#Subtlety is not his strong suit
multifandom-aroace · 3 months
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you could say that, couldn't you merlin
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tanadrin · 2 years
god, Star Trek really always was just annoyingly woke (affectionate) wasn’t it?
Gene Roddenberry, circa 1968: “What if the US was so obsessed with the forms and rituals of its supposed democracy, but its substance had become so rotten with violence and hatred, that it reduced itself to grunting cave-men incapable of civilization, while still wrapping itself in the flag?”
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It's hilarious to me how Hannibal was relatively subtle (or as subtle as he was capable of being, because we all know he's dramatic) when trying to encourage other people to murder, but with Margot he flat out was like "Yeah bestie you should kill your brother. He sucks."
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milehighmechanic · 1 year
@itsybitsypeterparker // one-liner sc (accepting)
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"You wanna tell me what's bothering you?"
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pickingupmymercedes · 28 days
My Venus - Lewis Hamilton (NSFW)
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A MET Gala Special
pairing: Lewis Hamilton x Famous!Reader
warnings: fashion world, sexual activities, (p in v), oral sex
Wrap it before you tap it!!!
wordcount: +3K
a/n: I know it's impossible for anyone to wear the original Venus Dior dress, it's a museum piece and it has been for decades, but it's a fic (and my favorite dress, ever) so let's go with it. Y/n is obviously someone really known in the fashion industry, but I didn't specify how, so it's totally up to you to create a back story.
a/n 2: Kind of a request. I was planning something already but anon gave me amazing ideas, thank horny anon!! Also, smut with a plot, what a shocker for me!!
As always, I'm open for feedback, come say hi!
Y/n toyed with a stray piece of croissant, her gaze flitting from the cityscape outside to Lewis, who was deep in conversation with his stylist.
Sunlight streamed through the expansive windows on the opulent The Mark Hotel’s suite, a golden glow on the remnants of their breakfast. Crumbs danced on the crisp white tablecloth, a playful counterpoint to the elegant silver service glinting in the corner.
Eric, a man perpetually poised on the precipice of tranquility, leaned forward trying the nonchalantly posture as his eyes danced with curiosity. "Come on, Y/n, spill the beans! We’re all vibrating with suppressed curiosity."
Lewis, in is crisp white tee and black joggers, shot Eric a playful glare. "Thanks for that, mate. Subtlety is your strong suit, clearly." He turned to Y/n, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Seriously, love. The MET is in a few hours, you can tell us."
Y/n, who had mastered her poker face over the last five months of keeping that secret, took a delicate sip of her orange juice. "Let's just say," she drawled, her voice smooth as silk, "it has a very famous sister."
Eric groaned dramatically, throwing his hands up in mock defeat. "Oh, delightful. Lewis, bro, you're on your own with this one."
Lewis chuckled, shaking his head fondly. "You're a menace, Y/n." He winked, a shiver running down her spine despite the playful nature of the exchange. But the silence that followed held a different energy, charged with unspoken anticipation.
Lewis leaned closer, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "It’s something that is going to steal everyone breath away, so maybe it needs a security detail of its own?"
Y/n couldn't help but let a sly smile curve her lips. "Maybe." she teased, leaning in even closer. The scent of his signature cologne, a heady mix of wood and spice, filled her senses. "Maybe it'll have everyone whispering about who dared to wear such a legend."
A low rumble escaped Lewis' chest, a sound that sent a jolt of excitement through her. " An archive, huh?! " He said, his voice husky
Just then, Eric cleared his throat pointedly. "Right, right, all very hush-hush. But remember, Lewis, you have your Burberry fitting this afternoon. We can't have you looking too shabby next to your mystery woman in archives."
Y/n laughed, a light, tinkling sound that filled the room. "Oh, I'm sure Lewis will manage to steal the spotlight anyway."
Lewis winked again, his gaze lingering on her lips. "A competition, isn't it, love?"
Their playful sparring continued through the rest of the lunch, a delicious undercurrent of unspoken attraction running through their every word and glance. As they finished their coffee, the tension in the air thickened, a silent question hanging between them. It was time to leave, to face the world – and the MET Gala – separately.
But Lewis wouldn't let her go without a final flourish. He stood, his gaze holding hers, and offered a hand with a courtly bow. "Until tonight, my fashionista. May the best dresser win."
The air crackled with anticipation as Y/n stepped out of the limousine, a vision as the cameras flashed like a sudden storm, capturing the first glimpse of her enigmatic beauty. A collective gasp rippled through the crowd, a palpable wave of awe and recognition as Y/n slowly revealed the legendary Venus dress.
Time seemed to slow. Each step on the red carpet was a carefully choreographed performance, the weight of fashion history settling on her body like a luxurious cloak.
The gown, a masterpiece of delicate embroidery, whispered tales of a bygone era, its every fold a testament to the genius of Christian Dior himself. It clung to her like it had been designed for her. A silent promise of a woman both powerful and breathtakingly beautiful.
Y/n held her head high, a serene and honest smile playing on her lips. Yet, beneath the calm exterior, a thrill coursed through her veins. This wasn't just another red carpet.
Lewis, waiting further down the carpet, watched his breath hitch as she came into view. Initially stunned speechless, his jaw dropped in a way that sent the internet into a frenzy.
Here was the woman he knew, the one who matched his every playful jab with witty retorts, transformed into a goddess. He felt a surge of pride, a possessiveness that went beyond what he had felt before with people looking at her.
This was Y/n, his Y/n, stealing the spotlight of the most known fashion event with an audacity as breathtaking as the gown itself.
It was a declaration, a playful rebellion against expectations, most of them that she had created for herself, as she had stablished her style as the non conformative. Still, in The Garden of Time that was the MET, she was bringing one the most known and iconic flowers back to life.
Microphones were being thrusted in her face, a flurry of questions buzzed around her like excited bees, photographers going maniac at the sight of a dress that had been at an exposition for decades months prior being worn.
"Y/n, this is absolutely iconic! How did you manage to borrow this historical piece?" a seasoned entertainment reporter gushed.
Y/n, ever the diplomat, offered a practiced smile. "Let's just say it took a lot of convincing," she replied, the truth a delightful secret she'd keep to herself. "But I believe it was worth the effort."
"Do you feel any pressure wearing such a significant piece of fashion history?" another reporter chimed in.
An understanding glint sparked in Y/n's eyes. "It's a tremendous honour. But pressure is a luxury I don't have time for tonight. It's all about celebrating art, fashion and Christian Dior himself.” Her wit drew laughter and appreciative nods from the crowd, creating a true vision of a woman stunning and intelligent, truly worthy of the Venus.
As Lewis answered his own fielding questions about his Burberry ensemble, he couldn't help but steal glances at her. Her confidence radiated outwards, a magnetic force that drew everyone's attention. He felt a flicker of pride, ever so slightly tinged with a possessiveness that made him want to shout to the world, 'This is my woman.'
"Lewis," a young reporter, eyes wide with admiration, interjected, "What are your thoughts on Y/n's stunning outfit?"
Lewis, ever the charmer, took a playful dig. "Well, let's just say" he drawled, mirroring her earlier cryptic response, "It was worthy of the months of secrecy. She awed everyone as much as she awes me."
As Y/n went up the stairs she found Lewis at the entrance waiting for her, his eyes boring wholes onto her skin. Lewis leaned close, a hand reaching for hers as his voice a huskily murmured "You're incredible, Y/n," his eyes lingering on her "Absolutely breathtaking, love."
Y/n, feeling the warmth of his gaze on her exposed skin, a secret smile played on her lips. There was a thrill in knowing she had surprised him, in seeing the awe and possessiveness flicker in his eyes.
"You know …” she teased, resting her hands on his shoulders as he reached for her waist, a sequence of flashes going off as they showed affection "This was all about making a statement”.
The throng of bodies inside the museum buzzed with an electric energy. As they navigated the crowded halls, Y/n couldn't help but notice the way heads turned their way. Whispers and glances followed them like a second skin.
Lewis, sensing her amusement, leaned in with a smirk. "Enjoying the attention, love?" he teased, his eyes twinkling with mischief.
"Oh, absolutely," Y/n deadpanned, batting her eyelashes playfully. "It's not every day I get to feel like a museum exhibit myself."
Lewis chuckled, a low rumble that sent shivers down her spine. "Well, you are a work of art yourself. But you’re also wearing one."
Suddenly, a whirlwind of hair materialized beside them. Zendaya, ever the fashion icon, flashed a dazzling smile. "Y/n, girl! That dress. How?!”
Before Y/n could reply, Zendaya dragged her towards the main exhibition, where Venus’ sister dress – Junon – was center piece, photographers already positioned for the Dior reunion.
Lewis, hovered nearby, a playful smile on his face. Even with the constant interruptions, his gaze never strayed far from Y/n.
As she managed to escape the scene, Y/n couldn't help but notice Lewis's gaze burning into her. "You know," she said, meeting his stare with a smirk, "I can actually feel your eyes searing holes in my dress, Lewis."
He chuckled, leaning closer. "Can't blame a guy for appreciating a masterpiece, can you?" he countered, his voice a husky murmur.
Just as Y/n leaned in to retort, a gaggle of socialites descended upon them. Throughout the pleasantries, Y/n couldn't ignore the heated glances Lewis kept throwing her way. His gaze lingered on the exposed skin of her shoulders, and a playful glint in his eyes hinted at something more than mere admiration.
Finally, as the speeches began and everyone went to their seats, Lewis leaned in close, pulling her towards his side, his voice a husky whisper in her ear. "They can all look, love." his eyes holding hers. "But you're mine."
The speeches droned on, a monotonous hum that Y/n barely registered. Her focus was solely on Lewis, his hand possessively resting on her hand on her lap. The warmth of his touch sent a jolt of electricity through her, a stark contrast to the cool of the dress against her skin.
As the formalities dragged on, the air crackled with unspoken desire. Every brush of their bodies, every stolen glance, fueled a fire that threatened to consume them.
"This is torture," he breathed, his breath tickling a sensitive spot on her neck. "All I want is..." he trailed off, his eyes dropping suggestively to the exposed skin of her chest.
Y/n raised an eyebrown, a delicious mix of excitement and apprehension in her body language. "Finish that sentence, Lewis" she purred, her voice barely a whisper.
“You, alone." he finished, his voice rough with desire. "Somewhere I don’t need to share."
His hand moved up to her shoulders. His fingers finally grazing the edge of the dress, a silent question hanging in the air. Y/n, emboldened by the setting and the audacity of the dress itself, met his gaze with a playful smile.
"There might be a deserted exhibit around the corner," she said, her voice barely above a breath. "One filled with creatures long extinct."
A wicked grin spread across Lewis's face. "Hm…" he murmured, his eyes gleaming with a dangerous glint. Every glance from him felt like a branding iron, searing the memory of him onto her skin.
When the event finally came to its end, they navigated the crowd, Lewis's possessiveness evident in the way he kept guiding her by the small of her back, a silent declaration. Every so often, his eyes would flick to the exposed skin of her shoulders.
They managed to get by the crowds unusually quickly, ushered greetings and nods a clear sign everyone wanted out. But, as they approached the exit, a familiar face beamed at them. Stella McCartney, a vision of elegance in her silver dress, rushed forward to greet Y/n.
"Y/n, you look absolutely phenomenal!" Stella exclaimed, throwing her arms around Y/n in a warm embrace. "That dress! It's absolutely breathtaking."
Y/n put out a smile. "Thank you, Stella. It was an honor to wear such a piece of history." While Stella gushed about the intricacies of the dress, Lewis tried to exchange a knowing look with Y/n.
The unspoken desire simmering between them was palpable, an energy that crackled in the space between them. Just then, a low chuckle caught Y/n's ear. Gayle King, stood nearby, her eyes twinkling with amusement.
"Lewis" she started, her voice smooth as silk, "I haven't seen you this speechless in years. Y/n, you've absolutely stolen the show."
Lewis, ever the charmer, offered her a playful smile. " You know Y/n, she has a knack for making an entrance."
Gayle, unfazed by his attempt at deflection, turned to Y/n, her gaze sharp and knowing. "You two," she said, linking her arm in Y/n's, "must tell me all about this later. That dress…and the look on Lewis's face… well, that was priceless”
Y/n, her cheeks burning, couldn't help but steal a glance at Lewis. His gaze met hers, a silent conversation passing between them. They both knew Gayle was right, and that everyone had probably also seen his gaze.
As they reached the exit, Gayle pulled Y/n to the side, their voices dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Keep doing whatever you're doing, Y/n" Gayle said, a mischievous glint in her eyes, leaning in even closer "That boy is absolutely smitten.”
Y/n couldn't help but let out a soft laugh "Thanks, Gayle" she whispered back. With a final hug, Gayle retreated to her own car, leaving Y/n and Lewis to get into theirs. The tension between them thick, a charged silence that spoke volumes as Lewis held open the car door for her.
He slid into the car beside her, wasting no time in letting his hand roam up under the dress, reaching her thighs in no time. A devilish grin spreading across his face, leaned in close. "She's right, love" he murmured, his voice husky. "You've got me completely wrapped around your fingers."
The heat of his touch sent a jolt of electricity through her. He caressed the soft skin, his fingers brushing tantalizingly close to her hips. Y/n, unable to contain a shiver, bit her lip. "Lew" she breathed, her voice laced with a playful warning. "Careful now. We're not exactly alone."
He chuckled but continued his exploration, his fingertips brushing against the bare skin just above the hem of her dress. The driver, through the rearview mirror, couldn't help but steal a glance. Y/n, catching a glimpse of his reflection, couldn't help but feel a thrill of exhibitionism mixed with a playful desire to tease Lewis further.
As Lewis's hand continued its ascent, his fingers brushed against a smooth, unexpected surface. He paused, his brow furrowing in confusion. A beat of silence hung in the air before it dawned on him. No underwear.
"Couldn't risk an underwear line ruining this moment" her voice laced with a playful challenge. The audacity of her statement, coupled with the realization, made his breath hitch in his throat, raw desire clouding his eyes.
He pulled his hand back abruptly, a silent promise hanging in the air. The confined space crackling with unspoken desire.
As Y/n stole a glance at him, her heart pounded in her chest. He was trying to control himself, a clear struggle evident in the way he held his breath and clenched his jaw. The bulge in his trousers, who had been previously concealed by his trench coat, was now a very visible sign to his arousal.
"Not long until we get back, Love" Lewis finally managed, his voice husky with frustration. He leaned back in his seat, running a hand through his braids in a frustrated gesture. Y/n, a satisfied smile playing on her lips, let out a low chuckle.
Relief washed over both of them as they pulled into the hotel. A small army materialized around them. Her team, ever-efficient, whisked them towards her suite, their focus solely on getting her out of the Venus dress.
Throughout the undressing, Lewis hovered on the periphery, his eyes laser-focused on Y/n. He watched with an intensity that sent shivers down her spine. Every so often, he would discreetly lick his lips, a gesture that spoke volumes of his pent-up desire.
The process was a delicate ballet – a team of stylists unhooking intricate clasps, another carefully lowering the billowing skirt. Finally, wrapped in a plush towel, Y/n stood alone with Lewis, her team discreetly melting away, a knowing smile playing on their lips.
Lewis crossed the room in two long strides, the heat of anticipation crackling in the air between them. His hand reached out, almost hesitantly, to brush a strand of her now loosened hair. The touch, seemingly casual, sent a jolt of electricity through her, igniting a fire that had been smoldering all evening.
"There you are," he murmured, his voice husky with desire. "Beautiful, captivating, and all mine. Only mine."
His words hung in the air like a promise, the most possessive claim she had ever heard from him. They resonated deep within her, stirring something primal. As her heart pounded in her chest, she couldn’t help but lean into his touch, seeking solace and desire in his embrace.
"All yours," she whispered, her voice thick with longing. Their lips met in a searing kiss, a collision of pent-up desire and raw emotion. In that moment, the playful banter of the night melted away, replaced by a raw hunger that neither could – or wanted – to deny.
Each second ticked by like a whisper of urgency. They had only about twenty minutes before they were due to leave for the after-party. With practiced efficiency born of desire, she threw the towel onto the bed, leaving herself bare before him, a silent invitation hanging in the air.
Lewis's eyes roamed over her, a smirk playing on his lips as she reached down to undress him from his pants. "Don't have time for that, love," he murmured, his hands stopping hers with a swift motion.
With a sudden shift of momentum, he flipped her, his hands tracing over her tummy as he left a trail of kisses along her shoulder. Each kiss sent a shiver of anticipation coursing through her, her breath hitching with every touch of his lips against her skin.
His hands ventured lower with each kiss, until they reached her folds, his touch igniting a primal hunger within her. A low growl escaped his lips as his fingers delved into her depths, drawing out her arousal with a skillful touch that left her trembling with desire.
Feeling the urgency of their fleeting moments, she flipped around, dropping to her knees to palm him through his boxers. The outline of his thick arousal was already prominent, and she freed it eagerly, the velvet hardness filling her hands. With practiced skill, she teased him, eliciting a delicious hiss of pleasure as she took him into her mouth, savoring the taste of him.
But time was slipping away and they both knew it. Five minutes had already slipped by, according to the bedside clock. His hands gripped her chin, pulling her up "I promise later we can take our time, but I need your pussy right now," he breathed, urgency lacing his words with a desperate plea.
With a hungry nod, she positioned herself, elbows resting on the armchair, presenting herself to him with a silent invitation. The tip of his arousal teased her entrance, collecting her slickness before he plunged into her with a single, deep thrust. A sharp cry escaped her lips as he bottomed out, his hands soothing the skin of her hips as he waited for her signal to move.
