#Steve would mention going with Nancy and Billy is JUMPING to go with Nancy instead
lonesome-witching · 11 months
Seven Minutes
It has taken me a while to get back into my prompts because I have been sick and had quite some school work. But I am back and I do hope to finish a few more prompts over the following days. No promises though. For today I have Robin and Nancy playing party games, specifically seven minutes in heaven, for you. It isn't smut but it gets a little tiny bit heated at the end. Thanks to the anonymous prompter for sending this in.
You can read my previous prompts or send me some new ones.
She could have been laying on her couch watching The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari. She could have been laying on her bed reading Dante’s Inferno. She could have been sitting at her kitchen counter, working her way through a large pizza. But no. Instead, she was sitting in a circle of the most annoying of her peers.
It wasn’t her idea of a fun Friday night. But it was Steve’s and somehow, he had convinced her this was a good idea. It probably had something to do with the girl sitting across from her with a similarly irritated expression that Robin sported herself.
Nancy Wheeler.
It was stupid that Robin was so hung up on the girl. Especially because she was Steve’s ex. And straight. And so out of Robin’s league.
But the reality of the matter was that Robin could barely think of anything but the girl in front of her. So, when Steve subtly mentioned that Nancy would be here tonight, Robin jumped on the opportunity. Not that she didn’t regret it the second she stepped into this place.
“Okay, the rules are simple. You spin the bottle and whoever it lands on joins you in that closet for seven glorious minutes in heaven.” Robin was already sick of Tommy Hagan’s face. “I’ll start,” he added.
He ended up in the closet with Carol Perkins and Robin wondered if he had somehow rigged the game. She wasn’t sure how he would have done it, or if he was smart enough to think of rigging the game in the first place, but it was a funny coincidence.
Next up were Chrissy Cunningham and Jason Carver, followed with Billy Hargrove and Heather Holloway. And then it was up to Nancy.
Her long, slender fingers grabbed the bottle hesitantly. Robin watched as Nancy’s eyes scanned the circle. Maybe looking for who she wanted it to land on. Or looking for who she didn’t want it to land on. Their gazes crossed for a moment and then Nancy twisted the bottle.
It turned and turned and turned. Kept spinning around the circle. For a second Robin thought it was going to land on Steve, but then it kept turning a little bit more and landed on…
“Robin!” Steve exclaimed.
“No, that won’t work. That’s two girls.” Tommy looked disgusted. “Nancy, spin again.”
“I thought the rules were simple. I spin the bottle and whoever it lands on joins me in the closet for seven glorious minutes. It landed on Robin,” Nancy said.
Robin could feel her heartbeat speed up. Her hands were getting sweaty. Did Nancy want to be locked up with Robin? She needed a drink.
“Rules are rules!” Steve interrupted.
Tommy looked around the circle, but most of the teens were too wasted or high to understand what was going on. Nancy got up from her spot, walking towards the closet.
“C’mon, Rob,” Steve whispered.
Robin nearly crawled out of the circle, stumbling to her feet and rushing into the closet. The door fell shut behind her.
“Hi,” Robin greeted, waving her hand in the small place between them.
“Hi,” Nancy responded.
“So, do you want to talk or anything. I mean seven minutes is a while to do nothing. But we can do nothing if you prefer. I mean, I’m not even sure why you wanted to get in here with me anyway. I totally would have understood if you spun again. Most of the guys in there have a crush on you anyway.”
Nancy ducked her head down, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear. “I thought it would be easier. I don’t want to have a guy push his tongue down my throat and then expect we’re dating. I am not drunk enough for that yet.”
“Oh, yeah.” Robin cleared her throat. “That makes sense.”
“Was there another reason for us to go in here together?” It was too dark to be sure, but Robin thought Nancy was looking up at her. She wondered if Nancy could see the blush on her cheeks.
“Okay.” Nancy took a step closer.
“Okay.” Robin stretched out the word as if it would fill the space around them and push out the tension.
“I am glad it was you, though,” Nancy spoke up again.
“Yeah, if I have to be stuck with someone, I’m glad it’s you.”
“Why? I’m nothing special really. I just— I ramble a lot and I’m a bit of a dork. You can ask Steve. I mean, my favorite pastime is watching old movies and reading old books and learning languages—”
“What languages?”
“Oh um, French, Spanish and Italian for the moment. I’d like to learn more, but first I want to perfect these ones. I’m trying to read Dante in Italian for the moment. The English translation was good but— I don’t know, it felt like something was missing.”
“You are reading Dante in Italian?”
Robin nodded, pressing her lips together to keep herself from starting another ramble.
“That is… kinda hot.”
“I— um, it’s— hot? What?”
“I don’t know. Maybe I am a little drunk. But yeah, I think it’s attractive. Say something in Italian?” Nancy reached out to slide her pinky finger over Robin’s hand. Maybe Robin had stayed home, maybe she had fallen asleep and was having a wonderful dream.
“Is there— what— is there something you want me to say?”
“How about,” Nancy started, tapping her finger on her chin, “I wish you would kiss me before time runs out.”
“Vorrei che mi baciassi prima che il tempo finisca.”
“Okay,” Nancy said. She leaned in closer and closer, waiting an inch from Robin’s lips to give the girl an out. But Robin didn’t want an out. She closed the distance, locking her lips with Nancy’s.
She kept her hands at her sides, unsure of what to do. Nancy didn’t seem to have that problem. She pushed one of her hands in Robin’s hair while the other grabbed Robin’s shirt at her waist.
“Maybe,” Nancy said in between kisses. “Maybe I had ulterior motives.”
“Thank God,” Robin replied, pulling Nancy back in.
“Robin, Robin, touch me.”
Robin wasn’t sure where she was meant to put her hands. She wanted to touch Nancy all over. She wanted to put her hands on Nancy’s waist, on her shoulders, in her hair. She also wanted to slide her hands under Nancy’s shirt, wanted to feel Nancy’s skin under her fingertips, wanted to—
Nancy grabbed Robin’s hands, placing them on her waist. “Touch me, Robin.”
“How? Where?”
“Wherever you want.”
Robin pulled away. “I don’t think you would want that.” She could see the shape of her hands on Nancy’s waist. She could almost feel the heath radiating through Nancy’s shirt.
“Where do you want to touch me?”
Robin shook her head. Her fingers were twitching.
“Where do you want to touch me, Robin?”
Nancy grabbed Robin’s left hand and slid it under her shirt. “Here?”
Robin swallowed.
Nancy kept sliding the hand up until Robin’s fingers reached her breast. “Or here?”
Robin nodded her head. She couldn’t help it.
Nancy grabbed Robin’s other hand, slowly sliding it under the waistband of her skirt. “Or here?”
“Yes,” Robin replied, her fingers touched the cotton of Nancy’s underwear.
A loud bang disturbed them. “Time’s up, ladies!” Tommy shouted.
Robin pulled her hands back quickly. Nancy stepped back. “Sorry, I don’t know what came over me,” Nancy said, pulling at her shirt.
“Nothing to apologize for. I liked it.” She probably shouldn’t have said that. But Nancy smiled as she opened the door, the fluorescent lighting surrounding her. “Me too,” Nancy replied before walking away
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munson-blurbs · 2 years
Hi bug! I have an AU request that’s super cute
What if Eddie thought you were cheating on him and enlists the hellfire club to follow you and turns out you’re having a Dallas watch party with Steve, max, el, Erica, robin, Nancy, Chrissy, barb, heather, Vickie, argyle, Jonathan, Jason, and even billy (dragged along by heather). Basically everyone that’s not Eddie because you didn’t think he’d like shows like that 😭 this might be too many characters but basically everyone is at this party 😭
I think dialogue would be “look what we have here” like he’s about to bust you and then sees everyone in pjs and sweatpants
I tried to include everyone, but of course not everyone got dialogue because that would make my tiny little brain explode. Love you, Sav <3
Warnings: none I don't think. Just Eddie jumping to conclusions as always.
WC: 427
Eddie was 100% certain that you were cheating on him, and that everyone knew it. It was the only logical explanation for why everyone was suddenly busy tonight with some unknown plans.
This is what I get for going after someone out of my league, he thinks bitterly. He's blasting Ozzy so loudly that he worries the van's stereo might explode.
He just doesn't know who you could be cheating with. Maybe one of the guys in your group, though he couldn't imagine Jonathan cheating on Nancy. Could be his stoner buddy, Argyle, since you clearly had a thing for potheads. Or Billy Hargrove, since you also loved bad boys. And Steve Harrington would shoot his shot with anyone, so he wasn't out of the realm of possibility, either.
Eddie parks down the block from your house and kills the engine. Someone must be having a party, because there's no spots available anywhere near your place. He creeps up your porch steps and pushes open the front door.
"Look what we have here!" he booms, expecting to see you underneath some guy, clothes strewn on the floor. Instead, he feels nearly twenty pairs of eyes staring at him. "What the--"
The younger kids are sitting or laying on the floor. Nancy and Jonathan are curled up in one armchair; Robin and Vickie are in another. Billy, Heather, Chrissy, and Jason lounge on the sofa. Steve, Argyle, and Barb are sitting on chairs. And you're in the kitchen making popcorn, not having sex with anyone.
"Eddie!" you jump. "What are you doing here?"
"Um," he starts, embarrassed by his outburst, "I thought you were cheating on me."
You roll your eyes. "No, I'm having a Dallas watch party. I mentioned the idea to you a few weeks ago and you said you hated that show."
"How do you hate Dallas?" Robin pipes up from the living room.
"Yeah," Argyle says as he sparks up a joint, "I mean, it's got everything, dude."
Eddie ignores them and turns back to you. "Well, why were you so secretive about it?"
"Because," you explain as patiently as you can, "everyone was coming, and I didn't want you to feel left out or pressured to come if you really didn't wanna watch."
"Oh," he mutters.
"Yeah." You raise your eyebrows. "So if you're finished being a party pooper, we'd like to get started."
Eddie bites his lower lip and looks around. "Can I, uh, join?" he asks sheepishly.
"I dunno," you shrug. "You got any more mysteries to solve, Sherlock Holmes?"
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shprka · 2 years
You know as a harringrove fandom hiveminded that Billy's public enemy no. 1 would be Nancy bc she hurt Steve (and is jealous of her ofc) and makes me think if he was in this season he would do absolutely anything for Steve and Nancy not to interact, esp if he finds out Nancy and Jonathan are having problems. And the thing is he's obnoxious enough to make it work
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brianwashere · 2 years
The Fortunate Son AU
Chapter 1: Pulled from Hell
Rest of the series here
**I do not own any characters or part of the franchise from stranger things**
Pairing: eventual Steve/Billy/Eddie
Genre: angst but a happy ending. I promise. Trust me.
Summary: Billy never expected to make it back. Thankfully he was unintentionally found by people more than willing to take him back.
Tw: cussing, mentions of death, Billy’s just a lil bit traumatized
The Upside Down is cold. That was the hardest adjustment he had to make. Billy had been in the Upside Down for god knows how long now. Days? Months? Years?
You didn’t have time to even try to keep track of how long it’s been when you were there.
He’d done everything. Every fucking thing possible to try and escape. But it wouldn’t let him.
He wouldn’t let him.
Billy doesn’t remember when he’d first seen Him. All he knows is that He was hideous. Hideous and terrifying.
Being stuck in the Upside Down sucked ass of course but it had given him time to think. Think about the Mind Flayer, his ‘sacrifice’, what’d he’d do when he got back.
The look on his little sister’s face when he died.
The mullet wearing teen had nearly lost all hope of ever getting back home at all.
Until he heard Him talk. He was talking to his little sister. To Max. He sprinted to the house the dammed house and by the time he got there he saw his little sister jumping out into Hawkins—regular Hawkins.
That had been what was keeping Billy going.
His little sister had escaped. He could too.
Billy sighed as he began to shuffle out from under the bed. Well—the guest bed at the Wheeler’s house. The Wheeler’s house was the closest one he found (as well as the safest), and he slept under the bed to reduce being found or taken or anything else that was on the bottom of his to-do list.
‘Jesus Christ the hell am I doing?’
While this wasn’t the first time he thought this, it was certainly the first time it set so heavy on his chest.
‘What’s the point? What’s the damn point?’
His thoughts plagued his own mind.
‘No no no. Don’t think that. You will see Max again. She needs you.’
He began to continue pulling himself on the wooden floorboards until he heard loud noises downstairs.
“Shit.” He cussed quietly to himself.
Billy grabbed his rusty trusty old crowbar that would give any damn thing tetanus if it came into a 10 foot radius of it.
He scrambled out from under the bed. He learned the hard way that it was better to be ready to fight instead of them finding you. They’ll always find you.
You learn things like that when you’re here. Things like walking from toe to heel. Things like barricading yourself when you sleep to give you time if they find you. When they find you.
He opened the door quietly; he heard voices. Billy felt like crying right there. People actual people! The paranoid part of his brain kicked in then.
‘If it’s too good to be true it probably is.’
That’s when he heard a voice he never thought he’d hear again. Steve Harrington. Steve fucking Harrington.
He was shouting to one of his freshman kids.
“Dustin! Dustin! Can you hear me Dustin? Dustin!” The brunette was shouting.
Billy carefully rounded the stair railing, his crowbar ready to swing. He approached silently.
Four people: two he didn’t recognize, Nancy Wheeler, and Steve Harrington. He nearly dropped his crowbar. They were there. And there was hope.
His hopefulness was brought down by the guy he didn’t recognize spotting him and screaming.
The four of them immediately clumped together. Harrington was in front, protecting the others like a goose protects her goslings. He needed to act fast.
“Stay away! Stay back or I’ll hit you all the way back to that damn portal!” Steve yelled.
Billy lowered his crowbar and cleared his throat; it had been so long since he talked.
“Well well well Harrington a little late to the party wouldn’t ya say?” Billy croaked.
Steve didn’t try to hide his surprise.
“Billy…?” He asked.
Billy slowly stepped into the light; Steve’s posse huddled back in response.
“In the damn flesh.” He chuckled bitterly.
Nancy began stepping towards him only to be pushed back by Steve.
“Tell me something only the real Billy would know.” Steve demanded.
Billy sighed. Harrington was always the skeptic wasn’t he? He fumbled the beginning of his sentence.
“…once I caught you in the gym shower signing along to Madonna’s ‘Material Girl’—“ He started.
“Ok that’s proof enough!” Harrington yelped.
Nancy began coming closer.
“How are you alive?” She whispered.
“Beats me, doll.” Billy responded.
“Holy shit. You’re Billy Hargrove! The notorious high school bully!” The other one he didn’t recognize pointed out.
He had long wavy brown hair and the biggest brown eyes he’d ever seen before. He was also wearing a shirt for that weirdo DnD club he’d seen before he—died—before he went missing.
“Yeah and you’re that fucking weirdo who plays pretend with figurines.” Billy retorted.
“The name’s Eddie Munson. Asshole.” Eddie mumbled the last part.
Billy rolled his eyes until they caught on the fourth member. He squinted at the other girl. Her blonde hair and freckles looked familiar.
“Are you Rose…?”
“Robin Buckley.” She spoke in a clipped tone.
Understandable, he was assumed dead for however long it’s been, he also tried to run her over with his car.
“Ok enough chit chat! We need to communicate with Dustin!” Harrington said.
“Guys wait. When Will was in the Upside Down he used the lights to communicate.” Nancy pointed out.
They all turned and looked at the kitchen light fixture.
Nancy’s high IQ led them to Munson’s trailer.
“So how the hell are we supposed to get there?” Billy asked.
“Wait there’s something there.” Eddie pointed out.
That’s when a wooden handle of some sort broke through the portal. The five of them hesitantly moved forward to see Harrington’s kids staring back on top of a questionably stained mattress. Both groups waved to each other.
Dustin took a rope made out of what appeared to be pillowcases and sheets and threw it up into the portal. It dropped down on their side.
“And if my calculations are correct…” Dustin said as he let go and the make shift rope stayed in place.
The group of freshman walked off of the old mattress.
“The stains are…I don’t know what the stains are from.” Eddie admitted awkwardly.
Everyone stepped back for Eddie to go first. They watched as he shimmied up and then fell when the gravity from Hawkins kicked in.
Robin was next, then Nancy. He looked at Steve. Billy signaled him to go first.
“Oh hey woah woah woah you’ve been stuck here long enough, you should go first.” Harrington explained.
“Quit being a pussy and just go, Harrington.” Billy sighed.
Steve stared at him for a long moment before deciding against arguing and he climbed up.
This was it. After so long, he was coming back. So many thoughts swirled through the blond’s head. As he pulled himself up
“Wait wait wait we’ve got someone else coming in.” He heard Steve’s voice.
“What? Only four of you went in.” Lucas questioned.
Gravity yanked Billy down onto the mattress he let out a grunt. He squinted, adjusting to the rediscovered brightness of the world. He tried sitting up but was immediately pushed back down by a heavy force.
“Billy!” Max practically screamed as she through her arms around him.
Billy gripped her back without hesitation. Tears weld in his eyes, but he’d never admit it. Max was crying. Billy buried his dirty face into her red hair.
The room was silent.
“Hey I don’t wanna ruin the moment but we should get the hell outta here before hell’s creations crawl out of the portal we just opened.” Robin spoke up.
Billy sat up, still holding Max with one arm. He gulped before speaking.
“Yeah I second that.”
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straykidsnerd255 · 2 years
Can you do a angst where Reader dies. Yes where we die in the upside down helping El save max and end up dead instead of max but where 002 so in this case where even stronger than El 😏 and if it's possible can it be Steve x reader and if not it's okay
I'm not dead yet
Sure can do it! Hope you enjoy it!!
Pairing: Steve x Female Reader
Song: Atlantis- Seafret
Genre: Angst, hurt/comfort, Fluff
Character’s involved: Eddie(Alive Au), Billy(Alive Au), Steve, Nancy, Robin, the kiddo’s, Venca, Y/n
A/n: I made it so the reader ‘died’ but in regards to her being 002, she does have the ability to play dead along with telekinesis. Got a little carried away, ENJOY!
Word Count:2073
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“Someone please help her!” Lucas yelled as Max began floating in the air. Y/n closed her eyes and sat down on the ground. She held her hands out and slowly began floating in the air. She didn’t need salt or an enclosed quiet place like Eleven did. She scrunched her eyes as she waited for the familiar cold blast of air. Opening her eyes, she was surrounded by darkness but it bled into what looked like a school’s gym. She looked around to find Max pressed against the bleacher’s and Venca stalking closer to her. She stepped forward but stopped when Venca went flying backwards and stopped in the middle of the gym. 
Y/n slowly moved towards Max. Her eyes never leave Eleven and Vecna. However, she had made it almost half way to Max when she heard Eleven call out to her. Y/n slowly turned her head towards El and found Eleven staring at her in disbelief. Y/n just simply moved towards Max and wrapped her arms around the shaking girl. “Max, everything is gonna be ok. Nothing is gonna happen to you. I just need you to wake up. Wake up now!” Y/n yelled, jaring the girl to the point she woke up. Eleven was thrown from Max’s mind. Eleven rose up from the water with a scream. “Y/n was there. She was there and woke Max up.” Eleven hisses out as she climbs out of the tub. 
“We need to leave now.” Eleven said as she jumped out of the tub and ran towards the van. “We won’t make it to them in time El. What happened?” Mike asked as he caught up with her. “SHE is back. Y/n is back. 002. The girl I told you about. She’s much stronger than I am and she has more than just telekinesis like I do. Papa never allowed her in the same room when I was in the room, or when Henry/001 was in the same room with me. Papa always referred to her as “Predator” but I never knew why. Anyway that’s not the point, we need to go, NOW.” She yelled climbing into the van. Mike looked at the others before following and climbing into the van. 
{With Max and Lucas}
“What the hell do we do?!” She’s been in there with Vecna for too long!” Max panicked as she shook the girl in front of her. However, nothing she did would wake Y/n up. “Max, wait for just a minute. She must have pulled you from Venca’s grasp. Maybe we should wait and see what happens?” Lucas said the last part like a question. He wasn’t even sure that Y/n could survive this creature. Max looked at Lucas with fear written on her face before she turned to look at Y/n. Max’s eyes widened when she saw blood cascading from both Y/n’s eyes, nose and mouth. 
