#Sound Storm Laboratories
missmarveledsblog · 14 days
Not just a flower child huh? Part one ( logan howlett x reader)
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Summary : the xmen are sent to rescue mutants in a lab , only find an unconscious young woman and couple of kids , when they bring her back to the mansion she is recognised by one of the residents . She awakes and finds out she and kids been saved wondering if it was all too good to be true ?
Warning: angsts , mentions of mutant children being abused , it's alot but there some fluff in there too , she has multiple "gifts " due to the lab . Google translated Russian so I apologise in advance if anyone has corrections feel free to leave them , grammatical errors too
It was in shambles , the outside looked desolate, void of any life and yet they knew it wasn't. The professor was never wrong with these Things . But looking at the place it looked abandoned ready to crumble To the ground into a pile of rubble and dust. Jean crouched with the rest of them she was seeking out the mutants that were held in the broken walls of the place . Shit it even had logan feeling certain Way when Charles called them to break Down the Mission . Four possibly five Kids held in a cage used like lab rats to try make their mutation Into so serum. It was always kids , parent sending them off into the world Because They were different or it scared them he never cared for the excuses , there was never an excuse to abandon or sell off your child because of something they were born with . It never sat right with him and it never would.
“ ten of the guards are heading down the basement fully loaded , we need to get in there now “ Jean Stood concerned Eyes watching every direction of the house til the sound hit , a hail of gun fire sounded off and yet not one bullet coming Near them only signal The true intent. “ we need to go she can't hold them off much longer” Jean called Running towards the house as the other followed
Logan had the door pulled out it was stronger than it appeared, and if it wasn't a race against time, they would be impressed at the faux exterior of the place . Inside was like high-end laboratory. It was also full of guards coming towards them Jean grey could easily hold them as storm Send them to the floor in a spasm before they went unconscious as logan and Scott were able to knock and sent them down to the ground with hard thud. The alarm rang out as they were Running down the hall and down the stairs into the basement , Scott was able to break the door easily with his beam sending a smirk at logan . The basement fit the exterior it was dingey and dirty , smell of mould and damp . It was not a place even a rat would stay in too Long . Right in the center was a large Cage thick metal Bars that connect From the floor to the ceiling that was not the part that surprised them . It was the thick almost tree Like vine Wall that was in the cage.
The guard turned only for Jean to raise their Own gun in the air and pull them down hitting them on head Sending them to the ground.
Scott stood forward hand at his visor ready to shoot when the redhead Stopped him , stood in front of him
“ there's kids in there, you could hurt Them “ she waved. Only as the others began To try think Of a way logan claws began cutting through the vines making Them weak enough to pull them away To see the kids all standing protectively in front Of another … Was it a woman .
“ we're here to help , we're going to take you somewhere safe” storm smiled softly holding her hand out letting the sparks flicker to show They were one of them.
“ помоги нашей сестре ( help our sister)” one finally Spoke moving So they could see the woman laid out of the ground they couldn't tell if she was breathing or not Til logan lifted Her up . She was almost lifeless But their Was a faint flicker of a pulse , a small thump of a heartbeat.
“ we need to go , get chrome Dome Ready to translate I don't think they can speak English” logan gruffed as the kids hesitantly Followed still Unsure who these strangers where but they had their sister and they had kind smiles.
The jet ride back they were able to get colossus To translate And explain to the kids they were safe but in the whole thing they didn't care all they cared for was Their sister if she would be ok , she kept them safe made sure no harm came from them.
“ she Said she made sure the bad men never got their chance To hurt them so they tried to get rid of them” even the big strong man that colossus was , they could hear that slight waver in his voice .
“Do we know who these kids are?” ororo Asked.
“ professor is working On it , he'll know more once they are here , how is the woman” .
“ barely hanging On , she dehydrated. Malnourished God only know how long she's been there ” logan said seeing how bad of shape She was in. He seen shit like this before captives During war times and shit she made them look healthy.
“ it gonna be hard to get them to Leave her” they watched as kids stood at her side once again in a protective stance.
They were right moment they got back to the mansion The kids didn't want to leave Her side as colossus came and explained It wasn't a prison they could visit her once she was checked over , once they were check Over. That still didn't work til they were brought With her. And one even went to attack when they saw Jean had a needle . It took hours for them to leave just to get cleaned up and check over .
“ their underweight but not by much ask them did they eat much” ororo asked.
“сестра следила за тем, чтобы у нас была еда и вода, и даже давала свои, если мы были голодны. ( sister Made sure we got food and water , even gave hers when we were Hungry)” one spoke up .
“ you can understand English ? Can you speak it” she asked looking at the girl who must of been no more than ten years old .
“ a little sister Teach me, so we can ask for help” she nodded .
“ do you know your names we can try find out about you guys” ororo Looked at them .
“ I'm Ana, this is lia , Henry and luka , sister is Y/N , safe here?” Ana asked softly.
“Y/n?” colossus asked looking like he'd seen a ghost before rushing out the room.
“ very safe no one will hurt you here” ororo crouch down only for Ana To flinch away.
“ we are lucky , the others were not , that made sister sad”.
“ what others ? Ana honey what others?” .
“ our other siblings they did Not make it, they took them when we sleep , sister Made them pay” Ana sniffled as ororo held Her hand.
He ran down the hall , his heart beating fast as it felt like it echoed through the walls. He nearly ran into multiple people on his way a quick sorry til he got to the medwing opening the door.
“ hey kids ok” logan asked only for piotr to ignore the man completely his eyes only looking at the bed seeing her , she was a lot different but time would do that in still in away she Looked like the same little girl he remembered .
“ hey you ok, you know her don't you ?” Logan stood coming to his side.
“ she is my little sister” he said holding her hand in his it almost looked tiny . Then again she was always tiny , she was reason his mutation happened he was saving her when a tractor almost hit her. He joined x men in hopes of settling in america bring her there then his parent told him she was in boarding school then it was she was missing then it was she was dead . He regretted that his whole life not taking her with him at first .now here she was going Through hell and back and she was alive.
It was weeks the kids became Comfortable Turned out their parent sold them to the lab they were kept in. Took hank a long time to secure them visa but he got them even for y/n who lay unconscious still. She was a mystery , they knew who she was , her age , height but as far as powers and everything else well the lab didn't go into detail on her or they couldn't . From the kids recollection she was defiant , never bending to their will they all wondered how she lasted so long or why they kept her so long . Piotr or Peter he let some call him , she was nine years old when his parent sent her away or sold her away it was too hard to even think of it , to think he left her to face all of this . Jean told him she was like him the way she put those kids before herself , how she almost killed herself to save them . A soft nod he headed off to check on the kids who knew little English and meant more to his sister than life itself he could at least make sure they were taken care of and not alone.
Bright was first thing that came to mind , it was bright before her eyes even open and when they did it stung and took a little longer to adjust . It was bright but it was clean , she wasn't tied down so it wasn't the lab … the lab … the kids . She stood uneasy at first maybe she was out longer than she thought. Looking around the room for some indication to where the hell she was , where were the kids closing her eyes and searching them in her mind she could let sigh in relief they were here . She walked to the door ready to break it down only for it to open itself her head tilting in confusing she grabbed the long doctors coat giving she had tank top and underwear on . She could sense someone approaching , the smell of whiskey and cigar filled her nose as she hid at the corner. The footstep coming to her as she lifted her palm slammed the man to the wall vines holding him in place.
“ woah at least buy me dinner first bub” he chuckled .
“ where are the kids” she glared .
“ the kids are safe , let logan go he won't hurt you , follow my voice” it called in her head making her turn and let the man drop to the ground .
“ kids safe?” she asked through her mind the walk breaking into a run. She didn't care that it was potentially a trap if it meant a sliver of hope those kids where safe. She felt the hardwood under her feet , the lab coat bellowing behind her not noticing the eyes that followed Her or the other kids around. She stood Outside a big oak door slowly opening It waiting for a trap.
“SISTER" Ana and the other ran knocking her to the ground Not that she cared . She kissed each of their heads looking at the faces that looked alot Better Before She passed out.
“ may I have a word with your sister , you can have the rest of day off to Reconnect and we can continue our lessons Tomorrow” that same voice she heard in her head now out loud and in the form of a bald man in a wheelchair. She looked to see the words on the board English Lessons , the books on the shelf and the kids outside Playing around.
“ иди я буду только на минутку ( go i'll only be a moment)” she nodded softly as the reluctantly left.
“ my Name is Charles xavier , it is good to see you up and well Y/N .
“ would Say the same but I've no Clue who you are Charles , where am I?” she walked around keeping her distance button the lab coat giving her lack of clothes .
“ my school For gift youngsters a safe Haven for people like us mutants , it's not the lab the only tests we do here are academical” he chuckled. “ my team found you and the children brought you to safety here , the kids Are very protective of you almost attack the team to keep you safe , you done Well to Take care of them” he said a sympathetic look in his eyes she could only nod at .
“ there is someone here who is eager to meet you we can talk More when You are ready truly we are only here To help” he smiled just as a Knock on the door made Her jump. ‘“ oh my dear you need not worry of money but maybe if you want you could help out with the greenhouse again if you want” Charles spoke up as she hesitantly walked to the door opening it .
Her eyes widened , her heart fell into her stomach as she looked into a face she never thought she would see again . He stood like a giant over her and yet he looked like a nervous little boy . Her hand shook as it came tracing the features of his face , he was a man now but then again she wasn't the little girl she once was either . A whurlwind of emotion that rumbled inside her she took her hand back only to close it and connect it to his face sending him down to the ground as the place went silent. She looked up to see that man again the smug one she tied up.
“ not the reunion you were expecting huh?’’ he helped him up .
“ no I was expecting this” piotr groaned rubbing his jaw.
“ ты придурок, ты бросил меня ( you're an idiot , you left me)” she yelled.
“ мне сказали, что ты в безопасности в школе(they told me your were safe at a school)” he reasoned.
“ они продали меня (they sold me)” she growled.
“ они сказали, что ты убежал и умер, я думал, ты умер, прости меня, пожалуйста ( they said you ran and you died , I thought you were dead forgive me please)” she hated how his voice broke and truly it wasn't his fault , he was young himself so she nodded and pulled him into a hug holding Him Tightly.
“ I think they made up” logan chuckled ruffling Henry's Hair .
“ sister they feed us here everyday few times its nice food ” Ana Spoke up only for her to turn see the kids looking Up .
“ cookie too” Henry beamed
“ your English is a lot better” she smiled .
“ Mr professor teach us everyday” Luka said Excitedly.
" just picking up where you left off is all " xavier bowed his head
“ hey look at you, nice to see your awake , would you come with me for a second ” a red head woman called making her head tilt stand back .
“ its ok y/n this is jean grey she is one of the teachers and one of people that rescued You” piotr whispered .
“ your the voice that day” y/n clapped Her hands looking at the woman .
“ I Can show you to your room and get you some Clothes “ jean smiled Only for y/n to be aware of how she was dress or therefore Lack of clothes with a blush to her cheeks she nodded following after the woman . “ so your like me ?” Jean asked.
“ sort of I mean I was pumped full Of stuff I don't know what else I can do” she winced.
“ well we can help with that here , when your ready” .
“ this place doesn't Feel real” she laughed looking around .
“ well It home for along as you want it to be , your not a prisoner anymore” Jean Stopped holding her hand in hers . Y/n turned her face only to see that man watching her intently before looking away .
" isn't she an interesting one " logan muttered, watching her heading up the stairs.
part two
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oozedninjas · 9 months
Blame the Chemicals in the Mind
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Summary: Mad scientist!Donnie discovers he has developed twisted, unwanted feelings toward his best experimentation specimen.
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A/N: General verses, but I placed something about each version of Donnie, let's see if you can find it! Also, I heavily kept in mind 2012verse and Bayverse for some reason? Anyway, this will have multiple parts but it can be read as a one-chapter thing too :)
Please do not spam like. Reblogs are appreciated! ♡
Warnings: NSFW / DARK CONTENT/ smut/fem!Reader/ after the kraang apocalypse/Donatello and reader are both mid to late twenties /dub-con/eventual Yandere topics/experimentation/torture/blood and violence/trauma bonding/Stockholm syndrome/blood extraction/panic attack (reader's)/twisted hurt-comfort/between-the-lines humiliation/ mentions of the use of a feeding probe/sensorial overstimulation and deprivation/ Regarding smut: humping/creampie/DUB-CON/ dead dove do not eat
This is 18+ dark content. If you click on keep reading you have agreed you want to read this content.
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His ever-present gaze penetrated the tank's glass, fixating on your orbs. It was a constant company, greeting you upon waking— whether immersed in the computer's screen a few paces ahead or absorbed in a stress ball he kept in hand to stimulate his thoughts. He consistently stared, as if that alone could propel him closer to a cure for the three monstrous things that so closely resembled him. 
Donatello observed them through the fortified cells he constructed, initially intended as a security measure. He sighed deeply. The laboratory never felt as desolate as it did now, as if hopelessness swept through, resonating through his body. Gradually, despair eroded small fragments of his sanity, leaving nothing more than a faint echo of who he used to be.
He needed to find a cure soon. And so he pinched, tugged, injected, and inflicted upon your body a distinct form of torment every day. Each one an inch closer. However, despite your best judgment, you lacked the strength to keep on resenting him.
Exhausted from enduring numerous stings and side effects, your brain, perhaps as a survival mechanism, clung to words of reaffirmation. Praise. Approbation. Plaudits. They seemed to breathe sanity back into your inner self, preventing your poor state of mind from sinking deeper into the dark.
Such an exquisite test subject!
So remarkably compliant and subdued, aren't you?
I'll create an antidote, and they'll be back, and it'll be thanks to you.
You seem unwell today.
His voice was distant from under the water but he sounded somehow concerned. "Let's take the day off. You can't die just yet. Finding others like you is proving increasingly challenging."
You didn't want him to ignore you for the rest of the day. You wished he wouldn't. You could endure a slight pinch if it meant feeling something. Lately, the increasing sensory isolation was becoming more and more nerve-wracking. You must have wished too fervently, for just as he had not entirely turned away, the power abruptly ran out.
Donatello gasped. The blue light of your tank framed his face. A menace, yet fixable. The hitch: replacing the lab's battery required using the one in your tank. Both were designed with separate energies after an incident— an unfortunate electrocution during a short-circuit caused by an electric storm. Test subject 83q1q didn’t make it.
The wisest course of action was to empty the tank, replace the battery, and secure you elsewhere until he could find a new one. Your body throbbed with tickles of anxiety and anticipation upon noticing his intent.
As it drained, you descended to the bottom of it. He opened its side, causing all the tubes to tilt down. Donatello pulled them off. You inhaled as soon as he unplugged them from your throat. A coughing fit almost broke your rib cage right after a sharp, reckless gasp for air.
An overwhelming sensation hovered over you. Abruptly, everything was too much. Too much air, too rough floor, too much pressure on your skull, too loud— You can't breathe. You're choking. Your ears are beeping. Someone's screaming. You can't breathe, you can't breathe, you can’t— He's touching you. You tensed. Would he return you to the tank? Where's the needle? The last time he touched you, there was a needle, or something sharp, and it hurt. You brace yourself. 
Donatello began making even circles over your bare back.
"Deep breaths," he said. His voice sounded different. Steadier, warmer. "Follow my own, here," he pressed your hand to his plastron. His inhalations were even, soothing.
"That's right, you're doing well—maintain your focus right here."
Your view briefly smeared your palm over his chest before properly adjusting. Your head pulsed as if your skull rejected your brain. Your mind was a jumble of many things barely held together. But you’re breathing, you’re alive, nothing hurts.
"Well done. Now, tell me five things about yourself," he asked.
The piercing cold scraped your bones like long-stirred claws. Nothing hurts, not quite much.
"My name is Donatello,” he began to set an example. “I am a scientist. I aim to fix the Kraang predicament. I like purple,” he paused, realizing there was nothing more about him worth mentioning. Then, against logical reasoning, he added: “I miss my brothers.”
Squatting, embracing your naked, soaked silhouette in a failed attempt to stop shivering, you listened; forcing yourself to clutch onto his voice, scarcely discerning his words but making the effort. On the verge of giving up on obtaining an answer, Donatello motioned back. Your nails dug into his plastron just then. He tensed.
“My name is—” your voice quivered, mind spinning, searching. You told him. “Chest… hurts. Head, hurts. I’m cold.” Your weakling tone disturbed you, hoarse, broken, reduced to a raspy mutter. “I’m… alone.”
You were unexpectedly a jarring mirror he reflected in. Donatello tilted his head, musing.
"Well done. It wasn't so hard, was it?" he articulated, displacing your hand. "Now come here, you ought to wait inside the cell until the battery is efficiently substituted and operational—I still need to find another to power the tank, though.” he added between his teeth, more to himself than to you. “Anyway, be glad, you'll rest," he finished, offering you a towel.
You took it, hesitantly. Soft, cold fingers brushing with rough, calloused ones. Donatello retracted his hand upon the brief contact. For half a second, he seemed misplaced. Something shifted thereafter. As if the lab’s loneliness somehow extinguished just by having another breath residing there. As days elapsed, he worked diligently to replace the burnt pieces and connect the battery. This task, which would have taken only a few hours with all the needed resources, was now hindered by the aftermath of the world nearly ending. 
You braced yourself every time he approached your space, yet, pain never came with him. Instead, there was something, something more, something close to a kindle glimpse of a strange fascination. Donatello couldn't grasp why, but he started bringing you food instead of using the feeding probe.
“I help bring them back,” you said one fine day, after long contemplating the scattered photographs of four turtles attired in different colors, enjoying life before the apocalypse.
The sound of the welder stopped, as did the sparks that created different patterns of light around. He looked at you, understanding that it was not a reiteration of your role; it was an express wish, a genuine interest, as if you actually had a saying on the matter. It was, in a way, touching.
“Yes, you will,” he paused briefly, contemplating for the first time going slightly out of his way to give you something. But what? Perhaps something to wear? No, keeping you naked meant you wouldn't dare to set foot outside. It had to be something else, something more.
Donatello pondered for half a heartbeat before pulling the protective lenses up.  “Hey, on a scale of one to ten, how cold would you rate your cell?”
The day came when he finished fixing the lights. The sudden brightness forced a hiss out of you, too sharp. He adjusted it, toning it down to a level you could bare. He found an extra battery as well, which meant you would return to the tank. You would hurt again, but it’s fine; he gave you purpose. He fed and warmed you, and listened to you. He gave you gentle head pats— 
He’s good. 
He doesn’t care if he hurts you.
It’s alright. He gave you purpose. 
He doesn’t care if you cry.
He keeps you warm.
Donatello took some blood samples, followed by platelets, in between a couple more tests. You felt dizzy jumping off the chair, narrowly holding on to the edge of the table so as not to slam against the floor. The tank light loomed over you. Bit by bit, you gestured towards the two-meter cylindrical vessel, your heart rate suddenly plummeting. The dreadful prospect of sensory deprivation gnawed at your insides. Your breaths became erratic, resonating loudly in your ears, and the sensation of blood swirling in the pit of your stomach heightened. You won't feel, you won't eat, you will hurt. You can't breathe. You gasp for air. It’s alright, it’s alright-
"I was thinking..." Donatello's voice cut through the oppressive atmosphere, and you clung to the sound as if it were a lifeline. "Since you've behaved— what if I don't send you back in the tank? What if you stay here a bit longer?"
You turned, your eyes widening in astonishment. 
"Would you like that?" he asked, not facing you, an awkwardness in his demeanor, as if it were the first time in his life he had asked for company.
"Yes," you gasped.
You couldn't pinpoint when it happened, but it didn't matter. You lay on his lap, resting as he worked, your body bare, absorbing the warmth of the room he had carefully heated for you. You cherished the rare moments he allowed you this close to him, savoring the seconds of feeling human once again through simple acts like cuddling. It made the aching in your body subside a smidgen.
The embrace elicited subtle signs of contentment, slowly fading into gasps, later morphing into moaning. His breath hitched upon hearing them. Donatello wasn't the best at navigating feelings. But these sensations were not exactly that. They couldn’t be. No, it was more like a palpitation triggering a primal response to your scent, your warmth, and the gentle quiver in your voice.
He scoffed. Deep thought on the matter didn’t change that his cock throbbed with each breath rolling off your mouth. He tried to shake the heat of his head, but why? Why should he resist? There was no purpose for not indulging. In fact, it could be beneficial.
He let his hand travel across your back. His touch made you shudder. He puffed, a nerdy sound he hadn’t heard himself make since the first time he watched a porn video. 
“Come,” he said, tugging you to sit upright.
You raised your head from the crook on his neck to face him. “To the operating room?”
“No, just here,” he muttered.
Donatello adjusted you over the lower half of his plastron before reclining the chair back. Your nude pussy pressed upon its wetness. He groaned. Warm fingertips clung to the upper sides of his shell, seeking balance. He stroked your hair. You waited. Nothing hurt.
Donatello placed both hands over your love handles, moving you back and forth so your cunt rubbed over his needy slit. It throbbed, his hard cock soon to emerge from it. He whimpered, breath hitching when you followed his lead, hypnotized by the exquisite friction over your clit. A few more humps and it came out, pulling a deep growl from him. You looked in astonishment as it rose against your abdomen. tick, long and glistening in a creamy transparent liquid. Your inner thighs soon soaked in it. Nothing hurts, no…, in fact- it’s good. Fuck, so good. You sighed, unable to stop grinding over his newly released member, absolutely thriving in the delicious way it numbed everything into bliss. 
Donatello’s head fell backward. His mouth curved slightly at the corners in a somewhat twisted smile of enjoyment. His earnest, soft moaning mingled with yours feverishly. 
“That’s so hot— I want more, I want to be in you, I know you’re so warm inside,” his voice was desperate, drunken-like. 
In one motion, Donatello pulled you up. Your back hit the cold desk. You sensed the keyboard under your head. It hurt. You snap back, eyes open wide. He grabbed your waist. Six strong fingers kept you in place as he lined with you. You puff, suddenly tensing.
"You want it too, right? In theory, it should feel good. You're too wet for it not to, don't worry, you've been good. It won't hurt." 
The question lingered. You don't know. You don't want to hurt. Would he be angry if you forced him to stop? Could you do that? Would he put you back in the tank? You're dizzy. 
He moved the tip of his cock along your soaked cunt, focusing on your soft nub, making circles over it. Your legs opened wider in response. His voice quivered as he whimpered, yours followed. You clenched around nothing. 
"You're not saying no, are you?" he panted. "So I assume you must want to, right?" 
Your hole stretches with his size sliding in. You groan, dragging your nails over the desk. 
"Ah— it hurts! It hurts!" you blurt out. 
"Bear it. The ache isn't supposed to- last too long. It'll feel good once you get used to it. You're good, you can bear it, you ca-nm,"
His body steamed, and his mind burnt with it, slowly melting the last drops of rational thinking. "You're so tight," he thrust once, twice, and thrice. 
You reached for him, clinging to his quivering voice, his praise, his— fuck he's so deep in you. his pace knocks your breath out. It hurts. It fills you so well. It hurts. Feels hot. His moves are steady, building heat in your belly. Pain's giving out. You clench around him, sucking him deeper. 
Donatello jerked forward, mouth gaping, eyes shutting. Both forearms held him up over the desk. He was now close enough for you to embrace him, so you clamped one hand to his shell and the other to his shoulder. Both legs hugged him near. With each new thrust your clit rubbed to his plastron sending waves of volts through your veins. 
"Yes," you breathed, barely above your own moaning.
Donatello grinned, "I knew you liked it,”
“Yeah—ah, faster, harder,” you pleaded, head thrown back as he fucked you.
He granted. Making his pace even crueler. His content smile never faded. 
“Your little cunt loves this so much! I can feel you squeezing me so tight, fuck, such a good testing subject, about to be my favorite cumdump.” 
Your muscles tensed in anticipation, the heat in your core about to burst. The sound of wet skin slapping reached your ears as your toes curled. 
His breath staggered as he spoke. "Ah- I can't stop. I'm coming, fuck, yes, yes-mnn," 
The hot loads filled you all the way to your womb. You embraced him, his ragged breath right in your ear. He enjoyed it, you did good, all feels right, more, more— You came with a loud moan, sweet pulsations carried the bliss from your belly through your temples, melting you.
He stayed still for a while, holding you in his arms, absorbing the warmth from your body. You both descended from the high together. Your scent mingled with his own, and for a fleeting moment, something tingled within him—the creeping onset of a feeling. He scoffed. It meant nothing. What are feelings if not chemicals in the mind, fueling instincts? 
"Go clean yourself up," he instructed, letting off your legs. "We still have some tests for the day."
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pavus · 1 year
gortash struggles with silence. he was never allowed it as a child, the space between his ears ever-occupied by the sounds of work in his parents' workshop and the ambient blur of the lower city. in the house of hope, music followed his every step — music and screams and quiet sobs, conversations he strained himself to overhear for an upper hand. then, there was the upper city and the talking (the constant talking), the gossip and the flirting and the music and the click of heels and rustle of fabric during spinning dances. and then, even when he pulled away from the wall of sound closing in around him, he crafted his own song in the privacy of his laboratory. there was the incessant bubbling and popping of liquids over burners, fearful tears, the hum and whir and clank of machinery, the sick whisper of a scalpel's edge splitting skin. when he steps away from his lab, when he shuts the doors to his office and blocks out everything around him, gortash finds himself tapping his fingers, cracking his knuckles, reading under his breath because thinking in absolute silence is an impossibility. sometimes, he kindles a fire for the snapping and popping of burning wood rather than warmth. when it rains, he opens a window, grateful that he is high enough above baldur's gate for the storm to drown out everything else. all he needs is the roll of thunder, the patter of raindrops over the tiled rooftops stretching in every direction. on nights when he is not alone, he coaxes tav closer — not for the proximity or even the affection, but for the hushed rise and fall of their breathing.
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howlingday · 6 months
Jaune's Shampoo
General Arc
"DAMMIT, NORA!" Jaune opened his shower door. As he exited, he noticed his body had drastically changed. Using a mixture of his shampoo and experimental goo found at the fiendish Dr. Merlot's laboratory, Nora had unwittingly created a mutagen just to prank her team leader.
"Huh?" Jaune brought his hand to his lips, curious as to the strangely baritone voice that came from it. Before he could question how his voice became so suddenly deep, he felt hair around his mouth. And not peach fuzz hair, but a full-blown forest of hair grew over his cheeks and past his chin. "What the hell?"
Jaune swiftly opened the shower door, almost breaking it as it slammed against itself. He winced at the sound of almost breaking. Apparently, hair wasn't the only thing that had grown from his shower. Looking down, he flexed his massive palms, noting the thick bushel of arm hair coating both his chest and his arms and his... Whoa! Not gonna get into that description until he figures out what happened to his face.