"Lew" she moaned, her voice a desperate plea for release. His fingers circled her clit, igniting a fire within her as he began to move, each thrust driving her closer to the edge of oblivion.
It didn't take long before she was panting, her body trembling with the force of her climax. Lewis held her close, whispering words of encouragement as she rode the wave of ecstasy, her senses overwhelmed by the intensity of their shared passion.
As she steadied herself, he resumed his frenzied thrusts, his movements becoming more urgent as he neared his own release. With a final, deep thrust, he spilled himself inside her, holding her tightly as their bodies trembled with shared pleasure, the world fading away into a haze of ecstasy.
When he pulled out, she turned into his embrace, cupping his face in her hands as she gazed into his eyes, her heart overflowing with emotion. "They can look all they want, but you're the one here," she declared, pulling him into a passionate kiss, sealing their bond with a promise of devotion and desire.
His hands left her only briefly to clean her up before dressing himself, his movements slow and deliberate as he savored the lingering moments of what had just happened.
As he emerged in his Dior attire, abs on full display, Y/n's eyes sparkled, a playful challenge in her voice. "Guess, you're the one drawing all the attention now," she teased as she admired him.
Lewis chuckled, his gaze lingering on her in the black Dior mini. "You don't look too bad yourself, love," he countered, his voice a low rumble.
He pulled her close, his hand trailing down her back. "But trust me," he murmured, his lips brushing her ear, "tonight, the only eyes I care about are yours."
TAGLIST - @saturnssunflower @xoscar03 @chocolatediplomatdreamerzonk @happy-golden-hour @vicurious28
@0710khj @thecubanator2 @neilakk @bigratbitchsworld @adriswrld
@fearfam69691 @cmleitora
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artdcnaldson · 5 days
aannnyyywwaayyyyy! patrick training your ass but totally not because he has this mental image of him fucking you from behind while art gets your pussy! blame the porno he stumbled upon!
and if we're on the topic! he may have also seen where a girl held two dicks together and tried her best to suck them at the same time. not that he WANTS to be that close to art's dick, totally not the case, but he's just saying he'd be down if YOU'RE down that's all.
Rating: E (18+)
Warnings: SMUT (assplay, anal sex, sex toys, general debauchery)
A/N: Your mind consistently amazes me 🩷🫡 I did NOT edit this I just blacked out while I wrote this then hit send <3
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It started when you mentioned Art for the first time.
“I used to have the biggest crush on him,” you said with a grin. You’d been scrolling through Patrick’s Facebook— giving him shit for all the lame things he’d posted in the oughts (and, yeah, after). “Can’t believe that’s your friend.”
You stopped on a picture of the two of them from ‘06, posing with their doubles trophies.
“Well, if you want him that, I can set the two of you up. I’m sure he’d love to meet a groupie. Maybe you could show him just how big of a fan you really are,” he teased, nipping at the exposed skin of your throat.
You laughed and shook your head. “No! Not unless you were joining too.”
It flipped a fucking switch in him, to say the least.
Suddenly, his old-faithful porn vids, saved to his camera roll like a goddamn caveman, did nothing. He found himself scouring through any porn site he could find for threesomes, of which there were fucking plenty. And lots of ways he could imagine sharing you with Art.
You were on all fours while his cock pistoned in and out of you— back arched tantalizingly, ass rippling with each thrust. He tried to be casual about it. “Has anyone ever fucked your ass before?” Subtlety had never been a strong suit.
You’d gone all shy, hiding your face in your arms as you answered no, not yet. Yet being the operating word. He grinned, satisfied by your answer.
His thumb brushed over your rim, making your toes curl at the barest touch. You were so fucking sensitive and so fucking sweet that it would probably kill him, one day.
“You gonna let me do it someday?” He asked, lips twisted into a smirk. Your response was muffled where you hid your face. He grabbed a fistful of your hair, tugging you up slightly. “Couldn’t hear you, baby. Speak up for me.”
A whine escaped you as you nodded. “Yeah, want you to.” When he dropped his grip on your hair, your face fell back into the sheets.
He moved his thumb and spit onto your hole. You cried out as his cock bullied deep inside of your cunt— he could feel your walls clenching around him, could feel how close you were.
“Don’t be lazy, honey. Rub your clit for me, okay? I’m busy.”
You did as he said— pretty manicured nails between your thighs and rubbed at your clit as he fucked into you. His thumb circled your rim, slick with his spit as he pushed his fingertip within you and let his thumb sink into your your tight hole.
The moan that burst out of you as you came was the sexiest goddamn thing he’d ever heard. The feeling of your ass tightening around his finger as you came, feet kicking helplessly as he fucked you through it… he didn’t think he’d ever come harder than that moment.
And Patrick was a fucking degenerate— a dog with a bone— so the next time he got a chance he fucking took it.
He ate your pussy messily— making out with your cunt the same hungry way he kissed. A mess of tongue and spit that left you dizzy and begging more often than not.
Your thighs tightened, squeezing around his head the first time he let himself wander, tongue just barely teasing your ass.
“Fuck! Patrick—“ you cried out, burning hot with embarrassment and arousal from head to toe.
“Just lemme…” he trailed off, using his big hands to spread your legs for him. “Just take it, honey.”
His tongue pressed against your hole, lapping at you messily as your needy cunt spasmed around nothing, craving attention. His nose glistened with your arousal as he buried his face in you, relishing in the squeaks of pleasure you were emitting.
He sat up and grabbed blindly for the lube he kept in his bedside table— half empty and sticky. He coated his fingers in it, warming it up before his middle finger probed at your asshole.
“Relax for me, baby,” he cooed, his voice so sickeningly sweet you wanted to kick him. “Let me in.”
He watched you shakily exhale, letting your body adapt as his finger sunk into the tight heat of you. You moaned, low and breathy as he began working his finger in and out slowly.
“Fuck, there you go,” his words came out on a waver, his voice cracking slightly as he felt you tighten around his finger. “Feels good? You need more?”
You nodded quickly, meeting his gaze with a needy sort of hunger. “Mhmm, feels good,” you practically slurred. “Need more.”
The cutest fucking echo he’d ever heard.
He smiled and let his pointer finger press against your rim, stretching you as he slowly pushed in. You moaned softly, thighs falling open as you relaxed into it. He felt your body accepting the intrusion, sucking him in.
“How’s it feel?” He asked. He pressed a soft kiss to the inside of your knee.
“Full,” was all you could manage. You rocked your hips slightly, grinding against his fingers.
He grinned. “This is just two fingers, baby. How are you gonna take all of me, huh?” He grinned down at you, scissoring his fingers slightly just to watch the way your cunt clenched in response.
His thumb moved on your clit, and it took barely any attention to the nub for you to come for him, leaking slick arousal that he eagerly lapped from your neglected pussy as you squirmed beneath him.
Poor thing, you really needed both of your holes filled.
And you were so eager to let him try. A pretty little plaything whose eyes lit up at his filthiest whims.
“This is embarrassing,” you mumbled the next time it came up. You were on your hands and knees, pouting back at him as he lubed up one of your toys— a clear pink dildo that you’d used plenty before he rendered it obsolete.
He squeezed more lube onto his fingers and gingerly fucked your ass with them to get you all warmed up. It wasn’t lost on him how easy it had gotten since that first time, the way your body wanted him in any hole he could take.
“Don’t wanna hurt you, honey,” he said, watching as your cunt dripped a thin string of arousal onto the sheets as he gave a particularly deep thrust of his fingers. Jesus, you were fucking perfect. “Can’t jump straight to the real thing, you’re too delicate, baby.”
You whined, pouting even as you backed yourself against his fingers, toes curling as he added a third finger.
“Fuck, Patrick,” you gasped, fingers clawing into the sheets. He waited until you were gagging for it— pussy smeared with your own arousal, grinding back against his fingers with desperate need. He withdrew his fingers and smiled at the pathetic whimper you left out.
“‘S okay,” he cooed. He slicked up the dildo with lube once more before he pressed the tip of it against your ass. It was a stretch— beyond the three fingers Patrick had prepped you with— but you took it eagerly.
He thrust it inside slowly— inch by inch by inch until it was sheathed inside of you fully. You let out the prettiest moan, panting where your face was pressed against the sheets.
Patrick thought you’d never looked sexier— lips glossy with spit, practically drooling onto the bed. Arched up so perfectly to take whatever he could give you. He was so fucking hard he could barely think.
“How’s that?” He asked, voice breathy.
All you could manage was an eager nod— an encouragement, a plea for more. He began thrusting the toy inside of you, relishing in your pretty, fucked-out moans. Your eyes rolled back and your cunt ached with need for stimulation.
You were panting and whining with need, slick and wet down your thighs. “Need you,” you gasped, eyes shining with crocodile tears. “Wanna feel full.”
And, Jesus, he really couldn’t deny you. He thrust the toy fully inside of you, holding it there as he lined himself up with your dripping cunt.
It was nothing short of a miracle that he didn’t cum the second he bottomed out within you. You were so fucking tight that he could hardly move, wasn’t sure if he could even risk it without cumming in a pathetically short amount of time.
He brushed your hair from your eyes, found them glossy, lust-hazed. “Feels so good. So fucking tight around me. You’re so good.”
You rocked your hips back slightly, moaning at the smallest amount of friction.
“Fuck, gonna move for you, okay?” He thrust slowly, testing the waters. The moans both of you let out were pornographic. You were so wet that the sound of Patrick fucking into you made heat flood your cheeks. As you grew closer and closer, your legs gave out on you and Patrick had to hold you in place as he fucked you.
Each thrust made stars dance in your vision. You could hardly manage anything except moans of his name and cries for more. All you could do was just lie there and take it.
But he liked you like that— so needy and cockdrunk that you let yourself get used.
“Cumming—“ you cried out suddenly. Your cunt spasmed around him, squeezing like a vise. He only managed a few final thrusts before he was spilling deep inside of you.
You whimpered at the loss of him within you, then again as he eased the toy from your ass. Your body was sticky with cum, lube and sweat. Patrick laid on top of you, peppering kisses onto your back and shoulders.
“I want a bath,” you murmured lazily against the bedsheets.
“I want a million dollars,” he hummed, kissing the spot between your shoulder blades.
You laughed softly, rolling your eyes. “Fuck off.”
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ME? Writing ANAL??? Less likely than you think!!! But anything for my pookie wookie 🫶🩷
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honeyedmiller · 5 months
A Burning Desire part one
firefighter!joel x f!reader
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series masterlist
rating: 18+, minors dni.
warnings: joel miller au, fluff, mutual pining, reader is a tad bit shy, sort of a slow burn, tons of flirting, reader gets into a serious car accident (but they’re fine i promise), mentions of minor cuts, bruises and disorientation from car accident, brief mentions of blood, no use of y/n. some descriptions of the car accident may not be suitable for everyone to read, so please be weary of this if you choose to read on.
word count: 3.1k
synopsis: you meet a handsome firefighter on a day where everything just feels… different.
a/n: would you believe me if i said this au has been in my drafts since october of last year? it’s a miracle i actually finished it. i scrapped the first idea i had for this au and switched it to this instead. hope you enjoy!
divider by @saradika-graphics
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Today wasn’t like most days. 
Something had felt off. It wasn’t necessarily a bad feeling, but a feeling was there, idling in the depths of your very being. 
Maybe it was the way the summer sun was actually shining instead of a roaring thunderstorm rolling through Austin. Maybe it was the way you’d woken up to the sound of mourning doves, the birds you swore you hadn’t heard since childhood. Maybe it was the pleasant walk you had taken to your local café, multiple strangers smiling at you along the way. 
Or, maybe, it was the handsome stranger behind you in line at the café that had caught your eye. 
You didn’t mean to look intentionally. You just happened to have wandering eyes, enjoying the cozy atmosphere of Rosemary’s Roastery before your gaze settled on him—the incredibly handsome stranger behind you in line. 
You did a once-over, subtlety not your strong suit today. You immediately noticed he was in navy blue slacks with a black leather belt holding them up at his waist, and a navy blue shirt with Austin FD printed on the upper left corner. 
So he was a firefighter. 
His kind brown eyes caught yours, and time fucking stopped when he smiled at you. You felt your face heat, tossing him a shy smile before turning back around. 
The barista called you up to the counter, and after you gave her your order, you quietly asked if you could pay for the gentleman behind you. She nods with a smile and you wait at the other end of the counter for your drink. 
You watch as the firefighter orders his drink, bewilderment crossing his features when the barista told him his drink had already been paid for. He nods slowly with a smile, tucking his wallet back into the front pocket of his slacks. 
He walks over to the other end of the counter, a shoulder length away from you before turning to you. 
“You didn’t have to do that, darlin’.” His sweet Southern accent dripped like honey through your veins, warming you in a way you didn’t think was possible. 
“It was– uh– no big deal.” You shrug, and he chuckles before crossing his arms over his chest. 
Christ was he broad. His thick biceps strained against the navy blue fabric of his shirt, tan skin glowing under the soft lighting of the café. 
The veins on his forearms were prominent when he flexed his arms with every subtle move. And, god, he was so tall. 
Aside from his dark brown eyes, he had a defined jaw that was sprinkled with graying stubble and a mustache above his dark pink lips to match. His nose was strong and angular; something of a Greek god himself. His hair was dark brown with grays strewn in, the only indicator of his age. If you had to guess, it’s between mid thirties to early forties. 
He quirked a brow at you, hiding his amusement poorly as you checked him out. 
Yeah, subtlety definitely wasn’t your strong suit at all. 
“So what’s your name?” He asks, and you open your mouth to speak before the barista calls your name out to indicate your drink was ready. You sheepishly smile up at him as you thank her and grab your iced coffee. 
“Guess that answers that,” He chuckles, holding out his hand. You slot your hand in his and he gives yours a shake. “I’m Joel.” 
The barista called his name as well, and he thanked her as he grabbed his coffee. 
“Nice to meet you, Joel,” You pull him back in for conversation, deciding to throw all of your shyness behind you. “So, firefighter?” You ask, and he looks confused for a split second before he looks down at his t-shirt. 
He rolls his eyes at himself with a huff of a laugh. “Was thinkin’ you were psychic for a second before I realized my uniform says it clear as day.” He laughed at himself, and it was incredibly infectious. 
You couldn’t help but admire the crow’s feet at the corner of his eyes. You were so enamored by someone you just met, allowing yourself to indulge in the warm feeling you got in your belly when you talked to him. Never in your life have you experienced this, but the way he made you feel just a few minutes into some small talk had you yearning for him to stick around. 
“My brother and I joined the academy together and now we work at the same station.” He’s thoughtful when he speaks, a telltale sign that him and his brother might be close. 
“That’s really cool. Bet it’s fun working beside him.” You say lamely, internally cringing at yourself for your awful attempt at flirting. 
He doesn’t seem to notice, and thank god for that. 
“It is, when he’s not bein’ a pain in my ass.” 
“Younger brother I’m assuming?” You guess, and Joel looks at you quizzically. 
“Alright, y’sure you’re not psychic or somethin’?” 
You smile and shake your head. “Not at all, Joel. Just good at picking up context clues.” 
“What about the one where I was gonna ask a gorgeous stranger for her number?” His teasing tone warms you, and you bite your lip to suppress the face-splitting smile that was threatening to spill onto your lips. 
“Who’s the stranger? Lucky girl she is.” You play along. 
“Some kind samaritan who decided to pay for my much needed coffee this fine summer morning.” He hums, leaning against the wall next to him. 
“Mm. In that case,” You reach over to the section with the fixings for drinks, grabbing a napkin. You pull a pen out of your purse before scribbling your name and number on the napkin, handing it to Joel. “There you are.” 
He waves the napkin in between both of your bodies, eyes alight with happiness. 
“Definitely usin’ this to text the gorgeous stranger n’ ask her on a date.” 
“Lucky girl. Hope she’ll say yes.” You nudge him softly. 
“I hope she does too,” He grins, looking down at his watch-clad wrist—green band with a black and gray face. His brow furrows and he sighs, taking another sip of his coffee. “‘M real sorry darlin’ I gotta jam. My shift starts in twenty minutes.” 
“No worries, Joel. Hope you have a good shift.” 
“Thank you darlin’. I’ll keep in touch.” He holds up the napkin with a smirk, turning to walk out of the front door. 
You watch as he walks to his truck before exiting the side door, walking back to your apartment. 
“Does this mean you have a date for my wedding?” Your sister asks excitedly on the other end of the receiver. 
“Seriously? I just met this man today.” You roll your eyes and continue jotting down grocery items you need to stock up on on a pad of paper. 
“So what? If you guys hit it off that quick then maybe he’d wanna tag along.” 
“You do realize that he’d have to meet the whole family, right? I wouldn’t subject him to that. Plus, we’re getting too ahead of ourselves. I don’t even know if this is gonna go anywhere yet.” 
“Oh come on. Live a little. Let yourself be happy for once, sis.” Your sister is persistent, you’ll give her that. 
“I was fine being single before our small interaction this morning, and I’ll be fine at your wedding without a date too. I’m fine.” Which is sort of true, sort of a lie. You didn’t mind being single, because, hell, it had its perks. 
But another part of you—deep, deep down in the depths of your being, so badly wanted someone to give a shit about you in a romantic sense. You yearned for someone to hold you, someone to do cheesy shit with, someone that you could call home. 
Your sister sighs on the other end of the line. “I know you’re Miss Independent and all, but you need to learn to let go of the reins a little bit. The world won’t end if you give up an ounce of control.” 
You hated when she was right. Your sister, being a few years older than you, always had the superiority complex with I told you so’s plastered across her forehead. 
