carsonian · 9 months
ignore that silly anon omg! ur rec posts were sooo refreshing, especially bc u weren't necessarily rec'ing obvious authors. i love the way you talk <3 everything u write is so funny, your fic notes are their own delight to read & so many of your fics are lowkey underrated. luv the crack fics and how they still have serious elements. "here i am & here you are" is in my all-time favs and i'm so happy ur on tumblr and in this fandom <3333
Thank you so much ❤️ You're the absolute sweetest and I have no words because you've used all the lovely, heartwrenching ones. BUT! Since you mentioned that "Here I Am & Here You Are" is your favourite, I thought I'd share a coda for the fic that never made it into the fic mostly because I only wrote it two hours back. Also, this one goes out to all the SamBucky fans who were sad that the two didn't get much screen time in the fic!
"We Just Keep Going" on AO3 | 1,829 words | Rated M
"Well, well, well," Bucky propped a hand up against the door. "If it isn't my favourite person with my second least favourite person. A pair, when put together, forming a union so utterly average in my favourites list that it doesn't even warrant the work of accurate ranking."
"Did you run lines for that?" Steve asked.
"You're not very good at math." Tony tilted his head.
"Agh." Bucky wrinkled his nose, "I already hate this sequel. Come on in."
"Sequel?" Steve added as he pushed their suitcases through. Tony trailed behind them, running a hand over the flat tile on the door, a colourful piece that bore the words, "BEARS AHEAD! GRR!" 
"You two. Back together." Bucky shook his head, "can I have it on the record that I don't endorse this?"
"What record?" Tony asked. "What're you even on about? I thought you lost an arm, not your head."
"Wow." Bucky pointed a finger at Tony. "You know, this is why people call you "difficult"."
"Yeah, yeah," Tony said, "how's the new one handling you?"
"I would say like a dream but I don't want to feed your ego, so I'll say like a," Bucky steepled his fingers, metal and human hand making a compelling image when intertwined. Like some harmonic fusion of AI and humanity. Real cyberpunk shit. Bucky exhaled, deciding on, "like a well-constructed reality."
"Okay." Tony drew out the word, "is Chip here?"
"Sam." Steve clarified.
"Oh, haha, Chip 'n Dale, I get it. You think you're funny. Shut the fuck up." Bucky said, no bite to the words. "Yeah, he's around here."
"What a welcome." Tony crossed his arms. "Okay. I'm gonna change, then lay on the couch, drape an arm over my eyes and nap off the jet lag."
"Sure." Bucky shrugged. "Sam's gone to get burgers. Should I wake you then?"
"Steve can wake me then." Tony shot a glare at Bucky. "Since he knows how to do it without totally violating someone."
"It was one time, we were twenty-two, and the ice had all but melted." Bucky protested, quips easy from an argument too often regurgitated, so well-worked that they slipped out easy even after a decade.
Demonstrating that the passage of time didn't necessarily reflect emotional growth, Tony shot Bucky a middle finger. Then, after pointedly waiting for Bucky to point out the bathroom, he took his clothes from the carrier bag and went over to the bathroom. The snick of the lock rang in a final pointed gesture and in the pointed silence afterward, Steve and Bucky met each other's gaze.
"You gonna give your old man a hug or are you too grown up for that kind of thing?" Steve asked.
"What the fuck are you saying?" Bucky made a disgusted sound, "you ever say that to me again, I'm kicking you out, brother or not."
"Alright, tough guy. Come here." Steve urged, bringing Bucky forward and hugging him, taking care to pat him on the back of the flesh shoulder. 
"Y'okay? You all mushy?" Bucky asked into his shoulder, "Tony treating you well?"
"Shuddup." Steve replied good-naturedly, "You run Sam into an early grave yet?"
"He's a slow runner." Bucky seesawed, pulling back to make the gesture.
"Don't I know it." Steve said, "seriously, though. How've you been?"
". . . Better." Bucky admitted, "Not everyday, but, you know. . . a lotta days. It's good. I'm good." 
"That's a solid deal." Steve praised, raising his eyebrows to punctuate the point.
"Ain't it?" Bucky gave a flash of a grin, all young fire and old contentment. 
"I'm glad to hear it, Buck." Steve said, gripping the man's shoulder for a moment, just a brief press, "I really, really am."
"I know, ya big sap." Bucky shrugged the moment off. "How's Tony been? You fucking each other's brains out?"
"Reckon it would take a while to fuck Tony's brains out." Steve pondered, "since he's a genius and all. Lots of brain. . . cells." 
"Okay." Bucky raised his eyes heavenward. "He ain't even that smart. Remember when he thought a carton of milk cost eight bucks?" 
"He's a futurist." Steve said in his defense. "Give it a few years, it probably will."
"Christ alive." Bucky shook his head. "Good thing Sam's only drinking soy and whatnot." 
"Agh, he's converted you?" Steve wrinkled his nose.
"Ye-up." Bucky turned his thumbs inwards, pointing at himself. "Total believer in the soy cream, right here."
"If your mother could see you now, she wouldn't even recognise you." Steve shook his head faux-solemnly.
"Uh, duh. Why'd you think I grew my hair out?" Bucky scritched a finger against his chin. 
"I dunno, to hide your ugly mug?" Steve volleyed. 
"Is that what the scruff on your face is for?" Bucky poked him. "'Cause what's that about?"
"I didn't have time to shave while travelling." Steve said, "I'll shave it off when I shower later. Tony likes me clean-shaven, anyway." 
"Tony likes me clean-shaven, anyway." Bucky mocked in a jeering tone. "Jeez, the two a you are awful."
Steve paused, set his lips in a straight line and said, "'Cause the stubble can be scratchy when I'm rimming him." 
"Eugh. Yuck." Bucky shook his shoulders out. "What the fuck, eugh. Oh god, I'm gonna gag."
"Okay, drama queen." Steve rolled his eyes. He took the pause to push their suitcases up against the wall. Upon turning back, he found Bucky raising an eyebrow at him. 
"That's a homophobic remark." Bucky said.
"You're." Steve ran a hand over his face, "I'm too jet-lagged to listen to you right now."
"Good way to say you can't think of a comeback."
"Don't say comeback, it reminds me of—"
"Blah, blah, blah." Bucky stuck his fingers in his ears, "can't hear you, can't be traumatised by you and Tony." His voice rose higher with the second sentence, and it proved the "losing one sense amplifies the other senses" thing wrong because limiting his hearing was obviously causing an amp up in Bucky's lack of common sense and also, his (already debilitated and clearly debilitating further) sense of humour. 
Thankfully though, it seemed that the universe was immune from the senses thing because it was with an apt sense for timing that the doorbell chose that moment to ring out.
Steve let Bucky continue his immature performance, going up to open the door in the charmless host's stead. 
"Hey!" Sam greeted, takeout bags in both hands, "you're here!"
"Hey Sam," Steve returned, taking the takeout bags from him and moving them to the dining table, "good to see you, man. How've you been?" 
"Great, great." Sam said, "How're you? Travel safe?"
"Yeah, perfectly." Steve said, "Tony's just getting changed. You came back quick, eh?"
"Got lucky with the line." Sam said, "how's—man. What are you doing?"
Bucky took his fingers out of his ears and gave Sam a sheepish smile, "well, well, well." He said faux-menacingly, "if it isn't my least favourite person."
"Don't say that about Steve." Sam sidestepped, "and why're you acting like a child?" Without waiting for an answer, Sam entered the kitchen and the sound of running water followed. 
"FYI, this is why you're Dale in Tony's "Chip 'n Dale" analogy." Steve said. 
