requiemsystem · 8 months
to preface this, i want to clarify that this is coming from a system who is bodily mixed (native and white) i have seen a lot of cultural appropriation in the system community for a long time and i wanted to say something about it. while my own culture is not super commonly appropriated in the system community, i have seen it appropriated and i have seen others, particularly east asian cultures, appropriated as well. i am not expecting anyone to change their minds due to this post, but please at least hear me out alter race is not real because alters can only have the experience that the body has had in terms of culture and life experience. being a POC is about culture and life experience, its about your identity and the way others perceive you. if you are bodily white, others will never perceive you the way POC are perceived. you will never experience racism or discrimination for your culture and claiming to be a POC while not being bodily a POC is very insensitive to those who have to experience these things you also cannot have the experience of the culture if you have not bodily experienced it, culture is extremely important to identity and if you do not know anything about the culture and do not experience the life experience of being a POC, you shouldnt claim to be one. this also goes for if you are bodily a POC but have alters who claim to be a different race (eg. if someone who is bodily asian had a "native alter") not to mention the fact that most of the time when alters claim the identity of being a POC despite not being bodily a POC its usually based on a lot of stereotypes, not saying this is always the case but its usually at least somewhat stereotypical (eg. a "native alter" who wears feathers and is spiritual and wise) this also applies to using POC names, you shouldnt be using POC cultural names if you are white or otherwise not a part of those cultures. for example, its wrong for a bodily white person to use a japanese name in summary, all alters are the same race as the body because that is the life experience they have. i hope this makes sense and thank you to anyone who hears me out! if anyone has anything extra to add feel free but i think i covered all the main points - waya and grey
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victorsandvanquishers · 10 months
This Ship Will Carry Our Bodies Safe to Shore - Chapter 10
Fandom: Hikaru no Go
Ships: eventual Hikaru/Sai, Waya/OC, Touya/OC
Rating: T+
Warnings: Oddly uplifting, considering the last nine chapters; mentions of suicide, depression, le catharsis
Summary: At thirty-four, Hikaru Shindo lives a good life, despite living with the memories of a haunting he can never speak up about. Across the country, Fujiwara no Sai does much of the same, except his ghosts are  memories of a world long gone, and a time period that now only exists in  history  books and fantasy manga. Perhaps that's why they're destined to meet  again - because both refuse to forget what's now in the past. Alternatively, Hikaru finds a living, breathing Sai who remembers nothing about  haunting him or Shuusaku over his thousand-year existence  as a ghost, but everything about his eighteen years on Earth, and the world and life he left behind when he committed suicide. [Post-canon, real time]
Chapter Summary: Friendship was the foundation of love.
Now that the story's reaching its midpoint, we're fullsteam ahead with their budding love story. Don't worry, it's still be many, many chapters before they get to the lovey dovey part. They've gotta be friends again! Thank you to everyone reading this book. Enjoy the shenanigans, and I'll see you in December! Don't forget to leave a review for yours truly. I'm a narcissist!!! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
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sjsmith56 · 7 months
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Coming Home - Chapter 41, Lord Buchanan
Summary: Quin leads the army back home, riding on Magnus. Sky alerts them to the white wolf and they search the forest for Buchanan.
Length: 5 K
Characters: Quin, Ileana, Rhodes, Bruce
Warnings: supernatural visions
<<Chapter 40
🏰 👩🏻‍⚕️
The journey back to the Oklahoma wilderness was taken in a more leisurely manner. Although most of the eastern complements were eager to return, a significant number of men took the opportunity to court members of the Queen's Guard, having fallen for the strong women who could defend themselves. Even a couple of Archer's bow-women were being wooed. When Archer asked if they wanted him to intervene as a surrogate protector most of them said they could handle it. Bren did announce that those who were coupling to resist doing it out in the open as the sounds often reverberated throughout the open wilderness and there was concern they would attract predators.
When they reached the Cherokee Nation the force were treated to a rodeo, which none had ever witnessed before. They found it exhilarating and exciting to watch. Waya promised that someday when he visited the Broken Lands to begin formal diplomatic relations he would bring the rodeo performers with him. Once again the force were fed well, and although they bivouacked out in the open Waya set guards around them so they didn't have to worry about guarding themselves. One of their medicine men told Waya of the friendly white wolf that approached him when he was on a spirit quest, several days earlier. It was limping and whimpering. He made it a poultice of cat's claw and dandelion, applying it liberally to a bullet wound in its shoulder. Although the medicine man was fasting he went and snared a rabbit for it, offering it raw which it wouldn't eat so he skinned and gutted it, roasting it over a fire. The wolf accepted the offering and before leaving in the morning gazed with its blue eyes into his for a minute before leaving for the east. When Waya told Quin and the other commanders they had hope that their general had a chance to make it.
On their journey through the mountainous bandit lands they heard similar stories from people who acted as healers of a blue-eyed white wolf that watched them before approaching. Having heard the stories of the man who had the ability to transform into the white wolf, they had all fed it, and tended to it as best they could but it wouldn't let them try to get the bullet out, growling at them if they attempted it. By the time they reached the borders of the Kingdom of the Green Lands the sightings suddenly stopped and Quin, most of all, began to worry that Buchanan had perished. At the crossroads to King Thorn's castle Heimdall and his 150 remaining men separated from the main group. Several stopped to kiss their beloved in either the Queen's Guard or one of the bow-women promising to fetch them for their wedding soon. Quin and the other commanders offered Heimdall their forearms in thanks and the two forces split apart.
By evening the remaining force of 1050 soldiers arrived at King Stephen's palace where they were given a hero's welcome. Tents had already been erected for the soldiers, along with washing facilities so they could bathe the grime of the road off their bodies. Quin, offered a room in the palace, declined saying he wouldn't rest inside a castle until he returned to Isabella's. He did accept an invitation for dinner with King Steven and Queen Peg. After dinner he returned to his tent and fell asleep.
"Quin," said the voice. "Open your eyes."
The young king did as he was told and found himself in a forest. He turned to see Ileana beside him.
"Lady Buchanan?" he asked. "I thought you were ill, confined to your bed."
"I am," she said. "But I heard James call to me and tell me to open my eyes." She looked past Quin and nodded at another person standing on the other side of the young man, Rhodes.
"Rhodes," said Quin. "Were you called as well?"
"I heard Lord Buchanan call to me," he said. "We must be in a dream world."
A glow appeared in front of them, containing the presence of the Sorceress with the white wolf.
"My time is coming to a close soon," she said quietly. "You must listen to Lord Buchanan."
The creature faced them but didn't open its mouth, yet they heard Buchanan's voice in their minds.
"Soon, I will be in the forest, where you found my clothes," said the wolf. "Sky will alert you at the right moment.  Take me back to the castle so the veterinarian can save me. Then lay me in my bed with my beloved and Sky. It must be the three of you that find me. Bruce must carry me to my bed after the veterinarian operates on me. I must stay as the wolf throughout this."
"But James," protested Ileana. "How can she save you?"
"Trust me, my love," said the wolf. "It will be alright. I am almost home."
Quin woke up with a start. It was almost morning. He had planned to ride to Isabella's estate but now he knew he had to go to Buchanan's estate first. Quickly he dressed and ran into the castle, to the radio room. He radioed Isabella and when he heard her voice he hesitated for a moment.
"I was planning to come to you and my mother first but I've had the strangest dream," he said. "It was the white wolf, Lord Buchanan."
"I saw it," she said. "As if I were watching from a distance. You go there, we will ride and greet you at Buchanan's estate. Quin? I love you."
He smiled a glad smile that he felt deep inside. "I love you, too, Isabella," he said. "We have much to discuss."
They spoke for a few more minutes then signed off and Quin ran to King Steven's reception room to tell him he had to leave immediately to see to a matter involving the white wolf. The King almost went with him but Quin said to wait for word from him.
Sir Archer had already released his archers to return to their homes so he joined Quin, Liam, Coulson, Isabella's soldiers and Buchanan's soldiers for the trip to Buchanan's estate. The rest were given leave to return to their lords.  After they took their leave of Bren, the King and Queen, they set out for Archer's lands where he rode off with a wave. Then they rode single file through the ravine and up the other side. By this time Magnus became harder to control, so anxious was he to return. Quin finally let the magnificent horse have its head. They flew like the wind, with the horse's mane hitting Quin in the face as the great beast thundered the final distance to its home. When the horse finally pulled up in the courtyard Quin had to tell the groom to take extra care of him as he had galloped for a long while. He pulled the saddle bags off and ran into the garrison calling for Rhodes. The man came out of his quarters and looked beyond Quin for the others.
"Where is everyone else?" he asked.
"Magnus ran like the wind," said Quin. "I couldn't control him. It was amazing but we left everyone else behind. I would bunk here but Isabella is on her way and I can't see her wanting to share a narrow bed so I'm going into the castle. Oh, I've asked Liam to return with me. He makes me laugh."
"Of course he does," said Rhodes. "Quin? Thank you for taking care of Edward and burying him with your family. I appreciate it."
Quin smiled a sad smile at Rhodes then turned to go into the castle. As he entered Mary came bustling forward.
"Your Majesty, I should have been out there for you," she said, curtsying.
"Please, don't," he said. "I don't feel very royal. Call me Quin, like you always did, please. I have Lord Buchanan's saddle bags, half with his battle leathers which will need repair and half with my clothes, although I could also wear what I left behind here. I just need to get something out."
