#Spotlight's Box of Rambles
spotlightstudios · 2 years
I love looking back at old art of mine. I tried do hard to make it just right and took an obnoxiously long time for every drawing. However, I'm much happier with my art now, with a simpler style and more opportunity for me to actually enjoy it rather than staring at it for so long that I hate it by the time I'm done. (aka art rant time, since I can do that here!!)
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These four drawings are from within a span of at least two years. To explain, the top two are drawings of Catacombtale!Grillby (or Chance). The one on the left was my first version (an entry to a contest to draw Grillbys), the one on the right I redrew later on. The bottom left is something I drew for a crossover contest last year sometime, involving Dream and Nightmare (Jokublog). Lastly, bottom right is another contest drawing for the concept of an X-Tale oc (I used Ec-4o.Nightmare).
The first drawing of Chance is easily a good example of an attempt to make the drawing look fun and inviting. I've got a decently fund pose, the colors are warm, and there's a simple background. However, I did this Lineless. Why? I don't know, but I don't like it. Plain and simple, this is my least favorite of the drawings pictured because I took so long to meticulously shade and color and it still wasn't worth it. Served it's purpose for the time, but that's it.
The second one of Chance is overall better. I used cooler colors, and by now I kinda understood how to put deoth into backgrounds. The style I used for him is fine too. Here, I hate the posing. His composition in comparison to everything else makes him look like he's about to fall off his stool. His second set of arms look stupid too, since I recall I either forgot them or didn't want to draw more hands, so I just folded them unnaturally. Better, but not my favorite.
The Fnaf/UTAU crossover drawing is my favorite in concept. It's not the best drawing style, not the worst. I'd redo the designs slightly if given the chance. However, the composition and background I'd keep almost identical. I really liked how the background came out for this one (minus the doorway) because I started to paint my backgrounds around this time. The character poses, I like Night's more, but Dream's is good enough for it's purpose. The execution of using two characters with brand new designs works well enough here, but as I said, I took too much time with minimal effort for this to be too good. (Also completely skipped shading in favor of darker colored gaussian blur.)
The bottom right, X-Night, is my favorite of these specific four. The body proportions are clearly more rounded and small, the style of lineart and colors are very simple and bold, and most of the real charm cones from the lighting and after affects rather than meticulous shading or complex backgrounds. There were still things I'd change if given the chance, but this is a perfect example of my mindset at the time too. The other three drawings here were fun, but I drew them with other people's expectations in mind. For this piece? I drew what I wanted to, since it was my (relatively speaking) design and my art. I'm not as active or social on the app I drew these for anymore. So, I'm much less inclined to please the overlords that might've gotten it more popular had I drawn it in a more realistic or engaging style.
Don't get me wrong, I loved being on that site and drawing so much. I like all of the pieces I posted on too. However, this is a good chance to reflect on what exactly I've been doing all this time in the UT Fandom and how it helped me improve my art over the course of just barely 3 or 4 years.
More looks back on this, a continuation, will be coming soon. This is gonna be a long rant I'll probably revisit often just to catalog ideas for redraws, as well as notes for myself. (Not all of it is degrading, because I plan my next one to be about what things I have enjoyed drawing and why, followed by a completely redraw-cebtric post!
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unxpctedlygreat · 1 year
ever think about how in hopes we can literally kill byleth and sothis and it impacts the story in absolutely zero way
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hi hi! i am the 'creator' of TWST spotlight; if youd like to find some blogs, you can check this out! also would appreciate you shouting out your fave fan-content-creators in the reblogs too!! there is always more room for people
Creatives gotta support fellow creatives. We are all just bards telling our stories to the masses; yes, we are bards.
It'll take me a bit since I'm currently writing up a draft, but I will definitely check it out once I have time (and I like leaving chaotic but well-meaning reblogs)!
Thank you again for sharing! I hope your pillow is cold at night!
Side note; please take care of your bone snake (aka spine), I know it must be very crunchy. It is a curse that comes with creating, horrible posture.
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its-vannah · 1 year
Surprise | Eddie Roundtree x Reader
A/N: This easily became one of my favorites I've ever written. Hope you all enjoy it 💕
Warnings: Please scroll down to the bottom of the fic as it contains heavy spoilers
Daisy Jones and The Six Masterlist
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Eddie paced around your apartment, waving his hands in the air while he rattled on about Billy's treatment of him during one of their latest concerts.
The two of them weren't exactly cordial to each other, with one usually down the others throat, but you understood how Eddie felt. He had finally gotten the chance to have a minute in the spotlight while Daisy sang—and Billy ripped the opportunity out of his hands.
As soon as he got back from the tour, he went straight home to vent to you about it.
"I mean, who the fuck does he think he is?" Eddie exclaimed, his slapping his sides, "If he's not the center of attention, then he's not happy!"
He rambled on, "And his whole obsession with Daisy? Don't get me started. They don't even let us write for the albums—at all. You know, Graham wrote a song. A fucking great song. And you know what Billy said?"
"What did he say?" You hummed.
"He said no, we don't want your damn song on the album because it's not your job to write the songs."
You tilted your head to the side, "Verbatim?"
"Well, no, but that's what he meant," Eddie groaned, bracing himself against one of the barstools in the kitchen, "He's got a stick permanently shoved up his ass."
You got up from your spot on the couch and walked to stand behind him. Once your fingers found his shoulders, you began moving them in circles to loosen up the tension in his upper body.
He relaxed a bit, leaning into your touch.
"Eddie, I'm sorry that happened at the concert," You said, pressing a kiss to his shoulder blade, "Next time, stand your ground. Tell him if it's been decided you'll go out there, then you're going to go. To hell with what he thinks. It's not just his band, it's all of yours."
A sigh escaped his lips as he nodded, "It feels like shit being on his bad side. He always wants to be in control."
"Then let him," You said as he turned to face you, "It'll catch up with him eventually."
Eddie pressed his lips to your temple, wrapping his arms around you, "I'm sorry."
"For what?"
"I was a dick when I got home," He explained, "Didn't even ask how my girl's day was."
Your hand moved to cup his cheek, rubbing his cheekbone with your thumb, "It's okay, Ed, you had a shitty day with Billy. You know I'm here if you need someone to talk to. You should, anyway, I'm your wife."
Your teasing tone caused a slight smile to appear on his face as he leaned in to kiss you—properly, as he said, this time.
He pulled away not long after, "So, how were you while I was gone?"
"About that," You said, taking a step back towards the living room to grab something from beneath the side table, "I have a surprise for you."
"For me?" He questioned, confusion washing over his face before he raised his eyebrows, "I mean, if you're in the mood, I am. How long has it been? Since the day before the tour?"
Playfully glaring back at Eddie, you picked the small box up and carried it over to him, "Put your hands out
"I feel like a kid all over again," He admitted as he stuck his hands out, "Don't tell me I have to close my eyes."
"You don't."
"Is it a pony?" He teased, causing you to laugh in response.
You shrugged, "Let's just hope I got the right kind."
He held the box in his hands, confused as to what it could be.
"Open it."
He undid the ribbon, sliding it off the box before lifting the lid. The bassist was left with more tissue paper, something he was never fond of.
Once he lifted back the layers and saw the contents, his eyes widened.
Inside was a pair of little baby boots and a small guitar pick. Unlike some of his bandmates who would've stared at it wondering what it meant until they had to be told, it clicked in his head right away.
In a small, soft voice, his eyes met yours, "You're pregnant?"
You nodded as he set the box down on the coffee table, gently taking you in his arms and weaving his hands through your hair, pressing your head to his chest.
"God, I'm gonna be a dad."
Smiling into his chest, you inhaled the lingerinf scent of his cologne, "The best."
The two of you stood there for a while, living in the world you had created on your own. In that moment, there was no Billy, no band, and no way in hell anything could ever tear you away from eachother.
Warnings: Pregnancy, marriage, Billy Dunne SLANDER
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thebadboyfanclub · 8 months
Say It Again (Charles Leclerc x Reader)
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Hey y’all, so I wanted to indulge myself into this and hopefully you like it as much as I did.
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Charles Leclerc, the man, the myth, the prince of Formula One, and the one that has the spotlight on him not only for his excellent driving skills but also for his baby blue eyes that sparkled like precious jewels, men wish to be him and women would kill to be with him, to grow up with such pressure of having to succeed but also the sweet taste of privilege in your mouth was a combination destined for chaos.
Until she came, his (y/n), a young lady who was on the marketing team for Ferrari, he could still recall the day they met, it was at the Grand Prix in Indonesia, and it was her first time at an event like this as a guest of the company, she was wearing a sundress and her hair was down, the smile of excitement reminded him of his first race in formula one, how her eyes sparkled with curiosity at anything she gazed, how the tattoos decorated her skin and the golden evil eye necklace along with golden earring complimented her.
“Charles this is (y/n), our newest employee”
“Pleasure to meet you”
“Likewise, you have an accent”
A subtle shade of red appeared on her cheeks as her focus shifted from him to the ground and then back up, her lips went into a thin line before the smile came back again, he didn’t mean to insult her, he was just curious.
“English is not my native language”
“It is not mine either, where are you from?”
“Well my father is Italian but my mother is Greek, I was born in Italy, I grew up in France though, my father was in the military so you know, speaking a bunch of different languages was the normal-“
“let’s move on, shall we? I'm sure Charles would like a moment of peace before the race, make Ferrari proud”
The conversation was rudely interrupted by (y/n) 's manager who ushered her away from the driver, Charles was not bothered by her rambling in the slightest, actually, he was fascinated by it, he did not meet a lot of people who could speak to him so casually, yes he could see that most of her talking was from how excited she was but still, it was what made her stand out.
Soon her laughter was heard around the box and her colorful Instagram stories were the reason he would refresh his Instagram feed, he loved observing her, how she always asked her colleague if she wanted coffee and then refused to take money for it.
“I asked you if you wanted it”
Was what (y/n) would always say, (y/n) also had this cute thing of kissing the top of her colleague's head since she was taller, how her two front teeth would semi-appear when she smiled, and how she cracked her knuckles every time she pitched an idea to her boss or how her eyes welled with tears when someone raised their voice at her, yet she kept her voice turn and spoke up for herself.
“I will not allow you to talk to me like this”
She was just, (y/n), she was honest and raw to herself, a rare thing for someone her age.
That is why when they were in Monaco for the weekend race and (y/n) sat next to him on the yacht he wasn’t surprised that she leaned and laid her head on his shoulder.
“A bit, I have to make my homeland proud”
“You don’t have to make your homeland proud, you have to make yourself proud, right?”
“I suppose”
“Prince Leclerc, always so… so… sterile”
Charles asked as his eyebrows raised from what she had just said, (y/n) 's infectious laugh erupted and her hand went up to cover her mouth as usual.