"Look at you, bein' such a supportive boyfriend." Bucky said. "Boy oh boy, I best be careful or I'll be out of the running for boyfriend of the year."
The lock of the bathroom door clicked and Tony came out in a grey sweatshirt and trousers. Steve decided to save the fact that they were both Steve's clothing items for later, when Tony was sleepy enough to only notice the reprimand and not how hot Steve got at the sight of it. Tony ran a hand through his hair as he asked, "I heard the door. Sam's here?"
"Kitchen." Steve jutted a thumb out, and Tony headed over to say hi. 
As the two began what sounded like an incredibly mature exchange of greetings, Steve and Bucky shared a short look. 
"We are not the immature ones in our relationship." Bucky insisted, "we are not the "Dale" of the relationship."
"I think they're brothers, anyway." Steve gave an involuntary rictus, "Tony's always multi-tasking when we watch films. It's a problem. I'm working on it."
"Yeah, okay." Bucky sighed. "Hey, Stevie, off the record?"
"The record that doesn't exist?" Steve asked, "that record?"
"The very same." Bucky cleared his throat. "I'm happy you're back together, you know? Real happy. You average each other out."
"In your favourites ranking or in general?" Steve asked. 
"Both, genius." Bucky said. "That's why you two work so well together." 
"Thanks, Bucky." Steve said. "You too, you know?"
"I know." Bucky said, giving him a genuine smile. That, more than anything, made Steve feel properly settled. He was out of business in taking other people's opinions on him and Tony getting back together, but Bucky was definitely the closest to being a person he could trust to know enough to be accurate and honest enough to be truthful. So—the fact that he approved, well. It just mattered.
Sam and Tony walked out of the kitchen, still chatting, with table mats in Sam's hands for the food.
"Hey, Tones." Bucky walked forward, "hey, buddy, come here." 
Tony made an "oof" sort of sound as Bucky came up and hugged him, matter-of-fact about it. The look Tony sent over to Steve over the shoulder was bamboozled. Befuddled. Somewhat begrudged. A tad bemused.
"Hey." Tony said, "you okay?"
"Yeah." Bucky patted him twice on the back and then stepped back. He pointed at Tony with the metal hand and at Steve with the other, "you two break up again, I'm suing you for psychiatric damage."
Tony's finger met Bucky's in a perversion of the E.T. greeting, pushing him back as he said, "Buckaroo, you couldn't afford me."
"Can we continue this over food?" Sam called out, "'cause I didn't wait twenty minutes for cold fast food."
"Sure thing, babe." Bucky grabbed Sam by the scruff of his neck and pulled him in for a tight hug and a peck on the cheek, "there, there. Didn't mean to make you feel left out." 
"I wasn't even—" Sam tried to shrug out the hug for a futile moment before quickly conceding to it, "whatever, okay."
"I don't want to break up," Tony sidled over to Steve, "but I do want to keep up with the psychiatric damage."
"Agree." Steve wrapped an arm around Tony's waist. 
"Should we fuck on his bed?" Tony suggested.
"Sam would suffer too, then, and he doesn't deserve it." Steve said, adding with a thoughtful tone, "let's do it on his old bike."
"We do average out." Tony said, and then, at Steve's startled surprise, "see, I can multi-task."
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tojisun · 7 months
thinking about biker! simon going out with his girl and the other guys at a biker bar. reader hasn't really seen how scared people are of simon - who they all call ghost - until she goes to get him another drink. while she's at the bar, a guy comes over trying to hit on her. then this hulking, 6'4 guy in a skull mask appears and the guy is ready to run out of the bar. simon didn't even have to talk just glare. while readers like ???
ITS BEEN YEARS SINCE THIS WAS SENT IM SORRY FOR JUST REPLYING NOW :(( BUT YES ABSOLUTELY YES!! my stomach swooped when i saw this hhhhh im actually kicking my legs n twirling my hair n everythingg!!
naturally, im bad at making drabbles because this turned out long again :’) im sorry
biker!simon mlist // star divider by @/plutism <33
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simon’s hand is warm on the small of your back as he leads you further into the bar. you shuffle along his languid steps, head swivelling as you try to find familiar faces in the crowd – so far, none yet.
simon chuckles from beside you, and you peer up at him only to see his eyes crinkled from underneath his balaclava, no doubt smiling at you. he bows his head closer towards yours, trying, in vain, to devour as much of the space made by the height difference between you two.
“nothin’, sweet girl.” he presses his covered lips on the top of your head, breathing you in. “come on, i see ‘em.”
he shifts the two of you, the hand that’s settled on the small of your back gliding until it hooks around your waist, pulling you ever so closer to him. protective. possessive. it makes you hum in delight, happiness thrumming underneath your skin.
(you don’t notice the way many people shift to get out of simon’s way; heads downturned as though afraid of even meeting his eyes. you don’t notice the way they turn to each other when you two passed by, as though making sure that it was simon they saw. simon – ghost – with a sweet darling pressed to his side, his bulk warding away stray gazes. you don’t notice the way they huddle with each other, whispering promises that ghost’s girl should always be protected. because yes they fear ghost, but more than that, loyalty to each other is stronger.)
he leads you towards a small pack by the far side, the table doused less in light than the rest of the bar. johnny’s already turned towards you and simon, watching with a grin as you two make it across. kyle’s seated beside him, the younger man leaned to watch the ongoing hockey game. then you see the back of john’s familiar head, his beloved boonie slung around his neck.
“finally made it, huh lass?” johnny says in greeting, snagging the attention of both kyle and john, the two of them chiming in their own hello’s. you smile, waving at them as you claim the empty seat between simon and john.
“had to make a quick stop at 7-11,” simon responds, his hand curling at one of the legs of your chair before pulling you towards him. the metal squeaks against the tiles, the sound thankfully drowned out by the loud bass.
“oh did you?” john asks, ignoring whatever simon did given how they’re all so used to his soft displays of possessiveness. he offers you a smile when you turn to him with a nod.
“had to buy, um, medicine for my stomachache.”
it’s endearing how their faces shift so fast, little smiles falling as worry takes over. even simon, whose hand is draped on your thigh, tenses, gripping as though he was remembering how he heard your pained whimper or saw you sniffling as the ache echoed, throbbing just below your ribs, choking you up.
“are you feeling any better? did it subside now, at least?” kyle asks.
you nod, quick to reassure them. “the medicine worked! i’m feelin’ better, i promise!”
they relax, tensed shoulders going lax as life flutters back into the table. you smile before sinking ever so closer to simon’s side, shying away from the intensity of their affections for you – your own little band of brotherhood, visceral in the way they care for you.
simon’s grip loosens on your thigh, choosing instead to massage the muscle tenderly. you hum, turning to ask him what he’s getting.
“whiskey, maybe,” he murmurs, his voice muffled by his mask. “you getting your bellini today, love?”
“yes please,” you reply, blinking up at him.
his eyes crinkle again, a telltale sign of his smile, before he pats your thigh and gets up to place the order.
you turn to the group, tuning into johnny’s rambling, listening to him recounting his rally. it was the one you weren’t able to go to because of work, johnny having to reassure you multiple times (even through text) that it’s fine that you’re missing it. so you listened, enraptured, nose scrunching in confusion whenever johnny slips into heavy scottish in his excitement.