He reached inside Buchanan's side and got out the piece of black lace wrapped around the jewelled crucifix. Mary called for help and a young man appeared to take the saddle bags. She instructed him to take the items from the right side and put them in Quin Torres room, then added King Arthur for good measure, the remainder to go to Lord Buchanan's dressing room. She also told him to go out and get Quin's clothes from his garrison quarters.
"Tom, did he return?" she asked, a little sternly.
"Yes, and he will make an honest woman out of Beth, I promise you," said Quin. "He has talked of nothing else on the trip back. Is she ...?"
"That's for her to tell him, first," scolded Mary.
Quin kissed her cheek bringing a little shriek from her then he asked where Ileana was. Mary told him and he ran to her quarters, bounding two stairs at a time until he came to her door and knocked.  Entering, he found her sitting in front of the fire with a blanket on her lap and Livia on the floor playing with Sky.
"Quin," she said, pleased. "Come, sit with us."
"I've brought you these," he said, handing the bundle to her. "I saw the lace once and asked about it. He said you gave him that on the first day you met."
"I did," she replied, smiling with the memory. "To use as a drying cloth. We had to bed down in a mountain hut with nothing but our clothes and Magnus' saddle cloth. The pump put out such cold water and we had nothing to dry ourselves with so I ripped the bottom off my skirt and gave him a piece. He kept it as a talisman. I traded the skirt to Laura Barton for a riding skirt that would stand up better than the lace one."
"And the crucifix?" asked Quin.
"It was after we became lovers but I was faced with a decision to stay or go back to my world," said Ileana. "He thought he would make it easy for me and told me it was over, that he released me from our love. He had already had it made, along with a beautiful dress for Lord Falcon's investiture. They fit perfectly. His taste was exquisite. I chose to stay and when he returned from battle we married, had one night together and he went off to the next battle. It was weeks before he could bring me here but here is home now. I have no regrets about staying."
"The baby is alright?" asked Quin.
"Yes, the baby will be alright and so will I," said Ileana. "I let myself get consumed by grief when he left with you. Although I am a Queen's Guard I lost myself for a time as I love him so deeply. It took the intervention of dear friends here to get me through. Now with the dream, I have hope again."
For the next hour Quin told her of the plan to end the monarchy. She listened intently and smiled at him when he referred to himself as the last King of the Western Plains.
"You really weren't comfortable with being an absolute ruler, were you?" she asked.
"Responsible for everyone and everything? No," he replied. "But shared, with a council or cabinet, yes, I could be involved. That doesn't mean I think they should change here or in the Green Lands. King Steven and King Thorn are much more involved in day to day things than my father was. He relied on the wrong people and they just kept power for themselves instead of trying to help others. We had to change and in a major way."
"I'm glad you found a way," said Ileana. "Just make sure the people that run for office run for the right reasons. Don't let them buy votes or promise outlandish things to get votes. Make sure they are truthful."
Mary appeared. "Your Maj... sorry, Quin, your wife, mother and sisters have arrived," she said. "My Lady, will you be dining with everyone tonight?"
"Yes, I think I will," said Ileana. "Quin, go to her, before anything else."
He kissed Ileana on the cheek and ran out to the smiles of her and Mary. He practically flew down the stairs to the main reception room, bursting through the doors. Running to Isabella he picked her up and twirled her around before letting her down gently and kissing her. Then he touched her hair gently and looked into her eyes.
"I so missed you," he said softly. "You look so beautiful and different. Why do you look different?"
Isabella looked to Queen Camila. "They say pregnancy does that to a woman," she replied. "I carry our child."
Quin whooped and picked her up again then let her down and kissed her once more. His mother and sisters, all except the baby who stayed back at Isabella's estate with the nursemaid, watched with amusement. Then he turned his attention to them and kissed his mother, then hugged his sisters, commenting on how tanned and healthy they looked.
The youngest princess older than the baby piped up. "We've been riding every day, just like the soldiers do, and wearing breeches as well," said Vivienne. "Sophia and Marianne have begun training for the Queen's Guard and Isabella said they're naturals at it."
"I'm glad to hear it!" exclaimed Quin. "One of the Queen's Guards that came with us has stayed in our kingdom and together with Isabella will really be able to teach you all to fight. It is so good to see you all again. Mother, there is so much I need to tell you but it is best we do it alone, perhaps with Isabella. Father left a letter for you, his last letter. I have brought that with me."
"His death, was it noble?" she asked.
"It was during battle," answered Quin. "I'm sorry but your two uncles were treacherous. I punched one of them in the nose for insulting you."
A ghost of a smile crossed her face. "I would have liked to have seen that," she noted. "I never liked either one of them and neither did my brothers. I'm glad they stayed with David."
Later that evening, after a pleasant dinner, Quin told his mother and Isabella the circumstances of King David's death and Buchanan's poisoning. He also spoke of the depth of John Walker's depravity and how he had taken responsibility for the family when they requested asylum.
"Those poor girls," said Queen Camila, in sympathy, "and Katherine. They must have lived in terror of him. Thank God he had no sons to follow his example."
Quin then reached inside his jacket and pulled out the letter and the locket. He looked at them solemnly then handed them to her. "Isabella and I will retire now," he said. "His last words were that he loved you and my sisters. He was proud of me at the end and I will always remember that."
He kissed his mother tenderly and left her there, alone in her room. Hesitantly she opened the letter and read it then began to cry. David wrote of the first time he saw her picture in the locket, thinking she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. It had been reinforced when he finally met her in person. Then his father, noticing the look on his face had admonished him.
"No royal ever truly loves their wife," the old king said. "She is just there to bear you an heir."
"How much I didn't want to believe him," wrote King David. "Then your own uncles said you were indifferent to me but that you would do your duty. I admit I hardened my heart to you, just on the words of my father and your uncles. Not until I sent my mistresses away and begged your forgiveness did I realize the years wasted believing you hated me. That is my biggest failure, bigger even than not being a good father to Quin, for at least he found a worthy substitute in Buchanan. Forgive me, dearest Camila. When I die it will be your face in my thoughts. I will wait for you for all of eternity to prove myself when you join me in the afterlife.
Your loving husband, finally at the end.
Camila wept bitter tears for an hour after reading her husband's letter. Bitter at his father and her uncles for making him believe she was indifferent to him. Then a sense of profound sadness came over her that he had suffered so much in the final month of his life due to the treachery of those same uncles. She thought of Quin, finding Isabella and the love they displayed joyfully when they reunited in front of her. With determination she vowed that her daughters would all marry for love, whether it be a soldier, a common born or a noble born didn't matter. The love did and that would be one of her objectives in her remaining life.
Quin and Isabella took the luxury of staying late in their quarters the following morning and found it necessary to make their way to the kitchen for a late breakfast. Cook, who had been prepared to scold them, found she couldn't do it when she saw how happy they were and made a special breakfast, just for them. While they were eating she asked about Edward, whether he had suffered. Quin jumped up and hugged her hard, assuring her it had been quick. He told her of interring him in his family chapel and recited the engraving that had been ordered for the stone slab. Cook dabbed her eyes with the edge of her apron and kissed Quin on his cheek, calling him dear boy afterwards.
On a horseback ride together, the couple were accompanied by his mother, sisters, and Ileana, riding Luna. She took it easy and Camila eventually slowed down so Ileana wouldn't be alone. They talked about the princesses and how much they had loved living an unstructured life compared to the rigid protocols of King David's court. On their return they were surprised to see Bruce at the castle, as he had been at the port looking at the latest data from the super computer. Although he smiled at Ileana she could see he had something on his mind and she promised to speak with him later.
Their chance for conversation never came as during dinner Sky, who normally sat below Ileana's feet, became agitated. His whining alerted her and she looked at him below the table. He actually pawed her lap and attempted to get up on her.
"Sky, what is wrong?" asked Ileana, as the others became aware of the change in the black wolf's behaviour. "Down, Sky, down."
The animal then began pawing at Quin, trying to get onto his lap. Pulling away from the table Quin looked at the wolf, who kept nudging him. It took a moment but Quin looked at Iliana sharply.
"We have to let him out," he said to her. "Now."
Both of them stood up from the table while Sky ran towards the entrance to the dining hall, looking back at both of them, before he gave out a short, sharp bark. Ileana opened the door and the wolf bolted, running towards the main door to the castle, his barks increasing in frequency. Quin and Ileana followed and opened the door to the courtyard where Sky ran to the garrison, straight to the door of Rhodes. He came out, alerted to the strange behaviour of the wolf and saw Quin and Ileana coming through the courtyard.
"Saddle three horses!" he yelled to the stable groom who had come out to see what the fuss was all about.
"I should change into riding gear," said Ileana, but Quin grabbed her arm.
"There is no time," he said. "Ride as you are."
Luna was saddled first and Ileana mounted her, with Rhodes and Quin arranging her skirts so she could sit comfortably. Rhodes ran back into his quarters and returned with three lanterns, giving one to Ileana that could clip to her saddle. Both he and Quin had removed their scabbards for dinner and  looked at each other wondering if they should get them.
"You weren't wearing them in the dream," said Ileana, anxious to begin riding.
That settled it and they each mounted their horse, clipping the lantern to their saddles. The three looked to the black wolf which was anxiously pacing in front of the closed gate.
