arc-hus · 9 months
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Metropol Parasol, Seville - J. Mayer. H
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athanza · 5 months
Starlett - Final part
Cooper Howard/fem!OC (not self-insert)
Tags: Hurt/comfort (sort of?), non-allowed romantic connection, lots of tention, pre and post war drama, romance, some fluff
Warnings: Mentions of domestic abuse (no graphic scenes or descriptions of that nature), angst, canon wasteland violence
This branches out from canon but I thought it was a cute story idea so I had to write it. Enjoy! ♡
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
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That night, after dinner, Irene found Cooper on the sofa with Janey asleep on his lap, watching an old noire film with the volume down low.
"Thank you very much for dinner Mr. H- Cooper." She corrected herself, speaking low so as not to wake Janey. "It was lovely."
He looked up as she walked over. "It was no trouble at all. Janey loved having you here."
She smiled at his daughters sleeping face as she sat down on the edge of the sofa. "You've got a good kid there."
He looked down at her proudly. "Yeah, I sure do."
"She reminds me of my baby sister, she lives with my folks in Sacramento. I don't get to see her much anymore with my work and everything with Frank and Lee. It'll be good to see her again."
"How long has it been?"
"Almost 2 years. I know my sister resents me for how much I'm away, but hopefully that'll change now that I'll be away from Frank, at least until the divorce proceedings." She sighed with uneasiness.
"You'll be fine." Said Cooper encouragingly. "You're stronger than you think."
"Ditto." She smiled warmly. "And don't worry about Janey, you both love her so much. She'll understand when she's older, I promise."
He smiled, touched by her words. "Thank you."
She looked into his eyes and saw something she never had, a good man, a man who loves unconditionally and stands up for his family.
She, just for a moment, imagined what it would be like if he was her husband instead of Frank, if Janey were their daughter, if this was her life and not the daily abuse she had been going home to every night.
She could feel emotions begin to well behind her eyes and she snapped out of it before she embarrassed herself.
"Well, I should get some sleep, I'll be leaving early tomorrow. Thank you again."
The warmness that emanated from her was a welcome comfort in the midst of everything that had happened in the last few months. He almost didn't want her to leave, but he couldn't let himself fall, not now, not for her. They were meant for another time, another world, not this one.
"Irene?" Said Cooper, stopping her before she left. "This whole thing with Vault Tec...something's happening, something I'm not sure we'll ever come back from.
You're free from it now. Whatever's coming...it won't be worth giving up your happiness."
What he said about Vault Tec concerned her, not that it was surprising, but he was right about her happiness, he was right about everything. She wasn't going to be held back any longer.
"Thank you." She said, smiling softly.
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The sky was still dark when he left the cave. He'd covered Irene with whatever he could find to try to conceal her from raiders, hoping nothing else would find her while he was gone.
He knew there was a clinic in this area somewhere but whether it had anything left in it was a gamble.
As he made his way hastily through the area, he couldn't stop thinking about her and it just made him angry, 219 years of trying to become the monster that he had to be in order to survive, only for her to show up and remind him of that warmth that he'd long since forgotten. It made him weak, but he couldn't let her die, not now.
He heard movement up ahead, two men laughing drunkenly as they stumbled to find somewhere to relieve themselves.
The cages and skewered bodies around the building were a dead give-away and their little base just happened to be the clinic he was looking for.
Jackpot. They definitely had a stash in there somewhere.
The two men separated to find somewhere to piss but just as one got comfortable, Cooper blast his head off and took the other one out just a split second later.
"Oh HELL no!" Came a voice from the doorway of the clinic.
Without hesitation, Cooper shot him too, a bloody mess left on the door frame behind where he had been standing.
He stormed inside, his pump-action shotgun in hand, willing to use up all of his ammo to get what he needed.
Bullets and wood chips were flying every which way, and he took a bullet or two, but it took him no time at all to obliterate every person in that building.
He searched hastily for supplies, and when he found a first aid box full of stimpaks and cotton thread, he grabbed it and left, picking up several blood packs on his way out.
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The next morning, Irene was up early, her bag already in her car when Cooper came out to meet her.
"You weren't kiddin' about leavin' early." He said, the clock in the hallway reading 7:12am.
"I thought it'd be best if I left earlier rather than later."
