i should publish it . Btw we have a little bit of sub yoongi here.
i do not give anyone permission to translate or repost my work, please be respectful - if you enjoyed please comment or reblog!
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yoongi is disgusted with his behavior.
he hates that every interaction with you, his best friend’s wife, results in his cock straining against the fabric of his pants. all alone in his bedroom, he slips his hand underneath his boxers to do everything he can to relieve himself, and he whimpers pathetically from the slightest contact.
the walls of his shared apartment with Hoseok are way too thin.
he can hear your muffled moans, the sound of your whines feeding his heated state as he pumps even faster.
when he closes his eyes he thinks about how Hoseok fucks you, pictures how pliable you look underneath his large frame, and tries to imagine the squelching sound your pussy makes as Hoseok pounds into your cunt. 
he cums all over himself, sinking his teeth into his pillowcase as a single tear trickles down his blushing face. 
he swears he’s going to stop, that he would finally get a grip on these urges but he’s caught in a vicious circle.
it’s a dirty little secret he conceals - but the guilt wraps around his neck like a noose whenever you or hobi smile in his direction.
you love how much you’ve integrated yourself into Hoseok’s life, especially when it came to his cherished friendship with yoongi.
he always spoke so fondly of yoongi - and sometimes you wonder just how close they were before you were married to Hoseok.
you only recently began noticing a slight shift in Yoongi’s behavior.
you tried not to dwell on it at first and merely assumed that he was just going through something but one night, when you snuck away from Hoseok’s bed to use the bathroom, you approached the door and noticed a strip of light peeking out from underneath the frame.
you could hear low grunts coming from the other side, and your stomach coiled because you immediately picked up on what was happening. yoongi was moaning softly to himself, cursing under his breath until your name left him like a broken plea.
you quickly turned on your heel, marching straight back to your husband’s bedroom in utter shock. hook laughs when you tell him the story.
you were anxious and worried, but your boyfriend merely chuckled to himself with indifference. 
“poor guy. he hates being alone. he must be getting frustrated, and it looks like he isn’t getting any action,” he explained with genuine sympathy, before proceeding to point out that he was the only reason why yoongi managed to get laid in the first place. 
“I've been neglecting my duties since we got serious,” he pointed out with a shrug. you were surprised that he wasn’t more alarmed about the situation, but Hoseok reassures you that yoongi wouldn’t cross any lines.
at this point, you wanted to satisfy your curiosities and you boldly asked Hoseok if he’s ever helped out yoongi when he was this desperate. 
“it’s happened a few times,” your husband honestly replies, “But Hyung and I know it doesn’t mean anything...” 
the heavy silence is only broken when you shock Hoseok with a suggestion, by stating that maybe the two of you can assist yoongi in his current predicament.
your pretty hobi’s eyes glimmer with excitement and he can’t help but think what this could mean for the three of you in the future. 
“Is this better, yoongi?” hobi murmurs, his thumb tracing over Yoongi’s throat as he looks down at him. 
he’s standing next to the edge of the bed, while yoongi ays out flat across the mattress. his best friend nods his head, panting heavily as his slender fingers press into the meat of your thighs. he’s watching you grind your hips back and forth with hooded eyes.
his abdominals sink when you drag your nails across his torso, and you can’t help but smile over how pretty he looks melting beneath you.
“fuck, she f-feels...she feels amazing...ugh, you’re so perfect...” he cries, choking out a sob as you slowly raise your hips before dropping your weight back down over his length. 
hoseok raises his brow with approval and tucks his bottom lip between his teeth as he eyes you hungrily before flashing you a tender smile.
“she is...” 
his fingers curl underneath Yoongi’s minty locks, and he lightly massages his scalp.
“you act like such a needy brat when you don’t get what you want...” he huffs, bringing the tip of his leaky cock against Yoongi’s lips.
“now be a good boy and show me how thankful you are.”
fuck this is gonna be intense. 
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peachjagiya · 3 months
A fun question
Which fictional trope (e.g. enemy to lover, bestfriend to lover, love at first sight, newly arranged married etc.) would suit all BTS ships?
Oh fun! I'm gonna out myself as a fanfic writer now 👀
I'm just going to write the first thing that comes to mind. No thoughts just vibes.
Namjin: established relationship 😂
Namgi: love/hate
Namseok: accidental marriage
Minimoni: College AU.
Taejoon: ... Fluff
Namkook: love at first sight
Yoonjin: cozy domestic
2seok: why did my brain immediately think "they have a kink in common" 😭
Jinmin: some kind of "five times they didn't kiss and one time they did" friends to lovers to friends.
