turrondeluxe · 1 year
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2003!Mikey and 2012!Mikey being silly older and little brother chronicles 🐢🤝🐢 Pt 2 - Masterpost
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Hot take, but I think every new iteration of TMNT has something different to offer the fandom. One is not better than the other besides a fan’s personal preferences.
Like the fans of ‘87 turtles are always gushing about the pure comedic gold they had to offer.
2003 turtles gave us a darker, grittier view than had previously been in the cartoons, which is something you would’ve had to read in the comics before that.
2012 turtles combined the mood and tone of the 2003 show’s darker attitude for the villains, while maintaining a balance with the more ridiculous, comedic side of the cartoons.
Personally, I haven’t seen Rise! yet, but it’s on my to-do list, same with Mutant Mayhem.
However, from what I’ve seen on this site and in a few fan fictions, you guys seem to appreciate rottmnt’s commitment to a more modern cartoon style and tone without sacrificing the inherent voice of the characters, along with the role changes they gave to the turtles.
Fans of Mutant Mayhem seem to like the more teenager-y characterization of the turtles, having them be more relatable to the current generation of fans.
Correct me if I’m wrong on these analyses, but my general point still stands: each of these cartoons and every new version of the turtles brings something different to the table we fans feast at. Each new show brings in a new generation of fans, and each new fan brings new ideas into the fandom. That’s why TMNT as a whole had been able to keep going and producing more media for forty years now.
So instead of hating on each new version, as we are so wont to do as staunch supporters of our own personal favorite iteration, maybe we should try to find the thing that makes these new turtles so likable! What can they bring to the table that we haven’t seen before? What makes a whole new generation of fans fall in love with these turtles?
I dunno, I just think the fandom is always way too harsh with new fans and new shows (myself included, I wasn’t too happy when Rise! came out, but I’m over it now). We end up torturing ourselves over something useless, when we could be nurturing this new generation of fans to love all the turtles the same as we do.
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kobbers · 5 months
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TMayNT day 8 - favorite ally + dynamic
There are a LOT of great allies to choose from, and many are rightly getting love. Casey. Leatherhead. Traximus. Alopex. Usagi, when he gets to visit.
I want to shout out someone I'd personally love to see more of, even in general concept: the Professor, and by extension the homeless community.
The Professor is a very minor character exclusive to a handful of episodes in the 2k3 continuity, and I really love the relationship established between his group and the Turtles. They already know each other when we see them together for the first time, and both sides exchange items they've scrounged for each other. I love the idea of the guys finding allies among others that society at large doesn't really see as human.
(worldbuilding/rambling under the cut)
This is absolutely something I'm stealing for the personal TMNT version that I've been kicking around in my brain for years. Especially since I want to play with stripping back the more fantastical scifi and focusing on more mundane conflicts (which hopefully will enhance the weirdness of both the Turtles themselves and the staple scifi/dimensional elements I do intend to keep).
Due to this, the question of the Turtles' day-to-day survival is a lot less taken for granted, and I want to consider where they're sourcing their essentials, how they upkeep and protect their home with scavenged resources, how each individual character balances their personal morality re: scavenging those resources with the reality that they can't participate in wider society. And so, a working relationship with a human community that's unlikely to rat them out to the wrong people could be really great to have. April is their first major contact in mainstream human society, but these guys would have helped them survive long enough to meet her.
(Years and years ago I saw a comic - not sure if fan comic? - where Raphael is panhandling, passing off his incorrect number of bandaged fingers as him being a Vietnam vet.
This is kinda the root of me wanting to have the guys cover themselves up with clothing and bandages when interacting with people, to the point that most of the camp assumes they're fugitives and/or have physical deformities they want to hide. But the Professor is sharp enough to quickly spot them out as non-human, and he's completely chill.)
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tmntxthings · 1 year
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I watched it 🤭🙌🐢💜❤️💙🧡
so good! so cute!!! spoilers below the cut ↓
soooooo I really really really enjoyed how much effort they put into making them like sad about their circumstances, the reality of it all, being a mutant and wanting to be accepted by humans,
Splinter not being a human to begin with but just a rat and quite frankly traumatized by humans all his life so very distrustful and doesn’t want his sons going through that or getting killed, and what tops the cake is that he actually tried to go out on his own with the tots, only to be instantly turned on, which just solidified the fear! even though he wasn’t just a rat anymore he was still cast out, still shunned!
but the turtles were too young to really remember that so they had endless hope, at least Mikey, Donnie, and Raph, kinda sorta Leo especially when April came onto the scene 🤭
WHICH SPEAKING OF THAT! Idk how I feel, super cute, Leo liking April instantly reminded me so much of 2k12 Donnie maybe a less intense version, all the scenes where romance was implied wasn’t so heavy (maybe slightly cringe) but still had me smiling so I guess I’m for it????? Still need to think on it more, overall my thoughts are : cute ✨ Leo was just being so cute 💀
THE BROTHERS WERE DRAGGING HIM OUT THO, like practically the whole first half of the movie, which is typical for tmnt, but gah damn 😂 it was so apparent when just Donnie, Mikey, and Raph would group up/link up, because Leo would constantly “rat” them out to the rat! Super different vibes from rise!leo for sure, that was kinda switched where Mikey was the one who couldn’t really lie… and it wasn’t about lying per say, just Leo being a pleaser? or a good kid? or wanting to do the right thing??? maybe that’s all the same thing as not wanting to lie 😂
anyhow, my favorite part had to be the very first fight scene the bros go into! Leo springing into action, being the one to propel his brothers into danger all because he wanted to help April (again so cute) get her scooter back! Technically their fault too! Anyhow they were getting whooped but also holding their own simultaneously, and just thinking quickly on their feet and helping each other out, it was all pretty intense and very stressful like where Mikey almost got run over twice 😨 I was like oml someone do SOMETHING!!!!! Thankfully we got big bro Raph, always coming in clutch! But yeah I just really enjoyed the first fight and them coming out on top! And right after being accepted by their first human aka April O’Neil!!!!!!!!! :D
There’s so much more to say, I could quite literally write down everything that happened in words but not gonna go there 💀💀 anyone wanna just gush about the movie?!? What was your favorite part??! What do you guys think about Leo x April???
