beantothemax · 5 months
Hey bean, do you do the ask game? If yes, I'd like to hear about Sif from hit indie rpg in stars and time
@these-detestable-hands you also asked for sif so you get to look at this too
favorite thing about them: their design is like a worm that has burrowed into my brain…… the hat…….. the cloak…… the constant :3…… what more can you ask for
least favorite thing about them: genuinely cannot think of anything. he’s my special little creature that can do no wrong. don’t look at act 5 don’t worry about that part
favorite line:
they canonically go ‘nya’ there’s nothing that can top that
OTP: for legal reasons (you Not Finishing The Game Yet) i cant show you a very particular scene but. just know. isafrin
brOTP: i think sif should spend an entire loop with the fishing one. they should be very weird fishing buddies. self-hatred be damned this enby can reel in a bass
nOTP: uh. with mirabelle? I guess? but then again any ship involving mirabelle is a no-go due to the. yknow. aro
random headcanon: they snap their fingers a lot. when they’re greeting someone. when he just wants something to do with his hands. when they’re listening to an absolute jam. Manu such cases (he’s just like me fr fr)
unpopular opinion: don’t. think I have anything to put here? idk
song i associate with them: let it be known you will get no in-depth song-lyric-character-connection shenanigans from me. best you’re getting out of me is me shuffling playlists until I come across a song that Just Sounds Like Them
annnnd wouldja look at that we’ve pulled Mysterious Place fron Crosscode! (PLAY CROSSCODE PLAY CROSSCODE HAVE I GIVEN ALL IF YOU YOUR DAILY REMINDER TO PLAY CROSSCODE YET) hey did you hear something
bit aside it’s a theme that plays in a very space-y place and you know sif’s whole stars and universe thing so :]
favorite picture of them:
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lookit them. nod nod
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Hey, I saw ur post saying you were taking requests for lost boys or Billy hargrove x male reader so I was wondering if you could do a lost boys x Billy hargrove x male reader request. I don't have anything in mind specifically but maybe Billy runs away back to california and meets the reader who is a part of the lost boys??? Idk, you can do whatever you want with it :))
Billy and the Lost Boys, my fave together <3 Thank u for this request anon! I hope you enjoy it :)
Be one of us - Poly! Lost Boys x male reader x Billy Hargrove
TW : violence (not more than in canon), some sexual innuendo
Wanna read it on AO3 ?
It was a boring evening. No surf nazi to pick fight with, not so many teenagers to terrorize… Beside giving death glare to passerby with David, there was not much to do. Paul and Marko were having fun on the rides. As David and Dwayne went hunting, for the later was hungry, you decided to not join them as you were not. Instead, you started to walk around the boardwalk. You were a full vampire after all, there was not much that could decently harm you even if you were on your own.
That’s how you spotted him. Dark blond curls, jeans hugging a nice butt, leather jacket. By his looks, he was a runaway. Feeling stared at, he turned in your direction. Those blue eyes! Like Paul’s, you knew that you could drown in them. He was so beautiful, you had to show him to your boys.
You decided to walk to him confidently. You were sure in your guts that he had what it takes to be a Lost Boy. “So, what’s your name pretty runaway?”
That’s how you got to learn a little about Billy. You weren’t aware of where David and Dwayne went, so you decided to lead him to your blonds instead.
You found them sitting together, not very far from a concert. While Marko was quite skeptical, Paul seemed to approve of your choice, not even knowing if Billy was meant to be food or friend. You guys went on together, as you warned David and Dwayne by the mind link you all shared of where your intentions were laying by. David was the one keeping all of you safe, he would always have the last word anyway.
When David looked at him, he seemed to see what you saw because he asked Billy if he had somewhere to go. When he admitted that he didn’t, David offered him that Billy could stay by your place. Billy was okay with that, if he could come with his own car. To your surprise, your lover accepted. He led you all to his car, a nice blue Chevrolet Camaro. Youn could see in your boys’ eyes that they were approving of his taste.
And his driving! Fast and reckless, he adapted easily to the way you all rode your bikes.
He accepted to go down the rickety-looking entrance, even looking less anxious when David told him the story of the place, and he visibly loosened up when Paul mentioned the absence of parents or adults. You offered him a smile as you settled down next to him on a couch, and caught him looking at Paul and Marko, already in their own little world. Your boyfriends had always been very tactile with each other’s. Billy was looking… envious? If Billy was really into men, you did a great job at picking the babe.
Since he was wearing a Metallica t-shirt, you strike a conversation with him about music. Quickly, Paul and Marko come around, launching themselves in the conversation that became loud and animated.
Glancing at David, you saw him talking with Dwayne, most likely about what to do with Billy. And when you see them bringing the jeweled bottle, you know that Billy is meant to stay.
You know that it’s David’s blood in it, so when he offered you the bottle to give an example to Billy, you make a show of drinking the crimson gift of your lover. Licking your lips, you turn to the newcomer.
“Sleep all day. Party all night. Never grow old. Never die. Be one of us Billy. Drink it”
You can see the hesitation in his eyes, so expressive, windows to his soul.
“Don’t you wanna be one of us?” David’s voice broke the silence. Looking at David, Billy brought the bottle to his lips… and drank. You all erupted into cheers, greeting the pretty boy into his new life as a Lost Boy.
The night turned into a joyous party, the five of you putting him at ease. As the sun come closer, you helped the halfling get his stuff from his car, and showed him the way to a deeper part of the cave, not too far of your sleeping room so you could reach your new boy if you needed even in the middle of the day.
Once you and Dwayne were sure that Billy was comfortably settled down, the two of you joined your lovers and flew next to them.
The next evening, you woke up early and went to check on Billy. The boy was already awake, and greeted you as you leant on what would have been a doorframe in a normal room. Your scent and the boys’ lingered everywhere, as it was your room when you were still human, and the one you would usually use when things were getting hotter, so it didn’t surprise you when you realized that Billy had your smell lingering on him. David will enjoy it, you thought. I will enjoy what? You repeated your train of thoughts to David, who took his place behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist. Somehow his display of affection seemed to put Billy at ease.
Apparently, boys liking boys was not in good light where he was from. But here the young runaway would be free to be whoever he wanted to be, as a Lost Boy. Between Paul’s legs, if you believed the wild rocker’s thoughts. Dude was already picturing Billy as your lover despite him only joining you guys yesterday.
But first pretty boy would have to feed…
While Paul was helping Billy to get ready, the rest of you were wondering how to get Billy to turn. Starting a blood bath in front of him and let him give in to the thirst?  Tell him and let him pick his first kill himself? Tonight? Next week? It was finally decided that he would get a few days, and that the rest of you would let him get comfortable around you all, while you would drop hints and see if he would pick up.
The days passed, and you grew fond of the half vampire.
After a week since Billy’s arrival, you all pilled up in his camaro, as he drove you all to a quiet place where you could get as high and as drunk as you wished.
David had told you that Billy had picked up on the creature of the night thing, but he had not said anything about it yet. You knew that it was only a matter of time before Billy wad finally turning, so you all let him enjoy being half for the last few nights of his life.
At least it was what David had planned. When that angry man barged in, yelling, you all saw Billy freeze. And you got to know what he was running away from.
David immediately put himself between Billy and his father, protecting our boy. Then it all went down really fast.
The man tried to get at David, blood got shed, which seemed to make Billy react. The blond launched himself at his father, protecting the vampire that had welcomed him with open arms. Before the man could do anything to protect himself, Billy had vamped out, ripped his throat open, drinking from  the wound.
When he got up, covered in blood, Billy whipped his mouth with the back of his right hand.
“He deserved it”. No one said anything about it. Instead, David smiled.
“Welcome, Lost Boy. You’re one of us now.”
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crabknight · 7 months
24, 28 and 34 for bow lady!
Last one! My good friend archer lady
24. So she doesn't have all that much free time, but I like to imagine that she uses the time she does have to paint. It goes well with being an archer, since she's very precise and has a steady hand. Perfect for painting
28. She's very bad at showing when she cares for someone, especially her daughter. But the way she tries to is just by making sure she's cared for. Not necesarily by archer lady herself, but just in general making sure that they have what they want and need, like a good place to live and nice food to eat (again, not really made by archer lady, i specify this because it's important to archer ladys story that she isn't really present as a mom to her daughter) Now, if she doesn't like you, you will know. She will give you a look of distain whenever you are in the same room as her, and she will only tolerate you as long as she needs. She is very clear about her distain for specific people
34. She would describe herself as fiercly loyal and a great asset at war (true) but she would also think that she is a great mom for the most of the time she is a mom (imo is isn't, she's not present at all in her daughters life, but in her mind her daughter has all that she could ever ask for, so of course she's a good mom), right until pretty much her death where she realises how she was never there for her daughter and was always away to do something else.
And thatn was that! thank you younes, this was very fun and helped me expand the characters a bit better! please don't hesitate if you have any other questions, just in general or from the ask game (this also goes out to anyone else who wants to! Please! I love talking about ocs!)
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clori-eden · 3 years
LU ALTFP: A Link To Four’s Past
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Just some fluffy sketches I did for my story idea A link to Four's Past (Yes it's officially named this now) which I will now be tagging any art related to this idea as : ALTFP
So the chain goes back in time and who wouldn't be able to resist a very smol 10 year old Four? Not me and apparently not any of the other Links either. Btw it's Twilight that started this fiasco, everyone else joined and Four is just trying to silently disappear in the background while watching the embarrassment unfold before him
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More sketches for my ALTFP idea Portraying how Four is Linked to his younger self, and doesn't feel well whenever younger Four is either in danger or has taken physical damage.
This is based on these two post:  
Four: Backstories Prompt & Linked Threads, Same Destiny?
I’ve been thinking more and more about this idea and I wanted to share some of my thoughts and ideas I have for it. One reason being: I doubt I will ever have time to actually make this into a fanfic but I will still continue to do some art for it and maybe small comic skits in the future, *crosses fingers and hopes to not be so busy.* 
Anyway I’ve never posted a blog this long just containing mostly writing, so bear with me, this is all very new for me to do and most of this was just raw writing sent to a dear friend of mine on discord. Thank you @seekingseven​ for entertaining me and picking my brain on this idea! Your questions really had the gears in my head turning and it was fun reading your reactions to my thoughts on this.
This is going to be a very, very long post. So if you're interested on reading more about this story idea, everything will be under the cut.
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So just to make this clear, as obvious as this already is, Younger Four is basically Four back when he was on his adventure with Ezlo during the Minish Cap.  Idk but I imagine younger Four more cautious at this time because of the fact Vaaiti is still at large and he is the reason Zelda got turned to stone in front of his very eyes and that his Hyrule is under a bit of chaos since the princess isn't exactly present. I would say the environment or atmosphere of Four's Hyrule at this time might have been tense, full of uncertainty of the fate of the kingdom. So granted, younger Four would be very wary of others around him, he is a smart child after all. 
As for Future/Present Four, as soon as they are thrown into his past Hyrule he wasn't 100% sure it was his Hyrule at first. The chain was still in some confusion as to where they were. After some confirmation, Four believes without a doubt they are in his past but some Link are not too sure about it. Some of the Link's would ask him what makes him so sure and that it's also possible they might be in another Hyrule entirely with a new Hero. Four starts explaining events that are supposed to come to pass, and it works the first time but then things start to change slowly and he starts getting it wrong. Which baffles Four even more! It is not until they meet his younger self they fully believe him. They meet younger Four in the middle of a battle with monsters that horde over castle town.
During this time, Four wasn't feeling very well either, after the time jump he was having the worst case of headaches and occasional dizziness and nausea. This is actually because future Four is physically Linked to past Four. I had this idea that Four doesn't feel very well when his other self is in danger, which later on he seems to figure it out. Depending on Younger Four's condition, Four starts to feel faint.  It becomes this weird kind of spidey sense that the chain uses later to figure out the disruptions happening in his timeline due to changes it is facing because of Dink's influence. But this change always usually involves the attempted assassination to his younger self sent by Dink, Vaaiti and Shadow joining forces. 
Other things to note is that Four has made it clear to everyone to NOT reveal his identity to his younger self. However, they don't entirely lie to him either, they still tell him that they are all Links from different timelines. Four just kinda passes himself as a whole other link entirely, even as younger Four seems suspicious when he realizes they both have the four sword. But knowing that the master sword is also common in each timeline, they easily come up with an excuse. 
Future Four is also a little worried (or self conscious?) about his secrets getting revealed to the chain by his younger self. But at the same time he also know himself very well and knows that the use of his Minish powers or the Four sword is not something that his younger self would just outright share or reveal with a bunch of strangers. That much puts Four at ease but it still works as a double edged sword for him, because he also can't use certain powers that may give away who he really is.
That being said when younger Four does use his powers it's Four that ends up being the only one that saw it and the secret remains with them even though younger Four wasn't fond of someone finding his secret they choose to keep it hush hush. Four is also not 100% sure whether at this point in time Younger Four has Split or not with the Four Sword yet. Although, the idea of them both splitting at the same time and older colors meeting the younger colors would be so funny and awesome. But that also means Four's cover would be blown indefinitely, at this reveal.  
Still, the more things change in his timeline that end up differently than what was supposed to happen, Four starts to wonder if this change in his past would actually change him or create another split in the timeline with a whole new Link that isn't quite him, due to all the changes in their experiences. This very much worries Four, and he tends to talk to Sky and Time about it. The idea scares him a little. 
I know this seems like all angst but I could also imagine the chain gushing over younger Four. And four finding it way too embarrassing, like this is far worse than seeing an old photo of him because they are literally there experiencing his younger self in the flesh. Lol 
Like I definitely imagine Twilight being the first one to just pick up lil' Four like an annoyed cat getting man held by its human owner Or Sky just wanting to hug him, and both Fours being utterly overwhelmed with embarrassment. Or Legend using this moment to ruffle his hair because he can easily pass it off as him teasing him instead of actually wanting to show a bit of affection. <3
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All of these questions (some I didn't necessarily have answers to...lol) until now! have had me really take a moment to consider the possibilities. Thanks! 
Yeah I agree, the trio of villains that should have never came to be just sound a lot more threatening when you have help from the future to eliminate a common goal. Unfortunately the same could be said for our heroes and there are NINE (ten with smol Four lol…) of them, so good luck to the villains. 
Now as far as Younger Four ever finding out who Older Four is, the answer is yes. Though the way he finds out is sort of a rude awakening. I've had this scene play in my mind a few times like a sad amv, lol. 
At one point the villains nearly achieve their goal, ambushing younger Four at his most vulnerable state. He doesn't have time to dodge a sword attack from Shadow, but older Four jumps in in his place and takes the brunt of the strike straight to his abdomen.  In which he holds it in place to allow a chance for the others to gain the advantage. In the end Shadow escapes, just barely from the rest of a very vengeful group of Links. 
But rewinding back a little, in that moment Older Four gets stabbed, Younger Four is in shock: YOU, WHY? Why would you give up your life for mine! 
(So the reason younger is so surprised Older Four jumped in for him is because he believed Four didn’t like him (Since he had been avoiding him most of the time for various reason younger Four just doesn’t understand. lmao...)
Older Four: Haha.. give you say? Ah, the irony... No, it's quite the opposite you see... without your life I would cease to exist. 
 I am only taking hold of our life and sustaining both of our futures. 
That's when older Four would finally reveal his identity, although younger Four doesn’t understand it at first and is later told by Time. Of Course I wouldn't kill off older Four, I wouldn't do that to my boy. Lol..
Talking about things I would never do, I would never do what Akira Toriyama did to Trunks at the end of Black Goku Saga. Lmfao. And that's basically allowing Future Trunks to exist alongside another version of himself that is mere weeks in the past of himself because his timeline was destroyed so he had to be put in a timeline where everyone is alive including himself. (I will never forgive Toriyama for this sad conclusion.) 
That being said, as much as another timeline would be cool, the fact remains that this Four would be way too similar to Four as far as his abilities and mental state. Therefore I refuse to allow another timeline to exist, but that doesn’t mean I can't make it seem like that conclusion is very much possible. I would like to highlight this possibility as an alarming problem that is very close to being reality for older Four. I want it to be something that is clearly a situation they are fighting against time with and often teased as a possibility but in the end they are still able to resolve the situation. 
Although, I'm not sure how to make it so that younger Four forgets this happens. Maybe with the help of Zelda, (like when they save her) Time helps Zelda with a spell using his ocarina. Since Zelda is part of the royal bloodline, she can possibly activate its abilities, and with Time, play the song of time to send them back to the present while also returning Younger Four and correcting his timeline. There will be sad goodbyes I guess, since it will be the last time he will remember them… but he leaves them with content in his heart; knowing what he will experience in his distant future and the idea of meeting friends like that is something he is grateful to have planned in his future.
This is pretty much all I got.
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Ahhh, I really love this comment, seriously thank you Seeking, you are truly awesome! And for the encouragement to make this post. Love ya! 💛💛💛
It’s so long, sorry and thank you to anyone who actually took the time to read all this, and those who couldn’t, I totally understand. I was cringing as I did this. Like who is really going to read all this?? Guess I'll find out. 😅
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kumqu4t · 3 years
Hello! Long time no see honey! I saw those hilarious Y/N headcanons you wrote for beenovel and I wanted to join the parade!
So firstly, I have this really weird habit of just,, accidentally calling people couple's nicknames. One of the most common is "Honey". I do it without even noticing because I'm often in a comforting or advice-giving role so it just comes out.
I like to imagine what the Fellowship or Company's reactions to that would be. Because I imagine that Dwarves wouldn't take nicknames too lightly and would see it as an honor or something, so to hear Y/N call them honey would probably be really flustering and confusing.
The Hobbits would probably just be really bashful or cheery about it. I can see Sam or Frodo blushing bright cherry red and Merry calling them nicknames back
Legolas would probably a little confused. I can see the tips of his ears going bright red and that's an adorable thought. Aragorn would probably just smile and chuckle a little bit. Boromir would be internally screaming because he doesn't know what they mean by that, but very flattered nonetheless. Maybe throwing back some cute or flirty remarks of his own.
What do you think (honey, haha)?
it’s so nice to hear from you! <3 and YES so glad to see you join the parade! i adore asks like this- thinking about it and writing them is so fun and i always love the lighthearted/funny/fluffy prompts! (btw im very touched that you found them hilarious hehe) so never hesitate to send them my way!
also before i start i just want to say YOU ARE MY FAVORITE TYPE OF PERSON!!! i adore being called pet names/endearments,, it makes my heart just melt- and honey is one of my favorites!!
i’m going to do the company because i do so love those dwarves (and hobbit!) ;)
i digress… onto the headcanons!
how the company would react to being called pet names such as “honey”:
- thorin
does a massive double take
like a “are you talking to me?” kinda face
when you see this you lowkey get kinda scared so you start to apologize
“oh i’m so sorry- i didn’t mean to, it just slipped out- forget i said that-”
until thorin cuts you off with a gruff “don’t trouble yourself over it”
and as he turns to walk away, you could have sworn you saw a blush covering his bearded cheeks and a small smile fighting to take over his face
- bilbo
literally turns bright red
his eyes get really big
shuffles his feet and avoids your eyes
cant help the smile that grows on his face
cant help but stare at you in wonder all day
because being called those sweet nicknames reminds him of his gentle late mother
and makes him feel treasured and special
- balin
gives you a bright smile
his eyes hold a twinkle
definitely has already been calling you things like “my dear” so you don’t sweat it
it kinda becomes like… you guys’ thing
“thanks gramps” (sometimes your nicknames are a bit more silly)
“of course my dear”
- dwalin
dwalin looks a bit constipated
he gets super red
definitely gets teased by fíli and kíli and you think that he is going to join in
but he growls at them to shut it
and when you look over shocked, he shrugs and gives you a sly wink
- óin
despite his hearing impairment, óin somehow manages to hear your embarrassing slip up
he studies you for a minute
and when he realizes you were being sincere and sweet he smiles at you fondly
- glóin
he is very drunk when this happens
and immediately bursts into tears and starts wailing about how “amad used to call me that, mahal rest her soul”
and you awkwardly side hug him and pat him on the head while he talks about what a sweet soul you are
- fíli
gives you a cocky smile and just winks at you over his shoulder
responds with his own endearment for you in khuzdul
- kíli
it’s interesting because his normally confident and outgoing personality completely disappears when being called sweet names
he gets all shy and blushy and stumbles over his words
he rubs the back of his head and steals glances at you, looking much younger than he normally is
you instantly feel the need to protect this sweet guy
and from then on you make sure to call him endearments as often as possible
just to see his adorable smile
- dori
dori is always taking care of everyone else so for you to be all comforting and sweet is weird for him
but weird in a good way
he really enjoys getting to feel like that, even for a second in passing
so, to thank you, he makes sure you get the best cup of tea that night
- nori
is shocked for a minute
but quickly covers it up with a cheeky wink as he slings an arm around your shoulders
and responds calling you “honey” back ;)
- ori
literally doesn’t know how to react
drops whatever is in his hands and looks like a deer in the headlights
he later bothers you about the meaning behind pet names and takes notes in his journal
when he says goodnight to you that evening, he presses a chaste kiss to your cheek before he flees to his bedroll, his face bright red
- bifur
grunts happily with a smile on his face as he chirps happily in khuzdul and ruffles your hair
- bofur
not taken aback at all, though he is happily surprised
because it feels like a milestone in your friendship
he has been calling you pet names since like, the first day he met you (his favorite being “darlin’ ”)
- bombur
sweet guy becomes even more shy
he definitely calls you endearments too
you have basically been adopted and added to his massive brood of children
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keanureevesisbae · 3 years
But professor… - c.3
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Summary: Penny goes to Walter's loft, so he could help her out with some school assignments
Professor!Walter Marshall x Penny Townsend (Asian ofc)
Wordcount: 3.3k
Warnings: None
Masterlist // But professor… masterlist // Previous chapter // Next chapter
Walter and I agreed that he would pick me up from the train station nearby and when I near the vacant parking lot, I can already see him waiting in his truck. He holds up his hand, a sign that he saw me too and I hurry towards the enormous vehicle. I barely see trucks this large here in New York, making me assume he actually brought this with him from Minnesota. Maybe he even moved here with this thing, the trunk stuffed with his belongings.
