#Sun come get your brother he's being a gremlin again!
zenkaiankokuart · 2 years
Phases of the Moon, Sequel to my Rays of Sunshine post.
Y'all showed the first one so much love!!! I'm absolutely overwhelmed!! Had so much energy and inspiration for this version! Decided to get a little fancier and add a lil bit of animation.
Featuring Moons from these wonderful artists: @ ME! @bamsara @kitty-c4t @oobbbear @maudiemoods @opudontdonut @paper-lilypie @jack-o-phantom @vurelly @vilz and a new addition, @twinanimatronics!
I love y'all! 💗
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cozage · 1 year
Good morning, how are you doing ?
I'd like to ask for a scenario (maybe a one shot) where the asl brothers react to a female reader being cheated on, if they're going to beat the guy up or just comfort them, maybe even confess to them
Also I'm not sure if you accept more than 3 characters but if ever
I would also like Shanks in platonic… I just see him as a father figure to the reader (you don't have to add it, the three brothers are enough)
Here, thank you for considering my request and I wish you a good day / evening
A/N: This is my first AU I hope it turns out okay???
Au: Modern day college kind of?  Idk they’re not pirates but they are still gremlins
Characters: female reader x Ace (a little?), ASL, Shanks
Cw: breakup, cheating
Total word count: 1.5k
There When You Need Us
The handle to your door begins to jiggle, but the lock stops it from turning any further. 
“Hey!” Ace yells from the other side. “Why weren’t you in class today? And you didn’t pick up on the transponder snail earlier.”
“Go away, Ace,” you yell at him from under the covers. The last thing you need is for him to rub it in your face about how right he was about your boyfriend. Ex-boyfriend. 
“Just tell me what’s going on!” He starts to bang on the door, and you groan. 
You’re about to get out of bed and let him in, but the banging comes to a sudden halt, and there’s silence outside your door. Then, you hear the soft click of the lock releasing, and the door springs open. Ace stands in the door frame, grinning mischievously with a hairpin in his hand. 
His face falls when he sees your puffy eyes and the tissues strewn throughout your bed. 
“What happened?” He asks, walking over to your bed and sitting on the edge, his face full of concern. 
“I don’t want to hear it, Ace.” Your voice is raw from crying so much. “I don’t need you rubbing it in my face, okay?”
“Rubbing what in your face? What are you talking about?” You can by his expression, he genuinely doesn’t know. Belmeppo must’ve kept it hush. Couldn’t have him ruining his parent’s perfect image of their perfect family. 
“Bel. He-” your voice catches in your throat, and you don’t want to say it out loud. Saying out loud makes it real.
But Ace finishes the sentence. “He cheated on you, didn’t he? That bastard.” His words evoke another round of tears, sobs escaping your lips. 
“He said he never loved me,” you sobbed, turning back into your pillow to muffle the sounds. “He was just using me.”
Ace was quiet for a few minutes, letting you cry as much as you needed to. His heart ached seeing you so broken over some stupid guy. You deserved someone so much better than anyone in this small-minded town. You deserved someone who would hang the sun and the moon and all of the stars around you. 
“Sabo? Luffy? It’s Ace.”
“What does she need? Medicine? Water? Takeout food?” Sabo’s voice came from the other side of the transponder snail, and you froze. 
“Revenge.” Ace’s voice was dark and ominous, and you could hear Luffy cheering on the other side of the transponder. His excitement almost made you laugh. 
Ace got off the bed and stood next to your pillow. He patted your head gently, running his fingers through your hair 
“I’ll be back soon, okay?” His voice was so soft and gentle, you thought you imagined it. 
“Ace, don’t-” you got up to stop him, but he was already out the door, softly closing it behind him. 
After a few minutes, you heard your door open again. 
“What did you-” You stopped when you realized it wasn’t Ace. 
“Hey kiddo,” Shanks whispered, peeking in. “I know I said I wouldn’t bother you, but…” He pushed the door open a bit more, holding a mug of hot chocolate. “Can I come in?”
You nod, wiping your face to remove any stray tears, though it didn’t do much good. Your eyes were still red and swollen from a day of crying, but your adopted father didn’t comment on that. He simply handed off the mug and sat on your bed next to you, waiting for you to start the conversation. 
You take a long sip of hot chocolate, allowing the warmth to rush through your body. “Don’t say I told you so.”
A smile dances across Shank’s face. “I wasn’t going to.”
“Mmmmhmmm.” You take another long drink of hot chocolate, whipped cream tickling your nose. 
“There’s a time for that,” he said, wrapping his arm around your shoulder and pulling you close to him. “But now is the time for hot chocolate and hugs.”
Your vision starts to get blurry again, and you wipe away the tears forming in your eyes. You take another drink, trying desperately to refocus yourself and keep calm. 
“Do you know where Ace went?”
Shanks laughed and placed a kiss on the top of your head. “Probably best you don’t know.”
You groaned. “He’s going to get arrested.”
“Only if he gets caught. And if he does what I told him, he won’t.”
You shoot him a look. “What did you tell him to do, dad?”
“Already told you.” He gave you another kiss. “Probably best you don’t know.”
You shook your head in disbelief. “You’re all just a bunch of troublemakers, I swear.”
“Hey now,” Ace said, walking back into your room. “What’s wrong with making some trouble?”
You smiled when you saw him, the first real one you’ve had today. Sabo and Luffy walk in behind him, smiling proudly. They’re all breathing heavily, and their skin is glistening with sweat. 
“You should’ve seen it, Y/N!” Luffy cried out, pumping his fist in the air. “We totally-”
Sabo pounced on Luffy, covering his mouth before he could spill out any more information. “We’re not supposed to tell her, idiot. Keep your mouth shut!”
“Fine, fine!” Luffy giggled mischievously. “She’ll find out soon enough anyway.”
You groaned at that statement. “Why can’t you guys just make my life easier for once?”
“Because,” Ace walked over and sat on the other side of you. He looked at your face and frowned, then wiped the whipped cream off your nose with his finger. “That’d be a boring life. And we’re not boring.”
Shanks took this moment to take his leave from your room, satisfied that the brothers would keep you adequate company. “Do any of you want hot chocolate?”
“Me!” They all yelled in unison, and Shanks left the room to fulfill the request. 
Sabo sifted through your game drawer, pulling out UNO. It was a game the four of you frequently played at your house, and it felt comforting to fall into some kind of normalcy. After you all got tired of screaming about cards, Sabo picked up the remote and flicked on the TV, and you all found a funny movie to watch to pass the time. 
The brothers stayed with you long into the night. Normally once the sun started to dip below the mountain, Shanks sent them home, but tonight he was generous in letting them stay. He could hear you laughing in your room, which was more than worth the call he’d have to make to Dadan about her boys being home late. 
The four of you were curled up in your bed and watching a movie when Shanks appeared in your doorway, and you felt your heart sink a little at his facial expression. He always wore the same look when he was about to disappoint you. 
“Do you three want to stay over? It’s a bit late to head back up the mountain, but it’s about time for bed. Class tomorrow for everyone,” he said, eyeing you. 
“Sleep over!” The boys yelled in unison. They were always on the same page.
“In the other room,” Shanks said sternly. It didn’t escape his gaze that you were resting your head against Ace’s chest, his arm was wrapped around your shoulder. You hadn’t seemed to notice or mind it, but Ace’s cheeks turned pink when he realized he had been caught. 
“We can all fit in this bed!” Luffy said defiantly. “And we’ll go straight to sleep! Pleaseeeeee!”
Shanks laughed and shook his head. “Come on boys, your options are the guest bedroom or a hike up the mountain.”
Ace quickly got up, and he and Sabo pulled Luffy out of the room along with them. With all of the noise and bodies gone, you suddenly felt very empty and alone. You hadn’t thought about Belmeppo since the brothers had joined you, but now it was all you could think about. You were tired of crying, so when the tears started to come, you refused to let them spill out of your eyes. 
You laid down, trying to sleep, but the dream world refused to take you. You tossed and turned for several minutes, until you heard your transponder snail ringing softly next to your head. 
You let it ring a few times, scared of who it might be. But finally curiosity got the better of you, and you picked up. 
“I told you she’d pick up!” Sabo’s voice echoed through the speaker, and you could hear his muffled voice from the other room. 
“Shhhh! Shanks will hear us!” Ace scolded, and you giggled at them. 
Ace’s voice softened when he spoke to you. “We can’t be with you, but at least we can fall asleep together.” 
“Yeah,” Sabo agreed. “We’ll always be there when you need us.”
“Thanks, you guys.” You curled up next to your snail transponder, falling asleep to their bickering and random spoken thoughts. 
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puppiesandnightlock · 2 months
LINK: but since the world’s obsessed with saying ‘psych’ (pt.2)
summary: Milkshakes, fries, trespassing and mild auto theft :D
Jon bounced on his toes, hands behind his back as he waited for the teacher to poke their head in and allow them both to leave. That was the only way Damian would let them leave would be if they were formally dismissed, and for some unknown reason, he was ready to do anything the other boy said, as long as it meant they’d be going to the diner together.
At first glance, it seemed as if Damian was fully invested in his book, but a bit closer and he was watching the bouncing teen from the corner of his eye, resisting a smile as the earlier characterization of him being a puppy ruled correct. His clothing needed work, and his mannerisms as well, and he’d make that known once he figured out just how long this would actually last.
“Mr. Kent, Mr. Wayne, you are both free to go.” The teacher finally dismissed them, and Jon hovered over Damian’s chair, watching as he arranged his things in his messenger bag.
He slung it over his shoulder, shooting the excited teen a mildly annoyed look. “And you were offended about the puppy comparison.” 
“I’m holding onto that, I will turn the gremlin thing onto you eventually.” Jon smirked, looming above him. “Would you look at that, you’ve got the height part down already.”
“Shut up.” He grumbled, holding onto the strap of his bag. “Do you want me to come or not?”
The other only chuckled, holding the door for him. “But of course, Your Highness. Forgive my words.”
He sniffed, nose in the air as he played along. “I suppose you’ve been pardoned. Now, onwards to the feast.”
The face lasted a moment longer before they both dissolved into laughter, moving down the halls of the school at a swift pace.
“We’ll have to walk.” Jon noted, once they were out at the pick up area. 
“The sun is up, does not seem like an issue.” Damian brushed it off. “You have directions and I wish to have lunch, so the quicker we’re off, the better.”
“Yes, of course, your very royal highness.” Jon rolled his eyes, beginning to stride away in one direction, longer legs making for quicker strides. 
“Hey!” the other boy protested, jogging to keep up. The taller one laughed, speeding up more.
 “Asshole.” he heard Damian mutter, smiling to himself. Yeah, so maybe he was, but really, it was all worth it to mess with him.
They ran down the streets of the city, Damian calling out obscenities as Jon cackled, always a few paces ahead. He slowed as they neared their destination, letting the shorter boy catch up and swat at him.
“See if I ever come with you again!” He huffed, holding onto the strap of his messenger bag, tugging at the collar of his green pullover.
“Aw, come on, D ,” he said, nickname coming out mockingly. “If we’re gonna be friends, you gotta keep up with your little gremlin legs.”
He groaned. “Oh my God , fuck off. How many jokes are you going to be making about this? Gets old pretty quick you know, J .”
“A bad word !” Jon gasped, now walking in tandem with him. “Whatever will your family say?”
“They’d wash my mouth out with soap.” Damian deadpanned. “Only there wouldn’t be any left by the time they’d finished with my brother.”
He snorted, before tugging on his sleeve, boldly slipping his hand into the smaller caramel one. “C’mon, we gotta cross the street.”
Damian said nothing, only flushing mildly. Jon looked anywhere but at him, cursing the fact that the paleness of his skin did nothing to hide the growing red creeping up his face.
He let go as they reached the other side, gallantly opening the door for the other boy, bowing slightly as he did so. The other boy made a clicking noise, one that he’d so often associated with negative things, now sounding mildly amused. If he’d looked up, he would have seen the slight shake of his head, lips turning up a tic.
A blond freckled girl with the same piercings as Jon came up as they entered, tying back her apron without looking up.
“Hello, welcome to-” She paused looking up at the two, a grin spreading on her face. “Jonathan Samuel, why haven't you come around and who is this beautiful boy?” 
Jon looks sheepish. “Hey Kath. I been busy lately, how’re your folks?” 
Damian was almost appalled, flushing from the girl’s words and marveling at how easily Jon slipped into a much more civilized manner, southern accent showing when he spoke to her.
They stopped in their conversation, Jon pulling Damian in front of him. “This is Damian, he’s…a friend.”
Kathy’s eyes sparked at him. “A friend you say, huh?” She eyed him for a minute, before turning to Damian. “What’d he do to you?”
“Kathy!” Jon barked, flushing.
“Ain’t no way he bagged a pretty thing like you, you gotta be here because he did something to ya and now he’s tryna make it up.”
He raised an eyebrow at Jon. “You do this a lot?”
“Taking that as a yes.” Kathy nodded. “You look prep, he knock your books over?” 
A devilish smirk came over his face and Jon was hit with the reminder of gremlin-like. “Well, that’s one way to put it, but really, the whole story is a lon-MPFFH!” 
His mouth was covered and instinctively he licked the palm, biting at the hand as it was wrenched away from his mouth in disgust. Jon wiped his palm on his jeans while Damian wiped his mouth, both disgusted. Kathy ( The traitor, Jon thought bitterly,) was doubled over laughing, arm propped on the podium holding menus for stability.
“Y’all make such a funny pair, never thought I'd see the day someone corralled Jon.” She giggled as Jon shot her a dirty glare.
“Oh, like you weren’t just as bad! You got a piercing every time I did and you dyed your hair black, and I bet fifty bucks you still wear your eyeliner like I do!”
“Mm, yeah the black hair was not my proudest moment but also, it was like 8th gradebordering freshman year, and i’m attempting to reform.” She put her hand to her heart dramatically. “Of course, I tend to relapse when you drag me into shit.”
“Like you’re complaining.” Jon laughed. “Now, table for two, please.”
They eventually made it to a table, ordering two milkshakes (an almond milk one for Damian) and a side of fries. 
The whole thing was oddly date-esqe and it made the both of them desperate for small talk. Damian, ever equipped with manners and experience in polite conversation, started up the questions.
“So, when you said you were raised in a barn, what did you mean?” 
Jon seemed to light up, recounting his old life in Kansas, talking about the farm he’d grown up on, his and Kathy’s old adventures, and stopped once he mentioned moving to the city.
“Kath moved here a bit ago, we’d kept in touch but don’t see each other too much anymore. She’s still my best friend and stuff but the city’s weird.”
Their food arrived and they shared the snack, chattering on about things. By the end of it, Jon had learned Damian had six siblings and several brothers-in-laws that hung around their father’s large house, as well as many pets. He liked art and led the art club with his friend Skylar, and had met Maya and Colin in elementary school.
Damian learned that Jon had been raised a well-mannered southern boy, as much as he tried to deny it and undo the teachings now. He saw flecks of homesickness when he talked of the country, sadness when he spoke of his parents who had once been there and were now constantly busy, leaving him with his older brother, even though said brother had his own life.
It was insane to the both of them just how much they’d learned about each other after one civil interaction, how much they were being drawn to one another. It was all getting much too sappy and feelings-like for the both of them, so they split the bill and walked out into the night, afternoon sun shining a bit lower in the sky, not quite yet sunset. 
“C’mon, we’ve got some time before it gets dark. Let’s just chill for a bit.” Jon gestured towards the signs pointing to the parks around the city. 
They wandered around a bit, going towards the edge of the city where the forests were. “Hey, wanna wander around here a bit?” Damian said, breezing past him through the broken gate. 
Jon eyed the sign, hanging off one side of the wire. “I’m pretty sure that says no trespassing, D.” 
“The gate’s broken, it isn't as though we’re committing some great offense.” He knocked the gate with a shoulder and the sign fell off. “Oops, there’s no longer a sign to read.”
Jon looked scandalized, what was this, some sort of personality switch? “You’re insane.”
“C’mon, the sun's not down yet.” He went through the brush, raising an eyebrow as Jon refused to follow, bouncing on his toes nervously.
“Scared, farm boy?” He taunted, Jon scowling and taking a step forward.
  Knew that would work.
“Not a chance, darlin’.”  The other boy followed after, pet name slipping from his tongue easily. “I am blaming you though, if we end up being caught doing something as stupid as this.”
Damian scoffed, walking through the thicket. “With your demeanor, I'd assumed you knew the most important thing about doing something mildly illegal.”
“And what is that, exactly?” 
He swallowed as the other boy turned, mouth going dry as a mischievous smirk was shot his way. The words that followed, however, were completely unexpected. 
“Don’t get caught.”
They made it around, exploring the tangles of greenery and knocking branches into each other’s faces when they heard the beginning of a party. The sun was hanging dangerously low in the sky, still not yet sunset. 
“Damian, we’re gonna get in trouble,” Jon hissed. “We should go.” 
“Shhh.” the other boy waved at him, creeping closer. It’s been awhile since he’d done something like this, but he felt the once familiar excitement creep up on him, an amazing feeling that he was determined to chase. He was nearly there, when a branch behind him snapped .
The chatter from the place stopped, and Damian squeezed his eyes shut, cursing everything. Slowly he turned to the culprit, mouthing at him to ’Move back, you idiot, you’re going to get us caught.’
Someone from the other side of the brush called out, “Hello?”
”Shit.” Damian backed away, and suddenly footsteps began coming towards them. 
“This is private property, you’re trespassing!” The voices were mixing together and the steps getting closer and suddenly he turned, snatching Jon’s hand and bolting, uncaring of how loud it was.
”HEY!” the voices behind them screamed. Jon seemed paler than usual as they burst through the brush out into a clearing with a dirt road leading out. 
“There must be a vehicle around here somewhere, they did not walk down here…” He murmured, glancing around the area. He turned, letting go of the other boy’s hand and smacking him lightly on the cheek, frozen blue eyes coming to attention and locking on his green ones.
“Is Houston having a problem up there, Hayseed?” 
Jon seemed to come back to life, mouth opening and closing with no sound coming out. Finally, he blinked a few times, blurting out “You’re actually clinically insane.”
“So you’ve said.” The shorter boy deadpanned. “Thought you would have done this kind of shit all the time with your track record.” 
Jon attempted to sputter out a response as Damian looked around, finally spotting a few bikes and ATVs hidden behind a small fence.
“Well, when we were gonna get caught, we ran the other fuckin’ way, not towards it!”  He followed Damian, still talking and waving his hands in the air. 
“Keep your voice down.” Damian hissed at him, climbing the wiring and swinging a leg over to the other side. “And move your skinny ass, we’re gonna book it out of here.”
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Jon retorted, doing as he said anyways. “You’re the most asshole goody-two-shoes teacher’s pet I’ve ever met and a day into getting to know you and we’re on the run and you’re climbing fucking fences and holy shit are you hot-wiring the fucking bike? ”
Damian had produced some small tools from his messenger bag, prying into the closest vehicle, which happened to be a motorcycle. “Yes, now shut up and go pick the lock on the fence.”
He tossed him a kit and waved him away, Jon smirking as he moved towards the lock. “Bold of you to assume I knew how to do that.”
He snorted. “Please, it would be an embarrassment to yourself and your reputation if you couldn’t at least do that .” 
The bike started up, and he swung a leg over it, grinning at the noise of the engine. He guided it over to the entrance, where Jon had successfully opened it. “Get on.” 
”What the hell?” a screech came from where they’d come out of the brush. ”Yo, someone’s jacking your Dad’s Harley!”
Jon needed no more prompting, barely getting on as Damian hit the gas, propelling forwards and zooming past the trail in record time.
He had an iron-clad grip around the other’s waist, fear dissipating as they cleared the area.
 “Holy shit. ” he whispered. “Holy fucking shit.” 
