#Specials episode 1; kid trips in front of him and starts crying
raifuujin · 7 years
I agree with you on Shinichi's and Kaito's characterizations being usually ooc in the fandom perspective (not saying it's wrong either, everyone has the right to have their own understanding and see a character however they want to) But Shinichi as an introvert who is always oblivious and doesn't like attention / Kaito as this extroverted pervy and somehow seemingly sexually experienced guy (even tho he has no experience at all) feels off. How do you usually characterize Shinichi and Kaito?
Well, I don’t really write Shinichi too often. I’ve written him as Conan a couple of times, and while one of those times he was off on his own, that was purely for the narrative because everyone else had made excuses to go off on their own to plan a surprise for him. By default, I wrote him expecting to play soccer with the DB, and he was more surprised when they all just left him alone. He’s okay on his own, but he does enjoy being with others. Usually. He might complain sometimes if he’s really just not interested in what they have planned. ( Like ghost hunts. He’ll go along with it, but he won’t be into it at all. )
Kaito I’ve written for a lot more, and I know that I play him off as largely on his own and not planning for a whole lot. I do refer to him as ‘my Kaito’ because I know I’m not really writing canon. He can show interest in people, but doesn’t actually plan on asking anyone out. And while I maintain that he’s not extroverted, he’s perfectly fine going up and chatting with strangers, though if he starts an interaction, there’s usually a reason behind it. Even if the reason is simply ‘they look down, maybe I should cheer them up’. He can be callous, but usually due to some amount of obliviousness, and tends to regret when he upsets someone. ( And only really cool with people he doesn’t like much, though he usually still tries to play a fool for a while. ) He might not apologize right away, but he does try and diffuse the situation by some means, even if it’s through self depreciating humour (usually around Aoko). Overall remains nice and friendly, but don’t upset him because he wouldn’t hesitate to get revenge or, for more dangerous situations, get violent. And as I have had ship threads in rp, I can say my Kaito has only been overly friendly/flirty with... himself, usually. With a mindset of knowing the things another version of himself would probably have gone through, and more than half of it is all teasing. When someone does ask him out, he gets pretty hesitant and has to consider for a while. ( Though in rp, there are experiences outside of canon to justify whichever decisions he makes. )
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jasmine2042003 · 4 years
Beware the Spirits of the Vengeful ~ pt 4
Once again, thank you all for the love you’ve shown to this series, in this chapter, I will finally reveal what you, the reader, are. This series is going to follow the story line of the series vaguely, this chapter is based off of episode three, season two. 
Top Supporters!!!
    @originalwitchsworld        @deanslittlebitch          @loonati0n
And a special tag for @cece-lives-here! Here you go! You finally find out what (y/n) is!!!
part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / 
3rd Person pov
Once again, the cemetery had been overrun with police and shocked onlookers. The (l/n) family mausoleum, that was once rubble on the ground, was now completely rebuilt and even more majestic than before. Yellow police tape surrounded the cemetery and Sheriff Stilinski had his hands full with the most recent discovery of the small body of young (y/n) (l/n).
‘The little girl’s body was perfectly preserved, as if she passed in the last week or so,’ The Sheriff thought, ‘Which of course is impossible, she should be Stiles’ age by now.’ The thought that the same thing could have happened to his son made the Sheriff’s heart ache. 
Speaking of whom, Stiles was running towards the crime scene, desperate to see what had been going on. “Stiles!” The Sheriff called, watching as his son swiftly turned around to face him. “No,” The man continued quietly, watching his son deflate and turn around to go home. The Sheriff shook his head and walked over to the forensics team. “What have you got?” He asked, already frightened of the results.
The lead forensic scientist sighed and looked at the Sheriff, “The DNA we found in the rubble confirms that (y/n) was under the rubble when the mausoleum was destroyed.” He told the Sheriff. Once again, the man sighed, it seemed that was all he did these days. 
‘Well, that is a case almost closed, but who killed her?’ Sheriff Stilinski thought to himself. Now the case moved from an open abduction to an open murder case. ‘Who just leaves a child in a mausoleum, she must have been dead beforehand, poor thing. Now to tell Melissa...’
Time Skip~
Stiles ran through the McCall house and up the stairs to Scott’s room, almost tripping over himself as he entered. “Scott!” He whisper-shouted, causing his friend to look at him in confusion. 
“What? Why are you whispering, we’re the only ones here.” He told Stiles, who was closing the blinds and the door and motioning for Scott to keep quiet. “Okay, I heard new stuff on (y/n) (l/n).” Stiles whispered, his eyes widening, “Is your mom home?” He asked, to which Scott nodded.
“Yeah, you probably ran passed her.” He told his hyperactive friend, the boy continuing to secure the room so he can tell Scott what happened. “Okay, so the mausoleum is completely rebuilt and (y/n)’s body was found in it.” Stiles started, watching Scott’s eyes widen.
“So there is no way the new girl is her, because she’s... well...” Scott didn’t need to finish his sentence, both boys went silent, almost respectfully. Stiles nodded but had a look in his eye. “We can’t rule that out for sure Scott.” He muttered, causing Scott to scoff.
“What do you mean we can’t rule that out?” He asked, but was interrupted by the door being knocked. Scott and Stiles opened the bedroom door gently, just enough that they could hear but weren’t seen. “Evening Melissa,” A voice came from below, Stile’s dad, the Sheriff.
Stiles’ eyes widened and backed away from the door slightly. “Evening Noah, if you’re looking for Stiles-” Melissa McCall began only to be disrupted. “Actually, I am here to talk to you, its about (y/n).” He said, the boy’s could hear Scott’s mom gasp and let him in.
They moved into the kitchen and Stiles could no longer hear what they were saying, relying solely on his Lycan friend. 
“We found her- her body Melissa.” The Sheriff told Scott’s mom grimly. Scott could hear her begin to cry, trying to keep calm and breathe. “My poor (y/n),” She wailed, even Stiles could hear her at this point, Scott felt so bad just listening, opening the door and hurtling down the stairs to comfort his mom. Despite Stiles’ disagreements. 
“Mom?” He asked, walking into the kitchen, gently grabbing her elbow, feeling her turn and hug him tightly. He acted confused, worried about his mom, but he knew what was going on. Although, he was still very confused. 
Why didn’t he remember her? 
3rd Person pov
(y/n) and Isaac stood next to each other in gym class, him quietly asking questions about the supernatural world, her quietly responding with a small smile. To anyone else, it would seem like two teenagers were exchanging silent moments or even flirting a little, something that made other students incredibly jealous.
The two supernaturals only looked up from their conversation when they heard Scott hitting the ground. “McCall, I don’t know why, but your pain gives me a special kind of joy.” The coach said, followed by a couple of chuckles from the others. “Alright, next two. Stilinski, Erica, let’s go.” He said. 
Immediately worrying (y/n) at the back, causing her to push her way to the front of the crowd, watching Stiles ascend the rope at a quick, agile pace. Erica was slowly dragging herself up, until eventually, she stopped moving, pinning herself to the wall. (y/n) muttered underneath her breath, a small spell just to help her along. 
“I’m fine!” She called to the coach, who was wondering if she was dizzy or was having vertigo. “Coach,” (y/n) spoke to him in a gentle but strained voice, “She’s not suffering from vertigo, she has epilepsy.” She told him, watching his eyes change from boredom to slight worry.
“She does? Why the hell doesn’t anyone tell me these things? Erica, you’re good. Push off and we’ll ease you down.” He said, but Erica still wasn’t moving.
(y/n) pov
Closing my eyes, I looked into Erica’s head, “Erica,” I whispered under my breath, knowing she could hear me, “Let go.” I took hold of her body and forced her to release her grip on the wall slowly, lowering her down to the ground once again. Everyone stared at her with pity, a few of the meaner kids snickering at her.
“Oh, shut it!” I growled, glaring at the crowd and smiling a bit at their look of shock and slight fear. Grabbing Erica by the hand, I led her to the back of the gym, sitting with her and stroking her hair gently. 
“How did you do that?” Erica asked quietly, still not feeling too great. I smiled gently at her. “I know the feeling of being angry at people, wanting them to feel the same way you felt, let’s just say we have a bit of a connection.” I told her with a pained look on my face. 
She smiled back at me and we spent the rest of the period chatting, or mostly me listening to Erica talk almost maliciously about the experiences she’s had with her epilepsy and people making fun of her for it. At the end of the period I turned in to the changing rooms, not noticing when a certain blonde didn’t follow me. 
I had nearly finished changing, wearing now a pair of ripped jeans, a tank top and a pair of heeled ankle boots. I was getting ready to put on my hoodie to cover my scars when I felt my eyes glowing cerulean once again. ‘Erica.’ I thought, rushing to the gym to see Erica almost at the top of the wall, her body beginning to convulse. 
“Scott!” I called, watching as he was there in seconds, ready to catch her as she fell. I would have been able to catch her in my other form but I would be risking revealing myself to too many people. I felt my heart racing at the thought of Erica getting hurt. I knelt next to her and Scott, “Get her on her side,” I told him, helping him turn her.
Erica clutched onto my hand, squeezing whenever she had a convulsion. I looked at Scott, “Thank you,” I told him, not noticing his shock as he looked at me. 
‘Her eyes... were they always that glowing blue?’ He thought.
I wound up accompanying Erica to the emergency room, using a bit of magic manipulation on the teachers and EMTs. A bright light was shining down, Erica was wearing a hospital gown, blinking at none other than my childhood babysitter, Melissa McCall.
I had to stop myself from running to the woman and hugging her, deciding instead to clutch my arms and look down at the floor. “It’s been a while since we saw you, Erica. You were being so good about your medication,” I could tell she hadn’t taken it when I was in her body. It was completely flushed of any meds. 
“Are you going to tell my mom?” She asked, slightly scared, the tone of her voice caused the supernatural in me to look up and look at her in concern. Melissa sighed and spoke up, “I swear I don’t want to. But there’s this team of lawyers in the back who would break my legs and I don’t know if you’ve seen my legs, but for a girl my age they’re still pretty hot.”
I smiled, as did Erica, Melissa smoothed back the girl’s unkempt hair, “The doctor will be over in a few, okay?” Erica laid back on the bed, her hand reaching out to grab my own, I smiled and held her hand gently. “I think that this is a weird start to a great friendship,” I told her, listening to her laugh.
Erica closed her eyes and I almost didn’t realise the hand grasping the gurney, the other attaching itself to the small of my back, pushing me along. “Lie still.” A deep gruff voice said to Erica, and she did so, watching as the gurney was pushed through two double doors. 
I knew at this point that it was indeed the Alpha, leaning back, I caused my body to go completely intangible. I passed through Derek’s hand, not wanting to see this, but slightly looking forward to her change. I knew he would be looking for more Betas, the more Betas, the more powerful the Alpha. It seemed his next Beta was going to be Erica.
Time Skip~
Erica looked and seemed to feel great! I was so proud of her, as long as I could keep her safe, I had no problem with her taking her vengeance this way. Speaking of vengeance. I was going to start Phase Two: Descent into Madness.
I stood outside the house, my old home. I knew he was still there, I knew he still lived there, I was slightly curious as to whether or not he kept my old room. Once again becoming intangible and casting a quick glamour so nobody would see me, I walked through the front door and up the stairs to what was my dad’s old office.
Nothing had changed in there, I could still see paintings that were there when I was little, but there was also a locked box in one of the drawers. Becoming once again tangible, I reached for the box, more specifically, the lock on the box. I closed my eyes and felt myself changing from my human form.
I could feel my wings rip through, yet another, hoodie, my clothes began to change as tears of blood began to flow freely down my cheeks. A feathered bralette covered my chest, feathers also spread around my pelvis to cover me modestly. 
My eyes opened and I knew they were a glowing blue. A small smile flittered onto my face, I felt much more comfortable this way, anyway. I felt the strength coursing through my veins, running towards my fingers, now with long, sharp black talons. The lock that was still in my grasp, began to creak and crack with the sudden force it was being put under, I had hardly flexed my fingers when the lock almost shattered.
I opened the box and looked into it, feeling my eyes tearing up, red covering my vision. I calmed myself down, looking at pictures of my mother and myself, both have been dearly departed. This was all part of my plan.
It had been about half an hour, I had made multiple copies of the same image, a picture of my mother and myself, smiling up at my father who was taking the picture, I had placed them everywhere.
Floating outside the window, my wings were enjoying the freedom I rarely gave them and were flapping slowly to keep me in the air. I decided to watch my dear old dad and his reaction to my little message, I felt an evil smirk once again forming on my red painted lips.
3rd Person pov
(f/n) walked up the stairs of his home, his wife and sons were out and he thought he would have some free time before they came home to get some work done. Walking into his office, his face lost all colour, his eyes were devoid of any emotion but shock. His eyes filled with tears as he looked at the smiling faces of his now dead daughter and wife.
He quickly became angry, who knew? He had a feeling someone would eventually find out about what he did, the mausoleum had been destroyed and, even though he had always meant to, he never went back to check that (y/n) had even died. 
Growling angrily, the man began to tear away layer upon layer of photos and images, the same image. The image of the perfect family that had been destroyed, that he had destroyed. He finally began to see the wall of his office again, seeing the wedding photo that he had taken with his new wife merely two years after (y/n)’s death.
He saw red appearing on the wall the more he took down the photos, following the red and continuing to frantically tear at the happy mother and daughter coating his walls in a vicious attack. He felt the red substance on the wall, it was sticky. 
His eyes widened when he finally revealed the message under the wave of evil nostalgia.
“I know what you did, you will get what you deserve.”
(y/n) smirked from outside the window, watching her murderer rub his eyes in fear and confusion. She snapped her fingers and watched the room. (f/n) opened his eyes again, only for the images, scraps of photographs and the bloody writing on the wall to have disappeared...
Time Skip~
(y/n) sat waiting for the Alpha and his Betas in the underground station, still in her more powerful form, her wings were wrapping around her shoulders, concealing her scars from any watchful eye.
The scars came by accident, when she was reborn, she destroyed the mausoleum from the massive influx of energy, the rubble and debris cut up her young self and the rebirthing process was a bit particular about how it made teenage (y/n).
Any cuts or bruises were identical on the ‘new’ (y/n), so when her young body was cut up, (y/n) maintained the same cuts, using her healing to fix it but was left with a severe amount of scarring. Anyway, the strong scent of the Alpha invaded her senses and she looked up, blood still streaming from her eyes.
Derek could smell her intoxicating sweet smell instantly and, even though he was wary and stood in a fighting stance as he saw her, he couldn’t help but be completely entranced by the odd creature with glowing blue eyes. She was hauntingly beautiful.
“Alpha.” (y/n) acknowledged, him nodding in return, still stood to attention. Isaac stepped around his Alpha, an innocent and curious look across his face, “(y/n)?” He asked, causing the strange but gorgeous creature to smile and nod. “What-” He was cut off by Erica pushing by him to hug her best friend, gently stroking her feathered wings in awe.
“I figured now would be a good time to tell you what I was.” She said to the Alpha and his Betas. Looking at one in particular, she walked over to him gracefully and leaned to shake his hand. “Hi, I’m (y/n),” The boy replied saying his name was Boyd. She smiled and nodded, then walked to the Alpha and hit him upside the head.
“What is wrong with you!? Why would you make them fight for you!? In public nonetheless!” She yelled, Derek felt slightly intimidated. “Uh, (y/n)” She heard a bashful Isaac from behind her and turned to face him with a smile, “You said you would tell us, um... What you are?” He said.
(y/n) smiled a devilish but enticing grin, “I’m what’s called an Arae. A female spirit of curses, more specifically curses of revenge made by the dead and sometimes the living for those who wronged them in the past.” She told them, looking at Erica as realisation washed over her.
“You said we had a connection...” She mumbled. The Arae nodded with a pained smile, “I could feel the anger you felt towards the students who hurt you, I felt the same anger towards my father.” She told them, her voice taking a dark turn.
“Ten years ago, my mother passed away, she was killed by... something, I’m not sure what. My father was human, she was a banshee, he didn’t know anything about the supernatural world and I’m sure that if I grew up, I would have been something similar to my mother.” She started her story to be interrupted.
“What do you mean, if you grew up?” Isaac asked.
(y/n) sighed and continued. “When my mother died, my father could hardly stand to look at me, eventually it became too much, he took me to the family mausoleum and locked the door behind me, leaving me to die.” She finished, a wistful look on her face.
Erica gasped and the boys looked horrified. Derek looked up at the Arae with a look on his face and opened his mouth to ask her. “No.” She immediately said. “I refuse to join any pack, I will happily protect you and your Betas, but I am also going to protect Scott and Stiles.”
Feeling herself begin to grow tired, she released her hold on her Spirit Form, feeling her eyes return to their natural (e/c), her wings fading into her back and her feathered clothes disappearing, leaving her naked as she blacked out.
I know it has been a while! I am so sorry! I made this chapter slightly longer to atone and you finally know what you are. An Arae! I do have an image of what was described as an Arae, I think it is supposed to be more artistic but I fell in love with it so let me know if you want to see it!
Once again, I love you guys!!! Xxx
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valkerymillenia · 4 years
Umbrella Academy
season 2, episode 7
More thoughts and live blogged reactions.
1982. I'm assuming Five used a briefcase... But in s1 we saw that the briefcase travels are tracked (Hazel and Cha-Cha got reprimanded for Klaus's Vietnam trip) so I'm not sure how the board doesn't know someone is coming... I might be overthinking.
Five being creepy.
Is that a Fudge Nutter like Handler mentioned in season 1? Oh, it is.
Jesus, Five! Anger management for you, old man.
AAHH! THEY LET FIVE SAY FUCK! Fucking finally! 🤣
How did nobody notice that destruction? 😆
Oh, the axe! Is Five going to go all American psycho? Because I'd love to see that.
That smile!
Is he using tiny time travel bursts like Reggie said? Or a briefcase? Or is he just that fast?
AJ hiding under the table 😆
Pausing to drink water and grin, what a psycho, I love him.
He's definitely using time jumps but they are so controlled that I'm guessing briefcase or Handler little time stopping trick. I'm so proud of my mass murder baby.
... Vending machine? Lady, you have interesting priorities.
Wait! AJ's human body feels pain? How?
Please make Five swallow the fish like in the comics! Please, please, please, please.