Wiping his hand over the foggy mirror, he found a strange face staring back at him. It was a face aged by years, perhaps even decades of experience. Thinking on it, he kind of looked like old pictures of his grandpa and his dad, from back in their huntsmen days. But looking in his eyes, he saw the truth of the matter; despite all the changes, it was still him.
"Jaune?" He heard a voice call out to him from outside the bathroom door. "Is everything okay in there?"
Jaune looked at the door, then back to the mirror. What should he tell Pyrrha? 'Yeah, everything is totally fine except I'm 40 all of a sudden in the span of a 5-minute shower!' No, no, he had to play it safe. Or at least try to get some help.
"Uh, actually, I think I might be getting sick." He lied to his partner. "Do you think you could get some medicine from the nurse's office?"
"Uh, okay then, Jaune."
He crept to the door and put his ear to it. He heard something slide, then slide again. Pyrrha left. Good. He opened the door, creeping into his own dorm room to find something he could wear. No way was he streaking across campus, new body or old body. He pulled on some boxers, finding them to be a bit tight for his new mass, and ripped some tears in them to ease his pain. Nothing in his closet even looked like it still fit him, so he'd figure something out. Maybe if he tied his hoodie over his lap, it would pass enough to be a loincloth?
"Jaune, I went over to Team RWBY and they... had... some..." Jaune looked to his partner, having returned from her search for his fake illness. "...medicine." Yes, that.
"Uh, h-hey, Pyrrha." He cleared his throat. "So, uh, funny story, but, uh... You remember when Weiss told me to grow up?"
"Okay, first of all-" The young woman stormed in, raising a finger at Jaune's torso as if her arm was already used to being positioned to his old height. Following her digit to it's point to find the now massive leader of JNPR looking back at her with innocent, blue eyes.
"Uh, h-hey, Weiss." He waved his gargantuan hands at her. "Uh, so I don't think you'll have to worry about me asking you out anymore."
Weiss didn't say anything. The shifty gaze that adornered her reddened face told Jaune she was too distracted by the titanic mass of muscle and body hair to focus on anything at that moment. He looked to Pyrrha who looked about the same. He noticed their eyes wander down a bit too far.
"O-Oh! Sorry!" Jaune took his hoodie and BARELY managed to tie it around to act as his loincloth tarp thing. "Uh, better?"
Jaune panted as he sprinted down the halls of Beacon Academy. The screaming masses behind him only urged him to push himself harder. Making his way Beacon Tower, where the headmaster's office sat at the very top, he tapped repeatedly on the elevator call button.
"Come on, come on!"
"There he is~!" Squealed Yang, flanked by her team and Pyrrha. Of all the times for Ren and Nora to be out on their 'totally not together together friendly luncheon as just friends and nothing more to it than that I swear'.
"I have him, girls~!" Squeaked Velvet as she clung to his neck. Damn! If only he wasn't so distracted by Nora's long and overly complicated name for 'not a date' that she insisted on! "Mm, he smells like an ocean beach house~!"
"Let me smell!" Blake shouted, practically foaming at the mouth. "I've actually lived in a beach house! I would know!"
Before she could sink her claw-like fingers into him, he tossed off Velvet (as gently as he could) and when he realized the elevator wasn't coming, he decided there was only one thing left to do. He turned around, grabbed the wall, and launched himself into the air! After gaining some feet or yards or whatever, he dug his fingers into the wall again and propelled himself higher!
"Weiss!" Ruby looked to her partner.
"Alright!" Weiss summoned glyphs on the wall, all the way up to the top, in the direction of Jaune.
"No, sir."
"Come on, I'm sure the students will love it."
"Sir," Professor Goodwitch sighed at the ridiculous glasses on the headmaster's face, "I just don't think anyone will want to see anyone else wearing such ridiculous glasses."
"Oh, come now, Glynda." Ozpin removed his glasses. "It's not like the students will revolt and start climbing up the-"
Just then, a large, nearly naked man with wild hair swatted at a young Ruby Rose that swarmed over him like the most annoying bug ever. He clung to the window frame of the office, swatting away until he fell from the tower, leaving Miss Rose to hang from roof.
"Mm..." He mused "Perhaps these are a bit too wacky..."
Jaune Arc was dead, laying in the heap of rubble that was once the statue of the two hunters that greeted every student as they arrived at Beacon Academy. Many of the girls wept around his body, especially Ruby, whose tears soaked her hooded cape as she dressed it over his body. The teachers tried to get through, but the more burly students, such as Yang and, oddly enough, Team CRDL, stood in the way of the faculty as the funeral procession continued.
"Don't you think this prank went to far?" Ren asked.
"No." Nora replied, not looking at her best friend, her eyes focused on her dead leader. "T'was beauty that killed the beast."
"C... Can I get up now?" Jaune groaned.
"Just... Just five more minutes." Pyrrha sobbed, holding her partner's head in her hands.
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goodolddumbbanana · 2 months
Summary: Nexus attempted to kidnap Sun to get him to find the shards by threatening Dazzle and Jack. Moon is nowhere, idk, maybe sleep.
It was just a normal day…
Only the yellow animatronic stays in daycare to cleaning. Moon was busy in his laboratory, busy his head with everything from finding the whereabouts of Ruin and the Dark Sun's hideout, to studying the remnants of the Wither Storm.
Moon has been working hard for more than 12 hours. The overwhelming amount of work that his brother endures making Sun worried that Moon will fall back into his old habits, working until his battery is dried out.
Maybe after cleaning this place up, Sun should go back to the lab to check. He can get something for his brother to eat? At least, for now, this is what makes him feel like he can help in some way.
A loud sign coming out his mouth. The barrel was so shiny in Sun's hand that he could see himself on it.
He still couldn't understand how he could sense the shards of the Wither Storm, but he didn't look into the gift horse's mouth. Although... that was just a little concern in Sun's heart, why did he feel so attracted to those crystals? Why did he feel... so relief when he touched them?
Unlike Moon, who not only had a headache, but slept so soundly that it frightened Sun until the next day?
The sound of someone coming out of the ball pit rang out, startling Sun's train of thoughts.
The computer hasn't been fixed yet. There's so much work that needs to be done and Moon's AI creates is relatively complicated. So they have to do everything by hand by now, what is sometimes really inconvenient for Sun.
For example, he couldn't guess exactly who had entered this dimension.
A dark blue shadow appeared in the distance. A nightcap bobbed, revealing the tall, thin body of a lunar Daycare attendant. Star and moon shaped characters are embroidered on the shirt.
The shadow cast by the light caused Sun's optics to involuntarily shrink. He came closer, still holding the barrel towel in his hand.
“M–Moon?! I thought you would work until late?—”
The words coming out of Sun's mouth suddenly stopped. Sun's non-existent heart seemed to skip a beat when the stranger raised his face, revealing a bygone face that was only seen in Sun's old nightmares.
His eyes were red as blood, like two coals dipped in the burning fire. The smile was as curved as a crescent moon, white as bone, as marrow, as sickly white as the way a wild animal grins when hunting its prey. The long, slender body, bent in a way that physics could not explain, stretched out of the ball pit.
“H–Hello? Who are you?" Sun asked timidly, he silently scolded himself, why didn't he call Moon right now. It's not that he can't defend himself, because of magic, Moon still encourages him to practice day and night. But Sun didn't want things to go that far at all.
If possible, he just wanted them to leave or they could talk in peace.
That strange guest just twisted his body, his posture was too comfortable for someone who did not live here. Sun's internal chip doesn't understand why it keeps screaming, trying to emit a telegram of connection, feel like his subconscious is whispering something about there is something very familiar towards the stranger.
Could this be KC or another version of KC?
Sun never held out hope that KC was still alive. Their KC‌ was dead, broken into pieces in Bloodmoon's hands. But something about the stranger made Sun unconsciously take a few steps forward.
They laughed, a hoarse, dry, ugly laugh like the sound of a knife carving into flesh.
“No… Take another guess.”
Sun didn't know it was possible to shatter someone's reality with just one sentence.
In the colorful colors of daycare, Moon-Nexus stood there calmly, with a smile that didn't reach the corners of his eyes.
New clothes, new body, will any of that still can Sun call them his brother? When they at that time had hurt their own sister without any remorse, and now in those lifeless eyes, only the bloody brutality and indifference of the scientist towards his specimen were visible?
Nexus looks happy. Dangerously happy. They approached Sun, letting out a greeting as if nothing had happened, as if Nexus hadn't torn his own family in half.
“Hey, Sun… Long time no see.”
The two images melt into each other. One is the concerned eyes of a version of Moon he has learned to love and trust, the other is of a stranger that Sun doesn't recognize anymore.
Sun should run. He should scream and let any of Moon's defenses activate, but he couldn't. His throat was stiff, his mouth dry. He couldn't stop shaking, his freezing reflex made his joints immobile.
“What's wrong, Sun, aren't you happy to see your brother again?”
Nexus tilted its head, its neck as long as an owl's, the deformity that Nexus had intentionally inflicted on itself was like a punch to Sun's stomach.
‘What happened to you, Nexus?’
“I can guess this can happen.” M-Nexus shrugged, and they moved closer leisurely, ignoring Sun's momentary flinch.
"You already have your Old Moon back, how can you miss this Moon, am I right, Sun?"
He wants to say...
‘We have missed you. We still missed you. Earth couldn't look at Moon's face without crying silently afterward. Even though Lunar didn't say anything, I still knew that the boy hid your photo in the room. I miss you, I miss you so much.
But you don't know that, do you?
Only cares about what you want, and always jumps to these places whereI can't keep up with.
And now you throw it all away to pursue a self-destructive obsession that you think we want, when what we need is for you to be happy with us.'
He wanted to say many things, but his mouth could only make pitiful stuttering sounds. His hand wanted to reach out, a faint glimmer of hope that Nexus felt remorseful and wanted to return to his family.
But the cruel mind only laughed at Sun's weak heart, mocking him about how dangerous the Nexus looked.
'Even an idiot like you can understand why he came here, right, Sun~~' The sound of Sun's thoughts was too close to Eclipse's disdainful and even tone, making Sun unconsciously frown.
“How is the new house btw? I heard that beast say you have moved. Do you live well in there? Not that I care—”
Sun wanted to refute. He wanted to grab Nexus tightly and ask if they didn't care, then why did they deliberately bring up the old story? He wanted to cry and hug Nexus tightly, to beg Nexus to return to Sun, Earth and Lunar. He also wanted to punch his other brother, to let them know how stupid the thing they did was, how much it hurt the people who loved them.
But nothing can come out except the bitterness.
“Oh come on, no need to look so tensed like that.”
Close, too close, Nexus was approaching Sun without him realizing it. The shadow of Nexus fell on Sun, their voice was gentle, so gentle and considerate, like that was still the person he called his brother.
The sound of bells rang in Sun's ears. A red shadow flashed across Sun's eyes, and the ribbon on Nexus's wrist fell onto his shirt.
“I said I wouldn't hurt you, didn't I?”
The distance between them was only an inch apart, and the tip of Nexus' nightcap accidentally touched Sun's rays. Nexus's hand was clasped in his, the grip soft but firm, just like the way they used to do whenever Sun had a panic attack.
It really made Sun soften, and let his guard down for a split second.
Enough for a sick smile to flash across Nexus's lips. A wave of pain erupted in Sun's arm, Nexus's hands gripped Sun's hand tightly, their sharp nails digging into his metal shell.
“Well… I guess I lied.”
The pain caused Sun to pull away and stagger backwards. He panted, the rays of light converging with Sun's breathing. Nexus' sadistic chuckle was almost unreal, as if this were just a normal gaming session between the two of them, rather than looking like Nexus was ready to hurt Sun.
Sun shouldn't be surprised, because after all, Nexus has always hated him. This person's care is purely a order, a purpose that Moon has placed like a chain on this newly reset Moon's neck.
Sun knows Nexus always hates him for being alive, for the one who dead is Solar.
“W–Why are you here, M–Nexus?”
Try to squeeze out each word. Ignoring the pain in his wrist, Sun wished he wasn't trembling, so pathetic for someone who hadn't even done anything to him.
“You know why.” Nexus retracted his hand, his red eyes looked straight at Sun, a look so determined that it scared Sun.
"No I dont." Sun gritted his teeth, both of his fists clenched. There was an anger that came out of nowhere in his chest like a flood, making his vision red and Sun didn't know what he wanted to do next.
“A little bird told me about a dream you had.”
Breath escaped from Sun's mouth. His joints convulsed, and Sun's entire operating system continuously crashed into each other with errors and loops.
“I want you to come with me, Sun.”
“From now on we will do everything together Sun… I will not leave you…”
Two voices collided. One from the present and one from the past. The protective concern that once existed in that voice now turned into mockery. Nexus looked at him like a curious child looking at a sick cat that was about to die. They had no intention of doing anything, just watching with interest to see where this was going.
Sun never understood Moon's laboratory preferences. Too white, too clean, everywhere is sterile white. There is a coldness and crampedness that clings to this place, even if there are more green trees. can cover up its emptiness.
Moon stood in front of the board, his shadow was too high, beyond Sun's sight. Moon's hand awkwardly touched the edge of the table, her face serious. There was only the clicking sound of the radiator running, and the gurgling sound of running water, as if time had stopped a long time ago and was working again, as heavy as a nail stuck in the wall.
Reflections of surrounding objects flashed on the Sun's gilded shell. A cup of steaming hot tea was placed in front of him.
“Hey Sun… I need you to think about this…” Moon's voice is gentle and careful, as if he was speaking to a child. “If what Dark Sun said is true, then Nexus is also searching for the fragments…”
“That means… he might come to you…”
“I'm not telling you to decide now… but for your own good and I don't want you to get hurt…”
“Can you tell me you are willing to attack the Nexus if push comes to shove?”)
There was heavy pressure and tension between the two. It felt like there was invisible sweat dripping down the back of Sun's shirt.
Nexus is taller than him, stronger than him, both physically and intellectually. If he wanted, he could take advantage of Sun being caught off guard and take Sun away at any time. But here, right now, Nexus made Sun an offer.
To go with him voluntarily.
Why?" Sun lowered his voice. His hands were hidden behind his back, ready for any movement by Nexus to trigger him to activate his magic. Every sensor in his body was screaming at him to attack, or run away, but for some stubborn reason, he continued to wait for Nexus's answer.
Listening to Moon was an inherent rigid habit, making him no matter how angry or disappointed he was, the first person to lay down his cards was still Nexus.
“Sun, you know what's funny? It had taken me months of manual labor to find the fragments of the Wither Storm, while the answer was right before my eyes."
"It's you. Sun."
"Yes, I was surprised too. Who would have thought that little Sunny would have this ability? How many pieces have you and that bastard found? Where did you hide it?"
“And why should I tell you?”
Red eyes glared at Sun maliciously, so evil that it would make his former self burst into tears.
“Because I will not go easy on you anymore if you keep stubborn like that.”
(Duck honk honk sound sound)
A flash of light erupted, right next to Nexus's feet smoking remains of a fireball. For the first time since him show up, Nexus's eyes opened wide to look at him in surprise.
Their approaching feet stopped, they looked intently at the fire burning the carpet next to them. A few balls couldn't stand the luck, half melting and emitting an unpleasant smell of burning synthetic resin.
“I won't go with you, Nexus.” Sun spoke harshly. His hand twitched. A sick feeling went deep into Sun's stomach, making him want to vomit. "Quite the opposite, I like to stay here."
Sun had never, ever directly pointed a weapon at his family like that, and the thought of hurting someone... even if it was Nexus, it made Sun's whole body tremble.
Bitter bile seeped into Sun's throat. A dirty feeling that couldn't be washed away flowed through him. It was like a rope was wrapped around Sun's throat, making him writhe in pain.
Sun couldn't breathe.
What is he doing?
Satisfied giggles rang out.
“Oh?” Nexus hummed. “You shot me.”
“You shot your brother.”
‘And yet you always try to act like you're better than me.’ The meaning behind Nexus's words.
Say it casually as if it were a fact. Say it smugly as if they knew this was going to happen.
Red appeared in Sun's eyes. Red. Red like the blood flowing on Evelyn's head, red like the color of Nexus's eyes, red like the dirt on Sun's hands, which can never be washed off.
The giggle of a certain red devil rang in Sun's ears, causing Sun's snow-white pupils to shrink. No… Just an hallucinations. He took a deep breath, avoiding the immediately understanding look from Nexus.
“Don't take another step, because the next shot will be real.” Sun took a deep breath, trying to speak without trembling. Magical colors like a kaleidoscope glowed in Sun's hands. His fan seemed to be overloaded, every part of Sun's body seemed to fall apart. “I suggest you to leave, Nexus. Or else…"
“Or else you will kill me, right?”
Sun was about to say he would expel Nexus, but Nexus' answer left him stunned.
What percentage of his magic would succeed, and what percentage would it fail like the other things Sun had attempted.
A painful chuckle echoed in Nexus's mouth, close to the edge of madness. There was a bitter feeling in it, and it made Sun feel endlessly guilty.
“So little Sunny finally grew a spine. It's sad that it took two Moons for that to happen.”
“When did you learn magic? I remember you were so insistent that you didn't want to touch that supernatural thing at all."
“Is it because of Moon?” Nexus' eyes narrowed. Sun's silence seemed to confirm Nexus's guess. “I'm never really good enough, am I?” They scoffed. “As soon as I left, you replaced me with that monster version, and running after him like an off-leash pet.”
It's hurt. Hearing that from someone who was also his brother hurt so much. But it cannot be more painful than the feeling of betrayal that Earth has experienced.
“Are you done yet?” Sun was tired, he knew Nexus was trying to insult him, that any reaction from Sun would only give Nexus an advantage.
But he is very tired.
Part of Sun wanted to give up, let Nexus take him away. It's better to surrender to reduce the pain than to resist and the result will still be the same. But the other part in Sun, the one had to restrain Moon, Eclipse, and whoever was in his head from trying to control give Nexus a middle finger.
Sun cannot give up, not when he has Earth, Lunar, Moon... and the destructive potential of the Wither Storm and whatever plans Nexus wants to try for the world.
Strangely, the fleeting thought of death was so light compared to what was before Sun.
“Nah— Youunderstand me, Sun. I will never go without what I want.” Nexus chuckled, his finger pointing at Sun.
Daycare still plays the cheerful, annoying music as if nothing had happened. A feeling of deja vu made Sun's heart sink deeper, as a shot was fired right in the area where he and Nexus were standing right now.
“So, if Sunny boy really wants to leave, you have to be the one to do it first—.‌”
The gears in Sun's chest stopped turning once. A smile spread across Nexus's lips, his arms spread wide. Their eyes were closed, they looked completely at peace.
“Shoot Sun. Break me, destroy me into pieces.‌ If you have the guts, do so, so I can't cause any more harm to your familym”
Sun wants to say Nexus was also his family, Nexus is still his brother.
“But remember, I'm only giving you this first shot for free.”
Another image placed on Nexus. Blue separates into orange and red.
‘See you in hell, Sun.’ A tired, bitter smile, angry eyes, unwilling to give up even in death.
'Cowardice. Useless. Without Moon you are nothing—' The impostor wore Moon's face, provoking him with evil words.
“So, let's give me your best shot.”
Five-colored light flashed brightly in Sun's hand. Shoot. Don't Shoot. Just let go. Just relax. Whether it was Eclipse's whisper or Bloodmoon's, he no longer knew.
It's easy, very simple, especially when he is in charge.
Just release it.
You can do it, Sun.
‘You are my older brother, Sun. I care about you.'
Nexus's face appeared, full of concern and understanding.
The magical light grew louder and louder, before completely extinguishing in Sun's hands. Standing there stiffly, the hand still couldn't be lowered. Sun can't, he can't attack M–Nexus.
‘What a coward, Sun.’
“It's not that I didn't expect it, but it's also disappointing.
Nexus walked around Sun, his neck sticking out excitedly like a vulture hunting its prey. Touching Sun's spell-casting arm, they suddenly lifted Sun up.
Sun screamed in confusion into the air, and in a moment that was probably only a few seconds, he was thrown hard to the ground. His metal skeleton groaned in pain, warning triangles flashed, causing his optics to turn yellow.
Maybe something broke. Suddenly, there was a soft falling sound of something hitting Sun's head. He groaned and picked it up, his sensors classifying it as a toy.
What is this?
A worn sun doll blinked back at Sun. A cold feeling reached the heart of Sun's non-existence, algorithms 0 and 1 jumped like locusts, howling in a vortex of indignation.
“Yeah… If I was you, I would have watched my baby deer better.”
Nexus's voice rang in Sun's ears as if it were annoying, the bell rang with every step they took. “By the way, the new outfit is nice, it would be a shame if it were damaged, right, Sun?"
“W–Where is Dazzle???” Sun's voice trembled. He held the doll tightly with him, clumsily stood up and rushed to grab Nexus' shirt. “Nexus, WHERE IS DAZZLE!!!?”
Not paying attention to Sun's violent attitude, Nexus just touched his fingertips. An immature sound rang out.
“H–Hello? Hey Sun!!!”
“DAZZLE!! DAZZLE!!! WHERE ARE YOU? ARE YOU HURT?!!!” Sun desperately clung to the receiver.
“No-o?? I'm playing with Jack. We're going on an adventure! Oh, Jack said we have to keep it a secret now…”
“Jack? Dazzle, you tell me where you are?! Please Dazzle–”
Nexus turned off the mic before Sun could finish speaking. “You know, I forgot when Solar and I created Jack, we, actually, it was Solar's idea, to put a backup code inside, in case anyone hacked Jack's code. Then, the administrator rights will still belong to Solar.
And even though that idiot Monty changed quite a few things for that traitor, the original settings are still the same.”
Sun looked up at Nexus, they smiled cheekily. Horrible smile, full of teeth.
“You don't want both Jack and Dazzle to become Lunar. 2.0 isn't it, Sun?
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iamleesi · 5 months
Pairing: Avenger!Bucky Barnes x OC! Avenger Reader
Summary: You were rescued from Hydra and then joined the Avengers. Bucky seems to hate you and you’re sent on a mission together for indefinite time.
Warnings: Mention of experiments, torture and d3ad bodies and things like that. Don’t read if you’re not comfortable with that. Bucky being a bit of an asshole towards you. Also the reader has a name and a last name if that counts as a warning?
Other: This will be some sort of MCU x Supernatural fic. English isn’t my fist language so I apologize in advance for any mistake I made. -> 18+ !!
-> Masterlist
-> Part two
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-> Hydra is home (01)
You were born in hell. That’s what Hydra was for you and for everyone who had witnessed the horrors of what happened inside the walls of that place - and there was more than one facility. The worst part is that you didn’t even know, you thought it was normality.
You thought it was normal being used and trained to be a lethal assassin at a young age; you were the youngest and they made you feel special for that. Hydra’s perfect child, that’s how they called you. The only toy you’ve ever had was a knife, and you never questioned it or thought it was horrifying up until you were an adult.
From the earliest age, you were taught that your suffering served a greater purpose, that your pain was going to save that fucked up world you lived in. Not that you had any idea of which color the sky was up until you were six, let alone knowing the rest of the world and it’s shit. You knew no other life besides the walk between your room and the laboratory - the place where you were tied up to those cold metal tables under the gaze of Hydra’s scientists.
But to you, that was normality. That was home, the place you were the safest in - they said. Hydra fed you lies all your life, making you think their atrocities were for the greater good and that you were needed. What they were doing was needed.
Worst thing? You never complained. Always complied.
You learned later on in years that you were being used to recreate a better Super Soldier serum, like the one they used on Captain America and The Winter Soldier. A better, more effective serum that was gonna give them their disciplined weapon, with a few more characteristics. It was a mystery how you survived, to you and to everyone who took a look in your DNA.
They made you a freak.
When you were fifteen, things changed and your whole world turned upside down. It was in the middle of the night that you heard the facility’s alarm, the loud and scary sound meant one thing: bad people had broke in. So you did as you practiced: you moved the rug on floor and used that safety trapdoor to hide, hoping that they wouldn’t find you.
Meanwhile, SHIELD agents were storming in every room of the base, looking for either survivors or Hydra members.
Your heart stopped when the little door above you swung open and you saw a masked man pointing a rifle at you. Hydra was right, you decided then, those were bad people. You don’t exactly remember what happened after, you don’t remember if you tried to fight them or if you passed out. Everything is a blur memory.
What you do remember next, though, is being taken to yet another facility. In the beginning all you could see were monsters who wanted to feed you lies; they said Hydra was bad, that they were a terroristic organization who aimed to rule the world. Crazy, wasn’t it?
Hydra was home.
You didn’t collaborate with them for years, not even when Maria Hill offered you visive proof of how fucked up Hydra was. It was impossible that all you knew, all that you’ve been taught was a lie.
But there was another part: the pain stopped. No more experiments or missions to catch the bad guys with the little help all those samples gave you. No more blood or guns or atrocities - nothing.
Many people amongst SHIELD agents only saw you as just another freak, but weaker than Captain America and with a twisted brain. They saw you as no more than just another Hydra experiment, one that could not be good. You had no name, no family, no friends - you were just existing… and for what? You yourself didn’t know.
Nick Fury was the one who was interested in you. You had heard his name being mentioned a few times before actually meeting him. Perhaps it was just because you had some sort of Super Soldier serum in you and he was only caring for that, but he stepped in and helped you whether you wanted or not.
And he succeeded.
He saw beyond those scars, visible and invisible, recognizing the potential you could have as an actual human being. Fury insisted in your rehabilitation, and with time he saw the first results.
It took you a lot of time and effort to feel like a human being for the first time in 23 years, it wasn’t an easy process by any means and you still weren’t a hundred percent okay with everything. Being told that for fifteen years of you life you were nothing more than a sack of meat with a functioning brain for people to use to their advance wasn’t exactly ideal, especially after learning that it wasn’t normal as you thought.
At first you didn’t even realize how fucked up it was, perhaps you didn’t want to.
But under SHIELD’s care, you started to heal both physically and mentally as best as you could. You were given a name as soon as you were rescued, but you didn’t accept it up until you were 20.
Emma Dayne, that was your new legal name as a free woman. One that had a say in her own life.
That was the name Fury used when you were brought into the Avengers Compound as the newest addition to the team. You, a superhero? Sometimes you felt like you didn’t deserve it. Those people fought against the very same people you called family, those same people who raised you. Thankfully, they never held you accountable for that.
Except him.
James Buchanan Barnes. When he looked at you, all he saw was the enemy: someone who, unlike him, had willingly served Hydra for more than half of her life. He made it clear from the start that he didn’t trust you, he was always cold (which wasn’t rare, but even colder with you) and guarded whenever you were around.