Do we have a date yet??? Oml so flippin’ excited that we have confirmed more content on the way!!!
Someone, anyone, TALK TO MEEEEEEEE 💞🤗😚
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mall0w-rambles · 1 month
rambling about tottmnt/mutant mayhem donnie lol
been watching tottmnt, though i haven't watched the final 2 episodes yet. but i think can safely say that, surprisingly, donatello is my favorite turtle in this tmnt iteration. i'm a leo kinnie and i'm also usually a raph fan!!!! how'd he manage to change that?!?!?! i loved both of his episodes so much and i think they might be some of the best episodes of the first season.
in the bishop arc, each turtle has their own recounting of the events, and all of them are incredibly biased. each turtle makes fun of the other brothers and exaggerates their personalities. but even in his own retelling of the story, donnie was putting himself down SO HARD. he didn't even bother to make himself look or sound cool!! he imagines his own brothers calling him stuff like the worst fighter on the team and a nerd. all the brothers throughout their solo episodes revealed their insecurities. but, to me, donnie seems like the most insecure with the way he talks about himself in comparison to his brothers, and i think that's really interesting. 
also even way back in the movie, this version of Donnie seems a bit less.... intense? than his other versions, i guess? the other donnies were out there constantly making complex machines to help their teams. i've always been confused about where they even get the advanced equipment or  information to make the machines lol. meanwhile, mutant mayhem/tottmnt donnie seems a bit less technologically advanced. if i can recall correctly, i don't even think we saw him build anything in mutant mayhem. more so he was good at coming up with solutions on the spot, which is also really interesting for his character (examples: him suddenly jamming the stirring wheel wuth his bo staff during the garage fight to stop the car, him remembering and referencing...... attack on titan, of all things, to stop superduperfly). i like that he wasn't portrayed as just book-smart.
donnie still definitely has an interest in tech tho, but now he also has other very teen-like interests like anime and k-pop. he's not just a nerd now, he's a nerd AND a geek lol. in my opinion, he's pretty realistic. he's still smart but to just a believable degree for a teenager.  i feel like I've actually met people in highschool who were just like donnie.
i also have a LOT of thoughts about ep 10 (donnie goes deep), but i think i might need to rewatch it first.
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I was just curious what is your favorite thing about the 2012 Donatello vs the 2012 Leonardo and Raphael and Michelangelo since you told me that you are just a fan of just the 2012  version
Okay I need to clarify, I’m not “just a fan of the 2012 version”. It’s my overall favorite version of TMNT, but I’m a fan of the other versions too, like the 87 series, rottmnt, mutant mayhem, the 90s movies etc. I don’t want people to assume I don’t like or am not a fan of the other versions. I just made a blog dedicated to the 2012 series because it’s my favorite version lol
As for your question, what my favorite thing about each turtle is? I’d have to say…
Leo - his nerdy side, his obsession with Spaceheroes is so entertaining and I feel fleshes out his character beyond just being the leader and oldest sibling. He’s a nerd at heart.
Donnie - his beef with Casey has always been entertaining, and I’m one of the few who actually like seeing him and April together but more as friends than love interests. Also his sass is top tier.
Raph - I love this overall character development in the series, learning to open up more to others and to not be afraid to express his feelings. He is my favorite turtle in the 2012 version. I love that he’s the jerk with a secret heart of gold.
Mikey - His kindness towards others and alway having faith in everyone is so inspiring. How easily he can make friends, he’s a lovable guy.
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owlfacenightkit · 1 year
I’ve been watching the interviews for TMNT Mutant Mayhem and they brought up how each of the actors were introduced to the franchise so I want to ask
This is not asking which version is your favorite. It is asking which version introduced you to this franchise
Reblogs appreciated so it can spread as far as possible
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Season One was Fun, but it’s the Reason for All of Chat Noir’s Problems
While season one of Miraculous is certainly not perfect, it’s got a lot of good content. Fun episodes, interesting character setups, and interesting plot setups make it a solid opening season to this type of show. There is, however, one massive flaw, the repercussions of which we’re still feeling to this day. That flaw is the dynamic that it establishes between Ladybug and Chat Noir. A dynamic that works great for a duo, but falls apart when you add a larger team.
General Talk About Team Dynamics
When you’re writing a story with a team or core group, the characters need to be designed around each other. How will they interact? Who are the key characters? Who is the leader? Who is the brains? Who is the comic relief? And so on. 
Each character should, by and large, fill a unique role. This is especially true in larger cast because you’re going to have to balance writing all of these characters, so you need to have clear logic for who will be doing what. This is a big reason why having 18 heroes with only one clear main character is a terrible idea. There just aren’t 18 unique roles to be filled. There will be overlap and characters will end up being defined by their powers and little else. That’s why most shows cap out at 7 or 8 people in that core team and why the core team usually starts as much smaller group.
The size of your team is a huge factor in deciding how clearly the character roles need to be defined. If it’s a team of two, then the fact that the team is so small will make the characters feel important just because they’re the main focus. This means that you can get away with one of the characters being more silly and less obviously important. One of the best examples of this is Kim Possible.
