#Staying strong
rhondagettingfit · 5 months
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Yes, I want to look better naked, but as I'm a grandma now I REALLY want to do things like oh, get on and off the toilet by myself in 20 years. I want to not break my hip walking up the stairs. I want to be able to do whatever I want to do cause I'm strong enough to do it.
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highasmew · 2 months
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Soaking up that vitamin D ☀️
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bodygoalsbeforesummer · 3 months
anyone want to be moots who strictly share their caloric intake at the end of the day to stay accountable?
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iloveyouemanuelmarco · 2 months
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Hmm, I've been thinking(Okay so for context, for all my life up to now aka since being born technically, I was raised into a family household that believed in Christianity but mostly leaned towards the Catholicism parts of such since I've heard there are many different types of people of faith with all different names and traditions, customs and cultures of said interest and everything which I think is pretty cool in its own right atleast but anyways- From what I can remember from being apart of my small and average main family system, my mom along with my grandmother from her side of relatives and such, are seemingly the most passionate and active in the church when compared to my dad. My father isn't hateful about such beliefs nor is he even considered an aethetist or agnostic, but he hasn't been following many of the typical "rules" or societal normaly that is considered when being apart of said group. For example, while my mom and grandma go to church every Sunday whenever they can so they can worship our lord and savior of God and his son, Jesus Christ, my dad is often uninterested in traveling to make the literal 5-10 minute journey though he mostly stays inside anyways watching old movies from different foreign countries sooo(No hate to him by the way, if it pleases him then I hope he has fun doing that^^). I'll admit, while I do make attempts to go with my mom, I often find myself unable to due to disinterest, but it's not disinterest in him ofcourse. I would never ad I love him very much and always have, but it feels like even though I do care about our Holy Father and that I haven't directly rejected him, my current daily life atleast as of lately has been feeling like I have currently abandoned him somehow or that I have somehow drifted away from the right path and have become deaf to his word. It honestly makes me very upset since I should be more loyal and honest to him now that I think about it. I used to be such a happy little girl who would pray every day in the morning before school and at every night before bed. I used to go to a private religious catholic school where I would go to church there sometimes too(half of the time it was mandatory on certain days during the hours but still)and even if I didn't understand everything due to my young age, I would quietly sit and listen I'm an attempt to learn more about the holy scriptures and such with my classmates and the other students from different grades/ages. I used to prepare for the moments during one's usual journey, being excited that I would become closer to God by wearing my white dress and getting baptized with other certain selected students(I don't remember what the specific event was called but I remember it being very important to me at the time)and I don't know...I sorta miss it. I miss being so happy and careless of all my anxieties but now I am stuck here...I don't want to stray away from God's love any longer, I don't want my true reality to break away because it makes me afraid of if I somehow commit some sort of unforgivable sin that'll destroy any sense of humanity I have left...(I know that sounds dramatic but please. I am really trying to make a solid attempt at explaining all of this right now so as complex as it may seem, keep in mind that my brain is starting to function again for once in the dying light that is my empty and boring life that while I am still grateful for, has been causing me much hurt and pain in so many ways). Currently I am a 16 year old eurocentric and privileged middle-class white-latino feminine presenting person who is actually a member of the LGBTQIA+ and neurodivergent community too according to doctors/psychiatrists or something(I don't know, that's what my dad has said since my late diagnosis at 12 which is that even late?? It's so confusing at times ughh but that's just how it is I guess haha).