The sun was setting now, painting the sky beautiful colors of orange, pink, yellow, and deep blue. The rush of adrenaline was catching up with him now and the events of what had just happened came crashing down on him. Throwing his head back, he let out a loud laugh, whooping as they shot back into city limits. 
“You didn't leave your mind back there, did you, Kent?” Damian called over the roar of the engine. “I’d hate to have to explain that to your brother.”
Jon was still giggling as he leaned forwards, loosening his grip on the boy in front of him. “No, just the rush. Dude, how’d you learn how to do all of that? Like, God, that was so cool , and if we ever get caught we’re in so much trouble , but it was freaking awesome!”
“I’m glad you thought so.” he responded dryly, slowing the bike down. “We can leave this here, and we’ll walk the rest of the way.”
The sky was close to dark as they walked back up to the nicer areas of the city, pausing at the Waynes’ residence. 
“Thank you for inviting me today,” Damian told him as they reached the gate, the line perfectly practiced. 
Jon stared at him blankly. “This isn't a gala, dude, you don’t have to thank me. You’re a pretty cool guy, not at all what i expected.”
He bumped him on the shoulder gently, the atmosphere softening. “If anything, I should be thanking you, because I haven't had this much fun for a while. I honestly didn’t think you had it in ya, but after this and you kickin’ my ass, i’m pretty sure i misjudged you completely.”
“There’s a lot of things you don’t know about me, Kent.” Damian said after a moment of silence. “But today, you’ve seen more of me than most people have.”
“I suppose so.” 
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rhodesrider · 2 years
Babysitting for the chief
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Platonic!The Usos x Little! Black! Fem Reader
SFW! 18+! Minors DNI!
Warnings: None really just fluff and age regression
Roman was out of town for some interviews so he left a note for Jimmy and Jey. Solo was out as well so Roman felt like the twins could handle Y/N. Jey was the first downstairs yawning scratching his head seeing the note as he was about to open the fridge.
“Me and solo are busy today, I got y’all if you guys watch princess. Thanks.” Jey read and blinked groaning. “Well. He gave her some gummies last night for sleep, she’s probably gonna be still sleep. Gives me more time to myse-“
He groaned speaking too soon. Y/N came downstairs with a stuffed animal waking up little. She was looking around for Roman. She already peeked in all the rooms seeing that Jey was up. “Munchkin give me a minute. You hungry?” He looked seeing her nod. “And go wake up uncle Jimmy. So he can get you dress for today.” Jey smiled. She nodded leaving her stuffed bear and ran upstairs to get him up. Jey soon started on breakfast making pancakes with fresh fruit.
Y/N went back to the room shaking her other uncle up. He sighed grabbing her rolling her in bed tickling her. She squealed and smiled getting a kiss on the forehead. “Ok ya little cretin, gimme a minute and lemme dress you up.” She nodded going to pick out her outfit, she got overalls and a long sleeve pink shirt with some socks that were mix match. Jimmy finished brushing his teeth and getting himself together going in Roman’s room where Y/N was. “Uncle Jimmy look!” She smiles dressing herself. He smiled brightly. “Look at you! Being a big girl and dressing yourself!” He praised. “I’ll let you slide with the socks thou.” He winked and picked her up going downstairs. “Uncle Jey what you cooking man?” Jimmy asked his brother. “If this little gremlin doesn’t eat all the pancakes and bacon we should have a full breakfast.” He waved his finger in her face and Y/N snapped at it giggling. “Ok go on to the table ankle biter.” Jimmy let Y/N down to get in her chair and Jey gave her torn up pancakes for her to pick up better, a cup of orange slices peeled and her my little pony cup. “Ok pick your poison.” He pulled out orange juice and apple juice. “Can I get soda uncle?” Jimmy shook his head no. “I’m sorry mamas. Daddy left saying no soda.” She pouted but she pointed at the apple juice for now.
“Can we go outside uncle JJ?” Y/N asked getting her nature set and jars for rocks. “Sure sweetie. Go put your shoes on and we can go.” She quickly went to go get her shoes but didn’t have a good grip on a jar, soon the jar dropped and shattered on the floor. The sudden noice made Y/N panic and whimper, Jey and Jimmy quickly got up seeing the poor little shaking by the broken glass. “Babygirl you ok?” Jey moved around the glass and scooped Y/N up who was crying. “I’m sorry…” she kept saying over and over. “Hey hey it’s ok sweetie. It’s just an accident. We can clean it up and get you another jar.” Jimmy smiles and Jey wiped her tears. “You won’t tell daddy..?” “No no we won’t you didn’t mean to.” Jey smiled reassuring her. She nodded still crying some and Jey went to calm her down as Jimmy made sure all the glass was up. “I don’t wanna go outside no more uncle…” she sobbed. “Awww me and Jimmy were gonna get stuff together later for a picnic.” Her eyes looked up at Jey as he smiled poking her nose. “You’ll like that?” She nodded and laid in his chest to calm down more.
The sun rays beamed around 5 in the afternoon, Jey smirked putting a chee-zit cracker in the pink tent and Y/N took it almost biting him again. “Can you come out here and eat these crackers? Please?” Jey asked and peeked in she was acting like a dinosaur. “Bring me meat!” She roared and the twins rolled their eyes. “We got some turkey sandwiches.” She opened her tent and laid out on the blanket ready for sandwiches and Jey took pictures for Roman. She got her heart shaped sandwiches and her small bag of chips with some water. Which made her turn her nose up. “Welp no brownies if you’re not gonna drink any water pumpkin.” Jimmy sighed and she pouted reaching for her cup. He gave it to her saying thank you and she started to drink slow. Jey soon remembered she can get sick in the heat and soon got her sun hat out. “Thank you uncles.” She smiles enjoying the picnic out. Even if it was in the backyard.
Jey cleaned off her face as she finished up her brownie and turned on the tv. Jimmy sighed just chilling with them getting his switch. Soon it turned into playing Mario party.
Y/N had so much fun, but her good hearing heard a SUV roll up. “Daddy!” She giggled putting the Joy con down and putting on her slides opening the door seeing Romans car. Jimmy saw the time, 10:00 o’clock. “Right on time.” Jimmy and Jey sat down tired from taking care of Y/N, wondering how could Roman do it. Roman came in with a wiggly happy girl giving her kisses and love missing her the whole day. “My little ankle biter didn’t kill her uncles did she?” She shook her head no and giggled soon having a piggy back ride. “Naw we alive. She was an Angel.” Jimmy said. “I broke a glass…” she pouted telling Roman, he frowned a bit. “Did you mean to?” She shook her head no. “Then it’s ok. Was it one of your jars mama?” She nodded still feeling bad about it. “Well thank you for telling me. Which shows you’ve been a good girl and we can go to the arcade tomorrow.” Her eyes beamed excited. “But you gotta get in bed in 10 minutes. Daddy’s here no routine and one stuffed animal in daddy’s bed ok?” She nodded and she hugged her uncles before leaving. “Thank you uncles goodnight!” She ran upstairs and started her routine.
“Thank you guys so much.” Roman sighed. “No problem. But I don’t know why she told you about the glass, we said it was ok.” Jimmy said and Jey shrugged. “Well, she tries not to give anyone hard times. She hates being yelled at and stuff so she probably felt like if she didn’t tell me I was gonna find out and yell at her.” Roman shrugged. “She got yelled at a lot with her family, so I try not to do it. My low voice is enough.” Jey and Jimmy looked at each other and just smiled. “We did ok for some uncles then.” Jey showed Roman the pictures and he melted. “Nah I gotta beat this with tomorrow, y’all coming?” They nodded and soon saw a peeking little giggling. “Daddy I’m done!” “Ok munchkin. Im coming.” He picked her up as she waved her uncles goodnight.
“Daddy, I have awesome uncles.”
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celestialmango · 2 years
Ok I feel like I want say a small something on how it goes if kid noodle Sun and Moon met kid reader.
If it was kid Moon, he would immediately eat them the minute he saw them. Well, not actually eat, just nom. Be like mmm tasty while kid reader panics "I knew a forest creature was gonna eat me!" then he goes and hunts actual food while he carries his unwilling passenger.
If it was kid Sun, reader would be startled at this big snake most just suddenly appearing in front of them and they stare at each other, till Sun goes "wanna play?" Then reader isn't scared anymore because snake doesn't want to eat them, he wants to play with them, big noodle friend acquired.
Now Eclipse would be a teenager so would be taking care of Sun and Moon, Sees lost child reader, double takes, "Where the hell are your parents?!" Picks up frightened child reader and just looks at them concerned. "Welp, guess you're coming with me." Gets back to the his den and sets child down, Sun and Moon are there, Moon once again, tries to eat them but Eclipse is faster and lifts kid reader out of Moon's reach "Stop that you brat, you're being rude." Moon pouts and slithers away leaving Sun fidgeting, looking between the floor and reader who's still too scared to speak and is now clinging to Eclipse.
Eclipse notices, "What is it Sun." Sun's response is "Well I wanna ask them to play but Moony scared them, they look really scared so I wanna offer to hug and cuddle them till they feel better instead but I dunno if they'd accept." Eclipse huffs " Well ask them and if they say yes remember to be gentle with.. what's your name kid?" Reader mumbles their name "Remember to be gentle with (y/n)...and no carrier cuddles, that would probably just upset them more" Sun nods "ok, (y/n) would you like to cuddle with me till you feel better" reader thinks for a moment, the other snake kid is nice, reader agrees, Eclipse sets them down, "do you mind if I pick you up so Moony can't grab you?" Reader thinks for a moment then gives Sun permission.
Sun pick reader up like a teddy bear and carries them over to his little nesting area. Stairs for a moment trying to think of how in the world does he cuddle this kid who is much smaller than him comfortably, then he coils up his tail a little, sit reader on the center of his coils, coils up a bit more putting part of his tail loosely behind them so they can lay back against it, part of his tail ends up in their lap as he finishes coiling up so he's where he can put an arm around reader. Makes sure to ask if the cuddling position is comfortable being he could always try another one.
Reader's good, Eclipse is just watching the two mentally freaking out because that's fucking adorable and he wishes he had one of those things called a camera to take a picture of Sun cuddling reader. Of course reader is only going to stay till Eclipse can find the rangers looking for reader..... Only to find out (in this version) reader was abandoned. Alright, guess he has another kid to take care of. That's finnnee, only he doesn't really know how to take care of a human kid, the bunnies may know, they have lots of kids including that funny kid named Bonnie who he sees playing with that bear cub Freddy sometimes.. actually maybe he can just give the kid to them and ask that the kid be allowed to have sleepovers with Sun. He already has his hands full with Sun and the gremlin he calls a little brother Moon.
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olivethetreebitch · 2 years
I lied, sleep has decided to abandon me.
Fuck it.
Agender Wild, goes with whatever pronouns doesn’t give a FAUK.
So I think the resurrection chamber stoped his body from aging, like, completely. Like time stoped for the body.
Like I absolutely love the elderich soul aus where Wild is not Link, but just inhabits the dead man’s Body??? Like that’s my fucking bread and BUTTER. MMM all the good flavors.
So Wild was not aware that she is in fact, part Gerudo due to a permanent curse on said body, the curse would eventually fade due to use over time but it never happened. Link went back first.
Wild, before being born, finds and kicks Ganandorfs ass, rightfully taking the triforce of power for itself (another headcanon is that only a Gerudo “male” or in other words “one of Ganon’s linage” (because all the males have been Ganon, so it’s another name for a male Gerudo) may hold the triforce of Power)
So. Wild has both the triforce of power and courage, basically sacrificing his timeline body to seal and break down the Malice (not to completely destroy it but anything helps) and becoming a spirit for a full 20 min before they wake up as Baby.
[cue epic music]
Also the Gerudo do not know about Wild’s existence, momma had some issues with the currant social norms that Gerudo were expected to hold so they left to travel.
Wild in this is actually a year younger (physically) then Zelda, so heheh there’s that.
Literally Wild is just the peak of the meme
“On god…
…..Please shut up….
Every fucking time. Also is the peak of ADHD.
Uhhh Wild knows how to play a multitude of instruments, and knows a lot of languages (all the native languages and common, even some from outside the kingdom)
But he did not know Hyruleian until she met the chain, and they all took a turn trying to teach the gremlin…….
They have the most complicated and messy dialect of everyone. Flora tried to figure out where it is from, but couldn’t place it. Eventually Wild told her.
Wild refers to the 100 year old Zelda as Flora as she really learned how to stand on her own, and became a little (older?) sister to them. The currant young Zelda hasn’t quite fit into the role yet. (Maybe another name? Probably not. It’ll be a character growth thing. She needs to break through the trauma to even start assessing the damages)
Another thing on the Fierce thing: after the bbeg was defeated, there was this time where the entire group ended up in the holy/god realm as Time was getting the rundown the Chain met Hylia face to face, yes she’s their other mother other then Malon. Legend is like that grumpy kitten that’s sulking. He gets a hug don’t worry.
And because Wild is a priest, she can talk to any of the gods their close to, which includes the main three, Hylia, Time, Fierce, and the other Priests. (Sometimes Sun if he concentrates hard enough)
Which means when the king is digging into Zelda, Wild is over here side eyeing Hylia like “Bruh what do I do-“ and she’s like “Kick his ass” “not yet”
Wild is determined to help Zel in any way it can, be it through giving her flowers, reviving Terico (the egg, no I don’t know how to spell it), and just generally trying to make her life easier.
Wild also wants desperately to kidnap Zel and let her not only sleep, but actually teach her how to tap into the goddess.
(Healing first, then trust, then building up magic reserves, then doing actual shit)
Wild: [aggressively but also tenderly big siblings Zelda into having better mental heath]
Wild: I’m supposed to be the sad one! You get your own script!
Wild loves the champions, ace wild strikes again when it comes to Mipha, she kinda reminds him of Hyrule. So like….. no. Deruk is like a brother to him and he cares about- Urbosa he respects and reminds her of her mother. Rivali Wild has decided is not worth the energy at this point, and exclusively calls him Ravioli.
Ta daaa
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serial-sleeper · 2 years
8th: The Way I Loved You
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I’ve been compiling the things I wanna say for the past few days because I know you need the space and I don’t wanna overwhelm you with messages so here it goes. It might be a long one.
Hi baby, I hope you’re taking care of yourself, getting enough rest, eating well and not getting sick. I know you know those things, you’re a big boy, even though I treat you like a baby before. But that’s because I care about your health, it’s not that I don’t trust you but I just wanna make sure you’re strong and healthy. It’s the least thing I could do as your girlfriend because I know you’re stubborn.
I liked you for a long time. I don’t know how I got attracted to you since before. I never even imagined I get to talk to you alone in dms. I admired you and I don’t know why and how. I just do. I always told myself, his girl is so lucky to have him as a lover. So to be honest, I was jealous of ila. To have a handsome, loving, caring and amazing boyfriend. For all those months, all I can do is admire you. Secretly looking at selfies channel from time to time coz I might get a sneak of your picture. I never thought that the day would come that I get to experience everything I was jealous about.
Now I have you. From calling you “Pomf” to all those endearments, which I thought was cute coz most people stick with only one like “love” or “baby” but I love that we’re so diverse. From stalking you in selfies (no I’m not a creep :D I didn’t save them hehehe) to having thousands of your pictures and videos. From wondering if your voice is as deep as they say to hearing them almost everyday. From admiring you to being your lover. From wondering when I get to talk to you again to talking to you everyday. From sending emojis to sending hearts, kisses, voice mails and I Love Yous.
It might be a short time for you but I liked you longer than you did with me. Everything you do since before we got together means a lot to me. All those little things matter, it doesn’t matter to me if you’re faking it or not, I’m just glad I get to talk to you every now and then before. Sure Jacob was in the picture but he’s too much for me to handle. I regret wasting time and energy on him, but enough about that.
I never thought I’d get to see the day where you said you love me. I can still remember that day. It was December 12th, we were celebrating me and my brother’s birthday since we’re only 5 days apart. They were busy cooking food and stuff while I’m in my room talking to you. You were so down back then because of you know who, so I thought of sending you a voice mail since I figured talking would sound more comforting and sincere than in text. I wanted to make you feel better so I practiced my message while taking a shower. I was so sure I’d be able to deliver it well coz I sounded like an expert while talking to the soap and shampoos.
So I got in my room, wore my underwear and grabbed my phone. (idk why i do that lmao, i take like 5 minutes to put my clothes on after wearing my underwear ahaha anyways, you dont have to know that detail but i’m very detailed at telling stories as you can see 💀). ANYWAYS, I grabbed my phone and pressed the vm button in snap and MAN I WAS SHAKING. My mind went blank and I wasn’t able to say half of what I wanted to say. I don’t even know if you remember that time. But I did, because it’s the first time hearing your voice and your first time hearing mine. I don’t wanna sound like a gremlin coz yk what they say, first impression lasts. 
I remember you teasing me about my mistakes. We exchanged voice mails through the day til the sun went down for me. I remember you calling me “Lexi the cheese grater” coz I said I was an expert at grating the cheese coz that’s all I can do in the kitchen since it’s hectic. I can still hear your voice when you said that. Lexi the cheese grater >:D. I was shocked and happy coz wow your voice was better than I expected, it kinda scared me but it’s fine coz I enjoyed hearing your voice.
Then later that day we talked a bunch on Koma, on that same day, you asked me if I want to match with you. My. Heart. Went. Sky Rocket. My world stopped for a moment. My heart was racing. I was confused at first but then I agreed, because I don’t know when I’ll get that chance again. My hands were cold as ice as I was changing my profile picture. I was so happy. Me. Matching with the guy I was just watching from afar. The guy who never had interest with me before. Imagine how happy I was. I was grinning like a joker but I have to keep my cool and act lowkey.
That same day, I remember you asking if you can see me.  And of course I freaked out. I looked like a mess and the lighting was sooooo bad you have no idea. So it took me a while because I wanted to send the most decent picture in that situation. Then you messaged me that it doesn't have to be much and stuff but of course, I made an excuse. I don't know what I said but it's either "I forgot" or "I fell asleep" hehe. I don't wanna sound like I've been trying to look the best for you like what you've said hehe TwT yk me always lowkey when I have crushes.
update: it was “i fell asleep” but wow i looked so weird here 💀
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you didn’t save it which is kinda downing but now im glad coz it’s not that decent as i thought TT
moving on...
You are honestly the cutest thing ever. I've seen the sides of you that no one else did. I never knew that you can be so childish and that made me like you more than before. Believe me, I have a lot of secretly taken screenshots of messages that made my heart go brr. From streaks to even short calls. I have them and I cherish them all. I remember when I was too shy to save your pictures before, that's why I secretly took screenshots of them too. Then I shriek on twitter coz fuck you're so handsome and very worthy of being my crush since the first time I saw you.
I like how you wrote L + W on your chalkboard and mom was all confused, how you drew hearts on the bus window during winter, how you secretly take pictures for streak at school, the streaks that I've waited for all day because that's the time I get to see you. I still have your new year's message after I greeted you too. Every little thing you do, I love them all. The way you freak out while watching your show, the way you act childish and the way you go " :c " just makes me melt.
I discovered a lot of myself and my personalities after meeting you. Maybe because I was so comfortable at showing my emotions, that I don't have to pretend to be strong or to be okay with things I'm not okay with and that I don't need to hold back anything anymore. That's probably why they're too much because I never learned how to control them because I've been sucking it up all these years. 
I never knew relationships can be this hard and overwhelming. I was too innocent for it, I didn't know what was ahead of me or the things that I should maintain or do. It all feels so new. It's like marriage but no kids yet.
We never got to talk on how to handle the things we felt so repetitive and concerning. I like that you're concerned about me for the times we get sad over my sleep schedule hehe TwT but I just wanted to wish you goodnight. I fear that you'll feel lonely all day without me. I got more scared of losing you because of that. When I didn't know that you'd like it more if I sleep. 