Whenever his eyes found your figure, he couldn’t shake off the memories of his past as the Winter Soldier. The feeling of loss for the years that were stolen from him and that life he could never go back to came back as soon as he saw you, and he started to loathe the sight of you - he felt even worse when he saw how much the other teammates liked you.
But you could not blame him. Not even a bit. You took his silence as a reminder of what you had done - maybe if you had opened your eyes sooner you could have done something, anything, to help him.
After all, you two weren’t completely strangers. You both had worked for the same organization, and you saw him from time to time - you felt guilty. As soon as you saw the hatred in his eyes, when you joined the team, you were consumed by guilt.
But then again, the last time you saw him you were eleven. Super Soldier or not, you were a kid. Your therapist - saint woman - was helping you with that, at least. You knew that earning his trust was gonna take time, and maybe a lifetime wasn’t enough - you knew that in his position you would have been the same. Perhaps his trust wasn’t even your goal, you didn’t know what you wanted from him. You just knew that every time his eyes fell on you, you felt small. Smaller than a bug, and you wanted to change that.
You wanted him to know that you weren’t the enemy he thought you were.
It was a Saturday afternoon when Tony Stark’s voice broke you out of your thoughts, contemporarily snapping his fingers to get your attention. “Dayne, stop thinking about princesses and unicorns. I need your attention, sweetie.”
“Sorry, I got lost in my thoughts.” You replied, crossing your legs under the big, round wooden table. You were in the meeting room with the other Avengers - most of them, anyways, and their eyes were all on you. Not judging, some had smiles on their faces.
Except one who wasn’t even looking at you.
“Happens to the best of us too.” He shrugged it off, pointing at himself with a grin. Usual. “But seriously, now I need everyone’s attention or I fear Fury might kill me.” He continued.
“What’s the situation, Tony?” Steve Rogers inquired, his usual serious expression on.
Tony leaned forward on the table, after he sat down as well, clasping his hands together. “We’ve been getting reports of Hydra activity in various parts of the States.” He explained. “Specifically, they’ve been targeting civilians. They’re kidnapping them for, what we suspect, making experiments. They’re targeting people with no family, no friends or someone who wouldn’t look for them. They found the first body near the Donner Lake, in California. The first we were able to identify, at least.”
A picture of a woman appeared on a screen behind Tony, and he continued. “Taylor Harris. She was their first slip- up, as the woman had an ex husband and a kid. He divorced her because apparently she had an addiction to drugs and was physically abusive towards the kid. Ever since then, he got a restraining order against her and the full custody of the kid. Should have gone to jail but she went missing. She actually got missing three weeks ago, and she’s been presumably dead for at least a week.”
“What makes us think this is Hydra?” Clint said, his voice stern. The man had tried to retire about six times and yet there he was. “America is full of psychopaths.”
“True.” Tony nodded. “But they made some tests and traces of the Super Soldier serum was found. If it’s not Hydra, then I don’t know what we’re dealing with.”
“I thought they had the Super Soldier serum already.” Thor frowned, his mighty Mjolnir always by his side. “Why are they kidnapping people?”
“They had something else. They weren’t able to recreate it after they used it on Bucky.” You said, looking at the God. “They tried everything to come close to it, but pretty much all the subjects they experimented on died. Some turned into… things. And eventually got killed when they didn’t comply. I was the only result they had.”
“So… they want another you.” Thor looked at you.
You shrugged. “They want a lot of things. Probably they’re looking forward to make something that can’t break out of their control.”
“If you were ever out of their control.” You heard him mumble those words under his breath, but no one else seemed to hear. You were used to it by now, so you stayed silent as the conversation between the Avengers went on.
“So what do we do?” Natasha sighed, crossing her arms under her chest. Both her feet on the table as it was a habit of her it seemed.
“We send undercover agents.” Tony answered. “The agents being you.” He gestured to the whole room. “Or half of you, the ones suited for the job.” He added.
“Great.” Clint grunted.
“Natasha and Clint, you’re assigned to Las Vegas, Nevada - don’t look at me like that. Fury’s orders.” Tony pointed at the annoyed may sat next to Natasha. All he wanted was some time to play golf, and he was always called in for a new mission. He couldn’t even hear properly anymore.
“Steve and Sharon, you lovebirds are going to Denver, Colorado.” He went on, reading the pair of agents from his phone. “Yelena and Kate, have fun in Lawrence, Kansas.“
“And then… oh. Emma and James, you’re going to Lincoln, Nebraska.” Tony put his phone down. “Sam is momentarily busy in California where they found the body, so for now this is everything. You guys will find other agents there, you’ll meet them once you arrive.”
“Why these cities?” Bucky asked, clenching his jaw. This was the first mission where he was paired up with you, and he didn’t like it one bit. But knowing Fury, there was nothing he could do to change it.
“Because that’s where SHIELD suspects Hydra’s activity. There are some bodies that have been found specifically in these places, they’re unrecognizable and have been there for longer than poor Taylor. They believe they have undercover agents there, so that’s who you have to find.” Tony answered, chewing some cashews he kept in his pockets. For some reason.
“When do we have to leave?” Yelena asked, snatching some cashews from Tony’s hands.
He glared at her before answering. “You’re needed there Monday morning already, I fear. You have today and tomorrow to pack your things and get out of my sight.” He got up from his chair. “Have fun, fellas.”
“Wait a second, what about me?” Wanda asked as Tony was about to leave the room.
“You’re the backup plan, Granger.” Tony chuckled at his own nickname for Wanda. “So are we. They find them, we step in to take them down. Plus I need someone to punch Loki in the face in case he tries something, you’re the only one strong enough to do it.”
“Hey!” Thor sounded offended. “Not the only one!”
“This place is awful.” Loki mumbled.
“Then leave.” Clint scoffed.
“You’re dismissed, children.” Tony walked out. “Try not to stab each other.”
“And boring too.” Loki added.
* * * *
“You’re supposed to fold your clothes before putting them into the bag.” Bucky’s voice remarked dryly, taking your attention away from your bag.
He was leaning against the doorframe of your room, looking at you sternly. As always.
“Thanks for the tip, Barnes.” You retorted, messily throwing a pair of pants inside the bag. You weren’t really having it, ever since you learned that Hydra was kidnapping people to do to them what they did to you. Except that those people had a life before. “What do you want?”
He walked into your room without even asking for permission and tossed a stack of paper on your bed. “The details of this mission and our fake identities, wifey.” He sounded quite calm but you could see he was pissed about it, he always was when it came to you. “Thought you may want to take a look.”
“Uh?” You frowned at the unusual nickname, picking up the papers and reading as fast as you could, until your eyes landed on the role you had to play.
His wife.
What a joke.
“Thanks.” You mumbled, as you felt his burning eyes on you. It’s nothing you haven’t done before with Sam or even Pietro, but pretending to love him and be all affectionate with him in public when this was the longest conversation you’ve ever had? That was gonna be interesting, to say the least.
He nodded and turn around to walk out, but before he actually left he couldn’t bite his tongue any longer. “One wrong move is all I need, Dayne.” He said, and that sounded like a threat.
Your eyes narrowed, a mixture of frustration and anger bubbling within you. “If I wanted to screw you guys over I would have done it already. It’s been a year, Sergeant, I believe you could trust me by now. Or at least start to.”
“Trust is earned, not given.” He replied, his tone leaving no room for arguments. “And you haven’t earned mine.”
“I’ll fucking live with it.”
“Have a good night.” He said without meaning it in the slightest, before leaving you to yourself once again.
“Go fuck yourself.”
Bucky Barnes was your personal headache.
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queenshelby · 1 year
Chemical Reactions (P. 19)
Pairing: Cillian Murphy as J Robert Oppenheimer x Student Reader
Warning: Age-Gap, Infidelity, Smut, Torture
Words: 1,807
Note: The fic is spoiler free and my own fantasy and imagination. It is not historically and scientifically accurate.
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Meanwhile, in Los Alamos, Robert was on the lookout for you, wondering where you were. It was unusual for you not to check in with him and, when he looked for you in the plutonium laboratory and at your lodging, you were still nowhere to be found.
Confused and worried, Robert made calls to other members of the team and questioned those responsible for guarding the facility. Yet, nobody had seen you since yesterday evening and this alarmed him.
Had you left Los Alamos without informing him about it? Did you decide to proceed with an abortion despite him begging you not to?
It all made no sense to him and, eventually, even Kitty caught on that her husband was distraught.
Robert began pacing restlessly around his living quarters, thoughts whirling in his brain.
"Would you stop it, for god's sake!" Kitty interrupted Robert abruptly, snapping him out of his reverie. She saw her usually calm husband losing himself to frustration and worry about you, another woman out of all people.
"I am sure your whore is fine, wherever she is," Kitty remarked angrily, causing Robert to look at her sharply. The hurt flashed briefly in his eyes before masking them. He knew better than to argue with her, especially right now.
"Perhaps she came to her senses and decided to terminate the pregnancy, because if she doesn't Robert, it will ruin us both," were Kitty's final words before she stormed off, slamming the door shut behind her. Her bitter words continued to haunt him as he returned to his ceaseless wandering. He couldn't shake the fear that somehow, everything might come crashing down around him, tearing apart his world.
Outside, the sky turned gray, threatening rain. Inside, Robert paced aimlessly in his living space. He wanted nothing more than to find you safe and sound, secure in knowing that his worst fear wasn't coming true. But try as he might, there was only silence on the phone lines, and the faces of his colleagues became increasingly grim.
They too realized that something was terribly wrong. Time passed slowly, torturously, but Robert refused to yield to despair. There was always hope—it didn't matter how small—that you were alive and well.
And so, Robert sat, waiting patiently amidst these thoughts, hoping against hope that someone would provide news about you. As minutes ticked away, his desperation grew stronger, consuming him whole until, suddenly, there was a knock on the door.
Robert quickly crossed the room, opening it cautiously. To his immense relief, it was Lesley Groves standing outside, carrying a somber expression. Robert had called him earlier that evening, trying to find out where you were but Groves had information of your whereabouts at the time.
“General,” Robert exclaimed, his voice filled with urgency. “Have you heard anything?” he asked worryingly and Groves took a deep breath, visibly attempting to regulate his emotions.
“There’s been a development,” he finally responded, taking care to choose his words meticulously.
“She was apprehended early this morning," Groves informed Robert and a weight seemed to descend upon him, crushing his chest.
“Apprehended? What does that mean exactly?” he asked, and Groves cleared his throat, clearly choosing his response carefully.
“Someone claimed that she was passing along classified material to the soviets and now she’s under investigation by Pash," Groves informed Robert and these words hung in the air, leaving Robert reeling.
"She would never do that! She understands the importance of confidentiality," he argued vehemently, his conviction evident in every word.
Lesley Groves simply nodded solemnly, acknowledging Robert's concern but refusing to comment further. "These allegations need to be thoroughly investigated," he reminded Robert, "and until they are cleared up, you must put aside any personal feelings, Robert."
"Absolutely not," Robert insisted, unwilling to accept such accusations leveled against you before making his demand.
"I expect her to be released immediately. This is ludicrous and I won't stand for it!" Robert protested fiercely, his determination apparent in his tone.
"Calm yourself, Robert" said Groves, trying to placate Robert's growing agitation. "We cannot force her release as the charges remain serious."
"Serious charges based on what evidence?" retorted Robert angrily.
"If they have concrete proof, let them present it. And if she is held in confinement based on a mere allegation, then I am afraid my position here becomes null and void and I will be required resign immediately. She is the third scientist who has been arrested this week and I cannot run this project under such circumstances," Robert threatened as, with an intensity that surprised even himself, Robert held Groves' gaze. They both knew that should you truly betray them, the consequences could indeed be dire.
Groves' face tightened, showing a mix of anger and resignation. Clearly irritated by Robert's stubbornness, he attempted to reason with him.
"Look, Robert, I know this situation is difficult for you, but you can't let emotions cloud your judgment. Our mission depends on trust and loyalty amongst everyone involved. I assure you, I will personally see to it that proper procedures are followed and she receives fair treatment. However, please remember – it's crucial for you to maintain composure," Groves lectured him and inwardly, Robert cursed his own weakness.
He knew that he could not simply resign from the project and, yet, he considered it.
The thought of seeing you locked away in prison, enduring painful conditions that may harm both you and the baby...it was beyond his comprehension. The notion of bringing forth new life under such terrible circumstances felt utterly incongruent with his dreams of a hopeful and war-free future together with you.
"I need you to get her away from Pash. You warned me about his techniques, and you said he wouldn't hesitate to use extreme measures," Robert pleaded fervently, his eyes full of desperation.
"This is out of my hands, Robert," replied Groves reluctantly, feeling helpless in the face of mounting pressure.
"She is pregnant," Robert pressed, his voice trembling slightly, unable to hide his anxiety.
"Jesus, Robert! Is the child yours?" Groves enquired gently, probing into matters he hadn't expected to broach today. Even though he recognized the depth of Robert's love for you, the potential complications arising from your affair remained uncertain territory for them both.
"Of course, the child is mine," Robert confirmed firmly, displaying a mixture of pride and protectiveness towards you and your unborn baby.
"Unbelievable!" muttered Groves, seemingly lost in thought. "I will talk to my superiors and see that she is transferred to a proper military facility for investigation," he promised Robert sincerely.
Seeing no alternative solution, Robert sighed heavily in agreement, grateful for whatever chance there was for you to be safe.
"Thank you," he breathed, conveying his gratitude nonverbally.
He believed that you could help save countless lives in ways undreamt of, and it broke his heart to think that your brilliance might go unrealized due to false allegations. In addition to being your lover, you also played a vital role in Robert's ambitions, having brought fresh perspectives that often led to breakthroughs. With a heavy heart, he retreated back to his residence, struggling to hold onto his dwindling hopes for your freedom.
It pained him deeply, imagining you trapped beneath layers of bureaucratic red tape, potentially subjected to Pash's cruel tactics. Every second spent contemplating the possibility evoked an unshakable terror inside him. The prospect of you suffering torment while awaiting trial weighed heavily on his conscience, stirring anguish he struggled to suppress.
His sleep eluded him throughout the night. Each toss and turn merely intensifying his dread, reflecting his restless state.
As dawn approached, he found solace in strolling through the small gardens surrounding his quarters. Nature's beauty served as a temporary balm to the distressing situation, allowing him a momentary respite from reality.
When the sun rose high overhead, casting warm rays across the landscape, he returned indoors, determined to focus on his work. Though he tried valiantly to immerse himself in projects pertaining to weaponry, his mind continually drifted toward you.
He was at breaking point not knowing what would happen to you and his unborn child, the baby conceived in secret. It haunted him all day long, and little did he know that it would be almost a year until he would see you again.
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lesbojournals · 6 months
Ichor Part Two (Stucky x Kidnapped with Amnesia!Reader)
part one here
It took time to adjust to your new setting. You continued to squint at the bright fluorescent lighting, so much so that your nurse gave you sunglasses. Your doctor, Dr. Cho was it? she kept talking to you, but it all sounded like someone was talking through a haze of jello. 
You felt your hearing come back slowly, and with the awakening out of your dissociative state, you quickly reached to take out the oxygen tube up your nose. Dr. Cho grabbed your hand gently, giving you a small smile whilst you stared at her in terror.
“It’s okay,” She promised. “Can you hear me?”
You blinked a few times and subtly nodded, enough so that Dr. Cho caught it.
“I’m glad,” She said. “That must’ve been really scary.” You said nothing in response. You’ve been taught too many times not to speak unless given permission.
Dr. Cho rubbed the back of your hand with her thumb as you both sat in silence.
“Do you want this off?” She spoke, pointing to your oxygen tube.
You just stared back blankly in response. Who knew what consequence would come from your answer?
“Do you know Leona? She told me you needed permission to speak. I need you to know those rules don’t apply here–you don’t have to listen to any nonsense like that. You can speak whenever, however you want, okay?” 
You frowned at the mention of Leona talking about you. Was that any of her business? You realized after a moment that Dr. Cho was still waiting on a response from you. You avoided eye  contact and looked at your lap, nodding. 
“I’m going to ask you some routine questions, okay?”
You nodded once again.
During the examination, your eyes drew themselves to the door, where you could make out two large silhouettes on the other side. Had they been there the whole time?
Dr. Cho noticed this, and held your hand a little tighter. “Are you ready to see them?”
You looked at her in confusion, and she seemed to pick up on this, concern drawing itself all over her face. She took her hand from yours and feverishly started to write things down in her notebook.
“Do you know who I’m talking about?”
You struggled to shake your head negatively, but did it anyways.
She sighed. “Do you recognize me?”
You averted your gaze and shook your head negatively again. Dr. Cho let out a nervous exhale.
“I’ll be right back, I promise.” She firmly grabbed your hand while she spoke and let it go to exit the room. 
As the door slid open you immediately made eye contact with the men behind the door, eyes bouncing from one man to the other back and forth. You nervously looked away, trying to block out the feelings that were bubbling in your chest. What was that? You went to look back, but the door had already been closed. It felt like you were going to throw up. 
Seconds passed before the door opened again, and the two men stormed in against the wishes of Dr. Cho, who yelled, “Wait! Enough!!”
“Do you know who we are?” One of the men asked in a whisper, looking angry and defeated. He had shoulder length brown hair, and piercing blue eyes. He was dressed like he was ready to go off into battle in a second.
The other man looked at you expectantly. He had dirty blonde hair that swept across his head in a clean style. His beard was full, and he also had blue eyes, but his were stormier. He was dressed in casual clothes, or clothes you noticed that you might wear for your training.
Dr. Cho chimed in. “He asked you a question, honey.” 
You looked at her, then back at the first man, then back at her. You shook your head negatively.
“You don’t…” The blonde man looked scared, which you assumed wasn’t something he felt often. “You don’t remember us?”
You gulped and fiddled with the blanket over your lap. Your mind, in an attempt to save yourself from the intense emotions in the room, focused at the task at hand. You were in a new location–Dr. Cho had told you you were saved. All you knew was living in the laboratory, so what did saved really entail? You could get this emotion out in training. Leona would rip you a new one, beating you to the ground, but it would help you forget whatever was happening at this moment.
So, in an attempt to make things better, you spoke. “When’s training?”
You hadn’t noticed that you interrupted a conversation between the two men and Dr. Cho, you must’ve dissociated. Your voice broke the conversation in whole, silence enveloping the room.
“Training?” The brunet breathed out. 
You nodded. Dr. Cho gave you a pitiful look.
“Leona told me about the training you’d have to do with each other, and so did Claire. You don’t have to do any of that here.” Dr. Cho said. 
The two men gave each other a look, and the one walked off. Dr. Cho looked at him in alarm, and sped after him, yelling at him to leave her patients alone.
The brown haired man and you stayed in the room, and you couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed by his presence. How did you know him? You reminded yourself that Dr. Cho said you could speak, that you could say whatever you wanted, and you tried to gather the bravery to say something to him.
“I knew you.” You said to him, getting his angry expression to turn soft. “Before.”
He sat down in the chair next to you, letting out a heavy sigh. “You did.”
It stayed quiet for the next few minutes, and you desperately searched in your brain for something, anything, that would give you a hint as to who he was. 
“What do they call you?” You asked. You knew you, Leona, and Claire all had your given name, and your laboratory name. 1, 2, and 3. You were 1, Leona was 2, and Claire was 3. Did it go this way outside of the laboratory? Did everyone have two names? You could feel in your bones that being called a number wasn’t correct. 
The man tilted his head in confusion. “My name’s Bucky.” 
“Bucky.” You repeated. 
He nodded. “Do you know your name?”
This was a trick question. It had to be. You sat there, debating what to say for a second or two. Bucky didn’t seem like the guy to be asking trick questions. But you’d heard Do you know your name? too many times before disaster. You knew the other girls likely felt the same way. 
Bucky didn’t seem patient. “Do you?”
You let out an exhale, you supposed it was time to test the legitimacy of being saved after all. “Yes.”
And so you told him your name, no number, just your pure name.
Bucky relaxed, and he sat back in his seat, refusing to take his eyes off of you.
Steve sped as fast as he could to Leona’s room. When the door didn’t slide open at his palm, he debated slamming the door open himself.
Dr. Cho moved in front of Steve, catching her breath from running so fast. 
“Steve,” she said. “I won’t let you harass her.” 
He shot Dr. Cho daggers. “You knew that she knows what happened to my girlfriend and you decided to keep it from me? I’ll ask her myself.”
“I refuse to let you in there, Steve.” She stood her ground, and just when Steve was about to argue further, Leona’s door opened, her angrily behind it.
She had a stupid smirk on her face, though her eyes were filled with rage. “Talking about me? You know, you could’ve just knocked.”
Steve gave Dr. Cho a glare and followed Leona into her room. 
“Leona,” Dr. Cho said. “You don’t have to have visitors if you don’t want to.”
Leona scoffed, shakily getting back into her bed. “He wants to know about number 1, who am I to deny such knowledge?”
“Number 1?” Steve questioned, folding his arms across his chest. 
Leona rolled her eyes. “Your precious girl. That was her name, y’know, back in the lab.”
Before Steve could question further, Leona turned to Dr. Cho. “You can leave us, I can handle it.”
Dr. Cho reluctantly left the room, though Steve could see her silhouette waiting in the hallway. 
Leona leaned back into her pillows, reaching for her IV to plug it back in to the tube in her arm. She sighed in relief. 
“Number 1 always gets special treatment, even here. I bet they have her on the good stuff, not this crap.” She pointed to the fluid bag. 
“Don’t call her that.” Steve demanded.
Leona seemed to find joy in Steve’s fury. “We all have numbers, she’s number 1, I’m number 2, and you heard number 3 whining on the jet.”
“What do you want to know?” She baited before Steve could argue further about the numbers.
Steve lifted his chin, attempting to be as strong as he could in his stance. “What do you know about what happened to her?”
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fiyero3305 · 1 month
Three Days
There are three days between Ben’s death and his funeral.
Three days of Ben’s body laying in cold storage somewhere in Hargreeves’s lab as he and Pogo do whatever the fuck they need to do to get him ready.
“But I want to see him!” Klaus had cried at Pogo standing in front of the laboratory door on the first day.
I don’t want him in there alone he doesn’t say out loud because he knows how stupid it sounds and for once he doesn’t want to exasperate the authority figure before him with his unrestrained thoughts. He’s still a little high from the party he’d attended before the mission but his thoughts are at least clear enough to allow a bit of strategizing. Maybe if I don’t act like myself he’ll take me seriously.
“Master Klaus, please understand. It would be... upsetting for you to see your brother in this state” Pogo tells him, infuriatingly sympathetic in tone. “Allow your father to take care of the boy. He’s doing all in his power to prepare him for the funeral” He realizes he’ll get nowhere with the fucking chimp and storms upstairs.
Whatever the rest of the Academy does during this time, Klaus doesn’t know because he barricades himself in Ben’s room (fuck his father for not allowing locks on their doors) before collapsing in a frustrated heap on the floor. From here his eyes land on the clothes Ben had been wearing just before the mission, dropped on the floor by his closet. Klaus has a vague memory of Ben not being ready on time, having to dress in a rush, as he pulls the shirt to his face and grieves into it until his exhaustion finally takes over.
The next morning when Klaus awakes, there’s a moment where it could just be a normal day where he passed out on Ben’s floor having not made it to his bed, but instead of his brother looking down at him with a pissy face and a sarcastic comment, he has tear-crusted eyelashes and Ben’s shirt stuck to his face, and he remembers why.
His head is throbbing and his mouth feels like he was deepthroating a fucking scarecrow last night and the only thing he’d want to get up for is to get some of the coping materials in his room, but he can’t do that so he just folds himself up around that shirt and wallows. He feels the ache from sleeping in a heap on the floor, the sharp pressure on his shoulder and hip as they press against the hard surface, and wonders what his siblings are doing this morning. Are they suffering like he is? They fucking better be. But would they? Did any of them care enough about Ben to be as miserable as he is?
All Luther cared about was bossing them all around, especially him and Ben, always feeding them the same bullshit their dad did about not training hard enough to be of any real use to the team. If he was feeling anything right now it was probably vindication. Yeah Luther, you were right. We didn’t train hard enough and now Ben’s fucking dead. Are you so fucking happy? Are you and dad gonna compare notes about how fucking disappointing Ben was and how if he’d only listened to the two of you he’d still be alive?
Besides, if Luther was feeling any kind of sorrow over anything, he always had Allison there to fret all over him and make sure his fragile ego didn’t take any damage. She never cared about Ben either as far as Klaus could tell. Too quiet, too much of a loser for her. Not the fun fuck up like Klaus who she could party with but still feel superior to by always having to fix him. No, Ben didn’t need her and she hated him for it. She’s probably glad Klaus’s only other support system is gone now so he can be even more pitiful and needy for her.
And then there’s Vanya. God, fucking Vanya, who followed them around like a sick, sad puppy always trying to be part of the team. Well, here’s your golden opportunity! ‘Nother spot just opened right up! Maybe dad’s finally gonna be desperate enough to put you in after losing two of his fucking child soldiers. God, did she really not see that she was the luckiest one of the whole sorry crew? Who the hell wants this shit? Who would want to be part of this team when it means Reginald Hargreeves actually pays attention to you? Fucking idiot.
Diego might be the only one who was actually sad right now, but that’s because Diego “Nobody’s Favorite” Hargreeves was always a fucking sad sack. Diego “Number Two isn’t just my name, it’s my whole essence” Hargreeves, who couldn’t manage to find a single partner on the team after Allison leapfrogged right over him when picking her partner because who wants to sleep their way to second place; Ben and Klaus bonded in a way none of them could understand since they all love their fucking powers so much; and even Vanya and Five for whatever fucking reason, leaving Diego to be second favorite at best in everyone’s eyes and make his best friend their fucking robot mom.
It's that mom’s robot strength that at some point opens the door as easily as if there hadn’t been a desk jammed against it and crouches down to set a lunch tray on the floor near his head. She doesn’t speak, but holds her artificially warm hand to his cheek and presses her silicone lips to the top of his head long enough to remind him that she is somehow the most humane person in this goddamned house.
Mom closes the door when she leaves and Klaus doesn’t bother to put the desk back. He realizes now that no one wants to check in on him or the dead boy’s room.
Klaus drinks the water his mother left him but can’t find the desire to eat. When night falls again, he makes his way over to the bed, still holding the shirt, and crawls in. The contrast of the warmth and softness against his aching body is almost like being hugged and when he puts the shirt over Ben’s pillow and wraps his arms around it the effect is real enough to bring on a new wave of tears.
On the third day Pogo knocks on the door to inform him that the burial will be that morning. Klaus extricates himself from his comfort nest and tumbles to the door.
“Can I see him?” he pants, opening the door and almost stepping out.
“I’m afraid the damage was too severe. Your father has decided that a closed casket is the only option.”
“But you said he was fixing him...”