You couldn’t deny the truth, though, and the truth was you really needed to let yourself have this. Let go and unashamedly let this kind, handsome man take you out on a date. Let him sweep you off your feet. Let him treat you right, because it’d been few far and between since a man has done that for you. 
If the way you felt around him this morning was any indication that you should just relinquish control, that was it. 
“Fine. But I’m still not inviting him to your wedding.” 
And your sister laughs heartily, making you crack a small smile. 
“Right. I gotta go, but keep me updated on him!” 
“I will. Love you.” And she says it back, hanging up the phone. You sigh and stare down at your grocery list, continuing where you left off. 
Not even five minutes later, your phone buzzed again. A text from an unknown number. 
Unknown number: 
This wouldn’t happen to be the pretty stranger I met at Rosemary’s this morning, would it? ;)
You laugh at the text, biting to suppress a growing smile as you type a response. 
Depends, is this the handsome firefighter who put the number on the napkin to good use? 
You saved the number under ‘Joel’, finishing off your list before you received another text. 
Sure is, sweetheart. Although I wouldn’t necessarily say ‘handsome.’ Glad to know the number you gave me wasn’t fake. 
Me? Give you a fake number? Now that would just be downright stupid of me, wouldn’t it? 
Stupid how? 
Why would I give up an opportunity to get to know a (yes, very handsome, by the way) man such as yourself? 
You flatter me, sweetheart. I’m glad we met this morning. 
You can’t contain your smile anymore, having half a mind to drive down to the fire station to see him in person again. 
I’m glad we did too, Joel. 
Watcha up to right now? 
Heading for the grocery store :) I need to restock a bunch of stuff. How’s your shift going? 
You double check your purse for everything you need before you stuff your grocery list and phone into your bag, grabbing your keys before locking up and heading out. 
The drive to the grocery store was only ten minutes. Emerald Eyes by Fleetwood Mac softly played through the speakers in your car, and you wondered briefly what kind of music Joel liked to listen to. You smile softly at yourself at the thought of him once more, shaking your head as the light turned green. You had to get a grip. 
And then, halfway through the intersection, a loud crash had sounded. It took you several seconds as shock and adrenaline coursed through your body that you realized you were the one who got hit. You hit your head on the driver’s side window, a throbbing pain nearly unbearable sprouting within seconds. Your car spun out, glass shattering everywhere and airbag deploying as you gripped onto the steering wheel for dear life.
“Shit shit shit!” You cry, and once your car was at a stand still, you tried your hardest to look out at the scene to decipher what happened. You know your light was green, so someone must’ve run the red. 
Other civilians pulled over and gathered around the accident, and you hoped someone was calling 911. Your vision became blurry as your head was pounding, and you groaned in pain as you tried to open the driver’s side door of your car. Your limbs felt like steel. You were shaky as you attempted to shove at your door, but you realized the door was stuck. You were trapped in your car. 
Panic started to seize your whole body until you heard the faint wail of sirens. 
Good. Someone called for help. Good. Good good good, you repeated in your head. 
The sirens started to get closer, and you heard people shouting once the firetruck, ambulance, and cops arrived on the scene. 
Joel’s seen many nasty accidents before. The most gruesome, heart wrenching things nobody should ever have to see. 
And yet, he didn’t feel panicked when he was rescuing people, being the hero everyone claims he is. But when he saw that the woman who got hit was you, he started to internally panic. He seized up at the sight of you with tears in your eyes, blood dripping down the side of your face from the cuts of shattered glass. 
“We gotta get her out of there. Tommy, hand me the jaws.” 
“Joel, we need to wait for Cap’s orders.” 
“I’ll get them myself.” Joel grits, passing by his Captain to grab the jaws. 
“Miller, what are you doing?” His Captain asks, and Joel looks at the man. 
“I know that woman in that car. Her door is stuck.” Joel’s desperate eyes trail back to your totaled car, and his Captain nods.
“Have Tommy help you.” He says, and Joel nods. Joel motions for Tommy to follow him. 
“Hey sweetheart,” You hear Joel’s voice, and you swear you’re hallucinating until you see he approaches your car in a hurry. “We’re gonna get you out, okay? I promise you’ll be out soon.” 
His voice is soothing, and a sob leaves your throat at his familiar, kind face. 
“You’re gonna hear some loud creakin’ but it’s jus’ me gettin’ the door open.” He warns, and a few seconds later you hear the loud groan of metal being pried with something sturdy. The door pops open a minute later, and Joel reaches over to unbuckle your seatbelt before lifting you out of your car. His muscles ripple beneath you even through all of his gear, careful not to jostle you too much. He didn’t know the extent of your injuries, but he was hoping they weren’t too bad. 
“Hey, you’re okay darlin.’ I got ya. Let’s let the EMT’s check you out to make sure you’re okay.” Joel places you on a stretcher while the EMT’s get to work, asking you a bunch of questions that you try to answer. You’re still a bit shaken up, but they concluded that you’d be fine. You only had a few cuts and bruises, and they cleaned up the blood swiftly. 
You were fine to walk, so Joel gently draped a blanket over your shoulders as you sat on the ambulance’s bumper. He sat down beside you and sighed as you both looked out to the other car that hit you. A police officer came up to you and asked for your information, letting you know the person who hit you was texting and driving. 
“Are they okay?” You ask the officer, and she nods. 
“They’ll be fine. You both got very lucky today.” She says, walking off to talk with the few other officers on the scene. 
“You okay?” Joel asks, and you look up at him. Worry is blatantly evident in his eyes, and it makes you melt. You just met this man hours prior and he cares about you much more than you probably deserve. 
“I’m fine. ‘S gonna fucking suck trying to find a new car, though.” You huff a laugh, and Joel grins as he stares down at his hands knotted in his lap. 
“Listen, I know we just met n’ all, but seeing you like that in your car scared the hell outta me, n’ I’d never ask a lady for permission to kiss her before the first date, but I just—”
You lay a hand on his arm, a smile on your face as you try to stop his rambling. Your sister’s words from earlier replayed themselves in your head: You need to learn to let go of the reins a little bit. The world won’t end if you give up an ounce of control.
And so you did just that. It was time you stopped worrying about the consequences of falling, because fuck did you deserve happiness. You had quite the hunch that Joel could give you just that. 
Any man that saves me from being trapped inside of a car, is a man I’ll let kiss me anyday.” Your voice is gentle as you look at him with a burning desire. 
And he does. He smiles softly and leans in, his plush lips enveloping yours in a steady, calculated motion. 
You’d be a goddamn liar if you said you didn’t feel like you were floating. You gasped softly into the kiss, and a knowing smile curled onto Joel’s lips as he pulled away in the slightest. 
“I feel it too.” And his lips are on yours again. You thread a hand through his thick locks, deepening the kiss marginally, until you hear a throat clear before you. 
“Really, Miller?” One of his coworkers said with a shit-eating grin, and a man, who’s name you think is Tommy, pipes up as well. 
“Ah, so this is the woman you’ve been talkin’ my ear off all day about. Nice to meet you darlin’, I’m Joel’s brother.” He sticks his hand out and you shake it while introducing yourself, turning to Joel after with an eyebrow raised. 
“Talking about me all day, hm?” You tease, and his cheeks burn bright red. He clears his throat and waves his hand out in front of himself, brushing you guys off. 
“Whatever.” He mumbles toward Tommy and his coworker, and they laugh as they begin to walk away. 
“It’s alright. I was talking about you today, too.” You avow to him. 
His eyebrows raise in shock. 
“To who?” He asks. 
“My sister.”
“Mm. N’ what’d she have to say?” He questions, leaning in closer to you once more. 
“She said I should give it a shot with you.” 
“Really? And what do you think about that?” A smirk makes its way onto his plush lips, and your face heats at his question. You decided to be honest with him anyway. 
“Told her I’d give it a shot.” You bite your lip to keep from smiling too hard, heart thumping in your chest as a low chuckle rumbles through his throat. 
“‘M real glad y’did, sweetheart.” He presses his lips to yours once more, butterflies raging through your whole body. Your veins are pumping with excitement and adrenaline, reveling in the man that is Joel Miller. 
Today really wasn’t like most days, but the unwavering sweetness from the handsome stranger behind you at the café truly was the start of something more than you could’ve ever wished for.  
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if you want a part two, lmk!
tags: @party-hearses ; @ilovepedro ; @nostalxgic ; @cool-iguana ; @tinygarbage ; @bastardmandennis ; @amanitacowboy ; @punkshort ; @pamasaur ; @nerdieforpedro ; @brittmb115 ; @joelsranchbaby ; @lovely-ateez ; @nandan11
780 notes · View notes
heavenlyvision · 7 months
Until hell freezes over
Word count: 6.7k
Pairing: Bi-Han x F!Reader
This is a part two to when hell freezes over
A/N: Longest fic so far woohoo, I’m overjoyed at the interactions and comments I got from the first part so thank you for the attention. I’m glad you’ve all been enjoying my writing; it encourages me to write more! I hope you all enjoy this part as much as the first and please reach out with any thoughts, feelings, questions, anything of the sort. I am happy to interact with everyone. And thank you for reading! :)
Summary: Ever since you and Bi-Han had sex he’s been staring at you even more than before, not that he’s admitted to it yet. A competition begins between the two of you, who can hold out longest?
Warnings: 18+ only, smut, cunnilingus, fingering, masturbation, p in v sex, creampie, possessive!Bi-Han, hickeys (reader receiving), pussy slapping (one), inappropriate use of Bi-Hans official title, minor appearance of pussy drunk Bi-Han, return of mean Bi-Han, special appearance of soft Bi-Han, no use of y/n
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Following the events of the other night, Bi-Han has been staring at you a lot more frequently. You can’t be certain what he’s thinking about, but it doesn’t take a genius to figure it out. You had both mutually agreed to keep what happened between yourselves, but he keeps giving you bedroom eyes and it isn’t going to take long for someone to catch on if he keeps looking at you like that.
Subtlety does not seem to be Bi-Han’s strong suit, which you feel is cosmically ironic considering how subtle he is in other facets of his life. His eyes set you on fire, you know what he wants from you. You haven’t slept with him since the first time, three days ago now.
The reason for this is because you needed time to recover from the world class fucking you received the first time and because you want to get to know him more; by actually talking to him. Not that, that stops him from shoving you up against walls and sticking his tongue in your mouth when he gets the chance. Just the memories of his indiscretions make you vibrate with arousal.
Other than those few shared, private moments, he’s respected the fact that you don’t want to have sex again yet. He is getting impatient though, you can tell by the way his constant staring has gotten more intense. His eyes track your every move when you’re close to him, sometimes it seems like he’s actively fighting the urge to pick you up and walk away with you over his shoulder.
Everyone is in the training area right now, and Bi-Han is standing by Lord Liu Kang, and yup, he is staring at you, again. You really can’t be shocked anymore; you’ve come to realise that the most he communicates is with his eyes and his grunts.
Lord Liu Kang steps away from Bi-Han to talk with Kuai Liang on the other side of the training area, you take the opening to slowly shuffle yourself up next to Bi-Han.
“You need to stop looking at me like that,” you say quietly, keeping your head forward.
“Looking at you like what?”
You have to try real hard not to make a face of annoyance at him. He always does this, acts dense on purpose just to get under your skin.
“Like we’ve had sex,” you hush out at him.
He moves to stand directly in front of you and tilting his head down slightly he says, “That is a little difficult, considering we have had sex, sweet girl.”
He’s taunting you, it’s not fair, the nickname, his words, it’s all not fair to you and he knows it. It’s why he does it, he wants you to break first, to beg him for it, and as the days pass by, you’re worried you will cave and beg him to fuck you. And he is counting on it, it’s probably part of the reason why he pushes you up against walls and kisses your breath away. You get the feeling that the man has an impeccable resolve, which makes you want to break it. It’s turned into an unspoken competition between the two of you.
“You aren’t being very fair,” you try not to, but you can’t help but pout at him.
His eyes sparkle as he looks at your sulking face, “I’m not trying to be fair,”
Bastard, you go to tell him as much, but he cuts you off, “I am trying to get you to ask me for what you need, I want you to ask me sweetly to fuck you.”
He has said you undo him, but he is actively pulling you apart, he wants you at his feet and you’re afraid that you might comply. You are strong, you can resist him, you just have to want to win more than him and you are competitive. You’ve decided you’re going to turn his constant stares and teasing into determination. You are determined to win, you want him coming to you, head in his hands asking you for your body.
He can see the way your eyes harden with your own resolve and his light up in an amused way at it, you find it maddening that he’s getting joy from this.
“You will not be winning this, Grandmaster.” You say his title to stab home your determination, you want him to know that he is the one who turned this into a challenge. One that you aren’t willing to lose.
The use of his official title is effective, his smile falters for a second, a glimmer or his underlying arousal for you shining through his mirth. Good, you think.
“Mmm where has my sweet girl gone?” He asks you, his smug nature intact. Not good, you think, he might be able to play dirty better than you.
Your confidence in yourself is waning the longer he looks at you, “Just… stop looking at me.”
A smile breaks out across his face, “Not if it’ll get you to break first.”
You keep showing him your hand, he makes you weak, and he likes that about you. Maybe it would be smarter to use that to your advantage, rather than pretending he doesn’t affect you. He’s able to read you impeccably well, any lie you try and give him is probably going to fall flat. Lying isn’t something you consider yourself to be bad at but trying to lie to Bi-Han is like trying to lie to someone who can read minds, so it’s better to just avoid it.
“You’re right Bi-Han, I want you, badly, all the time,” you’re looking at him as innocently as possible.
One of his eyebrows raises in response, “Are you asking for something?” He’s hoping you are.
“Nope. Just letting you know how much I want you. All the time.” You state before walking over to where you were previously standing with Johnny and Kenshi.
You would’ve liked to keep talking with him, but you have a feeling that would be more to your detriment than his. Tuning back into Kenshi and Johnny’s conversation you realise they’re arguing, because of course they are.
“Just give the sword back Johnny!” Kenshi sounds exasperated with him, this is not the first time they’ve argued over this, and you have a feeling it won’t be the last.
“No way man! Do you know how much this cost me?” Johnny is just as equally exasperated as Kenshi. Their relationship and squabbles amuse you, until –
“Settle this, do you think he should give Sento back?” They both turn to you suddenly, dragging you into this argument against your will. How nice of them.
You really do not want to be dragged into this, “I have no stake in this, guys.”
“Yeah, exactly. That’s why you should decide for us,” Johnny adds.
Why would they want you to settle this, whatever you decide the other would be angry with and you like both of them.
“Look, guys, this isn’t something that another person can solve for you, and I’d really rather not pick, I don’t want to lose a friend based on a choice I make.”
They both stare at you, God, what is with all these men and staring.
Then you feel it, his looming presence coming up behind you, he grabs your shoulder to get your attention. You drop your head back to look up at him.
“Did you have something to ask, Sub-Zero?”
He looks down his nose at you, “mmm, you need to come with me.”
Straightening your head, you look forward again, you go to address the two men in front of you but before you can, Johnny looks at Bi-Han and says, “Wait, before you leave, settle this for us. Who do you think should have Sento?”
Bi-Han looks at the pair of them dead eyed for a moment, trying to give Johnny a chance to take his question back, “Don’t care.” He states plainly before grabbing your arm and walking away.
Why Johnny thought asking him was a good idea you have no idea, you turn around quickly to apologise to them both, they’re giving you a sympathetic look. Their pity is granted because to them, you’ve just been pulled away by the Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei. Assumedly, about to get scolded for something, which may be half true. You give them a smile back; to try and assuage any genuine worry they may have, before facing Bi-Han’s back again, following him silently.
He walks you away from the training area into a quiet, empty area of the temple. Your heart is racing, you have no idea what he’s intending to do, he wouldn’t have cracked that easily, which means he’s brought you here for another reason. He’s stopped walking, back facing you.
“Bi-Han, why have you kidnapped me?”
He turns to face you, rolling his eyes at your light-hearted accusation, “I have not kidnapped you, that’s an exaggeration.”
Cocking an eyebrow at him and placing a hand on your hip, you say, “I am well aware, what did you have to ask?”
“How long?” He asks, he needs to start speaking in full sentences, more often than not he will state something like it doesn’t need further explanation.
Though you can probably guess with pretty good accuracy what he’s referring to, that doesn’t mean you’re going to make it easy for him. Time for a taste of his own medicine, he’s often acting intentionally dense to get you to admit to things, now it’s his turn.
“How long for what?”
His eyes harden at you, “How long until I can have all of you again?”
Is he trying to compromise with you? Maybe he wasn’t as confident in his own willpower as you thought, “that depends, are you giving up?”
“It’s a competition now, Bi-Han, there is no timeline anymore.” Not that there was ever a timeline, you were just hoping to get to know him a bit more before sleeping with him again but seeing him increasingly get more desperate is too good to turn away from now.
Watching him struggle with what he wants to do next has you realising, two sides of Bi-Han are clashing right now. He’s stubborn but he’s also impatient, it’s thrilling not knowing which side will win.
“It’s a stupid competition. Childish.” He spits the words at you.
“You started it.” You shrug at him.
“I most certainly did not start this.” He points at you.
He’s getting angry now, it has you smiling, “you’re only annoyed now because I’m winning.”
He grunts at you, “This could end right now Bi-Han, if you just admit you’ve lost.” You’re offering him a way out; one you know he won’t take.
“What are the rules?”
You answer him honestly, “I hadn’t considered any.”
He stalks towards you, it has you taking steps back until you hit a wall. Both of his hands come up and cage you against it, he leans down slightly, head angled, “then I will.”
