#Super food
yiippii · 19 days
Guys!!!! I just made the most vegetable-packed meal!!!! 🍽️🥕🍅🥦🌶️🌽
It’s full of vitamins, fiber, plant based protein, flavor and texture and carbs of course!!! I can’t think of any fats though…… hmmm🤔
It’s vegetable soup!!
Vegetable count:
1. Red onion
2. Red bell pepper
3. Broccoli
4. Spinach
5. Carrots
6. Tomatoes
7. Garlic
8. Red lentils
9. Brown lentils
10. Yellow bell pepper
11. Yellow onion
12. Celery
TWELVE!!! That’s pretty cool right?!??!!!🤓🥳
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And I took this cringy “eat the rainbow” picture
lol I feel like a nerd haha but I really am passionate about vegetables and nutrition🤓
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Look how incredibly lovely all these colors are!
Take care 💕
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biophilianutrition · 7 months
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Beauty From The Inside Out
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ecleptica · 1 year
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açaí mi mancherai tanto
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gmwblog · 6 months
An Easy Recipe for Mushroom & Chia Soup! Elevate Your Home Cooking skills with these easy Recipes – A Resource for Home Cooks!
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darisha · 2 years
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getfitgoodvibes · 7 days
Chia Seeds - Natural Omega 3 | GFGV
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health-grid · 28 days
A Culinary Revelation: Unveiling the Power of Forgotten Foods with "The Lost Super Foods Book"
For years, my grocery list consisted of the usual suspects: apples, bananas, broccoli – the healthy staples everyone knows. While these are undoubtedly good for you, I felt a nagging lack of variety and a yearning to explore the world of food beyond the supermarket's fluorescent lights. Enter "The Lost Super Foods Book," a captivating exploration of forgotten powerhouses waiting to be rediscovered on our plates.
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A Treasure Trove of Forgotten Ingredients
The book isn't simply a recipe collection; it's a historical and nutritional journey. Author Dr. Amelia Green takes us on a captivating exploration of once-celebrated ingredients that have faded from memory. From ancient grains like teff and fonio to forgotten vegetables like Romanesco broccoli and purple carrots, the book showcases a vibrant tapestry of forgotten flavours with untapped health benefits.
Beyond the Recipe: Nutritional Insights
What truly sets "The Lost Super Foods Book" apart is its focus on the "why" behind each ingredient. Dr. Green delves into the science, explaining the unique nutritional profiles of each forgotten food. From learning about the anti-inflammatory properties of black garlic to the heart-healthy benefits of sea buckthorn berries, the book empowers you to make informed choices about the food you put on your plate.
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A Culinary Adventure Begins in the Kitchen
Armed with newfound knowledge and a grocery list brimming with exotic ingredients, I embarked on a culinary adventure. The recipes themselves are easy to follow, ranging from simple side dishes like roasted Jerusalem artichokes to more elaborate main courses like a Moroccan tagine featuring black rice and lamb. Each dish was a revelation – bursting with unexpected flavours and textures that challenged my palate in the most delightful way.
More Than Just a Cookbook: A Gateway to a Healthier You
The impact of "The Lost Super Foods Book" extends far beyond the kitchen. Experimenting with these forgotten treasures has broadened my perspective on food. It's no longer just fuel; it's a journey of exploration and a means to nourish my body with a wider range of beneficial nutrients.
A Source of Inspiration for Every Kitchen
Whether you're a seasoned cook or just starting your culinary journey, "The Lost Super Foods Book" offers something for everyone. It's a source of inspiration for those seeking to expand their culinary repertoire and a valuable resource for anyone looking to add a nutritional boost to their diet. Since incorporating these forgotten foods, I've noticed a significant improvement in my overall well-being. My energy levels have soared, and I feel more confident knowing I'm putting a wider range of vital nutrients into my body.
"The Lost Super Foods Book" is more than just a cookbook; it's a passport to a world of forgotten flavours and a gateway to a healthier you. If you're looking to add some excitement and nutrition to your meals, this book is a must-have for your kitchen library.
