#Supreme Alphabets
alwaysbewoke · 3 months
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designershop · 5 months
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mylordisallah · 10 months
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Bully Rap (feat. Alphabetic & Nowaah The Flood)
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phoenixyfriend · 3 months
I think there's a really big difference between "I recognize and respect what the canon is trying to do, but I'll write this thing that goes against it anyway because that's what makes me happy" and "I do not recognize or respect what the canon is trying to do, and am going to do what I like because it makes me feel like I'm smarter than canon."
The former is Anidala writers who just want the sweet and fluffy domesticity in a no-66 AU, because we know it was meant to be toxic and tragic but DAMMIT let us have this. We know they're fucked up and a big part of the message and tragedy is that they're fucked up, but we want to live, if only for a few hours, in that dream Vader had in that one comic l, where Padmé was Supreme Chancellor and they had a son named after Qui-Gon who was also a Jedi. We know it's a dream and a fantasy but It Makes Us Happy.
The latter is people who write the New Mandalorians as enacting cultural genocide and lionize the True Mandalorians because why treat a complex political situation with nuance when you can use a Bad Animation Decision as an excuse to say that Actually the guys with guns are the morally correct party.
"I don't get why people write Anidala as this happy domestic--" delusion is fun and can make you feel better and that's fine if you aren't hurting anyone
"I don't get why people rewrite Satine to reject Mando'a when she speaks more of it than any other named character in TCW and all the signage and writing is in the Mandalorian alphabet--" malice and misogyny, probably
Sometimes, a girl's just gotta complain
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samantha-rae-velcher · 7 months
Master List Pt. 2
Streamers Dream - smut
Games of the many - smut
Joysticks and pushing buttons - smut
Sticks and stones - smut
That one look - smut
The punishment unforgotten - Violence/smut
A need for it and her - smut
The stress is real - fluff
"Im sorry, honey" - fluff
Roomies or More? (Egos) - smut
Yancy NSFW alphabet - smut
Love mistaken for hate (Wilford Warfstache) - fluff
Don't fear the reaper (Darkiplier) - smut
Dark lust (Darkiplier) - smut
Static (Darkiplier) - smut
Warp core breech Pt.1 (ISWM) - fluff
Warp core breech Pt.2 (ISWM) - fluff
Seeing Stars (ISWM) - fluff
Blue tint and cold tiles - smut
Me and the Devil walking side by side (Daredevil) - fluff
Sorcerer Supreme (Doctor Strange) - smut
More like Einstein (Tony Stark) - smut
Two tons of iron (Tony Stark) - smut
Green-ish (Bruce Banner) - smut
Tender Touch (Scott Lang) - smut
The speed of light (Pietro Maximoff) - fluff
Courts of Green Pt.1 (Bucky Barnes) - fluff
Courts of Green Pt.2 (Bucky Barnes) - fluff
Courts of Green Pt.3 (Bucky Barnes) - Violence/ fluff
Feathers and Swords (Clint Barton) - smut
Hawks gold (Clint Barton) - fluff
As beautiful as an angel (Yondu Udonta) - fluff
Fear makes love (Ronan the accuser) - smut
Sharp as steel (Wolverine) - smut
Blades that steel the heart (Wolverine) - fluff
Obviously not that obvious (Drax the Destroyer) - smut
Tattoo Buddies (Chato Santana) - fluff
Soldier Boy (Rick Flag) - smut
Slice and dice (Captain boomerang) - smut
Scars and stripes (BOP Victor Zsasz) - smut
Guns of blazing love (Aaron) - smut
Maybe evil Maybe not But just about (Shane) - smut
Barbed Wire Pt.1 (Negan) - smut
Barbed Wire Pt.2 (Negan) - Smut
Barbed Wire Pt.3 (Negan) - Violence/fluff
Barbed Wire Pt.4 (Negan) - Violence/fluff
Barbed Wire Pt.5 (Negan) - smut
Barbed Wire Pt.6 (Negan) - Violence/fluff
Barbed Wire Pt.7 (Negan) - Violence/fluff
Barbed Wire Pt.8 (Negan) - fluff
Star Wars
The light within (Qui Gon Jinn) - fluff
The force of two (Qui Gon Jinn) - fluff
The force binds all (Obi Wan Kenobi) - smut
The intimidating side of things (Boba Fett) - smut
Orders (Poe Dameron) - angst/ fluff
Black ink (Darth Maul) - smut
The Witcher
How The Witcher men react when you cry - fluff
Bard and Bells (Jaskier) - fluff
Gotham Villains teaching s/o to shoot a gun
Gotham Villains when s/o doesn't answer the phone
How Gotham Villains react to their s/o getting shot
Sexting with Oswald Cobblepot - smut
Gotham's King and Queen (Oswald Cobblepot) - angst
I will kill you (Oswald Cobblepot) - fluff
Emperor Penguin (Oswald Cobblepot) - smut
Smoking Roses Pt.1 (Victor Zsasz) - smut
Smoking Roses Pt.2 (Victor Zsasz)- smut
Tainted Riddle (Ed Nygma) - fluff
What am I? (Ed Nygma) - fluff/Violence
Five-O (Jim Gordon) - smut
Stalked (Jeremiah Valeska) - Violence/fluff
Fantastic Beasts
Blue fire and silver smoke (Gellert Grindelwald) - fluff
Heaven without fear (Credence Barebone) - smut
Boardwalk Empire
Gentleman with a dark side (Arnold Rothstein) - smut
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odinsblog · 1 month
Funny how SCOTUS “originalists” ignore this history
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Benjamin Franklin is revered in history for his fixation on inventing practical ways to make everyday life easier. He was a prolific inventor and author, and spent his life tinkering and writing to share his knowledge with the masses.