“english, mactavish,” simon sighs as he falls back to his seat, startling you. you see johnny flip him off and you make eye contact with kyle, sharing twin looks of exasperation.
simon slides you your bellini and you whisper a thanks, trilling when he noses the top of your head again – your clingy boy.
the conversation rises and falls, sometimes leaving your mind wandering when they start talking about shop, sometimes catching your attention so much that you find yourself leaning on the table, breathless and wide-eyed as you listen to their bike stories – johnny had continued about his rally, kyle talked about the repairs he did for a client who he’s sure is on the run, and john shared that horrifying experience he had on his way home where he thinks he saw a floating woman by the east side highway.
“your turn, big guy,” you say, tapping simon’s knee.
simon finishes his whiskey – his balaclava tugged just enough to show his chin and his lips – before plopping the empty glass on the table with a sigh. you huff a fond laugh, knowing that one glass isn’t enough to satiate the thirst so you dust imaginary dirt off your skirt before standing up.
he tilts his head up in question, arm still hooked around your waist.
“gonna grab us more drinks,” you say. “oh, tell ‘em about the gas station incident!”
he grunts, nodding, and yet he refuses to budge. you fondly roll your eyes and turn to the others. “drinks?”
they all shake their head, johnny specifically saying he’d have to order for himself because he’d want to try the house specialties. you nod, pinching simon’s arm as you dance away from him with a bitten grin, before making your way to the bar.
you prattle away your order, telling the bartender to add the tab to your table, and hover, swaying to the music. it’s a foreign rock band playing, the bass and drums reverberating loudly, you can feel the vibrations pulsing along your body, and you almost get lost in your own thoughts when a hand slides to your back.
you startle, mind quickly cataloguing that this isn’t simon. because simon, for all his impressive silence and his displays of possessiveness, never sneaks up on you like this. he has never let you doubt your safety while with him. so you back away from the stranger’s touch, your hands pressed close to your chest before finally turning to see who went up to you.
the man, who seems to be about your age, smiles upon seeing your face. “hey there, angel.”
the pet name makes you nauseous and your stomach churns once again. you have to ask for the medicine from simon when you return to the table.
“hi,” you squeak, not letting him off your sight.
“you seem new here. i am too.” he laughs, scratching his neck. then, “it really ain’t my scene.”
“uh-huh,” you say, not knowing what else to tell him.
his chuckles peter out, a suave smile replacing what had been an awkward display of forced laughter. he clears his throat. “so, what’s a sweet thing like you doing alone here?”
“she ain’t alone, kid,” the bartender answers for you and you turn to him, surprised, before thanking him as he presents you with your whiskey and bellini.
the bartender nods to you in reply before crossing his arms in front of his chest and addresses the stranger again. “go bother someone else.”
the man arches a brow in question, his lips pursing in distaste. “oh yeah? she seems pretty available to me.”
the phrase hits you badly.
your anxiousness bleeds away to make room for your ire and you snarl, dropping your hands from where they’re pressed on your chest to rest them on your hips.
“what did you just say?” you ask, your voice a measured anger. “i’m fucking what now?”
he raises his hands up like he’s pacifying you. “hey, hey. didn’t mean that, my pretty girl-”
“she’s not your anything, you mad wanker.”
the sound of simon’s voice makes you settle, a wave of safety and comfort washing over you, dousing the angry churning in the pit in your stomach. simon steps from behind the stranger, towering over him, before moving to stand beside you. his hand hovers, questioning, and you give him a soft nod that gets simon pulling you close to him. his hand falls to the small of your back, caressing, and you wonder if he knows that the man had grazed his hand there just minutes ago. if simon’s doing this to overwrite the unpleasant feeling that was sticking to you.
“oh,” the stranger breathes out and you notice the way his hands are trembling, the tight balls of his fists turning his knuckles white. “i, uh, i’m sorry, ghost.” then he’s off, running out of the bar with his tail tucked between his legs.
you huff at the realization that the mad man didn’t even apologize to you. what a fucking prick.
“you doin’ alright there, baby?” simon asks, pulling you to him. he settles on an empty bar stool – you are sure those were filled just minutes ago… – and tugs you so that you are standing between his legs.
he cups your cheeks, thumbs tracing lines just underneath your eyes, and it makes you drag a shaky inhale.
“i’m sorry, sweetheart. i should’ve accompanied you.” simon sounds distressed, his eyes furrowed in the intensity of his worry.
you coo at him, it’s your turn to cup his jaw this time. “i’m alright, si. i promise.”
he shifts his eyes between yours, searching for anything besides the truth, and he folds himself into you when he sees that you mean it. you laugh, patting at his head, wishing that he doesn’t have his balaclava so you can play with his hair, before turning to the bartender who, in the sudden absence of customers by the counter, is watching you two with a pinched smile.
“thank you again,” you tell him and he grunts, nodding. simon straightens up and groans as he stands, his big body unaccustomed to the tiny bar stools.
“yeah,” he says, addressing the bartender. “thanks for bein’ here for my girl, alex.”
the bartender – alex – just waves his hand around in dismissal. “it’s nothin’, really. now go away, i want customers.”
simon and alex laugh, sharing an inside joke, and you swivel your head around in confusion because now that alex had mentioned it, where did everyone go? and why are they all huddled together, far from the bar?
simon closes his hand on your wrist and pulls. you barely manage a goodbye to alex who waves at you in reply.
“wait. that’s alex?”
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best believe that simon has connections anywhere he goes. if not for himself, it’s for his girl!!!
me, shamefully staring at the word count (1.8k) of what should’ve been a drabble: well now…
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buckxtommy · 2 months
Bucktommy for 12.making out against the rescue helicopter (lets be honest that exactly where those “flying lessons” will lead)
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exactly how those flying lessons actually went 😌 [wip]
added my twist to the prompt, which is tommy smiling into the kiss– sth i can totally see him doing <3
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sasanka-27 · 9 months
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The oil under Impala mystery 🔍✨
(Inspired by the lady with expert wife tips from tiktok)
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losnordiquitos · 2 months
did yuo know,,,,,april is autism acceptance month!!!!!!!! can we see sweden being autistic
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yaaaay, um !!! i feel like big part of sve being autistic is him being nonverbal/having selective mutism so i tried to give him an aac device for the drawing... happy autism acceptance month gang...
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archangeldyke-all · 7 months
simp sev
anon i'm kissing you with tongue rn (but only if that's cool w/ u ofc)
men and minors dni
she's not just a simp, she's proud of it.
once you're dating, of course.
before you're dating, she tries to suppress her simp tendencies the best she can.
her eyes are always glued to you.
she doesn't give a fuck if she's being obvious to other people, but if you look her way she's blushing and whipping around before you can catch her staring.
if she sees you approaching, she'll straighten her posture and puff her chest out, subtly flexing her biceps. when you pass she deflates again with a sigh, relaxing back to her normal hunch.
you have no clue that sevika's interested in you for the longest time because she's always silent when you're around.
it's not that she doesn't want to talk to you, she just gets tongue tied every time you make eye contact with her-- so she chooses to stay quiet instead.
she grunts one syllable answers to all your questions, never quite looking in your eyes.
but she's always listening. she listens to everything you say. doesn't forget anything.
you're blown away when you bump into sevika on your birthday, and she shoves a small gift bag in your hand.
"happy birthday." she grumbles.
"how'd you know it's my birthday?" you ask, shocked. she stutters out something about you having mentioned it before, and then she flees before you can open the gift or thank her.
you open the bag to find a collection of all your favorite snacks
sevika had kept a mental catalog of which candies she saw you reach for most frequently, which chips you brought in most often.
the gift wasn't anything extravagant, but it took your breath away. you didn't even think sevika knew your name, much less your birthday and favorite foods.
it clicks for you then that maybe sevika wasn't being standoffish and dismissive of you, maybe she was just a huge simp.
you test your hypothesis by wearing a low cut shirt the next time you see her.
she runs straight into a lamp post she's so distracted by your cleavage, and that's all the confirmation you need.