"Open the gate!" ordered Rhodes. "Send for the veterinarian!"
The three rode out into the twilight as both Rhodes and Quin tried desperately to remember the way they had gone when they looked for Buchanan before. Meanwhile Sky ran ahead barking furiously at them to keep up. Finally they caught up with the black wolf but couldn't see him in the dark, only hear his howls and barks. All three turned their battery lights on and tried to locate Sky in the dark.
"Please, Sky, come here," called Ileana. "Sky!"
A short sharp bark startled Luna and Ileana raised her lantern to see the blue eyes of the black wolf as he backed away from her.
"This way," she called to the others, following the blue eyes as they reflected the light of the lantern back at her.
Then Sky stopped and both Rhodes and Quin jumped off their horses, holding their lanterns in front of them. Ahead on the path another set of wolf eyes appeared and both men ran forward to where the white wolf lay, exhausted, still injured and in pain. Sky excitedly licked the white wolf's face, all while making an unearthly whine.
"Lift him onto me," said Ileana. "He won't hurt me."
Gently, Rhodes and Quin supported the injured animal as best they could and lifted him onto Ileana's lap. The white wolf raised its head and gazed at her then licked her hand before lowering its head. Holding him with one hand Ileana waited for the other two men to mount their horses and they rode back as quickly as they could without further injuring the white wolf. As they pulled into the courtyard the veterinarian came forward, seeing the white wolf across Ileana's lap.
"Is that ...?" she asked.
Ileana nodded. "You have to operate on him," she said. "He has a bullet wound in his shoulder and the bone was likely broken in the process. Please, you have to save the wolf first to save the man. Do you understand?"
Bruce and Mary both came out to the courtyard. Carefully he pulled the wolf off of Ileana and looked at the vet, while holding the creature in his arms.
"I'll help you," he said grimly. "Where do you want to set up?"
"My office," said Rhodes. "I have a high table there and can string several lanterns above you for better light."
"I'll need clean hot water," said the vet, opening her bag and pulling out a bundle of instruments, handing them to Mary. "Boil these for ten minutes. Rhodes do you have some fine wire? It has to be pliable enough to bend but strong enough not to break. Boil it, too. Don't handle it after. We want them to stay sterile. If the shoulder bone is broken it will have to do to bind it together to heal. Fine silk thread for the sutures. I'll go wash up while Dr. Banner lays the wolf on the table and prepares him. Cut away the fur from around the wound. What I wouldn't give for an electric razor right now."
Bruce grinned at her and carried the white wolf into Rhodes office. He had cleared his table and covered it with a clean cloth. Above them were a dozen battery lights were all turned on, satisfying Bruce that they had enough light. He started to cut away the fur but his fingers were too big for the clippers and Ileana took them instead, carefully cutting the fur away from around the wound. She made eye contact with the white wolf as it seemed to look at her in a trusting way. Bruce instructed her to clip further away from the wound as the vet would have to open it further to repair the damaged shoulder. When the vet returned Bruce went to wash his hands and the vet told Ileana to look inside her bag for a device that looked like a muzzle but had a fine cloth covering over it. Ileana placed it over the wolf's nose area and then pulled out a bottle as the vet instructed her.
"We'll wait for Dr. Banner," said the vet. "He's likely used ether before."
Soon Bruce came out and when he saw the bottle of ether rolled his eyes at the vet. "That's all you have?" he asked. "Well, better than nothing, I guess. James, I'm going to put a series of drops onto the cloth. Breathe deeply and I'll stop when you are under. Trust me, friend."
The white wolf seemed to understand and relaxed its whole body, as if it were committing itself to the care of the giant and the modern vet working in medieval conditions. Mary brought out the boiled instruments in a flat pan, along with a set of tongs that had been boiled. A servant brought out the wire in a pot. All of the instruments were still in the hot water they had been boiled in. The vet smiled then gestured to another table that Rhodes had brought out for them. The instruments were set on it and Mary left as it was too crowded for her to stay. Then Bruce turned to Ileana.
"Wait outside," he said. "It's going to be messy and I don't want you getting upset if you see the blood. Trust me, Ileana. We'll take good care of him."
Reluctantly she turned away and left as Rhodes accompanied her and closed the door behind them. Outside the three of them, Ileana, Rhodes and Quin, stood in the darkness.
"What now?" asked Quin. "We just wait?"
"We just wait," repeated Ileana.
Rhodes went into the stable and brought out a bench for them to sit on along with a couple of battery lights. Mary came out with coffee and they sat for what seemed like hours waiting for the door to Rhodes' office to open. Sky, calmer now, sat in front of Ileana but even he kept his eyes on the door. Finally the door opened and Bruce came out. He stretched his arms and rolled his head then looked at all of them.
"He's lost blood and the only source of wolf blood is Sky," he said. "We're going to do a direct transfusion, just long enough to replace some of what he lost."
"Won't that make him a wolf forever to have real wolf blood in him?" asked Ileana, her fear evident.
Bruce sighed. "I honestly don't know," he replied. "We're dealing with things beyond my comprehension. But he stands a better chance of recovery with Sky's blood in him than without. That shoulder was shattered. How he ever made it home is beyond me. The bullet was empty of whatever poison was in it."
"Tom said the wolf was immune to it," said Quin. "That by the time he returned here it would have passed from his system."
Bruce shrugged then he called to Sky and the black wolf meekly followed him as if it knew its part was still to come. A short time later Bruce, the vet and Sky, his neck bound in a bandage, came out.
"I'll come in the morning to check on him," said his the vet. "I honestly don't know if we saved him."
Then she called for her horse and rode off into the night with one of the garrison soldiers to accompany her. Bruce looked at the three again in the darkened courtyard.
"What does your vision say now?" he asked. "I know you all shared one. That's how you knew he was out there."
"You have to take him to my bed," said Ileana. "I will stay with him. So will Sky. He said that is how it has to be."
Bruce and Rhodes returned to the office. Coming out with the white wolf in his arms, Bruce waited for Ileana to precede him leaving Rhodes and Quin in the courtyard. Wordlessly Quin went into the castle while Rhodes returned to his quarters. He would clean up in the morning.
Ileana opened the door to their rooms and Bruce strode in laying the white wolf on top of the bedding. He stepped back as Sky laid at the foot of the bed as if he knew where he was to be. Then he looked at Ileana and kissed her on the forehead.
"Goodnight, good luck," he said simply and left the room.
She went into her dressing room and changed into her night chemise, leaving her other clothes draped on the chairs. Then she went around the room and doused the candles. The white wolf watched her with drowsy eyes. Finally, she got under the covers and doused the final candle then slid closer to the animal.
"Remember me, I remember you, love me, I love you," she whispered, then she put her hand on it so that it laid across the white wolf's chest.
Both of them sighed and she closed her eyes thinking for a moment that she heard the Sorceress' voice whisper in her mind.
"Trust the love, Ileana," she said.
Chapter 42>>
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But I was just wondering if you’d ever do like a crossover event in your werewolf au where Ronnie and Jake would meet Tess and Rhett
I feel like it might throw them off with Rhett looking so much like bob
I'm unsure at this point if they would ever cross paths. Save for like the pack meeting that happens every twenty years or so. But yeah Rhett and Bob meeting would be a sight, everyone just super confused. Maybe they're like distant cousins or something lol
HOWEVER something that I do know....is that Ronnie spent a few weeks with Waya pack when she was still in college to learn about their history and traditions. Camped in a tent on Abbott land. And Ronnie was Rhett's first...👀
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candyredappledragon · 6 months
I’ve returned
Have some cheese sandwich flavoured goat milk
flavored what milk?? i will just pass on that... but thank you for the offer
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izumisays · 11 months
dear yuletide author,
Thank you so much for reading this and taking part in this wonderful annual conspiracy!
First of all, I hope you have a lovely time! If any of the fandoms below pique your interest, I’m delighted already, and ready to hear all the stories you want to tell.
Fandoms: Hikaru no Go, Natsume Yuujinchou | Natsume's Book of Friends, Link Click (时光代理人), 猎罪图鉴 | Under the Skin (TV 2022),  Hunting (猎狐), Thunderbolt Fantasy (東離劍遊紀)
As for reading preferences, I’m happy with a wide variety of tones and genres, of any rating, ranging anywhere from lighthearted antics to dramatic casefics. But the core of all the stories I love has always been character interaction and interplay of their competences. How the characters play off each other and bring out their best/worst, how they’d react to a divergence of events, how true they’d stay to themselves in a different setting – I love fanfiction for allowing us to reconnect with our favourite stories time and again by asking these questions. And there are so many ways to do it! To name a few favourites, I’m always game for POV hijinks, a missing scene, a casefic, canon expansion, backstories and what-ifs.
You may notice that some of my requests lean towards shipfic – those, too, are welcome in a variety of tones – but I also tried to include openings for gen ideas if that’s your jam. Additionally, while it is not usually my top interest, I don’t have anything against AUs if there is something that you are itching to explore: I tend to enjoy them for a new aesthetic that fleshes out the favoured character dynamics in a new light, or a fusion that redefines the playing ground to allow the characters to exhibit their core competences in new and exciting ways.
I would be very grateful if you could avoid a/b/o and associated kinktropes, played-straight soulmate fic, and character interpretation that runs contrary to their core values. If in doubt, please reach out to me on anon - the askbox is open!