Though I highly believe this man actually didn’t bring a lot of stuff with him. He doesn’t seem like the type to be very materialistic.
When I open the door, I can’t possibly hide my smile.
Of course I thought about this for awhile (it’s all I thought about the entire class) and debated whether or not this would be a good idea. While this is definitely not a great idea, it doesn’t feel weird or scary. I mean, my mom certainly wouldn’t approve of this and I think my dad would have a stroke if he found out what I was doing.
Is this how people get murdered? Am I too naive?
I don’t think so. I trust Walter. He is a nice man and I’ve been with him alone in his office two times now. That wasn’t scary, he isn’t giving me bad vibes.
Going to his loft shouldn’t be that much different.
‘How were your classes, Penny?’ Walter asks.
A scoff leaves my lips. ‘It was horrid,’ I mumble, placing my backpack in-between my legs. ‘Professor Carter really likes hearing himself speak.’
‘That,’ he says, starting his car, ‘is true. I hate that guy.’
I chuckle. ‘Hate is such a strong word,’ I tell him. ‘I’d like to say he is simply hard to like.’
Walter smiles. ‘Of course.’
I fumble my thumbs as they are placed on my lap, taking in a breath. I’m really nervous, which is completely unnecessary. I feel safe around Walter, I feel noticed around him. It’s nice being noticed, especially by someone like Walter.
‘I didn’t know if you want something,’ Walter says, ‘so I got you some chocolate and cookies. If you don’t like that, please tell me. I can make a small detour to the grocery store.’
‘No, chocolate and cookies are perfect.’ I run my fingers through my hair, as Walter soars over the roads. His driving style fits him perfectly. He is impatient, quick and breaks abruptly, instead of slowly, a complete one eighty compared to my driving style. ‘You’re not gonna kill me, right?’
Walter starts to laugh and it’s the first time I actually see him putting his guard completely down. His eyes are smaller, the little crowfeet appear near them. ‘Of course not. I would lose my only student with sense.’
I lean back against the seat, as I watch how we get deeper into the city. I’m usually never in this part of town. I look to the side, admiring Walter’s beautifully sculptured face. The beard kinda hides it, but I know that his face is close to perfection.
‘You’re staring,’ he says, his eyes not once leaving the road.
Oh dear, I totally am. How incredibly rude of me. ‘I’m sorry,’ I quickly apologize.
‘It’s not a problem. Kinda cute actually.’
‘What do you mean by that?’
‘You always stare in class,’ he says. ‘When things get a little gore, you start to blink really fast, you scrunch up your nose and try to stare at your fingers, but you don’t want to be rude and miss something, so you look up again. Only this time you’re squinting and you make a pretty poor attempt of hiding your disgust.’
‘Wow,’ I chuckle. ‘That’s specific.’
‘Noticing the smallest details is important in my line of work. Tell me what I do during class.’
I swallow as I try to think about everything he does in class. ‘You never look at people when you call out their name. It usually takes around a second or two, before you tear your gaze away from whatever you’re looking at. You are quite insulting when it comes to stupid answers.’
‘I’m not.’
‘You either scoff or roll your eyes,’ I note. ‘Besides, you always look bored, even when someone makes a good point.’
‘That’s because I am,’ he retorts.
‘Teaching really isn’t your thing, is it?’
He snickers. ‘Oh no. You could say I hate it with a passion. But if I do this, I could one day maybe work in the force again. It’s just a little in between jobs.’
‘You miss it, don’t you?’
‘I do,’ he answers. ‘I don’t think I’ve ever missed something that much.’
‘You miss Minnesota?’
He shakes his head. ‘I mean, a little of course, but New York is great too.’
‘Are you married? Or do you have someone?’ I ask.
‘Why not?’
‘I haven’t met her yet,’ he says. ‘Besides, I’m picky. You got a boyfriend?’
I can’t even stop my laughter. ‘No, of course not,’ I answer. ‘There is no one that likes me anyways.’
‘Don’t be ridiculous,’ he says in a pretty harsh tone. ‘You’re a lovely girl and any guy would be lucky to have you as their girlfriend.’
My cheeks burn up. ‘You think so?’
‘I know so, Penny. Let me tell you this: you are amazing, smart and the guy you end up with is gonna be one lucky man, since you’re probably out of his league anyway.’
He really thinks so?
Walter parks his car in the parking garage underneath the apartment building and he tells me to wait, as he gets out. He walks around the truck and opens the door for me.
‘I can open my own door, you know?’
‘I know,’ he chuckles, gesturing to hand over my bag. ‘But I couldn’t do it back at the station, so humor me for a second, okay?’
‘Of course.’ I grab his hand and he helps me out the car. Together we walk towards the elevator and I nervously roll my ankle, as we wait for the elevator to arrive at the right floor.
It abruptly stops and we walk out towards his door. He pushes it open, telling me to go in first.
His loft meets up to the expectations I had. Boring. Nearly empty. Only decorated with the necessities. ‘Right,’ I say. ‘This is exactly what I thought it would be.’
Walter hangs his coat over the back of the chair. ‘Is that so?’
I let the material of my own jacket slide off my shoulders. ‘Mhm, you have very little taste.’
‘I’d like to call it minimalistic,’ he retorts, as he takes my jacket from me hands. He tells me to sit and relax, while he makes us some tea.
I carefully take place on his couch, looking around me. Thankfully he removed all the eventual crime scene photos, files or anything related to the gory side of police work.
‘Here you go.’
‘Thank you,’ I say to Walter as he sits next to me, placing the tea on the coffee table. The couch cushion I’m sitting on, slightly dips to the right as he takes place. I have to tighten all my non existent muscles to not slide towards him, however I am not very strong, nor fit, so I bump against his side. ‘Sorry,’ I say.
‘It’s okay. Tell me, what are subjects that you struggle with.’
‘Everything,’ I admit.
He smiles. ‘Then I shall help you with everything.’
✎ ✎ ✎
My brain hurts from all the things Walter says to me and the way he answers all my questions. It’s so sweet and considerate of him to literally minimize everything to a level I could understand it. I take off my glasses as I rub my eyes. Walter has placed his arm on the armrest, our bodies closer than I’ve ever been to someone who I thought was attractive.
‘This isn’t working,’ Walter says, when it’s obvious I’m not registering anything anymore. ‘You need a break.’ He places my laptop and papers on the coffee table and stands up. He ushers me to follow him and I nearly run after him, since he’s taking such large strides.
‘Where are we going?’
He slides open the doors that lead to a little balcony. It’s just as boring as the rest of his place, but the view on the other hand is absolutely lovely. I walk towards the balustrade, holding the cold metal as I look over the city.
‘Wow,’ I say, ‘this is so beautiful.’
He smiles as he stands next to me. ‘It sure is.’
‘I’ve never saw the city like this,’ I say.
‘Where you’re from originally?’
‘Maryland,’ I answer. ‘But New York is really fun as well. Maybe even more so, if I’m being honest.’
‘I’ve never been there,’ Walter says, placing his underarms on the balustrade, so we’re around the same height. He looks to the side, at the same time the wind blows. He chuckles, when strands of my hair slap him across the face.
‘Sorry,’ I smile, as I try to contain the wild hairs.
He holds out his hand, pushing back a strand behind my ear. ‘That’s okay, Penny. You like it out here?’
‘Yes, I really do. It’s nice to take a bit of a breather. I’m sorry I am not really getting it.’
‘No, don’t be silly,’ he says, ‘you’re doing great. It’s my teaching skills that are lacking.’
I bite my lip as I take in his entire face. He is so close, just like he was back in the living room. He placed his arm on the backrest of the couch, his body so close near mine, that I could smell his lovely cologne.
‘You’re beautiful,’ he softly admits, almost as if he doesn’t want me to hear.
‘Oh,’ I whisper, slightly taken aback, ‘really?’
‘Really. You have your phone with you?’
I pull it out of my back pocket. ‘Yes, why?’
‘Allow me to memorize this moment for you.’
It’s a slightly odd request, but I give him the phone and he takes a few pictures of me. For some reason, I don’t feel awkward. Usually I take pictures by myself or I let my mom take one, but that’s only the case when she wants to make a picture for her friends to show me off.
With Walter behind the camera, I’m relaxed and not so nervous.
Which is strange. I keep forgetting he is my professor. With his head, he nods me over and I look over his arm to the phone screen. ‘They look good,’ I say.
‘Not just good,’ he says. ‘You look amazing.’
He hands me back my phone and at the same time, a slightly cold breeze causes me to tense up and shiver a bit. ‘You cold?’
‘A little,’ I admit.
‘Wait here.’
Walter walks back inside, leaving me be for a little while. I look over the city. The cars, the different type of houses. Dogs barking, young kids laughing and just people having fun in general.
‘Here you go,’ Walter says, ‘I got you a sweater and some tea.’
I look over my shoulder, to see him placing two steaming mugs of tea on the tiny table and indeed a thick sweater (one of his own) in his hands. ‘You’re really going out of your way for me,’ I admit. ‘That’s nice.’
He frowns. ‘No one’s ever gone out of their way for you before?’
I shake my head.
‘Let me be the first then.’ He actually helps me into the sweater and gently pulls out my hairs from the sweater.
I take place on the slightly uncomfortable chair. It’s a bit windy, but not unpleasant. Especially not when I’m wearing a sweater this warm.
‘What are you thinking?’ I ask Walter.
He shrugs. ‘Just something crossed my mind, but I don’t want to intrude.’
‘You could never. If someone is intruding, then it’s totally me. I mean, I literally am at your place, because school’s too hard for me. Seriously, you can ask me anything you want.’
‘When did you find out you were placed at the church?’
I wrap my fingers around my mug and say: ‘My mom always said that I was a special delivery from the stork. I knew I was adopted, but I never thought more of it. My parents were simply my parents, even though they didn’t look like me. One day a kid in my class thought it was stupid I had white parents, when I clearly wasn’t, I realized it maybe was a bit weird. So I asked them about it and they told me the entire story.’
‘Must’ve been hard,’ Walter says.
I shrug. ‘Kinda.’
‘Does it bother you to this day? In your day to day life?’
These are very intense questions. He really does want to get to know me better, right? ‘You kinda carry it with you all the time,’ I say. ‘Oh no, I’m gonna cry.’ I blink my eyes fast, as I try to redirect both my feelings and his attention. ‘This is stupid, I’m sorry.’
‘No, no, no,’ he says, in such a soft and caring tone, that it almost makes me cry a little more. When was the last time someone was this caring about me outside my family? ‘Don’t apologize for your feelings.’
It just doesn’t match. His uninterested appearance versus this hidden caring nature of his. He leans forward and places his hand on my knee. A simple gesture, enough however to stop my heart from working. ‘I’ll try,’ I say, wiping the tears from my cheeks. ‘I promise.’
✎ ✎ ✎
After the well needed break, I was in the right mindset and managed to get a lot of work done. Turns out: I’m not stupid, I’m just a bit slow from time to time. Having someone that helps me, gives me a better understanding of it all.
‘You know,’ I say, as I pack my stuff in my bag, ‘your hair is quite dry and frizzy.’
‘Is it?’ Walter asks with a chuckle. ‘You have some nerves, young lady, to tell me my hair is frizzy after I helped you out.’
‘Just want to give you a bit of advice in return,’ I snicker.
‘Well, since you want to go to cosmetology school so badly, you tell me next week what products I need to use and I’ll be your test subject, how about that?’
He wants to see me again? Or does he mean after school? Or simply through texts?
‘Of course, Penny.’
‘Thank you again for helping me out,’ I say. ‘I know this isn’t exactly in your job description.’
‘I’m happy to help, if it’s in my job description or not.’ He grabs my coat and helps me in it. ‘You want a lift?’
I shake my head. ‘It’s still light outside and I can go by bus. I need to do some groceries anyway.’
‘Are you sure?’
‘I am sure,’ I say. ‘Really, it’s not a big deal.’
‘Just share your location with me, okay? I want to make sure you’re back safe.’
Walter is such a caring and loving man, though he tries to hide it underneath all that grumpiness.
‘Okay, will do,’ I say, after I put on my shoes. I place my bag on the floor, grab my phone and start sharing my location with him for the next four hours. ‘What’s wrong?’ I ask him, when I push my phone in my back pocket and the two of us lock eyes.
‘Nothing,’ he says. ‘I just really got to know you. That was nice.’
I smile. ‘It totally was,’ I say. ‘I’d like to get to know you a bit more next time.’
Next time? I’m really suggesting a next time?
Walter barely responds to it, only a small cocking of his eyebrow. ‘Next time,’ he says. ‘You’ll get to know plenty about me.’ He takes a step forward, only for me to be able to smell his cologne. Gosh, what does one say right now?
While I’m contemplating the best topics, Walter seemed to have no issue coming up with something. ‘You’re staring again,’ he notes.
‘No, I’m not,’ I say to him, way too quickly. ‘Okay, maybe I was.’
You have to ask me again later on how exactly, but somehow my back is pressed against the wall. Walter places his hand on my cheek, his calloused thumb brushing over my parted lips. I don’t know where to look, but my gaze stops at his kissable looking lips.
His body is pressed against mine and two slow seconds passes before I feel his lips on mine.
What is this? Is he truly kissing me? I can’t believe this. My first kiss. I hold onto his thick sweater, my fingers wrapping tightly on the fabric, almost solely because my knees start to wobble like crazy. It’s the first time I felt someone’s lips on mine. Someone’s beard scratching my chin. Never before did I feel someone’s tongue carefully over my bottom lip. He cages me in between his thick arms. He is so much more overpowering, dominant, but boy, is it a role that suits him so well.
Much to my dismay, he pulls back to flash me a tiny smile. ‘I’ve been thinking about doing this for quite some time now today.’
‘Why?’ I ask him.
He smiles. ‘Just because,’ he says.
‘Well, I’ve been thinking about it too,’ I whisper.
‘What stopped you from doing it?’
‘You’re my professor, Walter.’
He nods. ‘I know. That should’ve stopped me,’ he admits.
‘No, no,’ I say, placing my hands on both sides of his face. ‘Don’t let it stop you. Please don’t.’ It sounds slightly needy, but I can’t help it. It’s the first time in my entire life I feel this alive. With his understanding, I notice finally the ability for me to figure out who I am as a person. However, those words stay close to my heart. I bite my bottom lip and he interprets it as an invitation and I’m so thankful he does.
The kiss is less soft than the previous one, far more intense. I don’t want to stop kissing him. His lips part from mine, evading his way to my nape to press wet kisses on the delicate skin. My fingers run through his hair. ‘Walter,’ I say and he looks up. I always notice the shift in gazes when he is with me. So much softer, gentle and caring than he is in class or with others. ‘Are you sure?’
‘Sure about what?’
A crooked smile appears on his lips. ‘I’ve never been so sure.’
✎ ✎ ✎
Once I got home, realization truly hit. I just kissed my professor.
Was it smart? No.
Will I do it again? Probably.
Oh my, I’m falling for him, aren’t I? I had this insanely goofy grin on my face as I sat in the bus, did my groceries and went to my dorm. I bet I looked like a moron, but I couldn’t help myself. Walter’s lips on mine felt so good.
Those lips will be all I am going to think about. I take off my coat, only to realize I’m still wearing his sweater. It smells like him, his wonderful cologne.
I’m this deep in thoughts and little dreams, that I yelp when I hear a text coming in.
Walter: You’re home safe, right?
Oh, that’s right. I was sharing my location with him.
Me: Yes, I just walked in
Walter: Did you lock your door?
Me: Yes
Walter: Okay good
Me: Thanks for your help btw
Walter: Of course, not a problem
Me: I think I’m gonna go get ready for bed
Walter: Alright, princess
Walter: Good night
✎ ✎ ✎
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fakeloveaskblog · 3 years
Janus, have you and Remus hung out other then when you go to fake therapy? You should ask him out? Keep it open, maybe not outright ask him for a date but to hang out!
(Words: 2140)
Janus: "Oh you know me anon. I am so totally known for asking people to hang out. Yes me and Remus have been eeeverywhere together /s No we have never hung out.......But I suppose you have been very wise so far. So I shall try and go ut of my comfort zone and ask him he would like to spend time together"
They were in that same spot they always stood after the fake therapy. Where they were supposed to part ways. Remus had his phone out, checking the bus times. Janus knew he had to say something now or else yet another week would pass and he would never have the courage to ask.
"Do ehm is you- fuck-" Janus wanted to smash his head open on a rock. He was a idiotic mess who couldn't even say a simple sentence.
"What?" Remus looked at him with a smile. Jan swore he had specifically practiced that smile so it made him melt internally every single time.
"Do you maybe possibly have anything to do today?"
"Oh yeah all booked up with exorcising demons out of old ladies' houses. you know how it is!" He let out a short screechy laugh "Come on Snakey y'know I don't have a job or any plans on robbing banks right now. Of course I'm free!"
"Noted. Then I am totally not asking you to perhaps do something like going to the movies?"
Remus' eyes widened and he shone up into a huge toothy smile "YES!" He grabbed Janus' hand while flapping with his other hand "You gotta be psychic or something! I've been wanting to see this movie made by a director I'm hyperfixating on but I didn't wanna go alone and my sister is still out of town SO this is great!!"
He didn't waste another second. He dragged Janus with him as he began to very quickly walk while continuing to stim.
All Janus could do was stare at their hands. Their palms pressed against each other. His love's thumb brushing up and down his skin. He had never been happier over forgetting his gloves at home.
His cheeks stayed rosy red the entire walk. It was like walking on air. He didn't even realize Remus was still speaking until they got the cinema.
"-And that's why I thought it would have been better if the hamster had died!" He concluded.
".............Fascinating" Janus replied hoping it was a good answer.
"I know right!"
He looked down and realized they were still holding hands. His happy expression instantly dropped as he let go of Janus like he was made of fire.
"Oh fuck buckets! I should have asked if you were okay with like ehhh touch beforehand! Now you're gonna cut my head off!" Remus gasped out.
"Indeed, I do now hate you and I have already hired an assassin to kill you" Janus replied sarcasticly "It's okay, I promise"
Remus let out a breathe of relief in the most cartoon balloon leaking air way possible. "Neat!"
It was 3 pm on a Thursday so there weren't any people in line. Remus didn't even give his friend a chance to pay for his own ticket. He also got a big ass popcorn and a bag of eyeball candies.
He dumped the snacks into the arms of Janus as his eyes caught on a poster on the wall advertising another movie. He jumped up and down while pointing at it, like the excitement was too much to be contained in his body.
"It's my sister! She told me she would be in this one!" The poster didn't show the actresse's face since she had on a cloke to look dark and myserious (tm) "That's her I swear on the last human tooth I have!"
"I believe you. You could be her perfect stunt double"
Remus shoot his arms out "That's what I've been saying too!!! You really are a psychic! Being a stunt double is literally the dream job! I get to pretend to be killed in so many ways! I get to jump off of buildings!! Sadly she mostly does dramas and romances and all that boring stuff"
"Well I for one would love seeing you get stabbed on film" He held his hand over his heart as he said it.
"Omg snakey!! Thank you!! Means a lot!"
He had that wide smile on his lips again. Janus wished he was able to make him smile like that every day.
"Oh the movie is starting soon! Ahhhh exciting! Horror really is the best genre!"
Janus paled "Horror?"
"Yeah! I told you all about the movie on the way here remember? You're okay with horror right?"
"O-Of course! I have watched halloween alien on elm street like 5 times!" He lied.
Remus chuckled "Sure sounds like it"
They went into the screening room. Ads were running on the big screen. They were the only ones there. Remus found their seats right at the back in a corner. He sat down and triumphantly put his feet on the seat in front of him.
"Look at that snakey! We've got the whole room to ourselves! Only...."
His eyes suddenly stopped and shifted to stare out into air. His happy expression slowly disappeared leaving a hollow look on his face. He moved his legs up to his chest and sat completely still.
".....Only us......"
Janus slumped down in the seat next to his. Remus leaned away in his seat so he was further from his friend.
"Indeed. I could poison you and no one would be here to stop me. But I won't...yet" He hoped a joke would make his love lighten up again.
Remus forced a halfhearted smile "Sure that"
The movie started. Janus was already stress eating popcorn from fear by the time the first scene had ended. Which only made him even more stressed over making Remus think he was a fat gluttonous disgusting mess! Which he was! But he didn't want him to know that!!
Whenever he glanced over to Remus he looked just the same, As if the movie was fucking mamma mia or something.