“je veux dire, tu es toujours aussi tendu, je ne pense pas t'avoir déjà vu te détendre” (I mean, you're always so tense, I don't think I've ever seen you relax)
Her voice was so different in France, Charles guessed because she didn’t have to translate the whole thing in her head or perhaps the champagne was making her a tad bit drowsy.
Charles smirked at her and nodded his head, she was right, Charles sometimes could not even sleep before a race, melatonin had become his best friend when he started driving for Formula One, he had sneaked a bottle of it in his bedroom so his parents wouldn’t see it.
“pouvez-vous me blâmer?” (Can you blame me?)
It was a simple answer, barely above a whisper, yet when she raised her eyes at him, something in him sparked, in a snap everything went quiet and all he could hear was her shallow breathing, instinctively his hand went up to caress her cheek, her flesh hot against his index finger and (y/n) felt like electricity drew through her body, she could only guess this was the sensation of a deer caught in headlights, needing to pull away but frozen on her spot.
“Belle” (beautiful)
After that word (y/n) lost all composure, leaning in to just let her lips rest on his, waiting to see his reaction which was to of course deepen the contact, and what was once a hesitant and soft kiss went to passionate open-mouthed make out in a blink of an eye, his hand found the back of (y/n)s neck to keep her in place whilst (y/n) gripped on his shirt firmly.
It was only when Charles went down to her neck to leave a trace of butterfly kisses that (y/n) could finally breathe.
“Oh my”
When Charles heard her voice it felt like he was pulled out of a spell, though incredibly aroused suddenly he was pulled out of his dreamland and back to the yacht, a yacht filled with people, her coworkers, other drivers, anyone and everyone could feast upon them with their hues.
(Y/n) felt like she was pushed into a bath filled with ice at the immediate stop of his lips, stripped away from all the endearments her eyebrows furrowed with confusion, her immediate response was to think that he was just teasing so one could imagine her surprise when she leaned in to kiss him and his hand went up to her chest to keep her from coming any closer.
“I don’t understand”
“I must go”
“I must go, now”
After that incident Charles's demeanor did a complete 180, he could barely look her in the eye, avoiding (y/n) 's presence at all costs by pretending he was busy or there was somewhere he must go, her laugh was now at a distance and he was usually way too far to see the wrinkles on her eyes when she smiled.
They were pretty distant colleagues so their paths didn’t cross all the time, however, they were still under the same label and that meant that they were both invited to the New Year dinner and after-party that Ferrari held, to celebrate the upcoming year.
Charles looked dapper in his suit, the man is a walking doll so no one was surprised, on the contrary, they expected him to show up looking sharp, on the other side (y/n) had knocked it out of the park, she had splurged on the wonderful dress that did wonders for her figure and not only that but the perfume she had on was like you dived head first to a blooming garden, it was hard for Charles to keep his eyes off from her and for the most part he had succeeded, until her manager rose from his seat, lighting tapping his glass and gave an utterly dull speech.
“And on that note, I would like to raise a toast to our wonderful (y/n) and announce that she has decided to not renew her contract with us, we wish her the best at her new company Mercedes, and we gave her solid growth to learn and now I am certain she will make us proud”
Charles's eyes shot up at (y/n) who kept a subtle smirk and nodded in gratitude for the great wishes for her future, it seemed as if she was leaving on mutual and respectful ground which was wonderful for her career though not for Charles.
(Y/n) felt uncomfortable for the whole dinner, a pair of eyes that spewed fire towards her compelled her to shift on her seat, that was until everyone moved to the terrace with the slightest of a breeze and the jazz music along with the breathtaking view.
Charles had been drinking more than he should have as he still looked over (y/n) like a hawk, he was ready to talk to her when once again Carlos beat him to it and approached something Charles wanted first.
“So it is true, you are leaving us”
“You make it sound so dramatic Carlos, it was a good opportunity”
“I bet it is, anyone would do anything to have you on their team”
“I am not so sure about that”
She mumbled, it had been months since the Monaco incident yet it still stung like hell, it was partially the reason she even considered moving to Mercedes, being in another company meant she could avoid her torture that listened to the name of Charles much easier and maybe she could even forget anything ever happened.
“Don’t undermine yourself, it doesn’t suit you”
“And what does mister Sainz?”
“Are you asking for the appropriate answers or are you feeling risky?”
“tu me déçois ma chérie, je n'aurais jamais pensé que tu abandonnerais si facilement, je suppose que tout le monde n'est pas fait pour ça” (you disappoint me my darling, I never thought you would give up so easily, I guess not everyone is cut out for this)
Charles rudely interrupted the pair, (y/n) turned to look at him with an expression that made her annoyance clear as day, her one eyebrow raised and her jaw tightened, how dare he say something like that? Mercedes was one of the most respectable brands out there and he spat on it like he wasn’t racing for Haas not too long ago.
“c'est drôle, je pourrais dire la même chose de toi et je ne me souviens pas t'avoir demandé ton avis, and in English please, it is such bad manner to speak in a language that someone you interrupted can’t understand” (it's funny, I could say the same thing about you and I don't remember asking your opinion)
“It is alright (y/n), Charles is young, he will learn to have some respect one day”
“And you think you deserve that?”
“Charles, you are making a scene”
“I didn’t do anything, I was speaking to you, not to him”
“You once again tried to butt in somewhere you don’t belong”
“And you do?”
“Hey, this is enough, I’m sorry Carlos I’m going to take Charles away from here”
“I’m not going anywhere”
“I didn’t ask you”
(Y/n) grabbed Charles by the wrist and dragged him away from all the prudes and eyes, if they raised their voices just a little bit more they would have ended up on every tabloid there is and that would have been a catastrophe for everyone that was involved.
Charles only smirked in triumph as he was being dragged away by a frustrated (y/n) and shoved into a bathroom before she closed the door behind her, her hand went up to her temple so she could rub circles in hopes that it would soothe the massive headache due to the annoyance this whole incident had caused.
“How stupid can you be? Why are you acting like this?”
“Like what?”
“Like an arrogant piece of shit, what was the meaning of this?”
“I wanted to talk to you”
“So you resided to insulting me?”
“I did not”
“Cut the shit Leclerc”
“I did not! I just… why were you talking to him?”
He sounded more like a spoiled little kid who saw his favorite toy being in the arms of another kid than an actual adult which caused (y/n) to pause as she took one small step back from Charles who had leaned on the sink with his arms on his side supporting him.
“You are so… you left me there that night, ran off like somebody was chasing you and now you dare to act like this? No”
“(Y/n) you don’t-“
“I don’t what? Understand? You are the one that fucking left me there, I looked like a fucking fool in front of everyone, you know how humiliating that was? To walk into my job the next day when everyone looked at me with pity or judgment? No, cause nobody would dare to do that to Prince Charles Leclerc, he can do whatever he wants”
That was when he could finally see past his nose, the veil of ignorance was lifted from his eyes and he could finally stare at the cold truth, he had done it to protect her, shield her reputation from the harm of sleeping with a coworker, he thought he was acting selflessly by refusing to do what he wanted to do the most, touch her.
In the meantime he had managed to make her the butt of the joke, poor little girl got dumped by Charles, he bit his lip wishing that if he bit enough the would turn back time and take it all back.
“Say something”
“I’m sorry”
He responded on impulse, his words were enough to bring tears to her eyes, from the exhaustion of pretending to be fine and not listening to the whispers, from the tough act of not caring about Charles, from the cathartic emotion of the apology, all these mashed together made her little marbles full of water.
“Ma belle dame” (my beautiful lady)
He whispered to her as he reached with his arms to pull her in a hug, (y/n) 's forehead collided with his chest when his hand went up to caress her hair, tears streamed from her eyes and stained his button up in the process, a few small whimpers escaped her lips and her body trampled.
The sensation of guilt was the worst of all for Charles, it overtook his entire body like venom, spreading through his veins rapidly yet he had to be there for her, it was the least he could do after the mess he had created.
“I’m so stupid, I did it to help, to- I didn’t want you to be labeled as anything”
“The minute your lips touched mine all of that was thrown out the window, and honestly I think you made it worse”
“I know, I didn’t mean to do any harm”
“You never do, that’s the problem”
Her hands found his cheeks as she stared into his blue eyes that had captivated her and half of the female population, time froze for them at that moment, his hands gripped her waist tighter as he swallowed the lump in his throat, she was so beautiful even under the harsh fluorescent light of the bathroom.
“You changed your perfume”
“I did”
“I Haven’t been able to smell your perfume since-“
“Which one was I wearing?”
“It was floral, this one is like you are dripping with caramel”
“I’ll take that as a compliment”
“They are probably looking for us”
“Do you want me to leave?”
She whispered, her voice low and erotic, she knew that the answer would be negative, the way his eyes focused on her lips told her everything, her aura was sucking him in forcing him to remain in his spot.
“I missed you”
“Say it again”
“I missed you, mon beau” (it translates to my beautiful but I’ve been told it’s used as a nickname)
“You sound sexier in French”
“I will sound even sexier when I have you naked”
“Is that a promise?”
“More like a statement”
“Cocky aren’t we?”
“embrasse-moi” (kiss me)
“You heard me”
“I did, I just want you to say it again”
“embrasse moi, s'il te plait” (kiss me, please)
Charles pleaded, (y/n)s lips curved into a devilish smile before she brushed her lips against his, she was hoping to tease him though she had seemed to forgotten Charles was a formula one driver, his reflexes were too fast for her and swiftly he bit her bottom lip to suck her in.
(y/n) wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him as close as humanly possible, the kiss followed the path of the last one, passionate like two people that desperately wished to quench their thirst for one another, his lips traveled down to her neck, his breath was enough to earn moans and grunts as her sensitivity peeked through the roof, Charles had lost track of everything, time and place did not matter and naturally he wanted more, so he lifted her off the ground and on to the bathroom sink, positioning himself between her legs as his hands roamed all over her body.
“Look at you, so eager”
He teased her once her hand went over his aroused manhood over his pants, a little giggle escaped her but she didn’t seem to shy away or stop, her fingers finding the button quite easily and pulling his pants down as fast as possible.
(Y/n) had seemed to make it quite easy for him since the dress was easily pulled up to her waist and her panties ripped apart without even having Charles put all of his strength into it.
His tip grazed over her making (y/n)s head go back and hiss from anticipation.
A voice called for her after an abrupt knock, her eyes shot open from the shock and so did Charles, time had flown by and naturally people started to look for them.
“Are you ok? Where’s Charles”
“I’ll be out in a second”
“We can’t find Charles”
“I don’t know where he is”
Charles snickered in a low note at her smooth lie and the result was a smack on the biceps by (y/n) whose blood had gone cold in her veins from the fear.