No, seriously. I’m totally going to lean into the fact that with ff.net no longer included for consideration, some of my most beloved canons are back in the game. Bring it on!
Hikaru no Go - Shindou Hikaru, Touya Akira
Oh boy. Oh boy. I cannot point out one single canon more significant to my fandom life than this. It completely possessed my brain after I first read and watched it, I simply couldn’t talk about anything else for days on end. It brought so many wonderful people into my life, and it started me writing fanfic: to say it was foundational seems like an understatement. I feel like I can go years without having a Hikago conversation, and then one day something trips me, and I want to climb into a soapbox and yell into a megaphone about it, or at least how my passion for something else actually has roots in this story.
Anyway, this story. It’s something that straddles two big themes for me, in a way that it’s never really one without the other. The first one, of course, is the eternal rivals (I can’t believe I’m typing this phrase in the year of our lord 2k23, omg I’m so excited) — the dynamic between Shindou and Touya is the core of the story and a big reason why I imprinted on Hikaru no Go. They are mutually obsessed, fierce, kinda ridiculous and ridiculously canon couple (in a way that means any hikago gen in my head comes with akihika implied). The other big theme, of course, is what unites all characters of this story into a vibrant tapestry: the striving for excellence, belonging & competition in a pursuit that’s bigger than one single man’s journey, the community and your place in it. There is not a single character in it whose story leaves me indifferent. Sai (Sai!), Nase, Isumi & Waya, Ochi, Ko, Yashiro, a wave of veteran players whose love for the game is a steady flame, the new wave burning with the desire to catch up, and coming to grips with their generation’s supernovas.
I would love a range of things for this fandom: anything post-canon and ship-centric, including getting together (or catching up with the fact that they were together) and addressing the mystery of Sai; anything with the ensemble cast and a good dose of fond humour; any AU which leans into supernatural forces you would want to tap into because the potential is right there; any AUs/crossovers that recreates the dynamic in a different setting is fine as well.
I’m choosing Shindou and Touya as nominated characters, but it could be centered on other characters if you really wish - as long as they are in the frame, so to say, and acknowledged for who they are.
Note you can take or leave, made in hopes to reduce stress rather than inject it: at the height of my obsession, I went to a Go club for a while and learnt a little of the game; it’s safe to say what survived through the years in my head is probably just familiarity with the Japanese terms for the game, its rules and main concepts. So it’s probably enough to understand a metaphor underpinned by what’s transpiring on the page, but definitely not enough to judge anyone for their Go strategy in fanfic. Be as specific or as metaphorically handwavy as you want to be.
My DNWs: I cannot handle other endgame ships for the characters if it means either Shindou or Touya is miserable, and I’m also incapable of stomaching any sort of romantic relationship between Sai and Shindou.
I'm up to date with both anime and manga, but I haven't seen the c-drama.
Natsume Yuujinchou (Natsume’s Book of Friends) - Matoba Seiji, Natori Shuuichi
I’m having the best time having a horrible exorcist relapse.
I don’t know what I was doing with my life, but I had the last several volumes of the manga on the shelf but unread for a couple of years, and only got around to them a little while ago. I am pleased to report Midorikawa-sensei still knows exactly how to get me ferally texting my friends within a few chapters, yelling about LOQUATS. Honestly I’m so pleased that what we’re getting on the page seems to be softer and more open to possibility than what we collectively imagined as a horrible exorcists fandom, yelling about bitter exes and divorces. I am so grateful that Midorikawa-sensei knows not only what we want, but what we need. There is surprisingly less knives and more communication, soft resignation and a working relationship as opposed to a bitter estrangement and mutual avoidance — not ignoring the feuds and bone-breakingly heavy legacies, but growing around them, somewhat? Miharu and Homura arcs were absolutely ruinous in the best way, and what we saw after adds more layer to understanding the history between the two houses but at the same time has enough soft bits around it that makes me hopeful? The mix is intoxicating, not going to lie. I’d love to be a fly on the wall and see the reaction of Matoba’s clansmen when Natori shows up in their boardroom to borrow their esteemed leader for a few days, on important business. HOW OFTEN DOES THAT HAPPEN, I need to know for science.
Also because I reread the manga from around Distorted World chapters until end of v.28, I have clocked it that the ongoing theme in author notes is gentle callout that Natori is doing a worse job of judging Matoba by what he does than what he says than even Natsume. He is so stubborn! And the invitation to stop listening to Seiji glibly run his mouth is right there! (I feel compelled to add here that Seiji running his mouth with the most clingy shit is my favourite thing. "Oh it would be nice to have Natori-san’s paper talisman." "Oh it would be nice to go on a wistful little loquat date again." URGHUGHG - me and Nastume both, probably).
Casefics, shipfics, boardroom comedy, AUs or futurefics — all good, as long as it digs into the dynamic between them. Messing with timelines, forced proximity, day jobs crossing with exorcist jobs, narratively convenient youkai curses forcing their hand, etc etc.
I'm up to date with English official translations of manga & anime.
Link Click (时光代理人) - Lu Guang, Cheng Xiaoshi
My request for them as I worded it last year seems woefully inadequate now that s2 has aired, so while in essence my wishes remain the same - all stories that aim to answer any questions posed by the show, fill in the worldbuilding gaps, offer casefics or day-in-the-life-of sketches, and above all, to lean into the fiercely protective dynamics between the main leads of the show are very welcome - I feel compelled to add a few comments to it.
The dynamic between Cheng Xiaoshi and Lu Guang remains central to my interest. I ship them, but if you don’t want to explicitly include that, there is still all the rest of it that makes the two of them zing: cooperation, mutual protectiveness, the clear imbalance in knowledge, complementary powers and different styles, the blurry line between what’s actually a limitation in powers & bad practice, and what’s LG doing his damnedest to steer the events in a certain direction.
While I am right there in the first rows, gleefully screaming about Hypocritcal Homura Lu Guang erasing and rewinding timelines to protect Cheng Xiaoshi, I am also the first to admit that I don’t have a very good idea of how it works, and the implications of the time reset (resets?) initiated by LG. I’ve had a really good time reading other people’s theories and watching in fascination the corkboards with timestamps and visual cues offered by the production team, but the truth is, I do not have a firm understanding or a preferred explanation, so please feel free to take it as an invitation to play with it as fast and loose as you like. If you have an elaborate theory of your own — I’d be happy to see where it takes you, if you want to hand-wave the mechanics in favour of a general logic of a thing, or bypass it because it’s not the kind of story that you want to tell — don’t let that bother you. Timetravel is mindboggling.
Actual crossovers with Madoka, if you are inclined to go there, are totally welcome. I’ve refreshed my memory of it and have some thoughts on what sets the two shows apart, on the bone structure level, so if you want to play in that sandbox, please do. Just note that my interest in this crossover is not in packing any of the Link Click cast in frilly mahou shoujo dresses.
I am a big fan of Qiao Ling’s part in the story. She is such a grounding presence for CXS and through him, on LG. I am fiercely protective of the idea that her role in the story is not a romantic one, but it’s no less important for it. The way her level-headedness and empathy allowed for a break-through with Tianxi in s2, or the fact that she doesn’t shy from a fight but is not taking unnecessary risk — all of these things are an important part of the overall balance of power in the story.
On that note, what exactly happened at the end of s2 with Qiao Ling’s visions? Did she have her own powers awaken? What would be the impact?
The characters we got to know through s2 - they don’t capture my attention as much as the main trio. I found chosen themes resonant - e.g. the dismantling of the idea of a “respectable man” in the context of domestic violence, the imbalance of power and knowledge — but the characters via whom these themes were explored in s2 currently don’t occupy the top three slots for things I think about when I obsess about questions raised by the show. They are more of a vehicle to explore an idea, to me, that characters about whom I have intense emotions.
I'm up to date with two seasons as they aired on Crunchyroll, but I cannot claim to have absorbed all the lore shared via official twitter, on the account of my Chinese still being a learner level. I'm happy to read content based on that, though -- as long as you include an explanation and a link with commentary that will help me understand the context.
Under the Skin (猎罪图鉴 ) - Shen Yi, Du Cheng.
Always welcome the addition of Du Qing, Du Cheng’s fabulous sister, or the ensemble cast of the investigation unit.
For this show, I’m both charmed by the dynamics between the main leads, and the completely realistic (ha!) way they use art skills to solve crime. This is some anime level nonsense and I’m eating it up with a spoon.
Case fics case fics! Case fics that explore and develop the relationship between Shen Yi and Du Cheng. I ship them, and would welcome the acknowledge of the growing closeness and intimacy between them in the story, but you don’t have to push yourself if you are there for camaraderie alone. I think between their backstory and the events of s1, there is a lot that makes them tick as a duo. Things that particularly please me: the playfulness in dialogue and little things like picture notes, acknowledgement and reliance on each other’s competences, protectiveness and care that comes across both in the middle of real danger (how many hostage situations can Shen Yi get himself into? Asking for a friend) and in daily routine. (Food is love! Allowing people to have naps is love!)
The inherent domesticity of adopting one loner artist by a whole investigative unit. I really liked the evolution of how people warmed up to him, and different distance at which these relationships grow and show in their daily work.