Check Out More Details- Click Here
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spirituallessons · 29 days
Sauteed Dandelion Greens
Dandelions are a super food and extremely healthy, growing right in our own backyard! Here is my harvest from yesterday: There is also some Purple Dead Nettle for drying (top left), a few Dandelion flowers and a couple Dandelion roots (to roast and make Dandelion coffee, which I’ll post about later). Dandelion leaves can be bitter, unless you get the new small leaves in the beginning of Spring.…
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harleydirkbieder · 30 days
Superfood Datteln: Das passiert, wenn Sie anfangen, täglich Datteln zu essen! - Ulrich Bauhofer
Welcher Konstitutionstyp sind Sie? Und wissen Sie, wie Sie mit anstatt gegen Ihren Körper arbeiten? Machen Sie den Test und finden Sie es heraus um länger gesund, aktiv und attraktiv zu bleiben. ▶︎ https://www.holistic.house/koerpertypen-test?utm_source=youtube.com&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=evergreen Erfahren Sie alles über Datteln, das natürliche Süßungsmittel und Superfood! In meinem Video…
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tramp963 · 2 months
С праздником Ураза Байрам.#Диляблог# #Спраздникомуразабайрам#
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heathermehf · 2 months
The Benefits of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables for Seniors | Nutritious Creations [Video]
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nikographyart · 2 months
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mukati-exports1331 · 2 months
Flax seed
In the realm of nutrition, few foods pack as much punch in such a small package as flax seeds. These tiny, unassuming seeds are often overlooked on grocery store shelves, but their nutritional profile and health benefits make them worthy of attention. From supporting heart health to aiding digestion, flax seeds offer a myriad of benefits that make them a valuable addition to any diet.
Nutritional Powerhouse:
Flax seeds, also known as linseeds, are rich in essential nutrients that contribute to overall health and well-being. They are an excellent source of plant-based omega-3 fatty acids, specifically alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which is known for its anti-inflammatory properties and its role in supporting heart health. Additionally, flax seeds are packed with fiber, both soluble and insoluble, which aids in digestion and promotes feelings of fullness, making them a valuable tool for weight management.
Furthermore, flax seeds are a good source of lignans, a type of plant compound with antioxidant properties. These lignans have been linked to a reduced risk of chronic diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular disease, making flax seeds a potent addition to an anti-inflammatory diet.
Heart Health Hero:
One of the most well-known benefits of flax seeds is their ability to support heart health. The omega-3 fatty acids found in flax seeds have been shown to lower blood pressure, reduce levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol, and decrease inflammation in the body, all of which contribute to a healthier cardiovascular system. Incorporating flax seeds into your diet may help reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, making them a heart-healthy choice for individuals of all ages.
Digestive Dynamo:
In addition to promoting heart health, flax seeds are also a digestive dynamo. Thanks to their high fiber content, flax seeds can help regulate bowel movements and prevent constipation. The soluble fiber in flax seeds forms a gel-like substance in the digestive tract, which slows down digestion and promotes the feeling of fullness. This can be especially beneficial for individuals looking to manage their weight or improve their digestive health.
Furthermore, the lignans found in flax seeds have been shown to have prebiotic effects, meaning they promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut. This can help maintain a healthy balance of gut flora and support overall digestive function.
Versatile and Easy to Incorporate:
One of the best things about flax seeds is their versatility. These tiny seeds can be easily incorporated into a variety of dishes, adding a nutty flavor and a nutritional boost. Sprinkle ground flax seeds on top of oatmeal or yogurt, mix them into smoothies or baked goods, or use them as a binder in recipes for vegan burgers or meatballs.
To reap the full benefits of flax seeds, it's important to consume them ground rather than whole. Grinding flax seeds breaks down their tough outer shell, making the nutrients more readily available for absorption by the body. You can grind flax seeds at home using a coffee grinder or blender, or purchase pre-ground flaxseed meal for added convenience.
In Conclusion:
Flax seeds may be small, but they pack a powerful nutritional punch. From supporting heart health to aiding digestion, these tiny seeds offer a wide range of health benefits that make them a valuable addition to any diet. Whether sprinkled on top of your morning cereal or mixed into your favorite baked goods, flax seeds are a simple and delicious way to boost your intake of essential nutrients and promote overall well-being. So why not give these little superstars a try and unlock their full potential for health and vitality
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womangetwise-blog · 3 months
10 Awesome Superfoods You Need Everyday
There are many new and exotic Superfoods arriving in our shops every day. Foods with excellent health track records in their country of origin are finding their way into all manner of products. New recipes calling for these exotics appear every single day. But this week a client who is very diet conscious, always seeking out the foods that give her the most benefits for each mouthful, brought up…
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