They both waited for a minute hoping the person had away before they burst into laughter from the close call.
“How much do you think we have?”
“Maybe 10 minutes tops”
“I need only 5”
“I was hoping you would say that”
Requests are open!
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arlertdarling · 10 months
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rockstar!hange who is the fiery-spirited bassist of flügel der freiheit — a german rock band famous for their fierce music, moody lyrics and masks made of bandages.
rockstar!hange who thrives in the spotlight, playing unforgettable solos and performing crazy stunts, from flips and back bends to knee slides and stage dives.
rockstar!hange whose body is all silver piercings, colourful nerdy tattoos and a few too many dumb not-always-drunken mistakes.
rockstar!hange who is positively unmatched in the headbanging game, jumping and thrashing until their hair has fallen out of its ponytail and their bandages are halfway off.
rockstar!hange who always knows exactly how to hype up the crowd or entertain them when there’s a delay or technical issues.
rockstar!hange who has countless scars from stage stunt accidents and is way too eager to recount the stories in grossly excessive and gory detail during interviews. their bandmates call them a reckless idiot, but they claim that ‘scars make good ice-breakers’ and ‘look badass’ and also ‘were totally worth it’.
rockstar!hange who strikes ridiculous poses and pulls weird faces in fan selfies — a total 180 from their promotional photoshoots, where they’re always slightly smirking and matching the serious vibe of their bandmates.
rockstar!hange who loves their fans, almost as much as their fans love them, and would probably stop to take a picture or give an autograph to every person who asked, if not for their management team and bandmates literally dragging them away.
rockstar!hange who is just as unhinged online as they are in real life, often scrolling through edits of themselves, commenting on fanwork and posting memes and goofy photos with nonsensical captions. luckily this is all limited to their personal socials because miche and levi got sick of them doing this on the band’s joint official accounts and changed the password to keep them out.
rockstar!hange who talked and rambled so much during the band’s GENIUS interview that most of it didn’t make it to the final cut.
rockstar!hange who, despite how it may seem, is actually really intelligent and practically the backbone of the band’s revolutionary music; always thinking outside the box, suggesting weird ideas and experimenting with concepts that neither miche nor levi had even thought to try.
rockstar!hange who you met through miche’s girlfriend, nanaba, when she invited you to see them play their first show, back when they were still a no name trio playing at school proms and empty bars.
rockstar!hange who had you hooked from the moment they stepped on stage, unintentionally charming you with their silly antics, dorky chatter mouth and intense bass playing.
rockstar!hange who would proceed to see you at the end of every show after that because they’d been hopelessly charmed by your looks, laughter and lovable personality. they flirted with you so blatantly that levi scolded them more than once, but you didn’t mind, of course, because you were flirting back just as much.
rockstar!hange whose relationship status didn’t become public until later, breaking the hearts of thousands, to the point that it was trending on german twitter for almost a week.
rockstar!hange who insists on a good luck kiss from you before every show.
rockstar!hange who doesn’t really care for paps — sometimes even likes the attention — but will not hesitate to confront them in the act if they try to snap a photo of you, levi or miche without your permissions.
rockstar!hange who gushes about you so often to their fans that you’ve accumulated a sort of fan club of your own.
rockstar!hange who is rarely seen off-stage without you at their side and an arm lazily thrown over your shoulders or a hand tucked into your back pocket.
rockstar!hange who will find out your current favourite song so they can add it to the set list last minute to surprise you.
rockstar!hange who is super clingy after touring, going out of their way to spend every waking hour with you — yes that includes following you into the bathroom — and then spooning you the entire night, only to do it all again the next day.
rockstar!hange who calls you the ‘rock’ to their ‘star’ because you’re always there to keep them grounded; to remind them that, at the end of the day, they’re a person just like all their fans, who gets tired, or needs a break, or worries and suffers burnout. it’s thanks to you that they’re able to keep doing what they love, and they make sure that everybody knows it.
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talesofesther · 1 year
birthday girl
Wednesday Addams x Reader
This story belongs to the Sweet Calamity universe
Summary: Wednesday tries to make something special for your birthday.
A/N: A sweet little thing for my favorite universe. And also as a birthday gift for my dear friend @eviekensington. <3
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It was a day like any other; the sun was peeking through the clouds, your colleagues had sour faces in the morning, your girlfriend's hand was warm in yours.
Just a normal Thursday.
Or at least you hoped it would be.
You were walking out of your last class with Wednesday, talking with her about the upcoming test. Well, you were talking, she was listening and humming along.
The day went by as normal, the sun just a few hours short of setting, and no one had acknowledged it was your birthday yet.
Just how you liked it.
Honestly, it's not that you don't like when people remember your birthday, you do — it shows they care. Yet the sometimes overwhelming attention that comes with it is not exactly something you love.
One person wishes you a happy birthday and suddenly there are people you don't even know pulling you into a hug to do the same. It feels like the spotlight is on you for the whole day. That, you don't like.
To avoid things like that, you preferred to keep it a secret. Though this year there's something different; you had your soulmate with you. A soulmate who's very good at uncovering secrets.
"I happened to forget my hunting knife at the ballroom," Wednesday suddenly interrupted your rambling, "would you accompany me to get it?"
"Uh-" you didn't know what she was doing with a hunting knife at the school's ballroom in the first place, but there was no reason for saying no to spending more time alone with her, "yeah, of course."
Wednesday gave you a barely there smile and squeezed your hand before pulling you along.
Maybe you should have expected it, what with the way she was being all secretive today, dodging your attempts at making plans for later and sending texts to someone whilst in class — you barely saw Wednesday touch her cellphone on a normal day; that should've been reason enough for you to guess something was off.
You pushed open the ballroom doors and were immediately greeted with chantings of happy birthday. Enid, Ajax, Bianca, Yoko, Divina, Xavier, Eugene, and many others of your friends occupied a small portion of the big ballroom; there was a table with a cake and drinks on top of it and a haphazard cut-out birthday sign taped to the wall along with a few balloons.
Placing a hand over your racing heart, you looked at Wednesday beside you, she had a glint of pride in her eyes.
"You weren't assuming I was unaware, right?" She smirked, then motioned for you to walk further into the ballroom, "you can thank Enid for the party."
You didn't have much time to answer before Enid was pulling you into a bone-crushing hug; "happy birthday, Y/n." She pulled back, half-heartedly glaring at you, "I can't believe you weren't going to tell me it's your birthday."
"Well, I-" you started with a timid chuckle.
"No matter," the werewolf kept going, a bright smile on her lips that you couldn't help but copy, it did feel nice to have people who cared. "Wednesday found out just in time."
Enid was also the first to give you a present after all of your friends hugged you; it was a large pink box that had a knitted sweater inside it, the fabric unbelievably soft, in shades of purple and lilac — it was bound to become your favorite.
For what felt like hours you ate, drank, received gifts, and celebrated with your friends. It was nice — until the attention became overwhelming, until you were craving some fresh air.
Luckily, you had someone who apparently could read you like an open book.
You were putting away your empty cup when you felt nimble fingers touching your elbow. Her presence so familiar to you that you didn't even need to turn to see who it was — your soul knew the shape of hers already — but you did anyway, pursing your lips in a smile.
"Are you not enjoying your festivities, mi flor?" Wednesday spoke with a softness reserved for you only.
"I am, really I am," you reassured a little too urgently, biting your lip when all you got from her in response was a raised eyebrow telling you to be honest. "It's just- I don't like much attention on me as is, and here, I feel like all eyes are on me."
Wednesday hummed, her brows scrunched in thought, "Enid said to me that's what you'd like when I told her I wanted to do something for today. I apologize."
You could swoon. You wanted to kiss away the little pout on Wednesday's lips — so you did, you cupped her face with one hand and gave a peck to her lips; "don't apologize, I loved it. Just the fact that you thought of doing something already means everything to me."
The dimmed lights of the ballroom almost hid the blush on her pale cheeks. Almost. Her fingers trailed down your arm, creating goosebumps on your skin until her hand found yours, "come with me."
"What about them?" You glanced at your friends. They were laughing with each other and stuffing themselves with cake.
"They won't mind."
With her hand in yours, Wednesday took you all the way to the lake just outside the school walls, its water was glistening with the fading sunlight and the few leaves on the trees were rustling with the cold wind. It was gorgeous, straight out of a painting.
She sat down with you on the wooden deck, both your feet just short of touching the water.
"This better?" Wednesday asked, her eyes expectant on you.
"Yeah," you intertwined your fingers with hers and brought her hand up to kiss her knuckles, "it's the best."
Wednesday knew you loved all things nature, she reprimanded herself for this not being her first option. Though you genuinely looked happy, with a soft smile permanent on your lips and the golden sunset reflecting in your eyes.
You watched in blissful silence as the sun slowly disappeared behind the mountains, your thumb gently tracing the skin on your girlfriend's hand.
"Thank you, this really is the best birthday," you said quietly so as to not disturb the atmosphere around you.
You felt Wednesday's eyes on you, "because you're here," you told her. Despite being true, your own words made you smirk as you waited for the reaction you knew they'd cause.
"That's nauseating," Wednesday grumbled, tugging at your hand so it would rest on her lap.
"You love it," you bumped her shoulder with yours, stretching your feet to kick the water underneath you.
Wednesday held back a smile. She did love it.
⋆* ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
Thank you for reading this little story. Feedback and reblogs are literally what keep me motivated to continue posting here, so I'd appreciate it if you could take some time to reblog and comment if you want. <3
Wednesday’s taglist: @milkiane @bookfrog242 @heelaechan @imagine-reblog @sakurarukas @bluetreecloud20 @the-night-owl-blr @imlike-so-gaydude @user284747 @dreifhraniquo29 @emeraldevan @simp4nat @boobabietch @impossibleliv1031 @deadpool-in-a-snood @rainbow-love4ever @maria-403 @pompompuri @halleest @wandaromanova @marveloussimp @rainbow-hedgehog @left-and-right-up-and-down @get-the-fuck-outta-here @awolfcsworld @elduster @alexkolax @georgi-salva @imdumbhi @youralphawolf72 @reginassweetheart @justyourwritter69 @yangsroboarmm @8e-h-e8 @irish-piece-of-trash @femalehomosexual666 @wol-fica @wednesdays-woes @vorsdany
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jackiequick · 8 months
Meet more of the family, Miss Stark & The Youngest Barnes | Marvel OC
Liv Stark ⌚️
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Full name: Olivia Charlotte Stark-Vega
Nicknames: Liv, Vi, Lottie, Lola, Clary, Char, Charlie, Miss Vega, Snark Central
Age range: 5-18
Height: 5’1
Relationship status: Single
Background: American with Peruvian, Polish and Italian descent
Father: Anthony Stark
Godmother: Elizabeth Stark
Godfather: Jason Underwood
Brother & Sister: Rei and Morgan Stark
Step-mom: Pepper Potts
Uncles: James Rhodes, Happy Hogan & rest of The Avengers
Abilities: A bit of geek and hacker due to her love of technology, basic hand to hand combat since she enjoys boxing and her witty personality. She’s young so she hasn’t gotten plenty of skills yet.