"oh, shit!" you say, trying to suppress a giggle as you run to her side. shes clutching her bleeding nose, kicking the steel lamp post with her boot. "you okay?" you ask, reaching up to move her hand from her nose and inspect the damage. you keep her hand in your hold between the two of you, slowly bringing your other hand up to cup her chin, tilting her head down so you can see her nose better.
sevika looks shocked, like completely flabbergasted. her mouth is open, her eyebrows are reaching for her forehead and her eyes are sparkling and wide. you try not to smile as you tilt her head back and forth.
"you didn't break it." you say, letting go of her hand only to reach up and use the back of your sleeve to clean up the blood trickling down her lips. "but you'll probably get black eyes."
"oh." sevika says. she clears her throat. "okay."
"don't worry about it too much sevika," you say. she chokes when you say her name. "you look hot when you're all beat up." you say, sauntering away.
sevika stays frozen in place for five minutes, trying to figure out what the fuck just happened to her.
after that, flirting with sevika becomes your favorite pastime.
a well timed "looking good today sevika" can make her choke on her whiskey.
a wink shot to her across the room gets her giggling uncontrollably, pressing her fingers to her lips in an attempt to stop.
she starts flirting back too, when she can speak.
you're rambling to her about a recipe you want to try soon when she cuts you off, mid-sentence.
"you have nice eyes." she blurts.
you grin. "thanks, sev." you say.
(the nickname gives her butterflies)
(she jerks off that night to the thought of you calling her 'sev' in bed.)
you actually ask her out first.
she's shocked, so shocked that for a second you think you've read the whole situation wrong.
"oh, shit, i'm sorry sevika, i didn't-- i thought--"
"no!" she blurts. you blink.
"oh. well, okay." you say, trying to take the rejection in stride. she waves her hands in front of you.
"no no no! not no i mean, just-- fuck!" she gulps for air, "i've been trying to work up the nerve to ask you out for months!"
you smile. "oh." you say. she nods. "well... you were takin' too long." she snorts.
"so lemme do it now?" she asks.
"no way!" you say. "i already asked! you gotta answer my question fir--."
"yes!" she butts in. "i'll go out with you. but i won't let you pay. and i'm picking you up at your place." she insists.
once you guys start dating, sevika lets her inner simp shine.
the first time she sees you naked she actually swoons. like her knees go wobbly and she falls on her ass. luckily, the bed was right behind her.
she never lets you leave the house without at least three visible hickeys.
you're the only thing she talks about. she's not very talkative to begin with, but when people insist on making small chat with her, the only thing she'll bring up is you.
if someone's looking to get on sevika's good side, they ask her how you're doing.
those card games she's always winning? she spends her earnings on you, coming home with a proud little grin, shaking the coins in her purse at you. "gonna buy you somethin' nice tonight." she says.
she can sometimes be heard grumbling to the cards. "come on. wanna take my girl out for dinner."
won't let you open a door if she's there. always puts your shoes and jacket on for you. carries all your bags.
her favorite thing to do is watch you exist. she loves catching you when you think no one's looking. loves the goofy songs she'll hear you singing under your breath, the way you talk to yourself. the way you move, your unique quirks and ticks.
you guys could be in the worst fight of your relationship, but she'd never leave the house without kissing you and telling you she loves you.
always telling you how good you look in the most outlandish ways. doesn't matter how good you think you look. you could be in sweat pants on day 3 without a shower, and she'd be biting her lip and fucking you with her eyes. "you look good enough to eat right now."
"i look like i climbed out of the sewer."
"you look like the mother of this baby i'm about to put inside you."
she buys you guys matching 'best friend' necklaces, the kind that make a heart when you put the two charms together. she never takes hers off.
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inkykeiji · 1 month
how would touya nii react to reader calling him a pervert (playfully or not heheh)
okay i love that you added the (playful or not) AHAHA because his reaction definitely differs depending on your tone + the context and situation in which you say it!! 
tw: noncon, pseudocest
if it’s said playfully, giggled out with girlish swats at his shoulder and fluttery glances through thick lashes then he’s laughing with you, low and smooth and with twinkling eyes, murmuring out oh, yeah? pervert, huh? i’m gonna show you just how much of a pervert your niichan can be, between stringy saliva-streaked kisses and scrapes of his teeth along the curve of your neck. 
if it’s said in a serious way, spit with vitriol and sharply narrowed eyes and a screwed up face then he is just as venomous in response, features all puckered as if he’s disgusted you’d even say such a thing, thinly veiling the offence simmering beneath, the hurt. he hurls your words right back at you, says that if he’s a pervert then surely you must be one, too—after all, you do beg your big brother to fuck you so desperately, so pathetically, so goddamn obscenely, and maybe he should film you next time, hm? to show you just how perverted you are for your niichan, yeah? 
he doesn’t let up with it, either—he’s relentless, holding you down with both wrists collected in a single massive palm as he spits out insults—if he’s a pervert, then you’re a filthy little whore, aren’t you?—flecks of saliva splattering across your cheeks, his voice lacking any of it’s usual sugared condescension, mean and cruel and so, so sharp. he tells you he’ll give you a demonstration of just how disgusting and depraved you are—you both are—right here, right now, shoving your dress up and your panties down and his cock into you in three swift motions.
only nasty little perverted girls like their big brother defiling them, right? only deviant little girls beg their big brother to fill them up with cum, don’t they? you’re just as fucked up as he is, baby, don’t you forget it.
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sickficideas · 4 months
ok so i totally hc that akutagawa is like SUPERRRR pretty. cause like there’s so much emphasis on gin being really pretty in canon and so like logically aku must be too. IT’S JUST PURE LOGIC!!! anyways, so one day atsushi and aku are on a mission or smth and aku is like obviously really sick. like pale, sweaty, dark circles, blotchy red patches on his cheeks, painfully red nose, shaking, the whole 9 yards. and atsushi is just like, “he looks awful but also somehow still really attractive???? that’s totally unfair.” I’M SQUEALING THINKING ABT IT SHSIIDJFHFJJD
omg anon...i am so sorry it took me so long to respond to this I need you to know I was inspired and wanted to draw this and it took me ages because I wanted him to look pretty because I AGREEEEE!! i am sooooo atsushi...akutagawa is even prettier when he's sick and miserable <3 sweaty and shaky and pale and hot red cheeks suit him so well
POV: we are all atsushi
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also emeto version below the cut ;)
purely because anon didn't include anything emeto related in their ask and its not fair to jumpscare u with emeto anon
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notetaeker · 1 month
Hello!!! How did you become so dedicated to your studies? Do you have some advice?
I love your blog, btw✨️
Hi hi hi!! Thanks for the sweet message 💞💞
My BIG study tips (after 25 years of studying):
Accept your fate. This goes for anything but I used to procrastinate with studying a LOT and once you start it's actually not that bad. It's guaranteed. Automatically once you start, you have started, so you're already on your way, so it's already automatically not as bad anymore. Whining abt ur studies and avoiding them will not make them go away unfortunately. Just do it.
Make study time sacred. A few minutes of focused study is much more valuable than 5 hours spent at the library "studying" + scrolling + talking to friends + listening to music at the same time. Doing 5 hours like that is literally putting yourself thru hell because 1. you cant fully enjoy any of those non-studying activities and 2. you come out of that being like ugh I studied this page for 5 hours I'm tired of studying I need a break. Pomodoro method really changed my life pls try it out if u haven't already
That one tumblr post that says 'learning is basically being exposed to the same materials many times in multiple ways' is 100% correct. How many different ways can you expose yourself to the material. Memorizing facts- can you draw it? Can you organize the facts into lists? Can you attach a funny story to one of the facts? The more ways you interact with any material, the stronger it's saved in your memory. Find out if you're a visual learner- and then create visual tools, maybe color coding things helps you. Do a little digging and find out what works for you.