The dancers are just like
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I LOVE FIVE! The lengths this little killer will go for his family are unbelievable, nobody should ever doubt his love and devotion for them ever again.
This whole murder scene was incredible and Five's obvious glee made it even better. FEAR HIM!
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Jesus, Klaus is so afraid of being possessed that he's afraid to sleep and Ben just mocks him? 😘💋 I get that this is supposed to be a funny 'brothers messing with each other' kind of thing but Klaus feels so unsafe that it makes me uncomfortable. What happened to you, Ben, when did you become so dark? You were the nice one!
Ben just getting closer and closer every time Klaus closes his eyes just gave me Doctor Who flashbacks.
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"I hate your face" "I hate all of you" - Don't say that boys! You know you love each other.
Ok, Ben has a point. I'm actually liking this conversation. And I'm liking that Klaus is starting to understand his brother.
Ok, this is such a brother conversation. And Klaus constantly pretending not to know who Jill is 😆
Ground rules... Well, at least it's consensual now. That's something. See? Communication works.
Damn, the tension at the lunch table cut be cut with a knife. I'm scared what Carl is going to do.
Ray and Allison have a lovely relationship but I finally identified the problem, the tension I was feeling between since them a few eps back. It's not about Allison's secrets at all, is about Ray being so obsessed with his crusade that he completely overlooks Allison's feelings, he only pays attention to her when they are on the page about the mission. He sees her powers and his first thought is 'we could use this for the cause', Allison is clearly distressed and sad and even says she doesn't feel well and all he can think about is the damn JFK meeting. He's not a bad person and he's not doing it on purpose but he has a workaholic one-track mind that could easy turn into neglect for Allison. He clearly loves her and I'm rooting for them so much but I know that if asked to choose between Allison and his cause, he'll pick his cause.
So Five is done with the killing. I figured this might weigh on his conscience, it's one thing to kill for a greater good or survival, coldly and detached, it's another thing to slaughter for selfish reasons (even if his selfish reasons are a greater good).
Handler going all mom on him and wiping his face. 😆
"What I did today, I did for my family" -we know, baby, and they better respect you for it. You love then so much.
90 minutes??? Wtf, I knew Handler would try to screw Five over but that's just cruel, she's forcing him to uproot the family without even giving them time to say goodbye and that's even IF he can get to all of them on time.
It's not a name, you idiots. Also, that's Olga, not öga.
Don't harass the poor woman... Oh God, you guys are such morons... Diego, you dramatic little bitch...
"Wrong number. Have a lovely day" 🤣🤣🤣
I love the new dumbass buddy cop dynamic between Diego and Luther. This is the sort of positive brotherly dynamic they always should have had instead of being pitted against each other all their lives.
"you have some blood on you" "a lot of blood, actually. Five, what did you do?" -the casual, mildly annoyed way they ask is hilarious, if they knew what he did they'd be horrified (and possibly impressed).
Handler's militaristic chic dress is fabulous. I personally don't like it very much (or the message it sends) but it's haute couture and incredibly designed. Also, the bleached hair is back!
"any questions?" And then she leaves without listening. Power move 😏
Luther trying to comfort Diego like the dork he is. 🤣
Really though, I feel bad for Diego, and Five is under so much pressure that I don't blame him for snapping.
"I'm shy" -are you, Klaus? Are you really? You keep walking around in underwear in front of dozens of people, you're not shy.
So is Klaus lactose intolerant?
Ok, so far the possession thing is not as bad as some people were claiming. So far.
"stay focused" *giggle* -oh Ben, you dork 😆
Ahah, Ben enjoying all the different sensory stimuli. Adorable. He's just so happy, poor boy.
Dirt angels. SO CUTE ❤️
I know this all supposed to be cute and all but it would also be a perfect moment for Ben for experience Klaus's powers (the constant hauntings) as well as his addiction and the claustrophobic expectations of the cult. It would be an excellent chance to make Ben understand why Klaus is the way he is, seeing as Klaus is making a huge effort (and sacrifice) to do the same for Ben. Unfortunately, I don't see that happening because I think they want to keep this part about Ben.
By end of season 1 Klaus cried that people still didn't take him seriously, his compassion despite all his suffering made him likeable and deep, but this season he's back to being the family joke, I don't like that there's no resolution to that. But let's see where this goes, I'm getting ahead of myself.
Oh God, Carl's talk is freaking me out.
"who I am is not a disease" -very powerful LGBT+ statement considering it's the 60s!!!!
Oh, the blackmail...
Everybody keeps expecting Vanya to explode every time she gets emotional but this scene proves how much control she truly has. Respect!
Oh, finally Claire is mentioned! I've been rather upset that Allison hasn't mentioned her daughter even once this season (does Ray even know he has a stepdaughter?) seeing as most of her arc in season 1 revolved around her love and guilt over Claire.
Luther is right when he says they don't get live formal lives because they are special but Allison is even more right when she says that's not fair. This is why this family needs to stick together and love each other, they are the only ones that can really understand each other's struggles.
"hope" -Luther, you really are such a sweet summer child.
OH! I CAN FINALLY SEE ALLISON'S SCAR! The lighting in this scene makes it really obvious. Finally.
Ben and the strawberry. 🤣
"you're different today. You're dorkier" ah! First time anyone called Ben 'Sassy' Hargreeves dorky.
Oh Ben, you're adorable... Wait, "smell your hair"? What the fuck, Ben? You weirdo.
Holy crap! Jill is really forward, isn't she? Hippies, man.
Ben stuttering! 😆🤣 He died a virgin, didn't he?
It's funny but please tell me he isn't actually considering that in his brother's body...
Wait, did Klaus slap him because he doesn't want to have sex or because he's trying to stop Ben from ruining his own chance by saying too much?
Actually, I'm almost sure it's the second one, Klaus is playing wingman on his own body!
Ok so Ben IS a virgin but "you, me and Keechie"? What the fuck, Klaus? You slept with the fanatical crybaby and your brother's crush????
"Klaus, you're so filthy!" "Yes, you are, daddy." -Ben, this girl is not right for you. Run, boy!
Wait, AJ can speak without the body/suit/whatever?
Handler is going a little bit fascist dictator, isn't she?
Gotta admit, Handler really is such a mom in her own twisted way.
Ben giggling when he talks to Diego. Cute.
"Luther sniffs Dad's underwear" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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I need all the siblings hugging Ben now!
"you stay in this body, we need someone responsible behind the wheel" -Diego, I understand what you mean given the situation, but you playing obvious favorites between your brothers when free will and body autonomy are on the line is a little creepy.
"no one is insignificant" -that line is so loaded when used on Vanya.
Oh no, Vanya and Five playing the blame game is so bad... They used to be so close... They are both under so much pressure, this won't end well.
Oh boy, Five looks like he's on the verge of crying and Vanya sees that! I bet that's why she backed down. 😲😢
The Lila and Diego conversation is heartbreaking without even trying...
Is that Elliot? Is Diego burying Elliot because nobody else will? Diego really does have a heart of gold.
Don't drinkit! I'm pretty sure Lila is drugging you.
Yup, there it is.
What is she planning?
Once again, it's all about the movement with Ray.
"I would take my one year with you over a lifetime with anybody else." 😭 Oh Ray ❤️
But I get the feeling this won't end so easily.
There it is, the Swedes just arrived. And the smart assholes went right for Allison's throat.
You don't need the coffee can, Sissy. The Hargreeves are loaded.
Sissy, hurry up.
BEN, YOU ARE SUCH A 90s KID!!! So the Backstreet Boys are Ben's fault, God, I love this dork 🤣
Come on, Allison, you can fight better than this!
Good girl!
Klaus and Ben running and fighting each other at the same time 😆
Holy shit, that is some Exorcist level vomiting!
Poor Klaus, I totally get Ben's side in this (pretty sure he was trying to save Klaus by getting him to Five ASAP) but this whole thing made me mildly uncomfortable. Klaus just keeps sacrificing for everyone and nobody respects his boundaries.
Holy shit, Allison! That is so cruel! I like it though, so ruthless and vicious. 😈
Problem- Allison can't just leave Ray with a white corpse in the house. Especially not in Texas, death penalty and all.
Oh Sissy, you dumbass. You're a sweetheart but also a dumbass.
Ok, Lila is pretty insane. That's for sure.
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"I don't want to hurt you" - well, Vanya warned them.
My baby is getting really good with her powers.
I hope that hit to the head doesn't give Vanya her memory back, that's so cliché and convenient, or would be really bad writing.
SHIT IS HITTING THE FAN. I'm dying to see more!!!!!!
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gaamagirl565 · 4 years
Matters of the heart ep 9
Matters of the heart
Episode 9
Crying wolf {OPENING CREDITS} {open to sunset in old Corona and the festival of the harvest is occurring; pan to dancing in the village along with people serving drinks; cut to Isaiah sitting by a keg with Draki; cut to Zapada dancing with Varian and start the song “Dance with me”} {Zapada} Come my friends and hit the floor Don’t you worry if you’re rich or poor Raise your mugs and pour the wine Come now darling, dansezi cu mine. As the sky turns crimson gold and is painted with jewels Let us party like fools paying no mind to the rules Let the rhythm take you, as only the music can make you Feel as if you’re on cloud nine Come now darling, dansezi cu mine. Come now darling (x3} Come now darling, dansezi cu mine. {Varian dip kisses her and looks over at Isaiah; he makes his way over to him} Varian: Hey buddy! Isaiah: hey… Varian: don’t you wanna dance? Eat some food?...talk? Isaiah: Nah, I’m good right here… Varian: buddy c’mon you love festivals… Isaiah yeah but I’m...ya know...tired… Varian: Sun’s barely gone down….you feeling okay? You don’t have a fever do ya? {He goes to feel his forehead but Isaiah stops his hand; Varian jumps} Varian: Okay...Okay...hmm..I know what’ll cheer you up Isaiah: oh? Varian: why not join your Grandfather in telling stories to the younger children? Isaiah: ew...kids… Varian: Isaiah you’re a kid… Isaiah: But I’m a better kid...I’m on a level they will never reach… Varian: Please Isaiah? Isaiah: ughhhh...finnnneeee…. {Varian hugs him and smooches his cheek a few times} Isaiah: Ack! Dad! Varian: and Isaiah be nice! Isaiah: i’ll see how I feel… Varian: Isaiah…. Isaiah: finnnee...ruin my fun… {he walks over to a fire pit where Quirin, Nathaniel, and several other children sit} Quirin: Ah, there he is! Nathaniel: I was wondering if you’d show your face here. I mean after the last festival… Isaiah: Aw, well I wanted to be sure you didn’t get frightened. Nathaniel: grr! Quirin: alright, boys settle down… Kid 1: Quirin was gonna tell us the legend of the guardian! Quirin: now I never said- Isaiah: the guardian? Grandpa, you never told me that one. Quirin: I haven’t? Nathaniel: probably cause daddy asked him not to...afraid you’d get too scared hehe Isaiah: Seriously Nathaniel we are sitting in front of a fire, you wanna try your luck? Quirin: Okay! Alright! If I tell you the story will you all settle? Isaiah: Yes, Grandpa… {Isaiah quickly glares at Nathaniel making him jump} Quirin: back before you all were born there was a time when the future of Corona was uncertain...surely you all know the story of the queen’s golden hair? Isaiah: Of course grandpa! Nathaniel: *mockingly* Of course grandpa! Isaiah: Nathaniel I have a Cobra don’t test me! Quirin: Boys, please… Both: Sorry, Sir… Quirin: Back in those days Corona was considered a dangerous place... rocks filled with magic littered the ground and a very dangerous threat.  because the kingdom was dealing with so much as it was crime escalated.  but then one day something changed.  a shadow in the night began lurking.  at first, we were frightened. But the queen protected us.  the Beast was a werewolf.  at first untamable and filled with rage. but somehow in some way the queen managed to tame the Beast.  now as if saying thank you the Beast will lay waste to anyone that threatens Corona.  some say during the night of a full moon you can still hear the Beast howl. Isaiah:  nice story Grandpa... but how do we know Queen Rapunzel really saw a beast? for all we know it was just an ordinary wolf. Nathaniel:  the story about the Queen's golden his hair was true!  everyone in the Kingdom saw it! Isaiah:  so what does that have to do with the Beast? Nathaniel:  well how can you say that this Legend is false when that one is so much harder to believe and has been proven true!? Isaiah:  look I might believe in certain things that are magical.  and sure there are probably some things out there that are unexplainable.  but a human transforming into a wolf at night? really? first of all, the science behind it is naturally impossible you'd have to break your own bones into a canine skeletal structure.  I doubt the human body could handle that all the time. Nathaniel: so are you saying the story is false then? Isaiah: You know what Nathaniel yeah I am! Nathaniel:  did I dare you to go out into the woods!  it's a full moon tonight why not prove it? prove it false. Quirin:  all right that's enough to both of you…. first of all nobody is going to be going into those woods tonight.  Beast or no Beast it was Woods are dangerous at night.  and children shouldn't be out past dark anyway. Understood? { Nathaniel and Isaiah both glare at each other as if having an understanding} Isaiah: yes Grandpa…. { cut to late at night; Isaiah opens the window to his bedroom and lowers a rope; he climbs down wearing a cloak; he turns around coming face to face with Nathaniel} Isaiah: AH-! {Nathaniel covers his mouth} Nathaniel: Shut up!  do you want to wake up the entire Village!? Isaiah: don't do that and I won't scream!  what are you doing here? Nathaniel: I'm obviously coming along. I want to prove to you that the Legends are real… Isaiah: and I'm going to prove to you that there is nothing in those woods but a bunch of trees and little Woodland creatures. Nathaniel: oh whatever… Isaiah: but just in case…. { he takes out some alchemical goo bombs and Nathaniel jumps and backs away} Nathaniel: okay ummm...Did you... make those? Isaiah:  oh for the love of... no!... I stole these from my dad's lab they were made by him... relax. Nathaniel: oh good... wait if you don't believe in the legend why are you taking those with us? Isaiah: are you always this stupid or is today a special occasion?  you heard my grandpa... there are other things in those woods besides a fictional legend.  actual Danger... Bandits,  actual wolves…. Nathaniel: fine you've made your point...So are we going or not? Isaiah: yeah we're going... and you're going to see there's nothing in those woods… { pan upwards to the Moon;  then cut down as they enter the forest} Isaiah:  so here we go….*gulp* Nathaniel: yeah...welp, ladies first… Isaiah: you're right! where are my manners!? go ahead, m’lady! {Nathaniel glares at him and walks in with Isaiah following; The atmosphere is almost dark and oppressive as they slowly make their way through the forest; Nathaniel hears a small boom and jumps} Nathaniel:   Isaiah, what the heck!? Isaiah: Relax they're just small firecrackers. Nathaniel: my question is why you have them in the first place! Isaiah: because you heard the legend... the Beast only attacks things it thinks to be a threat...Well what's more threatening to an animal than something walking around the woods making strange loud noises Nathaniel:  are you daft!?  do you want it to attack us!? Isaiah:  you forget I have the Goo bombs... even if this thing is real and tried to attack us there is no way it could make its way out of a goo trap… Nathaniel:... Sweet Lord I'm going to die today… {cut to Nathaniel cutting branches away; he hears rustling} Nathaniel: very funny Isaiah... you do realize this can cut people right? Isaiah: what on Earth are you talking about? Nathaniel: wasn't that you just now? rustling in the bushes? Isaiah: no that wasn't me….aw are we getting tired?  getting a little sleepy?  starting to hear things? Nathaniel: no I'm serious I heard rustling… Isaiah: it was probably just a squirrel or something we are in the woods… { a loud howl is heard and they both jump} Nathaniel:  Hey loser, last time I checked squirrels don't howl… Isaiah: you realize there are actual wolves in the woods right? {Loud and heavy footsteps begin to approach them} Nathaniel: what is that? { Isaiah takes out a goo bomb  and looks into the trees;  a large black figure is seen walking towards them and then gets up on two legs; growling is heard} Isaiah:... run...RUN! GO! { they both start running with whatever it is chasing them} Nathaniel: so do you believe it now!? Isaiah: oh, would you shut up!?  focus on living, please! { as there running Nathaniel trips and tumbles hurting himself} Nathaniel: Isaiah! { he looks back to see the Beast coming closer} Nathaniel: Isaiah, help! { Isaiah pauses for a second looking towards the exit to the forest and Nathaniel;  he groans and runs back to Nathaniel slinging his arm around his shoulder} Isaiah:  come on we got to move! { they move as fast as they can towards the exit before the Beast jumps in front of it growling;  they both look up whimpering And sink to the ground} Nathaniel:.... Isaiah... I'm sorry… {He grabs his hand} Isaiah:  Yeah… me too… { they both huddle together and shut their eyes away from the Beast waiting for the inevitable;  the werewolf bends down and sniffs them both and suddenly looks confused;  making a low grumble the wolf  picks up Nathaniel and he screams; The scream Echoes from the forest waking up the people in the village} Zapada:  what on Earth was that!? Varian:  I don't know… { Varian gets up and runs towards Isaiah's room swinging open the door;  he sees Isaiah's bedroom window open with the Rope still hanging out of it} Varian: I-Isaiah…? { another scream echoes} Varian: MY BABY! {he runs out of the room and down the stairs; Zapada runs in and gasps at the realization; Cut to Isaiah covering his eyes with his hands and hanging from the wolf's mouth,  Nathaniel rides on its back} Nathaniel: what do we do? Isaiah:...i... I don't know... it might be taking us back to its Lair or something.. Nathaniel: its Lair must be really close to the Village… Isaiah:... why do you say that? Nathaniel: because we're getting closer to the main road Isaiah: what!? { he uncovers his eyes to realize they’re only a block away from the village;  once they get to the main road the wolf sets Isaiah and Nathaniel down;  Isaiah looks up at the wolf it makes eye contact with it;  he reaches up a hand to pet it but hesitates at first the wolf moves its muzzle into his hand} Isaiah: huh...would you look at that... the queen really did tame you… {The wolf backs away and then begins to run back towards the forest} Nathaniel:  what on Earth was any of that!? Isaiah:  I have no clue... it's as if.. it knew we weren't a threat... it doesn't make any sense… {Nathaniel groans in pain} Isaiah:  are you okay? that was quite the tumble you took back there.  I'd almost say that was a new record Nathaniel: Yeah I'm good…. just...it hurts. Isaiah: It looks like you sprained your ankle... come on… ya big baby… { Isaiah slings his arm over his shoulder once again} Nathaniel: thanks loser… { as they get close to the Village they see a group of adults traveling outside of it} Isaiah: DAD! OVER HERE! Varian: huh? ISAIAH! Joseph: NATHANIEL! MY BOY! { they all run over to the children} Quirin:  thank God they're okay… Varian: Where on Earth were you!? Isaiah:... we uhhh…. we were... in the forest… Varian:  the forest!?  what on Earth were you doing in the forest at this time of night!? and alone! Nathaniel:  it's not all his fault sir... Joseph: what!? Nathaniel: we heard Quirin tell a legend earlier tonight... the one about the beast in the forest...I wanted to prove the Beast was real... I went by myself. Isaiah tried to stop me... he saved my life… { Isaiah looks over at Nathaniel shocked} Joseph:  you see how much of a danger your kid is!? Varian:  excuse me? did you not just hear him?  my kid saved your kid’s life! Joseph:  my kid would never go into the forest by himself!  Isaiah must have dared him to do it earlier tonight! Quirin: enough the both of you.  the boys were arguing earlier tonight about whether or not the legend was real and I did tell them to let it go.. {the boys chuckle sheepishly} Quirin:  how this happened doesn't matter... what does matter is that they're okay and unharmed… Joseph:  easy for you to say!  look at my son!  look at his ankle! Nathaniel:  Dad it's just a sprain- Joseph: shush!  I'll deal with you later! Quirin,  when will you learn that your family is a danger to this Village! Quirin: That is ENOUGH! I am sick and tired of you talking about my family as if were lower than you!  my son may have made horrible mistakes in the past but he has been making up for them!  and as for my grandson, he is a child! And trust me he will be dealt with.  but I swear Joseph if I hear one more word out of you there will be hell to pay. { Joseph and Quirin glare each other down before Joseph takes the arm of his son and pulls him away} Joseph: fine... but I'm not having my son be around that.. that... freak that you call a son... mark my words, Quirin... it's only a matter of time before something happens that can't be repaired! {Joseph walks away with his son in tow} Nathaniel:...bye… Isaiah:....bye… Varian: Isaiah what were you thinking... if you knew Nathaniel was doing something you should have told an adult not gone off by yourself… Isaiah:... Varian: Isaiah?  did you hear me? Quirin:  Isaiah answer your father! Isaiah:  Nathaniel lied… Quirin: what? Isaiah:  it was my fault too... we both made the Dare.. we both went out there together... and we were both almost killed... I lured the Beast out of hiding... it was going to kill us.. I'm sure of it. but for some reason, it didn't.  it took us to the main road and left us there.  I don't understand. Quirin: Isaiah you shouldn't go looking for trouble like that.  the reason the Beast didn't kill you is because you're children. You're no threat. and you shouldn't walk around trying to be one either. Isaiah: I'm sorry… Varian:  I'm just glad you're okay.. don't ever scare me like that again. Promise? Isaiah:  yeah…. {Pan off towards the trees and Cass looking out from them} Isaiah:  promise…. {END CREDITS}
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particularemu · 4 years
WIP Update #3
Okay so It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these, and I thought I’d give you guys an update considering I haven’t been writing lately because I feel like death. 