He didn't want to seem unclassy and close his eyes like a 5 year old so he tried to comb his hair in front of his eyes instead. He couldn't stop his racing heartbeat or his unsteady hands though. He didn't do well to loud sounds. Or screaming voices.
He jumped in his chair at an extra gory scare. The popcorn landed all over his body. His cheeks went red enough to be mistaken for a ladybug.
Remus glanced over at him "You don't have to hide that you're scared y'know. The audience reaction is like half the fun"
"Me? Scared? I haven't felt scared since I buried a body in 1967! This is just how I show my appreciation for movies!" He blurted out the lie in a panic.
His love threw his head back as he let out a loud laugh. He couldn't stop as he buried his head in his hands. His shoulders moved in rhytm to his giggles. It seemed to calm his nerves a bit.
"Holy shit snakey that was such a horrible lie! You're such a dork! I say that with affection I promise"
Janus couldn't help but chuckle along "Dork actually means something really dirty. I know since I was practically married to my dictionary when I was youn-"
"WHALE PENIS! I know!! You're the first one who also knows!"
"I suppose that means we're soulmates now" Janus couldn't help but say it.
"Penis soulmates!"
Janus sighed "Yes"
In the movie a man's torso was ripped from his body. Remus flapped his hands. Janus let out a quiet whimper.
"I could infodump a bit if that would make you less scared"
Janus leaned closer to respond but Remus instantly flinched back. He made sure to keep keeping his distance "I would love to hear"
He shone up into a smile. It wasn't quite as carefree and happy as the other ones but it was still his smile and Janus had caused it. It made him feel warm.
He started rambling about the director's other movies and how the themes tied in with this movie. About how the director had studied to be a doctor so he know enough about biology to make all of the gore extra realistic. About how the movie soundtrack's added to the scare even though they were often silly. All while stimming. Sometimes he went quiet to focus on the film while Janus curled in on himself and closed his eyes.
Honestly Janus could have heard him go on for hours but sadly the movie eventually ended. And they eventually got out of the cinema. And eventually the snacks the shared while sitting on a bench outside also ended. And the conversation died out.
It was only around 5 pm but the sky had already started to darken. The streetlamps were getting lit one by one, and a few people were standing in line for the next movie. Janus feared having to say goodbye.
Luckily he didn't have to as Remus quietly asked "Could you like follow me home? The apartement is only 15 minutes and a minor murder spree away"
"Of course!" He replied a bit too excitedly.
He made sure to not walk too close as to not make him flinch again. Remus started to subconsciously hymm on a song after some time of silence. Janus couldn't stop feeling over the moon at the fact that he was hanging out with someone! And he seemed to like him!! And he was in love with him no less!!!
"Snakey I think I gotta admit something kinda dorky-"
"Is it the murder in 1967? We've all been there"
"Actually it was in 1987. Okay but really.....The only friends I've ever really had has been my sister and my ex, and some online friends here and there I guess but we lost contact really quickly. What I mean is that I'm really rusty on this whole friend thing and I'm just glad that you don't get annoyed by my infodumping or stimming or....or the whole me!"
Janus' eyes widened and he slowly let up into a laugh "Oh! Oh I have been so worried for nothing then! I've never had any friends, at all! This was literally the first time I ever went to a movie with another person! We're the same!"
Remus giggled "We really are penis soulmates!"
"I am begging you to not let that become a thing"
"Too late! It already is! We're both friendless dorks you motherfucker!! Of course we're penis soulmates!"
Janus sighed "I am suddenly so glad we are close to your place so I can get away from you.....That was a lie"
Remus lightly punched his shoulder "Better be. Or else I'd have to kidnap you!"
He stopped in front of a series of building of obviously quite glamorous apartements. Janus was honestly starting to wonder if he had a sugar daddy and or sold drugs. Or else he had no idea how he could afford all of this.
They stopped right in front of the entrance. Remus crossed his arms and leaned against the wall. Janus fiddled with his sleeves. Neither of them wanted to say goodbye.
Janus shuly glanced at his love's face. His birtmarks which he so wanted to press kisses to. His fluffy hair he would love to nuzzle into. His full lips which he thought about running his finger over every time he looked at them. He was beautiful. Just beautiful.
"Sooo....I guess I will either see you in hell or in fake therapy next week?" Remus asked.
"For sure"
He awkwardly opened the door "Well I will see you then then!" He did fingerguns "Bye penis soulmate!"
Janus rolled his eyes while waving "Bye.....phallus companion!"
The door closed and he was left in the silence. It took a few second and then
"YES! OH I did it! I survived! Aphrodite would be so proud of me!!"
Janus had to sit down. He was going to explode. He couldn't stop moving his hands around. He was going to pass out. He had never been happier. He deserved a whole soup bowl of ice cream.
He took off his beanie to drag his hand through his hair. He felt breathless from happiness as he stared up at the sky. He had never felt more in love.
He looked at where he imagined you would stand if you had a corporeal body.
"So I suppose your advice worked quite well. It did sound like he wanted to hang out again...So anon....or whatever voice that is in my head that asks me things......Do you have any suggestions on what we should do on our next hangout?"
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mytrashs-blog · 4 years
Drunk On You- T.H.
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Warnings: SMUTTTTTT. Please do not read this if you’re under 18. The Smutty part is between this signs: [...] so if you want to skip over the smut, you can, but it won’t make much sense. Also... There’s A LOT of swearing.
Summary: You’re a virgin and you’re drunk so you send a risky DM on instagram.
Word Count: Almost 6k... she’s thicc
A/N: I cannot tell you just how much I enjoyed writing this! It started as a 2 am inspiration punch and then it took me three weeks to finish it. It’s my first time writing smut, so I don’t know if that part’s good, but I like it and I really hope you do too. (Please if you do like it, reblog it so it can be read by more and more people).
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(Gif isn’t mine and I couldn’t track the author, so credits go to the owner)
Fuck this shit, you’re 22 years old, you’re in college and as much as you enjoy leaving fratboys with blue balls in the middle of a party, you need to get this over with. You’re tired of waiting for the “right guy”, if you keep on doing that you’ll end up virgin for your whole fucking life. But where the fuck can you find a guy that’s not gonna judge you for being a sad, drunk virgin in the middle of a tuesday night? Being drunk and alone at your dorm was pathetic enough…
So you scroll through instagram for a while only to find out there’s no right suitor for the job, but in the heat of the moment you notice that Tom Holland, yes the scrawny white boy that looks 12 and plays Spider-man has just posted a shirtless picture and boy, he does not look 12 anymore. So you slide into his DM’s just for the shit and giggles:
“Hey, Tommy boy!
You probably get millions of DMs like this every second of everyday, but fuck, I just wanted to say that you are extremely hot and I am extremely virgin and I’m also drunk, so I thought I’d write you to ask for a massive favor.
Would you have sex with me just to take my virginity away? Ok, thanks.
P.S. I think you’re great in your new film.”
And yes, you did press send to that, but of course you don’t even remember writing it in the first place the next morning while getting ready for your 9am class, so your daily routine goes on as normal.
But then, while you’re making your best effort not to fall asleep while your professor talks about some depressed artist that beat his wife and was super sexist, but was somehow excused because he made some decent poem, you hear the unmistakeable ping of your phone, which can only mean that you got a text, so you go to see it, because that is far less rude than falling asleep during class, but you were surely not ready for what was showing on your phone screen.
All air, and life to be honest, left your body for a second, you double checked, and then triple checked and yes… Tom Holland had wrote you on instagram’s direct messages.
“Holy fuck” you only realize you said that out loud when the three people closest you turn to look at you and shush you, but you’re still in shock and still have not opened the message, but maybe it’s not a great idea to open it in front of everybody, specially your professor, so you figure the bathroom will be the best place to do it.
You lock yourself in a stall and sit down, get your phone out, take a deep breath and open the instagram message. My God, you were not expecting what your screen showed:
“Haha, this is too cool to ignore! I happen to be in your area right now… Give me a call and I’ll make it happen ;)”
And yes, his phone number was there too. The phone number of THE Tom Holland! like… WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?! What are the odds of him actually reading your DM? And the odds of him replying? And the odds of TOM MOTHERFUCKING HOLLAND agreeing to be your first time?! Someone up there must be having a good laugh.
But it would be rude to chicken out now, right? One does not simply say no to fuck with a Marvel actor. You gotta do it. It's your holy duty. So you reply with a simple “Looking forward to it” and you get your shit together before returning to your class.
You think about texting him while you walk to grab some lunch, but what do you say to a celebrity that agreed to deflower you?… Wait. Holy shit! You’re actually gonna have sex with Tom Holland! He’s super ripped! And you’re gonna see and feel all his bits and pieces… honestly, your panties got a bit damp just thinking about that. This is gonna be fun.
You decide to shoot the text while waiting for your iced coffee. “Hey, it’s (Y/N) from instagram. Are you serious about the thing? If so, when are you available?”
And that’s when the game begins, cause he replied almost instantly and you decided he’s just another fratboy playing around, so you played along.
“I’m dead serious, babe. I can do it tonight.”
“Nice. That’s how I like it… what time are we talking about?”
“9 ish, maybe 10.”
“Gotta give me an hour… also, it would have to be at yours, cause I live in a dorm that I share with another girl.”
“You could ask her to join…”
“Haha. Nah, this is all for me to enjoy.”
“And you will. 9:30 sounds good for you, babe?
“I can pick you up. Send me your location and I’ll go there.”
“Nice. I’m liking it already.”
“You’ll like it even more.”
You go about your day with a stupid smile all day, nervous and excited for what’s gonna happen later. Paying attention to class? What is that? Concentrating on your due projects? You don’t know her. All you can do is think about the things that man might do to you later.
Wait… you gotta shave. Also, should you go buy some nice underwear? It overwhelms you how unprepared you are and you run, abandoning everything you had to do that day to go get ready to have sex with a super hot celebrity.
You shaved, exfoliated, bought nice underwear, picked out a sexy outfit, you even tried to work out a little to look a bit more toned for him. You allowed your most extra self to come and shine, and you definetely enjoyed the process.
“What are you getting ready for? It’s wednesday. I doubt there’s any interesting party. Oh God! Do you have a date?” your roomate asked as soon as she saw you posing a skirt for the mirror when she walked in.
“I think so… I don’t know. I’m gonna meet this guy I met on instagram.” She gave you a corncerned look, but you were definetely not gonna tell her the details, that’s extremely private, it’s rude to tell people about celebrities intimate life, even if it’s with you. He didn’t mention anything about keeping it secret, but it would do a lot of harm to freely go around saying that he likes having sex with fans. It would ruin his privacy completely. At least from your part, you can guarantee no one’s ever gonna find out.
True to your word, you sent him your location an hour before the time you arranged and he called you, yes. HE CALLED YOU at 9:30p.m. on the dot to tell you he was outside and it took you a second to process the call, so much that you couldn’t voice anything more than an “Okay”… that basically ruined your super confident text attitude, and this was over the phone, would you even be able to get inside his car? The nervousness really hit you like a truck the second you hung up the phone, and your roomate noticed, but she didn’t say anything.
After taking a few deep breaths and counting to ten trying to calm yourself down, you get your purse and walk down the hallway and the stairs of the dorms and by the time you get to the main door, your legs are shaking like crazy and your palms are a little sweaty, so you gotta calm down again and remind yourself that this man is just a regular human being and that nothing has to happen if you don’t want to. And just like with tequila shots, you stop thinking and just go for it.
As soon as you see the car, you walk confidently towards it, and as he rolls down the window you can see it really is him, but you don’t let his face tear your confidence down, so you slightly smile and get in the car, it’s an extremely fancy car and you’re sure you’ve never set foot in anything this luxurious, honestly there’s no doubt that the seat your ass is resting on right now could easily be worth your entire college tuition and student loans. Okay, maybe that is an exageration, but it sure looks expensive.
“Hey, nice to finally meet you in person… I’m Tom!” he smiles in a polite and friendly matter, and you can see there’s a hint of nervousness in his smile aswell and that eases you a little because it confirms that he’s just as normal as you are.
“I’m (Y/N), pleasure to meet you. Thank you for agreeing to do this. I know it’s super weird and all, and I was definetely not expecting this outcome when I sent that message last night, but I’m grateful regardless…” you’re rambling, but he doesn’t seem to mind, he looks amused even. When you finally stop talking he drives away and you fall into a slightly uncomfortable silence, until he turns the music on and you recognize the song so you start humming along, and he joins, but other than that, there’s not much talking on the way to the apartment he’s staying at temporarily right now.
The place looks expensive, but it’s also very simply decored, it does look a temporary thing, but it also looks like a place where a single chaotic youn man exploded, so there’s empty beer bottles here and there, clothes literally everywhere and dirty dishes in the sink… but it does smell like cologne, very manly aswell… being at his place sets a whole new level of anxiety, because this is just so intimate. You’re inside his little world, his safe space, and even if it’s just for a brief moment you’re just happy that he agreed to do this with you.
“Do you want anything to drink? I have wine, beer and a spare champagne bottle from the other night… or just water. Please make yourself comfortable, sorry about the mess, I really don’t like cleaning.”
“That’s alright… you should see my dorm during finals week, that’s a whole other level of messy, haha… and wine would be great, thanks.” You’re slowly calming down and trying no to overthink about what’s about to happen and forget about the reputation of the man you’re doing it with, because the fact that he’s famous doesn’t mean he’s less human and maybe glorifying him for his job is a little rude from you. So you sit down in the couch, right next to a thrown blue hoodie, hold on a second… this is the one from Spider-Man: Homecoming, the one with the emblem of the highschool, shit, this is a historical piece of clothing for the cinematic world and you’re sitting right next to it. Shit, there goes all the progress you had made in the last fifteen minutes.
When he comes back with two glasses of wine in one hand and the bottle in the other one, you help him put down the stuff safely because he looks so stressed carrying the things and it is a small funny moment, before he sits down right beside you and it becomes impossible to get your words to come out of your mouth. So he takes the lead.
“Listen, I don’t want you to think I’m some sort of predator, okay? I don’t know why I agreed to do this, but it was not to take advantage of you, so if at any point you feel uncomfortable and you don’t wanna do this anymore, you can just tell me and we’ll call this off, okay.” He puts his hand on you knee to reassure you and it does make you feel better, and you relax into your seat  and just nod a little before speaking.
“Thank you” And it comes out like you’re breathing out in relief, and that’s when he leans in to kiss you and you take a deep breath before corresponding and taking the last step to seal your lips together.
Your mind just goes blank and you forget what you were nervous about in the first place, kissing Tom is not that much different than kissing any other guy, except for the fact that his lips are softer than most guys’, but this one does have to take care of himself, it is literally part of his job and it should not be that surprising that a guy takes basic care for his appearance, but it is nice.
The kiss moves in a nice rythm and his hands start sliding from your knee to your waist and he pulls you closer to him and your hands find their courage and go to the back of his neck and so you’re also pulling him in, and all you want is to have him closer, as close as you can possibly have him, and when his hand moves down to your ass, you take that as the perfect moment to throw your leg over so you can straddle him and now both of Tom’s hands are on your ass and you grab onto his shoulders for leverage, and just because you need to breathe in properly, you let your lips disconnect and you see him beneath you.
His hand comes up to move your hair out of your face and you stare at each others eyes for a second and it doesn’t feel overwhelming anymore, so you smile at him for a brief moment, but being apart from his lips feels terrible right now so you lean back in and his hand is in your head and he’s pushing you closer to him, and your hands just slide down to his chest, you play with the chain he has on for a second and he smiles into the kiss, but then you move your attention to the buttons of his shirt and start undoing them.
You take your lips to his neck and he becomes super responsive, you find his sensitive spot quite quickly and he moves you closer to him so you feel his lenght rubbing against your core and it makes you go undo the buttons faster, before you know it he’s taking the shirt off and throwing it to the floor, when his hands are free, he takes advantage and lifts your blouse and you put your arms up to give him easy access. You’re glad you rush bought that set of nice underwear, because Tom’s eyes visibly fill with lust at the sight of the barely there lacy piece covering your breasts.
He touches your chest ever so lightly it gives you goosebumps, he traces a path to your breasts but he stops right before getting to them “Can I?” he whispers, looking straight into your eyes, and there’s something so sexy about him seeking your explicit consent, it makes your panties a little wetter, you nod lightly and he goes ahead, tracing the shape of your breasts with his fingers, like he wants to get familiar with them, he takes one of your nipples between his fingers and applies a little preasure on it, and then on the other one, he’s taking his sweet time before cupping them and pressing his lips in the space between them, and your hands respond to that by taking his hair and pulling lightly and he moans into your skin and it makes you shiver.
He keeps leaving wet kisses on your nipples and sucking on sensitive spots and you can swear it will leave marks, but who cares, you’re just over the moon with everything that’s happening and you just want more and more. He takes one hand to your ass again and he holds it tightly, using the other hand he slides to the edge of the couch and just like it’s nothing heavier than an empty box, he stands up, and you gasp because frankly you were not expecting it, he laughs a little and gives you a reassuring smile.
“I just thought we’ll be more comfortable in my room.”
“Okay, then.” You find it so odd that he’s so unbothered while carrying your full weight, like you’re not exactly the lightest woman in the world, but you won’t deny that being so close and personal to his biceps like this, it’s something you could get used to.
He takes you up the stairs, and along the corridor, once you reach the door, he turns the knob but decides to kick the door rather than opening it like a normal person, but you can’t complain because every moves looks hotter than the previous, and when he lays you down on his bed and stays hovering above you, you just can’t handle it and you kiss him again, your legs hug around his bum to bring him closer where you need him and he takes the hint, he pushes your skirt to your stomach and before he does anything else, his seeks your consent “Is this okay?” he asks, “Yes.” you say loud and clear and he rubs his fingers on your core, and it feels good, but your panties feel like a concrete wall, you just need to feel his fingers, his everything all over your body, so you arch your back and unzip the skirt and he pulls it down and throws it to a corner of the room.
He takes a second to look at you in just your underwear and you feel exposed, but he’s looking at you like you’re some sort of Goddess, he kicks his shoes off and goes to undo the button of his jeans, and it looks so slow and you need him now but you watch him and when he slides down the jeans and you can make out the shape of his member. You feel a little overwhelmed with the view in front of you, and you take a moment to take it all in. His face is crowned by (now) very messy curls, his eyes that used to be brown are practically pitch black by both the dim lighting and lust, there’s freckles all over his nose and cheeks, but they’re barely noticeable, his jawline is the most defined you’ve ever been near to, but even though there are a lot of strong features in his face, he looks almost childish and innocent… until you drop your eyes to his chest, that is.
Every single muscle in his chest has some sort of definition, he’s not as ripped as in the movies, but then again, he’s not super dehydrated and over exercised right now, and he still looks more muscular than any guy you know, his abs are defined, there’s a visible V marking the path from his hips to his member and it is stupidly making your mouth water. He has black Calvin Kleins still on, but that’s the last piece of clothing he has on, and the anticipation is killing you.
He takes you by the ankles an pulls you closer to the edge of the bed and he spreads your legs open and gives you a devilish smile before leaning back in to give you a quick yet intense kiss on the lips and he slides down to your neck and chest again, but he keeps making his way down your body towards your bellybutton and it gives you goosebumps everytime he gives you even a peck or a light touch, you’re shivering with every touch.
“Relax, love… if you want me to stop you can just say it, okay?” He says looking up at you and you nod, you breathe in to calm your nerves down, he waits for you, when you’re finally ready you nod at him again, he gives your waist a light squeeze, smiles at you and places a kiss to your stomach and keeps kissing you lower, until one of his hands goes to your thigh while the other teases the waistband of your panties, hooking one finger on it, he starts pulling it down painfully slowly, you lift your bum to make it easier for your panties to leave your body, once Tom strecthes them to throw them to some part of the room, you sit up to take off your bra and he looks intently at you while you do it, so you smile and lock your eyes to his just to make it more interesting, and you also take your sweet time unclasping the clips, and Tom starts to get impatient, you can see it in his smile, but you enjoy playing with him so even when you do unclasp both clips, you keep the piece on and he puts his hands on his hair in exasperation and you just laugh, enjoying this small moment of being the one in charge, but you give in and take the lacy bra off and throw it to him, he catches it and throws it to the side.
You’re completely naked in his bed and he’s taking the view in. “You’re very beautiful, you know?” he says and you feel the blush creep up to your cheeks, but you smile and thank him regardless, he smiles back and leans back down, he kisses one of your thighs and then the other one, before he does anything else he looks up at you, once again looking for any signs of hesitation “Are you sure you want this?” he asks from his position and when you nod, he dives in.
He presses a light kiss into your folds and you immediately feel electricity emmiting from your core. Needless to say it’s your first time recieving an oral, every sensation is new, you can’t even tell if he’s good at this or not, but for you, it feels like the best sensation in the world, his tongue dances over your clit and you just grasp the sheets for dear life and when he sucks on it you swear you could come right there, but you manage to hold it for a little longer and he keeps going, it doesn’t take long for him to introduce one finger inside, the moan you let out is just obscene and he seems to love it, because he moans too but the vibrations that it sent to your clit make you lose it and you come yelling his name like your life depends on it and he guides you through your first orgasm of the night with his mouth and finger still pumping in and out.