“Lucas, grab her!” Max yelled as she stood from her spot and raced to the door. Erica opened the door only to see her brother carrying Y/n in his arms. “Holy shit, Lucas what's happ-” “Erica, get Dustin to contact Steve and the others, NOW!” Lucas yelled as he passed Erica. Erica pulled the walkie from her backpack. “Dustin, get Steve on the line and tell him and the others to come back to Hawkins!” Erica said. 
“What, why?!” 
“Don’t ask why, you will figure it out soon, just tell him it's Y/n!” 
Dustin’s eyes widened when Erica mentioned Y/n’s name. He looked over at Eddie and Billy with wide, distressed eyes. “Eddie, Billy, we need to go and get Steve and the others and leave.” Dustin said. Eddie turned to him and raised an eyebrow but stopped when he saw the look on his face. He looked over at Billy and nodded to him before the two bolted after Steve, Nancy and Robin. “Steve!” Both boys yelled, causing Steve to turn and look back at them. “What is going on? Why are you guys panicking so much?” He asked.
“It’s Y/n.” Eddie whispered. 
Steve’s face fell and he darted back to the trailer. Everyone watched before they darted after him. He skidded to a halt before yanking the door of the trailer open and getting to the portal. Back in Hawkins, Max was gently patting Y/n’s face as she tried to wake her up. “Y/n wake up please!!” Max yelled as tears cascaded down her face. Y/n was the only person other than Max’s friends to really take her and Billy in when her step father and mother kicked both her and Billy out of their home. 
Max turned to see Steve racing from Eddie’s trailer. He dropped to his knees after Max moved from where she was sitting before. The others raced over a moment later to find Steve begging Y/n and pleading with her to wake up. “Please, Baby I can’t lose you. Not yet. You can’t leave me yet. Just stay with me. Come on, open your eyes for me. I need to see those e/c hues again.” Steve was practically hysterical at this point. Tears ran down his face as he watched his girl bleeding from her eyes, nose and now her mouth. “SHE’S MINE! YOU STAY AWAY FROM HER IT'S NOT HER TIME VECNA. DON’T TAKE HER FROM ME!” Steve yelled in anger. His anger soon turned to fear when he watched his girlfriend begin floating in the air. His heart pounding in his chest. “Don’t take her. Please.” He whispered. 
{With Y/n and Vecna}
Y/n glared at Vecna as his hand was outstretched, the same as her. They increased their power and strength to see who the stronger one was. Vecna could feel himself moving backwards and his grip slipping. Y/n pulled her arm back before using all her might and power to launch Vecan back. She had the upper hand and was using her power to keep Vecna at bay but her strength soon dipped and Vecna took that as his opening. 
He lifted her up from the ground and grinned. “You still are not strong enough to beat me child.” Vecna hissed and raised the clawed hand. Y/n knew exactly what he was doing and closed her eyes. Her eyes flew open when his claws pierced through her stomach. Her back bowed backwards as she fell from his claw. He watched as she fell to the ground, blood spilling from her stomach, mouth and eyes. 
Her eyes faded in and out before all color in them vanished, and she took her last breath. Vecna backed away a bit before turning and walking away from her. “So much potential and yet, wasted on protecting others.” Vecna mumbled before he disappeared from sight. 
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
Steve could only watch in horror as his girlfriend’s back snapped backwards and she dropped to the ground with a thud. He instantly moved forward and pressed his ear to her heart, only to hear nothing. His eyes filled with tears as he sat back on his heels. He screamed in agony as he gathered his girlfriend in his arms. Max could only stare in disbelief. “Y/n?” She whispered, expecting her to sit up in Steve’s arms and smile at her. However, when she didn’t move, Max dropped to the ground and cried. Steve just held her tightly against his chest and cried for all he was worth. Steve buried his face in her neck and cried. 
Robin placed a hand on his back in hopes that she could at least help elevate some of the pain he was feeling. “Steve, we have to go. Come on.” Robin said softly. Steve slowly stood up, with Y/n in his arms. Billy could only stare in disbelief as the one person that made him feel welcome in this crap town, was gone. He pulled Max into his chest when she started to cry and just held her tightly. Y/n was also the reason he and Max were able to fix their relationship and become siblings. They all followed Steve as he walked to his car. “I’ll take her to the hospital. You can all come if you want.” He said, carefully placing her in the backseat.
{At the Hospital}
Eleven had told them about Dr. Owens, and had asked that he be the one to see Y/n as she knew exactly who Y/n was. As they waited outside the room, Steve was pressed against the wall with his legs drawn to his chest. His eyes were half lidded and staring down at the ground. Eddie walked over and sat down next to him. “Cheer up man. I highly doubt your girl wants you to be sad like this. Come on. Show us a smile, yeah?” Eddie asked, giving him a smile. Steve looked at him before giving him a small smile before turning to face the ground again. “It won’t be the same without her though Eddie.” He said curling in on himself. Eddie sighed before patting his back and standing back up. A few moments later, Dr. Owens walks out of the room and gives them a smile. “Well, Eleven, you were right.” He said. Billy raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean?” He asked.  Dr. Owens grinned. 
“As you all know, Eleven here has telekinetic powers right?” He said looking around. Everyone nodded. Eleven grinned as she sat up straight and waited. “Y/n is the same but stronger. She has two different abilities as well. She has the telekinetic ability but she can also make her body ‘play dead’.” Dr. Owens said. Steve’s head shot up and he was standing in point 3 seconds and he was staring Dr. Owens down. “What?” He asked. “Y/n is alive Steve. She used her second ability to fake her death so Vecna would leave her and you all alone.” Dr Owens said grinning.
Steve beelined for the room behind Dr Owens and carefully opened the door. His heart jumped for joy when he saw her sitting up in the bed and reading a book. She turned towards the door and a smile appeared on her face. “What, you didn’t expect to get rid of me that easily did you?” she asked as he walked towards her. She placed the book down and opened her arms. Steve dove into her arms and pressed his face into her chest while his arms wrapped around her waist. Her hands ran through his hair and she softly hummed. He closed his eyes and kept close to her thinking she would disappear if he let her go.
The others filed in one by one to see her and to coo as Steve had fallen asleep in her arms. “I’m glad you’re back now.” Max said, holding Y/n’s hand in hers. Y/n smiled and pulled the redhead into a hug and kissed her head. “You can’t get rid of me that fast kiddo. Plus, you and your brother owe me.” She said grinning when Billy scoffed and rolled his eyes playfully. “What do you want?” Billy asked. She grinned. “I want to drive your camaro Billy.” She said, getting giddy at the thought of driving that car. Billy’s face paled but he knew that he could trust her. “If it comes back with one scratch, I’m killing you and Steve.” He said.
Steve opened his eyes to glare at Billy. “What the hell did I do?!” He yelled, making everyone jump and start laughing. Y/n smiled and shook her head. “Let’s just figure out our plan to defeat Vecna and THEN we can discuss the function of driving Billy’s car, ok?” She said, as everyone laughed at her words before nodding their heads in agreement. They all gathered around Y/n and Steve and began discussing what their next move was. Steve looked over at his girlfriend to find her clenching his shirt in her hands and smiled. He leaned towards her and pressed a kiss to her cheek.  “I love you.” He whispered. She smiled and turned her face back towards Steve and pressed her lips to his. “Love you too Big Boy.” She said laughing when his face went bright red. 
“You are so damn lucky I love you.”
“Haha, love you too baby.”
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memes-saved-me · 3 years
Steve Harrington was never a bad person
Obviously Steve has the best character development in the show as a whole but I really want to talk about the completely missable moments along with the blatantly obvious scenes before he decides to change.
First off he doesn't target Jonathan at all, we never see him bully or use his King status to hurt others. He actually defends Jonathan when Tommy jokes he killed Will:
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This isn't something an 80s douchebag would do, he would laugh along or ignore what his friend said as to not seem caring or at the least sympathetic towards a very easy target for bullying or a joke like that.
He invites Barb, who clearly doesn't fit with the rest of the group to his party and makes sure she can find the bathroom after cutting her hand. This part really irritates me because Nancy pulls Steve into the blame of Barb dying but he had no part in telling her to go home or knowing what she was doing. She was Nancy's friend, not his. Her throwing guilt at him was unnecessary but that's a rant for a different day.
When he finds out about Jonathan taking pictures he makes sure its true. He doesn't jump to conclusions or trust the people around him without checking its true and he was right in being annoyed at this. Jonathan took none consensual pictures of his girlfriend but what I find really interesting is the way he acts after breaking the camera.
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That is not the face of someone who likes what they just did. He instantly regrets it and leaves straight away, it comes across as if he thought he needed to do this to prove a point to his friends and himself that he is right and Jonathan is wrong.
Later on he freaks out because his parents are going to find out about the party because of Barb going missing and Nancy is angry with him for this reaction. Totally justified as her best friend is missing and his first thought is himself. However, he apologises very quickly and tries to make her feel better about the whole situation.
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He knows she has a crush on Tom Cruise and asks if she wants to go see a movie with him in it to distract her from everything bad that's going on. She declines and he understands but is still concerned about how she was acting so goes to her house that night to check on her.
Note, he is the one who drives there with Tommy and Carol also in the car meaning he had no intention of staying or doing anything beyond checking on her. Except he then finds Jonathan in her room.
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Not something you want to find after the week you've had and the fact you know this is the same boy who creeped on you and your friends.
Now, I believe that he got back into his car, told them what he saw and they used his current state of mind to influence what happens next. He is devastated, literally heartbroken and so Tommy takes that and uses it to hurt Nancy and Jonathan.
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He is truly upset here and he is surrounded by people who would rather use that to be nasty than comfort him. Nancy wrongfully slaps him. In no situation is that warranted.
She doesn't tell him what really happened so he snaps, he gets more angry because that pain twists and Jonathan is the root of it. So he says some very nasty things, a literal slur (which some people completely ignore) and then ends up in a fight. A fight that he loses.
This then prompts him to realise his friends actually use him instead of care about him and he ends up at the Byers.
In conclusion, I genuinely feel that Steve was never a bad person but instead surrounded by bad people. Along with pressuring parents and probably a lack of good influence in his life. It just took Nancy for him to fully break away from the people he had around him since he was much younger.
People have constantly used his wealth and popularity for themselves and not because they actually care about him. This is further shown by the fact Billy is placed pretty much exactly in his place, same friends and lack of positive influence at home included. But that's a whole other point to discuss.
It has been well discussed the clear moments of Steve being a good guy but I've seen a lacking in some of the ones I mentioned. This doesn't devalue his development, it just proves that he always had the chance for change but it took some serious push to get him to.
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Thanks for coming to my TED Talk I guess
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kaypeace21 · 3 years
The fathers of Stranger Things:  (narrative analysis)
This analysis will discuss all the dads in st. But will mostly focus on the parallels between Brenner, Lonnie, Neil,and Hopper. And the ramifications on their kids.And no i’m not saying Hopper is necessarily as bad as these other fathers/doesn’t have his reasons. But i think the parallels are worth mentioning.
Cycles of Ab*se  & internalizing your father’s teachings
Baseball-We see in s2 the cycle of abuse is there- Billy mimics Neil, and then Max mimics Billy. And uses violence to stand up for herself- which earlier she said she was trying to combat … explaining she can be angry like Billy sometimes but she never wants to be like him (her nickname symbolizing this: aka ‘mad max’).  
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We see in s3 Neil taught Billy baseball and bullied him  and called him a “p*ssy” so Billy as a child bullied others and calls them a “p*ssy” (internalizing his father’s teachings and probably venting his anger towards his father on to others). We also see Billy in s2 antagonizes max and demands “say it. say it!”And later Max yells at Billy “say it! say it” and attacks him with a bat. Showing that even Neil has influenced her to a certain extent (via Billy’s ab*se of Max). 
We also see in s3 when Will is frustrated he destroys cb (a symbol of his artistic ambition/the day his father left) and destroys it with a  baseball bat (and then we see the mf officially return) . We also see in s2, Will has a baseball next to the mf drawing (in his room). This is noteworthy due to the fact Jonathan in s1 asks if Will even likes baseball or is just doing it to appease his father. in s1, Will admits he isn’t a fan of baseball -showing how this ‘interest’ in baseball in later seasons just reflects his desire to win his father’s approval (through more sterotypically masculine hobbies).  And we see how both Neil & Lonnie taught both their sons baseball- who are both named William -and who they would call  “f*gs”. We also see in s1 Jonathan lugs around a baseball bat & his father’s gun -however neither tool is used by him in the end successfully. However, in s3 we see Jonathan using an axe (like Joyce) showing by this point he’s mostly taken on Joyce’s influence. 
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El’s spying , fighting the Russians, and  lack of care for her safety shows she internalized Brenner’s teachings- We know in s1 El was trained to be a spy/weapon against the soviets (by Brenner). And in later seasons when it comes to her interpersonal relationships- she continues to spy on everyone around her.  she spies on Mike despite his vocal discomfort in s3. Brenner specifically tells her to spy and repeat the words the guys are saying back to him- which is exactly what she does to Lucas and Mike (spying on them and repeating their words back to Max). And when Mike is concerned for her safety we also have El mimic Brenner’s words (from s1) . in s1 she is also said to be taken by Brenner to be a “weapon to fight the commies” and in s3 that’s exactly what she did!  She does literally everything Brenner ever wanted from her!!!!!!!
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Jonathan & Billy’s fights with Steve (reflect their father issues... which Steve accidentally triggered)- We see Billy and Jonathan both shoved into walls by their father’s . For Billy this is in a direct consequence of Max running away and for Jonathan- Will’s disappeareance. Billy first shoves Lucas into the wall similarly to Neil. And both Jonathan and Billy are told to “STOP”.
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Billy also breaks a plate over Steve’s head. What’s interesting to note is in s3 we see Billy’s mother threw a plate at  Billy’s father (so he was mimicking the dysfunction he saw as a child). kind of like how in s3 he backhands max (mirroring how neil backhanded his mother in the s3 flashback). 
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When it comes to jonathan we see jonathan tell nancy to leave and it’s “not worth it” to argue with Steve. However he stops in his tracks when Steve says he’s “like his father”. Then Steve proceeds to insult his family. And  eventually Jonathan who throughout every season is generally portrayed as non confrontational attacks steve. similarly when Billy and Jonathan are beating Steve (who is laying on the ground)-multiple people are yelling for them to stop.But both are in too much of a triggered daze to stop themselves. Even when the cops come- Jonathan elbows the cop in the face and kicks steve with handcuffs on and even says handcuffed for the cop to “get off’ (like he told Lonnie earlier). 
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Both would rather do this to their own fathers-but Steve (and the cops) were used as their proxy instead. The fights might reflect what the boys have been taught by their fathers-aka vi*lence. Also on some subconscious level jonathan may have been like-oh you think i’m like my dad? I’ll show you what my dad is like (beats steve with no mercy).
***also, tw se*ual ab*se (you can skip)-during the jonathan fight they also bring up the “pervy photo sesh”- which jonathan took right after seeing his father. in the movies said to inspire s4 they often had a se*ually ab*sive dad/relative who would take innaproriate pics of his kids.uuuuugh. So jonathan may have just been mimicking that past behavior of his father. ugh.***
father’s ab*se  reflects the supernatural
*if you know about my did theory-part 1 and 2 you’ve heard this stuff in detail but i’ll just give a brief synopsis 
- The demogorgan that attacks Will in s1 is  a demon called the “deep FATHER” in d&d.
-El first comes across the demogorgon  (“deep father” ) eating it’s own eggs- symbolically this shows the ‘father’ is hurting it’s own kids ( a motif in the show)!
hunting/baseball/trunks connecting to Lonnie and the monsters:  Will is attacked by the demogorgan in Lonnie’s old shed (and Will tries to defend himself with Lonnie’s old hunting gun). The demogorgan jumps on Jonathan and knocks the bat out of his hands, when he tries defending himself from the demogorgan( both activities: hunting/baseball Lonnie taught the boys).  We also see the demogorgan also attack hunters and a deer- a ref to the lonnie & Jonathan hunting story about Bambi. In s1 we see Jonathan check Lonnie’s trunk to see if Will is there . But also we see the mf throw heather and later her parents in the trunk as well. Also when Jonathan starts talking car repair lingo in s3 -Will senses the mf (since Lonnie repaired cars as a hobby in s1). When lonnie returns in s1 jonathan asks Joyce “did that thing (demogorgan ) come back?” And when Lonnie says he explored around the quarry-jonathan mentions how the demogorgan only traveled a few miles  around his house. When Lonnie says “someone should be held accountable” for what happened to Will- it transitions from lonnie hammering a nail into the wall to Mike piercing a pencil into paper explaining the hole in the upsidedown and how Will got trapped there- hinting at how Lonnie causing trauma to Will is the explanation for everything supernatural. Also need to point out how we zoom in on the lightbulb in Lonnie’s shed (after Will is taken) and they later zoom in on a red lighbulb (when Jonathan tears the innappropriate photos down from the red room) and then it transitions to the christmas lights. And then we see Lonnie berate Jonathan and there’s a glowing lightbulb beside Lonnie (to mirror him to the demogorgan).
-flowers & monstrous fathers: when Brenner (”papa”) first hurts Terry on a hospital bed she wakes up with sunflowers next to her bed. Lonnie in s1 is shown to have a sunflower blanket, and in s2 we see a sunflower book next to Will’s bed after he has a nightmare. We also see that the demogorgan ( ”deep father’-also called the “the man without a face” in s1 ) have a face that resembles a flower. Brenner also gave El a flower when on her bed (although not a sunflower) before forcing her to face the demogorgan for the 1st time.
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I believe  credit goes to the tumblr user lazy-storm-cloud for noticing Lonnie’s sunflower blanket. I noticed most of the flower imagery but never noticed that blanket until they mentioned it.
-supernatural “wounds” connecting to Will,  El, Kali and fathers.The lab workers say the upsidedown’s influence over crops/hawkins is “spreading”  while joyce says the tunnels Will drew are also “spreading”. Will says his now-MEMORIES” (connected to the mf-who parallels lonnie) are “growing, spreading, and killing.” Later, Kali in reference to Brenner says her wounds “spread” because she didn’t address her pain caused by Brenner (her papa). And when kali creates a brenner-double he says El has a terrible wound that’s “growing, spreading, and eventually it’ll kill you.” (if not addressed) and they don’t stand up against their father.
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-doors connecting to problematic fathers: We see Will in s1 have a sign on his bedroom door that says “do not enter”. And he also requires a password for cb for people to enter. When joyce in s1 hears aggressive knocking on the door she assumes it’s lonnie and says to “go away, Lonnie”.  In s1 we the demogorgan unlock the door telepathically and chase Will. later we see Will stare at the shed door terrified as the demogorgan sneaks up  behind him. in s2 we see the mf slam open the arcade door by itself, and also open his house door in the same manner . when the house door opens it zooms in on the back of his neck- which indicates it’s based off an old memory-a now memory.  We have El also telepathically unlock people’s doors in a similar fashion-not respecting such boundaries. And El asks in s1e1 for the door to stay open.  And Neil, Hopper, and Billy  angrily yell to “OPEN THE DOOR!!!!!” And Hopper slams doors open demanding they stay 3 inches open. We also see El enter a door in the void to see Heather being attacked in a tub and entering the darkness.
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tubs:brenner forces El into a sensory deprivation tank. Later El refers to it as a “tub” after seeing the byers tub. we later see the mf is afraid of the byers’ tub. And tub iconography shows up for billy & heather. the s4 movies hint at Will having a tra*matic memory occurring in the tub.
The fathers of St  (recap):
Brenner (“papa” to El and Kali). He forces El into a dark room for hours when she doesn’t obey him. At one point tries to force her to k*ll an animal.  Given the way she ate at Benny’s- he may have starved her as another form of punishment.He allows El no ability to express herself (and dresses her in a masculine/androgounous way) and bans her from the outside world. He tries using a calm-kind demeanor to try and manipulate mothers (Joyce & Karen) into thinking he cares about their kids. And uses El as a weapon/spy .  He would read to El and give her flowers and  a lion plushie . in the st novel  (suspicious minds) he compared the children/numbers to  “rabbits” he could “hurt”.
