#Still figuring out designs for her so this mask might not stick
konoa-t · 1 year
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quibbs126 · 2 months
could you do a blackberry x adventurer fankid if you havent already pretty please :3
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I can’t really say that I made this because of the aforementioned “I haven’t drawn anything in a while” post, it’s just because I was scrolling through my requests and remembered that I was in the middle of drawing her before and thought “might as well finish”
Anyways sorry, this is Blackberry Scone Cookie
So if I’m being perfectly honest, I don’t entirely know what her deal is. I know that, unlike her father, she is very willing to acknowledge that she’s rich and uphold that side of her family. She’s also at least outwardly, very similar to her mother in being generally reserved in her emotions. I think one idea I had for her is that she does cool things, she just does with a disinterested face, which kind of just heightens the coolness
Okay so I’m gonna be completely honest, I am now going to just make something up as I write. That top part was in part for me to figure something out
Outwardly, she seems disinterested, but she has plenty of emotions, you just either need to pay attention to her actual words instead of tone, or you just need to get close enough to her for the mask to fall. She also has quite an interest in stories of magic and in mystical artifacts, though she prefers simply reading about them over going out to find them. Also, despite her interest in the subject, she just doesn’t have that much of an ability for magic/the occult, and has difficulty seeing ghosts (best she has is that she can sometimes see Onion), which is one of the reasons she sticks to simply reading about them rather than going out herself
While she has respect for her father in how he goes out on his own to seek out treasure and artifacts, she just doesn’t understand why he hates his rich life. Her only real guess is that he sees it as clashing with his adventurer persona, which she thinks is kind of stupid. She’s also pretty much the one running the estate while he’s gone (she’s an adult by this point) and being the one to actually deal with things such as house guests. Not to say Adventurer was an absent parent, and he’d actually take her along when she was younger on some of his expeditions, but he can disappear sometimes now
She doesn’t hate her parents, and it’s not like they were horrible parents to her, but she feels distant from her mother due to her lack of ghost abilities, and some amount of resentment for her father for being so attached to this persona of his and his disdain for his actual heritage, especially since she’s fully accepting of it and it unintentionally makes her self conscious about it
She’s not super sure of her place in the world, but for now she’s just trying to do her job as a member of a rich family
Hm, so I ended up writing more on her than I thought I would. Ah well, not a bad thing. Well, design time
So her name’s Blackberry Scone due to me headcanoning Adventurer to be some sort of shortbread or biscuit (I know they’re the same thing in other countries, but I’m unsure as to what kind of biscuit he is now). Scones are kind of like biscuits, add some blackberry and there you go, blackberry scones
A potential name was Blackberry Cobbler, but I think I prefer scone, especially since I made her more rich-seeming
Blackberry scone:
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So almost everything I made of her, outside of the small sketches and some of the colors, I made a couple weeks ago while waiting at the dentist’s office, and I mostly blocked her out of my mind after that as a result. So I don’t really remember a lot of the design process
I feel like I gave her that hairstyle to make her look “cool”, but then I kind of threw that aspect of her character away. But I still like it, so she keeps it
Also, her suit was originally a bit more reddish, but I changed it today to make it more purple so it’d fit with the color of the scones. They don’t really look that red, so I changed it. But I think now the colors may not all look the best together
I feel like I may have made her colors all a bit too similar to each other, and/or not given her enough, but I don’t really know what else to change
Also when I came back today, the thickness of the lines was bothering me. Maybe it’s because I’ve been dabbling with the Syrup brush now, but I think I need to play with line width more now, since some of the smaller things like the brooch feel like they have too thick of lines
I don’t think her design is necessarily bad though, it’s mostly color wise I have issues with
And yeah, that’s Blackberry Scone, I hope you enjoy her
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fanficwriters-posts · 7 months
Hiro hamada x spiderman! Reader
Nobody knew reader was spiderman until reader swoops in, in their spidersuit, and saves the main 6 from a villian they couldn't beat. But ends up getting super hurt and having to take their mask off.
That sounds interesting and inspiring! 😃
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Hiro Hamada x Spiderman!reader
It was like any other day in a normal human life. I got out of bed, take a quick shower, brush my teeth, pick out my clothes, put on the clothes, grab my necessary items for school and my homework, go downstairs, eat my breakfast my mother prepared for me, kiss my parents' cheeks before i leave to go to Hiro's place.
I do it every single day, it's just the same routine. Until one day...
There was a school field trip to this campus in New York City and mostly it was because Professor Granville didn't want any of us to slack off while she's away so she decided to bring us with her and make us learn about Alchemax with Doctor Octavius being our tour guide.
I got a little bored and was sidetracked with this spider that has a 42 number on its back. I was sorta staring for a few seconds until Doctor Octavius caught my attention away from it and lead us into another room. I didn't even realize the spider escaped its closure. Not did i felt it crawling up my pants and to my hand.
When Doctor Octavius introduced us to one of their latest inventions, i was amazed and wanted to take a picture. That's when i saw the spider. It bit me and i nearly drop my phone from shock. I grab it from the back of my hand and i put it on a table so no one will notice.
Hiro came over to me, i think he saw me when the spider bit my hand. He checked to see what was wrong and I just told him that my hands were just shaking from excitement. He found that amusing and grab my good hand to bring me back to the rest of the group.
Thankfully, that was the end of the tour and we all got home. Me? I was sweating the whole way back so i went straight to my home. A lot of things happened.
I ran really fast like i don't usually do, I can jump really high, i can hear almost everything that's going on, I can even stick to anything. Walls, metal poles, etc. But what made me so shocked is that i can shoot spiderwebs from my wrists. I found that out when i put down my backpack and try to reach for the bathroom.
I decided to experiment on myself and turns out, i have super-strength. I've seen these in the Spider-Man comic books and i didn't think it would happen to me, too. I was so psyched about it but... i didn't tell any of my friends. I was scared that they might report this to professor Granville and have me change back to normal.
But, i wanted to be a hero. Like those Big Hero 6 guys. So, i trained myself in this old, abandoned factory that i can use as my training arena. Of course, i had to put everything together first before i can start.
I've been training myself for 3 months just so i can do everything perfect. Somehow, in the process, i didn't realize that i got myself sorta fit and tough. I even cut my hair a little shorter.
Once i know i'm ready, i started designing my suit while watching the news about the Big Hero 6. Sometimes, i write down the villains and their powers in my notebook that i keep to myself.
And if you're wondering, what about school? Yes, i still go to school and everything went on smoothly. Though, sometimes they ask during the first week about why i'm so happy but i just tell them that the Alchemax field trip made a whole new perspective in my life.
I did everything i could to keep my secret from everyone and it works so well. And now, i'm a new superhero of San Fransokyo. (Hero name)! Heck yeah! I saved a bunch of people, get interviewed by the press, even got my own superhero action figure. Everything went smoothly on my side but with all the homework that started piling up, i couldn't keep up and let everything to the Big Hero 6.
I wasn't aware of what the villains were up to behind my back.
Present time
I'm in Hiro's lab doing my homework per usual but this time he wasn't here or Baymax. I called him and he said he had to help around in the cafe with Baymax before he gets here. I just said, "Take your time." And "Love you." Before we hung up.
When i set down my pen, a notification appear on the screen of my phone while i was watching (Favorite Cartoon Series) and i press it.
"This just in, a group of robot has attacked downtown and with Big Hero 6 on the job- Wait, sorry." The news reporter spoke before he press the earpiece he has on. "Oh! It looks like the Big Hero 6 are down. Take it away, Carol." The screen switches to another news reporter and she's in a helicopter.
"Thank you, Bluff Dunder." Carol said to the microphone in her hand. "It seems like our heroes have been outnumbered by unknown robots and can't seem to find a way out of the corner. Our former lovable mascot, Noodle Burger Boy have gathered robot mascots from all around fast food restaurants into villainy. If only (Hero name) was here to aid them in their battle."
I couldn't believe my ears and immediately i texted Hiro that i needed to get home because my parents called me and change into my spider suit. I grab my things and my clothes into my backpack before i swing out of the campus and drop off my bag at my bedroom window.
I head straight to downtown and... Oh yeah! I can go camouflage mode but right now is not the best time to use it because these are robots we're fighting. They might have heat-signature visions, but it wouldn't hurt to try it out. I landed on the rooftop above the Big Hero 6 and i went camouflage mode as i slowly crawl down the building over the heroes and robots.
"There's no way of escaping, heroes! Give it up!" Noodle Burger Boy exclaims with this girl robot beside him and Hyper-Potamus on the other. There were a few other robots i've never seen before.
"What do you want with us, Noodle Burger Boy?" The guy in purple ask the robot, standing in front of his team.
"The whereabouts of the new superhero, (Hero name)." Noodle Burger Boy replied before the robot girl beside him speak up, "She can be of use as our ally."
"What? No way! She will never side with you! She doesn't even side with us! Because we never ask." Another hero spoke but he's wearing a blue monster suit.
"Then tell us where she is. 'Cause we'll make her." Noodle Burger Boy tells them before the rest of the robots got into stances, ready to attack.
"That's my cue." I muttered before i un-camouflaged myself and jump down between them.
"You wanted to see me, Noodle Burger Boy?" I ask him, my voice high and mighty.
"Oh! There she is!" Noodle Burger Boy tells his group of robots, clapping with joy.
"(Hero name), what are you doing here?" The guy in purple asks me, walking up to me. I look back to him and stop him.
"Stay back. This is gonna get a little ugly... For me." I tell him, my voice slightly deepen.
I turn back to the evil robots and i shot my web at one of them, swinging them to the others before i leap up and attack the rest. They fought back and of course, a hero such as myself cannot take on this many but i try to.
I took the fight elsewhere so that no one would get hurt, using my spiderwebs to swing me and let them chase after me. I landed on a dock and turn around to face them. Finally realizing how many there are.
"Oh, boy." I whisper in shock. They're made out of metal, i should've thought this through.
"No where left to run, (Hero name)!" The girl robot exclaim with a menacing grin before she shoots multiple rockets at my way.
I gasped and dodged it as my spider sense went off. I thought i was save for a couple of minutes until the robot, which i think is Crushroom, punched me so hard that it send me into a side of a boat.
I groaned and got myself out before i stick my feet and hand on the wall of a building. "Okay, this is a bit unfair, don't you think? I mean, there's literally some of you but you're made out of metal and i'm made out of flesh, myself."
I hear the Big Hero 6 coming from my right and i look up. When my eyes landed on the guy in purple, i feel a bit of familiarity to him. Like i knew him from somewhere. Obviously, behind that orange glass shield he has black hair but his face... Somehow...
And it's not right to be deep in thought when you're being chased by a bunch of robots is not highly recommended. My spider sense went off but i didn't have time to react before i was shot off of the wall and fall to the ground. I fell! A great 6 ft from the building and i think i got scratches on my suit because i was not full conscious.
I got up from the ground and i pant heavily from the great impact. I look up to the rest of the robots and i use this advantage to shoot my spiderwebs at their faces to blind their sights. The Big Hero 6 took care of them as soon as they arrived and i had to leave the scene but my limbs were aching with pain. And they're killing me!
Don't blame me. This is my first time getting actually hurt during a mission.
I hear the big red robot land behind me and help me stand up. "Are you alright, (Hero name)?" The robot asks, his voice calming.
"Yeah. I put my guard down for a second and they just shoot me." I replied, holding my side. I look up to the rest of the team and i think a quarter of my mask was torn.
"What were you thinking taking those crazy robots on your own?! You could've died!" The big guy in green exclaimed at me with worry.
"Not to mention putting your life at risk just to save ours." A girl in pink with long blond hair spoke softly.
"Super cool! But dangerous. But SUPER AWESOME!" The guy in blue yell with excitement.
"You could've asked us to help you." The guy in purple steps up, his height same as mine but i was sorta bend down from the pain.
"Yeah. I just... You guys were already in trouble. I just wanted to give you guys a break." I tell them.
I grunt in pain as my side aches even more and i nearly fall forward but the guy in purple caught me before i hit the ground.
"My boyfriend will not like this at all." I muttered under my breath as i let him support me.
"Your body cannot take anymore muscle use and you have a cut on your face. In order for me to heal you, you must take off your mask." The giant red robot said before he approaches me.
My eyes widen and i hold out my hand. "No, no, no! The hospital is fine! You don't have to heal me." I say quickly, holding the guy in purple's shoulder.
"Oh, come on. You can hardly stand up by yourself, let alone swing back to the hospital." Said the girl in yellow.
I groan in defeat and look up to them. "I know where you can heal me, but, you have to promise to keep it a secret." I tell them.
All six of them agreed and took me to my training arena because i have first aid kit and a bed there. Not plain. I decorated them so that it doesn't look so bland.
The red robot lay me down on the bed while the others look around at the training place i build.
"You built this place yourself?" The girl in yellow asks, standing in front of one of my deadly obstacles.
"I like to challenge myself and make it a whole lot more interesting." I replied to her as the robot place a pillow behind my head.
"Huh." She muttered. "Awesome."
"Alright. Let's take off this mask of yours." The robot said. I sigh heavily.
"It's a big no-no. But from one hero to another, i guess." I say to him before i take off my mask and set it aside.
I was startled by the sound of my name and i look up to the guy in purple with wide eyes. "Y-you know me?" I ask him nervously.
He walk towards me and take off his helmet. My eyes widen even more and i stare at him in shock. "Hiro?!" I exclaim in surprise.
The two of us stare at each other for a solid 5 minutes while the red robot heal the wounds on my body.
The rest of the BH6 came and take off their helmets which made my heart nearly jump out of my chest. I look at each of them before i look up to Hiro again.
"Wait, wait! You lied to me about help Aunt Cass?" I tell him, going to sit up but he held my shoulder and keep me down.
"Y-you lied to me about hanging out with this whole new group of friends when it turns out you were here! Training yourself!" Hiro said back.
I frown a little and look down to my lap. "I..." I sighed heavily and lay down on the bed. "I didn't want to tell you because i was afraid that you guys might tell Professor Granville and that she might take me back to Alchemax and make my powers disappear."
Hiro sit down on the edge of the bed beside me and he hold my hand. "So, this whole time you lied just so you can be a hero?"
"In my defense," I quickly said. "You guys inspired me to become one. I thought that with this power, i might be able to help but i just didn't have the guts to say anything, yet."
Hiro frown at that and he brush my hair out of my face. "And yet, here you are, laying on your bed with Baymax healing your wounds."
"I'm sorry for not telling you. For not telling any of you." I apologized, looking up to them with sincerity. "I know i'm supposed to trust you with this but..."
"Hey, don't worry about it, (Name). I mean, we hid all this from you. We should be the ones to apologize for not telling you that we're heroes." Honey Lemon speak up, walking towards me with a warm smile.
"We could've told you but someone didn't want to because he didn't want to risk your life." Fred steps in, looking at me with a smile.
I look up to Hiro from him and he just look away sheepishly with a blush across his face. I chuckled and i hold his hand. "Aww, really? That's so thoughtful of you!"
He smiled back as he turn his head back to me and he lean down and peck my forehead. "If any of them knew that you were connected to us, i wouldn't know what i would do if something happens to you, (Name)."
"You're my boyfriend, Hiro. You have all the right to be worried but you have to trust me with protecting myself. I can handle anything." I tell him to reassure him, my smile never falter.
Hiro chuckled and nod his head. "You're right. I should've told you and i should've listened to my friends, too."
"I told you she'd be cool about it." Fred tells them which made us all chuckle.
And let's just say that from now own, we tell each other everything and we help each other. I'm not part of the BH6 but i still help around. Hiro and i's relationship became stronger also mine with our friends.
With great power, come great responsibility. And that responsibility is protecting everyone i love and this city.
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free-for-all-fics · 1 year
Crossover Fic ideas between Dominic Craven from The Dare and John from He’s Out There! Pls tag me if you’re inspired by any of these ideas and I’d love to read it! I just think a crossover between these two men would be so cool since their masks/character design, personalities, and movie settings are all pretty similar in my opinion! 🪵🤎🪓
I’m not sure what the plot would be exactly. It could be romantic where both of these masked men are in love with you and maybe a little obsessed. They might spend days or weeks stalking you from the woods, building up to them inevitably kidnapping you. They might leave non-poisoned cupcakes and other gifts for you in the woods to find. If you take any of their gifts home, it means you love them back! If you ignore their gifts, it just means they have to try harder at earning your love! Are you long lost childhood friends reunited? Their teenage sweetheart who decided to go with them and live in the woods together sometime after John was 18? A former victim of theirs that they fell in love with and released from captivity after you became loyal and proved yourself to them? Someone with an uncanny resemblance to their past love and their new obsession because they think you’re her and/or want you to be her replacement after she died tragically from accident or sickness (the woods isn’t exactly the safest or healthiest place to live in)? Or maybe you met and fell in love with both of these men in a different way. It’s all up to you! What do you think a romantic poly relationship with both John and Dominic would look like?
Maybe something platonic where you’re their long lost baby sister whom they still remember and love even after 20 years of you being gone. Some time when he was 18, something happened that caused John to flee into the woods. Your other brother, Dominic, went missing in those same woods when he was 9. Neither of them were ever found, so you and your family eventually moved out of the house and started living in a trailer. You stayed outside all day to escape your abusive father and by the time you made the long walk back, the trailer was up in flames. Both your parents were dead. You were found by police/forest rangers and taken away, put into foster care or adopted into a new family. You were separated from your brothers for years, and the house was eventually sold to another family. The children found some of John and Dominic’s old stuff that they left behind, such as morbid children's books, weird stick figure drawings, and creepy handmade dolls.
Unbeknownst to the children, these dolls were meant as welcome home gifts for you. Your brothers are patient as they anticipate your return. They found each other and reunited sometime after Dominic murdered the farmer, so they’re hopeful you’ll find them again and come home. When that day finally comes, neither of your brothers will ever let you get away from them again. They lost you once, and they couldn’t bear to let it happen a second time. Neither of them would survive it. You’re their little sister and always will be. Now that they’re all grown up, they’ll take really good care of you. They’ll protect you from any threats or dangers that may cause you harm. They wished they could’ve done a better job of defending you when you were children, but now as big strong men they can be your shield! They may kidnap you and hold you captive, but it’s all done out of love and concern for your well-being! The outside world is a very scary and dangerous place, full of strangers and shady people who’d want to hurt or corrupt you! They love you more than anything or anyone and just want to keep you safe and make you happy! You’re not allowed to have friends, but who needs those when you have your big brothers! (Or maybe they’ll cave in and get you “pets” to play with so you don’t get too lonely or bored.)
Whether romantic or platonic, you’d be the only living person fortunate enough to see their faces. They trust you enough to unmask themselves in front of you. They’re willing to show vulnerability in front of you and only you. You’re the only one who can make them feel comfortable in their own skin, the only one who can make them feel loved. And they both love you in return.
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webbedphantom · 4 days
Art Poll
I'm still planning to do replies, but I've got the hankering to draw something again, specifically the costumes of some of Aaron's other teammates, since I've only done Makoto and Futaba so far.
So, here's the poll. More details will be below
Let's break down what my plan is, and what each option means;
The Plan
Since it's been a little bit since I've done one of these, I'm planning to start by editing a piece of official art to sort of conceptualize the design so I have something to work off of. This'll be much harder for option 4, but I'm sure I'll figure something out.
Then once I've got that done, I'll try to an actual bit of art work for 'em, which will obviously take a lot longer, and probably won't be done until after I get back from my sister's wedding, but I wanna get the process started while I'm in the mood for it.
#1: Ryuji - Electro
This one I don't think needs much explanation. Just gonna be a mix of Skull and Electro, taking some elements from Static from DC and his Third Persona William (probably more so in the actual art as that'll be tough to edit in). Definitely gonna try to fit the classic Electro mask in, and maybe make some other tweaks like turning the spine on his back into a sorta... power meter/magnetic weapon holster for his melee weapon, which I wanna turn into a mix between a spiked bat and a tesla coil but we'll see.
#2: Ann - Black Cat/Firestar
This one has been on the backburner for a while, and something I've been dying to make. Basically, similar to Sumi (and a lot of the cast actually), Ann will have two costumes. The first being a more traditional Black Cat look from before she awoke to her Persona (albeit less revealing, since she chooses to wear this unlike her Phantom Thief attire), while the second, and the one I'd be designing here, mixes that with her Panther outfit as well as elements of the mutant hero Firestar. Picturing a black and vibrant pink look, with the fur accents that are a staple of Black Cat being made to look more like flames. It'll be a bit of a challenge, but it's one I'm excited to do!
#3: Sumi - First Outfit - Spider-Woman
The first thing you might be wondering is "Why does Sumi get two outfits?" The answer to that is, I've been seeing a lot of fan stuff where she gets a new, more original design after coming to terms with her identity, as a way to set herself apart (and also make Violet actually violet) which I really like.