“You’re dripping wet, you know that?” He tells you once you’ve calmed down and have regained your ability to function like a human being, you smile at him, trying to speak, but that function has not come back yet. He kisses you in the mouth and you can taste yourself in his mouth, you start relaxing into the kiss, and he starts tracing gentle circles on the skin of your stomach and you turn your body so can be face to face and your leg happens to feel his dick, and it feels impossibly hard, so you try to relieve the pressure by stroking it with your hand, but when you get your hand down his waistband, Tom stops you “If you touch me now, I’ll be the biggest dissapointment of your life.”
“You forget that I’m a virgin… I have nothing to compare you to.”
“Still… I’ve got my pride.” he finishes as he gets up and rumbles in a drawer of his nightstand, he finds the condom and shows it to you. “Do you want to do this?”
You take a deep breath, there’s nothing you want more than do it right now, but it sure makes you nervous, still you give him verbal consent “Yes, I do.”
That’s all he needs, he stands up completely and takes his underwear off, it happens quite fast, but you do get to apreciate his dick in full exposure, not that you’d know, but it sure looks like it’s gonna be hard to fit that inside of you, and you panic a little and Tom notices and chuckles while he slides the condom on, “It’s gonna be alright, I’ll make sure of it.”
He crawls back to the bed and hovers above you, his hand go to your core again and he slowly introduces one finger into you and starts pumping in and out slowly, he stays looking in your eyes, watching your every reaction, you’re moaning slightly, when he notices that you’ve gotten used to the sensation, he adds another digit and the pressure feels uncomfortable, but he notices so he waits for you to get used to the feeling before he starts pumping it, you bite your lip as you enjoy his movements, moans coming out of your mouth to the rythm of his fingers, when he starts stretching you by doing scissor motions with his fingers, the feeling increases and it is a lot more intense so you hold onto his arm, he’s still looking at you, wanting to be sure that you’re okay and staying alert to see any signs of discomfort in you, but you like it so much.
He takes his fingers out and the emptiness is just overwhelming, but when you see that he’s trying to align himself to your entry, you relax and stress at the same time. This is real. It’s gonna happen. Actually it’s happening at this moment. He looks at you again and lifts his eyebrows in question, you nod lightly and you hold on to his forearm and his neck in preparation. He pushes slowly in, it hurts a little but it’s not that bad, Tom sees you wincing and stops, waiting for you to get used to the new feeling, when you do, he keeps pushing a little. The rythm goes like that until he’s fully in.
You can see he’s having a hard time trying not to hurt you, it’s clear that he just wants to go for it, but you’re grateful he’s containing himself while you get used to the feeling of being so full right now, when you’re ready, you nod at him and he pulls slightly out, waits for you, and pushes back in. The rythm is slow at first for you to get used to it. At first it feels like too much, but the more he thrusts into you, it starts being not enough.
His grunts and moans sound heavinly to your ears, and whenever you are brave enough to just open your eyes and see him, his face is just so beautiful, he has a frown in his face out of concentration and self control, you’re admiring him when he opens his eyes and they meet yours, it’s such an intimate moment, it makes you blush a little bit, you caress his cheek and hair, interlocking your fingers in his curly locks, he lets out a soft moan in pleasure.
The pace gets faster and stronger and you’re getting closer to your high with every thrust, he’s hitting a point inside of you that you didn’t even know existed and it’s a whole new level of pleasure, it’s even making you feel like the world is spinning, you grab onto his back and scratch as you try to keep it together, he moans loudly and stops and pulls out suddenly.
“Get on all fours for me, love.” he tells you and you comply, he pulls you closer to the edge of the bed so he can fuck you while standing up off the bed, you try to arch your back to give him better access, he slides in easier now, and the sensation changes completely, he’s hitting another point that feels even better in this angle, the pleasure doesn’t let you stay stable and your arms can’t keep you up, so you press your face to a pillow and you can’t stop moaning his name, your high creeping up from your stomach once again.
“T- Tom… I think I’m gonna…”
“Wait for me, darling, I’m right there with you.”
His thrusts become sloppy and arythmic, he goes faster, his grunts louder with each thrust, your names falls from his mouth a lot more now, and his is the only word you can say at this point. You come first with an incredibly loud moan of his name. The feeling of you reaching your orgasm around his dick is enough to send him over the edge too, your name being dropped with a loud grunt, he squeezes your breast and rests his head on your back when he comes down from his high, both of you panting. You stay like that for a moment, but then Tom pulls out and goes to the bathroom to dispose of the condom.
You lay in the bed completely naked, but you do feel more exposed now that the moment’s over, so you cover up with a pillow and think about what just happened, relishing on how good it was, you figure this was the best idea you’ve had in a while, even if the most ridiculous but it worked out pretty well.
Tom comes back soon after and hands you a water bottle (because he apparently just keeps water bottles in his bathroom), you thank him and he lays in the bed with you. “How was that?” he asks you in some worried matter, like his whole career depended on your answer, you look at him and smile at him like he’s crazy, you had two orgasms, isn’t that enough proof that you liked it? when the anxiety becomes aparent in his face, you give him the verbal confirmation. “Of course I did, wasn’t it obvious?” you say while trying to hide your face, he takes your arms to stop you from doing so.
“Y/N! Don’t hide! It was actually really good for me too, and I’m happy you had a good first time, it’s cool.”
You smile at him bigger now, getting more comfortable now, and he leans to leave a kiss on your forehead, and you lay there just chilling for a while. Checking the clock in Tom’s bedside table you realize it’s almost 2 in the morning, you haven’t talked about this, but you think it’s not a good idea to stay the night, maybe he has things to do tomorrow, and you do have a class at 9, so you start to get up to recolect your clothes.
“Where are you going?” Tom asks in a whiny tone, he was right about to fall asleep before you got up.
“I think it’s time for me to leave, it’s quite late and I’ve got class tomorrow.” you reply with a slightly sad tone, just for the drama.
“You don’t have to go. There’s no way I’m letting you take an uber and I’m too lazy to get up and drive you… so stay, I promise I’ll take you to your front door tomorrow morning, alright?” also, he gives you mad puppy eyes to convince you, but you still move around the room trying to find your underwear, just to not be naked anymore.
“Okay, just let me put some clothes back on, cause this is weird.”
“Can you throw me my underwear, please?”
“Yeah, just let me try and find them.” You throw them at him once you find them among the mess and they land straight in his face, you just gotta laugh at it and he just rolls his eyes at you and puts the thing on jokingly bitching about you being rude to him and you just laugh at him while you walk back to the bed.
At some point, Tom goes to retrieve your clothes and the wine from the living room while you just scroll through your phone absent mindedly, you half read the tweets and just ignore the instagram posts you see until he gets back and gives you your barely touched glass of wine and lays back down next to you.
You stay there for a while just talking and drinking, actually getting to know each other, you tell him about your major in college, how hard it gets sometimes, and you even tell him about why you had never had sex before. He tells you about his work, his family, the things he wants to do next… he does tell you a little tiny spoiler of the future of Marvel, which you had to swear you wouldn’t reveal to anyone ever and it would be a secret you take to your graveyard. It’s a nice pillow talk, you’re laying in the bed, facing each other, his hand is lazily resting on your waist, yours playing with the chain on his neck. This is likely even more intimate than the sex itself, and it’s nice.
When you do finally fall asleep, is in that position. Wine bottle completely empty in the floor, clothes laying around, only sound in the room being the light snores of Tom and heavy sleep breathing. You’re extremely comfortable and relaxed, long forgotten how nervous you were before this happened. You could get used to this.
Your slumber is ruined when the alarm goes off at half 7 in the morning, you feel tired, but you get your clothes back on anyway, Tom takes a little longer to fully wake up, but he keeps his promise and throws a pair of sweatpants and a white shirt, he also throws a hat on just to not deal with his morning/sex hair, for the same reason, you also just put your hair in a messy bun.
He actually parks the car and walks you back to your dorm, it’s quite early, but there is some people around the hallways anyways and it makes you a bit anxious thinking you might get him in trouble if he does get recognized, but he seems relaxed and unbothered about it anyway.
“I had a lot of fun. It was really nice to get to know you… call me up if you ever want to do this again, okay?” he tells you with his hands stuck in his pockets, it makes you smile how cute he looks.
“Thank you, Tom. I really enjoyed it… thanks for not being weird about this whole thing.”
“That’s alright. Okay, take care and don’t be a stranger, okay?”
“Okay.” He gives you a last kiss on the cheek before you get inside your dorm to get ready for class, and he goes back home, and that is it.
Months go by without you ever talking to or about Tom, you just assumed that was the end of everything you lived with him and it is a lovely and super hot thing to remember, but there's nothing more to it.
Your phone goes off in the middle of the night. You were studying, so you weren't talking to anyone. As you check the notification, you freeze just like you did the first time you saw his name on your screen.
"Hey! I'm in your town! What are you up to?"
Tagging some people to avoid the flop:
@caeruleum-in-caritate-lupus, @softstarkk, @peterparkerbabyy, @dottirose, @legit-fandom-trash, @carostar2020, @appreciating-chase-brody, @mvmakki @madmadmilk @hollandrecs @starksparker @sunshinehollandd
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Hi! How are you? I see you're delving into mriad, I think I tried to give it a shot once but then I saw comments where people really didn't like it because of the female lead and so I didn't bother. By your posts I'm... thinking... I made... the right call?
Sorry you're thinking of having to close your askbox because of the prompts, but just remember it's only a hobby, you're not bound by it, it's okay if it takes you a lot time or if you decide to just leave it for a while or just leave it. Should be fun and not stressful.
Is school going well? It's pretty cool that you're doing forensics. I could never, I am not good at math or science but I'm very admiring of you for sticking with it. But it is kind of funny because I'm taking a court services course now, I guess we have something in common of wanting to work in the law/court system! Although you more on the police end, I'm guessing? I'm not sure what exactly it entails but I'm sure you'll be great at it! :)
Rose! Hello!
Yes, I am diving into the world of MRIAD and I'm enjoying it so far, I really like Lu Yao and Qiao Chusheng but I cannot stand Bai Youning. Apparently everyone is telling me that she was an after thought and added as a love interest so really, if we wanted to, we could just ignore her existence all together, which is what I'm planning on doing (and it seems that the fandom basically ignores her too, so that's nice). Killer and Healer really blessed us with Chu Ran and Zhong Yiren and I'm grateful everyday that we got those two amazing women, especially now when watching the trainwreck that is Bai Youning.
About the askbox thing, I don't really wanna close it but I'm also tired of making like the same posts over and over again. And every time I make the post, I always feel like I'm complaining, you know? Like, I'm sure people when they read it are like you should be grateful that you're getting writing prompts and I am! I really am grateful that people are coming to me and asking me for prompts, it's all I've ever wanted since I've joined tumblr. I've always wanted to be known as a famous tumblr fandom writer and I think I'm achieving that now and I don't want to seem ungrateful because I'm not. I'm just afraid of getting overwhelmed, especially with grad school and everything. And I know it's just a hobby, I know it is, but to me sometimes I consider it work and I know that's a bad habit to have because once you turn something fun into work, it's not fun anymore. Also, my brain likes to keep setting this ridiculous goal of like...finishing 59 prompts by the end of the year and I'm just like...buddy, that's not fucking happening. It's not, especially with the amount of words I crank out for certain fics/fandoms. So yeah, hopefully won't have to close my askbox cuz I don't wanna do that, but I know a lot of my writer friends do close their asks whenever they get too many prompts or whatever so...we'll see. Probably won't close my ask but if it gets to be too much, I might. Idk. We'll see. I always say I'm going to do stuff like this but I never do
So far, school is going really well. It's interesting and I'm really enjoying my night class. It's a criminal profiling class and we're basically learning how to profile not just people but scenes as well and we're learning how to profile by studying serial murderers and rapists. It's a lot of fun (in my opinion). I'm really happy I chose forensics (trust me, no scientist likes math, none of us). Yeah, I do want to work probably more on the police end because I just don't understand the law the way lawyers do, but I do understand crime/death scenes.
Thanks for checking in! Really means a lot!
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shijiujun · 4 years
thirst follow au for chuyao? (i dunno if you still take prompt requests for chuyao but i just discovered the prompt list you posted and if you do still take prompts i'd love read your version for chuyao of this!!)
new celebrity lu yao + ceo of the company lu yao is signed under qiao chusheng
The first thing that Lu Yao does once he’s alone these days is open his Weibo app and scroll to a particular account to look for updates. It doesn’t matter if he’s just started break after his filming sequence, or when he gets home after a day of long activities, before he does anything, Lu Yao is on his phone and checking through @/乔楚生mmc.
“Yao Yao, are you checking through Qiao-zong’s Weibo again?” his manager sighs as she enters the waiting room that has been allocated to Lu Yao for the duration of this period drama shoot.
“... Jie,” Lu Yao grins suddenly, showing her his phone, “Look at him at the ELLE Fashion event, he’s not wearing an inside shirt! It’s just a blazer over, I saw his fans yelling about this earlier but I didn’t have time to check, he just-”
Man Man-jie, his manager, tries not to be exasperated with him, but it has honestly been two months since Lu Yao discovered Qiao Chusheng, the CEO of Qing Long Ying Shi, the largest entertainment and media company in the country, after he visited one of Lu Yao’s shoots. 
Not for Lu Yao of course, but for the world-renowned director that Lu Yao and every other crew and cast member in this production is working with - suffice to say, Lu Yao laid eyes on their company’s CEO for the first time since he signed on a year ago, and he hasn’t been able to keep away from him since. 
It makes him wonder why Qiao Chusheng did not become a star himself, but Man Man said that the man has always had a knack for business development, and the company has only grown stronger after Boss Bai, the man who founded it and who is also Qiao Chusheng’s adoptive father, relinquished the position to him.
“How did you not know Qiao Chusheng is the CEO of this company?! Your paychecks are getting signed by him!”
“Aiya.... Jie, it’s not like I come across him at all... And I thought our CEO was some old man...”
Lu Yao immediately followed Qiao-zong on all his social media accounts because the man is certified exceptional in looks and body. He won’t admit it, but the best thing he likes about Qiao Chusheng aside from his arms, his muscles, his chiseled jaw, those sharp eyes, that hot body, is definitely the man’s smile.
It’s too embarrassing to say though, so Lu Yao stalks him online instead, on his private account that no one knows about. And because it’s a private and almost empty account, Lu Yao dares to leave emoji responses and some comments from time to time.
Today, Lu Yao replied Qiao Chusheng’s post with five thumbs-ups and five fire emojis. On second thought, he adds:
“哥哥帅爆了! 哥哥看我一下~”*
Man Man looks over his shoulder to glance at the comment and rolls her eyes so hard that she almost pulls something in her neck. 
“You know, one of these days, if anyone finds out, you’re dead,” she shakes her head. “When that time comes, you’re on your own. Don’t expect me to clean up on your behalf. Also, Qiao-zong is only a year older than you are, and you’re calling him gege?”
“Hey!” Lu Yao exclaims, indignant, “I have to present myself as one of his young girl fans right? If anyone ever finds out about my account, i can at least roll my eyes and ask if I would ever sound this disgusting, and then people will think twice.”
“Okay, if not that, then could you please change your Weibo name? You’re embarrassing me!”
Lu Yao frowns, confused. He thinks @/三土葱油饼 is a great handle for a social media account.
The best thing is, Qiao-zong has been oddly responsive to social media post comments recently, and he banters hilariously with fans when he has the time. Lu Yao hasn’t gotten that privilege yet, but Qiao-zong seems to be liking a lot of his fans’ posts as well, at least for those who post in the first hour of his new post, and those get likes.
Recently, it has also been Lu Yao’s personal mission to leave a comment and get a like by his Qiao-zong.
“Yao Yao, you’re so stupid, you know that? Not every single fangirl has the opportunity that you do. You literally have an excuse to go see him, you actually have access to him, his office floor? Company events? What game are you playing, stalking him on Weibo?”
Lu Yao tunes her out a little. It’s pretty fun to him, to be able to openly appreciate all these hot and amazing photos of Qiao-zong. Here, he can stare to his heart’s content, and he doesn’t have to hold back when he makes his comments. If he met Qiao Chusheng in person...
Well, of course he wants that too, but would he be more disappointed if Qiao Chusheng barely looks at him, or ignores him? Lu Yao isn’t a small artiste by any measure, and he did win the newcomer award two years ago, but there are so many experienced and legendary colleagues in his company too. 
It is, after all, the country’s media and entertainment industry behemoth, and Lu Yao doesn’t have a complex - he knows what he’s worth right now, and it ain’t a whole damn lot.
When he comes out of the shower two hours later at home, he sees a notification on Weibo, and it says that @/乔楚生mmc has liked his comment! 
His day made, Lu Yao flops back onto his bed and conks out for the next 24 hours.
Lu Yao can only thank his lucky stars because someone up there must really be looking out for him. If not, how can anyone explain Qiao Chusheng turning up at his shoot so frequently the week after?
Before this, Lu Yao had literally never seen the man even once aside from that very first meeting that began this whole thirst journey for him, and this week, Qiao-zong has visited every single day.
Of course, it’s not like he’s here for Lu Yao. According to some of his cast mates, Qiao Chusheng’s younger sister Bai Youning wrote the script for the last stage of their filming before the production wraps up, and asked her brother to stay on set to watch every scene being filmed.
The scriptwriter is usually on set for the parts she writes, but this particular segment of filming happened to clash with her honeymoon period with her new husband, but did that stop her from being involved? Not at all, and so busy Qiao Chusheng has to sit his ass down, note down what’s happening, and report back to his adopted sister at the end of each day.
Sadly, this segment will only take five days or less to complete, which means Lu Yao won’t be able to stare at Qiao-zong for much longer.
When will he shine brightly enough to catch Qiao-zong’s attention?
At the thought, Lu Yao slaps his own cheeks.
He only thinks of Qiao Chusheng as eye candy. He’s after a visual feast whenever he logs onto Weibo to catch the man’s updates. Qiao Chusheng is a pillar of strength for him mentally.
Lu Yao has no other untoward fantasy or goals when it comes to Qiao Chusheng.
None at all.
Somehow, Lu Yao ends up all drunk and boneless in Qiao-zong’s laps at the end of the week. As they expected, filming wrapped up officially earlier in the evening after Lu Yao filmed his very last scene, and since the CEO was present, there was no reason not to treat everyone on the production to a good meal.
Man Man temporarily left ten minutes ago to take on a call for another possible role for Lu Yao, and the room was cleared when Qiao Chusheng offered to book three huge karaoke rooms upstairs for the crew and cast to continue their party at after their dinner.
Lu Yao has had a bit too much to drink, and Man Man isn’t around to direct him elsewhere, so when the room has emptied, he is still seated, staring at his empty glass of wine. 
Suddenly, he thinks of something, and immediately pats at his pockets for his phone. 
“... Lu-xiansheng,” a voice sounds, “You’re not going to join them upstairs?”
“Mmm,” Lu Yao nods, trying to focus on his phone screen. “Going home.”
A nice-sounding chuckle echoes through the room then, “Can you get home like this?”
“I’m going on Weibo. Man-jie will send me home,” Lu Yao responds, almost sulking a little as he tries to find his favourite Weibo account.
There’s a bit of silence after that, and before Lu Yao can even scroll through today’s updates, a hand closes over the screen.
“You’re drunk, Lu Yao,” the same person says again. “You really shouldn’t be on Weibo. What if you post something by accident?”
Lu Yao pauses, and then he shakes his head, “I’m not posting anything.”
He turns and shows his ‘friend’ his phone screen, “See? It’s a private account, and... and... and I’m just... going to check on my favourite account.”
“Even then,” the man says again, exceedingly gentle and patient, “You should only look at Weibo when you’re sober.”
“No!” Lu Yao protests. “I have to check. I check this account everyday. See? See?”
There’s a long, long moment of silence as Lu Yao scrolls his way down the account, detailing which are his favourite photos. The man lets him go on, and because he’s cold, Lu Yao inches even closer to him.
The last thing he remembers is his new friend taking his phone from him.
It’s painfully bright when he wakes up, the light triggering a headache even before he opens his eyes. When he does, however, Lu Yao has to take a long, long moment to figure out just where the fuck he is. 
He’s trying to massage the headache away with his fingers, seated up in bed but having zero energy to get out of it just yet, so when Qiao Chusheng walks through the door with a smile, Lu Yao just stares.
“You’re awake. Great, I got you some fried buns for breakfast, you okay with that? Man Man didn’t say you were on any sort of diet,” the man says casually, as if they are friends.
Lu Yao looks down at himself, and nearly jolts when he realizes he’s in nothing else but a bathrobe.
Before he can panic, Qiao Chusheng adds, “I thought you looked a little uncomfortable sleeping in your jeans and shirt yesterday.”
“I’m sorry,” Lu Yao rasps, trying to wrap his head around why Qiao Chusheng is here, why they’re in a hotel room, and why the fuck the man is even speaking to him in the first place-
He must have inconvenienced the man last night while he was drunk, and instead of throwing him to Man Man, Qiao Chusheng decided to take care of him instead. Maybe Qiao Chusheng could have left him on the streets or something, but he is after all an artist under his company, and if anything strange happened because Lu Yao was drunk, it would be bad for the reputation and image of the company if word got out.
Yes, that’s the only explanation for this.
“I’m sorry for the trouble, Qiao-zong,” Lu Yao says, inching his way out of bed. 
“No trouble at all,” Qiao Chusheng replies. “Come and sit, have some breakfast before you go. I called Man Man, she should be here in a bit to pick you up.”