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Lonnie-(dead beat dad of Jonathan and Will). divorced.Forced Jonathan to k*ll a rabbit. It’s implied he has thrown his kids in his dark car trunk  (since Jonathan checks if Will is lonnie’s trunk in s1). He tries manipulating Joyce into thinking he cares about Will. But he just wanted to use Will’s death to make money. He canonically-joked about his son dissappearing. And insulted his ex wife. Then when he realizes he can profit off his son’s death-who he hasn’t seen in years. He leaves his 20-something live in gf, flirts with Joyce calling her “babe”. And pretends to care for Will and the rest of his family. Then gaslights them when they call out his bs. He also has called Will a “f*g” and it’s implied he forced Will to hunt/play baseball. He also shoves Jonathan into a wall. He can have a relatively calm demeanor like Brenner-but then blows up. He smokes, and it’s implied he may be an alcholic since beer cans are littered all over his house. Will has lion plushie in cb (and since lonnie means ‘lion’ it may have been given to him by Lonnie?). He  (like Hopper) implies Joyce is mentally ill and that she’s hallucinating due to grief-and says she’s going to go “over the edge” mirroring Hopper’s words about Joyce in s1. 
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Neil- divorced.Calls Billy a “f*got”, and forced him to play baseball. He later shoves his son into a wall and slaps him. He has a calm demeanor and then yells to make his points with Billy.  He also yells at first wife cause romantically jealous. Him & Lonnie both have fights with their ex wives where the phrase “I’m not lying to you” is used. 
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Hopper- divorced.in s1-3 we see he smokes, pops pills,  and is an alocholic. The pilot pitch explicitely states he is . He is shown to have anger issues, sells out El’s location to Brenner in s1. In s2 threatens to send her back to her ab*sers if she doesn’t listen to him/ stay isolated from the outside world. dresses her androgonously and tries controlling her romantic relationships. He yells at Joyce cause romantically jealous . joyce annoyed at Hopper: “yes everyman i speak to is my boyfriend”. El says “you are like papa.” And in the pilot Brenner and Hopper were said to dress similarly. And Murray says to Joyce that Hopper is a “brute” who “reminds (her) of a (past) bad relationship”. Aka Lonnie. 
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Steve’s dad- is called an “asshole” by Steve and it’s implied he cheats on his wife.
heather’s dad - is sexist to Nancy and cold to his wife. We see Heather (who is the same age as Nancy) has some hidden resentment towards him.
Sam (Max’s dad)- divorced/out of the picture like Lonnie. in the novel ‘runaway max’ is said to be a criminal who often took Max to shady places/bars. And also taught her how to pick door locks-similar to how Jonathan picked a car lock open in s1 like max with a door in s2.
Dustin’s dad- also out of the picture ? dead... maybe?
Recap: Parallels of fathers
forced their kids to k*ll animals/violence toward rabbits/throws kids in dark places/gave their kids lion plushies/tries unsuccessfully to manipulate mother’s  into thinking he cares for their kids: Lonnie & Brenner
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taught kids shady stuff like how to pick locks: Lonnie & Sam 
are described as poor/called their sons “f*gs”/forced sons to play baseball/slam sons into walls/have their sons attack Steve/have sons who are into hard rock music: lonnie & Neil
“i’m not lying to you”-:Neil/ex wife and Lonnie/joyce
dr*gs/smokes/alochol ab*se/womanizers/hunters: lonnie & Hopper
imply Joyce is wrong about the supernatural and is just mentally ill: Lonnie and Hopper. Both use a similar expression of her being on “the edge”.
lie to Joyce: Lonnie and Hopper (specifically lies claiming he took her advice and uses that lie to try and get a date with her)
Gave them cat plushies: Lonnie,Brenner, possibly hopper with sara’s tiger 
being connected to flowers: Brenner & Lonnie
yell at love interest when romantically jealous:Neil and Hopper in s3
Hopper: compared to Lonnie (by Murray in s3) and Papa/brenner (by el in s2). in the original pilot Brenner & Hopper were supposed to look similar. Brenner was supposed to have a beard, and wear jeans and plaid shirts similar to hopper in s1. it’s also interesting to note how Hopper started to look more like Neil -they’re both blondes-and in s3 they have matching moustaches (and billy started growing out a moustache in s3-mirroring him becoming a mini neil too).
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dress El in masculine clothes/isolate her from outside world/spy on El/read to El:Hopper & Brenner
calm demeanor but quick to anger/ also divorced: Hopper, lonnie, Neil
yells to “open the door”: Neil, Hopper, (and possessed Billy) .it’s also implied Lonnie can pick door locks open.
jonathan - In the pilot pitch he’s described as taking on the father role for Will (after Lonnie left).  However, he is often paralleled to the mothers of st. Most likely because he never had a healthy father figure- and distrusts even good men like Bob- so models his parenting behavior more so on maternal figures. We see  Jonathan being paralleled to the mothers taking photos of their kids on Halloween, and Jonathan being paralleled to Karen twice.  We even see him bored/annoyed in s2 watching the film “mr mom” since the comedic premise was haha - dad has to stay at home- cook for their kids , drive them to school, do laundry, whaaa how can a man do that ... look it’s so hard  ? isn’t that what moms do instead? All things Jonathan does without literally tripping over himself and failing like the older male film character, initially does .  He also in canon helps pay for the mortgage. We also see Jonathan is unlike the other problematic fathers (who demand entry into their kid’s room) since we see him knock on Will’s door and get verbal permission before entering Will’s room in s2 (respecting Will’s sign). Similar to joyce ringing cb’s doorbell and getting verbal permission from Will to enter.We also see on Halloween Jonathan mocks Bob but when Will defends him Jonathan later mimics Bob telling Will “hope it doesn’t suck” (in a vampire voice) showing at least subconsciously he was mirroring the parenting-like behavior from Bob (since Will liked Bob). So Bob became the first male he used as an inspiration for his ‘parenting style’.
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Ted-  is shown in direct opposition to Lonnie.In s1 we see Ted help Mike put on a tie mentioning to Mike it has to be a “little tight” and that it “looks good”. And  after this scene: we see Jonathan struggle to put on a tie (and then ripping it off in frustration-signifying his lack of a father figure that could have taught him how to do this when younger). So in s3 we see Jonathan’s ties are always poorly done and slightly loose around his neck. The same season Jonathan comments about how Nancy’s dad makes 6 figures and his dad “isn’t even around”. He finacially supports his family. cuddles Holly on his fav laze-boy and takes her to fairs. Wants to comfort Mike after Will dies (but listens to Karen to give him time). Has Karen tell Mike that if he wants to talk to him about Will’s death- he can call him at work and he’ll come home for Mike. His calm demeanor seems genuine -unlike the other father figures who quickly lose their cool facade (Ted has never yelled at his kids). Even when kids yell or insult him he doesn’t lose his cool. Worst things he’s done: told kids to stop cursing, naps alot, gives an outdated football analogy about How Mike needs to stop acting out . Why st fans claim he’s a bad dad : boring af aka the human embodiment of wonder bread, in loveless marriage,  and not rambo-esque like Hopper so people act like he’s a horrible dad in comparison to Hopper. Despite being a  more stable parent in the normal everyday situations.
Lucas’ dad- unfortunately we saw very little of him. But he seems somewhat similar to Ted. He’s nice and gives somewhat dated  advice at the table to his son-like Ted did. He seems like a mellow, chill dude, who finacially supports his family. But,Unlike karen/ted it seems like he loves his wife and vice versa.
Bob-the wannabe stepdad-  as the first romantic interest after Lonnie-He contrasts him. He doesn’t do drugs or smoke.  Is emotionally vulnerable with Joyce and vice versa. He never makes fun of Will or Joyce’s mental health issues. he relates to Will -who was bullied as a kid, and is into computers, comics, and was in av club (just like Will). He is supportive of Will’s non-manly interests and encourages those interests (bringing brain puzzles, and board games over when told Will is sick).  Unlike Lonnie who tried to force ‘manly’ interests on to Will. He isn’t mad when Will busts his brand new camera but is simply concerned that Will is being bullied. He’s also shown being concerned about Will’s mental health. He helps joyce with little things like finding her keys and taking Will to school. His happy calm demeanor  is genuine-and he is never shown yelling in anger. He kindly disagrees with joyce on the ‘ drawings on the walls game’ cause he was concerned it wasn’t good for Will’s mental health (and tells her she can talk more about Will’s issues). He sacrifices himself to save Will, joyce and everyone around him.  And unlike Hopper- Bob was never jealous or mean to joyce about the men in Joyce’s life. Bob was serious about Joyce and the boys-he wanted them to be his family and move them near his own blood relatives. We see he had an impact on the boys at the end of s2- Will drawing the “bob newby superhero” drawing and Jonathan using Bob’s camera. 
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fan-imagines · 4 years
Billy Hargrove~Roofied
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Billy x FemReader
Synopsis - You and Billy get into an argument on the way to a party. At the party, you go your separate ways, only reuniting when you are drugged by a classmate. 
Word Count - 4.1k+
**Warnings** drugging, mentions of sexual assault, violence, underage drinking
- Requested By - @peakascum​
A.N. So sorry this request took so long. Also sorry about how long it’s been since i posted. I have an insane amount of school and work full time, so i hardly have time to write. I appreciate the constant support people have shown to this page. It means a lot :)
p.s. i hope i did your request justice @peakascum​ 
p.s.s. in the gif, just focus on him gripping the steering wheel lol
‘’Do we really have to talk about this now? Come on, Y/n.’’ Billy and I are on our way to another one of Tommy’s parties. I don’t even want to go, but Billy had originally wanted me to, and had already told half the school that we would both be there. Now I’m obligated to show up. I just asked Billy about something that had happened at the last night at the party we were at.  
I take a sip of my drink as I walk throughout the party. I lost Billy a few minutes ago, as I went to refill my cup. I make it to the main hot spot of the party, which is the backyard. I appreciate the breath of fresh air I inhale as I continue to walk. I finally spot Billy, standing near the pool, with only his jeans on. His shirt is nowhere to be seen. There is some random girl next to him, holding his arm, which makes me feel warm, as anger fills me, which is most likely the booze in my system.  
I begin to make my way over to him, but I stop myself so I can see how he reacts. She whispers something to him, and he laughs. He nods as she walks away from him, and I think that maybe she is done hanging on him, but she pulls of her shirt and jumps into the pool. She comes back up and motions for Billy to join her. I hold my breath, praying he doesn’t oblige, but her does. I down the rest of my drink. Now I make my way towards him.  
‘’Billy!’’ I shout. He looks up at me, and pulls himself out of the pool.  
‘’What, Y/n? You’re always nagging.’’
‘’I wouldn’t have to nag if you didn’t let bimbos hang out you like flies to sh*t.’’
‘’Whatever.’’ He walks away from me, and I let him, not really wanting to hash this out, as I am now suddenly aware of the amount of people around me. I avoid him the rest of the night, and ride home with Nancy.
That was all yesterday; there was a party on Friday. Today is supposed to be an even bigger party because today is Saturday, and that’s how it goes here in Hawkins. I haven’t talked to Billy since this all happened yesterday, but I wanted to bring it up now. Mostly because I was drunk, and I shouldn’t have gotten so worked up.
‘’Why can’t we do this now? We haven’t talked since last night.’’
‘’Yeah, and I wonder what that reason is.’’
‘’Hey, this is not only my fault. You know how it makes me feel when there are always girls all over you, Billy. I’ve told you many times before.’’
‘’Yeah, yeah, I know. I just don’t understand why you get so upset over that. I didn’t do anything with those girls. You were right there, and you saw me do nothing, right? Okay, then.’’ He grips the steering wheel harder, trying to stay calm.^^^ I noticed he did this a lot when we first started dating, and he would have to deal with his dad more often than now.  
‘’You have no right to say that to me, knowing how you are. You practically put any guy that comes near me in a coffin.’’
‘’That’s because I know these guys’ intentions.’’ He says, quickly turning to look at me, before continuing back at the road. He is driving faster now, but not too fast to make me nervous. We’re only a few minutes from the party now, and I anxiously await it's come to so I can take a breather. And get a drink.  
‘’And I know these girls’ intentions. Come on, Billy. I’m not stupid.’’
‘’You are if you think that I would do anything with these girls.’’
‘’Well, you don’t make it seem that you don’t.’’ I say and put my head down.
‘’Come on, Y/n. Don’t actually be stupid.’’
‘’How would I know, huh, Billy?’’
‘’God, maybe if I did go with them, they wouldn’t bother me so much. You never give it a rest. I never get any peace with you Y/n.’’ My face falls, and I don’t even feel like arguing anymore. I look over to Billy, but his face doesn’t falter. He just continues to grip the steering wheel until we make it to the party. We pull up and he quickly pulls up next to the yard to park the Camaro.  
‘’I’m, uhm, gonna go find Nancy and Steve.’’ I say in a quiet voice.
‘’Of course, you are.’’ He gets out of the car, and slams the door harder than I was expecting, which makes me flinch from the sound. I feel like crying from the words he said to me, but I ignore the feeling of tears swelling in my eyes, and get out of the car.  
I make my way into the house, needing to find a drink. I quickly find one of the many kegs, and fill my solo with the liquid. I down the whole cup, and fill it again before walking away to find Nancy and Steve.  
I walk around, not seeing anyone I know well enough to talk to. Across the room, I see Nancy standing the corner, slightly swaying to the music blasting throughout the house. I go over to her, getting run into and hit on the way over, but I sigh with relief once I am standing in front of her and she is smiling at me.  
‘’Hey, Y/n!’’ She says to me, in a very cheery voice.
‘’Hi, Nance.’’ I say, trying to mask my sadness, but I don’t do too good of a job, cause her face immediately scrunches in confusion.
‘’Wait, Y/n, what’s wrong?’’ She grabs my arm in endearment.
‘’I just got into it with Billy right before coming here. I'll be fine. I just want to drink, and forget about it for now.’’
‘’Oh, okay. I’m sorry.’’  
‘’It’s alright. Where’s Steve?’’ I ask, needing to change the subject from me.  
‘’He went to go get us both drinks.’’ As she finishes her sentence, Steve is handing her cup of whatever drink he found. ‘’Speak of the devil.’’
‘'Hey, Y/n.’’ Steve smiles to me. He wraps his arm around Nancy’s shoulder, and pulls her close.  
‘’Hi, Steve.’’
‘’I assume Billy is doing a keg-stand somewhere?’’ He chuckles. I shrug, and lightly smile.
‘’Knowing him, probably.’’ I see Nancy nudge him in the side, signaling for him to shut up about Billy. He looks visibly confused, but doesn’t question it.  
We talk a little more, about the exam we have on Monday in Mr. Lazinski’s class, and about how last night’s party was insane because of the pool jumping that happened at the end.  
‘’Yeah, so I ended up being pushed in by Steve, but I grabbed his arm so he fell in with me.’’ Nancy laughs as she tells me. I laugh too, being able to picture the look on both of their faces as they fell into the water. I go to respond, but I am stopped by Nancy’s squeal. ‘’I love this song.’’ It’s Super Freak by Rick James.
‘’Come on, dance with me.’’ Steve pulls her away, and I smile as I watch them go away. My smile slowly falters as I think back to my situation with Billy. Does he not want to be with me? That can’t be true. He said I bother him, so maybe he would be okay if we weren’t together anymore. I’m pulled out of my thoughts when someone taps my shoulder. I turn and see one of my friends from my physics class, Johnny.  
‘’Hi, Johnny. How’s it going?’’
‘’Going good. Sorry I tapped you. I called your name, but I guess you didn’t hear me. How come you aren’t with Billy?’’ I sigh, once again thinking about Billy.
‘’He, uhm, he went to go find Tommy and Carol. Probably to commend them on the party.’’ I don’t know him well enough to spill out all my problems.  
‘’Oh, okay. Do you want a refill?’’ He asks me, gesturing to my semi-empty cup. I nod to him.
‘’Yeah, sure. That would be nice. Thank you.’’ I smile to him and hand him my cup. He takes my cup from me and walks away. He’s back in a few seconds with a drink that’s different than what I had the first time. Instead of the color being red, it’s now a dark purple, and it’s fizzing a little. Hmm, maybe they had to make more. I thank Johnny for the drink and take a sip. It's gross, so it’s probably a lot stronger. There’s also not as much, so I assume it’s supposed to be taken like a shot. I came for the free booze anyway, so down the hatch. I quickly down it, and I see Johnny smile. I assume it’s because I took it like a champ. He walks away from me, but I feel too buzzed to even care. I look around the party and see Steve and Nancy still dancing.
A few minutes pass by, and I feel worse and worse. My head is spinning and feels like it's being pounded into, my throat is on fire, and my limbs feel like they’re going numb. Like I could fall at any second. My mind starts to feel hazy, and I can’t think about anything. I feel woozy, not tired, just very out of it. There’s no way that drink was that strong, or took affect that quickly for me to feel like this. There is a hand on my waist, and I sigh, assuming it’s Billy, regardless of how we left off. I turn to the face, but I am met with Johnny’s instead.  
He wraps his arm around my waist, and begins to pull me away. My mind screams for me to stay put, suddenly feeling very scared, but my body follows involuntarily. I have almost no control.
‘’Where’s Billy? I wantt to go home, nowww.’’ I slur as Johnny helps me up the stairs, but more like drags me up them.  
‘’Shh, shh, shh.’’ He hushes me, and opens the door to one of the various rooms in this house. He leads me to a bed, and sits me down. I fall, laying on the bed now, as my body seems too tired to even stay sitting straight. I feel so tired, but I don’t want sleep. I want Billy.  
I feel hazy, and not in control of any aspect of my body or my movements. I can feel my shirt being taken off, but I'm not doing it.  
‘’Bil-Billy.’’ I whisper incoherently.  
‘’Shh, shh, shh. Don’t worry. He shouldn’t disturb us.’’
~~Nancy’s POV~~
‘’Hey, wait, Steve? Where did Y/n go?’’ I ask Steve over the loud music. I looked to where she was, and I didn’t see her anymore.  
‘’I don’t know. Maybe she went to go find Billy, or something?’’ I shake my head, knowing better than that. Y/n would have come over and told us that she was leaving. Especially if it was to Billy, because of their fight. She wouldn’t just walk away. I have a bad feeling my gut.
‘’I don’t know, Steve. I think something is wrong. She wouldn’t just leave. She’s never done that.’’ I walk away from him, and go over to where she was previously. I try to think back to if I saw her speaking to anyone. I rack my brain, but I can’t think of anyone besides the kid in our physics class, Johnny, that was talking to her for a moment.
‘’Wait, Nancy. What’s wrong? Why are you worked up over it?’’
‘’It’s just that I have this awful feeling in my stomach, Steve. I don’t know. I just feel weird. Can you go find Billy, please? And quickly Steve. I’m worried.’’ His face seems to understand the severity of my tone, and he nods. I walk away, and start looking through the people in the house.  
I make my way around the open part of the house, not finding her anywhere. I decide I should check the rooms. I open the door to one, and I see a pair of teens making out on the bed.  
‘’Oh, uhm, so sorry.’’ I close the door quickly, feeling awkward for walking in on them. I dismiss that, remembering that I am looking for Y/n. I check another two rooms, and turn up with nothing. I wish that Steve and Billy would come back so I can have some help trying to find Y/n.
Maybe she’s fine. Maybe I'm overreacting. Maybe she just went to find Billy, they made up, and they got caught in each other.  
I almost give it the benefit of the doubt, then I open up the last door in the back of the house. I see Y/n laying under Johnny, half naked. I audibly gasp in fright, turning his attention to me. He backs away from Y/n and runs out the door. I follow him with my eyes, my jaw laying open, not totally understanding what is happening.  
I turn my attention back to Y/n, seeing her still laying on the bed. She hasn’t moved at all. I walk to her, confused. My eyes widen in panic when I see that her eyes aren’t open. She’s unconscious.  
