#THANK YOUUU for this question
who’s ur top 10 bands/artists?
GOOD QUESTION and i might say more about them than i need to but that's probably fine. i also can't really order them from like #1 - #10 (if i even have 10 to list yet actually) because i love them all for different reasons and, because those reasons are so different, i can't place one above another in my mind(except possibly one of them but i'll get to that). so i will just number them as i think of them
1. okay so i love iron maiden very much and although i love all of the members, bruce dickinson is my favorite from them. they're probably the first band that i ever said was my favorite and meant it. i love the way they are with the fans and how genuine they always are about everything.
2. HOWEVER, even though i didn't really acknowledge it for a long time(and actually may have forgotten they existed for many years before getting into them again after iron maiden(oops)), sweet was actually my first ever favorite band since i was a kid. i used to play a cassette tape of them over and over all day every day. my favorite of them is brian connolly, i love his voice. i used to stare at my dad's (now mine) desolation boulevard vinyl cover a lot when i was little. i remember looking at steve priest's red hair the most.
3. some might think i'm out of my mind for grouping showaddywaddy into the mix, but i love the sound of doowop. and they did it so well while also being so fun to watch. i actually can't watch any of their videos without smiling or laughing, even if i'm in the worst mood, which is exactly what they were all about. my favorites of them are buddy gask and malcolm allured.
4. AND THEN WE HAVE BADFINGER. pete ham and tom evans are my favorites of them. pete is the one that i might put at the very top of my favorites list. i love him so much, he was a very good guitarist and songwriter and i don't think enough people are aware of it. i love his mind and his voice is very soothing to listen to. he was a very gentle, sensitive and caring person and he deserved the entire world and everything good in life.
5. i haven't officially said it yet until now(i think?), but argent is the most recent addition to my favorites. from when i was first sent a video of them a while back and i heard russ ballard's voice and saw the way he is on stage and the sound of the music, i KNEW right away they would eventually be one of THE BANDS and i already knew russ would be my favorite of them. what i DIDN'T expect is for him to be so.. inspirational? i don't know what other word to use. like everything he says in interviews and things makes me pause the video for a while to rethink my entire life and what i'm doing with it(in a good "maybe i can fix my life" kind of way). i actually cried my eyes out earlier over some things he said. he's a very good guitarist as well, and pianist and of course the songwriting, among other things. BEAUTIFUL singing voice that he could do many things with. he's so full of life and joy and optimism. and MUSIC. he is very full of music. my love for him is growing rapidly every day.
6. okay before i gush so much that my phone battery dies, i'm going to list one i don't really post but has been one of my favorites for a long time(again i didn't acknowledge them as a favorite until recently). i love genesis. all of genesis, but when i started listening again after not listening for a few years, i was suddenly more into their earlier music with peter gabriel, which is the opposite of how it used to be. (still love(d) both eras then and now though)
7. AND i can't leave out suzi quatro being my favorite bassist! or one of my favorites or something. i love her and i don't think she's talked about enough. i still have to learn more about her.
okay i think i'm out of favorites. unless i'm forgetting one. i don't think so.
i'm somehow too easily attached to bands but also very picky about them at the same time while also basically loving everything. i don't know how that works.
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ecstarry · 4 months
Plssss what is the view between villages plsssss tell me more *begging with my hands clasped together*
here's a snippet from this time travel AU were James ends up in the future is in need of Regulus and Sirius' help to get back to his time:
“Come in!” James answered after the first knock. 
“Hey, how was your day with Sirius? I heard you got a new phone.” Regulus was standing by the frame, he had never been in James’ room. He was always careful of not overstepping any boundries with him.
“I did! Do you want to register your number? Register... Is that how you say it?” 
Regulus melted as the man in front of him adjusted his glasses and looked at his phone. James examined his device carefully and touched every part of the screen until he finally clicked ‘add contact’ and handed the phone to Regulus. 
“Sure, I will register my number.” Regulus’ eyes soften as he watched James light up by his answer. He quickly typed his contact information and returned the phone. 
“What’s wrong?” Regulus asked when he saw James’ confused look. 
“Sirius added a picture next to the name, how do you do that?”
“Picture?” James hands him his phone again with Sirius’ contact showing. It had the dog emoji next to the name ‘Padfoot’. Regulus smiled and tried his hardest to conceal his chuckle. Adorable.