On a similar note: how large will Shen Yi’s menagerie grow to be, if he keeps adopting all sorts of strays from his cases? *An amateur artist myself, I am very fond of the many ways art has been shown to interlace and influence things we perceive to be objective and tangible on the show. It’s not just about sketching a perpetrator’s portrait, and joke as I may about the realism of crime-solving with a sketchbook, I’m definitely fond of all kinds of aspects of art and its transformative power that were brought into the show.
Thematically, one thing that boggled my mind when watching the show is how it gravitated towards exploring violence and crimes perpetrated against women, and created a whole range of competent, sympathetic characters… and yet they all somehow were either in victims, perpetrators or both. It’s like the show writers are trying to engage in important issues, but stop before actually seeing it through to the logical end. Is it censorship? Individual creative decisions? I don’t know, but I would hope that in fic, we could be bolder about saying B after saying A.
The drama is available on viki.com, which is where I watched it.
猎狐 | Hunting - Xia Yuan, Wu Jiaqi
Don’t get me wrong, I love me a good white collar crime, especially one that busts a few capitalist myths. But let’s be real, the best parts of this TV show were Xia Yuan and Wu Jiaqi’s overseas 💕dates💕 I mean business trips, which mysteriously required they be outfitted like a well-matched pair of ridiculously long-legged models that strutted right out of the Vogue pages and into the metaphorical fire. The kind of fire that, in turn, required them to fake date, or dress up even more glamorously to impersonate filthy rich celebrities and their butlers, or deployed other similarly logical methods of tracking down runaway fraudsters.
I would eat up more of such adventures with a spoon, nay, a SHOVEL. Just like the epilogue showed, I’d like to imagine their adventures post-canon be a series of bright postcards (bang bang from Russia with love) capturing their antics in various capitals of the world.
Some ideas for inspiration could be: • Competitive not-dating. Xia Yuan and Wu Jiaqi just happen to contrive the circumstances in a way that makes the next operation seem conspicuously like a date, and the other one simply cannot let this slide and ups the ante. • I’m totally on board with some commentary or scheming from the peanut gallery of the Economics Crimes Division (I love you, Xiaolei!) to set them up faster. I don’t know if I love more the idea of the two of them giving in to the gang’s attempts to set them up, or the gang continuing to set them up completely unaware that the two of them are already dating, thus amplifying the comedy.  • As mentioned above, every city needs a pair of scarily competent and scarily beautiful law enforcement agents (who are also derps) descend on it to charm the pants off the local police forces and then solve some crime while they are at it. It’s also incredibly cute that Wu Jiaqi is the worldlier (or nerdier?) of the two, and can dispense funfacts and trivia at Xia Yuan’s incredibly soft face. I’m a simple girl and I like simple things. • ALL THE TROPES ever, as essential and completely logical ways to solve economic crimes. All the dress-ups. All the role-playing on the job with bae.
The show is available on viki.com.
Thunderbolt Fantasy (東離劍遊紀): any characters
Sanfan is a mixture UTTER GLEE and deep fondness for the genre staples, self-aware and masterful playthrough of all the wuxia tropes in the book, and one goddamn well-constructed story. It plays the tropes straight, calls them out with a knowing wink, walks the tightrope between the two with panache, and just as you are relaxed and enjoying this trapeze show, it grins cheekily at you, sets the hat on fire and pulls a bunny out of a discoball.  It’s DELIGHTFUL and fun and lovingly crafted, just like a good passion project should be.
I want anything that capitalizes on the absolutely hilarious dynamics between Rin Setsua and Sho Fukan (and while personally I end up using the Japanese versions of their names more often, please feel free to go with the Chinese names if you prefer). Sho Fukan does not want any of those heroic quests, he’s the human equivalent of been there, done that mood, and he just wants to REST and hopefully dump a bunch of magical murderswords someplace safe. Rin Setsua is a Totally Respectable and Non-Villainous Member of Society, of which he will inform you firsthand in the most high spoken and verbose way possible, and maybe even produce paperwork that has definitely not been tampered with. He harbours no ulterior motives, ever, and does not trail behind Sho Fukan for any reason beyond the pleasure of his company, and his mission is to personally victimize and cockblock every morally derelict villain in two countries, by no-one’s request.
Whether you go shipfic (yiss!) or canon levels teamup circus (also yiss!), don’t hold back your horses. Everything about this is Extra, and should continue to be so <3
I am okay with both expanding the canon and playing with AUs/crossovers/fusions for this one, provided they retain the character dynamics. I love the extended cast as well: any characters including the Seiyou gang (and on that note, if you want to write the Seiyou backstory for Shou’s gang that has no Rin in it, you’re welcome as well), reappearance of the familiar faces from Touri (read: Rin’s victim list, past, future and present), original characters lined up and waiting to be screwed over (guaranteed) and rescued (the administration does not bear any responsibility etc etc).
Season three, god bless Urobutcher, just went and upped the ante by 9000 – time and space travel! Magical walkie-talkie pocket-sized boyfriend dolls! Dramatic daddies and villains literally yeeted into literal space, jjba-style! The sandbox has expanded exponentially, and if you think this is a good excuse to open the door wide for any perceivable AUs and still remain canon-compatible, well, then you have the right audience in me.
This year I’m not limiting my request to just the two main characters (though as you can see my fondness for them is great) because I think season three especially kicks the doors wide open for various kinds of hilarious team-ups, confrontations, family dramas and peanut gallery commentaries about one another’s delusions of grandeur. If you would rather write about characters in the demonic realm, or have been wanting a good match-up for characters that never met on screen, or bring back some dead faves — well, then s3 labyrinth invites you to play with it, and I’ll happily read it.
Thunderbolt Fantasy is available on Crunchyroll.
I’m also open for treats for any of the above -- to me, dropping stories into other’s stockings and finding some surprises in your own is definitely a highlight of the true Yule experience :)
Thank you for taking the time to read the letter, and I’m greatly looking forward to reading your story — and hopefully, getting to chat about these ridiculous and wonderful characters post-reveals :)
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littlefeather-wolf · 2 years
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How I became a warrior ...
Once, I ran from fear
so fear controlled me ...
Until I learned to hold fear like a newborn,
Listen to it, but not give in,
Honour it, but not worship it.
Fear could not stop me anymore.
I walked with courage into the storm.
I still have fear,
but it does not have me ...
Once, I was ashamed of who I was ...
I invited shame into my heart.
I let it burn,
It told me, "I am only trying
to protect your vulnerability".
I thanked shame dearly,
and stepped into life anyway,
unashamed, with shame as a lover ...
Once, I had great sadness buried deep inside,
I invited it to come out and play.
I wept oceans, My tear ducts ran dry,
And I found joy right there ...
Right at the core of my sorrow.
It was heartbreak that taught me how to love ...
Once, I had anxiety,
A mind that wouldn't stop.
Thoughts that wouldn't be silent.
So I stopped trying to silence them.
And I dropped out of the mind,
and into the Earth.
Into the mud.
Where I was held strong
like a tree, unshakeable, safe ...
Once, anger burned in the depths.
I called anger into the light of myself.
I felt its shocking power.
I let my heart pound and my blood boil.
Listened to it, finally.
And it screamed, "Respect yourself fiercely now!".
"Speak your truth with passion!".
"Say no when you mean no!".
"Walk your path with courage!".
"Let no one speak for you!"
Anger became an honest friend.
A truthful guide.
A beautiful wild child ...
Once, loneliness cut deep.
I tried to distract and numb myself.
Ran to people and places and things.
Even pretended I was "happy".
But soon I could not run anymore.
And I tumbled into the heart of loneliness.
And I died and was reborn
into an exquisite solitude and stillness.
That connected me to all things.
So I was not lonely, but alone with All Life.
My heart One with all other hearts.
Once, I ran from difficult feelings.
Now, they are my advisors, confidants, friends,
and they all have a home in me,
and they all belong and have dignity.
I am sensitive, soft, fragile,
my arms wrapped around all my inner children.
And in my sensitivity, power.
In my fragility, an unshakeable Presence.
In the depths of my wounds, in what I had named “darkness”, I found a blazing Light that guides me now in battle, I became a warrior when I turned towards myself., And started listening.
- Jeff Foster ...
- Art By: Waya Wolf ...
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dkbkdj · 1 year
Hey, it's me again the one who ask about NNM/waya dj! I'M SOOOO BLESSED (//insert dk panel here//), a list of all of that NNM/waya's dj are gonna be my meal for a while!! THANK YOU 😭 Also the fact that you're also might buy some of them make me happy even more, I hope you uploaded them here too in the future, looking forward for all of them!!!!! (sorry, it's gonna be long answer too, cont-)
YOU ARE WELCOME!! I am gonna answer the asks separately if it is okay :D as some address different topics!
Yes, I will upload here everything I have. Is it wrong... maybe.. but I also want to share with dkbk fans!
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erinquotes · 1 year
"Maintaining a Good Relationship with Everyone, Including Your Own Family"
Building and maintaining good relationships with people around us is crucial for a happy and fulfilling life. Relationships, especially those within our families, hold immense value in our lives and impact our overall well-being in many ways. Here are a few ways that i think is important to cultivate and maintain good relationships with everyone, including your own family.
Communication is the key to upholding healthy relationships, and it’s important to learn how to communicate effectively with people. When it comes to family, it is important to be open and transparent with them and talk about how you feel. Expressing your feelings and thoughts can help the other person understand you better and improve the bond you share. at the end the day your family will never leave you and always stay by your side.