One of the more surprising areas Franklin wanted to demystify for the average American? At-home abortions.
Molly Farrell is an associate professor of English at the Ohio State University and studies early American literature. She authored a recent Slate article that suggests Franklin’s role in facilitating at-home abortions all started with a popular British math textbook.
Titled The Instructor and written by George Fisher, which Farrell said was a pseudonym, the textbook was a catch-all manual that included plenty of useful information for the average person. It had the alphabet, basic arithmetic, recipes, and farriery (which is hoof care for horses). At the time, books were very expensive, and a general manual like this one was a practical choice for many families.
Franklin saw the value of this book, and decided to create an updated version for residents of the U.S, telling readers his goal was to make the text “more immediately useful to Americans.” This included updating city names, adding Colonial history, and other minor tweaks.
But as Farrell describes, the most significant change in the book was swapping out a section that included a medical textbook from London, with a Virginia medical handbook from 1734 called Every Man His Own Doctor: The Poor Planter’s Physician.
This medical handbook provided home remedies for a variety of ailments, allowing people to handle their more minor illnesses at home, like a fever or gout. One entry, however, was “for the suppression of the courses”, which Farrell discovered meant a missed menstrual period.
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“The book starts to prescribe basically all of the best-known herbal abortifacients and contraceptives that were circulating at the time,” Farrell said. “It's just sort of a greatest hits of what 18th-century herbalists would have given a woman who wanted to end a pregnancy early.”
“It's very explicit, very detailed, also very accurate for the time in terms of what was known ... for how to end a pregnancy pretty early on.”
Including this information in a widely circulated guide for everyday life bears a significance to today’s heated debate over access to abortion and contraception in the United States. In particular, the leaked Supreme Court opinion that would overturn Roe v. Wade and states that “a right to abortion is not deeply rooted in the nation's histories and traditions.”
Farrell said the book was immensely popular, and she did not find any evidence of objections to the inclusion of the section.
“It didn't really bother anybody that a typical instructional manual could include material like this,”she said. “It just wasn't something to be remarked upon. It was just a part of everyday life.”
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demetris-cocksleeve · 8 months
(A/n: Finally another Ahk post?? NSFW version coming soon)
(Alphabet belongs to @squid-god-supreme)
Word Count: 🤷‍♀️
Summary- An A-Z of our favorite Pharaoh
Warnings: None
Age Rating: None
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Ahkmenrah SFW Alphabet
A-ffection: How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?
Ahkmenrah is a very affectionate guy. He loves everything that has to do with showing your partner just how much you love them. His number one love language has to be physical touch. Specifically, cuddling. He loves the way your warmth seeps into each other as you both talk about anything that comes to mind.
Act of service and words of affirmation are Ahk's go to love languages after tactile affection. He'll do anything from secretly helping you lock up just so he can see the surprised and grateful smile that graces your lips to showering you with the most extravagant compliments he can think of.
B-est Friend: What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?
He'd be the best friend that you know you can tell anything without judgment. Real judgment that is, he won't hesitate to tease you over minor or petty things. He's a really good person to just sit, talk to, and vibe with. You know that no matter what, you can also rant, vent, or rave to him whenever you need to, and he'll listen with open ears.
C-uddles: Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?
ABSOLUTELY. If there's one thing this pharaoh loves, it's cuddling.
His time in the museum is a damper on his cheery disposition, but having someone to cuddle with - someone warm and properly alive, with a regular heartbeat and paced breaths - helps him keep his sanity.
D-omestic: Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking/cleaning?
If he could, he would.
It's that simple. Ahkmenrah was so young when his older brother turned on him. He never got to experience the most basic, natural things of life.
He never got to marry and have children. He never got to experience the deep, unwavering love that he saw within his parents. He never even got to properly rule the kingdom he so dearly loved.
So, if he had the choice of settling down with you - the only person he has ever felt this way about -, best believe that he would do it in a heart beat.
E-nding: If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?
He would do so only after thinking through any and all solutions to whatever problem has caused this.
He would sit you down and calmly and articulately explain his feelings and the cause and would softly break the news to you.
He would definitely hold you and cry with you, promising over and over that the last thing he wanted to do was hurt you and that it kills him to do so.
F-iance: How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?
If he felt strongly about someone, he would be happy to marry them as soon as he could after properly getting to know them. That being said, he would be completely understanding and willing if they wished to wait.
G-entle: How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?
He is the epitome of teddy bear. He is so sweet and caring towards you.
That will quickly go out the window if someone disrespects or hurts you. He is a pharaoh after all...
H-ugs: Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What do their hugs feel like?
Loves hugs. It's like a mini cuddle.
He'll hold into you as long as he can, lightly swaying you side to side as he breathes you in. He only gets to see you at night, so it's understandable that he misses you so.
I- love you: How fast do they say the L-word?