We might be different Wyatt, but that's because of our experiences. And that doesn't mean we're not compatible, it's how we handle situations and problems. Compatibility doesn’t mean it’s a perfect relationships. There will always be problems that we’ll encounter that will test us how much we love each other. The kind of love that wont use break up as a solution to resolve a conflict.
From what I've seen, we're both still figuring out how to handle each other. We're two people from different worlds, we have different beliefs on relationships based on what we know from our past experiences. But healthy relationships are not found, they are built. It takes a lot of effort to come up with a conclusion that works for both of us, and the way for that is through communication. We talk it out. I know I've said it a lot but it's one of the ways to understand each other. 
You're probably wondering why I'm still able to keep going and still believing that we could make it. Well, the answer is pretty simple, you. You're the reason why I'm still going. All those words you've said, I kept them so close to my heart.
I wanted to let you go. I've thought about it so many times. But just thinking about how it's going to turn out, I'll probably have so much regrets. You know how tragic love songs are mostly about why they should've stayed instead of walking away, how they could've fought more, how they should've turned back and the regrets they have for giving up. Well, I don't want that. I still have the will to fight, the will to go on and the will to never give up. 
Chances might be lower than what I'm expecting but even if it's 0.0000001%, I'd be willing to take that risk. I loved you so much and I loved you long enough to know you're worthy of my heart. It's just like you said, "There will be more days like this one but we'll get through it all." 
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Your words, our memories, our future, is what keeps me going. I'm betting on that small possibility because I'm all in for a better future. It might be hard now, but it will be better. You've gotten this far, we've gotten this far to give up. Because I don't want you to be another memory, another heartbreak filled with broken promises. I told you, I'll prove it in time. I told you that I'll prove to you that forever exists. I want to be worthy of your love as well, the love I failed to keep and take care of...
You're the living breathing proof that dreams do come true. Before, the reason why I never stopped admiring you is because of the thought that, if it's meant for me, it will be mine in time. But I never thought you'd come this soon. I never thought I'll have you because you we're so in love back then as well. I mean, I couldn't really see it coz I haven't seen you talk much about them but I just thought you were. I only ever thought that your girl would be so lucky to have you. If we're not meant to be, then how come we came together even when you never showed any interest in me once? Easy. Things happen for a reason. Life throws shit at you for sure but there's a reason behind it, it leads you to something or someone who would possibly be your endgame, or something that you'd never thought you'd need but came your way.
Having this situation made me realize a lot of things. So maybe this happened for a reason too. I realized how you're more than enough, the efforts you do, the way you grant my wishes... In short, I saw more of your worth than emotions clouded during our relationship. Space is fine because it gives you the peace your mind needs to appreciate all the good things that happened. Sometimes, space is needed for our love to grow more. If it's too tight in between, how would it grow?
But of course, that's only for me. I reminded myself the reason why I loved you in the first place. I scrolled back through our album, the screenshots I took,your videos... everything. And I realized that, wow, you really dont appreciate what you had til you dont get much of it anymore. I'm not saying clingy is bad, it's fine as long as it's not overwhelming.
I refuse to think that all your previous statements will turn out as a lie. Just empty promises with an uncertain tomorrow. The "forever," the "I will never not love you," the "it's impossible for me to leave you," the "I will always be a part of you," the "I can take anything," the "I can handle it" and most importantly our vows and pinky promises. I refuse to believe that those are just some empty words that will be left unfulfilled.
Our mistakes led to this. Yes, "Our" not "My." It will never work if you refuse to acknowledge your mistakes as well. If you choose to give up, then everything we've said was meaningless.
8 months with you are nothing compared to a lifetime without you, when we promised we'll be together for the rest of our lives. I'm not saying our 8 months are nothing, but it's just sad that the good times only lasted for a short time. But looking back, we've come so far and we got the rest of our lives to make more memories and to get to know more of each other. Like I said, time will fix everything.
Maybe the reason why I never get the chance to improve before we got together is because everything happened so fast. Improvements and fixing are made during our relationship. So that must be why we're kinda sloppy. But now that I realized a lot of things, I can say that I improved. I no longer cry for something so little. I trust you more. I'm okay with not calling. And I found hobbies. The only time I ever cried was when I was looking at your pictures, happy tears. I'm happy that at least one of my dreams came true. I was blessed with an amazing and loving husband who showered me with love. Reminiscing our days made me tear up a bit coz I'm glad I spent those days with you.
So yes, we can do better together. Everything gets better no matter how hard it is. We're human and we're capable of change. We made a lot of mistakes but it's okay because we can't change it, but we can change what we can do next. There's nothing we can't do together.
Coz like our vows say...
for better, for worse
for richer, for poorer.
in sickness and in health
to love and to cherish
til death do us part
We may start on a rough path but someday we'll be going through a way smoother path than this, because nothing is impossible.
I'd go back in time and change it but I can't. So if the chain is on your door, I understand.
I don't know if I'll ever get to do this again or if this will be the last time we get to celebrate our monthsary but I just wanted to say, I love you with all my heart. I found my true love. I hope we'll get better. I hope that someday, you'll come back and love me more again, because nothing is impossible as long as we're together. I'll wait for you, even if it takes 10 years.
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wacknroll · 2 years
Ya like glitter glue?! PT 1
(Yandere Sun/Moon x reader)
Part 2
I decided I need more content of this unhinged robot and I decided that I'll be getting back into writing again. Tis the first chapter, so it's mostly just setting up for what's gonna happen. Might get dark because I'm an angsty gremlin. Anyways, enjoy!
Word count: 1692
You got a call last night asking for you to come to work at 7 am today and go to the manager’s office.
Probably understaff again, you think. As you walk to where you need to go, you continue to think where you might be working this time and for how long. You then think to yourself that it’s most likely an area you haven’t worked in yet, seeing as they want you to come in a bit earlier and talk to your manager.
Great, new uniform most likely, you think. Usually, each staff member wears a certain uniform for the certain area they’re working in today. Monty Golf is green uniform, Roxanna Raceway is grey and purple, and so on with each other area.
You leave your thoughts once you finally reached the door, giving it a light knock.
"Come in."
When you entered the room, you come face to face with your manager, Brenton, who has his face buried in a file and stacks of paper on his desk.
“Hey, Brenton, what is needed of me today?” You sit down in the chair in front of his desk. You’ve been working as a casual member for the last year, so you’re on friendlier terms with some of the managers, including Brenton, who is like an older brother to you at times.
He finally closes the file and sets it down, giving you his full attention.
“We need someone to work in the day-care area for this week. The full-time employee there called in sick last night and you’re the only person available with all the requirements to work with young children,” he states.
You blink a few times at that. The day-care? You’ve never worked in there before; you usually work in Monty Golf or even the main Atrium.
“Sure, I can do that,” You finally respond.
“Good to hear. I’ll just hand you your day-care uniform, you can go change and we’ll head right there.” He grabs a shirt from a box under the desk and hands it to you. The shirt was a yellow and red striped polo with a little sun logo on the red pocket. Brenton and you both go to leave the office, only separating for you to quickly go and change in a toilet. You then exit and go over to Brenton, who then begins to tell you your morning shift duties.
Once you both reach the day-care area, you both enter and are practically greeted straight away.
“Hel-LO! Oh OH! Did you bring a new friend to play with, Brent? Are you my buddy for today? Oh, I love meeting new people, it means I can learn new things about someone! We can-“
“Sorry, Sun, but we need to quickly get something sorted at the desk here and then you two can play. Is that alright?” Brenton says.
The animatronic in question isn’t bothered by being cut off as he still seems giddy at meeting someone knew. Sun’s face does a 360 rotation before he responds.
“Oh, of course! Staff are always busy, need to her everything ready for our small friends, yes! I’ll wait!” Sun replies. He then turns around and walks over to an area to sit down, tapping his feet like a over energetic child waiting as patiently as physically possible for them.
Brenton and you then walk over to the desk, he proceeds to explain what the phone numbers are for contacting and what to do once your shift is over.
“Okay, that’s about all there is. You’ve got about 15 minutes before opening, so I’ll let you settle and introduce yourself to your new buddy,” Brenton says, leaving the day-care and you alone with a hyper animatronic.
You turn to Sun, still standing behind the desk area. The bot itself is now standing and swaying from side to side.
“Oh, boy oh boy! We still have that long until opening? What should we do until then, new friend? Oh, I know! We can play 20 questions! I’ll go first! What’s your favourite colour? Mine is green! HA, didn’t expect that, did you? Did you? Now tell me your favourite colour! Is it yellow? Red?” As Sun spoke, he slowly inched closer and closer to the point of leaning on the desk and nearly right in your face.
You blinked at him and took a step back.
“It’s blue,” you finally respond.
“I KNEW IT! That was going to be my next guess! But wait, what type of blue? Navy blue? Azure? Sky blue? Cobalt blue?”
He continued to list every blue he could imagine and even started making up types of blue, like “unicorn blue” and even “blue but after someone put glitter in it”. You decide to ignore him for a moment and start getting everything ready for the day. The very long day.
Once the day actually got started and the children came in, it was easier than you thought it would be. Sun stopped being all in your face and went to go play with all the kids, who really enjoy his over the top energy. One minute he would be finger painting with a child and the next playing pretend tea parties with others. Your job was mostly recording the names of the children and the parent’s emergency contact, stopping children from convincing Sun to put them on things that are too high up and just telling children off for things that Sun is too nice to do himself, for example putting googly eyes on his face.
Now and again, Sun would shout for you to look at him as he did a handstand or a cartwheel. But most of the time, you were at desk duty and answering questions that parents ask, which is usually the same four questions.
Once it hit 1pm, the afternoon shift showed up allowing you to have your lunch break in the staff room.
“How is your first day in the day-care, y/n?” Your friend, James, asks.
“It’s all the same in every area. Loud kids and sometimes even louder parents. But thankfully the animatronic in the day-care actually tries to help, at least before he gives a child their fifth can of Fizzy Fazz.”
“Ha!” You friend laughs and then looks at the clock. “Ah snap looks like my breaks over. See you later, dude!”
You wave back and continue to finish your food before heading back to the day-care to continue the last couple of hours of your shift.
Once you reached the day-care area, you noticed that the lights were dimmer and that the noise inside the day-care was gone, besides the faint sound of a lullaby. As you enter, you see that the children are all napping in the cushioned area by the entrance. You walk over to the other staff member and give him a quick wave.
“Where did Sun go?” You ask.
“Shush, the children just went to bed.”
You nearly jump in surprise and quickly turn towards into the direction of the voice behind you. Instead of meeting the white eyes of the sun animatronic, you’re greeted by the red eyes of his moon counterpart.
“Oh, fuck. Don’t do that to me!” You say as quietly as your startled body will let you.
“You shouldn’t use such language in here either.”
“I’m sorry, I was just startled. I’m going to go back to work now,” you manage to say, becoming a bit anxious having him looking down at you with those glowing eyes. Way to creepy to have around children, you think to yourself. You then turn around and sit next to your co-worker at the desk.
“I promise that I won’t snitch,” your co-worker jokes.
“You better. Because if someone finds out, all I have to blame is you or the robot,” you jest in response.
You continue your shift, all the way through naptime until pack up. It was a bit different working with Moon compared to Sun. Unlike Sun, Moon wasn’t calling out for you to pay attention to him anytime he did something and mostly just did his duties of helping children nap or cleaning up any messes made during naptime. You even helped with the children who didn’t want Moon to tuck them in, even going to out of your way to quietly read them a book or two.
“Okay, I have to head out now, see you tomorrow!” You wave to your co-worker, but before you get to the door, Sun is in front of you.
“Do you have to go? We could have a sleepover! It’s too soon! We can paint! LOOK! I made you a finger painting!” He blurts out, shoving a piece of paper in your face and pointing at the blue stick figures with red, green and yellow dots all over it. “See, that’s you and me! We’re playing in the ball pit.”
“I would, Sun, but I’ll be here tomorrow. I need to recharge myself so I can do this again for the next week.” You then gently push his hand holding the paper out of the way.
Though he always has a permanent smile on his face, he lowers his head and drops both arms in a look of defeat.
“Okay… But remember to be here on time, new best friend! We have more fun times to have!”
“I will,” you reply as you open the door and leave.
Little to your knowledge, Sun kept watching you through the windows up to the point of you leaving his sight completely. He enjoyed working with someone new, even if you’d cuss under your breath now and again. But what he enjoyed the most was that you didn’t hesitate to help him, even when he was Moon. Most of the other staff do their duties because they have to, but Sun could see that you genuinely enjoyed your job. He thought to himself that you should keep working in the day-care. That you need to keep working in here. And he’ll make sure you keep working in here even if he has to make you stay here.
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secretlyblue12 · 3 years
Day 6: Full Moon
More lee tommy because I am predicatable XD I like to think that things like this would have happened a lot when Tommy was younger, where it was them being playful and stuff with each other.
“Shut up! You’re lying. I’ll tell Phil that-” Tommy whined, looking fearfully up to the moon that had started to peek out from behind the clouds. Wilbur had to be lying, there was no such thing as full moon monsters, Tommy’s sure he would have heard of one if there were, it’s not like having a full moon was a rare thing after all.
Wilbur remained adamant though, “I’m not, go ahead and ask him when he gets home then. He’s not going to be back for at least another few days though, so that isn’t going to help you tonight when they come out.” Tommy glared at the older boy, but Wilbur didn’t seem to feel any of the pain and hatred he was channeling into the stare. “Honestly, I can’t believe you haven’t heard them before. It’s getting late though, so unless you want to come face to face with a full moon monster you better get off to bed.”
Now, Tommy was grown, he was already eleven, and he wasn’t going to be afraid of some made-up monster. It was decided then, “No.”
“No? What do you mean, no?”
Tommy folded his arms across his chest and stuck his chin out. “I’m staying up, and I’ll fight this so-called ‘full moon monster’, that is if it’s real, which it isn’t!” He said in his big man voice he’d been practicing. “And then you’ll have to admit you were lying.”
Wilbur rolled his eyes at the younger blonde. “Alright then, you’ll see here in about another thirty minutes then. They only come out after the sun’s fully set.”
Tommy shifted to look back through the glass, eyes rolling over the open fields and through the sparse trees. He knew Wilbur had to be lying, but he also was expecting Wilbur to put up more of a fight against it. Thirty minutes was a long time to wait.
He turned when he heard Wilbur shuffling around, getting up and walking to the hallway where both of their bedrooms were. “Where are you going?” He asked, voice definitely not sounding more afraid. There was nothing to be afraid of, but if Wilbur was leaving Tommy out to wait by himself then-
“I’m just getting ready for bed. I’ll be back out in a minute, wouldn’t want the monsters to actually get you. Phil’d be pretty cross with me if I let that happen.” He said over his shoulder, not bothering to turn towards Tommy or stop on his way down the hall. “Be back out in a few minutes.”
And so Tommy waited with bated breath, though he wasn’t sacred. No, of course he wasn’t. And then ten minutes went by, and the sun sunk lower. And after twenty there was only a sliver of light left, and Wilbur stumbled back into the room dressed in his pajamas, trying to convince Tommy one more time to go to bed. “You can do this next full moon if you want, but I really just want to sleep, Toms. Come on, it’s already past your usual bedtime.” But Tommy shook his head, eyes flickering to the glowing circle in the sky. “‘M not even tired yet Wilby. You can go to bed, I’ll wait for the monsters by myself.”
Wilbur huffed, sitting down so that he and Tommy were both twisted to look through the window. “I can’t let you do that all by yourself. You wouldn’t be able to handle it.”
And so they waited for the sun to disappear entirely, Tommy starting to lean ever so slightly into Wilbur’s side, and for the first time in months not putting up a fight when the older wrapped an arm around his shoulders.
Then the only light source in the house were the lanterns dangling from the ceiling.
There was quiet, the only sounds left were the wildlife buzzing gently outside, and Tommy’s own breathing which fogged up the glass which separated them.
“Did you hear that?” Wilbur’s voice whispered suddenly in his ear. Tommy jumped, half turning to look at his brother’s eyes.
Anxiety churned in his stomach. “What? I didn’t hear anything?” He said, trying to sound braver than he felt.
“They’re here Tommy. I-I think there might be one in the house.”
Tommy whipped around fully, shifting so his back was against the wall and his legs half tangled over Wilbur’s lap. “What do you mean? I didn’t even hear anything, and how would they have gotten in? It’s only just gotten dark, and the doors are locked, we checked.”
“Oh, there’s one in here for sure, Tommy,” Wilbur repeated, grabbing Tommy’s hands tightly. “And he’s ready for his victim.”
Tommy’s eyebrows furrowed, looking around the room distrustfully. “Wilby, wha- Ah! H-hehey, nohoho”
Wilbur moved both of Tommy’s hands into one of his own, using his free to squeeze at his side. Tommy couldn’t even feel anything but relief for a moment, realizing that Wilbur just thought he was funnier than he really was. “Nohot fair! Wihilbehey, stohop it.”
Tommy tried to squirm away from the offending hand, but couldn’t get far in the cramped window space. “Wilby? Who’s Wilby? I’m the full moon monster, coming to tickle little boys who don’t believe and try to stay up past their bedtimes. Hmm, now here’s the perfect boy in need of a reminder not to be a nuisance, do you want to know what full moon monsters do?”
Tommy couldn’t believe what he was hearing, well, he could, but he didn’t want to. “Ihi’m not a nuhusahance! Shuhut up, you’re nohot fuhunehey Wihill.”
Will carried on as if Tommy didn’t say anything, moving from squeezing his side to spidering across his stomach and sneaking under his shirt when he could. “Monsters like myself, we feed off of laughter and smiles, which means that ticklish gremlins such as yourself make the perfect candidate for a feast. Now, where is going to get the best reaction? Your belly here seems like a good spot, doesn’t it?”
Tommy kicked out when the scribbling feelings that made tingles shoot through his veins switched to a familiar and deadly claw digging into the soft squishy parts of his middle. Much to Wilburs amusement, he couldn’t seem to control his reactions, letting a high-pitched squeal slip past.
“IHEHE- Wihilbehey! Nahat there! Ihit tihickles,” Tommy managed through his cackly laughter. Wilbur just shook his head though.
“Good, it’s meant to tickle! I knew this would be a good spot too, look at that reaction. You can barely talk at all. If you don’t want me to tickle here though, I guess you could tell me where you want me to move.” He teased, chuckling along with Tommy, though straightening up after a second to get back in character. “Any spot in mind then?’
Tommy’s felt his cheeks heating up, shaking his head and trying to lean over the edge of the window seat, though Wilbur was doing a pretty good job at keeping him in place. His entire body felt like a limp noodle, he couldn’t pull or push Wil away at all.
His breath caught in his throat, and even though Wilbur was enjoying the slight bullying he slowed down to let Tommy recover, keeping his fingers fluttering around his neck just enough to keep him giggling and soft.
“Does the boy have a spot in mind then, or is he ready to listen to his older brother and get ready for bed now that the moon is so high in the sky?”
Tommy leaned into Wilburs hand slightly, not quite able to force the complacent smile off his face. “Yohou’re an idiot.”
Throwing Tommy an unamused look Wilbur reached down to vibrate his hand into Tommy’s ribs, sending the preteen jolting forward and collapsing into his chest. It wasn’t long before Tommy’s laughter had gotten to be a bit more on the wheezier side, and he finally gave in.
“Ihi’ll go toho behed! Stahap, stahapihit! Plehe- Wihilbuhur! Yohou win!”
Wilbur brought his palm flat against Tommy’s ribs, rubbing out the feeling and finally letting go of his wrist in favor of combing his fingers through his blonde curls. “Alright then, that wasn’t that difficult now was it.”
Tommy groaned into his collarbone, not bothering to give a proper response.
“Fine, fine. Let’s just get you to your room then, at least this way you’ll be worn out enough to sleep all night.”