With that said, it isn’t good for Lu Yao to reject him and just run off no matter how much he wants to right now. He sits down opposite the man at the table, and then picks up the buns.
After he’s literally swallowed three whole buns, Qiao Chusheng comments idly, “I thought it was random when you chose your Weibo account handle, but it seems that you really like cong you bings?”
“Mnn,” Lu Yao nods, wolfing the buns down because he’s hungry as hell, and so he doesn’t’ really register the first part of the man’s sentence, not until he’s on the last bite of his bun.
And then he chokes.
“How did you-?!”
At that, Qiao Chusheng raises an eyebrow, “You showed me your phone yesterday, and introduced to me your favourite account.”
Lu Yao blanches, because he knows which account that is, and then Qiao Chusheng continues, amused, “You were telling me how nice his smile looks. How pretty his eyes are. How strong his arms probably are hidden under that suit. And that you guessed right, he actually does have six-pack-”
“Please stop,” Lu Yao croaks, mortified. “I...”
The man takes pity on him and stops as requested. Lu Yao is frozen in his seat, like a deer caught in headlights, wondering what he should say next.
Qiao Chusheng nods, “Would you like to have lunch with me later?”
“Are you firing me?”
“It’s just lunch,” he answers. “I’m technically your boss, so I understand if you’re uncomfortable with the idea but... we could do lunch, and see how it goes from there.”
And then Qiao Chusheng looks away a little, “And.. I may have been visiting the set not to supervise the interpretation of Youning’s script.”
Once again, it takes him a few solid seconds to connect the dots, and when it does, Lu Yao flushes completely red.
“... we could do lunch,” Lu Yao agrees finally. “But I have to go home and change first.”
When he looks up again, it’s that smile he sees.
Weeks later, Chusheng makes Lu Yao repeat every single message he’s left on his posts, all the embarrassing ones, refusing to move if he doesn’t. Lu Yao’s hands balls into fists in the sheets, and says no.
He left a lot of messages! How is he supposed to remember every single one of them?!
Chusheng makes a a convincing argument though, towering over him and not giving into Lu Yao’s requests to fuck him properly until Lu Yao says them. It ends with Lu Yao trying to concentrate enough to speak, word after word.
He’s going to unfollow his boyfriend on Weibo after this!
1. Qiao Chusheng’s Weibo account name is @/乔楚生mmc = Qiao Chusheng MMC, and this is taken directly from Zhang Yunlong’s own Weibo handle, which is 张云龙mmc. MMC, as I recently found out from Hanyi, stands for mao mao chong = caterpillar/worm? HAHAHAHA
2. Lu Yao’s handle is @/三土葱油饼 = San Tu Cong You BIng, which is a combination of the name San Tu and his favourite fried buns HAHAHA that’s how QCS was inspired to buy fried buns for Lu Yao the morning after
3. The comment that Lu Yao left in Chinese above is: “哥哥帅爆了! 哥哥看我一下~” = Gege you’re handsome af, take a look at me please! Something like that, he was definitely kind of joking when he posted that, but you can imagine Lu Yao being a little troublemaker by posting those comments and once QCS realized it was him, it was payback time? Of course, QCS likes to hear his baobei Lu Yao say anything <3
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andotherbiases · 4 years
deleted scene(s) from “Into the Fall”, vers. 3
I forgot to mention that Into the Fall is rated E so these scenes do contain mature language/situations. 
And now onto another version of a scene that was deleted. This one features a lot of Juri and the fairytale aspect is a little different in this one, but I hope you enjoy. 
note: anything in italics is from the published version.
deleted scene, vers. 1 deleted scene, vers. 2
Version 3: Friendship & Fairytales
“So what, are you and Kang-tae back together again?”
Moon-young nearly chokes on her drink. “What?” she wheezes.
It’s Sunday, and the cafe where they’re having brunch is loud and busy. They’re sitting on the patio, being warmed by a summer breeze, and Moon-young thinks she might need to order another bubbly drink to have this conversation.
“It’s a valid question,” Juri declares as she twirls pasta around her fork.
“Why would Kang-tae and I be back together?”
Juri levels a look at her. “Are you seriously going to try to deny this?”
Moon-young just blinks at her.
Groaning, Juri sets her fork down and begins to count fingers. “First, you spend all your free time with him. Second, you go to him when you’re sad. When you’re happy. When you’re bored, even. Third, you depend on him for a lot more than manuscript edits and orgasms.”
“It’s not like that. It’s casual. We’re friends,” Moon-young stresses.
“No, we’re friends,” Juri retorts. “But you and Kang-tae? Whatever you are, it certainly isn’t friends. Co-workers to friends to lovers to ex's to friends-with-benefits to...what?”
“It’s complicated. There’s history there.”
“You always say that. That it's complicated between you two,” Juri says. “I’ve never quite understood it, because it seems like you could easily uncomplicate things. You don’t want to be with him? Then stop hanging around him. If you want to be with him, then just be with him.”
“It’s not that simple.”
“Yes, actually, it is,” Juri counters.
“No, it’s not,” Moon-young counters. “Have you forgotten that we’ve already tried to be a couple? That we already gave it a shot. And where did that lead us? We were miserable when we were together.”
“But will this be enough for you? Enough for him?” Juri presses. “This non-relationship?” 
“Maybe this is just the best we can do.” 
Juri sighs before reaching for her glass. “You know, for two people who are so clearly in love with one another, you two really are the biggest idiots.” 
Moon-young’s fork hits the ground. 
“You know it won’t be enough, right?” Juri  says finally. “That one day he’ll want more. And that the reason why he’s even putting up with this stupid non-relationship is because he’s in love with you.”
“And although you call me your best friend, even I know that title belongs to Moon Kang-tae. But don’t worry, I’ve gotten over it, thanks for asking.”  
Moon-young’s head is spinning, and it has nothing to do with the alcohol she’s consumed.
So it isn’t entirely a surprise when Moon-young ends up on Kang-tae’s doorstep. He lets her in without a word, almost as if he had been expecting her.  
They’re sitting at the kitchen counter, cups of cooling tea before them. They’re just sitting, sometimes exchanging words but mostly just sitting in the moment, sharing the space together. Silence stretches on between them, but it isn’t empty nor is it burdensome. It occurs to Moon-young that he is the only person that she feels comfortable enough with to not have to say anything at all. 
Kang-tae is sitting by her side, nursing his mug and waiting to listen to anything that she might say. His usual suits and coiffed hair are replaced with casual t-shirts and a pair of thick glasses. On the table next to them are notes from some manuscript, the red scrawls from his pen bleed across the page. 
“I’m sorry for interrupting. You were working,” she says, only just piecing together that he might have been busy when she arrived at his door. 
He waves her off. “It’s not important.”
They lapse into silence once more. 
A single thought runs through her mind.
Does he love me does he love me does he love me?
“Moon-young,” Kang-tae says finally, reaching for her hand. And the way that he’s looking at her, all his affection and all his love for her reflecting in his eyes, and she doesn’t need an answer.
She snatches her hand back. 
“I have to go,” she says abruptly, standing from her seat.  
“Don’t do this,” he tells her, trying to hold onto her. “Moon-young!”
“This was just supposed to be sex,” she cries. “You weren’t supposed to fall in love with me!”
“I’ve always been in love with you!” he responds.
“I can’t help it,” he holds her by the shoulders, hoping against hope that she’ll stay. “I’ve always loved you.”
She feels the world tilt on its axis and it steals her breath. “I have to go.” 
And she runs, right out of that kitchen, right out of his apartment, and down the block until he’s no longer calling her name, no longer trying to follow her. 
One week passes. 
Then another. 
And Moon-young thinks of Kang-tae every day. 
“What did you do now?” Juri says by way of greeting when Moon-young enters the apartment.  
“I think, something very bad.” 
The smirk falls off Juri’s face. “What happened? Are you okay?”
Moon-young’s face crumples. “No.”
She proceeds to tell Juri everything. About that night at Kang-tae’s apartment. How she had run away. The way he had looked so devastated. Moon-young talks about the regret, the overwhelming guilt, and most of all, the sudden understanding of what she was about. 
She did care about him. 
No, it was more than that. 
Moon-young loved him.
Had always loved him. Was still in love with him. 
And she missed him so much. 
Juri’s advice?
“Grovel,” she states, nodding her head while taking a slice of pizza from the box. “Grovel, beg, apologize.”
Moon-young blinks at her. “That’s it? That’s your advice?”
Juri pauses mid-bite. “And hope like hell that it works.”
“That’s shit advice.”
“It’s solid advice,” Juri counters. “You want some advice? Fine. You and Kang-tae are the biggest idiots I have ever met. It is so obvious that you want to be together, but for some reason, you two keep creating obstacles for yourselves. And then both of you throw tantrums at the first sign of trouble.”
Moon-young opens her mouth, but Juri cuts her off.
“You are so scared that you’ll be too much for him. That one day he’ll find that he can’t deal with you anymore, so you hold him at arm’s reach. You keep him at a distance. You want things to be easy and fun, and take a sign of trouble as a reason to give up before you get hurt. If you want something real with Kang-tae, something that lasts, then you have to have faith that he’ll stay by your side. That he won’t abandon you.”
Her words pierce Moon-young straight through the heart.
“And,” Juri continues, “you have to fight for him.”
“Fight for him?”
She nods. “Yes, fight for him. At this point you’ve broken his heart now not just once, but twice. He needs to know how you feel.”
“How do I do that?”
“I don’t know, you’re the creative one! Write him a poem or something.” 
Now it is Moon-young’s turn to make a face. “I am not going to write some shitty love poem.”
Juri just rolls her eyes. “Fine, write him a freaking book for all I care. But if he is worth it to you, then you have to do something. He has to know that you’ll fight for him. That you’re willing to put in the effort for a fresh start.”
Moon-young doesn’t say anything else, but nods as she considers Juri’s advice. She picks up a pizza slice.
“You two are really annoying, you know that, right?” Juri grumbles between bites. “I swear I think you do this just for the drama of it all.” 
“What if it doesn’t work?”
A pause. A short smile, a small shrug. 
“Well then at least you know you tried.”
Moon-young spends the next few days writing a new story.  
Of a princess with a heart one size too small. And how she kept everyone in the world at a distance, because she was scared that her small heart wouldn’t be able to bear it if anyone got too close. And of a boy, who respected her boundaries and still chose to walk next to her. Over time, the distance between them on these walks grew smaller and smaller, until they were almost touching. But that scared the princess because the closer the boy got to her the faster her too-small heart would beat. The princess would worry that he would hear the rapid flutter of her small heart, and he would know that she was different. And then he wouldn’t walk with her anymore. So she had him kicked out of the kingdom to prevent him from discovering the truth about her. Only the princess realized that she missed the boy. With no one by her side, she was incredibly lonely. She realized that she had made a grave mistake because she had gotten used to her small heart beating in double time whenever he was around. Without him, it felt like her heart was beating too slowly. Everyday the princess waited for the boy to return to her and bring with him the other beat of her heart. And when he did not return, she wondered if she was too late. So she wrote a letter that the boy might hear from her directly, disguised it as a bird song, and sent it off to find him. Then the princess waited for the boy’s response.
It is a fairytale. 
For an audience of one.
It will never be sent to her publisher. Never be sold in any bookstore.
Still, it is the most important book she’s ever written.
She mails the fairytale off and waits. 
The next day, Moon-young receives a call from the agency with some big news. First, Moon Kang-tae is no longer her agent. Effective immediately. Second, she would now be represented by a Lee Sang-in.
“Excuse me,” she interrupts, “could you tell me why the change? What happened to Kang-tae?”
“Oh, right,” the voice on the line hums. “I forgot to mention that.”
“Unfortunately, Moon Kang-tae requested for the contract to be terminated.”
When Juri arrives at Moon-young’s apartment, she comes bearing gifts. Gifts by way of bright green soju bottles. 
“Screw Moon Kang-tae,” Juri slurs.
“Fuck him,” Moon-young agrees. 
Later, Juri holds Moon-young’s hair back when she gets sick and wipes her tears when she can’t hold them in anymore.
[MY to visit KT’s office the next day]
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alengmelenya · 4 years
'Please Tell Me Why'
X1 appeared as guests on Ha Sung Woon’s radio show “Midnight Idol” on September 19, and they had the chance to talk about their favorite things about each other!
A fan sent in a question during the show to ask the guys which members they’d be a fan of if they were a One It themselves. Kang Min Hee said, “To be honest, ever since ‘Produce X 101,’ I’ve really respected Han Seung Woo and Cho Seung Youn. They were so cool when they were performing. Even though we were in a competition, and of course everyone was cool, I really always thought they were so cool.”
Han Seung Woo chose Cho Seung Youn. He explained, “There’s something about him that’s very sweet, and he’s good at saying sweet things. Also, he’s really fun.”
When Cho Seung Youn was asked who he’d choose, he named Ha Sung Woon, surprising the host. “He has a sweet voice and also a really cool manner on stage,” said Cho Seung Youn. Ha Sung Woon laughed and said, “I don’t have any money. Why are you saying this?” The two idols had mentioned earlier in the show that they attended the same school and had debuted around the same time, making them seem like colleagues.
Since Ha Sung Woon was named, it was his turn to pick someone. He hesitated before first saying there were too many of them so he wouldn’t choose, but eventually deciding that he’d be a fan of the whole group. He then encouraged Cho Seung Youn to pick a fellow member, and he decided on Nam Do Hyon. “I like cool things as well but I’m really weak towards cute things,” admitted Cho Seung Youn.
Nam Do Hyon picked Lee Eun Sang for his good looks, cuteness, good personality, and talents. Lee Eun Sang chose Han Seung Woo and Son Dong Pyo, describing how he’s always liked the way that Han Seung Woo’s eyes look when he’s performing and saying that he’s drawn to Son Dong Pyo because of his many talents.
On Son Dong Pyo’s turn, he admitted, “During ‘Produce X 101,’ I thought everyone was so cool and had their own charming qualities, but now that I’ve been with them and we’re living together — I get this question at fan signing events too. But I don’t know who I should choose. Since we live together I feel like my fan feelings have gone away, so I just usually choose myself.”
Song Hyeong Jun was up next, and he chose Cho Seung Youn and Han Seung Woo, explaining that he likes people who are charismatic and sexy on stage. Cha Jun Ho said that his choice changes every day, but that day he would choose Cho Seung Youn. He described how Cho Seung Youn has a certain energy about him, and that while part of it is natural, he also knows that Cho Seung Youn works hard at it to make the atmosphere better. Cho Seung Youn laughed and joked, “Ah, you’re finally recognizing how I’m trying hard!” before thanking him.
Kim Yo Han also chose Cho Seung Youn and Han Seung Woo, talking about how sexy they are on stage. He added that since they’d been named a lot, he’d also choose Lee Eun Sang, and he said that he likes his soft voice. “He’s also really cute,” said Kim Yo Han.
Lee Han Gyul named Han Seung Woo. “It’s because he’s cool but he’s even cute too,” he explained. Lastly, Kim Woo Seok chose Nam Do Hyon. “When he’s rapping on stage, I think he seems really cool because of his tone,” he said.
X1 made their debut on August 27 with “Flash” and has won 11 music show trophies for the track so far. - Soompi
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isabeladraws · 4 years
Your last asks have made me curious, and I wanted to ask you... What are your main fandoms? Like, in terms of tv shows and books, if you are into them.
guys follow me on @rosyumie​ you’ll get to know everything i’m interested in atm! 
i’m not very active in fandoms i’d say, i watch things and sometimes make threads on twitter on my thoughts and that’s that haha more under the cut! it’s a long list
shows i love: 
reply 1988 - i will die for this show. please watch this. it’s absolutely amazing. everytime i watch this i come out of it with new perspectives on life and family and always cry. i love it so much. must rewatch every year 
parks and recreation - i’m on my 893929394th rewatch of this show. absolute fave
the crown - i love royals. i love claire foy. i love this show 
the marvelous mrs maisel
this is us 
how to get away with murder 
big little lies
titans - omg i miss DICK GRAYSON
the good place
killing eve
skam france / a bit of the italian remake / a bif of the wtfock remake
game of thrones
brooklyn 99
the umbrella academy
the witcher - i need to rewatch this I LOVE this show
his dark materials
queer eye
i’m not the biggest movie/book fan anymore, especially movies. i much prefer to watch a tv show and get to know characters through a long period of time than have a 2 hour movie and then it’s done. 
but, books i love:
the night circus - favorite book of all time, i need to reread it.
harry potter
shadow and bone - i started this and then never picked up the second book but i really want to! 
the hunger games series
i have read more but i don’t love them now as an adult like i did when i was a teenager. 
movies i love: 
from up on poppy hill - yes i’m a basic bitch this is my favorite ghibli movie. don’t @ me 
get out - i watched this movie and it has never left my mind since. 
knives out
the shape of water
the hunger games series
the dark knight rises
emma - recent watch, i loved it!
rise of the guardians
the cardcaptor sakura movies - this is very random but i love sakura so much, she’s my absolute favorite ever my baby girl. i loved these movies as a child
harry potter HOWEVER. i feel like i get mad watching them now because it misses so many details and moments between characters that it just pisses me off. also? what HAPPENED in that writing room to make ginny like that? appalling. no offense to bonnie but my girl deserved much better
you know... i’m a k- 🤢 kpop 🤢 fan so i watch a lot of k-shows
my faves are:
NEW JOURNEY TO THE WEST - I LOVE THIS SHOOW SO MUCH EVERYONE PLEASE WATCH IT’S SO FUNNY!!!! i get on another level with this show. it feeds my soul. my crops thrive, my skin glows. it’s amazing. go watch it i am begging. thank me later! 
heart signal - oh my god if you like those trashy romance shows this is for you. filmed super high quality, most likely very scripted but i eat it up! season 3 just started and i’m living! 
love catcher - similar to heart signal but you choose to be in the game for either money or love. the contestants need to figure out if the person they like is either money or love because in the end, if a money pairs up with a love, the money person gets 50,000$. 
handsome tigers - i believe this just recently ended. i loved it so much! i didn’t expect to like watching basketball but it was so much fun. 
knowing bros - i don’t watch this often at all anymore but, if there’s a guest i enjoy, i’ll usually watch it. 
youn’s kitchen 2 - if you like more a chill out, long episodes type of show, this is amazing for that. it’s so relaxing, so fun to watch. it’s about an old korean actress that opens a restaurant in spain with other 3 actors. they serve korean food. it’s very wholesome. i just rewatched it recently, i absolutely love it. the first season i can’t seem to find subbed so :(
kang’s kitchen - it’s made by the same producer that does youn’s kitchen and it brings the cast of new journey to the west to open a pop-up restaurant. opposite of relaxing but it’s so funny. if you need a laugh give this a go cause it’s hillarious! there’s 3 seasons now of this cast, so the order i’d recommend is njttw 1, 2, 3, 4, kangs kitchen 1, njttw 5, 6, 7, kang’s kitchen 2/3 
favorite k-dramas: 
strong woman do bong soon
w: two worlds
reply 1988 (obviously)
age of youth 1 & 2 - please watch this oh my god. it’s about a group of girls and their lives and it talks about so many “taboo-ish” subjects in korea that you really don’t see in other dramas. so well done. 
hotel del luna
i have watched many many more but these are the ones at the top of my head. the ones that i actually rewatch and still love.
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fortheheavenssake · 5 years
PG MM Anon Interpretation Collection- 14
91: Oct. 19
MM ANON …… “ O no , not another f%#ing beautiful Sunday “…… All together, a ROYAL reunion 🦄🦎👸🤴… “ she’s not invited, again🧣“……” O Philip, do lets watch this documentary 🤣🤣“ …… “Really, old thing, really ?”…… “ bloody hell , Charlottes a better actress “……… “ Mummy!! I’ve lost my 🦎” ……” What next LG , the Caribbean and North America with the children?”…… “ Mmmm , Marm that would work ,next year’ someone will be jealous!!” …… “ “what’s that ol’ thing , I’m reading skippy Philip”
October 19/2019 1245 hrs CST
“ O no , not another f%#ing beautiful Sunday “…
Sunday is historically day to attend worship and spend time with family. It’s also, in more urban areas the day when the biggest newspapers come out. Another beautiful but blanked up day because this curse still hangs in the air, no justice yet but it’s coming! Justice is coming! Sunday’s will soon be as they once were, different, through life experiences but they will family days again!
All together, a ROYAL reunion 🦄🦎👸🤴…
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge just returned back to London last night after a five day tour of Pakistan 🇵🇰. The Royal tour was successful far and above expectations. They had promised the children a family weekend. I am certain there were lots of tears along the way despite FaceTime and talking, lots of hugs upon return home. Princess Charlotte has developed a passion for unicorns. Over the summer, as boys do, will all of the garden time that the Duchess did with her family he must have seen salamanders and lizards or just fell for them via books perhaps. So the whole family happily back together along with boss baby , Prince Louis. He acquired that title from his facial expression, priceless ones, during the flyover on Buckingham Palace balcony.
“ she’s not invited, again🧣“…
The Christmas church service last year, upon exiting, madam tried to engage Prince William in conversation, he was wise to her moves and made himself very busy fiddling with his scarf. She then tried Prince Charles who in turn ignored her. The term scarfing has truly taken on a life of its own online🤣🤣🤣😂😂. I think this is clearly Prince William putting his foot down clearly expressing his opinion.The line she’s not invited, also has a bit of a cite reference, the day of Prince Louis’ christening, as they left the chapel to walk back into the entrance, Princess Charlotte said to the amassed media, “you’re not coming”, was tremendously funny and sweet. Her personality was already showing!