“Master Klaus, you don’t need to see your brother in this state. Remember him in life. Remember the calm, gentle friend who always cared for you. Who made sure this family remembered their better selves even in moments of dire—”
Klaus closes the door because whatever the fucking orangutan is going on about has nothing to do with Ben or how Klaus will remember him. Ben is a sarcastic bitch who puts Klaus in his place every time and shit-talks his family in hushed tones for only the two of them to hear. He’s the one who tells Klaus he won’t cry when he finally drinks and smokes himself to death, but lets him share his bed when he’s sober. Ben isn’t some holy saint who exists in eulogy; he’s messy and real and beautiful and Klaus isn’t about to pretend otherwise just because that’s what you’re supposed to do when someone dies.
He showers and shaves and puts on the suit he finds laid out on Ben’s bed when he returns. On the way downstairs he stops in his room and grabs his flask because one way or another, he’s drinking when this is done. At the courtyard door he finds Vanya, Diego, and Mom standing there. He takes his place in line and waits for Allison and Luther to make their way over, almost wishing they would never make it. He doesn’t want to go out there and see the grave
A thick, wet snow has begun falling and Pogo hands each of them a matching black umbrella as they process out to the casket, already being covered by the heavy flakes.
They encircle the box that holds their brother’s body and though he tells himself that it’s not Ben in there; that he knows better than anyone that the soul is a real thing and it doesn’t hang out in the meatsuit after death; he can’t stop thinking about how it’s too cold and dark in that hole. That they’re about to lower his Ben into the rough unforgiving ground and cover him up with dirt and move on and that’s fucking fucked up.
Reggie takes the opportunity to blame his children for their brother’s death as if they’re the ones who chose to send kids out to battle to the death with terrorists and monsters and Klaus is vaguely aware of the fight that breaks out among the Academy and Vanya but his mind is on him and Ben and he can’t really be bothered with what they have going on.
Finally, everyone leaves because they’ve done their required ceremonial mourning and he can be alone. He stares at the photograph of Ben on the lid of the casket, surrounded by ornate tentacle ornamentation (because yeah, that’s how he would want to be remembered. Fucking Reggie.) as the snow covers it. That’s a nicer thought than the dirt, for some reason. Gentle... and calm, he guesses. It’s quiet, and the cold air he pulls in helps clear his head as he makes his way over to the gazebo. Hopefully clear enough to do what he wants to do.
He’s never really done this, but he’s spent the last few days painfully sober just to have even a chance. He doesn’t even know what to do exactly, but he focuses on that swirling chill he’s always felt within and pulls it to his hands. He thinks of Ben, sees him in his mind’s eye, floods his brain with memories and thoughts and feelings and pulls. He yearns with more focus than he’s ever put into anything in his life and without any idea if it’s working, he hears that voice.
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ornii · 8 days
Arcane, Chapter 4: Things have changed, you? No..
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The endless darkness had been inviting for so long, but finally there is a chance to return.
Sitting on a floating island upon the endless cosmos, (Y/n) was still alive, years had passed, he had grown. Mastering the crystal that exploded and had infused his body with this unstable power.
Standing at the edge of the island, covered in rags and robes, he extended his metal arm, sigils etched into the rusted metal hummed blue energy and began to shake, evoking what power his body had, the fabric of the world itself began to warp at a disturbing rate. It was trying to tear itself back to the real world, but no avail. The blue light fizzled and he slumped down exhausted, he punched the ground out of more frustration itself, and escape so far away, until the darkness begin to crackle with blue electricity, a large amount of energy was being used, somewhere. It didn’t matter, it was time.
(Y/n) stood up and put his hand in the air, he begins to use said energy, opening his arm up like a lighting rod, as the electricity stuck his arm, his eyes begin to shift to a soaring bright blue, power surged further and further until his arm was shaking, barely containing the energy like a bottle about to burst, with one movement, he then threw his hand forward, the force made a shockwave of energy so intense it made a small but visible tear, into a laboratory. it didn’t matter where, just not here.. (Y/n) leapt into it without hesitation, his body felt the rush of light, pressure and heat, and swiftly landed on the ground of a cool laboratory.
Placing his feet on the cold floor (Y/n) looked around, his eyes dimly lit by the light, he saw two men, stunned by his arrival, it’s obvious he’s still in Piltover. If he’s back, then he only has one goal, find powder and Vi, turning to the large glass window he extended his arm and the energy began to gather once more, with a single snap of his finger, he blasted another shockwave of blue energy hits the glass and shattered it, he leapt out of the window, regardless of how far the fall is, and it was far, as he fell he slammed his hand into the wall and began to slow his descent scarring the tower he slowed down and leapt into the waters, taking him away to hide in piltover.
Gasping for air, he washes up near the sewer pipe leading down to piltover, before he can be swept up he gripped the platform above and pulled himself up next to the pipe, and rested, seeing the blue sky, vibrant colors, finally. Leaning against the pipe, he fell asleep for hours. His eyes open to the smell of smoke, something was burning, his eyes dart upwards to the smoke rising further in Piltover. He rushed to the location, flames consume a tent, blazing. His eyes quickly shifted to the drawing made of the fire into the tent, it was a monkey, just like.. Powders.
“Is… is that?” He stepped closer, deep rooted memories began to replay, fear, anger and frustration all began to flow once more, but the coughing of a woman caught him off guard. He peered in and saw her, on the ground, flames around her. With little hesitation he ran in, he saw a wooden beam had fallen upon her chest, He gripped the beam with his arm and hurled it off and put the woman on his shoulders and ran with her out of the fire. Lying her on the ground he looked her up and down, besides the smoke and slight burns, she’ll be fine. She was dressed as an officer, Footsteps storm near his direction and he can assume the others are here. (Y/n) ran off, leaving the woman to be tended by the officers.
That woman, was Caitlyn, Lady of House Kiramman. The next morning came and She was knelling down. looking at a board of plans, all sticking together to a singular goal -a goal she just hasn’t been able to piece together, twirling a pistol she overlooks them, and hears a shuffling behind her.
“I said leave me, Jayce.” She sounded upset, and when the figure didn’t reply, she quickly turned around and aimed her gun, it was (Y/n), reading the note from the large bouquet of flowers. “To Lady Kiramman.” He said, and turned his hooded face to her.
“Who are you? How did you get it?” She demanded to know, (Y/n) calmly turned to face her, “Your windows, and could you please put you gun down? If I wanted you dead I would have let you die in that tent.” He said, and Cait was caught off guard.
“It was.. you.” She huffed, (Y/n) nodded. “Yes, you were investigating it, I want to help.”
“And why should I believe that?”
“Saving your life wasn’t enough?” He replied, and sighed, “The man you’re looking for is part of Silco’s gang. Probably using the explosives someone I know…” he said, and it began to piece together.
“I've suspected there is a single mind
behind the undercity's violence…I think whoever attacked the square
is our suspect.” Cait lowered her gun and showed him the display she had, all plans link together.
“The same symbols showed up at the botched smuggling operation at the Hexgates.”
“The Hexgates?” He had no idea what that was.
“Keep up.” She points to the maps dark end.
“All this time, they've kept their dealings
localized to the undercity. Low priority. The attack on the square changes things. They've overstepped. If I can figure who made the explosives, it could lead me directly to whoever's behind it all. The answer is here, staring me in the face.” Cat droned on, and (Y/n) smugly folds his arms.
“I guess that would be me..” (Y/n) walked over, and knelt down to look at the map. “It’s been a while since I was there, but I can remember a few faces.. especially ones that work with Silco, if what you’re saying is true.. we find the guy, and.. “chat” with him.
(Y/n) made the offer and extended his metal arm. “(Y/n)” he said, Cait reluctantly shook the cool metal hand.
“..Caitlyn, and fine, but you are going dressed like that, and you reek.”
“I haven’t taken a decent shower in years..” he said, Cait folds her arms as well. “Then you’re going to, and get a new assortment of clothes, my father could spare some, you look to fit the size. Cait took his hood off and she got a good look at his face, half of it had a scar along from the eyebrow down to his lip. His eye now glistening like a crystal is behind it. Cait was quickly surprised and stepped back. “I’m sorry I didn’t—“
“Don’t worry about it, where your shower or whatever.” He put his hood back on, Cait lead him to it, without her parents knowing of course.
Now dressed in a more casually style, ankle high boots, thick leather leggings and a button up navy blue shirt and vest combo, he tops it off with a black tie and overcoat, taking a single glove he puts it on his metal arm to avoid suspicion. Cait peers into the room.
“Done? We have to go..” she saw him in the moonlight, the way his eyes shine so beautifully, he nods, “yeah.. let’s go.”
Standing before the warden, (Y/n) kept his hood on and allowed Cait to speak.
“I need to speak with one of the inmates.” She said, the Warden at the desk looked them up and down, raising an eyebrow.
“Oh, folks in here aren't usually very talkative…” he said, scribbling on his paper
“This one was hit by friendly fire. He's got reason to talk. Must have been sent in today?” She asked and he thought.
“Oh. Inmate 2135. Yeah, I'm, uh, afraid that's not possible.” He admits, (Y/n)’ jerked his head up to the Warden.
“Why not?” (Y/n) asked, the Warden looks at his papers, and taps on one.
“Uh, well, there's been...an incident.” He said, Cait and (Y/n) glance at each other and then back to him.
“What kind of incident?” Caitlyn asks.
“The...not so pretty kind.”
“You don't understand, we have to talk to him.” Caitlyn attempts to use some form of reason with the warden, whose hands were tied.
“Oh, you'll be able to. As soon as he can move his jaw again.” He replied, and (Y/n) thought, “this guy… he just got to the prison, couldn’t have made any enemies, so who did it must have known…” (Y/n) grasped what his brain was trying to relay.. whoever attacked the man must have known who he already was.. one of Silco’s men.”
“Who assaulted him?” (Y/n) asked. And the Warden could oblige with that.
The Duo entered the cell block and calmly but carefully walked down the hall to the Cell of the assailant. Loud thuds echo down the hall, sounds like someone’s taking their frustrations out on someone, or something. The pounding grew closer and closer, until the final cell door it was beating with force. (Y/n) and Caitlyn reached the cell block, and the pink hair in the dim room said enough to who it is. (Y/n)’s eyes couldn’t believe it and leaned forward his face reaching the cell bars. Vi turned around, and looked at them both.
“…Who the hell are you?”
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3unnyceleste · 1 month
Accidents happen
CG! Eggman x Little! Metal Sonic (special request!)
Poor metal sonic got beaten by sonic and his friends, and he just needs his papa for some love and care!
Tw: mention of changing and nappy, mild violence mention.
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Metal sonic stormed into Eggmans base, his metal feet making loud clanks across the floor as he limped. He shoved the door to his base open, and Eggman turned his head, looking irritated as usual.
“Who dares interrupt a genius in his work?” His loud voice boomed through his lab. However when he saw the state of Metal Sonic, he couldn’t help but let out a small gasp.
“Metal! What happened to you? Was it that blasted blue hedgehog and his pesky friends?” He clicked his tongue softly as he examined the extent of the damage on metal.
“What have they done to you, my poor little Metal….” His voice softened significantly as he stroked his metal head. Metal sonic let out a rev that sounded like a purr. He felt weak and vulnerable, a rare sight for such a powerful and evil machine. Eggman scooped Metal up and carried him to his laboratory.
"Let's take care of you, shall we?" Eggman laid Metal onto a work table, a soft mat underneath him as to not ruin his paint finish. Eggman set to work analyzing him for dents or breaks. He found that Metal Sonic's legs were weakened, making him limp, and he had a few dents, and an unfortunate oil leak. Eggman began crooning over metal sonic as he worked. He'd always seen Metal Sonic as his greatest creation, and a little son to him. His little baby villain.
"Poor baby, did that wretched rat hurt you? He wouldn't know art if it hit him square in the face! You hit him right?" (~referencing IDW comics~)
Metal sonic lifted a thumbs up in response, uttering a robotic chirp.
"That's my boy. Now let's get you fixed up." He began repairing Metal, and pulled out some of the accessories he'd made for his special baby:
He pulled out a special Blue and yellow pacifier that had a charging property in it's teat: It would provide Metal sonic with comfort, and recharge him as well. He put it in Metal's mouth and pulled out a sweet star coated onesie and little baby nappy for potential oil leaks. He wrapped the nappy around him and slipped the onesie over his head, all the while Metal Sonic purring and his stomach engine revving. He picked Metal back up and held him close to his chest while patting his back.
"That's my baby boy...." He cooed softly. It was a rare moment of gentleness that Eggman displayed. The evil doctor was usually cackling with pride or irritated, but with his little metal creation, he couldn't help but be uncharacteristically soft. He carried Metal Sonic to his room and sat him in a little bouncer on the door. He let him bounce around on it for awhile while he beeped and made little happy noises. Eggman stole the opportunity to go and grab him a baby bottle full of hot oil, since he'd need it to recharge. He came back over to him and scooped him up.
"Alright, my little star, let's get you fed shall we?" Metal Sonic didn't necessarily need nourishment, just the occasional oil refill. Eggman held him up to his chest and took his pacifier out before putting the bottle in. As Metal Sonic began taking in the oil, his jet engines began quieting down. Everything was calm and well for the little one and his caregiver....
Until Eggman felt oil leak onto his legs.
He glanced down at his legs and the onesie Metal was wearing and gasped a bit. He was taking the oil in alright, but old oil in his metal body was leaking out due to the extent of the damage sonic had done. Eggman picked poor Metal up and carried him back to the work table.
"Oh dear! Would you look at that? My poor little villain needs to get cleaned up..." He quickly got the oil-blackened onesie off and got him changed into a brand new onesie and nappy. He could see the discontent in poor Metal's eyes, so he quickly grabbed him his favorite plush rabbit, Reaper. He rocked him gently and patted his back. "There, there, papa's here." He cooed gently before tucking him into his own bed. He turned on a nearby nightlight and white noise machine. However he saw metal beginning to claw at the pillows, and Eggman grabbed his hands.
"No, no, where are the mitts I made for you Metal?" He scolded. Metal let out a chirp, and Eggman waggled his finger;
"You naughty little one, don't get smart with me. I don't wanna have to put you back in time out. that'd make twice today. Now where are those mits?" He searched around the room and the lab until he found them stashed under a box of tools. He grabbed the pink mits and returned to Metal Sonic. He tied them on firmly and put his pacifier back in.
"There we go.... now dream well. May you kick sonic's butt in your dreams." He spoke softly, pressing a gentle mustache kiss onto metal's blue metal head. Metal sonic let out a tired chirp before his jet engines fell quiet. He was asleep.
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Thank you, Metal Sonic, for this reccomendation!
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thevagabondexpress · 7 months
diagnosing the last hours characters with modern music tastes
Cordelia: I feel like she'd have two modes. The first would be soft, upbeat, folk and country but also piano-based stuff, anything major key and with big sound. Caroline Jones, Ruth B., Noah Kahan. I also thing she'd really like Shakira. That's her kind of day-to-day music, it's what she puts on in the car, around the house, when going for a jog, etc. But she also has a collection of women rap artists of the Megan and OSHUN variety which is what she puts on when she's doing hard workouts/training.
James: I agree that he'd be emo but I don't think he'd actually listen to a lot of "traditional canon" emo music. I think he'd find it too loud and intense in the wrong way. I think he'd prefer shoegaze, a la Radiohead, and bands like Five Three Eyes that are fast but fuzzed out. Generally anything with softer mastering where it sounds great at a lower volume.
Matthew: He'd love disco and neuvo-disco/retro-rock. Gloria Gaynor, Suzanne Somers, MonaLisa Twins, the Lemon Twigs. It's fun and silly and also empowering, besides which I think he'd like the fashion and the sparkle of it all. On his bad days, though, when the depression and/or ptsd and/or temptation to return to the addiction hits hard, what used to be his heavy drinking days, I think he'd fall back on an artist like P!NK or Florence + the Machine. Someone who can speak to the truth of the lowest lows of where he's been and remind him that he doesn't have to go back there, that there are other choices, things to live for. That, with time and effort, it does get better.
Thomas: He dug up the local college student indie rock station and he listens to it religiously. It's a habit he picked up in Madrid, he wanted to listen to Spanish music but didn't know where to look/how to search for it so he acquainted himself with radio and just flipped stations until he found something with a sound he liked. When asked to pick songs individually/curate his own music I think he'd end up falling back on his dad's taste in music: Eric Clapton, Bruce Cockburn, the Stones.
Alastair: I feel like Alastair would have unarguably the vastest taste in music of the lot of them, but also that it would generally run to music from well before his time. His mom has vinyls and cassette tapes from Iran before the Revolution and he's dubbed CDs and MP4's of them so he has his own copies and isn't stealing her. He enjoys listener-supported classical music radio, and also newer instrumental of the Haygood Hardy variety. He likes soft jazz and blues, Mahalia Jackson, Mama Thornton. He would ADORE Nina Simone. I think if I had to give a taste in music from after 1970, I'd say he also probably likes artists like Tracy Chapman and Mint Green that speak to a similar lived experience to his own.
Christopher: On one hand, I don't think he really cares that much about music. On the other hand, I think he would be the type to unapologetically listen to high school concert band music. He got hold of Robert W. Smith's storms series (Into the Storm, The Tempest, The Maelstrom), realized there's a crap ton of pieces in this genre that are Inspired By Science, and now every time Matthew comes down to the basement laboratory he ends up lodging a complaint about the sheer amount of French horn.
Grace: Living with Tatiana I don't think she was really allowed much if any access to music but I imagine she found ways around that anyhow. I think she's the other person who would really enjoy Florence + the Machine. I think most of her music would be older, melancholy women folk singers. Joan Baez, Judy Collins, Joni Mitchell, Claudia Schmidt, the McGarrigle Sisters. I think she'd find them soothing. They'd help her calm down when things get difficult, help her to find beauty in a world that's caused her mostly pain. I think her favorite artist would be Lenka. She's got this kind of upbeat, slightly silly vibe that would make Grace smile but I also think she'd find that songs like "Silhouette" and "Ivory Tower" could speak to her truth when she needs someone to, without getting too deep in and triggering her.
Lucie: She listens to Kpop and movie soundtracks. Also if it's appeared in one of those "badass women" edits over on youtube 100% she has it on her playlist or did at some point.
Jesse: Like Grace, he didn't really have access to music living with Tatiana. Also he was dead for like almost a decade so there's that. He probably mostly listens to whatever Lucie listens to, but I like to think he does experiments like picking a new genre/radio station to listen to every day, trying to figure out what he likes and doesn't like independently of his girlfriend.
Anna: idk. She strikes me as someone who'd like Siouxsie and the Banshees. Also Halsey and Hozier. Maybe bands like Linkin Park and Evanescence—she doesn't say it because she doesn't like being dissed for listening to "old cringe emo" but they got her through gender dysphoria when she was twelve so she knows there's some worth in them.
Charles: He really doesn't listen to music. He listens to NPR or Radio Canada or the British equivalent because it makes him feel up-to-date and liberal but he doesn't actually hear the content, it just goes in one ear and out the other.
@alastairstom @chaosandtwo
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bubblespalace · 5 months
Can you do the diaboys react to their s/o who was killed by one of the others(Diaboys) because they drank to much of her blood
Love your posts btw 🫶🏼
If their S/O was killed by another diaboy taking too much blood
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Bubble: OOH! I like this idea! If ya'll didn't know, I'm great at angst. ;) Thanks for the request anon! <33 And thank you for your support!!
I only did the Sakaboys for this post, if you want a Mukami version, feel free to request again!! <3
TW: Death, Suicide, Blood, Gore, Language.
Under the cut:
It seemed to be a normal day for Shu. He woke up, to his dismay, and went to school as usual. As he was laying with his back to the wall in one of the school hallways with less light, he listened to his music, eyes closed in his exhaustion. However, he couldn't remember the last time he saw you. Were you even in the car with him when the rest of his brothers and him were on their way? It was strange, since you normally sought him out during this time of the night, when you had some extra time between classes. It made Shu wonder what it was you were doing.
He quicked up the faintest sound of footsteps on his left side, immediately knowing it was his younger brother by the way they sounded. "Here to scold me again for how I'm not in class?" He asked with a sigh. "Bothersome..." Reiji's movements came to a halt and Shu opened his eyes and stared up at him. There was something different about how his brother looked down at his face. "Why are you here?" He questioned, raising a golden eyebrow.
"It has come to my attention... that I must inform you of something..." Reiji muttered, holding his hands behind his back. His eyes darted to the floor, unable to make full eye contact. "This morning, Miss Y/N came into my laboratory." He took a breath that seemed unstable. "I may have bit into her with the mere intention of drinking some of her blood but..."
As he trailed off, Shu's half-lidded eyes widened, looking up at his younger brother in shock. "D-did you...?" Reiji shut his eyes and looked at the blank wall. "You bastard. I know that you despise me, but there was no reason to ki-" He voice broke, the hall was so silent you could hear his labored breathing. With his supernatural speed, he got up and pushed Reiji against the wall, squeezing his neck in his fist. The dark-haired man's eyes widened and his glasses slid down his nose, looking at his older sibling in terror as he tried to breathe. "I should fucking snap your neck. But no, that would be too good for you, wouldn't it?" Warm tears rolled down his face as he blinked them out of his vision and glared at the vampire between him and the wall. "I'll get you back for this, I swear to God." Shu quickly teleported back home and stormed into the empty lab, there you were, your crimson blood all over the table and floor, some of it already dried. The normally wonderful smell made the blonde feel disgusted as he stepped closer, you beautiful face was covered in red and your eyes were wide open. Blood dripped from your slashed neck like a waterfall while Shu held back more tears and brushed your soaked hair out of your face. "I'm so sorry." He mumbled down to you as he held you, your blood staining his uniform. "I really am..."
School was giving Reiji a headache today, his focus wasn't as good as it was regularly. He could barely pay attention to the equations being written on the board, variables started to jumble with other numbers in his head, causing a pressure to form on both his temples. When the bell finally rang, it came to his tired mind that he should have you in his next class. You were always a wonderful study partner, and what is even better is that having you around might boost his mood.
However, that class had come and gone without you seated next to him. So during his free period, he searched for you. But when he couldn't find you, worry hit him like a bus. Thoughts of you escaping and leaving him empty attacked him. He became slightly more frantic until he came across a closet. The scent of your blood filled his senses, alerting him. He opened the door, missing the elegance and grace he normally held himself with.
You were laying on the concrete floor in a pool of your own blood, Reiji could tell you were just hanging on so when he slammed the door shut, he quickly got down on his knees. "Y/N... Whatever in the world happened? Who...?" He trailed off, his eyes zeroing in on the bite mark on your neck. "Shu" He spat with venom, tears forming in the corner of his eyes.
You met his eyes and forced your hand up with all your strength so you could touch his face. "Reiji, there's nothing you can do. You're not going to be able to save me, he hit an artery..."
"Don't tell me there's nothing I can do. I'll say when I can't save you." He retorted, his magenta eyes misty. "I'll save you. If not then-"
"Rei." You muttered, brushing his hair out of his face as he looked down at you. "You really have to learn to let things be... I love you."
The light faded from your eyes immediately and Reiji held back a sound of despair. "I'll bring you back... I don't care about that woman anymore, I'll bring you back to me..."
"Chichinashi! Time for my takoyak-" Ayato cut himself off when the scent of blood filled his nostrils, your blood. It filled the air like a sweet aroma, but Ayato knew them and there was something wrong.
That's when his emerald eyes fell on a hand peeking out from behind the island in the home economics room, he hurried to teleport behind it. You were sprawled out, bleeding from a large bite in your collarbone. It seemed you were even fading in and out of consciousness. "Chichi- Y/N! What? Who...?" Ayato's voice cracked and he slid down on his knees, pushing his arms underneath you and bringing your head up on his lap.
"Ruki tried to bite me, and I tried to fight him off... Didn't really work so well." You coughed, wincing at the pain. Ayato's expression was twisted into worry, and as your vision blurred, you thought you saw tears forming. "I'm sorry, I really tried, Ayato." You whispered, closing your eyes.
Ayato held back a sound of despair, gripping onto your now cold body. "I should be sorry..."
As soon as Kanato noticed your absence in history class, he stood up and walked out the door, not caring what the teacher thought. He gripped Teddy against his chest, the thoughts for everything you could be doing flooding his brain. Was someone else touching you?? He would kill them, dispose of them and then show you why he claimed you. His senses immediately focused on the sweet smell of your blood, his irises swirled with rage as he storms into the otherwise empty women's locker room. You were leaning against a locker, a tired look on your face as red liquid dripped down your neck. Kanato flew into rage, screaming as loud as he could. "Who touched you?! Who?! Why did you let them hurt you?!"
You weakly looked at him and grabbed his hand gently, throwing him off. "Kana, trust me, I didn't want it. I wouldn't do that to you." You muttered, pulling him closer to you, which luckily, he allowed.
"But why!? Why would you let..." His eyes glanced at your neck, recognizing the bite mark. "Azusa of all people! Am I not enou-" Quickly, you pulled his lips to yours, letting him take his anger out through kisses one last time. It felt intense, like two waves crashing against each other one last time before the ocean stopped moving completely.
After a second, you pulled away, a tear falling down your cheek. "You've always been more than enough." You whispered, resting your forehead against his. "Don't yell, spend our last moments together holding me, please."
Kanato dropped Teddy to the floor carelessly and held you carefully until you became just like his other dolls, emotionless, soulless, and dead. "My poor dolly..." He sobbed, burying his face in your blood soaked hair. "I love you."
"Bitch-chan~ Ooh! How fun to find you in the Biology classroom! You sure thought that out well~ Did you want to have some study time with your Laito-kun?" Laito chuckled as he peaked into the doorway, only to find you haphazardly spread out on a desk, your blood staining the light wood a dark shade of crimson. His face and stomach dropped and quickly rushed in, placing a finger to your wrist to check your pulse. "Bitc- Y/N, wake up please." He muttered, a rare terrified look on his face.
Your eyes fluttered open and met his green ones. "Lai?" You said, your voice strained. "I didn't want it... I swear, I'd never leave you-" You were cut off by Laito placing a finger to your lips, brushing his thumb against them softly. It was rare to see him like this, it was like he was acting like a normal teenager who was concerned, not your Laito.
"I know... I know, you would never try." He paused, his voice wavering. "You love me, you actually love me, right? You taught me the real meaning..."
You closed your eyes and parted your lips as he pressed a soft kiss to them, his nose grazing yours. "I love you, truly..." You muttered, just before you felt your own body go limp before you could do anything else.
Laito was left, a tear running through his eyelashes and down to your cold cheek. "I do too..."
Subaru laid, next to you, a knife in his hand. You looked at it sadly, before your eyes darted to his. "Subaru, no please. You will be okay without me." You muttered, too low on the energy and blood to raise your voice.