‘’Y/n? Y/n!’’ I shake her, trying to get any type of response from her, but I get none. She doesn’t budge, and my panic sets in even more. ‘’Y/n!’’ I shout again, trying one more time to wake her up. I run out of the room, to find Billy, or anyone that can help me. I see Steve, and I run to him.  
‘’Whoa, whoa. What’s wrong, Nance? You’re crying.’’ He rushes over to me, and I can tell by his face that the look of mine isn't good.  
‘’Did you find Billy? There’s something wrong with Y/n. I think Johnny did something to her.’ I cry.  
‘’What! Where?’’ I run to the room with Steve hot on my heels. He runs to her side, and cups her face. He lightly taps her to not hurt her, and she shouts her name to get her to wake up.
‘’Steve, what do we do?’’
‘’I saw Billy, I told him we were looking for him, but he brushed me off. He was going outside to say bye to Tommy. Go get him, Nance.’’ He tells me in a semi-calm voice. I quickly stand up and run out of the room again.  
I run into him in a few seconds, and I shout his name.
‘’Billy!’’ I grab his arm to get him to look at me.  
‘'What? Why are you guys both so wigged out? Can you calm down?’’ He scoffs and shrugs my hand off of him. I feel a lump form in my throat.  
‘’Come with me. I think that she was drugged. She’s in the last room.’’ His eyes widen, and he runs to the room, pushing past the people that are in his way.
~~Billy’s POV~~
The only thoughts that are running through my mind are where is Y/n? Is she okay? Is she safe? What happened? I shove people out of my way, needing to get to her. Needing to find her. Needing to make sure she is okay. I know that there is music playing, and that there are people everywhere, but I hear no noise. All the noise is cancelled out in my ears.  
I barge into the room that Nancy alluded to, and I see Y/n laying on the bed. Her head rests in Steve’s lap, and she’s barely conscious. I run to her and take Steve's spot.  
‘’Y/n! Y/n, what happened, baby? Holy sh*t! What? What? What do we do? What do I do?’’ I grab at my hair, feeling fear and stress starting to take over my body and my thoughts. What do I do? What the h*ll do I do?
‘’Biii-’’ She starts, but she makes no other sounds.  
‘’Billy, we have got to do something. The longer whatever is in her system, the worse she will get. She has to get rid of it. I just barely got her conscious, and she can’t do much.’’ Steve tells me. I try to tune out everything, and think. I think about anything and everything that could possibly help me. She was drugged, probably from a drink she had. She has to get it out of her system, and fast. She has to get rid of it.  
‘’Help me.’’ I gesture to Steve, and I pick up Y/n. Her head lulls to the side, and I make sure it has support. I walk with her to the bathroom, with Steve’s help. I lean her over the toilet bowl, making sure that no part of her is touching it. I don’t know what these people do in these bathrooms.  
‘’What are you doing?’’ Nancy asks me.  
‘’I have to make her throw up whatever it was that she took. It needs to be gone.’’ She nods in understanding, but puts her hand on her mouth in disbelief.  
‘’Nancy, call an ambulance.’’ Steve says. She nods again and runs away to find a phone to use. I stop focusing on them and worry about my Y/n. I take a deep breath, and let it out, regretting what I'm about to have to do.
‘’Oh, God. I’m so sorry, baby. Open her mouth for me?’’ Steve lightly grabs her chin and pulls it open so I can fit my fingers through. I use my two fingers, and hesitantly put my fingers down her throat. She gags, but nothing happens or comes up. I take a deep breath, but I hold it as I push my fingers down farther. She gags again before her stomach contents are released. She coughs and continues to vomit. She seems more conscious, but she is still very out of it.  
Once she seems through, as nothing comes up when she gags, I pick her up again and carry her to the bed. Nancy runs back into the room.
‘’They’re here.’’ An EMT and a police officer both walk into the room.  
‘’She already filled us in. Let us get in here, please, boys. Go ahead and clear out for me.’’ I shake my head in protest.  
‘’I’m not leaving.’’
‘’I’m sorry, but I need to ask you three some questions.’’
‘’No, I can’t leave her. Not again.’’ I say.  
‘’I’m sorry. I know you’re worried, but I need to get in here and make sure your girl is alright. I can’t help her or check on her if I’m talking to you. I promise, we’ll take care of her.’’ The EMT tells me, slightly calming my nerves. I nod reluctantly, and Steve and I are ushered out of the room.  
I see that the party has cleared out, and the only people still here are the ones who couldn’t get away, and the owner of the house, also being questioned by an officer.  
I look around at the people, and I see Johnny standing in one of the corners. I push past the officer in front of me and run to him. I punch him square in the face, with most of my strength. He doesn’t fall, but he staggers a good bit.  
‘’Whoa, what the h*ll was that for?’’
‘’You know d*mn well.’’ I say as I punch him again, this time, making him fall. I quickly drop on top of him and hit him two more times before two officers are pulling me off. There is one pulling Johnny back to, probably so can’t reach him and hit him again. ‘’It’s him. He did it. He’s the one that drugged my, baby girl.’’
‘’Oh, come on.’’ He scoffs. I try to get at him again, but the police hold me back.  
‘’It was you, you a**shole!’’
‘’Come with me.’’ the officer escorts Johnny away, good for him.
‘’Excuse me, Y/n is talking about someone named, Billy?’’ One of the EMT’s comes out of the room. I turn and walk quickly back to where she is. She is still laying down, but she’s conscious.  
~~Y/n’s POV~~
I look up when I hear Billy’s voice. I’m still groggy and gross, but at least I can move. I blink a few times and watch him walk to me. I don’t remember really anything that happened after Steve and Nancy went for a dance to now when Billy walked into the room.  
‘’B.’’ He cups my face and leans over me.  
‘’Be careful, she’s not fully recovered yet. She should be okay, you getting those drugs out of her system helped a lot. We’re going to take you to the hospital, just to be sure, since you are underage. We’ve contacted your parents through your other friends. We’ll be taking you now, you’re welcome to ride with us.’’ One of the men says to me. I nod, and they put me on the gurney and walk her out to the ambulance.
It's later in the night now, almost two in the morning. My parents came, my mom cried, my dad scolded me for drinking, but they were overall not mad at me. Billy was by my side the whole time, in the ambulance, throughout my check-up, and now.  
I reassured my parents it was okay if they went home since they both have to work super early in the morning. I promised them I was okay, and they were super reluctant to go, and they promised to make it up to me later in the week. This is the first time that me and B have been alone.  
He sits across from my bed, and I turn to him when I hear sniffling. I cross my brows in confusion and try to see any part of his face.  
‘’B?’’ He looks up quickly before looking back down. ‘’Billy, come here.’’ He slowly gets up and stands next to my bed, but I still can’t see his face, as he is hiding it from me. ‘’B, look at me.’’ I lift his chin to meet my eyes, and I see tears wetting his cheeks. ‘’What’s wrong?’’
‘’What do you mean? Y/n, you got-you were-you.’’ He can’t even finish his sentence.
‘’I know.’’
‘’It’s my fault Y/n. I did this to you.’’
‘’No, you didn’t B. You saved me.’’
‘’No, I didn’t. Nancy and Steve did. I didn’t even know this was happening. I let this happen to you when I was hanging out with Tommy and Carol. I don’t even like Tommy that much. I yelled at you before the party. I told you that you bother me. I said that I never have peace. I didn’t mean it. I didn’t mean nay of it. I’m so sorry, Y/n. I’m sorry, baby.’’
‘’It’s okay. I know that you didn’t mean it. I get worked up too easily, and I need to do better but, Billy, you didn’t do this. I was with Steve and Nance. I was okay. And then I was stupid and took the drink from Johnny.’’
‘’No, no, no. Don’t put this back on yourself. Johnny did this. I’m so sorry I wasn’t there. I should have never left you for that long by yourself. I’m so, so sorry.’’
‘’I know, B. But’s it’s not your fault either. Please don’t blame yourself.’’ He looks down and lets the final tear fall down. I wipe the tear away, and he looks at me.  
‘’I’m sorry, Y/n.’’
‘’I know, Billy. And I forgive you, but you did nothing. I forgive for the fight, and I hope you will do the same for me. But, please don’t beat yourself up. Please.’’ He nods and grabs my hand.  
‘’And I forgive you for our petty fight.’’ I lightly smile and he brings my hand up to his face. I pull him into a hug, the best I can with the wires and things hooked up to me. I put my hand in his hair, which always seems to calm him in any situation. He sighs into my embrace, and I pull away. He pulls me into him, kissing my lips softly.  
He pulls away after a few seconds, and rests his forehead on mine.  
‘’I love you, Y/n/’’
‘’I love you too, Billy. So much.’’ He smiles at me again. I scoot over on the bed to make some room for him to lay next to me. He pulls me over to him, so my head lays on his chest. His heartbeat and soft breathing lure me to a deep sleep.  
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mybillyhardgrove · 4 years
The Language of Love s.h.
A/n: another one! love language is such an endearing idea to me… plus, I need to show steve more love lol
ps. i mentioned watching movies too much lmao
Disclaimer: i don’t own any Stranger Things material
Word count: 3125
Warnings: a couple curses (par for the course at this point)
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Reader (female)
Summary: after being with Steve for a while, it has become clear how he shows his love for you
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Words of Affirmation
You couldn’t stop shaking your leg or gnawing on the skin of your bottom lip on the drive over to the Wheeler’s house. You looked over at Steve when you heard him laugh a bit under his breath. “What are you laughing at?”
“Nothing, nothing.” You nudged his shoulder a bit, whining that he share what was so amusing. He sighed, glancing over and resting his hand on your thigh before returning his eyes to the road. “I just think it’s cute how wound up you are to meet a bunch of kids. You can relax, they are not hard to impress.” The entire party was meeting at the Wheeler’s to watch The Neverending Story and it would be the first time you met them all. Of course you’d seen your boyfriend talking with them from time to time and you knew Billy, Nancy, and Jonathan from school, so you knew something about their younger siblings, but this was a different circumstance altogether. You thought you might be more nervous than when you met Steve’s parents.
“This is important, Steve. I mean, these kids are practically your children the way you talk about them, and I want to fit in, make sure they like me. You love them and I love you, so I really want this night to go well.” You took a deep breath, getting worked up again and grabbing his hand from your leg, squeezing it tight.
After a few minutes, he pulled his car to the curb outside the house and turned to you. You looked towards the first-floor window and saw the kids all gathered in the dining room, laughing and wrestling. Oh boy.
Steve reached over and put his fingers under your chin, turning your face towards him and pressing a kiss to your forehead. “You’re gonna be great tonight. You are so funny and loving and sweet. Those idiots will love you as much as I do. Trust me, beautiful, just be yourself and everything will work out.”
And not to spoil anything, but it did. A few days later, Steve recounted over the phone how all the kids were raving about you and how cool, funny, nice, and pretty you were - just as he said they would.
Ever since the first night you met them, you and the party were very close and they always invited you to everything they did. You accompanied them to the arcade from time to time, you helped El and Max get ready for the school dances, you gave the boys relationship advice, and you were even attending the Christmas party at the Byers’s house. Though it was usually you, Steve, and the kids getting together for impromptu hang-outs or some casual pizza nights, this evening involved everyone getting dressed up and bringing food, drinks, and their secret santa gifts.
You had received Max and took care to get her the specific skateboard she had been talking a lot about, information passed to you by Lucas. You gave the gift after being at the party for a couple hours and she jumped up and down, hugging you tightly and saying more than once how excited she was to try it out. After that success, you were riding high through appetizers and dinner, so glad your gift was a success and you were celebrating the holiday with those closest to you. When you had collected the plates for Mrs. Byers and finished washing them with her, you heard someone clear their throat behind you. You turned and saw your handsome boyfriend in a cozy sweater and khakis, hair brushed back neatly from his face.
“Hey, stranger.” You reached out your arms, slipping them around his waist and letting him pull you in tight.
Mrs. Byers shooed you two to the living room to be comfortable, “Honey, everything is all set here. Thank you for the help.” Steve released you, draping his arm over your shoulders and walking with you towards the couch. Once you were both settled, you tucked into his side, watching the kids exchanging more gifts, he pulled something from his back pocket. Passing it to you, he leaned his lips to your ear and whispered, “Merry Christmas, sweetheart.” You looked over with a smile, surprised he hadn’t let it slip that he got you for the secret santa (he wasn’t the best at keeping secrets usually). You sat up a bit more, tearing the neat paper from the gift, gasping when you saw what it was.
A small, ornate book filled with ticket stubs, receipts, polaroids, pressed flowers, and other mementos from your relationship. Your vision got blurry as you looked through each page, reading the little handwritten descriptions Steve had added. When you got to the last page, it said ‘To be continued’, which made you giggle despite how emotional you were. You closed it and held it close to your chest, turning and kissing Steve a few times before thanking him profusely. “Steve, this is beautiful. I love it so much. I can’t believe you put this all together and kept these things.” He placed his hand on your cheek, running his thumb under your eye to wipe a tear away before kissing you again.
“The kids helped me set it all up and organize it, but I had been keeping it all in a little box in the glove compartment of my car. I looked in there from time to time when I was having a shitty day, so I put it in this book for you to look at.” His cheeks were red from all the attention and the confession, which you thought made him so handsome.
You kissed him a couple more times before resting your head on his shoulder, finally realizing that all eyes were on you. Steve seemed to realize at the same time, so he said, “Alright, show’s over. Put the movie on already.” When the lights were turned down low and all attention was on the screen, he turned to you once more, whispering, “Merry Christmas. I love you.” And what a merry Christmas it was.
Acts of Service
It was your birthday and you were dreading it. Birthdays felt like a day of awkward encounters and attention you didn’t want, all while being reminded you were another year older. For most of high school, it seemed to be a letdown in a way because it fell on some random weekday and you did homework for the evening, instead of something fun or relaxing.
This year, however, would be different because of the one and only Steve Harrington. When you had explained your sentiments about birthdays to him a couple weeks earlier, he assured you he would change your mind. You argued that your family would be leaving you for the week and hadn’t even mentioned or apologized that they would be missing your birthday. After making you feel better, he wouldn’t say what he was planning, but he seemed to think it would excite you.
You were on the couch working on Math when you heard a knock at the front door. You rose, opening the door to see your boyfriend juggling three bags full of stuff. “Come in, come in. Do you need help?” He shook his head and shuffled past you, heading right for the kitchen and putting everything on the counter.
When he had done that, he ran to you, wrapping his arms around your waist and picking you off your feet, squeezing you tightly and kissing your neck a few times. “Happy birthday! Happy birthday!” He spun you around before setting you back on your feet. “Alright, I love you and this is all for you, but not yet. Please return to whatever you were doing and when you’re finished, you can… one second” and he rummaged through one of the bags with a frown before pulling out a VHS tape. “Here, this is your first gift. I grabbed it on the way over, so you can watch this while I do my thing in here. I will call you when I’m ready for you to see.” He turned you around and hit your backside, kicking you out of the kitchen and back to your place on the couch.
You were confused, but knew he had things handled and had been over enough to know where everything was, so you got back to work.
When you had finished, you played the movie and tried to ignore all the mumbling, clanks, and shuffling you could hear from the kitchen. At one point, you thought you heard him go upstairs, but ignored it. Then, after a little over an hour of that, Steve came back into the living room, announcing that he had cooked you your favorite dinner and the table was set for you to eat. “While you were watching the movie, I also took the time to clean the kitchen and your bedroom, all sparkly clean. I would like to say I saw your Christmas gift album up there, as well, which makes me very happy. Anyway, happy birthday.” He looked rather pleased with himself and you admitted you were too with all he had managed to accomplish in the time he had been over.
He offered his arm to you and escorted you to a beautiful dinner illuminated by a few candles and enjoyed the delicious food and meaningful conversation with your thoughtful and caring boyfriend.
“This is perfect, Steve, thank you. I think I am starting to like birthdays.” He did a little celebration dance in his seat. You laughed at his silliness, heart swelling with how grateful you really were and how much you loved him.
“Well, get ready because I also made dessert.” Yeah, you really loved him.
Quality Time
The nature of your relationship with Steve was that you spent a lot of time together, whether just the two of you or surrounded by people. He was clingy (in the best way), craving your attention and affection. He cuddled, hugged, and kissed you more times than you could count each time you were together, so you would say every time you were together was meaningful and special. If you both had your ways, you would spend all your time together, but the need for money outweighed those wishes.
Steve had been working at Scoops Ahoy, but after everything in the mall, he and Robin began working at a movie rental place. You were not lucky enough to work with them, working instead at a pizza place that was always loud and always filled with rude teens and entitled adults. Your only time of solace was your hour lunch break, which you took each day at the same time. This was so Steve would know when to stop by. Usually, you ate a couple slices or walked to the strip mall across the street to grab something quick, but this time, Steve said he had lunch handled. When he said that, you frowned and tried to ask what he meant, but he wouldn’t elaborate, so you let it go.
Looking at the clock, it was finally time for you to get some fresh air and spend time with your boyfriend before returning to work again. You pushed open the door, bell jingling, and waited out front for the flash of Steve’s deep red car. After a few seconds of scouting the lot, you found it, parked a few spaces away, Steve smiling at you and waving through the windshield once he saw you approaching.
He got out to meet you at the front of his car, pressing a kiss to your lips and rubbing your back. “How is it going today, sweet cheeks?” You laughed at his silly nickname and explained that it was relatively quiet, fewer phone calls and customers than usual. “Oh, that’s great. The day will fly by and I’ll come pick you up when it’s all over.” He put up a finger to signal you to wait where you were, opening the back door and leaning in to grab a basket and a blanket. “In the meantime, I packed a little picnic for us because I remember how you feel a little sick of all the shitty food we’ve had lately. There are some sandwiches, chips, cookies, and sodas.” Steve placed the basket in your hands, a pleased smile on his pink lips. You never got over how thoughtful he was, always taking care of you. It reminded you of your birthday dinner and how much care he took to make it special for you.
“Thank you, honey. This is perfect. Where should we eat?” He grabbed your hand and brought you to the back of his little car, laying the blanket across the back and took the basket back from you. He put his hands on your hips, squeezing a little before lifting you on the back, making sure you were comfortable before pulling the lunch from the basket, explaining everything and kissing your cheek.
You spent the next hour talking and eating. While he was telling a funny story that involved Robin and a rude customer, you just looked at him - his soft hair, doe eyes, smooth skin, pink cheeks, full lips, and freckles, admiring how beautiful he looked. “And then, she said that he should… is there something on my face?” He stopped talking, rubbing his fingers across his mouth and chin, confused why you were staring at him. You laughed and grabbed his hands, kissing him and leaning your forehead against his.
“There is nothing on your face, Steve. I love you and how much time we spend together. This was a wonderful lunch. Thank you.” You kissed his cheek and encouraged him to finish the story before you had to pack up and return to work.
Physical Touch
Another Friday night with the party, another movie. This time, it was at your house. Since Steve started his new job, it had been even easier for you all to figure out the newest and most popular movies to try. After some arguing, the kids had chosen to watch Gremlins, which would not have been your first choice, but you didn’t want to get involved in the complicated debating. In the end, it wouldn’t matter because on these nights, you and Steve usually ended up whispering together or making snacks as the rest were entranced by the screen.
Max and El looked over at you, asking if you wanted to sit with them on the little mountain of pillows and blankets they had set up in front of the couch the boys were sprawled out on. You smiled and joined them, getting comfortable with one of the large bowls of popcorn you had set out for everyone. You and the girls reached your hands in the bowl every once in a while as you waited for the movie to start. Once it started, you hopped up and shut off the light, looking over to make sure Steve was comfortable. His eyes were already on you and he had an exaggerated pout on his lips, arms crossed as he sat in the big armchair by himself. You shook your head with a grin and returned to the girls.
A little while into the movie, you realized the popcorn was finished and the candy was getting low, so you grabbed all the bowls and quietly slipped into the kitchen, grabbing the makings to replenish everything. After beginning to pour the M&Ms into the bowl, Steve joined you, wrapping his arms around your stomach from behind and swaying you both a bit. “You ditched me. That wasn’t very nice of you.” He kissed your neck after that and you could feel he was a little lonely in that chair alone, despite being only a few feet from you.