” O Philip, do lets watch this documentary 🤣🤣““Really, old thing, really ?”…… “ bloody hell , Charlottes a better actress “…
HMTQ and PP, likely over the evening cocktail chatting, she jokingly states the above, his replies are the latter two quotes. I am glad they are able to talk and find some humour in this situation! Oh how l would love to be a fly on the wall, meaning love to hear some of their discussions!
“ Mummy!! I’ve lost my 🦎” …
Well trauma, upset, tears of sadness and shrieks of OH NO!! Prince George has lost his lizard, l hope not inside or shrieks of horror, outside, just a very sad little boy. I am certain a replacement lizard could be sourced post haste!
” What next LG , the Caribbean and North America with the children?”
Prince William and HMTQ, and Duchess Catherine likely reviewed/debriefed the events of the tour with LG in attendance. I can hear ideas thrown about on how to continue this success to build on the success of the monarchy. I think half jokingly William said, what next, do you propose such a trip with all three children? I know rumours out there of madam being pregnant but not confirmed, besides another a Royal tour doesn’t happen with her, because SHE IS NOT ROYAL!!! I know the Cambridges took their own private medic along to Pakistan 🇵🇰. I have a feeling she may already be or will shorten announced that she is expecting another child.
“ Mmmm , Marm that would work ,next year’ someone will be jealous!!” …This is definitely LG responding to the notion of an entire a Cambridge family Royal tour! Can you just imagine the coverage? There would have never been anything like it before, and madam would be climbing the walls of her cell or padded room when she learned of that. She will be forever jealous and hateful.
“ “what’s that ol’ thing , I’m reading skippy Philip”
HMTQ reading when PP says something to her, she replies with the above quote! See 💜🐼💜, l have told youn🐼, THEY DO READ YOUR BLOG,!! This is an absolute confirmation of a suspicion l have had and have talked about! So feel free to express yourself!! WE LOVE AND BELIEVE IN HARRY, WE WANT HIM BACK!!!💜💜💜💜GSTQAOBC 🇨🇦
October 19/2019 1315 hrs CST
Thank you dear PG….what a fun happy riddle today. I love the tidbits about the children…..I want you know we greatly appreciate the time and effort you put into deciphering these riddles for us. Well…I hope if HM does read here….she will let us know she is ok…😉.💜💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
92: oct 20
💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻This riddle was extremely difficult 🙏🏻🙏🏻💜🤣
MM Anon
MM ANON … A disruption in the FORCE… … give a lot , take a little …… sighted for perpetuity …… 🎼matter of fact, it’s all dark 🎼……… multiple numbers …… his backhander slush fund …… silent outrage in Carshalton …… “ But O, how bitter a thing”………” bending of the heart flings” ……… a comfortable exorcism …… “ sunshine is the best…” …… “ sunshine is the best…”
October 20/2019 1405 hrs CST
A disruption in the FORCE
In all the a Star Wars movies the FORCE is the power of the energy for good to fight evil. The force be with you has become common usage when you wish some good luck or best wishes in all kinds of situations. Here we are now, dear MM ANON has the word force , in all capitals , meaning extreme, pay attention, some people say all caps means you’re yelling. I personally do not, many of you know when o type in all caps l am expressing my emotions or concerned topic. MM ANON is in deadly seriously telling us that evil, and we all know the evil, it has a name and backers and ultimately the biggest backer who takes souls and laughs at God! There is an extremely concerted effort, especially today to take down HMTQ and the Monarchy, this is as serious a things get folks. There is a disruption, Harry was the access point, evil got in, has been using him everyday. I do not know what will happen today, tonight , tomorrow or the day after. But vigilance is needed, pray if you’re so inclined. This is the most serious battle and attack HMTQ has ever faced!
give a lot , take a little
That’s the phrase, climate change, leave less carbon footprints , charity give your time, etc. HMTQ and many royals give so much time, yes they get to live in mansions etc, but how many of us could keep HMTQ schedule for 93 years, still smile as if everything was fine. I think no future generations will have those skills. The world has changed, everybody is famous with their Instagram etc etc.
We have madam who has taken and taken , taken, taken, taken,taken, taken, was well with open arms publicly, despite manipulating her way in. She has taken very perk there is. NO GRATITUDE, give an inch, she takes 100 miles, so to speak. What does HMTQ get for this? Fingered up, every way, every day, now the poor card will be played after using and exhausting all her other cards. Few have asked me how l am, wah wah wah. She screams privacy, privacy, don’t take my picture, how can anyone ask you anything? She has treated the British people so vile lay, why would they even WANT TO ASK? They want her gone, pick a country, leave!! Just stop,your whinging , word salad, environmental preaching while taking six private jet flights. On and on and on….
sighted for perpetuity ……
Perpetuity is an interesting word, it’s used in financial terms but does have another usage. Let’s let our friend google help us understand it. One meaning is a bond or other security with no fixed maturity date. The second meaning is used as a legal meaning. It is
a restriction making an estate inalienable perpetually or for a period beyond certain limits fixed by law. Now let’s be clear on what inalienable means that something or someone is unable to be taken away from or given away by the possessor. Basically this is meaning , Harry’s inheritance from his mother, his great grandmother, the Queen mum, any other such funds, homes, jets etc etc CANNOT be taken away from him FOREVER. So should there be a divorce or annulment, she has no legal grounds or recourse to go after any of these items. A payout yes, so the royal family has sound legal and financial admin setting up their assets. Thank God!!!
🎼matter of fact, it’s all dark 🎼………
My dear MM ANON, l must say , l was absolutely expecting a return to this gem today! Pink Floyd’s Eclipse. The lyrics of this song about basically everything in life, l can’t put them in here due to copyright but you can easily find them The song ends with the eclipse. The thought is during a lunar/eclipse of the moon, the moon goes dark and the side we can’t see is still lit up. The song ends by this phrase that MM ANON gave us , it’s all dark. Extrapolating that to the situation at hand, it’s all dark. There is no sliver of a silver lining, bit of light or hope that madam will have an a-ha moment, fall on her knees, acknowledging her sins and beg forgiveness. No no no no, it’s all dark, no redemption will be sought. This is very dire friends, very dire indeed, the prognosis is dark. Hence my feelings of anxiety.
multiple numbers ……
Well what is this? We know madam has had multiple number partners, marriages, sex videos, tax issues, merching, basically everything. What is MM ANON referencing here? Discrepancy in items on her taxes? There are so many possibilities.here
his backhander slush fund
This has an informal British meaning of a secret payment, typically one made illegally; a bribe. So, a slush fund is extra cash , hidden, in case of emergency etc. Who is ‘his’ here? Is it PH? Did he think he could at first, just pay her for the booty call and she would go away, vastly unaware of the plot. Is this PP or PC who have such a fund, if needed. Is this PA, who also may have a fund of this nature, if needed. I have no idea which one but this confirms that such fund exists and the purpose for it, but l don’t know who or why it may have been started or if/when/how often it has been used. Yet another piece of this ever-growing larger puzzle.
silent outrage in Carshalton
Carshalton s a town, with an historic village in the London Borough of Sutton, South London. Historically Carshalton is part of Surrey. The Earl and Countess of Wessex live in Bagshot Park, Surrey. Sophie does so much in her duties. She is exceptionally close to HMTQ. I saw an interview with her and Prince Edward. They said basically every weekend they spend together, doing outdoorsy things, horses etc. She said also, since so close she often goes for tea with HMTQ. Prince Edward has been reportedly been called her favourite son. Edward will inherit his fathers title, the a Duke of a Edinburgh when that time comes. I think the both of them must be terribly concerned for HMTQ and PP, their health, this stress etc etc.
“ But O, how bitter a thing”………” bending of the heart flings”
From Shakespeare’s As You Like It. First quote referencing seeing another’s happiness through their eyes. Harry saw/sees in William and Catherine’s relationship, then marriage, the three beautiful children, their complete and utter love and devotion. These are all things he longs to have, achingly so. I ache for Harry. I cannot seem to locate the second quote, that’s very odd/unusual. I shall figure it out. Longing for something, sometimes one bends or does something they would never nor do, if they think it can get them what they desire. Flings can be a very casual relationship vacation fling, holiday flings etc, now maybe a booty call. So here we have a young man , struggling with his emotional state, severe anxiety, depression and PTSD, has every tangible thing in the world, except he longs for , desires the intangible, love, utter devotion and children of his own, they become tangible or real. This describes the situation exactly when the attack was made on the BRF via Harry. This steams my tea kettle!!
a comfortable exorcism
Exorcism, in its truest meaning, is a person possessed by a demon, or demons/Satan and a Priest or pastor uses Scripture and other things to set the victim free releasing them. This word, demon,is often used now to describe addiction or other really difficult things that have a hold on someone, therapy, AA, exercise etc etc etc can be used to exorcise oneself. So here we have a comfortable getting rid of the thing that has a hold of some. God l plead this means that Harry will be released from the grasp he is under, if l read this correctly, comfortable means exactly that. How this will be done, LG and HMTQ know. Please let me be correct🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
“ sunshine is the best…”
Sunshine is the best disinfectant there is, you hang sheets, quilts laundry and the UV, ultra-violet rays kill anything. Just look at what it does to our skin! MM ANON is being cheeky with a double entendre here, Sunshine Sachs, the supposed master PR firm that ‘uses the dark arts for clients’. Since they have come on board, the boat has tilted and started quickly the process of sinking. So they have done nothing to help, on,y made this worse. However, we can count on God’s glorious creation, the sun, to sterilize the filth that’s made public so far and will be made public in the future!!! So come on, pullback the curtain, let the filth out!
October 29/2019
1520 hrs CST
You missed the last hint….
a very lumpy bed nutmeg
“A very lumpy bed nutmeg “
I think this in anticipation of a nice bed in an expensive building with lots of hired staff and she will get to wear designer orange jumpsuit! MM ANON hinting at either hospitalization or incarceration. I have an extensive 20 plus years working in the mental health field, inpatient treatment for any personality is in effective, they quickly adapt, learn staff weaknesses etc etc.
Preparing to hope the orange jumpsuit time comes!
Sorry love forgot this one guys, when l cut and pasted the riddle this didn’t appear.
Thank you PG…again looks interesting! Thank you for all that you do. Much appreciated!😁💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
93: oct 21
MM ANON …… rejected ‘ now reflect!!…… A colonial decision …… Cain un-Abel………… he’s not heavy …… “re-tune your bloody violin”…… “ change the channel 🤣 old thing”…… a broken mendacity …… Calipornia scheming …… “f***that cottage,I wanted the house”…… “ the family I never asked for” …… “all to plan ma’am”……🎼”Paperback Writer? “🎼…… cry-Sis,What cry-Sis.
💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
October 21/2019 1340 hrs CST
rejected ‘ now reflect!!
We have had a clue very similar wording, l cannot recall exactly. Madam feels very rejected by the big bad U.K. l have been there a number of times, trust me, l was treated like royalty by my friends there!! The people are feeling very angry by her poor me poor me, the final straw l think the camels back is nearly completely fractured. That’s a phrase when something in life has been building and building and then some happens, the last straw and the person collapses mentally, or becomes violent or leaves a marriage. I hope l am explaining that so it makes sense! Harry will have six weeks to reflect, on everything he has done at HMTQ and LG behest. He has given his all for HMTQ.
Cain un-Abel
In Scripture, Cain and Abel they are the first two sons of Adam and Eve. God was given sacrifices for worship, he found favour in Abel’s sacrifice. Cain murdered Abel , jealousy? Here we have un-Abel. This is clearly Prince William and Prince Harry, not ever the murdering part. I think MM ANON is meaning one brother married and has lovely family and will be King. However Prince Harry’s marriage is bogus as is amw. Prince Harry is obviously struggling in every way. One brother just unable to find the love and family, life partner as the other has. I pray for them both!🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
A colonial decision ……
The colonies is what America was called before they separated taxation without representation! So madam has decided to return to the colonies, live her filthy life, write a book and continue to cause carnage, SO SHE THINKS!! She has absolutely no idea what will hit her when reality comes. No more delusional lies, the long list of alleged things done wrong and the laws alleged involved. Oh God, let justice be meted out SOON!🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 P.S. madam, most people in the colonies have no idea who you are and more so they don’t care! She will be seen as a whiner etc etc.
he’s not heavy ……
Phrase, and song, he’s not heavy, he’s my brother. In the garbage last night, Harry did not confirm any falling out, he said they’re both on different paths, busy life. But he’s my brother, they will always be brothers and always be there for each other. TO ME THAT SAYS IT ALL!!
“re-tune your bloody violin”……
Old saying when someone is whinging or feeling sorry for thematic, being a drama queen etc another person puts their hand up and rubs their thumb and index finger together. They then asker the whinging person, do you know what this is? It’s the worlds smallest violin playing just for you!🤣🤣🤣🤣😂 PP wants a change in the tune, make it louder so madam cannot be heard!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂
“ change the channel 🤣 old thing”…
PP and HMTQ started watching the garbage last night, PP chuckling says to her to change the tv channel! I picture them in their evening close, lovely fireplace, comfy elegant room and furniture, having a cocktail and just enjoying each other’s company. As they have done their entire marriage, they are at each other’s side, just beautiful, brings tears actually how horrible this massive attack has been!
a broken mendacity
Mendacity is untruthfulness, lies. Broken lies, well how many times have we seen this with madam. Dozens, she tells so many lies as does her PR, things get twisted and nothing gets amended, they lie their way out of it when questioned. If it weren’t so deadly serious it would be funny. Like a kid with chocolate all over his face and mum asks if he ate chocolate and he says no. She really is stunted about age 14 , lies like some teenagers do!
Calipornia scheming ……
Well she scheming what else she can do to blow the Monarchy apart and completely destroy it Prince Harry. This six weeks away, home in L.A.?Doing porn, or finding wealthy person to be used by for money.perhaps meeting with her backers. I hear rumours of an interview with OW. The whole group of ba let’s will rally around and continue their unrelenting plot to destroy destroy destroy.
“f***that cottage,I wanted the house”…
Well no surprise there, Frogmore Cottage blech , she wanted FROGMORE HOUSE THE MANSION! What unmitigated gall this stupid, egocentric, narcissistic, evil possessed bint! She probably thinks since their offices are at BP she should be given BP!
“ the family I never asked for” ……
Initially, she was saying the Royal family, was family that she had never had. She knew nothing of them, LIE! In the engagement interview she said everything she knew about the Royal family she leaned from Prince Harry and from actually meeting them. Now she has figuratively slapped them all across the face. Talking about how mentally damaging it is to live using a stiff upper lip. I won’t go into detail of how successful, having this life ethos has helped them get through wars, etc etc, you all know this and what a complete disrespect she has shown to them. To say Tutu was historic leader glad amw could meet, UNBELIEVABLE! HMTQ has reigned for nearly 70 years seen it all. Absolutely no respect for her and the Monarchy itself. I am so angered that this stupid, perverted, sold herself in every possible DARE DARE DARE!!! This degree of vulgarity and disrespect my blood is boiling, l am so angry!
“all to plan ma’am”…
LG giving HMTQ an update on how their work is progressing. He seems very pleased with last nights tv garbage. He has been patiently working with his team to deal with this. He has been playing the ultimate game of chess with someone who cannot play checkers. He has given her many opportunities to show her true self. Last night she was all laid bare, pun intended, videos or photos l am certain will be public at some point. She has walked confidently into every single trap that was laid out for her. Now all captured in living colour, in her own words!! Treason! She was not pregnant, fauxmegnancy! , if there is some surrogate child, it’s not Prince Harry’s child.
🎼”Paperback Writer? “🎼…
This is a great song by the TRUE Fab Four, The Beatles! It actually mentions the Daily Mail and the gossipy things that appear in tabloids. This is telling us that madam is or will be writing a book. She has no limits in her grand focuses and cause maximum carnage with our a Royal family. Her backers probably will pull some strings and make sure it gets maximum coverage. The big bad Brits and the Royal famine didn’t ask her if she was ok. Give me strength Lord🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻.
cry-Sis,What cry-Sis.
Cry-sis is an actual UK charity to assist new parents when their babies have problematic sleep patterns. However, MM ANON, always clever, this is Crisis, what crisis? Someone is in denial. There are several real things happening in the U.K. that fit the word crisis. Brexit, politics, BOJO misleading HMTQ, madam and her backers plan to cause the Royal family to break and crumble. In last night garbage, in an area where life and death issues are occurring, she is 110% self focused. SHE HAS FIRST WORLD PROBLEMS! Yammering on about her tough life standing on African soil where there are many third world problems. She is selfish to a degree l have never seen, it’s evil, Satan working through her! She has completely sold her soul.
October 21/2019 1455 hrs CST
Fascinating read dear PG! Looking good, all going as planned! Thank you so much, again…much appreciated! 🙏🏻💜💜💜💜💜💜
94: Oct 22
MM ANON …… dodging the Boo-lets…… November is a wicked month ……… Banksgiving … … “He’s untouchable” …… Dispatches Dispatched…… “ l stand by my husband “s,millions …… “ you’ve lost your mojo mate” …… 🎼” when I was 21,it was a very good year”🎼…… Marry and Hagon …… “meanwhile, back at BP”…… “mummy,mummy a Halloween unicorn 🦄 “…… “ I’m going as a 🦎”…… “well we’re going as M&H”…… “yeah, it’s a pity I listened to my d***”. …… “ nothings impossible mate”…… “look’ here’s your out!!”
💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
October 22/2019 1345 hrs CST
… dodging the Boo-lets
Today, now as we speak, madam is wearing her purple maternity dress which magically fits her, whilst attending the One World Youth Symposium at Royal Victoria and Albert Hall. Oh how l would love to see it, l so wish l were well enough to, alas, l am already digressing. This 💜💜”The annual One Young World Summit convenes the brightest young talent from every country and sector, working to accelerate social impact. Delegates from 190+ countries are counselled by influential political, business and humanitarian leaders such as Justin Trudeau, Paul Polman and Meghan Markle, amongst many other global figures.
Delegates participate in four transformative days of speeches, panels, networking and workshops. All delegates have the opportunity to apply to give keynote speeches, sharing a platform with world leaders with the world’s media in attendance. As well as listening to keynote speakers, delegates have the opportunity to challenge world leaders, interact and be mentored by influencers. Delegates make lasting connections throughout the Summit, celebrating their participation at social events and the unforgettable Opening and Closing Ceremonies.
The One Young World Summit 2019 sees the global forum for young leaders return ‘home’ for the first time since the inaugural Summit in 2010. With over 300 languages to be heard on its streets, London is one of the most diverse places in the world. The city is home to nearly 9 million people, one of the world’s biggest financial centres and countless historic sites such as Buckingham Palace and Big Ben. A city where the past and future merge, London provides the ideal backdrop for young leaders from more than 190 countries to work together to accelerate positive change.” 💜💜 Information taken from one young world.com
It’s important because young people are vulnerable. This woman has no shame, After all the fireworks she has set off, she strolls in there, wearing someone else’s hair, in her maternity dress! An enigma wrapped in a riddle, quite literally is she.
Since the audience is composed of young people the addition of let’s after boo, refers to that. The hope of many is that she would be in direct line of receiving public anger. The brief bit l saw was Higgs kiss you etc, no boos nothing. Now l am never one to wish ill will on anyone but consequences for behaviours? ABSOLUTELY!! Consequences will at some point catch up with her!
November is a wicked month …
MM ANON you do enjoy the book don’t you, this is the second time you have referenced it but changed the month. My memory is still intact🤣🤣😂.l shall help others catch up. The book is entitled August is a Wicked Month by Edna O’Brien. The plot revolves around a woman who has moved to a foreign city, separated from her husband, dreadfully unhappy and moves south to find a new life in the sunshine. Well, we are in October, rumours abound about madam moving to Africa or Canada. On behalf of Canada, sorry we are closed for business, if you leave a message NOBODY WILL RESPOND!😂😂🤣🤣 l know l have used that line BRF but it’s so funny😂😂🤣🤣. What November, six weeks off, off to the sunshine in L.A. Oh God please let her lose her passport or have the IRS or FBI awaiting her arrival.
I must say, l have been pleading for Harry, PTSD, combat fatigue, that he be assessed medically for that pain, and psychologically regarding the off the charts stress of this role he has been playing. Thank you HMTQ and LG for giving him six weeks leave, he is so badly in need of it.
Madam returning home for American Thanksgiving which occurs much later than ours(Canadian)does. There is no bank holiday for Thanksgiving in the U.K. so what’s the meaning here? Is madam going to earn some money during the sex, l meant six weeks off?? I know she’s resourceful, has no shame, long history of letting every bit of her, body heart soul used. So l won’t think further, you can all imagine ways she might find a ‘bank’ in America.
“ l stand by my husband “s,millions
Old country music song Stand by Your Man, l think Tammy Wynette? Yes, madam has stood by her H , so many times, loving, supportive, so concerned when he was in pain, always let’s him go first, never interrupts him, praises HMTQ, treats people respectfully, especially during Royal tours, follows protocol in every way, oh oh oh, wait, l am thinking of Catherine! Yes the Duchess of Cambridge stands by her man! Madam stands by Prince Harry for his money and his fathers money, heck, anyone s money just as long as they give it too her. I may be jovial today is some comments, l have been awake since 0300 hrs bad night, but you all know by know how seriously l take to do justice to dear MM ANON in interpreting her riddles! Humour is a coping mechanism, l have honed that skill well!