Personality: Liv has a smart touch, gentle soul, sweet, charming and easy going. She is a bit of a bitchy girl and stubborn about everything she does. If she wants to do something, she will probably sneak out to get it done. She got a some of anxiety and a nervous twitch (which would grow over the years since Liv is afraid of being alone and in the dark about a lot of things), this creeping fear and sadness that will take over her if not careful.
- However Liv is very accident prone, she’s always getting hurt one way or another, giving everyone an heart attack since the age of 9 since she’s always been a active little girl. So in result she give Tony and something for Rei to roll his eyes about.
- From an young age, she has always been into tech, jewelry and over all. Wanting to build and grow a her own little things, she was a Stark it’s a given! She watched a lot of movies so she got creative with her ideas.
- Random fun fact, one of her favorite movies is 10 Things I Hate About You, just because she likes Kat Stratford’s aesthetic and attitude. But it’s many Action Movies and Rom-Coms that she will watch with Pepper, that she enjoyed. It’s where she gets her inspiration for things.
- She adored the idea staying in the lab, tinkering and cleaning up the inventions that were made. She practically lived in there, staying home to help and learn. It caused never want to leave that house in general, having a bit of mouth on her after hearing the adults always speak their minds (so don’t be surprised this girl start rambling and throws out whatever bullshit that appears in her thoughts), but it allowed her to be a safe within those four walls.
- It didn’t take long for her to start filling up a notebook with designs on how to incorporate technology into fine jewelry (aka The Stark Watch, necklaces to tracking and security measures, bracelets to be use for defense purposes and rings can be transformed into gauntlet). 
- She’s always been bit of business women! Wanting to create products to help people, keeping an eye on things from behind the scenes, represent and model for Stark industries and such. 
- But she was still so young, so her parents and siblings didn’t want her to grow up so soon in the spotlight of it. She’s a kid! And she understood that, it bothered her but she understood why. So she stays hoping her time could come where she can help out the group.
—> Because little did she know that theses little gadgets and gizmos that would be incorporated into the ideas her father and older brother would use as fashion purposes in the future with their own suits. Aka they’re Iron Man suits!
—> I know you may be wondering about her family life, well Liv raised well per say. She had to move around a lot as a child, especially since Tony never wanted the public attention to be on her just yet and her mother wasn’t sure that she would taken care of. It took convincing from Pepper and Jason to let her stay home with them, so everything was fine after that.
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Her relationship with her father was an nice one. When it comes to parenting his kids, Tony was a rather dramatic, embarrassingly loud at times, a little cocky and stubborn parent per day, so it’s a bit difficult to get him to calm down and talk softly with him. Tony cares a lot about his children, having Rei and Liv to take care of but he was always busy with the company having to arrive home late, events he had to attend and ending up being tired.
Other than that, he tried to make time for his son and daughter, bringing them to the lab and everywhere he could. Even if he got in trouble afterwards. Tony always tries to inspire his daughter to do what she loves and experience things, be caring, make sure she was alright too and etc. But they make it work!
Ohh, did I forget to mention how annoying and protective Tony can be as a parent? He will take everything very seriously or not serious at all, acting out if something goes wrong and he tends to be questioning his motives. Even blaming himself if something bad were to happen to his family. Tell Tony Stark you have a crush? He sends JARVIS to keep an eye on you. Ask Tony for something like a new backpack for school? He buys you something else.
In his defense, he does everything with so much love (even if he doesn’t always portray it in the best way).
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Her relationship with Rei however—you wouldn’t think it but rather wholesome, since she’s the little sister he never exactly wanted. They were completely opposite to one another, he’s grumpy and she’s easygoing, he rather work alone in silence and she rather work with music blasting and etc. But as much as Rei may be annoyed and want to throw his little sister out of the house, deep down he cares about her, even though he didn’t show it to her very often and he’s very protective of her ever since he was a child.
Rei and their father, always trying to keep Liv out of harms way and safe at home. Even if they tend to fail at times.
Since Tony was always busy, Rei tends to be one to look out for Liv and keep her in check, being her personal bodyguard for everything she does. If it was up to him, Rei would wrap his baby sister in bubble wrap and not let her leave the house!!
When they were kids (and even now) Liv would follow Rei wherever he went and wanting to copy him, be like her big brother because he always around the corner with something snarky to say to her and a huge potty mouth (it resulted in her having a huge attitude as well). She will always be the one to encourage Rei’s designs for suits and talk to dad about something.
He talks and she will absolutely love to listen to him (even if 85% of the time she has no idea what he’s talking, cause he’s smarter than her at a lot of things.)
Sometimes you will find Liv in a moody way shutting everyone out of her room and just curled up in a ball, similar to brother and to be honest, it concerns Rei a bit when it happens. But he would probably try to snap her out of it, even not he will let her be in her moody moments. He knows how it is
At the end of the day, no matter how different they were with one another and the paths they choose, they cared in their own way. Even if when they’re public, they act like they don’t know one another.
—> As for her relationship with the Avengers and Young Avengers! Ooof let’s stick to first impressions, shall we?
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She met all of them when she just a child, joining Rei and Tony on a simple basis day with the group. She first started watching her father talking with Bruce Banner, and she took a liking to him very much seeing how nice, gentle and reserved he can be. But there an edge to him, that she found to be cool.
As for when she met Rick, it was when him and Rei were chatting. Her first impression of him, to her the young man is that he looked like a old school Disney Channel Star with a nice smile and warmth, with a glint of mischief in his eyes.
So when she saw Bruce, Rick, Rei and Tony all work together in their own separate labs blasting music so loudly..the only thing Vi said, “Oh no, there’s 4 of them!”
When she met Natasha, she just cool and rather chill per say acting like the nonsense agent with a soft side. Romanoff’s daughter on the other hand, she was just curious about her and Vi liked that.
Same thing goes for Clint and his daughter, they were just cool people. She was always amazed with the skills they had, and a part of her always knew that Clint Barton was a family man. And she was right, when they appeared at the Barton’s Barn years later.
Meira and Luna were just so relaxed, gentle and sweet girls. She adored how they acted with their teammates and siblings, especially Meira since she was a little sister just like her. Sweet and snarky.
Ethan was just super chill and suspicious of everything, Rei didn’t like him and carried Vi alway from from very quickly. Cole was just so mischievous, snarky smile and tossing jokes every day, making Vi laugh or snort. But a part of her respected him greatly, cause she heard he was VERY powerful.
Liane, well she didn’t like her right away. She annoyed Olivia very quickly and she sent painful glared toward the girl who tried to make friends with her. After a while she softened toward Ms Felton, but it took a long time cause she saw Rei didn’t like her either.
Daphnia Barnes-Wilson 🪫
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Full name: Daphnia Ramona Wilson-Barnes 
Nicknames: Daphne, Nia, Daph, DD, Sparky, Daffy, Fifi, Birdie,
Other name while on the run: Davina, Robin
Age range: 7–20
Height: 5’7
Relationship status: Single
Parents: Bucky Barnes & Sam Wilson
Background: American with Mexican and Chilean Origin
Aunt: Sarah Wilson
Uncle: Steve Rogers
Sister: Laurie Wilson
Brother: Benjamin Barnes
Abilities: Marksmanship and Acrobatics, having took some gymnastics classes. She’s also a bit of a fast learner so she’s fluent in English, Spanish, Russian, Portuguese and some French.
Personality: Gentle, a little broken due to being let down a lot in life, warm-hearted, clumsy, a bit shy and humorous at times. But if she’s anything like her fathers, she’s stubborn enough, a little self-sacrificing, and willingly to help no matter what.
- Sam and Bucky have been together for a while now, since their chemistry was a challenging one it always hard to settle down and figure out what they want. However a house, family and future for their kids was always one of them.
- They already had Laurie and Benjamin, so they thought two kids was enough as it is. But things took a small turn when they stumble at a orphanage in Brazil for a mission and met this no named little girl who gave both of them the most honest smile.
- Sam has always been one to have a big heart, so wanting a big family was always part of that. So his heart spoke before his words ever could, wanting to adopt her. Bucky Barnes on the other hand was a little hesitant—well more like worried—about the whole thing, he always wanted a little piece of normalcy and he got it with Sam and their kids. But adding a 3rd? That was a lot of responsibility, but he caved as soon as he hung out with the girl.
- To be honest, they saw a bit of themselves in her. So she was adopted when she less than 10 years old and brought into a family of oddly comforting heroes. They named gave her a name and did everything they could to make her feel comfortable. Welcomed.
—> So Davina (or Daphne) as they called her grow up with her parents and siblings. As loved as she was, she always felt alone and feared that it will all be taken away from her. Especially with the fact that her parents were heroes themselves, there was always a chance that they can end up hurt or worse, if not careful.
- But Bucky always made sure to tell her and every single one of his children, “Don’t worry, I’ll always come back home to you guys, no matter how long it takes.” And Sam would tell them, “You’re our kids, we will always love you and be there to tuck you in bed whenever we can.”
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- Sometimes they would be gone for 2-3 days, maybe a week or a whole month leaving the kids in care of family and friends. Laurie was the oldest of the siblings, so they could handle themselves very well and or sneak off to join the fight ending with them in trouble. Benjamin being the second oldest, so he rather stay behind during the fight and stay with his sisters and friends.
- Speaking of fights and travel, when if plenty say battle isn’t place for children. Sometimes Sam and Bucky had no choice but to bring there kids with them to places like Wakanda, Stark Tower, France and or let’s say Germany for instance. Even though it was a hassle to bring children along for the ride, it was an interesting learning experience and a way to test out their kids
- And to be honest, Daph and her siblings enjoy it a little too much. Cracking jokes, running around, exploring different places and meeting interesting people, and creating new ideas among one another. It was a field trip for them sometimes.
-> And if your wondering, yes Daphnia is team #HateJohnWalker! When she found out, she was ready to take her baseball bat and wack his head with it, demanding the Shield back with a glare. Bucky couldn’t be more prouder of her in that moment laughing, meanwhile Sam rolled his eyes unable to believe what he heard.
- Random fun fact, she played baseball before she was ever adopted and had really good aim, depending on where she was hitting. It was a trait her siblings carried on as well, especially Benjamin even if he was more reserved one, he had a great aim.