Sumire's powers are closer to Silk, except she is entirely reliant on webbing, and can't even stick to walls without coating her hands in the stuff. Despite that, her first costume, much like her look in game is very clearly inspired by Aaron's. She wants to be more like him, and tries to emulate how he does things, even if her powers don't work the same, and her costume reflects that.
It's a more of a mix of Violet's outfit and Aaron's Phantom Spider look, but with elements of various Spider-Women designs (namely Jessica Drew and 1610's second Black Widow) to make it stand out a bit more
#4: Sumi - Second Outfit - Silk
This one is going to be the hardest to conceptualize, but I definitely want to try because I think this could look really cool.
The basic idea is to do Silk, but with more of a focus on white and vibrant purples, while incorporating elements of her first costume and leaning more into the gymnast side of her with maybe like her sash, adding in slippers like Ghost Spider, stuff like that. She's not Aaron, she's not her sister, she is herself, and this outfit will do its best to stand apart from them, hence the main color being white.
I honestly don't have a solid design in my head for this unlike the other three, but it's one I think would be fun to make regardless.
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blackjackkent · 3 months
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Rakha sees the name on a plaque outside the enormous building and comes to a halt.
"The Waning Moon," she says. "The corpse spoke of it. The one in the ritual circle." The strange pale man planning his trial for the woman's soul asked them to come here and find proof of her crimes. He said he would show Rakha the magic that could call a soul back from the dead. "It's a... distillery," she says, repeating the unfamiliar word carefully.
"Certainly stinks like one," Wyll says dryly. And indeed, the death-laden air of Reithwin has a new scent around this building - a scent of thick grain alcohol like some of the bottles of beer they have in their supply packs.
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Inside, the building has the same ingrained corruption that they saw in the tollhouse. Blighted roots and rotten wood line the place. The stone floor is battered and scratched with a layer of dust an inch thick. The walls are lined with piping and great metal tanks which still burble almost imperceptibly with liquid.
There is more activity here than in the tollhouse, though. Several figures are prowling the shadowy corners of the place; they look like they might have once been human, but all of them have blank, staring eyes and dry, tight skin without flesh or pulse. They are all mumbling to themselves - nonsensical sentences, snatches of song. Some of them appear to be covered in blood.
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Like everything else in Reithwin, they are already dead. But some power or other has them still up and walking around. If she had to guess... the source of that power might be the enormous figure at the center of the place.
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(A/N: Yeesh, Thisobald is gross. XD I haven't been able to determine in my lore investigations exactly HOW Thisobald (and Gerringothe and Malus) got as fucked up as they are.)
A huge monstrosity, bloated and trembling, carrying an equally enormous keg on its back, to which it is bound with straps and pipes embedded directly through its swollen stomach. Its skin is grey, mottled with green and black corruption.
Rakha has never seen anything like it, and she wishes she hadn't seen this one. The stink is much stronger here - an overwhelming, nauseating smell of hops and sweat. With greater alacrity even than usual, she begins to picture slicing it open, bursting that straining pressure in its stomach to send its guts exploding along the walls.
She's almost on the point of lashing out with a burst of fire when the creature spots her. It leers unpleasantly at her through its tattered mask and then, astonishingly, gestures her forward towards the battered bar, indicating she should take a seat.
"What in the hells--" Wyll mutters.
Rakha is so surprised that for a moment she loses the thread of her attack completely. She takes a step forward, then another, and then sits as directed, almost before realizing that she is doing so. The barstool has long since lost any padding and it is hard and uncomfortable and too short for her height.
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The enormous creature peers down at her and, with a horrible approximation of jovial greeting, roars, "DRINK. GULP IT DOWN. WET YOUR WHISTLE. TELL YOUR STORY."
As it speaks, the stink of the air pours over her like a waterfall, sticking in her hair and melding with the corrupted magic on her skin. She feels her stomach turn sharply.
This has really been a very, very bad series of days.
She shifts on the seat and squints as it places the mug in front of her. Uncomfortably green steam drifts up from the surface of the liquid.
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"What is it that you're serving?" she asks faintly.
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"ONLY THE BEST!" it crows. Its voice is deep and slurred, less like speech and more like an animal roar. "OBLIVION. AND BEYOND." Its beady eyes narrow knowingly behind the mask.
Oblivion. Rakha has to admit that the idea has some appeal. Oblivion sometimes seems preferable to the beast urges in her head and the corruption around her. Is it poison, then, in the mug? Or simply something very strong, designed to muddle the mind as their drinks in camp do?
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The others have come up behind her now, taking in this surreal scene. "Hells," Rakha hears Lae'zel mutter, amplified through the tadpole connection between them. "The curse has twisted this man beyond measure."
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Rakha contemplates the steaming mug for another moment. Then she shakes her head.
She does not want to drink. She did not want Jaheira's wine back at Last Light and she certainly does not want whatever brew this thing has concocted. Appealing as oblivion sounds, she does not like being drunk - the unsteadiness, the blurry perception, the loss of control.
Besides, if it tastes as bad as it smells, she might very well just be sick on the floor.
"No," she says flatly. "I will not drink."
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(A/N: LOL. Sometimes i very much wonder how Minthara would have reacted to Hector if she had been around for his experiences.)
There is a long, unbearably tense moment of stillness. Behind her, Rakha hears Wyll take a sharp breath inward and a low chk from Lae'zel and - surprisingly enough - a low laugh from Minthara.
Then the creature draws itself back and up to its full, towering height.
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"YOU. WILL. REGRET!!!!!" it bellows. It is suddenly like a scream, offended and petulant and full of deep, chaotic rage. It lifts a hand and strikes downward with incredible force, knocking the mugs off the bar and striking a deep crack through the wood.
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Splattered with sizzling drink, Rakha goes flying backwards off her barstool with the impact. She hits the ground rolling and comes up with flame in the palm of her hands.
KILL IT! roars the beast in her head, and for once she is in complete agreement. END ITS MISERABLE LIFE.
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mochegato · 3 years
Even the Losers
Chapter 5
Chapter 1     Chapter 4
“Not quite the child you expected to be on the front page today, was it?” Lucius commented, falling into step with Bruce as soon as he exited the elevator on their offices’ floor.
Bruce shot him a slight glare.  He heavily suspected the receptionist at the front of letting Lucius know he was on his way up so he could stage this ambush.  “No, no it was not,” he gritted out.  He loved Lucius.  He did.  But he was not looking forward to discussing this with anyone right now.  He needed to talk to Sabine and figure out his next steps.  He didn’t have time for teasing or hurt feelings, unless they were Marinette’s or his other children’s.
“Don’t think she expected it either.  She was quite distraught when the reporters found her this morning,” Lucius noted calmly.
Bruce stopped and glared full force at him. “Why were you with her this morning?”
Lucius raised an unamused eyebrow at him. “Early morning meeting with her and her friend, Max Kante, the one who actually invented the fabric Ms. Cole tried to take credit for.”  He continued walking toward Bruce’s office, not caring whether he caught up or not. If he wanted to be an overbearing ass, they could have a meeting with that tone and Bruce definitely wouldn’t be the one to win.
“Sorry,” Bruce grumbled, catching up to him.
Lucius nodded to let him know he accepted the apology. “She takes after you, you know.  I could see how upset she was with the reporters’ questions but she masked it expertly.  Seemed to completely shut down those emotions.  If I didn’t know you, I might not have known it was all an act.  Shut the reporter down without admitting anything too, or lying.  Quite smart, that daughter of yours.”  Lucius turned toward Bruce as they passed through Bruce’s office doors.  “Must get that from her mother,” he teased.
Bruce let out a long breath.  “Without a doubt.  How was she at the meeting?”
Lucius raised both eyebrows at that question, otherwise not reacting at all.  “You haven’t spoken with her yet?”
Bruce focused on his desk as he sat behind it. “I haven’t had the opportunity yet,” he hedged.
Lucius narrowed his eyes slightly but answered the question.  “She was brilliant.  She is brilliant.  She was calm and collected.  Engaging and polite.  Very insightful.  You would never know she had been accosted and almost assaulted a few moments before. Completely professional.”
“What do you mean ‘almost assaulted’?” Bruce growled.
“Particularly aggressive reporter.  I gave PR and security his name and picture.  We’ll have a restraining order put out and he won’t be allowed at any Wayne events,” he answered calmly.
Bruce squeezed the arm rest on his chair until it fell off in his hand.  He let out an annoyed growl and threw it in the garbage.  He pushed the intercom on his desk phone, more aggressively than necessary.  “I’m going to need a new chair, David.”  
He slammed the button again before he had the chance to respond and let out a long deep breath to calm himself.  “It’s already started.  It hasn’t even been a day.”  He shook his head and looked up at Lucius.  “Can you see about getting a restraining order for her personally as well, please?  And how was the meeting?” Bruce asked.
“It was successful.  Mr. Kante seems extremely excited about our contract.  He’s looking over it today, but I expect he’ll begin working for us as of next week.  I’m still working on your daughter though,” he mused.
Bruce choked and looked back at him.  “Excuse me!”
“To work for us,” Lucius tried to disguise the amused glint in his eyes, but not too hard.  It was interesting seeing Bruce acting so disconcerted, and not pretending for an audience, actually feeling it.  “She helped Mr. Kante develop the fabric and understands how best to show it off.  She would be invaluable to have on the project.  Hell, she’d be invaluable to have in the company.”
Bruce furrowed his brow in confusion.  “I thought Mr. Kante developed the fabric.”
“He did.  He definitely figured out how to make it work, but she was a significant help.  Her insights and advice were key.  She tried to deny it but he kept insisting.  Without both of them, there wouldn’t be any fabric. Not to mention she’s the one that discovered Rabler and Cole were stealing ideas.  She created the trap and presented the evidence.”  Lucius couldn’t keep the proud tone out of his voice.  
Bruce’s lips turned up in a wide, proud smile.  “Yeah?”  Lucius nodded with a proud smile of his own, albeit smaller than Bruce’s.  Bruce just stopped himself from saying ‘that’s my girl’ because he wasn’t sure he got to make a statement like that.  Not when he hadn’t been involved in bringing her up in any way.  But it didn’t stop his chest from puffing up with pride at the knowledge.  
She was smart.  She was caring.  She was creative.  She was insightful and brilliant.  She was healthy and unscarred.  She was everything he hoped she would get to be growing up away from him.  He must have done something right.  But the idea of having her work next to him like Tim did, getting to see her every day… He smiled at the thought.  “How successful do you think you were getting her to agree?”
Lucius hesitated.  “Not very,” he admitted slowly.  “I don't know the nature of your relationship…” He watched Bruce carefully as he spoke.  “… but she seemed to respond positively when I stressed that I wanted her because of her skill, not because of any association with you.”
Bruce looked down and nodded.  “There is no relationship. She didn't know.”
“So her being your daughter isn't the reason if you manipulated Candice into looking into her and offer her to the rest of us as a possible designer for the product like it was her own idea?” Lucius raised a disbelieving eyebrow.
“I knew.  She didn't,” Bruce admitted.
Lucius nodded in understanding.  “Until when?”
“This morning, I imagine,” Bruce sighed.
Lucius raised an eyebrow at him, vividly recalling her behavior at the gala.  The way she’d balked at meeting him in his office at WE.  The way she’d frozen immediately upon seeing Bruce, all her fire and confidence falling instantaneously.  The way she’d been almost begging for a way out from having to spend time with Bruce.  “You think she didn’t know before the gala?”
Bruce scrunched his face in indignation. “No.  Sabine would have told me if she’d told her.”
Lucius shook his head incredulously. “Alright.”  If Bruce wanted to believe that, he wasn’t going to correct him. “So you were going to stay out of it and manipulate everything from behind the scenes?  Only exposing your relationship when you felt comfortable with it?”  Bruce looked down and nodded.
Lucius narrowed his eyes at him, his gaze suddenly sharp.  He tossed the file in his hand onto Bruce’s desk.  “I didn’t take you for a coward, Mr. Wayne.”
Bruce sighed as he watched him walk out of the room. His gaze fell on the file Lucius had left behind on his desk, the file on DCD with Marinette’s picture on the front. He pulled the picture off of the file to look closer.  He smiled as his mind flashed back to innocent baby eyes blinking back at him. Her eyes hadn’t changed in twenty years. Still the same bright, brilliant, hopeful eyes.  His mother’s eyes.  He could see it almost as soon as she was born.  He could never allow those eyes to be hurt, could never bear to see them in pain, which is all his life seemed to be.
“Then you don’t really know me,” he mumbled as he put the picture back and turned away, his eyes landing on the phone.  He took a deep breath and got ready for the conversation he had to have next.  He picked up the phone and dialed the number he knew by heart.  He squeezed his eyes shut in frustration realizing he had memorized it not because he’d actually dialed it enough to have the muscle memory, but because he’d intentionally committed it to memory.
“That took longer than expected,” Sabine answered on the second ring, annoyance clear in her voice.
Bruce let out a deep sigh.  He wasn’t expecting this call to go well, but he needed her help. “I was handling the rest of my family. They didn’t take to the news that they had a sister I never told them about too well.”
“Shocking,” Sabine deadpanned.  “And how did Marinette take it?”
Bruce hesitated unsure of how to answer that. “You haven’t spoken with her yet.” The disappointment in her voice was almost palpable.  Bruce could almost feel it slapping him across the face and pulling him down to her level.
“I don’t want to mess this up,” he admitted more honestly than he had intended.  “More than I have already.  I don’t want to drive her away by saying the wrong thing,” he chuckled mirthlessly at himself again, “and we both know that’s absolutely something I would do.  I need to know the best way to approach her.  What do I need to do?”
Sabine sighed and Bruce could hear her shuffling around until letting out a lighter sigh like she was sitting down.  “Well, everything’s going to be pretty raw for her. That’s the first thing.  She hasn’t had time to process this.  She needs to process in order to know how she wants to respond.  If you approach her before she’d had time to process, she’s going to freak out on you or just shut down completely, cold, detached.  Did I mention she sometimes takes after you, especially since Hawkmoth?
“But, she tends towards anxiety and overreaction spirals that she has to be brought out of.  Her friends are there, so see if she wants them with her whenever you meet. They’ll know how to bring her out of it and calm her down.  She might need a few more days before she can meet in person, but don’t wait until then to contact her.”
Bruce nodded, fighting the urge to take notes. That would be inappropriate right? To write down psychological insights into his own daughter?  “Yeah, a few hours isn’t all that much time to process,” he agreed absentmindedly, still trying to figure out how many notes would be acceptable.  He almost jumped in his seat when Sabine started cackling.  He did accidentally ram his arm hard enough to bruise on the point sticking up from the remnants of the broken armrest.
He sputtered until she took pity on him. “You think she’s only known for an hour?”
Bruce paused and stared at the phone, trying to process her words.  “You told her?” he was too shocked to be upset yet.
“No,” she answered quickly.  “I don’t know how she found out but she knew before today.”
“You think she knew when she planned to come here,” he said incredulously.
“No, definitely not when she first planned it,” she corrected him.
“How can you be so certain?”
Sabine chuckled ruefully.  “She's not like us Bruce.  She can't lie to save her life.  She's terrible at it.  She wears her heart on her sleeve.  If she knew she was going to see her biological father for the first time, without him expecting it, she would’ve been anxious, fidgety when she told me the plan to go to Gotham.  She wasn't.  This was all about Max.  
“I have no idea what point between last Monday and today she figured it out.  But, I can say that she's not answering my calls now.  I expected her to call and laugh about it or get anxiety about it because she felt bad for causing you trouble.  She didn’t.  She asked Adrien to let us know she needs space.  So she knew.”
Bruce let out a frustrated groan.  “She's upset.”
Sabine took a beat before responding.  “I'm not sure since I haven’t gotten to speak to her about it.  But, knowing her I’d bet on confused rather than upset.  Hurt.  Betrayed. Can you blame her?”  There was an extended pause while they both tried to process what they knew and how to respond.
After a minute of silence, Sabine spoke up a wry tone to her voice.  “You know, she’s always been an extremely cheery child.   Wouldn't know she was related to you at all when she was younger,” she laughed lightly, “well, people who bought into your socialite persona might, but nobody that knows you, really knows you and your brooding nature.  She always tries to see the best in everyone and bring it out.  
“She used to come into the bakery when we had customers and no matter what mood they were in, they would leave smiling.  Even the ones in the worst mood would be laughing by the time they left.  She just had that effect on people.
“But the one thing she could never stand, that drove her crazy, was a liar.  She can’t stand lying and liars.”  Her voice suddenly turned sharp and serious.  “And she just found out, and not from us,” she emphasized, “that we lied to her about this her whole life and that you never wanted her around but did want other kids around.”
“That is absolutely not the case and you know it,” Bruce roared instantly.
Sabine made a few placating noises.  “You know that.  And I know that… on some level.  But she doesn't.”  She stressed.  “I have no idea how you’re going to prove it to her now.  Because all she sees is that you walked away when she was one and never turned back.  Not until the media got involved and forced you to.  And she doesn’t even know that much actually.  Really all she knows is you walked away.  That's what you're going to be up against; her thinking that she is a burden, a prop for you, that all your interest is feigned.”
“Inadequacy issues,” Bruce nodded.  Memories of Damian’s first years in the manor flashed through his mind.  He shuddered at the memory of Damian trying to kill Dick his first night and trying to kill Tim the first time he saw him, believing he was interfering with his birthright.  “But not violent, right?” he asked cautiously.  Because if she was anything like Damian, they were going to have to take some precautions, not that Sabine had given him any reason to suspect that. But then again, it would mean she wanted to be part of their family, so that was at least a starting point.
Sabine laughed.  “Marinette violent?  She’ll rip you to shreds if you touch one of her friends, but verbally.  She couldn’t fight her way out of a paper bag.”
Her reassurance made Bruce frown more.  That was good… kind of.  He didn’t have to worry about her attacking the other kids, not that he was worried about that, really.  Nothing he had ever heard about her or seen so far would indicate that was something he needed to be concerned about.  But that also mean she had no way of protecting herself if she ever got kidnapped or caught in a rogue attack.  
Maybe that was something Damian could help her with. He was an excellent fighter and it was something he greatly enjoyed.  He felt at ease when he was practicing or sparring.  Maybe that was a way they could bond, Damian sharing something important to him.  Bruce immediately grimaced at the idea.  There was no way Damian teaching someone with no fighting experience how to fight ended well for either of them.  It was more likely to result in a frustrated Damian and a bloodied, bruised, and scared Marinette.
Dick!  Dick could teach her, or Tim.  Both also excellent fighters and both much more likely to go slowly, easing her into something her body had never been used to.  Bruce nodded to himself.  Dick would jump at the chance to work with her.  And Tim, although less enthusiastic, would be more than willing to help make sure she could protect herself.
Bruce took a breath and focused back on the conversation at hand.  “So… go slowly.  Ask if she would be okay with meeting first.  Give her time to adjust before the meeting.  Try to figure out how to reassure her my interest in a relationship with her has nothing to do with the media.”  He nodded with a grimace.  “That shouldn’t be too hard.”
He could hear Sabine’s reassuring smile through the phone.  “As long as she’s had time to process, it should be okay.  She’s helped friends go through the same thing.  It shouldn’t be too hard once you get past the initial part.”
“Right.  I can do this.” Bruce said, more to himself than Sabine.
“And Bruce?”  Bruce was immediately tense from the edge in her seemingly sweet voice. “Protect our girl.  This is a lot for her all at once.”
Bruce breathed out a relieved sigh.  “I will.”
“Because if you don’t, not even Batman will be able to protect you.”
Bruce blinked a few times and opened his mouth only to snap it shut quickly, unsure if he even wanted to figure out if that was a veiled reference or not.  After a few seconds he nodded resolutely, deciding it didn’t matter.  “I understand.”
“Good day, Bruce,” Sabine said sweetly.
“Good night, Sabine,” Bruce answered with a smile, wondering just how much of her mother Marinette had replicated.
Chapter 6
@maribat-bdbwm @jayjayspixiepop @redscarlet95 @alice-hazelwood @deathssilentapproach-blog @unoriginalmess @alyssadeliv @emotionalsupportginger @frieddonutsweets @when-no-wings-do-broomsticks @toodaloo-kangaroo @colorfulmongerpsychicranch @iloontjeboontje @wolf-for-life @maribatserver @aespades @prettylittlebutterflie imarivers8  certainmuffinbagelcalzone 
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f1nalboys · 4 years
Anon asked:
Hi I was wondering if you could do headcannons for the slashers finding child reader and seeing some marks on their bodies that means they've been abused by their guardian or parent? And maybe slashers being the reader's new guardian and parent? You can add fluff in this if you like.
Hi, thank you sm for the request! I had such a good time writing this lol, just imagining some of them as parents was *chefs kiss* I hope you enjoy this! (And, if you or anyone reading this is dealing with abuse, please call or text the hotline * and remember you are strong, brave, and do not deserve what is happening. <3 )
*This hoteline is only for the U.S states and Canada, but please don’t be afraid to search up the hotline for where you are or to tell someone you trust!