You put the candy down, spinning in his arms and wrapping yours around his shoulders as he dropped his face into the crook of your neck. “The girls asked me to sit with them, Steve, sorry.” He grumbled against your skin, pulling you in tighter. You decided to indulge him as you were tired and snuggling into his lap seemed like a nice idea. “When we go back in there, I’ll tell the girls they can spread out more and I’ll sit with you in the armchair. Does that sound okay, you big baby?” You felt him smile and nod. He helped you finish refilling the bowls and carried them to the living room, setting them all by the kids to be devoured. You leaned over to Max and El, informing them of your seat change.
Standing back up, you saw Steve was on the chair and waiting for you to join him, a big blanket in his hand. You smiled and climbed on top of him, sitting with your legs curled up between his and your head against his shoulder. You shifted a little to make sure you were both comfortable and he pulled the blanket over you, wrapping you in his arms. After a couple minutes, you felt your eyes getting heavier with how warm and relaxed you were. Every few seconds, you felt light kisses pressed to your hair and his hand tracing your cheek. He whispered sweet nothings in your ear and it lulled you even closer to sleep. That was, until you heard some snickers and whispers. You lifted your head and saw that the boys on the couch and the girls on the floor were all looking at you, speaking in hushed voices behind their hands. Steve noticed too and frowned. “What the hell are you guys laughing at?” He said this lightly, already having a suspicion it had to do with the two of you.
Dustin answered. “Oh nothing, just that you two are showing a lot of PDA. Steve, you’re whipped.” With that, the kids all laughed, nodding and looking at you for a reaction. You snorted and lowered your head back down, closing your eyes and pressing them against Steve’s neck, letting him answer for you both. You wracked your brain and figured there must be plenty of times where you and Steve act like this in front of the party, so why was this so surprising?
“Oh shut up. Watch the movie.” Not the most graceful comeback, but you felt Steve’s chest vibrate with a laugh as he gestured towards the screen. You heard a few more laughs before attention was once again on the movie. He whispered, “What a bunch of idiots.” You smiled and Steve wrapped you up even tighter, rubbing your back as you fell asleep to the sound of his heartbeat.
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harringrovetrashrat · 4 years
 “I’m telling you, Maxine, this guy is a total bitch! His hair smelled all flowery and he was in the dumbest windbreaker all day—“
“Keep up, Maxine,” Billy sneered. “Harrington! Steve Harrington!” He smacked the wheel, rings clinking as he did. “Former King of Hawkins High. He definitely carries himself like he thinks he shits gold,” Billy mumbled. Max stared at him, eyes half lidded and unimpressed.
“So? Like you ever let that kind of thing stop you before.” Billy smirked, tongue poking out between his teeth. His smirk faded, switching to another scowl as they turned onto Cherry Lane.
“I’m definitely gonna be King,” Billy said. “But I’m sure as hell gonna make him notice.” Max raised a brow, but Billy didn’t even look at her, staring out the windshield, one hand pressed to his lips in thought.
Looking back, that was the beginning of it. Max really should have seen it coming.
“—and then I knocked him down, ‘cause he has no idea how to plant himself,” Billy rambled. Max was glaring at her fists, tired of the Party and their stupid rules. Billy’s rambling about Steve Harrington was a welcome distraction. “God,” Billy smacked the wheel. “I fucking hate that guy! I swear, he just bats his lashes and gets what he wants!”
“I doubt that,” Max said, just to be contrary. Billy scoffed.
“You got no idea, shrimp,” he said. “Boy could get outta burpees with a well placed blink.” Max looked at Billy from the corner of her eye.
She wondered if he even noticed.
Max eyed Billy, quiet in the driver’s seat. He stared out the windshield, face carefully blank, not bothering her. His music played, loud, and Max stared at the volume knob. Sure, he was an asshole, had deserved the wake up call, but Max missed his bitching. Missed him complaining about dumb shit.
She just kinda missed Billy.
Max reached out and turned down the music. Billy glared at her, furrowing his brow.
“Uh, you know the rules, Maxine.” She just rolled her eyes.
“Yeah, yeah, I just wanted to ask you something.” Billy rolled his eyes, but didn’t say no. “So like, now that I know Steve, I totally get that whole yuppie prep thing you mentioned. Did you know he has all of Madonna’s tapes?” Billy’s face morphed in pain and he let out a groan.
“Seriously? Harrington’s more of a girl than you!” Max glared, slapping at his bicep. Billy just snickered, eyes narrowing slightly in worry and distrust. But he let it slide, so Max took what she could get. “And he listens of his own free will? Not to impress the princess?”
“Nancy doesn’t really care about Madonna. Doesn’t dislike her, but doesn’t love her the way Steve does,” she said. Billy let out an annoyed squawk, finally breaking the silence and going on a tirade about why Harrington sucked because of his taste in music.
Max smiled to herself.
“So,” Max said, wiggling her eyebrows at Billy, who just shoved at her shoulder lightly, frowning. “Saw you and Steve chatting before we came out.” She didn’t miss the light flush in Billy’s cheeks.
“No one else even remotely cool to talk to. I had to make do,” he replied, not convincing her one bit.
“Oh yeah, sure,” she agreed, over the top. Billy just scowled at her. “It’s just, you know, you always say you hate his guts.” Billy gave a one shoulder shrug.
“Maybe I spoke to soon. He’s still the worst, still a prep with horrible taste in music, but yanno. He at least doesn’t needle me with annoying questions.” Max scoffed at his tone.
“Whatever.” Billy gave her the side eye, lips pursing.
“Why?” He asked, tone lightly accusing. “What’re you getting at?”
“Just wondering when I can expect you to start playing Wham.” Billy made a retching noise.
“Don’t speak that name in my car! Not my sanctuary!” Max cackled, tossing her head back. It came deep from her gut, deep down, and she couldn’t remember the last time she laughed this hard with Billy. Judging by the small smile on his face, and the light in his eyes, he was thinking the same thing.
It was quiet in the car, tension oozing off of Billy as he drove, cutting corners too close and too fast. Max gripped the seat, eyes darting over to Billy occasionally. He was staring out the windshield, jaw clenched so tightly a nerve was jumping clearly against his skin. Max bit her lip.
“How was I supposed--”
“I’m not mad at you, Max,” Billy grit out. Which was a lie, but Max understood what he meant. He was mad at both of them. The car was quiet again and Max had never, in her life, wanted to hear Billy yelling. Wanted to feel the brunt of his anger instead of the building, seething energy that was radiating off of him.
“They all had to sign something,” Max said, keeping her voice as even as she could. Billy didn’t reply, just took a sharp turn and exhaled sharply through his nose. “The government made them, Billy. He wanted to tell you.”
“Yeah, but he didn’t,” Billy replied. And, oh, that wasn’t just anger. It was barely anger. Max looked at him again, mind racing as Billy’s nostrils flared again. His posture was all anger, all rage, but his voice was pure betrayal. Pure sadness.
Max had no idea what to say. She picked at a loose thread on the ripped knee of her jeans.
“They thought it was done,” she tried. “That night--”
“Max,” Billy rasped, cutting her off. “Just. Shut up.”
“I trusted him, okay?” Billy finally snapped. Max leaned back, well and truly shocked. “I trusted him, and I really thought--” Billy cut himself off, giving Max a fearful glance. She tried to convey everything she was feeling into one look. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. Billy sniffed, feigning nonchalance, but Max could see his eyes watering. “Whatever. It doesn’t fucking matter, ‘cause obviously he doesn’t trust me.”
Max had no idea how she could convince Billy he was wrong.
“Are you ever gonna talk to Steve again?” Max stirred her sundae, mixing the remaining hot fudge in with the vanilla ice cream. Billy shrugged, biting into his Dilly Bar with more aggression than was strictly necessary.
“Dunno,” he replied curtly.
“Are you ever gonna stop being mad at him?” She stirred more, swallowing thickly. Billy just shrugged again.
“Dunno.” Max felt her heart beat a little faster, felt her eyes and cheeks get hot in the way she hated because she hated crying.
“Are you ever gonna stop being mad at me?” She wanted it to come out stronger, but her voice could barely manage a whisper without cracking. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Billy pause. Heard him shuffle a little.
“Listen, Max,” he said, voice low and serious. “I don’t like being lied to. You know that. I get why you did it. I do. I don’t like it, but I get it.” He was quiet a moment, cracking off some of the cherry shell to eat. “It’s different with Steve.” Max sniffed, rubbing harshly at her eyes. Billy sighed, leaning across the console to pull her into his side. She leaned, tucking her head into his armpit, leather jacket warm and comforting.
“So you don’t hate me?” She asked weakly.
“Could never hate you, shitbird.” Max snorted. “Get annoyed by? Oh, for sure.” He laughed as Max shoved at him, scowling, but she wasn’t crying anymore. “But hate you? Nah, you’re too cool for that.” Billy shot her narrowed eyes and pointed at her, taking another bite of Dilly Bar. “Tell anyone that and your ass is grass. I got a reputation to keep.” He spoke with his mouth full and it was disgusting, but still, Max smiled.
“You’re so gross, I don’t know why Steve even misses you.” She meant to be teasing, but Billy shut down, face closing off. She looked away, chewing the inside of her cheek. “Sorry.”
“He misses me?” His voice was carefully blank, everything about him screaming indifference, so Max knew he cared a lot about her answer.
“Keeps asking me to tell you he’s sorry and wants to talk since you keep avoiding him,” she replied, voice just as carefully neutral. Billy was a fight risk, a flight one too, and she wasn’t going to fuck things up for him. Not after California. Not after they had to move. Billy didn’t say anything, just shoved the remainder of his ice cream in his mouth and tossed the stick out the window. “That’s littering,” Max said, on reflex. Billy rolled his eyes, but opened the car door and picked up the stick. He turned around, glancing from her unfinished sundae and back to her. She held it out and he took it, tossing both items in the trashcan outside the Dairy Queen. He got back in and closed the door, but didn’t start the car up.
“You know if he’s gonna be home tonight, or has the geek squad taken up all his time now that he’s got no one cool to hang with?” He was playing for normal, but Max knew he needed to talk to Steve now, or it wouldn’t happen. She’d have to walkie Dustin and get him to drop his Star Wars Marathon, which would be a fucking nightmare, but it was worth it for the way Billy relaxed when she answered,
“He’ll be home. We’re all busy anyway.”
“You can’t say anything.” Billy’s voice was shaky, breath short and shallow. “You can’t.”
“I won’t, Billy, I swear,” Max promised. He was staring out the windshield, hands gripping the steering wheel so tightly his knuckles were white. His nostrils flared and he bit his lip.
“I fucked up last time,” Max said. Billy’s breath was sharp and he pressed his palm to his eye quickly, gritting his teeth. “I didn’t-- I didn’t get it,” she said, voice getting quieter. She looked at Billy, who was still staring out the window. He was trying so hard, but she could see his chin wobble and the tension around his eyes.
It made her breath hitch.
“And now?” Billy asked, voice barely above a harsh whisper. Max wasn’t sure what to say.
“He doesn’t need to know anything about either of our lives that doesn’t comply with his ideals.” Billy licked his lips slowly mouth a tight line. He gave a sharp jerky nod and let out a laugh that seemed more like releasing a noise so he didn’t scream.
“Yeah,” he agreed. “Yeah.” Things were quiet again. Billy seemed to be calming down, but Max needed to say it. It was the time.
“I’m sorry, Billy, for that. I really am.” The car jerked to a stop as Billy pulled to the side of the road. Someone behind him honked and he gave them the finger. Things were quiet in the car, so Max pressed on, nervous in the silence. “You’re an asshole like, all the time, but you--” She let out a shaky breath. “You never deserved that. You don’t deserve what Neil--”
“Max.” Billy’s voice broke and Max snapped her head up, shocked when she saw he was crying. He had an arm pressed to his eyes as he took a gasping breath, trying to calm himself down. Max swallowed with difficulty, taking a deep breath. Finally, Billy’s breath slowly evened out, though it went through him in deep shudders, controlled and cautious.
“Just. I’m sorry.”
“You didn’t do it on purpose. It’s-- It’s not your fault.” Max felt tears welling up in her eyes and she hated it. It was ridiculous. Both of them, in the car, trying to not cry while talking about their feelings.
She couldn’t say that even a month ago she could have imagined this happening. Maybe in California, someday, if things hadn’t happened the way they did, but after the move? She didn’t think she’d ever be close to Billy again.
“I put a lot of my shit on you, Max,” Billy said. “I put almost all of my shit on you, and you didn’t deserve it. You didn’t deserve what I did. Neither did Steve, or Lucas.” Max stared at him, hot tears falling down her cheeks because she just couldn’t stop them. Her emotions were swirling around inside her, and she could feel them trying to bubble out in any possible way.
“Thank you,” she mumbled after a moment, sniffling. Billy shrugged, wiping aggressively at his eyes.
“What’s up with you and him anyway?” Billy asked, changing the subject. It was an olive branch, telling her he couldn’t talk feelings anymore, but that they were okay.
“He’s being a total dorkus maximus again, so I had to break up with him.”
“Yeah, right, of course.”
“Shut up!”
Max had her feet up on the seat as she sat across the backseat. Her seat belt cut into her weird, but it felt good having her back pressed against the side as the wind ruffled her hair. It came in through Billy’s open window, cool in the summer morning breeze. Billy had picked her up, promising to take her to the mall today, and when he had arrived, Steve was in the passenger’s seat.
“My car won’t start, so Billy’s giving me a ride since you guys are going this way anyway!” Max had chatted with him a bit, but it had quickly died down. She knocked her knees together anytime there was a significant bump in the road, occasionally looking up and out at the boring cornfields, that weren’t too boring, maybe, when they were all green like this.
Movement drew her eyes forward, and she watched as Steve slowly reached out, resting his hand on top of Billy’s on the gear shift. He pulled Billy’s hand away, turning it over to thread their fingers together and rest them on his thigh. When Max looked up, she saw a glimpse of the smile on his face as he turned to look out the window. Max’s eyes darted over and caught Billy’s in the rear view mirror. He looked scared, nervous, but also so happy and carefree. She hadn’t seen him this happy in such a long time.
Max smirked, making mocking kissy faces at him. Billy’s eyes widened before they rolled. He stuck his tongue out at her before looking back at the road.
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sweatergirlsposts · 4 years
Imagine Nancy Trying To Find You After The Events at The Star Court Mall
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Title: My Savior
Pairing: Nancy Wheeler x Fem Plus-Size!Reader
Request By: @soggy-enchilada​
Warning: Mention of Blood and little angst
Worry is all that flooded Nancy’s mind. 
The disappearance of so many people, due to the events at Start Court Mall, made the town distraught as they tried to find their loved ones. So many were consumed and flayed to make the body mass of the mindflayer. Nancy knew that everyone in her family was safe as they went back home after the event of that night but there was one person she was fretting over. You.
You, her axe wielding outdoorsy rescuer who she secretly was smitten for. When Johnathan and Nancy went out looking for Barb and Will, you had been in the area. You were collecting wood for your hidden cottage when you felt yourself being watched. Dropping the forgotten kindling on the forest floor, you held you axe in hand to protect you from whatever unknown that was in the forest.   
You heard screams coming from not too far away. 
‘What the hell are people doing out so late in the forest?!’ you thought. At least you knew the forest like the back of your hand, unlike the locals who were out here with you. Still being cautious about whatever was watching, you followed the sound of the screams holding your axe ready to attack. 
You found the boy first. Slightly lanky in posture, bowl cut hair, adorned in a  black jean jacket and flashlight in hand. A foul smell lingered in the air of similar odor to decaying animal flesh. You noted the smell earlier when you first ventured into the woods that night but never thought to go investigate. The smell was the strongest here. 
“Nancy?” the boy called out getting on all fours in front of a tree. You observed from behind a tree close by, wondering why he was talking to the stump part of the tree. Not to seconds later you could see a hand emerge from the stump, making the boy jump backwards. From your view from behind a substantial tree, it scared you half to death to see a slimy small human hand emerge from the tree. You crouch down in the wilderness, slowly making your way closer to what’s happening. You wanted to be close enough if you had to step in but far enough to be able to run away.  
“JOHNATHAN!” a voice screamed coming from the tree. Johnathan, you assumed, responded immediately after being startled by the hand before calling out to the voice. 
“Nancy!?” Johnathan scrambled to reach for the hand popping out of tree and started pulling like he was in a game of tug-o-war. Pulling with all his might, he dragged her out from the slimy abyss in the tree, and she landed on top of his form.
Thinking that she was free, Nancy let out a long held frightened sigh at what just happened to her. Where did she go? What was that thing?!  Flooded her shaken mind. All that mattered was that she was out of there and was now safe.......or so she thought.
Gone without notice to the locals, except you, materialized an appendage of some sort that reached through the flesh veiled cavity. What looked to be a clawed hand unfurled from the form of a fist  and seized the teenage girl by the foot. 
‘It’s got me,’ is the only singular thought that popped into Nancy’s brain as she felt her heart drop to the bottom of her toes where the creature had a grasp on her and tugged. Nancy let out a yelp as she felt herself being tugged backwards towards the hole, startling Johnathan. It took him a couple of seconds to realize until he felt Nancy being pulled off of him.
“Hold on Nance!” Johnathan clambered back onto his feet before grabbing under her arms and tugged back. The creature was strong and Johnathan could feel his feet starting to give out beneath him.
“Don’t let me go!”
“I won’t!”
It was now or never you thought. You let the creature get to the locals or you help out. You chose the latter. You ran from behind your new hiding spot behind a fallen tree, axe glistening in the moonlight, ready to help the locals. 
Too focused on the monster grabbing Nancy’s leg, neither Johnathan and Nancy noticed your incoming approach. Johnathan gave one massive tug, exposing  the arm further out from the decaying hole. 
You wound up for the swing, axe coming from directly behind your head down onto the creatures extremity.  Clean cut to the bone off came whatever limb that tried to grab the poor girls leg. Thank god you had sharpened your axe that morning.
The creature let out a haunting shriek feeling the detachment of it’s limb to it’s body and retreated the rest of the limb back to through the flesh veil. 
You looked at where the girl was pulled out of. It was some type of fleshly decaying hole that was closing as to be no longer used and revert back into the bark and wood it originally was. 
The detached hand laid limp on the ground. You bring the axe down one more time to make sure that it wouldn’t suddenly start moving. You had seen John Carpenter’s ‘The Thing’ too many times to know to always make sure it was really dead. You could feel small splotches of blood from the creature on your round cheeks as if they were supposed to be freckles. 
You took a couple of breaths trying to calm down from the sudden adrenaline rush before turning to the two horrified teenagers still on the ground.
You dropped the axe to the side to make yourself less intimidating to them and spoke, “What the hell are you guys doing out here?”
“We could ask you the same,” spoke Johnathan.
“I live out here,” you stopped before offering each of them a hand. They looked at each other and then decided to take your hand. Johnathan got up with your help fine, but Nancy stumbled into your stocky form.
“Woah there, you’re probably feeling some effects of shock...” you trailed off trying to get a name from the girl
“Nancy, and this is Johnathan,” she motioned to Johnathan behind her as she moved back from you regaining her footing, “How did you find us?”
“Well when your screaming bloody murder it’s not that hard to find someone. You guys had let the whole forest know you’re out here. You guys should come with me if you want to survive the night out here,” you warned them. 
Nancy could feel the genuineness in your words, after all you just saved her from that thing. Nancy was about to take a step forward to follow you, but Johnathan held out an arm to stop her.
“Wait. Why should we go with you?” Johnathan sized you up, trying to tell if you had other intentions. You didn’t like when people would give you once overs, especially after you save their life.
“Do I need to remind you that I just saved you and your friend here,” you scoffed, “besides I know the forest like the back of my hand. I can show you back wherever you came from in the morning, it’s too dangerous to go now. I have a cottage that’s a five minute walk from here, but it’s fine by me if you get lost. I was just trying to help,” you picked up your axe and rotated to the walking direction of your cabin. 
“Wait we’re coming,” Nancy spoke up gathering her bearings and grabbing Johnathan by the arm and dragging him along. 