I’m going to try and write some tonight, but I can’t promise anything. I’ve been super sick. 
Right now, here’s what I’m working on. What are you looking forward to seeing?
1. Since You’ve Been Gone | A Hwang Hyunjin Scenario
— After waking up, Hyunjin can’t help but wonder where you were. Wait… Why did his head hurt so bad? 
CURRENTLY: Ready to Post
2. Seungmin Kinks {REQUESTED}
— A list of kinks for Kim Seungmin
CURRENTLY: Ready to Post
3. Midnight Farewell | A Kim Woojin Scenario {REQUESTED}
— Woojin had been missing for a while, but he comes to say farewell. You can’t help but wonder if you were dreaming, or if he really did come to say goodbye. 
CURRENTLY: Ready to Post
4. NSFW Alphabet | Lee Minho/Lee Know
— A-Z smut headcannons of Lee Minho. Complete with short lil blurbs so the headcannons aren’t boring. 
CURRENTLY: Stuck for no reason in particular. I haven’t touched this one in a while. 
5. Paint Drips and Chocolate Chips | A Hwang Hyunjin Scenario
— Being a virgin who’s less than perfect is extremely stressful when you have the most beautiful man in the world as your boyfriend. Will Hyunjin be able to give you confidence? 
CURRENTLY: Writing draft numero uno
6. The Purple Giraffe | A Seo Changbin Scenario
— One giraffe, one man, one impossible amusement park game. Will Changbin be able to win the rigged game? Or will he have to find another way?
Note: This summary is shit, but the fic is cute so stay tuned. 
CURRENTLY: Stuck. I haven’t been in the mood to write something amusement park-y and I’ve never been to one so this one has been a toughy
7. The 5 Stages of Grief | A Bang Chan Scenario
— After losing a friend, you were completely distraught. So you decided to do what was best and call your boyfriend to help you through it. 
CURRENTLY: Re-writing the damn thing. The first plot was garbage.
8. Brokenhearted | A Lee Minho Scenario {REQUESTED}
— Being in love with your best friend was pure torture — especially when you’ve already confessed in the past. You tried to suppress your feelings, but one day they were too difficult to handle. Will this time be different? Or will he still not feel the same way?
CURRENTLY: Working on draft 3
9. All That Was Lost | A Han Jisung Scenario {REQUESTED}
— After a tragic loss, you avoided confiding in Jisung. Eventually the truth was impossible to hide. Will Sungie be mad? You just hope he’d understand.  
CURRENTLY: Stuck, but trying to push through to draft 1
10. You're Okay | A Han Jisung Scenario
— Out of nowhere, Jisung experiences some mad anxiety. He doesn’t feel like talking to the boys,  actually, he doesn’t feel like talking to you either. All he knows is that he wants you next to him to help him move past this anxiety episode. 
Note: I created this when we first heard about Sungie and his anxiety, but naturally I wrote a paragraph and LEFT IT FOR MONTHS smh. 
CURRENTLY: Stuck, but trying to push through to draft 3
11. NSFW Alphabet | Hwang Hyunjin
— A-Z smut headcannons of Hwang Hyunjin. Complete with short lil blurbs after each letter to add a lil somethin somethin to the headcannons. 
CURRENTLY: Finishing up the last few blurbs and regretting the decision to add blurbs 
12. Roommates | A Hwang Hyunjin Scenario {REQUESTED}
— Hyunjin fell in love with his roommate out of the blue one day, and instead of keeping it to himself, he decided to tell you. What happens when his sweet little roommate confesses she’s been craving him since Day 1?
CURRENTLY: Stuck, but trying to push forward to draft 2
13. Ace of Spades | A Han Jisung Scenario {REQUESTED}
— Jisung tried to keep the mafia life away from his wife and child. When his sweet little daughter gets kidnapped, he goes through hell to try and get her back. Will he find her? Or is it too late?
CURRENTLY: Stuck, but trying to push on to draft 1
14. Soft For You | A Lee Minho/Lee Know Scenario 
— Minho noticed your mood drop over the past few weeks. Naturally he tries everything he can to make you feel better, including a ton of chocolate and a shoulder to cry on. 
CURRENTLY: Outlining
15. Firsts | A Seo Changbin Scenario {REQUESTED}
— After months of gathering courage, you finally approach your boyfriend about having sex for the first time. 
CURRENTLY: Outlining
16. Freckles | A Lee Felix Scenario {REQUESTED}
— You always loved Felix’s freckles. After a passionate love-making session you decided to count them all. How many freckles does Felix actually have?
CURRENTLY: Writing draft 1
17. Bruised | A Lee Felix Scenario {REQUESTED}
— Felix comes home to a ransacked apartment and blood on the floor. His first instinct is to rush out the door and find you. Will you be okay? Or will he find himself alone?
CURRENTLY: Stuck, but trying to finish the damn thing
18. Smoke Filled Room | A Seo Changbin Scenario
— Your best friend drags you to a party to help you get over a horrible breakup. What happens when she introduces you to a short little man with a husky voice and a kind personality? 
CURRENTLY: Stuck and struggling with the party scene atm
19. That Special Kind of Love | A Bang Chan Scenario {REQUESTED}
— You and Chan have been best friends for years. One day, you hopped in his bed and cuddled with him. What happens when his mom congratulates you guys on your new relationship?
CURRENTLY: Stuck af, not sold on the plot, passive aggressively editing 
20. I Hate Everything About You | A Hwang Hyunjin Scenario {REQUESTED}
— You absolutely hated Hwang Hyunjin and his perfect hair and his perfect face. Okay, so you would like Hyunjin if he didn’t feel the need to bicker with you 24/7. After a heated argument, things go too far. What happens when you wake up in his bed the next morning?
CURRENTLY: Plotting the fuck outta that shit and excited to work on it
21. Chokehold | A Lee Know/Lee Minho Scenario
— After talking to your boyfriend about a certain kink you had, the two of you decided to try it out. 
CURRENTLY: Writing draft 1
22. Needy | A Han Jisung Scenario {REQUESTED} 
— Having an idol boyfriend was no easy feat. You had to deal with him being gone months at a time. As soon as your boyfriend shows up at your door, you practically shove him to your bed, eager to be close to him after all those months away. 
CURRENTLY: Plotting and outlining
23. Sweet Little Lies | A Han Jisung Scenario  {REQUESTED}
— After overhearing your boyfriend talk about you to his friends, you two end up in a small fight. You were hurt by the degrading things he said, and he felt horrible for hurting you. Will y’all be able to figure that shit out? Yes… Yes you will. 
CURRENTLY: Plotting and outlining
24. Best In The Show | A Bang Chan Scenario {REQUESTED}
— Seeing Chan in his low-cut performance outfit made you hornier than you expected. Instead of being rational and waiting, you pull your boyfriend into a closet and hope he fucks you senseless. 
CURRENTLY: Plotting and outlining
25. Standing Ovation | A Hwang Hyunjin and Kim Seungmin Scenario {REQUESTED}
— You and your boyfriends decide to try public sex for your next camming session. Where would be the perfect place? A hotel hot springs of course!
CURRENTLY: Plotting and outlining
26. A Friend in Need | A Lee Felix Scenario {REQUESTED}
— After a hopeless break-up, you decide that you need to get laid. Felix convinces you that being Friends with Benefits is a better idea, but he tells you that he doesn’t want you falling in love with him. Too bad you were in love with him from the start. 
CURRENTLY: Plotting and outlining
27. Skinny Dipping | A Hwang Hyunjin Scenario {REQUESTED}
— After hearing that your boyfriend has never been camping, you decide to take him on a camping trip near your hometown. The two of you hike over to a secluded lake, admiring the small waterfall. Has your boyfriend ever been skinny dipping? No. Are you about to force him to? Of course :3 
CURRENTLY: Plotting and outlining
28. Stray Kids Pornstar Series | Kim Woojin | Brat Tamer
— Oh how you loved acting up when Woojin was in charge. You couldn’t help yourself. He was so fun to tease. Well… until you ended up over his lap, receiving your punishment for being such a brat. 
CURRENTLY: Writing draft 1
29. Stray Kids Pornstar Series | Bang Chan | Daddy Kink
— You never really had a daddy kink until you met Chan. Now all you wanted was to bend down on your knees and do all the dirty things daddy wanted. 
CURRENTLY: Writing draft 1
30. Stray Kids Pornstar Series | Lee Minho/Lee Know | Extreme Bondage + Overstimulation
— Lee Minho was a sadist. Sucking dick was difficult when the fucker kept turning up the setting on the vibrator. How many orgasms would it take for you to get Minho to cum?
CURRENTLY: Writing draft 1
31. Stray Kids Pornstar Series | Seo Changbin | Deepthroating + Humiliation
— You’ve always loved taking cocks in your mouth, but there’s nothing better than being forced to gag on this sexy man’s cock. 
CURRENTLY: Plotting and outlining
32. Stray Kids Pornstar Series | Hwang Hyunjin | Pegging + Overstimulation 
— You’ve never met a subby boy in your entire life, yet here he was, Hwang Hyunjin in his glory, waiting for you to ruin him. You couldn’t deny his request. After all, he asked nicely like a good boy. 
I’m cringing at my own descriptions ugh.
CURRENTLY: Plotting and outlining
33. Stray Kids Pornstar Series | Han Jisung: Exhibitionism + Threesome {Featuring Lee Minho}
— You’ve always wanted to be ruined in front of a group of people. Han Jisung gives you your wish. Wait… What’s Minho doing?
CURRENTLY: Plotting and outlining
34. Stray Kids Pornstar Series | Lee Felix | Orgasm Control + Toys + Bondage + Wax Play + Sensory Deprivation
— Lee Felix is a tease. You can’t help but keen at the torturous pleasure he brings. If only you could see him as he ruins you. 
CURRENTLY: Plotting and outlining
35. Stray Kids Pornstar Series | Kim Seungmin: Shibari
— Kim Seungmin is an expert at Shibari, and you’re his next victim. The boy knows exactly how to tie you up and subdue you until you’re a sobbing mess. Too bad you can’t move your arms!
CURRENTLY: Plotting and outlining
36. Stray Kids Pornstar Series | Yang Jeongin | Amateur <---- I’m still not sold on creating this. 
— Jeongin is brand new to the industry and needs some help during his first scene. Looks like it’s your turn to take the lead! 
CURRENTLY: Plotting and outlining
37. Insanity | A Hwang Hyunjin Series Part 4
— Sorry! To keep the plot a surprise I’m not going to provide descriptions for each Insanity part
CURRENTLY: Writing draft 2
38. Insanity | A Hwang Hyunjin Series Part 5
CURRENTLY: Writing draft 2
39. Insanity | A Hwang Hyunjin Series Part 6
CURRENTLY: Writing draft 1
40. Insanity | A Hwang Hyunjin Series Part 7
CURRENTLY: Writing draft 1
41. Insanity | A Hwang Hyunjin Series Part 8
CURRENTLY: Writing draft 1
42. Insanity | A Hwang Hyunjin Series Part 9
CURRENTLY: Writing draft 1
43. Insanity | A Hwang Hyunjin Series Part 10
CURRENTLY: Writing draft 1
44. Insanity | A Hwang Hyunjin Series Epilogue
CURRENTLY: Writing draft 4
45. War Amongst The Living | A Hwang Hyunjin Series
— The world has gone to hell. Your companion Asher left you to die. What happens when an ebony-haired man comes to your rescue?
CURRENTLY: Writing draft 2
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justbtsstuffsforfun · 5 years
Harder than it Looks
Pairing : Taehyung x Jin
WC: 6,240
Warnings:  Mentions of rape.
A/N: Forgive me for my pathetic title. And I’m nervous.
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“Where is Jin-hyung?” Taehyung asked, scanning the crowd. Having been promised that the latter would come and pick him up, it was only natural for him to ask about his missing boyfriend.
“Hyung is…a bit busy.” Yoongi replied, maintaining the stability in his voice while answering Taehyung. He’s definitely not gonna let this poor cub know about the hyung’s condition.
“Then let’s go to his filming site! We can go and surprise him!!” Taehyung clapped in excitement. No way was he going to miss the surprised look on the older man’s face.
“No. Tae-tae needs rest. Carry gramps Yoongi back to the car.”
“Hyung, I’m the one that needs rest and- Hey!” Taehyung fake-exclaimed, seeing his hyung climb on to his back. Damn, it’s been too long since he felt this excited to carry Yoongi again.
“Hyung cut some slack for this 31-year old kid!” Taehyung pouted, adjusting his backpack and the sloth-like Yoongi. “And what about my mask? People might recognize me.”
“Mask? You look like a caveman with that thick beard. No one would even imag-“
“OH, MY GODS! THAT’S KIM TAEHYUNG!” a petite woman screamed in excitement.
“AHHH!! TAEHYUNGIE WITH A BEARD!! AHH!!!” another joined.
“YOONGI OPPA LOOKS LIKE A KITTEN!!” the third one started bawling her eyes out in astonishment.
“And this is why I should never listen to Hoseok. Run towards my car in that corner!” Yoongi face palmed himself and hid his face on Taehyung’s shoulder.
 “L-leave meee, I have to gooo. Tae babe’s waiting.” Jin slurred, chugging in another mug of beer. “He’ll see me and break up immediately. I’m so ugly, fat, blond, no muscle, blah blah blah.”
“Hyung, I get the fact that you’re worried but seriously, why would you call yourself ugly and fat when you’re neither?” Joon asked, pulling the older away from the kitchen counter. “And for God’s sake, what has got you so upset huh?”
“Tae baby will run away from me.”
“No, he won’t. In fact, he’ll run towards you. No stop drinkin-”
Clang! There goes one of Jin’s favorite plates. Namjoon quickly pulled the light-weighted man to the couch.
“Hyung, please don’t break your favorite stuff one by one. You’ll end up regretting.”
“Tae-baby will break my heart.”
“WILL YOU STOP WITH TAE BABY? It’s cringy hyung!”
“I waaant beer. Gimme a kiss. Come here.”
“And I’m not your Tae-baby hyung!” Joon smacks Jin’s head in frustration. “Stay here for a while. I’ll make a call and-“
“WILL YOU STOP!” Namjoon literally blew up, confusing Jin. “Stay here Jin-hyung, I’m calling Yoongi-hyung”
Namjoon quickly walked to the corner of the room, dialing Yoongi’s number. It’s been quite long since the two of them saw Seokjin so drunk and wasted.
It had all started when Jin’s drama director had personally contacted Namjoon in the bakery that afternoon.
“What! Jin didn’t show up for 3 days?!” Namjoon almost crushed the macaroons on hearing the news. “That’s strange. He always returns missed calls and messages.”
“Really? Is he sick? He hasn’t picked up any of my phone calls!” the director asked, a bit confused. Jin quickly became people’s favorite actor after his debut drama.
“Really?! Gosh, I’ll check up on him today.”
And, as Jungkook’s and Jimin’s train was arriving in 20 mins (Hoseok’s going to get them), Namjoon had no choice but to pull the busy Yoongi-hyung along with him.
And Yoongi thought his idea-less -day couldn’t get worse.