He knew why. He didn't argue.
"Give this to Janey for me, would you? I noticed she liked it and I know it'll be in good hands."
She handed Cooper a silver locket with a daisy engraved delicately on the front.
He looked at it a bit surprised. "Are you sure?"
"Yeah, I don't much care for it anymore. It'll be more appreciated with her." She smiled.
She did one last check of her purse to make sure she had everything and the tention in the air was starting to thicken. When she knew she had everything, she looked back up at him.
"Cooper?" She asked. "Do me a favour and don't let the world harden that heart of yours, ok? That part of people is important, even if it makes us feel weak, always remember that, ok?"
She leant forward and kissed his cheek. "See you 'round cowboy."
She smiled at him one last time before getting in her car, and as he watched her drive away he felt his heart ache a little. He would miss her, her warm smiles, and how she made Janey laugh, but it wasn't meant to be, and he knew that.
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He pulled off the foliage covering her now pale body and opened the case.
Her breathing was shallow and laboured, a puddle of blood underneath her that had started to coagulate.
He used one of the stimpaks, then another, then another until he had used all six, then pulled out the thread and started sewing up the deep gashes on her side that were sticky with blood.
He remembered the last time he saw her, her smile, the kiss. He remembered watching her drive away and wishing she hadn't. He remembered the last things she said to him.
"...don't let the world harden that heart of yours, ok? That part of people is important, even if it makes us feel weak..."
When he finished sewing, he hung up one of the blood bags and attached the long tube to her arm.
He was still and focused, hoping he wasn't too late, his hands now covered in her blood.
When she woke up after only a few minutes, she saw him sitting by the fire beside her and smiled sleepily.
"Hey there cowboy."
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The End
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captain039 · 3 months
PART 2 The lord and lady (Cooper Howard)
Cooper Howard x reader
Bridgerton and Cooper Howard is a muussstt
Warnings: Olden times, swearing, age gap, tension, slow burn, plus size reader, fat shaming, parental abuse, sexual things, eventual smut, angst, AOB (suppressed by vault tec)
I’m also gonna focus more on the AOB side, make it more AOB than I have been xD
I’m trying to use less Y/n but also failing lol
New mum and dad
Lady Grace
Lord Philip xD
Previous part <-
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The morning after the ball makes you wish you never woke up. Your servant Diana greets you kindly before helping you get ready for the day. You feel sickly this morning, you sip some warm tea but it does nothing to soothe. Your father is nowhere to be seen thankfully and your Mama looks just as tired as you. One of the doorman walk in though saying their is a caller for you and you frown. Who on this earth would see you after last night, Lucy would surely be busy with suitors and so would the other ladies. The only other person you talked to was Lord-
Said lord walks in as if summoned by your thoughts, flowers in his hands and slips off his hat handing it to the doorman with a small thanks.
“Oh Lord Howard” your mama smiled at him as you stare baffled before your mama ushers you up.
“Greetings Lord Howard” you nod your head trying to look less tired than you’re feeling.
“Lady Grace” he greets before greeting you also.
“Such lovely flowers you have” your mama says when you don’t speak.
“Ah yes, here” the Lord looks down slightly with subtle embarrassment as he hands your mama the flowers. She places them in a vase as the Lord looks to you. You suck in a small breath feeling yourself jolt at the smell of honeyed whiskey and leather. You feel as if you should be appalled by such a smell, your father often drinking of the liquor but on the lord.
“Are you well my lady?” Lord Howard asks as you focus back on his worried face.
“Yes sorry, I had a restless sleep I’m afraid” you chuckle nervously glancing to your mama on the couch as she smiles.
“And at the ball?” He asks.
“I must’ve drank some off lemonade” you say before silently wishing you didn’t just share that with a gentleman.
“Apologise Lord Howard, I am well” you cover up eyes on the floor.
“It’s alright not to be” he says it softly, only for you to hear and you look up to him again. You feel as if you could jump in his arms and he’d gladly embrace you tightly, nose pressed against his neck. You look to his neck again mouth parting slightly before the front door is slammed shut. Your whole body jolts and a sour feeling pools in your stomach and floods your body. He’s probably drunk, or worse if there was anything worse.
“Lord Howard” your father says surprised as the man turns around, keeping you behind him.