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That show sees the titular character doing most of the heavy lifting. She’s the fighter, the badass, the brains, the one everyone knows. Her partner, Ron, is mostly there as comic relief. However, you don’t watch this show and think “why is Ron even there? Why doesn’t Kim bring X?” Because there is no X. Kim and Ron are the only options, so Ron can be as silly as the writers want him to be without coming across as just another part of the team. There are even episodes centered around showing that Kim and Ron can’t function without each other. They are the only viable team.
Let’s contrast them to these four:
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The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are four of the best know hero characters in modern media and they are exceedingly well balanced. While different versions will mess with the family dynamics, the general pattern is that Leo is the serious leader, Raph is the tank/second in command, Donnie is the brains, and Mikey is the artsy comic relief. The property would not be enjoyable if you didn’t have all four characters there to balance each other out.
However, if the world is ending and you have to pick two turtles to save the day, then you’re probably not picking Mikey for your roster. He’s a strong fighter and a fun character, but the roles that the other three play make them better picks in almost every scenario.
This is true for pretty much any show with this kind of dynamic. If you have a comic relief character, then they’re going to be fun. They might even be the fan favorite! But from the perspective of the story, the comic relief character is there to lighten the mood and assist the team. The other ones are there to take charge and solve the problems. The only way to get around this is to give the comic relief a strong second role that elevates them to more than just the comic relief. (Quick note: this isn’t something that you need to do, btw. Mikey is fine as-is because he doesn’t need to feel more narratively important for the story to work.)
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A decent example of a character who is both the comic relief and a key member of the team that you can’t remove if you want to win is Sokka from Avatar the Last Airbender. If you look at the core team, Sokka is the one who is usually cracking the jokes and lightening the mood. He also has no powers, making him the weakest fighter. However, he’s also the one who makes the plans. He’s the “idea guy”. Take Sokka away and the story doesn’t work. The team can fight without him, but they probably won’t win without him because they won’t know where and when to fight.
This is Chat Noir’s problem.
Team Dynamics in Miraculous
Miraculous season one didn’t make Chat Noir a Sokka. It make him a Ron and that worked because there was only Chat Noir and Ladybug. Chat Noir didn’t need to have his importance clearly defined, he was important just because he was Ladybug’s partner. He was the one who kept her from fighting alone. No one else was treated as a viable alternative.
But she’s not alone anymore. There are 17 other people on her team. We’ve seen her fight with different groups and win even though Chat Noir wasn’t able to make it (something that you would never see in Kim Possible). This is the problem. The issue that’s been building and building ever since Rena Rouge first got her miraculous.
If you ignore personal preferences and just look at the roles filled by the different miraculous holders, then Chat Noir doesn’t feel like the obvious pick to stand beside Ladybug. What does he offer that no one else does? What is his unique role outside of comic relief? What makes him scream “duteragonist”?
To fix this problem, you have to go all the way back to the beginning and either nix the larger team or rewrite season one to establish Chat Noir as something more than the comic relief. This doesn’t need to be an aspect of his powers (though I do have thoughts on that). Looking at the previous examples, we see that Donnie is vital because he’s extremely good with technology. Sokka is vital because he makes the plans. Chat Noir could have been vital for a reason as simple as “Ladybug trust him above all others and they constantly work together.” But that’s not what the show did. Alya is both Ladybug’s second in command and her sole confidant. The one who knows all the secrets. Now that Alya - and the rest of the class - have permanent miraculouses, be ready for even more episodes where Chat Noir feels like he’s just there to be Ladybug’s silly arm candy. Which isn’t a problem if Chat Noir is mostly just the love interest a la Tuxedo Mask, but if that’s all he is, then maybe don’t have his family be the center of the plot or put his name in the title?
(Yes, I simplified some of these characters' roles. I'm just making broad statements here to provoke reflection on the writing. I'm not critiquing any property save for Miraculous.)
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britt-kageryuu · 6 months
Even in headcanon everyone seems to agree that all Leo's are Space series nerds, like if you put them in a room together, and got them started on their favorite shows they would talk for hours. (Probably, that's the feeling I get from this anyway.)
But what if they somehow all liked the same show, but different versions. Like say they like Doctor Who, but each prefers a different Doctor.
Some would probably literally start a fight, while others will just make their point, and listen to the others opinions.
But it would probably end with them all just marathon watching everything, until someone that isn't a Leo wants to watch something else. Then the battle for the remote happens, while someone else sneaks in and changes what's playing.
Maybe as a bonus, the Don's, Donnys, Donnie's join the Leo's in the original marathon, and they fight the Raphs who want to watch wrestling, and the Mikeys sneak in to watch whatever they decide to watch.
Mikeys can be so varied that I can't quite pin down a common show they would all like except maybe a comic adaptation.
Added note, I don't know why it's easier for me to come up with ideas relating to Donatello than the other turtles, but it just is.
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pianokantzart · 7 months
Reading your most recent post on Movie!Bowser… it does make me quite curious as to how they’ll handle Bowser and Mario’s fighting dynamic in the hypothetical second Mario movie. In terms of physical strength, I mean. Game!Mario is quite capable of taking down Bowser in his original form(as in, can physically take Bowser down without power-ups) but Mario more or less needed the aid of the star power-up to do so. The movie versions of M&L are definitely closer to normal humans in terms of fighting prowess, so it makes me wonder if they’ll try having Mario, and Luigi by proxy, fight in hand-to-hand combat with no power-ups with Bowser at some point?