“ you’ve lost your mojo mate” …
Prince Harry likely spending time with friends he has not seen for awhile. Likely he can share only certain things. Everyone who has eyes can see HES lost weight, depressed etc etc. The word mojo, when l was little, mojos were little fruit chewy candies, 5 for two cents. Mojo, means ones drive for life, zest to do new things or go back to doing things you used to enjoy. This is a very loving and honest person telling Harry this. I am so glad he’s got so many who love him. Harry, there are lots like me, who believe in you 100% , pray for you and want the octopus tentacles untethered from around you!
… 🎼” when I was 21,it was a very good year”🎼…
What MM ANON., no Pink Floyd. Now this is my jam, ‘ol blue eyes himself, Mr. Frank Sinatra, when music was music. This is a sentimental song. The lyrics take us through four phases in a mans life, ages 17,21,35 and autumn , the older years. It describes relationships with women, no let me take that back, it’s about how males see females at different ages. Seventeen is all teeny bopper love. Twenty one, things get far more intimate. Thirty five is interest, because Harry is due to turn 35. That part of the song, the lyrics speak of relationship with blue blooded woman, limousines, chauffeurs. I am interpreting this as an annulment or divorce before he turns 35. Hope and a future to look forward to real love, a real family of his very own. I wish that with all my heart for our Harry!
… Marry and Hagon
Marry and Hagon? Harry and Magon……..She will be gone. Harry will be Harry but she will be gone!!!!!
“meanwhile, back at BP”……
Old saying meanwhile back at the ranch, means change the topic or in tv shows change of scene. So with all that has gone on, HMTQ remains doing her duty each and every day. How l love her in purple!! She follows her routine, to the letter, giving each appearance her all. One would never ever know of all the things that have happened and are continuing to happen behind the scenes. The stiff upper lip, that’s how one gets things done, it’s not mentally damaging. HOBBIES , sniff sniff, snort snort, the like madam loves, and PERVERSION are mentally damaging. There is a saying, when the going gets tough, the tough get going. One doesn’t whimper and moan. With my current life, since my spinal lesion and constant pain, my life changed fir sure. Stiff upper lip and humour have got me through. I think pretty much anyone who has read my words, or messaged me, can attest to the fact that l have a serious side along with a silly side! Stiff upper lip!!
“mummy,mummy a Halloween unicorn 🦄 “…… “ I’m going as a 🦎”… “well we’re going as M&H”…
Well, how much would l LOVE to see these beautiful children in their Halloween costumes!! Princess Charlotte, a unicorn, Prince George as a lizard, William and Catherine’s joking as who they will be. MM ANON, can you please find out what boss baby Prince Louis’ costume will be!! Thank God for the beautiful Cambridge family,they are so beloved.
“yeah, it’s a pity I listened to my d***”.
Prince Harry, again in conversation, l would say definitely with a male due to usage of the d word, starts with d rhymes with pick. Talking together with how he got into this mess. It was a booty call, just a booty call. To have that lead where it has, is terrifying. Pay attention kids! No casual sex! It eats away at your soul.
“ nothings impossible mate”……
Continuing in the conversation, his friend is reassuring Prince Harry that he has fulfilled his duty. This relationship will end in annulment or divorce and the future is bright. He has learned so much about himself, about life, about what’s truly important and there is definitely possibility for him to find love and have his own family. All thank a God he has supportive friends and family who live him!
“look’ here’s your out!!”
Madam, wah wah wah, nobody asks me if l am ok, and saying in vague terms that she maybe cannot continue, it’s near the end of the interview, l cannot recall the exact words. She will go to America , hit the ground running there🤣🤣😂😂😂🤣🤣. The only way she will hit the ground running is if she parachutes off the plane! Her doing this, his friend is saying that Harry’s out, it’s a short way to say, you can get out of a situation. This means get out of the marriage. I am still not 100% there is a legal marriage, Harry held up the register as he signed, plus non-consumation, (no intimacy after vows)annulment. I think the fact that this alleged baby is NOT his, that is critical point as well. Treason, madam trying to pass off baby as being of the body, fauxmegnancy, and no DNA matching Harry.
October 22/2019 1500 hrs CST💜💜💜💜💜
Thank you dear PG! This is great….things are happening in the background….I too would love to know what PL will be! Much appreciated as usual…😊💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻PG APOLOGISES🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
💜💜💜I have to apologize, l after the submission, noted two clues were missed by me.
l have changed how l work on the riddles, in terms of where on my iPad. It has happened several times that l miss clues since that time.
MM ANON, l mostly apologize to you, l know you work so hard on your riddles.
Am l forgiven!???🥺
PG, no need to apologize…we appreciate you and all the time and effort you put in…😊💜💜💜💜
💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻FOR MM ANON FROM PG🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
MM Anon💜💜💜💜💜
MM ANON …… pg … no apologies never!!! You’re input as with others who give such a wealth of interpretations. Time for me to thank everyone for their esteemed efforts , my sincere and humble thanks. One last riddle ……… “ The pain in gain stays mainly on the wane.” (( difficult)) … but fun.
Eliza Doolittle
the rain in Spain stats mainly in the plains
MY FAIR LADY awe come on that was easy! Rex Harrison always my idea of an Englishman!
Seriously thank you for your kind words!
Thank you PG😊❤️❤️❤️
95: oct 24
MM ANON …… 22 years,sex lies drugs and video tapes …… little boy lost (and found) …… LGs long rope …… 🎼don’t cry for me …… 🎼……… DVDelivery …… LGs records. …… 🎼”cold comfort for change”🎼MA……… “ No darling, 42 and counting “……… “ since 🎼don’t cry for me …… 🎼 before the gathering of unhappy people old thing”……… inadmissible but relevant …… “ a brilliant QC”……… “ a very thick brief📇⚖️“…… “as tight as a ducks@$$ under water’ ma’am”…… “one is reluctant you understand!
💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
October 24/2019 0500 hrs CST
Sorry it’s submitted so late!
22 years,sex lies drugs and video tapes
Madam has a long, sordid past and present, her future is unknown, one can always pray for redemption. This clue is telling us of several decades of vulgarity, substance(s) use and abuse, pornographic videos etc etc etc. Some people somewhere have the videos. There has to be many many witnesses or people out there who have first hand knowledge either participating in or observing these behaviours. Thus far there has been no whistle blowers so to speak. That tells us a lot of money has been paid or threats made to silence people.
little boy lost (and found)
This has been the title of numerous tings, sculpture, film, novel and a poem by poem by William Blake in the 1700’s. I will focus on that. It is written by a Christian, he uses the metaphor of a young boy walking behind his father but loses his way, endings up all wet and muddy. Here we have little boy lost and found. This is of course our Harry. He was lost emotionally decades after he lost his mum. Lifestyle choices were not the best, shall leave it at that. He met madam on a booty call, here we are today. Harry has, l still believe! been working covertly for all the reasons l have stated reported in my interpretations. Hence the little boy, now a man has been giving his all to make up for his mistake(s) to his own physical peril. Weight loss, depression etc etc. He now has six weeks leave!
LGs long rope
LG has made a long game plan, every step of the way madam, thinking she’s getting her way, has fallen into every trap, the ultimate being the video interview with Tom Brady, Harry’s friend going way back! The old saying give a guy a rope and he will hang himself , metaphorically, like give an inch , she will take a mile. Give her bit of freedom and she ends up looking like an idiot. Well she truly has incriminated herself, the video was brilliant in capturing everything in HER OWN WORDS!
🎼don’t cry for me …… 🎼
Fantastic musical entitled Evita! Based on the life of Evita Peron . She was born Maria Eva Duarte’s in a small village in Argentina, in a very poor family. At young age she moved to Buenos Aires with big dreams of being famous actress. A year there she met her future husband at a charity event. Juan Peron became president in 1946 and she was First Lady until 1952, year she died. The Musial became very successful even became a film with Madonna. Anyhow we know madam spent time in Argentina as arranged by one of her uncles, working in some job at the embassy/ consulate. Those years are murky but she didn’t last long , she allegedly left suddenly with some guy. The irony of both women’s lives cannot be lost!
DVD, we know recordings of sex exist. Who sent them and who received them? Who has copies. There are videos onlin, l won’t watch but some say yes, some say no regarding whose in them. I would think, LG has long long had possession of that and worse. We know the DM has a million dossier ready to go , ready BEFORE the day of unhappy people!
LGs records.
LG has the most distinguished record of service to HMTQ and country. I am certain he has kept a volume of data, in all forms of all the information he and his team and other agencies have collected. I am as certain of that as l am certain of anything.
🎼”cold comfort for change”🎼MA
MM ANON takes us again to Pink Floyd. I used to love! this song, Wish You Were Here, can be used with any loss, or at least l found it to be thus. Madam and MA have been an illicit pair for years and years. Just imagine what the two of them got up to together! Using SoHo, MA knows EVERYBODY,, He probably has dirt of EVERYBODY as well! These two, longing for each other’s company and their plans to outwit the backers or make that go rogue, marry baby etc etc. Their continued secret communications, thinking LG had no idea😂😂😂😂🤣. Oh they’re both in a world of hurt, missing their partner in crime, a common phrase but here think a literal meaning!!!
“ No darling, 42 and counting “…
There has long long long been speculation that madam is not and has never been truthful about her real age. MM ANON is telling us 42 and counting so what is her real exact age??? Old as her tongue and a little older than her teeth😂😂😂🤣🤣.
“ since 🎼don’t cry for me …… 🎼 before the gathering of unhappy people old thing”
I put these two clues together because MM ANON started and ended the quotation marks. The song Don’t Cry for Me Argentina is from the musical Evita. It was a film in 1996. Evita the stage version started as a rock musical in 1976, came to the West End in 1978, Andrew Lloyd Webber, the brilliant creator. Let’s do some math 2019 - 1976 mmmm what’s that give us 43! Madam is 43!!!! She was 42 at the gathering of unhappy people!!LIAR CRY FOUL, LEST BE A LIAR!!!
inadmissible but relevant
Evidence, has to be obtained legally or given voluntarily in order for it to be used in court. So what evidence exists that is relevant but inadmissible? Anything subjective, gut feeling, something told under duress, that sort of thing.
“ a brilliant QC”…
To those unfamiliar, in the U.K. and Canada the “Queen’s Counsel”, an honour given to a senior and distinguished barrister in recognition of an outstanding career during Queen Victoria’s reign. K.C. means King’s Counsel. K.C.
In Canada, the honourary title of Queen’s Counsel, or QC, is used to recognize Canadian lawyers for exceptional merit and contribution to the legal profession. These barristers or attorneys/lawyers are responsible for bringing legal cases to court for prosecution. They must need a brilliant one to process the litany of alleged crimes to be charged. I have absolutely no doubt there are many capable and they have alright had decisions made in this regard.
“ a very thick brief📇⚖️“…
A brief is a written legal document used in various legal adversarial systems that is presented to a court arguing why one party to a particular case should prevail. Upon a barrister devolves the duty of taking charge of a case when it comes into court, but all the preliminary work, such as the drawing up of the case, serving papers, marshalling evidence, etc., is performed by a solicitor. The delivery of a brief to counsel gives him authority to act for his client in all matters which the litigation involves.The brief was probably so called from its first being only a copy of the original writ. From wiki. So given the number and brevity of likely charges, one can only begin to imagine the amount of paperwork, evidence , briefs etc etc etc
“as tight as a ducks@$$ under water’ ma’am”
LG and HMTQ in conversation, he is reassuring her, the evidence with corresponding charges is wrapped up solid.Her reply follows below.
“one is reluctant you understand!
She is reluctant to give the official go ahead, with all the unknown reverberations that could occur across the country, the U.K. , the Commonwealth and the globe, especially in light of Brexit. She has so much on her shoulders. Let’s do remember HMTQ in our prayers.🙏🏻🙏🏻
October 24/2019 0605 C
This worked PG….thank you😊❤️❤️❤️
96: Oct 24
MM Anon
MM ANON …… six weeks in rehab🤫……… Invictus recovery …… loyally remembered …… unhook the Tender…… burned boats……political ambition …… nutmegs WH moment … sugar queen…… 🎼” When I was young it seemed that life …“🎼 …… The casting of the Runes……” EU-bloody-REKA old thing “…… safe inside WC…… “a strategic move to Winchester 📵”
💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
October 24/2019
1130 hrs CST
six weeks in rehab🤫
Rehab on the dl as the kids used to say. Down low, secretly. The emoji is the shhhh emoji, so it’s information to be kept quiet. So is that what visits to L.A. are now? Rehab? Is it compelled rehab?? She truly does need help, l also think a full medical and psychiatric work-up/assessment would be prudent. A long history of paranoia, people medicate themselves when experiencing psychotic symptoms. Unsure when this will happen. Harry needs family rehab, medical care, therapist but most of all time away from madam, of any appearances with her. Time to recharge his personal batteries, get his mojo back, as MM ANON used the word mojo, the other day!😊
Invictus recovery
Invictus, Harry’s blood sweat and l am certain many tears were the impetus for him creating Invictus. Invictus from the Latin means undefeated or unconquered. It is the perfect word for describing the individuals who are veterans with visible or not visible post war trauma. The next a Invictus Games are you be held at The Hague, The Netherlands in May, 2020. Harry did a quick visit there while madam was having her fauxmegnancy. This organization has helped uncounted veterans and their families, through the games, the camaraderie etc. He has done extremely well and he should be very very proud of helping sooo many including himself!
… loyally remembered November 11/2019, the eleventh hour, the eleventh day of the eleventh month we all or should stop to remain those veterans and those fallen in battle for our freedoms. It is always a day that many attend services, the Royal family always do, they spread out and cover various places. Harry is Colonel-in-Chief of the Army Air Corps (AAC), and as HMTQ Personal Aide-de-Camp. He will be dressed in his dress uniform and likely attend several places. I think it might be especially poignant and painful this year due to the suicide of his close friend, who helped train him for the South Pole adventure, Jules Roberts.
unhook the Tender…
Unhook means to open or take/out down like curtain pins, or bra. Tender can mean gentle, Tender is also money, called legal tender. So who is taking down money and from where for what reason? Tender l just read can also be a battery or electrical charger. As l think now, this may be a right metaphor MM ANON has given. Unhook the tender, at any point you want a spark or a charge it’s ready and waiting! Voila, LG has all the evidence collected, case tight, all i‘S dotted and t’s crossed. Everything ship shape, nothing remotely left to chance, right down to MI6 watching over a Grandpa Tom in Mexico. Kids , it’s as close as it gets, hang on!
burned boats
Burned bridges can be literal actually burning a bridge but it can also mean damage or break your future options, connections,reputation, opportunities, by some act, particularly intentionally. Even if you fired from a job take care not to burn your bridges with unseemly comments on the way out, since you never know who you will meet again. Here we have burned boats, has madam lost any and all contacts in her yachting world, source of money. She very likely has, no one would be interested now, especially wealthy men, they don’t want the obvious scandal that would come if they were seen and perchance she be recognized. The obvious reason is her age, she , as my cousin who has a horse ranch would say, she been ridden hard and put away wet! You must rubdown a horse after riding. She’s aged and not well, her hobbies have really taken their toll.
political ambition
It has been rumoured for quite sometime that madam has political aspirations and even rumoured of her taking a run for the White House where the president of America has his office and home. All l can do is 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣
nutmegs WH moment
Madam met BO when he was President, she was the plus one guest of Ron Burkle , of SoHo. I wonder what on earth she had to do, to get that plus one invite!!!!🤢🤢🤢 Likely nothing she has not done numerous times before!
sugar queen…
Madams cult-like brainwashed ‘fans’ mostly younger and a certain demographic. They, l don’t know why, are called sugars. They worship her she is their queen, they fully believe she should be the next Queen. Since doing these riddles l have, sadly, learned of the ‘urban dictionary’, here is their definition,💜💜” A bisexual male that is stylish and easy to talk to to usually attractive and full of talent and advice 💜💜 A person who supports any and all activities (past, present, and future) done by the former z-list actress and current failure-as-a-royal and by several puns involving the name “Sussex.” Sugars owe their unfortunate allegiance to a number of factors, including (but not limited to) congenitally-low IQ, complete ignorance of etiquette and royal protocol, an excess of entitlement, self-esteem at a level warranted by godhood (with nothing to back it up), and the feeble defenses of “Jealousy!” and “Racist!” when challenged.💜💜 Actually, they are pretty much lower-rent clones of their low-rent diva goddess. I just can’t believe this sorry folks l am as shocked as you will be reading this!! The items between the Purple Hearts are from the urban dictionary!!They have actually MADE UP A WORD JUST FOR MADAM!
🎼” When I was young it seemed that life …“🎼
Life was just for fun… This song, All By Myself, has been covered/performed by many, my favourite being Celine Dion. The song talk about being young, casual sex, flings, and getting older. The entire premise of the song is someone who desperately does not want to be alone and grow old alone. This is our Harry. I won’t repeat his history, relationships, we all know all of it. Once madam is no longer in the picture, incarceration, moved whatever, he will begin the process of figuring out who he is after this experience. He will need a lot of time talking with a professional to help him, his pre-existing depression, PTSD compounded with the trauma of the last two years. He is young, healthy, has a big family who live him dearly. I have hope for him to find his love and have a real family of his own. Now l am going to hav this song in my head all day!
The casting of the Runes
Let’s educate ourselves on what Runes means. Wiki tells me it has several meanings, l am only familiar with it as stones. a letter of an ancient Germanic alphabet, related to the Roman alphabet. Wiki
a mark or letter of mysterious or magic significance.
small stones, pieces of bone, etc., bearing runes, and used as divinatory symbols Casting the Runes“ is a short story written by the English writer M.R. James The story briefly wiki Mr. Edward Dunning is a researcher for the British Museum. At the beginning of the story he has recently reviewed The Truth of Alchemy by a Mr. Karswell, an alchemist and occultist. Afterwards he begins seeing the name John Harrington displayed wherever he goes. He learns that Harrington also reviewed Karswell’s work and died in a freak accident not long after.
Harrington’s brother helps Dunning to discover that Karswell cursed both men by slipping them a piece of paper with some runes on it. They deduce that the curse, once cast, will cause the bearer to die in three months. They track down Karswell a day before the curse is set to kill Dunning and manage to return the runes to him. Karswell dies the next day, killed by a stone that fell from scaffolding around St. Wulfram’s Church in Abbeville.
I couldn’t shorten it and do it justice. So basically madam has cast the runes, a horrible spell on Harry, he has suffered under it through it and his family has been exerting every possible intervention to help him, gather intel and evidence of alleged crimes. There will be justice, it is coming. JUSTICE IS COMING RACHEL!! TICK TOCK 🕰
” EU-bloody-REKA old thing “…
Eureka is what the miners used to shout when they struck gold, oil, diamonds etc. Here MM ANON has written EU-bloody-REKA old thing. They are talking about Brexit and what the nation has been going through ever since the votes came in. Lots is still unknown and everyone is on edge, to put it mildly.
safe inside WC
Safe has at least two meaning, one is to be kept from harm, contented or a metal device or strong box that holds valuables, jewels cash, papers, wills, bonds etc etc. I am certain there is a safe in Windsor Castle ie WC. HMTQ is also safe at WC, there are plenty of RPO’S to protect her from anything and everything. I am very interested in what is the topic MM ANON is sharing with us. What’s in the safe?? Photos, dvd(s), recordings, on and on! Something of importance that’s for certain!
“a strategic move to Winchester 📵”
The emoji indicates blockage of cell phone/mobile device usage. Two places l know of for certain hospitals and prisons. The city of Winchester has both, and they are right across the street from each other. Clever eh? Rehab in one, no outside communication, alone with her thoughts, no hobbies no cope, it’s going to be a personal hell to detox. I’ve seen it many times, it’s horrible. Strategic in terms of containing for personal safety, not harm self, no contact with others, no news or what’s happening in the world etc etc. GSTQAOBC 🇨🇦 October 24/2019 1315 hrs CST
Thank you dear PG😊💜💜💜
33 notes · View notes
kyogre-blue · 5 years
Nano follow up (2)
Notes: The last chapter of part 1. I’m not going to write part 2 (post the SnB time skip) right now, so I tried to make the ending feel passably standalone. Thanks to anyone who managed to read all the way through lol, and I’ll put this up on AO3 after fixing a few foreshadowing parts early on. 
Chapter 11: A new world
With Rashid’s support, Sinbad had been able to complete the application process to the trade union and the misculae of opening Sindria Trading Company’s first store in record time, and the shelves had already been emptied by enthusiastic customers by the time the others returned from Imuchakk. Even with their help, the days were hectic -- running the store, keeping track of their stock, and of course sailing straight back to Imuchakk for more. 
It was months before Sinbad finally had time to relax and think again about his future plans. It wasn’t to say that anything had changed about his goals or his vision, but it had begun to take shape in a way he hadn’t been able to imagine before. 
He would change the world. He would create a country. But because one country, even as powerful as Reim, couldn’t make the world to its liking, he would create a federation of many nations, leading them to create a better, happier world -- without war, without hunger, without the hopelessness of nowhere to turn. 