Be Empathetic Empathy is a powerful tool that fosters good relationships. When you put yourself in someone else’s shoes, it shows that you care about their feelings and well-being. Listening to your family members’ problems and providing support and encouragement can help strengthen your relationships with them. always stick together through up and downs.
Respect Each Other and Mutual respect is an essential component of every relationship. Respect your loved ones’ opinions, beliefs, and perspectives. Respect goes a long way in building strong relationships. and so support them especially if it will benefit them for good.
Spend Quality Time.... Spending quality time with your family is a great way to build relationships and strengthen bonds. Plan activities, events, or trips that you can enjoy together. It can help create a lifelong memory and bring you closer together. even to other people like close friends.
Appreciate Each Other of Showing appreciation and gratitude towards your family is essential. Expressing your gratitude for their presence in your life, thanking them for their support, or simply saying “I love you” and "hug" and taking care of them and help in some wayas possible can make them feel valued and appreciated. remember that always.. at the end of the day tha most important things that matters to us is our family only and the first is God above third our friends.
In conclusion, maintaining good relationships with family and all those around us is crucial for a happier and fulfilling life. It takes effort, empathy, and communication to build and maintain healthy relationships. Investing in strong relationships with family can help create a support system and a sense of belonging, making life’s challenges easier to handle. this will help you to be more open to them.
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metalshockfinland · 2 years
BULLET-PROOF Announce Željco Marinkovič as New Drummer
BULLET-PROOF Announce Željco Marinkovič as New Drummer
Photo by Helmut Gross BULLET-PROOF have officially closed the chapter one and the chapter two has been opened! We decided to part our waya with Lukas. We shared so many stages and things together! And we’re all happy dìfor all we achieved together! What he gave to this band will stay with us forever, that’s for sure! And we’re grateful for all he did! Thank you Luki!!! The new drummer is Mr.…
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seniorcarejnx200 · 2 years
How To Deal With Loss Or Grief Of Love Ones
Bereavement And Grief
A longer and also slower bereavement and also recuperation should be anticipated when somebody sheds a child. The grief may obtain worse with time as the parents see others going with the milestones they expected to pass with their child. Bereaved moms and dads specifically may be helped by a grief support system. These teams may be offered in the neighborhood neighborhood.
Bereavement therapy is a special kind of specialist help. You might have the ability to discover it through hospice services or a referral from a healthcare provider. This sort of counseling has been revealed to minimize the degree of distress that mourners undergo after the fatality of their enjoyed one.
Grief counseling can also assist them readjust to their new lives without the deceased. It's typical to really feel unpleasant when trying to comfort someone who is regreting. Many individuals don't know what to claim or do. Utilize the adhering to suggestions as a guide. Acknowledge the situation. Example: "I heard that your passed away." Make use of the word "died." This shows that you are extra available to speak about just how the individual actually feels.
Be genuine as well as don't hide your sensations. Deal your support. Ask exactly how the bereaved individual really feels and also pay attention to the solution.
Grief And Loss
Do not attempt to require a person if they're not ready to speak. Approve whatever sensations the individual reveals. Even if you can not envision feeling like they do, never tell them how they should or should not really feel.
If you believe a person is thinking regarding suicide, do not leave them alone. Attempt to obtain the person to obtain help from their medical professional or the local health center emergency clinic today. If that's not possible, call 911. If you can safely do so, eliminate weapons as well as other devices for self-destruction.
The death of an enjoyed one can transform your world permanently. Despair is an all-natural reaction to loss; it can be really felt psychologically, physically as well as mentally. Every person deals with loss differently, as well as you will process grief in your own individual method, in your own time. This fact sheet will give you with means to much better understand your grief as well as several of the feelings you might be experiencing.
Journaling can be cleansing and may enable you to keep in mind of your growth that you may not have or else recognized. What is very important in the grief procedure is that you grieve in your very own individual waya manner in which helps you recover. Here are some suggestions for self-care: Keeping a balanced diet regimen is a fundamental part of looking after yourself.
Navigating Grief After A Sudden Death
Instead, attempt to concentrate on the positive and also caring points you did for your liked one. Over time, you might find deep sensations of being appreciative as well as thankful that your loved one was part of your life.
These feelings, nonetheless, do not suggest you have "obtained over" your loved one's fatality or forgotten him or her. Rather, recovery is about really feeling an ongoing bond with a liked one after they pass away. There are many means to keep an enjoyed one's memory active in your mind and heart.
Do a kind deed in his/her name People in your support network might intend to assist with functional jobs as https://www.livebinders.com/b/3233220?tabid=0c430809-73d4-4e0c-8bad-701bd10298c8 a method of sharing their problem. Be open to approving their assistance, and also do not be worried to reach out for help when you need it. Your assistance group may want to help out by: Preparing meals, Shopping for groceries, Using day care, Joining in with household chores, Individuals in your support network can likewise help merely by spending top quality time with you.
Allowing others aid you is a gift that you offer to them. It is likely that they are grieving. Despair is a trip that requires time, perseverance, generosity, self-compassion as well as an open heart. * Edited by Claire Grainger, LCSW, OSW-C *.
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victorsandvanquishers · 9 months
This Ship Will Carry Our Bodies Safe to Shore - Chapter 11
Fandom: Hikaru no Go
Ships: eventual Hikaru/Sai, Waya/OC, Touya/OC, Ogata/His Girlfriend-from-the-manga-turned-wife, Akari/OC, Mitani/OC
Rating: T+
Warnings: the sadz
Summary: At thirty-four, Hikaru Shindo lives a good life, despite living with the memories of a haunting he can never speak up about. Across the country, Fujiwara no Sai does much of the same, except his ghosts are  memories of a world long gone, and a time period that now only exists in  history  books and fantasy manga. Perhaps that's why they're destined to meet  again - because both refuse to forget what's now in the past. Alternatively, Hikaru finds a living, breathing Sai who remembers nothing about  haunting him or Shuusaku over his thousand-year existence  as a ghost, but everything about his eighteen years on Earth, and the world and life he left behind when he committed suicide. [Post-canon, real time]
Chapter Summary: Could the living haunt the living? Hikaru thought so.
And that's a wrap, folks! Thank you for sticking with this book. I had a wonderful time drafting, writing, and rewriting this over the course of many, many years lmao. I appreciate all of the thoughtful reviews you've all left. It makes me feel like Hikago fandom is still alive and thriving. Y'all the real ones!
And now, at last, this book goes on hiatus. A lotta fun things going on in my life right now, including possibly losing my job because of first world problems (corporate layoffs). I bet Hikaru never has to deal with that 😭 Regardless, writing this story was a great pastime for me, even through the great, rocky road of life. No worries, I DO plan to finish writing and publishing this, but it will take some time, as these things always do. Thank you so much for reading. Promise that the chapter titles will stop being lyrics ripped from 'Little Talks' post-hiatus. There are other songs I plan to butcher LOL!
Until next time, don't forget to leave a review, my friends! (~˘▾˘)~
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sjsmith56 · 8 months
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A Shot in the Dark - Chapter 39, Lord Buchanan
Summary: After contacting Rhodes by radio, Quin vows to continue the fight. A shot in the dark has consequences.
Length: 3.8 K
Warning: Teasing between friends, actions causing death of a character.
<<Chapter 38
🥷 🖤
Bren sent a rider to Waya and Coulson about the King and Buchanan's fall trusting Quin to tell Heimdall when he joined that unit in the battlefield. By the time Quin returned to the castle the word had spread throughout the battlefield that the King had perished and his son would be crowned King that evening. When Quin and the King's Guard rode into the courtyard there were many soldiers crowded outside and inside the gates. He stopped under the gates and stood on his horse, turning and looking at the soldiers, seeing some familiar faces but many were unfamiliar to him.
"My people," he yelled. "We lost my father today by a sniper's bullet. What you don't know is he was dying already from Duke Walker's treachery ... a poisonous bullet that pierced his arm and spread a toxin through his body. When he woke today he saw the end of his life was near and chose to go out like a warrior, fighting with those who fight for him. Some of you only know me as a spoiled, petulant boy but I stopped being that brat months ago. Since then I have learned what it is to be a good man. I have learned that true nobility isn't something you're born with but something that you acquire by how you treat others and how you perform your duty to family, friends, and kingdom. I learned that from a man who was born a farmer's son. I have seen it in another man who was born a slave and still another who was born in a brothel. If you choose not to follow me that is your right. You can take your horse and your weapons, leave this battlefield, return to your families and live knowing that you will not be blamed by me for leaving. For I failed to be a noble man for the longest time. But if you believed in my father and joined his cause knowing that life under Duke John Walker would be infinitely worse then I ask you to stay. I ask you to put aside your lack of trust in me and believe in this kingdom and the right to live with dignity. I will bury my father this evening, then I will wear his crown. Then I will do something that many of you have never heard of. I will be the last King of the Western Plains. After the dust has settled and we have rebuilt I will abdicate to live as a normal man, like all of you. You will elect a ruler, and you will a elect a council to rule with that person. Anyone can be on that council, man or woman, current born or modern born, rich or poor. That is my pledge to you."
"You would give up being royal to defeat the Duke?" asked one man, and Quin looked for the face that went with the voice.
