partlystiles · 3 years
Thank God For Quidditch - James Potter
Thank God For Quidditch - James Potter
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james potter x fem!reader (smut)
summary: After Gryffindor fails to win a Quidditch Match, the other team’s captain’s teasing causes something in James to snap and the next thing he knows, he has her falling apart in his grasp.
word count: 4,795
warnings: NSFW, thigh riding, unprotected sex, praise, choking, hair pulling, swearing.
Nothing inflates someone’s ego like praise. Y/N L/N knew that all too well, spending her days basking in every single compliment thrown her way for whatever she did whether it be someone liking her outfit or talking about the Quidditch game she had won the previous week. Whatever it was, Y/N thrived off of it all and the only thing more buzzing than an actual Quidditch match was the aftermath where people talked about it for hours on end and asked the team captain, Y/N, for a full recount of the match.
The biggest match was the one at the end of the year between the two houses in the finals. Also known as the one that her team had just won, their seeker catching the snitch in her hands with a loud laugh as the crowd erupted with noise and the commentator screamed about her skills. It was always the crowd that spurred Y/N on, their screaming smile and happy shouting making her feel proud of her team and her skills whilst she zoomed after the small little ball in the air.
“Yes, Y/N!” The team yelled in different variations as she flew down to the ground with the snitch still in her hand as the crowd raced each others out of the stands to come down to the field. She dismounted her broom and left it in the pitch before she raced over to her friends and threw herself into the Keeper’s arms and he twirled her around.
The cheering became louder as he lowered her and their heads snapped over to every tower where students were filtering out and running behind Madam Hooch who was approaching with the Quidditch cup in her hands. Other teammates patted her back in congratulations as she took the cup in her hands from Madam Hooch with glinting eyes at her accomplishment.
“Woah!” She exclaimed as the two beaters lifted her onto their shoulders and she was lifted above the shouting crowd with the cup in her hands. Even people supporting Gryffindor in the match were crowding around them and shouting congratulations, cheering with their friends banners instead of their red ones.
There was another sea of red further away from the ones in the crowd and Y/N’s eyes zeroed in on the large number 7 printed on the back of the Gryffindor Captain’s uniform as he walked not-so-calmly towards the changing rooms. He looked on the verge of a temper tantrum and Y/N smirked at the memory of his earlier words.
“Enjoy the pity party after the match, L/N.” James Potter had said, glaring as the two of them shook hands in the centre of the pitch. The grip was tight, both of them seeming like they were trying to cut off one another's circulation so the Chaser couldn’t carry the Quaffle and the Seeker couldn’t grasp the snitch.
“I’m sure you’ll throw it great, I’ll be at the actual party with the rest of my winning team.” She replied, a bitter smile on her lips as her crescent nails scraped over the material of his glove in the tight grip.
“It’s nice to have dreams, even if they are pathetically unrealistic.” He shrugged his shoulders as they let go of each others hands on Madam Hooch’s orders and walked away from each other to mount their brooms and fly up to their starting positions.
She had vowed to make him eat his words which thanks to her wonderful Quidditch skills, he had and now he was storming back to the changing rooms one second away from snapping his beloved broomstick in anger. Sirius Black was walking close to him and the other members of the team were walking back up to the castle instead of the changing rooms. 
“Put me down, put me down.” Y/N laughed as she tapped one the heads of the two team members holding her up in the air; they let her down with a laugh and being up there was definitely better than being down on the floor where people were still cheering. “I’m gonna go rub it in Potter’s face.”
“Have fun.” Cory Michaels, one of the Beaters who had held her up, leaned down in excitement to kiss her cheek before he pushed her away and she started to worm her way through the crowd.
The praise followed her out of the clump and she soaked it all in with a smile whilst squeezing through the gaps between people  who milled around the edge of the large ground, someone yelled and she glanced back with a scoff to see Cory being held in the air with cup that she had given to Cressida Bridge in his hands. 
Jacob Jones was one of the last people who complimented the game on her way out of the circle, after she had passed him she broke into a small jog to get to her destination. The changing rooms weren’t that far away from the centre of the pitch but it was a fair distance, Y/N would do her bragging then return to her common room for the afterparty...there was always something inside her that itched to make James angry especially after Quidditch matches. 
It was the way his eyebrows scrunched in irritation or the way that his cheeks flushed a bright red from the effort and sweat glistened on his skin from flying around the pitch and tossing the Quaffle around. Y/N was sweaty too, slipping the gloves off of her hands as she walked so they were free of their confines and the breeze hit them almost immediately because of her jogging.
Slowing down into a walk as she got closer to the changing room, she took off her shin guards and held them with her gloves. She was half-tempted to take her ponytail out but decided against it until she was having her shower and could cool herself down. 
A few metres in front of her, the doors to the changing rooms opened and Sirius Black came out with pursed lips as he shut the door behind him and went to start walking but he froze at the sight of the opposite teams captain walking towards him. She had a smirk on her face, her eyes glinting with mischief as she stared at Sirius and he shook his head slowly towards her, his own smile peeking up.
“Not a good idea, beautiful.” He said as she got closer but all she did was smile at him and give him a small chuckle as she passed and he started walking with a smile. “Your funeral.”
Disregarding his comment, Y/N slowly pushed open the door to the changing room and saw Potter tugging a shirt on with his back to her. It was a simple white t-shirt and black jeans but he tugged the top on so aggressively that she wanted to laugh but just settled on closing the door and leaning against it before throwing her gloves and shin guards down onto the nearest bench with a clatter.
“I don’t want to hear it, Padfoot, you made your point.” He grumbled as he grabbed a bottle from his bag and put it up his shirt, spraying it in the direction of his armpits and Y/N wrinkled her nose up in disgust. “I’m overreacting.”
“I don’t know what a padfoot is-” She began to say and James jumped out of his skin as he whirled around and nearly stumbled whilst putting the cap back on his aftershave. “- but I’m not it.”
His expression turned sour as he stared at her and he turned back to his belongings to start packing his uniform in his Quidditch bag quickly, more aggressive now that she was in the room. “Come to gloat?”
“Yes, actually.” Y/N nodded with a smile and pushed herself off of the wall, walking closer to where James was packing his stuff up and she leaned against the wall beside that instead, meeting James’ eyes as he glanced at her. “What happened out there? You’re bad anyway, but today you were horrible.”
“Shut up.” He scowled, grabbing his red jersey and stuffing it into the bag on top of the Quidditch sweats they were all made to wear. Y/N only smirked slightly wide as she saw that she was affecting him.
“I mean, the Finbourgh Flick was a good tactic.” She continued casually as the rustling of the clothes got louder and James breathed more heavily in anger. “Too bad it didn’t work.”
“Quit it, will you?” He snapped at her, eyes flaring as the eye contact was made but he looked away with a rising and falling chest. 
“The reverse pass was good on your part as a Chaser.” Y/N continued and James’ hands fumbled with his stuff whilst his face heated up with the humiliation and the anger. He glared heatedly her had the urge to just...push her into a wall and kiss her right on the mouth so she would shut up.
What?! He blinked for a second, erasing the thought from his mind with a shake of his head...the thought of kissing her should disgust him but through his angry haze he didn’t seem to be bothered whilst looking away from her features that glowed and glistened with a thin layer of sweat that looked disgustingly enticing in that moment.
“But that failed too...” She frowned mockingly and he glanced back up, eyebrows furrowing in anger and his hands itched to press her shoulders against the wall she was leaning on. Rendering her speechless. So he could have a moment of peace. “Your chasing skills were okay but same couldn’t be said for your captaincy...should’ve brushed them all up on their passes. That’s on you.”
He snapped, jerking away from his bag and towards her, his hands reaching to her arms as he slammed her back against the wall she was leaning on in anger and shoved his lips against hers to shut her up. She jolted slightly at the impact but she accepted the kiss as he stood an inch apart from her, hands gripping at her arms and eyes closing but still full with anger at the sight of her though they softened slightly behind is eyelids when he realised he had just pinned someone against the wall, kissed them roughly and let his anger get the best of him.
He pulled away just as roughly, panting whilst his eyes searched every detail on her face in fear he had made her uncomfortable in any way; it hadn’t been his intention but she just made him so mad. “I’m, uh, sorry.”
She panted just as heavily as him, her breath having been stolen by the way he slammed her against the wall and then his lips had pressed against hers with vigour. Though as his blazing eyes searched her face, he found no sign of uncomfortableness or disgust, instead he saw the smirk twitch at her lips again.
“Don’t apologise.” She breathlessly told him, licking her lips and James eyed the wetness that now covered them as he gulped at the sight and his eyes flicked back up to hers again. “Do it again if you’d like.”
Then she winked at him and James swore he went into cardiac arrest for a moment but he regained himself quickly before looking at the wetness on her lips and diving in again, pressing his lips roughly against hers before pulling back and doing it again and again and again. Like he was addicted. But he was still angry which he didn’t understand...James’ grip tightened on her arms slightly as he took a step closer so their noses nearly touched and he kissed her on the lips again.
Y/N responded as best she could, but the kisses he delivered were short and rough, not ones were she could give him the pleasure of kissing back. So she just let him attack her lips with his, feeling them bruise with every bit of pressure was put onto them with his endless kisses that came again and again and again. Every kiss got him more worked up it seemed and for one of them, he planted his lips onto hers and just pressed them there for longer, letting the feeling consume him.
She had no problem with it, just wished he would do something else to stimulate her building arousal. James grunted at one point and she prepared herself for his touch, his tongue pressed against her lips and she opened them immediately, welcoming him inside with a small, escaped breath. His tongue circled around hers, moving around her mouth as they groaned in unison. 
Y/N desperately wanted to touch him somehow, but he still had her arms in his tight grip despite the fact that he was almost pressed against her completely and there wasn’t even any way she would want to leave now. She moved her tongue too and he grunted again, finally moving his hands from her arms to her his but still keeping her pressed against the wall.
She moved her arms out to wrap around his neck, pulling him impossibly closer to her and letting her hands play with his hair, tugging at it slightly and making him groan as his hands travelled slightly higher but he stopped when he realised she was more or less still in her full Quidditch Uniform
He disregarded that fact for a minute and let his lips travel down across her jaw to her neck where he ducked his head down and she leant hers back to give him more access, his lips sucked gently at the skin as he kissed her neck and gave the occasional blow which caused a shiver down her back and the slightest arch.
James chuckled lowly at her back arching slightly and she groaned slightly at the sound and the breath on her neck, his kisses went further up her neck until he was dangerously close to her and she felt them skim her earlobe before his voice invaded her hearing. “I knew you liked me.”
She could practically hear the cocky smirk through the small laugh as he nipped gently at her earlobe before travelling his kisses back down to her neck. Y/N rolled her eyes and used her hands to grab James’ face before bringing him to face her. Both of them were breathing heavily and James quirked his eyebrows up at her as she made them meet eyes.
“Shut up.” She said to him breathlessly, pulling him back in to connect their lips and he smiled into the kiss they shared before he went serious again and stuck his tongue into her mouth again. 
And again she welcomed it eagerly, the muscles circling around each other as they engaged themselves in a rough and passionate make out. James grabbed at her waist and pulled her right up against him, off of the wall so he could unzip the back of the jersey and push it off of her. He didn’t bother to unbutton the cape that attached at the bottom of the jersey so he just let it fall with it. 
So now she was just in her long-sleeved black shirt, her black joggers and her boots. Y/N quickly discarded of her shoes, throwing them to the side and letting her sock-covered feet land on the hard wooden floor below her before she pulled her socks off too.
 James didn’t waste any time in grabbing her by the back of her thighs and using his remarkable strength to hike her up so her legs wrapped around his waist and they engaged back in a heated kiss with his hands squeezing at her thighs and her hands running through his already messy hair.
He moved backwards as they kissed, both of their lips surely bruised by now from the roughness of their kissing. The feeling of her body against his was intoxicating and she craved so much more. James lowered himself onto one of the benches so she was now straddling him and they kept kissing one another, their heavy breathing loud amongst the thickening air of the changing rooms. 
Caught up in the moment, Y/N grinded against James who groaned into their kiss and put his hands on her ass, squeezing as she grinded again and their tongues found solace touching the other. Soft breathy moans from Y/N and small groans from James filled the changing room and she felt thankful for the rest of the team deciding to shower back up at the castle instead of in the changing rooms.
James started to kiss at the skin on her neck, sucking and pecking it as Y/N continued to grind on him with her small moans. “Want you to ride my thigh.”
“What?” She breathed out, breath catching in her throat as he started sucking in the same spot for a while, surely leaving a mark. 
“I want you...” He smoothed his tongue over the spot where he’d been sucking and Y/N exhaled shakily, bucking her hips. “to ride” He peppered kisses across the extra expanse of skin until his mouth had trailed up to her ear and he lowered his voice down to a whisper. “my thigh.”
“Okay.” Y/N moaned out softly and moved from straddling both of his thighs to straddling only one and looking at him to make eye contact, his eyes were alight yet dark with lust as he looked at her and before she started moving, his fingers ghosted over the hem of her shirt.
He pulled it off of her and she raised her arms so it slipped off easily and he threw it across the changing rooms without looking for an exact place to throw it. He then pulled his own shirt off and threw it away too. 
His eyes were too busy travelling over the sight of her bra-covered chest and marvelling at the way it perfectly pushed up her breasts to where he could bury his face in them and kiss at the skin which made her moan out again as his hands groped at them hungrily. She tilted her head back as she felt his thumbs trace over the material of the cups and her nipples began to harden in arousal.
His fingers travelled around to her back and he unhooked her bra, pulling it off of her shoulders and throwing it in the direction of her shirt. He put his hands on her breasts again, groping at them and kissing them too, his hands just felt better now that it was skin on skin. 
“Move, baby.” He whispered against her skin and she breathed softly as she began to drag herself along his thigh, feeling the faint stimulation as the joggers pressed against her knickers and her knickers pressed against her vagina.
A shiver went up her spine as she continued to move against him, breathing shakily and getting faster with every rut. He flexed his thigh from underneath her and moved his hands away from her breasts towards her ass to move her faster against his thigh which had her gasping and gripping his shoulders and moaning whilst the stimulation against her clit got faster and rougher and his hands were squeezing her ass harshly. 
He groaned as she bucked faster, moaning whilst her fingers pressed into his skin and muscle. James even started to bounce his thigh which sent sparks of pleasure through her as her tits started to bounce on her chest and James watched them hungrily whilst they went up and down over and over and over again until she was a moaning mess on his body.
“I’m gonna-” She cut herself off with a loud moan, rutting faster in chase of her release as James leaned forward and stuffed his face into her neck, kissing and sucking and even nipping slightly at the skin there as he continued to bounce his hip. “I’m gonna cum.”
“Cum for me, L/N.” He whispered roughly into her ear, squeezing her ass hard enough to leave a bruise as he bounced quicker and listened to the pretty noises that she let loose. “Do it for me.”
“For you,” She breathed out in a moan, tilting her head back whilst she thrusted faster and the lewd noises escaped her with no hesitation. “All for you.”
“All for me.” James chuckled into her ear and with one last loud cry of pleasure, Y/N released and continued to shake and stutter in her rhythm as she rode out of her high and James softly kissed her through it. “Well done, my girl.”
Y/N let her hands loosen their tight grip on him as she panted after her orgasm, letting her palms massage his shoulders instead of gripping them tight. James rubbed her ass before moving his hands up her back to smooth over the skin of her back whilst she calmed down.
“We’re not done yet.” He whispered into her ear and she moaned softly again at the declaration. James began to stand, making Y/N stand too and he slowly lowered his hands to pluck at the waistband of her joggers. 
He crouched slowly, bringing the joggers down with him until they were pooled at her feet and she stepped out of them. His fingers travelled back up to get the waistband of her knickers and he pulled them down next, smiling cockily at the sight of the glistening wetness inside of it. She stepped out of those too and James stood back up with them still in his hand, her grabbed her face in his hand and showed them to her as her cheeks squished in his hold.
“Made such a mess.” He tutted, moving his hand that held her face so she was shaking her head. The confidence and dominance radiated off of him like he was a raging fire spreading smoke up into the air, Y/N loved it and the way he held her face in one hand made her go crazy. 
James threw her knickers away too and she was left naked in front of her half-naked Quidditch nemesis. Who knew that this is where they would end up? Y/N moved her hand, getting the urge to make him feel good and she reached out towards his joggers, wanting to touch the bulge that had grown there but James grasped her hand before she could touch it and tutted again.
“I wanna make you feel as good as you made me.” She told him, words muffled by his hand squishing her cheeks but he understood her anyway by the way he smirked at her.
“You will make me feel good.” He released her cheeks and grabbed her hips instead, pulling her against him so her breasts pressed against his bare chest and she groaned slightly at the feeling. “By letting me fuck you until you can’t remember your own name.”
Y/N moaned at the thought, trying to pull him down for a kiss but James pulled away which made her whine slightly. He chuckled at her noise as he began to walk them back against the wall and she shivered once her back pressed against the cold tiles and James towered over her with an aura of dominance. The rustling of his pants made her look down to where he was pushing both his joggers and his boxers down his legs before stepping out of them.
Y/N’s eyes trained to his erection and she licked her lips at the sight before looking up to James who smirked at the look in her eyes before wrapping his own hand around his dick and pumping it just to tease her because he said she couldn’t do it before. He let go of his dick, crouched and looped his arms underneath her thighs, guiding her legs to wrap around his waist like they had before as her weight was supported against the wall.
She moaned slightly as her pussy touched his bare body and he just smirked at her before pushing his hard dick into her with no prior prepping and enjoying the way her head tilted back against the wall with a large moan scraping at her throat. He went in slowly, watching her mouth fall agape further as one of her hands pressed against the wall behind her another grappled at his shoulder, with every inch that went in, the wider her mouth fell with the pleasurable pain he was delivering.
James bottomed out and held himself in there for a couple of seconds, kissing at her neck and sucking another mark whilst she got comfortable. His other one he had made stood out as a bright red blotch on the side of her neck and James kissed at that again, Y/N whimpering at the touch.
He began to pull out in a slow pace before taking his time pushing back in, he continued the slow pace as he let her get used to it. The feeling was remarkable and Y/N moaned softly as he slid in and out of her agonisingly slow.
“Faster.” She panted, her chest heaving and James stopped altogether, bringing her to whimper but then his mouth was against her ear again.
“As you wish.” He said, his raspy voice heavenly in her ears and she allowed herself to revel in it for a moment before her peace was interrupted by James’ hips slamming into her and causing a loud moan to pour out of her lips as he kept thrusting into her whilst she balanced herself against the wall.
His thrusts were relentless, in and out over and over. He spoke through gritted teeth whilst slamming and thrusting into Y/N. Moans were spilling from her lips with no mercy and her tits were bouncing up and down over and over as James   kept up his rough pace. He pulled out all the way and then slammed back in over and over and over again with praise and profanities spilling shamelessly from him. 
“Yeah, my good girl, fuck yeah.”
At his words, she let out moans which were met with groans from James as he thrusted in and out with his eyes on his girlfriends breasts which were bouncing for his view and Y/N attempted to bounce herself back on his dick with a screwed up face from the pleasure whilst her eyes tried to peak down at where James was thrusting into her but he reached back and pulled their hair so they were looking up at the ceiling of the changing rooms.
“James-” She cut herself off, their eyes rolling back in their head as James put a hand around her throat and laughed at their fucked out expression and went impossibly faster into her. The moan that she wanted to let out was blocked by his hand gripping her neck tightly, his fingers pressing into the skin whilst the sound of skin slapping echoed around the rooms.
“You like my hand around your pretty neck?” He grunted and she nodded, her hand on his shoulder going to touch his arms as a whimper made its way out and James laughed lowly. “Use your words, sweetheart.”
“Y-Yes.” She choked out, moaning as James loosened his grip slightly when he felt his orgasm approaching. Y/N could feel her own, the coil slowly tightening in the pits of her stomach as her eyes rolled back again and James groaned louder. “James, fuck me.”
“Come on, baby.” He moaned, going faster and Y/N whimpered repetitively as his dick brushed against her g-spot and it prodded at the pressure point repeatedly. “Come on. Cum all over me, my good girl, cum on my dick.”
His words sent multiple shivers down her spine and finally, with motivation from James’ thrusts against her g-spot and his hand tightening on her neck again at the chase for his own release, Y/N let go and had her second orgasm all over James’ dick that was still pounding into her but starting to stutter in it’s rhythm. She clenched around him and it took a lot of self-control for James to pull out and let his own cum squirt up all over her torso.
Once both of their orgasms had mulled over, Y/N leaned her head forward and rested her forehead on James’ as they both panted and their chests went up and down in unison. James tilted his head so his lips could catch hers and Y/N responded softly, the kiss softer than their rough ones which had started the whole thing off.
“Thank god for Quidditch, huh?” Y/N muttered against his lips and he managed a chuckle, the two of them naked and sweaty but still laughing with each other after a failed match for one of them.
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juhakx · 4 years
Sketchbooks and Soccer Players- Kim Sunwoo
Genre: Fluff with mild cursing, Soccerplayer!Sunwoo / Artist!Y/N (gender neutral), Slight couple Moonbae because why not
Word Count: 2263
"Y/N!" You hear someone shout, causing you to jump up slightly and release the pencil that was in your hand. "I've been calling your name for like five minutes! You know I can't go inside the art room without Mrs. Park's permission."
"Sorry, Kev, I guess I got too wrapped up in my piece," You chuckle, quickly closing your sketchbook and packing up your things so he wouldn't have to wait on you any longer. Tossing your bag over your shoulder, you jog up to Kevin and greet him. 
"How was your day?" You ask, taking out the lollipop you had stored in your pocket and unwrapping it before placing it in your mouth. 
"Raspberry this time?" He asks. "Also, today was okay before I shouted at my best friend so we could go home, but they ignored me and proceeded to doodle in their notebook. Let me just tell you, it made me feel like I was as worthless as the p in raspberry. What were you drawing that had you so engrossed, anyway?" 
Kevin pushed the school doors, and you made your way to his car as you recounted how much of a luxury it was that your best friend was also your neighbor. 
"You know, just someone," You mumble, putting on your seatbelt. 
"Someone? You don't normally draw people. Is your obsession with Lee Dongwook getting so extreme that you started drawing him?" Kevin giggles, thinking back to your avid Viki sessions of watching Goblin and Tale of the Nine-Tailed together. 
"No, I'm not that weird," You laugh, lightly shoving him to the side. 
"So, who is it?"
Your mind drifts back to yesterday, the day of the encounter. Sceneries: Forests, mountains, valleys. That was more of your expertise when it came to art, however, nothing was as scenic as the boy you met yesterday. 
Kim Sunwoo. Everyone knew him. Everyone wanted to date or be him, there was no in-between. You didn't think much about the kid before because your paths never clashed, not until yesterday. 
"Woah, I'm so sorry!" He said, his chest heaving from running from the direction of the soccer field. 
"Oh, you're fine!" You replied, picking up your sketchbook that fell out of your hands. You were just about to enter the art room, the safe haven where you would draw until Kevin was done with choir practice. 
"Y/N, right?" Sunwoo asked. You couldn't help but remember the shocked look on your face when he knew who you were. 
"Yeah, Y/N," You replied. 
"Y/N," He had repeated, this time with a small smile on his face. It was the most beautiful way you had ever heard your name said, to a point where you swore you heard it echoing in your head right now. 
“Y/N, we're here you weirdo, snap out of it," Kevin shrieked, smacking your arm to get you out of your daze. 
"Oh shit," You mumbled, realizing that you were no longer in the school parking lot and instead at your house. 
"You zoned out for like ten minutes after I asked you who you were drawing. Is everything okay? Are the paint fumes getting to your head?" He mocked. 
"No, just thinking. Anyway, you were right earlier. I wanted to try drawing people, so I was like go big or go home and started sketching Dongwook's face today," You reason. No one needed to know that the only thing running through your head was Kim Sunwoo on repeat, even when you saw him passing by the art room once again.
And that's how the next week passed. You continued your sketch of Sunwoo, trying your best to remember exactly what his face looked like up close. However, he continued to pass by the art room every day, just close enough for you to recognize the familiar tan skin and soccer uniform. Though you never made eye contact with him, you knew when he passed by, your eyes catching the movement across the room every time. 
"Aish," You groaned out, erasing his eyes for what felt like the fifteenth time that afternoon. 
"Everything alright in there?" You heard a familiar voice say, causing you to look up from the drawing. Upon seeing his face, you immediately close your sketchbook. 
"Sunwoo!" You exclaim, half in fear and half in genuine excitement. 
"The one and only," He laughs. "I heard you from outside, are you okay?"
There was worry in Sunwoo's voice, causing your heart to clench. "Yeah, I just suck at drawing," You chuckle. 
"Oh, I doubt that. You're always in here, so there must be some artistic bone in your body," He reassures you. 
You sit there in silence for a moment before Sunwoo's eyes widen, and he begins to shake his head from side to side. "Not that- not that I've been watching you or anything, I just like to pass by the art room now cause I always see you in here. Wait, that sounds weird. I don't just come to see you, but you're just always working really hard, and it's really admirable to see you and you look really nice when you draw. Not that you don't look nice any other time! But also the only time I've ever really seen you is in the art room, so I guess I really don't know what you look like any other time. Not that I wouldn't be opposed to it! I just-" Sunwoo heaves, letting out a heavy sigh before standing there with his head in his hands. 
"Sunwoo, calm down!" You giggle. "I mean, I noticed that you were passing by too, and I glance every time whether you notice it or not. The soccer uniform really suits you," You compliment. You could feel your heart beating out of your chest, his sudden outburst making you want to laugh and cry at the same time. 
"Oh, this?" He says, looking down at his jersey. "This is nothing, I would much rather be good at art than soccer."
"You? You're not just good at soccer, you're freaking great. I mean, you've been on varsity since freshman year," You exasperate. A small smile breaks out on Sunwoo's face once he hears a small fact of his life slip from your mouth. 
"Oh shit, speaking of soccer," Sunwoo mumbles, glancing at the clock that was inside the art teacher's room. "I gotta go. I forgot that break was only five minutes. It was really fun talking to you Y/N. Good luck with your drawing!" 
Before you could even say goodbye back, he ran back to the direction he came from.