WARNINGS: implication of abuse
‘What is this gremlin and why are they around me?’
Honestly would be treating you like a pest as a first instinct, he doesn't really get why you're around him in the first place like where are your parents…
I mean once he loses you he's gonna follow you around because he needs to know who you belong to lol 
During his little stalking hours he starts to recognise his own behavior that he exhibited in his childhood to yours and he gets this sick feeling in his stomach
When he sees your guardian he is immediately filled with rage because he knows exactly why you're doing the things you were
He is killing whoever it is that very night he doesnt care whos around of the chances of him being caught
There’s a 50/50 chance of him taking you in himself. I really think it’ll depend on your age and how you act, you know? Michael isn’t going to want to or be able to take care of a toddler or kid in a way he sees fit so he's just going to drop you off at a neighbors house 
Now if you’re older and more reserved/independent he might be more willing to watch over you but I still think it would be really hard for him to do so
As long as you’re in Haddonfield though he’ll be checking in on you and just making sure you're alright and safe
Boogieman got your back basically
Billy Loomis and Stu Macher
‘Why is this unattended child out at night and why are they hanging out around us?’
They’re psychopaths not assholes, they’re gonna try and help you lol
They’re surprisingly good with kids, especially Stu, so you’re immediately comfortable around them
Billy is the first to notice your behavior and any bruises and immediately connects the dots. He’s had his fair share of bruises and knows exactly how you got them
Once he starts asking questions, Stu will catch on and get just as mad as Billy, if not more so.
They both have already come to the same conclusion: whoever did it to you is not going to be surviving the night
Take you to Stu’s parents house (who welcome you with open arms and doted on you) and leave for an ‘errand’
Gone for a few hours and when they come back (they made sure to stop and get you some snacks) they let you know that you're safe now
When they take you to the police station in the morning they promise to make sure you’re alright and Stus parents offer to foster you (they’re going to adopt you don’t worry)
Big brother Stu and Uncle Billy :,)
Thomas Hewitt
Personally I think they have a strict no children policy (they’ll kill them if need be but they try to make sure it never comes to that) but Tommy and Luda Mae are very strict enforcers of this rule because if Hoyt had his way it wouldn’t matter what age you were; food is food
The moment Thomas sees you being hurt in any capacity he is going straight to his mother to tell her and lets just say Luda Mae is pissed
Thomas becomes a protective older brother to you, Luda Mae is acting like your mom, and Hoyts your weird Uncle but Tommy make sure he isn’t too harsh on you lol
Your abuser is staying alive until Thomas knows exactly what they did to you because he’s going to return it tenfold
Hoyt would bug you about getting revenge but Tommy really wouldn't want you to do so because you’re a kid, you shouldnt be exposed to that sort of thing (he knows eventually you’ll have to learn about the family business but he wants to stop that from happening for as long as possible)
If you say you want to, though, he’ll be with you every step of the way
He is going to teach you sign language you don’t know it because he wants to talk to you and let you know everything is alright now
Found family at its core babey
Sinclair Brothers
Lesters the first one who notices. He saw what happened with Bo growing up and seeing how you were acting when you were in the car, shrinking into yourself, he got angry
And when Lester is angry, he is angry… the man is hard to piss off so when Bo sees him pull into town with you in there and sees his face he knows something happened
God, speaking of Bo, he was furious. It took so much willpower to not kill your abuser right then and there
Bo is good with kids, i don't care what anyone says, he’s cracking jokes and letting them look at the car’s engine with him, stuff like that
Made sure you didn’t see or hear what happened with your abuser but will introduce you to Vincent (who might be more inclined to show you his face if you think his mask is scary) and he lets Vincent know that these people aren’t to become statues under any circumstance
He tells you the people you were with left and that they apologized for what they did and he doesn’t think you believe him but you seemed so relieved he didn’t want to tell you the truth
Most likely to take you to the next town over to the police station to get you somewhere safe because he and Vincent agreed that it wouldn't be safe for you in Ambrose
But if you begged enough to stay Vincent would convince Bo that it’d be alright
No matter how much Bo grumbles about you being there, eating him out of house and home, he’s actually pretty happy you're around because he can be a father figure to you (even if it scares him half to death)
Vincent will teach you how to sculpt (obviously not with humans, maybe when you're older if they ever tell you (or when you inevitably find out))
Cool Uncle Lester teaches you about bones and lets you ride around in the truck with him
Jason Voorhees
Witnesses it during his daily rounds around the camp  and neither he (or Mrs. Voorhees) is happy
Kills them then and there; there is 0 hesitation, he lowkey forgets you're even there and that you’re witnessing it 
When he notices you he feels so bad and actually feels worse when you seem to be happy they’re gone
Is afraid you're going to be scared of him because all he wanted to do was protect you but he’ll try and explain to you through sign language or through writing into the dirt with a stick
Actually wants you to stay in the camp with him so he can watch over you but has no hard feelings about you going back to civilization (he doesn’t even know how he’d be as a father)
Obviously he can't go and drop you off somewhere because he’s literally s zombie lol but he will go as far as he can to make sure you get somewhere safely
Worries about you even weeks after you’ve left, like how are you doing? Are you with someone trustworthy? Do you remember him?
If you stay, however, he is gonna be the best god damn dad ever, if not a bit overprotective
You’re not allowed to leave the designated area he’s ropped off outside of the cabin because god forbid some campers stumble across you
Tiffany Valentine
We all know my wife has no qualms about killing kids but she’s way too sympathetic once she figures out what's going on with you
Meet your new goth mom! She’s great!
She is the most qualified out of all of the slashers to take care of a kid regardless of the age (I mean, remember Glen/Glenda and how accepting she was? How much she cares for her kid?)
She’s killing your abuser without a single care in the world, she’s not wasting any time either. She lets you know you’re safe with her and that nothing will ever hurt you again
Get ready to be pampered; she is treating you to everything you could ever want. You won’t be spoiled, of course, but you’re going to be comfortable
You will be the most well-adjusted kid being taken care of by a slasher (maybe losing to Billy and Stu but that’s just because of Stu’s parents) so congrats for that!
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All Men Have Limits - VI
Character: Dick Grayson x Reader x Bruce Wayne
Summary: A certain bat believes that Y/N is in way over her head, that she’s too naive to act in her best interest. So, whether she wants it or not, the vigilante family is going to help and protect her before she gets herself killed.
Word Count: 3,800+
Previously on…
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“Nightwing! Regroup!” Bruce snapped into the comms again.
No matter how dire the situation was, they always stuck with their codenames while in uniform. But right now, Bruce wanted to scream at Dick to get his shit together.
Dick was quiet for a moment, allowing his family to only hear the roaring of his motorcycle as it zipped through the streets of Gotham.
“By the time we regroup, she’ll be dead,” Dick answered darkly.
This was the biggest difference between Dick and Bruce.
Dick wasn’t ruled by his emotions – except when it involved the safety of people he cared for and loved. When that happened, his emotions took control. It was very unlike Bruce, which just proved there were some things Dick simply couldn’t get trained out of him.
Bruce was always calm and collected – even when it was his kids that were in danger. Was he scared for Y/N’s life? Yes. But he also knew that panicking and going in hot was not going to help her. If anything, it would put more people in danger.
“Jason is following him,” Tim announced.
Jason might’ve refused to use comms, but they still had a tracker on his bike.
“What’s the plan?” Tim asked.
Y/N probably looked like a drunk driver from the way she was serpentining to the heart of Gotham.
But she was tried to load a magazine into her gun as she ran every red light without getting t-boned by oncoming traffic.
It was…a lot. Especially since Y/N knew she were driving to her assassination.
It hadn’t been hard sneaking past the internal security at the manor. Y/N knew she could do it since she was brought there. But she decided to save that knowledge for the right time. And that was tonight. It was clearly designed mostly for Damian – or perhaps for any of the boys when they were younger and rebellious.
Then Y/N had to jumpstart the first car she saw parked on the street near Wayne Manor, which took longer than she had liked.
She might not have a lot of skills in the combat area. But she was rather resourceful in almost every other way – which included hijacking cars.
Y/N was so panicked about making it to the city before they could intervene, that her mind wasn’t really processing what was about to happen.
All Y/N knew was that she hoped they’d be done with it before any of them knew what was happening and could try to stop it.
She knew what they would’ve said. They would’ve told her to stay where she was and they would handle it. They would’ve done everything to keep her safe while also trying to save Gotham.
But Y/N couldn’t wait to see if she was responsible for the deaths of thousands while she sat on her ass and did nothing.
So she took her life into her own hands.
She gave enough information for them to use. Even if she was gone, she’d given them enough leads to finish the job without her.
Now her time was up.
Y/N knew eventually time would catch to her. She’d lived a far too risky life, threatened the most dangerous people, ruined the lives and locked up even more of dangerous people. It was only a matter of time before her luck ran out.
Y/N skidded the car to a stop. And she realized her hands were shaking as she threw the car into park.
She hadn’t stopped driving until she reached Old Gotham – right underneath the Clock Tower.
It was a nice, wealthy part of the city, which meant that there weren’t questionable people lingering on the streets.
In fact, it was eerily quiet – even for such a nice neighborhood. Y/N didn’t see a single person walking around in her vicinity.
But when she turned, there were five masked people watching her.
The Talons.
Their faces and bodies were completely covered, with their masks and goggles reminiscent of actual owls.
All of them had an arsenal of some sort of bladed weapon – countless knives, katanas, axes, or even broadswords. And, of course, they all had talons. 
“So you are the irritant,” one of them greeted, his voice muffled from his gear.
Y/N took a step back as she grabbed her gun out of the back of her waist.
But she felt a presence behind her and whipped around to see more Talons surrounding her.
Did they really expect her to be able to put up that much of a fight?
“I’ve been called worse,” Y/N smirked.
She was clearly in denial that she was about to die.
They all unsheathed their weapons.
But Y/N wasn’t going to let them make the first move.
She started shooting bullets. Either they were wearing bullet-proof vests or they were blocking her bullets with their weapons. It was all happening so fast that she couldn’t figure it out. She knew her aim wasn’t off. Jason had been secretly teaching her how to shoot. And she’d gotten rather good with his help.
“Fuck,” Y/N hissed when her magazine was empty and she had failed to take down a single Talon.
As she tried to reload the magazine, their patience ran out.
One of them knocked the gun out of her hand, slicing the skin in the process.
Before Y/N could look down at the damage, another Talon wrapped his hand around her neck and lifted her off the ground like a doll.
“How can such a weak and pathetic woman have caused such a nuisance?” He cooed at her as he tilted his head, inspecting her.
Y/N couldn’t reply even if she wanted to.
Her hands were frantically trying to free herself, nails ripping at the armor and gloves of the Talon.
“Perhaps she could be of use to us,” one of them spoke up. “Unless she’d rather die…”
But before they could drop her or make a decision, someone dropped into the middle of the chaos with a blur.
Next thing Y/N knew, she was being dropped to the ground and coughing to recover her breath.
When she looked up, she saw Dick – no, Nightwing – taking on all of the Talons who were sent to kill her.
Yes, Y/N had frequently seen Dick train with Bruce and his brothers. However, this was something entirely different.
Y/N watched in shock as Dick used his escrima sticks to take out the Talons in droves. He flipped, kicked, punched, and moved in a way Y/N had never seen before.
There was a moment of pause that gave him the opportunity to meet her gaze.
“Y/N, run!” Dick screamed as he flipped away from the deadly claws of a Talon.
She blinked at his command and snapped out of her daze.
Jumping to her feet, she did as he said.
But she only got a few yards before two more Talons dropped in front of her and blocked her path.
Her fear was interrupted by bullets raining on them seconds before a motorcycle flew into her peripheral.
Red Hood did a front wheel break and swung his motorcycle so precisely that he managed to take out both of the Talons with the backend of his bike.  
He turned to look at her. “Get on.”
But Y/N looked behind her at Dick, who was fighting Talon after Talon.
“What about Di–” she stopped herself from using his name. “What about Nightwing?!”
“Batman is on his way with the others. But right now, we have to get you out of here,” Jason yelled back.
Right on cue, the Batmobile came screaming toward them, as well as Tim on his motorcycle.
“Y/N, get on the motherfucking bike,” Jason warned her.
She turned around again and saw Dick now being aided by Damian, Tim, and Bruce. They were finally starting to overpower the Talons.
Clearly they hadn’t sent the numbers to defend themselves against the entire bat family. They probably assumed Y/N would head their warning and arrive unaccompanied. And Y/N did. But both her and The Court underestimated the vigilante family’s protectiveness towards her.
Y/N finally listened to Jason and jumped on the back of his motorcycle.
Barely giving her a second to adjust, Jason floored it and sped away from the fight as quickly as possible.
This motorcycle ride was nothing like the one Y/N shared with Dick.
Jason rode like bat out of hell, whipping around tight corners without slowing down. And even with her vice-like grip around his waist, Y/N felt like she could fly off at any moment. The wind stung against her skin like a million little needles.
“Where are we going?” Y/N tried to scream to him.
“We have to make sure they’re not tracking us before we return to the cave!”
Y/N couldn’t tell how long they had been driving around. But her arms and muscles were sore from the tension of holding on for dear life. She was so exhausted that if she hadn’t been so scared, she probably could’ve fallen asleep on the back of Jason’s motorcycle – even with his reckless driving.
Without any warning, Jason veered into a parking garage and went to the basement level where no cars were parked. He must’ve pressed a button because a hidden compartment was opening against the cement wall and suddenly they were driving through it.
Y/N got off the bike as soon as he stopped and looked around.
It must be one of his safehouses.
To her surprise, Jason took off his Red Hood helmet and then the domino mask underneath. He also grabbed some clothes that would either cover his Red Hood uniform or make it look like civilian clothing.
He pointed to a car, “Come on.”
Y/N followed him silently and got into the passenger seat.
It was a 20 minute ride back to the manor.
And it finally gave Y/N time to actually process what she had planned to do tonight. 
“Wanna talk about it?” Jason asked after 10 minutes of silence.
“And say what?” She challenged.
He smirked. “I don’t know. Maybe how you enjoy playing sacrificial lamb.”
Y/N ground her teeth together. “That’s oversimplifying it, and you know it.”
Jason just shrugged.
“That’s it?” She asked when he didn’t follow up with any more questions. “Really? You’re not going to start lecturing me?”
“Oh, definitely not. ‘Cause you’re gonna get a shit ton of that when Bruce sees you – maybe even from Dick, if he’s not too overwhelmed with relief from seeing you in one piece. Which, by the way, you’re very lucky to be.”
Y/N had no response to that.
The rest of the ride was quiet, except for the local classic rock radio station that Jason decided to turn on.
To their surprise, no one was waiting in the cave for them. But Dick and Tim’s motorcycles were parked, as well as the batmobile. So they had clearly returned.
“That might not be a great sign…” Jason mumbled as got out of his civilian car. “Come on,” he nudged with his head as he started making his way to the stairs that led back into the manor.
When they got up, Jason followed the sounds of voices coming from the kitchen.
Y/N’s eyes immediately took in the group, worried that someone would be missing.
No one was in full uniform. Tim and Damian were in sweats. Bruce’s cape and cowl were gone, but his full body armor was still on.
The three of them and Alfred were all gathered around Dick, who was sitting on the island counter shirtless with nothing but his black compression shorts on.
One of his left eye was black, there was dried blood below his nostrils, his bottom lip was split and swollen. But Y/N’s eyes were only looking at the wound on his side that Alfred was currently stitching. Clearly one of the Talons’ swords found an in.
When the family heard Jason and Y/N’s entrance, all eyes were on them.
Dick looked relieved.
But Bruce? He looked livid.
“What the hell were you thinking?”
He didn’t yell. No, instead his voice was low and even. And it scared Y/N more than yelling ever could.
But she was too busy looking at Dick’s injuries with concern.
Then her gaze raced to Tim and Damian, looking them up and down to try and assess if they had any injuries. But they seemed in good shape.
“Y/N!” Bruce snapped.
Finally she acknowledged him. 
“What?!” She growled in return.
“What were you thinking?”
“Bruce…” Dick warned quietly.
They had all seen Bruce get this way. And they all unfortunately had been on the other side of his wrath. They could see the telltale signs that Bruce was about to give one of his level-headed, but extremely disappointed speeches.
Except there was one big difference this time: Y/N wasn’t one of Bruce’s kids.
And by now, all of the boys had figured out that Bruce was feeling some kind of way about her. Even Damian had finally realized that Y/N wasn’t just an ally or fellow vigilante to his father.
“How about we all take in a deep breath and appreciate that none of us are dead?” Jason asked the group loudly. “Because we know that hasn’t always been on the case in the past…”
But Bruce ignored Jason and took a step to Y/N.
“You could’ve been killed,” he muttered quickly.
“I was trying to save innocent lives!” Y/N snapped.
“You should’ve told us as soon as you received the threat,” he countered.
“Why? So you could sideline me and make decisions about my fucking life?”
“We would have come up with a plan. One that did not involve you hot-wiring a car and driving to your death.”
“I was trying not to endanger anyone else, meaning all five of you!”
“And look how that ended,” Bruce answered darkly as she gesture to Dick, who was now stitched up and Alfred was putting a wrap around his torso.
“You can’t just shove your way into my life whenever you feel like it!” Y/N finally shouted at Bruce. “I was doing just fine before you added yourself to the situation.”
This wasn’t just about tonight anymore. The tension in their relationship had now flooded into the argument, finally reaching its boiling point.
“Tonight proved otherwise,” Bruce told her evenly.
But Bruce remaining too calm and showing no emotional reaction was only infuriating Y/N more.
“Hey!” Y/N yelled. “Just because I don’t put on a stupid costume and punch my way out of problems doesn’t mean you’re better than me. In fact, you would be screwed if it weren’t for me. You need me. You need me more than I need you.”
Bruce just glared at her.
“What? Nothing to say?”
“We can have a discussion when you stop behaving like a child.”
And it was finally what made Y/N snap.
She lunged at him.
What she planned on doing to him was beyond her. Everyone, including herself, knew she didn’t stand a chance against a petty fight with Batman. She probably couldn’t even land a punch if he let her.
Thankfully, she would never have to get that proven to her. Because Dick put a stop to it before it could actually start.
When he had moved off the counter and closer to their argument, she didn’t know.
But now Dick was finally intervening as he wrapped his arms around Y/N from behind her, pinning her arms to her side and pressing her back to his chest.
“A child?!” Y/N screamed as she tried to fight her way out of Dick’s grip. “Should I remind you that you fucked this ‘child’?!”
“Alright,” Dick warned her calmly. “That’s enough.”
“Let go of me!”
“Calm down,” he told her quietly.
Suddenly, Y/N remembered that Dick was injured, and he was injured because of her. And now she was thrashing against him, probably causing him harm and putting him at risk of opening the stitches Alfred had just finished.
“Fine,” she huffed. “I’m calm.”
But Dick waited a second or two before he decided to believe her.
When he let go, she lightly shoved him away from her and made her escape.
The whole family watched her leave, and felt the awkward tension that filled the room after she’d gone.
Tim looked shocked.
Jason glared at Bruce.
Damian seemed rather disappointed – in Y/N or his father, no one could figure out.
Dick eyed Bruce. “Great job,” he told him darkly.
Bruce just crossed this arms and sighed.
Dick gestured in the direction that Y/N went. “Aren’t you going to go after her?”
But he knew already from Bruce’s expression that he wasn’t going to anything of the sort.
“You know what, forget it.” Dick huffed before heading in the general direction that Y/N had escaped.
But Jason wasn’t going to let Bruce off the hook so easily.
“What the fuck is the matter with you?” He hissed.
“Stay out of it, Jason.”
“Stay out of it?” He mocked. “Yeah, it’s a little bit hard to do that when her safety has become a family matter.” Jason shook his head in disappointment and turned to leave, “I’m out of here.”
When Dick tried to retrace Y/N’s steps, he found the front door of the manor wide open. The sight was rather eerie for some reason. But Dick stepped onto the front of the manor and looked out at the land.
Had she made a run for the gate?
It wouldn’t be the first time tonight, clearly.
But after a few scans of the property, he eventually found her.
Despite the circumstances, Dick couldn’t help but smirk when he found Y/N sprawled on the great lawn of the manor, laying on her back and staring up at the stars.
He stood over her. “I’m surprised you didn’t make a run for it.”
“Oh, I tried,” she told him matter of factly. “Bastard’s already updated the security system from earlier tonight.”
“Believe it or not, that’s his way of saying he cares. Just ask Damian.” He slowly sat down on the lawn with her, but made sure to still give her some space.
“No. It’s his way of reminding me that he’s the one in control.”
Dick winced, knowing there was probably truth to that, too.
“He shouldn’t have said that to you,” Dick sighed.