He sat next to James on the edge of the bed and extended his hand to ask for the phone back. James quickly obliged. 
“Here." Regulus opened the keyboard, switched to the emojis and allowed James to decide which one he wanted.
“There! I like this one.” James passed the phone back and Regulus’ felt butterflies when he looked at the screen. Next to his name was a star. Bright and pretty.
“Do you like it?”
“I do actually.” 
Suddenly he was very aware, that he was in James’ room, sitting on his bed and a sudden blush started creeping to his cheeks. 
“I better go,” he whispered. Trying to convince himself that leaving was better, that he shouldn’t allow himself moments like this with James. 
“Uh- yeah, it’s getting late.” James’ replied quietly, like a little kid who wasn’t ready to go to sleep but that knew better than to through a tantrum.
Regulus stood up hesitantly, he hated that he wanted James to ask him to stay longer. He walked towards the door and James called on him. 
“Wait! You haven’t registered my number. What if you need to call me?” 
Regulus smiled to himself and turned around to hand his phone. James slowly typed his number and handed it back. 
“You chose the picture.” Regulus simply nodded in response. 
Once in his room, he unlocked his phone and looked at James’ contact.
“This will do,” he whispered to himself as he added a sun next to James’ name.
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ansonmountdaily · 1 year
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Anson Mount and Rebecca Romijn about "Pike Hair"
"We asked Rebecca Romijn and Anson Mount to reply to some of our favourite Star Trek: Strange New Worlds tweets."
Source: Paramount+ UK & Ireland Official Twitter, June 29 2023
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cakeyouareoh · 2 months
For the ask game :DDD
8, 10, 16
signature emoji?
I really should put purple heart if we’re talking sheer volume of usage, but my favorite and almost as used is salute. 🫡🫡🫡
10. name a song with impeccable vibes.
off the top of my head I’m gonna go with this:
16. what is the first “big kid book” aka chapter book, that you remember reading after learning how to read?
my brother left the Long Patrol on our couch side table, I picked it up and started reading, the rest is history. It blew my little mind (I was just a couple months shy of 6), and I’ve loved Redwall ever since 😂.
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jonnymarzetti · 2 months
HI 31 and 43 for that number ask thingy!!
hmm 3 random facts...
i very very likely have raynaud's syndrome (--doctors have mentioned it but never talked about treatment)
i used to do improv piano!
i really want to get a tattoo of a fish
favorite song ever hmmm i'm so indecisive but one of my favorites of all time is eulogy by TOOL!
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tamakat · 5 months
Atlas analysis when?
Sure why not. 
While digging through the lyrics of Infinite’s theme for whatever scraps of characterization I'd overlooked (and kicking myself for forgetting it existed as a philosophy to his character), one of the lines stuck out to me:
“I don't crumble for nothing / I've got the world on my shoulders” 
Which doesn't seem like anything. Maybe it is nothing. But why would Infinite feel the weight of the world on his shoulders?
The lyrics are meant to convey Infinite's massive ego confidence in his abilities. The entire song is a threat, building up his reputation to quell any acts of rebellion against him. A good part of it does highlight his sense of strength and resilience, which would make a casual allusion to the myth of Atlas seem reasonable. Yet “I've been up against better” and “I was born in this pain” don't convey the sense of sheer responsibility that “the world on my shoulders” does.
Unfortunately I’m not the Greek Mythology guy, but the myth of Atlas is well-known. The great Titan Atlas holds the world on his shoulders (though initially it was the heavens. Not entirely relevant since the modern phrase still comes from the myth.) not because of some divine commitment. He receives that responsibility as a punishment. A punishment for losing a war. 
Atlas was the leader of the Titans in the Titanomachy, the war between the Titans and the Olympians for control over the universe. He's the nephew of Cronus, the actual tyrant that Zeus and the Olympians are overthrowing, but Atlas serves as a second in command; a commander over their armies. Infinite… is the second-in-command for the Eggman Empire. He was recruited to lead Eggman's armies in a war to control the world. And Infinite loses that war.
The difference between Atlas and Infinite is their punishment for losing. Most of the other Titans are sent to Tartarus after the war, initially sent to rot for eternity. Atlas, however, was given the special punishment of carrying the weight of the world…heavens. You get it. Infinite was sent to some sort of oblivion, at least as far as we know. He gets completely removed from the narrative so we'll count it. I’m still mad about it. 