Taejin: angels/demons AU.
Jinkook: chaos. Enemies to enemies.
Sope: grumpy-sunshine?
Yoonmin: long term pining; slow burn
Taegi: secretly soft.
Yoonkook: angst! HYYH.
Hopemin: Save The Last Dance For Me AU.
VHope: spin the bottle
Hopekook: High school AU.
Vmin: soulmates.
Jikook: ..... Let's be mature about it and say temporary love spell.
Taekook: friends to lovers; drunken confession; secret romance; canon-compliant 😏
Well this was fun. And it really is just for fun, ok?
Thanks anon. 💜
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causesciencethatswhy · 7 months
The way jimin presents is much more obviously queer than any other member (purely based on mannerisms, cause if you hear joon or yoongi talking about love for a few minutes you can put two and two together). And his overt queerness makes a lot of cis hetero shippers (or kpop fans ) uncomfortable because they're forced to confront their internalized homophobia and misogyny head on. So they find a way to diminish his importance to the other members or villanise to cartoonish levels to deal with that discomfort.
(I'm the anon you responded to with this^^)
Add onto that how a lot of ARMYs seem to assume that just being a BTS fan makes you an ally/intelligent/a good person, and it's the perfect scenario for some cognitive dissonance. Only that JM haters and Tkkers don't seem to have enough cognitive for it to be anything. Even (maybe especially, even) shipping two men doesn't automatically make you supportive of the queer community and understanding of the struggles just existing as a queer person brings about.
They always clamour "but two gay men wouldn't do xyz in a homophobic country", failing to recognise that queer people have existed through so much worse and still have done things wildly more gay than anything Jikook have done.
There's also a lot of them who only see JM's gender expression and "queer subtext" (meaning fashion choices, and the whole concept of his photofolio + album) while disregarding JK's. Like, that man pulled out the most feminine look and attitude in his "bobs+bangs" Calvin Klein shoot. And he fucking owned it. But instead, at least in my perception, the fandom is split on him: one half genuinely sees and appreciates JKs expression of himself, while the other mostly memes it to death and ridding it of meaning. Any perception of JK as a potentially non-hetero man is forgotten the moment he presents as classically masculine again, aka stereotyping the whole queer community to death.
The latter doesn't happen with JM, because - like you said - he fits the common perception of a gay man. Which is all fun and games for the many "The JM effect" compilations, but for cis shippers it starts sliding into homophobia the moment they need to stop perceiving the members as Ken Dolls and instead treat them as actual human beings with all their complexities, faults and incongruent behaviour.
Which brings me onto Hobi. Now, I don't think he gets it quite as bad as JM.
One reason being that there's simply not as many Yoonminers who aren't mainly tkkers. The latter often uses the former to not be seen as a JM anti, but aside from compilations getting spread to push the "married couple" agenda, they don't focus their attention on it. (Also can the "arguing a lot = being in love/married" thing plz die? As someone whose grandparents argue every 20 minutes (real numbers) it's the actual worst and not really a reflection of romance...)
Another one is that Yoonminers do not care about original content at all. From what I've seen during my baby army days, they pick and choose everything down to the tiniest detail. So they mostly ignore that Hobi even exists as a possible variable.
Which brings me to my next point, which kinda breaks my heart: I don't think a lot of shippers in general, and the tkk/ym crowd in particular, see Hoseok as someone to focus their attention on. He gets forgotten a LOT, relegated to the fun sidekick comic relief while the ships are the mc's. (Which is why, imho, it's always his releases a lot of the fandom doesn't care about/actively ignores). The actual deep founded love every single member of BTS has for him - to the point they should actually propose - is insane. How can you think Ym is more real than Sope or Jihope? How can people be that willfully obtuse?
As someone who thinks Jikook could be real (2019, I am looking at you), I had my doubts seeing Jihope interact a few times. But what gets me is how fucking whipped Hobi gets every time he watches Jikook be all adorable. He looks at them like the proud BFF who got them together. A lot of that is his general love for the maknae line and his personality, but that level? The instances of it happening?
This was a lot. Okay.
Tl;dr: BTS are human beings, also Hoseok is the best person on the planet probably. Be gay, do crime🏳️‍🌈
Even (maybe especially, even) shipping two men doesn't automatically make you supportive of the queer community and understanding of the struggles just existing as a queer person brings about.