On the internet, specifically here and on the couple of social media platforms that I publicly have, I have used these safe spaces to more accurately and honestly express myself when it comes to my identity not only when it comes to sexuality and gender but also with the intersectionality of my race and ethnicity, my hobbies, interests and talents, my wants and needs and etc. I have said before that I am a privileged and middle-class eurocentric 16 year old white-latino feminine person in real life but actually wants to present as more of who I am being a bisexual(male preference having)aceflux female to male transgender person who to be honest is probably more of a mostly male but still bigender or genderfluid person since I still feel connected to growing up in perceived girlhood but I don't know yet...who does know though at that point???Pfttt...I don't hate my body and I know God made me beautiful in my own way just like all the other unique people he created all through out the history of the planet Earth, but sometimes it can be hard since I think the most queer people see me as is just maybe a bisexual cis girl who might be on the asexual spectrum???I hope I am making some sort of sense with my explanation...somehow so with all that being said, I guess I've had some sort of short epiphany in my brain where I've realized something important for me that I've almost forgotten. I need to actively take steps to come back to God and I know somewhat of how to do it but I would appreciate a little more help from others with more expertise aka experience for those who don't have a big and fancy vocabulary in their inner-mind library haha- I do sincerly apologize if I have caused genuine annoyance for anyone with this post for whatever reason as my normal posts are coming back soon once I get back online but for now, I need to go study and do more research on how I can save myself and others for when he comes again. I know it sounds scary but it's actually wonderful so please don't be scared of him, because he loves us all no matter what and nothing can turn us away from him. Worship him and confess your sins because it's good to be honest and he loves you, after all he knows you best like you know yourself since he created the beautiful building of love and passion got the world that is your soul. It's never to late to choose him and to spread the good word of the gospel<3. Please stay safe and have a good day or night wherever you are and thank you if you've read the entire paragraphs of rambles I've written haha. I really do appreciate your support whether it be here, there or anywhere else!!:)You must keep surviving for you and I, for us and eachother but also for him too...
Also P.S: Hope you guys don't mind but I'm gonna put a nice scenery image here since I like being calmed down and enjoy embracing the beauty of nature, especially when we're lucky enough as humans to photograph the right moments atleast!!Other animals sadly only get to enjoy it in the moment which can be too fast since they're constantly needing to survive actively♡.
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csuitebitches · 2 years
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On Being Resilient
It’s very important that you know and understand the importance of being resilient. It’s easy to say you’re strong when you’re obviously not.
I feel that sometimes the whole “fake it till you make it” culture has some clear problems with it.
The problem with culture like that is that your external doesn’t match the internal. So even if you look confident, you won’t feel it, and you won’t exude real confidence. While such a tactic is a great short term method, it’s not healthy for the long term - you are going to have to address those issues.
When you look up online on how to build resilience, you’ll see a flux of similar things. Positive thinking. Positive friends. Relax. Breathe.
I’m sorry if I disrespect any of those authors - but quite frankly, I find it a little bullshit-y.
So let me share with you things I’ve actually learned, tried and tested on my path to being resilient. That doesn’t mean that I’m 100% resilient.
But bear in mind that I was an overly sensitive child, very emotional teenager - and now in my 20s, I don’t get affected by situations to that extent. And I’ve stopped victimising myself, another plus.
As usual. If this doesn’t work for you, I’m sorry. This is not a cookie-cut template. It’s better for you to be inspired by this and recreate your own rather than follow it exactly so. But do what you feel is best.
1. I started by creating a SWOT analysis of myself.
- S- Strengths: skills, values you have, good habits, what you can offer to people in terms of skills (both corporate life and personal life). Examples: honesty, problem solver, marketing, drawing, Excel, etc.
- W- weaknesses: things you know you’re not good at, both private life and corporate life. Examples: impatient, temper issues, programming (I hate it lol), paying attention for a long time, bad relationships etc.
- O- opportunities: what are incoming opportunities? Club memberships, conferences, job offers, career changes, online courses, etc. if you don’t have any, CREATE them. Go online and look for networking events. Go on coursera/ EdX and find a course you want to actually do.
- T- Threats: What obstacles are coming your way? For instance, your plate may be full. Or you have to compete for a job. Examples : being obtrusive, having competition, being a perfectionist, etc.
2. Next, I took a couple of days to really go over the SWOT. You have to be honest with yourself. Fully. No one else will see it but you. You could even go around and ask your closest friends and family what they think are your best and worst qualities.