But that happens after the war. The song is used in the game, during Infinite's proper introduction with Sonic and Silver. It's completely in the background but it's there, nondiegetically. The song isn't meant to take place after the war. It's during the war, where Infinite refuses to see the concept of losing, where he's warning people not to stand in his way.
So why does he feel that crushing sense of responsibility? What is he being punished for? 
It's a relatively small line, but it opens up a question towards what Infinite's mindset is. Obviously he's confident, but he's also hammering the point that he has suffered and is still suffering. The song isn't entirely a threat. It's meant to be, but Infinite kinda can't keep his shit together. I'm not certain if this line really meant anything more than to show that he’s a tough guy. But the little parallels are too damn interesting to ignore.
In my mind, I could see that line being another reference towards losing the Jackal Squad. He feels responsible for what happened and it weighs on him. I'm sure it weighed on Atlas to know he was one of few Titans to see the light of day, even if he had his own torture to endure. 
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erinatactica · 10 months
Hi! It seems like you had a lot of fun voicing Erina based on the way all of her lines are super passionate, I take it you like her a lot?
hi!!! thank you for your question!
acting is a dream gig and (TO ME, LOL) is the most fun in the world!
I love Erina! i've always felt really connected to Joan of Arc (and, lets face it... there are some similarities there)! I actually did my college auditions with a monologue from saint joan. i truly didn't expect to be cast as her and I didn't know i was playing HER until my first VO session on the game, i thought she was WAY too cool for me! i'm lucky to play a character i like so much!
that said... and i KNEWWWW this the moment i saw him in the script... toshiro gives erina a run for her money for me, LOL. i love a silly old man and macleod absolutely knocks it out of the park with his performance.
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commsroom · 1 year
Some silly eiffel questions that idk if you’ve talked about before but:
- would he play dnd? (I think yeah lol but I’m curious what you think) and if so what class would he play as?
- his favorite flavor of slushy
- how does he cook marshmallows? (Burn them, carefully toast them, eat them out of the bag, etc?)
- if he could choose to be a fantasy creature, which one would he choose?
Anyways I hope you feel better and that these distract you from the icky feelings!
have you seen the doug eiffel dnd script? i love to show people the doug eiffel dnd script. it was written a couple of years ago as part of the fundraising for unseen, and is obviously non-canon, however. it's non-canon in the sense that this group of people in these circumstances would never play dnd. i think the anecdotes + attitudes expressed by eiffel are perfectly on brand and they are canon to me. so... how he feels about dnd, and at least one answer to 'what class would he play' is in there. it's very funny to me that he's a minmaxer, and that his character is trained in "bazooka karate" like... sigh... yeah. of course. i don't think his tastes have changed that much since he was a teenager. (he would be a bard though, obviously, if that was the question.) i also think eiffel would be just insufferable to play dnd with because, like. if he's a player, he's going to be mad that he can't tell the story he wants to. if he's the DM, he's going to do zero planning and go on wild tangents having conversations between NPCs and forget he's not just supposed to be telling a story to himself. lost in his own world.
blue raspberry. he loves sugary artificial garbage that doesn't resemble any real world flavor, and blue raspberry is like, the 90's flavor. so many of his preferences are just nostalgia. he would also be really obnoxious about showing people how it dyed his tongue. (i don't think he's too picky about his sugary garbage, though.)
well. you already know he's not doing it carefully. even if he tried to do it carefully, he would still burn them, but i think he prefers them kinda burnt anyway. he would make fun of someone (minkowski) for how meticulously she toasts marshmallows. and he does also get impatient and shovel handfuls of them into his mouth directly out of the bag in-between the ones he immolates. eiffel is the kind of guy who would show off by proving how many marshmallows he can put in his mouth. i guarantee that guy has nearly choked trying to defend his honor as the reigning chubby bunny champion.
actually given the choice, i think he's perfectly happy to be human (and wouldn't trust an offer like that anyway) ... as an icebreaker question, though? he immediately gives a basic, 'cool' answer like werewolf, and then his brain catches up to his mouth and he goes wait, hold on, can i take that back? because all of the potential downsides just occurred to him, and he starts jumping around with his answer and getting more and more specific until it derails the whole conversation and he's just asking, like, if there would be a catch and what powers he's allowed to have, etc. and whoever asked is like, um... whatever you want, i guess? (<- regretting it.) the person after him says they'd be a dragon and he's like, ugh. no fair. i should've been a dragon.