Maybe that could be a plot point in the second movie? Bowser worms his way out and starts whichever villainous plot his evil little heart desires, and Mario and Luigi start off a journey of sorts to find another star power-up, believing it crucial in obtaining victory? But, unable to find it, they’re more or less thrown into the fray with their wits and only limited power-ups in tow? And thus sustain a significant amount more of injuries without their invincibility from the star? (And perhaps the fabled green mushroom makes its debut that way…) The movies could have an interesting juxtaposition with the first movie bros being inexperienced + power-upped vs. second movie bros being more experienced + ….not-so-power-upped lol. They sort’ve have to earn their hero titles more(though moreso in the eyes of themselves only. Mostly everyone around them is already like ‘Duh. Your heroes with or without them.’ But, alas, character arcs! Potentially!) Sorry, I’m kinda word vomiting, but day by day I grow ever more curious how the second movie could play out….
One thing I like about The Super Mario Bros. Movie is that it's pretty much just an origin story. There is so much room to expand between where the movie left off and the full Mario lore as we know it today, and I for one am interested in the process of Mario and Luigi going from "Haha! We're heroes!" to "Oh f*ck, we're heroes," to "Okay... we're heroes... we can do this."
Like, how would they react to the idea of facing off against Bowser again without a power star to help them? How will their dynamic shake out when they're bouncing from one life-or-death situation to another? How will they balance their protectiveness toward each other with their moral obligations? Where will the new stakes take them? What new powerup/ally/enemy will they encounter? But back to what you're saying. If Mario and Luigi don't use powerups– even small ones– in the fight against Bowser, I predict a combination of the following tactics will be employed:
Reliance on dexterity. Bowser has them beat in terms of speed, strength, and resilience, but being a giant turtle monster he isn't nearly as agile as Mario and Luigi.
Using Bowser's emotions against him. It's his most glaring weakness, so while prodding at his ego is risky it could also make his movements more predictable.
Using their surroundings to their advantage instead of relying strictly on their own physical ability, which is a pretty common thing to do in Mario games (and video games in general.)
Leaning heavily on teamwork, not just with each other but with Peach, Toad, and probably Yoshi given the post-credits teaser.
And maybe a certain green and white mushroom will need to come into play at some point? We'll see. My biggest fear is that the writers will nerf Bowser a little so that he's easier to take on without the aid of the super star, but I really hope that doesn't happen. Speedy, strong, ruthless, unwavering, tactical, durable Bowser with a fire breath powerful enough to destroy civilizations is my favorite Bowser.
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frogonamelon · 9 months
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I love all the different ways people have run with the prompt 'Venus de Milo is the turtles' oldest sister' and just wanted to pay homage to my favorite of this specific prompt from each of the iterations I've seen more than the occasional clip of. From left to right we have: 2k12!Venus from the story Atlas by dominoeffect on AO3 and @sodaspons on tumblr Rise!Venus by @neonross on tumblr (I'm just now realizing I forgot to draw the braid whoops) 2k3! Venus by athenoot on twitter/ X (who also has wonderful versions of Venus from Rise, Mutant Mayhem, etc) These three in particular are some of my favorite examples for this prompt because, despite being the same character filling the same role, all of them present themselves and fill that role very differently. Despite all of them have an age gap that is significant and somewhere around 5 years to my understanding, the level of responsibility they put on themselves varies from 12!Vee who's basically their mom to Rise!Vee who's a cool older sister but on par with early Splinter in that regard. 03!Vee is a paragon of a collected leader, even more so than canon Leo, as well as a wise and caring older sister who takes interest in her brothers' hobbies. The other two meanwhile are flawed as they either put their needs on the backburner or just hide important secrets from their brothers. Aesthetically, I love their differences as none of them have the same colored bandana (with Rise being light blue/cyan and 2k3 being teal) nor the same weapon even though all acknowledge the tensan canon!Venus has in some way. 12 and 3 were both the pets of Hamato Yoshi before mutation but Rise isn't even a mutant it's so cool how their universes have influenced them! They're just all so cool ok!! Please check them out if you haven't their stories/ comics are all chalk full of delightful family moments.
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artoatsblog · 9 months
What your favorite Nick toon says about you but it's EVERY Nick toon
Doug- When you were asked what you wanted for Christmas, you said "plan white bread."
Rugrats- You're a "90's kid" who wants the modern cartoon enjoyers to get off your lawn.
Hey Arnold-Same as Rugrats, but 5 time worse.
Rugrats (2021)- You only said this one to piss off the above two.
Ren & Stimpy- You're a gay man and all you OCs are ugly men who you need to kiss each other or else you'll die (This isn't an insult, you're the strongest member of our society.)
Rocko's modern life- You relate to at least one character way more than you would like to admit to others.
CatDog- Weird furry.
The angry beavers- Weird furry with taste.
Aaahh!!! Real monsters- You like the idea of Tim Burton's movies but your too cool to actually enjoy them, also your probably non-binary.
Kablam- As a kid you wanted to make something with this exact energy and now, you're a youtuber.
Oh Yeah! Cartoons- same as Kablam but you really miss Cosmo's old voice.
The wild Thornberry's- You worship the ground Tim Curry's walks on SO BAD.
Rocket power- Honest 90's kid.
SpongeBob SquarePants seasons 1-4- You're annoying about seasons 5+.
SpongeBob SquarePants seasons 5+- You know better than me about those people being annoying about seasons 5+.
As told by ginger- You were going to say Hey Arnold, but you didn't want to be lumped in with certain other people.
Action league now- You made at least five short films that look exactly like this.