He would say it as soon as he recognized what he was feeling. As soon as he realizes his feelings for you extend further than that of friends, he is telling you. Acceptance or rejection doesn't matter to him as much as being truthful to you does.
J-ealousy: How jealous do they get? What do they do when they're jealous?
I don't think he would get jealous over typical things. I think it would be less jealous of a guy near you and more so jealous that said guy gets to see you in the beauty that it the radiant sunlight; meanwhile, he only gets to admire you in the museum's artificial lighting.
K-isses: What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?
Slow, passionate, but not sexual. He wants to show you how much you mean to him, wants you to feel every ounce of love he has for you.
The type of kiss that leaves your cheeks hot and your lips puffy as you gaze at each other with half lidded eyes.
L-ittle ones: How are they around children?
He's good with children until they get sassy. He doesn't quite get how to intereact with the sass and (what he was taught) disrespect.
Ahk is a sweet guy, but he is also a royal. He was raised with the notion that no one should talk back, sass, or otherwise maime him so the kids of today are a bit of a culture shock for him.
M-ornings: How are mornings spent with them?
The moments before sunrise are spent getting him prepped to go back in his sarcophagus. Soft kisses, promises, and extra promises that you will be there as soon as the sun goes down to get him out of the golden prison.
N-ights: How are nights spent with them?
Nights at the museum are either spent alone in his section as he attempts to teach you ancient Egyptian, in the break room watching a movie on your laptop, or playing around and partying with the other exhibits - smiling at the pure joy that Ahk clearly gets from working the dj booth.
O-pen: When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?
Ahkmenrah is a tad bit blunt in his words, so he would probably nonchalantly tell you anything and everything from his past without a second thought. He just feels so comfortable and safe around you that he doesn't feel the need to guard his words.
P-atience: How easily angered are they?
Normally, he is pretty easygoing. But insult his home, kingdom, parents, or self, and he is quick to snap back. After a while, this same protective nature extends to you as well.
Q-uizzes: How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing or do they kind of forget everything?
He remembers everything. He doesn't have much else to do in the museum, so why wouldn't he fill the empty spaces with memorizing details of his favorite person?
R-emember: What is their favorite moment in your relationship?
The first time yoh said "I love you".
He knew exactly when he started loving you, so to hear it back is the epitome of cloud 9. He would only admit it in the most desolate of nights, but he is a bit insecure that he can't give you the normal relationship you deserve. So the affirmation he gets from your vocal and physical love is definitely worth remembering.
S-ecurity: How protective are they? How would they protect you? How do they like to be protected?
He is very protective. He may not have that much life or battle experience, but by gods is he ever ready to defend you or your honor. No one hurts or disrespects you if he can help it.
T-ry: How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?
He puts as much effort as he can into the little "dates" you can go on in the museum. Set up small picnics in the natural habitat exhibits with the help of Larry, will sneak out to the park in front of the museum to stargaze with you as long as he can safely do so.
U-gly: What are some bad habits of theirs?
When it's a really bad mental health day, he has a tendency to talk down in himself in his current "life." It takes several promises of ypur adoration for him and many hours of cuddling and running your fingers through his hair before he is even slightly less self depreciating.
V-anity: How concerned are they about their looks?
He's not super obsessed with his looks, but, like any person, he wants to look decent at all times. He knows he's handsome, so as long as he isn't busted, he doesn't really focus on his visuals.
W-hole: Would they feel incomplete without you?
X-tra: A random headcanon for them.
Resounding yes.
You make him feel normal, like he's truly alive again and not stuck forever in a museum filled with wax figures and taxidermied animals. Without you, his not-so-after life would be dull, and the nights would just blend together.
You introduced him to the concept of fuzzy blankets, and now he is rarely seen without one. He had you bring one to keep in the break room for your movie nights. (And so that on the nights you can't come to the museum, he has something that smells like you.)
Y-uck: What are some things they wouldn't like, either in general or in a partner?
Z-zz: Sleep habits?
In general: anything sour.
Since he is the only "real" person in the museum, he asked if you could bring some modern candy to try. Seizing your opportunity, ydecided to bring War Heads.
He never asked you to bring modern candy ever again, he gets his fix from Larry now.
In a partner: being detached.
He knows everyone needs time alone. He's not stupid. But if you're constantly shut off and distant, he wont hesitate to confront you about it.
He won't be rude, but he wants to know what happened to make you pull away like that.
He "sleeps" enough during the day. The last thing he wants is to fall asleep during the few hours he has with you.
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mutuals! (alphabetical order)
sorry in advance for the tags, love you all
@ace-of-pussy - monday - just a cool person i admire from afar, i feel blessed that she follows me
@akari-is-sleepy - my irl, they never post or rb anything but i love them so much
@archerestarcher - archer - we don't really interact but he's super cool and is one of my oldest moots
@auroraofthesun1 - aurora - she’s so so cool and i’m so honoured to be her mutual
@awful-amateur - everett - we don't really interact but i think they're one of my pjo mutuals?
@a-wondering-thought - julian - julian is my cool mutual and they have an impeccable vibe
@barblarvernour - an enabler of my starkid brainrot
@book-girl4eva - bea - i want to adopt her, she's so amazing and sweet and she just- UGH
@caked-rainbow - have we ever interacted, like ever? idk but i like the shitposts they reblog
@casperwazhere - casper - every time i see one of his posts i'm like, "oh yeah, so real"
@cavernfullofexistentialdread - dread - we are the same person, prove me wrong.