You look up at him, eyes large, taking him all in, “Bi-Han, you’re really pretty,” you tell him your internal thought by accident.
He looks shocked for a second before his head rests on your shoulder, he speaks into your neck, “Sweet, sweet girl, my sweet girl.” He inhales the scent of your skin, sending a shiver down your spine.
This situation is precarious for you, if he sweet talks you, you might cave. You need to get him back on topic. But before you can speak to get him back on track, he moves his lips to yours, one of his hands coming off the wall to grab at the side of your face, angling you to his liking. Tongue entering your mouth teasingly, you moan into his mouth, and he swallows the sound.
When he pulls back, he smirks at the look on your face, your eyes wet and soft for him, he always makes you feel so pliable. This competition is not made for you, you bend to his will too easily, he’s only kissed you and you want more.
You close your eyes tight, not looking into his eyes will help, he’s got pretty eyes that you fall into every time. You just need to not look at him right now.
“What are you doing?” He asks, his thumb stroking your cheek, a rare sign of the way he coddles you.
“I can’t look at you and your pretty eyes.”
He hums in response, “that’s fine, only need your lips for what I’m doing right now.”
Then he leans in to kiss you again, he’s being gentle, tender, tongue licking into your mouth and exploring, he’s taking his time, kissing your breath away.
He’s officially, completely, distracted from what he was talking about, lips moving against yours, consuming you. He moves his body closer to yours, the feel of him against you has a whimper slipping from you. The sound makes him grunt but it brings him back to himself, and he pulls away, but not before he plants a single wet kiss on your lips and then he’s pulling his lips away completely.
Forehead resting against yours, he huffs, “you wanna give up?”
You nod your head, and he seems pleased, but you continue on to say, “I do, but I’m not going to.” His small moment of triumph ripped from him at your words.
A low grunt is his response to you, he’s disappointed that you haven’t caved but only because he’s not going to either. “Want you and your tight, little–”
“Rules! What rules did you want?” you cut him off, his words are his weapon and right now he’s one good strike away from you giving in and letting him do whatever he wants to you.
He smirks at you, he knows how his words effect you, loves the way you squirm at the things he whispers to you.
“From now on losing counts as, kissing, touching, dirty talk, whispering sweet nothings to each other–”
“–Bi-Han, you’ve done all of those things, just now.” The gall of this man.
“There were no rules before,” he’s dismissive of your complaint.
You have an incredulous look on your face, “well, there goes your whole arsenal then.”
“Not really, I still have my pretty eyes.” He’s making fun of you, but you know the way you react to and compliment him has him soft for you.
“No nicknames?” You ask him.
He glares at you, “no nicknames.” He confirms.
That makes you sulk a bit, not only because calling him Grandmaster was one of your trump cards but also because you like when he calls you sweet girl.
“Can you still call me sweet girl?” You ask him gently; you genuinely don’t want him to stop but you’re also playing dirty by asking and you know it.
His chest rumbles with a deep growl and his head tips back, “Fucken, alright but only because I think it will benefit me more than you.”
When he looks at you again there is a cheeky smile on your face, “compliments? Can I still tell you how pretty your eyes are? Or how I love when your arms are crossed and your muscles become defined, or how hot your hands looks when they flex, or–”
One of his hands moves to cover your mouth, cutting you off, “Jesu– no, no compliments.”
You give the palm of his hand a small kiss and his head falls forward, chin on his chest, “You’re going to kill me,” he sighs.
You’re smiling against his palm; this round goes to you.   
It’s been a few days since your rendezvous with Bi-Han, he had to go away for a couple of them to take care of some business but ever since he’s been back you think he’s been avoiding you. And you aren’t sure if that excites or frightens you. The upper hand was yours last time, now you’re worried that he’s plotting his revenge, and you have no idea what he would even do. His rules basically take away all of his trump cards, but they also take away yours. Leaving you both in a weird purgatory state of trying to figure out what to do next without breaking any of the rules.
There are a few options, but unless you can get away with walking around the temple grounds completely naked without anyone seeing you, there isn’t anything that could get him to break quickly enough.
You find yourself back at the rock, you’ve started calling it your enlightenment rock, on account of how often you come here to meditate. Though you aren’t here for spiritual guidance currently. Not unless the spirits can guide you on how to break Bi-Han’s will into fucking you senseless. It feels a little inappropriate to even think about here, but you think best here, and you need the peace right now.
Thinking about what you could do is exhausting, you’re not good at initiating these kinds of things, you’re more of a defence kind of person than attack. Which makes Bi-Han avoiding you even funnier, he’s pretty quick to go on the attack, usually.
You’re at a stalemate and you want to be the one to break it, but you’ll need a for sure thing, if you go in half-cocked and your plan fails it gives him an opening to get you to crack, which, in all honesty, you would. He breaks down all your defences with just a look, and now that you’re thinking about it, that might be his plan.
This is what you mean by thinking about this is mentally taxing, you’re either thinking too hard or not hard enough. The man is unpredictable, and you like that about him, just, not right now. You want to be the one to win and over thinking might cost you the competition.
A big smile breaks out across your face as you are suddenly blessed with a fantastic idea to get the man to break, not the kind of enlightenment you usually come here for but it’s the next best thing.
The moment is taken from you when you feel Bi-Han’s eyes on you, “Hello Bi-Han.” You don’t turn around to look at him.
“How do you always manage to know it’s me? I am a ninja, and I can’t even look at you without you knowing.” He’s curious about your sixth sense for him and you don’t have an answer that would satisfy him.
You shrug your shoulders in response, “I can feel it, that’s the best way to describe it.”
“And what do you feel when I look at you?” He’s moving closer to you, standing directly behind your sitting form. Any closer and his back would be pressed against yours.
You consider what to say, you could lie but like you’ve said, lying to him is damn near impossible, “It feels electric.” It’s the only way you can accurately describe how it feels to have his gaze aimed at you.
He grunts at you in response.
You’re smiling because he’s so soft for you in the oddest of ways, “you asked,” you tell him.
“Shouldn’t have.” He pauses before continuing, “Mmm, what are you doing out here? It’s getting late.”
And it is, you had realised this you just needed the silence to give you ideas for your plan. The temple has too many people and you often get pulled into conversations, you don’t mind, but you’re taking this competition unnecessarily seriously.
“I have been thinking.”
“And what have you been thinking of?” He asks.
“I’d tell you, but I think it would count as whispering sweet nothings to you.”
You can practically feel the way he rolls his eyes from behind you, he huffs a breath out and you can feel the air brush against your neck. You stifle your reaction, not wanting him to have the satisfaction of your body reacting to him without physical touch.
He’s moving his face closer to the back of yours, lips close to you neck but never touching, “there is nothing I can say right now that won’t break those stupid rules.”
You can’t help the shiver that runs through you at his breath whispering over your skin “you made them.”
“Might break them too. You’d like that wouldn’t you? Me breaking first, taking you however I desire–”
“–You are walking a very thin line Bi-Han,” you remind him, he often gets lost in the words he speaks to you.
He takes a step back, sighing again, “Come back to the temple, dinner will be served soon.”
You look back at him and smile, “I’ll be up soon.”
“Don’t take too long, it’s supposed to be cold tonight,” he mumbles at you as he begins to walk away.
It’s adorable, the way he cares if you eat on time or if you’ll be warm. He’s driving you crazy without even realising it, if he turned back and said one more thing concerning your wellbeing, you’d break the rules by running up to him and hugging him.
Waiting is all you can do right now; you’re waiting until everyone has gone back to their quarters so that you can sneak into Bi-Han’s and put your plan into action. It’s not going to be particularly fair to him and you don’t know if he’ll classify it as cheating, but you don’t classify it as cheating, not technically anyways.
It’s almost quarter to midnight when it sounds like everyone has turned in for the night and you take the opportunity to sneak from your room and briskly walk to Bi-Han’s.
Approaching the door, you tentatively knock at it, waiting for him to answer and slide the door open feels like it takes forever but when he does you feel like you might fold on the spot, he’s wearing a loose robe, his whole chest on display and the worst part is, his hair is down and in his face a little. He has such soft looking hair, and you want nothing more than to run your hands through it.
Bi-Hans face is decidedly unhappy until he realises it’s you at his door, and then he’s smug, taking in your gaze, all gooey for him.
“Evening, sweet girl, you here to give in?” He’s grinning at you like you’re his prey.
You hurry inside past him, careful not to touch him, “No, I’m here to win.”
He groans, exasperated at you, like he couldn’t just cave now and end it all. “C’mon, just give in, I know you want to.”
“and I know you want to, too,” you’re standing in the middle of his room awkwardly, you’re trying to decide how you’re going to do this.
He slides the door closed and turns to look at you, his head crooking to the side slightly, hair falling into his face a bit. His arms are crossed over his chest, and it has your skin on fire, he looks irresistible to you right now and it’s not fair.
“What are you here to do, exactly?” He raises a questioning eyebrow at you.
You purse your lips, you know exactly what you want to do, you’re just feeling a little shy. Fuck it you think, and you shrug your own robe off your body, you’re completely bare beneath it.
Bi-Han’s eyes go wide, “What are you planning, sweet girl?” He’s breathless at your bare figure in front of him, completely taken aback by your uncharacteristic boldness.
You move over to his bed and sit down on it, propping yourself up against his pillows, “I’m going to touch myself and I’m going to make you watch.” You’re fighting against your own embarrassment, skin breaking out in a deep blush.
He looks entirely too pleased with this situation, “Mmm, go on then, show me how you touch yourself.”
“You can’t sweet talk me! that was one of your rules,” you point at him, “If you break the rules you lose,” you’re pouting at him.
He’s nodding his head, staring at your legs, waiting not so patiently for you to part them, “mmhm, I know, just spread your sweet thighs.”
You’re not sure if you should call him on that or not but since you’re also walking a thin line you let it go. He’s moving to sit at the foot of the bed, eyes never leaving your body as he does.
Slowly, you part your legs, and he lets out a quiet growl at the sight of your pussy, wet and wanting. Reaching down, your fingers run through your slick, spreading it all over your folds. You insert one finger into your hole, whining at the feeling, before you move it to your clit, rubbing small, controlled circles into it.
Little whimpers and quiet whines leave your mouth, you’re trying to hold in your sounds as you use your fingers to bring you pleasure. Looking over at Bi-Han you can see a thinly veiled animalistic look in his eyes, he’s trying to restrain himself. Feeling tortured by his inability to touch or even speak to you right now.
Your movements speed up on your clit and a gasp is ripped from you, Bi-Han’s staring heightening your pleasure.
“Ffuck – stop, stop.” He’s suddenly asking you to stop.
“Mmm, but I am so – ngh – close,” you don’t stop, your breaths coming faster and whines pitching higher, you’re so close to finishing.
Eyes wet with how close your high is, your other hand reaching up to grab your own breast. Bi-Han looks angry, his hand reaches out and rips yours away from your pussy. You whine in response to your pleasure being ripped from you at the last second.
“I told you to stop, shit.” He looks really angry, and you can’t help but feel a little smug, a small, suppressed, smile painting itself on your lips.
“You lost,” you tell him, though by how angry he is, you think he already knows that.
He squints at you with an accusatory glare, “wouldn’t have if you just fucken listened to me.”
“Yeah, but I wanted you to lose.”
He snarls at you, “you fucken win and now I’m taking you how I want.”
“Okay,” you smile brilliantly at him.
“Try not to be so pleased with yourself.” He’s hot when he’s grumpy.
But you can’t help it, you won, and he lost and now you can have sex with him again and feel victorious. It’s a good day to be you.
He moves over you and leans down, kissing you harshly, he pulls away but only to pull your mouth open and then he’s shoving his tongue into your mouth. You moan against him; you’ve missed his lips against yours. He’s being more forceful with you than usual, sexually frustrated and annoyed that he’s lost this arbitrary competition against you.
Pulling his lips from yours he starts kissing your neck, sucking deep marks into your skin.
“Bi-Han, not my neck, the others will see–”
“–Good, mine, you’re mine.” He sucks another mark into the centre of your collarbones, “Isn’t that right, my sweet girl?”
You nod your head, “Mhm, m’yours.”
The groan he lets out can be felt against your skin where his mouth is attached, he continues downwards. Sucking hickeys into your skin as he goes. He reaches your cunt and nuzzles his face into it, licking between your folds. His actions make you whine, back coming off the bed, his hand reaches up and pushes you back to the bed by your stomach.
Then he uses both hands to spread your thighs further apart, enough so that he can fit his shoulders between your legs. He turns his head into your thigh and sucks a mark there.
“Got such a pretty cunt, Mm gonna fucken ruin you,” your hole clenches at his words and he watches, he has a wolfish smile on his face at your reaction.
“God, fucken missed seeing how needy you are, love the way your body reacts to me,” he adds.
He’s driving you mental, “please,”
“Mmm? You need something, sweetie?” His tone is mocking, he knows exactly what you want.
“Want your mouth, on me, please?”
“Say you want my mouth on your cunt and then I might oblige.” He’s staring into your eyes, waiting for you to repeat his words.
It has you blushing again, it feels so filthy to say out loud to him, “I want your mouth on my cunt, please.” Your voice wavers as you mumble the words out.
You feel really exposed, legs over his shoulders as he looks at you, refusing to break eye contact.
“Not good enough, try again,” he has an amused look on his face, but his tone is serious.
You repeat yourself louder, “want your mouth on my cunt, please, Bi-Han,” you whine a little as you say it.
He chuckles at you, “all you had to say, sweetheart.”
He tucks his head down and licks along the length of your pussy, your back goes to arch again but he predicts that and moves his hand back to your stomach and holds you down.
His tongue enters your hole, licking into you before moving up to your clit, then he suctions onto it. Two of his fingers coming up to enter you, crooking them up into you, finding the spot he did last time and fucking into it.
You’re biting your lip trying to keep the noises in, head rolling back onto the pillows behind you. He removes his mouth from your clit but doesn’t stop his fingers.
“Eyes on me, do not stop looking.” He warns.
You aren’t focusing though, his fingers inside you taking you elsewhere. He pulls them from you and smacks your pussy at your lack of response, it has you jolting upright.
“Eyes on me, and stop biting your lip, wanna hear you.” His words slur together a little.
You look him in the eyes again, “yes, Grandmaster.” You mumble mindlessly, a little lost in the pleasure he’s given you.
“Fffuck, look at you, so pretty and dazed.” He moves his mouth back to your pussy, lapping at you like his last meal.
He’s eating you out with the conviction of a man who’s afraid he’ll never do it again, you maintain eye contact with him, but you feel like they might cross. You move your hands to his head, grabbing at his hair. He hums at the feel of your fingers pulling at him.
You’re getting closer to your peak; he stuffs his fingers back inside you and it pulls a loud moan from you. He groans into your cunt, the vibrations pushing you closer to the edge. His fingers speed up as he sucks unforgivingly at your clit. Your moans come louder and faster, and then he pulls his mouth away to blow cold air on your clit, it feels sharp and has you coming with a yelp. Your hands move to grab at his sheets, attempting to ground yourself.
He’s pleased, watching you fall apart on his fingers, when you’ve come down from your high, he pulls his fingers from you. But he leans down again and licks up your cum, he keeps licking at you and you try to wiggle away from his unrelenting tongue.
He pushes you down and uses both hands to hold your thighs open, “stay fucken still.”
“Ngh – it’s too much Bi-Han, mm sensitive, please.”
“I know but you’re gonna take it.” He tells you.
He’s licking at you fervently, in your pussy hole, your clit, sucking on your folds, he’s lost in your cunt. He flattens his tongue against you and shakes his head and it has you coming suddenly against your will. A breathy whine pulled from deep inside your chest, the force of it bites at you, the feeling too much. Your grip on his sheets hardening, if you were more present, you’d worry about tearing them.
He pulls back satisfied with the way you’re squirming, he keeps his hands on your thighs, holding them apart.
He’s staring at your fluttering hole, “could suck on your pussy for the rest of my life.”
Your thighs are fighting against his hands trying to close, he lets go and lets you close them. You take a moment to catch your breath, the overstimulation sending shocks through your body. A sharp kind of pleasure.
Tears in the corners of your eyes, one falling, Bi-Han climbs on top of you and leans down, licking it away.
“You’re such a sensitive little thing.” He whispers to you.
Then he moves his mouth to yours, devouring you through a kiss. He kisses you until you’re reaching up to him, running your hands through his hair, and then tugging him away.
He pulls back from you, lips ghosting over yours, “What is it?”
“Want you, please?”
His grin is wide, “love the way you ask me for things, such a polite girl.”
He pulls back, resting on his knees as he undoes his robe, throwing it onto the floor, the sight of him bare makes your cunt jump and mouth water.
He locks eyes with you, “You’re staring.”
“Yes.” Is all you can manage, “you’re… beautiful.”
“Jesus woman, too nice, such a nice girl.” He leans down and pecks your lips, your cheeks, he noses at the side of your face before kissing your ear, neck, anywhere he can reach.
Your hands reach out to rest on his shoulders and your legs move to rest your thighs on his hips, pulling him closer. His skin rests against yours, and you hug him to you. Your face moves to the crook of his neck, and you place a kiss there.
His hips slowly start to grind into you, the sweet intimate moment broken by his dick slipping through your folds.
“Sooo, fucken wet, always so wet an messy, mmph,” he speaks into your neck.
You move your hips against him, the feel of his cock rubbing against you making you wetter, rutting yourself into him more, “Bi-han, need it, please.”
“ngh – you can – hah – fucken wait,” he’s teasing you, your punishment for winning.
You whimper as his dick continuously slides over your clit; his upper half pulls away so he can look down to where he’s rubbing against you. Enjoying the way your hips are raising to chase him.