Y/N scoffed. “What part?”  
He hesitated before clarifying. “You’re not a child.”
She went quiet, not expecting him to get right to it.
“Well, we’re the same age…so of course you’d say that.”
Dick rubbed his face, knowing this was a losing battle. Nothing he said on the matter would bring her comfort.
Y/N finally looked away from the stars and her face scrunched in guilt and worry as she took in Dick’s fresh bandage. There was a pinkish blotch that showed just how big the wound was.
Slowly she sat up and turned to him. “Are you okay?” She whispered shakily.
He grinned at her concern. “Believe it or not, this is nothing.”
But Y/N still reached forward and cupped his face. Her thumb traced around his black eye, but made sure not to put any pressure on the swollen skin.
Dick leaned into her touch, not bothering to try and hide the affection.
“This is exactly what I didn’t want,” Y/N mumbled.
Dick opened his mouth, but then quickly changed his mind and closed it again.
“What?” She pushed.
But before Dick would answer, he slowly moved into her space. Then he pressed his forehead to hers.
“Please, don’t do anything like that again.”
His approach was different, but it was clear Dick and Bruce felt the same way about the stunt she had pulled. 
Y/N was quiet.
“I understand why you did it. I really do.” He added quickly. “But just…” He paused and took in a shaky inhale. “Tonight scared the hell out of me, Y/N.”
“I’m sorry,” Y/N whispered.  
“I know you are. I saw it on your face as soon as you saw my injuries.” His eyes went dark. “But we can’t do things like that. We have to work together or this is all going to explode in our faces.”
Y/N thought over his words.
His hands went to cup her face.
“Deal?” He pushed.
She nodded.
Then Dick’s eyes moved down to her throat.The blistering red was already fading and being replaced by purple and blue bruising.
His mind flashed back to earlier, how he saw her dangling by her throat and unable to escape the Talon’s grip. The sight had caused him to rush into battle, not thinking of a plan before doing so. It went against everything Bruce had taught him. But seeing Y/N’s life in danger made him black out.
“We should get some ice for your neck,” Dick muttered quietly.
Then he looked down at her hand. It had stopped bleeding, but the cut looked painful and there was dried blood surrounding it.
“Fucker sliced it when he knocked my gun out of my hand,” Y/N mumbled when she saw Dick staring at it.
He eyed her suspiciously. “And I suppose Jason’s been helping with that, huh?”
She cringed. “Maybe…”
Dick just huffed and shook his head.
He started getting up, “Come on. Let me clean that cut and get some ice for your neck.”
But Y/N pulled him back down.
“Wait. Can we…Can we just stay for a bit?” She asked quietly, and then pointed up and laid back down in the grass to stare up at the sky.
Dick smirked and nodded.
He joined her, moving closer this time so their shoulders touched.
“You can actually see the stars out here,” Y/N sighed.
The smog and city lights of Gotham made them invisible.
But now they were far enough to see a few.
Dick thought about all the places he used to travel to with the circus. Some of them were so far removed from society that he could see every single star at night.
But he didn’t tell Y/N that this was nothing compared to those places.
Instead, Dick just slowly moved his hand and grabbed Y/Ns, interlacing their fingers. A part of him expected her to pull away. But she squeezed his hand and kept looking up.
Alfred found Bruce in the library, looking out the windows.
When he joined his side, he saw what Bruce was looking at: Dick and Y/N laying on the grass of the great lawn, stargazing.
“You’re disappointed in me,” Bruce said without taking his eyes off the two.
“I said nothing of the sort, Master Wayne.”
Bruce frowned. “You don’t have to.”
“She is not another charge, Master Wayne.” Alfred sighed. “Therefore you should not treat her as such.”
“I’m trying to keep her safe.”
“Why do you think she said nothing of the threat?” Alfred countered. “Why do you think she did not believe she could trust you?”
Bruce said nothing.
“You put the safety of Gotham over your own life every night, Master Wayne.” Alfred continued. “Yet you are so spiteful towards others who do the same.”
That finally made Bruce turn away from the window to look at Alfred.
“You owe her an apology,” Alfred finally confirmed. “Even if Master Dick has become rather good at cleaning up your messes.” 
Part 7
Let me know what you think – please, please, please.  
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ura-writes · 3 years
Summary - You’re a player who jumps from server to server, often revisiting several and always trying to find access to new ones. When a victorious game of duos Skywars on Hypixel wins you an invitation to one of the most famous yet exclusive servers in the community, you find a world you never knew existed, allies you’re not certain you can trust, and enemies that may not be just that. Oh, yeah, and an anarchist piglin hybrid.
(c!technoblade/server jumper!reader)
Basic warnings: minor blood, swearing, light threats
A/N - hello! I decided to start this series as a result of a sporadic idea at midnight after quite an odd dream. Some information you might need:
A few select people can jump servers without using portals, and you (the reader) are one of them.
Some servers are public and some require invites. Hypixel and a lot of the other bigger servers are public, while SMPs such as the Dream SMP are private and require an invite.
Jumpers, as they are commonly referred to throughout the series, still require an invite to private servers, though some have figured out loopholes to this process and actively exploit it, earning the title of “Crashers”. You have figured it out but don’t use the ability.
The rating for this series is 14-15+, most likely including minor to graphic descriptions of blood/injuries, violence, swearing, minor manipulation and death.
There are select groups of people who hate Jumpers and actively try to perma-kill them or get them source-banned from servers, leaving them stuck in single player and isolation.
From the author:
This will be in second person.
There will be no use of Y/N or (Y/N) or anything along those lines. I understand some people use them as a descriptor, but in my opinion, it looks a bit messy/choppy.
Feel free to criticize, though don’t be super harsh.
Also gl free to point out spelling mistakes.
I love love LOVE feedback! Gimme it! Please! /lh /gen
Anyway, those are the basics that you need to know! For now, at least… hehe.
Enjoy the first part!
The familiar particles signalling a personal portal opening in the lobby sends a few people scattering, but most just move to the side, though there are a fair few that stay to watch the person step out of the rip in reality.
The person stumbles out, cursing the deities to high heaven, brushing dirt and sweat and even a bug off of their face, certainly looking a bit worse for wear.
This was certainly not what the audience was expecting. They were expecting a prim, proper or at least somewhat distinguished person to step out of the actively sparking spiral, as most Jumpers are that way, even just a bit.
“What are you looking at?”
The people step back a bit, noticing the sword the person clutches in their hand.
That person is you.
“Fuck off, would you? You probably see Jumpers on the daily! Fuckin’ annoying.” you grumble, sheathing the sword at your side. “Fuck… is this Hypixel?”
With a cursory sweep of the attire of the people surrounding you and buildings towering over everyone, you determine that yes, it is, in fact, Hypixel.
Of course, that may have also been the big-ass sign in the sky with the server’s name on it. That too.
With a sigh and a wave of your hand, you pull your inventory up. The typical “please place your personal belongings in a safe place before playing a match, otherwise they may be wiped.” message pops up when you do. You huff, wave your fingers to dismiss the text. Not like you’ve been here a hundred thousand times or anything like that.
The Netherite blade at your side, your armor and any sentimental belongings you have on you go straight into your enderchest, categorized in one of the shulker boxes designated specifically for this purpose.
As you walk along, trying to sort your inventory out (fortunately the server provides a free repair and replace to anyone’s clothing, as yours are beaten pretty much beyond self-help), deciding what match you might want to play, the crowd that was surrounding you quickly scurries off with a few screams.
A quick glance upwards catches your gaze on a red and white nametag.
Huh. Don’t see those often.
Whispers of the name you can’t quite see from where you stand rapidly reach your ears, ringing with slight familiarity.
Odd. The masked man doesn’t often come onto public servers, mainly sticking to his own private server, named after him. The Dream SMP. How egotistical.
Without another glance towards the fan-people, you select a game idly. The blue text pops up in front of you, confirming your want to play the match.
Skywars Duos.
Before you know it, you’re whisked off to the arena, a bit dizzy from your landing, but fine nonetheless. The timer for the start slowly counts down, ticking slowly as people pop into existence with increasing frequency.
A presence behind you alerts you to your teammate. You nod at them just as the beeping of the final ten seconds counts down.
After a few repeated sessions, most being losses, you decide on one more match before you head to a tavern for the night, preferably one with a view.
This time you’re the second one to arrive. And for once, you take a longer look at your teammate.
He’s the guy everyone was freaking out about a few hours earlier… what was his name again? Dr-something. Or was it a Tr-something? Ah, who knows. It doesn’t matter as long as he’s good. You don’t bother to look at his nametag; he’s probably just some hotshot who thinks he’s all that.
“Not going to freak out?” he asks you. You snort at the question, shaking your head with a glance at the timer.
“Just here to kick ass.”
“Fair enough,” he replies. “You any good?”
A laugh from you echoes as the beeping of the countdown starts.
“We’ll see.”
The barrier below you drops, sending you hurtling to the floating island below. You quickly hit the ground, rolling into a crouch while your teammate raids the chest beside you, tossing a few bits of armor and a stone axe as well as a golden apple, which you catch and nod gratefully.
The hood on his head drops when another player attempts to take him out of the game. He ducks, barely avoiding the glimmer of the enchanted sword, sweeping her legs out from under her. The enemy player narrowly rolls out of the way with her shield being knocked out of her hands into the dark blue void below the floating island.
She curses loudly as his axe lands beside her head, kicking it to the side.
In that moment, you shove her hard off of the crumbling stone, jabbing your axe in her shoulder for final measure. Her falling figure flashes red with the loss of hearts, and eventually, she disintegrates into dust, the announcement of her tag being eliminated in the chat making you smirk.
“Well, you are good.”
You send him a smirk and collect the spoils of your kill, mostly a few potions and the iron blade, tossing a few of the former to your teammate and splashing a speed potion on yourself.
With practiced movements you begin to build to the middle islands, your teammate throwing the occasional snowball at any approaching enemy players, even knocking one off their bridge. The message of their death rings in the chat, being the fifth elimination.
The chests there contain better loot, even a diamond sword and chestplate, a strength II potion and a Power I bow with fifteen arrows. You take the bow and chestplate (with permission from your teammate, who gladly takes the sword and potion) and book it to the center chests, almost laughing at the amount of snowballs and arrows lying there.
“Well, I’m not complaining,” you muse.
You hear a yell of your tag, quickly spinning around to block the swing of an enchanted axe, their teammate quickly turning to gang up on you after finishing off another person.
Great. You’re fighting two people now.
Swing, duck, dodge, swipe, duck, swipe, block—shit, you got stabbed! Two hearts disappear from your health bar, sending a flurry of curses flying from your lips.
But luckily, your teammate is fast enough to eliminate the weaker of the two.
The tables turn.
The clash of blades, splash of potions and grunts of pain quickly move to the edge of the center island. It’s two verses one now, and the three of you are the last competitors in the match.
Block the swing, return the blow, duck, block, dodge—
A sudden stab in your shoulder alerts you to an arrow stuck in the skin there, slowly depleting your health.
It’s merely a distraction.
The enemy player barrels into you, sending you stumbling backwards right at the edge of crumbling gravel.
Poison becomes your downfall.
The smack of another half heart.
As one last resort, you grip onto the block with one hand, the other dangling with your bow into the void. Gritting your teeth, you do your damndest to drag yourself up, the poison wreaking havoc through your body and strength.
Shit. I’m not going to survive this, am I?
The one-handed grip on your bow tightens, nocked arrow slipping between your dirt-covered fingers.
You make a decision.
Just as the enemy player comes over, smirking but low on health, you let go of the block, drawing your arrow back as you fall into the void.
The broadhead meets its mark just in time, signalling a victory with a dragon appearing underneath you right before you hit the death line. A sigh of relief escapes your lips; you direct the dragon upwards with a rush of gratefulness soaring through your body. Respawning isn’t a pleasant process.
Twenty or so seconds later, you appear back in the lobby with your teammate at your side. The lobby is nearly empty, only a few people milling around, most having traveled elsewhere or checked into a tavern or hotel.
“You’re good. We could use you on our side.”
“ ‘We’?”
Two other figures appear out of seemingly nowhere, one wearing white-rimmed black sunglasses with a blue hoodie, the other a bandana and a white hoodie with flames on the front of it.
Your fingers twitch at your sides, calling up a portal in your mind, ready to dash through it at the slightest hint of a threat. Sparks form by your palms, their signature color drawing the leader’s attention.
“Calm down. I have no interest in killing you.”
“Doesn’t seem like it,” you retort. “Three versus one isn’t exactly fair y’know.” The sparks grow brighter; though they are primarily used to call up portals, they can deal quite a blow to anyone who forcefully comes into contact with them.
Dream (you now read off his nametag, getting sick of referring to him by random aliases) extends a hand in front of his body. Something hovers in it, glowing a soft white and reading something you can’t quite make out.
“It’s not going to kill you.”
Bandanna laughs at that.
“Reassuring,” you snap, taking a closer look at it.
Invitation: Dream SMP
Active?: Yes
Expires: Never
Taken aback, you sputter out a few jumbled sentences before asking why they’d invite you of all people. Sure, you may be okay at Skywars, but that doesn’t warrant an invitation to literally the most exclusive server in the network.
You take a quick glance at the two others, noting their tags are red and white as well, reading Sapnap and Georgenotfound.
“You don’t have to accept.” Dream steps forward to set the glowing orb in your hands. “Just know that we picked you for a very good reason.
How… interesting.
“Is it ‘cause I’m an inactive Crasher?”
The three stiffen at the moniker used for the infamous Jumpers, the ones who figure out ways around the system, the lines of fate that make up the different servers, finding loopholes that not even the best Mender can. They exploit them, gaining almost god-like abilities on the server only to wreak absolute anarchy on the infrastructure until the admin can step in, if they haven’t been eliminated from the system or perma-killed already.
From what little you know about the Dream SMP, you know the admin is a god of sorts, mostly staying out of the way but occasionally fixing matters that need it. Otherwise they stay… wherever gods stay.
“No,” George pipes up. You note his accent, odd and slightly out of place, but not unpleasant. “You being a Jumper does help, however.”
You’ve heard of elusive servers where Jumpers have access to a lot of power and near-unlimited resources, though no one can quite figure out why. Those servers are typically entirely anarchy.
“Yeah, sure.” But you clutch the invitation closer to your person anyway. It glows a bit brighter at the increased contact.
“Think on it.”
Those words echo through your mind throughout the rest of the night, in your bed, subconsciously in your dreams and into the next morning.
It’s no easy decision. You know you’ll be dragged into all sorts of politics, conflict and battles unlike the Skywars ones you usually find yourself dealing with.
Your hand grips the glowing ball a bit tighter, reading the same three statements engraved on it repeatedly until the words are branded into your mind.
And then it disappears.
“Invitation accepted.”
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naralanis · 4 years
little bumps in the road (pt. 19)
Previously, on LBitR...
Like her cell before this, the room Lena now occupied has no windows, only the bright fluorescent lights that emit a soft hum just loud enough for Lena to hear—something that would ordinarily drive her crazy with annoyance, but now just gives her something else to focus on.
There are no clocks, either, at least not that she could see, not even on the many monitors attached to her via an array of wires. Though, to be fair, her visibility is somewhat compromised by the limited range of movement the handcuffs afford her.
No one has come in to check in on her so far, not even a nurse doing their rounds or some hapless DEO agent—because she is very much not in a hospital, as much as it looks like she might be. Lena would guess she’s being held at the DEO, but she doesn’t particularly like guessing. She likes knowing. And what she knows is that she’s been here for what feels like forever and she’s starting to get antsy.
Not that Lena has much idea of how much time has passed; she tried counting the minutes in her head, but couldn’t concentrate long enough on the task to keep it up for more than twenty counts to sixty, which in her book, is long enough.
She half-expected Lex to come in at some point, even if just to gloat, but he hasn’t shown so far, and Lena figures he doesn’t need to. He’s already got his pieces in place—he controls both Lena and the Director of the DEO; he can just sit back, kick up his feet, and relax while he waits for the game to start up again.
For Kara to come flying into his trap.
Fucker, Lena thinks bitterly. She feels a little high—probably whatever pain medication she was given.
Her stomach growls, sudden and loud, and Lena realizes she has no idea when she had eaten last. But more than telling she’s hungry, the unpleasant sound tells her she’s been sitting here twiddling her thumbs (figuratively speaking, of course) for a few hours at least.
Tired of being laid up and useless, and entirely not in the mood to wait for Alex or whoever else to come in, Lena tries to shuffle down the bed, as much as the handcuffs will allow, to try to get to the bandages stuck to the side of her head.
There’s some incredibly awkward shuffling down the thin mattress and further into the cheap, staticky sheets, and the angle is far from comfortable, but eventually Lena manages to lean down just enough so her fingertips graze the edge of some gauze, right at her temple. She pinches it between her index and middle fingers—the only ones that actually reach—and slowly begins to tear it away from her skin.
It’s at this moment that Lena becomes exceedingly thankful for the invention of morphine—or whatever else it is they have her on, here—because after some poking around, she’s definitely reopened her wound. Her fingers come away bloody, and the whole spot feels raw and hot to the touch, but fortunately, she feels little more than pressure.
She’s very well aware that, as far as good ideas go, this one probably nears the bottom of the list (or perhaps isn’t in it at all), but her options are limited, after all. And to be quite fair, even if she doesn’t succeed, she’s already in this pseudo-hospital room—it’s quite unlikely her captor will let her just. Die.
The angle is mightily uncomfortable, which makes it less than ideal when it comes to actually digging into a head wound, and so far she’s felt nothing that resembles the minuscule implant in her skin, but Lena is nothing if not tenacious, not to mention stubborn as hell. Kind of like Kara.
“If you would like, I could provide you with the schematics to Lex Luthor’s mind-control implant without the need of aggravating your wounds.”
Lena jumps—as much as one can jump when they’re handcuffed to a bed—at the voice; she’d been so concentrated on her slightly insane task she didn’t hear anyone come in. Her bloodied hand snaps away from the wound on her temple in shock and hits the rail with force, enough to send her now-empty ice-chip cup flying to the other side of the room.
Lena cannot quantify the sheer relief she feels when she sees the stoic figure at her door, ramrod straight with his arms crossed at his back. His lips are tugging into a little smile, like he’s so clearly happy to see her, and for some reason that makes her want to cry.
She does cry a little, and it’s so pathetic, because her hands are still handcuffed so she can’t even reach out to wipe at them. But it’s the first time in weeks, maybe months, that someone other than Kara actually looks happy to see Lena, and she finds she’s wholly unprepared to deal with it.
“What are you doing here?”
He steps in, squinting at her and tutting under his breath as he sees her bloodied hand, head, and bandages. “Do you need me to tell you how exactly much you’re increasing your risk of infection by interfering with your bandages?”
Lena lets out a wet, choky laugh. “No, thank you. I’ll be good.”
He nods, lips tugging ever-so-slightly wider. It’s the closest to a beaming grin as Brainy can get, and Lena can’t help but laugh. Maybe she’s hallucinating. But she’s so, so very happy to see me.
“Good,” he says, looking a bit awkward just standing by her bed with perfect posture. Lena wouldn’t have it any other way. “I will call someone shortly to redress your wounds. Trying to remove this type of subdermal implant with a piece of glass only had a 9.7% chance of success, in case you were not aware.”
Lena lets out a little snort. “I figured the odds weren’t great,” she quips. Brainy’s now just close enough she can touch his elbow with her casted hand—the other one is erm, bloody. It’s a little awkward—Brainy, like Lena, was never the extremely touchy type—but he accepts it with a little laugh. “Brainy, Alex—she also has an implant; she doesn’t remember—”
“I am aware of the Director’s implant. I was working to disable it, but it seems you managed to trigger the return of some of her memories.” He raises his brow, and Lena can tell he is mightily impressed. “Well done.”
“Who else has them? Who else has Lex gotten to?”
“Only the Director, as far as we know. Lex hasn’t made many of them, but we are working on disabling the entire system.” He frowns. “I need your help,” he admits as if it both pains and delights him to need Lena’s assistance. “I found the schematics of the implant itself, but the system…”
“Works on the basis of a program I designed,” Lena groans.
Brainy nods solemnly, thankfully not saying anything further on the subject. Instead, he pulls a small tablet from his pocket, and taps at it until it flashes blue. He turns the screen for Lena to see, and her eyes have a bit of a hard time focusing on the diagrams slowly spinning in place.
“The implant cannot be removed without triggering an alarm,” Brainy begins, and Lena is glad to finally have someone who can get straight down to business. “As well as several countermeasures Lex put in place. Had you successfully removed it, it would have. Erm. Liquefied your brain. In essence.”
Lena lets out a low whistle through her teeth. “Talk about overkill. So I guess we can’t remove Alex’s either.”
Brainy shakes his head. “No. The only hope is by disabling the entire system, which unfortunately cannot be accessed remotely,” he sighs. “I’ve tried 346 times and haven’t gotten close.”