Tommy thought he probably was right, his whole brain felt a bit fuzzy now, and Wilbur had to practically guide him into his bed. The older tucked him in, reaching over and switching his lamp off. “Good night, Tommy. I’ll see you in the morning, alright.”
“Mhm,” Tommy hummed into his pillow, curling himself up into a comfy little ball. “Night, see you t’morrow.”
Wilbur clicked the door shut behind him, and Tommy was once again alone. He peeked his eyes open blearily, rubbing away the ghost memories of fingers on his stomach when he found the moon staring back at him through his bedroom window. “Stupid full moon, stupid monsters.” He mumbled, before letting himself sink into the warmth of his bed, closing his eyes to get away from the offending ball in the sky.
He wouldn’t be able to get away for long though, because his dreams were filled with adventures of moon monsters chasing him all around the house.
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sirthisisa-wendys · 3 years
The General (part 10): Geto Suguru x Fem!Reader
synopsis: this is it. this is what the end looks like. 
wc: 1.5k
tw: none
a/n: WOW. This is the end. We’ve come a long way in... ten days! IT REALLY FEELS LIKE IT’S BEEN WEEKS. This is the end of Lady y/n’s and Geto’s journey... It has been SUCH a pleasure writing for you all. 
Three children come tumbling out of the carriage, tripping over themselves to be the first to dart past your mother and father to hug you. You look upon the faces of Nobara, Junpei, and Yuji with astonishment; the tears leaking from your eyes are not ones of sadness any longer. Giggles and kisses and hugs are exchanged between you all as you stoop down to greet the overexcited bundles of joy. 
You look up just as Gojo and Nanami are exiting the carriage, eyes on the children with gentle smiles. Your father instantly recognizes Gojo, and holds his hands up in celebration. 
“Welcome back, Gojo-kun!” Gojo begins to chatter with your father and the three children descend on Megumi, who looks helpless as they ask him too many questions to keep up with. Haibara appears seconds later, flanked by Yuta, and they greet you and Kaori with a fondness you relax into, their faces blending back into the bright paintings of your memory. It was all beautiful - Nanami, Haibara, Yu, Yuta, the children… but everyone knows that one person is missing from the environment. 
“Gojo, whe--” Just as you turn to Gojo to interrogate him about Geto’s whereabouts, a large shadow passes over the sun, blocking your eyesight for a moment. When your vision returns, you watch an enormous golden dragon descend from the sky. It’s scales shimmer in the sunlight and toss reflections of rainbows around, almost blinding you to the man sliding off of it’s back.
When you see the General, it’s as if there had been a dam in your heart. The flood of emotions overwhelms your body, and you can only stand among your family and friends in shock as he approaches you, dressed in illustrious fabrics and smiling like the world was his. 
“Y/n,” he whispers as everyone watches your reunion. The entire thing was too beautiful - too sweet. When he envelops you in a deep hug, you feel the weight of the world transfer over to his shoulders and ease your burden. You were no longer alone. The tears you shed fade into the silk of his purple haori, and you’re enveloped by the sweet words and tender forehead kisses of your lover. 
“I thought you were dead…” you murmur into his chest, and Geto shakes his head, his hair tickling your face. You look into his onyx eyes and ask the obvious question without speaking, and his hand comes up to cup your chin.
“Let me tell you the tale over dinner, my love. It is a story that requires some nourishment.” 
“Yeah, because I’m starving!” Gojo announces behind you, much to the chagrin of Kaori, who rolls her eyes at the outburst, despite there being a small smile painted onto her face.
“It wasn’t an easy battle,” Gojo begins, shoving a piece of sushi into his mouth. “First of all, we were outmanned four to one. Then, when we were pushed back to the base of the mountain,” he continues, mouth full of food. “It’s like we don’t have anywhere to go but up. And that meant a slow, freezing death for a lot of soldiers.” 
“They took their charge seriously,” Haibara interrupts, attempting to preserve their honor. “Their sacrifices weren’t in vain.” Yuta nods, hanging his head a little as he consumes the bowl of soup silently. 
“But Prince Geto here tried one last trick that very nearly got him killed,” Gojo growls, pointing his chopsticks at Geto, who is watching his friends animate the tale of their escape and not saying a word. “Releasing all of those curses at once,” the white haired man mutters, stabbing a fish eye with determination. “That almost cost us our General.” 
“You what…?” you look over at Geto, who is chickling softly. 
“I released quite a few of my curses to attempt to overwhelm my younger brother, Naoya. He did quite well fending them off, but by the time he was finished, Gojo and Haibara had escaped with a little under half of our forces. I lost my way up the mountain and was sustaining a pretty large gash from the fight… but that’s when Mei Mei and Utahime found me.”
“Mei Mei? Utahime?” Kaori questions, but Gojo pats her hand, trying his best to soothe her. 
“Listen, they were mountain women. Healers, really.”
“In any case, they healed me, but it took about a month before I could recover from my wounds. By that time, the Court had already pronounced me dead. However, Gojo and Haibara weren’t too far from the Imperial Palace, intent on cutting down my younger brothers and my father.” 
“Your father did put up a nice, long fight,” Yuta murmurs, still not making eye contact with anyone at the table. “But it’s never enough, is it?” 
A tiny hand sneaks it’s way from the bottom of the table, patting around the wood for something beside your mother’s elbow. It seems that only you notice it, but your mother looks over and notices the hand, takes a piece of fish from the spread, and hands it to the gremlin beneath the table. The hand slinks back to where it came from, disappearing beneath the wood as Gojo rambles about his trek up the stairs to the Palace doors, and how Yuta had already wounded the Emperor by the time they arrived. 
“I just think it’s interesting how…” That meant Gojo did not find anything about that interaction interesting. 
You look over to Suguru and place your hand on his underneath the table. He looks back at you and grins widely, gripping your fingers tightly as he leans over to whisper in your ear. 
“I told you I’d come back for you. All you needed to do was wait.” 
“But how did you make it back to Palace, Geto?” your father asks, frowning. Geto’s eyes look up at the group’s collective gaze. 
“I made it down the mountain with ease, and rode my rainbow dragon curse all the way there.” 
“How long did that take?” Toji wonders, and your mother is holding her hand over mouth, obviously trying not to laugh as another small hand appears next to Toji’s elbow.
“A day.” Toji hands the little fingers a rice ball from his plate without bothering to look, and it disappears just as quickly as it appeared beneath the table. “It was the longest day of my life.” 
“And you made it back just in time to save me from a pretty nasty fate,” Yuta laughs. 
“Basically, Geto promised to not wipe the whole Imperial Court out if his father would reinstate him as the eldest son, give him his birthright, and…” Gojo thinks, tilting his head back to find the final piece of the puzzle.
“And give him control over the villages he had acquired.” Nanami finishes for him, surreptitiously sliding a piece of tonkatsu underneath the table, and Gojo snaps his fingers in response to the addition.
“Right, that. So, the Emperor said ‘yes’ because it was either that or die, and then we had the camp join us in the compounds surrounding the Imperial Palace. Geto was crowned Prince pretty quickly after that, and then presented to all of the villages one by one as the next in line for the throne. And here we are,” Gojo pauses, frowning suddenly. “Can someone tell me why I feel little fingers on my legs?” 
Children snickering echoes from underneath the table, and you try to hold in a laugh, pressing your lips together tightly and feeling little fingers pat your feet, then slide up to pat the table beside you in search of another morsel of food.
The night comes quicker than you expected, and you find yourself standing in front of the moonlit window, held from behind by Suguru. He’s littering kisses down your neck and you’re relishing in his touch, your skin feeling like it hadn’t been caressed in ages. 
“You’re even more beautiful than I dreamed you would be,” he breathes into your ear, and you shudder, leaning back into him even more. “I spent so long thinking about your face...” He presses a kiss to your cheek. “... your soft body...” His hands drift over your hips. “...the way you feel pressed against me like this.” You smile at his words, and he turns your face to him, blinking slowly. “I fought heaven and hell to come back to you.” 
“I’m glad you did,” you whisper before pressing your lips to his, feeling your mouth part almost instantly. Suguru grips your hips and turns you to face him, pulling you closer than you thought possible. You slowly follow him to the bed, still connected by the lips, and when he sits back on it you follow, straddling his half-clothed figure in the moonlight. 
“I’ll have to make up for the time we lost,” he murmurs, nipping at your bottom lip tenderly. 
“That’s three long months, my Gen- I mean, my Prince.” Suguru laughs at his new title, mouth latching onto yours again as he unties the fabric at your waist and pulls the shoulders of your kimono aside. 
“I’ll make it up to you for the rest of my life,” he speaks against your neck, sucking hard at the skin there. “That is... if you’ll let me, Lady y/n.” 
“It’s actually Princess y/n, now,” you correct him, and he breaks out into a wide smile, his right eyebrow twitching up. 
“Is that so?” He searches your eyes for any falsehood, and you grin sheepishly, pressing yourself against his chest. 
“If you’ll let me, my love.” Suguru huffs out a laugh, and pulls you under the sheets with him in the midnight hour.
TAGLIST: @kamisamaundercover​ @jotazinha​ @just4readingfics​ @mxhi​ @sammytamaki​ @brownskinnedgirll​ @keelyshayee​ @leanne-tamashi​ @vabybizzle​ @amaris9​ @fuegy-fuegy​ @ambiguous-something​ @honoredsatoru​
did I hear that the General is getting an epilogue?
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drwcn · 3 years
《Without Envy》- concubine/sleeper agent!wwx & prince!lwj 
[story board 1] [story board 2]   [story board 3]  [story board 4] 
long post: story board 5 →
Lan Wangji, as it turned, was a true gentleman. This was problematic for Wei Wuxian, who was tasked with getting close to him, because Hanguang-wang’s upstanding morals being rather unimpeachable rendered Wei Wuxian’s initial seduction efforts entirely unsuccessful. 
 Lan Wangji straight up ignored him. Whenever he came to visit Jiang Yanli it was always to speak with her and not Wei Wuxian. It was like Wei Wuxian, or A-Xian as he was known, did not exist to the prince. Whenever Wei Wuxian tried to “get close” to him, aka, making himself available to serve tea, meals and such, Lan Wangji would always dismiss him, or tell him to wait outside so Lan Wangji and Jiang Yanli could dine together alone. Needless to say, Wei Wuxian was getting increasingly frustrated. Entirely unbeknownst to Wei Wuxian however was the fact that Lan Wangji had noticed him from the start and was just trying to stop himself from doing something inappropriate. Truth is, Lan Wangji first saw Wei Wuxian at Jiang-fu during one of Lan Wangji’s visits to finalize the marriage between himself and Jiang Yanli. 
It was the dogs’ barking that got Lan Wangji’s attention first. That, and a young man’s agitated cursing.
“Fuck - ow! Princess that was not nice! I’m going to turn you into barbeque if you don’t cut this shi - Ow! Jasmine, give it here!” 
Lan Wangji’s personal guards Guo Ai and Sun Ting made to investigate the source of the ruckus and to tell off whoever dared to be so impertinent and disrespectful in a marquis’s manor, but Lan Wangji stopped them with a subtle gesture.  
Slowly, he approached the round archway looking into the garden and saw by the shrubs a handsome young man cradling a fuzzy tiny thing while trying his darnedest to fend off two relentless hounds. “Shoo, shoo, go bother your master!”
But the dogs wanted to play. Their bushy tails wagged happily.  
Eventually, the young man tired of the over enthusiastic canines, picked up a stick off the ground, and tossed it far over the garden walls. The dogs took off running, and he and the little creature he protected were allowed a moment’s peace. 
“Little tutu, it’s okay, the mean dogs are gone now. Don’t be afraid.” 
It was only then that Lan Wangji saw that the furry round thing was a small bunny, probably driven from its burrow by the aforementioned hounds that belonged to Jiang-xiao-gongzi. He watched, slightly transfixed, as the young man lifted the bunny and gently booped its nose against his own, his comely face scrunching up adorably in the process. 
So when Wei Wuxian arrived at the prince’s estate with Jiang Yanli, Lan Wangji cursed his luck. He had no intentions of becoming attracted or attached to anyone in his harem. His marriages were political games. Everything he did in his harem was calculated. The last thing he needed was for the Jins to think they could sink their claws into him. So he kept company with all his concubines equally, just to maintain the balance. Lan Wangji did not want Jin Ziyan to be the only man in his harem, which was why when Qin Su offered him Mo Xuanyu, he did not refuse. It was fortunate that Mo Xuanyu himself seemed eager to serve too, so Lan Wangji did not have to grapple with ethics there.  He was doing this for his country; everyone knew this. As long as he kept to his duties and divided his attentions equally, there would be trouble in his harem. Except...Lan Wangji wanted to see ‘A-Xian’ again. The more he wanted, the more he made himself keep his distance. He recognized the power dynamic that existed between this servant and himself, and that if he were to ask, A-xian was not really in a position to refuse. Besides, Jiang Yanli made no indications that she wanted her A-Xian to serve Lan Wangji. In fact, she seemed quite protective of him, always looking out for him wherever she could. She practically treated him like a little brother than a servant. As such, Lan Wangji was happy with the way things were. He could live with never knowing A-Xian more intimately. In fact, he did not want A-Xian to be ordered to serve him, or find out that A-Xian was just like every other man and woman in his harem, there to curry favours with him. It would be a shame if he turned out to be just another flower in the garden, another player in this game they played.  
Of course Wei Wuxian read this whole situation as: that little bastard Lan Wangji doesn’t like me. Xue Yang was charged with being Wei Wuxian’s correspondence between Gusu and Qishan but ended up just being the guy Wei Wuxian complained to.  —“Is this Hanguang-wang truly a paragon of virtues???” Wei Wuxian raged. “Aren’t princes supposed to be lechers? Wen Chao certainly is a sleeze. Wen Xu could be too for all we know. I��m young, fit, attractive and available. I know he likes men so why not me? He sleeps with Mo Xuanyu all the time apparently …Is Mo Xuanyu more attractive than me?!” Xue Yang: >_> God I miss murders. 
Wei Wuxian’s “opportunity” came when Jiang Yanli fell mysteriously ill about three months after she married Lan Wangji. When the physicians were left scratching their heads, Wei Wuxian quickly took the matter into his own hands. He needed Jiang Yanli alive; if she died before he made an impression on Lan Wangji, he could be sent away back to Jiang-fu and threaten his entire operation. What’s more, Jiang Yanli had been extremely kind to him in the last two years since he arrived at Gusu. She truly was the perfect lady; he would hate to see her suffer.  Through some crafty investigations, Wei Wuxian discovered that the cause of Jiang Yanli’s illness was a slow poison being laced into her food by Jin Ziyan’s orders. The motive of his actions were obvious enough; ever since Jiang Yanli married in, Lan Wangji seemed to be showing her extra favour, favours which he never distributed unevenly prior to her entering his household. Jin Ziyan did not want Jiang Yanli as a competition. She was a marquess’s dichu daughter, much higher in rank than either Qin Su or Luo Qingyang, and therefore posed serious threat to becoming Lan Wangji’s legal spouse. In a way, she was Jin Ziyan’s biggest competitor, and he couldn’t have that. What Jin Ziyan didn’t know was that Lan Wangji visited Jiang Yanli so much because he wanted to catch glimpses of Wei Wuxian, even though he dismissed Wei Wuxian from the room every time he saw him (the man was clearly a masochist). Wei Wuxian managed to sniff out the poison before it could cause lasting damages, but the effect of it was going on for long enough that Jiang Yanli still had an early term miscarriage before she even knew she was pregnant. Wei Wuxian, incensed by Jiang Yanli’s suffering, was ready to expose Jin Ziyan, but was ordered not to by Wen Zhuliu. ‘We still need Jin Ziyan’ was his reasoning. Still, Wei Wuxian managed to tip off the investigators such that they detected and put an end to the poisoning, but the culprit was ultimately never caught. As this played out, Wei Wuxian realized that now was his chance to get close to Lan Wangji. With Jiang Yanli recuperating...surely the Jiang family would want someone else of their clan to serve Lan Wangji in her place, someone who could keep Lan Wangji’s attention but would not replace Jiang Yanli’s place in the harem. It did not take much to lead Yu Ziyuan to the same conclusion. To ensure that he would have ample time with Lan Wangji, Wei Wuxian secretly slipped a special sedative into Jiang Yanli’s food and drink to mimic the symptoms of a slow recovery. The sedative was one of Qishan’s secret formulations and could not be detected by Gusu’s finest doctors. But Jiang Yanli, bless her heart, did not want the boy who she’d come to see as a little brother to be used like an object. "A-niang, I don't want to force A-Xian to do things he doesn't want to. I will get better, dianxia will not abandon me." — Yu Ziyuan tsked, "Silly girl, serving Lan Wangji in your stead is his entire purpose for coming with you. Every family must plan for something like this; someone to hold onto Lan Wangji's interest while you're indisposed. Men are fickle, child. You need time to recover and someone will need to remind Hanguang-wang that you still matter when you’re ready again. We cannot let him forget you. Think of what this would mean for our clan." Much to Yu Ziyuan’s delight, Lan Wangji came to check on Jiang Yanli while she was visiting, and Madam Yu had no qualms making hints that it would be the Jiang family’s honour if Hanguang-wang allowed ‘A-Xian’ to serve him while Yanli recovered. Wei Wuxian did not protest. Why would he? This was his orchestration after all, but when he dared raise his gaze from the floor to look at Lan Wangji, he detected a hint of something in Lan Wangji’s face…something like disappointment. Wei Wuxian relayed this to Xue Yang and the other evil gremlin sucked on a candied apricot and said with a roll of his eyes: —“You’re so dense, shixiong, tsk. Men like Lan Wangji could have any man or woman he wants. If you go along with Madam Yu’s orders, you’ll just to be like everyone else, another ambitious servant trying to socially advance. He’ll fuck you and forget you within a blink of an eye.” — Wei Wuxian sipped his liquor and grimaced. “Fine, what do you suggest I do then? — Xue Yang smirked, “Oh, haven’t you heard? Men like roses with thorns. When you’re brought to him tonight, don’t play along. Don’t humour him. Refuse him.” — Wei Wuxian: >_> Is this how you got those Daoist priests in bed with you? — Xue Yang smirked shamelessly, “Worked, innit?”
Listen, Lan Wangji was fully prepared to have some emotionless sex with Wei Wuxian okay? Boy was prepared to just go through the motions. He was disappointed to know that A-Xian turned out to be no better than any other servant in his harem: eager to climb his bed.
Being a concubine was stupid work, Wei Wuxian realized belatedly. After dinner, Jiang Yanli bid him goodbye with worried eyes as the momos and gugus of Hanguang-fu dragged him away to be bathed and prepped for the prince’s enjoyment later that night. (gugu, momo - older female servants)
Wei Wuxian was not a dirty person - sure, he worked hard, but he bathed regularly - they did not have to scrub that roughly. As they practically scrapped off a layer of skin, the momos rattled on and on about how he should “conduct” himself in the presence of dianxia and how he should position himself to best please him. 
What the actual fuck. Wei Wuxian resisted the urge to pull a face. Did the ladies get the same banal talk? How fucking boring was the sex around here? Wei Wuxian wasn’t born yesterday alright? He knew how to fuck.  ...Well fine, he didn’t, but he and Xue Yang had sucked each other off once or twice, so that should count for something. 
Once the attendants were satisfied with the state of him - hair brushed, skin cleaned and lotioned, callouses removed - they rolled him in a large full-body sized blanket, placed him in a sedan and ordered the servants to carry him to Lan Wangji’s chamber. 
Wei Wuxian tried not to make an exasperated grimace when the servants literally picked him up like a log and deposited him on the prince’s large bed.