His expression was not something you could read at the moment. You had been unable to focus since Kou had drained you a little too much, your vision was slowly starting to go, and touches were getting fainter, like you were drifting away from reality, from the love you had only just found. "I can't... I can't stay on a plane without you."
"Then it's my last wish..." You pleaded, biting your lip as you touch his hand that was holding the dagger. "I'll be heartbroken if I see you up there the moment I leave."
Subaru exhaled, shutting his ruby eyes before hugging you to his chest, water pouring like waterfalls down his face. As your body untensed, you thought you would leave this world knowing your darling would fall in love again. But before you lost your hearing, you heard him mumble shakily. "I'm not going up there anyway..."
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Thunder Wolf
Maria Hill x wolfshifter!reader.
Summary: reader is a kid raised between Hydra and Red Room lines. She saw at least two generations of Widows graduate from the program. Madame Hydra's favorite pet.
Would reader be able to build a normal life?
⚠️ Trigger warning: mentions of wounds, torture. Standard warnings.
Enjoy! Feedback is very welcomed.
Some would say that life can be an adventure, full of adrenaline, tragedy. But yours? You've covered all possible bases with an tad add of madness.
You don't have memories of a family, as you grew older some kids you lived with told you you arraived to small to the school. Barely a two year old, but there was something special about you. Training and lessons, many years of blood and tears smeared on the floor. The school you were in was a ballet one but, for some reason you weren't taught dancing. You were taught to fight and survival. At some point the other kids joined you on this lessons, but while they were instructed to dancing you were taken to a laboratory.
That's when you met a woman that became a somewhat mother to you. Melina, she was a scientist. She did a bunch of tests specially when you were on your animal shape. A wolf, well you were a pup so your size was a medium dog. They wanted to duplicate that ability of yours.
The worse was when Melina wasn't around, the other scientists were cruel.
You truly have no idea how many years you were on the Red Room. You saw at least two generations of Black Widows rise. You weren't one of them you were their dear Grom Volk, Thunder Wolf.
It's been at least two decades since the last time you spent time with Melina or went on a mission with her. The last time you somewhat knew of her was a little over a decade ago.
For some reason Madame Hydra left you on this facility since half a year ago, which is odd you used to be her main bodyguard. Your shifting ability allows you to pass as her exotic pet. Every few months a chopper comes and throws some food an essentials for you and the rest of the guards but, usually you go to hunt.
Tonight you are lazyly lying on the rooftop of the facility. The full moon shining brightly, you are enthralled by it. Full moon leaves you restless, small cracks of lighting scape your claws when you tap them against the concrete.
Taking your eyes off the bright satellite, your eyes scan the wooden perimeter, at first everything seems normal. Until you catch some odd movement. You quickly shift back to your human form and call for a status report of the agents, seemingly nothing out of normal. But, something is wrong... You tell them to keep alert and choose to investigate yourself. Jumping out of the building you shifted back into wolf form and barely made any sound. Now on the ground you quickly catched three unknown scents. And you growled in annoyance, bunch of incompetent guards you will bite their asses before requesting an exchange.
It didn't took long to locate the three women, one tall, two average. One of them smelled different, powerful. The other smelled... that smell, you got that smell somewhere else, it might be a traitor. You tuned your ears to pick up their exchange through comms.
"Hill, we got the intel. Maximoff found something else there's an enhanced, we need to get away fast".
If Madame Hydra finds about your failure she will skin you alive. You gather energy and grow up your form to double size, you weren't small to begin with being a northwestern wolf. And now you are the size of a nightmare.
Picking up speed you go around the taller one and block her path.
*Guys, if by enhanced you mean a massive wolf with sparkling white eyes. Is standing right in front of me* Maria can't help but admire the fur on the giant wolf grey and black like a raging storm.
("I suggest you three surrender, and handover the Intel you stole") she hides her surprise at the voice in her head, she is kind of used to by now thanks to Wanda.
*We are going for you* Romanoff says on her earpiece.
What you didn't know was that one of them went for the quinjet, while the other came running to the rescue. You heard the person coming, so you went to attack the one in front of you.
For your surprise she was agile and a good shooter, but your quick healing made it useless. The bleeding stopped immediately and years of training meant you didn't even felt the wounds, she would need better placement of her shots.
*Maximoff any time now, would be helpful* she shouted while she dodged your claw that end up stuck on the bark of a tree. The woman sprinted away and you yanked your claws back to pounce at the agent to end her when a force pushed you off against a tree. Rolling a couple of times you stand up and snarl at the other woman. She has some red smoke surrounding her hands.
"Come with us, we can help you".
("I don't need your help, I have my orders")
You go again against them.
"Hill! Go, I will stop them" Wanda orders and leaps to meet you half way.
You gotta admit, that brunette with red powers is one of the most powerful beings you have fought against. And for your shame she is managing to run away. While you fought she caught your knee with a boulder and you can barely make it move. Even when you called your agents she decimated them like flies.
*Wanda! Protect yourself I'm firing from the back gate*
You see their airplane hovering above, there's no way she can jump that high.
The shooting begins, and your get a little slower dodging in zig zag the shots. But that woman is a good shooter, she caught you a couple of times. Enraged you set off an electrical shockwave that burns her incoming rain of bullets, and you see the brunette raising up using her powers.
On a last ditch effort you use all your strength to jump up your sharp teeth latch on the end on the metal gate rattling the entire aircraft. You quickly scramble to latch with your claws and begin to hike up. When the brunette enhanced makes the mistake of stepping on the metal gate you electrocute her unconscious, Madame Hydra would enjoy having her on her ranks.
The woman on the cock pit begins to do some evasive manoeuvres but you latch to the metal panels like your life depended on it *Hill! Shoot them down!"
You try to pounce on the one they call Hill, but when the pilot turns around your brain freezes... Natalia? Is that- red energy blasts you against the aircraft side panel. Your body doesn't even touch the floor when is flung away like garbage out of the jet. The last image you have is Natalia's panicked green eyes.
"Bad dog!" Wanda sneers as she allows herself to collapse on the floor.
"Wake her up" a voice orders. The agents throw iced cold water on the wolf chained to the floor. The wolf's white bright eyes open with confusion.
Your master heeled boots is the first thing you see before she crouches. Letting you see her face "oh my dear Volk Grom. So many years of service. Remind me, why you got this scar?" She says caressing your muzzle her thumb running over the jagged scar that runs from the top of the bridge on your nose across your lips.
"I allowed Romanova scape" the woman hums "and guess what you just did again? This time she stole highly sensitive intelligence".
("Ma'am I didn't know it was her. I tried to stop them, they brought the enhanced, Maximoff-").
"Did you?!" She asks cutting you off at your confused expression she elaborates "did you stopped them?".
"No ma'am".
"I am a woman of word, unlike you. I warned you" her pristine nails dig deep on the skin of your muzzle, she stands up and walks to the exit door "Do not worry, I will make a good coat out of your fur. I might even give it to Vostokoff as a present".
Maria curses all the wrong intel collected by Tony that led her to this disastrous mission. She has no back up near. She is in the middle of Canada during winter, fucking cold. She has been running away from several Hydra squads for a week. No signal, the winter storms blocking off any chance of communication.
The temperature is getting lower, she opts to try to find a small cave where she can shelter from the cold winds.
Huge is her surprise, when she enters a small cave and blood smell assault her nose. At first she wants to backtrack and run the heck away, she can't afford to waste bullets. The only thing she can see is a huge lump laying on the stone, labored breath. Slowly she beings to shuffle back.
You are lying on the cold stone floor on a cave, Madame Hydra goons are stupid they were supposed to kill you and they only left you halfway to death. But they literally skinned you while you were outcold. You spent an agonizing month regrowing your skin on the abandoned facility, by now you have most of your fur. Took the chance and scaped the facility. Your wounds were infected your body put everything into regrowing the skin.
A faint sound of shuffling puts you on high alert. Then the smell, gunpowder. With a lot of effort you barely open your left eye and you see a human silhouette, by the sound a gun is trained on you.
("Riddle the skull with bullets") your voice is strained and groggy.
"What?" The woman looks around trying to find someone else inside the cave.
"Is anyone here?" She asks lowly eyes darting around.
("Me, the wolf dying on the floor") you answer again.
"Thunder Wolf?" She asks with disbelief, you hear her walking up to you with more confidence. The Intel they recovered also had some about you. Natasha was feeling bad, you were like a sister to her and she left you again.
("Now, I feel bad. You know my name. I don't yours") you grunt trying to raise you head, but fail you just lay back down with a whimper. ("Will you tell me, before you kill me?") You ask your voice getting weaker you ran a lot to make it up to this place.
"I'm not here to kill you. I am actually running away from two Hydra squads".
("Shame, I could use a couple of bullets in the head").
Maria kneels down close to your head, you feel her covering your eye as she shines her tactical lamp on the low setting, her breath hitches a little at the sight of fresh and dried blood soaking your fur.
"What happened?".
("No longer useful to my former master. But their goons couldn't kill me").
"Maria Hill"
("Y/N Volkov")
After some assessment from Maria, not that she could do much. She end up curling on your stomach to keep warm by your insistence. It hurted like a bitch at first when she put her weight on your body, but you said nothing wrapping your tail around her trying to give her more warmth.
Two days later, now you know that because Maria has some gadgets. You hear movement on the woods.
("Hill. I hear people") as soon as Maria raises up you do too ("they are far enough. But we need to go, now"). The two of you silently walk to the entrance. But Maria's boots make some sound, no doubt the scrunch of boots through the snow and the prints will sell out both of you.
("Hill. Get on my back. I know somewhere where we can lay low. They have signal").
"Are you crazy?!" She hisses lowly close to your face.
("Shut up and do as I say") you glare at her you bright white wolf eyes running through her soul.
In the end Maria did as you said. It hurted like crazy when her weight settled on your back and held onto your fur making your still sensitive skin burn. But you barely grunted ("lay across my back, or you will end up with frost bite").
With a quick walk you put a half mile distance before you begun picking up speed. Some of your wounds begun opening up, the cold luckily made the blood cloat quickly before it fell to the pristine white snow. Still you ran through the snow.
By night time you made it to the farm. A cattle farm "Are you sure is safe for you?" Hill asks the cattle doesn't seem faced by your wolf form and their guard dogs look actually excited to see you.
("Owner good man. He fed me after I saved his dogs from a wolf pack. He wanted to take me to a vet. I ran away").
You limp heavily and your body wobbles. Maria end up somewhat supporting your weight on your right side. Until you made it to the barn and collapsed by the hen stack.
The guard dogs came running first licking your face and muzzle like over excited pups. You barely grunted in annouyance some of them end up jumping and booping you with their snout making your body ache.
Maria was about to walk to the house when a man walked in, the dogs immediately moved back. He saw the gun on Maria's hand and the blood on your fur "did you shot it?!" He shouted aiming his riffle at the unknown person.
"No, no. I-she guided me here. I was lost in the woods" she easily lies, *she was already hurt when she found me" she says holstering back her gun raising her hands to show she means no harm.
"Her? My god, I thought it was a male. She is huge. I'm Adam by the way" he extends his right hand with a warm smile "sorry for aiming my gun on you".
She shakes his hand "Nice to meet you Adam, I'm Maria. I understand. Would you mind if I call some friends to pick us up? I can get her the best medical care possible".
"No problem, let me get you some blankets for her. You can spend the night inside the house".
"Thank you, but if you don't mind I can stay with her here. My friends should be here in the morning".
*Maria are you sure? My mother was sent a coat made of Y/N's fur a week ago. She is dead* Natasha says with her voice almost cracking.
*Nat, I'm no joking I'm with her. She is awfully wounded, needs medical asap*.
*See you in a few hours*.
Truth to her words Natasha, Wanda, Clint and medical team were at the farm right when the sun was raising. They came with new blankets for the man that helped you two.
The redhead walked to were you lay and kneeled in front of your face "Hey sis, I'm sorry. This time I will help you" Natasha says to you softly in Russian, leaning down she lays her forehead on yours, by now you are so exhausted that you barely open your eyes to see her blurry face. But that green gaze, no doubt is Nat. If the people you hear around are with her, then you can trust. While medical team made initial assessment. Natasha took the chance to hack into the surveillance system and erased the previous hours leaving a loop.
Now at the compound, a couple of days later the one and only Melina Vostokoff arraived with Yelena.
The Russian matriarch and Yelena simply walked in like they owned the place, they gave no warning to Natasha of their arraival. Agents surrounded them with guns drown as they made their way to the medical wing unfaced by the operative going on around them.
"Y/N Volkov, where is she?" Melina asked in the front desk.
"I can't tell you. Is classified" the nurse said.
"Yelena call your sister" Melina instructed as she jumped over the desk and put a gun on the nurse "I suggest you tell me" the Russian said as she hacked into the system.
"What the hell is going on here?" Maria stormed in right in time to hear the blonde on the phone telling Natasha to bring her ass to the medical wing of the compound.
"Who are you?" Maria asked.
"Yelena, Y/N's sister. She is our mom Melina" Yelena asked with a bored expression "Can you tell your agents to lower their guns, their are shaking. They will shot someone".
"Agents stand down. You two come with me" Maria instructed. Melina smirked at her, she holstered her gun giving the nurse a "sorry, it was not personal" she said walking off with the other two.
The deputy director took them to the private room you are staying in. You are still on your wolf form. Now clean and some wounds bandaged. Some missing patches of fur and spots with still raw skin, others also bandaged had raw muscle, those were still fighting infection.
"My beautiful volk. Who did this to you?" Melina gets closer to gently run her hand over the soft fur.
Yelena gets closer too and puts her forehead on yours "You are safe now" she says softly in Russian.
The door opens to a very angry Natasha "Mother, Yelena. What's the meaning of this?" She hisses low to not startle you.
"I needed to see my daughter Natasha and make sure she is properly tended".
Yeah, mama Vostokoff took over, she gladly paired up with Helen to use her tech to heal the patches of still raw muscle.
Your waking up comes a couple of days later, the soft flip over of pages begins to pull you into conciousness. There's another sound, polishing... Someone is polishing a gun... The smells are familiar.
"She is waking up" the accent, you get spooked by that voice and the freight is reflected on the heartbeat monitor.
You open your eyes, the right one is still blurry the other is clear. Yeah, is the woman you fought against, your mind quickly catches the fact of her lack of battle suit.
Yelena takes advantage of your hesitation and puts herself between you and Wanda. Your sight focuses on the blonde only, could it be? With a lot of effort you raise up and get off the bed grunting in pain, your limbs trembling with effort, the blonde extends her right hand with a soft smile that image is such a mirror to the Red Room, Yelena was a pipsqueak still but fearless, in your wolf form she extended her tiny hand to boop your nose. ("sestrichka?") You ask, that smile and the bright amber eyes.
"Da, is me Yelena" you were about lean in her touch when the sudden opening of the door makes you react and put yourself between them and the intruders, your eyes light up like a thunder, and sparks run through your fur.
"Idiots! You spooked my daughter" a raven haired woman exclaims pushing through the group of people.
When you see her step in front of you, you try to back off, managing some steps but your back hinds end up against the bed ("am I dead?").
"No my daughter. You are alive" no doubt, Melina has aged since the last time you saw her, but it's been decades maybe. And she barely seems older. She still has that power and commanding aura.
Hesitantly you limp forward again, the electricity and static disappearing from your fur, to rest your wolf forehead on Melina's front, Yelena takes the chance to hug you by the neck. You cherish this little moment, taking in their warmth and smell.
The next day Melina makes you shift back to human form, which you immediately regret screaming in pain while you change, even the experienced Widow cringes at your agony screams, the wolf injuries translate to your human body but is like getting hurt all over again. The Russian is the first one by your side when the shift is over. Your human skin show every single scar. As soon as you feel Melina nearby you pass out again.
When you wake up two days later Natalia is by your side, looking at something on a tablet.
"You should paint it back to blue. It was badass" you say with a smirk. The redhead immediately raises up to hug you and rest her forehead against yours "I missed you sestra".
"I missed you too my solnishko".
Natalia, Natasha she now goes by that name, she lets you know what they are up to. Melina is pretty much commanding the medical wing and nerding hard with Helen and Banner.
Yelena dislocated Wanda's shoulder in your honor. Pietro, Wanda's twin wanted to kill her for it. But Wanda interfered and accepted the eye for an eye.
Now more alert, director Nick Fury and deputy director Maria Hill visit you at the hospital room.Wanting to know what happened.
"I used to serve Madame Hydra. I failed her when Maria, Natasha and Wanda stole the intel. It was my last strike, but her stupid goons couldn't kill me for good".
"What did you do for her?" Nick asks with a stern expression.
"Anything she commanded me too. I was her main bodyguard, fighter, killer, spy. You name it, I did it. I even got into dog fighting pits just for the sake of her entertainment".
After the conversation Maria stayed with you on personal note. She thanked you for helping and saving her. You shook your head and apologized for trying to maul her while in the battle field you stood as enemies.
From there slowly you met the rest of the Avengers team, your favorites to hang out with where the twins. Which after two months of living at the compound were like your little siblings. Which made Yelena a little jealous, but with a tight hug and a kiss on her forehead you assured her that no one could take her place. To make it up to her your time was split between Avenger duty, agent for S.H.I.E.L.D and helping Yelena finding Black Widows to free.
In one of those retrieval missions you end up going back to Melina's farm, since the Widow you rescued was hidden in Mongolia it was quicker and faster to go to the farm.
Melina welcomed you with a hug, it still amazes you how open she has become to showing affection. But is very welcomed.
It didn't took long to meet face to face with Antonia, and you immediately felt her amniosity, and the anger behind her blank expression. It was even more obvious when she hugged Yelena and glared at you. You chose to just silently take her treatment, you can't blame her.
Fury allowed you to stay two weeks on the farm, Melina needed some help building more space for the new ex-Widows. And her farm was expanding. Her beloved pigs were still there, but now she had some cattle, sheeps and chickens that needed better spaces. And Alexei the human, was Alexei... A lot muscle not many braincells.
They were careful to never leave you alone with Antonia and Lerato but, mistakes are bound to happen when Alexei is involved.
This morning Melina and Yelena went to the nearest town for food and basics. While Alexei and you stayed to go on with the new building, you need to hurry ending the rooftop before the snow begins to fall which is tomorrow.
"Y/N! We are out of planks!" Alexei shouts from somewhere down.
You sigh in frustration after securing the last screw on the row to keep this plank in place, you asked him yesterday to buy more but nope. He didn't, he got distracted playing and loosing in chest against his namesake pig.
"Better hurry your ass to get more!" You shout back "I can start the isolation on the part that is ready".
"Got it!" He shouts.
You jump down to go to the other barn for the outdoor isolation sheets. You hoist up the materials and begin working putting all your attention on the task, everything is going as planned until someone tackles you off the roof. When your back meets the hard ground, you realize you are fucked.
When your eyes open you see Antonia getting off you "Get up!" She hisses.
You cough a little bit trying to get air back in your lungs and raise up "Tonia, please. You don't need to do this" her boot greets your face and you groan, you simply roll over with the punch to stand up. Antonia and Lerato that joins her pound on you. You don't want to hurt them, so you do your best at dodging, ducking and moving away from their attacks. But is actually hard to achieve Antonia was the feared Task Master for a reason.
The other Widows try to interfere but you stop them, this very not their problem. After getting way too much damage from the two of them you manage to render Lerato out of the fight hitting central nerve central spots that render her left leg and left arm useless.
And that only makes Antonia angrier. The punch exchange becomes brutal and still you do your best to not hurt her badly. Landing punches your hard enough to slow her down.
Melina with Yelena driving the truck begin to come close to the hardware store "is that papa's truck?" Yelena asks a little unsure, Alexei red truck is not unique but that looks suspiciously like his. And the bed is already loaded with wood planks and other items.
When they stop close they see Alexei walking off the store with more stuff. The three of them lock gazes, the first one to say something is Alexei with a loud and clear "BLYAD!".
From there is a race back to the farm.
When the two vehicles skid to a halt close to the barn they see the escene of Antonia choking you on the floor her hands wrapped around your neck tightly.
Antonia's knee is painfully set on your sternum pressing with a crushing force and the placement is just perfect. Making you proud.
"Don't you dare to call me that!" She screams "you were supposed to protect ME! Look how I ended, a toy under my father's command!".
Your eyes get watery you never wanted that for her "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Tonia".
"How did I survived? I no longer believe Dreykov's tale" her constrictor hold loosens and you gasp for air.
"When the explosion hit... I tried to shield you with my body. But I was on dog size, I could not shift fast enough to shield you completely from the impact...but I got on my biggest wolf size fast enough to shield you from the heaviest debris.
I stood over your unconscious body shielding you for about a week, until you father's agents found us. You were immediately taken to the underground facility with the best care".
"Why weren't you with me?! You left me!" Her voice sounds small and broken. You were her shadow for three years, you kept her safe from harm until that faithful day.
"I didn't left. Dreykov was angry beyond words for my failure. But, he couldn't kill me. After weeks of physical punishment he sold me to Madame Hydra. She brainwashed me for half a decade, when I was normal again Dreykov and the Red Room were out radar. I scaped two years. I did my best to find you, but it wasn't enough".
"Do you regret it? Saving me" she asks.
"No, I don't-"
Your speech is cut off by the onslaught of punches you do your best to cover, many land. Seems like it wasn't the expected answer.
When she grabs you again by the neck, you know you are out of luck. With a lot of effort you rasp what is seems to be your last words "I regret, not being able to save you from him. I'm sorry mor zvezda" her hold falters.
"Do you remember?...The nights I begged you to take me to the roof to see the stars and the full moon? You used to make your claws sparkle.
"The tiny lightings that hit empty cans. You loved that" you smile at the memory, those years guarding Antonia were some of the best. Sure they treat you like a dog, but well she used to hug you a lot. What she didn't know was that all those nights had a price for you but you gladly paid to see her smile freely.
Her hold on your neck tightens again, man you are done for.
A pair of boots halt behind Antonia "What a shit deck we were handed, huh?" Yelena says stopping close to the ex-Task Master "Antonia could you please not kill my sister. I just got her back and she still needs to finish the building" Yelena says with a bored expression "mother won't appreciate you killing her eldest daughter" Yelena's simple request have a warning intention.
Antonia relents and lets you breath again, you cough several times at first with a little blood. She is strong as heck.
"I can't say I'm sorry" the woman says still straddling your chest.
Yours eyes don't leave her "I know. I can't blame you" Antonia got off you and went to pick up Lerato to get back in the house.
Heavier boots halt by your left "Up! Up! That roof won't build itself" Alexei said with a chuckle extending his hand to lift you up "she got you good little pup" he pats your back harshly and laughed as he walked to unload the materials.
After that episode you got back to work, Alexei and you worked on the roof and isolation until 4am, the temperature begun lowering making your bruised bones ache, nothing a couple of vodka bottles couldn't fix.
After two weeks in Russia with your family, you came back to U.S where Tony being the billionaire that he is surprised you with an Harley Davidson 2021 iron 883 in deadwood green.
"What do you think sparky claws?" He asks standing behind you.
"Is this for me?" You ask confused, you told them about you escaping some decades ago, you managed to stay away for two years, joined a biker gang for sometime. But your former master found you killed them all and brainwashed you for a while. You still carried the guilt of their deaths, you were even dating a woman at the time she was killed too cruelly in front of you. That's why you never attempted to scape again.
"Why not? Don't you like it?" Tony ask a little worried, maybe he should have bought a crusier one?.
You walk to the machine admiring it, is beautiful, he even bought you a helmet and a badass leather jacket "what can I do to repay you? Is beautiful" you say as your hand delicately glides over the machine.
"You don't have to repay me anything Y/N, you are part of this disfuncional family now" you smile at the man, a little egocentric but, overall he is a good man.
You are aware of the gossiping going around the compound "Sexy Romanoff's older sister is fancing the deputy director" which is not that far from the truth.
Maria is a beautiful woman, yes undeniable. But she is also strong, loyal, quick-thinker. She manages to keep this oiled machine going with such a grace. She is a great leader, she wields your sister respect just like Fury, and that is not an easy feat. If your sister is willing to be on their ranks you will too.
--- (F/B)---
You are ending a training session of sparring with Bucky when you see Maria briskly passing outside the glass wall enclosing the gym. She seems stressed.
Bucky chuckles behind you "Go Romeo, Maria has been drowning on paperwork lately. I didn't saw her having breakfast".
You glare at Bucky but nod at his words, you move fast to get a quick shower and get to the common kitchen to cook some breakfast.
After half an hour you have to healthy stacks of home made oat flour hotcakes some with blue berries and others with chocolate chips. Super crispy bacon, chopped fruit and two mugs of salt caramel cappuccino on a insulated lunch box. You are still amazed of all the gadgets and stuff available on the kitchen. You had to ask Pietro if he knew what the hell was that, he had no idea. In the end Friday was the one to enlighten you both.
Reaching the administration wing you tell her secretary you are bringing Maria breakfast, the woman looks surprised but nods and let's you in with a relieved smile. At least Maria is not scaping the first meal.
You knock her door lightly to not startle her, hearing a come in you walk into her office to see quite the stacks of paperwork on her desk.
"Hello Maria, I brought breakfast" you announce with a small smile. She looks at you surprised and a little hesitant. But you have your little ace on hand "come on Hill, you wouldn't say no to a good home made salty caramel cappuccino, will you?" Gently you set the mug on her desk and she smiles "well, who am I to refuse" she carefully take the lid off to take a sip and a can't help the small moan at the good flavor.
At her acceptance you divide the four compartment box and set half on her desk "I hope you enjoy it" you give her a wide small and try to back off.
"Why don't you stay?" She says way too quickly even catching herself off guard.
"Well I didn't wanted to assume. I was going elsewhere. Group breakfast with the rowdy lot is not really my thing".
Maria gives you a crooked smile, you aren't wrong the whole team together can get quite childish "how about a nice calm breakfast here?" She says motioning at her coffee table by the couch.
You blush a little and accept her offer "I would enjoy that very much".
--- (End F/) ---
The next months Maria and you grow closer, working extra hours and going on small undercover missions to find intel.
Sometimes you two meet at cafes, restaurants. Traveling around. It basically feels like you two were dating. Because you were very physical from leaning against her side to sleeping next to her. When you felt her too stressed out you shifted into your wolf form for her to stroke your fur and relax.
Like right now, you two are on her office at the compound, she is sitting on the rug her laptop on the coffee table, her back against the leather couch.
Your wolf head is resting on her legs, she occasionally rubs your ears, making you purr. The first times she thought she was delirious but after the fourth time she was sure, she rubbed your left ear again and you purred "Are you purring?" She ask with a teasing tone.
You grunt a no, making her laugh.