The smell of alcohol and beer welcomed them as soon as they opened his apartment door. And right on the floor was Jin, with god-knows-which-mug and the third empty bottle.
“What in the world?” Namjoon exclaimed which also, somehow, brought Jin back to planet earth.
“Pick up Taeehyungie,” Jin called out, searching for his car keys on the floor.
“On it. Take care, Namjoon.”
And that’s how Namjoon was left alone with poor, depressed Jin.
“Hyung! Please come fast.  Jin needs help and pep talk.” Namjoon quickly took a glance at Jin, who had now made himself comfortable on the couch.
“Yah, his baby is dozing off right next to me. Don’t be so loud!” Yoongi whisper-barked on the phone. “I’ll drop him and come.”
“Jooon,” Jin called out. He was staring at Namjoon with his blood-shot eyes, pleading for the younger man’s presence beside him.
“What is it hyung?” Namjoon quickly cut the phone and rushed beside the dark-haired man.
“I’m sorry.”
“Finally back to your senses huh?” Joon gave a small smile, letting his hyung know that the apology has been accepted.
“I wanted to drink so that I could sleep.”
“I know. At least pick up your director’s calls man. Don’t scare us like this.”
“What’s troubling you so much hyung?”
“What if Taehyung leaves me?”
“Why would he?” Yoongi asked, locking the main door. “He was practically nagging me to take him to the shooting site. He wanted to surprise you.”
“But guys, wh-what happens after that? You know how much Tae wanted me to wait? I-I literally betrayed him!” Jin choked towards the end of his sentence.
“Drinking isn’t going to change the result hyung. You should talk to him about it.”
“I’m scared. I don’t want him crying his eyes out like before.”
“Hyung, our Taehyungie has matured a lot since debut days.” Yoongi tossed him the painkillers and the bottle of water. “So stop overthinking and trust that guy. He loves you a lot.”
“Anyways…we have to leave now,” Namjoon replied, after reading the message. “PD-nim wants us there. We’ll finally have a meeting tomorrow with the seven of us.” The two of them put on their standard hoodies and black masks. “Try to make it, please?”
“Yeah. I’ll try. And guys?”
“Yeah?” the two of them turned in unison.
“Promise me you’ll be with Taehyung no matter what happens.”
“Hyung shut the fuck up,” Yoongi answered back. “The 5 of us will support your ugly asses no matter how hard things get. We are supporting now too, aren’t we?”
“Just go sleep peacefully hyung. Tomorrow might surprise you.” Namjoon smiled, slowly closing the door.
“Yeah, surprise,” Seokjin repeated those words loudly in his now empty room. And within an hour, the brightly lit, alcohol smelling flat turned pitch black, with a figure walking out of the building, praying no one notices his absence.
 “Jungkook-ah, you seriously have to watch Jin-hyung drama! Like damn, the way he acts as the waiter is so priceless; any girl would fall for him!” Jimin jumped like a happy dog in excitement. Jungkook, on the other hand, was busy doing his push-ups.
“Don’t forget about guys, Jimin.” Hoseok reminded the latter while tying his shoelace. “You know, Jeong Jaehyun was so damn ready to ask out Jin after watching the first episode! God, you should’ve seen hyung’s face he was-“
“WHERE THE FUCK IS KIM SEOKJIN!” a loud, deep voice interrupted Hosek’s chirpy, happy tone.
“Chill Taehyung, do you miss him-Holy shit!” Looking at Taehyung disheveled condition, Jimin immediately ran towards him, almost tripping over his own shoes he had thrown across the floor.
“What happened?” Hoseok followed Jimin, quickly wrapping his hands over the messy guy.
Taehyung pursed his lips, trying really hard not to shed a single tear on this special day. They were finally spending time together after 5 long years and here he was in his pajamas and sleep-deprived, swollen eyes, ready to ruin the mood of the studio.
“N-nothing.” Taehyung replied, putting on his best fake smile.
“Yeah sure. Hyung, you would never come to the studios in pajamas if it was nothing.” Jungkook pointed the obvious out in a matter-of-fact tone.
“Taehyung-ah, tell us. I’ll bash Jin-hyung for you.” Hoseok moved on to hold Taehyung’s hands that were miserably bitten and sore.
“Hyung, J-Jin hyung-” Not being able to speak another word, he thrust his phone onto Jimin’s hand and ran to the washroom.
“Hyung, wait,” Jungkook called out and followed the older man to comfort him.
“Seriously guys, it’s been 5 years since the 7 of us met and you guys are al-“Yoongi abruptly stopped, almost pouring a bit of his Americano on his white sneakers. “Why are you guys gaping at me like you’re seeing my soul?”
“H-hyung, read this.” Jimin quickly handed him the phone, unable to digest the messages on the screen.
 Nothing made sense to Kim Taehyung. Tears were streaming down his eyes. His lips were constantly quivering. In addition to his beautiful condition, he had successfully managed to ruin their reunion, even before it could start. And to add up to all this, Jin never showed up.
Namjoon and Yoongi were sitting; gaping at each other, wondering the exact reason why Jin was drinking last night. That’s when they realized that they’d been perfectly fooled by their hyung really act.
“Tae…we’re so so sorry.” Namjoon patted him on the head, which slowly turned to soft strokes. Tae didn’t know how to react. Well, it would be safe to say that he really couldn’t process anything after reading the message.
Taehyungie, I’m sorry but I’ve lost interest in you. Since I love myself a tad bit more than how much I love you, I’m breaking up with you.
Please don’t follow or search for me as you would be wasting your precious time and energy. Also, please don’t waste time sending messages or trying to convince me to get back with you, since my feelings for you have become insignificant.
Do take care of your health and mind. Health is really important for a beautiful looking man like you.
I wish you the best of luck for your future goals and achievements. Do not message back. I won’t reply to any of your messages.
Take care of the members. Make sure they take care of you.
“So does this mean he’s going to leave Bangtan too?” Jungkook asked, his voice completely depressed and upset.
“He didn’t tell us anything about it last night.” Namjoon quietly told them. He and Yoongi then recalled the entire scene in front of the men. How their oldest hyung was a mess. How he kept calling Taehyung’s name over and over, fearing that he would break up with Jin.
After 10 mins of dead silence in that room, Taehyung asked “Hobi hyung, can we check his house and workplace. Please? I would really like to wish him good luck. I know he h-hates me b-but I just…” Tears don’t seem to stop falling from the young man’s eyes. He had never really expected or imagined that his Jin would one day forget about all those memories they had made together. Didn’t the bracelet mean anything? Were they supposed to end like this, with the world thinking that they were fan service all along?
“Hyung, let me join you too. I don’t know what happened to Jin-hyung but he made me stay. Now it’s my turn to do the same.” Kook sniffed.
“Kookie, I know you have your reasons sweetheart but Tae-tae should be the one to talk and settle things with hyung.” Jimin held his hand, to stop the maknae from getting up. Namjoon nodded in agreement.
“Okay then. Taehyung, get changed. You can’t walk to his office like this.” Hoseok got up from the floor and walked out of the room, to get changed and screw Jin for one last time.
 “Manager-nim, I would be taking leave for a month.”
“Seokjin! First, you don’t return my calls for 3 days straight and now you want a holiday? Is your success getting to your head?”
“No hyung, it’s just…you know there has been a lot going right? There are a few people who aren’t really happy about me coming out!”
Director Sooshim pushed his specs over his nose bridge. Jin did have a point there. Even though he was pretty supportive of this newbie star, many people in the office itself had trouble accepting him for who he was. People still have a long way to go, unfortunately.
“Fine Jin-ah, I’ll give you. But, the moment you returned back, I will make full use of your presence. You’ll have to take up more than 4 roles in different dramas.”
“Aish, you and PD-nim never go easy on me.” Jin smiled at their similarity. “Fine. As long as it benefits me, I’m cool.”
“Good. See you in a month then!”
Jin quickly put on his mask and walked out of the room. Now, the only thing that remained was getting a ticket to Gwacheon.
He decided to take a short visit to his room on his way back to pick up something. Something that might be of no use for him from now on. A necessity to memory, he mused.
He wanted to show Taehyung his newly renovated room. It was bright blue, just the way he would like it to be. In the far corner, towards the window were the plants they had bought together. It was almost time for the lilies to bloom. Tae might tear up looking at them.
But right now, none of it mattered.
Jin slowly walked up to his desk. For one last time, he opened the left-middle drawer. There it was, his favorite pic with the man of his life, right at the heart of Paris.
He could literally feel that sick feeling rushing up his throat. That crazy feeling which he had been trying to subdue since last night once he broke up with Taehyung. Jin slowly moved his shaky hands over the picture. He did look exceptionally young, more like 22 when he stood beside Tae.
“I guess that’s how Taehyung makes everyone feel. Young and confident.” Jin chuckled, slowly kicking out the pain within him. He definitely should get out of Seoul, before his feelings take over. Taehyung has to be safe. That’s all.
Just before Jin could throw away all his memories (BTS pics), someone quickly rapped on the main door.
“Come in I’m-“ Jin froze as he saw who it was.
“Oops, did I walk in at the wrong time?” the woman smirked, casually playing with her hair. Jin quickly averted his gaze from her. The last thing he wanted to do was get into another situation.
“Aren’t you going to reply Seokjin?”
“Walk out of the room. I don’t even want-”
“To look at me.” She completed his sentence, smiling to herself. She walked towards Jin, pushing the latter back, till his back made contact with the wall. Jin could feel his legs trembling. 
“Of course. Truth is always harder to accept, Jin” She pouted scanning all the photos on the table. “You are a huge disgrace now. Bangtan would be better without your ugly ass.”
Jin didn’t lookup. He knew she was right. Especially after that happened.
“Wow, you agree. Sluts remain sluts forever I guess.”
“Get the fuck out of here, Soojin,” Jin replied in a shaky voice, his anger at its peak. He’s had enough to deal with this week. All thanks to this pastel yellow-dress woman standing in front of him.
“Lol. Your ugly secret is safe with me. Farewell Actor Kim. Walk out of the this place as fast as you can!” She took off, satisfied that the man had been scarred for the rest of his life.
As soon as the woman left, Jin collapsed onto the floor. For the first time in 33 years, he put his head down in shame, disgust, and fear, praying that none of this affects the other 6, especially Taehyung.
 “I guess this is our last resort.” Hoseok looked up at the tall glass building, which looked exceptionally posh with the 3 pm sun rays falling on it. He turned towards his left, to make sure that the younger man was still holding on.
Taehyung didn’t bother much this time. He had completely lost all hope. He was never going to find Jin. Period. All their moments together were insignificant to him. Jin, that bratty asshole only loved himself. Taehyung was never a permanent part of his life. And neither was Bangtan.
“Hyung, how could he simply throw all of us out of his life without a second thought? I thought we were a…family.” Taehyung quietly asked, not bothering to turn towards Hobi’s direction.
“I know. It’s tearing me apart too Taehyungie” Hoseok took hold of Taehyung’s hand. Upon holding, he noticed that the bracelet was still there. Taehyung was still subconsciously hoping for Jin to return. For all this to be a sick nightmare.
“That’s why we’re here aren’t we? To bring back Jin-hyung!” Hobi’s answer somehow managed to get Tae’s attention. “Taehyung-ah, you know how stupid our hyung can be right? What if he was just pranking? Maybe he’s just testing you. And us.”
Taehyung immediately raised his head at that possibility. A slow, unsure smile started showing up. “If that’s the case, Hobi hyung, let’s kick that ass right in the balls.”
The interior of that building turned out to be even more posh-looking. The crazy chandeliers, white lights, huge ass lobby gave the entire place a more royal look. Taehyung made a mental note to tease Jin with this. Provided they find him and bring him back.
Right on their way to the third floor, the two of them spotted director Sooshim.
“Director!” Taehyung called out, taking quick, long steps to catch up with him. Hobi followed, a bit relieved, finding a known face.
“Taehyung, Hoseok! What a pleasure!” Sooshim quickly bowed. “Is everything alright? The two of you seem to be in-“
“Where’s Jin?” Taehyung quickly cut in, annoying the older man. Noticing the annoyance in his face, Hoseok covered up. “ Sorry hyung, we haven’t really met him these past few days. Taehyung here is just worried.”
“You too?” Sooshim’s face relaxed. “Jin didn’t tell you anything too? Aish that boy.”
“Did you see him hyung?” Taehyung asked, the concerned boyfriend-look plastered all over his face.
“Yes. He has decided to go on a month’s leave. You know, till things settle down.”
“What things?”
“Taehyung, you don’t read the news or what?” Hoseok asked, turning towards him. “Jin came out. People now know that he’s bisexual.”
Taehyung was stunned. Annoyed and stunned, to be more precise. That fool…didn’t they discuss that they would come out together? Like a perfect kiss in front of their fans, something romantic like that?
“When did this happen?” Tae huffed.
“A month back.”
“WHAT?!” Jin definitely didn’t really care about him.
“Yeah… and many people still have problems with it. So he said he would like to take a break till things settle down. Poor boy.”
“Where is his room?” Taehyung asked, his voice taking a dejected low.
“Turn right from here on the sixth floor. You’ll see a bright blue room that screams Jin.” Sooshim laughed.
Well, let’s be honest right here. The two of them never, ever expected all these actors to be their fans. As soon as they reached the sixth floor, a huge crowd blocked their path to Jin’s room. And 80% of the crowd was going crazy over Taehyung’s beard.
After 5 mins of pushing and pulling, Taehyung openly shouted: “Do any of you know where Jin’s room is?”
On hearing Jin’s name, the entire crowd went silent. All of them were staring at each other, in confusion and fear, baffling the two men in the process.
“You guys don’t know Jin?” Hoseok asked looking around to see people’s reaction.
“Who wouldn’t“, someone from the far corner replied. It happened to belong to a mid-forties guy with dirty blond hair. “Come this way.” He gestured them to follow him.
“Why did everyone stop at Jin’s name?” Taehyung asked the man, as soon as they had turned towards the right to the empty corridor.
“Well, …we did have this party where your man became the star. And showed his true colors.” The stranger replied, turning towards them.
“That definitely sounds like our hyung” Hoseok nodded in agreement.
“I know right! His skin was so soft and perfect!”
Taehyung froze at that spot. “Perfect what?”
“Skin. It was so soft and gorgeous. All those bites we added on to it made it look more beautiful. In addition to that, gah, his moans and pleas! That soft, drugged voice of his that was calling for someone to help him could seriously-”
Taehyung didn’t hesitate to punch that man right in his face. In fury, he smashed the guy’s head into the nearby vase. “You sick bastard! How dare you touch him?”
“What else do you expect us to do to sluts like him that can sleep with both guys and girls huh?” the man replied, wincing in pain.
“Call his boyfriend a slut again, I’ll fucking make sure that your ugly dick goes out of use” Hoseok replied ramming his foot on the man’s dick.
“How many more people were there that night? Answer me you bastard!” Taehyung growled pulling that man up by the collar.
“Tw-twelve. Ahh…T-the entire floor was sent a video of it. It hurts, let me go, please.”
“Huh? Let you go? D-didn’t he plead t-the same way that night?” Tears were threatening to fall from Taehyung’s eyes. “And how d-dare you take a video of what you’ve done, you asshole. Who started this entire shit?”
The man gave a blank stare. He knew the consequences. But did he have a choice? The two men standing in front of him were ready to rip him to shreds. Especially that bearded guy.
“Are you gonna tell us?” Hoseok asked cracking his knuckles. “Or would you like us to get it out of you through the hard way. I recommend you not to worry much about the consequences. Either way, the 6 of us will make sure you and all the other bastards rot in jail.”
“Tell me, or else” Taehyung tightened his grip over that man’s neck.
“S-Soojin. It was Soojin.” The man’s face hardened. “She said bisexual assholes like him can take advantage of both men and women. So she and I decided to teach him where he belonged. Now you can see the type of slut he is.”
“Slut?” Taehyung spat out. “You assholes rape him, drug him, bite him and then call him a slut?”
“He walked in the next day like nothing bothered him! He was perfectly enjoying it!”
“You Bastard! You fucking bastard. He wasn’t enjoying it. Nobody enjoys sick things like that. He walked in keeping in mind that he had to finish his part as an actor! That’s how he is! Work and profession is always his first priority!”
“Why don’t you try this on your wife huh? I bet she would have-”
“Taehyung enough!” Hoseok glared. “Don’t bring his wife and children into this. I know you’ ve-“
“Why not? How dare he touch my Jin-hyung!” Taehyung fought back. “H-he did n-nothing hyung. Why does he have to suffer? Why do we have to suffer because of random dumb-fucks who can’t control their shitty desires?”
“This is not the way you handle a situation Taehyung!” Hoseok raised his volume. He knew the younger man’s anger. Forget that, He himself wanted to break all this man’s bones. But, judging the condition and position they had reached as a team, doing something irrational would make them look bad.
“Taehyung-ah, take my car and find Seokjin. I’ll handle the rest, calling the other members.” He tossed his car keys on the latter’s hand. “Go find him before he does something stupid!”
 “Yuck! All trains to Gwacheon are full!” Jin kicked the small pebble out of the cliff in frustration. Even the sun’s beautiful orange glow didn’t seem to make things right today. Watching the sunset from a high place has always brought happiness. No matter how miserable or sad his days were.
“Why can’t you make me feel better today, you stupid sun?” Jin screamed out loud, not expecting anyone to come and witness his actions. “Gah! Why does it have to be like this?! If things didn’t turn out this way, I-I could’ve brought him here! He would be so happy you know?”
“Who would?”
“My boy-” Jin immediately turned to find the owner of the voice. Taehyung was leaning on the trunk of the cherry tree, giving his regular smirk. Jin had to bite his tongue to prevent himself from giggling looking at the young man. That asshole actually grew a beard?
“I told you not to come in search of me.” Jin stiffened, which gave him an indifferent look.
“I do what I want. And how can you assume that I was searching for you? Aren’t you a bit too eager to see me?”
Yes, yes he was. Jin could literally feel his heart clutch looking at the man stand so far away from him. 10 feet becomes a great deal when you don’t touch your love for two years.
“Fine, I’ll leave then. If that’s what you want.” Jin took his backpack in such a hurry that all the photos stuffed within it fell off. God, things were getting out of hand.
“I thought you didn’t want anything more with any of us.” Taehyung smiled, slowly picking up their Paris picture. ”And yet you still have this-“
“Give that back” Jin snatched the pic from his hand, trying his best not to show his fear.