“Well, if we can’t access remotely, then the only other option would be to—”
Brainy jumps back a full three feet, bumping into the monitors with a loud clatter, hugging the tablet to his chest like a kid caught stealing from the cookie jar. Lena yelps, startled by a blue-clad figure at the door to her room, mask off but scowl very, very much in place.
“Nia,” Lena breathes, but she doesn’t have the chance to say anything else before the young woman marches to her bed, looking exasperated.
“What the hell were you thinking—girl you made a whole-ass hole in your head, this is not the time to start poking around in there, if this scars I swear to god I am going to kill you before Kara kills me before Lex kills us all are you kidding me right now—”
“Nia,” Lena tries again, and she can’t even be bothered with the way Nia’s fussing over her torn bandages and slowly clotting wound, because she just wants to thank her, she wants to hug her, but most of all, Lena just wants to cry. “Nia—”
“Oh my god, are you crying!?” Nia yelps, her previous fury vanishing within a second as it turns to worry as she eyes Brainy, who looks completely out of his depth at Lena’s sudden sobbing. “Why are you crying??”
Lena wants to raise her arms to hug the young woman, but the stupid handcuffs won’t let her, so she just. Sobs. Like a little baby—it’s a little pathetic, but she can’t help it, because Nia’s here, Nia’s the one who took her to Kara. Their mad run across the country, the resentment that melted into companionship again, the laughs they shared along the way—it was all because of Nia.
Nia seems to understand, on a surface level, because she lets out a sigh, dropping the gauze she’d been unsuccessfully trying to stick back on Lena’s head, and just wraps her arms around her, tight and present.
“Thank you,” Lena sobs wetly against the crook of her neck. “Thank you.”
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artobotsrollout · 4 years
Transformers: Harbingers
The Pirate Scream AU
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Before I talk about it you guys are the best thank you for indulging me and my AU from this post xjdjd. ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
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@badlydrawntransformers @cosmic0de @warrioroffandoms @measlyfurball13 And a bonus thank you to those encouraging me in the tags as well ❤️
I plan to do art for it as well as accompanying written bits and maybe even an animatic but till then have some general info under the cut.
Also there is transformers: Prime spoilers below so open at your own risk.
So this AU comes from the same place many AUs heavily involving TfP Starscream come from: the unfulfilled potential in our boy Scream. Now deeper discussion of that is not gonna be in this post. It'd be a whole essay.
It also comes from just how salty I was that the Team's kindness never really benefitted them much and they kept getting slapped for it. And OP really wanted to win over a con and Starscream kept wanting a partner. ALSO ALSO Optimus was portrayed as keeping his emotions in check and then never really gets a message that it's okay to be emotional so... I'm doing that here.
And the Starscream Pirate AU was born...
Aka Transformers: Harbingers (maybe idk if it's catchy enough djjsw)
Why Harbingers? ''It's just a SHIP Starscream chills in for awhile in the show' ' I hear you say. WELL HANG ON!! I got two very good reasons!! .
First off: Starscream, with the help of some Cybertronians who he wins over one way or another (Ill get to that), help him essentially use the remains of the Harbinger to put together their own functional ship. It's smaller than the Nemesis and will take some pirate ship inspiration. While it is a hardy beast it's a bit jury rigged.
Second of all:
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Imagine being a fictional character living in a ship with a name that basically means 'Foreshadowed bringer of change' and then going back to Megatron and his bullshit. I'm gonna grab this and run all the way with it. Highway to Hell just came on my Spotify so... That may be an omen.
I feel like Starscream and Optimus could really have had such an interesting dynamic but we never really got to see that in TfP and I feel cheated. Also both could have mutually benefitted a great deal.
So what do I do? I shove them together to be sorta begrudging Co-Captains. As a result there's a lot of shenanigans to be had!
How this happens OP has some run ins with cons and, through a way I'm still deciding, has the opportunity to extend a hand to Starscream. Starscream, being kindness starved, doesn't entirely know what to do about Optimus being nice to him one whole time with no sarcasm or ulterior motive and sorta starts trying to get his attention.
Starscream and his crew are a bit of their own team at this point. MEANING sort of new LOGOS!
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I'm yoinking the crossed out Decepticon logo from the Dark Energon Starscream and Dark Energon Knockout toys cause I mean... It's right there and also kinda like a skull and crossbones. It fits too well guys.
Starscream essentially manages to win over the autobots enough so they can sorta make a mutually beneficial, if strained, alliance to aid their aligned goal: killing Megatron and revitalizing cyberton. This is aided by some slight changes to the plot of course. It's also a benefit, much to Ratchet's delight, since they finally get some cybertronian tech to work with.
And so they gotta work together to take Megatron out and there's much bonding moments esp later when the autobot base is destroyed. Starscream extends his hand to them and offers them a more permanent position onboard. (rubbing in how unfortunate their situation is and how this is such a big favour but he's paying Optimus back.)
And insert team dynamic stuff!! Like cons teaming up with Bots, Starscream and Optimus trying to stick with it leading their own teams but keep accidently backseat-leadering one another. I will write some other ex-con and bot dynamics cause there's a lot of chaos to be had.
Optimus doesn't open up to his crew for morale sake and masks his emotions well, and Starscream is... well Starscream is Starscream so he masks what he truly feels a lot and doesn't share a lot of personal stuff besides complaints with his team either. So there's a lot of tension.... That is until Starscream has had it at just how good a poker face Prime has.
Because he's absolutely paranoid got a harmless curiosity about Optimus's ulterior motives and wants potential dirty secrets he can use as blackmail to have power over the Prime, he essentially puts cybertronian booze (but kid friendly version of course fbejek) in Optimus's energon heavily expecting him to spill the beans when heavily drunk. What he doesn't expect is that Optimus is just... LIKE THAT to his core. He's smart but very sad and guilty. And maybe a bit weepy and exhausted cause this man has not shown an emotion for eons now. /s. Starscream doesn't know wtf to do but swayed by how earnest Optimus is he sorta softens up and does open up. Might have helped that he took a swig of the tainted energon to get on his level though. But it also helps that neither is the others subordinate so they don't need to maintain their image as badly with the Co-captain as they do their team.
The ex cons sorta accidently absorb some of the autobot's morals over time. The cons help the autobots have some fun. There's a lot of stuff learned both ways. Also the cons realize how cool humans can be and after a lot of argument and forced time spent with the kids, they want to protect earth too.
Starscream, helps Optimus open up a bit more and allow himself to be emotional. He also shows him how to be a little selfish. Optimus in turn helps him with self confidence and making friends. Both help each other with the shit Megatron put em both through and overall boost one another up. (This also does change the start of the war a bit but I'll get to that in another post.)
Miko tries to fight all of the cons at first but quickly changes her tune cause "BOOYAH PIRATE CONS!!"
Other bits about this AU:
Starscream will eventually get a slight design change. It'll be less scrappy and look more confident and put together. It'll be minor
Because they are on a flying ship but have less energon than the Nemesis, everyone gets equipped with mods for flight. There is a jetpack upgrade one can get or Knockout can straight up help change their alt mode surgically.
I'm working up a list of who gets what flight mod but... Ya'll should know that Wheeljack dares Knockout to make him into a flying car. Largely cause I just got the image of Wheeljack flying above vehicons and just turning into a car and dropping on them. That and driving up the side of the Nemesis and confusing the fuck out of Megatron. Out of all the characters you know that would be a Wheeljack thing.
Arcee and Knockout grieve together.
Knockout loves bugging the hell out of Ratchet. It's extra fun for him cause Ratchet often can't do shit about it since they both need the room and tools.
Knockout and Wheeljack become an insufferable duo with the nicknames they have for everyone.
Wheeljack won't leave Starscream alone and keeps coming up with worse and worse nicknames like he did with Ratchet.
Starscream and Ratchet become complaining buddies.
STARSCREAM'S SEEKER SQUAD REJOINS. Well some of them. Skywarp, Thundercracker and maybe other peeps.
Miko manages to befriend Skywarp and Bulkhead now has to watch both Miko AND Skywarp. Wheeljack refuses to help Bulkhead round them up.
Raf hits it off with Thundercracker.
Knockout: "FINALLY a team with fragging MANNERS!"
Instead of Beeftimus Prime from the forge, Optimus actually gets access to a third alt mode and.. Idk something else primely. So he actually gets wings.
Starscream and the other fliers are greatly amused because Optimus, as great as he is at his poker face most of the time, hasn't yet figured out how to not emote with the pair of wings he gets from the forge. Thundercracker is the one who eventually informs him while the rest of the crew are booing loudly in the background.
I actually do have designs of TFP Skywarp, Thundercracker, and Ironhide in the works.
Fowler and Starscream have insult battles. Oddly both grow a weird almost fondness for these verbal sparring sessions
They frequently raid the Nemesis
Miko keeps talking in a pirate voice. Smokescreen has joined her.
AND A LOT OF OTHER STUFF I'LL GET INTO WITH MORE DETAIL AND ART. I'll also talk more in depth about some of these things that isn't a ramble like this post is. xnwjskw.
Feel free to ask about anything you're curious about.
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Hawks/Keigo Takami x Reader
Summary: you run into a man who helps you take a short break from the life of a party that could bore anyone to death, he says he has his own agency and struggles with people recognizing him, but that doesn’t ring a bell for you.
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The sound of laughter, shuffling expensive fabric, obnoxiously loud conversations, and the smell of expensive beverages wasn’t quite your scene as you stood amongst a circle of people. You stood and listened to them boast and brag behind their little shades or masks that were there in hopes of masking their identities along with their hero names that may or may not have been flattering or embarrassing. Those awful conversations filled with champagne did not mix with the classical music that played from the live, mini sized orchestra either and it could almost make a cringe burden your face behind the simple masquerade mask you wore, but you always caught your emotions from glinting across your face, it was a skill that you needed to learn and master from a young age. That is what came from being conditioned by the commission itself you guessed from early on in your life. Guess you could chalk it up to being old habits that would forever stick to you. 
“And you! You were elected as the commission’s designer right? So you get to play around with costumes for heroes all day? Play dress up?” Questioned one of the heroes in the little circle. It perturbed you a bit, you expected to go all night without anyone asking you questions and seemingly being passive aggressive with it. Or that person be slightly intoxicated as well since you could hear the slur in their words and sway in their step. So what do you do?
“Of course, what else would I be doing?” You replied back with a charming smile, flute of champagne soon brought up to your lips as you took a small sip, everyone’s attention now back to their bragging and constant and silent battle on who was the best among them. None of them however were in the top 100, that's for sure. 
Your eyes now quickly darted around the room. You wanted an escape, but then what? Find yourself in another circle of heroes who tried to compensate for their lack of popularity? Or have someone else belittle your place in the world? Sitting by yourself didn’t seem at all bad, but what goof will that do? Sitting by yourself in a room filled with people obligated to do good? They would probably approach you and offer to sit with you like the nice popular girl does to the weirdo at school before homecoming queen is voted for. Oh well, you guessed, might as well do as you go. You slowly backed away from the circle, the others preoccupied with themselves. 
“Oh no, I’m not interested..” A man spoke out, a woman seeming to follow with every step he took away. He let out a small exclamation as he felt something solid run into his side. You gave a sigh, mouth about to open to scold the person who had bumped into your side, though soon you felt your body be turned, the person who had almost made you soil the front of your dress with your champagne now had their arm around you. “You see, my wife here wouldn’t appreciate me gallivanting around with strange women, isn’t that right dear?”
You were confused and maybe even slightly dazed as you heard the man say that, You were even more in a daze as you looked up to the masked figure and to the red wings that were almost sprawls magnificently out from behind him, glinting under the many lights upon the chandelier above. A little clear from his throat made you come back to your sense as you brought that charming smile you were told to do over and over again, giving a soft nod of your head as you looked to the defeated woman before you. 
“You are correct about that dear, I wouldn’t appreciate you going out with mysterious women that aren’t me!” You said with a laugh, flute placed upon a tray of a passing waiter, hand now placed upon the man’s chest, the woman profusely apologizing before scurrying away to hide her embarrassed self amongst the many crowds and to possibly avoid the man’s face along with your own. 
“Lets go honey” He spoke, you giving a vigorous nod of your had as took his arm, following after his casual steps and past the many groups of people and passed the open curtains that covered the tall entrances to the many platforms that lined the ballroom. This particular one clichély led to the gardens of the venue. You didn’t care how cliché it was though, you were glad to now catch a break from the annoyances that walked and spat all over those polished ballroom floors. “Man, that was close, thanks for playing along” He said as he let a sigh of relief. 
“I should be thanking you, I don’t know how long I could take all those ridiculous conversations anymore” You said as you let go of his arm, taking the liberty to step ahead and down the marble steps the lead to the grass that almost seemed to be fake by how perfect it seemed to be. “Mind entertaining me for a bit? Before we either have to join the party or leave?” You asked with a small smirk to which he only returned as he followed in your shadow, hand soon lifting the small train of your gown. “Lets sit for a bit” you suggested as you sat down upon a small stone bench that was sat off to the side along the cement path that led through the garden or various bushes of flowers and fruit. The masked man sat beside you, the train of fabric he once held now piled onto his lap.
“I would have thought this mask would have hidden my identity, too bad my wings are a dead giveaway” He mumbled, though you only raised an eyebrow at him before looking off onto the garden. “What?” he asked, you only shrugging your shoulders.
“Just that I find you conceited. I don’t know who you are” you pointedly out with a matter of fact tone as you folded your hands on your lap, the other, who you guessed was a hero, looked at you in bewilderment.
“You live under a rock or something lady?” He asked as he ruffled his feathers a bit, face scrunched up with his confusion as you looked back to him accusingly, hands snatching the trail of your dress from his lap, tossing it to the ground as you got up. 
“For your information I am a costume and weapon concept designer for the comission...so its pretty much my job to do business with who they tell me about and keep to myself about anyone else.....and gossip magazines and drama news channels isn’t really my thing if you are only known for being controversial.” With that you were marching down the path towards the garden, the man now scrambling up and easily catching up with you.
“Whoa there, I’m sorry, I’m just not use to people who really don’t know who I’m and when I say that I really am not trying to sound so....”
“Yeah....douchey” he confirmed with a small laugh as he looked over his shoulder and to the classy party that was still carrying on within the fancy walls of the ballroom. “Look...I’m Hawks” He finally said, reaching out a hand, which you only gave a small glance before you sighed, your hand soon giving his a firm shake. “Nice to meet you.”
“Likewise” you spoke out, though you only stiffly and sassily turned away to continue your walk along the crackless cement path, Hawks now falling in step beside you. You were glad, just by a tiny bit, that's all you would admit to yourself as you looked over to him. “So, you area hero I’m guessing? Judging by your name?” You asked as you clasped your hands behind your back, Hawks shoving his hands into the stiff pockets of his trousers. 
“Yeah, I am. I have my own agency in Fukuoka city. I have plenty of sidekicks registered with me, but really they end up being my cleanup crew. I’m a little to fast to keep up with” with a sheepish smile he looked down to you who only nodded your head with a hum before looking back ahead. “I can control my feathers from my wings, helps fulfill my need of being a constant mutli tasker” he joked a bit, which you gave a small laugh as you looked to his wings he now stretched out behind him fully. They only seemed to put you in awe as you raised a hand questioningly, only letting your hand softly brush against the red feathers once he gave a nod of permission.
“You seem pretty young, that is a lot you’ve got accomplished” You complimented, your steps now coming to halt as the two of you now made eye contact. Though he looked away to now look up to the starry night.
“I could say the same for you, you are the same age or yet probably a year or two younger” he pointed out before he looked down to you, waiting expectantly for an answer. you gave a nod of your head.
“What can I say? The commission liked what I could do and plucked me right up after my graduation” you said with a small roll of your eyes and a sarcastic chuckle. “Can’t complain, I wouldn’t be standing here with all these opportunities handed to me.” a sigh was soon pushed out into the cool spring air, Hawks giving a soft nod before looking back down to you.
“Yeah, I’m all too familiar with that...” you were just about to open your mouth to ask him a question before you cellphone had began to blare out it’s annoying ringtone, causing your to scramble for it within your bag to finally answer it, walking a bit ahead to hush words into the device before hurrying back. 
“I’m sorry, but I have to leave!” you shouted as you were already running off as fast as your heeled feet could take you, Hawks trying his best catch up, but once you had begun to weave through the groups, he lost you. With a curse he got swept away in a group, now to only be left to wish to see you again. 
“Good morning!” Called the secretary as you sipped tiredly from your coffee and was now skillfully opening your office door despite the binders and folders that were balanced on your arm. “You had a delivery this morning, so i placed it on your desk” called the secretary as you entered your room, eyes landing upon the flowers that rested in their vase on your desk. 
“What in the world....” you muttered out as you settled the things down on the work table nearby, now stepping up to the vase that held the arrangement to pluck off the note that sat in it’s little plastic holder. 
‘I didn’t even get the chance to ask for a number let alone an email address or something...so here is mine -Hawks’ and there was the number and there was the stupid grin that managed to crawl on your face as you sat down at your desk now admiring the flowers.
“Goodness..” you mumbled out as you grabbed the remote for the tv that was mounted onto the wall, turning on the channel, listening to the voices as you prepped your desk for the work you were about to begin. 
“Number two hero Hawks made an appearance at the ball for Hero and all Hero support personnel and sidekicks hosted by the commission to raise donations for the damage caused by....” Though the rest of the words now drowned out from your ears as your mouth was now agape, you now sitting up straight within your chair as you stared down to the name ‘Hawks’ scribbled on the small piece of cardstock. 
“What?!” You exclaimed. Wow...you really escaped that ball with the nation’s number two hero and didn’t even know. 
How embarrassing...
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ayamari-no-goshi · 3 years
I saw a post the other day about ghosts and funeral rites/burial customs and wanted to comment on it, but I can’t find it right now. So, musings will be here. I’ve read a lot of folklore and mythology over the years, and these are just a snippet of what I’m aware of.
The majority of funerary traditions relate to doing everything possible so that the deceased person’s soul will properly pass on to the afterlife and not stick around. These vary greatly between cultures and religions.
Traditionally, these rites tend to focus on “natural” deaths - illness, old age, severe injuries from accidents or war. Unnatural deaths like murder, suicide (this one depends on culture), execution, deaths at sea or in water are often treated differently. Sometimes, illness related deaths were also treated differently, particularly if tuberculosis, leprosy, or plague caused the death.
This is going to be long. So line break here:
First and foremost, the majority of cultures and religions believe that funerary and/or burial rites are absolutely necessary for the soul to be at rest. A lot of older traditions believe that if a dead body cannot be recovered, such as being lost at sea, that the soul will not be able to find rest. Some cultures made rites to try to appease those souls. Some just found ways to ward them off.
I grew up Catholic. Ghosts aren’t really talked about for Catholics as most confirmed hauntings get affiliated with demonic entities. However, it’s possible for a soul to end up in Purgatory before passing on to Heaven (other than being a place of suffering where sins are cleansed, there aren’t many descriptions of it). Last rites are designed to ensure sins are forgiven so that the person in question will not have to deal with that. It’s possible some ghosts are in Purgatory. Also, blessed burial grounds are important as a way to protect the body. Note: Limbo and Purgatory are not the same thing.
Moving on to different religions/cultural customs.
There are varying traditions throughout Europe regarding mourning the dead. Some state mourning can’t occur until the body was prepared for the viewing/wake/funeral as doing so before hand attracts unsavory entities that could take the deceased’s soul. Other stories warn that grieving in general could cause the newly dead to linger as they want to comfort their living relatives. Other myths state that too much grieving is the problem.
A Prussian story warns against this. A woman grieved for her lover who never returned from war. Her grief summoned her lover, who appeared to her one night, and whisked her away to join him in death. A Hungarian legend talks about an entity called a Lidérc, specifically the ördögszerető type (different entities can be referred to as a Lidérc). In some tales, excessive grief would summon it, and it would pray upon the still living in a similar fashion to a succubus or Incubus.
The covering of mirrors in a home where someone passed away shows up in a lot of different cultures. The length of time they need to be covers varies, but most of the time this was done to prevent the departed’s soul from being trapped in the mirror. In Europe at least, part of this was probably influenced by the Roman belief that mirrors reflected the soul.
Clocks are sometimes stopped when a person dies. The superstition states that if the spirit of the deceased sees that time is still passing, they’ll want to linger.
It’s also used to be common to place coins on the eyes of the deceased and/or place a coin in the mouth in a variety of cultures to take with them to the afterlife. Greek myth states that the coins were needed to pay the ferry to reach the afterlife, and those that couldn’t wandered the shores of Styx as ghosts for 100 years. However, the custom was most likely started as a way hide certain unsettling aspects of decay.