This!! Is so key to everything wrong with a large group of shippers and even solo fans. This idea that because you ship on m/m ship over the other, you are no way capable of making homophobic assumptions and statements. To a lot of shippers shipping a potentially queer couple is just another way to fulfill some forbidden romance fantasy of theirs and not actual concern for the lived reality of queer couples in conservative countries.
Which is why the painful torture of two boyfriends being torn apart from each other like star crossed lovers sounds more palatable and realistic to tkkrs than a queer couple deciding to stick by each other's side through thick and thin, despite the risks. It's less spicy I guess, but who cares of queer joy when the dramatics of the other possibility is so much more enticing.
Everytime I see tkkrs make the whole, "being gay in the military is forbidden so a gay couple would never risk going together" argument, a part of my soul dies. I don’t know what's more offensive, the idea that a closeted couple will just forget how to behave around each other after potentially years of being together because Gays and their crazy sex drives, am I right?
Or the alternative explanation that queer people in conservative countries just never make risky descions for the sake of their partners because the law forbids them from even existing.
Both explanations are tone deaf and ignorant of the lived reality of queer people. Its a direct result of straight people dominating shipper spaces. I do sometimes wonder what queer tkkr shippers make of these theories (cause I'm sure they exist as well). Are they perhaps more sane or do they subscribe to this bs as well ?
And oh my gosh yes about jungkook. That boy has very vocally played about with his gender expression and has been the one ignored the most by seriously cis heterosexual fans. This daddy Dom fantasy they project onto him is a bit much though I do think he does enjoy a more masculine cool image for himself as well. Which to the straight mind is confirmation for all their wattpad inspired fantasies of him. It's unfortunate but alas, stereotypes stick , especially those made by people with a very set view of the world.
As for hobi and the ynmner /sope dilemma, I totally get it. Ynmn shippers do tend to get on my nerves from time to time as well and it no doubt does have something to do with the correlation of them to the tkkr subgroup. I have grown fond of the ynmn dynamic since my baby army days I must admit though, because you can clearly see how much yoongi genuinely appreciates jimins presence and how jimin relies on yoongi for emotional comfort. It is sweet, but yeah I don't necessarily see anything else going on there.
Same goes for sope honestly. Nothing has ever made me seriously question them, except the sunshine bf with grumpy bf dynamic they do fit into very perfectly. They also clearly rely on each other for emotional support (Bring Hobi, hes my vitamin 🥺) but yeah Nothing as eye raising ig ? But yes, i can completely see why it's so frustrating to see how Hobi is dismissed within other shipping dynamics similar to the treatment j/m has gotten. Hobi does tend to get overlooked a lot in these bts dynamic discussions when he very much does embody the heart of the group and the members love for him is so heartfelt and grand, we really seriously underestimate his significance to keeping the bts spirit in line all these years.
I love my ball of sunshine who holds and even bottles up a lot emotionally for the sake of his fans and the team. And he always deserves more appreciation by everyone in the fandom (myself included)
Ps. Jihope in that one 2020 music bank live was definitely a 👀 moment lol.
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depressedhouseplant · 5 months
🔞 AU Concepts 🔞
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‼️These are NOT to be used without my permission. If you’d like to use one please DM me or comment & also credit me for use of the concept. This includes changing the fandom / ship ‼️
* Boys of Summer (Namjin):
Every year, Jin sees the same boy come to his oceanside hometown. Every year, he also looks miserable. Determined to give him at least one good summer, Jin discovers exactly why the boy never smiles
* Bang, You’re Dead (Yoonminseok):
When line cook Yoongi witnesses a gang assassination behind his restaurant, he’s given a protective detail. Detectives Jimin and Hoseok have never liked each other and now they’re stuck watching the same witness 24/7
* Hellhound (Yoonminseok):
Hoseok and Jimin have been dating for several months. However, Jimin has yet to spend the night. Why? Because he isn’t human. They consult a mint haired witch to reverse Jimin’s curse
* Watch It Burn (Bbangju):
Alpha King Juyeon has everything - a beautiful Omega Queen and a pup on the way. When Younghoon is kidnapped, Juyeon will burn down the kingdom to get him back
* Idolatry (Milsun):
Idols Sunwoo and Hyunjae have constantly crossed paths since debut. After a one night stand in Paris, one of them realizes his feelings are more than lust
* Mortal Fools (Taejoon):
Namjoon has always dreamed of becoming a mainstream rapper. When he gets his big break, he’s forced to leave his boyfriend Taehyung behind. When he returns for a break, the boy he loved is a man he doesn’t recognize
* Something Wicked (JiHope):
Prince Jimin has a blood witch wreaking havoc on his province. His only hope is water witch Hoseok. Who happens to be his ex-betrothed
* Ivory Sun (SOPE):
Sun God Hoseok doesn’t think much about his job. He brings the sunlight. One winter he notices messages and art in the snow. He meets Winter God Yoongi and realizes their paths can never truly cross
* Moonshine Nation (BTS Rap Line):
Namjoon runs the largest bootleg operation on the east coast. His 2 lieutenants Yoongi and Hoseok owe him their lives. In return he hides their true relationship - lovers
* Demonology (JiHope):
Before an archangel and a horseman were bound, there was a demon who desired an angel and would have him no matter the cost (prequel to Wings of War)
* Wings of War (Taejoon):
Taehyung in an Archangel. Namjoon is a Horseman of the Apocalypse. When Taehyung heals him in the mortal realm, the two are bound together permanently.