@closetnerd62 - very cool person
@dafantasyqueen - shree - literally one of the coolest people i follow
@despisinglight - i find their blog extremely entertaining
@dingus0401 - my fellow renthead/livvy, she is the best
@duckgens - starkid/tcb
@erikasnothungry - erika
@evenbiggercat - rodent - my irl, love her, don’t ask why i’m calling her rodent
@finleyforevermore - finn - activism and musicals, he's supremely cool
@gonna-live-just-to-spite-you - caesar - pretty sure the most interesting posts i find through him
@hungergameswho - nox - I LOVE NOX THEY'RE SO COOL
@iam1withthepeggy - kate - fellow band/choir/theatre kid
@iloveeverythingwaytoomuch - emz - when emz starts posting, it's time to get out the popcorn because their brain is truly unhinged
@im-on-crack-send-help - riyana - most relatable person on the planet
@ketsisnotok - kets - SO COOL OMG I'm so honoured to bee your mutual <3
@leaskisses444/@oceanbby555 - lea - she's so nice omg
@leonard-martin - one of my hatchetfield moots
@louissatturi - louis - again, don't really interact but occasionally his stuff comes up and i'm given an update on what he's up to
@marvelmaniac715 - katie - obsessed with david tennant and other things i don't really understand so I just kind of do an awkward thumbs up, like, "oh cool you're into this"
@mimmmyyy - mara - the sweetest person ever, she is literally the coolest
@musical-dash-trash - *points at you* GAYYY
@mylittlevsoldier - sage - sage is so aesthetic and i'm shocked that they ever followed a mere peasant such as myself
@my-mind-is-frozen - willow - definitely one of the nicest, most chill people i've ever met and i need to meet her someday
@paranormaltheatrekid - elliot - feeds my insanity
@sondheim-girly - jean - AMAZING PERSON AND IM SO GLAD WE MET, musical theatre <33
@st4r-fire - star - she is absolutely insane and i love her
@sukiram - suki - never active but when they are i love talking to them
@tharealamelialuvsfrasier - mel - feeds the rent brainrot
@thehyperfixationspeedrunner - bea - AMAZING EPIC THE MUSICAL PERSON
@therealkaidertrash21 - ema - fellow latine and lunar chronicles stan
@the-slowest-turtle - turtle - truly incredible human being
@thezachy - epic the musical stuff and shitposts
@wants-to-marry-sirius-black - ara - genuinely so cool and nice and amazing i love her sm
@wlinixy - linn
@your-local-obsessive-fangirl - gracie - loyally likes my posts, so grateful for her feeding my ego
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oh-stars · 2 months
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D is for Duck
Ohstars Alphabet Prompts | G | 667 words | cw: N/A
“We don’t get here enough,” Steve says as he pushes the stroller. 
Robin hums. “No, we don’t.” She tugs down the visor on the stroller to hide Charlotte from the sun more. “I’m surprised their parents let you take them.” 
Steve’s eyes count each kid again, all seven accounted for, as they head to the next exhibit. “I think the Feds’ story about me helping get them out of the fire really put the final nail in the ‘Steve’s a Competent Babysitter’ title. Kind of hard to come up with an excuse why I can’t take them somewhere when I saved their lives.” It's not that simple, he knows that, but he’s proven time and time again that he’ll do what it takes to get those little shits out of harm’s way. 
Erica stops in the middle of the walkway and points to the ice cream stand with a raised eyebrow. Their deal still rings in his head. 
“Fine,” he calls, “go.” He can’t deny her anything, especially not when it’s as hot as it is out here. They hadn’t really taken into account the August heat when they made the last minute plan for a day at the zoo. 
She holds her head high as she passes the others and heads for the stand. 
By the time Steve and Robin make their way to the stand, the others already have their ice cream cones – arguing over which flavor is supreme. They’re all wrong, nothing beats butterscotch, but Steve doesn’t have the fight in him to get in the middle of that. He pays for everyone and takes Charlotte over to a nearby table so he can share the cup of ice cream he got for them. 
She’s been grumpy all day. He’s pretty sure it’s the fact he won’t let her down to run around, not with the cast still on her leg. He’d love nothing more for her to be able to play like she should, but he also needs her to heal right, so stroller jail it is. 
“C’mon, Lots,” Steve says, holding out the spoon for her to take a bite. 
Charlotte pushes away the spoon with a mighty, “No!” 
Steve sighs and takes the bite for himself. 
“I thought she liked the zoo,” Dustin asks, pointing to her. 
“She does,” Steve says. “She’s mad at me.” 
“How do you anger a toddler?” Mike asks, a snotty little eyebrow raised. 
Steve just shrugs. His patience is thinning and as much as his little girl lights up his life, right now, he needs a goddamn break. He keeps trying to feed her, every few bites, while the kids decide where they’re going next. The reptile house seems to be their next hit. 
Suddenly, Charlotte lights up, straining against the seatbelt on her stroller. “Da-ee! Duck!” she cries, pointing past him. 
He looks over his shoulder and, sure enough, a few ducks are waddling through the gate toward the tables. Huh. Steve sets down the cup of ice cream and quickly pulls Charlotte out of her stroller for a better look. “You see the duckies?” 