Nancy was thankful that she followed back to your cottage instead of getting lost that night in the woods. Over the next two years, Nancy would visit once a week. Being saved from a monster can really bond two people together. 
A lot of the time she would help tend to the greenery placed in your cottage. You had an affinity for growing plants, flowers, and natural herbs in your house. In addition to your indoor plants, you kept a small self built green house in the back where you held all your vegetables and fruits. In the spring and summer, elegant colourful flowers would surround your property like it had came straight out of a fairy-tale.  
Being around you was very calming, Nancy thought in comparison to the monster hunting life, it was peaceful almost. She could see why you liked living here in the woods. 
You told her that your parents had home schooled you in the cabin up until last year when they had their ‘car accident’. There was two reasons why you stayed out of suburban Hawkins and lived in the forest you told her. You stayed because it’s your parents house and it was the only thing you had let of them and you don’t think that Hawkins would be very accepting of you per say. 
You waited a year of knowing Nancy, before you officially told her of your liking towards the same sex. Instead of revolting away in disgust or showing if she uncomfortable, she sat there shocked, not in a bad way but just in surprise. You told that she wouldn’t have to worry about you liking her or any of the sort, you told her that you just wanted to get it off your chest.      
 It might have stopped your crush from ever growing bigger than it already was on Nancy but it didn’t stop hers. Yes she might have went out with Steve and Johnathan, and liked being with them, but that didn’t stop from hiding her curiosity towards you.   
Nancy was worried when she hadn't heard from you in the days leading up to the battle of Star Court, but she was so caught up in everything that she didn’t have time to make a trip out to you in the forest. When she learned that Brimborn Steel Works, the breeding ground for the mind-flayer was near your property, she hopped into her mom’s station wagon and sped to your property, giving no regard for the speed limit on the road.  
Pulling up onto the dirt road path that lead up to your house, she spotted your red Chevy LUV pickup at the side of the cottage in it’s usual spot. That meant one of two things to Nancy. You were either inside live and well tending to your plants or not inside at all and had been taken by Billy Hargrove to be used by-
Nancy didn’t even want to think of the possibility of you being dead.
Nancy pulled on the sleeves of the sweater she wore. It was actually your sweater. You gave her the sweater that night as something temporary to use for clothing instead of wearing the mucus-caked one’s she had on. It was a bit big on her petite form but kept her warm nonetheless. She never really gave it back, but you didn’t mind her wearing it. It looked better on her, you’d believe as you’d try to suppress a smile. 
Nancy got out of the and took notice that the flowers had been wilting while some had died and looked to be rotted.....just like the pumpkins on the Wright farm pumpkin patch last year. 
Nance could feel the spike of fear stabbing her heart and rushed over to your front door banging on it to see if you were home.
“(Y/N)! (Y/N)” Nancy shouted still pounding of the door.
No use. Nance went to the side window where your bedroom was. Everything looked still and untouched in your bedroom. On the inside window sill sat the small fern plant that Nancy had bought you for your birthday a couple months ago. The fern was no longer a bright and lively green but now shriveled and looking ready to turn to dust.
Nancy went back to your front door and tried banging again. No answer. You would have answered though. The only people that visited you were her and Johnathan.
‘No answer, wilted flowers, dead fern, untouched room, no answer, rotten flowers, dead fern, untouched room’
Nancy collapsed to the ground knowing the worst happened. 
It got you.
Quiet sobs racked her form as she felt her heart rip string by string. She lost her savior.
You had just finished cutting down logs for the day in the forest. Wheelbarrowing them back  to the cottage, you noticed Nancy’s mom’s station wagon on your dirt path. You put the wheelbarrow down and jogged down the path to your cottage.
You were so worried about Nancy(more than anyone) and everyone especially since the steel works was on your way to town and you knew that that thing was there. You didn’t want to risk going into town if it meant risking your life against that abomination. You guess that they took care of it if that meant Nancy is here. 
You looked at your porch as you jogged to your cottage and notice a petite form, one that you could recognize anywhere, curled in a ball on it. 
“NANCY!” you shouted still jogging over, “NANCY!”
She heard her name and lifted her head. There you were, coming over like a dream that she made up in her head to console her about your death. But you were too real for her to be imagining right then. She wiped the tear tracks from her face and then clambered to get up and run to you. 
Nancy ran into you not wasting any second longer to be consoled by you in your comforting soft arms. 
“I thought you were dead!” Nancy cried into strong shoulder, hugging you, “Please don’t ever scare me like that (Y/N)! I can’t loose you”
“Hey, hey it’s alright Nancy Drew. I’m here, I’m alive” you pressed a comforting kiss against her forehead. 
“But but the flowers! You didn’t answer, I thought they took you,” Nancy whimpered still in slight hysterics. 
“Nance everything is okay, well maybe not the flowers, but I’m fine. I was just out chopping wood. I had to make some of the flowers wilt in case anyone came around and thought I was here and take me. But hey, I’m not going anywhere,” you leaned your forehead against hers
“What kind of savior would I be?”.
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You Don’t Know What It Would Do
Steve wasn’t going to be a coward tonight. He swore it to himself.
(he was)
TW: suicide attempt, mentions of self-harm, homophobic slurs Steve was standing a step away from the edge of the quarry. Any closer and the rocks might slip out from under him, rendering him no control even over his death. 
(which was the one thing he hoped desperately to make his own)
His hands were in the pockets of the thin jacket he threw on before getting out of his car.
He decided on that one because it was lightweight enough to let his body float atop the water after it broke his bones. 
(he had a better, thicker, heavier another one in the passenger seat of the BMW if he decided he wanted to sink it.)
His legs felt a little wobbly. The pills he took earlier were finally doing their job, he guessed. 
The one night Steve Harrington had enough courage to not be a goddamn coward, the one night he finally wasn’t carting around kids, the one night he didn’t have a tutor, the one night he wasn’t third-wheeling on Nancy and Johnathan, he shows up.
Billy Har-fucking-grove. 
And he was really going to do it, too. Had the note in his car and everything, a small list distributing a few of his belongings under it. 
A car roared up along the road behind him, startling him out of thoughts he didn’t know he was having. Some sort of metal music poured out of the open windows along with the smell of cigarette smoke.
“The hell are you doing here, Harrington?”
His words were slurred but Steve didn’t think it was from anything drug-related. It sounded like he was just high off of the thrill of driving down the empty highway at 70 miles per hour. Steve understood that. Whenever his parents were around he’d pretend to be busy and drive to Indy and back just to avoid his dad’s fists and his mom’s words.
“You know, I really don’t see how it has anything to do with you, Billy,” he shouted over his shoulder as the Camaro came to a stop a few feet away. 
“Didn’t know we were on a first-name basis, pretty boy.”
“Yeah, well…” Steve trailed off. How did he respond to that? ‘I’m going to kill myself and maybe I’m just enough of a faggot to not want you to think I hated you when I was finally gone’?
He didn’t say anything else, only took a step back. He didn’t resent Billy enough to force him to watch another boy’s death. Billy sat in his car for a while longer. When he turned up his music, Steve turned and walked to his car. He opened the backseat and shed his thin jacket to replace it with the larger one. A flash caught his eye from the floorboard. Steve reached over to grab the bloody razor blade, slipping it in the pocket of the thick jacket.
“If you’re cold why don’t you just sit in your fancy car with the heating, huh?”
“Not cold,” he mumbled back. He stepped back toward the ledge, crossing his legs underneath him and sinking down slowly. The cigarette that had been hanging from his lips fell into his lap, tumbling into the rocks and snuffing itself out. He grabbed another one out of the box in his front pocket, lighting it and taking a long drag.
“Hey, King Steve! Can I bum a cig? Smoked all mine of the way here.”
The older boy just sighed and turned toward Billy’s car, tossing the whole box.
“Feelin’ generous tonight aren’t we, rich boy?”
“I’m not, actually. Just won’t need them anymore.”
“Aw, you trying to quit? Pretty boy finally got his morals together?”
Steve let out a dry chuckle and shook his head. 
“I was hoping that tonight I’d be alone out here so I could finally fucking jump, but you had to take that, too, didn’t you?” He got up and went to his car once again, fishing the note and list from his dash. He walked around the front of his car and approached Billy’s.
 “I guess you can give this to the police or whoever realizes that I’m gone since you’re already here,” he continued, offering them to Billy between his middle and pointer finger. Instead, the other boy grabbed his wrist. He either ignored the scars. 
“You can’t go dying on me, Harrington. Don’t want to end up babysitter for those kids of yours.”
“A little late for that, Billy. Just—just look away or something if you don’t want to watch.” He pried his hand out of Billy’s grip and turned back to the quarry. Seconds after, the driver door of the Camaro was slamming shut. 
“You’re being stupid, Harrington!”
“That’s kinda what put me here, Hargrove.” Steve vaguely registered a hand slapping him upside the head. 
“No, it’s not. This,” he gestured between Steve and the ledge, “is stupid. Everyone’s just going to be sad. King Steve will be gone and they’ll finally realize that there’s nothing to do in this shit town but go to your parties and sleep. Those kids? Hell, even my kid sister! What’re they going to think when Nanny Steve is gone? Who else is going to waste their time taking them to that damn arcade every day because of their stupid martyr complex?”
“I’m sure someth—”
“No, Harrington. You listen to me, now. You aren’t going to kill yourself. We’re not friends or whatever but it word gets around that you’ve offed yourself I might revive you and kill you again because of what it’ll do. To everyone.” Billy jabbed him in the chest at the end of his ramble.
“Now you’re going to get in your rich boy car and I’m going to make sure you get to your rich boy house and then I’m going to watch you burn that stupid note and throw the rest of it in your stupid rich boy pool. Oh, and you’re going to give me that blade in your pocket, am I clear?”
A ghost of a smile made itself evident on Steve’s face. How ironic—he hoped that was the right use of ironic—the boy who beat his face in not a year ago and hated his guts more than anything is the only one to give a shit. He didn’t realize that he was kissing Billy until a warm hard slipped itself in his back pocket. 
“Knew you were a fucking fairy, Harrington,” Billy mumbled.
“You’re squeezing my ass,” Steve shot back.
Steve ended up giving the razor to Billy, and he let the boy watch him set the note alight. He also let Billy take him to the hospital, where Hopper was waiting for them. Steve got some new meds and got his stomach pumped and was finally released a few days later.
(the strings were still missing from his shoes)
The next time he showed up at school, a small smile crinkled the corners of Billy’s eyes when he caught Steve’s in the hall. 
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wallywrites · 4 years
Prompt #7 “Why are you up so late?” And prompt #25 “You don’t get to say that to me!” as randomly suggested by one of my best friends (thanks Jaz!!)
If you want to request a prompt from the list feel free!
(If you couldn’t tell by the prompts, this is gonna be a bit angsty, also mentions of emotional abuse so just a warning in case that might affect you)
Read on ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26149621
✨Harringrove au✨
Steve didn’t expect to find anyone out by the quarry that night. He was always alone whenever he would drive out to the water, anytime he couldn’t sleep, which was most nights at this point. Sit on the front of his BMW with a six pack of stale beers to his left and a pack of Marlboro’s to his right, a cigarette between his lips as he lets the smoke heat his body.
He did this often. Found his way out by the water on a bad night, a night he couldn’t sleep, when his nightmares were too loud and every shadow or slight noise made him jump three feet out of his skin. It had become a habit of his, goosebumps constantly rising up his spine at the change of the wind, even the smallest of things causing fear to run through him on instinct, always prepared for the worst to happen.
That’s what most of his nightmares were about. The monsters took up most of his thoughts, but some nights the monsters took the form of other people, like the party, their dead bodies surrounding him because he couldn’t save them, or his parents, just echoes of their empty faces and their harsh words. Sometimes they were even of Nancy, of that night he replays over and over again, the word ‘bullshit’ echoing through his head, bouncing around the walls of his skull.
And then there was Billy. Billy. He often had nightmares about Billy. Not in how you’d expect him to have, though. The nightmares were never about being scared of him, about the harsh words and the harsher fists that Billy had often thrown towards Steve before. No, instead the nightmares were about Billy not being there.
He wouldn’t know what to do with himself if Billy were to ever get caught up in the horrors of the town of Hawkins. He had forgiven him for that night at the Byers house, never held it against him as much as he tried to. And trust that he tried. Tried so hard to be angry with him. But every time he looked towards him, his blue eyes, thick lashes or that stupid smirk on his face, he couldn’t be mad. Not really.
And things were better between them, they really were. Things were good. Billy hadn’t really apologised yet, but he didn’t need to. Steve knew he was sorry, knew he didn’t know how to say it, so he showed it as best he could. And Steve understood. He was good at understanding. Understanding that Billy’s effort to befriend Steve, and his effort to not be as much of an asshole to his sister or any of the kids, and his effort to get into less fights were all really an attempt at showing that he was sorry.
But despite this, it still surprised Steve when he heard the roar of the Camaro, the headlights flashing out onto the water as the car came to a stop next to his own. He didn’t bother to look towards him as the engines turned off, the forest around them darkening, instead he took another drag of his cigarette, listening as Billy opened the car door, continued to listen as the same door closed, the sound of his footsteps taking over, breaking through the quiet of the night.
Billy didn’t speak as he pushed himself up onto the trunk of the BMW, stealing a cigarette from Steve’s pack, lighting it with his own lighter he pulled from the pocket of his jacket, the same one he always wears. They sat in silence for a few minutes like that, none of them bothering to speak, smoke filling the air around them. 
Steve had finished his beer by now, tossing the empty can towards the trees before grabbing another, passing it towards Billy, who took it graciously. They continued to sit in silence, and it wasn’t until they both were on their next beers before Billy decided to say something. 
“Why are you up so late?” 
Steve wanted to laugh, roll his eyes and ask the exact same question, but he really didn’t have the energy to. He knew Billy wasn’t out there to look for him. People knew he didn’t sleep as much as he should, sure, but no one knew that he often left his house in the middle of the night, let alone where he went, meaning that Billy was also up late, on his own terms, deciding for himself that somewhere like the quarry was a better place for him than back home in a warm bed. But Steve really didn’t want to get into that, into wondering what made Billy Hargrove leave the comfort of his house in the middle of the night. Part of him knew he didn’t want to know because he knew he probably wouldn’t like the answer.
So instead he answered like he always did when someone would catch him awake at unreasonable times, whenever someone began to show any sign of concern.
“Couldn’t sleep.” Billy huffed out in response, taking another sip of his beer as he watched Steve. He didn’t bother looking back, already having a feeling that his answer wasn’t going to be enough for Billy. He took another sip of his own beer, continuing to stare out towards the trees. Billy huffed out again, gesturing out towards the trees as he spoke.
“So what are you doing all the way out here?” he asked, dropping his arms by his side, looking back towards Steve, who watched the movement out of the corner of his eye. It wasn’t that he wasn’t paying attention, and it wasn’t that he didn’t want to talk to Billy, but he was exhausted, and Billy wouldn’t understand, and then he’d have to deal with more mocking than he already got, and he didn’t want to give Billy, or anyone else another reason to make fun of him, call him a pussy, because you’re a grown fucking man you shouldn’t have fucking nightmares.
So he sighed out again, thinking, something plain, something simple, something that could mean anything, not necessarily good or bad. Something that wont tell Billy the truth, as much as he felt himself wanting to, wanting to open up to someone.
“Just thinking. It’s quiet out here, makes it easier.” It wasn’t a lie, it was quiet out here, but it was quiet at home too. But the quiet of Steve’s too big and too empty house made his skin crawl. He hated the silence he got whenever he was home alone, which was most days at this point. At least out here, amongst the trees and the bugs and the monsters, there was something. Some type of noise to distract him from the growing quiet that was his life back home. Something to focus on to distract him from the growing noise in his head, which only grew louder the more quiet it was.
He really wanted Billy to drop it, but he knew Hargrove, knew that dropping it wasn’t an option. He didn’t even have time to think about why Billy actually cared to ask before he answered again, asking another question Steve didn’t want to answer. 
“What about?”
Steve didn’t mean to snap, didn’t want to be angry with Billy, wasn’t even angry at Billy, but his head hurt, and he was exhausted, and his body ached and the one time someone actually cared to ask Steve what was going on it was Billy fucking Hargrove with his stupid blue eyes and stupid concerned face and god, Steve, fucking snap out of it.
“Why do you care, Billy? And why are you even here?”
Steve was frustrated, but more because he was just plain confused. Why now did Billy care? Steve didn’t think he cared that much about him, didn’t think anyone did, didn’t think he was worth it. But here he was, sitting on the trunk of his car with someone who looked like they gave a shit, looked like they actually cared. And it scared him, though he wouldn’t want to admit it, that the idea of someone actually caring about him scared him more than anything else.
And Billy didn’t even get mad, which angered Steve more for some reason he would have to unpack later. Instead Billy just shrugged, taking another sip of his beer before answering calmly, as if that’s what they did. As if it was normal for them to have an actual conversation alone in the woods in the middle of the night.
“Needed to get out of the house, didn’t really have anywhere else to go.. and I care, because I’m doing this thing, where I try to not be an asshole, and you look like shit” Billy said back, and it took Steve a moment to register what he actually said, still in a daze by how calm he was, how he wasn’t angry like Steve was.
Steve finally glanced towards Billy, furrowed eyebrows at what he said, and by the look on Billy’s face, he knew exactly what was going through Steve’s mind. He raised his hands as if he was surrendering, chuckling slightly as he spoke.
“Hey I said I was trying, doesn’t mean I’m very good at it.”
Steve just sighed out, looking away again. He knew Billy didn’t mean anything by it, and it really wouldn’t surprise Steve if he did look like shit, but he didn’t even bother to think about it as he thought about what Billy said. Needed to get out of the house. Steve knew all about that, but what would drive Billy to need to get away? Before Steve could think about the implications of that sentence, what Billy might have unknowingly shared, Billy continued.
“Just, you look like somethings bothering you.”
Steve closed his eyes for a moment, thinking this over. It felt weird, feeling himself want to open up to Billy. He didn’t even know what Billy and him were. Friends? Maybe.They definitely weren’t the closest people, and they still tend to bump heads a bit, but they had come a long way from being rivals, or enemies, or whatever they were. But then Steve thought about that strange infatuation he found himself having towards the other, knowing that if he opened up, he probably wouldn’t stop, and more feelings would come out, feelings that he still wasn’t even 100% sure of himself. And he didn’t want to risk that.
“It’s nothing, okay? It’s not important.”
Billy paused, thinking, and then the words that left his mouth caused Steve’s blood to boil, the fastest he thinks he has ever gotten angry.
“You should open up to someone about it”
He didn’t know why he was getting so riled up by the thought of Billy telling him to open up, but then he remembered it was Billy, and he was mad and frustrated and exhausted and really wasn’t having a good day. So he scoffed out, finally turning to face Billy.
“What the fuck? No, fuck off Hargrove, you don’t get to say that to me!” Billy seemed stunned by the response, blinked a few times as if trying to register what was actually happening, but before he could say anything, Steve continued, rolling his eyes as he looked away from him.
“Open up, yeah fucking right, when was the last time you ever opened up to someone? I don’t know a fucking thing about you, other than you have a good right hook and you love your car more than you’ve probably loved anything else in your life!”
Steve could see him tense up out of the corner of his eyes, saw his jaw clench, his fists tightening around his beer. It was obvious that Billy was angry, and Steve knew what he said would’ve pissed Billy off, and maybe he was looking for a fight, wanted to release the built up anger and frustration and sadness in some way. But Billy didn’t budge, stayed silent instead, just watching, waiting for Steve to look, or speak, or do something. 
Steve didn’t want to look, he knew what would probably happen if he did. Knew that if he found Billy’s fucking beautiful eyes, he would instantly feel guilty, knowing he didn’t really want to be mean to Billy, that Billy hadn’t done anything wrong, that he was just angry and upset and weak. 
And then the guilt started, before he even had a chance to look at him, and when he finally looked up he felt even worse. Billy still didn’t speak as he looked towards Steve, who tried to figure out what the other was thinking, feeling. He looked, tired, something Steve didn’t notice before, and then he felt worse. Billy didn’t want to fight, he wanted to help. And Steve wasn’t letting him, because he was scared, of opening up to someone, to Billy.