Chalkzone- Your playlist for working out has the theme song for this show looped for five hours and nothing else.
The fairly oddparents- Your trans, and you hate no other person more than Elmer Hartman.
Invader Zim- You were a vary emo kid/teenager in the late 2000's (same, no shade)
Jimmy Neutron- you're really glad that that you picked the show in "Jimmy Timmy power hour" that wasn't made by an asshole.
All grown up- Come on guys "As told by ginger" is right there.
Avatar: the last airbender- I don't want to hear the lore of the fantasy book you wrote.
Avatar: the legend of Korra- Same as atla but You also made a LOT of shipping fanfics.
My life as a teenage robot- Transfem.
The X's- You don't exist, if you're going to go into the comments and say this is your favorite Nicktoon, you're lying.
El Tigre- This is just the good version of Danny Phantom.
Danny Phantom- That was a Joke don't yell at me.
Mr. meaty- You want this odd but cool type of puppetry to come back (if you thought I was going to make fun of this one your wrong.)
Tak and the power of Juju- Your enjoyment of this show is based entirely on the fact that you liked the games.
Back at the barnyard- Shitposter.
Fanboy and Chum Chum- Shitposter but awesome.
Catscratch- Yeah, I think Wayne Knight's voice is hot too.
The mighty B- Gay.
The penguins of Madagascar- I don't have a joke for this one I just think you have impactable taste.
Planet Sheen- You always wanted Jimmy Neutron to have more "Rawr XD" swag.
T.U.F.F puppy- You ether are Jerry Trainor, or you have a Jerry Trainor stan account.
Kung fu panda: legends of awesomeness- You have a three-hour lore video on this franchise, and I hope it does well.
Winx club- You wanted to help them get free from Netflix.
Robot and Monster- It may just be me, but I think you might enjoy Dan vs.
Teenage mutant ninja turtles (2012)- You don't like rise of the tmnt.
Rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles- You don't like tmnt (2012).
Sanjay and Craig- You used to freak other kids out with your scabs.
Monsters vs aliens- You can deny Coverton's rizz (sorry).
Breadwinners- Your about to go into every cartoon reviewers house with a shit ton of water balloons.
Harvey Beaks- In the middle/late 2000's you were more of a cartoon network kid, you loved Cowder.
Pig, Goat, Banana, Cricket- Same as Harvey Beaks but with Flapjack instead of Cowder.
Bunsen is a beast- Your Elmer Hartman.
Welcome to the Wayne- You wrote at least one fanfic for the ending of this show.
The adventures of kid danger- We don't talk about this one.
Middle school Moguls- it's ok monster high is about to come to Nick for real.
The loud house- Your ether a sapphic girl or a straight guy with a DeviantArt account who needs to be punished.
The Casagrandes- Same as the loud house but with the added advantages, because if you have a DeviantArt account in this one you're more likely to have a normal relationship with your family.
It's pony- You don't hate the British as much as the rest of us.
Middlemost post- John trabbic III is such a bad ass name though, wait this show has Del the funky homosapien and Tony Hawk as guest stars, I might need to which this.
Star trek: prodigy- You really like Netflix original animated shows don't you.
Big Nate- You haven't read the books.
Monster high- You the perfect in-between of goth and prep.
Transformers: earthspark- Why does this show have better non-binary rep than most other shows...I mean they are called Transformers for a reason.
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dandylovesturtles · 9 months
Top Ten Posts of 2023
I decided, why not? ^^
I'm limiting this to fics/analysis/headcanon/etc posts I made during the year and skipping over anything that isn't my actual creative work. That said, if you're curious, my actual top post was this funky screenshot from episode 2.
10. Everyone's just fine with Donnie modding the moon buggy? (362 notes)
It occurred to me that despite being MASSIVE nerds for the Jupiter Jim franchise, the bros seemed awfully chill with Donnie taking an actual on-set moon buggy and modding the hell out of it.
A few people argued with me in the notes that the Turtle Tank is so cool no one could possibly be mad about it and I do think that's fair. The Turtle Tank is easily my favorite thing Donnie made in the show.
9. Splinter and Leo talk post movie (443 notes)
And then his dad walks in and says, “I would like to talk to Blue, please. Alone.” And suddenly Leo doesn’t feel so good anymore.
This is the most recent tumblr fic I've done (I think lol), so seeing it make it this high felt pretty good. I love Splinter and his boys... they make me emotional.
8. A headcanon about the Disaster Twins (445 notes)
I have a headcanon that the twins are lowkey always trying to get each other to laugh.
This is still true.
7. A showcase of Donnie's injuries in End Game (462 notes)
So everyone talks about Donnie getting his shell shredded by the Shredder in Many Unhappy Returns but I feel like it’s underappreciated that that happened to him coming off of getting his ass beat in End Game like
One of the first posts I made when I made this blog haha. Poor Donnie |'D
6. Donnie records everything (617 notes)
broke: Donnie listening to what happened in the prison dimension woke: Donnie showing Raph Leo’s big damn hero speech since he wasn’t there the first time
The main reason why this has so many notes is because @roseverdict wrote a great fic down in the notes that you should all go read.
5. Leo asks Donnie a favor (829 notes)
“You might as well tell me what you need,” he says, turning to his computer and pulling up his list. “I’ll assess it and prioritize.” “No, no, that’s okay. It’s nothing,” Leo insists. “Nardo.” Donnie levels his best stare at him. “What is it?”
I love writing the Disaster Twins being soft and you guys love it when I write it too.
4. Present Donnie and Future Donnie have a little disagreement (CAS AU fic) (1,242 notes)
“What was I supposed to do, tie him to a chair?” “Yes!?” says Mini-him like he’s stupid, which warrants a scoff.