"Aww! You are so cute. Will you shake your leg if I rub your belly?" She says with a teasing tone, you feel her hand skimming through your fur, and you give her a light zap with your powers "hey!" She protests. When her hand reaches your ribs your muscles tense, which doesn't go unnoticed "Are you hurt?" She asks worriedly.
"No" you grunt.
"Volkov shift back to human" she orders and you know better than fight her, you obey. Tony has made several clothing items that shift with you. And this branded S.H.I.E.L.D sweat pants and hoodie are some of those. Maria wastes no time to lift up your hoodie to see the massive darkening bruise covering your left side.
"Y/N! What the hell? When did this happened? is not from your last mission-" she read the report. That means you got hurt helping Yelena, you said nothing and still went on that mission with Natasha and Clint.
You zone out a little, thinking if you should tell her or not. Well, maybe you should.
"-Stay down" you laugh a little at her stern words she frowns as she stand up to retrieve her first aid kit that has a enhanced grade gel for bruising "Volkov this is not funny".
"It is" you argue with goofy grin laying on the rug "when you order me around like that, I feel like a dog that miss behaved".
Maria comes back to your side and you end up in the same position as before. This time she puts the gel, you simply close your eyes and enjoy her gentle touch.
"Don't fall asleep Y/N/N we need to figure out this data".
From that moment, it became a common ocurrence. You searching for Maria to help you tend your wounds, if they were minor. She new that the more concerning they were the more you tried to hid them. She kept a close eye everytime you went to help Yelena. Sometimes as freelance (not that she knows), sometimes to free a Widow.
To be honest with yourself you are falling for Maria, hard. And is not a simple crush as Natasha calls it. You feel it in your soul. Everytime you are with Maria you feel at peace, calm, you feel stronger fighting alongside her even in your human form. Nick requested to keep your ability hidden. Since it seems Madame Hydra is still sure you were killed.
You've been thinking about making an actual move with Maria, sure you two have gone together to eat or a coffee but, it has been as friends or co-workers. You wish to change that, you want to date her and call her yours. You are a daughter of Vostokoff, you don't shy away.
Since today is your free day. You ride your recently bought Shelby Mustang in matte black, having a salary from S.H.I.E.L.D and Avenger has its perks and the extra from free-lance even better. You go to town in search for flowers, Wanda offers to give you a hand, Pietro tags along to tease the shit out of you. Definitely they are the annoying little siblings.
You don't go overboard but with some of Wanda's input in the end you have a medium size arengement of violet and white chrysanthemums, white lilies, hybrid pink and white roses in vase. The arrengement is hidden by a simple pearl like white wrapping paper. Like if she says no, well... It can still make a good decoration... Like, um you hope she says yes.
With a slight knock, she grants you entrance and you smile at the sight of her in her reading glasses "Hi Maria" you greet her, by now you know only you and Nick have seen her using those reading glasses. She takes off her glasses and raises an enquiring eyebrow at what you are holding
"Maria Hill, you know I haven't shied away from showing my interest in you. I enjoy being in your company, I cherish your trust dearly. I love your touch and your presence makes me feel calm and safe. Would you grant me the honor of becoming my girlfriend?" You ask gently putting down the arrengement and lowering the wrapping paper showing her the flowers.
Maria's eyes widened as your speech grew, but a beautiful wide smile took over her surprise. She admired the flower arrengement, no doubts you were a sap, a giant soft wolf. Maria extends her right hand inviting you to walk up around her desk to be in front of her. Your heart leaps in anticipation and dread. Like she could throw you off her office window, she is strong as heck too.
She gracefully raises from her desk seat and craddles your face with a gentle touch, her thumbs gently smoothing off the tension. She searchs for deceit in your eyes but she only finds passion and love, anticipation even. She gently pulls in your face towards her and kisses you, shy at first but after a couple of quick pecks she deepens the kiss. Your possesive side doesn't take long to surface and you pull her to you by her hips and yet the kiss is firm and controlled.
Maria is the one backing off to take some air "Is this answer clear enough for you?".
You hum in thought playfully "no, I might need some reaffirmation my lady" Maria jiggles before connecting her lips again with yours.
The date was that same night, Natasha helped you booking in a small Italian restaurant, not over fancy. But you gotta admit your sister has a refined taste in food.
Maria was having such fun watching you try the different foods. It has been her small side mission with Nat and Wanda showing you different foods.
"Darling slow down, the waiters are already watching you funny" she takes a sip of her wine glass to hide her smile.
"Have I ate too much?" You ask confused, a ragú lasagna, one pizza, a pasta and salmon carpaccio, two wine bottles... Well now that you recall it might be.
"Yes it is, but fear not. I have a little surprise for you back in my place" she winks playfully and you almost choke on the last piece of pizza earning a good laugh from the blue eyed woman.
"Get you head out of the gutter, Volkov".
Maria ordered several desserts to take back home, to not alarm further the personel of the restaurant.
Now at Maria's place, you ride the elevator hand in hand. You can't help but smile broadly at her "what?" She asks mirroring your smile. Leaning down you kiss her forehead "nothing, just thinking how fucking lucky I am, you said yes".
In her apartment Maria store away the desserts on her fridge. However you couldn't help but walk behind her to wrap your arms over her hips and kiss her exposed neck, that beautiful navy dress made her look like a model, your upper teeth scrapped down her neck "if you aren't ready, tell me to stop darling" Her breath hitches as she turns around to face you but you keep gently assaulting her neck and exposed clavicle with open mouthed kisses "Maria?" You ask after a little while, worried that you crossed a line.
Maria looks at you with a hazzy look "I didn't tell you to stop" she says her fingers grabbing possesively the back of your neck.
"Neither you told me to go on" you say with a teasing smile.
She smiles broadly at you "if I tell you to stop?" She sees the way your pupils impossibly dilated, the eagerness. She just wants to tease you a little.
She sees the surprise in your eyes but you take it calmly "I obey" you lean to kiss her forehead then her cheek. Thinking she is serious.
When you try to step back, Maria pulls you flush to her "you know you are adorable right?"
Now you are confused and your head tilts automatically, Maria laughs again with such a glee, you begin to question all your years of training. Did you read bad the signals? Is your language comprehension bad? The hell is going on?.
"I'm sorry darling, I'm just messing with you".
"You don't want to date me?" You ask even more confused and your body confidence deflates a little.
"No, no, no hey darling not that. I want to be with you. Is just, I was testing how will you respond to me asking you to stop" Maria says in a hurry. Maybe it really wasn't a good idea to tease you like that.
Her worry makes you chuckle "Hill, you are evil. I almost got a heart-attack, thinking I overstepped" your demeanor changes again you push maria against her fridge trapping her with your body "but now? You won't scape" you growl lowly in her ear making her shiver before nibbling her earlobe.
Your hands wander up her back searching for the zipper of her dress, you slowly pull down the zipper, her surprised yelp at the contact of her bare skin with the stainless steel is replaced by a moan when you gently bite on the base of her neck and kiss down the valley between her breasts.
"Take me to bed, now" you didn't have to be told twice.
Now laying on Maria's bed, with her flush to your body is a bliss. Your slightly warmer temperature is enough to keep you both warm. Her face is hidden in your neck, you can feel her soft breaths caressing your skin. Sex with this goddess was an ethereal experience, making you regret calling it sex. You've had sex, empty physical act. This? Was beyond what words can describe, this was so human, so real, electrifying beyond your powers.
Eyeing the clock behind Maria on the beside table 3:34 am, your fingertips gently run along her back mapping the scars on her skin, not as many as you have, but the few you find makes you a little angry, who dares to hurt such an amazing and beautiful woman. You bow to keep her safe as much as you can.
"I can feel you overthinking" she groggily says kissing your neck softly, you hum happily, her lips on your skin is the best thing ever.
"How can I overthink, if the only thing my mind can't even process is how good your body feels against mine" you open palm replaces your fingertips gently running up and down Maria's back.
"Hmm I can agree on that darling, you feel so warm. I like this, being in your arms".
After a generous hearty breakfast at Maria's place. Both rode your car to the compound, being the gentle woman you are, after parking you exited the car to open the door for Maria, she smiled at your gesture and you kissed her knuckles. The two of you avoided the PDA but, you walked her to her office half way there Steve intercepted you "Volkov, all-hands-on-deck. Wheels up in ten minutes" he says passing with a light jog.
"Yes, sir" when he is out of earshot you look at Maria, for a fact you know she wishes to keep this private from the rest of the troops
Maria gives you a friendly hug instead "be careful, ok?" You hug her too "always".
Even though the mission required the whole team, it wasn't as hard as everyone was anticipating. You had the chance to fight side by side with Natasha, and you can't help but admire her. You saw her as a little kid, you even trained her. She always had a roaring fire inside her. But now fighting side by side with her, finally fighting for good cause. It makes you happy. For a fact you know that if you were in your wolf form you'll be wagging your tail.
The next two years are easily and by far the best of your existence. Maria is such an amazing partner, lover, friend and confident. She even got Melina's and Alexei's approval, she got the shovel talk though. Melina treathened her to turn her in one of test subjects if she breaks your heart and Alexei treathened her to feed her to the cows... That doesn't work at all but is Alexei.
Natasha's shovel talk was standard she trusts Maria to not break your heart.
Yelena, was Yelena to say the least "you break her heart, your short lifespan will be dragged with pain and suffering. You better not find out".
Date nights just lounging on the couch with wine and movies. Check.
Fancy date nights, hell yes. Maria's outfits were worth it. She looked like a goddess walking among peasants, you looked like a idiot drooling by her side.
Missions together? That's a big yes. Badass duo kicking major ass. You two even got into a undercover mission with you posing as her service dog. Which was fun, you had to get your fur tainted in greyish-brown and scars hidden, Helen and Banner had to come up with contact lens to disguise your white eyes to bright yellow. What you didn't enjoyed was using a collar with tag, the service harness was comfortable at least. You even bite one of the guys ankle for giving Maria dirty looks. The good thing of that mission was the public PDA, like ear rubs were heavenly, she used the excuse of service dog to constantly stroke the fur on your back. And it has been the two months were your fur coat has been on its best care.
--- (F/B) ---
You are laying on the rug of the rented apartment where Maria and you are staying, she is helping you brush your fur after a bath. Your back leg shakes when she brushes right over your ribcage making her laugh for your dismay, but you can't help it is reflex.
"Okay, we are done. Ready to look magestic tomorrow" she says patting your belly. You quickly shift back to human but you are bare ass naked.
"We eat now?" You ask, you are fucking starving. Keeping your body on large dog size takes a lot of energy and control.
"Our lovely elderly neighbor bought some nice kibble for you 42% salmon protein" she says with a teasing tone, but unfortunately is true... on wolf form you have no issue eating it. Like back in Hydra they used to give you shitty kibble or cheap almost rotten meat.
"Y/N! Don't even think about it. I made you some nice giant meatloaf".
---- (End F/B) g--
With Nick you have earnt his trust completely, he sees Maria as a daughter. He gave you a warning, borderline shovel talk. That man is terrifying when his eye sets blankly and sternly on you, you gotta admit that. But he is happy to see Maria thriving with you by her side. You even help her with paperwork and bureaucracy stuff to help her have some more free time.
This afternoon Maria and you are enjoying the sunset in Central Park, you calmly smoke a cigar while Maria reads a book. You see a family with kids and a dog, the canine seems to be too curious about you surely he senses the wolf in you, having nothing better to do you choose to mess with him and glare at it. The dog gets nervous before glaring at you and Maria chatises you "Y/N stop reeling up the poor dog".
"I did no such thing" you say in your defense.
"Yes you did" she says leaving down her book to raise a daring eyebrow.
"Excuse me?" A little voice says behind you, a kid. You quickly turn around to see a girl that must be five at most.
"Can you help me find my mom? I got distracted and lost her" she says calmly, but you can hear her heartbeat, she is obviously nervous and terrified.
"Hi sweetie, I sure can" you answer looking at Maria that nods, you stand up slowly to not scare her, you are slightly taller than Maria, more built and you have scars in your face. You usually scare kids and dogs alike.
Maria and you split up, the kid stays with you. It takes you a couple of hours find her mom, well... More like the police found you. They tried to take the kid away. You didn't let them, you trust no police.
Another kid tried to interfere to vouch for you. Well not a kid, kid. She might be on her early twenties. The police tried to shut her up , you talked back. You tried to keep civil but unfortunately you have a temper out of nowhere the officers tried to wrestle you down and a fight broke out, this young woman managed to get the kid to be safe by her side. You were wrestled down to the floor by ten officers. And before anything scaleted further. Luckily this new kid mom stepped in, she seems to hold some authority. And half the officers eased back. So while you were still being held on the ground the woman had the little kid by her side and no police officer dared to tell her otherwise.
Maria heard the commotion, and since you weren't answering your phone she ran in with the kid's mom and saved you from being tazered. Turns out the kid was lost for almost half a day on the park, the mom thought the worse, and the police were on edge. The scars on your face and overall demeanor didn't helped your initial innosence plea.
Your girlfriend in her best authority persona played her Avenger Deputy Director credential which granted you an immediate release with an apology included.
"I will suggest you don't dare to tazer my agent" Maria's authoritative voice make you sigh in relief, and she quickly strolled close.
"Hello boss, would you mind? My hands are getting beyond numb" you say with your face being pressed heavily against the floor. Two officers holding down your head.
"Who the hell you think you are?!" One police officers shouted. And a knee was digged deeper between your shoulder blades painfully pressing on your spine, making you groan "duuude you are digging to deep, you fucking asshole!" You tried to wiggle them away but they pressed further.
"Deputy Director of the Avengers organization, commander Maria Hill" the officers looked at each other in panic "I highly suggest you to release my agent immediately".
They quickly eased the pressure and the tazer was tucked away.
"Fucking finally, you bunch of assholes" you greeted your teeth and kneeled ok the concrete moving your neck and shoulders trying to regain the feel on them.
You were very tempted to kick their sorry asses. But a pointed look from Maria made you think it twice.
The little kid mom was utterly embarrassed by what happened, you did your best to ease her mind. Like she wasn't at fault. You hugged the little kid goodbye.
You rub your swrists trying to make blood run back faster. The police and bystanders disperse and you look for the other woman and kid that helped you. Luckily the woman seemed to read your mind and she walked close after ending her chat with a captain of the police.
"Ma'am, thank you for your help" you say offering your hand. If you werent tazered or punched harsher was thanks to her. She shakes your hand warmly "Eleanor Bishop, from Bishop Security. it was the least I could do. You were helping out a little kid".
"Hi! My name is Kate Bishop, I'm pretty surprised you didn't kicked their asses!" The dark haired young woman said way too loud.
"Kate!" Eleanor chatises her daughter and you laugh waving off her mother's concern.
"I'm Y/N Volkov. Well, if I were to do that, it would mean A LOT for paper work for my direct boss" you say smirking at Maria, the woman shakes her head in amusement "Maria Hill".
Your brain catches a little fact "Wait a second, you are the Bishop kid. The one that is called the best Archer in the world, am I right?"
Kate blushes deeply and gets shy which kind of answers your question.
"I- umm- yes I am. I don't think I'm better than Clint Barton though.
"Would you like to put that theory into test? Clint will be down to it" you say it an teasing smirk. Clint will love that. Pietro has been giving him shit about it.
"You know Clint? Are you an Avenger too? Do you have powers? Are you a fighter too?" Kate asks looking at you with a wide hopeful smile.
"I... Yes, not really I fight alongside them, nope, yes. I answered them all, right? How about you go this weekend to the compound and get to meet the team?"
Kate's face light up like a kid on candy land "oh yes!!!" Her enthusiasm is notched down by her mother's stern gaze "I mean, yeah, yeah I would like that very much" she says much calmer but her heartbeat tells you how excited and nervous she is.
After some more chatting, and getting the small little fact Kate doesn't drive yet. You offer up to take her to the compound and back home.
When you and Maria are walking to your car, the blue eyed woman can't help but look at you with heart-eyes "Have you thought about it? Having kids?" She asks softly.
You look at her "well, I don't see myself getting pregnant. Maybe adopt? Would you like having kids?".
"You are good with the kids Y/N. I never thought of myself as mom material, getting pregnant is not on my soon to be list. Earth's safety takes up too much time and you are a handful" she smirks playfully at you.
"Me?" You say with an utterly offended face "Not my fault my face doesn't scream friendly, my scars make me look like a tug I will admit-" Matia cuts your rant with her lips and you smile on her lips "what about no PDA Hill?"
"Shut up".
A couple of months later what you truly didn't anticipated was Yelena and Kate getting close, closer than what would you like. But, by the other hand. Kate is a good kid, might be over hyper-verbal, drives Yelena nuts most of the time and the whole Avengers team too. A good kid overall. And she has been training with you all, specially Natasha on her words "if she will date our little sister, she better be capable of defending herself".
Currently the twins are using you as their giant pillow on the common room. They love cuddling with you in your wolf shape.
Your head is resting on Wanda's lap as she absentmindedly strokes your fur, Pietro is using your stomach as pillow, they are watching some t.v shows. You don't really understand them but they love it.
Maria walks in "sorry to interrupt guys, Y/N. Can we have a word?".
You nod your head but Pietro doesn't move, you playfully lick him on his cheek and ear making him laugh "ok, ok, I move".
("Can I dress, meet you in your office?").
("Is actually an off record thing") she says giving a side glance at the twins, it doesn't took Maria long to figure out she could telepathically answer you in your wolf form.
("Let's go to our room then").
Now dressed in your shared room Maria asks you what do you know about Madripoor and Valentina de la Fountain, at the mention of the woman you immediately go to fetch the vodka bottle you have there "that's a thread you don't wish to pull Hill".
Maria crosses her arms and half seats on your desk "She has been recruiting Black Widows. She uses them to manipulate governments and business men at her will. She is dangerous".
"Do you know that, to win a war. You must decimate the enemies army before cutting off the head?".
"What does that saying has to do with this?" You see the clear confusion on her eyes, you can't blame her. You are pretty sure the only one knowing the actual truth is Nick.
"Condessa Valentina de la Fountain is Madame Hydra, the actual Hydra boss, the very top head. Everyone else is just a front. Madripoor is her recluting place. The front face there is Power Broker since a few years ago, maybe half a decade" you take a cigar from your stash and cut it up to light it up, taking a couple of drags. By now Maria knows that you smoke because you are relaxed or if you are worried as heck.
"I'm very worried about your enquirement Hill. Those threads..."
Maria stands up to stand in front of you she threads her fingers through your hair trying to make you relax "flag-smashers" she says handing you the file she had on her hand.
"Sounds like a rap group" you deadpan making maria laugh you begin to scan the data, terrorists: they steal vaccines and medicines to give to refugees... does that make them terrorists? Seriously?... You get to the pictures, well no faces, only masks "I truly don't see this group of kids related to Madame Hydra.
The raven haired woman hums and sets a tablet on your desk. You put play on the standing video, at first you see no odd... Until you see one ripping off the door of the trailer bare-handed and other kicking the shit out of one cop to the other side of the street.
"This is still out of radar. James thinks the answer could be in Madripoor. But we need a way in".
"I can do it".
Turns out you had to use Baron Zemo, in exchange for two dacades to lessen his sentence. He tried to tear the Avengers apart before you joined them but, luckily Tony saw through the manipulation and made up victims.
Zemo is your way in and out of Madripoor. James and Sam came too, the latter is quite nervous, which makes you laugh. After what he went through in the army he is nervous about this. You now go by the code name of Mauler.
The bar stunt is a disaster, suspiciously Sharon is there to back you up and save your ass. She acts uninterested about flag-smashers. Seemingly she is here on a undercover mission posing as art dealer... But your years tell you there's more behind or under. No way Carter is here without Madame Hydra knowing.
And you weren't wrong, after Sharon guided you to the scientist and Zemo blew up everything, the guy was killed. It was a disaster but within the hidden lab you found a kid.
You shield her with your body from a explosion. The freight made her shift into a wolf pup... Wolf pup?! She tried to run away but you catched her, she bit your forearm hard but you didn't budge "Hey sweetie is ok, I'm just like you. Ok?" The pup stops biting and tilts her head in curiosity.
"Yes I am" the rush of more bullets force you to shift into your standard size wolf form ("see? I'll keep you safe. I promise").
You shift back to human and the kid/pup relaxes in your arms.
The fight to get out of there is disastrous to say the least. The lack of uniforms tells you is not Madame Hydra, she most likely not here.
Seeing how Sharon comes on and off your suspicious get bigger. Something is off, she insists on you giving her the kid which you refuse.
Half way into scaping more shooters, this time better than the ones at the beginning "Hey sweetie, I need you to go with Sam, ok? I'll be right behind you keeping you safe" the pup nods.
"Sam!" You hand the pup to him.
And shift back into your standard wolf form ("James, she is like me. Say nothing, take her back to the compound. Tell Maria what happened").
("What about you?!") He glares at you.
("I can get out on my own. Go! Don't let Zemo scape").
You fought your way out in human shape, you only shifted briefly to give orders to James. Of course Sharon, your main suspect fooled you in and captured you.
In the basement of her mansion she shocked you to the point of making you shift into wolf form.
"Grom Volk" your former master still laments her decision of killing you.
("Madame Hydra you meant").
("What is this bout Sharon? World domination? Just as pathetic as any Hydra head before. Revenge?").
"Being the good guy doesn't leave you with a lot of money. You should know".
You shift back into human "Yeah, no lies about that" Sharon has the decency to hurl a blanket at you.
"So, Flag-Smashers. You personal little army? Seems they got out of leash".
"They know my face. A liability".
You crack your neck and move around your shoulders. It was a good fight. Until Sharon ran you over with her nice car. Groaning you shift to seat cross legged with the blanket covering your low parts.
"The pup? What the hell where you doing with her".
"I call my innocence on that Volkov, I didn't know he had her. I seriously thought it was a dog".
Pinching the bridge of your nose you think your options "tell you what. I keep the pup, she is off all this-"
"No super soldiers, no shifter. So just like that I am left empty handed? I can't let them run around knowing who I am, the Carter name-"
"I help you deal with them. The pup is off limits, I'll be your on call executioner. Just keep who I really am our little dirty secret, just like I'll keep yours Power Broker".
One thing is the arrangement you and Sharon reached after a lot of discussion. Other thing is Madame Hydra coming into play unexpectedly and with her own blondie super soldier boy.
And what a good fight he put up. Luckily he and his sidekick are way too hot-headed and cocky. You fooled them easily and stole their jet. Valentina still sent executioners to terminate your stolen jet, and they shoot it down. The last thing the recorded was the exploding aircraft.
"Barnes! Wilson! What do you mean you left Volkov in Madripoor!" Maria shouts as she briskily walk up to Sam's truck. The kid, Aileen is her name got scared and shifted back to wolf pup again, which didn't go unnoticed by Maria. At the sight, her anger simmered... Now she gets it... Damned you.
James takes the fraightened pup on his arms and jumps down the vehicle.
"What the heck I'm gonna do with Y/N?" She sighed pinching the bridge of her nose.
The pup wiggled to be let down which Bucky hesitantly did, luckily the pup just went ahead and hesitantly sniffed around the Deputy Director, her tail begun to wag nervously at first then happily.
Maria crunched down and offered her hand, hey sweetie "I'm sorry for scaring you".
("Is ok, are you with big wolf. You have her smell on you") the kid asks making Maria chuckle at her quick thinking.
("Yes, I am her girlfriend. What is your name?") Maria asks mentally "Barnes do you have a blanket?"
Sam gives a soft smile handing over a blanket. They had to keep one close, the poor girl tends to easily be spooked and shifts constantly to wolf pup.
A week later Yelena, Alexei and Antonia rescue your sorry ass from Batam. You were washed to the shore, the language impediment was a nightmare. Luckily after two days drying your cellphone on rice, yes that old school trick. The elderly couple that found you gave you a charger compatible and you could call your extraction team.
Yelena laughs her ass off at the sight of you, left shoulder is on a makeshift swing, you have a huge gash on the side of your head, cuts and bruises all over. And overall you look miserable. You are hungry, in pain and pissed as heck.
Of course the elderly couple offered you food, and you are greatful. But is barely enough to keep you awake, your wounds can't heal quickly without proper amount of food and that was way more than what the couple could offer.
Yelena, gave the elderly couple a good amount of money for helping you out. You took the time to help them doing some improvements on their house while they arrived.
Ten fucking long days since the Madripoor fiasco, the aircraft lands on the Avengers tarmac. And you sigh in relief, which is cut short when you see Maria's pissed as fuck face.
"How about we go to mama's farm? you can still call wheels up" you say to your papa who chuckles "Huh, huh, huh woman up. Your wife requested your sister to bring your ass immediately".
Antonia, the little shit opened the door for Alexei to push you off, you simply got along landing and regretting it when your shoulder throbbed in pain.
"Sent her on a ash box Hill, takes less space" Alexei shouts before sliding shut the door as Yelena immediately takes off "traitors" you growl.
When you turn around you are face to face with commander Hill. Before you can utter an apology she slaps you HARD, the agents around and your sister standing a few feet behind hiss in mockery.
Your offended face is priceless "what was that for?!" You shout at your woman.
"For playing idiot. Idiot!" Maria shouts, she suddenly grabs you by the face and harshly pulls you in for a KISS. Your initial surprise vanishes and you grab the back of her neck pulling her impossibly closer, getting possesive.
When the lack of air becomes too much you pry away "that is what I was hoping... Now the whole troop know" you wiggle your eyebrows playfully but the cut on the left side begins to bleed and your stomach growls in hunger.
"Let's get you tended and fed".
Aileen the kid was so happy to see you, she jumped in your arms and hid her face on your neck "thank you for saving me". You smiled at her warmly, wrapping your right arm around her, the left was out of commission.
You saw the way Maria looked at your interaction closely with a warm grin. She later told you Aileen has been living under her care. The kid only knows her name, she thinks, knows she is six. Have no idea if she has parents. But after a DNA test, what you suspected came true, she is kind of your minemee, but her wolf form fur is a lighter shade of grey and grey-ish eyes. And your main suspect is Valentina, that woman. One day you will rip her throat off.
Aileen was such a sweet, easy kid. Of course the first month the Intel team tried to locate her parents, suspecting it was a kidnapped kid that got her DNA modified somehow with yours. But none.
A month with the kid was a little challenging, mostly due to the schedules. But the whole Avengers team stepped in even the Bishop kid, that is earning auntie points with the pup for Yelena's dismay.
Maria and you are lazyly enjoying the after sex bliss, Yelena, Kate as Wanda offered to take care of Aileen to give you and Hill alone time. But still in alone time your bedroom has the prints of the kid, her blanket on the lounge chair, her teddy plush bear on the vanity. And the middle of the bed smells like her, she usually asks you two to sleep between you.
"We should adopt her officially" Maria says as her short finger nails graze up and down your abs.
"What?" You groggily ask, her caresses were lulling you back to sleep.