And to do all that, he needed influence. 
Power, money, fame, they were all tied together, and he needed all of them to create the necessary foundation. 
Well, the first thing Sindria needed was simply more people. Sinbad and his closest comrades, no matter how capable, couldn’t do everything. 
They needed to sell more, in more places, from more places. To find more nations to partner with, Sinbad would look far and wide. But for opening Sindria Company’s second office, there could only be one place. Leaving Rurumu in charge of the Napolia branch, he set sail. 
The first thing Sinbad did when arriving in Balbadd was to go see his mother. He had never been separated from her for so long before, and even knowing that she was living comfortably and safely hadn’t quite eased his lingering worries. Esra laughed as he swept her up in a tight embrace, hugging back just as tightly. 
“Oh, you’ve grown so much!” she said, stroking his hair. “Come, come, let me look at you. Mm, just like your father, so handsome. How many hearts have you charmed, hm? I bet you’ve been a real menace.” 
“Heheh, I do look good, don’t I?” Sinbad bragged as he stepped back and preened. 
She was right. He had grown enough to need new clothing -- again, even though he’d changed after arriving in Napolia from Imuchakk. He was already the same height has her and steadily edging upward. Beaming with overflowing excitement and affection, Sinbad couldn’t help hugging her again. Laughing, Esra let him do was he pleased. 
Although she was doing better, less terribly thin and with a healthy color to her complexion, Sinbad soon urged her to a chair, before beginning to introduce his motley crew. 
He left out the murder attempts and their exact history as assassins, but Vittel and Mahad still fidgetted guiltily as they bowed and greeted his mother. Ja’far was even worse, flushing a deep red and looking everywhere except Esra. Even Hinahoho was unusually clumsy and uncertain as he stooped closer to her level and ducked his head in greeting. 
It all made Sinbad want to laugh even more. They’d shown less uncertainty facing down Valefor, but his mother with her gentle smile made them trip over themselves. 
“Oh, and about Ali…” he started to say, remembering suddenly that he had left with one friend and returned with four different ones, which they hadn’t yet explained in detail. 
“He came back a while ago,” Esra said unexpectedly. She paused, frowning a little and exchanging a look with Anise, who had been deferentially waiting nearby during their reunion. “Ah, actually… he’s been a little strange. Sin, you should talk to him.” 
That was enough to make Sinbad frown in turn, before he quickly smoothed out his expression. 
“Of course,” he agreed easily. 
Too easily, it turned out, because actually talking to Alibaba became much more difficult than he’d expected. The first few days, Sinbad was admittedly preoccupied with other matters -- visiting the royal palace to pay his respects to King Rashid, finding out the requirements for trading in Balbadd, setting his subordinates to locate a suitable building, and so on. The entire time, he didn’t catch even a glimpse of Alibaba at their manor, and that didn’t change even when Sinbad finally went to look for him. 
He was never in his room and never around at mealtimes. He didn’t seem to ever pass through the entrance hall, and he certainly didn’t go to the garden. Only the guards had seen him, going in and out at odd times. 
Giving up, Sinbad tried asking Anise, who was the one most familiar with him among the staff -- even setting aside their unknown history.
“Sir Ali? He’s been visiting the businesses he invested in and the people he gave loans to. He was following new leads too,” she said. That made sense, and Sinbad nodded, in between making faces at her young son. Apparently the boy had forgotten Sinbad while he was gone and was now being shy around this strange new person. “He’s also… been visiting the slums. He was helping people there find work, or helping fix things.” 
The first one made sense, but the second one made Sinbad raise his eyebrows in surprise. “In the slums?” he repeated. 
As he looked up at Anise from where he’d crouched to tease the very small Alibaba, the boy peeked out from behind his mother’s skirts and looked at Sinbad with interest. He resembled both Anise and the adult Alibaba very much, though his face was much rounder and his short, soft hair a golden brown somewhere between the two. 
When Sinbad glanced back and smiled, the boy ducked out of sight again. 
Sinbad clicked his tongue, straightening. This kid, acting all cute… Esra had plenty of stories to tell about how excitable he was normally. 
“Yes, the place we used to live. But the reason…” Anise said, reaching down to pat her son on the head. “I don’t know. He seems very familiar with it, but why would a person like him…” 
A ‘person like him’, huh? It was a strange thing to say. Not because Sinbad disagreed, though he wasn’t sure whether he did or not, but because Anise couldn’t have possibly actually missed seeing Alibaba’s face. He wasn’t consistent about actually hiding it, so she had to know. To say it like that, did she not recognize him after all? Were they really strangers, after all? 
That couldn’t be right. Then… Alibaba knew her, but she didn’t know him…? 
Finding no plausible answer even after turning the matter over in his mind, Sinbad set it aside -- again. 
“Should I look for him there?” he asked instead. 
Anise shook her head quickly. “Young master, that wouldn’t be a good idea. You don’t know your way around, and the slums aren’t very welcoming to outsiders. It could be trouble if you go.” 
If his mother was the madam of the house, then naturally Sinbad was the young master. Unlike Alibaba and Esra, he didn’t try to correct Anise’s way of addressing him. After all, ‘young master’ was nothing compared to his intended future title of ‘your majesty’. 
He could understand her point. Even when he and Esra had been poor, Sinbad had been a fisherman, not a slum-dweller, and nowadays he looked nothing short of rich. And even if he stripped off his expensive accessories and clothing, he would still stand out just walking down a back alley -- with his confidence, his looks, everything. Sinbad had always been better at drawing attention than at keeping a low profile. 
He was sure he would come out on top in the end, but why ask to be mugged when it wasn’t necessary? 
Not necessary yet, anyway. 
“Does he at least come back to sleep, do you think?” Sinbad wondered, a bit exasperated. 
“Sometimes,” Anise said. “The maids say there’s things out of place or the sheets need to be changed. But... not every night.” 
She had started out as a maid herself, but with the additional responsibilities that had been given to her over time, Anise’s role was closer to a head servant or even an estate’s steward. Even though Esra had slowly begun to take a more active role in managing the manor as her health improved, the servants generally still reported to Anise. 
And what they didn’t report directly, they gossiped. 
Naturally, Alibaba was a very popular source of gossip in the first place, much less with his strange behavior after returning. 
“Our Sir Ali has become quite a delinquent,” Sinbad tittered, shaking his head in mock disapproval. “But don’t worry, Miss Anise! I’ll have him straightened out in no time!” 
Anise nodded, her expression grave but her eyes twinkling. “We can only count on you, young master.” 
As Sinbad departed, the small Alibaba hiding behind her finally peeked out again. Staring after him with a serious expression, he finally looked up at his mother and parroted seriously, “Youn’ master.” 
His nose scrunched up as Anise ruffled his hair. “That’s right,” she said. “And if you ask him, I’m sure he’ll tell you lots of interesting stories about his adventures. Wouldn’t that be fun?” Her son didn’t respond, only turning to look again in the direction Sinbad had gone, his expression comically deep in thought. Finally, he nodded. 
He liked stories. It would be pretty fun indeed. 
The delinquent Sir Ali returned home two days later, long past nightfall. Alibaba was unaware that he had been affixed with this kind of label, and he would have protested fervently, if he had known. It wasn't as if he was doing something shady! And while perhaps not fitting to society's perceptions of upstanding, the places he had been going were hardly dens of crime and immorality either. 
He just got carried away sometimes. It would be dark before he knew it, and it just seemed easier to spend the night in the slums, in one of their old hideaways or some place like them. 
Compared to the manor, those abandoned little boltholes known only to the street rats felt more familiar, even after all this time. 
...He just couldn't get used to it. 
He understood -- he couldn't go back. This world, even if it wasn't where he was born, was to be his home now. It was where he would live on, just like Aladdin had asked him to. It was his new home. There were even already people he cared about here, the younger Anise, Sinbad, and a growing number of others. That was why he had started trying to make things better, to fix the things he had been unable to do anything about as a child in Balbadd, and maybe pay off his debt in some small, distant way by preventing the slums from suffering so much in the future. 
He knew and accepted all this. He tried to keep moving forward, as best as he could. And yet, he just couldn't get used to it at all. To the manor, to his own wealth, to Anise who didn't recognize him. Even as he kept himself busy, there was a ceaseless feeling of restlessness and tension thrumming at the back of his mind. 
Sighing, Alibaba rubbed at his bruised knuckles. 
With everything going on, he had realized embarrassingly late that certain things would not play out as before. Specifically, since her life had been changed so early, Anise would no longer have any reason or opportunity to even meet Cassim and Mariam, much less take them in under her wing. And who could say what would happen to them without her, especially given... everything with their father. 
Alibaba didn't regret punching the drunkard in the face when he went looking for the young versions of his childhood friends, but it was hardly a long-term solution. 
Could he ask Anise to look after them, and set history back on track? Or... 
Sighing again, Alibaba stopped in front of the door to his room and silently began to ease it open. He had only returned to pick up some things and check his records before moving forward with his next effort -- negotiating with one of his investments about hiring a few more workers from among the slumfolk, who would at least have the opportunity to provide for their families. Then he’d be out again come morning, keeping himself busy to avoid dwelling too much. 
But as he slipped into the room, shutting the door behind him, Alibaba froze in surprise. 
There was a figure in the window, silhouetted by the clear moonlight. 
Meeting his eyes, Sinbad smiled and held up a finger to his lips. He nodded toward Alibaba’s bed -- where a small lump was curled up among the cushions. His younger self, fast asleep after trying to play ambush with Sinbad and listening to his stories late into the night. 
Alibaba, who hadn’t even realized that Sinbad and his group had returned to Balbadd, took a moment to regain his bearings. 
Getting ambushed like this, he was reminded of Morgiana sneaking into his room to abduct him back then. But more than that, he suddenly and strongly remembered the adult Sinbad he and the others had met in Balbadd. This was his first time seeing Sinbad since his memories had more or less returned, and the first time he could compare the future king with his child self. 
The future Sinbad had smiled a lot, but it had been very different. 
Blinking quickly, Alibaba cleared away the double image. When Sinbad pointed upward, seemingly toward the ceiling, he nodded in understanding. 
Silently, they slipped out the window and clambered up onto the manor’s flat roof. As usual in Balbadd, the night was warm, but a steady breeze blew toward the sea, making the air feel fresh and cool. The dark sky was clear, scattered with stars that Alibaba habitually linked into the major constellations for navigation. 
The sky, at least, was the same in both worlds. 
Sinbad watched him with a patient smile, propping his head up with one arm. Feeling suddenly awkward, Alibaba cleared his throat. 
“Sorry to keep you waiting,” he said. “I didn’t realize you’re back.” 
“Mm, for a while now. Seems like you’ve been busy,” Sinbad noted. He grinned. “Want to tell me about it? Or do you want to hear about my great adventures first? I’ve been told it’s a very good story!” He puffed up, preening. 
It was an easy out, and Alibaba was halfway to accepting when he unexpectedly found himself hesitating. 
Agreeing would just be running away again. Hadn’t Morgiana had the right of it, back then when she had enough and just dragged him off to see Aladdin? Making them talk to each other had been just what they needed, because Alibaba had never been a person who could accomplish things on his own. Back then, now, he hadn’t been able to make any headway, no matter how hard he struggled to keep going. 
Sinbad had never pressed for answers, even though it wasn’t possible for him to have missed all the strange things about Alibaba. But didn’t he deserve an explanation? Didn’t he deserve Alibaba’s trust? 
‘It would be good if you two can look after each other.’ 
‘I don't want you to end up alone.’ 
That was what Aladdin had said. He had arranged their meeting -- their headlong collision -- on purpose, just so that Alibaba would have... a friend. 
His shoulders slumped as he let out a silent breath and closed his eyes for a moment. Looking up at the stars, he slowly picked out the words. 
“I... went to Musta’sim Kingdom,” he started. “To their magic academy. I wanted to see if they knew anything about traveling between dimensions.” His lips twitched. “They didn’t.” 
“That’s the same thing you tried to ask Valefor about,” Sinbad said. 
Alibaba nodded. “I asked the High Priestess in Reim too. Those are all things Yunan suggested trying, when I told him about what happened.” He paused, his hands clasping tightly as he made several false starts to just say it. “The thing is... I’m, I’m not from this dimension. This world.” 
“...Ah,” Sinbad made a soft sound. 
“It’s a lot like this world, the one I’m from. It’s almost the same,” Alibaba went on, the words coming quickly now that he’d started. “The same countries, the same people, everything. Except that it’s the future. It’s fourteen years later. I was in Qishan, fourteen years after the first dungeon was conquered, and then afterwards I was in Partevia, and there was... there was you.” 
“There was me,” Sinbad agreed. “With Baal.” 
He sounded thoughtful, but not... as surprised as Alibaba would have expected. 
His expression, when Alibaba snuck a glance at him, was considering but not in the least troubled. “So it’s like that,” Sinbad said finally, nodding to himself. “I see, it makes sense. So then Miss Anise is your mother, and that’s why you knew about Valefor. And all this time, you were looking for a way back. I see, I see.” However, as the things that didn’t make sense connected in his mind, his brow slowly furrowed. “But if you’re moping around like this, then...” 
“...There isn’t a way back,” Alibaba said quietly. 
The silence felt very heavy. He had already known it, of course, but saying it outloud made it worse. 
“I have to live in this world,” he repeated what he had told himself countless times. 
But even so, he still couldn’t accept it. His debts in Balbadd, his promise to Aladdin, he would never be able to fulfill any of them. And that, he just couldn’t...
“--I’m a little jealous.” 
Eyes wide in surprise, Alibaba snapped his head around to stare at Sinbad, who chuckled. “I am,” he insisted, smiling wryly. “You know, I want to change the world. But for you, you change it just by being here. That’s right, isn’t it? This world was like your past, but it’s going to be different because you’re here.” He grinned. “Really, a man who can change the world! I’m jealous!” 
That was the last thing Alibaba expected, and he blinked at Sinbad blankly for a moment. “You--! Just because it’s different doesn’t mean it’s a good thing!” Alibaba protested. “What if I mess something up? Even with you...” 
He cut himself off, but it was already enough. Understanding sparked in Sinbad’s eyes, making his grin widen. 
“You know about the future me, huh? Right, you knew Baal! I’ll be famous, right? I’ll found a kingdom, just like I said?” he pressed excitedly. 
“Not if I mess it up!” Alibaba shot back, flustered. “That’s what I’m saying--!” 
Laughing again, Sinbad slapped him roughly on the back. “Don’t worry about it!” he declared. 
....That sounded like there should be more after it, but nothing followed. It seemed that Sinbad had said everything he felt necessary. Alibaba could feel his rigid expression twist in exasperation that had long since become familiar. 
“What ‘don’t worry'?!” Alibaba demanded with a sudden sense of deja vu. “How am I supposed to not worry? We’re talking about… about the fate of the world! And your fate too!” 
Aladdin, Sinbad, both of them! Why were his friends like this? 
Of course, Sinbad just kept on laughing. “Don’t worry, don’t worry!” he repeated. “Come on, have some faith in me! I’m Sinbad, the dungeon conqueror! I can see the flow of fate, and I’ll find my way no matter what. So what if it’s a little different? Isn’t it even better than just following someone else -- even if it’s another me?”
...Typical. Sinbad’s grin was infuriatingly smug and self-confident, and Alibaba still felt like he wasn’t taking things seriously enough at all. They were talking about time travel and the future--
But maybe that didn’t matter that much, in the end. 
This was a different world. Sinbad was a person who could do anything, and he was right -- he would find his way to greatness, regardless of any changes Alibaba’s presence caused. That was the kind of life he would lead, not because of fate, but because of his own nature and choices. 
It wasn’t just him. Was there really a right or wrong in a history that was still being written? There were things Alibaba wanted to prevent, of course. The suffering of his friends, the tragedies in the slums, everything that had happened with King Rashid’s death. But it was only natural that other tragedies might occur because of the things he changed. 
It was always like that. It was just part of living. 
The things he couldn’t get back wouldn’t change. But he still had a future. A future Aladdin had worked hard to make for him, in whatever had gone wrong in their world. 
He had even made sure that Alibaba would have a friend to rely on. 
“But you know, if you’re still worried...” that friend said, wiggling his eyebrows as he sidled up to Alibaba, “you can just leave it to me. I’ll create a whole new world that no one’s ever seen -- not even you. So just believe in me, and become my--” 
“You didn’t even let me finish!” Sinbad protested. 
“I believe in you,” Alibaba said -- smiling, because it was true. It had always been true. “But didn’t you say it’s better to find your own way, instead of following someone? Besides, there are still thinks I need to do.” 
Even if they didn’t know him and weren’t really the people he knew, he still wanted to help them -- Anise, Cassim and Mariam, Morgiana… Maybe even Aladdin, in the far future when he appeared again. And there was also still that organization out there, moving to create abnormalities in the world, just like in Balbadd. 
Even if he couldn’t accept it yet, Alibaba would continue moving forward. 
Sighing a little, Sinbad nonetheless smiled. “Alright. But don’t forget you can always ask me for help,” he said. “Personal stuff, or things you can’t explain, it doesn’t matter, you can count on me.” 
“I know. You’re a pretty reliable guy,” Alibaba agreed, echoing Aladdin’s message wryly. Closing his eyes for a moment, he smiled too. “You can count on me too. Let’s create a new world, Sin.” 
And someday, this world would become his home. 
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dry-soliloquies · 5 years
TV Show Review: Kang’s Kitchen Season 2 & 3 (Variety)
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First, let me tell you a quick background on how this show started.
Kang’s Kitchen is a New Journey to the West spin-off. The show was made possible due to Song Minho’s (aka Mino) finger power. To fully understand this and enjoy how Kang’s Kitchen was made, I recommend you to watch NJTTW Season 4, Episode 2. In that episode, Na PD made the members play a series of game that they need to complete within a specified time, and if they did they will be given a chance to choose prizes from a drawn wheel after one member spins himself 15 times. And Mino, being Mino won all of his three chances by choosing the reset button, Porsche, and Lamborghini. The production crew were all shocked by this, and seeing that they cannot actually provide cars, the members jokingly asked them instead. “When will Kang’s Kitchen be filmed and aired?”
Kang’s Kitchen was inspired by the other show of Na PD which is Youn’s Kitchen. But these two shows are completely different, I could say that latter is melodrama, while the former is a comedy. This is how Kang’s Kitchen - where the owner eats more than the customers - was born.
Kang’s Kitchen 2 was filmed during summer in Korea and aired on May 31, 2019. There was also a new member joining the cast who was P.O., a Block B member, Mino’s best friend, and new member added to the latest seasons of NJTTW. On their first day of filming, tons of people were lining up outside the location in Gyeongju showing just how much people were very interested in their food and show. They even had to open the restaurant twice for the whole day to accommodate as many as possible. But entry to the restaurant is purely based on lottery.
On their menu were guksu (noodles) prepared by Ho Dong, quatro fries, tteokboki (spicy and jjajang), omurice prepared by Jae Hyun, kimchi rice by P.O., and patbingsu and parfait both prepared by Ji Won and Mino. And poor Soo Geun was left to do the dishes and other minimal but very important tasks around the kitchen and hall. Through the episodes, more dishes were added and all of them looked appetizing. This show forced me to always eat whenever I watch it. That is how tempting those dishes were!
In this season they had a bigger space for the kitchen, hall, and dining which I think is better for everyone since they all have their own dishes to make. But it was nice to see how even though it was more spacious they still check on each other from time to time and help each other when one was going nuts about making orders. Even with the addition of P.O., they all had good chemistry and made cooking and serving at a restaurant looked fun. Moreover, it was heartwarming to see how they really worked hard to give the customers their best dishes. It was funny when Ho Dong was always checking for the camera man if he missed any ingredient, but it only shows how he wants his dish to be perfect and serve the customers well. Ji Won’s honest criticism always helped the members in improving their dishes as well.
After 6 episodes, Kyu Hyun who was back from his military service joined the show for its third season. His appearance completely changed the theme of the restaurant into an Italian style as he specialized in making 60cm long pizza! It was really amazing on how the crew go beyond the average and make all of the viewers go shock from their ideas. I especially loved watching the customers’ reaction whenever the pizza they ordered comes out. It also made me wonder what will they have for the upcoming seasons. Though Ji Won would like to have a huge dumpling for the next.
There were a lot of funny scenes throughout the show. But my two most favorite were the scene when Ho Dong made a baby upset and cry because of his aegyo. As he was flustered, he asked the dessert team to make ice cream as service, then Soo Geun jokingly asked, “What if the other customers suddenly cry as well?” which really prompted other customers to fake cry. The other one was the scene with graduate students and wherein two girls were fighting over the take-out box Mino signed for them. In addition, the sweet and touching moment of Ho Dong and a fan was very moving. It made me literally coo while watching them.
The show ended with their last day in which they also earned their highest sale. The last episode included unseen footages, director's cut, and their reunion days after their restaurant closed. In that episode, they talked about the episodes aired, NJTTW, and Jiwon and Soo Guen's trip to Iceland to see the aurora. I am so excited about the trip of those two.
Since KK is now finally over, fans like me are now anticipating the new season of NJTTW which will definitely bring laughter and happiness. Thank you, Na PD and KK members for showing us your hard work, new dishes that we could follow, and giving us happiness through your show. Until next time!
Image Source: Google
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