Shoutout to @skcirthinq who doodled a comic version of their conversation.
3. Casey Jr. and Uncle Tello troll Present Donnie (CAS AU fic) (1,701 notes)
Casey Jr, says Uncle Tello’s voice. Uncle Tello? Do you want to see something really funny?
This is my actual fic with the most notes! I'm glad you all enjoyed this silly little take on what was actually an incredibly intense moment in Cass's original comic.
2. Mikey contacts the Hamato ancestors (2,054 notes)
future Mikey: *trying to contact the spirits of the Hamato for advice and guidance in the apocalypse* Donnie’s spirit: Hello, you are now communing with Donatello.
I can't believe you guys gave over 2K notes to the stupidest joke I've ever made. Shoutout to @nonymous06 for this artist's rendition.
and finally, drum roll please.....
My top post of 2023:
1. A very silly idea for a separated AU (4,283 notes)
non-angsty ROTTMNT separated AU where the boys meet online and bond over their shared love of Jupiter Jim and skateboarding and Lou Jitsu. Then one day they agree to meet irl for the first time at a con and decide to dress as turtle aliens.
This post spawned an adorable fanart by @thatsmutbean , this hilarious fanart by @onionninjasstuff , and an entire fanfic called new phone who dis by @rbtlvr
This has been an incredible year! My love for ROTTMNT has not diminished in the slightest and I still have lots of ideas, so I hope you guys stick with me for 2024. Thanks again! Happy New Year!!
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turtlevariabilis · 6 months
My story with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
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When I graduated from preschool, I was gifted the class pet: a red-eared slider turtle (now almost 20 years old and even has a similar companion). From that moment on, turtles have become part of my identity. If someone asked me about my favorite animal, of course I would say turtles. They are very interesting animals that do interact with each other and with humans; they have an enviable perseverance, enormous curiosity, and ninja-like abilities (they are fast, silent, and enjoy climbing, to throw themselves and performing some really strange acrobatics).
Well, today I'd rather tell you my story with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and how I came to be part of this fandom. It's actually a somewhat long story, but it has some funny details, and it's a way for you to get to know me a little better.
So, since turtles have always been a part of my life, it should have been natural for me to encounter the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles from a very young age, so I got to know them through the tmnt 2003 version. And yes, of course, they appeared on television and I was curious about protagonists being turtles... but the series didn't resonate with me.
When you're young, what you need are stories that you can somehow identify with, which is why the best stories will always be the ones that are most diverse in every possible way. And of course, any version of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is already a statement towards accepting what's different, promoting diversity. But this wasn't enough for me back then.
I was a girl who wanted to see girly things, shows with interesting female characters. And honestly, from what little I had seen of tmnt 2003 (maybe just a few scenes from an episode), I only spotted male characters except for April, who was an adult (so I preferred to watch Teen Titans). However, I already had my favorite turtle identified: the one with the purple mask, simply because it was my favorite color; funny how that hasn't changed.
When I was almost the age of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, the tmnt 2012 series premiered on Nickelodeon. It didn't catch my attention either. However, my sister L, almost three years younger than me, insisted that I watch it. So I did... and I guess I loved it. Because that's how my story with the Ninja Turtles began. That's how I met them.
My sister L and I were always on the lookout for when the series aired on TV; we literally ran to watch it, to make sure we didn't miss anything. And I confirmed that my favorite turtle was Donnie, but I actually loved them all.
A few years later, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie (2014) was released... I couldn't see it in theaters, but I was very excited about it, even though I knew it had nothing to do with the tmnt 2012 version (which I was very hooked on), and that's why I was a little disappointed. Plus, I hated how they sexualized April.
So yeah... you could say I was obsessed with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and although I hadn't realized to what extent, my parents and my two sisters did, so my 16th birthday party (just with these people) was themed around it as a surprise. They inflated green balloons, hung them up, and put on masks in the corresponding colors, and we ate pizza. They put a mini 2012 Donatello toy on my cake, which I still have. Now that I think about it, it was an intimate and very nice party... however, I don't like to show my tastes, so at that moment I did feel uncomfortable and dared to express that I would have preferred a normal party, instead of expressing how incredible it was, because it really was incredible. (What can I say? Although I have always been well-behaved and never caused any problems of any kind, I was also a teenager).
At that time, I was still following the tmnt 2012 series, and I used the internet to keep up with each new episode. I reached a point where I became impatient and had to watch the episodes as soon as they premiered, meaning I had to hurry to watch them on YouTube before the videos were taken down, even if that meant watching them in English and in poor quality.
I had a terrible level of English and I hardly understood anything. But doing this greatly improved my level, and I also started to take my English classes at school seriously to understand the episodes. Without exaggeration, everything I know about English is thanks to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Nowadays, I have a very solid intermediate level, and I still continue to improve thanks to them.
Still in that level of obsession with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, I obviously searched for more on the internet, on YouTube specifically. In one of those many videos I watched, scenes from the tmnt 2007 version caught my attention. That rivalry, that epic battle between Leo and Raph, captivated me. So I watched that movie, and although I didn't find it good overall for several reasons, I was deeply moved by the story between the brothers.
But let's go back to the tmnt 2012 version. The ending of the third season was one of the most shocking endings I've ever seen. And when the fourth season premiered and the turtles were in space... that's exactly when I lost interest. And I really don't know why, since I really like science fiction and everything related to the universe. Maybe it was because I stopped understanding what was happening (remember I was watching the episodes in English). I don't know.