(I actually started writing this fic but then hit the wall)
* Broken (SOPE):
After a car accident Hoseok is put in a coma. His boyfriend Yoongi can only hope his words get through
* You’re My Light (2seok):
Hoseok and Jin are 2 high powered men with wives to match. Jin has never wanted anyone, including his wife, until he meets Hoseok. Hoseok is happy to meet Jin’s needs. How long will their secret keep?
* Eternal Hearts (Minjoon)
Cursed by a witch with eternal life, Jimin has lived a solitary existence for hundreds of years. Then an adventurous trick or treater is dared to approach his home. When he opens the door, he sees someone he thought he lost centuries ago
* Best Man (Jakehoon):
“I’m getting married,”
Those three words felt like the end of Jake’s world. His best friend, who he was also hopelessly in love with, Park Sunghoon, was engaged to someone else.
(This is omegaverse)
* Smoke and Shadows (Sunkyu):
Kim Sunwoo is a serial sugar baby. When notoriously private chaebol Ji Changmin offers him a lifestyle he never imagined, Sunwoo happily accepts. However, what the world doesn’t know about Changmin can hurt them.
* Let’s Ride It Out (Bbangju):
When Younghoon confesses to Juyeon that he doesn’t want to approach his crush until he’s more experienced, Juyeon offers to help. It ends just as poorly as these things usually do
* Baby, Don’t Be So Jealous (Bbangnyukyu):
Younghoon’s boyfriend is the jealous type. He’d like to break him of that.
Enter: Ji Changmin
* Did It Hurt? (Jumil):
After one too many drinks, Hyunjae sends a pickup line to his favorite idol during a live. Fortunately, Juyeon’s English isn’t great. Unfortunately, Juyeon’s co-idol speaks fluent English.
* Trust Issues (VHope):
Hobi has always known he’s gay, but he makes good money in the straight porn industry. When he finally gets up the courage to come out, he’s fired. Taehyung helps him get a job in the gay porn industry & might be the one to patch up Hobi’s damaged feelings
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not-goldy · 8 months
Jikookers like this confuse the fuck out of me. We always ask anons why they are coming to Jikook spaces with other ships, jkk x women, insecure asks etc but how can they not when these people trigger their insecurity? Especially when they follow different blogs to get opinions? Especially when OP claims to be army and kpop fan of long time, half korean and actuve in kirean formus ? These people ship Jimin and Jungkook, answer asks in a way which shows Jimin and Jungkook are couple or 'joke' about it. But in the very next breath say JK is preparing Fandom for a dating reveal with a woman ? Like I don't understand lol. Is them being 'rational' or being 'not like other Jikookers' or just me lacking reading comprehension?
Being insecure having doubts or coming into my space with other ships- that I can tolerate. Hell sometimes I find conversations such as that mentally stimulating.
But when doubt turns into negativity, extreme negativity it amounts to invalidating Jikook's bond or hating on them, hurling abusive words at them or others- that's where I draw the line.
No matter how doubtful you are, they have a genuine bond as a baseline. You don't disrespect that. Even if you think they are not dating- at least acknowledge these are two very intimate "friends" and honor it. Same way we can at least honor vmin, or Sope or Namjin without feeling intimidated by them.
keeping an open mind as to the fact there is always a possibility of the alternative should always convict us.
Could Jikook just be friends?? Absolutely. It's just also insane and delusional to pretend their dynamic isn't questionable at best in the face of all the questionable things they've done and said on the internet.