- She always loved any sport that involves movement and play, soccer being one of them (since she lived in Brazil for a while). She liked to think she was rather talented when it came to that, even if she was a problem when it came to being around other kids, having a small temper and glaring at other people. Mainly, it was her insecurity that she hid underneath her own glares. 
- Matter a fact all the kids were talented in their own way ever since they were younger. Daphne when she was very little, believed at the time that she didn’t have any good talents and wasn’t as smart enough as it is. Until Sam took her out to the shopping and noticed that she stopped in front of small gymnastics building with wide eyes, softly grinning at the sight. She pleaded for him to let her walk in and see the girls, he nodded letting her watch. As she did, Daph realized she wanted to join in on the fun and dance as well. Sam couldn’t stop himself and called Bucky for his opinion on it.
- She started her classes soon enough and enjoyed it for the most part, her body was rather sore after some classes. So she wasn’t too happy about that part. When Bucky told Nat about it, the Russian spy came in shocked and said, “If she wanted to learn some acrobatics, why didn’t you come to me or Lydia? Barton would’ve showed her!” 
- Bucky just rolled his eyes and replied, “Cause she wanted that to be her own thing. And it doesn’t hurt to have some normalcy around her, Romanoff. I think it’s a good thing..” And Bucky was right about that, since he loved seeing his husband and children happy, enjoying themselves and having a break from the hero world. Hell, he goes to every talent show, buys items needed and participates in whatever is needed. Even if he’s not too happy about it at first.
- Of course as much as acrobatics were her own thing and all she ever wanted to do, so she can have that skill set. That didn’t stop the idea of having good marksmanship in her left corner, she was already good with a baseball bat and Bucky was more than happy to show the basics of how to hold/use a gun to his kids. Sam wasn’t too pleased about that idea though saying, “They’re too young!”
- And to be honest, Daph was pretty good with a gun. Swinging it swiftly and tossing the gun in her hands, holding it up to her target (which was an old target board hanging outside nearby the trees). However that didn’t mean she didn’t play around with the gun at first, holding in her hands and pretending to be a spy. “Barnes, but you can call Agent Daphnia Wilson, at your service.” She said with a giggle, humoring herself.
- Daph was always a little silly, cocky and daring. Not thinking first and asking questions later kinda gal—oops! So it lead her to getting in trouble sometimes, breaking certain curfews if she out at the movies with a friend (like with one of the young avengers), being a little lazy about things and running away from her problems like a champ. But by the end of the day, she was good girl.
-> Speaking of Young Avengers and Older Avengers. You’re probably wondering who’s her favorites are and first impression were of the teams huh? Well, here are your answers.
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Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff were a given to being liked by her, due to her parents being friends with them. I mean come on, they are basically Captain America, The Black Widow and the rest of Cap’s Quarter.
Moving down the list Thor was always a silly man to her, hearing stories how he speaks in old English and is very noble when it comes to the things that he does. According to the stories from Sam, he was a rather loud fella with a good heart.
Clint Barton, she took a liking too finding his simple ways of life and honest charm to be a nice thing to see. Plus Clint has a similar murder stare to Bucky, so it was funny to see their resting faces when they’re in the same room together.
The man, the myth, the legend himself (or that’s at least what people like to say) Tony Stark was always one of a kind. She was very nervous to meet all of The Avengers, one of them being Stark having seen how the persona he displayed on TV screens and the stories. But in reality, Tony was just a genius goof with snarky humor, so it lighten up her mood.
It was like Bruce Banner sensed her nervousness from a mile away since she appeared in The Tower. He noticed the child behind Sam Wilson holding her jacket, leaned down to her level to kindly introduce himself to the girl and watching parents reactions. Soon enough, with Bucky leaning against the wall with a nod of encouragement, Daph started talking to Bruce with such softness and gentleness.
As for the rest of them, she met them some time later. The Young Avengers. She met the Stark siblings, Rei wasn’t in the lightest mood having no like the idea of meeting Barnes or Wilson’s kids but Olivia gave her a warm welcome and waved at her before rushing off to meet her friends at the mall.
Natasha Romanoff’s daughter Rochelle was kind enough to show her and her siblings around, chatting with them knowing it felt to be the new kids. Daph liked her reddish hair and kind smile.
Liane was something else, having been on a rambling mess when she met Daph and trying to figure out what to do with her plans. Laurie laughed as her sister snicker at the blonde, meanwhile Benji just rolled his eyes confused wanting to get away from there.
Meira was and will always be a delight to meet, since Daphnia met her that same week in The Tower’s kitchen and taste testing her new batch of cookies. They were delicious.
Speaking of food, when Daphnia met Rick she got the same warmth and kindness she remembered from being Bruce. But this time it involved snacks and jokes around his week at The Tower, she was all ears listening to him as they entered the kitchen to find some chicken nuggets.
Cole and Luna, it was more magic and fun spells when she came to see them. The two were casting some spills, when she got caught in one of them being turned into a little mouse by accident. Cole laughed as Luna worried, but they turned her back to normal soon enough.
Ethan was the 3rd sibling she met, and she thanked all the Stars and Stripes that it was a simple meeting. He was watching a movie, being Monsters Inc. when she met him the guy joining The Young Avengers for a movie night.
I hope you liked it and thank you for taking your time to read this!
If you want to know anything about theses OCs, let me know in the comments below.
Please like, comment, share and reblog if you like.
Tags: @gcthvile @rickb-chaos @msrochelleromanofffelton @mallowbee4 @mandylove1000 @gaminggirlsstuff @whitewiccan @rooster-84 @parisparker269 @sherloquestea @starkleila @meiramel @blueboirick and etc
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simsycatx · 5 months
House Tour: 715 Falls Park Drive
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Watch the House Tour
2 Bed 2 Full Bath Mudroom Coffee Nook Walk in Closet Price: §117,301 Lot Size: 20 x 20
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Occupant: Jennifer Smallwood
CC/DLC List below along with my ramblings/notes on the build too :)
Gallery ID: SimsyCatx - tick to show custom content and use bb.moveobjects
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I wanted this home to be super cosy with "Live Love Laugh" vibes. Very much decorated with a feminine eye with lots of cute B&M/Best Buy/cheap & cheerful clutter decor.
I have play-tested this and it all works except the two bathroom sinks because the sinks aren't designed for those counters. I'm guessing the counters are too high which puts the sinks too high to use. I did try to play around and try and get it working but couldn't manage it. It doesn't bother me (it kinda eliminates the dishwashing in the bathroom) so I left it for the ✨ aethestic✨ but they can easily be replaced if you want!
I've also removed the custom images in the bedroom (you can see them in the video), just because they are boudoir shots :)
Essential: For Rent High School Years Cottage Living Eco Living Seasons Get Together
Non-Essential: Growing Together - lamps & light Island Living - landscaping plant Get Famous = stairs Cats & Dogs- sculptures City Living - Rug Get to Work - sculpture Dream Home Decorator- plant Dine Out -plant Spa Day - towel Outdoor Retreat - condiment clutter My First Pet Stuff - blinds Romantic Garden - landscape flowers Free Holiday Pack - lights
by House of HarlixORJANIC Brick Foundation Sectional Sofa Curtain Right & Left - Short Cushion 1 & 2 BAYSIC A good chunk of it BAFROOM Scrub Bathtub Shampoo Towel Rack Toilet roll Soap Dispenser Face Cloth KICHEN Rubber Plant Olive Oil Lovely Lady Bush Cabinets Shallow Counter Wine Rack Glass Pendant Short Chopping Board Set Bay Tree HARLUXE Sink Beach Bag Coffee Table JARDANE A good chunk LIVIN' RUM Stacking Box Tiny Tray Remote Simsung Frame TV Magazine End Table Book Series
by The Clutter Cat Understairs Shelf - Short
by @simcredibledesignsOh Reykjavik Paintings Cushions Zara Bed Nothing to Fear Geomentric Shelves Silky Intentions Toilet Brush Lotions Nuance Mugs Scandi Fever Sideboard Plant 2 3 Cushions TV Rug Naturalis Hanging Plant tall Hanging Plant Suculenta Coffee Maker Calligaris Purse Rug Sandals Purse Rack Hanger Welcome Sculpture Paper Shop Bag Botts Bag Rack Country Coffee Flower Straws Wall Mug Board Painting 1 & 2 Deco Cutting Board Capsule Tower Capsules Pomeriggio Candle Jules Sandals Lipstick Dream English Latitude Make Up Trays Toilet Brush Shampoos Cotton Swabs Agata Candle - Small Keep Life Simple Bathroom Towel Toilet Bidet Bedroom Mirror La Femme Painting Small Go Trendy Plant Bottle Spotlight Desk Daydreamer Pillow Love the Less Sphere Glass Cloche Decor Cotton Plant 4 Cushions
by @onyxsimsExcelsior Toilet Paper Toilet Paper Holder Free Standing
by @simkoosMorning Routine Closet Clutter Shoe Box Plant Mum II Mini Plants Eucalyptus v2 Cup of Straws Metal Tongs Tiny Living Room Television - Standing Thermos Makeup Palette Hanging Purse Shoe Box Storage Container V1 & V2 Stacked Cups Napkin Holder Cup of Straws
by @pralinesims Decal Posters 9, 8, 7, 5, 4, & 2
by @awingedllama Blooming Rooms Plants Paranormal Plants Apartment Therapy v2
by @soloriyaBarber Shop Decor Hair Mousse Hair Spray
by @lapanemona Harmony Set
by @syboubouCountry Kitchen Glass Jars Pot Holder Olive Oil, Pepper & Salt Induction Stove Kitchen Sink Millennial Utensils Rack Utensils Pot Wall - Halftiles Wall - FulTiles Dish soap Breadbox Life Living Room TV Remote Magazine Pile Candles Life Bathroom Razor and Cream Toilet Deodorant Soap Products Bathroom Mens Products Sophie Cushions
by @nynaevedesign Breeze Plants & Planters Kala Bathroom Soap Dish Towel V2 & V3 Toothpaste Toothbrush Soap Dispenser Lyne House Number & Lights Set Amber Bathroom Glasses
by @redheadsims-cc Nintendo Switch
by @sims4luxury2022 Christmas Collab Star Clock Rug Collection #8 White Siding Wood Wallpaper Norrland Plain Wallpapers Grassy Cobblestone Floor Farmhouse Entry Square Artwalls Doormats
by @peanutbutterjelly02 Functional Photo Frames
by Mutske Wonders of Ivy
by @peacemaker-ic Matilda Mudroom Pointless Renovation Short 2 Tile Arch Colour Me Rug - Beige, White, and Brown Gently Draping Curtains
by SnootySims Asymmetrical Vase Small Candle Scent Diffuser Home Design Books Ceramic Vase Ceramic Bowl Candle Lamp
by @ravasheencc Never Been Bedder Platform Bed Frame - Double Nothing Else Matters Mattress - Double Binge Innking Stacked Books
by Severinka Mirror Arrows Mirror Lotus Cleo Hallway Floor Mirror
by @xplatinumxluxexsimsx Luxe Hair Tools Set Wall Letters Chanel Tennis Rackets Chanel Tennis Racket Case Chanel Tennis Balls
by @mechtasimsWelcome Home Cookie tin Clock Moonstone Hanging Dima Mirror
by @madameriasims4Back to Basics Tile Wall Pot Holder Wall & Flat Wall Paint Coffee Tin Modular Shelves
by @kerriganhouse Dormitory Fairy Lights
by @pierisim Winter Garden Pillow
by @networksims Modera Coasters Legacy Coasters
by @kliekie Open Shower
by @arwenkaboomBluem Office Books 7 Arran Wall Tiles Fridge Floor Tiles Dish Rack
by @pinkbox-anye Holly Trinket Dish Jade Roller
by @sooky88 Bath & Bodyworks Candles
by NOSTYLEWOODLAND NSWL Shampoo Lobhe Mirror Folfor Large Mirror ALAS Wall Shelf
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bibeebuneee · 11 months
☆》 strawberries and cigarettes (always tastes like you) 《☆
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fluff (?) ☆ kissing ☆ smoker kei ☆ 3rd year/graduated kei
inspo : strawberries and cigarettes <> troye sivan (my king), but it's not a songfic or word for word related, it's just mostly the title
part ii , alternate ending coming soon
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ㅤThe first time your lips met was the night after graduation. You knew you didn’t have much time, you had already packed your stuff, all your clothes neatly tucked away in a box, ready to be loaded to a moving truck. You would be gone the next day, you gathered up the courage to finally kiss him, the boy you had loved since the day you met. You were too afraid to even get close to him, let alone confess your feelings.