A groan escaped Steve as he finally pulled his attention from Billy, leaning his head back and closing his eyes, releasing a breath he didn’t even realise he was holding. He paused for another moment, and when Billy remained quiet, he looked back out towards the trees.
“Nightmares, Bill. I get.. I get bad nightmares, and they keep me up all night, and I hate being in that house alone, so..”
And he knew. He knew that it wouldn’t stop there, that it was too late to turn back now. But, a part of him felt relief. But that was buried way down when Billy spoke again, when Steve realised he would have to explain. And that relief was suddenly filled with dread, and then he was scared again.
“.. what about?” Billy asked, and if Steve was really paying attention and not concentrating on how fast his heart was beating, he would have noticed the soft tone to Billy’s voice, or the way he moved slightly closer to Steve, or that he still hasn’t looked away.
“Nothing.. everything, I don’t know.” He knew he couldn’t tell Billy about the monsters, what most of his nightmares were about, what not only plagued his dreams but plagued his thoughts, his life. And he definitely couldn’t tell him about his nightmares involving Billy. Just the idea that he has dreams of Billy would probably get him multiple broken bones and bruises. 
“What about tonight then?”
And then he sighed again, glancing towards Billy, concern still written on his face, and when he moved closer, Steve closed his eyes, finally answering what was bothering him tonight, what forced him out of his house and into the darkness of Hawkins.
“My parents.” It was a simple enough answer, one that left Billy questioning what he meant, panicking slightly at what it could mean. Steve looked away again, didn’t notice how Billy instinctively looked him over, looking for any sign of bruising or past injuries, because Billy knew. He knew about having nightmares about your parents, about the things they do that keep you up at night. 
“You have nightmares about your parents?” Billy asked, this time Steve noticing the slight panic, but he brushed it off, because why would he panic? They’re just nightmares, right? I mean, yeah, Steve didn’t have the best relationship with them, and sure, whenever they would actually come home, Steve found himself feeling like even more shit than he already does, but Billy didn’t know that.
And before he knew what was happening, he started to feel defensive, to feel those fears coming back, because it’s stupid, isn't it? Having nightmares about your parents? And Billy was probably ready to laugh, ready to tease him about something so stupid. So he crossed his arms over his chest, glaring towards him, not wanting to be weak, to be vulnerable. 
“What? You’re gonna make fun of me for it?”
Steve had never seen Billy change expressions so quickly, his concern turned to actual panic, something Steve didn’t think he’d ever seen before. Couldn’t think of a time he saw Billy panic in general, didn’t expect Billy to care that much either. But he did, and Steve had no idea why, but he would be lying if he said that it didn’t make him feel a little better.
“No, I.. No” Billy stumbled over his words, sighing out as he paused. He wasn’t good at this, at the whole talking thing. At the whole friend thing, either. But he was trying, and he really didn’t want Steve to think he was just riling him up, looking for a reason to pick on him. Because he wasn’t. He knew about nightmares, about nightmares about your parents, and then he was worried again, and then he was determined.
“Why do you have nightmares about them?”
“.. it’s stupid, really-”
“Steve, why do you have nightmares about your parents?” he asked again, more stern than before, angry, almost, and more concerned than Steve had initially realised. More concerned than Steve had ever seen him. He finally looked to Billy, pausing as he realised Billy was actually worried still, possibly more than before, and Steve wondered what was going through Billy’s head, what he was assuming Steve had meant. And so he spoke, slowly, the words circling around in his head again, the nightmare coming back to him, his life coming back.
“They just.. say things, sometimes”
“What things Steve?”
He didn’t know why he felt the urge to tell Billy everything his parents ever had said to him. He felt like he would tell Billy all of his secrets if he asked, and he hated that. But then he remembered how worried Billy looked, how it actually seemed like he cared, how close they were, and, well, he couldn’t really stop.
“That I’m, useless, worthless, I’m not good at anything, I don’t deserve anything, that I’m an idiot, a fucking retard who can’t even fucking read without spacing out, that I’m a fucking burden who they wish they never had, that I’d never be loved.. just, fucking everything that could be wrong with someone, anything that would make me feel like complete and utter shit because to them that’s all I fucking am.”
He didn’t realise he had started crying until the lump in his throat grew bigger, causing him to almost choke on the tears, struggling to hold back a sob. He had never said out loud what his parents do, what they say, and for some reason it hurt a hell of a lot more than Steve thought it would. And he felt stupid. He felt so fucking stupid, admitting everything to Billy fucking Hargrove, who sat staring at him, frozen, watching as he broke apart on the trunk of his BMW in the middle of god fucking nowhere.
Steve shook his head, wiping harshly at his cheeks. He refused to look at Billy any longer, training his eyes on the trees around him. This was stupid, Billy didn’t care, why would he? No one cared, so why would this be any different?
“Look, just, forget it, okay? It’s stupid, this is stupid-” he pushed off away from his car, wanting to get away, not wanting to be here, feel what he was feeling, but Billy didn’t let him get that far, pushing himself from the BMW, reaching out towards the other.
His fingers wrapped around Steve’s wrist, and he flinched, closing his eyes, preparing to be hit for being stupid, for being weak, preparing to be told to grow the fuck up and get over it, but it never came. Instead, he felt himself being pulled towards Billy, before two arms wrapped around his back, and when he opened his eyes, all he could see was Billy’s blond curls.
“What are you doing?”
Billy just huffed out, but it didn’t sound like he was annoyed, or angry, or upset. He was just, tired. And Steve didn’t think he had ever related to Billy as much as he did now. Tired. And then he answered, pulling Steve even closer.
“Hugging you”
“Just, relax, Steve. It’s okay.” And then Steve felt himself finally let go, no longer trying to maintain his tears, keep in his sobs. Because he was tired. He was really fucking tired, of keeping in all the shit that happens, pretending that everything was fine when they weren't, and someone finally actually fucking cared. So he let himself sob into Billy’s shoulder, let his once enemy hug him and hold him in the middle of fucking nowhere, hold him until the tears ran out.
And maybe it wasn’t that bad. Letting people in, letting people help, letting people care. Maybe.
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Hawkins’ Charm (Part 9)
Synopsys: They had gotten out of Hawkins. After all the shit that had happened, all the heartache and pain, Billy and the Reader had gotten away from that hellhole, building their life in California as he had dreamed. But when Max’s graduation rolls around and they go to celebrate, it’s as if the Upside Down was just waiting for all of them to return. And it has a bone to pick.
Pairing: Billy Hargrove x f!Reader; platonic!Steve Harrington x f!Reader
Genre: angst, bit of fluff
Warnings: blood, mentions of injuries and death, fighting, swearing, mentions of smut, but not full-on
Word count: 2120 (I’m sorry if there are any mistakes :D )
Italics are flashbacks
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“Billy, stop!” she screamed at the top of her lungs, throat burning with every uttered syllable, but no sound came out. When Y/N had come to and seen the bruises he’d left around her neck, she had almost passed out again, but had to remind herself – this was not Billy, this wasn’t her caring sometimes hot-headed boyfriend that had wrapped his palms around her neck and tried to squeeze the life out of her. This was a monster using him as a servant to do its bidding. 
           For a second, their eyes met as she stood at the other side of the mall, the Mind Flayer’s attention on El who laid on the ground before it. And there it was – recognition in Billy's eyes. If only for a moment, he remembered who she was, who he was to her.
           As quickly as that had happened, it was gone, and Billy turned around grabbing a screaming El who had woken up and skidded away by her ankle and dragging her towards the monster. No, Y/N thought to herself, that’s not gonna happen, and rushed to the side where a discarded shotgun laid on the ground. She checked its ammo, loaded and aimed. 
           “You,” Y/N pointed at Hopper as they jumped out of the van, “stay in the car and stay low. We don’t need someone to see your face and freak and call the cops.”
           “I am the cops,” he grunted but slid lower onto the seat, masking his face with a baseball cap.
           “No,” El butted in, “keyword – were. You’re technically still dead. At least as far as Hawkins is concerned. And the rest of the world.”
           Like a child, Hop grunted our a ‘whatever’ and watched as the group entered the store, the little ‘DING!’ ringing sharply through the air. “Stay low my ass,” he muttered and slid down the chair to vanish from view.
           Y/N tapped her foot against the tiled floor, and each little movement of the muscles tightened the feeling in her back where the salve had seeped into her skin and had lost the cooling effect, making her grit her teeth to keep the whimpers of pain at bay.
           Each beep as the items were scanned amped up her anxiety, and she started chewing on the tip on her thumb which Steve promptly slapped away from her mouth.
           “If your boy sees you without a finger, it’ll be my head he’ll come after,” he grumbled and crossed his arms mimicking Y/N’s stance and tapped his foot at the same time.
           “Oh please,” she rolled her eyes. “Haven’t you two already gone through your dick-measuring phase?”
           “When are boys ever?” Robin snarked from where she stood behind Y/N, and the two fist-bumped at that.
           “Hey, don’t I know you?” the clerk squinted his eyes at Y/N with a pointed finger in her direction. “Aren’t you that chick that ran off with Hargrove?”
           “If by that chick that ran off with Hargrove you mean his girlfriend throughout the senior year and decided to move to California with him then yeah, I guess so.” She was really over all of the judgement from others.
           Her mom hadn’t been too pleased when she’d announced that she’d be going to San Diego with Billy. Especially given how Y/N had planned on returning to New York and going to NYU at the start of the last semester. 
           Sure, it hadn’t been the most pleasant of stays, but the Big Apple had grown on her. She’d found some peace and had been able to collect her mind after everything Hawkins had put her through. That is until the tanned Cali boy slammed his way into her world.
           He completely shook everything up, from what Y/N wanted in life to what she thought she deserved. There’d been a tremendous amount of guilt that plagued her heart since Barb, and once returning to Hawkins it got bad again. 
           She hadn’t been there to help and look for her, she hadn’t stayed and brought justice to one of her best friends, instead, she'd opted to run away. Y/N felt like she’d been selfish and a horrible person. Until Billy helped her understand it wasn’t her fault. And he made sure she knew it.
           “You couldn’t have done anything,” he’d muttered in her hair one night after the boy had climbed through his window seeking solace from his dad, only to find Y/N dry heaving over her toilet seat. “Fuck, sweetheart, it wasn’t your fault, you gotta understand.”
He hadn’t known the real circumstances then, but it didn’t matter 'cause the words hit their mark either way. “That fucking lab and those people were a messed-up bunch, and there’s nothing wrong with wanting to take care of yourself.”
           Y/N had shaken her head. “I-I should’ve stayed. I should’ve helped Nance and Steve. I-I sh-should’ve fought for her.”
           A hand wove into her hair and made her rest her cheek against his chest. “How can you fight for someone else when you can’t even fight for yourself?”
           “So, what do you need all this stuff for?” the cashier asked taking Y/N out from her thoughts and making small talk while scanning the copious amounts of rope and batteries. “Infiltrating the CIA?” Oh, if only he knew how close he was.
           “Going on a camping trip,” Y/N gave him a tight-lipped smile. They seriously didn’t have time for this shit.
           He pulled up the two barrels of gasoline and shrugged. “Must be some trip if you need all this stuff.”
           “You never know,” Robin said curtly hoping he’d just hurry up, “maybe a bear blocks our way back to civilization, and we have to fight it off.”
           “With what? Ropes and walkie talkies?”
           “Exactly,” she gave him a sarcastic smile, and he finally rung up the total.
           Billy couldn’t breathe. He felt like his lungs had collapsed and a boulder sat on his chest, pressing down on him. His vision swam, bright lights merging in a sickening dance turning his head dizzy.
           Pain. That’s all he felt. But maybe that’s what he deserved. He’d been an asshole, a major one at that. Maybe this was his way of repenting. Spending his last moments alive in unbearable agony for all the hurt he’d caused while he was alive. Especially to those he loved. 
           His eyes dripped close, but then two hands planted themselves on his shoulders.
           “Max,” he gurgled out, pain shooting through his body right down to the very tips of his toes.
           “Hold on,” the redhead sobbed. Fuck, is she crying? Over me? “Don’t you dare die on me, or I swear I’ll dig up your grave, zap you back to life and skin you alive.”
           “ ‘M sorry,” he choked. “ ‘M sorry.”
           And he knew he was gone when an angel came into view. A beautiful gorgeous angel.
           “Billy,” she called his name. “Billy, please.”
           Fuck, she sounded so much like Y/N. His Y/N. A small smile came over his face. Maybe death wasn’t that bad when it took the form of the only person that had every truly, really loved him. Not even his mom had loved him as much as his girl did. 
           Sure, he missed her like crazy every day of his damned life, but she had left him with that bastard that was nothing more than a sperm donor to him. A little kid on his own to live with a monster. Billy wasn’t afraid of the dark or what hid in it. He was afraid of the person in the next room with a beer bottle in his hand.
           But Y/N… he’d been so shitty to her in the beginning, to her friends. But somehow, she saw through it, saw through the tall and dense walls he’d built around himself and had fallen for the man hiding inside the fortress. 
           “Billy, stay with me,” the angled pleaded. Of course, he would. He could never say no to her.
           Once they got to Joyce’s, they split up in groups, Billy taking his sister, Mike and Nancy back to their places while Joyce stayed with Will, and Johnathan took Dustin and Lucas back to theirs.
           “Have you talked with Lucas?” Billy looked over to Max and saw her visibly shrink. She folded her arms and slid down the seat a bit more as if trying to minimize her existence, and it worked as even sitting down he towered over her like a tree
           “About what?”
           “You know what,” he gave her pointed look before returning his gaze back to the road.
           For a moment, silence settled between them, but then Max sighed and groaned out “No. In fact, I actually tried to do that before everything with Y/N went down, but he just waved me off. Said it wasn’t a big deal.”
           Max’s ginger eyebrows were pulled together in a frown of hurt and confusion. “And I know I haven’t been the most understanding and was giving him the silent treatment, but I just… I don’t know what to do… I don’t know how to make it better.”
           Billy sighed, looking at how the trees zoomed past them on both sides before carefully replying. “You love him, don’t you?”
           “Yeah,” she said throwing her head back against the seat surprising him with her blatant honesty. “I mean we’ve been together, on and off, since like being thirteen… kinda hard not to.”
           As Neil’s house slowly started to come in view, Max asked him to stop on the curb.
           “Drop me off here. I’ll just sneak around the house and climb in through the window,” she said and turned to look at Billy grimacing. “Neil doesn’t really let me stay over if there are boys around.” She let out a sneer. 
           Her brother just shook his head and smirked ruffling her head. “You’re trouble, you know that, Maxine?”
           A scoff got stuck in her throat. “Me? Have you met yourself? You snuck out so many times during your senior year just to go to Y/N’s, I’m surprised Neil didn’t pick up on your routine and put bars on your windows.”
           Billy sorted. “If he’d even tried, I would’ve found a way to get to her.”
           “Sentimental asshole,” she rolled her eyes, but he could see that there was nothing malicious behind the gesture. “See you in a few hours.”
           “Stay safe,” he said, and Max nodded, quickly leaning over and pulling Billy in a tight hug. “Everything’s gonna work out. With Lucas, this whole shitshow. I promise.”
           “Do you think Y/N's gonna be okay?” Max mumbled in his ear and opened the door, her muddied up sneakers getting even dirtier.
           "She's the strongest person I know. She'll be just fine,” he looked to his lap and his heart clenched. She was, without a question, but that didn’t make him feel any less worried. Rather it terrified him to the core because who knows what situations awaited them. Billy wasn’t ready to let go of his life just yet, and he knew she'd do anything for those she loved. 
           His knuckles tightened around the wheel.
They’d make it out. No matter what. Or he’d burn everything in its wake. 
           A miracle the doctors had said. Not only that vital organs hadn’t been punctured, but that the chemicals Billy had downed a week ago hadn’t fully burned his insides apart. When Y/N heard this from the nurse, she had to rush away from her boyfriend’s side by the bed into the attached bathroom and throw up.
           Her throat burned like ten thousand hot pokers were being pushed down it. Her hands shook as she opened up the faucet and splashed ice-cold water against her face. Y/E/C eyes looked up to see the blue-black bruises littering her neck, Billy’s two handprints like tattoos against her skin. 
           No, she shook her head, not his, but that monster’s that used him as a puppet. Her Billy would never hurt her. 
           “Is he gonna recover?” Y/N asked glancing at the nurse when she reentered the room assuming her previous position. He was the same nurse that had looked at her neck and she had blatantly disobeyed his pleas for her to rest. She had to be with Billy.
           “Physically, yes… Psychologically is a different kind of story,” the nurse said. “But the doctor thinks he’s gonna be just fine. He’ll need a lot of help, but we're optimistic."
           Y/N nodded looking away from the nurse and back to her boyfriend. With shaky fingers, she took ahold of his palm and brought his fingers to her lips. “It’s gonna be okay, baby. I’ll be here for you… We’re gonna be just fine… we’ll make it…”
Tags (crossed out wouldn't take):
Hawkins’ Charm tag list: 
@genius2050 @aiifandomsunite @ashleymarieriffle @littlefool-smalljester @infinitelycharmed23 @llcalumllhoodll @benevolentgemini @rxmanovbby @euphoniumpets @krazykatykat456 @believerofall @ccidk @babechief @meganmj @blackhood5sos @fml9603 @noodlenerd101 @universefinds @kuroidesuchloe @im-a-stranger-thing @grxxn-gardxns @springholland @beforethebraces @robinisourlesbianmom @queeneliza108 @neenaw-neenaw @lexisntthatweird @choicesismylife @mckenzie2020 @kcd15 @snuggleducky @reckless-sofia @didyouseetheflair @silver-winter-wolf @jay-ta-blog @hopeless-lovex0 @anyasthoughts @robinismyqueen @yeah-butyourenot-dacremontgomery @mcrganstarks @psychoticobsession @cutehipstergirl25 @sbfandom @mickmoon @jackyfrost01 @txhmine @dark-princess99 @morgangrice18 @changingmylifestyle367 @sweetdayme4427 @alowexpectation @sexyvixen7 @golddvstwoman @evelynfreakinaddams @sunfucked @sataninsatin @queenbbarnes @venomavocado @rangotangomango @psychosupernatural @sereiins @frickin-bats @bandsruinedmylife @thee-brunette-princess @queenskyster @aspiring-fangirls-world @gracethegeek9902 @katiexdacre @dreamwavej @escaping-reality21 @void-fire-rose @slvtherinseeker @paranoiadestroyah @arromite @jojo-buttercup @danarysstormborn @graveyard--baby--666 @teller258316 @hello-therree @stqrker @bethanystan @enthusiastoffandoms14 @i-bitch-you-bitch @billysgodcomplex @astil-be @kpopishilarious @bae-bino @billyhargrovescigarette
Billy Hargrove’s tag list: 
@la-reina-tigresa @youcanstandundermyumbrella @ephmrl-love
Forever tags: 
@lumelgy @palaiasaurus64 @supernaturalbaesduh @breezy1415 @crazy--me @thatawkwardlittlefangirl @sea040561 @staryeyedgirl @deathbyarabbit @s-c-a-r-e-d-po-t-t-e-r @reblogger-not-a-blogger @m-a-t-91 @dalilx @i-need-a-hero-i-need-a-loki @maladaptive-ninja-returns @averyrogers83 @in-the-end-im-still-trash @gallifreyansass @dewy-biitch @avxgers @unlikelygalaxygiver @sweet-ladyy @magicwithaknife @ollyoxenfrees @bnhvrdy @tvwhoresblog @celebsimagines @thatkindofgurl @sj-thefan @teenwolflover28
A/N: soooo.... it’s been a while.... a lot of things have happened and continue happening, but I hope you can forgive me for posting an update so late. Life just gets hectic and I do this for fun, so when pressing matters come up, I have to focus on them :D
I’ve started my last year of uni and I’m shitting bricks, but other than that I’m immensely enjoying everything I'm doing, mum’s visiting me next week, so that’s a plus, but also my first assignment is in less than two weeks, so yay me! :D
P.S. my tags are always open :)
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flohamilton · 5 years
Hi love ❤️your work is amazing and I was just wondering if you could write a Steve Harrington x Byers!reader where the reader is Jonathan and wills middle sister and she’s in the house when billy shows up and instead of Steve fighting billy the reader does and she puts up a good fight but billy beats the fuck out of here and when Steve gets to billy he freaks out and fights billy and wins and admits he likes the reader sorry if it’s so specific thank you love ❤️
Protect You
Steve Harrington x Byers!Reader 
Warnings: Fluff, cursing, mentions of blood
hi anon!!! I’m so sorry this took so long, I just really wanted this to be accurate with the actual episode! I really enjoyed writing this and I hope you love it! (I kinda got carried away oops) and thank you so much for sending in a request!!