He did not remember this bullshit when zhangjie married in...but then again Jiang Yanli did marry in. There was a ceremony and everything. Lan Wangji was very respectful that night, bowing to her before lifting her veil as a gentleman ought to. So what the fuck is this barbaric treatment? Just as he pondered on these questions, the tulle canopy parted, and Lan Wangji’s handsome face and broad chest came into view. Undressed to his inner most layer of robes and his ink black hair let loose, he looked very much like a man ready to ravish his new concubine, but somehow, Wei Wuxian could not detect a trace of interest on that jade-like face. 
Despite knowing this was all an act, just a means to an end, Wei Wuxian shivered when Lan Wangji reached for the edge of the blanket that encased him. 
He pulled the blankets closer, shrinking deeper inside. 
“Don’t be afraid,” said Lan Wangji. “I won’t hurt you.” 
Time to act, Wei Wuxian. Give it your best shot. 
“I’m not afraid.”  “Then why do you hide?”  Wei Wuxian waited a meaningful second before meeting Lan Wangji’s gaze dead on and said, “Because I don’t want to.”  Nonplussed, Lan Wangji raised an elegant eye brow in return. “Oh? Is that so? Or are those just words? Perhaps you've confused what kind of place a harem is. If you do not want to, why are you here?”
Is my act not convincing enough or is this stupid asshole so confident in his attractiveness that he thinks everyone must automatically want to fuck him? Slightly ticked off now, Wei Wuxian sat up, still holding the blanket to his chest and retorted hotly, “I am not confused, dianxia. Perhaps you are unable to comprehend the idea that someone as lowly as a servant would refuse when given the opportunity to ascend in rank, but nevertheless, that doesn’t change my position. I don't want to. I am here because Lianfang-jun appointed me; there was hardly any room in that decision for me to argue. If you are determined to have me, I will not resist, because I understand my place. But I am a person, not a thing or a broodmare for you breed. I have some dignity left, and at the very least, before you...before you hold me down and fuck me, I want you to know."
Wei Wuxian half wondered if his act had gone a little overboard. The expletives maybe were just a tad too dramatic, but then again...   ...seeing how Lan Wangji's entire stance shifted, maybe not. 
Lan Wangji withdrew his hand. He had mistaken Wei Wuxian’s initial unwillingness as coquettish posturing, but the heat in those dark, bright eyes could not be faked. 
“Those words could get you into a lot of trouble when spoken to the wrong person. Have the momos not taught you the rules?” 
Wei Wuxian squared his shoulders. “They have, but I place trust in Hanguang-wang’s reputation, that you are a true gentleman and would not force me against my will.” Then, just as he practiced, Wei Wuxian lowered his eyes. “I am a servant, your servant, and I know it is my duty to serve you in any way you command me, but I -...please find other use of me, dianxia, but not this.” 
 He startled a little when a warm hand found purchase under his chin and lifted up his face. Lan Wangji inspected him wordlessly with those cold, sharp eyes, searching for lies, for pretense. Wei Wuxian held his breath, praying he won’t be found out, but eventually, when the prince and his calculation deemed him good enough, he let go. 
“Very well.” 
Lan Wangji fetched a pair of clean inner robes and trousers from the wardrobe and handed them to Wei Wuxian. “Get dressed and move over.” Without waiting for Wei Wuxian to respond, he sat himself down on the edge of the bed and began to remove his socks and shoes. 
Wei Wuxian moved quickly, shrugging on the robes and tied it in place before shoving the trousers under the covers to try and pulling them up his legs. “You’re...you’re not leaving?” 
Lan Wangji glared at him over his shoulder. “This is my room, my bed. Why should I leave?” 
Right. Right.
“But you’re not...sending me away?” 
Lan Wangji frowned as though questioning his intelligence. “Would you like me to send you away? I should think that would reflect badly on you and your mistress.”   That did give Wei Wuxian pause. “Uh, well –”   “Your declining to be my bedfellow does not impede my fulfilling my side of the arrangement. You will leave in the morning, and the others will think that I found you pleasing enough to keep you the whole night. That should give Jiang-fu’ren and the Yunmeng Jiang clan sufficient face."   “I could sleep on the floor.” 
“Do you want to sleep on the floor?” Lan Wangji swung his legs onto the bed and arranged the blankets to his liking. “The doors are never locked. Servants and sentinels must be allowed in to check on me during the night for security purposes. It would not bode well if they found you lying on the floor.” 
Right, yeah that would defeat the whole purpose. 
Lan Wangji lay down and crossed his hands over his chest. “Lie down, sleep. I have morning court assembly, and I’m tired. If you’re going to stay, don’t be a disturbance.” 
Feeling like he’d lost all semblance of control in this situation, Wei Wuxian awkwardly laid himself down beside Lan Wangji. The bed was big enough for the two of them that there was space in between even when both of them lay flat on their backs. 
Lan Wangji lifted up just a second to blow out the bedside candle, and then there was total darkness.
Wasn’t I suppose to seduce him? What the fuck is this? Okay...maybe I have no idea how to seduce him...maybe I have no idea how to do anything that’s not straight up strangling him in his sleep. 
Wei Wuxian could feel his heart thudding in his chest, panic coiling tighter and tighter. He almost wished Lan Wangji had ignored his protest and took him, because then it’d be straight forward. As it were, he had no idea how to proceed now. 
Just as Wei Wuxian was being slowly consumed by his maelstrom of thoughts, Lan Wangi suddenly spoke into the dark. 
"I am not a heartless bastard, you should know."
"I never implied that."
“You did.” Lan Wangji gave a little shake of his head. “I do not want this anymore than the others in the harem. You said I treat my women like broodmares, but perhaps you have not considered that Gusu treats me like a stallion."   Wei Wuxian was momentarily speechless.    “Your mistress is very kind and gentle. I am sorry that the child in her belly was lost; I know she very much wanted to be a mother. I see that you are very protective of her, so you should know, I would never hurt her.  Even if she were to never recover her strength, I would not let harm come to her.”   Those words, softly spoken, tugged at Wei Wuxian’s conscience, if not his heartstrings. “Dianxia -”   “Sleep. Good night.”
The next morning Wei Wuxian woke up to knocking on the door. The sun was already high in the sky and the bed was empty of Lan Wangji’s presence.  A group of maids entered carrying a basin of water, towels and clean clothes. Wei Wuxian, dazed, asked, "Where's danxia?" One of the maid giggled. "Dianxia left at dawn to attend morning assembly at the palace. You must not know; he wakes up very early. He said not to wake you, and to let you sleep. He said," The others giggled with her. “He said that you've had a long night."
To the great surprise of everyone, Lan Wangji did not elevate Jiang Yanli’s servant A-Xian to concubine status after the ‘long night’ they had together. Instead he ordered A-Xian to be transferred to his court to be his close-quarter attendant, to serve him in his every day tasks.  Wei Wuxian did not exactly understand why Lan Wangji would make this particularly decision, but he did not complain. After all this was exactly what he wanted, to be close to Lan Wangji and earn his trust.  Lan Wangji, on the other hand, was content to have Wei Wuxian close by, secure in the knowledge ‘A-Xian’ did not wish to spread his legs to socially advance. Perhaps, if he dared to hope, he could finally have someone to speak to in this lonely manor full of people who only saw the crown hanging above his head.
Xue Yang was of the opinion that this was all going to end badly. He was right. 
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Check In (Intrulogical)
A/N: Finished this fic relatively quickly! It's a lot shorter than the Roceit one I posted earlier this week but it's still kinda a long fic lol!
Summary: Directly following the events of WTIT, Remus pops into Logan's room for what he claims is a quick chat, but that quickly grows into something more when the two actually get to talking.
Content Warnings: innuendos, swearing, intrusive thoughts, implied NS/FW (but nothing happens, dw), hurt-comfort
Logan had taken shelter in his room the moment Thomas got home from his outing with Nico. The logical side couldn’t stand to be around the other sides at the moment and he needed to sort out what was going on in his head.
The spectacled side took a deep breath and sat at his desk, staring at the wooden tabletop before slamming his fist down on it. “Fuck!” He yelled at the top of his lungs, infinitely thankful for the magic soundproofing around everyone’s rooms. What would the others think if they heard the rational, level headed (yeah right) Logic yelling expletives at random in his room?
He straightened his tie and glasses and got up, summoning a straw dummy labeled “Thomas”. He stood in front of it and glared at the doll, visibly angry, before he began ranting to it. He talked and talked, yelling at the dummy about how angry he was at being constantly ignored and pushed aside and made fun of, and if the familiar 10 notes announcing a certain Creativity’s presence hadn’t gotten his attention, he would have continued.
“My my Logan, you’ve got so much to say and no one to say it to, huh!” The moustached side raised an eyebrow, smirking at the nerd.
“...what do you want, Remus.” Logan’s words were curt, like he was trying to say just little enough to make the Dark Side leave.
“Gosh, I can’t just talk to a friend?-”
“We are not friends.”
“Ouch!” Remus pretended to be injured. “You’re so prickly, like a kinda sexy cactus! What’s up your ass today?”
Logan stopped and consulted his flashcards, hearing Remus snicker at this and trying to ignore the fact that his face was burning slightly. “Um… Ah.” He found the card he was looking for and examined it a little. “Nothing is ‘up my ass’ today, Remus. You know full well why I’m upset.”
“Uh huh, cuz I called you out on your lying ass.” He sounded irritatingly proud of that fact.
“Yes, well, you got what you wanted. Are you just here to rub it in my face?” Logan stared at Remus, though he noticeably avoided direct eye contact with the gremlin of a side.
Remus frowned. “No, actually.”
“Then you’re here to make me… feel… worse, correct?”
“Nope!” The green-sashed monster grinned.
“Then what do you possibly hope to gain from this interaction?” The blue tied Side frowned. Remus wasn’t here to bug him, or to upset him further? What reason, then, did he have to come to Logan’s room?
“It’s like I said earlier, I wanted to talk to you!”
“...what about?”
Remus shrugged. “I dunno! What do you wanna talk about?”
Logan blinked. “...excuse me?”
“Yeah! Let’s hear what you wanna talk about!” The Duke sat down on Logan’s bed and grinned up at him.
“...” The teacher was silent. “...you’re mocking me, aren’t you?”
“Huh?” Remus blinked and raised an eyebrow. “Why would I-?”
“Yes, I figured as much. Remus, I don’t have time for your games and if you’re simply going to make fun of me you can just-”
“Woah! Pump the brakes Lo, who said I was making fun of you?” The green side looked legitimately confused.
Logan crossed his arms. “Remus, statistically speaking, a total of… Zero sides share any of my interests. A total of three sides have shown aversion to or have mocked the things I consider interesting or enj- er, have a vague liking towards. Why should I believe you aren’t here to add to the latter set of data?”
“First of all, because I sat through that whole talk.” Remus joked. Seeing that Logan just rolled his eyes, he continued. “And secondly, because we also have some of the same interests! Your census of mockery only includes J-Anus, Emo Boy, Hop-Pop Patton and my dumbass brother!”
“Really? Then what are some of those shared interests, oh Duke of Imaginary Death?”
“That was terrible, one.” Remus held up his pointer finger. “And two, we both like chemistry, and poisoning, and astronomy-”
“Wait wait wait.” Logan held a hand up to silence Remus for a moment. “You… like astronomy?”
“Sure! What’s more existentially terrifying than imagining going hurtling right into the sun, or a black hole, or-” Remus’s eyes widened as he talked about the possibilities.
“Thank you, Remus.” Logic sighed. “But… why talk with… me?”
“Cuz… I kinda owe it to you? After being a dickhead all day?”
Logan blinked. “You didn’t have a phallus for a head today?-”
“Figure of speech, teach.” Remus explained curtly.
Logan ‘ah’d’ and nodded.
“And anyways… I wanted to apologize.”
That caused Logan to stop. “...you… wanted to apologize… to me?”
“Yeah, it’s weird for me too, but it’s true! I didn’t mean to make you so mad you - figuratively - blew up, I just wanted to prove a point.”
“I appreciate your use of the word figuratively Remus, and… thank you.”
“No problem!” Remus grinned and thought for a second. “So… wanna talk about forensics?”
Logan’s eyes lit up. “Do I ever!-” He stopped. “Ah, uh, I mean… If you’d like to…?”
Remus giggled. “Cute! But you don’t have to hide that, not around me at least!”
“...thank you…” Logan smiled softly and the duke’s heart just about stopped.
“Uh, um… no problem Nerdy Wolverine.” Remus smiled weakly at the cute nerd.
The logical side rolled his eyes and playfully pushed Remus’s shoulder, which brought the moustached side’s attention to just how touch starved he was - a problem for another day, Mus.
“So what d'ya wanna talk about? Black lights, true crime?”
“Both interesting conversations, but… how about another topic you mentioned earlier?” Logan sounded timid, like he was scared Remus would stop listening if he dared to change the subject.
“Oh? What’d you have in mind?” The intrusive thot tilted his head at a sickening 180 degree angle, but that didn’t seem to bother Logan.
“You mentioned being fascinated by astrology as well. Would you like to talk about that?”
“Of course I would, my nerdy Astro-Boy Toy~” Remus laughed at his own nickname, to which Logan rolled his eyes again. “What about space, starlight?”
Logan’s smile grew ever so slightly, thankfully drawing Remus’s attention to that as opposed to his pink cheeks. “Well… let’s talk about constellations. You’re a storyteller of sorts, what’s your favorite constellation origin story?”
“Ooh, how fun!” Remus grinned. “Well, I personally love the story of Aquila, the king who got turned into a golden eagle messenger thing because Zeus got jealous of how much people liked him! You know, he’s the one who brought Zeus his cupbearer, Ganymede? That’s where the Aquarius constellation comes from! He was some Trojan prince, he ended up being the god of homosexual love! Historians think his name was a euphemism, since it’s a combination of the Greek words for ‘gladdening’ and ‘genitals’!”
Logan nodded and watched Remus explain the stories, smiling at how enthusiastically Remus shared the information. Remus noticed this and stopped. “Well, how ‘bout you, teach?”
“Huh?” Logan blinked, being pulled from his thoughts by the sound of Remus’s voice.
“You wanted to talk about constellations! What’s your favorite story?”
“Oh, um… I enjoy the story of Orion, the hunter who killed so many innocent creatures that Gaea sent a large scorpion to kill him and then put both of them in the stars for all eternity.”
“Huh! So that Scorpio constellation…?”
“Yes, that’s its origin story as well.” Logan smiled.
“Funny! I would never have guessed it!” That wasn’t true. Remus knew each and every constellation origin story like the back of his palm. He loved Greek mythology, but the only thing he loved more than that was seeing how Logan’s face lit up when he got to explain it. “Any other stories?”
The teacher blinked and adjusted his glasses. “Oh, um… I also enjoy the Cassiopeia story…”
The duke’s face brightened, eagerly awaiting Logan’s explanation. The spectacled astronomer’s face turned pink when he realized this, not sure what to do with this sort of attention.
“Well, Cassiopeia was a queen in Ancient Greece and she claimed to be the most beautiful thing in creation, which Posideon took personally since he had made what he considered to be the most beautiful creatures, and those were the sea nymphs. So Posideon sent Cetus, this giant sea monster, to torment the town, and he told the citizens that if they wanted him to get rid of the monster, Cassiopeia would have to apologize. She didn’t, so they asked if they could do anything else, and Posideon said if they sacrificed Cassiopeia’s daughter Andromeda to him that Cetus would go away, so the townspeople kidnapped her and brought her down to the pier. Poseidon didn’t like that, of course, since he was really just trying to get Cassiopeia to apologize and didn’t want some poor mortal’s blood on his hands so he let Perseus save her and kill Cetus.
“As punishment for almost letting her daughter die to save her own pride and for insulting the gods, they put her in the sky upside down on a chair to humiliate her for the rest of time.” Logan had gotten pretty excited while he explained the story, grinning widely as he finally finished it.
Remus was silent the entire time, watching how happily Logan told him a story he’d heard a million times before and thinking about how nice it was to be able to hear it from the nerd’s perspective.
Logan, finally remembering Remus was there, coughed softly and adjusted his tie, his smile fading. “Um, apologies, Remus. Thank you for letting me ramble.”
“Lo, you were telling a story! That’d be really dickish for someone to just cut you off during a story, you know?”
“I know, but I still appreciate it.” Logan yawned and Remus realized he looked tired, like the story had exhausted him.
“You wanna take a nap, teach?” The duke frowned and tilted his head.
“I… I have to finish up my work for the day…” The logical side moved his glasses and rubbed his eyes.
“You had a long day. Yes it was cuz I was being a bitch, but still, you need to get some sleep. Or, y’know, I’m gonna be even more of a bitch to deal with!” Threatening intrusive thoughts usually worked to get Janus to go to bed when he refused to sleep, so he figured he’d try the technique out on Logan.
The nerd however simply shook his head and laughed softly. “I don’t think so, Remus. I can… I can handle you…”
“You couldn’t today, could you?” Remus accidentally blurted out before immediately covering his mouth. “Oh my god I didn’t mean that-”
“It’s fine, Remus.” Logan stated, rubbing his eyes. “You’re right. I couldn’t handle you today. But I really do have to finish working on this-”
“I’ll stay with you if you go to bed!” The duke once again blurted out. “Cuz I don’t think you’d wanna stay alone with Orange so close by, y’know? I can stay and like, fend him off!”
Logic blinked at the proposition and squinted. “...you… want to stay with me? Why are you so adamant about me getting proper sleep?”
“Well one, cuz it’s already 10:30 at night, and two, cuz… you know, I don’t wanna end up actually hurting you!”
That further surprised Logan. “You don’t want to end up hurting me? I was under the impression that that’s something you enjoyed.”
“Well…” Remus was hesitant to explain - that tipped Logan into the fact that it was probably something more than that.
“What’s really going on Remus?” The stern side crossed his arms and stared at the Creativity.
“...okay, I don’t wanna be alone tonight!” The duke stomped his foot and crossed his arms, looking away. “My nightmares have been getting worse and Janus is hanging out with Roman and Patton today and Virgil hates my guts so I figured I’d at least try to hang out with the one side that for some reason still tolerates my dumb ass!” He sounded a little hurt, and added, “Or, one that wouldn’t immediately kick me out or hit me with a broom at the mere sight of me.”
Logan blinked. “Nightmares? You suffer from nightmares?”
Remus sighed and tugged on his sash. “Yeah, they suck ass - not in a fun way - but it’s part of the job description, y’know?”
“I don’t. But… does this mean you also suffer from intrusive thoughts?”
“...yeah… They’re kinda the reason I came in here in the first place...”
The logical side sighed. “Remus, you could have told me sooner you just needed company. I’m not the best at keeping up conversation but I could have at least put on a movie for you to refocus on something other than your intrusive thoughts.”
The duke blinked. “You… you’re not gonna just kick me out?”
“Why would I? You’re in need of assistance and I’m going to provide it for you.” Logan got up and rummaged through his DVD stack. “What would you like to watch?”
Remus stretched and looked over. “Whatever ya want, Sub-astute but Super Cute Teacher.”
Both sides flushed red when they realized what Remus had said.
“...interesting nickname, Remus.” Logan gulped, looking down.
“Yeah, uh…” The duke laughed weakly. “Well, I guess that cat’s out of the plastic bag it was choking in, huh?”
“What, that you think I’m cute?” The teacher looked over at the moustached Creativity. “You already called me sexy.”
“Well yeah, but that felt less… sappy, than calling you cute. And anyways, I meant that I was into you. Ooh, do you have Coraline?”
Logan stopped. “...repeat that, please?”
“The Coraline thing?-”
“The thing before the Coraline request.”
“Oh yeah, I like you.” Remus was right to the point, like always. “When I saw you take the shuriken to the face and just keep on moving right along… God, that was an image!” The duke gripped his thigh and shook his head, stopping himself from reaching down his pants.
“And you’re telling me this now… why?” The teacher was still reeling from the initial confession.
“We don’t get to talk one-on-one a lot! Plus, I don’t really like talking about cutesy emotions - that’s Roman’s department, y’know?”
Logan nodded slowly.