ㅤHe was also always surrounded by girls. You could never win, competing against prettier, smarter, more popular, and more interesting girls. He never looked at you, never paid attention to you, despite you being in his ‘friend group’ and being one of the managers of the volleyball club he was in. He would never love you back. You were too scared, but so was he. He was too scared that you would find out how much of a terrible person he is, too much guilt about being so rude to you. You were a little too close to Yamaguchi for his own liking. He thought you and Yamaguchi had something special, he didn’t want to ruin it for you, and for his own best friend, so he stayed quiet, ignoring his own feelings, but he failed to notice he’s ignoring you too.
ㅤThat night was cold. It was just you, him, Yamaguchi and those two other idiots, Hinata and Kageyama, who were fighting, ruining his last night with you, in Tsukishima’s eyes. Yamaguchi was busy consoling the tangerine haired boy who was almost lunging at the Kageyama. Your eyes were nailed to his lips, you watch as he blew another smoke ring. And he knew all this, he knew where your eyes were at. He knew what you’re thinking in this moment. If only he wasn’t doubting his own thoughts right now
ㅤ“Kei..” you called. Your heart bouncing around the cage of your ribs. Your mind going rampant, thoughts about his sweet lips on yours, but your eyes seemed to be moving in slow motion. “W- what?” he hoped you didn’t catch that little stutter, his head hesitated to turn towards you, his eyes focused on how yours glimmered at his pink lips. Although those three other dumbasses were there, they were too occupied with whatever the hell they were arguing about, really felt like you two were the only people on earth. The moon shining a blue-ish spotlight from above, you two were the main focus in this play called life.
ㅤYour head slowly moved up to his face, but eyes still on his lips. Thankfully, you didn’t realize how nervous he is. Your eyes caught up to where his were. You let out a small nervous chuckle, your hands shaky and sweaty. “Can I say something? If you want to listen.. that is… if you don’t, that’s fine, I can keep it to myself, y’know it’s not important or anything so-“ your rambling was quickly cut off by Tsukishima’s response. “What do you need to say?” his words was surprisingly gentle. He just couldn’t give put the usual crude and cold respond he always has. He moved his head down so he could hear better, the three boys behind them annoying him, but he was weirdly glad, glad that they were too into whatever shit they were, so they can’t hear your little secret that you’re about to tell him. Him and only him.
ㅤ“Oh.. I uhm..” your mind went blank, all you could think of was how close your face was with his. His eyes new stared at your quivering lips, honestly you were about to tear up. God knows what came over him, but the sensual tension was all too much. He had to kiss you. he just had to.
ㅤHis instinct got the best of him. The hissing of his cigarette being put out on the grass brought you back to your senses. But before you could react, he closed the small distance between the two of you. His eyes shut in victory. He did it! He finally did the thing that’s been haunting him for the past 2 years of his life! But you? You jolted in shock. You were about to confess your feelings towards him, but he beat you to it. You had no choice other than to kiss him back. You pushed out your face towards him, and closed your eyes from delight. You could smell the sharp smoke of his cigarette he was smoking, and the lingering taste of a strawberry bubble gum he was chewing to calm down his nerves sitting next to you, clearly, it didn’t work, so he chose to smoke instead. His hand travelled up across your back to the back of your head. Your heart was beating even faster. You didn’t want this to end so soon. Neither did he. So he pushed even further, pushing you down to the grass. His hand serving as a pillow to protect your head.
ㅤThe two of you were too deep in the moment to realize that none of the other boys were still arguing. All three of them had their eyes on you two. Yamaguchi snickered and giggled. His hand tight on Hinata to keep his mouth shut, while Kageyama had such an unnatural shocked face.
ㅤYou opened your mouth, inviting Tsukishima to let his tongue explore your mouth, counting your teeth and feeling your warm wet muscle. But before he could do so, you were interrupted by the loud ringing of your phone. Tsukishima pulled away from you, getting up from on top of you. Pulling out another loosie out of his pocket and lighting it up, smoking it to hide the embarrassment and the prominent flush on his face.
ㅤPicking up your device you answered the call. “Uh.. hello? Mom? ‘Sup? Heh..” awkwardly, you started the conversation, your adrenaline still high. “Sup?.. What’s up!? Is that a way you talk to your mother!?” your face contorted in horror as you realized what was about to happen. “Listen, the only thing that’s ‘up’ is your time! This is 2 hours past your curfew! We are moving tomorrow, you need sleep! I will not wake you up if you oversleep, I swear to God [Y/N], I will leave you if you don’t wake up early in the morning!..” the loud yelling from the phone could be heard by all 4 boys.
ㅤ“You should probably go home…” Yamaguchi whispered. “3 steps ahead of you, Dashi. Thank you guys, for all the memories. We should meet up again once in a while, just like this” you smiled sweetly at the boys, your hands scramble around, gathering your stuff. “I can get you home” Tsukishima opened. He stood up, his knees still weak from that kiss earlier. Walking up to his bike in front of you. “Yes, mom. Yea I’ll- Yes, I’m going home right now, I am on my way. Yes mom, I get it, my-“ you looked at Tsukishima. He smiled at you, for the first time ever. Not smiling while laughing at you, or smiling while taunting you, but smiling at you. For you, maybe. “Friend.” His smile wore off a bit. Why was he offended? The first ever romantic thing that happened between you was 3 minutes ago. He’s not you boyfriend. And he’s sure you’ll find someone else in your new home, someone who would actually be an at least half better of a boyfriend for you than him. His mouth closed around the orange bud once more, blowing smoke into the stars. “Yea okay, mom. Okay, sorry. Love you.” you crawled up to the back seat of his bicycle. Waving goodbye to your other friends, your right hand grabbed Tsukishima by the shirt around his waist, as a support while he cycles away to your home.
ㅤ“Thank you, Kei. I think you know how I feel about you now. I was about to admit it to you, but I was scared as fuck” you giggled. Taking the cigarette between his middle and ring finger, he looked down at his bike. And there it was again. His smile. His row of teeth that are still perfect despite him being a rare smoker. “I should’ve told you sooner.. You were always so mean to me I was scared that you hate me. Never do that to another person ever again” you half joked. You feel like he’d forget about you. You’ll be away from him for so long he probably won’t even remember your face, let alone the kiss you shared. But instead, he.. laughed? He’s laughing? And it wasn’t one you’ve heard before. Again, just like the smile from before, it wasn’t condescending or mean or taunting, it was genuine. “Why would I talk to another person, when I have you?” he choked out, still laughing. Scared your family could hear him, you covered his mouth with the palm of your hand. Although today you wished you kissed him quiet instead.
ㅤ“Shut up!” you whined, stomping your feet like a child. Uncovering his mouth, you discover a pretty smile he gave. Why did he always hide that such perfect smile behind scowls? “I think I might miss you the most” you really can’t help but give him a smile the widest you could stretch. His hand got a hold of your wrist. You never realize how huge he is compared to you. Tsukishima’s smile got even wider, even prettier, but a tint of sadness dusted his eyes, you can see how soft he felt about you through them. “I think miss you already”.
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a/n : this is so HORRIBLE i apologize hekp also i have a tsukki playlist that doesnt make sense at all but ill drop it if ud like
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I just don't know how to feel about SMFS getting snubbed, honestly.
It's FOB's highest rated album to date, and I'd really been hoping this would be their year (puts on clown nose), but I really shouldn't be surprised, I guess....
Here's hoping that with time, they'll finally get their more than well deserved props!
I am terrible at going through my ask box sorry lol
but yeah literally. like I know I'm wearing a clown nose and I love fall out boy So Much (haha pun intended) but I had a little bit of hope this time. I suppose I shouldn't have because the music industry is Like That but damn.
I feel a little relieved at the same time to not have FOB in the spotlight, free from other fans of other artists scrutinizing their work but just one more time I'd like to see them get acknowledged for how amazing they are.
Simultaneously I also just don't see music awards as great indicators of talent for a lot of reasons, and therefore I kind of feel blegh about the idea of even a band of FOB's calibur receiving nominations when so many artists will never even be considered. there are just so many musicians out there, and awards don't begin to reach all of them, yknow?
I'm kinda rambling cause my head is elsewhere but yeah, mixed feelings all around. fall out boy will always deserve better
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halfbakedspuds · 3 months
Writing trope bingo (Mysteries of the mortal God Edition)
Thanks to @illarian-rambling for the tag! These are always fun.
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I confess to not knowing how to play bingo, but this seems straightforward enough.
Children of the Stars is in Blue, Echoes of Shadows in purple, and Tempest Prince in Red. Marking my commentary the same way
Sort of steampunk, I mean the world of Alteth is closer to our 1910's and 1920's, and only the hunter cities are really steampunk
I mean they're written by me, of course every character will have lethal amounts of sarcasm
Magic guns? Magic guns! Alex Haliday and his witchpowder repeater finally get a spotlight!