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dmagedgoods · 7 months
for the uncommon questions ask game, Eneas with question 10? "What lie do they most frequently remember telling? Does it haunt them?"
10. What lie do they most frequently remember telling? Does it haunt them? Answered here, hehe. But another frequent lie Eneas makes others believe is "I obey you." / "Your wish is my command." He highly enjoys a role in the second row, making another person shine, guiding them, advicing them, to be whatever they need to succeed in their plans (or the plans he picked for them). They rarely ever realize that they are puppets in his games. And he never minds bowing deeply, supporting their ego and eccentrics and (seemingly) following their command. No, he doesn't feel any guilt for it in most cases, unless something goes very wrong and someone gets harmed in a way he did not intend.
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Hi ari 🤍 brought you a question. Again 😋 Which ghibli movies or characters best suit different jjk characters? Mention non ghibli anime too if u want :D include the heartbreaking film - grave of the fireflies if you have seen it. Gotta sleep bye!! Have a nice day 😁
hi toruuuu :333 thank you for the question!!! I LOVE STUDIO GHIBLI SOOOOO MUCH i actually haven’t watched grave of the fireflies tho 😭😭 i’m most familiar w the miyazaki movies but i’ll include some others for this question too !! most of these are entirely vibe-based LMAO
satoru - howl’s moving castle
do i even need to say it ???? gojo is howl. howl is gojo. they’re soooo similar and this movie in general just reminds me of him sm :(((( i think he’d love it a lot!!! the star motifs, the war, the breakfast and kindness in sophie’s found family…… howl who is so strong and out of reach. who views himself as a monster. but he finds love in so many ways and he gives love to so many people….. sob. he makes me so emotional. he’s also a pathetic loser which is very gojocoded <3333
suguru - spirited away
I HAD TO PICK IT . I HAD TO. throwback to my childhood friend!sugu and his queer awakening being haku LMAO……. i just think this movie is so unbelievably sugucoded with all the yōkai and ominous vibes…. but then also those little bits and pieces of family as a theme :3 obv he reminds me a lot of haku. with the dragon form and everything… the devotion….. think sugu would love this movie a ton and i think nanamimi would adore it. they force him to watch it all the time hehe
shoko - castle in the sky
CHOOSING ONE FOR SHOKO WAS TOUGHHH but eventually i landed here ….. this one is entirely vibe-based but. just. the plot…. the pirates and planes and high-speed chase scenes and the castle in the sky with all its advanced technology….. especially the castle. the robots!!!! the retrofuturistic style in general is soooo shoko…. and obviously the war themes but that’s kind of a given for any of miyazaki’s works. honestly i think porco rosso is very very shokocoded too but i had to give that to another one of my blorbos….. this movie just makes me feel so nostalgic and i think the themes fit shoko a ton :3
honourable mention to the ghibli lupin movie that i Have Not Seen but i just KNOW shoko would love it. trust. anything detective/phantom thief based makes me think of her
kenny - the boy and the heron / nausicaä of the valley of the wind
I COULDN’T DECIDE 💔 nausicaä was another big contender for shoko’s movie but i just think it’s too weird and freaky to give to anyone but kenny. that movie TRAUMATIZED me as a child. and i think kenny would love it. also just???? the creepy bugs????? nature vs humanity?????? those themes feel so kenny. he’d like the protag a lot i think!!