“I’m afraid I didn’t expect anyone here” your father’s words slur despite him trying to keep up appearances.
“Dear, perhaps you should rest up, you’ve had a long morning” your mama speaks softly despite your father sneering at her. He goes to his room with the hell of a doorman having to help him up the stairs before your mama turns around, cheeks red with embarrassment.
“I’m so sorry, Lord Howard” she whispers afraid he may hear and you struggle to breathe a little. It’s always the same when guests are around.
“Perhaps you should go my lord” you suggest wondering why he even came in the first place. Your mama says your name a little snapped then apologises.
“When Lord Philip is well again we will have you over” she smiles as Lord Howard turns to you.
“I came in truth, to see if you’d like to see the foal? Your mama was telling me you loved horses while you needed some air” Lord Howard speaks a little quickly his face slightly in shock like he didn’t expect to say that.
“Yes that’d be wonderful” your mama beams as you’re left speechless as to why he’s even bothering himself to be here.
“After the next ball I’ll send an invitation” Lord Howard smiles.
“For your whole family, dinner too” he adds and your mama thanks him as he heads out the drawing room.
His hands tremble as he takes his hat from the doorman and leaves your home. He sucks in the fresh air of the morning and sighs head hanging. He shouldn’t have been so obvious, or maybe he should’ve declared for your hand then and there just so your scent wouldn’t be so sour with fear. He knew your father’s reputation, horrid alpha of a man, drink bastard and a no doubt a family beater. He hadn’t seen you since you first went to lessons and fell off your horse. He hated the seething anger and rage he smelt on your father and the fear on you and your mother. You still hadn’t presented, you hadn’t undergone that stage of society outing yet. It’s already emerging though, last night he caught a spike in your scent, the beautiful sweetness of omega presenting for the first time. He knew then and there you were his, your eyes lingering on his neck, the way your tongue ran across your bottom lip slightly as you stared. He would’ve brought you close to him, let you know him, know his scent, breathe him in. His body shudders at the thought, your body against his, soft and warm, plump thighs and stomach. When you ran off in a fluster he almost smirked to himself to he caught fear and anger. Your mother had been pulled away from mid conversation too by her angry alpha. He excused himself from the young lady Maclean and weaved through the crowd only to see you getting shoved into the carriage like some lame mule. It made his blood boil, made him squeeze his glass of lemonade so hard he almost shattered it. He went home early also, in a rage, scared he may start a fight or argument with one of the members of society, hell one of the Overseers little following pups. Probably the Lord Maclean if he really thought about it. When he went home he sat with his mare and her foal, the young colt snorting at him intruding his space before realising he had pets and treats to offer.
The morning he wasn’t thinking as he went to your door, it wouldn’t be strange for a gentlemen to call on a lady from her first ball. You were so young though, not knowing anything of the true world. He’s thankful your father couldn’t abuse his power as alpha over you seeing as you didn’t know what it was. It didn’t ease his mind completely though. When he walked in you were sat in the couch in a daze before your mother snapped you out of it. You looked exhausted your eyes were dull and you almost swayed on your feet. You told him you were ill and tired before apologising. God help him he wanted nothing more than to bring you close, carry you to your bedroom, help you make a nest and comfort you till you slept properly. His time was cut short but the stench and sad excuse of a father coming through your door. The lord of the house stank of booze and simmering rage, how could one man even if he was an alpha have that much rage just simmering at the surface. Your poor mother had to steer him away before anything could be done and he let himself blurt the invitation of you coming to his ranch to see his mare and her foal, and dinner. He swore to himself silently as he took the carriage home, he didn’t want that damn Lord Philip anywhere near his house drinking his property of over angry alpha. It was his new safe place for you even if you didn’t know it. He’d protect you no matter the cost now.
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piti2048 · 1 month
triSegments @p5xjs. 26K segments random rotated and vertical alineation. Plot with black 0.2 ballpoint Pilot G-TEC-C4 (fantastic!) over white A4 paper. 2 hours.iDraw H A3.
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hotheadrednecksimmer · 2 months
Vault Tec Legacy
New Vault Dwellers have arrived.... one of the first things that Kenzie did was make an appointment with Dr. Saylor.
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Kenzie: I know we're new here but I wanted to get a check up. There isn't really a doctor out in the wasteland.