“But it’s mine too hyung. You’re mine too.”
“No-“ Jin flinched when Taehyung’s hand accidentally brushed over his. Jin’s face turned pale, partially in fear and shock at his sudden reflex. “N-Nonono. Shit, I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to- Shit, why did this happen?” Tears broke out of Jin’s eyes. Never in this goddamn world had he expected himself to flinch at his hands. How could he fear the hands he was supposed to feel safe at.
“D-Don’t touch someone as disgusting as me Taehyung-ah, please. I-I don’t even like myself anymore.” Jin sobbed, completely losing whatever control he had. “I-I want to rip every part of my body, every inch of it. D-don’t come near me! Please! Th-they would do the same to you.”
“No one would touch me Jin-ah. And you’re not disgusting. You’ll never be disgusting in my eyes.” Taehyung slowly moved his hands towards Jin’s hair. Seeing no reaction from the latter, he gently stroked it, trying to bring the older man at ease.
“Don’t cry sweetheart, it hurts to see you cry like this.”
“Y-you don’t u-understand!” Seokjin choked.”They-“
“Shh” Taehyung pulled the older man’s head towards his shoulder. He didn’t even realize that tears were falling from his eyes. “I know baby, I made sure those bastards got what they deserved. Especially Soojin.”
“I’m sorry Tae. I’m so so sorry that you have to touch a slut-“
“NO!” Taehyung snapped. “Don’t you dare call yourself that. My boyfriend is not a slut. My angel will never be a slut.”
Boyfriend…yes. Hearing that word, another set of unexplainable emotions engulfed Jin. Realization dawned upon him. He almost threw away the most important part of his life, probably the only part that would help ease the pain and embarrassment.
Taehyung could feel Seokjin’s tears soak his shirt once again. All that pain and grief he had experienced, was now being let out on his shoulder. And he couldn’t do a single thing to make him feel better.
“I broke up with you.” Jin told in between his hiccups.
“And now we’re back together.” Taehyung kissed his head.
After silently remaining in each other’s presence for 10 mins, Jin lifted his head up. “Taehyung-ah, Thank you.” He kissed off Taehyung’s tears, making the younger smile at his improvement. “For accepting me. I would never admit it but, the fear of not being able to see you anymore almost killed me.”
“Well…don’t break up like an ass then. Talk to us.” Taehyung smacked his hyung head, in the name of knocking some sense into him.
“By the way, can I try putting my hand over you? It’s been so long and I just can’t resist myself. I promise I’ll be gentle hyung. Pl-”
Well, let’s just say that Jin had been feeling the same way. Taehyung moaned in pleasure as Jin’s plump, swollen lips crashed onto his. And literally kicked out the word ‘gentle’ from the latter’s dictionary. Although soft, Taehyung’s lips now fought to take control. He slowly bit back on the older man’s lips, creating an entrance for his tongue to explore.
“Tae,” the older man moaned, tightening his grip over Taehyung’s shoulders.
“You’ll be safe,” Taehyung replied, gently caressing Jin’s chin with his empty hand. He then slowly moved down, tickling Seokjin’s neck with his soft pecks, making sure not to leave a single mark on his soft skin. “Hyung is so beautiful. So soft.”
“Gosh, I missed you.” Jin laughed, giving him a quick peck on his cheeks.
“Me too.” Taehyung hummed, resting his head on Jin’s shoulders.
“Do you feel better?”
“Yeah. Really better. And safe.” He slowly wrapped his arms around Tae’s muscular body.
“I love you Taehyung.”
“Love you too, hyung.”
“And I think the five of us here need an explanation for your extremely rational act,” Yoongi called out, a few meters away from the two lovebirds.
“Don’t you dare apologize Jin-hyung” Jungkook ordered him, rubbing his puffy eyes. Jimin and Hoseok were literally throwing daggers at him with their gaze. And Namjoon looked defeated, probably tired of explaining the situation their oldest was in.
Jin heaved a heavy sigh, his hands quickly grabbing Taehyung’s. “Stay here with me okay?” he mumbled tightening his grip over the younger’s hand. Taehyung gave a small nod, resting his hand on Jin’s shoulder.
“I-I know what I did was wrong. So-“
“Wrong?” Jimin questioningly raised his eyebrows. “You made Taehyung cry. Literally, cry.”
“I know and we’ve-“
“No one makes him cry. You made that bloody rule and you-“ Hoseok clenched his fist, his eyes still fixed on Jin.
“I-I didn’t want to hurt him! I really didn’t want to hurt any of you.” Jin teared up, focusing on the dusty floor. “We had gone through so much. We worked so hard. And I didn’t want anything to break our reputation. Namjoon and Yoongi were busy making new songs, and raps. Hobi was teaching other idols. Kook, Tae, and Chim were working. It-It would be selfish of me to throw such a huge bomb on your faces!”
“Nonsense,” Namjoon called out. “We found sleeping pills along with empty beer bottles at your place. How long were you hiding this from us?”
Jin could feel Taehyung’s head turn towards his. “A-A week after I came out.”
“Hyung, I thought we were supposed to share problems. Didn’t you make all of us promise that that night? When I confessed about my dislocation?” Yoongi softly asked, making sure the oldest understood his pain.
“I’m-I-“ Jin choked.
“Jin-ah, cry.” Taehyung nuzzled him. “It’s okay. Cry as much as you want. I’ll cry with you. We’ll cry with you.”
“Let us, please?” Jungkook asked, walking towards Jin. On coming closer, he slowly patted Jin’s head, giving his best teary-bunny-smile.
And for the third time that night, Jin cried. Literally cried like a five-year-old kid. All that pent up fear, frustration, and sadness came out in the form of tears. Every time he tried apologizing for his mistake, more tears fell. But somehow, it felt safe. It felt relieving.
Taehyung just quietly hugged Jin from the back, his tears soaking his boyfriend’s shirt. Jungkook and Namjoon sat beside Jin, the younger resting his head on the oldest’s shoulder while the leader, a bit embarrassed by his tears, silently sat beside his best friend. Hoseok and Yoongi sat opposite to their hyung, with Yoongi on Hoseok’s lap, sobbing miserably, hurt and annoyed at the oldest actions. Jimin found a place between Tae and Jungkook, gently patting Taehyung and resting his head on Jungkook. At times, he also consoled Jin by whispering into his ears.
After silently reliving the entire experience while crying, Jin cleared his throat to get his member’s attention. He knew he had to get over the disgusting feeling within him. And, the only way to do that was: talk. 
“It-It all started when my drama became a huge success. She was jealous, as expected.“ 
“Two days before I had a discussion with Joon about coming out, she blackmailed me with the pic I took in Paris.” Jin took a glance at Taehyung’s startled look. “Yeah Tae, ours.”
“She asked me to leave acting and find another place. Initially, I didn’t give a crap to her words, cause why should I? But then, she made a deal with dispatch…and things went out of control.”
“So you decided to come clean.” Namjoon interrupted. “You told the world you are Bi.”
“Exactly. And it did solve the problem with dispatch, luckily. I guess she probably asked them to stalk me or something. And since my hand had covered a major portion of Tae’s face during that kiss, it was hard for them to recognize him.”
“And then she and some ‘really orthodox’ people decided to put you in the right place. ” Jin sighed, looking at the irritated Yoongi, who completed his sentence.
“Is there any way in which I can make it up to you Yoongi? All of you in fact. I know I screwed up big time and I don’t deserve the six of you after what I did-“
“Hyung.” Jimin smiled. “Shut up please.”
“It’s our fault too. We didn’t do anything to make you feel better.” Namjoon replied, running his hand through his brown hair.
“You should’ve told us, but still, we’re partly at fault.” Hoseok smiled, nudging Yoongi to do the same.
“Hmph!” Yoongi huffed, side-eyeing Jin.
“I’m sorry Yoongi. Really. I promise. No more secrets between us.”
“You cook tonight. I’ll accept your apology if the food tastes good.”
“Fine. Let’s go home then.”
“No. Cook here.”
“Here? Yoongi, I get the fact that you’re pissed but seriously, are you asking me to steal eggs from the bird’s nest?”
“No hyung. Well…since you completely ruined our lovely reunion, we decided to camp out here.” Jimin laughed, patting Yoongi on the head. “It was his idea, by the way.”
“Yah! Don’t embarrass him! He’s trying his best to act all serious.” Hoseok replied, trying really hard not to chuckle.
“Give him some time Jin-hyung” Namjoon replied, putting his hand over the older man. “How about you and me go out and try some really cool cuisines. Just the two of us.”
“Sure! Next week” Jin smiled, secretly eyeing the possessive man who was freaking out in the corner.
“Hey hyung, get the food ready,” Jungkook ordered, setting up a bonfire. “You’ve depleted my energy and ruined my routine!”
“How is it my fault that- yah! Don’t poke me with that twig! Fine fine, I’m going- I SAID I’M GOING JUNGKOOK! Don’t put that thing on me!” Jin playfully smacked the maknae, who was threatening the former with a slug he had found on a branch. And just like that, the depressing mood between the seven lightened up.
 “So…may I know why you were acting so aloof and annoyed around me, Kim Taehyung?” Jin teased, making himself comfortable beside the younger man, who was lying on a mat, looking up at the night sky, free of city lights.
“Go spend time with Namjoon. You didn’t even comment on my beard.” He pouted.
“I have the entire month free. I’ll take you wherever you want.”
“You’re very bad. Every time I try to stay angry with you, you- you lighten up the shitty mood.” Taehyung turned towards Jin, his eyes sparkling. “That’s cheating.”
Jin gave a soft laugh and placed his head on Tae’s chest. And in a matter of few seconds, Jin could feel Taehyung’s thumb trace his lips.
“Why do you love someone like me?”
“Should I have a reason to love you?”
“Shouldn’t there be?”
“I don’t need one. All that matters is that I do.”
“Aish…you’re so simple.” Jin quickly lifted his head and adjusted Tae’s shirt, before looking at him in the eye. “Your turn, lie on me.”
Taehyung quickly got up and made himself comfortable in between Jin’s legs, quickly leaning on his shoulder.
“The beard doesn’t look that bad.” Jin chuckled. “It just becomes extremely annoying when you try to nuzzle or breathe over my neck.”
“Yoongi-hyung said I look like a caveman.” Taehyung pouted.
“Yeah. Definitely.”
“Hyung!” Taehyung whined, making the older give him a quick peck on his forehead. “Caveman or not, you’ll always be mine.”
“Then don’t leave like today. Like I did the last time.” Taehyung immediately turned, his eyes turning serious. More than pain, Jin could feel the latter’s determination, to make things work, in his voice.
“Promise me. That you’ll never leave or hide anything from me. We’ll work it together. No matter how small or big the problem is.” Taehyung slowly held Jin’s hand, caressing the older’s knuckles with his thumb. 
Jin continued to gaze at Taehyung’s hair, a beautiful mess all thanks to the late September wind. There was no way he was going to leave Tae. There was no way he was going to experience that dreadful feeling once again.
“I promise.” Jin smiled, watching the boxy grin creep into the younger’s face. 
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writemywalks · 5 years
Disenfranchised grief
Disclaimer: if stories about people passing triggers you consider NOT reading this post and I won’t be posting people’s name to protect their privacy.
I still remember that January night, me and my father were having an after-dinner chat on his bed. We were expecting a phonecall from the hospital, because that very same morning, we had visited my grandpa who was at the ICU and the last time, we saw him, he was having a hard time breathing. Me, sensing I wouldn’t probably see him again, I grabbed his hand, that moved as if he asked for help, kissed it and told him: “I love you so much granpa”.
Holding back my tears, and exchanching looks with my uncle and my father, we left the building with our chest full of anxiety.
I don’t know how but somehow the bed chat turned out in a self-talk about how much I wanted to see the world and how I felt I was fustrated with my life.
“I so wanna travel” I said repeating the same wish I always say when I hate everything
“Remember you have your second cousin living in NY, I can put you through and you may talk to him, maybe he’ll give you a place to stay” my dad answered me
“Not until granpa gets better or... you know” I said brushing it off “besides I don’t wanna owe nothing to anybody, if I ever visit him, I’ll pay him”
An hour later and my chest, mixed with expectancy and anxiety, we received a phone call at midnight, with a rain outside that seem to devour our house.
It was THAT phone call. 
What we were expecting happened. And even though, I knew what was coming I remember crying a lot and awaiting for the funeral we were having the next day.
It was a very sad day. My another grandpa had tragically died, but I never had the chance to attend his funeral and when one of my closest friends died from cancer I refused to attend his, because I wanted to remember him how he was, full of life and totally devoted to the Lord. Therefore, this was my first experience seeing a dead body. The coldness of his body didn’t impress me, neither the fact that I would never see those deep blue eyes again, but I remember kissing him a lot and having a hard time breathing. It was like my lungs wouldn’t fit in my chest
On a cheerful sidenote, I remember meeting a side of a family I never knew before and the best of all, seeing people I hadn’t seen for almost twenty years. I remember being so glad meeting my dad’s cousin wife who would tell me anecdotes how I behave when I was a kid and how I would listen Xuxa non-stop. 
We burried my grandpa and even though I was sad, I remember feeling satisfied that we have had the best holidays and that, that last year we lived for what it was: his last year on earth.
Weeks went by and then it dawned on me that now nothing held me back from chasing the world and my second cousin came to my mind.
I remember stalking him on instagram and thinking “wow, he’s all I ever wanted to be and he’s a (insert last name that represents a heritage of fustrated people), that’s inspiring”
My friend Florencia and I had been planning a trip together but our schedules and economic situations never matched. When she got the job, I quitted mine. When I was free, her grandma got very sick and so we always pushed our dreams forward.
Finally the planets aligned and I got a job as a teacher and we both set our minds to plan the trip, once for all and she had a destination fixed in her mind: New York. To be honest, I never liked that city. I’ve never been there but I feel it’s just Buenos Aires with a little bit more of glamour and people talking in English but that’s it.
But it sounded like a good oportunity to catch up with my couz and I liked the idea to spend the holidays with someone I would glued to when I was a kid and who had lived in the back of my house the first years of my life. I remember having memories of telling him to wait for me because I wanted to go to the drugstore with him, some memories of playing in the patio and some others, playing hide-and-seek and doing some shinenigans. I love stories of people meeting after the years, so I made a mind note to send him a message.
But I felt awkward, probably he didn’t remember me or worst, it looked like I wanted free housing, so even though I wanted to DM him, I told myself to tell my dad to put me through him. But then my dad had an arrythmia episode and all this trip planning went again back to second plan.
The doctor advised my father to slow down and stress less. When my dad got better and the episodes subsided, I always wanted to bring the trip idea but he always seemed to be tired and not in the mood to talk so, I was always like “Ok, tomorrow, I’ll tell him about it. He must be tired”
Weeks went by and I was always almost about to tell him about the trip but due to the long hours he would be working, all he ever do at home was sleeping.
Independence holiday bridge was coming so my parents took a trip to visit my my mom’s dad grave since she hadn’t gone there since she burried him, so they planned it all out and left that weekend to spending it outside the city. So I told myself one last time:
“The moment he comes back, I’ll ask me to put me through that kid. I definitely will”. So they left and I stayed at my grandma’s house since she also tagged along the road trip. It sounded like a nice weekend.
I remember taking care of my grandma’s pet and making the budget list for the trip we were planning with my friend. I remember going to bed very excited, singing some oldies song and talking a memory lane to 90′s tunes.
The following day I woke up at 1 pm. I grabbed my cellphone and started to check upon my messages, when I came across a message the left me speechless and made my hands to start shaking
“did you know (name) passed away?”
It sounded like a joke. I replied back “are you for real?”
“Yes, I just send my condolences to his mother, she must be devastated. He died in a 4th of July celebration”
Let me be clear, with all this build up to the trip planning it sounds as if I was frustrated that my trip to NY would never happened, but to be honest, this kid had been very present in my thoughts these last years, since I knew about him and I was really eager to catch up and see how we would get along.
A part of me wanted to help, but at this point in time, I was a nobody in his family and even though I wanted to do anything to bring him back home, I didn’t have the power to.
It took almost two weeks to bring him back home from the States and I remember binge-watching the last season of Stranger Things because I knew he liked it. The time I watched the last episode, I felt like I was saying goodbye to something that we would have enjoyed together and kinda connected me to him.
And this is the part when desinfranchised grief starts taking place. I remember once writing down
“My life is a series of desinfranchised grief events that nobody will ever understand” because my life is full of pains that nobody acknolwedge. 
One of the most closest experience I had with it was my post-op. I never went back to the same girl I was before but everyone told me “be happy, you look better and you have no pain, it’s for your good”. But I was “Kid, I don’t fucking care, I wanna dance like I used to. Take this cage out of my body”
And here we were again. I sent his mother any help I could through my aunt but even like that, I wanted to do more but I also didn’t want to bother her in such devastating times. It was good I was on my own that weekend because I remember crying a lot about him. I remember my aunt showing me the last messages they had exchanged and he truly sounded as those magical people you would rarely get to know twice in life.
When my parents came back from their trip, they planned visiting his parents and since I didn’t want to bother I stayed at home. But when they came back hom,  I had to rush to my bathroom to cry after my mom told me about how his family recalled how much he adored me, how he will always be spoiling me “always was giving you kisses” and “ I don’t think you would remember how much of an angel that kid was”.
The day of his funeral was devastating. I know some people say it is the same an anticipated death and a sudden death. But to be honest, having to burry somebody who loved life and had so many dreams yet to fulfill sounded as a destiny joke. We all cried over that mother who lost her kid and I felt really guilty crying bitterly in front of her because I wouldn’t stop, when if you really think about it, I didn’t have a reason to.
Did I have memories with him? Yes, but I barely remembered them
How long since I last saw him? Almost two decades
I hope I didn’t make his family uncomfortable because my tears were real because I realized that what I perceived about who he was gave me a little motivation to push forward my dreams and that’s what connected me to him, besides part of our childhood together.
Once his close relatives left the room, I took the chance to get close to his coffin. “So soon my angel, we weren’t supposed to meet again this way” I said stroking his cold face, just-cut hair and long gone spirit and I stood there for some minutes. I kissed my hand, put it over his cheek and went back to sitting.