"Was that Kim Sunwoo?" Kevin says, appearing in front of the doorway from out of nowhere. 
"Don't ask," You breathe out, still breathless from the interaction you just had. "Did choir practice end early today?"
"Yeah, you know Jacob Bae?"
"Brown hair, super cute, part of the basketball team?" You ask, wondering if he was talking about the same guy that was in your calculus class. As you await his answer, you pack up your supplies for the day, leaving the portrait of Sunwoo incomplete for yet another day. 
"Super cute? That man is like jacked. I fell in love with him as soon as he walked into the room. Anyways, apparently, the choir teacher has been trying to recruit him for like two years, and he finally came by to audition. Mr. Lee kicked us out right away and told us we were done for the day.”
"Oh my god, I hope he joins! Maybe you could finally get a boyfriend," You tease, making your way towards Kevin's car. 
"Yeah, well, you aren't much better, sketching Dongwook’s face for the past two weeks."
"Right, Dongwook," You mutter. 
It was truly ironic that the amount of time Kevin thought you were thinking about the famous Korean actor, Lee Dongwook, was actually devoted to Sunwoo. Even after talking to him daily when he passed by the art room, you were still just as enamored by him. 
"Long time no see," Sunwoo smiles, swinging his body across the doorframe. 
"You're right," You look up to see the familiar face that you had quickly grown to love. "It's been a very long 24 hours."
“And how is my favorite artist doing?” Sunwoo asks, making his way over to you. You admire the soccer player, slight sweat beading against his forehead, and his face flushed from the heat outside. 
“You know, you’re not supposed to be in here without Mrs. Park’s permission,” You say, knowing that if the teacher found him in here, he would get in trouble. You wait for a witty response back, but you soon find Sunwoo squinting past your shoulder and looking at something. 
"I- Is that me?" Sunwoo whispers. 
Your head whips back to the sketchbook that you had forgotten to close, Sunwoo’s half-colored face on display for him to see. You shoot up from your chair, hoping that you could somehow fix this, but as you stand up, Sunwoo takes a seat next to the drawing, moving the sketchbook closer so he could examine it. 
"I mean," You strain, wanting to burst into tears right then and there. You were finally getting to know Sunwoo and becoming friends with him, and now he was going to think you were a creep, an absolute loser. "I mean yes, but it's not done yet. I still have to color like half your face. Don't be weirded out, please. I don't really draw people, but when I saw you, I thought I just had to. I'm sorry if you think it's weird, I'll scrap it. I promise," You ramble. 
You glance at Sunwoo from the corner of your eye, but he continues to look at the sketch you made of him. You couldn't tell how he felt from his reaction, the only expression he was making was a look of ponderance. 
"I- You know what," You begin to say, getting up from your seat and reaching for the sketchbook. You pull at the perforation of the page, beginning to tear it out. "I'll actually just get rid of it. It's weird, and I'm really sorry-"
Sunwoo grabs your hand before you can tear it off completely, an exclamation leaving his mouth. "No!"
"What?" You whisper underneath your breath. 
"I love it. You're really talented Y/N," He looks up at you from underneath his eyelashes. A soft smile played on his lips. 
"But, isn't it weird?" You ask, confusion laced in your words. 
"I mean, I passed by the art room every day for three weeks just so I could look at you for a little bit. Every time I passed by, I debated with myself on whether or not I should ask you out. If anyone's the weird one, it's me," He confesses.
The room is silent for a few more seconds, your brain whirring at what felt like a million miles per hour. 
“I didn’t think anyone saw me like this,” Sunwoo says, a soft smile on his face as he traces his drawn eyes with his fingers. 
“What do you mean?” You whisper. “Everyone sees you like that.”
“Not like,” Sunwoo breaths out, his eyes glimmering with something you couldn’t quite place. “Not like this.” 
“Do you think, I don’t know, maybe you’d wanna see me outside of this place? Cause I really fucking like you, and I hope you do too considering you drew me like I hung the stars in the sky,” Sunwoo says, turning to face you. 
You break out into a wide smile, relief flushing through you. 
“Silly, you couldn’t have hung the stars in the sky,” You sigh, reaching down and brushing the hair that was covering his eyes out of the way. “They’re all in your eyes.”
Sunwoo lets out a breathy laugh at the cheesy line before closing the sketchbook and placing it underneath his arm. No matter how hard he denied it though, a light blush littered his cheeks. 
“C’mon, we’re skipping soccer practice,” Sunwoo holds onto your hand and drags you out of the room while you struggle to get your backpack and throw it over your shoulder in time. 
“Sunwoo!” You laugh, trailing behind him as he pulled you all the way outside of the school and to your first unofficial, official date. 
The local art museum. 
“What the fuck?” Kevin mutters, finding an empty art room with colored pencils scattered where you would usually sit. 
“Maybe they were drawing so hard that they turned into the colored pencils,” Jacob says, peeking into the room. 
“They probably went out with Sunwoo, I had a feeling something was up with them anyway. They tried to convince me they were drawing Dongwook from Goblin, but I don’t think they know that I look at their sketchbook when they get snacks at their house,” Kevin shrugs.
“Dongwook? What an attractive man,” Jacob mumbles, staring into space.
“But not as hot as me, right?” Kevin jokes, turning back around to leave. He was excited to introduce you to Jacob, but it seems like there was something else on fate’s agenda.
“Oh, never. Actually, since Y/N is busy with their lover, want to go to this coffee place I really like? It’s on me,” Jacob says, throwing a wink in Kevin's direction. 
“What? No, I couldn’t do that,” Kevin refuses, a blush overtaking his face. 
“Nonsense, it’s a date,” Jacob affirms, dragging Kevin out of the very doors Sunwoo pulled Y/N earlier. 
a/n i had too much fun with this... and can u tell i love lee dongwook, because i do.
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houseof-harry · 4 years
What Happens in Jersey Pt. 2 | G.D.
A/N - hey guys!!!! Here’s part 2 of What Happens in Jersey! Let me know what you think, I’m always looking for feedback. Read the first part here
Word Count - 5.6K
Warnings - talk of abortion
Summary - Now you’re pregnant with Grayson Dolan’s baby and you have no idea what to do.
“Your pregnancy test came back positive.”
Suddenly you felt nauseous again, but not like all the previous mornings.  How could you be pregnant?  He pulled out, you’re on birth control.  And that’s when you remember.  You didn’t take it a for a couple days after New Year’s Eve because you had run out of your current pack and your next pack was at school.  You hadn’t noticed your missed period because your birth control had made it almost non-existent to start.
The doctor continues to speak but you only hear the blood rushing through your ears as pure panic sets in.  You don’t even have Grayson’s number.  He’s a fucking LA YouTuber, he wasn’t even on the same coast as you.  You weren’t even friends.
As soon as you get out of the doctor, you call Jessie.
“Hey Y/N, what’s up?”
You’re blinking back the tears as you walk to your car.  “I need to tell you something.”
You’re full on sobbing by the time you actually reach your car, opening the door and getting in.
“Y/N, you’re scaring me, what’s going on? What do you have to tell me?” You can hear Jessie practically screaming through the phone, but it sounds like gibberish.  Maybe you should have waited until you calmed down to call anyone.
“I – I – I’m –“ you can’t seem to get enough air in your lungs to say what the doctor had just told you.
“Hey, Y/N, listen to me.  Breathe.” He exaggerates his slow breathing so that you can hear it through the phone.  You do your best to match your inhale to his, and exhale with him too. He always knew what you needed in order to calm down.
Eventually you are able to actually breathe a bit without sobbing and shaking.  “Do you wanna tell me what’s up?”  You can hear the concern in his voice.
“I just went to the doctor,” you rush out, scared to actually say what’s going on.  Once you say it out loud to him it becomes real.
“Why? Are you good? Is this about your stomach?” You can hear movement from his side of the call. You can only assume he’s getting ready to come meet you wherever you are.  This is all super out of character for you. Yes, you’ve had anxiety and even panic attacks, but nothing so bad you couldn’t speak or manage to calm yourself down. The fact that you called him unable to even speak probably made him scared enough to not be able to sit still.
“I’m, uh, I don’t even know how to say it,” you shake your head.  He was gonna be so disappointed in you.
After your night with Grayson, something had shifted slightly with you and Jessie.  It almost seemed like he wanted to protect you from Grayson.  He wasn’t a huge fan of the fact that you had slept together. It felt like you both just kind of put it to the back of your minds and moved past it when you had gotten back to school. However, that would be impossible to do now. Grayson is the only person you’ve slept with the past six months.
“Hey, you can tell me anything, you know that.” His voice softens significantly. He’s trying to make you comfortable, something he always tended to do. IF you think about it, this is the first time you’ve been scared to tell him something.
“I’m pregnant,” you cover your mouth as soon as you say it as if it will take it all back.  Your eyes squeeze shut, waiting for a response.
After about a minute, you hear him take a deep breath. “Jess?”
“Yeah, yeah I’m here.”
You wait for another few minutes as he continues to process what you just told him.
“Can I come to yours?” You ask.  You don’t want to go home right now. Being in your apartment would mean being with the girls and they will be able to tell instantly that something is wrong.  Jessie is the only one who needs to know right now.
“Uh, yeah.” He sounds hushed and distracted.
“Okay, be there in ten.” You hang up and buckle your seatbelt.
The drive to Jessie’s feels like two minutes, not ten.  Your mind is going a mile a minute, trying to go over everything the doctor told you so that you’d be able to tell Jessie more once you got there.
You’re six weeks pregnant.  You’re sure it’s Grayson’s.  You have to set up an appointment with your doctor at home next month when you’re on spring break. You have to stop taking your birth control and start taking prenatal vitamins.  You should also probably start eating more vegetables or something. Because you’re fucking pregnant. Oh god.
You park in a visitor spot at Jessie’s apartment complex.  You text him that you’re there and walk up to his door.
When he opens it, he has a bit of crazy eyes going on.  You can’t tell if he’s scared, mad, excited, or anything. Maybe that’s how you look too.
You open your mouth to say something, but the tears come rolling down again. He reaches out and pulls you into a tight hug, closing the door in the process.  You wrap your arms around his middle and shove your face right into his chest.  You start to sob again and he rubs your back to try and soothe you.
“I’m sorry,” you say. You don’t even know why. It feels like you need to apologize to someone, though.  Maybe yourself.
“Hey, woah. No apologizing. Everything will be okay, we can figure it all out. What did the doctor say?” He puts a hand on your cheek to lift your face from his chest. You’re grateful he seems a bit more responsive now than he was on the phone. He looks you in the eye while he rubs his thumb over the redness on your face due to your crying.
“I’m six weeks. She gave me a bunch of papers and stuff about what I should be doing and all of my options.”
“What options?” He had to have known what you meant, but he wanted to be sure.
“If I don’t want to keep it,” you look away when you say it.  You felt some guilt even saying the words out loud, even though there’s nothing wrong with that. It was hard to think rationally right now, though.
Jessie nods and rubs his hands up and down your arms. “Is that what you want?” He asks.  He seems to be walking on egg shells, just as unsure as you are.
You shrug. “I mean we graduate a little over three months. I wouldn’t be able to start a job until after I had the baby, and getting hired as a new mom fresh out of college with no experience would be next to impossible. How am I supposed to take care of a child when I won’t even have a place to call my own and a job to feed us?” You word vomit, your hand resting on your stomach. It was obvious to Jessie that those were excuses for yourself, not for him.
He sighs. “Y/N, people will help you if you want this for yourself. Who’s the dad?” He bites his lip.
You roll your eyes at him. “Come on Jess, you know its Grayson.”
He sighs and nods. He grabs your arm lightly and guides you to sit on his couch.
“What?” His lack of a response plants a seed of anxiety you hadn’t even thought of before.  How will Grayson react. Does Jessie know something you don’t?
“Nothing. What do you wanna do right now? Movie? Shop for anything you need? Let me see what the doctor gave you,” he reaches for the papers and you hand them over.  You sit there quietly, arms crossed, lost in your thoughts.  Would Grayson want you get rid of it? Or would he just not be involved? It wouldn’t surprise you, him and his brother have been so successful since they moved to LA.  Jessie would tell you about how when they left they went all alone so young, but they managed to not only survive but thrive. All this baby would do is throw a wrench in that plan.
“What if I just don’t tell him?” You wonder aloud, almost more to yourself.
“What?” Jessie looks up from the papers, confusion all over his face again.
“I don’t know. His life would probably be easier if I just don’t tell him. Then he won’t feel the pressure.” You nod along as you like the sound of it more and more.
“Y/N,” he rubs his hand over his mouth, clearly thinking hard about what to say next. “You can’t do that. It’s his responsibility as much as it is yours. You shouldn’t go through any of this alone.”
“I’m not! I have you, and I won’t be able to hide it from any of the girls for more than a few weeks, and I’ll tell my parents and my aunt.” You list off, trying to convince him of your plan. Or more yourself, if you’re being honest.
“It’s his baby, too. If he finds out after the fact no matter what you do, that would be so much worse.” Jessie almost seems reluctant to defend him, but that’s how you know he’s right.
“Well, I don’t even have any way to contact him. Maybe I should wait a bit, make sure it’s real or something.” You refuse to look at him, knowing how ridiculous you sound. He laughs a bit.
“Pretty sure the doctor’s note makes it real. We can call him together if you want,” he offers. Suddenly, you’re breathing fast again.
“Right now?” You squeak out.
“I mean what better time than the present, right? You’re only getting more pregnant the longer you wait.” He raises his brow at you.
“Oh god I’m getting more pregnant every day!” You lean forward, elbows on your knees while your hands cover your face. “Can I wait until the weekend?” You mumble, only peaking one eye open to look at him.
He smiles softly at you. “Yeah. Whatever you’re comfortable with.” He puts the papers on the table and pulls you into his side. He rubs your arm as you get comfortable next to him, wrapping an arm around his stomach.
“Thank you. Let’s watch a movie now.”
The weekend comes much quicker than you wanted it to. You spent Friday night in with the girls, convincing them that you were just still sick but still wanted to hang out with them and have a bit of fun. They all got wine drunk and you watched Jersey Shore, because trash TV is only better when you’re three glasses in. Or I guess, they all were. You were one glass of cranberry juice in, without your usual vodka.
“You’re sure you don’t even want a glass?” Your roommate, Payton asks you while holding the wine bottle out to you.
“Nah, it’ll just upset my stomach more,” you shake your head, grabbing your water bottle. It wasn’t even a lie, you bet.
You meet the rest of them in the living room and settle in for your night. It felt good to be normal knowing that things were about to change soon.
A couple hours of Pauly and Vinnie and you’re ready to go to bed. You had managed to escape your friends’ questions about your sickness and lack of drinking for the whole night. Or so you thought.
As you’re getting into your pajamas, there’s a knock on your door.
“Yeah?” You call, just as you’re pulling your shirt over your head. Payton walks in.
“Are you good, Y/N?” She sits on your bed, watching you as go through the rest of your bed time routine.
“Yeah. Why?” You’re putting toner on in the mirror, so you can’t look at her directly.
“You just seemed off tonight. And you’ve been sick for a while. Have you considered going to the doctor?” She asks.
“Uh, yeah. I think I’ll go this week,” you lie, regretting it instantly. Now she’s going to ask how it went and you’re going to have to lie again. Payton was usually good at reading you and you weren’t sure how long you’d be able to keep it up.
“Okay, just wanted to make sure. I’ll come with if you want, I know how you feel about needles.” She gets up and smiles.
You look at her and smile back. “Thanks.”
She leaves and you get into bed. The only thing worrying you more than keeping this from Payton was telling Grayson tomorrow. And the fact you were pregnant in the first place.
You wake up to your phone ringing. You answer without checking to even see who it is.
“Hello?” You answer groggily.
“Hey, I’m here.” You hear Jessie’s raspy voice. It’s clear he just woke up, too.
The plan was to call Grayson and then hopefully be able to go to breakfast after to lift your spirits. That is, if you don’t puke.
“Oh, okay.” You sit up, rubbing your eyes.
“Dude, it’s 11:30, we were supposed to be doing this a half hour ago,” he laughs. “I could get used to not being the latest one to everything.”
“Hey, I’ve been sleeping more because I’m sick and pregnant. You’re just late.” You chuckle.
“Just come get me, I’m at your door.” You can hear the smile in his voice as he hangs up. You rub your eyes and go to the door, opening it for him. “Did you literally just get out of bed?” He looks at your pajamas.
“Shut up. We have some emotional preparation to do.” You let him in and shut the door behind him. You both walk back to your room and he jumps on your bed.
“Where are the ladies.” He wiggles his eyebrows jokingly as you begin to get ready.
“They’re at a pregame, they decided to darty because they didn’t go out last night. No one to eavesdrop, if that was your concern.” You’re deciding how much makeup to wear. What is the appropriate look for telling a guy they got you pregnant?
“I didn’t think they’d eavesdrop, I just didn’t want anyone to know if you didn’t feel comfortable with it.” He watches your ceiling fan turn. You can tell he’s not really present.
“What should I say?” You ask as you finish up your makeup. You decided a more natural look would do. If anyone has something to say about it instead of focusing on the pregnancy, that sounds more like a them problem.
“’Hey, remember that one time we hooked up? Well I’m pregnant and it’s definitely yours. Surprise!’” He jokes, sitting up. You role your eyes.
“I’m scared I’m gonna see him and just freeze.” You stand and pick out a t-shirt and leggings. “I’m gonna change. Text him to make sure he’s up.” You say as you leave.
When you come back from the bathroom, he’s got his phone propped up on your pillow so that you could both be in view.
“He’s waiting for me to call.” Jessie turns to you, smiling.
“Cool, call him.” You say as you throw your pajamas in the hamper, climbing on the bed next to him and fixing your hair a bit.
As the ringing continues, your anxiety worsens. Before you can get too into your thoughts, Grayson’s smiling face is on the phone.
“Hey Jess! Y/N? What’s up guys?” He sounds so cheery for it being almost 9 am where he is.
“Hey Gray. We’re, uh, just hanging out. You know, typical stuff. What’s up with you? Are you with Ethan?” You sit there quietly, biting your li, letting them lead the conversation.
“Nah, he’s still asleep. I just finished my breakfast.” He shows his empty plate, also showing his shirtless chest off. You can feel your cheeks flushing and you try not to think about it. Or, more specifically, the last time you saw his naked chest.
“Good stuff,” Jessie nods, not really sure what else to say. He looks at you while Grayson brings the phone back to his face. He’s also waiting for someone else to say something.
“So,” you shuffle uncomfortably next to Jessie, not really sure how to start.
“You didn’t just miss my cute face?” Grayson laughs, making you smile a bit. When he doesn’t get the reaction he expects, he realizes this is serious. “Is this about our agreement?”
Your eyes widen. He thinks you gave him an STD. “Oh my god, no its-“ you catch yourself about to say worse, but you don’t know if you mean that. “I’m still clean.” You nod.
Jessie looks between the both of you confused, shaking his head a bit before he looks at you again.
“What’s up then?” He also has his gaze on you, reminding you of how intense it can feel.
“I went to my doctor because I’ve been sick all week,” you begin. This feels ten times worse than telling Jessie. Grayson is nodding along, looking confused.
“I’m pregnant.” The phrase hangs in the air all over again and it doesn’t feel good. You and Jessie are both looking at him for his reaction, and he seems quite calm.
“Whose is it?” He asks. A laugh bubbles up from your chest before you can hold it back. Before you know it, Jessie is laughing, too.
“Yours, dumbass,” Jessie laughs out, shaking his head. That’s when you see the panic in his features. You start to freak out too, feeling like you’ve ruined his life. And his brother’s.
“I’m sorry.” You say, rubbing your hands up and down your legs to try and calm yourself down.
“Hey, don’t apologize. I didn’t have a condom either.” He breathes out, almost like he’s choking.  “You’re sure it’s mine?”
Your cheeks turn red as you nod. “There’s, uh, there’s been no one else.” He coughs, covering his mouth and what seems to be a bit of a smile before he gets serious again.
“What did the doctor say?” He looks at you guys again, and it looks like he might cry. It tears your heart up. “Are you guys healthy and stuff?”
You nod. “Yeah. I’m six weeks along. Well, I guess almost seven. She, uh, she told me about all of my options.”
“What options?” Oh my god, no wonder him and Jessie are friends. You look at your wall, not wanting to look at his face while talking about this.
“Options for if I want to end it. Or, I guess us. If we want to end it.” It felt weird to talk about you and Grayson as a collective group making decisions together. You still barely know the kid.
“Jess, can we talk alone?” He asks. Jessie nods, getting up and rubbing your shoulder before he goes to your living room.
“How do you feel? About these options, I mean.” He sounds almost resistant to say it.
“I don’t know, I didn’t really want to think about it until I spoke to you. Didn’t want to get stuck on one decision just for us to decide something else.” You mumble, you voice sounding weak and quiet.
“Y/N, look at me.” He waits for your eyes to meet his before he continues. “It is your body, you get to make any decision you feel is best for you. I would never try and change your mind or make you do something you don’t want to.” He pauses, waiting for a response from you.
You nod, debating what you should say next.
“Do you want me to get an abortion?” You ask. His immediate reaction is for his eyes to widen. He didn’t expect you to be so blunt, but you thought it would be better to just say it instead of dancing around it like you had done all week with Jessie.
He rubs his face, opening his mouth a couple of times but not actually saying anything. You nod, taking that as his response.
“It’s just two pills because I’m only six weeks along.” You tell him.
“Woah – Y/N – no.  That wasn’t me saying I want you to do that. I just didn’t want to scare you. I’ve always felt like I’ve been put on this Earth to be a dad. I don’t want you to make any decisions based off my wants, though. If we did keep this baby, I would support you the whole pregnancy and we would raise a baby together.” Your eyes glaze over the more he speaks. You’re continuing to stare at him wordlessly and he gives you a concerned look. “Y/N?”
You shake your head. “I just wasn’t expecting you to say that,” you shrug, whipping under your eyes to catch any tears that had started to fall.
“Hey hey hey, don’t cry. It’s going to be okay,” he brings the phone closer to his face as if that will bring you closer. You shake your head again.
“How is it going to be okay? I graduate in May. What do I tell the places I apply for jobs? ‘Oh hey, by the way, I’m going to be needing maternity leave in a couple months.’ Grayson, I’m already going into a male dominated field, it’s going to be so hard to find a job but I can’t have a baby without a job and I don’t have a house but you also can’t have a baby without a place to live and I-“ a sob cuts your rambling off as you cover your mouth. You look back at the phone and see the pain in his eyes as he watches you break down. “I’m just scared and I don’t know what to do. I’ve been so independent my whole life, but I just don’t know what to do. And now I’m crying on the phone with a stranger-“
“Hey woah, okay. Y/N, breathe.” You sniffle and try to calm your breathing down. “First, I’m not a stranger, I’m your baby daddy,” he chuckles. You smile a bit at that, which makes Grayson actually able to take in a breath. “Second, if you weren’t terrified, that would be way more concerning. The only reason I’m not panicking either is because I genuinely think I’m in shock.” He shakes his head, rubbing a hand over his face. “What do you want to do?” He asks, only after your breathing has regulated a bit.
“I don’t know Gray, I already told you that.” You sigh, bringing your knees to your chest and wrapping your arms around them.
“Come on, that’s not true. What’s your gut tell you?”
You bite your lip as tears slowly start to pour out of your eyes. “I wanna keep it,” you mumble, barely even audible. Your eyes widen. You didn’t even expect yourself to say that.
“What was that?” Grayson asks.
“I want to keep the baby,” you say, lifting your head from your knees, a bit more confident this time. “Nothing good in my life has come easy, it’s no shocker this isn’t any different.” This makes him smile a bit.
“Me either. Conventional isn’t really my style.” This makes you giggle as you nod in agreement. “So…” he bites his lip as your eyes meet. You raise your eyebrow. “Are we having a baby?” He asks.
“I- “ you shake your head, looking at the wall, another tear falling down your cheek. “I’m scared to say it.”
“Because every rational part of my being knows that logistically this is not what I should be doing, but the rest of me knows I’m going to. I can’t not, you know?” You turn to look at him. He can see the pure fear in your eyes and he just wants to be there and hug you.
“Yeah. Wanna say it together on the count of three?” He chuckles. You start laughing and shake your head.
“That’s stupid, we don’t have to do that,” you look back at him and he’s already smiling at you.
“Yes, we do. It’ll make it easier. It can be the first thing we do together.” You instantly feel your heart warm and the tears are suddenly falling again. “Hey, don’t cry again. What, doing things with me makes you that upset?” His tone is light, you can tell he’s just trying to make you smile.
You shake your head. “No, that’s not the problem. What you said was just really cute,” you giggle as your cheeks go a bit red once you realized what you said.
“So you’re down?” You nod. “1,2,3-“
“We’re having a baby,” you whisper, like it’s some big secret.  Well, it is.
Meanwhile, Grayson screamed it, instantly making you crack up. You grab the phone, hoping it will make you feel somewhat closer to him.
However, your moment of happiness disappears as the anxieties crawl right back into your brain.
“Grayson,” you get his attention. He looks at you and immediately can see your off again.
“Hey, what’s going on?” His eyebrows furrow.
“How the fuck are we gonna pull this off? You literally live on the other side of the country. How am I going to pay for all this?” Your free hand covers your face because he’s seen you cry for literally half an hour at this point.
“Don’t worry about that. We will figure it all out. I’ll figure it out. Your job is to be happy and healthy,” he shakes his head at you, concern written all over his face.
“Oh, so you’re a sugar daddy? Yeah, alright. I don’t take handouts.” You had been raised to be an independent person. Your dad didn’t come from much and worked hard to be where he is now. He had always told you to make your own ends meet, because you could never rely on anyone else.
“It’s not a handout when it’s for my kid and their mom.”
“Why are you so nice?” You groan, making him laugh.
“I’ve never had a complaint about it before,” he shines his pretty smile at you, making your lips turn up too.
“I just don’t get how you’re so down. We’re young. And we don’t even know each other,” you bite your lip.
“Yet. But we’ll talk every day and go through all of this together. We’ll definitely be well acquainted at the end of that,” he chuckles, “and, I’ve always said I was meant to be a young dad. If this is how it’s meant to be, then this is how I’ll do it. We’ll do it. That’s how we’ll do it.” He winks at you.