Maria raises leaning on her right forearm "Aileen, she is such a big part of us now. We should adopt her, to be our daughter" you look up at her with a smile "So, Maria Hill are you asking me to start a bigger family with you?" Maria grins before leaning down to kiss you "is that a yes?" She enquires on your lips before tugging your lower lip playfully.
"Stay here, please" you say before quickly jumping off the bed to get into Aileen's room, yes it already was her room, now it will officially be hers.
"Volkov! Is a little late for the walk of shame!" Maria shouts playfully making you laugh, while you search for the item.
When you return Maria is giving appreciating looks, loving how your muscles move "yes off the meat Hill" you say with a teasing tone, left hand is hidden behind your back you extend your right hand helping her seat on the edge of the bed.
"Maria Hill, my love" you get in one knee "I know it might not be the ideal context. But this moment feels so ought to be. You are my greatest love, my port, my shelter, my strength and my inspiration to become the best version of me. You command my heart with such a brave and kind leadership. I don't wish for anyone else but YOU to call me theirs. You took me in and love me for who I am, forgave me for who I was. In you I found a sincere love, I met a gentle loving touch, thanks to you I know how high voltage can love be when your bare skin glades on mine" you kiss her knuckles softly "will you do me the greatest honor to become my wife and be the mommy of our child?".
Maria's tears begun to run freely since the first half of your speech and yet her smile was the most precious thing you've ever witnessed. You enjoy the several beats that she stays silent, no doubt se will says yes, she just needs to process.
"Will you recite such poetry to me?" She says with a smile smile.
"Every day if my queen wishes me to" you say kissing her knuckles again.
"I've had no doubt in my mind that you are the only one for me Y/N Volkov" Maria's hand shake as you put the beautiful diamond ring on her finger, she leans in while you put the ring to kiss your forehead and you swoon in happiness.
From there it was several rounds of electrifying sex, you loved how her ring grazed your skin with her caresses.
The next morning you two went to the Avengers compound, her ring was now on a necklace hidden under her clothes. You hoped it stayed like that. But Kate having an actual keen hawk eye didn't took long to see the glint of the ring. And the dopey idiots grin you two had weren't unnoticed by your sisters.
"Sestra what is with that idiot grins on your faces?" Yelena straight forward asked.
"Yelena said a bad word!" Aileen said with glee "pay up! Up!" She extended her tiny hand to the blonde who grumpily gave the kid a dollar bill.
Wanda, the little shit just grinned "Maria is that a new necklace?" Maria glared at the Sokovian mind reader.
Natasha eyes you suspiciously and her eyes rack you up and down searching, you casually showed her your ring less fingers. Well you had a couple, but they were your usual black Damascus thumb rings and the wolf head in your index that Kate gifted you with a "I saw it, thought it was badass and you are kind of a wolf too, so" she whispered the last before giving it to you.
When your redhead sister found nothing on you she looked at Maria at the same time Wanda asked her about the necklace.
"I don't know what you are talking about Maximoff" Maria defended.
"You know I can read minds, right?" The twins shared a complicity look, damned Wanda she told Pietro already.
Pietro flashed you his best mischievous smirk before opening his big mouth "I bet the celebration got wild, right Y/N/N?".
Yelena shared a look with Kate who expressed her thoughts whispering in her ear, her surprised face was comedy worth it "Wait a second. Idiot grins plastered in your faces, you asked us to babysit the kid, take this kid. I'm about to say more" Yelena gave Aileen a 20 bill "You fucking idiots got engaged!".
You groan in annoyance, idiots, you live with worldclass idiots. You can't hide shit like this from spies, assassins, two idiots and a mind reader.
Maria only shakes her head and shows off the ring on her military tags necklace.
"Congrats idiots. Like you could hide that from us" Natasha said with her damned loopsided smirk.
"pay up auntie Nat!".
The wedding itself was small and private. Nick, the Avengers team, your Russian family, Antonia with her now officially girlfriend Lerato, Kate and her mom. Of course Aileen was there.
You two were meaning to adopt Aileen right away but, you two decided to give Aileen the chance to choose. All the Avengers loved and cared for the kid. She obviously had an inclination to be with Maria and you. But you don't wished to impose.
However life rolled around, missions came and go. Things with Flag-Smashers scaleted, which you needed and predicted. You couldn't erase them while they were seen as heroes, a martyr is not easy to erase.
But it didn't took more than eight months for their will to falter under the public pressure of being the heroes. Sharon did her part reeling Morguenthau and Valentina did her part with his blonde excuse of super soldier.
You had to be very careful on this volatile chess game. But even with all the work and missions you three, Maria, Aileen and you became closer. A small tight family, you personally trained the kid to control her powers and taught her fighting skills to defend herself.
Maria found adorable seeing you two in wolf shape, sometimes training, sometimes just hanging around specially in full moon, others just cuddling. Of course Hill did her best at being a mom, agent and directive. Aileen had no issue hanging out with her at her office.
As things scalated, your rivalry with Karli got worse.
The international organization begun pressuring the Flag-Smashers pushing Karli to get violent, showing off their power. Her last stunt was way too public and costed a lot of lives.
Nick turn off the t.v of his office "we are close to have them were you suggested".
"I don't like this Nick. But that Blondie soldier fucked up everything".
"Sam and James were so close" Nick half laments.
Your cellphone rings showing the logo of Flag-Smashers you raise your eyebrow and answer *What do you want Morguenthau?* You put the speaker on.
*Grom Volk, you better not get on my way. It would be a shame for your pup to get hurt*
Your jaw tightens in anger *Karli, Karli. You aren't one to threaten me. And I suggest you don't even try to mess with my pack. I know no mercy*.
*Stop getting in the middle of my plans then. Your deal with Power Broker-*
*Still stands, surrender Karli. We can work this out. You are one step from no return. You used to be better than a simple terrorist*.
Karli didn't listened, too young and confused. The submit was a disaster. Not only the remaining Flag-Smashers, Valentina's people got on the mix. The whole Avengers team went in even Yelena and Kate that didn't listened to stay off.
You went in to get your part of the deal done, while Aileen stayed safe by Nick's and Maria's side at the compound.
"Morgenthau!" You shout as you run up to her, she already scaped Sam's last try to stop her. By her recent stunt you know she is far too gone.
You get into a fight with her, but the last person you needed comes in, Walker. The asshole teams up with Morgenthau against you.
"I'm SO fucking done with you dude" you throw a punch fully charged making him fly off the building.
Karli got her hand in another handgun, the two of you stand face to face guns drawn on each other.
You let a breathy chuckle, Karli empties her magazine on you and you simply built up high voltage static to reduce the bullets to dust "Poor thing. Never, ever threaten a family of someone than can be merciless kid" you fire several shots, the silencer on your gun barely makes any sound. The young woman falls on the floor and begins to drag herself away from you, Sharon walks from behind you.
"She is Power Broker!" The kid tries her last card.
"Tell me something I didn't know" you say with a shrug.
Sharon looks at you then at the panicked kid "We have a deal Grom Volk" you nod and holster back the untraceable gun to grab your usual one "and a deal we have" you fire a last shot on her chest.
"What about Walker?" Carter asks looking the last breath leave the kid "such a shame".
"We had a deal Volkov".
"Present time Sharon".
"Steve insisted in arresting the others soldiers" she points out grimacing at the pain on the gun shot she got courtesy of Karli.
You nod holstering back your gun "I have that covered. Before you are in your nice penthouse, the job will be done".
"You have open pass to the compound. No one but Nick and I know your alter ego" you point at her gun shot wound.
She nods *Volkov, I heard gun shots. Do you have Karli?*
*She is dead cap. She shot Agent 13*
Everything goes hitch less when the police was taking the captured super soldier to custody the next day vehicle exploded, terminated them. It wasn't your doing per se. But you gave Baron Zemo the means.
You were with Sharon on her hospital room at the compound when the news were talking about the assesination.
"Impressive, I take our friend in common had his hand on this?".
You simply nod, Sharon gives you a friendly smile and offers you her hand to shake "word for a word Grom Volk".
The next years you were truth to your word. You were an executioner for Power Broker. Luckily Sharon, listened and her path to world domination was casted aside for money and power. Fury was up to date on everything, feeling a little at ease knowing Madripoor was mostly under Carter's control.
Aileen truly thrives with your's and Hill's care, as soon as she had full control on her shifting abilities she started school. And man the kid was brilliant.
The kid became a Volkov-Hill a couple of months after the Flag-Smashers were terminated. Tony and Pepper got everything arrenged and the sign of papers was at the compound.
Lee like you all call her now was super excited, she was shy to call you mama and Maria mom, but now that it was official she couldn't stop calling you both her moms.
Yelena, Natasha and the Maximoffs were already her aunts and uncles. Kate chocked in feels when Lee called her aunt too since she was officially Yelena's girlfriend.
Hate to admit the kid was a prodigy at fighting, keen senses, inhuman reflexes of course. She was absolutely good in everything sports and training related. Just for the sake of her being safe, you and Maria trained her. At ten she knew how to fire weapons and identify danger.
Her wolf form was big, she was almost three quarters your size at ten. Her thunder powers were powerful enough to zap the actual god of thunder at just ten years old.
But even with all the craziness around she was a kid. She was sweet, but hot-headed at times. Stubborn as heck and Kate's and Yelena's influence didn't helped much on that field but, Maria and you wouldn't change that for anything. You love your kid as she is.
What was quite surprising for everyone was first: Natasha and James end up rekindling their relationship, especially after a mission they found a baby that turned out to be born from their genetics. They named him Steve, Stevie as everyone calls him. Aileen was eight when this happened and she loved his cousin dearly.
Turns out that laboratory where Stevie was found had several genetic material from your Widow sisters, which made you angry as heck. They sterilezed them but kept their genetics for their wicked ends. You were about to go all war mode when Maria and Nick calmed you down.
Second was that even when they had quite the rocky relationship, not because lack of love. It was jus that Kate and Yelena had such strong personalities that they tended to clash, hard. But they loved each other dearly. When Aileen was ten, Stevie two. Kate decided to surprise Yelena.
And what a surprise, she begged Helen and Banner for help and she managed to conceive a baby, half Yelena and half her. In Yelena's words it was the best birthday present she ever had.
A very worried Eleanor Bishop called you to meet her at Bishop Security. Kate is already an active Avenger and now she is pregnant and mama Bishop was beyond worried, happy but, worried for her daughter and granddaughter safety.
"Mrs. Bishop, I can assure you. No one will ever hurt your daughter, not easily that is. My little sister loves your daughter to death. And I consider her my family too. I give you my word".
The woman smiles greatfuly at you but her face turns pensive and a little sour as she takes a sip of her own drink. "Do you think I did wrong? Letting her follow her Avenger dream?" The woman wondered outloud "I'm not getting any younger, and this company, it was meant to be Kate's".
You offer her a little time taking a drag of the cigar in your right hand as you swirl the offered vodka with your left.
"Your daughter is one of the best agents I've worked with, as quick thinker as her mouth-" Eleanor guffaws at your comment, she tries to hide her wide grin behind her hand, you only grin and take another drag of the cigar
"In all seriousness, she is really good and keeps improving, compassionate. She now carries the Hawkeye mantle. IT wasn't a mistake, she loves her job... If you are worried for the company future. Fear not, Kate is very aware that someday she will own and direct this. This is her legacy too".
"In the mean time if you ever need help Yelena and I wouldn't mind a couple of extra coins" your crooked grin makes the woman snort again.
"You Russians, all business".
How much you wish to sometimes just follow your gut and kill your enemies when you can.
A very worried Kate just called you telling you that Walker is stalking them, she is six months pregnant now and she has Aileen and Stevie with her. You told her to stay calm but keep aware. They were supposed to be having a fun and relaxed day in central park. Earlier, Mrs. Bishop took your word from the conversation a couple of months ago and requested your input for some jobs the company was taking.
Luckily you were already close when Kate's call came through your earbud, you give all the speed to your bike, you just skid to a halt the closest to were Kate and the Rugrats are. You run the rest of the way to intercept the now called US Agent. Maria is already sending backup.
"Walker!" You shout putting yourself between him and Kate.
"Grom Volk the Mauler" he says with a smirk "I come with a message, surrender your pup. And she keeps hers" the blonde quickly draws his gun on Kate and you literally growl at him.
"Oh? Did I made the dog mad?" He tauntingly says. With your experienced years and refined senses you hear the actual amount of agents he has, and knowing De la Fountain... Is gonna be a shit show.
"Is your mouth big only because of your backup? Last time you weren't that cocky".
You take off your cellphone, necklace, bike keys and hand it to your daughter, her hand shakily takes the items. Last but no least you give her your handgun "do not engage, got it?" You dare a glance back and the kid nods as she ties the holster to her hip.
You shift into your standard wolf white eyes sparkling dangerously. You hear Kate's collapsible bow setting in.
("KATE NO").
("KATE YES") she answers in your mind you look at her walking up to be standing beside you with a cheeky smile and arrow ready and pointed at a target behind Walker.
You growl at her in annoyance ("I give you an open, you and the kids run") you see hesitation in her eyes ("do it for your unborn baby and Yelena, please") she nods finally but she is still ready to fight.
("Aileen grab Stevie") luckily your daughter doesn't hesitate to obey, Stevie clings to her like a little monkey, you can smell the fear emanating from him and you feel awful, no kid should go through this.
The fight brakes out, and you manipulate the electricity and static beyond your body to keep them all safe. You know how accurate and good Kate is, so you keep your attention on Walker and the other agents daring to come too close.
Bullets do nothing to you and Walker gets into close combat, you claw at him several times. A couple of agents try to sneak behind John's attacks to grab your daughter. But you ram them away with your body fully charged ("Run! Now").
You keep between the attackers and your family when you are close to Kate's BMW SUV a bullet wheezes past you but you fry it before it hits Kate. Immediately you turn around and protect then with a static bubble, you dart your eyes and ears around to locate the sniper ("eleven o'clock, third floor").
("I can't hit it, is too far") you nod and begin to gather energy.
("I'll fry them up close, and shield you with my biggest form. Run to your vehicle and drive away. I'll be right behind you").
It goes as planned, you shield them with your biggest shape, as they run you but in the frenzy you lost Walker.
By pure reflex you saw the glinting of a knife and the scream from Aileen alerted you of the danger way too close to them.
When walker tried to swing his hunting knife at Kate's front. You jumped in tackling him off. On the rolling away he latched to your fur and blindly stabbed you on the belly. You growled and zapped him away. A vehicle tried to crash against the BMW but you jumped in and crashed your body against it before. Kate took the chance and revived the engine to drive away.
You tried to jump up to the roof of the car but Walker pounced on your back stabbing you on the back in the start of your upper back barely missing your spine by two inches, his falling body end up slashing all the way along your back. This time you growled in agony loosing your grip on the vehicle, as both of you fell off the BMW you let off a massive discharge that even knocked you out briefly on the asphalt. Luckily Kate put themselves first and drove away.
The sound of screeching tires woke you up. You saw Walker on the floor, no heartbeat. Raising up was a challenge, with blurry eyes you saw Kate's retreating vehicle, but two other non shield vans got right behind them. No time to lick your wounds. You tumbled a little but you raised up to get rid of the vehicles.
You had to be careful to not cause civilian fatalities which earnt you several wounds: a vehicle running over you, a bus impacted you and a couple of gunshots. But in the end you scorted Kate's vehicle along other two shield SUVs up to the compound.
Steve, Natasha, Bucky, Sam and Pietro took care of the remaining attackers in central park and along the way. Your sister wired the motorcycle to use it.
As the small convoy reached the compound you begun to shrink back to your usual size. Maria was right by the main lobby waiting for you all with a medical team. Kate called her on the way and told her what she could see.
With wobbly legs you made it to the lobby and collapsed belly down. It has been a long time since you fought in wolf shape and used your powers like that.
Maria had a hard time keeping up her profesional persona. She prioritized your daughter, Kate's and Stevie's wellbeing, making sure they were fine before going to your side.
But Aileen had other plans as soon as Stevie was in Maria's arms and handed her the items you give her, she shifted to hurry to go to your side and nuzzle against you licking your face worriedly. You did your best to rub your muzzle against her to apeace her.
The medical team lowered an stretcher by your left side, with a last ditch of effort you raised barely enough to collapse on the stretcher sighing in relief at the comfyness.
Maria finally came by your side "is ok Y/N. They will take good care of you" you noded and licked her hand before the medical team rolled you away.
Four hours later Yelena's aircraft landed on the tarmac, she simply strolled in, in search of her wife. She found her with her mother Eleanor by her side. Kate seeing her panicked state behind the guarded look, she raised up and let Yelena have a good look at her.
"Thank God. You okey?" Yelena says craddling her wife face gently pulling her down to kiss her forehead. On the side Eleanor just smiled at the sight, she might not always see eye to eye with the blonde Widow but, there's no doubt her daughter is loved.
"My sestra, where is she?" Yelena asked looking around in a borderline frantic way.
Maria was walking in when she heard Yelena "She is okay. She is out still, Helen put her down to avoid she moving around much" coming closer she gave Yelena a gentle squeeze on her bicep, trying to ease her down.
"She protected me from getting stabbed" Kate said kissing Yelena's head lacing her hands tightly.
"The Rugrats?"
Eleanor walks close and puts a gentle hand on Yelena's shoulder "Darling why don't you just sit and take a breath? Kate is fine, the little troop is fine, your sister had medical treatment. She is good now.
"I-sure, ok" the Widow relents, Kate directs Yelena to a chair and both sit down leaning on each other. A couple of minutes later Antonia walked in with Yelena's mission bag, she told her to stay. They will take the others back to the farm.
Antonia asked Maria to just let her see you, and she accepted.
Aileen pup form yipped excitedly at the sight of the Widow.
"Hey pup! She kneeled down to hug the little shifter "taking care of your mama?”
("Yes! Will she be ok?") She asks the last with a wobbly voice.
"She will, she is one of the strongest women I've ever known and she trained me when I was a kid" she winked playfully. Antonia went ahead and ran a gentle hand through your fur before leaving, not without hugging little puppy Aileen tightly.
It took you a week to recover from the largest wound, well recover to a point where you could move around without feeling like being thorn apart. You had to stay in your wolf form, which was the best thing for the kids, funny as heck for the team and not so fun to Maria, who just wanted to kiss you, she enjoyed the cuddling though and playing with the soft-velvet wolf ears.
Kate, being Kate was so happy of you being in wolf form. She and Yelena weren't stopping anytime soon on thanking you for keeping them safe. Truth to be said you enjoyed cuddling your head against Kate's belly feeling the baby's feet and hand pushing against you and hearing her strong little heartbeat.
Now back in your human self Nick called you to his office.
"Given that the public knows who you are and Valentina knows you are alive. Is up to you if you keep your powers hidden still".
And you didn't, it was a waste of power for missions, you were now known as Thunder Wolf basically and obviously your original code name but now I'm English. You are now an official Avenger. But the greatest thing about this was the pride in Aileen's eyes "my aunts and uncles are Avengers, my mama is one too and my mom is their boss".
Things with Maria have it's ups and downs specially when it involves certain off grid jobs for Power Broker... Like is really hard to fool Maria, she is a great spy for a reason, your soul aches and dies a little everytime you have to deceive her to do what it has to be done. But you remember you are doing it for your daughter and for Maria.
Nick trusts you completely to handle this side missions. And usually you are able to pair them or make them simultaneously to helping out Yelena at freeing Widows.
As Aileen has grown older it has been a little easier to have alone time with Maria, alone time as in to have glorious sex marathons. Specially when the kid sleeps at a friend's house or she stays with her cousins. At fifteen she even babysits Wanda's twin sons, who are an adorable mayhem. They are three years old now. Other times she goes to Tony's house to nerd hard with Morgan.
The house is silent safe from the loud and unashamed pleasure screams scaping Maria's mouth. You took her to a fancy dinner, at your return to the house your wife surprised you with a jaw-dropping set of lingerie. Like a predator, after admired her you went to attack, you fucked her senseless is was a little rough you left hyckies all over her skin, her nipples are deliciously sore. And her pussy is already over sensitive and swollen from the endless make out sessions. Hill didn't let you get off easily, at some point she handcuffed you to a chair and gave you the sexiest and dirtiest lapdance ever, your back is deliciously scratched, hickeys? Maria never holds back your neck is a constellation, that she loves to take pictures of, due to you enhanced healing they usually heal way too fast for her liking.
The dark haired woman is stretched over you, her left bare leg over your hips, her breasts on yours. Blissfully naked and a little sticky with sweat, but Maria claimed being to sore to stand a shower, and too comfy to ditch this moment for a bath. And who are you to disobey your queen?
"Darling, Aileen is dangerously setting her mind on becoming an Avenger" she plants several kisses on your sternum before looking at you.
You sigh in defeat you try to reach out for the half smoked cigar but Maria stops your right hand with her left intertwining your fingers with a gentle firm grip.
"Talk to me" Maria rubs her thumb over the back of your hand.
"Is not that I don't want her. She is absolutely powerful and a excellent fighter. I just-" you sigh again in a little frustration "I don't want her life attached to this because she knows nothing better".
"The things we see, the things we do... I'm pretty sure Kate regrets it sometimes. People calls us heroes and yet they have no idea of the villainous, atrocious things we must do when the cameras aren't focused on us to keep them safe".
You feel her nodding her head before she sets her face on your skin "where's the kid that just wanted to be a UFC pro and a rockstar?" Maria says with a fond smile.
Even with the ups and downs Aileen was a raising MMA star. The kid was dangerous on the mats and the octagon. Maria and you supported her completely, Tony being the eccentric uncle even equiped the gym were she trained with the best of best. She had to wear a power damper but still she was a prodigy.
You and Maria made sure she had a private coach to work on her skills. Your wife and you couldn't be more proud of the kid, she was an excellent student, a soaring athlete and yes, she still had that rockstar dream floating around, she is an excellent bass player, she has the keen ear obviously and a powerful singer. Like she can pull off a Lzzy Hale or sing clean voice beautifully.
Usually you blast rock and metal on your car which has been quite bonding for the two of you, while Maria pretends she hates it, she loves it. Which makes Aileen laugh, her mom supposedly don't like rock and Metal but is the first at buying tickets for concerts.
When she is set to do gigs you and Maria go, if by any major reason your can't always at least one of the team go. Usually is Nat, Yelena or Wanda, Kate tags along with anyone that goes.
If someone had told you that after all you've been through. Life will give you a beautiful badass wife and an amazing daughter you wouldn't have believe it. But is true.
Aileen's manager thought it would be a good idea to engage social media platforms. The young fighter uploads videos of her training sessions, cooking her meals, sometimes even some of the Avengers join her making her comment section light up.
Today is the third time you joined her. The two of you decided to hit the climbing wall on the training facilities of the compound. Both of you with cargo pants and sports bra.
Aileen's friends were the ones recording the shenanigans you both pulled off. First you got along Aileen's standard training with her coaches before finally hitting off the climbing wall.
You both got into several rounds of racing up trying to defeat the other but youth versus experience was proving to be quite the tie.
"Come on Lee! Your mama is kicking your ass" her friends were teasing both of you but specially Lee since she was too self assure she could easily win... Boy she was wrong. Even with power damperer.
You playfully flex your arms "Decades in the making pup" you tease her "Besides this is easy cake comparing it to climbing a treacherous rock side with full battle gear on".
"Let's spice it up" Aileen said with a smirk "we put weighted vests and see who hits the clock faster".
You smile broadly at her, you gotta give it to her she has confidence "if I win, you cook and do laundry for a month".
"Easy, done" she says excitedly.
You wear a 70lb vest and Aileen a 35lb.
The first to go is Aileen who breaks the record by 35 seconds. She lets herself fall celebrating a presumably easy win.
"Come on mama Wolf, show her who is the boss!" Her friends had their money on you, the little shits.
You get yourself ready and as soon as the whistle is blown you move. With strength and agility you climb up faster than Aileen with ten seconds left you playfully hang with your left arm to show off with a playful hang loose sign you smirk at your daughter before pressing the timer botton with two seconds to spare.
"HELL YES!" Some of her friends shout in glee.
Is dinner time, courtesy of Aileen cooking when you see her flexing her face in disgust.
Maria quickly asks her what's wrong and the girl just pouts "nothing is just. I'm pretty used to people commenting on 'how hot' I look" she says with quote marks "but is quite disturbing when they say that about your mother".
You raise a curiously eyebrow and motion her to lend you her phone, she hesitantly does and your begin to scroll down the comments, they are priceless.
'mama wolf rail me'
'you lucky gal, sexiest mom alive you got there'
'is it me or the scars make mama Volkov hotter?'
'i bet her strap game is strong, Mrs. Volkov I respectfully ask you to rail me against the wall'
You completely loose it a that last one you read, you laugh a little more and recite Maria that epic comment.
"What's your connoceur opinion at that last comment Mrs.Hill?" You ask with a smirk.
Maria gives you a mischievous smile "out of ten? I'll give you a twenty darling"
"Oh god no! I don't wanna hear this. I'm out" Aileen gets impossibly red, snatches her phone out of your hand "enough ego stroking"
You only give her a loop sided grin.
"You know what, forget it. I'm sleeping at Aunt Yelena's place".
And right know sparring with your daughter feels surreal. Both of you wear power dampers, to relay fully on your skill. She is eighteen barely an inch shorter than Maria, you still have borderline three inches more but the kid has you on your toes.
Kate, Yelena and Natasha are outside the ring coaching both of you. The little ones are on Aileen's side "kick her butt Lee!" Tommy shouts at the top of his lungs making you chuckle. They might be nonblood cousins, but sometimes they act more like siblings.
Oh the beauty of youth. Aileen has fast punches. But the her danger resides on the fact that her style shifts along the fight she can be stoic and brutal, evasive and graceful like her widow aunts.
And the ultimate proof is how she ends you. You see it coming Natasha's Widow iconic move, but she uses it like Yelena. She just hauls you against the wire cage. Before you can react she jumps on your shoulders, grabs you by the neck with her legs and flips you with the momentum. You smack on the floor hard, she doesn't let go of her hold and tightens. You try rolling to stand but she rolls with you, like a crocodile. You could only tap out before you pass out.
"YES!" Morgan, Billy and Tommy shouted at the top of their lungs.
You raspily chuckled sprawled on the mat, your pup indeed kicked your ass.
"Still alive?" Yelena asks hovering with a wide smirk.
Aileen was kneeling by your right looking at you with a nervous and yet proud smile. She tapped your stomach "you ok mama?".
In a sudden move you pull the young woman to you to hug her tightly "Man, I've never been happier at getting my ass hurled to the floor".
"Volkov! Don't smother my daughter before her big fight" Maria shouts strolling in.
The two of you laugh "Nah I just strangled her she can't scape ME anymore" Aileen said with a cheeky grin.