Deciding to take mercy on you and himself, he grabs the base of his cock, and slips the head into you, “hah – I forgot how fucken – ngh – ridiculously tight you are.” He groans at the feel of you wrapped around him, “you’re so – mph – warmmm.”
“Bi-Hannn~” you moan his name; he keeps sliding into you at a leisurely pace, trying not to hurt you.
“I needa fuck you more often – nghh, keep this cunt ready for me.” His hands are back on your thighs, keeping you open so he can watch himself slide into you.
You can feel his dick twitching inside you, he’s turned on watching the way he’s splitting you open. He’s about halfway in when he starts rubbing your clit, moving a hand off your thigh to do so, “you needa relax for me, sweetie.”
Your pussy clenches around him, “that’s hard when you keep talking.”
“Mmm, love the way I talk to you, don’t you?”
“You know I do,” he knows, he just loves the ego boost he gets from hearing you confirm it.
Then he drives all the way into you, and it pushes a gasp from your lungs, a long-drawn-out groan comes from Bi-Han. His question was just to distract you so he could bully his cock the rest of the way into you.
He looks up to the ceiling and away from where you’re connected, “ffffff–”
You raise your hips to grind against him, clit rubbing against his pelvis, the full feeling has you seeing stars.
“Mpphh – stop, unless you want me cumming now.” He warns you.
You whimper at him but can’t stop grinding into him, he pulls his hand from one of your hips and pushes them down, holding you still. The way he can hold you down turns you on, you’re still trying to rut up against him though.
You whine his name, and he snarls at you, “hold fucken still, needy fucken–” Your cunt tightens around him, and he has to take a breath, his dick twitching in you.
He shoots you an angry glare, “I can’t help it,” you tell him.
He knows but he doesn’t want this being ruined because he came too soon. He lowers his body down and presses flat against you. Skin to skin, it has you preening, you wrap your legs completely around him, ankles connecting behind him. He sinks deeper at your movement and a guttural moan comes from deep in his chest.
Pulling his head from your neck he presses kisses all over your face before taking your lips in his again, kissing you deeply, passionately. Licking into you deliberately, taking his time. Then he starts gently pulling from you, moving in and out of you at a languid pace. His tenderness makes your heart sing, his pace is consistent, unrelenting, and makes your head spin.
Lips parting from yours he moves to your ear, whispering praises to you, “sweet girl – ngh – sweet cunt, tastes so sweet – mph – sounds you make are so sweet.” Soft clapping noises are filling the room.
The sounds in the room are a mix of the slapping of skin against skin and the wet noises your cunt is making. It’s making him dizzy, he’s holding back, being gentle and sweet, always trying to remember to be careful with you.
“Grandmaster – hah – harder please, I want more, want all of it.” You tell him, trying to encourage him to let go, to fuck you how he pleases. Like how he promised.
“Mphh – fucken, whatever you want, sweet girl – shiii” He kisses your cheek, before moving his head back a bit.
One of his hands braces behind your head on the bed, the other grabs your hip, holding you against him tightly. He spreads his knees slightly and then he’s fucking into you at such an unforgiving velocity it leaves you breathless, weepy moans and whimpers coming out of your mouth in a broken manner.
“How’s – hah ngh – this?” he asks you, smirking cockily at you.
“good, sogood – mph – always so good Grandmaster.”
He speeds up more, something you wouldn’t have thought possible, “never letting you go, mine, you’re fucken – ngh – mine now, sweet girl.”
You feel overwhelmed, his words, the speed of his thrusts, the strength of them, it’s making you cry. Bi-Han notices and laughs, “too fucken much for you? Mmph – look so cute when you cry.”
You nod your head, eyes glassy as you look at him, tears slipping from the corner of your eyes. His smile is filled with pride, he loves that look on your face, never wants to forget it.
Your hand is grabbing onto his forearm by your head, the other scratching at his back, the feeling of your nails digging into his skin has him moaning. He looks down your bodies, watching where you connect.
“I’ve missed the way your – ngh – little cunt creams around me – mph,” he mumbles out, words slurring together, he’s getting closer to cumming.
Your pussy tightens around him, almost impossibly so, “cumming, mm cumming – hah–” You warn him, gasping moans leaving you.
“Fuck, fuck, fuckfuck – nghh – you feel sooo – ngh,” He’s cumming too, pumping you full of his cum.
He keeps fucking it into you until you tell him it’s too much, then he’s leaning down and wrapping his arms around you. He takes you with him as he rolls onto his back. Leaving you resting on top of him, his cock still inside you, both of your releases leaking from your hole.
“Mmmm, I’ve missed you. Couldn’t say it earlier, might’ve counted as sweet talking” He whispers against you.
Your heart leaps at his confession, “I missed you too, a lot.”
“We aren’t ever doing this stupid competition ever again.” He looks you firmly in your eyes, trying to drive home his point.
“Yes, Grandmaster.” You joke with him.
But he groans in response, and you can feel his cock hardening inside you, it has you blushing and tucking your head into his neck, hiding your face.
He chuckles at you, “Shouldn’t have deprived me, it’s gonna be a long night for you, sweet girl, I’m nowhere near done with you and your sweet little cunt.”
A/N: Oh mi gosh, 🤭 Bi-Han went a lil crazy in this. I make no apologies, you asked, and I supplied. And again I’m glad so many people enjoyed my first part. I say this every time but please if you want another part, or if you have any thoughts, feelings, ideas, requests, please reach out! I love hearing from everyone, and I am more than happy to interact with people.
Part three
One lovely @belle-oftheball34 asked to be tagged, so here ya go <33
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gay-dorito-dust · 7 months
Can you write hdc on Smoke accidentally getting caught daydreaming about the reader?
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This probably isn’t what you wanted but I thought I’d just add a little bit of something. 🦦
He couldn’t help it.
You were just so…you. How could he not waste away his days daydreaming about you. He’d personally consider it a crime if he didn’t find himself with his head in his hands, a faraway look in his eyes, completed with a dopey grin beneath his mask and his thoughts completely taken over by you; wishing you were here so he could keep you warm by sharing his body heat and you resting your head against his well built chest.
When Tomas daydreams, it’s obvious for those who knew him well enough and would quickly catch on from his tell-tell signs that while he was there physically, his mind however was elsewhere, most likely with you within the realm of dreams and desires. So whenever someone teasingly asks who the special person occupying his mind was, his mouth says no one with a slight crack of his voice, as though he was a prepubescent teenager, but his eyes would always somehow flicker in your direction whilst saying this…giving everyone the answer they were expecting.
It seemed that neither subtlety nor acting were a strong suit of his…
You made him, someone who took pride in his abilities and strength, all weak in the knees, sweaty palmed, nervous laughter, awkward and self conscious during every conversation you as his cheeks flushed with embarrassment and most of all; you made him feel warm within his heart.
Tomas Vrbada strikes me as the romantic type, someone who still held onto hope of finding a true love, soulmate type of love, a doing domestic tasks together type of love, a finding utter comfort within the others as your whispering sweet nothings arms type of love, a your heart is safe with me type of love. Ya know?
Kuai Liang is the one to catch him mid-daydream and originally he’s happy for his brother but his duty to tease the shit out of him-ya know like siblings do- outgrew him to the point where Kuai Liang would side in next to him and say quite bluntly;
‘Thinking about y/n again?’
Never did he see his brother fail so badly at covering his own ass as he did in that moment as though he had gotten caught with his pants down and not daydreaming.
‘What? No! I mean- no, I mean no! Why would I be thinking about them when there’s still so much work to do here I-‘ Kuai Liang had to put a hand on his brother’s shoulder to make him stop before he hurt himself. ‘I’m not shaming you for being human Tomas, the Shirai Ryu isn’t going to collapse just because your mind is somewhere more pleasant.’
He watched as Tomas collects himself all the while smiling awkwardly at the fact of being caught, he wasn’t like Bi-Han, who would’ve called his frequent daydreaming an weakness the Lin Quei could not have in fear of exploitation. Tomas was free to allow his mind to think of whoever it wishes, so who was he to step in the way?
Kuai Liang would have to personally thank you one of these days for being on Tomas’ mind, even if you didn’t understand what he meant by that, which he eventually did; Only to then probably watch as you walk up to Tomas and relay to him of what was said before smirking to himself behind his mask again upon seeing Tomas once again fail to cover his ass.
Kuai Liang knew all his brother needed was a little push in where he’s meant to go before leaving everything else up to him, fully believing in his brother.
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writeyouin · 1 year
Mirage X Reader - Falling
Description (This was a request but it got sent to my PMs instead of my inbox by accident): When Alison Moyet's song Falling comes on the radio, Mirage is forced to think about you and his feelings towards you.
A/N – Yep, so another Mirage one for all of you desperately waiting for the film to come out on a good pirating site in top quality.
Warnings – None.
Rating – T
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You stood at the sink washing dishes, a tune on your lips that you mumbled quietly to yourself, only half singing with your mind on other things like lost loves, failed relationships, and someone new in your life; Mirage.
“She said something like, I’m tired of me,” You sang Alison Moyet’s ‘Falling’, and then transitioned to whistling part more of the tune which had only come out a year prior.
Then, without the radio to follow, you reset to an earlier part of the tune, singing whichever little bits came to mind.
Little did you know, Mirage was spying on you, trying his best to imitate the stealthy way Arcee moved. Alas, subtlety wasn’t Mirage’s strong suit and he had already knocked over a row of garbage cans, and crushed some kid’s bike; he could only hope the bike wouldn’t be missed. Fortunately, among the usual noise and squalor of New York, nobody had cared about the sound or come out to explore.
Mirage wasn’t trying to be a creep by observing you. He just wanted to know more about your life and what you did. It seemed that in your day-to-day routine, you were obsessed with music. Bumblebee had already introduced Mirage to the concept of human music which was vastly different from the stuff that used to exist on Cybertron and Mirage liked it.
It was different from what he was used to for sure, but there were some songs he just couldn’t resist. The Twisted Sister song ‘We’re Not Gonna Take It,’ seemed to be a great Frag You to any Decepticon scum that attempted battle with him. And there was that one Bumblebee had introduced to him, ‘I Can’t Drive 55’, by that Sammy Hager fella. That was great, but Mirage was more than capable of beating that set speed and regularly did so when he wanted to bait the local authorities into a fun chase.
Still, he wasn’t sure he saw the appeal of this song. It sounded happy and sad at the same time, and he couldn’t decide which it was supposed to be with its New Wave vibe. Was it about falling, like it said? Falling for what? Mirage wasn’t sure, but you seemed to enjoy it. You hummed it quite a lot when you were thinking; he wasn’t sure you realised that you did that. It was one of the things he liked about you. It felt like you were letting your guard down when you hummed along to half a tune, and he enjoyed that you could feel so relaxed around him and the other Autobots.
Mirage might have called on you that night to ask you out on a drive; he liked your company. Alas, he got a message from Optimus telling him to return for the evening so they might meet the humans that Noah had been found by. Apparently, the new humans wished to discuss the possibility of an alliance with the Autobots.
Either way, Optimus’ message ended with, “Return to the rendezvous immediately.”
“Mirage, return,” Mirage mocked, impersonating Optimus. “Mirage, meet the humans. Mirage, I choose you.”
“Did I ask for your backtalk?” Optimus’ gravelly voice came through the radio.
“Scrap!” Mirage hurried to end the communication, having not realised that the line was still open when he had been joking around.
He transformed and raced off to the rendezvous point, any thoughts of you temporarily forgotten.
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The next night, the Autobots stood in a unified line as they stared at their new base, a fully functional warehouse, with technology that they could use, even if it was primitive Earth tech.
“Optimus, can we trust these humans?” Arcee asked, her optics never leaving the building.
“We must try, Arcee. I see now that we have spent too much time working only for ourselves when we should have been working together.”
“Any way you want it, that’s the way you need it,” Bumblebee played from his speakers, using Journey’s immortalised words to convey his point.
Arcee looked past Optimus to catch a glimpse of Mirage, “You’ve been awfully quiet, Mirage. Thoughts?”
Mirage marched himself in front of the trio, clapping his servos together as he began his speech, “Well, I mean, clearly there’s a lot to think about here. There are the new humans we know, we have to check the place for bugs, and of course, there’s the most important matter of all-” He took a few slow steps backwards, “- who gets the biggest room. I call dibs!”
With that Mirage spun on his heel and pelted towards the base. Bumblebee, unwilling to let Mirage have all the fun joined in the race and chased after his ally, though when he had just about caught up, Mirage jumped backwards, crashing into Bumblebee and knocking him over. Before he could sprint off again, Bumblebee grabbed Mirage’s ankle and the two began brawling on the floor.
Optimus walked past the wrestling bots with dignity befitting his position and a dismayed shake of his head.
Arcee took a few steps closer to her allies, resting her servo on her hip as she took in the show.
‘Scouts will be scouts,’ She thought mirthfully.
Eventually, the competition was over, with Bumblebee the clear victor, and after sitting on top of Mirage for ten minutes, he finally let him get up, but only after Mirage admitted that Bumblebee was the best Autobot and the supreme Earth expert.
After that, they raced through the base, checking out every nook and cranny, and wondering which exits they could exploit and sneak out of, should Optimus try to ground them from the drive-in again.
Eventually, Bumblebee and Mirage settled down, each picking out a portion of the warehouse that was just for them. All rooms had been modified with individual entrances so they could come and go as they pleased. Mirage had even been hooked up with some sweet racing posters. He set about decorating the room to his liking, letting his internal radio play as he did so. After switching channels, he stumbled across the song you liked so much.
Curiously, he let it play, trying to really listen to what the lyrics meant.
She said something like I want to go Down where the river's wild He said take me then I want to drown Deep in your violent eyes
Deep in your violent eyes? Was it a love song? If it was, it was the strangest one he had heard before.
He continued listening.
But I want to be sure of one thing That I'm getting into something peaceful I want to fly in on your wing Way, way up here I don't care for anything It's all in, and I'm not afraid I don't fear Falling
There was no doubt about it. The song was indeed about falling in love.
Mirage felt a sharp prick of indignation. Were you in love with someone? He had to assume so, considering that you didn’t seem to sing anything else. It was always this song. Who were you in love with, and why did he care so much?
He wasn’t sure, but the idea of you with someone else made Mirage’s engines rev and his face contort disgustedly. You were his buddy, his pal, his partner in crime. Why did you need some stupid, boring human, when you could hang out with him? Speaking of which, when was the last time the two of you had hung out of late? You hadn’t been together much since he’d been repaired. Well, with his room claimed and little else to do, Mirage decided that tonight was as good as any to get in some bonding time.
He transformed, revving his engine loudly as he waited for the automatic garage door to open for him. His wheels spun on the spot in a move that would have burned rubber on any ordinary car. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the door opened enough for him to slip through and he sped off, ignoring every speed limit he came across; if Prime gave him the third degree about laying low later, he would claim ignorance and take whatever punishment he was given.
When Mirage got to your house, he honked his horn loudly, waiting for you to open your window and see him. He couldn’t transform into his root-mode while a few seedy humans lingered about, so he had to wait for you to get to him… presuming you weren’t with someone lame, like a crush you hadn’t mentioned.
At the commotion, you poked your head out of the window, grinning when you saw Mirage. You held up two fingers, indicating that you would be two minutes and then hastily got changed from your pyjamas back into your day clothes. Grabbing your keys, you ran outside and climbed into Mirage’s passenger seat, buckling up in case he decided to take off before speaking as he was prone to do; buckling up was indeed a wise choice as Mirage took speedily to the streets.
“So,” You asked casually, “Business or pleasure?”
“Have you ever seen me do business? Business is for the big guy, you know, never smiles, never shows me that underbite, the big OP,” Mirage sassed you.
“I dunno, you seemed pretty business when you fought Scourge for me.”
“For you? No, no, no, I was fighting Scourge just for the sake of being the tri-planet champion.”
“Tri-planet champion?” You repeated incredulously. “You only fought him on Earth.”
“Yeah, but he’s from Galvatron, the living freaking planet. He fought on the Maximals’ planet, and he came here. Count ‘em – One, two, three. So, I digress, Tri-planet Champion.”
“Well, technically Noah was the one to face off with him, so-”
“Yeah, while he was inside me.”
“Okay, but Optimus was the one who took him offline.”
“Look, Optimus is always gonna be the champion of frowning and hard stares, a class I can’t compete in, so this is my thing.”
“All right,” You held up your hands in mock defeat. “You’re the champion.”
“Damn straight.”
“…Is the Champion going to tell me where we’re going?”
“Nowhere. Everywhere, Anywhere the road takes us. Just sit back and relax. We could listen to some music,” Mirage suggested innocently, his hidden agenda on his processor.
“Sure, then I can be the champion of karaoke,” You bragged.
“Against my voice? In your dreams.”
“Oh, so you can fight, race, and sing? Triple threat.”
Mirage laughed and turned on his radio. He let a few songs play, letting you sing along while he distractedly kept his inner workings tuned on finding the Alison Moyet hit. It would likely play soon, considering its popularity.
After a few good tunes, Mirage managed to find the song and he switched channels.
“Oh hey, I’ve heard this one before,” He said nonchalantly, “This is that sappy love song, right?“
“I don’t think it’s that sappy,” You defended with a smile.
“Oh yeah? Why? Does it make you think of someone special or something?”
You imagined how easy it would be to tell Mirage the the ‘someone special’ was him; as it turned out, it wouldn’t be easy at all. You clamped your mouth shut, a blush peppering your cheeks.
“So there is someone!” Mirage said all too accusingly. “You won’t be needing me anymore then, when this new person comes into your life.”