“It’s the size of a blueberry, you know. I googled it,” you smile at him. He immediately covers his eyes with his hand, his smile growing bigger. His hand slowly slides down his face.
“A blueberry. A fucking blueberry. We have a blueberry,” he shakes his head. “Y/N, I will do anything you and our blueberry need, okay? When’s your next appointment?”
“Over spring break with my doctor back home.”
“Text me the dates, I’ll be there,” he pauses. “Where do you live?” He bites his lip to try to hold back his laugh. It hits you both that you don’t really know each other at all. At least he’s able to find the humor in it, it makes you feel better. Otherwise you probably would have freaked out more.
“New York.  Well, that’s where I grew up. My parents moved down south when my brother graduated high school, so I kinda live with my friends and family all over. My doctor is about 45 minutes from there so I’ll probably spend my spring break with my best friend from home.” He nods along to your explanation.
“How far is that from Jersey?” He asks as he stands, walking into another room.
“Like an hour from Jessie’s.” He sits down at a desk and starts typing when he nods again. All of a sudden you see his door open and you hear another voice.
“Gray?” Ethan calls. “Who’re you on the phone with?” He asks. Grayson turns to him, stuttering over words that won’t come out. Ethan leans in to see you. “Y/N? Hey.” You smile at him.
“Hey Ethan.” If he couldn’t tell your cheeks had dried tears all over them, he could tell you’d been crying by your voice. He looks back to Grayson and then at you again.
“Well. I’ll be heading out now,” he waves awkwardly. He gives Grayson a questioning look before leaving the room. Grayson turns back to look at you with a sympathetic smile on his face.
“Sorry about that,” he giggles while shaking his head.
“It’s okay.  I’ll be seeing a lot more of him anyways.”
“Am I allowed to tell him?” You bite your lip, thinking about what the doctor said.
“I mean technically we’re not supposed to tell people until the first trimester is over, but I already told Jessie and I am definitely going to have to tell my best friend when I go home. Tell the people who you’d want to support you if something goes wrong, I guess,” you watch him as you speak. He nods.
“Can I say something without sounding like a douche?”
“Seeing as you said it like that, you’re definitely going to sound like a douche but say it anyways,” you laugh and so does he.
“Can we try to, like, keep this off the internet for as long as possible?” You raise your brow at him.
“Oh, me and blueberry are gonna hurt your image?” You smirk, just trying to push his buttons.
“No, more like I’m worried the fans will try to hurt you and blueberry. That’s why Ethan and I try to keep our relationships out of it anyway. I wanna go through this with the people who are most important to us so that we can make it as normal as possible before we introduce you and blueberry to the internet.” Hearing him call the baby blueberry makes you tear up once again, and hearing him want to protect the both of you made you feel warm inside. Suddenly you were missing a person you barely even knew.
“Oh my god, sweet girl, I gotta stop making you cry,” he laughs. If you weren’t already blushing, you definitely were now. “I promise I’m not trying to.”
“I know,” you wipe your eyes. “And yes. We can pull a Kylie Jenner. Except it will be a lot easier because you’re not the one who will look like they taped a bowling ball to their stomach.” This makes him laugh harder.
“You’re right.” He calms down a bit.
You hear your door open and you turn around to see Jessie walking in timidly.
“Is everything okay?” He asks gently, like he was scared of the answer.
You smile softly at him. “Yeah, we’re okay.” He comes and sits on the bed with you again, looking at Grayson.
“You good too?”
“Yeah man,” he shrugs. “You know how long I’ve been waiting for a dad.” Jessie looks at the both of you, shocked.
“You’re keeping it?” He looks down at your stomach.
“Yeah,” you look down too, putting your hand back on your stomach.
“No shit. Alright. You’re having a baby. Damn,” he laughs.
“It’s a size of a blueberry, you know,” Grayson pipes up, watching the two of you interact. You both look back at the phone.
“This is so fucking crazy,” Jessie exclaims, shaking his head.
“Make sure she takes care of herself, Jess.” Grayson’s face seems a bit somber watching the both of you together.
“Oh my god no. Absolutely not. I am still a functioning human being. Me and blueberry will be just fine. I eat my fruits and veggies, I’m gonna get prenatal vitamins, the whole nine. I absolutely do not need two men trying to care of me while I go through something they’ll never understand,” you cross your arms.
Grayson looks a bit taken aback, but Jessie just smiles at you.
“There she is. As long as she’s got that fire in her, she’s doing well, Gray,” Jessie tells him, looking at him on the screen.
“Good. Ethan keeps texting that we have to start filming. Y/N, text me if you need anything, okay?” It feels like he’s looking directly into your soul sometimes.
“Yeah, of course,” you nod.
He smiles and waves at the both of you before hanging up. You look over at Jessie.
“You’re having a fucking baby. You are having Grayson Dolan’s fucking baby. Jesus Christ,” he laughs while covering his face, laying down on your bed. You lay next to him.
“Yeah. Are him and Ethan, like, really successful? I knew they were doing well for themselves, but he literally told me he would ‘take care of everything.’ That takes some dough,” you turn your head to look at him.
Jessie looks to be contemplating what to say next. “Have you looked them up before?” He turns to you and you shake your head no. “I’d recommend not doing that, then. He can definitely figure out everything you’ll need, though. Just don’t want you to get caught up in that part of him without getting to know him first.” You take a big breath in, not really sure what to think of that answer. “Don’t freak yourself out, though. He’s a good guy,” Jessie sighs. You rub your hands over your stomach, getting lost in your thoughts. That’s when you remember something very important that you don’t know about Grayson.
“What’s his number?”
“Grayson’s?” Jessie laughs out.
“No, my other baby daddy,” you joke.
“I’ll give it to you and then we’ll head to breakfast?” You sit up and nod.
“Thank god that’s over. Things can only get better from here, right?”
Part 3 is up!!!!
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milkacchan · 4 years
My fav haikyuu boys w an s/o who plays hockey
And s/o gets into a fight on the ice
First of all I do not play hockey but I wish I did so much bro
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• Mans is wearing your Jersey number
• He's sitting as close to the glass as possible
• And he's cheering you on as loud as he can
• He's probably with Bokuto or Kenma
• But his main focus is on you
• He's lowkey mesmerized by yours plays
• And the sheer tough and rough of the sport
• He's watched you wipe out a few times and he can tell by your body language you're getting frustrated
• But he freezes when he see's someone of the other team push you over and he winces when he see's you wipe out again
• "Oh no- (Y/N)!
• Things are starting to get chaotic
• And then he sees you get up and he see's you skate over
• And then he see's you swing
• "Fuck!"
• Bokuto/Kenma is cringing next to him
• Kuroos pale
• and oddly turned on watching you obliterate the person in front of you
• And then the masks come off and then he's worried worried because you take a first to the face and he hears your frustration from the rink
• And then your first collides with their face again
• Cue the chorus' of 'oh fuk'
• He's VERY worried
• You stand up after being pulled away
• the other person was pulled away as well
• You've got blood pouring down your cheek and he thinks he's gonna pass out
• He's pushing past people (followed by whoever he's with) as he eyes follow were you are
• "Babe? Babe you okay?"
• You flash him a bright smile. "Always. Just part of the game honey."
• God he's so in love with you
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• Mans is also wearing your jersey number
• he's fucking COLD
• decked out in warm clothes
• He's absolutely the loudest in the stands
• You can hear him on the ice
• He makes sure of it
• And knows a little about hockey, you watch it all the time
• But this is the first time he's been able to see you play
• n he's watching youu
• vibe and do your thing
• And then you make a point and he's !!!!!!
• but then he watches you get shoved over and hit with the stick and he's !!!!!! >:(
• Your hand reaches out and grabs the other person's skate and you yank and they fall backwards
• the teams are descending into chaos
• baby is cheering you on
• SCREAMING your fucking name as you pummel this person below you
• He's internally worried tho dont get me wrong
• but
• He's also caught in the moment
• he didnt think fights REALLY happened but here it was
• you werent lying
• He can see the blood on your Jersey and he's Definitely worried more after that
• "Nice hit out there, babe!!!!"
• "Thank you, Bo!" You wave at him before you're off the ice
• And he's just watching you with a dumb grin and lovey eyes
• He supports the fuck out of you okay
• He's definitely on your ass after the game, checking to make sure you're okay
• You've got a bruised cheek bone
• You assure him you're fine
• "But what about the blood on your jersey?"
"Pretty cool right? Just my nose though, I got all that taken care of. I'll probably have to get a New Jersey though.. blood stains."
• And then hezs kissing you bc you're just so perfect and unaffected by what happened
• "Baby you're so strong," 🥺
• "Aw bo,"
Akaashi: (the following is based of a true story) (the Bruins)
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• Your team won
• :)))
• by a point in the last 4 seconds
• defense baby
• Akaashi is cheering next between bokuto
• Bc Akaashi is your boyfriend but Bo is also one of your best friends
• Neither wanted to miss it
• They're both wide smiles and proud of you for doing so well
• Internally planning dinner for after
• Its a vibe
• Theyre vibing
• And the other team is getting salty
• hence a team wide fight begins
• And Akaashi is immediately feeling uneasy as he watches the fans start to stir the pot too
• And suddenly a girl in the stands grabs your hockey stick and she hits you with it
• Akaashi is lunging foward and Bokuto is right behind him
• It takes you 0.000089 seconds to turn around and climb over the wall, immediately going for her
• Two men are trying to hold you back but they're quickly pulled off as other members of the team follow suit
• "the pretty boy with the green eyes and the owl are mine!" You yell to your teammates
• They confirm and you watch the girl run (try to anyway) up the steps of the stands and your right behind her
• You just so happen to corner her in the stand row above where Akaashi and Bo are
• You havent realized this yet
• He watches as you pull her back, she's still swatting at you, screaming curse words and phrases
• He watches without moving and pull the girls shoe off, using that just as she'd used your hockey stick
• Finally, when she's screaming apologies instead and you're done ripping her a new one
• You looked at the row next to you, grinning happily when you see who it is
• "Keiji, hey, glad you could make it,"
• You're bleeding
• The side of your head is bleeding Oh god
• he's about to answer when you press a chaste kiss to his lips
• "Hope you enjoyed." You drop the shoe "hello to you too, bo."
• then you're heading back down the stands, bumping into your teammates
• It was then Akaashi realized, you were absolutely 100% the one for him
• You're suspended for 8 games oop
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• Oikawa had seen you come home with plenty of bruises and scrapes
• he understood, he played volleyball and he knew how hard sports could be on your body
• But he never thought it'd be from another person
• But he shows up to your game
• iwachan dragging behind him
• Because no way was he going alone too many people
• And they're just chilling in the stands, having fun like they did when they were kids
• cheering and what not
• And Oikawa looks away for a SECOND
• someone calls his name and he glances black, figuring it to just be some fangirl
• But then everyone's yelling and the announcers are talking
• and iwa shoves him and Oikawa looks back
• to see you 🥰
• Getting the shit beat out of
• And his heart stops and his breath hitches.
• "Wo-Woah, Hold on-"
• He watches as your head hits the ice and he's yelling
• He's absolutely gripping Hajimes sleeve in pure panic
• It doesn't last long though because soon you're up and your shoulder rams into the other person's stomach knocking them back on their ass
• "Holy fuck dude," Hajimez eyes are wide
• "Jesus-"
• He watches as you fall onto the person beneath you
• It doesn't look like you're hitting them, more yelling than anything
• But you're definitely fighting off the people trying to pull you off
• His stomach is doing flips
• When he see's you after the game, you're in his arms in a HEARTBEAT
• he's squeezing you and then inspecting your bruised and bloodied face
• Dinner consists of a hospital visit, stitches (which you really didnt like) and almost falling asleep against Oikawas chest as Iwa drove home
• Oikawas sure to tell you how proud he is though
• and that he's happy yall won the game :)
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• He knew practices were tough
• He knew the sport itself was a tough sport
• But he didnt know about the fights that often happen during hockey games
• Iwa probably went alone
• He's sitting closer to the ice
• And he's watching with a smile as you do your thing
• And the game progresses and he's got a drink and he's munching on popcorn
• completely mesmerized by the game
• He thinks the game is incredible all on it's own
• It's tough
• you're against elements
• Skating is hard
• He didn't thi k it was hard until you took him to a rink and the two of you practices and he fell on his ass so many times
• his butt was bruised for weeks
• And you've got pucks that HURT when they hit you
• all in all you have to be tough
• but his eyes always drift back to you
• just in time too
• He watches the person on the other team, swing their hockey stick and hit you in the back of the legs
• He's immediately standing
• His drink forgotten as it fell to the floor
• "H-Hey!"
• His heart falls and he sees you stand up
• But from how it looked, the way you fell /must've/ hurt.
• Your team seems to take no mercy on the other player before you can get up
• It did seem that you laid a good punch in
• A few good punches based on how they fell back
• But you were lost in the swarm of players
• And he can see (vaguely hear) that despite your coaches pleading, you're still going to play the rest of the game.
• He has the urge to flick you
• you're just like shittykawa.
• Never giving yourself a break
• when the game finally ends (your team wins)
• you're off the ice first, looking up to flash iwa a smile, one he clearly knew was pained.
• He's outside the Locker room waiting for you
• He takes your hand and the two of you are off to get home
• Of course, he scolds you in the car.
• But then he hesitantly admits that it was cool to zeesee but you still should've stopped playing
• He makes you dinner
• And you watch a movie while he has your legs in his lap so you can ice your knees
• he's 100% taking you to get them checked out tomorrow morning
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tw-anchor · 4 years
24. He Knew
Stiles Stilinski x Original Character
Episode: 2x12; Master Plan
Word Count: 5,132
Warning(s): Mature language, canon violence and gore, semi-dead and briefly-dead Jackson, injured Stiles, proclamations of love
Author’s Note: Here’s the season 2 finale. Olivia and Stiles take a step in their relationship, so let me know what you think? Hope you enjoy and make sure to reblog and comment!
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Masterlink in Profiles Description!
Sixty-five percent of people living in America believed that they only use ten percent of their brain. Scientists and doctors debunked the myth, of course, but people still believe the outdated rumor. The human brain is complex; it performs millions of actions within a second, controls your emotions and behaviors, stores memories, and can solve mathematical equations.
Olivia knows firsthand because it sure feels like all three pounds of her brain were working overtime. It wasn't just the biological features, like her grief for Jackson or her worry for Stiles. It was the supernatural ones, too. Whatever came with her being an anchor was even more distracting than her emotions or the chaos going on around her.
It was the constant whispering in her ears, even though no one was there beside her. It was a distinct feeling that she almost couldn't describe; a weird zap in her temple that told her many of her pack members were hurt and a murky feel of where they were located. It was the overwhelming feeling to move, to stop fighting whatever was inside of her and find where Stiles had been taken.
"Olivia, hun, are you okay?"
Olivia blinked at the gruff voice and quickly focused, nodding her head at Noah. "Yeah, sorry, Sheriff."
Noah waved her off and continued telling her, Scott, and Isaac what he had planned on doing. "I've got to meet with the medical examiner and try to figure out what happened with Jackson," he listed. "I've got an APB out on Stiles. His Jeep is still in the parking lot, so that means...Hell, I don't know what that means."
Olivia knew what it meant and so did Scott and Isaac. Gerard had taken Stiles as soon as that game buzzer went off, taking him who knows where.
"Look," he sighed heavily, shoving his little notebook into his pocket. "if he answers his phone, if he answers his emails, if any of you see him..."
"We'll call you," Isaac assured him kindly.
"He's probably just freaked out from all the attention or something," Scott tried to make Noah feel better. Anything was better than telling him a geriatric psychopath—in the words of her father—had kidnapped him. "We'll find him."
Noah nodded solemnly. "Yeah...I'll see you, okay?" he patted Olivia on the shoulder. "I'm sorry for your loss."
She managed a sad smile before he walked away. "Thank you."
Was Jackson her loss? Yes, in the sense they were friends and he had died out on that field, she lost Jackson. But there was something in her head, that supernatural side of her, that told her that Jackson wasn't as dead as they thought he was. And it didn't make sense that Gerard would just kill off his best player so soon to the final battle because she knew that Jackson would never kill himself. It was Jackson, for crying out loud.
"McCall," Coach approached them now, hardly bothering with the fact that Olivia was in the locker room. "We need you on the team, okay? You know I can't put you on the field next season if you don't get your grades up."
There weren't the right words but Coach's tone told them that he was grieving Jackson just like his players were.
"I know, Coach."
"All right," Coach faltered for a second. "I mean, I know I yell a lot but it's not like I hate you guys...Well, I hate Greenberg, but, you know, that's different. It's Greenberg," he chuckled a little bit before sobering. "I'm just saying we—I need you on the team. Get your grades back up."
It was the sweetest thing that Olivia had ever heard Coach say before. It actually kind of shocked her.
Scott looked just as shocked as her. "I will."
"I know," Coach nodded and then patted Olivia on the shoulder. "Martin."
Okay, that was two times she was comforted about Jackson out of nowhere. Was she not hiding her emotions as well as she thought or was it because people had actually noticed that she and Jackson were more friendly than their cold exteriors made it seem?
As soon as Coach was shut away in his office, Scott turned to Olivia and Isaac. "Is that everyone?"
Olivia looked around while Isaac used his senses to make sure no one was left in the locker room but them. "I think so."
Scott ripped off the door of Stiles' locker, tossing the warped metal onto the floor.
"You're gonna find him by scent?"
"Yeah, we both are." Scott picked up one of Stiles' shirts and tossed Isaac a shoe.
"But how come you get his shirt and I get a shoe?" Isaac complained.
"Stop whining," Olivia scolded him as Scott tensed up. She and Isaac followed his line of sight to see Derek walking into the locker room alone.
"We need to talk," he said seriously.
Olivia should have known that he wasn't alone; Peter dramatically stepped out of the shadows, revealing himself to Scott. "All of us."
Scott gaped at him. "Holy shit!" his amazement quickly faded and turned to anger. "What the hell is this?"
"Yeah, I forgot to tell you," Olivia winced; that was her bad. "Peter's alive."
Scott gave her an obvious look and then turned back to Derek. "And you're, what, working with him?"
Derek cocked his head calmly, though Olivia could see the irritation in his eyes. "You know, I thought the same thing when I saw you talking to Gerard at the sheriff's station."
Woah, hold up, Olivia whipped her head in Scott's direction. I didn't know that.
"Okay, hold on," Scott held his hands up defensively. "He—he threatened to kill my mom so I had to get close to him. What was I supposed to do?"
Okay, he had a good point, Olivia admitted to herself.
"I'm gonna go with Scott on this one," Peter interjected casually. "Have you seen his mom? She's gorgeous."
Olivia, Scott, and Derek glared at him, all three of them yelling, "Shut up!"
Peter rolled his eyes while Isaac ducked down to speak quietly in Olivia's ear, though they all heard him. "Who is he?"
"His name's Peter," Olivia informed him, all the while glaring at her father. "He's my dad. He's the one who bit Scott, me, and Lydia. He tried to kill everyone, so Stiles and Jackson set him on fire and Derek slashed his throat."
Peter waved at him. "Hi."
"That's good to know," Isaac whispered awkwardly; Olivia patted his arm.
"Yeah, how is he even alive?" Scott asked loudly.
"Look, short version is he knows how to stop Jackson," Derek declared. "and maybe how to save him."
Olivia raised an eyebrow in surprise, giving Derek a questioning look. He nodded ever so slightly at her, causing her to inhale deeply. Hope settled in her chest; if Jackson wasn't really dead like she thought, maybe they could stop him without killing him dead.
"Well, that's very helpful except Jackson's dead," Isaac told them the news.
Derek furrowed his eyebrows. "What?"
"Yeah, Jackson's dead," Scott confirmed. "It just happened on the field."
"I'm gonna be honest and just come out and say it," Olivia spoke up, crossing her arms over her chest. "I don't think Jackson's dead."
Scott looked at her in disbelief. "What are you talking about?"
"I don't know, I can't explain it," Olivia's eye caught Peter's, catching his barely there smirk. "I just know that he's not dead. Not completely, anyway."
"Gerard wanted this to happen," Peter stated thoughtfully. "We need to figure out why. Something tells me the window of opportunity is quickly closing."
Stiles reached above him, going for the cables wrapped around Erica's wrists. He ignored the muffle sounds of her protests chorusing with Boyd's and he shouldn't have. As soon as he touched the wires he was zapped, causing him to hiss and jump back.
"They were trying to warn you," Gerard Argent slowly walked down the steps into whatever basement they were keeping him, Erica, and Boyd in. "It's electrified."
God, he hated this old man more than he had hated anyone ever. He was pretty sure the guy got his rocks off on torturing innocent people. The Argent patriarch was completely fucked up. Killing werewolves was one thing—a very bad thing—but killing innocent werewolves, especially teenagers, was a whole other level of cruel. He couldn't believe that Allison had been swept up in all of it. He thought—hell, they all thought—she was better than that.
Stiles swallowed his nerves. "What are you doing with them?"
"At the moment, just keeping them comfortable," Gerard answered, casually leaning against the cement wall. "There's no point in torturing them, they won't give Derek up. The instinct to protect their alpha's too strong."
As if hanging two sixteen-year olds by the ceiling with live wires wasn't torture.
"Okay," he played it cool. "So, what are you doing with me? Because Scott can find me, all right? He knows my scent. It's pungent, it's more like a stench. He could find me even if I was buried at the bottom of a sewer covered in fecal matter and urine."
Gerard looked annoyed at his rambling. Good. "You have a knack for creating a vivid picture, Mr. Stilinski," he drawled, slowly walking toward him. "Let me paint one of my own...Scott McCall finds his best friend bloodied and beaten to a pulp."
Stiles stiffened, nervously eyeing the ten inches between him and Gerard.
"How does that sound?"
"I think I might prefer more of a still-life or landscape, you know?" Stiles couldn't help but be a smartass. When in fear, mouth your way out of it—that was his motto. "What—what are you, ninety? Look, I can probably kick your ass up and down this room."
Gerard's hand came out and backhanded him before he could blink. Boyd and Erica gasped as he fell to the cement floor while Gerard grabbed the front of his jersey to add to his beating.
"Okay, wait," Stiles spat out some blood after a punch to the face. "Wait, wait, wait!"
Down the road, where Olivia was illegally driving Derek's Camaro, she winched, cupping her cheek with her hand. At the more urgent whispering in her head, telling her tales of Stiles' misfortune, she pressed on the gas and pulled to a stop across the street from the Argents house.
She had taken the car keys from Derek and just started driving. She stopped fighting the feeling in her that could just find Stiles and like it take control. And it worked, it led her right to the Argents.
Now the only problem was getting him out of there without Gerard killing her. She didn't think that Allison would be any help—and she sure as hell hoped that the youngest Argent had nothing to do with Stiles' kidnapping—but there was one Argent who was more moral than the others. Chris Argent had always been about the Argent code and Stiles didn't fall under it at all. He was innocent and he was human. He was good.
So, Chris Argent was her only hope at the moment. How ironic, a Hale hoping an Argent would help them.
She got out of the Camaro and snuck over to the huge house. She couldn't just ring the doorbell, so she was careful not to be seen by any rogue hunters as she peeked into the windows on the main floor, trying to see a glimpse of Mr. Argent. It was her luck that he walked into the kitchen just as she peeked into one of the windows there.
She gently knocked on the window to get his attention, flinching when he pulled out his gun in surprise.
Olivia raised her hands, showing him that she meant no harm, and Mr. Argent sighed. He walked over to the window and opened it; there were worry lines all over his face and a sadness to him that was almost shocking.
"You're not safe here, Olivia."
"I know I'm not," Olivia whispered. "but Stiles, he's human."
Mr. Argent nodded, dragging a hand down his stressed face. "I know."
"You know, you guys say you're all about protecting humans against werewolves but look at you," she shook her head. "Stiles was kidnapped by your father. He's in this house, he's human, and he's hurt."
"You're right, Olivia," Mr. Argent said quietly. "Just—just wait here for a second. Don't let yourself be seen."
Olivia nodded and stepped back from the window as he shut it. She waited in the dark, shifting from foot to foot, for five minutes before Mr. Argent appeared, helping a black-and-blue Stiles with him.
"Oh, my God, Stiles," Olivia hissed, stepping forward to gently cup his face in her hands; Stiles winced. "Are you okay? What the hell did he do to you?"
"Livvy, I'm okay," Stiles croaked as she left go of his face to quickly check him for any other injuries. He grabbed her hands, keeping them still. "I'm fine."
"You're not fine," Olivia shook her head and shook his hand away, pressing her fingertips against his chin to tilt his head. "Look at you."
He took them from his face and pressed a quick kiss against them before squeezing her hand. "I'm okay," he enjoyed the surprised look on her face. "I just want to go home."
Olivia nodded shakily. "Your dad's been worried about you," as they started to over to the Camaro, she nodded once at Mr. Argent, who nodded back. "He put out an APB on you."
"Really?" Stiles' voice was soft, defeated; it made Olivia's heart break. "Wait, did you drive here? Derek let you drive?"
"Why do you say that with such surprise?" she opened the passenger door for him and he hesitated before getting in.
He waited until she was in the driver's seat before he responded. "Livvy, you don't have your license and I've heard Derek grumble about your driving before."
"Derek grumbles about everything," Olivia rolled her eyes and started the car. "Let's get you home."
Whey they arrived at his house, Olivia stayed in the living room while Stiles went upstairs. His dad was in his room, talking on the phone with a deputy. He looked completely lost, his voice desolate. "Yeah, I'm not finding any clues here," he rubbed his forehead. "Listen if he—if he shows up at the hospital—okay, thanks," he ended the call and groaned, "Come on, Stiles. Where the hell are you?"
"I'm right here," Noah whipped around at Stiles' voice, his eyes hardening when he saw the damage done to his face. His touch was so gentle compared to the look in his eyes that it made Stiles start to tear up. "It's okay, Dad. It's okay."
Noah moved his face slightly so he could get a better look at the shiner under his right eye. "Who did it?"
"It's okay," Stiles' voice wavered. He didn't want to lie but what was he supposed to do? Tell his dad that his ancient principal beat him up because he was in the middle of a war between werewolves and hunters? "It was just a couple of kids from the other team. You know, they were really pissed about losing and I was—I was mouthing off, you know?"