Dr. Saylor: Of course! Your health is very, very important! Do you have any concerns or just a general health check up?
Kenzie: Well, I got a little curious after the bombs dropped and I guess I got to close to the radiation. Slowly, all my hair turned white and it's not as thick as it once was. I'm scared that the radiation could have other side effects.
Dr. Saylor: Well, there's no books here about radiation. What we can do is take some blood, I'll look at it and run some tests and go from there. I should be able to see what your cells are doing and that could give us some indication on radiation effects.
Kenzie: Who knew that I'd be worrying about puberty and radiation effects.
Dr. Saylor: What a world we live in now.
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Dr. Saylor: Alright, I got all the blood I needed. I'll get in touch with you when I get some results. Maybe some answers for you and me.
Kenzie: Just blood? Your not going to test my heart or other physical tests?
Dr. Saylor: Not at this time, unless you want? But without knowing how you performed before the radiation, it would practically be useless.
Kenzie: Oh, my parents ran tests on me all the time.
Dr. Saylor: Are they doctors as well?
Kenzie: No, they're scientists.
Dr. Saylor: Oh, interesting. Like I said before, I should get back to you in a couple days with some results. If anything is abnormal with your day to day life, if anything changes, just let me know and we can add it to your chart.
Later that day
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Alexia: I'm worried about the overall wellbeing and emotional state of the Dwellers after the whole situation with Cornelius.
Saylor: I think things have been better I feel like. There's a clear air and everyone can breathe. I surely can. I'm sure Mabel feels the same.
Alexia: I guess that's true. I'm just worried, I know it won't be the same as before ... before the bombs, but I want some kind of normalcy around here.
Saylor: With robots that fix everything? Aren't you trying to build a servo or what did you call them? A handy bot?
Alexia: I was going to build these things regardless if we were living in a vault or not. And I was going to be R I C H.
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Saylor: I think we should talk about Kenzie.
Alexia: One of the new Vault Dwellers?
Saylor: Yeah, she came to me with some concerning health issues surrounding radiation.
Alexia: Can you even tell me those things, isn't that against the law? Like doctor-patient confidentially.
Saylor: Al, we live in a Vault. I don't think that exists anymore.
Alexia: That's right, I keep forgetting.
Saylor: How do you keep forgetting when you're the, what did you tell Cornelius? "Head bitch in charge".
Alexia: Damn right I am. Don't forget it!
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Skill Check For Alexia:
Programming: 6
Handiness: 5
Robotics: 8
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦ First | Previous | Next
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estecore · 1 year
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🌿 ★ Names & pronouns for anon
with cat / technological themes.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤᴗᴗ NAMES ❜
★ Leo
★ Calico
★ Paw(s)
★ Aslan
★ Mao
★ Kit
★ Cat(nip)
★ Maine
★ CV01
★ Byte
★ .exe
★ W-07
★ W-9X
★ W-XP
★ WV
★ Txt
★ H-99
★ Mal(ware)
ㅤㅤㅤㅤᴗᴗ PRONOUNS ❜
★ mew / mews
★ paw / paws
★ toe / bean
★ purr / purrs
★ bap / baps
★ fur / furs
★ fluff / fluffs
★ claw / claws
★ fang / fangs
★ hiss / hisses
★ tec / tech
★ circ / circuit
★ 101 / 1010
★ bit / bits
★ pix / pixel
divider credit -> 🐈🌿
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havendance · 3 months
I would say ‘Huntress’ as a gimme for you but honestly I think I already know that one; how about ‘Tec runs instead?
13. David Lapham -- I AM grumpy that post-war games instead of getting a tec run that engaged with the changed status quo and the fact that Batman was now wanted by the GCPD, we instead got a 12-part overly depressing and gritty flashback story (and then when we did get something engaging with the post war games status quo it was war crimes :/)
12. David Hine -- wrote a boring joker batman imposter war story that was ostensibly dickbats but really felt like a bruce!Batman story with the details sanded off. I do respect the Question Renee story in the annuals that I'm pretty sure he wrote, but I'm not counting that here.
11. Peter Milligan -- Idk if he really belongs at the bottom here, but I read his tec stuff way back when I was first starting to dip my toe into comics and remember approximately none of it.