Diversify your life. Have some hobbies, spend time with friends/family, take a break. Let the computer of your brain sort out things in the background while you do other things. Once you go back to studying, you will feel refreshed (and not fatigued from 5 hrs in the library doing "studying") This also means that if you fail an exam, you won't be like 'oh no i spent my whole spring break studying for this exam and didn't even enjoy it and now I got a bad grade i must be horrible my life is nothing' and spiral. def not based on a true story :) Instead you'll be like yeah I failed but look at this scarf I crocheted look at mee i have mental health!
Sleep is magic- no matter what anyone else tries to tell you. 1. If you studied something during the day, just review those things right before bed and magically they will get set into your brain. Also 2. sleeping is when our brain sorts info so if you don't get any sleep at all it' the same as taking your study sheets and throwing them into the air, so when you ask your brain for the info during the test it's like lol it's around here somewhere. On the other hand, if you slept and gave ur brain time to sort it, when you ask for that info, it'll just open the right drawer and give u the info!
That's it for the big ones- if you want more specific advice feel free to ask! Also as a disclaimer, these 5 are all big life lessons that I had to learn thru trial and error, so consider these to be the advice I would give myself at a younger age. Pls don't be offended lol whenever I said 'you' I rlly was thinking abt myself.
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ughgoaway · 8 months
Blurb of Annie's birthday... Matty brings a cake to school to celebrate his little baby's special day... he stays a little while...
I'm loving all the blurbs
oh, I'm so glad you are loving the blurbs!!! I am loving writing them, little Annie Healy has my heart.
Anyway, yes yes yes I love this idea so much omg. 
(Can Ace write anything without saying “smile” and “eyes” 1000 times… wait and see!! (the answer is no.) Also, timeline wise this makes absolutely 0 sense but… I do not care!! All that matters is the vibe <33)
It's Monday when Annie comes in very proudly and announces “Miss y/n, I'm six on Friday” with her chest puffed out and a big smile on her face.
You pretend you don't know, despite having seen it on the system last week, “Is it really Annie? Wow! You're growing up so quickly” You smile down at her as she nods along to your words, holding her bookbag (do other countries have these? idk) in one hand and the other hand out, ready to gesture with when she spoke.
“My daddy says the same thing.” she starts. Then her face lights up further, “You know my daddy is coming in on Friday!! He asked Mrs Richards and she said that he could come and bring a cake for everyone!!” she recounts excitedly before her face drops, and she suddenly gets very serious. “But you can't tell anyone that miss y/n, it's a secret. Pinky promise?”
You smile at her but soon put on a fake stern face to match hers. You drop to her eye line, stick your finger out, and link it with hers, “I promise Annie. Now, how about you go put your bookbag away so we can get started?” she doesn't respond but instead nods and shuffles off to set her bag down.
Leaving you standing and reeling that Matty is coming in on Friday, in peak proud dad mode, to celebrate his daughter (who you love.) fuck. This was going to make your head spin.
cut to the actual day, and Annie comes in wearing a little badge and a hat. You see Matty drop her off from the classroom. you totally weren't staring out the window waiting to see him arrive or anything…
he wasn't even really dressed up, just a chequered button-up and jeans. but for some reason, he still made your heart race. seeing him bend down and give her a kiss on the cheek, and a big hug almost made you audibly sigh, but you caught yourself before you did. because that would be inappropriate, you didn't have any feelings for him. none at all. totally neutral.
Annie came bounding in, a massive smile on her face showing off her gappy smile. she'd very proudly come in the week before talking about losing one of her teeth, and now, every time she smiled, her gaps were on show.
class started, and to avoid Annie literally buzzing with excitement all day, you allowed her to announce to the class the news of her big day.
with the happiest face you could imagine, she said, "It's my birthday today! I'm 6 and my daddy is going to come in with cake for everyone!" 
a chorus of cheers came out as you sat behind your desk, trying to stop your grin from growing an unreasonable amount. 
soon enough, you got the class back in order, and the day whizzed past. Suddenly, it was 2:30, and there was a knock on the door.
matty stuck his head around the door and quickly met your eyes, "hi" he breathed out, staring at you with adoration in his eyes.
“Hi” you breathed out in the same way. For a few seconds, you both stood there with stupid grins on your faces staring into each other's eyes. Of course, in a classroom of 5 and 6-year-olds, that peaceful staring didn't last long. But it simultaneously felt like a quick glance and a full minute.
Annie comes running out of her seat and to the door. Matty quickly catches on and comes fully into the classroom, managing to hold a cake in one hand and hugging his very excited daughter with the other.
“Daddy!!” she squeals with excitement, bouncing in her dad's arms as he tries desperately to balance a cake. Over the young girl's shoulder, he shoots you a worried glance, and you snap out of your trance and come to grab the cake.
“Ah yes, let me just grab this,” you say, and Matty smiles graciously at you. His other hand quickly scooped Annie up into his arms to greet her properly.
“Hi, peanut!! You have a good birthday?” he asks. His eyes flick between his daughter, babbling on about her day, and you standing at your desk showing a room full of mesmerised children the cake he brought.
In between his daughter's rambling stories, he manages to catch you chatting to the kids, “Yes Annie's dad Mat-” You pause and catch yourself before you slip, flicking your head up and making brief eye contact with Matty. “Mr. Healy brought us all cake! Let's all sit in our seats and get ready to say thank you like we practised!”
Matty's face briefly scrunched in confusion, but you did nothing to answer his silent question, only shooting him a sweet smile and spinning around to walk to the front of the room. The combination of the cheeky smile and the way your dress moved as you spun had Matty's brain stuttering through his thoughts.
Annie was still chattering along, completely oblivious to her dad being completely enamoured with the woman in front of him. She soon saw her classmates all in their seats and was wriggling out of her dad's arms, trying to join her friends.
Matty comes to join you at the front of the room, fighting every urge in his body to wrap you up in a hug. He wants nothing more than to grab you by the waist and pull you in, burying his face into your neck and breathing in the vaguely sweet smell that follows you around. He thinks about how his other arm would swing around your shoulder and pull you impossibly closer. Your arms would come around him, and he would feel you hum in enjoyment at the contact.
But he doesn't do that. He simply waves in a way that makes him feel so uncool that he internally cringes. You giggle at his clear discomfort and copy his wave, tilting your head teasingly at him. 
You somehow manage to wrangle your mind back to the task at hand, you clap your hands and grab your classes attention. “Right! Everyone, this is Annie's dad, Mr. Healy!” Matty cringes at you not using his name, loving the way it sounds coming out of your mouth.
“As you can see, he has been very kind and brought us a cake to share! Can we all say thank you?”
Matty was staring at you, lost in watching you work, but soon the ensemble of small voices wrang out, pulling his attention away from you.
“Thank you, Mr. Healy!!” says the sea of children in front of him, Matty looks out at the crowd, used to the number of people but not quite the age range. He sees a mob of gappy teeth and excited faces and can't help but mirror them.
“Wow! You guys are welcome! I hope you all like it. It's already cut up... sooo-” he looks over to you for further instruction, and you snap back into teacher mode quickly.