Because that's what he did. He mouthed off because he couldn't do anything else. He couldn't protect himself, he couldn't protect his dad or Scott or Olivia.
"The next thing I know—"
Noah cut off his explanation. "Who was it?"
"Dad, I don't know. I didn't even see them, really."
Noah's chest heaved with anger. "I want descriptions."
"Dad, come on. It's not even that bad."
"I'm calling that school," Noah declared, getting worked up. "I'm calling them and I'll personally go down there and I'm gonna pistol-whip those little bastards!"
"Dad!" Stiles raised his voice in order to get through to Noah. "I just—I said I was okay."
Oh, how he wished that his voice didn't break on that last word. His dad could see right through him, right through the strong front he had on in order to convince himself that he was okay. But he wasn't. Not really.
"God," Noah sighed sadly, grabbing the back of Stiles' neck to pull him into a warm hug.
Stiles buried his head into his dad's shoulder, trying to keep himself from acting like an eight-year-old kid and completely breaking down into tears. He could feel Noah shaking though, maybe it was his adrenaline dying down, and it threw him. Tears stung his eyes as he gripped onto the back of Noah's jacket, clenching the material with his fingers.
Stiles stared at the framed picture of him and his mom that was always placed on nightstand right next to his Adderall. It was taken a year or so before she had gotten sick and they were at the park, him sitting in her lap on one of the swings. They were both smiling happily and Stiles even had a little red mustache from the fruit punch he must have been drinking.
He wondered what his mom would have thought about everything going on in his life. Would she be proud of him? Would she be glad that she stuck to his best friend's side and helped out the best he could? Or would she be disappointed that he got himself into the mess in the first place?
He didn't want to think about his mom being disappointed in him, though. There was already too much disappointment racing through his own head, so he couldn't handle his mom's too. In the middle of all this mess, this war, he had been the one who needed to be rescued. He was the one who had Olivia travel into enemy territory just to make sure he was okay. He was the one who couldn't help Erica and Boyd.
He felt so useless, unneeded. A human in the middle of a group of supernatural beings.
"Dad, I'm fine," Stiles called when there was a light knock on the door. He had told Noah to send Olivia home so he could mope around, so it couldn't be her. Another knock; Stiles scrambled off his bed, annoyed. "Dad, I said I'm fine."
He roughly pulled open the door, only to deflate when he saw that it was Olivia on the other side.
"Told your dad to send me away, huh?" she walked into his room without an invitation.
Stiles sighed and shut the door after her, rubbing the back of his neck. "Livvy, it's not like that. I just want to be alone."
"I understand that," she nodded, crossing her arms over her chest. He was distracted when he noticed that she was still wearing his jersey. "and I get it, but shit's hit the fan, Stiles. Jackson's in this weird stage of metamorphosis, Allison's off the rails—"
Stiles scoffed. "And I'm supposed to do something about that?" he asked bitterly. "I think you're forgetting who you're talking to, Olivia. I'm not Scott, I can't just swoop in and save the day."
"You're not Scott, you're Stiles," Olivia's voice was sharp and her cobalt-blue eyes held a hint of sadness and irritation to them as she stepped toward him. "No one's asking you to be anyone but yourself. We don't need another Scott, we need you."
"Well, Stiles can't help."
"Stiles can," Olivia corrected him, shaking her head. "You're the glue, sweetcheeks. You hold us all together and you find out what's wrong and you help solve it. You're the one who knew that Matt was controlling Jackson, you're the one who found out that Peter was the alpha..."
Stiles' heart raced as Olivia ranted passionately. Anyone else would have thought that she was angry, and maybe she was, but not Stiles. He could see the love in her eyes, the sadness at the way he felt about himself, the disbelief that he wasn't believing her, the urgency to get through his thick head and make him see sense.
"So, don't you dare say that you can't help, okay? Because we need you—I need you," Olivia finished passionately and eyed the smile on Stiles' face. "You're smiling. Why are you smiling?"
"I'm not smiling."
"Yes, you are," she marched up at him and pressed a finger to the corner of his quirked lips. "Right there, you're smiling. I was being so serious and so heartfelt and you're just smiling at me?"
"You so like me."
Olivia looked caught off guard by his statement, making his grin widen. "Stiles!"
"What? It's obvious," Stiles chuckled. "Can you repeat the last part. Where you said you needed me?"
"I'm gonna take it back."
"You can't take it back. Nice try, though."
It was crazy how Olivia could just snap him out of something. He'd been in the middle of a tense one-person-only self-hate session when she'd come up to his room without being invited and told him what was really going on. And what she said had actually worked, too. Stiles was a stubborn bastard, everyone knew that, and he didn't like being wrong. But damn it if she didn't change his mind, even if it would only work for a little while.
This was why he loved her. Olivia hid her emotions but she wasn't a robot. She cared almost as deeply as anyone he had ever met. She was protective and comforting and beautiful and smart and nerdy. She was serious but she was able to laugh, too. There was an innocence about her but no naivety. She was blunt but still cared about how someone felt. They bickered like crazy but she melted around him.
And he was just as affected by her.
Stiles opened his mouth to tell Olivia that he loved her—like, he was actually in love with her—but at the same moment, her phone rang. She apologized, telling him that it was Derek, and put the phone on speaker.
"What's happening with Jackson?" she asked her cousin without a greeting.
"Scott and Isaac say that he's in some kind of transparent casing. We think it's the venom that comes out of his claws."
"That is horrifying," Stiles mumbled under his breath, earning a look of agreement from Olivia.
"They also say that he's starting to move," Derek added. "Peter and I found something in the Hale archives. Apparently, what we've seen from Jackson is just the kanima's beta shape."
Olivia sighed in frustration. "Meaning that he can evolve?"
"Yeah, into something worse," Derek confirmed. "Look, we're meeting with Scott and Isaac in the warehouse district. They're bringing Jackson with them."
"Okay, we'll meet you there."
"You need to bring Lydia," Peter injected and Stiles was glad that Olivia told him about his resurrection earlier in the week because that would have been quite the shock. "I think she can save Jackson."
Olivia blinked in shock. "Uh, yeah, I'll get her. See you soon." She slipped the phone into her pocket. "Come on, let's go."
Stiles hesitated. "Wait, Livvy," he grabbed her arm so she wouldn't leave the room. "I don't think you should go."
Olivia raised her eyebrows at him and repeated his words, as if she didn't hear him right. "You don't think I should go?"
"That's what I said."
"Stiles, if I can help Jackson by bringing Lydia to him, I will."
"You could get hurt."
"I don't care about me," Olivia waved him off.
"Yeah, well, I do," Stiles raised his voice, catching her off guard. "I'd be devastated if you get hurt and if you die, I'll literally got out of my fucking mind."
Olivia's tense body relaxed. "Stiles..."
"Death doesn't happen to you, Olivia," Stiles continued over her, wishing that she would just see how much he loved and cared for her. "It happens to everyone around you, okay? To all the people left standing at your funeral, trying to figure out how they're gonna live the rest of their lives without you in it."
"And you think you're so invincible but you're not—and I can't just stand back and watch you get hurt—how am I supposed to even—you don't even realize—"
Stiles was abruptly cut off when a warm pair of lips pressed themselves against his. The kiss didn't last long as it was intended to shut him up, but somehow Stiles managed to stare down at Olivia wide-eyed the whole time.
Olivia smiled when she pulled away, amused by the look of amazement on his face. "You know, this relationship isn't gonna work if you're telling me what I can and cannot do."
Stiles blinked rapidly, spluttering. "Relationship?"
He grinned when she winced in embarrassment. He wasn't laughing at her, he wasn't. He was just so damn happy because, holy shit, she had basically admitted her feelings for him. Yeah, she didn't say the words but he knew. He knew from the way she came for him, the way she'd text him a funny meme in the middle of the night, the way she'd seek comfort from him and give it in return. He knew from the way she smiled at him because no one—not even Derek, Lydia, or Sirius—got that smile, the one were her eyes would sparkle and she'd bit her bottom lip just a little without realizing.
Olivia gave him an exasperated look. "We don't have time for this, Stiles."
"Okay, okay," Stiles nodded. "Just tell me you love me and we'll go."
"I love you, Stiles," Olivia deadpanned but he knew she meant every word. "Can we go get Lydia now?"
"Yes," Stiles let her lead the way from his bedroom. "I love you, too."
"I know."
"How do you even know all of this stuff?"
Olivia looked up from the message she got from Peter at Stiles' question. It wasn't for her, it was directed to Lydia, who was sitting in the backseat as they drove to the warehouse district.
"Liv told me," Lydia stated matter-of-factly.
Stiles' head whipped to Olivia. "You told her?"
"She deserved to know," she defended herself. "and is this really the time to talk about this? We're about there."
Lydia leaned forward, giving her cousin a serious look. "What do I have to do?"
"Peter said that because I'm an anchor, I can start the process of getting him back to himself. Once I call Jackson's name, you're the one who's gonna finish it," Olivia told her quietly, knowing how much this was going to mean to both Lydia and Jackson. "Did you bring the key?"
"What? What key? Did I miss something?"
They both ignored Stiles. "Yeah," Lydia confirmed before reaching around her neck to unclasp the silver chain that held the key to Jackson's house. "I got it."
Olivia gave her a sad but comforting smile. "It's gonna be okay, Lyds. You can do it for Jackson."
Lydia nodded, clenching the key tightly. "For Jackson."
"We're coming up to the warehouse," Stiles warned them. "Seatbelts?"
Olivia and Lydia straightened in their seats and held on as Stiles crashed his Jeep through the thin metal sheet surrounding the warehouse and then rapidly turned the wheel so he could run right into the kanima. There was a moment where everyone stopped and stared and then Olivia was opening her door and she and Lydia were getting out of the Jeep.
"Jackson!" Olivia yelled for her friend, getting the kanima's attention.
The kanima turned toward her, cocking its head, and Lydia stepped forward. "Jackson?" she whimpered as the kanima crawled toward her, holding up Jackson's key. "Jackson."
Olivia nervously gripped Stiles' arm as he came up beside her, watching as the kanima froze, its eyes on the shiny key in Lydia's hand. It stopped and stared for a long, nerve-wracking moment.
And then the neon green of its eyes started to fade and Jackson's blue hue started to appear. His scales turned back into bare skin and dirty-blonde hair appeared. As Jackson silently took the key from Lydia, his venomous claws turned into blunt fingernails. His eyes met Lydia's wet ones and Olivia could feel tears in her eyes from the look they shared alone.
Jackson nodded slowly and carefully stepped away from Lydia. He stood still and raised his arms defenselessly, allowing Derek and Peter, both of them in their werewolf forms, to lunge at them. Olivia gasped sadly and squeezed Stiles' hand as they tore their claws into them.
Lydia rushed forward as Jackson fell to the dirty ground, catching him just before his body hit the concrete. Olivia covered her mouth tearfully as Lydia sobbed, cradling a dying Jackson in her lap.
"Do you—" Jackson choked. "Do you still...?"
"I do," Lydia assured him quickly, more tears falling down her face. "I do still love you. I do. I still love you."
Jackson nodded slowly, his eyes falling shut and his body slumping as his heart stopped beating. Stiles wrapped an arm around Olivia's shoulders, offering comfort, and she burrowed her face in his chest, wishing that things had been different. That they had been able to save Jackson.
She allowed herself a few seconds before pulling away from Stiles and going to Lydia. Lydia took her offered embrace without a word, sobbing heavily into Olivia's shoulders. More tears fell down Olivia's cheeks as she hugged her cousin tightly, only to stiffen when she saw movement coming from Jackson's fingers.
Jackson's eyes opened, a brilliant bright blue. The same blue that Derek had before he had turned into an alpha. Werewolf blue. Lydia whipped around to face him as Olivia sighed in relief.
Jackson got to his feet, his features turning to what they should have been all along, and tilted his head back, howling loudly. The howl ended and his human features reappeared, allowing him to gaze nervously at Lydia and Olivia.
Olivia laughed lightly because, of course, Jackson just had to have a dramatic transformation to match his dramatic ass. She grinned as Lydia jumped from her arms to his, wrapping him in the tightly hug she had ever seen.
She turned away from Lydia and Jackson to give them their privacy, very relieved that Jackson had survived. The heaviness that had been on her chest since the end of the lacrosse game had lifted because he was safe and healthy.
As she went back to Stiles side, he grinned softly at her. "You've got some mascara," he pointed to the corner of his eye. "rigghhht there."
She glowered at him. "I hate you."
"Sure, you do, ya big fluffball."
(Gif is not mine)
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dolanrings · 4 years
summary: Elena Cordova always thought she had her life figured out. The plan was this - marry her high school sweetheart, work her dream job as an art teacher, two kids, and live in a beautiful home sized just right for her family. Although the high school sweetheart doesn't work out, maybe her tutor, Grayson Dolan, does.
A/N: hi this is my first fic 🥺 im new 👉🏽👈🏽+ creds to owner for the gif
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Elena Cordova always thought she had her life figured out. The plan was this - marry her high school sweetheart, work her dream job as an art teacher, two kids, and live in a beautiful home sized just right for her family. But at the moment, it didn’t seem like the high school sweetheart part of the plan was working out so well.
It was the second to last week of high school and a ceremony for scholarship recipients was being hosted in the auditorium of the school. One of her family’s proudest moments was seeing Elena go onstage and win three scholarships for merits and her art. The night felt almost perfect, the one fault being Adam, her boyfriend, being a no show.
Trying not to let it bother her too much, she ran offstage to her family once the ceremony was over, being met with an abundance of flowers and balloons from her parents alone.
“I am so proud of you!” Gabriela, her mother, told her as she hugged her tight and kissed her temple. She accepted the love openly before moving on to her dad, Eduardo, who shoved more flowers her way, making her laugh.
“Congratulations sweetheart, you are officially smart enough for this family,” he teased, smiling brightly and looking like the epitome of a proud dad.
“Oh, ha, ha, you’re absolutely hilarious!” She rolled her eyes and accepted the bouquet. “And thank you for these, I hope they didn’t cost too much.”
“Can this one even go one night without spending basically hundreds on her kids?” he asked, not-so-subtly pointing to Gabriela. She playfully shoved his shoulder and he laughed, but Elena nodded in agreement anyway.
“Good point.”
Elena found herself being basically tackled as a familiar voice told her, “Congratulations, you’re rich!” When that person let her go, she looked to find that it was her best friend, Madeline, smiling at her like a goon.
“I almost died from that, if I die, I can’t be rich so be gentle with me,” she joked, and Maddy rolled her eyes before going in for a proper hug.
“Shut up, I love you,” Maddy told her before letting her go and looking at her. “No one is out here doing it like you, you’re such a baddie.”
In that moment, she felt a hand at the small of her back, which startled her at first until she looked to see it was none other than Adam. In an instant, the whole vibe changed, and her smile fell to a stony look rather than feeling happy to see him.
“She really is a baddie, huh?” he asked, a hint of teasing in his voice before pressing a kiss to her cheek. “My baddie.”
“It’s ugly when you say it, Adam,” Maddy deadpanned. “I hope you choke.”
“Woah, I just got here, what is with the hostility?”
“Because I hate you.”
“Aw, I love you too, Mads.”
Elena’s brother, Brandon, and her sister, Lyla, approached them then, most likely to check on what’s happening.
“Adam, dude, surprised you actually made it tonight, didn’t think we’d see you,” Brandon says to him.
“Yeah, you kinda missed the whole thing,” Lyla adds, nodding in agreement.
“I had work, I’m sorry guys,” he told them with a shrug, and Elena looked at him again, confused.
“I thought you took off for me tonight…”
“I meant to. I did, I just...I get busy, El, I must’ve forgot.”
Elena hums in acknowledgement before looking at her siblings and Maddy and grabbing Adam’s hand. “I need a minute with Adam,” she told them before dragging him along outside the building.
“What were you really doing?” she questions once they’re alone. She crosses her arms and looks at him expectantly.
“I told you, I was working!”
“Even after I asked you this morning if you were coming and you said yes?”
“I was busy this morning, I don’t even remember you asking me. I might’ve just glanced and said yes without actually thinking about it, baby, I’m sorry.”
“Adam! You fucking knew how important this was to me! For once I asked you to put me first and what do you do? You just fucking go to work and forget about me! I get put on the backburner like usual!”
“Elena, I don’t know what you want from me!”
“I want you to give me what I give you! When you have your stupid fucking games or anything else that you feel like is important, I always show up for you! But when it’s for me, it always just seems to slip your mind or something else always has to come up! Why is that, Adam, why?”
“I’m trying, Elena! But I have a life and things that matter more to me than a stupid scholarship ceremony!”
Elena huffed a breath, a little taken aback at him saying it was stupid. He seemed to know how that came out, because he sighed and started to say something.
“I didn’t mean-”
“No, I think you did.”
“Well, it’s not exactly the way I wanna spend my fucking night, Elena! Seeing that everyone’s futures are kind of being handed to them, including my own fucking girlfriend, when I can’t even get a single fucking break in life!”
“You want a break in life, Adam?”
“You know what? Yeah, I do. And I would like a break from your constant nagging about me not fitting in that dumb ass dream of yours. It’s a fucking dream for a reason, El.”
“Well, here’s your break, sweetheart. We’re done,” she scoffs, starting to walk away from him.
“Yeah, right. Get back here.” He tried to reach for her, but she doesn’t let him even touch her before turning to look at him.
“Yeah right? Adam, I am seriously done with this! I cannot and I will not continue to put time and energy into this relationship when you can’t even show up to a ‘stupid ceremony’ for a few hours when it comes to me! You think a future is being handed to people here? No, people worked hard, and want more for themselves, unlike you. You could be so successful, Adam, even maybe more than you think I am, but you don’t want to do anything! So I am not going to give you my all when you don’t want anything but to sit around and be a victim to everything, even me.”
And on that note, she walked away from him for real, not even giving him a chance to respond.
When she met with her family after so they could head home, she was quieter than usual. Her family talked around her about things like what they wanted for dinner or joking about what some people were wearing to the ceremony. Once they were home, Gabriela pulled Elena aside to ask her what was wrong, knowing that her silence was very odd. Elena just started crying in lieu of an actual response at first, and her mom hugged her tightly to comfort her.
“I just broke up with Adam,” she told her, pulling away just a little to talk, “and he didn’t even really care. But I love him, and I wish he cared and appreciated me so much more.” She went back to hugging her mom and Gabriela pet her hair as Eddy watched from a short distance.
He hasn’t seen her like this for so long, not since she was a child, so seeing her this upset was very out of the ordinary. He tried to usher everyone inside, but Brandon and Lyla just wanted to comfort her too, joining in on the hug. Eddy just joined them as well, deciding she needed this more than a moment to cry.
“This was supposed to be a happy night with good memories,” she says, sniffling, “I can’t believe that asshole ruined it.”
“Hey, mija, calm down, it’s alright. Plus, you’re gonna give yourself wrinkles with all this upset.”
“Okay, okay, but can we at least go inside to talk?” Eddy asks, and this time everyone agrees and heads inside to their living room. There, Elena explains everything that happened with Adam outside with her parents sitting beside her and her siblings listening attentively.
“El, my love,” her dad started telling her, “I know you thought you had a perfect life all planned out, but you know what? Life sometimes just doesn’t work out. And that has to be okay when it doesn’t. You’re brilliant, you have such good things in life, and you will one day find someone who is ready to give you what you want and more.”
“I wanted that with Adam, dad.”
“Fuck Adam,” Brandon scoffed, and Gabriela gave him a look.
“Brandon,” she said, her voice letting everyone know it was his one and final warning.
“No, he’s right though,” Lyla spoke up, “literally fuck Adam. Right now, the focus isn’t boys and dating anyway, you need to worry about yourself first and live for you first.”
“Easy to say when the first person you guys found was the one for you, mom, and dad,” she countered, frustration evident in her tone.
“Hey, at least you got me in your same boat,” Brandon reassures. Lyla scoffed, making him look at her with a furrowed brow. “What?”
“No offense, Brandon, you know I love you, but you also need to-”
“Mmh mmh,” he started, “this is just not about me, let’s keep the focus on Elena.”
“You know what, maybe you’re right Lyla,” Elena decided. “I’m gonna be going into my first year of college and pursue the one thing I love more than anything. That really should be my focus. A nice, fresh start.”
“That’s the spirit,” Gabriela said, clapping and standing up, starting to make her way to the kitchen. “Let’s celebrate with dinner! And a movie, someone pick something!”
Lyla got up and followed her mom to the kitchen to grab utensils to set up the dinner table while Brandon and Eddy both started to fight for the remote.
In the time following this, her fresh start really did begin, starting with spending a good month of her summer in Puerto Rico with her family and Maddy following graduation. There, they visited beaches, went to nightclubs, and visited a lot of her family. Following that, they got back home to New Jersey, and Elena went right back out to Maddy’s beach house, spending lots of time taking pictures and visiting the boardwalk.
As fun as her summer was, she shifted gears when the time came down to it, and it was truly a rough start when making the transition from high school to college. She had a lot on her mind and lots of stuff to juggle, plus she still found herself thinking of Adam and their downfall. Breaking up with him was something she definitely needed to do, but it didn’t make it any easier to just forget about him. On top of that, she had a job in the library that she really needed, and found useful since she was able to do some coursework on shift if it was slow enough. It was a rough start, indeed, but once she really got the hang of it and made some friends, she was able to finish off strong and make for a decent freshman year.
Her first semester of sophomore year is the one that she was in for a treat with. It was Monday morning and she was a couple minutes early to her 10:50 Calculus class in order to get a good seat. The professor promptly started at 10:50, even though a few people were still piling in. One guy came in later than the rest by about eight minutes. As if that wasn’t enough for him to have Elena’s attention, he had lengthy hair that fell just past his ears and he was wearing grey sweats paired with a plain blue tee. Elena had to shake it off though, reminding herself that her focus was her career and not boys.
The professor ended class a little early, which Elena appreciated since she had a shift at noon and this class was cutting close to that. In her rush to leave, she didn’t notice that she was going to run into someone, and that someone knocked the book out of her hands.
“Oh fuck, I’m really sorry about that,” he said, picking up the book and handing it to Elena. He held onto it just a second too long while looking at her, distracted by the fact that she was actually very pretty.
“It’s fine,” she rushed out, brushing hair behind her ear and taking the book back. “Thanks for picking it up.”
He didn’t even get to say anything in response before she was rushing out of the classroom and making her way to the library. On her way there, she texted Maddy and Brandon in their group chat.
elena: omg i just bumped into the hottest guy in the whole entire world ???
elena: adam who??
brandon: omfg el not this, please
maddy: be honest - scale of one to ten, how hot???
elena: eleven !!!
maddy: sis. get him.
brandon: no !!! no, do not get ANYTHING you don’t need this rn
elena: but brandon he’s literally an ELEVEN if not a twelve
brandon: i am so over this gc ! when are we ever gonna talk about intellectual things??
elena: never bc you also come to us to talk about cute boys soooo
brandon: excuse you i would never
elena: ANYWAY he is the loml
Elena just laughed and put her phone away to clock in for what she already knows will be a very uneventful shift. It’s the first day back and she didn’t even have much to do class wise, since Calc was her first and only class for today. She decided to just sit and look over her syllabus all the way through while watching out for anyone who might come in and check out textbooks and other stuff for first class homework.
While Elena was working, Plain Blue was still in the classroom, trying to remember what he was trying to do before the collision. His brain was caught in that moment, though, wondering where she was off to so quickly.
The sound of their professor shuffling papers suddenly pulled him from his thoughts and reminded him he needed the syllabus.
“Hi,” he greeted, and the professor looked up at him.
“Ah, yes. You’re the late one.”
“Actually, I’m Grayson, but late one works too. I actually need a copy of the syllabus, being that I was late.”
“And what was more important than being on time for my class?” the professor asked. He wasn’t actually upset, but Grayson didn’t catch onto that, since he was a bit stressed by the situation.
“I was in a different class, I kinda messed up my schedule and this one conflicted with a gen ed I need too, so I was trying to fix it before school started, but the freakin’ registrar—”
The professor stopped him with a simple raise of his hand before pulling out a syllabus and handing it to Grayson. He sighed and took it, relieved that this professor wasn’t some kind of asshole.
“It was a joke, kid, I get it. Life happens. Sorry about your rough start today.”
“Thank you,” Grayson said, glancing at the time. “Fuck, I’m sorry sir, I have another class that I’m now running late to.” Before the professor could even say anything else, he was rushing out of the room, shooting a text to his twin brother, Ethan, about his horrible day.
grayson: bro im having the worst ducking day in my entire ducking life
grayson: FUCKING* FUCK
ethan: u need to relax
grayson: i was late to my second class and now i am late to my third why did i make my schedule back to back
He hit send on that text and entered the library, taking a quick glance at the front desk and seeing the girl he bumped into earlier. He then typed out another message to his brother while making his way towards her.
grayson: now i am about to be more late :)
About halfway through her shift, a familiar face approached the front desk and smiled at her before he started talking.
“Hey, I saw you in math class this morning,” he informed, leaning against the counter. She sat up and eyed him curiously.
“Yeah, and you’re the klutz who knocked the book out of my hands.”
“I said sorry, no?” Elena shrugged and he just continued talking. “That very same book is why I’m here actually. I was wondering if I could cop pictures of your textbook for the homeworks.”
“Oh, so I don’t even know you by name or anything, and I’m just supposed to let you take pictures of my book because you...asked nicely?”
“I-I’m Grayson, if that helps with the name part,” he told her, standing up straight and holding his hand out for her to shake. Her eyes flickered between his hand and his face for a bit before she decided to just shake his hand anyway.
“Elena,” she said simply. “Let’s say I do let you take pictures of my textbook, Grayson. What do I get out of it?” she asked him, resting her chin in the palm of her hand.
“A very good friend,” he says with a smile, also resting his chin in the palm of his hand. In her mind, it was so very endearing and she wanted to smile very badly, but externally she made sure to remain unimpressed.
“Are you good at math?” she asked, and he nodded once.
“I’d say so.”
“In exchange for the textbook pictures, how about you help me figure all this stuff out so I can pass.”
Grayson smiles more and pulls out his phone, unlocking it before holding it out for her to take. “How about you give me your number and we can try to work something out?’
Internally, she was really shook up by the fact that this really hot guy wanted her number. Externally, she remained calm and took his phone, putting her number in it.