10. Andersen Gabrynch -- He wrote some stuff I liked (Bruce buying Jim's old house and some of the pre war games Leslie stuff), however there is also the War Games and War Crimes of it all.
9. Alan Grant -- Honestly, simliar to Milligan, I don't remember a lot of his 'tec comics and didn't read most of them. I remember his Batman and Shadow of the Bat comics more, but he also has the advantage of me liking his other comics.
8. Ed Brubaker -- His tec run was short and not particularly memorable. I remember enjoying it well enough at the time and I have vague memories of pages that were satisfyingly full of explosions at the conclusion of the arc, but I can not tell you any more details than that for the life of me.
7. Chuck Dixon -- I've mainly read his 'tec run through event tie-ins and pre Robin getting a solo series and I don't have any real desire to go back and fill in those gaps. However, those event tie ins were always perfectly serviceable and he also gets bonus points for reintroducing Helena to Gotham and also Steph during it.
6. Scott Snyder -- I agree that his Black Mirror stuff is probably the best DickBats comic, and I really liked the first three issue arc. However, this run also introduced James Jr. (not counting Batman: Year One) for which fact I'm not sure if I can forgive it.
5. Mariko Tamaki -- Her 'Tec run was very fun. I like that she used Huntress. I'm not sure if I'd call it anything outstanding but it was solid and had good art and I appreciated the ensemble aspect in the Tower of Gotham storyline.
4. Paul Dini -- I really appreciate the Dini was like 'I'm going to write so many oneshots' and they were all good. Not sure how much I care about the Heart of Hush or House of Hush plotline or whatever he did at the end, but it was very much one of the highlights of my read at that time.
3. James Tynion IV -- I can really appreciate what Tynion is doing with this run. I like the ensemble, the arts consistently good, and I'll probably end up rereading it when I get to Rebirth in my read.
2. Greg Rucka (first run/New Gotham Era)
1. Greg Rucka (Second Run/Batwoman Elegy) -- It feels a little like cheating to have Rucka in both of these slots but these are two different runs and also it's MY ranking so. They're both very good and different aspects of them live in my head, but Batwoman: Elegy has J. H. Williams art and also Helena and Renee backups so it is the clear winner here.
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fancyfade · 3 months
i agree. Scott snyder keeps trying to be grant Morrison but he's just not.
he's not even mark waid (compare world's finest's sixth dimension to scott Snyder's sixth dimension)
the newest dial h book and ram v tec are like the only follow-ups to Morrison's works that I've enjoyed (either there aren't any or the writer of the follow up just doesn't get it right)
I'm not sure I see that for Snyder's run, really, though it is bad. I see Zdarsky as wanting all of Morrisons' greatest hits. But Snyder's like... bad in a different way? Did he have a sixth dimension arc?
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ask-tangotek · 3 months
Mr. Tec this is a wellness check!!!
Tango has begun crying but finally hears the anons messages and looks around
<Tango> h-huh?
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wolfliving · 6 months
"Fun Palaces," then and now
In 1961 Joan Littlewood and Cedric Price designed a Fun Palace building – a ‘laboratory of fun’. They imagined a building linked through technology to other spaces, accessible to those who wouldn’t normally go to arts venues or great centres of learning. Joan said, “I do really believe in the community. I really do believe in the genius in every person. And I’ve heard that greatness come out of them, that great thing which is in people.”
The original design said:
“Choose what you want to do – or watch someone else doing it. Learn how to handle tools, paint, babies, machinery, or just listen to your favourite tune. Dance, talk or be lifted up to where you can see how other people make things work. Sit out over space with a drink and tune in to what’s happening elsewhere in the city. Try starting a riot or beginning a painting – or just lie back and stare at the sky.”
Unfortunately that ideal space was never created, although there were a few incarnations of potential Fun Palaces, Joan’s Stratford Fair in 1975 among them. In 2013 we re-imagined Fun Palaces as a space that any of us could create, wherever we live – championing more equitable uses of the under-used buildings and spaces we already have and genuinely community-led. There’s a blog about how our version started here.
This first imagining was simply as a celebration of Joan’s centenary – what we didn’t know in 2013 was how many people would be excited by this idea and how many communities would take it on and make it their own, helping us grow it into a campaign for cultural democracy and the annual Weekend of Celebration it has become – local people sharing skills, creating tiny revolutions of connection.