as for the boy and the heron…. it’s just Vibes. the heron reminds me of kenny!! and i think he’d love the movie a lot…. the depictions of war and the fantasy world, the blend between comedy and violence….. i just feel like there’s such a strong contrast between the bleak realism and the colourful fantasy elements. and that makes me think of kenny!!! i want to watch this movie w him so BAD bro i know his commentary would be the best 😔😔
toji - porco rosso
IT FITS HIM SO WELL. I FEEL INSANE. porco rosso is one of my Absolute Favorite ghibli movies andddd i think toji would love it / it’s just so Him!!!! porco rosso is genuinely him. a literal pig who smokes cigars and flies jet planes….. this movie is so special to me and it’s just giving toji vibes :3 the cigarettes and planes and beautiful gorgeous women…. the macho men. etcetc. but also the grief and the tender scenes….. i’ll never forget that One scene with all the planes of the people who died ascending up into the sky :(((( yeah. this movie is so good and so underrated and i think toji would love it sooooo damn bad
nobara - whisper of the heart / the cat returns
had to give my best girl the best movie <333 being whisper of the heart. but since the cat returns is connected to it and also very nobaracoded i thought i’d go with both!!!! the cat returns is just so funnnn and since nobara is a cat person i think it’s perfect for her!! i can imagine her watching it as a kid and having a crush on both the protag AND the baron lmao. she watches it for comfort now n then <33
and whisper of the heart…. my favorite ghibli movie Of All Time <333 it’s sooo nostalgic and coming-of-age as a genre is very Her. there are so many fun lovely scenes that i think noba would like :((( idk if she’d actually like romance movies bUT. shizuku’s journey with writing and growing up and finding more control in her life feels very nobara. she’s true to herself!!!! i think nobara would hateeee seiji tho rip to him 💀💀 these movies just bring me soooo much comfort and nobara does too <333
megumi - ponyo
THIS ONE IS JUST SO. yeah. the nature themes?? the sea???? the fishes?????? everything is so megumi i could see him loving this movie soso much :(((( he’s embarrassed to admit it but it’s his comfort movie. he loves the scene w the ramen…. idk the vibes here are just very gumi. again!!! the sea!!!! the sea rising to the surface!!!!!! all the underwater scenes are so vibrant and pretty….. ALSO THE ABSENT FATHERISM? yeah. megumi is ponyocoded. he loves it so much <33 watches it with yuji and nobara and feels so cozy. baby boy.
mai - kiki’s delivery service
you know i had to give this one to her <333 momo and miwa and her watch it for sure. ANOTHER one of my Absolute Favs btw and it’s just!! yeah. it’s mai. what can i say. the witches and cats and also just the whole theme of being thrust into a completely new environment??? having to adjust???? and the difficulty kiki has with that…. her eventual burnout :(((( it just reminds me a bit of mai’s life. i think she’d love to run away to a completely different country… find a place where she feels wanted and loved. sniffle. i love this girl w all my heart :(((( i like to think that her and maki watched this one as kids…. maki likes the more action-leaning ghibli movies more but she would watch it to make mai happy. i love them.
takaba - pompoko
aaaand finally!!!! a silly movie for a silly meowmeow :3 NO BUT ACTUALLY THOUGHH CAN WE PLS TALK ABOUT THIS MOVIE . I’M NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO LOVES IT RIGHT…. it’s just so funny and sooooo weird but also soso heartfelt and that’s takaba down to a tee!!! the japanese mythology elements made me think of kenny too….. this movie is both kenny and takaba coded i think. they’d both love it. BUT YEAH I JUST THINK THIS MOVIE IS VERY HIM…. the tanukis and their lil adventures :3 but also the spooky scenes. and the struggles they face!! when humans destroy their homes!!!! takaba would watch this movie and he would cry. sweet sweet puppy of a man.
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sunnysssol · 7 months
I see Alfred as House Lannister coded and Ivan as House Stark coded, tbh. Suzie could be a Blackwood, or a Tully maybe, idk.
I love that!! I agree so much with Alfred as a Lannister, but to mirror canon I think he'd be really miserable after years of disagreeing with Arthur contending with things like his own pride and maybe even out of resentment for being such a shit father. Maybe he'll kill him the same way Tyrion did Tywin, LOL 😭 as for Ivan, I see parallels between him and Aegon the Conqueror (two sisters, plagued with visions, etc.), but I can't deny that the Targaryen I compare him the most to is Maegor. Before his injury, anyway. I love Ivan neutral and complicated and all that, but I really do enjoy villains 😈 By god he'd make a dashing Stark though– tall, strong and cunning with just the right amount of iciness. Winter is coming and so am I 🫣🫡 LMAO
And for Suzie !! As a Targaryen stan first and foremost, I drew inspiration from Rhaena. Or even Mya Stone! But that's just my bias for mountains talking. I can absolutely see her as a Tully though– proud and strong like Hoster Tully was in his youth. And definitely protective of her children (if any) like Catelyn, barring the bastardphobia LMAO but oh, you mentioned the Blackwoods and I had the strongest urge to draw Suzie like Alysanne 😔💖 it's also become perfect since I darkened her hair hshfjshf
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babsvibes · 8 months
Dread String of Fateeeeee
Dread String of Fate, my beloved 🥰🥰🥰
So I’ve already posted the prologue for this one, BUT I’m holding off on posting the next chapter until I have the entire thing completed. Mostly because I think scheduled chapter updates are neat, but also so I can sneak in a couple running themes here and there! Here’s a little snippet where they react to what (my version) of the red string does~
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You have a very soothing voice, like I could just listen to you talk for hours. It's just calming
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teddybeartoji · 2 months
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RUNS INTO YOUR ASKBOX . i’m just abt to go to snorkmimimi land but …. i just saw someone tag their rb w ”mihime” …… 🤨🤨🤨 HMMM.