“Duck,” she says, toothy grin wide as she carefully watches them. 
They drove all this way to see cool animals and spend the day together, and the one thing that puts a smile on her face isn’t even a part of the zoo. 
The ducks quack as they get closer. Steve knows he shouldn’t encourage them, but he reaches into the diaper bag for some of Charlotte’s crackers so she can feed them. It’s the least he can do to make this day better for her. 
“Gentle,” he says, helping her scatter the cracker around. 
She giggles, squealing with delight as one of them investigates her cast. “Duck! No!” she says, reaching down to shoo the duck away. 
He looks up to see the kids all done with their ice cream and ready to move on. “Go on,” he tells them. “I think we’re going to be here a minute.”
Thank you to @lady-lostmind for beta reading!
Ao3 Link
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she-is-ovarit · 1 year
When gay men, bisexuals, lesbians, and even the people who are questioning and exploring their sexualities communicate the boundary of, "don't call us queers", pushing against that boundary is a form of homophobic discrimination.
We don't like to be called "queer" because it can be a really retraumatizing word—especially for gay, lesbian, and bisexual elders. I wonder how often that was the last word that gay men affected with AIDs heard from someone they thought had loved them. I wonder how many gay men have been murdered while hearing that word, and how many of them had to be strong while hearing their partner's parents call them that word.
We don't like to be called "queer" because it obfuscates our relationships. "Queer" is a meaningless, ambiguous descriptor. It is disproportionately used to render lesbian relationships invisible, especially. We are more likely to see "queer women" and "queer relationship" referred to in the media in association to lesbians than "lesbians", "lesbian relationship", or "sapphic". And one of the core cruxes of the oppression of lesbians is invisibility—most of our history is unrecorded, even in comparison to gay men's. There exists very little research on us. There are less images of us, and when there are they are usually supremely sexualized. We are also the smallest population of people of the LGBQ and even T alphabet.
There are bisexuals out there, too, who don't want to be called "queer", because "queer" now is also associated with the kink and poly community. Bisexual women especially struggle with being targeted for male pleasure, so this word only furthers to subjugate them to being associated as a sexual object or a person with no boundaries.
We also don't like to be called "queer", because the whole point of the gay struggle and gay rights is to normalize people not associating us with being strange or different. We want people to consider our sexual orientations, relationships, and the expression thereof as normal. Diversity should be celebrated because it brings resilience to human systems, and how this diversity is recognized and percieved really matters. The terminology we choose to use influences this.
I understand the intention is to normalize the term and "reclaim" the slur, because as the theory goes normalizing a word makes it so an oppressor using it has no power. Ultimately, this falls flat, because it's not just about the term itself but rather how and in what context it's used. All we do when we "normalize" slurs is retraumatize people who grew up in a culture or time when their safety and security was threatened hearing it. "Normalizing" slurs also just encourages members outside of the given population to percieve us as "other" and often in an unconscious, derogatory way. Slurs carry a lot of associations with them that influence beliefs in nearly invisible ways.
I understand that some of you might be gay, lesbian, or bisexual and like applying the term to yourselves, but there are a subset of us who would really appreciate your help in pushing back against it being used so generally and broadly, to describe the entire community. It can be as simple as when someone else says "queer people", asking them to clarify specifically which group(s) of people they mean. It can be as easy as going out of your way to say "LGB community", or "LGBT", or to name the exact groups you're talking about. I understand the word might be meaningful or maybe healing for you in particular to use, but it can be really damaging when broadly applied.
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talonabraxas · 2 months
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Krishna's flute Talon Abraxas
Music is integral to faith; it works its powers over even inanimate things. Our major divinities are usually depicted with musical instruments, such as Lord Shiva with the damaru and Goddess Saraswati with the veena. With Lord Krishna, however, the flute is more than a mere musical instrument. Can anyone imagine Krishna without His bansuri?
In the Bhagwata Purana there is a whole chapter about Krishna playing His transcendental bansuri in Vrindavan. People of every age, animals and the trees and shrubs too would stand still to savour the divine vibration and it seemed they would melt and swoon listening to the melodious note of his flute. It was like casting a magical spell on whosoever it touched.
A popular legend says that Sri Krishna used to communicate with his dearmost beloved Sri Radha through His flute which only She understood perfectly.
The gopis were always jealous of Krishna’s bansuri. It seemed to them as if it was dearer to Him than they were. Many a time they would hide his flute so that He may have time to cast a glimpse at them otherwise it would always stuck to His lips or play in His hands.
There are many tales of Krishna’s flute being stolen and how He begged the Gopis to return it. He asked each one-Lalita, Vishakha, Chitra but all denied any knowledge of His bansuri. Lalita said “I don’t know. And why should I tell you where it is even if I do know?’
Krishna began to search for Radha for He knew none but She can dare hide his bansuri. When He confronted her, She said teasingly, ‘Was it for this you wasted all your energy hunting me out? Poor Krishna! Go! I have seen your love for me’ Krishna smiled, ‘Radhe, do you not know that you are the life of my life? My flute only vibrates your sweet name.”
Krishna then elaborated, “I do everything through my bansuri. I pour transcendental joy into the hearts of the rasika bhaktas like Gopis through my flute-song and I assemble the dull bhaktas with the music of my flute. Thus I do my universal supervision only through my Bansuri.”