Stanley Mathews has a great piece about the original Fun Palace design here.
Joan Littlewood, Theatre Director (1914-2002)
Joan was born in South London on 6 October 1914, she died in 2002. At eighteen she won a scholarship to RADA and, having left drama school early, she walked from London to (almost) Manchester to get away from the constraints of 1930s London theatre. In Manchester she met Ewan MacColl. They worked with actors and writers, making dynamic and provocative work. Following political activism during the Spanish Civil War and WW2, the company reformed as Theatre Workshop. In 1946, they were invited by Ruth Pennyman to live and work from Ormesby Hall, which they did for eighteen months. The company toured and worked together, developing the Laban-based movement work and ensemble that became their hallmark. At the end of 1952 the company decided to return to a settled base. MacColl chose to stay in the north, Theatre Workshop moved to Stratford.
The Theatre Royal Stratford East was a dilapidated palace of varieties when Littlewood and her partner Gerry Raffles took it over in January 1953. The company renovated the building and Joan’s great causes – community and political theatre, improvisation, the working class language, the inclusion of children – helped change the face of British theatre.
She had numerous hits, most notably Oh! What A Lovely War, Fings Ain’t What They Used To Be and A Taste of Honey. Her production of Brendan Behan’s The Quare Fellow brought Behan international acclaim. Joan worked with many artists at the start of their careers, people who later became household names including Barbara Windsor, Harry H Corbett, Lionel Bart, Victor Spinelli and Murray Melvin....
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twopoppies · 2 years
hi ! some more details i vaguely recall from the lost and found fic - it's not a ghost AU from what i remember so i don't think it's through eerie chaos, i think from what i remember H drives past a house w gemma at first and then comes across it later bc of a random chance - he eventually buys the house and at some point i want to say it's like he's sleepwalking over to L's house bc he's living in a past memory of his but he doesn't know if it's real. in the middle of the night where there's a garden and L finds him - i vaguely recall an age difference between them and L knows what's happening to H but is hesitant to explain at first. thanks 🙏
No, I totally remember this fic. It’s definitely not TEC. I just can’t put my finger on it.
Someone help us!
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noblesixofhalo · 1 year
Fallout Bebop Chapter 2
*It's technically chapter 1 since the first post was the introduction and prolouge*
Approaching the atmosphere of Earth was a large spaceship around 145 meters long (476 feet) that went by the name of Bebop. It was a former fishing vessel that was originally a prewar ship on Earth before scientists from the Brotherhood of Steel managed to convert it into a functional spaceship. However despite that, it found its home on Ganymede Jupiter's largest moon used to catch and transport fish on the seas in Ganymede. However it was later commandeered again by the IBOS and converted back into a spaceship. Later the Bebop was purchased second-hand by Jet, who installed larger engines and upgraded the communication system.
An annoyed and whiny voice echoed through the hall of the ship breaking the silence.
"Jet, why the fuck are we returning back to Earth, all they have down there are ugly ghouls, gross mutant creatures and *shuddering* those things....."
A young woman in her 20s complained as an older gentlemen rolled his eyes at the insistent whining from her, not like the other one was any better as he grumbled at the two would just moments ago were arguing over something childish. The young women went by the name Faye Valentine, a woman notorious for getting what she wants thanks to her charms and wits. She must have put a ton of effort in both luck and charisma using the SPECIAL book, courtesy of Vault Tec. She is a mysterious woman who has racked up tons of debts and has engaged in all sorts of bad habits from smoking, drinking, gambling, along with other vices.
"I told you already Faye, we just got a word in that there's bounty out there for a ghoul by the name of Marcos who has been accused of murdering several settlers in the New California Republic. I know that the IBOS don't like Earthlings and considers Earth a lost cause, hell they don't even consider the original Brotherhood of Steel to be worthy of the name 'brotherhood', regardless the award is 70,000 woolongs."
"Not like you can spend all that money on Earth, these sad saps prefer to use bottlecaps instead of real currency."
Replied a tall and lanky man by name of Spike Spigel, a young 27-year-old man who was born in Mars in the year 2241 and lived his whole life free from the horrors of the atomic wastes. He was 6 feet and 1 inch tall and weighed around 155 pounds. He had fluffy hair and brown eyes and routinely smoked even when during stormy nights and around places that forbid smoking.