MICKEYYYY I NEED DETAILS PLSPLS. I’M ALREADY SO INVESTED . mihime is such a cute shipname btw :’3 BUT WAHH I . need to know….. your first meeting + dynamic + love languages plspls <33333 and anything else you wanna tell me!!! i wanna hear abt you 2 so bad!!!!!!! in my brain utahime is . a pretty princess and you are her silly court jester . but that’s just my own brain i need to hear abt mihime straight from the source!!!!!!
(also do u . remember that jjk quiz we took….. way back when…… where you got assigned utahime as your jjk gf . uquiz makers looking straight into the future atp)
(double also . ily <333 don’t stay up 2 late pls!!! and dream the sweetest little dreams :33 here’s a cup of tea 🍵 to help u sleep)
WE'RE HERE WE'RE HERE WE'RE HEREEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! HEHEHEHEE MIHIME HAS ARRIVEDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! okay but i kinda remember tagging like a half nsfw post with mihime so if that was how you found out... i apologize😭😭😭
ok so i fear that i am no better than satoru so... rip utahime. BUT SHE'S SOOOO SO CUTE LIKE HOW COULD I NOT TEASE HER YOU KNOW??????????????????????????? she definitely takes some time before she can admit to HERSELF that she likes me:3333333 (me and shoko figure it out before she does btw)
OK BUT THE BEGINNINGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we met through shoko!!!!!!!!! one night she just texted me and was like hey do you wanna go out for drinks and i obviously said yes and then lo and behold - there she was:3333333 overall she can hold her ground very well but when somebody is flirting with her (aka me:3) she gets flustered so easily!!!! SHE'S SO CUTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA but yeah at first shoko sat between us and i just kinda stared at her bc omfg she's pretty and i saw her stealing glances at me too hehehe she's not as slick as she thinks she is lmao
(she also gets very blushy when she drinks and now doubled with my staring problem let's just say it has a very overwhelming night for her lmao)
but you know i love my slowburns and well this is nothing different,, we didn't start texting right away or anything we just kept seeing each other during what turned into weekly dinner nights at shoko's. we started sitting closer and closer, there were some lingering touches and pink dusted cheeks - it was very, very sweet hehehehe but don't be fooled by the cuteness bc i was still using every single oppurtunity to poke fun at her lmao THIS IS MY LOVE LANGUAGE OKAY I'M SORRRYYY😔😔😔
like we talked before i do think of her kinda like your royalty!reader!!!!!! a little bossy a little bratty she's just perfect for me okay i love her sm!! and not to say that i wanna think of myself as your knight!suguru but.... the dynamic is kinda like them lmao she's my princess ok.... she stomps her feet and i coo at her it's wonderful<333333
overall our love languages are actually kind of the same as misho's - i show my love through acts of service and she shows hers through physical touch. she's such a hard worker just like shoko so i love to just make her days easier in any way i can,, i like to make her coffee in the morning and i like to clean the apartment and do laundry and prepare her dinner and yes i am a malewife okay this is who i am this is how i love her. i give her a massage as she rants about her day and i wash her hair as she relaxes in the bathtub<3333333333333 she deserves everything in the world and i will give her said everything!!!!!
aaand yeah!!! i am a very touchy person anyway so her initiating any type of contact means a lot to me. hugs, kisses, hand holding. cuddling and playing with my hair - it's all i need tbh. sometimes she tucks like a stray hair behind my ear and i die. it's that serious......