Is it possible Tae Kook are more than friends, or even Jinkook?? Absolutely. But then again it would be insane and delusional to think there's more weight to them than say a pair like Jikook. Cos if you can infer from content that Jinkook or Tae Kook are a thing then by that same inferrential logic jikook are married. Because baby, they GIVE.
Just absolutely brain nuts not to think that way.
I don't know why op thinks Jungkook will be outing a relationship with a woman. Could be just their theory- but why? Why do they say so I'm curious 🤔
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barbiehobi · 11 months
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Sope gets their wedding vows renewed in Vegas because the first time they got married they eloped~
Twt post: here
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ham1lton · 2 months
i know everyone loves vmin but i’m a taekook girlie <3 i also love sope like platonic soulmates truly.
and i agree sometimes the fics are just good. don’t even need to ship it. that’s how i felt about larry like i knew they weren’t actually dating secretly but the fics were good!
my faves are hobi, jk and tae. in that order. hobi will always be my number one idgaf. i used to like any ship with any of their pairings. vhope + hopekook fics are so painfully scarce but taekook is always booming w/ incredible fics!! so i was eating good frfr. i was open to other ships aswell.
i read this namjin fic with my two friends and it was soooooo fucking good. i literally left a message to the author like i need to marry u for ur mind and she responded get the papers. lets do it. bad bitch!!! if a fic is good, it’s good. i just can’t read fics with ships i hate.
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God watched a sonic youth documentary. Damn musicians used to stand for things and date/marry artists and writers. What a sope time to be alive. Had me hella in my Claire and matty feels
Oh is it the same doc that matty used to extremely into?
Girl matty said “literature” twice in his speech and my brain went delulu picturing matty and Claire at the awards 🥰🥰🥰🥰 did you see how Tim was there? The side scenes of her bonding with his dad….
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justasopearchive · 2 years
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Sope Twitter roundup: when boyfriends match.
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188/638 One Suga a day while he is away
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minisugakoobies · 1 year
Chan, Changbin, Han
Namjoon, Yoongi, Hobi
You cannot break up the groupings. I do not care that it is Libra season 😤
I care but just not for this scenario
You and your RULES, Luce 😤 which I will obey because I'm a Libra and we hate confrontation 🙈
Chan, Changbin, Han - Fuck Changbin, Marry Chan, Kiss Han goodbye. Can't be surprised by that one. Apologies to your man.
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Namjoon, Yoongi, Hobi - Fuck Hobi, Marry Yoongi, Kiss Joon goodbye. Again, I'm sure you saw that answer coming. I can't resist Sope.
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Hongjoong, Mingi, Seonghwa - This trio though. This was the difficult one. Mingi's my man and HJ and Hwa are both my wreckers. Ummmmm… Fuck HJ, Marry Mingi, Kiss Hwa goodbye. Sorry Hwa, but HJ's really got his fingers around my throat lately!
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sickonthedancefloor · 7 months
I have one College Professors Sope AU where Hobi and Yoongi are professors and also married and ALSO have a daughter. And one chapter where Hobi feels crappy but goes to work (the grind, amirite?) and his students think he looks kinda... off, but he gets a call from the school to pick up his sick kid. So he goes home and the kid is sick and he's hella sick and Yoongi comes home and wakes his husband up with soup and meds.
Domestic nonsense.
What do you think?
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angel-fic-recs · 2 years
The Best is Yet to Come - monochromemonotone
Min Yoongi x Jung Hoseok (Sope)
Rated : E
Wordcount : 100K (multi-chaptered)
Genre : Exes to Lovers | Post-Divorce AU
Description : Getting married is significantly easier than getting divorced, Hoseok thinks. And he and Yoongi did both, so it isn't like he's lacking the experience to make that claim.
Angel's review : I'm introducing you one of my most favorite trope on Ao3 : Exes to Lovers ! And this fanfiction is the best to portray that. I am in love with the author's writing. He has a way to depict the characters' feelings in the most raw, fair and heart-clutching way. The pining, the miscommunication, the push and pull, the emotional constipation...As much as exes to lovers in real life might be a little toxic and not the best solution for your mental health but, in this story, you cannot not root for Sope to get back together. You see that this separation has resulted from a lack of talking and emotional availability. All in all, it's a favorite trope, compiled with my favorite pairing, compiled with a beautiful writing, compiled with the best plot. A 10000/10 recommendation.
Link : https://archiveofourown.org/works/22787542/chapters/54454072
Part 1 of the Komorebi serie : https://archiveofourown.org/series/2341955
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