Yasha, Lyanni, and Helga are just pissed with good reason right out the gate.
Good god, the worldbuilding for this universe, might legit pull an H.P. Lovecraft and make it so that anyone can write fictions in it 'cause I will in no reasonable lifespan manage to use all of it
Okay so I was gonna leave this open but then I remembered that I do have a fantasy France in the background and it's called Lenroux.
Shayne appears for like one scene but he checks the southern accent scientist box so well
See, I would agree that it's just a smidge, but it's a pretty big smidge considering both plots revolve around the effects of eldritch gods.
It's more of a shared multiverse that occasionally decides to bleed together for a scene that doesn't make sense unless you've seen the same POV from the other, unrelated story. But overall, the same major gods watch over all three universes (mostly having given up Adrian and Lyanni's for a lost cause and are watching Jason, Alex, and Helga's with intent) and little elements bleed over from one universe to the next. Also Adrian, Johan, and Jason (essentially two mages and a cyborg) canonically met and tried to kick the crap out of eachother when the borders between worlds got especially thin, and there's a different POV of it in each WIP.
I've only really have all the tropes figured out for one of mine so here, have one for Children of the stars:
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No pressure tag for @thatoneterrariaplayers-vault, @oh-no-another-idea, @televisionjester, @friedeaglesandwich and an open tag for anyone that wants it.
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unfriendlyamazon · 1 year
losers (enemies | lovers)
@joukaiweek​ continues. for how much i love when characters are terrible to each other, i don’t write enough of it for kaijou, so here’s something a little spicy for you
Title: Losers Rating: E Characters: Joey Wheeler, Seto Kaiba Word Count: 1546 Warnings: Frottage, Hatefucking, Fist Fights Summary: "Fuck you," Wheeler breathes out, more like a sigh than an actual swear. Seto squeezes his grip. His brain is a buzz of activity. He wants to do something crazy. "Fighting on tournament grounds is an instant disqualification," he says. Wheeler leans down over him. "Are we fighting?" Seto doesn't blink, doesn't flinch. "I suppose that's up to you."
If Seto can add one thing to the list of what he hates about Joey Wheeler, it would be his dedication.
By all rights, he should have fizzled after high school. No style, no deck, just a mish mash of trophy cards from half-baked duelists like him. Instead, Seto sees him at every tournament. No matter the place, the time, the travel costs, Joey makes his way into the stadium and lays down cards that should never work. He's a paper tiger, all brash and bravado, but his best cards could destroy him on their own. And every time, he climbs the ranks, higher and higher. Sponsorships are offered to him. Now he's in the press box after tournaments getting pictures taken with that wide, idiot grin. Seto despises the idiot's blind luck.
Seto is behind the cameras today. Perhaps what really makes him sour is he doesn't play in tournaments as much anymore. There was a time when he dropped everything to waltz in, summon his Blue Eyes, and walk out with the arena a crater behind him. Now, his obligations are elsewhere. It turns out companies with a CEO that disappears on a whim struggle, and his summons have become a parlor trick. The last KC tournament involved an AI computer attuned to his deck. Seto hadn't even been in the country.
Joey Wheeler had beaten it in five moves. As soon as Seto received the results, he'd made sure to book his next flight.
He watches as Wheeler holds up his trophy. It catches the light with his blond hair, still after all these years. It must be burned downed to the roots, Seto thinks cruelly. A reporter asks him some questions that he answers with his usual worthless ramble. Seto checks his phone. Emails pile up, and he ignores them all.
Eventually the press move on. The runner up is a newcomer, and Joey elbows her for coming so close to beating him. They pose, and then he steps out of the spotlight. Seto watches him as soon as the cameras are elsewhere. All the confidence comes down with that breath. He runs a hand through his hair and pulls down his collar. He looks up, and his eyes meet Seto's. Seto should be embarrassed for being caught looking at him, but he doesn't blink or look away. It's a brief staring concert, and it satisfies him that Wheeler gives up first. He storms out of the room.
Seto doesn't know why he follows. His feet move of their own accord. All he knows is he's not satisfied enough.
Wheeler marches down the corridor towards the elevators. Staff run past, focused on the circus in the other room, and around the corner they are suddenly alone. Wheeler walks straight past the elevator doors towards one of the conference rooms. Seto's pace quickens. He's nearly on Wheeler when he turns suddenly, grabbing Seto by the collar, and dragging him into the room. He's thrown into a chair. Wheeler tosses the trophy onto the table and stands over him, arms crossed, brows set.
"What the fuck is your problem," he says.
They're starting here. Good. Seto had no intention of playing nice.
"You are," he says simply.
Wheeler puffs out a breath that loosens a strand of hair from his face. "I shoulda known when you showed up. I'm doing my fucking job out there and you're staring daggers the whole time."
Seto will not be talked down to like a child. He stands from the chair, using every inch of his impressive height to lord over Wheeler.
"I came to see what excuse you call strategy these days," he growls. "It's a travesty you've made it this far. All you have is a trophy for dumb luck."
His fists ball, dropping to his side. "I work fucking hard for that deck. Not that you'd know it. You buy every fucking card you can get your hands on. You don't get to tell me my strategy is broke when yours is the same one since high school."
"You have no idea–"
"You think I don't?" Wheeler presses in, pushing Seto back against the table. "I've known you for years, and your strategy is a stale potato chip. I beat it like that."
He snaps his fingers, and something snaps in Seto. All he sees is blinding white.
"It's pathetic that they give you any attention at all," he says. "You're the same as always. A poor, pathetic dog."
Wheeler's fist moves, and Seto tastes blood before the hit registers. The bruise burns against his cheek. He'll need extra makeup for tomorrow.
His hands move faster than his brain does. In a moment he's gripping onto Wheeler's jacket, and the two are grappling, hitting, a knee comes up. This is not their schoolyard snipe fest. Wheeler is fed up with him, and he chooses violence. What he doesn't realize is Seto is already there.
Blood fills his mouth, and Wheeler is quick with his hands. Seto has training and height on his side, and he manages to knock him off balance. The two fall to the floor. Wheeler uses the momentary shock to roll Seto onto his back, knees locked to keep him from moving, and he drags Seto up by the collar. It's juvenile, but Seto bites into his jugular. He’s dropped onto the floor with a grunt. Wheeler's arm pulls back, but the hit doesn't land. They stop and stare at each other. Panting hard, Wheeler on top of him, the sensation has started an involuntary reflex. Seto is hard between his legs. Wheeler is perfectly situated to feel it. His pink lips part as he breathes heavily. Blood spackles beneath the surface of his skin where Seto bit him. His hand is still curled at Seto's collar. Seto wraps a hand around his wrist. The pulse is pounding against his palm.
"Fuck you," Wheeler breathes out, more like a sigh than an actual swear.
Seto squeezes his grip. His brain is a buzz of activity. He wants to do something crazy.
"Fighting on tournament grounds is an instant disqualification," he says.
Wheeler leans down over him. "Are we fighting?"
Seto doesn't blink, doesn't flinch. "I suppose that's up to you."
Hes yanked up yet again, and this time Joey's lips crash down on his. It's an ugly thing, all teeth, and they clatter against each other. Seto doesn't care. This is the itch he's been trying to scratch. Seeing all the lights on Wheeler, watching him act like he made something of himself. And here he is, down in the dirt like always, a creature of base instinct. Seto could say the same for himself.
Wheeler's hips start to move. The feeling against his erection is all friction. Wheeler has always been friction. From his brash attitude to the rough jean he wears and the bleach burned ends of his golden hair. It's like rubbing sandpaper. Seto wants him to take his skin off. Leave him bloodied and bristled and raw. Their angry mouthing leaves his lips red, and his humping speeds up. It's filthier somehow that they're fully clothed. Like they need it now, like they're teenagers again who are too stupid to know more. Wheeler's mouth leaves his, and he returns Seto's bite with fervor. Seto groans loudly, and that seems to spur him on. He's sucking and biting, pulling as much skin between his teeth as he can, and Seto is trapped beneath his weight. He's being fucked right now. It's disgusting. It's animal. He wants more.
Seto wraps his hands in Joey's disgusting hair and pulls as hard as he can. The sound it earns is pure hell. It comes from deep within Wheeler's chest. His own hard on isn’t felt between his legs, but he's enjoying the action as much as Seto is. They fuck against each other, still grabbing and biting and gasping and groaning. Wheeler's eyes squeeze shut, and Seto hugs closer to him. They're coming together. Wrapped in each other's arms. Seto can feel Wheeler's heartbeat against his. There's no fighting it. He comes in his pants and collapses. He's seeing white again in a much different way.
They breathe for a while, until Wheeler unwraps himself from Seto. He leaves him on the ground as he adjusts his shirt and pulls the collar up on the jacket. Not that it hides the bite. At least the pictures were taken earlier. He picks up his trophy, looks it over like he's never seen it before. Seto stays collapsed on the ground. Why bother moving yet?
"There's something fucking wrong with us," Wheeler says, staring into the reflective surface of the trophy.
"Speak for yourself," Seto says.
His lip curls. It's almost a smile. "You coming to the next tournament?"
Seto considers it. His work is piling up as they speak. The ceiling of the conference room stares down at him expectantly. 
"We'll see," he says. 
Wheeler kicks him with his shoe. It's barely a love tap. "I hate your ass."
"You haven't even seen it yet," Seto says.
He smirks. "Maybe next time."
He leaves the conference room. Seto stays. He feels disgusting and filthy and used. Maybe next time, he'll return the favor. 
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jonayariley · 8 months
so i have been curious for the longest time since the couple was revealed in all your projects, and its piqued, idk if you've answered something like this before so if so just throw me the link if needed but i must know your elchixie thoughts.
like the hows, the whys, what hc's based off canon, fanon, whatever you have for em just, ramble bout em, i find myself curious on many a crackship and the urge to poke brains on the reasonings for em (and no offense i just, don't think i can go through so many fic chapters to learn some info on this ship sorry)
Oh boy oh boy you sure did come to the right place! I may have talked about this in other places, but idk that I've ever have someone just outright ask, and I think you'd probably be sifting through mostly commentary on Friendsim 2 to find any details and that's like... hours of video to watch, so this ask was a good idea!
I guess the heart of why I love the Elwurd/Chixie dynamic so much is a combination of "I can fix her" and "they should have talked." Allow me to elaborate!