He further tells Her about the symbolism of bansuri, “If anyone wants to taste the nectarine sweetness of my lips, he should empty himself of his egoism like the bansuri empties itself quickly so that I may fill it with my music and keep it always near my lips.”
The sound of the flute stirs the anahat chakra or the ‘unstruck sound’ in our causal bodies. That sound made the gopis mad for Lord Krishna.
And what is the flute singing? The name of Radharani. No other sound is coming out from the flute, only, "Radhe, Radhe, Radhe, Radhe, Radhe!" Only this sound emanates — in a variety of ways - from the flute of Krishna. The sound manifestation of its divine influence spreads over the entire transcendental and mundane worlds.
This understanding we get from the description of Rasa Lila in Srimad Bhagavatam. Krishna calls all the Gopis to assemble for Rasa by playing his flute. It is the clarion call.
The bamboo flute, made of a single length of bamboo, with six or seven holes and with no mechanical parts, is the oldest musical instrument known to man. Its sound vibration is believed to be the closest representation of the mystic syllable “Om” permeating all of creation and transcending it.
Gopala-topani Upanishad also establishes the understanding of Omas non-different from the Supreme Entities Sri Sri Radha-Krishna.
The enlightened sages declare that the Swarupa-shakti of Bhagavan, Srimati Radharani is non-different from Om. Gopala, Sri Krishna who is the Creator, Maintainer and Destroyer of the universes is also non-different from Om.
Srila Jiva Goswami in his description of the alphabetical constituents of the mantra Om gives the following description:
"Om is a combination of letters, A, U, M. The letter 'A' refers to Krishna. The Letter 'U' refers to Radha, and the letter 'M' refers to the individual soul."
Once, while in Vrindavan, Baba was asked the question, “who does the bansi represent?” He replied that there was a gopi who used to speak and sing very sweetly. Krishna loved her dearly. Once he was dallying with her in a grove of reeds. Radharani found them together and cursed the gopi to turn into a shrub of reed herself. Actually, She did this to bless her.
Krishna comforted the gopi and said that he would make a flute out of the reed and ever keep her at His lips. In this way, she would continue to produce sweet sound which would charm the entire universe.
Hare Krishna!
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daddyhausen · 1 year
Can you give me something, anything, with Nick Jackson? He needs more love!!
• nsfw alphabet — nick jackson •
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{ masterlist } | { aew masterlist } | { nick jackson masterlist }
{ warnings } — 18 + { minors do not interact }
{ word count } — 1k
{ pairing } — fem!reader x nick jackson
{ genre } — smut
{ taglist } — @cosmoholic13 @boutmachines @thewrestlingbitch @omg-im-such-a-masochist @baysexuality @legit9thlunaticwarrior @slut4kennyomega @wardlow @alexisquinnlee-bc @sammiejane22 @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @omegasluvbot @melissahausen @writtingrose @drummergrl1310 @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin @bonehead-playz @cherrytheeredheadmamaclaymore @crowleysqueenofhell @romanreigns-supreme @janetreader @thenerdybaker523 @sunshinevirus @nicoleveno14 @rubyred1980 @elsteenerico @igncrxntripley
{ beta readers } — @allelitesmut + @legit9thlunaticwarrior
{ comment if you want to be added to the taglist }
a – aftercare – { what they're like after sex }
nick would be kind of awkward, more or less he’d ask how you were feeling, if it was good for you etc… he’d still hold you close, offer you his body to lay on, cradle you in his arms until you fell asleep
b – body part – { their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s }
he does not have a favourite body part of himself, but for you he would say your thighs. they’re so pillowy and soft, he loves resting his head atop of them, peppering small kisses and love bites to your inner thighs. he also loves when his head is buried between them
c – cum – { anything to do with cum }
he’ll be messy with it, down right filthy. he’ll cum all over every inch of you multiple times. something about it just gets him going
d – dirty secret – { pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs }
being a good christian boy he’d never admit this to anyone, but one time when the both of you were younger he jerked off to you inside the church’s confessional booth
e – experience – { how experienced are they, do they know what they're doing ? }
nick has had his fair share of women, so he would have some experience, albeit its mostly vanilla
f – favourite position – { this goes without saying }
you’d half expect him to say missionary due to his almost goody-two-shoes nature, but this man prefers to be behind you, slamming your hips back against his, a handful of hair, whispering the raunchiest of sins in your ear
g – goofy – { are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc }
growing up, he was told that sex should be something feared, something that should never be taken lightly. yet as time passed and he began to experience the joys and wonders of fucking, he’s grown to be more carefree during it.
h – hair – { how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes. etc }
he’d either be trimmed or clean shaven
i – intimacy – { how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect }
nick can be a romantic when he wants. intimacy comes in different forms, he’ll cherish you during, maintaining eye contact or with loving, sweet kisses, other times it would be him taking his time ruining you, watching you come undone, piece by piece
j – jerk off – { masturbation head cannon }
once he discovered the joys of masturbation, it was downhill from there. at least twice a day is a normal amount for him. on days where he’s feeling more frisky it could be up to four or five.