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tobin-heaths · 5 years
Not the best day 
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plot: Getting a red card wasn’t your plan for the game but could anybody blame you? Or with other words, you’re having a bad day
pairing: Alex Morgan x Reader
words: 2214
"Rise and shine!" Cold water was thrown into your peaceful face and it had you jumping awake with a surprised scream. The bedcovers were a mess around the lower half of your body as you threw them off and jumped out of the plush bed.
Loud and uncontrollable laughter could be heard all around you as Sonny's phone was shoved into your face, obviously recording whatever was going on.
"Oh my god! What on earth are you guys doing? Do you know what time it is?" You screamed at the pranksters. Among them were Ash, Sonny, Mal and Rose.
Ash was almost laying on the floor, holding her stomach from laughing but you couldn't laugh about it at all.
They decided to do this two hours before your alarm clock would ring and therefore robbed you off precious beauty sleep.
"Out! Everyone of you! Fuck off, guys! That one time Dawn let's me sleep a little longer you decide to ruin it? Nah, out of my sight!" You shooed them all out of the room.
Arriving at breakfast, after a long hot shower, your gaze fell onto the group that had terrorized you earlier. You immediately walked into the opposite direction with a mean glare.
But what pissed you off the most was that the night before you weren't able to share the room with your girlfriend. Instead you both were put into different hotel rooms and you ended up sharing your room with no other than Emily Sonnett, surprise surprise.
"People need their good night rests, nobody wants to be woken at one in the morning because the two of you are having a go at it." Jill had tried to explain the situation to you.
You looked around the room trying to spot a certain brunette but neither Alex nor her roommate Kelley were there which worsened your mood.
Once the team made it to the arena it was a lost case, somehow the shenanigans continued and you were close to snapping for a second time.
Normally, you loved pulling pranks on others especially with Sonny or Lindsey but today neither of them seemed to understand your need for personal space. You had a bad day and their actions weren't helping.
"Okay, where the fuck are my cleats? I swear to god, when I find the one who hid them from me!" Invisible steam was coming out of your ears as you stormed into the locker room.
Several pairs of eyes landed on your angry form standing in the doorway. Your fists were clenched.
"Cleats? Has anyone seen a pair of cleats? Hello, 911, we're missing a pair of cleats." Emily high-fived Lindsey, both of them laughing. Of course it was them.
On any other occasion you would have high-fived them as well not able to contain your laughter but you took it way too personal this time.
"Sonnett, I will not hesitate to slap you right here." Her eyes widened as you took a step forward ready to go off as a few 'woahs' could be heard throughout the room.
"Y/N, calm down. Alright guys, that's enough now. Where are her cleats?" Megan appeared behind you and took ahold of your arms.
You were thankful for the support you got from her, she was like your second mom and best friend, both of you having played at Seattle Reign for years.
"Sonnett, from now on until game starts I want you two feet away from my girlfriend, got it?" Alex appeared behind you and everybody shut up watching with interest.
You looked over to the blonde and saw her nodding her head in a fast motion as if she really felt threatened by Alex' words.
Her arms pulled you into her sturdy body and held you tight. You sighed and relaxed your muscles, finally feeling complete. Eager lips met yours in a welcome kiss.
The rest of the players continued getting dressed and ready for warmup, not really minding the display of affection, if that was what could help you calming down it was much appreciated.
"I missed you, baby." She said stroking your hair with one hand.
"I missed you so much more. Where were you this morning? I've been through hell, I just needed you." You buried your face into her neck and breathed in her scent.
"I know, babe, we'll talk later, okay? Let's get ready to kick some ass. We're here to win a World Cup after all." She winked and pushed you towards your locker and now returned cleats.
Sonny did keep her distance until it was time to get onto the field and you were grateful for that, thank god, no more pranks.
Today's group stage match was against Chile and you were still motivated after the big win against Thailand five days prior where you scored three of thirteen goals yourself.
You thought maybe your mood could finally switch to a good and relaxed one but the game made you think otherwise.
You were fouled so many times you couldn't keep track of it. Your white jersey, shorts and socks were stained with dirt and grass from all the sliding and falling. But that didn't stop you from fouling either, receiving a yellow card for a bad tackle yourself.
In the 11th and 35th minute you rewarded yourself with two goals and even Julie managed to score in the 26th minute. Your team was going strong and had no interest in stepping of the gas pedal.
It went on like that until the 88th minute, the score still 3:0 for your team, when you were once again fouled before you could attempt to shoot at the goal.
A Chilean defender tried to take the ball from you by slide tackling you. Her feet had grazed your ankle instead of the ball and you landed on your ass just outside of the penalty area.
The ref pointed a yellow card at the defender. How was that fair, that's a red at least! She had been fouling you all evening now. Ignoring the slight sting in your ankle you stood up and went face to face with the defender.
"What the fuck? Huh? What are you doing going for my ankle like that?" You yelled at her.
"I'm only doing my job, can't handle that? Then esconderse destras de la espalda de tu novia!" She yelled back at you. The Spanish part really triggered you.
You ignored the warnings from the ref or the shouts from the players surrounding you guys. Everyone was either arguing or trying to pull another away.
So what did you do? With your face as red as a tomato, clearly more than exhausted, you grabbed her shoulders and pushed her back. You followed her and pressed your forehead to hers.
The whistle was blown and arms belonging to Ali Krieger wrapped around your waist and lifted you away from the Chilean players. Out of the corner of your eye you could see an angry Alex arguing with the ref.
"Y/L/N, that's a red for you. Leave the field immediately!" The ref came running over to you with your second yellow card before holding up the red one.
You scoffed, broke free of Ali's grip and stormed off the field, ignoring your teammates and girlfriend. Jill was already furious on the sideline, everybody seemed to be yelling at you.
You ignored Jill and went straight for the locker room, not granting anybody sitting on that bench another look.
It was only two more minutes and a few for added time and then the game would be over, you scored two goals, Jill can calm her ass down. Sure, you'd be missing the next game against Sweden but that wasn't on your mind now.
The door to the locker room met the wall with a loud bang before you closed it with much more force than necessary.
Taking off your shorts you replaced it with your blue training shorts and pulled off the blue socks. Your ankle wasn't hurting that much, it wasn't swollen nor bruised so that's a good sign.
Nothing an ice pack or Dawn couldn't fix.
You finished changing and sat down in shame. That's a wrap with trying to give your jersey to fans today. Tears were close to falling but you wiped them away, anger and frustration once again taking over.
The door opened and you saw all the girls strolling in, happy smiles on their sweaty faces. How could they not smile? They just won a game and did an excellent job.
Taking out your headphones you counted the seconds until Jill would be all up your face.
"Y/N! You and me will have a detailed talk about that stunt later in the evening, be sure of that!" You winced upon hearing her angry tone, not able to meet her eyes.
Arriving at the hotel you waited in the lobby for said woman while the others, including your girlfriend, went for their rooms to take showers.
"We better get it over and done with now and then you're dismissed for the evening, alright?" Jill asked. Dawn was also there taking some notes on her tablet.
"Sure, let's do this." You mumbled and followed them into a small conference room. Tony was the last to join the session.
Well, three's a crowd and four's a party, no?
"Have a seat. What was going on today? You've been tense since the morning all throughout warm up and then pushing another player like that?" Jill looked at you with concern.
"It's been a hard day, can't lie about that. But I gave 100 percent on the field, you can't take that from me. Whatever happened with that player was a mistake. I know it was uncalled for and I'm ready to face the consequences." You said honestly.
"Lucky for you there won't be any legal consequences. But you will be missing the game against Sweden, which is a loss but we can handle it." Tony finished the sentence and you remained silent.
"Nonetheless you did an excellent job out on the field and the team and fans know that, nobody is mad. Stuff happens." Jill smiled.
"How's your ankle?" Dawn asked.
"Might need an ice pack but it's nothing serious."
"I'll have someone check it to make sure. Can't have you risking an injury before the important games."
True to that some medics appeared in the room and as their speech went on your ankle was checked. Nothing was wrong or damaged, everyone letting out relieved breaths.
"Take a shower, eat and cool that ankle. You're up for bed rest now. I want you back to full energy tomorrow. Oh, and Jill made sure that Alex and you are back in one room." Dawn said.
Both women dismissed you afterwards and you walked to the elevators. This went better than expected and you finally get to see Alex and spend the rest of the evening with her.
You swiped your hotel card and opened the door. You recognized Kelley, Ali, Alex and Megan sitting on the beds with their phones out.
"There she is. How's your ankle?" Megan smiled upon seeing you.
"My ankle is fine. Dawn told me to cool and rest it, they'll have another look tomorrow morning."
Dropping your bag at the door you went over to Alex and fell down into her lap. Her arms slung around your waist and pulled you into her.
"No, I will not take an ice bath today. I just want to shower and rest with my girlfriend." Before Megan could open her mouth you interrupted her.
"Alright, just for today I'll make sure Carli won't be dragging you out of here, can't promise anything but I'll try. We'll have a talk about that red card another day but for now– let's go guys." Nodding towards Kelley and Ali they stood up, saying their goodbyes and quietly leaving the room.
"I'm sorry." You sighed and turned around so you could face her.
"For what?" Alex looked concerned and held your hands.
"For being such an asshole. Letting the team down like that and missing the next game. I just felt so helpless and frustrated."
One of Alex' fingers wiped a tear from your cheek and gently kissed your lips.
"I'm not mad at that, you know that. I'm not mad at all, nobody is in fact. I did speak to Ash and Sonnett, they're sorry for not noticing your mood. And that red card? We've all been there at least once, it happens, baby." Her arms pulled you down so that you laid on top of her.
"I'm covered in dried sweat and mud. Let me at least shower and then we can cuddle, please?" You tried to get away but her arms are made of iron. How is Alex so strong, damn.
"Five more minutes. I just want to hold you right now. Haven't been able to all day. Then you can shower and I'll get the ice pack for you. Dinner is up in 30 minutes, so we better hurry."
You looked down at her angelic face and caressed her cheeks with your thumbs.
"I love you so much, Alex." Leaning down you connected your lips for a much longer kiss.
"I love you just as much, Y/N." Alex could never get tired of hearing you say that.
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artificialqueens · 4 years
No longer lonely (Jackie/Jan) -Katheriney
Jackie was not very old when she first fell in love, maybe 16, and like most first loves she fell hard. She wasn’t prepared to be feeling so strongly about another person. Of course she thought she had been in love before. She had boyfriends in the past and convinced both them and herself that she was head over heels in love, but that was nothing compared to the fire in her heart that she felt now.
Her family had just moved and her junior year of high school had not started as great as she imagined it would. She had no friends and didn’t really know how to make any. She had the same friends throughout her entire life and now she felt as if she were thrust into isolation in this new town. 
She had somehow made it the first quarter with no friends. She dreaded going to school. She sat alone at a stool by the window to eat lunch and didn’t speak up in her classes. But, all the silence and loneliness ended when the new quarter started. It was the second term of her french class, so it was surprising that there was a new face in the classroom. The girl oozed confidence. Jackie’s teacher told the girl to go sit at her table. Jackie was not happy about this because she had enjoyed having the table to herself, but she smiled up at the blonde girl when her teacher motioned her to wave. 
“Hi,” the shorter girl said briskly to her, setting down her purple book bag and taking the seat next to hers. Jackie wasn’t sure if she was supposed to respond, so she didn’t. She took note of the girl’s wavy blonde hair and purple miniskirt riding up as she crossed her legs. She made herself look away from the short skirt. She didn’t know why she wanted to look so bad, but didn’t want the girl to catch her staring at her lap.The teacher stood from behind her desk and walked the small distance to the board to start the lesson for that day. “I’m Jan,” she whispered from beside her. She had gotten a lot closer since the last time Jackie had looked over, so when she did turn her head towards her they were almost nose to nose. She jumped a bit and Jan laughed at her.
“Jan, is there something funny about les contes that I don’t know about?” The teacher turned towards the girls and put a hand on her hip. 
“Nope, sorry ma'am.” With that the teacher made her way back to writing and explaining. 
Jan bumped her shoulder. Jackie assumed it was an accident, so she pretended she didn’t feel it. Jan decided to shake her arm to get her attention instead. “What’s your name?“ 
“Jackie,” She said as softly as possible as to not get in trouble. 
“Hmmmm.” Jan leaned her head onto her hand. “You don’t look like a Jackie, maybe an Esther or a Nadia. No! I know! You look like a Leila!”
“Jan! Can you at least pretend you’re paying any attention. You know you need this class to graduate.” The teacher spoke to her. 
“Yeah yeah, of course, sorry.” Jan leaned down to her bag and took out a notebook and a pencil. “I’ll take notes, promise.” Jan flashed a smile and the teacher seemingly believed her, but Jan was not taking notes. She was writing a message for Jackie. 
The teacher and I don’t get along if you haven’t noticed. I barely pass her classes. Why haven’t I seen you before, Leila? Are you a freshman? -Jan
Jackie slid the notebook over to herself and started to write. 
I’m a junior, actually, not a freshman. I just moved here in August. -JACKIE
I think you mean -Leila and I like your glasses by the way -Jan
Of course, that’s what I meant. Thank you, I like your hair. -LEILA
And just like that the bell rang, making Jan grab her notebook and shove it in her bag before booking it out the door. Jackie felt like she had been forgotten already. She slung her bag over her shoulder and walked out of the classroom. She saw Jan standing in a huddle of football players and cheerleaders. So, she was one of those girls. No wonder she had left her so quickly. She couldn’t risk being seen with Jackie in these public hallways.
Jackie went about her day as usual. She went to her two classes before it was lunch time. She took her time to get to the cafeteria. Once she got there she sat in her usual seat by the window and took out her lunch that she had packed that morning, a salad and fruit. She was about to dig in before there was a plop in the usually vacant seat beside her. She turned to see Jan sitting with her hands in her lap and a smile on her face. “Hey, Leila! You do know only weird people sit in these stools, right?” She tugged at her arm and gestured for her to grab her lunch. “C'mon, you can come sit with me!” Jan linked their arms and together they strutted across the cafeteria to Jan’s table full of sports players and pretty girls. Well, Jan strutted. Jackie just shuffled along with her, holding her lunch. “This is Jackie. She just moved here and she’s in my french class.” Hearing Jan say her real name after so much time took her by surprise. She was sure the girl forgot and really thought her name was Leila. 
“Hi Jackie, I’m Jaida. You can take this seat by me and Heidi.” Jackie gladly took the seat and Jan sat next to her. Jaida had on a football jersey that was so big that is was obviously her boyfriend’s. Heidi had a short bob with a bang. 
Conversations continued around her. She didn’t feel quite comfortable enough to insert herself into them, but listened and smiled and nodded to anyone that addressed her. Jan had long since finished eating and was obviously getting restless, constantly looking over to Jackie before turning her head back to her other friends. Jan moved her hand off the table and to her lap. She kept her head towards the football players on the other side of the round table as she slowly slid her hand from her lap to Jackie’s. Jackie froze mid bite before realizing what she had done and stuffing the strawberry into her mouth. 
“What’s your next class?” Jan asked her, but she didn’t realize she was talking to her, so Jan squeezed her thigh a little to get her attention. 
“Oh! Umm, I don’t have a class in the next period.” Jackie stammered out, trying her very best to sound normal.
“Great, do you wanna go to Starbucks with me? I’m going through withdrawls.” Jan asked and Jackie could only nod. Jan took her hand back and Jackie almost whined. “Let’s get a head start if you’re done eating." 
"I am!” So Jan stood from her seat followed closely by Jackie. Her friends said goodbye to both of them. They smiled and whispered among themselves. It made Jackie self conscious. She felt like they saw Jan’s hand. She wasn’t sure if it was friendly or flirty, but if she were like that with her friends they shouldn’t care if she did it with her. So, what were they whispering and giggling about. 
She got into the passenger seat of Jan’s orange kia soul. Jan threw her bag into the backseat and Jackie did the same. After plugging her phone into the aux she started to play an Ariana Grande song that Jackie couldn’t name. 
They started on the short drive to the coffee joint. The music helped fill the silence, since neither girl had spoken up yet. Jackie played with her hands and kept her eyes focused on the road. “Sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I think I may have gotten the wrong impression of the situation.” Jan spoke clearly said calmly.
“You haven’t made me uncomfortable. What did you think the situation was?” Jackie asked, finally turning to look at the girl who had her left leg up and one hand in her lap. She looked so relaxed behind the wheel, unlike Jackie.
“I thought you were into me because you were staring and flustered. Did I get the wrong impression?" 
"No, I am definitely into you.” Jackie said and just like that she had said it. There was no turning back. 
“Oh.” Jan turned the car into the Starbucks line. “Thank god. I thought I was going crazy and making things up.” Jan sighed and turned to a wide eyed Jackie and smiled at her. 
“You’re gorgeous.” Jackie let slip out.
“Oh yeah?” She said as she paid for both her coffee. She said a thank you, took her coffee, and went on her way back to school. She switched the hand she was steering and let her free hand rest on Jackie’s thigh once more. Jackie took a shaky breath, so Jan slid her hand around to rest it on her inner thigh. Jackie subconsciously spread her legs further to encourage Jan up on her exploration. Jan took the invitation and glided her hand further up and squeezed just enough to get Jackie to squeak, begging her to just touch her where she needed it. Jan removed her hand all together and used it to turn into an empty parking lot close to the school. 
She put the car in park and turned to see Jackie sitting there all pretty there, looking like she had already been fucked. Her hair was tousled. Her lips were parted. Her pupils were blown wide. Jan just wanted to eat her up. She held the girl’s chin in her hand guiding her towards her as she slid a hand up her leg and rested it on her waist. Jan leaned in to kiss her softly. She grasped her waist making Jackie gasp under her touch. Jan slowly slid her hand down her stomach. She broke the kiss long enough to make sure Jackie was sure she wanted this. Jackie frantically nodded and spread her legs before leaning forward to kiss her again. Jan did as the girl wanted and lifted her skirt and applied pressure over her lace panties. “Mmm lace?” Jan teased. 
“Yeah, ah, do you like them? Ah, that feels so good.” Jackie moaned softly.
“Oh, baby, they are so beautiful.” Jan pushed the panties aside and started pressing small circles to her clit. Jackie basically screamed at the direct contact and lifted her hips towards her. “Woah there, princess.” Jan taunted as she pushed her hips back down to the seat. 
“I’ve never done this before.” Jackie blurted.
“Honey, I’ll make you feel good. If you’ll let me, I’ll make you scream for me.” Jan promised her
“Please, please, please, Jan, please make me feel so good,” Jackie begged.
Jan pulled her lacy panties down to her knees and used her thumb to circle her clit, rubbing two fingers over her entrance. She used her other hand to hold her down. She slipped a finger into her slowly and only halfway before Jackie was grasping her wrist. “Want me to slow down, baby?” Jackie nodded. Jan removed her finger, but continued massaging her with her thumb. Reaching her head down, she started to lay kisses along Jackie’s neck and collarbone. She pressed her palm firmly over her and Jackie squirmed and mewled in her seat. 
“I’m gonna cum.” Jackie panted into Jan’s ear.
“Let go for me, pretty girl.” And she does. She shrieks and shakes. Tears trickle down her cheeks. Jan wipes them away. She tucks Jackie’s dark hair behind her ear and kisses her forehead. She gives her time to catch her breath before letting go to start the car. 
“Wait!” Jackie grabs Jan’s arm to keep her from switching gears. “Where are we going?” She asked her all doe eyed and cute.
Jan can’t help but smile at her. “School. You need to get to class on time." 
"So do you.” Jackie whispered. 
“I already skipped last period. It wouldn’t hurt to skip another, but I don’t wanna be a bad influence on you.” Jan replied.
“You skipped class to be with me?" 
"Of course I did, baby.”
Jackie may not have known that she was only going to fall further and further for the girl sat next to her, but she did know that she had never taken to anyone as quickly as Jan. She knew that Jan would be at the forefront of her mind firing every minute of every day.
Jan let her off at the front door telling her if she ran she could make it to class in time while she parked. She waved and did as she was told. Jan was right. She did make it on time.
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iliketowrite1996 · 4 years
Lunch Buddies
Part 1:https://iliketowrite1996.tumblr.com/post/614617294578089984/his-best-girl
Part 2: https://iliketowrite1996.tumblr.com/post/614969499334197248/meet-the-music-teacher
TRIGGER WARNINGS AND THEMES- abandoning child, mentioned of dead spouse, moving and starting over, single parenthood
‘’Jasmine. What on earth are you doing?’’
   The ten year old freezes in her spot at the sound of Steve’s voice, before looking up at her dad with wide, brown eyes.
   ‘’Um… I am making you lunch,’’ she responds, slapping yet another slice of bread on top of the sandwich that she is constructing.    
   ‘’Alright, Jasmine. What did you do?’’
   ‘’I did nothing!,’’ she insists, stepping over to the cabinet and getting out some tupperware and a top.
   ‘’I guess this wouldn’t have anything to do with the fact that you got your math test back yesterday, hm?’’
   Jasmine looks at Steve with wide eyes before sighing, looking to the floor, and trudging over to her book bag. She returns with her math paper… a giant red ‘’F’’ in the top, right by her name.
   ‘’Jasmine, come on now,’’ Steve sighs, shaking his head slightly as Jasmine constitutes stare at the floor, ‘’What happened?’’
   ‘’I studied, daddy,’’ she looks up at Steve, big, brown eyes filling with tears, ‘’Honest, I did! But when it was time for the test, I got so confused.’’
   ‘’Have you asked Mr. Isaac to help you?’’
   ‘’Yes,’’ she wipes at her eyes with the back of her hand, ‘’But I don’t get it the way that he explains it, either. Deshaw tried to help me and Alexandria tried to help me, but it’s still so confusing.’’
   ‘’Okay, don’t cry, come here,’’ Steve says, allowing Jasmine to lay her head on his shoulder like she used to do when she was little, ‘’Don’t cry. Everyone makes mistakes.’’
   ‘’But I KEEP failing!,’’ she eventually wails, and Steve pulls her in for a hug, smoothing her curls down as he does so.
   ‘’Shh. Sweetheart, calm down. WhenI was your age, I didn’t understand science, and I had trouble with social studies. Your grandma had to get me a tutor. And, you know what? That’s exactly what we are going to do. I’m going to ask Tony if his intern will tutor you.’’
   ‘’Peter,’’ Jasmine lifts her head up and looks at Steve, continuing to wipe her tears, ‘’From church?’’
   ‘’Yes, your crush,’’ Steve teases to which Jasmine giggles.
   ‘’Okay. Do you think that he can help me pass math?’’
   ‘’I’m sure that if he can’t, he knows someone that will. So, what do you say, kiddo? Ready to get yourself a tutor?’’
   ‘’You bet,’’ she nods, looking at his lunch, then the time on the clock, ‘’Daddy, we have to get to school! I want to give my music teacher her bracelet that I made her!’’
   ‘’You’re right. Grab your boots and let’s hit it.’’
   September has given way to fall, and Steve and Jasmine crunch the leaves under their feet as they make their way to the school building. Steve has to drag Jasmine along a bit, seeing as they got in late from church last night. But she perks up when he brings up her music teacher again.
   ‘Daddy, she is so nice! Yesterday, we got to makeup songs about school supplies,’’Jasmine reveals, sticking her arm out so that her dad so that he can guide her across the street through the crowds of people coming and going.
   When the duo makes it to the school, they share their customary high-five before going their separate ways.
   ‘’Good morning, Mr. Rogers,’’ you smile as you walk past him to your classroom.
   ‘’Good morning. And call me Steve,’’ he beams at your retreating form, ‘’I assume I’ll be seeing you today?’’
   ‘’Actually, we should be all good,’’ you turn around to face him as he comes closer, on the way to his class, ‘’Unless you just like seeing me.’’
   ‘’I-I, um, you know-,’’ Steve begins to sputter, causing you to giggle a bit.
   ‘’Steve, relax. I’m kidding. But I do thank you for being so kind to me these first few weeks. I’ll see you later,’’ you turn around, taking your key to unlock your classroom.
   And Steve tries to ignore the slight pang of disappointment that accompanies that statement. 
   ‘’Thank you so much for your help, Olivia,’’ Steve smiles as he high-fives the five-year-old, who beams in response.
   ‘’Thank you, Mr. Rogers,’’ she nearly whispers, following her kindergarten class into the hallway and back to there room
   No sooner than the students leave is Steve interrupted while organizing for the next class to come in.
‘’Mr. Rogers.’’
Steve looks up from where he is placing materials on the tables in preparation for his next art class to see you at the door, dressed in a blouse and professional bottoms…
With a giant coffee stain on your shirt.
‘’Woah, what happened,’’ he questions as you enter, futility scrubbing at the stain with a damp paper towel.
‘’Fourth grader running down the hallway. Luckily, it’s ice coffee,’’ you huff, tossing the paper towel away, ‘’Um, I’m here because Jasmine said that you had a pen to get stains out. I was if I could borrow it?’’
‘’You know,’’ Steve chuckles, walking over to his desk to retrieve it for you, ‘’We’ve got to stop coming to each other when we need things only.’’
Since your arrival three weeks ago, you and Steve stop by each other's rooms frequently. After all, you’re right down the hall from each other.
He needed a stapler, you needed a case of pencils and couldn’t find the janitor. Mr. Smith. He needed to know what time the assembly started, and you needed help with the copy room printer that always jammed and he didn't mind, did he?
‘’Thanks,’’ you sigh in relief, scrubbing at the stain, ‘’I sense you’re prone to messes, too?’’
‘’Not me. Jazzy,’’ he shakes his head fondly, ‘’She’s always moving, always rushing. She gets that from me, but her mom always used to spill on herself, too.’’
‘’I see,’’ you smile gently, pressing the cap back onto the pen before giving it to Steve, ‘’Thank you, Mr. Rogers.’’
‘’Please, call me Steve. We’re cowowrkers,’’ he reminds you, and it takes everything you have in you to bite back the smile that is beginning to form on your lips.
Okay, okay.He’s cute. But you’re his co-worker, you just got here, and you’ve got a lot on your proverbial plate already.
‘’Oh, um, listen. I’d packed Jasmine some lasagna that I made last night, but DeShawn’s mother packed her lunch today. So, if you want, since we have the same planning period…’’
‘’I’d love to. We can eat in my class, okay?’’