The ancient Greeks had very elaborate burial rites which were done to ensure the deceased properly passed on. The mythological figure of Sisyphus managed to escape the afterlife by having his wife not preform funeral/burial rites on his body. Some sources state ancient Greeks would clean the bones of the dead 3 years after burial, and this was partly done to check for Vrykolakas. While Vrykolakas are now considered to be vampiric, they are traditionally more of a Revanant - something trapped between the living and the dead, kind of like a zombie. A Vrykolakas could be made from simply not carrying out proper funeral/burial rites, but there are also tales that they could be created due to something left unfulfilled or to seek revenge. While I can’t find a lot of details about it, the festival of Nemeseia (which might or might not the same thing as or part of the Genesia festival) was, at least in part, a way to help ward off the vengeance of the dead. The third day of the Anthestria festival involved food offerings to the dead, and may also have acted as a way to appease souls.
The term Maschalismos refers to physically preventing the dead from rising again. In ancient Greece, the most widely documented example of this was to mutilate the corpse of a murder victim so if that person became a Vrykolakas, they wouldn’t be able to do much. But this tradition has been found throughout the world, and can be as simple as laying the corpse face down or as elaborate as putting pins or rocks in the body. The “vampire burials” fall under this category.
In part of Russia, mourners who followed the procession to burial place would sometimes wear masks to prevent the dead from recognizing them. In parts of Scandinavia, the dead were removed from a house through a newly made hole in the wall which was then fixed. The belief was that the spirit could only enter back into a building through the entrance/hole it left through.
In parts of China, the family of the deceased would make a contract to “buy” the burial plot from the local gods and spirits which is very unique. But just like in Europe, improper burials, incomplete rites, and revenge can cause a haunting. Also, it was believed that ghosts and some evil spirits could only move in straight lines and can be tricked by false walls/doors, so Chinese architecture and road design often reflected this. I also recently read that some cemeteries had mazes near the entrance for a similar reason, but I can’t place where I found it.
In a related note, those in Europe who were denied burial in hallowed ground such as executed criminals, were often buried at crossroads. At least part of this was to prevent the spirit of the dead from finding its way back to town and causing a haunting.
The last thing I want to touch on are the ghosts involving women who died in childbirth, stillborn children, and children who died shortly after birth. This shows up a lot in Asian folklore, but there are also similar tales from ancient Mesopotamia, the Aztecs, and of course, Europe. Ghosts of women who died in childbirth are usually considered vengeful and very dangerous. Some cultures have rituals to try to appease their souls to prevent their formation. Others don’t. In a lot of cultures, the ghosts of stillborn children and, specifically, unbaptized children are said to spread illness. .... I’m currently remembering that there’s ritualistic magic in part of south east Asia that uses persevered.... ah... either aborted or stillborn babies because of the folklore aspects regarding the ghosts formed from them.
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justice4canyonmoon · 3 years
Lakeside Chapter Two-Partnership
Summary: The following day, Y/n decides to go investigate the body, but it looks like someone else beat her to it.
Notes: Hi!!!!! This chapter comes to you after going through some major writer’s block!!! I could not figure out how to write a murder investigation, given that I am not a forensic scientist, and I also couldn’t figure out how I wanted the lunch to go!! But we got there (and changed the entire plot of the story in the process 😈)!!!!! There’s not all that much action in this one in terms of murders, but there’s still some important stuff in this one!!! I hope you like it!!!!
Warnings: mentions of serial killer, mentions of death, blood (not too much), most likely a terrible depiction of investigation a crime, eating (idk if this is a trigger but just in case)
WC: 3k
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Y/n had barely slept that night. Every time she closed her eyes, she saw the shadowy figure standing over her with his axe in hand, poised to kill. In her dreams, though, the figure was unmasked, and his eyes seemed to hold the souls of the tortured souls whose lives he took far too early. She estimated that she got maybe 3 hours of sleep, but probably a bit less.
When she got up, she could feel the fear and exhaustion in her bones, but there was still a rush of adrenaline from what she had seen before. If she was the only person to have ever seen this figure in the flesh, it would be awfully selfish of her not to help. And with her background, she might actually be able to decipher some evidence. She fixed herself a small breakfast of granola and raspberry yogurt before pulling on some clothes (a tan cardigan, white tank top, light blue jeans, and white Vans) and going out to the lakeside.
When she arrived at the scene of the previous night’s crime, there was already someone there, studying the body. When she looked closer, she realized it was Harry. Though she had only met him once, she’d recognize that mop of brown hair anywhere. Today, he was clad in a white button-up shirt with pink designs, a matching pink sweater vest, grey trousers, and a pair of black boots. He was talking to himself.
“Why do teenagers have to be so dumb? Those kids know they can’t go outside after nightfall, and yet they evidently chose t’ do so. ‘Ve got t’ try and figure this out. Don’ wan anyone else t’ die.”
Y/n decided now might be a good time to make her presence known.
She cleared her throat, “Sorry to interrupt, but I think I saw something that might help.”
Harry turned toward her, “Oh, hi Y/n. Y’ believe me now?”
“Definitely, especially since I saw him,” Y/n told him.
Harry’s eyes widened, “You saw the killer?”
“Yes. I was going to tell you that at our lunch today,” she said softly, “I didn’t see the actual murder, but I heard the scream and looked out of my bathroom window, and the killer was still there. He was tall, at least six foot for sure, but maybe taller. He was wearing all black, and he had a mask over his face, so I unfortunately can’t tell you exactly what he looked like. Sorry I can’t tell you much more.”
Harry nodded, “It’s okay. At least now we know what killed this boy isn’t a phantom.”
She nodded, “He’s certainly not. If me seeing him didn’t tell us that, these axe wounds certainly did.”
“Would yeh mind sticking around? Could use a little help in m’ investigation.”
Y/n raised an eyebrow, “Investigation? What are you, a detective?”
“Not quite,” Harry responded, “I’m a psychologist. I specialize in abnormal psychology and dabble in forensic psychology as well. I lived here when I was a kid, but moved to the city f’ my education. I moved back here five years ago, though, when the murders first started, to try and crack the case so that my hometown was safe again. But all that I’ve been able to find out is that I’m completely inept at doing this on my own. I could use a bit of help, if yeh’d be willin t’ offer it. I understand if yeh don though. This is pretty dangerous, and if yeh don wanna risk y’ life like tha, it’s completely okay.”
Y/n shook her head, “I want to help too in whatever way I can. I graduated with a degree in forensics, so I could help with deciphering evidence.”
He raised an eyebrow, “Alrigh’ Miss Forensic Scientist, take a look at the body an’ see what yeh can find.”
She rolled her eyes at his gentle teasing, but leaned down to take a closer look at the body. There were two axe wounds in his chest, one on the right side and one on the left, right over his heart.
“Well, I think he died instantly, or at least close to it. This wound is directly over the heart, and if you look closely, you can see that the heart is ruptured. Couple that with the wound on the right side, and he would’ve died pretty much right away,” Y/n mused.
Harry nodded, “Tha’ would make sense. At least he didn’ suffer.”
But Y/n wasn’t paying attention to him anymore. She was examining the surrounding area with a scrutinizing gaze.
“Look, some of the plants are still trampled! Obviously these two trails,” she pointed to two leading to her house and to his,” are from us, but look closer to the lake.”
Harry glanced over to where she was pointing. It wasn’t quite as obvious as the ones the two of them recently created, but he could make out a few plants that were crushed by heavy footsteps.
“Follow me,” Y/n commanded, following the path the broken plants created.
Harry of course listened, and stuck close to her as she searched for broken plants. Harry certainly wouldn’t have been able to find them on his own, it was more subtle than you’d expect from a serial killer. They had covered up a lot of the broken plants as best they could by straightening them a bit and covering them with other objects, which meant that this killer really knew what they were doing. He supposed that was at least obvious, since he had been searching for this guy for ages. Despite the fact that he was a serial killer, he was at least mentally sound enough to cover his tracks. Or perhaps that was a part of his insanity.
He didn’t notice that Y/n had stopped walking until his body slammed into hers. She squeaked in surprise as she fell forward and Harry quickly caught her around the waist, pulling her upright.
“Sorry, love! Wasn’ fully payin attention, thinkin about other things,” Harry apologized, “are y’ okay?”
“I’m fine, Harry. As long as those things you were thinking about have to do with our investigation,” she joked, trying to brush it off.
Harry relinquished his hold on her now that she was steadied, “It was, actually. I was thinkin about his mental state, tha even though he wen ballistic and killed tha kid, he was still present enough to attempt t’ cover his tracks.”
“I suppose that is your specialty, isn’t it? But yeah, he was definitely smart in trying to cover some things up, especially since some of these are covered in blood,” Y/n replied, gesturing to the reason she stopped.
There was a trail of blood, presumably from the axe that he carried, that dotted some of the plants. At night, it was dark enough that you wouldn’t see them, but now that it was daylight, they were visible once the barriers the killer created were taken down.
“I wonder why he didn’t bother to get rid of the body if he was so careful in covering his tracks,” said Y/n.
“Movin the body would create a more obvious trail. Seems t’ me tha he cares more about not being found. Obviously, even though none of us had actually seen him before last nigh, we knew he was real, so he probably figured tha getting rid of the body wouldn’ help him much. Getting the hell out of there was more important,” Harry replied.
“That’s true,” she agreed.
The two had stopped at the edge of the woods. Once the trail got to the wooded area, it was much harder to follow. The overgrown woods did a much better job at covering up their tracks, and there were plants trampled in other areas by animals.
“I don’t think that we’ll be able to effectively follow the trail this way. It’s too difficult to read. I guess we could search for blood, but the further we get into the woods, the less there will be,” Y/n remarked, “damn it.”
“Yeah, I agree. Won’ be productive t’ waste energy on this. But we at least know tha the killer retreats to the woods, meaning tha they most likely don’ live in any of these lakehouses,” concluded Harry.
“Yup. It’s pretty unlikely that any of the residents are the killer, unless they have a secret hideout in the woods,” agreed Y/n, “let’s go back to the lake. If I recall correctly, you promised me a lunch. We can still talk about this then.”
He smiled, “I did promise yeh a lunch, didn’ I? Let’s head back then.”
The two new friends walked back to the lake, careful to not step on their evidence. Harry walked her to her door and gave her a tight hug before returning home. Once inside the safety of her home, Y/n sighed and held her head in her hands. She’d only been living here for a day and she was swept up in a murder mystery! This wasn’t exactly how she’d pictured her post-grad life turning out. Sure, she knew she would be around crime and whatnot, being a forensic scientist, but she didn’t expect to be tracking down a serial killer with a super hot guy!
Speaking of, she thought back to when Harry had run into her today. Y/n could feel her face growing warm thinking the feeling of Harry’s arm around her. She couldn’t help but notice how muscular he was when he was up close. She could feel his abs, even through the shirt and sweater vest he was wearing! And when he called her love, that made her weak at the knees. How was she this fucked already and they had only met yesterday? She shook it off. She couldn’t afford to think like that; they were partners solving a mystery, one that had a very high likelihood of death. She couldn’t let herself get too attached. And they still had their lunch today, too. Y/n couldn’t help but feel giddy to see him again, despite her previous qualms. Surely they could just be friends and not get too attached, right? Friends and business partners, nothing more. She just had to shake these thoughts out of her head.
She took a glance at the phone stuffed in the pocket of her jeans. It was 10:30, meaning that she had two hours until she met Harry. Though he had said that she didn’t have to bring anything, Y/n would feel guilty if she didn’t. So, she decided she’d bring some homemade lemonade. It was something she did with her mom as a little girl, and they spent many nights on the back porch, sipping it out of mason jars. After curating the drink, she dipped a spoon in for a quick taste and smiled approvingly. Not too sour or sweet, just right, just like how she made it at home. Hopefully Harry would appreciate her offering. But why did she care so much about what Harry thought already? Whatever. No use in dwelling on it.
Y/n spent the time before her lunch at her computer, looking up places that she might be able to apply for a job. She was pleasantly surprised by the internet connection out here; she figured that since they were in the middle of nowhere that there wouldn’t be any, but somehow, there was. She wasn’t about to question it. Unfortunately, since she was in the middle of nowhere, there was no jobs particularly close to her. Living an hour out of civilization wasn’t exactly working to her advantage. But she knew she had to keep trying. Maybe she could put tracking down a serial killer on her résumé if she was successful…
At 12:30 sharp, Y/n knocked on Harry’s door, pitcher of lemonade and two glasses in hand. His lakeside home was really cute: the rancher-style home had white outside walls, but a red roof. Stairs led up to the porch in the front. It had walls to match the home and a wooden fence around the top of it, and was the way to access the front door. Lawn furniture dotted the porch, and there were large windows on either side of the door. Off to the side, there was a small wooden attachment; she assumed it was some kind of lounge area, or maybe a garage or storage area. Y/n wondered if this was the home he grew up in. The door swung open, breaking her out of her thoughts, and revealed Harry himself.
His face lit up with a crooked, dimpled grin, “Y/n! I told yeh that yeh didn’ need t’ bring anything!”
“Wanted to,” she replied, “I would’ve felt bad if I showed up with nothing, so I made us some lemonade.”
“Y’ too sweet, darling,” he told her, enjoying the way she smiled bashfully and looked at her feet, “come on in! I hope yeh like seafood. ‘M a pescetarian, s’ tha’s all I eat in terms of meat.”
She nodded as he stepped to the side, allowing her to enter, “Yeah, I do. Haven’t had it in a while, actually, so this will be nice!”
“Good! I learned how to make this stew while I was in Peru, it’s delicious!”
It looked like it! The broth was bright green, and Y/n could see shrimp, scallops, and sea bass, along with carrots and potatoes floating in the concoction. It smelled amazing, like cilantro, seafood, and chiles. There was both bread and rice on the table as well to soak up the stew with.
“Man, when I agreed to come to yours for lunch, I expected burgers or something,” Y/n joked, “not this!”
He grinned, “Wha’ can I say? I like t’ cook.”
“Clearly! I’m definitely not complaining, it looks and smells better than anything I’ve eaten in the past few years,” she replied, thinking back to her days eating ramen in her dorm.
And it tasted better, too! The chiles and cilantro packed a perfect punch, and the seafood was cooked to perfection! A far cry from the garbage she ate in college. Y/n barely spoke to Harry as she shoveled it into her mouth, making him laugh.
“So y’ like it, then?”
She nodded, “It’s so good!”
He smiled and ate his own portion, pleased with her reaction. Harry was hoping she’d love it, he wanted to impress her. He ended up really making a connection with her, and he wanted them to be friends as long as she lived here! At least, that was what he told himself. But when he looked at her smiling face as she sat amongst all of his things, his stomach fluttered. He shook his head at himself slightly. He couldn’t afford to think like that. They had only met yesterday, how would he know if they were compatible? Maybe she has some weird secret or dark family history. Either way, it wouldn’t do him any good to get too attached.
“So, do you have any ideas about how to catch this guy? I mean, all we have to go off of is that he’s in the woods, and there’s a hell of a lot of woods around this place,” Y/n asked him.
Harry shook his head, “Not yet. Haven’ had much time t’ think abou’ it yet. Besides, I don’ know if I want t’ talk about it right now. Jus’ wanna get t’ know yeh a bit.”
“Okay. I guess serial killer talk is a good way to bring down a lunch,” she joked, “so you want to get to know me, huh? What do you want to know?”
“Why haven’t you come around here before? Jewel lived here for years.”
Oh. That wasn’t a question she was expecting; she was thinking he’d ask he favorite color or something.
“Well, I don’t know for sure. She never invited my family down here, so obviously we couldn’t come barging in. I would assume that it was because of the killer, but since you said it’s only been happening for the past 5 years, I’m not really sure why she didn’t invite us before,” Y/n explained.
He nodded, “Hm, that is strange. Jewel was always such a kind person, and whenever she talked about her family, she seemed so happy.”
“Jewel was always a very private person. I mean, we never even met her husband, and I didn’t know she owned a lakehouse until she offered it up to me.”
“Weird. Well, even though yeh couldn’ come before, ‘m glad y’ here now,” Harry said with a smile.
Y/n smiled too, “Yeah, me too. I’m happy to have a home I don’t need to pay for, a new friend to enjoy a nice lunch with, and I’m finally living everyone’s dream of catching a serial killer and risking my own demise every day!”
He laughed, “That makes two of us!”
The rest of the lunch went off without a hitch; the two of them talked and laughed long after a “lunch” should end. Y/n learned that his favorite color is pink (“it’s jus so cheerful”), that he grew up with his mom and sister (“they’re jus lovely, you would adore them”), and that in his free time, he loved to sing and play guitar! She, of course, told him about herself in return, and by the time dinner rolled around, they knew more about each other than they ever thought they would! Y/n couldn’t believe how fortunate she was in finding a friend like Harry at her new home so quickly. She just hoped she wouldn’t lose him.
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flowerwrites06 · 4 years
break my mind’s eye IX — jjk
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Plot: Jungkook thinks marriage is the only way to seal a deal.
Pairing(s): Druglord!Jungkook x Fashion Designer!OC (Name: Belle)
Rating: G | PG | M | R 18+
Type: Drabble | Oneshot | Two Parter | Series
Parts: Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV | Part V | Part VI | Part VII | Part VIII | Part IX | Part X | Special 
Word Count: 9k+
Genre: Mafia | Angst/Smut/Fluff
Tags & Warnings (for entire series): drug dealing, marriage through trickery, explicit smut, drug use, dubious consent, prostitution, miscarriage, lots of manipulation, impregnation through manipulation 
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Three Months Later
In the deep quiet hour of the night, Belles’ stomach jolted her awake to a dark room. For a moment, when her bearings were not quite right, fear settled as if she transported to a strange place. Quickly turning her gaze there laid Jungkook with his back facing up and an arm around her torso. For the first time she let out a sigh of relief seeing the man’s face knowing that her location was at least familiar.
It became all too familiar now. Yoongi pretty much moved in as their own private medic despite his knowledge on medicine being phoned advice from an actual doctor. Belle did not protest however, having the male close by helped dealing with these past few months. Nausea every single morning, cramps in every single place that had the potential to do so while a lingering worry that she would have to see her child grow up in a world full of betrayal and pain.
Right now her stomach grumbled for a different reason. Looking down, Belle could slowly notice a more prominent swell poking out from her white cotton night gown with Jungkooks’ toned arm gently over it as if to shield it somehow. Once again she felt a rumble and the thought of chocolates brushed her mind.
“Jungkook…” Belle whispered, squeezing his arm a little. When the male didn’t respond she shook him softly. “Jungkook wake up.”
Jungkook shifted with a drawling hum under his breath, one eye opened momentarily before exhaustion pulled him in again and he closed it. “What is it?” He spoke into the pillow.
She slowly pushed herself to a sited position as his loose arm slid onto her thighs. “I want ice-cream.”
“What?” His brows furrowed automatically despite his eyes still comfortably shut.
“What you big boss men never heard of ice-cream?” Belle caressed his forearm which really only helped him fall asleep more.
With a light groan, Jungkook moved his arms to prop himself up enough for both his eyes to open and scan the room. Turning around he glanced over to check the time on the phone. “Baby, it’s 2 in the morning.” He mumbled attempting to meet her gaze but sleep was even more stubborn, most of his curls either sticking to his face or up to the ceiling.
Hand caressed over her swollen belly with a slight pout across her lips. “There’s late night ice-cream parlors.” Belle muttered under her breath without giving him a glance.
Jungkooks’ eyes immediately flickered down to where she affectionately brushed over her cute belly. Clearly it was not only her cravings he had been stirred awake to satisfy. Sighing, he forced himself to sit up properly as one of his hands attempted to brush his hair down. “Alright…”
Belle couldn’t help the accomplished smirk tugged at her lips as she swung her legs over the edge of the bed to walk to the wardrobe. Although the slight heaviness caused more of a waddle than a proper walk. “Make sure to wear your mask, it’s cold.” And their faces were all too recognizable nowadays especially after the wedding. Three months had already gone by but it made more relevant than ever in the media making it harder to keep this pregnancy as secret as possible.
He hummed in agreement tapping a name on his phone before pressing it to his ear. “Jongho, put in the address of the closest late night ice cream parlor in the sedan.” Jungkooks’ voice still rung raspy from sleep as his hand rubbed his eyes to make himself more alert.
“A-I’m sorry could you repeat that sir?” Jongho asked politely, stammering a little.
“The closest late night ice-cream parlor.” He enunciated his words as dramatically yet clearly as he could.
“An–an ice-cream parlor?”
“Yeah you never heard of an ice-cream parlor before?”
Jongho cleared his throat lightly. “Yes, sir sorry I’ll—I’ll bring the car in right away.”
Belle pushed the sleeves off her shoulder, letting the gown easily drop to the ground leaving her in the slight cold air. Eyes quickly settled on any piece of comfortable warm clothing she could find. Grey sweat pants, loose T-shirt and a soft pink hoodie which let her body relish back into the embrace of heat.