"Donald Cooper," said Quin, recognizing the face. "I bullied you for crossing in front of me as I rode my horse, making him rear. I made you put your face on my horse's droppings as punishment." Quin suppressed a look of self revulsion. "I did that to you yet you wear my father's uniform and by the spatter of blood on it you have slain many. Yes, I will give up being royal if you stay to defeat the Duke with me. In fact, if you are by my side I would be honoured. I am sorry for the cruel person I was."
"I will stand with you Quin Torres," said Cooper. "I was a bit of an ass myself at times."
There was laughter and Quin smiled a genuine smile. "Thank you. Tomorrow when we rise against that traitor you will be by my side. Is there anyone else who wishes me to reveal what cruelty I inflicted upon them for I remember them all, to my eternal shame."
There wasn't a sound then someone else yelled. "I will ride with you!"
Then another and another called out until it grew into a great chorus of men committing themselves to the future and last King. Quin wept openly then held his hand up one last time.
"You honour me," he said. "Tonight, eat, drink, spend time with your friends, go to a brothel, pray. I care not how you prepare for tomorrow just be ready to go in the morning and show Duke John Walker exactly what he is up against. I thank you all."
He dropped into his horse's saddle and rode into the courtyard where a groom took his horse from him. He waded through the crowd of soldiers inside the walls, many of whom touched him and shook his hand. When he entered and walked through the infirmary there were more who reached out to him and he touched their hands with genuine emotion. By the time he made it to the command centre he had been pressing through the crowds of people for over 30 minutes. The room, when he entered, was full of lords, some of them furious at what he had promised the crowd outside. They started yelling at him and as Fury was about to intervene Quin jumped onto the table and yelled back at all of them.
"You want it to go on like before?" he snarled. "You want to live in luxury while people lay dying in front of your estate because they have no work? Or they were injured in their job and you just let them go and hired another to take their place? You believe yourself better than them? Then why aren't you on Duke Walker's side because that's what he believes in and he is wrong. You followed my father for a reason. What was it? To keep yourself above everyone else or to help the kingdom get through changing times? For the times are changing and you are either on the right side of change or the wrong side. Make your decision now."
There was grumbling but no one left. Quin looked at Fury and saw a smile appear on the man's face. As far as Quin was concerned that was the only man's opinion he cared about. Fury motioned to the radio room and Quin jumped off the table, knowing he had to make a call to Buchanan's estate. He went inside where the ham radio operator was waiting to begin the call sequence. Quin sat next to him and the man began.
"CQ CQ CQ KWP2 to KBL1 CQ CQ CQ come in please," he said.
They waited a moment and the man repeated it then the response came.
"KBL1 receiving," said the voice, who Quin recognized as Rhodes. "Go ahead KWP2. Over."
"Rhodes, is that you? Over." said Quin.
"Roger," said Rhodes. "Quin? What news? Over."
"The King is dead, killed by a sniper," said Quin. "Is Lady Buchanan with you? Over."
"No, she is resting under doctor's orders," said Rhodes. "She almost lost the baby some weeks ago. Over."
"Damn," said Quin, before pressing the transmit button. "Buchanan was hit by a sniper as well, using a poison bullet. Tom took him aside and helped him transform as the white wolf is immune to the poison. He is on his way back to you, alone, and injured. Over."
There was a moment of silence. "That's why Tom was there," said Rhodes, sounding defeated. "Beth told us about his vision from the Sorceress. We can only hope Lord Buchanan makes it home. I hope he does for Lady Buchanan's sake. Over."
Quin considered his next words. "Do you remember when you caught me gambling?" he asked. "You cautioned me against the strategy I was using. You don't have to say it out loud as we may be monitored. That is our plan for tomorrow. If it works you will hear from me soon. If it doesn't I will be dead and have released the soldiers from your lands from their commitment. Over."
"Understood, good luck, your Majesty," said Rhodes. "I will inform everyone here of the latest developments. Over and out."
Quin nodded at the radio operator and he signed off. The young king went to the door and opened it expecting to hear the sounds of arguing but instead he saw determined faces. The room was packed with lords, commanders and sub commanders. Fury had rearranged the table so that everyone would be able to see the large map laid out on top. Quin stood beside Fury and looked up, seeing Bren, Coulson, Waya and Heimdall nearby. Across from him was his father's garrison commander Garcia. He saw his two uncles from his mother's family who had stayed true to the King. Then he saw the fathers of some of his friends who had encouraged him in his previous life of a wastrel. In fact, several of those friends stood with their fathers wearing blood stained battle leathers and he nodded at them for they were also no longer the brats they had all been before.
"Thank you for staying true to the King," he said simply. "Tomorrow we go all in. Fury has been working on a plan and I pray it works because I am no tactician. But we must defeat the traitor soon as he already believes he has won by killing my father and wounding my general. Lord Fury?"
"We will use that belief against him," said Fury. "Lord Buchanan's men will leave before sunrise and we will pass the word they have been released from the battle as they were loyal to Buchanan and not an untested boy. My belief is that Walker will become overconfident and advance on the castle. We have all night to build blinds and trenches near the castle walls to hide our numbers, make him believe that most of you have also abandoned the fight. Buchanan's units will double back and attack Walker's forces from their rear. The rest of you will let the first wave pass then attack them from within. The final part of our force will be inside the castle walls. When the word is given they will attack by leaving through the gates while our archers and sharpshooters wreak havoc from above. We swarm them as a disturbed hornet's nest swarms anyone nearby."
"Do you not think we should negotiate for peace?" asked Lord Washburn, the small, sallow man who had suggested Quin hide out in the castle.
"Walker has killed my father with treachery," said Quin, pointedly. "You would trust his word in peace negotiations? There shall be no negotiations for peace, only his defeat."
"I'm not sure I can be part of this," said Washburn. "I think I shall withdraw."
"Too late for that Lord Washburn," said Fury, suspiciously, gesturing to the King's Guard. "The time to withdraw was before this meeting. Is there another reason you wish to leave now?"
"No, no, of course not," said Washburn, nervous now. "I ... I was undecided before."
Two of the King's Guard appeared behind him at Fury's gesture, and grasped his arms. Another appeared and looked through Washburn's pockets, pulling out a document and bringing it to Fury. He looked at it with a stony face then handed the document to Quin.
"A letter from Duke Walker offering you a powerful position in his cabinet," said Quin, sneering at the man. "Dated a week ago. You've been a spy for some time Washburn. Throw him in the dungeons. He will be judged after the battle."
"You are not the King!" yelled Washburn as the King's Guard dragged him out. "You're a worthless coyote pup."
"Anyone else want to admit to receiving such a letter?" asked Quin as Washburn's epithets faded away. "Now's your chance to get thrown in the dungeons."
To a man the remaining lords turned out their pockets to reveal they had nothing to hide. Quin smirked and nodded his approval. Fury addressed them again.
"The King's funeral will take place immediately in the chapel where he will be interred," said Fury. "Immediately after Prince Arthur will be crowned as King. I have already spoken to the companies who will be outside the wall and who will be inside. All archers and sharpshooters are to be on the battlements before sunrise. This briefing is over."
The funeral was brief as was the coronation. Quin wore his battle leathers for both ceremonies, dispensing with pomp and circumstance. In his opinion his elevation to king was like a battlefield commission, the mantle of responsibility was offered to him and he accepted. Drinks were offered to the men to mourn and celebrate. As Quin stood outside the chapel receiving the congratulations and fealty of the lords he leaned towards Fury.
"How does this affect the marriage contract?" he asked.
"It doesn't," replied Fury. "The terms of the contract have already been fulfilled. You have been crowned King and when your bride arrives there will be a separate ceremony crowning her your queen. The finances were put aside in a vault upon my return with the contract and will be paid to her upon her arrival. You will have nothing when you abdicate but she will keep her fortune as a contract is a contract. You will be a common man married to a rich, common woman."
"I hope she doesn't divorce me when she finds out she has to give up her title," said Quin.
"She won't," said Fury. "I told her the King's plan for he thought of it some time ago. She agreed to it. It is buried in a sub clause somewhere but I pointed it out to her."
"But not to me," said Quin, looking at Fury in surprise.
"Need to know," said the inscrutable man. "Your mother was aware of your father's plans but she also has a contract that will keep her and your sisters comfortably for many years." Fury looked sideways at Quin. "There is nothing to stop you from running for office, you know. You have a gift for oratory, that's making speeches. People like you. They like that you have changed from the shallow, spoilt youth that you were to a determined, principled man. Keep that in mind when you consider your future, your Majesty."
Quin smirked. Fury was sly but he was loyal and that was worth much. After the long line of lords had finished paying their respects, Quin removed the crown, gave it to Fury to return to the vault then went outside to dig trenches with his soldiers. He was surprised to find Liam and Edward each with a shovel already there.
"So do we have to call you King Arthur now?" asked Liam, as he leaned on his spade briefly. "I mean, this morning you were still Quin Torres who farts in his sleep. How did the Baroness feel about that on your honeymoon?"
Quin smiled but didn't answer. "He probably waited until she fell asleep and let it all out in one rip," said Edward. "I'm surprised he didn't wake her up when he did it."
When Quin didn't take the bait his two friends looked at each other then upped the ante. "How did the Baroness feel about the third nipple?" asked Liam, with a straight face.
Several other soldiers stood up, hearing the question. Quin stood up and looked at his friend exasperated. "You mean the one you wanted to suck because you missed your mam's tit?" he asked.