‘’Okay,’’ Steve nods, shoving his hands in his pocket.
‘’I’ll see you at 12:30,’’ you agree, exiting his classroom and heading back to your own to prepare for your first graders from Ms. Wilson’s class.
Just in time to miss Steve’s fist pump.
And he doesn’t see you do the same thing in the hallway.
   When you first moved to New York from Texas, it was for a fresh start. You’d parked your car, and moved in with your aunt and your uncle. Your uncle is the pastor at a local church, and he was more than happy to let you move into their house in New Jersey with them until you could get your bearings.
and he’d heard about the opening for the music teacher as a way for you to more easily get on your feet. In fact, you have a meeting with a landlord tomorrow to look at a one-bedroom apartment a few blocks from the school.
   You’ve been taking time getting used to your new surroundings. Every day, you take a walk right before work, taking in your surroundings and casually absorbing people. On the weekends, you find one new restaurant to try with your ‘’restaurant buddy’’.  After church, you say hi to one new person.  At work, you make it a point to say hi to one new co-worker each day.
   For a while, though,you seem to be making it a point to find any reason to talk to one Steve Rogers.
   Steve is one hundred percent handsome, and very  kind. He always has a smile on his face, he is so good with the students, and you can see how much he loves his daughter.
   ‘’Hi, mommy!’’
   You’re broken out of your thoughts by a young kindergartner who is waving at you as she clutches a hall pass.
   ‘’Hey, honey, why aren’t you in class?’’
   ‘’Teddy got sick in our class bathroom and I’m going to the big kids’ bathroom,’’ she beams, feeling proud of herself.
   ‘’Oooh, that’s a big step! Now make sure you go and get right back to class, baby. Mommy’s gotta go get ready for ehr new class. And you go with Ms. Potts after school, I’ll pick you up from  her classroom at 4:40, alright?’’
   ‘’Alright, mommy,’’she nods dutifully before trekking off up the hallway to the bathroom.
   Your five-year-old daughter is your first, and only child. She started kindergarten here when you moved, and it’s taking a while, but she’s slowly coming out of her shell.
   When your daughter was born, you had just finished college with a degree in teaching. Though her arrival was about five years ahead of your timeline, you were ecstatic. You’ve always wanted to be a mom, and this journey just began earlier than you expected.  Her dad, your then-boyfriend, Darryl, was less than thrilled at the prospect of a new baby, but he agreed to be there.
   That is, until he wasn’t. One day, the texts stopped being returned, the calls went unanswered, and he didn't drop by. A quick visit to his apartment confirmed your fear- only three months after your daughter’s birth, and he had decided that this was not for him. No conversation, no warning, nothing.
   And had you not had your faith, your church family, and family and friends, you’re not exactly sure where you would be. The combined forces have helped you get through your first year of teaching, your move, apartment, hunting, and most importantly, raising your  beautiful baby girl.
   Your next class is milling in now, so you put on your best smile and greet the students, earning high-fives and hugs from the class of second graders.
       And so begins another class.
   ‘’Hey, lunch buddy,’’ Steve appears at your doorway, right on time.
   ‘’Hey,’’ you smile at him, nodding for him to enter.
   ‘’I warmed it up for you, hope that’s okay,’’ he speaks, placing your lunch on your desk and pulling up a chair for you as you pull two bottles of water from your bag.
   ‘’Thanks for sharing with me,’’ you speak up, ‘’Otherwise it would have been peanut butter and jelly again.’’
   ‘’Hey, nothing wrong with a classic,’’ he grins at you, ‘’I forgot to tell you, and I hope I’m not overstepping… you look really nice today.’’
   You’d woken up a little earlier today, so you took care with your hair, slicking it back into a bun and taking the time to gel down your edges. Your favorite, red jumpsuit is on, and you’ve got the red ballet flats to match.
   ‘’Thank you, Steve,’’ you return the gesture,completing his outfit.
   You enjoy your lunch with Steve. The teacher lounge is great and everything, but you like quiet conversation during your lunch. So  it’s nice to spend time with your teacher neighbor, and relax before your last two classes of the day, and glee club practice.
   ‘’So, how long have you been teaching here,’’ you ask after praying over your food, silently reveling in the taste of the pasta that he’s given you.
   ‘’About ten years. I was hired here the year before Jazzy was born. This is, uh, actually where I met her mom,’’ he reveals, a look that you don’t quite understand crossing his face before he shakes it off, ‘’How long have you been a teacher?’’
   ‘’Five years ago, I started out in Texas as a grade-school special education teacher. I’m dual-licensed,’’ you move back in your chair, looking out the window, ‘’It’s quite different going from having a classroom full of students that you’re with all day to only seeing students a few times a week for 45 minutes.’’
   ‘’I imagine it’s also really difficult to come here from Texas. Did you have any family?’’
   ‘’Yeah, I moved in with my aunt and uncle. They’ve been a great help, but I think I ‘m ready to head out on my own. With their help, of course,’’ you amend, tapping your fingers against the desk, ‘’I don’t know. I just like the feeling of being independent.’’
   ‘’Well, you still seem pretty independent to me. But, you know, if you'd find a place, you’ve got two people that’ll help you move in. You’re Jasmine’s favorite teacher. She talks about you non-stop at home.’’
   ‘’She’s wonderful,’’ you shake your head, laughing fondly, ‘’And very headstrong.’’    
   ‘’Always has been,’’ he chuckles, ‘’Just like her mother.’’
   Before you can respond to that, they’re calling you over the PA system, and lunch is cut short. Steve follows you out, allowing you to lock your class door and head to the office.
   And giving you a minute to feel just a tad bit sour on missing the rest of your not-a-date-lunch-date with Steve.
   After the glee club picks up, you’re exhausted. Thank goodness you’re aunt is making dinner tonight, because you plan on crawling straight into bed after dinner.
   ‘’Mommy!,’’ your daughter screams,rushing forward and leaping into your arms.
   ‘’Gey, you know we don’t get that loud in the school building. But I’m happy to see you,’’ you smooth down her flyaway curls, ‘’Girl, what did you do to your hair?’’
   ‘’We were discussing static electricity,’’ Pepper informs you, walking over holding a first grader and a kindergartener's hands. ‘’She was absolutely lovely and so well-behaved. I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?’’
   ‘’Okay,’’ you and your daughter nod before you take her to the parking lot, ready to head home.
   ‘’Mommy, are we having pizza for dinner again?’’
   ‘’No, we’re having whatever Auntie is making. And you’re going to be polite, even if you don’t like it. Understood?’’
   ‘’Yes, momma,’’ she nods, to unlock the car and place her in her booster seat before heading around to the driver’s side.
   Your night time routine is, somehow, a bit more chaotic than your morning routine. Baby girls are always tired from school, your aunt is exasperated after dealing with high school students all day, your uncle is tired from whatever volunteer or service he has done that day, and you’re just tired. But you’ve got to feed  your daughter, bathe her, do her hair, help with her homework, and send her off to sleep before working on your own planning.
   ‘’So, honey,’’ your aunt tells you as you send the resident kindergartner to the bathroom to wash her hands, ‘’I’ve got this great guy at church I’d like to set you up with.’’
   ‘’That’s gonna be a no from me,’’ you sneak a cucumber from the salad your uncle is making, causing him to playfully glare at you.
   ‘’Leave that girl alone,’’ your uncle jests.
   ‘’She’s a smart, lovely, beautiful young woman and he’s a good man!,’’ your aunt defends.
   ‘’I don’t have time for dating! We just got here, I need to put down roots first. Besides… I’m not even sure that I want to be dating right now.’’
   In some ways you’re still reeling from your relationship with Darryl. And you’ve been on dates, but nothing serious.
   ‘’Oooh, have you got sights set on someone at work,’’ your aunt smirks, earning a groan from you, which she laughs heartily at, ‘’You do!’’
   ‘’My sights are not set on him, but he is attractive. He’s with someone, though, so… there that goes.’’
   ‘’And here goes your daughter, so pipe down,’’ your uncle whispers, knowing you hate discussing dating in front of her.
   Soon, dinner is served and you're grateful to put the issue to bed.
   When it’s time to tuck your daughter, she’s smiling at you as she strokes the curls of your hair.
   ‘’Your hair is pretty, mommy.’’
   ‘’Thank you, sweetheart. Your hair is pretty, too,’’ you respond, taking her hand and kissing it, ‘’Time for bed, ladybug.’’
   ‘’Okay. Good night, mommy.’’
   ‘’Good night, Olivia. Mommy loves you,’’ you speak.
   Then, it’s time for you to head in for the night, leaving all thoughts of blind dates, school, work and Steve Rogers behind before drifting off to sleep.
DISCLAIMER- I own no rights to any Marvel characters, places, etc. 
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otherfandomsrun · 5 years
Pillow Fight Crush x Reader Fluff
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Wrote this for my bestfriend! @myrandom-fandomlife This is my first ever fanfic, so ya know don't judge too hard. I didn't proof read too much and I'm bad at honestly everything about writting but hope you like it!!!
It was the last day of your sophomore year and you were the most excited you've been in a long time. Tomorrow you were having a party and there were going to be a lot of people there. One of which may or may not be your crush, C/N. You've liked him for the longest time but you never thought it would work out. He just doesn't see you that way but oh well at least you can keep him in your life as a friend.
The second the last bell rang everyone ran into the hall way. You saw your friends and ran over to hug them. You started to talk and a few of them started to cry. You felt someone tap you on the shoulder. You were so excited that when you spent around so fast you became dizzy.
"Woah!" You felt hands on your shoulders helping to steady you. "Don't fall!" Your vision cleared and you quickly realized that it was C/N. You felt a little embarrassed but you laughed along with him anyway.
"Hey, C/N! Sorry I'm just happy it's the last day but I won't see most of my friends over the summer so that's kinda sad but at least I'll see them next year." You shrugged not really minding. This year you had been so busy. You and your bestfriend were the football managers at your school and you both were cheerleaders too so you two were constantly washing the dirty jerseys, picking sweaty boys up in your cars to drive them to and from practice, all while going to the games and cheering for your team, going to cheer camps, practicing after school and going to work after all that. And when football was over you were on the volleyball team going to camps, practicing, and even going being in marching band. To sum it up you were tired!
"Well you'll see us all tomorrow!" He said smiling. God this boy was gorgeous. Everytime he was close you could only think about what it would be like to walk the hallways holding his hand. Knowing that he would be yours and only yours. You hurried to push those thoughts out of your mind hoping that you haden't been staring long. Realizing what he had said you replied, "You're coming?!"
"Yes of course I'm coming. I wouldn't ever miss it. I'll see you then, bye!" He leaned in and gave you a quick hug then ran off and started to walk by his friends. You watched him look back at you as he turned the corner. You guys smiled and waved at eachother goodbye - or at least until tomorrow.
That night you did everything. You shaved, exfoliated, put on face masks, lathered your entire body in lotion, and painted your nails. You looked amazing, felt like a baby, and your legs were so shiny you could see your reflection in them. You went to sleep at around 11. The party started at 1 tomorrow but you decided to wake up at 10. 11 hours of sleep was enough.
When you woke up you immediately got ready. You wore a pair of white denim shorts a pink crop top and white Van's. Pretty basic but it was cute.
People started to show up very fast. At about 1:30 everybody was there but you hadn't seen C/N yet and you started to wonder whether or not he was coming.
You went over to some of your friends and started to talk to them not as excited as before when all the sudden ...."Y/N!" Hands came up to your shoulders and shook you.
"OH MY GOD!" You basically died right there you got so scared. Well at least you knew C/N was here. When you turned around you out your head in your hand and started laughing, "Jesus, you scared me!" You took a deep breath and looked up while being pulled into a hug. "I almost thought you weren't coming."
You pulled away and crossed your arms. He got a tan scince yesterday and boy did he look good. He was basically a greek god in your eyes.
"What?! No, I told you yesterday that I was coming. I got held up in traffic. Ya know you live quite far away from me." He added in a 'matter of fact' tone.
About 30 minutes went by and the party had moved outside. Most people were playing some ninja game but a few of us were sitting in the shade having fun talking to one another.
It was about 97°F outside. So in other words freakin' hot. "Hey do you want to go inside because it's way too hot out here." You looked over covering your face as the sun had moved since you sat down and was now in your eyes. C/N looked over, "Yeah, I'm really hot." Yeah you are, you added in your mind.
You two headed inside to your room not wanting to draw any attention from your friends at the moment just wanting to cool down. You got to your room and shut the door both of you flopping down onto your bed, him laying down with his legs hanging off the bed while you propping yourself up with your arms.
"Hey, Y/N, can we turn on some music?" He looked over at you and you obviously couldn't say no.
"Yeah, you want to choose?" You gave him the phone and watched what playlist he picked. Great he went with your Aesthetic playlist. Almost every song on there was a love song. He looked through the playlist.
"I haven't heard most of these." He put the list on shuffle. Put Your Head On My Shoulder started to play softly in the background.
"What no this is a love song. Let's play something else." You proceeded to try and grab your phone when he suddenly pulled his hand back.
"No! I like this song!" You sat up and leaned over him to get your phone. He moved his hand from his side to above his head. You put your leg over him and straddled him, leaning over his head you still couldn't get your phone. Giving up you leaned back while sitting on him.
"I give up your arms are too long!" He slyly slipped his hands over the sides of the pillow.
"Liar! You can reach them you just dont want too." He stared at you laughing. You were very confused.
"And why would I wa-" BAM! A pillow wa shoved in your face. You couldn't stop laughing as you shoved the pillow down onto his stomach.
"Oops." He said while shrugging in a 'I didnt know' way. Right at that moment you felt the blood rush to your face as you realized that you were in your room, straddling C/N, and his hands were resting just above your knees. You rushed to look away. You were blushing so hard that you might just look like a red lightbulb if you stared any longer. You covered your face to make sure he didnt see you. You felt Y/N's hands leave your legs and land on your arms to pull them away from your face.
"Hey, what's wrong?" Fake concern was written all over your face. Does he know? No he couldn't plus he would never tease me like this if he knew just how much I liked him. You looked up and away smiling, "Nothing" you laughed a little.
"Oh yeah, then why is your face so red?" He pressed on.
"Oh my gosh. My face is always red!" Your heart was racing. He hadn't told you to get off or that you guys should go back outside. Your anxiety was at an all time high. One of his hands traveled up to your chin and turned your head. Your grin faded to a small slime when you met his eyes.
"No it's not. I see it enough to know." You didnt know how to respond you were so nervous. He leaned up on his elbows and whispered, "Come here Y/N." His hands pressed against your back you leaned down. Your lips met with his and it felt like the best moment of your life. His lips were warm and softer than you expected. You cradled his face and laid back down. He removed the pillow between you two and held you in a hug as tight as he could your lips moving in synch with his. You pulled away breathless but not letting it show.
"I hope that means that you like me." You opened your eyes to stare at his E/C ones. He took a deep breath and replied, "Of course I do. Who wouldn't?"
He chuckled and you both sat up. "So you want to be my girlfriend? Ya know, go on cute dates and cuddle in the movies?" You hugged him and whispered, "Yes! Oh my god, yes."
You just sat there and hugged for a while. He pulled away a few inches and started to kiss all around your face. You both were a giggling mess.
The door opened and there stood your bestfriend, B/F/N. "Oh. Wow. Well I hate to interrupt whatever is going on here but your dad is looking for you in the yard so ummmm.... you might want to get out there." She had a huge smile on her face, turned around, and closed the door. You look over and C/N says, "We should go now." You agree and go back outside.
After the party is over and C/N leaves you tell B/F/N everything that happened. Both of you were dying by the end.
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rosegoldjen · 5 years
cabin 3.0
word count: 2319
i wrote this a thousand years ago and don’t even remember if i posted it on here, but i just made a masterlist (eek!) and wanted to update it so i am reposting. maybe my calling during this quarantine is to focus more on writing? (who are we kidding that’s probably not going to happen)
I hate summer.
now I know some people would think I'm crazy, but in reality, I'm not. I never do anything productive during the summer; normally I sit on the couch at my parent's house and watch tv. all my problems would be solved if they would let me stay at university, instead of with them. all my friends are there, having fun and going to parties without me.
to make up for my laziness, my parents got me a summer job. I was to be a camp counselor at our local adventure camp for middle schoolers. my parents had sent me the letter of acceptance they had received, after submitting an application without my knowledge. I could probably sue them for forgery, but they would probably win. I just turned twenty last month, technically I was still a minor.
so after the drive home for university, I spent one night at my childhood home. the next morning my parents were shipping me off to the humid jungle where I would be spending each week with a different group of girls.
my dad dropped me off at the office building at 6:30 on a Saturday morning at the end of May. the campers wouldn't be arriving until Monday, but first, the leaders had to teach me what to do.
I grabbed my duffel out of my dad's trunk and waved as he drove off down the long dirt road that led to the camp, three miles from the nearest seven-eleven. I threw my duffel over my shoulder and walked up to the building just as the sun was starting to peek over the tops of the trees.
inside the office building, I found a lady sitting behind an aluminum desk. she was chewing her gum rather loudly attempting to keep herself awake.
"Hi," I said. "I'm here for the summer as a camp counselor...?"
I wasn't sure what to do. the lady stared at me for a few long moments with her eyes half-closed.
"find ya name on the papa' 'ere," she talked with a slight Jersey accent. she pointed to the paper and looked at me. "you'll be stayin' in a cabin with other counselors for two nights 'fore the campers get 'ere. alright?"
I nodded and looked down at the paper. I would be staying in cabin 3 for the next two nights.
I looked back at the lady behind the desk and decided I wouldn't be getting any more information out of her. I would find my own way around the camp. I walked out of the buildings and walked along a path to the right of the building. after I had walked for about five minutes, I came to a fork in the trail. thankfully, the trails had been clearly marked, pointing me in the directions towards the cabins.
cabin 3 was the cabin farthest back in my "cabin cluster." to get to it, I had to walk down a short stone path and the cabin itself couldn't be seen from the main trail. it had taken me a few minutes to find it.
when I got inside, the first thing I noticed was one of my roommates. he was sprawled across two of the three beds pushed together at the back of the cabin. I couldn't believe that one human being could take up so much space.
"excuse me," I dropped my duffel on the only empty bed. "do you really need all three beds?"
he finally seemed to notice I was in the room. he sat up and pushed his curly hair away from his face. the first thing I noticed was his physique. he was tall and broad, which would explain why he was spanning two twin beds. his hands were large and his eyes were green.
"Jesus. someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed," he smirked as he talked in a low, raspy tone.
"It was probably the side you were sleeping on, then."
"Woah, love. don't get all offensive. I plan on doing some mighty fine things on these beds."
oh my god.
"Alright, well, I'm going to be sleeping on this bed so mind your own business, okay?" I set my duffel down on the bed that only his foot was resting on.
"but what if that's the bed I wanted to sleep on?" he was still sitting and smirking at me. this guy, I didn't even know his name, was chosen to pick a fight with me over a bed. this was going to be a long summer.
"oh my god. I'm not in the mood right now. just pick whatever bed you want to sleep on and I will pick one of the others. probably the one that's farthest away from the one you pick."
he chose the bed closest to the window. I put my stuff down on the bed shoved against the opposite wall. he told me that we wouldn't be having another roommate. it was just me and him. he also told me that his name is Harry. God, doesn't that just sound like a dick name?
we had wasted a good fifteen minutes arguing about the bed situation. after we had come to a somewhat agreement, he had left and gone somewhere; he didn't tell me.
the leaders of the camp spent the day teaching the counselors how everything worked. we learned the activity rotation schedule, what time meals were, which cabins had to shower at night and which ones needed to shower in the morning.
Harry was there, messing around with a few of the other guys, but I didn't pay much attention to them. I was busy making my own friends and learning new things.
the next couple of days passed by quickly. they were filled with mock trials, some of the staffers pretending to be campers so the counselors could practice being leaders. when I had my mock trial, Harry was one of my campers and he was a total pain in the ass, especially when we got paired in a canoe together. he purposefully tipped us, the one day I was wearing my only white shirt. needless to say, he ruined my shirt and my favorite bralette.
if you think he is a pain during the day, it's even worse at night. he and I are the only two in our cabin. there is an uneven amount of staffers and we were the odd ones out on whatever list they used when arranging the staffers. someone must have cut out names, stuck them in a hat, and draw randomly. and wouldn't you know it to be me who gets stuck with the asshat the entire summer?
the staffers were allowed to sleep in their own cabins at night. it was something I was two parts thankful for and two parts mad about. I would spend my entire day with middle school girls, laughing and giggling, and probably talking crap about each other. but then I would come to my cabin at night and Harry would be there. sometimes he would even have another girl with him.
the days turned into weeks that passed by quickly. campers had come and gone, two people had been fired for fucking in the woods, and only one person had gone missing for more than eight hours. I was in the groove of things now, I felt like I could do it in my sleep.
as much as I hated it, I had learned some things about Harry. living with a person could do that to ya. he was very much a player. most nights I would come home and find a different counselor had used my conditioner and my favorite loofa. I learned that he would send the girl away around three in the morning and then he wouldn't wake up until I pounded his head with a pillow, swearing that I would tattle to the camp director about the number of girls he's had over.
it seemed like everywhere I turned, Harry was there. he was behind me in the line at the mess hall, pinching my ass and calling it cute. he was a supervisor at the beach during the time I brought my girls swimming, whistling when I pulled my t-shirt over my head. he was using the other washing machine at the laundry. we had ended up screaming at each other about the amount of detergent left and who was going to use it. and despite all this, he was still attractive as hell, with his tan skin, hard jawline, and muscular physique. damn him for being so hatable and so lovable at the same time.
on one particularly warm evening in June, I was looking forward to spending a night at the cabin. I had stayed with my girls for the first few nights, but they were beginning to get on my nerves and I needed a break. hopefully, Harry would be gone, doing God knows what, but I just wanted some peace and quiet.
my breathing was labored as I walked up the steps to the cabin. it had been a long day and all I wanted was a shower. I pushed open the door and was greeted with the sight of a shirtless Harry lying on his bed reading a playboy magazine.
I closed the door harshly, causing him to look at me with a smirk. "hey baby girl."
I scowled at him and threw my bag on my bed. "don't call me that."
please call me that. I love the way it rolls off your tongue.
"Jesus, someone didn't get fucked today," he sat up and tossed his magazine to the side. pretty sure if the director found him with that he would be in serious trouble.
"excuse me?!" I had such an attitude.
"let's play a game."
"I want to take a shower."
"We can shower when we're done. now, it's two truths and a lie. except there's a twist. if you guess the wrong truth, you have to take off an article of clothing."
"but that's not fair! you already don't have a shirt on."
"and are you complaining?"
I stayed silent.
"that's what I thought. alright. I'll begin." he readjusted so that he was sitting on the edge of the bed. he motioned for me to sit down on mine, facing him. as I sat down, our knees brushed, causing a spark to shoot up my leg. "I once was caught in a traffic jam that was so bad, we had to get out on the side of the road and started walking faster than the cars, or my mum used to call me curly when I was younger, or I've had sex too many times to count."
"ah, that's an easy one. you've had sex too many times to count. right?"
"wrong. I've had sex 19 times," he seemed proud. "who the hell would let their mom call them curly?!"
"I think it's cute!"
"of course you would, princess. now off with your shirt. you guessed wrong."
I sighed, rolled my eyes, pulled my shirt over my head and sent an internal thanks that I had put my good bra on today.
"My turn," I looked at him smugly. "and what makes it even better is that you've already got your shirt off."
"let's just play the game, baby girl."
I blushed and cleared my throat. I wasn't used to being so forward. "I once had to pee so bad while we were on a hike that I squatted and wiped myself with a poison ivy leaf, last week I found a hairball in my mac & cheese, and lastly, I always forget to lock my front door when I leave the house."
he thought for a moment.
"finding a hairball in your mac & cheese. there is no way KP would let that happen," he had a smug look on his face as if he knew he was right and he knew he was all that.
"sorry fuckboy, it happened," I crossed my arms over my chest and laughed.
suddenly he stood up. I was sitting on the bed so he towered over me, more so that when I am standing. he inched his face closer to mine and placed his hands on either side of me so that they sank into the mattress. he kept leaning in, causing me to lean back to avoid contact with his skin.
"What did you just call me," his lips were deviously close to mine as they wrapped around his words.
"f-f-fuckboy," I stuttered, almost completely lain back on the mattress. he had pushed my legs apart so he could prop his knee between them, balancing himself as he hovered over me.
"call me that one more time," he growled, "and I swear to God I will take you on this mattress right here right now."
I stayed silent for a few moments. I didn't know if I actually wanted him to kiss me or if I wanted to avoid any trouble that would come from getting involved with a person like him. he was always on my mind constantly, usually thinking about how much I hate him. But I realized that at the same time, I couldn't wait to see him. I realized now that when I would take my girls to the beach, I was hoping he would be there. I was hoping he would be at the cabin alone when I would come back after a long day. I realized that I wanted him to kiss me and that I wanted the chase that came with kissing him.
a smile spread across my lips as I smirked at him.
and we were gone.
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yourescapetofiction · 5 years
The Tides Have Turned-Part 10
A/N: This is my old work, The Tides Have Turned. It is a complete story that I am reposting on this blog so the work isn’t lost and can be found for those interested :)
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Nate’s POV
Before I knew what I was doing, I had y/n in a liplock. My mouth was moving ferociously on hers, and my hands tightly cupped her face. She kissed back with equal fervor, and the kiss became so intense it sent us tumbling to the sand. My hands roamed her body, my breathing becoming ragged. She probably thought I was just horny, but for me this kiss held all sorts of emotions. I couldn’t stand the thought of Gilinsky getting his hands on her, this fueled me to become more aggressive. She was moaning beneath me as I pushed her cardigan off and unbuttoned her shorts.
She rolled over on top and played with the hem of my shirt while kissing me passionately. The minty taste of her chapstick was stuck on my swollen lips, and I groaned at the familiarity. She slipped her hand beneath my shirt and rubbed my chest while rolling her hips against mine. I opened my eyes to see her staring down at me. Suddenly droplets of water were plopping on my face, and I squinted to see. She let up her kisses to take in our surroundings. It was starting to sprinkle.