It seemed to you that all hell was breaking loose at the moment. As if your family hadn’t already been put through enough with your little brother Will’s disappearance a year ago, this year was somehow even worse, as Will was now possessed by this shadow monster thing, and you were too terrified to even question it. Your mom, brothers, and Nancy were currently in Hopper’s cabin, trying to expel the demon-like entity from Will’s body, Hopper and El were closing the gate at the lab, and you were at your house, along with Steve and four very chaotic children. 
You had offered to stay at your house, because it was where you felt most safe, and also because dealing with four kids would have been too dangerous anywhere else. Steve had offered to stay and help hold down the fort, which you were thankful for because to be quite honest you were scared shitless and could use a little company from someone your own age. You also weren’t complaining because you had been crushing on Steve for a while now and having another opportunity to spend some time with him sounded pretty good to you. Well as good as things can be when you are fighting an inter-dimensional monster and all of its spawns. But nonetheless, you were glad Steve was here with you. 
You had always seen Steve around school, and sure you thought he was cute, but his ego was always too much for you to handle. He was so concerned about his title as “King Steve” that you knew he would never give you the time of day. Then Nancy and Steve began dating and you shut off all of your feelings toward Steve for the sake of your friendship with Nancy. You two weren’t the closest of friends, but your brothers were best friends so you saw a lot of each other and you enjoyed her company from time to time. Now that Steve and Nancy had broken up, you felt the familiar feelings coming back, and you knew you were in for trouble. Now that Steve had become involved in this whole demogorgan thing, you got to see his true character. He was a really sweet guy, he enjoyed being around the kids, and you realized he wasn’t the duchy “King Steve” you thought he was. Now it seemed like he was just Steve.
But crushes and love were not what you were concerned about at the moment. The kids were all a little nervous, which was expected, but especially Mike. The poor kid just saw the love of his life for the first time after almost an entire year and she had just been swept away to complete the potentially most dangerous task of any of your lives. You felt bad for the kid. Steve and Dustin had just finished arguing about where to put the demodog, and the general consensus had somehow become your fridge. 
“Is this okay?” Steve asked whilst shoving the creature into your refrigerator, “who am I kidding of course this isn’t okay. Jesus Christ Dustin, why couldn’t we just bury the damn thing!” Steve said shooting you and apologetic look. 
“Because Steve! This is a scientific breakthrough and we can’t just bury it like a dog!” Dustin shouted passionately. 
“I am so sorry, y/n” Steve said once the dog was successfully stored in the fridge, “We will buy you a new fridge.”
“Don’t worry Steve, we’ve got bigger issues at the moment,” You said, chucking slightly, still mind-blown that you were even in this situation. Not only were you nearing the apocalypse but your crush Steve was in your house with you, helping you babysit four kids. 
Meanwhile Mike, Lucas and Max were orchestrating an elaborate plan to storm the tunnels and light a fire to distract the dogs and lead them away from the lab in order to protect El and Hopper. 
“This is not happening. y/n and I promised to keep you shitheads safe, do you understand me?” Steve said, his inner babysitter coming out strong, making you swoon. 
Before anyone could say a word you were interrupted by the sound of an engine revving furiously. Max jumped up and peered out the window. “That’s my brother! He can’t know I’m here, he’ll kill me. He’ll kill us!” She said, a panicked look forming on her face
“Don’t worry Max, Steve and I will take care of this,” You said, putting on your brave face. The apocalypse was literally looming over Hawkins, how bad could Billy Hargrove be? “He’s on my property now and I’ll make him leave. He can’t tell me no.” You said defiantly. 
“No y/n,” Steve spoke up, “I don’t think that’s a good idea, you should stay in here with the kids.” 
“It’s okay Steve, what’s the worst he could do?”
Max opened her mouth to speak against you, but before a word could come out you saw the bright headlights of Billy’s car pull into your drive way. Before anyone could stop you, you were opening your front door and walking out to meet Billy in the drive way. Steve followed behind you anxiously. 
“Can I help you?” You asked, your attitude making an appearance. Billy snarled at your words and you suddenly had major regrets about coming outside. 
“Yeah, what are you doing here, amigo?” Steve asked, now standing protectively in front of you. 
“I could ask you the same thing.” Billy said. Tension becoming so thick you could practically cut it with a knife. 
“We’re watching a movie,” You said, improvising, “Indiana Jones!” 
Billy scoffed, “I’m looking for my sister.” 
“I didn’t even know you had a sister Billy, what makes you think she would be here?” You asked, playing stupid.
“A little birdie told me she was here.” 
“Huh, weird. No one’s here but me and y/n. You’re kinda interrupting movie night, so if you don’t mind…” Steve said, waving his hand off, motioning for Billy to leave.  
“I don’t appreciate being lied to.” Billy snarled. 
“Well she’s not here.” You spoke up. 
“Then who is that?” Billy asked pointing behind you. You turned to see the four kids, looking our from the living room window.
Billy stormed past you barging through your front door. “Hey asshole, you can’t just barge in my house like this!” You shouted at him. Billy swiftly pushed you to the ground, knocking the wind out of you. 
“Oh shit are you okay?” Steve asked, helping you up.
“I think so, just knocked the wind out of me.” You said standing and rushing into your house where Billy was currently holding Lucas against the wall. 
Your inner motherly instincts kicked in and you suddenly had no fear of Billy whatsoever. “Don’t touch him!” You shouted, and suddenly you felt as if you soul had left your body and you were now functioning on autopilot as you punched Billy square in the face.
Unfortunately, your punch had virtually no affect on Billy, “Big mistake.” He said, a maniacal laugh coming from his lips.The next few moments were a blur to you. Billy threw a punch directly to your nose and you were sure it was broken as you felt a tremendous amount of blood gushing from it. Once you were on the ground he repeatedly kicked you in the ribs. He even kicked you in the side of the head and your ears began to ring, the pain becoming too much for you to handle. You heard shouting in the background, but it was only faint. 
Suddenly you saw Steve come up from behind Billy. With one swift punch, Steve had knocked Billy on the floor, and was on top on him, repeatedly punching him in the face over and over again, Billy’s face becoming bloodier and bloodier by the second. A few moments passed before Billy was knocked out cold. 
Steve got off of Billy and rushed over to where you were on the floor, a bloody and whimpering mess. 
“Hey you’re okay,” Steve said, taking your face in his hand, “That asshole isn’t gonna hurt you anymore.” He whispered softly, eyes wide at the destruction Billy had caused to your body.
“Steve,” You whimpered, tears flowing liberally at this point. 
“No, no y/n don’t cry, you’re okay, I got you.” He said, bending down and softly placing a kiss on your forehead. “I need to get you cleaned up. I’m going to take you back to your bedroom, okay y/n?” Steve said, gently picking you up and carrying you in his arms back to your room. He carefully placed you onto your bed making sure to be extra gentle. 
“Just stay still okay, I’m going to get some bandages.” Steve said. You nodded your head slightly and closed your eyes, trying to focus on something other than the extreme pain you were in. 
While Steve was in the bathroom gathering first aid supplies, you heard him talking to the kids. “She’s not good. There’s no way I’m leaving her to go into those tunnels. No way. It has to wait.”
“But Steve this is our only chance!” Dustin said.
“And what about Billy?” Lucas asked, “We can’t just leave him here?”
“I can drive us.” Max said, followed by protests from everyone else. “No I’ve done it before when Billy was drunk. I’m pretty good! Anyway, we can get Billy and drop him off at our house, he’ll be out cold for the night so there’s no chance he will wake up and try to find us. Then we can go to the tunnels ourselves while you stay here and take care of y/n. It’s a great plan!” Max said. 
“Absolutely not.” You heard Steve say in his babysitter tone again. “A. I’m not letting you drive a car, you’re literally 9 years old. And B. I am definitely not letting you go into the tunnels alone.” 
“So what, we wait here with Billy’s useless body and put El and Hopper in even more danger than they already are? I don’t think so Harrington!” Max yelled. You had to admit, Max was mature for her age and you didn’t doubt that she could drive a car. The thought of your favorite kids entering the terrifying tunnels alone made you shiver, but you also had to admit that it was better than leaving El and Hopper for dead. 
“Steve please,” Max begged.
Steve huffed, “Fine. But please do not speed, and don’t forget to turn your headlights on. Also bring a walky-talky and make sure you radio in if anything happens. Okay?” He asked, and you heard everyone agree. “Please be careful. I’m trusting you guys.” Steve paused. “Let me put Billy in the backseat before you go.” You heard the sound of Steve lifting Billy’s unconscious body off the the floor and go outside, followed by faint voices from the kids. You heard an engine rev and you knew the kids had left. 
“Hey sorry to take so long,” Steve said, and you saw that he hand an arm full of various towels, bandages, and rubbing alcohol to clean you up with. 
“It’s all my fault.” You said, voice cracking and tears flowing again. You couldn’t handle the guilt you were already feeling at the thought of Mike, Lucas, Max, and Dustin in danger. 
“Hey no its not, shh, you didn’t do anything wrong, y/n.” Steve said, sitting next to you, wrapping his arm around you as you leaned into him. 
“I had to go and pick a fight with Billy and now you can’t even go with the kids to help them in the tunnels. I could have stayed behind, I would have been okay.” You cried. 
“No, y/n I’m not leaving you.” Steve said, tightening his grip around you. “And I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I have faith in the kids. They’ve been through a lot. They can handle it.” 
You began to cry harder now, “I’m just worried about them.” 
“I know. I am too, but they’ll radio in if anything goes wrong.” Steve said, looking down at you, wiping a tear from your cheek. “Let’s get you cleaned up, alright? Just lay back okay, I’ve got you.” 
You nodded, sniffling. The pain in you body was still debilitating, but you had become more aware of your surroundings. Steve was being the kindest person ever and you were in shock that you were in this crazy situation with Steve. 
“This may hurt a little,” Steve said as he dabbed your nose with a wet towel, and you flinched. “I’m sorry, I’m almost done,” he said wiping away the rest of the blood from your face. 
“I also brought you some ice to hold on your ribs, you got kicked pretty hard.” Steve said, handing you an ice pack. 
“Thank you for taking care of me. You really didn’t have to… Will you come lay with me?” You asked, scooting over in your bed, whimpering at the pain your ribs were causing you.
“Of course,” Steve said, climbing onto the bed next you to. You leaned into him and he put his arm tightly around you shoulder. “I’m so glad you’re alright. I care about you so much and to see you get beat up like that hurt me a lot. I never wanna see you get hurt again, y/n.”
You began tearing up yet again at the thought of Steve being so kind to you. Never in your life had someone been as nice to you as Steve was being now. 
“You look so beautiful when you cry. I mean it makes me really sad when you cry, but you’re so pretty.” Steve said, his face turning slightly red. 
“Even after I just got pummeled?” You asked, giggling. 
“Yes. Always, y/n. Actually,” Steve paused, “there’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you.” He took a deep breath, “These past few weeks I feel like we’ve gotten so close and I love it. I love being around you. I mean I always saw you in school and thought you seemed nice, but getting to know you has really made me see how awesome you are. You’re so kind to everyone, you’re a great friend, and you might even be a better babysitter than I am. But that’s beside the point. I guess what I’m trying to say is that I like you. Like a lot. And I can’t wait anymore, I had to tell you. I just care about you so much and seeing you hurt makes me realize that I want to be there to protect you forever.” 
“Steve,” You said, not much louder than a whisper. You were so shocked and your emotions were already all over the place that you could help but let the tears flow again. 
“I’m sorry if that was too much, you don’t have to say anything back. I’m sorry if I made this weird-“ 
You cut him off, “I like you too, a lot actually.” You signed a breath of relief, finally getting it off of your chest. “I’m kinda embarrassed to tell you, but I’ve kinda liked you since sophomore year.”
“Really?” Steve asked, a shocked look on his face, followed by a goofy smile, you nodded. “This is amazing. I can’t believe this is actually happening! The girl of my dreams likes me back!!” Steve said, more to himself this time, making you blush.
You snuggled closer into Steve, if that was even possible. 
“What do you say when all of this is over, and if we actually make it out alive, you let me take you on a date?” Steve asked. 
“I would love that.” You said, sighing. Despite the current situation your heart couldn’t be more happy. 
“Good. So would I.” Steve said, looking down at you, staring into your eyes. He slowly began to lean in, you did as well, almost like you were a magnet being pulled towards him. Steve’s lips gently landed on yours, and you depend this kiss, leaning into him slightly for a few seconds before pulling away. 
“Wow.” Steve said with wide eyes. 
“Yeah, wow.” You said. 
“I’m never leaving you, y/n. I’m always going to be here to protect you. I promise.” Steve said, and eventually the two of you drifted off to sleep. 
A few hours later you were woken by the sound of people entering your house. You sat up quickly, worried you may be in danger. 
“Don’t worry,”  said Steve who was awake next to you, “it’s you mom and brothers, and everyone. Everything’s okay. Its over.” Steve said, pulling you into a tight embrace, not letting you go for anything, and knowing he would continue to protect you and never let you go as long as he could help it. 
Send in your requests!
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curiositydooropened · 4 years
Steve was in the tunnels again. Flames licked at every screeching and wriggling particle of the place. His snorkel mask fogged, and sweat beaded under his brow, stinging at bite marks where Billy’s knuckles had met his bones. His head throbbed, ears barely hearing his own screams at the kids under the rapid pounding of his heartbeat in his skull. They ran back the way they came, or at least, following Wheeler, and Steve was glad years of hurdle jumping had trained him for moments like this. He dove over vines and around corners, using every sense but sight to find his way.
Wheeler went up first, gangly mother fucker, and then Sinclair. They helped Max, but Steve could feel them, those dog things. They curved around corners, unseen, unheard, but Steve could feel them on the back of his neck, licking like flame with barbed tongues and gaping faces. He held Dustin back, readying his bat for the worst.
Only, no dogs appeared, not like normal, not like he was used to. Instead, from around the corner, came Hargrove, muscle-tanked out, muscles raging and enflamed with black vines where his veins would be. Jesus, man, Steve wanted to say, lay off the juice. But he felt rooted to the spot, protecting Dustin, terrified. 
“Am I dreaming, or is that you, Harrington?”
Suddenly, Steve could see clearly. They were outside the Byers’. Billy stood outside the open door of the Camaro, tongue out, chest out. Steve looked around himself. His head didn’t hurt. This didn’t feel right. Hadn’t he done this? He turned around, glancing through the front window, expecting to see the kids, peeping Toms with noses to the glass, instead he saw the chaos of flashing lights, technicolor. His heart raced.
The door flung open before his hands reached the knob. Jonathan lay on the floor, Nancy screaming for him, shots fired. Steve saw the bat on the ground beside Byers. He grasped for it, nearly missing the handle with shell-shocked hands. The wood felt good in his hands, smooth, natural, like too many summers playing little league. He could taste the sunflower seeds in his drying mouth. 
The thing, a mere silhouette against seizure inducing flashes, didn’t stand as tall as he remembered. It held hands up, defensive, but he’d seen it before. He’d killed it before. He could still smell the burning flesh. He cocked his bat over his right shoulder and swung. Nancy called his name, a warning, but it was too late. He felt the satisfying squelch of skin and muscle around the sharp points of hammered nails. 
Something felt wrong. He was in his room now, everything was dark, but he knew. He was standing by his bed, fist curled around the neck of the bat. The fuzz drowned in the ringing of his ears, the pounding of his heart in his chest. He was awake. He’d woken from a night terror in his room, and the moon began to pool in from the back window.
“Holy shit, oh my God, oh holy shit!” Robin squealed from behind him, causing him to drop the bat. It hit the ground with a heavier thud than he anticipated. Why was Robin there? In his room? She’s stayed over?
Everything clicked into place the moment Steve saw Billy Hargrove’s body, limp and propped against a nightstand, bat wedged into the spot on his chest already webbed with scar tissue. Billy had been there, asleep on the floor beside the bed, and Steve had had his usual nightmare. Only unlike every other night of his life, he swung and hit. Jesus fucking Christ, he killed Billy Hargrove again. 
“Fuck, Billy?” His hands trembled as he reached for the bat. It didn’t come easily, lodged into the bone of the other boy’s sternum. Steve’s stomach churned. It wasn’t the same as hitting the demogorgon or those dogs. The sweat stuck at the base of his neck and chilled him to the bone. He’d never murdered a human being before. “Billy?” He called out again, pleading for a response he knew he wouldn’t get. 
“What do we do? Oh holy shit, what do we do?” Robin paced in the background. She wouldn’t shut up, frantic, manic. She was right though, they couldn’t call 911. Billy was on the lamb. No one knew of his existence except the two of them and the workers of the lab he escaped from. 
Steve ran a shaky hand through his hair, letting his bat fall at his feet. He knelt near Billy now, fully collapsing onto the floor at the foot of his bed. He reached out for the closest thing to him, Billy’s bare ankle, and wrapped his fingers around it, clenching at the muscle of the other boy’s calf, hoping to hold on to any life the other boy had left. 
Billy sucked in a breath, and Robin shut up real quick. Oh, fuck. He wasn’t dead. He wasn’t dead, and he was probably choking on his own blood, and now Steve would have to kill him. Robin launched herself onto the bed, peering over the edge like a bird on a perch. “Is he alive?”
Billy coughed and sputtered, blood splattering the faces of the two watching over him, and he pushed himself to sit upright. “Hell of a swing, Harrington.”
It all felt too reminiscent of the mall, of claws diving into Billy’s chest through his tank top and of Steve watching from above, helpless. It felt like a dream, and Steve was drowning in Billy’s blood. 
Billy reached a hand for help, and reluctantly, Steve helped him sit up, propped against the nightstand. The lamp and glass of water jiggled under the new weight. Robin reached up to flick the light on, and the two boys winced as their eyes adjusted. 
Scarlet was a good color on Billy, much better than the chemical induced black blood from Starcourt Mall, the infected ooze of possessed Billy fighting off his demons, his own personal hell. The rich, deep red pouring from his chest made his eyes more blue, accentuated the tan of his skin. Steve thought he might vomit.
“I’m so sorry,” he choked back anything but words that threatened to come up.
Robin squeaked her 100th “holy shit” from the bed. 
“I’m so going to kick your ass,” Billy seethed, lips accented in red, chest rocking back and forth. 
It was a sick fucking joke. Steve could see all the times they’d fought, could still feel the force of Billy’s fist against his flesh again and again and again. He could hear Billy’s demented laughter over the ringing of his boxed ears. When that plate was smashed over his head, Steve was pissed, sure, but he never meant for it to end like this. 
Robin let out whispered worried, and Billy side-eyed her. “Relax, shitbird, I’m fine.”
He didn’t look fucking fine, and Steve was far from fine, and he couldn’t imagine what the hell was going through Robin’s mind. 
“I’m serious,” Billy coughed. “It hurts like a fucking bitch, but I’m fine.” He grabbed the corner of Steve’s sheet and mopped at the blood on his chest. Great, now he’d have to explain that to mom, not to mention the corpse that would soon be laying heavy against his nightstand.
Steve then realized that beneath the smudged blood, where nail entry wounds should have been, were tiny pinpricks, slowly stitching back together to create perfectly round scars. 
“Holy. Shit.”
What the fuck?
I’ve been working on this fic for a really long time, and I really felt in the mood to write tonight. So I wanted to get this snippet out there. It’s a major spoiler if I ever write the rest of it, but I don’t know. Keep your eyes peeled for the start of it. I think I’m having fun with the idea of Healer!Billy and Nightmare!Steve.
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