Jungkook walked into the wardrobe squinting in the bright light, pausing in his tracks for a moment as he watched Belle put on a pink mask that pleasantly matched her hoodie. The corner of his lips twitched up looking at how much more comfortable she looked, possibly even more than she did in the night gown. Rare it was to see Belle in such a relaxed state when the woman spent most of her days looking perfectly presentable.
Making his way to corner, he quickly pulled on some black sweatpants with a hoodie and mask while noticing Belle tapping on a moisturizer on her skin with her mask hugging the underside of her chin. “Trying to look pretty for the ice cream?” Jungkook mused.
“You saying I don’t look pretty already, Mr. Jeon?”
“Positively glowing.”
“You’re good at flattering, I’ll give you that.” Belle chuckled, exiting the wardrobe towards the main bedroom, her arms automatically hugging her stomach.
Jungkook couldn’t help but smile as he rushed over to her side, placing a hand on the small of her back.
Through the doors of the bedroom, Belle immediately say Nana pad over with the deep red blanket in her arms. “You’re already warmed up.” She chuckled before handing over the thick and small fabric. “It’s a little tradition thing but it was Jungkooks’ when he was a baby. Good to keep over the belly when you leave the house.”
Belle accepted the blanket with a smile, an odd tingle down her spin at the realization of how small Jungkook used to be. A little being full of wonder who smiled at random things before reality destroyed every remnant. “It might be colder outside who knows.” She tried to reassure the older woman somehow.
“Thank you.” Jungkook lightly squeezed her shoulder as they walked past the woman who bowed with a smile in response.
Jongho already stood at the edge of the entrance to the living room, bowing as soon as he saw the couple. “Your car is ready. The drive to the ice-cream parlor will be about fifteen minutes.” He announced though he still felt like this whole thing was part of some prank.
“Thank you, Jongho.” Belle grinned, almost skipping past the guard in glee.
“You know I’m the one driving to the parlor right?” Jungkook sassed, a brow jolting up.
“Well you’re the father, honey, it’s your job.” Belle walked towards the entrance as the guards opened them like some grandiose banquet.
Black sedan shone like a beetle under the moonlight when they reached outside. Crisp nightly air flowed through even their warm clothing except for the blanket Belle hugged around her belly.
Jungkook opened the door for the woman letting her climb in carefully before walking over to his side. It had been a while since he went on a drive for something so leisure and relaxed. He couldn’t help but feel a rush of content maybe even a little excitement at this spontaneous late night trip.
As he sat in the car reacquainting himself with all the controls, Jungkook noticed from the corners of his eye how delicately Belle placed the blanket over her belly as if she was tucking it goodnight.
Then they drove off.
Fifteen minutes stretched out a little longer than Jungkook expected but eventually they saw the pastel and neon lights in the shape of an ice-cream cone hit their area of vision.
Parking closest to the shop, Jungkook hurried over to Belles’ side and helped her walk out.
“I can still climb out of cars.” Belle giggled at how attention he was trying to be.
Jungkook held onto her hand while they walked into the parlor with their masks fully secured.
Bright lights touched their half-sleepy eyes while the blanket hung over her free arm. People continued on their normal conversations without turning their heads in recognition which brought a rush of relief in her body. No one knew about the pregnancy since Belle formed a talent in choosing outfits that hid the growing bump. Of course at some point it would get hard to conceal it.
Jungkook and Belle padded to the counter to choose their flavors. Her eyes and taste buds immediately leaned towards the chocolate while the male simply followed her lead. The man had not enjoyed ice-cream since he was a child when Nana would serve it to him when he was upset usually because both his parents were out to work. He figured chocolate was the best way to start up the taste in his mouth again.
Once the orders were done and they were served ice-cream in cups, they walked to one of the tables in the corner and sat across from each other.
Belle, once again placed the blanket over her belly in the same delicate fashion while her mouth practically watered watching the ice-cream just sit there waiting.
“People really come here at this hour just to have ice-cream?” Jungkook glanced at the couples and friends happily eating ice-cream at their tables as if time stood still within these walls.
She shrugged, scooping her first bite with the tiny neon green spatula. “It’s just fun, I guess. Every now and then to break the rules of regular schedule.” Bringing the spatula up to her mouth, Belle suckled on it letting the sweetness grace her tongue and soothe her cravings little by little.
Jungkook poked at his ice-cream, mostly watching the woman enjoy her order and already feeling full. “Have you done this before?”
“Once.” Belle mumbled. “When I first started at Saito, my boyfriend at the time got really drunk so I took him for ice-cream at 2 am to sober him up.” How strange it was speaking out a past self. Someone who she used to be. A person with her own decisions, who knew her own dreams and aspirations while working hard to gain them. She was a damn fighter.
He pressed his lips together for a moment, bitter taste on his tongue. “What happened between you two?”
“I started making more money than him and he didn’t like it.” Belle replied simply.
Jungkook hummed in a little wonder. “So he was weak.” He scooped up a decent bite, some of his dark curls hovering over his eyebrows.
“Yeah he was.” Belle had a small smile slowly playing on her lips. “Did you have anyone before me?”
He nodded in a slight nonchalant nature. “One. We were going out for about two months.”
“What happened?”
“She was a red angel in Sangria House.” Jungkook admitted. “Someone married her with a huge sum and I just wasn’t ready enough for the commitment at the time.”
“So you’ve never actually gone out with someone in a normal way.” She pointed the neon spoon towards the male before licking the remnants off of it. “Do you even know to how to?”
Jungkook chuckled before shaking his head. “Dating lesson wasn’t really part of my regime when growing up. Marriage and kids, yeah but anything to learn before that kind of got fuzzy.”
Belle tilted her head watching the way his expression turned a little faint, almost borderline sad. It was that burst of a moment where she realized that Jungkook never really had a real childhood or any sense of the matter. Growing up learning nothing but business and building legacy with no sense of true warm compassion and empathy created a good mob boss. Not a good family man. Her hand immediately rubbed over her plump belly once again silently reassuring the growing being that she was going to keep them safe from this mess. “I don’t want our child to feel fuzzy.”
“He won’t.” His tone grew serious now. “I promise he won’t be raised like I was.”
“He?” Belle grinned.
“Or she. Sorry my aunt kept saying ‘he’ on the phone, I think she’s infected me.” He scratched his brow.
“It’s okay. They are okay with girls, right?” Her heart almost jumped out of her chest when the thought crossed her mind.
“Daughters are treated just as well in our family, don’t worry.”
“That’s good. Cause I don’t want her to be raised like I was either.” It was bad enough Belle spent her whole childhood always being told she wasn’t good enough to be like her brother. But the thought of her possible daughter going through it sickened her to the core.
Jungkooks’ fingers absentmindedly played with the hem of Belle’s hoodie sleeve. Those same fingers traced to her own, intertwining them together in a light lock.
For a brief moment Belle forgot everything again. They were back in their fantasy bubble where things were warm and welcoming. Jungkook was a sweet man who did nothing but give her affection in ways no one had ever done. He dedicated so much of his time and energy to taking care of her.
His empire, on the other hand, still tried to tape itself back together while a wrecking ball slowly hurdled towards it.
As the murmurs died down, Yoongi creeped outside of his bedroom door through the dark hallway. Quiet and a little chilly as sock covered feet slowly pattered across the floor. Only sound he could catch was Nana carefully walking down the stairs with a big basket full of laundry. He had the strong urge to help the woman but it would make it ten times harder to sneak towards the second living room.
Time had been running out. Four months really stretched over the amount of time he was supposed to be inside working but Yoongi knew what he had to get. With Belles’ pregnancy, Jungkooks’ attention fizzled and moved rapidly from the career to his new building family which usually ended with him out of his office more than he should be.
Belle once again proved her power in the Jeon mansion when a simple ice-cream parlor date seemed to get the dangerous drug lord out of the house in minutes at ungodly hours of the night. Though Yoongi honestly was not completely sure whether it was a ruse or just a rare strike of luck that she had cravings at this perfect time.
Ears pricked up when he heard a light crash from the right, clothes flying in the air and the sound of skin slapping onto wood roughly. Yoongis heart jumped seeing the older woman fall at the end of the stairs. However before he could step forward to help, three guards already rushed over immediately to her side like a pack of medics.
They huddled over Nana while she tried to laugh it away. “Just a little clumsy.” Her eyes seemed to flicker up exactly where Yoongi was standing. Only for a split second where he wondered if it was simply a random action.
Though if he stripped himself of any piece of naivety he had then it might not have been a random action at all.
While the three guards were preoccupied, Yoongi padded over as casually but quickly as possible out of the main living room towards the second living room.
Not glance over his shoulder but his heart still pattered and yearned to turn around. He had to be quick.
Across the second living room, his feet sped up until Yoongi couldn’t even keep up with it anymore.
He stood in front of the door of Jungkooks’ office which is when he finally looked over his shoulder to see the place empty aside from the sounds of Nana being helped at the stairs. Fingers wrapped around the golden knob, twisting it slowly hoping it didn’t squeak.
Turning and turning until all the door could was be pushed open.
Yoongi sneaked through small gap, entering the dark office before closing the door behind him.
Once the door closed, there was nothing stopping him from rushing towards the table almost making the wood underneath his feet squeak. He stood at the table where Jungkook would usually sit, gaze frantically searching anything that looked remotely helpful to what they needed.
Rustling through the papers, Yoongi found handwritten letters confirming deals and hard-copy information on secret funding towards dens. Patting the pocket of his pajama pants, he felt his phone, pulling it out and taking a picture as steadily as possible despite his hands trembling under the pressure of getting caught. He was at the heart of the nest now. If the guards saw him snooping around here, he would be dead instantly.
In his attempt to reorganize everything back again, he stumbled across one letter that looked unfinished. Yoongi had his phone ready until his eyes finally caught who it was written to, in Jungkooks’ handwriting.
‘Dear Mother and Father…’
Brows furrowed, slowing his pace for a moment while his chest still rose and fell in the heat of the moment. When Yoongis’ mind began gain a more steady pattern he began to read.
‘I’m sure you’ll be pleased to know that I got married recently. I want you to be one of the first to know that Belle is carrying my child. I apologize for being unable to tell you sooner. She’s doing really well, doctors appointment have been doing good.
The reason why I’m writing this letter is not only to inform you but to also carry out something I’ve been wanting for a long time.
When the baby is born, I’m stepping down. This world. Everything. I began a relationship with Belle hoping to make all of you happy by marrying the perfect woman. She was it. Unfortunately she was too perfect. I’ve grown fond of her.
Everything about her makes me feel calm and warm like I can be normal around her. I’m not even sure what is but it’s a good feeling from what I’ve experienced. My wife and child’s happiness need to come first. I want to grow a normal family with her.’
Yoongi felt like his hands were dirty reading the letter now. He was going to step down. Then that’s it, right? It was going to stop and maybe there could potentially be some form of normalcy in all their lives. He kept reading the few words left.
‘However protecting this empire before I’m gone also holds the utmost importance. In the remaining months of Belle’s pregnancy, I am devising a method that should get rid of our Park Chul situation once and for all…’
Heart moved back to its original speeding pace when there were no more words to explain just what Jungkook had planned. Yoongi almost crumpled the paper a little but quickly dropped it onto the table, taking a few more pictures before placing under the pile of extensive work.
His eyes flickered up to see a little light coming through the open gap and his stomach dropped, seeing Taehyung glance at the male and at the desk. Yoongi wrapped his fingers around a pen tightly not wanting to hurt him truly but they were so close. So close to getting this over and done with. Especially now that Jungkook had some plan to strike back at the one strong source they had to take him and his empire down.
“Kitchen. Now.” The younger male stated glancing over his shoulder to see anything oncoming.
Yoongi relaxed his grip on the pen and let out silent sigh of relief watching Taehyung walk away from the office and disappear to the side. He hurriedly tip-toed across the room looking back to see if he missed anything before sneaking through the gap again and closing the door.
When he looked over the guards seemed to be chatting in the center of the living room instead of peering towards the second living room for any disturbance. Yoongi could only hear their murmuring and light chuckling before blindly following Taehyung past the fireplace towards the door that led to the kitchen.
The kitchen had been modified significantly compared to the rest of the mansion which still had an vintage feel to it. White marble with subtle gold details shining in the dimmed warm lighting.
Taehyung padded over and stood at the kitchen island. Fingers tapping on the surface of the counter with a sigh passing his lips. “Okay look Angel already told me what’s going on.”
Yoongis’ brows furrowed. “Jesus Christ, is this an undercover mission or a party?” He kept his voice to a whisper, hands on his hips.
“Apparently Seokjin said there was no point in hiding it anymore now that Belle knew.” He shrugged although a confused expression still adorned his features. “Said if she’s involved, everything will fall into place.”
“So he’s playing Gandalf now too?” He retorted. “How much more is everyone gonna ask from Belle?”
Taehyungs’ heart dropped as the question lingered in the air, head hanging. That nagging feeling was slowly fading away but now it replaced with something so much more painful. A guilt of what cost had be paid for this recovery. He never truly paid for his debt. Belle did. “You’re going to help her out of here, right?”
“I’m trying.”
“That’s not a good enough answer.”
“I know it’s not.” Yoongi spoke through gritted teeth. “But it’s all I can give you right now.”
Taehyung nodded, body deflating a little despite the slight ray of hope that all this might change for the better. “Is there any way I can help?” Ever since this whole mess began, he had not been able to ensure his little sister that he had her back. Because he didn’t for a while. All his thoughts seemed meld into one hazy need to get rid of the pain he felt. Except that time the pain never identified itself. Taehyung knew why it hurt this time. He wanted his sister out of here, towards a better life just like she did for him.
Yoongi searched the mans’ expression turn into something a little more desperate. He succumbed to drowning in that same feeling. Nana’s honest words ringing in his ears. This is not just an undercover mission anymore. He hadn’t even been there for that long; not as long as Taehyung but god, he could feel it. That aching tug wanting to hold onto Belle and take her away from all the pain she didn’t deserve. That fucking burning anger at the people who used every piece of her patience and good heart only to rip it away from her permanently. It sickened him knowing the woman never wanted all this in the first place.
His hand tightened around his phone when a thought jolted in his mind. “Do you trust anyone in the Sangria House?” Yoongi asked.
Taehyung had no hesitation in any nerve of his body or part of his soul when he said: “Yes.”
A familiar outing now waltzing into the Sangria House early morning when the air was cool and the sun just almost took its highest point in the sky. Brunette hair flowed to the side as he walked across the pathway through the entrance door with everyone immediately recognizing his face.
However today Taehyung walked in a less relaxed demeanor than normal as a tiny object in his jacket pocket grew heavier, forcing him to walk slower. You’re doing this for Belle. He knew Angel told him the truth about everything but something about this still felt like he was diving into a pool where he could not see the end.
Into the private room he was lead, the white coat opened the door and Taehyung saw Angel standing in front of the table
Angels’ smiled immediately adorned her glowing features as Taehyung walked into the room. As soon as the white coat closed the door behind him, she broke all manner of rules and jumped on him, arms wrapping around his neck and face buried into the crook.
Whatever knotted nerves he had loosened when Angel embraced him, warmth radiating from her body onto his and the scent of vanilla gracing his nose. His own arms wrapped around her waist, nose nudging into her shoulder to take in more of her aroma and ease all troubles.
“I thought you weren’t coming back.” Angel murmured. A month had passed since his last visit and it was embarrassing to admit that she grew a little worried. After all the two were not really doing anything exciting other than talking. At some point people would get bored and move onto someone who would easily provide better services.
Taehyung hummed in near bliss, rubbing his hand up and down her back. “I’m sorry.” His voice muffled against the fabric of Angels’ dress.
She gently pulled away from the hug even though Taehyungs’ arms were still secure around her. “Don’t apologize. I just get worried.” Angel chuckled shyly. Another bright smile tugged at her lips now as she broke his embrace but held his hand, leading him over to the table where a colorful array of rice cakes on a plate rested. “They made more flavors this time because you liked it so much.”
Taehyung could hear the delight in her voice making his heart warm. For a moment, he wished this was just a casual visit as they sat down next to each other once again. “Thank you…” His voice merely came out in a whisper. “Angel—” He placed his hand over hers, caressing it softly. “There’s another reason why I’m here.”
Angel’s smile softened now, not so much as a frown but an kind expression to show she was listening in all seriousness. “What is it?”
“You’ve already helped me so much.” Taehyung wrapped his longer fingers around her small, soft hand turning his body around so he faced her completely. “I need you to help me just this once. For my sister.” He grinned. “Are the cameras on in here?”
“I asked Seokjin to turn it off.” She smiled shyly. “It’s—it’s so I could hug you without the guards barging in.”
Taehyung grinned leaning in, forehead pressed against hers. “I wish I could stay longer…I really do.” He whispered. “But we’re not going to be able to see each other for a while.”
“I know.” Angel whispered, voice shaking ever so slightly. “What do you need me to do?” There she was again with the award-winning smile ready to do whatever she was required no matter what the cost.
“Please—I don’t want anything to happen to you.” He shook his head. “Say no if you want to.”
Angel caressed his chest gently as a way to comfort him. “I’m always safe, Taehyung. Believe me, I’ve probably been safer than Belle this whole time.” Shining eyes met his gaze giving him a more faint but hundred times more genuine smile. “No one deserves to have their life taken away like that. I want to do this.”
Taehyung had a bitter taste on his tongue hearing those words. Belle had been less safe than members of the Sangria House. Her own made-up home and equally fake family could not keep her safer than Seokjin did with his angels. “Okay.” He whispered, reaching into jacket pocket and pulling the tiny object. He placed it on his open palm making the thing look absolutely miniscule.
A USB stick, dark almost matching the color of Taehyung’s jacket. Angel accepted it and placed it in the last place anyone was coming looking. If they did, it would end in a heap load of trouble. Once the object was in her hand, she stuffed it in between her breast until it lay securely in her bra but unseen.
He bit down the wide smirk tugging at his lips watching the USB stick traveling down the valley of her breasts, hiding in the forbidden area for safe keeping. “Was that to tease me?”
Angel giggled reaching out and caressing his cheek. “Maybe a little.” She scrunched her nose.
Taehyung absolutely melted at the adorable sight, taking the liberty of the shut cameras to lean in and press the quickest kiss on her lips. “I-I know it’s against the rules.” Before he could explain himself any further, he felt soft plush lips quieten him down again, his heart jumped out of his chest.
Quickly pulling away from the kiss, she bit down her bottom lip to hide her grin. “There’s no rules anymore between you and me. Just don’t take too long getting back, okay?”
He chuckled and nodded. “You know what to do?” Taehyungs’ eyes absentmindedly flickered down to her breast.
With all her usual elegant confidence, she smiled. “You and your sister will be safe soon.”
The air was thick with elegance and style, vibrant colors of yellow, sky blue and rose pink gracing every corner twinkling in diamonds. Growing up Belle watched in awe every fashion show or design video imagining her own name etched on the curtains for all the critics and admirers to see.
Belles’ own attire was simple, long white dress with long, layer frills that helped conceal the bump to the best of its ability. Worst case scenario people would think she let herself go but really the news should be coming soon considering a four month bump already proved to be difficult to hide no matter what the dress looked like.
Makeup artists actively moved about each model almost like machines while Belle checked every outfit was fitted to perfection.
Only thing that doused the fire of energy was the aching. Her back, limbs and belly kept sending either dull or sharp pains ever since this morning which caused Belle to have a less than enthusiastic demeanor while preparing for everything.
Boyoung explained that it was normal to have these aches during the fourth month of pregnancy so Belle let it be. Except now she wished she had time for a small appointment with the doctor just to check everything was okay.
“Madame Belle!”
Saito’s voice brought her back to reality while she was fixing a models’ earring. Belle turned over her shoulder to see the woman wearing a white attire as well to ensure colors did not clash with the actual designs. A grin tugged at the corners of her lips, kindly giving the model good luck before turning to see the older woman. “Am I allowed to be called that yet?”
“Sweetie, you deserved to be called that long before this fashion show.” Saito chuckled, rubbing her arm. “How’re you feeling?” She tilted her head searching the youngers’ expression.
Belle took a deep breath feeling a jolting ache on her back but she smiled nonetheless. “I’m okay. A little nervous.”
“Good. It’s good to be a little nervous. That means you care.” Saito squeezed her shoulder gently. “I’ll be here with you the whole time.”
“Thank you.” Belle’s eyes flickered to the side where she saw a familiar figure in a suit walk backstage with his gaze looking around for something. “Excuse me, Saito.” She muttered before moving past her towards Jungkook.
When Jungkook finally set his eyes on her, his expression softened and a smile tugged at his lips. “You ready?”
She nodded mimicking his smile absentmindedly. “You came, I thought you had meetings.”
Jungkook shrugged non-chalantly. “I’m their boss. They can wait.”
Belle chuckled lightly watching Taehyung make his way backstage but one person still missing. “Where’s Yoongi?”