Things like this make you realize that:
we don’t have promised tomorrow
it could have been me
live your life to the fullest
These last days my heart has been very heavy and there’s still so many questions about his death, which makes it all more surreal, unfair and unsettling.
One last thing, it’s still lingering in my head was my mom non-chalantly saying:
“Life’s funny, the most I hear stories about his life, the more I realize that he was the kind of person you always tell me you wanted to meet”
Yes mom. Life’s a joke,
Special prayers:
I ask you to keep his mom, dad and brothers in your prayers. They are the ones who lost a piece of their life. May God turned this tragedy into a Holy-Spirit filled purpose in spite of the neverending bevearement.
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lyralumina · 6 years
For the ask thing you reblogged, Kaiba or Mai!
I will do both because I cannot pick just one! Character(s): Seto Kaiba and Mai Kujaku First Impressions:Seto- “Oh! He’s really pretty…” Young me said as I looked away from the television, blushing bright red as Kaiba was actually my first anime/childhood crush and he made me spill my cereal that day because I gushed too hard. Such wild times. Mai- “Oh gosh she’s really pretty too! I like her hair its so curly and big!” Young me said as I pointed at her enthusiastically. Impressions Now: Seto- He may have problems that he needs to resolve and I sure hope they resolve but I still love him flaws and all. He has a special place in my heart and I want everyone to know that he is the reason I kept watching the show and his deck master is my favorite monster of all time. I owe my childhood to him. Thanks Kaiba. Mai- She deserved so much better than what the writers and show gave her. She is a woman who can kick ass and I love that about her. I wish she was in Dark Side Of Dimensions as a cameo of sorts but sadly she wasn’t there. Favorite Moment: Seto- There are a lot that I can list off but to save you from me droning on and on I will list just two: 1. This is from the Duelist of the Roses game but when Seto Rosenkruez gives the Rose Duelist the pendant/seal of the Yorkists as a parting gift is such a sentimental moment to me. I played the game as a child and I remember actually crying in front of my television because oh man did I enjoy that game so much. Rosenkruez is my favorite character from that game and I would die for him. (Also he states that if the Rose Duelist was ever in trouble, they could show that to the Seto in their era and Seto will help them out in any way he can because Rosenkruez is him from the past so imagine a younger version of you The Rose Duelist going up to Seto Kaiba in need of whatever and showing the pendant/seal. That’s what I always imagined as a kid and even today.)2. Seto during Season One as he is trying to rescue Mokuba from Pegasus and has that whole scene where he is talking to his self-programmed computer who has the voice and attitude of a hair salon stylist woman who just loves to talk gossip all day. Just him and that song ‘Now I’m Back’ playing is such a great moment because… Oh them… him and that computer AI? They’re friends. Mai-  Again I will list two because its only fair since I did it with Kaiba: 1. During Battle City where she was having her duel with Yami Marik literally scared me as a kid because oh man did she not deserve that trip to the shadow realm and to top it all off I remember I lost a friend around the time I saw that episode so it really hit me emotionally so thanks Season 2 and Yami Marik. 2. Season 4 came around and all the times she acted like a boss was always something great to see, she is the Dueling Queen of Duel Monsters within her Era after all. From her flipping her hair dramatically to her just riding on a motorcycle was just great. Ideas For A Story: Seto- I did state in a previous ask about a story idea I had for Anzu Mazaki but Seto does come into play with that idea.Mai- I do have an inside AU of mine which is an Idol AU. Mai in that Idol AU is the top designer to the costume/coord/clothing brand that Ryou Bakura and Marik use. She acts pretty much the same way as she does in canon but there are a few things I added into the fray for her: 1. She actually dropped out of High School due to receiving job offers to launch her brand she actually came up with and semi-launched within that time. She chose to quit her education and go forth with officially launching her brand and Ryou is the first to use her brand and then Marik came as the second one to use her brand. Mai will do anything to protect her brand and her users because she sacrificed so much to even start her brand. Do not dare use the fact that she sacrificed her education against her she will shatter because she wanted to graduate on stage and get her diploma so badly. 2. Mai is a world famous fashion designer who has had harsh criticism for her brand being too skimpy seeing as its a ‘sexy type’ brand and she is having high school boys adorn her clothing does not make it any better but if you dare talk shit to Mai then get ready to hear shit be thrown back by Jounouchi, Ryou, Marik, and Yugi. 3. Once Ryou and Marik graduate out of high school with their diploma’s, Mai actually does hire Marik as an apprentice for her brand. Unpopular Opinions: Seto-  I am going to be flat out honest but Seto graduated earlier than the rest of the cast. He did not bother to walk on stage, he just grabbed his diploma from Domino High and went back to work over at Kaiba Corporation as if nothing had happened but Isono did congratulate him on his ‘graduation’. You all have to pry that out of my dead cold hands.Mai-  Mai should have been with everyone else when Atem passed on into the afterlife. This was such a missed opportunity like come on guys. Favorite Relationships: Seto- 1. Azureshipping (Seto Kaiba and Anzu Mazaki) 2. Blueshipping (Seto Kaiba and Kisara) 3. Puppyshipping/Violetshipping (Seto Kaiba and Jounouchi Katsuya) 4. Rivalshipping (Seto Kaiba and Yugi Muto) 5. Trustshipping (Seto Kaiba and Ishizu Ishtar) Mai- 1. Polarshipping (Jounouchi Katsuya and Mai Kujaku) (Okay do not give me hate, they start dating when Jounouchi turns eighteen because yes I am aware that Mai is in her twenties and that Jounouchi is still in his teens so there you go.)2. Visionshipping (Mai Kujaku and Ishizu Ishtar) 3. Danceshipping (Mai Kujaku and Anzu Mazaki) Favorite Headcanons: Okay I am only doing one per character because this is getting long: Seto- Seto loves musicals and will do anything to see the ones that catch his attention. These are the following musicals that he does love with a burning passion: 1. Hamilton (Seto was there on opening night and sat front row and actually cried during such numbers like Burn, and Who Lives Who Dies Who Tells Your Story. Eliza is his favorite and you bet your ass he stood up to clap for the cast during their bows in which prompted everyone to stand up and do the same and he got to meet the cast backstage because he is freaking Seto Kaiba and he can do that. He got their autographs. If you wish for me to elaborate more on this please hit me up and I will do so.) 2. La La Land 3. Anastasia The Musical 4. Phantom Of The Opera 5. Spring Awakening Mai- After the dueling career, Mai becomes the a world famous fashion and makeup model. She actually is a huge social icon for women as she is not skinny and looks like the wind can just whisk her away. She looks like an average woman and that is something that many can look and see themselves as. Mai let the world know that beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. 
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rachaelwatchestv · 4 years
Baywatch - Season 1 Episode 1 Panic at Malibu Pier
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My mom was obsessed with this show when I was a kid (for reference, I’m about to be 25), and the “remastered version” just appeared on Hulu so why not see what the fuss is all about. I’m gonna put a read more line here, so anyone who comes across this post but doesn’t want to scroll down through what could be miles of me talking doesn’t have to.
DISCLAIMER: There are a few things in this episode that some people might find triggering, there’s a character who is extremely mentally ill, has delusions, and is mentioned harming herself.  If you might find that upsetting, please do not continue on with reading about this episode.
So this is the “Pilot”? And it’s a whopping 95 minutes long so I guess we should just get right into it.
Okay I know this show was like an 80′s/90′s show but already the swimsuits have me dying...so 80′s lmao.
I already cannot get over how young David Hasselhoff looks.
The theme song is literally just beautiful people running on the beach.  I knew that was the premise of the show but I didn’t expect it to start right away
So we start with David Hasselhoff (whose name is Mitch, apparently) in a kayak  water ski boat thing with a kid (who is his son), racing another one of the lifeguards from the theme song.  Mitch and the kid win, and the lady lifeguard (Jill) accuses him of gaining weight.
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So Hobie, Mitch’s son asks if it’s okay to rub sunscreen on a girl’s back and admits that he said no because he thought it would be too embarrassing.  To which Mitch (HA) tells him that under no circumstances should he ever say no to rubbing sunscreen on a girl’s back. This conversation has extremely creepy undertones.
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This is Craig.  He’s a lifeguard and a lawyer and he’s decided to skip out on his lawyer job because the weather is just so nice that he has to go to the beach.  He also drives a corvette.  I want his life.
Rookie Shawnie came in 46th in her class, Rookie Eddie came in number 1.  Shawnie clearly has a crush on Eddie and clearly doesn’t take her job too seriously.  More trouble to come I assume.
Craig gets to the lifeguard headquarters right as Hobie is arguing with Mitch about having to go live with his mom.  He has to go to summer school and she thinks it will be too distracting to live so close to the beach with his dad.  I don't think she's wrong on that count.  It also seems like there might still be some feelings between Mitch and his ex-wife.
Craig meets up with an older lifeguard, Al, and says that he found a loophole in the mandatory retirement age so he won't have to retire.  Craig then gets his truck stuck under the pier as the tide is coming in.  Rookie mistake.  It’s lucky that he was there though (for the plot), because a girl was stupidly trying to balance on the Pier’s railing and she fell off.  Imagine that.
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Craig saves her and gives her mouth to mouth.  She very creepily strokes his hair.  Later, someone at the lifeguard tower gives her Craig’s sweatshirt to keep her warm.  Seems like a bad idea to me...a later conversation between the two shows that she’s clearly into him.  Also we find out her name is Lori.
Mitch got promoted to lieutenant and everyone makes fun of his new uniform, yet they’re throwing him A GALA to celebrate.  Not a party...a GALA!! Seems a little excessive to me but what do I know? Also Craig and Mitch are BFFs for life and no one will convince me otherwise.
Back to the Rookies, Eddie gets assigned to tower 27 but Shawnie wants it because that’s where all of her friends hang out.  Mitch assigns Shawnie to a boat with Jill, but not until she changes swimsuits because what she’s wearing is not practical at all.  It really just seems like a way to make her character look stupider, and to give gratuitous near nudity to all the male viewers.  I guess in the 80′s this was viewed as a win-win for TV, but nowadays it just hits very differently.
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Lori sneaks through Craig’s bag and grabs his key to the lifeguard tower before she's sent home.  
And we have our first lifeguard montage!  This one's not nearly as bad as I'm sure they're going to get.  Just a lot of random shots of lifeguards doing lifeguard things while an uplifting song plays in the background.  Also everyone on this beach (even the tourists) seem to have a perfect body...just feels unrealistic. 
Now we're introduced to Captain Thorpe who isn't sure that Mitch is the right person to be lieutenant.  He also seems skeptical of Shawnie and Al. And he forces Mitch to wear his dress shoes...the horror!
While Jill is complaining to Mitch about Shawnie, an Australian lifeguard from a private beach named Trevor climbs up the flagpole and into Mitch's office. His business card reads "shark fighter and virgin converter" and that's really all you need to know about him.
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Lori surprises Craig with a visit on the beach, and is upset when she sees him with a girl who needs help (Yeah girl, you're not special).   Foreboding music plays as she watches him fix the other woman's toe. She then gets real freaky and keys the other woman's car.
Eddie gives us his backstory by telling a six year old kid that he was in foster care growing up.  Dude, that kid probably doesn't even know what foster care is.
A bunch of people are caught in a riptide and all the lifeguards jump in.  Shawnie freezes when a little girl stops breathing and needs CPR.  Trevor passes two drowning people to save the pretty girl who was drowning at the same time even though Mitch was much closer to her.  This, of course, is a problem between them.
Hobie UNHOOKS A GIRLS BIKINI STRAP and goes to put suntan oil on her back, but some kid swoops in and does it instead.  These kids are 13, and honestly the children actors look even younger...something seems so wrong with this story line.
Mitch and his ex get in an argument about custody because his ex wants Hobie to live with her so he doesn't grow up only wanting to be a lifeguard.  She wants him to have options.
Meanwhile, Lori the crazy girl (Whose name is shown to actually be spelled as Laurie) shows up in Craig’s tower at the end of the day with wine and in just a silk robe.
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He very nicely gets her to leave the tower and tells her that he has a wife, Gina.  Laurie tries to kiss him and reveals that she's naked under the robe (Gasp!) right as another lifeguard drives up and sees.  Laurie runs off before he can say anything else.
Shawnie's in the shower crying over freezing earlier that day.  Jill comforts her and reminds her that the job isn't "all fun in the sun".
Captain Thorpe comes back and insists that Al be put on desk duty until mandatory retirement.  Mitch goes to talk to Al and finds him painting on his back porch.  Damn this guy can paint!!
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But also how does a man on a lifeguard’s salary afford a massive oceanfront house like that?  
Anyways, Al offers to talk to Gail (Hobie's mom) about the custody arrangement and take Hobie out for a fishing trip.  He also declines Mitch's offer of a desk job.
It's time for Mitch's gala...which is more of a simple party at a really nice house.  No idea why they were calling it a gala in the first place.  But they also have a live girl group playing?  And Shawnie is dressed up like Madonna while Eddie swims laps in the pool AT THE PARTY?  This is the most confusing party I've ever seen.
Laurie shows up to the party (big shocker there) and creeps on Craig's wife, Gina in the bathroom.  She tells Gina that a lifeguard saved her life, kissed her, and then they "made love right there in the tower" Lovely Gina offers to help her find the lifeguard at the party and is stunned when Laurie points out Craig in the crowd.
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Gina kindly but sternly points out that Craig is her husband, then Laurie causes a scene, shouting that she didn't know he had a wife and he's embarrassing her in front of the whole party.  The lifeguard from earlier that saw her naked basically confirms her story by staying silent when asked, and Gina storms out of party with Craig running after her.
At home, Gina is very obviously upset while Craig tries to insist that nothing happened.  Crazy Laurie calls the house and tells Craig to meet her at the tower or she'll kill herself. Gina tells Craig to call the police and not do it himself, but Craig insists.  Gina decides to tag along to try to help.
At the life guard tower, they find Laurie in the corner crying not to take her back to her parents.  She has bruises on her neck and tells Craig and Laurie that it was her father.  Craig decides to take her back to their house (bad move).
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At home, Craig and Gina talk and Craig decides to go to Laurie's house tomorrow to talk to the parents before he calls CPS.  They kiss in their bed and surprise, surprise, the camera pans to reveal Laurie watching them
In the morning, Laurie goes through Craig's bag and finds a diving knife. She goes to the beach and practices her stabbing motions while having flashbacks to Craig and Gina's relationship.
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Craig meets with her parents and is surprised to find that Laurie's father died ten years ago.  Her mom explains that Laurie gets violent and hurts herself and just got home from the psych ward at the hospital.  
Back at the house, Laurie sneaks up on Gina who by the way is an actual saint.  Like Gina treats Laurie so nicely and sweet and doesn't even care that Laurie stole her shirt, she just goes, "It's fine, it looks pretty on you." Laurie's craziness could not have happened to a nicer person.  Laurie convinces Gina to drive her back to the beach so she can release a letter she wrote Craig into the ocean and release all of her feelings towards him.
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Laurie tries to get Gina to go into a super creepy place under the pier, to which Gina wisely says "No thanks." So Laurie runs in on her own and Gina chases after her out of the goodness of her heart.
Craig comes home to find the house empty and quickly drives to the beach to try to find them.
Gina catches up with Laurie who tricks her to get her to turn her back and pulls out a knife.  Gina realizes that the letter Laurie wrote is a fake suicide note to make it look like Gina killed herself.  Laurie tries to slit her wrist but Gina is able to pull away and throw sand in Laurie's eyes so she can escape. She runs, calling for help as Craig pulls into the parking lot and sees her car.  He hears her cries for help and finds her right before Laurie catches up.
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Craig manages to talk Laurie out of killing his wife for a minute, but then she sees his wedding ring and freaks out again. Craig is able to grab the knife through the fence and stop the whole thing.
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While the drama at the pier is gong on, Al and Hobie are out on a boat for their fishing trip.  Al overhears a woman remarking on how he’s too old to be a lifeguard. A crew member goes down into the cabin to cook Hobie's fish for lunch, but accidentally causes an explosion while changing out a propane tank. Luckily the whole boat doesn't blow up, but a massive fire breaks out and Hobie falls through the floorboards into the hull of the ship while Al shouts at everyone to jump off.
Back at Baywatch headquarters, the team assembles to go help, and they all know that Hobie and Al might be on the boat.  Al is shown in the water telling everyone not to panic and helping everyone grab onto floating pieces of wood.  Mitch, Jill, Shawnie and Eddie are all parts of the rescue team.
Mitch gets to Al but they don't know where Hobie is.  They find him in an air pocket in part of the boat that is now completely submerged.
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Al and Mitch work together to get everyone out of the boat safely, but Al gets stuck on some rope on his way out.  Mitch finds him but it's too late, he has drowned and they are unable to revive him.  I don't know why, because we got very little screen time of him, but Al's death actually made me sad.
They hold a lifeguard funeral for Al which involves a bunch of trucks driving on the beach, and some boats lined up in the water.  Mitch gives a very touching eulogy about all the lives that Al saved over the years and how they'll never forget him.  
The episode ends with a montage of the lifeguards working the beach presumably the next day with an overarching feeling of "life goes on". No word on what happened to Laurie, but Gina and Craig are still happily married so I guess all's well that ends well.
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I've been to Wildwood. The Jersey Shore is crazy in general but wildwood is next level. The board walk has like 200 of the same t-shirt store, feels like you're walking through the fires of hell, and is jam packed with kids on camp trips. I've only ever done the board walk there but I've seen the walk you have to take to get out to the beach, it's insane. I can only imagine what it's like with family. How old are your cousins and what are they like?
My family has literally been coming to Wildwood every year since, like, at LEAST the 1930’s, I’m not sure on anyone earlier than that, and my family is insane, so let’s dive into this.
The Main Characters In My Life On Vacation Are:
-My Grandmother, who was a child dancer star (she tapped on the radio!) who’s been coming down here her whole life- her parents used to come down the same day there would be a talent show, enter her in it, and then use her first prize reward for the money they’d spend throughout the week. Has been in the old person stage of “I’m an elder, who cares what I say or do” for the past 15 years. Has eight living kids and Too Many Descendants. Loud and refuses to admit she can’t walk half the time.
- My Mother, who gets confused very easily, overshares and breaks off into meaningless tangents in the middle of stories, snores like a literal demon, always wants to be asleep, keeps pushing for family activities, doesn’t realize all the kids think she’s lame.