“You sound angry.”
“No I don’t!” Mirage replied huffily, proving your point. “You know what? I don’t think I like this song after all.”
He turned the radio off and the two of you sat in awkward silence. He kept on driving, slamming down on the accelerator. There was a lot of noise from honking cars as he sped in and out of their way.
“Just tell me who it is!” Mirage demanded petulantly when the silence finally got to him. “Is it Noah? He’s probably your type, right?”
“Why do you care?” You asked, annoyed and upset by the turn of events from nice drive to speedy interrogation.
“I don’t.”
“Then why are you asking so many questions?”
“I just feel I deserve to know who it is.”
“NO YOU DON’T!” You yelled back. “THEY’RE MY FEELINGS”
“AND I’M YOUR FRIEND,” Mirage countered as if that ought to give him the right to know everything you thought.
“This is so stupid,” You breathed, shaking your head.
“Come on!” Mirage insisted. “Tell me!”
“Tell me!”
“Tell me, tell me, tell me-”
Against Mirage’s frustrating onslaught, you finally yelled, “IT’S YOU!”
Mirage slammed hard on the breaks and you lurched forward, hissing as the seatbelt bit painfully into your collar bone. Fortunately, you were in an area with no cars on the road, having got off the interstate some time ago.
“What?” Mirage asked.
“It’s nothing, just… take me home, please,” You begged, scared now that you had said too much.
“You like me? Like romantically? You like me romantically? You romantically like me?”
“You done with the combinations?” You said bitterly.
“But I’m- I’m an alien.”
“Yeah,” You threw your hands up. “That’s why I didn’t tell you. Now will you please take me home?”
Mirage transformed his arm, pulling you out of his chassis as the rest of his body followed suit. From his palm, you looked down to the floor, wondering whether it would be better to jump and get a concussion rather than have the embarrassing conversation that was about to follow.
“I don’t get it,” Mirage said, staring at you as if you were a complicated mathematics problem.
“I know,” You said, wrapping your arms tightly around yourself as if it might protect you from the sorrow you were feeling.
“No, but like, I really don’t get it. I thought you were just a friend, and kind of cool but I think- I think I feel the same way, maybe?”
You watched Mirage guardedly, unsure as to why he was asking you when it was his feelings that were scrambled.
“Look, Mirage, you don’t have to pity me, okay? Please don’t test yourself on me. I know I’m not what you’d look for and-”
Mirage pressed his lips against yours then hastily pulled away. You stared at him, too scared to speak.
He nodded to himself, pecked your lips again, and then vented a quick puff of air from his systems.
“Yeah, yep, yes,” He stammered. “That- That was a feeling. A-ha. Yeah, so I just found out I have a thing for you too.”
“You serious?” You asked, making sure that Mirage was alright as he stumbled through a barrage of new feelings.
“Yeah, I uh- I get the song now. Still don’t love it, but I get it.”
“Seriously? You’re still thinking about the song?”
“Hey, I’m thinking about a lot of things at once here (Y/N), mostly how I’m going to explain this to Prime later, a little bit about how this is going to work, and yeah, the song slipped in there. Frankly, I think we need to get you more into Bon Jovi, but I guess this could be our song or whatever.”
You pinched the bridge of your nose and sighed. “This was not how I pictured any of this going.”
“Yeah,” Mirage nodded, pacing back and forth, the motion rocking you on his palm, “But at least we got a song, right? Most new couples got nothing.”
Despite your tiredness, you couldn’t help smiling at his straightforward manner of thinking, “Sure, Mirage. At least we have a song.”
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mitsies · 1 year
JEALOUS GIRL ! ; xiao > your boyfriend is kind of a hit at this party.
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he didn't want to be here in the first place.
he’d told you so. he really did. multiple times. quite clearly, he remembers declining your offer to join you at a classmate’s birthday party. and then he remembers you asking again. and him saying no, again. and then once more. xiao thinks it’s really very stupid of you, honestly, because at this point you should’ve known he would be going anyways.
he’s regretting it now, though. you’re the only person he knows here, aside from your few close friends which he’s met. that, and he recognises names, being thrown out around him— ones he remembers from your gossip and stories. he doesn’t go to your school, but at this point he might as well know all the people there.
and, as it seems, they might know him, too.
“no way. that’s the boyfriend?” a girl whispers rather loudly to her friend, not-so-subtlety pointing her red solo cup at xiao. he’s standing awkwardly against a wall, hands in pockets, waiting for you to come back after going to say hi to a friend you haven’t seen in a while. and based on what he’s noticed, he’s attracted a fair amount of unsolicited attention.
“who is he?” a brunette with too much lip filler squawks.
“he’s kind of…” a black-haired girl with bad hair and even worse bangs breaks off into giggles.
he observes, impassively watching as more and more people turn to look at him. until one brave soul even dares to push through the crowd and beam at him, unconcealed, unashamed.
she smells, he thinks, like too much perfume. not the kind that you can layer, either, the kind that just gets too extraordinarily strong when piled on top of itself. probably to cover up body odor or something. her grin is a little too much for him. he misses how you smell, how you smile, and he takes a step to the side to get a little further away from the approacher.
“hey,” she greets, not taking the hint, “i’ve never seen you around here before.” xiao grimaces. it’s apparent that she’s forcing her voice to sound raspier and lower than it should be. she sounds stupid. but he thinks you’d be a little bit upset if he said it out loud so he just replies stiffly:
“i don’t go to your school.”
she ‘oohs’ in acknowledgement and shuffles a little closer. he takes another step to the side. “what school, then? and what brings you here? you look all sad and lonely, here in the corner—“
her sentence is punctuated by an invasive hand on his shoulder. the smell is worse, somehow. he bats her hand away, about to open his mouth to bite back when a familiar face bursts through the crowd, looking a little more than just upset.
it’s you. he knows that even before he sees you, even before you speak. your friends tail awkwardly behind you and the new girl is watching with widened eyes as she tries to see what xiao is looking at.
“xiao,” you greet, but it sounds more like an announcement, “baby. did you miss me?”
he raises a brow at your theatrics. he reads you a little too easily— how your movements were stiff and guarded, how you were postured to face the new girl, how your eye twitched a little and your smile was so tightly plastered onto your face when you looked at her.
he decides to entertain your antics. “uh-huh. just so much.”
xiao sounds a little monotone but his reciprocal response works successfully to cow the girl away, because she scampers off into the crowd again, like a little sewer rat. she smelled like one, too, he thinks, as your arms are suddenly draped around his neck. he breathes it in, letting the smell of the perfume he bought you take over his senses. sweet, but not too sweet. he thinks it suits you best.
your friends are laughing in the background and it’s almost like nothing has happened. but your grip is a little tight and possessive, and he’s a little endeared by you. “she’s gone, you know, idiot.”
your head lifts from the crook of his neck to look at him. he feels his gaze soften, just a little. the crowd has stopped staring but still, for him, it’s just the two of you in the room.
“but everyone else is still here.” you sound a little meek and nowhere near as bold as you were a minute ago. again, he knows you too well to not see it— you were embarrassed of your own envy.
“what’s wrong with everyone else?”
you look serious when you say, “they’re all looking at you. too much, i think.”
a grin splinters his face. it’s a rare sight to everyone but you. a hand, cold, cold, cold like stone finds its way to yours. “i told you we shouldn’t have come.”
sighing, you relent, letting him lead you to the door. “maybe you’re right.”
“i’m always right.”
“that’s a little far,” you retort as he opens the house door for you. with a knowing half-smile, he watches as the wind blows your hair every which way, like a movie star. you’re so beautiful, he thinks, most beautiful thing alive.
xiao thinks you’re a little jealous sometimes. but really, you’ve got nothing to worry about— he only has eyes for you.
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hanasnx · 1 year
❝𝐢 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥❞
darth vader x fem!reader
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summary: an officer of your starship becomes wise to you and your lover’s game. seeking the truth, he follows you and lord vader, catching you in the dirty act.
character(s): darth vader, officer cordon (oc)
word count: 2k
warnings: established relationship, explicit sex but not as long/detailed as i usually do, lowkey dom vader, exhibitionism but it’s not grossly detailed just someone sneaking on you and vader but he doesn’t see any sex parts, size difference, a really gross show of power, toxic reader and toxic vader, murder
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Officer Cordon had been stationed on this Star Destroyer for months. It was an honor to work under Lord Vader, and so Cordon had been pleased to be chosen for this duty. The Sith Lord was not to be trifled with, and Cordon did not take the affairs of his superior lightly. His admiration for his battle strategies made Vader a role model, regardless of his harsh demeanor towards anyone unworthy. 
Cordon respected him, and feared him, and whenever he was lucky enough to share a room with Darth Vader, his eyes were on him solely. To study his movements, his commands… Cordon couldn’t look away. As a moth drawn to flame, he was mesmerized and desired to serve the Sith in any way he could. 
However, those feelings muddied in time. Confusion took root as he observed the Enforcer of the Galaxy. A woman, you, trailed alongside Vader more often than not. A position Cordon yearned to be. It drove him to glue his watchful eyes to the pair of you. His dedication revealed more than he thought there to be. 
Subtlety has never been Vader’s strong suit. Cordon learned that when he had walked into a room and unexpectedly met the view of the Sith Lord brushing a lock of hair behind your ear. Going unnoticed, Cordon slinked into the shadows, and saw the two of you leave together. This newfound discovery fueled his fire, curiosity gripped him to uncover exactly what you were to Lord Vader. You couldn’t be a mere recorder if such a merciless monster touched you so tenderly. 
Following you closely, Cordon was privy to information he never would’ve come across without spying. He felt so clueless he hadn’t seen it before. Was everyone on this ship aware of it but him? Did they choose not to say something out of fear? It was unprofessional for a superior such as Lord Vader to display favoritism to a lowly recorder— if that even was your job. 
Cordon witnessed how Vader pinched your chin to guide you look at him. Your countenance and body language conveyed defiance. Shying away from him, acting as though he was not in charge of you. Yet instead of striking you down or casting you out, Vader merely directed your movements and you hesitantly relinquished control to him. This was not the Darth Vader that Officer Cordon pedestalized. 
Yet again, the Sith reminded Cordon how human he was and how he brandished it when you were involved. A marginal incline of the black helmet, and the Officer could’ve sworn he was… checking out your ass as you strode in front of him? It was sickening to see. A lump formed in Cordon’s throat to view such a shameless example of Vader’s preference towards you. As if to confirm his suspicions, he noted how you glanced over your shoulder at the sith as if to ensure he was watching you flaunt your womanly wiles. Cordon couldn’t bear this, and the guilt weighed on him for leaving this unreported. 
One of the worst and most blatant disregards for protocol leading up to the incident was when Cordon had seen the two of you sneak off, and when he’d caught up from a safe distance, you were pressed up against the wall in a narrow corridor, and hooked your hand into Vader’s belt, tugging him over to you, pressing him to you. Caged within his heavy arms and veiled by his cape, you bit your lip suggestively, gazing up at him through your thick lashes and bright, doe eyes. It made Cordon sick. Was it you that had the Dark Lord under some sort of spell? Did their great leader fall victim to your siren’s song? Who sent you? 
A single finger of Lord Vader’s traced the cut of your jaw, and brushed over your lips, flicking the lower one so it’d bob back up. Cordon strained his ears, able to understand only a fraction of what he was saying to you. “Shall I put that naughty mouth to use, little one?” 
Cordon’s jaw dropped, and he escaped before he was detected. 
His ignorance of the situation had faded, he was determined to know all he could. What was the true nature of the relationship? And to what extent did it stretch? Who else was cognizant of this tragedy? Surely not the Emperor. 
A certain excitement bloomed in Cordon’s chest at the notion he’d be the one to reveal this valuable discovery to the Emperor. The reward would be so sweet. Perhaps, the Emperor would be so pleased he’d promote Cordon to replace Lord Vader. The model he’d coveted the most would work underneath him if he were not killed for this offense. It was so delicious, Cordon had to contain himself from spilling it to his cherished leader immediately. In order to be believed, a professional detective would have proof. So that is what Cordon set his sights on. 
The officer kept his distance, following the route you and Lord Vader set. It aided him in his deduction of where the two of you most frequently rendezvoused. His avid snooping granted him the ability to plan his method. 
You challenged your lover, tugging him along by his arm. “You’ve been neglecting me, handsome,” Dazzling as your smile was, Vader kept his gaze forward. 
“Hardly. I’ve never met someone so insatiable.” he responded, and you recognized his playful tone. 
When you looked at him, his mask inclined toward you as if he casted you a side glance, “I have.” you replied, and tongued the corner of your cheek. He scoffed at the implication you meant him. Strongly, he led you to a lockable room. The familiarity of the situation had butterflies erupting in your stomach. As he’s done a thousand times before, he pulled you in front of him, pressing your back to a holo-table by your hips. This was his personal command center, used for battle strategies, mapping, and occasionally love making. You hopped up obediently with his aid.
“Shall I satisfy your needs once more, my love? I promise this time I’ll not stop ‘til you beg for it.” his words were decisive, and it shot straight through you to your core. You nodded enthusiastically. “Happy to get what you want?” 
“As I should be.” you said and he hummed in affirmation as his hands wandered you. You could feel his metal through his gloves, squeezing your hips and rounding to your waist, arching you into him. You braced against him on his lumbering shoulders, and symbolically you pressed a kiss to his mouth piece. Curtly, he directed you down, lying on your back onto the holotable, your hair splaying out like a halo. A perfect fallen angel. 
Vader’s eyes trailed down your bodice, tightly wrapped up in clothes he would not yet peel off of you. Your gaze trained on him, as his hands ambled, squeezing and kneading as he went. As naughty as you were, he couldn’t say no to you when you yearned for him so obviously. Your body called to him like a lighthouse in a storm, no matter how much you denied it, his force sensitivity made him aware of your attachment to him. His fingertips left a trail of fire in their wake, anticipation building in your belly being privy to their destination. 
Cordon could hear it all. See it all. The contortions of disgust on his face rarely shifted, frozen in place from this putrid revelation. Nevertheless, he waited. He waited for his moment to strike. He peeked around the corner. Saw how you were on your back, and how only your head was visible to him because of the dark figure in front of you and his shrouding cape. 
Darth Vader handled your waist and hips, generously exploring territory he’s laid claim to a thousand times. You jutted your chin, “Get on with it, killer.” 
You stared up at him with stars in your eyes as he massaged your thigh, adhering your suggestion but taking his time, reminding you to be patient. It was exceptionally difficult, and your fingers clutched onto the cloth of his tunic, guiding him closer, silent in asking him to maintain proximity. To touch you, to let you feel his daunting presence. Your Lord Vader was so much larger than you, towering over the table where you lay. His broad hands roamed the expanse of your stomach and trailing down to the heat between your legs, glossing over your clothed sex. 
Out of sensitivity, you chased his touch, lifting your hips with a sigh through your perfect lips. Lips that Vader longed to capture, but was reduced to running the pads of his fingers over, toying with the flesh. Coyly, you kissed the tip of it, and when he idled out of curiosity, you seized a step further. You took the finger into your mouth, the leather scraping against your tongue as you sink the length of his digit in to suck on it. Fascinated by your odd behavior— licking on a fabric of all things— he remained, bobbing the single item in and out of your pillowy lips, until he invited another in, now two that played with your tongue. He observed how mischievous you were, and exited your mouth only to scoop you up in his strong arms. 
“What—? Hey!” you squealed in delight, your fun interrupted as he harshly propped you between his rigid body and the wall. 
“I cannot wait any longer.” he breathed. His contradicting words worsen your smile, cocky at the fact he had begun this to take it slow, and now you felt his hardened member against your inner thigh. 
You helped in maneuvering, sliding your nimble hands exactly where they needed to be. Disengaging his codpiece, and tugging your pants out of the way, his swollen head eagerly thumbing your entrance. “Now, it’ll be a little tight right now, since we skipped— oh,” The bulb of him inched in, the pleasurous sting of being stretched stealing the breath from your lungs. If a quickie was what he wanted, you were not complaining. 
With each roll of his hips, he rooted further and further in, and your silken walls clenched around him, earning you his heartened grunts. You were wet but not enough for his substantial member. There was no way he could fit. 
“My lord,” you spoke through a hiss, your cervix uncomfortably brushed. “hold on, I’m too ti—“ In the middle of asking for some more foreplay, you nearly jumped out of your skin at an entire person appearing out of thin air. You clutched onto the Sith by his shoulders out of surprise. 
“Ah-ha!” Cordon, who could not take this abuse for a second more, leapt from his hiding spot, turning both the heads of you and the Enforcer buried inside you. “Tsk, tsk, Lord Vader. I expected more from you.” The high-and-mighty attitude Cordon adopted was unappreciated you and your lover were now halted mid-fuck. Your opposer plucked his datapad from its holster on his belt, and the surreality of it all continued to shock you into silence. “I’ll have to report you to the Emperor you understand, this is highly irregular—“ 
A sickening snap caused you to yelp and cover your mouth, Cordon’s lifeless body crumpling to the ground pathetically. 
Your mouth did not close, unable to process what just happened. Your claws dug into Vader’s shoulder, and his hand lowered, having finished its job of ridding the mouthy uniform and the threat to his position. 
Finally, it registered, and without a second thought your fist banged into the side of his arm. “Why did you do that?” you scolded, a frown to your brows that your lover simply cannot resist. His hips begin to roll, returning to the pace he’d set before, and like his personal concubine you relax being pacified. He’d felt the way your sex drooled around him in response to his wrathful show of strength. The unfair trial and execution of someone lesser, someone beneath him. A bystander to his power. 