After that, from time to time, I would feel nostalgic and curious about this series, so I would watch a random episode here and there (in general, I'm not good at watching series; I'm capable of watching only the episodes that catch my attention, sacrificing understanding the overall plot). And when I found out it ended, I looked for the last three episodes of the fifth season... and they left me feeling really bad with that dystopian, hopeless, but realistic ending. It's horrible, but I guess that's what I liked the most. Let's admit it, we all like to be masochists.
Later, I sort of saw that a new version had been released with colors too vibrant for my taste and a 2D animation with too much hyperactivity that didn't catch my attention. Yes, I'm talking about the rottmnt version, released in 2018. Nowadays, you don't know how much I regret not paying attention to it.
Years passed and 2023 arrived. At the beginning of that year, I realized that we had Paramount+, and that meant that the tmnt 2012 series, in Spanish, was complete. And my younger sister R hadn't been able to watch it because she had been too young at the time. So I felt like introducing it to her, and that way I could watch the entire series in the right way.
It was like watching a marathon: we finished it all in less than two months, despite our various commitments (she had school and I had work, making it very difficult to coordinate schedules). Suddenly, my obsession returned, very intense. It was the only time that I've had the same obsession in two very different stages of my life. But I still wasn't open to discovering new versions.
(You're going to laugh at what happened next).
My sister L, the one who initially introduced me to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, seeing how much I enjoyed reconnecting with them, insisted that I watch the movie of the rottmnt version, which was on Netflix; she said it was very intense and good, well worth it, but that I had to watch it with an open mind because it had many radical changes.
Much to my dismay, very resistant and with my mind as closed as possible, I watched this movie. And yes, it was very intense and all, but I concluded that I didn't like it. I didn't feel like those were my turtles. Despite that, I watched it again... and then again and again. It's like the character of Donnie caught my attention a bit. It's like the animation wasn't as bad as I had initially thought. It's like the intensity they conveyed was starting to appeal to me. It's like it was somewhat entertaining. It's like I was starting to like the characters a bit and was beginning to identify and even understand them.
And suddenly, even though I kept insisting to myself that I didn't like this new version, I started watching some random episodes of the series... until I began watching them in order... and then I would rewatch some episodes that I had liked... I mean, it's just that there was no one to stop me and I had to stop fooling myself! The rottmnt version had many different things, but it was very well-crafted and very good. Of course, I loved it! And currently, for me, it undoubtedly surpasses the tmnt 2012 version by many reasons that I won't comment on this text.
When the official content of rottmnt ran out, I needed more. So I searched on the internet... and suddenly I got caught up in some fan-made comics... and then I found myself on Tumblr... and then I started to become interested in more versions and began watching them (like the first season of tmnt 1987, some episodes of tmnt 2003, I watched the tmnt 2007 movie again as well as Batman vs. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, which I didn't mention, but I had seen before because I had a certain period in my life when I loved Batman).
And all of that was at the beginning of the year 2023, because then the trailer for the movie Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem appeared, which was going to be released in a few months. I had no idea that a new version was coming out that year, and it came just in time to keep increasing my fan skills. Of course, I went to see it in the cinema and loved it, although rottmnt is still my favorite version.
And nowadays, in 2024, I still feel like one of my central thoughts is the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and I want to keep learning more about them, both the old versions and the new ones that are coming. And I really look forward to continuing to contribute my bit to the fandom with this account. Hopefully, this will also be the year when I can finally watch tmnt 2003 properly.
And it's funny, because suddenly I know many references from many versions and I love that, although I know I have a lot to catch up on. For now, I've never stepped into the realm of comics, and I still don't know if I ever will.
Because I'm just a fan, and those of us who are fans of something should be so on our own terms, without the pressure of anything or anyone.
I've run out of words and I don't know how to conclude this text, but if you've made it this far, wow, I'm impressed! I send you lots of greetings and good vibes, just as Mondo Gecko would say.
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the-burd-lord · 6 months
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Playing around with Alastor’s design a little bit. He would still wear most of the same outfit he wore back then, don't fix what's not broken, but with an added suit jacket that's a bit too big for him. I need to make a bit of to at some point, but after his break up he draws on a pencil mustache to add on to his emphasis of having a new appearance while still staying in his time.
A post depression mustache if you will.
As for some of his creepy aspects I'm cutting out the voodoo elements of his character, and instead using the uncanny and analog horror elements instead (I am a simple creature).
I need to actually remake the color pallets for him and old Vox, but essentially they both start off as black and white or with grey like colors, and gain new ones after they split up. Vox becomes more saturated and Alastor becomes sepiatone, as while it's more colorful it's still is reminiscent of the past.
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Now time for some of the silly rivalry bits:
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I’d image they would have casual debates on the radio and tv that would soon devolve into insults and eventually nothing but 30/50s slang and Creole French that would last for hours.
I need to finish writing this bit, but basically Charlie sees it as a good idea to go on Vox’s talk show to promote the hotel and herself. There’s some lil rivalry moments between Vox and Al, but ultimately Vox doesn’t fully let his grudges get in the way of hosting a good show.
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Even though they mutually broke up they still each regret ending the relationship, and as such covey their loneliness in their respective mediums. Vox making sad, gay movies and being so worn out after that when he watches them he doesn’t even know what he made.
And Alastor having a late night audio story about a turtle and a hare going on adventures. There are times where he’ll just start describing crushing regret and isolation, and he’ll realize that he may have gone a bit far and try to steer it towards more of a happy ending with Vox listening in on all of it.
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Something something relationship meme with a sketch I’ll probably never finish. Also surprising, but also not that surprising, to me that in "Stayed Gone" they didn't go with the obvious joke on what to call his late night talk show.