We were so caught up in ourselves that we hadn’t noticed the changing weather. As each second passed the droplets were falling heavier. I quickly stood and grabbed her hand.
“Come on, I have an idea” I say while breaking into a speedwalk to the house.
Y/n’s POV
Nate and I broke into a full on sprint towards the house as we were becoming drenched. It crossed my mind that not one of the guys thought to look for us in the rain. Assholes. I made a mental note to rag on them later.
Nate was in front of me, keeping a tight grip on my wrist. His dark hairs were hanging in his eyes and he squinted to see me.
“You good lil mama?” he yelled over the sound of the rain. I couldn’t help but giggle, this was ridiculous.
“As good as I’ll ever be!” I shout in return. We had no shoes on, our clothes were heavy, and we were sprinting down the beach like maniacs. This would be comical if it were happening to somebody else. Nate took the steps two at a time to get to the back door. He tried to slide open the door, but it wouldn’t budge.
“Are you fucking kidding me?!” he yelled in exasperation. He turned to look at me, my long hair hanging in my face. “Those assholes locked us out!” he yelled in disbelief. I didn’t really know what to do. The guys must have gone up to bed and forgot we were out of the house. Strike two, boys.
“Shit!” Nate said throwing his hands up. We paced the back deck for a few minutes trying all of the boys’ cell phones. No one was answering, of course.
“No answer” I say trying the last number. “What are we gonna do?” I asked.
“Hang on, I have another idea. Get on my back so you don’t have to run through the mud” he said turning around. He quickly ran towards the front of the house and tried all of the doors to the bus parked in the driveway. He rounded both sides of the car with no luck, settling on trying the trunk as a last resort. By the grace of God it swung open and we crawled inside. Nate pulled the trunk closed and collapsed in the back to catch his breath. We looked ragged and road-worn. We looked at each other and erupted into a fit of laughter.
“What the fuck was that?!” I say laughing harder.
“Beats me that shit came out of nowhere. Look at us! We’re ruined” he said while brushing the hair out of his eyes. His black t-shirt clung to his body, and I could see every line and feature of his toned torso. The way his dark locks hung when wet didn’t help my frustration below. I quickly shifted my legs, trying to focus on anything other than Nate’s enticing body.
“Well for the sixth time tonight, now what?” I ask ringing out my hair.
“Uhh, shit. Didn’t think that far ahead” Nate said rubbing his neck.
“I don’t think people plan for this Skate” I giggle. “We could get a hotel?” I say quietly. Nate looked straight at me. I hope that wasn’t too forward.
“Sounds like a plan to me” he said, before rummaging in the backseat. He pulled out a Nike duffel bag which had a couple sets of unworn gym clothes.
“Hell yes!” he said fishing through it. “I knew I kept an emergency gym back for a reason” he smirked, one dimple forming on his cheek. He found some spare cash that was shoved in the side pocket.
“Is it enough for a night?” I question.
“Hmm, we might be short” he said before climbing over the rows of seats. He looked in every side compartment in the bus before he found another ten bucks stuck in the seat cushion.
“Jackpot!” he grinned.
“Wait. Isn’t that Johnson’s roadtrip snack fund?” I ask giggling.
“To hell with his snacks! This is survival of the fittest baby, we gotta do what we gotta do” Nate said making me laugh harder. He grabbed my hand and helped me climb over the seats until I reached the front passenger side.
He climbed into the driver’s seat and messed with the visor above him before a spare key fell into his lap.
“You have a solution for everything don’t you?” I ask slyly.
“Just call me a Renaissance man baby” he said all cocky. I shook my head.
“Drive” I said. Nate pulled out of the driveway and proceeded into town, barely going over 35 miles per hour. We kept our eyes peeled for any sort of motel. We finally spotted one that offered 24 hour front desk service. He parked the bus, slung the duffel bag over his shoulder and grabbed my hand so we could run inside.
We stumbled into the lobby, dripping once again.
“Woah! Can I help you two?” the lady at the front desk asked. “Some storm isn’t it?” she continued. We were forming puddles at our feet, so I would say so lady.
“Yeah can we get a room, please? We need to escape this storm for the night” Nate said politely.
“Well you are in luck because we have one room left. However, it only has one queen bed. Will that be okay?” she said. Nate looked at me unsure what to say.
“That’ll be fine, thank you” I instantly replied. I caught his smirk out of the corner of my eye.
“Okay, you’ll be in room 16B, here are your room keys. Be careful out there!” she called before returning to the back room.
We wandered around for a minute before finding our assigned room. Nate effortlessly slid the key card in and unlocked the door. He dropped the duffel bag on the floor by the window. I walked further inside taking in my surroundings. It was a nice little motel, nothing fancy-but it would get the job done for tonight. I peeled my now soaked cardigan off of my skin and laid it on the back of the chair to dry. I turned to see Nate staring at me hungrily. I didn’t realize my white tank top was now stuck to me like another layer of skin. Everything I had was pretty much being showcased. Nate’s eyes darkened at the sight, and he barely hid the fact that his eyes were raking over my body.
I slowly stripped the tank top off my body, and wiggled my shorts down my legs. I was left standing in my bra and panties, and I sauntered into the bathroom to run a hot shower. Nate was left standing in the bedroom, speechless. I stripped my underwear off and popped my head around the corner.
“You coming?” I asked. Nate didn’t answer, but let his stripping do the talking for him. He peeled his shirt off of his body and stepped out of his pants. The clothes remained strewn across the floor as we stepped into the steamy shower. I ducked my head back to let the hot water stream over my face and chest. The warm sensation was quickly replaced by the feeling of the cool tiles against my back. Nate had me pressed to the shower wall and was intently sucking on my neck. I groaned at his spark of aggression.
I dragged my fingernails down his back causing him to roll his neck.
“Fuck, y/n. Look what you do to me” he said breathless once more. All of the previous passion encountered on the beach was reignited. I sucked his bottom lip into my mouth, and bit his lip here and there. He lifted my legs to wrap around his waist.
“Don’t tease Nate, I can’t take it” I groaned, knowing he liked to take his time.
“As you wish baby” he smirked. He proceeded to slide in causing us both to groan at the feeling. The water rushing over us made our bodies a slippery mess as he thrusted intently. In this moment he had an aura of maturity about him. This fueled me as I matched his thrusts, stroke for stroke. He grunted and groaned clawing at my back to keep me as close to him as possible. I’ve never had a lover be so touchy feely before, this was new for me.
“Oh my god Nate” I moaned as he became relentless. He was ruthless with his rhythm.
“Fuck,” he moaned against my neck. “I’m getting close baby” he said. His words made me tingle all over and I was going to peak in a matter of seconds. He ran his tongue along my jaw, the contact pushing me over the edge. I let out a loud moan as my chest heaved. I always became breathless and weak afterwards. Nate quickly followed suit and let my slippery body slide down his until I felt my feet touch the ground once more. His strong hands gripping my ass, before placing one last kiss on my lips.
“Shit” I say aloud with a slight laugh.
“Fuck, I know” he said running his hands through his hair. “I’ve been needing to do that for a while” he said laughing. I give him a pinch on his ass before stepping out of the shower. I pad over to the duffel bag with the white fluffy hotel towel wrapped around me.
“Nate?” I call out as he finished showering.
“What’s up babe?” he hollered back.
“Is there something in this Mary Poppins bag of yours that I can wear?” I could hear his deep laugh resonate in the shower.
“Look towards the bottom, you’ll see my old basketball jersey and some boxers” he yells back.
“Thanks” I say while rummaging around. Sure enough there was his old jersey with “Maloley” printed in large block letters on the back. I slipped it on over my head along with a pair of his Calvin Klein briefs. He emerged shortly from the bathroom with a towel hanging from his hips.
“Damn” he said.
“What?” I ask looking down at my outfit. “Too weird?”
“No, no. You look great, I’ve always wanted to see you wearing one of my jerseys” he said meekly. I smile to myself as he grabbed something for himself.
“Do you mind if I just wear these?” he said holding up a pair of black briefs.
“No, we’ll match” I giggle flashing him my underwear. He threw his head back in laughter.
“You’re too much, you know that?” he said before disappearing into the bathroom again. I started to flip channels on the crappy cable TV when he flopped down on his stomach next to me.
“So, what are we gonna do?” he said resting on his hands.
“Well I’m hungry, so how about we order some Chinese or something? I say casually.
“Fuck yes” he said scrambling to the phone. I knew Chinese was one of Nate’s favorites to binge on, which is why I suggested it. Nate called up the restaurant and started placing our orders.
“Hi, can I get orange chicken with fried rice, and-” he started speaking as I stood opposite him making stupid faces. He looked at me and tried his best to hold in his laughter so he wouldn’t come off rude.
“Hmm, yeah that’s right. No, two please” he continued, his dimples puckering his face because he was restraining himself. I loved Nate’s laugh, so I always tried my best to elicit one from him.
“You’re so going to pay for that!” he said hanging up the phone.
“What are you gonna do to me?” I reply batting my eyelashes innocently. He squeezed his eyes shut.
“Uhh, bad things if you keep that up” he said. I just shoved him back on the bed as I moved to the mirror to put my hair up in a makeshift bun.
About twenty minutes later a delivery guy came knocking at the door. Nate answered it and paid the man from the leftover cash in his duffel bag. I felt bad for the poor guy, having to go out and deliver in this rain.
“Oh my god this is sooooo good” I groaned after taking the first few bites. Nate made a content sound in agreement. This is exactly where I wanted to be. I looked at Nate, completely unaware that I was staring, he was tranquil. He was relaxed, and at peace with himself. There weren’t any crazy guys ruining this moment, it was just Nate and I binging on our greasy Chinese.
We finished up and started to get ready for bed. I finished brushing my teeth and turned off the light before crawling under the covers with Nate. A Jurassic Park marathon was on so Nate contently put the remote down and pulled me into his chest.
“This shit is classic” he said referring to the movies.
“Mmm, yeah but Jaws is better” I counter. He pulled back to look at me.
“What?! Dinosaurs are way more terrifying than a mythical jumbo shark” he said.
“Oh, because there’s really a Walt Disney World of Dinosaurs Nathan!” I say laughing at him.
“You say that now, but you watch. One day this will happen and I’ll be there to say I told you so” he said defensively. He was crazy, but I enjoyed his company.
We were halfway through Jurassic Park 3 when I noticed Nate was quiet. I looked up to see the poor guy sleeping.
“Nathan” I whisper loudly. “Are you sleeping?” I try again. I was stuck under his arm and wanted to move, but I didn’t want to wake him.
“I was” he whispered back. I let out a giggle before rolling over to settle down myself. I felt his bare chest push against my back and his muscular arm snaked around my waist. He didn’t say anything more, allowing us to drift off. Nate was a great guy, any girl would be lucky to call him theirs. I couldn’t help but feel like I was holding him back, he should be getting out there not being fuck buddies with me. A twinge of sorrow washed over me. I slowly closed my eyes relaxing into Nate’s shallow breaths.
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frazzybeararchive · 6 years
Beach Buddies
Dianne’s POV - 1958
Glass Shard Beach, New Jersey. Could it be any hotter? Mom said she grew up in this particular area and we’d only be here for a few more weeks since grandma is passing, saying that I should explore as well as see if I can make new friends to forget about it. I really wanted to see grandma but mom said that she isn’t looking well and that I should really go.
“But mom! I really want to see her, at least let me say hi!” I try to pry my mother's arms away from holding me back, dad looked a bit worried as he went into the room with the doctor holding the clipboard. Immediately, mom placed her hands on my shoulders. I felt my eyes well up with tears along with a lump in my throat, my flailing fists trying to make my mom let go with a few whines.
“Look, sweetie. This is grown-up stuff that me and daddy have to take care of, I’m sure grandma would love to see you too. But things are hard right now - that’s why I want you to make sure to go out and see if you can make yourself new friends to forget this nonsense.” Her soothing voice as well as her gentle touch made me stop my tantrum. She took her hand off my shoulder and wiped away a free tear then kissed my nose which made me smile a bit.
“Now, go outside. Maybe you can make grandma a little gift,” she leaned forward a bit and whispers.”pink seashells are her favorite.” She stood up then headed to grandma’s room where dad was, leaving me to my own adventure.
I hurried out of the house and ran to the beachwalk, the bright afternoon sun already blinding me besides already exhausting me in the process.
Once I reached down to the shore, I looked down to see pretty seashells. For the next hour, I knew I wanted to make grandma a goodbye necklace. Mom always told me how she used to collect seashells when she was my age down here. I continued picking up seashells, some of them even with baby hermit crabs - which I put them down after finding out so I didn’t scare them.
“Kings of New Jersey! Kings of New Jersey! Kings of New Jersey!”
Kings of New Jersey? I looked behind me and saw two boys pushing a shipwrecked boat. Looking closer, they both seemed sunburnt, shirtless and...wait, did I really get blinded by the sun that bad? The two boys looked identical! Twins! I immediately put my attention on the twins, making sure I collect a seashell or two to make it look like I wasn’t paying attention.
Ford’s POV
Me and Stan both dipped our paint brushes into the bucket, writing out our made up name, “Stan O’ War”, on the side of the boat.
“I dub thee: the Stan O’ War!” Right after raising my brush with pride, a sudden hard pain hit me on the back of the head.
“Ow! What the heck?” Rubbing the back of the head, I turned around to see who it was.
“Well, well, if it ain't the loser twins. Nice boat. Ya get it at the dump? Heheheheheheheh!” He high fives the two of his friends then went back to putting his arms on his hips.
“You would know, Crampleter! Get lost!” Stan declared while standing up and pointing away in defense.
“Listen, dorks, and listen good.” He pointed towards me. “You're a six-fingered freak,” Embarrassment hit me hard, I bashfully put my conditioned hands behind my back, then he pointed at Stan. “and you're just a... dumber, sweatier version o' him. And you're lucky you have each other because neither of you will ever make any friends! Ha, hahahaha! Dorks and losers…’” He left with his two friends at the end of his sentence, I pulled out my hands only to stare at them.
They’re right, I’m just a freak. No one likes freaks… I clenched my hand and looked down. I felt a slight lump in my throat, I felt like crying right there and now. Right after I thought that, Stan puts his hand on my shoulder.
“Hey. Don't let those idiots get to you.”
“But I am a freak. I just wonder if there's anywhere in the world where weirdos like me fit in.”
I doubt it.
Stan took his hand off my shoulder and moved onto putting his sweaty sunburnt arm around my shoulders.
“Hey, chin up, buddy. Look.” He proceeded to make me stand up, looking over at the ocean shore.
The sun was barely setting, a boat out on sail with the hot breeze of the summer with seagulls flying overhead. The sky was shades of pink and orange, the waves crashing together along with reflecting the bright sun.
“One of these days, you and me are gonna sail away from this dumb town. We'll hunt for treasure, get all the girls, and be an unstoppable team of adventurers.” He proudly stated with a boasting posture.
“You really mean it?”
“High six?” He putted his open-palmed hand up.
“High six.” We both high six and laugh afterwords.
“Now let’s continue making Stan O’ War! It ain’t gonna fix itself.” Stan smiles wide as he climbed up onto the boat.
“Be careful!” Who knows what could be in there? Worst case scenario, he could fall in there without any help! As he opened the small hatch into the boat, he jumped in.
“Cool! I found 2 dead rats!” He yelled out enthusiastically.
“Hehehe! Gross, Stan!” I was about to climb onto the boat before I heard footsteps behind us, I froze in place thinking it was Crampleter coming back to give us a good beating.
“Uh...hi?” That’s weird, a small feminine voice greeted me while I turned around.
Her long hair was a dark brown with a tiny bow, her skin slightly sunburned but not as bad as me and Stanley. Her dress was red with short poofy sleeves with a white pocket on the front of her dress. I never really seen her before, she must’ve moved in from out of town.
“Hi, I’m Stanford. But you can call me Ford for short.” I climbed back down and hid my hands quickly behind my back, afraid to greet her properly with my birth defect.
“Ford? Who are you talking to?” Stanley quickly got up back onto the deck then looked down. His face turning into curiosity yet still happy. Once he realized it was a girl, he straightened his posture.
“Oh hi! I’m Stanle- Woah!” he tried to place his hand onto the mast post but missed, resulting to caught off his introduction and falling onto the deck.
“That dork over there is my twin brother, Stanley. But we call him Stan for short.” I chuckled a bit while rubbing the back of my head. Stan sat back up and walked over to the side of the boat to sit down on the edge to listen to our conversation.
“What’s your name?” I looked back at her and she seemed slightly nervous.
“My name is Dianne, I just came to visit for a few weeks. I just wanted to make friends since I might come back here when I’m older. But um, I made you two these since I saw those boys make fun of ya two.” She reached into her pocket and pulled out two seashell bracelets, it looked rushly made but it was good.
“Wow thanks!” I grabbed both of the bracelets and handed one to Stan, he put it on and smiled.
“Aren’t ya gonna put it on?” She pointed at my hand.
Uh oh.
I winced and revealed my hand to put on the bracelet.
Hearing a slight gasp from her, I expected her to run away.
“That’s so cool! You have six fingers, that means a finger friendlier than normal!”
“Aren’t you gonna call me a freak? I-I thought-”
“Freak? Those people obviously don’t know what different is, they’re just scared of seeing something completely new and special.” Her words echoed in my head, I never heard that before. I looked up at her and softly smiled.
“Thanks, Dianne. That made me feel more better about my hands.” I giggled before being interrupted by Stanley.
“Hey! Do you want to help us clean up the inside of the boat? I found two dead rats!” He lended a hand towards her.
“Two dead rats? I’m in!” We all laughed out loud then went onto the boat.
I made a friend.
The scorching sun finally was put to rest, the once roasting gust transitioned to cool light winds. Blue and still some streaks of pink painted the sky.
“Hey, I’m back from the saltwater taffy store!” Stanley ran with a small plastic bag filled with the colorful taffy towards the two kids already jumping down from the boat.
“Yes! I call the blue ones!” Ford joked as he quickly ran over to Stanley, instantly putting his hand into the bag and pulling out a few pieces. Dianne rushed over and shoved her hand into the bag and grabbed a handful.
“After this I have to head back to my grandma’s place.” Her needy hands opened one of the taffy wrappers which she immediately popped in her mouth. The trio sat down on the sand and looked ahead over the horizon, busy chewing on the taffy while digging their feet into the cooler part of the sand. Stanley looked over at Dianne.
“How many weeks are you gonna stay here?” His mouth still filled with taffy which muffled a bit of his speech.
“Oh, mom said maybe one or two.” Her calm face slightly turned a bit upset. “Which really sucks, because you guys are really fun. I really had fun today, I hope we can at least enjoy our few weeks together over here or something.” She popped in another taffy in her mouth and smiled at the twins. Ford was finished with his taffies, using his finger to draw in the sand.
“Heh, yeah. This day got ten times better with the taffy, thanks Stan.”
“Dianne! Dianne?” An adult feminine voice called out from the boardwalk with a slight nervous appearance.
“Fiddlesticks, it’s my mom. I’ll be back whenever I can, you guys normally play here right?” Dianne asked while putting on her black shoes and standing up, wiping off the sand from her red dress.
“Yup!” Both of the twins gleefully shouted.
“Okay, coming mom!” Dianne quickly ran towards her direction. “Bye!” she shouted out in the distance.
The twins were left in a few seconds of silence before Stan looked at Ford with a cheeky grin. Ford looked over at Stan confused.
“You totally like like her!”
“Ew, Stanley! I don’t even know her that much!” Ford playfully punches Stan’s arm, receiving one back but a little harder.
“Ow!” the sudden shout from Ford made the both of them silent, which slowly escalated to laughter in a matter of seconds. Both of the twins putted on their shoes and got up then headed towards home.
“I still think you like her-”
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the-vampire-artist · 7 years
Day 12: Free Write: Asthma (Keith)
Keith felt like his chest was being pressed against since that morning. He shook it off, knowing he wasn't going to start coughing, because it was only a light weight. Nothing out of the usual. He didn't have any plans for that day anyways, so even if he did have an asthma attack, he could just reach into his jacket and use his inhaler. He'd be fine.
That is, until Lance called. Keith hadn’t realized that Lance wasn’t home until he walked downstairs to get the phone.
"Hey, Lance. What's up?" He asked. Lance's voice was more energetic than usual when he said,
"Keith, Park. Meet. Now. Hurry!" Keith could tell he was smiling through the phone just by his voice, but before he got the chance to ask what was happening, Lance hung up. Figures. Keith let out a sigh as he grabbed a hoodie and walked out the door. He walked over to the park down the road to see Lance eagerly waiting for him.
"Hey, Lance. What's so impor- WOAH!" Keith was cut off by lance grabbing his wrist and dragging him to the Pond, breaking into a full blown sprint. Keith felt that weight in his lungs start to get heavier, but bearable. They stopped and Keith tumbled into Lance from behind, the two falling to the ground on top of each other. Keith felt the weight again, but it quickly went away and back to just a light pressure.
"Hey, Learn to slow down sometimes, Red." Lance laughed. Keith just smiled as Lance got up and extended his hand. Keith grabbed it and Lance pulled him up too hard, causing Keith to jump into the air. "Woah! Sorry, Keith!" Keith lands on both feet with a thud and just smiles.
"'s all good. So what's so important that you dragged me here?" He asked.
"Glad you asked, my man." Lance stepped to the side to reveal Hunk, Pidge, Allura, and Shiro standing in the middle of the field, Hunk and Pidge wearing the same blue jerseys that Lance was, and Shiro and Allura wearing black ones. "Ya see, Keithy, we were gonna play hockey together, but then we realized a valuable detail; we were short one player. Soooooo..." Lance waved a black Jersey in front of Keith. "...how's about playing?" Keith rolled his eyes at Lance.
"So long as I'm not tackled to the ground, I'll play." Lance smiled and shoved the jersey to Keith's chest. He quickly put the jersey and some skated on and the game started.
"Ready? Start!" Lance yelled.
He swung his hockey stick and after an hour, the game settled down. Keith was winded. He felt a hand clasp against his shoulder and his body stiffened.
"Good job out there, Keith." Shiro said. Keith eased up, but the tightness in his chest wasn't going away. "You're really good at hockey. Why weren't you on the team this year?"
"Oh, uh, I-uh, I-I just di-didn't feel like I-it. Not, not my thing." Keith responded. He could barely talk, and Shiro could notice. His face went from joy to concern in a matter of seconds.
"Hey, Keith, are you okay? You look a little winded." He said. Keith sighed and held the side of his lungs.
"Yeah, yeah. I-im fine." He huffed. Shiro didn't believe him, but before he could protest, Lance called out,
"KEITH! Up for a race?!"
"Yeah." Keith said. He jogged over to Lance and put his jersey back on. The two went took off their skates and headed over to the bike path, but as he did, Keith stopped short and held his chest. His vision was fogging up and he felt like he couldn't breathe. Lance stopped and turned around to Keith.
"Yo, Keith, you okay?" Keith faintly heard him ask. Keith felt his legs give out and he fell to the ground, gasping for air.
"Holy shit- Keith are you okay - oh shit, KEITH!!" Lance ran over to him and tried to feel his pulse.
"Crap, Keith you're, you're barely breathing!" Lance looked up and called out, "GUYS!!! HELP ME!!" Shiro and Hunk turned first and bolted.
"What's wrong with him?" Shiro asked.
"He's not breathing. We need - we need to get him to a hospital!" Lance panicked.
"Okay, Keith, we're gonna get you to a hospital. I need you to breathe in and out, okay? In, out." Shiro demonstrated. Keith wasn't doing it. He just kept coughing and gasping. He suddenly turned over and coughed harshly, dark red coming out of his mouth and staining the grass.
"Oh shit - okay, that's it, we're going. Now! PIDGE, ALLURA, LETS GO!" Shiro yelled. Lance held Keith upright and he and Hunk helped Keith onto Shiro's back, seeing as he was the strongest and the fastest. They started running, and Allura and Pidge, seeing Keith on Shiro's Back, extremely pale and wheezing, knew they were going to the hospital. They ran two blocks and on the way, Shiro dodging through crowds of people with ease, and Keith felt his eyes growing heavy.
Since when was it so dark outside? It had been daytime a minute ago. Keith came to the conclusion that it was already Night and started closing his eyes -
"Keith, don't you dare close your eyes, you hear..." Lance said, but his voice started fading out. Keith felt like his ears were being closed along with his throat and chest, and his head felt heavy and like it was being squished between two walls. Closing his eyes for a moment wouldn't be too bad, right?
Keith's eyes closed and his breathing became worse. Lance started panicking.
"Oh hell no. Keith, come on, dude, open your eyes right now!" He yelled as they ran through the doors of the hospital. They placed Keith in a wheelchair and placed a gas mask on him, covering his nose and mouth. It pumped air into his lungs and before they could see if he was okay, Keith was taken to another room, where Lance and the others couldn't follow.
"Don't worry, Lance. He'll be okay." Hunk said reassuringly. Lance turned to him and for the first time in a while, Lance broke down. He looked down and started sobbing. He was terrified. Hunk stepped into action and hugged Lance, bringing him to his chest and rubbing his back up and down. Lance hugged back and just cried against Hunk. He was terrified for his boyfriends life. He saw the look of fear Keith had in his eyes before he'd collapsed. How had Lance not noticed how winded Keith had been? Looking back, he could clearly remember seeing Keith having a harder time after they were done the first game of hockey. Heck, he looked winded after just running with Lance to the ice rink!
“It’s my fault... I-I should’ve n-noticed...” Lance cried. Shiro placed reassuring hand onto his shoulder.
“You’re okay, Lance. None of us could’ve thought that Keith would have an attack. He did seem winded, but-“
“But I KNEW he had asthma!” Lance cried out. “I’m his BOYFRIEND and I KNEW he had asthma, yet I made him play with us in the freezing cold!” Lance cried into Hunk’s hug. The others exchanged worried glances. They knew how upset Lance could get with himself if he makes even the smallest mistake when it came to Keith, and he wouldn’t calm down entirely until he saw Keith was okay for himself.
“Takashi Shirogane?” The group looked over to see a nurse peeking out from the side of the wall. “You May see Keith.” Shiro got up, but then looked over to Lance and asked,
“Would it be okay if he could come along? He’s Keith’s boyfriend and he’s extremely worried.” The nurse looked to Lance, who was crying quietly against Hunk, and sighed.