"You little shit" you grumbled as she helped you raising up.
"My dear sestra, you are getting old" Yelena said patting your back forcibly, you glared at her "put on your gloves little shit".
Kate cut in quickly getting between you too "No, no, no, no. Enough you two. I don't want my wife all banged up tomorrow, we must slay that front row".
The rest of the day was all recovery for Aileen, tomorrow night is her first big stellar fight.
Big fight, big crowd. The whole A-team and troop was there at front row. Courtesy of Tony. While the others enjoyed the fights Maria and you were on the prep room with Aileen. The kid was over excited and buzzing with energy, you are pretty sure that if it wasn't for her power damper she would have electricity running over her skin.
She is restless even when the coach tells her to chill out she is ready. Maria goes to her and gently holds her shoulders "Love, you are ready, you are one of the best, just think is your mama there and kick her ass".
"Hey!" Your smile shifts into offended mode making Aileen and the coach crew laugh.
Before Maria and you leave to take your seats you two hug and kiss the kid in the head wishing her the best.
You lean forehead to forehead with her "You got this mor grom shchenok give em hell".
Maria and you exit hand to hand the locker room, you offer her your arm in a chivalrous manner. Like you know she rocks the shit out of her high heels, but you love how she walks flush to you when your arms are interlocked.
The roar of the public when Aileen "Thunder Punch" Volkov-Hill is called to the octagon is deafening. Truly electrifying.
You see her stepping in with so much focus and confidence. Man you couldn't be prouder, and your smile tells it all. Maria interlocks your fingers and you can feel her pride. When you take the chance to look at her you see her looking at the kid with so much pride.
"You got this Lee!" The tiny twins, Stevie, Stella and Morgan shout at the top of their lungs.
"Kick her ass Lee!" Tommy shouts right after making everyone around laugh.
"That's twenty to the swear jar!" Steve says with a wink. Like you all doesn't give much a damn about the kids saying a bad word once in a while, none of you are better.
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whumpy-wyrms · 11 months
The Last Lab Rat #10: Alone - part 2
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content: lab whump, captivity, failed escape attempt, parent death mention, starvation, needle mention, animal death (mouse), minor character death, grief and angst, alcohol mention, unhealthy coping mechanisms, emotional whump, noncon touch (nonsexual), mind control, comfort at the end?, winged test subject whumpee, creepy scientist carewhumper
hey i know it sounds bad BUT at least Dew gets to eat spaghetti
Anton didn’t know what he was thinking. One moment, he was happily walking up the stairs to introduce his mouse friend to his test subject. And the next, he was wallowing in his own misery outside, deep in the dark untouched woods, rain pounding down on his head, clothes getting drenched in mud. Fitting, he thought. He wondered why it always stormed during funerals.
Except Anton didn’t have a black umbrella, or shoulders to cry on and share the pain with. He was alone. It was him, and his strange, glowing green concoction he was drinking out of a flask he found under his floorboards. He didn’t know what it did– it was probably an old experiment from decades ago– and he didn’t know if it would kill him. He just wanted something to ease the pain. Something to make him forget.
And it made him forget all right, but about all the wrong things. As Anton lay sprawled out in the wet grass, drenched in rain, mud and tears, he suddenly remembered that he had somebody locked in his basement. Somebody else he was supposed to take care of and look after. Somebody else that depended on him to survive.
“Shit!” Anton cried. What was he thinking? Leaving Dew alone all day? What time was it? It was dark out, sooner than usual in the autumn month. Anton staggered to his feet, and took another swig of the mystery concoction. He sighed, carded a hand through his messy hair and took one last look at the makeshift grave.
“Goodbye,” he whispered, and started running back to his lab, hearing the crunch of the dead leaves under his feet.
. . .
The door flung open and Anton staggered inside, leaning on the walls and clutching something in his hand. Dew stood, frozen in place as he stared at his captor. He felt like a literal deer caught in headlights, too scared to move or think. He got caught. He got caught. Dew was out of his room, he wasn’t supposed to be here, he was going to get hurt again.
Anton turned his gaze towards his test subject and let out a pained wince as he started to walk towards him. Dew was still hungry. He knew he had no chance of escaping now that Anton was back. There was nothing to do but wait, and hope the scientist would go easy on him this time.
“Dew?” Anton called after him, voice sounding… off. He was holding a clear laboratory flask filled with bright green liquid. It looked half full, and there was some spilled on Anton’s lab coat. Dew thought it was probably another experiment he was planning to test out on him. But none of that mattered now. Anton was back.
Dew fell to his knees in despair, the crowbar falling to the floor next to him. All of those empty threats from earlier were long forgotten and replaced with unfathomable fear. Silent tears fell from his eyes as he sat there, miserable and afraid. He knew it was a bad idea to leave his room, to attempt another futile escape. What was Anton going to do to him now? Take full control of his mind permanently? Erase his memories?
Anton walked closer. “Dewey, I…” He said quietly, voice trailing off. Dew watched as Anton came to a hesitant stop. Dew squeezed his eyes shut, breathing heavily as his captor stood in the middle of the lab. His mind raced with all of the worst possibilities as he felt the seconds tick by and the feeling of being watched only grew. It was so suffocatingly quiet that Dew wandered if he’d imagined Anton entering, if the last few minutes were even real. Finally, Anton said in a small voice, “I’m back.”
Dew opened his eyes, already wet with tears. “Anton?” he squeaked. The scientist was acting so weird. Dew didn’t know what to do. “I… I’m sorry I-I left my room— p-please don’t hurt me,” he whimpered. “I-I’ll be good. I’ll–”
“No,” Anton choked out. “Dew, I…” The scientist walked forward until he was looming over his test subject. Dew let his tears fall freely, shoulders shaking as he silently sobbed and awaited what horrible punishment Anton would inflict on him. “Look at me,” Anton said, gently grabbing his chin and tilting his head upwards.
“Please, Anton,” Dew weeped. “Please don’t hurt me. I’m so hungry.”
“I… I know,” Anton said softly. “I’m um, I’m sorry… okay?”
Dew’s breath hitched, “What?”
“You’re my test subject… I’m supposed to take care of you.” Anton’s voice uncharacteristically wobbled as he talked, and Dew noticed how strange his expression looked… And his eyes. Something was wrong. Something was very fucking wrong. “I’m all you have, you depend on me and I just…”
“Are you… what’s that in your hand?”
“What? Oh. It’s–” Anton held up his strange flask of green liquid. “It’s this- uh– I dunno what it is. I found under the… the floorboards earlier when… It doesn’t matter. I th… thought it would uh… ease the pain I guess.”
“You must be hungry, right?” Anton asked suddenly as he let go of Dew’s face and turned on his heel towards the kitchen. Dew shakily nodded his head, and Anton took his hand and pulled him to his feet. Dew’s mind raced as Anton led him to the kitchen area. What the actual fuck was happening?
“Are the lights too bright?” Anton asked.
“Uhm, yeah, a little.” Dew sniffled, trying to calm himself down and stop crying. Anton dimmed the lights throughout the lab so they weren’t too bright, but not dark either. Dew would’ve thanked him if he weren’t terrified for his life.
Once they got to the kitchen, Anton sat Dew down on the couch— he didn’t have a normal table and chairs there, for some reason— and rummaged through the fridge. Dew’s thoughts raced as he sat there, fear making him unable to move, and he didn’t trust his voice not to break out into sobs if he talked. So he didn’t.
Anton left him alone– abandoned him all day with no food or anything, and now he was back acting so incredibly weirder than usual. Dew had escaped his room. He attempted another escape and was caught, why didn’t Anton seem to care now? Was he too distracted to realize? Distracted by what?
Dew held his head in his hands, exhausted and terrified. At least he’d finally be able to eat now. He looked up at Anton, who was starting to make spaghetti and meatballs. Super random. Dew would have preferred maybe a ham sandwich, you know, something that wouldn’t take 25 fucking minutes to cook, but whatever.
Dew noticed Anton’s hands shaking as he tried to pour the noodles into the pot, and was sure he’d accidentally burn himself. Anton’s hands never shook. Dew would know, for all the times his hands carefully and precisely made an injection or incision into his skin.
“I’ll do it,” Dew said, timidly standing up and walking towards the scientist. He didn’t care anymore about being hurt or trying to escape; all he wanted was food. And if Anton wasn’t going to hurt him now, Dew would take advantage of this moment if it meant he could eat sooner.
“No. I’m supposed to take care of you,” Anton said, weakly shoving Dew out of the way.
“Anton, you’re not–”
“Stop talking,” Anton hissed. He took a device from his pocket and turned it on, activating the mind-control.
Dew’s mouth snapped shut, and any attempt to argue was lost. He looked up at Anton sadly, and sat back on the couch. It could be worse, Dew thought. Anton could be hurting him right now, punishing him for escaping, but he wasn’t. And he had no idea why.
So, unable to talk, Dew just watched Anton struggle to cook. He would genuinely like to help, though. It’d give him something to do after doing absolutely nothing all day, and it’d be a good distraction; something familiar, something safe. Something to drown out the terrified worries that wracked his brain, instead of just waiting for something to happen.
It was silent in the lab again, and Dew was strangely content with that now. Anton was back, there was light, but it was dim enough to not burn his eyes, and there was the noise and smell of the noodles and meatballs cooking. He tried to focus on those things— and the fact he wasn’t alone anymore— to calm himself down enough to be prepared for what Anton would do to him for trying to escape again.
Dew noticed as Anton kept nervously checking his watch and taking small glances back at him every few minutes. He was acting so strange, so much more than usual. What had caused any of this? He wished he could just ask.
Anton sighed and leaned against the counter, sliding down to sit on the floor. He took another long sip from that flask and hugged his knees to his chest. His eyes were puffy. If Dew didn’t know any better, it looked like Anton had been crying.
Dew didn’t move a muscle. He stared at his captor with wide eyes from where he sat on the couch, and almost forgot to breathe for a moment. The atmosphere in the room was tense, and the only thing that could be heard was the noodles boiling on the stove.
“Basil died,” Anton mumbled.
Dew furrowed his brows. Basil? He thought. Who… wait, Anton’s pet mouse?
“I was… I was gonna introduce you two to each other this morning. But she was already gone… They were old, it was painless but unexpected for both of us. Those things just happen sometimes. And there’s nothing I could do. And now, now I’m all alone…” Anton’s voice grew quieter until it was almost impossible to hear. “The passage of time keeps going, even if… even if you’re still stuck in the past. Time doesn’t care about who you’ll miss or what you’ll regret or what you wished you would’ve done. It keeps… going. On and on and on forever. Until all you have is yourself and… Dew.”
Dew stared back at him blankly.
Anton looked up. His expression was nothing like Dew had ever seen on him before. He looked sad. It was so surreal. Dew didn’t think Anton could ever feel genuinely sad about something, being someone who’s completely fine with kidnapping and performing unethical experiments on another human being– excited about it, actually. “You… you can talk now.” Anton said.
Dew took a deep breath. He wasn’t expecting that. Any of that. “Is-is that why you didn’t– um, come down here today?”
“...Yeah, it was. I’m sorry for leaving you all alone. I fucked up. But– But Basil was my best friend and–” For the first time, Dew saw Anton cry.
Dew didn’t know how to feel about this. He should be angry, he should be jumping up and stabbing his fork into Anton’s neck and booking it the fuck outta there, never looking back. He should be shouting and screaming, he should be breaking down asking why the fuck he didn’t come down to feed him earlier, why he abandoned him. Why he left him all alone.
Dew did feel like doing all that, but he also felt a strange sense of pity. He knew what it was like to lose someone you loved, hell his friends were probably feeling the same way back home…
That realization made his stomach turn. Nah, Dew thought. Fuck that.
Dew shook those thoughts away, the thoughts that felt bad for the scientist keeping him captive, the person so attached to his so-called best friend, who was a literal mouse. Dew missed his friends too— and they missed him— but Anton didn’t seem to care about that, so why should Dew be expected to care about his captor’s mouse? Why should Dew have to care about anything this maniac was saying to him?
Dew stood. He looked across the counter to the knife block and ran towards it. He didn’t get very far, though. Anton— without even looking up from the ground— grabbed Dew’s ankle in an instant, making him lose his balance and fall to the floor.
The defiance in Dew’s eyes was replaced with utter terror again as he scurried backwards. Anton’s grip on Dew’s ankle became tighter as he dragged him closer, reaching for something in his pocket– probably a needle, Dew guessed.
“N-no, please,” Dew whispered in terror. “Please Anton– I’m sorry, I-I just– please don’t hurt me.”
Anton sighed and released his grip, making Dew fall backwards. Anton closed his eyes, leaning against the cupboards and holding his head in his hands.
“Don’t try anything,” Anton commanded, but his voice sounded more tired than angry. “Don’t try to attack me or escape, just stay here.” Anton saw the look of fear on Dew’s face, which only made him feel worse… Guilty, remorseful, all the things he tried so hard not to feel. But he supposed it didn’t matter now— how he felt. It wouldn’t change the past, it wouldn’t change anything. “And calm down. Relax.”
The second Anton uttered those words, Dew’s body did, in fact, relax. His heartbeat evened out and his breathing slowed. He looked around in displeased contemptment, knowing he should be scared, freaking out, angry, but he wasn’t. Those feelings were still there, but more than anything, he felt calm. Tranquil. It was as if he were sedated, but still wide awake and aware and in control, but calm about it all. It was a strange feeling, one he was oddly grateful for at this moment.
“I know you’re upset with me, okay?” Anton said, trying to make his voice sound at least a little comforting. “You have a right to be, I made a terrible mistake. I should’ve come down here earlier. It’s not your fault. I won’t hurt you.”
The timer on the stove beeped, and the spaghetti was done. Dew stood before Anton could pull himself up, and went straight for the food. He began frantically opening and closing cupboards, looking for the dishes and utensils instead of sticking his hands straight into the pot and burning himself.
“Here,” Anton said, opening a cabinet and handing Dew two bowls and forks. “Give me some too while you’re at it?”
It wasn’t like Dew had a choice, anyway. He scooped the noodles from the pan and filled the bowls to the brim with the tastiest looking spaghetti and meatballs he had ever seen. Dew timidly handed Anton his bowl, and sat back down on the couch.
“Don’t burn yourself,” Anton said as Dew raised a giant spoonful to his mouth. “Wait until it cools down a bit.”
Dew’s arm froze, the food right in front of him, but unable to take a bite. “Come on man,” Dew exclaimed. “Just let me eat, I’m hungry!”
“Fine,” Anton said.
Dew stuffed the spaghetti into his mouth and instantly regretted it. Mouth burning, he rushed to the fridge and pulled out a cold bottle of water.
“Told you.”
Dew glared at him, but took his advice. He’d let his food cool down a bit. But in the meantime…
“Dew, stop rummaging around in my fridge.”
“Can I at least have an apple?” Dew asked. “While the spaghetti cools down?”
“Fine,” Anton agreed. “But go sit back down.”
Dew thanked him and sat. He didn’t remember the last time an apple tasted this good. Dew was happy to finally be eating, but that didn’t ease the dread he felt.
He didn’t know how he could ever get used to his mind being controlled by a simple command. Anton could control almost everything about him now, what he does, how he feels… he hoped it only went that far. Dew realized he was probably lucky that Anton hadn't taken away his defiance yet, even though he could, so so easily do just that.
A sudden thought occurred to him: why hadn’t he? Surely it would be easier for the scientist for Dew to be a perfectly compliant and obedient test subject. But Dew still had hopes and dreams and a mind of his own. He was still determined to escape. But for what? What did Anton gain from letting Dew be himself?
He decided to not think about this. But still, Dew couldn’t do anything but sit there and wait. He couldn’t try attacking Anton or escape, and he couldn’t burst out in a rage fueled outburst or sob into the couch cushions. Because Anton simply told him not to.
They sat there, Dew huddled up on the couch, and Anton sitting on the floor. The dim, yellow light from the stove, mixed with the taste of spaghetti reminded Dew of cozy autumn nights indoors with his friends. It was that time of year already, and they were probably thinking about the same thing back home.
“I miss them so much,” Anton said. He looked so fucking sad. Dew grimaced. It shouldn’t matter what Anton felt, he was a monster.
“Mice aren’t solitary creatures, Anton.” Dew said as he took a big bite of his spaghetti. “You shouldn’t have kept it alone.”
“No,” Anton began. “Basil was different. She was all but human.”
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”
Anton glared at him, and Dew closed his mouth. The scientist rolled his eyes and sighed. “I guess you deserve an explanation…”
When Anton didn’t say anything more, Dew spoke, “...Yeah.” He fidgeted nervously with the spaghetti on his fork. “So, um, are you gonna tell me?”
“Yes,” Anton sighed. He took another drink from that flask and started talking. “It was… around 13 years ago. She was my first um– test subject. I didn’t hurt him, I didn’t want to. But I needed to test something out and I had nobody else to test on– and I couldn’t just clone myself and use the clone as a test subject back then either–”
“Wait, clone yourself?”
“Shut up.” Anton hissed. “So I needed to test something out, and Basil was only a mouse. So I used them for it. And… My experiment worked. She started becoming smarter, like incredibly intelligent for a mouse. And then I invented a device that allows animals to talk, and once again, he was first to try it out. And it worked. And she talked to me. We quickly became friends.
“She wasn’t just a mouse, she had gained the brain capacity of a person. He could think and feel and comprehend abstract concepts and thoughts just like a person can… And their lifespan– that got longer as well.
“They lived for 13 years, Dew. That’s not possible. I made something live longer. And after only a few weeks, she wasn’t my test subject anymore, she was my friend, my animal companion. And uh, he didn’t like that I became friends with every animal I tested on, so that’s when he started letting me experiment on his human test subjects instead of animals.”
“Wait, who’s he?” Dew asked.
“Pierce. The man who raised me into who I am. It doesn’t matter. He realized I couldn’t stand hurting animals so he didn’t force me to. My whole life I followed in his footsteps… He took me in after I became an orphan. He saved me, and taught me everything I know about science.”
“So when I was 12, I started experimenting on human test subjects. It was fun, we had fun. I loved my life and… and then, eight years ago, I met… them.”
“Who’s them?” Dew asked.
“It doesn’t matter,” Anton hissed. He only then realized he was probably saying too much. He needed to end this conversation before Dew asked any more questions. “...But Basil was the closest thing they had to anything good in their life. And when they…” Anton’s gaze looked distant, lost in thought. “Um, anyways, Basil was– she was all I had left of them. And now she’s gone. They’re both gone. And, and I’m all alone.”
They sat in silence for a few moments. Dew couldn’t help but sympathize with… Basil. She obviously didn’t deserve to die, and Dew felt sad when animals died, it was only natural. He remembered his parents, how he’d tried so, so hard not to think about them the past eight weeks– five years for that matter. It was too painful.
But everything was painful now, thinking about his friends and his life that was taken from him. They were probably missing Dew just as much as Anton missed Basil now, and he didn’t seem to care about that.
But… Dew now knew what he did care about, more than him. “Why don’t you just… bring Basil back to life?”
Anton’s head snapped up, brows furrowing. “That’s unethical,” he said.
“What, did your mouse have a ‘do not resuscitate’ label or something? You do unethical experiments on me all the time! You respect a mouse more than me? Seriously?”
“That's not funny.”
“They’re already dead! Use their body instead of mine! Just bring them back from the dead, that can be your next experiment! You want to invent immortality right? Well there’s your lab rat!”
“Shut up!” Anton hissed. Dew’s words died on his tongue as his mind was taken control over once again. Dew silently glared instead. “You have no idea what you’re talking about. And you’re still my test subject, that’s not changing. Don’t think because now you know a little bit about my past, you can use that to change my mind. I won’t ever let you go. Understand?”
“Y-yeah. Sorry.”
It was quiet again. After they were done eating, Dew put the dishes in the sink as Anton continued to sulk on the floor. This was by far the strangest situation Dew had been in ever since he was brought here. He thought about earlier, about how bored he was. If Anton really was serious about keeping Dew here forever, he must realize Dew needed something to keep him entertained for when he was bored.
“Hey, Anton…?” Dew asked. It was a shot in the dark, but nothing bad could happen by asking. “Re-remember when you said a while ago you might give me back my music? Like my MP3 player and headphones? It-it was just so, so boring being alone earlier with nothing to do and I really feel like listening to music would help me calm down and–”
“You want it back?” Anton asked.
“Y-yeah. If-if that’s okay I mean–”
Anton pondered for a moment. “Yeah, sure.” He stood up and walked to his desk. Dew remembered the mess he made earlier during his stupid attempt to put together a bag of evidence, and hoped Anton wouldn’t get too mad about it. The scientist came back holding a pair of headphones and an MP3 player in his hands. Dew almost felt like he was dreaming again. Almost.
“Here,” Anton handed Dew his things, and Dew felt like he could cry. He’d missed this so much. “It’s not your original MP3 player. I had that and your headphones… destroyed. But I made an exact copy. And these headphones are better than the other ones, with more noise canceling settings and such.”
“Th-thanks. So much.” Dew said.
“Don’t mention it. I should’ve known sooner you’d get bored.”
Dew looked through the MP3 player, happy to find out all of his favorite songs were still there. This was the happiest he’s felt since… since… the vents earlier.
Anton hummed, taking another big gulp of that potion looking thing. “I suppose I should get rid of this, then.”
“Are you sure that’s even safe?” Dew asked apprehensively.
“I dunno. Probably not… But I have ways to heal myself if things go bad. This uh, seems to be working though… numbing the pain and all that… And keeping me thoroughly distracted. I’ll be surprised if I remember any of this by tomorrow.” Anton pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. “I was an idiot earlier. I don’t know what I was thinking.”
“And now, everything just feels fuzzy. Nothing has felt real since this morning, and I’m hoping this’ll all turn out to be a bad dream… But I know it won’t.” Anton looked up to Dew, who was watching him wearily with wide eyes. The scientist tilted his head slightly. “Who knows, Dew, maybe I’ll just erase this entire day from your memory so you won’t have to see me so… vulnerable and sad.”
“P-please don’t–”
“Relax. I’m not like that. I will never mess with your memories like that. Ever. So don’t worry about that. Okay?”
Anton sighed. “Anyway, I’m sorry about today. Neither of us wanted this to happen and it will never happen again. I’m supposed to be a genius scientist, not an emotional mess who… who drinks random mixtures of chemicals as a coping mechanism. This is extremely irresponsible and unprofessional… not like I ever cared about being professional, but still.”
Dew nodded, half pretending to be listening to Anton ramble on as he plugged the headphones in and put them on. He started playing his favorite song, but paused it when Anton started talking again.
“Anyway… Basil’s gone.” Anton said. “My best friend is gone, and you’re all I have left.” Dew gulped, this couldn’t be heading anywhere good. “I… I didn’t get to introduce you two, but that’s fine, I suppose. Now I can focus all of my attention onto you, and my experiments. And Dew, don’t think I’ll start going easy on you after this either. …Experiments begin again tomorrow. Anyway, let’s get you to bed, I’m fucking tired.”
“Wait,” Dew said before he could stop himself and think. “I um. I don’t wanna be alone again.”
Anton blinked. “...Okay, uh…” The scientist looked around and picked up a loose chain with cuffs on both ends. “You can sleep out here I guess. Just for tonight.” Anton attached the chain to Dew’s wrist, and cuffed the other end to his own.
“What are–”
“You don’t wanna be alone right? Me neither. I’ll sleep over here. This chain is just to keep you from running away during the night.” Anton grabbed a few blankets from under the couch, and tossed the bigger, fluffier one to Dew. Then he sat back down in his spot against the cupboards and curled up in a ball on the hard floor.
Dew grimaced. Weirdo, he thought. But a sleepover with the scientist was better than being locked back in his room, he supposed. Dew laid down on the couch, snuggling into the blanket. Anton used a device to turn off the lights, and they settled off to bed. Before Dew drifted off to sleep, he gave the chain light tug. It couldn’t hurt to try.
“Don’t even think about it,” Anton mumbled. “I’ll know if you get up.”
“Okay…” Dew said.
“Agh, you know what– just don’t move from that spot until morning.” Anton’s control took hold of his mind once again, and without anything to do, Dew turned on his music and closed his eyes.
“Goodnight, Dewey.” Anton said, half asleep on the floor. Dew chose not to respond.
As Dew laid curled up on the couch, unable to move, he thought about everything that happened the past day. The vents. The broken camera. The strange science concoction Anton was using as makeshift alcohol to drown out all his problems… the fact Anton didn’t know about the vents.
For the first time, Dew was one step ahead of the scientist; he had an advantage that Anton was completely oblivious to. He had the vents. He had a way to escape that only he knew about, and something Anton definitely wouldn’t be expecting. It was perfect. He could use the notepad he was hiding in his pocket to map out the air ducts, and eventually find the way out. And he’d make his escape during the night, when Anton wasn’t awake to mind-control him. Dew’s new plan could work, it would take a while, but it could actually work and that was all he cared about.
Giddy with newfound excitement and hope, Dew turned his music up, filling his ears with his favorite songs he had missed so much the past 8 weeks. Yes, the past day was hell, and a new kind of torture he’d never want to endure again, but it also presented him with the perfect escape plan.
Besides that, Dew felt like he learned a lot about Anton and his weird past. He hoped that could all be beneficial to him in the future. But he was also filled with so many more questions than answers, and the burning desire to never be alone again.
soooo hi! i feel bad about killing Basil off,, originally they just existed as something to develop the story, but then i got kiiinda attached. i have a few au ideas where she didn’t die, or where they’re a tiny borrower science lab assistant, and other stuff like that that i might draw or write about in the near future so yea. besides that, normal tllr chapters with normal experiments coming soon, hopefully not in another three weeks
if ur sad about Basil dying, take this <3 and this :P
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eldritch-spouse · 1 year
Someone walks into Patches' office and they see him on his hands and knees so that his firefly can sit on him while they do their work or something 😂
" Undead- "
There's a booming sound from the long hallway leading to Patches laboratory. You don't move a muscle on top of the dullahan, continuing to work on your laptop even as footsteps grow louder. Patches quakes slightly beneath you.
" Hey now, chairs are supposed to be still. "
He murmurs what you think might have been an apology. Honestly, he's so thin and undefined, you don't know how Patches has supported your weight for this long, maybe it's the power of his own humiliation fetish.
" Lady Admin has requested your presence for more than ten minutes, there better be a good reason for you to be offensively late or so help me Lord Krulu, I will put you back in the grave you crawled out o- "
The door slams open, you flinch slightly, looking at the angel that just stormed in only to freeze for a dry second, blinking, and resuming your typing. Patches is making a small pool of sweat on the ground, eyelights vanquished in his shame.
" Everyday, you disappoint our higher. "
The door can be heard slamming shut with equal intensity. Patches doesn't say a peep.
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