3. Next, I took a mental resilience test online, because I realised that I wanted to quantify my data. It’s easier to improve when there’s a number visible to you. I used this: click here.
They score you on four factors:
* Motivation
* Concentration
* Coping With Pressure
* Confidence
4. After seeing my score and analysing it properly, I decided to etch out a game plan for each factor. Here’s a sample:
- Motivation:
* setting smaller goals in order to succeed
* Accepting failure and moving on fast
* Asking for feedback on performance (work, school, organisations)
* Working on things that give me satisfaction
- concentration:
* using brain games such as Elevate and Mental Math to improve focus
* Reading more
* Trying different things at work/ school to remain focused (some people work best around other people. Some people work best alone. Some prefer noise, white noise or silence. Figuring this out really helps).
- Coping with pressure
* making quicker decisions (I used to take forever to make decisions because my emotions would come in the way. Now I stick to a simple pros and cons list and it helps me a lot).
* Being able to deal with adversity. Two things come in play here - a) learning from other people’s mistakes (ted talks, videos, your boss, parents, friends etc) b) learning from your own mistakes. Put yourself in micro situations - such as choosing where to eat with your friends or partner (not always, mind you - but stop being indecisive when they are too!), take on responsibility at work, etc.
- Confidence
* You need to believe that you will succeed.
* For me, setting mini goals a week is the most effective. Areas: Home (laundry, cleaning, etc), Self (homework, exercise, meditation, habits, learning new things), Environment (social life, work life, friends, family).
* I use a free habit tracker “Habit” (pink icon in the App Store) to track my 6 daily habits.
4. Resilience comes with progress. It comes slowly. There will be setbacks. There will be issues. There are often times when, in a fit of emotion, we forget about resilience and get carried away in our situation. You need to realise this. You need to remind yourself to be resilient every single day. Say it out loud or write it down or set a reminder, I don’t care. But you need it at the back of your brain.
You’ll face all sorts of situations to show your resilience. Maybe a team member isn’t doing their part in a project. Maybe a friend of yours is adamant in you doing a certain thing with them. Maybe your family has some expectation of you that you’re not interested in achieving.
Resilience doesn’t mean aggression. It doesn’t mean anger. It means being tactful, calm, level headed but firm. It means that you don’t fake-compliment to make someone feel nice (occasionally it’s necessary if a friend or something is really down). It means you convey your genuine opinions about something and not necessarily agree with the majority.
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wooyo-bae · 2 months
Y’all think I’m gonna be tired in the morning?
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knickknacksandallthat · 3 months
I wonder if Jean and Jeremy thought that Kevin knew about their feelings and that’s partly why he left
these boys are so stupid and make me so sad
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aghhhhh ANON! ughhhhh....things I can't talk about. But I WANT TO SO BADLY. Gah.
The one part I can agree with: these boys are so stupid and make me so sad.
They really are, anon. And me too. Me too. 😔
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talkinghead1968 · 3 months
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february chart 💋🎈🍒
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alciefromwonderland · 3 months
Having cooking equipment that you're comfortable with makes such a difference
I just made a meal in an instant pot that I initially found instructions for involving the stove and like
Sure, I could have made it on the stove
But the instant pot doesn't stress me out nearly as bad
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a-cosmic-elf · 6 months
Damn, just spoke to my father for the first time in over 30 years.
I never would have gone looking for him. But there was a family death and a wedding and he asked through a mutual for my email address. And well…
I’m struggling to come to terms with what just happened.
Too many emotions rn, like seriously.
I was eight years old when he walked out of my life after deciding his was ‘too chaotic for a child.’ - that was his decision. Not mine.
You don’t know how fucked up I am over that. How badly it can fuck you up for life, knowing that you were dumped by a parent.
Sometimes I was glad for it, because it made me the person I am today. Independent and strong, because I’ve had to be. No thanks to him.