“He’s at his seat already.” The man nodded to the side. Jungkooks’ hand almost automatically reached out to caress her belly gently before quickly pulling away. “I’ll—see you at the end of the show.” He smiled.
“Yeah…” She whispered, giving him a bright grin.
For a moment he thought to just turn on his heel and leave but he couldn’t resist. Leaning in, Jungkook chastely pressed his lips against hers. Slowly he stepped back pressing his lips together before walking away.
Belles’ smile disappeared as soon as Jungkook was out of sights. Maybe to him the kiss meant a sign of good luck for the show. To her, it was a kiss to say goodbye.
Fingers caressed the warrant like his first born child, brush of light cool air bringing even more relief than Namjoon already had. God how many years did he sacrifice his health, sleep and sanity to come to this moment? Where he had a car parked just outside the gates of the Jeon mansion awaiting the clear sign for them to enter.
Of course the captain had some reluctance in giving them the warrant but a direct order from the mayor had him quaking enough to give the approval.
Every nerve in his body tingled in anticipation, looking at the paper before staring at the majestic mansion. All that power was about to crumble down to the state it deserved to be in. Obsolete.
Granted the male was not naïve in thinking that this infiltration will end everything. The Jeon family had roots so deep in this city that it would take ripped out the entire land just to get rid of everything. But this was a first step to ensure the empire never grew too big for its own good.
Every King needed to lose their crown every now and then to learn that they were just a person underneath all that luxury and power. Easily breakable.
And Namjoon felt oh so pleased finally being able to break Jeon Jungkook in his tyrannous reign.
In a perfect pattern, that thought led to the gates finally opening with two police officers signaling to him that the coast was clear to enter.
“It’s time. Places, everyone!” Belle called out and all the models rushed over to the area they needed to come out from. Her own heart pounded faster at every second and another ache jolted in her abdomen now strong enough to make her wince. But she held her composure with all the strength could muster.
Then the first model walked out onto the runway and her stomach jumped knowing her path to any possible reputation as a designer now began its course.
Camera flashed even more violently than before as Belle caught a few happy murmurs from the crowd. She smiled before another searing burst of pain hit both her abdomen and back forcing her to stop for a moment to take deep breaths, her hand caressing her belly to somehow soothe it.
“Just bear with me for a minute, sweetheart.” She whispered to the belly as it seemed to getting more and more violent in its power.
Halfway through the show, Belle succumbed to leaning on anything close by with the constant pain but her smile stayed intact. She felt something uncomfortable between her legs as if a period came along without her knowing.
That was when worry sunk in. Before she could place any attention on it however, one of her models’ dress got snagged with the necklace. Belle almost could not catch her name being called but the woman quickly got herself back and rushed to separate them to ensure no thread was out of place.
“Belle?” Saitos’ hand hovered over her back with a worried expression on her face. “You okay?”
No. That was the initial answer that formulated in her mind as she once again leaned back on one of the vacant vanities. “I’m okay it’s just—a little sore.” The description had been underwhelming to describe whatever was happening to Belle. Her knees were losing all its power to hold her body up, even her hearing ability became a little muffled as if trying to conserve energy or to numb more of the pain.
Saito nodded though not looking completely convinced since she could see through the younger female on any occasion. Gaze flickered down to her belly before meeting hers again. “Tell me if you need to stop. It’s just a show, okay?” She briefly caressed her cheek before glancing over at the models coming in and out, trying to analyze the situation. “Two more outfits left then we’ll go to the doctor.” She muttered. “Alright?”
Belle took another deep breath, cheeks puffing out a little in the process but she nodded putting herself back on her feet again. “Alright.”
All the models made their way to the stage showing off a final viewing of all the outfits in all their glory and the crowd soared. Anyone who knew Belle could feel the success simply oozing from this show. The sheer extravagance yet simplicity with subtle connections to the beautiful expression of nature during spring time brought an impressed smile even on the harshest critics.
If only the designer herself could completely enjoy this achievement without her whole body being overwhelmed with discomfort and pain.
“You have to go out for a bow.” Saito explained gently as Belle tried her best to focus only on her breathing.
Aside from her muffled hearing, her whole body now burned like a furnace making Belle a little lightheaded. It’s almost done. It’s almost done. One more smile.
God, that was the last thing she wanted to think on her first successful fashion show.
Once again the woman nodded giving Saito a big smile which she returned before turning on her heel and walking to the stage. Step after the other carefully trying to keep her composure as best as she could.
Then all Belle saw was a bright white light, her hearing now resorted to a high-pitched drawled out beep making her think she was watching a muted video in front of her. Shaking fingers intertwined with one another, the girl stretched her exhausted lips into a wide grin. Heavy head lowered into the most decent form of a bow without her legs giving out.
Keep it in. Keep it in. She repeated to herself, trying to focus on her breathing while barely being able to hear anything.
Camera flashed and the crowds applause tried to push the barrier of mute suddenly formed in her ears. Belle could see the smiles however. That was all she needed. They liked it. They liked her designs. Her work paid off just like she always dreamed. That thought kept her standing on the stage in the best composure she could muster. Another bow given to each side ensuring they knew how grateful she was.
Maybe for a brief second, Belle forgot her whole body was warning of something in messages of deep ache and lack of orientation or balance.
Though it quickly came back for another reminder. This time more persistent. Belle felt like her belly was being jabbed by something sharp in such a ruthless manner, she worried she could collapse right here on the floor. Even her legs trembled and the discomforting feeling between her legs now almost felt wet like it soaked through her panties.
Belle kept her smile though it was trembling significantly before she backed away out of the stage, almost running but there was hardly any strength left for that anymore.
The white light now faded away and she was away from the stage, coming in backstage.
As if something snapped in her willpower when Belle felt her legs stumble onto the floor just past the closed curtains. Knees crashed against the wooden floor leaving a thud echoing across the room.
Both Saito and Taehyungs’ smiles disappeared watching the bright looking woman drop to her knees, only thing they could hear now was her agonized whimpering.
Saito sped towards her before anyone else truly gauge the situation, heels slamming onto the floor before her arm over the youngers’ shoulder as she almost fell on her side. “Belle?” She turned her around to see mascara coated tears dripping down Belle’s cheeks. “Belle what’s wrong? Tell me please.”
“It hurts…” Belle cried out, lips trembling and the drenched feeling between her legs leaking down the insides of her thighs and making her dress stick to her skin. “The baby…” She whispered before gasping.
For a few seconds her vision turned white making her whine shakily as her lower belly felt like it was being ripped apart with someone’s bare hands. Cold tears under her eyes, unable to close her legs from the sloppy sensation and the pungent smell of blood. Belle tried to look down but all she could catch was a glimpse of her white dress now glistening in deep red.
“You sick fuck get out of here!” Taehyung grabbed the reporter by the collars just after the flash of his camera. He had every nerve in his body to punch him until his nose fell to the floor but the sound of his sister sobbing made him stop.
Three guards immediately rushed in and carried the reporter off backstage while they tried to thrash around like a dirty insect.
Taehyung breathed heavily grimacing at the pig before looking at one of the guards who looked equally distressed. “Get Jeon here now.” He gestured.
Eyes shone in delight as Jungkook looked at the audience chatting away with an air of enthusiasm. He could almost see his wife climbing up this ladder of success. She deserved every bit of it especially since the man now saw the designs for himself. Growing up seeing Saitos’ designs, it was pleasing to see that the style may have changed but the quality never diminished.
A guard then walked over to him, reluctantly tapping him on the shoulder and leaning into his ear so his voice could be heard only to them in the crowd. “Sir it’s your wife… there’s been an incident.”
As soon as those words were muttered in his ear Jungkooks smile disappeared. He knew there were cameras around but nothing else seemed whirl around his mind except Belle. His body grew cold at those horrid words that he hoped would never come together.
Feet bolted, passing the guard to backstage even though his increasingly pounding heart made it hard to move faster.
Yoongis’ stomach and heart were already dancing in distress this whole night after getting a call from Namjoon that they would be infiltrating Jeon mansion tonight and then arresting him as soon as possible for the amount of concerning evidence. The police would be waiting for Jungkook to be taken away at his own home. It was a cruel fate in a normal context but for a man like Jeon Jungkook, it was what everyone knew he deserved.
However then the guard rushed in to whisper something in Jungkooks’ ear and without even the slightest warning or preparation, Jungkook stepped into a run backstage.
If his nerves were not in knots already, now they were just tangled up forever. Not asking for any kind of clarification, he simply followed the younger male in the same pace knowing only one thing and one thing alone could have Jungkook so worried to be in such a rush.
Once Jungkook arrived backstage, breathing heavily and sweat already forming on his neck, his stomach twisted at the sight in front of him.
Saito wrapped dark burgundy cloth around Belle’s waist area, his wife’s white dress tainted with red while the models either wept or just looked utterly worried.
Taehyung had a phone to his ear speaking through gritted teeth possibly to a doctor attempting to give instructions.
Jungkook rushed towards the woman, tears already burning behind his eyes just looking at her sobbing in complete pain. “What’s happening? What do we do?” He whispered. For the first time in his life, the man had fear seeping through his tone.
Belle gripped onto Saitos’ clothes feeling her vision blur although she wasn’t sure it was from the tears or the lack of her ache ceasing. Before she could get her bearings, something hooked under her back and knees. Her body lifted from the ground and cold rush flowed through her from the speed she was being moved in.
Then all Belle could see was black. Everything shut down almost as if she was lulled to a deep sleep.
Yoongi practically kicked the door down as they tried to get out the backdoor. He opted to drive before anyone else could, running to the driver’s seat of the black sedan waiting just in case paparazzi rushed in too thick at the entrance.
Saito and Taehyung ran out with Jungkook following close behind, carrying Belle as securely as he could despite his stomach lurching.
Taehyung opened the door while Saito moved to the other side and climbed in.
Jungkook tried to place Belle laying down on the car seat as gently as possible before climbing in at the same time Taehyung sat in the passenger seat.
Before they could even close their doors, Yoongi drove off definitely breaking a few speeding rules as he practically burst into the streets, tires screeching against the tar.
“Go to the J District, there’s a shortcut button there.” Jungkook nodded to the GPS, city lights passing across his face.
“This isn’t time for a road trip, Jungkook.” Yoongi seethed.
“We need to go to the private house and get our own medic.” He argued.
Taehyung pressed the button even though anger still burned in his body. “Why can’t we just go to a fucking hospital? It’ll be closer.”
“Hospitals are public places, alright? The minute one disloyal nurse gets a glimpse of any of us, the press will be outside in seconds.”
Yoongis’ grip around the steering wheel tightened so much, he could feel his pulse through his palm as his knuckles grew white. “I swear to god, Jeon. This isn’t one of your damn danger missions.” Something cracked inside him and the male couldn’t seem keep any of the usual composure he had around the power figure.
Jungkook sighed looking over at Belle who struggled to keep her consciousness while her blood soaked through his own shirt. “Just do it.” He spoke through gritted teeth.
“Taehyung, dear get a medic to the private home now so no time is wasted.” Saito broke into the tension with her gently yet firm voice while her slightly blood stained hand brushed through Belle’s hair. “If she doesn’t get treatment quickly, it might cause an infection.”
Yoongi glanced at the rearview mirror, his heart feeling empty not being able to see Belle from this line of vision but he increased his speed anyway taking a quick left.
“If anything happens to her, Jeon I’ll kill you, I swear to god.” Taehyungs’ eyes were reddened and glossy, a phone pressed to his ear again as he called for a private medic to go to the Jeons’ private house immediately.
Belle jolted awake for a moment seeing a grey ceiling and a blurry vision of a face looking down. Some voices spoke but they were heavily muffled. Then her body felt like it was being moved again. As if she was flying or levitating somehow through her locations. “Tae—” It was the only name she could breathe out.
A burst of bright warm lighting hit her exhausted eyes making her close them for a moment. It left her trying to get her hearing together but they were still difficult to pick up. She heard a familiar deep voice. Her big brothers’ voice. Most of them seemed familiar except one who from whatever she could catch had a calm demeanor.
Her vision cleared just for a second but Belle was welcomed with blood dripping from something thick around her waist. At least she thinks it was from her. It tainted the wooden floors nonetheless.
In a few more heartbeats, she felt a soft surface under her body and Belle fully melted into it without any hesitance.
Jungkook backed away reluctantly as the doctor leaned in to examine Belle. A tear threatening to escape at the brim of his right eye.
Taehyung bit down the urge to sob looking at the amount of blood his baby sister shed on the floor. He looked around for some kind of cloth and found white hand towel with golden lettering. Grabbing the cloth, he crouched down to wipe off the trail of blood on the floor while his tears mixed in with it.
“We need to get some cleaner clothes on her.” The doctor stated looking over at Saito who quickly nodded.
“There’s some nightgowns in the cupboard.” Jungkook muttered, gesturing towards the white closet next to the vanity.
Saito shrugged her jacket off leaving her in her shirt tucked into her skirt as she opened the luxurious cupboard and pulled out the most breathable nightgown. Walking back to the bed, she climbed on the other side after pushing her shoes off.
The doctor took out some scissors and cut the middle of her dress so it could be ripped off easily since it was mostly ruined as it were. Saito helped the piece of clothing get shrugged off her shoulders.
Belle whined at the sudden cold feeling passing through her body. It definitely didn’t help since the blood began to stick to her skin.
Jungkook noticed the little sound and rushed to the fireplace, crouching down and switching it on to add more warmth to the room. His disoriented focus had to stare the running fire for a moment not able to gain any kind of patterned thinking. Shrugging his jacket off his shoulder, he threw it onto the chair to his side where his mother would usually read.
“May I have only one extra person in this room?” The doctor asked kindly.
Jungkook looked over his shoulder, snapping back to reality as Taehyung got up to his feet.
“I’ll take care of her.” Saito reassured the both of them.
Niether one of them opposed knowing there was really only one person who always took care of Belle without her having to give something in return.
Both males padded out of the room. Jungkook gave one final glance towards Belle before closing the door in front of him.
Once they reached the private home and Taehyung and Jungkook were preoccupied with getting Belle acquainted, Yoongi stopped at the entrance to shakily grab his phone. A light groan passed his lips when he couldn’t get his thoughts together to click the number. Eventually the memory came in and he typed the number in, pressing the phone to his ear.
“Yoongi we’re ready, where are you?” Namjoon muttered into the phone.
“Something’s happened, it’s Belle. We’re at the private home at J District. Get yourself fucking ready here now.” Yoongi quickly informed and hung the phone up, trying to delete the number on his phone as calmly as he could. His hand reached into his holster to feel the harsh object giving him some form of relief aside from the ache in his heart.
Walking into the private home, he saw Jungkook pacing around worriedly while Taehyung leaned back against the counter with his arms folded over his chest.
Yoongi found it so strange how a man of such power could look so vulnerable in front of him. It was the perfect time except he had a bitter taste on his tongue calling it ‘perfect’. To think it took Belle to go through an immense amount of pain for this to happen made him look more like the villain than the murderous druglord worried for his wife and heir.
It felt like eternity had passed and restarted again when Belle finally woke up without her vision being blurry or her hearing almost completely lost. The wet feeling between her legs now completely dry and even comfortably warm. Pain slowly subsided though there was still very faint ache that also slowly passed.
Reddened eyes flickered over to the side where she saw Saito listening to a man in a white suit talking to her in a soft murmur.
The expression on Saitos’ face only spoke concern or maybe pity.
“Saito?” Belle tried to speak but it came out in a raspy whisper, throat a little ticklish from how dry it was.
Saito looked over at the younger woman, sighing before meeting the doctors’ gaze. “I’ll tell her, you just inform the three men out there.” She gave him a reassuring nod.
“Of course.” The doctor agreed before opening the door and disappearing behind it.
Once it was just the two of them, Belle tried to shift in the bed to somehow sit up but the ache only increased making her wince.
“No no, stay still.” Saito quickly sat down on the edge of the bed, soothing her still swollen belly and held onto her hand.
“What—what happened? Where am I?” She looked around the strange bedroom before glancing down at her belly. “I–I can’t…” Belle placed a hand over her belly. “There was so much blood.” Her breath hitched in her throat.
“Belle…” Saito tried to keep her voice as calm as possible even though her heart dropped seeing the look of confusion and fear ridding the youngers’ face. “The doctor said your baby may have had a heart defect of some sort…” She gulped down. “It couldn’t survive, sweetie.” She tried to soothe her chest. “I’m sorry.”
Belle shook her head, feeling a burning behind her eyes. “No…no the–the doctors’ appointment—said everything—was fine.” She tried to breathe through her frantic sobs. “Why would they say it was fine?” She pulled herself up, wincing as tears collecting at the brim of her eyes. “Why would they say it was fine if there was a heart defect?”
Saito took a deep breath, squeezing her shoulders gently. “Sometimes they can’t catch it. These things are very difficult to predict, Belle.”
She had already been unconscious before now something else seemed to turn off inside her. As if the whole world did not crash or explode. But simply stopped working for the arrival of cruel fates’ plan.
Torturous amount of time passed before the doctor walked through the door with a solemn expression on his face giving none of them any sense of reassurance. Because there wasn’t any to give. He looked at all three of them who had stopped in their usual tracks to gaze at the older male. “I’m sorry, Mr. Jeon.” The doctor looked more at Jungkook now. “Your wife has had a miscarriage. I’ve cleaned everything up to ensure there was no infection but I do suggest that she go to a proper hospital for proper checkups.”
Jungkook looked completely frozen as the news lingered in the already thickened air. He backed away a little, balance on the edge of a study table of whatever it was the man didn’t care. Tears brimmed at his eyes trickling down his already flushed cheeks without a care in the world.
If Yoongi didn’t feel like a villain before, he did now.
Taehyung turned away to face the wall but he could still hear the light sobs passing his lips.
Yoongi faced the doctor and led him out of the home.
Out in the dark night, he smiled at the doctor giving him thanks as he opened his car door for him.
Once the doctor drove off onto the road, Yoonginoticed from the corners of his eye the figures moving around in the bushes around on his left and right. Blatantly the man turned to notice the dark uniforms even from the distance, their badges glimmering just a little in the light. On the right he heard the sound of metal moving.
It was time. This had to happen here and now or never.
Licking his lips he let out a deep sigh and walked back inside, once again, checking his holster before entering the house again.
Sound muffled to non-existence as the room seemed to get progressively smaller, walls hugging her still body. It ached everywhere. She could feel the burn and still smell the pungent stench of her own blood tainting the now soft, dry surface. Back cramped, lower belly so weakened as if it was punched a hundred times with spiked metal fists. Exhaustion clouded Belle’s mind, pulling this broken shell into a decent lull to slumber but her eyes stayed wide open. Unblinking. She stared at nothing and everything.
Mind finally accustomed itself to the new setting of the Jeons’ private home. Deep warm lighting from the lamps at each corner, dark wooden floors and a running fireplace facing the front of the bed. Belle remembered catching a glimpse of it when they carried her in here leaving a wet red trail on the floor as she was moved. Her body barely moved however, limbs burning but frozen at the same time. Belle told herself to try and wriggle her toes or move her fingers. Not a single nerve responded.
She had one thing in common with her mind now. Loneliness.
So strange to think that a being barely grown to be called a full human could place such a heavy weight on Belle’s head. The loss now brought this in this feeling of being alone. Belle was once two. Now she was one broken thing. Barely able to move or function.
The door clicked open but Belle still refused to move whether out of exhaustion or just lack of care. It didn’t matter what anyone said, that empty feeling was still there.
Saito stayed silent as long as she felt it was necessary. But the words seemed to fall out of her without control. “I really can’t say anything to make you feel better, honey. There’s no easy way to comfort someone who’s lost something that could’ve been.”
Persistently unmoving as the woman was, her eyes still flooded on its own accord, burning and liquid flowing onto the pillow. This wasn’t Belle’s fault. It wasn’t anyone fault. Nothing but fate once again showing how it never had it out for her in the first place.
That was the problem though, wasn’t it? Belle spent so much time praying for fate to do something right for her but it only gave her more pain. What was going to happen for the better if she just stood and smiled at all the suffering thrown her way? Fate gave her a fake marriage, forced her to fall in love with a man who only cared about his reputation. Fate allowed her to be impregnated against her will. Fate stood by while Belle lost the child she grew to love. The child she had envisioned to raise and protect was now gone.
“It’s a good thing.” Belle whispered, still not shifting from her position nor looking at Saito.
The older womans’ brows furrowed. “What do you mean by that?”
It had to stop. It had to stop now or never.
Belle pursed her lips together before swallowing down the lump in her throat, preparing the words that kept swirling in her mind for months. Begging to escape so she could be free. Finally she moved her head to meet Saitos’ gaze. Despite her weak nature, her eyes held firm onto hers to ensure that the woman heard and understood everything she was going to say.
“There’s something I need to tell you…about how Jungkook and I met.”
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