- Me, who is always Extra Depressed in the summer months, and is the Sole Person In This Family My Age- everyone just stopped having babies for a few years when my mother decided to have me (Everyone is either over 25 or under 16). Because of this I’m usually confined to my room, unable to really do anything on the boardwalk because going on rides alone is depressing and my mother has heart problems. Just wants to read and write, but the children keep Screaming.
- My Aunt and Her Husband- A Very Loud Couple, she likes to control everything and he’s the only one who ever bothers to yell back at her. They always fight exactly once, every year, and every year somehow I always end up being the only other person in the apartment while its happening, so I just have to sit in awkward silence until my aunt finally huffs out “I can’t believe you’re doing this in front of my goddaughter!” and storms out to go find her kids. They make a lot of jokes and think their children are very dramatic.
- Jenna, the 14 year old cousin. Very dramatic. Mastered the art of the eye roll at a young age. Has literally looked like a mini model since she was born. Can’t be bothered to deal with anyone. We usually have one (1) tiny girl-bonding moment each vacation and then she promptly acts like she doesn’t care even though it’s clear she does. Athletic and artistic and musically/theatrically gifted. Very sarcastic. Always doing cartwheels.
- Seanie, the 12 year old cousin. Middle child syndrome. Tries to hard to be funny for attention. VERY dramatic. Will cry at the drop of a dime (I’m typing this and I literally just heard him burst into tears in the other room??). Super adorable, you can tell he’s gonna be one of those high school boys that pulls Ridiculous Shit but after one charming smile the teachers can’t bring themselves to stay mad. Very loud. Currently addicted to video game youtubers.
-Zack, the 7 year old cousin. Adorable. Loud. Lowkey a prodigy child but they can’t afford to get him into Special Schools so he’s always bored in class. Baby Of The Family syndrome. Currently in an aggressive pokemon phase. Doesn’t understand he’s literally a child, he acts like an old man half the time.
We’re all shoved into a small apartment for a week, but there are Others:
- Kathy, Grandmom’s second oldest. Literally the most bland person I have ever encountered on this planet. Very, very into trying to plan ‘fun’ family events. Thinks any conversation is a riveting conversation.
- Kathy’s husband, who is just a plain old guy who’s lowkey a hoarder and jokes around a lot, but every time someone mentions his past or his family it gets more and more confusing??? He may have a brother who was in the CIA??? He may have been homeless or he may have lived with his sister???? He may have killed a man???? I literally know nothing concrete about this man other than he’s apparently been with my aunt since they were teens but I. D. K. Every new piece of information I receive just scatters the puzzle more.
- Their eldest daughter and her husband spend most of the summer down here but always make sure to match up the schedule for when we come down. Loud, energetic couple. I have no idea what either of them do for work? They might currently be unemployed? Really into alcohol. At some point in the week every year, everyone in my apartment bonds together to diss them after we get back from the beach. Like, they’ll do something or another EVERY YEAR that sets EVERYONE off.
- The 16 year old. Tries to show everyone memes on his phone. Never really talks to people. Does NOT get along with his parents because he’s kinda an outlier in the family. I feel like he might be a stoner, but if I find out he’s got a hidden gun collection, I wouldn’t be surprised? That probably sounds awful but he’s a good kid I promise.
- Danny, 12. Adorable. Quiet. Mini golden boy. Makes jokes when you aren’t expecting them. Very resigned to the fact he has to hug me and my mother when he sees us.
- Kathy and Mystery Man’s youngest daughter, a librarian, and her stand up comedian husband, and now their three month old who is ADORABLE and everyone was surprised to learn they hadn’t named her Hermione.
Other recurring family members are prone to popping up throughout the vacation- Aunt Margie, Grandmom’s sister-in-law, who, I love her, but remember that chocolate episode of spongebob with the old woman that was essentially a stick in a wheelchair and had a chain smoker voice??? Put that in the tiniest bikini you can imagine and add a wheezing laugh and you got her. Her daughter who I could not recognize on a street if I tried. Her son Michael, who is best friends with my mom and apparently Not Gay (no one’s really convinced). A step-cousin sometimes pops by, she’s very breezy and easy-going and you can’t distinguish her Actual Talking Voice with her Talking To Little Kids Voice.
Anyway, Wildwood itself is just. Goddamn ridiculous.
The aesthetic of this place is somewhere between the 1950’s, a trailer park, and the kind of developed land you get when a moustache-twirling man wants to convince all the old people he can to retire to his buildings. Some buildings are harsh metal, and others are bright pastels, but the only thing joining them together is the fact that it looks like no one has cleaned anything here in years. EVERYTHING, even the knew stuff, looks worn and faded. Even like…the AIR is faded. It’s not just the sun being too bright, everything you’re looking at looks like it’s an old photograph. If you stay too long, you might start to fade into the landscape yourself.
I have never once seen an animal that wasn’t a seagull here. Most towns, islands, places, whatever- you usually have at least squirrels running around, maybe some variations of birds, just. ANYTHING. But it’s all seagulls all the time. You cannot exist in a spot for longer than a few moments without one of them dive bombing you. They are not mere birds. They are feathered demons that Hath No Fear Of The Foolish Mortals Of Mankind.
The song “Wildwood Days” plays on the Boardwalk every half hour. It is the only way to appease the spirits. It’s the modern, New Jersey-ian version of painting lamb blood over your door frame. As much as I’ve grown to hate the song, to twitch and clench my fist at each note, I deeply fear for the day the song doesn’t play on time and the curse is unleashed. I have a deep, sinking feeling that this moment will come within my life time.
If You Don’t Stop To Watch The Fireworks, Your Bones Shall Never Be Found.
You hear the ongoing chant of “Watch the Tram Car, Please!”, and look around, but there isn’t a Tram Car coming. The order grows louder and louder. You realize you aren’t even on the Boardwalk any more. The sound is right behind you, but you can’t find the source. “Watch the Tram Car, Please!” you realize, to your horror, the sound is now coming from inside you. You never find your true voice again.
Despite The Fact That This Place Is A Mosh Pit Of Families From All Over The World, If You Can’t Immediately Place My Accent Or Figure Out What Language I’m Speaking, I Have Legal Grounds To Kill You.
The sand simply isn’t normal. It’s ADVANCED sand. It doesn’t make sense. It never truly washes off. The more you scrub, the more appears.
Ancient gods from multiple pantheons like to chill out on the beach, have a few beers. You never know for sure who is who, but you Know they aren’t the same as you, and you know they know more about you than you’re comfortable with. For your own sake, NEVER ask them to turn their music down.
There is always at least one plane flying over with a sign reading “Jen, will you marry Sean?”. It’s been decades. Will Jen ever say yes?
Elevators Are For The Weak And We Use Them To Judge Who To Do Away With First.
The ocean goes back and forth between green and grey, and you know the color makes a significant difference but you can never quite put your finger on what.
Fish Are Fake.
All the stores sell everything you want, but nothing you need.
King Kong Is Our Fierce Protector, Loving Hero, And Just Enforcer
All the police officers and firemen and general ‘in charge’ jobs seemed to be run completely by 18 years olds
No one truly knows who pulls the shots when it comes to deciding the Boardwalks style each year. Every store sells the same Designated Style, and each year they make less and less sense. You buy a specialized hoodie anyway, and you have no idea why.
I could keep going on with that list, but the point is, Wildwood is a Strange Place and I have a Ridiculous Family, so every year is always a bit of an experience.
Like, no one in my family really has anything in common other than everyone’s always loud and everyone’s always right and everyone is always ready to loudly fight over the fact that they’re definitely right, but like. Imagine crawling through some Hillbilly Murder Showers in the garage of a condo, using all of your force to pry open a suspiciously heavy and questionably mechanized door, walking under the boardwalk and trekking over sand dunes just to find a bunch of screaming yet physically relaxed people under the flag for Montserrat. Some guy’s cracking stand up jokes while no less than three children are fighting each other, your mother is promising for the 14th year in a row that you’re gonna go on a whale watching trip and everyone knows she’s lying, some woman’s trying to hold a conversation about buying applesauce in bulk while her husband and children get drunk, there’s a skinny pale guy with horrible sunburn blasting songs from N.W.A., a girl’s cartwheeling around the site to the point you think she doesn’t know how to move any other way, a boy’s quietly drinking pickle juice, there’s a 7 year old literally trapped in a giant hole that he dug, your mother is snoring loud enough to alarm the people around you, and just when you’re starting to get a little comfortable about the feathered demons and start to relax, a tide comes in so strongly your chair literally starts getting pulled out to sea with you in in. It’s average. It's fading into the landscape with the rest of the place.
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head-and-heart · 7 years
Kate’s Hiatus Bellarke Playlist - Song 8
I’m the worst and it’s taken me forever to post this but this song is one of my favourite songs ever and it’s so emotional and basically you have to listen to it and cry with me so let’s get on with it.
“Waves (Acoustic)” by Dean Lewis
If you haven’t heard this song, listen to it rIgHt nOW. You will not be disappointed - it is amazing. I’m pretty sure that this played on Riverdale but - no offense or anything - I don’t really care because I don’t watch Riverdale and this song is so Bellarke following Season 4 IT’S INSANE. So please, if you watch Riverdale, just try to separate it from that show to recognize just how much of a Bellarke song it is if you haven’t in the past??? 
Also, do yourself a huge favour and LISTEN TO THE ACOUSTIC VERSION. IT IS WAY BETTER. I promise you that.
Now that I’ve got that out of the way, it’s time for me to point the lyrics that remind me of Bellarke. Which means, for this song, that’s ALL of them.
There is a swelling storm And I’m caught up in the middle of it all And it takes control Of the person that I thought I was The boy I used to know
First off, this song is so Bellamy right off the bat. The swelling storm would be - in a more literal sense - Praimfaya. But, more than that, it could be just about war in general in the context of the show. Bellamy and Clarke are caught up in the middle of it and it never seems to end.
The idea that it “takes control” is also very Bellamy. War has changed him, given him all of this pain and guilt that he is constantly weighed down by. He is no longer the person he thought he was, who he wanted to be (”my mom raised me to be better, to be good”). He’s not the little boy he used to be on the Ark, hasn’t been that little boy for a long time.
But there is a light In the dark And I feel its warmth In my hands In my heart
That light, my friends, is Clarke Griffin. That warmth he feels is love. And I absolutely adore this line because the singer specifically points out that he feels it in his hands and Bellarke have almost always expressed their affection for each other through gestures from their hands. The touches they exchange with their hands have always given us an indication of where their relationship stands, and they take special care on this show to focus in on them.
I mean, some examples just off the top of my head: Bellamy catching Clarke in 1x02 (camera focusing heavily on their hands), focusing on Bellamy and Clarke’s hands touching at the end of 1x07 when Bellamy takes that spike or whatever it was from her, Bellamy getting flustered after touching his hand to her back (thrown by the intimacy), the special focus on their hands “just barely touching” in the leaked Day Trip script, pulling the lever “together”, Bellamy kneeling in 3x05 to hold Clarke’s hand, the mutual hand-wrapping in 3x11, hand-holding in 3x16, the shoulder touch thing in 4x03, not-so-subtly zooming in on Clarke’s hands wrapping around Bellamy’s waist in 4x13, Clarke placing her hand over Bellamy’s heart, etc, etc. 
The point is, they express their love for each other with their hands, so I enjoyed that.
And the heart part. Oh my fucking god, THE HEART PART. 
But why can’t I hold on?  
This line breaks me. It really bloody breaks me. Because even though Bellamy and Clarke love each other so much they can’t hold on to it - whether it was because “love is weakness”, or because there was always a war to fight, or because they were too afraid or didn’t think they deserved it or because they were fucking separated (again!!) they have NEVER been able to hold onto each other. They’ve never been able to fully give into that love. And now it’s too late. They’re nowhere near each other. He thinks she’s dead. She doesn’t know if he’s alive. It’s been six years.
Wow, the universe must really hate us.
‘Cause it comes and goes in waves It always does It always does And we watch as our young hearts fade Into the flood Into the flood
Peace and war - it’s like a constant cycle. Death and pain keeps coming in waves, over and over again. And because of it, their youth has left them (their “young hearts” faded) and escaped into the storm (aka. war).
After watching 4x13, the image of their young hearts fading into a storm makes me thing of their youth literally being burned away by Praimfaya. Because right after that episode there was a six year time jump and none of our characters are kids anymore. Their young hearts have literally faded.
And the freedom of falling And the feeling I thought was set in stone It slips through my fingers And I’m trying hard to let go But it comes and goes in waves 'Cause it comes and goes in waves And carries us away
The freedom of falling … in love? And the feeling he thought was set in stone: that through it all, she would always be by his side. That love, that certainty, slips through his fingers again and again. He just can’t hold onto it, but he can’t let it go either.
He can’t let Clarke Griffin go. 
But the war doesn’t end and the cycle continues and carries them along with it.
Through the wind Down to the place we used to lay when we were kids Memories of a stolen place Caught in the silence An echo lost in space
(Also, “an echo lost in space” … lmao. i’m sorry)
But anyway, the more metaphorical meaning: they can’t hold onto the innocence that they used to have anymore. They’ve lost that now. 
Also, the image of him being carried away down to the place he used to lay when he was a kid? Bellamy and Clarke were separated with Bellamy literally being carried away to that “echo lost in space” again.
'Cause it comes and goes in waves It always does It always does We watch as our young hearts fade Into the flood Into the flood And the freedom of falling And the feeling I thought was set in stone It slips through my fingers And I’m trying hard to let go But it comes and goes in waves 'Cause it comes and goes in waves And carries us away 
I’ve watched my wild youth disappear in front of my eyes Moments of magic and wonder It seems so hard to find Is it ever coming back again? Is it ever coming back again? Take me back to the feeling when Everything was left to find
Again, the theme of losing their innocence and their youth (metaphorically and - after 4x13 - literally). The “moments of magic and wonder” make me think of those stolen moments of happiness in Season 1 - like the party on Unity Day, where Bellamy and Clarke just got to kind of relax and laugh with each other. Or the days when they first landed on the ground and it was exciting and “everything was left to find”. The show has gotten so dark again. Will those moments ever come back again? Will they find happiness ever again? It’s like a plea: “oh, take me back to the start”. Back before Bellamy and Clarke were constantly being separated, before the bloodshed, before he thought that she was dead, when things were simple. And my poor Blorke heart can’t help but think about Bellamy wanting to go back to the time when everything was left to find in his relationship with Clarke - when it was still new. And now he thinks it’s too late.
'Cause it comes and goes in waves It always does It always does And the freedom of falling And the feeling I thought was set in stone It slips through my fingers And I’m trying hard to let go But it comes and goes in waves 'Cause it comes and goes in waves And carries us away
And that is it folks. That’s the song. If you didn’t actually listen to it, and just read the lyrics and my notes, PLEASE DO YOURSELF A FAVOUR AND LISTEN TO THE SONG. It was way more emotional and easier to visualize as a Bellarke song that way. 
Also, I totally forgot to tag people in my last one so I apologize. I also kind of forgot a lot of the people who asked to be tagged, so if you would like to be tagged in future posts please do let me know!
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The Boy Gives Life &... (ep. 3 part 1)
Episode 3: My Dear Anjocornio
 - Have you separed the papers you don’t want to use, my princess? – says Juliana, putting a lot of papers that were already used or wasted in the living room table.
- Uh? Ah Almost there, ma – Julia had taken a lot of papers from the room dresser from her room. She was now holding a specific paper on her hands. It was a drawing she made of a little angel with unicorn horn. The girl thinks with herself while still separating the other papers – Damn, didn’t even remember him... Anjorn... heh, I was so silly for having na imaginary when I...
         She then notices something, and thinks while looking at the drawing:
- ...Could I...?
 - Hm... Yescan – says Charlie, who then approaches his hand to his friend’s head...
         Who flinches, backs off and says while blushed:
- What are you doing??
- It’smaginary... your head... need to touch head... – answers her friend.
- Ah... ok... go ahead then – she allows him to touch her head.
         At this moment, the two were on Charlie’s house, in his room. The room’s owner stops touching his friend’s forehead, and backs off.
         The paper with the drawing starts to tremble, which scares Julia, who lets it go, falling to the ground, and then, appears na aura...
         The aura dissipate, and we see the Anjorn, flying; he was just a little angel wearing a robe. He has wings, blonde hair, but in the central parto f the top of his head, there was an unicorn horn.
         He looks around, see Charlie... and then sees his real creator... he then says to her:
- Well well... Julia... how long... four years if I remember correctly...
- Hi Anjorn, it’s me, Juju, do you remember me? – says the girl.
- How could I forget this face of yours, eh? – the imaginary friend pull pinch the girl’s (face) cheeks, and when releasing her cheeks, he comments – You did grow up in all these years, didn’t you?
- Of course I did, I’m almost a big girl now, I even changed school now.
- Really...?
- Yes, really, I’m in the same school as this little guy there.
- Ah... I see...
- And look, you’re no longer only imaginary, he gave you life, and now you can go with me in sch...
- And what school do you study right now? – the angel-unicorn seemed to have interest on what was being said.
- Ah, it’s called Eraldine Marina, it’s a public school, next to that ice cream shop that...
- Do you know what were 4 year in the complete solitude, girl...? – the imaginary friend gained a serious expression. On his face...
- ...Eh...?
- 4 year... 4 long years, locked in your subconscience... stuck... – he looks with contempt into the little girl’s eyes – Forsaken... do you know how this was...?
- I uhh... I...
- Do you think I forgotten you...? You did forgot me, but I didn’t... I remember all the ice cream flavors you liked, all of the games you liked to play... I remember...
- I-I’m sorry, Anjorn, I d-I didn’t m...
- “Anjorn”... “ANJORN”! This name... I was not only forgotten, but forever I’ll have this stupid n-Wow! – the angel-unicorn dodges Charlie’s hand by flying higher – Do you think I’m a idiot, boy??
- Wait, Anjorn! Why? Why?? – asks Julia, feeling guilty and even scared – Please, forgive me, Anj...
- Don’t you call me by this stupid name ever again! – he dodges again another of Charlie’s tries, and pokes him in the eye, backing him off.
- Charlie! – says Julia in loud voice; and then talks again to the angel-unicorn – Why are you doing this??
- Are you guys ok?! – Sarah enters the room, and sees the situation; also seeing the little flying “thing”, and her son rubbing his eye – Charlie!