“I don’t see why not. Young man?” She said. Lance turned his head up and Shiro waved for him to come. He smiled and wiped his face as he and Shiro walked over to Keith’s room. With each step, Lance felt more and more guilt ping his heart until he looked like he was going to cry again. Shiro grabbed his shoulder and pulled him into a shoulder hug.
“Don’t worry, Lance. Keith’ll be okay. He’s been through a lot; he’s strong.” He smiled, but even Shiro was worried for Keith’s well-being. He’d been there for Keith when he would have attacks when they were younger, but they’d never been as bad as this one, even when Keith got punched in the ribs during a gym wrestling unit. He couldn’t tell Lance this because it would make his guilt feel worse, but Shiro felt the same guilt as Lance and the others did.
When they walked into the room, Keith was still unconscious on the bed, an oxygen mask helping him breathe properly. There was an IV in his arm and his skin tone was returning to normal, but he was still too pale for Shiro or Lance’s likings. The two walked over and Shiro pulled up a chair while Lance sat on the end of the bed. When they say, Keith stirred and opened his eyes.
“L-lance...?” His voice cracked weakly. Lance sighed and the tears fell down his face.
“NEVER. Scare me like that again, okay?” Lance said through the tears. Keith nodded and smiled as Lance brought him into a hug. Shiro smiled in the background and noticed a small box poking out of Lance’s pocket. He thought about telling Lance, but he decided against it; he didn’t want to ruin the moment. So instead, he got up and tucked it away himself, hiding it by pulling the two into another group hug. Shiro knew Lance was going to ask him for his blessing sooner or later, and he already knew what he would say to him.
“You have my blessing.” He whispered into Lance’s ear after the two had walked out of the room. Lance turned to him, tilting his head in confusion.
“You’ve treated my little brother like he was the only person in the world that mattered. He’s been through so much, and you’ve been there for him through thick and thin. You’ve shown how much you love him on numerous occasions, and I’d be happy to call you my brother-in-law. Take care of my little brother for the rest of your days, and make sure that he never feels alone again.” Shiro said, smiling. Lance looked from his pocket to Shiro, and smiled, tears welling in his eyes. He hugged Shiro tight.
“Thank you, Shiro.” He said quietly.
“Of course.” Shiro smiled back. He knew that Lance and Keith were made for each other.
Thank you all for enjoying the Twelve day’s of Whumpmas. I had so much fun writing these prompts and I can’t wait to do it again!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11
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britishchick09 · 4 years
sherlock ep 2 the blind banker livewatch
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we’re returning to baker street for another livewatch! i only saw half of this ep before yeeting sherlock away, so this is a neat mix of re-watch and new-watch :D
ooh pretty flute playing :)
the tea lady has a british and asian accent at the same time how cool :D
the guy talking to her almost looks like a young sherlock!
guy: “do you want to have a drink? not tea, obviously...” lol
oof the lady rejected him with a ‘please stop asking’ POLITE BUT STINGING
uh oh something ominous is going on...
lady: is there security?” obviously not since you’re hearing ominous things!
this isn’t gonna end well...
ooh where she is almost looks like she’s in the tunnels from the sherlock netflix pic!
the intro is so dramatic :D
yo are john and sherlock at the grocery store
JOHN AT THE STORE HOW DOMESTIC!!! (hello fellow isfj!)
yo why is sherlock fencing
lol what a contrast :D
john’s card isn’t authorized is he my dad lol :D
aww sherlock straightens his suit after murdering a mannequin ;)
eyyy the guy in the ad’s name is john ;) (they ‘moved around a lot’ and chose az why)
sherlock wants john to take his card aww :)
john: “why don’t you go out and do it?” yeah LOCKIE GO OUT YOURSELF SOMETIME
oh no vietnam flashback :o
what book is sherlock reading ‘ADVENTURE OF THE DANCING MEN’ OR ‘VALLEY OF FEAR’ PERHAPS???
wait do the sherlock books exist in this universe?
and he guessed the password oh sherlock :D
there’s a cop car outside HMMM is that a redrum i hear??
sherlock: “i need to go to the bank” for john’s money problem OR THE REDRUMM!!!!!
wow it sure is cloudy
cool revolving door :D
what’s sherlock cooking in that brain of his
yo some guy just came outta nowhere after sherlock introduced himself to the bank teller :o
sherlock: “this is john watson, my friend” OMG FRIEND!!!! :D
john: “colleague.” boiiiii
the sebastian guy just nods and says ‘right’ HE KNOWS!!!
wowza he flew around the world twice in a year coolio :D
he’s making fun of sherlock’s observations DON’T DO THAT AND CALL IT A ‘TRICK’ IT’S HIS THING
ooh the portrait with the yellow line on the eyes is one of the show runners i think :D
sebastian: “there’s a hole in our security” UGH WHY
wait was the tea lady at a museum or the bank?? or does london just have shoddy security
woah clues floating around lockie :o
and the music fem the beginning is playing hmmm
ha ha he popped up on the screen :D
everyone’s like ‘what are you doing?’
did he just take a directory sign???
HOLD UP two trips around the world in a month??? :o
john and sherlock are elevator pals :D
sherlock says ‘TAXI!’ and disappears when the taxi rushes by how cool :D
sherlock: “just moved in. he has a new label.” john: “he could’ve replaced it.” sherlock: “nobody ever does that”
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his smile!!! :D
sherlock: “i just locked my keys in my flat! could i come on? ...oh and can i use your balcony?” lady: “...what?” lol same :D
i thought i saw half of this ep yet i only remember the bank part SO I ONLY SAW 12 MINUTES OF IT! :o this is truly a new-watch!
the guy in the apartment has a lot of books!
why didn’t john follow sherlock in the room? maybe sherlock needed 'SOME ROOM’
john: “sherlock! are you okay?” awww :)
aaand there’s a dead guy! fun! :D
sherlock: “maybe they wanted to communicate without using email” what a 21st century thought
sherlock: “you follow?” john: “nnnnope!” lol :D
sherlock just called a guy ‘sargent’ IS HE SGT. PEPPER???
sgt not pepper: “don’t tamper with the evidence” yeah sherlock WEAR GLOVES NEXT TIME DUH!!!!!
lestrade is busy so this guy’s barging in! and he’s DETECTIVE inspector woahhhh
detective inspector dimmock more like detective inspector BISH
lol sherlock moved around while saying ‘caused a bit of contortion’
detective bish: “what are the chances of that?” ugh he sounds so stupidly mean!
oof sherlock telling sebastian about the murder while he’s having dinner? that food’s not gonna go down well with that sadness...
sherlock: “will scotland yard suit?” OHHHH THAT’S A BOOK REFERENCE!!!!
sebastian’s at the sink ARE THEY TALKING IN THE RESTROOM YO???
it’s echoey like a bathroom IS IT THO???
is sebastian’s boss detective bish
john called them ‘heartless bastards’ YES EXACTLY!
also they are in a bathroom gross :(
some guy’s running with serious shaky cam!
the lady in the ad said ‘save me some cheddar!’ is that money slang?
the lady is soo lin cool she’s korean! :D
ooh is this a london chinatown?
does she really need to live in a chinatown tho
is john applying for another job?
john: “mundane works.” except with sherlock! :D
john played the clarinet in school HIM AND SHERLOCK SHOULD START A BAND!!! :D is a violin and clarinet a band?
sherlock: “can you pass me a pen?” john: “when did you need one?” sherlock: “about an hour ago” lol :D
the website on the laptop is ‘online news’ lol :D
ooh revolving sign!
the guy murdered was a freelance writer is it tied to the banker thing?
detective bish: “you’re serious? like spiderman?” or spiderpig ;)
sherlock and john ran up the escalator what a hurry!
john: “why did they die, sherlock?” sherlock: “only the cipher can tell us” ooh trailer moment! :D
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hey bus! :D
sherlock: “ciphers are all around us john” woah :o
they’re going to an art museum for advice cool :D
the ‘expert’ is a graffiti artist banksy who
he just throws his paint can at john lol :D
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woah is sherlock’s phone a blackberry with a touchscreen???? truly 2010!
cop: “OY!!!” oh how british! :D
plz don’t arrest john
andy: “she came to this country on her own!” ooh cool :D
sherlock: “you’ve been a while” john: “well, you know how it is” did he get arrested for that lol???
sherlock just says ‘good, fine.’ wow lockie
john just gave a little ‘oy!’ as sherlock shoved him out of the flat how british!
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cute sunset peeking out! ♥
detective bish just called sherlock ‘an arrogant sort’ YO DON’T YOU CALL LOCKIE THAT!!!
lady: "the only things he bought had big price tags” sherlock: “like that hand cream he bought you?” lady: *shoves those receipts underneath the others* lol :D
the lady just said ‘west end’ are they in new york lol :D
sherlock just said ‘piccadilly’ THAT’S A LONDON REFERENCE! :D
we’re back in chinatown with music that feels stereotypical!
lady: “you want lucky cat?” this feels even more stereotypical why :(
lady: “i think your wife, she will like!” idk if john’s wife will like it... ;)
john just mutters a bit lol :D
it’s called ‘hang zhu’ and it’s chinese i wonder if ivy from ag knows it! :D (it would’ve been great in ‘puzzie of the paper daughter’)
john and sherlock are at a restaurant but it’s not queerbaiting awkward this time yay! :D
we just have the stereotyping awkward to deal with this time...
the guys who were murdered returned from china cool :D
sherlock: “when was the last time it rained?” ooh clue! :o
they just leave their food behind ll :D
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it’s been there since monday and i think it was stated earlier that it’s thursday awww poor yellow pages :(
sherlock just jumped and pulled the ladder down how cool! :D
someone knocked over a vase just like sherlock just did oohhhhh
john: “you think you can let me in this time?” lol :D
john: “can you not keep doing this, please?” ha ha lol :D
why is sherlock not letting john in
the shoes in the apartment are size 8 that’s 9 in us cool :D
sherlock: “stupid stupid obvious... he’s still here” DUN DUN DUNN!!!!!!
john: “any time you want to include me...” NO YOU DON’T WANT TO BE INCLUDED IN THIS BUDDY
john: “i’m sherlock holmes and i work alone because no one can compete with my massive intellect” lol sick burn! :D
too bad he had to say that AS SHERLOCK IS POSSIBLY DYING
jk he survived somehow
and he’s totally fine after that
john: “you’ve gone all croaky are you getting a cold?” lol it’s not that exactly...
hmm maybe the soo lady is actually the chinese name of su thus connecting her to the other murders and THUS the murderer potentially doesn’t like chinese people or people coming from china thus... possibly racist?
what if it’s detective bish HE’S ALREADY SUCH A JERK so him being racist wouldn’t be surprising in the least
any time the lady or china is mentioned that music plays WHY
teen in the background: “DAANG that was rad” DAAANG THAT WAS FLIPPING HILARIOUS OMG :D
john has a lot of cool transition scenes :D
OMG what if the graffiti guy
sherlock just grabbed john’s face and told him to close his eyes to remember AND JOHN’S VOICE KEEPS CRACKING :D
also the johnlock shippers probably went WILD with that one
su lin yao is her name and that’s a real doctor in new jersey cool! :D
how will the chinese things and bank connect i wonder?
there’s more of that music again...
did sherlock just say ‘fancy a biscuit?’
oh no someone’s coming for su lin! :o
she met the mystery guy when she was a girl in china maybe it’s not detective bish after all?
ooh sherlock knows ancient crime stuff :D
su lin was a smuggler as a teen wowza! :o
they’re called ‘black lotus’ is that stereotypical?
on wikipedia i found out that subservient ‘lotus blossom babies’ are a stereotype and that sounds a lot like the black lotus thing...
poor su lin! :(
sherlock to the shooting guy: “be careful! some of those are over two thousand years old HAVE A BIT OF RESPECT!” lol and YEAH SHOW SOME RESPECT GUY!!!
it’s quiet he’s respecting
john said ‘oh my god’ this isn’t good!
rip su lin 1980-2010 probably :(
sherlock: “digesting slows me down” that’s so sherlock! (and it explains why he doesn’t eat in restaurant scenes)
sherlock: “we’re just interested in seeing the feet” don’t let dan schneider hear you...
she thinks the books are for charity awww :)
the code is in the books cool!
sebastian: “anything i can do to assist you?” sherlock: “some silence right now would be marvelous!” lol :D
when sherlock said ‘cigarette’ i intantly thought of that nicotine ad with the shark on the guy’s arm lol :D
onto part 2!
the book code is time consuming yet really cool! :D
wowza have they been on it all night?
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awww he’s sleeping on the job how cute! :)
john: “i thought i had more patients to see” lady: “i did one or two. ...or five or six.” lol :D
sherlock’s still hard at work and not tired what a guy!
sherlock: “we’re going out tonight” john: “and i’m going out on a date” sherlock: “what?” john: “it’s where two people who like each other go out and have fun?” sherlock: “that’s what i was suggesting” JOHNLOCK SHIPPERS GO SQUEEEEE
john just said ‘i hope not’ BOI
sherlock said the cinema is ‘dull boring and predictable’ lol :D
john doesn’t want dating advice from sherlock yet he does on the circus date he suggested ;)
lady: “they’re probably from china!” ooohhhh ties in with the case!!!!
this is gonna have ‘george harrison and pattie boyd go on a date with eppy accompanying them’ vibes huh
sherlock doesn’t care about the romance he’s so aromantic (maybe even asexual) and i’m here for it :D
john; “i can’t find a killer while i’m... trying to get off with sarah!” *sees sarah* “eyyyy you ready?” lol :D
they’re in a fancy place and john says it’s clearly not a circus WHAT DID YOU DO SHERLOCK???
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woah is this a chinese thing? it’s cool and connects to the case!
this music is traditional yet sounds stereotypical :(
john looked at sherlock like ‘?’ but oh lockie knows ;)
woah they’re locking a warrior up hmmm...
aww sarah was startled by the cymbal! :D
sherlock is explaining the act before it happens PLZ SHERLOCK LET US WATCH WITH UNKNOWING
come on warrior YOU CAN GET FREE!
wait where did sherlock go?
the deadly chinese bird spider what :o
john to sarah: “did you see that?” i think we all did john ;)
and now he’s being attacked IS THE BROTHER IN THE SHOW TO KILL THE ACTORS????
ooh this is why sherlock took fencing in the beginning!
man the bro is good :D
maybe the things the guys stole is being used in the show!
ugh stupid detective bish doesn’t want a bill for overtime HE NEEDS A BILL FOR BEING A JERK >:(
sarah said ‘is anyone else starving?’ and john said ‘oh god...’ PLZ NO SARAH
sarah: “what are these squiggles?” sherlock: “ancient chinese numbers” sarah: “oh right i should’ve known that” sarcastic much?
and john called her a saint ^_^
su lin began to translate the code awwww! :D
sherlock knocked something out of a guy’s hand while calling for a taxi lol :D
yo is he with german guys
why did the scene suddenly cut to john and sarah didn’t they follow sherlock?
yo there’s treasure involved?
one of the code phrases is ‘dragon den’ siiiiigggghhhhh
did they take john to the tunnels?
is the lady the main one from the show?
she’s questioning the debit card and tickets being sold in sherlock’s name and because of the ‘massive intellect’ joke they think john is sherlock WOAHHH!!!!
shan keeps thinking john is sherlock
man this is a movie villain thing huh
she’s presenting it like this is a show
john: “I’M NOT SHERLOCK HOLMES!!!” shan: “i don’t believe you!” sherlock: “you should, you know!” YAY LOCKIE’S HERE TO SAVE THE DAY!!! :D
sherlock: “how would you describe me, john? resourceful? dynamic? enigmatic?” john: “late?” OHHHH!!! lol :D
he doesn’t want her to shoot because of bullet physics YET SHE SHOOTS ANYWAYS
OMG the brother died by bullet physics YAS!!!! :D
aww sherlock’s comforting su lin! ♥
john: “don’t worry, the next day won’t be like this” good today was crazy! :o
the pan shot of them in the apartment is cool :D
awww that hand cream was a present to say sorry :)
why is sebastian surprised that sherlock was on the balcony THIS IS SHERLOCK HOLMES WE’RE TALKING ABOUT
aww sarah is so surprised of the treasure’s worth and she’s like “OH MY GOD!!! :o” and sherlock’s just like
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he’s laughing awww!!!! :D
wait is shan messaging mycroft or moiarty or whoever the bad guy is?
and that’s the end!
...wait THAT’S the end????? :o
i wish i had stuck around past 12 minutes in 2017 because this was such an exciting and captivating ep! (despite the cringeworthy stereotypes) i can’t wait to see how s1 ends :D
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unseenthewriter · 4 years
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Chapter 2: 2005 Words
Fic Total: 5349 Words
Series Total: 5349 Words
Sleep and I have always had a love/hate relationship. Humans need sleep. It feels nice gives the mind and body a rest but… I have insomnia and have been off my sleep meds once I ran out. I couldn't exactly get a new prescription without someone finding out about my situation. So I didn't get a new prescription. This has, of course, culminated with me being utterly exhausted and falling asleep when I don't want to. This time I fell asleep during another one of the diagnostic lectures. I'm so quiet normally that no one woke me up when it was over so I awoke in a dark lecture hall which is definitely a little freaky.
I grumbled nothing in particular as I packed up my things to quickly exit the dark lecture hall. I had already stopped by and hung out with Rosie for a bit before the lecture so now I was free which means…
I made my way back to Oncology and knocked on the door to Duncan's room before walking in. "Brought something special today." I said while waving the Xbox 360 game in one hand.
"Oh thank God this is like the 5th time I've read this book." Duncan replied while putting down the book.
I smiled. "This is one of my favorites so you better not break it." I said while putting the game in the Xbox 360 and handing Duncan the controller.
Duncan and I are only about a week apart in age. The cancer he's been fighting is very treatable just requires him to be in the hospital a lot. His parents travel constantly for work so Duncan is often here alone. "Any new homework?" He asked.
"Midterms next week so no." I said while sitting down in the chair near his bed. We also technically go to the same school.
"Elder Scrolls Oblivion huh? I haven't played this yet." He said.
"Yes now shush you don't want to miss Patrick Stewart voicing Emperor Uriel Septim." I replied as Duncan booted up the game.
"No! There's a chest back there you missed!" I exclaimed as Duncan was making his way through the tutorial.
"You're such a loot hoarder Jay. I don't need absolutely everything." Duncan replied back while fighting off a goblin.
"Dunc you know I play thief classes in games. It's my style." I huffed.
"My inventory was already full a few minutes ago. I had to drop a bunch of stuff." He protested.
"If you didn't always play classes with heavy armor." I replied.
"You play thieves. I play warriors." Duncan shot back.
I stuck my tongue out at him. I turned back around and noticed House and Wilson watching us. I blinked. "How long have you two been there?" I asked.
"Since the character creation." House replied.
I sighed. "Right Dunc I'll be back later. You've got to let me know your adventures though that's the rules."
Dunc looked up at me after pausing the game. "Thanks, man." He said and held out a fist.
I returned the fist bump before walking out of the room.
"Thieves huh?" House said.
"I like the sneaking around and stealing. Plus it's more loot." I said with a shrug.
The three of us stood there for a while before I sighed. "Someone going to bring up the elephant in the hallway or?" I asked while looking around.
"We have a spare room." Wilson finally replied.
I looked at both of them. Ah. Rings on the fingers. "You two married then?" I asked.
"Engaged." House replied.
I nodded. I knew I got some sort of gay vibe from the two of them. "You sure?" I asked.
"Pretty positive we're engaged yes." House replied sarcastically.
"About the room." I said.
"Jimmy has a bleeding heart. Thinking about you out there in your car with winter coming up." House mocked while putting an arm around Wilson who really wasn't amused.
"I can handle winter but if you're sure." I said.
"Yes, we are." Wilson said and moved House's arm off of him.
This is going to be interesting at least.
Ah, sleep. My old Buddy. Pal. The dude who never shows up when you need him. Like now.
On top of insomnia, I also have trouble sleeping in new places. That has been an issue even before insomnia popped up. The only reason I ever got decent sleep at overnight camps and retreats was that I would normally be physically exhausted.
There's also a clock ticking somewhere in the room which isn't helping.
Nighttime is also the time where my mind is extremely vulnerable to not so great trains of thought.
The past few weeks it's finally been kicking in that my Mom is actually dead. I'll never be able to talk to her again.
When someone dies it's fairly normal to be in a sort of daze for a while. My auto-pilot is finally starting to wear out though. I haven't had the chance to really think about the past few months. Until now.
I've had to put up a straight face. Try to keep my life together. Made my way to New Jersey. Got into Princeton Prep. Making money freelancing as a programmer. Volunteering at PPTH.
I can't let this affect me now. I need to keep going. Later I'll take the time to deal with this. Later.
Of course, you can't exactly schedule a breakdown, can you? No, I'm crying. Crying for the first time in the last few months. I had to be strong. I still do.
I had decided to get up and shove the clock under a pillow in a closet. I slowly slid to the floor after. I closed my eyes to try and stop the flow of tears. She's really gone.
I slowly cried myself to sleep on the floor.
I was awoken by my phone alarm going off with the song American Idiot by Green Day because it's one of the loudest songs on my phone. I'm a heavy sleeper. Once I'm asleep.
My butt was a little sore from sleeping on the ground in a sitting position. I groaned and got up to get ready for the day. Trying to not think about last night.
Soon I made my way to the kitchen which had Wilson sitting at the counter reading the newspaper with a cup of coffee. House was nowhere in sight. I stood in the doorway not really wanting to make my presence known. I just zoned out in the direction of the window.
A few minutes later Wilson looked up from the newspaper and noticed me. He jumped a little. "How long have you been there Jay?" He asked.
I blinked and moved my gaze to Wilson. "Not long." I mumbled.
Wilson looked at his watch. "Well, afternoon. Sleep well?" He asked.
Not particularly. I was an idiot and fell asleep on the floor.
"Yeah slept great." I lied. I knew it was the afternoon of course. I have my alarm set for noon on the weekends in case I sleep in.
Wilson was looking me over. He could probably tell I lied. "Hungry? There are some pancakes in the fridge." Wilson asked.
 "Not particularly." I mumbled.
Wilson set down his coffee and newspaper. "You're too thin." He replied and got up to get me some pancakes anyway.
I slowly made my way to the counter. I know I'm too thin. Losing 20 pounds in the span of like a month? It's probably grief or something. Also, I often forget to eat when I'm busy and I've purposely been keeping myself very busy so situations like last night wouldn't happen.
"Don't you have any casual clothes to wear on the weekends?" Wilson asked after setting a plate of pancakes and orange juice in front of me.
Besides my hoodie, a Beatles tee shirt and a single pair of black jeans no. I didn't take the time to grab much else clothing-wise before I ran off from Minnesota. Also… Besides my more dressy stuff, most of my clothing was still women’s. Sure I've been out of the closet for almost 2 years now but because I wear mostly not casual clothing I've never really bothered. "I'm more used to dressing this way." I replied.
"You sure he's your son?" Wilson said to a tired House who just walked in.
"If he blow-dries his hair maybe he's yours." House joked while getting himself a cup of coffee and pancakes.
I finally stopped poking at my pancakes and took a bite. They're good.
"What no snippy comments today?" House asked me.
The truth would be to say that I'm mentally and emotionally exhausted because my brain decided to hit a brick wall at over 100 miles per hour last night but no one needs to know that. "Not a morning person." I replied. Not a lie either.
Wilson groaned at that. "See definitely yours it's midday."
I need an excuse to get out of this conversation. Homework? No, I have none because of my Midterms. I don't have any plans. 
I stood up. "I need to do some flips." I finally decided on.
When House didn't respond to that Wilson looked confused. "Woah. Wait! What? Flips?!" He asked.
"I'm a former gymnast. Met House in late August because I sprained my wrist over-rotating a backflip and stopped by the free clinic." I quickly explained wanting to get out the door.
"Wait hold up you've known House longer than me? You said you haven't known him for too long." Wilson said.
"Jealous?" House butted in.
"In the grand scheme of things. A few months isn't too long." I said.
Wilson looked like he wanted to protest that conclusion but didn't. "Gymnast?" He asked instead.
"I was a good one too." I said with a wink.
"Why'd you quit?" House asked.
"Ah. Another time. Bye!" I avoided while making my escape.
I wasn't planning on going to PPTH especially on the weekend but I remembered that I accidentally left one of my Latin books at the Cafeteria and I still need to study for that midterm so after doing some flips I hopped on a bus and made my way to the hospital.
"Uh called yesterday about my Latin book. Said you all were holding on to it." I said to the cashier.
"Oh yeah give me a few minutes." She said and went to grab it.
I was bobbing back and forth on the balls of my feet when a younger Doctor pointed at my messenger bag specifically at my Star Trek The Next Generation communicator pin. "Nice pin."
"Oh! Uh, thanks." I said turning to him.
"Here's your book." The cashier said and passed me my book.
"Thank you so much!" I said and got out of the line. "Haha sorry midterms you know." I said to the Doctor while putting the book in my bag.
"You're House's kid right?" He asked.
I froze. Has House told people about this already? He must know how quick stuff spreads at this hospital. I cleared my throat. "Yeah. Jay Flynn." I said and held out my hand.
"Dr. Lawrence Kutner liking Star Trek is already good in my book." He said with a smile.
Kutner… "You're part of House's Team right?" I asked.
He nodded. "Yeah, I've seen you around."
"You're working on a weekend?" I asked.
"I had some Clinic Duty to make up." He said.
"Ah." I said.
"You know I think I have some Next Generation DVDs in my locker if you want to watch some episodes?" Kutner asked.
I thought for a moment. I could definitely use a distraction and it's been a while since I've seen some Star Trek. "Yeah, that would be great actually." I said.
"Okay awesome let me go get it." Kutner said lighting up and running off.
Right… I don't think Kutner realized that I don't really have a good way to contact him.
AN: Sorry for the shorter chapter but like ehhhh had to you know introduce Duncan and have Jay move in. It’s not very clear in the fic AT ALL but like House and Wilson live in a house just to make things easier lmao. Why aren't they married? Well readers gay marriage is still illegal in New Jersey in 2009 so RIP but that DOES mean at some point in this series y'all get a Hilson wedding so like don’t be mad about it.
0 notes