WE LOVE GOING ON CUTE LITTLE CAFE DATES BTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we obviously have our one favourite, our special place but we looove love love trying out new ones!!!!!!!!!!!! and we always walk there. idk why this just popped into my head but while she does have a car (#girlboss) we adore strolling around the city hand in hand<33333 we always take a bunch of pics too!!!!!!!!! of each other and of stray cats we find and flowers and pretty places and each other and latte ar and and and okay actually i'm the one taking pics i love taking pics my camera roll is literally filled with her.................................
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AND OMFG YOU'RE SO RIGHT ABT THAT JJK UQUIZ😭😭😭THEY KNEWW THEY KNEW ALL ALONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we're just meant to be!! even though this isn't my most fleshed out selfship it is a really natural one,, kinda like you said that yours and shoko's is yk? like it's mostly just about domestic stuff - this is all about me buying her flowers every chance i get and us taking baths together and us eating pancakes and us going to cat cafes and wahhh she makes me feel so warm i need to bite her cheek>:3333333333333333333
BUT EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ARIIII YOU'RE ALWAYS SO GOOD TO MEEE I LOVE YOU SO SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this did take unnecassarily long bc it was in my drafts........... so it kinda drowned in there i do wanna apologze for that😔😔😔😔😔😔 bUT I AM LITERALLY SOO SO HAPPY THAT YOU ALWAYS GIVE ME A CHANCE TO GO INSANE ABT MY SELFSHIPS IT MEANS SO FUCKING MUCH TO ME IT'S SO FUN HEHEHEHE
SO THANK YOU MY LOVE MY LITTLE IRIS I HOPE YOU'RE TAKING CARE OF YOURSELF AND I HOPE THAT YOUR DAY IS GOING WELL!!!!!!!!!!!! SHRIMP IS ALSO SAYING HELLO O WAIT YES SHRIMP IS ALSO CANON IN MIHIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! though.. she's a little afraid of shrimp actually... yk bc he likes to act like a feral beast sometimes but i can assure you that he'd never actually scratch her or anything,, they just need a little time to bond hehehhee BUT YES SHRIMP LOVES YOU AND I LOVE YOU AND MIHIME LOVES YOU WE CAN'T WAIT TO GO ON A DOUBLE DATE WITH YOU AND SUGURU:333333
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detectiveneve · 1 year
HELLO ITS ME CAN I GET A 25, 41 and 43 FOR EMRYS 💖💖⚔️🗡️🤺💖💖
super detailed questions about your OCs
Can I bully you into reblogging this for Hero? I'm bullying you into reblogging this for Hero.... and thank you <333333
25. What do they find funny? Do they have a good sense of humour? Are they funny themselves?
Emrys has mostly a... dry, for lack of a better word, sense of humor. Most people probably would not... find her funny? She likely comes off as very stalwart to those that shallowly interact with her, and fairly serious. Her humor is more in line with... awkwardly placed, ill-timed jokes, surprising moments of absurdity, and dry observations typically fueled by annoyance. But it's all delivered with her typical brand of sincerity that makes it that much more... disjunctive to Witness.
She's amused by ridiculousness, gallows humor, and jabby little observations. And a bit of brattiness is unfortunately charming to her. She likes playing the straight man to someone else's clownery, and tends to become more severe when contrasted with someone who's humorous, but in a -- fond, clearly-amused-when-you-know way. And she doesn't have a bad sense of humor. Rarely takes things personally, even when it's personally intended. Hard to rile her up. Will play along with the bit in her very restrained manner.
41. What’s their sexuality? What do they find attractive? Physically and mentally? What do they like/need in a relationship?
to sum up easily she's bisexual. since it's fantasy land, I don't think she's analyzed or deeply gone into her own... ideas? of her sexuality, or what it might be, or what preference might exist. she's just here. I see her as mostly having past relationships with women though, not out of any real preference so much as that's where the chips fell; there weren't many opportunities for deep relationships in her past, so these would be more passing connections (save for One) than anything too deep. very funny as she has the vibes of someone who Does Not Fuck and then you find out she was in one of those complicated lesbian circles that never really get over each other & all dated each other. Anyways.