"That's not even 500 prewar US dollars, Jet why are we wasting our time on that shithole called Earth when there are plenty of assholes to catch throughout the solar system?"
"You want to eat, well that's only one that they have right now in the database. I can check the terminal again but you ain't getting anything else for fresh meat. Bob has nothing else for me right now. We're almost out of food as it is."
"Fuck, fine let's go."
"And this time, don't forget any Rad-X or Radaway, we almost lost you the last time we had a mission on Earth!"
"Whatever Dad."
"Both of you, Spike and Faye get your shit together and come meet me by the loading bay. We'll be touching down shortly."
Jet barked at the two as he prepared his gear for deployment out on the atomic wastes. Jet donned some combat armor on him to deal with potential trouble such as the local pests like Radscorpions, mirelurks, and mongrel dogs along with deadlier creatures like deathclaws or worse yet, other humans like raiders and other degenerate killers. Jet is skilled with handguns having possessed several handguns ranging from the typical 10mm pistol the N99 pistol to the 9mm pistol used by the NCR along with other weapons from the prewar era. He even had some handling of certain laser weapons such as laser pistols like the AEP-7 laser pistol regarded as one of the weaker energy weapons, it still would get the job done.
Meanwhile Faye equipped herself with her trusty 10mm submachine gun, a H&K MP9 submachine gun that is used by all sorts of factions and outlaws in the atomic wastes.
Spike usually went with his trusty 10mm pistol or if he wanted to be a real cowboy, a .44 magnum revolver perfect for on super mutants or other deadly creatures out there.
"We're approaching the landing area, it will take some time to reach the last known location of our friend Marcos, make sure you have plenty of Rad-X and Radaway. We don't have the caps or the amount of woolongs needed to patch you two clowns up."
"We got it Jet, Jesus."
"We'll meet here once Marcos has been captured. Do you have everything before heading out?"
"You think this magnum is enough to take down a deathclaw?"
Spike smirked as they suited up for the wasteland. At least one of them had a pip-boy on them to keep track of the bounty and the location in case they got lost along the way.
"Any ghoul that gives me even the slightest look is going to get shot."
"Jesus Faye, I didn't realize that you we're that racist towards ghouls. Awww what's wrong, did some ghoul rob you of your hard earn caps from gambling too much?"
"Can it Spiegel, this planet has nothing but radiation and dirty looking Earthlings on here".
"Keep your prejudice to yourself Valentine, we're going to Goodsprings and the residents have ghouls living there, so I suggest you keep your mouth shut and don't fuck up this mission."
"Jeeez I'm not going fuck up Jet."
"Listen to yourself, you sound like a child."
Faye simply rolled her eyes at Jet before they touched down about a 2 kilometers from Goodsprings. Goodsprings was a prewar town that is located in the Mojave Wasteland, a region of former the United States that was contested by both the New California Republic and Caesar's Legion, a totalitarian expansionist dictatorship that seeks to dominate the Mojave Wasteland and perhaps one day will conquer the NCR completely and subsume the entire population under its banner.
The large spaceship landed touching the ground of the Mojave Wasteland. Despite it earning the name wasteland, the Mojave Wasteland did not really have much radiation to worry about. Regardless, Jet being like a father to Spike and Faye had them take a dose of Rad-X and have Rad-away with them in case.
The three emerged from the Bebop sans Ein, a Pembroke Welsh Corgi that is a data dog with human intelligence created thanks to in part by the Brotherhood of Steel. Keeping Ein on board was perhaps for the safety of the dog. While intelligent, Ein was no match for a deathclaw or super mutants so losing Ein would be a major blow for the Bebop crew.
"Alright we'll be back hopefully in a few days, Ein watch the ship, *muttering* stupid mutt.
Spike said grumbling at the dog, the data dog simply barked at him as if to say "fuck you" to his comment about him.
"I really hope I don't get attacked by the wildlife."
Faye whined as they began their trek out towards Goodsprings and to get their target, Marcos the ghoul.
"Jet, this is why I hate kids, women with attitudes and animals, all they do is complain and take up space and overall act as a burden."
"Nothing good comes from Earth anymore".