k – kink – { one or more of their kinks }
mommy/daddy kink
religion kink
spanking/mild impact play
female-led relationship
outdoor/public sex
auralism/sound play
orgasm control/forced orgasms
l – location – { favourite places to have sex }
even though it is sacreligious, he’ll fuck you in the pews of the old abandonned church late at night
m – motivation – { what turns them on? }
the slightest bit of flirtation gets him going, you just have to hint at sex and he’s already racing up stairs, or to the car if you’re not home
n – no – { something they would not do, turn offs }
i don’t think he’d be into filming that much, he’d rather keep those moments private
o – oral – { preference in giving or receiving, skill etc }
he receives most of the time, not that he doesn’t like giving, you’re just the one who offers first.
p – pace – {are they fast and rough? slow and sensual etc }
he likes it rough and fast. sure soft sex is something he adores but nothing compares to the sounds you make when he’s buried deep inside you, absolutely destroying your insides
q – quickies – { their opinions on quickies, how often ect }
he’s already dragging you to the locker rooms for one, sometimes just mere minutes before a match
r – risk – { are they game to experiment? do they take risks? }
it took him a while to get used to expeirementing, before only thinking sex was just missionary and then orgasm. he now finds joy in coming up with new ways to make you feel good
s – stamina – { how many rounds can they go for? how often? }
you swear this man is not human with the amount of rounds he can go in a night. i’d say about three is a good estimate
t – toys – { do they own toys? do they use them? on themselves or a partner? }
he’s got a stash hidden in the bottom draw of his nightstand, he rarely uses them on himself, he just buys them because he knows you love experimenting with them
u – unfair – { how much they like to tease }
he’s a big tease. no matter where you are he’ll always find an opportunity to tease you. although he can be kind of a hypocrite as he hates being teased himself
v – volume – { how loud are they, what noise they make? }
nick is loud, he adores the way you make him feel and will evidently voice it.
w – wildcard – { random headcannon }
“you’re going to hell for corrupting me, you evil witch” nick’s groans echoed through the empty cathedral. the sound cacophonous with thick acoustics as the sound bounced off the brick and stained glass
his size buried deep within you, bodies sprawled out atop the marble alter, before his god. he’s been questioning his faith for a while, thoughts of his god abandoning him in his worst moments, seeking comfort in the unholy wench that laid naked beneath him, greedily accepting the warmth of his loins.
a good christian boy he was, he should have known better than to seek sanctuary between the thighs of a woman such as you. but your grasp was far too strong for him to fight, you’d corrupted him the moment he stepped foot inside the cathedral
“looks like you’re coming with me”
x – x-ray – { lets see whats under those clothes, their size }
he’s about average length. maybe five to six inches.
y – yearning – { how high is their sex drive? }
he thinks about sex all the time, especially if it’s during long trips away from you
z — zzz – { how quickly do they fall asleep afterwards }
he would not fall asleep right after, he’ll make sure that you’re comfortable first, lightly playing with your hair or tracing shapes in your skin
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Wedding List for Bildaddy's and MrAZFellco's Wedding
First Draft Faithfully recorded by @loretta-dont-you-oppress-me
Wedding Planning Team @amagnificentobsession @docdust @loretta-dont-you-oppress-me @bil-daddy & @mrazfellco
First Prophet and Officiant @ineffablemossy
Flower Girls @adam-n-dog @ar1mas @jobsblamelessgoats
Ring Bearer @theinsanelycoolconnormurphey
@sayeverythingwillbefineplease (cookies) @70snasagay (lots of food, allergy friendly) @sparkly-s0da (phở - viet rice noodle soup) @violet-yimlat (most gorgeous wedding cake) @bil-daddy (ox ribs (platonic)) Brian (larks' tongues, otters' noses, ocelot spleens, wrens' livers, badgers' spleens) + Judith Iscariot (tbc)
Dove Releaser @one-coming-is-enough
Crow Releaser @lady-without-name
Wedding Car @imthebentley
Children's tamers @sitisonmyface @heartofawitch939
Sword training for the kids (human) @ennonymous-twink @mrazfellco (if available)
Music @magicaltrevah (harpsichord, cotillion ball backing tracks)
Tom Cardy
Monty Python minstrel group including the Pied Piper
David Tennant singing under the shower
Furfur (@crrrowley)
Wedding Gardener and florist A certain Anthony J. Crowley (tbc)
Security @bagelofchaos (Security Director, trained in jiu jitsu) @greatsouthernpansy (Assistant Security Director) @helphowdoiusethis (Assistant to the Assistant Security Director, will get drunk and dance on the table) @raven-hellish-imp @b1mbap-b3b0p @snedbee @professional-termite (destroyed @pret-a-metatron the Metatron's café) @janeway-lover @iceeericeee @sparrowsortadrawzzz @sparkly-s0da
Rammy (where is he?)
Bart Curlish? (maybe too unhinged)
Loki? (trustworthy?)
Aro Volturi? (trustworthy?)