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The grrls r fighting!! But for real this time.
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Been playing with the idea of Vox turning into pure energy when he's overly stressed, or just becoming a weird robot creature as form he can take as an overlord. It's probably going to result in a lot of sketches where I 𝘵𝘰𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 won't use Videodrome as inspiration (lie).
At some point I need to get a good animation program and just start making a bunch of animatics or animations cause I have so many song inspirations for these two.
Specifically one that I want to make a whole animation for is “(They Long to Be) Close to You.” Basically it’s just going to be them fighting interspersed with moments of them waltzing together. I think you can probably parse out the metaphors and connections I'm going for here.
Also me and a friend were talking about song inspirations and after I continually listened, watched, and worked (at least for me) on Hadestown we just replaced Hades with Vox in some of the songs.
One stanza that I need to make an animatic for is in Chant Reprise, specifically 2:33-3:18 with the “I conduct the electric city” line.
This is going to become a bit of promotion for the show cause I love it so much. Probably my favorite musical ever! Also highly recommend listening to this version of "Chant," cause there’s a verse for Persephone and Eurydice that provide some cool reflections that reflect the original “Chant” in their verses.
There’s no direct references to any of the other characters, although you can add your own interpretations.
On that note here’s another song that reflects them. “How Long?” mainly with the “your pity won’t fit in my bed” lines, and when Hades and Persephone are actually singing to each other turning it into being about their relationship instead of the fates of Orpheus and Eurydice.
And a lil teaser for how they make up:
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Will make another post about them. I have so many sketches WWHYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!! I CAN’T ESCAPE EITHER VERSION!!!!
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vdragon-creations · 5 months
TMayNT Day 13: Best Don
Day 13 of @tmaynt Prompt: Best Don!
Oh my sweet, how I've waited for this day! It should probably come as no surprise to anyone who fallows me or anyone who saw my Day 1 entry that Donnie is my favorite turtle! Hands down, no contest!
But here comes the hard part. Choosing my favorite! Gunna be honest, it's a very hard decision. Each Donnie has a quality to them that I just adore! Intelligence! I don't like to think of myself as that smart, at least not in the way Donnie is! And I love me some soft nerdy types! And when it comes to personality, it gets even harder to pick, because literally ALL of them are just precious.
87 is smart but a bit of a dork! 2003 is...goals. Sweet, kind, has a tiny bit of spice to him, and still has the skills to pay the bills! 2007, while not having much screen time, is a reliable man.
IDW, tbh, I've yet to read the comics in full, but from what I can see, he seems a lot like a mix of both 2003, 2007, and 87 Don. As in, while he's a little more softspoken then the others, he can still hold his own in a fight! And despite having been through some clearly otherworldly shit, he's a skeptic when it comes to magic. But I love the way they wrote him! (And his death scene still makes me cry! And seeing him still deal with pain from that incident is just *Chef's kiss*!)
2012....well...I don't have much to say about him. Frankly he's my least favorite out of the bunch, and all because the writers really wanted to play fanfic writer and they leaned whyyyyy too hard into the nerd stereotype. Resulting in making him borderline creepy to April. (Not that she's perfect either because goddess on a stick I'm not getting into that today.) The one thing I'll give him is that his sarcasm in this one made his very funny to hear in banter, and I apricate that they were trying to do more then just change the skin colors to make the boys stand out from one another. (But guys...really....the gap in the teeth was just not necessary..)
The Bayverse Donnie was one that had to grow on me a little, cause I'm part of the crowed that thought they looked a bit rough. But I agree that that's kinda the point, they're mutants. They more then likely would be a little rough looking irl. But after aa bit, he does start looking pretty cute anyway! And his voice is on par with 2003, in that he just sounds so sweet! I wanna hug him! (PLUS, THE FUCKER IS 6'8"! I'M 5'3"! And I do have a weakness for taller dudes. Bonus if they wear glasses! :3)
Now, for Rise. I was once part of the Cowaboomer crowed that thought that since RISE was so different from the other versions, it was there for ruined. I've since watched it, and the movie, and if anything, I've proven that I no longer think this way! RISE Donnie tho...he had to grow on me. At first I really didn't like him. His personality was such a stark contrast from all the other versions that it was almost like he was a whole new character! And with the art style of RISE being so different, his design was quite a jolt too. (The eyebrows are...a choice.) But after a while, that smug fucking smile had me feeling a type of way. The way he'd make me laugh was starting to become infectious! And the next thing I knew, I fell for this version too! Pretty hard I might say. And while 2003 Donnie is the sweetest bean to ever grace my screen, RISE became the living definition of the meme "I'm a luxury few can afford!"! And I love him!
After that, we had the batman cross over that brought us another Donnie! Once that I'm happy didn't lean too heavy on the other versions. He looked a little like 2012, but was like a gentle mix or 2003 and Bayverse! He also got a lot more lines and personality in that movie! (As well as a broken arm! RIP)
Then Mutant Mayhem showed up, and oh my god if he isn't the same insufferable anime fan I was when I was a teen! He made me laugh, and was still an adorable little dork!
And then we have Fortnite Donnie, who...i gotta be honest, I don't play Fortnite. So I'm not sure if he or the others get much of a personality or story outside of the same story of the turtles that we all know by now. So i can't judge him based on personality. But...I do like his design. Tho I will continue to say Fortnite had NO RIGHT to make him THAT damn fine!
In the end, I love all Donnies! Some more then others, but they all mean something to me! And it was hard to choose! but in the end, I chose the two that had the most influence on me!
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