I was very picky over a life time partner and chose someone who refused to leave my side, we’ve been together for 22 years, he’s my best friend and knows me far better than anyone. Even if we did split, he would never in a million years no matter what happened to our relationship, my husband would never abandon his kids. He’d die first.
At least I have that to thank my father for. Thank you for teaching me the difference between a terrible and really good father. :/
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satanasvincit · 4 months
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cuosiscrazy · 8 months
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Map: Day five! Nearly didn’t make it… anyways, bro’s so lost
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cheolhub · 1 year
almost put my 2 weeks in today but i remembered i’m a kpop stan who shops compulsively so i held off
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randik-86 · 3 months
Control by Zoe Wees / Lyrics
Saturday Vibes #2
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shoma-enda · 6 months
How you doing? You wanna talk about it?
(Oh thanks a bunch! Mostly just trying to jer this blog active, and I’m lonely in terms of interactions here. I do really appreciate the ask however!!)
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harmonyhealinghub · 5 months
Embracing the Storm: How to Stay Strong and Carry On Amid Chaos
Shaina Tranquilino
January 19, 2024
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Life is a beautiful journey, but it's not always smooth sailing. At times, circumstances may conspire against us, pushing us into a state of turmoil where everything around seems to be falling apart. However, in these moments of chaos, we have the power to rise above our challenges and find strength within ourselves. Let's explore some strategies that can help you stay strong and carry on when life becomes overwhelming.
1. Acknowledge your emotions:
When facing adversity, it's crucial to honour your feelings rather than suppressing them. Allow yourself to experience sadness, frustration, or anger without judgment. By acknowledging these emotions, you give yourself permission to heal and move forward with resilience.
2. Seek support from loved ones:
Remember that you do not have to face life's trials alone. Reach out to friends or family members who genuinely care about your well-being. Sharing your burden with someone trustworthy can provide solace and perspective during challenging times. Don't hesitate to ask for help when needed; vulnerability often brings people closer together.
3. Practice self-care:
Amid chaos, practicing self-care becomes even more vital as it recharges your emotional batteries. Engage in activities that bring you joy and peace – whether it’s reading, painting, going for walks in nature, or indulging in hobbies you love. Prioritizing self-care allows you to replenish your energy levels and maintain mental clarity amidst adversity.
4. Reframe negative thoughts:
Our minds have an incredible ability to shape our reality based on how we perceive situations. Instead of succumbing to negativity bias and dwelling on what's going wrong, consciously choose to reframe your thoughts positively. Focus on opportunities for growth that arise from setbacks or failures; this shift in mindset will empower you with renewed determination.
5. Set small achievable goals:
In trying times, setting small, achievable goals can help you regain a sense of control and purpose. Break down your larger challenges into bite-sized tasks that will lead you toward progress. Celebrate each milestone achieved, no matter how insignificant it may seem. The satisfaction of accomplishing these smaller goals will fuel your motivation to keep moving forward.
6. Cultivate resilience through gratitude:
Gratitude is a powerful tool for cultivating resilience during adversity. Take time each day to reflect on the things you are grateful for, even amidst chaos. By focusing on what remains intact rather than what's falling apart, you build strength within yourself and gain perspective on life's challenges.
7. Embrace change and adaptability:
Life is constantly changing, and sometimes our ability to adapt becomes crucial for survival. When faced with unexpected circumstances, try embracing change instead of resisting it. Acceptance allows us to find new paths, discover hidden opportunities, and grow as individuals throughout the process.
As humans, we possess an incredible capacity for resilience in the face of adversity. Remember that storms do not last forever – they eventually pass, leaving behind valuable lessons and stronger versions of ourselves. By acknowledging emotions, seeking support, practicing self-care, reframing thoughts positively, setting achievable goals, nurturing gratitude, and embracing change, we can stay strong and carry on despite everything falling apart around us. Trust in your inner strength; you have the power to overcome any storm that comes your way.
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