So, I really like the idea of exploring how characters can grow and change (or, conversely, refuse to change) over time. When I was writing my Hiveswap novels (and I later carried this over to Friendsim 2, but those came first so they get first credit here), I really wanted to explore how Elwurd could evolve as a character. Like, in the original Friendsim and Hiveswap games she's kinda one-note - not, like, bad or anything... just she's gay and flirty and she's kinda a jerk sometimes. But there's only so much you can do with a character in a short visual novel route and a handful of dialogue boxes as a side character in an adventure game.
But I wanted to explore the idea of how Elwurd's outward "fuck everyone else" attitude might be something she puts up as a way of not having to deal with the horrors of her reality. The combination of being expected to support the Empire as a cerulean (something she doesn't have any interest in doing) and still being kinda powerless to actually do anything to change things. So she throws herself into escapism - drugs and booze and casual hookups. There's a line in Delightful Abattoir that I keep circling thematically with Elwurd:
I just want to not have to feel that pain all the time. So I do things to escape from it a few minutes at a time. Is that so bad?
And that's kind of where she's at in the beginning of her arc, headspace-wise. Like I said, I carried a lot of this forward to Friendsim 2, albeit with a more grounded take on the world that follows the original Friendsim.
She's someone who exists in this precarious space - a lowblood who's in the Alternian entertainment industry, which already puts her under a very uncomfortable spotlight. As a marginalized person, you don't really have a lot of room to make mistakes in the public eye, because you're judged way more harshly for it - or seen as a representative for your entire class of existence as a person. So that's already a lot of pressure, added to the whole secret identity thing with the Mask.
And tbh, I see the Mask as being kind of an open secret - like, she doesn't even change clothes, so it doesn't seem like no one would be able to figure it out, but also I really like playing with the idea of the Empire allowing a certain level of performative/superfluous rebellion among the population. Basically, you can talk about it as long as you aren't actually causing problems. And that's going to be frustrating to Chixie too because she wants to actually make a difference.
I see her as someone with a lot of trust issues - not a lot of super close friends, and she's clearly not dealing well with the stress either, given that we see her in canon having issues with substance use.
In my Hiveswap novels and Friendsim 2, I added the extra layer of having to deal with having Zebruh as her manager - someone who wants to exploit her both from a commercial perspective and sexually (he keeps hitting on her in Friendsim 2 and in Delightful Abattoir they're in an outright abusive relationship at first).
So, independently there's a lot going on, but the other part of this is I feel like these two would naturally run in some of the same circles. Elwurd is shown hanging out in a bar, partying, etc. in canon - and seems like someone who would absolutely be involved in the underground music scene and run in some of the same underground circles as Chixie, even if it was just to sell folks drugs.
In Friendsim 2, I added the layer of having Elwurd basically acting as a roadie for Chixie's band sometimes - she's just kind of hanging out in the same places and with the same people (like fellow dissatisfied cerulean blood Mallek) and the whole "just trying to avoid thinking about this shit too much" attitude is gonna drive her to do something to keep her mind off the existential bullshit that is her life. Why not help a pretty bronze blood carry an amp and run some cables, right?
I really like the idea of these two eventually talking and starting to connect over some similarities - disgust for the Empire, a feeling of helplessness in their lives, a desire for things to be different somehow. They don't take exactly the same angle towards things - I'd say Elwurd is far more self-destructive and Chixie is more kind of "rage against the machine" about it - but I think there's enough common ground that they could end up talking and getting closer.
I've always liked the headcanon that Chixie is demisexual - probably a good deal of personal bias going into that (and - yknow - "vibes"), but it's a fun element to toss in there. That means that Elwurd/Chixie is always going to be something that's a slow burn and is always kinda fragile. In Friendsim 2 you have to line a few things up right for them to actually consider being matesprits, and in the Hiveswap novels it takes a while for them to end up together.
And, like, I feel like their attitudes temper each other. Elwurd finds someone to ground her self-destructive tendencies, and Chixie finds someone who helps her feel less isolated and less inside her own head all the time. They both still run in the same circles, and Elwurd always struck me as someone who'd be down with the idea of fucking over the Empire, so the whole Mask/rebellion thing isn't a hard sell.
Anyway, that turned out very much longer than I expected, but I hope it gives you some insight into why I keep gravitating to that ship! As far as I can tell, it's a pretty uncommon one and it's like - just something that worked its way into my brain and now I'm obligated to include it literally everywhere!
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everyothernamistaken · 3 months
so like the conclusion of my stupidity, tech week has dawned upon me, it fucking sucks and fuckint hell my father woke up just to yell about random shit why does he do this but anyways so they drafted me to do spotlights, ive nwver done a theater thint and i never will again becaude a decent chunk of the ppl there make me quesrion my sanity but basicly i spendlike 6 hours a day in a box in the celing inhailing probably toxic fumes from rhe light wich burns my hands because it was designed by a idior who must have been blind cause you cant aim it and rhe handles are conected to the several hundred degree loghts so that sucjs, also they never trained me they litterslt sent me up and told me to turn nobs till i know what im doing. Concequently, i might ruin a entire musical! Also chucklenuts mcvehicularmanslaughter was for some unholy reason back which is strange because he moved and got dumped by my ex who i apparently was never going out with, but yeah that was weird but then i demolished those theater kids in music trivia. Then this one girl i kicked in the face like a few months ago kept talking to me, i think i saw her taking pictures of me earlier which is weird but she rambles alot and im not sure how to feel about her maybe its morbid curiosity like she is a small bit nuts(most hyperactiver person ive seen recently) but like entertaining to whitness. Also despite havint no freerime i have to write a amicus curae thing for school and i do NOT want to do that. Also the onlything ive eaten in the past like since tursday (5days) is like peanutbuuter jelly sandwiches beef jerky and cheeze its so im eatin good. Also for like the first time in 10 years i had a caffene becayse my mother doesnt buy coffee with cafeene so like idk i drank tea and then wad hyperactive for like 6 hours and nearly punched a compjter because it was slow i couldnt sit still today but then like ibgot really tired durring being in the box and i rhink the fog macheenes and fumes were getting to be because i nearly passed out.also the box was full of dust when we got it bevause like we were the first to go up there in like a year so we spent 2 houra cleaninf it and my eyes were burning. Also yesterday when i was wating by the door up to the box area, some girl walked by me and in like the most depreced way possible said hi to me which was like reallg wierd because like i think i have pissed off peiple i do not know as opposed to mepissing off people i do know
I dont feel good rn i need a nap nap i need to be snug as a bug i am snug as a bug like on god i am cozy rnbut my hair is wet which is hell, ik some people like sleeping with wet hair but they are also insane so idk
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autisticgaledekarios · 9 months
Stick with me- lyney & lynette
TWS: Heavily implied Child Abuse & PTSD ,also slight implied transphobia if you look .
Extra’s: all of the siblings are autistic.Lyney is also ADHD, transmasc lyney , Also [——] isnt any other character its just a replacement for Lyney’s deadname bc i dont wanna give him one
WC: 1034
Rule one.Dont cry.
The unspoken rules had left the siblings scarred for years, it had been a while since they had last spoken with their ‘father’.
Each of the three had different ways to avoid the treatment if they were caught, it varied usually from a comforting hug when they were younger. Or sometimes at the beginning of their distraught. But quickly switched into words harsh enough to give you whiplash.
Lyney could still hear the words ringing through whenever he felt himself get upset. “Its just a dress, get over it.” or even worse. He could still feel his younger self crying and begging his caretaker to spare him the slightest glance, apologising over and over again in a futile attempt to please her.
It never worked, he would be ignored until the verge of a mental breakdown, sometimes well after it. When Arrlechino would finally give a sharp “youre forgiven” before continuing her current task.
Lynette suspected it was why he liked the attention so much, why he needed to be in the spotlight. Being ignored reminded him of the times he would be neglected in his harshest times. Lynette hasnt seen him upset since a few years back.
It was a nice evening, she was walking home with her brother. Not that she knew it at the time. He hadn’t had come out by that point in time. Freminet hadn’t joined their little trio then. They were only about six.
Lyney was rambling about his day, they had been put into separate classes unluckily, and lynette was more than happy to listen. By the time they got to the house. Father had already been standing at the door. A sweet smile on her face. Something felt off about it. “Lynette , would you mind coming upstairs with me? [——] you stay there”
She walked up with her Father, her cat ears twitched as she heard Lyney’s feet following them. If Father found out he would be in big trouble. So she hoped that he would turn around. Her Father led her into a side room, it was her office. Although, Father stopped, suddenly letting go of Lynette’s hand. And slowly turned to look at the door. Lynette’s breath hitched, she didnt want her brother to be hurt. “Lynette, stay.”
She sat down on her Fathers’s desk. Unfocusing her eyes to the best of her abilities. She didn’t want to listen.

Soon enough there were kicking sounds, shouts and screaming ringing through her ears. She felt bad, Lyney had only went to make sure she was ok. But now he was getting hurt instead. The screaming held up, eventually everything went pitch silent. And the noise of footsteps up the stairs, they were lighter now. She wasnt angry.
“Lynette!” She opened her eyes, seeing her twin staring at her. “Yes?” she replied, standing up. They had a show soon, but she wasn’t sure how long she had been zoned out for. “have you seen the concealer anywhere?” He said, making a show of glancing about. “i cant find it at all! Everywhere i look its not there!” he rambled, digging through some boxes. “Oh, i used the last of it” she admitted, her breath pausing for a second. Trying to gauge his reaction before continuing.
“oh.” he paused, suddenly his energy drained, and his hand went up to cover his eye for a second, his finger ghosting over the area under his eyebrow. She immediately knew why. So she spoke up.
“I can do some eyeliner to cover it up?” Lyney contemplated it, before nodding hesitantly. He didn’t like anyone going near his face, let alone touch anywhere near his eyes. Not even Lynette. But he was rather desperate now. He silently walked away, grabbing some eyeliner and eyeshadow.
“Be careful—“ he said, as they both sat down on the couch. She nodded, adding in a little hum when she realised he had closed his eyes. Up close you could see it,a small sunken in scar there. She knew when he had gotten it. But she never asked what had happened. And he had never told her either. People assume they tell each other everything, but somethings they preferred to keep quite, but they usually had some idea what had happened.
That night, about four AM. Lyney was lead back into their shared room by their Father.She closed the door without saying anything. Lyney walked over, shaking. Half of his face was covered in bandages , and he had a few bruises here and there. He crawled into her bed. And stayed there every night for the next few months.
She doesn’t think he sleeps properly anymore, neither does Freminet. They bond over it sometimes. She doesn’t mind missing out on their midnight snack adventures. She prefers her catnaps.
She finished the lines, making sure to cover up the scar. “you know nobody can see it while youre on stage?” she added, putting away the kit. And she’ll act tomorrow like nothing was said. And so will he.
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