“Okay! Everyone, can we all line up in register order for our cake?” Some groans come from the crowd, but you quickly catch them, “and don't worry if you're near the end. There is enough cake for everyone! I promise.” You smile and wave your hand, and soon enough, each child falls into line, all bubbling with anticipation.
Quiet music plays through the classroom speakers, and the noise of children chatting and giggling permeates the room. At the front of the room, you are leaning against the desk as Matty stands in front of you with his hands in his pockets.
He stands with joy written all over his face as you continue to laugh at his stories and jokes, the sound of your laughter ringing in his ears in the best way possible. It's so melodic that Matty has the fleeting thought to record it and use it in a track.
“So you used a scooter to get to the smaller stage” you laugh, staring at Matty with an impressed yet questioning look. As he nods, his curls bounce. You briefly get distracted by how perfect they are, but his resonant voice brings you back to earth. 
“An electric scooter, I'm not just furiously pushing myself on a razor scooter in the middle of a concert” Matty corrects, looking faux offended at your forgetfulness. 
“Oh yes, sorry and electric scooter, of course.” You say nodding, “I don't suppose there's any video of this that I can see? I think I need to witness it.” You smile at him.
Matty pauses briefly, weighing up and showing you the video. On one hand, he can get closer to you to show his phone but on the other, you get to see a mildly embarrassing video of him whizzing away to the sound of “Vroom Vroom” by Charli xcx. 
You take his silence as offence and quickly start stuttering apologies, “Oh I'm sorry if that's too personal, you don't have to show me. I was just-” Before you talk so much it makes you dizzy, Matty cuts in. 
“Oh no don't worry love,” the nickname slips out without a second thought, Matty doesn't even consider it but you are sure you'll be thinking of his voice saying that on repeat for the next week, “I was just thinking how embarrassing this is going to be, but you're right. You do need to see it. Just promise me you won't think less of me, yeah?”
He makes intense eye contact as finishes, and you can't help but blurt out what you think of immediately, “I could never think less of you.”
A silent beat passes, and Matty doesn't say anything, just bashfully smiles and grabs his phone.
Too soon for your liking, 3 pm comes, and it's almost time to leave, but before everyone goes, you have one more thing to do.
“Okay I have to play teacher now, sorry,” you say to Matty, standing up. He nods and steps back, letting you get everyone's attention and speak.
“It's almost time for our mummies and daddies to pick us up, so let's all do one last thing before we go today. As you all know, it's Annie's birthday,” Matty watches his daughter's eyes light up at being mentioned, “so let's all sing her happy birthday!”
You count them in, and the class starts singing to Annie, you and Matty included. Matty watches you sing for his daughter, pure joy on your face and a grin that makes his knees weaken.
The song ends, and everyone claps, just in time for the bell to ring, and you send them off. “Okay everyone that's the bell! Go grab your stuff and meet your mums and dads in the playground, Mrs Richards will be out there to help you find them if you need it!”
You wave each of them out until it's just you, Matty and Annie in the room. You spin around and bend down to her level, “Did you have a good birthday sweetheart?”
Her toothy grin comes out again, and she nods furiously, “Especially because my daddy came in, that was really fun” she says, looking up at Matty and grabbing his hand.
“I had so much fun too, sweetheart! Let's get going though, yeah? You've got Grandad and nanny at home waiting to see you!!” Matty says to his daughter, who immediately starts dragging him away and saying bye to you.
You laugh and wave them off, “bye Annie!!” You say excitedly. You make a point of lifting your eyes and meeting Matty’s.
“Bye Matty” you say softly, waving at him the same way he greeted you earlier.
He simply grins and waves back before returning his attention back to his daughter and continuing to be dragged away.
blurb masterlist here!!
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harukapologist · 4 months
Mikoto helping Haruka dye his hair? :) or literally anything 0109 related, idm!
AAAHHH THANK YOU SO SO SO MUCH FOR REQUESTING 0109 THIS WAS SO FUN TO DRAW, MADE ME SO HAPPY 😭💖💖💖 I hope my drawing makes you happy too!!! I love 0109 siblings so so so much waaaaaaaa
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Pic 1:
H: *talking about his special interest*
Pic 2:
M: *thinking* "Soft hair!!"
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hella1975 · 8 months
hiiii haha. hello. exceptionally awkward introduction bc idrk how to start something like this so let's just jump right in. im taking a break from this account for a bit. i know i said i wanted taob out before halloween and currently im fine sticking with that deadline, but if i decide i need longer away then i will take longer away. every time ive reassured people that id never abandon a fic and updates will always come eventually i never once considered that my writing and ability to feel safe and comfortable on this site would be actively taken from me, so im not even going to apologise. i dont want this either and more importantly i dont fucking deserve it. i dont know what it is in the past year, if ive hit a certain amount of followers or 'popularity' that's made it so the natural ratio of positive to negative interactions must in turn go up, but there's been a serious uptick in weird asks for me. the annoying part is that a very small amount of them are actually objectively mean and hateful, the rest are just weird and invasive from people who seemingly dont realise that's what they're being. ive reached a point where i dont care if the intentions are good. it's not my job as a 20 year old tumblr user of all things to defend the morality of someone who couldnt even bother to come off anon. unfortunately, after blocking only one or two anons, the weird asks have decreased substantially, which says all you need to know about the fascinating and exhilarating lives led by these people, but ive also gone on to turn anon asks off entirely. this is something i actively fought against doing and had to be pushed into by my mutuals (who have been the coolest people on planet earth during this entire thing). turning off anon was a big deal to me even if it sounds silly. i felt betrayed and like id been backed into a corner because it was so vehmently something i DIDNT WANT that to feel like i had to do it anyway for my own mental health??? that sucks. so even though ive 'fixed' the problem, im still kind of reeling and uncomfortable every time i come on tumblr. i hope it's just something i need time to ease because i'll truly be devastated if this becomes 'ruined' for me. tumblr exists as the only place in the world where i am honestly every facet of myself without shame or hesitation; losing that would be insanely harmful to me. and to the people who cant appeal to the actual human behind the post, let me put that in words you can understand: we wouldn't get any more writing 😦😦😦 riots and fires and sirens, i know. so yeah. to anyone who has sent me an anon ask and you're now wondering if you were part of the problem, im firmly of the belief that you'll know if you are. when i say 'weird asks' i dont mean 'you sent me a para about your personal life just to vent or ask for advice' or 'you sent me a really deep emotional compliment about the impact me and/or my writing has had on you' - i love asks like that, so much that i put off taking a break and turning off anon solely for the joy they bring me. im sorry that it might feel like you're being punished too bc of the actions of what in reality is a HANDFUL of weird people, but this is what i feel like i have to do to feel safe and not go insane every time i log in. love you guys, hopefully ill see you soon x
#seriously another shout out to my mutuals#id particularly like to say thank you to boom who's always right there for me no matter what's happening or how insane im being#and also everyone in our little discord that wound up having to make a whole new channel for venting#bc i was there so often like 'today's weird ask isssss.... telling me about my cupsize!! rip them to shreds!!!'#hannah and theo especially being there and pushing me to finally turn off anon. war is truly over#and of course rori bc the shamelessness u show when hating on my anon asks has been genuinely really cathartic#sometimes u really do just need a rottweiler mutual to tell random people online to kill themselves 😭#okay weird oscar acceptance speechcore gratitude over. i do just rlly love my mutuals#like i went three years not telling anyone about the worse side of internet popularity for fear of looking spoiled and ungrateful#so for the first time to open up about it and be met with outrage on my behalf and people saying in fact it's MORE fucked up#than i initially realised bc ive grown desensitised to it is. yeah cathartic i guess#they are singlehandedly reassuring me of the good this cursed app still holds#so everyone thank them and send them flowers NOW#okay im done i think. see you guys soon. i truly do want to come back asap bc like i said i NEVER EVEN WANTED TO FUCKING LEAVE#SOME ASSHOLES JUST HAD TO PUT GRENADES ON WHAT I ASSUMED WERE VERY UNIVERSAL AND OBVIOUS BOUNDARIES#if you're reading this like 'ohhh fuck i defo sent something invasive lately. i thought it was a joke/we were friends'#then 1) we arent friends if you're on anon. it immediately creates a power imbalance where you know me and any necessary context#but i have no idea who you are or how much you know about me. that's already a fucked dynamic#and 2) I HOPE YOU FEEL BAD. LIKE GENUINELY I HOPE YOU FEEL AWFUL AND HAVE A GOOD LONG LOOK AT YOURSELF#okay i think that's all. ta-ra lads??? how tf do u end something like this#ive queued this to reblog a couple more times throughout the day
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writingbyshiloh · 1 year
Vampire AU headcanons for the Marquis de Gramont
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CW: 18+ for the smut part, Vampires, blood, blood drinking, a brief reference to sex in a mirror, slightly obsessive Vincent, slight NSFW content (but there is a warning before it too), (minor)Vincent blames the reader for drinking their blood, GN! Reader  I read it for grammar but we all know how that goes
Summary: Hcs about the Marquis du Gramont in a vampire AU. 