She finds competency attractive. She finds resilience attractive. personalities that are equally entrenched in drive & severity but in a way that runs contrast to her own; that force her to think, to reconsider, to mind her reality & know she's not the only perspective in the world. She likes to help wilting flowers, but she doesn't want to be with one--she wants pushback, even friction. She typically finds herself drawn to personalities that run hard against her own life. the thrill of what's denied to her, maybe, given that her own life is so very... ascetic, for lack of a better word. people that effortlessly pursue what she must restrain herself from (at least, what she feels she must restrain herself from) tend to be the ones she'll fall into fastest. and she doesn't really ask or expect people to change; she's a brick of a person, she holds her own line, so you don't have to change, you just have to go through her if you're going to do something truly egregious. and anyways, it's rarely that serious. she's honest, she's secure, she's driven, and she's very... isolated in herself for it. someone who can make her have a little fun would be a relief.
43. Are they religious? What do they think of religion? What do they think of religious people? What do they think of non religious people?
HAHA.... Yes.
Emrys is deeply loyal to Tyr & to her oath. Her oath is her bond. She truly believes in what it stands for, and more than that, she feels she owes...? Tyr, her oath, her life. she swore it in the heat of the moment and as such it's sort of ... bound in blood, to her. but her relationship to the definitions of justice, mercy, that's where things get strained. she's inclined toward the contextual, and falters a bit with black/white thinking. thieves who stole in desperation or thieves who stole to take back the wealth for the needy shouldn't be punished more than a cruel overlord who weaponizes the law for his own benefit (babygirl would've ANNIHILATED Corrupt Magistrate Astarion with her own two hands likely).
(I'm not a dnd expert at all but) Tyrran ideals are built in the idea of law & order though--especially, from what I've read (?), in city-states, whereas she was raised outside of the cities & incorporated more ideas of mercy (& subsequently, impulsive righteous smiting) into her ideas of how to settle dispute, dole out proper justice, find truth. She especially doubts her teachings when it comes to Baldur's Gate. after all, that's a full city of people who have found every loophole in every law, get away with murder every day, people are suffering, and no one lifts a hand to stop it, and--what kind of justice is that? and what kind of god are you to allow it to stand? -- cue subsequent guilt complexes over doubting her faith like that. she soothes herself by thinking she's an arbiter of these ideals, and a moving hand for justice where others cannot reach. if only she consistently believed that and wasn't outraged often, and prone to impulsive blowups at The Worst Moment Possible.
As of the current arcs of the game, she also had to learn how to lie, how to deceive and cheat a little bit to get the upper hand over these looming enemies, and that chafes on her too, makes her doubt herself, doubt her word, feels like she's failing. because her way simply isn't always possible. they would die ten times over if they rushed in needlessly & she knows that & she hates that it has to be like that sometimes. so that's More of a complex.
As for other religious people, she respects and appreciates when someone has found a devotion or a god to live by, and she tends to take a step back, try to learn, try to see, so long as no one's being harmed in the process. Your god is what you make of it, and she reserves judgement usually. That's None of Her Business. people with crises of faith tend to make her self-reflect on her own crises of faith. oathbreakers give her anxiety, and they're the only ones she really judges, mostly out of a deep fear of becoming one herself, projected onto others, how could you do that, when she feels like she's so close to that all the time and it hits horribly for her, causing her to fall back on judgement and harshness where she'd usually reserve it. Shadowheart's faith is inspiring until it's heartbreaking, that sort of beat.
As for non-religious people, she again, really has no comment; it's none of her business.she doesn't expect anyone to live up to her ideals or standards, she only needs to uphold them for herself. when she enforces her oath it's not out of some sort of ... religious conversion here, she's just maintaining the tenets of ideals rather than faith, which is much more personal to her. sometimes it makes her reflect too. in a world where you know gods are real, you just choose not to worship them, it's -- it makes her think, and reflect. Astarion's line that he, "tried them all," about praying to each of the gods hit her brain badly, because again, it recalls her own doubts of ... what kind of gods are you to allow such suffering, and all that. she's very classic fantasy hero in that way, I guess.
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ghostgor3 · 3 months
2. what’s your feel-good movie?
9. what calms you down?
13. what’s your comfort food?
23. favorite piece of clothing?
2. I have sooo many but I feel like they’re not uh traditional lol I love watching clueless, scream, queen of the damned and midnight in Paris (we don’t talk about woody Allen)
9. Reading, cuddling, spending time with friends
13. Any southern meal 😮‍💨 also breakfast food especially pancakes
23. Ohh I was hoping to get this question. I have a battle jacket that’s full of patches and pins that I made and some of my band tees from concerts I went to (Fleetwood Mac, the cure)
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