Jet said, Spike concurred as they continued to listen to Faye complain about the heat outside in the Mojave Wasteland, the constant whining about the wildlife and pestering them about "what if I get bit by a radscorpion?" "What if I get kidnapped by raiders?" All this insistent complaining was enough to drive the two men insane.
End credits
*Maybe by the "Ink Spots" plays in the background*
Maybe you'll think of me when you are all alone. Maybe the one who is waiting for you. Will prove untrue, then what will you do?
Maybe you'll sit and sigh, wishing that I were near. Then maybe you'll ask me to come back again. And maybe I'll say "Maybe".
Maybe you'll think of me when you are all alone. Maybe the one who is waiting for you. Will prove untrue, then what will I do?
Maybe you'll sit and sigh, wishing that I were near. Then maybe you'll ask me to come back again. And maybe I'll say "Maybe".
See you space cowboy.
End of Chapter 1
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freebooter4ever · 1 year
always entertains me how whenever im chilling in the cal tec*h air conditioning and sculpting on my computer there's always at least one curious onlooker who wants to know how 3D works ^_^
less entertaining is that im here unemployed and using the university's air conditioning for a second summer here in LA -_-
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timetravelerpyrite · 10 months
Directing this at one of his pokemon instead of Pyrite.
[L o a d i n g N i g h - ]
[E R- -R -O -R - N I G H T M A R E I N T E R C E P T E D . . . L O A D I N G I R O N M E M O R I E S . . .]
//Beware of tags
[Screaming- running- faster, must be faster, have to go faster, always faster, can't let them catch me, can't let them touch me.
Fire, fire burns flesh, anger, pain, screaming, hurt, regret, why is he smiling? I burnt him? His hand, out to me, why? I hurt him? Why? Why trust me?
No one touches him, no one will touch him, won't let him suffer, protect. Only protect. Protected me. Will protect back. Regret.
Pain, e r r o r, e r r *o -r, blood? Blo-od. Deep injur-y. H-H-e-al. No. Protect-t-t. H-Hurt, in pAiN, prO-tEc-t, Pr-oTeC-T, e -r r- !o -r.
Functions restored... how? Decommissioned. How? Deep injury, healed? How? Error...
Wet, eyes wet. Crying. Sadness. Strange face... worry? Why? Why? Here, here. I... I am here.
"Pyrite why are you crying...?"]
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Surreal feeling to realize I’m a fully independent adult with a job as an Optician making like $6 more an h hour compared to my old full time job as a lab tec AND I’m living with my buddies
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havendance · 11 months
As I continue through my post-crisis read through, post OYL, Detective Comics really is the superior Batman comic. I’m really enjoying Dini’s focus on one-shot stories. They’re fun and a refreshing change of pace from the multi-issue story arcs that the other comics have. It gives him a chance to shine a spotlight on a lot of different characters. I’m also really enjoying the new Ventriloquist—she’s fun. Even the guest slot for Tec 829-830 was only a 2 issue story and it was a fun Batman and Robin team up.
On the other hand, Batman has Grant Morrison who is uh, certainly writing a comic. (Morrison, I’m not going to read your prose joker issue of Batman. Seriously.) It kind of reminds me of Tom King’s Batman in a way. They both have this level of over-the-topness to their Batman which doesn’t really work for me. I can tell that they both have a take on Bruce, though it is one I don’t always agree with.
(And also like… Batman #666 man… You know, I think it’s interesting to see how many bits of Damian in that issue get picked up going forward. That’s the Batman costume that gets used for future Batman Damian. Alfred the cat is there! When it comes to the actual story of that issue though… It’s very much a Morrison story. We name drop Dick as one of Bruce’s sons but not Tim (though the fact that Damian’s the one doing the name dropping might have something to do with that.) We’ve got Barbara Gordon as police commission which is not really all that. (Also, yet another aside, but I can tell I’ve been reading modern comics, but I was like ‘at least she’s in a wheelchair!’ while reading it.) Oh, and Damian’s bald. Interesting creative choices all around.)
Anyway, the other story in Batman that I’ve read was from Ostrander which I did have hopes for but sadly it did not do it for me :/
Coming up: Grant Morrison gets three whole issues with J H Williams III illustrations when Dini only got one. THREE. (I shall be salty about minor things as is my right.)
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