“Anyways, I changed my mind on the movie, can you put on Monster House?”
The spectacled side nodded and got the CD for Monster House, putting it in the DVD player and sitting next to the green-sashed side. He should have figured Remus wouldn’t be the type to linger on his feelings, and he was grateful for that at least. He couldn’t handle talking about feelings for long periods, especially not his own, but to have one of the most passionate sides just drop the fact that they liked him and immediately move on from that fact? It was odd. He almost couldn’t believe it.
Remus meanwhile was laying on the bed and watching the movie intently, smiling brightly at the screen before realizing that Logan had gotten into bed next to him. He turned over a little and growled “seductively” at the teacher, who laughed softly at the dark creativity. The sound caused butterflies to erupt in the duke’s stomach, flustering him a little. He smiled back at the logical side before returning his attention to the movie.
Logan meanwhile admired Remus, watching as he talked excitedly about the movie. He found it strangely endearing, how excitable Remus got when he was able to talk about things he found interesting. He didn’t have much time to think about it though, as he found himself falling asleep soon after the thought passed through his head. The astronerd yawned and passed out, sleeping peacefully next to the intrusive side.
The duke didn’t notice until he felt warm arms wrap around him. It startled the hell out of him, but he relaxed after he realized it was simply the sleeping teacher clinging to him. He carefully took Logan’s glasses off and turned off the TV before closing his eyes and falling asleep.
**The next morning**
Logan woke up first the following morning, still a little tired but feeling much better than he did the previous night. Vision blurry, the blind scholar felt around his nightstand for his glasses before realizing he was curled up into another person. He quickly got his specs on and saw the sleeping form of Remus below him, remembering that Remus had asked to stay with him the night before.
He looked at the sleeping creativity, who looked much more peaceful (and admittedly much cuter) asleep than he ever did awake. Still feeling somewhat tired, the Sherlock kinnie looked away and closed his eyes, feeling his face start to burn. When did he start thinking of Remus as “cute”?
Logan didn’t have too much time to dwell on it as he heard Remus start to stir. “Ugh… morning starshine…”
The teacher jumped and sighed. “Oh, good morning Remus. Did you sleep well?”
“Like an asphyxiated baby… you?” Remus groaned and stretched, waking up a bit more.
“I slept well too.” Logan fidgeted with his hands. The dark creativity, sensing the spectacled nerd’s unease, sat up and went to get off the bed. He was somewhat shocked to feel Logan tug on his sleeve. “Stay. I wanted to talk about what you said to me last night.”
“Oh… that.” Remus sighed and sat back on the bed. “What about it?”
“I… I’m not entirely sure what it feels like, but I think I reciprocate your feelings?”
Remus’s expression changed from slight concern to a poorly hidden malicious grin. “Oh? You’re into me?”
“I… think I am.” Logan nodded slightly.
The duke was silent for a moment before bursting into a grating cackle. “Oh- oh my god! Oh my god, you’re gonna kill me nerd!”
The scholarly side tensed up and blinked. “Excuse me?-”
“Are you fucking kidding me?! What kind of goddamn loser are you, to think I - or anyone really - would like you?! Especially after the bullshit you pulled yesterday, like Jesus Christ you’re pathetic!”
Logan’s heart sank as he heard Remus say this. “So you were, what, mocking me?!”
“No shit, Sherlock!” The intrusive side cackled once again before morphing into a huge octopus-human hybrid monster and grabbing the teacher. “You’re so fucking stupid! What on Earth made you think someone like me would like someone like you?! You’re lucky any of the others even talk to you anymore!”
Logan panicked as the tentacles pulled him up to Remus’s razor sharp teeth, about to chomp down on his head, when-
“Lo! Logan, wake up!” The logical side heard Remus’s voice coming from somewhere it should not have been, and Logan woke up with a start. Remus frowned as the teacher practically flung himself away from him.
“Get away from me!” Logan’s voice sounded frantic and panicked, like a cornered animal.
“Woah, woah!” The creativity held his hands up in surrender. “Teach, it’s me!”
The teacher took a few deep breaths and grounded himself, looking around. “...right, right… Apologies, Remus…”
“No problem, Nerdy Wolverine. Now, care to tell me what happened?”
Logan sighed and moved over to Remus, explaining to him his nightmare, tentatively telling the nightmare inducing side that he’d tried professing his mutual love to the other before getting horrendously mocked and belittled.
“Sounds a lot like my Nightmare Nico scenario. Has this happened before?” Remus had managed to ignore his thundering heartbeat and the cheering going on in his head - Logan likes me back!! He could focus on that later. Right now, Logan needed his help.
“No. I don’t normally dream, period, so to get a nightmare is extremely unprecedented.”
“Huh… so, I’m the reason you had the nightmare?”
“That would be the logical conclusion, though I had assumed that your effects would be… muffled, in my room?”
“Maybe it’s a mix of psychological and my effect on you guys? Like you were stressed or anxious about last night so my ability to give people nightmares got amplified?”
Logan nodded. “Interesting hypothesis, and it’s… definitely possible. I apologize for yelling at you earlier.”
Remus shrugged. “Eh, it’s okay, I’ve heard worse.”
The nerd nodded and the two were silent for a moment before Remus sighed and asked what they were both thinking. “So. I like you, and you… apparently like me back? What does that make us?”
Logan hesitated. “I… I’m not sure. What would you like us to be?”
The duke grinned. “How about boyfriends?”
The scholar smiled. “I think I’d like that.”
Remus beamed brighter and moved a bit before stopping. “Can I kiss you?”
Once again mildly surprised by the other’s bluntness, Logan nodded and scooted closer to the dark creativity. Remus quickly pulled the former into a kiss.
Logan was the first to pull away, flushed red and smiling to himself. “I think I could get used to this.”
Remus grinned and took the scholar’s hand. “Me too, Lo. Me too.”
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yikesharringrove · 3 years
Show Pony
Chapter one - Big Sky
Also on Ao3
Billy doesn’t give a fuck about the rodeo. 
He doesn’t care about country music, or fancy horse riding, or the beauty queens, even the bull riders. 
What he does give a fuck about it not being in his house today. 
Not when his dad was obviously itching to pick a fight. Not when Max gave him such an easy out over breakfast. 
“I saw a flyer for a rodeo. I think it’d be kinda neat.”
It was in town for four more weeks. 
And Billy could tell the second he and Max bought tickets, he was about to be spending more time than he ever fuckin’ thought he would spend at a rodeo. 
He based that on the way Max’s eyes lit up the second she stepped inside the big fairgrounds. 
Not knowing that he was right. He was about to spend a lot of time at the rodeo. 
But not for Max. 
For himself. 
And a pretty horse rider named Steve.
He didn’t see Steve that first day. 
Was too busy shelling out his own hard-earned cash to buy Max sugary funnel cakes. Sitting next to her watching the poor suckers get bucked off their pissed-off bull. 
But when Max was in the car she turned to him, the sun setting outside, eyes as wide as dinner plates.
“Can we come back tomorrow?”
And the tickets were dirt cheap. And Billy hates being at home. 
So they did. 
And they watched the rodeo queens. 
And the team-roping. 
But it wasn’t until the calf roping that Billy felt his heart sink. 
Because he thinks Steve Harrington might be the most beautiful person he’s ever seen. 
Tall and broad, smiling like sunshine at his gorgeous black quarter horse, patting her strong neck and leading her to the entry point of the arena. 
His name was loudly announced after the event name. 
Calf roping, with our very own Steve Harrington! Steve will navigate his beautiful June into the arena, trying to rope and tie down a calf as quickly as possible!
Billy had tuned out everything but his name. 
Leaning forward on his bench seat to watch him lead June up to the starting line, give her a few more pats before swinging one leg up, heaving himself up and over her back, settling into the saddle with a grace Billy doesn’t think he’ll ever be able to describe. 
Steve appeared to shake himself out, leaning forward over June’s neck to speak quietly to the sleek horse, wiggling his hips a bit in the saddle. 
And then he sat back up, readying himself and waiting for the countdown. 
He was off like a fucking shot. 
Billy’s never seen anything fucking like it. 
June kicked up dirt as she thundered through the arena behind a small herd of a few calves, Steve ducked low against her neck as he led her forward, his lips moving as he spoke quietly to her, egging her on and forward. He was clinging to her for dear life, his legs straining as he was tossed up and down in the saddle. 
And then he let go of her reins, one hand reaching for the rope on his belt. 
And it was the most hick shit he’s ever seen. 
This flannel-wearing cowboy on his perfect fucking horse, roping a baby fucking cow. 
He slipped the knot around it from his perch on the moving horse, lassoing it easily like that was a common skill, and with a fluid practiced movement, he tossed himself off the slowing horse, getting on one knee to tip over the calf and tie it up like it was second nature. 
And maybe it was. Performing in a show like this. 
That’s all it was, a performance. Practiced and rehearsed over and over for Steve and June. 
It was over in a blink, Steve tossing his hands up to show he was finished, and the calf didn’t break its bonds. 
The whistle blew and Steve’s time was read to the arena. Nine seconds. And apparently, nine seconds was a good time, judging by the way Steve’s raised his fists in the air, and patted June’s neck so gently. 
He mounted back on his gorgeous horse as the calf he had roped was released by a few of the rodeo workers and the next guy took his position at the starting line. 
Steve did a lap around the arena of June’s back, smiling and waving to the crowd. 
And maybe Billy just has an overactive imagination. 
Maybe his stupid gay brain was looking for something not there. 
But he could’ve sworn he saw Steve grin just a little bit brighter in his direction. 
There were a few riders after him. Competing to earn a faster score on the same track. 
But Billy didn’t give a fuck about calf roping if he wasn’t watching Steve and June. 
The sun was setting as Billy finally led Max out of the fairgrounds, one hand on the top of her head, steering her towards the Camaro. 
“So, you think we can come back next weekend” Max was giving him a big shit-eating grin, powdered sugar all done her front from the final funnel cake Billy had shelled out to buy her. 
“Don’t see why not. Get’s us outta the fuckin’ house, don’t it.”
“Plus, there are lots of good-looking cowboys, just everywhere. Did you see the guy doing the cattle roping, or whatever? He was cute .” Billy rolled his eyes. Max was just touching the age when she stopped thinking of boys as gross, saw them as cute, and whatever else she said. It also made her realize that having a gay brother apparently meant talking about nothing but boys. It made Billy wanna slam his head into the steering wheel. He grunted in response as she kept going on and on about Steve. 
Like Billy didn’t see the way his thighs gripped the sides of his horse, like he didn’t watch as he hurled himself off June to tie up the fucking calf. Like he didn’t watch him take that fucking victory lap, shit-eating grin looking like home on his pretty fucking face. 
“You gotta carry your own weight, you know that, right Shitbird? I’m talking, pay for your own damn fried shit.” He bets Susan would give him money for tickets if he acts real nice this week. 
He can’t blow all his savings at the fucking rodeo of all things this summer. He’s got plans for the wad of cash burning a hole in the shoebox in the back of his closet. 
Max huffed at him. 
“What am I supposed to do? Get a job? I’m thirteen .”
“So? Babysit or some shit. Rob an ATM. Fuck if I care. Just quit stealing all ‘a my goddamn cash for your fuckin’ funnel cakes .”
“You’re just pissed off because you didn’t try one. They’re the best. You gotta have one next week.”
“I, unlike you, care about what I put in my body.”
“Yeah, because cigarettes and beer are so much better than fried dough .”
“Whatever.” The truth is, Billy’s gotta watch what he eats. Max didn’t know him when he was prepubescent and chubby. He can’t be sitting there shoving funnel cakes in his mouth and not expect it to all go to his gut. Not like her. There’s not an ounce of fucking baby fat on her. She’s positively scrawny. If anything, the funnel cake might help her out a bit. 
“Yeah, whatever .” She huffed, slumping back in her passenger seat. “But can we come back?”
“Fuck, if you keep askin’ me, the answer’s no .”
She huffed again. She does that a whole lot when they talk. 
“Don’t act like you didn’t like it. I saw the way you were watching Steve race. You were practically drooling .” 
Billy clenched his jaw. 
“Was not .”
“Was too .” 
And Max had a knack of leading Billy into moments like this, childish little arguments that made him feel kinda weird inside. Made him feel kinda warm at how sibling it was. Like they hadn’t been forced together just a few years ago. 
For all his bitching, he really did like the little spit. If he didn’t, he’d be a bigger asshole than she’s always accusing him of being. 
“You don’t even know what I look like when I’m really eyeing a boy, if you think that was it. Just, you know. Respected his riding.”
“ Respected his riding. Yeah ‘cause you wish he was riding-”
“Finish that sentence and I’m pushing you out of the fucking car.”
“I’m right, though.”
Billy just reached forward to turn up the radio, letting Dee Snider drown out any other awful shit Max wanted to say to him. 
Which was probably showing his hand too much. No direct answer pretty much means affirmative when it comes to Billy. And yeah, Max knows that. Judging by the way she’s cackling like a goddamn gremlin over the sound of the music. 
He just pressed his foot down further on the gas pedal, letting them fly down the highway. 
And he thought about Steve and June, thought about how fast Steve could press that girl to go. Thought about him leaning forward, flattening himself to the horse’s neck, gripping onto the reins and urging her forward, urging her faster. 
And if he thought about those strong legs wrapped around him, if he thought about what Max was about to say, Steve riding Billy like he would that fucking horse, his hips flexing as he bounces up and down, well, that’s his business. 
And the next Saturday, Susan slid him a crisp twenty-dollar bill to buy Max some lunch at the rodeo. 
They took it more seriously this time, bringing water bottles, and Max slathering thick white sunscreen on her freckled skin. 
Billy even wore shorts, some old jeans he sacrificed to the summer gods when he wore holes in the thighs and chopped pretty much in half. 
And it was kinda fun. 
He knew what to expect now. Knew the barrel racing was all women, all beautiful horses winding their way along clover-shaped tracks. He knew that the bull riding was a little more fun to watch with a shot in him, and that his fake i.d. could get him an alcohol wristband from the tent at the front.
Max sneered at him when he bought himself a beer later in the day. 
“Uh, you know you have to drive me home, right? Like, and not crash your stupid car on the way home.” 
“Fuck off. It’s one beer.”
“And also that shot earlier, and I know you have a flask.”
“Okay, what are you, the cops? I’m just tryna enjoy myself in this blistering fucking heat. I don’t exactly get my rocks off to any of this shit.” Which is a lie. He’s totally sold on every stupid fucking event at the motherfucking rodeo. 
“Fine. You wanna get stupid and drunk? Then you have to take me to the pageant. I wanna watch it.”
“Since fucking when do you give a shit about the pageant .” Max glared at him. Her nose was beginning to get red. 
Maybe if Billy were less of a shithead he would tell her to put some sunscreen on. But she was really testing his patience today. 
And then her eyes went huge, and her jaw went slack, and Billy was just about to tell her to close it and quit lookin’ like a dead fuckin’ fish when he heard someone cough slightly behind him. 
And when he turned, he almost made the exact same stupid dead fish face as Max. 
Because gorgeous cowboy Steve was standing right in front of him. In another cracker of a flannel shirt, stupid blue jeans, and fucking cowboy boots, because yeah. He’s a goddamn hick that rides a horse and ties up calves in a traveling rodeo for a fucking living. 
And God save Billy, because hot damn. 
Steve had an easy smile on his face, a little bit lopsided, and perfect white teeth showing between perfect pink lips. 
“Hey there.”
“Howdy,” Billy responded before he could stop himself, his face burning up. 
He was hoping he was already sweaty enough Steve wouldn’t notice the flush. 
But thankfully, Steve’s smile went wider, and he laughed, this gorgeous bright laugh, his head tossing back, and that thick hair flowing easily. 
He had gold streaks in his hair, lighter browns tussled within the darker colors. Billy wondered if they were natural, days spent out in the sun on his horse. Part of him hoped they weren’t. Part of him hoped that Steve was that intentional with himself and his goddamn hair. 
He smiled at Billy. 
“I’m Steve.”
“We saw you. Last weekend,” Max blurted out before Billy could kick her. She looked shocked that she had even spoken when Billy turned to give her a death glare. But Steve just laughed his gorgeous laugh again. 
“And what’d you think?”
“She wouldn’t shut up about you on the way home.” And Steve was back to looking at Billy, and his eyes are so fucking big, like, who’s eyes are just. Like that. Just fuckin’. Big. 
“And what about you, uh-”
“Billy. And this is Max. My sister.”
“Well, Billy,” and fuck Billy nearly creamed himself at the sound of Steve saying his name. “Did you like my display of talents ?”
“Could say so. I don’t give too many shits about all this hick farm stuff. But I can respect it.”
“Well, that’s alright then.” And Steve reached out to pat Billy once on the shoulder. “I hope I see y’all around. I gotta head off, June needs some TLC before our time.” He smiled at Max, and her already red face flushed deeper, almost blending into the roots of her flaming hair. 
And then he doubled back. 
“You know what, I forgot why I came over here in the first place.” He was digging through his jeans, rummaging around in his back pockets. 
Billy wanted to slide his hands in there, cop a feel while he helped Steve look for whatever he was going to offer Billy. 
And then Steve brought out two white wristbands. 
“They’re for, uh, VIP seating and stuff. If you’re interested. Gets you closer to the arena. That way I can just see what you look like after I’m comin’ off a ride.”
Hoo boy. 
This little cowboy has some fucking charm. 
And he knows it too, judging by his smug little half-smile he gave Billy while he fastened the wristband around his wrist. 
He helped Max with hers, doing it faster than he had Billy’s, and with a lot less eye contact, which was a good sign. He’s not perving on his twelve-year-old sister. Which is cool. 
And then he was looking back at Billy, and brushing his long fingers over the tops of Billy’s shoulders, his arms out in his shirt, the arms torn off an old Aerosmith t-shirt he found at the Goodwill last year. 
“You should reapply sunblock. Don’t want you burning now.” And Billy’s sure if Steve was wearing a Stetson, he woulda tipped it at them. “Enjoy the pageant.”
And he was off, and Christ, those jeans. How did Steve even successfully ride his horse in those things? They were so tight, showed off his nice peachy ass as he walked through the fairgrounds. 
“Wow,” Max said. And yeah, Billy felt the same. 
“In case it wasn’t clear, based on the way he was flirting with me, and also that he’s way too old for you, but, uh, dibs .”
“Billy, you can’t just call dibs on a person.” Billy just laughed. 
He knows that his twelve-year-old fucking sister doesn’t have a shot in Hell with Steve. Really, he doubts he even has a shot in Hell with Steve, but he also likes to spend his time making her life as difficult as possible without actually being a shitty person. So, he just riles her up. Says shit that’ll get her going. He wouldn’t be doing his brotherly duties if he didn’t say that shit. 
Max calls it even by kicking him in the shin twice and making him watch the stupid beauty pageant. 
Which, like, why the fuck are there beauty pageants at the rodeo anyway? 
Turns out it wasn’t pageant at all, but the four previous Miss Rodeo’s all lined up and looking far too glammed out for this fucking heat. 
Max faked being disgruntled by the disappointment, but Billy knows, somewhere inside that tough bitch little soul of hers, she’s glad she didn’t have to sit through a goddamn pageant just to make Billy miserable. 
Besides, Billy had whipped out his flask a few times, and he was feeling alright. Just buzzed enough that the heat had stopped making him feel quite so disgusting. 
But not too drunk to miss calf roping. 
And yeah, maybe it was a little bit lame to make their way over to the VIP seating earlier enough that they scored the front row. But when Steve came trotting out, leading June behind him, Billy was close enough he could pick out the cluster of moles on Steve’s left cheek. 
So, lame was not in Billy’s vocabulary today. 
It was pretty much the same thing as last week. Steve made everyone in the arena ooh and aah with his riding, tied up the calf in less than ten seconds once again. 