Lucian (Lycan)
Wedding Guests (in alphabetical order)
@70snasagay @amagnificentobsession +1 Lucian (vampyre) @actual-changeling @archangelcrowliel @archangelscorner @ar1mas @aziraphalalala @bagelofchaos @brinnybee @celticseawych @carbonarok @crazypigeonenjoyer @ex-supreme-archangel-gabriel @fellshish @former-prince-of-hell @god-in-the-basement @historian-crown @i-dream-of-sheeny (body or +1 of @docdust) @ineffablegays13 @ineffable-suffering @justmori @morningbloodystar plus family @raggedy-spaceman @rainbowpopeworld @sassasafreeaction @seraphblood @snedbee @sweetlittledisasterpink @theangelyouknew @the-almighty-lucifer @trainwreck-transgender-3dysporia @trenchcoat-of-bees @velvetvulgarities @weasleywrinkles
Guests of Honor
Freddie Mercury
Betty White
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Masterpost of AUs
As promised, here's the (wip) masterpost of all my AUs. In alphabetical order with a short synopsis, and the tags are all on this post so you can easily search them up :) if there's any I missed, please send them to me so I can get them added! If the last tags aren't alphabetized that means I need to get on my laptop and move them around lmao
Bittersweet Reunion AU
TFA AU wherein the jet twins are Starscream's offspring specifically produced by the autobot government, and their finding out kicks off an entire domino effect storyline
Blitzbee Baby AU
Exactly what it sounds like. TFA Bumblebee gets Blitzwing sparked up and neither of them realize until he enters emergence
Cross Dimensional Shenanigans
- Umbrella tag for anything that involves more than one iteration of transformers interacting with each other
Cross Dimensional Starblitz
- How the CDS started. Focuses solely on TFP Starscream and TFA Blitzwing’s weird friendship
Cryptid Seekers AU
- Everything is the same except seekers are terrifying cryptids. Nuff said
Cybermorphs AU
- An AU in which a group of warframes working off planet accidentally stumble into an ancient, buried xenomorph nests, and come back to Cybertron bearing what becomes the first generation of cybertronian-xenomorph hybrids, aka the Cybermorphs. Features a lot of world building, Cybermorph Queen Megatron, a lot of fun alien biology, and some angsty MegOP among other ships
Cybertronians Are An Invasive Species
- No war AU wherein cybertronians are an invasive pest species that have moved onto earth and cause the most havoc
Cybertronians Are An Invasive Species: The Soap Opera
- Takes place in the invasive species AU, but specifically is about a goofy soap opera created by humans with the bots as the inspiration
De-Extinction AU
TFA, the autobots have finally run out of stored Allspark energy and, seeing as the artificially created population is completely sterile, are now an officially endangered species. Their only chance at salvation lies with the decepticons and their ability to produce "sparklings"... whatever those are 🤭
Hindsight AU
- Aligned continuity. Arcee goes back in time in an attempt to stop the war with the help of Vector Prime, accidentally creates a much worse world. Goes through several crazy timelines, currently on the Self Imposed Exodus.
A TFA storyline wherein Omega Supreme wakes much much earlier than canon, becoming truly self-aware and sentient. He and Bumblebee form a connection and Things Happen
Shadows House AU
- Exactly what it sounds like. All of our favorite bots and cons are parasitic fae members of the Shadows Family. Megatronus is plotting to bring it down from the inside. Lots of secrets and spooky stuff
Subnautica AU
- Starscream and Skyfire (and sometimes the other seekers) stranded on the terrifying hell planet, 4546B
Terran Task Force
- An angsty AU that involves GHOST getting their slimy hands on the Emberstone and making legions of their own little terran warriors
The Repopulation Project
- A dystopian future AU wherein the autobots won the war, and in an effort to save their species from extinction, implemented the repopulation project. It warped and twisted over time til the war frames are kept as nothing but livestock to be bought, traded, and harvested. In an attempt to change the horrific conditions of their present society, Optimus gambles by having decepticon high command reborn in the hopes that they'll be able to overturn the huge mess he made
Unicron Reborn AU
- Technically an AU/what-if of the 5th timeline of Hindsight. Unicron is killed and later reborn as a sparkling on Cybertron; Megatron adopts him. Later gives rise to The Spawn
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helloiamadrawer · 5 months
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my name is Ace and welcome to my writing blog!
i mostly just write on this blog for the according fandoms:
1.My Hero Academia
2.Dragon Ball Super/Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero
3.The Amazing Digital Circus
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Please make your age visible in your bio (because some stuff is 18+) you will be blocked if not and determined as a bot
2. no negative comments or anything that is hate related as it will result in to being blocked as well
3. feel free to send me your imagines/drabbles of the topics of any character wether SFW or NSFW as seen above ⬆️ (the reason why I'm not taking requests is because..anxiety)
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My Hero Academia
Yuga Aoyama
An Aoyama Fan's Nightmare
The Nightrobe 🔥
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
✨Bf Aoyama Drabbles✨
Class 1-A headcanons and such
Class 1A Girls + music they listen to
Class 1A Boys + music they listen to PART 1
Class 1A Boys + music they listen to PART 2
Alternate Ending Chapter 383 KIRIMINA STORY 💕
Revenge at The Sports Festival
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Dragon Ball Super/Super Hero 🐉
Fav DBS/SH Characters NSFW Imagines
Dyspo NSFW alphabet (18+🔥)
Gamma 1 and Gamma 2 Content
Gamma 1
Nsfw headcanons (18+)
Gamma 1 bf headcanons
Gamma 2
X Reader headcanons (sfw and nsfw)
Supreme Kai Pairings (ship headcanons)
Universe 3 x Universe 9
Universe 4 x Universe 7
Kinger👑 Tweaking (Part 1) (trigger warning)
Kinger Tweaking (Part 2) (trigger warning)
Caine catching reader trying on his suit (fluff)
Jax curing your stress (NSFW)
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