“Why did you like it?” he purred. 
Able to fit entirely inside now, he seized the opportunity, increasing his thrusts so you can’t think let alone interject. You whined as he used you to work out his frustrations, a suspicious lack of protest as a corpse lays a stone’s throw away. 
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starrylothcat · 1 year
I come bearing gift 🥳 (aka filthy fic prompts 👀)
Can I request "I'm either joining or watching, you pick." with Hunter 😘
Oh my goodness, this took me way longer than I anticipated!
(No) Vacancy
🔥Hunter x Female!Reader One-Shot🔥
Summary: Hunter hears you calling out for him, and he’s ready to answer. 5800 words.
Warnings: NSFW, 18+. Minors DNI. Female masturbation, PiV sex, oral, slight overstimulation? Pure smut.
Author’s Note: Uhhh this one got away from me and is pure, PURE self indulgent smut. Hunter is rotting me inside and out. I hope you enjoy, please let me know what you think!
@wizardofrozz I think you sent me this prompt? If not, true person reveal yourself! But I hope you like it! 🥺👉👈 I slightly edited the prompt in the fic. Thanks for the request!!!
Thank you @wanderer-six and @mylifeisactuallyamess for proof-reading this nonsense. ❤️
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“Well, it’s no royal Naboo palace, but it’ll do.” You observed the outside of the dingy inn as you slipped your hood off your head.
It was tucked away in a dark, grimy corner of a seedy town you were dispatched to by Cid.
A neon “No Vacancy” sign flickered on and off, half the letters dark. The road leading up to it was completely empty except for you and Clone Force 99, who were illuminated by the fading neon lights.
You raised an eyebrow at Hunter, who gave a small shrug as you checked the map on your datapad, making sure this was the right place.
“I’d rather stay on The Marauder…or take my chances on the streets.” Echo huffed, a look of disdain on his face as he walked up beside Hunter, both clad in civilian clothes, as were the rest of you.
“Aww, it can’t be that bad! At least we get our own rooms! I can’t remember the last time that happened, if ever!”
Wrecker grasped Tech’s shoulder, giving it a hearty shake in elation as Tech tried to hold on to his goggles, his body being heaved back and forth.
Wrecker was overjoyed at the thought of a real bed and space to spread out, as was Omega.
“I’ve never had an entire room to myself before!” She buzzed with excitement, not caring about the rundown appearance of the inn.
“It is the most logical situation, if we are to gather any intel for Cid.” Tech gave a quick glare to Wrecker, who had released his poor shoulder. He adjusted his goggles. “If we act as travelers we won’t attract as much attention, even if the state of this lodging is…less than desirable. But I will be honest in stating it will be nice to have a sleep uninterrupted by snoring.”
Tech gestured at Wrecker, his goggles reflecting the flashing neon sign of the lodge as he looked down at his datapad.
“Hey, I don’t snore that loud!” Wrecker pouts, crossing his arms. “That’s easy for you to say. You’re not the one hearing it.” Echo scoffed, rolling his eyes.
“Alright boys, enough.” Hunter pinched the bridge of his nose. “It’s only for a few nights, and we can all agree that even though this place isn’t…grand by any means, it’s better than nothing. The faster we can find this shipment location, the faster we can get off this planet.” Hunter felt exposed without his armor, and didn’t want to be here any longer than anyone else.
You were all tired from the long journey here. You were stuck on The Marauder for a few days too long, and everyone was on a slight edge, ready for real rest.
You had been sent to this backwater Outer Rim planet by Cid, tasked with gathering intel on the whereabouts of a high-value smuggled shipment. According to her, the parcel was worth enough credits to buy ten Marauders, and then some.
“This is a delicate situation, bandana, and your goon squad attracts a lot of attention. I need you to blend in, and not cause too much trouble, you understand?” Cid said as she gave Hunter an irritated look from behind her desk.
“We’ll try our best.” Hunter frowned, knowing this mission wasn’t going to be as easy as it seemed. It never was.
Cid rolled her eyes. “Well, I know subtlety isn’t your strong suit so I booked you a place to stay, to stake out and listen for any leads. Your ship might cause a stir, especially if you show up in armor, so you’ll be staying here, acting as civilians while you find the location of the shipment.” She slid over a holodisc with coordinates to a small town inn, where you’d be staying. “Try not to mess this one up, okay, broody? If they get a whiff of someone poking their nose around, they will move it and it might be gone for good. There’s a lot of credits at stake here. You best blend in, for your own sake.”
You remembered Hunter trying to argue with Cid, saying being in one place too long without armor was dangerous. But Cid promised there wouldn’t be trouble if you kept your heads down.
“I don’t know about you, but a real shower is enough for me. I guess we finally have something to thank Cid for.” You quipped, trying to stay positive.
The corners of Hunter’s lips formed a tiny smirk at your comment.
“Don't get too excited, even The Marauder has hot water. Most of the time. Can’t guarantee anything at this place.” You gave him a playful look, smirking back.
Hunter dug into one of his pockets, pulling out small cards that allowed you to access your rooms. “Alright, we’ll meet up at the rendezvous spot early tomorrow. We have a lot of ground to cover.” You looked at your access card, a small number indicating your room location.
Looking at the map of the inn, your room was right next to Hunter’s, the rest of the boys and Omega’s room spread throughout the lodging.
You bid goodnight to everyone as they retreated to their rooms, leaving you and Hunter walking to your own. “Do you think this shipment even exists?” You asked, also getting tired of the wild womp rat chases Cid sent you on.
Hunter let out a sigh. “I don’t know. The intel is limited, and I sense Cid isn’t telling us everything. As usual.” You gave him a soft look, knowing look. Hunter was growing tired of working for Cid, and carries a lot of stress over protecting his team and Omega. His dedication to his family was something you admired about him, among many other things.
“At least she coughed up some accommodation this time around.” You said as Hunter gave a grunt, his eyes flicking to yours. “Yeah…we’ll see if the cards even unlock our rooms. If we even have them.” You had reached your individual doors, stopping in front of Hunter’s, yours only a few feet down the hall from his.
You smiled, the words coming out of your mouth before you could stop yourself. “Well if your access card doesn’t work, you can always come to my room.” Hunter’s eyes locked on yours as you felt heat blaze up to your cheeks at the realization of what you just said. “Err…I uh… I could stay with Omega and you could take my room is what I meant!” You stuttered, trying to salvage your previous statement.
You cursed yourself internally, knowing Hunter probably sensed your heartbeat increasing. You’ve noticed stumbling your words more often around him. Any time he looked your way, all thoughts exited your head and you could only focus on his deep brown eyes, strong jaw, wide shoulders…
The sound of a door unlocking brought you back to the moment. “Well, it seems like my card works. I guess Cid didn’t stiff us. I’ll have to take you up on that offer another time.” You sucked in your breath, trying to figure out what he meant as he slowly opened his door, but didn’t immediately walk in.
“If you need anything, you know where I am.” Hunter hesitated for a moment, looking at you. What you didn’t know was him having the same thoughts as you, admiring your beauty, secretly wanting to join you in your room, hoping what you claimed was a mistake was actually the truth slipping out.
But he didn’t want to overstep and couldn’t bring himself to say anything.
“Yes…uh…goodnight, Hunter.” He nodded, and stepped into his room before he said something he might end up regretting.
You let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding as you cursed at yourself internally again, accessing your own room. It was small, dinky, and run down, but it was something. The first thing you tested was the shower, and as luck would have it, the water was hot. It was enough to ignore the suspicious stains on the carpet and peeling wallpaper.
You took a long shower, not knowing when you’d have this type of accommodation again, and trying not to think of Hunter, the embarrassment of what you said, but it was getting more difficult.
After your shower you nestled down into the bed, finally able to relax the best you could in these circumstances.
You closed your eyes, trying to focus on the quiet and relish having a room to yourself, finally having a little private time.
Your mind began to wander back to Hunter, as it always did, as you sank into the creaking bed.
You had been with 99 for a while now, acting as an extra hand on missions, also trying to stay afloat by doing odd jobs for Cid. You ran with a pirate gang for a while, dabbled in bounty work, and now you were here. You got along well with the boys and Omega, and finally felt like you had something good, finally belonged.
As you worked alongside Hunter, you began yearning for his gaze, or his rare, surprisingly warm smile. What started off as a small crush has grown into something more and you knew you were falling for him. You tried to deny it, not wanting these feelings to take hold. But you were giving in to him more and more by the day, giving in to his smoky voice, his strength, his loyalty, his everything.
Did he feel the same way? You weren’t sure. But you knew there was some sort of tension between you and it was growing.
You tried to forget these embarrassing thoughts and just go to sleep. But the walls of the rundown inn were thin, and you heard a shower being turned on in the next room.
Hunter’s room.
Heat crept to your cheeks as your mind began to wander again. You imagined him stripping his clothes, neatly placing them at the base of the bed, his naked muscular form revealing itself as he stepped into the hot water.
Stop. You told yourself. He’s your Sergeant. I shouldn’t be thinking of him this way…. But the image of him in the shower was too tempting, as your hand made its way to the waistline of your sleep shorts.
You couldn’t help but think of him thoroughly rubbing himself down with soap, his muscles rippling under the steamy water as the heat released tension from his body.
You imagined his tattoo going all the way down his torso, to his hip, which deliciously dipped to his muscular thighs, which you thought about your hands gripping often. And what lay between his muscular thighs was what really got your mind spinning. You groaned and adjusted your legs, heat beginning to pool between them.
You shouldn’t be having these thoughts. You respected him. He was your teammate. He was your friend.
But you didn’t stop yourself, beginning to get lost in the fantasy as your hand slipped fully beneath your damp panties.
You imagined Hunter’s wet hair stuck to his body as he moaned, his own hand gripping his hard length as he pleasured himself, thinking of you. Water running down his cut muscle, his head thrown back in ecstasy as he brought himself closer to release.
You began to rub circles around your clit, sighing at the sensation, now imagining yourself with him in that shower, his velvet voice murmuring praises in your ear as he thrusted deep inside of you, his warm, calloused hands squeezing every part of your soft flesh.
You thought you were being quiet, stifling your moans as best you could, knowing the walls were thin and Hunter was right on the other side. Maybe you did want him to hear, so he’d know how you truly felt. The thought of him listening only intensified your pleasure and you picked up the pace of your hand, not noticing that Hunter’s shower had stopped a few minutes ago, or that Hunter was hearing every single sound next door.
At first Hunter didn’t want to believe it was you. He had just laid down, his hair damp from the shower, trying to get comfortable. He knew he should be enjoying an actual bed, but his senses were on high alert in this new space. He didn’t like his brothers being so spread out. At the very least, Wrecker’s room was right next door to Omega’s, so he knew that she would be safe if anything were to happen. He knew he shouldn’t worry, but it was habit.
Another worry plagued his mind: you. His thoughts were also preoccupied with you, as they were almost every waking second.
Hunter was struggling with his feelings for you, knowing he couldn’t ignore them much longer. You were reliable, honest, quick-witted, which amused him knowing you were part of a pirate gang before joining them.
You got along with his brothers and Omega liked you, and that was honestly enough for him. He was thinking more and more about his future with his family, and it was hard to visualize that future without you by his side. That’s how he knew he was in deep.
He had wanted to confess his feelings to you multiple times, but always hesitated. He didn’t want to risk ruining your friendship.
Hunter almost told you how he felt tonight, when you were standing outside your door. Hunter wanted to kiss you, take you up on your offer and follow you into your room, show you how much he really cared. But he paused like he always did, not able to find the right words.
Hunter rubbed his face and sighed, wishing he could just sleep.
A faint sound brought him out of his thoughts, his sensitive ears picking up a small moan. He froze, listening as he caught another sigh that sounded awfully similar to your voice.
Hunter first brushed it off to this hotel being less than reputable, probably someone in the room above him watching something illicit on the Holonet.
He was about to put his pillow over his head to drown it out, trying to get a good night’s sleep, but then he heard a louder gasp. It wouldn’t have been heard by anyone else, but he could hear it. There was no denying it now, it was your voice coming from the other side of the wall you shared. The gasps and sighs sounded like they should be coming from a dirty Holonet program, but they were coming from you, from your lips.
His heart thudded, his entire body suddenly on fire, the realization of what you were doing in your room dawning on him.
Hunter knew he shouldn’t listen, but it was impossible for him not to. More soft moans drifted to his ears, his cock instinctually hardening underneath his pants as he imagined you writhing on your bed, your hand working your wet pussy. Were you thinking about him? Someone else? A pang of jealousy shot through him, followed by another pang of guilt. It felt wrong to intrude like this. You deserve privacy, even with his heightened senses, even if you were thinking of someone other than him.
Again, Hunter was going to put his pillow over his head, trying to ignore his throbbing cock and your delicious mewls, but then he heard you again, this time taking the form of his name.
Hunter thought his heart was going to stop. Did he hear correctly? His senses have never led him astray. He focused, listening intently, secretly hoping he was right. Another quiet moan and he heard his name again.
Hunter’s body reacted immediately, intense desire rushing through his veins, goosebumps covering him head to toe as he heard you calling his name. Something primal was climbing its way out of him, not knowing exactly what his next steps were. You were saying his name. You were thinking of him during your most private moment. You must feel the same way that he did for you? All the nights he yearned for you, wanting you, but not knowing how to tell you, or not knowing if you even felt the same way?
Your soft gasps of his name and his name alone was his answer.
His mind was drunk with lust, his body telling him to go next door and help you finish the job. He sat up on his bed, his instincts overtaking his logical brain, and the next thing he knew, he was right outside your door. You were calling out to him, and he couldn’t deny you any longer.
Before he knocked, he could hear your breathing through the door. Your hitched breath as you were bringing yourself closer to release, his name leaving your lips again. He was certain now.
Hunter was ready to break down the door, he needed to see you. To feel you.
Hunter took a breath to focus himself momentarily, trying to get his breathing and heartbeat under control. But he couldn’t wait any longer, your muffled cries the only thing he could focus on. Before he could change his mind, he quickly knocked. For the first time in his life, Hunter had no plan, his mind totally encompassed by you.
He heard you let out a gasp of surprise, then a curse, and quick shuffling. He heard your footsteps coming toward the door. He said your name, his voice low.
You were getting close, your legs shaking, your hand rubbing at just the right spot around your clit, release imminent, your mind intensely focused on Hunter. A loud knock on your door startled you out of your fantasy.
Kriff, who could that be?! You thought, flustered by the interruption and letting out an audible curse. You quickly took your hand out of your pants, frustrated that your fantasy was cut short.
Then you heard Hunter’s voice say your name. You were startled, adrenaline rushed through your body. Why is he knocking at my door so late at night? Something must be wrong. You adjusted yourself, and walked over to the door, just in your nightclothes, panic starting to rise in your chest, the realization that he was right outside your door. Which means he probably heard you. How long was he standing out there? Oh Maker.
“Uh…Hunter? What’s going on?” You asked through the door, trying to play it casual.
There was a moment of silence. “Open the door. Please.”
His voice was strained. You swallowed and grasped the door handle, turning it to open. You pulled the door toward you, only to be pushed back slightly as Hunter barged inside, closing it quickly behind him, his eyes wild. “Hunter…what…what’s going on? Is everything okay?”
You were nervous, he was acting strange and looked disheveled. He wasn’t wearing his bandana, and dressed only in an undershirt and pants. His hair fell around his face as his gaze bore into you. “I heard…you. From my room.” Was all he could muster.
Hunter could smell your arousal in the air of the room and he was close to snapping, all his pent up desire fogging his brain. He needed you, he needed something.
He…heard me? Does he mean…? Oh kriff.
Your face caught on fire at the realization of what he was saying, wanting to disappear into the floor from total humiliation, never to be seen again. You didn’t know what to say, suddenly worried he was mad at you for keeping him awake, demanding to know why his name was coming from your lips, ready to be kicked off the team for insubordination.
You were completely and utterly mortified. Your mind ran circles, trying to think up any excuse. “Hunter I…I’m sorry…I.. didn’t realize…”
“I heard my name.” Hunter interrupted, as he stepped closer to you, his hands forming fists at his sides, his voice shaking. Once again, you wanted to fall through a hole in the floor. You wanted to run away. “You were thinking of me?” His voice was dangerously low as he looked down on you, unclenching his fisted hands and hesitantly resting them on your waist, pleading to himself he wasn’t misreading this entire situation.
Your body quivered, not stopping him as you realized why he was here. He wasn’t upset. He was here to answer your call.
The look in his eyes was absolutely predatory and you noticed a large bulge in his pants as your eyes flicked up and down his body. You were speechless momentarily, but couldn’t deny the ache that was forming between your legs, your heart rate increasing. “I…yes…I was…” was all you could say, your voice barely a whisper. Hunter’s eyes darkened at your words.It was him you were thinking about. No one else.
“Do you think about me often?” he murmured, his voice close to cracking, intoxicated by your scent.
Hunter could see your chest heaving, hear your heart thudding. He could smell a fresh wave of arousal that caused his body to throb as his cock strained against his waistband. “Yes…” You croaked, trembling under his look. His hands gripped your waist tighter, his confidence growing as you answered truthfully. “I could hear everything, your perfect moans…do you realize how long I’ve wanted you?” Hunter hoarsely whispered, barely holding on, his control slipping.
You felt like you were going to explode at his touch and his words. You brought your hands up to grasp his shoulders, his body radiating heat through his clothes.
Were you dreaming?
“Hunter…” a lusty gasp left your lips, and Hunter almost took you then and there. “Let me help you…” He whispered, lowering his head to your neck, his lips brushing right underneath your earlobe.