But this time, when he took that jaunty little lap around the small arena, Billy knows for a fact Steve grinned at him. Knows his stupid gay brain wasn’t making up the wink he tossed effortlessly in Billy’s direction. 
And they left, just like last weekend, as the sun was beginning to sink below the horizon. 
“Just, c’mon. Mom gave you money .” Max was whining for a corn dog, of all things. When they have perfectly good, not fried food, at home. 
“Maxine, I swear to Christ, I’m fucking tired. Let’s go home so I can crash, and you can fucking drive Susan up the goddamn wall with your whining.”
“You’re such an asshole.”
“I don’t know. He doesn’t seem too bad.” And Billy felt his insides curdling at that voice, felt himself wilting and shriveling because he would not be getting out of this day without one final, no doubt embarrassing, encounter with his gorgeous cowboy. 
Steve was leaning against a booth selling chili fries, looking like a perfect picture of a Clint Eastwood movie. 
Billy had never liked westerns. 
But he was gonna go home and spend all night watching every one he could get his grubby little hands on. 
Steve pushed off the side of the booth as Max found her words again. 
“You don’t have to live with him.”
“And you don’t have to live with my folks. I’d trade you any day.” 
And Billy nearly died. Right there. On the spot. Because. Holy shit. I’d trade you any day. 
Billy was more than happy to follow this fucking hick around America, watch him ride his pretty horse before fucking him against the stable wall. 
Or whatever. Do they have stables? Billy doesn’t know how a traveling rodeo works. 
But like, they’ve gotta have stables, right?
“Nah, you’d get sick of him. He stinks.”
“Have you ever smelled horse shit? Because that’s the fragrance I wake up to every morning.”
And Max was laughing, and Steve was laughing, and Billy was trying to keep his hands as casually as possible in front of his slight chub. 
“Will I get the privilege of seeing you two again?” And what a way to word it? The privilege. And then Steve was looking Billy up and down, and he was biting that perfect bottom lip and opening his mouth and “I could always give you my phone number. So we can. Meet up. Next time you’re here.”
“‘Course. You can give us the grand tour.”
And Steve was digging in those tight back pockets again, and shoving his phone into Billy’s hand, and he doesn’t have a passcode, but his home screen was a picture of him and his fucking horse which is, just about the sweetest thing Billy’s ever seen. 
And Billy put himself in as Billy Hargrove , and then panicked because Steve doesn’t know his fucking last name. So he settled for Billy and then for good measure shoved San Diego after it because. Billy’s a common name, okay?
And Steve took his non-password protected fuckin’ horse girl phone, and Billy was giving him as charming a smile as he could muster with sweat on his upper lip and saying-
“You better text me, Pretty Boy. So I can save your number.” Billy shrugged, looking off to his left to try and seem. Nonchalant. “In case I wanna see you again.” 
And Max was rolling her eyes, but she wasn’t stopping away. Wasn’t even whining at Billy, no doubt on her best behavior in front of hot cowboy Steve. 
But Steve had a glint in his eye, and if Max wasn’t here Billy would be playing this all different, laying on the charm a lot thicker than he was. 
But he can’t be a horny bastard in front of her. That’s just, like, gross. 
So he settles for making a real show of licking his bottom lip, and maybe flexing his bare arms just a tiny bit. 
“We should probably get goin’. Got a curfew for this one,” Billy jerked his head in Max’s direction. She huffed before she could stop herself. “See you around, Cowboy Steve.”
And Steve gave another one of his pretty ringing laughs. 
“Come again soon, Billy and Max.” And again, Billy’s sure that if Steve were wearing a hat, he would’ve flicked the brim at them as he set off back into the rodeo, dodgin off the main thoroughfare. 
“Wow. That was embarrassing for you.” 
Billy whipped his head around to stare at Max, giving her the most disgusted look he could muster. 
“The fuck you mean?”
“You were so obvious.”
“That’s the fucking point . We were flirting. It’s supposed to be obvious, you demon.” Billy shoved her once before stomping in the direction of the parking lot. 
“Yeah but you were like, making these faces at him.”
“Shut the fuck up. I know what I was doing, okay? It was all very calculated . Let him know I’m down for it, and if he texts, then I’m good to go. If not, then I move on.”
And the thought of Steve not texting was kinda, disappointing. Because Billy really wanted him to text. He wanted to stay up late giggling at his phone and the dumb things Steve texts him and pretend they don’t make him flush like a fucking school girl. 
He pointedly didn’t look at his notification when he reached the car, just shoved an old tape in and turned up Black Sabbath when Max wrinkled her nose at it. 
They were both quiet on the drive back home. Something heavy unsaid between them. 
And only as Billy was pulling into his spot in the driveway did Max suck in a big breath to actually put it out there. 
“I won’t tell. About him. Not even Mom. Not even that I think he’s cool.”
“Thanks. Easier just to. Avoid at all costs.” 
And if Billy were a better person, maybe he would hug her or something. 
But they don’t do that. Instead he sighed and didn’t hip check her violently off the porch like his instincts were telling him. So really, he’s a fucking saint. 
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omgggg can you share ur list of things you’ve read ? 😭 i feel like i’ve hit rock bottom thinking i’ve read everything
Alright, here we go, these are a few of my favorite reader-inserts I have saved on my AO3:
Multi Ships (collection of one shots/love triangles)
Dear Diary: Bakugo VS Midoriya VS Todoroki. Reader had her heart broken by Bakugo, moves on and develops feelings for Midoriya that might be mutual?, and now Bakugo likes reader but is a fucking dick about it and Midoriya is an oblivious green bean. Meanwhile Todoroki is just a sweety, acting like a real friend and being there for reader during the drama (that he sometimes causes). Angst alert, just pure angst. I love it as much as i want to pull out all my hair cause of these idiot children. (Wordcount: 77415 Status: Incomplete)
The Void You Left Behind: Past Kirishima/Reader, Bakugo/Reader. Reader was married to Kirishima who sadly died while on the job. Bakugo and reader mourn together and help each other to move on. The grief in this was so realistic and well done, you will feel like you were hit by a truck. I cried and had to take breaks. (Wordcount: 71016 Status: Complete)
Million Reasons: Past Bakugo/reader, Midoriya/Reader. Bakugo and reader were married, but Bakugo (a total dick) cheats on reader and was abusive towards reader who ends up leaving him, changing jobs, and now working for the current number one hero Deku. Warning: Domestic violence, abusive and manipulative behavior. (Wordcount: 55693 Status: Incomplete)
MULT-FANDOM COLLECTION (my-american-hero): Multiple story collection, not just bnha. Author’s tumblr account.
BNHA College Reader Inserts series: 5 works, all in college. Really like the Bakugo/Reader centric fics in this one, reader doesn’t take his shit. (Wordcount total of all works: 62691 Status: Series incomplete,  but only one of the works isn’t complete.)
Baby no Hero Academia: Multiple stories of our favorite characters being parents. (Wordcount: 72822 Status: incomplete)
My Hero Academia Images: multi story collection. If you like these, look at the other works by this author. Some are choose your own route stories with different endings for each ship. (Wordcount: 240426 Status: incomplete)
My hero academia one-shots!: smutty and fluffy one shots with multiple characters. (Wordcount: 155424 Status: complete)
Boku no Hero Academia One-Shots/Imagines~! (lady-Bakuhoe): one-shot collection. Didn’t realize right away that I had been reading lady-bakuhoe’s stuff for months on AO3. (Wordcount: 39963 Status: complete)
Ship Centric:
Bakugou, Katsuki ( Alpha!Bakugou ; Omegaverse )(AO3 Link) (Tumblr Link): Smut one-shot, omegaverse, alpha/omega, daddy kink. (Wordcount: 5087)
Wolves Among Us: I’m pretty sure everyone knows this one, still putting it down. Werewolf!Bakugo x Human!Reader, Fantasy AU. (Wordcount: 334465 Status: Incomplete)
Bakugou Household: Domestic Bakugo just being the best dad. (Wordcount: 37867 Status: incomplete)
Types of Love: A bunch of one-shots about different types of love with Bakugo as the center subject. (Wordcount: 10243 Status: Complete)
Sex is a learning, even for shitheads.: Porn with Plot. Focuses on the evolution of the relationship between reader and Bakugo and their sex lives together, from first learning how to do the sex and controlling quirks during to exploring kinks, likes and dislikes. (Wordcount: 73453 Status: Complete)
Speak (Katsuki Bakugou x Reader): Soulmate Au- first words tattooed on body. Reader isnt too thrilled about the resident gremlin of 1-A is her soulmate. Smut included. (Wordcount: 153848 Status: Complete)
Knockout: I just started this one today, but I like it so far. Underground kickboxer au, kickboxer!Bakugo meets card girl!reader. (Wordcount: 85297 Status: complete)
His Tyranny: Fantasy au. Barbarian King Bakugo is power hungry, looking for anything to boost his strength, takes reader, a girl with a strong and dangerous magical ability, from the tower she was locked away in. (Wordcount: 76038 Status: complete)
Dakimakura: Bakugo develops a crush. Porn with plot. (Wordcount: 48657 Status: Complete)
Secret Admirer: Reader leaves Bakugo love letters. Things get steamy when reader gets caught. (Wordcount: 2278 Status: complete)
How to get a boyfriend?: Reader is Bakugo’s little sister and wants a boyfriend, she has her eyes set on her brother’s manly best friend. (Wordcount: 22431 Status: complete)
A Helping Hand (author’s tumblr https://thetrashyartwitch.tumblr.com/): No quirk au. Reader wants to better herself by going to the gym and develops a crush on Kirishima who was just being himself and being kind to reader. This gets a gold star from me, I read this over and over and I still love it so much. (Wordcount: 5707 Status: complete, one-shot)
Rising Sun (Btw, don’t bug the author about updating, they already get hounded about this one and other fics. The wait will be worth it.): Fantasy au and arrange marriage between princess!reader and dragon!Kirishima. Reader is in an entirely new environment and culture, getting to know her new kingdom and husband. (Wordcount: 14667 Status: incomplete)
Crimison|Ink (Kirishima x Reader) : I know I posted about this one before, but I will post about this again. I read this so many times, I have it downloaded on my phone to read offline. I don’t even know where to begin to describe this one, I just love it so much and can’t wait for it to come back. I don’t want to say I have a favorite, cause I love all of these… but if I had to choose *cough* this one *cough*. Summary: “Kirishima and his band of heavily tattooed brothers own and run a very well known tattoo shop together. One day a girl wonders into the shop in search of a tattoo to mark the start of her new life. Soon enough she’ll learn that this ‘family’ business is more than just buzzing tattoo guns and ink, and finds herself caught up in the middle of it, all while having to deal with a certain sharp-toothed pain in the ass.” Warning: violence, blood and gore, toxic past relationships. (Wordcount: 119179 Status: incomplete)
Oranges: Omegaverse, alpha!female!Reader/Omega!Kirishima. Mutual pining childhood friends who are oblivious towards each other’s feelings while everyone notices. (Wordcount: 19695 Status: Complete)
Anger Management: smut one-shot, reader is pissed about something at work and uses Kirishima to get rid of the rage by riding him till she’s no longer angry. (Wordcount: 1509 Status: Complete)
The Pizza Delivery Guy: Modern and College Au. Reader’s roommate Mina puts in to send the cutest delivery boy over. Best customer service experience ever. Pure fluff and flirting. Wanna see more. (Wordcount: 1607 Status: Complete)
Better Late Than Never: Dumb dumbs pining over each other both thinking they are just friends. (Wordcount: 2996 Status: complete)
Boyfriend Me: Short and simple, i live for the fluff and awkward kirishima. Accidental confessions and lack of words when around your crush. (Wordcount: 701 Status: complete)
The Heat of a Dragon: Pure smut with fantasy dragon!kirishima… who has two dicks. (Wordcount: 2464 Status: Complete)
All in his head: Reader has a mind reading quirk and Kirishima has a surprisingly dirty mind, sexy times ensues. (Wordcount: 1415 Status: Complete)
Fatgum/Reader (warning: all are smut fics)
First Time: This was my first fatgum fic I ever read and it’s still one of my top faves. Reader and Fatgum finally take steps into becoming intimate. Fluffy porn with plot. Size difference, totally a size queen’s go to fic. (Wordcount: 5394 Status: complete)
Sugar : Another first time fic, this time with a baker!reader in the middle of her kitchen. Size difference. (Wordcount: 6241 Status: Complete)
Dine and Dash: Celebratory public sex. (Wordcount: 2883 Status: complete)
Brick Walls are Great Support: Public sex in an alleyway. (Wordcount: 3006 Status: complete)
Drizzle: Valentine’s day sexy times with food. (Wordcount: 3017 Status:Complete) 
Temporary: Omegaverse, Omega!reader goes to a heat/rut house and meets alpha!Fatgum. (Wordcount: 3367 Status: Complete)
Not a typical Office Romance: office sexy times. (Wordcount: 2006 Status: complete)
Warmth of You: collection of Deku/reader one-shot smuts. I actually love this author a lot, does some of the best bottom Bakugo fics I have ever read. If you like bakudeku, check out their other works.
“Just Friends” : Jealous Midoriya doesn’t like being called just friends and reminds the reader that they are way more. Smut. (Wordcount: 3492 Status: complete)
Hero Santa: Best friends become something more during movie night in a blanket fort. Fluffy smut that makes me smile. (Wordcount: 4936 Status: complete)
Hoodie [SeroxReader]: post-break up, the only thing left behind was one of Sero’s hoodies that Reader still wears. Angst. (Wordcount: 3284 Status: complete)
Sour. Sweet. Gone.: no quirk and college au. Sero and reader are both pining idiots who go from friends to enemies to lovers. (Wordcount: 10448 Status: complete)
Tape residue: fluff smut, friends to lovers. Sero misread some signals but it all ends well. (Wordcount: 3410 Status: Complete)
A Seronade of Misunderstandings: Sero plans the most romantic and cheesy way for the first time but reader thinks his secretive behavior means he’s cheating. (Wordcount: 3420 Status: Complete)
7K notes · View notes
littlemissagrafina · 3 years
You Look Happier, You Do
A sequel to my fic Cause If I Don't Leave This Town, I Might Never Make It Out (Tumblr) (AO3)
Read on AO3
"When are they getting here?" Peter poked Harley's ribs, repeating his question for what felt like the millionth time.
"In half an hour."
"But you said they were getting her in half an hour, half an hour ago!" Peter whined, shifting on the couch and laying himself dramatically across Harley's lap.
Harley couldn't stop his eyes from rolling if he tried. "No, half an hour ago, I said they were gonna be here in an hour. You, babe, are an ADHD ridden gremlin with no concept of time."
Peter frowned at his boyfriend. "You know," Peter poked him once again, "lf you're going to insult me, I can go and dismantle the potato gun you have set up to shoot Tony."
"Hey, no, no don't. I'm sorry, I take it back. Please don't take my potato gun." Harley tilted his head down and pouted, blond hair flopping over his head. 
Peter hummed in response, smiling up at him, and Harley knew immediately what he was going to say.
"When are they gonna be here?"
"Peter!" Morgan cheered, racing towards him with Tony, Pepper, May, and Happy following at a much more calm pace.
"Hey, Goony!" Peter lifted her up and squeezed her. Using one hand to tickle and poke at her side, her laughter bubbled making everyone smile in turn. 
"Can we go down to the beach?" She questioned her brother.
Peter gave her a grin. "Of course we can."
She was set down a few moments later and she moved on to hug Harley as well. Once everyone had bustled around and managed to get their own hugs from them, Peter and Harley led them inside and showed them to the rooms they would be staying in.
Neither of them could contain their laughter at the loud whooshing pop of Harley's potato gun going off followed by Tony's shout.
"I had to keep up the tradition, Old Man!" Harley called back right before Pepper interrupted them.
"Behave, children." She chided, amusement clear in her voice. "Now, show us your home, Peter. I'm dying to see the view from the living room that you've been telling us about."
Tony stepped out of the house a few hours, house tours, beach time, and dinner later. 
He made his way down the grassy path to the ocean's edge, coming to a stop next to a quiet figure. 
It was quiet between them, only the sounds of the waves and various bugs and birds filling the evening air with their music.
Tony's head turned and he carefully studied the boy who was no longer a child in front of him. Oh, how he'd grown. But even then, no matter how grown he became, he would always be Tony's kid.
He took in the way a gentle smile pulled at Peter's cheeks, the way the setting sun lit his face and made his peaceful expression that much more youthful.
"You're happy." Tony said, a smile quickly spreading across his own face. "I mean, I know you have been, your calls to all of us have shown that, but you're truly happy now, aren't you?" It was phrased as a question but both of them knew that it was a statement.
Peter answered anyway, a breathless laugh escaping him at the realisation that, yes, he really was happy. Deeply happy. "Yeah," He beamed at his dad, "I'm really happy."
He was yanked forward into Tony's arms faster than he could blink and both of them felt their eyes stinging. 
"I found my peace, Tony. I found my home and my heart and my happiness again."
Tony's arms tightened around him before loosening as he drew back, his hands resting on Peter's shoulders as he looked at him. "Do you think you'll ever come back?"
Peter shrugged, and Tony could see the honesty in the movement. "I don't know. I'd like to, but I don't know if I could. Maybe I will one day but for now I'm happy where I am. I'm content."
Tony nodded, eyes crinkling as he smiled again. "Good. If what you need is to stay here, then stay. Happiness looks good on you, Roo. You know we'll always visit you guys here."
Peter smiled back at him and it was quiet again for a moment before he spoke again. "You know, I don't think I ever thank you."
Tony's expression creased into one of confusion. "What for?"
"For listening to me in the first place. For letting and wanting me to go and just for putting me first. For being my dad even though we don't share blood." He shrugged. "Just for everything you've done for me."
"You're always welcome, kid."
Peter hummed. "And in additional thanks, I should probably warn you about the second potato gun the Harley set up in the bathroom to go off after scanning your biometrics."
"Oh that little shit–"
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Addicted to You
Part V: Beast of Burden
Summary/Author's Note: Let's have some happy shall we? You flash back to one of your earliest memories with Frankie. You and Will have a heart to heart. (Thank you guys so much for your amazing compliments and feedback. It means the world.) ((also dear god I love this gif so much, the hair, the wind, the hand gestures, the way he says “--FUCKING ANDES, MAN”)) gif by @pascalplease 
**There is a Top Gun reference in here because y'all cannot sit there and tell me it's not Fransisco Catfish Morales's favorite movie--so, if you've never seen it, it might seem out of place or left field but I PROMISE it is fitting.
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Pairing: Frankie Morales x Pope's Sister! Reader Word Count: 4.4k Warnings/Rating: R/18+ -- feelings, heavy petting, thigh riding, fingering, Frankie's giant hands, all the kisses, hurt/comfort, YEARNING AND PINING, long lost love, language, Frankie is made out of pure HUSBAND material, y’all, fucking tom
Part I * Part II * Part III * Part IV
The two vehicles drove one behind the other for most of the morning. You watched the sun come up through the dense tree line, little slivers of golden flashes of light through the lush, green leaves that made you smile slightly in its beauty. Seeing the sun, knowing that the distance between you and Lorea's mansion was growing by the minute, made you finally be able to draw a deep breath without feeling like you were going to crack a rib in the process. The panic had subsided, but afterwards came the muscle fatigue and unadulterated exhaustion of being that tense for that long. Your eyes were heavy, but you couldn't sleep, not yet. 
Frankie eventually let go of your hand, needing both of them to turn the steering wheel on some of the switchback roads in the heart of the jungle, but as soon as the road turned straight again, his hand was a warm and gentle weight on your thigh. It was as if he thought the moment he stopped touching you, you would cease to be real. Maybe he was right--maybe his touch was the only thing keeping you centered in your own existence right now. 
"You should sleep," he said quietly, glancing away from the road to look at you then back. 
"I can't." 
He squeezed your thigh and nodded. "You look exhausted."