AN: I had the BIGGEST crush on Angel from Buffy so anything vampire is a yes from me. I wanted this to be headcanons with a few blurbs sprinkled about. Not sure what it turned out to be, but it's long and I feel like I focused more on the vampire than MVdG. Also thinking of doing vamp!reader and hunter!MVdG. If you don't like this concept it is okay just don't read
Being a vampire hunter is your life, and not to toot your horn but you're fairly good at spotting them, luring them into a secluded place and then killing him 
That's how you first spot him. 
A friend gave you a spare ticket to a ballet she's in, you dress up and go to support her. It’s good to balance normal things and monster hunting. 
The audience is small, spread out in the large theatre. She told you it's a special performance, for benefactors and close family/friends
You go to the bathroom during intermission, but end up bumping into him
Tall, dark hair, a pale face and handsome, his dark suit sparkling under the lights.
It takes a few minutes for you to realize that his a vampire, you’re more so used to the newer ones, drunk on immortal life mostly in night clubs. 
He's a gentleman though, oozing manners. If you had to guess he’s a couple of hundred years old 
You extend your hand to him for a handshake and tell him your name. He repeats in a soft French accent. Slender fingers cup your own as he brings your hand to his lips, gently placing a kiss on the back of your hand. You’re embarrassed by how fast your mind goes to all the other places you want to feel his lips. The lights flash above the both of you, a silent reminder that the show will continue. As you make your way back to your seat, half of you hopes that you'll see him again, and the other hopes you never do,
Turns out you don’t have to wait that long before seeing him again. You want to go back to congratulate your friend, tell her how great she was etc. He sees you and “accidentally” bumps into you backstage. Every part of your brain tells you to run, fight, and get away but you don't. You want to know him. 
He asks if he can see you again and you tell him to meet you at the Louvre. It’s a public place which makes you feel safer, 
Tells you to meet him during the night. You’re not sure how he gets this kind of access to places like this, he's loaded with money, he has to be to rent out a place like this overnight 
He tells you about the paintings, pointing out details and societal context that would have been important (almost like he was there during that period hmmm)
And you really should not be alone with a vampire in the museum, and if you were you should take the time to kill him 
But something keeps causing you to trust him. Plus you have fighting experience and he doesn’t even look like he gets his hands dirty, You'll be fine? Right? You can protect yourself 
(you can't)
He tells you that you should go to his estate, he has a private art collection, which he thinks would suit your tastes more 
(Don’t go to his house, you will not make it out the same)
You protest, not wanting to be in a house with a vampire, he tells you to come during the day if it makes you feel safer 
It almost feels like a joke when he says it
So you do
He leads the tour of his house but remains fully in the shadows. As long as you’re in the sunlight you'll be fine
The tour ends with his private art collection, you notice a theme of blood, eroticism, murder, and cannibalism. 
(He has some portraits of him done over the centuries there too)
You’re so caught up with looking at the paintings of him over time (and how he never ages). Most vampires try to hide what they are, especially with a slayer BUT he's not. He knows what you are and knows that you know what he is
As you admire the paintings, he takes the opportunity to shut the blinds, the gold chandeliers casting light and shadows over his face, making his face look more angular, teeth look sharper etc etc 
You’re looking at the painting while he looks at you, and your exposed neck
You’re not making it out unbitten HAHA
Only let's get into a few NSFW ones which lead into a whole other rambling
Neck kissing, hickeys, you name it
He's trying SO SO SO HARD not to bite you but can't resist some indulgences, trying to satisfy the craving by feeling your pulse points with his lips
This goes hand in hand w the classic vampire who can’t drink the blood of a loved one because of they do they won't stop 
Eventually, EVENTUALLY he does drink your blood and you both do get into it, but you also lose a lot of blood. His fangs hurt, like a strong pinch but it also feels really good. He can’t stop drinking until he notices that your cries of pleasure are now cries of pain, you’re getting too weak and are feeling sick.
This pulls him out of it, and the last thing you remember is his arms around you and his pale face coveted in your blood 
He's so upset that you tempted him into this (it’s still Vincent c’mon), and let him give into the vampiric urges 
Would bring you to some medical person in his estate and leave (even though it's his house)
You wake up dazed and confused (unsure if it was a dream but two bite marks on your neck prove it was real) and you KNOW that you NEED to get out of there 
You’re able to escape, but he’s not going to let you go that easily. 
Okay one more NSFW idea
As prev noted vampires don’t show up in mirrors 
And you can feel his, see his hands on you. He's sitting behind you, hands snaking down your body, but you can't see him in the mirror. 
You’re literally holding onto his arm but when you glance down you can see his hand but in the mirror, you holding onto nothing 
You end up having a lot of sex in mirrors, and he never stops enjoying how surprised it makes you
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crismakesstuff · 6 months
Wasn't that scene in the comics too?
If you are talking about the scene in the opening sequence of s2ep4 kindaaaaa but not rly let me explain
spoilers for s2 ep4 “it’s been a while” ahead!
in the comic you get a lot of narration (bc that’s just the nature of a comic) where we get this exposition from nolan:
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in the opening of the episode this seems to play out but instead there is no narration or any spoken dialogue for that matter. But then we get this beautiful scene that is original to the show
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in the show you really see and feel the emotional turmoil that nolan is going through after ruining the live he loved and almost killing his son. He fully is attempting suicide here and the only reason he doesn’t end up going through with it is because he sees the thraxan ship getting pulled into the black hole. Let me repeat the only reason he doesn’t die is because he stops his suicide attempt to save lives.
He’s doing something that I personally think he did while thinking of mark, because mark would do that. He’s the kind of person to save strangers even if it blows up in his face bc of the kind heart his mother raised him with.
In the comic he just kinda meanders thru space and then arrives on thraxa and instantly just becomes like god king bc he’s the oldest and even ends up planning on giving thraxa over to viltrum as sort of “oopsie daisy I fucked up have this instead ok?” It’s something I personally rly did not like from the comic but they thankfully changed that in the show
The only reason he stayed on thraxa in the show and didn’t go back to try and end his life again is because he was asked to stay and to help them. I mean look at this guy he looked 100% ready to go and find that black hole again and finish what he started
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In s2ep4 there’s no mention of him saying that he’s gonna give them to viltrum just that the reason he needs mark there is to help protect the people of thraxa and his little brother oliver. Which is a small but very important touch
Also over-all mark pushes back a lot more against his dad than in the comic where he rly just begged him to come home like a sad puppy and then nolan said “I’m not talking ab ur mother lolz”. Again the show fixes this and is doing imo a good job of starting his redemption arc better than the comic, nolan is by no means fully redeemed at all it’s gonna take a while but he’s trying and fucking ur and trying.