There were sniggers from the other soldiers, including Edward. Liam turned red, at least Quin assumed he did in the dark. "That's low, Quin, that's really low," complained Liam.
"You started it," said Edward. "I think he defended himself well. You insulted his wife, he insulted your mother. All that's left is his horse."
"Don't go there," warned Quin, trying not to laugh. "A man's horse is something special. You both know that. You've both slept your fair amount of time in stables."
"More than brothels I would suspect," said another voice and Bren appeared. "Cease the insults you three. I could hear you from a hundred yards away. The last thing you want is for spies to hear you in the dark. Your Majesty, would you like these two to remain with you in the morning? Perhaps as your personal guards?"
"Don't you need them?" asked Quin. "I guess I could put them on the food serving line. They have experience with that."
"As do you," retorted Liam.
Quin laughed then approached his friends in the dark. "Truce," he said, offering his hand.
Edward stepped forward just as a gunshot was heard and he fell to the ground. There were yells all around as everyone dropped to the ground and Bren yelled for soldiers to search the tree line then he called for a medic. He kneeled down and took out a shielded battery light. Edward laid splayed out on the ground with his eyes wide open. Bren leaned over Edward's lips and looked sideways at Quin, dousing his light.
"Get in the castle," he ordered. "You're done here. He's gone."
Quin, stared at the body in the darkness, not believing what had just happened. Liam grabbed him and jolted him out of his inaction, both of them scuttling low to the ground, with Liam keeping his body between the tree line and Quin. As they entered the courtyard Quin hit the wall with his fists, angered at what had just happened. Liam, stood with him, his mouth quivering. Quin turned to him.
"I want you with me when I kill that bastard myself," he spat out.
Three soldiers brought in a young man. One of the soldiers held a long rifle and a device that looked like it fit over the head. Quin noticed with disgust the man wore a patch with the tarantula spider.
"My own kinsmen sent to kill me," he stated. "Have you no idea that I have de Torres blood?"
"Not pure blood," stated the young man. "You're an abomination. All mixed bloods are. Walker promises to leave us alone if we help him kill you and your blood traitors. We will take over the lawless lands and control the coffee trade."
Quin struck him and bloodied the man's nose. "Put him in the dungeons," he said to the soldiers. "He will be hanged for the traitor he is. He's no family of mine."
The young man smirked and spat out a blob of bloody phlegm. Fury came out as Bren came into the courtyard, carrying the body of Edward in his arms. He looked at Quin with concern when Bren passed by.
"Your Majesty, I'm sorry," he said. "We will bury your friend with honour."
"Promise me, Fury," said Quin, looking at the man in the dark. "We send all of them to hell. They think I'm an abomination, a mixed blood. The men who negotiated my mother's marriage to my father think the progeny of that marriage don't deserve to live. We wipe them out, all of them."
The third soldier, carrying the long rifle and head gear, handed them to Fury, wordlessly. Fury put the headgear on and swore. Calling to the garrison commander he ordered a sweep of all the tree lines around the castle. The trenches had to be built but if there were any more snipers then all of their plans would be for nought.
"What is that thing?" asked Quin. Fury put it over Quin's head and the young king looked around in amazement. "It allows them to see at night? Are the secret tunnels still walled up?"
"Yes," replied Fury. "We should open them to allow Buchanan's force to leave secretly. I'll get people on it immediately."
"Secret tunnels?" asked Liam.
"From after the calamity," said Quin. "They were built to allow the first king to get his men out quickly without being seen. The tunnels end about 2 miles from here. I don't even know if they are still intact. You will have to lead your horses out using a torch for light."
An hour later Fury reported the tunnels were all intact. He suggested Buchanan's men exit now and hide in the washes just north of Amarillo but he wanted Waya's men for another task. A flare would be sent up when it was time to attack the rear. Bren, Coulson, Heimdall and Waya were sent for and Fury and Quin spoke to them alone in the radio room, with no one else present. Fury looked at the men.
"I am sorry for the loss of young Edward," he said. "There is a gentleman's agreement that no hostilities take place at night. We know once more that Walker is no gentleman. By the words of the sniper himself we are considered blood traitors for allowing mixed marriages. They are zealots and in their eyes they can do whatever they want to defeat us. Well, we can play dirty as well. Waya, I want you to go to Walker's estate, and the estates of his commanders and take their families hostage. You will bring them back here using the tunnels. They are not to be harmed. I wish to use them bring the traitors out of their tents, out of their places of safety. They will be given a choice. Surrender or we kill their families."
The four commanders looked at Fury with alarm.
"Of course we won't do that," he said. "We're not monsters. We don't kill women and children. Hopefully if they see and hear their husbands and fathers throw them to the wolves they will turn from him and his commanders. Then we slay Walker and his traitors from the parapets and from the rear. No mercy. It will be a massacre, yes, but it will be known we gave them the opportunity to surrender peacefully. The decision to die would be theirs."
"If they do surrender?" asked Bren, still troubled.
"A trial for Walker, his generals and lords for treason," said Quin. "The families will be sent into exile. Princess Maria has already promised enough ships to take them to some islands far in the south ocean. They will be left with supplies then life will be up to them after."
The four commanders agreed and their soldiers were summoned into the courtyard with their horses. Waya's company set out through the tunnels first, armed with maps of the estates of Walker, the lords aligned with him and his generals. The other three companies went through and assembled at a wash a couple of miles further on. They were ordered to rest easy until the signal was given.
Chapter 40>>
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three wip tag game
Rules: post snippets/screenshots/etc. from three of your WIPs! art or fic! tag as many people as you like! (created by @limetimo)
thanks for the tag @bobfloydsbabe - sorry this took me forever to get to, i just spent the last week working at an overnight children's camp! it was super fun, but I'm exhausted lol
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WIP 1 - fourth chapter of the Here to Stay rewrite:
"He and his sister-in-law weren’t close. Even though they lived in the same house. They were like ships passing in the night or planets orbiting around the same sun. They didn’t talk and they didn’t need to. But there was some sort of silent understanding between them, too. A nod and a wink and a passing of favors."
WIP 2 - an edit of some of the boys that live in the Amelia County Boy's Home:
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WIP 3 - the werewolf rhett au:
"“Now, where’d’you think the Waya orange’ll look best?” her mother asked, hands on her shoulders and smiling at her in the mirror again.  Tessa shrugged, flinching out of her grip. “Don’know. In the…Lace maybe?”
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hikago-fanfics · 2 years
Loving You
"Akari… ah, Akari…" Hikaru did it himself while thinking about Akari. He imagined Akari's body so sexy that day, as she responded to every movement of his tongue and fingers. This is the second time he's done it. He had to be more focused that day because he had a long discussion with his friends. If he is not focused, he will become the target of their teasing. 
"I heard you made it into one more league, Shindo? Meijin?" Saeki asked while still holding the steering wheel. Saeki has already taken a driving license and he is starting to drive a car more. 
"Yup. Thanks for your help, Saeki-san," Hikaru replied. Saeki was happy to hear that Hikaru was able to focus more. Also Saeki who taught Hikaru to release the pressure he felt. But Hikaru still wanted Akari. He really wanted her.
"Is loving you this hard 🎶 I don't know how long I can endure 🎶 your expressions are driving me crazy 🎶 but loving you is my choice 🎶" The song playing from Saeki's car radio made Waya comment, "So melancholy." 
"Haha, you've never been in love, have you, Waya?" Saeki teased. Actually he knew a little about Shigeko's confession from her directly, but Waya had not told Saeki anything about it. 
"Hey, I'm almost 19 years old!" Waya objected. Of course he had fallen in love, "but I've never been like Shindo…" he said while glancing at Hikaru who was looking out of the car. Hikaru didn't realize he was being talked about. He was still thinking about getting Akari right away. 
"Why does September 20th feel so long?" Hikaru thought. Only this time he counted the time to his birthday to such a degree. A month after Waya turns 19, Hikaru will turn 18. The minimum age that allows him to get married. 
"Loving you is really hard 🎶 but I'll keep loving you 🎶 forever..." The song was still playing and stirring his feelings.
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goose-books · 2 years
gracen my beloved + 🎶 OR vee + 🎶
(give me a character name + 🎶 and I'll put their playlist on shuffle and tell you the most fitting lyric of the first song I get)
gracen & vee both hail from darkling, my speculative fiction king lear retelling!
shuffling the gracenlist gave me simmer by hayley williams which is... one of Thee essential gracensongs. literally top two or three gracensongs. it's about the constant slow-burning wrath that underlines everything she does
Rage is a quiet thing You think that you’ve tamed it But it’s just lying in wait
AND, of course, the older sister role that's basically a parental role at this point because she's the only person attempting to protect her younger sisters at all
If my child needed protection From a fucker like that man I’d sooner gut him ‘Cause nothing cuts like a mother
god she is so fucking mad all the time because she's been pushing all the trauma and emotion down for most of her life. she makes me insane. we move on,
shuffling the veelist brings us... monsters by the boy least likely to!
This town is full of monsters Holding hands with other monsters And attempting to be human beings / And I don't know why It is they scare me But they do And the thing that really frightens me Is that all my friends from school Are turning into monsters
songs doubly accurate for vee because not only does he have serious paranoia (it's the undiagnosed psychotic disorder), he ALSO lives in dovermorry, where everyone is jacked up on their own overpowered magic & obscene wealth and everyone is ready to stab each other in the back at any given time! cool city. normal place
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