You chuckled softly and smiled halfheartedly. "I've been awake for the better part of three days, Frankie. If I didn't look exhausted, I would be worried."
He grinned in return, thankful that you at least we're starting to sound like your old self. You both still had a long way to go. He selfishly longed to see that spark back within you, the one he fell in love with--the one that gave him courage and the strength to do just about anything, including getting out of this fucking jungle. 
He pulled into a very old, rundown airstrip hangar and you sat up a little straighter, taking off your seat belt as he threw it in park. A small yellow beat up gremlin was parked off to the side where a pretty woman and a man leaned against the open hatchback.
"Who's that?" You asked.
"Pope's informant. We owe her big time."
You looked at her and suddenly was overwhelmed with the idea of not knowing what to say. She looked so normal, a civilian that should have been far away from all of this chaos and yet here she was, playing a huge part in the fact that you were still alive. 
Frankie got out of the van and walked around the front to open the door for you as he held out his hand. You nodded your thanks and gripped it, leaning on him more than you would have liked, but god dammit you were tired. 
"Your girlfriend is here," Frankie nodded towards the yellow car as Pope hopped out of the second SUV. 
"Girlfriend?" Now that made you smile as you raised an eyebrow at your brother who blushed.
"Shut up," he said flatly before walking over to them. Frankie chuckled and shook his head. 
He put his hand in the edge of your hair at your temple, gently running his thumb over the side of your forehead as he looked you over. "I gotta start weighing these bags. Go sit with Will. I'll be close by," he added before you could protest, with a wink and a soft kiss to your forehead. 
“Okay,” you said softly and he hesitated for a moment before drawing you into the circle of his arms and sighing heavily. You clung to his shirt and breathed him in and he hugged you so tightly you felt compressed, but you weren’t about to tell him to stop. “Frankie--” you focused on the way he smelled, like humidity and sweat but underneath it all it was still him, solid and warm. “If you keep hugging me like this, I’m going to lose it and I can’t--I can’t right now.” Your voice faltered towards the end and you balled his shirt into your fists.
“Do you want me to stop?” he mumbled against your hair and the very idea brought tears to the front of your eyes. 
“God, no,” you let out an exasperated laugh and he squeezed you tighter. You pulled back slightly and wiped your eyes on the back of your hand, giving him a smile. With each touch he offered, your heart felt lighter, but then again that had always been one of Frankie’s powers over you. 
Both of you turned as Benny got out of the SUV and slammed the door shut, kicking the tire. Will and Tom followed suit but shut the doors normally, adjusting the strap of their rifles and packs. “What?” Tom snarled at Benny and the younger man threw his arms up in the air.
“What do you mean ‘what’? That was a shit job back there and you know it! We don’t leave messes like that!” Benny was seething. Frankie felt you tense and he let go of you slowly and turned to the other men. 
“Hey--Ben, Benny!” He raised his voice and the younger man looked at him. “Take a walk--relax.” He rubbed his hand down his face and glanced at you apologetically as Benny threw his pack down and laced his hands on top of his head, breathing deeply and walking into the grass. 
“If no one cares,” Will put a hand to his left side and winced. “I think I’m gonna sit.”
“Let me help,” you said, jogging over to the blond and he smiled slightly. 
Tom and Frankie started unloading the duffel bags of cash onto the giant rusty scale that sat under a dilapidated awning. Will sat down on a concrete ledge that connected to a retainer wall and he cursed quietly, when he moved his hand away from the wound his fingers had a few drops of fresh blood on them. “Shit,” he sighed.
“You got another bandage kit?” you asked, dropping down to one knee and starting to unzip his pack for him.
“Yeah,” he nodded, wincing again as he pulled his shirt up to examine the wound further. “You don’t have to--”
“Hush,” you said and he laughed, making you return it. Will had one of the most infectious smiles and laughs of any of your brother’s crew. 
“I missed you, ya know? We all did.” He watched as you lifted his shirt out of your way and removed the first round of gauze that was bloody and soaked through. 
“I missed you guys, too. It’s been a long time.” 
“Too bad we gotta get the gang back together for this--haven’t any of us heard of like a barbecue or something?” he joked. You laughed but didn’t respond, focusing on trying not to rip any of the new clotting off as you cleaned the area, ripping open more gauze with your teeth and spitting the packaging out onto the ground. “You know who missed you most though, right?” he asked, nodding towards the scale as Frankie and Tom continued to toss bags onto it. 
“Tom?” you asked and she threw his head back and laughed.
“Smart ass,” he shook his head. “He worried himself sick. I’ve never seen him like that.”
“I know.” Your voice was nothing more than a whisper as you could only imagine how Frankie felt the last few days. 
“All these years--” Will waited until you had placed the new bandage and sealed it off with medical tape and a wrap around his waist before he spoke again. “He never stopped loving you.”
“No, I’m serious. And if both of you are too stubborn to admit it and are going to make the rest of us point it out, then fine.” He dipped his head slightly, making you look him in the eyes. “That man is going to fucking love you until the day he dies, and I’m not telling you what you should do but,” he shook his head and rubbed the back of his neck. “If you feel the same, I can’t think of a better time to say something than after almost dying in the fucking jungle.”
“Yeah,” you nodded, plopping down on the wall beside him and tossing the rest of the unused cloth into his pack. “Yeah, I know. You’re right.”
“I know I am.” He said flatly and you punched his arm.
“Shut up, Miller.” 
Many Years Ago Somewhere Back in Dallas TX, USA
You had met Frankie Morales a handful of times, always in passing and always hanging back behind the others with a beer in his hand and his ball cap pulled just low enough to hide under--a move that he had perfected over many years. He was quiet, sweet, and incredibly handsome. For some reason, unknown to you, they called him ‘Fish’, must have been a military thing, because to you it was dumb.
You brother’s military friends were loud, boisterous, and could drink themselves under the table if they truly wanted to. You had asked Santiago about Frankie and he had just grinned and nudged you in the ribs until you blushed and told him to just forget it. That night however, you sat in the lawn chair, laughing with your family and stealing glances his way. And when you saw your brother pop him two beers and nod his head towards you, you wanted to crawl under the table. Despite the embarrassment of your brother playing both matchmaker and wingman, you squared your shoulders and smiled up at him as he offered you a beer. 
Conversation with Frankie was easy, once you got him talking. He was content to let you ramble on and watch you with a small smile and those kind, brown eyes. But once you found something he was interested in, well, he came alive. One beer turned to two, and then to three, and the next thing you knew the two of you had hopped up in the bed of his truck, feet dangling over the tailgate, watching the fireflies in the tall grasses of the field that belonged to the farmers down the street. Since then, fireflies and the smell of summer time honeysuckle always reminded you of the first time you kissed Frankie Morales. 
“And how long have you wanted to do that?” you smiled as he gently bumped his forehead against yours and stole another quick peck. 
“About the better part of a year,” he chuckled. “Can I do it again?” 
“I would be upset if you didn’t.” You grinned and slid your arms around his neck as his hand slid around the curve of your waist and he laid you back in the bed of the truck. 
His lips were soft, but his kiss was as hot as the summer air. He slid his tongue over your lip and you opened your mouth to receive him with a soft sigh of content. You wanted to bury your fingers in his dark hair, so you knocked his cap off and did just that. The action seemed to spur him on as his knee came up slowly between your thighs and started to push up the hem of your dress. 
“That okay?” he asked against your lips and you nodded, pulling him more firmly against the front of your body. 
His actions made you feel bold, feel brave in a way you had never felt before. He was a brave man who had seen a lot of the world, and you wanted him to show it to you. You wrapped your arms around him and kissed him again before he moved down to nose your neck. 
"Mhmm," you smiled and closed your eyes and you felt him suck a kiss against your pulse point. "That's nice."
"Yeah?" He mumbled against your jaw and pressed his knee further into the apex of your thighs. When you shamelessly started grinding against the front of his jeans he let out a groan that made you giggle. 
"Roll over," you said and he relented, moving onto his back and grabbing your hips to drag you to straddle his waist. You could feel how hard he was beneath the denim and you put your hands on his chest and rode him, letting the shape of his cock rub against your panties under your sun dress. 
"Fuck, sweetheart, come here," he sat up as you leaned down, crashing your lips together. His big hand cradling your face as his fingers threaded through the edge of your hair. His other hand disappeared under your dress and hesitated.
"Yes, Frankie, yes, go ahead. Please, touch me." You said breathlessly before he could even ask permission. At your words he dipped his hand down to cup your mound and he let his fingers part your folds.
"You're so wet. Is that because of me?" He grinned because he knew the answer to that.
"No, it's because of the other guy I was kissing in the bed of his truck." You tried to joke but gasped as he sunk one of his thick fingers inside of you.
"That so?"
"Shut up," you slapped his chest and he laughed, deep and genuine. Despite the fact that his hand was buried in your underwear, his laugh and boyish smile is what made you blush. Shit. You were in trouble.
You bucked your hips against his hand and moaned as he added a second finger and moved his thumb up to rub your clit. His hands were so fucking big, it made you wonder what was tucked carefully into those tight Levi's. You looked down at his handsome face, lit by the moonlight and the single street lamp at the end of the dirt road. It made you kiss him again, closing your eyes and really savoring the taste of his mouth. His fingers curved inside of you and sped up, pressing and rolling the pad of his thumb against your clit. 
"Right there, oh, fuck, Frankie don't stop." 
"I love it when you say my name." He nosed your cheek and the feeling of his beard against your soft skin gave you chills. 
"Frankie," you sighed again and it made him move back to devour your mouth as if he could eat the word from your lips. You bounced lightly in his lap against his hand, brushing his clothed cock with the inside of your thigh and it made him grunt. 
When you came it was a soft cry against his cheek as you clung to his shoulders and felt your pussy clench around his fingers. It was sweet, tender, and exactly what you needed. When you opened your eyes, he was already looking at you and grinning. You started to speak but were cut off by another male voice.
"Hey, Fish!"
"Shit!" You whispered and Frankie wrapped his arms around your waist and leaned back in the truck bed. You stifled a laugh as you landed against his chest and he pulled his hand from under your dress. 
"Shh, shh," he chuckled and put a finger to your lips. When you realized it was one of the fingers that had just been inside of you, you sucked it in your mouth down to the knuckle. He groaned, and whispered quietly, "You're killing me, princesa." 
"Fish! I can see your boots, man, I'm not a moron." Will called from the fence line that lined the field where his truck was parked. 
"Fuck," Frankie said, leaning his head back with a sigh. "What!" He barked and you gripped the front of his t-shirt, giggling again. 
"We're heading out and wanted to know if you were com--wait a second. That better not be Pope's sister in there! Just sayin'," he laughed and you felt your cheeks get hot.
You sat up from your spot on Frankie's lap and popped over the edge of the truck. "Fuck off, Will Miller!" Frankie yanked you back down and you fell into a fit of giggles as he rolled on top of you again.
"I don't know what you're talking about!" He called and you were laughing so hard you let out a snort and Frankie looked at you in gleeful surprise that just made you laugh more. 
"I'm not getting involved in this," Will shook his head and chuckled. "Just wear a fuckin' condom, and maybe some kevlar when you tell Pope."
Your jaw dropped and you buried your face against Frankie's chest and he chuckled as well. "So much for being discreet." You both waited, silently daring each other to make a move as you listened to the sound of Will's retreating boots in the gravel road. 
He dipped back down and kissed you again, slow and deep, as you reached for his belt and started to undo the buckle. His hand covered both of yours as he stopped your movements. "Wait--"
"What?" You asked, suddenly worried that the looming idea of your older sibling finding out had ruined your chances with him. 
"Can I--uh. Can I take you to dinner?" 
You bit your lip as you felt the heat rise to your cheeks once again. "I was right."
"About what?"
"You are the sweetest man I have ever met," you smiled and leaned up to cup his face and kiss him again. 
"So, is that a yes?" He mumbled against your mouth and you nodded.
"Take off your pants, Frankie."
You thought about the night you first kissed Frankie and wished it could be that simple again. Both of you were just kids. Your world revolved around scraping by to pay the bills and fucking in the cab of his truck. God, you missed that truck. 
Will hopped off the divider wall as a small plane landed and the guy who he had paid to provide transport got out to shake his hand. Frankie eyed the puddle jumper with disdain and threw his hand out towards it. 
"The fuck are we gonna do with that thing?" He asked, looking at Tom in question as you came to stand behind him. The whirring of a chopper drew their eyes to the lush tree covered mountain as their real ride crested the landscape and Frankie gave a sigh of relief. "Now, we're talkin'."
The wind from the blades whipped the tall grasses and anything not secured blew freely. Your hair covered your face for a moment and you hastily dug a hair tie from your back pocket and secured the strands. Frankie and Tom set to getting the large, canvas drop net secured to the bottom of the aircraft but you knew by the tension in his shoulders there was already a problem.
"This won't all fit in the net!" Frankie yelled, stopping Tom from putting more bags in. "If you want more it needs to go in the body!" 
"It'll fit!" Tom said back and Frankie shook his head.
"If that scale is even close to being correct we have six thousand pounds here!" Frankie said as the rest of the men approached them both to find out what was going on. "That's 250 million dollars!"
"We stole 250 million dollars?!" Benny said with a giant smile on his face. "I'm definitely getting that fucking Ferrari!" He grabbed a bag and headed for the chopper. 
"That's not the point--fuck," Frankie looked at Pope, desperate for anyone who would listen. "If that scale is right, we're gonna have a weight issue!"
"What's the issue? This helo can carry 9,000 pounds!" Tom said, gesturing to the helicopter and you saw the vein jump in Frankie's neck. They weren't fucking listening.
"That's 9,000 pounds at 2,000 feet...we have to fly over the fucking Andes, man!" Frankie literally stomped in place and threw his arm out towards the mountains.
"Are we really going to leave 200 million dollars on the fucking runway?!" Tom asked and you couldn't take it anymore.
"That's better than being dead, Tom!" You said, taking a step forward.
"You don't get a vote," he snapped, pointing a finger at you and Frankie clenched his fist and moved you behind his body.
"Enough!" Will said, putting his hands out and looking between the two men. "We need to decide now. What are we gonna do?"
Frankie let out a deep breath and rubbed his hand over his hat and down to the back of his neck. You watched as his forearm flexed, the vein in his neck was back, popping out with his rising frustrations. He finally shook his head and held up his hands in defense. "Okay. Okay. She'll make it. Let's go!"
"Frankie," you touched his arm but before you could say anything Tom gestured to the two people leaning against the yellow car. 
"What about them?" He jerked his thumb back indicating Pope's informant and her brother. "We're already overweight as it is!"
"You've got to be fucking kidding me-" you started but your brother was already a step ahead of you. 
"We promised them a ride over the border into Peru! She's the reason I got my sister back! Now, I'm going to help her get out of this fucking country with her brother--like I promised! No exceptions!" Pope waved his arm telling them to follow him into the helicopter. 
Frankie put his hand on your lower back and gave your hips a boost to get you inside the craft. He helped you sit down and pulled the straps of the harness connected to the wall over each of your shoulders as he crouched in front of you. His face was scrunched in thought but you knew it wasn't about the complexity of the safety belt, he could do that with his eyes closed. No, you knew what it was about.
"We're not going to make it are we?" You asked flatly and he looked up at you.
"We will. Because I said so." He snapped the buckle shut and jerked on the strap by your breast making sure it was secure.
"Frankie, you're the best pilot I've ever met. If you say it's too much weight, then it's too much weight." 
"Yeah, well, Tom's the one in charge."
"Tom can kiss my fucking ass," you snapped and his lips tilted up slightly in a grin. 
"There's my girl." He used his knuckle to give the underside of your chin a gentle kip. 
You put your hand on his chest and took hold of the fabrics of his button up and pulled him to you for a heated kiss. It was much more than the one at the mansion had been. You opened yourself to him and he took the hint and shoved his tongue in your mouth like you wanted. The slight twinge of pain you felt from your busted lip was worth the sound that came from the back of his throat. It was rough, it was wet, and it was two years overdue. When you pulled back you saw the spark of confidence back in his eyes that you had hoped to put there.
Kissing Frankie always made you feel small, but not in a bad way, like you were protected, like you were safe. With his arms boxing you in and his weight pressing gently against you, kissing Frankie felt like being home. And he was as close to home as you were going to get this deep in the jungle.
"Get us out of here, Mav," you said, and he chuckled at the nickname he had not heard in a very long time.
"You got it, Goose." 
He gave you one last kiss on the forehead before finally tearing himself away from you and heading up to the cockpit where he was needed. Since he had found you in Lorea's mansion, this was the most physical distance that had been between you and Frankie and you didn't like it at all. Pair that with the knowledge that despite his protests and being the only one in the group with his fucking pilot's license, they had ignored his concerns about the weight--yeah, your heart was starting to beat pretty hard. You took a deep breath and laid your head back against the metal wall. 
You looked up as Pope helped the informant sit next to you. He buckled her in the same way Frankie had done you and the action made you smile.
"You okay?" Pope called over the noise of the chopper and touched your arm.
"Yeah, I'm okay," you nodded, squeezing his hand and watching him go to the front to check on Frankie as the Miller brothers slammed the side doors shut and took their seats. You glanced to the woman at your left and suddenly was at a loss for words. How did you even begin to thank her for everything she had done? For the risks she had taken? She may have gotten something out of it but it still didn't change the fact that you were alive because of her.
"He's your brother?" She said, nodding to Pope's retreating form.
"Yeah," you nodded.
"He is a good man. I need you to know that." She said, her voice cracking a bit and it made your chest tight. 
"I know." You put your hand over hers and gripped it, simply because it seemed like the right thing to do. "Thank you." The two of you leaned back as the helicopter started to lift in the air and rock back and forth gently.
What else was there to say?
Tag List: @winters-buck​ @stevieharrrr​ @zeldasayer​ @rae-gar-targaryen​ @thebakerstboyskeeper @bookshelvesandteacups @honestlystop @seawhisperer @huliabitch @phoenixhalliwell @roxypeanut @mrsparknuts @domino-oh-damn @wickedfrsgrl @cloud-of-roses @arrowswithwifi thinemineours @sgtpenny @xxlovingfandomsxx @scorpionsandhoney @honeybeeespeaks @lukesrighthand
@irishleesh93 @ripleyafterdark @lokiaddicted @maybege @humongouspandafest 
@jigglemiwa @manda-but-not-lorian @skdubbs @buckstaposition @lostinwonderland314 @a-killvr-queen @seawhisperer @mrpascals @saltywintersoldat @lukesrighthand @starlite41
@ms-dont-care​ @lustinglilac​ @fioccodineveautunnale​ @cahooter​ @mrscrain-x7​ @synystersilenceinblacknwhite​ @sendhoots​ @badassbaker @technicallykawaiisoul @lostinwonderland314 @wherethefuckiskathmandu @colourforanamee @anevrismes @kazualdk @keeper0fthestars @sunkissed-winter @@shinyfranci @cinewhore @whiskeyslasso @honestlystop @keeper0fthestars @mad-red @lackofhonor @marie-is-in-the-dark @seeking-a-great--perhaps​
Perm Tag List: @winters-buck​ @zeldasayer​ @stevieharrrr​ @rae-gar-targaryen​​ ​ @gooddaykate​​ @jigglemiwa @seawhisperer​​ @halefirewarrior​​ @ripleyafterdark​​ @phoenixhalliwell​​ @thebakerstboyskeeper​​ @honestlystop​​ @lackofhonor​​ @readsalot73​​ @cryptkeepersoul​​ @skdubbs​​ @sendhoots​​ @synystersilenceinblacknwhite​​ @googiebeankat​​ @dinohaze​​ @saltywintersoldat​​ @huliabitch​​ @silver-lined-solitude​​ @tainted-gay-ghost​ @roxypeanut​ @hayley-the-comet​ @domino-oh-damn​ @manda-but-not-lorian @maybege​
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