Hope this helped answer your question anon ! C:
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xiewho · 2 months
oh ym god if youre taking recs.....kim dokja..maybe..
have a lovely day ur art is wonderful
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i miss this trio so much i wish i could read orv for the first time again
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archangeldyke-all · 7 months
Modern au office sev has crush on reader Love you
before i answer, if you havent yet, you should check out @piscespetals they have a really sweet romantic long fic on this exact topic! it'll have you giggling like a school girl...
okay anyways! i have never worked (in an official capacity) in an office setting so forgive me if some of the terminology is wrong. (also i know nothing about IT)
men and minors dni
i think it goes like this: sevika and silco run a private security firm out of the office building you do IT work for.
the first time she noticed you, you were in silco's office cleaning out his laptop after jinx downloaded a virus while playing roblox on it. she nearly tripped over her own feet. she'd never seen you before, she'd have remembered someone like you. you were biting your lip, a little furrow in your brow as you clicked and typed away. she swears that image of you is burned in her brain to this day.
you were rarely on her floor, most of your requests coming from the customer service offices in the lower levels of the building. but after your first call up to silco's office, you mysteriously started to get more and more calls up to the 10th floor.
(it's because sevika started downloading viruses and smashing monitors in order to see you again)
you didn't notice sevika for several visits. she hid behind corners and in her office, stealing glances at you when she was sure no one was watching.
silco sees all though, and he quickly put the pieces together as to why they'd been having so many technical issues when he catches his business partner ogling you in the middle of their quarterly review. usually, sevika's even more tuned in and focused than he is, taking notes and humming along as their employees talk. but that day, she was doodling in her notebook, chin resting in her palm as her eyes tracked your movements on the other side of the glass wall.
he decided to give her a nudge in the right direction. that night he downloaded a virus to her computer and put in a request for IT support first thing the next day.
the first time you met sevika is that next morning. the request came through marked as URGENT, so you made it your first stop. you were still a little sleepy, rubbing sand from your eyes as you navigated your way to the sevika's office.
you perked up the second you saw the woman inside, furiously pressing the power button on her monitor. she was gorgeous, big muscles filling out her silk button up, thin glasses sliding down her broad nose.
you knocked on her open door frame. her eyes snapped up to yours, and in a flash she was out of her seat, smoothing out imaginary wrinkles in her shirt, nervously waving you in.
sevika was shitting bricks. she'd never even been in the same room as you before, and now you were standing in her office.
"hi." you said. "i'm from the IT department."
"i know." she blurted. then, with a horrified look, "i mean i figured. not like we've met before or anything." you nodded along in confusion as you rounded sevika's desk. she backed away from you like you were contagious, cursing herself when you sat in her chair. she'd had a dream like that before, but instead of sitting in her chair, you ended up sitting on her face. with your attention on her computer, she was free to smack her forehead with her palm. "get it together." she whispered to herself.
"you say something?" you asked. she shook her head no, then fled.
after that, sevika was determined to never see you again, sure she'd ruined her chances with you. but fate has a funny way of bringing people together, and (with a bit of help from silco) her floor started having even more tecnhical problems.
you started showing up multiple times a day. she'd see you making small chat with her employees as you worked on their computers, and she'd melt over the way you'd attentively listen and nod along to boring stories about their kids and grandkids.
she'd see you in their break room pouring yourself a cup of coffee, and she'd try to pretend like she wasn't counting your sugars, just to make sure she knew how you liked it.
she'd even see you outside, eating your lunch on her designated smoking bench, admiring the same patch of wildflower she always watched while smoking. it was like she couldn't shake you.
you started noticing her too. each time you'd catch her eye, you'd smile and wave at her. she tried to pretend like it didn't make her lightheaded, nodding back at you with a casual smile, and you tried to pretend like her little smile didn't give you butterflies.
you bumped into her in the bathroom once. she had her shirt off and in her hands, scrubbing away at a stain on it under the running tap water. you tried not to gawk at her, but you're pretty sure you failed. especially since there were only two sinks and you had to brush against her naked bicep to get to the available one.
sevika started loitering around the IT department on the main floor. there's a little lobby for the whole building just outside your department where she started eating her lunches. when asked, she said she liked the couches in the lobby. (but really she was just there to see you walk in and out of the building, shooting her a shy smile each time.)
one night, you popped your tire before you got out of the building's parking lot. sevika caught you trying to change your tire on your own and offered to help. she did more than just help, she changed the tire all on her own while you tried not to drool at the sight of her grease streaked forearms.
she started to visit her smoking bench again, finally comfortable enough around you to sit beside you as you ate your lunch. the two of you started to spend your lunches together. on particularly stressful days, you'd bum a cigarette off of her. she'd laugh every time you coughed at the harsh smoke, but she never denied you. you started packing extra in your lunch box to share with her after noticing that she never brought anything to eat.
the more time you spent together, the fewer calls you'd get to her floor. you started to suspect that the two things might be correlated, but you never brought it up to her. just like you never brought up her lingering stares and stuttered words.
ironically enough, it all came to a head on valentines day. when you got to work you were surprised to find six URGENT requests from sevika's office.
"i fucked up." she said the second she saw you. "i don't know what i did but i fucked up." she turned her monitor around for you to see and you cringed. popups were crowding her screen, and in the background her files were being remotely opened and deleted. you quickly got to work typing away as sevika started pacing in her office.
"it'll be okay sev. you've got a backup for all this stuff. worst case scenario you need a new computer." you said, trying to calm her.
"worst case scenario i have to fucking resign." she muttered. you chuckled.
"what would you have to resign for?" you asked. "you didn't do this."
"not this time, not on my computer, but what if I fucking... let this one in last time somehow? and it was just laying dormant until now? it's got all our numbers and clients now... silco's going to kill me." she rambled, running her hands through her hair. you perked up in her seat, taking in her words.
"what do you mean this time?" you asked. sevika froze in her tracks. "sevika?"
"i." she paused. you waited. "i might have been downloading viruses on a few of our computers a few weeks ago to get you up here. maybe." she said. you blinked again.
"oh." you said, your focus shifting back to her monitor. it was a flashy virus, but nothing bad. you got it cleared away in a flash. "get me up here for what?" you asked, biting your lip to keep a smile from forming. you watched in amusement as sevika shrunk into herself. you kept your eyes on the monitor, but your attention was all on sevika as she shuffled in place, gathering her confidence.
"wanted to see you." she whispered. your eyes darted up to her face. she was glaring at her feet.
"why?" you asked, slowly standing from her desk. sevika huffed, kicking her shoe against the carpet beneath her. you rounded her desk, and her eyes snapped up to yours. "fixed it. not your fault. you're not gonna lose your job." you said, gesturing to her monitor. sevika gulped. "you gonna answer my question now?" you asked.
"you gotta crush on me and were too chickenshit to be normal about it?" you butt in. her eyes widened.
"y-yeah, basically."
you grinned, then launched forward to kiss her.
the two of you made out in her office until silco knocked on the glass.
"ladies, as happy as i am to see my plan has worked out, this is still a workplace. let's keep it professional." he said.
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