- Imok, ma... – he points to the little flying thing that he gave life – Hewasbad to Julia.
- Now you! – the mother runs toward Anjorn, who flies higher, almost making the woman trips. She then takes off her flip-flops, and starts jumping, trying to hit the flying being, who now just layed in the air.
- Ha, you can try all day to do that, I can fly to wherever I w... – PAFT! Sarah threw one of her flip-flops, hitting Anjorn in the face, making him hit his forehead in the ceiling. He scratches his head, and comments – Well, I should’ve seen that coming...
         He flies to the window.
- Wait! – says Julia, getting his attention – Why...? What are you going to do...?
- That’s easy, I’ll abandon you, just like you did to me – answers the “ex-imaginary friend”, flying away from the window while finishing – Goodbye, my creator, until never again.
         Julia then runs off and locks herself in the bathroom, trying to hide that she was crying...
- Julia! – says Charlie, who decides to go after his friend, but is stopped by his mother, who didn’t know well how to react, but did know that it wouldn’t be a good idea to talk to the little girl at the moment... her friend understands that - ...Julia...
           It’s the next day, a school day, and now, Julia and Charlie were on Juliana’s car, going to school; the little girl was hapilly talking to her friend:
- Ah, in the school before this one I was very popular, you can be sure that me and you will be very popular in this one too, and I say that because...
- It doesn’t even seems that my princess was sad in this weekend... – her mother thinks.
         The car stops in front of the school, the two kids get out, and say goodbye to the adults.
         Something opens the zipper of the girl’s bag, and Lacinho puts her head out, saying:
- Hell yeah, light, finally.
- Oh yeah, I forgot – Julia picks the doll up, and holds her – Shall we go, Charlie?
- Yes... – he agrees.
         They start walking in the school’s gate direction; and the more they approached, the more they noticed that something weird was going on with the students... a lot of them were using a long triangular paper hat; these talked to the others while holding papers with things written.
         Right when our both students were in front of the entrance, one of the strange students stops them, and says while reading his paper:
- Good day, do you know abou tour new savior?
- What? What the heck you’re talking ab... – says the doll, who then is interrupted by her owner...
         Who asks:
- “Savior”...? Uhh... could you show us this... savior...?
- Of course, follow me – this student take them to the schoolyard... where there was Anjorn, with one of those hats in his head, while being worshipped by a lot of the students that had these hats in their head as well – There, take a glance at the magnificent Anjohn; he has supernatural abilities that just a few have; but Anjohn is special, he has so many supernatural abilities that no one will ever reach his level; that’s why he is divine... hey! He will demonstrate his divine abilities!
         Anjorn had na empty bottle... he takes of the bottle cap, shake his hands, and “puts” the bottle cap inside the bottle by its underside.
         Everyone is impressed; with the exception of Julia and her doll, who already knew this magic trick.
- Charlie, don’t make a fool of yourself – says his friend – This is just a m...
- Well well, look at who has arrived – says the angel-unicorn, having his attention and the attention of all of his “subjects” to Julia – It’s her... this is the Julia who locked me in her head for 5 years... you know what to do, right, my followers...?
- Sure, sir! – the student that took them to the schoolyard imobilize the girl, and accidentally puts his arm in Lacinho’s mouth; who cannot react.
- Julia! – says Charlie in loud voice, worried. He punches the head of the student who immobilized his friend, knocking him out, making him release the girl.
- Oof, thanks, Charlie – says Julia, who then says to everbody – What he is doing is just a simple magic trick, even I know how t...
- It’s exactly how Anjohn said that she would say – some students comment, and then says as well – She indeed knows some divine abilities, and indeed will try to surpass poor Anjohn!
- Did you see, my followers, exactly as I said she would say, she wants to try to surpass me, and for that, will use dirty and dishonest tricks, so, shut her mouth, because...
- You are not gonna hurt her, you stupid! – says Charlie, coming forward, trying to protect his friend.
- Yeah! I’m with you, little guy! – says Lacinho, supporting Charlie
- Really now, you infidel... take a look at that then... – Anjorn do the illusion/magic trick of pretending he removed his thumb; which impresses and scares the boy a little – If you do anything agains us, I’ll do that to you and your friend.
         The little boy tries to think something to say, but do not find anything to say.
- Charlie, no! This is just a trick! – says Julia.
- Exactly that, Charlie – Lacinho adds to what her owner said, gets out of Julia’s hands, trying to get everyone’s attention – Guys! This flying thing is fooling you! This that he can do are just silly magic tricks! A lot of people can do it too!
- That’s what you call the divine abilities of Anjohn, and even if some plebeians know something, nobody knows as much as him, and never will – says one of the followers.
- Man, but how my supposedly “eeeviiiil” owner knows some of the “divine powers” that this “all-mighty” there knows? I bet ya that she knoiws as much as him, yer know – Lacinho questions them all.
- Oh really, little dollface...? – Anjorn then picks a card deck, and does the trick that looks like a card is being levitated; which is just you holding one of the back cards with your little finger and the index finger; giving the illusion the card is floating – Does she knows this one...?
- Lacinho, this trick I don’t know how to do; never seen that one... – Julia whispers to her doll.
         The bell for the classes rings; and while ringing, the doll thinks with herself:
- This is hella weird... how does that guy knows that many tricks...?
- Well, I need to go to not interfere the natural order of the classes – says the angel-unicorn, who completes – This time, I was merciful with her, but you guys know why, remember?
- “Because we must prove our value if she wants to do anything bad, and, according to your word and prophecy, we must not only stop this girl, but also paint her with gouache as well” – everyone of the followers chant simultaneously.
         Julia swallows hard of fear.
- This made no sense, man, what do you mean “prove our value”, and... – says Lacinho...
- Paint the doll as well, or tear her apart, if she also resists... don’t know, goodbye for now. – Anjorn interrupts her, and flies away.
         The followers then had paintbrushes in their hands... somewhere close, a pairo f slightly closed eyes face them all... without them even knowing...
         When the threatened students decide to get away from there, the student watching does that as well...
this story will continue in parts 2 and 3
0 notes
robinthephoenixs · 6 years
Agents of Shield: Why you should watch/spoiler free review
So seeing as the 100th episode is coming up very shortly I decided to re-watch seasons 1-4 (no I didn’t have the time yet here I am) and then thought well why not review it! I’m sure there are some people who are mildly interested especially with the buzz around the landmark ep, so if your thinking bout it or wondering why it has such dedicated fans read on! As the title suggests this is gonna be as spoiler free as possible so I’ll be calling characters certain names and not mentioning others, so if you’ve seen the show and are a bit confused, that’s why. Ill be laying it out with headings in bold so if you’re just interested in a particular thing, just jump to it.Ill also not b reviewing season 5 as its not done yet. With that lets dive in with a small intro on how to watch!
To binge or not to binge?
I’m sure 100 episodes feels daunting and it certainly is with episodes averaging 43 mins and about 22 eps a season its not something to take lightly if your a busy person. Genuinely not trying to sound elitist but I have been watching from its inception so I have experienced both kinds of viewing and as far as which is better I feel it depends on the season. I barley remember watching it back when it first aired, but what I do remember is being excited for every episode and as far as the latest seasons go Id say an episode a day is better. I found I easily binged the first 2 seasons but slowed down at 3 so I think its up to you and how much free time you have but both ways are definitely viable. With the tedious stuff out of the way its on to the good stuff, what makes Agents of Shield so good! 
The Characters
To say the characters are the life and soul of the show is an understatement. One of the joys of re watching the series was seeing just how far each character has come. It is also one of the only shows were I can confidently say I liked pretty much every single character that has come through the roster. From my favourite Skye, to May, Jemma, Fitz, Coulson, Mack, Yo-Yo, Bobbi, Hunter, Trip, the Koenigs, General Talbot, Radcliffe and so many others. Even villains, which some are particularly good in a “Can I kill them myself?” sort of way. With a lot of these shows the characters tend to go in a loop or just become stagnant, Arrow comes to mind (I’ve actually not really seen many other made for T.V hero shows so Arrows gonna be my main point of reference, sorry if your a fan of that show) Yet here its a natural progression. They react and change depending on the situations and events they’ve gone through and they all change in different ways. They’re are all unique, with their own personalities and goals. 
So where would the characters be without some good villains and for the most part they’re a lot better then your regular MCU villains. There are some pretty complex well thought out villains who last for more than one season, they’re always there lurking in the back. The villains also effect the characters in some pretty huge ways, there not just there for the lols and then gone again, well some are. You can also sympathize with a good few of them as they are pretty well developed.They have motives and history and their own character development. They can be pretty imposing when they want to be as well. There are, of course, your throw away baddies and your cliched ones but there are as I’ve said ones with real dept to them.
The Actors
Now the characters wouldn’t be very good if the actors were shit now would they? Luckily the quality is very high with everyone in the main cast being superb. Saying that we have to talk about that elephant in the room, a certain character that may have put you off watching the show, Phil Coulson played by Clark Greg. To me I see his style of acting as unique, quirky yet it can be seen as stilted and just plain bad acting which is understandable. The first season is not his best but if you give it time he can put on some amazing performances and he has become much more natural to it. Still I feel like he is the Marmite of the show. As for the other actors there are some truly amazing performances. The chemistry between the actors is insane and its what gives them so much life. In particular Elizabeth Henstridge who plays Jemma and Iain De Caestecker who plays Fitz. Their scenes together are just fantastic from season 1 they blow you out of the park with heart wrenching scenes and in season 4 both have gut wrenching performances and both play off very well with Skye played by Chloe Bennet. Particularly the mid season episode in season 2 (I think) with Fitz and Skye and episode 15 in season 4 with Jemma and Skye, but there are so many more little moments between all the characters (a point I’ll get to in another paragraph). Some other performances I want to point out for the shear range of their skills are Brett Dalton - Ward and  Mallory Jansen - Aide. I’m not kidding when I say their performances should have gotten rewards, I thought they were excellent. And finally one guy who never fails to make me laugh or cry with the amount of emotion he’s able to display, Henry Simmons as Alphonso "Mack" MacKenzie. A true joy to watch, no one brings more emotion than him, he is the sweetest and deserves more recognition for his performance.
Just as a precursor I’m studying law/classics so I’m not an expert when it comes to the next few points but I’ll be damned if I don’t try my best! Overall I think the writings pretty decent, it has its ups and downs, as I’ll try to explain. With the first season the first half is pretty episodic but it does have those big pay off moments and I think that’s more what Shield tries to make itself about, even if that doesn’t happen. They have a lot of these mystery's that they build up to and getting there its pretty tense but the payoff doesn’t seem to last. Its a bit hard to explain. This only really happens with the one mystery element they insist on having. Season 2 is the biggest culprit but that doesn't take away from other moments that build up into something bigger. They usually sneak up on you. The example episodes I mentioned in the previous paragraph are some of the best and if I could go back and watch S4Ep15 fresh Id do it in a heart beat. The writers are very good at creating tension, its there specialty. I often find myself on the edge of my seat, even re watching the old episodes it brought back the same tension I felt the first time and when they want to bring the emotion the writers sure do deliver. Now for all the good stuff there is of course the pacing issues and odd dud arc. I didn’t notice it two much for seasons 1 + 2 cause it was like I was watching it brand new cause I have the memory of a gold fish but when I hit season 3 that was a struggle. The pacing just ground to a halt after the first half even though that season has one of the most unique episodes in the whole series it also has the worst. The first third of season 4 also suffers from the same pacing issues but it picks up soon so its not too bad. Apart from a few dud lines, the writing overall is pretty decent and the stories can be a fun watch but as I've said, it’s the characters that bring the heart to the show.
The Fight Scenes
Whats a good hero show without some action, right? Well Shield brings it in spades with seasons 2 + 3 being the highlights, particularly season 2. There’s an amazing one take fight with Skye that’s so fluid and the choreography is just perfect (little fact Chloe Bennet fractured her arm during this scene didn’t know and kept going doing other scenes!) There’s another fight with May, you’ll know the one, which just shows how technical they’re willing to get and still make it look great. They aren’t obsessed with 500 cuts a second although they aren’t immune to some dodgy cuts, they just know when to do it and make it seem so real and clear as to whats going on. I was genuinely stunned when i went to watch Arrow S4 and the fights were just so bad. It has something to do with the camera. In Arrow the fps seems higher or something making it look really bad while in Shield the cameras smooth. I don’t actually know what the difference is but if you watch em side by side you’ll know what I mean. Unfortunately the fight quality dips in season 4 I found. The punches don’t look like the connect and they started to rely on jump cuts more which is a pity. I’m not talking about S5 here but it seems to be mildly better than 4. Either way it is still always fun to see the fight scenes and they were very enjoyably to re-watch.
Special Effects/Practical Effects/Make-up/Sets
For a TV show Shield has some damn good effects going on. The first season is obviously going to be a bit rough and it is but they really step up their game in season 2. The way they show powers and the CGI behind them are pretty high quality for a lot of the times its used. This extend into S3 + 4 thankfully and especially with a certain someone in S4. It is a pity though that the team hasn’t really got a grasp on landscape green screen. Its fine if its just a quinjet, which I think are very well done and as I’ve said when powers are in play they can be very realistic but as soon as you slap someone in front of a green screen it turns to shit. The biggest culprit is the S2 finale where the bad CGI effectively ruins the big climactic scene, its really bad, I’m not exaggerating. Its not like it was even a complicated background, it actually looks really dull, I have no idea what went wrong but bad backgrounds are a running theme. If there’s no people in the shot they tend to look good, so that’s something! As for the practical effects they have that down to a tee. Explosions look good, props are realistic and the guns feel they have weight to them with the sparks and holes they make. The stunts are also quality and the makeup is superb. The bruises and cuts all look very realistic and if a character needs to look like shit, they look like shit. The production design is well above that of other hero shows on TV, its a credit to the team. Every location (when there’s not bad green screen) looks real and used. They really do a good job of making every individual set come alive!
Diversity is a key issue when it comes to any TV show, hero or not and luckily Shield somewhat provides. In terms of people of colour and where people are from in the world it has a lot to offer. Its lead actress, Chloe Bennet, is Chinese-American and she did a great piece on how Asian American actors/actresses are treated, I highly recommend you look it up. With Chloe we have, of course, the amazing Ming-Na Wen who is reason enough to watch the show tbh. There’s Henry Simmons and B.J Briit who are both African American, Natalia Cordova-Buckley who’s Mexican and Gabriel Luna who’s Mexican American. There is also a couple characters from Britain which livens up the accents a bit so they’re not all just American. There is of course more poc but those are the main characters, so Shield doesn’t disappoint in that department, something which can’t be said for LGBT+ representation. I originally thought there were no LGBT+ characters but while watching the second time it turns out there is a singular gay character in the show as far as I can tell, which is something I will always be disappointed in. Whats worse is the character just kinda disappears, so I wouldn't get attached. It is such a pity they never had more LGBT+ characters and it is a stain on the show as a whole. (Just an aside I am Irish so if anything I said above is offensive just let me know, I know how important diversity is so I wanted to include this as a point cause it could be a deal breaker for some, myself included, especially when it comes to LGBT+ characters, so just say if anything sounds bad to you and if it is I’ll change it immediately)
The Little Moments
So here’s what I’ve been alluding to through out the review. It’s one of my favourite things about Shield is how they have these little moments, these scenes that just come out of no where and hit you in the gut. It shows how dedicated the actors are, they’re at 100% all the time. I find it really noticeable in the earlier seasons as with the later ones its just emotion all the time, but there’ll still be those nuggets of just two characters talking and having amazing chemistry. These moments have the ability to turn a mediocre episode into a great one such as S3Ep13 which was a fairly average episode that had the most tear jerking scens and even thinking about it is making me tear up. (I swear Mack in that scene ack I can’t) So if you do decide to watch the show look out for the little moments, they are just so amazing and sweet and when combined with the great acting and characters they really bring the show together.
For the final bit I’m gonna rank the seasons worst to best and try and explain why, still no spoilers obviously and it is going to be a bit biased but here we go!
Season 3
Probably get hate for this but I did not like season 3. The first half is pretty good but my god the second half is so slow and tedious. It should have been great, I really liked where they were going but it took so long to get there I nearly feel asleep. It also has my least favourite character (introduced in season 2 for reference) in the spot light to much and he just really badly effected my favourite character so much so that it carries over to the 4th season and causes them to be very whiny for too long (it’ll make more sense or less if you watch it).
Season 4
Another controversial pick but I just didn’t really like the first third of this season. It had pacing issues and I wasn’t very invested in the story. After that though its a banger of a season and the latter half really lets the actors show off their skills and by god they do. Its great the first time round, not so much the second but still good. A great season overall.
Season 1
This was tough for me, I really enjoyed the first season. I think its more the fact on second viewing I know where all the characters are going to end up and seeing them all so innocent, so pure is just heart breakingly good. I remember watching the mid season finale back when it first aired and just being riveted to the screen. I was as worried as the characters on the show! Also gotta give it props for having one of my first crushes, Skye, still love her to this day <3
Season 2
Ah season 2 how much I love yet feel bad loving you. If you don’t know I’m not the biggest fan of a certain group of characters and they make their appearance in a big way. So you’re probably wondering why I like it then. Well instead of following the comics (kinda) with these characters they make them more like the X-Men so even though their name sends a shiver down my spine every time I hear it I think they’re done very well so I can put my hatred behind me as long as there’s no royals in the future I’ll be good. This season also has my favourite series of episodes 11-15. These episodes are just so, so good. The tension in the first few, my God and there’s a specific scene with Fitz and Skye that is just so heartbreaking and good argh I love it. This season also introduces Bobbi and Hunter two great character and I also discovered that i have a terryfying fear of having shit being stabbed under my nails or having them pulled off so that’s great! (Its actually a horrifyingly good scene, the most gruesome in the series and once again great tension)
There’s so much more id like to say but I’m just so bad at putting it into words and also its long enough as is, don’t you think? If by some miracle you read all that, thank you and if I have convinced you to try the show or re visit it please tell me what you think, Id love to know! If you have watched the show and read this for some reason please add on anything I missed. As long as its spoiler free go ahead, positive or negative! (As long as its no like ugh this show sucks, at least give some points) So I guess that’s it! Thanks for reading and here’s to the 100th episode!!
0 notes