“I can either join or watch. Your choice.”
Hunter’s voice was deep, and absolutely desperate.
Him admitting he wanted to watch you continue pleasuring yourself almost made you faint, never hearing something so alluring in your entire life.
This had to be a dream.
The thought of him watching you was tempting, but here he was, offering his entire self to you. Something you’ve wanted for so long. You couldn’t pass it up, not now.
“Join me.”
Your voice trembled as you gave him your answer. Hunter lifted his head from your neck, peering into your eyes, searching for the same need that was in his.
“Are you sure?”
You stuttered the words you’ve been wanting to say for months, not seeing any reason to keep it a secret now. “Maker, Hunter…I do want you…I need the real thing, I need you.” Hunter’s eyes flashed, and he let out an anguished growl as he closed the distance between you, pressing his lips to yours in a sloppy and frenzied kiss, doing what you’ve both wanted for so long. It was better than either of you ever imagined, your need for one another finally let loose.
He deepened the kiss by tilting your head back, cradling the back of your skull with his hand, pressing himself even closer to you. You could feel his hot, hard length against your stomach, his craving for you undeniable.
You melted into him, all your secret desire rushing to the surface, tightening your grip on his muscled shoulders. The fingers of his one hand that was holding the back of your head wrapped in your hair, gently tugging your neck even further back as his lips consumed yours. You let out a moan at the sensation, giving him the opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth, which you eagerly welcomed.
Hunter let out his own gasp as your hands moved from his shoulders to his scalp, your fingernails lightly raking down his crown. You felt like you were floating, the breath completely knocked out of your lungs at his taste and his passion, still not believing he was here, doing this to you.
After what seemed like hours, Hunter reluctantly broke the kiss momentarily, giving you both a chance to catch your breath you didn’t realize you needed.
“I need you, too…” He gasped. “I have for a long time…you have no idea what you do to me, cyar’ika…” Hunter released the back of your head, his warm hands sliding down to your back as he peppered hot, open mouth kisses on your neck. He nipped and sucked at your soft skin, also not believing this was real. If this was real, it felt like a weight had been lifted off his chest at saying out loud how he felt, and hearing that you felt the same way back.
Hunter’s free hand ghosted under your night shirt, and when you didn’t tell him to stop, he brought it up to your breast, squeezing and pinching the sensitive flesh. Your nipples pebbled at the sensation, his skilled fingers rubbing and rolling the hardened nub, your arousal growing more than you thought you could handle.
Hunter’s tongue licked over your jugular, and he could feel your blood pumping under his tongue, tasting the sweat and craving on your skin, stoking the raging fire in him even more as he walked you back toward the edge of the bed.
You felt the back of your knees bump the mattress, and Hunter held you as you slowly laid down, bringing himself with you. He nestled between your legs, kissing you deeply again, his arms caging you in.
You bucked against him, rubbing yourself against his hard bulge, searching for that delicious friction.
He groaned into your mouth, and now it was Hunter’s turn to desperately rut against you, his control now almost completely gone. You were going to be the end of him.
“I need to see all of you, now.” Hunter ordered as he began urgently tugging at your clothes, needing to feel your skin on his. He rolled off of you momentarily, standing up to practically rip his civvies off his body as you did the same on the bed, shimmying out of your sleepwear and tossing them to the side.
He stopped, his mind finding clarity for one moment as he gazed at your body and you at his. Saliva pooled in your mouth at the sight of him, unbelievably defined, broad chest and muscular arms. His cock swollen and girthy between his narrow waist, glistening with precum, begging for relief. Begging for you.
“Beautiful…so beautiful.” He muttered as he climbed on top of you again, still gazing at you. You wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling him back down to your body. Your lips met, this time less intense, as Hunter relished your irresistible taste, the taste he’s been dreaming of. He swallowed every gasp that left your lips, the kiss heating up again as you grasped the sides of his head, your soft skin moving against his hard, battle-scarred body as he rubbed his length against your soaking entrance.
But there was another taste he wanted, needed or he thought he was going to implode.
Hunter pulled himself away from you as a whine left your lips, already missing his touch.
He moved down your body, kissing down your neck, collarbone, stopping at your breasts to take each sensitive nipple in his mouth for brief attention before continuing on. He slid backwards off you until he was kneeling on the ground at the base of the bed. “I want to taste how much you want me.” He growled as he grasped your ankles and pulled you to the edge of the bed, throwing your legs over his shoulders, causing you to yelp at how easily he was manhandling you.
You knew what he was about to do, but that didn’t prepare you for how his mouth felt as he began desperately lapping at your cunt, absolutely devouring you as your hands clenched the sheets for dear life as louder and louder moans escaped from deep in your chest. You couldn’t speak as you were quickly reaching your peak for the second time that night.
Hunter was completely lost now, having your arousal on his tongue, his face pressed in the source of your longing. His cock ached almost painfully, but it had to wait. He wanted you to feel how much he wanted you.
Hunter swirled his tongue around your clit, never wanting this moment to end. He could stay between your legs for the rest of his life, lapping at your juices and hearing every single choked cry that caught in your throat as he hummed against your core in his own daze. He felt your hands suddenly grasping at his hair, tugging as you cried out that you were close, gasping his name. Hunter continued his feast as your body thrashed, intense pressure building in your lower abdomen. With one more long lick, your orgasm washed over you, your back arching off the bed, Hunter’s name a ragged cry as he worked you through your release, not wanting to miss a single drop.
He finally lifted his head from between your thighs, knowing he wasn’t going to last much longer at this rate. “You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to do that.” You blushed at his words as he climbed back on top of you lost in a haze of passion and pure animal instinct. “Ready?” He muttered, still making sure you were okay with this, with him, as he kissed you, tasting yourself on his lips.
“Hunter, I need you inside me right now, please…I need you…”
You couldn’t wait any longer. You had to feel him inside of you.
Your pleads were all he needed to hear as he pushed in to your entrance, holding back every atom in his body that wanted to slam in to you and fuck you senseless. But he didn’t want to hurt you, though his composure was crumbling.
You could feel all the muscles in Hunter’s body tense as he slowly slid in, the sensation of your velvety muscle gliding against him almost making him cum right then and there, his senses completely overloaded.
Hunter bottomed out and brought his forehead to yours, his breath shaking and labored. “You feel incredible…” His tone was low, barely audible. Hunter waited for a moment, feeling you around him, hearing your breathing, inhaling your sweet aroma, still hoping this wasn’t a dream as he let you get used to him inside you, the anticipation ready to rip him apart.
You moved your hips slightly, telling him it was okay to continue, knowing what he wanted.
He nodded wordlessly and began rolling his hips slowly into yours. The feeling of him finally inside you, stretching your walls, took your breath away. Hunter let out a moan so lewd you knew it would be burned into your memories forever.
You locked your ankles around his waist, adjusting the angle of his cock as he moved in you. “You can go faster, Hunter. I want you to fuck me.”
That predatory glint in his eye returned at your bold statement as he increased his pace, your words fueling him.
It was Hunter’s turn to grasp the sheets around your head as he got lost in pleasure, grinding himself in to you, his eyes screwed shut and his head right against yours, his shaking moans escaping his lips right at your ear. Hunter’s senses were completely shot now.
Your taste, smell, sounds…every nerve in his body felt like it was charged with electricity, a current running down his spine as he focused on nothing but you.
Hunter was hitting a spot so deep you couldn’t formulate any thoughts, your own whimpers and gasps growing louder and more desperate.
You could feel another orgasm building, the pressure of his pelvis on yours rubbing on just the right spot. Your hands grasped at the back of his head as your body shook, getting closer to your release.
He was driving himself into you, his control finally gone. The intensity of his thrusts made your mind melt, you had never felt this way with anyone ever before.
Hunter was pressing frantic kisses to the side of your mouth, getting close himself as he fucked you in to the shaking bed.
You could barely make out the jumble of praises he was uttering on your lips between thrusts. “Let go for me…I won’t last much longer…you’re so beautiful like this…”
Hunter’s fervid hips and passionate words brought you to your peak, your orgasm spreading like a tidal wave over your body, your nails digging into Hunter’s skull and he continued to fuck you senseless, his name a chant in the heavy air of the room.
Hunter let out a strained growl as his hips stuttered into yours, your final pinnacle bringing him to his own end as he felt your walls clench around him. “Wh-where?” He gasped as your head lolled against the pillow, trying to keep your eyes open. “Inside.” Your hoarse statement was all he needed to hear as pleasure ripped through his body, pressing impossibly deep into you, his body vibrating with every intense sensation imaginable.
With a final drive of his hips, Hunter collapsed on top of you, careful not to crush you under his weight. For a few moments, it was silent except for your combined gasps, desperate to get air back in your lungs from the exertion.
Your mind was still trying to catch up with everything that had just happened. Hunter was on top of you? Naked? Still inside you? Was it time to wake up from this dream? Hunter lifted his head, looking at you. “I hope the real thing was as good as you imagined.” His voice was soft, his hair sticking to his forehead, glistening with sweat. You’ve never seen him so breathless.
“It was better than good.” You exhaled, still trying to catch your own breath.
Hunter lifted himself up off of you, rolling to the side, feeling slightly dizzy as the electric buzz in his body began to fade as his senses returned to normal. Hunter hummed and brought his hands behind his head, laying on his back. You were silent again for a few moments, but it was comfortable.
“You know,” he finally rumbled, “This place isn’t half bad. I wouldn’t mind if we had to stay a few extra nights.” His eyes flicked to yours, hoping you’d catch his meaning.
“Though I might have to move rooms if my neighbor continues to be so loud. Won’t get any sleep with such a distraction.”
You smiled and rolled on your side toward him. “Hmm, pretty sure I saw the “No Vacancy” sign out front. But I think we can work something out.”
Hunter let out a chuckle at your response, rolling to face you, his face softening.
“I’d like it if we could work something out.”
You smiled at his gentle words, a blush forming on your cheeks. “Me too.”
Hunter pulled you against him, wrapping his body around yours. “Can’t promise you’ll get any sleep in this room, though.” You muttered against his warm body.
Hunter smirked as he brought his lips to yours for a meaningful kiss.
“If it means being with you, it’s worth it.”
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d0youc0py · 1 year
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Simon could count on one hand the amount of times he’d seen Johnny upset, and he had to say this was the stupidest reason of all. So stupid in fact, Simon had to bite back a smile. You- his beautifully wonderful girlfriend- were currently engaged in a giggle fest with Gaz. You clutched your stomach and curled your head towards you knees as another round of laughter wracked your body. Gaz was in a no better position. Johnny had his arms crossed defensively over his chest, two uncharacteristic frown lines etched in his face. Simon took another swig of bourbon to wash down a chuckle.
“I just don’t understand. I’m your best mate! Why doesn’t she like me more?” The Scot questioned leaning closer to Simon. The two men sat on the couch trying to watch a game of rugby, but you and Gaz giggling on the floor made it practically impossible. That’s just what Johnny couldn’t wrap his head around. Why did you like Gaz more than him? Sure Gaz is awesome and Johnny would risk his life for him any day of the week, but you were suppose to like him! He is Simons best friend- not Gaz. He was the one who pushed Simon to talk to you in the first place- not Gaz. He was the one who made sure you felt welcomed joining their friend group- not Gaz. He didn’t even make you call him Soap when you first met! He skipped the formality and let you call him Johnny. Yet all his hard work seem to come up empty. Another huff left the Scots lips.
“Johnny, you’re taking this way too personal.” Simon said in an attempt to soothe his best friend. “They just have a little more in common.” Johnny shot him a glare. “That doesn’t mean she doesn’t like you Johnny.” Simon quickly back tracked.
“I was too loud when we met wasn’t I?” Johnny muttered. “Too much, scared her off.” Simon rolled his eyes at the dramatics.
“Trust me Johnny, she knew all about you and the way you act before you two even formally met.” Simon patted his friends back. “You just need to find some common ground. Her favorite movie is Titanic, find a way to work that in. She could talk about it for hours.” Simon whispered. Simon should’ve know subtlety is not Johnnys strong suit.
“I love Titanic!” Johnny suddenly shouted, stretching his arms in the air and resting them behind his head in an attempt to act casual. Simon pressed his eyes shut in embarrassment. You and Gaz broke your conversation at the sudden outburst. But it seemed to work as you left your place next to Gaz and scooted closer to Johnny.
“Really! It’s my favorite movie!” Your eyes sparkled and Johnny ran around his own brain trying to not loose your attention.
“It’s a classic.” Johnny agreed. “Do you think you could’ve survived?” Johnny asked leaning forward. Rugby was quickly forgotten as everyone came up with their own strategies on how they would survive the ship wreck.
If you told Simon he would’ve had to act as wingman for his best friend and his own girlfriend, he would’ve never believed you.
Sorry if you don’t like Titanic! I tried to pick a movie I thought everyone would know! 💚
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writer-freak · 7 months
Comfort clothes | Gojo satoru x gn reader
Summary: You already always wear your roommates shirts, and today you decided to tease him a little.
Warnings: College roommate AU, kinda suggestive but no smut, making out, reader wears Gojo's shirts, the shirt is also described to be long on reader, fluff otherwise, english isn't my first language, haven't written anything suggestive since I was 14 so please don't judge
Wordcount: 900
A/n: First time in years I have written something even slightly suggestive and I just hope that it's kind of readable. Also, my first time ever writing for Gojo so he could be ooc because I still haven't figured out how to write for him completely
Comments, likes and reblogs are always appreciated and really motivate me to write more
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Everything began innocently enough. One day you couldn't find any of your comfortable clothes. While searching, you quickly noticed that you forgot to wash them and, with a groan, walked into your living room.
While complaining to your roommate Gojo, he offered you one of his shirts with a playful grin. With nothing to lose, you accepted, and after that, it just became a habit. His shirts became your go-to comfort wear, especially if you had late-night study sessions or a lazy weekend.
Gojo, the tease that he is, would always comment on how good you looked in his shirts, even implying that they might look better on you than him. This casual flirting became a routine, a dance around unspoken tension between the two of you.
One day you felt a little bolder and decided to pair one of Gojo's shirts with some really short shorts. The shorts were hidden underneath the shirt hem, giving a less-than-innocent effect. You looked yourself once over in your mirror before you walked into your shared living room. Gojo was sitting on the couch, and you couldn't ignore how Gojo's gaze lingered just a little longer where his shirt ended. His usual teasing took on a bit of a different tone, there was a subtle shift in the air, and the tension that neither of you ever acknowledged became even more noticeable.
Someone had to crack first, and you really didn't want to be the one, so you continued walking in the direction of the kitchen. What made you stop in your tracks was Gojo letting out a low whistle. "You really like driving me crazy, don't you?" he said, his tone had a certain intensity behind it.
Your heart raced as you met his gaze, the unspoken attraction between you unignorable. With a small smirk, Gojo confessed, "Subtlety has never been my strong suit but until now I've been trying to figure out how to say this but I'm attracted to you, alright?" He took another look at your outfit while you were turned in his direction and let out a deep groan. Looking up at the ceiling he added "And I really think you're trying to kill me with this."
Your breath was caught in your throat, not because it surprised you that he was attracted to you but because it was this easy to get him to crack and admit it.
So now that the confession was out in the open and the tension between you two was palpable. Without saying a word you walked towards him, a knowing glint in your eyes. His gaze followed your every move. "You're not making this easy, you know," he said, his voice low. A playful smirk was on your face. "That is exactly what I want."
You stood in front of him, your fingers tracing the collar of your shirt-his shirt. Gojo watched with hunger in his eyes as your fingers slowly trailed down teasingly touching the hem of his shirt but not doing anything further.
His fingers brushed against yours, and just this simple touch sent a shiver down your spine. Before you could react, you were pulled into his lap. His hands started exploring, gliding along the curves of your body. One of his hands found purchase on your thigh while the other one was placed on the back of your head pulling you in. This position lets your shirt rise up, showing the tiny shorts underneath.
His lips then softly pressed against yours. At first, you were unsure, and you didn't really know what to do. He pulled back slightly, nosing against your cheek and pressing a kiss against it. This sign of affection made your heart flutter, so this time you were the one diving in for the kiss.
His hand went to your waist holding onto you, while you took his face into your hands.
Your lips were moving against each other at first slowly, still unsure, but then it quickly became more heated. Your tongues started to tangle, his lips swiping lovingly against yours. You matched his passion pressing your body closer against his wanting to feel every inch of him against you. Your hands were now in his hair tugging slightly and you were able to pull a quiet moan out of him, and that just did something to you but sadly you both needed to breathe. Reluctantly Gojo pulled away, biting your lower lip before letting you both catch your breath. You wanted more but you knew you should maybe have a conversation before going any further. Even though the room felt hotter than ever and it was obvious how you both just wanted to continue.
Your hands moved down finding purchase on Gojo's neck and you smiled sweetly at him.
And Gojo swears you are trying to kill him with everything you do, he groans inwardly and hides his face in your neck breathing you in. You let out an airy giggle, and you just had to think about how adorable he could be. Trying to get his attention you said "Gojo?" You heard him mumble something against your neck but couldn't make it out clearly and asked him to repeat himself.
He reluctantly pulled away from your neck "Call me Satoru."
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Divider by: @cafekitsune
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demonzoro · 5 months
can you imagine mihawk nursing a one-sided grudge against sanji over the timeskip. try as he might he just cannot seem to make dishes as well as whoever usually cooks zoro's food and zoro thinks he's being lowkey with sighing morosely at the table but subtlety has never been his strong suit. somewhere zoro must've told perona about this guy and now perona is excited to try the sweets and pastries of the strawhat's cook. fuck his single dad life.
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